- Creating a new Translation Memory
- Attaching an existing TMX Translation Memory
- Editing a TMX Translation Memory
- Filtering a Translation Memory
- Updating the attached TM
- Working with external databases
- The ‘TMX Memory’ dialogue box (Is shown after opening a Translation Memory via Memory > Open Memory)
- The ‘Memory Filter’ dialogue box (Accessible by clicking the ‘Filter’ button when opening a Translation Memory)
The green arrows (those without dog ears) point to the direction of navigation. The right arrow means go to the next segments in your translation memory. The left arrow indicates that you can go the previous segments in the translation memory. When the segments are shown/listed, you can click at their numbers to modify/edit them. Previously, the user had to go through Memory > Show memory segments menu, which Jane and maybe some other users found a bit cumbersome. Now, the access is faster via the right-click at the memory pane. You can also use the same green arrows next to the search field to achieve the same result.