
  • deegwaren (‘ver­za­mel­naam voe­dings­mid­de­len van deeg, bv. ma­ca­ro­ni, spa­ghet­ti, noe­dels, mi­hoen’, Dikke Van Dale Online)


  • pasta(s)[1]
  • dough-based products
  • farinaceous products
Vervaardiging van brood, banketbakkerswerk en deegwaren = Manufacture of bakery, pastry and farinaceous products
Vervaardiging van deegwaren = Manufacture of farinaceous products

Source: Standaard Bedrijfsindeling codes (SBI-codes)
deegwaren = pasta
deegwaren en noedels = pasta and noodles
pizza’s, kant-en-klaarmaaltijden met deegwaren = pizzas, ready-made dishes containing pasta
rijst, deegwaren = rice, pasta

Source: Patitia.net: Multilingual Glossary of Nice Classification System of goods and services relating to trademarks)(6,264 Dutch-English entries)
pasta {n} (pieces of dough made from wheat and water) :: deegwaren {f-p}

Source: Wiktionary-dict (50,943 English-Dutch translations extracted from en.wiktionary.org): P-R
deegwaren = pastas

Comprehensive_Dictionary of Industry and Technology (Graham P. Oxtoby)
deegwaren, macaroni, noedels, spaghetti = pasta, macaroni, noodle, spaghetti
deegwaren = pasta

Source: EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)

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