Methods for inserting tags in the target segment
CafeTran has two kind of tags, numerical and custom character tags, which can be inserted in five different ways.
Method one
Tags can be inserted by typing the tag number and pressing the Escape key directly after.
Method two
Tags can be inserted by pressing F3 and selecting the desired tag number.
Method three
Tags can be inserted by holding the modifier key, combined with the left click or selection with the mouse. On OS X the modifier key is the Command key, on Windows it is the Control key.
Method four
Tags can be inserted by activating Mouse-placing. From the Translation menu select the item Transfer and then Mouse tag placement. You can now insert tags by simply clicking the left mouse button. There is no need to hold the modifier key.
Method five
Press the keyboard shortcut Alt+9 to insert the current tag.
Watch the video:
Please note that you can also delete all of the tags in a target segment with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+/).
Method six
Press the modifier key (Command or Control), keep it pressed and drag over a word or word group to have it surrounded by tags.
PLEASE NOTE: If you don't want to insert tags manually, you can let CafeTran insert all tags at the end of the segment by activating Translation > Transfer > Automatic placement of remaining tags.
See also: Automatic transfer of remaining tags