Using QA Word Lists
This function checks for the presence or absence of the words listed in a text file.
Choosing from the menu QA | Word lists | Check source or target for words… will filter out those segments that contain any of the words listed in a text file.
Choosing from the menu QA | Words lists | Check source or target for missing words… will filter out those segments that do not contain any of the words listed in a text file.
Words in a text file can also be in the form of a regular expression. Then, you need to check in the Regular Expression option in the menu Edit | Options | QA tab.
Checking in the Match case option in the QA tab will make the program perform case-sensitive filtering while with the Whole words option ticked, CafeTran will match only whole words in segments if they are present in the list.
Adjusting Settings for QA Word Lists
Using QA Word Lists to Check Word Presence
Word list ‘words-present.txt’ (plain UTF-8, one column) contains:
- Choose QA | Word lists | Check target for words and navigate to words-present.txt.
- CafeTran shows a message:
Using QA Word Lists to Check for Word Absence
Word list ‘words-absent.txt’ (plain UTF-8) contains:
- Choose QA | Word lists | Check target for missing words and navigate to words-absent.txt.
- CafeTran shows a message:
Back to Performing QA Checks
Using QA Word Lists to Check for Correct Punctuation
You can use QA word lists to check for missing characters (normal spaces, non-breaking spaces before SI units, question or exclamation marks etc.) and correct placement of punctuation characters (e.g. full stop enclosed in brackets).
Note: Make sure you have the checkbox Regular expressions on the QA settings tab ticked.
Here is an example of a word list to check the punctuation. You can use the # character to add comments.
\s\/\s # catch spaces before and after "/"
\s*—\s+[A-Z] # catch any uppercase after "—" to convert it to lowercase if necessary#######################
\dº[CF]\.\) # catch final punctuation inside parenthesis to take it outside the parenthesis