Converting MultiTerm termbases to glossaries on a Mac

On a Mac, you can use MDB Explorer to convert a Multiterm termbase to a CafeTran glossary, even when you don't have SDL Studio installed. The technique described in this article can also be used for converting Déjà Vu termbases to CafeTran glossaries.

Note: You have two different options to open Access databases on Mac:


  • Navigate to the Multiterm termbase.
  • Rename its extension to .MDB.
  • Open the termbase in MDB Explorer:
  • Click on the Export to Excel icon.
  • Enter the export path.
  • Tick the checkboxes for the source language and the target language table:
  • Open the exported termbase in Excel.
  • Note that every language has its own worksheet:
  • Click on the tab for the worksheet with the "opposite" language.
  • Select the column with the opposite language.
  • Copy the column:
  • Navigate back to the first tab.
  • Insert the copied column.
  • Now you have source and target language in one worksheet:
  • Select both columns.
  • Copy them to the clipboard:
  • Open a text editor.
  • Paste both columns into a new document.
  • Save the glossary.
  • Create a glossary RES (resource) file.

See also: Creating a glossary

Thanks to Hans van den Broek for the original idea!

Note: The syncing of the source and target terms has to take place via the concept ID (not via the term ID):


Betriebsstundenzähler \t hour meter;hour counter;Hour meter


hour meter;hour counter;Hour meter \t Betriebsstundenzähler

Depending on what's your source and target language.

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