Updating CafeTran

As of September 10, 2014 updating CafeTran has become easier and can be executed by CafeTran itself.

When you have downloaded CafeTran after this date, you can use CafeTran's built-in update function right away.

However, if you downloaded and installed CafeTran before this date, you will have to perform one last manual update in order to use the built-in function in future.

Installing an update for CafeTran

PLEASE NOTE: First of all you will have to store the update file CafeTran.jar that you have received from CafeTran Support via e-mail in a folder of your choice (e.g. your Desktop or Downloads folder).

  • Open the About dialogue box.
  • Click the Install Update button:
  • Navigate to the folder where you have stored the file CafeTran.jar, e.g. your Desktop or Downloads folder:
  • Select the file CafeTran.jar:
  • Click the Open button.
  • Quit CafeTran.

NOTE: To update, you can also simply drag the CafeTran.jar file onto the Drag & Drop area of the Dashboard.

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