Reset CafeTran

When CafeTran doesn't behave as it should and you cannot find the culprit, as a last resource before uninstalling and re-installing CafeTran you can reset all settings.

  • In the Edit menu choose Options.
  • In the Options dialogue box click on the Reset button to reset CafeTran to its factory settings:

Saving your personal settings

After you have carefully created a CafeTran configuration that works good for you, you should save your CafeTran settings in a personal settings file:

  • Click on the Export button.
  • Choose a location to store your personal settings file ‘CTPreferences.xml’.

Restoring your personal settings

  • Click on the Import button.
  • Navigate to the location where you store your personal settings file ‘CTPreferences.xml’.
  • Load the file to restore your personal settings.

PLEASE NOTE: The file ‘CTPreferences.xml’ can contain sensitive data like your Google Translate keys in a readable form.

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