CafeTran can work in a server mode, which offers connection to its memories from other computers over the network. The typical use of the server mode can be a team translation where two or more translators share their memories while working on a project.
Of course, the computer which works as a server and must be available to other computers over the Internet needs to have a public IP address. Another example of the server mode is connecting and running the program on a server computer which has huge RAM memory and processing power for fast queries of very big resources. (Note that you can also use Total Recall for this.)
Starting the Rendezvous memory server
Go to Options > Memory server > Rendezvous server port and tick the checkbox. The default server port is 4242 and this can be changed if your computer has this port reserved.
Tick the Read Only checkbox if you do not want to assign write access to your memories.
Click OK to accept the settings and CafeTran will start waiting for search queries from other users.
When a new user will try to connect to your memories a request window pops up asking for permission.
The list of all remote guests to your server is visible in the Memory > Remote guests menu. You can terminate the connection with a guest by clicking at the list item.
Untick the checkbox in Options > Memory server > Rendezvous server port to stop the server.
Connecting to the Rendezvous memory server
Click the menu Memory > Connect to remote memory…
When the Connection window pops up, type the Host name or IP address of the server in the Host field, a server port in the Port field, if different from default, and press OK.
To change the Remote memory integration and type of access, select accordingly in the Connection window.
Now, if everything goes well, you will be able to access memories on other computers as your own.