See also: ‘omgevings-’
1. (de omgeving betreffend) ambient
2. environmental
Met betrekking tot personen
- environment (The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.)
- surroundings
- (circle of) acquaintances [kennissen]
- entourage [formeel]
- neighbourhood/neighborhood
- vicinity (The area near or surrounding a particular place.)
- surrounding area / district(s)
- environs (legal)
- environs (The surrounding area or district.[1])
- a XXX setting (een landelijke omgeving = a rural setting)
- scene, scenery (een andere omgeving deed haar goed = a change of scene(ry) did her good)
- ↑ de stad Hastings en omstreken = the city of Hastings and (its) environs / surroundings