Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)(Part 1)

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Compiled by the Post Office Terminology Committee of the Department of Posts and Telecommunications in collaboration with the National Terminology Services of the Department of National Education	

Leksikografies herverwerk en uitgegee deur PJ Taljaard	



1. The list was alphabetised electronically, with weird results at times. For example, all words	beginning with capital letters are alphabetised first, followed by words in lower case in alphabetical order.	

2. On the target-language side, ie to the right of the :, synonyms are separated by a comma,	

e.g.: fission: klowing, splyting	

The sequence of the translated terms does NOT indicate any preference.	

3. Where catchwords of similar form are used as different parts of speech and confusion may therefore	
arise, the parts of speech are indicated by means of e.g. n. for the noun and v. for the verb, thus:	
fission n.: klowing, splyting	
fission v.: kloof, splyt	

4. Synonyms of the catchword are given in brackets, thus: decay chain (decay family, decay series): vervalreeks	

5. Different meanings in respect of the translated forms are given as separate entries, thus:	
insert n.: invoegsel	
insert n.: insetsel	

6. Context indications and/or definitions are given in braces before the colon, thus:	
fumigation {meteorology} :afwerwel	
7. Catchwords are given in the singular form, except in cases where the concept is usually plural.
  • -3dB point (half-power point) {transmission}: halfkragpunt, -3dB-punt
  • 12-bit constant (twelve-bit constant): 12-bis-konstante, twaalfbiskonstante
  • 2-sheet board: 2-vel-karton
  • 2-way cord (2-wire cord, two-way cord): 2-draad-snoer, tweedraadsnoer
  • 24-hour recall: 24-uur-herroep, 24-uur-terugdink
  • 3-sheet board: 3-vel-karton
  • 8/1-line multiplexer: 8/1-lyn-multiplekser
  • A battery: A-battery
  • A leg (A wire): A-draad
  • A pole {surveys}: A-paal
  • A pole: bokpaal
  • A position: A-bedienpunt
  • A station {radio navigation}: A-stasie
  • A terminal: A-eindpunt
  • A-A ballast impulsing relay: O-O-impulsrele met ballaslamp
  • A-digit selector: A-syfer-kieser
  • A-frame belt: A-raam-band
  • A-position demand working: aanvraagwerking by A-bedienpunt
  • A.h capacity (ampere-hour capacity): A.h-kapasiteit, ampere-uurkapasiteit
  • A/D converter (analog-to-digital converter): A/D-omsetter, analoog-in-digitaal-omsetter
  • AA (accountant's authority): RM, rekenmeestersmagtiging
  • AAIC (accounting authority identification code): AAIC, rekeningowerheid-identifikasiekode
  • AC (asbestos cement): AS, asbessement
  • AC-sheet (asbestos-cement sheet): AS-plaat, asbessementplaat
  • ACE (automatic cross-connection equipment): OKT, outomatiese kruisverbindtoerusting
  • ACK (acknowledgement signal): ES, erkensein
  • ADB (African Development Bank}: Afrika Ontwikkelingsbank, AOB
  • ADC (advise duration and charge) {telephone calls}: VGK, verstrek gesprekduur en koste
  • ADC (street-distribution cabinet): SDK, straatdistribusiekabinet
  • AEC (Atomic Energy Corporation of South Africa) - see NECSA (Nuclear Energy Corporation of South
  • Africa): Kernenergiekorporasie van Suid-Afrika, NECSA.
  • AELH (automatic exchange line hold): OSLH, outomatiese sentralelynhoufasiliteit
  • AFA (auxiliary-fuse alarm): HLPSA, hulpsekeringalarm
  • AG (Auditor-General): OG, Ouditeur-generaal
  • AGC (automatic gain control): OWB, outomatiese winsbeheer
  • AGC amplifier (automatic gain-control amplifier): OWB-versterker, outomatiesewinsbeheer-versterker
  • AGR (automatic gain regulation): OWB, outomatiese winsreeling, outomatiese winsbeheer
  • AL (analogue loop): AL, analooglus
  • ALARM OFF key: ALARM AF-sleutel
  • ALL TRUNKS BUSY alarm (ATB alarm): ALLE BANE BESET-alarm, ABB-alarm
  • ALT key: alternatiefsleutel, ALT-sleutel
  • ALU (analog/logic unit) {computer}: rekenkunde/logika-eenheid
  • AM (amplitude modulation): AM, amplitudemodulasie
  • AMOR circuit (automatic meter-observation recorder circuit): AMOR-kring, outomatiese
  • meterwaarneemregistreerderkring
  • AND gate truth table: EN-hek-waarheidstabel
  • AND gate: EN-hek
  • AND operation: EN-bewerking
  • AND-OR logic: EN-OF-logika
  • AND-OR-NOT logic: EN-OF-NIE-logika
  • APD (avalanche photodiode): LFD, lawine-fotodiode
  • APL (average picture level) {television}: GBP, gemiddelde beeldpeil
  • APL screen: APL-skerm
  • AQL (acceptable quality level): AGP, aanvaarbare gehaltepeil
  • AR card (advice of delivery card, avis de r,ception card): afleweringsadvieskaart, AR-kaart
  • ARM (asynchronous response mode): AAM, asinchrone antwoordmodus
  • ARTB (automatic routining and test bay): ORTH, outomatiese roetineer-en-toetsraam
  • ASCII {computer}: ASCII
  • ASO (antiscuffing oil): SWO, skuurwerende olie
  • ATE (automatic telephone exchange): OTS, outomatiese telefoonsentrale
  • Adcock antenna: Adcock antenne
  • Adcock direction finder: Adcock rigtingsoeker
  • Administrative Council: Administrasieraad
  • Administrative Councillor's invoice: Administrasieraadfaktuur
  • Admission of Advocates Act: Wet op die Toelating van Advokate
  • Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC): Gevorderde Tegniese Sertifikaat, GTS
  • Advise payment! {money order}: Meld uitbetaling!
  • Allen screw (cap-head screw): Allen skroef
  • American fine {screw thread}: Amerikaanse fyndraad
  • Ampère's circuit relation: Ampère se kringloopverhouding
  • Anaconda rolling tool: Anaconda rollasser
  • Anderson bridge: Anderson brug
  • Appleton layer: Appleton laag
  • Applied Mathematics: Toegepaste Wiskune
  • Applied Mechanics: Toegepaste Meganika
  • Applied Thermodynamics: Toegepaste Termodinamika
  • Arabic numeral: Arabiese syfer
  • Araldite cement: Araldite-sement
  • Asian: Asier
  • Association for Advertising Agencies (AAA): Assosiasie vir Reklame-agentskappe, ARA
  • Association of Advertising Agencies (AAA) {marketing}: Assosiasie vir Reklameagentskappe, ARA
  • Atmite protector: Atmite afleier
  • Atmite resistor: Atmite resistor
  • Attorney General: Prokureur-generaal
  • Attorneys Act: Wet op Prokureurs
  • Auditor-General (AG): Ouditeur-generaal, OG
  • Austenlite {trade-name}: Austenlite
  • Autrax {system}: Autrax
  • B (bel): B, bel
  • B battery: B-battery
  • B contact (break contact): verbreekkontak
  • B position: B-bedienpunt
  • B terminal: B-eindpunt
  • B/A indicator (before/after indicator): V/N-aanwyser, voor/na-aanwyser
  • B/A indicator {Mapkas}: V/N-aanwyser
  • BAL (account balance): SAL, rekeningsaldo
  • BC-digit selector: BC-syferkieser
  • BNC {connector}: BNC
  • BNR (basic noise ratio) {microwave systems}: BRV, basiese ruisverhouding
  • BPY (bill payments): RBE, rekeningbetalings
  • BREAK GLASS alarm: BREEK GLAS-alarm
  • BRS (business reply service): BAD, besigheidsantwoorddiens
  • BT (busy tone, engaged tone): BT, besettoon
  • BUSY relay: BESET-rele
  • Barcograph method: Barcograph metode
  • Bayesian decision theory {marketing}: Bayesiaanse besluitnemingsteorie, Bayesiaanse beslissingsteorie
  • Bayesian decision theory: Bayesiaanse besluitnemingsteorie, Bayesiaanse beslissingsteorie
  • Beaverboard: Beaver bord
  • Behavioural Science: Gedragswetenskap
  • Bell-type receiver: Bell-tipe gehoorstuk
  • Bellini-Tosi direction finder: Bellini-Tosi rigtingsoeker
  • Bellini-Tosi system: Bellini-Tosi stelsel
  • Bessemer converter: Bessemer peer
  • Beverage antenna: Beverage antenne
  • Bitumastic compound: Bitumastic mengsel
  • Black Administration Act: Wet op Swart Plaaslike Owerhede
  • Black Building Workers Act: Wet op Swart Bouwerkers
  • Blick impulse distribution: Blick impulsverdeling
  • Blick panel: Blick paneel
  • Blick time recorder: Blick registreerder
  • Blick-timer circuit: Blick lyn
  • Boltzmann's constant: Boltzmann se konstante
  • Bonita ring: Bonita ring
  • Boolean algebra: Boole algebra
  • Boolean logic expression: Boole-logika-uitdrukking
  • Boolean logic: Boole logika
  • Bordeaux mixture: Bordeaux mengsel
  • Bowden wire: Bowden draad
  • Braun tube: Braun buis
  • Brewster angle: Brewster hoek
  • Britannia joint: Britannia las
  • Britannia metal: Britannia metaal
  • British Association thread {screws}: British Association draad
  • British standard Whitworth thread (Whitworth thread) {screws}: Whitworth-draad
  • British standard fine thread {screws}: Britse standaard fyn draad
  • British standard wire gauge (imperial standard wire gauge, standard wire gauge): standaarddraaddikte
  • British thermal unit: Britse termiese eenheid
  • Brown and Sharpe taper: Brown en Sharpe tapsheid
  • Bucknell cross-head: Bucknell ankerbeuel
  • Bulldog clip: Bulldog klem
  • Bureau for Economic Research (BER) {marketing}: Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek, BEO
  • Bureau of Market Research {marketing}: Buro vir Marknavorsing
  • C (coulomb): C, coulomb
  • C network: C-netwerk
  • C/B (coated back): A/B, agterkant bestryk
  • C/F (coated front): V/B, voorkant bestryk
  • C/FB (coated front and back): W/B, weerskante bestryk
  • sleutel
  • CALLED PARTY CLEARED supervisory signal: OPGEROEPTE VRY-kontrolesein
  • CAS (channel-associated signalling): KAS, kanaalgeassosieerde seining
  • CATI (computer assisted telephone interviewing) {marketing}: rekenaarondersteunde
  • telefoononderhoudvoering
  • CATR (centralised access and testing rack): DLE, gesentraliseerde datalustoetseenheid
  • CB manual exhange area: SB-handsentralegebied
  • CBF (channel-branching filter): KAF, kanaalaftakfilter
  • CCA (copper-chrome arsenate): KCA, koperchroomarsenaat
  • CCD {semi-conductor}: ladinggekoppelde toestel
  • CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee): CCIR, Internasionale Raadgewende Komitee vir Radio
  • CCITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee): CCITT, Internasionale
  • Raadgewende Komitee vir Telefonie en Telegrafie
  • CCS (common-channel signalling): GKS, gemeenskaplikekanaal-seining
  • CCU (central control unit): SBE, sentrale beheereenheid
  • CDV (check-digit verification): TSV, toetssyferverifikasie
  • CH control circuit {numbering device}: CH-beheerkring
  • CHANNEL OUT lead: KANAAL UIT-leiding
  • CL (connecting link): VS, verbindskakel
  • CLEAR THE LINE telegram: RUIM DIE LYN-telegram
  • CLEAR collision: VRYMAAK-botsing
  • CLEAR confirmation: VRYMAAK-bevestiging
  • CLEAR indication: VRYMAAK-aanwysing
  • CLEAR request: VRYMAAK-versoek
  • CLK (clock): KLK, klok
  • CM (count meter): TT, tellingteller
  • CMA (Institute of Cost and Management Accountants): KBR, Instituut van Koste- en Bestuursrekenmeesters
  • CMDR (command reject): BVWP, bevel verwerp
  • CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor): CMOS, komplementere-metaaloksied-halfgeleier
  • CMRR (common mode rejection ratio): GMSV, gemeenskaplikemodus-sperverhouding
  • COIN ACCEPTED oscillator: MUNT AANVAAR-ossillator
  • COM (computer output microfilm): RUM, rekenaaruitvoermikrofilm
  • COM-fiche: KOM-fiche
  • COMVOOR {commitment of stores}: COMVOOR
  • CONNECTED IDLE condition: VERBINDE RUS-toestand
  • CONSTANT {control of standard stock}: CONSTANT
  • CPR mouthpiece {first-aid}: KPR-mondstuk
  • CQ telegram: CQ-telegram
  • CR (Crime Register): MR, Misdaadregister
  • Campbell mutual-inductance bridge: Campbell se wedersydse-induktansiebrug
  • Carpenter relay: Carpenter rele
  • Carrier Operated Device Anti-Noise (Codan): Codan
  • Carson balanced modulator: Carson se gebalanseerde modulator
  • Cartesian method: Cartesiese metode
  • Cary-Foster mutual inductance bridge: Cary-Foster se wedersydse induktansiebrug
  • Case cell: Case sel
  • Cassegrain antenna: Cassegrain antenne
  • Celsius thermometer: Celsius termometer
  • Celsius: Celsius
  • Centenary telephone: Centenary telefoon
  • Central Exchange: Sentraal sentrale
  • Central Statistical Service (CSS) {marketing}: Sentrale Statistiekdiens, CSS
  • Central Statistical Service (CSS): Sentrale Statistiekdiens, SSD
  • Certificate of Uniform Title: Sertifikaat van Uniforme Titel
  • Chance glass: Chance glas
  • Chebyshev approximation: benadering van Tsjebisjof, Tsjebisjof benadering
  • Chebyshev array (Dolph-Chebyshev array): Tsjebisjof rignet
  • Christmas airmail: Kerslugpos
  • Christmas card: Kerskaart
  • Christmas rush: Kersdrukte
  • Christmas stamp: Kersseel
  • Christmas tree: Kersboom
  • Christmas-stamp fund: Kersseelfonds
  • Clear! {telex}: Skakel af!
  • Client Agreement {Safex}: Klientooreenkoms
  • Clyburn spanner: Clyburn sleutel
  • Cochran's Q test {marketing}: Cochran se Q-toets
  • Cochran's Q-test: Cochran se Q-toets
  • Coffing hoist: Coffing hyser
  • Coloured Postal Employees' Association: Kleurlingposwerkersvereniging
  • Commonwealth Telecommunications Board: Statebondstelekommunikasieraad
  • Condemnation Board: Afkeurraad
  • Construction Education and Training Authority: Konstruksie-onderrig-en-opleidingsowerheid
  • Construction Industry Alliance (CIA): Konstruksiebedryfalliansie, KBA
  • Contracts Section: Kontrakteseksie
  • Crosby clip: Crosby klem
  • Cutler feed: Cutler bestraler
  • D bit (rifle drill): D-boorpunt
  • D drill: D-boor
  • D layer (D region) {ionosphere}: D-laag
  • D-shaped shackle: D-harp
  • D/A converter (digital-to-analogue converter): D/A-omsetter, digitaal-in-analoog-omsetter
  • DA <obsolete term - use authority instead>: magtiging
  • DA number (divisional-authority number): AM-nommer, afdelingsmagtigingsnommer
  • DATA TERMINAL READY interface circuit (DTR interface circuit): DATATERMINAAL GEREED-
  • koppelvlakkring, DTG-koppelvlakkring
  • DC nippers (diagonal cutting nippers): skuinskniptang
  • DC restorer: GS-hersteller
  • DCC (destination code count) {telephone}: bestemmingkodetelling
  • DCM (dialled-code monitor): SKM, geskakeldekode-monitor
  • DCTL (direct-coupled-transistor logic): DGTL, direkgekoppeldetransistor-logika
  • DG insulator (double-groove insulator): DG-isolator, dubbelgroefisolator
  • DH (director hunter): DS, direktorsoeker
  • DI material (direct-issue material): direkte-uitreikingsmateriaal, DU-materiaal
  • DIAL lamp: SKAKEL-lamp
  • DID (direct in-dialling, direct inward dialling): DIS, direkte in-skakeling
  • DIP (dual-in-line package): DGP, dubbelgelidpakket
  • DIP switch (dual in-line package switch): DIP-skakelaar, dubbelinlynpakketskakelaar
  • DIRIGENT {directory preparation and information for telephone subscribers}: DIRIGENT
  • DISC (disconnect): DISK, diskonnekteer
  • DPW (Department of Public Works): Departement van Openbare Werke
  • DSE (dynamic band-width allocation): DSS, dinamiese bandbreedtetoewysing
  • DTI (Department of Trade and Industry): Departement van Handel en Nywerheid
  • DTMF (dual-tone multifrequency): DTMF, dubbeltoonmultifrekwensie
  • Data Communications Co-ordinating Committee: Ko”rdinerende Komitee vir Datakommunikasie
  • Davey knot: Davey knoop
  • De Morgan's law: De Morgan se wet, wet van De Morgan
  • Decometer: Decometer
  • Department of Banking Supervision: Departement van Banktoesighouding
  • Department of Minerals and Energy (DME): Departement van Minerale en Energie, DME
  • Department of Posts and Telecommunications: Departement van Pos- en Telekommunikasiewese
  • Departmental office: Departementele kantoor
  • Departmental transfer {of officer}: Departementele verplasing
  • Departmental transfer: Departementele oordrag
  • Depreciation and Maintenance (IDM, Interest): RWI, Rente, Waardevermindering en Instandhouding
  • Deputy Postmaster General: Adjunk-posmeester-generaal
  • Derby boot: Derby stewel
  • Development State {JSE}: Ontwikkelingsfase (JSE)
  • Diagnostics: Diagnostiek
  • Dimond ring memory core: Dimond ringgeheuekern
  • Dimond ring store: Dimond ringgeheue
  • Doherty transmitter: Doherty sender
  • Doppler effect: Doppler effek
  • Drawing {subject}: Tekene
  • Drug Utilisation Review {publication}: Riglyne van Medikasiegebruik
  • Dymo writer: Dymo skrywer
  • E (earthenware): E, erde-
  • E and M signalling {transmission}: E-en-M-seining
  • E bend {waveguide}: E-buiging
  • E corner: E-elmboog
  • E layer {ionosphere}: E-laag
  • E level: E-vlak
  • E mode {waves}: E-modus
  • E plane lens: E-vlaklens
  • E plane sectoral horn: E-vlaksektorhoring
  • E region {ionosphere}: E-streek
  • E wire {carrier systems}: E-draad
  • EARLY margin {teleprinter}: VROEG-grens
  • EB (extension bell): AK, aanvullende klokkie
  • EBX (electronic branch exchange): ETS, elektroniese taksentrale
  • ECL (emitter-coupled logic): EGL, emittorgekoppelde logika
  • EDS (electronic digital switching): EDS, elektroniese digitale skakeling
  • EDX-P (electronic digital exchange-packet) {trade name}: EDX-P
  • EFSL (estimated free-space level): GVRP, geskatte vryruimtepeil
  • EFT (electronic funds transfer): EGO, elektroniese geldoordrag
  • EFTS {Electronic Funds Transfer System}: EGOS, Elektroniese Geldoordragstelsel
  • EHF (extremely high frequency): eHf, ekstreem hoe frekwensie, uiters hoe frekwensie
  • EHT unit (extra high tension unit): EHS-eenheid, ekstrahoespanningseenheid
  • ELF (exchange-line finder): SLV, sentralelynvinder
  • EN SUITE installation: EN SUITE-installasie
  • END OF MESSAGE interpretation: EINDE VAN BERIG-vertolking
  • END OF TAPE interpretation: BANDENT-vertolking
  • END-OF-NUMBER signal (EON signal): EINDE VAN NOMMER-sein, EVN-sein
  • EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory): EPROM, uitwisbare programmeerbare leesgeheue
  • ES (exchange selector) {PABX}: SLK, sentralelynkieser
  • ES (extra small) {garment size}: EK, ekstra klein
  • EXECUTE routine: UITVOER-roetine
  • Easter holidays: Paasvakansie
  • Easter stamp: Paasseel
  • Education and Training Quality Assurer (ETQA): Onderrig-en-opleidingkwaliteitversekeraar, ETQA
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT): Elektroniese Fondsoordrag, EFT
  • Electronics {subject}: Elektronika
  • Employment Equity Act: Wet op Billike Indiensneming
  • Engineering Drawing {subject}: Ingenieurstekene
  • Engineering Materials {subject}: Ingenieursmateriale
  • Epsom salts: Engelse sout, Epsom-sout
  • Erlang's equation: vergelyking van Erlang
  • Erlang's formula: formule van Erlang
  • Etelphone: Etelfoon
  • Eustachian tube: buis van Eustachius
  • F distribution {marketing}: F-verdeling
  • F layer {ionosphere}: F-laag
  • F region {ionosphere}: F-streek
  • FASTER {funds applied for savings and transfer electronically in the Republic}: FASTER
  • FCS (frame-checking sequence): RKR, raamkontroleerreeks
  • FD (final decoder): FD, finale dekodeerder
  • FDM (frequency division multiplexing): FDM, frekwensiedeelmultipleksering
  • FDNR circuit (frequency-dependent negative-resistance circuit): FANW-kring, kring met
  • frekwensieafhanklike negatiewe weerstand
  • FDSVC (fixed-destination switched virtual circuit): VBSVK, vastebestemming-geskakelde virtuele kring
  • FDX (full duplex): VDX, voldupleks
  • FEE RECEIVED rele {public telephone}: GELD IN-rele
  • FETCH routine: HAAL-roetine
  • FF (fixed fee): vaste tarief, VTF
  • FFL (finished floor level) {air conditioning}: AVV, afgewerkte vloervlak
  • FIFO (first-in-first-out): FIFO, eerste-in-eerste-uit
  • FIFO register (first-in-first-out register): FIFO-register, eerste-in-eerste-uit-register
  • FIGURES shift bellcrank: SYFERS-skuifkniehefboom
  • FIGURES shift control lever: SYFERS-skuifbeheerhefboom
  • FIGURES shift signal: SYFERS-skuifsein
  • FIGURES shift: SYFERS-skuif
  • FILTEL {philately}: FILTEL
  • FINISH key: KLAAR-sleutel
  • FM (frequency modulation): FM, frekwensiemodulasie
  • FM interference ratio: FM-steurverhouding
  • FO (frequency overlap): FO, frekwensie-oorvleueling
  • FOLLOW ME facility: VOLG MY-fasiliteit
  • FOLLOW ME {telephone facility}: VOLG MY
  • FOM sheet <see - rele data sheet>: merietesyferkaart
  • Fahrenheit thermometer: Fahrenheit termometer
  • Faraday cell: Faraday sel
  • Faraday effect: Faraday effek
  • Faraday shield: Faraday skerm
  • Fermi level: Fermi vlak
  • Fermi-Dirac function: Fermi-Dirac funksie
  • Ferrox Cube {trade name}: Ferrox Cube
  • Fibre Optics {subject}: Veseloptika
  • Fleming's left-hand rule: Fleming se linkerhandreel
  • Footprint-type pipe wrench: Footprint-tipe pypsleutel
  • Foster-Seeley discriminator: Foster-Seeley diskrimineerder
  • Foucault current: Foucault stroom
  • Fourier analysis: Fourier ontleding
  • Fourier's theorem: Fourier se stelling
  • Fr (franklin): Fr, franklin
  • Frama postage label: Frama posgeldstrokie
  • Fraunhofer region: Fraunhofer gebied
  • French chalk: fyntalk
  • French drain: stapelriool
  • Fresnel region: Fresnel gebied
  • Fresnel zone: Fresnel sone
  • Fresnel-zone clearance {microwave}: Fresnel-sonevryruimte
  • Friedman two-way analysis of variance {marketing}: Friedman se tweerigtingontleding van variansie
  • GAD {computer}: GAD
  • GASF (group alarm signalling frame) {German telephone equipment}: GASR, groepalarmseinraam
  • GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): GT, Greenwich-Tyd
  • GO AHEAD signal (GO statement) {eg data transmission}: GAAN VOORT-sein
  • GROUP BUSY interface: GROEP BESET-koppelvlak
  • GROUP BUSY lead: GROEP BESET-leiding
  • GROUP BUSY relay: GROEP BESET-rele
  • Gantt chart (program control chart): Gantt kaart, programbeheerkaart
  • Gb (gilbert): Gb, gilbert
  • German silver (nickel silver): nikkelsilwer
  • Government Employees' Provident Fund: Regeringswerknemersondersteuningsfonds
  • Government Garage: Staatsgarage
  • Government Gazette: Staatskoerant
  • Government Notice: Goewermentskennisgewing
  • Government contractor: Staatskontrakteur
  • Graphics {subject}: Grafika
  • Group of African Member Associations (GAMA): no Afrikaans version
  • Gunn-diode oscillator: Gunn diodeossillator
  • Gunn-effect diode: Gunn diode
  • H (henry): H, henry
  • H antenna: H-antenne
  • H mode (TE mode, transverse electric mode) {waveguide}: dwars elektriese modus
  • H network: H-netwerk
  • H pad {electricity}: H-lid
  • H plane lens: H-vlaklens
  • H-parameter circuit (hybrid equivalent circuit): hibridiese ekwivalente kring, H-parameterkring
  • HDLC (high-level data link control): HDLC, hoevlakse dataverbindingbeheer
  • HDPE (high-density polyethylene): HDPE, hoedigtheid-polietileen
  • HERE IS key {teleprinter}: HIER IS-toets, selfidentifiseertoets
  • HF (high frequency): HF, hoe frekwensie
  • HIGH PILOT alarm: HOE LOODS-alarm
  • HIGH VOLT alarm: HOE VOLT-alarm
  • HP/LP cut-out {Trane water chiller}: HD/LD-uitskakelaar
  • HYB (hybrid): DIF, differensiaal
  • Hall constant: Hall konstante
  • Hall effect: Hall effek
  • Hall mobility: Hall mobiliteit
  • Halon (halon) {gas mixture of bromide, chlorine and fluorine}: Halon, halon
  • Hamming code {logic}: Hamming kode
  • Heaviside layer: Heaviside laag
  • Heising modulation: Heising modulasie
  • Heliflat hose: Heliflat slang
  • Heliflex hose: Heliflex slang
  • Hell sender: Hell-sender
  • Hellschreiber system (Hell system): Hell stelsel
  • Hellschreiber: Hellschreiber
  • Helmholtz' law: Helmholtz se Wet, Wet van Helmholtz
  • Hertz antenna: Hertz antenne
  • Hertz effect: Hertz effek
  • Hertzian wave: Hertz golf
  • Hold the line: Bly aan
  • Hollerith system: Hollerith stelsel
  • I (information transfer format): I, inligtingoorplaasformaat
  • IC (integrated circuit): IK, ge<ntegreerde kring
  • ID (inside diameter): binnediameter, ID, interne diameter
  • IDB (input data bus): IDB, insetdatabus
  • IDM (Interest, Depreciation and Maintenance): RWI, Rente, Waardevermindering en Instandhouding
  • IDP {automatic telephone}: TSP
  • IE (inspection eye): IO, inspeksie-oog
  • IEEE bus: IEEE bus
  • IF breakthrough: TF-deurbraak
  • IGFET (insulated-gate field-effect transistor): IGFET, veldeffektransistor met ge<soleerde hek
  • ILN (internal line number): ILN, interne lynnommer
  • IMC (international maintenance centre): IIS, internasionale instandhousentrum
  • IMESA (Institute of Municipal Engineers of South Africa): Instituut van Munisipale Ingenieurs van Suid-Afrika
  • INF (account information): RIN, rekeninginligting
  • INFOTEL {telephone information}: INFOTEL
  • INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium): INTELSAT, Internasionale
  • Telekommunikasiesatellietkonsortium
  • INVERT operation: OMKEER-bewerking
  • ISA (SFSA, Special Foreign Service Allowance): Spesiale Buitelandse Dienstoelae, SBDT
  • Important Places/Areas (IPAs): Belangrike Plekke/Gebiede, BPG's
  • Industrial Conciliation Amendment Act: Wysigingswet op Nywerheidsversoening
  • Industrial Social Services: Bedryfsmaatskaplike Dienste
  • Informatics: Informatika
  • Institute for Marketing Management (IMM): Instituut vir Bemarkingbestuur, IBB
  • Institute for Planning Research {marketing}: Instituut vir Beplanningsnavorsing
  • Institute for Planning Research: Instituut vir Beplanningnavorsing
  • Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (CMA): Instituut van Koste- en Bestuursrekenmeesters, KBR
  • Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) {marketing}: Instituut vir Bemarkingsbestuur, IBB
  • Institute of Social and Economic Research {marketing}: Instituut vir Sosiale en Ekonomiese Navorsing
  • Institute of Social and Economic Research: Instituut vir Sosiale en Ekonomiese Navorsing
  • Instituut vir Taalfasilitering en Taalbemagtiging: no English version
  • International Telecommunication Convention: Internasionale Telekommunikasiekonvensie
  • Investment and Development Cluster: Beleggings- en Ontwikkelingskluster
  • Isenthal voltage regulator: Isenthal spanningsreelaar
  • J (joule): J, joule
  • J antenna: J-antenne
  • J bolt: J-bout
  • J carrier route: J-draerroete
  • J spindle: J-spil
  • JIBAR (Johannesburg Inter Bank Agreed Rate): Johannesburgse Interbank Ooreengekome Koers, JIBOK
  • JK flip-flop: JK-wipkring
  • JOBEHEER {job control}: JOBEHEER
  • JUGFET (junction-gate field-effect transistor): JUGFET, veldeffektransistor met voegvlak
  • JUMP instruction: SPRING-instruksie
  • JV-transposed route: JV-gekruiste roete
  • Jacobs clutch: Jacobs kloukop
  • Jarno taper: Jarno tapsheid
  • Jury of Executive Opinion {marketing}: Jurie van Uitvoerende Opinie
  • K {1024 in computer applications}: K
  • KONDEL {cash on delivery}: KONDEL
  • Kalamazoo binder: Kalamazoo binder
  • Karnaugh map: Karnaugh kaart
  • Kbit (kilobit): Kbis, kilobis
  • Kbit/s {signalling speed}: Kbis/s
  • Kbyte (kilobyte): Kgreep, kilogreep
  • Kennelly-Heaviside layer: Kennelly-Heaviside laag
  • Kerr cell: Kerr sel
  • Kerr effect: Kerr effek
  • Keystone link: Keystone skakel
  • Kirchhoff's law: Kirchhoff se wet, wet van Kirchhoff
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test {marketing}: Kolmogorov-Smirnov eensteekproeftoets
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample test: Kolmogorov-Smirnov eensteekproeftoets
  • Koomans array: Koomans rignet
  • Kruskal-Wallis test {marketing}: Kruskal-Wallis toets
  • Kruskal-Wallis test: Kruskal-Wallis toets
  • L (large, OS, outsize) {garment size}: G, groot
  • L and P protector unit {lightning and power}: W-en-K-afleiereenheid
  • L section: L-seksie
  • LAN (local-area network) {computer}: LAN, lokale-area-netwerk, plaaslike netwerk
  • LAP (link access procedure): VAP, verbindingaksesseerprosedure
  • LATE margin {teleprinter}: LAAT-grens
  • LBO (line building out): LUB, lynuitbou
  • LCD (liquid crystal display): VKV, vloeikristalvertoner
  • LCN (logical channel number): LKN, logikakanaalnommer
  • LDPE (low-density polyethylene): LDPE, laedigtheidpolietileen
  • LDR (light-dependent resistor): LAR, ligafhanklike resistor
  • LE (line equipment): LT, lyntoerusting
  • LED (light-emitting diode): LD, glimdiode, ligdiode
  • LETTERS-shift: LETTER-skuif
  • LF (low frequency): LF, lae frekwensie
  • LG (light galvanised): LG, lig gegalvaniseer
  • LID CLOSED condition {tape reader}: KLAP TOE-toestand
  • LO (local oscillator): PO, plaaslike ossillator
  • LOOP-BACK switch: TERUGLUS-skakelaar
  • LOW VOLT alarm: LAE VOLT-alarm
  • LR network: LR-netwerk
  • Lancaster wheel {marketing}: Lancaster wiel
  • Lancaster wheel: Lancaster wiel
  • Langmuir arc lamp: Langmuir booglamp
  • Latin square design {marketing}: Latynse vierkantontwerp
  • Latin square design: Latynsevierkant-ontwerp
  • Leclanch,e cel: Leclanch,e sel
  • Lee's disc: Lee skyf
  • Licensing Agreement Reseller (LAR): Lisensieringsooreenkomsherverkoper, LOH
  • Likert scale {marketing}: Likert skaal
  • Likert scale: Likert skaal
  • Local Government - Municipal Structures Act {117/98} <NB - replace the dash in the name by a colon>: Wet
  • op Plaaslike Regering - Munisipale Strukture <NB - vervang die aandagstreep in die naam deur 'n
  • dubbelpunt>
  • Lorenz curve {marketing}: Lorenz kromme
  • Lorenz curve: Lorenz kromme
  • Luxemburg effect: Luxemburg effek
  • M (medium) {garment size}: M, medium
  • M and R work (modification and rearrangement work): W en H-werk, wysiging- en herinrigtingswerk
  • M wire {carrier systems}: M-draad
  • MA (miscellaneous apparatus): DA, diverse apparaat
  • MAKE BUSY button: BESETMAAK-knop
  • MANCOVA (multivariate analysis of covariance) {marketing}: multivariante ontleding van kovariansie
  • MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) {marketing}: multivariante ontleding van variansie
  • MAPKAS {main accounts}: MAPKAS
  • MAR (miscellaneous apparatus rack, miscellaneous apparatus bay): AAR, algemene apparaatraam
  • MAR {computer}: GAR
  • MBR (mortgage bond rate): verbandleningskoers
  • MC (metallic circuit): MK, metaalkring
  • MC connector block: MK-verbindblok
  • MCB (miniature circuit breaker): MSB, miniatuurstroombreker
  • MCW (modulated carrier wave): MDG, gemoduleerde draergolf
  • MEA (multi-exchange area): MSG, multisentralegebied
  • MEC {provincial government}: LUR
  • MFPB dialling (multi-frequency push-button dialling): MFDK-skakeling, multifrekwensiedrukknopskakeling
  • MLTU (modem line-termination unit): MLAE, modemlynafsluiteenheid
  • MORE DATA mark: NOG DATA-merk
  • Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act {27/90}: Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades, 27/90
  • Malthoid: Malthoid
  • Mann-Whitney test (U test) {marketing}: Mann-Whitney toets, U-toets
  • Mann-Whitney test (U-test): Mann-Whitney toets, U-toets
  • Manual of Telegraph Procedure (Telegraph Manual): Telegraafhandboek
  • Marconi antenna: Marconi antenne
  • Masonite: Masonite
  • Master of the Supreme Court: Weesheer
  • Measurements {subject}: Metings
  • Mechanics {science}: Meganika
  • Mechanics: Werktuigkunde
  • Mensuration: Maatleer
  • Metrosil: Metrosil
  • Miller circuit: Miller kring
  • More About It button: Meer Daaroor-knoppie
  • Morse drill: Morse boor
  • Morse sounder: Morse klopper
  • Morse taper: Morse tapsheid
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents Act {84/1986} <replaced by Road Accidents Fund Act, 56/1996>:
  • Padongelukfondswet
  • Mufax: Mufax
  • Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accident Fund Act Act {56/1996} <replaced by Road Accidents Fund Fund Act,
  • 56/1996>: Padongelukfondswet
  • Mylar tape: Mylar band
  • N spring: N-veer
  • N-type semiconductor: N-halfgeleier, N-tipe halfgeleier
  • NA (no answer): GA, geen antwoord
  • NACK (non-acknowledgement signal): NES, nie-erkensein
  • NAND latch: NEN-knip
  • NCC (Network Control Centre): NBS, Netwerkbeheersentrum
  • NCR paper (no-carbon-required paper): deurslagpapier
  • NCS (nickel-chrome steel): NCS, nikkelchroomstaal
  • NDL circuit {telegraphy}: NDL-kring
  • NDRO (non-destructive read-out): NDUL, nie-destruktiewe uitlesing
  • NETSAPO {portion of Saponet and associated plant used exclusively by SAPT}: NETSAPO
  • NL unit: NDL-eenheid, NL-eenheid
  • NO GO gauge (NOT GO gauge): KANNIE-maat
  • NO SIGNAL indication: GEEN SEIN-aanwysing
  • NO jump: NEE-sprong
  • NOR gate: NOF-hek
  • NPA spring: NPA-veer
  • NPA {two-motion selector}: A-laagveer, NPA
  • NPB {two-motion selector}: B-laagveer, NPB
  • NPN transistor: NPN-transistor
  • NR spring: NR-veer
  • National Consultative Committee on Post Office Affairs: Nasionale Beraadslagingskomitee oor
  • Poskantooraangeleenthede
  • National Manpower Commission: Nasionale Mannekragkommissie
  • National Savings Certificate (NSC): Nasionale Spaarsertifikaat, NSS
  • National Savings Stamp: Nasionale Spaarseel
  • National Skills Fund: Nasionale Vaardigheidsfonds
  • National Technical Certificate (NTC): Nasionale Tegniese Sertifikaat, NTS
  • Network Operator Terminal (NOT): Netwerkoperateursterminaal, NOT
  • Networks Section: Netwerkseksie
  • Newton's disc: Newton skyf
  • Nicol prism: Nicol prisma
  • Nicopress tool: Nicopress lasser
  • OCR (optical character recognition): OKH, optiese karakterherkenning
  • OD (outer diameter): BD, buitediameter
  • ODB (output data bus): ODB, UDB, uitsetdatabus
  • OEP (old-equipment practice): OTP, outoerusting-praktyk
  • OFF position {switch}: AF-posisie, AF-stand
  • OFF time: AF-tyd
  • OH wire (overhead wire): OH-draad, oorhoofse draad
  • OHTS (oil-hardened tempered steel): OVTS, olieverharde temperstaal
  • OLE (optical-line equipment): OLT, optieselyn-toerusting
  • OMC (operating and maintenance centre): BIS, bedryf-en-instandhoudingsentrum
  • ON DEMAND service {priority mail}: OP AANVRAAG-diens
  • ON time: AAN-tyd
  • OPTIMERK {optical mark reader}: OPTIMERK
  • OPY (own defined payments): EBE, eie gedefinieerde betalings
  • OR function: OF-funksie
  • OR v. {logic technique}: OF
  • OR-AND logic: OF-EN-logika
  • ORRED {logic technique}: ge-OFTE
  • OSTEX (overseas telex): OSTEX, oorsese teleks
  • Oops! button: Fout!-knoppie
  • P (DP, protected distribution point): DP, beveiligde distribusiepunt, B
  • P wiper: P-kontakarm
  • P wire {automatic telephone}: P-draad
  • P-MOS {computer}: P-MOS
  • P-type semiconductor: P-tipe halfgeleier
  • P-wire conversion rele set: P-draadomsitrelestel
  • P/F bit (poll/final bit): P/E-bis, pols/eind-bis
  • PA {software}: prosestoewyser
  • PA-system (public-address system): openbare luidspreekstelsel
  • PABX (private automatic branch exchange): POTS, privaat outomatiese taksentrale
  • PAC (program address counter): PAT, programadresteller
  • PAD (primary address decoder): PAD, primere adresdekodeerder
  • PAID die: BETAAL-stempelblok
  • PAM (pulse-amplitude modulation): PAM, pulsamplitudemodulasie
  • PAR (program address register): PAR, programadresregister
  • PAX (private automatic exchange): POS, privaat outomatiese sentrale
  • PBX (private branch exchange): PTS, privaat taksentrale
  • PC (personal computer): PR, persoonlike rekenaar
  • PC (program counter) {computer}: programteller
  • PC board (printed-circuit board, printed-wiring board): EK-bord, etsbord, etskringbord
  • PC card (printed-circuit card): EK-kaart, etskringkaart
  • PC extender board: EK-verlengbord
  • PC {in building trade}: PK
  • PCD (pitch circle diameter): SSDIAM, steeksirkeldiameter
  • PCM system (pulse-code modulation system): pulskodemodulasiestelsel, PKM-stelsel
  • PD (potential difference): PV, potensiaalverskil
  • PD {software}: PKW
  • PDP (protected distribution point): BDP, beveiligde distribusiepunt
  • PERSAL {personnel salary}: PERSAL
  • PERT (program evaluation and review technique, program evaluation review technique): PERT,
  • programevalueer-en-hersientegniek
  • PF (pitch fibre): PV, pikvesel
  • PFSK (pulse frequency-shift keying): PFSS, pulsfrekwensieskuifsleuteling
  • PIN diode (positive/intrinsic/negative diode): PIN-diode, positief/intrinsiek/negatief-diode
  • PIN membrane: PIN-membraan
  • PIN touch {ATM}: PIN-sleutelplaat, PIN-raakplaat
  • PLC (programmable logic controller): PLK, programmeerbare logikakontrole
  • PMBX (private manual branch exchange): PHTS, privaat handtaksentrale
  • PMTS (predetermined motion time system): PMTS
  • PMX (private manual exchange): PHS, privaat handsentrale
  • PNA (project network analysis): PNA, projeknetwerkanalise
  • PNP transistor: PNP-transistor
  • PNPN sandwich: PNPN-stapel
  • POINT OF ORIGIN signal (POO signal): PUNT VAN OORSPRONG-sein, PVO-sein
  • POP instruction {interrupt working}: STOOT-instruksie
  • POR (program output register): PUR, programuitgangregister
  • POSBANK {PO Savings Bank}: POSBANK
  • POSTAT {postal statistics}: POSTAT
  • POTENT {PO telephone engineering networks}: POTENT
  • POWER ON/OFF switch {film projector}: KRAG AAN/AF-skakelaar
  • POWER SWITCHED ON condition (READY TO OPERATE condition): GEREED-toestand
  • POWISMO {money orders}: POWISMO
  • PRESS <acronym for PCM regenerator surveillance system>: PRESS
  • PRF (pulse repetition frequency): PHF, pulsherhaalfrekwensie
  • PRINT signal {teleprinter}: DRUK-sein
  • PRO SANO Medical Aid Scheme {for Coloureds}: PRO SANO Mediese Hulpskema
  • PROM programmer {computer}: PROM-programmeerder
  • PRONTO {project for reporting on telephones out of order}: PRONTO
  • PSTN (public switched telephone network): PSTN, publieke skakeltelefoonnetwerk
  • PVC-reinforced material (PVC-supported material): PVC-versterkte materiaal
  • Pawsey stub: Pawsey stomp
  • Petersen coil: Petersen spoel
  • Piezoelectrics {subject}: Piesoelektrika
  • Pittsburgh lock: Pittsburgh sluitnaat
  • Place Names Record: Pleknameregister
  • Plastics {subject}: Plastika
  • Post Office Act: Poswet
  • Post Office Circular: Possirkulere
  • Post Office Friendly Society: Poskantoorhulpvereniging
  • Post Office Guide: Posgids
  • Post Office Manual: Poskantoorhandboek
  • Post Office Route: Poskantoorroete
  • Post Office Savings Bank: Posspaarbank
  • Post Office Service Act: Poskantoordienswet
  • Post Office Service Act: Poskantoordienswet
  • Post Office Vote: Poskantoorbegrotingspos
  • Post and Telecommunications Worker's Association (POTWA): POTWA, Pos- en Telekommunikasiewese
  • Werknemervereniging
  • Postage Stamp Advisory Committee: Posseeladvieskomitee
  • Postal Inspectors Code: Voorskrif vir Posinspekteurs
  • Postal Operating Instructions: Posbedryfinstruksies
  • Postal Order Ready Reckoner: Posorderrekentafel
  • Postal Order, Telegraph and Telephone Agency (POTTA): Posorder- Telegraaf- en Telefoonagentskap,
  • Postal and Telegraph Association of South Africa: Pos- en Telegraafvereniging van Suid-Afrika
  • Postmaster General's Account: Posmeester-generaal se Rekening
  • Postmaster General: Posmeester-generaal
  • Powers punch machine: Powers ponsmasjien
  • Preferential Procurement Framework Act {2/2000}: Wet op Raamwerk vir Voorkeurverkrygingsbeleid
  • Provincial Gazette: Provinsiale Koerant
  • Provincial Government Act: Wet op Plaaslike Bestuur
  • Pr”ny brake: Pr”ny rem
  • Public Accountants' and Auditors' Act: Wet op Openbare Rekenmeesters en Ouditeurs
  • Public Debt Commissioner: Staatskuldkommissaris
  • Public Finance Management Act {1/99}: Wet op Openbare Finansiele Bestuur
  • Q factor: Q-faktor
  • Q point (quiescent point): Q-punt, ruspunt
  • QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation): KAM, kwadratuuramplitudemodulasie
  • QIL (quad-in-line): VG, viergelid
  • QSMS (quality of service monitor system): DGMS, diensgehaltemonitorstelsel
  • RAM (random access memory): RAM, willekeurigetoegang-geheue
  • RAS (remote-access selector): ATK, afstandstoegangkieser
  • RATS (remote access and test system): ATTS, afstandstoegang- en toetsstelsel
  • RAX (rural automatic exchange): PLOS, plattelandse outomatiese sentrale
  • RC (Rockwell): RC, Rockwell
  • RC channel (rural carrier channel): PD-kanaal, plattelandsedraerstelsel-kanaal
  • RC combination: RC-kombinasie
  • RC network: RC-netwerk
  • RCRS (register coupling rele set): RKRS, registerkoppelrelestel
  • RCS (rural carrier system): PDS, plattelandse draerstelsel
  • RDF (receive directional filter): ORF, ontvangrigfilter
  • RECEIVE ONLY test (RO test): SLEGS ONTVANG-toets, SO-toets
  • RECEIVED DATA interchange circuit: ONTVANGDE DATA-koppelvlakkring
  • REJ (reject): VWP, veryverp
  • REJ packet format: VWP-pakkieformaat
  • RELEASE BUSY button: VRYMAAK-knop
  • RER (routiner equipment rack): RTTR, roetinetoetsertoerustingraam
  • RESET TO ZERO switch: TERUG NA ZERO-skakelaar
  • RESET indication: TERUGSTEL-aanwysing
  • RESET request: TERUGSTEL-versoek
  • RESTART indication: HERAANSIT-aanwysing
  • RESTART request: HERAANSIT-versoek
  • RESTRAINT signal: STUIT-sein
  • RFA equipment (ROUTE FAILURE announcing equipment): RFA-toerusting, ROETE GEFAAL-
  • aankondigingstoerusting
  • RVQ (relative value qualification): RWK, relatiewewaarde-kwalifikasie
  • Railways Service telegram: Spoorwegdienstelegram
  • Rand monetary area: Rand monetere gebied
  • RawI bolt: Rawl bout
  • RawI plug: Rawl prop
  • Rayleigh disc: Raleigh skyf
  • Redirection Section {mail-sorting}: Nasendseksie
  • Reed-effect diode: Reed diode
  • Refrigeration {subject): Koelervakteorie
  • Regional Repair Centre (RRC): Streekherstelsentrum, SHS
  • Regional Services Council: Streekdiensteraad
  • Regional Services Councils Act: Wet op Streekdiensterade
  • Road Traffic Act {29/89}: Padverkeerswet
  • Rural Areas Act: Wet op Landelike Gebiede
  • S (siemens):siemens
  • S (small) {garment size}: K, klein
  • S (supervisory format): T, toesigformaat
  • S and T (subsistence and travelling expenses): reis-en-verblyfkoste, R en V
  • S effect (surface-charge effect): oppervlakladingseffek
  • S meter: S-meter
  • S pole: S-paal
  • S pulse lead: S-pulsleiding
  • S pulse: S-puls
  • S spring: S-veer
  • S/L (strip and line) {information for exchange connection}: S/L, strook en lyn
  • SAACE (SA Association of Consulting Engineers): SAVRI, SA Vereniging van Raadgewende Ingenieurs
  • SABM (set to asyachronous balanced mode): SABM, stel in asinchrone balansmodus
  • SACPE (South African Council for Professional Engineers): SARPI, Suid-Afrikaanse Raad vir Professionele
  • Ingenieurs
  • SAGOS {agriculture}: SAGOS
  • SAME PAGE addressing: DIESELFDE BLADSY-aanspreking
  • SANITAS Medical Scheme {for Asians}: SANITAS Medical Scheme
  • SAPDA (The South African Philatelic Dealers Association): SAFHA, Die Suid-Afrikaanse Filatelistiese
  • Handelaarsassosiasie
  • SAR (special apparatus rack): SAR, spesialeapparaat-raam
  • SAR {computer}: BAR
  • SARM (set to asynchronous response mode): SAAM, stel in asinchrone antwoordmodus
  • SART (special apparatus rack for testing): SART, spesiale apparaatraam vir toetswerk
  • SASU (semi-automatic switching unit): SOSE, semi-outomatiese skakeleenheid
  • SC (service channel): DK, dienskanaal
  • SCC (signal conversion circuit): SOK, seinomsitkring
  • SCC scan register (SSR): SOK-aftasregister, SAR
  • SCE (signal conversion electronics) {telephone}: seinomsitelektronika
  • SCE (signal conversion element) {teephone}: seinomsitelement
  • SCFM (subcarrier frequency-modulation): FMSD, frekweksiemodulasie van die sekondere dragolf
  • SCR (signal conversion rele): seinomsitrele
  • SCR (silicon controlled rectification device, silicon controlled rectifier): BSG, beheerde silikongelykrigter
  • SDC (street-distribution cabinet): SDK, straatdistribusiekabinet
  • SDR (Special Drawing Rights): STR, Spesiale Trekkingsregte
  • SEL modem: SEL-modem
  • SEM (suspense engineering material): lAM, ingenieursafwagmateriaal
  • SET ON indicator: STEL AAN-aanwyser
  • SG insulator {single-groove insulator}: EG-isoIator, enkelgroefisolator
  • SGDF (supergroup distribution frame): supergroepdistribusieraam, SGDR
  • SHCS (socket-head cap screw): sokkopdopskroef
  • SHF (superhigh frequency): superhoe frekwensie, SHF
  • SLC (subscriber-line circuit): HLK, huurderlynkring
  • SMD (surface-mounted device): oppervlakgemonteerde toestet, OGT
  • SOA (supply on arrival): LBO, lewer by ontvangs
  • SOA extract (SUPPLY ON ARRIVAL extract): LBO-uittreksel, LEWER BY ONTVANGS-uittreksel
  • SOC (state of call): SVO, stand van oproep
  • SOP (standard output power): standaard uitset
  • SPC (stored-program control): IPB, interneprogrambeheer
  • SPM (subscriber private meter): HPT, huurder privaat teller
  • SRW advance (suspense repayble-works advance): ATW-voorskot, afwagvoorskot vir terugbetaalbare
  • werke
  • SRW works order (suspense repayable work works order, works order for suspense repayable work): ATW-
  • taakorder, taakorder vir afwag terugbetaalbare werk
  • STA (store accumulator) {computer instruction}: STA, stoorakkumulator
  • START polanty: AANSIT-polariteit
  • STD (Suspense Temporary Debit): ADT, Afwag Tydelike Debiet
  • STM (account statement): STA, rekeningstaat
  • STO (stop orders): ATO, aftrekorders
  • STOP ON FAULT condition: STOP OP FOUT-toestand
  • STORE AND FORWARD message switching: BEWAAR EN AANSTUUR-berigskakeling
  • SU (subscriber uniselector): HD, huurdersdraaikieser
  • SUBSCRIBER FAILS TO DIAL alarm {group selector}: HUURDER SKAKEL NIE-alarm
  • SVC (switched virtual circuit): SVK, geskakelde virtuele kring
  • SWB (switchboard): SKB, skakelbord
  • Savings Bank deposit: Spaarbankinlae
  • Savings Bank revenue: Spaarbankinkomste
  • Savings Bank telegram: Spaarbanktelegram
  • Savings Bank warrant: Spaarbankorder
  • Savings Bank withdrawal: Spaarbank-opvraging
  • Savings Bank: Spaarbank
  • School of Consulting Engineering: Skool vir Raadgewende Ingenieurswese
  • Searle's bar: Searle staaf
  • Secraphone {trade name}: Secraphone
  • Sectional Titles Act {95/1986}: Wet op Deeltitels
  • Security and Contingency-Planning Section: Sekuriteit- en Gebeurlikheidsbeplanningseksie
  • Seller's thread (standard thread [US]) {screws}: Seller draad, standaard skroefdraad
  • Sentinel safety device: Sentinel veiligheidstoestel
  • Servomex voltage limiter: Servomex spanningsbegrenser
  • Shipper's Certification for Restricted Articles: Afsender se Sertifikaat vir Beperkingsartikels
  • Skills Development Act {99/1998}: Wet op die Ontwikkeling van Vaardighede
  • Skills Development Levies Act {9/1999}: Wet op Heffings vir die Ontwikkeling van Vaardighede
  • Slimrack {carrier system}: Slimrack
  • Society of Post Office Engineers: Vereniging van Poskantooringenieurs
  • South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) {marketing}: Suid-Afrikaanse
  • Reklamenavorsingstigting, SARNS
  • South African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA) {marketing}: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir
  • Bemarkingsnavorsing, SAVB
  • South African Post and Telecommunications Employees' Association: Suid-Afrikaanse Pos- en
  • Telekommunikasie-werknemersvereniging
  • South African Postal Association: Suid Afrikaanse Posvereniging
  • South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA): Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie-owerheid, SAKO
  • South African Qualifications Authority Act {55/1995}: Wet op Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie-owerheid
  • South African Society of Marketers (SASM) {marketing}: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Bemarkers, SAVB
  • South African Telecommunication Association: Suid-Afrikaanse Telekommunikasievereniging
  • Speed Services: Sneldienste
  • Staff Management Board: Personeelbestuursraad
  • Staff Relations Board: Personeelskakelraad
  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) {marketing}: Standaard nywerheidsklassifikasie, SNK
  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC): Standaardnywerheidsklassifikasie, SNK
  • Statistics {subject}: Statistiek
  • Stone bridge: Stone brug
  • Student Engineer: Studentingenieur
  • Student's t test {marketing}: Student se t-toets
  • Student's t-test: Student se t-toets
  • Subcycle {trade name}: Subcycle
  • Sunday duty: Sondagdiens
  • Sure-grip feeding system: Sure-grip voerstelsel
  • Syncycle {trade name}: Syncycle
  • T and PU circuit (test and plug-up circuit): T-ST-kring, toets-en-toestopkring
  • T and PU {instruction}: T and ST
  • T block: T-blok
  • T connection (tee connection): T-verbinding
  • T network: T-netwerk
  • T pad {transmission}: T-lid
  • T {tesla}: T, tesla
  • T-shaped antenna: T-antenne
  • T-slot cutter: T-gleuffrees
  • TA credit card (transferred-account credit card): TA-kredietkaart, oordragrekening-kredietkaart
  • TAPE EXHAUSTED alarm {eg teleprinter}: BANDENT-alarm
  • TAPE LOW alarm {eg teleprinter}: BAND MIN-alarm
  • TAR (translator address register): RAR, herleieradresregister
  • TC (terminating circuit): AK, afsluitkring
  • TCO rele (transmission cut-off rele): TA-rele, transmissieafsnyrele
  • TCT (telex class of traffic marker): TVK, teleksverkeerklasmerker
  • TD (traffic drawing): VT, verkeerstekening
  • TD (tunnel diode): TD, tonneldiode
  • TDC position (top dead-centre position): BDP-posisie, boonste dooie-puntposisie
  • TDD (third-digit discrimination): DSD, derdesyferdisriminasie
  • TDM (time-division multiplexing): TDM, tyddeelmultipleksering
  • TDS (temporary digit store): TSG, tydelike syfergeheue
  • TEKEN {engineering drawings}: TEKEN
  • TEM mode (transverse electric and magnetic mode) {waveguide}: dwars elektnese en magnetiese modus
  • TEST BUSY signal: TOETS BESET-sein
  • TEST LINE SEIZED contact {routiner}: TOETSLYN IN BESLAG GENEEM-kontak
  • TIGHT TAPE switch: BAND STYF-skakelaar
  • TLF (top-load line finder, TLLF): TLLV, toplaslynvinder
  • TM mode (transverse magnetic mode) {waveguide}: dwars magnetiese modus
  • TMS (target market segment): DMS, doelsegment
  • TMS (transmission measuring set): TMS, transmissiemeetstel
  • TOR (translator output register): HUR, herleieruitgangregister
  • TOS (translator output selection): RLK, herleieruitsetkiesing
  • TP switch (triple-pole switch): driepoolskakelaar, TP-skakelaar
  • TPO (travelling post office): RPK, reisende poskantoor
  • TPP (training program present): OPA, opleidingsprogram aanwesig
  • TR (transfer register): OR, oordraregister
  • TR (translator): HERL, herleier
  • TRANSMITTED DATA interchange circuit: GESENDE DATA~koppelvIakkring
  • TRANSVER {transport}: TRANSVER
  • TRM (trunk-route map): HLK, hooflynroetekaart
  • TRT modem {type}: TRT-modern
  • TTL integrated circuit: ge<ntegreerde TTL-kring
  • Technical Instruction: Tegniese Instruksie
  • Technical Training Note: Tegniese Opleidingsnota
  • Telecommunications {subjec}: Telekommunikasie
  • Telephone Service Authority (TSA): Telefoondiensmagtiging, TDM
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) {marketing}: Tematiese Appersepsietoets, TAT
  • Thurstone scale {marketing}: Thurstone skaal
  • Thurstone scale: Thurstone skaal
  • Trade Theory {subject}: Vakteorie
  • U (unnumbered format): O, ongenommerde formaat
  • U test {marketing}: U-toets
  • U-seating {sheet-metal work}: U-bedding
  • U-test: U-toets
  • UA (unnumbered acknowledge): OE, ongenommerde erkenning
  • UAX (unit automatic exchange): EOS, eenheid outomatiese sentrale
  • UIC (user identification code): GlK, gebruikersidentifikasiekode
  • UJT (unijunction, unijunction transistor): EVT, eenvoegvlaktransistor
  • UPS (uninterruptable power supply): OKB, ononderbreekbare kragbron
  • Unemployment Act: Werkloosheidsversekeringswet
  • Unemployment Insurance Act: Werkloosheidsversekeringwet
  • Uniskirting {trade name}: Uniskirting
  • V-steady box {lathe}: V-teehouerkas
  • VC (virtual circuit): VK, virtuele kring
  • VCO (voltage controlled oscillator): SBO, spanningbeheerde ossillator
  • VCR (video cassette recorder): VKO, videokassetopnemer
  • VDU (visual display unit): VVE, visuele vertooneenheid
  • VFT (voice-frequency telegraphy): SFT, spraakfrekwensietelegrafie
  • VFT circuit (voice-frequency telegraph circuit): SFT-kring, spraakfrekwensietelegraafkring
  • VIR (vulcanised india-rubber) {cable}: VR, gevulkaniseerde rubber
  • Veitch diagram: Veitch diagram
  • Verdan system: Verdan stelsel
  • Vibroground {trade name}: Vibroground
  • Vickers diamond pyramid number (VPN): Vickers diamantpiramidenommer, VPN
  • W (wood): H, hout
  • WAN (wide-area network): WAN, wye-area-netwerk
  • WYSIWYG {what you see is what you get}: WYSIWYG, jy kry wat jy sien
  • Wage Act: Loonwet
  • Wilcoxon signed rank test {marketing}: Wilcoxon betekende rangtoets
  • Workmen's Compensation Act: Ongevallewet
  • Workmen's Compensation Commissioner: Ongevallekommissaris
  • XFD (transfers): XFD, oorplasings
  • Xaid {marketing}: Xaid
  • Young's double slit {optics}: Young-dubbelspleet
  • Z test {marketing}: Z-toets
  • Z-test: Z-toets
  • Zener-diode regulator: Zenerdiode-reelaar
  • abandon {cable}: laat le, nie ophaal nie
  • abandon {call}: laat vaar
  • abandon {claim}: afstand doen van
  • abandon {parcel}: prysgee
  • abandoned parcel: prysgegewe pakket
  • abandonment of duty without permission: diensverlating sonder toestemming
  • abatement: vermindering
  • abaxial adj: abaksiaal
  • abbreviated address: verkorte adres
  • abbreviated dialling: verkorte skakeling
  • ability to influence: be<nvloedingsvermoe
  • ability {eg authorisation}: bevoegdheid
  • ability {that of which a person or machine is capable}: vermoe
  • ability: bedrewenheid, bekwaamheid, geskooldheid
  • ability: vermoe
  • ablution caravan: waskaravaan
  • abnormal body height {vehicle}: abnormale bakhoogte
  • abnormal radiation: abnormale straling
  • abnormal reflection (sporadic reflection): abnormale refleksie
  • abnormal work: abnormale werk
  • abnormal-size uniform: abnormalegrootte-uniform
  • abolish {eg post}: afskaf
  • abort {computer}: laat vaar, staak
  • abort: aborteer
  • abortion: abortering
  • abortive expenditure: vrugtelose uitgawe
  • above threshold benefit: Bokant Drumpel voordeel, bokantdrumpel-voordeel
  • above-the-line advertising: bo-die-lyn-reklame
  • abrasion: afskuring, skuring
  • abrasion: skuurplek
  • abrasive cloth: skuurlap
  • abrasive disc: skuurskyf
  • abrasive grains (abrasive particles): skuurkorrels
  • abrasive hardness: skuurhardheid
  • abrasive n.: skuurmiddel
  • abrasive paper: skuurpapier
  • abrasive particles (abrasive grains): skuurkorrels
  • abrasive-resistant steel: skuurbestande staal
  • abridged form: verkorte vorm
  • abridged report: verkorte verslag
  • abridged symbol: verkorte simbool
  • abrogation {convention}: opheffing (konvensie)
  • abrupt-recovery diode: snelhersteldiode
  • abscond: wegloop
  • absence of earth: aardafwesigheid
  • absence time: afwesigheidtyd
  • absence without leave: afwesigheid sonder verlof
  • absence-of-earth testing: aardafwegisheidstoetsing
  • absolute delay: absolute vertraging
  • absolute drift: absolute drif
  • absolute error: absolute fout
  • absolute galvanometer: absolute galvanometer
  • absolute level: absolute peil
  • absolute permittivity: absolute permittiwiteit
  • absolute power level: absolute kragpeil
  • absolute unit: absolute eenheid
  • absolute zero: absolute sero
  • absolute: absoluut
  • absorb test key (automatic telephony}: absorbeertoetssleutel
  • absorb {shock}: demp
  • absorb: absorbeer
  • absorbent material: absorbeermateriaal
  • absorbent: absorbeermiddel
  • absorber circuit: absorbeerkring
  • absorber valve: absorbeerbuis
  • absorber-circuit factor: absorbeerkringfaktor
  • absorbing resistance: absorbeerweerstand
  • absorbing screen: absorbeerskerm
  • absorption coefficient: absorpsiekoeffisient
  • absorption control: absorpsiebeheer
  • absorption cross-section (effective area) {antenna}: nuttige oppervlakte
  • absorption filter: absorpsiefilter
  • absorption frequency meter: absorpsiefrekwensiemeter
  • absorption indicator: absorpsieaanwyser
  • absorption limiting frequency: absorpsiebegrensfrekwensie
  • absorption modulation: absorpsiemodulasie
  • absorption peak: absorpsiespits
  • absorption point: absorpsiepunt
  • absorption power indicator: absorpsiekragaanwyser
  • absorption unit: absorpsie-eenheid
  • absorption wave-trap: absorpsiegolfsperder
  • absorption wavemeter: absorpsiegolfmeter
  • absorption {eg shock}: demping
  • absorption: absorbering, absorpsie
  • absorptive attenuator (resistive attenuator) {waveguide}: absorbeerverswakker
  • abstract book: uittrekselboek
  • abstract: uittreksel
  • abutment screw: stootskroef
  • abutment: stootstuk
  • ac (AC, alternating current): ws, WS, wisselstroom
  • ac mains (ac mains voltage): ws-netspanning
  • accelerate: versnel
  • accelerated management training: versnelde bestuursopleiding
  • accelerated-weathering unit: snelverweereenheid
  • accelerating ability (accelerating power): versnelvermoë
  • accelerating electrode: versnelelektrode
  • accelerating grid: versnelrooster
  • accelerating tube: versnelbuis
  • accelerating voltage: versnelspanning
  • acceleration {electronics}: versnelling
  • accelerator anode: versnelanode
  • accelerator {electronics}: versneller
  • accent lighting: aksentverligting
  • accent printing {teleprinter}: aksentdruk
  • accept {bill of exchange}: aksepteer
  • accept: aanneem
  • acceptable quality level (AQL): aanvaarbare gehaltepeil, AGP
  • acceptance angle: aannamehoek
  • acceptance certificate: aanneemsertifikaat
  • acceptance form {telegram}: aannamevorm
  • acceptance note: aannemingsbrief
  • acceptance of accounts: akseptering van rekenings
  • acceptance of debit: debietaanvaarding
  • acceptance standard: aanneemstandaard
  • acceptance test {of equipment}: aanneemtoets
  • acceptance test: aanneemtoets
  • acceptance {also equipment}: aanname
  • acceptance {bill of exchange}: akseptasie
  • acceptance: aanvaarding
  • accepted account: geaksepteerde rekening
  • accepted in error: foutief aangeneem
  • accepting office: aanneemkantoor
  • accepting officer: aanneembeampte
  • acceptor atom: akseptoratoom
  • acceptor circuit {elec}: akseptorkring
  • acceptor impurity {semiconductor}: akseptoronsuiwerheid
  • acceptor {semiconductor}: aannemer
  • access account number: toegangsrekeningnommer
  • access account: toegangsrekening
  • access agreement: toegangooreenkoms
  • access block tag: toegangsblokstiffie
  • access block: toegangsblok
  • access box: toegangskas
  • access change-over key: toegangsoorskakelsleutel
  • access circuit: toegangskring
  • access control: toegangsbeheer
  • access device {Internet}: toegangsinstrument
  • access digit: toegangsyfer
  • access door {forklift}: toegangspaneel
  • access equipment: toegangstoerusting
  • access lead: toegangsleiding
  • access link: toegangskakel
  • access n. {also computer}: toegang
  • access protocol {computer}: aksesprotokol, toegangsprotokol
  • access rack: toegangsraam
  • access repeater: toegangsherhaler
  • access road: toegangspad
  • access selector (access switch) {automatic telephony}: toegangskieser
  • access time: aksesseertyd, toegangstyd
  • access uniselector connecting key: verbindsleutel van toegangskieser
  • access uniselector level: laag van toegangskieser
  • access v. {computer}: aksesseer, toegang verkry
  • access v.: raadpleeg
  • access v.: toegang kry tot, aksesseer
  • access v.: toegang verkry tot, aksesseer
  • access {documents for perusal}: insae
  • access-circuit rental: toegangskringhuur
  • access-control relay: toegangsbeheerrelê
  • access-control unit: toegangsbeheereenheid
  • access: toegang
  • accessibility: toeganklikheid
  • accessible terminal: toeganklike aansluiter
  • accessing skills: toeganklikheidsvaardighede
  • accession to convention: toetreding tot konvensie
  • accession {library}: aanwins (biblioteek)
  • accession: toetreding
  • accessories: bybehore
  • accessory apparatus: byapparaat
  • accessory equipment: bytoerusting
  • accessory services: bydienste
  • accessory: bybehoorsel
  • accident prevention: ongelukvoorkoming
  • accommodate: akkommodeer
  • accommodation establishment: huisvestingsinrigting
  • accommodation {according to Post Office Act}: herberg
  • accommodation: akkommodasie, verblyf
  • accompanied by: saam met, vergesel van
  • accompany: vergesel
  • account current (current account): lopende rekening
  • account for (bring into account): in rekening bring, verantwoord
  • account for: rekenskap gee van, verantwoord
  • account order: rekeningbestelling
  • account rendered: gelewerde rekening
  • account-telegram service: rekeningtelegramdiens
  • account: rekening
  • accountability (liability): aanspreeklikheid
  • accountability {eg losses}: aanspreeklikheid
  • accountability: rekenpligtigheid
  • accountant's authority (AA): rekenmeestersmagtiging, RM
  • accountant's formula: rekenmeestersformule
  • accountant: rekenmeester
  • accounting (bookkeeping): boekhouding
  • accounting adjustment: rekeningaanpassing
  • accounting arrangement: boekhoureeling
  • accounting authority code: rekeningowerheidkode
  • accounting authority identification code (AAIC): rekeningowerheid-identifikasiekode, AAIC
  • accounting date {job control system}: rekeningdatum
  • accounting day: boekhoudag
  • accounting division: rekeningafdeling
  • accounting fees: boekhoukoste, rekeningkoste
  • accounting machine (bookkeeping machine): boekhoumasjien
  • accounting office: rekeningkantoor
  • accounting officer: rekenpligtige amptenaar
  • accounting procedure: boekhouprosedure, rekeningkundige prosedure
  • accounting system: boekhoustelsel
  • accounting-machine operator: boekhoumasjienoperateur
  • accounting-machine record: boekhourekord
  • accounts officer: rekeningebeampte
  • accredited representative: geakkrediteerde verteenwoordiger
  • accrue (accumulate) {interest, leave}: oploop
  • accrue to: toekom
  • accrue to: toeval aan
  • accrued charges: opgelope koste
  • accrued interest (accumulated interest): opgelope rente
  • accumulate (accrue) {interest, leave}: oploop
  • accumulate: akkumuleer, ophoop, versamel
  • accumulated interest (accrued interest): opgelope rente
  • accumulation: akkumulasie, ophoping, versameling
  • accumulator (accumulator cell, secondary cell, storage cell): sekondere sel
  • accumulator (secondary battery, storage battery): akkumulator
  • accumulator box: akkumulatorkas
  • accumulator capacity: akkumulatorkapasiteit
  • accumulator grid: akkumulatorrooster
  • accumulator plate: akkumulatorplaat
  • accumulator register {processor}: akkumuleerregister
  • accuracy: akkuraatheid
  • accurately balanced winding: noukeurig gebalanseerde wikkeling
  • accuse {SA128E exchanges}: beskuldig
  • acetate disk: asetaatskyf
  • acetone: asetoon
  • acetylene torch {welding}: asetileenbrander
  • acetylene welding {method}: asetileensweising
  • acetylene welding: asetileensweiswerk
  • achieve: bereik
  • achievement increment: prestasieverhoging
  • acicular iron: naaldyster
  • acid dipping: suurindoping
  • acid flux: suursmeltmiddel, suurvloeimiddel
  • acid spray: suursproeisel
  • acid-proof (acid-resisting): suurbestand, suurwerend
  • acid-resistant covering: suurbestande bedekking
  • acid-resistant platen: suurbestande rol
  • acid-resisting paint: suurbestande verf
  • acidic fumes: suurdampe
  • acidimeter: asidimeter, suurmeter
  • acidity: asiditeit, suurheid
  • acidulated water: aangesuurde water
  • acknowledge seizure {signal}: inbeslagneemerkenning
  • acknowledge: erken
  • acknowledged signalling code: erkenningseinkode
  • acknowledgement card: erkenningskaart
  • acknowledgement form: erkenningsvorm
  • acknowledgement of deposit: erkenning van deposito
  • acknowledgement of posting {eg parcel}: bewys van inlewering, inleweringsbewys
  • acknowledgement of receipt: erkenning van ontvangs, ontvangserkenning
  • aclinic line: magnetiese ewenaar
  • acorn nut: akkermoer
  • acorn tube: akkerbuis
  • acoustic coupler: akoestiese koppelaar
  • acoustic energy: akoestiese energie
  • acoustic feedback: akoestiese terugkoppeling
  • acoustic insulation: akoestiese isolasie
  • acoustic pressure: akoestiese druk
  • acoustic resonance: akoestiese resonansie
  • acoustic shock: akoestiese skok
  • acoustic speech power: akoestiese spraakkrag
  • acoustic speech pressure: akoestiese spraakdruk
  • acoustic treatment: akoestiese behandeling
  • acoustic wave: akoestiese golf
  • acoustic wave: klankgolf
  • acoustic-reflection curve: akoestieserefleksie-kromme
  • acoustic-shock absorber (acoustic-shock reducer): akoestieseskok-demper
  • acoustic-shock circuit: akoestieseskok-kring
  • acoustic-shock rectifier: akoestieseskok-gelykrigter
  • acoustics {eg of a hall}: akoestiek
  • acoustics {subject}: akoestiek, geluidsleer
  • acoustis impedance: akoestiese impedansie
  • acousto-electric index: akoestoelektriese indeks
  • acquire {data}: kry
  • acquire {frequency counter}: kies
  • acquisition time {frequency counter}: kiestyd
  • acquisition {data}: verkryging
  • acquisition {eg of satellite}: opsporing
  • across corners {head of bolt or nut}: oorhoeks
  • across-the-line starter (direct on-line starter, direct-on starter, direct-switching starter): direkaansitter
  • act of God: natuurkrag
  • act of grace: gunsbewys
  • act on instructions: in opdrag handel
  • act on: inwerk op
  • actinic screen: aktiniese skerm
  • actinometer: aktinometer
  • action date: aktiveerdatum
  • action plan (plan of action): aksieplan
  • action plan: aksieplan
  • action planning: aksiebeplanning
  • activate: aktiveer
  • activator: aktiveerder
  • active HIGH: aktief HOOG
  • active Low: aktiewe LAAG
  • active antenna: aktiewe antenne
  • active balance return loss: aktiewe balanseggoverswakking
  • active component: aktiewe komponent
  • active mass: aktiewe massa
  • active material: aktiewe materiaal
  • active network: aktiewe netwerk
  • active part: aktiewe deel
  • active region {logic technique}: aktiewe gebied
  • active singing point {radio}: aktiewe fluitpunt
  • active slope equaliser: aktiewe hellingeffenaar
  • active substance: aktiewe stof
  • active terminal {carrier system}: aktiewe eindpunt
  • active to active: aktief na aktief
  • active to inert: aktief na onaktief
  • active transducer: aktiewe oordraer
  • active-channel state: aktiewekanaal-staat
  • activity chart {human resources}: aktiwiteitdiagram
  • activity sampling (work sampling): aktiwiteitsteekproefneming
  • activity sampling: aktiwiteitsbemonstering
  • activity: aktiwiteit
  • acts and omissions: doen en late
  • actual amplification voltage: werklike versterkingspanning
  • actual current: werklike stroom
  • actual level: werklike peil
  • actual resistance: werklike weerstand
  • actual time: werklike tyd
  • actuarial calculation: aktuariele berekening
  • actuarial investigation: aktuariele ondersoek
  • actuarial service: aktuariele diens
  • actuate: aktueer, werk
  • actuating blade {reperforator}: werkstaaf
  • actuating lever (operating lever): werkhefboom
  • actuating movement {eg meter}: werkmeganiek
  • actuation {part of a mechanism}: aandrywing
  • actuator: aktueerder
  • acute angle {mathematics}: skerphoek
  • acyclic {machine}: eenpolig, eenpool-
  • acyclic: asiklies
  • ad valorem: ad valorem, volgens waarde
  • adapt: aanpas
  • adaptability: aanpasbaarheid
  • adaptation: adaptasie
  • adapter blade {vehicle jack}: passtuk
  • adapter panel: paspaneel
  • adapter plate: pasplaat
  • adapter tag: verbindstiffie
  • adapter {between apparatuses}: aanpasser
  • adapter {electricity}: pasprop
  • adapter {general}: passtuk
  • adapter-type flange: passtukflens
  • adaptive mode: aanpasmodus
  • add in-phase: infasig bytel
  • add mode: optelmodus
  • add {arithmetic}: optel
  • add {eg frequencies}: bytel
  • add-on conference: byvoegkonferensie
  • add-on module: byvoegmodule
  • add/subtract key: optel/aftrek-sleutel
  • add/subtract logic: optel/aftrek-logika
  • added mode {oscilloscope}: bytelmodus
  • added resistance: bygevoegde weerstand
  • addend: opteller
  • addendum circle {gear}: addendumsirkel
  • addendum {document}: addendum
  • addendum {gear tooth}: addendum
  • adder {electronics}: byteller
  • adder {physical circuit}: optelkring, teller
  • adder {punched-card machine}: opteller, teller
  • adding machine: optelmasjien
  • adding wheel (counter wheel) {punched-card machine}: telwiel
  • addition {arithmetic}: optelling
  • addition {eg frequencies}: bytelling
  • addition: byvoeging, toevoeging
  • additional agreement: addisionele ooreenkoms
  • additional calculation: addisionele berekening
  • additional charge: ekstra koste
  • additional clause: bykomende klousule
  • additional component logic {logic technique}: bykomponent
  • additional contribution: addisionele bydrae
  • additional duty {customs}: ekstra reg
  • additional duty: bykomende diens
  • additional jack {telephony}: byklink
  • additional post: ekstra pos
  • additional tax payment: belastingbybetaling
  • additional work: bykomende werk
  • additional: addisioneel, bykomend, ekstra
  • additive adj: additief
  • additive distortion (cumulative distortion): kumulatiese vervorming
  • additive flux: additiewe vloed
  • additive multilingualism: toegevoegde veeltaligheid
  • additive process {colour television}: additiewe proses
  • address bus {computer}: adresbus
  • address field: adresveld
  • address label: adresetiket
  • address n.: adres
  • address particulars: adresbesonderhede
  • address position {printer wheel}: verlangde stand
  • address side: adreskant
  • address v {also data processing - provide with an address}: adresseer
  • address v {also electric circuit}: aanspreek
  • address v.: toespreek
  • address {application}: rig
  • address-counter register: adrestelregister
  • address-program store: adresprogramgeheue
  • addressee: geadresseerde
  • addressing machine (addressograph): adresseermasjien
  • addressing structure: adresseerstruktuur
  • addressing wire: adresseerdraad
  • addressograph stencil: adresstensil
  • adhere to an agreement: by 'n ooreenkoms hou
  • adhesion point (point of adhesion): adhesiepunt
  • adhesion {eg insulation tape}: kleefvermoe
  • adhesive adj.: kleef-, plak-
  • adhesive backing {label}: kleefrug
  • adhesive band: kleefstrook
  • adhesive cement: kleefsement
  • adhesive dressing strip: kleefverbandstrokie
  • adhesive form: plakvorm
  • adhesive label (gummed label): gegomde etiket, gometiket, plaketiket
  • adhesive n.: kleefmiddel, kleefstof
  • adhesive paste: kleefpasta
  • adhesive plaster: hegpleister
  • adhesive stamp: plakseel
  • adhesive strip dressing: hegwonddekstrook
  • adhesive tape (sticky tape): kleefband
  • adiabatic compression: adiabatiese kompressie
  • adiactinic: adiaktinies
  • adjacent administration: buuradministrasie
  • adjacent angle (contigious angle): aangrensende hoek
  • adjacent cable: buurkabel
  • adjacent channel: buurkanaal
  • adjacent exchange {telephony}: buursentrale
  • adjacent pair: buurpaar
  • adjacent plot: aangrensende perseel
  • adjacent pole {telephone line}: buurpaal
  • adjacent pole: buurpool
  • adjacent spring: buurveer, naasveer
  • adjacent tag: buurstiffie
  • adjacent-channel interference ratio: buurkanaalsteurverhouding
  • adjacent-channel interference: buurkanaalsteuring
  • adjacent-channel selectivity: buurkanaalselektiwiteit
  • adjunct (attachment, fixture): hegstuk
  • adjust (adapt): aanpas
  • adjust {deficit}: aansuiwer
  • adjust {equipment}: stel
  • adjust {figures}: aanpas
  • adjustability: stelbaarheid
  • adjustable capacitor: stelbare kapasitor
  • adjustable contact screw: stelbare kontakskroef
  • adjustable contact: stelbare kontak
  • adjustable cutter {plane}: stelbare beitel
  • adjustable end stop: stelbare entstop
  • adjustable hook: stelbare haak
  • adjustable jig: stelbare setmaat
  • adjustable network: stelbare netwerk
  • adjustable pin: stelbare pen
  • adjustable pointer {meter}: stelbare wyser
  • adjustable prop: stelbare stut
  • adjustable resistor: stelbare resistor
  • adjustable spanner (adjustable wrench, shifting spanner): stelbare sleutel
  • adjustable theromstat: stelbare termostaat
  • adjustable: stelbaar, verstelbaar
  • adjuster: steller
  • adjusting block: stelblok
  • adjusting gauge: stelmaat
  • adjusting gland: steldrukmoer
  • adjusting nut: stelmoer
  • adjusting ring: stelring
  • adjusting rod: stelstang
  • adjusting screw: stelskroef
  • adjusting spring: stelveer
  • adjusting strap {eg waistcoat}: stelband
  • adjusting tool: stelgereedskapstuk, steller
  • adjusting voucher: aanpasbewys
  • adjusting-gland locknut: sluitmoer vir steldrukmoer
  • adjusting-ring holder: setlringhouer
  • adjusting-rod pillar: stelstandpilaar
  • adjustment account: sluitrekening
  • adjustment call: aanpassingsoproep
  • adjustment chart: stelkaart
  • adjustment instruction: stelinstruksie
  • adjustment of contributions: aanpassing van bydraes
  • adjustment of gain (gain adjustment): winsstelling
  • adjustment plate: stelplaat
  • adjustment slip: aanpassingstrook
  • adjustment time: steltyd
  • adjustment voucher: aansuiweringsbewys
  • adjustment {equipment}: stelling
  • adjustment {shortage}: aansuiwering
  • adjustment: aanpassing
  • adjustment: verstelling
  • administration order: administrasiebevel
  • administration {of oath}: afneming, oplegging
  • administration: administrasie
  • administrative branch: administratiewe tak
  • administrative conference: administratiewe konferensie
  • administrative division: administratiewe afdeling
  • administrative overhead charge: administratiewe bokoste
  • admiralty chart: admiraliteitskaart
  • admission valve: inlaatklep
  • admittance {electrical}: admittansie
  • admittance-unbalance bridge: admittansie-onbalansbrug
  • advance copy: vooreksemplaar
  • advance copy: vooruitgestuurde kopie
  • advance n.: voorskot
  • advance payment: vooruitbetaling
  • advance preparation {personal call}: vooruitreëling
  • advance print: voorafdruk
  • advance sample: voormonster
  • advance scale {spark distributor}: vervroegskaal
  • advance scale: vervroegingskaal
  • advance v {spark}: vervroeg
  • advance v. {eg serial number}: aanskuif
  • advance v.: voorskiet
  • advanced network processor (ANP): gevorderde netwerkprosesseerder, GNP
  • adverse balance: nadelige saldo
  • adverse line condition: ongunstige lyntoestand
  • adverse report: ongunstige verslag
  • advertisement die: reklamestempel
  • advertisement plate: advertensieplaat
  • advertisement slogan: reklameslagspreuk
  • advertising contractor: reklamekontrakteur
  • advertising matter: reklamestof
  • advertising research: reklamenavorsing, reklameadvertering
  • advertising {marketing}: reklameadvertering
  • advertising {post}: advertering
  • advertising: reklame
  • advice form: adviesvorm
  • advice n.: advies, raad
  • advice note: adviesbrief
  • advice of arrival: aankomsadvies
  • advice of delivery card (AR card, avis de r,ception card): afleweringsadvieskaart, AR-kaart
  • advice of delivery: afleweringsadvies
  • advice of embarkation: inskepingsadvies
  • advice of entry: inskrywingsadvies
  • advice of issue: uitreikingsadvies
  • advice of loading: laaiadvies
  • advice of non-delivery (non-delivery advice): advies van nie-aflewering
  • advice of parcel: pakketadvies
  • advice of payment: advies van uitbetaling, uitbetalingsadvies
  • advice of posting (posting advice): posadvies
  • advice of routing: roeteringsadvies
  • advice of shipment: verskepingsadvies
  • advice of transfer: oordragadvies
  • advice of withdrawal: opvragingsadvies
  • advice telegram: adviestelegram
  • advice: advies
  • advise: adviseer, raad gee
  • advise: adviseer, raadgee
  • advise: in kennis stel, meedeel, verwittig
  • advisory capacity: adviserende hoedanigheid, raadgewende hoedanigheid
  • advisory council: adviesraad
  • advisory engineer: adviserende ingenieur, raadgewende ingenieur
  • advisory note: adviesnota
  • aeradio station: lugvaartradiostasie
  • aeradio telegram: lugvaartradiotelegram
  • aeradio: lugvaartradio
  • aerial cable: bogrondse kabel
  • aerial coax system: bogrondse koaksstelsel
  • aerial conductor: bogrondse geleier
  • aerial feed: bogrondse toevoer
  • aerial line (overhead line): oorhoofse lyn
  • aerial postal communication: lugposverbinding
  • aerial {obsolete term - SEE antenna}: antenne
  • aerial-line construction (overhead-line construction): oorhoofselyn-aanleg, oorhoofselyn-konstruksie
  • aerodrome: vliegveld
  • aerofoil axial fan: stroomblad aksiale waaier
  • aerofoil blade {fan}: stroomblad
  • aerogram: aerogram
  • aeronautical fixed service: lugvaart vaste diens
  • aeronautical fixed station: lugvaart vaste stasie
  • aeronautical mobile service: lugvaart mobiele diens
  • aeronautical radio-navigation service: lugvaartradionavigasiediens
  • aeronautical service: lugvaardiens
  • aeronautical station licence: lugvaarstasielisensie
  • aeronautical station: lugvaarstasie
  • affidavit: beedigde verklaring
  • affiliate member: affiliaatlid
  • affiliated subscriber {telephony}: geaffilieerde huurder
  • affirmation {training}: selfbevestiging
  • affix {stamp}: opplak
  • affixing machine {stamps}: plakoutomaat
  • affordable: bekostigbaar
  • after-hours connection: na-ure-aansluiting
  • after-hours service key (night-service key, night-switching key): na-uresleutel
  • after-hours service: diens na ure, na-urediens
  • after-hours switching point: na-ureskakelpunt
  • afterburning: nabranding
  • aftercooler: nakoeler
  • aftereffect phenomenon: nawerkverskynsel
  • afterglow (persistence): nagloei
  • afterimage {data processing}: nabeeld
  • against payment: teen betaling
  • agate-roller spindle: agaatrollerspil
  • age cohort: ouderdomsgroepering
  • age limit: ouderdomsgrens
  • age v.: verouder
  • age-hardening: tydverharding
  • ageing: veroudering
  • agency exchange: agentsentrale
  • agency shop n.: vakbondagentskap
  • agency shop: vakbondagentskap
  • agency: agentskantoor
  • agenda: agenda, sakelys
  • agent {chemistry}: agens
  • agent's bag: agentsak
  • agent: agent, verteenwoordiger
  • agent: middel
  • agglomerate cell: agglomeraatsel
  • aggravating circumstances: verswarende omstandighede
  • aggregate amount (total sum): totale bedrag
  • aggregate n {calculating machine}: totaal
  • aggregate n {data}: samesteller
  • aggregate n. {concrete}: aggregaat, toeslag
  • aggregate signal: saamgestelde sein, totaalsein
  • aggregate speed {TDM}: samestelspoed
  • aggregated area: totale oppervlakte
  • aggregator {TDM}: samesteller
  • agonic line {magnetism}: agoniese lyn, agoon
  • agree to: toestem tot
  • agree with {mathematics}: ooreenstem met, strook met
  • agreement card: ooreenkomskaart
  • agreement firm: ooreenkomsfirma
  • agreement period: ooreenkomstermyn
  • agreement: ooreenkoms
  • agricultural parcel post: landboupakketpos
  • aid: hulpmiddel
  • aiding currents: meestrome
  • ailment: kwaal, ongesteldheid
  • aim n.: mikpunt, doelwit
  • aim v.: mik
  • air alarm: lugalarm
  • air balancing {air conditioning}: lugbalansering
  • air birck: lugsteen
  • air blast {explosion}: lugslag
  • air blast: lugblaasstroom
  • air bleed hole: luglaatgat
  • air bleeder: luglater
  • air block {cables}: lugversperring
  • air bottle: lugbottel
  • air brake: lugrem
  • air bubble: lugblasie
  • air capacitor: lugkapasitor
  • air chambe: lugkamer
  • air chuck: lugkloukop
  • air cleaner (air filter): lugfilter
  • air column: lugkolom
  • air compressor: lugkompressor
  • air conditioner: lugversorger
  • air conditioning: lugreeling, lugversorging
  • air conditioning: lugversorging
  • air container: lughouer
  • air conveyance (air transport): lugvervoer
  • air core: lugkern
  • air current: lugstroom
  • air dam {motorcar}: lugdam
  • air dessicator: lugdroer
  • air dielectric: lugdielektrikum
  • air diffuser: lugspreier
  • air discharge: lugafvoer
  • air duct: lugkanaal
  • air engine {diesel-engine starting}: druklugenjin
  • air failure: lugfaling
  • air flotation system {PC-card drill}: lugflotteerstelsel
  • air gap: lugspleet
  • air grill: lugrooster
  • air hardeing {steel}: lugverharding
  • air hose: lugslang
  • air insulation: lugisolasie
  • air line: lugleiding, luglyn
  • air n.: lug
  • air nozzle: lugnossel
  • air outlet: luguitlaat
  • air parcel (air postal parcel): lugpakket
  • air parcel post: lugpakketpos
  • air partner{ eg games shows on TV}: tuisvennoot
  • air passage: lugkanaal
  • air path: lugbaan
  • air plant: luginstallasie
  • air pressure: lugdruk
  • air quantity: lughoeveelheid
  • air rate: lugtarief
  • air receiver (air vessel, receiver) {oil separator}: lugtenk
  • air receiver: lughouer
  • air regulator: lugreëlaar
  • air route: lugroete
  • air service: lugdiens
  • air strangler: smoorder
  • air supply: lugtoevoer
  • air surcharge: lugheffing
  • air throw {air conditioning}: lugblaasafstand
  • air ticket: lugkaartjie
  • air traffic: lugverkeer
  • air transmission {mail}: lugversending
  • air v.: lug
  • air washer {air conditioning}: lugwasser
  • air waybill: lug-vragbrief
  • air-break switch: lugverbreekskakelaar
  • air-cell battery: lugselbattery
  • air-cell injection: lugselinspuiting
  • air-conditioning apparatus: lugversorgapparaat
  • air-conditioning plant: lugversorginstallasie
  • air-conditioning unit: lugversorgeenheid
  • air-conveyance charge (air-transportation charge): lugvervoerkoste
  • air-cooled air-conditioner: lugverkoelde lugversorger
  • air-cooled: lugverkoel
  • air-core cable: lugkernkabel
  • air-core choke: lugkernsmoorspoel
  • air-core coil: lugkernspoel
  • air-core inductor: lugkerninduktor
  • air-core transformer: lugkerntransformator
  • air-depolarised primary cell: luggedepolariseerde primêre sel
  • air-distribution system: lugverspreidingstelsel
  • air-engine: lugenjin
  • air-freight facilities: lugvragfasiliteite
  • air-gap inductance: lugspleetinduktansie
  • air-gap inductor: lugspleetinduktor
  • air-gap lightning arrester: lugspleetblitsafleier
  • air-gap protector: lugspleetafleier
  • air-gap transformer: lugspleettransformator
  • air-handling unit: lughanteereenheid
  • air-hardening steel: lughardingstaal
  • air-injection engine: luginspuitenjin
  • air-intake louvre: luginlaathortjie
  • air-intake: luginlaat
  • air-line distance: reguitlynafstand
  • air-line lubricator (in-line lubricating bottle, line lubricator): druklugsmeerder
  • air-line pressure: lugleidingdruk
  • air-operated chuck: lugkloukop
  • air-operated expanding mandrel: lugdrukuitdyspil
  • air-operated toggle-action bench press: druklugskarnierbankpers
  • air-parcel bill: lugpakketlys
  • air-position indicator: lugposisieaanwyser
  • air-pressure alarm system: lugdrukalarmstelsel
  • air-pressure valve: lugdrukklep
  • air-relief valve: lugontlasklep
  • air-relief vent (air vent, atmospheric vent, relief vent, vent): ontlugter
  • air-space cable: lugisolasiekabel
  • air-storage bottle: lugbottel
  • air-supply pipe: lugtoevoerpyp
  • air-to-air frequency response: lug-tot-lug-frekwensieweergawe
  • air-volume control {apparatus}: lugvolumekontrole
  • air-volume control: lugvolumebeheer
  • air/acetylene heating set: lug/asetileen-verhitter
  • air/fuel mixture: lug/brandstof-mengsel
  • air/fuel ratio: lug/brandstof-verhouding
  • air/oil mixture: lug/olie-mengsel
  • air/oil separator: lug/olie-skeier
  • aircraft antenna: vliegtuigantenne
  • aircraft call sign: vliegtuigroepsein
  • aircraft call: vliegtuigoproep
  • aircraft station: vliegboordstasie, vliegtuigstasie
  • aircraft-station licence: vliegtuigstasielisensie
  • aircraft: vliegtuig
  • airflow grill: lugvloeirooster
  • airflow: lugvloeiing
  • airless injection: lugvry inspuiting
  • airless-injection engine: enjin met lugvry inspuiting
  • airline (air-transport company): lugredery, lugvaartmaatskappy
  • airliner: lynvliegtuig, vliegtuig
  • airlock: lugslot
  • airmail account: lugposrekening
  • airmail bag: lugpossak
  • airmail boxes key {sorting machine}: lug-buspossleutel
  • airmail correspondence: lugposkorrespondensie
  • airmail delivery bill: lugposafleweringslys
  • airmail dispatch: lugposversending
  • airmail disposal sheet: lugposversendingstaat
  • airmail distance: lugposafstand
  • airmail label: lugposetiket
  • airmail letter: lugposbrief
  • airmail line: lugposlyn
  • airmail packet: lugpospakkie
  • airmail parcel service: lugpospakketdiens
  • airmail postage rate (airmail rate): lugpostarief
  • airmail route: lugposroete
  • airmail section: lugposseksie
  • airmail service: lugposdiens
  • airmail streets key {sorting machine}: lug-straatpostoets
  • airmail surcharge: lugposheffing
  • airmail traffic: lugposverkeer
  • airmail: lugpos
  • airport of loading: laailughawe
  • airport of unloading: aflaailughawe
  • airport: lughawe
  • airspace: lugruim
  • airstream: lugstroom
  • airtight cap: lugdigte dop
  • airtight: lugdig
  • airways letter post: lugdiensbriefpos
  • aisle: gang
  • alarm and change-over panel: alarm-en-oorskakelpaneel
  • alarm bell: alarmklok
  • alarm busbar: alarmstam
  • alarm circuit: alarmkring
  • alarm classification block: alarmindelingsblok
  • alarm cut-off key: alarmafsnysleutel
  • alarm delay panel: alarmvertraagpaneel
  • alarm display panel: alarmvertoonpaneel
  • alarm extension: alarmverlenging
  • alarm fuse: alarmsekering
  • alarm integrator: alarmintegreerder
  • alarm lamp: alarmlamp
  • alarm rele set: alarmrelestel
  • alarm relay: alarmrele
  • alarm release: alarmvrymaking
  • alarm seeker {teleprinter}: alarmsoeker
  • alarm signal: alarmsein
  • alarm spring assembly: alarmveersamestel
  • alarm test key: alarmtoetssleutel
  • alarm trip arm: alarmuitklinkarm
  • alarm trunk unit: alarmhooflyneenheid
  • alarm-clock service: wekdiens
  • alarm-equipment rack: alarmtoerustingraam
  • alarm-key lamp: alarmsleutellamp
  • alarm-type fuse: alarmsekering
  • alarm: alarm
  • album continuation sheet {philately}: albumvervolgblad
  • algorithm {computer}: algoritme
  • aliasing distortion: oorvleuelvervorming
  • aliasing factor {PCM}: aliaseerfout
  • alienation: vervreemding
  • align v. {wheels}: spoor
  • align v.: in lyn bring, lynrig, rig
  • align {eg equipment to signal pattern}: in ooreenstemming bring
  • aligned slot: gerigte gleuf
  • aligned-grid valve: rigroosterbuis
  • alignment gauge: sporingmeter
  • alignment mark (centre mark) {microfilm}: rigmerk
  • alignment {wheels}: sporing
  • alignment: instelling
  • alignment: lynrigting, rigting
  • alkali metal: alkalimetaal
  • alkaline primary paint: alkaliese grondverf
  • all comers system {labour relations}: ope stelsel
  • all concerned: alle belanghebbendes, alle betrokkenes
  • all space combination - should be ALL START combination: ALMAL AANSIT-kombinasie
  • all-comers approach {human resources}: ope benadering
  • all-geared headstock {lathe}: geratte vaste kop
  • all-night service: heelnagdiens
  • all-pass network: aldeurlaatnetwerk
  • all-rounder n.: veelsydige persoon, veelsydige speler
  • all-space control lever: alrusbeheerhefboom
  • all-space signal: alrussein
  • all-up service: alslugposdiens
  • all-up {mail}: sonder ekstra posgeld
  • all-wave antenna: algolfantenne
  • all-wave radio: algolfradio
  • all-wave receiver: algolfontvanger
  • all-weather coat: alleweerjas
  • all-zero word: alzerowoord
  • allied equipment: verwante toerusting
  • alligator clip (crocodile clip): kaaimanklem
  • allocate (allot) {also frequencies}: toewys
  • allocate {quarters}: toeken
  • allocate: allokeer
  • allocated work: toegewese werk
  • allocation (allotment) {also frequencies}: toewysing
  • allocation of charge: toewysing van koste
  • allocation scheme: toewysingskema
  • alloter driving magnet: toewyseraandryfmagneet
  • alloter fault: toewyserfout
  • alloter interrupter spring: toewyseronderbrekerveer
  • alloter relè set: toewyserreléstel
  • alloter stepping circuit: toewyserstapkring
  • alloter {also automatic telephone}: toewyser
  • allowable error {marketing}: toelaatbare fout
  • allowable error: toelaatbare fout
  • allowable time {PNA}: toelaatbare tyd
  • allowable variatioin: toelaatbare variasie
  • allowance: toelae, toelaag
  • allowed time: toegewese tyd
  • alloy contact: legeringkontak, allooikontak
  • alloy steel: legeringstaal, allooistaal
  • alloy: legering, allooi
  • alloyed junction diode: legeringvoegvlakdiode
  • alloying action: allieerwerking, legeerwerking
  • ally v.: verenig
  • alni (aluminium nickel): alni, aluminiumnikkel
  • alnico (aluminium nickel cobalt): alniko, aluminiumnikkelkobalt
  • alnico generator: alnikogenerator
  • alpha brass: alfageelkoper
  • alpha coding: alfakodering
  • alpha oscillation: alfaossillasie
  • alpha particle: alfadeeltjie
  • alpha ray: alfastraal
  • alpha: alfa
  • alphabetic sign: lettersein
  • alphabetical index: alfabetiese indeks
  • alphabetical order: alfabetiese orde, alfabetiese volgorde
  • alphabetical routing code: alfaroeteerkode
  • alphanumeric input: alfanumeriese inset
  • alphanumeric mode: alfanumeriese modus
  • alphanumerical punch machine: alfanumeriese ponsmasjien
  • alphasearch {Telebank procedure}: alfasoek
  • alterable: veranderbaar
  • alteration of address (change of address): adresverandering, verandering van adres
  • alteration of alignment: eiendomslynverandering, rooilynverandering
  • alteration of name: naamsverandering
  • alteration: verandering, verbouing
  • alternate digit inversion unit: al-om-die-ander-syfer-omkeereenheid, oorslaansyferomkeereenheid
  • alternate digit inversion: al-om-die-ander-syfer-omkering, oorslaansyferomkering
  • alternate half cycle: al-om-die-ander-halfsiklus
  • alternate mark inversion (AMI): al-om-die-ander-merk-omleiding, OMO, oorslaanmerkomkering
  • alternate mark inversion circuit: al-om-die-ander-merk-omkeerkring, oorslaanmerkomkeerkring
  • alternate mode {oscilloscope}: om-die-beurt-mods, wisselmodus
  • alternate n.: plaasvervanger
  • alternate n.: sekundus
  • alternate operation: beurtwerking
  • alternate v.: afwissel, wissel
  • alternate voice/data telephone (AVD telephone, V/D telephone): S/D-telefoon, spraak/data-telefoon
  • alternate-channel interference: derdekanaalsteuring
  • alternating component: wisselkomponent
  • alternating magnetic field: wisselende magnetiese veld
  • alternating quantity: wisselgrootheid
  • alternating voltage: wisselspanning
  • alternating-current bell: wisselstroomklokkie
  • alternating-current generator: wisselstroomgenerator
  • alternating-current mains: wisselstroomnet
  • alternating-current pulsing: wisselstroompulsering
  • alternating-current resistance: wisselstroomweerstand
  • alternating-current ripple: wisselstroomrimpel
  • alternating-current supply: wisselstroomtoevoer
  • alternating-current unlock signal: wisselstroomontsluitsein
  • alternation: wisseling
  • alternative route: alternatiewe roete, ander roete
  • alternative routing: alternatiewe roetering
  • alternative-routing facility: alternatieweroeteringfasiliteit
  • alternator excitation ring: alternatoropwekring
  • alternator: alternator
  • altimeter: altimeter, hoogtemeter
  • altitude measurement {theodolite}: hoogtemeting
  • alum trough: aluintrog
  • aluminised screen: gealuminiseerde skerm, gealumineerde skerm
  • aluminium alloy: aluminiumlegering, aluminiumallooi
  • aluminium equal angle (aluminium equal angle section): gelykbenige aluminiumprofiel
  • aluminium oxide: aluminiumoksied
  • aluminium paint: aluminiumverf
  • aluminium sulphate: aluminiumsulfaat
  • aluminium-base die-casting (aluminium die-casting): aluminiumbasismatrysgieting,
  • aluminiumbasismatrysgietwerk
  • aluminium/polyehtylene laminate cable (APL cable): aluminium/polietileen-lamelkabel, APL-kabel
  • aluminium: aluminium
  • amalgaline: amalgalien
  • amalgam: amalgaam
  • amalgamate: amalgameer
  • amalgamation: amalgamasie, amalgamering
  • amateur band {radio}: amateurband
  • amateur radio station: amateurradiostasie
  • amateur radio zone: amateurradiosone
  • amateur service: amateurdiens
  • amateur station licence: amateurstasielisensie
  • amateur station: amateurstasie
  • amateur's licence: amateurslisensie
  • ambient illumination: omgewingsverligting
  • ambient noise: omgewingsruis
  • ambient relative humidity: relatiewe omgewingshumiditeit
  • ambient temperature {of large space}: omgewingstemperatuur
  • ambient temperature: omringende temperatuur
  • ambiguity: dubbelsinnigheid
  • amenability to discipline: vatbaarheid vir dissipline
  • amend: wysig
  • amending docket: wysigingsvorm
  • amendment slip: wysigingstrook
  • amendment: wysiging
  • amenities fund: geriewefonds
  • ammeter (ampere-meter): ammeter, ampèremeter
  • ammeter range key: ammeterstreksleutel
  • ammeter shunt: ammetersjunt
  • ammonal: ammonal
  • ammonia gas: ammoniakgas
  • ammonium chloride paste: ammoniumchloriedpasta
  • ammonium chloride: ammoniumchloried
  • amorphous carbon: amorfe koolstof
  • amorphous glass: amorfe glas
  • amortisation cost: amortisasiekoste
  • amosite asbestos fibre: amosietasbesvesel
  • amount due: verskuldigde bedrag
  • amount outstanding: uitstaande bedrag
  • amperage: stroomsterkte
  • ampere-hour: ampère-uur
  • ampere-turn: ampèrewinding
  • ampere/turn gain: ampère/winding-wins
  • ampere: ampère
  • amphoteric substance: amfotere stof
  • amplification factor: versterkfaktor
  • amplification: versterking
  • amplified line {telephone}: versterkte lyn
  • amplifier calibration: versterkerkalibrering
  • amplifier detector: versterkerdetektor
  • amplifier efficiency: versterkerrendement
  • amplifier handset: versterkerhandstuk
  • amplifier input pad: versterkeringangslid
  • amplifier noise: versterkerruis
  • amplifier set: versterekstel
  • amplifier: versterker
  • amplify: versterk
  • amplifying stage: versterktrap
  • amplifying valve: versterkbuis
  • amplitude assessor: amplitudebepaler
  • amplitude bounce: amplitudeskommeling
  • amplitude clipping: amplitude-afkapping
  • amplitude discriminator: amplitudediskrimineerder
  • amplitude distortion (fundamental component distortion): amplitudevervorming
  • amplitude gate (slicer): amplitudehek
  • amplitude limiter: amplitudebegrenser
  • amplitude peak: amplitudepiek
  • amplitude scaling {electronics}: amplitudeskaling
  • amplitude variation: amplitudevariasie
  • amplitude-distortion factor (fundamental component distortion factor): amplitudevervormingsfaktor
  • amplitude-modulated signal: amplitudegemoduleerde sein
  • amplitude-modulated telephony: amplitudegemoduleerde telefonie
  • amplitude-modulated wave: amplitudegemoduleerde golf
  • amplitude-modulation monitor: amplitudemodulasiemonitor
  • amplitude-modulation suppression ratio: amplitudemodulasie-onderdrukkingsverhouding
  • amplitude/frequency distortion: amplitude/frekwensie-vervorming
  • amplitude: amplitude
  • anallatic lens: anallatiese lens
  • analog computer: analoogrekenaar
  • analog gate: analooghek
  • analog generator: analooggenerator
  • analogue (analog): analoog
  • analogy: analogie
  • analyse v.: analiseer, ontleed
  • analyse: analiseer, ontleed
  • analysed statement: ontledingstaat
  • analyser {chemistry}: analis
  • analyser {eg optics}: analisator
  • analyser {radio}: ontleder
  • analyser: analiseerder, ontleder
  • analysis column: ontledingskolom
  • analysis count: analisetelling, ontledingstelling
  • analysis meter {telephone calls}: ontleedteller
  • analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) {marketing}: kovariansieontleding
  • analysis of differences {marketing}: ontleding van verskille
  • analysis of variance {marketing}: variansieontleding
  • analysis schedule: ontledingstaat
  • analysis sheet: ontledingstaat
  • analysis: analise
  • analysis: analise, ontleding
  • analytic estimate: analitiese beraming
  • analytical estimate {human resources}: analitiese raming, analitiese beraming
  • analytical table: ontledingstabel
  • anamorphic lens {projector}: anamorfiese lens
  • anchor iron: ankeryster
  • anchor pillar: ankerpilaar
  • anchor pin (stay peg): ankerpen
  • anchor plate (stay plate): ankerplaat
  • anchor post (bench mark position): ankerpos, normpos
  • anchor ring: ankerring
  • anchorage: ankering, verankering
  • anchorage: ankerplek
  • anchoring bracket: ankersteun
  • anchoring cord: ankerkoord
  • ancillary adj. (auxiliary, subsidiary): hulp-
  • ancillary answering equipment: hulpantwoordtoerusting
  • ancillary circuit(auxiliary circuit): hulpkring
  • ancillary concentrator: hulpkonsentreerder
  • ancillary conveyor: hulpvervoerder
  • ancillary jack {telephony}: hulpklink
  • ancillary work {human resources}: ondergeskikte werk
  • and (AND) v. {logic technique}: EN, en
  • anded (ANDED) {logic technique}: ge-ende, ge-ENDE
  • anechoic chamber: eggolose kamer
  • angle bracket: hoeksteun
  • angle cutter: hoekfrees
  • angle fitting: hoektoebehoorsel
  • angle gauge: hoekmaat
  • angle iron: hoekyster
  • angle modulation: hoekmodulasie
  • angle of bend: buighoek
  • angle of crossing: kruisingshoek
  • angle of declination: deklinasiehoek
  • angle of deflection: defleksiehoek
  • angle of deviation: afwykingshoek
  • angle of dip (angle of inclination) {eg magnetic needle}: inklinasiehoek
  • angle of dip (gradient angle) {general}: hellingshoek
  • angle of elevation: elevasiehoek
  • angle of fire {antenna}: righoek
  • angle of flow {alternating current}: vloeihoek
  • angle of incidence: invalshoek
  • angle of lag (lag angle): naloophoek
  • angle of lead: voorloophoek
  • angle of loss (loss angle): verlieshoek
  • angle of polarisation: polarisasiehoek
  • angle of presentation {chisel}: snyhoek
  • angle of radiation (radiation angle): stralingshoek
  • angle of reflection: kaatshoek, refleksiehoek
  • angle of refraction: refraksiehoek
  • angle of scattering: strooiingshoek
  • angle of view {television}: kykhoek
  • angle or repose {eg sand}: rushoek
  • angle piece: hoekstuk
  • angle plate: hoekplaat
  • angle pole: hoekpaal
  • angle pull: hoektrekkrag
  • angle screwdriver: hoekskroewedraaier
  • angle section {drawing}: hoekprofiel
  • angle section {switchboard}: hoekseksie
  • angle section: hoekyster
  • angle standard: hoekpaal
  • angle stay: hoekanker
  • angle tracking: hoekvolging
  • angle {of person}: gesigshoek
  • angle-grinding jig: hoekslypsetapparaat, hoekslypsetmaat
  • angle-poise lamp: standstellamp
  • angle: hoek
  • anglesite: anglesiet
  • angstrom unit: angstromeenheid
  • angular aperture {reflector}: hoekopening
  • angular clearance: hoekvryruimte
  • angular distance: hoekafstand
  • angular frequency (radian frequency): hoekfrekwensie
  • angular indexing {distributor head}: hoekinstelling
  • angular magnet: hoekmagneet
  • angular movement: hoekbeweging
  • angular position: hoekstand
  • angular set: hoekset
  • angular spacing {antenna}: hoekspasiering
  • angular velocity: hoeksnelheid
  • animation device {projector}: aanskuiwer
  • anion: anioon
  • anisotropic: anisotroop
  • anneal: uitgloei
  • annealed copper: uitgegloeide koper
  • annex (annexe): anneks, bygebou
  • annex (annexe, annexure, appendix): aanhangsel
  • annex v.: toevoeg as bylae
  • annual charge: jaarkoste
  • annual consumption figure: jaarlikse verbruiksyfer
  • annual leave: jaarlikse verlof
  • annual report: jaarverslag
  • annuity: jaargeld
  • annular band grouping: groepering volgens ringgebiede
  • annular component: ringvormige onderdeel
  • annular magnet (ring-shaped magnet): ringmagneet
  • annular space: ringruimte
  • annunciator (automatic exchange, fire alarm}: verklikker
  • annunciator drop: verklikkerklap
  • anode area: anodegebied
  • anode battery: anodebattery
  • anode breakdown voltage: anodedeurslagspanning
  • anode characteristic curve: anodekenkromme
  • anode choke: anodesmoorspoel
  • anode converter: anodeomsetter
  • anode current: anodestroom
  • anode dissipation: anodedissipasie
  • anode efficiency: anoderendement
  • anode film: anodefilm
  • anode grid: anoderooster
  • anode keying: anodesleuteling
  • anode load: anodelas
  • anode power input: anode-inset
  • anode resistance: anodeweerstand
  • anode screen: anodeskerm
  • anode segment: anodesegment
  • anode sheath {gas discharge}: anodehulsel
  • anode stopper: anodeonderdrukker
  • anode tuned circuit (tuned-anode circuit): ingestemde anodekring
  • anode valve: anodebuis
  • anode-bend detection: anodebuigingdeteksie, anodedeteksie
  • anode-bend detector: anodedetektor
  • anode-bend rectification (anode rectification): anodegelykrigting
  • anode-coupling circuit: anodekoppelkring
  • anode-current swing: anodestroomswaai
  • anode-decouling resistor: anodeontkoppelresistor
  • anode-feed resistor (anode resistor): anoderesistor
  • anode-grid capacitance: anode/rooster-kapasitansie
  • anode-supply voltage: anodevoerspanning
  • anode/cathode voltage: anode/katode-spanning
  • anode: anode
  • anodic oxidation (anodic treatment, anodising): anodisering
  • anomalous dispersion: anomale dispersie, anomale spreiding
  • anomalous displacement current: anomale verskuiwingstroom
  • anomalous magnet: anomale magneet, volgpoolmagneet
  • anomalous magnetisation: anomale magnetisering
  • answer back v. {telegraphy}: terugantwoord
  • answer meter pulse: antwoordtelpuns
  • answer meter signal: antwoordtelsein
  • answer plug: antwoordprop
  • answer pulse: antwoordpuls
  • answer signal: antwoordsein
  • answer supervisory condition: antwoordtoesigtoestand
  • answer supervisory lamp: antwoordtoesiglamp
  • answer {eg question}: beantwoord
  • answer {general}: antwoord
  • answer-back alarm: terugantwoordalarm
  • answer-back code: terugantwoordkode
  • answer-back drum: terugantwoordtrommel
  • answer-back logo: terugantwoordlogo
  • answer-back n {telegraphy}: terugantwoord
  • answer-back rundown: terugantwoordeenheidlooptyd
  • answer-back trip cam: terugantwoordeenheidwerknok
  • answer-back unit: terugantwoordeenheid
  • answer-back ward {teleprinter}: kodeplaatjie
  • answer-control circuit: antwoordbeheerkring
  • answer-delay lamp: antwoordvertraaglamp
  • answer-side ring connection: antwoordkantringverbinding
  • answer-side ring key (ring answer key): antwoordkantluisleutel
  • answer/finish key: antwoord/klaar-sleutel
  • answer/seizure ratio (ASR): APV, antwoord/poging-verhouding
  • answering condition: antwoordtoestand
  • answering cord (back cord): antwoordsnoer
  • answering equipment: antwoordtoerusting
  • answering extension: antwoordbylyn
  • answering facility: antwoordfasiliteit
  • answering jack (home jack): antwoordklink
  • answering key (answer key): antwoordsleutel
  • answering lamp: antwoordlamp
  • answering multiple: antwoordmultipel
  • answering service: antwoorddiens
  • answering side (answer side): antwoordkant
  • antedate: terugdateer
  • antenna ammeter: antenneammeter
  • antenna array: rigantennenet
  • antenna bay: antennestel
  • antenna capacitance: antennekapasitansie
  • antenna capacitor: antennekapasitor
  • antenna centre: antennemiddelpunt
  • antenna changeover switch: antenneoorskakelaar
  • antenna circuit: antennekring
  • antenna coupler: antennekoppelaar
  • antenna coupling: antennekoppeling
  • antenna current: antennestroom
  • antenna curtain: antennegordyn
  • antenna directivity: antennerigeffek
  • antenna earthing switch: antenneaardingskakelaar
  • antenna effect: antenne-effek
  • antenna elelment: antenne-element
  • antenna excitation: antenneopwekking
  • antenna feed impedance: antennevoerimpedansie
  • antenna feed-point impedance: antennevoerpuntimpedansie
  • antenna feed: antennetoevoer
  • antenna feeding point: antennevoerpunt
  • antenna frame: antenneraam
  • antenna gain: antennewins
  • antenna height: antennehoogte
  • antenna impedance: antenne-impedansie
  • antenna inductance: antenne-induktansie
  • antenna input impedance: antenne-ingangsimpedansie
  • antenna insulation: antenne-isolasie
  • antenna insulator: antenne-isolator
  • antenna lead-in: antenne-inleidraad
  • antenna loss: antenneverlies
  • antenna mast: antennemas
  • antenna matching: antenneaanpassing
  • antenna of high directivity: fynrigantenne
  • antenna radiation pattern: antennestralingspatroon
  • antenna radiation resistance: antennestralingsweerstand
  • antenna radiation: antennestraling
  • antenna reactance: antennereaktansie
  • antenna resistance: antenneweerstand
  • antenna series capacitor: antenneseriekapasitor
  • antenna socket: antennesok
  • antenna spacing: antennespasiering
  • antenna splitter: antennesplitser
  • antenna system: antennestelsel
  • antenna transformer: antennetransformator
  • antenna tuner: antenne-instemmer
  • antenna tuning: antenne-instemming
  • antenna wavelength: antennegolflengte
  • antenna-tuned circuit: antenne-ingestemde kring
  • antenna-tuning capacitor: antenne-instemkapasitor
  • antenna-tuning coil: intenne-instemspoel
  • antenna-tuning inductance: antenne-insteminduktansie
  • antenna-tuning unit (ATU): antenne-instemeenheid, AIE
  • antenna/earth capacitance: antenne/aarde-kapasitansie
  • antenna: antenne
  • anti-acring screen: oorvonkskerm
  • anti-electrolysis covering: elektrolisewerende bedekking
  • anti-erosie coating: erosiewerende laag
  • anti-induction network: teeninduksienetwerk
  • anti-interference antenna system: steuringwerende antennestelsel
  • anti-set-off powder spray {printed matter}: antismetpoeiersproei
  • anti-snakebite serum (antivenomous serum): slangbytserum
  • antiblowpipe safe: branderbestande brandkas
  • antibounce pawl: wipperweerpal
  • antibounce plate {spring set}: wipperweerplaat
  • anticapacitance switch: teenkapasitansieskakelaar
  • anticarburizing paint: teendopverhardingsverf
  • antichafe device: skaafweertoestel
  • antichatter spring: klapperdempveer
  • anticipate: antisipeer
  • anticipated saving: verwagte besparing
  • anticlimbing device: klimversperring
  • anticlockwise (counterclockwise): teenkloksgewys
  • anticlockwise end (counterclockwise end): teenkloksgewyse ent
  • anticlockwise polarised wave (counterclockwise polarised wave, left-hand polarised wave): teenkloksgewys
  • gepolariseerde golf
  • anticorona ring: antikoronaring
  • anticorrosive adj.: korrosiewerend
  • anticorrosive film (anticorrosive layer): korrosiewerende laag
  • anticorrosive finish: korrosiewerende afwerking
  • anticreep device: kruipwerende toestel
  • antidiffusing screen: teendiffusieskerm
  • antidribble delivery tube: drupwerende leweringspyp
  • antidribble delivery valve: drupwerende leweringsklep
  • antidribble valve: drupwerende klep
  • antifading antenna: deiningwerende antenne
  • antifading device: deiningwerende toestel
  • antifading frequency modulation: deiningwerende frekwensiemodulasie
  • antifading phase modulation: deiningwerende fasemodulasie
  • antifoaming additive: skuimweerbymiddel
  • antifreeze plate (residual plate) {rele}: teenkleefplaat
  • antifreeze: vriesweermiddel
  • antifreezer: vriesweerder
  • antifriction alloy: wrywingbestande legering, wrywingbestande allooi
  • antijitter circuit: bibberweerkring
  • antikickback device: terugskopweerder
  • antilog amplifier: antilogversterker
  • antilog table: antilogtabel
  • antilogarithm: antilogaritme
  • antimicrophonic valve: nie-mikrofoniese buis
  • antimonial lead: antimoonlood
  • antimony: antimoon
  • antinode: teennodus
  • antiphase (counterphase): teenfase
  • antipinprick public telephone: prikvaste openbare telefoon
  • antireaction {radio}: teenterugkoppeling
  • antiresonance circuit: teenresonansiekring
  • antiresonance frequency: teenresonansiefrekwensie
  • antiresonance: teenresonansie
  • antiscuffing oil (ASO): skuurwerende olie, SWO
  • antiseptic emulsion: antiseptiese emulsie
  • antisidetone coil: bytoondempspoel
  • antisidetone device: bytoondemptoestel
  • antisidetone induction coil (ASTIC): bytoondempinduksiespoel, ASTIC
  • antisinging devide: fluitdemper
  • antisinging voice-operated device (vodas): spraakfluitdemper, vodas
  • antistatic system (static-eliminator system): statiekweer-stelsel
  • antistick roller: gladlooproller
  • antisulphuric paint: swaelsuurwerende verf
  • antitransmit/receive cell: send/ontvang-spersel
  • antivibration mounting: trillingdempmontasie, trillingdempmontering
  • anvil: aambeeld
  • any changes {in legal documents}: alle veranderings
  • aperiodic antenna: aperiodiese antenne
  • aperiodic circuit: aperiodiese rking
  • aperiodic galvanometer (dead-beat galvanometer): aperiodiese galvanometer, kritiek gedempte
  • galvanometer
  • aperiodic sound: aperiodiese klank
  • aperiodic: aperiodies
  • aperture (lens aperture) {photography}: lensopening
  • aperture angle {antenna}: nuttigestraling-hoek
  • aperture card: vensterkaart
  • aperture {general}: opening
  • aperture-card reader {microfilm}: vensterkaartleser
  • apex inductor: toppuntinduktor
  • apex plate: toppuntplaat
  • apparatus aisle: apparaatgang
  • apparatus bay: apparaatraam
  • apparatus closet: apparaatkamertjie
  • apparatus mounting: apparaatmontasie, apparaatmontering
  • apparatus room: apparaatkamer
  • apparatus shelf: apparaatrak
  • apparatus: apparaat
  • apparent power: skynkrag
  • apparent radiation constant: skynbare stralingskonstante
  • apparent resistance: skynweerstand
  • apparent watts: skynbare watts
  • appeal authority: appelgesag
  • appliance: toestel
  • applicant (eg for work): aansoeker
  • applicant {eg for leave}: aanvraer
  • applicant {eg for work}: aansoeker
  • applicant: aansoeker
  • application (employment): gebruik
  • application design {computer}: toepassingsontwerp
  • application for leave: aansoek om verlof
  • application for transfer {eg account, staff}: aansoek om oorplasing
  • application for transfer {person}: aansoek om verplasing
  • application form: aansoekvorm
  • application program: toepassingsprogram
  • application programming: toepassingsprogrammering
  • application system: toepassingstelsel
  • application {eg paint}: aanwending
  • application {eg rules and regulations}: toepassing
  • application/agreement form: aansoek-en-ooreenkomsvorm
  • application: aansoek
  • application: aanwending, toepassing
  • applications register: aansoekregister
  • applie force: uitgeoefende krag
  • applied electric field: aangelegde elektriese veld
  • applied signal: aangelegde sein
  • applied voltage: aangelegde spanning
  • appliqu, circuit: appliekkring
  • apply {cable sheath}: aanbring
  • apply {eg for leave}: aansoek doen, aanvra
  • apply {eg rules and regulations}: toepas
  • apply {eg tension gauge}: hou
  • apply {handbrake}: vastrek
  • apply {mechanical power}: uitoefen
  • apply {ointment/paint}: aanwend
  • apply {voltage, standard}: aanle
  • apply: gebruik
  • apply: toepas
  • appointee n.: aangestelde
  • appointee: aangestelde
  • appointment advice: afspraakadvies
  • appointment approved: aanstelling goedgekeur
  • appointment confirmed: aanstelling bekragtig
  • appointment service (fixed-time service) {telephone service}: afspraakdiens
  • appointment: aanstelling
  • appointment: afspraak
  • appointment: betrekking
  • apportionment: toedeling
  • appraise {performance}: beoordeel
  • appreciation {galvanometer}: verskilgevoeligheid
  • appreciation {of value}: appresiasie, waardevermeerdering
  • appreciation: waardering
  • apprentice: vakleerling
  • apprenticeship period (pupilage): leertyd
  • approach n {eg cooling tower}: nadering
  • appropriate licence: toepaslike lisensie
  • appropriate v: bewillig
  • appropriated sum: bewilligde bedrag
  • appropriation account: appropriasierekening, winsverdelingrekening
  • appropriation act: begrotingswet
  • appropriation {amount}: bewilliging
  • approximate date: benaderde datum, datum by benadering
  • approximate v.: benader, by benadering bepaal
  • approximately: by benadering, naastenby, ongeveer
  • apron file: skortleer
  • apron {eg concrete}: blad
  • apron }eg switchboard}: skort
  • aptitude test: aanlegtoets
  • aqtenna transmission line: antennetransmissielyn
  • aqueous-developed film: waterontwikkelde film
  • aqueous-stripped dry-film polymer: watergestroopte droefilmpolimeer
  • arbitrary abbreviation: arbitrere afkorting
  • arbitrary address: arbitrere adres
  • arbitrary phase-angle power relay: kragrele met willekeurige fasehoek
  • arbitration award (arbitration ruling): arbitrasiebeslissing
  • arbitration: arbitrasie
  • arbitrator: arbiter
  • arbor press: draspilpers
  • arbor support: draspilsteun
  • arbor {machining}: draspil
  • arc back v (backfire) {electricity}: terugslaan
  • arc cathode: boogkatode
  • arc discharge valve: boogontladingsbuis
  • arc discharge: boogontlading
  • arc drop: boogspanningval
  • arc extinction coil: boogblusspoel
  • arc gun: boogpistool
  • arc horn (arcing horn, protective horn): booghoring, isolatorhoring, oorslaghoring
  • arc lamp: booglamp
  • arc modulation: boogmodulasie
  • arc n: boog
  • arc rectifier: booggelykrigter
  • arc thickness (circular thickness): boogdikte
  • arc transmitter: boogsender
  • arc v (arc across, arc over, flash across, flash over, spark over): oorslaan, oorvonk
  • arc-back n (arcing-back, back-fire, back-firing): terugslag, terugvonking
  • arc-suppression coil: boogonderdrukspoel
  • arc-through n {gas insulator}: deurvonking
  • arc-welded frame: booggesweiste raam
  • arc-welder's helmet: boogsweiserhelm
  • arc-welding appliance: boogsweistoestel
  • architect: argitek
  • architectural drawing: argitekstekening
  • architecture {computer}: bou, argitektuur
  • architrave: kosynlys
  • archive figures {job control system}: argiefsyfers
  • archivist: argivaris
  • arcing (arcing over, flashing, flash-over) {electricity}: boogvorming
  • arcing face {arrester}: oorvonkvlak
  • arcing ring: oorslagring, oorvonkring
  • arcing space {arrester}: oorvonkruimte
  • arcing-over voltage: oorvonkspannig
  • arcing: boogvorming, oorvonking
  • area (surface area): oppervlakte
  • area call {telephony}: gebiedsoproep
  • area feeding: volumevoeding, vormvoeding
  • area manager: areabestuurder
  • area of operation: bedieningsgebied
  • area of search: soekgebied
  • area of survey {training}: ondersoekterrein
  • area record: gebiedsrekord
  • area subscriber: gebiedshuurder
  • area-dependent exchange - SHOULD BE dependent-area exchange: afhanklikegebied-sentrale
  • area-dependent subsciber - SHOULD BE dependent-area subscriber: afhanklikegebied-huurder
  • area: gebied
  • argent {heraldry}: wit, silwer
  • argon arc welding: argonboogsweising
  • argon gas: argongas
  • argon: argon
  • argument {also impedance}: argument
  • arithmetic element (arithmetic unit): rekenkundige element
  • arithmetic unit {device}: rekeneenheid
  • arm bolt: armbout
  • arm n: arm
  • arm pattern: armpatroon
  • arm position: armposisie
  • arm seat: armsaal
  • arm strut: armstut
  • arm v {eg program instructions, instrument, etc}: oorhaal
  • armatue-lever forward stop: ankerhefboomvoorsto{
  • armature adjusting screw: ankerstelskroef
  • armature assembly: ankersamestel
  • armature backstop: ankeragterstop
  • armature bearing pin: ankerdrapen
  • armature bearing plate: ankerlaerplaat
  • armature bearing: ankerlaer
  • armature bender: ankerbuier
  • armature carriage: ankerdraer
  • armature clearance: ankervryruimte
  • armature coil: ankerspoel
  • armature core: ankerkern
  • armature extension: ankerverlenging
  • armature face: ankervlak
  • armature lever: ankerhefboom
  • armature lug: ankeroor
  • armature pivot: ankerspil
  • armature selector lever: ankerkieshefboom
  • armature spider: ankerster
  • armature spindle: ankerspil
  • armature tension spring: ankerspanveer
  • armature travel: ankerbeweegruimte, ankerslag
  • armature winder: ankerwikkelaar
  • armature-end flux: ankerentvloed
  • armature-end slug {rele}: voorvertraaghuls
  • armature-fixing screw: ankerhegskroef
  • armature-holding bracket: ankerhousteun
  • armature-lever backstop: ankerheffboomagterstop
  • armature-restoring spring: ankeryterugstelveer
  • armature-retaining plate: ankerkeerplaat
  • armature-retaining screw: ankerkeerskroef
  • armature-travel adjuster: ankerslagsteller
  • armature: anker
  • armband: armband
  • armlet: armband
  • armour plate: pantserplaat
  • armour rod {electric feed}: pantserstaaf
  • armour wird {cable}: pantserdraad
  • armoured cable: gepantserde kabel
  • armoured composite cable: gepantserde saamgestelde kabel
  • armoured star quad cable: gepantserde stervierlingkabel
  • armoured tube: gepantserde buis
  • armouring tape: pantserband
  • armouring {cable}: pantser, pantsering
  • armpit: armholte
  • army post office: militere poskantoor
  • army postal service: militere posdiens
  • arrange v (lay out): rangskik, uitle
  • arrange v {according to prescribed pattern}: inrig
  • arrange v {eg telephone lines}: indeel
  • arrangement (layout): rangskikking, uitleg
  • arrangement {according to prescribed pattern}: inrigting
  • array factor {antenna}: rignetfaktor
  • array frame: inrigtingsraam
  • array oversize: inrigtingsoorgrootte
  • array {antenna}: rignet
  • array {memory}: inrigting
  • array: skikking
  • arrear contribution: agterstallige bydrae
  • arrest {salary increment}: weerhou
  • arrest {telegram}: terughou
  • arrestance {air filter}: vangvermoe
  • arrestance {filter}: terughouding
  • arrester (protector) {lightning}: afleier
  • arrester strip: afleierstrook
  • arresting cam disc: russtandnokskyf, stuitnokskyf
  • arresting disc {EMD selector}: russtandskyf
  • arresting lever: teehouhefboom
  • arresting spring {EMD selector}: russtandveer
  • arrival charge: aankomskoste
  • arrival current: aankomsstroom
  • arrival curve: aankomskromme
  • arrival platform: aankomsplatform
  • arrival voltage: aankomsspanning
  • arrow block {postage stamps}: pyltjieblok
  • arrow: pyltjie
  • arrowhead: pylpunt
  • art director: kunsdirekteur
  • art paper: kunspapier
  • article (postal article): posstuk
  • article for abroad: stuk vir die buiteland
  • articles of agreement: kontrakbepalings
  • articles of association: statute
  • articulated motor vehicle: geartikuleerde motorvoertuig
  • articulation efficiency: artikulasierendement
  • articulation reduction: artikulasieafname, artikulasievermindering
  • articulation reference equivalent: artikulasievergelykingsekwivelent
  • articulation: artikulasie
  • artificial antenna (dummy antenna): kunsantenne
  • artificial attenuation: kunsmatige attenuasie, kunsmatige verswakking
  • artificial busying {telephony}: kunsmatige besetting
  • artificial cable (cable simulator): gesimuleerde kabel
  • artificial capacitance: kunsmatige kapasitansie
  • artificial dielectric {antenna}: kunsdielektrikum
  • artificial ear: kunsoor
  • artificial light: kunslig
  • artificial lighting: kunsmatige verligting, kunsmatige beligting
  • artificial line box: kunslynkas
  • artificial line {telephony}: gesimuleerde lyn
  • artificial load: kunslas, kunsmatige las
  • artificial magnet: kunsmagneet
  • artificial mouth: kunsmond
  • artificial noise: kunsmatige ruis
  • artificial respiration: kunsmatige asemhaling
  • artificial resuscitation {first aid}: kunsmatige bybringing
  • artificial termination: kunsmatige afsluiting
  • artificial traffic equipment (ATE): kunsmatigeverkeer-toerusting., KVT
  • artificial traffic: kunsmatige verkeer
  • artificial voice: kunsstem
  • artificial-silk braiding: kunssyomvlegting
  • artillery frank {philately}: artilleriefrank
  • artisan: ambagsman
  • artist's brush: penseel
  • artwork {publication}: kunstenaarswerk, kunswerk, tekenwerk
  • as an exception: by wyse van uitsondering
  • as-built plan: klaarbouplan
  • asbestos cement (AC): asbessement, AS
  • asbestos fibre: asbesvesel
  • asbestos gauntlet: asbeskaphandskoen
  • asbestos pipe: asbespyp
  • asbestos wool: asbeswol
  • asbestos-cement sheet (AC-sheet): AS-plaat, asbessementplaat
  • ascending order: stygende orde
  • ascending path: stygende baan
  • ascending register: stygende register
  • ash pit: asput
  • aside stock: opsyvoorraad
  • aslant: skuins
  • aspect ratio {air-conditioning channel}: afmetingsverhouding
  • aspect ratio {picture tube}: beeldverhouding
  • aspect: aspek
  • asphalt sheeting: asfaltplaat, asfaltvel
  • aspiration: aspirasie, strewe
  • aspire (strive): strewe
  • assay charge: essaieerkoste
  • assembe v. {data transmission}: saamstel
  • assemble v.: inmekaarsit, monteer
  • assemble: monteer
  • assembler listing {computer}: saamstellerlys
  • assembler {computer}: saamsteller
  • assembly drawing: samesteltekening
  • assembly fit: monteerpassing
  • assembly language program {computer}: saamsteltaalprogram
  • assembly work {human resources}: monteerwerk
  • assembly {data transmission}: samestelling
  • assembly-line operator: monteerbaanwerker
  • assembly: samestel
  • assess {eg damage}: vasstel
  • assess {marketing}: beoordeel
  • assess {taxation/merit}: aanslaan
  • assess {value}: takseer
  • assess: takseer, beoordeel
  • assessed value: getakseerde waarde
  • assessing officer: aanslagbeampte
  • assessment centre {marketing}: takseersentrum
  • assessment centre: takseersentrum
  • assessment figure - SHOULD BE development assessment figure: uitbreidingsyfer
  • assessment form {foreign parcels}: aanslagvorm
  • assessment rates: eiendomsbelasting
  • assessment {tax}: aanslag
  • assessment-centre technique: evalueersentrumtegniek
  • assessment: beoordeling, bepaling
  • assessor {eg lincompex}: bepaler
  • assessor: assessor
  • asset record: baterekord
  • asset: bate
  • assets and liabilities: bates en laste
  • assign {estate}: afstaan
  • assign {frequencies}: aanwys
  • assign {post-related quarters}: toewys
  • assignee: gevolmagtigde
  • assignment meeting {human resources}: opdragvergadering
  • assignment {human resources}: opdrag
  • assist {eg of battery potentials}: meewerk
  • assistance (help, aid): bystand
  • assistance call {PABX}: bystandsoproep
  • assistance call: hulpoproep
  • assistance circuit (assist circuit, record circuit): bystandkring
  • assistance code: hulpkode
  • assistance traffic: hulpverkeer
  • assistance: hulp
  • assize {mass meter}: yk
  • associate member: assosiaatlid
  • associate n.: assosiaat
  • associate v.: assosieer
  • associated access rack: verbonde toegangsraam
  • associated alloter: bybehorende toewyser
  • associated contact: bybehorende kontak
  • associated equipment: bybehorende toerusting
  • associated leg {of a pair}: bybehorende draad
  • associated reference junction: verbonde vergelykingskoppellyn
  • associated relay: bybehorende rele
  • associations measurement {human resources}: assosiasiemeting
  • associations measurement {marketing}: assosiasiemeting
  • assume {also duty}: aanvaar
  • assume {mathematics}: aanneem
  • assumption of duty: diensaanvaarding
  • assumption: aanname
  • assurance {life}: versekering
  • assured backup {data transmission}: versekerde dekking
  • astable (free-running): astabiel
  • astable multi (astable multivibrator, free-running multi, free-running multivibrator): astabiele multivibrator,
  • astabiele wipkring
  • astatic coil: astatiese spoel
  • astatic galvanometer: astatiese galvanometer
  • astatic needle: astatiese naald
  • asterisk: asterisk, sterretjie
  • astigmatism: astigmatisme
  • asymmetric-sideband transmission (vestigial-sideband transmission): asimmetriesesyband-transmissie
  • asymmetrical deflection: asimmetriese defleksie
  • asymmetrical distortion: asimmetriese vervorming
  • asymmetrical element: asimmetriese element
  • asymmetrical hybrid coil: asimmetriese differensiaalspoel
  • asymmetrical network (dissymetrical network): asimmetriese netwerk
  • asymmetrical operation: asimmetriese werking
  • asymmetrical varistor: asimmetriese varistor
  • asymmetrical wave: asimmetriese golf
  • asymptotoc: asimptoties
  • asynchonous multiplex: asinchrone multipleks
  • asynchrobous rotary gap {radio}: asinchrone draaigaping
  • asynchronism: asinchronisme
  • asynchronous motor: asinchrone motor
  • asynchronous: asinchroon
  • asynmux transmitter: asynmux-sender
  • at death {on death}: by afsterwe
  • at discretion: na goeddunke, na goedvinde
  • at maturity: op die vervaldag
  • at monthly intervals: met maandelikse tussenpose
  • at own risk: op eie risiko
  • at owner's risk: op eienaarsrisiko, op risiko van die eienaar
  • at par (par): op pari, teen pari
  • at par (par): teen pari
  • at regular intervals: met vaste tussenpose
  • at rest period {telegraphy}: rusperiode
  • at right angles to: haaks op
  • at short notice: met kort kennis
  • at the close of business: by afsluiting van besigheid
  • atmosphere {unit}: atmosfeer
  • atmospheric absorption: atmosferiese absorpsie
  • atmospheric air: atmosferiese lug
  • atmospheric discharge: atmosferiese ontlading
  • atmospheric duct: atmosferiese kanaal
  • atmospheric noise: atmosferiese ruis
  • atmospheric pressure: atmosferiese druk
  • atmospheric radio wave (indirect wave): gereflekteerde golf, ruimtegolf
  • atmospheric refraction: atmosferiese refraksie
  • atmospheric {engine}: atmosferies
  • atmospherics (static, static noise, statics): atmosferiese steurings
  • atom: atoom
  • atomic binding: atoombinding
  • atomic bond: atoombinding
  • atomic hydrogen welding: atoomwaterstofsweiswerk
  • atomic nucleus: atoomkern
  • atomic structure: atoomstruktuur
  • atomic theory: atoomteorie
  • atomic weight: atoomgewig
  • atomiser: verstuiwer
  • attached-contact diagram: vastekontak-diagram
  • attached: verbonde
  • attaching to {eg a salary scale to a grade}: verbonde aan
  • attachment charge: aanhegkoste
  • attachment: hegstuk
  • attach, case {thin and hard}: dokumentetas
  • attack signal: voorloopsien
  • attack slip: voorloopstrook
  • attack time {compandor}: saamdruktyd
  • attend on {in building trade}: hulp verleen aan
  • attendance book (attendance register): presensieboek, presensieregister
  • attendance list {list of names}: presensielys
  • attendance sheet: presensielys
  • attendance time {human resources}: aanwesigheidtyd, kloktyd
  • attendant's cabinet: bedienerskabinet
  • attendant's console: bedienerskonsole
  • attendant's desk: bedienersbank
  • attendant's telephone: bedienerstelefoon
  • attended public telephone: toesig openbare telefoon
  • attention time {human resources}: aandagtyd
  • attenuate: verswak
  • attenuation characteristic (attenuation characteristic curve): verswakkingskenkromme
  • attenuation characteristic: verswakkingseienskap
  • attenuation coefficient: verswakkingskoeffisient
  • attenuation compensator: verswakkingskompenseerder
  • attenuation constant: verswakkingskonstante
  • attenuation equaliser: verswakkingseffenaar
  • attenuation factor: verswakkingsfaktor
  • attenuation measurement: verswakkingsmeting
  • attenuation network: verswakkingsnetwerk
  • attenuation pad (attenuator pad): verswaklid
  • attenuation peak: verswakkingspiek
  • attenuation ratio: verswakkingsverhouding
  • attenuation run: verswakkingstoetsreeks
  • attenuation/frequency characteristic curve: verswakking/frekwensie-kenkromme
  • attenuation/frequency distortion: verswakking/frekwensie-vervorming
  • attenuation/frequency run: verswakking/frekwensie-toetsreeks
  • attenuation/frequency slope: verswakking/frekwensie-helling
  • attenuation: attenuasie, verswakking
  • attenuator unit: verswakeenheid
  • attenuator: verswakker
  • attest {signature}: attesteer
  • attic {space between ceiling and roof}: solder
  • attic: solderkamer
  • attitude rating {human resources}: houdingsbeoordeling
  • attitude ratings {marketing}: houdingsbeoordeling
  • attitude: houding
  • attorney-and-own-client scale: prokureur-en-eie-klient-skaal
  • attraction (operation) {rele}: werking
  • attraction time (operate lag, operating time) {rele}: werktyd
  • attraction: aantrekking
  • attractive force (force of attraction): aantrekkingskrag
  • attractor fly {artificial fly}: lokvlieg
  • attractor pattern {fly-fishing}: lokpatroon
  • auction list (vendue roll): vendurol, vendusielys, vendusierol
  • audib le frequency: hoorbare frekwensie
  • audibility: hoorbaarheid
  • audible alarm: hoorbare alarm
  • audible beat note: hoorbare swewingstoon
  • audible coded signal: hoorbare kodesein
  • audible detection {eg tones}: hoorbare waarneming
  • audible indicator: hoorbare aanduier
  • audible noise: hoorbare ruis
  • audible range {eg of a siren}: hoorafstand
  • audible range: hoorstrek
  • audible signal: hoorbare sein
  • audible sound wave: hoorbare geluidgolf
  • audible tone: hoorbare toon
  • audible warning signal: hoorbare waarskusein
  • audio amplifier: oudioversterker
  • audio channel: oudiokanaal
  • audio combiner {conference system}: oudiokombineerder
  • audio component: oudiokomponent
  • audio cycle: oudiosiklus
  • audio frequency: oudiofrekwensie
  • audio information: oudio-inligting
  • audio modulation: oudiomodulasie
  • audio noise signal: oudioruissein
  • audio oscillator: oudio-ossillator
  • audio output socket: oudio-uitgangsok
  • audio output: oudio-uitset
  • audio pad: oudiolid
  • audio power amplifier: oudiokragversterker
  • audio range: oudiostrek
  • audio transformer: oudiotransformator
  • audio wave: oudiogolf
  • audio-frequency amplification: oudiofrekwensieversterking
  • audio-frequency amplifier: oudiofrekwensieversterker
  • audio-frequency bridge: oudiofrekwensiebrug
  • audio-frequency choke: oudiofrekwensiesmoorspoel
  • audio-frequency harmonic distortion: oudiobofrekwensievervorming
  • audio-frequency oscillator: oudiofrekwensieossillator
  • audio-frequency peak limiter: oudiofrekwensietopbegrenser
  • audio-frequency range: oudiofrekwensiestrek
  • audio-frequency transformer: oudiofrekwensietransformator
  • audio-modulating frequency: oudiomoduleerfrekwensie
  • audio-visual aid: oudiovisuele hulpmiddel
  • audio-voltage amplifier: oudiospanningversterker
  • audiometer: oudiometer
  • audion: oudion
  • audit n.: oudit, ouditering
  • audit office: ouditkantoor
  • audit query: ouditnavraag
  • audit section: ouditseksie
  • audit v.: ouditeer
  • auditor: ouditeur
  • augend: opteltal
  • auger bit: awegaarboor
  • auger: awegaar
  • aural transmitter: klanksender
  • auroral belt: auroragordel
  • auroral path: aurorabaan
  • auroral zone: aurorasone
  • austenite: austiniet, oustiniet
  • authenticate {document}: waarmerk
  • authentication measure {Private Bank}: bekragtigingsmaatreel
  • authenticity of signature: egtheid van handtekening
  • author's correction: outeurskorreksie
  • authorisation form: magtigingsvorm
  • authorisation of appointment: aanstellingsmagtiging
  • authorisation: goedkeuring, magtiging
  • authorisation: magtiging
  • authorise: goedkeur, magtig
  • authorised abbreviation: goedgekeurde afkorting
  • authorised agent: gemagtigde agent
  • authorised deputy: gevolmagtigde plaasvervanger
  • authorised enclosure: geoorloofde insluiting
  • authorised ex officio: ampshalwe gemagtig
  • authorised language: goedgekeurde taal
  • authorised n.: gemagtigde
  • authorised salary scale: goedgekeurde salarisskaal
  • authorised signatory: tekengemagtigde, gemagtigde ondertekenaar
  • authorising office: magtigingskantoor
  • authorities register: magtigingsregister
  • authority card: magtigingskaart
  • authority for payment: magtiging vir uitbetaling
  • authority to sign (signing powers) {cheque}: tekenbevoegdheid, tekenmagtiging
  • authority to sign: tekenmagtiging
  • authority: bevoegdheid, gesag, mag
  • authority: gesag
  • authority: magtiging
  • authority: owerheid
  • auto circuit: outokring
  • auto equipment (automatic exchange equipment): outosentraletoerusting, outotoerusting
  • auto exchange (automatic exchange): outomatiese sentrale, outosentrale
  • auto power control unit: outomatiese kragbeheereenheid
  • auto-baud: outo-baud
  • auto-control unit: outobeheereenheid
  • auto-equalising modem: selfeffenmodem
  • auto-exchange maintenance: outosentrale-instandhouding
  • auto/auto rele ser (auto-to-auto rele set): outo/outo-relestel
  • auto/manual exchange: outo/hand-sentrale
  • auto/manual rele set (auto-to-manual rele set): outo/hand-relestel
  • auto/manual switch: outo/hand-skakelaar
  • auto/manual traffic: outo/hand-verkeer
  • autodyne (endodyne) {radio}: outodine
  • autodyne oscillator: outodine-ossillator
  • autodyne reception: outodine-ontvangs
  • autogenous welding: outogene sweising
  • autohold (automatic hold): outohou, outomatiese hou, outomatiese houfasiliteit
  • automate: outomatiseer
  • automated store checkouts {marketing}: geoutomatiseerde betaalpunte
  • automatic alarm: outomatiese alarm
  • automatic band switching: outomatiese bandskakeling
  • automatic bearing measurement {radio}: outomatiese peilingmeting
  • automatic break magnet: outomatiese verbreekmagneet
  • automatic brightness control {action}: outomatiese helderheidsbeheer
  • automatic brightness control {instrument}: outomatiese helderheidskontrole
  • automatic calling equipment: outomatiese oproeptoerusting
  • automatic changeover: outomatiese oorskakeling
  • automatic chrome control {process}: outomatiese chromabeheer, outomatiese chromareeling
  • automatic chrome control: outomatiese chromakontrole
  • automatic clearing (automatic release) {telephony}: outomatiese vrymaking
  • automatic closing valve: outomatiese sluitklep
  • automatic concentrator: outomatiese konsentreerder
  • automatic correction: outomatiese korreksie
  • automatic cutout: outomatiese uitskakelaar
  • automatic dialler: outomatiese skakeltoestel
  • automatic direction finder: outomatiese rigtingsoeker
  • automatic elevation measurement: outomatiese elevasiemeting
  • automatic equipment: outomatiese toerusting
  • automatic error correction: outomatiese foutkorreksie
  • automatic error detection: outomatiese foutdekteksie, outomatiese foutspeuring
  • automatic exchange system: outomatiese sentralestelsel
  • automatic expenditure: outomatiese uitgawe
  • automatic fee recording unit: outomatiese kosteregistreereenheid
  • automatic fee recording: outomatiese kosteregistrasie
  • automatic fire alarm: outomatiese brandalarm
  • automatic frequency control: outomatiese frekwensiebeheer
  • automatic grid bias: outomatiese roostervoorspanning
  • automatic hunting {telephony}: outomatiese soeking
  • automatic interaction detection (AID) {human resources}: outomatiese interaksievasstelling
  • automatic interaction detection (AID) {marketing}: outomatiese interaksievasstelling
  • automatic level hunting: outomatiese laagsoeking
  • automatic modulation control: outomatiese modulasiebeheer
  • automatic numbering transmitter {telegrpahy}: outomatiese nommersender
  • automatic party line: outomatiese partylyn
  • automatic pilot control: outomatiese loodsbeheer
  • automatic power-control unit: outomatiese kragbeheereenheid
  • automatic queueing of calls: outomatiese tou van oproepe
  • automatic radio monitor: outomatiese radiomonitor
  • automatic range measurement: outomatiese afstandmeting
  • automatic recall of operator: outomatiese terugroep van operateur
  • automatic regulator: outomatiese reelaar
  • automatic reperforator: outomatiese herperforeerder
  • automatic repetition system: outomatiese herhaalstelsel
  • automatic retransmission: outomatiese hertransmissie
  • automatic retransmitter: outomatiese hersender
  • automatic reversal {tape}: outomatiese omstelling
  • automatic rewind facility: outomatiese terugwenfasiliteit
  • automatic rewind type {rope starter}: selfterugwentipe
  • automatic ringing signal: outomatiese luisein
  • automatic rotary stepping: outomatiese draaistapaandrywing, outomatiese draaistapping
  • automatic routiner: outomatiese roetiner, outomatiese roetinetoetser
  • automatic routing: outomatiese roetering
  • automatic selector {automatic telephone}: outomatiese kieser
  • automatic self-check: outomatiese selfkontrole
  • automatic signalling: outomatiese seining
  • automatic start: outomatiese aansittting
  • automatic stop: outomatiese stop
  • automatic switch: outomatiese skakelaar
  • automatic switching system: outomatiese skakelstelsel
  • automatic tandem working: outomatiese tandemwerking
  • automatic tape transmission: outomatiese bandtransmissie
  • automatic telegraph switching: outomatiese telegraafskakeling
  • automatic telegraphy: outomatiese telegrafie
  • automatic telephone system: outomatiese telefoonstelsel
  • automatic telephone: outomatiese telefoon
  • automatic telephony: outomatiese telefonie
  • automatic tracking: outomatiese volging
  • automatic traffic recorder: outomatiese verkeersregistreerder
  • automatic transfer: outomatiese oorplasing
  • automatic transrector: outomatiese transrektor
  • automatic tuning control {action}: outomatiese instembeheer
  • automatic tuning control {instrument}: outomatiese instemkontrole
  • automatic tuning: outomatiese instemming
  • automatic unit: outomatiese eenheid
  • automatic voltage regulator (AVR): outomatiese spanningsreeleer, OSR
  • automatic volume control (AVC): outomatiese volumebeheer, OVB
  • automatic volume regulation (AVR): outomatiese volumestrekreeling, OVR
  • automatic volume-range regulator: outomatiese volumestrekreelaar
  • automatic working: outomatiese werking
  • automatic-charging rectifier: outomatieselaai-gelykrigter
  • automatic-charging transrector: selflaaitransrektor
  • automatic-exchange area: outomatiesesentrale-gebied
  • automatic-selector train (automatic-switch train): outomatiesekieser-reeks
  • automatically switched circuit: outomaties geskakelde verbinding
  • automation: outomatisering
  • automotive-type lock: motortipe slot
  • autoranging facility: outostrekkiesing
  • autoranging {multimeter}: outostrekkiesing
  • autorepeating key: outoherhaalsleutel
  • autostart trip mechanism {telegraphy}: outomatiese aansitmeganisme
  • autostepping: outomatiese stapaandrywing, outomatiese stapping
  • autotransformer: outotransformator
  • autotune receiver: outo-instemontvanger
  • auxiliary apparatus: hulpapparaat
  • auxiliary arc: hulpboog
  • auxiliary armature stud {selector}: hulpankerbuffer, hulpankerkussing
  • auxiliary band filter: hulpbandfilter
  • auxiliary cam: hulpnok
  • auxiliary capacitor box: hulpkapasitorkas
  • auxiliary capacitor: hulpkapasitor
  • auxiliary change-over assembly: hulpoorskakelsamestel
  • auxiliary channel: hulpkanaal
  • auxiliary connecting link (auxiliary link) {PABX}: hulpverbindskakel
  • auxiliary control: hulpbeheer
  • auxiliary cord circuit: hulpsnoerkring
  • auxiliary director: hulpdirektor
  • auxiliary duty: hulpdiens
  • auxiliary electrode: hulpelektrode
  • auxiliary function: hulpfunksie
  • auxiliary gap: hulpspleet
  • auxiliary interface: hulpkoppelvlak
  • auxiliary joint: hulplas
  • auxiliary key: hulpsleutel
  • auxiliary line connector: hulplynverbinder
  • auxiliary line finder: hulplynvinder
  • auxiliary line: hulplyn
  • auxiliary link: hulpverbinding
  • auxiliary make assembly: hulpsluitsamestel
  • auxiliary office: hulpkantoor
  • auxiliary oscillator: hulpossillator
  • auxiliary pole (commutating pole, compole, interpole): hulppool
  • auxiliary pole (return pole) {MU selector}: hulppool
  • auxiliary position: hulppunt
  • auxiliary radio channel: hulpradiokanaal
  • auxiliary relay: hulprele
  • auxiliary repeater station: hulpversterkerstasie
  • auxiliary route: hulproete
  • auxiliary selector: hulpkieser
  • auxiliary service: hulpdiens
  • auxiliary shelf: hulprak
  • auxiliary spring: hulpveer
  • auxiliary system {microwave working}: waakstelsel
  • auxiliary transmission: hulptransmissie
  • auxiliary winding: hulpwikkeling
  • availability {telephone}: toeganklikheid
  • availability: beskikbaarheid
  • available conversion gain: beskikbare omsettingsversterking
  • avalanche breakdown: lawinedeurslag
  • avalanche condition: lawinetoestand
  • avalanche n.: lawine
  • avalanche region {diode}: lawinegebied
  • avalanche v.: lawineer
  • average (mean) adj.: gemiddeld
  • average average: gemiddelde gemiddelde
  • average deviation: gemiddelde afwyking
  • average distance: gemiddelde afstand
  • average expense: gemiddelde onkoste
  • average holding time: gemiddelde houtyd
  • average maximum: gemiddelde maksimum
  • average normal time: gemiddelde normale tyd
  • average power output: gemiddelde uitset
  • average rate: gemiddelde tempo
  • average reading: gemiddelde lesing
  • average time value: gemiddelde tydwaarde
  • average traffic intensity {telephone}: gemiddelde verkeersintensiteit
  • average traffic: gemiddelde verkeer
  • average v.: gemiddelde bepaal
  • average value (mean value): gemiddelde waarde
  • average-reading meter circuit: gemiddeldelesing-meterkring
  • averaging {TV colour signal}: gemiddeldehandhawing
  • averaging: gemiddeldebepaling
  • avis de r,ception card (advice of delivery card, AR card): afleweringsadvieskaart, AR-kaart
  • avoidable delay: vermybare vertraging
  • avometer: avometer
  • awaiting delivery: in afwagting van aflewering
  • award n.: toekenning
  • award v.: toeken
  • awards committee: toekenningskomitee
  • awareness (consciousness): bewustheid
  • away-from-home allowance: uitwoontoelae
  • awl: els
  • axial advance {helix}: asvooruitbeweging
  • axial cutting position: assnyposisie
  • axial fan (axial-flow fan): aksiale waaier
  • axial load: aksiale belasting, aksiale las
  • axial-armature relay: asankerrele
  • axial-flow compressor: aksiale kompressor
  • axion: aksioon
  • axis: as, aslyn
  • axle shaft (half shalf, side shaft): halfas
  • axle: as
  • azimuth angle: asimuthoek
  • azimuth: asimut
  • azure: blou
  • b leg (b wire): b-draad
  • babbit metal: babbitmetaal
  • babble {telephone}: gebabbel
  • bac gear {lathe}: vertraagrat, vertragingsrat
  • back acter and loader: voorlaaier-slootgrawer
  • back cap: agterdop
  • back clamp: rugklamp
  • back copy: ou eksemplaar
  • back door {machine cover}: agterste deur
  • back electromotive force (back emf, counter electromotive force): teen elektromotoriese krag, teen-emk
  • back face {fork of forklift}: rugkant
  • back feeding: terugvoeding
  • back frame: rugraam
  • back gauge {eg cutting die, drawing die, etc}: agterleier
  • back interest: agterstallige rente
  • back lining {book}: rugvoering
  • back lobe {antenna}: agterlob
  • back magnetisation: teenmagnetisering
  • back office: verwerkingkantoor
  • back plate {eg injection moulding}: steunplaat, agterplaat
  • back plate {general}: agterplaat, rugplaat
  • back plate: rugplaat
  • back porch {signal}: agterstoep
  • back post: agterleipen
  • back rail: agterleier
  • back rake: agterhelling
  • back rest: rugleuning
  • back stay: agteranker
  • back stiffener {book}: rugverstywer
  • back support {general}: rugsteun
  • back to back: rug aan rug
  • back voltage - SHOULD BE reverse voltage: teenspanning
  • back {eg dress}: agterpant
  • back {fly press}: rug
  • back-end cable capacity: agterkantkabelparetal
  • back-end cable: agterkantkabel
  • back-hoe bucket: trekskop
  • back-kick: truspanning
  • back-magnetise: teenmagnetiseer
  • back-out process {computer}: onttrekproses
  • back-plate lampholder (batten holder, batten lampholder): platvoetlamphouer
  • back-plate locking device: rugplaatsluittoestel
  • back-scatter ionospheric sounding: ionosfeerpeiling met terugstrooiing
  • back-scattering: terugstrooiing
  • back-seat v. {multiport valve}: sluit op agterbedding
  • back-space switch {teleprinter}: terugspasieerskakelaar
  • back-space switch: terugskuifskakelaar
  • back-stamping: rugstempeling
  • back-sticth v.: terugstik
  • back-to-front loss: agter/voor-verlies
  • back: agterkant, rugkant
  • backboard: monteerbord
  • backboard: rugbord
  • backbone farm-line route (farm-line backbone): plaaslynstamroete
  • backbone pair: stampaar
  • backbone plant: stamtoerusting
  • backbone route: stamroete
  • backbone: stam
  • backed-off tooth: agterafgeskuinste tand
  • backfill tamper: terugvulstamper
  • backfill: terugvulling
  • backfilling (padding): beskermvulling, terugvulling
  • backfilling blade: terugvulskaar
  • backfire n.: terugploffing
  • backfire v.: terugplof
  • background density {TV}: agtergronddigtheid
  • background noise: agtergrondruis
  • background papers (supporting papers): stawende dokumente
  • background: agtergrond
  • backing button: versterkknoop
  • backing piece: steunstuk
  • backing plate (base plate. supporting plate, support plate): steunplaat
  • backing plate {filing drawer}: keerplaat
  • backing sheet {duplicator machine}: tikblad
  • backing spring: steunveer
  • backing-off control {valve tester}: terugstelkontrole
  • backing-plate runner {filing drawer}: keerplaatleier
  • backlash (backward lash): terugslag
  • backlash (lost motion): dooiegang
  • backslash: agteroor skuinsstreep, tru skuinsstreep
  • backspacing facility: terugspasieerfasiliteit
  • backstop adjuster: agterstopsteller
  • backstop adjuster: ruskontaksteller
  • backstop bender {telegraphy}: ruskontakbuier
  • backstop extension {BTS}: instaanbylyn
  • backstop lever: agterstophefboom
  • backstop pawl: agterstoppal
  • backstop {also rele}: agterstop
  • backstop {telegraphy}: ruskontak
  • backstrap bolt: rugklembout
  • backstrap: rugklem
  • backtracking {administration}: terugroetering
  • backup disk: dekskyf, rugsteunskyf
  • backup facility {data transmission}: dekfasiliteit, rugsteunfasiliteit
  • backup line {datatransmission}: deklyn, rugsteunlyn
  • backup protection: dekbeveiliging, rugsteunbeveiliging
  • backup roller {scribe saw}: steunroller
  • backup system: dekstelsel, rugsteunstelsel
  • backward AFC: terug-OFB
  • backward bias (reverse bias): teenvoorspanning
  • backward blocking signal: terugblokkeersein
  • backward blocking: terugblokkering
  • backward busying {automatic telephone}: agterwaartse besetting
  • backward channel ready: terugkanaal gereed
  • backward channel: terugkanaal
  • backward direction: trurigting
  • backward hold {automatic telephone}: trubesethouding
  • backward holding earth: truhouaarde
  • backward lash (backlash): terugslag
  • backward loss: truverlies
  • backward marking: trumerking
  • backward release signal: truvrymaaksein
  • backward resistance: truweerstand
  • backward signalling: truseining
  • backward through supervision: agterwaartse deurkontrole
  • backward tracing {of a call}: terugsporing
  • backward wave: terugloopgolf
  • backward-acknowledge signal: terugerkenningsein
  • backward-acting mechanism (reverse-acting mechanism) {uniselector}: trekmeganisme
  • backward-acting mechanism {uniselector}: trekmeganisme
  • backward-acting regulator: agterwaartse reelaar
  • backward-bladed fan: rugbladwaaier
  • backward-channel data receive: terugkanaaldataontvangs
  • backward-channel data send: terugkanaaldatasend
  • backward-channel line-signal detector: terugkanaallynseindetektor
  • backward-channel receive data (received backward-channel data): terugkanaalontvangdata
  • backward-channel receive mode: terugkanaalontvangmodus
  • backward-channel signal-quality detector: terugkanaalseingehaltedetektor
  • backward-channel transmit data (transmitted backward-channel data): terugkanaalsenddata
  • backward-curved fan: teruggeboebladwaaier
  • backward-direction signal: trusein
  • backward-path signal: terugbaansein
  • backward-transfer signal: terugoorplaassein
  • backward-wave oscillator: terugloopgolfossillator
  • backward-wave tube: terugloopgolfbuis
  • backwash n.: terugspoeling
  • backwash v.: terugspoel
  • bad (no good): onaanvaarbaar
  • bad debt: oninbare skuld, slegte skuld
  • bad {signal, equipment, etc}: sleg
  • baffle (baffle board) {sound reproduction}: skot
  • baffle plate (retaining plate): skotplaat
  • baffle: skot
  • bag elevator: sakhyser
  • bag frame: sakraam
  • bag hanger: sakhanger
  • bag holder: sakhouer
  • bag label: saketiket
  • bag off v. {mail}: sak
  • bag rack: sakrak
  • bag rail: sakreling
  • bag rent: sakhuur
  • bag room: sakkamer
  • bag-opening and stamping table: sakoopmaak-en-stempeltafel
  • bag-opening press: sakoopmaakrak
  • bag-opening scissors: kropsker, saksker
  • bag-opening table: sakoopmaaktafel
  • bail roll {typewriter}: rollerskaalroller
  • bail: beuel
  • bakelite base: bakelietvoetstuk
  • bakelite moulding: bakelietgietstuk
  • bakelite: bakeliet
  • bakkie (LDT, LDV, light delivery truck, light delivery van, light delivery vehicle, pick-up): bakkie, LAW, ligte
  • afleweringsvoertuig, ligte afleweringswa, ligte bestelvoertuig, ligte bestelwa
  • balance brought forward: saldo oorgebring
  • balance carried forward: saldo oorgedra
  • balance cock {movement}: onrustong
  • balance coil: balanseerspoel
  • balance due: verskuldigde saldo
  • balance filter: balanseerfilter
  • balance in hand (balance on hand, cash balance): saldo voorhande
  • balance isolating coil: balanseerafsonderspoel
  • balance n. {accounting}: saldo
  • balance n. {movement}: onrus
  • balance n.: balans
  • balance network: balanseernetwerk
  • balance out {voltage}: balanseer
  • balance outness {submarine cable}: onbalans
  • balance panel: balanspaneel
  • balance repeating coil (balancing repeating coil): balanseeroordraspoel
  • balance return loss: balanseggoverswakking
  • balance roller {eg clockwork}: onrusroller
  • balance sheet: balansstaat
  • balance spring (hairspring) {watch}: balansveer, haarveer, onrusveer
  • balance staff {eg clockwork}: onrusstaaf
  • balance v.: balanseer
  • balance weight: balanseergewig
  • balance wheel {eg clockwork}: onrus
  • balance-to-unbalance transformer (balun): simmetreertransformator
  • balanced Adcock direction finder: gebalanseerde Adcock rigtingsoeker
  • balanced T network: gebalanseerde T-netwerk
  • balanced T section: gebalanseerde T-vak
  • balanced and symmetrical: gebalanseer en simmetries
  • balanced armature: gebalanseerde anker
  • balanced bridge circuit: gebalanseerde brugkring
  • balanced cable: gebalanseerde kabel
  • balanced circuit: gebalanseerde kring
  • balanced component: gebalanseerde komponent
  • balanced discriminator: gebalanseerde diskrimineerder
  • balanced frame antenna: gebalanseerde raamantenne
  • balanced impulsing path: gebalanseerde impulsbaan
  • balanced inductor: gebalanseerde induktor
  • balanced joint: gebalanseerde las
  • balanced load {cable}: gebalanseerde belasting
  • balanced loop: gebalanseerde lus
  • balanced mixer {waveguide}: gebalanseerde menger
  • balanced pad: gebalanseerde lid
  • balanced quadripole: gebalanseerde vierpool
  • balanced tone circuit: gebalanseerde toonkring
  • balanced transverse unbalance: gebalanseerde dwarsonbalans
  • balanced-armature receiver {telephone}: gebalanseerdeanker-gehoorstuk
  • balancer: balanseerder
  • balancing capacitance: balanseerkapasitansie
  • balancing capacitor: balanseerkapasitor
  • balancing impedance: balanseerimpedansie
  • balancing inductance: balanseerinduktansie
  • balancing joint (doped joint): balanseerlas
  • balancing network (impedance simulating network): balanseernetwerk
  • balancing phantom balance coil: balanseerfantoombalansspoel
  • balancing schedule {cable jointing}: balanseerstaat
  • balancing sheet {cable jointing}: balanseerblad
  • balancing test {cable jointing}: balanseertoets
  • balancing weight: balanseergewig
  • balancing: balansering
  • balans: balance
  • balata lining: balatavoering
  • ball bearing (ball race): koeellaer
  • ball castor {eg letter-sorting press}: rolkoeel
  • ball centre {lathe}: balsenter
  • ball chain: kraleketting
  • ball holder: koeelhouer
  • ball n.: bal, bol, koeel
  • ball race {of ball bearing}: koeelring
  • ball screw (bearing-ball screw): balskroef
  • ball valve (float-operated valve, float valve): vlotterklep
  • ball valve: koeelklep
  • ball-bearing bracket: koeellaarsteun
  • ball-pane hammer: bolpenhamer
  • ball-pane sledge hammer: bolpenvoorhamer
  • ballast bridge: ballasbrug
  • ballast lamp: ballaslamp
  • ballast resistor (barretter): ballasresistor
  • ballast tube: ballasbuis
  • ballast: ballas
  • ballistic galvanometer: ballistiese galvanometer
  • ballistic kick {capacitor}: ballistiese swaai
  • balloon v. {conductors in cable}: uitbol
  • ballot paper: stembrief
  • ballpoint pen: balpuntpen
  • banana plug: bananaprop
  • banana socket: bananasok
  • band articulation: bandartikulasie
  • band clamp: bandklamp
  • band displacement {radio}: bandverskuiwing
  • band occupancy test: bandbesettingstoets
  • band pulley (belt pulley, pulley) {power transmission}: bandkatrol
  • band selector: bandselektor
  • band spread {radio}: bandspreiding
  • band switch: bandskakelaar
  • band {also waves}: band
  • band-elimination filter (band-rejection filter, band-stop filter): bandsperfilter
  • band-it tool: hoepelbinder
  • band-limit v. {signal}: bandbegrens
  • band-pass cell: banddeurlaatsel
  • band-pass circuit: banddeurlaatkring
  • band-pass coupling: banddeurlaatkoppeling
  • band-pass filter: banddeurlaatfilter
  • band-pass/low-pass analogy: banddeurlaat/onderdeurlaat-analogie
  • band-switch control: bandskakelkontrole
  • band-type safety guard: bandbeskermskut
  • bandage: verband
  • bandsaw blade: bandsaaglem
  • bandwidth characteristic curve: bandbreedte-kenkromme
  • bandwidth-limiting filter: bandbreedtebegrensfilter
  • bandwidth: bandbreedte
  • banister brush: stofborsel
  • banjo lubricator: banjosmeerder
  • bank arc: bankboog
  • bank assembly: banksamestel
  • bank charges: bankkoste
  • bank cleaner: bankskoonmaker
  • bank collar: bankkraag
  • bank commission: bankkommissie
  • bank contact face: bankkontakvlak
  • bank contact: bankkontak
  • bank continuity: bankkontinu<teit
  • bank deposit: bankdeposito, bankinlae
  • bank draft: bankwissel
  • bank drawing powers (drawing powers): banktrekkingsmagte, trekkingsmagte
  • bank guarantee: bankwaarborg
  • bank lug: bankoor
  • bank multiple {automatic telephone}: bankmultipel
  • bank n. {also automatic telephone}: bank
  • bank n. {items}: groep, span
  • bank outlet: bankuitgang
  • bank rate: bankkoers
  • bank rod: bankstaaf
  • bank spanner: banksleutel
  • bank statement: bankstaat
  • bank tester {automatic telephone}: banktoetser
  • bank v.: bank
  • bank-clamping plate: bankklampplaat
  • bank-continuity tester: bankkontinu<teitstoetser
  • bank-fixing screw: bankhegskroef
  • bank-wound: bankbewikkel
  • bankbook: bankboekie
  • banker's cheque: bankierstjek
  • banker-type envelope: bankkoevert
  • banker: bankier
  • banking account: bankrekening
  • banking facilities: bankfasiliteite
  • banking stop {movement}: swaaistuiter
  • banknote: banknoot
  • bar amplitude: streepamplitude
  • bar carrier {lathe}: staafdraer
  • bar chart (bar diagram): staafdiagram, staafkaart
  • bar chart {marketing}: staafvoorstelling, staafdiagram
  • bar chart: histogram, staatgrafiek
  • bar chart: staafdiagram, staafgrafiek
  • bar code {marketing}: staafkode
  • bar code: staafkode, strepieskode
  • bar code: strepieskode
  • bar diameter: staafdiameter
  • bar feed {lathe}: staaftoevoer
  • bar generator: staafgenerator
  • bar magnet (straight magnet): staafmagneet
  • bar n. {crossbar system}: stang
  • bar n. {eg teleprinter keyboard}: tabelleerder
  • bar n. {loop for hook or button}: trens
  • bar n. {part of code printed on letter at coding desk}: strepie
  • bar n. {stamps}: strook
  • bar operation {lathe}: staafwerking
  • bar pattern: streeppatroon
  • bar signal: streepsein
  • bar stock: staafmateriaal
  • bar tack n. {clothing}: balkhegsel
  • bar v. {eg access}: sper
  • bar v.: met balksteek afwerk
  • bar waveform: streepgolfvorm
  • bar winding: staafwikkeling
  • bar-and-post transformer (crossbar transformer) {waveguide}: T-omvormer
  • barb {eg barbed wire}: doring
  • barb {feather of artificial fly}: baard
  • barb: stekel
  • barbed tape: doringband
  • barbed wire: doringdraad
  • bare conductor: kaal geleier
  • bare tinned copper wire (BTC wire): kaal vertinde koperdraad, KTK-draad
  • bare wire (open wire): kaal draad
  • bargain in bad faith: te kwader trou beding
  • bargain in good faith: te goeder trou beding
  • bargain v.: beding
  • bargaining power {human resources}: bedingingsmag
  • bargaining unit: bedingingseenheid
  • barium nitrate: bariumnitraat
  • barium oxide: bariumoksied
  • barium platinocyanide: bariumplatinosianied
  • barometer: barometer
  • barometric pressure: barometerdruk
  • barred access: gesperde toegang, versperde toegang
  • barred code {automatic telephone}: gesperde kode
  • barred extension: gesperde bylyn
  • barred level {automatic telephone}: gesperde laag
  • barred-trunk service: hooflynsperdiens
  • barrel (bush) {switchboard}: klinkbus
  • barrel bridge: trommelbrug
  • barrel circuit (bush circuit) {switchboard}: klinkbuskring
  • barrel diameter {eg cable drum}: trommeldiameter
  • barrel diameter {winch}: trommeldiameter
  • barrel distortion: vatvervorming
  • barrel lock {tailstock}: kokerslot
  • barrel nickel plating: vatvernikkeling
  • barrel nipple: rompnippel
  • barrel nut: kokermoer
  • barrel screw {time meter}: trommelskroef
  • barrel type: hol tipe
  • barrel winding (drum winding): trommelwikkeling
  • barrel {tailstock}: koker
  • barrel-plated: trommelgeplateer
  • barrel-type pen holder: hol pensteel
  • barrel: loop
  • barrel: vat
  • barretter valve: ballasresistorbuis
  • barrier bracket {on security fence}: versperringsteun
  • barrier cream: beskermroom
  • barrier diode: sperdiode
  • barrier frequency: sperfrekwensie
  • barrier joint {electricity}: sperlas
  • barrier layer {transistor}: sperlaag
  • barrier potential {semiconductor}: sperpotensiaal
  • barrier {eg salary scales}: slagboom
  • barrier {in cable}: versperring
  • barrier: keerbalk
  • barring signal: spersein
  • barring: sperring
  • barrow (hand-truck): stootwaentjie
  • base (radix) {also numbering system}: grondtal, radiks
  • base bias resistor: basisvoorspanningsresistor
  • base block: voetblok
  • base casting: voetgietstuk
  • base circle: grondsirkel
  • base circuit: basiskring
  • base clipper {radio}: onderwegsnyer
  • base current: basisstroom
  • base density: basisdigtheid
  • base line: basislyn
  • base n. {clothing, shoulder strap}: basis
  • base n. {clothing, where mitre starts}: beginpunt
  • base pan: opvangpan
  • base plate (bed plate, foundation plate): fondamentplaat
  • base ring: onderste ring
  • base slide: fondamentslee, voetstukslee
  • base station: basisstasie
  • base {brush spring, transistor}: basis
  • base-line extension: basislynverlenging
  • base-line stabiliser: basislynstabiliseerder
  • base/collector resistance: basis/kollektor-weerstand
  • base/emitter junction: basis/emittor-voegvlak
  • base/emitter voltage: basis/emittor-spanning
  • base: voet
  • base: voetstuk
  • baseband amplifier: basisbandversterker
  • baseband-level control: basisbandpeilbeheer
  • baseband-switching bay: basisbandskakelraam
  • baseband: basisband
  • baseboard: monteerplank
  • basement: kelderverdieping
  • basic adjustment: basiese instelling
  • basic colour: grondkleur
  • basic dimension {matching}: basiese afmeting
  • basic distance: basisafstand
  • basic electronics {unit}: basiese elektroniek
  • basic equaliser: basiese effenaar
  • basic estimate: basiese raming
  • basic estimating rate: basiese ramingstarief
  • basic group: basiese groep
  • basic labour charge: basiese arbeidskoste
  • basic multiple {automatic telephone}: basiese multipel
  • basic noise ratio (BNR) {microwave systems}: basiese ruisverhouding, BRV
  • basic noise: basiese ruis
  • basic path attenuation: basiese baanverswakking
  • basic postage rate: basiese postarief
  • basic price: basiese prys
  • basic principle: grondbeginsel
  • basic rate: basiese tarief
  • basic route: basiese roete
  • basic salary: basiese salaris
  • basic supergroup: basiese supergroep
  • basic time {human resources}: basiese tyd
  • basic trunking diagram (BTD): basiese baandiagram, BBD
  • basic wage rate: basiese loontarief
  • basic wave: basiese golf
  • basic-estimate form: basieseraming-vorm
  • basic-motion time study {human resources}: basiesebeweging-tydstudie
  • basic-rate estimate: basiesetarief-raming, grondtarief-raming
  • basis for rating (basis for assessment) {human resources}: aanslagbasis
  • basis of consolidation: konsolidasiegrondslag
  • basis of salary recognition (salary recognition basis): salariserkenningsgrondslag
  • basket coil: korfspoel
  • basket filter {eg air conditioning}: korffilter
  • basket winding: korfwikkeling
  • bass broom: basbesem
  • bass reflex: basrefleks
  • bastard file: bastervyl
  • basting thread: rygdraad, ryggaring
  • batch certificate: lotsertifikaat
  • batch header {job control system}: bundelhoof
  • batch mode (BAT mode): bundelmodus, BAT-modus
  • batch n. {computer}: bundel, groep
  • batch n. {telegram}: reeks
  • batch n.: lot
  • batch oven: lotoond
  • batch purification: lotsuiwering
  • batch v. {computer}: bundel
  • batch v. {for inspection}: verdeel in lotte
  • batch v.: opmaak in lotte
  • batch-processing: bundelverwerking
  • batching clerk (batching officer): bundelklerk, opmaakklerk
  • bath v. {typewriter}: dompel
  • bathroom telephone: badkamertelefoon
  • batonnet potatoes: aartappelskyfies
  • batten (rail) {under table-top}: lat
  • batten board {notice board}: plankbord
  • batten holder (back-plate lampholder, batten lampholder): platvoetlamphouer
  • batten: lat
  • battery acid: batterysuur
  • battery attendant: batteryoppasser
  • battery box: batterykas
  • battery capacity: batterykapasiteit
  • battery charger: batterylaaier
  • battery common: gemeenskaplike batteryaansluiting
  • battery dialling: batteryskakeling
  • battery drain: batterydreinering
  • battery eliminator: batteryvervanger
  • battery feed (battery supply): batterytoevoer
  • battery fluid: batteryvloeistof
  • battery housing: batteryhulsel
  • battery jack: batteryklink
  • battery jar: batteryfles
  • battery lead {wire}: batteryleiding
  • battery link: batteryskakel
  • battery loop: batterylus
  • battery lug: battery-oor
  • battery pack: batterypak
  • battery plug: batteryprop
  • battery pulsing: batterypulsering
  • battery rack: batteryrak
  • battery reserve: batteryreserwe
  • battery reversal: batteryomkering
  • battery reverser: batteryomsteller
  • battery room: batterykamer
  • battery run: batteryleidingloop
  • battery selection relay: batterykiesrele
  • battery supply: batterykragbron
  • battery terminal: batteryaansluiter
  • battery testing: batterytoetsing
  • battery-charging machine: batterylaaimasjien
  • battery-driven ringer: batteryroeper
  • battery-driven: battery-, batteryaangedrewe
  • battery-operated klaxon: batteryklaxon
  • battery-operated receiver: batteryontvanger
  • battery-tested reference junction: batterygetoetste vergelykingskoppellyn
  • battery-testing selector: batterytoetskieser
  • battery: battery
  • batwing (super-turnstile radiating element) {antenna}: vlerk
  • batwing {antenna}: vlerk
  • baud (Bd): baud, Bd
  • baud rate: baudtempo
  • baud speed: baudspoed
  • baulk: balk
  • bauxite: bauxiet
  • bay (suite) {rack}: stel
  • bay guard-rail: raamskermreling
  • bay {carrier system}: raam
  • bayonet cap {incandescent lamp}: bajonetdop
  • bayonet catch: bajonetsluiting
  • bayonet joint: bajonetkoppeling
  • bayonet socket: bajonetsok
  • bayonet-cap lamp: bajonetlamp
  • bayside (rackside): raamkant
  • bayside power-panel: raamkantkragpaneel
  • bayside rear cover: raamagterskerm
  • bcd (binary-coded decimal): bkd, biner gekodeerde desimaal
  • be in a neutral state (float) {logic}: in 'n neutrale staat wees
  • beach piece {submarine cable}: strandstuk
  • beacon signal: bakensein
  • beacon transmitter: bakensender
  • beacon: baken
  • bead (core) {matrix}: kern
  • bead line {sheet-metal work}: kraallyn
  • bead: kraal
  • beading allowance {sheet-metal work}: kraaltoelating
  • beading {sheet-metal work, process}: kraalwerk
  • beading {sheet-metal work}: kraal
  • beam angle: bundelhoek
  • beam antenna (directed antenna, directional antenna): gerigte antenne, rigantenne
  • beam axis {antenna}: bundellaslyn
  • beam clearance: bundelvryruimte
  • beam compasses (trammels): stokpasser
  • beam current {cathode-ray tube}: bundelstroom
  • beam deflection: bundeldefleksie
  • beam direction: bundelrigting
  • beam divergence: bundeluiteenloping
  • beam of energy (energy beam): energiebundel
  • beam of light: ligbundel, ligstraal
  • beam power: bundelvermoë
  • beam production {electrons}: bundelproduksie
  • beam shape: bundelvorm
  • beam slewing {eg antenna}: bundelswaaiing
  • beam source (source of beam): bundelbron
  • beam switching: bundelskakeling
  • beam tetrode: bundeltetrode
  • beam transadmittance: bundeltransadmittansie
  • beam transmission (directional transmission): bundeltransmissie
  • beam transmitter (directional transmitter): bundelsender
  • beam valve: bundelbuis
  • beam width {antenna}: bundelbreedte
  • beam {light}: straal
  • beam {radio}: bundel
  • beam {scale}: juk
  • beam-current characteristic curve: bundelstroomkenkromme
  • beam-current modulation: bundelstroommodulasie
  • beam-deflection tube: bundeldefleksiebuis
  • beam-forming electrode: bundelvormelektrode
  • beam-forming plate: bundelvormplaat
  • beam-loading admittance: bundellasadmittansie
  • beam-operating cam {sheet-metal work}: balknok
  • beam-splitting plate: bundelsplitplaat
  • beam-type letter scale: juktipe brieweskaal
  • beam: balk
  • beamed (directional, directive): gerig, rig-
  • beamed aerial system: rigantennestelsel
  • bear debit: debiet dra
  • bearer channel (vehicle channel): draerkanaal
  • bearer channel: drakanaal
  • bearer circuit: draverbinding
  • bearer: drafasiliteit
  • bearer: toonder
  • bearing accuracy: peilingnoukeurigheid
  • bearing block access: drablokholte
  • bearing block {into which bearing is fitter}: laerblok
  • bearing block: drablok
  • bearing bracket {eg for meter}: drasteun
  • bearing bracket: laersteun
  • bearing bush: laerbus
  • bearing calibration {of direction finder}: peilingskalibrering
  • bearing cap {eg big end}: laerkap
  • bearing cap: laerdop
  • bearing case (bearing casing, bearing housing): laerhulsel
  • bearing correction: peilingskorreksie
  • bearing inner race (bearing inner ring, inner race, inner ring): laerbinnering
  • bearing inner race (inner race): laerbinnebaan
  • bearing lever: drahefboom
  • bearing lock ring: laersluitring
  • bearing pin: drapen
  • bearing pin: laerpen
  • bearing point (point of bearing): drapunt
  • bearing race (race): laerring
  • bearing scraper: laerskraper
  • bearing screw {selector}: draskroef
  • bearing slide {milling machine}: draslee
  • bearing spacer tube: laerspasieerbuis
  • bearing spindle: draspil
  • bearing step: laerpot
  • bearing surface (flank face) {gear tooth}: dravlak
  • bearing surface {general}: dravlak
  • bearing surface: laervlak
  • bearing voltage: peilspanning
  • bearing yoke: drajuk
  • bearing {radio}: peiling
  • bearing-and-sense switch: peil-en-oordbepaalskakelaar
  • bearing-clamp plate: laerklampplaat
  • bearing-friction loss: laerwrywingsverlies
  • bearing-plate screw: laerplaatskroef
  • bearing: laer
  • beat frequency (heterodyne frequency): heterodinefrekwensie, swewingsfrekwensie
  • beat frequency: swewingsfrekwensie
  • beat interference (heterodyne interference): heterodinesteuring, swewingsteuring
  • beat interference: swewingsteuring
  • beat n. {frequency}: swewing
  • beat note: swewingstoon
  • beat out {eg panel beating}: uitklop
  • beat reception (heterodyne reception): heterodineontvangs, swewingsontvangs
  • beat reception: swewingsontvangs
  • beat v.: saamsweef
  • beat v.: sweef
  • beat-frequency oscillator (frequency-change oscillator, heterodyne oscillator): heterodineossillator,
  • swewingsossillator
  • beat-frequency receiver: swewingsontvanger
  • beating together {frequency}: saamswewing
  • beaver-tail beam {antenna}: bewerstertbundel
  • become prescribed {claim}: verjaar
  • bed in {eg in concrete}: vassit
  • bed knife {brush chipper}: beddinglem
  • bed n. {also lathe}: bed
  • bed stop: bedstop
  • bed v. (bed in) {eg bearing}: pasmaak
  • bed v.: inbed
  • bed-plate casting: fondamentplaatgietstuk
  • bed/chair combination: slaapstoel
  • bedway {lathe}: bedbaan
  • bedwiper: bedveer
  • beehive lamp: byekorflamp
  • beep tone: bieptoon
  • beep: biep
  • beeper: bieper
  • beeswax: byewas
  • before look {data processing}: voorafbeeld
  • before maturity: voor die vervaldag
  • beginning of tape (BOT): bandbegin
  • beginning-of-message signal: berigbeginsein
  • beginning-of-text signal: teksbeginsein
  • behaviour rating {psychological testing}: gedragsbeoordeling
  • behaviour {also electricity}: gedrag
  • behavioural research {marketing}: gedragsnavorsing
  • bell armature: klokanker
  • bell assembly: kloksamestel
  • bell circuit: klokkring
  • bell coil: klokspoel
  • bell connection: klokverbinding
  • bell connector: klokverbinder
  • bell contact: klokkontak
  • bell cord: kloksnoer
  • bell cover: klokdop
  • bell cut-off key: klokafsnysleutel
  • bell dome: klokkoepel
  • bell gong: klokghong
  • bell out: oopsper
  • bell permanent magnet: permanente klokmagneet
  • bell push: klokknoppie
  • bell set: klokkietoestel
  • bell signal: kloksein
  • bell transfer button {extension}: klokoorplaasknop
  • bell wiring: klokbedrading
  • bell-mouthed pipe: klokbekpyp
  • bell-shaped magnet (bell-shape magnet): klokvormige magneet
  • bell-switching set: klokskakeltoestel
  • bell-tinkling suppression: klokrinkelonderdrukking
  • bell: klok
  • bell: klokkie
  • bellcrank fulcrum: kniehefboomdraaipunt
  • bellcrank lifting collar: kniehefboomligkraag
  • bellcrank lifting lever: kniehefboomligter
  • bellcrank: kniehefboom
  • belled end: klokent
  • bellows pocket {clothing}: konsertinatipe sak
  • bellows: blaasbalk
  • below-the-line advertising {marketing}: verskuilde reklame, verkoopspromosietegnieke
  • belt conveyor (conveyor belt): vervoerband
  • belt drive: bandaandrywing
  • belt drum: bandtrommel
  • belt guard: bandskut
  • belt idler (idler, idler roller) {conveyor belt}: loslooproller, losloper
  • belt loop: gordellissie, gordellussie
  • belt perch: bandbeuel
  • belt shipper: bandoorsitter
  • belt tension: bandspanning
  • belt-and-braces approach: belt-en-kruisbandebenadering
  • belt-driven: band-, bandaangedrewe
  • belt-tightener bracket: bandspansteun
  • belt-tightener lever: bandspanhefboom
  • belt-tracking mechanism: bandleimeganisme
  • belt: gordel
  • belt: streek
  • belted components: kettingkomponente
  • bench grinder: bankslypmasjien
  • bench shop: bankwinkel
  • bench vice (vice): bankskroef, skroef
  • benchmark post: normpos
  • bend in {sheet-metal work}: inbuig
  • bend line {sheet-metal work}: buiglyn
  • bend n. {pipe}: buigstuk
  • bend n. {waveguide}: buiging
  • bend v.: buig
  • bender: buier
  • bending brake (bending machine): buigmasjien
  • bending brake {sheet-metal work}: buigpers
  • bending moment: buigmoment
  • bending roller {sheet-metal work}: buigroller
  • bending tool: buier
  • beneficiary: begunstigde, bevoordeelde
  • benefit society: bystandsvereniging
  • benevolent fund: liefdadigheidsfonds
  • bent duck-bill pliers: krom eendbektang
  • bent spanner: kromneksleutel
  • bent tinsnips: krom bliksker
  • bent-in folder {eg sheet-metal work}: ingebuigde omslag
  • bent-nose pliers: kromneustang
  • bentone grease (bentonite grease): bentonietghries
  • beryllium {element}: berillium
  • beryllium {mineral}: beril
  • best conduct directive: bestegedrag-direktief
  • best successive years: gunstigste opeenvolgende jare
  • beta oscillation: betaossillasie
  • beta particle: betadeeltjie
  • beta ray: betastraal
  • bevel gauge: swaaihaak
  • bevel gear (bevel wheel): keelrat, koniese rat
  • bevel pinion: keelkleinrat
  • bevel protractor: verstekhaak
  • bevel scraper ring {diesel engine}: afgeskuinste skraapring
  • bevel: afskuins
  • bevelled scriber: afgeskuinste kraspen
  • bezel: gleufring
  • bias battery (biasing battery): voorspanningsbattery
  • bias binding (binding) {clothing}: skuinsband
  • bias bypass capacitor: voorspanningsomloopkapasitor
  • bias circuit: voorspanningskring
  • bias coil: voorspanningspoel
  • bias corrector: voorspanningsteller
  • bias current {transistor}: voorstroom
  • bias decoupling capacitor: voorspanningsontkoppelkapasitor
  • bias detector: voorspanningsdetektor
  • bias distortion: asimmetriese vervorming
  • bias jack: voorspanningklink
  • bias lever: voorspanningshefboom
  • bias modulation: voorspanningsmodulasie
  • bias n.: voorspanning
  • bias potentiometer: voorspanningspotensiometer
  • bias resistance: voorspanningsweerstand
  • bias resistor: voorspanningresistor
  • bias rheostat: voorspanningsreostaat
  • bias supply: voorspanningsbron
  • bias supply: voorspanningslewering
  • bias v.: voorspan
  • bias voltage: voorspanning
  • bias winding: voormagnetiseerwikkeling
  • bias-adjusting lever: voorspanningstelhefboom
  • bias-adjustment plate: voorspanningstelplaat
  • bias-arm stop: voorspanningsarmstop
  • bias-random sample: sydigkansige steekproef
  • biasing screw: voorspanningskroef
  • biasing spring: voorspanningsveer
  • biasing unit: voorspanningweerstand
  • bicarbonate of soda: koeksoda, natriumbikarbonaat
  • bichromate cell: bichromaatsel
  • bick iron: speerstaak
  • biconditional n. {logic}: ekwivalensiebinding
  • biconical antenna: dubbelkeelantenne
  • bicycle (cycle): fiets
  • bicycle allowance (cycle allowance): fietstoelae
  • bicycle shelter (cycle shelter): fietsafdak
  • bidding member {agri-trade}: bieende lid
  • bidirectional antenna: tweerigtingsantenne
  • bidirectional data bus: tweerigtingdatabus
  • bidirectional pulses {alternate pulse inversion}: bipolariteitspulse, bipolere pulse
  • bifilar winding: bifilere wikkeling
  • bifilar: bifiler
  • bifurcated magnet: vurkmagneet
  • bifurcated pawl spring: vurkpalveer
  • big-end bearing: grootkoplaer
  • bilateral antenna: tweesydige antenne
  • bilateral tolerance: tweesydige toleransie
  • bilingual test: tweetaligheidstoets
  • bill hook: kapmes
  • bill of duty {customs}: belastingbrief
  • bill of entry: inklaringsbrief
  • bill of exchange: wissel
  • bill of export: uitvoerbrief
  • bill of lading: ladingsbrief, seevragbrief
  • bill of lading: vragbrief
  • bill of quantities: hoeveelheidslys
  • billing (invoicing): fakturering
  • billing account: kosterekening
  • billing arrangements {international data organisation}: rekeningreelings
  • billing {Saponet}: kostebepaling
  • bimetal strip: bimetaalstrook
  • bimotional line finder: hefdraailynvinder
  • bin {LSM}: vakkie
  • bin {sorting machine}: bak
  • bin-sort (sort to bin): na bak sorteer
  • binary code: binere kode
  • binary counter: binere teller
  • binary digit: binere syfer
  • binary divider: binere deler
  • binary impulse: binere impuls
  • binary number system: binere talstelsel
  • binary number: binere getal
  • binary octal number: binere oktale getal
  • binary state: binere staat, binere toestand
  • binaural effect: binourale effek
  • binaural: binouraal, dubbelorig, tweeoor-
  • bind in: inbind
  • bind {eg selector}: klem
  • bind: bind
  • binder's tape {book}: bindersband
  • binder: binder
  • binding contract {eg book}: bindkontrak
  • binding costs {eg book}: bindkoste
  • binding edge {eg book}: bindrand
  • binding post (screw post): bindskroef
  • binding screw: klemskroef
  • binding wire: binddraad
  • binoculars (field glasses): verkyker
  • binomial adj.: binomiaal
  • binomial corner {waveguide}: binomiale elmboog
  • binomial coupler: binomiale koppelaar
  • binomial n. {mathematics}: binoom
  • binomial twist (step twist <US>) {waveguide}: binomiale draaistuk
  • biotechnology (ergonomics) {human resources}: biotegnologie, ergonomie
  • biphase current: tweefasige stroom
  • bipolar (double pole): bipoler, tweepolig, tweepool-
  • bipolar antenna: bipolere antenne
  • bipolar motor: tweepoolmotor
  • biquinary code: bikwinere kode
  • biseal self bonding tape (self-bonding tape): alkantbindband
  • bisect: halveer
  • bismuth: bismut
  • bistable adj. {eg flip-flop}: bistabiel
  • bistable adj. {general}: bistabiel
  • bistable multi (bistable multivibrator, flip-flop): bistabiele multivibrator, bistabiele wipkring
  • bistable store: bistabiele geheue, wipkringgeheue
  • bistable switch: bistabiele skakelaar
  • bistable trigger circuit (stable trigger circuit, toggle): bistabiele snellerkring
  • bit interleaving: bistussenvoeging
  • bit interval: bisinterval
  • bit map: biskaart
  • bit parallel code: bisparallelkode
  • bit rate: bistempo
  • bit separator: bisskeier
  • bit series code: bisseriekode
  • bit stream: bisstroom
  • bit {computer technology}: bis
  • bit {key}: baard
  • bit {soldering iron}: kop
  • bit-by-bit comparator: bis-vir-bis-vergelyker
  • bit/s (bits per second): bis/s, bisse per sekonde
  • bit: boorpunt
  • bitumen compound: bitumenmengsel
  • bitumen: bitumen
  • bituminous paint: bitumenverf
  • bituminous wax tape: bitumenwasband
  • bivariate analysis {marketing}: bivariante ontleding, tweeveranderlike ontleding
  • black heat: swarthitte
  • black lead n. (graphite): grafiet
  • black level: swartpeil
  • black machine-article {mail sorting}: swart masjienstuk
  • black selenium: swart seleen
  • black signal {facsimile apparatus}: swartsein
  • black steel: swart staal
  • black-and-white copy (monochrome copy) {phototelegraphy}: monochroomkopie
  • black-and-white reception: swart-en-witontvangs
  • black-lead v.: grafitiseer
  • black-level datum: swartpeilvlak
  • black-level shift: swartpeilverskuiwing
  • black-out pulse (blanking pulse): onderdrukpuls
  • black-out signal (blanking signal): onderdruksein
  • black-to-peak-white level: swart-tot-topwit-peil
  • blackband ore: swartystererts
  • blackheart process {casting}: swartkernproses
  • blackness efficiency (dust-spot efficiency) {according to dust-spot test}: filtreerdoeltreffendheid
  • blacksmith welding {method}: smidsweising
  • blacksmith welding: smidsweiswerk
  • blacksmith's anvil: smidsaambeeld
  • blacksmith's vice: smidskroef
  • blacksmithing: grofsmidwerk
  • bladder accumulator {hydraulic system}: sakakkumulator
  • blade connector: lemverbinder
  • blade cut-off guillotine: lemafsnyguillotine
  • blade terminal block: lemaansluitblok, lemaansluiterblok
  • blade {bending machine}: drukblad
  • blade {cylinder-type key}: blad
  • blade {key}: blad
  • blade {knife, fan}: lem
  • bladed impeller: bladstuwer
  • blading {eg in turbine}: bladsamestel
  • blank card (unpunched card): blanko kaart, skoon kaart
  • blank column: blanko kolom, skoon kolom
  • blank contour: profielvorm
  • blank document: blanko dokument, blanko stuk
  • blank form: oningevulde vorm
  • blank holder pad: profielhouerkussing
  • blank holder: profielhouer
  • blank key: ru-sleutel
  • blank n. {coin}: muntskyf
  • blank n. {with die}: profiel
  • blank n.: blanko, ru-stuk
  • blank plan: blanko plan
  • blank plate: blanko plaat
  • blank tape: blanko band
  • blank type: blanko letter
  • blank v. {oscilloscope}: onderdruk
  • blank v. {telegram serial number}: blanko
  • blank v. {with cutting die}: profiel sny
  • blank {trainee}: geheuestilstand, geheuefloute
  • blank-column detection {punched card}: skoonkolomdeteksie
  • blank-off: afdig
  • blanked flyback: onderdrukte terugslag
  • blanket rating: sambreelaanslag
  • blanketing frequency: sluierfrekwensie
  • blanking control {oscillography}: onderdrukkingsbeheer
  • blanking control: onderdrukkingskontrole
  • blanking die (blank-through die): profielsnyblok
  • blanking interval: onderdrukinterval
  • blanking level: onderdrukpeil
  • blanking punch: profielpons
  • blanking station (blank-through station): profielsnypunt, profielsnystasie
  • blanking {transmission}: onderdrukking
  • blanking {with cutting die}: profielsnywerk
  • blasphemous language: godslasterlike taal
  • blast cleaner: skoonstraler
  • blast furnace: hoogoond
  • blast tank: straaltenk
  • blast v. {explosives}: skiet
  • blaster {explosives}: skieter
  • blasting (blasting operation, blasting work): skietwerk
  • blasting explosive (blasting material, explosive): springstof
  • blasting gelatine: springgelatien
  • blasting gun {sandblasting}: straler
  • blasting mat: skietmat
  • blasting permit: skietpermit
  • blasting-cartridge fuse: springpatroonlont
  • bleached calico: gebleikte kaliko
  • bleed rate: bloeitempo, luglaattempo
  • bleed v. {brakes}: bloei
  • bleed v. {high voltage in component}: bloei
  • bleed v. {liquid}: tap
  • bleed variation {eg cooling system}: beheerde aftapping
  • bleed {extension of printed image to edge of paper}: bloei
  • bleed-off unit {gas}: luglaateenheid
  • bleed-off unit {liquid}: aftapeenheid
  • bleeder current: bloeistroom
  • bleeder resistor: aflaatresistor
  • bleeder tube: bloeibuis, luglaatbuis
  • bleeder valve: bloeiklep, luglaatklep
  • bleep v. {radio-paging equipment}: roep
  • bleeper {radio-paging equipment}: blieper
  • blende: blende
  • blind bundle {faced-up letter bundle with top envelope faced down so that no address is visible}: blinde
  • bondel
  • blind cover: blinde deksel
  • blind hole: blinde gat
  • blind n.: blinder, blinding
  • blind operating {telephone exchange}: blinde bediening
  • blind operator: blinde operateur
  • blind pension: pensioen vir blindes
  • blind spot {eg in motor vehicle}: blinde kol
  • blind traffic: blinde verkeer
  • blind-felled {clothing}: blindgestik
  • blinking: flikkering
  • blip n. (pip): lyntjie, stip
  • blip n. {oscilloscope trace}: afwyking
  • blister bar (cementation bar): sementeerstaaf
  • blister {material}: blasie
  • block (clich,, printing block, cut) {plate engraved, cast or moulded for printing}: blok
  • block (disable): sper
  • block (pulley, pulley block): katrol
  • block and tackle: katrolstel
  • block authority: groepmagtiging
  • block diagram: blokdiagram
  • block distribution point {cables}: blokdistribusiepunt
  • block distribution: blokdistribusie
  • block feed: blokvoeding
  • block filter (blocking filter, stop filter): sperfilter
  • block forecast {eg underground cable planning}: blokvooruitskatting
  • block in {drawing}: ru skets
  • block joint: blokkeerlas
  • block letter: blokletter
  • block letters: drukskrif
  • block lift n. {spring set}: vasteveerligting
  • block n. (pulley): katrol
  • block n.: blok
  • block of capacitors (capacitor block): kapasitorblok
  • block of four {stamps}: vierstuk
  • block policy: blokpolis
  • block schematic: bloktekening
  • block v. {drawing}: blok
  • block v.: afsluit, blokkeer, versper
  • block-check: blokkontrole
  • block-grant system {subsidies}: bloktoekenningstelsel
  • block-numbering system: bloknommerstelsel
  • block-time working {data transmission}: bloktydwerking
  • blocked grid keying: geblokkeerde roostersleuteling
  • blocked-in square {drawing}: ru gesketste vierkant
  • blocking attenuation: blokkeerverswakking
  • blocking capacitor (stopping capacitor): sperkapasitor
  • blocking crank: blokkeerkruk
  • blocking diode: blokkeerdiode
  • blocking frequency: blokkeerfrekwensie
  • blocking key: blokkeersleutel
  • blocking lamp: blokkeerlamp
  • blocking oscillator: blokkeerossillator
  • blocking period: blokkeerperiode
  • blocking phase: sperfase
  • blocking rate: blokkeertempo
  • blocking relay: blokkeerrele
  • blocking signal: blokkeersein
  • blocking suffix signal: blokkeeragtersein
  • blocking: blokkering, versperring
  • blood cherry red: kersiebloedrooi
  • bloom {steel}: voorblok
  • bloom {steel}: wolf
  • blooming {eg rubber sleeve}: uitslag
  • blotter: vloeiblok
  • blotting paper: kladpapier, vloeipapier
  • blouse: bloes
  • blow n. {eg hammer}: slag
  • blow v. {lamp}: uitbrand
  • blow-down {water treatment}: uitloop
  • blow-in {marketing material}: los insetsel
  • blower: blaser
  • blowhole: gasholte
  • blowing {plaster}: skiet
  • blowlamp: blaaslamp
  • blown cable (blown-up cable): oopgebarste kabel
  • blown fuse: gesmelte sekering
  • blowpipe (blowtorch, torch): brander
  • blowpipe: blaaspyp
  • blue collar worker: produksiewerker, handwerker, handearbeider, blouboordjiewerker
  • blue glow {eg in mercury-arc rectifier}: blou glimming
  • blue-collar worker: bloukraagwerker, oorpakwerker
  • blue-light cell: blouligsel
  • blue-pencil line: bloupotloodstreep
  • blueprint: bloudruk
  • blueprint: bloudruk, blouligdruk
  • blueprinting machine: bloudrukmasjien
  • bluffed edge {clothing, eg collar}: ongestikte rand
  • blunt v.: afstomp
  • blunting n.: afstomping
  • blurred {eg photograph, phototelegram}: dof
  • blurring: smeereffek
  • board of management: bestuursraad
  • board of survey {stores}: goederekeurraad, keurraad
  • board v.: medies laat aftree
  • boatswain's chair (bosun's chair): bootsmanstoel
  • bob (weight): pendulegewig
  • bobbin bolt: bobynbout
  • bobbin isolator: bobynisolator
  • bobbin: bobyn
  • bodkin (pigsticker): ryg-els
  • body assembly: rompsamestel
  • body capacitance: liggaamskapasitansie
  • body clamping strap: rompklampband
  • body clearance {drill bit}: vry vlak
  • body copy (copy): tekskopie
  • body corporate (corporate body): liggaam met regspersoonlikheid, regspersoon
  • body front plate: rompvoorplaat
  • body height {vehicle}: bakhoogte
  • body shirt: lyfhemp
  • body {drill bit}: romp
  • body {of a form}: hoofdeel
  • body {of a letter or document}: teks
  • body {vehicle}: bak
  • body {vernier callipers}: graderingsteel
  • bogie (truck <US>) {eg semi-trailer}: wielstel
  • boil off {eg impurities}: afkook
  • boiled linseed oil: gaar lynolie
  • boiler snap: ketelsnapper
  • bold type: vet drukletter
  • bold-face entry: vetbeeldinskrywing
  • bold-type entry: vetdrukinskrywing
  • bolometer mount: bolometerkop
  • bolometer: bolometer
  • bolster chisel: steenbeitel
  • bolster: steunblok
  • bolt cutter: boutsnyer
  • bolt n. {key}: grendel
  • bolt n.: bout
  • bolt on: vasbout
  • bolt v.: bout, vasbout
  • bolt-firing gun: boutskieter
  • bolt-setting tool (cartridge tool, explosive fastener gun, fastening tool): skiethamer
  • bolted flange: vasgeboute flens
  • bombardment: bombardement
  • bona fide holiday: bona fide-vakansie
  • bond cubicle: deurverbindingskabinet
  • bond n. {agent}: bindmiddel
  • bond n. {building, financial}: verband
  • bond n. {electricity}: deurverbinder
  • bond n. {result of process both chemical and mechanical}: binding
  • bond n.: verbandstuk
  • bond strength (interlaminar strength): bindingsterkte
  • bond v. {chemical, mechanical}: bind
  • bond v. {electricity}: deurverbind
  • bond-test apparatus: bindingtoetsapparaat
  • bonded paper: bindpapier
  • bonded warehouse: doeanepakhuis
  • bonded wheel: gebinde wiel, saamgebinde wiel
  • bonding clamp: deurverbindklamp
  • bonding strip: deurverbindstrook
  • bonding {electricity}: deurverbinding
  • bone mass density scan: beenmassadigtheidsondersoek, beenmassadigtheidskandering
  • boning rod: korrelstok
  • bonus system: bonusstelsel
  • bonus: bonus
  • book audit: boekoudit
  • book entry: boekinskrywing
  • book of account: boekhouboek, rekeningboek
  • book of instructions: instruksieboek
  • book of postage stamps: posseëlboekie
  • book packet n.: boekpakkie
  • book record: boekrekord
  • book {call}: bespreek
  • book-and-correspondence rack: boek-en-briewerak
  • book-post: boekpos
  • book: boek, inskryf
  • bookbinder's cloth: boekbindersdoek
  • bookcase: boekkas
  • booking position: besprekingspunt
  • booking time: bespreektyd
  • bookkeeping: boekhou
  • boom guide roller: armleiroller
  • boom head {break-down van}: armkop
  • boom hoist: armkraan
  • boom sprayer {agriculture}: balkspuit
  • boom {crane}: arm
  • boom {eg across a road}: sperboom
  • boom {excavator}: hoofarm
  • boom {microphone}: hangstok
  • boomerang kid: boemerangkind, terugkeerkind
  • boomerang member: boemeranglid, terugkeerlid
  • boost n. (boosting) {brake}: aanjaging, versterking
  • boost n. (boosting, supercharging) {engine}: aanjaging
  • boost n. {electricity}: aanjaging
  • boost rectifier: aanjagelykrigter
  • boost v. (supercharge) {engine}: aanja
  • boost v. {eg brake}: aanja, versterk
  • boost v. {electricity}: aanja
  • boost-charge (quick-charge) {battery}: snellaai
  • booster (supercharger) {engine}: aanjaer
  • booster amplifier: aanjaversterker
  • booster battery: aanjabattery
  • booster charge: aanjalading
  • booster compressor: aanjakompressor
  • booster injection {medical}: opvolginspuiting, skraaginspuiting
  • booster metering: aanjatelling
  • booster set: aanjatoestel
  • booster station: aanjastasie
  • booster transformer: aanjatransformator
  • booster voltage: aanjaspanning
  • booster {brake}: aanjaer, versterker
  • booster {electricity}: aanjaer
  • boot v. {computer}: selflaai
  • booth (cabinet) {telephone}: hokkie
  • bootstrap circuit: selfhelpkring
  • bootstrap effect: selfhelpeffek
  • bootstrap loader {computer}: selflaaier
  • bootstrap program: selflaaiprogram
  • bootstrap source follower: selfhelpbronopvolger
  • bootstrap {bootstrap program}: selfhelp
  • boracic acid (boric acid): boorsuur
  • boracic lint: boorverbandlinne
  • boracic-acid lotion (boracic-acid solution): boorsuuroplossing, boorwater
  • borax: boraks
  • border line: grenslyn
  • border v. {eg space on form}: omrand
  • bore (bore out): boor, uitboor
  • bore adaptor bush: boringpasbus
  • bore cutter: uitboorbeitel
  • bore n.: boring
  • boring bar: boorstaaf, uitboorstaaf
  • boring button: boorknoppie
  • boring cut {with chain saw}: uitboorsnit
  • boring cutter: uitboorbeitel
  • boring head: uitboorkop
  • boring machine (drilling machine): boormasjien
  • boring rod: boorstaaf
  • boring tool {lathe}: boorbeitel
  • boring {with chain saw}: uitboor
  • bornite: borniet
  • boron: boor
  • borosilicate glass: boorsilikaatglas
  • borough: borough
  • borrow n.: lening
  • borrow v.: leen
  • boss (hub): naaf
  • boss: verdikking
  • bossing mallet: bosseleerhamer
  • both dates inclusive: albei datums ingesluit, met inbegrip van albei datums
  • bothway calling: tweerigtingroep
  • bothway circuit: tweerigtingkring
  • bothway exchange line: tweerigtingsentralelyn
  • bothway interprimary circuit: interprimere tweerigtingkring
  • bothway junction: tweerigtingkoppellyn
  • bothway magneto circuit: tweerigtingmagnetokring
  • bothway rele set: tweerigtingrelestel
  • bothway ringing: tweerigtinglui
  • bothway signalling facility: tweerigtingseinfasiliteit
  • bothway signalling: tweerigtingseining
  • bothway suspension {telephone service}: algehele opskorting
  • bothway trunk: tweerigtinghooflyn
  • bothway working: tweerigtingwerking
  • bothway-trunk multiple: tweerigtinghooflynmultipel
  • bottleneck: bottelnek, knelpunt
  • bottom copy: onderste kopie
  • bottom diameter (root diameter) {eg gear}: worteldiameter
  • bottom diameter {eg gear}: worteldiameter
  • bottom n. {also mathematics}: onder
  • bottom n. {clothing, eg fly}: onderpunt
  • bottom n. {clothing, eg of hem}: vourand
  • bottom n. {transistor}: bodem
  • bottom outside corner: onderste buitehoek
  • bottom plate: bodemplaat
  • bottom rake: bodemhelling
  • bottom-line responsibility: drempelverantwoordelikheid
  • bottom-line responsibility: uiteindelike verantwoordelikheid
  • bottomed state {transistor}: bodemtoestand
  • bottoming tap (plug tap): boomsnytap
  • bottoming {radio}: bodembegrensing
  • boucherisation: boucherisering
  • boule {also crystal}: boule
  • bounce n. {eg contact}: wippering
  • bounce suppressor (debouncer): wipperingonderdrukker
  • bounce suppressor: wipperingonderdrukker
  • bounce v. {eg contact}: wipper
  • bound in: ingebind
  • bound joint: bindlas
  • bound-in wire: ingebinde draad
  • boundary condition: grenstoestand
  • boundary condition: grensvoorwaarde
  • boundary line: grenslyn
  • boundary quads: grensvierlinge
  • boundary: grens
  • boutique: boetiek, boutique
  • bow n. {ship}: boeg
  • bow n. {spring}: buig
  • bow saw (frame saw, span saw): spansaag
  • bow-saw blade: boogsaaglem, spansaaglem
  • bow-shaped toggle spring: boogvormige swikveer
  • bowed spring: boogveer
  • bowl vent passage: bakontluggang
  • box clearance (box collection) {mail}: busligting
  • box cluster {postal delivery}: busgroep
  • box exchange: kabinetsentrale
  • box file: leerkissie
  • box formation {cable lacing}: blokvorm
  • box jig: kassetmaat
  • box joint jaw {nail puller}: gleufbek
  • box joint {pliers}: gleufkoppeling
  • box lobby {post office}: buslokaal
  • box mail: buspos
  • box pleat {clothing}: vierkantige plooi
  • box rent: bushuur
  • box sextant eyepiece: doossekstantoogstuk
  • box sextant: doossekstant
  • box socket block: kissokblok
  • box spanner: soksleutel
  • box tack n. {clothing}: vierkantstiksel
  • box {for completion of form}: blokkie
  • box-tacked {clothing}: in die vierkant gestik
  • box-type negative plate: doosnegatiefplaat
  • boxed section: ingeslote gedeelte
  • boxing (shuttering): bekisting
  • boxwood dowel: bukshouttap
  • boxwood dresser: bukshoutklophamer
  • boxwood folding rule: bukshoutvoumeetstok
  • brace n. (drill brace, hand brace): omslag
  • brace n.: verspanner, verspanstuk
  • brace n.: verspanstuk
  • brace v.: verspan
  • brachypolar magnet: kortpoolmagneet
  • bracing board: verspanstuk
  • bracing strap: verspanband
  • bracing: verspanning
  • bracket clamp: beuelklamp
  • bracket n. {selector}: beuel
  • bracket n.: steun
  • bracket spacer: steunspasieerder
  • bracket v. {frequency}: afbaken
  • bradawl: spykerels
  • braid n. (braiding): omvlegsel, vlegsel
  • braid n.: galon
  • braid v. {eg cable}: omvleg
  • braided cable: omvlegte kabel
  • braided square tube (square braided tube) {battery}: gevlegte vierkantbuis
  • braided weatherproof wire: omvlegte weerbestande draad
  • brainstorming session: dinkskrum
  • brainstorming: dinkskrum, ideeberaad
  • brake actuator: remwerker
  • brake block: remblok
  • brake circuit: rembaan
  • brake cylinder: remsilinder
  • brake disc: remskyf
  • brake drum: remtrommel
  • brake fluid: remvloeistof
  • brake lever (braking lever): remhefboom
  • brake lining: remsool, remvoering
  • brake magnet: remmagneet
  • brake pad: remkussing
  • brake power {BW}: remdrywing
  • brake shoe: remskoen
  • brake thermal efficiency: rem termiese rendement
  • brake tube: rempyp
  • brake-block arm: remblokarm
  • brake-spring pliers: remveertang
  • brake: rem
  • branch address: takadres
  • branch amplifier: aftakversterker
  • branch box: aftakkas
  • branch cable: takkabel
  • branch chipper (brush chipper): takkerwer
  • branch cutter: taksnyer
  • branch exchange: taksentrale
  • branch fuse: aftaksekering
  • branch instruction {programming}: vertakinstruksie
  • branch jack: aftakklink
  • branch line: taklyn
  • branch n.: tak
  • branch of service: dienstak
  • branch office: takkantoor
  • branch point (node): aftakpunt
  • branch route: aftakroete, takroete
  • branch runway: takkanaal
  • branch v.: aftak
  • branch: tak
  • branching filter: aftakfilter
  • branching loss: aftakverlies
  • branching multiple (parallel multiple): parallel multipel
  • branching network {eg antenna}: aftaknetwerk
  • branching off: aftakking
  • branding iron: brandyster
  • branding: brandmerk
  • brass bobbin: geelkoperbobyn
  • brass boss: geelkopernaaf
  • brass brush: geelkoperborsel
  • brass corner: geelkoperhoekie
  • brass folding rule: geelkopervoumeetstok
  • brass label: geelkoperetiket
  • brass n. {bearing}: laerhelfte
  • brass nail: geelkoperspyker
  • brass pin: geelkoperpen
  • brass plate: geelkoperplaat
  • brass segmental baffle: geelkoper-segmentskot
  • brass sphere: geelkopersfeer
  • brass wire: geelkoperdraad
  • brass-lined: geelkopergevoer, met geelkopervoering
  • brass: geelkoper
  • braze: braseer, sweissoldeer
  • brazier: konfoor
  • brazing hearth: braseerherd, sweissoldeerherd
  • brazing solder: brasseersoldeersel, sweissoldeersel
  • brazing: braseerwerk, sweissoldeerwerk
  • brazing: brasering, sweissoldering
  • breach of contract: kontrakbreuk
  • breach of contract: kontrakbreuk
  • breach of security: sekerheidsbreuk
  • breadboard n. (patch board): flansbord
  • breadboard n.: plankmodel
  • break bulk {shipping}: begin aflaai
  • break circuit: verbreekkring
  • break contact: verbreekkontak
  • break down {eg figures}: ontleed
  • break down {insulation}: deurslaan
  • break down {oil film}: breek
  • break down: onklaar raak
  • break elongation {rubber jointing sleeve}: breekverlenging
  • break impulse: verbreekimpuls
  • break in service: diensonderbreking, onderbreking in diens
  • break in v. (cut in, enter) {call}: insny
  • break in v. {file}: inwerk
  • break jack: verbreekklink
  • break link: verbreekskakel
  • break localisation: breukopsporing
  • break n. {condenser}: breekvlak
  • break n. {eg circuit, contact}: verbreking
  • break n. {eg of arm}: breuk
  • break n. {laminated wood}: las
  • break n.: breekplek
  • break n.: pouse
  • break period {contact}: verbrekingsduur, verbrekingsperiode
  • break pulse: verbreekpuls
  • break signal: skeisein
  • break spring set: verbreekveerstel
  • break spring: verbreekveer
  • break standby power plant: kragbron met oorskakelonderbreking
  • break test: breektoets
  • break time-out period: verbreekafteltyd
  • break v. (disconnect) {circuit, contact}: verbreek
  • break-and-make contact: verbreek-en-sluitkontak
  • break-before-make contact: verbreek-voor-sluit-kontak
  • break-even condition: eweningstoestand
  • break-even distance (Saponet): kostedrempelafstand
  • break-even point: gelykbreekpunt
  • break-in facility (cut-in facility) {PABX}: insnyfasiliteit
  • break-in n. (listening through): luister tussen pouses
  • break-in n.: insnyding
  • break-jack plug: verbreekklinkprop
  • break-out force {bucket excavator}: losbreekkrag
  • break-type heat coil: verbreekhittespoel
  • break-type standby machine: onderbreektipe gereedheidsmasjien
  • break/make ratio {contact}: verbreek/sluit-verhouding
  • breakage: brekasie
  • breakdown (failure): onderbreking
  • breakdown point: deurslagpunt
  • breakdown saw: voorsaag
  • breakdown staff: onderbrekingspersoneel
  • breakdown voltage (disruptive voltage): deurslagspanning
  • breakdown {figures}: ontleding
  • breakdown: onklaarraking
  • breaker (demolition hammer, demolition tool, paving breaker, road ripper): korsbreker
  • breaking capacity (rupturing capacity) {circuit breaker, switch}: verbreekaanslag
  • breaking load: breeklas
  • breaking strength: breeksterkte
  • breaking stress: breekspanning
  • breakpoint {computer}: breekpunt
  • breakthrough voltage {elec}: deurbreekspanning
  • breast drill: borsboor
  • breast hand drill: handborsboor
  • breast pocket: borssak
  • breastplate transmitter: borsmikrofoon
  • breather cap: asemerdop
  • breather: asemer, asempyp
  • breathing hole: asemgat
  • breechblock: sluitblok
  • brick jointer: voegyster
  • brick trowel: messeltroffel
  • brickforce: steenmuurwapening
  • bricklayer's hammer: steenhamer
  • brickwork: baksteenwerk
  • bridge capacitor: brugkapasitor
  • bridge circuit: brugkring
  • bridge duplex: brugdupleks
  • bridge feedback: brugterugkoppeling
  • bridge megger: brugmegger
  • bridge network (lattice, lattice network): kruisnetwerk
  • bridge plate: brugplaat
  • bridge rectifier: bruggelykrigter
  • bridge stabilised oscillator: bruggestabiliseerde ossillator
  • bridge test: brugtoets
  • bridge-connected unit: brugverbinde eenheid
  • bridge-control cord circuit: brugbeheerde snoerkring
  • bridge-control switchboard: brugbeheerde skakelbord
  • bridge-meg testing set: brugmegtoetsstel
  • bridge-test set: brugtoetsstel
  • bridge/bridge feedback: brug/brug-terugkoppeling
  • bridge/series feedback: brug/serie-terugkoppeling
  • bridge/shunt feedback: brug/sjunt-terugkoppeling
  • bridge: brug
  • bridged T network: oorbrugde T-netwerk
  • bridging apparatus: oorbrugapparaat
  • bridging capacitor: oorbrugkapasitor
  • bridging coil: oorbrugspoel
  • bridging course: oorbrugkursus
  • bridging filter: oorbrugfilter
  • bridging jack: oorbrugklink
  • bridging loss: oorbrugverlies
  • bridging pin: oorbrugpen
  • bridging plug: oorbrugprop
  • bridging wiper: oorbrugkontakarm
  • bridle screw: beuelhegskroef
  • bridle wire: aanvoerdraad
  • bridle {clothing, eg lapel}: versterking
  • bridle {movement}: balans
  • brief n. {eg to printer}: opdrag
  • briefcase {usually soft, opens at top}: aktetas
  • bright light: helder lig, skerp lig
  • bright red heat: helderrooihitte
  • bright red: helder rooi
  • bright yellow: helder geel
  • bright {tea, wine, beer}: helder
  • bright-galvanized finish: blinkgegalvaniseerde afwerking
  • brightness (brilliance): helderheid
  • brightness characteristic: helderheidskenmerk
  • brightness control (brilliance control) {knob}: helderheidskontrole
  • brightness control (brilliance control) {process}: helderheidsbeheer
  • brightness of trace (trace brightness): spoorhelderheid
  • brightness ratio: helderheidsverhouding
  • brightness transfer: helderheidsoordrag
  • brilliance modulation: helderheidsmodulasie
  • brimistor: brimistor
  • bring into account (bring to account): verantwoord
  • bristle sweep brush: haarpypborsel
  • brittle: bros
  • broach: profielruimer
  • broaching: profielruiming, profielruimwerk
  • broad dimension {waveguide}: bree afmeting
  • broad fault localisation: bree foutopsporing
  • broad tuning: bree instemming
  • broad-band crystal filter: breebandkristalfilter
  • broad-band lattice crystal filter: breebandkruiskristalfilter
  • broad-band noise signal: breebandruissein
  • broad-band speech channel: breebandspraakkanaal
  • broad-bandpass filter: breebanddeurlaatfilter
  • broadcast band: uitsaaiband
  • broadcast call: uitsendoproep
  • broadcast carrier system: uitsaaidraerstelsel
  • broadcast circuit {telex}: uitsendkring
  • broadcast combiner: uitsendkombineerder
  • broadcast education: radio-opvoeding
  • broadcast n.: uitsending
  • broadcast pair: uitsaaipaar
  • broadcast physical: uitsaaistamlyn
  • broadcast rack {telex}: uitsendrak
  • broadcast reléing: heruitsending
  • broadcast system: uitsaaistelsel
  • broadcast telegraph system: uitsendtelegraafstelsel
  • broadcast v. {telex}: uitsend
  • broadcast v.: uitsaai
  • broadcaster: uitsaaier
  • broadcasting fee: uitsaaigeld
  • broadcasting service: uitsaaidiens
  • broadcasting station (broadcast station): uitsaaistasie
  • broadcasting studio: uitsaai-ateljee
  • broadcasting-station licence: uitsaaistasielisensie
  • broadside array {antenna}: dwarsrignet
  • broadside loading {logic}: parallel laaiing
  • brochantite: brochantiet
  • broken period: gebroke termyn
  • broker {eg insurance}: makelaar
  • brokering call {telephony}: wisseloproep
  • brokering facility {telephony}: wisselskakelfasiliteit
  • brokering system {PABX}: wisselskakelstelsel
  • brokering {telephony}: wisselskakeling
  • bromide paper: bromiedpapier
  • bromide: bromied, bromide
  • bronze backing {bearing}: bronsrugstuk
  • bronze finishing: bronsafwerking
  • bronze wire: bronsdraad
  • bronze-fitted pump: bronsstuwerpomp
  • bronze: brons
  • brought forward {bookkeeping}: oorgebring
  • brown ore: bruinerts
  • browse {animal}: takkies en blare vreet
  • brush arm: borselarm
  • brush assembly: borselsamestel
  • brush box compartment: borselkaskompartement
  • brush box: borselkas
  • brush carrier {synchroscope}: borseldraer
  • brush contact: borselkontak
  • brush cutter (powered brush cutter): kragsens, ruigtesnyer
  • brush feed (feed brush): voerborsel
  • brush friction: borselwrywing
  • brush gear: borselgerei
  • brush holder: borselhouer
  • brush lag: borselnaloop
  • brush lead: borselleiding
  • brush lead: borselvoorloop
  • brush pigtail: borselstert
  • brush rocker: borseltuimelaar
  • brush track: borselbaan
  • brush {elec equipment}: borsel
  • brush-friction loss: borselwrywingsverlies
  • brush-holder spring: borselhouerveer
  • brush-lifting gear: borselligter
  • bubble memory (magnetic-bubble memory): borrelgeheue
  • bubble {eg spirit level}: lugbel
  • bubble: blasie
  • bucket elevator: bakhyser
  • bucket line: bakkieslyn
  • bucket piston (bucket plunger) {waveguide}: baksuier
  • bucket {trencher}: skop
  • bucking v. {with chain saw}: wiegsaag
  • buckle n. {clothing}: gespe
  • buckle n. {eg plate, wheel}: baktrekking
  • buckle n. {spring}: beuel
  • buckle v. {eg plate, wheel}: bak trek
  • buckle v. {spring}: vasbeuel
  • buckle v.: vasgespe
  • buddy aid: makkerhulp
  • buddy aid: makkerhulp
  • buddy system: makkerstelsel
  • budget control: begrotingsbeheer
  • budget n.: begroting
  • budget system: begrotingstelsel
  • budget v.: begroot
  • budget year: begrotingsjaar
  • budgeted figures: begrotingsyfers
  • budwood: ogieshout, okuleerhout
  • buff adj.: dofgeel
  • buff n.: poetser
  • buff v. {eg painting}: fynskuur
  • buff v.: poets
  • buffer amplifier: bufferversterker
  • buffer battery: bufferbattery
  • buffer block: bufferblok
  • buffer capacitor: bufferkapasitor
  • buffer gate: bufferhek
  • buffer relay: bufferrele
  • buffer spring: bufferveer
  • buffer stacker {LSM}: bufferstapelaar
  • buffer stage: buffertrap
  • buffer store: buffergeheue
  • buffer tuning-capacitor: bufferinstemkapasitor
  • buffer-amplifier stage: bufferversterkertrap
  • buffer-block clearance: bufferblokvryruimte
  • buffer-doubler: bufferverdubbelaar
  • buffer-storage principle: buffergeheuebeginsel
  • buffer: buffer
  • buffered contact spring: gebufferde kontakveer
  • buffered spring: gebufferde veer
  • buffing soap: poetsseep
  • buffing wheel: fynskuurwiel
  • buffing wheel: poetswiel
  • build out {cable, network}: uitbou
  • build up {eg call}: opbou
  • building block {eg electricity apparatus}: bou-element
  • building block: boublok, bouplaat
  • building complex: gebouekompleks
  • building distribution box: geboudistribusiekas
  • building line: bougrens, boulyn
  • building module: boumodule, boumoduul
  • building plan: bouplan
  • building wiring: geboubedrading
  • building-out capacitor: uitboukapasitor
  • building-out network: uitbounetwerk
  • building-out unit: uitboueenheid
  • building-up time (build-up time, rise time, transition time) {radio}: opboutyd, stygtyd
  • built-in noise source: ingeboude ruisbron
  • built-in pedal: ingeboude pedaal
  • built-in resistor: ingeboude resistor
  • built-in stranded support wire: ingeboude stringsteundraad
  • built-in switching facility: ingeboude skakelfasiliteit
  • built-up area: beboude gebied
  • built-up edge {lathe bit}: opgeboude snykant
  • buitelug-reklame: outdoor advertising
  • bulb (envelope) {incandescent lamp, valve}: omhulsel
  • bulb brilliance: gloeilamphelderheid
  • bulb {eg thermometer}: bol
  • bulb: gloeilamp
  • bulbous joint: bolvormige las
  • bulk call: massaoproep
  • bulk data: grootmaatdata
  • bulk dispatch: grootmaatversending
  • bulk divert {cable}: grootskaalse omleiding
  • bulk docket {eg telephone exchange}: veelfoutvorm
  • bulk fault docket: meerfoutvorm
  • bulk lifetime {semiconductor}: massalewensduur
  • bulk order: grootmaatbestelling
  • bulk posting: grootmaatinlewering
  • bulk production: grootmaatproduksie
  • bulk provision: grootmaatvoorsiening
  • bulk queue: ophooptou
  • bulk release: grootskaalse beskikbaarstelling
  • bulk stock: grootmaatvoorraad
  • bulk storage {computer}: grootmaatgeheue
  • bulk treatment: grootmaatbehandeling
  • bulk-effect diode: geheeleffekdiode
  • bulkhead light: skotlig
  • bulkhead {mail kiosk}: hangplafon
  • bulkhead-type fitting: skotmontasie
  • bulkhead: skot
  • bulking {eg of rele sets}: saamgroepering
  • bulky parcel: lywige pakket
  • bull gear: hoofdryfrat
  • bull's-eye condenser {lens}: platbolkondensor
  • bull's-eye indicator (eyeball indicator): oogaanwyser
  • bulldog timber connector: boelbytplaat
  • bulldozer: stootskraper
  • bulldozing speed {utility trencher}: gelykstootspoed
  • bullet {printing}: kol
  • bullet {typesetting}: kol
  • bullet-head nail: koeelkopspyker
  • bullet: nommerhuls
  • bulletin of verification (verification note): bevestigingsbrief
  • bulletin: bulletin
  • bullion fringes: boeljonfraiings
  • bump test: stamptoets
  • bump v. {waveguide}: duik
  • bumper spike {eg chain saw}: bufferpen, keerpen
  • bunch v. {contact}: saamsluit
  • bunch v.: bondel
  • bunched cables: kabelbondel
  • buncher: bondelmodulator
  • bunching angle: bondelhoek
  • bunching contact set: saamsluitkontakstel
  • bunching parameter: bondelparameter
  • bunching time {contact}: saamsluittyd
  • bunching {electrons}: bondelvorming
  • bundle analysis {mail}: bondelontleding
  • bundle label (facing slip): bondeletiket
  • bundle n.: bondel
  • bundle of newspapers: bondel nuusblaaie
  • bundle off: afbondel
  • bundle v.: bondel
  • bundling machine: bondelmasjien
  • bunion: knokkel
  • bunsen burner: bunsenbrander
  • buoy rope: boeitou
  • buoy: boei
  • buoying the end {submarine cable}: puntbeboeiing
  • burden: las
  • burglar alarm: inbraakalarm
  • burglar screen: dieweskerm
  • burglar-proofing: diefwering
  • burial order: begrafnisorder
  • buried cable: begraafde kabel
  • buried copper wire: begraafde koperdraad
  • buried joint: begraafde las
  • buried type {eg loading-coil pot}: begrawetipe
  • burn (lead burn): loodsweis
  • burn jelly: brandwondjellie
  • burn v. {accumulator plates}: vassmelt
  • burn-in test: inbrandtoets
  • burn-out: uitbranding
  • burner: brander
  • burning n. {grind stone}: brand
  • burning voltage (maintaining voltage) {gas-filled valve}: glimspanning
  • burnisher (burnishing tool): bruineerder
  • burnishing file: bruineervyl
  • burnt steel: verbrande staal
  • burr groove: baardgroef
  • burr n. {metal}: baard, braam
  • burr n. {wood}: knoets
  • burr side: baardkant
  • burr v. (deburr) {metal}: afbaard
  • burr v.: braam
  • bursar: beurshouer
  • burst event {PNA}: vertakgebeurtenis
  • burst of radiation (radiation burst): stralingsuitbarsting
  • burst of tone (tone burst): toonsarsie
  • burst {colour}: sarsie
  • burst-locked oscillator: sarsiegeslote ossillator
  • bursting disc: barsskyf
  • bus (busbar): geleistam
  • bus {computer}: bus
  • bus-coupler switch: geleistamkoppelskakelaar
  • busbar chamber: geleistamkamer
  • busbar connection: geleistamverbinding
  • busbar coupler: geleistamkoppelaar
  • busbar fastening: geleistambevestiging, geleistamhegter
  • busbar material: geleistammateriaal
  • busbar sectionalising switch (bus-section switch): geleistamskeiskakelaar
  • busbar transformer: geleistamtransformator
  • busbar voltage: geleistamspanning
  • bush cutting: boskap
  • bush n.: bus
  • bush summit: bosberaad
  • bushing insulator: deurvoerisolator
  • bushing: busse
  • busied circuit: besetgemaakte kring
  • busied equipment: besette toerusting
  • busied selector: besette kieser
  • business card: besigheidskaartjie
  • business description: besigheidsbeskrywing
  • business hours (hours of business): openbare diensure
  • business mail: besigheidspos
  • business mailing: besigheidposreklame, sakeposreklame
  • business premises: besigheidsperseel
  • business reply service (BRS): besigheidsantwoorddiens, BAD
  • business service: besigheidsdiens
  • business subcriber {telephone}: besigheidshuurder
  • business telephone: besigheidstelefoon
  • business-reply card: besigheidsantwoordkaart
  • business-reply telegram: besigheidsantwoordtelegram
  • bussing {computers}: buswerking
  • bust n. {measurement}: bors
  • busy adj. (engaged) {telephone}: beset
  • busy code: besetkode
  • busy condition: besettoestand
  • busy earth: besetaarde
  • busy flag: besetvlaggie
  • busy flash: besetflits
  • busy hour: druk uur
  • busy influence: besetinvloed
  • busy key: besetsleutel
  • busy lamp (engaged lamp): besetlamp
  • busy line (engaged line): besette lyn
  • busy out (make busy): beset maak
  • busy out: buite gebruik stel
  • busy signal (engaged signal): besetsein
  • busy test (engaged test): besettoets
  • busy v. (engage) {telephone}: beset
  • busy v.: besig hou
  • busy-back jack: besetklink
  • busy-book entry: besetboekinskrywing
  • busy-flash signal: besetflitssein
  • busy-hold circuit: besethoukring
  • busy-hour load: drukuurlas
  • busy-hour traffic: drukuurverkeer
  • busy-test relay: besettoetsrele
  • busy-tone cycle: besettoonsiklus
  • busy-tone earth: besettoonaarde
  • busy-tone period: besettoonduur
  • busying peg: besetpen
  • busying plug: besetprop
  • busying strip: besetstrook
  • busying: besetmaking
  • butt (stop pin): stoppen
  • butt hinge: deurskarnier
  • butt joint: stuiklas
  • butt n. (butt end) {cable}: stuikent
  • butt n. (butt-end): dik ent
  • butt n. {circuit}: stuik
  • butt n. {compactor}: stampkop
  • butt v. {cable}: afbind
  • butt weld: stuiksweislas
  • butt welder: stuiksweiser
  • butterfly joint: vleuellas
  • butterfly nut (wing nut): vleuelmoer
  • buttinsky: toetshandtelefoon
  • button catch {clothing}: knoopstrook
  • button die (button-die nut): verstelbare snymoer
  • button die: ronde draadsnyblok
  • button fly {clothing}: toeknoopgulp
  • button key: knopsleutel
  • button rivet: platrondekopklinknael
  • button rod {bulb}: knopstaaf
  • button top {on plan telephone}: knoptop
  • button {computer}: knoppie
  • button {woodwork}: hegblokkie
  • button-and-earth connection: knopie-en-aardverbinding
  • button: knop
  • button: sentreerbus
  • buttonhole gimp {clothing}: knoopsgatgimp
  • buttress thread (trapezoidal thread) {screw}: saagdraad, trapesiumdraad
  • buying intention survey {marketing}: aankoopvoornemeopname
  • buying intention survey: aankoopvoornemeopname
  • buying power (purchasing power): koopkrag
  • buzz: gons
  • buzzer key: gonsersleutel
  • buzzer signal: gonssein
  • buzzer test: gonstoets
  • buzzer: gonser
  • buzzing sound: gonsgeluid
  • by airmail: per lugpos
  • by first post: met die eerste pos
  • by hand: met die hand, per hand
  • by return of post: per kerende pos
  • by telegraph: per telegraaf, telegrafies
  • by telephone: per telefoon, telefonies
  • by-path system: ombaanstelsel
  • bypass capacitor: omloopkapasitor
  • bypass circuit: omloopkring
  • bypass damper: omloopdemper
  • bypass filter: omloopfilter
  • bypass flame {gas welder}: omlooppypvlam
  • bypass n.: omloop
  • bypass oil filter: omloopoliefilter
  • bypass tube: omlooppyp
  • bypass v.: omloop, omtak, oorbrug
  • bypass valve: omloopklep
  • byte {computer}: greep
  • c (cent): c, sent
  • cab (cabin): kajuit
  • cab call line: taxiroeplyn
  • cab-tyre flex: bandrubbersnoer
  • cab: kap
  • cabin (cab): kajuit
  • cabinet (cubicle) {power equipment}: hokkie, kabinet
  • cabinet connection schedule: kabinetverbindingstaat
  • cabinet rasp file: kabinetrasper
  • cabinet scraper: soetskraper
  • cable access point: kabeltoegangspunt
  • cable account: kabelrekening
  • cable and distribution works: kabel- en distribusiewerke
  • cable area: kabelgebied
  • cable armouring: kabelpantser
  • cable balancing: kabelbalansering
  • cable bender: kabelbuier
  • cable box: kabelkas
  • cable bracket (cable support): kabelsteun
  • cable buoy: kabelboei
  • cable capacitance: kabelkapasitansie
  • cable capacity: kabelparetal
  • cable carrier n. (cable rack, run, runway): kabelrak
  • cable carrier n.: kabeldraer
  • cable cart (jointer's cart): lasserskar
  • cable changeover: kabelverwisseling
  • cable channel (cable duct): kabelkanaal
  • cable chase: kabelgroef
  • cable chute (cable trough): kabelgeut
  • cable clamp (cable cleat): kabelklamp
  • cable clip: kabelklem
  • cable code: kabelkode
  • cable coil (cable roll): kabelrol
  • cable compound: kabelmengsel
  • cable conductor: kabelgeleier
  • cable conduit: kabelleipyp
  • cable congestion: kabeloorlaaiing
  • cable connection: kabelverbinding
  • cable connector: kabelverbinder
  • cable construction (cabling): kabelaanleg
  • cable contactor {compressed-air alarm system}: kabelkontaktor
  • cable core: kabelkern
  • cable corrosion: kabelkorrosie
  • cable covering: kabelbekleding
  • cable creepage: kabelkruiping
  • cable cut-out: kabeluitskakeling
  • cable distribution: kabeldistribusie
  • cable divert: kabelherindeling
  • cable divert: kabelomleiding
  • cable drum: kabeltol
  • cable duplex: kabeldupleks
  • cable echo: kabeleggo
  • cable end: kabelent
  • cable entrance: kabelingang
  • cable fault: kabelfout
  • cable feed: kabelvoeding
  • cable fittings: kabeltoebehore
  • cable form: kabelvorm
  • cable grease (cable lubricant): kabelsmeermiddel
  • cable grip: grypkous
  • cable guide: kabelleier
  • cable hanger: kabelhanger
  • cable harness: kabelharnas
  • cable house: kabelhuis
  • cable identification probe: kabelpaarsoeker
  • cable inlet gland: kabelingangdrukstuk
  • cable joint: kabellas
  • cable jointer's mate: kabellassershulp
  • cable jointer's probe (cable-joint probe, cable-pair probe): kabelpaarsoeker
  • cable jointer's test set: kabellasserstoetstoestel
  • cable jointer: kabellasser
  • cable jointing: kabellaswerk
  • cable junction: kabelaansluiting
  • cable layer: kabelleer
  • cable layout: kabeluitleg
  • cable lead: kabelleiding
  • cable length: kabellengte
  • cable line: kabellyn
  • cable locator: kabelsoeker
  • cable loop: kabellus
  • cable loss: kabelverlies
  • cable lug: kabeloor
  • cable maintenance: kabelinstandhouding
  • cable make-up: kabelopbou
  • cable manhole: kabelmangat
  • cable marker: kabelmerker
  • cable matching coil: kabelaanpasspoel
  • cable matching: kabelaanpassing
  • cable n.: kabel
  • cable network: kabelnetwerk
  • cable pair: kabelpaar
  • cable pin: kabelpen
  • cable plumbing: toelood van kabels
  • cable power switch: kabelkragskakelaar
  • cable probe (probe) {cables}: paarsoeker, sondeerder
  • cable project: kabelprojek
  • cable pulley: kabelkatrol
  • cable rack: kabelrak
  • cable rearrangement: kabelherindeling
  • cable record: kabelrekord
  • cable reel: kabelkleintol
  • cable relay: kabelrele
  • cable relief: kabelverligting
  • cable repair: kabelherstelling
  • cable ring: kabelring
  • cable roller: kabelroller
  • cable route: kabelroete
  • cable run: kabelloop
  • cable schematic plan: kabel skematiese plan, skematiese kabelplan
  • cable scheme: kabelskema
  • cable shaft: kabelskag
  • cable sheath: kabelomhulsel
  • cable size: kabelgrootte
  • cable sleeve: kabelhuls
  • cable specification: kabelspesifikasie
  • cable splice: kabelsplitslas
  • cable staff: kabelpersoneel
  • cable stopper (stopper): kabelstopper
  • cable strand: kabelstring
  • cable stripper knife: kabelstroopmes
  • cable stripper: kabelstroper
  • cable stub: kabelstomp
  • cable subway: kabeltonnel
  • cable support rack: kabelsteunrak
  • cable system: kabelstelsel
  • cable tail: kabelstert
  • cable telephone system: kabeltelefoonstelsel
  • cable television: kabeltelevisie
  • cable tension: kabelspanning
  • cable terminal: kabeleindpunt
  • cable termination: kabelafhegting
  • cable testing: kabeltoetsing
  • cable thimble: kabelkous
  • cable tray: kabelbak
  • cable trench: kabelvoor
  • cable v.: bekabel
  • cable vault: kabelkelder
  • cable wagon: kabelwa
  • cable wax: kabelwas
  • cable waxing: kabelbewassing
  • cable wire: kabeldraad
  • cable yarn: kabelgaring
  • cable-armouring machine: kabelpantsermasjien
  • cable-assignment record: kabeltoewysingrekord
  • cable-attenuation: kabelverswakking
  • cable-availability schedule: kabelbeskikbaarheidslys
  • cable-branching point: kabelaftakpunt
  • cable-code direct printer: direkte drukker vir kabelkode
  • cable-code transmitter: kabelkodesender
  • cable-coupling sleeve: kabelkoppelhuls
  • cable-distribution box: kabeldistribusiekas
  • cable-distribution point: kabeldistribusiepunt
  • cable-drum barrel (drum barrel): tolsilinder
  • cable-drum batten: kabeltolstrook
  • cable-drum lifting jack: kabeltoldomkrag
  • cable-drum trailer (cable trailer): kabelsleepwa
  • cable-hauling gear: kabeltrektoerusting
  • cable-joint mould: kabellasgietvorm
  • cable-jointing staff: kabellaspersoneel
  • cable-junction box: kabelaansluitkas
  • cable-laying cost: kabelaanlegkoste
  • cable-laying ship (cable ship): kabelskip
  • cable-layout schedule: kabeluitlegstaat
  • cable-repair ship: kabelherstelskip
  • cable-running list: kabellooplys
  • cable-runway drawing: kabellooptekening
  • cable-sleeve expanding tool: kabelhulsuitdyer
  • cable-suspension clamp: kabelhangklamp
  • cable-suspension ring: kabelhangring
  • cable-swaging tool: kabelsmeesaal
  • cable-terminating section: kabeleindvak
  • cable-test sheet: kabeltoetsblad
  • cable-turning section {manual switchboard}: kabeldraaiseksie
  • cablegram: kabelgram
  • cableway {building wiring}: kabelbaan
  • cableway: kabelspoor, sweefspoor
  • cabling schedule: bekabelingstaat
  • cabling {process}: bekabeling
  • cabling-screen connection: kabelskermverbinding
  • cabochon n.: cabochon
  • cadence: kadans
  • cadmium cell: kadmiumsel
  • cadmium copper: kadmiumkoper
  • cadmium test: kadmiumtoets
  • cadmium tungstate: kadmiumwolframaat
  • cadmium-copper binder: kadmiumkoperbinder
  • cadmium-copper wire: kadmiumkoperdraad
  • cadmium: kadmium
  • caesium (cesium): sesium
  • cage n. {Returned Letter Section}: hok
  • cage officer {sorting section}: hokbeampte
  • cage {forklift}: hok
  • calamine lotion: kalamynwasmiddel
  • calamine: galmei, kalamyn
  • calcinate v. (calcine): kalsineer
  • calcine n.: kalsien
  • calcite: kalsiet
  • calcium carbide: kalsiumkarbied
  • calcium chloride: kalsiumchloried
  • calcium oxide: kalsiumoksied
  • calcium tungstate: kalsiumwolframaat
  • calculate: bereken
  • calculated delay: berekende vertraging
  • calculated freight charge: berekende vragkoste
  • calculated judgement {human resources}: berekende oordeel
  • calculated judgement {marketing}: berekende oordeel
  • calculated value: berekende waarde
  • calculating machine (calculator): rekenmasjien
  • calculating machine: rekenmasjien, optelmasjien
  • calculation: berekening
  • calculator: sakrekenaar
  • calculus: kalkulus
  • calendar quarter: kalenderkwartaal
  • calendar year: kalenderjaar
  • calendar: almanak, kalender
  • calibrate {accuracy}: kalibreer
  • calibrate {adjustment to variable}: instel
  • calibrate {compare with eg laboratory standard}: yk
  • calibrate {inscribing of graduations}: kalibreer
  • calibrated attenuator: gekalibreerde verswakker
  • calibrated disc: gekalibreerde skyf
  • calibrated gauge: gekalibreerde maat
  • calibrated graticule: gekalibreerde graadnet
  • calibrating reference: kalibreerverwysing
  • calibrating resistor: kalibreerresistor
  • calibration chart: kalibreerkaart
  • calibration control: kalibreerkontrole
  • calibration frequency: kalibreerfrekwensie
  • calibration {accuracy}: kalibrering
  • calibrator: kalibrator, kalibreerder
  • calico polishing mop: kalikopoetsdweil
  • caliper gauge: speermaat
  • caliper jaw: passerkaak
  • caliper {paper}: dikte
  • calipers: meetpasser
  • call account: daggeldrekening, aanvraagrekening
  • call alarm lamp: oproepalarmlamp
  • call attempt: oproeppoging
  • call bell: roepklokkie
  • call bid (Saponet): oproepaanvraag
  • call button {telephone}: roepknop
  • call card: oproepkaart
  • call charge: oproepkoste
  • call circuit (calling circuit, calling line): roepkring
  • call collision: oproepbotsing
  • call cord: roepsnoer
  • call count: oproeptelling
  • call device: roeptoestel
  • call diversion (call forwarding): oproepomleiding
  • call fee: oproepgeld
  • call finder: oproepvinder
  • call for (claim, collect) {eg letter}: afhaal
  • call for {file}: opvra
  • call in storage: oproep in bewaring
  • call indicator: oproepaanwyser
  • call information: oproepinligting
  • call key: roepsleutel
  • call letters: roepletters
  • call orbiting: oproepwenteling
  • call out {eg for duty}: ontbied
  • call pick-up {EBX}: oproepskaking
  • call pick-up: oproepoorname
  • call pilot lamp: roepkliklamp
  • call progress {Saponet}: oproepvordering
  • call queuing circuit: oproeptoukring
  • call queuing system: oproeptoustelsel
  • call queuing: oproepbeurtafwagting
  • call registration light {in lift}: roeplig
  • call set-up packet: oproepopstel-pakkie
  • call storage: oproepbewaring
  • call storer: oproepbewaarder
  • call supervisor bell: opsigterroepklokkie
  • call supervisor key: opsigterroepsleutel
  • call supervisor lamp: opsigterroeplamp
  • call supervisory lamp (call supy): oproeptoesiglamp
  • call ticket: oproepkaartjie
  • call timer: gesprekduurmeter
  • call-acceptance signal: oproepaanvaardingsein
  • call-back facility {PABX}: terugroepfasiliteit
  • call-back n. {telegram service}: terugoproep
  • call-bell system: roepklokkiestelsel
  • call-cancel key: oproepkanselleersleutel
  • call-count meter (call meter, call-register meter, message register): oproepteller
  • call-count record (traffic record) {telephone}: verkeersrekord
  • call-down equipment {numbering equipment}: uitroeptoerusting
  • call-duration charge: oproepduurkoste
  • call-duration indication: oproepduuraanwysing
  • cal l-forward mode: oproepaanstuurmodus
  • cal l-indicator position {switchboard}: oproepaanwyserpunt
  • cal l-information logging service: oproepinligtingregistrasie
  • cal l-logging clock: oproeplogklok
  • cal l-out duty: uitroepdiens
  • cal l-processing program: oproepverwerkprogram
  • cal l-progress signal: oproepvorderingsein
  • cal l-record journal (CRJ): oproeprekordjoernaal, ORJ
  • cal l-request circuit: oproepversoekkring
  • cal l-request packet: oproepversoekpakkie
  • cal l-side ring conductor: roepkantringgeleier
  • cal l-side ring key: roepkantluisleutel
  • cal l-side tip conductor: roepkantpuntgeleier
  • cal l-state facility counting {PABX}: fasiliteitgebruiktelling
  • cal l-storer jack: oproepbewaarklink
  • cal l-storing equipment: oproepbewaartoerusting
  • cal l-through test: deurskakeltoets
  • cal l-timer circuit: oproepduurmeetkring
  • cal l-user data field: oproepgebruikerdataveld
  • cal l/clear lamp: roep/vrymaak-lamp
  • cal l: oproep
  • cal lability {Saponet}: oproepbaarheid
  • cal lable note: dagnota
  • cal led exchange: opgeroepte sentrale
  • cal led extension: opgeroepte bylyn
  • cal led party (called subscriber, callee): opgeroepte
  • cal led party busy (callee engaged): opgeroepte beset
  • cal led party clear {signal}: opgeroepte vry
  • cal led party held (called subscriber held): vaspen van opgeroepte
  • cal led-party release (called-subscriber release): vrymaking deur opgeroepte
  • cal led-subscriber-answer pick-up {automatic telephone}: tewerkstelling na antwoordsein
  • cal led-subscriber-held alarm {telephone}: vaspenalarm
  • cal ler (calling party, calling subscriber): oproeper
  • cal ling alarm: roepalarm
  • cal ling and exchange line identification: roep- en sentralelynidentifikasie
  • cal ling button: roepknop
  • cal ling code: roepkode
  • cal ling cord (front cord): roepsnoer
  • cal ling device: roeptoestel
  • cal ling earth: roepaarde
  • cal ling end: roepent
  • cal ling equipment: roeptoerusting
  • cal ling exchange: roepsentrale
  • cal ling extension: roepbylyn
  • cal ling indicator {switchboard}: roepaanwyser
  • cal ling key: roepsleutel
  • cal ling lamp: roeplamp
  • cal ling loop: roeplus
  • cal ling operator: roepoperateur
  • cal ling plug: roepprop
  • cal ling position: roeppunt
  • cal ling rate {number per unit of time}: oproepsyfer
  • cal ling rate: oproeptempo
  • cal ling relay: roeprele
  • cal ling side: roepkant
  • cal ling signal (call sign, call signal): roepsein
  • cal ling signal lock-out: roepseinuitsluiting
  • cal ling station: roepstasie
  • cal ling user: roepgebruiker
  • cal ling wave: roepgolf
  • calling wire: roepdraad
  • calling-in form: opeisvorm
  • calling-lamp display: roeplampvertoning
  • calling-line identification: roeplynidentifikasie
  • calling-party release (calling-subscriber release): vrymaking deur oproeper
  • callmaker: oproepmaker
  • calomel electrode: kalomelelektrode
  • calorie: kalorie
  • calorimetry: kalorimetrie
  • cam action: nokwerking
  • cam and lug: nok en oor
  • cam arm: nokarm
  • cam detent: nokstuiter
  • cam disc: nokskyf
  • cam face (cam surface): nokvlak
  • cam flank: nokflank
  • cam follower: nokvolger
  • cam groove: nokgroef
  • cam lever: nokhefboom
  • cam lobe: nokneus
  • cam locator: noklokaliseerder
  • cam lock {lathe}: noksluiter
  • cam lock: nokslot
  • cam ratchet: nokpalrat
  • cam roller: nokroller
  • cam sleeve: nokhuls
  • cam spring: nokveer
  • cam thrust washer: nokdrukwaster
  • cam tongue: noktong
  • cam track: nokbaan
  • cam unit: nokeenheid
  • cam-controlled contact pile: nokbeheerde kontakstapel
  • cam-feed pinion: nokvoerkleinrat
  • cam-lever pivot: nokhefboomspil
  • cam-lock line {lathe}: noksluitlyn
  • cam-lock nose {lathe}: noksluitneus
  • cam-lock spindle {lathe}: noksluitspil
  • cam-lock stud {lathe}: noksluittapbout
  • cam-locking {lathe}: noksluiting
  • cam-operated air valve: nokgewerkte lugklep
  • cam-operated contact: nokgewerkte kontak
  • cam-operating pawl: nokwerkpal
  • cam-positioning bracket: nokposisioneersteun
  • cam-release lever: nokloshefboom
  • cam-retention pawl: nokkeerpal
  • cam-sleeve roller: nokhulsroller
  • cam-spring bender: nokveerbuier
  • cam-spring set: nokveerstel
  • cam-unit casting: nokeenheidgietstuk
  • cam: nok
  • camber {road}: ronding
  • camber {spring}: kromming
  • camber: wielvlug
  • cambric washer: kamerdoekwaster
  • came clear while localising (CWL): reggekom tydens opsporing, RTO
  • camel-hair brush: kameelhaarkwassie
  • camera alignment mark {reprographic process}: kamerarigmerk
  • camera channel: kamerakanaal
  • camera ready: kameragereed, kameraklaar
  • camera tube {television}: kamerabuis
  • camp allowance: kamptoelae
  • camp attendant: kampoppasser
  • camp dixie: kampkastrol
  • camp latrine: kamplatrine
  • camp on (park) {eg on line}: vertoef
  • camp on busy (camp on busy line): op besette lyn vertoef
  • camp on busy: vertoef op beset
  • camp on line {automatic trunk exchange}: op 'n lyn vertoef
  • camp stool: kampstoel
  • camp table: veldtafel
  • camp-on key: vertoefsleutel
  • camp-on queuing: vertoeftoustaan
  • camp-on-busy facility (camp-on facility): vertoeffasiliteit
  • camp-stretcher: veldbed, voubed
  • campus recruiting day: werkgewersdag
  • camshaft spanner: nokassleutel
  • camshaft: nokas
  • cancel key: kanselleersleutel
  • cancel {stamp}: afstempel, rojeer
  • cancel: kanselleer
  • cancellation advice: kanselleringsadvies
  • cancellation-of-message signal: berigkanselleersein
  • cancellation-stamp impression: rojeerstempelafdruk
  • canceller: rojeerder
  • cancelling ink: rojeerink
  • cancelling machine: rojeermasjien
  • candidate: kandidaat
  • candle lamp: kerslamp
  • candle power: kerskrag
  • candlestick {telephone}: kandelaar
  • canister {for cable}: dop
  • canister: kan
  • cannibalise: kannibaliseer
  • cannon pillar {movement}: kanonpilaar
  • canolle knife: canolle-mes
  • canonical correlation {marketing}: kanoniese korrelasie
  • canonical correlation: kanoniese korrelasie
  • canopy: kap
  • cant backwards: agteroor kantel
  • cantop earth: kantop-aarde
  • cantop protector: kantop-afleier
  • canvas bag: seilsak
  • canvas hose: seilslang
  • canvas sling: seildraband
  • canvas: seil
  • cap (top cap) {electron tube}: kap
  • cap badge: petkenteken
  • cap connection {valve tester}: dopverbinding
  • cap end: afsluitdop
  • cap: dop
  • capability bit: vermoebis
  • capability test: vermoetoets
  • capability: bekwaamheid
  • capability: vermoe
  • capability: vermoe
  • capacitance and clear {test}: kapasitansie en skoon
  • capacitance balance: kapasitansiebalans
  • capacitance balancing: kapasitansiebalansering
  • capacitance bridge: kapasitansiebrug
  • capacitance coupling (RC coupling, resistance): RC-koppeling, weerstand, kapasitansie-koppeling
  • capacitance deviation: kapasitansieafwyking
  • capacitance earth (counterpoise, counterpoise earth): teenwigaarde
  • capacitance key: kapasitansiesleutel
  • capacitance kick (capacity kick): kapasitansieskop, kapasitansie-uitslag
  • capacitance magnifier (capacity magnifier): kapasitansievergroter
  • capacitance meter: kapasitansiemeter
  • capacitance storage: kapasitansiebewaring
  • capacitance test: kapasitansietoets
  • capacitance unbalance: kapasitansie-onbalans
  • capacitance unit: kapasitansie-eenheid
  • capacitance {eg of capacitor}: kapasitansie
  • capacitance-coupled amplifier: kapasitief gekoppelde versterker
  • capacitance-unbalance bridge: kapasitansie-onbalansbrug
  • capacitance/impedance bridge: kapasitansie/impedansie-brug
  • capacitance/inductance constant (LC constant): kapasitansie/induktansie-konstante, LC-konstante
  • capacitive circuit: kapasitiewe kring
  • capacitive coupling: kapasitiewe koppeling
  • capacitive discharge: kapasitiewe ontlading
  • capacitive iris {waveguide}: kapasitiewe iris
  • capacitive load: kapasitiewe belasting
  • capacitive post {waveguide}: kapasitiewe pen
  • capacitive reactance: kapasitiewe reaktansie
  • capacitive reaction (capacitive regeneration): kapasitiewe terugkoppeling
  • capacitive tuning: kapasitiewe instemming
  • capacitive-branch current: kapasitiewetak-stroom
  • capacitive: kapasitief
  • capacitor block (block of capacitors): kapasitorblok
  • capacitor box {two-motion selector}: kapasitorkas
  • capacitor charge: kapasitorlading
  • capacitor circuit: kapasitorkring
  • capacitor coupling: kapasitorkoppeling
  • capacitor discharge metering: kapasitorontlaaitelling
  • capacitor discharge: kapasitorontlading
  • capacitor impulse: kapasitorimpuls
  • capacitor leakage: kapasitorlek
  • capacitor microphone (capacitor transmitter): kapasitormikrofoon
  • capacitor reactance: kapasitorreaktansie
  • capacitor surge: kapasitorstuwing
  • capacitor vane: kapasitorplaat
  • capacitor-and-clear test: kapasitor-en-skoon-toets
  • capacitor-input filter: kapasitoringangfilter
  • capacitor-kick test: kapasitorskoptoets
  • capacitor-mounting strap: kapasitormonteerstrop
  • capacitor-start motor: kapasitoraansitmotor
  • capacitor/impedance bridge: kapasitor/impedansie-brug
  • capacitor/inductor filter: kapasitor/induktor-filter
  • capacitor/resistor filter (RC filter): kapasitor/resistor-filter, RC-filter
  • capacity (power) {eg lifting power}: kapasiteit, vermoe
  • capacity <also see CAPACITANCE>: kapasitansie
  • capacity correction factor {cooling coil}: vermoekorreksiefaktor
  • capacity deviation: kapasitansieafwyking
  • capacity for stowage (loading space): laairuimte
  • capacity modulator {gas compressor}: leweringsreelaar
  • capacity of work: arbeidsvermoe
  • capacity tolerance: kapasitansietoleransie
  • capacity unbalance bridge: kapasitansie-onbalansbrug
  • capacity {accounting machine}: rekengrens
  • capacity {cables}: kapasiteit
  • capacity {eg telephone exchange}: lynetal
  • capacity {filing cabinet}: liasseerruimte
  • capacity {in the sense of storage space usually expressed in cubic metres}: ruimte
  • capacity {number of pairs in cables}: paretal
  • capacity {of a battery cell usually expressed in Ah}: kapasiteit
  • capacity {person}: hoedanigheid
  • capacity {that can contain something expressed in l/t etc eg a tank/ship}: inhoud
  • capacity: hoedanigheid
  • cape chisel: ritsbeitel
  • cape {clothing}: mantel
  • capillary action: kapillere werking
  • capillary electrometer: kapillere elektrometer
  • capital equipment: kapitaaltoerusting
  • capital estimates (estimates of capital expenditure): kapitaalbegroting
  • capital expenditure (capital outlay): kapitaalbesteding, kapitaaluitgawe
  • capital risk: kapitaalrisiko
  • capital value: kapitaalwaarde
  • capital works: kapitaalwerke
  • capital: hoofletter
  • capital: hoofstad
  • capped fuse (capped safety fuse): doppielont
  • capstan handwheel (pilot handwheel) {lathe}: speekwiel
  • capstan head: knewelkop
  • capstan lathe (turret lathe): rewolwerdraaibank, toringdraaibank
  • capstan saddle: toringkopsaal
  • capstan slide {lathe}: toringslee
  • capstan turret: toring
  • capstan-headed screw: knewelskroef
  • capsule receiver: kapsulegehoorstuk
  • capsule transmitter: kapsulemikrofoon
  • capsule {also telephone}: kapsule
  • captive fixing device: vanghegter
  • captive insurance: gebonde versekering
  • captive screw: geankerde skroef
  • capture effect: vangeffek
  • capture lamp: inbeslagneemlamp
  • capture range: vangstrek
  • capture v. {Telebank card}: insluk
  • capture v. {data}: vasle
  • capture v.: in beslag neem
  • captured card {Telebank}: ingeslukte kaart
  • capturing equipment: vasletoerusting
  • car radio: motorradio
  • caravan: karavaan, woonwa
  • carbide chip breaker: karbiedsnyselbreker
  • carbide-tipped drill bit: karbiedpuntboor
  • carbide-tipped tool: karbiedpuntbeitel
  • carbon (carbon block): koolblok
  • carbon (carbon electrode) {electricity}: koolelektrode
  • carbon arc welding: koolboogsweising
  • carbon arrester: koolstofafleier
  • carbon brush: koolborsel
  • carbon copy: koolkopie
  • carbon deposit: koolaanpaksel
  • carbon dioxide: koolstofdioksied
  • carbon drill: koolstaalboor
  • carbon dust: koolpoeier
  • carbon filament: koolgloeidraad
  • carbon film resistor: koolfilmresistor
  • carbon granule: koolkorreltjie
  • carbon lamp: kooldraadlamp
  • carbon monoxide: koolstofmonoksied
  • carbon paper: koolpapier
  • carbon particle: kooldeeltjie
  • carbon pick-up: koolstofaanwassing
  • carbon potentiometer: koolpotensiometer
  • carbon protector: koolafleier
  • carbon resistor: koolresistor
  • carbon ring: koolring
  • carbon steel: koolstaal
  • carbon tetrachloride: koolstoftetrachloried
  • carbon tool steel: koolgereedskapstaal
  • carbon {element}: koolstof
  • carbon {general}: kool
  • carbon-backed paper (carbonised paper): koolrugpapier
  • carbon-block gauge: koolblokmaat
  • carbon-filament lamp (carbon incandescent lamp): kooldraadlamp
  • carbon-free alloy: koolstofvry legering
  • carbon-granule transmitter (carbon microphone, carbon transmitter): koolmikrofoon
  • carbon-impregnated paper: koolge<mpregneerde papier
  • carbon-pile regulator: koolsuilreelaar
  • carbon-pile voltage regulator: koolsuilspanningsreelaar
  • carbonate: karbonaat
  • carbonic acid: koolsuur
  • carbonised oil: gekarboniseerde olie
  • carbonising flame: karboniseervlam
  • carbonless paper: koollose papier
  • carborundum grinder: karborundumslyper
  • carborundum wheel: karborundumwiel
  • carborundum: karborundum
  • carburettor: vergasser
  • carburise: inkool, karbureer
  • carcass {also tyre}: karkas, romp
  • carcinotron: karsinotron
  • card carrier: kaarthouer
  • card clip: kaartklem
  • card compressor (card support) {card drawer}: kaartstut
  • card count: kaarttelling
  • card counter (card-counting device): kaartteller
  • card design: kaartontwerp
  • card dialler: kaartskakeltoestel
  • card feed: kaartvoerder
  • card file: kaartleer
  • card filing cabinet: kaartkabinet
  • card filing library: kartoteek
  • card frame: kaartsubraam
  • card index: kaartindeks
  • card jam: kaartknoop
  • card magazine: kaartmagasyn
  • card print: kaartafdruk
  • card stacker {punched-card machine}: kaartstapelaar
  • card {eg microwave}: kaart
  • card-index system: kaartindeksstelsel
  • card-retaining spring: kaarthouveer
  • cardboard backing: kartonrug
  • cardboard box: kartondoos
  • cardboard: karton
  • cardinal number: hoofgetal, kardinaalgetal
  • cardioid diagram (heart-shaped diagram): hartvormige diagram, kardio<ede diagram
  • cardioid n.: kardio<ed
  • cardioid reception (heart-shape reception): hartvormige ontvangs, kardio<ede ontvangs
  • cardphone: kaartfoon
  • care of: per adres
  • career consultation: loopbaankonsultasie
  • career levelling: loopbaanafplatting
  • career support system: loopbaanondersteuningstelsel
  • caretaker's requisites n.: opsigtersbenodigdhede
  • caretaker: opsigter
  • carousel (voltage adapter, voltage adjustment switch): spanningskrans
  • carpenter's brace: timmermansomslag
  • carpenter's drill: timmermansboor
  • carpenter's saw: timmermansaag
  • carpentry: timmerwerk
  • carpet backing: tapytruglaag
  • carpet boom {forklift}: matbalk
  • carpet flex: tapytsnoer
  • carpet: tapyt
  • carport: motoroordak
  • carriage assembly {two-motion selector}: wasamestel
  • carriage bell catch plate: waklokvangplaat
  • carriage bolt (cup square-neck bolt): balkbout
  • carriage cross-head clutch: wakruiskopkoppelaar
  • carriage end-plate: wa-entplaat
  • carriage feed {mechanism in teleprinter}: wa-aanskuiwer
  • carriage feed {teleprinter}: wa-aanskuiwing
  • carriage forward: vrag te betaal
  • carriage latch: waknip
  • carriage return {computer}: reeleinde
  • carriage return {teleprinter}: wa-terugloop
  • carriage spanner {eg teleprinter}: wasleutel
  • carriage travel {eg printer, typewriter}: wa-slag
  • carriage {eg lathe, typewriter}: wa
  • carriage {eg relè}: draer
  • carriage-adjusting screw {relè}: draerstelskroef
  • carriage-feed lever {teleprinter}: wa-aanskuifhefboom
  • carriage-return control lever: wa-terugloopbeheerhefboom
  • carriage-return key: wa-terugloopsleutel
  • carriage-return spring: wa-terugloopveer
  • carriage-support bar: wasteunstaaf
  • carried forward {bookkeeping}: oorgedra
  • carried load: gedraagde las
  • carried-over fault: oorgedraagde fout
  • carrier (dog, driving dog) {eg lathe}: meenemer
  • carrier amplifier: draerversterker
  • carrier arm: draerarm
  • carrier bag: drasak
  • carrier broadcast channel: uitsaaidraerkanaal
  • carrier bypass filter: draeromloopfilter
  • carrier cable: draerstelselkabel
  • carrier channel: draerkanaal
  • carrier compression: draerkomprimering
  • carrier control station: draerstelselbeheerstasie
  • carrier current telegraphy (carrier telegraphy): draertelegrafie
  • carrier current: draerstroom
  • carrier double arm: draerdubbelarm
  • carrier drift (carrier-frequency drift): draerfrekwensiedwaling
  • carrier element: draerelement
  • carrier equipment: draertoerusting
  • carrier exploitation: draereksploitasie
  • carrier failure: draerfaling
  • carrier fault: draerfout
  • carrier filter: draerfilter
  • carrier frequency: draerfrekwensie
  • carrier generating equipment: draeropwektoerusting
  • carrier generator: draergenerator
  • carrier glass flat {reader/printer}: draerruit
  • carrier hybrid: draerdifferensiaal
  • carrier input: draerinset
  • carrier installation: draerstelselinstallering
  • carrier leak: draerlek
  • carrier level indicator: draerpeilaanwyser
  • carrier level: draerpeil
  • carrier link: draerverbinding
  • carrier maintenance: draerstelselinstandhouding
  • carrier noise level: draerruispeil
  • carrier noise: draerruis
  • carrier oscillation: draerossillasie
  • carrier output: draeruitset
  • carrier reintroduction: draerherinvoering
  • carrier repeater: draerherhaler
  • carrier ringer (carrier system ringer, ringer convertor, ringing convertor): roepomsetter
  • carrier room: draerkamer
  • carrier route: draerroete
  • carrier shift: draerverskuiwing
  • carrier signal: draersein
  • carrier station: draerstasie
  • carrier stop filter: draersperfilter
  • carrier subscriber: draerhuurder
  • carrier supply: draerbron
  • carrier suppression: draeronderdrukking
  • carrier switch system: draerskakelstelsel
  • carrier synchronisation: draersinchronisasie
  • carrier synchronisation: draersinchronisering
  • carrier system: draerstelsel
  • carrier tap choke coil: draertapsmoorspoel
  • carrier telegraph circuit: draertelegraafkring
  • carrier telegraph system: draertelegraafstelsel
  • carrier telephone channel: draertelefoonkanaal
  • carrier telephone system: draertelefoonstelsel
  • carrier telephony: draertelefonie
  • carrier terminal equipment: draereindpunttoerusting
  • carrier terminal station: draereindstasie
  • carrier transit speed {pneumatic tube system}: houerspoed
  • carrier transmission: draertransmissie
  • carrier transposed system: kruisingstelsel vir drawerking
  • carrier transposed wires: draadkruising vir draerwerking
  • carrier transposition system: draerkruisingstelsel
  • carrier transposition: draerkruising
  • carrier trunk circuit: draerhooflynkring
  • carrier trunk route: draerstelselhooflynroete
  • carrier tube {lathe}: drapyp
  • carrier vector: draervektor
  • carrier voltage: draerspanning
  • carrier wave: draergolf
  • carrier web {labels for computer}: drastrook
  • carrier working: draerwerking
  • carrier {also filing unit}: draer
  • carrier {cables}: rak
  • carrier {microfilm}: kleefraam
  • carrier-blocking network: draerblokkeernetwerk
  • carrier-circuit transposition: draerkringkruising
  • carrier-fault extract: uittreksel van draerfoute
  • carrier-frequency deviation: draerfrekwensiedeviasie
  • carrier-frequency oscillator (CFO): draerfrekwensieossillator, DFO
  • carrier-frequency pulse: draerfrekwensiepuls
  • carrier-frequency stability: draerfrekwensiestabiliteit
  • carrier-input level: draerinsetpeil
  • carrier-isolating choke coil: draerafsondersmoorspoel
  • carrier-on-cable system: kabel-draerstelsel
  • carrier-repeater station: draerherhaalstasie
  • carrier-station staff: draerstasiepersoneel
  • carrier-supply amplifier: draerbronversterker
  • carrier-system amplifier: draerstelselversterker
  • carrier-system terminal: draerstelseleindpunt
  • carrier-to-noise ratio: draer/ruis-verhouding
  • carrier-type pole: draerroetepaal
  • carrier-wave envelope: draergolfomhulling
  • carrier: draer
  • carrier: houer
  • carry bit: oordrabis
  • carry electrode: oordra-elektrode
  • carry forward {accounting}: oordra
  • carry n. {arithmetic operation}: oordrag
  • carry out {instructions}: nakom, uitvoer
  • carry up {wall}: optrek
  • carry v. (carry over) {arithmetic operation, electric fault}: oordra
  • carry-forward balance: oordrasaldo
  • carry-over fault: oordrafout
  • carry-over provision: oordragsvoorsiening
  • carry-over total: oordratotaal
  • carry-over works: oordrawerke
  • carrying capacity (load capacity): dravermoë
  • carrying case {instruments}: tas
  • carrying wheel {forklift}: drawiel, stutwiel
  • cartage order: karwei-order
  • cartage: karweikoste, vervoerkoste
  • cartage: vervoer
  • carton {container}: karton
  • carton: karton
  • cartoon test {marketing}: tekenprenttoets
  • cartoon test: tekenprenttoets
  • cartridge fuse: patroonsekering, smeltpatroon
  • cartridge wrapper: patroonomhulsel
  • cartridge: patroon
  • cascade amplification: kaskadeversterking
  • cascade amplifier: kaskadeversterker
  • cascade capacitor: kaskadekapasitor
  • cascade connection: kaskadeverbinding
  • cascade converter: kaskadeomsetter
  • cascade doubler: kaskadeverdubbelaar
  • cascade quadrupler: kaskadeverviervoudiger
  • cascade v.: kaskadeer
  • cascode amplifier: kaskodeversterker
  • case (casing, housing): hulsel, omhulsel
  • case shift {teleprinter}: kasverskuiwing
  • case under review: onderhawige geval
  • case-fixing screw: dophegskroef
  • case-harden: dopverhard
  • case-hardened steel: dopverharde staal
  • case-shift inserter: kasskuifinvoeger
  • case-shift rack: kasskuifstandtang
  • case: dop
  • case: geval
  • case: kas
  • case: kis
  • case: tas
  • cash account: kasrekening
  • cash advance: kontantvoorskot
  • cash balance: kassaldo, kontantsaldo
  • cash bowl: geldbakkie
  • cash box: geldkissie, geldtrommel
  • cash collection: kontantvordering
  • cash drawer: geldlaai
  • cash float: kaskontant, kleingeld
  • cash in hand: kontant voorhande
  • cash list {pay clerk}: kontantlys
  • cash n.: kontant
  • cash on delivery (COD): kontant by aflewering, KBA
  • cash payment: kontantbetaling
  • cash register: kasregister
  • cash reserve: kontantreserwe
  • cash shortage: kastekort
  • cash slip: kontantstrokie
  • cash surplus: kasoorskot
  • cash tray: geldbord
  • cash turnover: geldomset, kontantomset
  • cash up v. {eg at end of day}: kontant afsluit
  • cash v. {eg money order}: wissel
  • cash-book: kasboek
  • cash-on-delivery service (COD service): kontant-by-aflewering-diens, KBA-diens
  • cash-register impression: kasregisterafdruk
  • cash-register reading: kasregisterlesing
  • cash-up n.: kontantafsluiting
  • cashier: kassier
  • casing cradle {eg boring machine}: voeringdraraam
  • casing n. {eg in cylinder}: voering
  • casing n. {tyre}: romp
  • cassette: kasset
  • cassiterite: kassiteriet
  • cast aluminium: gietaluminium
  • cast housing: gegote hulsel
  • cast iron (CI): gietyster, GIY
  • cast safety guard: gietbeskermskut
  • cast steel: gietstaal
  • cast v. {bookkeeping}: optel
  • cast v. {concrete slab}: gooi
  • cast v. {vote}: uitbring
  • cast v.: giet
  • cast-iron alloy: gietysterlegering
  • cast-iron base: gietystervoetstuk
  • cast-iron conduit: gietysterleipyp
  • cast-iron joint: gietysterlasstuk
  • cast-iron pipe: gietysterpyp
  • casting error {bookkeeping}: optelfout
  • casting vote: beslissende stem
  • casting: gietsel, gietstuk
  • casting: gietwerk
  • castle nut: kroonmoer
  • casual labourer: los arbeider
  • casual transport permit: toevallige vervoerpermit
  • cat ladder: katleer
  • cat's whisker (whisker): katsnor
  • catalogue n.: katalogus
  • catalogue number: katalogusnommer
  • catalogue price (catalogue rate): katalogusprys
  • catalogue v.: katalogiseer
  • catch plate {lathe}: meeneemplaat
  • catch plate: vangplaat
  • catch {automatic transmitter}: grendel
  • catcher {microwave}: vanger
  • catching diode (clamping diode): vaspendiode
  • catchweight: voetstootse massa
  • catchword: kustode, volgwoord
  • catchword: lemma, trefwoord
  • category: kategorie
  • catenary wire: dradraad, kettingdraad
  • cathion (cation): katioon
  • cathode base pin: katodevoetpen
  • cathode beam: katodebundel
  • cathode bias: katodevoorspanning
  • cathode bypass capacitor: katodeomloopkapasitor
  • cathode coupling: katodekoppeling
  • cathode current: katodestroom
  • cathode fall: katodeval
  • cathode follower regulator: katodevolgerreëlaar
  • cathode follower: katodevolger
  • cathode glow: katodeglim
  • cathode keying {radiotelegraphy}: katodesleuteling
  • cathode layer: katodelaag
  • cathode loading: katodebelasting
  • cathode mercury: katodekwik
  • cathode modulation: katodemodulasie
  • cathode potential (cathode voltage): katodespanning
  • cathode pulse modulation: katodepulsmodulasie
  • cathode ray: katodestraal
  • cathode sheath: katodeomhulsel
  • cathode spot: katodekol
  • cathode sputtering: katodeverstuiwing
  • cathode terminal: katodestiffie
  • cathode-coupled amplifier: katodegekoppelde versterker, versterker met katodekoppeling
  • cathode-follower circuit: katodevolgerkring
  • cathode-glow lamp: katodeglimlamp
  • cathode-heating time: katodeverhittyd
  • cathode-lead inductance: induktansie van katodeleiding
  • cathode-ray direction-finder: katodestraalrigtingpeiler
  • cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO): katodestraalossilloskoop, KSO
  • cathode-ray tube display: katodestraalbeeld
  • cathode-ray tube indicator: katodestraalbuiswyser
  • cathode-ray tube: katodestraalbuis
  • cathode-ray tuning indicator (electric eye, magic eye): instemoog
  • cathode/auto bias: katode/outo-voorspanning
  • cathode: katode
  • cathodic bombardment: katodiese bombardement
  • cathodic evaporation: katodiese verdamping
  • cathodic protection {electrolysis of cables}: katodiese beskerming
  • catsuit: kattepak
  • catwalk: brugvoetpaadjie
  • catwalk: looplys
  • caulk: kalfater
  • caulked earthenware pipe: gekalfaterde erdepyp
  • caulker tool (caulking iron, caulking tool): kalfaatyster
  • caulking compound: kalfaatmengsel, kalfaatsel
  • caulking joint: kalfaatlas
  • caulking pincers: kalfaatknyptang
  • caulking yarn: kalfaatgaring
  • caulking: kalfaatwerk, kalfatering
  • causal technique {marketing}: oorsaaklike tegniek
  • causal technique: oorsaaklike tegniek
  • cause field: oorsaakveld
  • caustic paint remover: byt-verfverwyderaar
  • caution payment: voorsorgbetaling
  • caution plate: waarskuwingsplaat
  • cavitation: holtevorming, kavitasie
  • cavity (resonant cavity): resonansieholte
  • cavity filter: holtefilter
  • cavity frequency meter: holtefrekwensiemeter
  • cavity magnetron: holtemagnetron
  • cavity resonance: holteresonansie
  • cavity wavemeter: holtegolfmeter
  • cavity {eg defect}: holte
  • cavity-coupled filter: holtegekoppelde filter
  • cavity: gietruimte
  • ceasing date: staakdatum
  • ceasing docket: staakmagtiging
  • cede: sedeer
  • ceiling bonus: maksimum bonus
  • ceiling hook: plafonhaak
  • ceiling loft (loft): solder
  • ceiling rod: plafonstaaf
  • ceiling rose: plafonroset
  • ceiling void: plafonruimte
  • cell amplification: selversterking
  • cell cover: seldeksel
  • cell {also air filter}: sel
  • cell-captive insurer: gebondedeel-versekeraar
  • cellophane paper: sellofaanpapier
  • cellular rubber (foam rubber, rubber foam, rubber sponge, sponge rubber): skuimrubber, sponsrubber
  • celluloid adj.: sellulo<ed
  • celluloid n.: sellulo<ed
  • cellulose acetate film: selluloseasetaatvlies
  • cellulose acetate: selluloseasetaat
  • cellulose tape: selluloseband
  • cement duct: sementkanaal
  • cement kettle: sementketel
  • cement mortar: sementdagha, sementmortel
  • cement n.: sement
  • cement screed: sementvlaklaag
  • cement v.{eg plastic}: vasplak
  • cementation bar (blister bar): sementeerstaaf
  • cementation: sementering
  • cementite: sementiet
  • censorship: sensuur
  • centering tool: sentreerbeitel
  • centering: sentrering
  • centimetre (cm): sentimeter, cm
  • centimetric wave: sentimetergolf
  • centiminute: sentiminuut
  • centra! tendency {marketing}: sentrale neiging
  • central administration: sentrale administrasie
  • central authority: sentrale gesag
  • central automatic call-billing equipment (ZAGE): sentrale outomatiese oproepdebiteertoerusting, ZAGE
  • central battery: sentrale battery
  • central control position: sentrale beheerpunt
  • central director: sentrale direktor
  • central electrode: middelelektrode
  • central executive committee: sentrale uitvoerende komitee
  • central frequency: middelfrekwensie
  • central heating: sentrale verwarming
  • central limit theorem: sentralelimiet-stelling
  • central limit theory {marketing}: sentralelimietstelling
  • central management system (CMS): SBS, sentrale beheerstelsel
  • central member: middeldeel
  • central merit committee: sentrale merietekomitee
  • central monitoring position: sentrale monitorpunt
  • central processing unit (CPU): sentrale verwerkeenheid, SVE
  • central promotion committee: sentrale bevorderingskomitee
  • central telegraph office: sentrale telegraafkantoor
  • central trend: kerntendens, sentrale tendens
  • central word processor: sentrale woordverwerker
  • central-battery exchange system (central-battery system): sentralebattery-stelsel
  • central-battery exchange: sentralebattery-sentrale
  • central-battery feed: sentralebattery-toevoer
  • central-battery signalling: sentralebattery-seining
  • central-battery supply: sentralebattery-voeding
  • central-battery switchboard: sentralebattery-skakelbord
  • central-battery telephone: sentralebattery-telefoon
  • central-battery working: sentralebattery-werking
  • centralisation: sentralisering
  • centralised grading: gesentraliseerde gradering
  • centralised power distribution: gesentraliseerde kragverdeling
  • centralised service observation: gesentraliseerde dienswaarneming
  • centre back {clothing}: middel agter
  • centre bank: middelbank
  • centre bush: senterbus
  • centre conductor: middelgeleier
  • centre contact: middelkontak
  • centre distance {gears}: hartafstand
  • centre drill: senterboor
  • centre extension: middelverlenging
  • centre finder: middelpuntsoeker
  • centre frequency: middelfrekwensie
  • centre gauge: sentermaat
  • centre height: senterhoogte
  • centre hole: sentergat
  • centre lathe: senterdraaibank
  • centre layer: middellaag
  • centre limb: middelbeen
  • centre line (line of centres): hartlyn
  • centre n. (CR) {drawing}: hartafstand, HA
  • centre n. {eg lathe}: senter
  • centre n. {general}: middelpunt
  • centre n.: sentrum
  • centre of curvature: krommingsmiddelpunt
  • centre of distribution: distribusiepunt
  • centre of gravity: swaartepunt
  • centre point (mid-point): middelpunt
  • centre punch: senterpons
  • centre spindle {movement}: minuutspil
  • centre string {cable}: middelstring
  • centre tap: middeltap
  • centre tapping: middeltapping
  • centre to centre: senter tot senter
  • centre v.: sentreer
  • centre wheel {movement}: minuutrat
  • centre zero: middelzero
  • centre-back seam {clothing}: middelagternaat
  • centre-fed antenna: middelgevoerde antenne
  • centre-feeding: middelvoeding
  • centre-hole speed: sentergatspoed
  • centre-hole tape: sentergatband
  • centre-line-average parameter: hartlyngemiddeldeparameter
  • centre-piece: senterstuk
  • centre-point working: middelaftakwerking
  • centre-stable relay: middelstandrelé
  • centre-tapped filament winding: middeltapgloeidraadwikkeling
  • centre-tapped repeating coil: middeltapoordraspoel
  • centre-tapped resistor: middeltapresistor
  • centre-tapped secondary winding: sekondére wikkeling met middeltap
  • centre-to-centre spacing: hartafstand, senter-tot-senter-spasiering
  • centre-zero galvanometer: middelzerogalvanometer
  • centre-zero instrument: middelzero-instrument
  • centre-zero meter: middelzerometer
  • centreless grinding: senterlose slypwerk
  • centrifugal clutch: sentrifugale koppelaar
  • centrifugal compressor: sentrifugale kompressor
  • centrifugal fan: sentrifugale waaier
  • centrifugal force: middelpuntvliedende krag
  • centrifugal governor: sentrifugale reelaar
  • centrifugal switch: sentrifugale skakelaar
  • centring control {eg television}: sentreerkontrole
  • centring: sentrering
  • centripetal force: middelpuntsoekende krag
  • ceramic capacitor: keramiekkapasitor
  • ceramic case: keramiekkoker
  • ceramic disc: keramiekskyf
  • ceramic material: keramiekmateriaal
  • ceramic package: keramiekhouer
  • ceramic sleeve: keramiekhuls
  • ceramic-tipped tool: keramiekpuntbeitel
  • cerium: serium
  • certificate account: sertifikaatrekening
  • certificate of balance: saldosertifikaat
  • certificate of commendation: aanprysingsertifikaat
  • certificate of handing-over: oorhandigingsertifikaat
  • certificate of indisposition: sertifikaat van ongesteldheid
  • certificate of issue {money order}: sertifikaat van uitreiking
  • certificate of issue: uitreikingsbewys
  • certificate of origin: sertifikaat van herkoms
  • certificate of posting {registered article}: bewys van inlewering, inleweringsbewys
  • certificate of proficiency (proficiency certificate): bevoegdheidsertifikaat
  • certificate of service: dienssertifikaat
  • certificate of service: dienssertifikaat
  • certificate of voyage: seereissertifikaat
  • certificate {eg of membership}: bewys, sertifikaat
  • certification stamp: sertifiseerstempel
  • certified account: gesertifiseerde rekening
  • certified copy: gewaarmerkte kopie
  • certified correct: gesertifiseer korrek
  • certified engineer: gediplomeerde ingenieur
  • certified mail: gesertifiseerde pos
  • certified print: gewaarmerkte afdruk
  • certified-mail service: gesertifiseerdepos-diens
  • certify: sertifiseer, verklaar
  • certify: waarmerk
  • cerusite: serusiet
  • cessation of service: staking van diens
  • ch (channel): knl, kanaal
  • chad chute: ponsselvalgeut
  • chad collector: ponsselbak
  • chad layer: ponssellaag
  • chad shaft: ponsselas
  • chad: ponssel
  • chadless perforation: ponssellose perforering
  • chafe: skaaf
  • chafer: skawer
  • chain finger {LSM}: kettingvinger
  • chain fracture: kettingbreuk
  • chain hoist: kettinghyser
  • chain of contacts: kontakreeks
  • chain of reles: relereeks
  • chain pulley: kettingkatrol
  • chain set: kettingstel
  • chain wheel: kettingrat
  • chain-dotted graph: streep-en-stippel-grafiek
  • chain: ketting
  • chalcopyrite: chalkopiriet
  • chalk-surfaced paper: krytvlakpapier
  • challenge phrase (challenge question) {telephone banking}: daagfrase, daagvraag
  • chamber box: kabelputverdeelkas
  • chamber construction: kabelputbouwerk
  • chamber diagram: kabelputdiagram
  • chamber ladder: kelderleer
  • chamber {cables}: kabelput
  • chamfer n.: afkanting
  • chamfer v.: afkant
  • chamfer-head screw: skuinskopskroef
  • chamfered bolts: afgekante boute
  • chamfering tool: afkantbeitel
  • chamois leather: seemsleer
  • chanelling {made of iron or plastic}: kanaal
  • change gear (change wheel): wisselrat
  • change lever: wisselhefboom
  • change of incumbency: verandering van ampsbekleer
  • change of residence: woningsverandering
  • change of signature {eg of a child}: verandering in handtekening
  • change of status: statusverandering, verandering van status
  • change of subscriber: verandering van huurder
  • change-speed lever: spoedwisselhefboom
  • change: verandering
  • change: verwissel
  • changed number (C/N): veranderde nommer, V/N
  • changed-number interception: oproeponderskepping by nommerverandering
  • changeover allowance: oorskakeltoelating
  • changeover bracket: oorskakelbeuel
  • changeover circuit: oorskakelkring
  • changeover contact unit: oorskakelkontakeenheid
  • changeover contact: oorskakelkontak
  • changeover key: oorskakelsleutel
  • changeover relay: oorskakelrele
  • changeover spring set: oorskakelveerstel
  • changeover spring: oorskakelveer
  • changeover switch: oorskakelaar
  • changeover time: oorskakeltyd
  • changeover time: oorskakeltyd
  • changeover type: oorskakeltipe
  • changeover: oorskakeling
  • channel bandwidth: kanaalbandbreedte
  • channel bay: kanaalraam
  • channel bayside: kanaalraamkant
  • channel bias: kanaalvoorspanning
  • channel branching: kanaalverdeling
  • channel capacity: kanaalvermoe
  • channel distortion: kanaalvervorming
  • channel dropping: kanaalaftakking
  • channel equaliser: kanaaleffenaar
  • channel equivalent: kanaalekwivalent
  • channel filter: kanaalfilter
  • channel group: kanaalgroep
  • channel hybrid: kanaaldifferensiaal
  • channel iron: U-yster
  • channel jig: U-yster-setmaat
  • channel marker: kanaalmerker
  • channel pair: kanaalpaar
  • channel panel: kanaalpaneel
  • channel receive filter: kanaalontvangfilter
  • channel spectrum: kanaalspektrum
  • channel supergroup: kanaalsupergroep
  • channel translating equipment: kanaalomsittoerusting
  • channel translation stage: kanaalomsittrap
  • channel transmit filter: kanaalsendfilter
  • channel width: kanaalbreedte
  • channel-access equipment: kanaaltoegangstoerusting
  • channel-access repeater: kanaaltoegangsherhaler
  • channel-and-leaf jig: kanaal-en-platystersetmaat
  • channel-carrier oscillator: kanaaldraerossillator
  • channel-carrier supply: kanaaldraerbron
  • channel-combining differential: kanaalkombineerdifferensiaal
  • channel-combining: kanaalkombinering
  • channel-condition alarm: kanaaltoestandalarm
  • channel-dropping repeater: kanaalaftakversterker
  • channel-testing equipment: kanaaltoetstoerusting
  • channel-to-gate junction: kanaal/hek-voegvlak
  • channel-type shelf: kanaaltipe rak
  • channelling equipment: kanaaltoerusting
  • channelling pin {cable joint}: oophoupen
  • channelling: kanalisering
  • channellised transmitter: gekanaliseerde sender
  • char: verkool
  • character counter: karakterteller
  • character framing: karakterraming
  • character selection {teleprinter}: karakterkeuse
  • character sequence: karakterreeks
  • character space: karakterspasie
  • character {also in telegram}: karakter
  • character {speech}: toonkleur
  • characteristic <correct English term - characteristic curve>: kenkromme
  • characteristic band {vocal sounds}: kenband
  • characteristic distortion: kenvervorming
  • characteristic frequency: kenfrekwensie
  • characteristic impedance (surge impedance): kenimpedansie
  • characteristic impedance: kenimpedansie
  • characteristic instant of modulation: kenmerkende modulasietydstip
  • characteristic instant of restitution: kenmerkende weergawetydstip
  • characteristic instant: kentydstip
  • characteristic resistance: kenmerkende weerstand
  • characteristic signal: kensein
  • characteristic wave impedance: kengolfimpedansie
  • characteristic: eienskap, kenmerk
  • charcoal: houtskool
  • charge carrier: ladingdraer
  • charge density: ladingsdigtheid
  • charge due: koste verskuldig
  • charge image {television}: ladingsbeeld
  • charge n. {air-conditioning system}: inhoud
  • charge n. {electricity}: lading
  • charge n.: klag
  • charge n.: koste
  • charge out {eg cost}: uitboek
  • charge out {eg overflow work}: uitbestee
  • charge pay: toesigbesoldiging
  • charge period: kostetyd
  • charge rate (charging rate): laaitempo
  • charge sheet: klagstaat
  • charge slip: kostelys
  • charge stepping relê {ND}: kostestaprelê
  • charge table {VTI process}: verandertabel
  • charge to: debiteer teen
  • charge v. {account}: debiteer
  • charge v. {eg coolant}: vul
  • charge v. {electricity}: laai
  • charge v. {franking machine}: stel
  • charge v.: hef, vorder, vra
  • charge-out rate {eg cost}: uitboektarief
  • charge-out rate {eg overflow work}: uitbestedingtarief
  • charge-pay claim: toesigbesoldigingeis
  • charge-storage diode: ladingbewaardiode, ladingstoordiode
  • charge-transfer device (CTD): ladingoordragtoestel, LOT
  • charge/discharge cycle: laai/ontlaai-siklus
  • charge/discharge power scheme: laai/ontlaai-kragskema
  • chargeable duration: betaalbare tydsduur
  • chargeable time: betaalbare tyd
  • chargeable-time clock: gesprekduurklok
  • chargeable-time indicator: gesprekduurmeter
  • charged body {electricity}: gelaaide liggaam
  • chargeman (gang chargeman): spanvoorman
  • charger: laaier
  • charging air pressure: laailugdruk
  • charging bell: laai-afsluittregter
  • charging board: laaibord
  • charging current: laaistroom
  • charging gauge: vulmeter
  • charging hose: vulslang
  • charging interval: laaitussenpoos
  • charging machine: laaimasjien
  • charging of costs: kosteberekening
  • charging panel: laaipaneel
  • charging period: laaityd
  • charging point: laaipunt
  • charging rectifier: laaigelykrigter
  • charging step: kostetrap
  • charging stick: laaistok
  • charging supply: laaitoevoer
  • charging time {battery}: laaityd
  • charging valve: vulklep
  • charging voltage: laaispanning
  • charging: laai, laaiing
  • chariot rail: papierwaspoor
  • chariot: papierwa
  • charitable institution: liefdadigheidsinrigting
  • charity postage stamp: liefdadigheidsposseel
  • charity sticker: liefdadigheidsplakker
  • chart-comparison unit: kaartvergelykingseenheid
  • chart: kaart
  • chart: kaart
  • chart: tabel
  • charter n. {eg university}: oktrooi
  • charwoman: skoonmaakster, skropvrou
  • chase cover: groefdeksel
  • chase: groef
  • chaser {eg screw thread}: nasnytap
  • chasing machine: muurgleufmasjien
  • chasing {eg screw thread}: nasnywerk
  • chassis (mounting plate): monteerplaat
  • chassis/cab: onderstel-kajuit
  • chassis: onderstel
  • chatter mark: klappermerk
  • chattering {rele contacts}: klappering
  • check card {for coding desk of LSM}: kontrolekaart
  • check clerk: kontroleklerk
  • check digit {accounts}: toetssyfer
  • check list: kontrolelys
  • check meter: kontroleteller
  • check n.: kontrole
  • check number {telegram}: kontrolenommer
  • check rod: keerstang
  • check sheet: kontroleblad
  • check sheet: kontroleblad
  • check study (control study): kontrolestudie
  • check sum {computer}: kontrolesom
  • check time {human resources}: kontroletyd
  • check total {calculating machine}: kontroletotaal
  • check v. {computer box}: merk
  • check v.: keer
  • check v.: kontroleer, nagaan
  • check valve: keerklep
  • check word {telegram}: kontrolewoord
  • check-card machine: kontrolekaartmasjien
  • check-off facility {labour relations}: afmerkfasiliteit
  • check-off facility: afmerkfasiliteit
  • checkbox: merkblokkie
  • checker: kontroleerder
  • checking device (detent): stuiter
  • checking method: kontroleermetode
  • checking officer: kontrolebeampte
  • checkout (paypoint, till): betaalpunt
  • checkpoint: kontrolepunt
  • checkup: roetineondersoek
  • cheese (cheese antenna): kaasantenne
  • cheese cloth: kaasdoek
  • cheese head {bolt}: dikkop
  • cheese nut: dikkopmoer
  • cheese-dish telephone: kaasbaktelefoon
  • cheese-dish type instrument: kaasbaktipe toestel
  • cheese-head screw: dikkopskroef
  • cheese: kaasreflektor
  • chemical action: chemiese werking
  • chemical compound: chemiese verbinding
  • chemical corrosion: chemiese korrosie
  • chemical dosing: chemikalietoediening
  • chemical energy: chemiese energie
  • chemical equaliser: chemiese effenaar
  • chemical equation: chemiese vergelyking
  • chemical fumes: chemiese dampe
  • chemical milling: chemiese patroonvreting
  • chemical reaction: chemiese reaksie
  • chemical soundness {fabric}: chemiese gaafheid
  • chemical symbol: chemiese simbool
  • chemiluminescence: chemiluminessensie
  • cheque deposit: tjekdeposito
  • cheque-writing and signing machine: tjekuitskryf-en-tekenmasjien
  • cheque: tjek
  • chequered plate (tread plate): geruite plaat, ruitjiesplaat
  • cherry-red: kersierooi
  • cheshire label: cheshire-etiket
  • chevron: chevron
  • chi-square test {marketing}: chi-kwadraattoets
  • chi-square test: chi-kwadraattoets
  • chief/secretary service (secretarial intercept): sekretariele onderskepping
  • chill: kilgietvorm, verkiller
  • chilled iron: kilyster
  • chilled water: kilwater
  • chilled-water coil: kilwaterkronkel
  • chilled-water cooling coil: kilwaterkoelkronkel
  • chilled-water generator: kilwatergenerator
  • chiller (water chiller): waterkiller
  • chilling: verkilling
  • chip breaker {lathe}: snyselbreker
  • chip clearance {also drill}: snyselverwydering
  • chip extraction {planing machine}: kruluitsuiging
  • chip guard: snyselskerm
  • chip n. {machinery/drilling}: boorsel
  • chip n. {metal cutting}: snysel
  • chip n. {planing machine}: krul
  • chip n. {semiconductor}: tjip
  • chip n. {tool}: skaar
  • chip pan (chip tray) {metal cutting}: snyselpan
  • chip plane: tjipvlak
  • chipper {potatoes}: skyfiemaker
  • chipping unit {branch cutter}: kerfeenheid
  • chirp {radio}: tjirp
  • chisel bit: beitelboorpunt
  • chisel point: beitelpunt
  • chisel steel: beitelstaal
  • chisel-edged steel: beitelsneestaal
  • chisel-shaped: beitelvormig
  • chisel: beitel
  • chloride indicator: chloriedindikator
  • chlorinated naphthalene: chloornaftaleen
  • chlorine: chloor
  • chlorodyne: chlorodien
  • chloroquine: chloorkin
  • chocked position {cable drum}: vaswigposisie
  • choice situation: keursituasie
  • choice: keuse
  • choke connector: smoorverbinder
  • choke coupling: smoorspoelkoppeling
  • choke input filter: smoorspoelingangsfilter
  • choke modulation: smoorspoelmodulasie
  • choke n. (choke coil, retardation coil): smoorspoel
  • choke n. {motor-car}: smoorder, smoorklep
  • choke n. {motor}: smoorder
  • choke n. {waveguide}: smoorstuk
  • choke plunger: smoorplunjer
  • choke v.: smoor
  • choke valve: smoorklep
  • choke-coupled amplifier: smoorspoelgekoppelde versterker
  • chop v. {oscilloscope}: kap
  • chopped mode {oscilloscope}: kapmodus
  • chopped-strand mat: snipperstringmat
  • chopper amplifier: kapversterker
  • chopper amplifier: opknapversterker
  • chopper bar (writing bar, writing blade, writing edge): skryfstaaf
  • chopper circuit: kapkring
  • chopper {radiotelegraphy}: toonwiel
  • chopper: draaiskakelaar, onderbreker
  • chopper: kapper
  • chord {geometry}: koord
  • chordal addendum (corrected addendum): koordkophoogte
  • chordal pitch (chord pitch): koordsteek
  • chordal thickness: koorddikte
  • christian name <see - first name >: voornaam
  • chroma circuit: chromakring
  • chroma control {device}: chromakontrole
  • chroma control: chromabeheer
  • chroma output: chroma-uitset
  • chromalin: kleurpoef
  • chromatic aberration: chromatiese aberrasie
  • chromaticity: chromatisiteit
  • chromating: chromatering
  • chrome hide (chrome leather): chroomleer
  • chrome steel: chroomstaal
  • chromic acid: chroomsuur
  • chrominance angle: chrominansiehoek
  • chrominance component: chrominansiekomponent
  • chrominance phase error: chrominansiefasefout
  • chrominance random noise: chrominansie toevallige ruis
  • chromium flash: chroomfilm
  • chromium-plated: verchroom
  • chromography: chromografie
  • chronic illness benefit: chroniesesiekte-voordeel, Chroniese Siekte-voordeel
  • chronocycle graph: tydsiklusgrafiek
  • chronological order: chronologiese volgorde
  • chronopher: tydsender
  • chuck dog (chuck jaw): kloukopklou
  • chuck face: kloukopvoorvlak
  • chuck work: kloukopwerk
  • chuck {drill, lathe, etc}: kloukop
  • chuck {pneumatic tool}: boorhouer
  • chucking plate: klouplaat
  • chucking reamer: kloukopruimer
  • chute (trough) {cable}: geut
  • chute extension: valgeutverlengstuk
  • chute {coin box}: valgeut
  • cinema media research {marketing}: teatermedianavorsing
  • cinematographic film {television}: kinematografiese film
  • cinematography: kinematografie
  • circard (circuit card): kringkaart
  • circle: sirkel
  • circlip pliers: borgringtang
  • circlip: borgring
  • circuit arrangement: verbindinginrigting
  • circuit behaviour: kringgedrag
  • circuit breaker (current breaker): kringbreker, stroombreker
  • circuit change {telephony}: lynverandering
  • circuit change: kringverandering
  • circuit component: kringkomponent
  • circuit description (circuit explanatory): kringbeskrywing
  • circuit design: kringontwerp
  • circuit designation: kringbenaming, kringdesignasie
  • circuit diagram: kringdiagram
  • circuit down time (circuit outage): kringmanktyd
  • circuit element: kringdeel, kringelement
  • circuit equivalent {of telephone line}: verbindingekwivalent
  • circuit equivalent: kringekwivalent
  • circuit fault: kringfout
  • circuit kilometre distance: kringkilometerafstand, verbindingkilometerafstand
  • circuit matching: kringaanpassing
  • circuit noise: kringruis
  • circuit number: kringnommer
  • circuit operation: kringwerking
  • circuit quantity: kringtal
  • circuit record: kringrekord
  • circuit release {telephone}: kringvrymaking
  • circuit report: kringverslag
  • circuit schematic: skematiese kringdiagram
  • circuit selector {AVO meter}: kringkieser
  • circuit self-induction: kringselfinduksie
  • circuit serial number: kringreeksnommer
  • circuit switching: kringskakeling
  • circuit template: kringpatroon
  • circuit usage: kringbenutting
  • circuit {telecommunication}: kring
  • circuit-breaker switch: stroombreekskakelaar
  • circuit-occupancy time: kringbesettyd
  • circuit-releasing current {rele}: kringafvalstroom
  • circuit-releasing time {rele circuit}: kringafvaltyd
  • circuit-saturating current: kringversadigingstroom
  • circuit-switched circuit: kringgeskakelde kring
  • circuit: sirkel
  • circuital magnetisation (solenoidal magnetisation): soleno<ede magnetisering
  • circuitous route: ompad, omweg
  • circuitry: kringwerk
  • circular boundary: sirkelvormige grens
  • circular cutter: ronde snybeitel
  • circular letter: rondskrywe
  • circular magnetic wave: sirkelvormige magnetiese golf
  • circular magnetisation: sirkelvormige magnetisering
  • circular mallet: sirkelvormige klophamer
  • circular minute: omsendminuut
  • circular pattern: sirkelpatroon
  • circular pitch (circumferential pitch) {tooth pitch}: sirkelsteek
  • circular rotating force: draaiende krag
  • circular route: sirkelroete
  • circular saw: sirkelsaag
  • circular scan: sirkelaftasting
  • circular ticket: rondreiskaartjie
  • circular tour: rondreis
  • circular warrant: reisbetaalorder
  • circular waveguide: ronde golfleier
  • circular-form cutter: rondeprofielsnyer
  • circular: omsendbrief, sirkulêre
  • circularly polarised wave: sirkelvormig gepolariseerde golf
  • circulate: sirkuleer
  • circulating current: sirkulasiestroom
  • circulation branch: sorteertak
  • circulation copy: sirkulasie-eksemplaar
  • circulation guide: sirkulasiegids
  • circulation list {also newspaper}: sirkulasielys
  • circulation position: distribusiepunt
  • circulation register: sirkulasieregister
  • circulation table: sirkulasietafel
  • circulation {mail}: sirkulasie
  • circulation {money}: omloop
  • circulator: sirkuleerder
  • circulatory earth current: sirkulerende aardstroom
  • circumference: omtrek
  • circumferential speed: omtrekspoed
  • circumscribed figure {mathematics}: omgeskrewe figuur
  • circumstances beyond one's control: omstandighede buite jou beheer
  • cistern: spoelwaterbak
  • citizen band: burgerband
  • city council: stadsraad
  • civic centre: burgersentrum
  • civic development: stadsontwikkeling
  • civic particulars {market research}: burgerlike besonderhede
  • civil action (civil proceedings): siviele geding, siviele saak
  • civil aviation: burgerlugvaart
  • civil engineer: siviele ingenieur
  • civil engineering: siviele ingenieurswese
  • civil pension: siviele pensioen
  • civil servant (public servant): staatsamptenaar
  • cladding layer: deklaag
  • cladding region: bekledingslaag
  • claim for compensation: eis om skadevergoeding
  • claim n.: aanspraak
  • claim n.: eis, vordering
  • claim to promotion: aanspraak op bevordering
  • claim v. {amount}: verantwoord
  • claim v.: aanspraak maak op
  • claim v.: eis, vorder
  • claimant: eiser
  • claims purposes: eisdoeleindes
  • clamdigger {clothing}: sakbroek
  • clamp bar {milling}: klampstaaf
  • clamp block: klampblok
  • clamp jaws: klampkloue
  • clamp n.: klamp
  • clamp n.: vaspenner
  • clamp spring: klampveer
  • clamp stud {milling}: klamptapbout
  • clamp toe {body and frame straightener}: klamptoon
  • clamp v. {eg output}: vaspen
  • clamp v.: vasklamp
  • clamp-adjusting screw: klampstelskroef
  • clamp-bolt head: klampboutkop
  • clamp-fixing screw: klamphegskroef
  • clamped joint {eg wood}: klampvoeg
  • clamped joint: klamplas
  • clamped square wave: vasgepende vierkantgolf
  • clamper circuit: vaspenkring
  • clamper {waveforms}: vaspenner
  • clamper: klamper
  • clamping beam {sheet-metal work}: klampbalk
  • clamping block: klampblok
  • clamping bolt: klampbout
  • clamping bush: klampbus
  • clamping collar: klampkraag
  • clamping disc: klampskyf
  • clamping dog: klampklou
  • clamping lever: klamphefboom
  • clamping nut (clamp nut) {eg milling}: klampmoer
  • clamping plate (clamp plate): klampplaat
  • clamping screw: klampskroef
  • clamping strap: klampband
  • clamping washer: klampwaster
  • clapper box: wipbeitelhouer
  • clarifier {eg radio}: klaarder
  • class n.: klas
  • class of service: diensklas
  • class of service: klas diens
  • class of subscriber: klas huurder
  • class v.: klas, klassifiseer
  • class-A modulation: klas A-modulasie
  • class-A valve operation: klas A-buiswerking
  • class-B modulation: klas B-modulasie
  • class-of-traffic bus (CTB): verkeerklasbus, VKB
  • classification of bearings: peilingsklassifikasie
  • classification of posts: posteklassifikasie
  • classification: indeling, klassifikasie, klassifisering
  • classified directory: geklassifiseerde gids
  • classify: indeel, klassifiseer
  • classify: indeel, klassifiseer
  • clattering noise: gekletter
  • clause {eg of draft bill or regulation}: klousule
  • claw clutch (jaw clutch): kloukoppelaar
  • claw hammer: klouhamer
  • claw-grip washer: klouwaster
  • clay conduit: kleileipyp
  • clay digger (digger): kleigrawer
  • clay-band ore: klei-ystererts
  • clean bill of lading: skoon vragbrief
  • clean receipt (unqualified receipt): onvoorwaardelike ontvangbewys
  • clean receipt: skoon kwitansie
  • clean resistance {filter}: skoon weerstand
  • clean trace {oscilloscope}: skerp spoor, skoon spoor
  • clean up {eg frequency band}: skoonmaak
  • clean {microwave circuit}: ruisvry
  • clean-up work {human resources}: opruimwerk
  • cleaner: skoonmaker
  • cleaning agent: skoonmaakmiddel
  • cleaning allowance: skoonmaaktoelae
  • cleaning dish: skoonmaakbakkie
  • cleaning fluid: skoonmaakvloeistof
  • cleaning gear: skoonmaakgereedskap
  • cleaning-up rele (trimmer rele, trimming rele): fynstelrele
  • clear adj. (disengaged): onbeset, vry
  • clear adj. {eg line, punched card machine}: skoon
  • clear back: terugvrymaak
  • clear button (restore button): herstelknoppie
  • clear button {coding desk of LSM}: leegmaakknop
  • clear code: herstelkode
  • clear confirmation {dialling}: vrymaakbevestiging
  • clear dimensions: vry afmetings
  • clear down {eg teleprinter}: afskakel
  • clear down {eg telex}: afskakel
  • clear down {line connection}: vrymaak
  • clear for trunks lamp: hooflynruimlamp
  • clear forward: heenvrymaak
  • clear into {information}: oorplaas na
  • clear key: vrymaaksleutel
  • clear line: maak lyn skoon
  • clear loop: skoon lus
  • clear n. (clear indication): onbesetaanwysing
  • clear of faults: defekvry
  • clear run-through: foutvry toetsloop
  • clear state: terugsteltoestand
  • clear trunk: hooflyn sonder tussenstasies
  • clear v. {amount from account}: verwyder
  • clear v. {call}: afhandel
  • clear v. {circuit}: vrymaak
  • clear v. {coin box, letter box}: lig
  • clear v. {eg elements of memory}: terugstel
  • clear v. {eg site for building work, whole memory}: skoonmaak
  • clear-back recognition time: terugvryherkenningstyd
  • clear-back signal: terugvrysein
  • clear-confirmation packet {Saponet}: heraansitbevestiging-pakkie
  • clear-down flick: vrymaakflik
  • clear-for-trunk facility: hooflynruimfasiliteit
  • clear-forward signal: heenvrysein
  • clear-the-line telegram: ruimtelegram
  • clearance (clearing) {eg customs}: klaring
  • clearance advice: herstellingsadvies
  • clearance angle (front clearance, relief angle): vryruimtehoek
  • clearance fee: klaringsgeld
  • clearance fit: vry passing
  • clearance gauge: vryruimtemaat
  • clearance hole {leather punch}: afvoergat
  • clearance hole: vrypasgat
  • clearance list {PO box}: ligtingslys
  • clearance period {cheque}: verrekeningstyd
  • clearance report: herstellingsrapport
  • clearance voucher: klaringsbewys
  • clearance {also tools}: vry ruimte
  • clearance {faults}: herstelling
  • clearance {of wires above the ground}: vry hoogte
  • clearance {posting box}: ligting
  • clearance: kwyting
  • clearance: tussenruimte
  • clearing alarm: aflui-alarm
  • clearing bank: klaringsbank
  • clearing call-progress signal: vrymakende oproepvorderingsein
  • clearing depot {imported goods}: inklaringsdepot
  • clearing house: klaringskantoor
  • clearing indicator: vrymaakaanwyser
  • clearing key: vrymaaksleutel
  • clearing lamp {letter bin of LSM}: liglamp
  • clearing office: klaringskantoor
  • clearing officer {post}: ligtingsbeampte
  • clearing period {accountancy}: verrekeningstydperk
  • clearing relay: vrymaakrele
  • clearing saw {chain saw}: skoonmaaksaag
  • clearing signal (clear signal) {telegraphy}: klaarsein
  • clearing signal (clear signal) {telephone}: vrymaaksein
  • clearing {line connection}: vrymaking
  • clearing {post}: ligting
  • clearing-cause field: vrymaakoorsaakveld
  • cleat (clip) v.: vasklem
  • cleat (clip): klem
  • cleat bender (cleat bending machine): omvourandbuigmasjien
  • cleat edge {sheet-metal work}: omvourand
  • cleat type: klemtipe
  • cleating: vasklemming
  • clenching joint: ombuiglas
  • clerical assistance: klerklike hulp
  • clerical assistant: klerklike assistent
  • clerical duty: klerklike diens
  • clerical error: klerklike fout, skryffout
  • clerical procedure: klerklike prosedure
  • clerical section: klerklike seksie
  • clerical work: klerklike werk
  • clerk in charge: klerk in beheer
  • clerk of works: werkeklerk
  • clerk: klerk
  • clevis: vurk
  • click n. & v.: klik
  • click spring: klikveer
  • click test: kliktoets
  • click-click tone: klik-kliktoon
  • client zone: klientsone
  • climatic allowance: klimaatstoelae
  • climatic conditions: klimaatstoestande
  • climatic test chamber: klimaattoetskamer
  • climb milling (down-cut milling): klimfreeswerk
  • climbing iron: klimyster
  • clinch {also clothing, eg eyes}: omklink
  • clinch {lead seal}: toedruk
  • clinical entry criteria: kliniese toetreemaatstawwe
  • clinical thermometer: kliniese termometer
  • clip holder: klemhouer
  • clip in: inhaak, inknip
  • clip n. {pipe}: beuel
  • clip position (dead sector) {facsimile}: klemposisie
  • clip stalk: klemsteel
  • clip v. {pipe}: vasbeuel
  • clip v. {signal}: afkap
  • clip-ended cord: klem-entsnoer
  • clip-on cover {cable cut-out}: knipdop
  • clipboard: klembord
  • clipped pulse: afgekapte puls
  • clipped speech: afgekapte spraak
  • clipper {radio}: aftopper, bowegsnyer
  • clipping {signal}: afkapping
  • clock control: klokkontrole
  • clock edge {logic}: klokrand
  • clock extraction: klokonttrekking
  • clock in {pulse technique}: inklok
  • clock mechanism: klokmeganisme
  • clock n.: horlosie
  • clock n.: klok
  • clock oil: klokolie
  • clock out {pulse technique}: uitklok
  • clock pulse: klokpuls
  • clock rate: kloktempo
  • clock smoother: klokafvlakker
  • clock spring: klokveer
  • clock state: klokstaat
  • clock v. {gate}: klokbeheer
  • clock v.: klok
  • clock-in time: inkloktyd
  • clock-out time: uitkloktyd
  • clock-rate divider: kloktempoverdeler
  • clock-type meter: kloktipe teller
  • clocking information: klokinligting
  • clocking: klok
  • clocking: klokbeheerde hekking
  • clockwise end {eg cable}: kloksgewyse ent
  • clockwise polarised wave (right-hand polarised wave): kloksgewys gepolariseerde golf
  • clockwise: kloksgewys
  • clockwork mechanism: uurwerkmeganisme
  • clogged {eg felt washer}: aangepak
  • clogged: verstop
  • close (make) {contacts}: sluit
  • close coupling: vaste koppeling
  • close fit (screw thread): nou toleransie
  • close fit: nou passing
  • close {account}: afsluit, sluit
  • close {office, post}: sluit
  • close-coiled spring: digkronkelveer
  • close-coupled: direk gekoppel
  • close-fitting: noupassend
  • close-meshed screen {eg fan}: kleinmaasskut
  • close-meshed screen: kleinmaassif
  • closed area: geslote gebied
  • closed armouring: geslote pantsering
  • closed book {Savings Bank}: afgesluite boek
  • closed cable grip (closed hauling-grip): toe grypkous
  • closed core: geslote kern
  • closed cycle: geslote siklus, toe siklus
  • closed dart {clothing}: toe pylnaat
  • closed magnetic circuit: geslote magnetiese kring
  • closed mail (closed mails): geslote pos
  • closed month {job control system}: toe maand
  • closed numbering scheme: geslote nommerstelsel
  • closed shop agreement: geslotegeledere-ooreenkoms
  • closed shop: geslote geledere
  • closed user group: geslote gebruikergroep
  • closed-circuit armature: anker met geslote wikkeling
  • closed-circuit impedance: toekringimpedansie
  • closed-circuit television: toekringtelevisie
  • closed-circuit working: toekringwerking
  • closed-circuit: geslote kring, toe kring
  • closed-core transformer: transformator met geslote kern
  • closed-cup flash point {flammable liquid}: toehouer-flitspunt
  • closed-cup test: toebakkie-toets, toebeker-toets
  • closely spaced antennas: dig opgestelde antennes
  • closer sleeve {cable jointing}: sluitkoker
  • closing balance: eindsaldo
  • closing bracket: sluithakie
  • closing date {account}: sluitingsdag
  • closing flag: afsluitmerker
  • closing handle: sluithandvatsel
  • closing of business: sluiting van besigheid
  • closing stock: eindvoorraad
  • closing time: sluitingstyd
  • closing time: sluitingstyd
  • closing warrant: sluitingsbetaalorder
  • closing wheel {sheet-metal wire reinforcement}: sluitwiel
  • closing-down procedure {cash register}: afsluitprosedure
  • cloth duster: stoflap
  • cloth stamping pad (cloth stamp pad): doekstempelkussing
  • clout nail: grootkopspyker
  • clove hitch: kniehalterslag, maswerkslag
  • clover-leaf antenna: klawerantenne
  • club card: klubkaart
  • club counterfoil: klubteenblad
  • clusler analysis {marketing}: bondelontleding, trosontleding
  • clusler sampling {marketing}: bondelsteekproeftrekking, trossteekproeftrekking
  • cluster analysis {training}: bondelontleding
  • cluster boxes {postal delivery}: groepbusse
  • cluster gear: veelrat
  • cluster sampling {human resources}: bondelsteekproeftrekking, trossteekproeftrekking
  • cluster terminal {carriers and data}: groepeindpunt
  • cluster unit {subscribers}: troseenheid
  • clutch adjustment screw: koppelaarstelskroef
  • clutch disc: koppelaarplaat, koppelaarskyf
  • clutch dog: koppelaarklou
  • clutch drum: koppelaartrommel
  • clutch gear: koppelrat
  • clutch head: koppelaarkop
  • clutch key: koppelaarspy
  • clutch latch: koppelaarknip
  • clutch lining: koppelaarvoering
  • clutch magnet: koppelaarmagneet
  • clutch member: koppelaardeel
  • clutch pencil: drukpotlood
  • clutch pressure nut: koppelaardrukmoer
  • clutch rod: koppelaarstang
  • clutch spring: koppelaarveer
  • clutch spur gear: koppelaarreguittandrat
  • clutch stop plate: koppelaarstuitplaat
  • clutch stop: koppelaarstuiter
  • clutch surface: koppelaarvlak
  • clutch-driving spring: koppelaardryfveer
  • clutch-drum boss: koppelaartrommelnaaf
  • clutch-shifter yoke: koppelaarskuifjuk
  • clutch: koppelaar
  • cnf (conjunctive normal form): knv, konjunktiewe normaalvorm
  • co-channel interference: ko-kanaalsteuring
  • co-located exchange: saamgelee sentrale
  • co-located: saamgeplaaste, saamliggende
  • co-opt: ko”pteer
  • co-ordinate: ko”rdinaat
  • co-ordination: ko”rdinasie, ko”rdinering
  • co-signatory n.: mede-ondertekenaar
  • co-signature (counter-signature): mede-ondertekening
  • coach screw: boutkophoutskroef
  • coach v.: afrig
  • coach-screw spanner: spoorskroefsleutel
  • coaching account: passasiersdiensrekening
  • coaching {human resources}: afrigting
  • coaching: afrigting
  • coal gas: steenkoolgas
  • coal tar: koolteer, steenkoolteer
  • coalesce: koaliseer
  • coarse attenuator switch: grofverswakkerskakelaar
  • coarse divider {Wandel und Golterman Pegelmesser}: grofstelskakelaar
  • coarse file (rough file): growwe vyl
  • coarse gears: growwe ratte
  • coarse scanning: growwe aftasting
  • coarse setting range: growwe instelgebied
  • coarse-cut feed {lathe}: growwe toevoer
  • coarse-grain wheel: grofkorrelslypwiel
  • coarse-pitch blade {saw}: growwesteeklem
  • coast station: kusstasie
  • coast-station licence: kusstasielisensie
  • coastal rate: kustarief
  • coastal refraction: kusrefraksie
  • coastal route: kusroete
  • coastal service: kusdiens
  • coastwise shipment: kusverskeping
  • coastwise: kuslangs
  • coat grip: kleeflaag
  • coat n. (coating) {eg carbon}: aanpaksel
  • coat n. (coating) {eg paint}: laag
  • coat n. (coating, covering): bedekking
  • coat of arms: wapen
  • coated cathode: bedekte katode
  • coated fabric {clothing}: bestrykte materiaal
  • coated paper: bestrykte papier
  • coax-to-waveguide transformer: koaksialekabel-na-golfleier-omvormer
  • coax-to-waveguide transition: koaksialekabel-na-golfleier-oorgangstuk
  • coaxial antenna (quarter-wave skirt dipole, sleeve dipole): koaksiale antenne
  • coaxial cable: koaksiale kabel
  • coaxial choke: koaksiale smoorspoel
  • coaxial circuit: koaksiale kring
  • coaxial matching unit: koaksiale aanpaseenheid
  • coaxial outrigger: koaksiale uithouer
  • coaxial pair: koaksiale paar
  • coaxial plug: koaksiale prop
  • coaxial supergroup: koaksiale supergroep
  • coaxial-cable plug: koaksialekabel-prop
  • coaxial-cable termination: koaksialekabel-afhegting
  • coaxial-cavity resonator: koaksialeholte-resonator
  • coaxial-line tube {microwave}: koaksialelynbuis
  • coaxial-stub tuner: koaksialestomp-instemmer
  • cobalt iron: kobaltyster
  • cobalt steel: kobaltstaal
  • cock {of a scale}: tong
  • cock: kraan
  • cocoon silk: kokonsy
  • code bar {teleprinter}: kodestaaf
  • code call: koderoep
  • code check: kodekontrole
  • code conversion {into another code}: kode-omsetting
  • code converter: kode-omsetter
  • code digit: kodesyfer
  • code element: kode-element
  • code impulse train: kode-impulsreeks
  • code letter: kodeletter
  • code n.: kode
  • code of conduct {marketing}: gedragskode
  • code of conduct: gedragskode
  • code of practice: gebruikskode
  • code point: kodepunt
  • code printer {LSM}: kodedrukker
  • code ring: kodelui
  • code selector level: kodekieserlaag
  • code selector: kodekieser
  • code sequence: kodereeks
  • code set-up {teleprinter}: kodeopstelling
  • code time: kodetyd
  • code translation {to letters and figures}: kodeherleiding
  • code transparent {eg transmission signal}: kode-ongebonde
  • code v. (encode): kodeer
  • code-bar extension {teleprinter}: kodestaafverlengstuk
  • code-bar guide {teleprinter}: kodestaafleier
  • code-digit transmission: kodesyferoorsending
  • code-operating lever: kodehefboom
  • code-request packet: kodeversoekpakkie
  • code-ringing facility: kodeluifasiliteit
  • code-ringing signal: kodeluisein
  • code-ringing system: kodeluistelsel
  • code-switching: koderuiling
  • codec (coder-decoder): kodeerder-dekodeerder, kodek
  • coded pulse signalling: kodepulsseining
  • coded signal: kodesein
  • coder driver gate: kodeerderdryfhek
  • coder driver valve: kodeerderdryfbuis
  • coder: kodeerder
  • codification: kodifisering
  • coding desk {sorting machine}: kodeerpunt
  • coding {marketing}: kodering
  • coding: kodering
  • coding: kodering
  • codirectional clock interface (codirectional clock-pulse interface, codirectional interface):
  • meerigtingkoppelvlak
  • coefficient of amplification: versterkingskoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of coupling: koppelkoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of diffusion: strooiingskoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of directivity {antenna}: rigkoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of dissociation: dissosiasiekoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of expansion: uitsettingskoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of magnetisation: magnetiseerkoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of non-linear distortion: vervormingsfaktor
  • coefficient of resistance: weerstandskoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of rigidity: styfheidskoëffisiënt
  • coefficient of variation {marketing}: variasiekoëffisiënt
  • coefficient: koëffisiënt
  • coercive force {magnetism}: dwingkrag, koërsitiewe krag
  • cog (cog wheel): kamrat
  • coherence: koherensie
  • coherent oscillator: koherente ossillator
  • coil assembly: spoelsamestel
  • coil cheek: spoelwang
  • coil core: spoelkern
  • coil form: spoelvorm
  • coil guide: spoelleier
  • coil jacket: spoelmantel
  • coil loading: spoelbelasting
  • coil n. {eg cable}: winding
  • coil n. {electricity}: spoel
  • coil n. {wire}: rol
  • coil neutralisation (inductive neutralisation): induksieneutralisasie
  • coil nut: spoelmoer
  • coil pitch: spoelsteek
  • coil rack: spoelraam
  • coil resistance: spoelweerstand
  • coil section (loading section): belastingvak
  • coil size (coil-unit size): kronkeleenheidgrootte
  • coil spacing: spoelspasiëring
  • coil specification: spoelspesifikasie
  • coil spring: kronkelveer
  • coil stamp: rolseël
  • coil tag: spoelstiffie
  • coil v.: oprol
  • coil-fixing screw: spoelhegskroef
  • coil-loaded cable: spoelbelaste kabel
  • coil-loaded circuit: spoelbelaste kring
  • coil-retaining clip: spoelhouklem
  • coil-spring clutch: kronkelveerkoppelaar
  • coil-winding machine: spoelwikkelmasjien
  • coiled cord: kronkelsnoer
  • coiled cord: spiraalsnoer
  • coiled starter rope: opgerolde aansittou
  • coin box (coin collector): muntbus
  • coin checking: muntkontrolering
  • coin chute {eg coin telephone}: muntgleuf
  • coin chute: muntgeut
  • coin container: munthouer
  • coin pulse: muntpuls
  • coin slot: muntgleuf
  • coin sluice: muntsluis
  • coin trap: muntval
  • coin validation: muntbekragtiging
  • coin validator: muntbekragtiger
  • coin-box clearance list: muntbusligtingslys
  • coin-box collections: muntbusontvangste
  • coin-box collector: muntbusligter
  • coin-box container: muntbushouer
  • coin-collecting equipment: muntontvangtoerusting
  • coin-counting machine: munttelmasjien
  • coin-deposit aperture: muntgleuf
  • coin-detector unit: muntdetektoreenheid
  • coin-return aperture: muntterugkeeropening
  • coin-return slot: muntteruggleuf
  • coin-slot control (slot control): gleufkontrole
  • coin-telephone relê set (CTRS, payphone relê set): muntfoonrelêstel, MFRS
  • coinage: muntstelsel
  • coincidence chain: saamvalketting
  • coincidence gate {radio}: saamvalhek
  • coincident signal elements: saamvallende seinelemente
  • coinphone: muntfoon
  • coir mattress: klapperhaarmatras
  • cold call {marketing}: blinde besoek
  • cold calling {marketing}: blinde werwing
  • cold calling {telephone marketing}: koue skakeling
  • cold cathode: koue katode
  • cold chisel: koubeitel
  • cold dog: kilpakkie, vriespakkie
  • cold joint: koue las
  • cold light: koue lig
  • cold list {marketing}: koue lys, blindelys
  • cold set: kouskerphamer
  • cold short: koudbros
  • cold shortness: koudbrosheid
  • cold start: koue begin
  • cold switching: koudskakeling
  • cold test n. {eg oil}: koudtoets
  • cold test v. {eg oil}: koudtoets
  • cold-bending {sheet-metal work}: koudbuiging
  • cold-cathode valve: kouekatodebuis
  • cold-formed lip channel: koudgevormde lipkanaal
  • cold-light system: koueligstelsel
  • cold-rolled steel (CRS): koud gewalste staal, KWS
  • cold-setting resin: koudstolhars
  • cold-starting diesel engine: koudaansitdieselenjin
  • cold-water glue (cold-water miscible glue): kouewater-lym
  • colinear (collinear): kolineer
  • collapse {waves}: wegval
  • collapsible tap: invousnytap
  • collapsing load: kniklas, swiglas
  • collar band {clothing}: kraagband
  • collar canvas {clothing}: kraagseildoek
  • collar nut: kraagmoer
  • collar stand {clothing}: kraagstaandeel
  • collar: kraag
  • collate {eg loose pages, telegram}: kollasioneer
  • collate {punched-card machine}: insorteer
  • collation: insortering, kollasionering
  • collator: kollator
  • collect account: kollekteerrekening
  • collect call (reversed-charge call): kollekteeroproep
  • collect service: kollekteerdiens
  • collect {savings books for audit}: inneem
  • collect-spool clutch: opwenspoelkoppelaar, tellerobservasiedrukker
  • collect: insamel, invorder, kollekteer
  • collect: versamel
  • collecting administration: invorderingsadministrasie
  • collecting country: invorderingsland
  • collecting office {gentex}: versamelkantoor
  • collecting office: invorderingskantoor
  • collecting officer: invorderingsbeampte
  • collecting point {private post-office box}: afhaalpunt
  • collection book: invorderingsboek
  • collection fee: invorderingsgeld
  • collection list: kollektelys
  • collection point {gentex}: versamelpunt
  • collection serial number: invorderingsreeksnommer
  • collective action: kollektiewe optrede
  • collective bag: gesamentlike sak
  • collective bargaining: kollektiewe bedinging
  • collective dispatch note: gesamentlike versendingsbrief
  • collective envelope: gesamentlike koevert
  • collective releasing time: saamgestelde afvaltyd
  • collective scheme: gesamentlike skema
  • collective-call-number line group: gesamentlike soekgroep
  • collectively: gesamentlik
  • collector current: kollektorstroom
  • collector disc: kollektorskyf, sleepskyf
  • collector junction: kollektorvoegvlak
  • collector load: kollektorlas
  • collector ring: sleepring
  • collector shoe: kollektorskoen
  • collector spring: kollektorveer
  • collector voltage: kollektorspanning
  • collector {coin box}: ligter
  • collector/base feedback: kollektor/basis-terugkoppeling
  • collector/base junction: kollektor/basis-voegvlak
  • collector/base resistance: kollektor/basis-weerstand
  • collector: kollektor
  • collet: klemkraag
  • collimated light beam: gekollimeerde ligstraal
  • collinear array: kolineere rignet
  • collision frequency: botsfrekwensie
  • collision: botsing
  • colloidal cell: kollo<dale sel
  • colloidal graphite suspension: kollo<dalegrafiet-suspensie
  • colloidal graphite: kollo<dale grafiet
  • colloidal molybdenum disulphide: kollo<dale molibdeensulfied
  • colloidal: kollo<daal
  • collusion: samespanning
  • colour bar {television}: kleurstrook
  • colour changeling: kleurveranderde seel
  • colour code: kleurkode
  • colour drive: kleurdrywing
  • colour fidelity: kleurgetrouheid
  • colour floating: kleurineenvloeiing
  • colour guide {tempering}: kleuraanduiding
  • colour perception: kleurwaarneming
  • colour picture: kleurbeeld
  • colour printing: kleurdruk
  • colour proof: kleurdrukproef
  • colour response: kleurweergawe
  • colour sensation: kleurindruk
  • colour separation {printing}: kleurskeiding
  • colour separation: kleurskeiding
  • colour slide: kleurskyfie
  • colour television: kleurtelevisie
  • colour trial: proefkleurdruk
  • colour wash: kleurkalk
  • colour-corrected lens: kleurgekorrigeerde lens
  • colour-difference signal: kleurverskilsein
  • colour-light signal: kleurligsein
  • colour-reference burst signal: kleurvergelyksarsiesein
  • colour-rendering quality: kleurweergawegehalte
  • colour-trial proof {stamps}: kleurproef
  • coloured border: gekleurde rand
  • coloured cotton: gekleurde katoendraad
  • coloured glass: gekleurde glas
  • coloured identification thread: kleurkendraad
  • coloured lamp signal: kleurlampsein
  • coloured tab: kleurstrokie
  • coloured tracer thread: gekleurde kendraad
  • colourfastness to washing {clothing}: kleurvastheid teen was, waskleurvastheid
  • column feed {teleprinter character}: kolomaanskuiwing
  • column selector: kolomkieser
  • column: kolom
  • coma: koma
  • comb bar {teleprinter}: kamstaaf
  • comb brush: kamborsel
  • comb plate: kamplaat
  • comb rack: kamrak
  • comb-plate lug: kamplaatoor
  • combination bar {teleprinter}: kombinasiestaaf
  • combination blanking and drawing die: saamgestelde profielsny-en-vormblok
  • combination calipers: kombinasiepasser
  • combination saw blade {circular saw}: kombinasiesaaglem
  • combination setting {teleprinter}: kombinasiestand
  • combination setup {teleprinter}: kombinasie-opstelling
  • combination spanner: kombinasiesleutel
  • combination square: kombinasiewinkelhaak
  • combination: kombinasie
  • combined carbon: gebonde koolstof
  • combined charge: gesamentlike koste
  • combined distribution frame: saamgestelde distribusieraam
  • combined mail: gemengde pos
  • combined resistance: gesamentlike weerstand
  • combined tunnel and side stake {sheet-metal work}: saamgestelde tonnel- en systaak
  • combiner call {telex}: kombineeroproep
  • combiner circuit: kombineerderkring
  • combiner jack: kombineerderklink
  • combiner strap {on pole arms}: koppelband
  • combiner unit: kombineereenheid
  • combiner: kombineerder
  • combining amplifier: kombineerversterker
  • combining equipment: kombineertoerusting
  • combining hybrid: kombineerdifferensiaal
  • combining panel: kombineerpaneel
  • combining/separating hybrid: kombineer/verdeel-differensiaaltransformator
  • combustion chamber: verbrandingskamer
  • combustion motor: verbrandingsmotor
  • combustion: verbranding
  • come into circuit: inskakel
  • come into force: in werking tree, van krag word
  • comeback {training}: negatiewe terugvoer
  • comfort consideration: geriefsoorweging
  • comfort zone: geriefsone
  • command communication: bevelkommunikasie
  • command frame: bevelraam
  • command {also computer}: bevel
  • command-word register {hardware}: bevelwoordregister
  • commemorative cover {philately}: gedenkkoevert
  • commemorative stamp: gedenkseël
  • commencing salary: aanvangsalaris, beginsalaris
  • commendation: aanprysing
  • commercial account: handelsrekening
  • commercial collect telegram: handelskollekteertelegram
  • commercial compressed air: handelsdruklug
  • commercial container {hamper}: handelshouer
  • commercial expenses: kommersiële koste
  • commercial marketing research {marketing}: kommersiële bemarkingsnavorsing
  • commercial marketing research: kommersiële bemarkingnavorsing
  • commercial paper: handelstuk
  • commercial post office: kommersiële poskantoor
  • commercial postal agency: kommersiële posagentskap
  • commercial product: handelsproduk
  • commercial representative: handelsverteenwoordiger
  • commercial service centre: kommersiële dienssentrum
  • commercial service: handelsdiens
  • commercial small packet: handelskleinpakkie
  • commercial value: handelswaarde
  • commercial-paper rate: handelstuktarief
  • commercially dry {clothing}: kommersieel droog
  • commission n.: kommissie
  • commission v. {by client}: in gebruik neem
  • commission v. {by supplier}: in gebruik stel
  • commissioner of oaths: kommissaris van ede
  • commissioning document: ingebruikstellingdokument
  • commissioning: ingebruikneming
  • commissioning: ingebruikstelling
  • commit {funds}: verbind
  • commitment procedure: verbintenisprosedure
  • commitment to {human resources}: ingesteldheid op
  • commitment {fund}: verbintenis
  • commitment: verpligting
  • commitments statement: staat van verbintenisse
  • committed amount: verbonde bedrag
  • committee of enquiry: komitee van ondersoek
  • commodities: handelsartikels, kommoditeite
  • common answering: gemeenskaplike antwoording, gemeenskaplike beantwoording
  • common battery: gemeenskaplike battery
  • common branch (mutual branch): gemeenskaplike tak
  • common busbar: gemeenskaplike geleistam
  • common calling device: gemeenskaplike roeptoestel
  • common control: gemeenskaplike beheer
  • common director: gemeenskaplike direktor, gemeenskaplike rigter
  • common driving motor: gemeenskaplike dryfmotor
  • common earth: gemeenskaplike aarde
  • common equipment: gemeenskaplike toerusting
  • common factor: gemeenskaplike faktor
  • common factor: gemene deler
  • common information highway: gemeenskaplike inligtingshoofweg
  • common logarithm: gewone logaritme
  • common n.: gemeenskaplike verbinding
  • common negative: gemeenskaplike negatief
  • common return: gemeenskaplike terugbaan
  • common services {also automatic telephone}: gemeenskaplike dienste
  • common signalling battery: gemeenskaplike seinbattery
  • common start circuit: gemeenskaplike aansitkring
  • common switching equipment: gemeenskaplike skakeltoerusting
  • common trunk {automatic telephone}: gemeenskaplike baan
  • common user: gemeenskaplike gebruiker
  • common v. {telecommunication}: gemeenskaplik verbind, saamverbind
  • common-base amplifier: gemeenskaplikebasis-versterker
  • common-base circuit: gemeenskaplikebasis-kring
  • common-base configuration: gemeenskaplikebasis-konfigurasie
  • common-base connection: gemeenskaplikebasis-verbinding
  • common-battery exchange: gemeenskaplikebattery-sentrale
  • common-battery supply: gemeenskaplikebattery-voeding
  • common-battery switchboard: gemeenskaplikebattery-skakelbord
  • common-battery system: gemeenskaplikebattery-stelsel
  • common-collector amplifier: gemeenskaplikekollektor-versterker
  • common-collector circuit: gemeenskaplikekollektor-kring
  • common-collector connection: gemeenskaplikekollektor-verbinding
  • common-control route selector: gemeenskaplikebeheer-roetekieser
  • common-control system: gemeenskaplikebeheer-stelsel
  • common-emitter amplifier: gemeenskaplike-emittorversterker
  • common-emitter circuit: gemeenskaplike-emittorkring
  • common-emitter connection: gemeenskaplike-emittorverbinding
  • common-functions unit: gemeenskaplikefunksie-eenheid
  • common-impedance bridge: gemeenskaplike-impedansiebrug
  • common-impedance coupling: gemeenskaplike-impedansiekoppeling
  • common-mode rejection: gemeenskaplikemodus-verwerping
  • common-services unit: gemeenskaplikediens-eenheid
  • common-source amplifier: gemeenskaplikebron-versterker
  • commoning terminal: saamverbindpunt
  • communal antenna: gemeenskaplike antenne
  • communicate crossband {radio}: kruisband kommunikeer
  • communication band: kommunikasieband
  • communication method: kommunikasiemetode
  • communication methods {marketing}: kommunikasiemetodes
  • communication network: kommunikasienetwerk
  • communication processor: kommunikasieverwerker
  • communication sequence controller: kommunikasiereeksbeheerder
  • communication: berig, mededeling
  • communication: kommunikasie
  • communication: kommunikasie
  • communications system analyser: kommunikasiestelselontleder
  • community of interest {eg between exchanges}: gemeenskaplikheid
  • community of interest: belangegemeenskap, belangegroep
  • community of interest: gemeenskaplike belang
  • commutating capacitor: kommuteerkapasitor
  • commutating diode: kommutasiediode
  • commutating frequency: kommuteerfrekwensie
  • commutation interval: kommutasie-interval
  • commutation {allowance, pension}: omsetting
  • commutation {electricity}: kommutering
  • commutation: kommutasie
  • commutator bar (commutator segment): kommutatorsegment
  • commutator drum: kommutatortrommel
  • commutator lug (commutator riser): kommutatoroor
  • commutator motor: kommutatormotor
  • commutator ripple frequency: kommutatorrimpelfrekwensie
  • commutator ripple: kommutatorrimpel
  • commutator: kommutator
  • commuted allowance: omgesette toelae, vaste toelae
  • commuted overtime: omgesette oortyd, vaste oortyd
  • companding: kompandering
  • compandor: kompandor
  • compandored channel: gekompandeerde kanaal
  • companion unit: bybehorende eenheid
  • comparative estimate: vergelykende raming, vergelykende beraming
  • comparative resistance: vergelykende weerstand
  • comparative statement: vergelykende staat
  • comparator circuit: vergelykerkring
  • comparator gate: vergelykerhek
  • comparator: vergelyker
  • comparatory signal: vergelykingsein
  • comparison datum: vergelykingsverwysing
  • comparison pilot (reference pilot): vergelykingsloods
  • compartment box: kompartementkas
  • compartment conveyor {LSM}: skotvervoerband
  • compartment: kompartement, vak
  • compass needle: kompasnaald
  • compass point: windstreek
  • compass saw (piercing saw): steeksaag
  • compass: kompas
  • compassionate reasons: menslikheidsredes
  • compatibility {also television}: aanpasbaarheid
  • compatible colour television: aanpaskleurtelevisie
  • compatible {mathematics}: nie-strydig
  • compatible: aanpasbaar
  • compendium of equivalents: kompendium van ekwivalente
  • compendium: kompendium
  • compensate {electricity}: kompenseer
  • compensate: kompenseer, skadeloos stel, vergoed
  • compensated loading: gekompenseerde belasting
  • compensated semiconductor: gekompenseerde halfgeleier
  • compensated terminal loading: gekompenseerde eindbelasting
  • compensated volume control: gekompenseerde volumebeheer
  • compensated-loop direction finder: rigtingsoeker met gekompenseerde lus
  • compensating battery: kompenseerbattery
  • compensating charge (trickle charge): sypellading
  • compensating circuit (compensation circuit): kompenseerkring
  • compensating coil: kompenseerspoel
  • compensating current: kompenseerstroom
  • compensating error: kompenseerfout
  • compensating jet: kompenseerstraler
  • compensating magnet: kompenseermagneet
  • compensating network: kompenseernetwerk
  • compensating resistance: kompenseerweerstand
  • compensating roller: kompenseerroller
  • compensating spring: kompenseerveer
  • compensating transformer: kompenseertransformator
  • compensating voltage: kompenseerspanning
  • compensating wave: kompenseergolf
  • compensating weight: kompenseergewig
  • compensating well: kompenseerput
  • compensating winding: kompenseerwikkeling
  • compensation theorem: kompensasiestelling
  • compensation voucher: vergoedingsbewys
  • compensation {electricity}: kompensasie
  • compensation {workmen's compensation}: skadeloosstelling
  • compensation: kompensasie, skadeloosstelling, skadevergoeding
  • compensation: vergoeding, skadeloosstelling
  • compensator: kompenseerder
  • compensatory rest allowance {human resources}: kompenserende rustoelating
  • competence: bevoegdheid
  • competent authority: bevoegde owerheid
  • competent official (qualified official): bevoegde amptenaar
  • competitive edge: mededingende voorsprong
  • competitive price: konkurrerende prys, mededingende prys
  • compile {computer}: kompileer
  • compile: opstel, saamstel
  • compile: saamstel
  • compiler {eg of examination paper, didactics}: opsteller
  • compiler: kompileerder
  • compiling routine {computer}: kompileerroetine
  • complaint register: klagteboek
  • complaint: klagte
  • complaints operator: klagteoperateur
  • complement laws {mathematics}: komplementwette
  • complement: komplement
  • complementary addition: komplementere optelling
  • complementary charge: aanvullende koste
  • complementary colour: komplementere kleur
  • complementary equaliser: aanvullende effenaar
  • complementary fee: aanvullende geld
  • complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS): CMOS, komplementere-metaaloksiedhalfgeleier
  • complementary subtraction: komplementere aftrekking
  • complementary symmetry: komplementere simmetrie
  • complementary {mathematics}: komplementer
  • complementary-to-twelve stepping feature: komplementer-tot-twaalf-stapeienskap
  • complementary: aanvullend
  • complementer: komplementeerder
  • complete (fill in) {form}: invul, voltooi
  • complete multiple: volledige multipel
  • complete rand: volle rand
  • complete unit: volledige eenheid
  • complete {apprenticeship period}: uitdien
  • complete {call}: afhandel
  • complete {circuit, work}: voltooi
  • complete {connection}: tot stand bring
  • complete {course}: deurloop
  • complete {order}: uitvoer
  • complete {partially filled-in form}: voltooi
  • complete {task, job}: deurvoer, volvoer
  • completion advice: voltooiingsadvies
  • completion report: voltooiingsverslag
  • complex admittance {electricity}: komplekse admittansie
  • complex refractive index: komplekse refraksie-indeks
  • complex relative permittivity: komplekse relatiewe permittiwiteit
  • complex tone: komplekse toon
  • complex wave: komplekse golf
  • compliance officer: nakomingsbeampte, voldoeningsbeampte
  • compliance {acoustics}: soepelheid
  • comply with {instructions}: nakom
  • comply {with a request}: voldoen
  • compoboard: kompobord
  • component (part): onderdeel
  • component activity {PNA}: komponentaktiwiteit
  • component evaluation: komponentevaluering
  • component harmonics: komponentbofrekwensies
  • component jig: komponenthouer
  • component noise: komponentruis
  • component parts {also clothing}: samestellende dele
  • component sentence {logic}: komponentsin
  • component side {PC board}: komponentkant
  • component {chemistry}: bestanddeel
  • component {general}: komponent
  • composite attenuation: saamgestelde verswakking
  • composite cable: kompokabel, komposisiekabel
  • composite circuit: saamgestelde verbinding
  • composite controlling voltage: saamgestelde beheerspanning
  • composite gain {electronics}: saamgestelde wins
  • composite lines: saamgestelde lyne
  • composite mapping: saamgestelde kartering
  • composite picture signal: saamgestelde beeldsein
  • composite power transistor: saamgestelde kragtransistor
  • composite sheet {stamps}: saamgestelde vel
  • composite star-quad cable: kompo-stervierlingkabel
  • composition: samestelling
  • composition: samestelling
  • compound <deprecated term - use hostel>: kampong <afgekeurde term - gebruik hostel>
  • compound box {cables}: mengselkas
  • compound die: saamgestelde blok
  • compound gear train: saamgestelde ratstel
  • compound gearing: saamgestelde ratwerk
  • compound generator (compound-wound generator): serie/parallel-generator
  • compound indexing {dividing head}: saamgestelde instelling
  • compound interest: saamgestelde rente
  • compound magnet (laminated magnet): lamelmagneet
  • compound motor (compound-wound motor): serie/parallel-motor
  • compound n. {chemistry}: verbinding
  • compound prefix: saamgestelde voorsein
  • compound signal: saamgestelde sein
  • compound slide {eg lathe}: saamgestelde slee
  • compound train of gears: saamgestelde ratstel
  • compound transistor: saamgestelde transistor
  • compound v. {cable}: mengselbehandel
  • compound v.: meng
  • compound v.: saamstel
  • compound winding: serie/parallel-wikkeling
  • compounded annually {interest}: jaarliks saamgestel
  • compounded idler (compound idler): saamgestelde tussenrat
  • compounded jute yarn: behandelde jutegaring
  • compounded serving: behandelde bekleding
  • compounded tape: behandelde band
  • comprehension: begrip
  • comprehensive plan: omvattende plan
  • compress n.: saamdrukker
  • compress v. {frequency band}: komprimeer
  • compress v.: saamdruk, saampers
  • compressed air: druklug
  • compressed cotton-wool: saamgeperste watte
  • compressed gas: saamgeperste gas
  • compressed graphite: saamgeperste grafiet
  • compressed wool: saamgeperste wol
  • compressed-air station: druklugstasie
  • compression efficiency: kompressierendement
  • compression gland: drukstuk
  • compression heat coil: kompressiehittespoel
  • compression ignition: kompressieontsteking
  • compression nut: drukmoer
  • compression pressure: kompressiedruk
  • compression ratio: kompressieverhouding
  • compression spring: kompressieveer
  • compression stroke: kompressieslag
  • compression tool {sleeve jointing}: perstang
  • compression wave: kompressiegolf
  • compression {eg engine}: kompressie
  • compression/refrigeration cycle: kompressie/verkoeling-siklus
  • compression: saamdrukking
  • compressive force: drukkrag
  • compressive strength: druksterkte
  • compressor plate (support plate) {card drawer}: stutplaat
  • compressor unit: kompressoreenheid
  • compressor: kompressor
  • compromise balance: kompromisbalans
  • compromise equaliser: kompromiseffenaar
  • compromise n.: kompromis
  • compromise network: kompromisnetwerk
  • compromise settlement: kompromisvereffening
  • compromise v.: 'n kompromis aangaan, skik
  • comptroller: komptroleur
  • compulsory S pole: verpligte S-paal
  • compulsory liquidation: verpligte likwidasie
  • compulsory postage: verpligte posgeld
  • compulsory prepayment: verpligte vooruitbetaling
  • compulsory registration: verpligte registrasie
  • computation sheet: berekeningsblad
  • computation: berekening
  • compute: bereken
  • computer floor <deprecated term - see raised floor>: vals vloer
  • computer literacy: rekenaargeletterdheid
  • computer operator: rekenaaroperateur
  • computer output microfilm (COM): rekenaaruitvoermikrofilm, RUM
  • computer program {marketing}: rekenaarprogram
  • computer program: rekenaarprogram
  • computer record: rekenaarrekord
  • computer technique: rekenaartegniek
  • computer voucher: rekenaarbewys
  • computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI): rekenaarondersteunde telefoononderhoudvoering
  • computer-based solution: rekenaargebaseerde oplossing, rekenaaroplossing
  • computer: rekenaar
  • computing services: rekendienste
  • computing spectrum analyser: rekenspektrumontleder
  • concave inspection mirror: konkawe inspeksiespieël
  • concealed {also clothing}: versteek
  • concentrated sulphuric acid: gekonsentreerde swaelsuur
  • concentration key: konsentrasiesleutel
  • concentration position: konsentrasiepunt
  • concentration: konsentrasie
  • concentrator: konsentreerder
  • concentric cable: konsentriese kabel
  • concentric circles: konsentriese sirkels
  • concentric conductor: konsentriese geleier
  • concentric feeder: konsentriese voerder
  • concentric groove: konsentriese groef
  • concentric twin-cable: konsentriese tweelingkabel
  • concentricity: konsentrisiteit
  • concern: besorgdheid
  • concession certificate: konsessiesertifikaat
  • concession rate: konsessietarief
  • concession {eg Railways}: konsessie
  • concession: toegewing
  • concessionaire (concessionary, concessionnaire): konsessiehouer, konsessionaris
  • conciliation board: versoeningsraad
  • concise description: beknopte beskrywing
  • conclude {agreement}: sluit
  • concluding remarks: slotopmerkings
  • conclusion: afsluiting
  • concrete cabinet: betonhokkie
  • concrete evidence: konkrete getuienis
  • concrete footing: betonfondament, betonvoet, betonvoetstuk
  • concrete foundation: betonfondament, betonfondasie
  • concrete grinder: betonslyper
  • concrete mixer: betonmenger
  • concrete n.: beton
  • concrete pipe: betonpyp
  • concrete pole: betonpaal
  • concrete slab: betonblad
  • concrete v.: betonneer
  • concurrence test: saamvaltoets
  • concurrency {computer}: gelyktydigheid
  • condemn: afkeur
  • condensate tray: kondensaatpan
  • condensate: kondensaat
  • condensed keyboard: verkleinde sleutelbord
  • condenser air baffle: kondensatorlugskot
  • condenser coil: kondensatorkronkel
  • condenser lens: kondensorlens
  • condenser system {textile}: kondensorstelsel
  • condenser unit {air conditioner}: kondenseereenheid
  • condenser yarn {textile}: kondensorgaring
  • condenser {lens}: kondensor
  • condenser {steam and gas}: kondensator
  • condensing coil: kondenseerkronkel
  • condensing pressure: kondenseerdruk
  • condensing temperature: kondenseertemperatuur
  • condition code {computer}: toestandkode
  • condition flag {computer}: toestandmerker
  • condition n.: toestand
  • condition n.: voorwaarde
  • condition of appointment: aanstellingsvoorwaarde
  • condition of employment: diensvoorwaarde
  • condition v. {air}: versorg
  • condition v. {data lines}: verbeter
  • condition v.: kondisioneer
  • condition v.: voorberei
  • conditional jump (conditional transfer of control): voorwaardelike sprong
  • conditional jump {programming}: voorwaardelike sprong
  • conditional probability {marketing}: voorwaardelike waarskynlikheid
  • conditional probability: voorwaardelike waarskynlikheid
  • conditional probability: voorwaardelike waarskynlikheid
  • conditioned air {air conditioning}: versorgde lug
  • conditioner {electronic signals}: kondisioneerder
  • conditions of acceptance: aanneemvoorwaardes
  • conditions of appointment: aanstellingsvoorwaardes
  • conditions of employment: diensvoorwaardes
  • conditions of employment: diensvoorwaardes
  • conditions of obtaining: verkrygingsvoorwaardes
  • conditions of procurement {goods}: verkrygingsvoorwaardes
  • conductance component: konduktansiekomponent
  • conductance unbalance: konduktansie-onbalans
  • conductance: konduktansie
  • conducting direction: geleirigting
  • conducting film: geleifilm
  • conducting layer: geleilaag
  • conducting part: geleideel
  • conducting path: geleibaan
  • conducting wire: geleidraad
  • conduction angle: geleihoek
  • conduction band: geleiband
  • conduction current: geleistroom
  • conduction electron: gelei-elektron
  • conduction heat gain: geleidingshittewins
  • conduction hole: geleiholte
  • conduction: geleiding
  • conductive coupling: geleikoppeling
  • conductive part: geleideel
  • conductive pattern: geleipatroon
  • conductive: geleidend
  • conductively connected: geleidend verbind
  • conductivity modulation: geleivermoëmodulasie
  • conductivity test: geleivermoëtoets
  • conductivity: geleivermoë, konduktiwiteit
  • conductor core: geleierkern
  • conductor metal: geleiermetaal
  • conductor resistance: geleierweerstand
  • conductor tag: geleierstiffie
  • conductor unbalance: geleieronbalans
  • conductor: geleier
  • conduit coupling: leipypkoppeling
  • conduit installer: leipypinstalleerder
  • conduit: leipyp
  • cone bearing: keëllaer
  • cone diagram: keëldiagram
  • cone diaphragm: keëldiafragma
  • cone loudspeaker: keëlluidspreker
  • cone of silence {radio}: stiltekeël
  • cone pulley: keëlkatrol
  • cone suspension {loudspeaker}: keëlsuspensie
  • cone vibration: keëltrilling
  • cone wheel: keëlwiel
  • cone: keël
  • conferee: konferent
  • conference cabinet: konferensiekabinet
  • conference call: konferensie-oproep
  • conference circuit: konferensiekring
  • conference combiner: konferensiekombineerder
  • conference connection: konferensieverbinding
  • conference facilities: konferensiefasiliteite
  • conference repeater: konferensieherhaler
  • conference system: konferensiestelsel
  • confidant <fem - confidante>: vertroueling
  • confidence coefficient {marketing}: betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt
  • confidence interval {marketing}: betroubaarheidsinterval
  • confidence level {marketing}: betroubaarheidspeil
  • confidence level: vertrouensvlak
  • confidence tone (confirmation tone) {eg ATS systems}: bevestigingstoon
  • confidential: vertroulik
  • configuration (lay-up) {cable}: konfigurasie
  • configuration program: konfigurasieprogram
  • configurator: konfigureerder
  • confined area: beperkte ruimte
  • confirm {appointment, decision}: bekragtig
  • confirm {minutes}: goedkeur
  • confirm {opinion}: versterk
  • confirm: bevestig
  • confirmation copy (confirmatory copy): bevestigingskopie
  • confirmation pulse: bevestigpuls
  • confiscate: beslag lê op, konfiskeer
  • confiscation: beslaglegging op, konfiskering
  • congeal {eg oil}: verdik
  • congeal: stol
  • congested group {eg telephone}: oorbelaste groep, oorlaaide groep
  • congestion alarm: oorbelastingsalarm
  • congestion lamp: oorbelastingslamp
  • congestion meter: oorbelastingteller
  • congestion signal: oorbelastingsein
  • congestion {eg telephone}: oorbelasting, oorlaaiing
  • congestion: ophoping
  • congruent triangle: kongruente driehoek
  • conical (conically shaped): keelvormig, konies
  • conical horn: keelhoring
  • conical monopole antenna: keelvormige eenpoolantenne
  • conical seating: koniese bedding
  • conjoint analysis {marketing}: voorkeuromstandigheidsontleding
  • conjugate attenuation coefficient: gekonjugeerde verswakkingskoeffisient
  • conjugate attenuation constant: gekonjugeerde verswakkingskonstante
  • conjugate branches: gekonjugeerde takke
  • conjugate impedances: gekonjugeerde impedansies
  • conjugate n.: konjugaat
  • conjugate phase-change coefficient: gekonjugeerde faseverskuiwingskoeffisient
  • conjugate phase-change constant: gekonjugeerde faseverskuiwingskonstante
  • conjugate transfer constant: gekonjugeerde oordragkonstante
  • conjugate v.: konjugeer
  • conjunct n. {logic}: konjunk
  • connect across: konnekteer oor, verbind oor
  • connect answer key: antwoordkantverbindsleutel
  • connect answer-transfer key: antwoordoorplaas-verbindsleutel
  • connect circuit: verbindkring
  • connect key: verbindsleutel
  • connect up a station {eg telephone, teleprinter}: 'n punt aansluit
  • connect with {mail}: aansluit by
  • connect {electricity}: aansluit, konnekteer, verbind
  • connect {mechanics}: koppel
  • connect-circuit finder {PABX}: lynvinder
  • connected subscriber: verbinde huurder
  • connecting administration: tussenadministrasie
  • connecting block (connection block, connector block): verbindblok
  • connecting circuit <correct English term - connect circuit>: verbindkring
  • connecting cord (connection cord): verbindsnoer
  • connecting duct: verbindkanaal
  • connecting key: verbindsleutel
  • connecting link (CL): verbindskakel, VS
  • connecting lug (connection lug): verbindoor
  • connecting plug (connection plug): verbindprop
  • connecting plug: koppelprop
  • connecting rele (connection rele): verbindrele
  • connecting rod {engine}: suierstang
  • connecting rod {teleprinter}: koppelstang
  • connecting strip (connection strip): verbindstrook
  • connecting tag (connection tag): verbindstiffie
  • connecting tail (connection tail): verbindstert
  • connection clip: aansluitklem
  • connection diagram: verbindingsdiagram
  • connection matrix: verbindmatriks
  • connection panel unit: verbindingspaneeleenheid
  • connection-weighted centre {exchange}: aansluitpuntbeswaarde middelpunt
  • connection: konneksie, verbinding
  • connector adapter: verbindpasstuk
  • connector selector (connect selector) {PABX}: verbindkieser
  • connector socket: verbindsok
  • connector {PABX}: verbindkieser
  • connector-ended cord: snoer met verbinder
  • connector: verbinder
  • consecutive interpreting: konsekutiewe tolking
  • consecutive number: volgnommer
  • consecutive receipt number: opeenvolgende kwitansienommer
  • consecutive sections {eg lines}: opeenvolgende vakke
  • consecutive segments: opeenvolgende segmente
  • consecutive series: volgreeks
  • consecutive sheet number: vel-volgnommer
  • consequent n. {logic}: konsekwensie
  • consequent poles {magnetism}: volgpole
  • consequential loss: gevolglike verlies
  • conservation (preservation): behoud
  • conservative rating: konserwatiewe aanslag
  • conserve {resources}: bespaar, oordeelkundig gebruik
  • consign {goods}: stuur, versend
  • consignee: geadresseerde, ontvanger
  • consignment note: vragbrief
  • consignment {freight}: besending
  • consignor {freight etc}: afsender
  • consistency {concrete}: konsistensie
  • consistency: konsekwentheid
  • console: konsole, kontrolepunt
  • consolidated revenue fund: gekonsolideerde inkomstefonds
  • consolidation: konsolidasie, konsolidering
  • constancy {eg rele}: bestendigheid
  • constancy: konstantheid
  • constancy: konstantheid
  • constant amplitude: konstante amplitude
  • constant applied voltage: konstant aangelegde spanning
  • constant current: konstante stroom
  • constant element: konstante element
  • constant multiplier: konstantevermenigvuldiger
  • constant n.: konstante
  • constant terminal voltage: konstante eindspanning
  • constant velocity: konstante snelheid
  • constant voltage: konstante spanning
  • constant-K filter: filter met konstante K, konstante-K-filter
  • constant-current and constant-voltage power supply: konstantestroom-en-spanningkragbron, kragbron met
  • konstante stroom en konstante spanning
  • constant-current device: konstantestroom-toestel
  • constant-current modulation: konstantestroom-modulasie
  • constant-current source: konstantestroom-bron
  • constant-current tail {differential amplifier}: konstantestroom-bron
  • constant-potential charger: konstantespanning-laaier
  • constant-resistance network: konstanteweerstand-netwerk
  • constant-torque drive {drill}: konstantewringkrag-aandrywing
  • constant-voltage and constant-current power supply: konstantespanning-en-stroomkragbron, kragbron met
  • konstante spanning en konstante stroom
  • constant-voltage constant-current power supply: konstantestroom-en-spanningkragbron, kragbron met
  • konstante stroom en konstante spanning
  • constant-volume amplifier: konstantevolume-versterker, versterker met konstante volume
  • constituent: bestanddeel
  • constitute {meeting}: konstitueer
  • constitute: uitmaak
  • constitution {of an association}: statute
  • constitution: grondwet
  • constitutional provision: grondwetlike bepaling, konstitusionele bepaling
  • constricting wing nut: vernouvleuelmoer
  • construct {circuit}: saamstel
  • construct {line}: aanle
  • construction chargeman: konstruksiespanvoorman
  • construction cost: konstruksiekoste
  • construction depot: konstruksiedepot
  • construction gang (construction party): konstruksiespan
  • construction officer: konstruksiebeampte
  • construction programme: konstruksieprogram
  • construction section: konstruksieseksie
  • construction stock: konstruksievoorraad
  • construction work: konstruksiewerk
  • construction worker: konstruksiewerker
  • construction works: konstruksiewerke
  • construction yard: aanlegwerf, konstruksiewerf
  • construction {line}: aanleg, konstruksie
  • construction: bou, konstruksie
  • consular representative: konsulêre verteenwoordiger
  • consult: oorleg pleeg, raadpleeg
  • consultants roster: konsultantelys
  • consultation call: konsultasieoproep
  • consultation circuit: konsultasiekring
  • consultation selector: konsultasiekieser
  • consultative capacity: raadgewende hoedanigheid
  • consultative committee: raadgewende komitee
  • consulting engineer: konsultingenieur, raadgewende ingenieur
  • consumable item: verbruiksartikel
  • consume v.: verbruik
  • consumer approach: verbruikerbenadering
  • consumer expenditure: verbruikerbesteding
  • consumer list: verbruikerlys
  • consumer mailing: verbruikersposreklame
  • consumer market {marketing}: verbruikersmark
  • consumer market: verbruikermark
  • consumer panel {marketing}: verbruikerspaneel
  • consumer panel: verbruikerpaneel
  • consumer product consumption panel {marketing}: verbruikersprodukkonsumpsiepaneel
  • consumer purchase data {marketing}: verbruikersaankoopdata
  • consumer purchase data: verbruikeraankoopdata
  • consumer purchasing panel {marketing}: verbruikersaankooppaneel
  • consumer purchasing panel: verbruikeraankooppaneel
  • consumer shopping panel {marketing}: verbruikersinkooppaneel
  • consumer shopping panel: verbruikerinkooppaneel
  • consumer spending: verbruikerbesteding
  • consumer survey {marketing}: verbruikersopname
  • consumer survey: verbruikeropname
  • consumerism: verbruikerisme
  • consumption expenditure {marketing}: verbruiksbesteding
  • consumption expenditure {national accounts}: verbruikuitgawe
  • consumption expenditure: verbruiksbesteding
  • consumption n.: verbruik
  • consumption spending: verbruikbesteding
  • contact arc-welding: kontakboogsweising
  • contact arc: kontakboog
  • contact arm: kontakarm
  • contact assembly: kontaksamestel
  • contact bank: kontakbank
  • contact bounce: kontakwippering
  • contact breaker: kontakbreker
  • contact cam: kontaknok
  • contact cleaner: kontakskoonmaker
  • contact cone: kontakkeël
  • contact dome: kontakkoepel
  • contact electricity: kontakelektrisiteit
  • contact face: kontakvlak
  • contact fault: kontakfout
  • contact follow: kontakvolging
  • contact gap: kontakgaping
  • contact guard plate: kontakskutplaat
  • contact head: kontakkop
  • contact lamp (outlet lamp): uitgangslamp
  • contact n.: kontak
  • contact noise: kontakruis
  • contact pillar: kontakpilaar
  • contact piston (contact plunger) {waveguide}: kontaksuier
  • contact point (point of contact): kontakpunt, raakpunt
  • contact potential: kontakpotensiaal
  • contact pressure: kontakdruk
  • contact ring: kontakring
  • contact sector: kontaksektor
  • contact sequence: kontakvolgorde
  • contact spring: kontakveer
  • contact stud: kontakknop
  • contact surface: kontakoppervlak
  • contact tag: kontakstiffie
  • contact tongue: kontaktong
  • contact track: kontakbaan
  • contact travel: kontakslag
  • contact tree: kontakboom
  • contact twinning: kontakparing
  • contact wetting: kontakbenatting
  • contact-adjusting screw: kontakstelskroef
  • contact-modulated amplifier: kontakgemoduleerde versterker
  • contact-operating lever: kontakwerkhefboom
  • contact-printed: kontakgedruk
  • contact-spring set: kontakveerstel
  • contactor alarm: kontaktoralarm
  • contactor: kontaktor
  • container (receptacle): houer
  • container load {ship mail}: houervrag
  • containerised exchange: houersentrale
  • containerised unit automatic exchange: houereenheid outomatiese sentrale
  • contend v. {for free port}: meeding
  • content analysis {marketing}: inhoudsontleding
  • content analysis: inhoudontleding
  • contention: meedinging
  • contents gauge: inhoudmeter
  • contents: inhoud
  • contiguous flag: buurmerker
  • continent code: vastelandkode
  • contingency account: gebeurlikheidsrekening
  • contingency allowance: gebeurlikheidtoelating
  • contingency sum: gebeurlikheidsbedrag
  • contingency {logic}: kontingensie
  • contingency: gebeurlikheid
  • contingent sentence {logic}: kontingente sin
  • continuation book: vervolgboekie
  • continuation card: vervolgkaart
  • continuation class: voortsettingsklas
  • continuation sheet {stamps}: vervolgblad
  • continued employment: indienshouding
  • continuity bond {eg rails}: kontinu<teitsdeurverbinder
  • continuity of service: diensdeurlopendheid, dienskontinu<teit
  • continuity room: kontinu<teitskamer
  • continuity studio: kontinu<teitsateljee
  • continuity suite: kontinu<teitstel
  • continuity test: kontinu<teitstoets
  • continuity work {social work}: opvolgwerk
  • continuity: kontinu<teit
  • continuous audit: deurlopende oudit
  • continuous balance technique: deurlopendebalans-tegniek
  • continuous chip: aaneenkrul
  • continuous film system: ringfilmstelsel
  • continuous float: deurlopende vlotting
  • continuous form: kettingvorm
  • continuous loading: deurlopende belasting
  • continuous night service: deurlopende nagdiens, ononderbroke nagdiens
  • continuous operation (continuous running): aaneenwerking
  • continuous radiation: voortdurende straling
  • continuous random noise: ononderbroke toevallige ruis
  • continuous rating: deurlopende aanslag
  • continuous ringing current: ononderbroke luistroom
  • continuous rotation: aanhoudende draaiing
  • continuous routine key: roetineherhaalsleutel
  • continuous routine: herhaalroetinetoets
  • continuous routine: herhaalroetinetoetsing
  • continuous run key: aanhouloopsleutel
  • continuous service: deurlopende diens, ononderbroke diens
  • continuous signalling code: ononderbrokesein-kode
  • continuous spectrum: ononderbroke spektrum
  • continuous stationery: kettingskryfbehoeftes
  • continuous tone: aaneentoon, ononderbroke toon
  • continuous transport permit: deurlopende vervoerpermit
  • continuous wave: gelykgolf
  • continuous weld: deurlopende sweislas
  • continuous-filament thread {clothing}: filamentdraad
  • continuous-tone coded squelch system (CTCSS): aaneentoon gekodeerde onderdrukstelsel, ATKOS
  • continuous-wave laser: gelykgolflaser
  • continuous-wave mode (CW mode): gelykgolfmodus, GG-modus
  • continuous-wave operation (CW operation): gelykgolfwerking, GG-werking
  • continuous-wave telegraphy: gelykgolftelegrafie
  • continuous: deurlopend, ononderbroke
  • continuously loaded cable: deurlopend belaste kabel
  • continuously pumped valve: deurlopend gepompte buis
  • continuously staffed exchange: deurlopend bemande sentrale
  • continuously staffed: deurlopend beman
  • continuously variable: deurlopend reelbaar
  • contour: kontoer
  • contra entry: kontra-inskrywing, teeninskrywing
  • contract circular: kontrakomsendbrief
  • contract item: kontrakitem
  • contract of apprenticeship: leerkontrak
  • contract of employment: dienskontrak
  • contract of suretyship: kontrak van borgstelling
  • contract period: kontraktermyn
  • contract price: kontrakprys
  • contract: kontrak
  • contracted interval {telephone lines}: ingekrimpte kruisingsafstand
  • contracted section {telephone lines}: ingekrimpte vak
  • contracted transposition section {telephone lines}: ingekrimpte kruisingsvak
  • contracting administration: kontrakterende administrasie
  • contracting country: kontrakterende land
  • contracting government: kontrakterende regering
  • contracting party: kontrakterende party
  • contraction: inkrimping
  • contractor's plant: kontrakteurstoerusting
  • contractor: aannemer, kontrakteur
  • contracts clerk: kontrakteklerk
  • contractual matter: kontrakaangeleentheid
  • contradictory sentence form {logic}: strydige sinsvorm
  • contradirectional (contradirectional clock-pulse interface): teenrigtingkoppelvlak
  • contrary to: in stryd met, strydig met
  • contrast control {television}: kontrasbeheer
  • contrast control: kontraskontrole
  • contrast effect: kontraseffek
  • contrast gradient: kontrasgradiënt
  • contrast threshold: kontrasdrempel
  • contrast: kontras, teenstelling
  • contrasty {eg phototelegram}: kontrasryk
  • contravalid {logic}: kontrageldig
  • contravene: oortree
  • contributing factor: bydraende faktor
  • contribution channel {television}: bydraekanaal
  • contribution network: bydraenetwerk
  • contribution: bydrae
  • control account: kontrolerekening
  • control amplifier: beheerversterker
  • control bay: beheerraam
  • control block {stamps}: kontroleblok
  • control board: beheerraad
  • control board: kontrolebord
  • control box: beheerkas
  • control button: beheerknop
  • control calling lamp: beheerroeplamp
  • control camshaft: beheernokas
  • control card: beheerkaart
  • control channel: beheerkanaal
  • control character: beheerkarakter
  • control character: pousebeheerkarakter
  • control characteristic curve: beheerkenkromme
  • control characteristic: beheereienskap
  • control circuit (controlling circuit): beheerkring
  • control command: beheerbevel
  • control console: beheerkonsole
  • control cubicle: beheerhokkie, beheerkabinet
  • control current: beheerstroom
  • control desk: kontrolebank
  • control disc: beheerskyf
  • control electrode: beheerelektrode
  • control electronics {device}: beheerelektroniek, elektroniese beheereenheid
  • control equipment (control gear): beheertoerusting
  • control field: beheerveld
  • control function {remote control}: beheerinstruksie
  • control funtion {administration}: beheerfunksie
  • control grid: beheerrooster
  • control group: beheergroep
  • control held alarm (control-set held alarm): beheerstelhoualarm
  • control input {punch-card machine}: kontrole-inset
  • control is vested in: beheer berus by
  • control jack field: beheerklinkveld
  • control jet {spacecraft}: beheerstraler
  • control joint: beheerlas
  • control lever: beheerhefboom
  • control lever: beheerhefboom
  • control line: beheerlyn
  • control magnet (directing magnet): rigmagneet
  • control magnet {teleprinter}: beheermagneet
  • control n. {device}: beheermiddel, kontrole
  • control n. {process}: beheer
  • control pair {controlling}: kontrolepaar
  • control pair: beheerpaar
  • control panel: beheerpaneel
  • control point: beheerpunt
  • control position {exchange}: beheerpunt
  • control post: beheerpos
  • control program: beheerprogram
  • control rack: beheerraam
  • control ratio: beheerverhouding
  • control rele set: beheerrelestel
  • control room: beheerkamer
  • control sample: kontrolemonster
  • control set (CS): beheerstel, BS
  • control setting {process}: kontrole-instelling
  • control setting: kontrolestand
  • control sheet {also data}: kontroleblad
  • control signal: beheersein
  • control slip: kontrolestrook
  • control station: beheerstasie
  • control supervisory lamp: beheerkontrolelamp
  • control switch: beheerskakelaar
  • control system: beheerstelsel
  • control tape: kontroleband
  • control telephone: beheertelefoon
  • control unit: beheereenheid
  • control voltage: beheerspanning
  • control word {also computer}: beheerwoord
  • control {eg a knob or lever}: kontrole
  • control {of interviewers in marketing}: kontrole
  • control -grid modulation: beheerroostermodulasie
  • control -grid tension: beheerroosterspanning
  • control -lever unit: beheerhefboomeenheid
  • control -line ring circuit: beheerlynluikring
  • control -station sender {RICE}: beheersenderstasie
  • control -switch bank: beheerkieserbank
  • control -switch wiper: beheerkieserkontakarm
  • control : beheer
  • control led environment {marketing}: beheerde omgewing
  • control led item: beheerde item
  • control led negators: beheerde negeerders
  • control led oscillator: beheerde ossillator
  • control led trunk-group selector: beheerde hooflyngroepkieser
  • control ler {person}: kontroleur
  • control ler: beheerder
  • control er: reelaar
  • control ling authority: beherende gesag
  • control ling battery: beheerbattery
  • control ling coil: beheerspoel
  • control ling division: beheerafdeling
  • control ling exchange: beheersentrale
  • control ling magnet: beheermagneet
  • control ling office: beheerkantoor
  • control ling officer {officer in charge}: beampte in beheer
  • control ling operator: beheeroperateur, beheertelefonis
  • control ling post office: beheerposkantoor
  • control ling telegraph office: beheertelegraafkantoor
  • control ling testing station: beheertoetsstasie
  • control ling trunk exchange: beheerhooflynsentrale
  • control s layout {forklift}: kontrole-uitleg
  • convection current: konveksiestroom
  • convection: konveksie
  • convector heater: konvektorverwarmer
  • convene: belê, byeenroep, saamroep
  • convenience sampling {marketing}: geriefsteekproeftrekking
  • convenience sampling: geriefsteekproeftrekking
  • convenience: toilet
  • convention: konvensie
  • conventional indication: gebruiklike aanduiding
  • conventional language: gebruiklike taal
  • conventional mark: gebruiklike merk, konvensionele merk
  • conventional on/off keying: gebruiklike aan/af-sleuteling
  • conventional sign: gebruiklike teken, konvensionele teken
  • convergence ratio: konvergensieverhouding
  • convergent rays: konvergerende strale
  • converging wave: konvergerende golf
  • conversation duration (conversation time, duration of a call, period of a call): gesprekduur
  • conversation: gesprek
  • conversational selector: gesprekkieser
  • converse v. {data transmission}: konverseer
  • conversion circuit: omsitkring
  • conversion conductance: omsettingskonduktansie
  • conversion efficiency: omsettingsrendement
  • conversion gain: omsettingwins
  • conversion kit: omskepstel
  • conversion relê set: omsitrelêstel
  • conversion table {eg currency}: omrekeningstabel
  • conversion table: omrekentabel
  • conversion transconductance: omsittranskonduktansie
  • conversion {device}: ombouing
  • conversion {job}: omskepping
  • conversion {mathematics, also frequency}: omsetting
  • conversion {money}: omrekening
  • conversion {telephone system}: oorskakeling
  • conversion: herleiding, omrekening, omsetting
  • convert {device}: ombou
  • convert {mathematics, also frequency}: omsit
  • convert {money}: omreken
  • convert {post}: omskep
  • convert {program}: omskakel
  • convert {telephone system}: oorskakel
  • converted time: omgesette tyd
  • converter: omsetter
  • converting transmitter: omsitsender
  • conveyance charge: vervoerkoste
  • conveyance of mail: posvervoer, vervoer van pos
  • conveyance rate (transportation rate): vervoertarief
  • conveyance {property}: oordrag
  • conveying system (conveyor system): vervoerstelsel
  • conveyor baffle: vervoerderkeerplaat
  • conveyor bucket system: bakhysstelsel
  • conveyor cart: vervoerwa
  • conveyor drive: vervoerderaandrywing
  • conveyor {device}: vervoerder
  • conveyor-chain guide track {mail-coding station}: vervoerkettingleier
  • conveyor: karweier
  • conveyorised machine: vervoerbandtipe masjien
  • convolution: konvolusie
  • cool cushion: koelkussing
  • coolant flow {hack saw}: koelmiddelvloei
  • coolant reservoir {milling machine}: koelmiddelreservoir
  • coolant: koelmiddel
  • cooler housing: koelerhulsel
  • cooling air: koellug, verkoellug
  • cooling capacity: koelvermoe
  • cooling coil: koelkronkel
  • cooling effect: koeleffek
  • cooling fin: koelvin
  • cooling liquid: koelvloeistof
  • cooling load: koellas
  • cooling plate: koelplaat
  • cooling system: koelstelsel
  • cooling tower: koeltoring
  • cooling water system: koelwaterstelsel
  • cooling: koeling, verkoeling
  • coordination: ko”rdinasie, ko”rdinering
  • cope v. {metal work}: figuursny
  • coping machine {metal work}: figuursnymasjien
  • coping saw: figuursaag
  • coping with crisis: krisishantering
  • coping: kurweslypwerk
  • coplanar: koplaner, saamvlakkig
  • copolymer: kopolimeer
  • copper binder: koperbinder
  • copper bit (coppering bit, soldering bit, soldering bolt, soldering iron, soldering tool, solder iron): soldeerbout
  • copper collar: koperkraag
  • copper glance: koperglans
  • copper jointing sleeve: koperlashuls
  • copper land {printed circuit}: koperveld
  • copper line {in spectrum}: koperlyn
  • copper loss: koperverlies
  • copper oxide: koperoksied
  • copper pyrite: koperpiriet
  • copper ring: koperring
  • copper sheath: koperomhulsel
  • copper side {PC board}: koperkant
  • copper sleeve: koperhuls
  • copper slug {rele}: kopervertraaghuls
  • copper strip: koperstrook
  • copper track {printed circuit}: koperbaan
  • copper wire: koperdraad
  • copper-clad steel: koperbeklede staal
  • copper-oxide rectifier: koperoksiedgelykrigter
  • copper-rich alloy: koperryk legering
  • copperweld wire: koperstaaldraad
  • copperweld: koperstaal
  • copy holder: kopiehouer
  • copy reproduction: kopiereproduksie
  • copy tracing: kopieernatreksel
  • copy {books and printed articles}: eksemplaar, kopie
  • copy {eg photostatic or carbon copy}: kopie
  • copy {made by rewriting or retyping}: afskrif
  • copy: kopie
  • copying fee: kopieergeld
  • copying-ink pencil: kopieerpotlood
  • copyright: kopiereg
  • copywriter: kopieskrywer
  • cord armouring: snoerpantser
  • cord circuit: snoerkring
  • cord diagram {work study}: koorddiagram
  • cord fastener: snoerhegter
  • cord guide: snoerleier
  • cord lamp: snoerlamp
  • cord pair: snoerpaar
  • cord shelf: snoerrak
  • cord switchboard: snoerskakelbord
  • cord tag: snoerstiffie
  • cord terminal strip: snoeraansluitstrook
  • cord test circuit: snoertoetskring
  • cord test jack: snoertoetsklink
  • cord testing: snoertoetsing
  • cord weight: snoergewig
  • cord-anchoring cleat: snoerankerklem
  • cord-circuit dialling: snoerkringskakeling
  • cord-circuit feeding bridge: snoerkringvoerbrug
  • cord-coiling device: snoeroproller
  • cord-crimping pliers: snoerkrimptang
  • cord-type switchboard: snoerskakelbord
  • cord: koord, snoer
  • cordage: snoer
  • cordless connect circuit: snoerlose verbindkring
  • cordless switchboard: snoerlose skakelbord
  • cordless: snoerloos
  • core diameter: kerndiameter
  • core face: kernvlak, kernvoorvlak
  • core loss: kernverlies
  • core memory {logic}: kerngeheue
  • core n. {cables}: aar
  • core pin: kernpen
  • core ratio: kernverhouding
  • core section: kerndeursnee
  • core v.: kernboor
  • core washer: kernwaster
  • core-spun thread {clothing}: kernspindraad
  • cored adj.: gekernboor
  • cork friction plug: kurkwryfprop
  • cork lino: kurklino
  • corkscrew rule: kurktrekkerreel
  • cornea: horingvlies
  • corner (elbow) {waveguide}: elmboog
  • corner antenna: hoekantenne
  • corner block {stamps}: hoekblok
  • corner clamp: hoekklamp
  • corner reflector: hoekreflektor
  • corner tool {lathe}: hoekbeitel
  • corner: hoek
  • cornice {eg switchboard}: kroonlys
  • corona brushing {corona discharge}: koronaontlading
  • corona ring: koronaring
  • corona tube: koronabuis
  • corona: korona
  • corporate body (body corporate): liggaam met regspersoonlikheid, regspersoon
  • corporate member: korporaatlid
  • corporate planning: korporaatbeplanning
  • corporate post office {as opposed to franchise}: korporatiewe poskantoor
  • corporation: korporasie
  • corpuscular radiation: korpuskulere straling
  • correct adj.: korrek
  • correct v.: korrigeer
  • corrected bearing: gekorrigeerde peiling
  • corrected line-of-sight distance: gekorrigeerde siglynafstand
  • correcting cam: korreksienok
  • correcting device: korreksietoestel
  • correcting fluid: korrigeervloeistof
  • correcting magnet: korreksiemagneet
  • correcting network: korreksienetwerk
  • correcting signal: korreksiesein
  • correcting voltage: regstelspanning
  • correction advice: korreksieadvies
  • correction counter: korreksieteller
  • correction factor: korreksiefaktor
  • correction key {sorting machine}: korreksietoets
  • correction note: korreksiebrief
  • correction of telegram: korreksie van telegram
  • correction slip: korreksiestrook
  • correction: korreksie
  • correctness: korrektheid
  • corrector rod: korreksiestang
  • correlation analysis {marketing}: korrelasieontleding
  • correlation analysis: korrelasieontleding
  • correlation chart: korrelasiekaart
  • correlation charts {marketing}: korrelasiekaarte
  • correlation field strapping: korrelasieveldstropping
  • correlation: korrelasie
  • correspond {eg by letter}: korrespondeer
  • correspond: ooreenkom, ooreenstem
  • correspondence analysis {human resources}: ooreenstemmingsontleding
  • correspondence analysis {marketing}: ooreenstemmingsontleding
  • correspondence book: korrespondensieboek
  • correspondence: briefwisseling, korrespondensie
  • correspondence: briewe
  • corrode: korrodeer
  • corrosion area: korrosiegebied
  • corrosion resistant: korrosiebestand
  • corrosion-resistant steel: korrosiebestande staal
  • corrosion: korrosie
  • corrosive adj.: korrodeer-, korroderend
  • corrosive n.: bytmiddel, korrodeerder
  • corrugated cardboard: riffelkarton
  • corrugated copper {conductor}: riffelkoper
  • coryllium: korillium
  • cosecant: kosekans
  • cosh (hyperbolic cosine): hiperboliese kosinus, cosh
  • cosine line: kosinuslyn
  • cosine-squared pulse: kosinuskwadraatpuls
  • cosine: kosinus
  • cosmic noise: kosmiese ruis
  • cost accounting (costing): kosteberekening
  • cost budget {marketing}: kostebegroting
  • cost budget: kostebegroting
  • cost estimate: kosteberaming
  • cost of conversion: omskakelingskoste
  • cost of installation (installation costs): installasiekoste, installeerkoste
  • cost of labour: arbeidskoste
  • cost of material: koste van materiaal, materiaalkoste
  • cost of raising loans: leningskoste
  • cost of repairs (repair cost): herstelkoste
  • cost of replacement: vervangingskoste
  • cost price: kosprys
  • cost reduction: kostevermindering
  • cost sheet: kostestaat
  • cost variation factor: wisselende kostefaktor
  • cost variation premium: wisselende kostepremie
  • cost-effective: koste-effektief
  • cost-of-living allowance: lewenskostetoelae
  • costing system: kosteberekeningstelsel
  • costing system: kosteberekeningstelsel
  • cotangent: kotangens
  • coth (hyperbolic cotangent): hiperboliese kotangens, coth
  • cotopa {insulation}: cotopa
  • cottage-type tent: huttipe tent
  • cotter (cotter pin): dwarsspy
  • cotter pin (split pin): splitpen
  • cotton braiding: katoenomvlegting
  • cotton covering: katoenbekleding
  • cotton duck: katoenseildoek
  • cotton lapping: katoenomwindsel
  • cotton n. {cable}: garing
  • cotton pad: katoenkussing
  • cotton thread {selvedge}: katoendraad
  • cotton thread: katoengaring
  • cotton waste (waste cotton): poetskatoen
  • cotton whipping: katoenbesetting
  • cotton wool: watte
  • cotton worming: katoenwurmsel
  • cotton-covered cable: katoenbeklede kabel
  • cotton-covered wire: katoenbeklede draad
  • cotton-seed oil: katoensaadolie
  • coulometric hygrometer: coulometriese higrometer
  • counsel n.: raad
  • counsel v.: beraad
  • counselling psychology: voorligtingsielkunde
  • counselling: berading
  • counsellor: berader, raadgewer, voorligter
  • count meter (CM): TT, tellingteller
  • count n. {thread}: nommer
  • count n.: telling
  • count test {dial}: pulsteltoets
  • count up: tel aan
  • count-down ratio: aftelverhouding
  • counter axle: telleras
  • counter bracket: tellersteun
  • counter clerk: toonbankklerk
  • counter dial: tellerwyserplaat
  • counter drawer: toonbanklaai
  • counter emf cell: teenwerkende emk-sel
  • counter mechanism: tellermeganisme
  • counter officer: toonbankbeampte
  • counter position: toonbankpunt
  • counter spindle: tellerspil
  • counter stock: toonbankvoorraad
  • counter tube: telbuis
  • counter unit: teleenheid
  • counter unit: toonbankeenheid
  • counter wheel {survey work}: meetwiel
  • counter-current: teenstroom
  • counter: teller
  • counter: toonbank
  • counteract: teenwerk
  • counteracting winding: teenwikkeling
  • counterbalance n. (counterpoise): teenbalanseerstuk, teenstuk
  • counterbalance v.: teenbalanseer
  • counterbore v.: teenboor
  • counterelectrode: teenelektrode
  • counterfeit {coin, stamp}: vals
  • counterfoil: teenblad
  • countermand: herroep, intrek
  • countershaft: tussenas
  • countersign: mede-onderteken
  • countersink n.: versinker
  • countersink v.: versink
  • countersinking cutter: versinkfrees
  • countersunk rivet: versonke klinknael
  • countersunk screw: versonke skroef
  • countersunk washer: versinkwaster
  • countersunk: versink
  • counting chain: telketting
  • counting cycle: telsiklus
  • counting frequency meter: frekwensieteller, telfrekwensiemeter
  • counting method: telwyse
  • counting ratchet: telpalrat
  • counting rele train: telrelereeks
  • counting relay: telrele
  • counting system: telstelsel
  • counting train: telreeks
  • counting-check indications: telkontroleaanwysings
  • country code: landkode
  • country end {ND}: plattelandse ent
  • country of destination: land van bestemming
  • country of issue: land van uitreiking
  • country of origin: land van herkoms
  • country office: plattelandse kantoor
  • country section: plattelandse seksie
  • country-end rack: plattelandse raam
  • couple: koppel
  • coupled Adcock direction finder: gekoppelde Adcock-rigtingsoeker
  • coupled cavity resonators: gekoppelde holteresonators
  • coupled circuits: gekoppelde kringe
  • coupled positions: gekoppelde bedienpunte
  • coupler inductor: koppelinduktor
  • coupler: koppelaar
  • coupling block: koppelblok
  • coupling boss: koppelkraag
  • coupling capacitor: koppelkapasitor
  • coupling circuit: koppelkring
  • coupling coefficient: koppelkoeffisient
  • coupling coil: koppelspoel
  • coupling disc: koppelskyf
  • coupling element: koppelelement
  • coupling error: koppelfout
  • coupling factor: koppelfaktor
  • coupling field {rele}: koppelveld
  • coupling key: koppelsleutel
  • coupling loop {waveguide}: koppellus
  • coupling resistor: koppelresistor
  • coupling shaft: koppelas
  • coupling slot {waveguide}: koppelgleuf
  • coupling spring: koppelveer
  • coupling transformer: koppeltransformator
  • coupling unit: koppeleenheid
  • coupling {waveguide}: koppelflens
  • coupling: koppeling
  • course attender: kursusganger
  • course fish: speelvis
  • course setting range: growwe instelstrek
  • court order: hofbevel
  • court proceedings: hofverrigtinge
  • court proceedings: proses-verbaal, skriftelike verslag
  • covalent bond: kovalente binding
  • covariance {marketing}: kovariansie
  • covariance: kovariansie
  • cover (covering, heath, sheathing) {cable}: hulsel, mantel, omhulsel
  • cover beading: dekkraallys
  • cover casting: dopgietstuk
  • cover gland {eg cables}: seelstuk
  • cover lid: hulselklap
  • cover locating plate: dopstandplaat
  • cover n. (coverage) {insurance}: dekking
  • cover n. (covering) {eg parcel}: omslag
  • cover n. (covering) {wire}: bekleding
  • cover n. (envelope): koevert
  • cover n. {book}: band
  • cover n. {cables}: hulsel
  • cover n. {eg hollow skirting}: dekstuk
  • cover n. {eg of seat}: oortreksel
  • cover n. {eg of telephone}: dop
  • cover n.: deksel, dekstuk
  • cover plate: dekplaat
  • cover ring: dekring
  • cover strip: dekstrook
  • cover v. {cable}: omhul
  • cover v. {costs}: bestry
  • cover v. {distance}: afle
  • cover v. {eg of seat}: oortrek
  • cover v. {eg wire}: beklee
  • cover v. {general}: bedek, toemaak
  • cover v. {insurance}: dek
  • cover v. {legal}: voorsien in
  • cover-fixing screw: dophegskroef
  • cover-locking projection: dopsluitneusie
  • coverage diagram: aftasdiagram
  • coverage: dekking
  • covered joint: bedekte las
  • covered passageway: oordekte gang
  • covered wire: beklede draad
  • covered-wire circuit: beklededraad-verbinding
  • covered-wire distribution: beklededraad-verdeling
  • covered-wire feed: beklededraad-voeding
  • covering advice: dekkingsadvies
  • covering approval: dekkingsgoedkeuring
  • covering authority: dekkingsmagtiging
  • covering charge: diensgeld, diensheffing
  • covering disallowance advice: dekkende afkeuringsadvies
  • covering estimate: dekkingsraming
  • covering form: dekkingsvorm
  • covering letter: geleibrief
  • covering minute: dekkingsdiensbrief
  • covering order: dekkingsbestelling
  • covering plate: dekplaat
  • covering power {paint}: dekvermoe
  • covering power: dekkingsbevoegdheid
  • covering requisition: dekkingsrekwisisie
  • covering schedule: dekkingstaat
  • cow-mouthed chisel: koeibekbeitel
  • crab n. {crane}: kat
  • crab n. {overhead winch}: kat
  • crack v. {eg valve}: effens oopmaak
  • cracked-carbon resistor: gekraaktekool-resistor
  • cracker {computer}: stelselskelm
  • crackle finish: krakiesafwerking
  • crackling: geknetter, knettering
  • cradle n. (cradle guard): vangnet, veiligheidsnet
  • cradle n. {telephone}: mik
  • cradle n. {two-motion selector}: monteerbak
  • cradle plunger: mikplunjer
  • cradle rele {Protea telephone}: mikrele
  • cradle rele {general type}: kamrele
  • cradle spring: mikveer
  • cradle stem: mikstam
  • cradle switch (hook switch): mikskakelaar
  • craftsman: vakman
  • crammed pic (cropped pic) {photograph}: pakskoot
  • cramp n.: kramp
  • cramp v.: vaskramp
  • cran: haringvat
  • crank (crank lever): slinger
  • crank back: terugkrink
  • crank forward {S and H ND system}: heenkrink
  • crank grinding: krukasslypwerk
  • crank pin: krukpen
  • crank-handle method: slingermetode
  • crankcase heater {Trane water chiller}: krukkasverwarmer
  • crankcase: krukkas
  • cranked tip: krukpunt
  • cranked tommy pin: gekrukte stelpen
  • crankshaft knock (crankshaft thrash): krukasklop
  • crankshaft: krukas
  • crash course: blitskursus
  • crash programme: blitsprogram
  • crash test: stapeltoets
  • crate batten: kratlat
  • crate n.: krat
  • crate v.: krat
  • crater lamp: kraterlamp
  • crater: krater
  • crawl beam: kruipbalk
  • crawling speed: kruipspoed
  • crawling: kruip
  • creasing iron: plooiyster
  • create a precedent: 'n presedent skep
  • creation date {computer program}: skryfdatum
  • credit balance: batige saldo, kredietsaldo
  • credit entry: kredietinskrywing
  • credit error: kredietfout
  • credit limit: kredietlimiet
  • credit meter: kredietmeter
  • credit n. {balance in account}: krediet
  • credit n. {leave}: krediet
  • credit n. {postponement of payment}: krediet
  • credit note: kredietnota
  • credit side: kredietsy
  • credit slip: kredietstrook
  • credit stock: kredietvoorraad
  • credit transfer slip: kredietoorplasingstrokie, kredietoordragstrokie
  • credit v.: krediteer
  • credit voucher: kredietbewys
  • credit-meter machine: kredietmetermasjien
  • creditor administration: krediteuradministrasie
  • creditor country: krediteurland
  • creditor government: krediteurregering
  • creditor: krediteur
  • creep: kruip
  • creepage distance: kruipafstand
  • creepage: kruiping
  • creepie-peepie (portable television transmitter, walkie-lookie): dratelevisiesender, looploerder
  • creosote: kreosoot
  • creosoted pole: kreosootpaal
  • crest amplitude: kruinamplitude
  • crest current: kruinstroom
  • crest value: kruinwaarde
  • crest {eg screw thread}: top
  • crest-to-crest contact: kruin-tot-kruin-kontak
  • crest: kruin
  • crested metal button {clothing}: metaalembleemknoop
  • crevasse {curve}: inkeping
  • crevice tool {vacuum cleaner}: gleufsuigstuk
  • crew factor: spanfaktor
  • criminal proceedings: strafgeding, strafsaak
  • criminal record: kriminele rekord, misdaadrekord
  • crimp v. {sleeve}: wurg
  • crimp v.: krimp
  • crimping pliers: krimptang
  • crimping point {lever spring in lock}: vaskrimppunt
  • crisis management: krisisbestuur
  • criss-crossed wires: kriskrasdrade
  • critical analysis: kritiese ontleding
  • critical characteristic: kritieke eienskap
  • critical coupling: kritieke koppeling
  • critical damping: kritieke demping
  • critical dimension {waveguide}: kritieke afmeting
  • critical examination: kritiese ondersoek
  • critical frequency: kritieke frekwensie
  • critical grid current: kritieke roosterstroom
  • critical grid voltage: kritieke roosterspanning
  • critical path analysis (CPA) {human resources}: kritiekeroete-ontleding, CPA
  • critical path analysis: kritiekeroete-analise
  • critical path method (CPM) {human resources}: kritiekeroete-metode, CPM
  • critical path scheduling (CPS) {human resources}: kritiekeroete-bepaling, CPS
  • critical path {human resources}: kritieke roete
  • critical point: kritieke punt
  • critical range: kritieke gebied
  • critical resistance: kritieke weerstand
  • critical voltage: kritieke spanning
  • critical wavelength {waveguide}: kritieke golflengte
  • critical-voltage parabola (cut-off voltage parabola): kritiekespanningparabool
  • critically coupled: kritiek gekoppel
  • crook stick: haakstok
  • crookesite: crookesiet
  • cropping tool {cutting die}: knippons
  • cropping {photograph}: beeldsnoeiing, beeldsnyding, beeldafsnyding
  • cross coupler {waveguide}: kruiskoppelaar
  • cross n.: kruis
  • cross out: deurhaal, skrap
  • cross section: dwarsdeursnee
  • cross section: dwarsprofiel
  • cross slide {milling machine}: dwarsslee
  • cross through: deurhaal
  • cross traverse: dwarsbeweging
  • cross v.: kruis
  • cross-arm: dwarsarm
  • cross-balance: kruisbalanseer
  • cross-beam: dwarsbalk
  • cross-bearing: kruispeiling
  • cross-bending pressure: dwarsbuigdrukking
  • cross-bit (cruciform bit, four-point bit): kruisboorpunt
  • cross-border traffic: oorgrensverkeer
  • cross-bracing: kruisverspanstuk
  • cross-cast: kruisoptel
  • cross-conduction: kruisgeleiding
  • cross-connect: kruisverbind
  • cross-connecting board: kruisverbindbord
  • cross-connecting cabinet: kruisverbindkabinet
  • cross-connecting point: kruisverbindpunt
  • cross-connecting ring: kruisverbindring
  • cross-connecting wire: kruisverbinddraad
  • cross-connection (jumpering): kruisverbinding
  • cross-connection box: kruisverbindkas
  • cross-connection field (jumper field): kruisverbindveld
  • cross-country route: veldroete
  • cross-coupling (parasitic coupling): parasietkoppeling
  • cross-cut saw: dwarssaag
  • cross-entry: kontraboeking, teenboeking
  • cross-fade {broadcasting}: kruisdoof
  • cross-feed n.: dwarstoevoer
  • cross-feed v.: dwarsvoer
  • cross-fire (telegraph cross-talk): telegraafsteuring
  • cross-footer: dwarsvoet
  • cross-head (stay bow): ankerbeuel, beuel
  • cross-head clutch: kruiskopkoppelaar
  • cross-head {teleprinter}: kruiskop
  • cross-induction: kruisinduksie
  • cross-lacing: dwarsrygwerk
  • cross-magnetisation: dwarsmagnetisering
  • cross-magnetising field: dwarsmagnetiseerveld
  • cross-marking: kruismerking
  • cross-member: dwarsbalk
  • cross-member: dwarsstuk
  • cross-modulation: kruismodulasie
  • cross-neutralisation: kruisneutralisasie
  • cross-office storage: deurgangsgeheue
  • cross-over box: kruisingkas
  • cross-over distortion: oorgangvervorming
  • cross-over frequency: frekwensiekruispunt
  • cross-over region: oorgangsgebied
  • cross-over {also an electron gun}: bundelkruispunt
  • cross-pane hammer: dwarspenhamer
  • cross-pane sledge hammer: dwarspenvoorhamer
  • cross-patch n.: kruissnoerverbinding
  • cross-patch v.: kruissnoerverbind
  • cross-pin: dwarspen
  • cross-pointer meter: kruisnaaldmeter
  • cross-polarisation: kruispolarisasie
  • cross-polarised component: dwarsgepolariseerde komponent
  • cross-reference: kruisverwysing
  • cross-reference: kruisverwysing
  • cross-ripping {eg ploughing in of cables}: dwarsskeurwerk
  • cross-saddle {surface grinder}: dwarssaal
  • cross-sectional area: dwarsdeursnee-oppervlakte
  • cross-sectional dimension: dwarsdeursnee-afmeting
  • cross-sell: kruisverkoop
  • cross-splice: kruissplitslas
  • cross-stranded cable: kruislaagkabel
  • cross-stranding method: kruislaagmetode
  • cross-stranding {method}: kruissaamdraaiing
  • cross-table: kruisskuifblad
  • cross-tabulation {marketing}: kruistabellering
  • cross-tabulation: kruistabellering
  • cross-thread v.: kruisdraad sny
  • cross-traverse track rod: dwarsbewegingspoor
  • cross-traverse {lathe}: dwarssaal
  • cross-wind alignment: dwarsdraairigting
  • crossbar selector (crossbar switch) {automatic telephone}: kruisstangkieser
  • crossbar system {automatic telephone}: kruisstangstelsel
  • crossbar trunk switching: kruisstanghooflynskakeling
  • crossbar: kruisstang
  • crossbones: gekruiste doodsbeendere
  • crossed channels: gekruiste kanale
  • crossed cheque: gekruiste tjek
  • crossed joint: kruislas
  • crossed legs: gekruiste drade
  • crossed money order: gekruiste poswissel
  • crossed postal order: gekruiste posorder
  • crossed-loop antenna: kruislusantenne
  • crossing angle: kruishoek
  • crossing cancelled: kruising gekanselleer
  • crossing of numbers: omruiling van nommers
  • crossing span: kruisspan
  • crossing: kruising
  • crosspiece: dwarsstuk
  • crosspoint PABX: kruispunt-POTS
  • crosspoint switching: kruispuntskakeling
  • crosspoint: kruispunt
  • crosstalk (overhearing): steurspraak
  • crosstalk attenuation: steurspraakverswakking
  • crosstalk characteristic curve: steurspraakkenkromme
  • crosstalk characteristic: steurspraakeienskap
  • crosstalk characteristic: steurspraakkenkromme
  • crosstalk coupling: steurspraakkoppeling
  • crosstalk interaction: steurspraakwisselwerking
  • crosstalk interference: steurspraaksteuring
  • crosstalk measurement: steurspraakmeting
  • crosstalk meter: steurspraakmeter
  • crosstalk suppression: steurspraakonderdrukking
  • crosstalk unit: steurspraakeenheid
  • crosstalk volume: steurspraakvolume
  • crosstalk-balancing capacitor: steurspraakbalanseerkapasitor
  • crosstalk-suppression filter: steurspraakonderdrukfilter
  • crosswise: oorkruis
  • crotch {pliers}: mik
  • crotch {trousers}: mik
  • crowbar circuit (short-circuit protection circuit): kortsluitbeveiligkring
  • crowbar: koevoet
  • crown (sleeve head) {clothing}: moukop
  • crown wheel: kroonrat
  • crown {road}: kruin
  • crowned roof {eg trailer}: boogdak
  • crucible steel: kroesstaal
  • crucible: smeltkroes
  • cruciform: kruisvormig
  • crude oil: ru-olie
  • crumber {trencher}: bodemskraper
  • crush v. {pulse technique}: verkort
  • crusher run: ru-gruis
  • crusher-type dresser {grinding wheel}: vergruisbywerker
  • crutch lining {trousers}: mikvoering
  • crutch pin: krukpen
  • crutch tip {eg leg of chair}: beskermdop
  • crutch {forked joint}: mik
  • crystal breakdown: kristalonderbreking
  • crystal circuit: kristalkring
  • crystal control: kristalbeheer
  • crystal cut: kristalsnit
  • crystal cutter: kristalsnyer
  • crystal detector: kristaldetektor
  • crystal diode {signal rectifier}: kristaldiode
  • crystal drive (crystal-oscillator drive): kristaldrywer
  • crystal face: kristalvlak
  • crystal filter: kristalfilter
  • crystal generator: kristalgenerator
  • crystal holder: kristalhouer
  • crystal lattice: kristalrooster
  • crystal microphone: kristalmikrofoon
  • crystal mixer: kristalmenger
  • crystal mixing stage: kristalmengtrap
  • crystal mount (crystal mounting): kristalmontasie
  • crystal oscillator: kristalossillator
  • crystal oven {radio}: kristaloond
  • crystal pick-up: kristalopnemer
  • crystal receiver: kristalontvanger
  • crystal rectifier: kristalgelykrigter
  • crystal reproducing head: kristalweergeekop
  • crystal spectrograph: kristalspektograaf
  • crystal structure: kristalstruktuur
  • crystal-controlled local oscillator: kristalbeheerde plaaslike ossillator
  • crystal-controlled oscillator: kristalbeheerde ossillator
  • crystal-controlled transmitter: kristalbeheerde sender
  • crystal-controlled tuned-collector oscillator: kristalossillator met ingestemde kollektor
  • crystal-equivalent circuit: kristalekwivalente kring
  • crystal: kristal
  • crystalline selenium: kristallyne seleen
  • crystalline: kristallyn
  • cube root: derdemagswortel
  • cubic capacity (cubic content): kubieke inhoud
  • cubic structure: kubusstruktuur
  • cubical expansion (volume expansion): kubieke uitsetting
  • cue {broadcasting}: leisein
  • cue: teken
  • cuff edge {jacket sleeve}: mousrand
  • cuff {jacket sleeve}: mouboordjie
  • cull v. {mail}: skei
  • culler (culling machine) {mail-sorting}: skeier
  • culler installation: skei-installasie
  • culotte: broekrok, culotte
  • culvert: duiker
  • cumbersome parcel: onhandige pakket
  • cumulative action: kumulatiewe aksie, kumulatiewe werking
  • cumulative deviation: kumulatiewe afwyking
  • cumulative grid detector: kumulatiewe roosterdetektor
  • cumulative normal distribution {human resources}: kumulatiewe normaalverdeling
  • cumulative normal distribution {marketing}: kumulatiewe normaalverdeling
  • cumulative timing {human resources}: kumulatiewe tydmeting
  • cumulative total: kumulatiewe totaal
  • cumulative: kumulatief
  • cup (petticoat insulator): mantelisolator
  • cup back bushing: doprugbus
  • cup bolt (cup-head bolt): rondekopbout
  • cup brush: dopborsel
  • cup punch (snap punch): snappons
  • cup spring: dopveer
  • cup square bolt: rondekop vierkantige bout
  • cup washer: dopwaster
  • cup wheel: dopwiel
  • cup {cable stand}: holte
  • cup-and-bucket circuit {type of control test circuit}: vul-en-ledigkring
  • cup-shaped: dopvormig, komvormig
  • cup-spring bracket: dopveersteun
  • cupboard: rakkas
  • cupola: dom, koepel
  • cuprite: kupriet
  • cupro-nickel: kopernikkel
  • cuprous oxide: kupro”ksied
  • curator: kurator
  • curatorship {legal position}: kuratele
  • curatorship {office}: kuratorskap
  • curbed modulation: verskerpte modulasie
  • curbing capacitor: verskerpkapasitor
  • curbing {submarine cable}: seinverskerping
  • cure v. {epoxy resin}: uithard
  • currency (duration of validity, period of currency, period of validity) {eg of postal order}: geldigheidsduur,
  • geldigheidstermyn