Created page with "Note: Librarylingo was taken offline years ago, so I decided to archive it here for posterity and future googlers. See: * <nowiki></nowiki> * <nowiki></nowiki> * <nowiki></nowiki> (blog with some info)"
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Note: Librarylingo was taken offline years ago, so I decided to archive it here for posterity and future googlers.
Note: Librarylingo was taken offline years ago, so I decided to archive these 788 entries here for posterity and future googlers.


* <nowiki></nowiki>
* (dead link)
* <nowiki></nowiki>
* (dead link)
* <nowiki></nowiki> (blog with some info)
* (blog with some info)
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|Priority area;
|aangepast lezen
|Adapted Reading;
|Overdue notice;
|aanschafinformaties (AI's)
|Reviews of recent publications and ordering information for  Dutch public libraries;
|Aantoonbare ervaring
|Proven ability;
|Request; reservation
|Aanvraagbriefje (bij een  gesloten uitlening)
|Call slip;
|To request; make a reservation
|New additions; accessions
|Library Card;
|Subscription; subscription fee
|Disadvantaged area;
|Acquisitie n.a.v deze  advertentie wordt niet op prijs gesteld
|No commercial propositions; please
|vaste; Fixed Assets
|vlottende; Currents Assets
|Outreach; activities
|Administratief medewerker
|zie ook Bibliothecaris;  Library Assistant
|Registration number;
|Afgeschreven!(=stempel in  afgeschreven boek)
|Afhakers (van school) zie ook  Schoolverlaters
|Non-completers; dropouts
|Afhakers (van de  bibliotheek)zie ook voor Afhakersonderzoek
|Lapsed users;
|Weeding; de-selecting; removing books; discarding;  de-accessioning;
|Distance learning;  
|To make redundant;  
|Redundancy pay;  
|Agenda (van een vergadering)
|Agenda (met afspraken)
|diary, planner;  
|Reviews of recent publications and ordering information for  Dutch public libraries;
|Ask a Librarian service, maintained by Dutch public  libraries;
|Ethnic minorities; immigrants
|Make annotations;
|Annotation; summary
|Visual catalog (Am);
|Arbeidsvoorwaarden, zie ook  secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
|Terms of Employment;
|OSH (Occupational Safety and Health);
|Agreement between unions and employers on creating safer and  healthier working conditions in public libraries;
|Occupational Health Physician, employed by an Arbodienst;
|Organisation offering services in the field of occupational  health; sick leave guidance and risk-management
|Health and Safety at Work Act (UK);
|plek waar een bedrijf z'n dossiers bewaard; Filing department
|als in AquaBrowser; Word cloud
|Pre-university secondary education;
|SDI (Selective Dissemination of information)
|Current awareness service; alerting service
|Authority file;
|Automation, ICT;
|LMS; Library Management System
|audiovisual material;
|Nursery rhymes;
|zie ook Uitleenbalie; Desk; counter
|Core files;
|Basic Libary Organisation;
|Primary Education;
|Primary School;
|Corporate culture;
|Appointed safety person;
|Staff uniforms; corporate clothing
|Operational plan;
|Staff Restaurant;
|Beeld en Geluid
|Sound and Vision;
|Online picture gallery;
|VDU work;
|Needs analysis;
|Subsidised; government funded
|zie ook BTW; Taxation
|Experience Library;
|Job appraisal interview;
|Reach; range
|Beroepsonderwijs (VMBO)
|Vocational training;
|Beroepsonderwijs (MBO/HBO)
|Professional training;
|Besloten deel
|Password restricted area;
|Acquisitions; acquisitions management
|zie Dagelijks bestuur; Bibliotheekbestuur
|Detection system;
|Tattle Tag (van Tattle Tape;  merknaam van3M); security strips
|Security system;
|Bevoegd gezag
|Governing body; Library Authority
|Library of last resort;
|Store policy;
|Signage; Graphics (au)
|Bezit van een bibliotheek
|Library holdings; stock
|People counters;
|Door count;
|Budget cuts;
|zie ook Buitenkant;  Mobile Library; Bookmobile
|zie NBD;
|To verify bibliographic items;
|HBO niveau; Librarian; Information Professional
|MBO niveau; Paraprofessional; Technical Libary Staff; Library  Assistant; Library Technician;
|Bibliotheek 2.0
|Library 2.0 (pronunciation: two point oh);
|Portal of the Dutch Public Libraries;
|Library School;
|Library Board; Board of Governors; Library Authority
|Book jobber (USA); Library Supplier (UK)
|Chief Librarian(UK); Library Director (USA)
|Reciprocal borrowing scheme; single membership; single card;  one card
|Library Terminology;
|Library Modernization;
|Bun lady;
|Date Reading;
|To rebind; to reback
|zie ook Tijdschriften; Periodical
|Music scores; sheet music; printed music
|Page turner;
|Page area;
|Blinden en slechtzienden
|Visually impaired people;
|Boek- Archief- en  Informatiewetenschap
|Library, Archive and Information Studies
|Book purchases;
|Boeken aan huisdienst
|Service to housebound readers; Home Library Service
|Quick drop box; book return
|Stacks; closed stacks
|Book truck; booktrolley
|Financial year; fiscal year
|zie ook Plastificeren; Cover; dust jacket
|Boekomslag (grafische  vormgeving)
|Cover art;
|Selection; materials selection process
|Overdue fee; late fee; fine
|Slip printer;
|Boomerang kaarten
|Freecards; rack cards
|Brede school
|Extended school;
|Brochure zie ook Pamflet
|Primary Sources;
|zie ook Verwijzingen;  Citations
|Transition class;
|First former;
|Buitenkant bibliobus
|Community Centre;
|bij een krant of tijdschrift; Media tie-in ; begin
|Collective Labour Agreement;
|literaire; Core book list
|Catalog (USA) catalogue (UK);
|Category; Material type (e.g. fiction, non-fiction)
|Central Record Library Rotterdam;
|Centraal catalogiseren
|Centralised cataloguing; shared cataloguing
|Centraal collectioneren
|Collaborative (shared, central) collection development
|Centrale aanschaf
|Shared purchasing;
|Centrum voor kunstzinnige  vorming
|Centre for Creative Arts;
|Quote; quotation
|Cultural and artistic appreciation;
|To Classify;
|Collection; stock; holdings
|Collection development policy;
|Collection development plan
|Colleague; co-worker (USA)
|Subscription fee; membership fee
|Corporate name heading;
|crèche; kinderdagverblijf
|Nursery; Day Nursery
|Cultureel erfgoed
|Cultural heritage;
|Centre for performing arts; art centre
|Cultural governance
|Cultural governance
|Cultureel ondernemerschap
|Social entrepeneurship;
|Culturele en kunstzinnige  vorming
|Cultural and artistic appreciation;
|Switch in behaviour;
|Available courses ; begin
|Dagelijks Bestuur
|Executive Committee;
|Data opslag
|Data storage;
|Date stamp;
|First-time author;
|Subject heading;
|zie ook Wettelijk Depot; Deposit Library
|Depot collectie
|Deposit collection;
|Derde geldstroom
|Commercial funding;
|Dertiende maand
|Christmas Bonus;
|Staff development; professional development
|Dichter des Vaderlands
|Poet Laureate;
|Dichterlijke vrijheid
|Poetic License;
|Security system;
|Digitaal abonnement
|Virtual membership;
|Digitaal trapveldje
|Digital playground;
|Digitale broedplaats
|Digital breeding ground;
|Digitale bibliotheek
|Digital Library;
|Digitale kloof
|Digital divide; information gap; inforich/infopoor
|Digitalisering van collecties
|Preservation; digitising
|Music Library; Record Library; Sound Library
|Working paper;
|DIV; Documentaire Informatie  Verzorging
|Records Management;
|Folder with documentary materials;
|Doelgroepgerichte activiteiten
|Community groups;
|Aim; objective
|Special-purpose grant;
|Subject specialist
|Doorlopende leerlijn
|Continuous learning line;
|Doorverwijzing zie ook  Verwijzen
|DOS bibliotheken
|Group of libraries in cities exceeding 100.000 inhabitants
|Support; backing
|Drempels Weg
|Accessibility of websites for people with a disability (see  also the specialist glossary by EUAIN on this subject);
|dyslectisch; Dyslexia; dyslexic
|Eerste geldstroom
|Direct government funding;
|Eerste leesboekjes
|First Readers;
|Impact measurement;
|Uitgegeven in eigen beheer;  eigen beheer
|Published independently; self-published; published in-house;  published by the author;
|Christmas bonus;
|Attainment targets; exit qualifications
|Energiebesparende maatregelen
|Energy control;
|Etnische minderheden
|Ethnic minorities; cultural groups
|Bookplate ; begin
|Federatief zoeken
|Federated search;
|Branch library;
|Filiaal hoofd
|Branch manager;
|Hot desk; touch down area
|Welcome pack;
|Brochure display rack;
|Music Library; record library; sound library
|Full time equivalent (FTE); Permanent Staff Position
|Frontale presentatie
|Face-on stock display;
|Job enrichment; career development
|Job profile;
|Job description;
|Job performance interview ; begin
|The Public libraries of the 4 largest cities: Amsterdam,  Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht
|Warranty period;
|Garenloos gebrocheerd
|Perfect binding;
|Sign language;
|Gebonden jaargang
|Bound periodicals; volume
|Building; facility
|Lezers; Users
|User survey; public consultation
|Code of conduct;
|Gehonoreerde aanvragen
|Reservations filled;
|Funding providers;
|Sound recordings; Recorded Music
|Gelijke kansen op de  arbeidsmarkt
|Equal employment opportunities;
|Gemeenschappelijke catalogus
|Shared catalogue;
|Gesloten uitlening
|Closed stacks
|Gesproken boeken
|Audio books; spoken word cassettes
|Gezamenlijke bibliotheek
|Joint use library; multi-authority library
|G!ds, de
|The Gu!de': nationally supported database service of the  public libraries to be used as a local directory in collaboration with other  cultural and social organizations
|Glijdende werktijden
|Flexible working hours; flexitime
|Gouden Gids
|Yellow Pages;
|Grafische vormgeving
|Graphic design;
|Advisory bodies; external bodies; representative bodies
|klimaatneutraal; Sustainable
|Grote Letter
|Large Print;
|Grote formaten
|Outsize books; oversized books
|Grijze literatuur
|Grey literature ; begin
|Sign; Timetable signage
|Reference collection; Quick reference
|Manual; compendium; handbook; survey
|Proceedings; parliamentary proceedings
|Instruction manual;
|Disorderly youths in public places;
|Higher Professional Education;
|Hash; hash key (UK); pound key (USA)
|(Woman) returner; re-entrant
|Stumper questions;
|Hierarchische lijnen
|Lines of authority;
|LGBT literature;
|Hoofd van de bevolking; per  goofd van de bevolking
|Per capita;
|Author headings;
|HOVO; hoger onderwijs voor  ouderen
|University of the Third Age; U3A
|Have remote access to catalogue
|Weeklies; free local papers
|Huishoudelijk reglement
|Standing orders; by-laws (USA); internal rules and regulations
|Homework Clubs ; begin
|IBL; Interbibliothecair  Leenverkeer
|ILL; Inter Library Loans; Document Delivery;
|IBL account
|Electronic account for end users of the NCC/IBL system;
|Naturalization(USA); integration
|Integration course;
|Civic Integration Exam;
|Collection agency;
|Classification scheme;
|Computer Science;
|Information desk; reference desk
|(Subject) resources;
|Information Science;
|Information Literacy;
|Information kiosk;
|Ingang (catalogus)
|Ingebonden (boek
|tijdschrift); Bound
|Ingeklemde dag
|the saturday preceding'; 'other days around them'
|Steppingstone position;
|Table of Content; ToC
|Inleverpunt  (zelfbedieningsituatie)
|Book drop;
|Quality management method; used by many Dutch Public Libraries
|Iron gall ink corrosion; zie The ink corrosion website zie ook  Slow fires
|Enquiry desk;
|Reference work;
|Reference queries;
|Application form; registration form
|Qualifying level;
|Consultative procedure;
|Instelling (wonen en zorgen)
|Intellectueel eigendom
|Intellectual property;
|Interne publicatie
|zie ook eigen beheer; Internal publication
|Internet caf?IT suite
|Adapted toilet;
|Invaller (leerkracht)
|Supply teacher; substitute teacher
|Complete; fill in
|Inwerken (van boeken)
|IPE salarisgraad
|IPE salary grade; International Position Evaluation, IPE
|Interprovincial Consultations ; begin
|Jaar van uitgave
|Publication date;
|Annual; yearbook; annals
|Jaargang (ingebonden  tijdschriften)
|Annual; annually
|Annual statement of accounts;
|Salary per annum;
|Annual Report;
|Children's Librarian;
|Children's Library; Youth Library; Young Peple's Library
|Youth Services;
|Young Adults; teens ; begin
|Making economies across the board;
|Parliamentary Papers;
|Kamishibai; Japanese storybox
|Shelf reading;
|Shelf arrangement; shelf order
|Koninklijke Bibliotheek; National Library of the Netherlands
|(Statistical)indicators; normative data
|Knowledge centre;
|Knowledge Management; KM
|Kerndoelen (eindtermen)
|Attainment targets;
|Core business;
|Core values;
|Christmas Bonus;
|zie ook Leesvoer; Stuiverromans; Dime novels(AM)
|Accreditation mark;
|Childcare; childminding facilities
|Family friendly;
|Handling of complaints;
|Focus group; brainstorming panel; feedback group
|Klanten zie ook Lezers
|Gebruikers; Opdrachtgever; Customers; clients
|Customer focused; needs-based; reader-centred;  service-oriented
|Customer satisfaction survey;
|Klein grafisch materiaal
|Kindergarten (USA)Nursery school; Infants school (UK)
|Knippen (van blz en ills uit  boeken)
|Razoring (USA);
|Press cuttings service;
|Cuttings; clippings
|Silly season;
|Photo copier; Xerox
|Costs; expense
|Full text database of six national newspapers in the  Netherlands;
|Cross references;
|One-Stop shop concept used by the Provincial Library Centre  Overijssel; co-located services; multi-agency servicepoint
|Quality management;
|Trailblazer; forerunner
|Kijk- en voelboeken
|Tactile picture books ; begin
|Accessible (to all members of the community); easy access
|Low literacy;
|Landelijk lenen
|zie ook Zoek & Boek; A nationwide system of reciprocal  access for the general public to collections of all Dutch public libraries
|Langetermijn planning
|Long range planning;
|Latijns schrift
|Roman script;
|Group of libraries in towns with less than 100.000 inhabitants  (stopped in 2005);
|Light fiction;
|Rental payments;
|Public Lending Right;
|Teaching aid; learning aid; teaching materials
|Leerplichtige leeftijd
|Compulsory school age;
|Book promotion; reader's advisory; reader development
|Library cafe; coffee corner
|Reading club; reading group
|Print disability; print impairment
|Reading aids;
|Reading level;
|Reading scheme;
|zie ook Stuiverromans; Keukenmeidenromans; Light reading
|Leeswijzer (als een soort  samenvatting in een rapport)
|Executive summary;
|Reference room; reading room
|Lenen (lenen aan)
|To lend;
|Lenen (lenen van)
|To borrow;
|Borrower records;
|Leren (lesgeven)
|To teach;
|Leren (leren van)
|To learn;
|Learning pack;
|Levenlang leren
|een; Life long learning
|Levensloop regeling
|Life-course saving scheme;
|Levensloop sparen
|Life-course saving;
|Vendor; supplier
|klant; gebruiker; lid; Reader; patron; customer
|Library ticket;
|Lief en leedpot
|Index (of citations); guide
|References; (bibliographic) citations
|Locatie (van een evenement  oid.)
|Sleep-over suitcase;
|Logopedisch Centrum
|Centre for Speech and Language Therapy;
|Help-desk; one-stop shop
|Cost of living adjustment;
|Lopende jaargang
|Current periodicals;
|Loose leafs;
|Audiobooks ; begin
|Maatschappij (algemeen)
|Maatschappij (lokale  samenleving)
|Maatschappij (INK-model)
|Customizing; customized
|zie ook Boekenmagazijn; Storage area
|Makkelijk Lezen
|Easy Reading;
|Vertical file;
|Marketing communicatie
|Road Map (a framework for a strategy or plan);
|Materiaaltype zie ook  Categorie
|Format e.g. book; dvd; etc
|Maximaal te lenen objecten
|Loan limit;
|(Training in) computer literacy; ITliteracy; information  literacy
|Media Centre;
|Read along book;
|Meerkeuzesysteem CAO
|Personalisation of parts of the CAO;
|met dien verstande dat
|provided (you),in that,except that ;
|Mission statement;
|Level of difficulty;
|Music Librarian;
|Music Library;
|Musicology ; begin
|Naschoolse opvang
|After school childminding facilities  ("educare");
|Refresher course;
|Reference book;
|Nationale Bibliotheek
|National Library; British Library (UK); Library of Congress  (USA)
|Navigatie (op een website)
|Netherlands Library Service;  the national non-profit library supplier and publisher of library  related material;
|NCC zie ook IBL
|Netherlands Central Catalogue (union catalogue);
|Union catalogue with integrated ILL and document delivery  system;
|Niet-uitleenbaar materiaal
|Non-circulating material;
|Niet verklarende bibliografie
|Unannotated bibliography;
|Nieuwkomers (nieuwe  immigranten)
|New immigrants; new asylumseekers; new refugees
|Normen en waarden
|Dutch as a second language;
|NT2 Plein
|NT2 Plaza;  area in the  library where all materials and information relating to NT2 are placed;
|Budget freeze; freeze on income ; begin
|A performance appraisal system in Dutch public libraries;
|Work's council; Personnel Council
|Subtitles; captions
|Onderwijs in eigen taal en  cultuur
|Bilingual education;
|Educational policy for children in deprived urban or rural  areas;
|School Advisory Service;
|Research; survey
|Online publiekscatalogus
|OPAC; online catalogue
|Declining reading habits; reading habits are on the wane
|Deduping; duplicate removal; duplicate resolution
|ontslag- en opzegvergoedingen
|severance pay and compensation in lieu of notice;
|Ontsluiten van informatie
|Information retrieval; dissemination of information; making  accessible
|Indexing; cataloguing;
|op arbeids- en  sociaalrechtelijk vlak
|in the field of labour law and social policy ;
|File box;
|File; folder
|Filing system;
|(Commercial) client;
|Open uitlening
|Open stacks;
|Openbaar onderwijs
|Public schools (USA) State schools (UK);
|Openbare instelling
|Public Institution;
|Circulation (of newsprint and magazines); print run; edition;  copies
|Opruimen (boeken)
|Shelving (books);
|Library aide (AM); shelving assistant
|severance pay;
|onregematigheidstoeslag; PP; premium pay
|Oude jaargangen
|Back runs;
|Oude nummers (van  tijdschriften)
|Past issues;
|Senior citizens; elderly people
|Ouderen op Internet
|Silver Surfers;
|Overdruk (zie ook Separaat)
|Overeenkomst van  dienstverlening
|Service contract;
|Subject review article; state-of-the-art report; analytical  survey ; begin
|Pamflet;  ook voor termen als blauwboekje
|schotschrift;  vlugschrift; traktaat; vliegende bladen enz.; Pamphlet; brochure
|Pamflet (eenzijdig bedrukt)
|Broadside; broadsheet; handbill; poster
|Red tape;
|Pas met magnetische strip
|Swipe Card;
|Provincial Library Centre;
|Broken work record (UK);
|Occupational pension scheme; pension fund
|Pensioengerechtigde leeftijd
|Retirement age;
|meer pensioenwoorden
|woordenlijst pensioenen;
|Per hoofd van de bevolking
|Per capita;
|Press release; media release
|medewerkers; Personnel;  staff
|Personnel management;
|HRM; Human resources management
|Staff turnover;
|Playgroup; playschool
|originally a Dutch library cooperative; now part of OCLC
|Format for records in the online catalogue; aka.MARCformat
|Integrated; multimaterial search and request facility offering  access to online resources and electronic documents
|System for subject categorisation in Dutch public  libraries;
|Pistooltje', markering van  uitgeleend boek
|Shelf marker;
|Plaats in de organisatie
|Organisational relationships;
|Appropriation; plagiarism
|Classification system;
|Mylar jacketing(AM);
|Positiebepaling (INK)
|Profile; position; positioning
|sociale verzekeringen;  Contributions
|Contributions burden;
|Picture book;
|Prestatie indicator
|Performance indicator;
|Prestatie meting
|Performance measurement;
|Notice Board;
|Slow readers;
|Profiel (studie)
|Subject cluster;
|Profiel (collectie)zie ook  Collectievormingsprofiel
|Collection profile;
|Subject track;
|Programma van Eisen
|Schedule of requirement (SoR); for architects: the brief
|zie ook werkgroep;  Project group
|Project subsidy;
|Foundation year;
|Prijs (verkoopprijs)
|Prijs (voor een winnend boek)
|Literary award;
|Community information; citizen's information ; begin
|Quick reference
|Quick reference;
|Raad van Toezicht
|zie ook  Bibliotheekbestuur; Supervisory Board; Board of Trustees
|Rationeel Collectie Beleid
|RCB; An evidence based  stock management system designed by CUBISS
|Rationeel collectioneren
|zie Centraal  collectioneren; Systematic stock management
|Reader (collection of photocopies for use in a lesson);
|Recall; vangst
|Recensie exemplaar
|Review Copy;
|Recht op informatie
|Freedom of information;
|Abstracting Journal;
|verwijzing; Citation; bibliographic citation
|Making abstracts;
|Corporate gift;
|To place a hold; to place a reserve
|Hold; reserve
|Induction loop system; Audio loop
|Regional Training Centre;
|Tambour doors;
|Wheelchair accessible; equity of access
|Novel; fiction
|Rondleiding (door de  bibliotheek)
|Library tour;
|Routes(van de bibliobus)
|Timetable; schedule
|Fixed route transport;
|Subject headings;
|Spine label;
|Central government grant;
|Rijtijd (bibliobus)
|Travelling time ; begin
|salary grade;
|pay slip; wage slip
|Collaborate; co-operate; resource sharing
|Joint initiative/programme;
|Saneren zie Afschrijven
|Sanitaire stop (bibliobus)
|Comfort stop;
|internationale;  Secondary school immigrant class
|Combined school; school cluster
|National School Library offering teachers and pupils; from  junior school to adult education; access to the online information and  services of public libraries regarding teaching and learning.
|schoolbibliotheek;  School library
|Schoolverlaters zie ook  Afhakers
|School leavers;
|Scheur (in een boek)
|Schriftelijk onderwijs
|Correspondence course;
|Thesis; final paper; final project; essay
|Cross sectoral;
|secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
|(fringe) benefits, secondary employment conditions;
|symposium, one-day conference;
|Separaat zie ook Overdruk
|series, serial;
|Classification scheme used in Dutch public libraries, based on  Dewey;
|Tool; designed specially for Dutch public libraries to create  a website
|mugshots, who's who, facebook;
|Sociaal isolement
|Social exclusion;
|Sociale cohesie
|Social inclusion;
|Sociale kaart
|Community information;
|Sociale veiligheid (bv op  straat)
|Social safety;
|Sociale vernieuwing
|Social inclusion activities (UK);
|Sociale zekerheid (uitkeringen  ed.)
|Social security;
|Speciaal onderwijs
|Special education; special schools
|Quick picks (UK); Quick Choice Collection (UK)
|Truancy; playing truant; skipping school
|Staatsblad v.h.Koninkrijk der  Nederlanden
|Bulletin of Acts and Decrees;
|Work experience; Internship; Traineeship
|Stage lopen
|To do an internship;
|Student trainee;
|Standing order
|Blanket order;
|Standplaats(van de bibliobus)
|Mobile Library stop;
|Statijd (van de bibliobus)
|Duration of the stop; opening times
|Basic qualification; starting level
|Statistics; performance indicators
|Transactions logs;
|Pronouncement; proposition
|Sterkte-zwakte analyse
|SWOT (Strengths; weaknesses; opportunities; threats)
|Stichting Welzijn Ouderen
|Service Centre for Senior Citizens;
|Stop(op een boek of lezer)
|Block; hold
|Target stock;
|stripverhaal; Comic  (book); graphic novel
|Study centre'; a didactic approach in secondary education
|zie ook Leesvoer;  Keukenmeidenromans; Dime novels (AM); Penny dreadfuls (UK)
|Control data;
|Steering group;
|(Government) funding;
|Conditions of funding;
|Systematische catalogus
|Classified catalogue ; begin
|Te late boeken
|Overdue books;
|Ter inzage
|On approval;
|Due date; date due; return date
|Terugvragen (uitgeleend
|gereserveerd boek);  Recall
|Theateropstelling zie ook  Vergaderopstelling
|Seating in a lecture setting;
|Typo; typing error
|Display; themed display; exhibition
|Catalogue record; catalogue entry; bibliographic record
|regels voor de;  Cataloguing rules
|Toegang (tot internet)
|Access (to internet);
|Criteria for assessment;
|Trailer (film)
|Translitteration; romanization
|Hits; search results
|Subject heading (in catalogus); descriptor (in an electronic  database)Keyword (algemeen)
|Controlled Vocabulary;
|To truncate;
|Tweede fase
|Upper secondary education;
|Library of last resort;
|Periodicals; magazines; (scientific) journals
|Serials Management;
|Periodicals cabinet ; begin
|Outsourcing; contracting-out
|Uitgescheurde bladzijden
|Torn out pages;
|Publisher; publishing house
|Uitleenklaar maken
|To process;
|Lending desk; Issues and Returns desk (UK) Check out desk  (USA)
|Lending Library; Circulating Library (UK/AM 18th19th century)
|Circulation figures; book loans
|Loan frequency; turnover rate
|Lending data;
|Library rules; rules and regulations
|Loan period;
|zie ook Lenen; Issue  books; check out books
|Uitlening (algemeen)
|Circulation; ciculation of stock
|Issues and returns; book loans
|Out of print;
|Temp job;
|Temp agency;
|Temp worker; contract staff
|University Library; College Library ; begin
|Job freeze; hiring freeze
|jaarlijks recht op;  Annual Leave
|Holiday Bonus;
|Trade union (UK); Labor Union (USA)
|Professional expertise;
|Expert; subject specialist; subject librarian
|Professional journal;
|Vaste boekenprijs
|Net Book Agreement (UK);
|Vaste vestiging
|Static Library;
|Vaste voet (toekenning  subsidie ikv bibliotheekvernieuwing
|Fixed allowance;
|Window envelope;
|Action plan;
|Improved; corrected
|Vergaderopstelling zie ook  Theateropstelling
|Seating at conference tables;
|Meeting room; conference room
|To renew;
|Verlopen abonnementen
|Lapsed users/customers;
|Verrijdbare kasten
|Mobile shelving;
|Vertrouwenspersoon (algemeen)
|Trusted third party; Confidant; Confidential counsellor
|Vertrouwenspersoon (speciaal)
|Integrity advisor; Sexual Harassment Advisor
|Vervangingspercentage (van  boekbezit)
|Stock refreshment rate; replenishment rate
|follow-up appointment,follow-up discussion,follow-up  meeting;
|Verweesde werken
|Orphan works;
|Verworven rechten
|extraatjes(in een  werksituatie); Perks
|Directional resources;
|Verwijzen zie ook  Doorverwijzing
|To refer; referring
|zie ook  'Bronvermeldingen'; Citations
|zie ook ziekteverzuim;  Absenteism
|Visueel gehandicapt
|Visually impaired;
|Association of Netherlands Municipalities;
|Netherlands Association of Public Libraries;
|zie ook Kijk- en  voelboeken; Tactile books
|People's Library; working man's library
|Adult Education College;
|Best Practices;
|Story hour;
|To read aloud; storytelling
|Voorschoolse periode
|Preschool children; Early years
|Volunteer; voluntary worker ; begin
|Social welfare policy;
|Pressure of work;
|WerkdrukVerkenner Openbare  Bibliotheken
|A workload analysis tool; developed specifically for Dutch  Public Libraries
|Catchment area; library service area
|zie ook projectgroep; klankbordgroep; Special team; Task  Force; working party;
|Wet Bescherming  Persoonsgegevens
|Personal Data Protection Act;
|Wetenschappelijke collectie
|Research collection;
|Wettelijk depot zie ook  Depotbibliotheek
|Legal deposit;
|Commercial lending library;
|Exchange collection; travelling collection; rotating  collection
|Employers Association Public Libraries;
|als in AquaBrowser; Word cloud
|Residential Care Centre;
|woord vooraf
|wordt vervolgd
|To be continued..;
|WSF bibliotheken
|Academic support libraries; libraries with a research  collection ; begin
|Self-service; self-checkout
|Books on approval; approval plan
|Zie ook verwijzing; See; see also reference
|Sick leave;
|Sitting-standing table;
|Zoek & Boek (nieuwe naam  van 'landelijk lenen'
|A nationwide system of reciprocal access for the general  public to collections of all Dutch public libraries; 'D2D service'; 'Search  & Reserve'; 'Seek&Book'. Vrgl UK; UnityWeb;
|Search capability;
|zwarte scholen
|Sink schools (UK); integrated community school
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