The most frequently used tax-related words in the Netherlands (

From Beijerterm

Source: (2023-11-23)

Jaaropgave - tax card showing the annual income obtained at a given employer in the Netherlands

Loonheffing - advance tax payment in the Netherlands

Arbeidskorting - employee relief granted automatically by the office

Premie volksverzekeringen - social security premiums in the Netherlands

Periode premieplicht - period of being covered by insurance in the Netherlands

Aanslag - tax decision

Zorgtoeslag - subsidy for insurance

Voorlopige Aanslag- temporary decision

Belastigndienst - the tax office in the Netherlands

Aangitebrief - request for settlement

Annmaning - official reminder

Bezwaar - tax appeal

Handtekening - place for signature

Aanslagbijlet - tax form (e.g. M, P, C)