Railway Technical Website - List of Acronyms and Abbreviations for Railways (LAAR)

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Source available from: http://www.railway-technical.com/ (retrieved 2021-12-01)

University of Birmingham and Network Rail - List of Acronyms and Abbreviations for Railways (LAAR)

Mark 24, February 2011

  • This list was originally produced by the Railway Systems Group at the University of Sheffield, in cooperation with staff from Railtrack, Network Rail, Bechtel and HMRI. It was expanded with the support of many other railway industry organisations and individuals. Members of staff at the University of Birmingham and the team of The Railway Consultancy update the Rail Lexicon on a regular basis.
  • Obsolete terminology is shown in grey, where the status is known.
  • Comments are welcomed by: f.schmid@bham.ac.uk and c.watson.1@bham.ac.uk.
  • In general, the UK term “railway” is used rather than the US term “railroad”.

3G – 3rd Generation Mobile Phone

4GL – Fourth Generation Language

A– A –

AAR – Association of American Railroads

AB – Absolute Block (system of working)

ABCL – Automatic Barrier Crossing Locally


ABCR – Automatic Barrier Crossing Remotely


ADIF – Spanish Infrastructure Manager

AHB – Automatic half barrier crossing

AHQ – (British Transport Police) Area Headquarters

ALARP – As low as reasonably practicable

ALCRAM – All Level Crossing Risk Assessment


AM – Amplitude Modulation

AOA – Angel Of Attack

AOCL – Automatic Open Crossing Locally


AOCR – Automatic Open Crossing Remotely


ARS – Automatic Route Setting

ASLEF – Associated Society of Locomotive

Engineers and Firemen.

ASPER – ASset PERformance database

AT – (1) Auto Transformer (supply)

AT – (2) Auto Transformer

ATA – Automatic Track Alignment

ATC – Automatic Train Control

ATCO – Association of Transport Co-ordinating


ATM – Amended Timetable Manager

ATO – Automatic Train Operation

ATOC – Association of Train Operating Companies

ATP – Automatic Train Protection

ATPM – Automatic Train Protection Manual

ATR – (1) Automatic Train Reporting

ATR – (2) Automatic Train Regulation

ATS – (1) Automatic Train Stop

ATS – (2) Automatic Train Supervision

ATS – (3) Applicable Timetable Service

ATSS – Automatic Train Supervision System

ATT – Active Tilting Train

ATTA – Automatic Track Top and Alignment

ATWS – Automatic Track Warning System

AVACS – Aire VAlley Control System

AVB – Automatic Vacuum Brake

AVI – Automatic Vehicle Identification

AWB – Advance Warning Board

AWE – Advance Warning Estimates

AWG – Adhesion Working Group

AWS – (1) Automatic Warning System

AWS – (2) Auxiliary Wayside System

AWS – (3) Audible Warning System

B– B –

b – braking rate (abbreviation)

B/C – Benefit to Cost Ratio

BAA – British Airports Authority

BABT – British Approval Board for Telecommunications

BACS – Banking Automated Credit System

Baneverket – Swedish infrastructure manager

BATS – Business Analysis of Train Services

BBEST – Balfour Beatty Embedded Slab Track

BBRM – Balfour Beatty Rail Maintenance Ltd.

(formerly SIE)

BBRPL – Balfour Beatty Rail Projects Ltd.

BBRR – Balfour Beatty Rail Renewals

BCA – Business Critical Application (IT term)

BCC – Banking Control Account

BCK – Brake Composite Corridor

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BCRRE – Birmingham Centre for Railway Research

and Education

BCU – Brake Control Unit

BCWS – Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

BDM – (1) Business Development Manager

BDM – (2) Business Development Manual

BFK – Brake First Corridor

BFO – Brake First Open

BH–RAIL – Bull Head Rail Section

BHX – Bank Holiday eXcepted

BIFS – Billing Infrastructure Freight System

BMB – Block marker board

BMIS – Business Management Information System

BMS – Basic Mechanical Signalling

BNC – British National Connector

BOP – Booking On Point

BP – (1) Brake Pipe

BP – (2) British Petroleum

BP – (3) Business Plan

BPA – (1) Business Planning Accountant

BPA – (2) Business Planning Analysis

BPM – Business Process Manual

BPR – Business Policy Review group: an RTIS body

BR – (1) British Railways

BR – (2) British Rail

BRASS – British Railways Additional Superannuation


BRB – British Railways Board

BRBS – British Railways Business Systems (former

BR equivalent of RTIS)

BRENDA – BRidge ENgineer Data, computer system

BRG – Business Review Group

BRI – British Rail International

BRIMS – British Rail Incident Monitoring Syste

BRIS – British Rail Infrastructure Services

BRP – Budget Reporting Pack

BRR – British Rail Research

BRS – Business Route Section

BRSA – British Rail Staff Association

BRT – British Rail Telecommunications , now known


BRV - Brake Release Valve (LUL)

BS – British Standard

BS spec – British Standards specification

BS&TE – Business Signal & Telecommunications


BSC – Base Station Controller

BSK – Brake Second Corridor

BSN – Bridge Strike Nominee (see Bridge Bash /


BSO – Brake Second Open

BSP – Bulk Supply Point

BSPG – Business Systems Policy Group: an RTIS

authorising body

BST – (1) Basic Signalling Technology

BST – (2) British Summer Time

BT – Booster Transformer

BTA – British Transport Advertising

BTOG – British Transport Officers’ Guild

BTP – British Transport Police

BTS - Base Transceiver Station

BZP – Bright Zinc Plating

C– C –

C&W – Carriage and Wagon

C/E – Country End

C2C – Commercial Name for London Tilbury and

Southend lines

CA – (1) CAble,

CA – (2) Commercial Assistant,

CA – (3) Cash Accounts

CAD – Computer Aided Design

CAG – (1) Contract Approval Group

CAG – (2) Crossrail Project Compliance &

Assurance Group

CAHA – Claims Allocation and Handling Agreement

(see also RIDRR)

CAMPS – Computer Assisted Maintenance Planning


CAMS – Cost Allocation Management System

CAPE – (1) Train Cancelled, derived from former

Telegraph Code

CAPE – (2) Computer Aided Project Engineering

CAPEX – CAPital EXpenditure – funds spent on

fixed assets

CAPM – Capital Asset Pricing Model

CAPP – Confirmed Annual Possession Plan

CAPS – Colchester Area Power Supplies

CAR – Corrective Action Request

CARINO – TOPS (Total Operations Processing

System) wagon number

CARKND – TOPS (Total Operations Processing

System) wagon type

CAT – Cable Avoiding Tool

CATP – Continous ATP

CATE – Computer Assisted Train Enquiries

CB – (1) Central Battery

CB – (2) Circuit Breaker

CB – (3) Car body, carriage body

CBA – Cost Benefit Analysis

CBCT – Communications Based Train Control

CBI – (1) Confederation of British Industry

CBI – (2) Computer Based Interlocking

CBS – Contract Breakdown Structure

CBTC – Communication Based Train Control

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CCA – Current Cost Accounting

CCF – Control Centre of the Future

CCI – Confirmation of Client's Instruction

CCM – Company Control Manager (EWS)

CCS – Contract Conditions – Safety

CCSC – Contractor Core Safety Case

CCTV – Closed Circuit TeleVision

CCU – Core Control Unit

CD – (1) Closed Doors platform indicator

CD – (2) Circuit Diagramme

CD ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CDL – Central Door Locking

CDM – (1) The Construction (Design and

Management) Regulations 1994

CDM – (2) Control Duty Manager

CDMA – Collision Detection Multiple Access

CDNP – Cheques Drawn Not Presented

CE – Contract Engineer

CEDAC – Civil Engineering Design And


CEDG – Civil Engineering Design Group

CEGB – Central Electrictricity Generating Board

CENELEC – European Committee for Electrotechnical


CENTRO – Marketing name of West Midlands

Passenger Transport Executive

CER – (1) Change En Route

CER – (2) Community of European Railways

CER – (3) Communications Equipment Room

CERT – City of Edinburgh Rapid Transport

CESM – Civil Engineering Safety Manual

CET – Controlled Emission Toilet

CGT – Capital Gains Tax

CH – CHiltern Railway Company

CHALET – Casualties, Hazards, Access, Location,

Emergency services and Time

CHAPS – Clearing House Accounts Payable System

CHIP – Chemicals Hazard Information and

Packaging regulations

CI – Contract Instruction

CIÉ – Corás Iompair Éireann, holding company of

Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail)

CILT – Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

CIM – rules for international carriage of goods (Convention

Internationale concernant le transport

des marchandises par chemins de fer)

CIMA – Chartered Institute of Management


CIMAH – Control of Industrial Major Accident


CIMU – Central Infrastructure Maintenance Unit

CIP – Core Investment Programme

CIS – Customer Information System

CITB – Construction Industry Training Board

CITDS – Construction Industry Tax Deduction


CITR – Centre for Independent Transport Research


CLASS 0 TRAINS – Light locomotives

CLASS 1 TRAINS – Express passenger trains, mail

trains and some emergency trains

CLASS 2 TRAINS – Stopping passenger trains

CLASS 3 TRAINS – Express parcel trains

CLASS 4 TRAINS – Express freight trains – 75mph

maximum speed

CLASS 5 TRAINS – Empty coaching stock trains

CLASS 6 TRAINS – Express freight trains – 60mph

maximum speed

CLASS 7 TRAINS – Freight trains with 45mph

maximum speed

CLASS 8 TRAINS – Freight trains with 35mph

maximum speed and engineers’ trains

CLASS 9 TRAINS – Eurostar trains

CM – (1) Contracts Manager

CM – (2) Coded Manual

CMD – Central Materials Depot

CMS – Competence Management System

COA – Chart Of Accounts

CoCoSig – Command, Control and Signalling (TSI)

CoCP – Code of Construction Practice

COCS – Computerised Operations Control System

COI – Confirmation Of verbal Instruction

COMET – Community Metro

COMPASS – COMbined Performance And Safety


CoPA – Control of Pollution Act 1974

COS – Central Operating Section

COS – Client Operating System

COSHH – Control Of Substances Hazardous to

Health 1988

COSS – Controller of Site Safety

COT – Condition Of Track.

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf equipment

COWD – Cost Of Work to Date

CPC – Circuit Protective Conductor

CPD – Continuing Professional Development

CPD –Capital Programmes Directorate

CPFR – Crossrail Programme Functional


CPM – Codes per Minute

CPMG – Company Performance Management Group

CPMT – Central Project Management Team, WCML

CPO – Compulsory Purchase Order

CPPP – Confirmed Period Possession Plan

CPS – Crown Prosecution Service

CPST – Central Project Sponsor’s Team, WCML

CR – Change Request

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CRA – Call Routing Apparatus

CRC – Class Representative Committee

CRE – (1) Contractor’s Responsible Engineer

CRE – (2) Conductor Rail Equipment

CRG – (1) Contracts Review Group

CRG – (2) Commercial Review Group

CRL – Crossrail ltd.

CRR – Competition & Regulatory Review

CRS – Computerised Reservation System

CRT – (1) Critical Rail Temperature

CRT – (2) Construction Round Table

CRUCC – Central Rail Users’ Consultative


CSA – Cross–Sectional Area

CSAC – Candidate Special Area of Conservation

CSC – (1) Connex South Central

CSC – (2) Contractor's Safety Case

CSDE – Correct Side Door Enable

CSE – Connex South Eastern

CSI – Common Safety Indicator

CSM – (1) Commercial Services Manager

CSM – (2) Customer Service Manager

CSM – (3) Common Safety Method

CSR – Cab Secure Radio

CST – Common Safety Target

CT – Central Trains

CTC – Centralised Traffic Control

CTOC – Crossrail Train Operating Company

CTR – Cost Time Resource

CTR1 – Channel Tunnel Route 1 (via Tonbridge)

CTR2 – Channel Tunnel Route 2 (via Maidstone)

CTR3 – Channel Tunnel Route 3 (via Redhill)

CTRL – Channel Tunnel Rail Link

CTRU – Central Track Renewals Unit

CV – Curriculum Vitae

CWG – Canary Wharf Group

CWM – Carriage Washing Machine

CWPR – Company Weekly Performance Report

CWR – Continuously Welded Rail

CWT – Carlson Wagonlit Travel

D– D –

D&C – Design and Construction

D&D – Design & Development

D&DA – Design and Development Authority

D&DR – Design & Development Report

D&I – Design & Implementation

D&IA – Design and Implementation Authority (see

also DD&I)

DAB – Departmental Advice (Blue).

DAC – Depot Access Conditions

DAL – Down Avoiding Lane

DAPF – Document Amendment Proposal Form

DAPP – Draft Annual Possession Plan

DART – (1) Dublin Area Rapid Transit, the coastal

metro system in Dublin

DART – (2) Developing Auckland Rail Transport

DART – (3) Digital Advanced Radio for Trains

DB – Deutsche Bundesbahn, German State Railways

DB – Deutsche Bahn, German State Railways

DB AG – Deutsche Bahn AG, German State Railways

DB Netz – German infrastructure manager

DB Regio – Deutsche Bahn Regio

DB Schenker – Deutsche Bahn Schenker (formerly

English, Welsh and Scottish railway - EWS)

DBFO – Design Build Finance Operate (Highways

Agency Tender arrangements)

DBVIC – Driver’s Brake Valve Isolating Cock (LUL)

DBSO – Driving Brake Second Open (Anglia TOC


DC – Direct Current

DCA – Data Concentrator Appreciation

DCF – Discounted Cash Flow

DCIO – Deputy Chief Inspecting Officer (or


DCM – Duty Contracts Manager

DCP – (1) Document Control Point

DCP – (2) Designated Competent Person

DCU – Digital Control Unit

DD – Direct Debit

DDA – (1) Disability Discrimination Act

DDA – (2) Design & Development Authority

DDI or DD&I – Design Development and


DeBo – Designated Body (as defined by the RIR)

DEL – Down Electric Line

DeltaRail – Formerly British Rail Research & AEA

Technolgy Rail

DEMU – Diesel Electric Multiple Unit

DEP – Designated Earth Point

DETP – Detailed Engineering Train Plan

DETR – Department of the Environment, Transport

and the Regions

DFL – Down Fast Line

DFO – Depot Facility Owner

DFT – DART Fixed Terminal

DfT – Department for Transport

DG – Dangerous Goods

DGI – Dangerous Goods Incident

DGL – Down Goods Loop

DGPS – Differential Global Positioning by Satellite.

DIADS – Diagram Input And Distribution System

DiPTAC – Disabled Persons Transport Advisory


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DIRFT – Daventry International RailFreight Terminal

DIS – Flexible DIsplay System (IECC replacement

for SDS)

DLM – Data Link Module

DLR – Docklands Light Railway

DM – Deutsche Mark (former German Currency)

DML – (1) Data Manipulation Language

DML – (2) Down Main Line

DMMU – Diesel Mechanical Multiple Unit

DMSS – Development Manager, Signalling Strategy

DMU – Diesel Multiple Unit

DNC – Declared Non–Compliance

DO – Driver Only

DoE – Department of the Environment

DoETR –Department of the Environment, Transport

and the Regions

DOO – Driver Only Operation

DOO(NP) – Driver Only Operation – Non Passenger

DOO(P) – Driver Only Operation – Passenger

DOP – Driver Only Passenger

DOS – Disk Operating System

DOT – Department Of Transportation (United States)

DoT or DTp – (former) Department of Transport

DP – Delivery Partner

DPA – Delegated Procurement Authority

DPC – (1) Data Protocol Converter

DPC – (2) Development Planning Centre

DPC – (3) Damp Proof Course

DPI – Dye Penetrant Inspection

DPL – (1) Down Platform Line

DPL – (2) Down Passenger Loop

DPM – Development Planning Manager

DPPP – Disabled People's Protection Policyy

DPPP – Draft Period Possession Plan

DQM – Data Quality Manager

DRA – Driver Reminder Appliance

DRACAS – Data Reporting, Analysis & Corrective

Action System

DRM – Delivery Resource Manager

DRS – (1) Direct Rail Services

DRS – (2) Drive Reverse Switch

DRS – (3) Down Refuge Siding

DSD – Driver’s Safety Device

DSE – Display Screen Equipment

DSL – Down Slow Line

DSP – Digital Signal Processing

DSS – formerly Department of Social Security

DTG-R – Distance To Go-Radio

DTI – Department of Trade and Industry

DTL – Down Tilbury Loop

DTMF – Dual Tone Multi Frequency

DTN – Data Transmission Network

DTS – (1) Dynamic Track Stabiliser

DTS – (2) Data Transmission System

DVT – Driving Van Trailer.

DWL – Dynamic Warning Lights

DWP – Department of Work and Pensions

DX – Direct eXtract (air distribution system)

E– E –

E – Energy (normally measured in J or Ws)

E&G – Edinburgh to Glasgow line

E&M – Earth and Mark

E&OD – Engineering and Operations Development

E&P – (1) Electrification and Plant

E&P – (2) Engineering and Production

E,L&N – Early, Late and Night (turns of duty)

EA – (1) East Anglia

EA – (2) Electronics Appreciation

EAC – (1) Extended Arm Contract

EAC – (2) Equivalent Annual Cost

EAM – Engineering Access Manager

EAMG – Engineering Access Management Group

EAWA – Electricity at Work Act

EAZ – East Anglia Zone

EAZIAL – Easy Access Zonal Infrastructure Asset


EBA – Eisenbahnbundesamt (German Regulator)

EBS – Emergency Bypass Switch (on rolling stock)

EC – (1) European Commission

EC – (2) European Community (now EU)

EC4T – Electric Current for Traction

ECC – English China Clays

ECML – East Coast Main Line

ECO – Electrical Control Operator

ECR – (1) Electrical Control Room

ECR – (2) Evaluation of Change Request

ECRO – Electrical Control Room Operator

ECS – Empty Coaching Stock

ECU – (former) European Currency Unit (now


EDB – Electrodynamic brake

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDP – Electrification Distribution and Plant

EDP – Electronic Data Processing

EE&CS – Electrical Engineering & Control Systems

EEB – Eastern Electricity Board

EEC – European Economic Community, now referred

to as the EU

EEN – Examining Engineer’s Nominee (for bridge


E/E/PES – Electrical /Electronic /Programmable

Electronic Systems

EFC – External Financing Contribution

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EFE – Electrification Fixed Equipment

EFL – External Financing Limit

EFPL – Economical Facing Point Lock

EFRTC – European Federation of Railway

Trackwork Contractors

EG – Executive Grade: old style executive job

grading system

EHD – East Ham Depot

EI – Electrical Installation

EIA – (1) Electronics Industry Association (standards

setting body)

EIA – (2) Environmental Impact Assessment

EIB – European Investment Bank

EIM – European Infrastructure Managers


EIP – Examination In Public

EIRENE – European Integrated railways Radio

Enhanced NEtwork

ELCB – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

ELP – East London Partnership

ELR – Engineers Line Reference

EM – Environmental Manager

EMC – ElectroMagnetic Compatibility

EMGTPA – Equivalent Million Gross Tonnes Per


EMI – ElectroMagnetic Interference

EMP – Environmental Management Plan

EMS – (1) Environmental Management Statement

EMS – (2) Engineering Management System

EMU – (1) Electric Multiple Unit,

EMU – (2) European Monetary Union

EN – Euro Norm

ENS – European Night Services

EOA – End of Authority

EOTD – End of Train Device

EP – Electronic Principles

EPA – Engineering Publications Assistant

EPB – Electro-Pneumatic Brake

EPBIC – Electro-Pneumatic Brake Isolating Cock


EPD – Engineering & Production Directorate

EPI – Environmental Performance Indicator

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only


EPS – (1) Earnings Per Share

EPS - (2) Enhanced Permissable Speed

EPS – (3) European Passenger Services

EQAP – EQuipment APpreciation

ER – Employer’s Representative

ERA – European Railway Agency

ERDF – European Regional Development Fund

EROS – (1) Early Rationalisation Of Signalling

EROS – (2) Efficiency by means of Rationalisation

Of Signal boxes

EROS – (3) Emergency Restriction Of Speed

ERRI – European Rail Research Institute

ERRAC – European Rail Research Advisory Council

ERTMS – European Railway Traffic Management


ES – Engineering Supervisor

ESI – Electricity Supply Industry

ESM – Engineering Safety Management (Yellow


ESMS – Engineering Safety Management System

ESR – Emergency Speed Restriction

ESSD – Electro-Static Sensitive Device

ETA – Expected Time of Arrival

ETB – Electronic Token Block

ETCS – European Train Control System

ETD – (1) Expected Time of Departure

ETD – (2) National Extension Trunk Dialling

ETE – Electric Traction Engineers

ETH – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule

(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

ETH index – Electric Trains Heating Capacity (on

traction rolling stock)

ETHERNET – Computer cabling system

ETM – Electric Track Maintenance

ETR – Electronic Train Recording.

ETRB – Electronic Train Register Book

ETRM – Engineering Train Routing Map

EU – European Union

EUCG – End User Computing Group

EUKL – Eurostar (UK) Ltd

EuroSPIN – European Seamless Passenger

Information Network

EVA – Ethylene Vinyl Acetate

EVR – Early Voluntary Retirement

EWD – Each Week Day

EWI – Emergency Warning Indicator

EWS – English, Welsh & Scottish Railway Ltd.

EWSA – Engineering Works & Safety Arrangements.


ExCo – Railtrack Line Executive Committee

Expotel – hotel accommodation and conference

booking agency

EZP – (1) Electro–Zinc Plating

EZP – (2) Engineering Zone of Possession


– F –

F/B – Foot Bridge

F/H – FreeHold

FA – Fixed Assets

FAQ – Frequently Asked Question

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FAST – (1) Federation Against Software Theft

FAST – (2) Facility for Accelerated Service Testing,

Pueblo, USA

FAT – Factory Acceptance Test

FBMIS – Finance and Business Management

Information System: now known as BMIS

FBP – Fixed Block Processor

FB-RAIL – Flat Bottom Rail

FC – Financial Controller

FCU – Fixed Communications Unit

FDC – (1) Financial Data Control

FDC – Framework Design Consultant

FDDB – Fibre Distributed Database

FDDI – Fibre Distributed Data Interface

FDM – Frequency Division Multiplex

FE – (1) Finite Elements

FE – (2) Foundation Electronics

FEA – Finite Element Analysis

FFG – Freight Facilities Grant

FFT – Functional Fault Tree

FGE – First Great Eastern

FGW – First Great Western

FIBU – FIfty hertz Booster Unit

FIO – For Information Only

FIRM – Fares Increases Regulation Mechanism

FIS – Fault isolating switch (LUL)

FK – Corridor first

FLAWS – a computer database of rail flaws

FLT – Freight Liner Terminal

FM – Frequency Modulation

FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

FMECA – Failure Mode Effect and Criticality


FMES – Fixed & Mobile Equipment Supply

FN – Fault Number

FNW – First North Western

FO – Open First

FOC – (1) Freight Operating Company

FOC – (2) Fibre Optic Cable

FOC – (3) Free Of Charge

FORI – Fibre Optic Route Indicator

FOU – Freight Operating Unit

FP – FootPath (level crossing)

FPL – Facing Point Lock

FPM – Fire Precautions Manager

FR – Feasibility Report

FRA – (1) Federal Railroad Administration, USA

FRA – (2) Fixed Rate Agreement

FRAME – Fault Reporting And Monitoring


FRED – Financial Reporting Exposure Draft

FRP – Field Reporting Procedures

FRS – (1) Financial Reporting Standard,

FRS – (2) Functional Requirements Specification +

FS – (1) Feeder Station

FS – (2) Fixed Stations, trackside radio equipment for

cab secure radio

FSG – Financial Statement Generator: a reporting

tool within the BMIS system

FSH – Full Screen Height

FSK – Frequency Shift Keying

FTA – (1) Fault Tree Analysis

FTA – (2) Federal Transit Administration (of the

DOT, United States)

FTA – (3) Freight Transport Association

FTS – Failure To Stop

FUG – Freight UpGrade

FURNO – Until FURther NOtice

FWI – Fatality & Weighted Injuries

FX – Foreign Exchange

G– G –

G&SW – Glasgow and South Western line

GBP – Great Britain Pound

GBPRT – Great Britain Passenger Rail Timetable

GBV – Gross Book Value

GCC – Gauge Corner Cracking

GDI – Graphical Data Interface

GDP – Gross Domestic Product

GE – Great Eastern

GENIUS – GEmini for Non Integrating Unit Stock

GEOGIS – GEOGraphic Information System

GER – Great Eastern Railway

GF – Ground Frame

GIJ – Glued Insulated rail Joint

GIS – (1) Geographic Information System

GIS – (2) Graphical Information System +

GL – (1) Goods Line

GL – (2) General Ledger

GLE – Grant Lyon & Eagre

GLW – Gross Laden Weight

GMITA – Greater Manchester Integrated Transport


GMITE – Greater Manchester Integrated Transport


GMPTA – formerly Greater Manchester Passenger

Transport Authority

GMPTE – formerly Greater Manchester Passenger

Transport Executive

GMT – Greenwich Mean Time

GN – Great Northern Line (Kings Cross to

Cambridge via Royston)

GNER – Great North Eastern Railway

GTS – Greater Nottingham Rapid Transit System

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GOB – Gospel Oak to Barking line

GOL – Government Office for London

GP – General Purpose

GPF – General Protection Fault (in computing)

GPL – Ground Position Light

GPR – General Purpose Relief (staff)

GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

GPS – Global Positioning by Satellite system

GRIP – Guide to Railway Investment Projects

GRN – Goods Received Note

GSM – Global System for Mobile communications

GSM–R – Global System for Mobile communications

for Railways

GSP – Ground Switch Panel

GSPP – General Specification for Possession


GTD – Group Tax Department

GTO – Gate Turn Off Thyristor

GTRM – GT Railway Maintenance

GUI – Graphical User Interface

GUV – General Utility Van

GW – Great Western

GWH – Great Western Holdings

GWML – Great Western Main Line

GWR – Great Western Railway

GWT – Great Western Trains

GWUG – Great Western UpGrade

GWZ – Great Western Zone

GZ – (Safeguarded) Greenzone


– H –

H&S – Health and Safety

H&SE – Health & Safety Executive (UK)

H/S – Hand Signaller

HA – Highways Agency

HABD – Hot Axle Box Detector

HASAW – Health And Safety At Work

HAZCHEM – HAZardous CHEMical

HAZID – HAZard IDentification

HAZOP – HAZard OPerability study

HAZPAK – training course for drivers of vehicles

carrying dangerous substances in packages

HCA – Historic Cost Accounting

HEP – Head End Power

HEX – Heathrow EXpress

HFDG – Human Factors Development Group

HIP – Headquarters Investment Panel

HL – (1) High Level

HL – (2) Home Location

HLOS – High Level Output Statement

HM – Her Majesty’s

HMG – Her Majesty’s Government

HMFI – Her Majesty’s Factory Inspectorate

HMI – Human Machine Interface

HMRI – Her Majesty's Railway Inspectorate

HOBC – High Output Ballast Cleaner

HOCM – Head of Contract Management

HOE (HofE) – Head Of Engineering

HOP – Head Of Projects

HOPO (HoPO) – Head Of Projects Organisation

HOPP – Head Of Property Projects

HQ – HeadQuarters

HR – Human Resources

HRA – Heritage Railway Association

HRM – Human Resources Manager

HRRP – (Crossrail Project) Hazard Record Review


HRS – Human Resources System

HSC – Health & Safety Commission

HSDR – High Speed Data Ring

HSE – Health & Safety Executive (UK)

HSM – Hand Signal Man

HST – High Speed Train

HSTRC – High Speed Track Recording Coach

HSTRT – (1) High Speed Track Recording Train

HSTRT – (2) High Speed Track Relaying Train

HSWA – Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

HTS – High Tensile Steel

HV (hv) – (1) High Voltage

HV (hv) – (2) High Visibility

HVAC – Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning

HVI – High Voltage Impulse (track circuit type)

HVITC – High Voltage Impulse Track Circuit

HW – HardWare

HW–Point – Particular type of point with electric

motor drive

Hz – Hertz

I– I –

I/L – InterLocking

IA – (1) Implementation Authority

IA – (2) Investment Authority

IAMS – Integrated Asset Management System

IATC – Intermittent Automatic Train Control

IBH – Intermediate Block Home Signal

IBIS – Internal Business Invoicing System: a former

BR internal trading system

IBJ – Insulated Block Joint

IC – (1) InterCity

IC – (2) Integrated Circuit

IC – (3) Investment Committee

IC – (4) Investment Controller

ICAEW – Institute of Chartered Accountants of

England and Wales

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ICC – (1) International Convention Centre

ICC – (2) Infrastructure Control Centre

ICDB – Industry Capacity DataBase

ICE – (1) Institution of Civil Engineers

ICE – (2) InterCity Express (Germany)

ICM – (1) Infrastructure Contracts Manager

ICM – (2) Internal Communications Manager

ICMU – Interference Current Monitoring Unit (on 3

phase train)

IDC – (1) Insulation Displacement Connector

IDC – (2) Inter Disciplinary Check

IDF – Intermediate Distribution Frame

IDMS – Integrated Document Management System

IDS – Infrastructure Data Server

IDT (ID&T) – Implementation, Development and


IÉ – Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail)

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

IECC – Integrated Electronic Control Centre

IEE – (1) Institution of Engineering and Technology

IEE – (2) Institution of Electrical Engineers, now IET

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers (United States)

IEP – Intercity Express Programme

IERS – International Environmental Rating System

IFC – Infrastructure Fault Control

IFS – Independent Function Switch

IGBT – Integrated Gate Bipolar Transistor

IHHA – International Heavy Haul Association, USA

IIP – Investors In People

ILGRI – International Railway Inspectors Group

ILM – Railtrack Infrastructure Liability Manager

ILWS – Inductive Loop Warning System

IM – Infrastructure Manager

IMACS – Inventory Management Accounting and

Control System

IMC – (1) Infrastructure Maintenance Company

IMC – (2) Infrastructure Maintenance Contract

IMC – (3) Infrastructure Maintenance Contractor

IMC2 – 2nd generation Infrastructure Maintenance


IMCO – Infrastructure Maintenance COmpany

IMDG – International Maritime Dangerous Goods


IMechE – Institution of Mechanical Engineers

IMG – Infrastructure Materials Group

IMPACT – Improved Manufacturing Performance

Through Active Change and Training

IMPS – Investment Monitoring and Planning System:

the BR predecessor to PIPS

IMR – Interlocking Machine Room

IMU – Infrastructure Maintenance Unit

INLORS – INner London Orbital Route Strategy

IORPS – Integrated Operational Railway Planning


IP – (1) Intellectual Property

IP – (2) Investment Proposal

IR – InfraRed

IRJ – Insulated Rail Joint

IRR – Internal Rate of Return

IRSE – Institution of Railway Signal Engineers

IS – (1) Information System

IS – (2) Intermediate Signalling

ISA – Independent Safety Assessor

ISAR – Information Systems Activity Request

ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network

ISG – Infrastructure Support Group

ISM – IECC System Monitor

ISO – International Standards Organisation

ISRS – International Safety Rating System

ISTP – Intermediate Signalling Technology:


ISU – Infrastructure Services Unit

ISwA – Independent Software Assessor

IT – Information Technology

ITA – Integrated Transport Authority

ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers (United


ITPM – IT Process Model

ITS – Infrastructure Testing Services

ITT – Invitation To Tender

ITU – International Telecommunications Union

IVPS – Intermediate Voltage Power Supply

IVS† – Infrastructure Video System (Omnicom Ltd)

IWA – Individual Working Alone

IZ – Inter Zonal: the transfer of costs between

Business Units without cash

IZPD – Inter–Zonal Possession Database

J– J –

J – Joule, international unit for energy (= Ws)

JCN – Job Cost Number

JCN – JunCtioN

JCT – Joint Construction Trades

JD – Job Description

Jernbaneverket – Norwegian railway infrastructure


JLE – Jubilee Line Extension

JN (JC) – Junction

JS1 – basic signalling cable jointing and testing

JS2 – advanced signalling cable jointing and testing

JSOP – Joint Signing On Point

JTC – Jointless Track Circuit

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K– K –

KDC – Key Distribution Centre

KE – Kinematic (or kinetic) Envelope

km – kilometre, 1000 m

km/h – kilometre per hour

KPI – Key Performance Indicator

kVA – kilovolt-Ampere

L– L –

L&B – Land and Buildings

L/H – Leasehold

L/S – (1) Late Start

L/S – (2) London Side

LA – Local Authority

LAN – Local Area Network (for computer systems)

LAWS – Low Adhesion Warning System

LB – Line Blocked

LC – (1) Level Crossing

LC – (2) locally controlled manned level crossing

LC – (3) Line Clear

LCC – Life Cycle Costing

LCAMS – Low Carbon Austenitic Manganese


LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LCP – Local Control Panel

LCR – London and Continental Railways

LCU – Local Control Unit

LD – (1) Light Diesel locomotive

LD – (2) Liquidated Damages

LDDC – (former) London Docklands Development


LDG – List of Dangerous Goods (obsolete)

LDT – Long Distance Termination

LE – Light Engine (or Light Electric loco)

LEB – London Electricity Board

LEC – (former) London Electricity Contracting Ltd.

LED – Light Emitting Diode

LEM – Local Estimating Manager

LEU – Lineside Electronic Unit

LFB – London Fire Brigade, now London Fire &

Civil Defence Authority

LGV – Ligne à Grande Vitesse: French high speed


LIFT – London International Freight Terminal

LITM – Local IT Manager

LJU – Line Jack Unit

LL/H – Long Leasehold

LLPA – Long Lead (Line) Public Address

LMA – Limit of Movement Authority

LMD – Light Maintenance Depot (for locos and


LN – Leeds Northern

LNE(Z) – London North Eastern (Zone)

LOA – Limit of Authority

LOP – Loss of Power

LOROL – London Overground Railway Ltd.

LOS – Limit Of Shunt indicator

LOWS – Lookout Operated Warning System

LP – Local Processor

LPA – Local Procurement Agent

LPO – Local Process Owner

LPS – Local Policy Statement

LRM – Layout Risk Model

LRP – Local Reporting Pack

LRPC – London Regional Passengers’ Committee

LRT – Light Rail Transit

LRV – Light Rail Vehicle

LS – (Network Rail) Line Standard

LSB – Local Sensor Bus

LSC – Local Site Computer

LSPD – Local Safety Policy Document

LSS – London Shift Supplement

LT – London Transport

LTA – (1) London Transport Authority

LTA – (2) Lost Time Accidents

LTC – Long Term Charge

LTP – Local Transport Plans

LTS – (former) London, Tilbury and Southend

railway, now C2C

LU – London Underground

LUL – London Underground Ltd

LV – (1) LiVerpool Street

LV – (2) Low Voltage

LVDT – Linear Variable Differential Transformer

LWR – Long Welded Rail

LWRT – Long Welded Rail Train

LX (L/X) – level crossing


– M –

m – metre, international unit of length

M&E – Mechanical and Electrical

M&EE – Mechanical & Electrical Engineer

M&EE – Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

MA – Movement Authority

MAF – Main Aspect Free

MAFF – Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food

MART – Mean Active Repair Time

MAS – (1) Management Aspects of Supervision

(Signalling & Telecomms)

MAS – (2) Multiple Aspect Signalling

MATP – Manual ATP

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MB – (1) level crossing with Manually lifted Barriers

MB – (2) MegaBit

MB/s – MegaBit per second

MBS – Motor Brake Second (or Standard)

MBO – Management Buy Out

MBSS – Moving Block Signalling System

MCB – (1) Manually Controlled Barrier (of level


MCB – (2) Miniature Circuit Breaker

MCU – Main Control Unit

MDC – Management Driven Change

MDF – (1) Medium Density Fibreboard

MDF – (2) Main Distribution Frame

MEAV – Modern Equivalent Asset Value

MEBO – Management and Employee Buy Out

MEF – Modern Equivalent Form

MEP – Member of European Parliament

MEWP – Mobile Elevating Work Platform

MGL – Multiple Groove Locking

MGR – Merry-Go-Round

MGT – Mega (Million) Gross Tonnes

MHSW (MHSAW, MHSWR) – Management of

Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1992

MI – Mechanical Installation Practices

MICC – Management Information Communications

Centre (controls BTP operations South of


Mids – Midlands

MIP – Mobility Impaired Person

MIPS – Million Instructions Per Second

MIS – Management Information System

MLF – Main Line Freight

MLRI – Multi–Lamp Route Indicator

MM – Money Market

MMC – Monopolies and Mergers Commission

MMIS – Maintenance Management Information


MML – (1) Minimum Monetary Limit

MML – (2) Midland Main Line

MOD – Ministry Of Defence

MoP – Member of the Public

MOS – (1) Mobile Operations Supervisor

MOS – (2) Motor Operated Switch

MP – (1) Major Projects

MP – (2) MilePost

MPD – Major Projects Division (Thameslink 2000,

WCML, Crossrail etc.)

MPI – Magnetic Particle Inspection

MPM – Multi Processor Module

MPU – Motive Power Unit

MPV – Multi Purpose Vehicle

MRP – (1) Management Reporting Pack

MRP – (2) Monthly Reporting Pack

MRT – (1) Minimum Rail Temperature

MRT – (2) Mass Rapid Transit

MS – (1) Member State (of the EU)

MS – (2) Method Statement

MSL – Level crossing with Miniature Stop Lights

MSP – Measured Shovel Packing

MSS – Maximum Safe Speed

MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures

MTBFF – Mean Time Between Functional Failures

MTBHE – Mean Time Between Hazardous Events

MTBSAF – Mean Time Between Service Affecting


MTBWF – Mean Time Between Wrongside Failures

MTL – Mersey Travel Ltd.

MTP – Mode of Travel Priority

MTR – Mass Transit Railway, Singapore

MTRC – MassTransit Railway Corporation, Hong


MTRT – Matisa Track Recording Trolley

MTTR – Mean Time To Repair

MTTRS – Mean Time To Restore Service

MVB – Multifunctional Vehicle Bus

MWL – Level crossing with Miniature red/green

Warning Lights

MWO – Minor Works Order

MZ – Midland Zone (Lead Zone)

MZSA – Midland Zone Sponsor’s Agent


– N –

N – Newton, international unit of Force [kg m / ss]

N&VMP – Noise and Vibration Management Plan

NAO – National Audit Office

NAPS – National Accounts Payable System: a former

BR system

NASG – National Applications Support Group

NAT – Not Applicable Timetable

NATM – New Austrian Tunnelling Method

NBA – National radio network Base station


NBV – Net Book Value

NCC – National Control Centre

NCL – Northern City Line

NCR – Non-Conformance Report

NDA – Not Described Alarm

NDE – Non-Destructive Evaluation

NDF – No Defect Found

NDM – Network Development Manager

NDN – National Data Communications Network

NDT – Non-Destructive Testing

NEBOSH – National Examination Board in

Occupational Safety & Health

NEC – National Electrical Code (also known as

NFPA 70)

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NEG – National Express Group

NEM – National Estimating Manager

NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturers


NET – Nottingham Express Transit

NFF – No Fault Found

NFPA – National Fire Prevention Association

NG – Normal Grade

NI – National Insurance

NIC – National Insurance Contributions

NIR – (1) National Incident Register

NIR – (2) Northern Ireland Railways

NLL – North London Line (North Woolwich–


NLR – North London Railways

NMC – Network Management Centre

NMCSA – Network Management Centre Sponsor's


NMS – Network Management Statement

NMT – New Measurement Train

NNTR – Notified National Technical Rule

NoBo – Notified Body

NOL – Notice of Liability

NPB – Non-powered bogie

NPCCS – Non Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock

NPM – National Procurement Manager

NPMEA – National Planning Manager, Eng. Access

NPO – National Process Owner

NPS – National Payroll System

NPV – Net Present Value

NPW – Normal Place of Work

NR – Network Rail

NRA – (1) National Rivers Authority

NRA – (2) National Rail Academy (now RSC)

NES – National Rail Enquiry Service

NRG – National Records Group

NRLS – Network Rail Line Standards

NRM – Nominated Responsible Manager

NRN – National Radio Network

NRNA – National Radio Network Appreciation

NRS – National Railway Supplies (now UniPart)

NRSC – Network Rail railway Safety Case

NRV – National Reference Value

NS – Nederlande Spoorwegen

NSA – National Safety Authority

NSC – National Supply Contract

NSE – formerly Network South East

NSKT – No Signaller – Key Token

NSR – National Safety Rule

NSTR – No Signaller – Token Remote

NTBEP – Not To Be Exceeded Price

NTN – National Teleprinter Network

NTO – National Training Organisation

NTP – North Trans–Pennine route

NTPC – National Transaction Processing Centre:

now known as the Shared Services Centre


NTR – National Track Renewals

NVQ – National Vocational Qualification

NWR – Normal Working Resumed

NWT – North Western Trains

NWZ – North West Zone

NX – eNtrance – eXit (Signal Box Control Panel)

O– O –

O&I – Operations and Interface

O&M – Operation & Maintenance (manual)

O&SPA – Operational and Support hazard Analysis

O/B – OverBridge

ÖBB – Österreichische Bundesbahnen

OC – Open Crossing

OCB – Oil Circuit Breaker

OCC (or Occ) – (1) Occupied

OCC – (2) Operations Control Centre

OCL – Operational Communications Link

OCS – (1) One Control Switch (signalling panel)

OCS – (2) Overhead Catenary System

OCU – Operator’s Control Unit

OD (od) – Outside Diameter

OE – Outside Edge

OEL – Occupational Exposure Limit

OETR – Outline Engineering Train Requirements

OFN – Optical Fibre Network

OHL – OverHead Line

OHLE – OverHead Line Equipment

OHNS – OverHead Line Neutral Section

OJEC – Official Journal of the European Community

OJEU – Official Journal of the European Union

OLBI – Off-line battery inverter (LUL)

OLC – Occupation Level Crossing

OLE – Overhead Line Equipment

OLEAR – Overhead Line Equipment Asset Register

OLEMI – Overhead Line Equipment Master Index

OOG – Out Of Gauge

OOO – Out Of Order

OOR – Out Of Round

OOU – Out of Use

OP – Outside Party

OPEX – Operating EXpenditure

OPM – Operational Planning Manager

OPO – One Person Operation

OPRAF – Office of Passenger RAil Franchising

OPS – Outline Project Specification

OPU – Operational Planning Unit

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OPUG – Other Passenger Upgrades

ORE – Office de Recherches et d'Essais

ORN – Overlay Radio Network

OROR – Outside Rules Of the Route

ORR – (1) Office of Rail Regulation

ORR – (2) Office of the Railway Regulator

OS – Ordnance Survey

OSG – Operation Safety Group

OSGR – Ordnance Survey Grid Reference

OSI – Open Systems Interconnect

OTDR – Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

OTM – (1) On-Track Machine

OTM – (2) Overhead–Line Traction Maintenance

OTMR – On Train Monitoring Recorder

OTP – On-Track Plant

OTW – One Train Working

P– P –

P3 – Primavera Project Planner

P – Programme

P&C – Points and Crossings: an alternative

abbreviation for S&C

P&E – Plant and Equipment

P&L – Profit and Loss

P&M – Plant & Machinery

p.a. – per annum

P.Way (P–way) – see Permanent Way

Pa – Pascal, international unit of pressure [N / m2]

PA – (1) Public Address (System)

PA – (2) Personal Assistant

PABS – Passenger track Access Billing System

PABX – Private Automatic Branch eXchange

PAC – Platform ATO Communicator

PACS – Public Affairs Correspondence System

PACT – PAved Concrete Track: a slab track system

PADS – Parts And Drawing System

PAF – Project Authority Form

PAL – Property Action Line

PALADIN – Performance And Loading Analysis

Database INformation

PAM – Product Acceptance Manager

PAMX – PrivAte Manual branch eXchange

PAT – Performance Action Tracking

PAX – Private Automatic Exchange

PAYE – Pay As You Earn (i.e., income tax)

PBI – Processor Based Interlocking

PBT – Profit Before Tax

PBX – Private Branch eXchange

PC – (1) Personal Computer

PC – (2) Protection Controller

PCB – (1) Printed Circuit Board

PCB – (2) PolyChlorinated Biphenyl, coolant / insulant

for transformers, toxic, PCB production

was banned in 2001

PCB – (3) Petty Cash Book

PCI – Positive Crew Identification

PCM – (1) Production Control Manager

PCM – (2) Project Control Manual

PCS&TE – Profit Centre Signal &

Telecommunications Engineer

PCSE(M) – Profit Centre Signal Engineer


PCSE(W) – Profit Centre Signal Engineer (Works)

PCTE – Profit Centre Telecommunications Engineer

PCV – Petty Cash Voucher

PD – Project Delivery

PDAC – Performance Data Accuracy Code

PDFH – Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook

PDH – Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

PDM – Project Development Manager

PDMX – Programmable Digital Multiplexer

PDP – Personal Development Plan

PDS – Project Definition Stage

PDT – Portable Data Terminal

PEA – Passenger Emergency Alarm (LUL)

PEARLS – Personnel Enquiries and Administration

Recording Local System

PEARS – Paladin data Extract And Recording


PEDROUTE – Passenger flow modelling tool

PER – Portable (relocatable) Equipment Room

PESRCY – PassEnger Service Requirement

Compliance Yardstick

PETS – Public Emergency Telephone System

PF – Passsenger Focus

PFI – Private Finance Initiative

PFM – (1) Performance Focus Manager

PFM – (2) Projects Finance Manager

PFPI – Process For Performance Improvement

PH – Professional Head

PHA – Preliminary Hazard Analysis

Phase 0 – Period of interim and full running of Virgin

ATT at existing line speeds

Phase 1 – Period of full running on WCML at speeds

of up to 200 km/h between 2002 & 2005

Phase 2 – Full service after April 2005 at speeds of up

to speeds of 225 km/h

PHIS – Performance Historical Information System

PI – Platform Indicator

PIC – Person in Charge

PICOP – Person In Charge Of Possession

PICP – Pollution Incident Control Plan

PIDS – Passenger Information Display System

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PIE – Performance Improvement Executive

PIM – Precursor Indicator Model

PIMS – Programme Integrated Management System

PIO – Police Incident Officer

PIP – Property Investment Panel

PIPS – Packaging and Investment Planning System

PIS – Passenger Information System

PIXC – Passengers In eXcess of Capacity (bespoke

regime applied to commuter services)

pkm – passenger kilometres

PLC – Public Limited Company

PLGS – Position Light Ground Signal

PLJI – Position Light Junction Indicator

PLOD – Patrolman's LockOut Device (Trackside

staff protection system)

PLRA – Private Locomotive Registration Agreement

PLS – Position Light Signal

PLUG – Pride Local User Group

PM – (1) Production Manager

PM – (2) Project Manager

PMBX – Private Manual Branch Exchange

PMCS – Project Management Control System

PMI – Project Manager's Instruction

PMT – Project Management Team

PMUX – Panel MUltipleXer

PNB – Personal Needs Break

PO – Purchase Order

POA – Payment On Account

POD – Point Of Derailment

PoD – Probability of Detection

POM – Possession Optimisation Manager

POMG – Police Incident Office

PON – Periodical Operating Notice

PORV – Possession Only Rail Vehicle

POSA – Proceed On Sight Authority

PP – Period available for Possessions

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

PPG – Planning Policy Guidance

PPM – (1) Panel Processor Module

PPM – (2) Planned Preventative Maintenance

PPM – (3) Public Performance Measure

PPP – (1) Period Possession Plan

PPP – (2) Public Private Partnership

PPTC – Powered Plant Training – Chainsaw

PPTD – Powered Plant Training – Disc Cutter And

Class 9 Cutting Of Wheels

PRB – Personalised Rule Book

PRDC – Princess Royal Distribution Centre (Royal

Mail Railnet Hub at Willesden)

PRI – Preliminary Routing Indicator

PRIDE – (1) Passenger Rail Information Display


PRIDE – (2) Possession Resource Information


PRIMA – Professional Rail Industry Management


PRM – PRocurement Manager

PROCSYS – Procurement Control

PROJEX – PROJect EXpenditure

PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

PROMISE – Planning and ResOurces MonItoring


PROMPT – PRiority On Managing Performance


PSB – Power Signal Box

PSBR – Public Sector Borrowing Requirement

PSD – Platform Screen Door

PSM – Performance Strategy Manager

PSN – Packet Switched Network

PSO – Public Service Obligation

PSPP – Particular Specification for Possession


PSR – (1) Permanent Speed Restriction

PSR – (2) Public Service Requirement

PSRG – Project Strategy Review Group

PSTN – Public Switched Telecommunications


PT&R – Promotion Transfer & Redundancy

PTA (see ITA) – Passenger Transport Authority

PTC – Positive Train Control (US term)

PTE – Passenger Transport Executive

PTI – (1) Positive Train Identification

PTI – (2) Platform Train Interface (LUL)

PTM – Permanent Timetable Manager

PTO – Public Telecommunications Operator

PTS – Personal Track Safety

PTW – Permit To Work

PUG1 & 2 – Passenger Up Grades 1&2 on (WCML)

PUWER – Provision and Use of Workplace

Equipment Regulations 1992

PVC – PolyVinyl Chloride

PW – (1) Parallel Wing

PW – (2) Permanent Way

PWay – Permanent Way (track, ballast etc)

PWI – Permanent Way Institution

PWM – Pulse Width Modulation

PWMA – Permanent Way Maintenance Assistant

PWME – Permanent Way Maintenance Engineer

PWRA – Private Wagon owners Registration


PWS – (1) Permanent Way Supervisor

PWS – (2) Permanent Way Slack (slang term for


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PWSS – Permanent Way Section Supervisor

Q– Q –

QA – Quality Assurance

QAM – Quality Assurance Manager

QM – Quality Manual

QMS – Quality Management System

QRA – Quantified Risk Analysis / Assessment

QRP – Quarterly Reporting Pack

QS – Quantity Surveyor

QX – Qualifying eXceptions

R– R –

R&PA – Route and Programme Analyst

R&R – Rationalisation and Resignalling

R(SCW)R – Railway (Safety Critical Work)

Regulations 1994

R/G – level crossing with miniature Red & Green

warning lights

R/T – Right Time

R3G – RAIB Recommendation Review Group

RA – (1) Radio Agency

RA – (2) Reporting Accountant

RA – (3) Right Away platform indicator

RA – (4) Route Availability

RAB – Regulatory Asset Base

RAC – Risk Assessment Criteria

RAFS – RAil Freight billing System

RAI – Right Away Indicator

RAIB – Railway Accident Investigation Branch

RAILTEL – RAILway TELephone project

RAM – (1) Random Access Memory

RAM – (2) Reliability, Availability, Maintainability

RAMS – Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and


RAP – Remedial Action Project

RAR – Railtrack Asset Register

RBC – Radio Block Centre

RC – (1) Reinforced Concrete

RC – (2) Remote Control

RC – (3) Remotely Controlled (Level Crossing)

RC – (4) Return Conductor

RCC – Route Control Centre

RCD – Residual Current Device

RCDO – Railway Crossing Diversion Order

RCE – Regional Civil Engineer

RCF – Rolling Contact Fatigue

RCH – Railway Convalescent Home

RCI – Railtrack Controlled Infrastructure

RCL – Railway Claims Ltd

RCM(1) – Reliability Centred Maintenance

RCM(2) – Remote Condition Monitoring

RCM2 – Combination of RCM(1) and RCM(2)

RCS – Radio Control System

RD – GEC time division multiplex, type RD

RDN – Railtrack Director’s Nominee

RDO – Relevant Delivery Organisation

RE – Resident Engineer

REB – Relocatable Equipment Building

RED – Railtrack Energy Database

REFOS – Running Edge to Face Of Structure

REG – Railtrack Executive Group

REN – Ringer Equivalence Number, unit of load for

telephone ringers

RENFE - Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles


Renlog – infrastructure renewals log

REPTA – Railway Employees Privilege Ticket


RES – Rail Express Systems (now part of DB Schenker)

RETB – Radio Electronic Token Block

RF – Radio Frequency

RfD (RFD) – Railfreight Distribution (DB Schenker)

RFF – Réseau Ferré de France (French infrastructure


RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian Infrastructure


RfL – Rail for London

RGS – Railway Group Standard

RGSP – Railway Group Safety Plan

RHA – Road Haulage Association

RHS – Rectangular Hollow Section

RHT – Railway Heritage Trust

RI – Relay Interlocking

RIA – Railway Industry Association

RIAC – Railway Industry Advisory Committee

RIC – (1) Rail Incident Commander

RIC – (2) Regolamento Internazionale Carrozze

(Regulations for the international exchange of

passenger carriages)

RICA – Regional Independent Commercial Auditor


RICP – Rail Incident Control Post

RID – Regulations governing International carriage

of Dangerous goods by rail

RIDDOR '95 – Reporting of Injuries, Disease and

Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

RIDRR – Railway Industry Dispute Resolution Rules

(see also CAHA)

RIFAA – Rail Industry First Aid Association

RIG – Railway Industry Group

RII – Relay Interlocking Interface

RIL – Railtrack Insurance Ltd.

RIO – Rail Incident Officer

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RIP – (former) Railtrack Investment Panel

RIPM – Railtrack Investment Prioritisation Model

RIR – Railways Interoperability Regulations

RISC – Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RISSC – Railway Industry Safety Strategy Comittee

RITC – Railway Industry Training Council

RITS – Rail Infrastructure Transport System

RIV – Regolamento Internazionale Vagoni

(regulations governing the international

exchange of railway freight wagons)

RJIS – Rail Journey Information System

RL – Relief Line (see also Slow Line)

RLE – Rail Link Engineering

RM – Route Modernisation

RMG – Railtrack Management Group

RMMM – Rail Mounted Maintenance Machine

RMPD – Route Modernisation Product Delivery

RMS – (1) Risk Management System

RMS – (2) Root Mean Square

RMT – national union of Rail, Maritime and

Transport Workers

RNA – Railway Notification of Accidents


RO – Rail Operator

ROA – Right On Arrival

ROAD – Railway jargon for railway line

ROCE – Return On Capital Employed

ROGS – Railways and Other Guided Transport

Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 (supersede


ROI – Return On Investment

ROM – Read Only Memory

ROM – Regional Operating Manager

ROP – Rules Of the Plan

ROR – Rules of the Route

ROS – Restriction of Speed

ROSCO – ROlling Stock leasing COmpany

ROSIN – Railway Open System Interconnection

Network (a European Project)

ROTP – Rules Of The Plan

ROTR – Rules Of The Route

ROTS – Railways and Other Transport Systems

(Approval of Works, Plant and Equipment)

Regulations 1994 (superseded by ROGS)

ROW – Renewal Of Way

RPI – (1) Retail Price Index

RPI – (2) Revenue Protection Inspector

RPL – (formerly) Rail Property Ltd.: a subsidiary of

the British Railways Board

RPM – Route Performance Manager (organisation

pre 24/02/97)

RPPS – Rail Passenger Partnership Scheme

RPS – Radio Propagation System

RRD – Rolling Radius Difference

RRI – Route Relay Interlocking

RRIP – Route Relay Interlocking Processor

RRNE – Regional Railways North East

RRNW – Regional Railways North West

RRV – Road Rail Vehicle

RS – (former) Railway Safety

RSA – Railway Study Association

RSAB – Rolling Stock Acceptance Board

RSABGP – RSAB Group which provides support to

RSAB and projects

RSAG – Railway Safety Advisory Group

RSBS – Railway Standard Building Specification

RSC – (1) Railway Skills Council (Sector Skills

Council for the Railway Industry)

RSC – (2) Railway Safety Case

RSCI – Real Staff Cost Increase

RSF – Right Side Failure

RSL – Rolling Stock Library

RSPG – Railway Safety Principles & Guidance

RSRS – Railtrack Safety Rating System

RSSB – Rail Safety and Standards Board

RSSP – Railway Strategic Safety Plan

RSTL – Rail Staff Travel Ltd (Travel Facilities:

Pensions Management Ltd 1/2/97)

RT – (1) Radiographic Testing

RT – (2) RailTrack

RT1A – Railtrack Infrastructure Maintenance


RT1B – Railtrack Track Renewal Contract +

RTA – Road Traffic Accident

RTAC – RailTrack Access Conditions

RTFN – RailTrack Fault Number

RTG – RailTrack Group PLC

RTHQ – RailTrack Headquarters

RTIS – RailTrack Information Systems

RTLS – RailTrack Line Standard

RTLs – Road Traffic Lights

RTMZ – RailTrack Midlands Zon

RTP – Real Time Protocols

RTPI – Real Time Passenger Information system

(based on [GPS] transmissions)

RTS – Rapid Transit System

RTU – Remote Terminal Unit

RUCC – Rail Users’ Consultative Committee(s):

formerly the Transport Users’ Consultative


RUPP – (former) Road Used as a Public Path

RX – Receiver (of Track Circuits and Communications


S– S –

S&C – Switches & Crossings

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S&F – Switches & Fittings

S&SD – (1) Railtrack’s Safety and Standards


S&SD – (2) Systems and Safety Department

S&SM – Safety and Standards Manager

S&T – Signalling and Telecommunications

S&TE – Signal and Telecommunications Engineer

S.L/H – Short LeaseHold

SA – (1) Safety Authority

SA – (2) Signalling Assistant

SA – (3) Sponsor’s Agent

SAA – Station Access Agreement

SAC – Station Access Conditions

SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers

SAM – Switch Activating Mechanism

SAP – Safety Assessment Panel

SAT – Site Acceptance Test

SB – Signal Box

SBB – Schweizerische Bundesbahnen

SC – Signalling Centre

SCADA – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCC – (1) Supervisory Control Centre

SCC – (2) Supplier Creation Co-ordinator

Schedule 4 – The possession–planning regime

Schedule 8 – The performance regime with TOCs

SCHLID – SCHeduLe IDentity: TOPS term for a

train schedule

SCI – Standard Contract Interpretation

SCM – Senior Contracts Manager

Scot (SCOT) – Scotland

SCS – Signalling Control System

SCU – Signalling Compatibility Unit

SCUK – Signalling Controls UK Ltd, now part of

Westinghouse Signals Ltd

SCW – Safety Critical Work

SD – (1) Standard Deviation

SD – (2) Sand Drag

SDA – (1) Solid state interlocking Data Appreciation

SDA – (2) Strategy, Design and Architecture group,

an RTIS body

SDDR – Short distance data recorder

SDH – Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDR – Simplified Direct Reporting

SDS – Signalman's Display System

SDT – Service Disruption Threshold

SEC – Southern Electric Company

SEE – Systems Engineering Environment

SER – Signalling Equipment Room

SETA – Signalling Equipment Technical Agent

SEU – Signalling Equivalent Units

SFAIRP – So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable

SFO – (1) Senior Fire Officer

SFO – (2) Station Facility Owner

SFT – Stress Free Temperature

SG – Special Ground

SGT – Serco Gauging Train

SHA – Safety Hazard Analysis

SHRT – South Hampshire Rapid Transit

SI – Site Instruction

SIC – System Interface Committee

SICA – Signalling Infrastructure Condition


SIGTAN – SIGnalling equipment Technical Advice


SIGWEN – SIGnalling equipment Workshop

Engineering Notice

SIL – Safety Integrity Level

SIMBIDS – SIMplified BI–Directional Signalling

SIMS – Safety Incident Management System

SIN – (1) Site Instruction Notice

SIN – (2) Special Inspection Notice

SIN – (3) Special Instruction Notice

SIN – (4) Substance Identification Number

SINAC – Special Inspection Notice Action Complete

SINCS – SIgnalling INCident System

SINMON – Special Inspection Notice MONitor

SIP – Strike-In Point

SIPS – (1) Supplier Performance Monitoring System

SIPS – (2) Standard Infrastructure Performance

System (Civil Engineering equivalent of


SIS – Staff Information System

SITS – Security Incident Tracking System

SIVS – Station Inspector Viewing System

SK – Second Korridor

SLA – Service Level Agreement

SLE – Sleeper (coach)

SLEP - Sleeper (coach) with Pantry

SLOA – Steam Locomotive Operators Association

SLU – Standard Length Unit

SLW – Single Line Working

SMA – (1) Signalling Maintenance Assistant

SMA – (2) Single Manning Agreement

SMA – (3) Statistical Multiplexer Appreciation

SMA – (4) Strathclyde Manning Agreement

SMART – (1) Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Realistic, Timebased

SMART – (2) Signal Monitoring And Reporting to


SMC – System Management Centre

SME – Signalling Maintenance Engineer

SMFD – Systems Management Framework Design

SMG – Systems Management Group

SMIC – Site Manager’s Information Compendium

SMIS – Safety Management Information System

SMOS – Structure Mounted Outdoor Switchgear

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SMS – (1) Station Management System

SMS – (2) Signal Maintenance Standard

SMS – (3) Safety Management System

SMT – Signalling Maintenance Testing

SMTH – Signal Maintenance Tester’s Handbook

SNCB – Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer

Belges: Belgian national railways

SNCF – Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer

Français: French national railways

SO – Second (or Standard) Open

SOCO – Scene Of Crime Officer

SODA – Single Option Development Authority

SOWC – Shows Occupied When Clear

SP – Single Phase

SP&SN – Single Phase and Switched Neutral

SPA – Special Protected Area

SPAD – Signal PAssed at Danger

SPADMIS – Signal Passed At Danger throughout

Information System

SPADRAM – SPAD Reduction & Mitigation

SpAg – Sponsor’s Agent

SPC – Senior Production Controller

SPI – Safety Performance Indicator

SPM – Senior Project Manager

SPOC – Single Point Of Contact

SPT – (1) Signal Post Telephone

SPT – (2) Strathclyde Partnership for Transport

SPTA – Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority

SPV – Special Purpose Vehicle (Project


SPWEE – Safety Procedures for Working on

Electrical Equipment

SQE – Safety, Quality and Environment

SQL – Structured Query Language

SR – ScotRail

SRA – Strategic Rail Authority

SRG – Safety Review Group

SRI – Signalling Restructuring Initiative

SRP – (1) Station Regeneration Programme

SRP – (2) Statutory Reporting Pack

SRP – (3) System Review Panel

SRP – (4) Safety Review Panel

SRPTA –SRP Secretariat Technical Advisor

SRS – Safety Responsibility Statement

SRT – Sectional Running Time

SSA – Station Specific Annexe

SSAP – Statement of Standard Accounting Practice

SSDC – Signalling Systems Direct Current

SSG – Safety Strategy Group

SSG – (1) Standards Steering Group

SSG – (2) Systems Strategy Group (for Information

Systems projects)

SSHA – SubSystem Hazard Analysis

SSI – Solid State Interlocking

SSIC – Solid State Interlocking Controller

SSIDES – Solid State Interlocking DESign

SSIDWS – Solid State Interlocking Design


SSIHA – SubSystem Interface Hazard Analysis

SSISIM – Solid State Interlocking SIMulator

SSM – Safety Strategy Manager

SSn-FTA – Subsystem Fault Tree Analysis

SSO – Special Stop Order

SSP – (1) Signalling Supply Point

SSP – (2) Standard Signalling Principle

SSP – (3) System Safety Plan

SSR – (1) Spread Spectrum Radio

SSR – (2) System Safety Report

SSRA – Shadow Strategic Rail Authority

SSRB – Special Speed Restriction Board

SSSI – Site of Special Scientific Interest

SSTD – Solid State Train Describer

SSW – Safe System of Work

STA – Supplementary Track Access (Agreement)

STABS – Signalling and Telecommunications Area

Budget System

STAR – Signalling & Telecommunications Asset


STEP – Safety, Teamwork, Excellence,


STN – Special Traffic Notice

STO – Senior Technical Officer

STOPS – Signalling and Telecommunications

Outturn Processing System

STP – Short Term Planning: one–off bids for train

paths (see also Spot Bids)

SVP – Safety Verification Plan

SW – Software

SWA (swa) – Steel Wire Armoured (cable)

Swap Body – a system for conveying road freight

vehicle bodies on rail vehicles

SWELTRAC – South WEst London TRAnsport


SWIFT – Structured ‘What IF?’ Technique: a process

for assessing level of safety risk

SWIMCo – formerly South West Iinfrastructure

Maintenance Company, then AMEC Rail

SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Threats analysis

SWT – South West Trains

SWTH – Signalling Works Testing Handbook

SYITA – South Yorkshire Integrated Transport


SYITE –South Yorkshire Integrated Transport


SYPTE – formerly South Yorkshire Passenger

Transport Executive

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SZ – Scotland Zone

T– T –

T&H – Tottenham & Hampstead (Barking–Gospel

Oak Junction)

T&RS – Traction & Rolling Stock

T&V – Trespass & Vandalism

TAA – Track Access Agreement

TAC – Telecomms Appreciation Course

TADS – Telecommunications Asset Database System

TAG – Track Access Grant

TAN – Track Access Notice

TARDIS – TOPS Ancillary Retrospective Data

Information Service

TAS – Technical Assurance Strategy

TASS – Tilt Authorisation & Speed Supervision

TB – (1) Token(less) Block

TB – (2) Trial Balance

TBA – To Be Advised

TBE – To Be Evaluated

TBS – Transmission Based Signalling

TBTC – Transmission Based Train Control

TBW – Temporary Block Working

TC – (1) Track Circuit

TC – (2) Trailer Composite

TCA – Track Circuit Actuator

TCAID – Track Circuit Actuator Interference


TCB – Track Circuit Block

TCF – Track Circuit Failure

TCI – (1) Track Circuit Interrupter

TCI – (2) Transportation Consultants International

TCIC – TripCock Isolating Cock (LUL)

TCM – Time Cycle Maintenance

TCN – Train Communications Network

TCOC – Track Circuit Operating Clip

TCOD – Track Circuit Operating Device

TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet


TCS – (1) Traffic Control System

TCS – (2) Train Control System

TCS – (3) Train Crew Supervisor.

TD – Train Describer

TDA – TRUST Delay Attribution

TD–D – Data Course (Training)

TDM – Time Division Multiplex

TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access protocol

TDMS – Title Deeds Management System

TDS – Train Diagnostic System

TD–T – Transmission Course (Training)

TE – Zone Telecommunications Engineer

TEB – Telephone Enquiry Bureaux

TEN – Trans–European Network

TENS – Trans European Network Strategy

TESCO – TEchnical Service COmpany

TEU – Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (container


TF – Trailer First

TfL – Transport for London

TFM – Trackside Functional Module

TGM – Transport Gateway Metro (services proposed

for the Woolwich Rail Tunnel)

TGV – Train á Grande Vitesse: French high speed


TIC – (1) Technical Investigation Centre

TIC – (2) Tester In Charge

TIC – (3) Track Inspection Coach

TID – Track IDentity

TIIS – Train Infrastructure Interface Specification

TIMI – TelecommunIcations Maintenance Instruction

TIPS – Telecommunications Installation and

Procurement Service

TIR – Transports Internationaux Routiers

TIS – (1) Track Isolating Switch

TIS – (2) Train Information System

TIS – (3) Traction Interlock Switch

TIS – (4) Traction Isolation Switch

tkm – tonne kilometres

TL – Through Line

TL2000 – ThamesLink 2000

TLC – Telephone protection only Level Crossing

TMD – (1) Traction Maintenance Depot

TMD – (2) Train Mass Detector

TMO – Train crew Manually Operated level crossing

TMP – Traffic Management Plan

TMS – Traffic Management System

TNA – Training Needs Analysis

TNM – Train Network Management

TO – (1) Team Organiser

TO – (2) Technical Officer

TO – (3) Transport Operator

TOC – (1) Train Operating Company

TOC – (2) Test On Completion

TOHD – TOPS Operations Help Desk

TOL – Train On Line

TOOS – Taken Out Of Service

TOPS – Total Operations Processing System

TOR – Top of rail

TORR – Train Operated Route Release

TORUS – TransportOperations Rapid Update System

TOU – Train Operating Unit

TOWS – Train Operated Warning System

TP&SN – Three Phase and Switched Neutral: type of

low voltage switch gear

TPH – Trains per Hour

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TPC – Trackside Processing Centre

TPC – Train Performance Calculator

TPO – Travelling Post Office

TPPP – Transport Policies and Programme Package

(Central Government funding)

TPS – Traction Power Supply

TPT – Train Positioning and Tracking

TRUB – Trailer Restaurant Unclassified Buffet

TRUK – Trailer Restaurant Unclassified Kitchen

TPWS – Train Protection and Warning System

TPWS+ – Train Protection and Warning System Plus

for operation at speeds above 70mph

TPWS-E – Train Protection and Warning System

based on Eurobalise technology

TPWSSA – TPWS Sponsor's Agent

TQ – Technical Query

TQI – Track Quality Index

TQSUM – Track Quality SUMmary

TRACA – TRAck Condition Assessment

TRAMM – Track Renewal And Maintenance


TRB – (1) Train Recording Book

TRB – (2) Transportation Research Board (United


TRC – (1) Track Recording Coach

TRC – (2) Track Renewals Company ,

TRE – Track Recording Engineer

TRS – (1) Train Ready to Start

TRS – (2) Train Reporting System

TRTS – Train Ready To Start indicator

TRU – (1) Track Recording Unit

TRU – (2) Track Renewal Unit

TRUST – Train RUnning Systems on TOPS

TRV – Track Recording Vehicle

TS – Trailer Second

TS&I – Technical Services and Innovation

TSC – (1) Track Sectioning Cabin

TSC – (2) Train Service Code

TSDB – Train Service Data Base

TSI – Technical Specification for Interoperability

TSO – Trailer Second Open

TSR – Temporary Speed Restriction

TSSA – Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association

TSSU – Time Slot Sharing Unit

TT – Time Table

TTP – Time Table Processor

TU – Transport Undertaking

TUPE – Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of

Employment Regulations 1981)

TVM – Transmission Voie Machine, French ATP

TWA – Transport & Works Act

TWE – Track Welding Engineer

TWO – Transport and Works Order

TX – Transmitter (in track circuits and communications


U– U –

UB – (1) UnderBridge

UB – (2) Universal Beam

UEL – Up Electric Line

UFL – Up Fast Line

UFN – Until Further Notice

UGL – Up Goods Line or Up Goods Loop

UIC – Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer

(international union of railways)

UM (UML) – Up Main (Line)

UPL – Up Platform Line or Up Passenger Loop

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply

UPWSF – UnProtected Wrong Side Failure

URFD – Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detection

URFDO – Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector Operator

URL – Up Relief Line

URS – Up Refuge Siding

USA – Urgent Safety Advices

USL – Up Slow Line

UT – Ultrasonic Testing

UTS – Ultrasonic Testing System

UTU – Ultrasonic Test Unit

UTX – Under Track Crossing

UWC – User Worked Crossing

UWG – public road crossing with User Worked Gates

UWSF – Unprotected Wrong Side Failure

UWTF – Unprotected Wrongside Telecommunications


V– V –

VAB – Vehicle Acceptance Board

VAL – Validation Action Label

VAMPIRE – Vehicle dynAmic Modelling Package in

a Railway Environment

VAT – Value Added Tax

VATT – Virgin Active Tilt Trains

VCB – Vacuum Circuit Breaker

VCC – Virgin Cross Country

VCU – Vehicle Control Unit

VDP – Vertical Design Package

VDU – Visual Display Unit, for computers

VDV – Vibration Dose Value

VLR – Visitors Location Register

VM – Value Management

VNCAB – Vehicle and Network Change Approvals


VO – Variation Order

VOBC – Vehicle OnBoard Control / Computer

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VPF (VOPF) – Value of Preventing a Fatality


VPI – Vital Processor Interlocking

VRAC – Vehicle and Route Acceptance Contract

VRG – Virgin Rail Group

VSTP – Very Short Term Plan

VT – Virgin Trains

VTI – Vehicle Track Interaction

V/T-SIC – Vehicle / Track Systems Interface


VTISM – Vehilce Track Interaction Strategic Model

V/V-SIC – Vehicle / Vehicle Systems Interface


VWC – Virgin West Coast

W– W –

W – Watt (electrical unit)

W/m – Watt per metre (heat loss unit)

W/m2 – Watt per metre squared (heat flow unit)

W/S – Work Station

WA – West Anglia Lines (Liverpool Street to

Cambridge & Local Branches)

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WAGN – West Anglia Great Northern

WAN – Wide Area Network

WARC – West Anglia Route Controller

WARM – West Anglia Route Modernisation

WARP – West Coast Advanced Recovery Reliability


WBS – Work Breakdown Structure

WCML – West Coast Main Line

WCML RM – West Coast Main Line Route


WCRM – West Coast Route Modernisation

WEN – Weekly Engineering Notice

WESTRACE – WESTinghouse Radio Advanced

Control Equipment

WI – Warning Indicator

WI – Work Instruction

WILD – Wheel Impact Load Detector

WIP – Works In Progress

WLC – Whole Life Cost

WLL – West London Line

WLRM – Whole Life Rail Model

WMITA – West Midlands Integrated Transport


WMITE – West Midlands Integrated Transport


WMP – Waste Management Plan

WMPTA – formerly West Midlands Passenger

Transport Authority

WMPTE – formerly West Midlands Passenger

Transport Executive

WON – Weekly Operating Notice

WPI – Wholesale Price Index

WRISA – Wheel Rail System Interface Authority

WR SSTD – Western Region Solid State Train


WRSL – Westinghouse Rail Systems Ltd.

WSF – (1) Wrong Side Failure

WSF – (2) Wrong side Signalling Failure

WSL – formerly Westinghouse Signals Ltd

WSO – Work Station Operator

WSP – Wheel Slip Protection

WTB – Wire Train Bus

WTF – Wrong side Telecommunications Failure

WTT – Working Time Table

WW – Wales and West Passenger Trains

WWW – World Wide Web

WYITA – West Yorkshire Integrated Transport


WYITE –West Yorkshire Integrated Transport


WYPTA – formerly West Yorkshire Passenger

Transport Authority

WYPTE – formerly West Yorkshire Passenger

Transport Executive

WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get

X– X –

XCT – Cross Country Trains

XLPE – Cross-Linked PolyEthylene

Y– Y –

YB2 – Yellow Book issue 2 (ESM)

YB3 – Yellow Book issue 3 (ESM)

YTD – Year To Date

Z– Z –

ZCAM – Zonal Corporate Affairs Manager

ZCRG – Zonal Commercial Review Group

ZD – Zone Director

ZEPE – Zone Electrical and Plant Engineer

ZFC – Zone Freight Controller

ZIAR – Zone Infrastructure Asset Register

ZIP – Zone Investment Panel

ZOC – Zone Operational Control

ZPAM – Zonal Public Affairs Manager

ZPUG – Zonal Possession User Group

ZTE – Zone Telecommunications Engineer

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