Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - C
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Dutch | Category | English |
C | CHEM.TECHN. | (koolstof) carbon |
C-band | ELECTRON. | C band |
C-dakstijl | AUTOMOT. | C-pillar, C-post, pillar C-post |
C-flens | ~ | C-flange |
C-flenskoppeling | ~ | C-flange coupling |
C-frame | ~ | gap-frame |
C-haak | ~ | C-hook |
C-horizont | ENVIRON. | C-horizon |
C-kern | ~ | C-core |
C-kerntransformator | ~ | C-core transformer |
C-klem | ~ | C-clamp |
C-methode | ENVIRON. | radiocarbon dating, C-dating method |
C-oppervlak | ~ | C-surface |
C-periode | ~ | C-period |
C-ruimte | ~ | C-space |
C-schil | ~ | C-shell |
C-shell | ~ | C-shell |
C-stijl | AUTOMOT. | C-pillar, C-post, pillar C-post |
C-veer | ~ | C-spring |
C-verfraaiier | ~ | (abbr.: cb) C beautifier |
C-waarde | ENVIRON. | (onderzoek/sanering) C value |
c-waarde | COMP. | checksum |
C-water | ~ | (condenswater) C water, condensate water |
C-zuil | AUTOMOT. | C pillar |
C2-deponie | ENVIRON. | category II chemical waste storage basin |
C7-signalering | PHYS. | C7-signalling |
CA | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose acetate |
Ca | CHEM.TECHN. | (calcium) calcium |
CA-cel | ~ | CA storage room, controlled atmosphere storage space |
CAB | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose acetate butyrate |
cab-bestand | COMP. | cabinet file, CAB file |
cabine | BUILD.; | 1. cabin; 2. booth; 3. (inbouwcel) pod |
cabine met torpedofront | AUTOMOT. | behind-engine cab, cab-behind-engine, conventional cab, normal control |
cabine met uitzicht rondom | ~ | (van een mobiele kraan) flip top cab |
cabinebezetting | AEROSP. | cabin occupation |
cabinedeur | ~ | cabin door |
cabinedifferentiaaldruk | AEROSP. | cabin differential pressure |
cabinedifferentiaaldrukmeter | AEROSP. | cabin differential pressure gauge |
cabinedruk | AEROSP. | cabin pressure |
cabinedrukaanjager | AEROSP. | cabin |
cabinedrukhoogte | AEROSP. | cabin altitude |
cabinedrukhoogtemeter | AEROSP. | cabin altimeter |
cabinedrukmeter | AEROSP. | cabin pressure meter |
cabinedrukregelaar | AEROSP. | cabin altitude selector |
cabineindeling | AEROSP. | cabin configuration, cabin arrangement, cabin layout |
cabinekantelinrichting | AUTOMOT. | cab-tilting gear |
cabinenooduitgang | AEROSP. | (in vliegtuig) emergency exit |
cabinepersoneel | AEROSP. | cabin crew, cabin personnel |
cabinesein | RAIL. | cab signal |
cabinetbestand | COMP. | cabinet file, CAB file |
cabinetrainer | AEROSP. | cabin training simulator |
cabineverlichting | AEROSP. | cabin lighting |
cabineverlichtingssysteem | AEROSP. | cabin lighting system |
cabineverwarming | ~ | cabin heating |
cabineverwarmingssysteem | AEROSP. | cabin heating system |
cabinezuurstofsysteem | AEROSP. | cabin oxygen supply system |
kabeldistributiemeter | ~ | cable payout meter |
cabotageroutes | AEROSP. | cabotage routes |
cabrio | AUTOMOT. | convertible, roadster |
cabriodak | ~ | (van zacht materiaal zoals vinyl en afneembaar) soft-top, soft hood, convertible hood, convertible roof |
cabriolet | AUTOMOT. | convertible, roadster |
cabrioletdak | ~ ; | 1. (van harde kunststof en afneembaar) hard-top, convertible hood, covertible roof, overhead roof; 2. (van zacht materiaal zoals vinyl en afneembaar) soft-top, soft hood, convertible hood, convertible roof, overhead roof |
cabrioletkap | AUTOMOT. | (van zacht materiaal zoals vinyl) soft top, soft hood |
cabrioletsportauto | AUTOMOT. | roadster, convertible sports car |
cacao | ~ | cocoa |
cacaobonenschillen | ~ | cocoa shells |
cacaoboon | ~ | cacao bean |
cacaoboter | ~ | cocoa butter, cacao butter |
cacaobreekmachine | ~ | cocoa bean crusher |
cacaodoppen | ~ | cocoa shells |
cacaomassa | ~ | chocolate liquor, cocoa mass, cocoa paste |
cacaopoeder | ~ | cocoa powder, chocolate powder |
cacaovet | ~ | cocoa butter, cocoa fat |
cache | ~ | cache |
cache voor pagina-uitvoer | COMP. | page output cache |
cache-aside-programmeringspatroon | COMP. | cache-aside programming pattern |
cache-coherent | COMP. | cache-coherent |
cache-controller | COMP. | cache controller |
cache-hulpprogramma | COMP. | cache utility |
cache-interval | COMP. | cache interval |
cache-invalidatie | COMP. | cache invalidation |
cache-invoegtoepassing | COMP. | cache plug-in |
cache-item | COMP. | cache item |
cache-omzetter | COMP. | caching resolver |
cache-service | COMP. | cache service |
cache-toepassing | COMP. | cache-enabled application |
cache-/proxyserver | COMP. | cache/proxy server |
cachebestand | COMP. | cache file |
cachebewerking | COMP. | cache operation |
cacheclient | COMP. | cache client |
cacheerlaag | ~ ; | 1. (deklaag) coating; 2. (beschermende toplaag) protective coating, top coat, top layer |
cacheermachine | POLYM. | coating machine |
cacheermengsel | POLYM. | coating compound |
cachegeheugen | COMP. | cache memory |
cachelabel | COMP. | cache tag |
cachemelding | COMP. | cache notification |
cachemir | TEX. | cashmere |
cachen | COMP. | (in tijdelijk geheugen opslaan) cache |
cachepoort | COMP. | cache port |
cacheregio | COMP. | cache region |
cacheren | ~ | (caheerlaag aanbrengen) coat, apply coating, apply protective coating |
cachou | ~ | (soort verfstof) catechu, cutch |
CAD | ~ | (computerondersteund ontwerpen) CAD, computer-aided design |
CAD-bibliotheek | COMP. | CAD library |
CAD-raamwerk | ~ | CAD framework |
CAD-werkplek | ~ | CAD workstation, CAD terminal |
cadansremmen | AUTOMOT. | cadence braking, stepped braking |
cadaverine | CHEM.TECHN. | cadaverine |
caddy | COMP. | caddy |
cadmeren | ~ | cadmium plate, plate with cadmium |
cadmering | ~ | cadmium plating |
cadmeringsbad | ENVIRON. | cadmium plating solution |
cadmium-beklede staal | ~ | cadmium plated steel |
cadmium-bekleed | ~ | cadmium plated |
cadmiumacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium acetate |
cadmiumanode | ~ | cadmium anode |
cadmiumantimonide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium antimonide |
cadmiumarsenide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium arsenide |
cadmiumazide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium azide |
cadmiumbad | ~ | cadmium bath, cadmium plating solution |
cadmiumboraatfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium borate phosphor |
cadmiumbromide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium bromide |
cadmiumcarbonaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium carbonate |
cadmiumcel | ~ | cadmium cell |
cadmiumchromaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium chromate |
cadmiumcyanide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium cyanide |
cadmiumfluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium fluoride |
cadmiumfosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium phosphate |
cadmiumfosfide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium phosphide |
cadmiumgeel | ~ | cadmium yellow |
cadmiumgehalte | ENVIRON. | cadmium content |
cadmiumgrens | ~ | cadmium cut-off |
cadmiumhydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium hydroxide |
cadmiumiodaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium iodate |
cadmiumjodide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium iodide |
cadmiummetatantalaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium metatantalate |
cadmiummetazirconaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium metazirconate |
cadmiummolybdaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium molybdate |
cadmiumniobaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium niobate |
cadmiumnitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium nitrate |
cadmiumoxalaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium oxalate |
cadmiumoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium oxide |
cadmiumrood | ~ | cadmium red |
cadmiumselenide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium selenide |
cadmiumseleniet | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium selenite |
cadmiumsilicaatfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium silicate phosphor |
cadmiumsulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium sulphide, cadmium yellow |
cadmiumsulfide-lichtmeter | ~ | cadmium-sulphide exposure meter, cadmium-sulphide light meter |
cadmiumsulfiet | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium sulfite |
cadmiumtelluraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium tellurate |
cadmiumtelluride | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium telluride |
cadmiumtitanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium titanate |
cadmiumverhouding | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium ratio |
cadmiumvrij | ENVIRON. | cadmium-free |
cadmiumwolfraamfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium tungstate phosphor |
cadmiumwolframaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium tungstate |
cadmiumzout | CHEM.TECHN. | cadmium salt |
cadrage | PRINT. | framing, frame, framework |
CAD/CAM | ~ | (computerondersteund ontwerpen en fabriceren) CAD/CAM, computer-aided design and manufacturing |
CAD/CAM-koppeling | ~ | CAD/CAM interface |
CAD/CAM-software | ~ | CAD/CAM software |
CAD/CAM-systeem | ~ | CAD/CAM system |
CAD/CAM-werkstation | ~ | CAD/CAM workstation |
caesium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Cs) caesium |
caesiumacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium acetate |
caesiumamide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium amide |
caesiumazide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium azide |
caesiumborate | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium borate |
caesiumbromate | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium bromate |
caesiumcarbonaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium carbonate |
caesiumchloraat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium chlorate |
caesiumchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium chloride |
caesiumchromaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium chromate |
caesiumcyanide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium cyanide |
caesiumdichromaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium dichromate |
caesiumfluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium fluoride |
caesiumhydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium hydroxide |
caesiumjodide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium iodide |
caesiummetaniobaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium metaniobate |
caesiummetasilicaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium metasilicate |
caesiummetatitanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium metatitanate |
caesiummolybdaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium molybdate |
caesiumnitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium nitrate |
caesiumorthofosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium orthophosphate |
caesiumorthovanadaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium orthovanadate |
caesiumorthowolframaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium orthotungstate |
caesiumoxalaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium oxalate |
caesiumoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium oxide |
caesiumperchloraat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium perchlorate |
caesiumselenaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium selenate |
caesiumsulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium sulfate |
caesiumsulfiet | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium sulfite |
caesiumsuperoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium superoxide |
caesiumtelluraat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium tellurate |
caesiumthiocyanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium thiocyanate |
caesiumtitanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium titanate |
caesiumtribromide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium tribromide |
caesiumtrijodide | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium triiodide |
caesiumwaterstoforthofosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caesium hydrogen orthophosphate |
cafeïne | CHEM.TECHN. | caffeine |
cafémeubilair | ~ | bar furniture |
caisson | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. (waterdichte zinkbak, werkkamer) caisson; 2. caisson monolith |
caissonfundatie | CIV.ENG. | caisson foundation |
caissonfundering | CIV.ENG. | caisson foundation |
caissonpaal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | caisson pile |
caissonsluiting | CIV.ENG. | closure by means of caissons, caisson closure |
calamiteit | ~ | calamity |
calamiteitenbudget | COMP. | (m.b.t. ITIL service management) contingency budget |
calamiteitenplan | COMP.; | 1. (m.b.t. ITIL service management) contingency plan; 2. contingency plan, disaster plan |
calamiteitsbeheer | ~ | calamity control, calamity management |
calamiteitsopvolging | COMP. | (reactie op een noodgeval) calamity response |
calciet | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. calcite; 2. calcareous spar, calcite |
calcificatie | ENVIRON. | calcification |
calcimorf | ~ | calcimorphic |
calcimorfe aarde | ~ | calcimorphic soil |
calcineren | ~ | calcine, calcinate |
calcinering | CHEM.TECHN. | calcination |
calcium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Ca) calcium |
calciumaanslag | ELECTRON. | calcium deposits |
calciumacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | (E-nummer: E263 ) calcium acetate; calcium acetate |
calciumalginaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E404 ) calcium alginate |
calciumascorbaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E302 ) calcium l-ascorbate |
calciumbicarbonaat | ENVIRON. | calcium bicarbonate |
calciumboride | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium boride |
calciumbromide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium bromide |
calciumcarbid | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium carbide, carbide |
calciumcarbonaat | FOODST.; | 1. calcium carbonate; 2. (E-nummer: E170 ) calcium carbonate |
calciumcarbonaatequivalent | ENVIRON. | neutralizing power |
calciumchloraat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium chlorate |
calciumchloride | FOODST.; | 1. calcium chloride; 2. (E-nummer: E509 ) calcium chloride |
calciumcitraat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E333 ) mono, di, and tri- calcium citrate |
calciumcyaanamide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium cyanamide |
calciumferrocyanide | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E538 ) calcium ferrocyanide |
calciumfluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium fluoride |
calciumfluorideslib | ~ | calcium fluoride sludge |
calciumformaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium formate |
calciumformiaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: 238) calcium formate |
calciumfosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium phosphate |
calciumfosfaatfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium phosphate phosphor |
calciumfosfide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium phosphide |
calciumgluconaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E578 ) calcium gluconate |
calciumglutamaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E623 ) calcium glutamate |
calciumhoudend | CHEM.TECHN. | calcic |
calciumhydride | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium hydride |
calciumhydroxide | FOODST.; | 1. calcium hydroxide; 2. (E-nummer: E526 ) calcium hydroxide |
calciumhydroxidesuspensie | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium hydroxide suspension |
calciumhypochloriet | ENVIRON., CHEM.TECHN. | calcium hypochlorite |
calciumhypofosfiet | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium hypophosphite |
calciuminosinaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E633 ) calcium inosinate |
calciumiodaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium iodate |
calciumjodide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium iodide |
calciumkalk | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium lime |
calciummalaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E352 ) calcium malate |
calciummetaniobaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium metaniobate |
calciummetasilicaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium metasilicate |
calciummetavanadaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium metavanadate |
calciummolybdaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium molybdate |
calciumnitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium nitrate |
calciumnitraattetrahydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate |
calciumnitride | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium nitride |
calciumnitriet | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium nitrite |
calciumorthofosfaten | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E341 ) calcium orthophosphates |
calciumouderdom | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium age |
calciumoxalaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium oxalate |
calciumoxide | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. (E-nummer: E529 ) calcium oxide; 2. calcium oxide |
calciumperchloraat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium perchlorate |
calciumperoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | (E-nummer: 930) calciumperoxide; calcium peroxide |
calciumpolyfosfaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: 544) calcium polyphosphate |
calciumpropionaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E282 ) calcium propionate |
calciumribonucleotiden | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E634 ) calcium ribonucleotides |
calciumrijk | ENVIRON. | Ca-rich, rich in calcium |
calciumsaccharaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium saccharate |
calciumselenide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium selenide |
calciumseleniet | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium selenite |
calciumsilicaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E552 ) calcium silicate |
calciumsilicaatfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium silicate phosphor |
calciumsorbaat | FOODST.; | 1. calcium sorbate; 2. (E-nummer: E203 ) calcium sorbate |
calciumstearoyllactaat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E482 ) calcium stearoyl lactate |
calciumsulfaat | FOODST.; | 1. calcium sulphate; 2. (E-nummer: E516 ) calcium sulphate |
calciumsulfaathemihydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium sulfate hemihydrate |
calciumsulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium sulfide |
calciumtartraat | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E354 ) calcium tartarate |
calciumtelluraat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium tellurate |
calciumtelluride | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium telluride |
calciumtelluriet | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium tellurite |
calciumtitanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium titanate |
calciumtungstaat | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium tungstate |
calciumvet | CHEM.TECHN. | lime soap grease |
calciumwaterstofsulfiet | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E227 ) calcium hydrogen sulphite |
calciumwolfraamfosfor | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium tungstate phosphor |
calciumzout | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium salt |
calculatieprogramma | COMP. | spreadsheet program |
calculator | BUILD.; | 1. (rekenapparaat) calculator, pocket calculator; 2. calculator, estimator, cost engineer, cost accountant |
calculeren | ~ ; | 1. calculate; 2. calculate, compute; 3. (kosten beramen) estimate |
calculus | MATH. | calculus |
caleidoscoop | ~ | kaleidoscope |
calgon | ~ | (kalkoplossend middel) calgon |
calico | ~ | (boekbindmateriaal) book muslin, calico |
calicot | TEX. | calico |
californium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Cf) californium |
calite kogel | ~ | ceramic pellet |
callcenterapplicatie | COMP. | call center application |
callcenterbezetting | COMP. | call center occupancy |
callgirl | COMP. | callgirl |
calomel | ~ | kalomel |
calorescentie | ~ | (m.b.t. warmte en licht) calorescence |
calorie | CHEM.TECHN. | calorie |
caloriearm dieet | ENVIRON. | low calorie diet |
calorierijk voedsel | ENVIRON. | high-energy food |
calorimeter | ~ | calorimeter |
calorimetervat | ~ | calorimeter vessel |
calorimetrie | ~ | calorimetry |
calorimetrisch | ~ | calorimetric |
calorisch | ~ | calorific |
calorisch effect | ~ | caloric effect, heating effect |
calorisch vermogen | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: CP) calorific power |
calorische behoefte | ENVIRON. | caloric requirement |
calorische machine | ~ | caloric engine, hot-air engine |
calorische onderwaarde | ~ | lower heat value |
calorische waarde | ~ | calorific value, thermal value |
caloriseren | ~ | calorize |
calorisering | ENVIRON. | calorizing |
calque | ~ ; | 1. (tekening) tracing; 2. transparency |
calqueerlinnen | ~ | tracing cloth, vellum cloth |
calquehouder | ~ | transparency archivist |
calqueren | ~ | calque, trace |
calqueur | ~ | (persoon) tracer |
calqueuse | ~ | tracer |
calutron | ~ | calutron, California University cyclotron |
CAM | ~ | (computerondersteund fabriceren) CAM, computer-aided manufacturing |
camber | AUTOMOT. | camber, wheel camber |
camberboog | BUILD. | camber arch |
cambium | ~ | cambium, cambium layer |
Cambridge ring | ~ | Cambridge ring |
Cambrium | GEOL. | Cambrian, Cambrian period |
Cambriumsysteem | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Cambrian system |
camera | ~ | camera |
camera obscura | ~ | camera obscura |
camera-opdracht | COMP. | camera command |
camerabeeld | ~ | camera image |
camerabeugel | PHOTO. | camera grip |
camerabewaking | ~ | camera surveillance |
camerabewaking bij spoorwegovergang | ~ | level- crossing camera surveillance |
camerabewakingssysteem | ~ | camera surveillance system, camera monitoring system, camera surveillance security system |
camerabuis | PHOTO. | camera tube |
cameradriepoot | ENVIRON. | camera support, tripod |
camerageweer | PHOTO. | camera gun |
camerahandgreep | PHOTO. | camera grip, camera hand grip |
cameraingang | PHOTO. | camera input |
camerainstelling | ~ | camera setting, distance adjustment |
camerakast | PHOTO. | camera body |
camerakraan | PHOTO. | camera dolly |
cameralorrie | PHOTO. | camera dolly |
cameraman | PHOTO. | camera operator |
cameramicroscoop | PHOTO. | camera microscope |
camerarecorder | PHOTO. | camcorder, camera recorder |
camerascheefzetter | PHOTO. | camera tilting device |
cameraschoentje | PHOTO. | flash shoe |
camerastatief | PHOTO. | (drievoet) telescopic tripod, camera tripod, camera support |
camouflage | ~ | camouflage |
camouflageverf | AUTOMOT. | dazzle paint |
camoufleren | ~ | camouflage |
campagne | ~ | campaign |
campagne voeren | ENVIRON. | campaign |
campagne-antwoord | COMP. | campaign response |
campagne-item | COMP. | campaign item |
campagneactiviteit | COMP. | campaign activity |
campagnecode | COMP. | campaign code |
campagnedoel | COMP. | campaign goaling |
campagnenaam | COMP. | campaign name |
campêche | ~ | campeachy wood, logwood |
camper | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: RV) camper, recreational vehicle |
campheen | CHEM.TECHN. | camphene |
CAN-gegevensverbinding | ~ | CAN data link |
canadabalsem | ~ | canada balsam |
canard | AEROSP. | canard surface |
canariegeel | ~ | canary yellow |
canaubawas | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E903 ) canauba wax |
cancelen | COMP. | cancel |
candela | ~ | (abbr.: cd) candela, candle |
candillawas | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E902 ) candilla wax |
candu-reactor | ENVIRON. | Candu reactor, pressurized heavy water reactor |
canneleermachine | ~ | fluting machine, grooving machine |
cannelkool | ~ | candle coal, cannel coal |
cannibaliseren | ~ | cannibalize |
cannister | ENVIRON. | canister, can |
canon | ~ | canon, norm, standard |
canoniek | ~ | canonical |
canonieke naam | COMP. | canonical name |
canopy | AEROSP. | canopy |
canopy-ontgrendeling | ~ | (van een vliegtuig) canopy release |
canthaxanthine | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E161g ) canthaxanthin |
cantilever | ~ | cantilever |
cantilever-kraan | ~ | cantilever crane |
cantileverdoorgang | ~ | cantilever-through |
cantileverkraan | ~ | cantilever crane |
cantileverveer | AUTOMOT. | cantilever spring |
cantilever(buig)spanning | ~ | cantilever stress |
cantille | ~ | purl |
canvas | ~ | canvas |
canvas en rubber | ~ | canvas and rubber |
canvas huif | AUTOMOT. | canvas top, soft top, canvas hood |
canvas kap | AUTOMOT. | canvas top, soft top, canvas hood |
canvasdam | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | canvas dam |
canvasluchtleiding | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | canvas air conduit |
canvasovertrek | ~ | canvas cover |
caoutchouc | ~ | india rubber, raw rubber, rubber |
capaci-tester | ~ | capaci-tester, condenser checker |
capacitantie | ELECTRON. | (abbr.: C) capacitance |
capacitantie van een montage in voetje | ELECTRON. | header capacitance |
capacitantiebrug | ELECTRON. | capacitance bridge |
capacitantiecoëfficiëntie | ELECTRON. | capacitance coefficiency |
capacitantiefilter | ELECTRON. | capacitance filter |
capacitantiegraad | ELECTRON. | capacitance grading |
capacitantiekoppeling | ELECTRON. | capacitance coupling |
capacitantieverhouding | ELECTRON. | capacitance ratio |
capaciteit | ELECTRON. | capacitance, capacity, power, output |
capaciteit inkopen | ~ | capacity buying |
capaciteit tussen windingen | ELEC.ENG. | internal capacitance |
capaciteit van een condensator | ~ | capacity of a capacitor |
capaciteit van een kanaal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | canal capacity |
capaciteit van machine | AUTOMOT. | capacity, power |
capaciteit-niveaubetrekking | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | capacity-elevation relation |
capaciteitsarm | ELECTRON. | anti-capacitance, low- capacitance, low capacitance |
capaciteitsbeheer | ~ | capacity management |
capaciteitsbehoefte | ~ | capacity requirement |
capaciteitsbehoefteplanning | ~ | (abbr.: CRP) capacity requirements planning |
capaciteitsbelasting | ELECTRON. | capacity load |
capaciteitsberekening | ~ | capacity calculation |
capaciteitsbeslag | ~ | capacity tie-up |
capaciteitsbezetting | ~ | capacity load |
capaciteitsbezettingsvoorraad | ~ | capacity loading stock |
capaciteitsbron | ~ | resource |
capaciteitsdiode | COMP. | capacitance diode |
capaciteitsdiode-afstemming | ELECTRON. | capacitive diode tuning |
capaciteitsfactor | ~ | capacity factor |
capaciteitsgroep | ~ | capacity group |
capaciteitskromme | ~ | capacity curve |
capaciteitsmeter | ELECTRON. | capacitance meter, farad- meter |
capaciteitsplan | ~ | capacity plan |
capaciteitsplanning | ~ | capacity planning |
capaciteitsproef | ~ | capacity test |
capaciteitsreserve | ~ | reserve capacity |
capaciteitssimulatie | ~ | capacity simulation |
capaciteitsstroom | ELEC.ENG. | capacity current |
capaciteitstekort | ~ | capacity shortage |
capaciteitstemperatuurcoëfficiënt | ELECTRON. | temperature coefficient of capacitance |
capaciteitsvergroting | COMP. | system upgrade |
capaciteitsverloop | ELECTRON. | capacitance drift |
capaciteitswaarde | ~ | capacitance value |
capaciteitsweerstand | ELECTRON. | capacity resistance |
capacitief component | ~ | capacitive component |
capacitief element | ELECTRON. | capacitive element |
capacitief inspuiten | ~ | inject capacitively |
capacitief rekstrookje | ~ | capacitive strain gauge |
capacitieve aarde | ~ | capacitive earth |
capacitieve afstandssensor | ~ | (m.b.t. hoogtemeting) capacitive height sensor |
capacitieve belasting | ELEC.ENG. | capacitive load |
capacitieve component | ELEC.ENG. | capacitive component |
capacitieve differentiaalgever | ELEC.ENG. | differential capacitive measuring element |
capacitieve eenheid | ELECTRON. | capacitive load |
capacitieve hoogtesensor | ~ | capacitive height sensor |
capacitieve omvormer | ELECTRON. | capacitive transducer |
capacitieve ontsteking | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: CDI) capacitive-discharge ignition, CD-ignition, condenser- discharge ignition |
capacitieve sensor | ~ | capacitive sensor |
capacitieve signaalverzwakker | ELECTRON. | capacitive attenuator |
capacitieve terugkoppeling | ELECTRON. | capacitive feedback |
capacity credit | ~ | capacity credits |
CAPI | COMP. | Common Application Programming Interface |
capillair | ~ ; | 1. capillary; 2. (buis) capillary tube |
capillair hardsolderen | ~ | capillary brazing |
capillair solderen | ~ | capillar soldering |
capillair-actief | ~ | surface active, surface activity |
capillair-actieve stof | ~ | surface active agent, surfactant |
capillaire aantrekking | ~ | capillary attraction |
capillaire aanzuiging | ~ | capillary suction |
capillaire boorgaten | ~ | capillary boreholes, capillary holes |
capillaire boring | ~ | capillary borehole, capillary hole |
capillaire buis | ~ | capillary tube |
capillaire condensatie | ENVIRON. | capillary condensation |
capillaire druk | ~ | capillary pressure |
capillaire elektrometer | ~ | capillary electrometer |
capillaire migratie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | capillary migration |
capillaire scheidingstheorie | PHYS. | capillary theory of separation |
capillaire soldeerverbinding | ~ | capillary welding joint |
capillaire stijghoogte | ~ | capillary rise, capillary ascent, capillary elevation |
capillaire stijging | ~ | capillary rise |
capillaire verzadiging | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | capillary saturation |
capillaire verzadigingszone | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | zone of capillary saturation |
capillaire waterstijging | ENVIRON. | upward capillary movement |
capillaire werking | ~ ; | 1. capillary action, capillarity; 2. capillarity |
capillairpotentiaal | ENVIRON. | matrix potential |
capillariteit | ~ | capillarity |
caprolactam | CHEM.TECHN. | caprolactam |
caprolacton | ENVIRON. | caprolactone |
capronzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | caproic acid |
caprylalcohol | CHEM.TECHN. | capryl alcohol |
caprylzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | caprylic acid, octanoic acid |
caps lock | COMP. | caps lock |
caps-lock toets | COMP. | caps lock key |
capstan | COMP. | capstan |
capsule | AEROSP. | capsule, capsule |
capsuleermachine | ~ | capsuling machine, capsulator, capsulating machine |
capsulevormig excentrisch gewicht | ~ | pod-style eccentric weight |
captan | ENVIRON. | captan |
captorslibproces | ENVIRON. | captivated sludge-process |
capture ratio | ~ | capture ratio |
caramel | ~ | (oude spelling) caramel |
caravan | AUTOMOT. | caravan, recreational trailer |
carbamaat | CHEM.TECHN. | carbamate |
carbamidezuur | CHEM.TECHN. | carbamic acid |
carbaminezuur | CHEM.TECHN. | carbamic acid |
carbazool | ENVIRON. | carbazole |
carbenium ion | CHEM.TECHN. | carbenium ion |
carbid | ~ | carbide, calcium carbide |
carbide | CHEM.TECHN. | carbide |
carbidlamp | ~ | carbide lamp |
carbidoven | ~ | carbide furnace |
carbidstaal | ~ | carbide steel |
carbinol | CHEM.TECHN. | carbinol |
carbitol | ~ | diethylene glycol monoethyl ether |
carbocyclisch | CHEM.TECHN. | carbocyclic |
carboflocproces | ENVIRON. | carbofloc process |
carbolineum | ~ | carbolineum, creosote oil |
carbolzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | carbolic acid |
carbon | ~ | carbon |
carbon cutting | ~ | carbon cutting |
carbonaat-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | carbonate ion |
carbonaatzuivering | ~ | carbonate purification |
carbonado | ~ | black diamond, carbonado |
carbonatatie | ~ | (bij suikerverwerking) carbonation |
carbonateren | ~ | carbonatate |
carboneerdiepte | ~ | carbonizing depth |
carboneergruis | ~ | carbonizing powder |
carboneermiddel | ~ | carbonizing agent |
carboneeroven | METALL. | carbonizing furnace, carburizing furnace |
carboneerstaal | ~ | case hardening steel, cemented steel |
carboneren | ~ | (van staal) carbonize, cement, carburize |
carbonisatie | ~ ; | 1. carbonization, coking process; 2. (omzetting in carbonaat) carbonation |
carbonisatie flowbereik paneel | ~ | carburizer flowscope panel |
carboniseren | ~ | carbonize, carburize |
carbonitreren | ~ | carbonitride, carbonitriding, liquid carbonitriding, cyaniding |
carbonium-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | carbonium ion |
carbonlint | COMP. | carbon ribbon |
carbonlintcassette | COMP. | film ribbon cartridge |
carbonpapier | ~ | carbon paper |
carbonyl | CHEM.TECHN. | carbonyl |
carbonylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | carbonyl chloride |
carbonylgroep | CHEM.TECHN. | carbonyl group |
carbonzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | carboxylic acid |
Carboon | ~ | Carboniferous period |
carboon | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. carboniferous; 2. carbon |
Carboon-periode | GEOL. | Carboniferous Period |
Carboon-systeem | GEOL. | Carboniferous system |
carborundum | CHEM.TECHN. | (merknaam) carborundum, silicon carbide |
carborundumpapier | ~ | carborundum paper |
carborundumslijpsteen | ~ | carborundum grinding wheel, silicon carbide grinding wheel |
carborundumtegel | ~ | carborundum tile |
carborundumvijl | AUTOMOT. | abrasive stem file |
carborundumvloer | ~ | screed with carborundum topping |
carboxyhemoglobine | CHEM.TECHN. | carboxyhaemoglobin |
carboxyl | CHEM.TECHN. | carboxyl |
carboxyl- | CHEM.TECHN. | carboxyl |
carboxylgroep | CHEM.TECHN. | carboxyl group |
carboxylrubber | ENVIRON. | carboxyl rubber, acid rubber |
carboxymethylcellulose | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E466 ) carboxymethyl cellulose |
carburateur | ~ | carburetter, carburettor |
carburateur met constante onderdruk | AUTOMOT. | variable-choke carburettor, variable-choke carburetter |
carburateur met elektrische choke | AUTOMOT. | electric-choke carburettor, electric-choke carburetter |
carburateur met hoogtecompensatie | AUTOMOT. | altitude-compensated carburettor, altitude-compensated carburetter, carburettor with altitude compensation, carburetter with altitude compensation |
carburateur met toevoer onder druk | ~ | pressure-fed carburettor |
carburateur met variabele venturi | AUTOMOT. | variable-choke carburettor, variable-choke carburetter |
carburateur met vaste venturi | AUTOMOT. | fixed- choke carburettor, fixed-choke carburetter |
carburateur met verstuiving | ~ | spray carburettor, jet carburettor |
carburateur van motor met drukvulling | AUTOMOT. | pressurised carburettor, pressurized carburetter |
carburateur voor terreinauto | AUTOMOT. | cross- country carburettor, cross-country carburetter |
carburateuraanzuiglucht | AUTOMOT. | carburettor air, carburetter air |
carburateurafstelling | AUTOMOT. | carburettor adjusting, carburetter adjusting, carburettor setting, carburetter setting |
carburateurhuis | AUTOMOT. | carburettor body, carburettor housing, carburetter body, carburetter housing, carburettor bowl |
carburateurverwarming | AEROSP.; | 1. carburettor heating, carburetter heating; 2. carb heat |
carburateurvoorverwarming | AUTOMOT. | carburettor heating, carburetter heating |
carburatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | carburation, carburization |
carbureren | ~ ; | 1. carburate; 2. carburizing, liquid carburizing, gas carburizing |
carburateurijs | ~ | throttle ice |
carburol | ~ | gasohol |
carcel-lamp | ~ | Carcel lamp |
carcinogeen | ~ ; | 1. (kankerverwekkend) carcinogenic; 2. carcinogen |
carcinogene stof | ~ | carcinogenic substance |
cardanas | ~ | (met universeelverbinding) cardan shaft, drive shaft with universal joint, propeller shaft |
cardanasaandrijving | AUTOMOT. | (universeel) universal- shaft drive |
cardanashuis | AUTOMOT. | torque tube |
cardanastunnel | AUTOMOT. | cardan tunnel, gearbox tunnel, prop-shaft tunnel, transmission tunnel |
cardandrijfwerk | ~ | shaft drive transmission |
cardanhuis | ~ | universal joint casing, differential gear casing |
cardanisch | ~ | cardanic |
cardanische beugel | ~ | gimbal |
cardankogel | ~ | prop shaft universal ball |
cardankoppeling | ~ | cardan joint, prop shaft universal joint, universal joint |
cardankoppelingshuis | ~ | outer casing for universal joint, universal joint housing |
cardanophanging | ~ | cardan suspension, differential gear suspension |
cardanoverbrenging | ~ | cardan shaft transmission, joint transmission |
cardantunnel | AUTOMOT. | cardan tunnel, gearbox tunnel |
cardanvet | ~ | axle grease |
cardioide | AEROSP. | cardioid |
cardioïde | MATH. | cardioid |
caret | ~ | caret |
caret-teken | COMP. | caret unit |
cargadoor | SHIP. | (in een haven) shipbroker, cargo agent |
carillon | ~ | carillon, chime |
carnalliet | CHEM.TECHN. | carnallite |
Carnot-cyclus | PHYS. | Carnot cycle |
Carnot-energierendement | ENVIRON. | Carnot efficiency |
Carnot-proces | ENVIRON. | Carnot process |
caroteen | CHEM.TECHN. | carotene |
Caro’s zuur | ~ | Caro’s acid |
carpal-tunnelsyndroom | COMP. | (RSI) carpal tunnel syndrome |
carpoolafspraak | ENVIRON. | car-pool arrangement, car- sharing arrangement |
carpoolen | ENVIRON. | car-sharing, car-pooling |
carpoolregeling | ENVIRON. | car-pool arrangement, car- sharing arrangement |
carpoolstrook | ENVIRON. | car-pool(ing) lane |
carrageen | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E407 ) carrageenan |
carrélijn | ~ | shaded rule |
carrosserie | ~ | body, bodywork, carriage work |
carrosserie met geïntegreerd chassis | AUTOMOT. | chassisless construction, frameless construction, integral body, unitary body |
carrosserie van lichtmetaal | AUTOMOT. | aluminium body, aluminum body |
carrosserie van staal | AUTOMOT. | steel body |
carrosserie-onderdeel | AUTOMOT. | body component, body part |
carrosseriebedrijf | ~ | body-works, car body works, motor body works |
carrosseriebeplating | AUTOMOT. | body panelling |
carrosseriebeschermstrip | AUTOMOT. | belt molding, belt moulding, body molding, body moulding, protecting molding, protecting moulding |
carrosseriebouw | AUTOMOT.; | 1. body work; 2. (bij bussen) coach work, coachwork |
carrosseriegeraamte | AUTOMOT. | body frame |
carrosseriegereedschap | AUTOMOT. | body-and-fender tools |
carrosseriekleur | AUTOMOT. | body coloring, body colouring |
carrosseriekleurcode | AUTOMOT. | body-color scheme, body-colour code |
carrosseriemodel | ~ | body style |
carrosserieonderdelen | AUTOMOT. | body fittings, body parts |
carrosserieontwerp | AUTOMOT. | body design |
carrosserieoppervlak | AUTOMOT. | skin |
carrosseriepaneel | AUTOMOT. | body panel |
carrosseriereparatie | AUTOMOT. | body repair |
carrosseriering | AUTOMOT. | sheet-metal ring |
carrosserieschroef | AUTOMOT. | sheet-metal screw, tapping screw |
carrosserietype | AUTOMOT. | body type |
carrosserievijl | AUTOMOT. | body file |
carrosserievorm | AUTOMOT. | body shape |
carrousel | MACH.; | 1. (spanningsomvormer) voltage adapter, voltage adaptor; 2. turret; 3. (speeltoestel) merry-go-round |
carrouseldraaibank | MACH. | turret lathe |
carrouseldraaibank met één kolom | ~ | single upright vertical boring and turning mill |
carrouseldraaibank met twee kolommen | ~ | double upright vertical boring and turning mill |
carrouseldroger | ~ | carrousel drier, revolving drier |
carrouselfreesmachine | ~ | circular table milling machine |
carrouselgeheugen | COMP. | carousel storage, roundabout storage |
carrouselgereedschaphouder | ~ | indexed toolholder, toolholding turret |
carrouselkast | ~ | revolving cabinet |
carrouselopberger | ~ | revolving storage unit |
carrouselpers | MACH. | rotary press |
carrouselplaat | ELEC.ENG. | voltage adapter plate |
carrouseltransportband | ~ ; | 1. (rondlopende transportband op luchthavens) carousel conveyor; 2. carrousel conveyor |
Carson’s bandbreedte | ~ | Carson bandwidth |
Carson’s bandbreedteregel | ~ | Carson bandwidth rule |
carter blow-by | ~ | crankcase blowby |
carter van koppelomvormer | ~ | torque converter sump |
carteraftapfilter | ~ | case drain filter |
carteraftapleiding | ~ | case drain line |
carteraftapolie | ~ | case drain oil |
carterbeschermingsplaat | AUTOMOT. | engine guard, engine skid plate, sump guard |
carterdampen | AUTOMOT. | blow-by gases |
carterontluchting | AUTOMOT. | crankcase breather, crankcase ventilator |
carterpakking | ~ | crankcase packing |
carterpan | ~ | oil pan, oil sump |
carterpomp | ~ | sump pump |
carterspoeling | ~ | crankcase scavenging |
cartesiaans assenstelsel | ~ | cartesian coordinates |
cartesiaanse coördinaten | AEROSP. | Cartesian coordinates |
cartesisch assenstelsel | ~ | cartesian coordinates |
cartesisch coördinatenstelsel | ~ | cartesian coordinate system |
cartesisch product | ~ | cartesian product |
cartesische configuratie | ~ | cartesian configuration |
cartesische coördinaten | ~ | cartesian coordinates |
cartesische robot | ~ | cartesian robot |
cartograaf | ~ | cartographer, mapper |
cartografie | ~ | cartography |
cartografisch | ~ | cartographic |
cartografisch tekenaar | ENVIRON. | cartographic draughtsman |
cartografische dienst | ENVIRON. | cartographic department |
cartografische ontwerpafdeling | ENVIRON. | cartographic design section |
cartoon | COMP. | cartoon |
cartotheek | ~ | card index, card index system, filing system |
cartridge | COMP. | cartridge |
carvacrol | CHEM.TECHN. | carvacrol |
carveol | CHEM.TECHN. | carveol |
carvon | ENVIRON. | carvone |
CAS | AEROSP. | Computed Airspeed |
CAS-beleid | COMP. | CAS policy |
cascade | CIV.ENG.; | 1. cascade; 2. cascade, fall in series, drop in series |
cascadebatterij | ~ | cascade battery |
cascadebeluchting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cascade aeration |
cascadebesturing | COMP. | cascade control |
cascadediagram | ~ | cascade diagram |
cascadedroger | AGRIC. | cascade drier, cascade dryer |
cascadeenergieschakeling | ENVIRON. | energy cascading |
cascadefiltratie | ENVIRON. | cascade filtration |
cascadegenerator | ~ | cascade generator |
cascadegeschakeld | ~ | connected in cascade, cascaded |
cascadeinvoer | COMP. | cascade entry |
cascademotor | ~ | cascade motor |
cascadeomvormer | ~ | cascade converter |
cascadeomzetter | ~ | cascade converter |
cascadeontvanger | ~ | tuned radio frequency receiver, straight receiver |
cascadeontvettingsinstallatie | ~ | multi-stage degreaser, multi-compartment degreaser |
cascadeontwikkeling | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cascade development |
cascadeproces | ~ | cascade process |
cascadereactor | ENVIRON. | cascade reactor |
cascaderegeling | ELECTRON., ELEC.ENG. | cascade control |
cascadering | COMP. | cascading |
cascadesamenvoeging | COMP. | cascade sorting, cascaded merging |
cascadeschakeling | ELECTRON. | cascade connection, concatenated connection, tandem connection |
cascadespoelen | ENVIRON. | cascade rinsing |
cascadespoelinstallatie | ENVIRON. | cascade-rinsing installation |
cascadestijlblad | COMP. | (abbr.: CSS) cascading style sheet |
cascadetest | ~ | batch test |
cascadetransformator | ~ | cascade transformer |
cascadeversterker | ELECTRON. | cascade amplifier |
cascadevispas | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cascaded fishway, fall and fall fishway |
cascadewaterkrachtwerk | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | step hydroelectric station |
cascadewaterval | ENVIRON. | cascade |
cascadezuiveringsinstallatie | ENVIRON. | cascade- purification installation |
casco | BUILD. | framework, carcass |
cascobouw | BUILD. | carcass work, unfinished work |
cascodeschakeling | ELECTRON. | cascode connection |
cascodeversterker | ~ | cascode amplifier |
cascoverzekering | SHIP.; | 1. comprehensive insurance policy; 2. body work insurance; 3. hull insurance |
CASE gereedschappen | ~ | CASE tools |
CASE integratiediensten | ~ | (abbr.: CIS) CASE integration services |
CASE raamwerk | ~ | CASE framework |
case study | ~ | case study |
CASE-gegevensuitwisselingsformaat | ~ | (abbr.: CDIF) CASE data interchange format |
caseïnaat | CHEM.TECHN. | caseinate |
caseïne | CHEM.TECHN. | casein |
caseïnelijm | ~ | casein glue |
caseïneplastic | ~ | caseine plastic |
caseïneverf | ~ | casein paint |
casestudy | ~ | case study |
cash | TEX. | cash |
cash-incentief op de lange termijn | COMP. | long- term cash incentive |
cashflow | COMP. | cash flow |
cashflowprognose | COMP. | cash flow forecast |
cashgora | TEX. | cashgora |
cassette | BUILD.; | 1. (geluidsband, videoband) cassette; 2. (film, foto) cassette, cartridge; 3. (van tafelgerei, zilverwaar) canteen, silverware case; 4. (kistje) box; 5. (verdiept liggend vlak in plafond, gewelf) coffer; 6. cartridge; 7. (van een cassettenvloer) waffle slab |
cassette-eenheid | COMP. | cassette unit |
cassette-lettertype | COMP. | cartridge font |
cassette-uitwerper | ~ | cassette ejector |
cassetteband | ~ | cassette tape |
cassettebandje | COMP. | audio cassette, music cassette |
cassettebandopnemer | ~ | cassette tape recorder |
cassettecamera | ~ | cassette camera |
cassettecompartiment | ~ | cassette compartment |
cassettehouder | ~ | cassette holder, cartridge holder |
cassettelettertype | COMP. | cartridge font |
cassettelezer | COMP. | cassette reader |
cassettelift | ~ | cassette lift |
cassetteloopwerk | COMP. | cassette drive, cassette unit |
cassettemagneetband | COMP. | cassette tape |
cassettenaaf | ~ | cassette hub |
cassettenplafond | ~ ; | 1. waffle ceiling; 2. groined slab |
cassettenvloer | ~ | waffle slab, slab floor |
cassetteschotel | ~ | reel disc |
cassettespeler | ~ | cassette player |
cassettotheek | ~ | cassette library |
Casteljau-methode | ~ | Casteljau method |
castiglianobeginsel | BUILD. | Castigliano principle, method of minimum strain energy, method of least work |
castiglianomethode | BUILD. | method of minimum strain energy, method of least work, Castigliano principle |
castorolie | ~ | castor oil |
casus | ~ | case |
CAT | ~ ; | 1. (computerondersteund testen) computer-aided testing, CAT, computer-assisted testing; 2. (computerondersteund vertalen) computer-aided translation, CAT |
catabolisme | ENVIRON. | catabolism |
catafoor | ~ | cat’s eye |
cataforese | ELEC.ENG., PHYS. | cataphoresis |
catalase | ~ | catalase |
catalogisering | ~ | cataloguing |
catalogus | ~ | catalog, catalogue |
catalogus voor reserveonderdelen | ~ | spare-parts list, parts catalogue |
cataloguseigenschap | COMP. | catalog property |
catalogusexpressie | COMP. | catalog expression |
catalogusgegevens | COMP. | catalog data |
catalogusprijs | ~ | list price, catalogue price, recommended catalogue price |
catalogusraadpleging op afstand | TELECOM. | telecatalog reference |
catalogussamenvoeging | COMP. | catalog merge |
catalogusschema | COMP. | catalog schema |
catalogussysteem | COMP. | catalog system, dataset catalog system |
cataractschroef | ~ | cataract screw |
catastrofaal | ~ | catastrophic |
catastrofaal bezwijken | AEROSP. | catastrophic failure |
catastrofale fout | ~ | catastrophic failure |
catastrofale storing | ELECTRON. | catastrophic failure |
catastrofe | ~ | catastrophe |
catechol | CHEM.TECHN. | catechol |
categorie | ~ | category |
categorie voor snelklikken | COMP. | quick click category |
categorieartikel | COMP. | category item |
categorieas | COMP. | category axis |
categoriecatalogus | COMP. | category catalog |
categorielabels met meerdere niveaus | COMP. | multiple-level category labels |
categorienaam | COMP. | category name, class name |
categorietest | ~ | class test |
categorieveld | COMP. | category field |
categorieveld in draaigrafiek | COMP. | pivot chart category field |
categorieverkenner | COMP. | category explorer |
categorisch ondubbelzinnig maken | ~ | categorical disambiguation |
categorische planning | ~ | categorical planning |
categoriseren | ENVIRON. | categorize |
categorisering | COMP. | categorizer |
cateringdienst | ~ | catering service |
cathexis | ~ | cathexis |
Cauchy-distributie | ~ | Cauchy distribution |
caudaal | ~ | caudal |
caulken | ~ | (dichtmaken van klinknaden) caulk, calk |
causaal mechanisme | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | causal mechanism |
causaalketen | ENVIRON. | cause-and-effect chain |
causaliteit | ~ | causality |
caustisch | CHEM.TECHN. | (bijtend, corrosief) caustic |
caustische kali | CHEM.TECHN. | caustic potash, potassium hydroxide |
caustische soda | CHEM.TECHN. | caustic soda, sodium hydroxide |
cavalier | BUILD. | (nokbedekking van dak) ridge plate |
cavitand | CHEM.TECHN. | cavitand |
cavitatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. cavitation, pitting, pit; 2. (op de schoepeinden) blade-tip cavitation; 3. (op de schoepen) blade-face cavitation; 4. (tussen de schoepen) blade- clearance cavitation; 5. (op rug van de schoepen) blade- shoulder cavitation |
cavitatie-erosie | HYDROL. | cavitation erosion |
cavitatiebereik | ~ | cavitation range |
cavitatiebeschermend | ~ | anticavitation, anti-cavitation |
cavitatiebeschermende bekleding | ~ | anticavitation coat, anti-cavitation coat |
cavitatieblaas | ~ | cavitation bubble |
cavitatiebreuk | AEROSP. | cavitation fracture |
cavitatiecoëfficiënt | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | pitting coefficient |
cavitatiekracht | ~ | cavitation force |
cavitatieruis | ~ | cavitation noise |
cavitatieschaal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cavitation scale |
cavitatievorming | ~ | cavitating, pitting |
cavitatievrije werking | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cavitation- free operation, cavitation-free performance |
cavitatieweerstand | ~ | pitting resistance |
caviteit | ENVIRON. | cavity |
caviteitscoëfficiënt | ~ | cavity coefficient, void coefficient |
caviteitsfractie | ~ | void ratio |
caviterende stroming | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cavitation flow |
CBN | ~ | (snijmateriaal) CBN, cubical boron nitride |
CBR-methode | BUILD. | California bearing ratio test, CBR- test |
CBS | STAT. | (centraal bureau voor de statistiek) Office for National Statistics |
cc-container | ~ | cc container |
CCL | COMP. | common command language |
CCT-diagram | WELD. | continuous cooling transformation diagram, CCT diagram |
Cd | CHEM.TECHN. | (cadmium) cadmium |
cd | COMP.; | 1. compact disc, CD; 2. CD |
cd- | COMP. | CD-I, interactive CD |
cd-audio | ~ | audio CD |
cd-bestandssysteem | COMP. | compat disk file system |
cd-brander | COMP. | CD burner |
cd-da | COMP. | CD digital audio, compact disc digital audio |
cd-doos | COMP. | jewelbox |
cd-hoes | COMP. | jewel case |
cd-i | ~ | CD-I, interactive CD |
cd-kwaliteit | COMP. | CD quality |
cd-opslag | COMP. | (van data) CD-storage |
cd-printer | COMP. | CD-printer |
cd-r | COMP. | CD-R |
cd-recordable | COMP. | compact disc-recordable |
cd-recorder | COMP. | CD recorder |
cd-ripper | COMP. | CD ripper |
cd-schijf | ~ | CD-disc |
cd-schrijver | ~ | CD writer |
cd-speler | COMP.; | 1. CD-player; 2. CD player, compact disc player |
cd-station | ~ | CD drive |
cd-sticker | COMP. | CD label, CD sticker |
cd-video | COMP. | video CD |
cd-wo | COMP. | CD write once, CD write once read multiple |
cd-writer | COMP. | CD writer |
cdprom | ~ | (abbr.: CD-PROM) compact disk PROM |
cdrom | COMP. | CDROM, compact disc read only memory |
cdrom RW | COMP. | rewritable CD-ROM, rewritable compact disc |
cdrom-bestandssysteem | COMP. | CD-ROM file system |
cdrom-controller | COMP. | CD-ROM controller |
cdrom-drive | COMP. | CD-ROM drive |
cdrom-interface | COMP. | CD-ROM interface |
cdrom-jukebox | COMP. | CD-ROM jukebox |
cdrom-prestatiegegevens | COMP. | CD-ROM performance data |
cdrom-schijf | COMP. | CD-ROM disk |
cdrom-speler | COMP. | CD-ROM drive |
cdrom-station | COMP. | CD-ROM drive |
cdrom-wisselaar | COMP. | CD-ROM jukebox |
CDU | AEROSP. | Control Display Unit |
cd’s branden zonder pauzes | COMP. | gapless CD burning |
cd/dvd-brander | COMP. | disc burner |
Ce | CHEM.TECHN. | (cerium) cerium |
CE-markering | ~ | CE marking, CE mark, CE approval mark, CE designation |
CE-markeringsvoorschriften | ~ | CE approval directives, CE marking directives |
CE-voorschriften | ~ | CE approval directives, CE marking directives |
ceconite | ~ | ceconite |
cederhout | ~ | cedar wood |
cederkleurig | ~ | cedry |
cederolie | ~ | cedar oil |
cedille | COMP. | cedilla |
ceefax | TELECOM. | ceefax |
cefalosporine | ENVIRON. | cephalosporin |
ceintuurbaan | RAIL.; | 1. belt-railway, circular railway; 2. (van een tram) circular tramline, belt tramline |
cel | BUILD.; | 1. cell; 2. (ruimte) core |
celaanroep | TELECOM. | cell call |
celaanwijzer | COMP. | cell pointer |
celafbraak | ENVIRON. | cytolysis |
celafstand | COMP. | cell spacing |
celbereik | COMP. | cell range |
celbesturingsapparaat | ~ | cell controller |
celbeveiliging | COMP. | cell protection |
celchemie | ENVIRON. | cytochemistry |
celcontactstuk | ~ | cell switch contact |
celdecompositie | ~ | cell decomposition |
celdeling | ~ | amitosis, cell division |
celfusie | ~ | cell fusion |
celgif | ENVIRON. | cytotoxin |
celhouder | ~ | cell holder |
celinspectie | ~ | cell inspection |
celinspectielamp | ~ | cell inspection lamp |
celkern | ~ | cell nucleus |
celkerneiwit | ~ | nucleoprotein |
celkerneiwitten | PHYS. | nucleoprotein |
cellenbeton | BUILD. | aercrete, breeze concrete, cellular concrete, aerated concrete, foamed concrete |
cellenbetonblok | BUILD. | aercrete block, aercrete brick, breeze concrete brick, cellular concrete brick, aerated concrete brick, foamed concrete brick |
cellenbibliotheek | ~ | cell library |
cellencaisson | CIV.ENG., BUILD. | cellular caisson |
cellencommunicatie | TELECOM. | cellular communication |
cellendam | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cellular dam |
cellendamwand | CIV.ENG., HYDROL. | cellular cofferdam |
cellendek | ~ ; | 1. (van een graansilo) cellular bin flooring; 2. (algemeen) cellular flooring |
cellendeur | BUILD., CIV.ENG. | cellular core |
cellendichtheid | ~ | cell density |
cellenkernmuur | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cellular core wall |
cellenmodel | ~ | cell model |
cellenstructuur | ~ | cellular structure |
cellenvloer | ~ | cellular flooring |
cellenwand | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cell wall, cellular wall |
cello | ~ | violoncel, violoncello |
cellobiose | ENVIRON. | cellobiose |
cellofaan | POLYM. | cellophane |
cellofaneermachine | ~ | cellophane wrapping machine, cellulose film wrapping machine |
celloïde | ~ | celloid |
celloïdine | ~ | celloidine |
cellsynthese | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cell synthesis |
cellulair | ~ | cellular |
cellulaire communicatie | TELECOM. | cellular communication |
cellulaire fabricage | ~ | cellular manufacturing |
celluloïde | ~ | celluloid, xylonite |
celluloïdepapier | ~ | celluloid paper |
celluloïdeplaat | ~ | celluloid plate |
cellulose | FOODST.; | 1. (grondstof voor papierfabricage) chemical pulp, wood pulp; 2. (E-nummer: E460 ) cellulose |
cellulose-acetaatbutyraat | ~ | cellulose acetate butyrate |
cellulose-acetaatbutyraatfoelie | ~ | cellulose acetate butyrate foil |
cellulose-economie | ENVIRON. | cellulose economy |
cellulose-ester | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose ester |
celluloseacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: CA) cellulose acetate |
celluloseacetaatbutyraat | ~ | (abbr.: CAB) cellulose acetate butyrate |
cellulosedraad | ~ | cellulose filament, cellulose thread |
cellulosefilm | ~ | cellulose film |
cellulosehydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose hydrate |
celluloselak | ~ | cellulose lacquer |
cellulosenitraat | POLYM. | (abbr.: CN) cellulose nitrate |
cellulosepapier | ~ | cellulose paper, wood pulp paper |
cellulosepropanoaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose propanoate |
cellulosepropionaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose propionate |
celluloseverbinding | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose compound, cellulose derivative |
cellulosexanthaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose xanthate |
cellulosexanthogenaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cellulose xanthogenate |
celmarges | COMP. | cell margins |
celmembraan | ~ | cell membrane |
celmeter | ~ | cell meter |
celmodel | ~ | cell model |
celopmaak | COMP. | cell style, cells effects |
celopvulling | COMP. | cell padding |
celpolyethyleen | CHEM.TECHN. | cellular polyethylene |
celproef | GEOTECHN. | cell test |
celreferentie | COMP. | cell reference |
celrelais | ~ | cell relay |
celrubberband | ~ | cellular rubber filler, cellular rubber tape |
Celsius | ~ | (abbr.: C) Celsius, Centigrade |
Celsiusschaal | ~ | Celsius scale, centigrade scale |
Celsiustemperatuur | ~ | Celsius temperature |
Celsiusthermometer | ~ | centigrade thermometer |
celstof | TEX.; | 1. cellulose; 2. (weefsel, ook m.b.t. papier) chemical pulp |
celstof- en papierfabriekafvalwater | ENVIRON. | pulp and paper mill wastewater |
celtester | ELEC.ENG. | battery cell tester |
celtium | ~ | hafnium |
celverbinding | ~ | (van een accu) cell connector |
celverwijzing | COMP. | cell reference |
celvormig | ~ | cellular |
celwand | ~ | cell membrane |
celweefsel | ~ | cellular tissue |
celzwarting | COMP. | cell shading |
cembre-pinverbinding | ~ | Cembre pin connection |
cement | ~ | cement |
cement met plastificeermiddel | CIV.ENG. | plasticized cement |
cement met verhardingsvertrager | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] retarded cement |
cement-bentonietbeton | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cement bentonite concrete |
cement-estrichvloer | BUILD. | cement screed |
cement-toeslagreactie | BUILD. | cement-aggregate reaction |
cement-zandverhouding | BUILD. | cement-sand ratio |
cementatie | BUILD. | cementation |
cementatiegang | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | grouting gallery |
cementatieproces | AUTOMOT. | case hardening, cementation |
cementbedekking | BUILD. | cement coating |
cementbekleding | BUILD. | cement coating, cement lining |
cementbepleistering | BUILD. | cement plastering, cement rendering |
cementbeton | BUILD. | cement concrete |
cementbeton met AVI-slak | ENVIRON. | concrete containing incinerator slag |
cementbeton met vliegas | ENVIRON. | concrete containing PFA |
cementbrij | BUILD. | cement paste, cement slurry, grout |
cementdekvloer | BUILD. | cement floor, cement screed |
cementeerkist | BUILD. | cementing chest, converting chest |
cementeeroven | BUILD. | carbonizing furnace, converting furnace |
cementeerpoeder | BUILD. | cementing powder, solid carburizing compound |
cementeerstaal | ~ | case-hardening steel, cemented steel, carburizing steel, blister steel, heat treatable steel |
cementeerzout | ~ | case-hardening salt |
cementen | BUILD. | cement, of cement |
cementeren | ~ | cement, case-harden, carbonize, carburize, pack-carburizing |
cementering | ~ ; | 1. case-hardening, cementation, cementing; 2. carbonization |
cementgaafheid | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | soundness of cement |
cementhuid | BUILD. | cement skin/coating |
cementhydratatie | ~ | cement hydration |
cementiet | ~ | cementite, carbide of iron |
cementijzer | BUILD. | ferro concrete |
cementinjectie | BUILD. | cement injection, cement grouting |
cementkanon | BUILD. | cement gin |
cementklinker | BUILD. | cement clinker |
cementkluit | BUILD. | air-set lump |
cementlijm | BUILD. | cement |
cementloods | BUILD. | cement storage depot, cement store |
cementmelk | BUILD. | cement grout, cement paste, cement slurry |
cementmolen | ~ | cement mixer |
cementmortel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. cement mortar; 2. compo mortar |
cementmortelspuit | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | gun jet nozzle |
cementnaald | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cement needle |
cementpap | ~ | cement slurry |
cementpasta | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cement paste |
cementpistool | BUILD. | cement gun |
cementplaat | BUILD. | slab of cement |
cementpleister | BUILD. | cement plaster, cement rendering |
cementplint | BUILD. | base course |
cementplug | PETROCHEM. | cement plug |
cementrubber | BUILD. | cement rubber latex |
cementsilo | ~ | cement bin, cement silo |
cementspecie | BUILD.; | 1. cement mortar; 2. (voegvulling) grout |
cementspuit | ~ ; | 1. (van guniet) gunite machine; 2. cement gun |
cementstaal | BUILD. | blister steel, case-hardening steel (CHS), cemented steel |
cementsteen | BUILD. | cement stone |
cementtegel | BUILD. | cement tile |
cementvilt | BUILD. | cement felt |
cementvloer | BUILD. | cement floor |
cementvoeg | BUILD. | cement joint |
Cenozoïcum | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Cainozoic era, Cenozoic era |
Cenozoïcum-era | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Cainozoic era |
Cenozoïcum-groep | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Cainozoic group |
censuur | ~ | censorship |
cent | ELECTRON. | cent |
centenaar | ~ | centner, hundredweight |
center | ~ | centre, centre dot |
center- | ~ | center, centre- |
centerafstand | MECH.ENG., MACH. | centre-to-centre distance, centre distance, distance between centres |
centerbank | MACH. | center lathe, centre lathe |
centerbeitel | MACH. | center tool, center bit, centre bit |
centerboren | ~ | (draaibank) center-drill, centre-drill |
centercontacthouder | MACH., MECH.ENG. | center contact holder, centre contact holder |
centerdraaibank | MACH. | center lathe, centre lathe |
centerdraaier | MECH.ENG., MACH. | lathe operator, turner |
centeren | MACH. | center, centre |
centerfrequentie | MACH. | centre frequence, center frequence |
centergat | MACH. | center hole, centre hole |
centergatboren | MACH. | center drill, center drilling |
centergatslijpmachine | MECH.ENG., MACH. | (soort draaibank) center hole grinding machine, centre hole grinding machine |
centerhoogte | MACH., MECH.ENG. | centre height, height of centres |
centerloos | MACH. | centreless, centerless |
centerloos draaien | MACH. | centreless machining, centreless tooling |
centerloos insteekslijpen | ~ | centreless infeed grinding |
centerloos slijpen | ~ | centreless grinding |
centerloze draaibank | MACH. | centreless lathe |
centerloze slijpmachine | ~ | centreless grinding machine |
centermerk | MACH. | centre mark |
centerpen | MACH. | centring pen, form spacer, tie rod |
centerpons | MACH. | centre punch |
centerponsen | MACH. | center punch, centre punch |
centerpuntslijpmachine | MACH. | centre hole grinding machine |
centersnelheid | MACH. | (van spilkop) turning speed |
centerspits | MACH., MECH.ENG. | (van de losse kop) back centre |
centi | ELECTRON. | centi |
centiel | ~ | centile |
centimeter | ~ | (abbr.: cm) centimetre |
centimeter-gram-seconde | ELECTRON. | centimeter- gram-second (cgs) system |
centimeter-gram-seconde systeem | ~ | centimeter-gram- second system, cgs system |
centimeter-gram-seconde-eenheden | ~ | centimetre gram seconds units |
centimeter-gram-secondestelsel | ~ | centimetre gram seconds system |
centraal | ~ | central |
centraal antennesysteem | ~ | community antenna system, master antenna system, community aerial system |
centraal bedieningspaneel | COMP. | (voor het beheren van data, parameters op servers e.d.) central control panel, executive dashboard |
centraal bedieningsstation | ENVIRON. | central control station, central control post |
centraal besturingsorgaan | ~ | central control unit |
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek | STAT. | (abbr.: CBS) Netherlands Statistics Insitute |
centraal computersysteem | COMP. | centralized computer system |
centraal differentieel | AUTOMOT. | center differential, centre differential |
centraal gecombineerd stoot- en trekwerk | RAIL. | central buffer coupling |
Centraal Landelijk Informatiepunt Milieudelicten | ENVIRON. | National Information Centre for Environmental Offences |
centraal machinegebouw | ~ | central machine-house |
Centraal Planbureau | ENVIRON. | (abbr.: CPB) Central Planning Office |
centraal registratiemodel | COMP. | centralized registration model |
centraal smeersysteem | ~ | centralized lubricating system |
centraal televisie-antennesysteem | ~ | (abbr.: CATV) community antenna system for television, master antenna system for television |
centraal veem | ~ | central warehouse |
centraal vergrendelsysteem | ~ | central locking system |
centraal verwarmingssysteem | ~ | central heating system |
centraal verwerkingsorgaan | ~ | central processor, main frame |
centrale | ~ | centre, center, main power station, exchange |
centrale aandrijving | ~ | centralized drive |
centrale antenne | ~ | community antenna, community aerial, master antenna, master aerial |
centrale antenne-installatie | ~ | community antenna installation, master antenna installation, community aerial installation |
centrale as | AUTOMOT. | central axle, supporting axle |
centrale bank | ~ | central bank |
centrale batterij | ~ | common battery |
centrale bedieningspost | ENVIRON. | central control post, central control desk |
centrale benzine-inspuiting | AUTOMOT. | central fuel injection, central injection, single-point fuel injection, single- point injection |
centrale besturingseenheid | ~ | central control unit |
centrale boring | ~ | central bore |
centrale bougie-elektrode | AUTOMOT. | central electrode |
centrale brandstofvulling | AEROSP. | single point fuelling |
centrale buffer | RAIL. | centre buffer |
centrale chassissmering | AUTOMOT. | centralized chassis lubrication |
centrale computer | COMP. | central computer, host computer |
centrale dashboard | COMP. | (bij serverbeheerssystemen) executive dashboard |
centrale deurvergrendeling | AUTOMOT. | central door lock, central door locking system |
centrale draagbalk | AUTOMOT. | central member |
centrale drinkwatervoorziening | ENVIRON. | central drinking water supply |
centrale elektronische regeleenheid | AUTOMOT. | central electronic processing unit, central EPU |
centrale frequentie | ~ | central frequency |
centrale hoek | GEOM. | central angle |
centrale in de stuwdam | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | powerhouse within the dam |
centrale koeling | ~ | central cooling |
centrale kracht | ~ | central force |
centrale lijn | ~ | centre line |
centrale luchtverwarming | ~ | central air heating |
centrale met dagelijkse berging | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] daily storage plant |
centrale met laag vermogen | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | low-capacity plant |
centrale met middelgroot vermogen | ENVIRON. | medium capacity plant |
centrale met overlaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | overflow- type power plant |
centrale met permanent reservoir | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] full-time storage plant |
centrale met reservoir | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | storage plant |
centrale met volledig verval | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | concentrated fall-type station |
centrale niet-draaiende as | AUTOMOT. | central tube |
centrale onderdrukkingseenheid | ~ | central suppression unit |
centrale opening | ~ | central aperture |
centrale overheid | ~ | central government |
centrale portiervergrendeling | AUTOMOT. | central door lock, central door-locking system, central locking system, CDL system, power door lock |
Centrale Raad voor Milieuhygiëne | ENVIRON. | Central Council on Environmental Protection |
centrale regeleenheid | AUTOMOT. | central control unit, central processing unit, computer command centre |
centrale regelkamer | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | central control room |
centrale schakelpost | ELEC.ENG. | central control post |
centrale smering | ~ | central lubrication, centralized oiling |
centrale spanningsvoorziening | AUTOMOT. | central power supply |
centrale stoot | MECH.ENG. | central impact |
centrale stuureenheid | AUTOMOT. | central control unit, central processing unit, computer command centre |
centrale tandbalk | ~ | (met vertanding aan weerszijden) locker rack |
centrale tendentie | ~ | central tendency |
centrale verdeelinrichting | ~ | central distributor |
centrale vergrendeling | AUTOMOT. | central locking |
centrale verwarming | ~ | central heating |
centrale verwerkingseenheid | ~ | (abbr.: CPU) central processing unit |
centrale voeding | AUTOMOT. | central power supply |
centrale zonder berging | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | plant without storage |
centrale-batterijsysteem | ~ | common battery system |
centrale-verwarmingsketel | ~ | central boiler unit |
centrale-verwarmingssysteem | ~ | central heating system |
centraledebiet | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | power plant discharge |
centralegebied | ~ | exchange area |
centralekanaal | ~ | (van waterkrachtcentrale) plant waterway |
centraletoebehoren | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | plant accessories |
centralevermogen | ENERG.; | 1. plant capacity, station capacity; 2. (m.b.t. kerncentrale) reactor plant capacity |
centralisatie | ~ | centralization |
centralisatie van de informatie | ~ | centralisation of information |
centraliseren | ~ | centralize |
centratorkoppeling | ~ | central coupling, multiplying gear, reducing gear |
centreer- | MACH. | centering -, centring - |
centreerapparaat | MACH. | centre punch |
centreerautomaat | MACH. | automatic centring machine |
centreerbank | MACH. | centring machine |
centreerbord | MACH. | centring board |
centreerbout | ~ | center bolt |
centreerdoorn | ~ | centring mandrel, centring mandril |
centreerdop | MACH. | centring boss |
centreereenheid | MACH. | centring unit |
centreerfout | MACH. | centring error |
centreergat | MACH. | centring hole |
centreergereedschap | MACH. | centring tool |
centreerhaak | MACH. | centre square |
centreerhals | ~ | (brootsgereedschap) front pilot, pilot taper |
centreerinrichting | MACH. | centring device |
centreerlager | AUTOMOT. | centering bearing, centring bearing, pilot bearing |
centreermagneet | ~ | centring magnet |
centreermal | MACH. | centring jig |
centreermiddel | MACH. | centralizer |
centreernauwkeurigheid | ~ | centring accuracy |
centreernok | MACH. | centring boss |
centreerpen | MACH. | centring pin |
centreerplaat | MACH. | centring plate |
centreerpunt | MACH. | centring point |
centreerring | MACH. | adjusting ring, centring ring |
centreerscherm | AEROSP. | apex |
centreerschroef | MACH. | centring screw |
centreerstang | MACH. | centring rod |
centreerstift van stuurinrichting | AUTOMOT. | cylindrical pin, straight pin |
centreerstrip | ~ | centring strip |
centreerstuk | MACH. | centring piece |
centreertap | MACH. | centring journal |
centreerwig | MACH. | centring wedge |
centrepoint-besturing | AUTOMOT. | center-point steering, centre-point steering |
centreren | ~ ; | 1. centre, center; 2. (merken) mark with centre punch, mark with prick punch; 3. (van assen) align; 4. (uitlijnen) centralize; 5. (in het midden brengen, plaatsen) centre; 6. (richten, juist plaatsen) locate |
centrering | MACH. | centering, centring |
centreringsregelaar | ~ | centring controller |
centreringsregeling | ~ | centring control |
centrifugaal gieten | ~ | centrifugal casting, centrispinning |
centrifugaal gieten met hoge | ~ | |
omwentelingssnelheid | ~ | centrispinning |
centrifugaal gietstuk | ~ | centrifugal casting, spun-type casting |
centrifugaal gietwerk | ~ | centrifugal casting, spun-type casting |
centrifugaal oliefilter | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal oil filter |
centrifugaal sorteren | ENVIRON. | centrifugal classification |
centrifugaal traagheidsmoment | ~ | centrifugal moment of inertia |
centrifugaal type | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrifugal type |
centrifugaal ziften | ENVIRON. | centrifugal classification |
centrifugaal-exhauster | ~ | centrifugal exhauster |
centrifugaalafscheider | ~ | centrifugal separator |
centrifugaalapparaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrifugal apparatus |
centrifugaalbelasting | ~ | centrifugal load |
centrifugaalbeton | BUILD. | centrifugated concrete |
centrifugaalcompressor | ~ | centrifugal compressor |
centrifugaalcondenser | ~ | centrifugal condensor |
centrifugaalcondensor | ~ | centrifugal condensor |
centrifugaaldiepwelpomp | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrifugal deep-well pump |
centrifugaaldroger | ~ | centrifugal drier, hydroextractor |
centrifugaalgewicht | ~ | centrifugal weight |
centrifugaalgewicht van koppeling | AUTOMOT. | clutch weight |
centrifugaalkoppeling | ~ | centrifugal clutch |
centrifugaalkracht | ~ | centrifugal force |
centrifugaalmengpomp | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrifugal blender |
centrifugaalmoment | ~ | centrifugal moment |
centrifugaalonderdrukregelaar | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal-and-vacuum governor |
centrifugaalpomp | ~ | centrifugal pump |
centrifugaalpomphuis | AUTOMOT. | spiral casing |
centrifugaalregelaar | ~ | centrifugal regulator |
centrifugaalregulateur | AUTOMOT.; | 1. pendulum governor; 2. centrifugal governor |
centrifugaalrelais | ~ | centrifugal relay |
centrifugaalrem | ~ | centrifugal brake |
centrifugaalslinger | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrifugal pendulum |
centrifugaalsmeertoestel | ~ | centrifugal lubricator |
centrifugaalsmering | ~ | centrifugal lubrication |
centrifugaalspanning | ~ ; | 1. centrifugal stress; 2. (in drijfriem) centrifugal tension |
centrifugaalstartinrichting | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal starter |
centrifugaalstofafzuiger | ~ | centrifugal dust exhausting fan |
centrifugaalstraalpijp | ~ | centrifugal nozzle |
centrifugaalstrooier | AGRIC. | centrifugal broadcaster |
centrifugaalstrooier voor kalk | AGRIC. | lime broadcaster |
centrifugaalstrooier voor kunstmest | AGRIC. | fertilizer broadcaster |
centrifugaalventilator | ~ | centrifugal blast engine, centrifugal blower, centrifugal fan |
centrifugaalversnelling | ENVIRON. | centrifugal acceleration |
centrifugaalverstuiver | ENVIRON.; | 1. atomiser, centrifugal sprayer; 2. atomiser, atomizer, centrifugal sprayer |
centrifugaalvervroeger | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal regulator |
centrifugaalvervroeging | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal advance, mechanical advance |
centrifugaalvoorontsteking | AUTOMOT. | centrifugal ignition advance, centrifugal spark advance, centrifugally controlled ignition advance |
centrifugaalwerking | ~ | centrifugal effect |
centrifugaalzaaimachine | AGRIC. | centrifugal seed-drill |
centrifugaalzuiveraar | ~ | centrifugal purifier |
centrifugaat | ~ | centrifugate, centrifuge effluent |
centrifugale collector | ~ | centrifugal collector |
centrifugale compressor | ~ | centrifugal compressor |
centrifugale compressor met dubbele waaier | ~ | double entry centrifugal compressor |
centrifugale koppeling | ~ | centrifugal clutch |
centrifugale kracht | ~ | centrifugal force |
centrifugale lossing | TRANSP. | centrifugal discharge |
centrifugale slagmolen | ~ | centrifugal crusher |
centrifugale stroming | ~ | centrifugal flow |
centrifugale waaier | ~ | centrifugal impeller |
centrifugale/middelpuntvliedende kracht | ~ | centrifugal power |
centrifugeergang | ~ | spinning run |
centrifugeertrommel | ~ | spin drier drum |
centrifugeervloeistof | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centrate |
centrifugeproef | GEOTECHN. | centrifuge test |
centrifugeren | TEX.; | 1. centrifuge; 2. (voor wasgoed) spin dry; 3. hydro-extract |
centrifugering | ~ | centrifugation |
centrifugetrommel | ~ | centrifugal drum, spin drier drum |
centripetaal | ~ | centripetal |
centripetaalkracht | ~ | centripetal force |
centripetaalpomp | ~ | centripetal pump |
centripetaalturbine | ~ | centripetal turbine |
centripetale afwatering | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centripetal drainage |
centripetale kracht | ~ | centripetal force |
centripetale stroming | ~ | centripetal flow |
centripetale turbine | ~ | centripetal turbine |
centripetale/middelpuntzoekende kracht | ~ | centripetal force |
centrisch | ~ | centric, centrical |
centrische belasting | AUTOMOT. | axial load, central load, centric load |
centroclinale plooi | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | centroclinal fold |
Centronics-interface | COMP. | (merknaam) Centronics interface |
centrum | ~ | centre, center |
centrum voor beveiliging tegen schadelijke | ~ | |
software | COMP. | malware protection center |
Centrum voor Energiebesparing | ENVIRON. | Centre for Energy Conservation |
centrum voor kernfysisch onderzoek | ~ | nuclear research centre |
centrum voor landbouwonderzoek | ~ | agricultural research station |
centrum voor netwerkexploitatie en beheer | TELECOM. | network operating and management center |
centrum voor nucleair onderzoek | ~ | nuclear research centre |
centrumbemonstering | ~ | center sampling |
centrumfrequentie | ~ | center frequency |
centrumgebied | SPAT.PLAN. | central area |
centrummilieu | SPAT.PLAN. | city centre environment |
centrumvorming | ~ | (m.b.t. planologie) centre formation |
cephaline | CHEM.TECHN. | cephalin |
ceramiek | ELECTRON. | ceramics |
ceramisch | ~ | ceramic |
cerdip-behuizing | ELECTRON. | cerdip package |
cerdip-montage | ELECTRON. | cerdip assembly |
Cerenkov-detector | ~ | Cerenkov detector |
Cerenkov-effect | ~ | Cerenkov effect |
Cerenkov-straling | ~ | Cerenkov radiation |
Cerenkov-teller | ~ | Cerenkov counter |
ceri- | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric |
cerianiet | CHEM.TECHN. | cerianite |
ceriet | ~ | cerite |
cerihydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric hydroxide |
cerinitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric nitrate |
cerioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric oxide |
cerisulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric sulphate |
cerium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Ce) cerium |
ceriumboride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium boride |
ceriumcarbide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium carbide |
ceriumchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium chloride |
ceriumdioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium dioxide |
ceriumhydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium hydroxide |
ceriumnitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium nitrate |
ceriumoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium oxide |
ceriumsesquioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium sesquioxide |
ceriumsilicide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium silicide |
ceriumsulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium sulphate |
ceriumzout | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium salt |
cerium(III)bromide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) bromide |
cerium(III)carbide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) carbide |
cerium(III)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) chloride |
cerium(III)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) fluoride |
cerium(III)jodide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) iodide |
cerium(III)oxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) oxide |
cerium(III)sulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(III) sulfide |
cerium(II)sulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(II) sulfide |
cerium(IV)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(IV) fluoride |
cerium(IV)oxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(IV) oxide |
cerium(IV)sulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cerium(IV) sulfate |
cerizout | CHEM.TECHN. | ceric salt |
cermet | CHEM.TECHN. | keramiekmetaal |
cermet-behuizing | ELECTRON. | metal-ceramic package |
cermet-geleider | ELECTRON. | cermet conductor |
cermet-poeder | ~ | cermet powder, ceramic-metallic powder |
cermet-procedé | ELECTRON. | cermet process |
cermet-weerstand | ~ | cermet resistor |
cero- | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous |
cerochloride | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous chloride |
cerohydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous hydroxide |
ceronitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous nitrate |
cerooxide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous oxide |
ceroplastiek | CHEM.TECHN. | ceroplastics |
ceroplastisch | CHEM.TECHN. | ceroplastic |
cerosulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous sulphate |
cerosulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous sulphide |
cerotinezuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cerotinic acid |
cerozout | CHEM.TECHN. | cerous salt |
certificaat | CHEM.TECHN. | attest, certificate |
certificaat inzake goederenverkeer | ~ | movement certificate |
certificaat van goedkeuring | ~ | certificate of approval, approval certification |
certificaat van herkomst | ~ | certificate of origin |
certificaat van inschrijving/registratie | ~ | certificate of registry |
certificaat van laadvermogen | ~ | deadweight certificate |
certificaat van oorsprong | ~ | certificate of origin |
certificaat voor clientverificatie | COMP. | client authentication certificate |
certificaat voor de infrastructuur van openbare | ~ | |
sleutels | COMP. | public key infrastructure certificate |
certificaat voor token-ondertekening | COMP. | token-signing certificate |
certificaatabonnee | COMP. | certificate subscriber |
certificaatarchief | COMP. | certificate store |
certificaatbeheerder | COMP. | certificate manager |
certificaathouder | ~ | certificate holder |
certificaatinschrijving | COMP. | certificate enrollment |
certificaatinschrijvingsbeleid | COMP. | certificate enrollment policy |
certificaatintrekking | COMP. | certificate revocation |
certificaatintrekkingscontrole | COMP. | certificate revocation checking |
certificaatintrekkingslijst | COMP. | certificate revocation list |
certificaatketen | COMP.; | 1. certification path; 2. certificate chain |
certificaatsjabloon | COMP. | certificate template |
certificaatuitgifte | COMP. | certificate issuance |
certificaatverlener | COMP. | certificate issuer |
certificaatvertrouwenslijst | COMP. | certificate trust list |
certificatie | ~ | certification |
certificatie van het kwaliteitssysteem | ~ | certification of quality system |
certificatie voor de bosbouw | ~ | forest certification |
certificatie-instelling | ~ | certification authority |
certificatie-instituut | ~ | certification institute |
certificatieprocedure | ~ | certification procedure |
certificeren | ~ | certify |
certificering | ~ | certification |
certificeringsinstantie | COMP.; | 1. certifying body, certification authority; 2. certification authority |
certificeringsinstituut | ~ | certification institute, certification authority, certifying body |
certificeringsprogramma van leveranciers | ~ | supplier certification program |
certificeringsprocedure | ~ | (abbr.: CS) certification procedure |
certificeringsspecificaties | ~ | (abbr.: CS) certification specifications |
cerussiet | CHEM.TECHN. | cerussite, crystallized lead (II) carbonate, white lead ore |
cerviduct | ENVIRON. | cerviduct |
cervocilinder | ~ | servo-cylinder |
cesium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Cs) caesium, cesium |
cesium-137 | NUCL.PHYS. | caesium-137 |
cesiumcel | ELEC.ENG. | caesium cell |
cesiumklok | ELEC.ENG. | cesium clock |
cetaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cetane |
cetaangetal | CHEM.TECHN. | cetane number |
cetaangetal van dieselbrandstof | ~ | diesel index |
cetylzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cetylic acid |
Cf | CHEM.TECHN. | (californium) californium |
CFK | ENVIRON. | chlorofluorocarbon, CFC |
CFK-concentratie | ENVIRON. | CFC concentration |
CFK-drijfgas | ENVIRON. | CFC propellant |
CFK-emissie | ENVIRON. | CFC-emission |
CFK-gehalte | ENVIRON. | CFC concentration |
CFK-uitstoot | ENVIRON. | CFC-emission |
CFK-verbod | ENVIRON. | CFC prohibition |
CFK-vernietiging | ENVIRON. | CFC destruction |
CFK-verontreiniging | ENVIRON. | CFC pollution |
CFK-vervanging | ENVIRON. | CFC-replacement |
CFK-vervuiling | ENVIRON. | CFC pollution |
CFK-vrij | ENVIRON. | CFC-free |
CFL | ~ | (compacte TL) CFL, compact fluorescent light |
CGA | COMP. | colour graphics adapter, color graphics adapter |
CGA-beeldscherm | COMP. | CGA-type display |
CGA-kaart | COMP. | CGA board, color graphics adapter |
cgs-stelsel | COMP. | cgs system |
CGS-systeem | ~ | centimeter-gram-seconds system |
chalcedoon | CHEM.TECHN. | calcedony, chalcedony |
chalcofiel | MIN. | chalcophile |
chalcograaf | ~ | chalcographer |
chalcografie | ~ | (kopergraveerkunst) chalcography |
chalcoliet | MIN. | chalcolite |
chalcopyriet | MIN. | chalcopyrite, copper pyrite |
chalcosiet | ~ | chalcosite, glance of copper, sulphide of copper |
chamosiet | MIN. | chamosite |
chamotte | ~ | chamotte, fire clay, fire refractory clay |
chamottesteen | MIN. | fire stone |
champagne | ~ | champagne |
champagnedruif | ~ | champagne grape |
champignonteelt | ~ | mushroom-growing, mushroom cultivation |
chanoineklepstuw | HYDROL. | Chanoince shutter weir |
chantillyparket | ~ | Chantilly parquet |
chape | ~ ; | 1. (licht betonnen dekvloer) light concrete floor; 2. (licht beton) light concrete mortar |
chappe | TEX. | floret silk, schappe silk, schappe, waste silk |
charge | ~ | batch |
chargegereed | ~ | (bij hoogovens) ready to be charged |
chargegrootte | ~ | batch size |
chargenprotocol | PROD. | (bij productie) batch protocol |
chargenummer | ~ | batch number |
chargeren | ~ | (bij hoogovens) charge, load |
Charpy-hamer | ~ | (bij kerfslagproef) charpy striker |
Charpy-kerfslagproef | ~ | Charpy notch impact test |
Charpy-slagproef | ~ | Charpy impact test |
charteren | ~ | charter, chartering |
chartermaatschappij | ~ | charter company |
chartervliegtuig | ~ | charter aircraft |
chartervlucht | AEROSP. | charter flight |
chasseeractiviteit | ~ | chasing activity |
chasseren | ~ | chase, expedite, expediting |
chasseur | ~ | chaser, expeditor |
chassis | PHOTO.; | 1. chassis, frame, undercarriage; 2. (montageplaat) mounting plate; 3. plate-holder, dark-slide |
chassis met centrale buis | AUTOMOT. | center-tube chassis, centre-tube frame |
chassis met platte laadbak | AUTOMOT. | platform chassis, platform frame |
chassis volgens sandwich-principe | AUTOMOT. | sandwich-type chassis |
chassisaarde | ~ | frame ground |
chassisachterplaat | ~ | chassis backplate |
chassisafdekplaat | ~ | chassis cover |
chassisbeugel | ~ | chassis bracket |
chassisbok | AUTOMOT. | chassis stand |
chassisnummer | ~ | chassis number, chassis-identification number |
chassisraam | ~ | chassis frame |
chassisrevisie | AUTOMOT. | chassis overhaul |
chassisrichtgereedschap | AUTOMOT. | pulling equipment |
chassissmering | ~ | chassis lubrication |
chassisverlenging | AUTOMOT. | frame extension |
chassiszijde | AUTOMOT. | chassis side |
chat | COMP. | chat |
chat-venster | COMP. | chat window |
chatbericht | COMP. | instant message |
chatberichten | COMP. | instant messaging |
chatberichtsessie | COMP. | instant message session |
chatroom | COMP. | chat room |
chatsessie | COMP. | instant message conversation, instant messaging session |
chatten | COMP. | chat |
Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code | ~ | Chaudhuri- Hocquenghem code |
chauffeur | ~ | car driver, chauffeur, driver |
checken | ~ | verify, validate |
checklijst | COMP. | check list |
checklist | ~ | checklist |
checkout | ELECTRON. | checkout |
chef | ~ ; | 1. boss, superior; 2. supervisor; 3. (van afdeling) head, department head |
chef de bureau | ~ | chef de bureau, office manager, chief clerk |
chef-programmeur | ~ | chief programmer |
chelaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chelate |
chelaatverbinding | ENVIRON. | chelate compound |
chelaten | CHEM.TECHN. | chelates |
cheleren | CHEM.TECHN. | chelate |
chemicaliën | CHEM.TECHN. | chemicals |
chemicaliënbestendig | CHEM.TECHN. | resistant to chemicals |
chemicaliënbestendigheid | ~ | resistance to chemicals |
chemicaliëntanker | ENVIRON. | chemicals tanker |
chemicaliëntankwagen | ENVIRON. | chemicals tanker |
chemicaliënterugwinning | CHEM.TECHN. | chemicals recovery, recovery of chemicals |
chemicaliënterugwinsysteem | ENVIRON. | chemicals recovery system |
chemicaliënvastheid | ~ | resistance to chemicals |
chemicaliënverbranding | ~ | incineration of chemicals |
chemicaliënverbrandingsvaartuig | ENVIRON. | incinerator ship |
chemicus | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical engineer, chemist |
chemie | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. chemistry; 2. (techniek) chemical engineering |
chemie van hete atomen | ~ | hot-atom chemistry |
chemie-hydrometrie | ~ | chemical hydrometry, chemical gauging |
chemiekaart | ENVIRON. | chemical safety card |
chemiekluis | ENVIRON. | chemosafe |
chemielaboratorium | CHEM.TECHN. | chemistry laboratory |
chemiluminiscentie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemiluminiscence |
chemisch | ~ | chemical |
chemisch afbreken | AUTOMOT. | degrade |
chemisch behandelingsproces | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical treatment process |
chemisch beitsen | ~ | chemical pickling, non-electrolytic pickling |
chemisch bestendig | ~ | chemical-resistant, chemically resistant |
chemisch bindmiddel | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical binder |
chemisch buigen | ~ | chemical bending |
chemisch element | ~ | chemical element |
chemisch equivalent | ~ | chemical equivalent |
chemisch etsen | ~ | chemical etching, etching |
chemisch etsmiddel | ENVIRON. | chemical etchant |
chemisch etspolijsten | ENVIRON. | chemical etch polishing |
chemisch gebonden vormzand | ~ | chemically-bonded sand |
chemisch gebonden water | ENVIRON. | chemically bound water |
chemisch glanzen | ~ | chemical brightening |
chemisch glanzend | ~ | chemical bright dip, chemical brightening bath, chemical brightening solution |
chemisch ijsbestrijdingssysteem | AEROSP. | chemical ice protection system |
chemisch ingenieur | ~ | chemical engineer |
chemisch laborant | ~ | chemical laboratory assistant, chemical laboratory technician |
chemisch laboratorium | ~ | chemical laboratory |
chemisch lood | ~ | chemical lead |
chemisch onderzoek | ~ | chemical investigation, chemical analysis |
chemisch ongeval | ~ | chemical accident |
chemisch polijstbad | ~ | chemical polishing bath, chemical polishing solution |
chemisch polijsten | ~ | chemical polishing, immersion polishing, chemical milling |
chemisch preparaat | ~ | chemical preparation |
chemisch procedé | ~ | chemical process |
chemisch proces | ENVIRON. | chemical process |
chemisch product | ENVIRON. | chemical |
chemisch reactorvat | ENVIRON. | chemical reactor |
chemisch reinigen | ~ | dry clean, dry-cleaning |
chemisch reinigingsmiddel | ~ | chemical cleaner |
chemisch risico | ~ | chemical hazard |
chemisch schild | ENVIRON. | chemical shield |
chemisch sproeimiddel | ENVIRON. | chemical spray |
chemisch symbool | ~ | chemical symbol |
chemisch technicus | ENVIRON. | chemical technologist |
chemisch technoloog | ~ | chemical technologist, chemical engineer |
chemisch toilet | ~ | chemical toilet, chemical lavatory |
chemisch verdelgingsmiddel | ENVIRON. | chemical pesticide |
chemisch vergulden | ~ | electroless gold plating |
chemisch vernikkelen | ~ | electroless nickel plating |
chemisch vervaardigde vezels | ENVIRON. | man-made fibres |
chemisch wapen | ~ | chemical weapon |
chemisch wateronderzoek | ENVIRON. | chemical water sampling |
chemisch zout | ~ | chemical salt |
chemisch zuiver | ~ | chemically pure |
chemisch zuurstofverbruik | ENVIRON. | chemical oxygen demand |
chemisch-technisch | ~ | chemicotechnical, chemico-technical |
chemisch-technische apparatuur | ~ | chemicotechnical appliances |
chemische aantrekking | ENVIRON. | chemical affinity |
chemische adsorptie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical adsorption |
chemische afbraak | ENVIRON. | chemical degradation |
chemische affiniteit | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical affinity |
chemische afvalstof | ENVIRON. | chemical waste |
chemische afvalwaterbehandeling | ENVIRON. | chemical sewage treatment |
chemische afzetting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical deposit |
chemische alcohol | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical alcohol |
chemische analyse | ENVIRON. | chemical analysis |
chemische basisindustrie | CHEM.TECHN. | raw chemical industry |
chemische behandeling | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical conditioning |
chemische benaming | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical name |
chemische benaming volgens IUPAC | CHEM.TECHN. | IUPAC designation |
chemische bewerking | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical contouring, contour etching |
chemische binding | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical bond |
chemische bodemanalyse | ENVIRON. | soil chemical analysis, chemical analysis of soil |
chemische bodemstabilisatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical soil stabilization |
chemische bodemverontreiniging | ENVIRON. | chemical pollution of the soil |
chemische brandstof | ~ | chemical fuel |
chemische coagulatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical coagulation |
chemische condensator | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical capacitor |
chemische consolidatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical consolidation |
chemische corrosie | MACH. | chemical corrosion |
chemische denudatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical denudation |
chemische depositie | ELECTRON. | chemical deposition |
chemische duurzaamheid | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical durability |
chemische eigenschappen | GEOTECHN. | chemical properties |
chemische explosie | ENVIRON. | chemical explosion |
chemische fabriek | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical plant |
chemische formule | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical notation |
chemische grondstabilisatie | GEOTECHN. | chemical soil stabilization |
chemische industrie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical industry |
chemische inhibitor | ~ | chemical inhibitor |
chemische injectie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical grouting |
chemische metaalkleuring | CHEM.TECHN. | metallochromy |
chemische mineralogie | ENVIRON. | chemical mineralogy |
chemische neerslag | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical precipitation |
chemische nomenclatuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical nomenclature |
chemische omzetting | ENVIRON. | chemical conversion |
chemische ongediertebestrijding | ENVIRON. | chemical pest control |
chemische onkruidbestrijding | ENVIRON. | chemical weed control |
chemische ontgiftiging | ENVIRON. | chemical decontamination |
chemische ontharder | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical softener |
chemische ontharding | ENVIRON. | chemical softening |
chemische ontploffing | ENVIRON. | chemical explosion |
chemische ontsmetting | ENVIRON. | chemical decontamination |
chemische opdamping | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical vapour deposition |
chemische ouderdom | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical age |
chemische pesticide | ENVIRON. | chemical pesticide |
chemische precipitaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chemical precipitate |
chemische producten | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical products, chemicals |
chemische reactie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical reaction |
chemische reactiviteit | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical reactivity |
chemische reactor | ~ | chemical reactor |
chemische reiniging | CHEM.TECHN. | dry cleaning |
chemische rioolwaterbehandeling | ENVIRON. | chemical sewage treatment |
chemosensor | ~ | chemosensor |
chemische sensor | ~ | chemosensor |
chemische spatten | ~ | chemical splash |
chemische spray | ENVIRON. | chemical spray |
chemische stabilisatie | ENVIRON. | chemical stabilization |
chemische stof | ENVIRON. | chemical |
chemische techniek | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical technology |
chemische technologie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical technology, chemical engineering, industrial chemistry |
chemische verbinding | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical compound |
chemische vergelijking | ENVIRON. | chemical equation |
chemische verhitter | ENVIRON. | chemical heater |
chemische verschuiving | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical shift |
chemische vervuiling | ENVIRON. | chemical pollution |
chemische verwering | ~ | chemical weathering |
chemische vezel | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical fibre |
productie van chemische vezels | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical fibre production |
chemische voorbehandeling | CHEM.TECHN. | chemical pre-treatment |
chemische wapens | ENVIRON. | chemical weapons |
chemische waterontharding | ENVIRON. | chemical water softening |
chemische weerstand | ENVIRON. | chemoresistance |
chemische weerstandinvloeden | ENVIRON. | chemical resistance |
chemische werking | ENVIRON. | chemical action |
chemisorptie | CHEM.TECHN. | chemisorption, chemosorption |
chemo-organotroof | ENVIRON. | chemo-organotrophic |
chemobiel | ENVIRON. | chemocar |
chemolithotroof | ENVIRON. | chemolithotrophic |
chemopauze | ~ | chemopause |
chemoresistentie | ENVIRON. | chemoresistance |
chemosfeer | ENVIRON. | chemosphere |
chemosorptie | ENVIRON. | chemosorption |
chemosorptief | ENVIRON. | chemosorptive |
chemotactisch | CHEM.TECHN. | chemotactic |
chemotaxis | ~ | chemotaxis |
chemotherapeutisch | RADIOL. | chemotherapeutic |
chemotroof | ENVIRON. | chemotrophic |
chemurgie | ~ | (landbouwchemie) chemurgy |
chenille | TEX. | chenille |
chenillegaren | TEX. | chenille yarn |
Chenot-proces | METALL. | Chenot process |
chequedatum | COMP. | check date |
chequenummer | COMP. | check number |
chequeregister | COMP. | check register |
chersofyt | ENVIRON. | chersophyte |
chevet | BUILD. | chevet |
chevilleren | ~ | wring |
cheviot | TEX. | cheviot wool |
chevron | ~ | chevron |
chi-kwadraatproef | ~ | Chi-square test |
chi-kwadraatverdeling | ~ | chi square distribution |
chicane | CIV.ENG. | chicane, baffle |
Chick-Martinproef | ENVIRON. | Chick-Martin test |
chiffreertoestel | COMP. | encipher device |
chiffreren | COMP. | encipher, encode |
chimopelagisch | CHEM.TECHN. | chimopelagic |
chinagras | ~ | China grass |
chinakalk | ~ | bleaching clay, China clay |
chinasteen | ~ | chinastone |
chiné | TEX. | chiné |
Chinese houtolie | ~ | China wood oil, tung oil |
Chinese kamer | ~ | Chinese room |
chinol | ~ | quinol |
chinoline | ~ | quinoline |
chinoline geel | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E104 ) quinoline yellow |
chioliet | CHEM.TECHN. | chiolite |
chip | ELECTRON. | chip, integrated circuit |
chip met contacteerbobbels | ELECTRON. | bumped chip |
chip met enkelvoudige schakeling | ELECTRON. | individual circuit chip |
chip met hoge pakkingsdichtheid | ELECTRON. | high- density chip |
chip met hoge pakkingsgraad | ELECTRON. | dense chip |
chip met zeer complexe schakeling | ELECTRON. | LSI chip |
chip zonder behuizing | ~ | unpackaged chip |
chip-aansluiting | COMP. | chip socket |
chip-architectuur | COMP. | chip architecture |
chip-assemblage | ELECTRON. | chip assembly |
chip-assemblage-inrichting | ELECTRON. | chip assembler |
chip-behuizing | COMP. | chip package |
chip-beproeving | ELECTRON. | chip test |
chip-beproeving op de wafel | ELECTRON. | on-wafer chip test |
chip-bewerking | ELECTRON. | chip processing |
chip-component | ELECTRON. | chip component |
chip-diode | ELECTRON. | chip diode |
chip-doorsnede | ELECTRON. | chip profile |
chip-draagfilm | ELECTRON. | film chip carrier |
chip-draagfolie | ELECTRON. | film chip carrier |
chip-drager | ELECTRON. | chip carrier |
chip-drager zonder aansluitingen | ELECTRON. | leadless chip-carrier |
chip-dragermontage | ELECTRON. | chip-carrier assembly |
chip-duwproef | ELECTRON. | dice push test |
chip-elementendichtheid | ELECTRON. | chip density |
chip-hechting | ELECTRON. | dice adherence |
chip-indeling | ELECTRON. | chip layout |
chip-interne component | ELECTRON. | (op een chip) on- chip component |
chip-kitinstallatie | ELECTRON. | dice bonder |
chip-layout | ELECTRON. | chip layout |
chip-montage met epoxylijm | ELECTRON. | epoxy die attachment |
chip-montage-installatie | ELECTRON. | dice bonder |
chip-montageplaat | ELECTRON. | chip board |
chip-montageplek | ELECTRON. | dice-mounting area |
chip-montageraam | ELECTRON. | dice-attach preform |
chip-montagevlak | ELECTRON. | chip-mounting area |
chip-ontwerp | COMP.; | 1. chip design; 2. chip design, chip topology |
chip-oogst | COMP. | chip yield |
chip-op-film | ELECTRON. | chip-on-tape |
chip-oppikker | ELECTRON. | dice-pickup |
chip-oriëntatie | ELECTRON. | dice-orientation |
chip-plaatser | ELECTRON. | chip placer |
chip-plaatsingsraster | ELECTRON. | chip grid |
chip-positioneerder | ELECTRON. | chip positioner |
chip-print | ELECTRON. | chip board |
chip-profiel | ELECTRON. | chip profile |
chip-rand | ELECTRON. | chip edge |
chip-selectie | COMP. | chip selection |
chip-set | COMP. | chip set |
chip-sorteermachine | ELECTRON. | dice sorter |
chip-stapeldrager | ELECTRON. | multilayer chip-carrier |
chip-technologie | ELECTRON. | chip technology |
chip-tester | COMP.; | 1. crystal checker; 2. chip tester |
chip-testinrichting | ELECTRON. | chip prober |
chip-topologie | COMP. | chip topology |
chip-tuning | AUTOMOT. | chip tuning |
chip-voor-chip-belichting | ELECTRON. | dice-by-dice exposure |
chip-voor-chip-lithografie | ELECTRON. | dice-by-dice printing |
chip-voor-chip-uitlijning | ELECTRON. | dice-by-dice alignment |
chip-weerstand | ELECTRON. | chip resistor |
chiraal | CHEM.TECHN. | chiral |
chiraalkolom | CHEM.TECHN. | chiral column |
chirale kolom | CHEM.TECHN. | chiral column |
chirale scheiding | CHEM.TECHN. | chiral isolation |
chiraliteit | CHEM.TECHN. | chirality |
chitine | ENVIRON. | chitin |
chloor | FOODST.; | 1. (abbr.: Cl) chlorine; 2. (E-nummer: 925) chlorine |
chloor verwijderen | CHEM.TECHN. | dechlorinate |
chloor-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine ion |
chlooraceton | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetone |
chlooracetonfenoon | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetophenone |
chlooracetontril | ENVIRON., CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetonitrile |
chlooracroleïne | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacrolein |
chlooralkali | ENVIRON. | chlor-alkali |
chlooralkali-elektrolyseinstallatie | ENVIRON. | chlorinated alkali electrolytic plant |
chlooralkaliproces | ENVIRON. | chlor-alkali process |
chloorambucil | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorambucil |
chlooramine | CHEM.TECHN. | chloramine |
chlooratoom | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine atom |
chloorazijn- | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetic |
chloorazijnzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetic acid |
chloorbehandeling | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine treatment |
chloorbenzaldehyde | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzaldehyde |
chloorbenzeen | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzene |
chloorbenzoëzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoic acid |
chloorbenzoëzuurherbicide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoic acid herbicide |
chloorbenzoylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoyl chloride |
chloorbenzylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzyl chloride |
chloorbutaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobutane |
chloorbutanol | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobutanol |
chloorcalciumbuisje | CHEM.TECHN. | calcium chloride tube |
chloorchroomzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorochromic acid |
chloorcontactbekken | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine contact basin |
chloorcyclohexaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorocyclohexane |
chloordifluorethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorodifluoroethane |
chloordifluormethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorodifluoromethane |
chloordioxide | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. (E-nummer: 926) chlorodioxide; 2. chlorine dioxide, chlorodioxide |
chloordioxine | ENVIRON. | chlorinated dioxin |
chloorecht | CHEM.TECHN. | colourfast |
chloorechtheid | TEX. | fastness to bleaching, bleaching fastness |
chloorethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroethane |
chloorethaanzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroethanoic acid |
chlooretheen | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroethene |
chloorethyl | ENVIRON. | ethyl chloride, chloroethyl |
chloorfenol | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophenol |
chloorfenoxykoolzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinated phenoxy acid |
chloorfenylacetofenon | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophenylacetophenone |
chloorfluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine fluoride |
chloorfluorkoolwaterstof | ~ | (abbr.: CFK/CFC) chlorofluorocarbon, hydrochlorofluorocarbons |
chloorfluorkoolwaterstoffen | ENVIRON. | (abbr.: CFK/CFC) chlorinated fluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbon |
chloorgas | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine gas |
chloorgasemissie | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine gas emission |
chloorgasreiniging | ENVIRON. | chlorine gas cleaning |
chloorgaswolk | ENVIRON. | chlorine gas cloud |
chloorheptoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine heptoxide |
chloorhexidine | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorhexidine |
chloorhoudend | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinated, chlorine containing, chlorous |
chloorhoudend PVC | ~ | chlorinated polyvinyl chloride |
chloorhoudende afvalstoffen | ENVIRON. | chlorine- bearing wastes |
chloorhoundend bijproduct | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorination byproduct |
chloorhydrine | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorohydrin |
chloorimmissie | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine immission |
chloorion | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine ion |
chloorkali | CHEM.TECHN. | potassium chloride |
chloorkalk | CHEM.TECHN. | bleaching powder, chloride of lime, chlorinated lime |
chloorkoolstof | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorocarbon |
chloorkoolwaterstofpesticide | ENVIRON. | chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide |
chloormethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chloromethane |
chloormethylpropaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chloromethyl propane |
chloornaftaleen | ENVIRON. | chlorinated naphthalene |
chloornatrium | CHEM.TECHN. | chloride of soda, sodium chloride |
chloornikkel | CHEM.TECHN. | nickel chloride |
chlooroctaoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | Chlorine octaoxide |
chloororganische verbindingen | ENVIRON. | organo- chlorinated compounds |
chlooroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine oxide |
chloorpentafluorethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chloropentafluoroethane |
chloorperchloraat | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine perchlorate |
chloorpropionylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chloropropionyl chloride |
chloorretentie | TEX. | chlorine retention |
chloorrubber | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinated rubber |
chloorrubberverf | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinated rubber paint |
chloorrubbervernis | ~ | chlorinated rubber lacquer |
chloorstikstof | CHEM.TECHN. | nitrogen chloride |
chloortetrafluorethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorotetrafluoroethane |
chloortrifluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine trifluoride |
chloortrioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine trioxide |
chloortrioxidefluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorine trioxide fluoride |
chloorverwijdering | CHEM.TECHN. | dechlorination, dechlorinating |
chloorvezel | TEX. | chlorofibre |
chloorvrij | ENVIRON. | chlorine-free |
chloorwater | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinated water, chlorine water |
chloorwaterstof | CHEM.TECHN. | hydrogen chloride |
chloorwaterstofverbindingen | CHEM.TECHN. | organochlorine compounds |
chloorwaterstofzuur | ~ | (zoutzuur) hydrochloric acid |
chloorzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | hydrochloric acid, chloric acid |
chloorzwavel | CHEM.TECHN. | sulphur chloride |
chloraal | CHEM.TECHN. | (vloeistof) chloral |
chloraalhydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | chloral hydrate |
chloralhydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | chloral hydrate |
chloramben | CHEM.TECHN. | chloramben |
chloramine | CHEM.TECHN. | chloramine |
chloramine-T | CHEM.TECHN. | chloramine-T |
chloranielzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chloranilic acid |
chloranil | CHEM.TECHN. | chloranil |
chlorazolzwart | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorazol black |
chlorbromuron | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorbromuron |
chlordaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlordane |
chlordimeform | CHEM.TECHN. | chlordimeform |
chloreermiddel | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinating agent |
chloren | ~ | (van water) chlorinate |
chloreren in zuur medium | CHEM.TECHN. | acidic chlorination |
chlorerend | ~ | chlorinating |
chlorerende roosting | ~ | chlorination roasting |
chlorering | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorination |
chloreringsinstallatie | ENVIRON. | chlorination house |
chloreringskamer | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorination house |
chlorfenac | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorfenac |
chlorfenethol | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorfenethol |
chlorfenpropmethyl | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorfenpropmethyl |
chlorfensulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorfensulphide |
chlorfenvinfos | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorfenvinphos |
chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chloride |
chlorietgneis | MIN. | chlorite gneiss |
chlorietlei | MIN. | chlorite slate |
chlorig | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorous |
chlorigzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorous acid |
chlorinatie | ENVIRON. | chlorination |
chlorineren | ENVIRON. | chlorinate |
chloring | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorination |
chloriniteit | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorinity |
chloritiseren | CHEM.TECHN. | chloritize, chloritise |
chloritisering | CHEM.TECHN. | chloritization, chloritisation |
chloro- | CHEM.TECHN. | chloro- |
chloroaceton | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetone |
chloroacetonitril | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetonitrile |
chloroacroleïne | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacrolein |
chloroazijn- | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroacetic |
chlorobenzaldehyde | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzaldehyde |
chlorobenzeen | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzene |
chlorobenzilaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzilate |
chlorobenzoëzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoic acid |
chlorobenzoëzuurherbicide | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoic acid herbicide |
chlorobenzoylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzoyl chloride |
chlorobenzylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobenzyl chloride |
chlorobutaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorobutane |
chlorochroomzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorochromic acid |
chlorocyclohexaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorocyclohexane |
chlorodifluorethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorodifluoroethane |
chlorodifluormethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorodifluoromethane |
chlorofeen | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophene |
chlorofenol | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophenol |
chlorofenol-geïmpregneerde vezelplaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophenol impregnated chipboard |
chlorofluorkoolwaterstof | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorofluorocarbon |
chloroform | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroform |
chlorofyl | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorophyll |
chlorogeenzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorogenic acid |
chlorometrisch | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorometric |
chlorophyllen | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E140 ) chlorophylls |
chloropreen | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroprene |
chloropreenrubber | CHEM.TECHN. | chloroprene rubber, chloroprene resin |
chlorose | CHEM.TECHN. | chlorosis |
chlorosulfoniering | HYDROL. | chlorosulphonation |
chloruur | CHEM.TECHN. | low valency metal chloride |
chocolade | ~ | chocolate |
chocoladecrème | ~ | chocolate cream |
chocolademassa | ~ | chocolate mass, chocolate paste |
chocoladeolie | ~ | chocolate oil |
chocoladepoeder | ~ | chocolate powder |
chocoladetablet | ~ | tablet of chocolate |
chocoladevet | ~ | chocolate fat |
chocoladevorm | ~ | chocolate mould, chocolate form |
choke | ~ | choke |
chokecontrolelicht | AUTOMOT. | choke control light |
chokehendel | ~ | choke handle |
chokekabel | AUTOMOT. | choke cable, choke control cable |
chokeklep | AUTOMOT. | air strangler, air valve, choke valve |
chokeknop | AUTOMOT. | choke knob |
choken | AUTOMOT. | choke |
cholesterisch vloeibaar kristal | ~ | (van een laser) cholesteric liquid crystal |
cholesterol | CHEM.TECHN. | cholesterol |
cholinezuur | FOODST. | (E-nummer: 1000) cholic acid |
chopper | ELECTRON.; | 1. (soort motorfiets) chopper, chopper bike; 2. (schakeling) chopper |
chopper-gestabiliseerde versterker | ELECTRON. | chopper-stabilized amplifier |
chopperschakeling | ELECTRON. | step-down switch mode power supply |
chopperschijf | ELEC.ENG. | chopper disc |
chopperversterker | ELEC.ENG. | chopper amplifier |
CHP-systeem | ENERG. | combined heat and power system, combined-cycle system, CHP system, cogeneration system, cogen system |
christianiet | MIN. | christianite |
christobaliet | ~ | christobalite |
christoffelmetaal | ~ | argentan |
chroma-sperversterker | ~ | colour killer |
chromaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromate |
chromaat-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | chromate ion |
chromaatconversie | ~ | chromate conversion |
chromaatgeel | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. lead chromate; 2. chrome yellow, lemon chrome |
chromaatgroen | ~ | chrome green |
chromaatstaal | ~ | chromate steel |
chromadetector | ~ | chroma detector |
chromagraaf | ~ | chromagraph |
chromaregeling | ~ | chroma control |
chromateermiddel | CHEM.TECHN. | chromating agent |
chromateren | ~ | chromate, chromate passivation |
chromatering | ~ | chromate treatment |
chromatisch | ~ | chromatic |
chromatische aberratie | ~ | chromatic aberration |
chromatische afwijking | ~ | chromatic aberration |
chromatische coördinaten | ~ | chromaticity coordinates |
chromatische kleur | ~ | chromatic colour |
chromatische spectrograaf | ENVIRON. | chromatic spectrograph |
chromatograferen | ~ | chromatograph |
chromatografie | ~ | chromatography |
chromatografie-kolom | ~ | chromatography column |
chromatografiekolom | ENVIRON. | chromatography column |
chromatografische afscheidingstechniek | ENVIRON. | chromatographic separation technique |
chromatografische analyse | ~ | chromatographic analysis |
chromatografische gasdetector | ENVIRON. | gas chromatographic detector |
chromavector | ~ | chroma vector |
chromaversterker | ~ | chrominance amplifier |
chromeren | ~ ; | 1. chrome-plate, chromium plate; 2. chroma conversion coating, chromating |
chromering | ~ | chrome plating, chromium plating |
chromi- | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic |
chromibromide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic bromide |
chromichloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic chloride |
chromiet | CHEM.TECHN. | chrome iron ore, chromic iron, chromite |
chromifosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic phosphate |
chromihydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic hydroxide |
chromijodide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic iodide |
chrominantie | ELECTRON. | chrominance |
chrominantie-eenheid | ~ | chrominance unit |
chrominantie-informatie | ~ | chrominance information, chroma information |
chrominantie-ingang | ~ | chrominance input |
chrominantieamplitude | ~ | chrominance amplitude |
chrominantieband | ~ | chrominance band |
chrominantiebandfilter | ~ | chrominance bandpass filter |
chrominantiebeeld | ~ | chrominance image |
chrominantiecomponent | ~ | chrominance component |
chrominantiedetector | ~ | chrominance detector |
chrominantiediscriminator | ~ | chrominance discriminator, colour discriminator |
chrominantiedraaggolf | ~ | chrominance carrier |
chrominantiefilter | ~ | chrominance band-pass filter |
chrominantiefotovermenigvuldiger | ~ | chrominance photomultiplier |
chrominantiehulpdraaggolf | ~ | chrominance subcarrier, colour subcarrier |
chrominantiekanaal | ~ | chrominance channel |
chrominantiekromme | ~ | chrominance curve |
chrominantiemodulatie | ~ | chrominance modulation |
chrominantiemodulator | ~ | chrominance modulator |
chrominantieoscillator | ~ | chrominance oscillator |
chrominantiesignaal | ~ | chrominance signal |
chrominantiespectrum | ~ | chrominance spectrum |
chrominantiespoor | ~ | chrominance track |
chrominantietranscoder | ~ | chrominance transcoder |
chrominantietrap | ~ | chrominance stage |
chrominantieversterker | ~ | chrominance amplifier, chroma amplifier, chroma bandpass amplifier |
chrominitraat | ~ | chromic nitrate |
chromioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic oxide |
chromisulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic sulphate |
chromisulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic sulphide |
chromium | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium, chrome |
chromizout | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic salt |
chromoacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous acetate |
chromocarbonaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous carbonate |
chromochloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous chloride |
chromofoor | ~ | chromophore |
chromohydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous hydroxide |
chromojodide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous iodide |
chromolithografie | ~ | chromolithography |
chromoloy | ~ | chromoloy |
chromooxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous oxide |
chromopapier | ~ | chromo paper |
chromoscoop | ~ | chromoscope, colour picture tube, colour kinescope |
chromosfeer | ASTRON. | chromosphere |
chromosoom | ~ | chromosome |
chromosulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous sulphate |
chromosulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous sulphide |
chromotropie | ~ | chromotropy |
chromotypie | ~ | chromotype |
chromozout | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous salt |
chromylchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromyl chloride |
chronisch | ENVIRON. | chronic |
chronische giftigheid | ENVIRON. | chronic toxicity |
chronische toxiciteit | CHEM.TECHN. | chronic toxicity |
chronistor | ELECTRON. | chronistor |
chronofoon | ~ | electric alarm clock |
chronologie | COMP. | chronology |
chronologisch | ~ | chronological |
chronologisch geschakeld | ~ | timed, chronologically switched |
chronologisch omgekeerd verwerken | ~ | chronological backtracking, backtrack |
chronologische tijdschaal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chronological timescale |
chronologische volgorde | ~ | chronological order |
chronometertijd | ~ | chronometer time |
chronoscoop | ~ | chronoscope |
chronotron | ~ | chronotron |
chroom | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Cr) chromium, chrome |
chroom-gietijzer | ~ | chrome cast-iron |
chroomaluin | CHEM.TECHN. | chrome alum |
chroomantimonide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium antimonide |
chroombad | ~ | chrome bath, chrome plating solution |
chroombelichtingsmasker | ELECTRON. | chrome photomask |
chroomcementeerstaal | ~ | heat treatable chrome steel |
chroomchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium chloride |
chroomdiffunderen | ~ | chromize |
chroomdioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium dioxide |
chroomequivalent | WELD. | chromium equivalent |
chroomharden | ~ | chrome-hardening, hard chromium-plating |
chroomhoudend kogellagerstaal | ~ | chromium-bearing steel |
chroomijzer | ~ | ferrochrome, ferrochromium |
chroomijzersteen | ~ | chrome iron ore, chromic iron, chromite |
chroomkleurstof | TEX. | chrome dye |
chroomleder | ~ | chrome leather |
chroomleerlooierij | ~ | chrome tanning |
chroomlegering | ~ | chromium alloy |
chroomlegering loopwiel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | chromium-alloy runner |
chroomlijm | ~ | chrome glue |
chroomlijst | AUTOMOT. | chrome trim, chrome molding, chrome moulding |
chroommangaanstaal | ~ | chrome-manganese steel |
chroommoedernegatief | ELECTRON. | chrome master |
chroommolybdeencementeerstaal | ~ | heat treatable chrome-molybdenum steel |
chroommolystaal | ~ | chrome moly steel |
chroomnikkellegering | ~ | chromium-nickel alloy |
chroomnikkelmolybdeenstaal | ~ | nickel-chromium molybdenum steel |
chroomnikkelstaal | ~ ; | 1. chrome-nickel steel, nickel-chromium steel; 2. chromium nickel steel; 3. chrome nickel steel |
chroomoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium oxide |
chroomplaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chrome plate |
chroompoetsmiddel | AUTOMOT. | chrome polish |
chroomslak | ENVIRON. | chromium slag |
chroomstaal | ~ | chrome steel, chromium steel |
chroomsulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium sulphide |
chroomsulfuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous sulphide |
chroomvanadium | ~ | chrome vanadium |
chroomvanadiumstaal | ~ | chrome vanadium steel |
chroomvelours | ~ | chrome velour |
chroomwerk | AUTOMOT. | chrome trim, ornamental chrome fittings, embellishment, garnish |
chroomzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic acid, chromium acid |
chroomzuuranhydride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic anhydride, chromium (VI) oxide |
chroomzuurbad | ELECTROCHEM. | chromic acid dip, chromate dip |
chroomzuurbeitsbad | ELECTROCHEM. | chromic acid dip, chromate dip |
chroomzuurelement | ~ | chromic acid cell |
chroomzuuroplossing | CHEM.TECHN. | chromic acid solution |
chroom(III)- | ENVIRON. | chromic |
chroom(III)bromide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) bromide |
chroom(III)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) chloride |
chroom(III)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) fluoride |
chroom(III)fosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) phosphate |
chroom(III)jodide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) iodide |
chroom(III)nitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) nitrate |
chroom(III)nitriet | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) nitrite |
chroom(III)orthovanadaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium (III) orthovanadate |
chroom(III)oxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) oxide |
chroom(III)sulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) sulfate |
chroom(III)sulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) sulfide |
chroom(III)telluraat | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) tellurate |
chroom(III)telluride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(III) telluride |
chroom(II)- | CHEM.TECHN. | chromous |
chroom(II)antimonide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) antimonide |
chroom(II)arsenide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) arsenide |
chroom(II)bromide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) bromide |
chroom(II)carbide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) carbide |
chroom(II)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) chloride |
chroom(II)jodide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) iodide |
chroom(II)silicide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(II) silicide |
chroom(IV)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(IV) chloride |
chroom(IV)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(IV) fluoride |
chroom(IV)oxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(IV) oxide |
chroom(VI)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(VI) fluoride |
chroom(VI)oxide | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(VI) oxide |
chroom(VI)oxychloride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(VI) oxychloride |
chroom(V)fluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | chromium(V) fluoride |
chryseen | CHEM.TECHN. | (PAK) chrysene |
chrysene | CHEM.TECHN. | chrysene |
chrysocol | ~ | chrysocolla, hydrated copper silicate |
chrysoliet | ~ | chrysolite |
chrysopraas | ~ | chrysoprase |
chrysotiel | CHEM.TECHN. | chrysotile |
chrysotyl | ~ | chrysotile |
chrysotypie | ~ | chrysotype, chrysotype process |
chrysotypiepapier | ~ | chrysotype paper |
chunking | ~ | chunking |
Ci | ~ | curie |
cicero | PRINT. | cicero, continental Pica |
cider | ~ | (drank) cider |
ciderpers | ~ | cider press |
cifax | ~ | cifax |
cijfer | ~ | digit, figure, numeric character |
cijferblok | COMP. | accountant’s keypad, numeric keypad |
cijfercode | ~ | numerical code |
cijferfout | ~ | computing error |
cijfergenerator | ~ | selective digit emitter, digit emitter |
cijferimpuls | ~ | digit pulse |
cijferklok | ~ | digital clock |
cijferomschakeling | COMP. | figures shift |
cijferperiode | ~ | digit period, digit time |
cijferplaats | ~ | digit position, digit place |
cijferplaatsimpuls | ~ | commutator pulse, P-pulse |
cijferpositie | ~ | digit position, digit place |
cijferpositievertrager | ~ | digit delay element, digit delay |
cijferrol | AUTOMOT. | (van metertelmechanisme) figure drum |
cijferschrift | COMP. | numeric notation |
cijferselectie | ~ | digit selection |
cijferslot | ~ | combination lock, barrel lock |
cijferstempel | ~ | figure punch |
cijfersysteem | COMP. | numbering system, ternary number system, ternary system |
cijferteken | ~ | digit, numeric character |
cijfertijd | ~ | digit time |
cijfertoets | COMP. | numeric key |
cijfertoetsenblok | COMP. | numeric keypad |
cijferveld | COMP. | numeric keypad |
cijfervoorstelling | ~ | digit representation, numerical representation |
cijferwaarde | COMP. | digit value |
cijferwijziging | ~ | figure change |
cijferwoord | ~ | numeric word |
cijns | ~ | levy, tax |
ciliair lichaam | ~ | ciliary body |
cilinder | GEOM.; | 1. cylinder, roller, drum; 2. cylinder |
cilinder met binnenzeskant | ~ | hexagonal socket-head bolt, hexagon-socket-head cap screw, socket-head cap screw |
cilinder met koelribben | AUTOMOT. | finned cylinder |
cilinder met stoommantel | ~ | cylinder with steam jacket |
cilinder zonder deksel | AUTOMOT. | cylinder barrel |
cilinderaantal | ~ | number of cylinders |
cilinderafdichting | ~ | cylinder gasket |
cilinderafmetingen | ~ | cylinder dimensions |
cilinderafsluiter | ~ | cylinder valve |
cilinderaftapkraan | ~ | cylinder drain cock |
cilinderappendages | ~ | cylinder fittings |
cilinderarm | ~ | roller arm |
cilinderas | ~ | cylinder axis |
cilinderbekleding | ~ | cylinder lining |
cilinderblok | AUTOMOT.; | 1. cylinder block; 2. cylinder body |
cilinderbodem | ~ | cylinder back end, cylinder bottom |
cilinderboormachine | ~ | cylinder boring machine |
cilinderboring | ~ | cylinder bore |
cilinderboringmeetapparaat | AUTOMOT. | cylinder-bore gage, cylinder-bore gauge |
cilinderbout | ~ | filister-head screw |
cilinderbus | ~ | cylinder barrel |
cilinderbusboring | ~ | cylinder liner bore |
cilinderbuspakking | AUTOMOT. | base gasket |
cilindercompressie | ~ | cylinder compression |
cilindercondensatie | ~ | cylinder condensation |
cilindercoördinaten | ~ | cylindric coordinates |
cilinderdeksel | ~ | cylinder cover, cylinder head |
cilinderdekselbekeding | ~ | cylinder head casing |
cilinderdiameter | ~ | cylinder diameter |
cilinderdichting | ~ | cylinder head gasket |
cilinderdoorn | ~ | cylindrical mandrel |
cilinderdraagbeeld | AUTOMOT. | liner-wear condition |
cilinderdraagvlak | AUTOMOT. | cylinder bearing surface |
cilinderdroogmachine | TEX. | cylinder drying machine, can dryer |
cilinderechappement | ~ | (horloge) cylinder escapement |
cilinderfijnboormachine | ~ | cylinder precision boring machine |
cilinderflens | ~ | cylinder flange |
cilindergas | ENVIRON. | bottled gas |
cilindergreep | AUTOMOT. | (holle handgreep) barrel grip |
cilinderhoonmachine | ~ | cylinder honing machine |
cilinderhoonwerktuig | ~ | cylinder hone |
cilinderhorloge | ~ | cylinder watch |
cilinderhuls | ~ | cylindrical bushing |
cilinderinhoud | AUTOMOT.; | 1. cylinder capacity, piston displacement, swept volume, cubic capacity; 2. (verplaatsingsvolume) piston displacement, swept volume; 3. cylinder capacity |
cilinderinhoud-litervermogen | AUTOMOT. | output per unit of displacement, performance per liter, power output per liter |
cilinderketel | ~ | cylindrical boiler |
cilinderkop | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head |
cilinderkop met in- en uitlaatspruitstuk ieder aan | ~ | |
één kant | AUTOMOT. | cross-flow cylinder head |
cilinderkop met twee bovenliggende | ~ | |
cilinderkop uit één stuk | AUTOMOT. | solid head |
cilinderkop van luchtgekoelde motor | AUTOMOT. | air-cooled cylinder head |
cilinderkop van watergekoelde motor | AUTOMOT. | water-cooled cylinder head |
cilinderkop voor elke cilinder | AUTOMOT. | individual cylinder head |
cilinderkopbout | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head bolt |
cilinderkopbout met binnenzeskant | AUTOMOT. | hexagonal socket head bolt |
cilinderkopbout met sleuf | AUTOMOT. | slotted cheese- head bolt |
cilinderkopdikte | ~ | cylinder head thickness |
cilinderkoppakking | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head gasket |
cilinderkopsamenstel | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head assembly |
cilinderkoptapeind | ~ | cylinder head stud |
cilinderkopveer | ~ | cyclinder head sealing ring |
cilinderkopdichting | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head gasket |
cilinderkopvlak | AUTOMOT. | cylinder head face |
cilinderkotterbank | ~ | cylinder boring machine |
cilinderkottermachine | ~ | cylinder boring machine |
cilinderlager | ~ | cylindrical bearing |
cilinderlas | ~ | cylinder axis |
cilinderlektester | AUTOMOT. | cylinder leakage tester |
cilinderloopvlak | ~ | working surface of cylinder |
cilindermachine | ~ | cylinder engine |
cilindermolen | ~ | tube mill |
cilindernok | MACH. | cylinder cam, cylindrical cam, drum cam |
cilindernummering | AUTOMOT. | arrangement of cylinders, cylinder arrangement |
cilinderolie | ~ | cylinder oil |
cilinderomkasting | ~ | cylinder clothing, cylinder lagging, outer cylinder housing |
cilinderopening | AUTOMOT. | cylinder port, cylinder orifice |
cilinderoppervlak | AUTOMOT. | cylinder barrel |
cilinderopstelling | AUTOMOT. | cylinder arrangement |
cilinderopstelling van motor | AUTOMOT. | cylinder arrangement |
cilinderoverloop | COMP. | cylinder overflow |
cilinderpakking | ~ | cylinder stuffing |
cilinderpers | ~ | cylinder press |
cilinderpoort | ~ | cylinder port |
cilinderpoortdoorlaat | ~ | cylinder port passage |
cilinderreostaat | ~ | cylinder rheostat |
cilinderringanker | ~ | cylindrical ring armature |
cilindersamenstel | ~ | cylinder assembly |
cilinderschroef | ~ | fillister head screw |
cilinderschuif | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cylinder gate |
cilinderschuifinlaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cylinder-gate intake |
cilinderselectieve sensor | AUTOMOT. | cylinder- identification sensor, CID sensor |
cilinderslag | ~ | cylinder stroke |
cilinderslijpmachine | ~ | cylinder grinding machine |
cilinderslot | ~ | bored lock, cylinder lock, safety lock, Yale lock |
cilindersmeerolie | ~ | cylinder lubricant, cylinder lubricating oil |
cilindersmeeroliepomp | ~ | cylinder lubricating oil pump |
cilindersmeerpot | ~ | cylinder oiler |
cilinderstang | ~ | cylinder rod |
cilindersteun | ~ | cylinder support |
cilindertaatslager | ~ | cylindrical pivot bearing, thrust cylindrical roller bearing |
cilindertemperatuur | ~ | cylinder temperature |
cilinderuitschakeltest | ~ | cylinder cutout test |
cilinderveer | ~ | piston ring |
cilinderverbinding | ~ | cylindrical joint |
cilinderverhoudingsgetal | ~ | cylinder ratio |
cilindervlak | ~ ; | 1. surface of cylinder, cylindrical surface, cylinder shell/casing; 2. cylinder shell; 3. cylindrical surface |
cilindervoeding | ~ | cylinder feed |
cilindervoering | AUTOMOT.; | 1. cylinder lining; 2. cylinder liner |
cilindervoeringflens | AUTOMOT. | cylinder liner flange |
cilindervoeringsafdichting | ~ | cylinder liner seal |
cilindervoet | ~ | cylinder foot |
cilindervoetpakking | AUTOMOT. | base gasket |
cilindervolume | ~ | cylinder volume |
cilindervormig | ~ | cylindrical, cylindrically shaped |
cilindervormige anode | ~ | cylinder-shaped anode |
cilindervormige doorn | ~ | cylindrical mandrel |
cilindervormige handgreep | AUTOMOT. | (holle handgreep) barrel grip |
cilindervormige kogelmolen | ~ | tube mill |
cilindervormige worm | ~ | cylindrical worm |
cilindervormigheid | ~ | cylindricity |
cilindervormigheidsafwijking | ~ | non-cylindricity |
cilindervormigheidstolerantie | ~ | cylindricity tolerance |
cilindervulling | ~ ; | 1. (gas) cylinder charge; 2. (stoom) cylinder filling |
cilindervullingsregeling bij stationair toerental | AUTOMOT. | idle-air control |
cilinderwand | ~ | cylinder wall |
cilinderwandtemperatuur | ~ | cylinder wall temperature |
cilinderwikkeling | ELEC.ENG. | cylindric winding |
cilinderworm | ~ | cylindrical worm |
cilindreermachine | ~ | calender machine |
cilindriciteit | ~ | cylindricity |
cilindrisch | ~ | cylindric, cylindrical |
cilindrisch coördinatenstelsel | ~ | cylindrical coordinate system |
cilindrisch gesegmenteerd | ~ | segmented cylindrical |
cilindrisch gewelf | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cylindrical vault |
cilindrisch proefstuk | ~ | cylinder specimen |
cilindrisch rollager | AUTOMOT. | parallel roller bearing |
cilindrisch tandwiel met rechte vertanding | AUTOMOT. | straight spur gear |
cilindrisch wentellager | AUTOMOT. | cylinder roller bearing |
cilindrisch-gekromd | ~ | cylindrically curved |
cilindrische boogdam | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cylindrical arch dam |
cilindrische druk | ~ | cylindrical thrust |
cilindrische drukveer | ~ | cylindrical compression spring |
cilindrische frees | MACH. | cylindrical cutter, face milling cutter, facing cutter |
cilindrische geleiding | MACH. | cylindrical guideway |
cilindrische golf | ELECTRON. | cylindrical wave |
cilindrische golfpijp | ELECTRON. | cylindrical waveguide |
cilindrische kerfpen | ~ | full-length parallel grooved pin |
cilindrische krukvierhoek | ~ | linked quadrilateral |
cilindrische magneetbel | ELECTRON. | cylindrical magnetic bubble |
cilindrische pen | ~ | cylindrical pin, straight pin |
cilindrische regelschuif | ~ | control piston |
cilindrische ring | ~ | cylindrical ring, annulus |
cilindrische robot | ~ | cylindrical robot |
cilindrische romp | AEROSP. | cylindrical fuselage |
cilindrische schacht | ~ | (van een beitel) cylinder shank, straight shank |
cilindrische schroefdraad | MECH.ENG. | cylindrical thread |
cilindrische schroefveer | ~ | cylindrical spiral spring |
cilindrische schuif | RAIL. | segment valve |
cilindrische sleufmoer | AUTOMOT. | slotted round nut |
cilindrische verbrandingskamer | ~ | cylindrical combustion chamber |
CIM | COMP.; | 1. (bij CAD/CAM) CIM, computer-integrated manufacturing; 2. (common information model) CIM, common information model |
CIM architectuur | ~ | CIM architecture, computer integrated manufacturing architecture |
CIM-applicatie | ~ | CIM application |
CIM-beeld | ~ | CIM view |
CIM-domein | COMP. | (m.b.t. opslagbeheer) CIM domain |
CIM-gegevens | ~ | CIM data |
CIM-infrastructuur | COMP. | (m.b.t. opslagbeheer) CIM infrastructure, common information model infrastructure |
CIM-product | ~ | CIM product, computer integrated manufacturing product |
CIM-schema | COMP. | CIM scheme, common information model schema |
CIM-vrijgave | ~ | CIM release |
cinecamera | ~ | cine-camera, movie camera |
cinefilm | ~ | cine film, movie film |
cinema-apparatuur | ~ | cinema equipment, cine projector, movie projector |
cinematografie | ~ | cinematography |
cinnabar | CHEM.TECHN. | cinnabar |
cinnaber | ~ | cinnabar, red mercuric sulphide, vermillion |
ciphony | ~ | ciphony |
ciphonycommunicatiesysteem | ~ | ciphony communication system |
Cipoletti-stuw | CIV.ENG. | Cipoletti-weir, trapezoidal notch |
circa | ~ | (abbr.: approx.) approximately, about |
circuit | ELECTRON. | (schakeling) circuit |
circuit met een directe ingang | ELECTRON. | direct- input circuit |
circuit met gemeenschappelijke basis | ELECTRON. | common-base circuit |
circuit met gemeenschappelijke collector | ELECTRON. | common-collector circuit |
circuit met gemeenschappelijke emitter | ELECTRON. | common-emitter circuit |
circuit met gemeenschappelijke kathode | ELECTRON. | common-cathode circuit |
circuit van inlaatklepactuator | ~ | intake valve actuator circuit |
circuit van parallel-series | ELECTRON. | parallel-series circuit |
circuit vliegen | AEROSP. | fly a circuit |
circuit voor exclusief gebruik | ELECTRON. | allocated- use circuit |
circuitanalyse | ELECTRON. | circuit analysis |
circuitanalyse bij omstandigheden in | TELECOM. | worst-case circuit analysis |
circuitanalyse bij omstandigheden in het | ~ | |
slechtste geval | ELECTRON. | worst-case circuit analysis |
circuitbelasting | ELECTRON. | circuit load |
circuitbescherming | ELECTRON. | circuit protection |
circuitbetrouwbaarheid | ELECTRON. | circuit reliability |
circuitbeveiliging | AUTOMOT. | circuit protection |
circuitcapacitantie | ELECTRON. | circuit capacitance |
circuitcapaciteit | ELECTRON. | circuit capacity |
circuitcomponent | ELECTRON. | circuit component |
circuitdiscipline | ELECTRON. | circuit discipline |
circuitelement | ELECTRON. | circuit element |
circuitfout | ELECTRON. | circuit fault |
circuitgat | ELECTRON. | circuit hole |
circuitgeschakeld netwerk | ELECTRON. | circuit- switched network |
circuitgeschakeld verkeer | ELECTRON. | circuit switching |
circuitgeschakelde gegevensoverdrachtsservice | ELECTRON. | circuit-switched data transmission service |
circuitgeschakelde verbinding | ELECTRON. | circuit- switched connection |
circuitlog | ELECTRON. | circuit log |
circuitonwerp | ELECTRON. | circuit engineering |
circuitparameter | ELECTRON. | circuit parameter |
circuitrestoratie | ELECTRON. | circuit restoration |
circuitschakelcentrum | ELECTRON. | (abbr.: CSC) circuit switching center |
circuitschakeleenheid | ELECTRON. | (abbr.: CSU) circuit switching unit |
circuitschakeling | ELECTRON. | circuit switching |
circuitsynthese | ELECTRON. | circuit synthesis |
circuittester | ELECTRON. | circuit tester |
circuitunit | ELECTRON. | circuit unit |
circulair tripel | ~ | circular triad |
circulair-gepolariseerde golf | ~ | circularly polarized wave |
circulaire | ~ | circular |
circulaire aftasting | ~ | circular scan |
circulaire interpolatie | ~ | circular interpolation |
circulatie | ~ | circulation |
circulatie-aanvoerbuis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulation supply pipe |
circulatie-klaringsbekken | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulator clarifier |
circulatiebuis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulating pipe |
circulatieinrichting | ~ | circulation device |
circulatiekanaal | ~ | circulation duct |
circulatiekast | ~ | (condenser) circulation box |
circulatieketel | ~ | circulation boiler |
circulatiekoeling | ~ | circulation cooling |
circulatiekoelwaterpomp | ~ | cooling water circulation pump |
circulatielijst | COMP. | routing slip, electronic routing slip |
circulatielucht | ~ | return air |
circulatiepijp | ~ | circulation tube |
circulatieplein | TRAFF. | roundabout, traffic roundabout |
circulatiepomp | AUTOMOT. | circulation pump |
circulatieregister | ~ | circulating register |
circulatieretourbuis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulation return pipe |
circulatieroute | COMP. | routing cycle |
circulatiesmering | ~ | circulating lubrication |
circulatiesmering onder druk | ~ | pressure circulation lubrication, forced circulation lubrication, closed-circuit pressure lubrication |
circulatiestroming | GEOG.; | 1. (in rondstroomsysteem) circulating flow; 2. gyre |
circulatiesysteem | ~ | circulating system, circulation system |
circulatievoorwarmer | ~ | circulation feed water heater |
circuleren | ~ | circulate |
circulerend water | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulating water |
circulerende bodemstroom | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circulating bottom current |
circumferentie | MATH. | circumference |
cirkel | ~ | circle |
cirkel van Mohr | ~ | Mohr’s circle |
cirkel-van-cirkeldiagram | COMP. | pie of pie chart |
cirkelbeweging | ~ | circular movement |
cirkelboog | CIV.ENG.; | 1. arc, arc of a circle; 2. circular arch |
cirkelboogtand | ~ | circular-arc tooth |
cirkelboogvertanding | ~ | round-flank toothing, circarc gear |
cirkelcilinder | ~ | circular cylinder |
cirkeldiagram | COMP.; | 1. circle diagram, pie chart; 2. pie chart |
cirkeldiagram met uitgelichte segmenten | COMP. | exploded pie chart |
cirkeldiameter | ~ | diameter of circle |
cirkelevolvente | ~ | involute of circle |
cirkelfrequentie | MECH.ENG. | circular frequency |
cirkelgereedschap | COMP. | circle tool |
cirkelhoek | ~ | circular angle |
cirkelirrigatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular irrigation |
cirkelkegel | GEOM. | circular cone |
cirkelkraspen | AUTOMOT. | scribing compasses |
cirkellijn | ~ | circular line |
cirkelloop | ~ | circuit, cycle |
cirkelmaaier | ~ | rotary mower, rotary lawn mower |
cirkelmiddellijn | ~ | diameter of circle |
cirkelomtrek | ~ | circumference, periphery, perimeter |
cirkeloppervlak | ~ | area of circle, surface of circle |
cirkelplaat | ~ | indexing plate |
cirkelrond | ~ | circular, orbicular |
cirkelschaar | ~ ; | 1. circular shears; 2. rotary shears |
cirkelschraper | ~ | scribing compasses |
cirkelschudder | AGRIC. | rotary tedder |
cirkelsector | GEOM. | sector, circular sector |
cirkelsteek | ~ | circular pitch |
cirkelstraal | ~ | radius |
cirkelstroom | ELEC.ENG. | circular current |
cirkelstuw | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular weir |
cirkelvormig | ~ | circular, annular |
cirkelvormig flexproces | COMP. | circular bending process |
cirkelvormig schroefdraadsnijkussen | ~ | circular chaser |
cirkelvormig T-stuk | ~ | circular tee |
cirkelvormig Y-stuk | ~ | circular Y |
cirkelvormige afdichting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular-shaped seal |
cirkelvormige baan | ~ | circular path |
cirkelvormige dwarsdoorsnede | ~ | circular section, circular cross-section |
cirkelvormige en gekruiste blochlijnen | ELECTRON. | (m.b.t. halfgeleidermaterialen) circular and cross bloch lines |
cirkelvormige groef | ~ | (bij een borgring) circular groove, annular groove, snap-ring groove |
cirkelvormige hevel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular barrel siphon |
cirkelvormige hoofdleiding | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular main |
cirkelvormige leiding | ~ | circular conduit |
cirkelvormige rand | AUTOMOT. | circular rim |
cirkelvormige regelstuw | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | circular control weir |
rompdoorsnede | AEROSP. | fuselage cross-section |
cirkelvormige rompdoorsnede | AEROSP. | circular fuselage cross-section |
rechthoekige rompdoorsnede | AEROSP. | rectangular fuselage cross-section |
cirkelzaag | ~ ; | 1. circular saw; 2. circular power saw |
cirkelzaagbank | ~ | circular saw bench |
cirkelzaagblad | ~ | circular saw blade |
cirkelzaagmachine | ~ | buzz saw, circular saw, circular sawing machine |
cirkelzaagopstelling | ~ | circular saw arrangement |
cirkelzagenslijpmachine | ~ | circular saw sharpening machine |
cirrostratus | METEO. | cirrostratus |
cirrus | METEO. | cirrus |
cis-transisomerie | CHEM.TECHN. | cis-trans isomerism |
cisbuteendizuur | ~ | cis-butenedioic acid |
ciseleerwerk | ~ | chased work, chasing |
ciseleren | ~ | chase, chisel |
cisetheendicarbonzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cis-butenedioic acid |
citatenlijst | COMP. | quotations |
citeren | COMP. | quote |
citraat | ~ | citrate |
citraat-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | citrate ion |
citraatmethode | ENVIRON. | citrate process |
citraatoplosbaar fosfaat | ENVIRON. | citrate soluble phosphate |
citraatproces | ENVIRON. | citrate process |
citraconzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | citraconic acid |
citroengeel | ~ ; | 1. (kleur) lemon yellow, lemon colour; 2. (stof) citrine |
citroenhout | ~ | candle wood, lemon tree wood |
citroenolie | ~ | lemon oil, oil of citron |
citroenpers | ~ | citrus fruit squeezer |
citroensap | ~ | lemon juice |
citroenzuur | FOODST.; | 1. citric acid; 2. (E-nummer: E330 ) citric acid |
citroenzuurcyclus | ENVIRON. | Krebs cycle |
citroenzuurgips | ENVIRON. | citric acid gypsum |
citrusfruit | ~ | citrus fruit |
civeton | CHEM.TECHN. | civetone |
civiel | ~ | cicil |
civiel ingenieur | ~ ; | 1. (van grondwerken) civil engineer, structural engineer, constructional engineer |
civiel ingenieur | ~ ; | 2. civil engineer; 3. (bij grondwerken) constructional engineer |
civiel-ingenieur | ~ ; | 1. civil engineer |
civiel-ingenieur | CIV.ENG.; | 2. (m.b.t. grondwerken) constructional engineer |
civiele schermering | ~ | civil twilight |
civiele techniek | GEOTECHN. | civil engineering, structural engineering |
civieltechnisch | ~ | civil engineering |
Cl | CHEM.TECHN. | (chloor) chlorine |
claddingmachine | ~ | cladding machine |
claimtoewijzing | COMP. | claim mapping |
Claisen-condensatie | ~ | Claisen condensation |
Clapp-oscillator | ~ | Clapp oscillator |
clariet | ~ | clarain |
clarigester | ENVIRON. | clarigester |
classificatie | ~ | classification |
classificatie en codering | ~ | classification & coding |
classificatiegrootheid | ~ | classification statistic |
classificatiemethode | ~ | (waardering) separation method |
classificatierol | COMP. | classifier role |
classificatiesysteem | COMP. | classification system |
classificatiesysteem voor websites | COMP. | web rating system |
classificatiezeef | ~ | sizing screen, classifier |
classificeermachine | ~ | classifier |
classificeren | ~ | classify |
classificering | ~ ; | 1. (waardering) rating; 2. classification; 3. (sortering) classification |
clathraat | ~ | clathrate |
Clausius Clapeyron-vergelijking | ~ | Clausius-Clapeyron equation |
Clausius-Clapeyron-vergelijking | ~ | (in de thermodynamica) Clausius-Clapeyron equation |
Clausius-Rankine-proces | ~ | (in de thermodynamica) Rankine cycle |
Clausprocedé | ENVIRON. | Claus-process |
claustra | BUILD. | decorative openwork in concrete wall |
clausule | ~ | clause |
clausule-beheerssysteem | ~ | clause management system |
claxon | ~ | horn, hooter, claxon |
claxonknop | ~ | horn knob |
claxonneren | AUTOMOT. | blast the horn, blow the horn, hoot |
CLB | AEROSP. | Climb (Thrust:: VNAV) |
CLDATA-programmeertaal | ~ | CLDATA programming language, cutter location data PL |
clenbuterol | CHEM.TECHN. | clenbuterol |
cliché | ~ | printing block |
clichéafdruk | ~ | block pull, engraver’s proof |
clicheermachine | ~ | dabbing machine |
clichéfreesmachine | ~ | printing block milling machine |
clichétekening | ~ | master drawing, artwork master |
clickfit-aansluiting | COMP. | clickfit connection |
cliënt | COMP. | (tegenovergestelde van een server) client |
client-failback | COMP. | client failback |
client-failover | COMP. | client failover |
client-knooppunt | COMP. | client node |
client-serverarchitectuur | COMP. | client-server architecture |
client-servernetwerk | COMP. | client-server network |
client-serversysteem | COMP. | client-server system |
client-servertoepassing | COMP. | client-server application |
client-side rendering | COMP. | client-side rendering |
clientbeveiliging | COMP. | client protection |
clientcertificaat | COMP. | client certificate |
clientcomputer | COMP. | client computer |
clientcontext | COMP. | client context |
clientcoördinaat | COMP. | client coordinate |
clientdatabase | COMP. | client database, customer base |
cliëntèle | ~ | clientele, customers, customer base |
clientgebied | COMP. | client area, client region |
clientlaag | COMP. | client tier |
clientnummer | COMP. | account number |
cliëntobject | ~ | client object |
clientruntime | COMP. | client runtime |
cliëntservice | COMP. | client service |
clienttoepassing | COMP. | client application |
clienttoepassingsservice | COMP. | client application service |
clienttype | COMP. | client type |
clientuitbreiding | COMP. | client extension |
clientverificatie | COMP. | client authentication |
client/server computers | COMP. | client/server computing |
clignoteur | ~ | flash indicator, flasher, direction indicator, indicator |
clignoteurschakelaarhefboom | ~ | flasher stalk |
clignoteurverklikkerlamp | ~ | indicator tell tale |
hielband | ~ ; | 2. clincher tape, clincher band |
clingfolie | ~ | (voor het vershouden van voedsel) cling foil |
clinograaf | ~ | clinograph |
clinometer | ~ | clinometer |
clip | COMP. | (filmpje) clip |
clipboard | COMP. | clipboard |
clipcontacten | ~ | clip terminals |
clipgalerie | COMP. | clip gallery |
clipmoer | ~ | speed nut |
clipper | ~ | amplitude limiter, amplitude separator, clipper |
close-ratio-versnellingsbak | AUTOMOT. | close-ratio gearbox, close-ratio transmission, close-stepped gearbox, close-stepped transmission |
closed-loop systeem | ~ | (systeem met gesloten lus) closed- loop system |
closetcombinatie | ~ | toilet unit |
closetpot | ~ | lavatory, toilet bowl, toilet pan |
closetreservoir | ~ | flushing cistern |
closetuitlaat | ~ | closet outgo |
closetzitting | ~ | WC-seat |
clothoïde | ~ | (spiraal van Cornu) clothoid, Cornu spiral, Euler spiral |
cloud computing | COMP. | (virtualisering van data) cloud computing |
cloud computing-architectur | COMP. | cloud computing architecture |
cloud-implemenatieplatform | COMP. | cloud implementation platform |
cloudvirtualisatie | COMP. | virtualization in the cloud, cloud virtualization |
Clusius-kolom | ~ | Clusius column |
cluster met enkele opslaggroep | COMP. | single copy cluster |
cluster van bewerkingen | COMP. | operations network |
clusteradapter | COMP. | cluster adapter |
clusterdienst | COMP. | cluster service |
clusteren | COMP. | cluster, clustering |
clusterlogboek | COMP. | cluster log |
clustermodel | ENVIRON. | clustering model |
clusternetwerkadres | COMP. | cluster network address |
clusteropslag | COMP. | cluster storage |
clusterpoort | COMP. | cluster port |
Cm | CHEM.TECHN. | (curium) curium |
cm | ~ | centimetre |
CMM | ~ | coordinate measuring machine |
CMOS | COMP. | complementary metal oxide semiconductor |
CMOS-geheugen | COMP. | CMOS memory |
CMOS-geheugencel | COMP. | CMOS cell, static CMOS cell |
CMOS-vasteschijfparameters | COMP. | CMOS fixed disk parameters |
CMYK | COMP. | cyan-magenta-yellow-black |
CMYK-kleur | COMP. | process color |
CN-verhouding | ENVIRON. | carbon-nitrogen ratio |
CNC | MACH. | (gecomputeriseerde numerieke besturing) CNC, computerized numerical control |
CNC achteraanslag | MACH. | CNC back gauge |
CNC achteraanslagsysteem | MACH. | CNC back gauge system, CNC backgauge system |
CNC-besturing met vier assen | MACH. | four-axis CNC control |
CNC-besturing voor een freesmachine | MACH. | milling CNC |
CNC-besturingscoördinaten | MACH. | CNC control coordinates |
CNC-besturingsdata | MACH. | CNC control data |
CNC-bewerkingscentrum | MACH. | CNC machining center |
CNC-cilindrische slijpmahine | MACH. | CNC cylindrical grinding machine |
CNC-contourfrees | MACH. | CNC contour cutter, CNC end mill, contour mill |
CNC-contourfreesmachine | MACH. | CNC profile milling machine, CNC contour milling machine |
CNC-kolomboor | MACH. | CNC portal drill |
CNC-lasersnijder | MACH. | CNC laser cutter |
CNC-zetbank | MACH. | CNC plate-bending machine |
CNOMO-cilinder | ~ | CNOMO cylinder |
CNP-verhouding | ENVIRON. | carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus ratio, CNP rating |
Co | CHEM.TECHN. | (kobalt) cobalt |
CO-aflezing | AUTOMOT. | CO reading, CO readout, carbon monoxide reading |
co-auteurschap | COMP. | co-authorship |
co-destillatie | ENVIRON. | codistillation |
co-diffusie | ~ | co-diffusion |
co-existentie van e-mailomgevingen | COMP. | e-mail coexistence |
co-financiering | COMM. | co-financing |
CO | ENVIRON. | carbon monoxide |
CO-laser | ~ | CO laser |
co-maker | ~ | co-maker |
co-maker overeenkomst | ~ | co-maker agreement |
co-makersschap | ~ | co-makership |
co-processor | COMP. | coprocessor |
co-processor voor rekenopdrachten | ~ | mathematical coprocessor, math-coprocessor |
CO-productie | ENVIRON. | CO-production |
co-scan | ~ | co-scan |
CO-uitlaatgastestapparaat | AUTOMOT. | CO analyser, CO analyzer, CO tester |
CO2 | ENVIRON., CHEM.TECHN. | CO2, carbon dioxide |
CO2 heffing | ENVIRON. | carbon tax |
CO2-emissie | ENVIRON. | CO2-emission, carbon dioxide emission |
CO2-equivalent | ENVIRON. | CO2-equivalent |
CO2-laser | ~ | CO2 laser |
CO2-lassen | WELD. | CO2-shielded metal-arc welding |
CO2-niveau | ENVIRON. | CO2-level, carbon dioxide level |
CO2-uitstoot | ENVIRON. | CO2-emission, carbon dioxide emission |
COA | ~ | (authenticiteitscertificaat) certificate of authenticity |
coacervatie | AEROSP. | coacervation |
coagulaat | ~ | coagulate, coagulum |
coagulatie | ~ | clot, coagulation, flocculation |
coagulatiebad | TEX. | coagulation bath |
coagulatiemiddel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coagulant, coagulant aid |
coagulatiereactor | ENVIRON. | coagulation reactor |
coagulatietank | ~ | coagulation tank |
coagulator | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coagulator |
coaguleerbaar | ~ | coagulable |
coaguleerbaarheid | ~ | coagulability |
coaguleermiddel | ~ | coagulant, coagulating agent |
coaguleren | ~ | coagulate, clot, floculate |
coagulerend | ~ | coagulating |
coagulerend vermogen | ~ | coagulability, coagulating capacity |
coagulering | ~ | clot, coagulation, flocculation |
coagulum | ~ | coagulum |
coalescentie | ~ | coalescence |
coalescentiefilter | ~ | coalescence filter |
coalescer | MECH.ENG., ENERG. | (m.b.t. gasturbines) coalescer |
coanda | ~ | coanda |
coanda-effect | ~ | Coanda effect |
Coaster-schuif | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coaster gate |
coaten | ~ | coat, spray coat |
coating | ~ | coating |
coating-technologie | ~ | coating technology |
coatinghars | ~ | coating resin |
coatingmachine | ~ | coating machine |
coatingmengsel | POLYM. | coating compound |
coaxantenne | ~ | coaxial antenna |
coaxconnector | ~ | coax connector |
coaxdemping | ~ | coax damping |
coaxiaal | ~ | coaxial |
coaxiaal filter | TELECOM. | coaxial filter |
coaxiaalkabel | TELECOM. | coaxial cable, coax cable |
coaxiaalleiding | ELEC.ENG. | coaxial line |
coaxiaalsteker | TELECOM. | coaxial plug |
coaxiale antenne | ~ | coaxial antenna |
coaxiale connector | TELECOM. | coaxial connector |
coaxiale diode | ELECTRON. | coaxial diode |
coaxiale helicopter | AEROSP. | coaxial helicopter |
coaxiale lijn | ELECTRON. | coaxial line |
coaxiale neerslag-afvoerrelatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coaxial rainfall-runoff relation |
coaxiale schroef | AEROSP. | coaxial propeller |
coaxiale transmissielijn | ~ | coaxial transmission line |
coaxialiteit | ~ | coaxiality |
coaxialiteitsafwijking | ~ | eccentricity |
coaxkabel | TELECOM. | coax, coaxial cable, coax cable |
coaxsteker | TELECOM. | coaxial plug |
coaxstekerbus | TELECOM. | coax socket |
coaxverbinder | TELECOM. | coax connector |
cobalt | ~ | cobalt |
cobaltbad | ~ | cobalt plating solution, cobalt bath |
cocaïne | CHEM.TECHN. | cocaine |
cochenille | CHEM.TECHN. | cochineal |
cochenillescharlaken | ~ | cochineal scarlet, Dutch scarlet |
cochran-ketel | ~ | Cochran vertical multitubular boiler |
cockpit | ~ | cockpit, flight deck |
cockpitbemanning | ~ | cockpit crew (members), flight crew |
cockpitbrandblusser | AEROSP. | cockpit fire extinguisher |
cockpitconfiguratie | ~ | cockpit configuration, cockpit arrangement |
cockpitdisplay | AEROSP. | cockpit display |
cockpitinstrumentatiepaneel | AEROSP. | cockpit instrument panel |
cockpitinstrumentatie | AEROSP. | cockpit instrumentation, cockpit instruments |
cockpitvenster | AEROSP.; | 1. (voor) cockpit windshield; 2. (zijvenster) cockpit window |
cockpitkoepel | AEROSP. | cockpit canopy |
cockpitverlichting | AEROSP. | cockpit lighting |
cocon | ~ | cocoon |
cocondraad | ~ | cocoon fibre |
coconhaspel | ~ | silk reel |
coconneren | ~ | cocoon |
cocosmat | ~ | coco mat |
cocosmat met rubber bovenlaag | ~ | rubber-topped coco mat |
cocreatie | COMP. | co-authoring |
COD | ENVIRON. | (chemisch zuurstofverbruik) chemical oxygen demand, COD |
code | COMP.; | 1. code; 2. tag |
code stub | COMP. | code stub |
code van vier tekens | COMP. | four character code |
code voor automatisch dupliceren | ~ | auto-duplicating code |
code voor automatisch overslaan | ~ | auto-skip code |
code voor de beveiliging van persoonlijke | ~ | |
gegevens | TELECOM. | privacy code |
code voor diverse toeslagen | COMP. | miscellaneous charge code |
code voor zelf-controlerend nummer | ~ | self-check number verification code |
code-georiënteerd testen | ~ | code-based testing |
code-onafhankelijk | COMP. | code-independent |
code-verdeling met meervoudige toegang | TELECOM. | code division multiple access |
codeafhankelijk | COMP. | code-dependent |
codeanalyse | COMP. | code analysis |
codebasis | ~ | code base |
codebeheer | ~ | code management |
codebeoordeling | ~ | code review |
codeblad | ~ | coding sheet, code sheet |
codeboek | ~ | code book |
codebreekpunt | ~ | code breakpoint |
codec | ELECTRON., COMP. | (abbr.: codec) coder/decoder |
codeconversie | ~ | code conversion |
codedefinitievenster | COMP. | code definition window |
codeerapparaat | COMP. | coding device, encoder |
codeerbaar | COMP. | user-definable |
codeerblad | COMP. | coding form, coding sheet |
codeerder | ~ | coder |
codeereenheid | ~ | colour encoder, encoder |
codeerfout | COMP. | coding error |
codeerorgaan | ~ | encoder, coder |
codeerschakeling | ELECTRON. | encoding circuit |
codeerstift | AUTOMOT. | code pin |
codegebonden | COMP. | code-dependent |
codegenerator | ~ | code generator |
codelengte | COMP. | code length |
codemasker | COMP. | code mask |
codenummer | ~ | code number |
codenummerbestand | ~ | code number file |
codeomzetter | COMP. | code converter |
codeomzetting | COMP. | code conversion, code translation |
codepoint | COMP. | code point |
codepositie-coaten | ~ | code-position coating |
codeprijs | ~ | code price |
coderegel | ~ | coding line |
coderen | COMP.; | 1. code, codify, encode; 2. encode |
codering | COMP.; | 1. codification, coding, encoding; 2. code; 3. encoding |
codering in twee keer | COMP. | two-pass encoding |
codering in twee niveaus | ~ | two-level encoding |
codering met twee opeenvolgende pulsen | ~ | dipulse coding |
codering op enkelvoudig niveau | ~ | single-level encoding |
codering van informatie | ~ | cryptography |
coderingsalgoritme | COMP. | coding algorithm |
coderingsapparaat | ~ | coder |
coderingsblad | ~ | coding sheet |
coderingsfout | COMP. | encryption error |
coderingsmethode | COMP. | cipher |
coderingsprogramma | COMP. | encoder |
coderingsverdichting met variable | ~ | |
nauwkeurigheid | TELECOM. | variable precision coding compacting |
coder/decoder | COMP. | coder/decoder |
codeset | COMP. | code set |
codeslot | ~ | (fysieke programmabeveiliging op PC-poort) dongle |
codestelsel | ~ | code scheme |
codetabel | COMP. | code page |
codetabelbewerking | COMP. | code page operation |
codetabelinstellingen | COMP. | code page settings |
codetabelstuurprogramma | COMP. | code page driver |
codeteken | ~ | code character |
codetoegangbeveiligingsbeleid | COMP. | code access security policy, CAS policy |
codeur | ~ | coder |
codevenster | COMP. | code pane |
codeverdeling met meervoudige toegang | ~ | code division multiple access |
codevertaler | COMP. | code translator |
codevolgspoorrelais | RAIL. | code following track relay |
codewijziging | ~ | locking |
codewoord | ~ | code word |
codicil | ~ | living will |
codist | COMP. | coder |
codistor | ELECTRON. | codistor |
coëfficiënt | ELECTRON. | coefficient |
coëfficiënt van absorptie | ~ | coefficient of absorption |
coëfficiënt van contractie | ~ | coefficient of contraction |
coëfficiënt van dispersie | ~ | coefficient of dispersion |
coëfficiënt van elasticiteit | ~ | coefficient of elasticity |
coëfficiënt van equivalentie | ~ | coefficient of equivalence |
coëfficiënt van expansie | ~ | coefficient of expansion, coefficient of apparent expansion |
coëfficiënt van Hopkinson | ~ | leakage coefficient |
coëfficiënt van inwendige wrijving | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] coefficient of internal friction |
coëfficiënt van lineaire absorptie | ENVIRON. | coefficient of linear absorptie |
coëfficiënt van onbuigzaamheid | MECH.ENG. | coefficient of rigidity |
coëfficiënt van perceptie | ~ | coefficient of perception |
coëfficiënt van Poisson | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Poisson ratio |
coëfficiënt van restitutie | MECH.ENG. | coefficient of restitution |
coëfficiënt van rollende wrijving | MECH.ENG. | rolling- friction coefficient, rolling friction coefficient |
coëfficiënt van roterende massa | ~ | rational inertia coefficient, coefficient of increase of mass, coefficient of rotating mass |
coëfficiënt van selectieve absorptie | ~ | coefficient of selective absorption |
coëfficiënt van slepende wrijving | MECH.ENG. | coefficient of sliding friction, coefficient of friction |
coëfficiënt van snelheid | ~ | coefficient of velocity |
coëfficiënt van Steinmetz | ELEC.ENG. | Steinmetz coefficient |
coëfficiënt van variatie | ~ | coefficient of variation |
coëfficiënt van viscositeit | MECH.ENG. | coefficient of viscosity |
coëfficiënt van zelfinductie | ~ | coefficient of self-induction |
coëfficiënt van zijwaartse stuwkracht | AEROSP. | side thrust coefficient |
coëfficiënt van (inwendige) wrijving | ~ | coefficient of (internal) friction |
coëfficiënt voor opwaartse druk | AUTOMOT. | coefficient of lift |
coëfficiënt voor remkracht | RAIL. | braking force coefficient |
coëfficiënt voor zijdelingse kracht | TRAFF. | sideway force coefficient |
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger | ~ | coefficient unit, constant multiplier unit, coefficient potentiometer, scaler |
coënzym | ~ | coenzyme |
coënzym A | CHEM.TECHN. | coenzyme A |
coërcibel | ENVIRON. | (abbr.: CHP) coercible |
coërcitiefkracht | ~ | coercitive force |
coërcitiekracht | ~ | coercive force |
coërciviteit | ELECTRON. | (m.b.t. halfgeleidermaterialen) coercivity |
coëxtrusie | MACH. | coextrusion |
coëxtrusie blaasvormen | ~ | coextrusion blow moulding |
coffeïnevrije koffie | ~ | caffeine-free coffee |
cofunctionele modaliteit | COMP. | cofunctional modality |
COGEN | ENERG. | combined-cycle system, combined-cycle and power system, combined heat and power system, cogeneration system, cogen system |
cogen | ENERG. | combined-cycle system, combined-cycle and power system, combined heat and power system, cogeneration system, cogen system |
cogen-installatie | ENERG. | cogeneration system, combined-cycle power plant |
cogeneratie | ENVIRON. | co-generation, combined heat and power, cogen |
cogeneratie- | ENVIRON. | combined heat and power, combined-cycle |
cogeneratie-centrale | ENERG. | combined-cycle power station, co-generation power plant |
cogeneratie-energiecentrale | ENERG. | (cogen- centrale) combined-cycle energy plant |
cogeneratiesysteem | ENVIRON. | combined-cycle power system, combined-cycle energy system, combined heat and power system, co-generation system, CHP system |
cognitief | ~ | cognitive |
cognitief neurologisch onderzoek | ~ | cognitive neuroscience |
cognitieve wetenschap | ~ | cognitive science |
cognitiewetenschap | ~ | cognitive science |
cognitron | ~ | cognitron |
coherent | ~ | coherent |
coherente 3D-scène | COMP. | scene-coherent 3D |
coherente bundel | ELECTRON. | coherent bundle |
coherente detector | ~ | coherent detector |
coherente draaggolf | ELECTRON. | coherent carrier |
coherente interferentie | AEROSP. | coherent interference |
coherente referentie | ELECTRON. | coherent reference |
coherente rotatie | ELECTRON. | (m.b.t. halfgeleidermaterialen) coherent rotation |
coherente signalen | ~ | coherent signals |
coherente transponder | ELECTRON. | coherent transponder |
coherente-pulsdoppler | AEROSP. | coherent pulse Doppler |
cohererbuis | ~ | coherer tube |
cohererweerstand | ~ | coherer resistance |
cohesie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cohesion |
cohesief | ~ | cohesive |
cohesiekracht | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cohesive force |
cohesiesterkte | ~ | cohesive strength |
cohesieve bodem | ~ | cohesive soil |
cohesieve grond | GEOTECHN. | cohesive soil |
coïncidentele cohesie | ~ | coincidental cohesion |
coïncidentie | ~ | coincidence |
coïncidentie van pulsen | ~ | coincidence of pulses, pulse coincidence |
coincidentie-effect | ~ | coincidence effect |
coïncidentiepoort | COMP. | coincidence gate |
coïncidentieschakel | ~ | coincidence selection unit |
coïncidentieschakeling | PHYS. | coincidence circuit |
coïncidentiestroomkeuze | COMP. | coincident current selection |
coïncidentietelling | ~ | coincidence counting |
cokes | METALL. | coke(s) |
cokes-kolen | METALL. | coking coal |
cokesbed | METALL. | (gieterij) coke bed |
cokesblusinrichting | METALL. | coke quenching plant |
cokesbluswagen | METALL. | coke quenching car |
cokesbreekinstallatie | METALL. | coke breaking plant, coke crushing plant |
cokesbries | METALL. | coke breeze, coke waste |
cokesfilter | METALL. | coke filter |
cokesgrijper | METALL. | coke grab |
cokesgruis | METALL. | coke slack, coke waste |
cokeskamer | METALL. | coke chamber |
cokeslading | METALL. | (gieterij) coke charge |
cokeslift | METALL. | coke hoist |
cokesluchtfilter | METALL. | coke air cleaner |
cokesoven | METALL. | coke oven |
cokesovenbatterij | METALL. | coke oven bank, coke oven battery |
cokesovengas | METALL. | coke oven gas |
cokesovenkolen | METALL. | coking coal |
cokessorteerinstallatie | METALL. | coke grading plant |
cokeszeverij | METALL. | coke screening plant |
cold check | ~ | cold check |
cold-boxmethode | ~ | (gieterij) cold-box casting |
coliformbacteriën | ENVIRON. | coliform bacteria |
coliformtelling | ENVIRON. | coliform count |
collageen | ~ | collagen |
collapsdiameter | ~ | collapse diameter |
collatinering | ~ | collation |
collationeren | ~ | collate |
collator | ~ | collator |
collectief handelsmerk | PAT. | collective trademark, collective mark |
collectief oproepteken | ~ | collective call sign |
collectief risico | ENVIRON. | collective risk |
collectieve adresgroep | ~ | collective address group |
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst | ~ | collective agreement |
collectieve boerderij | AGRIC. | collective farm |
collectieve economie | COMM. | collectivised economy |
collectieve maaltijdverstrekking | ~ | catering |
collectieve onderhandeling | COMM. | collective bargaining |
collectieve routering | ~ | collective routing |
collectieve routeringsindicator | ~ | collective routing indicator |
collectieve spoed | AEROSP. | (van een hefschroefvliegtuig) collective pitch |
collectieve spoedhoek | AEROSP. | collective pitch angle |
collectieve werklijst | COMP. | unified work list |
collector | ELECTRON. | collector, commutator, commutor contacts |
collector van gelijkstroomdynamo | AUTOMOT. | commutator |
collector van uitlaatsysteem | AUTOMOT. | collector |
collector-emitterspanning | COMP. | collector-emitter voltage |
collectoraansluiting | COMP. | collector terminal |
collectorbasisdiode | ELECTRON. | collector-base diode |
collectorbasisjunctie | ELECTRON. | collector-base junction |
collectorbasisspanning | COMP. | collector-base voltage |
collectorborstel | ELEC.ENG. | commutator brush |
collectorbus | ELEC.ENG. | commutator bush, commutator sleeve |
collectorcapacitantie | ELECTRON. | collector capacitance |
collectordiffusie | ELECTRON. | collector diffusion |
collectordiffusie-isolatie | ELECTRON. | (abbr.: CDI) collector-diffusion isolation |
collectordiode | COMP. | collector diode |
collectordissipatie | ELECTRON. | collector dissipation |
collectordoorbraak | ELECTRON. | collector breakdown |
collectordoorslagspanning | COMP. | collector breakdown voltage |
collectorefficiëntie | ELECTRON. | collector efficiency |
collectoreindring | ELEC.ENG. | commutator end ring |
collectorgebied | COMP. | collector region, collector zone |
collectorgelijkrichter | ELEC.ENG. | commutator rectifier, permutator |
collectorgrenslaag | COMP. | collector junction |
collectorkarakteristiek | ELECTRON. | collector characteristic curve |
collectorkeerlaagcapaciteit | COMP. | collector barrier capacitance, collector depletion layer capacitance |
collectorkromme | ~ | commutator potential curve |
collectorlamel | ELECTRON. | collector lamination, commutator lamination |
collectormanchet | ~ | collector sleeve |
collectormotor | ELEC.ENG. | commutator motor |
collectoronderlaag | ELECTRON. | buried collector |
collectorring | ~ ; | 1. commutator ring; 2. collector ring |
collectorrotor | ~ | collector rotor |
collectorschakeling | ELECTRON. | collector circuit |
collectorschrede | ELEC.ENG. | commutator pitch |
collectorsegment | ELECTRON. | collector segment, commutator segment |
collectorsjablone | ELECTRON. | collector mask |
collectorsmeer | ~ | lubricant for commutator |
collectorspanning | ELECTRON. | collector voltage |
collectorspoed | ELEC.ENG. | commutator pitch |
collectorsteek | ELEC.ENG. | commutator pitch |
collectorstrook | ~ | commutator bar, commutator segment |
collectorverbreking | ELECTRON. | collector cutoff |
collectorverliezen | ELEC.ENG. | commutator losses |
collectorvoedingsspanning | ELECTRON. | collector supply voltage |
collectorvoorspanning | ELECTRON. | collector bias voltage |
collectorweerstand | ELECTRON. | collector resistance |
collectorzaag | ~ | slitting saw |
collegavorm | COMP. | co-worker shape |
colli | ~ | packages |
collidine | ENVIRON. | collidine |
colligatiecoëfficiënt | ~ | coefficient of colligation |
colligatief | ~ | colligative |
collimatie | ENVIRON. | collimation |
collimator | ELECTRON. | collimator |
collimeren | ENVIRON. | collimate |
collimering | ENVIRON. | collimation |
collineair | ~ | collinear |
colliniet | ~ | collinite |
collisie | ~ | collision |
collisiecontrole | ~ | collision check |
collo | ~ | package |
collodaal beton | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | colcrete |
collodium | CHEM.TECHN. | collodion, collodium |
colloïd | CHEM.TECHN. | colloid |
colloïdaal | ~ | colloidal |
colloïdaal grafiet | ~ | colloidal graphite |
colloïdaal stelsel | ~ | colloidal system |
colloïdaal verdelen | ENVIRON. | disperse, colloidal dispersion |
colloïdale neerslag | ~ | colloidal precipitate |
colloïdale toestand | ~ | colloidal state, dispersed phase |
colloïdale verdeling | ENVIRON. | disperse, colloidal dispersion |
colloïdchemie | ~ | colloid chemistry |
colloïde | ~ ; | 1. colloid; 2. (inclusief oplosmiddel) dispersion |
colloïde toestand | HYDROL. | colloidal state |
colloïde-injectie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | colloidal grout |
colloïdegehalte | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | colloid content |
colloïdmolen | ~ | colloid mill |
collomerk | ~ | package mark, shipping mark |
colluviaal | HYDROL. | colluvial |
colluvium | ENVIRON. | colluvium |
colocatie | COMP. | co-location, colocation |
colocatie-server | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | package server, co-location server, colocation server |
colofon | ~ | colophon |
colofonium | CHEM.TECHN. | colophonium, colophony, rosin |
colofonium esters | FOODST. | (E-nummer: 915) esters of colophane |
colofoniumhars | ~ | (vioolhars, colofonium) colophony, rosin |
colombienrood | ~ | columbine |
colonne rijden | TRAFF. | drive in convoy |
colorimeter | ~ | colorimeter |
colorimetrie | ~ | colorimetry |
colorimetrisch | ~ | colorimetric |
colorimetrisch onderzoek | ~ | colorimetric analysis |
colorimetrische analyse | ~ | colorimetric analysis, colorimetry |
colorimetrische proef | ~ | colorimetric analysis, colorimetric assay |
colour-killer | ~ | colour killer |
Colpitts-oscillator | ~ | Colpitts oscillator, Colpitts electron coupled oscillator |
colporteur | ~ | doorstep salesman |
columbiet | MIN. | columbite |
columbiumcarbide | CHEM.TECHN. | columbium carbide |
columbusgewicht | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Columbus-type weight |
COM-aanroepbare wrapper | COMP. | COM callable wrapper |
COM-bestand | COMP. | COM file |
COM-interface | COMP. | COM-interface, communications interface |
COM-invoegtoepassing | COMP. | COM add-in |
COM-klasse | COMP. | COM class |
COM-object | COMP. | COM object |
COM-poort | COMP. | COM-interface port, communications interface port |
COM-sleuf | COMP. | COM port, com slot, communication port |
coma | ~ | coma |
combi-antenne | ~ | combi-aerial, combi-antenna |
combi-boiler | ~ | combi boiler, combination boiler |
combi-condensor | ~ | combicondenser |
combi-instrument | AUTOMOT. | instrument cluster |
combi-kaart | ENVIRON. | combined ticket system |
combi-ketel | ~ | combination boiler, combination heater-boiler |
combi-licht | AUTOMOT. | combined flash-tail light, combination light, combined-light unit |
combinatie | ~ ; | 1. combination; 2. (samenstel van onderdelen) unit, assembly, set; 3. (van een trein, vrachtwagen) train, unit |
combinatie van giek, graafarm en bak | ~ | boom-stick- bucket combination |
combinatie van twee verschillende signalen | ~ | dual- diversity combining |
combinatiebouw | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | integrated construction, combined construction, combination construction |
combinatiebuis | ELEC.ENG. | double purpose tube, multiple valve |
combinatiecircuit | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | combinational circuit, combined circuit, diversity combiner |
combinatiediagram | COMP. | combination chart |
combinatiekleur | COMP. | scheme color |
combinatiekolom | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | combination column |
combinatiekromme | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | combination curve |
combinatieligger | ~ | combination beam |
combinatiemof | ~ | combination sleeve |
combinatiemotor | ~ | composite engine |
combinatieschaaf | ~ | combination plane |
combinatiesleutel | AUTOMOT. | combination spanner, combination wrench |
combinatieslot | ~ | code lock, combination lock |
combinatiestempel | ~ | compound die |
combinatietang | ~ ; | 1. combination pliers; 2. (met isolatie) electrician’s pliers |
combinatietekening | ~ | combined drawing |
combinatietekeningsysteem | ~ | combined drawing system |
combinatietonen | ~ | combination frequencies |
combinatietoon | ~ | combination tone |
combinatietrekker | ~ | combination puller |
combinatievloer | ~ | composite flooring system |
combinatieweergave | COMP. | combination view |
combinatieweerstand | ELEC.ENG. | combination resistance |
combinatiewindtunnel | AEROSP. | counterflow wind tunnel facility, counterflow facility |
combinatiezaagblad | ~ | combination saw blade |
combinator | ELEC.ENG. | combiner |
combinatorisch | ~ | combinational |
combinatorisch circuit | ELECTRON. | combinational circuit |
combinatorische logica | ELECTRON. | combinational logic |
combinatorische schakeling | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | combinational circuit |
combinatorklep | ~ | combiner valve |
combine | ~ | (maaidorsmachine) combine harvester |
combineerbaarheid | ENVIRON. | compatibility |
combineren | ~ | combine |
combineren van een groep | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | pregroup combining |
combischakelaar | AUTOMOT. | combination switch |
combisleutel | ~ | (gecombineerde ring- en steeksleutel) combination wrench |
combiversterker | ~ | combination amplifier |
combobox | COMP. | (meervoudige keuzelijst) combobox, combo box |
comboschakeling | ELECTRON. | combo |
comfiche | COMP. | comfiche |
comfort | ~ | comfort |
comfort voor de machinist | ~ | operator comfort |
comfortabel | ~ | comfortable |
comité | ~ | committee |
command control-stuursysteem | ~ | command control steering |
commanderen | AUTOMOT. | command |
commanditaire vennootschap | COMM. | limited partnership |
commando | ~ | command, instruction |
commando-as | MECH.ENG. | lead screw |
commando-eenheid | ~ | command unit |
commandobestand | ~ | command file |
commandobesturingsblok | COMP. | command control block |
commandobesturingsprogramma | COMP. | command control program |
commandobrug | SHIP. | conning bridge |
commandocentrum | ~ | command centre |
commandogeleiding | AEROSP. | command guidance, mission command |
commandoklep | AUTOMOT. | distribution valve |
commandolijst | COMP. | instruction list, instruction set |
commandoreferentie | ELECTRON. | command reference |
commandoschakelaar | ELEC.ENG. | master controller, command switch, master switch |
commandoschijf | ~ | control disc |
commandosignaal | AUTOMOT. | command signal |
commandotaal | ~ | command language |
commandotoren | ~ | conning tower |
commandotransmissieframe | ~ | command frame |
commandoverwerking | COMP. | command processing |
commentaar | ~ | comment |
commentaarinstructie | COMP. | comment statement |
commentaarkanaal | ~ | commentary channel |
commentaaropdracht | ~ | comment statement |
commentaarregel | ~ | comment line |
commentaarveld | ~ | comment field |
commentator | ~ | commentator |
commercialisering | ENVIRON. | commercialization |
commercieel | ~ | commercial |
commerciëel afval | ENVIRON. | commercial waste |
commercieel beleid | ~ | commercial policy |
commercieel plan | ~ | market plan |
commercieel type | ~ | commercial type |
commerciële afdruk | COMP. | commercial printing |
commerciële communicatiedienst | ~ | commercial communication service |
commerciële distributie | COMM. | distributive trades |
commerciële functie | ~ | marketing function |
commerciële informatie | COMM. | trade information |
commerciële landbouw | AGRIC. | commercial farming |
commerciële leverancier van publiekelijk | ~ | |
beschikbare communicatiediensten | ~ | commercial communication common carrier |
commerciële media | COMM. | commercial media |
commerciële motor | ~ | commercial engine |
commerciële printer | COMP. | commercial press |
commerciële samenwerking | COMM. | trade cooperation |
commerciële sector | ~ | commercial sector |
commerciële status | ~ | commercial status |
commerciële unit | COMP. | commercial unit |
commerciële varianten | ~ | commercial variants |
commerciële voorraad | ~ | commercial stock |
commissaris | ~ | supervising director, company director |
commissie | ~ ; | 1. committee, panel; 2. (financieel voordeel) commission, provision |
commissie inzake milieuverontreiniging | ENVIRON. | committee on environmental pollution |
Commissie Milieu Industrie | ENVIRON. | Committee on Industry and the Environment |
commissie milieutoets | ENVIRON. | environmental screening committee |
Commissie van Advies voor de Milieustatistiek | ENVIRON. | Environmental Statistics Advisory Committee |
Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen | ENVIRON. | European Commission |
Commissie voor de bescherming van het Mariene | ~ | |
Milieu | ENVIRON. | (abbr.: MEPC) Marine Environment Protection Committee |
Commissie voor de Milieueffectrapportage | ENVIRON. | (MER-commissie) Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment(s) |
Commissie voor Kernenergie | ENVIRON. | Atomic Energy Commission |
commissieleden | ~ | committee members, members of the committee |
commissienummer | ~ | budget number |
commissieverslag | COMM. | committee report |
common-mode | ~ | common mode |
common-mode capacitantie | ELECTRON. | common- mode input capacitance |
common-mode impedantie-ingang | ELECTRON. | common-mode impedance input |
common-mode ingangscircuit | ELECTRON. | common- mode input circuit |
common-mode ingangsimpedantie | ELECTRON. | common-mode input impedance |
common-mode ingangssignaal | ELECTRON. | common- mode input signal |
common-mode ingangsspanning | ELECTRON. | common-mode input voltage |
common-mode interferentie | ELECTRON. | common- mode interference |
common-mode karakteristieken | ELECTRON. | common-mode characteristics |
common-mode spanning | ELECTRON. | common-mode voltage |
common-mode versterking | ELECTRON. | common- mode gain |
communautair advies | COMM. | Community opinion |
communautair beleid | COMM. | Community policy |
communautair beleid-nationaal beleid | COMM. | Community policy-national policy |
communautair beschermheerschap | COMM. | Community sponsorship |
communautair besluit | COMM. | Community act |
communautair bestek | COMM. | Community support framework |
communautair financieel instrument | COMM. | Community financial instrument |
communautair industriebeleid | COMM. | Community industrial policy |
communautair initiatief | COMM. | Community initiative |
communautair milieubeleid | ENVIRON. | community environmental policy |
communautair onderzoeksbeleid | COMM. | Community research policy |
communautair programma | COMM. | Community programme |
communautair recht | COMM. | Community law |
communautair regionaal beleid | COMM. | Community regional policy |
communautair toezicht | COMM. | Community control |
communautair werkgelegenheidsbeleid | COMM. | Community employment policy |
communautair wetgevingsprogramma | COMM. | Community legislative programme |
communautaire aanbeveling | COMM. | Community recommendation |
communautaire activiteit | COMM. | Community activity |
communautaire bevoegdheid | COMM. | Community competence |
communautaire certificatie | COMM. | Community certification |
communautaire financiering | COMM. | Community financing |
communautaire hulp | COMM. | Community aid |
communautaire instelling | COMM. | EU institution |
communautaire investering | COMM. | Community investment |
communautaire invoer | COMM. | Community import |
communautaire landbouwmarkt | COMM. | Community agricultural market |
communautaire lening | COMM. | Community borrowing |
communautaire methode | COMM. | Community method |
communautaire preferentie | COMM. | Community preference |
communautaire productie | COMM. | Community production |
communautaire publicatie | COMM. | Community publication |
communautaire resolutie | COMM. | Community resolution |
communautaire richtlijn | COMM. | Community directive |
communautaire sanctie | COMM. | Community sanction |
communautaire statistiek | COMM. | Community statistics |
communautaire transit | COMM. | Community transit |
communautaire uitgaven | COMM. | Community expenditure |
communautaire verkeersader | COMM. | Community trunk route |
communautaire verordening | ENVIRON. | community regulation |
communautaire visserij | COMM. | Community fisheries |
communautaire voorraad | COMM. | Community stock |
communautaire wateren | COMM. | Community waters |
communautaire werknemer | COMM. | Community worker |
communautarisering | COMM. | principle of communitisation |
communicatie | ~ | communication |
communicatie met metalen draadverbindingen | TELECOM. | wireline communications |
communicatie tussen eindpuntapparatuur | TELECOM. | interworking |
communicatie tussen processen | TELECOM. | (abbr.: IPC) interprocess communication |
communicatie van open systemen | TELECOM. | open systems interconnection |
communicatie-eenheid met hoog | ~ | |
transmissievermogen | TELECOM. | high-power communication device |
communicatie-eenheid met laag | ~ | |
transmissievermogen | TELECOM. | low-power communication device |
communicatie-elektronica | TELECOM. | communications electronics |
communicatie-exercitie | TELECOM. | communication exercise |
communicatie-industrie | COMM. | communications industry |
communicatie-inhoudsanalyse | TELECOM. | communication contents analysis |
communicatie-interceptie | TELECOM. | communications intercept |
communicatie-interface | TELECOM. | communications interface |
communicatie-interfacemodule | TELECOM. | communications interface module |
communicatie-in/uitvoereenheid | ~ | [TELECOM., ELECTRON.] communication input/output device |
communicatieaanpassingseenheid | TELECOM. | communication adapter |
communicatieaansluiting | COMP. | communication port, communications adapter |
communicatieadapter | ~ ; | 1. communication adapter, communications adapter; 2. communication adapter tool |
communicatieaftaster | TELECOM. | communication scanner |
communicatieapparatuur met gering | ~ | |
prestatievermogen | TELECOM. | low-performance communication equipment |
communicatieapparatuur met hoog | ~ | |
prestatievermogen | TELECOM. | high-performance communication equipment |
communicatieapparatuurwachtrij | COMP. | communication-device queue |
communicatiebeheer | TELECOM. | communication management |
communicatiebeheercomputer | TELECOM. | communication-management computer |
communicatiebeleid | COMM. | communications policy |
communicatiebesturingseenheid | TELECOM. | communication control unit, communication processor |
communicatiebesturingsprocedure | TELECOM. | communication control procedure |
communicatiebesturingsprogramma | TELECOM. | communication control program |
communicatiebesturingsteken | TELECOM. | communication control character |
communicatiebesturingswerkwijze | TELECOM. | communication control mode |
communicatiebetrouwbaarheid | TELECOM. | communication reliability |
communicatiebeveiliging | TELECOM. | communication security |
communicatiebeveiligingsapparatuur | TELECOM. | communication security equipment |
communicatieblokkering | TELECOM. | (abbr.: COMJAM) communication jamming |
communicatiebuffer | TELECOM. | communication buffer |
communicatiecomputer | TELECOM. | communication computer |
communicatieconfiguratie | TELECOM. | communication configuration |
communicatiedienst voor gebruikers met een | ~ | |
algemeen belang | TELECOM. | common-user communication service |
communicatief instrument | ENVIRON. | communicative instrument |
communicatiefaciliteit | TELECOM. | communication facility |
communicatiefout | COMP. | communications error, communications failure |
communicatiefunctie | TELECOM. | communication task |
communicatiegebied | TELECOM. | communication region |
communicatiegebruikersprogramma | TELECOM. | communication user program |
communicatiegeschiedenis | COMP. | communication history |
communicatiegeschiedenisitem | COMP. | communication history item |
communicatiekanaal | COMP., TELECOM. | communications channel, communication channel |
communicatielampjes | COMP. | communication lights |
communicatielijn | TELECOM. | communication line |
communicatiemedium | TELECOM. | means of communication |
communicatiemethode voor het uitzenden van | ~ | |
gegevens | TELECOM. | broadcast communication method |
communicatiemiddel | TELECOM. | means of communication |
communicatiemiddelen | TELECOM. | communication means, communication resources |
communicatiemodule | ~ | communication module |
communicatiemodule voor de klant | ~ | custom communication module, customer communication module |
communicatiemultiplexer | TELECOM. | communication multiplexer |
communicatienet voor noodberichten | TELECOM. | distress communication net |
communicatienetwerk | TELECOM. | communication network |
communicatieonderbreking | TELECOM. | communication interruption |
communicatieontvangststation | TELECOM. | communication sink |
communicatieopdracht | TELECOM. | communication instruction |
communicatieorganen | TELECOM. | communication media |
communicatieorganisatie voor een bepaald | ~ | |
gebied | TELECOM. | area communication organization |
communicatieparameters | TELECOM. | communication parameters |
communicatieplan | COMP. | (m.b.t. ITIL service management) communication plan |
communicatieprogramma | COMP. | communication program |
communicatieprogrammatuur | TELECOM. | communication software |
communicatieprotocol | TELECOM. | communication protocol |
communicatierelatie | COMP. | communicates relationship |
communicatieroute | COMP. | communication route, route, alternate route |
communicaties | TELECOM. | communications |
communicaties bij actuele gebeurtenissen | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | scene-of-action communications |
communicaties in de lucht | TELECOM. | air-air communications |
communicaties in noodsituaties | TELECOM. | distress communications |
communicaties voor militaire bases | TELECOM. | (abbr.: basecom) base communications |
communicaties voor militaire veiligheid | ~ | [TELECOM., ELECTRON.] intelligence communications |
communicatiesamenhang | TELECOM. | communication coherence |
communicatiesatelliet | ~ | communications satellite |
communicatieschakeleenheid | TELECOM. | communication switching unit |
communicatieschema | TELECOM. | communication diagram |
communicatieserver | TELECOM. | communication server |
communicatieservice | COMP. | communications service |
communicatiesnelheid | COMP. | data transmission rate, data transmission speed |
communicatiesubsysteem | TELECOM. | communication subsystem |
communicatiesysteem | TELECOM. | communication system |
communicatiesysteembeheer | TELECOM. | communication system management |
communicatietarief | COMM. | telephone charges |
communicatietechniek | ~ | communication technics |
communicatietechnologieën | TELECOM. | communication technologies |
communicatieterminal | TELECOM. | communication terminal station |
communicatietheorie | TELECOM. | communication theory |
communicatieve cohesie | TELECOM. | communicational cohesion |
communicatieverbinding | COMP. | communication link |
communicatieverkeer | TELECOM. | communication traffic |
communicatieverwerkingseenheid | TELECOM. | (abbr.: CPU) communication processor unit |
communicatievoorkeuren | COMP. | communication preferences |
communicatiewacht | TELECOM. | guard watch |
communicatiewerkwijze | TELECOM. | communication mode |
communicatiewerkwijzen | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | communication modes |
communicatiezender | TELECOM. | communication transmitter |
communicatiezendstation | TELECOM. | communication source |
communicator | COMP. | communicator |
communiceren | COMP. | communicate |
communicerend | ~ | communicating |
communityleden | COMP. | community members |
communitynaam | COMP. | community name |
commutabel | COMP. | commutable |
commutatie | ELECTRON. | commutation |
commutatiecondensator | ELECTRON. | commutating capacitor |
commutatief | COMP. | commutative |
commutatiegebied | ELEC.ENG. | commutation zone |
commutatiekring | ~ | commutation zone |
commutatiekromme | ~ | curve of commutation |
commutatieproces | ~ | process of commutation |
commutatiespoel | ELEC.ENG. | commutating coil |
commutatietijd | ~ | period of commutation |
commutatieverlies | ELEC.ENG. | commutator loss |
commutatiezone | ~ | commutation zone |
commutator | ~ ; | 1. (poolwisselaar) pole changer; 2. (schakelaar) commutator |
commutator van wisselstroomdynamo | AUTOMOT. | commutator |
commutatorborstel | ELEC.ENG. | commutator brush |
commutatordeling | ELEC.ENG. | spacing of collector bars |
commutatorlamel | ELEC.ENG. | commutator bar, commutator segment |
commutatormachine | ~ | commutator machine |
commutatormotor | ELEC.ENG. | commutator motor |
commutatorspoed | ~ | commutator pitch |
commutatorverliezen | ELEC.ENG. | commutator losses |
compact | ~ | compact |
compact horizontaal | ~ | compact horizontal |
compact-installatie | ~ | package assembly |
compactcamera | ~ | compact camera |
compactcassette | ~ | compact cassette |
compactdisc | COMP. | (abbr.: CD) compact disc |
compactdisc PROM | ~ | (abbr.: CD-PROM) compact disc PROM |
compactdisc ROM | ~ | (abbr.: CD-ROM) compact disc ROM |
compactdisk | COMP. | compact disc |
compacte asbest | ~ | compressed asbestos |
compacte modus | COMP. | skin mode |
compacte motor | ~ | compact motor |
compacte TL | ~ | (abbr.: CFL) compact fluorescent light, CFL |
compacte warmtewisselaar | ENVIRON. | compact heat- exchanger |
compacte wiellader | ~ | compact wheel loader |
compacteren | ENVIRON. | compact |
CompactFlash-opslag | COMP. | (flash-opslaggeheugen) CompactFlash storage, CompactFlash data storage |
compactflashcard | COMP. | compact-flash card |
compactheid | ~ | compaction, compactness |
compactie | CIV.ENG.; | 1. (verdichting) compaction, compression; 2. (bodemverdichting) compaction, compression, consolidation |
compactie van data | ~ | (verdichting) data compaction, data compression |
compactie met variërende grootheden | TELECOM. | sample-change compaction |
compactiegraad | GEOTECHN. | degree of compaction |
compactstekker | AUTOMOT. | insulation displacement connection |
compander | ELECTRON. | compander |
companion | ~ | companion |
compansie | ~ | companding |
comparatio | COMP. | compa-ratio |
comparator | ~ | dial gauge, dial indicator |
compartiment | ~ | compartment |
compartimentering | HYDROL.; | 1. compartmentation; 2. (m.b.t. waterkering) partitioning, partition, damming |
compartimenteringsdam | CIV.ENG. | partition dam |
compascuum | ~ | common land(s) |
compatibel | ~ | compatible |
compatibel IC | ~ | compatible integrated circuit |
compatibel met eerdere versies | COMP. | backward compatible |
compatibele computer | COMP. | compliant computer |
compatibele enkelzijband | ~ | (abbr.: CSSB) compatible single sideband |
compatibele IC | ELECTRON. | compatible IC |
compatibele id | COMP. | compatible ID |
compatibele ontvangst | ~ | compatible reception |
compatibele zijbandtransmissie | ~ | compatible sideband transmission |
compatibiliteit | COMP. | compatibility |
compatibiliteit met eerdere versies | COMP. | backward compatibility |
compatibiliteit naar boven | ~ | upward compatibility |
compatibiliteit van gegevens | COMP. | data compatibility |
compatibiliteitsbeheer | COMP. | compatibility administrator |
compatibiliteitscontrole | ~ | compatibility check |
compatibiliteitsmodus | COMP. | compatibility mode |
compatibiliteitsoplossing | COMP. | compatibility fix |
compatibiliteitsrapport | COMP. | compatibility report |
compatibiliteitsterugschakeling | COMP. | compatibility switching |
compatibiliteitstest | COMP. | compatibility test |
compatibiliteitsweergave | COMP. | compatibility view |
compensatie | ELECTRON. | compensation |
compensatie van gewenste speling | AUTOMOT. | clearance compensation |
compensatie van ongewenste speling | AUTOMOT. | play compensation |
compensatie- | ~ | compensatory, compensating |
compensatie-overeenkomst | COMM. | clearing agreement |
compensatie-overstroomklep | AUTOMOT. | (van schokdemper) equalising valve, equalizing valve |
compensatieampèrewinding | ~ | compensating ampere turn |
compensatiebatterij | ~ | balancing battery, equalizing battery |
compensatiebekken | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | balancing tank, equalizing basin, compensation reservoir |
compensatieberging | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | balancing storage |
compensatiebeweging | ~ | compensating movement |
compensatieboring | AUTOMOT. | balance hole |
compensatiebrug | ~ | potentiometer |
compensatiebuis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | equalizing pipe |
compensatiecondensator | ELECTRON. | compensating capacitor |
compensatiedebiet | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | compensation water |
compensatiediode | ELECTRON. | compensating diode |
compensatiedrijfwerk | ~ | differential |
compensatieduiker | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | equalizing culvert |
compensatiefilter | ~ | compensation filter |
compensatiegat | ~ | (van hydraulische rem) compensating hole |
compensatiegraad | ELECTRON. | compensation factor |
compensatiehefboom | ~ | compensating lifting beam |
compensatieinrichting | ~ | compensating device |
compensatieinrichting voor lengteverandering | ~ | expansion compensating device |
compensatieklep | AUTOMOT. | proportioning valve |
compensatiekleur | PHYS. | compensation colour |
compensatiekoppeling | ~ | compensating coupling |
compensatiekrachtstroom | ~ | compensating flux |
compensatiekring | AUTOMOT. | compensation circuit |
compensatielas voor langgelaste spoorstaven | RAIL. | expansion device for continuously welded rails |
compensatielucht | AUTOMOT. | compensating air, correction air |
compensatiemagneet | ~ | compensating magnet |
compensatieniveau | COMP. | compensation level |
compensatieplaat | ~ | (bij meettechnieken) compensating plate |
compensatiepool | ~ | compensating pole, interpole |
compensatiereservoir | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. (van hydraulische rem) supply tank; 2. equalizing reservoir, service reservoir |
compensatiering | ~ | (tussen buisdelen) equalizing ring |
compensatieslinger | ~ | compensation pendulum |
compensatiesmoorspoel | ELECTRON. | balancing coil |
compensatiespoel | ELECTRON. | compensation coil, compensating coil |
compensatiesproeier | AUTOMOT. | compensating jet |
compensatiestroom | ELEC.ENG. | equalizing current, compensating current |
compensatiesturing | MECHATRON. | compensatory control |
compensatietank | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | equalizing tank |
compensatieveer | ~ | compensating spring |
compensatieveld | ~ | compensating field |
compensatieverlof | ~ | compensatory leave |
compensatievijver | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | equalizing pond |
compensatievoltmeter | ELEC.ENG. | null-balance voltmeter |
compensatieweerstand | ELECTRON. | compensating resistor |
compensatieweerstandselement | AUTOMOT. | compensating resistor |
compensatiewikkeling | ~ | compensating winding, compensation coil |
compensator | ~ | compensator |
compenseren | ~ | balance, compensate, equalize |
compenserend | MECH.ENG. | equilibrant |
compenserend netwerk | ELECTRON. | compensating network |
compenserende faseverschuiving | ~ | compensating phase shift |
compenserende financiering | COMM. | compensatory financing |
compenserende heffing | COMM. | countervailing charge |
compenserende kracht | ENVIRON. | equilibrant force |
competent | ~ | (ook in betekenis van goed geschoold) competent, skilled, professional, able, capable |
competente plooiing | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | competent folding |
competente rivier | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | competent river |
competentieniveau | COMP. | competence level |
compilatie van doelgroep | COMP. | audience compilation |
compilatie-eenheid | ~ | compilation unit |
compilatiefout | COMP. | compilation error |
compilatieproces | COMP. | compiling run, pass |
compilatieprogramma | ~ | compiler |
compilatietijd | COMP. | compile time |
compilator | ~ | compiler, compiling program |
compilator-generator | ~ | compiler generator, compiler compiler |
compilatorgenerator | COMP. | compiler generator |
compileeraanwijzing | COMP. | compiler directive, compiler instruction |
compileerdiagnostiek | COMP. | compiler diagnostics |
compileerfase | ~ | compiling phase |
compileerinstructie | COMP. | compiler command |
compileermachine | ~ | compiling computer, source computer |
compileerprogramma | ~ | compiler |
compileersoftware | ~ | compiler |
compileertaal | ~ | compiler, compiling program |
compileertijd | COMP. | compiling time |
compiler | ~ | compiler |
compiler voor aangepaste woordenlijsten | COMP. | custom dictionary compiler |
compiler-compiler | COMP. | compiler generator |
compiler-optie | COMP. | compiler option |
compilercode | ~ | compiler code |
compileren en uitvoeren | ~ | compile-and-go |
compilergenerator | ~ | compiler generator |
compileringsduur | ~ | compile time, compiling duration |
compleet | ~ | complete, full |
compleet doorlaatfilter | ELECTRON. | all-pass filter |
compleet geheel | AUTOMOT. | assembly |
compleet kleurentelevisiesignaal | ~ | composite colour television signal |
compleet met | ~ | complete with, c/w |
compleet prototype | ~ | full prototype |
compleet stempel | ~ | compound tool |
compleet televisiesignaal | ~ | composite television signal |
compleetstempel | ~ | (in een stanserij) combination die, compound die |
complement van een hoek | ~ | complement of an angle |
complementair | ~ | complementary |
complementair instrument | ENVIRON. | complementary instrument |
complementair mechanisme | COMM. | supplementary trade mechanism |
complementair paar | ~ | (halfgeleiders) complementary pair |
complementaire bewerking | ~ | complementary operation, complementary operator |
complementaire deformatie-energie | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] complementary strain energy |
complementaire golf | ELECTRON. | complementary wave |
complementaire golflengte | ~ | complementary wavelength |
complementaire hoek | GEOM. | complementary angle |
complementaire kleur | ~ | complementary colour |
complementaire metaal-isolatorhalfgeleider | ~ | complementary metal-insulator-semiconductor |
complementaire metaaloxide-halfgeleider | COMP. | complementary metal oxide semiconductor |
complementaire metaaloxidehalfgeleider | ~ | (abbr.: CMOS) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor |
complementaire transistoren | ELECTRON. | complementary transistors |
complementariteitsbeginsel | COMM. | principle of additionality |
complementariteitsovereenkomst | COMM. | complementarity agreement |
complementeren | COMP. | complement |
complementering | COMP. | complementation |
complementvoorstelling | COMP. | complement representation |
complementvorming | COMP. | complementation |
complete opdracht | ~ | complete instruction, absolute instruction |
complete pc terugzetten | COMP. | complete PC restore |
complete pc-back-up | COMP. | complete PC backup |
completeren | ~ | complete |
completering | ~ | closure |
completeringswachttijd | ~ | completion waiting time |
complex | ~ | complex |
complex ecologisch evenwicht | ENVIRON. | complex ecological balance |
complex getal | ~ | complex number |
complex netwerk | COMP. | complex network |
complex schrifttype | COMP. | complex script |
complexe benutting van waterreserves | ENVIRON. | multipurpose utilization of water |
complexe functie | ELECTRON. | complex function |
complexe golfvorm | ELECTRON. | complex waveform |
complexe micro-elektronica | ~ | complex microelectronics |
complexe overdrachtsfunctie | ~ | complex transfer function |
complexe overgang | COMP. | complex transition |
complexe periodieke golf | ELECTRON. | complex periodic wave |
complexe toon | ~ | complex tone |
complexe vorm | ~ | complex shape, complex geometry |
complexe zoekopdracht | COMP. | extended search command, complex search command |
complexeermiddel | ~ | complexing agent |
complexiteit | ~ | complexity |
complexiteit van een eenheid | ELECTRON. | device complexity |
complexiteitsgraad | ELECTRON. | complexity factor |
complexiteitsklasse | ELECTRON. | complexity level |
complexkunstmeststof | ENVIRON. | complex fertilizer |
complexometrisch | ~ | complexometric |
complexverbinding | ~ | complex compound |
complexvorming | ~ | complexing |
compliance | ~ | (compliantie) compliance |
compliantie | ~ | compliance |
compliantie-informatie | COMP. | compliance information |
component | ~ ; | 1. member; 2. component |
component van het chrominantiesignaal met de | ~ | |
grootste bandbreedte | ~ | fine chrominance primary |
component van versnelling | ~ | component of acceleration |
component van vliegsnelheid in richting van | ~ | |
dwarsas | AEROSP. | lateral velocity |
componentdrager | ELECTRON. | component carrier |
componenten van de integrerende infrastructuur | ~ | integrating infrastructure components |
componenten van het chrominantiesignaal | ~ | chrominance components |
componentenanalyse | COMP. | componential analysis |
componentenassemblage | ~ | component assembly |
componentendichtheid | ELECTRON. | component density |
componentenmontage | ~ | assembly |
componentidentificatie | ~ | component identifier |
componentprogrammering | COMP. | component programming, modular programming |
componentschema | ~ | component diagram |
componentspanning | ELECTRON. | component stress |
componentstandaard | ~ | component standard |
composiet | ~ | composite structure |
composietaandrijfstof | ~ | composite propellant |
composietbesturingselement | COMP. | composite control |
composietbrandstof | ~ | composite fuel |
composietgedrag | ~ | composite behaviour |
composietmateriaal | ~ | composite material |
composietmetaal | ~ | composite metal, ply metal |
composietsamenstel | ~ | composite assembly |
composietstaal | ~ | composite steel |
compositie | ~ | composition |
compositieborstel | ~ | composition brush |
compositiebrandstof | ~ | (van raket) composite propellant |
compositiemetaal | ~ | composition metal |
compositieprop | ~ | composition plug |
compositiespijker | ~ | composition nail |
compositievoering | ~ | white metal lining, white metal packing |
compost | ~ | compost, compound manure |
compostactiveringsmiddel | ~ | compost activator |
composteerbedrijf | ENVIRON. | composting plant |
composteerder | ENVIRON.; | 1. composter; 2. composting plant |
composteerinstallatie | ENVIRON. | composting plant |
composteren | ~ | compost |
composteren van slib | ~ | sludge composting, settling of sludge |
compostering | ~ | composting |
composteringsgrondstof | ENVIRON. | raw material for composting |
composteur | ~ | composter |
composteurtrommel | ENVIRON. | tumbling composter, rotary composter |
composthoop | ENVIRON. | compost heap |
compostkwaliteit | ENVIRON. | compost quality |
compoundbekrachtiging | ELEC.ENG. | compound excitation |
compoundcentrifugaalpomp | ~ | compound centrifugal pump, two-stage centrifugal pump |
compoundcompressie | ~ | compound compression |
compounddraad | ~ | compound wire |
compounddynamo | ~ | compound dynamo, compound generator |
compounderen | ~ | compound |
compoundgenerator | ELEC.ENG. | compound generator |
compoundgevulde isolator | ~ | compound-filled insulator |
compoundglijlager | ~ | multilayer plain bearing |
compoundkabel | ~ | compound cable |
compoundolie | AUTOMOT.; | 1. compound oil, compoundage; 2. compound oil |
compoundopwekker | ELEC.ENG. | compound exciter |
compoundopwekking | ~ | compound excitation |
compoundpapier | ~ | compound impregnated paper |
compoundpomp | ~ | bicompound pump |
compoundschakelen | ~ | connect in series parallel |
compoundstaal | ~ | compound steel |
compoundstoommachine | ~ | compound steam engine |
compoundtransformator | ~ | compound transformer |
compoundturbine | ~ | compound turbine, compound turbine engine |
compoundwikkeling | ~ | compound coil, compound winding |
compressibiliteit | PHYS. | compressibility |
compressie | ~ | compression |
compressie en expansie | ~ | companding, compression and expansion |
compressie met kwaliteitsverlies | COMP. | lossy compression |
compressie zonder kwaliteitsverlies | COMP. | lossless compression |
compressie-einddruk | ~ | final compression pressure |
compressie-eindtemperatuur | AUTOMOT. | final- compression temperature |
compressie-energie | ~ | compression energy |
compressie-instellingen | COMP. | compression settings |
compressie-uitsluitingslijst | COMP. | compression exclusion list |
compressiearbeid | ~ | work done during compression, work of compression |
compressiecilinder | ~ | compression cylinder |
compressiedruk | ~ | compression pressure |
compressiedrukverhouding | ~ | compression pressure ratio |
compressiegegevens | COMP. | compression properties |
compressiegraad | ~ ; | 1. degree of compression, rate of compression; 2. degree of compaction, rate of compaction, compaction rate |
compressiegrens | ~ | limit of compression |
compressiehulpprogramma | COMP. | compression utility |
compressiekoelinstallatie | ~ | compression refrigerating installation |
compressiekoelmachine | ~ | compression refrigerating machine |
compressiekromme | ~ | compression curve |
compressiematrijs | ~ | compression mould |
compressiemeter | AUTOMOT. | compression gage, compression gauge, compression-loss tester, compression tester, engine indicator |
compressiemethode | COMP. | compression method |
compressiemeting | AUTOMOT. | compression-loss test, compression check, compression test |
compressiemodulus | AEROSP. | bulk modulus |
compressieniveau | COMP. | compression level |
compressieontsteking | AUTOMOT. | compression ignition |
compressieontstekingsmotor | AUTOMOT. | compression ignition engine |
compressieopties | COMP. | compression options |
compressiepers | POLYM. | compression mould |
compressiepersmatrijs | ~ | compression mould |
compressieprogramma | COMP. | compression program, compression utility, packer |
compressiepunt | ~ | point of compression |
compressieratio | COMP. | compression ratio |
compressierem | ~ | compression brake |
compressierib | AEROSP. | (ter plaatse van een verbinding tussen vleugel en romp) butt rib |
compressieruimte | AUTOMOT.; | 1. (de ruimte in cc uitgedrukt) clearance volume; 2. (fysieke ruimte) compression chamber |
compressieslag | ~ | compression stroke |
compressiesoftware | COMP. | compression software, packer |
compressiespanning | ~ | compression pressure |
compressiestoot | ~ | compression rebound, surging shock |
compressiestuurprogramma | COMP. | compression driver |
compressietemperatuur | ~ | temperature of compression |
compressietrappen | AUTOMOT. | compression stages |
compressietype | COMP. | compression type |
compressieveer | AUTOMOT. | compression ring |
compressieverhouding | AUTOMOT. | compression ratio |
compressieverlies | AUTOMOT. | compression loss, loss of compression |
compressiewaarde | ~ | compression value |
compressiewarmte | AUTOMOT. | compression heat |
compressiezuigerveer | ~ | compression ring |
compressor | AUTOMOT. | compressor |
compressor met dubbelzijdige waaier | ~ | double-entry compressor |
compressor met enkelzijdige waaier | ~ | single-entry compressor, single entry compressor |
compressor van airconditioning | AUTOMOT. | A/C compressor, air-conditioner compressor, air-conditioning compressor, refrigerant compressor |
compressor van luchtdrukremsysteem | AUTOMOT. | air pump |
compressor van motoroplaadsysteem | AUTOMOT. | blower, charger, compressor, supercharger |
compressorafvoer | AIRCO. | compressor discharge valve |
compressoraggregaat | ~ | compressor set |
compressorbehuizing | ~ | compressor casing |
compressorcilinder | ~ | compressor cylinder |
compressordiffusor | ~ | compressor diffuser |
compressorhuis | ~ | compressor casing |
compressorhuis turbocharger | ~ | turbocharger compressor housing |
compressorhuishelft | ~ | compressor half casing |
compressorinlaat | ~ | compressor inlet |
compressorinlaathuis | ~ | compressor inlet casing |
compressorinlaatleischoep | ~ | compressor inlet guide vane |
compressorinlaatschoep | ~ | compressor inlet vane |
compressorintree | ~ | compressor intake |
compressorintreehuis | ~ | compressor intake casing |
compressorintreeschoep | ~ | compressor intake guide vane |
compressorlawaai | ~ | compressor noise |
compressorloze motor | AUTOMOT. | solid injection engine, engine with solid injection |
compressorolie | ~ | compressor oil |
compressorregelaar | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | compressor governor |
compressorregulator | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | compressor governor |
compressorrem | ~ | compressor-brake horsepower |
compressorrendement | ~ | compressor efficiency |
compressorschoep | ~ | compressor vane |
compressorstator | ~ | compressor stator |
compressortrap | ~ | compressor stage |
compressortrommel | ~ | compressor drum |
compressorturbine | ~ | compressor turbine |
compressorwaaier | AUTOMOT. | compressor impeller, compressor wheel |
compressorwiel | AUTOMOT. | compressor wheel |
compressorwiel turbocharger | ~ | turbocharger compressor wheel |
compreszetsel | PRINT. | solid matter, close matter |
comprex-lader | AUTOMOT. | comprex |
comprimeerbaar | AUTOMOT. | compressible |
comprimeerbaarheid | COMP. | compressibility |
comprimeren | COMP.; | 1. compress, compact; 2. (verdichten van bestanden en gegevens) compress, pack, archive, zip |
comprimering | COMP. | compaction, compression, reduction |
comprimering van gegevens | ~ | data reduction |
compromis | ~ | compromis |
comproportionering | CHEM.TECHN. | comproportionation |
comptabiliteit | ~ | comptability |
comptabiliteitsafdeling | ~ | accountant’s department |
Compton-absorptie | PHYS. | Compton absorption |
Compton-deeltje | PHYS. | Compton recoil particle |
Compton-effect | ~ | Compton effect |
Compton-elektron | PHYS. | Compton recoil electron |
Compton-golflengte | ~ | Compton wavelength |
Compton-regel | ~ | Compton’s rule |
Compton-verstrooiing | PHYS. | Compton scattering |
computer | COMP. | computer, data processing machine, electronic data processor |
computer met een gereduceerd instructieset | COMP. | (abbr.: RISC) reduced instruction set computer |
computer met gedeelde toegang | COMP. | shared access computer |
computer met installatiebestanden | COMP. | technician computer |
computer met multiverwerking | COMP. | multiprocessor |
computer op één plaat | ELECTRON. | single board computer |
computer op één printplaat | COMP. | (abbr.: SBC) single-board computer |
computer voor persoonlijk gebruik | COMP. | (abbr.: PC) personal computer |
computer-begeleid onderwijs | COMP. | computer-aided education |
computer-begeleide constructie | MACH. | computer- aided design |
computer-geïntegreerd fabricagesysteem | COMP. | computer-integrated manufacturing system |
computer-geïntegreerd ontwerp | COMP. | (abbr.: CID) computer integrated design |
computer-geïntegreerde fabricage | COMP. | (abbr.: CIM) computer integrated manufacturing |
computer-geïntegreerde productie | COMP. | (abbr.: CIM) computer-integrated manufacturing |
computer-naar-computernetwerk | COMP. | computer- to-computer network |
computer-onafhankelijk | COMP. | computer-independent |
computer-ondersteund | COMP. | computer-aided, computer-assisted, computer-based, computer-mediated |
computer-ondersteund detector ontwerp | COMP. | (abbr.: CADD) computer-aided detector design |
computer-ondersteund fabriceren | COMP. | (CAD/CAM) computer-aided manufacturing |
computer-ondersteund onderwijs | COMP. | (abbr.: CAE) computer-aided education |
computer-ondersteund ontwerp | COMP. | (abbr.: CAD) computer-aided design |
computer-ondersteund ontwerpen | COMP. | computer-aided design |
computer-ondersteund plannen | COMP. | computer- aided planning |
computer-ondersteund publiceren | COMP.; | 1. (abbr.: CAP) computer aided publishing; 2. (abbr.: DTP) desktop publishing |
computer-ondersteund tekenen | COMP. | (abbr.: CAD) computer-aided drafting |
computer-ondersteund testen | COMP. | (abbr.: CAT) computer-aided testing |
computer-ondersteund vertalen | ~ | (abbr.: CAT) computer assisted translation, computer aided translation |
computer-ondersteunde coöperatieve | ~ | |
computer-ondersteunde documentatie | COMP. | computer-aided documentation |
computer-ondersteunde educatie | COMP. | (abbr.: CAE) computer-aided education |
computer-ondersteunde engineering | COMP. | (abbr.: CAE) computer-aided engineering |
computer-ondersteunde fabricage | COMP. | (abbr.: CAM) computer assisted manufacturing |
computer-ondersteunde keuring | COMP. | (abbr.: CAT) computer-aided testing |
computer-ondersteunde kwaliteitsbeheersing | COMP. | (abbr.: CAQ) computer-aided quality |
computer-ondersteunde kwaliteitsborging | COMP. | (abbr.: CAQ) computer-aided quality assurance |
computer-ondersteunde linguïstiek | COMP. | computational linguistics |
computer-ondersteunde logistiek | COMP. | (abbr.: CAL) computer-aided logistics |
computer-ondersteunde opmaak | PRINT. | DTP design |
computer-ondersteunde planning | COMP. | computer- aided planning |
computer-ondersteunde procesplanning | COMP. | (abbr.: CAPP) computer-aided process planning |
computer-ondersteunde productie | COMP. | (abbr.: CAPE) production engineering |
computer-ondersteunde productie-engineering | COMP. | (abbr.: CAPE) computer-aided production engineering |
computer-ondersteunde | ~ | |
programmatuurontwikkeling | COMP. | (abbr.: CASE) computer-aided software engineering |
computer-ondersteunde softwareontwikkeling | COMP. | (abbr.: CASE) computer-aided software engineering |
computer-ondersteunde technologie | ENVIRON. | computer-assisted engineering |
computer-ondersteunde | ~ | |
werkstukprogrammering | COMP. | computer-aided part programming |
computer-op-afstand | COMP. | remote computer |
computeraccount | COMP. | computer account |
computeradministratie | COMP. | computer administration |
computerafhankelijk | COMP. | machine-dependent |
computeralgebra | COMP. | computer algebra |
computeranalfabeet | COMP. | computer illiterate |
computeranimatie | COMP. | computer animation |
computerapparatuur | COMP. | computer hardware, computer equipment, hardware |
computerarchitectuur | COMP. | computer architecture |
computeraudio | COMP. | computer audio |
computerbeeld | COMP. | (abbr.: VDU) computer image |
computerbeeldscherm | COMP. | computer display unit, visual display unit |
computerbeheerder | COMP. | computer administrator |
computerbelasting | COMP. | computer load |
computerbenodigdheden | COMP. | computer supplies |
computerbeperkingen | COMP. | computer restrictions |
computerbeschrijvingstaal | COMP. | computer description language |
computerbestand | COMP. | computer file |
computerbesturing | COMP. | computer control |
computerbestuurd | COMP. | computer-controlled |
computerbeveiliging | COMP. | computer security |
computerbewerkingen uitgevoerd door | ~ | |
eindgebruikers | COMP. | end-user computing |
computerbrowserservice | COMP. | computer browser service |
computercapaciteit | COMP. | computer power |
computercentrum | COMP. | computer/computing centre |
computerchip | COMP. | computer chip |
computercode | COMP. | computer code |
computerconferencing | COMP. | computer conferencing |
computerconfiguratie | COMP. | computer configuration |
computercriminaliteit | COMP. | computer criminality |
computercyclus | COMP. | computer cycle |
computerdeskundige | COMP. | computer expert |
computerdiode | ELECTRON. | computer diode |
computerelementen | COMP. | computer resources |
computerervaring | COMP. | PC experience |
computerevaluatieprogramma | COMP. | benchmark program |
computerfamilie | COMP. | computer family |
computerfobie | COMP. | computer phobia |
computerfraude | COMP. | computer fraud |
computergang | COMP. | computer run |
computergebruik | COMP. | computer use |
computergebruiker | COMP. | computer user |
computergegevens | COMP. | computer data |
computergeheugen | COMP. | computer memory, computer store, automatic store, inherent store |
computergericht | COMP. | computer-oriented |
computergerichte taal | COMP. | computer oriented language |
computergestuurd | COMP. | computer-controlled |
computergestuurde wielophanging | AUTOMOT. | computer-controlled suspension |
computergrafiek | COMP. | computer graphics |
computergrafieken | COMP. | computer graphics |
computerinstellingen | COMP. | computer configuration, computer settings |
computerinstructie | COMP. | computer instruction |
computerinstructiecode | COMP. | computer instruction code |
computerinstructieset | COMP. | computer instruction set |
computerinvoer | COMP. | computer input |
computeriseren | COMP. | automate, computerize |
computerisering | COMP. | computerization |
computerjargon | COMP. | computer jargon |
computerkraker | COMP. | hacker |
computerkunde | COMP. | computer science, informatics |
computerkunst | COMP. | computer art |
computerleer | COMP. | computer science, informatics |
computerleverancier | COMP. | computer supplier, computer vendor |
computerlinguïstiek | COMP. | computer linguistics |
computerlogica | COMP. | computer logic |
computermicrografie | COMP. | computer micrographics |
computermodel | COMP. | computer model |
computernet | COMP. | computer net |
computernetwerk | COMP. | computer network |
computernetwerk met toegevoegde | ~ | |
hulpmiddelen | COMP. | (abbr.: ARCnet) attached resources computing network |
computerondersteuning | COMP. | computer assistance, computer support |
computeronderwijs | COMP. | computer education, computer-aided instruction, computer-aided teaching |
computerontwerp | COMP. | computer design |
computeropdracht | COMP. | computer instruction |
computeropdrachtencode | COMP. | computer instruction code |
computerpapier | COMP. | computer paper |
computerpiraterij | COMP. | computer piracy |
computerprocessor | COMP. | computer processor |
computerprogramma | COMP. | computer program |
computerprogramma-resumé | COMP. | computer program abstract |
computerprogrammacomponent | COMP. | (abbr.: CPC) computer program component |
computerprogrammaconfiguratie-item | COMP. | (abbr.: CPCI) computer program configuration item |
computerprogrammatuur | COMP. | computer software, software |
computerprogrammeertaal | COMP. | computer programming language |
computerprogrammeur | COMP. | computer programmer |
computerrun | COMP. | computer run |
computersimulatie | COMP. | computer simulation |
computersoftwareconfiguratie-item | COMP. | (abbr.: CSCI) computer software configuration item |
computerspeakers | COMP. | computer speakers, speaker set |
computerspecialist | COMP. | computer specialist |
computerspel | COMP. | computer game |
computersysteem | COMP. | computer system |
computersysteemvalidatie | COMP. | computer system validation |
computertaal | COMP. | computer language |
computertechniek | COMP. | computer engineering, computer technique, computer technology |
computertekeningen | COMP. | computer graphics |
computerterminal | ENVIRON. | (beeld) computer terminal, computer workstation |
computertijd | COMP. | CPU-time, machine time, run time |
computertraining | COMP. | computer-aided training, computer-based training |
computertype | COMP. | computer type, machine type, machine type mismatch |
computeruitdraai | COMP. | printer output |
computeruitvoer | COMP. | computer output |
computervaardig | COMP. | (in het gebruik) computer- skilled, computer-competent |
computervaardigheid | COMP. | digital aptitude |
computervergadering | COMP. | computer conference, video conference |
computervertaling | COMP. | (abbr.: MT) machine translation |
computerverwerking | COMP. | computer processing |
computervirus | COMP. | computer virus |
computerweergave | COMP.; | 1. (schermweergave)) computer image; 2. computer display |
computerwetenschap | TEX.; | 1. computer science; 2. computer science, data processing, informatics |
computerwetenschappen | COMP. | computer science |
computerwinkel | COMP. | computershop |
computerwoord | COMP. | computer word |
CON | AEROSP. | Continuous |
conbijluco | ~ | concentric air-gap trimmer, concentric air- dielectric trimmer |
concaaf | ~ | concave |
concaaf-convex | ~ | concave-convex |
concaaf-convexfrees | ~ | concave cutter |
concaaffrees | ~ | concave cutter |
concatineren | ~ | concatenate |
concave lens | ~ | concave lens |
concaviteit | ~ | concavity |
concentraat | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. concentrate; 2. tabloid; 3. aftreksel |
concentratie | ~ | concentration |
concentratie aan zwevend materiaal | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] concentration of suspended load |
concentratie per volume-eenheid | ~ | per-unit-volume concentration |
concentratie van achtergrondverontreinigingen | ENVIRON. | background concentration of pollutants |
concentratie van gifstoffen | ENVIRON. | accumulation of toxins |
concentratie van koelvloeistofadditief | ~ | coolant additive concentration |
concentratie van schadelijke stoffen | ENVIRON. | pollutant concentration |
concentratie van voedingsstoffen | ENVIRON. | nutrient concentration |
concentratie-eenheid | ~ | concentrator |
concentratieanalyse | ENVIRON. | investigation of concentration |
concentratieapparatuur | ~ | concentrating equipment |
concentratiebereik | ENVIRON. | concentration range |
concentratiedosis | ENVIRON. | accumulated dose |
concentratiegebied | ENVIRON. | zone of concentration |
concentratiegradiënt | ~ | concentration gradient |
concentratieniveau | ENVIRON. | concentration level |
concentratietijd | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | concentration time |
concentratietraject | ENVIRON. | concentration path |
concentratie/gehalte | ENVIRON. | concentration |
concentrator | ~ | concentrator |
concentreren | ~ | concentrate |
concentreren en opslaan | ENVIRON. | concentrate and contain |
concentriciteit | ~ | concentricity |
concentrisch | ~ | concentric |
concentrische bijstelluchtcondensator | ~ | concentric air-gap trimmer, concentric air-dielectric trimmer |
concentrische condensator | ELECTRON. | concentric capacitor |
concentrische constructie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | concentric structure |
concentrische kabel | ~ | concentric cable |
concentrische spoel | ~ | concentric spool |
concentrische taaie-breukring | ~ | tear ridge |
concept | COMP.; | 1. concept, draft; 2. draft |
conceptdruk | COMP. | draft print |
conceptfase | ~ | concept phase, draft phase |
conceptie | ~ | conception |
conceptmodel | COMP. | conceptual model |
conceptueel | ~ | conceptual |
conceptueel model | ~ | conceptual model |
conceptueel ontwerp | ~ | conceptual design, concept design |
conceptueel schema | COMP. | conceptual schema |
conceptuele afhankelijkheid | ~ | conceptual dependency |
conceptuitdraai | COMP. | draft copy |
conceptweergave | COMP. | draft view |
concern | ~ | concern |
concernplanning | ~ | concern planning |
concertzaal | ~ | concert hall |
concessie | COMP. | (m.b.t. ITIL service management) concession, waiver |
concessieaanvraag | ~ | application for a concession |
concessiegebied | ~ | concession area |
concessieovereenkomsten voor dienstverlening | COMM. | service concession |
concessieverlener | ~ ; | 1. (voor openbaar vervoer) regional public transport operator; 2. operating authority |
concessieverlening | ~ | grant of concession |
concessionaris | ~ | concession holder, concessionary, concessionnaire, holder of concession |
concessioneren | ~ | grant a concession |
concheren | ~ | conche |
conchoïdaal | ~ | conchoidal |
conchoïde | GEOM. | conchoid |
concluderen | ~ | conclude |
conclusie | PAT.; | 1. conclusion, findings; 2. (m.b.t. octrooien) claim |
concordante plooi | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | concordant fold |
concordantie | ~ | concordance |
concordantiebestand | COMP. | concordance file |
concordantiecoëfficiënt | ~ | coefficient of concordance |
concreet | ~ | concrete, tangible |
concrete klasse | COMP. | concrete class |
concrete-slab road surface | ~ | wegdek van betonplaten |
concurrent | ~ | competitor |
concurrent gebruik | ~ | concurrency |
concurrente besturing | ~ | concurrent control |
concurrentie | ~ | competition |
concurrentiebeding | COMM.; | 1. non-competition clause; 2. restraint of trade clause |
concurrentiebeperking | COMM. | restriction on competition |
concurrentieonderzoek | ~ | competitive product analysis |
concurrentiepositie | ~ | competitive position |
concurrentierecht | COMM. | competition law |
concurrentievermogen | COMM. | competitiveness |
concurrentievoordeel | ~ | competitive advantage |
concurreren | ~ | compete |
concurrerend | ~ | competitive |
concurrerend contract | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | competitive contract |
concurrerende prijs | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | competitive price |
concurrerende upgrade | ~ | competitive upgrade |
concussieprojectiel | ~ | concussion shot |
condens | ~ | condensate, condensation |
condensaat | CHEM.TECHN. | condensate, condensation product |
condensaataërosol | ENVIRON. | condensation aerosol |
condensaatopslag- en behandelingssysteem | ENVIRON. | condensate storage and treatment system |
condensaatopvangbak | ~ | condensate tray |
condensaatpomp | ~ | condensate pump |
condensaatpot | ~ | steam trap |
condensaatterugvoering | ~ | condensate return, return of condensate |
condensaatvanger | ~ | condensation collector |
condensatie | ~ | condensation |
condensatiebevordering | ENVIRON. | cloud seeding |
condensatiekern | ~ | condensation nucleus |
condensatiemiddel | ~ | condensation agent |
condensatiepot | ~ | condensing vessel |
condensatieproduct | ~ | condensate, condensation product |
condensatiereactie | ~ | condensation reaction |
condensatieruimte | ~ | condensation chamber, condensation space |
condensatieschokgolf | ~ | condensation shock wave |
condensatiestreep | AEROSP. | (in hogere luchtlaag) condensation trail, contrail, vapour trail |
condensatietemperatuur | ~ | condensation temperature |
condensatieturbine | ~ | condensing turbine |
condensatievlek | TEX. | condensation stain |
condensatiewater | ~ | condensation, water of condensation |
condensator | ELECTRON.; | 1. (verdichter) condenser; 2. capacitor |
condensator van ontstekingssysteem | ~ | ignition capacitor, ignition condenser |
condensator van polystyreen | ELECTRON. | polystyrene capacitor |
condensator-ionisatiekamer | ~ | condenser ionization chamber |
condensatorbank | ELEC.ENG. | capacitor bank |
condensatorbatterij | ELEC.ENG. | capacitor bank |
condensatorbekleding | ~ | capacitor armature, capacitor coating |
condensatorbliksemafleider | ~ | capacitor lightning arrester |
condensatorcapaciteit | ELEC.ENG. | capacitor capacitance |
condensatordecadenbank | ~ | decade condenser instrument |
condensatorelektrometer | ~ | capacitor electrometer |
condensatoren van parallel-series | ELECTRON. | parallel-series capacitors |
condensatorfilter | ELECTRON. | capacitor filter |
condensatorgeheugen | ~ | capacitor store |
condensatorhuis | AUTOMOT. | capacitor case |
condensatorinvoerfilter | ELECTRON. | smoothing filter, capacitor input filter, choke input filter, two-section filter |
condensatorisolatie | ELEC.ENG. | capacitor insulation |
condensatorlamp | ~ | condenser lamp |
condensatormicrofoon | ~ | electrostatic microphone, capacitor microphone |
condensatormotor | ~ | capacity motor |
condensatorontlading | ELEC.ENG. | capacitor discharge |
condensatorontsteking | AUTOMOT. | capacitive-discharge ignition, condenser-discharge ignition, CD ignition |
condensatorplaat | ELECTRON. | capacitor plate |
condensatorspanning | ELECTRON. | capacitor voltage |
condensatortelefoon | ~ | capacitor telephone |
condensatortester | ~ | capacitor tester |
condensatorvervanger | ~ | dummy capacitor, substitution capacitor |
condensautomaat | ~ | (condensaatvanger) automatic condensation collector |
condenseerbaar | ENVIRON.; | 1. (samendrukbaar) condensable; 2. compactible; 3. coercible |
condenser | TEX. | condenser |
condenserende warmtewisselaar | ENVIRON. | condensing heat-exhanger |
condenshol | ~ | condensation groove |
condensing unit van airconditioning | ~ | air conditioning condensing unit |
condensor | ~ | condenser |
condensor met pijpenbundels | ~ | shell and tube condenser |
condensorcirculatiepomp | ~ | condenser circulation pump |
condensorpijp | ~ | condenser tube, condenser pipe |
condensorwerking | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | condenser operation |
condenspot | ~ | steam trap |
condensspoor | AEROSP. | (in hogere luchtlaag) condensation trail, contrail, vapour trail |
vleugeltipcondensspoor | AEROSP. | tip trail |
condensvorming | ~ | condensation |
condenswater | ~ | condensed water, water of condensation, water vapour |
conditie | ~ | condition, state |
conditie-ingang | ~ | condition entry |
conditieafhankelijke ontvangst | ~ | fringe reception |
conditiebit | COMP. | condition bit |
conditiefout | COMP. | condition error |
conditienaam | ~ | condition name |
conditieomschrijving | ~ | condition stub |
conditioneel | ELECTRON. | conditional |
conditionele constructie | ~ | conditional construction |
conditionele sprong | ~ | conditional jump |
conditionele uitdrukking | ~ | conditional expression, conditional statement |
conditionele variabele | ~ | conditional variable |
conditioner | ~ | conditioner |
conditioneren | ~ | condition |
conditionerende apparatuur | ~ | conditioning equipment |
conditionering | ELECTRON. | conditioning |
conditioneringsbak | ~ | conditioning tank |
conditioneringsproces | ENVIRON. | conditioning process |
conductantie | ELECTRON. | conductance |
conducteur | ~ | conductor, ticket collector |
conductie | PHYS. | conduction |
conductie-elektronen | ~ | conduction electrons |
conductieband | ~ | conduction band |
conductief | ENVIRON. | (aangeboren) conductive, conductible |
conductiegat | ~ | conduction hole |
conductiehoek | ~ | conduction angle |
conductiemotor | ~ | conduction motor |
conductiestroom | ~ | conduction current |
conductieverhouding | ~ | conductance ratio |
conductimetrische analyse | ~ | conductimetric analysis |
conductimetrische methode | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conductimetric method |
conductiviteit | ~ | conductance, conductibility, conductivity |
conductometrie | ~ | conductometry |
conductor | ~ | conductor |
conductor-railisolator | ~ | conductor-rail insulator |
conductor-railsysteem | ~ | conductor-rail system |
conductor-railverankering | ~ | conductor-rail anchor |
conductor-railverbinding | ~ | conductor-rail bond |
conductorbelasting | ~ | conductor load |
condulet | ~ | condulet |
confectie | ~ | ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes |
confectie-industrie | ~ | clothing industry |
confectiekleding | ~ | ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes |
confectieprogrammatuur | COMP. | ready-made software |
confectioneren | TEX. | manufacture, produce |
conferentieactie | ~ | conference operation |
conferentielijn | ~ | conference circuit |
conferentieschakeling | COMP. | conference circuit, conference system |
conferentiesysteem | COMP. | conference system, teleconferential system |
conferentievergrendeling | COMP. | conference-locking |
confetti | ~ | (snippers) chad, chip |
confettiloze band | ~ | chadless tape |
configuratie | MATH.; | 1. configuration; 2. conformation |
configuratie van een arm met gewricht | ~ | jointed-arm configuration |
configuratie zoals gemodificeerd | ~ | configuration as modified |
configuratie zoals gerealiseerd | ~ | configuration as built |
configuratie zoals ontworpen | ~ | configuration as designed |
configuratie-audit | ~ | configuration audit |
configuratie-element | ~ | configuration element |
configuratie-export | COMP. | configuration export |
configuratie-identificatie | ~ | configuration identification |
configuratie-identificatiecode | ~ | configuration identifier |
configuratie-index | ~ | configuration index |
configuratie-informatie | COMP. | configuration information |
configuratie-instellingen | COMP. | configuration settings |
configuratie-item | COMP. | configuration item |
configuratie-itemstuklijst | ~ | configuration item parts list |
configuratie-object | COMP. | configuration object |
configuratie-opties | COMP. | configuration options |
configuratie-overname | COMP. | configuration inheritance |
configuratieafhankelijk | COMP. | configuration- dependent |
configuratiebeheer | ~ | configuration management |
configuratiebeheerder | COMP. | configuration manager |
configuratiebestand | COMP. | configuration file, config file |
configuratiebestand van de metabase | COMP. | metabase configuration file |
configuratiebesturing | ~ | configuration control |
configuratiebesturingsdocumenten | ~ | configuration control documents |
configuratiedatabase | COMP. | configuration database |
configuratiefase | COMP. | configuration pass |
configuratiefout | COMP. | configuration error |
configuratiegegevens | COMP. | configuration information |
configuratiegroep | COMP. | configuration group |
configuratiehulpprogramma | COMP. | configuration tool |
configuratiehysterese | ELECTRON. | (m.b.t. halfgeleidermaterialen) configurational hysteresis |
configuratielijst | ~ | configuration list |
configuratielogboek | ~ | configuration log |
configuratiemanagement | COMP. | (m.b.t. ITIL service management) configuration management |
configuratieparameter | COMP. | configuration parameter |
configuratieprogramma | COMP. | configuration program |
configuratieregeling | PHYS. | configuration control |
configuratieroute | COMP. | configuration route |
configuratieruimte | ~ | configuration space), C-space |
configuratieschema | ~ | configuration plan |
configuratiescherm | COMP. | control panel |
configuratieschermtoepassing | COMP. | control panel applet |
configuratieset | COMP. | configuration set |
configuratiestatus | ~ | configuration state |
configuratiestatusadministratie | ~ | configuration status accounting |
configuratiestuurgroep | ~ | (abbr.: CBB) configuration control board |
configuratietabel | COMP. | configuration table |
configuratiewachtwoord | COMP. | configuration password |
configuratiewerkset | COMP. | configuration tool |
configuratiewijziging | COMP. | configuration change |
configurator | ~ | configurator |
configureren | ~ | configure |
configureren op bestelling | COMP. | configure-to-order |
conflictdetectie | COMP. | conflict detection |
conflicterend | COMP. | conflicting |
conflictinformatie | COMP. | conflict information |
conflictoplossing | ~ | conflict resolution |
conflictoplossingsmethode | COMP. | conflict resolution method |
conflictresolutie | COMP. | conflict resolution |
conform | COMP. | compliant |
conformant | CHEM.TECHN. | conformer |
conformantie | ~ | conformance, conformity |
conformantiecriterium | ~ | conformance criterion |
conformantietesten | ~ | conformance testing |
conformatie | CHEM.TECHN. | conformation |
conformationele isomeren | CHEM.TECHN. | conformational isomers |
conformiteit | ~ | conformity |
conformiteitsbeoordeling | ~ | conformity assessment |
conformiteitscontrole | COMP. | uniformity check |
conformiteitseisen | ~ | conformity requirements |
conformiteitsverklaring | ~ | declaration of conformity, conformity certificate, certificate of conformity |
conformiteitswaardering | ELECTRON. | conformity evaluation |
confrontatie | ~ | confrontation |
congenitaal | ENVIRON. | congenital |
congestie | ~ | congestion |
congestiecontroller | COMP. | congestion controller |
conglomeraat | ~ | (samengeklonterde deeltjes) conglomerate |
conglomeraat van bedrijven | COMM. | conglomerate |
conglomereren | ~ | conglomerate |
congruent | ~ | congruent |
congruentie | ~ | congruency, congruence |
congrueren | MATH. | be congruent |
coniciteit van de vulruimte | ~ | draft, draw |
coniciteitshoek | ~ | draft angle |
conifeer | ENVIRON. | conifer |
conifeerkwekerij | ENVIRON. | conifer nursery |
conisch | ~ | conical, tapered |
conisch aandrijfwiel | ~ | tapered pulley |
conisch aanzetstuk | ~ | conical neck, conical attachment |
conisch draaien | MACH. | taper turning |
conisch drijfwerk | ~ | bevel-gear drive, bevel-gear pair |
conisch gedeelte | ~ | tapered part |
conisch gewelf | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cuneatic arch |
conisch lager | ~ | cone bearing, conical bearing |
conisch rollager | AUTOMOT. | taper roller bearing, tapered roller bearing, conical roller bearing |
conisch rolmantel | ~ | conical roller surface |
conisch rondsel | ~ | bevel pinion |
conisch rooster | ~ | conical grate |
conisch schroefwiel | ~ | helical bevel gear, skew bevel gear |
conisch slot | ~ | tapered lock |
conisch spiraaltandwiel | ~ | bevel gear with helical teeth |
conisch tandwiel | ~ | bevel gear |
conisch verlopend | ~ | tapering |
conische aftasting | ~ | conical scanning |
conische afvoerbuis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conical draft tube, hydraucone |
conische buis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conical tube, tapered tube |
conische bus | ~ | conical bush |
conische doorn | ~ | taper mandrel, tapered mandrel |
conische draadstift | ~ | taper stud |
conische draaipen | ~ | conical pivot |
conische drukveer | ~ | conical compression spring |
conische flens | ~ | conical flange |
conische huls | ~ | taper sleeve |
conische kerfpen | ~ | full-length-taper grooved pin, grooved taper pin |
conische kern | ~ | conical core, taper core |
conische klemring | ~ | annular spring |
conische klepspie | AUTOMOT. | conical split cotter, tapered split cotter |
conische komschijf | ~ | flaring cup wheel |
conische krukvierhoek | ~ | crank quadrilateral with converging links |
conische lager | ~ | cone bearing, tapered bearing |
conische naaf | ~ | cone hub, conical hub |
conische opruimer | ~ | taper reamer |
conische pen | ~ | taper pin, tapered pin |
conische plug | ~ | conical nipple |
conische projectie | ~ | conical projection |
conische refractie | ~ | conical refraction |
conische ring | ~ | conical ring |
conische ronding | AEROSP. | (ronding van vleugels) conical camber |
conische ruimer | MACH. | taper reamer |
conische schacht | ~ | taper shank |
conische schroefdraad | MECH.ENG. | tapered thread |
conische schroefveer | ~ | conical spiral spring |
conische schroefwielen | ~ | helical bevel gears |
conische slinger | ~ | conical pendulum |
conische sluitring | ~ | conical washer |
conische smeernippel | ~ | hydraulic-type lubricating nipple |
conische spanbus | ~ | taper bush |
conische spanring | ~ | conical clamping ring |
conische stap | ~ | conical step |
conische tap | ~ ; | 1. conical journal, taper tap; 2. (schroefdraad) conical thread |
conische trommel | ~ | conical drum |
conische turbine | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conical turbine |
conische veer | ~ | conical spring |
conische veerring | ~ | conical spring washer |
conische verbinding | ~ | conical joint |
conische vorm | ~ | conical shape |
conische welving | ~ | conical camber |
conische wiel | ~ | conical gear, conical wheel |
conische wrijvingskoppeling | ~ | cone clutch, cone friction clutch |
conische zitting | ~ | bevel seat, conical seat |
conjugatie | ~ | conjugation |
conjugeren | ~ | conjugate |
conjugerende diepte | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conjugate depth, equal energy depth |
conjunct | ~ | conjunct |
conjunctie | ~ | conjunction |
conjunctief | ~ | conjunctive |
conjunctieve normale vorm | ~ | (abbr.: CNF) conjunctive normal form |
conjunctieve vorm | ~ | (abbr.: CF) conjunctive form |
conjuncturele voorraad | COMM. | economic contingency stock |
conjunctuur | COMM.; | 1. economic situation, market trend, business cycle; 2. conjuncture; 3. conjuncture, economic cycle, trade cycle, business cycle, market trend, economic situation |
conjunctuurbeweging | ~ | economic trend |
conjunctuurfluctuatie | COMM. | cyclical fluctuation |
connection string | COMP. | connection string |
connectiviteit | COMP. | (aansluitbaarheid) connectivity |
connectiviteitverkenner | COMP. | connectivity explorer |
connector | ~ | connector |
connector framework | COMP. | connector framework |
connector van draadboom van | ~ | |
brandstofverstuiver | ~ | fuel injector harness connector |
connector voor service-instrument | ~ | diagnostic service tool connector |
connectorbehuizing | ~ | connector body |
connectorcontact | ~ | connector contact |
connectorgebied | COMP. | connector space |
connectortoepassing | COMP. | connector application |
connectorwachtrij | COMP. | connector queue |
connossement | ~ | (abbr.: B/L) bill-of-lading |
connotatie | COMP. | connotation |
conoïde | GEOM. | conoid |
conrotatie | CHEM.TECHN. | conrotation |
consecutief | COMP. | consecutive |
consensus theorie | ~ | consensus theory |
consequent | ~ | consequent |
consequentie | ~ | consequence |
consequentiecoëfficiënt | ~ | coefficient of consistency |
conservatief | ENVIRON. | conservative |
conserveermiddel | ~ | preservative, preserving agent |
conserven | ~ | canned food, preserved food, tinned food |
conservenblik | ~ | can, preserve, tin |
conservenblikje | ENVIRON. | tin, can |
conservenfabriek | ~ | cannery, canning factory, preserving factory, tinning factory |
conservenfabriekafvalwater | ENVIRON. | cannery wastewater |
conservenindustrie | PHYS. | canning industry |
conserveren | ~ | preserve |
conservering | ENVIRON. | conservation, preservation |
conservering van levensmiddelen | COMM. | food preserving |
conserveringsmiddel | ~ | preservative, preserving agent |
consignatie | ~ | consignment |
consignatievoorraad | ~ | consignment stock |
consistent | ~ | consistent |
consistente toets | ~ | consistent check |
consistentie | ~ | consistency, consistence |
consistentie-eenheid | COMP. | consistency unit |
consistentie-indicator | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consistency indicator |
consistentiecoëfficiënt | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coefficient of consistence, consistency index |
consistentiecontrole | ~ | consistency check |
consistentiefout | COMP. | consistency error |
consistentiemeter | ~ | consistometer |
consistentvet | ~ | consistent fat, thick fat |
console | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | bracket console, cantilever bracket |
console-apparaat | ~ | console receiver |
console-schrijfmachine | ~ | console keyboard |
consoleblok | ~ | longitudinal wall hanger |
consoleblokschakelaar | ~ | bracket switch |
consoleblokwapening | ~ | cantilever reinforcement |
consoledrukker | COMP. | console printer |
consolefreesmachine | ~ | knee-type milling machine |
consolekolomblok | ~ | post bearing, post hanger bearing |
consolekraan | ~ | travelling wall jib crane |
consoleplaat | ~ | bracket plate |
consolette | ~ | consolette |
consolidatie | ~ | consolidation |
consolidatie door trilling | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consolidation by vibration |
consolidatie van een domein | COMP. | domain consolidation |
consolidatie van processen | COMP. | process consolidation |
consolidatie-apparaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consolidation apparatus |
consolidatie-injectie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consolidation grouting |
consolidatiecoëfficiënt | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | coefficient of consolidation |
consolidatielijn | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consolidation line |
consolidatiepaal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | consolidating pile |
consolidatieratio | COMP. | consolidation ratio |
consolideren | ~ | consolidate |
consonantie | ELECTRON. | consonance |
constant | ~ ; | 1. constant, stable, invariable, steady; 2. (steeds) constantly, continuously |
constant koppel | ~ | constant torque |
constant luminantiesysteem | ~ | constant luminance system |
constant torque-slangklem | ~ | constant torque hose clamp |
constant vacuüm | AUTOMOT. | constant vacuum |
constant verbruik | COMP. | constant consumption |
constant-mesh-versnellingsbak | AUTOMOT. | constant- mesh gearbox, constant-mesh transmission |
constant-volume-verbrandingsproces | AUTOMOT. | constant-volume cycle |
constant-volumeturbine | ~ | constant volume turbine |
constantaan | METALL. | (legering van koper, nikkel, mangaan) constantan |
constantaandraad | ~ | constantan wire |
constantaanweerstand | ~ | constantan resistance |
constante | ELECTRON. | constant, factor |
constante belasting | ~ | constant load |
constante bestaande uit een geheel getal | ~ | integer constant |
constante bitsnelheid | COMP. | (abbr.: CBR) constant bit rate |
constante gegevens | ~ | constant data |
constante grootheid | ~ | constant quantity |
constante kosten | ~ | fixed costs |
constante kwaliteit | ~ | constant quality, consistent quality |
constante navigatiebaan | AEROSP. | constant navigation course |
constante onderdruk | AUTOMOT. | constant depression |
constante peilingsbaan | AEROSP. | constant bearing course |
constante spanning | ELECTRON. | constant voltage |
constante stroom | ELECTRON. | constant current |
constante uitval | COMP. | constant scrap |
constante van Avogadro | ~ | Avogadro’s constant |
constante van Boltzmann | CHEM.TECHN. | Bolzmann constant |
constante van Bridgman | ~ | Bridgman’s constant |
constante van Faraday | ~ | Faraday constant |
constante van Planck | PHYS.; | 1. (abbr.: h) Planck constant; 2. Planck’s constant |
constante van Poisson | MECH.ENG. | Poisson’s ratio |
constante waarde | AUTOMOT. | constant value |
constante-stroommodulatie | ~ | constant-current modulation |
constantheid | ~ | constancy |
constateren | ~ | (vaststellen) establish, ascertain, determine, find |
constituerend deel | ~ | constituent |
constitutie | ~ | constitution |
constitutief | ~ | constitutive |
constitutief model | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | constitutive model |
constitutieve vergelijking | GEOTECHN. | constitutive equation |
constitutiewet | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | constitutive law |
construct | ~ | (vorm, structuur) construct |
constructeur | ~ | designer |
constructie | MECH.ENG.; | 1. construction, design, engineering; 2. construction, structure |
constructie met betonplaten | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | concrete slab works |
constructie met dragende huid | AEROSP. | stressed- skin construction |
constructie met holle liggers | ~ | hollow girder construction |
constructie met laag gewicht | ~ | lightweight construction |
constructie met star geraamte | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | rigid framed structure |
constructie-element | ~ | constructional element |
constructie-idee | ~ | design idea |
constructieaandeel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | construction quota |
constructieafdeling | ~ | design and engineering section, design department |
constructiebalk | AUTOMOT.; | 1. structural beam; 2. member |
constructiebankwerker | ~ | constructional fitter, lathe operator |
constructiebedrijf | ~ | engineering company |
constructiebeginsel | ~ | principle of design |
constructieberekening | ~ | design calculation |
constructiebeton | ~ | heavy concrete |
constructiebouw | ~ | constructional engineering |
constructiebureau | ~ | design and construction office, design office |
constructiedeel | ~ | structural member |
constructiedetail | ~ | constructional detail, detail of design |
constructiedetails | ~ | engineering details |
constructiediepgang | SHIP. | design draught |
constructief | ~ | constructional, constructive |
constructief kenmerk | AUTOMOT. | design feature |
constructief kostenmodel | ~ | (abbr.: COCOMO) constructive cost model |
constructief ontwerp | CIV.ENG. | structural design |
constructief plaatveld | BUILD. | planar plated structure |
constructiefout | ~ ; | 1. engineering error, design error, error in design; 2. (in gebouw) structural flaw, structural error |
constructiegegevens | ~ | constructional data, design data |
constructiegeluid | ~ | structure-born sound |
constructiegewicht | AEROSP. | construction weight |
constructiehal | ~ | construction workshop, constructional shop |
constructiehoekijzer | ~ | structural angle bracket, structural angle plate |
constructiehoekstaal | ~ | structural angle steel |
constructiehout | ~ | construction timber |
constructieijzer | ~ | structural iron |
constructiekarakteristieken | ~ | constructional characteristics, structural features |
constructielasser | ~ | (persoon) construction welder |
constructieleer | ~ | construction science, theory of constructions |
constructiemast | ~ | compound mast, latticed mast, open- work mast |
constructiematerialen | ~ | construction materials, materials of construction, structural materials |
constructiemetalen | ~ | construction metals, structural metals |
constructiemethode | ~ | construction method, method of construction |
constructiemoeilijkheden | ~ | difficulties in construction |
constructieonderdelen | ~ | constructional components |
constructieplaat | ~ | structural plate |
constructieproces | ~ | (advies vragen, raadplegen) construction process |
constructieprofiel | ~ | structural section |
constructiestaal | ~ | low-carbon machine steel, structural/constructional steel |
constructietekeningsysteem | ~ | constructional drawing system |
constructietrilling | ~ | structural vibration |
constructietype | CIV.ENG. | type of structure |
constructieve asymmetrie | ~ | structural unbalance |
constructieve betrouwbaarheid | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] structural reliability |
constructieve duurzaamheid | ~ | structural durability |
constructieve inductie | ~ | constructive induction |
constructieve opbouw | ~ | construction |
constructieve ruimtelijke geometrie | ~ | (abbr.: CSG) constructive solid geometry |
constructieve stabiliteit | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | structural stability |
constructievoeg | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | build joint, construction joint, structural joint, working joint |
constructievorm | ~ | form of construction, shape of construction |
constructiewaterlijn | SHIP. | load waterline |
constructiewerkplaats | RAIL.; | 1. constructional (engineering) shop, engineering shop, engineering works, engineering workshop; 2. railway engineering works, railway workshop |
constructiewerkzaamheden | ~ | constructional engineering, constructional work, design engineering |
constructiewijze | ~ | method of construction, mode of construction |
constructiewijziging | ~ ; | 1. alteration in design, change in design, change in construction, structural change; 2. change in design, engineering change, design change |
constructor | COMP. | constructor |
constructorbeperking zonder parameters | COMP. | parameterless constructor constraint |
consulent | ~ | consultant, advisor |
consultatiesysteem | COMP. | consultation system |
consulteren | ~ | consult |
consument | ~ | consumer, user |
consumenten | ENVIRON. | consumers |
consumentenadvies | ~ | consumer advice |
consumentenartikel | ~ | market commodity |
consumentenartikelen | ~ | consumer goods |
consumentenbelangen | ~ | consumer interests |
consumentenbeleid | ~ | consumer policy |
consumentenbescherming | ~ | consumer protection |
consumentenbond | ~ | consumers association |
consumentengedrag | COMM. | consumer behaviour |
consumentengoederen | ~ | consumer goods |
consumentenmarkt | ~ | consumer market |
consumentenonderzoek | ~ | consumer market survey, consumer survey |
consumentenorganisatie | ~ | consumer organization, consumer movement |
consumentenproduct | ~ | consumer product |
consumentenveiligheid | ~ | consumer safety |
consumentenvoorlichting | ~ | consumer information, consumer enlightenment |
consumeren | ~ | consume |
consumptie | ENVIRON. | consumption |
consumptief aanbod | COMM. | consumer supply |
consumptiegoed | COMP. | consumer good |
consumptiegoederen | COMM. | consumer goods |
consumptiemaatschappij | COMM. | consumer society |
consumptiemelk | COMM. | drinking milk |
consumptieprijs | COMM. | consumer price |
consumptieve bestedingen | COMM. | consumption expenditure |
consumptieve doeleinden | ~ | consumptive purposes |
consumptieve vraag | COMM. | consumer demand |
consumptievet | COMM. | food fat |
contact | ~ | contact |
contact maken | ~ | make contact |
contact van thermostaatschakelaar | ~ | |
airconditioning | ~ | air conditioning thermostat switch contact |
contact verbroken | AEROSP. | (m.b.t. radioverbinding) contact lost |
contact-emk | ~ | contact electromotive force |
contactadhesie | ~ | contact adhesion |
contactadhesie tussen folies | POLYM. | blocking |
contactafdichting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. contacting joint; 2. contact seal |
contactafdruk | ~ | contact print |
contactapparaat | ~ | contact apparatus, contact device |
contactbaan | ~ ; | 1. contact path; 2. selector contact, level of selector |
contactbed | CIV.ENG. | bacteria bed, contact bed |
contactbehandeling | ENVIRON. | contact treatment |
contactbelichting | ELECTRON. | contact exposure |
contactbelichtingsapparaat | ELECTRON. | contact (mask) printer |
contactbeschermer | ELECTRON. | contact protector |
contactbestrijdingsmiddel | ENVIRON. | contact pesticide |
contactbeugel | ~ | contact bracket |
contactblok | ~ | contact block |
contactbol | ~ | contact point |
contactboog | ~ | angle of contact, arc of contact, contact arc |
contactborstel | ~ | contact brush |
contactbreker | ~ | contact breaker |
contactbrug | AUTOMOT. | contact bridge |
contactbus | ~ | contact socket, jack |
contactcommissie | ~ | liaison committee |
contactcorrosie | ~ | contact corrosion |
contactdetector | ELECTRON. | contact detector |
contactdiffusie | ELECTRON. | contact diffusion |
contactdoos | ELEC.ENG.; | 1. (in muur) wall socket, socket outlet, wall outlet, power point; 2. (van een apparaat) adaptor socket, adapter socket, appliance inlet; 3. (van een toestel) appliance inlet |
contactdraad | ELEC.ENG. | contact wire |
contactdraadisolator | ~ | contact wire insulator |
contactdraadtrekproef | ELECTRON. | bond pull test |
contactdruk | ~ | contact pressure |
contactdrukker | COMP. | impact printer |
contacteenheid | ELEC.ENG. | spring set |
contacteerbaar | ~ | bondable |
contacteerbaarheid | ~ | bondability, bonding capacity |
contacteerbobbel | ELECTRON. | bump |
contacteerdraad | ELECTRON. | bonding wire |
contacteereilandje | ELECTRON. | bond pad |
contacteerlaag | ELECTRON. | pad layer |
contacteermachine | ELECTRON. | bonder |
contacteermachine voor externe verbindingen | ELECTRON. | outer-lead bonder |
contacteermachine voor interne verbindingen | ELECTRON. | inner(-lead) bonder |
contacteersnelheid | ELECTRON. | bonding speed |
contacteertip | ELECTRON. | bonding tip |
contactelektriciteit | ELEC.ENG. | contact electricity |
contactelektrode | WELD. | contact electrode, touch-type electrode |
contacten met tijdvertraging | ELECTRON. | delayed contacts |
contactenlijst | COMP. | contact list |
contactenweg | ~ | length of travel |
contacteren met elektronenstraal | ELECTRON. | electron-beam bonding |
contactering | ELECTRON. | bonding |
contactering met laser | ELECTRON. | laser bonding |
contacteringscyclus | ELECTRON. | bonding cycle |
contactfiltratie | ENVIRON. | contact filtration |
contactfotolithografie | ELECTRON. | contact photolithography |
contactgegevens | COMP. | contact information |
contactgelijkrichter | ELECTRON. | contact rectifier |
contactgeluid | BUILD. | impact sound, structure borne sound |
contactgeluidniveau | ~ | (abbr.: INR) impact noise rate |
contactgenerator | WELD. | contact generator, contact- type generator |
contactgever | WELD. | contactor |
contactgleuf | ELECTRON. | (bijv. in een SD-kaart) contact socket |
contacthefboom | ~ | contact lever |
contactherbicide | ENVIRON. | contact herbicide |
contacthoek | ~ | angle of contact, contact angle |
contacthoekmeter | AUTOMOT. | cam angle meter, dwell angle tester, dwell meter |
contactinjectie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | contact grouting |
contactinstrument | ~ | contact measuring instrument, stylus measuring instrument |
contactkast | ~ | contact printing apparatus |
contactklem | ~ | (van scheidingsschakelaar) disconnecting switch jaws |
contactknop | ~ | contact stud, push button |
contactkool | ~ | contact carbon |
contactkracht | ELECTRON. | contact force |
contactlassen | ~ | resistance welding, touch welding |
contactleiding | ELEC.ENG. | contact line |
contactlens | ~ | contact lens |
contactlijm | ~ | contact adhesive |
contactlipje | ELEC.TECHN. | solder lug |
contactloos | ~ | contactless |
contactloze dichting | ~ | non-contact sealing, non-contact seal |
contactloze lithografie | ELECTRON. | contactless lithography, noncontact printing |
contactloze meettechniek | ELECTRON. | noncontact measurement technique |
contactloze meting | ~ | contactless measurement, measuring without contact |
contactloze schakelaar | ELEC.ENG., ELECTRON. | solid state switch |
contactloze sensor | ~ | non-contact sensor, non-object contact detector |
contactloze spanningsanalyse | ~ | non-contact stress analysis |
contactmassa | ~ | catalyst mass, contact mass |
contactmes | ELEC.ENG. | blade terminal, contact blade, contact knife, spring contact |
contactmetaal | ~ | contact metal |
contactmetallurgie | ~ | terminal metallurgy |
contactmethode | ENVIRON. | contact process |
contactmeting | ~ | measuring with contact |
contactmicrofoon | ~ | contact microphone |
contactmof | ~ | contact bush, contact shoe |
contactolie | ~ | contact lubricant |
contactomtrek van straal | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | wetted nappe |
contactonderbreker | ~ | contact breaker |
contactonderbrekerafstand | ~ | contact breaker gap |
contactoog | ~ | solder eyelet |
contactopening | ELECTRON. | contact gap |
contactoppervlak | POLYM.; | 1. (aansluitpunt) contact area, land area; 2. (van een mal) land area |
contactor | ~ | contactor |
contactpatroonmasker | ELECTRON. | contact-area mask |
contactpen | ~ | plug pin |
contactpersonen | COMP. | contacts |
contactpersonenbeheer | COMP. | contact management |
contactpersonengroep | COMP. | talkgroup |
contactpersoon | COMP.; | 1. contact person, contact; 2. contact |
contactpersoonformulier | COMP. | contact form |
contactpin | ELECTRON. | solder pin |
contactplaat | ~ | contact plate, terminal plate |
contactplaatje | ~ | contact washer |
contactploeg | ~ | plough |
contactpotentiaal | ~ | contact potential |
contactpotentiaalverschil | ELEC.ENG. | contact potential difference |
contactprocedé | ENVIRON. | contact process |
contactprocedé voor afvalwaterzuivering | ENVIRON. | contact process for wastewater purification |
contactprocedé voor rioolafvalreiniging | ENVIRON. | contact process for sewage cleaning |
contactprocedé voor rioolwaterzuivering | ENVIRON. | contact process for sewage purification |
contactproces | ~ | contact plating, contact process |
contactpuntafstand | AUTOMOT. | breaker contact gap, breaker point gap, contact clearance |
contactpuntdrager | AUTOMOT. | contact bracket |
contactpunten | ELECTRON. | contact tips |
contactpunthamer | AUTOMOT. | breaker moving contact, contact breaker lever |
contactpuntloos | ~ | contactless |
contactpuntloze ontsteking | AUTOMOT. | breakerless ignition |
contactpuntvijl | ~ | contact file |
contactrail | ELEC.ENG. | contact rail |
contactrand | ~ | contact edge |
contactring | ~ | contact ring |
contactrol | ~ | contact roll |
contactschakelaar | ELECTRON.; | 1. ignition switch; 2. contact switch |
contactschijf | ~ | contact disc |
contactschroef | ~ | contact screw |
contactschuif | ~ | contact slide |
contactslede | ~ | contact bridge |
contactsleutel | ~ | ignition key |
contactsleutellezer | ~ | ignition key reader |
contactslot | ~ | ignition lock |
contactspanning | ELECTRON. | contact potential |
contactspanningsvermoeidheid | ~ | contact stress fatigue |
contactspray | AUTOMOT. | contact spray |
contactstartschakelaar | AUTOMOT. | contact-start switch, ignition-and-start switch, ignition-starter switch |
contactsteker | ~ | contact plug |
contactstift | ~ | striking pin |
contactstop | ~ | plug connector, plug |
contactstop met aardpen | ELEC.ENG. | three-pin plug |
contactstop met twee pennen | ELEC.ENG. | two-pin plug |
contactstrip | ~ | contact strip, terminal strip |
contactstrook | ELECTRON. | terminal board |
contactstroom | AUTOMOT. | contact current |
contactstuk | ELECTRON.; | 1. contact piece, terminal link; 2. contact stud |
contacttheorie | ~ | contact theory |
contactveer | ~ | contact spring |
contactverbinding | POLYM. | closing joint |
contactverbreektijd | COMP. | contact break time |
contactverbreker | ~ | circuit breaker |
contactverbreking | ~ ; | 1. (m.b.t. radioverbinding) loss of contact; 2. (m.b.t. een schakeling) circuit break, circuit breakage |
contactverbrekingskracht | ELEC.ENG. | throw-off effect |
contactverenband | ~ | contact spring strip |
contactverenstrip | ~ | stator strip |
contactverklikkerlamp | ~ | ignition light |
contactverspreiding | ENVIRON. | contagious diffusion |
contactverwarming | ~ | contact heating |
contactvlak | MACH.; | 1. (aansluitpunt) contact pad, contact land, contact face; 2. pole face; 3. (schuifschakelaar) contact face; 4. (bij vonkerosie) contact surface, area of contact |
contactvlakinstelling | ~ | pole-face alignment |
contactvlakje | ELECTRON. | contact pad |
contactvlakuitlijning | MECH.ENG. | contact face alignment |
contactvoetje | ELECTRON. | socket |
contactvoltmeter | ~ | contact voltmeter |
contactvorming | ~ | contact formation |
contactvrij | ~ | non-contacting |
contactvrije afdichting | ~ | non-contact(ing) seal |
contactwang | ~ | contact jaw |
contactwerking | ~ | action through medium, catalytic action, contact action |
contactwerkwijze | ~ | contact process |
contactwijzer | ~ | contact pointer |
contactwrijving | ~ | contact friction |
container | ~ | container |
container voor glasafval | ~ | glass container, glass skip |
containeraanhanger | ~ | container trailer |
containerbesturingselement | COMP. | container control |
containergrijper | ~ | cargo gear |
containerhaven | ~ | container port, container terminal |
containerkade | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | container berth |
containerklasse | ~ | container class |
containernaam | COMP. | container name |
containerobject | COMP. | container object |
containeropslag | ~ | container storage |
containeropslagdepot | ~ | container storage depot |
containeropslagterminal | ~ | container storage terminal |
containerschip | ENVIRON. | container ship |
containerterminal | ~ | container terminal |
containertoepassing | COMP. | container application |
containeruitwissel | ~ | container exchange, container transfer |
containeruitwisselpunt | ~ | container exchange point, container transfer hub |
containervervoer | ~ | containerization, container transport |
containerwagen | ~ | container lorry, container truck |
contaminant | ~ | contaminant, pollutant |
contaminatie | ENVIRON. | contamination |
contamineren | ~ | contaminate |
contant geld | COMP. | cash |
contantkorting | COMP. | cash discount |
contantmarkt | COMM. | spot market |
content management | COMP. | content management |
content-managementsysteem | ~ | (abbr.: CMS) content management system |
contentie | ~ | contention |
contentie-modus | COMP. | contention mode |
conterfort | CIV.ENG. | counterfort, buttress |
context | ~ | context |
contextafhankelijk | COMP. | context-sensitive |
contextafhankelijke hulp | COMP. | context-sensitive help |
contextanalyse | ~ | context analysis |
contexteigenschap | COMP. | context property |
contextgebonden ontwerp | ~ | contextual design |
contextgevoelig | COMP. | context-sensitive |
contextingang | COMP. | context handle |
contextmenu | COMP.; | 1. contextual menu; 2. context menu |
contextpagina | COMP. | context page |
contextueel | COMP. | contextual |
contextueel tabblad | COMP. | contextual tab |
contextveld | COMP. | context field |
contextvrije grammatica | ~ | context-free grammar |
contextvrije taal | ~ | context-free language |
continent | ~ | continent |
continentaal | ENVIRON. | continental |
continentaal plat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | continental shelf, continental terrace |
continentale verontreiniging | ENVIRON. | continental- scale pollution |
continentale verschuiving | GEOL. | continental shift |
continentale vervuiling | ENVIRON. | continental-scale pollution |
contingent | BUILD.; | 1. quota; 2. authorized development quota |
contingentering | ~ | (quotasysteem) quota system |
contingentietabel | ~ | (n-bij-m-tabel) contingency table |
continu | ~ | continuous |
continu betonstorten | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | nonstop- concreting |
continu blokproces | COMP. | continuous block process |
continu extruderen | ~ | continuous extrusion |
continu geroerde tankreactor | ~ | continuous(ly) stirred tank reactor |
continu gietproces | ~ | continuous casting |
continu luchtmeetprogramma | ENVIRON. | continuous air monitoring program |
continu pijlproces | COMP. | continuous arrow process |
continu proces | ~ | continuous process |
continusignaal | ELECTRON. | (bij transmissie) continuous signal, continuous signal transmission |
continu stapeldiagram | AEROSP. | band chart |
continu verbeteringsproces | ~ | continuous improvement process |
continu verbeteringsvoorstellenproces | ~ | continuous improvement ideas process |
continu verven | TEX. | continuous dyeing |
continu-arbeid | ~ | shift work |
continu-betonmenger | CIV.ENG. | continuous mixer, flow mixer |
continu-element | ~ | continuous element |
continu-procesbesturing | ~ | continuous process control |
continu-variabel transaxle-systeem | AUTOMOT. | continuously variable transaxle |
continu-variabele transmissie | AUTOMOT. | continuously variable transmission |
continubelasting | AUTOMOT. | continuous stress |
continubewerking | ~ | continuous operation |
continudienst | ~ | continuous working |
continue afbeeldingslijst | COMP. | continuous picture list |
continue baanbesturing | ~ | continuous path control |
continue baanverplaatsing | ~ | continuous path displacement |
continue belasting | ELEC.ENG.; | 1. permanent load; 2. continuous load, constant load |
continue bemonstering | ~ | continuous sampling |
continue bevloeiing | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | continuity flow irrigation |
continue bewerking | ~ | continuous operation |
continue communicatiewacht | ~ | continuous communication watch |
continue cyclus | COMP. | continuous cycle |
continue drager | ELECTRON. | continuous carrier |
continue emissie | ~ | continuous emissions monitoring |
continue fase | ~ | continuous phase |
continue functie | ELECTRON. | continuous function |
continue golf | ELECTRON. | continuous wave |
continue gradering | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | continuous gradation |
continue irrigatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | continuous irrigation |
continue iteratie | ~ | continuous iteration |
continue kortsluiting | ELEC.ENG. | sustained short- circuit |
continue omgekeerde modus | ~ | continuous reverse mode |
continue ontvanger | ~ | continuous receiver |
continue overbelasting | ~ | long-term overloading |
continue procesbesturing | ~ | continuous process control |
continue procesverbetering | ~ | continuous process improvement |
continue productie | ~ | continuous production |
continue productverbetering | ~ | continuous product improvement |
continue replicatie in een cluster | COMP. | cluster continuous replication |
continue simulatie | ~ | continuous simulation |
continue smering | ~ | permanent lubrication |
continue stroom | ~ | continuous flow |
continue trilling | ~ | continuous vibration |
continue variabele | ~ | continuous variable, continuous variate |
continue veralgemening | MATH. | (bij faculteiten) gamma function |
continue verbetering | ~ | continuous improvement |
continue windtunnel | ~ | continuous wind tunnel |
continue-golfradar | ~ | continuous wave radar |
continue-tijdsysteem | ~ | continuous time system |
continue-uitvalsignaal | ~ | continuity failure signal |
continueren | ENVIRON. | continue, carry on |
continugeluid | ELECTRON. | continuous-spectrum noise, steady-state noise |
continugieten | ~ | (abbr.: cc) continuous casting |
continugietproces | ~ | continuous casting |
continuïteit | ~ | continuity |
continuïteitscontrole | ~ | continuity check |
continuïteitsformule | ~ | equation of continuity |
continuïteitsproef | AUTOMOT. | continuity test |
continuïteitsstraling | ~ | continuous radiation |
continuïteitsvergelijking | ~ | continuity equation, equation of continuity |
continuïteitswet | ~ | theory of continuity |
continukortsluitproef | ELEC.ENG. | sustained short- circuit test |
continulaser | ~ | continuous-wave laser |
continulasprocedé | WELD. | seam welding process |
continulassen | WELD. | seam welding |
continuproductie | ~ | continuous production |
continurem | AUTOMOT. | continuous brake |
continuspectrum | ~ | continuous spectrum |
continustroom | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | continuous current |
continutoeslag | ~ | shift allowance, shift work rates |
continutransporteur | ~ | (installatie voor continu transport) continuous conveyor |
continuüm | MATH., PHYS.; | 1. continuum; 2. continuous medium |
continuümmechanica | GEOTECHN. | continuum mechanics |
continuvermogen | ~ | continuous rating |
continuverzwakker | ~ | continuous attenuator |
continuvezel | POLYM. | continuous fibre |
contour met dubbele piek | COMP. | double-peak contour |
contour met een late piek | COMP. | late-peak contour |
contour met een vroege piek | COMP. | early-peak contour |
contour tank | ~ | slipper tank |
contour- en kopieerfreesmachine | ~ | profiling and duplicating milling machine |
contouranalyse | COMP. | contour analysis |
contourbesturing | ~ | (besturingsvorm) continuous-path control, contouring control system |
contourbewerking | ~ | contouring operation |
contourbewerkingsbesturingssysteem | ~ | contouring control system |
contourdiagram | COMP. | contour chart |
contoureffect | COMP. | outline effect |
contouren van loopwiel | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | runner outline |
contourfilter | ~ | contour filter |
contourfles | ~ | contour bottle |
contourfrees | MACH. | end mill, contour cutter, contour mill |
contourfreesmachine | MACH. | profile milling machine, contour milling machine |
contourfrezen | MACH. | contour milling, end milling |
contourlettertype | COMP. | outline font |
contourlicht | AUTOMOT. | clearance light |
contourlijn | ~ | contour, lineation |
contourmal | MACH. | contour jig, template |
contourscherpte | COMP. | acutance |
contourverlichting | AUTOMOT. | end-outline marker lighting |
contourverscherping | ~ | contour accentuation |
contourverschuiving | ~ | contour shift |
contourvolging | ~ | contour tracing, edge tracking |
contra-expertise | ~ ; | 1. (algemeen) countercheck, second opinion; 2. (m.b.t. verzekering) re-appraisal |
contra-e.m.k. | ELEC.ENG. | counter EMF |
contrabas | ~ | double base |
contrabreuk | ~ | mating fracture |
contrabreukvlak | ~ | mating fracture surface |
contract | ~ | contract, agreement |
contract opmaken | ~ | draft an agreement, draft a contract, draw up an agreement |
contractadres | COMP. | contract address |
contractant | ~ | contracting party |
contractarbeider | ~ | contract worker |
contractbepalingen | ~ | conditions of contract |
contractbreuk | ~ | breach of contract |
contracteren | ~ | contract, put under contract, hire |
contractgunning | ~ | award of a contract |
contractie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | contraction |
contractiecoëfficiënt | ~ | area-contraction factor, coefficient of contraction |
contractiecoëfficiënt van pijler | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | pier-contraction coefficient |
contractiecoëfficiënt van Poisson | MECH.ENG. | Poisson’s ratio |
contractiespanning | METALL. | contraction stress, contraction strain |
contractieverhouding | ~ | (m.b.t. samentrekking) contraction ratio |
contractieverlies | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | contraction loss |
contractlandbouw | AGRIC. | contract farming |
contractprijs | ~ | contract price |
contractrapportage | ~ | contract reporting |
contractregel | COMP. | contract line |
contracttoewijzing | ~ | award of a contract |
contractueel | ~ | by contract, contractual |
contractuele aansprakelijkheid | COMM. | contractual liability |
contractuele verplichtingen | ~ | contractual obligations |
contractvermogen | AUTOMOT. | specified power |
contractwaarde | COMP. | contract value |
contradakboog | ~ | (spoorwegvoertuig) roof stick brace |
contradotering | ELECTRON. | counter doping |
contradraad | ELEC.ENG. | contra wire, constantan wire |
contradrijfas | ~ | countershaft |
contraflank | ~ | (tandwielen) mating flank |
contraflens | ~ | companion flange, counter flange |
contragewicht | AUTOMOT. | balance weight, counter-weight |
contragewicht van wissel | RAIL. | points counterbalance |
contragewicht-overspanning | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | counter weight span |
contrakruk voor excentriekstang | ~ | eccentric (return) crank |
contraluchtschroef | AEROSP. | contra rotating propeller |
contraluchtschroeven | ~ | contra-rotating propellers |
contramal | ~ | counter-jig |
contramalkop | ~ | scribing head |
contramerk | ~ | countermark |
contramoer | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | check nut, lock nut |
contrapen | ~ | locking pin |
contraplug | ~ | coupling socket |
contrarail | HYDROL., CIV.ENG.; | 1. opposite rail, side rail; 2. check rail, guard rail |
contraring | ~ | locking ring |
contraschoep | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | contravane |
contraschroef | AEROSP. | contra rotating propeller |
contrasigneren | COMP. | countersign |
contraspie | ~ | jib, tightening key |
contrast | ~ | contrast |
contrastarm | ~ | poor in contrast |
contrasteker | ~ | coupling socket, connector |
contrastekker | ELECTRON. | female plug |
contrastempel | ~ | coining die |
contrasteren | ~ | contrast |
contrastering | ~ | contrasting |
contrastexpansie | ~ | contrast expansion |
contrastinstelling | ~ | contrast setting, contrast adjustment |
contrastmaaltijd | ~ | (röntgentherapie) barium meal, opaque meal |
contrastmiddel | ENVIRON. | opaque dye |
contrastregelaar | ~ | contrast control |
contrastregeling | ~ | contrast control |
contrastrijk | ~ | rich in contrast, high in contrast |
contrastverbetering | ~ | contrast improvement |
contrastvergroting | COMP. | contrast sharpening |
contrastverhouding | ~ | contrast ratio |
contrastvermindering | ~ | contrast reduction |
contrastwerking | ~ | contrast effect |
contravariant | ~ | contra variant |
contraventiel | ~ | check valve |
contrawiel | ~ | counter wheel |
contrefort | BUILD. | buttress, counterfort |
control-break | COMP. | control-break |
controle | COMM.; | 1. check, test; 2. (inspectie) inspection; 3. (m.b.t. de boekhouding) audit, review |
controle bij de bron | ~ | source inspection |
controle door leverancier | ~ | vendor inspection |
controle door overmaat | COMP. | redundancy check |
controle op concentraties | ~ | merger control |
controle op elektrische geleiding | ~ | continuity check |
controle op het storten van afval | ENVIRON. | control of the deposition of waste |
controle op lozingen | ENVIRON. | control of discharges |
controle ter plaatse | ENVIRON. | spot check |
controle tijdens vlucht | AEROSP. | flight check |
controle uitoefenen op | ~ | exercise supervision over, carry out inspection of, perform a check on/of |
controle van advertentiecampagne | COMP. | ad campaign audit |
controle van gegevens | AUTOMOT. | check |
controle van omgevingslucht | ENVIRON. | ambient air- monitoring |
controle van systeemstatus | COMP. | system health validator |
controle vloeistofpeil | ~ | fluid level check |
controle vóór aflevering | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: PDI) predelivery inspection |
controle voorafgaande aan proef | AUTOMOT. | pre-test check |
controle- en onderhoudsprogramma | ENVIRON. | inspection and maintenance program |
controle-eis | ~ | test requirement |
controle-inrichting | ~ | control device |
controle-installatie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | checking fixture |
controle-instrument | ~ | control instrument |
controle-interval | COMP. | scan interval |
controle-opening | ~ | inspection eye, monitoring hole, sight hole |
controle-opmeting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | control survey |
controle-opslag | COMP. | monitoring store |
controle-orgaan | ~ | inspectorate, supervisory body |
controleactiviteit | COMP. | review activity |
controleafdeling | ~ ; | 1. inspection department; 2. (voor kwaliteitsproeven) testing department |
controleapparaat | ~ ; | 1. test instrument; 2. monitor, monitoring device |
controleapparatuur | ~ ; | 1. test equipment; 2. control equipment |
controlearray | COMP. | control array |
controleautomaat | ~ | automatic control apparatus, automatic control device, monitor |
controlebatterij | ~ | pilot cell |
controlebeeldscherm | COMP. | check display, monitor |
controlebeleid | COMP. | audit policy |
controleberekening | ~ | check computation, test calculation |
controlebewerking | COMP. | arithmetic check, check, control |
controlebit | ~ | check bit |
controleblad | ~ ; | 1. checklist, test sheet; 2. (meetaanwijzingen) measurement instruction; 3. inspection sheet |
controleboodschap | COMP. | check message |
controleboorput | ENVIRON. | monitoring well |
controleboring | ~ | pilot bore |
controlebus | COMP. | control bus |
controlebyte | COMP. | check byte, control byte, cyclic check byte |
controlecijfer | ~ | check digit |
controlecircuit | ~ | control circuit |
controlecomponent | COMP. | check clause |
controlediagram | ~ | inspection card, test card, control chart, quality control chart |
controledichtheid | ~ | inspection density |
controledocument | COMP. | control document |
controledoeleinden | ~ | inspection purposes |
controledrukker | COMP. | monitor printer |
controleerbaar | ~ | checkable, verifiable |
controlefaciliteit | ~ | monitoring facility |
controlefitting | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | inspection fitting |
controleflens | ~ | (manometer) control flange, test flange |
controlefunctie | COMP. | control function, monitor function |
controlegebied | ~ | control zone, test area |
controlegegevens | ~ | checking data |
controlegetal | COMP. | check number, checksum |
controleglas | ~ | sight glass |
controlegroep | ~ | check group |
controlehandtekening | COMP. | countersignature, counter-signature |
controlejournaal | COMP. | audit log |
controlekamer | ~ | control room |
controleklep | ~ | control valve |
controlekolom | AEROSP. | control column |
controlekopie | COMP. | control document |
controlelamp | ~ | pilot lamp, check light |
controlelampje | ~ | pilot lamp, indicator lamp |
controleleeskop | COMP. | read-after-write head |
controlelicht van diefstalalarmsysteem | AUTOMOT. | security light |
controlelicht van elektronisch bewaakte | ~ | |
motorfuncties | AUTOMOT. | check control light |
controlelicht van gedimd groot licht | AUTOMOT. | low beam, low mode, lower beam, meeting-beam light |
controlelicht van koelvloeistoftemperatuur | AUTOMOT. | coolant-temperature control light |
controlelicht van mistachterlicht | AUTOMOT. | rear fog control light |
controlelicht van noodknipperlichtinstallatie | AUTOMOT. | hazard warning light |
controlelicht van ongedimd groot licht | AUTOMOT. | high beam, high mode, main-beam control light, upper beam |
controlelicht van remvloeistofniveau | AUTOMOT. | brake-fluid control light, brake-fluid level control light |
controlelicht van richtingaanwijzer | AUTOMOT. | direction-indicator control light, flasher-control light, indicator light, turn-signal light |
controlelicht van veiligheidsgordel | AUTOMOT. | safety-belt control light |
controlelicht van vergrendeling van kantelcabine | AUTOMOT. | cab-tilt lock control light |
controlelicht voor defect aan gloeilampen | AUTOMOT. | bulb-failure control light |
controlelicht voor defect aan remlichten | AUTOMOT. | brake-light failure control light |
controlelicht voor defect aan remsysteem | AUTOMOT. | brake-control light, brake-system control light, brake warning light |
controlelicht voor drukverschil in beide | ~ | |
remkringen | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: PDW) pressure-differential warning actuator |
controlelicht voor geopend portier | AUTOMOT. | door- ajar control light |
controlelicht voor ingeschakelde overdrive | AUTOMOT. | overdrive control light |
controlelicht voor te lage bandspanning | AUTOMOT. | tyre-pressure control light, inflation-pressure control light, tire-pressure control light |
controlelicht voor te weinig brandstof | AUTOMOT. | low-fuel control light |
controlelicht voor verijst wegdek | AUTOMOT. | ice- alert control light |
controlelicht voor versleten remblokken | AUTOMOT. | brake-pad wear control light |
controlelicht voor versleten remvoeringen | AUTOMOT. | brake-lining wear control light |
controlelicht voor water in dieselbrandstoffilter | AUTOMOT. | fuel-drain control light |
controlelichtje | AUTOMOT. | pilot, pilot light |
controlelijn | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | check line |
controlelijst | COMP.; | 1. check list; 2. (controleblad) inspection sheet; 3. check list, checklist |
controlelus | COMP. | checking loop |
controlemaat | ~ | reference dimension |
controlemachine | ~ | verifier |
controlemal | ~ | inspection jig, test jig |
controlemanometer | ~ | control gauge, standard gauge, test gauge |
controlemeter | ~ | (van gas en vloeistoffen) controlling meter |
controlemeting | ~ | test measuring |
controlemicroscoop | ELECTRON. | inspection microscope |
controlemiddel | ~ | check measure |
controlemodus | COMP. | audit mode |
controlemoersleutel | ~ | automatic tension wrench |
controleniveau | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | check level |
controleonderbreking | COMP. | check interrupt |
controlepad | ~ | (langs spoorbaan) cess side |
controlepaneel | ELEC.ENG. | control panel |
controlepen | ~ | test pin |
controlepijl | COMP. | tracer arrow |
controleponsmachine | ~ | verifier |
controleprocedure | COMP. | test procedure |
controleproef | ~ | check test |
controleprogramma | AEROSP. | check-out |
controlepunt | COMP.; | 1. (voorwaardelijke programmaonderbreking) conditional breakpoint; 2. test point, checkpoint; 3. control point |
controleregister | COMP. | check register |
controlerelais | ~ | supervisory relay |
controleren | ELECTRON.; | 1. check, test; 2. (controleren en bevestigen) verify; 3. (inspecteren) inspect; 4. monitor; 5. audit; 6. review; 7. (met behulp van sensor, sonde) probe |
controlerend programma | ~ | checking program |
controlerij | ~ | check row |
controleronde | ~ | inspection round |
controlerondgang | ~ | walk-around inspection |
controleschacht | ~ | inspection shaft, inspection chamber |
controleschakelaar | ~ | control switch |
controleschakeling | COMP. | checking circuit |
controlesoftware | COMP. | monitoring software |
controlesom | COMP. | check sum, checksum |
controlestandaardmeter | ~ | standard testing meter |
controlestation | ~ | checkpoint, control point |
controlestatus | COMP. | control state |
controlestift | ~ | check pin |
controlestrookje | ~ | stub |
controlestroom | COMP. | control flow |
controlesymbool | ~ | check symbol |
controlesysteem | ~ | control system |
controletabel | AUTOMOT. | check chart, check list |
controletableau | ~ | control panel |
controletechniek | ~ | inspection technique |
controleteken | ~ | check character |
controletekening | ~ | check plot |
controletest van brandstofsysteem | ~ | fuel system verification test |
controletoestel | ENVIRON. | monitoring device |
controletotaal | COMP.; | 1. check total, control total, proof total; 2. checksum, check sum |
controleur | ~ | inspector, supervisor |
controleveld | COMP. | checking field |
controlevoorschrift | ~ ; | 1. control instruction; 2. control instruction, control specification; 3. test instruction |
controlevoorschriften | ~ | control specifications, inspection specifications |
controlewaardebestand | COMP. | checklist file |
controlewaarneming | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | control observation |
controlewagen | ~ | mobile monitoring unit |
controleweger | ~ | check weigher |
controleweging | ~ | weight check, weight check measurement |
controlewerkzaamheden | AUTOMOT. | check operation |
controlewiel | ~ | stop wheel |
controlewinkelhaak | ~ | precision square |
controlewoord | ~ | check word |
controlezoemer | AUTOMOT. | control buzzer |
controlezone | AEROSP. | control zone |
controlkaart | ~ | test card, inspection card |
controller | ~ | controller |
controller-tabel | COMP. | controller table |
controllerkast | ~ | controller cylinder, controller drum |
contstante van Planck | CHEM.TECHN. | Planck’s constant |
conus | ~ ; | 1. cone, taper; 2. (deel van convertor) top conical |
conusbakmal | ~ | cone baking jig |
conusdrager | ~ | chassis |
conusdrukproef | ~ | cone thrust test |
conusgat | ~ | tapered hole |
conushardheidsproef | ~ | cone hardness test |
conuskoppeling | ~ | cone clutch |
conusvormige kraag | ~ | (van een flens) coned flange, conical shoulder flange |
conuskraan | ~ | conical plug |
conuslager | ~ | tapered roller bearing |
conuslineaal | ~ | (op draaibank) guide plate |
conusluidspreker | ~ | cone loudspeaker |
conusproef | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | pressure penetration test |
conusscheermachine | TEX. | cone warping machine |
conusscheermolen | TEX. | cone warping machine |
conussondeerapparaat | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cone penetrometer |
conustang | ~ | pair of gas pliers |
conusvalproef | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | drop penetration test |
conusweerstand | CIV.ENG. | cone index, cone resistance |
convectie | ~ | convection |
convectie-gekoeld | ~ | convection cooled |
convectie-gekoeld pak | AEROSP. | convective cooling ventilated suit, convection cooled suit |
convectief | ~ | convective |
convectiekoeling | ~ | convection cooling |
convectieoven | ~ | convection oven |
convectieregen | ~ | (plotselinge door intense warmte ontstane regenval) convectional rain |
convectiestroom | ELECTRON. | convection current |
convectieve overdracht | ~ | convective transfer |
convectieverlies | ELEC.ENG. | (in een elektrische machine) convection loss |
convectiewarmtestraler | ~ | convection heater |
convenant | ENVIRON. | covenant agreement, voluntary agreement |
conventie | ~ | convention |
conventies | COMP. | conventions |
conventioneel | ~ | conventional |
conventioneel gebombeerd | ~ | conventional domed |
conventioneel startgewicht | AEROSP. | (abbr.: CTOW) conventional take-off weight, COT weight |
conventionele bouw | ~ | conventional structure |
conventionele constructie | ~ | conventional structure |
conventionele economische criteria | ~ | traditional economic criteria |
conventionele economische maatstaven | ENVIRON. | conventional economic criteria |
conventionele krachtcentrale | ELEC.ENG. | conventional power plant |
conventionele springstof | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | conventional explosive |
conventionele stroom | ELECTRON. | conventional current |
conventionele techniek | ~ | conventional technique |
convergent | ~ | convergent |
convergente-divergente straalpijp | AEROSP. | convergent-divergent jet nozzle |
convergentie-eenheid | ~ | convergence unit |
convergentie-instelling | ~ | convergence alignment |
convergentieanode | ~ | convergence anode |
convergentiebestand | COMP. | convergence file |
convergentiecriterium | ~ | convergence criteria |
convergentiefactor | ~ | convergence factor |
convergentiefout | ~ | convergence error |
convergentiemagneet | ~ | convergence magnet |
convergentiepaneel | ~ | convergence panel |
convergentiepunt | ~ | convergence point |
convergentieraster | ~ | convergence dot pattern, convergence grid |
convergentieschakeling | ELECTRON. | convergence circuit |
convergentiesignaal | ~ | convergence signal |
convergentiespoel | ~ | convergence coil |
convergentiesysteem | ~ | convergence system |
convergentieunit | ~ | convergence unit |
convergentievlak | ELEC.ENG. | convergence surface |
convergerend | ~ | convergent |
convergerende korte buis | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | converging short tube |
convergerende lens | ~ | converging lens |
convergerende overgang | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | converging transition |
conversatie | ~ | discourse |
conversatiefunctie | DATACOM. | chat-function |
conversatiemodus | COMP. | interactive mode, chat mode |
conversationeel | ~ | conversational |
conversationele werkwijze | ~ | conversational mode |
conversie | ~ ; | 1. conversion; 2. (omzettingsgraad) conversion factor |
conversie naar vorm | COMP. | convert to shape |
conversie van decimaal naar binair | COMP. | decimal- to-binary conversion |
conversie van graden naar radialen | ELECTRON. | degrees-to-radians conversion |
conversieaanbrenglaag | ~ | conversion coating |
conversiecode | COMP. | conversion code |
conversiecyclus | ~ | conversion cycle |
conversieelektron | ~ | conversion electron |
conversiefactor | ~ | (bij omrekeningen) conversion factor |
conversiegeleiding | TELECOM. | conversion conductance |
conversieharden | ~ | transformation hardening |
aanbrengen van een conversielaag | ~ | (het elektrochemisch aanbrengen van een conversielaag) conversion coating |
conversieprogramma | COMP. | conversion program, converter |
conversiepunt | COMP. | conversion point |
conversiepunt-URL | COMP. | point URL |
conversiepuntnaam | COMP. | point name |
conversierendement | ELECTRON. | conversion efficiency |
conversieroutine | COMP. | conversion program, translator |
conversiesteilheid | ~ | conversion conductance, transconductance |
conversietabel | COMP. | conversion chart |
conversietesten | ~ | conversion testing |
conversietracking | COMP. | conversion tracking |
conversietraining | AEROSP. | conversion training |
conversietype | ~ | conversion type |
conversieverlies | COMP. | conversion loss |
conversieverliezen | ELEC.ENG. | conversion losses |
conversieversterking | ELECTRON. | conversion gain |
conversievliegtuig | AEROSP. | convertible aircraft, convertiplane |
convertorafvalgas | ENVIRON. | converter gas |
converteren | ELECTRON. | convert |
convertibiliteit | COMM. | currency convertibility |
convertor | METALL.; | 1. converter; 2. (bessemer peer) converter, Bessemer converter |
convertorafvalgasgebruik | ENVIRON. | converter gas recuperation |
convertorgasreinigingsinstallatie | ENVIRON. | converter gas scrubbing plant |
convertorhal | ~ | converter hall |
convertorproces | METALL. | Bessemer process, BOF converter process |
convertorring | ~ | converter trunnion ring |
convertorstaal | METALL. | converter steel |
convertorvat | ~ | converter vessel |
convertorvoering | ~ | converter vessel lining, converter lining |
convex | ~ | convex |
convex-concaaf | ~ | convexo-concave |
convexe lens | ~ | convex lens |
convexheid | ~ | convexity |
convexiteit | ~ | convexity |
conveyor | ~ | conveyor |
convolutionele code | ~ | convolutional code |
cool wool | TEX. | cool-wool |
COOL-bibliotheek | ~ | class object-oriented library |
COOL-taal | ~ | combined object-oriented language |
Coolidge-buis | ~ | Coolidge tube |
Coons-element | ~ | Coons patch |
Coons-methode | ~ | Coons method |
coöperatie | ~ | cooperative |
cooperatief beleid | ENVIRON. | cooperation policy |
coöperatieve bank | COMM. | cooperative bank |
coöperatieve kredietinstelling | COMM. | credit union |
coöperatieve verwerking | ~ | co-operative processing |
coördinaatas | GEOM. | coordinate axis, axis of coordinates |
coördinaatvlak | GEOM. | coordinate plane |
coördinaten | ~ | coordinates |
coördinaten van routemarkering | AEROSP. | waypoint coordinates |
coördinatenas | ~ | coordinate axis |
coördinatenbank | ~ | jig machine |
coördinatenboor- en freesmachine | ~ | jig boring and milling machine |
coördinatenboormachine | ~ | jig-boring machine, template boring machine |
coördinatenboren | ~ | jig boring, coordinate boring |
coördinatendiagram | COMP. | coordinate graph |
coördinatenkaart | ENVIRON. | grid map |
coördinatenomzetter | ~ | resolver |
coördinatenpaar | COMP. | coordinate pair |
coördinatenpapier | COMP. | coordinate paper |
coördinatenpotentiometer | ELECTRON. | coordinate potentiometer |
coördinatenschrijver | ELEC.ENG. | x-y plotter, x-y recorder |
coördinatenslijpmachine | ~ | jig grinder, jig grinding machine |
coördinatenstelsel | ~ | system of coordinates |
coördinatenstelsel van de mechanische interface | ~ | mechanical interface coordinate system |
coördinatensysteem | MATH. | co-ordinate system |
coördinatentafel | ~ | compound table; coordinate table |
coördinatentekentafel | ~ | coordinate drafting machine |
Coördinatie Commissie Uitvoering Wvo | ENVIRON. | (abbr.: CUWVO) Coordinating Committee for the Implementation of the Pollution of Surface Waters Act |
coördinatie van de steunmaatregelen | COMM. | coordination of aid |
coördinatie van EMU-beleid | COMM. | coordination of EMU policies |
coördinatie van financieringen | COMM. | coordination of financing |
coördinatie- en informatiepunt | ENVIRON. | coordination and information centre |
coördinatieafstand | ~ | coordination distance |
coördinatiebehoeften | ~ | coordination needs |
coördinatiecommissie | ~ | coordination committee |
coördinatiegetal | CHEM.TECHN. | coordination number |
coördinatienet | ~ | coordination net |
coördinator | ~ | coordinator |
coördineren | ~ ; | 1. coordinate; 2. (van werktuigen) gang |
COP | ~ | coefficient of performance |
copigment | ~ | copigment |
coplanair | ~ | coplanar |
copolycondensatie | CHEM.TECHN. | copolycondensation |
copolymeer | CHEM.TECHN. | (opgebouwd uit monomeren) copolymer, grafted polymer |
copolymerisaat | ~ | copolymer, copolymerid |
copolymerisatie | POLYM. | copolymerization |
copolymerisatie met brugvorming | ~ | copolymerization with cross-linking, cross-linked copolymerization |
copolymerisatieproces | ~ | copolymerisation process |
coproductie | ~ | coproduction |
cops | TEX. | (spinspoel) cop, bobbin, spool |
copyright | COMP. | copyright |
copyright-informatie | COMP. | copyright information, copyright notice |
copywriter | COMP. | copywriter |
coquille | ~ | ingot mould, chill mould, chill |
coquillegieten | ~ | gravity diecasting |
coquillegietijzer | ~ | chilled cast iron |
coquillegietwerk | AUTOMOT. | gravity die-casting, chilled casting |
CORAL | ~ | computer on-line real-time applications language |
corannuleen | CHEM.TECHN. | (PAK) corannulene |
cordeermachine | ~ | cording machine |
cordon | TRAFF. | cordon |
cordonnetgaren | ~ | patent bobbin cotton |
cordonnetzijde | ~ | braid |
corduaan | ~ | cordovan, cordwain |
corduroy | TEX. | cord velvet, rib velvet |
Corguide-kabel | ~ | Corguide |
coriolis-debietmeter | ~ | Coriolis flowmeter |
corioliskracht | MECH.ENG. | Coriolis force |
coriolisreactie | ~ | Coriolis reaction |
coriolisstimulatie | ~ | Coriolis stimulation |
coriolisversnelling | MECH.ENG. | Coriolis acceleration |
Corliss-kraan | ~ | Corliss valve |
cornet | ~ | cornet |
Cornwall-ketel | ~ | (landketel) Cornish boiler |
corona | ~ | corona |
coronaverschijnsel | ELEC.ENG. | corona effect |
coroneen | CHEM.TECHN. | (PAK) coronene |
coroutine | ~ | co-routine |
corps | ~ | body |
corpus | ~ | corpus |
corpusculaire straling | ~ | corpuscular radiation |
corrasie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | corrasion |
correct | COMP. | correct |
correctheid | ~ | correctness |
correctie | ~ | correction |
correctie in vorige periode | COMP. | prior period adjustment |
correctie naar nulpunt | AUTOMOT. | zeroing |
correctie op excentriciteit | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | correction for eccentricity |
correctie van Bessel | ~ | Bessel’s correction |
correctie voor dode tijd | ~ | dead time correction |
correctie voor scheidingstijd | ~ | resolving time correction |
correctiebeeldscherm | COMP. | correction display unit |
correctiecoëfficiënt | ~ | coefficient of correction |
correctief onderhoud | ~ | corrective maintenance |
correctiefactor | ~ | correction factor |
correctiefilter | ~ | correcting filter, correction filter |
correctiehoek | AUTOMOT. | correction angle |
correctiekring | ~ | correcting circuit |
correctieliniaal | ~ | (tandwielen) lead compensator |
correctielint | COMP. | correction ribbon |
correctieluchtsproeier | AUTOMOT. | (van carburateur) air-correction jet |
correctiemagneet | ~ | correction magnet, beam-positioning magnet |
correctiemotor | ~ | Vernier engine |
correctienok | ~ | (Hughe’s toestel) correcting cam |
correctiepercentage | COMP. | adjusted percentage |
correctieprogramma | COMP. | correction routine |
correctiepunt | COMP. | control point |
correctieschroef | ~ | correctional screw, rectifying screw |
correctiesignaal | COMP. | correcting signal |
correctiespoel | ~ | correction coil, convergence coil |
correctiesproeier | AUTOMOT. | compensating jet, compensation jet, correction jet |
correctiesteeklijn | ~ | correction pitch line |
correctiestroom | ~ | correcting current |
correctiesysteem | ~ | correction system |
correctietabel | ~ | correction table |
correctietoeslag | ~ | allowance for correction |
correctietoets | COMP. | backspace key, correction key |
correctieversterker | ~ | equalizing amplifier |
correctievloeistof | ~ | correcting fluid |
corrector | PRINT. | proofreader, corrector |
correlatie | ~ | correlation |
correlatie-index | ~ | correlation index |
correlatiecoëfficiënt | ~ | coefficient of correlation |
correlatiedetectie | ELECTRON., AEROSP. | correlation detection |
correlatiedetector | ELECTRON. | correlation detector |
correlatiediagram | ~ | correlation diagram |
correlatief | COMP. | correlative |
correlatiematrix | ~ | correlation matrix |
correlatierekening | ~ | correlation calculation |
correlatietabel | ~ | correlation table |
correlatieverhouding | ~ | correlation ratio |
correspondent | ~ | correspondent |
correspondentie | ~ ; | 1. correspondence; 2. matching, match |
correspondentieadres | ~ | correspondence address |
correspondentieafdeling | ~ | correspondence department |
correspondentiekwaliteit | COMP. | letter quality |
correspondentiekwaliteitsprinter | COMP. | letter quality printer |
corresponderen | ~ | (in technische zin) correspond, match, mate |
corresponderend onderdeel | ~ | mating part |
corresponderend oppervlak | ~ | mating surface |
corresponderende hoek | GEOM. | corresponding angle |
corresponderende steekproeven | ~ | linked samples |
corridor | ENVIRON. | corridor |
corrigeerbaar | COMP. | correctable |
corrigeren | PRINT.; | 1. correct; 2. (van drukproef) proofread |
corrigerende terugkoppeling | ELECTRON. | corrective feedback |
corrodeerbaar | ~ | corrodible |
corrodeerbaarheid | ~ | corrodibility |
corroderen | ~ | corrode |
corroderend | AUTOMOT. | corrosive |
corroderende werking | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | corrosive action |
corrosie | ~ | corrosion |
corrosie van wapening | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | reinforcement corrosion |
corrosiebescherming | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | corrosion protection |
corrosiebestendig | ~ | corrosion proof, resistant to corrosion, corrosion-resistant, non-corroding |
corrosiebestendig chroomnikkelstaal | ~ | corrosion- resistant chrome-nickel steel |
corrosiebestendige primer | ~ | (grondlak) corrosion- resistant primer |
corrosiebestendigheid | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | corrosion resistance, corrosion strength |
corrosiebestrijding | ~ | corrosion control |
corrosief | ~ | corrosive |
corrosief water | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | corrosive water |
corrosiefactor | ~ | corrosion factor |
corrosiegevaar | ~ | danger of corrosion, risk of corrosion |
corrosiegevoelig | ~ | susceptible to corrosion |
corrosieput | ~ | corrosion pit |
corrosieschade | ~ | corrosion damage |
corrosiescheur | ~ | corrosion crack |
corrosieslijtage | ~ | corrosive wear |
corrosiesnelheid | ~ | rate of corrosion |
corrosiestrepen | ~ | corrosion streaks |
corrosietest | AUTOMOT. | corrosion test |
corrosievast | ~ | corrosion-proof, resistant to corrosion, corrosion resistant, rust-proof |
corrosievast staal | ~ | corrosion-resistant steel, corten steel, stainless steel |
corrosievaste component | ~ | corrosion-proof component |
corrosievastheid | ~ | corrosion resistance |
corrosieve werking | ~ | corrosivity, corrosive effect |
corrosievermoeidheid | ~ | corrosion fatigue |
corrosievermoeiing | ~ | corrosion fatigue |
corrosievorming | ~ | corrosion formation |
corrosievrij | ~ | corrosion-free |
corrosieweerstand | ~ | corrosion resistance |
corrosiewerend | ~ | anticorrosive |
corrosiewerend middel | ~ | anticorrosive agent, corrosion preventive |
corrosiewerende stof | ~ | corrosion inhibitor |
corrosiviteit | ~ ; | 1. (corrosiefactor) corrosivity, corrosiveness; 2. (vermogen om te corroderen) corrodibility; corrosivity, corrosive effect |
corset | ELEC.ENG. | earth wire |
corticosteroïde | ~ | corticosteroid |
corticosteron | BIOL. | corticosterone |
cortison | CHEM.TECHN. | cortisone |
corundum | ~ | aluminium oxide, corundum |
cos | ~ | cosine |
cosecanskwadraatantenne | ~ | cosec antenna |
cosecans | GEOM. | (abbr.: cosec) cosecant |
cosecansantenne | ~ | cosec antenna |
cosinus | ~ | (abbr.: cos) cosine |
cosinusboog | ~ | cosine curve |
cosinusgolf | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | cosine wave |
cosinuskromme | ELEC.ENG. | cosine curve |
cosmetica | ENVIRON. | cosmetics |
cosmetica-industrie | ~ | cosmetics industry |
cosmeticaindustrie | ENVIRON. | cosmetics industry |
cosmetisch | ~ | cosmetic |
cosmetisch lassen | ~ | cosmetic welding |
cosmetisch product | ~ | cosmetic product |
cosmetische industrie | ~ | cosmetics industry |
cosmogeen | ~ | cosmogenic |
cosmogonie | ~ | cosmogony |
cosmografie | ~ | cosmography |
cosmologie | ~ | cosmology |
cosmotron | ~ | accelerating proton-synchroton, cosmotron |
COT | ~ | (m.b.t. schakelfrequentie) constant on-time |
cot | ~ | cotangens |
COT-regelaar | ELECTRON. | (halfgeleiderschakeling) COT- regulator |
cotangens | ~ | cot |
cotoniseren | ~ | render cotton-like |
Cotrellprocédé | AGRIC., ENVIRON. | (halfopen landschap) Cotrell-process |
cottonbreimachine | TEX. | cotton knitting machine, cotton knitting loom |
couettestroming | AEROSP. | couette flow |
coulanceperiode | ~ | easy-terms period |
coulisse | ~ | (bij gereedschapsmachines) connecting link, expansion link |
coulisseaandrijving | ~ | crank drive |
coulissegeleiding | ~ | restricted guidance |
coulissehefboom | MACH. | link lever, rocker, rocker arm, rocking arm, rocking lever |
coulisselager | ~ | link bearing, link bracket |
coulisselandschap | ~ | bocage, mixed woodland and pastures |
coulissen | ~ | (m.b.t. theater) stage wing |
coulissenschakeling | AUTOMOT. | gate change |
coulissenverlichting | ~ | (toneel) wing lighting |
coulomb | ~ | (abbr.: C) coulomb |
coulombdemper | ~ | Coulomb damper |
coulombdemping | ~ | Coulomb damping |
coulombexcitatie | PHYS. | Coulomb excitation |
coulombmeter | ~ | coulombmeter |
coulombverstrooiing | ~ | coulomb scattering |
coulometer | ~ | coulometer, voltameter |
coulometrie | ~ | coulometry |
coupé | RAIL.; | 1. coupe; 2. (in trein) compartment |
couperen | ~ ; | 1. (film) make cuts; 2. (afsnijden) cut |
coupon | TEX.; | 1. cut, cutting, length; 2. (proefstuk) sampling coupon |
coupure | CIV.ENG.; | 1. coupure, cut-off; 2. (film) cut |
courant | ~ | current |
courant snijden | ~ | (m.b.t. vlees en vleeswaren) cut as appropriate |
courseware | COMP. | courseware, course-ware, educational software |
couverture | ~ ; | 1. (chocolade) couverture; 2. (deksel) cover; 3. (boekomslag) cover, book jacket |
couverturemassa | ~ | (chocolade) couverture mass |
couveuse | ~ | (broedmachine) incubator |
covalent | ~ | covalent |
covalente binding | ~ | covalent bond |
covalentie | CHEM.TECHN. | covalency |
covalentieradius | ~ | covalent radius |
covariant | ~ | covariant |
covariantie | ~ | covariance |
covariantieanalyse | ~ | covariance analysis |
covariatie | ~ | covariation |
covelliet | CHEM.TECHN. | covellite |
coveren van autoband | AUTOMOT. | remold, remould, retread |
coverte sensitisatie | PHARM. | covert sensitization |
cowpertoren | ~ | (hoogovens) regenerating air heater, recuperator, generator |
Cox-de-Booralgoritme | ~ | Cox-de-Boor algorithm |
cpi | COMP. | characters per inch |
cpi-naar-pci-brug | COMP. | cpi to pci bridge |
cpmm | COMP. | characters per mm |
cps | COMP. | characters per second |
cps lean manufacturing strategie | ~ | cps lean manufacturing strategy |
cps smeedproces | ~ | cps forging process |
cps taakinstructietraining | ~ | cps job instruction training |
cps teamlid | ~ | cps team member |
cps tool | ~ | cps tools |
CPU | COMP.; | 1. (centrale verwerkingseenheid) CPU, central processing unit; 2. (centrale voedingseenheid) central power unit, CPU |
CPU-architectuur | COMP. | CPU architecture |
CPU-cyclus | COMP. | CPU cycle |
CPU-kaart | COMP. | CPU card |
CPU-koeler | COMP. | CPU cooling fan |
CPU-limiet | COMP. | CPU cap |
CPU-limieten | COMP. | CPU capping |
CPV | ~ | (van de EU) Common Procurement Vocabulary |
CPV-code | ~ | (common procurement vocabulary) CPV code |
CP/M-emulator | COMP. | CP/M emulator |
CP/M-systeem | COMP. | CP/M system |
Cr | CHEM.TECHN. | (chroom) chromium |
craquelé | CIV.ENG.; | 1. crackle, crackleware; 2. crackle finish, craquelé finish, crazed finish; 3. (netscheurvorming) crazing, cracking |
craquelépatroon | ~ | craze effect, craze pattern |
craqueleren | ~ | crackle finish, craquelé, craze |
crash | ~ | crash |
crash-test | AUTOMOT. | collision test |
crashconsistentie | COMP. | crash consistency |
crashdump-type | COMP. | crash dump type |
crashen | COMP. | crash |
crashherstel | COMP. | crash recovery |
crashtender | AEROSP. | crash tender |
crawlen | COMP. | crawl |
crawler | COMP. | crawler |
CRC | COMP. | cyclic redundancy code |
CRC-fout | COMP. | CRC error |
creatie | ~ | (van een bestand, programma) creation |
creatiedatum | COMP. | creation date |
creatief | ~ | creative |
creatine | CHEM.TECHN. | creatine |
creativiteit | ~ | creativity |
credit | COMM. | credit |
creditadvies | COMP. | credit advice |
creditcard | COMP. | credit card, charge card |
creditcardautorisatie | COMP. | credit card authorization |
creditcardpreautorisatie | COMP. | credit card preauthorization |
crediteren | ~ | credit |
crediteur | ~ | (in alle betekenissen) creditor |
creditnota | ~ | credit note |
creditrekening | ~ | credit account |
creditsaldo | ~ | credit balance |
creditsaldotransactie | COMP. | credit balance transaction |
creëren | COMP. | create |
crème | ~ | cream |
creoline | ~ | creolin |
creosoot | ~ | creosote |
creosootolie | ~ | creosote oil |
creosoteerinrichting | ~ | creosote works |
creosoteren | ~ | coat with creosote, creosote, impregnate with creosote |
crêpe | TEX. | crêpe |
crêpepapier | ~ | crêpe paper, crepe paper |
crêpetape | ~ | crêpe tape |
crescendo | ~ | crescendo |
cresol | CHEM.TECHN. | cresol |
cresolhars | ~ | cresol resin |
cresolsulfonzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cresol sulphonic acid |
cretonne | ~ | cretonne, unglazed cotton |
crimpmoer | ~ | clinch nut |
crimptussenstuk | ~ | clinch spacer |
crisis | ~ | crisis |
crisiscentrum | ~ | emergency operations centre, crisis centre |
criteria | ENVIRON. | criteria |
criteria volgens Reynolds | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Reynolds’ criteria |
criteria voor kritische uitstroming | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] critical flow criteria |
criteriadeelvenster | COMP. | criteria pane |
criterium voor de completering van testen | ~ | test completion criterion |
CRM-datamigratie | COMP. | CRM data migration framework |
crocidoliet | ENVIRON. | crocidolite |
cron | ~ | cron |
Crookes-buis | ~ | Crookes tube |
cross-assembler | COMP. | cross assembler |
cross-compiler | COMP. | cross compiler |
crossbred | TEX. | crossbred wool |
crossbredwol | TEX. | crossbred wool |
crossfading | COMP. | crossfade |
crossflow-cilinderkop | AUTOMOT. | cross-flow cylinder head |
crossmediaal uitgeven | ~ | crossmedial publishing |
crossmediale producten | ~ | crossmedial products |
crossover | COMP., ELECTRON. | crossover |
crossover-distortie | ~ | crossover distortion |
crossover-kabel | COMP. | crossover cable |
crossover-laag | ~ | transition layer, junction layer |
crossposting | COMP. | crossposting |
crotonaldehyde | ENVIRON. | crotonaldehyde |
crotonolie | CHEM.TECHN. | croton oil |
crotonzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | crotonic acid |
CRS | AEROSP. | Course |
CRT-beeldbuis | COMP. | cathode-ray tube |
cruise-control | AUTOMOT. | (abbr.: CC) cruise control |
cryo-elektronica | ~ | cryoelectronics |
cryo-elektronisch | ~ | cryoelectronic |
cryobiologie | ~ | cryobiology |
cryocondensatie | ENVIRON. | cryo-condensation |
cryofyt | ENVIRON. | cryophyte |
cryogeen | ~ | cryogenic |
cryogeen geheugen | ~ | cryogenic store |
cryogeen pompsysteem | ~ | cryopump system |
cryogene legering | ~ | cryogenic alloy |
cryogene recyclinginstallatie | ENVIRON. | cryogenic recycling plant |
cryogene stof | ENVIRON. | cryogen |
cryogene vloeistof | ~ | cryogenic fluid |
cryogene wetenschap | ENVIRON. | cryogenics |
cryogenica | COMP. | cryogenics |
cryohydraat | CHEM.TECHN. | cryohydrate |
cryoliet | CHEM.TECHN. | cryolite |
cryologica | ~ | cryologic |
cryometer | ~ | cryometer |
cryopomp | ~ | cryopump |
cryostaat | ~ | cryostat |
cryotron | COMP. | cryotron |
cryotronica | ~ | cryoelectronics |
cryptanalyse | COMP. | crypto-analysis |
crypto | ~ | crypto |
crypto-analyse | ~ | cryptanalysis |
crypto-apparaat | ~ | cryptoequipment |
crypto-informatie | ~ | cryptoinformation |
cryptoalgoritme | COMP. | crypto-algorithm |
cryptoapparatuur | COMP. | crypto-equipment |
cryptobeveiliging | ~ | cryptosecurity |
cryptografie | COMP. | cryptography |
cryptografieprovider | COMP. | cryptographic service provider |
cryptografisch | COMP. | cryptographic |
cryptografisch systeem met lange levensduur | ~ | high-grade cryptosystem |
cryptografische samenvatting | COMP. | cryptographic digest |
cryptogram | COMP. | cryptogram |
cryptokanaal | ~ | cryptochannel |
cryptologie | ~ | cryptology |
cryptologisch | COMP. | cryptologic |
cryptomateriaal | ~ | cryptomaterial |
cryptomicroprocessor | ~ | cryptomicroprocessor |
cryptonet | ~ | cryptonet |
cryptosleutel | ~ | cryptokey |
cryptosysteem | ~ | cryptosystem |
crysosorptie | CHEM.TECHN. | cryosorption |
CRZ | AEROSP. | Cruise |
CS gas | CHEM.TECHN. | CS gas |
CSEU | AEROSP. | Control System Electronics Unit |
CSM | ~ | (glasvezelsamenstel) chopped strand mat |
CSNET | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | (abbr.: CSNET) computer science network |
CSP-methode | ENVIRON. | captivated sludge-process |
CT-0 apparatuur | ~ | CT-0 equipment |
CT-1 apparatuur | ~ | CT-1 equipment |
CT-2 apparatuur | ~ | CT-2 equipment |
CTP-procedé | ENVIRON. | CTP-process |
Ctrl-Alt-Del | COMP. | Ctrl-Alt-Del |
Ctrl-toets | COMP. | control key, CTRL key |
Cu | CHEM.TECHN. | (koper) copper |
cubaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cubane |
cubaniet | CHEM.TECHN. | cubanite |
culminatie | ~ | culmination |
culminatiepunt | ~ | culmination point |
culmineren | ~ | culminate |
cultivar | ~ | cultivar |
cultivatie | ENVIRON. | cultivation |
cultivator | AGRIC. | cultivator, field cultivator |
cultiveerbaar | ENVIRON. | cultivable |
cultiveren | ENVIRON. | cultivate |
cultivering | ENVIRON. | reclamation |
cultureel | ENVIRON. | cultural |
cultureel erfgoed | ENVIRON. | cultural heritage |
cultureel standpunt | ENVIRON. | cultural point of view |
culturele geografie | ~ | cultural geography |
culturele samenwerking | ~ | cultural cooperation |
culturele waarde | ENVIRON. | cultural significance |
cultuur | ENVIRON. | culture |
cultuur en recreatie | ENVIRON. | culture and recreation |
cultuur evenwijdig aan hoogtelijnen | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] contour farming |
cultuur- | ENVIRON.; | 1. artificial; 2. cultural |
cultuuraarde | ENVIRON. | upper soil |
cultuurbeleid | ENVIRON. | cultural policy |
cultuureutrofiëring | ENVIRON. | cultural eutrophication |
cultuurgoed | ENVIRON. | cultural heritage |
cultuurgrond | ENVIRON. | cultivated land, arable land |
cultuurhistorisch | ENVIRON. | historico-cultural |
cultuurhistorische waarde | ENVIRON. | historico- cultural significance |
cultuurindustrie | ~ | culture industry |
cultuurinvloed | ENVIRON. | cultural influence, cultural impact |
cultuurlandschap | ENVIRON.; | 1. man-made landscape, cultured landscape; 2. cultural landscape, man-made landscape |
cultuurmonument | ENVIRON. | cultural monument |
cultuurniveau | ENVIRON. | level of cultural development |
cultuurplant | ENVIRON. | cultivated plant |
cultuurras | ENVIRON. | cultivar |
cultuurtechnicus | ENVIRON. | land developer |
cultuurtechniek | CIV.ENG. | agricultural engineering, rural engineering |
cultuurtechnisch | ENVIRON. | land development |
cultuurvariëteit | ENVIRON. | cultivar |
cultuurwoestijn | ENVIRON. | cultural desert |
Cumasinaprocédé | ENVIRON. | Cumasina process |
cumatofyt | ENVIRON. | cumatophyte |
cumeen | ~ | cumene, isopropylbenzene |
cumulatie | COMP. | cumulation |
cumulatie van inkomsten | COMM. | overlapping of income |
cumulatief effect | ENVIRON. | cumulative effect |
cumulatief monster | ENVIRON. | cumulative sample |
cumulatief preferente aandelen | COMM. | cumulative preference shares |
cumulatief systeem | ~ | cumulative system |
cumulatieve bedrijfstijd | ~ | cumulative operating time |
cumulatieve doorlooptijd | ~ | cumulative lead time |
cumulatieve dosis | CHEM.TECHN. | cumulative dose |
cumulatieve fabricagedoorlooptijd | ~ | cumulative manufacturing lead time |
cumulatieve fout | ~ | cumulative error |
cumulatieve frequentie | ~ | cumulative frequency |
cumulatieve MRP | ~ | cumulative MRP |
cumulatieve ontvangsten | ~ | cumulative receipts |
cumulatieve productie | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cumulative output |
cumulatieve regen-erosieindex | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cumulative rainfall erosion index |
cumulatieve somkaart | ~ | cusum chart, cumulative sum chart |
cumulatieve somtest | ~ | (abbr.: CUSUM) cumulative sum test |
cumulatieve spanning | ~ | cumulative stress |
cumulatieve steekfout | ~ | cumulative pitch variation, index variation |
cumulatieve steekproef | ~ | cumulative sample, chain sample |
cumulatieve tijdbesparing | ~ | cumulative time-saving |
cumulatieve verdeling van uitval | ~ | distribution of cumulative failure |
cumulatieve-frequentieanalyse | ~ | frequency analysis, cumulative frequency analysis, ogive analysis |
cumulatieve-frequentiediagram | ~ | cumulative frequency curve, ogive |
cumulatieve-frequentiekromme | ~ | cumulative frequency curve, frequency ogive |
cumulatieve-frequentiepolygoon | ~ | cumulative frequency polygon |
cumulatieve-frequentieverdeling | ~ | cumulative frequency distribution |
cumulatieve-inhoudskromme | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cumulative volume curve |
cumulatieve-kansverdeling | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cumulative probability distribution |
cumulatieve-steekproefmethode | ~ | chain sampling |
cumulatieve-storingsfrequentie | AEROSP. | cumulative failure frequency |
cumulatieve-verdelingsfunctie | ~ | cumulative distribution function |
cumulatieve-vermoeiingsschade | AEROSP. | cumulative fatigue damage |
cumulenen | CHEM.TECHN. | cumulenes |
cumuleren van opbrengstverliezen | ~ | cascading yield loss |
cumulonimbus | METEO. | cumulonimbus |
cumulonimbusturbulentie | ~ | cumulonimbus turbulence |
cumulus | METEO. | cumulus |
cumulus fractus | METEO. | (steeds veranderende cumulus) cumulus fractus |
cunet | ~ | (in wegdek) cunette, cutting, trench |
CUP | ~ | (container-uitwisselpunt) container exchange point |
cupel | ~ | cupel |
cupelleren | ~ | assay by cupel, cupellate |
cupmanchet | ~ | cup leather |
cupri- | CHEM.TECHN. | cupric, copper(II)- |
cupri-arsenaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cupric arsenate |
cupri-arseniet | ENVIRON. | cupric arsenite |
cupriacetaat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) acetate, cupric acetate |
cupribromide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) bromide, cupric bromide |
cupricarbonaat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) carbonate, cupric carbonate |
cuprichloride | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) chloride, cupric chloride |
cupricyanide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) cyanide, cupric cyanide |
cuprifluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) fluoride, cupric fluoride |
cuprifosfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) phosphate, cupric phosphate |
cuprihydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) hydroxide, cupric hydroxide |
cuprinitraat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) nitrate, cupric nitrate |
cuprioxide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) oxide, cupric oxide |
cuprisulfaat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(II) sulphate, cupric sulphate |
cupro- | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I), cuprous |
cuprobromide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) bromide, cuprous bromide |
cuprocarbonaat | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) carbonate, cuprous carbonate |
cuprocyanide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) cyanide, cuprous cyanide |
cuprofluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) fluoride, cuprous fluoride |
cuprohydroxide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) hydroxide, cuprous hydroxide |
cuprojodide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) iodide, cuprous iodide |
cupronikkel | CHEM.TECHN. | cupro-nickel |
cuprooxide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) oxide, cuprous oxide |
cuprosulfide | CHEM.TECHN. | copper(I) sulphide, cuprous sulphide |
curator | ENVIRON. | conservator |
curcumageel | ~ | curcumin |
curcumapapier | ~ | curcumin paper |
curcumine | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E100 ) curcumin |
curiepunt | ~ | Curie point |
curing | CIV.ENG. | (harden, uitharden) curing |
curium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: Cm) curium |
curl | ~ | (vector) curl, rotation |
curriculum | ~ | (leerplan) curriculum |
curses | ~ | curses |
curseur | TEX. | ring traveller, traveller |
cursief | PRINT. | italic |
cursist | ~ | course member |
cursiveren | COMP. | change to italic, oblique |
cursor | ~ | cursor |
cursorbesturing | COMP. | cursor control |
cursorpositionering | COMP. | cursor positioning |
cursortoets | COMP. | cursor key |
cursorvervaging | COMP. | cursor submarining, mouse blur |
cursus | ~ | course, training course |
curtisturbine | ~ | Curtis turbine, action turbine |
curve | ~ ; | 1. (grafische voorstelling ook) graph; 2. (kromme, kromming) curve |
curve fitten | ~ | curve fitting |
curvegenerator | COMP. | curve generator |
curveschaar | ~ | curve shears, shears for cutting curves |
curvesjabloon | ~ | curve template |
curvevolger | ~ | curve follower |
curvimeter | ~ | opisometer, planimeter, curvometer |
customer data box | COMP. | customer data box |
cut pile | TEX. | cut-pile |
cut-off | ~ | cut-off |
cutback-bitumen | CIV.ENG. | cutback bitumen |
cutterzuiger | HYDROL. | cutter dredge, cutter-suction dredge |
cuvelage | MIN. | tubbing |
cuveleren | MIN. | line |
cuvette | ~ | cuvette, vessel, bulb |
cv | ~ | central heating |
cv-eenheid | ~ | central heating unit |
cv-installatie | ENVIRON. | central heating plant |
cv-ketel | ~ | (abbr.: CHB) central heating boiler |
CVD-proces | ~ | (chemische neerslag uit de gasfase) chemical vapour deposition process, CVD process |
CVE | ~ | (centrale verwerkingseenheid) CPU, central processing unit |
CVE-tijd | COMP. | CPU time |
CW-doppler | AEROSP. | continuous wave doppler, CW Doppler |
CW-radar | AEROSP. | continuous wave radar, CW radar |
CWS | AEROSP. | Control Wheel Steering |
cyaan | ~ | cyan, greenish-blue |
cyaanafval | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanide waste |
cyaanamide | ENVIRON. | cyanamide |
cyaanbad | ~ | cyanide bath, cyanide solution |
cyaanhydrine | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanohydrin |
cyaankali | CHEM.TECHN. | potassium cyanide |
cyaankalisch vercadmiummen | ELECTROCHEM. | cyanide cadmium plating |
cyaankalisch vergulden | ELECTROCHEM. | cyanide gold plating |
cyaankalisch verkoperen | ELECTROCHEM. | cyanide copper plating, alkaline copper plating |
cyaankalisch verzilveren | ELECTROCHEM. | cyanide solver plating |
cyaankalisch verzinken | ELECTROCHEM. | cyanide zinc plating |
cyaankalivergiftiging | ~ | potassium cyanide poisoning |
cyaanwaterstof | CHEM.TECHN. | hydrogen cyanide |
cyaanwaterstofzuur | ~ | hydrocyanic acid |
cyaanzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanic acid |
cyanaat | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanate |
cyanalcohol | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanalcohol |
cyanazine | ENVIRON. | cyanazine |
cyanide | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanide |
cyanideafval | ENVIRON. | cyanide waste |
cyanideharden | ~ | cyaniding |
cyanideion | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanide ion |
cyanidesplitsing | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanide breakdown |
cyaniseren | ~ | cyaniding |
cyanoacrylaat | ~ | cyanoacrylate |
cyanofosfos | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanophosphos |
cyanogeen | ENVIRON. | cyanogen |
cyanohydrine | ENVIRON. | cyanohydrin, cyanalcohol |
cyanuur | ~ | cyanide |
cyanuurchloride | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanuric chloride |
cyanuurzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanuric acid |
cyanuutriazide | CHEM.TECHN. | cyanuric triazide |
cyberbucks | COMP. | cyberbucks, e-cash |
cybercafé-diensten | COMP. | cybercafé services |
cybercultuur | COMP. | cyberculture |
cybernautica | ~ | cybernautics |
cybernauticus | COMP. | (gebruiker van cyberspace) cybernautic |
cybernetica | ~ | cybernetics |
cybernetisch | ~ | cybernetic |
cyberpunk | COMP. | cyberpunk |
cyberspace | ~ | (bijv. het Internet en alles wat daarmee samenhangt) cyberspace, virtual reality |
cyborg | ~ | cyborg |
cyclamaat | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. (E-nummer: E952) cyclamates; 2. cyclamic acid |
cycleren | ~ | cycle |
cycli per minuut | ~ | (abbr.: cpm) cycles per minute |
cycli per seconde | ELECTRON. | (abbr.: cps) cycles per second |
cyclisatie | ~ | cyclization |
cyclisch | ~ | cyclic |
cyclisch amide | ENVIRON. | cyclic amide |
cyclisch bedieningswijze | ~ | cyclic operation |
cyclisch bedrijf | ~ | cyclic operation |
cyclisch schakelen | ~ | cyclic switching |
cyclisch schakelende transformator | ~ | transformer for cyclic switching, cyclic switching transformer |
cyclische belasting | MECH.ENG. | cycle load |
cyclische besturing | AEROSP. | (hefschroefvliegtuig) cyclic control |
cyclische beweging | ENVIRON. | cyclic movement |
cyclische bezinking | ENVIRON. | cyclic sedimentation |
cyclische bladverstelling | AEROSP. | (van schroefblad) cyclic pitch control |
cyclische curve | ENVIRON. | cyclic curve |
cyclische instelhoek | AEROSP. | cyclic pitch angle |
cyclische koolstoffen | ~ | cyclic hydrocarbons |
cyclische koolwaterstof | ~ | cyclic hydrocarbon |
cyclische opschuiving | ~ | (van registerdata) cyclic shift |
cyclische overbelasting | ~ | cyclic overload |
cyclische planning | ~ | cycle planning |
cyclische planvorming | SPAT.PLAN. | cyclic planning |
cyclische proef | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cyclic test |
cyclische redundantiecontrole | COMP. | (abbr.: CRC) cyclic redundancy check, cyclical redundancy check |
cyclische schakelaar | ~ | cycling switch, cyclic switch |
cyclische schommeling | ENVIRON. | cyclical fluctuation |
cyclische spoed | AEROSP. | cyclic pitch |
cyclische spoedbesturing | AEROSP. | azimuthal control |
cyclische spoedverandering | AEROSP. | cyclic pitch change |
cyclische stabiliteit | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclical stability |
cyclische vervorming | ~ | cyclic distortion |
cyclische verwisseling | ~ | cyclical change |
cyclische vochtproef | ~ | cyclic humidity test |
cyclische zoekprocedure | ~ | cyclic search |
cyclische-redundantiecontroleteken | COMP. | CRC character, cyclic redundancy check character |
cycliseren | ~ ; | 1. cyclisize; 2. cyclize |
cyclisering | ~ | cyclization |
cyclo | PHOTO. | (lichtruimte zonder hoeken) cove |
cycloalkaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cycloalkane |
cycloalkeen | CHEM.TECHN. | cycloalkene |
cycloalkyn | CHEM.TECHN. | cycloalkyne |
cyclobutadieen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclobutadiene |
cyclobuteen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclobutene |
cyclodehydratie | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclodehydration |
cyclodextrine | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclodextrin |
cyclodiolefin | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclodiolefin |
cyclododecatrieen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclododecatriene |
cyclofosfamide | ENVIRON. | cyclophosphamide |
cyclofosfosfamide | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclophosphosphamide |
cyclofotocoagulatie | ~ | cyclophotocoagulation |
cyclogenese | ~ | cyclogenesis |
cyclograaf | ~ | cyclograph |
cycloheptaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cycloheptane |
cyclohexadieen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclohexadiene |
cyclohexanol | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclohexanol |
cyclohexanon | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclohexanone |
cyclohexeen | ENVIRON. | cyclohexene |
cyclohexylmethylpropaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclohexylmethylpropane |
cycloïde | GEOM. | cycloid |
cycloïdenslinger | ~ | cycloidal pendulum |
cycloïdetandconstructie | ~ | cycloidal gear |
cycloïdetandwiel | ~ | cycloidal gear, cycloidal gearwheel |
cyclolyse | ENVIRON. | cyclolysis |
cyclometer | ~ | cyclometer |
cyclometrie | ~ | cyclometry |
cyclonaal | ENVIRON. | cyclonic |
cyclonische verbrandingsinstallatie | ENVIRON. | cyclonic incinerator |
cyclooctaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclooctane |
cyclooctadieen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclooctadiene |
cyclooelefin | ENVIRON. | cycloolefin |
cycloon | ENVIRON. | cyclone |
cycloonafscheider | ENVIRON.; | 1. (scheidingsapparaat) cyclone separator; 2. cyclone |
cycloonfilter | AUTOMOT. | cyclone air cleaner, cyclone air filter |
cycloonkamer | ENVIRON. | cyclone chamber |
cycloonluchtfilter | AUTOMOT. | cyclone air cleaner |
cycloonmonsternemer | ENVIRON. | cyclone sampler |
cycloonreactor | ENVIRON. | cyclone reactor |
cycloonregen | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cyclonic rain |
cycloonscrubber | ENVIRON. | cyclone spray |
cycloonstofafscheider | ENVIRON. | cyclone dust separator |
cycloonstofafzuiger | ENVIRON. | cyclone dust extractor |
cycloonstof(af)scheiding | ENVIRON. | cyclone dust separation |
cycloontoestel | ENVIRON. | cyclone |
cycloonverbrandingskamer | AUTOMOT. | cyclone combustion chamber |
cycloonwasser | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclonic scrubber |
cycloon(af)scheiding | ENVIRON. | cyclone separation |
cyclopenbeton | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | cyclopean concrete |
cyclopentaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopentane |
cyclopentadieen | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopentadiene |
cyclopentadieenylaan-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopentadienyl anion |
cyclopentanol | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopentanol |
cyclopenteen | ENVIRON., POLYM. | cyclopentene |
cyclopentimine | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopentimine |
cyclopropaan | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclopropane |
cycloreversie | CHEM.TECHN. | cycloreversion |
cyclosilicaat-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclosilicate ion |
cyclotetramethyleentetranitramine | CHEM.TECHN. | cyclotetramethylenetetranitramin |
cyclotron | ~ | cyclotron |
cyclotronfrequentie | ~ | cyclotron frequency |
cyclus in meerdere richtingen | COMP. | multidirectional cycle |
cyclus van zure regen | ENVIRON. | acid rain cycle |
cyclusbegindatum | COMP. | cycle start date |
cyclusdefinitie | COMP. | cycle definition |
cyclusdiagram | COMP. | cycle diagram |
cyclusduur | ~ | cycle time |
cycluseinddatum | COMP. | cycle end date |
cyclusinstantie | COMP. | cycle instance |
cyclusmatrix | COMP. | cycle matrix |
cyclusproductie | ~ | cyclical production |
cyclusrendement | ~ | cycle efficiency |
cyclusreset | COMP. | cycle reset |
cyclusteller | ELECTRON. | cycle counter |
cyclustijd | ~ | cycle time |
cyclustijd machinist | ~ | operator cycle time |
cyclustijd voor uitrustingsstuk | ~ | implement cycle time |
cyclustijdinterval | ~ | cycle time interval |
cyclusvoorraad | ~ | cycle stock |
cyprodinil | CHEM.TECHN. | cyprodinil |
cyrillisch | COMP. | Cyrillic |
cyrillisch schrift | COMP. | Cyrillic characters |
cyrillisch teken | COMP. | Cyrillic character |
cysteïne | CHEM.TECHN.; | 1. (E-nummer: E920 ) l-cysteine; 2. cysteine |
cyto- | ENVIRON. | cyto- |
cytochemie | ENVIRON. | cytochemistry |
cytochroom | CHEM.TECHN. | cytochrome |
cytogeen bewaken | ENVIRON. | cytogenic monitoring |
cytogeen meten | ENVIRON. | cytogenic monitoring |
cytogenetica | ENVIRON. | cytogenetics |
cytokinese | ENVIRON. | cytokinesis |
cytologie | ENVIRON. | cytology |
cytolyse | ENVIRON. | cytolysis |
cytoplasma | ENVIRON. | cytoplasma |
cytosine | CHEM.TECHN. | cytosine |
cytosoom | ENVIRON. | cytosome |
cytotoxisch | ENVIRON. | cytotoxic |
Czochralski-methode | ELECTRON. | Czochralski method |
Czochralski-productiesysteem | ELECTRON. | Czochralski production system |
Czochralski-silicium | ELECTRON. | Czochralski silicon |
CZV-proef | ENVIRON. | COD test, chemical oxygen demand test |
C++ | COMP. | (gangbare programmeertaal) C++ |
C.A.I. | ~ | (centrale antenne-inrichting) community antenna installation |
c.i.f. | ~ | (kosten van vracht en assurantie) cost, insurance, freight |
C.O.O. | ~ | (computerondersteund onderwijs) CAE, computer aided education |
C.V. | ~ | (centrale verwarming) CH, central heating |