Acronyms (some).xls

From Beijerterm
AUP Acceptable Use Policy
COS Class Of Service | Corporation For Open Systems
EQR Engagement Quality Review
ERP Enterprise Resource Management | Effective Radiated Power
EY Ernst & Young
HPT High Performance Teams
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MT Mobile Termination | Mobile Terminated (GSM - UMTS)
MTA Major Trading Area(S) | Message Transfer Agent
NB Normal Burst
NL Network Layer | Number Of Unallocated Channels On Link
PQE Positive Quality Event
QE Quality Event
QIA Quality Improvement Areas
QO Quality Occurrences
RC Reference Configuration | Return Channel | Radio Control | Receiver Signal Element Timing (EIA-232-E) | Recurring Charges | Retransmission Counter | Ringing Circuit
RCA Right Coronary Artery | Radio Corporation Of America | Root Cause Analysis