
  • dacht mee
  • dachtte mee
  • dachten mee
  • denkt met ons mee
  • denkt veel te weinig mee
  • denkt veel mee
  • denkte mee
  • denken kritisch mee
  • mee denken
  • mee te denken
  • meedacht
  • meedachten
  • meedenken
  • meedenkend
  • meegedacht


  • anticipating (customers' needs)
  • take an active role in coming up with ideas
  • anticipating customer wishes
  • assess and meet the needs of
  • be alert to client problems
  • be alert to clients' needs
  • be alert to clients' problems
  • close participation/cooperation of the supplier
  • co-planning with the customer
  • connect with the ideas in the text
  • contribute
  • contribute ideas
  • contribute ideas towards
  • contribute one's thoughts about
  • contribute to the thought process
  • get involved
  • give their views
  • help him come up with a solution
  • help search for
  • help think [and seek solutions]
  • help think out [the company's policy]
  • help to devise [solutions]
  • join in someone's thought process
  • listen to the customer
  • make contributions towards
  • make/submit suggestions
  • plan together with the customer
  • planning together with the customer
  • proactive approach towards
  • provide × with support
  • share the client's thinking on
  • support our views
  • takes the client into consideration
  • teamplayer
  • teamplayer(s) (meedenkers)
  • think (along) with
  • to take a constructive approach to a problem
  • very helpful in coming up with ideas
  • we would like to help you …
  • xxx together with the other person
  • active participation in shaping ideas and thoughts

Alternative versions: dachten mee, dachten dus mee, dachtte mee, meedenker, meegedacht, dachten echt kritisch mee, dachten kritisch mee, dacht kritisch mee, kritisch meegedacht