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"Als de ziektekiemen zich nog niet vermenigvuldigd hebben, of als ze door het afweersysteem herkend en verwijderd worden, spreekt men niet van een infectie maar van besmetting." (

See also: infestation


  • infection


  • infectie
  • besmetting

"infection" = infectie? besmetting?

See e.g. IATE:

  • besmetting =
    • contamination; food contamination
      • nl: aanwezigheid of introductie in voedsel van schadelijke chemicaliën of micro-organismen
      • en: presence or introduction in food of harmful chemicals and microorganisms which can cause consumer illness
    • transmission; transmission of infection
  • infectie =
    • infection
      • nl: bin­nen­drin­ging en ver­meer­de­ring van mi­cro-organismen, virussen, prionen of parasieten in het lichaam
      • en:  introduction or entry and development or multiplication of a pathogenic micro-organism into the body, irrespective of whether it causes pathological effects or disease

The Difference Between Contamination, Infection, and Disease


Differentiate between contamination, infection, and disease. What are the possible outcomes of each?

Contamination, infection and disease

Contamination, infection, and disease are terms that are used in various fields such as biology, medicine, microbiology, etc. They do seem to be similar to each other to the general population but are actually quite different.

Answer and Explanation:

Contamination is when any contaminant/pollutant or a microorganism is present somewhere it is not intended to be, such as objects or parts of the human body. Contamination could lead to infection and subsequent disease.

Infection is caused by the multiplication of unwanted or harmful microorganisms in the body. This will more than likely trigger an immune response. Infection is typically the first step and is caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

The disease is the damage in the body that results from an infection. This is when signs and symptoms begin or become more prominent. For example, HIV/AIDS is caused by an infection and typically does not show symptoms at the moment of infection. The disease is the manifestation of the results of the infection.

Non infectious entities can also cause diseases. For example, hypertension is a disease from damaged cells and tissues and is not caused by an infection.


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