CAT tools

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Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Across CAT tool Yes
AidTrans Studio Discontinued
Alchemy Catalyst Software localisation
amigoCAT Discontinued
Anaphraseus Open source - based on OpenOffice macro set, so you require OpenOffice.
Ando tools
AnyMem CAT tool From developers of TO3000. Pretty terrible.‘AnyMem is a user-friendly translation memory software. AnyMem is compact, stable, easy to learn and to use. AnyMem CAT engine fully supports Unicode and can work with any language pair without the need of external components, like .NET Framework or Java Virtual Machine, commonly required by other translation memory software.’
Apple Trans CAT tool
Araya Suite
Autshumato Built on top of OmegaT.
Bureau Works platform (BWX) Yes No
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
CafeTran CAT tool Yes Yes High-powered, multi-platform (Java); UI can feel quite confusing to newbies used to memoQ, Trados, Déjà Vu, etc.

Apparently, someone at Wikipedia has some sort of secret vendetta against CafeTran, or at least the CafeTran users trying to get it mentioned on Wikipedia, since no matter what we do, they delete it. Interestingly, pretty much every single other big CAT tool does have its own page on Wikipedia. I really love Wikipedia but some of its editors really are tedious pedants.

CatsCradle Software localisation (for web pages)
crossWeb See: Across desktop
Cypresoft's TransSuite 2000
DejaVu (latest version: X3) CAT tool Yes Was once the coolest CAT in town, but has sort of been dying a slow death for many years now. Atril has been promising version X4 for like a thousand years. I'll believe it when I see it. Ghost ship.
DGT-OmegaT CAT tool Yes ‘[…] DGT-OmegaT project, a fork of OmegaT, developed by the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission.’

Very interesting branch of the open source OmegaT, developed by the EU translation people. If I was forced to use an open source CAT tool, I’d probably use this. Due to some weird legal/ethical issue, they have a very generic domain:

Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
ENLASO Localization tool Internal tool. This RWS (Enlaso) software localisation suite contains Rainbow (a file and code converter), Horizon (a document comparator) and album (an enhanced paper press).
Felix CAT tool Yes Discontinued. Made open source a while back after developer got sick and couldn't continue active development. Still very interesting as it takes a novel (Word-based) approach involving interactive segmentation.
Fluency Translation Suite CAT tool Strange. Not sure if Americans should be allowed to make CAT tools ;-)
ForeignDesk Development stopped around 2002.
Fortis Révolution
Fortis Translation suite 3.0
FoundCAT Very strange. ‘FoundCAT is a free, open source tool that aims to help you improve your language skills by performing or reviewing translations of any language combination, or for translations into simple versions (i.e. Simple English as found on Wikipedia). FoundCAT offers advanced CAT (Computer-Aided Translation) features such as a Term Bank (a turbo glossary), Translation Memory (TM) and multiple Machine Translation (MT) APIs. You could start by uploading your favorite Wikipedia page. ’
Google Translator Toolkit CAT tool Online Discontinued
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Heartsome Suite
Heartsome Translation Studio
Idiom Desktop Workbench
iFinger ‘Welcome to Clarify, our new global digital dictionary service. Clarify builds on iFinger's 16 years of experience in digitalisation and search in reference works. We have transferred more than 750 reference works into our new digital library, containing more than 11 million articles and covering more than 25 different languages. All our content comes from our well-reputed publishing partners. Clarify also provides translation and a text to speech feature!’
Langage Studio
Language Weaver
Lilt CAT tool Online w/ adaptive MT; its adaptive MT implementation is cool, but its MT engine isn't as good as Google Translate
Lingobit localizer
Lionbridge Translation Workspace:
Logoport Logoport is an online TM and translation system from Lionbridge, a world leader in translation. Logoport allows you to set up large work groups. With open standards, Logoport supports the zliff format. The system integrates all automated translation engines directly linked to the Lionbridge vocabulary base.
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
MateCat CAT tool Yes Free, online CAT tool developed by, who also made MyMemory, a gigantic translation memory with “4,846,362,480 human contributions”, and counting.
MemoQ WebTrans
memoQ CAT tool Had gotten too heavy/slow to use comfortably. UI was unresponsive, scrolling through long list ​in Translation results window too slow. However, the latest version seems to have improved and I can recommend it again. So many things just work in memoQ, which are permanently bungled in SDL Trados Studio. Just wish more agencies would choose memoQ instead of Studio.

Currently my go-to CAT tool.

Memsource CAT tool Pretty good (for an online tool). Pity it doesn't have proper support for SDL Trados packages. Also, I really like its UI/layout, which (as far as I can tell) was copied from memoQ.
MetaTexis MetaTexis is a CAT software that works with Word. It can read and process Trados and Wordfast documents and can also use the Trados and Workbench memory manager.
Multilizer Software localisation Development seems to have stopped around 2015.
Nib Translate
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Okapi tools
Olifant TMX editor Very old now, although it still works well. The developers have been so-called developing a new version for a long time now, but not very actively. In fact, I doubt they will ever finish it. The new version was supposed to be available from:

There is an alpha version available somewhere online, but it doesn’t work at all yet. I recommend the Heartsome TMX editor (also abandoned) instead. See info above.

OmegaT CAT tool (see also: DGT-OmegaT; A fork of standard OmegaT created by EU DGT)
Open Language Tools
Pootle Dedicated to online clients, Pootle acts as an online back office. The translation is done directly online and the tool communicates statistical information. However, there are two major disadvantages: the translation time is significantly influenced by connection quality and it is not possible to use a CAT tool. This therefore results in time wasting and an increase in the cost of translation.
QA Checker
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Qt Linguist ‘Qt is a powerful portable development environment. Qt applications are easily translatable. Developers typically write their applications in English but all strings which are visible to the end-user can be automatically grabbed and stored in translation files with suffix .ts. See more details here.The translation files are then passed to various translators who are fluent in the target languages. Using a user-friendly tool, Qt Linguist, the translators produce the translations from the English strings in their native language.’ (src)
Restorator Software localisation
Rian company: Rikaian Technology Pvt. Ltd. (India/Japan)
QA Distiller
Qt Linguist
RC-Wintrans Software Localisation
SDL Online Translation Editor (from $9.99/month)
SDL Passolo Software localisation
SDL Trados Studio OMG, where to begin? ‘Studio’ has been the so-called ‘market leader’ for a while, which isn’t really fair as it is one big mess. Very powerful aspects, and zillions of functions, but a gigantic pile of legacy crap held together by chewing gum and a shoestring.
SDLX (part of the SDL Trados package, but a tool of its own)
Silvestris Laboratory programs
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Similis (Freeware)
SmartCAT CAT tool Yes By ABBYY. MemoQ layout; Currently sponsoring “Translators On Air”, a creation of new platform “The Open Mic”.
Smartling Yes
Snowball (discontinued) Developed by Erich Hegenberger
Snowman CAT
Star Transit
Swordfish Translation Editor
TM-Town (not a CAT tool, but has interesting online features)
TradooIT TradooIT is a computer-assisted translation suite including a translation memory, a term bank and a bilingual concordancer. Only French <> English.
Tr-Aid Tr-Aid is a Greek language translation memory that works entirely alongside Microsoft Word. The Institute of Languages and Discourse Processes created it in order to perfect translations from Greek.
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
transdraft (from the guy who made TM-Town)
Transifex (online) CAT tool Yes
Transit NXT*
Transit Satellite PE
Translation followup
TSM Translation search machine
TwinBridge ‘TwinBridge is a writing tool that integrates a translation dictionary. Although the input is Japanese or Chinese, it is compatible with all Western systems.’ Discontinued.
ultraRAY™ platform (internal tool developed by Straker Translations)
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Visual Localize
WDTrad ‘WDTRAD is a tool for entering the translation of messages associated with a WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile application. These messages have been checked out by WDMSG or WDINT.0
Weblate ‘Web-based continuous localization’
[./ WebTransit]
Wordbee translator
Wordfast Anywhere CAT tool Yes
Wordfast Classic CAT tool
Wordfast Pro CAT tool memoQ support: Only .mqxliff (no .mqout or .mqxlz)
Wordfisher (freeware)
Wordscope Yes Wordscope Translator's Assistant is a Matecat distribution (it is based on the Matecat kernel, an open source software released under the LGPL from the Free Software Foundation, and on the Wordscope TM kernel).
Title Category Online Grid Word-based Autocomplete Notes
Xbench QA & terminology management tool ‘ApSIC Xbench provides simple and powerful Quality Assurance and Terminology Management in a single package. Just load files in any of the dozens of CAT formats supported and get your translation quality to the next level.’
XTM Cloud Yes
XTRF Yes ‘Integrate your entire localization process in one globally accessible platform […] A unified translation and localizationecosystem: XTRF’. To be honest, I still don't really know what it is/does.
YiCAT (developed by CAT tool Yes Free version available. Use Google Translate to translate site from Chinese.
Yaxin CAT


External links
