- desiccator (“a glass container or other apparatus holding a drying agent for removing moisture from specimens and protecting them from water vapour in the air.”[1])
- exsiccator (“an apparatus for drying substances or objects, typically used in a laboratory setting” - collinsdictionary.com)
- exsiccator (toestel voor chemische droging)
- droogmachine
- [ENVIRON.] droger
- droogmiddel (desiccant[2])
- droogtoestel
- droogmachine
Usage examples
- 1864 Exsiccator. A drying apparatus, consisting of an enclosed space containing substances which rapidly absorb moisture, such as oil of vitriol, dry chloride of calcium, &c. (OED)
External links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desiccator
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/exsiccator
- https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/exsiccator