BEIJER.rystb (Part 2): Difference between revisions

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  Date: 2022-11-14
  Date: 2022-11-14

Dutch = English
calamiteitenplan = emergency response plan
calamiteitenplan en uitwijkplan = emergency plan and disaster recovery plan
calamiteitenplan Lelystad Airport = Lelystad Airport Emergency Response Plan
Calamiteitenplannen = Emergency Plans
calamiteitenpomp = emergency pump
calamiteitenpompen = emergency pumps
calamiteitenregelingen = emergency arrangements
calamiteitenschakeling = disaster recovery fallback/cutover
calamiteitenteam = emergency response team
calamiteitenverlof = emergency leave
"calamiteitenverlof, kort - en langdurig zorgverlof en adoptieverlof" = "emergency leave, short- and long-term carer’s leave and adoption leave"
Calara?i = Calarasi = Calc. No
calcaneodynie = "pain in the  heel, calcaneodynia"
calcaneus accessorius = heel bone sesamoid
calcaneusspoor = "heel spur, calcanean spur"
calcar femorale = femoral calcar
Calceolaria = Calceolaria
Calciet = Calcite
Calcificatie = Calcification
Calcinmie = Calcaemia
calcium = calcium
Calcium (als CaO) = Calcium (as CaO)
Calcium (II) = Calcium (II)
Calcium [Ca] = Calcium [Ca]
calcium carbonaat = calcium carbonate
calciumacetaat = calcium acetate
calciumalginaat = calcium alginate
calciumascorbaat = calcium l-ascorbate
calciumbenzoaat = calcium benzoate / benzoic acid calcium salt
Calciumcarbide = Carbide
Calciumcarbonaat = Calcium carbonate
calciumcarbonaat = calcium carbonate
calciumchloride = calcium chloride (E-nummer: E509)(CaCl2)
calciumchloride = calcium chloride
calciumcitraat = "mono, di, and tri- calcium citrate"
calciumdodecylbenzeensulfonaat = calcium dodecylbenzenesulfonate
calciumferrocyanide = calcium ferrocyanide
calciumformiaat = calcium formate
calciumfosfaat = calcium phosphate
calciumfosfaatfosfor = calcium phosphate phosphor
calciumgluconaat = calcium gluconate
calciumglutamaat = calcium glutamate
calciumguanylaat = calcium guanylate
Calcium-hardheid = Calcium hardness
Calciumhydroxide = Lime
Calciumhydroxide = Calcium hydroxide
calciuminosinaat = calcium inosinate
calciumionen = calcium ions
Calciumkanaalblokkerende middelen = Calcium channel blockers
calciumlactaat = calcium lactate
calciummalaat = calcium malate
calciumorthofosfaten = calcium orthophosphates
Calciumoxide = Lime
Calciumoxide = Calcium oxide
calciumperoxide = calciumperoxide
calciumpolyfosfaat = calcium polyphosphate
calciumpropionaat = calcium propionate
calciumribonucleotiden = calcium ribonucleotides
calciumsacharine = calcium saccharin
calciumsilicaat = calcium silicate
calciumsilicaatfosfor = calcium silicate phosphor
calciumsorbaat = calcium sorbate
calciumstearaat = calcium stearate
calciumstearoyllactaat = calcium stearoyl lactate
calciumsulfaat = calcium sulphate
calciumsulfaat = calcium sulfate
calciumsulfiet = calcium sulphite
calciumtartraat = calcium tartarate
calciumwaterstofcarbonaat = calcium  hydrogen carbonate
calciumwaterstofsulfiet = calcium hydrogen sulphite
calciumzeepvet = calcium-soap grease
calciumzout = calcium salt
calciumzout aanslag = calcium salt deposits
Calciurie = Calciuria
calculatie = computation
calculatie = calculation
calculatie (f) = calculation
calculatie {de} = calculation
Calculatie cleopatra (WTK) = Calculation cleopatra (WTK)
Calculatie deel = Calculation part
Calculatie gereed = Calculation ready
Calculatie Nspace (WTK) = Calculation N space (WTK)
Calculatieformulier = Calculation Form
Calculatiekartel = Cost accounting cartel
Calculatienummer = Calculation number
calculatierecept = calculation formula
calculatieregel = calculation line
calculatierente = interest rate
Calculatieschaal = Computational scale
calculatiesysteem = calculation system
Calculatietarief = Calculation rate
calculatieverschil = calculation difference
calculatiewijze = calculation method
calculator = verdelingscalculator
calculator = calculator
calculator {de} = calculator
calculatorische huurkosten = implicit interest
calculatorische huurkosten = implicit rent
calculatorische interest/-rente = notional interest
calculators en rekenmachines = calculators and calculating machines
calculeerbaar = calculable
Calculeren = Calculate
Calculeren = Work out
calculeren = to calculate
Calculerend = Calculating
calculus = calculus
Calculus = Analysis
Calcutta = Kolkata
Caldera = Caldera
Caledonië = Caledonia
Caledoniër = Caledonian
Caledonisch = Caledonian
caleidoscopen = kaleidoscopes
calender = calendar
Calibrated = Calibrated
calibratie = calibration
calibratie {de} = calibration
Calibratie detector = Calibration detector
calibratie periode = calibration period
calibratie procedure = calibration procedure
calibratie stap = calibration step
calibratie-detector = calibration detector
calibratiemode = calibration mode
calibratieplan = calibration plan
Calibratierapporten van meetinstrumenten = Calibration reports of measuring instruments
calibratierun = calibration run
calibraties = calibrations
calibratiestatus = calibration status
calibratiestickers en -rapporten = calibration stickers and reports
Calibrating = Calibrating
Calibration Training = Calibration Training
Calibratorset = Calibrator set
calibreren = calibrate
calibreren = to calibrate
calibreren of ijken = calibrating
"calibrering, ijking, schaalverdeling" = calibration
calicot = calico (plain)
California-encefalitis = California  encephalitis
California-encefalitisvirus = California  encephalitis virus
Californie = California
Californië = California
Californiër = Californian
Californisch = Californian
californische = californian
Californium = Californium
Caligula = Caligula
calimerogevoel = underdog
calite kogel = ceramic pellet
call = call for research and innovation projects
call = call for project proposals
call = funding call
call = call
call center = call centre
Call Manager = Call Manager
Call optie = Call option
Callandkanaal = Calland canal
Callback = Callback
Callback Control Protocol = Callback Control Protocol
callcenter = call centre
caller line identification = caller line identification
CallEvent = CallEvent
Callisto = Callisto
Callisto (maan) = Callisto (moon)
Callisto (mythologie) = Callisto (mythology)
Calorie = Thermal unit
Calorie = Low-calorie
calorie = calorie
calorie {de} <cal> = calorie <cal>
Calorie?npool = Calory Pool
Caloriearme maaltijd = Low calorie meal
calorieën {mv} = calories
Calorie�npool = Calory Pool
calorierijke = calorie-rich
calorimeter = calorimeter
Calorimeters = Calorimeters
calorimetrie = calorimetry
calorisch = calorific
Calorische waarde = Calorific value
CAL-pakket = CAL pack
calque = transparency
Calqueerpapier = Tracing paper
calquehouder = transparency archivist
calqueuse = tracer
Calvados (departement) = Calvados
Calvijn = Calvin
Calvin Coolidge = Calvin Coolidge
Calvinisme = Calvinism
Calypso = Calypso
cam customer account management = cam customer account management
Camargue = Camargue
Cambio = Bill of exchange
Cambio = Milking
Cambio = Draft
Cambium = Cambium
Cambodja = Kampuchea
Cambodja = Cambodia
Cambodja {het} = Cambodia
Cambodjaan = Cambodian man
Cambodjaan = Kampuchean
Cambodjaan = Cambodian
"Cambodjaan, Cambodjaanse" = Cambodian (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent)
Cambodjaans = Kampuchean
Cambodjaans = Cambodian
Cambodjaanse = Cambodian
Cambodjaanse = Cambodian woman
Cambodjaanse = Kampuchean
Cambridge = Cambridge (disambiguation)
Cambridge (Engeland) = Cambridge
Cambridge (Massachusetts) = Cambridge
Cambridge ring = Cambridge ring
Cambridgeshire = Cambridgeshire
Cambrium = Cambrian
Camcorder = Camcorder
camcorders = camcorders
Came = Cam
came to an agreement = vonden elkaar
Camelot = Street pedlar
Camelot = Camelot
Camelot = Street vendor
Camelot = Cheapjack
Camembert = Pie chart
Camembert = Camembert
Camembert (kaas) = Camembert (cheese)
Camera = Camera
Camera = Movie camera
Camera = Cine-camera
camera = television camera
camera = camera
camera {de} = camera
Camera Capture = Camera Capture
Camera obscura = Dark room
Camera obscura = Darkroom
camera pakket = camera package
Camera toezicht = Camera monitoring
camera voering = camera work
Camera voor deur-/video-intercom = Camera for door and video intercom system
camera’s = cameras
Camera’s = CCTV cameras
camera’s die beelden opnemen = cameras that capture images
camera-album = camera roll
camerabediening = camera control
camerabeelden = CCTV footage
camera-beeldscherminrichting voor indirect zicht = Camera-monitor device for indirect vision
camerabewaking = CCTV
Camerabody's = Camera bodies
camerabuis = camera tube
cameradeksel = body cap
cameragrondkleuren = camera primaries
camerahoek = camera angle
camera-ingang = camera input
cameralens = camera lens
Cameralenzen = Camera lenses
cameraman = cameraman
camera-monitoring = camera monitoring
cameraobservatie- en bewakingssysteem = video surveillance and monitoring system
Camera's = Cameras
Camera's voor het vervaardigen van clichés of van drukcilinders = Cameras for preparing printing plates or cylinders
camerasysteem = camera system
cameratoezicht = camera surveillance
cameratoezicht = CCTV surveillance
Cameratoezicht = camera surveillance
Camera-uitrusting voor snelheidsmeting = Speed camera equipment
cameravoering = camera work
camera-voering = camera work
camerawagen = trolley-mounted camera
Camino = Fireplace
camion {de} [BN] = lorry [Br.]
camion {de} [BN] = truck
camionette {de} [BN] = van
camouflage = camouflage
camouflage {de} = camouflage
camouflage therapie gezicht/hals = face/neck camouflage therapy
Camouflagehoezen = Camouflage covers
Camouflagejassen = Camouflage jackets
camoufleren = to camouflage
camoufleren = to disguise
Campagne = Countryside
Campagne = Drive
Campagne = Campana
Campagne = Pasque-flower
Campagne = Farmland
Campagne = Campaign
Campagne = Country
Campagne = Agitate
campagne = campaign
campagne {de} = campaign
campagne Facebook = Facebook campaign
campagne insteek = campaign focus
campagne Linkedin = LinkedIn campaign
Campagne samenstellen = Campaign Builder
campagneactiviteit = campaign activity
campagneboodschap = campaign message
campagnecode = campaign code
campagnedoel = campaign goaling
Campagne-evaluatie = Campaign evaluation
campagne-item = campaign item
campagnenaam = campaign name
campagnerespons = campaign response
campagnes = campaigns
campagneselectie = campaign selection
Campania = Campania
Campanië = Campania
Campanien = Campanian
Campanile = Campanile
campanile (oudheid) = campanile
campanula = bellflower
Camper = Dormobile ®
Camper = Trailer convertible into tent
Camper = Recreational vehicle
Camper = Mobile home
Camper = Camper
Camper = Caravanette
camper = mobil home
Camper = Motor-home
camper = camper
Camphechloor = Camphechlor
Campheen = Camphene
Camphor = Camphor
camping = camping
camping = camping ground
camping {de} = camping site
camping van het Summer Festival = Summer Festival campsite
Campingweekend = Camping weekend
Campro Camerabewaking & Alarmsystemen = Campro Camerabewaking & Alarmsystemen
campus = campus
Campus = Student's residences
campusbreed = campus-wide
campusconcept = campus concept
campuskaart = campus card
campuslicentie = campus license
campusontwikkeling = campus development
campussen = campuses
Campylobacter = Campylobacter
Campylobacter jejuni = Campylobacter jejuni
CAM-software = Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software package
CAN (Controller Area Network) = CAN (Controller Area Network)
CAN berichten overzicht = CAN messages overview
CAN lay-out halfautomaat = CAN lay-out for semi-automatic gearbox
"CAN lay-out Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = CAN lay-out Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
Canaan = Canaan
Canada = Canada
Canada {het} = Canada
Canadees = Canadian
Canadese = Lumber jacket
Canadese = Fur-lined jacket
Canadese = Canadian
Canadese = Canadian woman
Canadese dollar = Canadian dollar
Canadese kano = Canoe
Canadian Payment Association = Canadian Payment Association
Canadian Payments Association Standard 005 = Canadian Payments Association Standard 005
canaille = rabble
canalis adductorius = crural canal of Henle
canalis femoralis = femoral canal
canalis genitalis = genital canal
canalis infra-orbitalis = infraorbital canal
canalis inguinalis = inguinal canal: the oblique passage through the lower abdominal wall
Canapé = Settee
Canapé = Davenport
Canapé = Canapé
Canapé = Sofa
Canapé = Open sandwich
canapé = couch
canapés = settees
canard = hoax
Canari = Canary
Canarisch = Canary
Canarische Eilanden = Canary Islands
Canarische Eilanden {mv} = Canary Islands
canaubawas = canauba wax
Canberra = Canberra
CAN-bus = CAN bus
CAN-bus = Controller Area Network
Cancel = Cancel
Cancellation rate = Cancellation rate
Cancer = Cancer
CAN-databus = CAN bus
candela = candle
candela = candela
Candela (eenheid) = Candela
Candide = Artless
Candide = Naïve
Candide = Candid
Candidiasis = Candidiasis
candillawas = candilla wax
Cane = Cane
canelure (verticale groef in zuil) = flute
caninet = cabinet
Canna = Cane
cannabidiol = cannabidiol
Cannabis sativa = Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa indica = Indian hemp
Cannaceae = Canna
Cannaceae = Indian shot
Cannelloni = Cannelloni
Cannelure = Furrow
cannelure = slot
Cannelure = Fluting
cannelures = grooves
Cannes = Cannes
cannot be applied to given types = cannot be applied to given types
cannot be referenced from a static context = cannot be referenced from a static context
Canny-algoritme = Canny algorithm
canon = canon
canon = ground rent
cañon = cañon
Canon Art. Satin Canvas = Canon Artistic Satin Canvas
CANON Art.Satin Canvas = CANON Artistic Satin Canvas
Canon Business Services = Canon Business Services
Canon Colorstream 665 Pro = Canon ColorStream 665 Pro
Canon Extra = Canon Extra
Canon High Grade = Canon High Grade
Canon Large Format Media = Canon Large Format Media
Canon Nederland = Canon Nederland
Canon Office = Canon Office
Canon per jaar = Ground rent per year
Canon Proof P. Glossy = Canon Glossy Proofing Paper
Canon Proof P. Semiglossy = Canon Semi-Gloss Proofing Paper
Canon Roll-up Gls Film = Canon Roll-Up Gloss Film
Canon Scrim Ban.Vinyl = Canon Scrim Banner Vinyl
CANON Univ. White Film = CANON Universal White Film
Canon van de Bijbel = Canon
Canon Webshop = Canon Webshop
Canon WR. Art. Canvas = Canon Artistic Canvas WR
"Canon, Inc." = Canon (company)
canonbedrag = ground rent
Canon-grootformaatprinters = Canon Large Format Printers
canonicalization = canonicalization
canoniek = canonical
canoniek recht = canon law
canonieke naam = canonical name
canonisch = canonical
canonische correlatie = canonical correlation
Canonische correlatiecoëfficient = Canonical correlation coefficient
canonische matrix = canonical matrix
canonische variabele = canonical variable
canonpercentage = ground rent percentage
canonverhoging = ground rent increase
CANOpen = CANOpen
Canopus (ster) = Canopus
canopy = overkapping
cans = kannen
CAN-systeem aandrijflijn = powertrain CAN-system
CAN-systeem carrosserie = body CAN-system
CAN-systeem klimaatsysteem = climate system CAN-system
Cantabrië = Cantabria
Cantabrisch = Cantabrian
Cantate = Cantata
Canterbury (Engeland) = Canterbury
canthaxanthine = canthaxanthin
canthus = canthus
Canticum = Canticle
Canton = Canton
Canule = Cannula
canules = cannulae
Canvas = Canvas
canvas {het} = canvas
"canvas, doek, linnen, schilderslinnen" = canvas (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)
Canvasartikelen = Canvas items
CAO = collective labour agreement (CAO)
CAO = Collective Labour Agreement
CAO = Collective Agreement
CAO = Collective Bargaining Agreement
CAO = contractual pay
CAO = negotiated salaries
CAO = negotiated wages
CAO = Collective agreement
cao = Collective Labour Agreement
CAO = Collective labour agreement
CAO = labour agreement
CAO (Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst) = collective labour agreement
cao 100 = ‘CAO 100’ (Collective agreement on alcohol and substance abuse)
CAO à la Carte = Working Conditions Multiple Choice Model
CAO Beroepsgoederenvervoer = Dutch Collective agreement on Commercial Transport ('CAO Beroepsgoederenv
CAO Coffee&Tea = Coffee & Tea Collective Agreement (‘Coffee & Tea CAO’)
cao Hoger Personeel Metalektro = Collective Bargaining Agreement for senior staff in the Mechanical and El
cao Metalektro = Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Mechanical and Electrical Enginee
cao Metalektro = Metalektro CBA
cao Nederlandse Universiteiten = Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Unive
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = CLA for Temporary Agency Workers
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers (ABU-CLA)
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers of the Dutch Fed
Cao/Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = Collective bargaining agreement (CAO) / Working Arrangements Manual
cao-afspraak = collective agreement
cao-afspraak = collective bargaining agreement
cao-afspraak = "collective labor agreement (US, also)"
cao-afspraak = collective wage agreement
CAO-afspraken = collective agreements
CAO-afspraken = collective bargaining agreements
CAO-afspraken = "collective labor agreements (US, also)"
CAO-afspraken = collective wage agreements
cao-hbo = Collective Agreement for the Universities of Applied Sciences (cao-hbo
cao-loon = contractual pay
cao-loon = negotiated salaries
cao-loon = negotiated wages
cao-onderhandelingen = collective bargaining negotiations
cao-overleg = collective bargaining
cao-overleg = collective bargaining (rounds)
cao-overleg = collective wage talks
cao-overleg = labour contract negotiations
cao-overleg = pay bargaining
cao-overleg = wage negotiations
cao-overleg = collective bargaining rounds
CAO-partijen = parties to the collective agreements
CAO-personeel = personnel covered by a collective labour agreement
cao-salarisschaal = salary scale in accordance with the collective agreement
cao-tafel = collective bargaining table
caoutchoucfabriek = Caoutchouc industry
Caoutschouc (ongevulcaniseerd rubber) = Caoutchouc
cap = cap
CAPA = Corrective and Preventive Action
CAPA procedure = CAPA procedure
Capabel = Competent
capabel = capable
capabel = able
Capabiliteit = Capability
Capability Maturity Model Integration = Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
capable to promise = capable to promise
capacitantie = capacitance
capacitantie van een montage in voetje = header capacitance
capacitantiefilter = capacitance filter
capacitantiekoppeling = capacitance coupling
capacitantieverhouding = capacitance ratio
capaciteit = capacity
capaciteit = electric utility capacity
capaciteit = capacitance
capaciteit = service
Capaciteit = Capacitiy
capaciteit (weg) = capacity (road)
capaciteit {de} = skill
capaciteit {de} = capacity
capaciteit afbouw = capacity reduction
Capaciteit borden (28cm) = Capacity dishes (28 cm)
Capaciteit eieren = Capacity eggs
capaciteit en continuïteit = capacity and continuity
capaciteit en ergonomie = capacity and ergonomics
Capaciteit espressogedeelte = Capacity espresso part
Capaciteit espressokopjes = Capacity espresso cups
Capaciteit gaarruimte = Cavity capacity
Capaciteit glazen = Capacity glasses
capaciteit inkopen = capacity buying
Capaciteit maatcouverts = Capacity normative cutleries
capaciteit overzicht = capacity overview
Capaciteit permanent geheugen/ROM = Fast memory capacity/ROM
capaciteit tot zakendoen = capacity to contract
Capaciteit trommel (kg) = Drum capacity
capaciteit van afvalrecyclinginstallaties = capacity of waste recycling facilities
capaciteit van afvalverbrandingsinstallaties = capacity of waste incineration facilities
capaciteit van andere verwijderingsinstallaties = capacity of other disposal facilities
capaciteit van de batterijen = capacity of the batteries
capaciteit van stortplaatsen = capacity of landfills
capaciteit vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacity
Capaciteit waterreservoir = Water reservoir capacity
Capaciteit waterreservoir ({x} liter = Water reservoir capacity ({x} litres
Capaciteit wijnbewaarkast (0.75 cl flessen) = Wine storage cabinet capacity (0.75 cl bottles)
"capaciteit, capaciteiten {p}" = "capacity (the ability to hold, receive or absorb)"
"capaciteit, de veiligheid, de openbare orde, dreiging van schade c.q. hin" = "capacity, safety, public order, threat of damage or obstacle"
capaciteitbehoefte = capacity requirement
capaciteiten = capacity
capaciteiten = capacities
capaciteiten en aspiraties = abilities and aspirations
capaciteiten op het gebied van vitale infrastructuur = capacities in the field of critical infrastructure
capaciteiten optimaal benut worden = capacity is optimally utilised
capaciteiten vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacities
Capaciteiten voor herstel en nazorg = Restoration and aftercare capacities
Capaciteiten voor herstel en nazorg = Remedy and aftercare capacities
Capaciteiten voor preparatie en response = Preparation and response capacities
Capaciteiten voor proactie en preventie = Proactive and preventive capacities
capaciteiten voor vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacities
capaciteiten voor weerbare vitale infrastructuur = resilient critical infrastructure capacities
Capaciteits management database = Capacity Management Database
Capaciteits management database omvang = Size of Capacity Management Database
Capaciteitsaanbieder = Capacity supplier
capaciteitsaangelegenheid = capacity management matter
capaciteitsaanpassingen = capacity adjustments
capaciteitsaanvraag = capacity request
capaciteitsadvisering = capacity recommendations
capaciteitsarm = anti-capacitance
capaciteitsbeheer = capacity management
capaciteitsbeheerinformatiesysteem = capacity management information system (CMIS)
capaciteitsbeheersing = restriction of intake capacity
capaciteitsbeheersing = capacity management
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity requirement
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity need
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity needed
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity needs assessment
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity required
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity requirement assessment
capaciteitsbehoefte = required capacity
Capaciteitsbehoefte Protonentherapie = Proton Therapy Capacity Requirement
capaciteitsbehoefteplanning = capacity requirements planning: CRP
capaciteitsbelasting = capacity load
capaciteitsbenutting = capacity utilization
capaciteitsberekening = capacity calculation
capaciteitsbeslag = capacity tie-up
capaciteitsbezetting = capacity load
capaciteitsbezettingsvoorraad = capacity loading stock
capaciteitsbron = resource
capaciteitscontrole = capacity check
capaciteitsdiode-afstemming = capacitive diode tuning
Capaciteitseffect van investeringen = Capacity effect of investments
capaciteitsfactor = capacity factor
capaciteitsfixus = restriction in connection with teaching capacity
capaciteitsgroep = capacity group
capaciteitsgroep OBP AUC van de FNWI = AUC Support and Management Staff Capacity Group (‘capaciteitsgroep OBP
capaciteitsgroep OBP AUC van FNWI = AUC Support and Management Staff Capacity Group (‘capaciteitsgroep OBP
capaciteitsgrootte = capacity
Capaciteitsissues = Capacity issues
Capaciteitsmanagement = Capacity management
capaciteitsmanagement-informatiesysteem = capacity management information system (CMIS)
capaciteitsmedewerker = capacity staff member
capaciteitsmeeting = Capacity meeting
capaciteitsmeter = capacitance meter
Capaciteitsmeting = Capacity measurement
capaciteitsnoden = capacity needs
Capaciteitsopbouw = Capacity building
capaciteitsplan = capacity plan
capaciteitsplan en het trainings- en opleidingsplan = capacity plan and the training and education programme
capaciteitsplanner = capacity planner
capaciteitsplanning = capacity planning
capaciteitsproblemen = capacity problems
capaciteitsrapportage = capacity reporting
capaciteitssimulatie = capacity simulation
capaciteitstekort = capacity shortage
capaciteitsvergrotingsplan = capacity-enhancement plan
capaciteitsvergrotingsplan = capacity enhancement plan
capaciteitsverhogingen = capacity increases
capaciteitsverloop = capacitance drift
capaciteitswaarde = capacitance value
capaci-tester = capaci-tester
Capacitief = Capacitive
capacitief = capacitance
capacitief aftakpunt = capacitive tap point
capacitief component = capacitive component
capacitief element = capacitive element
"Capacitief gekoppelde ontlading [Engels: Capacitively Coupled Discharge, " = Capacitively Coupled Discharge
"Capacitief gekoppelde ontlading [Engels: Capacitively Coupled Discharge, " = CCD
capacitief inspuiten = to inject capacitively
capacitieve = capacitive
capacitieve aarde = capacitive earth
Capacitieve belasting = Capacitive load
capacitieve eenheid = capacitive load
capacitieve inkoppeling = capacitive coupling
capacitieve koppeling = capacitance coupling
capacitieve omvormer = capacitive transducer
capacitieve ontlading = capacitive discharge
capacitieve signaalverzwakker = capacitive attenuator
capacitieve terugkoppeling = capacitive feedback
capacity beheerder = capacity manager
Capacity building = Capacity building
Capacity Management = Capacity Management
Capacity Management Informatie Systeem = Capacity Management Information System
capacity rapportages = capacity reports
Capacitybuilding = Capacity building
cape {de} = cape
cape {de} = cloak
Cape Bretoneiland = Cape Breton Island
Cape Breton-eiland = Cape Breton Island
Cape Canaveral = Cape Canaveral
Capelle aan den IJssel = Capelle aan den IJssel
Capes = Capes
Capetown = Cape Town
Capex = CAPEX
capex = CapEx
CAPEX Investments = CAPEX Investments
capex-model = CapEx model
Capgroep = Department
capicitatieve ontlading = capicitative discharge
capillair = capillary
capillair water = capillary water
capillair water = held water
capillaire buis = capillary tube
capillaire druk = capillary pressure
capillaire elektroforese = capillary  electrophoresis
capillaire embolie = capillary  embolism
capillaire golf = capillary wave
capillaire opstijging = capillary rise
capillaire voorweerstand = capillary restrictor
capillaire werking = capillary action
capillaire werking = wicking action
capillaire werking = wicking performance
capillaire werking [In het Engels: wicking action] = wicking action
capillaire werking [In het Engels: wicking action] = capillary action
capillairfilm = capillary film
"capillariasis van de lever: een leveraandoening, veroorzaakt door Capilla" = hepatic capillariasis: liver disease caused by Capillaria nematode worms
"capillariasis van de lever: een leveraandoening, veroorzaakt door Capilla" = septal fibrosis of the liver
capillarimeter = capilarymeter
Capillariteit = Capillarity
capita selecta = selected topics
Capital budgetting = Capital budgetting
capital call = capital call
capital calls = capital calls
capital expenditures = capex
capital expenditures = CAPEX
capital expenditures = capital expenditures
Capitol = Capitol
Capitolijn = Capitol
Capitool = Capitol
capitulatie {de} = capitulation
capituleren = to capitulate
capituleren = capitulate
capnografie = capnography
caponi?re (vesting) = caponiere
caponière (vesting) = caponiere
caponi�re (vesting) = caponiere
Capote = Hood
Cappadocië = Cappadocia
capping = capping
capricieus = whimsical
Capricornus = Capricorn
caprinezuur = capric acid
"capriool, capriolen {p}" = "caprice (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action)"
Caprolactam = Caprolactam
Caprolactam = Caprolactame
caprolactamfabriek (nylon) = Caprolactam plant (nylon)
Capronzuur = Capronic acid
capronzuur = caproic acid
capronzuur = C6
caprylzuur = caprylic acid
caprylzuur en caprinezuur = caprylic acid and capric acid
Caps Lock = CAPS LOCK
Caps Lock-toets = CAPS LOCK key
Capsicum = Capsicum
Capsicum = Paprika
Capsicum annuum = Pimento
Capsicum annuum = Mustard
Capsicum annuum = Chili
Capsicum annuum = Chilli ¤
capsula fibrosa perivascularis = Glisson's capsule
capsula tenoni = vagina bulbi
capsulair glaucoma = capsular  glaucoma
capsulaire verlamming = capsular hemiplegia
capsule = capsule
capsule (toedieningsvorm van geneesmiddelen) = capsule
capsule {de} = capsule
capsuleafmetingen = capsule dimensions
capsulenfabriek = Foil bottle top industry
capsule-suspensie = capsule suspension
capsuletype = capsule type
capsuletypes = capsule types
Captafol = Captafol
captain = captain
Captan = Captan
captatie = outside broadcast live (video) recording/transmission
captein = captain
capteren cq captatie = uptake
Captive distribution = Captive distribution
Captive market = Captive market
capture ratio = capture ratio
capture/release steekproefprocedé = capture/recapture sampling
capture/release steekproefprocedé = capture/release sampling
capuchon = hood
capuchon = cowl
Capuchon afneembaar = Hood removable
capuchons = hoods
caput college = "caput lecture, caput lecture series"
caput femoris = head of  femur
caput mediale van de musculus gastrocnemius = medial head of  gastrocnemius muscle
caput musculi = head of muscle
CAR = CAR insurance
CAR = contractors all risks insurance
car (committed access rate) = committed access rate (car)
CAR 1 = CAR 1
CAR nr = CAR No
Car Policy = Car Policy
Car policy = Car policy
Cara?-Severin = Caras-Severin
Caracal (dier) = Caracal
Caracas = Caracas
Caraïben = Caribbean
Caraïben = West Indies
Caraïben = Caribbean Islands
Caraïben = Antilles
Caraïbisch = Caribbean
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean Area
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean Sea
Carambola = Carambola
caramel = caramel
Carapax = Stone Skin
Carapax = Shell
Carapax = Carapace
Caravaggio (schilder) = Caravaggio
Caravan = Caravan
Caravanachtige aanhangwagens en opleggers = Caravan-type trailers and semi-trailers
caravanfabriek = Caravan building industry
caravanreparatiebedrijf = Caravan repair services
Caravanterrein = Caravan-site services
Carbamaten = Carbamates
carbamaten = carbamates
carbamide-binding = carbamide bond
Carbaryl = Carbaryl
Carbazol = Carbazole
Carbendazim = Carbendazim
carbid = carbide
Carbide = Carbide
Carbiden = Carbides
carbidfabriek = Calcium carbide industry
carbitol = diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
carbodiimiden = carbodiimides
Carbodiimides = Carbodiimides
Carbofenothion = Carbophenothion
Carbofuran = Carbofuran
Carbofuran-3-keto = Carbofuran-3-keto
carboleum = carbolineum
carbolineumfabriek = Carbolineum industry
carbolzuur = carbolic acid
carbomeer = carbomer
carbon = carbon
carbonaat = carbonates
carbonaat = carbonate
carbonatatie en chloriden = carbonation and chlorides
carbonatatieremmend = carbonation inhibiting
carbonatatie-remmende = carbonation-inhibiting
carbonatatie-remmende coating = carbonation-inhibiting coating
carbonatatie-remmende coatings = carbonation-inhibiting coatings
Carbonaten = Carbonates
carbonaten = carbonates
carbon-blackfabriek = Carbon black industry
carboneren = carburizing
carboniseren = to carburize
carboniseren = carbonise
carboniseren = carburize (to)
carbonitreren = carbonitriding
carbonketen = carbon chain
carbonpapier = blue-carbon leaf
carbonpapier = carbon paper
Carbonpapier = Carbon-paper
"Carbonpapier, contactpapier, stencilpapier en doorschrijfpapier zonder ca" = "Carbon paper, self-copy paper, paper duplicator stencils and carbonless p"
"carbonpapier, doorslagpapier" = carbon paper (sheet of paper used to make carbon copies)
carbonpapierfabriek = Carbon copy paper industry
carbonversterkte kunststof = CFRP
carbonzure = carboxylic acid
Carbonzuren = Carboxylic acids
carbonzuur = carboxylic acid
carbonzuurfabriek (synthetisch) = Carboxylic acid industry (synthetic)
carbonzuurmonomeren = carboxylic acid monomers
carbonzuurradicaal = carboxylic radical
Carboon = Carboniferous
carboonkalk = carboniferous limestone
carborundum = carborundum
Carboxin = Carboxin
carboxy-functioneel = carboxy-functional
carboxyfunctioneel polymeer = carboxy-functional polymer
carboxyfunctionele = carboxy functional
carboxyfunctionele groep = carboxy functional group
carboxy-functionele groep = carboxy-functional group
carboxyhemoglobineconcentratie = carboxyhaemoglobin concentration
carboxyhemoglobineconcentraties = carboxyhemoglobin levels
carboxyl = carboxyl
carboxylaat = carboxylate
carboxylaten = carboxylates
carboxylgroep = carboxyl group
carboxylgroepen = carboxylic groups
carboxylgroepen = carboxyl groups
carboxylzuren = carboxylic acids
carboxymethylcellulose = carboxymethyl cellulose
carboxymethylcellulosecalcium = carboxymethylcellulose calcium
carboxymethylcellulose-natrium = carboxymethylcellulose sodium
carboxymethylcellulose-natrium 12 = carboxymethylcellulose sodium 12
carboxymethylcellulose-natriumcellulose = carboxymethylcellulose sodium cellulose
Carburateur = Carburettor
carburateur = carburettor (US = carburetor)
carburateur = carburetor
carburateur schroevendraaier = stubby screwdriver
carburateurs = carburettors
carburator = carburettor
carburator = carburetter
"carburator, carburateur" = carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine)
carbureren = carburizing
carbureren = gas carburizing
carburol = gasohol
Carcinogeen = Cancerogenous
carcinogeen = carcinogen
Carcinogeen = Carcinogenic
"carcinogeen, kankerverwekkend" = carcinogenic
"carcinogeen, kankerverwekkende stof" = carcinogen
Carcinogene effecten zijn niet uitgesloten = Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect
Carcinogene effecten zijn niet uitgesloten. = Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.
carcinogene of mutagene agentia = carcinogenic or mutagenic agents
carcinogene of mutagene agentia op het werk = carcinogenic or mutagenic agents at work
carcinogene of mutagene agentia op het werk = carcinogens or mutagens at work
Carcinogeniteit = Carcinogenicity
carcinogeniteits-onderzoek = carcinogenicity study
carcinoïd-syndroom van het hart = Hedinger syndrome
carcinoïd-syndroom van het hart = malignant carcinoid syndrome
Carcinoom = Carcinoma
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = cancer of the hypopharynx
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = hypopharyngeal cancer
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = hypopharyngeal neoplasm
carcinoom van de maag = "gastric cancer, stomach cancer"
carcinoom van het ductus van Wirsung = pancreatic  ductal carcinoma: carcinoma that arises from the pancreatic d
carcinoom van het endometrium = endometrial cancer
carcinoom van het endometrium = endometrial neoplasm: tumor or cancer of the inner mucous membrane of the
carcinoom van het tandvlees = gingival carcinoma
carcinoom van het tandvlees = cancer of the gums
carcinoom van het tandvlees = gingival cancer
Card Validation Code = card validation code
cardan (hoekverbinding ) 90° = cardan 90°
cardan/perrot = Cardan/Perrot
cardanas = cardan shaft
cardanas = propeller shaft
cardanas = universal shaft
cardanas tandwiel (pignion) = bevel pinion
cardangewricht = cardan joint
cardangewrichten = cardan joints
cardankoppeling = universal joint
cardankoppeling = cardan joint
Cardankoppelingen = Universal joints
cardanophanging = cardan suspension
cardanring = gimbal
cardanvet = axle grease
Cardbus = Cardbus
Cardbus Card = Cardbus Card
Cardiaal = Cardiac
cardiac output = cardiac output
cardiale belasting = cardiac strain
Cardiale struwing = Cardial stasis
cardialgia icterica = icteric cardialgia
Cardiff = Cardiff
cardigan = cardigan
cardio = cardiac
cardio appartuur = cardio workout equipment
cardiochirurgie = cardiac surgery
cardiofitness bij sportorganisatie voor hartpatiënten = cardio fitness at sport centre for heart patients
Cardiogeen = Cardiogenic
Cardiografen = Cardiographs
cardiogram {het} = cardiogram
cardioide = cardioid
cardioide-verdeling = cardioid distribution
cardioide-verdeling = cosine distribution
Cardiologie = Cardiology
cardiologie {de} = cardiology
Cardiologisch = Cardiological
cardioloog = cardiologist
cardioloog {de} = cardiologist
Cardiomegalie = Cardiomegaly
Cardiomyopathie = Cardiomyopathy
Cardiopathie = Cardiopathy
Cardiopulmonaal = Cardiopulmonary
cardio-pulmonair = cardio-pulmonary
cardio-pulmonair by-pass systeem = cardio-pulmonary by-pass system
Cardiorespiratoir = Cardiorespiratory
Cardioselectief = Cardioselective
cardiotocograaf = electronic  fetal monitoring
Cardiotonisch = Cardiotonic
Cardiotoxisch = Cardiotoxic
Cardiovasculair = Cardiovascular
cardiovasculaire = cardiovascular
cardiovasculaire disfunctie = cardiovascular failure
cardiovasculaire dysfunctie = cardiovascular failure
cardiovasculaire syfilis = syphilitic  endocarditis
cardiovasculaire syfilis = cardiovascular syphilis
Cardiovasculaire Systemen en Hematologie = Cardiovascular System & Hematology
cardioversie = electric countershock
career advice = loopbaanadvies
Career Launch = Career Launch
carenztijd = qualifying period
"CaRES (kenniscentrum Care, Rehabilitatie, Educatie & Sport)" = "CaRES (Centre of Applied Research on Care, Rehabilitation, Education and "
"CaRES, Care Rehabilitatie Educatie & Sport" = "CaRES, Care Rehabilitation Education & Sport (kenniscentrum)"
"CaRES, Care Rehabilitatie Educatie & Sport (kenniscentrum)" = "CaRES, Care Rehabilitation Education & Sport (Research Centre)"
caret-teken = caret unit
Carfentrazone = Carfentrazone
carfentrazon-ethyl = "ethyl 2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-[4-(difluoromethyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-tri"
carga = cargo
Cargadoorsdiensten = Ship brokerage services
cargadoorsdiensten = ship brokerage
Cargo = Cargo
cargo {de} = cargo
cargo {de} = freight
Cargovoertuigen = Cargo carriers
Caribbean Common Market = Caribbean Common Market
Caribisch Gebied = West Indies
Caribisch Gebied = Antilles
Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank = Caribbean Development Bank
Caribische Zee = Caribbean Sea
Caricom = Caricom
Caricom-landen = Caricom countries
Caries = Caries
cariës = tooth decay
Cariës = Dental caries
cariës {de} = caries
caries dentium = dentine caries
carillon = carillon
carillonmuziek (CA) = carillon music
Carina = Keel
Carina = Carina
Carina = Hull
Cariologie & Endodontologie = Cariology and Endodontology
Carisch = Carian
Car-kit = Car kit
Carl Anderson (natuurkundige) = Carl David Anderson
Carl Gustav Jung = Carl Jung
Carl Lewis = Carl Lewis
Carl Maria von Weber = Carl Maria von Weber
Carl Orff = Carl Orff
Carl Zeiss = Carl Zeiss
Carl Zeiss SMT = Carl Zeiss SMT
Carl Zeiss-fabrieken = Carl Zeiss factories
Carleman-criterium = Carleman's criterion
Carlo Van Caekenberg = Carlo Van Caekenberg
Carnage = Bloodshed
Carnage = Bloodbath
Carnage = Gore
Carnage = Carnage
Carnage = Slaughter
carnaubawas = carnauba wax
Carnaval = Carnival
Carnivoor = Carnivorous
carnivoor = carnivore
carnivoor {de} = carnivore
Carnivora = Carnivorous
Carnivora = Carnivore
carnosinezuur = carnosic acid
carnosol = carnosol
"carnosol, carnosinezuur en zouten daarvan" = "carnosol, carnosic acid and salts thereof"
"carnosol, carnosinezuur, een zout daarvan of een mengsel daarvan" = "carnosol, carnosic acid, a salt thereof or a mixture thereof"
Carolinen = Caroline Islands
Carolus Linnaeus = Carolus Linnaeus
caroteen (alfa- beta- en gamma-) = "alfa-, beta- and gamma- carotene"
carotenoïden = carotenoids
Carouge = Carola-bean
Carouge = Locust
Carouge = St.John's bread
Carouge = St John's bread
caroxylate = caroxylate
Carpaccio = Carpaccio
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome = carpal tunnel syndrome
car-pass = Car-Pass
Carpinus = Sorcery
Carpinus = Attractiveness
Carpinus = Charm
Carpinus = Hornbeam
Carpinus = Allure
Carpinus = Flirt with
Carpinus = Sex appeal
Carpinus = Enticement
Carpolicy = Car Policy
CAR-polis = CAR policy
carpool = carpool
Carpoolen = Car pooling
carpoolen = carpooling
Carpoolen = Car pool
carpooling = carpooling
carpoolvignet = carpool sticker
carport = carport
carport {de} = carport
carrageen = carrageenan
carré = perimeter block
carré = square
Carrefour = Crossroads
Carré-opstelling = Carré arrangement
Carriage = Carriage
carrier = carrier
carrier = aircraft-carrier
Carrier service technicus = Carrier service technician
carriere = career
carrière = career
Carrière = Quarry
carrière {de} = career
carrière- en/of loopbaanadvies = career advice
Carrière mogelijkheden = Career opportunities
carrière versnellen = accelerate your career
carrière vooruitzichten = career prospects
carrière vooruuitzichten = career prospects
carrièrebeurs = Career fair
carrièredoelstellingen = career goals
carrièrekansen = career opportunities
carrièremogelijkheden = career opportunities
carrièreplanning = career planning
carrière-planning = career planning
carroseriering = frame ring
carrosserie = bodywork
carrosserie = body
Carrosserie = Coachwork
carrosserie = body (car)
carrosserie = body shell
Carrosserie = Bodywork
Carrosserie Bakker = Carrosserie Bakker
carrosserie ring = sheet-metal ring
carrosserie stijl = body pillar
Carrosserie-center = body shop
Carrosserie-center = Bodywork Centre
Carrosserieën voor ambulances = Ambulance bodies
Carrosserieën voor bussen = Bus bodies
"Carrosserieën voor bussen, ambulances en vrachtwagens" = "Bus bodies, ambulance bodies and vehicle bodies for goods vehicles"
Carrosserieën voor vrachtwagens = Vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
carrosseriefabriek = Coach-builders (automotive bodywork)
Carrosserieherstellingen = Bodywork repairs
carrosseriemodel = body style
carrosserienieuwbouw = coach-building industry
carrosseriering = washer
carrosseriering = large flat washer
carrosseriering = coach bolt washer
carrosseriering = mudguard washer
carrosseriewerkplaats = body repair shop
carrossier = body repair shop
carrossiers = repair garages
carrousel = voltage adapter
carrousel = carousel
carrousel = carrousel
carrouseldraaiwerk = (carousel) turning mechanism
Carrouseleenheden = Carousel units
carrouselholten = carrousel cavities
carrouselplaat = voltage-adapter plate
Carrouselsystemen = Carousel systems
carroussel oefeningen = ‘carousel’ exercises
Cars = Coach
Cars = For the reason that
Cars = Bus
Cars = Because
Carson City = Carson City
Carson's bandbreedte = Carson bandwidth
Carson's bandbreedteregel = Carson bandwidth rule
Cartagena (Spanje) = Cartagena
carte blanche = elbow-room
carter = sump
carter = crankcase
carter = casing
carter aftapplug = sump drain plug
carterhelften / carter (karter) = crankcase halves / crankcase
carterontluchtingsfilter = breather filter
carterventilatie = Positive Crankcase Ventilation
carterventilatie = crankcase ventilation
carterventilatie filter = crankcase ventilation
carterventilatie-filter = crankcase filter
Carterverwarming in werking = Crankcase heater operation mode
cartesiaans assenstelsel = Cartesian coordinate (the rectangular coordinates of a point)
cartesiaanse cirkel = cartesian circle
Cartesisch coördinatenstelsel = Cartesian coordinate system
Cartesisch product = Cartesian product
"cartesisch product, kruisproduct" = Cartesian product (set of possible pairs)
cartesische configuratie = cartesian configuration
Cartesische coordinaten = Cartesian coordinates
cartesische coördinaten = cartesian coordinates
cartesische robot = cartesian robot
Carthaags = Carthaginian
Carthager = Carthaginian
Carthago = Carthage
Carthamus = Safflower
cartilago epiglottica = epiglottal cartilage
cartilago epiphysialis = epiphyseal cartilage
cartograaf = cartographer
Cartografie = Mapping
Cartografie = Cartography
cartografie {de} = cartography
Cartografiediensten = Map-making services
Cartografiesoftware = Charting software package
Cartografisch papier = Paper for maps
Cartografische bepaling = Carthographic determination
cartoon {de} = cartoon
Cartouche = Cartridge
cartouche = cartouche
cartouche (ornament) = cartouche
cartouche (van kraan) = cartridge
cartridge = cartridge
Cartridge met doseerkwast = Cartridge with dispense brush
Cartridge met doseernaald = Cartridge with dispense needle
cartridges en cassettes = cartridges and cassettes
cartridges voor computerspellen = computer game cartridges
Cary Grant = Cary Grant
Carya = Carya
Caryophyllales = Caryophyllales
caryopsis = caryopsis
Cary-over-effect = Cary-over effect
CA's = CAs
cas fout = cas error
CAS Number = CAS Number
Casablanca (stad) = Casablanca
CAS-beleid = CAS policy
cascade = cascade
cascade gevolgen = cascading effects
cascade/domino gevolgen = cascading / domino effects
cascadediagram = cascade diagram
Cascade-effect = Cascade effect
Cascadeerbaar = Cascadable
cascadegeschakeld = connected in cascade
cascademodel = ‘cascading model’
cascade-ontvanger = tuned radio frequency receiver
cascade-ontvettingsinstallatie = multi-compartment degreaser
cascade-ontvettingsinstallatie = multi-stage degreaser
cascade-proces = cascade process
cascaderegeling = cascade control
cascadeschakelaar = cascade switch
cascadeschakeling = cascade connection
cascadesysteem = cascade system
cascade-systeem = cascade system
cascadeversterker = cascade amplifier
Cascading Style Sheet = Cascading Style Sheets
cascading stylesheet = cascading style sheet
casco = "shell ( The outer structure of a building, ship or other structure withou"
casco = without furnishings / unfurnished
casco = body
casco = shell
Casco = Carcass
casco = "shell (The outer structure of a building, ship or other structure without"
casco = framework
casco = hull
casco = shell (The outer structure of a building
casco = ship or other structure without any further additions
casco = the first stage in construction)
casco- en ruwbouw = structure/shell of a building
Casco oplevering = Delivery as a shell
casco ruimte = shell space
cascobouw = carcass work
cascodeschakeling = cascode connection
cascodeversterker = cascode amplifier
Casco-helm = Casco helmet
case = case study
case = case study [DS: Case Study]
case = case study [DS] Case Study
case = business case
case behandelingsproces = case handling process
case fatality rate = case fatality rate
CASE gereedschappen = CASE tools
CASE integratiediensten = CASE integration services: CIS
case material = casusmateriaal
CASE raamwerk = CASE framework
case studie aanpak = case study approach
case study = case study
case?nelijm = casein adhesive
CASE-clausule = CASE-clause
CASE-gegevensuitwisselingsformaat = CASE data interchange format: CDIF
Caseïne = Casein
caseïne voor voedingsdoeleinden = casein for food
caseïne-/kunsthoornfabriek = Casein/artificial horn industry
caseïnelijm = casein adhesive
casemanager = Case Manager
Casemixsysteem = Casemix system
case�nelijm = casein adhesive
casenr = Case No
cases = cases
casestudie = case-study
case-studies = case studies
casestudy = case study
casestudy’s = case studies
casette-achtige = cassette-like
cash = cash
cash = in cash
cash {de} = cash
Cash cow = Cash cow
Cash discount = Cash discount
Cash dividend = Cash dividend
cash flow = cash flow
cash flow berekening = cash flow calculation
Cash flow uit bedrijfsoperaties = Cash flow from operations
Cash limieten = Cash limits
Cashback = Cashback
Cashew = Cashew
Cashewnoot = Cashew nut
cashewnoten = cashew nuts
cashflow = cash flow
cash-flow = cash-flow
Cashflowbehoefte = Cash flow requirement
cashflowproblemen = cash flow problems
cashflowprognose = cash flow forecast
cash-incentive lange termijn = long-term cash incentive
cashing in = incasseren
Cashless society = Cashless society
Cashmanagement = Cash management
cashmanagementspecificaties = cash management specifications
casing = casing
Casings & Sub-Components = VS
Casino = Casino
Casino (gokken) = Casino
casino {het} = casino
casino’s = casinos
casinospelen = casino games
Cassandra = Cassandra
cassatierechtspraak = case law arising from cassation appeals
Cassave = Cassava
Cassave = Manioc
Cassete = Cassette
Cassette = Tape
Cassette = Cart
cassette = cartridge
Cassette = Treasure
Cassette = Cassette
Cassette- = Block-
cassette (verzonken (plafond)paneel) = coffer
Cassette Assy = Cassette Assy
Cassette Centre Ring = Cassette Centre Ring
Cassette Guide Left = Cassette Guide Left
Cassette Support = Cassette Support
Cassette Support Ring = Cassette Support Ring
Cassette Support Set Screw = Cassette Support Set Screw
Cassette Support Stud = Cassette Support Stud
Cassette Table = Cassette Table
cassette van de hydraulische momentsleutel = hydraulic torque wrench cassette
"cassette, filmcassette" = "cassette, charger"
cassettebanden = cassette tapes
cassette-bandopnemer = cassette tape recorder
cassette-compartiment = cassette compartment
Cassettedeck = HiFi-cassette deck
cassettedeksel = cassette cover
Cassettehoogte = Cassette height
cassettehouder = cassette holder
cassettelettertype = cartridge font
cassettelift = cassette lift
Cassetteloopwerken = Number of cassette drives
Cassettemodel = Cassettes model
cassetten voor printers = cassettes for printers
cassettenaaf = cassette hub
cassettenplafond = soffit
cassettenvloer = waffle slab
cassetteprofielen = cassette profiles
Cassetteraam met cassette voor vloergootsysteem = Cassette frame with cassette
Cassetterecorder = Tape-recorder
Cassetterecorder = Tape deck
Cassetterecorder = Sound recorder
cassetterecorder = cassette recorder
cassetterecorders = cassette recorders
cassetteruimte = cassette chamber
cassettes = cassettes
"cassettes en cartridges, allemaal voor of met video- en geluidsopnamen" = "cassettes and cartridges all for use with, or containing, video and sound"
"cassettes en software voor handbediende spelsystemen, lunaparkspellen met" = "cartridges and software for hand-held game systems, coin-operated arcade "
cassettes voor videospellen = video game cartridges
"cassettes, compactdiscs, videobanden, video compactdiscs (beeldplaten), i" = "cassettes, compact discs, video tapes, video compact discs (laser discs),"
cassetteschotel = reel disc
Cassettespeler = Cassette player
Cassettespelers = Cassette players
Cassettesystemen = Cassette-handling equipment
Cassettetoestel = Cassette unit
cassette-uitwerper = cassette ejector
cassettevloer = waffle slab
cassettewisselaar = cassette changer
cassettotheek = cassette library
Cassiopea = Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia = Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia (sterrenbeeld) = Cassiopeia (constellation)
Cast = Starring
Cast = Dealing
Cast = Issue
Cast = Delivery
Cast = Cast
Cast = Distribution
Cast = Casting
castagnetten = castanets
castagnetten {mv} = castanets
castalagin = castalagin
castalin = castalin
Castanea sativa = Castanea sativa
cast-conversie = coercion
cast-conversie = cast
Casteljau-methode = Casteljau method
casten = casting
Castiliaan = Castilian
Castiliaans = Castilian
Castilië = Castile (historical region)
Castilië en La Mancha = Castile-La Mancha
Castilië en Leon = Castile-Leon
Castilië-La Mancha = Castile-La Mancha
Castilië-León = Castile-Leon
Castilliaans = Castilian
Castilliaans = Castillian
Castillië = Castile
Casting & Drive Elements = GA
Castor = Beaver
Castor = Castor
castor = castor
Castor EDC = Castor EDC
Castor SMS = Castor SMS
castorolie = castor oil
castorolie = castor
castraat = eunuch
"castraat, castrato, castraatzanger" = castrato (male soprano or alto voice
"castraat, castrato, castraatzanger" = the singer)
Castratie = Spaying
castratie = castration
Castreren = Neuter
Castreren = Emasculate
Castreren = Castrate
Castreren = Spay
Castricum = Castricum
Castries (Saint Lucia) = Castries
casu quo = as the case may be
casu quo = or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = and/or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or ... (if any / as the case may be / where appropriate)
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or as the case may be
casu quo (respectievelijk) = where appropriate
casuistiek = casuistry
casuïstiek = casuistry
casuïstiek = case study
casus = Case
casus = case study
casus = business case
casus = case
Casus belli = Casus belli
casusconceptualisatie = case conceptualization
casustoets = diagnostic problem-solving test (Notebook)
CAT = Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT)
CAT 10 = CAT 10
cat.0 = cat.0
CAT10 = CAT10
CAT10 = CAT 10
CAT10 luchthavens = CAT 10 airports
cataclysme = catastrophe
Catacombe = Catacombs
Catacombe = Unearthed Graves
catacombe = catacomb
catagorieënleer = Aristotelian catagories
Catalaan = Catalonian
Catalaan = Catalan
Catalaans = Catalan
Catalaanse = Catalan
Catalog Maintenance Request-bestand = Catalog Maintenance Request file
catalogi = catalogues
"catalogi, afbeeldingen, tekeningen, maat- en gewichtsopgaven" = "catalogues, pictures, drawings, weights and measurements"
"catalogi, brochures en folders" = "catalogues, brochures and leaflets"
catalogiseren = catalogue
catalogiseren = to catalog
catalogisering = cataloguing
Catalogiseringsdiensten = Cataloguing services
catalogus = catalog
catalogus = catalogue
catalogus (gebruik niet: WebOPC) = catalogue
catalogus {de} = catalogue
"catalogus, cataloog, inventaris" = catalogue (a complete list of items)
cataloguseigenschap = catalog property
catalogusexpressie = catalog expression
catalogusgegevens = catalog data
catalogusnummer = catalogue number
catalogusnummer = index No.
catalogusprijs = list price
catalogusprijzen = catalogue prices
catalogussamenvoeging = catalog merge
catalogusschema = catalog schema
catalogussen = catalogues
Cataloguswinkel = Catalogue showroom
Catalonië = Catalonia
cataloogpag = catalogue page
Catamaran-zeilboten = Catamaran sailing boats
Cataract = Cataract
"cataract {m} {n} {f}, grijze staar" = cataract (opacity of the lens in the eye)
Cataratas do Iguaçu = Iguazu Falls
Catarre = Catarrh
catastrofaal = catastrophic
catastrofale fout = catastrophic failure
catastrofale storing = catastrophic failure
Catastrofe = Catastrophe
catastrofe {de} = catastrophe
catastrofe {de} = disaster
catastrofe theorie = catastrophe theory
Catastrofentheorie = Catastrophe theory
catch & dispatch = catch & dispatch
Catch Disc = Catch Disc
catch weight = catch weight
"catcher {f}, achtervanger" = catcher (baseball player who receives pitches)
catechismus = catechism
Catechismus = Sunday school
Catechol = Catechol
catecholamine = catecholamine
catecholamines = catecholamines
Categorale bonden = Non-affiliated unions
categorale gegevens = categorical data
categorale variabele = categorical variable
Categorale Ziekenhuizen = Non-affiliated hospital
Categoriale bescherming = Categorical Protection
categoriale beschermingsbeleid = categorical protection policy
Categoriale inkomensverdeling = Categorial division of income
categorie = distribution category
Categorie = Class
categorie {de} = class [type]
categorie 1-verwerkingsbedrijf = Category 1 processing plant
Categorie 5 certificeringsset = Cat-5 certification set
Categorie 5 tester = Cat-5 testing device
Categorie 6 certificeringsset = Cat-6 certification set
categorie C-schuim = category C foam
categorie- en klassenindeling = categories and classes
Categorie IIIB-operatie (CAT IIIB) = category A with respect to helicopters
Categorie I-naderingsoperatie (CAT I) = category I (CAT I) approach operation
categorie theorie = category theory
categorie van hoofdrekening = main account category
Categorie van luchtvaartuigen = Category of aircraft
Categorie volgens EN 954 = Category according to EN 954
categorie voor Snelklikken = Quick Click category
"categorie, genre, ras, soort, type" = "kind (type, race, category)"
categorieas = category axis
categoriecatalogus = category catalog
Categorieën = categories
categorieën en concepten = categories and concepts
categorieën Medewerkers = categories of Employees
categorieën voertuigen = vehicle categories
Categorieën werknemers = Categories of employees
Categorieën werknemers en categorieën voertuigen = Employee categories and vehicle categories
categoriehiërarchie = category hierarchy
categorie-indeling = classification into categories
categorie-indeling = division into categories
categorie-item = category item
categorielabels met meerdere niveaus = multiple-level category labels
Categoriemanagement = Category management
categorietest = class test
categorieveld = category field
categorieveld in draaigrafiek = PivotChart category field
Categorieverkenner = Category Explorer
Categorisatie = Categorization
categorisch = firm
categorisch ondubbelzinnig maken = categorical disambiguation
Categorisch systeem = Categorical system
categorische (categorale) kostenindeling = cost analysis by category
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = categorical profit and loss account
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = natural classification
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = object classification
categorische imperatief = catgorical imperative
categorische planning = categorical planning
categorische verdeling = categorical distribution
categoriseren = categorise
categorisering = categorisation
categorisering = categorizer
categorisering van wegen = classification of roads
categorisering volgens een ordinale variabele = ordered categorisation
categorisering volgens een ordinale variabele = ordered categorization
Category Development Manager = Category Development Manager
Category management = Category management
catering = catering
catering = outside catering
catering diensten = catering services
"Catering voor ondernemingen of instellingen, uitgezonderd transportbedrij" = Catering services for other enterprises or other institutions
Catering voor scholen = School catering services
Catering voor transportbedrijven = Catering services for transport enterprises
cateringbedrijf = catering company
Cateringbenodigdheden = Catering supplies
Cateringbenodigdheden voor eenmalig gebruik = Disposable catering supplies
Cateringdiensten = Catering services
Cateringdiensten voor particulieren = Catering services for private households
cateringlocatie = catering location
Cateringuitrusting = Catering equipment
cateringvoertuigen = catering vehicles
Catharina Parr = Catherine Parr
Catharina van Aragón = Catherine of Aragon
catharsis = purification
Cathedra = Pulpit
Catheter = Catheter
catheter van Foley = Foley's catheter
catheterablatie van het baarmoederslijmvlies = endometrial ablation
Catheterisatie = Catheterization
Cathetertoebehoren = Catheter accessories
cathexis = cathexis
Cato = Cato
CAT-scanners = CAT scanners
Cauberg-Huygen en Technipower = Cauberg-Huygen and Technipower
Cauchy-distributie = Cauchy distribution
Cauchy-verdeling = Cauchy distribution
cauda epididymidis = tail of  epididymis
cauda musculi = insertion tendon of muscle
Caudaal = Caudal
caudale = caudal
Causaal = Causal
Causaal onderzoek = Causal research
Causaal tijdreeksmodel = Causal chronological model
causaal verband = causal link
Causaal verband = Causal connection
causaal verband aan te tonen = demonstrate a causal relationship
causaal verband verondersteld wordt = causal relationship is assumed
causale = causal
Causaliteit = Causality
"causaliteit, oorzakelijkheid" = causality (agency of cause)
causaliteitsbeginsel = "causality, sausation"
causes of death = doodoorzaken
Causticus = Caustic
caustische kali = caustic potash
caustische soda = caustic soda
Caution = Caution
Cavalerie = Cavalry
Cavalerie = Horse
Cavalier = Cavalier
Cavalier = Coupler
Cavalier = Rider
Cavalier = Partner
Cavalier = Jumper
Cavalier = Horseman
Cavalier = Cavalryman
Cavalier = Trooper
Cavalier = Act alone
cavaliersloot = catchwater
cavaliersloot = grip
cavaliersloot = intercepting drain
cavaliersloot = catch drain
Cave = Basement
Cave = Cellar
cave beginnende overvulling = Early signs of fluid overload
cavia = guinea pig
cavia = guinea-pig
cavia {de} = guinea pig
cavia's = guinea pigs
cavia's {mv} = guinea pigs
cavitas glenoidalis scapulae = glenoid cavity
cavitatie = cavitation
cavitatie erosie = cavitation erosion
cavitatieblaas = cavitation bubble
cavitatie-erosie = cavitation erosion
cavitatiekracht = cavitation force
cavitatietunnel = cavitation tunnel
Caviteit = Cavity
caviteiten = cavities
caviteren = cavitate
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = Douglas' cul-de-sac
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = Douglas' pouch
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = recto-uterine pouch
Cayenne (stad) = Cayenne
Caymaneilanden = Cayman Islands
CBA = camera operation and alarm handling system
C-band = C-band
CBD = Central Business District (CBD)
C-Belasting = C-load
CBFA = "(Belgian) Banking, Finance, and Insurance Commission"
CBFA = (Belgian) Banking
CBFA = (Belgian) Banking Finance and Insurance Commission
CBI = Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (Centrum te
CBM = closed stacks
CBN (Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen) = Accounting Standards Commission
CBN/CNC = Belgian Commission for Accounting Standards
CBO = "Central Executive Council (Centraal Bestuurlijk Overleg, CBO)"
CBO’s = collective management organisations
CBO-Keurmerk = CBO (collective management organisations) Quality Mark
CBO's = CMOs
CBP-S = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
CBR = california bearing ratio
CBS = consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de S
CBS = CBS (Dutch Central Statistical Office)
CBS = Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS = the consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS = Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS-analyse = CBS analysis
CBS-benuttingsgraden = CBS utilisation rates
CBS-berekening = CBS calculation
CBS-cijfers = CBS figures
"CBS-prijsindexcijfer voor de gezinsconsumptie, reeks werknemersgezinnen m" = "CBS consumer price index for family consumption, series relating to emplo"
"CBS-prijsindexcijfer voor de gezinsconsumptie, reeks werknemersgezinnen m" = "consumer price index for family consumption, series relating to employees"
CBS-rapport = CBS report
CBT = computer-based training
CBTC-systeem = CBTC system
c-BVF = Centralised Biological Safety Officer (Centraal Biologisch Veiligheidsfun
cbwfq (class-based weighted fair queuing) = class-based weighted fair queuing (cbwfq)
CC = Client Continuance
CC = cc
cc. = certified copy
cc. = copy
CC/EA = Client Continuance / Engagement Acceptance
Cc: = Cc:
CC: = CC:
CCB = Cooling Control Box
C-cijfer = C value (% NaCl in water)
CCL = Center for Company Law
CC-lagen = CC shelves
C-clip / borgring = snap-ring (circlip)
"CCMO, Postbus 16302, 2500 BH Den Haag" = "CCMO, Postbus 16302, 2500 BH Den Haag, The Netherlands"
CCN = Carrier Comfort Network
CCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation = ICCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation
CCORE-rapport = CCORE report
CCP = Critical Control Point
CCP's = Critical Control Points (CCP's)
CCR = UT Central Research Commission
CC-regel = Cc line
CCTV monitoring = CCTV monitoring
CCUS = "carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS)"
CCV = Centre for Crime Prevention and Public Safety (Centrum voor Criminaliteit
CCV certificatieschema = CCV certification scheme
CCV certificatieschema = Centre for Crime Prevention and Public Safety (CCV) certification scheme
cd = CD
CD = CD (disambiguation)
CD - Zeer Kruimig = CD - Very mealy
CD labeling-systeem = CD labelling system
cd/dvd-brander = disc burner
Cd/dvd-speler en/of -brander = Compact disk (CD) and digital versatile disk (DVD) reader and/or burner
CD’s = CDs
CDA = CDA (the Dutch Christian Democratic Alliance)
cd-brander = CD burner
CDC = Corporate Data Centre
CDC42-GTP-bindende protein = CDC42  GTP-binding protein
cd-code = CD Key
CDD-beleid = CDD policy
cd-i’s = compact disc-interactive
cd-i’s = CDI’s
cd-i-opnamen en -publicaties = CDI recordings and publications
cdiu centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoer = central import and export office
CDMA-netwerk = CDMA network
CDNA = Complementary DNA
CDNA = CDNA‚ complementary DNA
cd-opname = CD recording
CdP = mission head
CD-Player/-Recorder = CD player/recorder
CDR & Recording Manager = CDR & Recording Manager
cd-recordable = compact disc-recordable
CD-recorder = CD recorder
cd-rewritable = compact disc-rewritable
C-drive = C: drive
CD-Rom = CD-Rom
cd-rom pc (gebruik niet: stand-alone cd-rom) = CD-ROM PC
Cd-rom zoekdienst = CD-ROM search service
"cd-rom, cd-rom's (gebruik: onderkast)" = "CD ROM, CD ROMs"
cd-rom-bestandssysteem = CD-ROM File System
cd-romdrives = CD-ROM drives
CD-ROM-loopwerk = CD-ROM drive
cd-roms = CD-ROMs
"cd-roms, diskettes" = "CD-ROMS, diskettes"
Cd-romspeler = CD-ROM station
cd-rom-spelers = CD-ROM players
cd-rom-station = CD-ROM drive
cd's branden zonder pauzes = gapless CD burning
CDS Electronics = CDS Electronics
CD-sinussen = costodiaphragmatic sinuses
cd-speler = compact disc player
CD-speler = CD player
CD-speler = CD-Player
cd-speler {de} = CD player
Cd-speler en/of -brander = Compact disk (CD) reader and/or burner
CD-speler geluid verdeler = CD player sound distributor
CD-speler start aansluiting = CD player start connection
CD-wisselaar = CD changer
CD-wisselaar ingangsignaal = CD-changer input signal
CD-wisselaar-pakket = CD changer set
CD-wisselaarsturing = CD changer control
CE 2-draads = CE 2 wire
CE conformiteitmarkering = CE conformity marking
CE consultant = Civil Engineering consultant
CE consultant = CE consultant
CE- en NEN-normen = CE and NEN standards
CE gelabeld = CE labelled
CE gelabeld product = CE labelled product
CE layout = CE layout
CE Lay-out = CE Layout
CE- markering = CE marking
CE markering van de machine = CE marking of the machine
CEB = The BEC (Belgian Electrotechnical Committee npo) is a neutral and indepen
CEB-interventie = CEB intervention
CE-certificaten = CE certificates
CE-certificatie = CE certification
Cecil Rhodes = Cecil Rhodes
Cedefop = Cedefop
cedel = list
cedent = assignor
ceder = cedar
ceder- = cedar
cederen = assign
cederen = cede
cederen/overdragen/afstaan = assign
cederhouten = cedar
cedille = cedilla
CEE = WFE Central & Eastern Europe
CEE 60x60 = CEE 60x60 mm
CEE 70x70 = CEE 70x70 mm
CEE16A = CEE 16 A
CEE32A = CEE 32 A
CEE-afschermkap contactstop = Protective cover for CEE plugs
CEE-apparaten 60 mm bevestigingsspoor = CEE devices 60 mm mounting distance
CEE-apparaten 70 mm bevestigingsspoor = CEE devices 70 mm mounting distance
CEE-architectuurprogramma = CEE/SCHUKO architectural programme (IP44)
CEE-contactdoos = industrial power socket
CEE-contactdoos combinatie = CEE socket outlet combination
CEE-contactdoos explosieveilig = Ex-proof CEE socket outlet
"CEE-contactdoos uitschakelbaar, beveiligd" = "CEE socket outlet, disconnectable, with fuse"
"CEE-contactdoos, aanbouw" = Panel-mounted CEE socket outlet
CEE-contactdoos-125A = CEE socket outlet 125 A
CEE-contactdoos-16A = CEE socket outlet 16 A
CEE-contactdoos-32A = CEE socket outlet 32 A
CEE-contactdoos-63A = CEE socket outlet 63 A
CEE-contactstop = CEE plug
CEE-contactstop/koppelcontactstop explosieveilig = Ex-proof CEE-plug/-coupler
CEE-contactstopvergrendeling = Padlock guard for CEE plugs
CEE-Form = CEEform
CEE-inbouwdoos = CEE junction box
CEE-koppelcontactstop = CEE coupler
ceel = list
Ceelbaas = dock supervisor
CEE-steker = CEE-plug
CEE-toestelcontactdoos = CEE plug for mounting on machines and equipment
CEE-wandcontactdoos = CEE socket outlet
Cefalalgie = Cephalalgia
Cefalosporine = Cephalosphorin
CEFTA-landen = CEFTA countries
Cegeka = Cegeka
Cegeka Accelerator voor SharePoint = Cegeka Accelerator for SharePoint
Cegeka Business Solutions = Cegeka Business Solutions
Cegeka Cloud = Cegeka Cloud
Cegeka Data expert = Cegeka Data expert
Cegeka Groep = Cegeka Group
Cegeka heeft een beproefde aanpak in vijf stappen = Cegeka has a proven five-step approach
Cegeka-groep = Cegeka group
ceiling plenum = ceiling plenum
ceintuur = cummerbund
Ceintuur = Belt
ceintuur {de} = belt
ceintuurgespen = buckles
Ceintuurs = Belts
ceintuurs (kledingstukken) = belts (being articles of clothing)
ceintuurs van leder = leather belts
CE-keur = CE mark
cel = cell
Cel (biologie) = Cell (biology)
cel [biologie] = cell (biology)
cel [energie] = cell (energy)
cel {de} = cell
cel eigenschappen = cell properties
cel eind offset (aantal) = cell end offset (number)
Cel Mobiliteit en Infrastructuur = Mobility and Infrastructure Unit
cel stap grootte = cell step size
cel start offset (aantal) = cell start offset (number)
cel tijd stap = cell time step
"cel van Heidenhain, de steuncel" = Heidenhain  gastric mucosa cell
Cel voor het afwerken van het preiloof = Cell for finishing the leek tops
Cel voor het pelen en reinigen van de preisteel = Cell for peeling and cleaning the leek stalks
cel voor het wassen van de prei = leek-washing cell
Cel voor medische culturen = Medical cultivation cabinet
cel voor reinigen en snijden loof = cell for washing and cutting leek tops
cel voor reinigen en snijden wortel = cell for washing and cutting of the roots
cel voor snijden en reinigen wortel = cell for cutting and washing roots
Cel voor wassen van de prei = Cell for washing the leeks
CE-label = CE label
celafstand = cell spacing
CE-Layout = ‘CE-Layout’
celbereik = cell range
celbesturingsapparaat = cell controller
Celbiologie = Cell Biology
Celcyclus = Mitosis
celdecompositie = cell decomposition
celdifferentiatie = cell  differentiation
celdoding = cell killing
Celebes = Sulawesi
Celebes = Celebes
Celebeszee = Celebes Sea
Celebreren = Celebrate
Celesta's = Celestas
celfrequentie = cell frequency
celfrequentie = class frequency
celhouder = cell holder
Celibaat = Spinsterhood
Celibaat = Bachelorhood
Celibaat = Celibacy
celibatair = bachelor
cel-immuniteit = cell-mediated  immunity
Celkern = Cell nucleus
celkern = nucleus
celkweek = cell culture
celkweekcellen = cell culture cells
cella (van tempel) = cella
celleer = cytology
cellen = cells
cellen {mv} = cells
cellen beton = cellular concrete
cellen blok = cell block
cellen in plantenweefsels = cells in plant tissues
Cellen verwijderen = Delete Cells
cellenbeton = cellular concrete
cellenbeton = air-entrained concrete
cellenbeton = foamed concrete
cellenbeton = aerated concrete
Cellenbeton = Cellular concrete
Cellenbeton = aerated concrete
cellenbeton dakplaat = cellular concrete roof board
cellenbetonbranche = cellular concrete industry
cellenbibliotheek = cell library
cellendamwand = cellular cofferdam
cellenstructuur = cell structure
Cellist = Cellist
cello = violoncel
Cello = Cello
Cello Biënnale Amsterdam = Cello Biënnale Amsterdam
cellofaan = cellophane
cellophaanbekleding drukwerk = Print finishing with cellophane
Cello's = Violoncellos
cellula caliciformis = goblet cells
cellulae axis ramificatae = axiramificate cells
cellulair {de} [SN] = cellular phone [Am.]
cellulaire fabricage = cellular manufacturing
cellulaire immuniteit = cell-mediated  immune response
cellulaire telefoons = cellular telephones
Cellulitis = Fibrositis
Cellulitis = Cellulitis
celluloid = celluloid
celluloide-voorwerpenfabriek = Celluloid products industry
celluloidfabriek = Celluloid industry
cellulose = (pure) cellulose / pulp
cellulose = cellulose
cellulose acetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose doekje = cellulose wipe
cellulose nitraat = cellulose nitrate
celluloseacetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose-acetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose-acetaatbutyraat = cellulose acetate butyrate
cellulose-acetaatbutyraatfoelie = cellulose acetate butyrate foil
cellulose-acetoftalaat = cellulose acetate phthalate
celluloseachtig = cellulosic
cellulosefabriek = Cellulose industry
cellulosegebaseerde = cellulose-based
cellulose-gebaseerde = cellulose-based
cellulose-gebaseerde biofilm = cellulose-based biofilm
cellulosegebaseerde producten = cellulose-based products
cellulose-industrie = cellulose industry
cellulosepoeder = powdered cellulose
cellulosepolymeren = cellulose polymers
cellulosepolymeren = cellulosic polymers
cellysis = cell lysis
Celmateriaal = Cell material
Celmembraan = Cell Membrane
Celmembraan = Plasma membrane
"celmembraan, plasmamembraan" = cell membrane (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell
celmetabolisme = cell metabolism
celmeter = cellmeter
celmodel = cell model
celopvulling = cell padding
celorganellen = cell organelles
celpoly-ethyleen = cellular polyethylene
celproef = cell test
celrelais = cell relay
Celsius = Celsius
Celsius = Degree centigrade
Celsius: C = centigrade
Celstof = Wood pulp
Celstof = Pulp
celstof = cellulose
celstroom = cell flow
celstructuur = cellular structure
Celtelling = Cell count
Celtic = Celtic
celverwijzing = cell reference
Celwand = Cell wall
CE-machinerichtlijnen = CE Machinery Directives
CEMAC-landen = CAEMC countries
CEmarkering = CE marking
CEmarkering = CE Marking
CE-markering = CE marking
CE-markering = CE-marking
CE-markering = CE mark
CE-markeringen = CE marking
cement = cement
Cement = Mortar/cement/plaster
cement {de} {het} = cement
cement compartiment = cement compartment
cement en schuim gebaseerde producten = cement and foam-based products
cement screed = cementdekvloer
"cement, beton, mortel, cementlijm, en blokkenlijm" = "cement, concrete, mortar, grout, and block joining adhesive"
"cement-, kalk- en gipsindustrie" = "Cement, lime and plaster industry"
cementatie = cementation
Cementbasis = Cement base
cementbedekking = cement coating
cementbekleding = cement lining
cementbepleistering = cement plastering
cementbeton = cement concrete
cementbeton = concrete
cementbrij / cementmelk = cement paste
cementbrij / cementmelk / cementpap / aanbrandspecie / cementwater = cement slurry
cementbrij / vulspecie = grout
cementbuis = cement tube
cementcompartiment = cement compartment
cementdekvloer / afwerklaag van cementspecie = cement screed
cementeerkist = cementing chest
cementeerpoeder = cementing powder
cementeerpoeder = solid carburizing compound
cementeerstaal = case-hardening steel
Cementeerwerkzaamheden = Cementing work
cementeerzout = case-hardening salt
cementeren = case-harden (to)
cementeren = cement (ww)
cementeren = pack carburizing
cementeren = concrete
cementeren = carbonize (to)
cementeren = to cement
cementeren = cement
cementering = carburization
cementering = carbonization
cementering = case hardening
cementering = cementation
cementering / cementatie = cementation
cementfabriek = Cement works
cementfabrieken = cement factories
cementgebaseerde = cement-based
cement-gebaseerde = cement-based
Cementgebaseerde coating = Cement-based coating
Cementgebaseerde coatings = Cement-based coatings
cement-gebaseerde producten = cement-based products
cementgebonden dekvloer = cement mortar screed
cementgebonden fireproofing = cementitious fireproofing
cementgebonden ondergrond = cementitious substrate
cementgebonden ondergronden = cementitious substrates
cementgebonden oppervlak = cementitious surface
cementgebonden oppervlakken = cementitious surfaces
cementgel = cement gel
cementhechting = cement adhesion
cementhuid = cement skin
cementhydratatie = cement hydration
cementiet = cementite
cementindustrie = cement industry
cementinjectie = cement grouting
cementinjectie = cement injection
cementkanon = cement gin
cementklinker = cement clinker
cementlaag / cementbedekking = cement coating
cementloods = cement store
cementmelk = cement grout
Cementmengers = Cement mixers
cementmolen = cement mixer
cementmolen = Cement mill
cementmortel / cementspecie = cement mortar
cementplaat = cement slab
cementpleister = cement rendering
cementpleister = cement plaster
cementraam = plinth
cementraam /sokkel = base course
cementrubber = cement rubber latex
cementsilo = cement bin
cementsilo = cement silo
cementslib = cement laitance
cementspecie = cement mortar
cementspuit = gunite machine
cementspuit / cementpistool = cement gun
cementstaal / cementeerstaal = cemented steel
cementsteen = cement stone
cementsteenfabriek = Cement brick industry
cementsuspensie = cement suspension
cementtegel = cement block
cementtegel = cement tile
cement-toeslagverhouding = cement-aggregate ratio
Cementtransporteur = Cement conveyor
cementtrechter = cement funnel
cementvervaardiging = cement manufacture
cementvilt = cement felt
cementvloer = cement floor
cementvoeg = cement joint
cementwater = cement water
cement-zandverhouding = cement-sand ratio
CE-merk = CE mark
CEM-verdamper = CEM evaporator
Cenelec = Cenelec
CEN-mandaat = CEN mandate
CE-norm = CE standard
cenotaaf = cenotaph
Cenozoïcum = Cenozoic
Censureren = Censor
Censureren = Censure
censureren = censoring
Census = Census
census-verdeling van Skellam en Shenton = census distribution
censuur = censorship
Censuur = Censure
censuur = censor
Cent = Groat
Cent = Pence
Cent = Penny
Cent = One hundred
cent = cent
Cent = Hundred
Centaur = Centaur
Centaur (mythologie) = Centaur
Centaur (sterrenbeeld) = Centaurus
centaurie = knapwood
Centaur-planetoïden = Centaur
centavo = centavo
Centenkliever = Arab
Centenkliever = Arabian
center = centre
Center = Center
CentER Applied Research = CentER for Applied Research
center drop leaf = center drop leaf
Center for Company Law = Center for Company Law
CentER for Economic Research = CentER for Economic Research
Center for Transboundary Legal Development = Center for Transboundary Legal Development
Center of Excellence-aanpak = Center of Excellence approach
centerafstand = distance between centres
centerafstand = centre-to-centre distance
centerboor = centre bit
Centerboor = Centre drill
centerbout = centre bolt
centerbout = centring bolt
CentERdata = CentERdata
centeren = to centre
centeringring = centring ring
"centerline, nulstelling" = centerline
"centerlining formulieren, nulstelling formulieren" = centerlining forms
"centerlining, nulafstelling" = centerlining
centerloos slijpen = centreless grinding
centermarkering = punch mark
centerpoint (op boorkop) = centring point
Centerpons = Punch
Centerpons = Centre punch
centerpons / keurnagel / kornagel = centre punch
centerpunt = centre point
centerpunt = centre punch
centerring = centring ring
centerring = Centring Ring
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: de lokale noodcentra in de V. = CDC: a governmental agency that monitors the prevalence of diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: de lokale noodcentra in de V. = Centers for  Disease Control & Prevention
Centers of Expertise = Centres of Expertise
centi = centi
Centiare = Metre
centiare = centiares
centiel = centile
centimeter = centimeter
Centimeter = Tape-measure
Centimeter = Inchtape
Centimeter = Centimetre
centimeter-gram-seconde systeem = centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system
centra in het beroepsonderwijs = vocational training centres
Centra voor Innovatief Vakmanschap = "Centres for Innovative Workmanship (Centra voor Innovatief Vakmanschap, C"
centraal = the focus of attention
Centraal = Focal
Centraal = Power station
Centraal = Central
Centraal = centralised
centraal = central
centraal aangestuurd = centrally managed
centraal aangrijpen = centrally engaging
centraal aangrijpt = centrally engages
centraal aanspreekpunt = single point of contact
centraal aanspreekpunt en escalatiepunt = central point of contact and escalation contact point
Centraal Akkoord = Central Agreement
centraal antennesysteem = community aerial system
centraal antennesysteem = community antenna system
centraal antennesysteem = master antenna system
Centraal beheer = Central management
centraal beheer van de cliënteel = centralised customer management
Centraal beheer voor PerformancePoint Services = PerformancePoint Services Central Administration
centraal beheerde omgeving = centrally managed environment
centraal berichtensysteem = Central Messaging System
centraal besturingsorgaan = central control unit
centraal besturingssysteem = central control system
Centraal bestuurlijk overleg = Central discussions between government bodies
Centraal bewakingsstation = Central monitoring station
Centraal Biologisch Veiligheidsfunctionaris = Central Biological Safety Officer
Centraal boekenmagazijn = closed stacks
Centraal budget = Centralized budget
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek = "Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS)"
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek = Central Bureau of Statistics
Centraal bureau voor de statistiek = Central bureau for statistics
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) = Statistics Netherlands
centraal controlemechanisme = central control mechanism
Centraal desk = Central desk
Centraal deskundigen = Central experts
centraal digitaal archief = central digital repository
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor de Opvolgingen en Ontwikkeling v = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of the Monitoring and Development o
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor de Promotie van Technologische I = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of the Promotion of Technological I
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Financi?n en Fiscaliteit = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Corporate Finance, Tax and Treas"
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Financi�n en Fiscaliteit = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Corporate Finance, Tax and Treas"
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Performance en Organisatie = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Performance and Organization
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Planning, Controle en Boekhoudin" = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Strategic Planning, Control and "
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Risico?s, Organisatie en Central" = "Group Senior Vice-President for Risk, Organization and Central Services"
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Risico�s, Organisatie en Centr" = "Group Senior Vice-President for Risk, Organization and Central Services"
centraal drukgestuurde ventilator = central pressure actuated vent
Centraal Economisch Plan = Central Economic Plan
Centraal Economische Commissie = Central Economic Committee
centraal frame = central base frame
Centraal Functioneel Beheer = Central Operational Management
centraal gedeelte = central section
Centraal geleide economie = Centrally planned economy
centraal geplaatste = centrally located
centraal gepositioneerd = centrally positioned
centraal geregeld = centrally controlled
centraal gespiesd = centrally skewed
centraal in het datacenter zijn opgeslagen = stored centrally in the data centre
centraal in Nederland gelokaliseerd = centrally located in the Netherlands
"Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau, CJ" = "Central Fine Collection Agency (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, CJIB)"
centraal ketelhuis (n) = central boiler plant
centraal komvormig element = central cup-shaped element
centraal magazijn = central store
Centraal Magazijn (afd FMVG) = Central Warehouse
Centraal management = Central management
centraal managementsysteem = central management system
Centraal Massief = Massif Central
centraal ontwikkeld en ondersteund = centrally developed and supported
centraal parkeergeleidingssysteem = central parking guidance system
Centraal Planbureau = Central Planning Office
"centraal processor Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = central processor Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
centraal rechtenbeheer = centralised rights management
centraal registratiemodel = centralized registration model
centraal rijgen = central threading
Centraal Schengen Informatie Systeem = Schengen central information system
centraal smeersysteem = central lubrication system
Centraal Sociaal Planbureau = Central Social Planning Office
Centraal staat dat = It is important that
centraal stammenveld = central clone field
centraal station = controlling station
centraal stelt = prioritises
Centraal Stembureau (CSB) = Central Electoral Office
centraal team = central team
centraal televisie-antennesysteem = community antenna system for television: CATV
centraal televisie-antennesysteem = master antenna system for television: MATV
centraal veem = central warehouse
centraal veneuze catheter = Hohn central venous catheter
centraal verbindingsbureau = central liaison office
Centraal verwarmingssysteem elektrisch = Electro central heating system
centraal verwerkingsorgaan = central processor
centraal verwerkingsorgaan = main frame
centraal zenuwstelsel = central nervous system: CNS
Centraal zenuwstelsel = Central nervous system
centraal zenuwstelsel-toxiciteit = toxicity to the central nervous system
Centraal-Afrika = Central Africa
Centraalafrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa)
Centraal-Amerika = Central America
Centraal-Amerikaans Integratiesysteem = Central American Integration System
Centraal-Amerikaans parlement = Central American Parliament
Centraal-Amerikaanse Bank voor Economische Integratie = Central American Bank for Economic Integration
Centraal-Amerikaanse Gemeenschappelijke Markt = Central American Common Market
Centraal-Azië = Central Asia
Centraalbeugel = Central clamp
Centraal-Bohemen = Central Bohemia
centraalburo voor statistiek = centraalburo voor statistiek
Centraaldoos = Central conduit box
Centraaldoos installatiebuis = Central junction box for installation tubes
Centraaldoos/inbouwdoos = Central conduit box/built-in conduit box
centraaldozen-systeem = central junction box system
Centraal-Estland = Central Estonia
Centraal-Europa = Europe
Centraal-Europa = Central Europe
Centraal-Griekenland = Central Greece
Centraal-Hongarije = Central Hungary
Centraal-Macedonië = Central Macedonia
Centraalplaat = Centre plate
Centraalplaat = Central cover plate
Centraalplaat zusteroproepsysteem = Central-element clinic-installation
Centraal-Slovenië = Central Slovenia
centraalsluiter = "between-lens shutter, diaphragm s."
centraalstelling van de klant = customer centricity [Am.]
centraalstelling van de klant = to convert (into)
Centraalstofzuiger = Central vacuum cleaner
Centraal-Trans-Danubië = Central Transdanubia
Central = Central
Central = Focal
Central = Power station
Central American Common Market = Central American Common Market
Central Business District = Central Business District
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Aansluitingenregister
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = CAR
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = C-AR
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluit Register
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluitingenregister
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluitingenregister (C-AR)
Central Intelligence Agency = Central Intelligence Agency
central licensing = central licensing
Central Park = Central Park
Central Technical Documentation = ZR
centrale = centre
Centrale = Power station
Centrale = Base station
Centrale = Central
Centrale = Power plant
centrale = exchange
centrale = centralised
centrale aanleg = centralised laying-out
centrale aanmelding = central registration
centrale aanschaf = central purchasing
centrale aansluitkast = central terminal box
centrale aanspreekpunt = central point of contact
centrale administrateur = Central Administrator
Centrale Administratieve Services = Central Accounting Services
Centrale afvoer = Central extraction
centrale antenne = community antenna
centrale antenne-installatie = community aerial installation
centrale antenne-installatie = community antenna installation
centrale antenne-installatie = master antenna installation
centrale as = central shaft
centrale as = central axis
centrale assen = central axles
Centrale Autoriteit = Central Authority
centrale autoriteit = central authority
Centrale autoriteit Internationale Kinderaangelegenheden (Ca IKA) = Central Authority for International Children's Issues
centrale axiale stroming = central axial flow
centrale bank = central bank
centrale bank van aangesloten systeem (ASCB) = ancillary system central bank (ASCB)
centrale bank van het Eurosysteem = Eurosystem central bank
centrale banken buiten het eurogebied = central banks outside the euro area
centrale batterij = common battery
centrale bediening op afstand = remote central operation
centrale behuizing = central enclosure
Centrale besturing = Central controller
centrale besturingseenheid = central control unit
Centrale besturingseenheid = Central controlling unit
centrale besturingseenheid = centralised control unit
centrale binnentuin = central courtyard garden
centrale brandstof injectie = single-point fuel injection
centrale bus = central bus
centrale cirkelvormige gat = central circular hole
Centrale Coherentie = Central Coherence
Centrale Commissie Financiele Ondersteuning (CCFO) = Central Committee for Financial Assistance (CCFO)
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO) = Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO)
Centrale Commissie Research = UT Central Research Commission
Centrale Commissie voor de Bezwaarschriften = Central Objections Committee
Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart = Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
centrale computer en gebruikers = central computer and users
centrale concept = central concept
centrale contactpersoon bij gno = gno point of contact
centrale controlemechanisme = central control mechanism
Centrale cues = Central cues
centrale dienst = central department
Centrale Dienst voor Contingenten en Vergunningen (CDCV) = Central Office for Contingents and Licences
Centrale Diensten = Service Departments
centrale drukgestuurde ventilatoren = "central, pressure-controlled fans"
centrale eenheid = central unit
Centrale Eenheid voor een Conferentiesysteem = Central unit for a Conferencing system
centrale eenheid voor een digitaal conferentiesysteem = central unit for a digital conferencing system
centrale elektriciteitsopwekking = centralised power plant
centrale en gemeenschappelijk = central and shared
centrale en gemeenschappelijke = central and shared
centrale en gemeenschappelijke installaties = central and shared installations
centrale facturatie = centralised invoicing
centrale frequentie = central frequency
Centrale functie UIT = Central function OUT
Centrale functiemodule voor zenders/actoren = Central functional unit for senders/actuators
centrale gebeuren = main event
centrale gedachte of boodschap = central thought or message
centrale hallen = central halls
Centrale hardware = Centralised hardware
centrale hoofdas = principal centroidal axis
centrale hoofdtraagheidsassen = principal axes of inertia
centrale houtkern = central wood core
Centrale Indelingscommissie = Central Classification Committee
Centrale informatiebalie = Central information desk
Centrale ingang = Central input
centrale inschrijfsysteem (SIS) = central enrollment system (SIS)
centrale kern = central core
centrale ketelinstallatie (f) = central boiler plant
centrale leerplek = central learning environment
centrale leerplek = central learning location
centrale lijn = centre line
Centrale limietstelling = Central-limit theorem
centrale limietstelling = central limit theorem
Centrale luchttoevoer/-afvoer = Central air supply and -exhaust
centrale magazijn = central warehouse
centrale medezeggenschap = representative advisory bodies (UvA)
centrale meldkamer = central control room
Centrale mogendheid = Central Powers
Centrale nationale veiligheidsautoriteit = single national authority
centrale of gezaghebbende organisatie = central organisation or authority
Centrale Ondernemingsraad = Central Works Council
Centrale Ondernemingsraad = Central Works Council (Centrale Ondernemingsraad)
centrale onderzoeksvraag = principal research question
centrale ontmoetingsplaats = central meeting place
centrale ontmoetingsplek = central meeting place
centrale ontwikkelomgeving = central development environment
centrale opening = central aperture
centrale opening = central opening
Centrale ophanging = Central suspension
centrale organisatie = central organisation
centrale overheid = central government
centrale plaats theorie = central place theory
centrale plant = central plant
centrale plek = central place
centrale portier vergrendeling = central locking system
centrale positie volgens Fisher = centre of location
centrale post = switchboard
centrale primaire besturing = central primary control
centrale printfaciliteiten = central printing facilities
Centrale Processor Unit(s) = Central Processing Unit(s)
Centrale Raad van Beroep = Central Appeals Board
centrale raad van bestuur = corporate executive committee
Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven = Central Council for the Industry
centrale rand = central rim
centrale Randstad servicedesk = central Randstad service desk
Centrale Recruitment afdeling = Central Recruitment department
centrale regelaar = central controller
Centrale Regelingen = Central Licensing
centrale regering = central government
centrale rol = central role
Centrale route = Central route
centrale ruimte inlaatspruitstuk = plenum chamber
centrale ruimte telefooncentrale = central telephone switchboard area
centrale server = central server
centrale smering = central lubrication system
centrale stimuleringsmiddelen = central incentive funds
centrale stofzuigsystemen = central vacuum systems
Centrale StudentenAdministratie (CSA) = Central Student Administration
Centrale Studentenbalie = Central Student Information Desk
centrale studentenraad = Central Student C+B48ouncil
centrale sturing = Central control
centrale stuurprint = central control PCB
centrale tegenpartij (CTP) = CCP
centrale tendentie = central tendency
Centrale thermostaat = Central thermostat
centrale ventilator = central fan
centrale vergrendeling indien 6 kleppen = central locking if 6 flaps
centrale verkeerscomputer = central traffic computer
centrale verwarming = central heating
centrale verwarming (centrale verwarmingsinstallatie) = central heating system
centrale verwarming (f) = central heating
centrale verwarming / cv = hot water heating system
centrale verwarming {de} = central heating
centrale verwarmingsinstallatie (f) = central heating plant
centrale verwerkingseenheden = central processing units
Centrale verwerkingseenheden (CPU) of processors = Central processing unit (CPU) or processors
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor microcomputer = Central processing units for microcomputers
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor minicomputer = Central processing units for minicomputers
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor pc's = Central processing units for personal computers
centrale verwerkingseenheid = main frame
centrale verwerkingseenheid = volume of business
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit: CPU
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit (part of a computer)
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit
centrale verwerkingseenheid = Central Processing Unit
centrale verwerkingseenheid van het computersysteem = central processing unit of the computer system
centrale verzamelplek = central collection place
Centrale Vestiging = Central Library
Centrale VICnet ruimten = central TICnet rooms
centrale voor besturing en bewaking op afstand = remote control and monitoring centre
Centrale voor gasdetectie = Centralised gas detection unit
centrale voor gecombineerde electriciteits-en warmteproductie = combined cycle-power station
Centrale voor Kredieten aan Particulieren = Bureau of Credit to private persons
Centrale voor Kredieten aan Particulieren = Central Individual Credit Register
centrale vragen = central questions
Centrale waarden = Central values
centrale zekeringkast = central fuse box
centrale zenuwstelsel = central nervous system
centralegebied = exchange area
centrale-limiet stelling van Lindeberg-Feller = Lindeberg-Feller theorem
centrale-limiet stelling van Lindeberg-Lévy = Lindeberg-Lévy theorem
centrale-overheidsinstanties = central government authorities
centraler gelegen = more centrally located
centraler gelegen in de structuur = more centrally located in the structure
centrales voor besturing en bewaking op afstand = remote control and monitoring centres
Centrale-tendentiemaatstaf = Central tendency criterion
centrale-verwarmingsketel (olieketel) = central heating furnace
centralisatie = centralisation
centralisatie = centralization
centralisatie van de informatie = centralisation of information
centralisatierekening = centralisation account
centraliseren = to centralize
centraliseren = to centralise [Br.]
Centraliseren = Centralize
centralist = operator
centraliteit = centrality
Centralpoint = Centralpoint
Centre = Center
Centre (Frankrijk) = Centre
Centre (Frankrijk) = Centre (France)
Centre Bolt = Centre Bolt
Centre of Excellence = Centre of Excellence
Centre of Expertise = CE
Centre of Expertise = Centre of Expertise
Centre of Expertise = COE
Centre of Registers and Information Systems = Centre of Registers and Information Systems
Centreer = Centring
centreer de gaten = centre the holes
centreerbaan = centring track
Centreerboor = Centre drill
centreerboor = centring drill
centreerdoorn = centring mandrel
centreerdoorn = centring pin
centreerdop = centring boss
centreereenheid = centring unit
centreerfout = centring error
centreergat = centring hole
centreergereedschap = centring tool
centreerhulp = centring aid
centreerhuls = centring sleeve
centreerlip = centring lug
centreermagneet = centring magnet
centreermal = centring jig
centreermiddel = centring device
centreernok = centring boss
centreernokken = centring ridge
centreernokken = centring ridges
centreerpen = centring pin
centreerplaat = centring plate
centreerpositie = centring position
centreerring = centring ring
centreerstrip = centring strip
Centreertijd = centering time
Centreertijd van pallets = Pallet centering time
centrefeed = centrefeed
centreren = to position
centreren = center (to)
centreren = Centre
centreren = to centre
centreren = center
centrering = centring
centrering van het remzadel = calliper centring device
centreringsregelaar = centring controller
centreringsregeling = centring control
Centres of Expertise = Centres of Expertise
Centric = Centric
centrifugaalbeton = centrifugated concrete
Centrifugaalcompressoren = Centrifugal compressors
centrifugaaldroger = centrifugal drier
centrifugaalgewicht = centrifugal force balance weight
centrifugaalkoppeling = centrifugal clutch
centrifugaalpomp = centrifugal pump
centrifugaalpomp met vacuümondersteuning = vacuum-assisted centrifugal pump
Centrifugaalpompen = Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugaalpompen en elevators voor vloeistoffen = Centrifugal pumps and liquid elevators
centrifugaalregulateur = centrifugal governor
centrifugaalrem = centrifugal brake
centrifugaalschakelaar = centrifugal switch
centrifugaalventilator = centrifugal fan
centrifugale kracht = centrifugal force
centrifugale ventilator = Centrifugal fan
centrifugale ventilator met achterwaarts gebogen schoepen met behuizing = Centrifugal backward curved fan with housing
centrifugale ventilator met achterwaarts gebogen schoepen zonder behuizin = Centrifugal backward curved fan without housing
centrifugale ventilator met radiale schoepen = Centrifugal radial bladed fan
centrifugale ventilator met voorwaarts gebogen schoepen = Centrifugal forward curved fan
centrifugatie = centrifugation
centrifugatiestap = centrifugation step
Centrifuge = Mangle
centrifuge = spin drier
Centrifuge = Wringer
centrifuge = hydroextractor
Centrifuge = Rotary dryer
Centrifuge = Spin-dryer
centrifuge = centrifuge
centrifuge- en separatorslib = centrifuge or separator sludge
centrifugeergang = spinning run
Centrifugeerresultaat = Spin drying performance class
Centrifugeersnelheid variabel instelbaar = Variable adjustable spin speed
centrifugeertijd = centrifuging time
centrifugeertrommel = spin drier drum
centrifugeproef = centrifuge test
Centrifugeren = Centrifuging
centrifugeren = to centrifuge
centrifugeren = hydro-extract
centrifugeren = centrifugate
centrifugeren = centrifuging
centrifugering = centrifugation
Centrifuges = Centrifuges
"Centrifuges, kalandermachines of verkoopautomaten" = "Centrifuges, calendering or vending machines"
centrifugestap = centrifugation step
Centriool = Centriole
Centronics = Centronics
Centronics 36-polig = Centronics 35-pole
Centrosoom = Centrosome
Centru (Roemenië) = Centru (Romania)
centrum = center
Centrum = Centre
Centrum (plaats) = Centre (ville)
centrum / middelpunt = centre
centrum {het} = centre [Br.]
centrum {het} = center [Am.]
Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen = Centre for Sustainable Building (Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen)
Centrum Oost = Centrum Oost
centrum van de naaf van het bedieningsorgaan van de stuurinrichting = Centre of the steering control boss
Centrum van de Verenigde Naties voor regionale ontwikkeling = UN Centre for Regional Development
centrum van een kanaal = center of channel
centrum van werkzaamheden = centre of operations
Centrum voor Aansprakelijkheidsrecht = Center for Liability Law
centrum voor afhandeling van oproepen = call handling center
Centrum voor Communicatie en Sensibilisering = Centre for Communication and Awareness-Raising
Centrum voor Consultatie en Expertise (CCE) = Centre for Consultation and Expertise (CCE)
Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van Azië en de Stille Oceaan = Asian and Pacific Development Centre
Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven = Centre for the Development of Enterprise
Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van Palliatieve Zorg Amsterdam = Centre for the Development of Palliative Care Amsterdam
Centrum voor Duurzaam bouwen = Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen (CeDuBo)
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling = Centre for Sustainable Development
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling = Centre for Sustainable Development of Ghent University
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling (CDO-UGent) = Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD-UGent)
Centrum voor Elektronische Ontwikkeling = Centre for Electronic Development
Centrum voor fondsenadministratie-stukken = CF certificates
Centrum voor fondsenadministratie-stukken = CF stocks
centrum voor geboorteregeling = family planning clinic
Centrum voor Innovatie en Maatschappelijk Ondernemen = Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Centrum voor Interculturele Ethiek = Center for Intercultural Ethics
Centrum voor Internationale Samenwerking = Centre for International Cooperation
Centrum voor Kennistransfer = Centre for Knowledge Transfer
Centrum voor Lokale Politiek = Centre for Local Politics of Ghent University
"Centrum voor Lokale Politiek, Vakgroep Politieke Wetenschappen" = "Centre for Local Politics, Department of Political Science, University of"
Centrum voor Mariene Aardwetenschappen = Centre for Marine Earth Sciences
Centrum voor Materialen Onderzoek = Materials Research Centre (CMO)
Centrum voor Mechanische Ontwikkeling = Centre for Mechanical Development
Centrum voor Niet-Westerse Studies = "Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies"
Centrum voor Ondernemerschap en Innovatie (CvOI) = Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centrum voor Onderzoek en Statistiek = Centre for Research and Statistics
Centrum voor Procesrecht = Center for Legal Procedure Litigation
"Centrum voor Produktie-, Logistiek en Operationeel Management" = "Centre for Production, Logistics and Operational Management (CPLOM)"
"Centrum voor Proeven, Vorming en Advies" = "Centre for Testing, Training and Advice"
Centrum voor Rijgeschiktheid = Centre for Driving Aptitude
Centrum voor Rijgeschiktheid en voertuigaanpassing (CARA) = Belgian Centre for driving aptitude and vehicle adaptation (CARA)
Centrum voor Schone Technologie en Milieubeleid = Centre for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy (CSTM)
centrum voor studie en loopbaan = Course and Career Information Centre
Centrum voor Studiekeuze = Study Counselling Centre
Centrum voor Studies voor het Hoger Onderwijs Beleid = Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)
Centrum voor Taal en Spraaktechnologie = Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST
Centrum voor Telematica en Informatietechnologie = Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
Centrum voor Verouderingsonderzoek = Center for Research on Aging
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Centre for Work and Income
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment agency
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment exchange
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment service
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Job centre
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Labour Exchange
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Labour Office
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen (arbeidsbureau) = Centre for Work and Income
Centrum voor Wetenschap en Levensbeschouwing = Centre for Science and Values
Centrum voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken = Center for Legislative Studies
centrumbemonstering = center sampling
Centrumdirectie = Centre Management
centrumfrequentie = center frequency
Centrumgebied = city centre
centrumgebied = central area
Centrumgebied de Uithof = De Uithof centre
centrumgebied van de Uithof = De Uithof centre
centrumgebieden = "central area, city area"
centrumgevulde = center-filled
Centrumkantoordirecteur = Main Branch Manager
centrummilieu = city centre environment
centrumpen = record spindle
centuries-old = eeuwenoud
Centurio = Centurian
Centurion = Centurian
centveiling = penny auction
CEO = chair of the board
CEO = chief executive officer
CEO Benelux = CEO Benelux
CEO en oprichter = CEO and founder
Cepheïde = Cepheids
Cepheus (sterrenbeeld) = Cepheus (constellation)
Cera = Cera
ceramic plant = ceramics plant
ceramiek = ceramics
Cerbère = Cerberus
Cerberus = Cerberus
Cerberus (mythologie) = Cerberus
Cerebellair = Cerebellar
Cerebraal = Cerebral
cerebraal zuurstofgebrek = brain hypoxia
cerebrale inklemming van de middenstructuur = subfascial  herniation
Cerebrospinaal = Cerebrospinal
Cerebrovasculair = Cerebrovascular
Ceremonie = Formally dressed
ceremonie = ceremony
Ceremonie = Formality
Ceremonie = Proceedings
Ceremonie = Ceremoniously
"ceremonie, plechtigheid" = ceremony (official gathering to celebrate)
"ceremonie, plechtigheid" = ceremony (ritual with religious significance)
Ceremonieel = Ceremonial
ceremonieel = formal
ceremoniemeester = commissar
Ceres = Ceres
Ceres (dwergplaneet) = Ceres (dwarf planet)
Ceres (mythologie) = Ceres (mythology)
Cerium = Cerium
Cerium [Ce] = Cerium [Ce]
cerlet = verlet (typo) --> leave of absence
cermetweerstand = cermet resistor
CERN Ideasquare = CERN Ideaquare
cert coordination center (computer emergency response team) = cert coordination center (computer emergency response team)
certainty equivalence = certainty equivalence
certficiatie-instelling = certification body
Certifiacte = Certificate
certificaat = certificate
certificaat = award certificate
certificaat = depositary receipt
certificaat = depositary receipt for a share
certificaat aan toonder = bearer certificate
certificaat aan toonder = depositary receipt for a share
certificaat aan toonder = depository receipt of share
certificaat aan toonder = dividend certificate
certificaat aan toonder = stock trust certificate [Am.]
certificaat beroepsopleiding advocatuur = training certificate for the legal profession
certificaat beschikbaar = certificate available upon request
certificaat beschikbaar = certificate available upon
Certificaat chauffeur heftruck = Forklift driving certificate
Certificaat details = Certificate details
Certificaat inzake goederenverkeer = Certificate goods transit
certificaat inzake goederenverkeer = movement certificate
Certificaat nummer = Certificate number
certificaat van aandeel = share certificate
certificaat van aandeel op naam = depositary receipt for registered share
certificaat van beschadiging = certificate of damage
Certificaat van conformiteit = Certificate of Conformity
Certificaat van conformiteit in het kader van de wetgeving Welzijn op het = Certificate of Conformity within the framework of the Wellbeing at Work C
certificaat van controlerend accountant = auditor’s certificate
certificaat van controlerend accountant = certificate of title (issued by a title company)
certificaat van de basiscertificeringsinstantie = Root certification authority certificate
certificaat van eigendom = certificate of ownership
Certificaat van goedkeuring verstrekt = Certificate of approval issued
certificaat van inschrijvingen van aandelen op naam = registered share subscription certificate
certificaat van luchtwaardigheid = certificate of airworthiness
certificaat van luchtwaardigheid = paying
certificaat van oorsprong = certificate of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Certificate of country of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Certificate of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Origin certificate
certificaat van openbaar accountant = certificate of independent (public) accountant
certificaat van overeenstemming = certificate of conformity
Certificaat van Toezicht op Laagspanningsinstallaties en arbeidsmiddelen = Certificaat van Toezicht op Laagspanningsinstallaties (certificate of sup
certificaat van tweede afgifte = second-issue licence
certificaat van uitvoer = export certificate
certificaat van uitvoer = scrip
certificaat van voedingsgeschiktheid = food grade certificate
certificaat van vrijstelling = exemption certificate
certificaat van zeewaardigheid = certificate of seaworthiness
certificaat voor clientverificatie = client authentication certificate
certificaat voor de infrastructuur van openbare sleutels = Public Key Infrastructure certificate
certificaat voor de kwalificatie assessor = assessor qualification certificate
certificaat voor token-ondertekening = token-signing certificate
"certificaat, certificatie" = caption (section of an official paper)
certificaat/kwalificatie = certificate/qualification
certificaatabonnee = certificate subscriber
certificaatarchief = certificate store
certificaatautoriteit = CA
certificaatautoriteit = certificate authority
certificaatautoriteit = certification authority
Certificaatbeheer = Cert Manager
certificaatbeheerder = certificate manager
certificaatbewijzen = certificates issued in respect of depository receipts
Certificaatbewijzen = depositary receipt certificates
Certificaathouder = Depositary receipt holder
certificaathouder = depositary receipt holder
Certificaathouder(s) = Depositary receipt holders(s)
certificaathouders = depositary receipt holders
Certificaathouders = Depositary receipt holders
certificaathoudersovereenkomst = depositary receipt holders’ agreement
certificaathoudersregister = depositary receipt holders’ register
certificaatinschrijving = certificate enrollment
certificaatinschrijvingsbeleid = certificate enrollment policy
certificaatintrekking = certificate revocation
certificaatintrekkingscontrole = certificate revocation checking
certificaatintrekkingslijst = certificate revocation list
certificaatketen = certification path
certificaatketen = certificate chain
certificaatkoppeling = certificate chaining
certificaatnummer = certificate number
certificaatpinning = certificate pinning
certificaatsjabloon = certificate template
certificaatuitgifte = certificate issuance
certificaatuitgiftebeleid = certificate issuance policy
Certificaatvalidatieservice = Certificate Validation Service
certificaatvanoorsprong = certificate of origin
certificaatvanregionalebenaming = regional appellation certificate
certificaatverificatie = certificate verification
certificaatverlener = certificate issuer
certificaatvertrouwenslijst = certificate trust list
Certificate Lifecycle Manager Client = Certificate Lifecycle Manager Client
Certificate of Authenticity (Certificaat van Echtheid) = certificate of authenticity
certificate of cause of death = certificate of cause of death
certificate of competence = Certificate of Competence
Certificate Profile Update Control = Certificate Profile Update Control
Certificate Revocation Lists = Certificate Revocation Lists
certificate signing request = Certificate Signing Request
certificaten = certificates
certificaten = depositary receipts
certificaten = Depositary Receipts
certificaten = depositary receipts for shares
Certificaten aan toonder = Bearer depositary receipts
Certificaten en Certificaathouders = Depositary receipts and Depositary receipt holders
certificaten en uitgevoerde controles = certificates and completed checks
certificaten in eigendom ten titel van beheer = in trust
Certificaten niet voorgelegd = Certificates not submitted
certificaten op naam = depositary receipts for registered shares
certificaten op naam van Aandelen = registered depositary receipts for Shares
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts (for shares)
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts for shares
certificaten van Aandelen in het kapitaal van de Vennootschap = depositary receipts for shares in the capital of the Company
certificaten van aandelen op naam = depositary receipts for registered shares
"certificates, audit reports or assessments" = "certificaten, audit-rapporten of beoordelingen"
certificatie = certification
certificatie door SGS = SGS certification
certificatie- en verwervingsprocedure = certification and procurement procedures
certificatie instelling = certification body
certificatie- instelling = certification body
certificatie voor de bosbouw = forest certification
certificatiebureau = certification office
Certificatiedienst voor elektronische handtekeningen = Electronic signature certification services
certificatie-instelling = certification body
certificatie-instellingen = certification bodies
certificatie-instituut = certification institute
certificatiemerken = certification marks
Certificatienorm = Certification standard
Certificatienormen = Certification standards
Certificatienummer = Certification number
certificatieprogramma frame relay customer premises equipment (cpe) = frame relay customer premises equipment (cpe) certification program
Certificatiereglement = Certification Rules
certificatieschema = certification scheme
Certification = ZF
certification programme = certificeringsprogramma
certificeert = certifies
Certificeren = Testify
Certificeren = Certification (the process)
certificeren = to certify
certificeren = attest
certificerende instelling = certification body
Certificering = Certification
certificering = issuance of depositary receipts for shares
certificering na productie = post-production certification
certificering op geluidsisolatie = certification for soundproofing
certificering van aandelen = issuing depositary receipts for shares
certificeringen = certifications
certificeringsautoriteit = certification authority
certificeringsautoriteiten = certification authorities
Certificeringsbevoegdheid = Certification authorisation
certificeringscommissie = Certification Committee
Certificeringscommissie Docentkwalificaties = Certification Committee for Lecturer Qualifications
Certificeringsdienstverlening = Certification services
certificeringshiërarchie = certification hierarchy
certificeringsinstantie = certification authority
certificeringsinstantie = certification body
certificeringsinstantie (CA) voor ondernemingen = enterprise certification authority
certificeringsinstellingen = certification bodies
certificeringsmechanisme = certification mechanism
certificeringsnummer = certification number
certificeringsorganisaties = certification organisations
certificeringspersoneel = certifying staff
certificeringsproces = certification process
certificeringsprogramma voor assessoren = certification programme for assessors
certificeringstype = certification type
certificeringswerkzaamheden = certification tasks
Certified Company-certificering = Certified Company certification programme
Certified Company-programma = Certified Company programme
Certified System Partners = Certified System Partners
Certified Used Cars = Certified Used Cars
certifiëringsinstelling = certification lab
certifikaat = certificate
Certipost = Certipost
Cerumen = Cerumen
cerumen = earwax
Cerus Europe B.V = Cerus Europe BV
Cervelaat = Saveloy
Cervicaal = Cervical
cervix = cervix
Cervix uteri = Cervix uteri
cervixcarcinoom = cervical cancer
cervixcarcinoom = cervical carcinoma
Cesar = Caesar
Cesare Borgia = Cesare Borgia
cesium = caesium
cesium = cesium
Cesium [Cs] = Cesium [Cs]
"Cesium, strontium, rubidium en calcium" = "Caesium, strontium, rubidium and calcium"
cessie = abandonment
Cessie = Assignment
cessie/overdracht/afstand = assignment
cessie-akte = assignment deed
cessie-akte = deed of assignment
cessiegebied = licensed territory
cessionaris = assignee
cessus = debtor
Cesuur = Nick
Cesuur = Caesura
cesuur = cut-off score
cesuurbepaling = cut-off score(s)
cesuurbepaling = determination of a pass mark
cesuurbepaling = the setting of a cutting score
cesuurbepaling = cut-off score provision
cesuurbepalingen = cut-off score provisions
CET 08:00 t/m 17:30 uur = 08:00 to 17:30 CET
Ceteris paribus = Ceteris paribus
cetostearylalcohol = cetostearyl alcohol
cetostearylether = cetostearyl ether
cetyl- en stearylalcoholen = cetyl and stearyl alcohols
cetylalcohol = cetyl alcohol
cetylesterswas = cetyl esters wax
cetylpyridiniumchloride = cetylpyridinium chloride
CE-typeplaat = CE rating plate
Ceuta = Ceuta
Ceuta en Melilla = Ceuta and Melilla
CE-veiligheidsvoorschriften = CE safety regulations
CE-verklaring = CE declaration
CE-verklaring van overeenstemming = CE declaration of conformity
CEX = central exchange
CEX = central exchange (CEX)
Ceylon = Ceylon
Ceylonees = Ceylonese
Ceylons = Ceylonese
Cf. = cf.
Cf. = compare with
cf. = see:
CFB = Cultural Foundation Building (CFB)
CFH = CFH (Commission for Pharmaceutical Help)
Cfi = Central Funding of Institutions Agency (CFI)
Cfi = Cfi
CF-kaart = CF card
CF-kaart = CompactFlash card
CFK-houdende = CFC-containing
CFK-vrij = CFC free
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CFO-dag = annual conference for chief financial officers
cfr = cf.
cfr = compare with
cfr. = colleague
cfr. = cf
cfr. = See
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = see:
cfr. artikel = see Clause
cfu = cfu
cfu/ml = cfu/ml
CGB = Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG)
CGI = common gateway interface
cgi naam = cgi name
C-glasvezel = C glass fiber
CGMT = (contant geld) money transfer
CGN = "Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN)"
Ch = Ch (= Countersunk head)
Ch 22 spoelsonde = Ch 22 Irrigation unit / probe
Ch scr skt = Ch scr skt
ch scr skt = ch scr skt
Ch. de Costerlaan = Charles de Costerlaan
CH4 = methane
CH4 = CH4
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = CH50 assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = complement  hemolytic activity assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = hemolytic titration assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = serum complement titer
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = total hemolytic complement
Chabarovsk = Khabarovsk
chador = chador
chagrijn = shagreen
Chagrijn = Aggressiveness
chagrijnig = dismal
Chai = Wine and spirits store
Chain = Chain
Chain of Custody = Chain of Custody
Chain.MaximumLength = Chain.MaximumLength
Chain.MinimumLength = Chain.MinimumLength
Chain.TotalLength = Chain.TotalLength
chair = chair
Chairman Board Executive Directors = Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors
Chairman of the Board = Chairman of the Board
chaise-lounge = couch
Chakma = Chakma
Chakra = Chakra
Chalcedoon = Chalcedony
Chaldea = Chaldea
Chaldeeën = Chaldea
Chaldeeër = Chaldean
Chaldeeuws = Chaldean
Chaldeeuwse = Chaldean
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
Challenging neighbours = Challenging neighbours
chaloderma = dermatolysis
Chalumeau = Piper
Chalumeau = Blowlamp
Chalumeau = Blowpipe
Chamber = Chamber
Chamber Buffer = Chamber Buffer
chamefyt = surface plant
Chameleon = Chameleon
Chamois = Chamois
chamotte = fireclay
chamottesteen = firestone
champagne = champagne
Champagne (wijn) = Champagne (wine)
Champagne-Ardennen = Champagne-Ardenne
Champagne-Ardennes = Champagne-Ardenne
champagnepils = Champagnepils (tastes like Dandelion & Burdock)
Champenois = Champagne
Champernowne-verdelingen = Champernowne distributions
champignon = mushroom
Champignon = Agaric
champignon-/paddestoelenkwekerij = Mushroom growers
Champignons = Mushrooms
champignonteelt = mushroom-growing
Champlainmeer = Lake Champlain
champost = mushroom compost
Chandrasekhar-limiet = Chandrasekhar limit
Change = Change
Change Advisory Board = Change Advisory Board
Change Advisory Board = Change Advisory Board (CAB)
change coalition = change coalition
change control = change control
change control processen = change control processes
change controls = change controls
Change Evaluation = Change Evaluation
Change Leadership = Change Leadership
Change Logic = Change Logic
Change Management = Change Management
change management = change management
change management = change management (IMACD)
Change Management proces = Change Management process
Change Manager = Change Manager
change office = change office
change process = changeproces
change request = change request
change support = change support
change/wijziging = change
changecoördinator = change coordinator
changed = changed
ChangeEvent = ChangeEvent
changegeschiedenis = change history
changemanagement = change management (IMACD)
changemanagement = change management
changemanagement = IMACD
changemodel = change model
changeplan = change schedule
changerecord = change record
changes = changes
CHANGES to the protocol = CHANGES to the protocol
changevenster = change window
changevoorstel = change proposal
Channel Overeenkomst = Channel Agreement
Channel Overeenkomst van de Overheidspartner = Government Partner’s Channel Agreement
channel partners = channel partners
chanoeka = Hanukkah
Chanoeka = Hannukah
Chanoine-klep = Chanoine shutter
Chanoine-klepstuw = Chanoine shutter weir
Chanson = Song
Chanson = Chanson
chantage = blackmail
"chantage plegen, chanteren" = to blackmail
Chantal Janzen = Chantal Janzen
Chanteren = Blackmail
Chantilly = Chantilly cream
Chantilly = Whipped cream
Chantillyparket = Chantilly parquet
chaos = chaos
CHAOS = CHAOS (Linux distribution)
Chaos (Griekse mythologie) = Chaos (mythology)
chaostheorie = chaos theory
chaotisch = chaotic
chape = screed
Chapelle = Chapel
chaperonne = chaperon
chaperonneren = chaperon
Chaperonneren = Squire
chaperonpan (dak) = coping tile
Chapiter = Chapter
Chapman Taylor = Chapman Taylor
Chapman-Kolmogorov-vergelijkingen = Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
chappe = floret silk
chaptaliseren = chaptalisation
char = char
CHAR = chartaal geld = common money
character streams en byte streams = character streams and byte streams
Charcuterie = Delicatessen
charcuterie = charcuterie
Chardon = Thistle
Charel = Charles
Charente = Charente
charge = batch
charge = assault
Charge cards = Charge cards
Charge Coupled Device = charge-coupled device
Charge Point Integrator = Charge Point Integrator
Charge Point Operator = Charge Point Operator
chargegrootte = batch size
chargenummer = batch number
Chargeren = Overstep the mark
Chargeren = Go too far
Chargeren = Pile it on
Chargeren = Overdo
Chargeren = Overstate
chargeren = exaggerate
Charisma = Charisma
charismatisch = charismatic
charismatisch = charismatically
charismatisch leiderschap = charismatic leadership
charitas = charity
charitatief = charitable
charitatieve = charity-related
charitatieve instelling = charitable institution
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin = Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charkov = Kharkiv
Charlatan = Charlatan
Charlatan = Humbug
Charlatan = Impostor
Charlatan = Quack
Charlatan = Fraudster
Charleroi = Charleroi
Charles Baudelaire = Charles Baudelaire
Charles Darwin = Charles Darwin
Charles de Gaulle = Charles de Gaulle
Charles Dickens = Charles Dickens
Charles Fourier = Charles Fourier
Charles Fourier = Fourier
Charles Law = Charles’ Law
Charles Lindbergh = Charles Lindbergh
Charles Peirce = Charles Peirce
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson = Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
"Charles, prins van Wales" = Charles
Charleston (West Virginia) = Charleston
Charlie Chaplin = Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Parker = Charlie Parker
Charlier-polynomen = Charlier polynomials
Charlier-verdeling = Charlier distribution
Charlotte (North Carolina) = Charlotte
Charmant = Ducky
Charmant = Beguiling
Charmant = Charming
Charmant = Fetching
charme = charm
Charmed = Charmed
charmeren = charm
Charon = Charon
Charon (god) = Charon (mythology)
Charon (maan) = Charon (moon)
CharSequence als String te retourneren = return the CharSequence as String
Chartaal betalingverkeer = Payments in circulation
chartaal geld = cash
Chartaal geld = Money in circulation
Chartaal geld = Fiduciary money
chartale betaaldiensten = cash payment services
Chartale wisselkoersen naar 5 decimalen = notes and coin exchange rates to five decimal places
charter = charter
Charter = Chartered plane
Charter = Charter flight
Charteren = Charter
charteren = chartering
charteren = hire
charteren (sentence) = charter
Chartoem = Khartoum
Chartres = Chartres
Chartreuse = Tansy
Chartreuse = Chartreuse
Chartreuse = Benedictine ®
Chartreux = Carthusian
Chartreux = Carthusian monk
Charybdis = Charybdis
Chassé = Chassé
Chassé Theater = Chassé Theater
chasseeractiviteit = chasing activity
Chassépark = Chassé Park
chasseren = to chase
Chassé-terrein = Chassé-terrein
chasseur = chaser
Chassis = Frame
Chassis = Chassis
chassis (golfkartonmachine) = chassis (corrugator)
Chassis met cabines = Chassis cabs
Chassis met lege opbouw = Chassis bodies
Chassisaardingsklem = Earthing set
chassisachterplaat = chassis backplate
chassisafdekplaat = chassis cover
chassisbeugel = chassis bracket
chassisdeel = chassis connector
Chassisdeel vermogensschakelaar = Chassis part power circuit breaker
Chassisdeel voor opname van apparaatbekers = Chassis part for device cups
Chassismontage = Housing mounting
chassisnummer = chassis number
chassissmering = chassis lubrication
Chat = Chat
chat sessies = chat sessions
chatbericht = instant message
chatberichten = IM
chatberichten = instant messaging
chatberichtsessie = instant message session
chatbot = chatbot
Châtelain = Manor-owner
Châtelain = Lord
Chatfunctie = Chat feature
chatgesprek = chat
chatri = chatri
chatroom = chat room
chatsessie = instant message conversation
chatsessie = instant messaging session
Chatten = Cat
chatten = chat
chatten voor ondersteuning = chat support
Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code = Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
chauf = driver
chaufferen = to drive
chaufferen = drive
chauffeur = driver
chauffeur = chauffeur
Chauffeur = Drive
chauffeur {de} = chauffeur
chauffeur {de} = driver
chauffeur en bijrijder = driver and co-driver
Chauffeur Internationaal = International Driver
chauffeur positie = driver’s position
chauffeurs = drivers
Chauffeurs = Drivers
chauffeursdiensten = chauffeur services
Chauffeurshandboek = Driver’s manual
Chauffeurskaart = taxi driver’s permit
chauffeurskant = driver’s side
chauffeursmicrofoon op de A-stijl (telefoon) = driver's microphone on A-pillar (telephone)
chauffeurspositie = driver’s position
chauffeursslaapplaatskachel = driver's sleeping compartment heater
chauffeursslaapplaatsklep = driver's sleeping compartment flap
chauffeuse {de} = chauffeuse
Chauvenet-criterium = Chauvenet's criterion
chauvinisme = chauvinism
Chauvinisme = Jingoism
chauvinist = chauvinist
chauvinistisch = chauvinistic
Chayes brug = Chayes  fixed-movable bridge
chccolade = chocolate
Che Guevara = Che Guevara
Cheaper by the Dozen = Baker's dozen
Chebyshev metriek = Chebyshev metric
check = check
check filters = check filters
Check Inhoudingsplicht = ‘Check Inhoudingsplicht’ (check withholding obligation)
Check op volledigheid = Completeness check
CHECK!!!! = 2016-07-12T20:11:26
check_integer = check_integer
check_interval = check_interval
CHECK-beperking = CHECK constraint
checken = to verify
Checken = Check
Checken = Verify
checken = to check
Checken = Monitor
checken = audit
check-in = check-in area
checklijst = checklist
checklijsten = check-lists
checklist = checklist
checklist Essentiële Eisen = Essential Requirements checklist
Checklist Mechanisch en Elektrisch = Mechanical and Electrical Checklist
checklisten = checklists
checkout = checkout
checkpoints = checkpoints
checkronde = inspection round
Checksum = Checksum
checksum = checksum
checkt uit = checks out
checkwegers = checkweighers
checkweigher = checkweigher
Cheddar = Cheddar cheese
cheddar = cheddar
cheers = cheers
Cheesecake = cheesecake
cheeta = cheetah
cheeta {de} = cheetah
chef = station-master
chef = boss
Chef = Chief
chef = supervisor
chef = head
chef / manager klantendienst (b) /hoofd binnendienst (nl) / customer serv = customer service manager
Chef Arbeidsvoorwaarden / Personeelsregelingen = Head of Labour Conditions / Office Administrator
chef de partie = chef de partie
Chef Financiële Administratie = Accounts Department Manager
"chef productie, productie manager" = production manager
chef van de administratie = chief accountant
Chefkok = Jobsworth
Chefkok = Chief
Chefkok = Boss
Chefkok = Leader
chefkok = chef
Chefkok = Head
Chefkok = Foreman
Chef-kok = Foreman
Chef-kok = Leader
Chef-kok = Chief
Chef-kok = Chef
Chef-kok = Boss
Chef-kok = Jobsworth
Chef-kok = Head
chef-programmeur = chief programmer
cheilitis glandularis = glandular cheilitis
cheilitis glandulosa apostematosa = apostematous  glandular cheilitis
cheilitis granulomatosa van Miescher = Miescher  granulatomous cheilitis
chelaatvormer = chelating agent
chelaatvormers = chelating agents
chelaatvormige micronutriënt = Chelated micro-nutrient
Chelatie = Chelation
Chelicerata = chelicerate
chem specialiteitenfabriek = custom chemical manufacturer
chemicali#nopslagplaats = Chemicals storage
chemicali‰n = chemicals
chemicalie = chemical
chemicalien = chemicals
chemicaliën = chemicals
chemicaliën = chemical
chemicaliën die schadelijk zijn voor het milieu = environmentally harmful chemicals
chemicaliën in het milieu = chemical in the environment
Chemicaliën opslag = Chemicals storage
Chemicaliën voor waterbehandeling = Water-treatment chemicals
Chemicaliënbescherming = Protection against chemicals
chemicaliënbestendigheid = chemical resistance
"chemicaliënindustrie, chemische industrie" = chemicals (chemical industry)
chemicaliënvastheid = resistance to chemicals
chemicali�n = chemical
chemicali�n = chemical substance
Chemicus = Chemist
Chemicus Organisch Synthetische Research = Synthetic Organic Research Chemist
Chemie = Chemistry
Chemie (bacheloropleiding) = Chemistry
chemie {de} = chemistry
Chemie aandeel = chemical concentration
Chemie en Chemische Technologie = xxx
chemie- en detergentenmarkt = chemicals and detergents market
Chemie/Moleculaire Technologie = Chemical/Molecular Engineering
Chemieanalysatoren = Chemistry analyser
chemie-hydrometry = chemical gauging
chemie-hydrometry = chemi-hydrometry
chemiekaart = chemical safety card
chemiekaarten = chemical safety cards
Chemielinco en B3partners = Chemielinco en B3partners
chemiemarkt = chemical market
Chemiepark Delfzijl = Chemical Park Delfzijl (‘Chemiepark Delfzijl’)
chemiereuzen = chemical giants
Chemin = Road
Chemin = Path
Cheminot = Railwayman
Chemisch = Chemically
chemisch = chemical
Chemisch afval = Chemical waste
chemisch agressief = chemically aggressive
chemisch agressieve = chemically aggressive
chemisch anker = chemical anchor
chemisch bedrijf = chemical company
chemisch beitsen = chemical pickling
chemisch beleid = chemical policy
Chemisch bestendig = Resistant to chemicals
Chemisch bestrijdingsmiddel = Pesticide
chemisch bewerkt = chemically processed
chemisch element = chemical element
"chemisch element, scheikundig element" = chemical element (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot
chemisch etsen = chemical etching
chemisch gecrosslinked = chemically crosslinked
Chemisch gewijzigde vetten en oliën = Chemically-modified fats and oils
chemisch glanzend = chemical bright dip
chemisch onderzoek = chemical research
chemisch ongeval = chemical accident
chemisch polijstbad = chemical polishing bath
chemisch polijsten = chemical polishing
chemisch procédé = chemical process
chemisch proces = chemical process
chemisch product = chemical product
chemisch reinigen = dry cleaning
chemisch reinigen = dryclean
chemisch reinigen = dry clean
chemisch reinigen = chemical cleaning
chemisch reinigingsbedrijf = Dry cleaning services
chemisch risico = chemical risk
chemisch schoon = chemically clean
chemisch stabiel = chemically stable
chemisch vergulden = electroless gold plating
chemisch vernikkelen = electroless nickel plating
chemisch verwant = chemically related
chemisch wapen = chemical weapon
chemisch zout = chemical salt
chemisch zuiver = chemically pure
Chemisch Zuurstof Verbruik = COD‚ chemical oxygen demand
chemisch zuurstofverbruik = chemical oxygen demand
chemisch zuurstofverbruik (COD) = chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Chemische = Chemical
chemische aantasting = chemical staining
Chemische additieven = Chemical additives
chemische adsorptie = chemisorption
chemische afvalstoffenopslag/kca-depot = Chemical waste storage/household hazardous waste storage
chemische alcohol = chemical alcohol
Chemische Analyse = Chemical Analysis
chemische analysen = chemical analysis
chemische analyses = chemical analysis services
chemische basisindustrie = raw chemical industry
chemische behandeling = chemical treatment
chemische behandeling van afval = chemical treatment of waste
chemische belastbaarheid = chemical resistance
Chemische bescherming = Protective sheath
chemische bestendigheid bij hoge temperaturen = chemical resistance at high temperatures
Chemische bestendigheid tegen = Chemical resistance to
Chemische bestendigheid tegen dooizouten en verontreiningen = Chemical resistance to thawing salts and contaminants
chemische bestrijding = chemical pest control
chemische binding = chemical bond
Chemische binding = Chemical bound
chemische component = chemical component
chemische componenten = chemical components
chemische condensator = chemical capacitor
Chemische contraceptiva = Chemical contraceptives
chemische corrosiekracht = chemical corrosivity
chemische depositie = chemical deposition
chemische eigenschappen = chemical property
chemische eigenschappen = chemical properties
chemische elementen (en hun verbindingen) = chemical element
Chemische elementen in schijfjes = Chemical elements in disc form
"Chemische elementen, anorganische zuren en verbindingen" = "Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds"
chemische en fysische eigenschappen = chemical and physical properties
chemische en fysische reacties = chemical and physical reactions
chemische en mechanische eigenschappen = chemical and mechanical properties
chemische fabriek = chemical plant
chemische fall-out = chemical fallout
chemische formule = chemical formula
Chemische fosfaathoudende meststoffen = Chemical phosphatic fertilisers
Chemische Fysica = Chemical Physics
chemische gevaren = chemical hazards
Chemische groep = Group (periodic table)
chemische grondstabilisatie = chemical soil stabilization
chemische grondstoffen en chemicali#ngroothandel = Chemical raw materials and chemicals wholesalers
chemische grondstoffenindustrie = Chemical raw materials industry
chemische hervorming = chemical conversion
chemische industrie = chemical industry
chemische installatie = chemical installation
chemische invloeden van buitenaf = external chemical influences
chemische kantoorbenodigdheden-fabrieken = Chemical office supplies industry
chemische machines en apparaten = chemical machines and apparatus
chemische meststof = chemical fertiliser
Chemische mineralen = Chemical minerals
chemische naam = chemical name
chemische oceanografie = chemical oceanography
chemische ontbinding = chemical degradation
chemische ontsmetting = chemical decontamination
chemische preparaten voor farmaceutisch gebruik = chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes
chemische preparaten voor medisch gebruik = chemical preparations for medical purposes
chemische processen = chemical process
chemische producten = chemicals
Chemische producten = Chemical products
chemische producten = chemical preparations
chemische producten = chemical products
chemische producten en gevaarlijke stoffen = chemicals and hazardous substances
chemische producten voor de hygiëne = chemical preparations for hygiene
chemische producten voor de landbouw = agricultural chemicals
Chemische producten voor de landbouw = Agro-chemical products
Chemische producten voor de olie- en gasindustrie = Chemical products for the oil and gas industry
chemische producten voor de verwerkende industrie = chemicals used in processing industries
chemische producten voor fotografische doeleinden = chemicals used in photography
chemische producten voor gebruik in de medische = chemical products for use in medical science
chemische producten voor gebruik in land- en tuinbouw = chemical products for use in agriculture and horticulture
chemische producten voor het conserveren van voedingsmiddelen = chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs
chemische producten voor industriële doeleinden = chemical products for use in industry
"chemische producten voor industriële doeleinden, kleefstoffen voor indus" = "chemicals for industrial purposes, adhesives for industrial purposes"
chemische producten voor industriële en landbouwkundige doeleinden = chemicals used in industry and agriculture
chemische producten voor industriële en wetenschappelijke doeleinden = chemicals used in industry and science
"chemische producten voor industriële, land-, tuin- en bosbouwkundige doe" = "chemicals used in industry, agriculture, horticulture and"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agricu"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agricu"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke, land-, tuin- en" = "chemicals used in industry, science, agriculture, horticulture and forest"
"chemische producten voor land-, tuin- en bosbouwkundige doeleinden" = "chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry"
chemische producten voor wetenschappelijke doeleinden = chemical preparations for scientific purposes
chemische productoplossing = chemical product solution
chemische productoplossingen = chemical product solutions
Chemische reactie = Chemical reaction
chemische reacties = chemical reaction
chemische reactiviteit = chemical reactivity
chemische reactor = chemical reactor
chemische reactoren = chemical reactors
"chemische reactoren, bijvoorbeeld chemische reactoren" = chemical reactors with multiple parallel channels
chemische reagentia = chemical reagents
chemische reagentia voor medisch of diergeneeskundig gebruik = chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes
chemische reductie = chemical reduction
chemische resistentie = chemical resistance
chemische risico’s = chemical risks
chemische samenstelling = chemical composition
chemische samenstelling van voedingsmiddelen = chemical composition of foods
chemische samenstellingen voor het solderen = soldering chemicals
chemische sensor = chemical sensor
chemische stabilisatoren = chemical stabilisers
Chemische stabiliteit = Chemical stability
chemische stof die in een lidstaat verboden of aan strenge beperkingen on = chemical banned or severely restricted by a Member State
chemische stoffen = chemical substances
chemische structuur = chemical structure
Chemische technologie = Chemical engineering
Chemische Technologie = Chemical Technology
Chemische Technologie (bacheloropleiding) = Chemical Engineering
Chemische Technologie en Informatica = Chemical Engineering and Computer Science
chemische toestellen en instrumenten = chemistry apparatus and instruments
chemische toevoeging = chemical addition
Chemische toiletten = Chemical toilets
Chemische verbinding = Chemical compound
chemische verbinding = compound
chemische verbindingen = chemical compounds
chemische verontreinigende stof = chemical pollutant
chemische verontreiniging = chemical contamination
chemische verontreiniging = chemical pollution
chemische ververij = Chemical dyeing services
chemische vervuiling = chemical contamination
chemische vervuiling = chemical pollution
chemische verwering = chemical weathering
chemische vloeistoffen = liquid chemicals
chemische voorbehandeling = chemical pre-treatment
Chemische wapens = Chemical warfare
chemische wasserij/stomerij = Dry cleaning services
Chemische weerstand en slagvast = Chemical and impact resistant
chemische zuurstofbehoefte = chemical oxigen demand (COD)
chemische zuurstofverbruik = chemical oxygen demand
chemische-stoffenbeleid = chemical substances policy
chemisch-fysische reacties = chemical/physical reactions
Chemischreiniging = Dry-cleaning
Chemistry and Biotechnology = Chemistry and Biotechnology
Chemnitz = Chemnitz
"chemo-, chemie-, scheikundig" = chemistry (as modifier: relating to or using chemistry)
"chemokuur {f}, chemotherapie" = chemotherapy (chemical treatment intended to be therapeutic with respect
"chemokuur {f}, chemotherapie" = chemotherapy (chemical treatment to kill or halt the replication and/or s
chemoradiatie = chemoradiation
Chemoreceptor = Chemoreceptor
Chemotherapeuticum = Chemotherapeutic
Chemotherapie = Chemotherapy
ChemSpider = ChemSpider database
chenille = chenille
chenille garen = chenille yarn
chenille garens = chenille yarns
chenillegaren = chenille
chenodeoxycholzuur = chenodeoxycholate
Cheque = Check
cheque = cheque
cheque {de} = cheque [Br.]
cheque {de} = check [Am.]
cheque aantoonder = bearer
Cheque- en girodiensten = Clearing services
cheque onder gewoon voorbehoud = negotiated cheque
cheque waarvan de betaling is opgehouden = stopped cheque
cheque-afschrijving = cheque clearing
chequeboeken = cheque books
chequeboeketuis = cheque book cases
chequeboekje = cheque-book
Chequeboekje = Chequebook
chequedatum = check date
Chequeformulieren = Cheque forms
cheque-loze maatschappij = chequeless society
chequenummer = check number
chequepassen = cheque cards
chequeregister = check register
cheques = cheques
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = collectible
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = encashable
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = to pay in cheques to a bank
Cher = Dear
Cherimoya = Anona
Cherimoya = Custard-apple
cheringgarens = warp yarns
Chernov's gezichten = Chernoff's faces
Chernov-Savage theorema = Chernoff-Savage theorems
Cherubijn = Cherub
Cheshire = Cheshire
Chess Titans = Chess Titans
chest pain = pijn op de borst
Chester A. Arthur = Chester A. Arthur
Chevet = Bedside
Chevet = Bed head
Chevet = Chevet
Chevet = Head of bed
chevet (in kathedraal) = chevet
cheviotwol = cheviot wool
Chevron = Rafter
Chevron = Chevron
chevron / keper / visgraat (balk in vorm van omgekeerde V) = chevron
Cheyenne (Wyoming) = Cheyenne
chi = chi-statistic
chi = chi
Chi (letter) = Chi (letter)
Chiang Kai-shek = Chiang Kai-shek
Chic = Nifty
Chic = Flossy
chic = chic
Chic = Stylish
Chic = Fancy
"chic, bekakt [pejorative]" = "posh {adj} (Stylish, elegant, exclusive)"
Chicago = Chicago
Chicago school = Chicago school
chicane = chicane
chicane = baffle
Chickenpox = Varicella
Chickenpox = Chickenpox
Chief Data Officer = CDO
Chief Data Officer = Chief Data Officer
chief design officer = chief design officer
chief designer = Chief Designer
Chief Executive Officer = Chairman and managing director
Chief Executive Officer = Chief executive officer
Chief Financial Officer = Chief Financial Officer
Chief Innovation = Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)
Chief Operational Officer = Chief Operational Officer
chi-grafiek = chi-plot
Chihuahua = Chihuahua
Chihuahua (staat) = Chihuahua
chi-kwadraat (toetsingsgrootheid) = chi-squared statistic
chi-kwadraat trend test volgens Armitage = Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
chi-kwadraat-afstandsmaat = chi-squared metric
chi-kwadraatproef = Chi-square test
Chi-kwadraattoets = Chi-squaretest
chi-kwadraattoets = chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-toets onder restricties volgens Neyman = restricted chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-toets van Pearson = Pearson chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-verdeling = chi-squared distribution
chi-kwadraten-verdeling met drie vrijheidsgraden = Maxwell distribution
child victims of human trafficking = minderjarige slachtoffers van mensenhandel
Children & Youth = Children & Youth
Children of God = Family
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act = Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
Chileen = Chilean
Chileens = Chilean
Chileense = Chilean
Chileense = Chilean woman
Chili = Chile
chili = chili
Chili {het} = Chile
Chiliarend = Chilean eagle
Chiliflamingo = Chilean flamingo
Chilipeper = Mustard
Chilipeper = Chili
Chilipeper = Chilli ¤
Chilipeper = Pimento
chilisaus = chilli sauce
Chimaera = Chimera
Chimaera (mythologie) = Chimera (mythology)
Chimborazo (vulkaan) = Chimborazo (volcano)
Chimera = Chimera
chimney = chimney
chimpansee = chimpanzee
chimpansee {de} = chimpanzee
Chimpansees = Chimpanzee
China = People's Republic of China
China = China
China {het} = China
chinaklei {de} = china clay
chinaklei {de} = kaolin
chinchilla = chinchilla
chiné = chene
Chinees = Chinese
Chinees {de} = Chinaman [pej.]
chinees {de} [omg.] = Chinese restaurant
Chinees {de} [persoon] = Chinese
Chinees {het} = Chinese
Chinees DomeinNaam Consortium = CDNC
Chinees DomeinNaam Consortium = Chinese Domain Name Consortium
Chinees klokje = forsythia
Chinees Nieuwjaar = Chinese New Year
Chinees papier = China
Chinees porselein = China
Chinese = Chinese
Chinese {de} = Chinese [female]
Chinese gekuifde naakthond = Chinese Crested Dog (Chinese Crested Dog)
Chinese houtolie = China wood oil
Chinese kamer = Chinese room
Chinese kool = Chinese cabbage
Chinese Muur = Great Wall of China
chinese producten = products destined for China
Chinese taal = Chinese
Chinezen {mv} = Chinese {pl}
Chinoiserie = Monkey trick
chinoline = quinoline
chinoline = quinolin
chinoline geel = quinoline yellow
Chinomethionaat = Chinomethionate
Chios (eiland) = Chios
Chip = Chip
chip = integrated circuit
chip fabricatie = chip manufacturing
chip- of vlokvorm = chip or flake form
Chipcard = Chip card
chipcode = chip code
chipcondensator = chip capacitor
chipindustrie = semiconductor industry
chipkaart / chipknip = chip card
Chipkaarten = Cards containing integrated circuits
Chipknip = Chipcard
chipknip = smart card
chipmachine = chip-making machine
chipmachinefabrikant = photolithography equipment manufacturer
chipmunk = chipmunk
Chips = Crisps
chips = potato chips
chips {mv} = crisps [esp Br.]
chips {mv} = chips [esp. Am.]
chips {mv} = potato chips [Am.]
Chipset = Chipset
chipset = chip set
CHIPS-regeling = CHIPS control
chiptechnologie = chip technology
chipweerstand = chip resistor
"chirale verbindingen, alle voor gebruik bij de vervaardiging van wetensch" = chiral compounds all for use in the manufacture of scientific and pharmac
chirografair = unsecured
Chiron = Chiron
Chiropedie = Podiatry
chirurg = surgeon
chirurg {de} = surgeon
chirurgen = surgeons
chirurgen in opleiding = trainee surgeons
chirurgie = surgery
chirurgie om de infertiliteit te corrigeren = infertility operation
chirurgie om de infertiliteit te corrigeren = surgery to restore fertility
chirurgijn = "chirurgeon, barber-surgeon"
Chirurgisch = Surgical
chirurgisch = surgical
chirurgisch (operatie-)afval = surgical waste
chirurgisch doek = surgical drape
chirurgisch doek met één mouw = surgical drape with one sleeve
chirurgisch doek met ��n mouw = surgical drape with one sleeve
chirurgisch ingreep = surgical procedure
chirurgische = surgical
chirurgische apparaten en instrumenten = surgical apparatus and instruments
chirurgische apparatuur = surgical equipment
chirurgische en medische toestellen en instrumenten = surgical and medical apparatus and instruments
chirurgische handelingen = surgical procedures
chirurgische hoogfrequentapparatuur = high-frequency surgical equipment
Chirurgische implantaten = Surgical implants
chirurgische incisie = surgical  incision
chirurgische ingreep = surgical procedure
chirurgische ingrepen = surgical procedures
chirurgische instrumenten = surgical instruments
chirurgische lakens = surgical drapes
Chirurgische laser = Surgical laser
chirurgische methode = surgical method
chirurgische operatie = surgical operation
chirurgische sponsen = surgical sponges
chirurgische toestellen = surgical apparatus
chirurgische verbanden = surgical dressings
chirurgische weefsels = surgical tissues
Chirurgische ziekenhuisdiensten = Surgical hospital services
"chirurgische, medische en diergeneeskundige apparaten en instrumenten" = "surgical, medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments"
"chirurgische, medische en tandheelkundige apparaten en instrumenten" = "surgical, medical and dental apparatus and instruments"
"chirurgische, medische, tandheelkundige en diergeneeskundige toestellen e" = "surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artif"
"chirurgische, medische, tandheelkundige en diergeneeskundige toestellen e" = "surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments"
Chitine = Chitin
chi-verdeling = chi distribution
Chloasma = Chloasma
chlomethoxyfen = chlomethoxyfen
Chloor = Chlorine
chloor = chloro
Chloor (totaal) = Chlorine (total)
"Chloor (totaal, als chloride)" = "Chlorine (total, as chloride)"
Chloor (vrij) = Chlorine (free)
Chloor [Cl] (elementair) = Chlorine [Cl] (elementary)
chloor bestending = chlorine resistant
chloor en fluor = chlorine and fluorine
Chloor-4-methoxyaniline = Chloro-4-methoxyaniline
Chloorallylalcohol (CAAL) = Chloroallylalcohol (CAAL)
Chlooraniline  (som meta + para) = Chloroaniline  (total meta + para)
Chlooranilinen (overige) = Chloroanilines (others)
chlooranilinen (som) = chloroanilines (total)
Chloorbenzenen (som) = Chlorobenzenes (total)
"Chloorbenzenen (som, interventiefactor)" = "Chlorobenzenes (total, intervention factor)"
"chloorbenzenen, niet vluchtig (som)" = "chlorobenzenes, not volatile (total)"
Chloorbenzilaat = Chlorobenzilate
chloorbleekloog = sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine)
Chloorbromuron = Chlorobromuron
Chloorbufam = Chlorobufam
Chloorbutanol = Chlorobutanol
chloorbutanol = chlorobutanol
chloorcresol = chlorocresol
Chloordaan (cis + trans) = Chlordane (cis + trans)
Chloordanen (som) = chlordanes (total)
Chloordeen = Chlorodene
chloordioxide = chlorodioxide
chloordioxide = chlorine dioxide
chloorechtheid = chlorine fastness
chloorechtheid = fastness to chlorine
chloorechtheid = bleaching fastness
chloorechtheid = fastness to bleaching
chloorequivalent = chlorine equivalent
chloorethenen = chloroethylene
chloorfabriek = Chlorine industry
chloorfenol = chlorophenol
Chloorfenol (som 3 + 4) = Chlorophenol (total 3 + 4)
Chloorfenolen (som ) = Chlorophenols (total)
Chloorfenoxyzuren = Chlorophenoxy acids
Chloorfenson = Chlorfenson
Chloorfenvinfos (alfa-) = Chlorfenvinfos (alpha-)
Chloorfenvinfos (beta-) = Chlorfenvinfos (beta-)
Chloorfenvinfos-1 = Chlorfenvinfos-1
Chloorfenvinfos-2 = Chlorfenvinfos-2
Chloorfenvinphos (E+Z) = Chlorfenvinphos (E+Z)
chloorfenyl = chlorophenyl
chloorfluorkoolstof = chlorofluorocarbon
chloorfluorkoolstoffen = chlorofluorocarbons
Chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding = CFC
Chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding = chlorofluorocarbon
chloorfluorkoolwaterstoffen = hydrochlorofluorocarbons
chloorftaalim = chlorphthalim
chloorgehalte = chlorine content
chloorhoudend = chlorinated
Chloorhoudende oplosmiddelen = Chlorinated solvents
chloorhoudende reinigingsmiddel = chlorinated cleaning product
chloorhoudende reinigingsmiddelen = chlorinated cleaning products
Chloorhoudende verbindingen = Chlorinated compounds
chloorkoolwaterstoffen = chlorinated hydrocarbon
Chloormefos = Chlormefos
Chloormethaan = Chloromethane
Chloormethylfenol = Chloromethylphenol
Chloornaftaleen = Chloronaphthalene
chloornitrofen = chlornitrophen
Chloorprofam = Chlorprofam
Chloorpropylaat = Chloropropylate
Chloorpyrifos = Chlorpyrifos
Chloorpyrifos-ethyl = Chlorpyrifos-ethyl
Chloorpyrifos-methyl = Chlorpyrifos-methyl
Chloorpyrofos-ethyl = Chlorpyrofos-ethyl
Chloorpyrofos-methyl = Chlorpyrofos-methyl
chloorretentie = chlorine retention
chloorrubber = chlorinated rubber
chloorrubberverf = chlorinated rubber paint
chloorrubbervernis = chlorinated rubber lacquer
Chloorthalonil = Chlorothalonil
Chloorthiamide = Chlorothiamide
Chloorthiofos-1 = Chlorthiofos-1
Chloorthiofos-2 = Chlorthiofos-2
Chloortolueen = Chlorotoluene
Chloortolueen (totaal) = Chlorotoluene (total)
Chloortoluron = Chlorotoluron
chloortrein = chlorine train
chloortreinen = chlorine trains
chloorvezel = chlorofibre
chloorvrij = chlorine-free
chloorwaterstof = hydrogen chloride
chloorzuur = hydrochloric acid
chlor(er)en = chlorination
chloraat = chlorate
Chloramben = Chloramben
Chloranil = Chloranil
Chloraten = Chlorates
Chlorbenside = Chlorbenside
Chloreertoestellen = Chlorinators
chloreren = chlorination
chloreren = to chlorinate
chloreren = chlorinate
chlorering = chlorination
Chloridazon = Chloridazon
chloride = chloride
Chloride (na filtratie) = Chloride (after filtration)
chloride ionen = chloride ion
Chloride na LS10 = Chloride after LS10
chloride zout = chloride salt
chloride zouten = chloride salts
chloridegehalte = chloride content
Chloriden = Chlorides
chloridezout = chloride salt
chloriet = chlorite
chlorigzuur = chlorous acid
chloriniteit = chlorinity
chlorocresol = chlorocresol
Chloroform = Chloroform
chloroform = chlorophorm
chloroform = chloroform
chloroformkapje = anesthetic mask
chlorofyl = chlorophyll
Chlorofyl a = Chlorophyl a
Chloroneb = Chloroneb
Chlorophyl = Chlorophyl
chlorophyllen = chlorophylls
chloroplastcel = chloroplast cell
chloropreenrubber = chloroprene rubber
chloropreenrubber (CR = chloroprene rubber (CR)
chloropreenrubber (CR) = chloroprene rubber (CR)
chloropreenrubberfabriek = Chloroprene rubber industry
chlorositeit = chlorosity
Chloroxuron = Chloroxuron
Chlorthal = Chlorthal
Chlorthiophos = Chlorthiophos
Chlozolinaat = Chlozolinate
choco prins = Fudge packer
Chocola = Cocoa
Chocola = chocolate
chocolaatjes = chocolates
"chocolaatjes, chocolade" = "chocolates, chocolate"
Chocolade = Cocoa
Chocolade = Chocolate
chocolade = chocolate
chocolade- [combining form] = chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate)
chocolade {de} = chocolate
chocolade confiserieproduct = chocolate confectionery product
chocolade confiserieproducten = chocolate confectionery products
chocolade en chocoladeproducten = chocolate and chocolate products
Chocolade en suikerwerk = Chocolate and sugar confectionery
chocolade en suikerwerk = chocolate and sugar confectionery
chocolade en suikerwerk = Cocoa
chocolade figuren = chocolate figures
chocolade gedeelte = chocolate portion
chocolade gedeelte van het confiserieproduct = chocolate part of the confectionery product
chocolade lolly’s = chocolate lollipops
chocolade massa = chocolate mass
chocolade repen = chocolate bars
"chocolade, chocoladeproducten, chocolaatjes en niet-medicinale suikerbakk" = "chocolate, chocolate products, chocolates and non-medicated confectionery"
"chocolade, sausen" = "chocolate, sauces"
"chocoladebonbon, chocolaatje, praline" = chocolate (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate)
Chocoladedrank = Drinking chocolate
chocoladedruppels = chocolate drops
chocoladedruppels of –stukjes = chocolate drops or pieces
chocoladefabriek = Chocolate industry
chocoladegedeelte = chocolate portion
chocoladekleuren = chocolate colors
chocoladekristallen = chocolate crystals
chocoladelaag = chocolate layer
chocolademelk = cocoa
Chocolademelk = Chocolate milk
chocoladeparels = chocolate pearls
chocoladeproduct = chocolate product
Chocoladeproducten = Chocolate products
chocoladeproducten = chocolate products
Chocoladerepen = Chocolate bars
chocoladesmaak = chocolate flavor
chocoladesmeersels = chocolate spreads
chocoladestukjes = chocolate pieces
chocoladetype = chocolate type
chocoladetypes = chocolate types
chocoladeverlies = chocolate loss
chocosticks = choco sticks
Choice set = Choice set
choke = choke
Choke = Starter
choke kabel verbinding = choke linkage
chokeklep spleet = choke valve gap
choken = choke
Cholangiografie = Cholangiography
Cholangitis = Cholangitis
Cholecystitis = Cholecystitis
Cholelithiasis = Cholelithiasis
Cholera = Cholera
cholera {de} = cholera
Cholereticum = Choleretic
Cholesky-ontbinding = Cholesky decomposition
Cholestase = Cholestasis
cholestatische hepatitis = cholestatic  hepatitis
Cholesterol = Cholesterol
cholesterol = cholesterol
cholesterol HDL = HDL cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins
cholesterose: het neerslaan van cholesterol op de aderwanden = cholesterol  deposition
choline = choline
choline-butyraat = choline butyrate
choline-ionen = choline ions
Cholinerg = Cholinerg
Cholinesterase remmers = Cholinesterase inhibitors
cholinezuur = cholic acid
cholyglycine = C26H43NO6
Chomarat = Chomarat
Chondriet = Chondrite
chopper = chopper
chopper = chopper resistor
chopper-gestabiliseerde versterker = chopper-stabilized amplifier
chopperkast = chopper cabinet
choppertijd = chopper time
chopperunit = chopper unit
choqueren = shock
Chordadieren = Chordata
Chordadieren = Chordate
Chordata = chordate
Chorea = Chorea
chorea fibrillaris = Morvan's chorea
Choreografie = Choreography
chorionitis = scleroderma
chorologie = chorology
Chorus = Chorus
Choux = Dead
chrestomathie = anthology
Christchurch (Nieuw-Zeeland) = Christchurch
christelijk = Christian
Christelijk basisonderwijs = Christian primary education
christelijk denken = Christian thought
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond = National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in the Netherlands (Christe
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond = National Federation of Protestant Trade Unions
christelijk perspectief = Christian perspective
Christelijke instellingen = Christian institutions
Christelijke jaarfeesten = Christian seasonal celebrations
christelijke jaartelling = Christian Era
christen = christian
christen worden = become a Christian
Christen-Democratisch Appèl {het} <CDA> = "[Dutch political party, lit. translated: Christian Democratic Appeal]"
christen-democratische partij = Christian Democratic Party
Christendom = Christianity
christenen = Christians
Christenheid = Christendom
ChristenUnie = ChristenUnie (Christian Union)
Christiaan Huygens = Christiaan Huygens
Christian Dior = Christian Dior
Christian gangsta rap = Christian gangsta rap
Christian Rap = Christian Rap
Christian Rock = Christian Rock =
Christianus Maria de Graauw = Christianus Maria de Graauw
"Christmaseiland, Kersteiland" = Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia)
Christmaseilanden = Christmas Island
Christoffel = Christopher
Christoffel Columbus = Christopher Columbus
"Christoffel, Kristof(fel)" = Christopher {prop} (a male given name)
Christopher Marlowe = Christopher Marlowe
Christus = Christ
Christus (Jezus) = Jesus
CHRM = Certified Human Resources Manager
CHRO = chief human resources officer
Chroesjtsjov = Khrushchev
chroma = chroma
Chroma key = Incrustation
Chroma key = Inlay
chromaatgeel = lead chromate
chromaatgroen = chrome green
chromadetector = chroma detector
chromakey = chroma key
chromaregelaar = chroma control(ler)
chromaregeling = chroma control
chroma-sperversterker = colour killer
chromateermiddel = chromating agent
chromateerpoeder = chromatizing powder
chromateren = to chromate
Chromatine = Chromatin
chromatisch = chromatic
Chromatische aberratie = Color fringing
chromatische aberratie = chromatic aberration
chromatische coördinaten = chromaticity coordinates
Chromatografen = Chromatographs
Chromatografie = Chromatography
chromatografietoestellen en -instrumenten = chromatography apparatus and instruments
chromatografisch kolom = chromatographic column
chromatografische = chromatographic
chromatografische analyse = chromatographic analysis
chromatografische kolom = chromatographic column
chromatografische kolom met pilaar structuren = chromatographic column with pillar structures
chromatografische kolommen = chromatographic columns
chromatografische kolommen op basis van microgefabriceerde pilaren = chromatographic columns based on microfabricated columns
Chromatografische scanners = Chromatographic scanners
chromatografische systemen = chromatographic systems
Chromatogram = chromatogram
chromavector = chroma vector
chromaversterker = chrominance amplifier
chromen = chrome
chromeren = chroma conversion coating
chrominantie = chrominance
chrominantieamplitude = chrominance amplitude
chrominantieband = chrominance band
chrominantiebeeld = chrominance image
chrominantiecomponent = chrominance component
chrominantiedemodulator = chrominance demodulator
chrominantiedetector = chrominance detector
chrominantiediscriminator = chrominance discriminator
chrominantiediscriminator = colour discriminator
chrominantiedraaggolf = chrominance carrier
chrominantie-eenheid = chrominance unit
chrominantiefilter = chrominance band-pass filter
chrominantie-fotovermenigvuldiger = chrominance photomultiplier
chrominantiehulpdraaggolf = chrominance subcarrier
chrominantiehulpdraaggolf = colour subcarrier
chrominantie-informatie = chrominance information
chrominantie-informatie = chroma information
chrominantie-ingang = chrominance input
chrominantiekanaal = chrominance channel
chrominantiekromme = chrominance curve
chrominantiemodulatie = chrominance modulation
chrominantiemodulator = chrominance modulator
chrominantieoscillator = chrominance oscillator
chrominantie-referentiesignaal = chrominance-subscriber reference
chrominantiesignaal = chrominance signal
chrominantiespectrum = chrominance spectrum
chrominantiespoor = chrominance track
chrominantietranscoder = chrominance transcoder
chrominantietrap = chrominance stage
chrominantieversterker = chrominance amplifier
chromolithografie = chromolithographie
chromoscoop = chromoscope
Chromosfeer = Chromosphere
chromosomaal = chromosomal
Chromosoom = Chromosome
chroniqueur = chronicler
Chronisch = Chronicle
chronisch = chronic
chronisch diabetisch syndroom = long-term  diabetic syndrome
chronisch hyperventilatiesyndroom = chronic  hyperventilation syndrome
chronisch misbruik = chronic abuse
chronisch obstructieve longziekte = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
chronisch obstructieve longziekten = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
chronisch probleem = chronic problem
chronisch subduraal hematoom = chronic subdural  hematoma
chronisch zieken = chronically ill people
Chronisch Zieken en Global Health = Chronic Illnesses and Global Health
chronische = chronic
chronische aandoening = chronic condition
Chronische aandoeningen = Chronic ailment
chronische ademhalingsinsufficiëntie = chronic respiratory insufficiency
chronische aquatische toxiciteit = chronic aquatic toxicity
Chronische en complexe aandoening = Chronic and complex condition
chronische eosinofilie = chronic  eosinophilic pneumonia
chronische gonorrhoe = "gleet: in gonorrhea, a thin discharge containing only small numbers of go"
chronische granulomatose = chronic  granulomatous disease
chronische hepatitis = chronic  hepatitis
chronische hoest = chronic cough
chronische hypoxie = chronic hypoxia
chronische idiopatische icterus = chronic  idiopathic jaundice
chronische intoxicatie = chronic intoxication
Chronische myeloïde leukemie = CML
Chronische myeloïde leukemie = Leukemia
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = chronic obstructive airways disease
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = COAD
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD)
chronische ondervoeding = chronic malnutrition
chronische procedure = chronic procedure
chronische respiratoire insufficiëntie = chronic respiratory insufficiency
chronische therapie = chronic therapy
chronische vermoeidheid = chronic  fatigue syndrome
Chronische ziekte = Chronic
chronische ziekte = chronic illness
chronische ziekten = chronic diseases
chronische ziektes = chronic diseases
chronistor = chronistor
Chronolog. = Chronological
Chronologie = Chronology
chronologisch = chronological
chronologisch omgekeerd verwerken = chronological backtracking
chronologisch overzicht = chronological list
chronologisch overzicht = chronological overview
chronologische = chronological
chronologische analyse = chronological analysis
chronologische constructievolgorde = chronological construction order
chronologische opsomming = chronological overview
chronologische volgorde = abandoned
chronologische volgorde = chronologic order
chronologische volgorde = unowned
chronometer = stopwatch
"chronometer, stopwatch" = stopwatch
chronometers = chronometers
Chronotroop = Chronotropic
Chroom = Chromium
chroom = chrome
chroom = chromium
Chroom (Cr) uitloogbaar  LS2 = Chromium (Cr) leachable  LS2
Chroom (Cr) uitloogbaar  LS8 = Chromium (Cr) leachable  LS8
Chroom (element) = Chromium
Chroom (VI) = Chromium (VI)
Chroom [Cr] = Chromium [Cr]
chroom {het} = chrome
Chroom na LS10 = Chromium after LS10
"Chroom, mangaan, kobalt, yttrium en zirkonium" = "Chromium, manganese, cobalt, yttrium and zirconium"
"Chroom-, mangaan-, magnesium-, lood- en koperoxiden en -hydroxiden" = "Chromium, manganese, magnesium, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides"
chroombad = chrome bath
Chroomdioxide = Chrome dioxide
Chroomhydroxide = Chromium hydroxide
chroomijzer = ferrochrome
chroomijzer = ferrochromium
chroomkleurstof = chrome dye
Chroomna LS10 = Chromium after LS10
chroomnikkelstaal = chromium nickel steel
Chroomnikkelstaal = Chrome-nickel-steel
Chroomoxide = Chromium oxide
chroomstaal = chromium steel
chroomvanadiumstaal = chrome vanadium steel
chroomverfstoffenfabriek = Chromium dye industry
chroomvrije = chromate-free
Chroomzool = Chrome sole
chroomzuur = chromium acid
chroomzuur = chromic acid
chroomzuuranhydride = chromium trioxide
chroomzuurbad = chromic acid dip
chroomzuurbeitsbad = chromic acid dip
chroomzuuroplossing = chromic acid solution
chroomzwavelzuur = chromic sulphuric acid
chrysant {de} = chrysanthemum
chrysantenoogstmachines = Chrysanthemum harvester
Chryseen = Chrysene
Chrysoberyl = Chrysoprase
chrysoti el = chrysotile
Chubb Fractyl Laboratories = Chubb Fractyl Laboratories
Chuck Berry = Chuck Berry
Chufu = Khufu
Chunk = Chunk
chunking = chunking
Churchill = Grand Falls
Churchill = Churchill Falls
Churchill = Churchill
Churchillkaai = Churchillkaai
churn = churn rate
churrigueresk (overdadige Spaans-barokke bouwstijl) = Churrigueresque
Chutney = Chutney
CI’s = CIs
Ciao! = Bye!
CIBG = Central Information Unit on Healthcare Professions
Ciborie = Pyx
cicade = cicada
ci-card = CI card
CICAT Bureau voor Internationale samenwerking = CICAT Management Centre for International Cooperation
Cicatrisatie = Cicatrization
Cicero = Cicero
cichorei = chicory
cichorei en cichoreimengsels = chicory and chicory mixtures
"cichorei en cichoreimengsels, allemaal als vervangingsmiddelen voor koffi" = "chicory and chicory mixtures, all for use as substitutes for"
cichoreimengsels = chicory mixtures
ciclesonide = ciclesonide
Ciconiidae = Stork
Cider = Cider
Cider en andere vruchtenwijnen = Cider and other fruit wines
cider- en vruchtenwijnenfabriek = Cider and fruit wine producers
cie = (mil.) Co/company (afkorting van: compagnie)
cie = committee
CIE witheid = CIE whiteness
cie-Frijns = Frijns Committee
cie-Goudswaard = Goudswaard Committee
CIF = Communication Infrastructure Fund (CIF
cifax = cifax
CIF-bepaling = CIF clause
cif-levering = CIF delivery
cif-prijs = cif price
cigarillo = cigarillo
cigarillo’s = cigarillos
Cigarillos = Cigarillos
CIGS-cellen = CIGS cells
CIGS-modules = CIGS modules
CIGS-paneel = CIGS panel
CI-interface = Common interface
cijfer = mark / grade (NB: grade = Am)
cijfer = mark
cijfer = cipher
cijfer = mark / grade
Cijfer = Number
cijfer = grade
cijfer = numeral
cijfer = digit
cijfer (berekend eindcijfer) = mark/final mark
cijfer (examencijfer) = "examination mark, result"
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = mark (UK)
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = niet: grade want Amerikaans)
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = mark
cijfer bij wijze van voorbeeld = analytical procedure(s)
cijfer bij wijze van voorbeeld = notional figure
"cijfer, punt" = "mark (Br), mark, grade (Am)"
cijferanalyse = analytical review
cijferanalyse = analytical procedure
cijferanalyses = analytical reviews
Cijfer-assortiment = Number assortment
cijferbeoordeeling = analytical review (procedure)
cijferblok = numeric keypad
cijferbriefje = marks sheet
Cijfercode = Numeric code
cijfercode = numerical code
cijfercode = number code
cijfercultuur = culture of assessment
Cijferen = Calculate
cijferen = arithmetic
cijfergedeelte = body (of edit word)
cijfergegevens = figures
cijfergenerator = selective digit emitter
Cijfergrootte = Size of figures
cijferimpuls = digit pulse
cijferklok = digital clock
cijferkunst = arithmetic
cijferlijst = "(niet: list of grades, want Amerikaans)"
cijferlijst = list of marks (UK)
cijferlijst = list of marks
cijferlijst = transcript
cijfermateriaal = data
cijfermatig (goed) onderlegd zijn = being good at figures
Cijfermatig en analytisch = Numerical and analytical
Cijfermatig en analytisch inzicht = Numerical and analytical skills
cijfermatige gegevens = numerical data
cijfermatige onderbouwing = metrics
cijfermatige onderbouwing = supporting figures
cijferopstellingen = financial statements
cijferperiode = digit period
cijferplaats = digit position
cijferplaatsimpuls = commutator pulse
cijferpositie = digit position
cijferpositievertrager = digit delay element
Cijferreeks = Number sequence
Cijferreeksen = Number sequences
cijferregistratie = registration of marks
Cijferregistratiesysteem Osiris = Osiris electronic mark-registration system
cijfers = figures
cijfers = ciphers
cijfers = grades
cijfers = numbers
cijfers per aandeel corrigeren = adjust figures per share
cijfers per aandeel corrigeren = restate figures per share
cijfers van Bank of America = figures from Bank of America
Cijfers van CBS = Figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cijfers van het CBS = Figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
cijferschrift = chipher
cijferschrift = code
cijferschriften = codes
cijferschriften = chiphers
cijferscore = numerical grade
cijferscores = numerical grades
cijferselectie = digit selection
cijferteken = digit
cijfertijd = digit time
cijfertoekenning = marking
Cijfertoets = Number key
cijfertoets = numeric key
cijferwijziging = figure change
cijferwoord = numeric word
cijns = tribute
CIL = Critical Items List
cil = cyl
Cil = Cyl
cil hx = cyl hx
Cil. = Cyl.
Cilinder = Cylinder (geometry)
Cilinder = Cylinder
cilinder = cyl.
cilinder = cylinder
cilinder (b.v. van cilinderslot) = cylinder
cilinder / loop = cylinder barrel
cilinder {de} = cylinder
Cilinder en ventiel = Cylinder and valve
Cilinder glad = Cylinder plain
cilinder hartlijn = cylinder centre line
Cilinder met kartel = Cylinder with knurl
cilinder met koelribben = finned cylinder
cilinder met voldoende inhoud = sufficiently full cylinder
Cilinder met zeskant = Cylinder hexagon
cilinder slot = lock barrel
cilinder voering = cylinder barrel
"Cilinder, schroefdraad" = "Cylinder, screw-thread"
cilinderafsluiter = cylinder valve
Cilinderafwerking ( Afwerking = ) = Cylinder finish (Finish=)
cilinderas = cylinder axis
cilinderas = cylindrical shaft
cilinderblok = cylinder block
cilinderblok = cylinder body
cilinderboor = taper drill bit
cilinderboring / diameter = cylinder bore
cilinderbout = cylinder head bolt
cilinderbus = cylinder liner (sleeve)
cilindercoördinaten = cylindric coordinates
cilinderdiagram = cylinder chart
cilinderdrukmeter = cylinder pressure gauge
cilinderhuis (van slot) = cylinder case
cilinderinformatie = cylinder information
cilinderinhoud = swept volume
Cilinderinhoud = Cubic capacity
cilinderinhoud = cylinder capacity
cilinder-insteekmeerpuntsslot = insertable multipoint cilinder lock
cilinderkop = cylinder head
cilinderkopbout = cylinder head bolt
cilinderkoppakking = cylinder head gasket
cilinderkopschroef = cheese-head screw
cilinderlager = cylindrical bearing
Cilinderlengte ( Lengte = A) = Cylinder length (Length A=)
Cilinderlengte ( Lengte = A/ Lengte = B) = Cylinder length (Length A=/Length B=)
cilindermachine = cylinder press
cilindermachine = automatic cylinder press
cilindermantel = cylinder jacket
cilindermantel = cylindrical shell
cilinderrollager = cylindrical roller bearing
cilinders = cylinders
Cilinders controleren op = Cylinders checked for
Cilinders controleren op luchtlekkage = Cylinders checked for air leaks
Cilinders kunnen ook op temperatuur gebracht worden door ze te verwarmen  = Cylinders can also be warmed up by heating them in a tub of warm water.
Cilinders optilbeveiliging controleren = Check cylinder lifting protection
Cilinders zonder gasafnameventiel worden aangeduid als standaardcilinders = Cylinders without a vapour valve are referred to as standard cylinders or
cilinderschuif = cylinder gate
cilinderslot = cylinder lock
Cilinderslotvergrendeling voor schakelaar = Cylinder lock for switch
cilinderstift = dowel pin
cilindervoering = cylinder lining
cilindervoering = cylinder liner
cilindervoeringflens = cylinder liner flange
cilindervorm = cylinder shape
cilindervormig = cylindrical
cilindervormig deel = cylindrical portion
cilindervormig kanaal = cylindrical channel
cilindervormig lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindervormig of kegelvormig = cylindrical or conical
cilindervormig of kegelvormig volume = cylindrical or conical volume
cilindervormig of vierkantig = cylindrical or square
cilindervormig substraat = cylindrical substrate
cilindervormig verbruiksdoel = cylindrical consumable target
cilindervormige = cylindrical
cilindervormige binnenwand = cylindrical inner wall
cilindervormige binnenwand met schroefdraad = cylindrical threaded inner wall
cilindervormige lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindervormige mantel = cylindrical shell
cilindervormige trommel = cylindrical drum
cilindervormige trommels = cylindrical drums
cilindervormige uitsteeksel = cylindrical projection
cilindrisch = cylindrical
cilindrisch coördinatenstelsel = cylindrical coordinate system
cilindrisch lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindrisch lichaam van een inbouwarmatuur = cylindrical body of a recessed luminaire
Cilindrisch met schroefdraad = Cylinder with screw-thread
cilindrisch reactorvat = cylindrical reactor vessel
cilindrisch verbruiksdoel = cylindrical consumable target
Cilindrisch zonder schroefdraad = Cylinder without screw-thread
"cilindrisch, cilindervormig" = cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder)
cilindrisch-conische = cylindrically-conical
cilindrisch-conische fermentatietank = cylindrically-conical fermentation tank
cilindrisch-conische fermentatietank = CCT
cilindrische aandrukmiddel = cylindrical pressing means
cilindrische buitengeometrie = cylindrical outer geometry
cilindrische geometrie = cylindrical geometry
cilindrische golf = cylindrical wave
cilindrische golfpijp = cylindrical waveguide
cilindrische holte = cylindrical cavity
cilindrische huls = cylindrical sleeve
Cilindrische insteekas = Cylindrical plug-in axle
cilindrische lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindrische mantel = cylindrical shell
cilindrische of conische vorm = cylindrical or conical shape
cilindrische of conische vorm van de eerste holte = cylindrical or conical shape of the first cavity
cilindrische pennen = cylindrical pins
cilindrische reactiekamer = cylindrical reaction chamber
cilindrische robot = cylindrical robot
cilindrische sputtertarget = cylindrical sputtering target
cilindrische sputtertarget met een veelheid van on-line regelbare magnete = cylindrical sputtering target having a plurality of online-adjustable mag
cilindrische sputtertarget met een veelheid van on-line regelbare magnete = cylindrical sputtering target having a plurality of online-adjustable mag
cilindrische sputter-targets = cylindrical sputtering targe
cilindrische stang = cylindrical rod
cilindrische targets = cylindrical targets
cilindrisch-gekromd = cylindrically curved
Cim Data Base = CIM DATABASE
CIM Object Manager = CIM Object Manager
CIM Object Manager-opslagplaats = CIM Object Manager repository
CIM-applicatie = CIM application
CIM-architectuur = CIM architecture
cimbaal = cymbal
CIM-beeld = CIM view
CIM-domein = CIM domain
CIM-gegevens = CIM data
CIMO = Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
CIM-product = CIM product
CIM-schema = CIM schema
CIM-systeem = CIM system
CIM-vrijgave = CIM release
Cinch = Cinch
cindynica = cindynics
Cineast = Film director
Cineast = Filmmaker
Cineast = Film maker
Cineast = Movie maker
cine-camera = cine camera
cinefilm = cine film
Cinema = Cinema
cinema {de} = cinema
cinema-apparatuur = cine projector
cinemaprojector = cinema projector
cinemascope = CinemaScope
Cinematografie = Cinema
cinematografische apparaten en instrumenten = cinematographic apparatus and instruments
cinematografische en fotografische films = cinematographic and photographic films
cinematografische film = cinematographic film
cinematografische film (belicht) = cinematographic film (exposed)
cinematografische films = cinematographic films
cinematografische films en videofilms = cinematographic films and video films
cinematografische films gereed voor vertoning = cinematographic films prepared for exhibition
Cinematografische werken die deel uitmaken van hun audiovisuele erfgoed = Cinematographic works forming part of their audiovisual heritage
cinidon-ethyl = "ethyl (Z)-2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-(1,3-dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoindol-2-"
Cinnaber = Cinnabar
CINOP = Centre for the Innovation of Education and Training
CIO Platform Nederland = CIO Platform Netherlands
cionnection = connection
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy (Centrum Inform
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy (CIP)
CIP = Clean-in-Place
CIP = clean-in-place
CIP (Cleaning in place) reinigingssysteem = CIP (clean-in-place) cleaning system
CIP controleplan 2010 - resultaten reeds uitgevoerde controles.pdf = CIP control plan 2010 - results of already carried out inspections.pdf
CIP pneumatische kleppen = CIP pneumatic valves
CIP proces = CIP process
CIP water = CIP water
CIP watercircuit = CIP water circuit
ciphony = ciphony
ciphonycommunicatiesysteem = ciphony communication system
Cipier = Gaoler
Cipier = Jailer
cipier = prison guard
Cipoletti meetstuw = Cipoletti measuring weir
Cipres = Cypress
cipres = cypres
Cipresfamilie = Cupressaceae
cir (committed information rate) = cir
cir (committed information rate) = committed information rate (cir)
ciraet = ornament (sieraad)
circa = "circa {prep} (approximately, about)"
circa = around
circa = approximately
circa = approximately: approx.
Circa = Circa
circa = about
circa = approx.
circa <ca.> = approximately
"circa, ca" = "approximately, app."
Circassië = Circassia
Circe = Circe
circelzaag = circular saw
circuit = circuit
circuit (elektra) = circuit
circuit LT-verwarming = low temperature heating circuit
circuit met een directe ingang = direct-input circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke afvoer(elektrode) = common-drain circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke basis = common-base circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke collector = common-collector circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke emitter = common-emitter circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke kathode = common-cathode circuit
Circuit Monitoring Systeem = Circuit Monitoring System
circuit van parallel-series = parallel-series circuit
circuit verdeler = circuit distributor
circuit voor exclusief gebruik = allocated-use circuit
circuitanalyse = circuit analysis
circuitanalyse bij omstandigheden in het slechtste geval = worst-case circuit analysis
circuitbelasting = circuit load
circuitbescherming = circuit protection
circuitbetrouwbaarheid = circuit reliability
circuitcapacitantie = circuit capacitance
circuitcapaciteit = circuit capacity
circuitcomponent = circuit component
circuitconstructie = circuit construction
circuitdiscipline = circuit discipline
circuitefficiëntie = circuit efficiency
circuitelement = circuit element
circuitfout = circuit fault
circuitgat = circuit hole
circuitgeschakeld netwerk = circuit-switched network
circuitgeschakeld verkeer = circuit switching
circuitgeschakelde gegevensoverdrachtsservice = circuit-switched data transmission service
circuitgeschakelde verbinding = circuit-switched connection
circuitlog = circuit log
circuitonwerp = circuit engineering
circuitparameter = circuit parameter
circuitrestoratie = circuit restoration
circuitruis = circuit noise
circuitschakelcentrum = circuit switching center: CSC
circuitschakeleenheid = circuit switching unit: CSU
circuitschakelen en pakketschakelen = circuit and packet switching
circuitschakeling = circuit switching
circuitsynthese = circuit synthesis
circuittester = circuit tester
circuitunit = circuit unit
circulair = circular
circulair materieelgebruik = circular material flows
circulair ontwerp = circular design
circulair tripel = circular triad
Circulaire = Circular
circulaire aftasting = circular scan
circulaire economie = circular economy
circulaire interpolatie = circular interpolation
circulaire normale verdeling = circular normal distribution
Circulaire reacties = Circular reactions
circulaires = circulars
circulant = circulator
Circulariteit = Circularity
Circulatie = Distribution
Circulatie = Traffic
Circulatie = Flow
Circulatie = Circulation
circulatie in de fermentatietank = circulation in the fermentation tank
circulatie logbestanden = log file rotation utilities
circulatie-/luchtafvoerbedrijf = outdoor air operation
Circulatie-aansluiting = Circulation connection
Circulatiebank = Bank of issue
circulatiebedrijf = recirculating air operation
circulatieblok = circulation area
circulatiecondities = circulation conditions
circulatie-hypoxemie = stagnant  hypoxia
circulatie-hypoxemie = circulatory  hypoxemia
circulatie-hypoxemie = circulatory hypoxia
circulatieklep = louvred vent (recirculating air)
circulatielucht = recirculating air
circulatiemaatregelen = Circulation measures
Circulatiemunten in euro = Euro circulation coins
Circulatie-omkeer = Circulation reversal
circulatieplan = circulation plan
circulatiepomp = circulating pomp
Circulatiepomp = Circulation pump
circulatiepomp = circulating pump
circulatieregister = circulating register
circulatiestromen = circulation routes
circulatiestromen = airflows
Circulatieventilator = Air circulation ventilator
Circuleren = Circulate
Circuleren = Flow
circuleren = be about
circulerend = about
circulerende bladontdooiing = air blade heating system
circulerende bladverwarming = air blade heating system
circulerende immuuncomplex = circulating  immune complex
Circumcisie = Circumcision
circumfix = circumfix
circumflex = circumflex
Circus = Circus
Circus = Cirque
Circus = Corrie
Circus = Antics
Circus (cultuur) = Circus
Circusdiensten = Circus services
circusvoorstellingen = circus performances
cirkel = circle
cirkel {de} = circle
cirkel van lagerkogels = bearing race
cirkel van Mohr = Mohr's circle
cirkelboog = arc of circle
cirkelboog = circular arc
cirkelboogvormig = arc-shaped
cirkelboogvormige = arc-shaped
cirkelboogvormige dwarsdoorsnede = arc-shaped cross section
Cirkeldiagram = Pie chart
cirkeldiagram = pie chart
cirkeldiagram met uitgelichte segmenten = exploded pie chart
cirkelhistogram = circular histogram
cirkelhistogram = polar wedge diagram
cirkelhistogram = rose diagram
cirkelomtrek = circumference
Cirkelomtrek = Girth
cirkelredeneringen = circular arguments
cirkels = circles
cirkelschaar = rotary shears
cirkelstuw = circular weir
cirkel-van-cirkeldiagram = pie of pie chart
cirkelvorm = circular shape
cirkelvormig = circular
cirkelvormig = circular
cirkelvormig (als vlak) = orbicular
Cirkelvormig flexproces = Circular Bending Process
cirkelvormig fundament = circular foundation
cirkelvormig lichaam = circular body
cirkelvormig oppervlak = circular surface
cirkelvormig paneel = circular panel
cirkelvormig profiel = circular profile
cirkelvormig spoor = circular track
cirkelvormige = circular
cirkelvormige baan = circular path
cirkelvormige behuizing = circular housing
cirkelvormige bodemplaat = circular bottom plate
cirkelvormige cellen = circular cells
cirkelvormige doorsnede = circular cross-section
cirkelvormige dwarsdoorsnede = circular cross-section
cirkelvormige dwarsdoorsnede = circular cross section
cirkelvormige element = circular element
Cirkelvormige en gekruiste Bloch lijnen = Circular and cross Bloch lines
cirkelvormige gat = circular hole
cirkelvormige groef = circular groove
cirkelvormige meetstuw = circular measuring weir
cirkelvormige omtrek = circular circumference
cirkelvormige opening = circular opening
cirkelvormige stuw = circular weir
cirkelvormige verhoging = circular elevation
cirkelvormige verhoging of rib = circular elevation or rib
cirkelzaag = circular saw
cirkelzaag = circular power saw
cirkelzaag die met water is afgekoeld = water-cooled circular saw
cirkelzaag(blad) = rotary saw
"cirkelzaag, afgekoeld met water" = water-cooled circular saw
cirkelzaagblad = circular saw blade
cirkelzaaghulpstuk = circular saw attachment
Cirkelzaagmachine (accu) = Chop saw (battery)
cirkulatiepomp = circulation pump
Cirque du Soleil = Cirque du Soleil
cirrestor = pump-oxygenator
cirrhosis hepatica hypertrophica met chronische icterus = Hanot disease
Cirrocumulus = Cirrocumulus
Cirrose = Cirrhosis
cirrose na hepatitis = post-  hepatitic cirrhosis
Cirrostratus = Cirrostratus
cirrus = cirrus
CIS = Centre for International Cooperation
CIS 2-transmissiemechanisme = CIS 2 transmission mechanism
"cis-1,2-Dichlooretheen" = "cis-1,2-Dichloroethene"
"cis-1,3-Dichloorpropeen" = "cis-1,3-Dichloropropene"
cis-Chloordaan = cis-Chlordane
CISG = Vienna Sales Convention
CISG = Vienna Sales Convention (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the I
cis-Heptachloorepoxide = cis-Heptachloroepoxide
Cis-Jordaanse kwestie = West Bank question
cis-Nonachloor = cis-Nonachlor
CISO = Corporate Information Security Office
CISO = chief information security officer (CISO)
CISOs = chief information security officers (CISOs)
"cisterne, waterreservoir" = cistern (a reservoir for holding water)
Citaat = Award
Citaat = Quotation
Citaat = Citation
citaat = quote
citaat {het} = citation
citaat {het} = quotation [citation]
citaat {het} = quote
"citaat, (tekst)aanhaling" = quote (a statement attributed to someone else)
Citadel = Citadel
citaten = quotations
citatie-index = citation index
citaties = citations
citatiescore = citation score
citeert = quoting
citeertitel = short title
Citer = Zither
Citer = Cithara
Citeren = Quote
citeren = cite
citerne = tank
CITO = ?
cito = at once
cito = immediately
cito = on the spot
cito = quickly
cito = stat
citraconzuur = citraconic acid
citraconzuur = Citraconic acid
citranaxanthine = citranaxanthin
Citrien = Citrin
Citrien = Citrine
citrix = Citrix
Citrix-omgeving = Citrix environment
Citroen = Lime-tree
Citroen = Lemon-tree
Citroen = Lemon tree
Citroen = Citron-tree
Citroen = Lemon
citroen = lemon
Citroën = Citroën
Citroen (vrucht) = Lemon
citroenboom = lemon-tree
citroenen = lemons
citroengeel = citrine
citroen-gembersaus = lemon-ginger sauce
Citroengras = Southernwood
Citroenmarmelade = Lemon marmalade
Citroenmelisse = Lemon balm
citroenmelisse = lemon balm
"citroenmelisse, citronella, bijenkruid,vrouwenkruid" = lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
citroenpers = citrus fruit squeezer
Citroensap = Lemon juice
citroensap = lemon juice
citroensappoeder = lemon juice powder
citroenschil = lemon peel
citroensmaak = lemon flavor
Citroenvlinder = Lemon
Citroenzuur = Citric acid
citroenzuur = citric acid
Citroenzuurcyclus = Citric acid cycle
citrus = citrus
Citrus wolluis = Citrus mealy bug
citrusfruit = citrus fruit
citrusfruit {het} = citrus fruit
citrusfruit {het} = citrus [citrus fruit]
Citruspectine = Citrus pectin
Citruspers = Citrus press
citrussmaak = citrus flavor
Citrusvrucht = Citrus
Citrusvrucht = Citrus fruit
Citrusvruchten = Citrus fruit
City Meadow = City Meadow
Citymesh = Citymesh
CIV = Centres for Innovative Workmanship (CIW)
civette = bulb
civiel = (civil) engineering
civiel = civil-law
civiel = Civil
Civiel = civil-law
civiel = Civilian
Civiel = civil-law
civiel communicatienetwerk = civil communication network
civiel effect = (demonstrable) social impact
civiel ingenieur = civil engineer
civiel subsonisch straalvliegtuig = civil subsonic jet aeroplane
civiele aannemers = civil contractors
civiele aansprakelijkheid = civil liability
civiele beschermingsbijstand = civil protection assistance
civiele bouw = civil construction
civiele dienst = alternative service
civiele rechter = civil court
civiele samenleving = civil society
civiele satellietnavigatie- en -tijdsbepalingsdienst = Civil satellite-based navigation and timing service
civiele satellietnavigatie- en tijdsbepalingssignalen = Civil satellite-based navigation and timing signals
civiele subsonische vliegtuigen = Civil subsonic jet aeroplanes
Civiele Techniek = Civil Engineering
civiele techniek = civil engineering
"Civiele Techniek & Geowetenschappen (faculteit, afk. CiTG)" = Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG)
Civiele Techniek (bacheloropleiding) = Civil Engineering
Civiele Techniek (CiT) = Civil Engineering
Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen = Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Civiele techniek voor militaire installaties = Engineering work for military installations
Civiele techniek voor veiligheidsinstallaties = Engineering work for security installations
Civiele Technologie & Management = Civil Engineering and Management
Civiele Technologie in = Civil Engineering in Developing Countries
civiele werken = civil works
Civiele werkzaamheden = Civil engineering work
Civiele Zaken = Custodial Services
civielingenieur = civil engineer
civiel-ingenieur = civil engineer
civiel-militaire coördinatie = civil-military coordination
civielrechtelijke = civil
civielrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid = civil liability
civielrechtelijke boete = civil action
civielrechtelijke boete = civil penalty
civielrechtelijke boete = civil suit
civielrechtelijke stappen = civil action
Civieltechnisch = Civil engineering
civieltechnisch / bouwkundig werk = civil works
civieltechnische constructies = highway and hydraulic engineering
Civieltechnische en bouwwerkzaamheden = Engineering works and construction works
Civieltechnische infrastructuur = Civil engineering infrastructure
civieltechnische software = civil engineering software
"Civieltechnische werkzaamheden, met uitzondering van bruggen, tunnels, sc" = "Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts a"
Civil Engineering = civil engineering
civil law = civil law
Civiliseren = Civilized
Civiliseren = Civilize
Civilization = Civilization (computer game)
CIV-verdrag = CIV Convention
CJIB = "Central Fine Collection Agency (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, CJIB)"
CJK-vormen = CJK Strokes
C-kern = C-core
C-kern transformator = C-core transformer
C-klem aarddraad = C-clamp for round wire
ckt = ckt
CKW (som) = CHC (total)
ckWh = CkWh
cl. H = cl. H [classification H]
cladophyllum = phylloclade
claim = relinguish a claim
Claim = Claim
Claim = Pretence
Claim = Assertion
claim {de} = claim
claim op de zorgverzekering = health care insurance claim
claimafhandeling = claims processing
claimanten = claimants
Claimbewust = "claim conscious, inclined to make a claim"
claim-compatibele toepassing = claims-aware application
claim-confirmatie = claim confirmation
claimemissie met garantie van syndicaatlid = stand-by offering
claimen = to claim
claimen = claim
claimen en doorbetalen = claiming and forwarding
claimen op de verzekering = claim under the insurance policy
claimgegevens = claim data
claimproces = claims process
claims = claims
claims (third-party and otherwise) = aanspraken (van derden)
Claims evalueren en afhandelen. De reserves van elk dossier evalueren. = Evaluate and settle claims. Evaluate reserves on a case by case basis.
Claims evalueren en afhandelen. De reserves van elk dossier evalueren. Er = Evaluate and settle claims. Evaluate reserves on a case by case basis. En
claims passagiers = passenger claims
claims van derden = claims of third parties
Claimtag = Claim tag
Claimtagnummer = Claim tag number
claimtoewijzing = claim mapping
claimverwerking = claims processing
claimzaken = claims
clamcleat = Clam Cleat
Clamp = Clamp
Clamp Block Cable = Clamp Block Cable
Clamp Plate = Clamp Plate
Clamp Plate Cable = Clamp Plate Cable
Clamp ring = Clamp ring
Clamp Shaft = Clamp Shaft
Clamp spring = Clamp spring
Clamping bracket = Clamping bracket
Clamping Profile = Clamping Profile
Clamping ring = Clamping ring
clampring = clamp ring
clan = clan
clandestien = clandestinely
clandestien = hidden
clandestien = clandestine
"clandestien, heimelijk, stiekem" = "clandestinely {adv} (in a secret, covert manner)"
"clandestien, onwettig, ongeoorloofd" = clandestinely {adv} (in an illicit way)
clandestiene uitgave = secret printing
clanfamilie = clan family
clanfamilies = clan families
clapotis = clapotis
Clapp-oscillator = Clapp oscillator
Clark Gable = Clark Gable
clash of universalisms = clash of universalisms
Class 10 = Class 10
Class 20 = Class 20
Class A IP-adres = Class A IP address
Class actions = Class actions
Class B IP-adres = Class B IP address
Class C IP-adres = Class C IP address
class diagram = klassendiagram
class Kind extends Ouder = class Child extends Parent
class Ouder extends Grootouder = class Parent extends Grandparent
class PrecisieException = class PrecisionException
class SubKlasse extends SuperKlasse = class SubClass extends SuperClass
classes\com\vijfhart\cursus\Voorbeeld.class = classes\com\vijfhart\course\Example.class
classicisme = classicism
classicisme {het} = classicism
classicistisch = classical
classificatie = classification (RE 18.6.08)
classificatie = evaluation
Classificatie = Rating:
classificatie = classifier
classificatie = ranking
classificatie = rating
Classificatie = Classification
classificatie en codering = classification & coding
classificatie naar twee aspecten = two-way classification
classificatie op basis van het grondgebruik = land use classification
classificatie van de verkeersveiligheid van het wegennet = network safety ranking
classificatie van medische hulpmiddelen = classification of medical devices
classificatie van schepen = classification of ships
classificatie van schepen = proviso
classificatie van schepen = unappointable
Classificatie van SpyNet-community = SpyNet Community Rating
"classificatie, klasse" = classification
classificatiebureaus = classification societies
Classificatiedominantie = Classification dominance
classificatiegrootheid = classification statistic
classificatierol = ClassifierRole
classificaties = classifications
classificatievoorstel = classification proposal
Classification = Classification
classification and regression trees = CART
classification and regression trees = classification and regression trees
Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration = Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration
classificeerbedrijf = Ships’ tank and hold cleaning services
classificeert = classifies
classificeren = classify (to)
Classificeren = Classify
Classificeren = Classifying
classificeren = to classify
classificeren en opvolgen = classifying and tracking
classificeren van gedeelten met een hoog aantal verkeersongevallen = ranking of high accident concentration sections
classificeringsgrootheid van Wald = Wald's classification statistic
classroom = classroom
Claude Monet = Claude Monet
Claude Shannon = Claude Shannon
Claudicatie = Claudication
Claudicatio Intermittens = Claudicatio Intermittens
Claudio Monteverdi = Claudio Monteverdi
Claudius Galenus = Galen
Claudius I = Claudius
Claudius Ptolemaeus = Ptolemy
claustrofobie = claustrophobia
clausule = contract terms
Clausule = Clause
clausule met ontbindende voorwaarde = resolutive clause
clausule privé-zijn = exclusion clause
clausule tot saldering bij vroegtijdige beëindiging = close-out netting provision
clausule van afstand van verhaal = waiver of recourse clause
clausule van Horn = Horn clause
clausule van wederzijdse erkenning = mutual recognition clause
clausule-beheerssysteem = clause management system
clausuleblad = clauses schedule
clausuleblad = clauses sheet
clausules = clauses
clausuur = separation
Clavichords = Clavichords
Clavier = Keyboard
claw clamps = claw clamps
Clawback = Clawback
claxon = hooter
claxon = horn
claxon {de} = horn
claxon brandblussysteem DAFO = DAFO fire extinguisher system horn
claxonmodule = horn module
Claxonneren = Toot
Claxonneren = Hoot
claxonneren = to honk [horn]
Claxonneren = Honk
claxonneren = to sound the horn
claxonneren = to toot [horn]
claxonsignaal = horn signal
CLB = "Pupil Guidance Centre (Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding, CLB)"
CLB = Centrum voor Loonbeheer (in 1989 opgericht)
CLB = CLB Group
CLB = "CLB Group, Care for Life and Business (2010, new name)"
ClCon = ClCon
clean and redlines copies = clean and ‘redline’ copies
clean area = clean area
Clean area maken = Ensuring an area is ‘clean’
clean desk policy = clean desk policy
clean desk policy = clean desk policy (CDP)
Clean Desk-beleid = Clean Desk policy
Clean room = Clean room
clean room = clean room
cleanagent = Clean Agent
clean-area = clean area
Cleaning Crew = Cleaning Crew
cleaning en verificatie cycli = cleaning and verification cycles
cleaning facility = cleaning facility
cleaning in place = clean-in-place
cleaning label = cleaning lable
cleaning level = cleaning level
cleaning up and repairing = opruim- en herstelwerkzaamheden
clean-in-place = clean-in-place
cleanroom = cleanroom
cleanroom = clean room
Cleanroom doek = Cleanroom cloth
cleanroom doekje = cleanroom cloth
Cleanroom doekje = Cleanroom wipe
Cleanroom doekje 10 x 10 cm = 10 x 10 cm Cleanroom wipe
cleanroom gebruiker = cleanroom user
cleanroom gedrag = cleanroom behaviour
cleanroom omstandigheden = cleanroom conditions
cleanroomdoekje = cleanroom cloth
Cleanroom-klasse = Cleanest room class
Cleanroom-medewerkers = cleanroom staff
cleanroomomgevingen = cleanroom environments
cleanroom-ruimte = cleanroom space
cleanrooms = cleanrooms
cleanroon omgeving = cleanroom environment
Clean-Up Florisil (MO-GC) = Clean-Up Florisil (MO-GC)
Clear = Clear
Clear de error = Clear the error
Clear Desk = Clear desk policy
Clear Detections services = Clear Detection services
clear of unclear = clear or unclear
Clear Remotes List = Clear Remotes List
clear ruimbagage = clear hold baggage
Clear screen = Clear screen policy
Clear System List = Clear System List
Clear To Send = Clear To Send
Clearance = Clearance
Clearing = Compensation
Clearinghouse = Clearing
Clearinghouse = Compensation
ClearType = ClearType
ClearType-tekst afstemmen = ClearType Text Tuner
cleaver’s box = kloversbak
cleaver’s stick = kloversstok
cleistogaam = cleistogamous
cleistogamie = cleistogamy
Clematis = Clematis
Clemens = Clement
Clement Attlee = Clement Attlee
Clementie = Mercy
Clementie = Mildness
Clementie = Clemency
Clementie = Leniency
Clementine = Clementine
Cleopatra = Cleopatra
Cleopatra = Cleopatra (disambiguation)
C-level = C-level
C-level professional = C-level professional
Cleveland = Cleveland
Cleveland (Ohio) = Cleveland
Clever Light / Light Control = Optical operating display
cliché = printing block
cliché = platitude
Cliché = Hackneyed expression
Cliché = Cliché
Cliché = Catch-phrase
Cliché = Dump
cliché = block
"cliché, gemeenplaats, platitude" = cliché (overused phrase or expression)
clichédrukkerij = Intaglio printers
clichéplatenfabriek/chemigrafisch bedrijf = Printing plates/chemical plate engravers
clichés = printing blocks
"clichés, postordercatalogussen" = "printing blocks, mail-order catalogues"
clichétekening = master drawing
Click & Collect = Click & Collect
Click & Collect bestelling = Click & Collect order
Click Schedule = Click Schedule
Click&Collect bestelling = Click & Collect order
Click/Garantiefondsen = click funds / guaranteed funds
Clickfondsen = Click funds
clickgedrag = click behavior
ClickOnce = ClickOnce
click-wrap = click-wrap
client = client
Client = Customer
client = client (mental health care)
cliënt = client
Cliënt Access License = Client Access Licence
client access license per apparaat voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services Per Device client access license
client access license per gebruiker voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services Per User client access license
client access license voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services client access license
cliënt bediener = client-server
Client Continuance = Client Continuance
Client Continuance/Engagement Acceptance = Client Continuance / Engagement Acceptance
Client Due Diligence = Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
Client en server = Client and server
client failback = client failback
client failover = client failover
cliënt opzeggen/afstoten = to give notice to a client
cliënt opzeggen/afstoten = unlimited
cliënt questionnaire = client questionnaire
Cliënt Service Manager = Client Service Manager
client versie = client version
Client voor activeren van Windows = Windows Activation Client
Client voor groepsbeleid = Group Policy Client
Client voor groepsbeleid voor bekabeld netwerk = Wired Group Policy Client
Client voor groepsbeleid voor draadloos netwerk = Wireless Group Policy Client
Client voor quarantainebekrachtiging = Quarantine Enforcement Client
cliënt/server architectuur = client/server architecture
client/server computers = client/server computing
client-/serverarchitectuur = client/server architecture
cliënt/server-netwerk = client/server network
cliëntacceptatie = client acceptance
cliëntacceptatiebeleid = customer acceptance policy
clientcertificaat = client certificate
clientcomputer = client computer
clientcontext = client context
clientcoördinaat = client coordinate
clientdatabase = client database
cliënte = client
client-eigen of client-vreemd = "client-specific, not client-specific"
clientèle = clientèle
clientèle = customer base
cliënten = clients
cliënten en potentiële cliënten = clients and potential clients
cliënten of andere relaties = clients and other contacts
cliëntenbestand = client base
Cliëntenraad Academische Ziekenhuizen = Client Advisory Board for University Hospitals
clientgebied = client area
clientgebied = client region
Cliëntkennis = Client knowledge
clientlaag = client tier
client-licentie = client licence
client-licenties = client licences
Clientnummer = Account Number
cliëntobject = client object
cliëntportfolio = client portfolio
cliëntportfolio’s = client portfolios
clientscript = client script
Client-servermodel = Client-server
client-side = client-side
client-side cookie = client-side cookies
client-side cookies = client-side cookies
client-side injectie = client-side injection
Client-Side Rendering = client-side rendering
clienttoepassing = client application
clienttoepassingsservice = client application service
clienttype = client type
clientuitbreiding = client extension
clientverificatie = client authentication
Cliffhanger = Serial
Cliffhanger = Television serial
Cliffhanger = Serial story
Cliffhanger = Telecast
clignoteur = flash indicator
clignoteurschakelaarhefboom = flasher stalk
clignoteurverklikkerlamp = indicator tell tale
ClimaCool = ClimaCool
climacterische hypertensie = climacteric  hypertension
climacterische hypertensie = menopause hypertension
climakterische hypertrichose = hypertrichosis due to menopause
climakterische hypertrichose = climacteric hypertrichosis
climax = climax
"climax, hoogtij, hoogtepunt, hoogdag(en) {m}" = "high tide (climax, culminating point or phase)"
Climbing belt = Climbing belt
Clinical Operations = Clinical Operations
Clinical Supply Chain = Clinical Supply Chain
Clinical Trial Materials = CTM
clinical trials = clinical trials
clinometer = clinometer
Clio (muze) = Clio
clip = clip
CLIP functie = CLIP function
CLIP voor analoge eindapparaten = CLIP for analogue end devices
Clipgalerie = Clip Gallery
Cliplengte = Staple length
clipper = amplitude limiter
clip-portaal = CLIP portal
clips = clips
Clips = Clip
"Clips, hechtdraad, ligatuur" = "Clip, suture, ligature supplies"
Clipsbare afdichtprofiel = clippable sealing profile
clipsgaten = clip holes
clitic curve = clitic curve
Clitoraal = Clitoral
clitoris = button
Clitoris = Clitoris
clitoris {de} = clitoris
CLM Audit = CLM Audit
CLM Enrollment Agent = CLM Enrollment Agent
CLM Request Unblock Smart Card = CLM Request Unblock Smart Card
CLM-rapporten = CLM reports
CLM-referenties = CLM credentials
Cloaca = Cloaca
Cloaca = Sewer
Cloacadieren = Monotreme
clobetasol = clobetasol
clobetason = clobetasone
Clock = Clock
clock frequentie = clock frequency
Clock Settings = Clock Settings
clockcyle = clock cycle
clockwise = clockwise
clocortolon = clocortolone
clodroninezuur = BONEFOS
clone op originele of alternatieve locatie plaatsen = placing clone at original or alternate location
Clonisch = Clonic
cloprednol = cloprednol
Clopyrid = Clopyrid
close beeld = close-up shot
Closed = Closed
closed shop-opstelling = closed-shop attitude
closed-end = closed-end
closed-end fondsen = closed-end funds
closed-end Onroerend Goed = closed-end property
closed-end Onroerend Goed fondsen = closed-end property funds
closed-loop systeem = closed-loop system
closed-sourcecomponenten = closed source components
closely involved with = goed betrokken bij
closet = water-closet
Closet = Toilet
closetbrildeksel = seat cover
Closetpapier = Toilet tissue
Closetpapier = Toilet paper
closetpapier = toilet-paper
closetpot / wc-pot = toilet bowl
closetpot / wc-pot = toilet pan
closetreservoir = toilet cistern
closetreservoirs = toilet cisterns
closetsok = wax seal
Close-up = close-up
close-up = close-up
close-up impressie = close-up impression
Closing Meeting = Closing Meeting
clostridiale = clostridial
clostridiale myonecrose = clostridial myonecrosis
Clostridium perfringens = Clostridium perfringens
cloth support = cloth support
cloud = cloud
Cloud = Cloud
cloud adoptie = cloud adoption
cloud adoptie traject = cloud adoption journey
Cloud Adoption Assessment = Cloud Adoption Assessment
cloud authentication service = cloud authentication service
cloud authentication service platform = cloud authentication service platform
cloud computing = cloud computing
cloud computing en virtualisatie = cloud computing and virtualisation
"cloud computing, open science, veiligheid en privacy" = "cloud computing, open science, security and privacy"
cloud connect advance = Cloud Connect Advance
Cloud delivery-modellen = Cloud delivery models
cloud gebaseerde dienst = cloud-based service
Cloud Migration Assessment = Cloud Migration Assessment
cloud technologie = cloud technology
cloudaanbieder = cloud provider
cloud-aanbieders = cloud providers
cloudapplicaties = cloud applications
cloudbedrijven = cloud companies
cloud-computing = cloud computing
clouddiensten = cloud services
clouddienstverlening = cloud services
cloud-gebaseerd tastbaar niet-transitoir computer-leesbaar opslagmedium = cloud-based tangible non-transitory computer-readable storage medium
cloud-gebaseerde = cloud-based
cloud-gebaseerde tastbare niet-transitoire computer-leesbare opslagmedia = cloud-based tangible non-transitory computer-readable storage media
cloud-infrastructuur = cloud infrastructure
cloudmigratie = cloud migration
cloud-native = cloud-native
cloudomgeving = cloud environment
cloud-omgeving = cloud environment
cloudoplossing = cloud solution
cloudoplossingen = cloud solutions
cloud-platform = cloud platform
cloud-platformen = cloud platforms
cloudplatforms = cloud platforms
cloud-provider = cloud provider
cloudresources = cloud resources
cloud-services = cloud services
cloudstorage = cloud storage
cloudstorage en -computing = cloud storage and computing
cloudstrategie = cloud strategy
cloudtechnologie = cloud technology
cloudtoepassingen = cloud applications
cloud-VPN = cloud VPN
Clovis I = Clovis I
clown = buffoon
Clown = Clown
clown {de} = clown
CLP = Centre for Local Politics
CLP = Centre for Local Politics of Ghent University
CLP criteria = CLP criteria
CLP Regulation = CLP
CLP Regulation = CLP Regulation
CLP Regulation = "Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging"
CLP-verordening = CLP Regulation
CLR-metagegevens = CLR metadata
CLS-compatibel = CLS-compliant
CLSID-code = CLSID tag
CLtB = Leo ten Brinke consortium
Club = Society
Club = Company
Club = Club
club {de} = club
Club van Rome = Club of Rome
clubdeals = club deals
Club-House = Club-House
clubjes = clubs
clublid = club member
clue = write
Cluj = Cluj
Cluster = Cluster of galaxies
Cluster = Galaxy cluster
cluster = cluster
cluster = consortium
cluster = group
Cluster Controller = Cluster Controller
cluster Industriële Automatisering = Industrial Automation cluster
cluster met enkele opslaggroep = single copy cluster
cluster met genummerde eenheden = serial cluster
Cluster Professional Services = Professional services cluster
cluster randomized trial = cluster randomized trial
cluster testen = cluster testing
cluster van bedrijven = consortium of companies
cluster van bedrijven = group of companies
cluster van bewerkingen = operations network
cluster van organisaties = consortium of organisations
cluster van veranderingsprojecten = cluster of change projects
Cluster van voorzieningen = Cluster of facilities
Cluster.exe = Cluster.exe
clusteradapter = cluster adapter
Clusteranalyse = Cluster analysis
cluster-analyse = cluster analysis
clusterhoofdpijn = cluster headache
clustering = clustering
Clusteringsoftware = Clustering software package
clusterleden = consortium members
clusterleden = group members
clusterlogboek = cluster log
clusternetwerkadres = cluster network address
clusteropslag = cluster storage
clusterpoort = cluster port
clusters = clusters
clusters van veranderingsprojecten = clusters of change projects
Clusterservice = Cluster service
Clustersteekproef = Clustersteekproef
clustersteekproeftrekking achteraf volgens Dalenius = post cluster sampling
clustert = cluster
clustervragen = multiple true-false item
clustervragen = multiple true-false question
cluttering = verrommeling
Clyde Tombaugh = Tombaugh
clysteerspuit = enema syringe
CM = Collection Management
cm = cm
CM (Coach-Medewerker) formulier = CE (Coach-Employee) form
CM formulier = CE form
CM gesprek = CE (Coach-Employee) meeting
cm waterkolom = inches of water column =
cm/s = cm/s
cm2 = cm2
cm3 = cm3
CMA/2/I/C/1.1 = CMA/2/I/C/1.1
CMAI = Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory
CMDB = Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
cmdlet = cmdlet
C-Meal = C-Meal
CML = Staff Development Service
CML Loopbaanontwikkeling = Staff Development Service
"CMO, Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Ondernemen" = "CMO, Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility"
C-Mode = C-Mode
cmol+/kg = cmol+/kg
CMO's = Chief Marketing Officer
CMOS-technologie = CMOS technology
CMR = Central Participation Council (Centrale Medezeggenschapsraad)
CMR = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR condities = CMR Conditions
CMR Convention = CMR
CMR Convention = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR verdrag = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR-bestand = CMR file
CMR-checklist = CMR checklist
CMR-verdrag = CMR Convention
cms = CMS
CMS-systeem = CMS system
CMTO = Chief Market & Technology Officer
CMTO = ContentMaster Template Online
CMYK = cyan-magenta-yellow-black
CMYK-kleur = process color
CN Tower = CN Tower
CN Tower = NC lathe
CNAME-record = CNAME record
CNC = computerised numerical control
CNC = Numerical controller
CNC gestuurde = CNC-controlled
CNC gestuurde machine = CNC-controlled machine
CNC klem = CNC clamp
CNC klemmen = CNC clamps
CNC plaatklemmen = CNC plate clamps
CNC-draaibank = CNC lathe
CNC-machines = CNC machines
CNCR = Center for Neurogenomics and Cognition Research
CNC-snijproces = CNC cutting process
CNC-verspaner = CNC Operator
cnemidocoptes gallinae = depluming mites
C-netwerk = C-network
CNG-provider = CNG provider
cNm = cN-m
cnms (customer network management service) = cnms (customer network management service)
cnms (customer network management service) = customer network management service (cnms)
cnms (global customer network management system) = global customer network management system (cnms)
cnms-rapportageprogramma voor beheer = cnms management reporting tool
CNNIC = China Network Information Centre
CNWS = "Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies"
co = tablet
CO = Care order
co- = co-
CO 2  set = CO 2  set
CO detector = CO detector
CO- en CO2-stromen = CO and CO2 streams
CO melding = Carbon Monoxide Detector
CO/CO2-scheidingsfase = CO/CO2 separation stage
CO/CO2-scheidingsstap = CO/CO2 separation stage
CO/LPG installaties = CO/LPG systems
CO/O2 = CO/O2
CO/O2-scheidingsfase = CO/O2 separation stage
CO/O2-scheidingsstap = CO/O2 separation stage
co?rdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
co?rdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
CO2 = CO₂
CO2 = CO2
CO₂ = CO₂
CO2  sensor = CO₂ sensor
CO2 blusser = CO2 extinguisher
CO2 concentratie = CO2 concentration
CO2 en H2O = CO₂ and H₂O
CO2 en vocht = CO₂ and moisture
CO2 en/of andere uitstoot = CO2 emissions and/or other emissions
CO2 footprint = CO₂ footprint
CO2 grenswaarde = CO₂ threshold
CO2 inblaassysteem = CO2 injection system
CO2 neutraal geproduceerd = produced carbon neutrally
CO2 reductie verklaring = CO₂-reduction statement
CO2 reductie verklaringen = CO₂-reduction statements
CO₂ sensor = CO₂ sensor
CO2 Threshold = CO₂ Threshold
CO2 tot CO-verhoudingen = CO2 to CO ratios
CO2 uitstoot vermindering = CO₂ emission reduction
CO2/CO/O2-mengsels = CO2 / CO / O2 mixtures
CO2/CO-mengsels = CO2 / CO mixtures
CO2-afvangsysteem = CO2 capturing system
CO2-bemesting = CO2 fertilisation
CO2-bevattende = CO2-comprising
CO2-bevattende gas = CO2 comprising gas
CO2-Bewust certificaat = CO2-Conscious Certificate
CO2-brandblusser = CO2 extinguisher
CO2-detectie = CO₂ detection
CO2-dissociatieproces = CO2 dissociation process
CO2-emissie = CO2 emissions
CO2-emissie = CO2 emission
CO2-emissies = CO2 emissions
CO2-emissievoetafdruk = CO2 emission footprint
CO2-gas = CO2 gas
CO2-gebaseerde processen = CO2-based processes
CO2-houdende = CO2 comprising
CO2-houdende gas = CO2 comprising gas
CO2-houdende stromen = CO2 comprising streams
CO2-invoersysteem = CO2 input system
CO2-neutraal geproduceerd = CO₂-neutrally produced
CO2-neutrale = CO₂-neutral
CO2-neutrale = CO2-neutral
CO2-neutrale PV omvormer = CO₂-neutral PV inverter
CO2-neutrale PV omvormers = CO₂-neutral PV inverters
CO2-omzetting = CO2 conversion
CO2-opvangsysteem = CO2 capturing system
CO2-producerende installaties = CO2 producing installations
CO2-reductie = CO2 reduction
CO2-rijke separatoruitvoer = CO2-rich separator output
CO2-sensor = CO2-Sensor
CO2-set = CO2  set
CO2-splitsingsproces = CO2 splitting process
CO2-uitstoot = CO2 emissions
CO2-uitstoot = CO2 exhaust
CO2-voetafdruk = CO2 foot print
CO2-vrij = CO2 free
coöperatieve vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid = cooperative company with limited liability (CVBA)
Co-aanbevelings- en Co-marketingactiviteiten = Co-Recommendation and Co-Marketing Activities
Coach = Coach
coachduo = coaching pair
coachen = coach
coachen bij uw eigen projecten = coach you on your own projects
coachen en ondersteunen = coach and support
coachen op competenties = coaching on competencies
Coachend leidinggeven = Coaching management
coachend leidinggevende = coaching manager
coachende leiderschapskwaliteiten = coaching leadership skills
coaching = coaching
coaching en leiderschap = coaching and leadership
coaching initiatives = coachingsinitiatieven
coachingstraject = coaching pathway
coachkwaliteiten = coaching qualities
Coach-medewerker = Coach-Employee
coach-medewerker gesprek = CE (coach-employee) meeting
coach-medwerker formulier = CE form
coach-medwerker formulier = coach-employee form
Coachtraining = Coach training
coachvaardigheden = coaching skills
coagulant = coagulant
coagulatie = coagulation
coagulatie effluent = coagulation effluent
coagulatiebad = coagulation bath
coaguleren = coagulate
coaguleren = coagulating
coaguleren = to coagulate
coaguleren = coagulation
coaguleren (samenklonteren) = coagulation (flocculation)
coagulerende vlokken = coagulating flocs
coalescentie = coalescence
coalescentie (samen­vloeiing van de vloeibare deeltjes van een emulsie) = coalescence
coal-fired power stations = kolencentrales
Coalitie = Coalition
coalitie = alliance
coalitie = coalition
Coalitie Wadden Natuurlijk = Coalitie Wadden Natuurlijk (The Natural Wadden Coalition)
Coalitiestrategie = Coalition strategy
coalition building = coalition building
Coarse Adjust = Coarse Adjust
Coarse Adjustment = Coarse Adjustment
Coase-theorema = Coase theorema
co-assessor = co-assessor
Coastal Municipality Water Utility = Coastal Municipality Water Utility
Coaster = Coaster
coaten = coating
coaten = coat
"coaten, infilmen" = coat
coater = coater
coating = coating
coating = topcoat
Coating behuizing = Coating housing
Coating- en slitgegevens = Coating & slitting data
coating stack = coating stack
coating stacks = coating stacks
coating uit zwart plastic = coating made of black plastic
coating vaten = coating drums
"coating, verflaag" = coating
coating-laagsysteem = coating layer system
coating-lagen = coating layers
"coatingmachine, infilmmachine" = coating machine
coatingmiddelen = coating agents
Coatingmiddelen = Coating agents
coatings in poedervorm = powder coatings
coatings met decoratief effect = decorative effect coatings
coatings met meerdere lagen = multilayer coatings
coatings met meerdere lagen = coatings with multiple layers
coatingsysteem = coating system
coax = coax
coax = coaxial cable
Coax = Coax
Coax (IEC) = Coaxial (IEC)
Coax connector = Coax connector
coax kabel = coax cable
Coax koppeling = Coax coupler
coaxconnector = coax connector
coaxdemping = coax damping
Coaxiaal = Coaxial
coaxiaal = coaxial
coaxiaal filter = coaxial filter
coaxiaal gelegen = coaxially disposed
coaxiaal is met de = is coaxial with the
coaxiaal is met de verbruiksdoel-aandrijfas = is coaxial with the consumable target drive shaft
coaxiaal met = coaxial with
coaxiaal met de aangedreven as = coaxial with the driven shaft
coaxiaalkabel = coaxial cable
coaxiaalsteker = coaxial plug
coaxiaalsteker = coax(ial) plug
coaxiale = coaxial
Coaxiale aansluitstekkers = Coaxial connectors
coaxiale connector = coaxial connector
coaxiale diode = coaxial diode
coaxiale elektrolytische cel = coaxial electrolytic cell
coaxiale flitscontacten = coaxial flash contacts
coaxiale kabel = coaxial cable
coaxiale kabel = coax
coaxiale lijn = coaxial line
coaxiale pijpvormige metaalelektroden = coaxial pipe-shaped metal electrodes
coaxialiteit = coaxiality
coaxkabel = coax(ial) cable
Coaxkabel = Coaxial cable
coaxkabel = coax
Coaxkabeltester = Coaxial cable testing device
coaxsteker = coaxial plug
Coaxsteker = Coaxial connector
coaxstekerbus = coax socket
Coaxtype = Coax type
coaxverbinder = coax connector
COB Diagnostiek = COB Diagnostiek
cobalt = cobalt
Cobalt [Co] = Cobalt [Co]
cobaltbad = cobalt plating solution
Cobbenhagen building = Cobbenhagen building
Cobex = Cobex
Cobol = common business oriented language: Cobol
Cobot = Cobot
Cobots = cobots
Cobouw = Cobouw
CoBrA = CoBrA
COBS Vast Observatiesysteem = COBS Fixed Observation System
COBS Vaste Observatiesysteem = COBS Fixed Observation System
COBS Vaste Observatiesystemen = COBS Fixed Observation Systems
Coca = Coca
COCA-formulier = COCA form
Cocaïne = Cocaine
cocaïne {de} = coke [sl.]
Cochleair = Cochlear
cochleair implantaat (CI) = cochlear implant (CI)
cockpit = cockpit
Cockpit = Dwelling place
Cockpit = Binnacle
cockpit = cabin
Cocktail = Cocktail
Cocktail = Cocktail party
cocktail {de} = cocktail
cocktail lounge = cocktail lounge
cocktailprikkers = cocktail sticks
cocktails = cocktails
cocktailsaus = homemade cocktail sauce
cocktailshakers = cocktail shakers
cocon = cocoon
Cocoon = Enveloping Prey
Cocoon = Cocoon
Cocoseilanden = Cocos Islands
Cocoseilanden = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
cocosmat = coco mat
cocosmat met rubber bovenlaag = rubber-topped coco mat
cocreatie = co-authoring
Co-Creatie = Co-creation
co-creatie proces = co-creation process
co-creatie processen = co-creation processes
co-creation = co-creation
co-creator = co-creator
Co-creeëren = Co-creating
COD = cash on delivery
codabar = codabar
Codarts = Codarts
Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten = Codarts University of the Arts
code = code
code = tag
Code = Code digit
code 128 = code 128
code 39 = code 39
code 93 = code 93
code cadeaubon = gift certificate code
code die recursief wordt aangeroepen = code that is called recursively
code diverse toeslagen = miscellaneous charge code
code en codebibliotheken = code and code libraries
Code Napoléon = Civil code
Code of Conduct = Code of Conduct
Code of Ethics for Research in the Social and Behavioural Sciences involv = Code of Ethics for Research in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Involv
code of practice = code of practice
code per blok = code per block
code per dag = code per day
Code review = Code review
Code storingsmelding = Fault message code
code stub = code stub
code uit de superklasse = code from the superclass
code uitvoeren = execute code
Code van Goede Praktijk = Code of Good Practice
code van vier tekens = four character code
code versluiering = code obfuscation
code voor automatisch dupliceren = auto-duplicating code
code voor automatisch overslaan = auto-skip code
Code voor de goede praktijk = Code of Good Practice
code voor eenmalig gebruik = single-use code
code voor goed handelen = code of good conduct
code voor het onderzoek naar ongevallen op zee = Code for the investigation of marine casualties
Code voor Informatiebeveiliging = Code of Practice for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC 17799: 2005
code voor log en debug-operaties = logging and debugging code
code voor zelf-controlerend nummer = self-check number verification code
code waar een fout in kan optreden = code that may contain an error
code(s = code(s
Code/afneembaar front = Code/removable control unit
codeanalyse = code analysis
codebasis = code base
codebeheer = code management
codebeoordeling = code review
codebibliotheken = code libraries
codeblad = code sheet
codeboek = code book
codebreekpunt = code breakpoint
codec = codec
codec = coder/decoder
codeconversie = code conversion
Codedefinitievenster = Code Definition window
codedekking = code coverage
codeer- en decodeerapparatuur = encoding and decoding apparatus
codeer- en decodeerapparatuur en -instrumenten = encoding and decoding apparatus and instruments
codeer- en decodeerinstrumenten = encoding and decoding instruments
codeerafdeling/-centrale = coding department
codeerder = coder
codeereenheid = colour encoder
Codeermachines voor videosignalen = Video-signal coding machines
codeerorgaan = encoder
Codeerrichting = Direction of coding
codeerschakelaar = encoding switch
codeer-ster = coding element
codeert een eiwit = encodes a protein
Codeeruitrusting = Coding equipment
codegenerator = code generator
code-georiënteerd testen = code-based testing
Codegever = Coder
Codeïne = Codeine
codeïne {het} = codeine
codeklavier = keypad
Codelengte (Bit) = Code length (Bit)
codelijst = list of codes
codemasker = code mask
codenaam = code name
codenummer = code number
codenummerbestand = code number file
code-onafhankelijk = code-independent
code-onafhankelijk systeem = code-independent system
codepoint = code point
codeprijs = code price
coderegel = line of code
coderegel = coderegel (Gwit)
code-regels = code lines
coderen = encode
coderen = to code
coderen = code
codereviews = code reviews
Codering = Encryption
codering = encoding
codering = coding
codering in één keer = one-pass encoding
codering in twee keer = two-pass encoding
codering in twee niveaus = two-level encoding
codering met twee opeenvolgende pulsen = dipulse coding
codering op enkelvoudig niveau = single-level encoding
Codering rijgklem = Labelling for terminal block
codering van informatie = cryptography
Codering voedingaders = Codification main cores
coderingsapparaat = coder
coderingsapparatuur = encoders
coderingsmethode = cipher
coderingsprogramma = encoder
Coderingsschild = Coding plate
Coderingssleutel = Encryption key
coderings-systeem = encoding system
coderingstoestel = encoder
codeselector = code selector
code-signing = code signing
Codeslot = Code lock
code-snippit = code snippet
codestelsel = code scheme
codetabel = code page
codeteken = code character
codetoegangbeveiligingsbeleid (CAS) = code access security (CAS) policy
codeur = coder
co-development = co-development
codevenster = code pane
codeverdeling met meervoudige toegang = code division multiple access
codewijziging = locking
code-wijziging = change in law
codewijzigingsvoorstel = Code Amendment Proposal (CPA)
codewoord = code word
CODEX = (Belgian) Welfare at Work Code
Codex Alimentarius = Codex Alimentarius
Codex over het welzijn op het werk. = (Belgian) Regulations on health and safety at work
Codex over het welzijn op het werk. = (Belgian) Welfare at Work Code
Codex over Welzijn op het werk = Code on Well-Being of Workers in the Performance of their Work
Codicil = Codicil
codicil = living will
codificatie = "codification, code"
Codificatie = Codification
codificatie van het communautaire recht = codification of Community law
codificatieplaten = code plates
codificeren = encode
coding = coding
codistor = codistor
CoE = Centre of Expertise
CoE = Center of Excellence
"CoE, HA" = Centre of Expertise on Healthy Ageing (CoE HA)
co-editie = co-edition
coëducatie = coeducation
coëfficiënt = coefficient
coëfficiënt = factor
coëfficiënt = coefficients
coëfficiënt = factors
Coëfficiënt = Coefficient
coefficient of individuality = coefficient of individuality
coëfficiënt op het niveau van de lidstaat = coefficient at Member State level
coëfficiënt van kurtosis = coefficient of excess
coëfficiënt van ordeningsverschil = coefficient of disarray
coëfficiënt van zelf-gelijkenis = coefficient of self-similarity
coëfficiënten = coefficients
coëfficiënten = factors
Coefficients = Coefficients
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = scaler
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = coefficient potentiometer
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = coefficient unit
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = constant multiplier unit
Coeficients = Coefficients
Coelacanten = Coelacanth
Coelacanthen = Coelacanth
coeliakie = Gee's disease
co-emulgator = co-emulsifier
Coenzyme = Coenzyme
coërcitiekracht = coercive force
coërciviteit = coercivity
coérdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
coérdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
Co-evalueren = Co-evaluating
Coevorden = Coevorden
coex polypropyleen = co-extruded polypropylene
co-existentie = coexistence
co-existentie van e-mailomgevingen = e-mail coexistence
co-existeren = to coexist
coextrusion = coëxtrusie
Coffee & Tea Marketing en Sales unit = Coffee & Tea Marketing and Sales unit
Coffee & Tea Marketing en Sales units = Coffee & Tea Marketing and Sales units
coffee as a service = coffee as a service
Coffee Workshop = Coffee Workshop
coffee-corner = coffee corner
Coffeeshop = Coffee-house
Coffeeshop = Café
Coffeeshop = Coffee
coffeeshop = <a shop where drugs are sold>
Coffeïne = Caffeine
coffeïne {de} = caffeine
Coffeïnevrij = Decaffeinated coffee
Coffeïnevrij = Caffeine-free coffee
coffre = borst
co-financier = co-financier
cofinanciering = co-financing
cofinanciering = co-funding
co-formulering = co-formulation
cofunctionele VidPN-modaliteit = cofunctional VidPN modality
CO-gehalte = CO-content
cogito ergo sum = "I am thinking, therefore I exist"
Cognac = Cognac
cognac = brandy
Cognac (drank) = Cognac (drink)
cognac {de} = cognac
cognitie = cognition
Cognitief = Cognitive
cognitief neurologisch onderzoek = cognitive neuroscience
cognitief probleem = cognitive problem
cognitief-psycholoog = cognitive psychologists
cognitieve = cognitive
cognitieve- = cognitive
cognitieve achteruitgang = cognitive decline
Cognitieve achteruitgang door ouderdom = Age related cognitive decline
cognitieve behandelprogramma = cognitive  treatment programme
Cognitieve benadering = Cognitive approach
Cognitieve capaciteit = Cognitive capacity
cognitieve capaciteiten = cognitive abilities
Cognitieve component van de attitude = Cognitive component of attitude
Cognitieve consistentietheorieën = Cognitive consistency theories
Cognitieve dissonantie = Cognitive dissonance
cognitieve en emotionele intelligentie = cognitive and emotional intelligence
cognitieve en normatieve dimensie = cognitive and normative dimension
Cognitieve Ergonomie = Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitieve gedragstherapie = Cognitive behavioral therapy
cognitieve intelligentie = cognitive intelligence
Cognitieve map = Cognitive map
cognitieve ontwikkeling = cognitive  development
cognitieve ontwikkeling = cognitive development
Cognitieve psychologie = Cognitive psychology
Cognitieve Radio Platform = Dutch platform for Cognitive Radio
Cognitieve Radio = Cognitive Radio
Cognitieve responses = Cognitive responses
cognitieve stoornis = cognitive disorder
cognitieve stoornissen = cognitive disorders
cognitieve vaardigheden = cognitive skills
cognitieve vorming = cognitive education
cognitieve wetenschap = cognitive science
cognitiewetenschap = cognitive science
cognitron = cognitron
Cognizant Digital Studio = Cognizant Digital Studio
Cognossement = Bill of lading
cognossement = bill of lading
Cohabitation = Cohabitation
coherent = coherent
coherente 3D-scène = scene-coherent 3-D
coherente bundel = coherent bundle
coherente detector = coherent detector
coherente draaggolf = coherent carrier
coherente referentie = coherent reference
coherente signalen = coherent signals
"coherente structuur volgens Birnbaum, Esary en Saunders" = coherent structure
"coherente structuur volgens Birnbaum, Esary en Saunders" = monotonic structure
coherente transponder = coherent transponder
coherentie = coherence
Coherentie van het ontwerp met = Coherence of the design with
coherentiecoëfficiënt = coherency
coherentie-principe = coherency principle
coherentietheorie van de waarheid = coherence theory of truth
cohesie = cohesion
Cohesie van een organisatie = Cohesion of the organisation
cohesiebeleid = cohesion policy
Cohesiefonds = Cohesion Fund
cohesielanden = cohesion countries
cohesieve grond = cohesive soil
cohesion = cohesion
Cohors = Cohort
cohort = "intake, cohort"
Cohort = Cohot
cohort = cohort
cohort (cohort studenten) = cohort (student cohort)
cohort (statistiek) = cohort (statistics)
cohort 1998 = "1998 intake, intake for the year 1998"
Cohortanalyse = Cohort analysis
cohortanalyse = cohort analysis
Cohorten = Cohorts
Cohortonderzoek = Cohort studies
cohort-sterftetabel = cohort life table
cohortstudie = cohort study
COICOP/GICP-onderverdeling = subdivision of COICOP/HICP
coilbreak = coil break
coilhaak = coil hook
Coín = Wedge
Coín = Penny
Coín = Angle
Coín = Nook
coincard = coin card
coïncidentele cohesie = coincidental cohesion
coïncidentie = coincidence
coïncidentiefout = coincidence error
Co-initiëren = Co-initiating
Coitus = Coitus
coïtus = coition
Coitus interruptus = Coitus interruptus
Cokes = Coke
cokes = cokes
cokes {de} = coke
cokes- en kolenbreek- en sorteerinrichting (zifterij) = Coal and cokes crushing and sorting plant
cokesfabriek = Cokes industry
cokesfabriek = coke plant
cokesfabrieken en teerdestilleerderijen = Cokes factories and tar distilleries
Col = Throat
Col = Mountain pass
Col = Collar
Cola = Cola
Cola = Kola
cola {de} = Coke [coll.]
Colbert = Jacket
Colbert = Suit coat
colbert {de} {het} = tuxedo [esp. Am.]
colbert {de} {het} = dinner jacket
Colbertjassen = Jackets
Colbertjassen en blazers = Jackets and blazers
Colbetisten = Colbetists
Colchis = Colchis
cold = cold
Cold call = Cold call
cold calling = cold calling
cold chain = cold chain
cold check = cold check
Cold Climate Package = Cold Climate Package
Cold list = Cold list
Cold mailing = Cold mailing
Cold prospect = Cold prospect
cold standby = cold standby
cold-deck-methode = cold deck method
coleoptiel = coleoptile
coleur lokaal = local colour
colibacteriën = coliform bacterium
"colica hepatica, cholecystalgie, de galblaaskoliek, galsteenkoliek" = hepatic colic
Colin Powell = Colin Powell
Colitis = Colitis
colitis ulcerosa = ulcerative colitis
Coll. Arb h.t. ab Actis//Coll. Arb. h.t. Praeses = Secretary / Chairman (of an Examination Board in this matter)
collabeert = Contracting / collapsing
Collaboratie = Collaboration
Collaboration Data Objects = Collaboration Data Objects
Collaborative Action Research = Collaborative Action Research
Collage = Collage
Collage = Sticking
Collage = Paste
collage {de} = collage
Collageen = Collagen
Collaps = Collapse
collapsibility = collapsibility
Collar = Collar
Collar Lifting Arm = Collar Lifting Arm
"collateraal, neven-, begeleidend" = "collateral {adj} (accompanying, concomitant)"
"collateraal, neven-, zijdelings" = "collateral {adj} (parallel, along the same vein)"
Collateral = Aisle
Collateral standard = Collateral standard
collatie = collation
collationeren = collate
collator = collator
Collecteren = Take the collection
collecteren = collect
Collecteren = Collect money
collecteren = Collecting
Collecterende handel = Collectioning trade
Collectie = Collection
collectie = collection
collectie (Nederlandse) Geschiedenis = (Dutch) History collection
collectie Bibliotheek TU Delft = TU Delft Library collection
collectie Economie en Informatica = Economics and Information Science collection
collectie- en informatiespecialist = collection and information specialist
collectie Filosofie = Philosophy collection
collectie Letteren = Language and Literature collection (niet: Arts collection)
collectie Rechtsgeleerdheid = Law collection
Collectie Smidt-van Gelder = Smidt van Gelder Collection
collectie Sociale Wetenschappen = Social Sciences collection
collectie/ verzameling = collection
collectiebeheer = collection management
collectief = collective
collectief arbeidscontract = collective labour (wage) agreement (contract)
collectief besef = general consensus
collectief bewustzijn = collective consciousness
collectief contract (ziektekosten) = group policy
collectief gedeelde = collective
collectief gedrag = collective behaviour
collectief herdenken = collective commemoration
collectief herstel van olijfgaarden = collective schemes for the re-establishment of olive groves
collectief merk = collective trademark
Collectief merk = Collective brand
collectief met = together with
collectief ontslag = collective dismissal
collectief openbaar vervoer (COV) = public transport
collectief oproepteken = collective call sign
collectief pensioen = group pension scheme
collectief verlof = company leave
collectief vervoer = collective transport
collectief voor alle medewerkers = collectively for all employees
collectief werknemerspensioen = group employees’ pension scheme
collectief werknemerspensioen = group pension scheme
collecties gebaseerd op = collections based on
Collecties versus arrays = Collections versus arrays
collectieve = collective
collectieve (pensioen)regelingen van meer werkgevers = (IFRS) multiemployer (benefit) plans
collectieve aanbiedingsvorm = collective presentation
collectieve actie = collective action
collectieve adresgroep = collective address group
Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst = Collective Labour Agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = CBA
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective Bargaining Agreement (CAO)
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective wage agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective labour agreements
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective agreement
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective labour agreement
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective bargaining agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = labour agreement
Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst (CAO) = Collective Labour Agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten = collective bargaining agreements
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaarden = collective employment conditions
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling = employment conditions scheme
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling = employee benefits scheme
collectieve beheerorganisaties = collective management organisations
collectieve beheersorganisatie = collective management organisation
Collectieve Beheersorganisaties = Collective Management Organisations
collectieve beheersorganisaties voor uitvoerende kunstenaars = collective management organisations for performing artists
collectieve beschermingsmiddelen = Collective Protective Equipment.(CPE)
collectieve beschermingsmiddelen = collective protection equipment (CPE)
collectieve besparingen = collective savings
collectieve besparingen = defense)
collectieve besparingen = security
collectieve beveiliging = collective security services
collectieve bewustzijn = collective consciousness
collectieve boerderij = collective farm
collectieve concentratie = collective concentration
collectieve consumentenbelangen = collective interests of consumers
collectieve contracten = group contracts
collectieve denken = collective thought
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group employment accident insurance
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group insurance
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group long-term disability income insurance
collectieve economie = collectivised economy
collectieve en individuele arbeidsovereenkomst = collective or individual employment contract
Collectieve Garantie Regeling = Collective Guarantee Scheme
collectieve geheugen = collective memory
Collectieve goederen = Collective goods
collectieve inkoopkracht = collective purchasing power
collectieve korting = group discount
Collectieve lasten = Collective burdens
Collectieve lastendruk = Collective burden
collectieve legitimiteit = collective legitimacy
collectieve levensverzekering = group insurance
collectieve levensverzekering = group life insurance
collectieve levensverzekering = group schemes [vs personal lines]
collectieve licenties = collective licences
collectieve maaltijdverstrekking = catering
collectieve maatregelen = collective measures
collectieve Mode S-ondervragingen = Mode S all call interrogations
collectieve onderhandeling = collective bargaining
collectieve onderhandelingen = collective bargaining
collectieve onderhandelingen = super annuation scheme
Collectieve ongevallenverzekering = Group accident insurance
collectieve onverantwoordelijkheid = collective irresponsibility
collectieve overeenkomst = collective agreement
collectieve overeenkomst = group contract
collectieve overeenkomsten = collective bargaining agreements
collectieve overeenkomsten of scheidsrechterlijke uitspraken die algemeen = collective agreements or arbitration awards which have been declared univ
collectieve partnerverzekering = group Domestic Partner Policy scheme
collectieve pensioenregeling = group pension plan
collectieve pensioenregeling = group pension scheme
collectieve pensioentoezegging = group pension scheme
collectieve pensioenverzekering = group pension insurance
collectieve pensioenverzekering = joint power of attorney
collectieve rechtenbeheerder = collective rights manager
collectieve regeling = group arrangement
collectieve regeling van een brancheorganisatie = group arrangement of a trade association
collectieve registratie = corporate registration
collectieve reisongevallenverzekering/reisbagageverzekering = group travel accident insurance/baggage insurance
collectieve risicoverzekering = group term life insurance
collectieve routering = collective routing
collectieve routeringsindicator = collective routing indicator
collectieve salarisverhoging = collective salary increase
Collectieve sector = Public sector
collectieve sluitingsdag = company holiday
collectieve sluitingsdagen = collective days of closure
collectieve snipperdag = company-wide day off
collectieve snipperdagen = company-wide days off
collectieve snipperdagen = company-wide day off
Collectieve uitgaven = Public expenditure
Collectieve uitgavenquote = Public expenditure quota
collectieve uiting van herdenking = collective expression of remembrance
collectieve uitvoerder = collective implementer
collectieve uitvoerder = collective implementing agency
Collectieve uitvoering = Collective implementation
collectieve vakantie = company holidays
collectieve verantwoordelijkheid = collective responsibility
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide leave days
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide days off
collectieve verlofdagen = annual closure periods
collectieve verlofdagen = annual holidays
collectieve verlofdagen = company holidays
collectieve verlofdagen = company leave
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide holiday(s)
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide leave
collectieve verlofdagen = compulsory holiday
collectieve verlofdagen = fixed holiday
collectieve verzekering = group-insurance
collectieve verzekering = group insurance schemes
collectieve verzekering premievrijstelling = collective insurance waiver
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance schemes
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance policies
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance scheme
collectieve verzekeringsovereenkomst = collective insurance contract
collectieve verzekeringspakket = group insurance package
collectieve voorwaarden = collective terms and conditions
collectieve voorzieningen = social benefits
collectieve voorzieningen = community facilities
collectieve voorzorgsmaatregelen = collective precautionary measures
Collectieve vraag = Public demand
Collectieve vraagfunctie = Public function of demand
Collectieve vraaglijn = Public line of demand
collectieve vrije dag = company holiday
collectieve vrije dag = company-wide holiday
collectieve vrije dagen = company holidays
collectieve vrije dagen = company-wide holidays
collectieve warmwatervoorziening = communal hot-water system
collectieve werklijst = unified work list
Collectieve WGA Hiaatverzekeringen = Collective WGA shortfall insurance
collectieve zakenreisverzekering = group business travel insurance
collectieve ziektekostenregeling = group health benefit plan
collectieve ziektekostenverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve ziekteverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve zorgverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve zorgverzekering en daarbij behorende dienstverlening = group health insurance and related services
Collectieve zorgverzekeringen = group health insurance policies
Collection Management = Collection Management
collective ziektekostenregeling = group health insurance scheme
Collectivisering = Collectivization
Collectivisme = Collectivism
collectiviteiten = group health insurance schemes
Collectiviteitsgedachte = Group perspective
collectiviteitsnummer = group health insurance scheme number
collectiviteitsnummer = group scheme number
collectiviteitsvoordeel = group discounts
collectivum volgens Von Mises = kollectiv
collector = collector
collector = commutator
Collectoraansluiting = Collector connection
collector-basis junctie = collector-base junction
collectorbelastingsweerstand = collector load resistance
collectorcapacitantie = collector capacitance
collectordissipatie = collector dissipation
collectorefficiëntie = collector efficiency
collectoren = collectors
collectorjunctie = collector junction
collectorkarakteristiek = collector characteristic curve
collectorlamel = collector lamination
collectorlamel = commutator lamination
Collectors voor microscoop = Microscope collectors
collectorschakeling = collector circuit
collectorsegment = collector segment
collectorspanning = collector voltage
collectorstroom = collector current
collectorverbreking = collector cutoff
collectorvoedingsspanning = collector supply voltage
collectorvoorspanning = collector bias voltage
collectorweerstand = collector resistance
collega = co-worker
collega = coworker
collega = associate
collega = colleague
collega = confrère
collega = fellow-worker
collega = workmate
Collega = Colleague
collega- = fellow
collega {de} = colleague
collega docent = fellow lecturer
collega docent / onderzoeker = fellow lecturer/researcher
collega onderzoeker = fellow researcher
"collega, medewerker, medewerkster" = a companion or workmate)
"collega, medewerker, medewerkster" = coworker (somebody with whom one works
collega’s = colleagues
collega’s = co-workers
collega’s = people
collega’s = staff
collega’s = teachers
collega’s = experts
collega’s = everybody
collega’s en zakenrelaties = colleagues and business relations
collega’s FileMaker-ontwikkelaars = colleague FileMaker developers
collega’s of zakenrelaties = colleagues or business partners
collega-assessor = fellow assessor
collega-beoordelaar = fellow assessor evaluator
collega-CBO’s = fellow CMOs
collega-chauffeur = fellow driver
collega-gedelegeerde = fellow delegates
collega-gedelegeerden = fellow delegates
collega-gedelegeerden = fellow delegate
collega-parlementsleden = fellow parliamentarians
collega's = colleagues
Collega's = Colleagues
collega's {mv} = colleagues
"collega's, leidinggevenden, opdrachtgevers en klanten" = "colleagues, managers, clients and customers"
"collega's, partners en klanten" = "colleagues, partners and customers"
"collega's, relaties of kennissen" = "colleagues, business relations or acquaintances"
collega's/medewerkers = colleagues/staff
collega's/personeel = colleagues/staff
collegavorm = coworker shape
College = Course
college = lecture
college = board
college = body
college = "body, board"
College = High school
College = College
college = (course of) lectures
college = "lecture (Br), class (Am)"
college (bestuurslichaam) = board
college (hoorcollege) = lecture
college (les) = lecture / class
college (les) = "lecture, class"
college (leseenheid) = lecture
college (opleidingsinstituut) = college
College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens = The Dutch Data Protection Authority
college bijwonen (niet als cursist) = "to sit in on lectures (Br), to sit in on classes (Am)"
college- en examengelden = tuition and examination fees
college geven = lecture
college geven = to lecture
college geven = lecture (on)
college lopen = attend lectures
college lopen = to attend lectures/classes
college lopen = to attend lectures
college- of medewerkerskaart = student or staff ID card
college van arbiters = council or panel of arbitrators/arbitration council
College van B&W = Municipal Executive
college van B&W = "Local Executive (OR: city ex., municipal ex.)"
College van Beroep voor de Examens = Board of Appeal for Examinations
College van Beroep voor de examens = Examination Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor de Examens (CBE) = Examinations Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor de studiefinanciering = Student Finance Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven = Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het Bijzonder Onderwijs (CBBO) = Privately-Run Education Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het Hoger Onderwijs = Higher Education Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor het Hoger Onderwijs = Higher Education Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor Studenten = Student Appeals Board
college van bestuur = Executive Board
college van bestuur = board of governors
College van Bestuur = "Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University"
College van Bestuur = Executive Board
College van Bestuur (CvB) = Executive Board
college van Burgemeester & Wethouders = Mayor and aldermen
College van Burgemeester en Wethouders = Municipal Executive
college van burgemeester en wethouders = mayor and aldermen
college van burgemeester en wethouders = Municipal Executive
college van burgermeester en wethouders = mayor and aldermen
college van burgermeester en wethouders = Municipal Executive (bestuur)
college van Burgmeester en Wethouders = XXX
college van Burgmeester en Wethouders van de gemeente = Municipal Executive of the municipality of
college van commissarissen = board of commissioners (BE)
college van commissarissen = board of (supervisory) directors
college van commissarissen = board of trustees
College van Commissarissen (van de rekeningen) = Supervisory Board (RE 18.6.08)
College van Decanen = "Deans of the Faculties, Committee of Deans"
College van Decanen = College of Deans
College van Hoogleraren = College of Professors
college van revisoren = joint auditors
college van statutaire zaakvoerders = Management Board under the Articles of Association
College van Toezicht = Supervisory Board
College van Toezicht = Control Board
College van Toezicht collectieve beheersorganisaties = Control Board of the Collective Management Organisations
College van Toezicht Sociale Verzekeringen = Social Security Supervisory. Board
college van toezichthouders = college of supervisors
college van zaakvoerders = board of managers
college van zaakvoerders = Board of Managers
College van Zorgverzekeringen (HIC) = Health Insurance Commission (HIC)
College voor de toelating van Bestrijdingsmiddelen = Pesticides Approval Committee
College voor Promoties = Board for Doctorates
College voor Promoties = Doctorate Board
College voor Promoties = Board for the Conferral of Doctoral Degrees (NB: dient voluit geschreven
collegebesluit = Resolution of the Municipal Executive
collegedictaat = lecture notes
Collegedirecteur = College Director
collegegeld = tuition fees
collegegeld = tuition fee(s)
collegegeld = tuition fee
collegegelden = tuition fees
collegegeldvergoeding = tuition reimbursement
collegejaar = academic year
collegekaart = "student card, university (ID) card"
collegekaart = student card
collegekaart = college ID
collegekaart = student ID card
collegekaart = university registration card
collegeldvergoeding = reimbursement of tuition fees
collegelid = Member of the Executive Board
collegereeks = course of lectures
collegerooster = timetable
collegerooster = class/lecture timetable
colleges = lectures
Collegetijden = lecure times
collegevrij = "no lectures (Br), no classes (Am)"
collegevrije periode = Break
collegevrije periode = recess
collegevrije periode (herfst) = mid-term Break
collegevrije periode (kerst) = Christmas Break
collegevrije periode (Pasen) = Easter Break
collegevrijheid = non-compulsory lectures
collegezaal = lecture room / lecture hall
collegezaal = lecture room
collegezaal = "lecture room, classroom, lecture hall, lecture theatre"
collegezaal = lecture room / lecture hall / lecture theatre
collegezaal {de} = lecture hall
Collegezalen = lecture rooms
collegezalen = lecture theatres
collegiaal = collegial
collegiaal = cooperative
collegiaal = joint
collegiaal = like a good colleague
collegiaal = peer
collegiaal beslissende directie = The Board reaches decisions jointly/collectively
collegiaal bestuur = a board in which close cooperation is key
collegiaal bestuur [meer dan twee leden] = joint management body
collegiaal bestuursorgaan = joint management body
collegiaal overleg plegen = raw
collegiaal overleg plegen = to consult a colleague
collegiale = collegial
Collegiale = Collegial church
Collegiale = Collegial chapel
Collegiale = Collegiate
collegiale intervisie = peer review
collegiale intervisie (beoordeling onderwijsresultaten) = peer review
collegiale review = peer review
collegiale reviews = peer reviews
collegiale samenwerking = teamwork
collegiale samenwerking = working closely with
Collegiale toets = Peer review
collegiale uitwisseling = collegial exchange
collegialiteit = level of collegiality
collegialiteit = collegiality
Collégien = Schoolboy
collen/coll = collate
Colletieve reclame = Collective advertising
colli = goods
Collier = Collar
collier = necklace
colligatiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of colligation
colligatiecoëfficiënt = colligation
collimatiefout = collimation error
collimator = collimator
collineair = collinear
collineariteit = collinearity
collinearity-influential observations = collinearity-influential observations
colli's = bags
collisie = collision
collisiecontrole = collision check
collisions = collisions
collo = package
collo = bag
collo = "package, parcel"
colloafmeting = case size
Collodium = Collodion
colloguium Doctum = (University) entrance examination
Colloidaal = Colloidal
colloïdaal = colloidal
colloidaal goud = colloidal gold
colloïdaal siliciumdioxide = colloidal silicon dioxide
colloïdaal zilver = colloidal silver
colloïdale = colloidal
colloïdale deeltjes = colloidal particles
colloïdale grootteorde = colloidal size range
colloidale mengsels = colloidal mixtures
colloïdale partikels = colloidal particles
colloidale stoffen = colloidal substances
colloïdale toestand = colloidal state
colloïde = colloid
collomerk = package mark
colloquia = colloquiums
colloquium (discussiecollege) = student colloquium
colloquium (onderzoekspresentatie) = colloquium
Colloquium Doctum = university entrance examination
colloquium doctum = university admissions test (colloquium doctum)
Colloquium Doctum = Colloquium Doctum / university entrance exam
colloquium doctum commissie = University Entrance Examination Board
collum femoris = neck of  femur
Collyrium = Collyrium
co-locatie = co-location
colofon = Publisher’s details
Colofon = advies: weglaten in vertaling
colofon = credits
colofon = (eventueel:) colophon
colofon = (weglaten in het Engels
colofon = compilation
colofon = Contributing web editors (‘Colofon Webredacteuren’)
colofon = masthead
colofon = of:)
colofon = publication details
colofon = publisher’s emblem
colofon = publishing details
colofon = the following (organisations) have contributed to the production of this
colofon = colophon
Colofonium = Rosin
colofonium = colophony
colofonium esters = esters of colophane
Colombia = Colombia
Colombia {het} = Colombia
Colombiaan = Colombian
Colombiaans = Colombian
Colombiaanse = Colombian woman
Colombië = Colombia
Colombier = Dovecote
Colombo (stad) = Colombo
Colombo-plan = Colombo Plan
Colon = Settler
Colon = Colon
Colon = Damned
Colon = Colón
Colon = Colonist
Colon = Farmer
Colon = Colonel
Colón = Colonist
Colón = Colonel
Colón = Farmer
Colón = Colón
Colón = Settler
Colón = Damned
colondivertikels = colonic  diverticulosis
colondivertikels = diverticula of large intestine
Colonia = Colony
Colonkanker = Colon cancer
colonnade = colonnade
"colonnade, zuilenrij(oudheid)" = colonnade
Colonne = Column
colonne {de} = column
Colopathie = Colonopathy
Color Calibration Slide = Colour Calibration Slide
Color Calibration Slide = Color Calibration Slide
Color Calibration Slide Assy = Color Calibration Slide Assy
Color Calibration Slide Generic = Color Calibration Slide Generic
Color Target = Colour Target
color target reference file = color target reference file
color target slide = color target slide
Colorado = Colorado
Colorado (rivier) = Colorado River
Colorado (staat) = Colorado
Coloradokever = Colorado beetle
"coloradokoorts, dengue" = dengue  fever
Colorectaal = Colorectal
Colorectaalkanker = Colorectal cancer
colorimetrie = colorimetry
colorimetrie = colourimetry
Colosseum = Colosseum
colour-killer = colour killer
Colpittsoscillator = Colpitts oscillator
Colportage = Canvassing
Colportagewet = Door-to-Door Sales Act
colporteren = peddle
colporteur = doorstep salesman
Colporteur = Door-to-door salesman
Colposcoop = Colposcope
colstructie = colstruction
Colubriden = colubrid
Columbia = Columbia River
Columbia = Columbia
Columbia (rivier) = Columbia River
Columbia (South Carolina) = Columbia
Columbia Business School = Columbia Business School
"Columbia, Colombia, Colombië" = Columbia {prop} (female personification of the USA)
Columbia-universiteit = Columbia University
columbium = columbium
Columbus = Columbus
Columbus (Ohio) = Columbus
Column = Column [1]
column {de} = column
Column Prop = Column Prop
Column Support = Column Support
Column Support VB5 = Column Support VB5
COM = Commission of the European Communities
COM port = COM port
com.vijfhart.cursus.PackageApp = com.vijfhart.course.PackageApp
com.vijfhart.cursus.Voorbeeld = com.vijfhart.course.Example
com.vijfhart.cursus.Voorbeeld.class = com.vijfhart.course.Example.class
com/vijfhart/cursus/PackageApp.class = com/vijfhart/course/PackageApp.class
coma = coma
Coma (geneeskunde) = Coma
coma diabeticum = hepatic coma: coma that occurs in severe cases of liver disease
coma diabeticum = acidotic coma
coma hypoglycaemicum = insulin shock
coma na ernstige hoofdletsel = post-  head injury coma
COM-aanroepbare wrapper = COM callable wrapper
co-maker = co-maker
co-maker overeenkomst = co-maker agreement
co-makership = co-makership
co-makersschap = co-makership
Co-manufacturing = Co-manufacturing
Comateus = Comatose
Comb. dubbele contactdoos = Combination double socket outlet
Combi = Combi
Combi poorten RJ45/Mini GBIC = Combination-Ports RJ45/Mini GBIC
combi-antenne = combi-antenna
combifilm = direct/indirect film
Combifilter = Combination filter
combifilter = combined filter
combihamer = combination hammer
Combikenmelder = Combination fuse status indicator
combi-ketel = dual boiler
Combi-magnetron = Microwave combination
combi-magnetron = combi microwave
combinant = (consortium) partner
combinant = consortium partner
Combinatie = Pantsuit
combinatie = assembly
combinatie = set
combinatie = unit
Combinatie = consortium
Combinatie = group
Combinatie = Combination
Combinatie = Dungarees
Combinatie = Trouser suit
Combinatie = Boiler suit
combinatie = aggregate
combinatie = composition
Combinatie = Slip
combinatie = "train/unit (van een trein, vrachtwagen)"
combinatie (schakelaar en wandcontactdoos met randaarde) = switched socket (switch and socket)
combinatie {de} = combination
"combinatie daarvan, farmaceutisch aanvaardbare zouten daarvan, of esters " = "combinations thereof, pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, or ester"
combinatie land- en bosbouw = agroforestry
combinatie offerte = combined quote
Combinatie schakelaar/drukker = Combination switch/button
Combinatie schakelaar/wcd = Combination switch/wall socket outlet
combinatie tussen arbeid en privéleven = work-life balance
combinatie tussen werk en privéleven = Balance between work and private life
combinatie van bedrijven = combination of businesses
combinatie van beperkingen = combination of  impairments
combinatie van berging en installatieruimte = storage and plant room
combinatie van deze twee = combination of these two
combinatie van factoren = combination of factors
combinatie van inschrijvers = consortium of tenderers
combinatie van koppelingen = combination of couplings
combinatie van methodes = combination of methods
combinatie van NOx-verwijderingssysteem en deeltjesfilter = combined deNOx- particulate filter
combinatie van NOx-verwijderingssysteem en deeltjesfilter = combined deNOx-particulate filter
combinatie van ondernemers = group of economic operators
combinatie van ondernemingen = group of enterprises
combinatie van ondernemingen = group of undertakings
combinatie van producten = product mix
combinatie van producten = to syndicate
Combinatie van productiefactoren met laagste kosten = Least cost combination
combinatie van standaardgewichten = combination of standard weights
combinatie van twee verschillende signalen = dual-diversity combining
Combinatie van uitkeringen = Combination of benefits
combinatie van verschillende = combination of different
combinatie van werkzame stoffen = combination of active substances
combinatieantenne = combination aerial
Combinatiebedrijf met magnetron = Combined operation with microwave
Combinatiebrug = Box connector
combinatiecircuit = combinational circuit
combinatieformulering = combination formulation
combinatiegrafiek = combination chart
Combinatiekabel = Hybrid cable
combinatieklas = mixed age class
combinatiekleur = scheme color
Combinatiekorting = Combination credit
Combinatieovereenkomst = Consortium agreement
combinatiepolis = combined policy
Combinatiereclame = Combination advertising
combinaties = combinations
combinaties hiervan = combinations thereof
combinaties van deze kanalen = combinations of these channels
combinaties van kenmerken van verschillende uitvoeringsvormen = combinations of features of different embodiments
combinaties van werkzame verbindingen = combinations of active substances
combinatiesectie = combination section
combinatiesleutel = combination spanner
combinatiesystemen = combination system
combinatiesystemen = combination systems
combinatietang = combination plier
combinatietang = all-purpose wrench
combinatietang = combination pliers
combinatietang = engineer's pliers
combinatietang (met isolatie) = electrician's pliers
combinatietang / buigtang = pliers
combinatietekening = combined drawing
combinatietekening = combination drawing
combinatie-tekening = combined drawing
combinatietekeningsysteem = combined drawing system
combinatietonen = combination frequencies
combinatievorm = hybrid form
combinatieweergave = combination view
combinatiezaagblad = combination saw blade
combinatoriek = combinatorial methods
combinatorisch moment = combinatorial power mean
combinatorische logica = combinational logic
combinatorische schakeling = combinational circuit
combinatorische toets = combinatorial test
Combineer = Combine
combineer cellen = combine cells
combineer dag/tijdfilter = combine day/time filter
Combineerbaar met inbouwoven(s) = Can be combined with integral ovens
Combineerbaar met inbouwoven(s) = Can be combined with integral oven (s)
combineerbare functies = combinable functions
combineert goed = toned well
combineert het gebruiksgemak van = combines the ease of use of
Combineert verschillende = Combines different
Combineert verschillende elementen = Combines different elements
combineert vraaggestuurde ventilatie = combines demand-controlled ventilation
Combinerboxen = Combiner boxes
combineren = to combine
combineren = combine
combipakket = combo pack
Combireiniger = All-purpose vacuum cleaner
Combirooster = Combi grate
combi-schakelaar worstenkoker/koffiefix = combi-switch sausage boiler/coffee fix
combischroef = bolt/washer assembly
combitang = combination pliers
Combiversterker = Combination amplifier
Combivest = Combi vest
Comecon = Comecon
Comecon-landen = Comecon countries
Comedo = Comedone
Comedy = Comedy
comedy show = comedy show
Comenius = Comenius
Comenius-EPC-partnerschap = Comenius-EPC Partnership
CoMensha = Coordination Centre for Human Trafficking (CoMensha)
Comes = Earl
comfort = comfort
comfort (n) = comfort
comfort (voor voertuig en bestuurder) = ambience
comfort {het} = convenience
comfort instelling = comfort setting
Comfort mode = Comfort mode
comfort op alle vlakken = comfort in all areas
"comfort verschaffen, het gemakkelijk maken" = comfort  (to make comfortable)
comfortabel = comfortable
Comfortabel op reis = Travel in comfort
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = comfortable {adj} (Enjoying comfort)
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = agreeable)
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = comfortable {adj} (providing comfort and ease
comfortabele = comfortable
comfortabele eigenschappen = comfortable properties
comfortabeler levensstandaard = more comfortable standard of living
comfortinstelling = comfort setting
comfortinstelling = comfort mode
comfortknoppen = comfort buttons
comfort-lijn = comfort line
comfort-luchtgordijn = Comfort Air Curtain
comfortstand = comfort setting
Comfy Cakes = Comfy Cakes
COM-invoegtoepassing = COM add-in
Comit? voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk = Health & Safety Committee
comité = committee
comité {het} = committee
Comité Belge des Hydrogéologues = Belgian Belgian chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologis
comité EG = EC committee
Comité Européen de Normalisation = European Committee for Standardisation
comité PB = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
comité PBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPBW)
comité PBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
Comité van ambassadeurs ACS-EG = ACP-EC Committee of Ambassadors
comité van beheer EG = EC management committee
comité van de Raad van de Europese Unie = EU Council committee
Comité van de Regio's = Committee of the Regions
comité van luchthavengebruikers = Airport Users Committee
comité van voorzitter en ondervoorzitters = Committee of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons
comité Vastgoed en Investeringen = Property and Investment Committee
comité veiligheid = Safety Committee
Comité Verzekeringen België = Comité d'Assurances Belgique
Comité voor communicatie = Communications Committee
Comité voor de werkgelegenheid (EG) = Employment Committee
Comité voor wetenschappelijk en technisch onderzoek = Scientific and Technical Research Committee
Comitologie = comitology
COM-klasse = COM class
Command Control Block = command control block
command poll = command poll
commandant = fire chief
commandant = fire officer
commandant = senior fire officer
commandant = (senior) fire officer
commandant = commander
commandant van de brandweer = commander of the fire brigade
commandant van de brandweer = commander of the fire department (US)
commandant van de door de Europese Unie geleide troepenmacht = EU force commander
Commander voor bediening op afstand van het testapparaat = Commander for remote control of testing device
commanderen = command
Commanderen = Order
Commandeur = Gear lever
commanditaire aandeel = limited partner share
commanditaire aandeel in het kapitaal der vennootschap = limited share in the capital of the partnership
commanditaire kapitaal = limited partner’s capital contribution
commanditaire vennoot = limited partner
commanditaire vennootschap = capital contributed by limited partner
commanditaire vennootschap = limited partnership
commanditaire vennootschap = limited partnership
Commanditaire Vennootschap op Aandelen = General Partnership (Comm VA/SNC)
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = limited partnership with a share capital
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = partnership limited by shares
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = limited partnership with share capital
commanditaire vennoten = limited partners
commandline = command line
commando = command
Commando = Commando
Commando = Detachment
Commando = Simon says
"Commando-, controle- en communicatiesystemen" = "Command, control, communication systems"
"Commando-, controle-, communicatie- en computersystemen" = "Command, control, communication and computer systems"
commando’s = commands
commando’s en instellingen = commands and settings
commandobestand = command file
commandobrug = bridge
Commandobrug = Gateway
commando-eenheid = command unit
commandogestuurd tools = command line tools
Commando-injectie = Command injection
commandomicrofoon = command microphone
commandopost = command post
commandoreferentie = command reference
commando's = commands
commandoschijf = control disc
commandotaal = command language
commandotransmissieframe = command frame
commandozaal = control room
Commedia dell'arte = Commedia dell'arte
Commensaal = Commensal
commentaar = advice
commentaar = commentary
Commentaar = Comment
commentaar = annotation
Commentaar (claim) = claim (comment / remark)
commentaar {het} {de} = comment
commentaar geven = providing the radio commentary
commentaar leveren op = comment
Commentaar van de inspecteurs = Inspectors’ comments
"commentaar, suggesties en vragen" = "comments, suggestions and questions"
commentaar/klacht = objection/complaint
commentaarkanaal = commentary channel
commentaaropdracht = comment statement
commentaarregel = comment line
Commentaarveld = Comments field
commentaarveld = comment field
commentariëren = comment on
commentator = commentator
Commerce = Trade
commercial = ad
commercial = advert
commercial = advertising
commercial = advertizement
commercial = advertizing
commercial = advertisement
commercial = radio commercial
commercial = television commercial
Commercial & Operational Flight Planning = Commercial & Operational Flight Planning
commercial {de} = commercial
Commercial Advisory Desk Manager = Commercial Advisory Desk Manager
Commercial Department = Commercial Department
Commercial off the Shelf = Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
Commercial paper = Treasury note
Commercial Service (CS) van GALILEO = GALILEO Commercial Service (CS)
Commercial Supplier Management = Commercial Supplier Management
commercialisatie = commercialisation
commercialisering = marketing
commercials = commercials
commercie = commerce
commercieel = commercial
commercieel aantrekkelijke = commercially attractive
commercieel beleid = commercial policy
commercieel beschikbaar = commercially available
Commercieel directeur = Marketing director
Commercieel Directeur = Commercial Director
commercieel economisch beheer = business administration
commercieel en operationeel verantwoordelijk = commercially and operationally responsible
commercieel en technisch directeur = commercial and technical director
commercieel gebruik = commercial use
commercieel gevoelige informatie = commercially sensitive information
commercieel herstelplan = commercial recovery plan
commercieel interessant = commercially interesting
commercieel levensvatbaar apparaat = commercially viable device
commercieel luchtvervoer = commercial air transport
Commercieel manager = Commercial Manager
Commercieel Medewerker Binnendienst = office sales worker / as opposed to field sales worker
commercieel perspectief = commercial prospects
commercieel plan = market plan
commercieel pluimveebedrijf = commercial poultry holding
commercieel rendabel = commercially viable
commercieel station = commercial station
commercieel type = commercial type
commercieel vastgoed = commercial property
commercieel verantwoordelijke = sales manager
commercieel verantwoordelijke = sales representative
commercieel verhandelbare brandstoffen = commercially traded fuels
commercieel verhandelbare materialen = commercially traded materials
commercieel verhandelbare standaardbrandstof = commercial standard fuel
commercieel verkrijgbaar = is no
commercieel vertrouwelijk = commercially sensitive
commerciele = commercial
commerciële = commercial
commerciële (burger)luchtvaart = commercial civil aviation
commerciële aanbiedingen = commercial offers
Commerciële aanwezigheid = Commercial presence
Commerciële activiteit = Commercial activity
commerciële activiteiten = commercial activities
commerciële afdruk = commercial printing
commerciële afspraken = commercial agreements
commerciële agent = commercial agent
commerciële artikelen en onderdelen = commercial products and components
Commerciële bedrijfseconomie = Marketing
commerciële beleid = commercial policy
commerciële bemiddelaar = commercial intermediary
commerciële binnendienst = sales support [position / assistant]
commerciële binnendienst = inside sales department
commerciële binnendienst = office sales department
commerciele claim = commercial claim
commerciële communicatie = commercial communication
commerciële communicatiedienst = commercial communication service
commerciële contactpersoon = commercial contact person
commerciële dienst van Galileo = GALILEO commercial service
commerciële dienstverlening = commercial services
commerciële distributie = distributive trades
commerciële doeleinden = commercial purposes
commerciële doelstellingen = commercial objectives
commerciële download = commercial download
Commerciele Economie = Commercial Economics
Commerciële economie = Commercial Economics
Commerciële economie = Commercial economy
Commerciële Economie (bacheloropleiding) = Marketing
commerciële e-mails = commercial email communication
commerciële en charitatieve doelen = commercial and charitable purposes
commerciële en informatieve = commercial and informational
commerciële en informatieve doeleinden = commercial and informational purposes
commerciële exploitatie = commercial exploitation
Commerciële formulieren = Business forms
commerciële functie = marketing function
commerciële handelingen = commercial transactions
commerciële handelingen en handelingen betreffende onroerende goederen = commercial and immovable property transactions
commerciële informatie = trade information
Commerciële jaarcijfers = Financial report and accounts
commerciële jaarrekening = company accounts
commerciële kansen = commercial opportunities
commerciële kant = commercial side
Commerciële kettingformulieren = Continuous business forms
commerciële landbouw = commercial farming
commerciële landelijke radio = commercial national radio
commerciële leverancier van publiekelijk beschikbare communicatiedienste = commercial communication common carrier
commerciële luchtdiensten voor passagiers = commercial passenger air service
commerciële luchtvervoersbewegingen = Commercial air transport movements
commerciële luchtvervoersonderneming = commercial air transport operator
commerciële media = commercial media
Commerciële naam = Commercial name
commerciële ondersteuning = commercial support
commerciële ontwikkeling = commercial development
commerciële opportuniteiten = commercial opportunities
Commerciele organisatie = Profit organisation
Commerciele organisatie = Profit-oriented organisation
commerciële organisatie = commercial organisation
commerciële overwegingen = commercial considerations
commerciële partijen = commercial parties
commerciële printer = commercial press
commerciële radiozenders = commercial radio stations
commerciële rechtspraak = commercial court
commerciële ruimte = commercial space
commerciële samenwerking = trade cooperation
commerciële sector = commercial sector
commerciële sms-bericht = commercial text message
commerciële sms-berichten = commercial text messages
Commerciële Specificatie = Commercial Specifications
commerciële status = commercial status
commerciële strategie = commercial strategy
commerciële strategie en prijzen = business strategy and prices
commerciële tarieven = commercial rates
commerciële team = commercial team
commerciële toepassingen = commercial applications
commerciele uiting = commercial communication
commerciële uiting = commercial communication
commerciële uitingen = commercial communication
commerciële uitingen = marketing messages
commerciële uitingen = references made in a business context
commerciële uitingen = sales publicity
commerciële uitingen = statements made in a business context
commerciële unit = commercial unit
commerciële vaardigheden = commercial skills
Commerciële validiteit = Commercial validity
commerciële varianten = commercial variants
commerciële verspreiding = distributive trade
commerciële vervoersdiensten voor passagiers over zee = commercial passenger maritime service
commerciële vissersvloot = commercial fishing fleet
commerciële voorraad = commercial stock
commerciële voorwaarden = commercial conditions
Commerciële waarde = Commercial value
commerciële werkveld = commercial setting
commerciële zaken = commercial issues
"commerciële, goede of ideële doeleinden" = "commercial, good or non-commercial causes"
"commerciële, goede of ideële doelen" = "commercial, good or non-commercial causes"
"commerciële, industriële en/of financiële handelingen" = "commercial, industrial and/or financial transactions"
"commerciële, politieke- of publicitaire doeleinden" = "commercial, political or advertising purposes"
"commerciële, product-, proces- en technische ontwikkelingen" = "developments affecting commercial, product, process and technical aspects"
"commerciële, religieuze en/of politieke activiteiten" = "commercial, religious and/or political activities"
commies = clerk
commingling analysis = commingling analysis
Commisariaat voor de Media = The Dutch Media Authority
Commissariaat voor de Vluchtelingen en Staatlozen = Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons
Commissariaat-generaal voor de euro = General Commission for the Euro
Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtleingen en Staatlozen = Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CG
commissariaten = supervisory directorships
commissaris = Supervisory Board member (RE 18.6.08)
commissaris = "supervisory director, supervisory board member"
commissaris = commissar
Commissaris = Company director
commissaris = chief superintendent
commissaris = supervisory board member
commissaris = supervisory director
commissaris = assistant chief constable (ACC)
commissaris = deputy chief constable (DCC)
commissaris = commissioner
commissaris = supervising director
commissaris = "commissioner, chief constable"
commissaris (BE) = external/statutory auditor
Commissaris / Directeur = Supervisory director / Executive director
commissaris {de} = commissioner
Commissaris van de Koning = King’s Commissioner
Commissaris van de Koningin = Queen’s Commissioner
commissaris voor de notering = officer of quotations
commissaris voor de notering = supervisory director’s emolument
Commissaris voor de noteringen = Supervisory director of the quoted prices
commissaris-hoofdinspecteur = superintendent
commissaris-revisor = independent / external auditor
commissaris-revisor = auditor
commissarissen = supervisory board members
commissarissen = commisioners
commissarissen = officials
commissarissen = external auditors
commissarissen = statutory auditors
commissarissenbelasting = delegate member of the board of supervisory directors
commissarissenbelasting = supervisory directors’ tax
commissie = committee
Commissie = Commission
commissie = commission
commissie = Committee
Commissie = Committee
Commissie = Committee
Commissie (Vereniging) voor de Effectenhandel = Stock Exchange Committee
commissie {de} = commission
commissie ad hoc = ad hoc committee
Commissie Administratieve Geschillen (AAT) = Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Commissie Auteursrecht van VNO-NCW = Copyright Committee of the VNO-NCW (the Confederation of Netherlands Indu
Commissie Azough = Azough Committee
Commissie Beleggingen = CBL
Commissie Buurmeijer = Buurmeijer Committee
commissie Democratisering & Decentralisering = Democratisation & Decentralisation committee
Commissie Doelmatigheid Hoger Onderwijs = CDHO (Higher Education Efficiency Committee)
commissie EP = EP Committee
Commissie financien en infrastructuur = Committee finance and infrastructure
Commissie Herziening Handhavingstelsel VROM-regelgeving = Committee for the Revision of the Environmental Law Enforcement System (C
Commissie Individuele Tegemoetkoming Slachtoffers WO II Transporten NS = Committee on Individual Compensation for Victims of WWII Transport by NS
Commissie Maritiem Recht = Belgian Maritime Law Commission (Commissie Maritiem Recht)
commissie mensenhandel = Human Trafficking Committee
Commissie onderwijs en onderzoek = Committee education and research
Commissie Personeelsoverleg = Personnel Consultative Committee
Commissie Peters = Peters Committee
Commissie Regionaal Overleg Luchthaven Schiphol (CROS) = Commissie Regionaal Overleg Luchthaven Schiphol (CROS)
Commissie Richtlijnen goede voeding 2015 = Committee on Guidelines for a Healthy Diet 2015
Commissie Sint = Sint Committee
"Commissie studenten, personeel en Arbo" = "Committee students, staff & safety"
Commissie ter beoordeling van chemische stoffen = Chemical Review Committee
Commissie van advies voor de bezwaar- en beroepschriften = Objections and Appeals Advisory Committee
commissie van beroep = appeals committee
Commissie van Beroep = Appeals Committee
Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen = Commission of the European Communities
commissie van deskundigen = expert committee
commissie van experts = committee of experts
commissie van onderzoek = committee of inquiry
commissie van ontvangst = board of supervision
commissie van ontvangst = board of trustees
commissie van ontvangst = reception committee
commissie van voorbereiding = preparatory committee
Commissie Verlening Afstudeersteun (CVA) = Graduation Support Committee (CVA)
Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur = "Commission on Critical Infrastructure (Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur, C"
commissie VN = UN Commission
commissie voor belangrijkste risicokapitalist = carry
commissie voor belangrijkste risicokapitalist = goods sold on commission
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen (CBN) = Belgian Commission for Accounting Standards (CBN)
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen (CBN) = (Belgian) Commission for Accounting Standards
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen [CBN] = Accounting Standards Commission
Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy (Commissie voor de besch
Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = CBPL
Commissie voor de milieueffectrapportage (daarna Commissie m.e.r. of Cie- = The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA)
Commissie voor Deontologie en Ethica in de Farmaceutische Nijverheid = Deontological and Pharmaceutical Ethics Committee (DEP Committee)
commissie voor geschillen = arbitration committee
commissie voor het aanpakken van wangedrag = committee for addressing misconduct
Commissie Voor Het Bank = Financie en Assurantiewezen (CBFA)
Commissie voor het Bank- en Financiewezen = Banking and Finance Commission
"Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen" = "Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission"
"Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen" = Commission Bancaire et Financire et des Assurances
"Commissie Voor Het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (CBFA)" = "(Belgian) Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission"
commissie voor Informatiebeveiliging = Committee for Information Security
Commissie voor Mensenrechten en Gelijkheid van kansen = Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
commissie voor normering op het gebied van motorvoertuigen = vehicle standardisation committee
Commissie voor ontwikkelingsbijstand = Development Assistance Committee
commissie voor overzicht van geneesmiddelengebruik = drug utilization review: a formal program for assessing drug prescription
commissie voor overzicht van geneesmiddelengebruik = DUR
"Commissie voor veiligheid, gezondheid en welzijn" = Works Council Health and Safety Committee
Commissie voor Wetenschapsbeoefening = Permanent Committee for ACADEMIC Practice
commissie WGD = Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards (DECOS)
"commissie, in een commissie zitten" = "committee, to be on a committee"
commissie/commissieloon = brokerage
commissie/commissieloon = brokerage (makelaar)
commissie-Azough = Azough Committee
commissiekamer = committee room
commissienummer = budget number
commissieovereenkomst = commission contract
commissies = committees
Commissies en kosten borgtochten = Commissions and charges bonds/pledge
commissies en raden = committees & councils
commissieverslag = committee report
commissieverstrekkende = commission-providing
commissionair = commission agent
Commissionair = Agent
commissionair in effecten = stockbroker
commissionairsbemiddeling tegen gereduceerd tarief = discount broking
commissioning = commissioning
commissioning proces = commissioning process
commissioning uitvoeringsplan = Commissioning Implementation Plan
commissura fornicis = hippocampal commissure
Commited = Committed
commitment = support
commitment = commitment
Commitment and Continual Improvement = Commitment and Continual Improvement
commitment fee = commitment fee
commitment fees = commitment fees
commitments = commitments
committeren zich om = are committed to
committering = commitment
Committering vreemd vermogen = Commitment of loan capital
commode = chest
Commode = Handy
Commodestraler = Cradle radiator
Commodities = Raw material
Commoditisering = commoditisation
Commodity agreement = Commodity agreement
Commodity Sales Engineer = Commodity Sales Engineer
Commodore = Serious
commodore = commodore
Commodus = Handy
Common Criteria = Common Criteria
common general knowledge = common general knowledge (of the person skilled in the art)
Common Information Model = Common Information Model
Common Information Model Object Manager = Common Information Model Object Manager
Common Intermediate Language = Common Intermediate Language
Common Language Runtime = common language runtime
Common Language Runtime-host = common language runtime host
Common Language Specification = Common Language Specification
Common Object File Format = common object file format
common rail = common rail
common sense = "common sense, as opposed to nonsense"
Common Structure Services = Common Structure Services
Common Type System = common type system
Common Work Registration (CWR) = Common Work Registration (CWR)
common-mode = common mode
common-mode capacitantie = common-mode input capacitance
common-mode impedantie-ingang = common-mode impedance input
common-mode ingangscircuit = common-mode input circuit
common-mode ingangsimpedantie = common-mode input impedance
common-mode ingangssignaal = common-mode input signal
common-mode ingangsspanning = common-mode input voltage
common-mode interferentie = common-mode interference
common-mode karakteristieken = common-mode characteristics
common-mode signaal = common-mode signal
common-mode spanning = common-mode voltage
common-mode versterking = common-mode gain
Commotio = Commotion
communautair advies = Community opinion
communautair beleid = Community policy
communautair beleid-nationaal beleid = Community policy-national policy
communautair beschermheerschap = Community sponsorship
communautair besluit = Community act
communautair bestek = Community support framework
Communautair Bureau voor plantenrassen = Community Plant Variety Office
Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole = Community Fisheries Control Agency
Communautair certificaat = Community certificate
communautair Corpus Juris = Community corpus juris
communautair douanewetboek = Community Customs Code
communautair financieel instrument = Community financial instrument
communautair industriebeleid = Community industrial policy
communautair informatiesysteem voor vismachtigingen = Community fishing authorisation information system
communautair initiatief = Community initiative
communautair migratiebeleid = Community migration policy
communautair milieubeleid = Community environmental policy
Communautair minimumbelastingniveau = Community minimum tax level
communautair onderzoeksbeleid = Community research policy
communautair organisme = Community body
communautair programma = Community programme
communautair recht = Community law
communautair recht-nationaal recht = Community law - national law
communautair regionaal beleid = Community regional policy
communautair SAFA-systeem = Community SAFA system
communautair toezicht = Community control
communautair verkiesbaar persoon = Community national entitled to stand as a candidate
communautair vissersvaartuig = Community fishing vessel
communautair vlootregister = Community fleet register
communautair werkgelegenheidsbeleid = Community employment policy
communautair wetgevingsprogramma = Community legislative programme
communautaire = Community
communautaire aanbeveling = Community recommendation
communautaire actie = Community action
communautaire activiteit = Community activity
communautaire algemene uitvoervergunning = Community General Export Authorisation
communautaire antigeen- en vaccinbank = Community antigen and vaccine bank
communautaire autoriteiten = Community authorities
communautaire bedrijfstak = Community industry
communautaire bepalingen = community provisions
communautaire bevoegdheid = Community competence
communautaire certificatie = Community certification
communautaire exploitatievergunning = Community Operating Licence
communautaire financiële steun aan de sector = Community financial assistance allocated to the sector
communautaire financiering = common market financing
communautaire financiering = share fraction
communautaire financiering = Community financing
communautaire harmonisatiewetgeving = Community harmonisation legislation
communautaire hulp = Community aid
communautaire inspecteurs = Community inspectors
communautaire instantie = Community body (established by the Treaties)
communautaire instelling = EU institution
communautaire instelling of communautair orgaan = Community institution or body
communautaire instellingen en organisaties = Community institutions and bodies
communautaire investering = Community investment
communautaire invoer = Community import
communautaire juridische orde = Community legal system
communautaire landbouwmarkt = Community agricultural market
communautaire lening = Community borrowing
communautaire luchthavens = Community airports
communautaire luchtvaartmaatschappij = Community air carrier
communautaire luchtvaartmaatschappij = Community carrier
communautaire maritieme wetgeving = Community maritime legislation
communautaire markt = Community market
communautaire methode = Community method
communautaire preferentie = Community preference
communautaire productie = Community production
communautaire publicatie = Community publication
communautaire resolutie = Community resolution
communautaire richtlijn = Community directive
communautaire sanctie = Community sanction
communautaire sociale dialoog = Community social dialogue
communautaire statistiek = Community statistics
communautaire transit = Community transit
communautaire trojka = Community Troika
communautaire uitgaven = Community expenditure
communautaire uitvoer = Community export
communautaire vaccinbank = Community vaccine bank
communautaire vangstmogelijkheid = Community fishing opportunity
communautaire verkeersader = Community trunk route
communautaire verordening = Community regulation
communautaire verworvenheden = Community acquis
communautaire veterinaire wetgeving = Community veterinary legislation
communautaire visserij = Community fisheries
communautaire voorraad = Community stock
communautaire wateren = Community waters
communautaire werknemer = Community worker
communautaire wetgeving = Community law
communautaire wetgeving ter zake = Relevant Community law
communautarisering = principle of communitisation
Communciatie = Communication
Communicatie = Communication
Communicatie = Lecture
Communicatie = Paper
Communicatie = Communication skills
communicatie = communication
communicatie = communications
communicatie & collaboratie = communication and collaboration
Communicatie & Marketing = Communications & Marketing
Communicatie (bacheloropleiding) = Communication
communicatie adviseur = communication consultant
Communicatie af te handelen met = Handling communication with
Communicatie af te handelen met de = Handling communication with the
communicatie apparatuur = communication devices
communicatie binnen de sectie = communication within the department
Communicatie directie-arbeiders = communication between the management and the workers
Communicatie en actief luisteren = Communication and active listening
communicatie en bewakingsproducten = communication and monitoring products
communicatie- en crisisplan = communication and crisis plan
Communicatie- en informatiesystemen = Communication and Information System
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen = Communication and Information Studies
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen = Communication and Information Sciences
communicatie- en kennisuitdagingen = communication and knowledge challenges
Communicatie en Literatuurwetenschappen = Communication & Textual Studies
Communicatie en Marketingstrategie = Communication and Marketing Strategy
Communicatie- en multimediasoftware = Communication and multimedia software package
communicatie- en navigatie apparatuur = communication and navigation equipment
Communicatie- en navigatie-apparatuur = Communication and navigation equipment
communicatie en samenwerking = communication and collaboration
communicatie en telecommunicatie = communications and telecommunications
communicatie- en telecommunicatieapparaten en - = communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments
Communicatie en Werving = Communications and Student Recruitment
communicatie foutmelding = communication error
communicatie in de praktijk = communication skills
communicatie instrument = communication tool
communicatie instrumenten = communications instruments
communicatie instrumenten = communication tools
communicatie interface = communication interface
communicatie inzake operationele controle = operational control communication
communicatie kabel = communication cable
Communicatie manager = Communication Manager
communicatie menu = communication screen
Communicatie met andere systemen = Communication with other systems
communicatie met de server = communication with the server
communicatie met de verkeersregelaars = communication with the traffic signal controllers
communicatie met de VLCC = communication with the Traffic Signal Control System is disturbed
communicatie met en/of tussen computers en computerterminals = communications by and/or between computers and computer terminals
Communicatie met klant = Communicate with the customer
Communicatie met lokale overheden = Communication with local authorities
communicatie met regelmodule = communication with control module
communicatie met stroomafwaarts transport = communication with downstream transport
communicatie naar beneden = Downward communication
communicatie naar de gebruikers = communication to the users
Communicatie naar de werknemer = Communication with employee
Communicatie naar de werknemers = Communication with employees
Communicatie naar gebruikers = Communication with users
communicatie op afstand = remote communication
communicatie op openbare locaties = communication in public locations
communicatie over het netwerk = communication over the network
communicatie overzicht = communication overview
communicatie platform = communication platform
communicatie protocol = communication protocol
communicatie richting werknemers = communication with employees
communicatie signalen = communication signals
communicatie tijd = communication time
communicatie tussen computers = computer inter-communication services
communicatie tussen eindpuntapparatuur = interworking
communicatie tussen leidinggevenden = communication between managers
communicatie tussen netwerken = internetworking
communicatie tussen processen = interprocess communication: IPC
communicatie tussen taken = interprocess communication
communicatie van de directie = management communication
communicatie vanuit het netwerk richting de gebruiker = communication from the network to the user
communicatie verbeteren = improve communication
Communicatie vergemakkelijken = Facilitate communication
Communicatie via = Communication via
communicatie via computers = communication by computer
communicatie via computerterminals = communication by computer terminals
communicatie via elektronische middelen = communication by electronic means
communicatie via elektronische platforms = communications via electronic platforms
"communicatie, informatie & samenwerkingsoplossing" = "communication, information and collaboration solution"
communicatie/elektronica = communications/electronics
communicatie/samenwerking = Communication/cooperation
communicatieaanpassingseenheid = communication adapter
communicatie-aansluiting = communication port
communicatie-aansluiting = communications adapter
communicatieactiviteiten = communication activities
Communicatieadviseur = Communication advisor
Communicatieadviseur = Communications Advisor
communicatieafdeling = Communication Department
communicatieafdeling = Communication Office
communicatieafdeling = Internal Communication Department
communicatieaftaster = communication scanner
communicatieapparaten = communications apparatus
communicatieapparatuur = communications equipment
communicatieapparatuur = communication equipment
communicatie-apparatuur = communication equipment
communicatie-apparatuur en -instrumenten = communications apparatus and instruments
communicatieapparatuur met gering prestatievermogen = low-performance communication equipment
communicatieapparatuur met hoog prestatievermogen = high-performance communication equipment
Communicatieassistent = Communications Assistant
communicatiebeheer = communication management
communicatiebeheercomputer = communication-management computer
Communicatiebeleid = Communication policy
communicatiebeleid = communications policy
communicatiebericht = announcement
communicatiebericht = communication message
communicatiebericht = communications
communicatiebesturingseenheid = communication control unit
communicatiebesturingseenheid = communication processor
communicatie-besturingseenheid = communication control unit
communicatie-besturingseenheid = communication system
communicatiebesturingsprocedure = communication control procedure
communicatiebesturingsprogramma = communication control program
communicatie-besturingsprogramma = communication control program
communicatiebesturingsteken = communication control character
communicatiebesturingswerkwijze = communication control mode
communicatiebetrouwbaarheid = communication reliability
communicatiebeveiliging = communication security
communicatiebeveiligingsapparatuur = communication security equipment
communicatieblokkering = communication jamming: COMJAM
communicatieboodschap = marketing message
Communicatiebudget = Communication budget
communicatiebuffer = communication buffer
communicatiebureau = communications agency
communicatiecampagnes = communication campaigns
Communicatiecapaciteit = Communication capacity
communicatiecentrum = communication center
communicatiecompetenties = communication skills
communicatiecomponent = communications component
communicatiecomputer = communication computer
communicatieconcept = communications concept
communicatieconfiguratie = communication configuration
Communicatiecontrolesysteem = Communications control system
communicatiedienst = communication service
communicatiedienst voor gebruikers met een algemeen belang = common-user communication service
communicatiediensten = communication services
communicatiediensten via computerterminals = services relating to communications by computer terminals
communicatiediensten via het Internet = Internet communication services
communicatiediensten via het internet = communication services via the internet
Communicatiedoelgroep = Communication target group
communicatiedoelgroep(en) = communication target groups
Communicatiedoelstelling = Communication objective
communicatiedragers = information carriers or company media
communicatiedrukwerk = communications print-work
communicatiedrukwerk = print communication
communicatie-eenheid met laag transmissievermogen = low-power communication device
communicatie-exercitie = communication exercise
communicatief moreel universalistisch = communicative moral universalistic
Communicatief Vermogen = Communication skills
communicatief vermogen = communication skills
communicatiefaciliteit = communication facility
Communicatiefout = Communication error
Communicatiefout = Communication fault
Communicatiefunctie = Communication function
communicatiefunctie = communication task
Communicatiefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated communication function
communicatiegebied = communication region
communicatiegebruikersprogramma = communication user program
Communicatiegedrag = Communication behaviour
communicatiegeheim = confidentiality of communications
Communicatiegeschiedenis = Communication History
communicatiegeschiedenisitem = communication history item
communicatiehardware en -software = communications hardware and software
communicatie-in/uitvoereenheid = communication input/output device
communicatie-industrie = communications industry
communicatie-infrastructuur = communication infrastructure
Communicatie-infrastructuur = Communications infrastructure
communicatie-inhoudsanalyse = communication contents analysis
communicatie-inspanningen = communication efforts
Communicatie-installatie = Communications technology
communicatie-instellingen = communication settings
Communicatie-instrument = Communication instrument
communicatie-interceptie = communication intercept
communicatie-interface = communication interface
Communicatie-interface = Communications interface
communicatie-interfacemodule = communication interface module
communicatie-interfaces = communication interfaces
Communicatiekabel met coaxiale geleiders = Communications cable with coaxial conductors
Communicatiekabel met meervoudige elektrische geleiders = Communications cable with multiple electrical conductors
Communicatiekabel voor bijzondere toepassingen = Communications cable for special applications
Communicatiekabels = Communications cable
communicatiekalender = communication calendar
communicatiekanaal = communications channel
communicatiekanaal = communication channel
communicatiekanalen = channels of communication
communicatiekanalen = communication channels
communicatiekanalen en tools = communication channels and tools
communicatieketen = notification chain
communicatiekit = communication kit
Communicatiekosten = Communication costs
communicatielaag = communication layer
communicatielijn = communication line
communicatielijnen = communication lines
communicatielijnen = lines of communication
communicatielink = communication link
communicatieluik = communication component
communicatiemakelaar = message broker
communicatiematrix = communication matrix
Communicatiemedewerker = Communications Officer
communicatiemedia = communication media
communicatiemedium = means of communication
communicatiemenu = communication screen
communicatiemethode voor het uitzenden van gegevens = broadcast communication method
communicatiemiddel = means of communication
communicatiemiddelen = communication resources
communicatiemiddelen = communication means
communicatiemiddelen = means of communication
communicatiemix = communications mix
Communicatiemix = Communication mix
Communicatiemodel = Communication model
Communicatiemodule = Communication module
communicatiemodule = communication module
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication technology
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication means
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication options
communicatiemogelijkheden = communications capabilities
communicatiemogelijkheden = communications facilities
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication capabilities
communicatiemultiplexer = communication multiplexer
communicatienet = communication net
communicatienet voor noodberichten = distress communication net
communicatienetten = communications networks
communicatienetwerk = communication network
Communicatienetwerk = Communications network
communicatie-netwerk dat bepaald gebied bestrijkt = area network
communicatienetwerken = communications networks
communicatienetwerksystemen = communications network systems
communicatieniveau = communication level
communicatieonderbreking = communication interruption
communicatieonderzoek = communication research
communicatieonderzoek = communication study
communicatieontvangststation = communication sink
communicatieopdracht = communication instruction
communicatieoplossingen = communications solutions
communicatieorganen = communication media
communicatieorganisatie voor een bepaald gebied = area communication organization
communicatiepad = communication path
communicatieparameters = communication parameters
communicatiepatronen = communication patterns
communicatiepatroon = communication pattern
communicatiepatroon = communication patterns
communicatieplan = communication plan
communicatieplan en -protocol = communication plan and protocol
communicatiepoort = communications port
communicatieproces = communication process
communicatieprogrammatuur = communication software
communicatieprotocol = communication protocol
Communicatieprotocol = Communications protocol
communicatieprotocollen = communication protocols
communicatierelatie = communicates relationship
Communicatierouter = Communications router
communicaties = communications
communicaties betreffende militaire en veiligheidsgegevens = intelligence communications
communicaties in de lucht = air-air communications
communicaties in noodsituaties = distress communications
communicaties met behulp van lichtgolven = lightwave communications
communicaties tussen diverse afdelingen = communications between various departments
communicaties via computers = communications by computer
communicaties voor militaire basissen = base communications: basecom
communicatiesamenhang = communication coherence
communicatiesatelliet = communication satellite
Communicatiesatellieten = Communication satellites
communicatieschakeleenheid = communication switching unit
communicatieschema = communication diagram
communicatieschema = communication model
communicatieserver = communications server
communicatieserver = communication server
communicatieservice = communications service
communicatiesignaal = communication signal
Communicatiesoftware = Communication software package
communicatiesoftware = communications software
communicatiestandaard = communication standard
communicatiestijl = communication style
communicatiestijl die je als leidinggevende kiest = communication style you choose as a manager
communicatiestijlen voorschrijven en overtuigen = Prescriptive and Persuasive communication styles
communicatiestoornissen = communication problems
communicatiestoring = communication fault
communicatiestrategie = communication strategy
communicatiestrategie en middelen = communication strategy and resources
communicatiestroom = communication
communicatiestructuur = communication structure
communicatiesubsysteem = communication subsystem
communicatiesysteem = communications systems
communicatiesysteem = communication system
communicatiesysteem = communications system
communicatiesysteem tussen verkeersregelaar = communication system between traffic-signal controller
communicatiesysteembeheer = communication system management
communicatiesystemen = communication systems
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems Communicatieve Vaardigheden [DS] Communication Skil
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems Communicatieve Vaardigheden
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems
communicatietarief = telephone charges
communicatietechniek = communication technique
Communicatietechniek adapter = Communications technique adapter
Communicatietechniek elementen schakelmateriaal = Communication technology/clinic installation
communicatietechnologie = communication technology
communicatietechnologie = communications technology
communicatietechnologieën = communication technologies
communicatieterminal = communication terminal station
communicatietheorie = communication theory
communicatietijd = sampling time
communicatietoestel = communication device
communicatietoestellen = communication devices
communicatie-uitingen = communications
Communicatie-uitrusting = Communications equipment
communicatievaardigheden = communication skills
communicatieve = communicative
communicatieve cohesie = communicational cohesion
communicatieve competenties = communicative competences
communicatieve en sociale vaardigheden = communication skills and social skills
communicatieve handeling = communicative act
communicatieve handelingen = communicative acts
communicatieve vaardigheden = communication skills [DS: Communication Skills]
Communicatieve Vaardigheden = [DS] Communication Skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communication skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communications skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communicative skills
communicatieve vaardigheden {mv} = communication skills
communicatieverkeer = communication traffic
communicatieverstoring = communication jamming: COMJAM
communicatieverwerkingseenheid = communication processor unit: CPU
communicatievoorkeur = communication preferences
communicatievoorkeuren = communication preferences
communicatievoorzieningen = communication facilities
communicatievorm = form of communication
communicatiewacht = guard watch
communicatiewerkwijzen = communication modes
communicatiewetenschap = communication sciences
communicatiewetenschappen = communication sciences
Communicatiewetenschappen = Communication Studies
communicatiewetenschapper = communication scientist
communicatiezender = communication transmitter
communicatiezendstation = communication source
Communicatie-zuil = Communication column
Communication & the Sustainable Society = Communication & the Sustainable Society
Communication and Multimedia Design = Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD)
Communication meeting = Communication meeting
Communication meetings = Communication meetings
Communication menu = communication screen
communication plan = communicatieplan
Communication-Based Train Control = Communication-Based Train Control
communications management association = communications management association
Communicator = Communicator
Communicator 2005 = Communicator 2005
communicatoren = communicators
Communicator-oproep = Communicator call
Communicator-rondleiding = Communicator Tour
communiceer = communicate
communiceerbaar = communicable
communiceerbare = communicable
communiceerbare visie = clear and communicable vision
communiceerde = communicated
communiceert = communicates
Communiceert begrip voor = Communicates understanding for
communiceert en gaat in gesprek met u = communicates and engages with you
communiceren = communicating
communiceren = communicate
communiceren = to communicate
communiceren (van toestanden in een Markov-keten) = communicate
Communiceren en het vertrouwen bewaren = communicate and maintain confidence
communiceren en uitdragen = communicate and promote
Communiceren in minimaal 1 vreemde taal = Communicating in at least one foreign language
communiceren onder elkaar = communicate among yourselves
"communiceren, en hoe men dat doet" = "the importance of clear, concise and objective communication"
communicerende = communicating
communicerende vaten = interconnected tanks
communie = communion
communinicatie = communication
communiqué = communication
communisme = communism
communist = communist
communistisch = communist
communistische = communist
communistische partij = Communist Party
"communities, discussieforums en unified communications" = "communities, discussion forums and unified communications"
community = community
community = intranet (Community)
Community of Practice = Community of Practice
Community relations = Community relations
Community-lid = Community Member
communitynaam = community name
Community-sensing = Community-sensing
commutatie = commutation
commutatiecondensator = commutating capacitor
commutatief = abelian
commutator = commutator
COM-object = COM object
Comoren = Comoro Islands
Comoren = Comoros
comp & ben = Compensation & Benefits
Compact = Compactness
Compact = Tightness
compact = compact
compact = compactly
compact (serial) cluster = compact (serial) cluster
compact cassette = compact cassette
"Compact chassis met twee opstellingsmogelijkheden, met max. 1,5 TB(1) SAS" = "Compact, dual-orientation chassis with up to 1.5TB1 SAS and/or SATA stora"
Compact disc = Compact Disc
Compact Disc File System = Compact Disc File System
Compact disks (cd's) = Compact disks (CDs)
compact en modulair ontwerp = compact and modular design
compact en modulair ontwerp en een hoge mate van standaardisatie = compact and modular design and high degree of standardisation
Compact Flash = Compact Flash
Compact fluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
compact kit = compact kit
Compact model = Compact model
compact station = compact station
compact transportsysteem = compact transport system
"compact, modulair ontwerp" = "compact, modular design"
Compact-cassette (analoog) = Compact cassette (analogue)
compact-disc = compact disc
compactdiscs = compact discs
compactdiscs (audio-video) = compact discs (audio-video)
compactdiscs en cd-roms = compact discs and CD-roms
"compactdiscs, banden, cartridges, kabels, kaarten en filamenten, allemaal" = "compact discs, tapes, cartridges, wires, cards and filaments, all for bea"
compactdiscspelers = compact disc players
compact-disk = compact disk
compact-disk fabriek = Compact Disc industry
compact-disk PROM = compact disk PROM: CD-PROM
compact-disk ROM = compact disk ROM: CD-ROM
compacte = compact
compacte eindschakelaar = compact limit switch
Compacte en veelzijdige = Compact and versatile
compacte fluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
Compacte fluorescerende bollampen = Compact fluorescent globe lamps
Compacte fluorescerende buislampen = Compact fluorescent tube lamps
compacte footprint = Compact footprint
Compacte installatie voor centrale verwarming elektrisch = Compact installation for electro central heating
Compacte installatie voor solarsysteem = Solar compact installation
Compacte installatie voor warmtepomp = Compact installation for heat pump
compacte modus = skin mode
compacte opstelling = compact arrangement
compacte opstelling = compact setup
compacte palletlift = compact pallet lift
compacte palletlift voor middelzware lasten = compact pallet lift for medium heavy loads
compacte ruimtes = compact spaces
compacte samenvatting = concise summary
compacte sneeuw = compact snow
compacte stad = compact city
compacte verpakkingsmachine = compact packaging machine
compacte verzamelrail = compact bar
compactere configuratie = more compact configuration
compactere vorm = more compact form
compacteur = compactor
CompactFlash-kaart = CompactFlash card
Compactfluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
compactheid = compaction
compactie met vaste-tolerantieband = fixed-tolerance-band compaction
compactiegraad = degree of compaction
"compactificeren, samenpersen" = compact  (make more dense)
compacting- of extrusion-technologie = compacting or extrusion technology
compactregie = compact multi-cam setup
compactstation = compact substation
Compagnie = Company (military unit)
Compagnie = Firm
Compagnie = Company
Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications = Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications
Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications = CIT Alcatel
compander = compander
Companies House = Companies House
Companies Registration Office = Companies Registration Office
compansie = companding
Company – Career settings = Company – Career settings
Company – FileMaker Business Alliance = Company – FileMaker Business Alliance
company buy-out = company buyout
company doelstellingen = company objective
company limited by guarantee = company limited by guarantee
company regulations** = bedrijfsreglement
Comparable implementeren = Implementing Comparable
comparant = person appearing
comparante = the appearer
comparanten = "the parties, the parties appearing (before me)"
comparanten = conductor
comparanten = signatories
comparanten = witnesses
comparatief voordeel = comparative advantage
Comparatief-statische analyse = Comparative static analysis
Comparatieve analyse = Comparative analysis
comparatieve kosten = comparative costs
Comparatieve producttest = Comparative producttest
comparatio = compa-ratio
comparative mortality figure = comparative mortality figure
comparator = dial gauge
comparator = comparator
comparator product = comparator product
comparator producten = comparator products
comparitie = appearance
comparitie van partijen om inlichtingen te verschaffen dan wel een schikk = personal appearance of the parties to give information or to try to reach
comparitie-na-antwoordmodel = post-defence hearing model
compartiment = compartment (in i-DEPOT envelope)
Compartiment = Coupé
compartiment = compartment
compartiment {het} = compartment
Compartiment zwaar = "room factor, high"
compartimenten = compartments
compartimentenmodel = compartment models
compartimenteren = classification
compartimenteren = classifying
compartimenteren = subdivision
compartimenteren van bedrijfspanden = compartmentalising business premises
compartimentering = compartmentation
compartimentering = partitioning
compartimentering = phased (fire/smoke up) full clearance
compartimentering = compartmentalization
compartimenteringsvoorschriften = guidelines/instructions for divison into compartments
compartimenteringtekening = compartmentalisation drawing
compartimentidentificatiecode = compartment identification code
Compassie = Pity
Compassie = Mercy
Compassie = Compassion
Compassie = Mercifulness
Compatabiliteit = Compatability
compatabiliteit = compatibility
compatibel = compatible
compatibel met eerdere versies = backward compatible
compatibel met eerdere versies = backward-compatible
compatibel zijn met elkaar = are compatible with each other
compatibele computer = compliant computer
compatibele enkelzijband = compatible single sideband: CSSB
compatibele IC = compatible IC
compatibele id = compatible ID
compatibele kaart = compliant card
compatibele ontvangst = compatible reception
compatibele programmatuur = compatible software
compatibele zijbandtransmissie = compatible sideband transmission
Compatibiliteit = Compatibility
compatibiliteit = compatibility
compatibiliteit met andere devices = Compatibility with other devices
compatibiliteit met eerdere versies = backward compatibility
compatibiliteit naar beneden = downward compatibility
compatibiliteit naar boven = upward compatibility
Compatibiliteitsbeheer = Compatibility Administrator
Compatibiliteitscontrole = Compatibility Checker
compatibiliteitsmiddelen = compatibility agents
compatibiliteitsmodus = compatibility mode
compatibiliteitsoplossing = compatibility fix
compatibiliteitsproblemen = compatibility issues
Compatibiliteitsrapport = Compatibility Report
compatibiliteitsterugschakeling = compatibility switching
Compatibiliteitsweergave = Compatibility View
compelling transmedia storytelling = compelling transmedia storytelling
compensatie = indemnity
compensatie = time off
compensatie = indemnity
compensatie = setoff
compensatie = compensation
compensatie {de} = compensation
compensatie ouderendagen = compensation with respect to leave days accrued by older employees
compensatie sproeier = compensating jet
compensatie van blindvermogen = reactive power compensation
compensatie van de straal van het gereedschap = tool radius offset
compensatie voor openbaredienstverlening = public service compensation
compensatie voor vervroegd pensioen = compensation for early retirement
compensatiebedrag voor niet-bedrijfsmatige producenten van zonnebloemzaad = compensatory payment to non-professional sunflower seed producers
compensatiecondensator = compensating capacitor
compensatiedag = day off in lieu
compensatiediode = compensating diode
compensatiefilter = compensating filter
compensatiefonds = compensation fund
compensatiehandel = countertrade
Compensatiehandel = Barter trade
compensatiehuls = compensation sleeve
compensatienaaf = compensator hub
compensatieniveau = compensation level
compensatieovereenkomst = clearing agreement
compensatieplaat = compensation plate
compensatiespoel = compensation coil
compensatiestroom = compensation current
compensatiestuk = compensation element
Compensatietransactie = Counter purchase
compensatie-uren = compensatory hours
compensatievat = expansion tank
compensatieverlof = compensation leave
compensatieweerstand = compensating resistor
Compensation & Benefits = Compensation & Benefits
Compensatoire beslisregel = Compensatory decision rule
compensatoire maatregelen = compensatory measures
compensator = expansion joint
Compensator/harmonicaslang voor solarsysteem = Solar compensator/- corrugated hose
compensatoren = expansion joints
compenseert = co
compenseert de kosten van deze procedure tussen de partijen = each of the parties will have to pay its own legal costs
Compenseren = Make up for
compenseren = to compensate
Compenseren = Make up
Compenseren = Make good
compenseren = to indemnify
compenseren = offset
compenseren = compensate
compenserende belasting = compensatory tax
compenserende boekingspost = counter error
compenserende boekingspost = offsetting entry
compenserende boekingspost = offsetting error
compenserende faseverschuiving = compensating phase shift
compenserende financiering = compensatory financing
compenserende fout = compensating error
compenserende heffing = countervailing charge
compenserende maatregel = compensatory measure
compenserende rechten heffen = to levy countervailing duties
Competatief = Competitive
Competence Center = Center of Competence
Competencies = Competencies
competency = competencies
competency = Competencies
competency = competency
competency = Competency
competency centres = centre of competence
competency centres = centre of excellence
competency centres = competency centre
Competency development = Competency development
Competency matrix = Competency matrix
competent = competent
competent = able
Competent Authority = Competent Authority
"competent, handig, bedreven" = able {adj} (skillful)
"competent, in aanmerking komend" = able {adj} (legally qualified)
competentie = competency / competence (plural: competencies / competences)
competentie = "competency, competence [plural: competencies, competences]"
competentie = 'competency (BTO’s official competencies are:
competentie = competence
competentie = ability
competentie = competency
competentie en autoriteit = competence and authority
Competentie- en innovatiecommunities = Competence and innovation communities
competentie matrix = competence matrix
competentie ontwikkeling = competence development
competentie- ontwikkeling = competence development
competentie ontwikkeling van competenties = competence development of competencies
"competentie, bekwaamheid" = competence (the quality or state of being competent for a general role.)
"competentie, bevoegdheid" = competence (the quality or state of being competent for a particular task
Competentiebeschrijving = Competency description
competentiedeling = competence sharing
competentiegebied = competency area
competentiegericht = competence oriented
competentiegericht = competency oriented
competentiegericht = competency-focused
competentiegericht beoordelingsformulier = competence-based assessment form
competentiegericht leren = competence-based learning
competentiegericht ontwikkelen = Competency oriented development
competentiegerichte = competence-based
competentiegerichte profielbeschrijving = competence-based profile description
Competentielab = Competency Lab
competentiemanagement = competency management
competentiemanagement = competence management
competentiematrix = competency matrix
Competentieniveau = Competency Level
Competentieomschrijving = Competency description
competentieontwikkeling = development of competences
competentieontwikkeling = competence development
competentieontwikkeling = development of competences Computer- en Compositietechnieken
Competentieontwikkeling = Development of competencies
competentieontwikkeling = competency development
competentieontwikkeling = updating of skills
competentieontwikkeling = developing competences
competentie-ontwikkeling = competence development
competentieontwikkeltraject = competency development program
competentieprofiel = competence profile
Competentieprofiel = Competency profile
competentieprofielen = competence profiles
competenties = competencies
competenties = skills
competenties = competences
Competenties = Competences
Competenties en Scoring = Competencies and Scoring
Competenties maatschappelijke ondersteuning in de branche Welzijn en Maat = Social Support Competences (Competenties Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning)
Competentiestrijd = conflict of responsibility
Competentietabel = Competency table
competitie = contest
competitie {de} = competition
Competitief = Competitive
competitief en efficiënt = competitive and efficient
Competitieve = Competitive
Competitieve markt = Competitive market
Competitieve markten = Competitive markets
competitieve prijzen = competitive prices
competitieve voorsprong = competitive edge
Competitive Dialogue = Competitive Dialogue
competitiveness = competitiveness
competitiviteit = competitivity
competitor analysis data (analyse van concurrentiegegevens) = competitor analysis data
compilatie = compilation
compilatie van adreslijsten = compilation of mailing lists
compilatie van bedrijfsinformatie = compilation of business information
compilatie van bedrijvengidsen = compilation of business directories
compilatie van doelgroep = audience compilation
compilatie-eenheid = compilation unit
compilatieprogramma = compiler
compilatietijd = compile time
compilator = compiler
compilator-generator = compiler generator
Compiled list = Compiled list
compileerfase = compiling phase
compileermachine = compiling computer
compileerprogramma = compile program
compileerprogramma = compiler
compileert het .java bestand = compiles the .java file
compileertaal = compiler
compiler = compiler
compilercode = compiler code
compileren = compile
compileren = to compile
compileren en uitvoeren = compile-and-go
compileren en uitvoeren = compile-and-go (GWIT)
compileren en uitvoeren = Compiling and running
Compileren vanaf een DOS prompt = Compiling from a DOS prompt
compileren vanuit de parent directory = compile from the parent directory
compileren vanuit de parent directory van = compile from the parent directory of
compilergenerator = compiler generator
compileringsduur = compile time
compiler-optie = compiler option
Compiling software = Compiling software packages
complaint analyse = complaint analysis
compleet = absolute
compleet = completely
Compleet = All-round
compleet = complete
compleet = comprehensive
compleet anker (ac) = armature
Compleet apparaat = Complete device
Compleet apparaat met sokkel = Complete with socket
Compleet betonreparatiesysteem = Complete concrete repair system
compleet doorlaatfilter = all-pass filter
compleet geautomatiseerde = fully automated
compleet gemonteerd = completely assembled
compleet kleurentelevisiesignaal = composite colour television signal
compleet opgesloten = completely closed up.
compleet prototype = full prototype
compleet stempel = compound tool
compleet tek pakket = complete technical kit
compleet tekeningenpakket = complete set of drawing sheets
compleet televisiesignaal = composite television signal
compleet traject = full gamut
compleet uitgerust = fully equipped
compleet uitgerust en gevuld voertuig = fully equipped and filled vehicle
compleet vergeten = plumb forgotten
"compleet, complete, volledig, volledige, geheel, gehele" = total {adj} (complete)
"compleet, kritisch en kloppend" = "complete, critical and accurate"
"compleet, volledig, volkomen" = completely {adv} (in a complete manner)
compleetheid {de} = completeness
Complement = Auxiliary
complement = complement
Complement = Complementary
complement = adjunct
complement van de error-functie = error function complement
"complement, pendant, tegenhanger" = "counterpart (either of two parts that fit together, or complement one ano"
complementair = complementary
complementair mechanisme = supplementary trade mechanism
complementair samenwerken = to work together on a complementary basis
complementaire = complementary
complementaire bewerking = complementary operation
complementaire bewerking = complementary operator
Complementaire en Alternatieve Geneeskunde = Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Complementaire gebruikskosten = Complementary utilization costs
Complementaire geneeskunde = Complementary medicine
complementaire gleuven = complementary slots
Complementaire goederen = Complementary goods
complementaire golf = complementary wave
complementaire golflengte = complementary wavelength
"complementaire groeven, gleuven of andere geschikte uitsparingen" = "complementary grooves, slots or other suitable recesses"
Complementaire kleur = Complementary color
complementaire kleur = complementary colour
complementaire kleuren = complementary colors
complementaire metaaloxide halfgeleider = complementary metal oxide semiconductor
complementaire oplossing = transient solution
complementaire overgenomen = complementary acquisitions
complementaire producten = complementary products
complementaire producten = joint demand
Complementaire productiefactoren = Complementary production factors
complementaire ringvormige groef = complementary annular groove
complementaire schroefdraad = complementary screw thread
complementaire tandem = complementary tandem
complementaire transistoren = complementary transistors
complementariteit van het handelsverkeer = complementarity of trade
complementariteitsbeginsel = principle of additionality
complementariteitsovereenkomst = complementarity agreement
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
complementbindingsreactie = complement  fixation reaction (a reaction used to identify antibodies or
complementiar = complementary
complet = outfit
complete = complete
Complete = Vervolledig
complete afhandeling van = complete handling of
complete afhandeling van een gesprek = complete handling of a call
Complete behuizing = Complete housing
complete fabrieksinstallatie = industrial plant
complete fabrieksinstallatie = Complete industrial plant
complete informatie = complete information
Complete kast = Complete enclosure
complete kledingstukken = complete articles of clothing
complete koppelingseenheid = diaphragm unit
complete laag = complete layer
Complete ladingen vervoeren = Complete cargo transport
complete leeraanbod = complete learning offering
complete linkage clustering = complete linkage clustering
complete modulatie = complete modulation
complete omschrijving = complete description
complete opdracht = complete instruction
Complete oplossing = complete solution
complete oplossingen = complete solutions
complete palletiseeroplossingen = complete palletising solutions
complete palletlaag = complete pallet layer
Complete PC terugzetten = Complete PC Restore
Complete PC-back-up = Complete PC Backup
complete rij = complete row
complete rij of laag = complete row or layer
complete rij/laag = complete row/layer
Complete spelsets voor basketbal = Basketball complete game systems
complete systemen = complete systems
complete ticketingoplossing = complete ticketing solution
complete verwarmingseenheid = heater unit
complete voorzieningen = complete solutions
completer = more complete
completeren = to complete
completeren = complete
completering = completion
completering = closure
completeringswachttijd = completion waiting time
completion instructions = Instructies voor het invullen
Complex = Sophisticated
Complex = Messy
complex = complex
complex abnormal curve = complex abnormal curve
complex beroepsvraagstuk = complex professional problem
complex codes = complex codes
complex en traag = complex and slow
complex getal = complex number
Complex Instruction Set Computer = Complex instruction set computer
Complex Instruction Set Computing = complex instruction set computing
complex netwerk = complex network
complex onderwerp = complex topic
complex project Kustvisie = ‘Coastal Vision’ complex project
complex schrifttype = complex script
complex type = complex type
complex van gebouwen waarvan het gehuurde deel uit maakt = complex of buildings containing the Leased Space
complexe = complex
complexe bewerkingen = complex operations
complexe casus = complex case
complexe demodulatie = complex demodulation
complexe fraude = complex fraud
complexe functie = complex function
complexe Gauss-verdeling = complex Gaussian distribution
complexe golfvorm = complex waveform
complexe innovaties = complex innovations
complexe locatie = complex location
complexe maatschappelijke vraagstukken = complex social issues
complexe manipulatie = complex manipulation
complexe marketingprobleemstelling = complex marketing problem
complexe materie = complex subject matter
complexe migratieprojecten = complex migration projects
complexe ontwerpprocessen = complex design processes
complexe operaties = complex operations
complexe overdrachtsfunctie = complex transfer function
complexe overgang = complex transition
complexe periodieke golf = complex periodic wave
complexe projecten en vraagstukken = complex projects and issues
complexe realiteit = complex reality
complexe situaties of problemen = complex situations or problems
Complexe technologie = Complex technology
complexe toon = complex tone
complexe uitdaging = complex challenge
"complexe uitdaging, in een multi stakeholder setting" = complex challenge in a multi-stakeholder setting
complexe vorm = complex shape
complexe vormgeving = complex design
complexe vraagstukken = complex issues
complexe Wishart-verdeling = complex Wishart distribution
complexeermiddel = complexing agent
complexen = complexes
complexer = more complex
complexer dan de hoofdvraag = more complex than the main question
complexere sociale situaties = complex social situations
complexeren = to complex
complexering = complex formation
Complexiteit = Complexity
complexiteit en eenvoud = complexity and simplicity
complexiteit markt = market complexity
complexiteit van een eenheid = device complexity
complexiteit van gezondheid = complexity of health
complexiteit verminderen = reduce complexity
Complexiteit vragenlijst = Complexity questionnaire
complexiteitserkennende benadering = something / an approach that recognises complexity
Complexiteitsniveau = Level of complexity
Complexiteitsniveau = Complexity level
complexvormer = complexing agent
complexvormers = complexing agents
complexvormige micronutriënt = Complexed micro-nutrient
compliance = compliance
compliance framework = compliance framework
compliance functionaris = compliance officer
Compliance GAP analyse = Compliance gap analysis
Compliance GAP analyses = Compliance gap analyses
Compliance Manager = Compliance Manager
Compliance Matrix = Compliance Matrix
Compliance Office = CO
Compliance Office = Compliance Office
compliance officer = compliance officer
compliance risico’s = compliance risks
compliance-eisen = compliance requirements
compliancy = compliancy (chiefly US English)
Compliancy List = Compliance List
Compliant Eis = Meets Requirement
compliant met = compliant with
Compliant Wens = Meets Wishes
Compliantie = Favour
compliantie = compliance
Compliantie = Complacency
Compliantie = Favor
compliantiebereik = compliance range
Complicatie = Complication
compliceren = complicate
compliment = compliment
complimenten = compliments
complimenteren = Ensure that compliments are given
complimenteren = compliment
"complimenteren, een compliment geven" = compliment  (to pay a compliment
"complimenteren, een compliment geven" = to express a favorable opinion)
Complimentje geven = Positive feedback?
compluvium = compluvium
comply or explain = comply or explain
comply with and/or observe = nakomt en/of naleeft
component = hive
component = component
component = building element
Component (en) = Component(s)
component {de} = component
component A = component A
component A en sulfentrazone = component A and sulfentrazone
Component Object Model = Component Object Model
Component Platform Interface = Component Platform Interface
Component Services = Component Services
component toekenning = Component Allocation
component van een kracht = component of a force
component van het chrominantiesignaal met de grootste bandbreedte = fine chrominance primary
component video = component video
Component-Based Servicing = Component-Based Servicing
componentcapaciteits-management = Component Capacity Management
component-CI = component CI
componentdrager = component carrier
componenten = components
componenten en bekabeling = components and cabling
componenten en subeenheden = Components and sub-assemblies
Componenten GC-ECD (som) = Components GC-ECD (total)
Componenten GC-FID (som) = Componenten GC-FID (total)
componenten met verwerkingsvermogen = components with processing power
Componenten overzicht = Components overview
Componenten Systems & Storage services = Systems & Storage Services Components
Componenten van de hosted authenticatie dienst: = Components of the hosted authentication service:
componenten van de integrerende infrastructuur = integrating infrastructure components
componenten van eindverpakkingssystemen = end-of-line packaging system components
componenten van het chrominantiesignaal = chrominance components
componenten van het systeem = components of the system
componenten van Qimarox = Qimarox components
componenten voor eindverpakkingssystemen = components for end-of-line packaging systems
componenten voor material handling systemen = components for material handling systems
Componenten voor omheiningen = Fencing components
"componenten, kenmerken, elementen, leden, stappen" = "components, characteristics, elements, members, steps"
componentenassemblage = component assembly
componentenboek = parts catalogue
componentencapaciteitsbeheer = component capacity management (CCM)
Componentenrijgklem = Component terminal block
Componentensteker rijgklem = Component plug terminal block
componentschema = component diagram
componentsecties = component sections
componentspanning = component stress
componentstandaard = component standard
componentverstoringimpactanalyse = component failure impact analysis (CFIA)
componeren = compose
"componeren (notably music), redigeren" = compose  (to construct by mental labor
"componeren (notably music), redigeren" = to think up)
componist = composer
componisten = composers
componisten en tekstschrijvers = composers and lyricists
COM-poort = COM port
composable applicaties = composable applications
composierorde (vijfde klassieke bouworde) = composite
composiet = composite
Composiet (materiaal) = Composite material
composiet balk = composite beam
composiet steen = composite stone
composiet video = composite video
composietbesturingselement = composite control
composieten = composites
Composietenfamilie = Asteraceae
composietmateriaal = composite material
composietmateriaal = composite
Compositie = Composition
Compost = Compost production
compost = compost
compost uit afval en (riool)slib = refuse-sludge compost
Compostcontainers = Compost boxes
composteerbaar afval = compostable waste
composteerbaarheid = compostability
composteerbare = compostable
composteerbare producten = compostable products
Composteerdiensten = Composting services
composteerinrichting = composting plant
composteren = composting
compostering door de producent = composting by producer
composteringsbedrijf = Composting plant
composthoop = compost heap
Compote = Stewed fruit
Compote = Compote
compote = compote
compote = stewed fruit
Compoteschaal = Fruit dish
compound = compound
compounderen = compound (to)
compounderen = to compound
compounderen = compounding
compoundering = compounding
compoundwikkeling = compound winding
comprehensible = bevattelijke
comprehensief leerplicht(ig) onderwijs = single-structure education
compressed natural gas = CNG
compressed natural gas = compressed natural gas
Compressen = Compresses
Compressibiliteit = Compressibility
compressie = compaction
compressie = compression
Compressie en deduplicatie = Compression and deduplication
compressie en expansie = companding
compressie met kwaliteitsverlies = lossy compression
compressie molding = compression moulding
compressie tester = compression tester
compressie tester = compression machine
compressie zonder kwaliteitsverlies = lossless compression
compressie(zuiger)veer = compression ring
"compressie, comprimering" = compression (the act of compressing)
compressiehulpprogramma = compression utility
Compressiekousen = Compression stockings
compressiemeter = compression gauge
compressiemodulus = compression modulus
compressieniveau = compression level
Compressie-ontstekingsmotoren = Compression-ignition engines
compressiepersmatrijs = compression mould
compressieproces = compression process
compressieruimte = clearance volume
compressie-sportkousen = compression sports socks
compressietherapie = elastic compression
compressietrappen = compression stages
compressie-uitsluitingslijst = compression exclusion list
compressieveer = compression ring
compressieverhouding = compression ratio
compressievormen = compression molding
compressiewaarde = compression value
compression set = compression set
Compression Spring = Compression Spring
Compression spring = Compression spring
compressor = air compressor
compressor = compressor
compressor (m) = compressor
compressor / luchtperspomp = compressor
compressor / turbo = supercharger (turbo)
compressor huis / carrosserie = blower body
compressoreenheden = compressor units
compressoreenheid = compressor unit
compressoren = compressors
compressoren (machines) = compressors (machines)
Compressoren voor burgerluchtvaartuigen = Compressors for use in civil aircraft
compressoren voor koelinstallaties = compressors for refrigerators
Compressoren voor koelinstallaties = Compressors for refrigerating equipment
compressorgebouw = compressor building
compressorleiding = compressor line
compressorlucht = compressor air
Compressorolie = Compressor lube oils
compressorset = compressor set
compressortypen = compressor types
compressorunit = compressor unit
compressorunits = compressor units
compressorwaaier = compressor impeller
comprimeerbare suiker = compressible sugar
comprimeren = compress
comprimeren = to compress
comprimeren = compact
comprimeren = archive
"comprimeren, samendrukken, verdichten" = compress  (to press together into a smaller space)
"comprimeren, samenvatten, verdichten" = compress  (to condense)
comprimering van gegevens = data reduction
Comprimeringsfaciliteiten = Compression utilities
comprimeringstechnieken = compression techniques
compromis = compromis
Compromis = Settlement
Compromis = Compromise
Compromis = Trade-off
Compromis = Accommodation
compromis van averij grosse = average bond
compromis van averij grosse = to settle the matter out of court
compromissen = arbitration agreements
compromitteert = compromise
comptabel te meten grootheden = quantities to be metered for accounting purposes
comptabele meetinrichting = metering device for accounting purposes
comptabele meting = metering for accounting purposes
comptabiliteit = accountancy
comptabiliteitsafdeling = accounts department
comptabiliteitsafdeling = doom
Comptabiliteitswet = Government Accounting Act
Comptabiliteitswet = Government Accounts Act
Compton-effect = Compton scattering
Computational Fluid Dynamics = NS
Computational thinking = computational thinking
computationele = computational
computationele effici?ntie = computational efficiency
computationele efficiéntie = computational efficiency
computationele efficiëntie = computational efficiency
computationele effici�ntie = computational efficiency
Computationele Natuurkunde = Computational Physics
computationele taalkunde = computational linguistics (an interdisciplinary field dealing with the st
Computationele taalkunde = Computational linguistics
compute = compute
computer = computer
computer (ECU) = computer
computer {de} = computer
Computer Aided Design = Computer-aided design
Computer apparatuur = Computer equipment
Computer apparatuur = Computer appliances
Computer Associates = Computer Associates
Computer Based = Computer Based
computer based installatie = computer-based installation
computer bewerkingscontroles = computer operating controls
Computer Browser Service = Computer Browser service
computer code = computer code
Computer- en Compositietechnieken = Computer and Composition Techniques
computer- en menselijk leesbare = computer and human readable
computer en telefonie-integratie = computer telephony integration (CTI)
computer- en videospellen = computer and video games
Computer Entertainment Rating Organization = Computer Entertainment Rating Organization
computer gestuurd ontwerpsysteem = computer aided design (system): CAD
Computer hardware - aanschaffingswaarde = Computer hardware - cost
Computer hardware - afschrijvingen = Computer hardware - depreciation (-)
Computer hardware - meerwaarden = Computer hardware - surpluses
computer identificatie = computer identification
computer met bijbehorende apparatuur = hardware
computer met een complex instructieset = complex instruction set computer: CISC
computer met een gereduceerd instructieset = reduced instruction set computer: RISC
computer met gedeelde toegang = shared access computer
computer met installatiebestanden = technician computer
computer met Intel-architectuur = Intel Architecture Personal Computer
computer met meervoudige toegang = multi-access computer
computer ondersteund leren = computer-assisted learning
computer ondersteund onderwijs = computer assisted instruction
computer ondersteunde = computer-supported
computer ondersteunde controletechnieken = computer assisted audit techniques
computer ondersteunde software-ontwikkeling = computer-aided software engineering: CASE
computer ondersteunde testontwikkeling = computer-aided test engineering: CATE
computer op één plaat = single board computer
computer programma = computer program
computer programma product = computer program product
Computer Science & Sensor Technology = Computer Science & Sensor Technology
Computer Science & Sensor Technology = Computer Science & Sensor Technology (lectoraat)
Computer Science & Sensor Technology (lectoraat) = Computer Science & Sensor Technology (professorship)
Computer software - aanschaffingswaarde = Computer software - cost
Computer software - afschrijvingen = Computer software - depreciation (-)
Computer software - meerwaarden = Computer software - surpluses
Computer systemen = Computer Systems
computer systemen = computer systems
computer voor alle doeleinden = all-purpose computer
computer voor persoonlijk gebruik = personal computer: PC
"computer, mobiele telefoon of tablet" = "computer, mobile phone or tablet"
"computer, smartphone of ander apparaat" = "computer, smartphone or other device"
"computer, tablet of smartphone" = "computer, tablet or smartphone"
computeraccessoires = computer accessories
computeraccount = computer account
Computer-aided engineering = CAE
Computer-aided engineering = Computer-aided engineering
computerapparaat = computer device
computerapparatuur = computer equipment
Computerapparatuur = Computer-related equipment
computerapparatuur = computer apparatus
computerapparatuur en -instrumenten = computer apparatus and instruments
computerapparatuur en -instrumenten = computing apparatus and instruments
Computerarchitectuur = Computer architecture
Computerarchiveringsdiensten = Computer archiving services
computeraudio = computer audio
Computeraudit- en testdiensten = Computer audit and testing services
computerbanden = computer tapes
computer-beeldontleding = computer-assisted  image interpretation
computerbeeldscherm = computer display
computer-begeleid onderwijs = computer-aided education
computer-begeleide constructie = computer-aided design
computerbeheerder = computer administrator
computerbekabeling = computer cabling
Computerbenodigdheden = Computer supplies
computerbenodigdheden = computer supplies
computerbeperkingen = computer restrictions
computerberekeningen = computer simulations
computerbesturingsprogramma’s = computer operating programs
Computerbesturingssysteem = Computer control system
computerbesturingssystemen = computer operating systems
computerbeveiliging = computer security
computerbewerkingen uitgevoerd door eindgebruikers = end-user computing
computerbewijs = digital evidence
computerbord = computer board
computercartridges = computer cartridges
computerchips = computer chips
computercommunicatiesoftware = computer communication software
Computerconfiguraties = Computer configurations
computercriminaliteit = computer crime
computercriminelen = computer criminals
Computercursussen = Computer courses
Computercursussen voor beginners en gevorderden = Computer-user familiarisation and training services
Computerdatakabel = Data cable
computerdiagnostiek = computer-assisted  diagnosis
computerdiensten = computer services
"computerdiensten, te weten de beoordeling, de analyse, het testen en het " = "computer services, namely appraisal, analysis, testing and rating the per"
computerdiode = computer diode
computerdiscs = computer disks
computereiland = computer cluster
computerelementen = computer resources
"computeren, computergebruik" = computing (action of using a computer)
computerervaring = PC experience
computerfabriek = Computer industry
computerfabrikanten = computer factories
computerfirmware = computer firmware
computerfraude = computer fraud
computergames = computer games
computergebruik = computer use
computergebruik = computer usage
computergebruiker = information technology user
computergebruiker = computer user
computergebruikers = computer users
computergebruikershandleidingen = computer user manuals
computergegevens = computer data
computergeheugen = data storage medium
computergeheugen = memory
computergeheugen = computer memory
computergeïmplementeerd = computer implemented
computergeïmplementeerd segmentatie-algoritme = computer implemented segmentation algorithm
computer-geïmplementeerde werkwijze = computer-implemented method
computer-geïntegreerd fabricagesysteem = computer-integrated manufacturing system
computer-geïntegreerd ontwerp = computer integrated design: CID
computer-geïntegreerde fabricage = computer integrated manufacturing: CIM
computer-geïntegreerde productie = computer-integrated manufacturing: CIM
computergeletterdheid = computer literacy
computergeneratie = computer generation
computergerichte taal = computer oriented language
Computergestuurd = Computer-controlled
computer-gestuurd = computer-controlled
computergestuurd fabricagesysteem = computer aided manufacturing (system): CAM
computergestuurd programma = computer-controlled program
computergestuurd systeem = computer-controlled system
computergestuurde tekenmachine = computer controlled plotter
computergestuurde tekstverwerking = computer controlled text processing
computergestuurde transmissie van boodschappen en/of beelden = computer-aided transmission of messages and/or images
computergrafiek = computer graphics
Computergraphics = Computer graphics
computerhandboeken = computer manuals
"computerhandboeken, printpapier" = "computer manuals, computer printout paper"
Computerhandleidingen = Computer manuals
Computerhardware = Computer hardware
computerhardware en -randapparatuur = computer hardware and peripheral devices
computerhulplijndiensten = computer help-line services
Computerinbreker = Hacker
computerinstallaties = computing equipment
"computerinstallaties, -apparaten en -instrumenten" = "computer installations, apparatus and instruments"
computerinstructie = computer instruction
computerinstructiecode = computer instruction code
computer-instrumenten = computer instruments
computerinvoer = computer input
computerisatie = computerization
Computerkaarten = Computer cards
computerkabels = computer cables
computerkamer = computer room
Computerkast = Case
Computerkast = Tower
computerkracht = computing power
Computerkraker = Cracker
computerleerzaal = computer room
computerleerzalen = computer rooms
Computerleerzalen = computer labs
computerleesbaar = computer-readable
computerleesbaar medium = computer-readable medium
Computermeubilair = Computer furniture
computermiddelen = computer resources
computermodel = computer model
computermonitors = computer monitors
Computermuis = Computer mouse
computermuizen = mice
computernaam = computer name
computer-naar-computernetwerk = computer-to-computer network
computernet = computer net
computernetwerk = computer network
Computernetwerk = Network
computernetwerk met toegevoegde hulpmiddelen = attached resources computing network: ARCnet
computernetwerkapparatuur = computer networking apparatus
computernetwerkapparatuur en -instrumenten = computer networking apparatus and instruments
computernetwerkcommunicatie = computer network communications
Computernetwerkdiensten = Computer network services
Computeronderdelen = Parts of computers
Computerondersteund = Computer-aided
computer-ondersteund = computer-aided: CA
computer-ondersteund detector ontwerp = computer-aided detector design: CADD
computerondersteund onderwijs = programmed learning
computer-ondersteund onderwijs = computer-assisted learning
computer-ondersteund onderwijs = computer-aided education: CAE
computer-ondersteund onderwijs (COO) = "computer-assisted instruction (CAI), computer-aided learning (CAL)"
computer-ondersteund ontwerp = computer-aided design: CAD
computerondersteund ontwerpen = computer-aided design
computerondersteund ontwerpen = computer-aided design services
computer-ondersteund tekenen = computer-aided drafting: CAD
computer-ondersteund testen = computer-aided testing: CAT
computer-ondersteunde coöperatieve werkzaamheden = computer supported cooperative work: CSCW
computer-ondersteunde documentatie = computer-aided documentation
computer-ondersteunde educatie = computer-aided education: CAE
computer-ondersteunde engineering = computer-aided engineering: CAE
computerondersteunde fabricage = computer assisted manufacturing
computer-ondersteunde fabricage = computer-aided manufacturing: CAM
computer-ondersteunde inspectie = computer-aided testing: CAT
computer-ondersteunde kwaliteitsbeheersing = computer-aided quality: CAQ
computer-ondersteunde linguïstiek = computational linguistics
computer-ondersteunde logistiek = computer-aided logistics: CAL
computer-ondersteunde ontwikkeling = computer-aided engineering: CAE
computer-ondersteunde procesplanning = computer-aided process planning: CAPP
computer-ondersteunde productie-engineering = computer-aided production engineering: CAPE
computer-ondersteunde programmatuurontwikkeling = computer-aided software engineering: CASE
computer-ondersteunde publicatie = desk-top publishing: DTP
computerondersteunde verzending van beelden = computer-aided transmission of images
computerondersteunde verzending van berichten = computer-aided transmission of messages
computerondersteunde verzending van berichten en = computer-aided transmission of messages and images
"computerondersteunde verzending van berichten, gegevens en beelden" = "computer-aided transmission of messages, data and images"
"computerondersteunde verzending van berichten, informatie en beelden" = "computer-aided transmission of messages, information and images"
computer-ondersteunde werkstukprogrammering = computer-aided part programming
Computer-Ondersteunde Zelfstudie (COZ) = computer supported private study (COZ)
computerondersteuning = computer support
Computerondersteuningsdiensten = Computer support services
computeropleiding = computer training
computerpapier = computer paper
computerpenetratie = computer penetration
computerpiraterij = computer piracy
Computerplatforms = Computer platforms
Computerpoorten = Computer ports
computerprinters = printers for use with computers
computerprogramma = computer program
computerprogramma = software
computer-programma = computer program
computerprogramma product = computer program product
computerprogramma voor het uitvoeren van een computer-geïmplementeerde w = computer program for carrying out a computer-implemented method
computerprogramma’s = computer programs
computerprogramma’s (geregistreerd) = computer programs (recorded)
computerprogramma’s die on line over het Internet en het world wide web = computer programs distributed on-line over the Internet and Web
computerprogramma’s die zijn opgeslagen op gegevensdragers = computer programs being recorded on data carriers
computerprogramma’s en -gegevens vastgelegd in een voor de computer toe = computer programs and data recorded in computer accessible form
computerprogramma’s en gegevensbanken = computer programs and data bases
computerprogramma’s en programmeertalen = computer programmes and programming languages
computerprogramma’s en software = computer programs and software
computerprogramma’s in gedrukte vorm = computer programs in printed form
computerprogramma’s t.b.v. accountantscontrole = audit software
computerprogramma’s voor gebruik van het Internet en het world wide web = computer programs for using the internet and the worldwide
computerprogramma’s voor het spelen van spellen = computer programs for playing games
computerprogramma’s voor video- en computerspellen = computer programs for video and computer games
"computerprogramma’s, computerspellen" = "computer programs, computer games"
computerprogrammacomponent = computer program component: CPC
computerprogrammaconfiguratie-item = computer program configuration item: CPCI
computerprogrammaproduct = computer program product
Computerprogrammaproduct volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = Computer program product according to any of the previous claims
Computerprogrammaproduct volgens voorgaande conclusie = Computer program product according to previous claim
computerprogrammaproduct voor het beheren van persoonsgegevens = computer program product for managing personal data
computerprogrammaproducten = computer program products
computerprogramma-resumé = computer program abstract
computerprogramma's = computer programs
computerprogramma's = programs
computerprogramma's en programmeertalen = computer programmes and programming languages
computerprogrammatuur = computer software
computerprogrammatuur voor belastingzaken = tax software
computerprogrammering = computer programming
computerprogrammering en analyse van computersystemen = computer programming and computer system analysis
computerprogrammering en ontwikkeling van software = computer programming and software design
computerprogrammering voor derden = computer programming for others
computer-randapparaten = computer peripheral devices
computerrandapparatuur = computer peripheral equipment
Computerreinigingskits = Computer cleaning kits
computerreparatiebedrijf = Computer repair services
computerruimte = computer room
computerruimten = computer rooms
computerrun = computer run
Computers = Data processing
Computers = Computing
Computers = Data-processing
Computers = Computerized
Computers = Information processing
Computers = Information technology
Computers = Informatics
computers = computers
computers en computerprogramma’s = computers and computer programs
computers en computerrandapparatuur = computers and computer peripherals
computers en gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = computers and data-processing apparatus
computers en gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en instrumenten = computers and data-processing apparatus and instruments
computers en hardware = computers and computer hardware
computers en software = computers and computer software
"computers, computerhardware en computersoftware" = "computers, computer hardware and computer software"
"computers, computersoftware" = "computers, computer software"
"computers, gegevensverwerkende apparatuur, computerapparatuur, modems voo" = "computers, data processing apparatus, computer equipment, computer modems"
"computers, hun randapparatuur, onderdelen en toebehoren" = "computers, their peripherals, parts and accessories"
computerscherm = computer screen
Computerschermen en -consoles = Computer screens and consoles
computerschijven en -banden = computer discs and tapes
Computerservers = Computer servers
computersimulatie = computer simulation
computersoftware = computer software
computersoftware (geregistreerd) = computer software (recorded)
computersoftware (geregistreerde programma’s) = computer software (recorded programs)
computersoftware en computerfirmware = computer software and computer firmware
computersoftware waaronder software met computerspellen = computer software including computer games software
"computersoftware, computerprogramma’s, computergegevensbanken" = "computer software, computer programs, computer"
"computersoftware, computerprogramma’s, computergegevensbanken op gegeve" = "computer software, computer programs, computer databases on data carriers"
computersoftwarecomponent = computer software component: CSC
computersoftwareconfiguratie-item = computer software configuration item: CSCI
computersoftware-ontwikkeling en -ontwerp voor derden = computer software development and design for others
computersoftwareprogramma’s = computer software programs
computerspecialist = computer specialist
Computerspel = Video game
Computerspel = Computer game
computerspellen = computer games
computerspellen en programma’s daarvoor = computer games and programs therefor
computerspellen voor gebruik met televisietoestellen = computer games for use with televisions
"computerspellen, voor zover begrepen in deze klasse" = computer games included in this class
computerspelletjes = computer games
computerspelprogramma’s = computer game programs
"computerspelprogramma’s, cartridges en cassettes" = "computer game programs, cartridges, and cassettes"
computerspeltoestellen = computer game apparatus
computersysteem = computer system
computersysteem voor het uitvoeren van een computer-geïmplementeerde wer = computer system for carrying out a computer-implemented method
computersystemen = computer systems
computersystemen = computer system
computertaal = computer language
Computertafels = Computer tables
computertape = computer tape
computertechniek = computer technique
computerterminal = computer terminal
Computerterminals = Computer terminals
computer-timesharing = computer timesharing
Computertoebehoren = Computer accessories
computertoegangstijd = computer access time
computertoestel = computer device
Computertoetsenborden = Computer keyboards
Computertomografie = Computed tomography
"computertomografie (Engels: computed tomography, CT)" = computed tomography (CT)
Computertomografiescanners = CT scanners
computeruitdraai = printer output
Computeruitrusting en -benodigdheden = Computer equipment and supplies
computeruitvoer = computer output
computeruitvoer op microfilm = computer output microfilm
Computerupgrading = Computer upgrade services
computervergoeding = computer reimbursement
computerverhuur = computer rental
computervertaling = machine translation: MT
Computervertaling = Machine translation
Computervirus = Computer virus
computervirussen = computer viruses
computervloer = access flooring
computervloer = raised access flooring
computervloer = raised access computer floor
Computervloeren = Computer floors
Computervoeding = EDP (Electronic data processing)
computerwetenschap = computer science
computerwetenschappen = computer science
Computerwetenschappen = Computer science
computerwormen = computer worms
Computerzalen = computer rooms
Comté AOC = County
Conakry = Conakry
"conatief, trachtend, proberend" = conative {adj} (of a striving action)
Conatieve component van de attitude = Conative component of attitude
Conax = Conax
conbijluco = concentric air-gap trimmer
concaaf = concave
concaaf oriëntatieprofiel = concave orientation profile
concaaf verloop = concave course
concaafheid = concavity
concatineren = to concatenate
concave = concave
concave oriëntering = concave orientation
concaviteit = concavity
Concensusmodellen = Consensus model
Concentatiegraad = Concentration ratio
Concentrated diversity strategy = Concentrated diversity strategy
Concentrated similarity strategy = Concentrated similarity strategy
Concentratie = Focus
Concentratie = Concentration
Concentratie (oplossing) = Concentration
concentratie [proces] = concentration (process)
concentratie [waarde] = concentration (value)
concentratie bandbreedte = concentration bandwidth
concentratie- en vernietigingskampen = concentration and extermination camps
concentratie matrix = concentration matrix
concentratie- of vernietigingskamp = concentration or extermination camp
Concentratie restmonomeren = Concentration of residual monomers
concentratie van nederzettingen = settlement concentration
concentratie van ondernemingen = business combination
concentratie zonder waargenomen effecten = no observed effect concentration (NOEC)
concentratieapparatuur = concentrating equipment
Concentratiebepaling van Zn = Determination of Zn concentration
concentratiebereik = range of concentrations
Concentratiebeweging = Movement of concentration
concentratiecoëfficiënt van Gini = coefficient of concentration
concentratiecurve = curve of concentration
concentratie-eenheid = concentrator
concentratie-ellips = ellipse of concentration
concentratiegebied = concentration area
concentratiegebied Oost = concentration area East
concentratiegebied Zuid = concentration area South
Concentratiegraad = Degree of concentration
Concentratiekamp = Internment
concentratiekamp = concentration camp
concentratiekamp {het} = concentration camp
concentratiemeter = concentration meter
concentratieparameter (bij de verdeling van Von Mises) = concentration parameter
Concentratieproces = Concentration process
concentratieruimte = concentration space
concentraties = concentrations in excess of
concentraties = concentrations
concentratievermogen = concentration
concentratiewerkplekken = concentration workplaces
concentratiezwakte = poor concentration
concentrator = concentrator
concentreert = focuses
concentreren = to concentrate
Concentreren = Concentrate
Concentreren = Mind
Concentreren = Focus
Concentreren = Focus on
Concentreren = Compress
concentreren zich vaak op = often focus on
concentriciteit = concentricity
concentrisch = concentric
concentrisch daarmee = concentrically therewith
concentrisch in elkaar geplaatst = are placed concentric in each other
concentrische = concentric
concentrische bijstelluchtcondensator = concentric air-dielectric trimmer
concentrische bijstelluchtcondensator = concentric air-gap trimmer
concentrische binnen en buitenelektrode = concentric inner and outer electrode
concentrische cilindrische elektroden = concentric cylindrical electrodes
concentrische cilindrische elektrolytische cel = concentric cylindrical electrolytic cell
concentrische condensator = concentric capacitor
concentrische extrusie = concentric extrusion
concentrische extrusie-druiptechnieken = concentric extrusion – dripping techniques
Concentrische geleider = Concentric conductor
concentrische lussen = concentric loops
concentrische mondstuk = concentric nozzle
concentrische mondstuk van de buitenschil = outer shell concentric nozzle
concentrische pijpen = concentric pipes
concentrische spuitmond = concentric nozzle
concept = design
concept = draft
concept = draft design
Concept = Concept
concept (voor een conferentie) = outline or plan
concept actieplan = draft action plan
concept advies = draft recommendation
concept begroting = draft budget
Concept bestellingen aanmaken = Create draft orders
concept bestemmingsplan = draft zoning plan
Concept Businesscase = Draft Business Case
Concept detailed design = Draft detailed design
Concept en Design Director = Concept and Design Director
concept note = concept note
concept notitie reikwijdte en detailniveau (concept-NRD) = Draft Memorandum Scope and Level of Detail
concept notulen = draft minutes
concept OER = draft Teaching and Examination Regulations
concept OER-en = draft Teaching and Examination Regulations
concept ontwerp NEN 5729 = initial draft NEN 5729
concept ontwikkeling = concept development
concept op trek = tension-based design
concept organogram = draft organisation chart
concept rapport = draft report
concept Strategisch plan = draft Strategic Plan
concept ter beoordeling/discussie = exposure draft
concept van druk = pressure design
concept van overerving begrijpen en toepassen = understand and apply the concept of inheritance
concept van stabilisatie op druk = compression-based stabilisation design
concept van stabilisatie op trek = tension-based stabilisation design
concept wet- en regelgeving = bill or draft legal framework
concept wetgeving = draft legislation
conceptadvies = draft recommendation
concept-advies = draft recommendation
concept-afwijzingsbrief = draft rejection letter
conceptakte = draft deed
conceptbeleidsplan = draft policy plan
Conceptbeproeving = Concept testing
conceptbeschrijving = concept description
conceptbewaker = concept guardian
conceptbewaking = concept monitoring
conceptdatum = draft date
conceptdesign = draft design
concepten = concepts
conceptfase = concept phase
Conceptformatie = Concept formation
conceptgedachte = "conceptual idea, notion"
concept-gunningsbrief = draft award letter
concept-gunningsbrief en concept-afwijzingsbrief = draft award letter and draft rejection letter
Concepthouder = Copy holder
Concepthouders = Copy holders
conceptie = conception
Conceptie = Design
conceptleverancier = concept developer
conceptmodel = conceptual model
conceptnota = design plan
conceptnotitie = draft memo
conceptontwikkelaar = concept developer
Conceptontwikkeling = Concept development
Conceptontwikkelingsfase = Concept development stage
concept-Opdracht = draft Order
concept-opzet = draft structure
concept-overeenkomst = Draft Agreement
Conceptplan = Draft plan
concept-Plan van aanpak = draft Action Plan
concept-PvA = Draft Action Plan
conceptrapport = draft report
concept-sitemap = draft sitemap
conceptstudie = draft study
Concepttekening = Draft drawing
concepttekening = conceptual drawing
Concepttest = Concept test
Conceptual Recidences = Conceptual Recidences
Conceptualiseren = conceptualising
conceptueel = conceptual
conceptueel model = conceptual model
conceptueel ontwerp = conceptual design
conceptueel ontwerpen = conceptual design engineering
conceptueel schema = conceptual schema
conceptuele = conceptual
conceptuele afhankelijkheid = conceptual dependency
conceptuele informatie = conceptual information
conceptuele ontwerp = conceptual design
Conceptuele opbouw = Conceptual design
conceptuele taken = Conceptual tasks
conceptuele tekening = conceptual drawing
conceptversie = draft version
conceptvertaling = draft translation
conceptvertalingen = draft translations
Conceptverwerving = Concept attainment
conceptweergave = draft view
concern = group
Concern = Concern
Concern Business Control Financien = Corporate Business Control
concern met diversificatie = diversified group
concern met diversificatie = horizontal trust
concern met een communautaire dimensie = Community-scale group of undertakings
concern met horizontale structuur = horizontal group
concern met horizontale structuur = vertical trust
concern met verticale structuur = primary auditor
concern met verticale structuur = vertical group
concern-belang = Group interest
concernbetalingen = intra-group payments
concerngarantie = corporate guarantee
concerngarantie = guarantee provided by the parent company
concernoverhead = group overheads
Concernplan 2016 = Business plan 2016
Concernplan 2017 = Business plan 2017
concernplanning = concern planning
Concernresultaat = Consolidated result of operations
Concernresultaat uit gewone bedrijfsuitoefening na belasting = Consolidated results of operations after taxes
Concert = Together
Concert = Concerto
Concert = Concert
concert {het} = concert
concertatie = concertation
concertgebouw = concert hall
concertgebouw {het} = concert hall
concertkiosk = bandstand
concertmuziek - muziekscholen en conservatoria (CM) = music schools and conservatories
concertmuziek - orgelmuziek (CO) = organ music
concertmuziek - recitals en kamermuziek (CR) = recitals and chamber music
concertmuziek - symfonische muziek (CE) = symphonic music
concertmuziek - zang en accordeon (CZ) = choirs and accordion music
Concerto = Concerto
concertzaal = concert hall
concertzaal = concert-room
concessie = franchise
concessie = abandonment
concessie = concession
Concessie KPI’s = Concession KPIs
concessie tot ontginning = working concession
concessie van NS = Dutch Railways concession
concessie voor oliewinning = licensee
concessie voor oliewinning = oil concession
concessiehouder = concessionaire
concessiehouder = dealer
concessiehouders = concessionaires
concessiemodel = concession model
concessieovereenkomst = concession contract
concessieovereenkomst voor diensten = service concession
concessieovereenkomst voor openbare werken = public works concession
concessieovereenkomsten = concession agreements
concessieovereenkomsten voor dienstverlening = service concession
concessies = concessions
concessies of andere verplichtingen = concessions or other obligations
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
concessieverlenging = concession extension
Concessieverlening = Granting concession
concessieverplichtingen = concession obligations
Concessionair = Concessionaire
conchae nasalis inferioris = inferior nasal concha
Concierge = Concierge
conciërge = caretaker / porter
conciërge = "Caretaker, Porter"
Conciërge = Janitor
Conciërge = Caretaker
Conciërge = Keeper
Conciërge = Custodian
Conciërge = Watchman
Conciërge = Attendant
Conciërge = Hall porter
Conciërge = Guardian
Conciërge = Warden
conciërge = porter
concierge (als achter de balie) = receptionist
Concierge-systeem = Concierge system
Conciliatie = Conciliation
Concilie = Ecumenical council
concilie = ecclesiastical council
Concilie = Council
Concilie van Chalcedon = Council of Chalcedon
Concilie van Constantinopel I = First Council of Constantinople
Concilie van Efeze = Council of Ephesus
Concilie van Trente = Council of Trent
Conclaaf = Conclave
concluant = claimant/applicant
concluante = Applicant
concluante = Claimant
Concluante = The pleading party
concluante = pleading party
concluante / appellante = Defendant / appellant
concludeerde indertijd = concluded at the time
concludeert = concludes
concludeert tot gegrondverklaring van het beroep = concludes that the appeal is well-founded
concluderen = conclude
Concluderen = Gather
concluderen = abstract
concluderen = to conclude
Concluderend = From this I conclude
Concluderend = In conclusion
Conclusie = Abstract
conclusie = conclusion
conclusie = inference
conclusie = claim
Conclusie = In summary
conclusie {de} = conclusion
conclusie 1 en conclusie 2 = claim 1 and claim 2
conclusie 1 tot en met conclusie = claim 1 to claim
Conclusie 1: = Claim 1:
conclusie 2 = claim 2
conclusie 20 of conclusie 21 = claim 20 or claim 21
Conclusie 7 = Claim 7
Conclusie 8: = Claim 8:
Conclusie en discussie = Conclusion and discussion
conclusie na schorsing in prima = statement after stay of the proceedings in first instance
conclusie trekken = to conclude
conclusie van antwoord = defence
conclusie van antwoord = statement of defence
conclusie van antwoord = statement of defense (US)
conclusie van antwoord in conventie = (statement of) defence in the original proceedings
conclusie van antwoord in conventie = statement of defence in the original proceedings
"conclusie van antwoord in conventie, tevens houdende conclusie van eis in" = statement of defence in the original proceedings and counterclaim
conclusie van antwoord in reconventie = answer to the counterclaim (US)
conclusie van antwoord in reconventie = defence to the counterclaim
conclusie van antwoord in vrijwaring = third party counterclaim
conclusie van dupliek in reconvention = rejoinder in counterclaim
Conclusie van het assessment = Conclusion of the assessment
Conclusie: Er is te weinig onderzoek om een uitspraak te doen over het ef = Conclusion: Not enough research is available to make a statement about th
conclusies = claims
Conclusies = Claims
Conclusies & aanbevelingen = Conclusions and recommendations
conclusies 1 & 6 = claims 1 & 6
conclusies 1 tot 4 = claims 1 to 4
conclusies 1 tot 5 = claims 1 to 5
conclusies 1–2 = claims 1-2
conclusies 2 tot en met 10 = claims 2-10
conclusies 2 tot en met 12 = claims 2–12
conclusies 2 tot en met 14 = claims 2–14
conclusies 2 tot en met 7 = claims 2–7
conclusies 2 tot en met 9 = claims 2-9
conclusies 2 tot en met 9 = claims 2–9
conclusies 9 tot en met 12 = claims 9–12
conclusies daaruit trekken = drawing conclusions therefrom
Conclusies en aanbevelingen = Conclusions and recommendations
conclusies en afspraken = conclusions and agreements
Conclusies en besluiten = Conclusions and decisions
conclusies en inzichten = conclusions and insights
conclusies te trekken = draw conclusions
conclusies trekken = draw conclusions
conclusies uit de klinische evaluatie = conclusions of the clinical evaluation
conclusies van de audit = audit conclusions
conclusies van de octrooiaanvraag = claims of the patent application
conclusies/advies = conclusions/advice
conclusietermijnen = filing periods
conclusietermijnen = periods allowed for filing statements
conclusietermijnen = periods for submitting pleadings
Conclusion and discussion = Conclusion and discussion
concomitantie = concomitance
Concomiterend = Concomitant
Concord (New Hampshire) = Concord
concordaat = composition
concordaat = compromise
Concordaat = Concordat
concordante steekproef volgens Pitman = concordant sample
concordantie = concordance
Concordantie = Similarity
Concordantie = Agreement
Concordantie = Concurrence
Concordantie = Responsibility
Concordantie = Reconciliation
concordantiebestand = concordance file
concordantiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of concordance
concordantiecoëfficiënt = Kendall’s coefficient of concordance
concordantiecoëfficiënt = rank concordance coefficient
concordantietabel = correlation table
concours = competition
concours = concours
concours = contest
concours = exhibition grounds
concourse = exhibition grounds
concourse = rest of the exhibition
Concreet = Concrete
Concreet = In concrete terms
Concreet = Specifically
concreet = practical
concreet = in concrete terms
concreet beleid = concrete policies
Concreet betrof dit = "Specifically, this involved"
concreet gesproken = in practical terms
concreet handelen = concrete action
concreet houdt dit in dat = "In concrete terms, this means that"
concreet omschreven = concretely defined
Concreet Onderwijsproducten = Concreet Onderwijsproducten
concreet plan = concrete plan
"concreet substantief,concretum" = concrete noun (noun that denotes a tangible thing)
concrete = concrete
Concrete acties = Concrete measures
concrete afspraken te maken = make concrete agreements
concrete beleidsdoelstellingen = concrete policy objectives
concrete belemmeringen voor innovatie = concrete obstacles to innovation
Concrete dienstverlening = Tangible service
concrete doelen = concrete goals
concrete doelstellingen = concrete objectives
Concrete en gerichte acties = concrete and targeted actions
Concrete en gerichte acties ondernemen om doelstellingen te behalen of te = Taking concrete and targeted actions to achieve or surpass goals.
concrete feiten = concrete facts
concrete gegevens = concrete data
concrete indicatoren = concrete indicators
concrete klasse = concrete class
Concrete markt = Concrete market
concrete methode = practical method
concrete mogelijkheden = concrete opportunities
concrete planning = concrete schedule
concrete primer = concrete primer
concrete randvoorwaarden = concrete preconditions
concrete randvoorwaarden = specific preconditions
concrete resultaten = concrete results
Concrete tips = Concrete tips
concrete veranderactiviteiten = concrete change activities
concrete vervolgacties = concrete follow-up actions
concrete voorbeelden = concrete examples
concrete voorstel = concrete proposal
concrete voorstellen = concrete proposals
Concrete voorstellen van de inschrijver = Concrete proposals by the tenderer
concrete vragen = specific questions
concretie in het divertikil = diverticular concretion
concretise = concretise
concretiseren = concretise
"concretiseren, concreet worden, vorm aannemen" = concrete  (solidify)
concretisering = realisation
concretisering = reification
concretisering = instantiation
concruent = congruous
Concubinaat = Common-law marriage
Concubinaat = Concubinage
Concubinaat = Cohabitation
Concubinaat = Cohabit
concubine = partner
Concur = SAP Concur
concurent = rival
concurenten = competitors
Concurreniebeperkingen = Restrains on competition
concurrent = rival
concurrent = competitor
concurrent {de} = competitor
concurrent gebruik = concurrency
concurrent model = concurrent model
Concurrent Programming = Concurrent Programming
concurrente besturing = concurrent control
concurrente crediteur = common creditor
concurrenten = competitors
concurrenten = rivals
concurrentie = competition
concurrentie (economisch) = economic competition
concurrentie / mededinging = competition
concurrentie [biologisch] = competition (biological)
concurrentie {de} = competition
concurrentie beperken = restrict competition
concurrentie bevorderen = promote competition
Concurrentie en comparatief Voordeel = Competition and Comparative Advantage
concurrentie- gerichte dialogen = competitive dialogue procedures
concurrentie het hoofd bieden = to meet competition
concurrentie informatie = competitor information
concurrentie op het zakelijke segment = competition in the business segment
Concurrentie staat echter onder druk = competition is under pressure
Concurrentie stellen = use competitive bidding (procedures)
concurrentie tussen gelijksoortige producten = intraproduct competition
concurrentie tussen ongelijksoortige producten = interproduct competition
concurrentie tussen ongelijksoortige producten = to be in competition (with)
"Concurrentie waar het kan, samenwerking waar het moet" = "competition where possible, cooperation where needed"
"concurrentie, toezicht en andere regelgeving" = "competition, supervision and other regulations"
concurrentieanalyse = competition analysis
concurrentiebeding = non-compete clause
concurrentiebeding = non-competition clause
concurrentiebeding = restraint-of-trade clause
concurrentiebeding = competition clause
Concurrentiebeding of een Geheimhoudingsverplichting = Non-compete Clause or Confidentiality Obligation
concurrentiebeleid = competition policy
concurrentiebeperking = restriction on competition
concurrentiedruk = competitive pressure
Concurrentie-evenwicht = Competitive equilibrium
concurrentie-gedrag = competitive behaviour
Concurrentiegeoriënteerde prijszetting = Competiotion-oriented pricing
"concurrentiegerichte dialogen, concurrentie-gerichte dialogen, concurrent" = competitive dialogue procedures
concurrentiegerichte dialoog = Competitive dialogue
concurrentiegerichte prijsstelling = competition-oriented pricing
concurrentiegevoelig = competition-sensitive
concurrentiegevoelig = competitively relevant
concurrentiegevoelig = information of value to the competition
concurrentiegevoelige = competition-sensitive
concurrentiegevoelige gegevens = competition-sensitive information
concurrentiegevoelige informatie = competition-sensitive information
concurrentiegevoelige informatie = information that is sensitive to competition
concurrentie-informatie = competitive intelligence
concurrentiekracht = competitiveness
concurrentienadelen = competitive disadvantages
concurrentieonderzoek = competitive product analysis
concurrentieoverwegingen = competitive considerations
concurrentieoverwegingen = competition
concurrentiepositie = competitive position
concurrentiepositie = competitiveness
concurrentierecht = competition law
concurrentiesituatie = competitive situation
concurrentievergelijking = competition comparison
concurrentieverhoudingen = competitive conditions
Concurrentievermogen = Competitiveness
concurrentieverstorende activiteiten = anticompetitive activities
Concurrentieverstorende gedragingen of activiteiten = Anticompetitive behaviour or activities
concurrentievervalsing = distortion of competition
concurrentievoordeel = competitive advantage
concurrentievoordelen = competitive advantage
Concurrentievoorwaarden = Condition of competition
concurreren = competing
Concurreren = Compete with
concurreren = compete
concurreren en innoveren = compete and innovate
concurrerend = competitive
Concurrerend Bod = Competitive Offer
concurrerend maatwerk leveren = offer a competitive and customised service
concurrerende = competitive
concurrerende economie = competitive economy
concurrerende inschrijving = competitive tender
concurrerende kostprijzen = competitive costs
concurrerende leegstand = The fact that Lessor has and/or will have competitive vacant space in the
concurrerende onderneming = competing undertaking
concurrerende oplossing = competitive solution
concurrerende oplossingen = competitive solutions
concurrerende planten = competitive plants
Concurrerende prijsstelling = Competitive pricing
concurrerende produkten = competing products
concurrerende risico's = competing risks
Concurrerende tarieven = Competitive rates
condens = moisture
condens = condensate
condens afvoerbuis = condensate drain tube
condensaat = condensate
condensaatafscheider = condensate separator
condensaatinjectiepompen = condensate injection pumps
Condensaatpomp = Condensate pump
condensaatpompen = condensate pumps
condensaatstromen = condensate streams
condensaatstromen = condensate flows
condensaattank = condensate tank
condensaattanken = condensate tanks
condensaatvoorverwarmer = condensate preheater
condensaatvoorverwarmers = condensate preheaters
Condensaatvoorverwarming = Condensate preheating
condensafscheider = condensate separator
condensafvoer = condensate drain
condensafvoerstuk = condensate drain
condensalcohol = alcohol condensate
condensaten = condensates
condensatie = condensation
condensatie = condensation (process)
condensatie / vochtvorming = condensation
condensatieafvoeren = condensation exhaust pipes
condensatiedampkap = condensation hood
condensatie-efficiëntie = condensation efficiency
condensatie-installaties = condensing installations
condensatievlek = condensation stain
condensatiewarmte = condensation heat
condensator = capacitor
condensator = condenser (capacitor)
condensator (m) = condenser
condensator van het tussencircuit = DC link capacitor
condensator van polystyreen = polystyrene capacitor
condensator voor de nooduitschakeling = emergency shutdown capacitor
condensator voor de noodverstelling = emergency stop capacitor
Condensatorbanken = Capacitor banks
condensatorbatterij = capacitor bank
Condensatorblok = Capacitor block
condensatorcellulosepapier = capacitor cellulose paper
condensatordecadenbank = decade condenser instrument
condensatoreenheid = capacitor unit
condensatoren = capacitors
condensatoren van parallel-series = parallel-series capacitors
condensatorfilter = capacitor filter
condensatorgeheugen = capacitor store
condensatorkast = capacitor box
Condensatormagneetschakelaar = Capacitor magnet contactor
Condensatormicrofoon = Capacitor microphone
condensatormicrofoon = electrostatic microphone
Condensatormotor = Capacitor motor
Condensatornetwerken = Capacitor networks
condensatorspanning = capacitor voltage
condensatortester = capacitor tester
condensatorvervanger = dummy capacitor
condenseren = condense
condenseren = to condense
condenseren = to condensate
condenseren = condensing
Condensers voor microscoop = Microscope condensers
condensor = condenser
Condensor = Capacitor
condensor = condenser (thermodynarnic)
condensor (m) = condenser
condensor (m) = liquefier
Condensor-luchtkoelsysteem = Condenser air-cooling systems
condensors = condensers
Condensring = Condensation ring
Condensspoor = Vapour trail
condensvocht = condensate
condensvorming = condensation
condenswater = condensation
condenswater = condensate
condenswater = condensed water
condenswaterafvoerbak = condensate drain pan
condenswaterwisselklimaat = 'cyclic condensation (testing)' [testing using alternating humidity cycle
condenswaterwisselklimaat = cyclic humidity testing with condensation'
condimenten = relishes
Conditie = Condition
conditie / staat = condition
conditie {de} = condition
Conditie opstart = Condition upon starting
conditieafhankelijke ontvangst = fringe reception
conditie-ingang = condition entry
Conditiekartel = Cartel which establishes the terms of delivery
Conditiemeting van bouw- en installatiedelen = Condition assessment of building and installation components (NEN 2767)
conditienaam = condition name
conditieniveau = condition level
conditieomschrijving = condition stub
condities als vervat in = the provisions of
Condities en herhalingsstatements = Conditional and iteration statements
Condities en voorwaarden = Terms and conditions
condities van correct gebruik = conditions of proper use
condities voor de plaatsing = installation conditions
condities voor zeilende goederen = floating terms
conditio sine qua non verband = the essential condition of the (existence of a causal) relationship
condition survey = condition survey
conditioneel = conditional
conditionele constructie = conditional construction
conditionele element = conditional element
conditionele elementen = conditional elements
conditionele impliciete bewerking = conditional implication operation
conditionele inroostering = conditional scheduling
conditionele relatiematrix = conditional relationship matrix
conditionele sprong = conditional jump
conditionele uitdrukking = conditional expression
conditionele uitdrukking = conditional statement
conditionele uitvoeringslus = conditional execution loop
conditionele variabele = conditional variable
conditionele verdeling = conditional distribution
conditionele verwachtingswaarde = conditional expectation
conditionele verwachtingswaarde = conditional expected value
conditioneren = to condition
conditioneren = set conditions
conditioneren = condition
conditioneren = condition (to)
conditionerende apparatuur = conditioning equipment
conditionering = conditioning
conditioneringapparatuur = conditioning equipment
condoleantie = condolences
condoleren = express condolences
Condom = Condom
condominium = freehold flat
Condominium = Condominium
Condoom = French letter
Condoom = condom
"condoom, capotje, regenjasje (jocular)" = condom (flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
Condooms = Condoms
Condorelli-encefalitis = Condorelli  encephalitis
conductantie = conductance
Conducteur = Controller
Conducteur = Ticket collector
conducteur = conductor
conductie = conduction
Conductive Strip = Conductive Strip
conductiviteit = conductivity
conductometrie = conductometry
conductor = conductor
conductor = guard
Condyloma = Condyloma
condylusfractuur = subcapital  humerus fracture
cone tip resistance = cone tip resistance
confabulatie = confabulation
Confectie = Confection
confectie = ready-to-wear
Confectiekleding = Confection
confectiekleding = ready-made clothing
confectiekleding = ready-to-wear
"confectiekleding (zowel boven- als onderkleding), schoeisel, hoofddeksels" = "ready-made clothing (outerwear and underwear), footwear, headgear"
"confectiekleding voor dames, heren en kinderen (uitgezonderd orthopedisch" = "ready-made clothing for ladies, gentlemen and children, footwear (except "
"confectiekleding, schoeisel en hoofddeksels" = "ready-made clothing, footwear and items of headgear"
Confectiezijde = Confection side
confectioneren = manufacture
Confederatie = Confederation
Confederatie bouw Limburg = Confederatie Bouw Limburg
Confederatie Bouw Vlaanderen = Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw
Confederatie der Expediteurs van België = Confederation of Belgian Freight Forwarders
conference = conference
Conference bellen = Conference call
conference rooms = conference rooms
Conferencing Add-in for  Microsoft Office Outlook = Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook = Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook
Conferencing Announcement-service = Conferencing Announcement service
conferentie = conference
conferentie {de} = conference
conferentie deelnemer = delegate
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
Conferentie van de partijen = the Conference of the Parties
Conferentie van de Verenigde Naties voor handel en ontwikkeling = UN Conference on Trade and Development
Conferentie van Jalta = Yalta Conference
Conferentie van Rio = Rio Conference
Conferentie van Stockholm = Stockholm Conference
Conferentie van voorzitters = conference of presidents
conferentie VN = UN Conference
conferentieactie = conference operation
conferentiebijdrage = conference paper
conferentiecentra = conference centres
conferentiedeelnemer = conference delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference participant
conferentiedeelnemer = delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference participant
conferentiedeelnemer = delegate
conferentie-deelnemer = conference delegate
conferentie-deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie-deelnemer = delegate
conferentiediensten = conference services
conferentiefacilliteiten = conference facilities
conferentiehandelingen = conference proceedings
Conferentiehotel = Conference Hotel
Conferentiehotel Willibrordhaeghe = Willibrordhaeghe Conference Hotel
conferentielijn = conference circuit
conferentielijnen = conference tracks
conferentiemanagementsysteem = conference management system
conferentienetwerk = conference network
conferentie-presentatie = conference presentation
conferenties = conferences
conferenties en evenementen = conferences and events
"conferenties, tentoonstellingen en seminaria" = "conferences, exhibitions and seminars"
Conferentiesysteem = conferencing system
Conferentiesysteem zoals in conclusie = Conferencing system as in claim
conferentiesystemen = conferencing systems
conferentietolken = conference interpreting
conferentieverslagen = proceedings
confereren = deliberate
confessie = confession
confessioneel onderwijs = denominational education
confessioneel school = denominational school
confessionele onderwijs = denominational education
confessionele school = denominational school
confessionele staat = non-secular State
confetti = colour noise
Confetti = Confetti
confettiloze band = chadless tape
Confidential = Confidential
confidential and privacy-sensitive information = vertrouwelijke en privacy gevoelige informati
confidentialiteit = confidentiality
confidentialiteitsplicht = confidentiality requirement
confidentie = confidence
Confidentieel = Hush-hush
confidentieel = confidential
Confidentieel = Private
Confidentieel = Proprietary
Confidentieel = In strict confidence
Confidentiel = Private
Confidentiel = Proprietary
Confidentiel = Hush-hush
Confidentiel = Confidential
confidentiële informatie = confidential information
configuratie = configuration
configuratie = setup
configuratie = layout
configuratie = configuration
configuratie = configuration
configuratie database = configuration database
configuratie en de setup van uw toepassing = configuration and setup of your application
configuratie- en wijzigingsbeheer = configuration and change management
configuratie instellingen = configuration settings
Configuratie items = Configuration Items
configuratie management databank (CMDB) = Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
configuratie management database = configuration management database
Configuratie Management System = Configuration Management System
configuratie manager = configuration manager
configuratie van een arm met gewricht = jointed-arm configuration
Configuratie van het portaal voor = Configuring the portal for
Configuratie volgens = Configuration according to
configuratie zoals gemodificeerd = configuration as-modified
configuratie zoals gepland = configuration as planned
configuratie zoals gerealiseerd = configuration as-built
configuratie zoals ontworpen = configuration as-designed
configuratie-audit = configuration audit
configuratiebaseline = configuration baseline
Configuratiebeheer = Configuration Manager
Configuratiebeheer = Deployment Manager
configuratiebeheer = configuration management: CM
Configuratiebeheer = Configuration Management
Configuratiebeheer van PerformancePoint-planningserver = PerformancePoint Planning Server Configuration Manager
Configuratiebeheer voor mobiele apparaten = Mobile Deployment Manager
Configuratiebeheerserver = Deployment Administration Server
configuratiebeheersing = configuration control
configuratieberekeningen = configuration calculations
configuratiebestand = configuration file
configuratiebestand = config file
configuratiebestand van de metabase = metabase configuration file
configuratiebestanden = configuration files
configuratiebestanden en software = configuration files and software
configuratiebesturing = configuration control
configuratiebesturingsdocumenten = configuration control documents
configuratieblad = configuration sheet
configuratiecontrole = configuration control
configuratiedatabase = configuration database
configuratiedocumentatie = configuration documentation
configuratie-element = configuration element
Configuratie-export = Configuration Export
configuratiefase = configuration pass
configuratiefunctie = pattern function
Configuratiefunctie = Configuration function
Configuratiefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated configuration function
configuratiegroep = configuration group
configuratiehulpprogramma voor Muziek = Music Configuration tool
configuratie-identificatie = configuration identification
configuratie-identificatiecode = configuration identifier
configuratie-index = configuration index
configuratieinstellingen = configuration settings
configuratie-instellingen = configuration settings
configuratie-item = configuration item
configuratie-item = configuration item (CI)
configuratie-item = configuration item: CI
configuratie-item type = CI type
configuratie-items = configuration items
configuratie-itemspecificatie = configuration item specification
configuratie-itemstuklijst = configuration item parts list
configuratiekeuze = configuration choice
configuratielijst = configuration list
configuratielogboek = configuration log
configuratiemanagement = configuration management
configuratiemanagementsysteem = configuration management system (CMS)
configuratiemenu = configuration menu
configuratienulmeting = configuration baseline
configuratieobject = configuration object
configuratieovername = configuration inheritance
configuratierecord = configuration record
configuratieregel = configuration rule
configuratieregistratie = configuration record
configuratieroute = configuration route
configuratieruimte = configuration space: C-space
configuraties = arrangements
configuraties = configurations
configuraties van de zijprofielen = configurations of the side profiles
configuraties van eindblokken = end block configurations
configuratieschema = configuration plan
Configuratiescherm = control panel
configuratieset = configuration set
configuratiestatus = configuration state
configuratiestatusadministratie = configuration status accounting
configuratiestructuur = configuration structure
configuratie-stuurgroep = configuration control board: CCB
configuratietijden = configuration times
configuratieuitgangspunt = configuration baseline
configuratievoetlijn = configuration baseline
Configuration Item = CI
Configuration Item = Configuration Item
configuration item = configuration item
Configuration Items = Configuration Items
Configuration Management = Configuration Management
Configuration Management Database = CMDB
Configuration Management Database = Configuration Management Database
Configuration Management DataBase = CMDB  =  Configuration Management DataBase
configuration management database = configuration management database (CMDB)
Configuration Manager = Configuration Manager
configurator = configurator
Configureerbaar = Configurable
configureerbaar = configurable
configureerbaar feedbacksysteem = configurable feedback system
configureerbaar is = is configurable
configureerbaar meetsysteem = configurable measurement system
configureerbaar meetsysteem = configurable measuring system
configureerbaar meetsysteem van een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable measuring system of a configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
Configureerbaarheid = Configurability
Configureerbare = Configurable
configureerbare coating stack = configurable coating stack
Configureerbare melduitgang beschikbaar = Configurable message output available
Configureerbare regelmodules = Configurable control valves
configureerbare sputterinrichting = configurable sputtering device
configureerbare sputterinstallatie = configurable sputtering installation
configureerbare sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbare sputtersystemen = configurable sputtering systems
configureren = to configure
configureren en te beheren = configure and manage
configureren op bestelling = configure-to-order
confirmation test = confirmation test
confiscatie = seizure
confiscation order = ontnemingsvordering
confiserieproduct = confectionery product
confiserieproducten = confectionery products
confiserieproducten met een houder = confectionery products with a holder
confiserieproducten met een houder en een chocolade gedeelte = confectionery products with a holder and a chocolate portion
confisqueren = confiscate
"confisqueren, in beslag nemen" = impound  (to hold in the custody of a court or its delegate)
confiturenmijt = dried fruit mite (Carpoglyphus lactis L.)
confiturenmijt = dried fruit mite
confituur {de} [BN] = jam
confituur {de} [BN] = jelly [Am.]
conflict = strife
conflict = collision
conflict = conflict
conflict = dispute
Conflict (onenigheid) = Conflict
conflict of interest = conflict of interest
conflict tussen etnische groeperingen = ethnic conflict
"conflict, geschil, strijd" = conflict (clash or disagreement)
"conflict, onverenigbaarheid, tegenstrijdigheid" = conflict (incompatibility)
conflictbeheer = conflict management negotiation
Conflictbemiddeling = Mediation
Conflictbemiddeling = Arbitration
Conflictbemiddeling = Conflict mediation
conflictdetectie = conflict detection
conflicten = conflicts
conflicten en geschillen = conflicts and disputes
"conflicteren (met), confligeren (met), strijdig zijn (met)" = conflict  (be at odds (with))
Conflicterende accounts = Conflicting accounts
Conflicthantering = Handling conflicts
Conflicthantering = conflict management
Conflicthantering = conflict resolution
Conflicthantering = resolution of conflicts
conflicthantering = conflict management
conflictinteractie = conflict bahaviour
conflictoplossingsmethode = conflict resolution method
conflictpartijen = party to the conflict
conflictpartijen = litigant
conflictpartijen = party to the dispute
conflictpreventie = conflict prevention
conflictregeling = dispute settlement
conflictresolutie = conflict resolution
Conflicts of interest = conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest = Conflicts of interest
conflictsituatie = conflict
conflictsituaties = conflict
confluentie-analyse van Frisch = confluence analysis
conform = in accordance with
conform = approved
conform = in line with
conform = compliant
conform = in conformance with
Conform (de norm) = Complies with…
conform alle relevante wet- en regelgeving = in accordance with all relevant legislation and regulations
conform berekening en opgave = according to calculations and specification
conform blijven = remaining compliant
conform blijven aan de wetgeving = remaining compliant with the legislation
Conform de = In accordance with
conform de (Functionele) specificaties zoals opgenomen in de Overeenkomst = in accordance with the Functional specifications as contained in the Agre
conform de aanwijzingen van de leidinggevende = in accordance with the instructions of the supervisor
conform de afmetingen van de portaalconstructie = in accordance with the dimensions of the portal structure
conform de beloningsregeling = in accordance with the remuneration scheme
conform de beloningsregeling van de opdrachtgever = in accordance with the remuneration scheme of the client
conform de bepalingen in dit artikel = in accordance with the provisions of this article
conform de bepalingen van = in accordance with the provisions of
conform de bestelopdracht = in accordance with the purchase order
conform de bij Werkgever geldende regels omtrent ziekmeldingen = in accordance with the Employer’s rules on reporting sick
conform de eisen = to the requirements
Conform de eisen van de norm = In accordance with the requirements of standard
conform de eisen van het maatschappelijk verkeer = according to generally accepted standards
conform de Europese Norm = in accordance with European standard
conform de geldende richtlijnen = in accordance with the applicable guidelines
conform de gestelde eisen = in accordance with the prescribed requirements
conform de gestelde normen = in accordance with the prescribed standards
conform de hiervoor geldende normen en eisen = in accordance with the applicable standards and requirements
conform de inzet voor = in accordance with the commitment to
conform de NEN-EN 1634-3 = in accordance with NEN-EN 1634-3
conform de norm = in accordance with standard
conform de overeenkomst = under the agreement
conform de regels = in accordance with the rules
conform de regels van IFRS = pursuant to the rules of IFRS
conform de regels voorzien binnen de = in accordance with the rules laid down within the
conform de requirements = in accordance with the requirements
conform de requirements is = is in accordance with the requirements
conform de SLA = in accordance with the SLA
conform de specificaties = according to the specifications
conform de toepasselijke = in accordance with the applicable
conform de toepasselijke bepalingen = in accordance with the applicable provisions
conform de toepasselijke loontabellen = in accordance with the applicable wage tables
conform de toepasselijke loontabellen van de CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = in accordance with the applicable wage tables of the CAO for temporary ag
conform de van toepassing zijnde eisen = and meets the requirements regarding
conform de vereisten = in accordance with the requirements
conform de verzekeringspolissen = in accordance with the insurance policies
conform de voorschriften = in accordance with regulations
conform de voorschriften recycleren of afvoeren = recycled and disposed of in accordance with the regulations
conform de voorschriften te recycleren of af te voeren = recycle or dispose of it in accordance with regulations
conform de voorwaarden van = under the terms of
conform de wensen van de klant = in accordance with the customer’s wishes
conform de wet = in accordance with the law
conform deze = in accordance with present
conform deze overeenkomst = in accordance with this Agreement
conform een vastgestelde procedure = in accordance with an established procedure
conform gangbare procedures = in accordance with established procedures
conform gekozen retentie = in accordance with chosen retention period
conform geldende normeringen = in accordance with applicable standards
conform gestelde eisen = in accordance with stipulated requirements
conform haar verwachtingen = in line with its expectations
conform het actieplan = in accordance with the action plan
conform het bepaalde in Artikel = in accordance with the provisions of Clause
conform het bepaalde in de = in accordance with the provisions of the
conform het communicatieprotocol = in accordance with the communications protocol
Conform het door de leverancier opgegeven werkwijze = in accordance with the method specified by the supplier
conform het prijsindexcijfer volgens de consumentenprijsindex (CPI) reeks = in accordance with the price index figure from the consumer price index (
conform hetgeen wettelijk is bepaald = in accordance with what is stipulated by law
conform hun eigen huisstijlregels = in accordance with their own house style rules
conform ontwerper/leverancier MVGM = in accordance with designer/supplier MVGM
conform opgave = in accordance with the specifications
conform opgave van leverancier = in accordance with the supplier’s specifications
conform opgaven van leverancier = in accordance with the supplier’s specifications
conform overeengekomen service niveaus = in accordance with agreed service levels
conform overeengekomen SLA = in accordance with the agreed SLA
conform productspecificatie = in accordance with the product specification
conform specificaties in = in accordance with the specifications under
conform specifieke normen = in accordance with specific standards
conform vastgestelde procedures = in accordance with established procedures
Conform wettelijke bepalingen = In accordance with statutory provisions
conformantie = conformance
conformantiecriterium = conformance criterion
conformantietesten = conformance testing
conforme datakabel = compliant data cable
conformeert zich aan deze eis = conforms to this requirement
conformeren aan = conform to
conformering = compliance
Conformisme = Conformity
conformiteit = conformity
conformiteit = conformity
conformiteit = conformance
conformiteit met = Compliance with
conformiteit van doelen = compliance of goals
conformiteit van doelen aan ondernemingsbeleid = compliance of goals with corporate policy
Conformiteitattest = conformity certificates
Conformiteitattest = conformity certificate
conformiteitsattest = conformity certificate
conformiteitsattesten = compliance certificates
conformiteitsattesten = conformity certificates
conformiteitsbeoordeling = evaluation of product conformity
conformiteitsbeoordeling = conformity testing
conformiteitsbeoordeling = conformance testing
conformiteitsbeoordeling = assessment of conformity
conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie = conformity assessment body
conformiteitsbeoordelings-procedure = conformity evaluation procedure
conformiteitsbeproeving = conformity check
Conformiteitscertificaat = Certificate of Conformity
Conformiteitscertificaat Europa = Certificate of Conformity for Europe
conformiteitsmarkering = conformity marking
conformiteitsmerkteken = conformity mark
Conformiteitssoftware = Compliance software package
conformiteitstoetsingsproces = conformity assessment process
conformiteitsverklaring = certificate of conformity
conformiteitsverklaring = conformity certificate
conformiteitsverklaring = declaration of conformity
conformiteits-verklaring = declaration of conformity
conformitseitattest = conformity certificate
Conformity = Conformity
Conformity of production = Conformity of Production (COP)
Confort = Conveniences
Confort = Comfort
confounder = confounder
confounders = confounders
confrater = colleague
confrontatie = confrontation
confrontatie van fase 1 met fase 2 = comparison of results of phase 1 with those of phase 2
Confrontatiematrix = Confrontation matrix
confronteren = confront
"confronteren, het hoofd bieden" = encounter  (engage in conflict)
Confucianisme = Confucianism
Confucius = Confucius
Confuscianisme = Confucianism
Confusie = Confusion
congé = discharge
Congenitaal = Congenital
congenitale factor VIII deficiëntie = congenital  factor VIII deficiency
Congestie = Congestion
congestie = traffic jam / congestion / bunching
Congestiecontroller = Congestion Controller
congestiegebied = congestion area
Conglomeraat = Conglomerate
conglomeraat van bedrijven = conglomerate
Congo = Congo
Congo-Brazzaville = Republic of the Congo
Congo-Kinshasa = Democratic Republic of the Congo
Congolees = Congolese
congregatie = congregation
congres = "conference, congress"
congres = "conference, congress (on)"
congres = conference
congres = congress
congres = convention
Congres Associatie Twente = Congress Association Twente
congres- en of nascholingsactiviteiten = conferences and/or refresher courses
Congres van Lokale en Regionale Overheden van Europa = Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
congres Vastgoed in Noord Nederland = Convention on Property in Northern Netherlands (Congres Vastgoed in Noord
Congresbalie = Conference Desk
congresbijdragen = conference contributions
congresbijdragen = conference papers
Congresbureau = Conference Office
congrescentra = conference centres
congrescentrum = conference centre
Congrescoordinatie en Bureau Pedel = Conference Services Department and Beadle's Office
Congresinfrastructuur = Conference infrastructure
congressen = congresses
congressen = conferences
congresseren = attend a congress
congruent = consistent
Congruent = Equable
Congruent = Even
Congruent = Peer
Congruent = Equal
Congruent = Compatible
congruent = match
congruent zijn = coincide
congruentie = congruency
Congruentie = Agreement
congruentie = congruity
congruentie van doeleinden = goal congruence
congruentie van doeleinden = unofficial(ly)
Conical = Conical
Conical Seat = Conical Seat
coniciteit = cone angle
coniciteit = conicity
coniciteit van de vulruimte = draft
coniciteit van de vulruimte = draw
coniciteitshoek = draft angle
conifeer = coniferous tree
conifeer = conifer
conifeer {de} = conifer
"conifeer, naaldboom" = conifer
conisch = conical
conisch aandrijfwiel = tapered pulley
conisch gedeelte = tapered part
conisch gevormde = conically shaped
conisch gevormde uiteinde = conically shaped end
conisch is van vorm = is conical in shape
conisch lager = taper-roller bearing
conisch lager = cone (bearing)
conisch rollager = taper roller bearing
conisch spiraaltandwiel = bevel gear with helical teeth
conisch tandwiel = bevel gear
conisch van vorm = conical in shape
conisch verlopend = tapering
conische = conical
conische aftasting = conical scanning
conische as = tapered journal
conische boring = conical bore
conische Collector (4e Generatie) = conical Collector (4th Generation)
conische deel = conical part
conische doekbuisprop = Cone shaped end piece
conische drukveer = conical compression spring
conische kop = conical head
conische kop van de schroef = conical head of the screw
conische manchet = conical flexible connector
conische opening = conical opening
conische opening voorzien in het roestvast stalen deel van genoemd artike = conical opening provided in the stainless steel part of said item
conische pen = taper pin
conische pen = tapered pin
conische pen/deel = cone
conische rand = conical edge
conische reflector = conical reflector
conische ring = tapered ring
conische ruimer = tapered reamer
conische spanring = conical clamping ring
conische uitsparing = conical recess
conische uitsparingen = conical recesses
conische verbindingszijde = conical connecting side
conische verzinkboor = countersink
conische vorm = conical shape
CO-niveau = CO level
Conix Architects = Conix Architects
Conjugatie = Conjugation
Conjugatie = Mating
conjugatie {de} = conjugation
Conjugatus = Conjugated
conjugeren = to conjugate
conjugeren = conjugate
conjunct = conjunct
Conjuncte analyse = Conjoint analysis
conjunctie = conjunction
conjunctief = subjunctive
Conjunctieve beslisregel = Conjunctive decision rule
conjunctieve normale vorm = conjunctive normal form: CNF
Conjunctivitis = Conjunctivitis
Conjunctureel = Economic
conjuncturele ontwikkelingen = cyclical developments
conjuncturele ontwikkelingen = trade fluctuations
conjuncturele schommelingen = industrial fluctuations
Conjuncturele toestand = Business activity
conjuncturele voorraad = economic contingency stock
conjuncturele werkloosheid = cyclical unemployment
Conjunctuur = Juncture
Conjunctuur = Economic situation
Conjunctuur = Outlook
conjunctuur = business cycle
Conjunctuur- en structuurbeleid = Cyclical and structural policy
Conjunctuurbarometer = Economic indicators
conjunctuurbeleid = short-term economic policy
conjunctuurbeweging = economic trend
Conjunctuurbeweging = Business cycle
Conjunctuurcyclus = Business cycle
conjunctuurfluctuatie = cyclical fluctuation
conjunctuurgevoeligheid = cyclicality
Conjunctuurindicator = Indicator of cyclical movement
Conjunctuurmodel = Short-term model
Conjunctuurnivellering = Levelling of the business cycle
Conjunctuurpolitiek = Cyclical economic policy
Conjunctuurprognose = Business forecasting
conjunctuurschok = cyclical shock
conjunctuurschommelingen = cyclical fluctuations
conjunctuurschommelingen = downward movement
conjunctuurschommelingen = slump
Conjunctuurtheorie = Business cycle theory
Conjunctuurwerkloosheid = Cyclical unemployment
Conjunctuurwinst = Boom profit
Conjunktuur = Juncture
Conjunktuur = Outlook
Conjuntuurfase = Phase of the business cycle
Connacht = Connacht
Connect Remotes = Connect Remotes
Connect Your Pump to a Trailer = Connect Your Pump to a Trailer
Connected = Connected
connected and autonomous driving = connected and autonomous driving
connected car = connected car
connected cars = connected cars
Connected Company = Connected Company
connected devices = connected devices
connected inverter = connected inverter
Connected Organisation = Connected Organisation
connected organisation visie = vision of the Connected Organisation
Connecteer = Connect
connecteer opnieuw de patchkabel = reconnect the patch cable
Connecticut = Connecticut
Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police = Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police
connectie = connection
connectie = association
connectie = contacts (with)
connectie = link
connectie = relation(ship)
connectie = contacts
connectie richting = connection to
connectieelement = connecting element
connectieelementen = connecting elements
connectiegat = connection hole
connectiegaten = connection holes
connectiegaten = connecting holes
connectielement = connecting element
connectiestation = connection station
connectiestring = connection string
connecting plate = connecting plate
connection = connection
Connection Block = Connection Block
Connection Machine<\b> = Connection Machine<\i>
Connection Manager = Connection Manager
connection part = connection part
Connection Part RF = Connection Part RF
Connection part RM = Connection part RM
Connection Rod = Connection Rod
connection string = connection string
connectiviteit = connectivity
Connectiviteit datacenter = Data centre connectivity
Connectiviteit voor een competitieve digitale eengemaakte markt = Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market
Connectiviteit voor een competitieve digitale eengemaakte markt – Naar  = Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market - Towards a European
connectiviteitsaanbod = connectivity products
connectiviteitsaanbod = connectivity offering
connectiviteitsbehoefte = need for connectivity
connectiviteitsbehoeften = connectivity needs
connectiviteitsdiensten = connectivity services
connectiviteitsdoelstelling = connectivity objective
connectiviteitsdoelstellingen = connectivity goals
connectiviteitslaag = connectivity layer
connectiviteitsmarkt = connectivity market
connectiviteitsonderzoek = connectivity study
Connectiviteitsplan = Connectivity plan
connectiviteits-research = connectivity research
connectiviteits-research agenda = connectivity research agenda
connectiviteitsuitdagingen = connectivity challenges
connectiviteitsvraag = "In doing so, we will look in more detail at connectivity"
connectiviteitsvraagstukken = connectivity issues
Connectiviteitverkenner = Connectivity Explorer
ConnectMe = ConnectMe
connector = connector
Connector = Connector
connector = plug connection
Connector (male) = Connector (male)
'Connector 1/2 = Connector 1/2 inch
Connector 3/4' = Connector 3/4 inch
Connector 7/8 = Connector 7/8 inch
Connector afstandbediening = Connector remote control
connector framework = connector framework
Connector M12 = Connector M12
Connector M8 = Connector M8
Connector overgang = Connector transition
connector pen = connector pin
connector voor uitschakelen van een systeem = connector to switch off a system
"connector, verbindingsstuk" = connector (mating pair of devices)
Connector/kabeladapter = Connector/cable adapter
connectorborging = connector lock
connectoreind = connector end
connectoren = connectors
connectoren op de stuurprint = connectors on the control board
connectorgebied = connector space
connectorkabel = flat cable
Connectormontage = Connector mounting
connectorpen = connector pin
connectorpinnen = connector pins
connectorplaat = connector plate
connectors = connectors
connectorsysteem = push-fit system
Connectorsysteem GST18 = Connector system GST18
Connectortang = Crimping plier for connectors
connectortoepassing = connector application
Connectortype uiteinde 1 = Type of connector connection 1
Connectortype uiteinde 2 = Type of connector connection 2
Connectortype zijde 1 = Type of connector side 1
Connectortype zijde 2 = Type of connector side 2
connectorwachtrij = connector queue
Connectorype = Type of connector
connossement = bill-of-lading: B/L
Connossement = Bill of lading
connossement van lijnvaartrederij = berth bill of lading
"connotatie, bijbetekenis, bijklank, associatie, gevoelswaarde" = connotation (suggested or implied meaning)
Conquistador (geschiedenis) = Conquistador
conrector = Vice-Rector
consciëntieus = conscientious
Consciëntieusheid = conscientiousness
consecutive model = consecutive model
consensus = consensus
consensus (verwachtingen) = "consensus expectations, estimates"
"consensus {m}, eensgezindheid, overeenstemming" = consensus (general agreement)
consensus algoritme = consensus algorithm
consensus decision-makers (‘polderaars’) = polderaars
consensus theorie = consensus theory
consensusdocument = consensus document
Consensusdocument Selectiecriteria Model-based Indicaties = Consensusdocument Selectiecriteria Model-based Indicaties (Consensus Docu
consequent = consistently
consequent = consistent
consequent = consequent
consequent en vasthoudend = consistently and persistently
consequent op te treden = act consistently
consequent weergeven = represented consistently
consequente = consistent
consequentie = consequence
consequentie = consequence(s)
consequentie = implication(s)
consequentie = repercussion(s)
consequentie = consistency
consequentie en passendheid = consequence and appropriateness
consequentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of consistency
consequenties = implications
consequenties aan analyses verbinden = attaching consequences to analyses
consequenties op korte- en langere termijn = short and long-term impact
consequenties van het incident = consequences of the incident
Conservatief = Conservative
conservatief betrouwbaarheidsinterval = conservative confidence interval
conservatief proces = conservative process
conservatieve financiering = conservative financing
conservatieve partij = Conservative Party
Conservatieve Partij van Nicaragua = Conservative party
Conservatieve Partij van Nicaragua = Tory
conservatisme = conservatism
Conservative Party = Tory
Conservative Party = Conservative party
conservatoir = provisional
conservatoir beslag = interlocutory freezing order
conservatoir beslag leggen = to attach (seize) before judg(e)ment
Conservatoir beslag tot afgifte te doen leggen = To have prejudgment attachment for the purpose of surrender levied on
conservatoir derdenbeslag = (protective) garnishee order
conservatoir maatregelen = measures of conservation
conservatoir maatregelen = to anticipate
conservatoir pauliana beslag = prejudgement seizure based on presumption of fraud
conservatoir vreemdelingenbeslag = prejudgment attachment of assets of a debtor not domiciled in the Netherl
Conservatoire beslaglegging = Curatorial seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = attachment before judgment
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = precautionary seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = prejudgment attachment
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = prejudgment seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = seizure before judgment
conservatoire maatregelen nemen = take precautionary measures
conservatoire maatregelen te nemen = take precautionary measures
conservatoire of executoriale maatregelen = attach property before a judgement or take measures for enforcing a judgm
conservator = curator
Conservator = Conservative
conservator = keeper
Conservatorium = School of music
Conservatorium = Conservatoire
Conservatorium = Conservatory
Conservatorium = Protective
Conservatorium = Academy of music
conservatorium = conservatoire
conserveermiddel {het} = preservative
conserveermiddelen = preservatives
conserven = preserves
conserven = preserve tins
"conserven op basis van vlees, vis, gevogelte en wild, diepgevroren voedin" = "preserves and frozen foodstuffs based on meat, fish, poultry and game, no"
"conserven van vlees, vis, gevogelte en wild" = "meat, fish, poultry and game preserves"
"conserven, met name vlees-, vis-, vruchten- en groenteconserven" = "preserves, namely meat, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves"
"conserven, pickles" = "preserves, pickles"
conservenfabriek = cannery
conservenfabriek = canning facory
conserveren = to preserve
Conserveren = Safe
Conserveren = Keep
Conserveren = Conserve
conserveren = to can [preserve]
Conserveren = Maintain
conserveren leidingwerk = preservation of pipe system
Conserveren toestel = Preservation of unit
Conserveren toestel / leidingwerk = Preservation of unit / pipe system
Conserverende belastingaanslag = Jeopardy assessment
Conservering = Preservation
Conservering = conservation
conservering = preservation
conservering van levensmiddelen = food preserving
conservering van stalen = corrosion protection of steel
conserveringsmiddel = preservative
conserveringsmiddelen = preservatives
conserveringsmiddelen voor metaal = preservatives for metal
conserveringsmiddelen voor voedingsmiddelen = preservatives for foodstuffs
conserveringsolië = preservative oil
conserveringsoliën = preservative oils
Conserveringstechniek = Preservation
considerans = preamble
considerans = recitals
considerans van deze overeenkomst = preamble of this contract
considerans van deze overeenkomst = preamble to this contract
Consideration phase = Consideration phase
consignatie = stand-by duty
Consignatie = Consignment
consignatie = stand-by
consignatiebeheer = management of clearance documents
consignatiegelden = consignment fees
Consignatiegoederen = Consigned goods
Consignatiegoederen = Goods on consignment
consignatiestock = consignment stock
consignatie-toeslag = on-call allowance
consignatievoorraad = consignment stock
consigne = directions
consigne temperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consigneren = consign
consignetemperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consignetemperaturen / consigne temperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consignment note = begeleidingstaat
consistent = consistent
Consistent = Integrity
consistente = consistent
consistente bevindingen = consistent findings
Consistente normen vast te stellen = establish consistent standards
consistente strategie = consistent strategy
consistente toets = consistent check
Consistentie = Consistency
Consistentie = Coherence
Consistentiebeginsel = Consistency concept
consistentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of consistence
consistentiecoëfficiënt van Kendall en Babington Smith = coefficient of consistence
consistentiecontrole = consistency check
consistentie-eenheid = consistency unit
Consistentietheorie = Consistency theory
Consistorie = Consistory
console = support
Console = Console
console = bracket
console (loodgieterij) = bracket
console / kraagsteen / draagsteen / modillon = ancon
Console CV/airco/ventilatie = Console HVAC
console Groepsbeleidbeheer = Group Policy Management Console
Console kabeldraagsysteem = Bracket for cable support system
Console Windows Prestatiecontrole = Windows Performance Diagnostic Console
console-apparaat = console receiver
consoleman = console operator
Consoles = Consoles
consoles = bracket consoles
console-schrijfmachine = console keyboard
consolestructuur = console tree
consolette = consolette
consolidatie = consolidation
consolidatie dubbele functies = consolidate duplicate functions
Consolidatie en Interne Controle = Reporting & Internal Audit
Consolidatie en validatie = Consolidation and validation
consolidatie van aandelen = consolidation of shares
consolidatie van de Europese Unie = deepening of the European Union
consolidatie van de schuld = rescheduling of public debt
consolidatie van een domein = domain consolidation
consolidatie van een schuld = consolidation of a debt
consolidatie van het communautaire recht = consolidation of Community law
Consolidatie van informatie = Consolidation of information
consolidatie-effect = consolidation effect
consolidatieproef = consolidation test
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation questionnaire
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation schedule
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation working paper
Consolidatiestrategie = Consolidation strategy
consolidatieverplichting = consolidation obligation
consolidatievoorschriften = consolidation directives
Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef = Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef
Consolidating Legal en political achievements on LGBTI rights through eff = Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef
consolideren = consolidate
consolideren = to consolidate
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidating financial statement
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidation policy
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidation principles
consoliderende toezichthouder = consolidating supervisor
consonant = consonant
consonantie = consonance
consortiale deelnemingen = participation loan
consortiale deelnemingen = syndicate participations
consortium = consortium
consortium {het} = consortium
consortium aan partijen = consortium of parties
consortium overeenkomst = syndicate agreement
Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship (CVO)
Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap (CVO) = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship (CVO)
consortiumlid = consortium member
const = const
Constan?a = Constanta
Constans II van Rome = Equable
Constans II van Rome = Continual
Constans II van Rome = Sustained
Constans II van Rome = Abiding
Constans II van Rome = Permanent
constant = constant
constant = continuously
constant = constantly
constant = changeless
constant druk gestuurde ventilator = constant pressure-controlled ventilator
constant druk-gestuurde = constant pressure-controlled
constant drukpomp = constant-pressure pump
constant hooggestookte installaties = [...] maintained at constant high temperatures
constant luminantiesysteem = constant luminance system
constant toezicht = Constant supervision
constant verbruik = constant consumption
constant vergelijkende methode = Contant Comparative Method
constantaan = constantan
Constantan (CN) = Constantan alloy
constant-drukregeling = constant pressure control system
constante = constant
constante {de} = constant
constante bestaande uit een geheel getal = integer constant
constante bitsnelheid = constant bit rate
constante bitsnelheid = CBR
constante deel van de zware keten van immunoglobuline = immunoglobulin constant region
constante doorsnede = constant cross section
constante druk = constant pressure
constante hoogte = constant altitude
Constante kosten = Fixed costs
constante kwaliteit = constant quality
Constante kwaliteitsverbetering = Continuous quality improvement
constante luchtdruk = constant atmospheric pressure
constante massa = constant mass
constante participatie = continuous participation
Constante schaalopbrengsten = Fixed scale proceeds
constante spanning = constant voltage
constante stroom = constant current
constante uitval = constant scrap
constante van Goutereau = Goutereau's constant
constante van het controleapparaat = constant of the recording equipment
constante van Planck = Planck constant
constante verbetering van onze prestaties = continuous improvement of our performance
constante verdampingssnelheid = constant evaporation rate
constante verdeelde belasting = uniform load
constante verdunning = constant dilution
constante voedingsconcentratie = constant  dietary concentration
Constanten worden in hoofdletters geschreven = Constants should be written in uppercase letters
Constante-somschaal = Constant sum scale
constante-stroommodulatie = constant-current modulation
constantheid = constancy
Constantijn = Constantine
Constantijn de Grote = Constantine I
Constantinopel = Constantinople
Constantlichtregeling = Constant light control
Constantvermogen parallel = Steady state parallel
constateer = identify
constateer = acknowledge
constateert = detects
constateert of vermoedt = detects or suspects
constateren = ascertain
constateren = to establish
constateren = ascertain
Constateren = Take note
constateren en daarop te acteren = detect and respond to
constateren of voorkomen = detect or prevent
"constateren, vaststellen" = ascertain  (find out
"constateren, vaststellen" = discover or establish)
constatering = observation
constatering = finding
Constatering en beoordeling = Identification and assessment
constateringen = observations
constellatie = constellation
constellatie = condition
"constellatie, plejade, sterrenhemel, gamma" = "constellation (wide, seemingly unlimited assortment)"
constellaties = constellations
Constellation = Constellation
Constellationgebouw = Constellation Building
consternatie = alarm
consternatie {de} = consternation
Constipatie = Constipation
constipatie {de} = constipation
constipatie veroorzaken = constipate
Constituency (kiesgroep) = Constituency
constituerend deel = constituent
Constituerend management = Constituent management
Constituerende beslissingen = Constituent decisions
constitutie = constitution
constitutie {de} = constitution
constitutief model = constitutive model
constitutieve vergelijking = constitutive equation
Constitutional Principles of International and European Law = Constitutional Principles of International and European Law
constitutioneel = constitutionally
"constitutioneel eczeem, de atopische dermatitis" = atopic  dermatitis
Constitutioneel Recht en Bestuursrecht = Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
constitutioneel rechtmatig = constitutionally legitimate
Constitutionele monarchie = Constitutional monarchy
constitutionele rechtmatigheid = constitutional legitimacy
constitutionele rechtspraak = constitutional court
constitutionele ventriculomegalie = "lobar  holoprosencephaly: a less severe form of holoprosencephaly, whereb"
constraints = constraints
Construct = Construct
Constructeur = Manufacturer
constructeur = structural engineer
constructeur = manufacturer
constructeur = designer
constructeur = engineer
constructeur = design engineer
constructie = architecture
constructie = engineering
Constructie = Development
Constructie = Building trade
Constructie = Build
Constructie = Building
constructie = construction
constructie = structure
constructie (f) = construction
constructie (zacht) staal = structural steel
constructie- /installatieonderdeel = structural/installation component
constructie {de} = construction
Constructie all risk verzekeringen = All risk construction insurance
Constructie All-Risk = Construction All-Risk
constructie all-risk verzekering = builder’s insurance
constructie all-risk verzekering = builder’s policy
constructie all-risk verzekering = construction all-risk insurance
constructie- en bouwplanning = construction and design planning
Constructie en Ontwerp = Construction and Design
constructie perspectief = construction perspective
Constructie van = Construction of
"constructie," = structure
"constructie-, fabricage- en materiaalfouten" = "construction, manufacturing and material defects"
"constructie, het construeren" = construction
constructieafdeling = construction department
constructiebedrijf = construction company
constructieberekening = structural calculation
constructieberekeningen = design calculations
constructiebeton = structural concrete
constructiebeton = heavy concrete
constructiebok = building frame
constructiebouw = construction engineering
constructiebureau = design office
constructiecode = construction code
constructiedeel = structural element
constructiedeel = structural member
constructiedeel = constructional part
constructiedetails = engineering details
constructie-element = structural element
constructie-elementen = structural elements
Constructie-elementen voor spoorwegen = Railway-track construction supplies
constructief = constructively
constructief = positive
Constructief = Constructive
constructief kostenmodel = constructive cost model: COCOMO
constructief meedenken over een probleem = to take a constructive approach to a problem
constructief ontwerper = structural engineer
constructiefout = structural fault
constructiefout = error in design
constructiegegevens = constructional data
constructiegeometrie = construction geometry
constructiehout = building timber
constructiehout = constructional timber
constructie-idee = design idea
Constructieklem = Construction clamp
constructieleer = theory of structures
constructieleer = structural design
constructiemateriaal = construction material
Constructiematerialen = Construction materials
constructiemethoden = construction methods
constructiemodel = construction model
constructieonderdeel = structural component
constructieonderdelen = structural components
constructie-onderdelen = structural components
Constructieproducten = Structural products
constructies = structures
constructieschema voor de spanstukken = prestressing tendon layout plan
constructiestaal = structural steel
constructiestaal = constructional steel
constructiestaal = steel girders
Constructiestaalbouw = Structural steelworks
constructiestap = construction step
constructietekening = constructional drawing
constructietekening = construction drawing
constructietekening = design drawing
constructietekeningsysteem = constructional drawing system
constructietoepassingen = construction applications
constructieve achteruitgang = structural deterioration
constructieve achteruitgang van het beton = structural deterioration of the concrete
constructieve afspraken = constructive arrangements
Constructieve beslisregel = Constructieve decision rule
constructieve dialoog = constructive dialogue
constructieve- en dekvloeren = structural and screed floors
constructieve haalbaarheid = structural feasibility
constructieve inductie = constructive induction
Constructieve motie van wantrouwen = Vote of no confidence
constructieve onderdelen = structural parts
constructieve opbouw = structural design
constructieve oppositie = constructive opposition
constructieve opzet = structural design
constructieve ruimtelijke geometrie = constructive solid geometry: CSG
constructieve samenhang = structural coherence
constructieve staa = structural condition
Constructieve werkzaamheden = Construction work
constructieve wijziging = structural change
constructieverbetering = design improvement
constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken = All Construction Site Risks
constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken = builders’ risk insurance
constructievloer = structural floor
constructievoeg = key
constructievoeg = construction joint
constructiewerkzaamheden = constructional engineering
constructiewerkzaamheden = constructional work
constructiewerkzaamheden = design engineering
constructiewerkzaamheden = construction services
constructiewijziging = change in design
constructiewijziging = design change
Construction period = Realisatietermijn
constructionele = structural
constructionele element = structural element
constructionele elementen = structural elements
Constructiv = Constructiv
constructivisme = constructivism
constructivist = constructivist
constructivistisch = constructivist
Constructivistisch Leren = constructivist learning
constructivistisch onderwijs en leren = constructivist teaching and learning
constructivistische benadering = constructivist approach
constructivistische onderzoeksparadigma = constructivist research paradigm
constructor = constructor
constructor overloading = Constructor overloading
constructor van de superklasse = constructor of the superclass
constructorbeperking zonder parameters = parameterless constructor constraint
ConstructorNieuweNotNull = ConstructorNewNotNull
constructorreeks = constructor string
constructors = constructors
Constructors and overloading = Constructors and overloading
constructors en methoden = constructors and methods
Constructors en overloading = Constructors and overloading
Constructvaliditeit = Construct validity
construeren = build (ww)
construeren = engineer (to)
construeren = build
construeren = to design
Construeren toets = Constructing test
Construeren toets en normering = Constructing tests and standardisation method
Construeren toetsmatrijs = Constructing the assessment matrix
Construerende Technische Wetenschappen (faculteit CTW) = Engineering Technology (Faculty of)
consul = consul
Consul (Rome) = Consul
consul {de} = consul
Consulaat = Consul
Consulaat = Consulate
consulaat {het} = consulate
Consulaat Generaal = Consulate General
consulaat-generaal = Consulate General
Consulaire diensten = Consular services
consulaten = consulates
consulaten-generaal = Consulates General
consulent = consultant
consulent {de} = counselor [Am.]
consulent {de} = consultant
consulente = consultant
consul-generaal = consul general
consult = consultation
consult {het} = consultation
consultancy = consultancy
consultancy en advies voor het bedrijfsleven = business consultancy and advisory services
"consultancy en advisering met betrekking tot computersystemen, computerne" = "consultancy and advisory services, all relating to computer systems, comp"
consultancy en ondersteuning bij de exploitatie of de leiding van een ind = consultancy and assistance services relating to the running and managemen
consultancy inzake bedrijfsvoering = business management consultancy
consultancy inzake personeel = personnel consultancy
consultancy inzake personeelsbeleid = personnel management consultancy
consultancy met betrekking tot techniek = engineering consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van bedrijfsvoering en bedrijfsorganisatie = business management and organization consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van risicobeheer = risk management consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van veiligheid = security consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van werkgelegenheid = employment consultancy
consultancy op het vlak van computerhardware en -software = consultancy in the field of computer hardware and software
"consultancy, ontwerp, testen, onderzoek en advisering, allemaal met betre" = "consultancy, design, testing, research and advisory services, all relatin"
"consultancy, training en engineering" = "consulting, training and engineering"
consultancyactiviteiten = consultancy activities
consultancybureau = consulting firm
consultancy-opdracht = consultancy assignment
consultancyovereenkomst = consultancy agreement
consultant = consultant
Consultant ICT = ICT Consultant
consultants = consultants
consultants en specialisten = consultants and specialists
"consultants, projectmanagers, automatiseerders en accountmanagers" = "consultants, project managers, IT specialists and account managers"
consultatie = consulting room
consultatie = consultation
consultatiedocument = consultation document
consultatieronde = consultation round
Consultatieve = consultative
consultatieve bevoegdheid = advisory power
consultatieve commissie = consultative committee
Consultatieve klantgesprekken = consultative customer calls
Consultatieve verkoopbenadering = Consultative sales approach
consultatieverslag = consultation report
consulteerde = consulted
consulteren = consult
consulteren = to consult
consumables = consumables
consument = consumer
consument {de} = consumer
consument van een dienst = service consumer
consumenten = consumers
consumenten en andere stakeholders = consumers and other stakeholders
consumenten en zakelijk = consumers and business
Consumenten in een digitale wereld = Digital consumers
consumenten opslagdienst = consumer storage service
consumenten tv’s = consumer TVs
consumenten verpakkingsafdeling = consumer packaging department
"consumenten, producenten en platforms" = "consumers, producers and platforms"
consumentenacceptatie = consumer acceptance
Consumentenautoriteit = The Consumer Authority
consumentenbakjes = consumer containers
consumentenbehoeften = Consumer demands
consumentenbehoeftes = consumer needs
consumentenbeleid = consumer policy
consumentenbescherming = consumer protection
Consumentenbond = Consumers' association
consumentenelektronica = consumer electronics
Consumentenfrustratie = Consumer frustration
consumentengedrag = consumer behaviour
Consumentengedragsmodellen = Models of consumer behaviour
consumentengezondheid = consumer health
consumentengoederen = consumer goods
consumentenkoop = consumer sale
Consumenten-legitimiteit = Consumer legitimacy
Consumentenmarketing = Consumer marketing
consumentenmarkt = consumer market
consumentenmarktaandeel = consumer market share
consumentenmarkten = consumer markets
consumentenonderzoek = consumer survey
consumentenorganisatie = consumer movement
consumentenorganisatie = consumers association
consumentenorganisaties = consumer organisations
Consumentenorganisaties = Consumers' organisation
Consumentenpanel = Consumer panel
Consumentenpanel onderzoeken = Consumer panel study
consumentenpartij = consumer party
Consumentenprijs = Consumer price
consumentenprijs indexatie = the consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Consumentenprijsindex = consumer price index figures
Consumentenprijsindex = Consumer price index
consumentenprijsindex = consumer price index
consumentenprijsindexatie = consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de S
consumentenprijsindexcijfer = consumer price index
consumentenproduct = consumer product
Consumentenpromotie = Consumer promotion
consumentenpropositie = consumer proposition
Consumentenpsychologie = Consumer psychology
consumentenrecht = consumer law
Consumentenrechten = Consumer rights
consumentenrisico = consumer's risk
Consumentensoevereiniteit = Consumer sovereignty
consumenten-streamingdiensten = consumer streaming services
Consumentensubsidie = Consumers' subsidy
Consumentensurplus = Consumer surplus
consumententoezicht = consumer supervision
consumentenverpakking = consumer packaging
consumentenverpakking = consumption packaging
consumentenverpakkingen = consumer packaging
Consumentenvertrouwen = Consumer confidence
Consumentenvertrouwen = Consumer' confidence
consumentenvertrouwen te vergroten = increase consumer confidence
consumentenvoorlichting = consumer information
consumentenvoorlichting = consumer enlightenment
consumentenwasmiddelen voor vaatwasmachines = Consumer automatic dishwasher detergent
consumentenwetgeving = consumer legislation
consumentgedreven = consumer-driven
Consumentisme = Consumerism
Consumer franchise = Consumer franchise
consumer protection = consumentenbescherming
Consumer-benefitconcept = Consumer benefit concept
consumeren = to consume
consumeren = consume
"consumeren, opgebruiken" = absorb  (to consume completely )
consumerization = consumerisation
consuminderen = ‘consuminderen’ [untranslatable Dutch term meaning ‘consuming less
consuminderen = ‘consuminderen’ [untranslatable Dutch term meaning ‘consuming less
consumptie = consumption
Consumptie = Consumption (economics)
Consumptie = Consumption (C)
consumptie {de} = consumption
consumptie eieren = consumption eggs
consumptie van sterke drank = consumption of spirits
consumptie vraag = consumer demand
consumptieaardappelen = "ware, table potatoes"
consumptieaardappelen = table potatoes
consumptieaardappelen = ware
consumptieaardappelen = ware potatoes
Consumptieareaal = ware potato acreage
Consumptiebelasting = Expenditure tax
Consumptiebeleid = Consumption policy
consumptiecijfer = consumption figure
consumptiecijfers = consumption figures
Consumptiecurve = Consumption curve
Consumptief krediet = Consumers' credit
Consumptief krediet = Consumer credit
Consumptiefunctie = consumption function
consumptiegegevens = consumption data
consumptiegericht = consumerist
consumptiegoed = consumer good
consumptiegoederen = consumer goods
Consumptiegoederen = Basket of consumer goods
consumptiegoederen {mv} = consumer goods
consumptiegoederensector = consumer goods sector
Consumptiehuishouding = Household
Consumptie-ideologie = Consumption ideology
consumptie-ijs = ice
Consumptie-ijs = Ice-cream
consumptie-ijs = edible ices
consumptie-ijs en roomijs = ices and ice-cream
"consumptie-ijs, roomijs, roomijsproducten, bevroren suikergoed" = "ices, ice cream, ice cream products, frozen confections"
"consumptie-ijs, roomijs, roomijsproducten, bevroren yoghurt, bevroren sui" = "ices, ice cream, ice cream products, frozen yoghurt, frozen confections"
consumptie-ijsfabriek = Ice cream and water ice industry
consumptiemaatschappij = consumer society
consumptiemelk = drinking milk
Consumptiepakket = Consumption package
Consumptiepatroon = Consumption pattern
Consumptiepeil = Level of consumption
consumptieprijs = consumer price
consumptieprijsindex van de FOD Economie = consumer price index of the FPS Economy
Consumptiequote = Consumption quote
consumpties = drinks
Consumptiesysteem = Consumption system
Consumptieteler = ware (potato) grower
Consumptietijd = Consumption time
consumptieve belegging/investering = consumer investment
Consumptieve bestedingen = Consumption expenditure
consumptieve bestedingen = consumer spending
consumptieve vraag = consumer demand
Consumptievergelijking = Consumption equation
consumptieverpakking = consumption packaging
consumptievet = food fat
consumptievraag = consumer demand
contacdoos = adapter socket
Contact = Ignition switch
contact = connection
contact = contact
contact = ignition
contact = socket
contact — wijze van verwonding = contact — mode of injury
contact {het} = contact
contact Assy = contact ASSY
contact calender = (customer) contact calendar
contact center performance = contact centre performance
contact frequentie matrix = (customer) contact frequency matrix
Contact gegevens = Contact details
Contact Grill = Contact Grill
contact hebben = contact
contact hebben met = contact
Contact juggling = Ignition switch
contact leggen = establish contact
contact maakt met = makes contact with
contact maakt met de wanden = makes contact with the walls
contact maakt met de wanden van de kopse groef = makes contact with the walls of the end groove
contact maken = to make contact
contact maken met = contact
Contact met de aardpotentiaal = Contact of persons with earth potential
contact met de grond = contact with the ground
Contact met de huid = Contact with the skin
Contact met de huid vermijden. = Avoid contact with skin.
Contact met de makelaar = Contact the property agent
Contact met de ogen = Contact with the eyes
Contact met de ogen en de huid vermijden. = Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
contact met elektriciteit = contact with electricity
contact met kwetsbare mariene ecosystemen = encounter with vulnerable marine ecosystems
contact met ons op te nemen = contacting us
contact moment = touchpoint
contact momenten = touchpoint
contact momenten = touchpoints
Contact- of ander kopieerpapier = Self-copy or other copy paper
contact onderbreker = breaker / contact breaker
contact onderhouden (met) = inappropriate
contact onderhouden (met) = inexpedient
contact onderhouden (met) = to liaise (with)
contact onderhouden met = liaising with
Contact onderhouden met de projectverantwoordelijke = Keeping in touch with the person responsible for the project
contact opnemen = contact
contact opnemen met de leverancier = please contact the supplier
contact opnemen met een medewerker van de klantenservice van web center = contact web center customer service representative
contact opnemen met web center = contact web center
contact person = contact person
Contact persoon = Contact person
contact punten = breaker points
contact rate = contact rate
contact regels = contact rules
contact rules = contact rules
contact te leggen = initiate contacts
contact te leggen en te onderhouden = build and maintain relationships
contact te maken = making contact
contact tussen student en docent = contact between student and lecturer
contact verhouding = contact ratio
contact zoeken = chum up
contact/startschakelaar = contact/starter switch
contactafdruk = contact print
contactbed = contact bed
contactbed = bacteria bed
contactbelasting = contact load
contactbeschermer = contact protector
contactbeugel = contact bracket
contactblok = contact block
Contactblok industriele connector = Contact insert for heavy duty connectors
Contactblokhouder industriele connector = Contact insert mounting for heavy duty connectors
contactbol = contact point
contactboog omvattende een hoek = contact angle comprising an angle
contactbus = jack
contactbus = contact socket
contactbuslek = jacket leak
contactcommissie = liaison committee
contactdagen = "get-together days, networking days"
Contactdetails = Contact details
contactdetector = contact detector
contactdoos = socket outlet
contactdoos = adapter socket
contactdoos = fixed connector
contactdoos = socket
contactdoos = socket strips
Contactdoos 1-voudig = Socket outlet 1-position
Contactdoos 2-voudig = Socket outlet 2-position
Contactdooscombinatie = Socket outlet strip
Contactdooscombinatie = Socket outlet combination
Contactdooselement = Socket outlet element
contactdozen = sockets
contactdozen = junction boxes
contactdrogen = contact drying
contactdruk = contact pressure
contacteer = contact
Contacteer ons = Contact us
Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvende offerte = Contact us for a free quote
Contactelementtrekker = Contact element puller
Contacten = Contacts
Contacten = People
contacten = interactions
contacten = contacts
contacten legt = establish contacts
contacten met = interactions with
contacten met = contacts with
contacten met andere partijen tot stand te brengen = establish contacts with other parties
Contacten met de media = Communication with the press
contacten met de pers = contact with the press
contacten met tijdvertraging = delayed contacts
contacten van selectieve lussen = selective loop contacts
contacteren = contact
contactformulier = contact form
Contactformulier dealers = Dealer contact form
Contactformulier website = Website contact form
Contactfrequentie = Contact frequency
contactfrequentiematrix = (customer) contact frequency matrix
contactgaatje = hub
contactgegevens = contact details
contactgegevens = contact information
Contactgegevens = Contact info
contactgegevens firma = company contact details
Contactgegevens Siemens = Siemens contact details
contactgegevens telefonische bereikbaarheid = contact details regarding telephone line opening times
contactgegevens van de klant = customer contacts
contactgegevens van de serviceorganisatie = contact details of the service organisation
contactgegevens van het accountteam = account team contact info
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers = Contact information for end-users
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers = Contact details for end-users
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers van onze producten = Contact information for end-users of our products
Contactgegevens voor Systeem Integratoren = Contact information for System Integrators
contactgelijkrichter = contact rectifier
contactgeluid = structure-borne noise
contactgeluiden = contact sounds
contactgeluidisolatie = impact sound insulation
contactgeluidsisolatie = impact sound insulation
Contactgrill = Contact grill
contacthoek = dwell angle / cam angle
contacthouder = contact maker
Contactinformatie = contact details
contactinformatie = contact details
contactkast = contact printing apparatus
contactkracht = contact force
contactlengte = contact length
Contactlens = Contact lens
Contactlensvloeistoffen = Contact lenses lotions
contactlenzen = contact lenses
contactlenzen {mv} = contact lenses
Contactlenzen verwijderen = Remove contact lenses
contactlijm = contact adhesive
contactlip = solder tag
contactloos = contactless
Contactloos = Contact less
contactloos keren van product = contactless product turning
contactloos werken = contactless working
contactloze energieoverdracht = contactless energy transfe
Contactloze herkenning draairichting = Contact less detection of the sense of rotation
Contactloze kraan = Contact less tap
contactloze metingen = non-contact measurements
Contactloze spanningsherkenning = Contact less voltage detection
Contactloze toerentalmeting (optisch) = Contact less rotational speed measuring (optic)
contactmaker = contact maker
Contactmateriaal = Contact material
Contactmethode = Contact method
contactmogelijkheden = contact options
contactmoment = (customer service) touchpoint
contactmoment = contact
contactmoment = contact date
contactmoment = contacts communication activity
contactmoment = opportunity for contact
contactmoment = opportunity for interaction
contactmoment = regular/periodic contact
contactmoment = student and tutor must meet X times
contactmoment = moment of contact
contactmoment met de opleiding = an opportunity to meet someone from the programme face to face
contactmoment met de opleiding = face-to-face contact time with someone from the programme
contactmoment met de opleiding = face-to-face contact with the programme
contactmomenten = contact moments
contactmomenten = opportunities for face-to-face contact
contactmonitoringsysteem = contact monitoring system
contactolie = contact lubricant
contactonderbreker = contact breaker
contactonderbrekerafstand = contact breaker gap
contactonderwijs = face-to-face teaching
contactoog = solder eyelet
contactopening = contact gap
contactoppervlak = "1. [ELECTRON.] (aansluitpunt) contact area, land area"
contactoppervlak = 2. [POLYM.] (van een mal) land area
contactoppervlak = contact area
contactoppervlak = contact surface
contactoppervlakken = contact surfaces
Contactoppervlakte = Contact surface
contact-overgevoeligheid = contact  hypersensitivity
contactpagina = contact page
Contactpapier = Self-copy paper
contactpen = plug pin
contactpen (aan stekker) = pin
Contactperson = Contact person
Contactpersoneel = Contact personnel
contactpersonen = contacts
Contactpersonen bewerken = Edit Contacts
Contactpersonen groeperen op beschikbaarheid = Group Contacts by Availability
contactpersonen informatieschermen = information screen contacts
Contactpersonen zonder beschikbare statusgegevens = Status Unavailable Contacts
contactpersonenbeheer = contact management
contactpersonengroep = talkgroup
contactpersonenlijst = contact list
contactpersonenmatrix = contact person matrix
contactpersoon = contact (person)
contactpersoon = connection
Contactpersoon = Contact
Contactpersoon = Contact person
contactpersoon = contact person
contactpersoon = contact
contactpersoon = contact person
contactpersoon = point of contact
Contactpersoon (bv nieuwsbrief/monitor) = Contact
contactpersoon die e-mail gebruikt = mail contact
contactpersoon Digitaal Toetsen = Digital Testing contact
contactpersoon ICT = IT contact person
Contactpersoon markeren = Tag Contact
Contactpersoon opdrachtgever = Client’s contact
Contactpersoon toevoegen = contact picker
Contactpersoon toevoegen… = Add a Contact...
contactpersoon van de afdeling = department contact
Contactpersoon van de onderneming = Contact person of the company
contactpersoon van de opdrachtgever = contact person of the contracting authority
Contactpersoon verplaatsen naar = Move Contact to
Contactpersoon voor de = Contact person for the
contactpersoonformulier = contact form
contactpersoonitem = contact item
contactplaat = contact plate
contactplaten = contact plates
contactplaten = terminal plates
contactpotentiaal = contact potential
contactprocedure = contact procedure
contactproces = contact process
contactpunt = contact point
Contactpunt = Contact pin
contactpunten = point of contact
contactpunten = points of contact
contactpunten = contact points
contactpuntloos = contactless
contactrail dak = roof-mounted contact rail
contactraster = contact screen
contactrecency = contact recency
contactregels = contact rules
contactreinigingsolie = contact cleaning oil
contactring = contact ring
Contactrules = Contact rules
contactschakelaar = contact switch
contactschakelaar = ignition switch
contactschroef = contact screw
Contactschroef = KS screw
contactschuif = contact slide
contactsegment = contact segment
Contactset = Contact set
contactsleutel = ignition key
contactslot = ignition lock
Contactslot = Touch operated lock
contactspanning = contact potential
contactspray = contact spray
contactstift = contact pin
contactstop = plug connector
contactstrategie = customer contact strategy
contactstrategie = contact strategy
contactstrip = contact strip
contactstrook = terminal board
Contactstroom = Contact current
contacttijd = contact time
contactuele = interpersonal
contactuele en communicatieve vaardigheden = interpersonal and communication skills
contactuele vaardigheden = interpersonal skills
contactuele vaardigheden = unfeasible
"contactuele, sociale en praktische vaardigheden" = "interpersonal, social and practical skills"
Contactuitvoering = Contact type
contacturen = contact hours
contacturen = teaching load
Contacturen = contact hours
Contacturen = face-to-face instruction
Contacturen op jaarbasis = Face-to-face instruction per year
contactuur = contact hours
contactuur = face-to-face instruction
Contactvarianten = Contact variants
contactveer = contact spring
contactveer = Contact Spring
Contactverbod = Contact Ban
contactverenband = contact spring strip
contactverenstrip = stator strip
contactverklikkerlamp = ignition light
Contactverstevigingsbeugel = Contact amplifying bracket
contactverzoek = contact request
Contactvet = Contact grease
contactvlak = contact pad
contactvlak = contact face
contactvlak = contact area
contactvlak = contact surface
contactvlakinstelling = pole-face alignment
contactvlakken = contact surfaces
contactvorming = contact formation
contactweerstand = contact resistance
Contactweging = Contact weighting
Contactwijze = Form of contact
Contadora-groep = Contadora Group
container = container
container {de} = container
container voor de bouwplaats = construction site container
"container-, oplegger- en aanhangwagenverhuurbedrijf" = "Marine container, semitrailer and trailer rental services"
containerbegrip = catchall
container-begrip = a somewhat vague term
container-begrip = all-purpose concept
container-begrip = catch-all term
container-begrip = umbrella term
containerbesturingselement = container control
containerfabricage en -reparatiebedrijf = Shipping container production and repair industry
containerframe = container frame
containerhaak = container hook
containerhandling = container handling
containerklasse = container class
Containerkranen = Container cranes
Containerladers = Skip loaders
Containerliften = Bin-lifts
Containernaam = Container Name
container-nummer = container number
containerobject = container object
Containeropslagsysteem = Container storage system
containeroverslagbedrijf = Marine container transhipment services
containerpaklijst = container packing list
containerreinigingsbedrijf (incl. drumcleaning) = Container and drum cleaning services
containers vertrouwelijk papier = containers for confidential paper
Containers voor afvalmateriaal = Containers for waste material
Containers voor heelkundig gebruik = Surgical containers
Containers voor lijkenvervoer = Body transport containers
Containerschepen = Container carriers
containerterminal = container terminal
containertje = little container
containertoepassing = container application
containerventilator = container fan
Containervervoer = Container handling services
Containervervoeruitrusting = Container-handling equipment
containment = containment
containment strategieën = containment strategies
contaminant = contaminant
contaminanten = contaminants
Contaminatie = Contamination
contaminatie = contamination
contaminatie control = contamination control
contaminatie problemen = contamination problems
"contaminatie, verontreiniging" = "contamination, pollution"
contaminatierisico = contamination risk
Contamination Control = Contamination Control
contant = cash
"contant dividend, dividend in contanten" = cash dividend
contant geld = cash money
contant geld = cash
contante betaling = cash payment
contante dekking = cash coverage
contante koop/verkoop = cash transaction
contante of gelijkwaardige basis = cash or equivalent basis
contante ruiltransactie = cash swap
Contante waarde = Present value
contante waarde methode = discounted value method
contante waarde van levensverzekeringspolis = policy account value [Am.]
contante waarde van verwachte/toekomstige kasstroom = cash at hand
contante waarde van verwachte/toekomstige kasstroom = discounted cash flow
contanten = cash
contanten {mv} = cash
"contanten {p}, cash, baar geld" = cash (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
contantkorting = cash discount
contantmarkt = spot market
Conte = Tale
Conte = Storytelling
Conte = Fairy tale
Contemplatie = Contemplation
contemplatief = contemplative
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative inquiry
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative research
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative studies
contemplatieve bezigheid = contemplative activity
contemplatieve onderzoek = contemplative research
contemplatieve onderzoeksmethode = contemplative research method
Contemplatieve onderzoeksmethoden = contemplative research methods
contemplatieve onderzoeksmethodes = contemplative research methods
contemplatieve onderzoekstechnieken = contemplative research techniques
Contemporary Christian = Contemporary Christian
content = content
Content = Content
content aansturing = content management
Content beheer = Content management
content beheerder = content manager
content beheerders = content managers
content management = content management
content management systeem = content management system
content managementsystemen = content management systems
content op televisie = TV content
Content pagina's = Content pages
Content Selection Framework = Content Selection Framework
content van nieuwe leveranciers = content from new suppliers
contentbeheerders = content managers
contentbezit = content ownership
contentcampagnes = content campaigns
contentdistributie = content distribution
contenteditors = content editors
contentie = contention
contentieus = contentiously
contentkanalen = content channels
contentmanagement = content management
ContentMaster Template Online = ContentMaster Template Online
ContentMaster Template Online = CMTO
content-occluderende masker = content occluding mask
contentpagina’s = content pages
contentprovider = content provider
contentproviders = content providers
content-securityproducten = content security products
conterfort = counterfort
Contestatie = Disputes
context = context
context {de} = context
Context Control Block = context control block
context van het museum = museum context
contextafhankelijke Help = context-sensitive Help
contextanalyse = context analysis
contextbepaald = context-determined
contexteigenschap = context property
contextgebonden ontwerp = contextual design
context-id = context ID
contextmenu = contextual menu
contextmenu = context menu
contextmenu van apps = app Context Menu
contextueel = contextual
contextueel tabblad = contextual tab
contextueel toegangsmanagement = contextual access management
contextuele data = contextual data
contextuele spelling = Contextual Spelling
contextveld = context field
contextvrije grammatica = context-free grammar
contextvrije taal = context-free language
Contigent = contingent
contimuïteit = continuity
continent = continent
continent {het} = continent
continentaal = continental
continentaal plat = continental shelf
continentaal plat {het} = continental shelf
Continentverschuiving = Continental drift
Contingency-theorie = Contigency theory
Contingent = contingent
contingent = authorised development quota
contingent {het} = contingent
Contingentering = Fixing of quotas
contingenteringsregeling = quota scheme
contingenteringsregeling = unclear
Contingenteringsstelsel = Quota system
Contingentie = Quota
contingentie = contingency
"contingentie, onvoorspelbaarheid" = contingency (quality of being contingent
"contingentie, onvoorspelbaarheid" = unpredictability)
contingentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of contingency
Contingentieplan = Contingency plan
Contingentieplanning = Contingency planning
Continous Assessment = Continuous Assessment
continu = continual
Continu = Uninterruptible
continu = continuously
Continu = Continuous
continu = lasting
continu additief proces = differential process
continu additief proces = process with independent increments
continu bedrijf = continuous operation
Continu beschikbaarheid = Continuous availability
continu bewaken = continuous monitoring
Continu blokproces = Continuous Block Process
continu doorgaande slijtage = progressive wear
continu filament = continuous strand
continu geactualiseerd = continuously updated
continu gecontroleerde kwaliteit = continuously monitored quality
Continu licht = Continuous luminaire
Continu licht = Continuous light
continu lont = continuous sliver
continu monitoring = continuous monitoring
Continu nominaal vermogen = Continuous rated power
continu op zoek = continuously on the lookout
continu proces = continuous process
continu productlift = continuous product lift
continu productlift = continuous product elevator
continu rekening te houden met = continually take into account
Continu soldeerpunt = Continuous soldering tip
continu stroom = continuous current
continu thermisch verzinkte staalplaat = continuous hot dip galvanised sheet steel
Continu toon = Continuous tone
continu verbeteren = continuously improving
continu verder verbeterd en aangescherpt = continuously improved and enhanced
continu verstelbaar = continuously adjustable
continu vlak = continuous plane
continu worden bijgewerkt = are continuously updated
continu zicht = continuous visibility
"continu, voortdurend, ononderbroken, aanhoudend, onophoudelijk" = "continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)"
Continu/knipperlicht = Continuous-/flashing light
Continual Service Improvement = Continual Service Improvement
Continu-arbeid = Shift work
continuation of the Assignment = voortzetting van de opdracht
continubedrijf = continuous production firm
Continubedrijf = Continuous operating process industry
continudienst = continuous working day
continue = constantly
continue = continuously
continue = continuous
continue aan te sluiten bij = remain continuously consistent with
Continue afbeeldingslijst = Continuous Picture List
continue baanbesturing = continuous path control
continue baanverplaatsing = continuous path displacement
continue batch verficatie = continuous batch verification
continue belasting = continuous load
continue bemonstering = continuous sampling
continue beschikbaarheid = continuous availability
continue beweging van trekken en duwen = continuous movement of pulling and pushing
continue bewerking = continuous operation
continue code = continuous code
continue communicatiewacht = continuous communication watch
Continue cyclus = Continuous Cycle
continue doorontwikkeling = continuous development
continue draait = runs continuously
continue drager = continuous carrier
continue en gecontroleerde = Continuous and controlled
continue en gecontroleerde ventilatie = Continuous and controlled ventilation
continue en regelmatig = continuous and uniform
continue evaluatie = continuous evaluation
continue fase = continuous phase
Continue functie = Continuity
continue functie = continuous function
continue geluidsdruk = continuous sound pressure
continue glasvezelmat = continuous strand mat
continue golf = continuous wave: CW
Continue innovatie = Continuous innovation
continue iteratie = continuous iteration
continue kortsluitstroom = continuous short-circuit current
continue kwaliteit van de medewerker = continuous quality of the employee
continue maximale belasting = maximum continuous load
continue ontvanger = continuous receiver
continue ontwikkeling en verbetering = continuous development and improvement
Continue pijlproces = Continuous Arrow Process
continue populatie = continuous population
continue procesbesturing = continuous process control
continue productie = continuous production
continue productie = continuous operation
Continue professionalisering = continuing professional development
continue reactor = continuous reactor
continue remsysteem = continuous braking system
continue replicatie in een cluster = cluster continuous replication
continue rol = continuous roll
Continue rughoekverstelling = continuous adjustment of seat backrest angle
Continue rughoekverstelling = continuous backrest angle adjustment
continue service verbetering = continual service improvement
continue serviceverbetering = Continual Service Improvement
continue simulatie = continuous simulation
continue steekproefprocedure van Dodge = Dodge continuous sampling plan
continue stochast = continuous random variable
Continue storingsindicator = Continuous-MI
Continue variabele = Continuous variable
continue verbeteren = continuous improvement
continue verbeteren = continual improvement
continue verbetering = continuous improvement
continue verbetering = continual improvement
continue waarschijnlijkheidsverdeling = continuous probability law
continue warmwaterbelasting = continuous hot water load
continue wisselwerking = continuous interaction
continue-golfradar = continuous wave radar
continueren = continue
continueren = to continue
continuering {de} = continuation
continuering en intensivering = continuation and intensification
continuering van de studie = continuation of the study
continueserviceverbetering = continual service improvement (CSI)
continue-tijdsysteem = continuous time system
continue-uitvalsignaal = continuity failure signal
continu-filter = continous filter
continu-gieterij = continuous casting
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = continuous wave  Doppler device
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = continuous-wave Doppler transducer
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = CW-doppler
Continuiteit = Continuity
continuïteit = continuity
continuïteit {de} = continuity
continuïteit en de integriteit van data = data continuity and integrity
continuïteit en de integriteit van data = continuity and data integrity
continuïteit en innovatie = continuity and innovation
continuïteit en weerbaarheid = continuity and resilience
continuïteit in de dienstverlening = continuity of services
continuïteit in stochastische zin = stochastic continuity
continuïteit management = continuity management
continuïteit te garanderen = ensure continuity
continuïteit tester = continuity tester
continuïteit van de bedrijfsprocessen = continuity of the business processes
continuïteit van de bedrijfsvoering = continuity of business operations
continuïteit van de onderneming = the continuity of the business
continuïteit van diensten = continuity of services
continuïteit van het bedrijf = continuity of the company
continuïteit van het onderwijs = continuity of education
"continuïteit, betrouwbaarheid" = "continuity, reliability"
"continuïteit, betrouwbaarheid, latency en beveiliging" = "continuity, reliability, latency and security"
continuïteitbeheer = Continuity Management
continuïteitmaatregelen = continuity measures
continuïteitsbeheer = continuity management
continuïteitsbeleid = continuity policy
continuïteitscontrole = continuity check
continuïteitscorrectie volgens Yates = continuity correction
continuïteitscorrectie volgens Yates = correction for continuity
continuïteitsmaatregelen = continuity measures
continuïteitsmetingen = ground continuity measurements
continuïteitsparagraaf = continuity section
continuiteitsplan = continuity plan
continuïteitsplan = continuity plan
continuïteitsplannen = continuity plans
continuïteitsproblemen = continuity problems
continuiteitsvergelijking = equation of continuity
continuïteitsveronderstelling = going concern principle
Continuity offer = Continuity offer
continulift = continuous product lift
continuliften = continuous product lifts
Continumarkt = Continuous market
Continu-onderzoek = Continuous research
Continuous = Continuous
Continuous Action Learning = Continuous Action Learning
Continuous Assessment = Continuous Assessment
continu-procesbesturing = continuous process control
continuproductie = continuous production
continusignaal = continuous emission
continuspectrum = continuous spectrum
continu-stapeldiagram = band chart
Continustroom-kamers voor ultrasone desintegrators = Continuous-flow chambers for ultrasound disintegrators
continutoeslag = shift allowance
continutransport = continuous transport
continutransporteurs = continuous conveyors
continuüm = continuum
continuummechanica = continuum mechanics
continuvermogen = continuous power
continuverven = continuous dyeing
continuverzwakker = continuous attenuator
"Continuwerkende liften of transportbanden, bandtype" = Belt-type continuous-action elevators or conveyors
"Continuwerkende liften of transportbanden, type jakobsladder" = "Bucket-type, continuous-action elevators or conveyors"
conto = contours
conto = account
contour = contour
contour = profile
contour = "contour, outline"
contour {de} = contour
Contour bewaking = Contour monitoring
contour met dubbele piek = double-peak contour
contour met een late piek = late-peak contour
contour met een vroege piek = early-peak contour
contour van de tandvlees = contour of the gums
contour van de tandvlees = gingival contour
contour van de tandvlees = gingival contouring
contourbewerking = contouring operation
contourbewerkingsbesturingssysteem = contouring control system
contourbouw = contour farming
contourdiagram = contour chart
contourdraadmodeldiagram = wireframe contour chart
contoureffect = outline effect
contouren-nota = outline policy document
contouren-nota = outline policy memorandum
contourfilter = contour filter
contourlettertype = outline font
contourmal = contour jig
contourmarkering = contour marking
contour-niveau = contour level
contour-niveau = patch
Contoursteker = Contour plug
contourtekening = contour drawing
contourveelhoek = contour polygon
contourverscherping = contour accentuation
Contra = Block
Contra = At
Contra = Against
Contra = In exchange for
Contra = Opposed to
Contra = Versus
contra akte = counter-deed
contra gewicht = counterweight
"contra gewicht, tegengewicht" = dead weight instrument
contraballast = counter ballast
contrabande = contraband
Contrabas = Double bass
contrabas = double base
Contraceptie = Contraception
contraceptie {de} = contraception
Contraceptiva = Contraceptives
Contraceptivum = Contraceptive
contract = contract
contract = "contract,agreement"
Contract = Contract/ agreement
contract {het} = contract
Contract Assignment = Contract Assignment
contract beëindigd per … = contract expired as from …
contract- en bureaukorting = contract and agency commission
Contract engineering = Contract engineering
contract geannuleerd per .. = contract cancelled as from ..
Contract klein en groot onderhoud = Contract on major and minor maintenance
contract management = Contract Management
contract managers = contractbeheerders
Contract manufacturing = Contract manufacturing
contract met een onbepaalde looptijd = open-ended contract
contract met uitgestelde prestatieplicht = contract with a delayed performance clause
Contract Monitoring = Contract Monitoring
contract of overeenkomst = contract or agreement
Contract over meerdere jaren = Multi-year contract
contract plaat = safety approval plate with contract No.
contract referentienummer = contract reference number
Contract Sales = Contract Sales
contract tussen toepassingen = app contract
contract van onbepaalde duur = open-ended contract
contract voor Afdrukken = Print contract
contract voor Afspelen met = Play To contract
contract voor bestandenkiezer = File Picker contract
contract voor betonwegen = slabcontract
contract voor Bron delen = Share Source contract
contract voor Delen = Share contract
contract voor Doel delen = Share Target contract
contract voor Instellingen = Settings contract
contract voor onbepaalde tijd = unlimited-term contract
contract voor seizoenarbeid = seasonal employment contract
contract voor tijdelijk werk = temporary work contract
contract voor Verzenden = Send contract
contract voor Zoeken = Search contract
contract voorstel = contract proposal
contract zonder rechtskracht = unenforceable agreement
contract zonder rechtskracht = unenforceable contract
Contract zorgverzekeraars = Contract insurer
contractactiviteiten = contract activities
contractadres = contract address
contractafspraak = contract agreements
contractafspraken = contract agreements
contractafspraken = contract agreement
contractant = (toehoorder) contract student
contractant = contracting party
contractant = contractor
contractant = non-examination student
contractant = party to a contract
Contractant = contracting party
contractanten = contracting parties
contractanten = contractors
contractartikel = contract clause
contractartikels = contract clauses
Contractbeoordeling = Contract assessment
Contractbeoordeling = Contract review
contractbepalingen = contract provisions
contractbesprekingen = contract negotiations
contractbreuk = breach of contract
Contractdocument = Contract document
Contractdocument(en) = Contract Document(s)
contractdocumenten = contract documents
contractduur = duration of the contract
contractduur: onbepaald = duration: indefinite
contractduur: onbeperkt = duration: unlimited
contracteert de opdrachtnemer = contracts the contractor
contracten = contracts
contracten en betalingen = contracts and payments
contracten en formulieren = contracts and forms
contracten met de leveranciers = contracts with suppliers
contracten voor beheer en onderhoud = contracts for management and maintenance
contracten voor bepaalde tijd = fixed-term contracts
Contractenbeheer = Contract administration services
contracteren = to contract
contracteren = contract
Contracteren = Contracting
contracteren = make a contract
contracteren = conclude a contract
contracterende luchthavens = contracting airports
contracterende partijen = contracting parties
contracterende partijen = note of sale
contracterende partijen = the parties hereto
"contractering, facturatie en betalingen" = "contracting, billing and payments"
contracteringsbeleid = contracting policy
contractgegevens = contract data
contracthuur = agreed rent
contracthuur = agreed rents
contracthuur = contracted rent
contractie = contraction
contractie van Gowers = Gowers' maneuver
contractiecoefficient = contraction coefficient
Contractiemethode = Contraction method
contractiepunt = vena contracta
Contractiliteit = Contractility
Contraction defense strategy = Contraction defense strategy
contractitems = contract items
contractjaar = contract year
contractkorting = reduction on account of a contract
contractlandbouw = contract farming
Contractloon = Contract pay/ wage
Contractloonstijging = Contract wage increase
Contractmanagement = Contract Management
Contractmanagement & Certification = Contract Management & Certification
Contractmanagement (proces) = Contract management (process)
Contractmanager = Contract Manager
contractnummer = contract number
contractomvang = contract size
contractonderhandelingen = contract negotiations
Contractondertekening = Contract signature
contractonderwijs = contract education
contractonderwijs = contract teaching
contractonderzoek = contract research
contractors = contractors
contractorverantwoordelijke = contractor manager
contractparameters = contract parameters
contractpartij = contracting party
contractpartijen = contracting parties
contractpartner = contract partner
contractperiode = contract period
contractprijs = contract price
contractrapportage = contract reporting
contractregel = contract line
Contractrente = Contract Interest
contractsgebied = area covered by the contract
contractsgebied = Contract Area
contractsjaar = contract year
contractsjabloon = contract template
contractsluiting = contract closure
Contractsoort = Contract type
Contractsovername = takeover of a contract
Contractsovername = takeover of contracts
Contractsovername = contract takeover
contractsoverneming = contract takeover
contractspartij = contracting party
Contractspartijen = Contracting parties
contractstaffel = contract scale/size
contractstermijn = contract term
contractsuitvoering = implementation of the contract
contractsvorm = contract form
contractsvormen = contract forms
Contractsysteem = Contract system
Contractsysteemanalyse en -programmering = Contract systems analysis and programming services
contracttermijn = contract term
contract-toehoorder = contract student
contractueel = contractual
contractueel afgesproken = contractually agreed
contractueel document = contract document
contractueel evenwicht = contractual balance
Contractueel kader van de = Contractual framework of the
contractueel overeengekomen = contractually agreed
contractueel samenwerkingsverband = contractual joint venture
contractueel samenwerkingsverband = contractual partnership
Contractueel systeem = Contractual vertical channel system
contractueel ter beschikking hebben (een gekwalificeerd persoon ...) = have (a qualified person) under contract
contractueel vastgelegd = been laid down in a contract
contractueel vastgelegde afspraken = contractual arrangements
contractueel vastleggen = document in an agreement
contractueel vastleggen = fix by contract
contractueel vastleggen = lay down in a contract
contractueel vastleggen = set out in a contract
contractueel vastleggen = stipulate by contract
contractueel verband = contractual relationship
contractueel verboden = contractually prohibited
contractueel verbonden zijn = to be bound by contract
contractueel voorziene prijs = contractual price
contractuele = contractual
contractuele aansprakelijkheid = contractual liability
contractuele aansprakelijkheid jegens = contractual liability to
contractuele aansprakelijkheid jegens = liability towards
contractuele bedrag = contractual amount
contractuele besparingen = contractual saving
contractuele boete = conventional penalty
contractuele boetes = contractual penalties
contractuele dienstverlening = contractual service
contractuele documenten = contract documents
contractuele einddatum = contract maturity date
contractuele eis = contractual requirement
contractuele en buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid = contractual and non-contractual liability
contractuele en wettelijke rechten = contractual and statutory rights
contractuele issues = contractual issues
contractuele leveringsverplichtingen = delivery obligations
contractuele of niet-contractuele verbintennissen = contractual or non-contractual obligations
contractuele overeenkomst = contractual agreement
contractuele periode = contractual period
contractuele rechten = contractual rights
contractuele rechten = rights under a contract
contractuele relatie = contractual relationship
contractuele rente = contractual interest
contractuele structuur = contractual structure
contractuele verplichting = contractual obligation
contractuele verplichtingen = contractual obligations
contractuele verplichtingen = obligations (rights) under the contract
contractuele wanprestatie = be in breach of contract
contractuele wanprestatie = breach of contract
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestatie =
contractuele wanprestaties = be in breach of contract
Contractuele wanprestaties = Breach of contract
Contractuele wanprestaties = breach of contract
contractuele wederpartij = contractual counterparty
contractuele wederpartij = other party to the contract
contractuele wijziging = amendment to the contract
contractuele wijziging = contract amendment
contractuitbreiding = extension of a contract
Contractuur = Contracture
contractuur van het buigen = flexion contracture
contractvarianten = contract variants
contractverlenging = contract renewal
contractverloning = contract payment
contractvermogen = specified power
contractvoordevermeerderingineenderdeland = contract for multiplication in a non-member country
contractvoorwaarden = contract terms
contractvorming = contract formation
contractvorming = contracting
contractvorming = contracting stage
contractwaarde = contract value
contractwaarde vóór de steun = contract value before aid
Contractwijziging = Contract Amendment
Contradictie = Discrepancy
Contradictie = Contradiction
Contradictie = Allegation
contradictie {de} = contradiction
"contradictorisch, tegengesteld" = contradictory {adj} (that is diametrically opposed to something)
"contradictorisch, tegenstrijdig" = contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something)
contra-expert = adjuster for the other side
contra-expertise = second opinion
contrafinanciering = counterfinancing
Contra-fixeerplaatje = Counter shell
contra-garantie = counter-guarantee
contragewicht = balance weight (or counter weight)
contragewicht = counterweight
Contragewicht = Balance weight
contragewicht (hijskraan) = counterjib ballast
contragewicht {het} = counterweight
contragewicht {het} = counterbalance
Contra-Indicatie = Contraindication
Contra-indicaties = Contraindications
contra-intuïtief = counter-intuitive
Contraire vraagcurve = Contrary demand curve
contramal = counter-jig
contramalprofiel = scribe
Contramarketing = Counter marketing
contramoer = locking nut
contramoer = lock nut
contramoer = counter nut
contraplug = coupling socket
contraproductief = counter-productive
contraproductief = counterproductive
Contrapunt = Counterpoint
Contrarails = Check rails
contraring = locking ring
contraseizoensschatting = counter-seasonal estimation
contrasigneren = countersign
contrast = contrast
contrast = antithesis
contrast {het} = contrast
Contrast x:1 = Contrast x:1
contrastarm = poor in contrast
contrasteerden met = contrasted with
contrasteker = coupling socket
Contrasteker (female) = Bus
contrastekker = female connector
contrastekker = female plug
contrasteren = contrast
contrasterende = contrasting
contrastexpansie = contrast expansion
contrastinstelling = contrast setting
Contrastmiddel = Contrast Medium
contrastregelaar = contrast control
contrastregeling = contrast control
contrastrijk = rich in contrast
Contrastsensor = Contrast sensor
contraststof = contrast substance
contrastuitsparing = "contrast opacification, filling defect"
contrastverbetering = contrast improvement
contrastverhouding = contrast ratio
contrastvermindering = contrast reduction
contravariantie = contravariance
contrefort = counter
contregarde (vesting) = counterguard
contrescarp (vesting) = counterscarp
contribueren = to contribute
contributie = membership fee
contributie = contributions
Contributie = Assessment
Contributie = Dues
Contributie = Fee
contributie = membership fee
contributie {de} = contribution
contributie betalen = subscribe
Contributiemarketing = Contribution margin
contributieprogramma = contribution programme
"contributies, lidmaatschappen, abonnementen en vakliteratuur" = "contributions, memberships, subscriptions and professional literature"
Contribution accounting = Contribution accounting
Contribution from the Netherlands = Contribution from the Netherlands
Control = Control
control banding = control banding
Control Board Rectifier = rectifier control board
Control cabinet = Control cabinet
Control Center MKO = Control Centre MCS
Control Device Object = control device object
Control en Beleid = Control and Policy
Control Engineering = SR
control interface = control interface
control line = control line
control line = parachute valve operating line
control line = stuurleiding
control lines = control lines
Control Manager-server = Control Manager server
control measures = control measures
control messages = controleboodschappen
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology = Control Objectives for Information and related Technology
Control of external documents = Control of external documents
control panel = control panel
control panel van windows = Windows Control Panel
control platform = control platform
control room = control room
Control software = Control software
Control Systems = SR
control valves = stuurventielen
"Control, Risk, Optimization, Systems and Stochastics" = "Control, Risk, Optimization, Systems and Stochastics"
control-break = control-break
controle = check (US)
controle = cheque
controle = audit
controle = control
controle = check
controle = check-up
controle = medical
Controle = Inspection
controle = monitoring
Controle = Verification
controle = inspection
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = to inspect
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = to supervise
Controle (instand) = Illuminated (on)
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = field audit
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = to examine
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = to verify
Controle (uitstand) = Control (off position)
Controle : (debet = credit) = Check : (debit = credit)
controle aan het eind van het jaar = year-end audit
controle achteraf = "ex post control, ex post audit"
controle beheersen = control
Controle bekabeling = Check wiring
Controle bekabeling tussen = Check wiring between
Controle bij aflevering = Delivery check
Controle Brand- en Mangatwachten = Inspection fire and manhole surveillance
Controle buitenluchtklep = Inspecting the outdoor air valve
Controle dat = Verification that
controle door de computer = auditing through the computer
controle door de computer = evidence check
controle door een expert = competent inspection
controle eenheid = control unit
controle en beoordeling = audit and assessment
Controle en herziening van zorgplan = Monitoring and review of care plan
controle- en inspectiemiddelen = means of control and inspection
controle- en inspectieverplichtingen van de Gemeenschap = control and inspection obligations of the Community
controle- en meetformulieren = checks and measurements forms
Controle en rapportage = Monitoring and reporting
controle- en rapportagetolerantie = inspection and reporting tolerance
Controle en schriftelijke goedkeuring = Review and written approval
Controle- en testapparatuur = Checking and testing apparatus
controle geslaagd = check successful
controle in onderlinge afhankelijkheid = interdependent control
controle inspectie ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle instructie = inspection instructions
controle klep / ventiel = check valve
Controle lampje = Indicator light
Controle luchthavenbenodigdheden = Screening of airport supplies
controle m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = compliance procedure(s)
"controle m.b.t. zuinigheid, efficiency en effectiviteit" = value for money auditing
controle maatregelingen = control measures
Controle met behulp van de = Screening using the
controle met bewijsstukken = voucher audit
controle met bewijsstukken = evidence check
Controle milieuzorgsysteem = Environmental management system audit
controle naar zich toe te trekken = taking control
controle netwerkverkeer = network traffic monitoring
controle- of testwerkzaamheden = inspection or testing activities
controle onderzoek ter plaatse = field audit
controle op = monitoring of
Controle op = Monitoring the
controle op concentraties = merger control
controle op de cosmeticawetgeving = check its compliance with cosmetic products legislation
controle op de naleving van = monitoring compliance with
controle op diamantverrichtingen = control on diamond transactions
controle op e-mail en internetgebruik = monitoring of email and internet use
controle op kwetsbaarheden = vulnerability checks
controle op naleving = monitoring compliance
controle op openbaarmaking van statistische gegevens = statistical disclosure control
controle op seismische activiteit = seismic monitoring
controle op teratogenese = teratogenesis screening
Controle op uitvoering = Monitoring implementation
controle positie = inspection position
controle rond de computer = auditing around the computer
controle ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle ter plaatse = field audit
controle uitoefenen op = "to check, to verify, to examine, to inspect, to supervise"
controle van advertentiecampagne = ad campaign audit
controle van alarmtoestellen = monitoring of alarms
controle van beveiligingssystemen = monitoring of security systems
controle van computersysteem = E.D.P.audit
controle van computersysteem = flow check
controle van computersysteem = "E.D.P.audit, computer audit"
controle van de aanwezigheden = attendance check
controle van de financiële administratie = audit of the annual financial statements
controle van de financiële administratie = financial audit
controle van de gegevensstromen = data flow control
controle van de jaarrekening = audit of the annual accounts
controle van de jaarrekening = audit of the financial statements
controle van de jaarrekening = "audit of the annual accounts, audit of the annual financial statements"
controle van de kennis = assessment
controle van de kromming door sproeien = spray warp
controle van de migraties = migration control
controle van de sluitopening = gap control
controle van de turbine = WEC inspection
controle van de werking = functional test
Controle van de werknemers bij het verlaten van de onderneming = Checking of employees on leaving the company
controle van de zee = marine monitoring
controle van het bedrijfsgebeuren = operational audit
controle van inkomende goederen = goods inwards inspection
controle van oliebronnen = oil-well testing
Controle van prestaties = Performance review services
controle van prognoses = forecast auditing
controle van stroomschema = flow audit
controle van stroomschema = "flow audit, flow check"
Controle van systeemstatus = system health validator
controle van uitgaande goederen = goods issued inspection
controle van vertegenwoordigers = agent monitoring
Controle voor het starten = Checks before starting
controle voorschriften Ziektewet = monitoring regulations pursuant to the Sickness Act
controle werkzaamheden = security duties
"controle, onderhoud en vervanging" = "inspection, maintenance and replacement"
"Controle-, veiligheids-, signalerings- en verlichtingsinstallaties" = "Control, safety, signalling and light equipment"
controleaanpak = audit approach
controle-aanpak = audit approach
controleaanpak en procedures = audit approach and procedures
controle-aanpak op risico-basis = risk based approach (in auditing)
controleactiviteit = review activity
controle-afdeling = auditing department
controle-afdeling = inspection department
controle-afdeling = audit department
controle-afdeling (verificatie) = proof department
controleafspraak = check-up
controleafspraken = check-up appointments
controle-ambtenaren = inspecting officers
controle-analyse = check analysis
controle-apparaat = test instrument
controle-apparatuur = monitoring equipment
controlearts = medical officer
controle-assistent = audit assistant
controleautoriteiten = supervisory authorities
controlebediende (klerk) = checking clerk
controlebeleid = audit policy
controlebevindingen = audit conclusions
controlebewijsstukken = audit evidence
controlebezoek = inspection visit
controlebezoek = audit check
controlebezoek = check-up visit
controlebezoeken = inspection visits
controlebezoeken = check-up visits
controlebit = check bit
controleblad = test sheet
controleblad = proof sheet
controleblok (b.v. op gasboiler) = control block
controlebudget = audit budget
controlebundel (regelbundel) = rod cluster control assembly
controlebureau = control office
controlecertificaat = audit certificate
Controlecijfer = Checksum
controlecijfer = check digit
"controlecijfer, checksum" = checksum (digit or character)
controlecijfer/-getal = "check digit, check figure, check number"
controlecliënt = audit client
controlecliënten = audit clients
controlecommissie = board of control
controlecommissie (m.b.t. accountantscontrole) = audit committee
controlecomponent = check clause
controlecontroleteam = audit team
controlecyclus = audit cycle
controlediagram = audit diagram
controlediagram = inspection card
Controlediagram = Control chart
controlediagram voor de variatiebreedte = range chart
controledichtheid = inspection density
Controledienst voor de Verzekeringen = Insurance Supervisory Authority
Controlediensten bij boringen = Well-drilling control services
controledossier = inspection dossier
controledossier = audit file
controledossier = audit working papers
controledossier lopend jaar = current audit file
Controle-eenheid = Control unit
controle-eenheid = control unit
controle-eis = test requirement
controleer = check
Controleer de = Check the
Controleer de aansturing. = Check the drive.
Controleer de bekabeling. = Check the wiring.
Controleer de beweging van = Check the movement of
Controleer de databusbverbinding = Check the data bus connection
Controleer de deelnemer. = Check the participant.
Controleer de druk = Check the pressure
Controleer de druk van = Check the pressure of
Controleer de ingestelde temperatuur = Check the set temperature
Controleer de instellingen = Check the settings
Controleer de luchtdruk. = Check the air pressure.
Controleer de remactie = Check the braking action
controleer de waarden = check the values
Controleer elke rol visueel op = Visually inspect each roll for
Controleer het = Check the
Controleer je gegevens = Check your data
Controleer of = Check whether
Controleer of het item kan worden gepubliceerd = Check whether the item can be published
controleer op lekkage = check for leaks
controleer op onreinheden = check for impurities
Controleer product = Check product
Controleer product op beschadigingen = Check product for damage
Controleer regelmatig de installatiedruk = Regularly check the system pressure
controleer sensor = check sensor
controleer snelheid ventilator = check fan speed
Controleer status = Check status
Controleer uit hoeveel batches de levering bestaat. = Check how many batches the delivery consists of.
Controleer uw gegevens = Please check your data
Controleer voor het monteren de flow richting van de = "Before mounting, check the flow direction of the"
Controleer waarom = Check why
Controleer waarom de Palletklem  niet op positie komt = Check why the Pallet clamp can’t reach the correct position
controleerbaar = verifiable
controleerbaar = auditable
controleerbaar = capable of verification
controleerbaar = checkable
controleerbaarheid = verifiability
controleerbare vastlegging = audit trail
controleert = supervises
controleert = carries out inspections
controleert men nogmaals het oliepeil = check the oil level again
controleert nauwgezet = carefully checks
controleert of de foto overeenkomt met = checks that the photo matches
controleerVoorraad($naam) = checkStock($name)
controleerwerk = audit work
controlefaciliteit = monitoring facility
controlefunctie = audit function
Controlefunctie = Check function
controlegebrek (tekortkoming in de controle) = auditing deficiency
controlegeneesheer = medical officer
controlegeneeskunde = medical verification (BE)
controlegeneeskundige onderzoeken = medical check-ups
controlegereedschap = inspection tool
controlegetal = checksum
controlegetal = checksum
controleglas = sight glass
controlegroep = check group
Controlegroep = Control group
controlegrondslagen = "auditing standards, auditing principles"
controlehandboek/-handleiding = auditmanual
controlehandboek/-handleiding = audit test
controlehandeling = Control
controlehandeling = "audit procedure, audit test"
controlehandelingen = checks
controlehandtekening = countersignature
controlehandtekening = counter-signature
controleinformatie = audit information
controle-informatie = control data
controle-informatie = audit evidence
controle-inrichting = checking equipment
controle-inrichting = monitor
controle-inrichting = monitoring device
controle-inrichting = control device
Controle-inrichting voor noodstroomvoorziening armaturen = Test device for emergency power luminaires
controleinstructies = inspection instructions
controle-instructies = inspection instructions
controle-interval = scan interval
controlejaar = audit year
controlekaart = inspection card
controlekamer = control room
controlekamer = surveillance room
controlekanaal = control channel
Controlekolommen = Tracking Columns
controlekosten m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = compliance costs
controlekosten m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = audit senior-in-charge
controlelamp = pilot lamp
controlelamp = control light
controlelamp = indicator light
controlelamp brandalarm = fire-alarm control light
controlelamp luchtdrukkring 1 en 2 = air pressure circuit 1 and 2 control light
controlelampje = indicator light
controlelampje aanhanger ABS = trailer ABS control light
controlelampje brandblussysteem DAFO = DAFO fire extinguisher system control light
controlelampje dynamo 1 = alernator 1 control light
controlelampje dynamo 2 = alernator 2 control light
controlelampje dynamo 3 = alernator 3 control light
controlelampje heffen/knielen = control light raise/kneel
"controlelampje midden-, achterdeur" = "central-, rear door control light"
controlelampje olietemperatuur = oil temperature control light
controlelampje retarder = retarder control light
controlelampje retarder error = retarder error control light
controlelampje richtingaanwijzer = direction indicator control light
controlelampje richtingaanwijzer skikist/trekhaak = ski box/towing bracket direction indicator control light
controlelampje toilet bezet (bij chauffeur gemonteerd) = toilet occupied control light (mounted at the driver's)
controlelampje verwarmbare brandstofleiding = heated fuel pipe control light
controle-led hoog signalering (versnelling) = range indicator light
controle-led laag signalering (versnelling) = range indicator light
controle-led storing CXB = CXB malfunction control led
controleleider = "audit manager, audit senior-in-charge"
Controlelicht = Control light
controlelijst = check list
controlelijst = checklist
controlelijsten = check-lists
controlemaat = reference dimension
controlemaatregelen = "auditing procedures, audit procedures"
controlemal = inspection jig
controlemanometer = control gauge
controlemechanisme = control mechanism
Controlemedium golfkarton = Control medium corrugated board
Controlemedium luchtdoorlatend = Control medium air-permeable media
Controlemedium metaalfolie = Control medium metallized foils
Controlemedium papier = Control medium paper
Controlemedium transparantfolie = Control medium transparent foils
controlememorandum (samenvatting) = "audit memorandum, audit summary memorandum"
controlemeter = controlling meter
controlemethodiek = audit methodology
controlemeting = test measuring
controlemetingen = control group measurements
controlemiddel = test equipment
controlemiddelen = means of auditing
controlemiddelen = controls
controlemiddelen = control devices
controlemiddelen = means of verification
controlemissie = supervision / monitoring
controlemodus = audit mode
controlemomenten = checkpoints
controlemonster = check sample
controlenaam = check name
controleniveau = monitoring level
controlenorm voor bestrijdingsmiddelen = pesticide control standard
controle-omgeving = audit environment
"controle-omgeving (m.b.t. interne controle, inclusief besturings- en behe" = control environment
controle-omvang = audit scope
controle-onderzoek = "audit, examination"
controleonderzoek door een geneesheer-adviseur = a medical  examination by a medical officer
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = "computer audit, electronic data processing (E.D.P.) audit"
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = audit engagement
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = computer audit
controleopdracht = audit engagement
controleopdracht = audit assignment
controle-opdracht = "audit assignment, audit engagement"
controleopdrachten = audit engagements
controleophetvoldoenaantechnischenormen = Control of compliance with technical standards
controleophetvoldoenaantechnischenormen = Phytosanitary inspection
controleopslag = monitoring store
controleorgaan = supervisory body
controleorganisme = inspection body
controleorganismes = inspection bodies
controle-oscilloscoop = test oscilloscope
controleoverdrachtspunt = transfer of control point
controle-overwegingen = audit considerations
controlepakket = audit package
controlepaneel = control panel
Controlepanelen = Control panels
Controleparameters = Control parameters
controlepen = test pin
controleperiode = audit period
controlepersoneel = audit staff
controlepijl = tracer arrow
controleplan = (overall) audit plan
controleploeg = audit team
controleponsmachine = verifier
controlepraktijk = audit practice
controleprocedure = control procedure
controleprocedure = "audit procedure, auditing procedure"
controleprocedures = control procedures
controleprocedures = control procedure
controleproces = audit process
controleproduct = control product
controleproeven = check tests
controleprogramma = "audit program, checking program (computer)"
controleprogrammatuur = audit soft ware
controleprotocol = audit protocol
Controleprotocol subsidies in het kader van de (homo)emancipatie = Audit Protocol for subsidies in the context of the (gay) emancipation
controlepunt = control point
controlepunt = checkpoint
controlepunt = test point
controlepunt = check item
controlepunt- en herstartprocedures = checkpoint and restart procedures
controlepunten = checkpoints
controleputje (ontstoppingsput) = cleanout
controleregister = check register (computer)
controleregister (totaal-controle) = control register
controlerekening = "check account, control account, controlling account, adjustment account, "
controlerelais = supervisory relay
controlerelais = control relay
controlerelais voor de draairichting = direction control relay
controleren = review
controleren = auditing
controleren = to inspect
Controleren = To verify
controleren = checking
Controleren = Verify
controleren = probe
controleren = check
controleren = audit
controleren en meten = Check and measure
controleren en smeren = check and lubricate
controleren en testen = checking and testing
controleren met behulp van historische gegevens = historical controls
controleren met bewijsstukken = to vouch
Controleren of aan afspraken is voldaan = Monitoring compliance with agreements
Controleren onderwijszalen & beheergebieden = Check classrooms and managed areas
Controleren op = Check for
controleren op lekkage = checked for leaks
Controleren van de boekhouding = Accounting review services
Controleren van de goederen = Inspection of the goods
controleren volgende keer = check next time
"controleren, aanvullen en beheren" = "check, complete and manage"
"controleren, inspecteren, checken" = "check  (to inspect, examine)"
"controleren, toezicht houden, volgen" = "monitoring (The act of listening, carrying out surveillance on)"
controleren/reinigen = check/clean
controlerend accountant = auditor
controlerend accountant van informatie-technologie-systeem = IT auditor
controlerend en handhavend = monitoring and enforcement
controlerend en handhavend = monitoring and enforcing
Controlerend management = Controlling management
controlerend programma = checking program
controlerende = monitoring person or party
controlerende ambtenaar = civil servant / government official or representative or inspector
controlerende autoriteit = control authority
controlerende instantie = controlling authority
controlerende instantie = inspection authorities
controlerende instantie = supervisory authorities
controlerende instanties = enforcement agencies
controlerende instanties = inspection authorities
controlerende instanties = monitoring authorities
controlerende instanties = supervisory authorities
controlerende instanties = verification bodies
controlerende instanties = control authorities
controlerende instanties = inspection bodies
controlerende instelling = controlling body
controlerende instellingen = controlling bodies
controlerende maatschappij = controlling company
controlerende maatschappij = unfailing
controlerende vennootschap = auditing firm
controlerende vennootschap = firm of auditors
controlerenden = monitoring persons or parties
controleresultaten = inspection results
controlerij = check row
controlerisico = "audit risk, overall risk"
controleronde = inspection round
controles = check-ups
controles = audits
controles = checks
controles en research = monitoring and research
controles op regelmatige basis = regular checks
controles overschreden = checks failed
controles te verrichten = carry out checks
controles te verrichten c.q. voorzieningen te treffen = carry out checks or adopt measures
Controles voor de start = Pre-take-off procedures and checks
Controles vóór het leveren = Checks prior to delivering
Controleschakelaar = Control switch
controleschema = inspection diagram
controleschijf = test disc
controlesoftware = monitoring software
controlesom = checksum
controlesom = check sum
Controlespanning = Monitoring voltage
controlespoor = "audit trail, management trail"
Controlespoor = Audit trail
controlestaat = verification list
controlestandaard = auditing standard
controlestandaarden = Standards on Auditing
controlestap = auditing step
controlestappen = auditing steps
controlestatus = control state
controlesteekproef = audit sample
Controlestock = Counterfoil
controlestrategie = audit strategy
controlestrook van telmachine = tally-roll
controlestroom = control flow
controlesymbool = check symbol
Controlesysteem = Control system
controlesysteem van de autoclaaf = autoclave control system
controlesysteem voor het ansjovisbestand = monitoring system for the anchovy stock
controletaak = control function
controletaak = control task
controletaak = monitoring function
controletaak = supervisory task
controletaak = (bkh.) audit function
controletaak = audit task
controletaak = auditing function
controletafel = control table
controleteam = audit team
controletechniek = audit technique
controleteken = check character
controleteken (haakje) = "tick mark, vouchmark, checkmark"
controletekening = check plot
controletellingen/-totalen = "security counts, check totals, control totals"
controletellingen/-totalen = security counts
controletheorie = audit theory
controletoestellen en -instrumenten voor pacemakers = heart pacemaker control apparatus and instruments
controletoestellen voor batterijen = battery testers
controletotaal = "check total, check sum"
controletotaal = proof total
controle-uitvoering = "audit field work, audit operations"
controleur = controller
controleur = inspector
controleur = checker
controleur in opdracht van de centrale bank = national bank examiner
controleur van de jaarrekening = auditor
Controleur Volksgezondheid = Public Health Inspector
Controlevenster/verlicht = Monitoring window/light outlet
controleverklaring = auditor’s report
controleverklaring = (auditor's) attestation report
controleverklaring bij de jaarrekening = auditor’s report on the financial statement
Controleverklaring van de onafhankelijke accountant = Independent auditor’s report
controleverrichtingen = "audit proceedings, audit operations"
controleverslag = inspection report
controleverslag = audit report
controlevoorschrift = test instruction
controlevoorschriften = inspection regulations
controlevoorschriften = medical check-up rules
controlevoorschriften = audit instructions
controlevoorschriften bij ziekte = illness examination rules
controlevoorzieningen (in computer) = checking features
controlevormen = types of checks
Controlevraag = Confirmation question
controlevragen = security question
controlevragen = verification question [1]
controlevragen = control question [1]
controlevragen = control questions
Controlevragen = Check questions
controlevragenlijst = check list
controlewaarde = checksum
controleweging = weight check measurement
controlewerk = audit work
controlewerking op afstand = remote monitoring
controlewerkzaamheden = audit work
controlewerkzaamheden = inspection activities
controlewoord = check word
controlezekerheid = audit assurance
Controlled Environment = Controlled Environment
controlled non-return valves = gestuurde terugslagkleppen
controller = controller
controller architect = Controller Architect
Controller bussysteem = Central device for bus system
controller ontwikkeling = Controller Development
controller software architect = Controller Software Architect
Controllers = microcontrollers
controllers = Microcontrollers
controlling = Financial Control department
controlling = Controllin
Controlling = Check
Controlling = Controlling
Controllogix = ControlLogix
controlmudule = control module
Control-pack = Control pack
Controltoets = Ctrl
controurverschuiving = contour shift
controverse = controversy
controverse {de} = controversy
controversieel = controversial
Controversiële groep = Controversial group
Contusie = Contusion
Conurbatie = Conurbation
conus = cone
conus arteriosus infundibulum = infundibulum of the heart
conusbakmal = cone baking jig
conusdrager = chassis
conushoek = conical angle
conusluidspreker = cone loudspeaker
conusproef = cone-penetration test
conusring = conical seat
conusscheermachine = cone warping machine
conusscheermolen = cone warping machine
conussen = cones
conusweerstand = cone resistance
Convalescentie = Convalescence
convectie = convection
convectie van warmte = heat convection
Convectieluchtstromen = Convection air currents
convectieschermen = convection screens
convectiestroming = convection flow
convectiestroom = convection current
convectiewarmte = convection heat
convectiewarmteoverdracht = convection heat transfer
convectiewarmteoverdracht middelen = convection heat transfer means
convectiewarmteoverdrachtmiddelen = convection heat transfer means
convectiewarmteoverdracht-middelen = convection heat transfer means
convector (m) = convector
Convectoren voor koeling en koeling/verwarming = Refrigerated and refrigerated/heating circulators
Convectorlijst = Convector frame
Convectors = Convectors
convenant = financial covenant
convenant = covenant
convenant = Memorandum of Understanding
convenant = agreement
Convenant & Actieplan = Agreement & Action Plan
convenant [het] = branch agreement
Convenant Betalingsverkeer = Payment Services Agreement
Convenant Co-existentie = Coexistence Agreement
Convenant en actieplan = agreement and action plan
Convenant Leerkracht = Teachers’ Agreement (Convenant Leerkracht)
convenant vergadering = covenant meeting
Convenant Windpark = Wind Park Agreement
convenanten = agreements
convenant-vergadering = covenant meeting
convenience food market = convenience food market
Convenience goods = Convenience goods
Convenience store = Convenience store
conveniërend = to the satisfaction of / acceptable to (the bank)
conveniërende = acceptable to
conveniërende = acceptable to the bank
conveniërende = being to the satisfaction of
conveniërende = satisfactory
conveniërende = to the satisfaction of the bank
Convent = Convent
Convent = Nunnery
Convent = Convent school
Convent = Monastery
convent {het} = convent
Conventie = Covenant
conventie = convention
conventie [1] = claim
conventie [2] = convention
conventie [3] = original action
conventie [3] = proceedings on the claimaint’s claim
conventie [3] = proceedings on the complainant's claim (US)
conventie [3] = proceedings on the original complaint (US)
conventie [3] = proceedings on the plaintiff's claim (US)
conventie [4] = convention
conventie [4] = petition
conventie {de} = convention
Conventie inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levend = Washington species protection convention
Conventie van Arusha = Arusha Convention
Conventie van Bazel = Basel Convention
Conventie van Bern = Bern Convention
Conventie van Geneve = Geneva Convention
Conventie van Lomé = Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé I = first Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé II = second Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé III = third Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé IV = fourth Lomé Convention
Conventie van Ramsar = Ramsar Convention
Conventie van Yaoundé = Yaoundé Convention
"conventie, overeenkomst" = "convention (agreement, contract or pact)"
"conventie, vaste praktijk" = "convention (generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)"
Conventies = Methods
conventies = conventions
Conventietheorie = Convention theory
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild flora and = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
conventioneel = conventionally
Conventioneel = Conventional
conventioneel = conventional
Conventioneel algoritme = conventional algorithm
Conventioneel distributiekanaal = Conventional marketing channel
conventioneel ontmantelingsafval = conventional decommissioning waste
conventioneel schadebeding = statutory damages
conventioneel trans-Europees spoorwegsysteem = trans-European conventional rail system
Conventioneel voorschakelapparaat = Conventional ballast
conventioneel wapen = conventional weapon
conventionele = conventional
Conventionele = provided for by collective agreement
conventionele [niet-nucleaire] energie = conventional energy
Conventionele ballast/conversiekit = Conventional ballast/conversion kit
conventionele energie = conventional energy
conventionele fiets = conventional bicycle
conventionele geleider = conventional conductor
conventionele halve verlofdag = half day off provided for by collective agreement
conventionele implementatie = conventional implementation
conventionele maat = standard size
conventionele machines = conventional machines
conventionele methode = conventional method
conventionele oplossing = conventional solution
Conventionele palletiseermachine = Conventional palletiser
Conventionele palletiseermachines = Conventional palletisers
conventionele stroom = conventional current
conventionele techniek = conventional technique
conventionele tegenhanger = conventional counterpart
Conventionele transformator = Conventional transformer
conventionele verplichting = obligation provided for by collective agreement
conventionele vordering = claim
converged datacenter infrastructure = converged data centre infrastructure
converged datacenter infrastructures = converged data centre infrastructures
converged infrastructure = converged infrastructure
Convergente vragen = Convergent question
Convergente vragen = Convergent questions
convergentie = convergence
convergentie in maat = convergence in measure
convergentie in stochastische zin = stochastic convergence
convergentie in waarschijnlijkheid = convergence in probability
convergentieanode = convergence anode
Convergentiecriteria = Convergence criteria
convergentiecriterium = convergence criteria
convergentiedoelstelling = Convergence Objective
convergentiedoos = convergence box
convergentie-eenheid = convergence unit
convergentiefout = convergence error
convergentie-instelling = convergence alignment
convergentiemagneet = convergence magnet
convergentiepaneel = convergence panel
convergentiepunt = convergence point
convergentieraster = convergence dot pattern
convergentieschakeling = convergence circuit
convergentiesignaal = convergence signal
convergentiespoel = convergence coil
convergentiestraal = radius of convergence
convergentiesysteem = convergence system
convergentieunit = convergence unit
convergeren = to converge
convergeren = concentrate
convergeren = converge
convergerend = convergent
Convergerende industrie = Convergent industry
conversatie = talk
conversatie = conversation
conversatie = discourse
conversatie = thread
conversatie {de} = conversation
"conversatie, gesprek, gedachtenwisseling" = discourse (verbal exchange or conversation)
conversatieanalyse = conversation analysis
conversatiecontext = conversation context
conversatiestructuur = conversation structure
conversation management = conversation management
Conversation Manager = Conversation Manager
conversationeel = conversational
conversationeel computergebruik = conversational computer use
conversationele werkwijze = conversational mode
converseren = to converse
converseren = converse
conversie = conversion
Conversie franchising = Conversion franchising
Conversie naar vorm = Convert to Shape
conversie van graden naar radialen = degrees-to-radians conversion
conversie van kaart naar magneetband = conversion from card to tape
conversie van primitieve typen = conversion of primitive types
"conversie, omzetting" = conversion
"Conversie, polymorfisme en interfaces" = "Conversion, polymorphism and interfaces"
conversiecyclus = conversion cycle
conversiefactor = conversion factor
Conversiefactoren = Conversion factors
conversiegebieden = ‘conversion areas
Conversiekoers = Conversion exchange rate
conversielaag = conversion coating
conversielijst = conversion list
Conversiemarketing = Conversional marketing
conversiepagina = conversion page
conversieprogramma = conversion program
conversieprogramma = converter
conversiepunt = conversion point
conversiepuntnaam = point name
conversiepunt-URL = point URL
conversierates = conversion rates
conversierecht = conversion option (eff.)
conversies = conversions
conversiesnelheid = conversion rate
conversiesteilheid = conversion conductance
conversietesten = conversion testing
conversietracking = conversion tracking
conversietype = conversion type
Conversieverhouding = Conversion ratio
conversieverhouding = conversion rate
conversieversterking = conversion gain
conversions = ombouw
Converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = Convertible share capital
Converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = Convertible stock capital
converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = convertible sharecapital
converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = convertible stock
converteerbaar waardepapier = convertible
Converteerbare achtergestelde leningen = Convertible subordinated loans
converteerbare effecten = convertible debenture
converteerbare effecten = convertible stock
Converteerbare niet achtergestelde obligatieleningen = Convertible unsubordinated debentures
converteerbare obligatie = convertible bond
converteerbare obligaties = convertible bonds
Converter = Interface converter
Converter = Converter
converteren = to convert
converteren = convert
Converteren van computercatalogus = Computer catalogue conversion services
converters = converters
Converters voor ultrasone desintegrators = Converters for ultrasound disintegrators
Convertibele valuta = Convertible currency
convertibiliteit = currency convertibility
Convertibiliteit = Convertibility
convertor = converter
convertorhal = converter bay
convertorlading = converter charge
convertors = converters
convertorslak = vessel slag
convertortoeslag = converter addition
convex = convex
convex oriëntatieprofiel = convex orientation profile
convexe boog = convex arch
convexe oriëntering = convex orientation
Convexe veiligheidsspiegels = Convex security mirrors
conveyers = conveyors
conveyor = conveyor
conveyors = conveyors
Convocatie = notice (not: invitation)
convocatie = parade
convoceren = convoke
convolutie = convolution
convolutioneel neuraal netwerk (meerlagig neuraal netwerk dat vooral voor = convolutional neural network
convolutionele code = convolutional code
Convulsie = Convulsion
COO = computer-aided instruction
COO = Computer Ondersteund Onderwijs / Computer-Assisted Education
Cookeilanden = Cook Islands
cookie = cookie
Cookie is verwijderd = Cookie was deleted
cookie- of privacyverklaring = cookie or privacy statement
cookiebanner = cookie banner
cookiebeleid = cookie policy
cookie-beleid = cookie policy
cookiebepaling = cookie provision
cookiegebruik van derden = third-party cookie usage
Cookies = Cookies
Cookies en andere site- en plug-ingegevens = Cookies and other site data (Chrome)
Cookies ingezameld door Facebook = Cookies collected by Facebook
cookies van derden = third-party cookies
cookiewaarde = cookie value
cookie-waarden = cookie values
cooking zone front left = cooking zone front left
cool [omg.] = awesome [Am.] [coll.]
Cool Gard = Cool-Gard
cool packs = cool packs
cool wool = cool-wool
"cool, de max [Flemish], wijs [Flemish], tof" = "lush {adj} (amazing, cool, fantastic, wicked)"
"cool, in (de mode), hip, blits" = cool {adj} (colloquial: in fashion)
Coolbeam = Cool beam
COOL-bibliotheek = class object-oriented library
Cooled ISO160 Flange = Cooled ISO160 Flange
Cooling Control Box = Cooling Control Box
Cooling cover = Cooling cover
cooling flange = cooling flange
Cooling House = Cooling House
Cooling off = Cooling off
coolstart = CoolStart
COOL-taal = combined object-oriented language
Coons-element = Coons patch
Coons-methode = Coons method
CO-opbrengst = CO yield
CO-opbrengsten = CO yields
coöperant = cooperative member
coöperanten = cooperative members
coöperatie = co-op
coöperatie = cooperative
coöperatie = cooperative association
coöperatie = cooperative society
Coöperatie = Co-operative
coöperatie = cooperation
Coöperatie = Co-op
Coöperatie = Cooperative stores
coöperatie {de} = co-operation
coöperatie {de} = cooperation
Coöperatie Informatiemanagement Politie = Police Information Management Cooperative
coöperatie SURF = SURF cooperative
coöperatief = cooperative
coöperatief = cooperatively
Coöperatief evenwicht = Cooperative balance
Coöperatief model = Co-operative model
coöperatief model = cooperative model
coöperatief ondernemen = cooperative enterprise
coöperatief opleidingsprogramma = cooperative education program
coöperatieve = cooperative
coöperatieve bank = cooperative bank
coöperatieve bedrijven = cooperative concerns
coöperatieve besluitvorming = cooperative decision making
coöperatieve boerenleenbank = agricultural bank on a cooperative basis
coöperatieve groothandelsvereniging = wholesale cooperative
coöperatieve kredietinstelling = credit union
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = consumers’ cooperative
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = credit cooperative
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = retail cooperative
Cooperatieve organisaties = Cooperative organisation
Coöperatieve prijszetting = Co-operative price setting
Coöperatieve reclame = Co-operative advertising
coöperatieve surveillanceketen = co-operative surveillance chain
coöperatieve surveillanceketen = cooperative surveillance chain
coöperatieve vennootschap = cooperative company
coöperatieve vennootschap = cooperative
Cooperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid = Cooperative Company with Limited Liability (CVBA/SCRL)
Cooperatieve Vennootschap met Onbeperkte Aansprakelijkheid = Cooperative company with unlimited liability (CVOA/SCRI)
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = consumer’s cooperative
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = cooperative
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = cooperative association
coöperatieve vereniging = cooperative society
coöperatieve vereniging met uitgesloten aansprakelijkheid = cooperative association with liability excluded (for its members)
Coöperatieve Vereniging voor de Agrarische Bedrijfsverzorging = Cooperative Association for Farm Relief Services
coöperatieve verwerking = co-operative processing
Cooperation Arrangement = Cooperation Arrangement
coöperative vennootschap = co-operative
coöpereren = to cooperate
coöpereren = to co-operate
co-oplosmiddel = co-solvent
co-oplosmiddelen = co-solvents
coordinaat = coordinate
coördinaat = coordinate
Coördinaat = Coordinate system
coördinaatreferentiesysteem = coordinate reference system
Coordinated Universal Time = Coordinated Universal Time
coordinated vulnerability disclosure = coordinated vulnerability disclosure
coordinated vulnerability disclosure = CVD
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure proces = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Process
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure-beleid = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policy
coördinaten = coordinates
coördinaten = contact details
coördinaten buiten bereik = Coordinates out of range
coördinaten van de oppak- en afzetposities = coordinates of the pick-up and put-down positions
coördinatenboormachine = jig-boring machine
coördinatenboren = jig boring
coördinatenomzetter = resolver
coördinatenpaar = coordinate pair
coordinatenstelsel = co-ordinate system
coördinatenstelsel = system of coordinates
coördinatenstelsel = coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel {het} = coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel van de mechanische interface = mechanical interface coordinate system
coördinatensysteem/-stelsel = coordinates system
coördinatensysteem/-stelsel = difference
coördinatentekentafel = coordinate drafting machine
coordinatie = Coordination
coördinatie = coordination
coördinatie = linking
coördinatie = co-ordination
coördinatie {de} = coordination
Coördinatie Bureau Energie = Bureau of Energy and Coordination
Coördinatie coëfficiënten = Coordination factors
coördinatie- en ondersteuningsactie = coordination and support action
coördinatie en samenhang = coordination and coherence
coördinatie handelingen = coordination acts
coördinatie tussen verkeersregelaars = coordination between traffic-signal controllers
Coördinatie van bouwwerkzaamheden = Construction management services
coördinatie van de steunmaatregelen = coordination of aid
coördinatie van EMU-beleid = coordination of EMU policies
coördinatie van financieringen = coordination of financing
Coordinatie verbeteringen = Coordination improvement
coördinatie: Voor gelijkvormige coördinatie = certified as a true coordinated/approximated text
coördinatieafstand = coordination distance
coördinatiebehoeften = coordination needs
Coördinatiechemie = Complex
Coördinatiechemie = Messy
Coördinatiechemie = Sophisticated
coördinatiecomité = coordination committee
coördinatiecommissie = coordination committee
Coördinatiecommissie Integraal Waterbeleid = Coordination Committee on Integrated Water Policy (CIW)
coördinatiecomputer = signal coordination computer
coördinatiecontract = coordination contract
coördinatiedagboek) = coordination journal
Coördinatiediensten voor luchthavenslots = Airport slot coordination services
coordinatiefeit = coordination fact
coördinatiefeiten en productiefeiten = coordination facts and production facts
Coördinatiefunctie van het prijsmechanisme = Coordination function of the price mechanism
Coördinatiegroep Constructie Bestrijding = Counter-Evasive Practices Coordinating Group
coördinatiehandeling = coordination act
Coordinatieklasse = Type of coordination
coördinatiekosten = coordination expenses
coördinatiekosten = coordination costs
coordinatieloon = wage for national insurance purposes
Coördinatiemaatregelen = Coordination measures
Coordinatiemechanismen = Coordination mechanisms
coordinatiemeeting = coordination meeting
coördinatiemeeting = coordination meeting
coördinatiemeetings = coordination meeting
coördinatienet = coordination net
coördinatiepunten = coordinate points
coördinaties en regelingen = coordinations and traffic signal controls
coördinatiestructuurvergadering = coordination structure meeting
coördinatiewerkzaamheden = coordination
Coördinatiewet Sociale Verzekeringen = Social Security (Coordination) Act
Coordination = Coordination
coördinatograaf = coordinate drafting machine
coordinatograph = coordinatograph
coördinator = co-ordinator
Coördinator = coordinator
coördinator {de} = coordinator
Coordinator ARBO en Milieu = "Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Coordinator"
coördinator binnendienst = Service Dispatch coordinator
coördinator cluster = group coordinator
coördinator cluster = Consortium Coordinator
coördinator debiteurenbeheer = accounts receivable coordinator
Coordinator English Language Centre = English Language Centre Coordinator
Coordinator externe samenwerking = Coordinator external cooperation
coördinator integriteitszorg = Integrity Management Coordinator
Coordinator internationale programma's = International Programme Coordinator
Coördinator internationale uitwisseling = International Exchange Coordinator
Coordinator internationalisering = International Relations Coordinator
coördinator labcentrum = lab centre coordinator
Coordinator MSc projecten en BSc eindwerk = BSc and MSc Project Coordinator
coordinator of unit = coördinator eenheid
Coördinator Sales Engineering = Sales Engineering Coordinator
coördinator Security. = Security Coordinator
coordinator speciale projecten = special projects coordinator
Coördinator Studentenfaciliteiten = Student Facilities Coordinator
coördinator van de cursus = course coordinator
coördinator van het cluster = Consortium Coordinator
coördinator van het cluster = Group Coordinator
Coördinator vormgeving/drukwerkbegeleiding = Graphic Design and DTP coordinator
Coördinator wetenschap = Sciences Coordinator
Coördinatoren = Coordinators
Coördinatoren of coaches = Coordinators or coaches
coördinator-ontwerp = design coordinator
coördineert = coordinates
coördineert en controleert = coordinates and monitors
coördineren = coordinating
coördineren = coordinate
coördineren = to coordinate
coördineren/sturen = coordinating/managing
Coördinerend = Coordinating
coördinerend biologisch veiligheidsfunctionaris = Coordinating Biological Safety Officer
coördinerend onderzoeker = coordinating investigator
coördinerend onderzoekers = coordinating researchers
Coördinerend Stralingsdeskundige = Coordinating Radiation Expert
Coördinerend/Specialistisch = Coordinating/Specialist
coördinerende persoon = coordinating person
coördinerende rol = coordinating role
co-ouderschap = joint custody
CO-overdrachtssysteem = CO transfer system
COP = Conformity of Production (COP)
Copeland classificatie = Copeland classification
Copenhagen Centre for Prospective Studies = Copenhagen Centre for Prospective Studies
Copenhagen City Heart Study = Copenhagen City Heart Study
copernicaanse wending (Kant) = Copernican revolution
copie = copy
copiers = copiers
copiers en printers = copiers and printers
Copieus = Plentiful
Copieus = Abundant
Copieus = Affluent
Copieus = Ample
Copieus = Copious
Copieus = Bountiful
Copieus = Profuse
Copieus = Lush
copiloot = first officer
copiloot {de} = copilot
Coping = Coping
coping = coping
copingstrategieën = coping strategies
copolymeer = copolymer
Copolymeer gevulcaniseerd = "Copolymer, cross-linked"
Copolymeer thermoplastisch = "Copolymer, thermo plastic"
copolymeren = copolymers
copolymerisatie = copolymerization
C-oppervlak = C-surface
coprecipiteren = coprecipitate
Co-presencing = Co-presencing
coprocessor = coprocessor
co-product = co-product
co-product = coproduct
coproductie = co-production
coproductie {de} = coproduction
Coprolagnie = Scatology
co-promotie = co-promotion
co-promotiemateriaal = co-promotion materials
co-promotionele onthulling = co-promotional reveal
copromotor = co-supervisor
co-promotor = second PhD supervisor / co-supervisor
cops = cop
copulatie {de} = copulation
copuleren = have sex
Copy General Management System Analog = Copy General Management System Analog
Copy-briefing = Copy briefing
Copycat = Copycat
Copy-platform = Copy platform
copyright = copyright
copyright {het} = copyright
Copyright © = Copyright ©
copyright clausule = copyright notice
copyright conflict = copyright conflict
Copyright Simac Business Applications B.V. ICT Nederland bv = Copyright Simac Business Applications B.V. ICT Nederland B.V.
copyright-regel = copyright line
Copyshop = Copy Shop
copyshop = copyshop
Copyshops = Copy shops
Copyslag = copy session
Copy-test = Copy test
Copywriter = Copywriter
copywriting = copywriting
copywriting = Copywriting
COPZ-A = Centre for the Development of Palliative Care Amsterdam
Coquette = Coquette
coquille = ingot mould
coquille gieten = gravity die-casting
Cor = Horn
Cor = Keras
Cor = Corn
Cor Pulmonale = Cor Pulmonale
CO-radicalen = CO radicals
Corantijn = Corantin
Corauscultatie = heart or cardiac auscultation
Corbion = Corbion
co�rdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
co�rdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
Córdoba = Cordova
cordonlijst (b.v. van tempel) = reglet
cordonlijst (in klassiek gebouw) = string course
corduroy = corduroy
core = core
Core activities = Core activities
Core activities = Core business
core business = Core business
Core markten = Core markets
core processes = core processes
Core sectoren = Core sectors
core systemen = core systems
co-reactanten = co-reactants
co-reactieve = co-reactive
corebusiness = core business
co-referent = PhD examiner
co-referent (inleider op een conferentie) = respondent
core-markten = core markets
Coreper = Coreper
core-sectoren = core sectors
Corguide-kabel = Corguide
CO-rijke separatoruitvoer = CO-rich separator output
CO-rijke stroom = CO-rich stream
Corinthe = Corinth
Corinthisch = Corinthian
Corinthische stijl / (bouw)orde (figuurlijk extravagant / bloemrijk) = Corinthian order
Corinthische zuil = Corinthian column
Corioliseffect = Coriolis effect
Coriolistol = Coriolis-top
Coriolisversnelling = Coriolis acceleration
Coriolisversnelling = geostrophic acceleration
Coriolisversnelling = Coriolis
Cork (stad) = Cork (city)
Cormet = Cormet
Cormet Enjoy the Good Life = Cormet Enjoy The Good Life
Cornea = Cornea
Cornedbeef = Corned beef
Cornelis = Cornelius
Cornell-universiteit = Cornell University
corner {de} = corner [corner kick]
Corner piece = Corner piece
Corner Protection = Corner Protection
corner-casting = corner casting
corner-castings = corner castings
Cornerplate = Corner plate
cornet = cornet
cornetlijn = cornet production line
Cornflakes = Cornflakes
Cornisch = Cornish
Cornwall = Cornwall
corona = corona
Corona = Circlet
corona = aureole
corona = COVID-16
corona = the pandemic
corona / (druip)lijst = corona
coronabehandeling = corona treatment
coronacijfers = Coronavirus figures
coronacrisis = Corona crisis
coronacrisis = pandemic
Coronair = Coronary
coronair vaatlijden = Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Coronaire endoprotheses = Coronary endoprostheses
coronaire hartziekten = coronary heart disease
coronapandemie = coronavirus pandemic
coronapandemie = pandemic
coronaperiode = pandemic period
Coronaro = Coronary Angiogram
coronavirus = coronavirus
coroners-bijeenkomst = Coroner’s conference
Coropgebieden = Corop' areas
coroutine = co-routine
corporate actions = corporate actions
corporate administrative systems = corporate administrative systems
Corporate advertising = Corporate advertising
Corporate brand = Corporate brand
Corporate branding = Corporate branding
Corporate citizenship = Corporate citizenship
Corporate comms = Corporate Communications
corporate communicatie = corporate communications
Corporate communicatie = Corporate communication
Corporate Competency Dictionary = Corporate Competency Dictionary
Corporate cultuur = Corporate culture
Corporate Data Center = Corporate Data Centre
Corporate Data Center = CDC
corporate datamodel = corporate data model
Corporate endorsement = Corporate endorsement
Corporate Finance Team = Corporate Finance Team
Corporate geheugen = Corporate memory
Corporate governance = Corporate governance
corporate governance code = Corporate Governance Code
corporate identity = corporate identity
Corporate identity mix = Corporate identity mix
Corporate image = Corporate image
Corporate Information Security Office = Corporate Information Security Office
Corporate Institutional-lid = Corporate Institutional member
Corporate institutionele leden = Corporate institutional members
corporate kosten = corporate costs
corporate kwaliteitssysteem = corporate quality system
corporate management review = corporate management review
Corporate marketing onderzoek = Corporate marketing research
Corporate missie = Corporate mission
Corporate Order Management = Corporate Order Management
Corporate persoonlijkheid = Corporate personality
Corporate PQS = Corporate PQS
corporate producten = corporate products
Corporate reputatie = Corporate reputation
Corporate Responsibility = Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility doelstellingen = Corporate Responsibility objectives
Corporate SCM = Corporate SCM
Corporate Security = Corporate Security
Corporate Social Responsibility (duurzaam ondernemen) = Corporate Social Responsibility (corporate sustainability)
Corporate Social Responsibility at = Corporate Social Responsibility at
Corporate Social Responsibility at SMA = Corporate Social Responsibility at SMA
Corporate Social Responsibility team = Corporate Social Responsibility team
Corporate Stock Management = Corporate Stock Management
corporate succes te bereiken = achieve corporate success
corporate systeem = corporate system =
Corporate-image-barometer = Corporate image barometer
corporatie = organisation
Corporatie = Professional body
Corporatie = Corporation
corporatie {de} = corporation
corporaties = housing associations
Corporation = Corporation
corporatisme = corporatism
corps = corps
corps = student club
corps = body
corps {het} = corps
corpulent = fat
corpulent = corpulent
corpus = corpus
corpus = torso
Corpus = Body
corpus femoris = shaft of  femur
corpus geniculatum laterale = medial  geniculate body
corpus geniculatum laterale = metathalamus
corpus geniculatum mediae = lateral  geniculate body
corpus geniculatum mediae = metathalamus
corpus humeri = shaft of  humerus
Corpus Luteum = Corpus Luteum
Corpus uteri = Corpus uteri
"corpus, massa, verzameling" = body (collection of knowledge)
correct = correct
correct = correctly
correct = sound
Correct = Proper
Correct = Prima
Correct = Faultless
correct afgehandeld = dealt with correctly
correct DNA herstel = error-free DNA repair
correct functioneren = proper functioning
correct ge?dentificeerd = correctly identified
Correct gebruik = Correct use
correct gebruik = correct use of
correct ge�dentificeerd = correctly identified
correct geédentificeerd = correctly identified
correct geïdentificeerd = correctly identified
correct georiënteerde = correctly oriented
correct gespeld = spelled correctly
correct ingesteld = set correctly
Correct Nederlands = Correct Dutch
"correct opgeslagen, gebruikt en beheert" = "properly stored, used and managed"
correct te functioneren = operate correctly
correct toegepast = correctly applied
correct uitgevoerd = carried out correctly
correct voorverwarmen = proper preheating
correct worden uitgevoerd = are carried out correctly
"correct, volledige en actueel" = "correct, complete and up to date"
"correct, welgemanierd, welopgevoed, goedgemanierd" = correct {adj} (with good manners)
correcte = correct
correcte en veilige werking = correct and safe operation
correcte en volledige verificatie van de EATMN-software = correct and complete EATMN software verification
correcte houding = correct posture
Correcte inhoudsopgave = Correct table of contents
correcte naleving = correct compliance
correcte Passagier = prudent Passenger
correcte positie van het = correct position of the
correcte toepassing = correct application
correcte veiligheidsvoorzieningen = proper safety equipment
correcte werking = correct functioning
correctheid = correctness
correctheid {de} = correctness
correctheid en de volledigheid = correctness and completeness
correctheidsbewijs = correctness proof
Correctie = Spindle speed override
Correctie = Compensation
Correctie = Offset
Correctie = Marking
correctie = correction
correctie = rectify (GDPR)
correctie {de} = correction
correctie aan einde van jaar = financing adjustment
correctie aan einde van jaar = year-end adjustment
correctie i.v.m. financiering van activa met vreemd vermogen = gearing adjustment
correctie in vorige periode = prior period adjustment
correctie nodig = correction required
correctie signalering = correction signal
correctie van Bessel = Bessel's correction
correctie van drukproef = proof reading
correctie van Lyttkens = Lyttkens' correction
correctie volgens Dandekar = Dandekar's correction
correctie voor gebruik van klassemiddens = correction for grouping
correctie vorige jaren/boekingsperioden = prior period adjustments
correctie-afrekening = adjust
correctiebedrag = correction amount
correctiebedrag = corrected amount
correctiebericht = correction statement
correctieberichten = correction statements
correctiebeschikking = correction decision
Correctiebevel = Correction demand
correctieboeking = adjusting entries
correctief = corrective
correctiefactor = correction factor
correctiefactoren = Correction factors
Correctiefilm of -band = Correction film or tape
correctiefilter = correcting filter
correctiegebied = correction area
correctieglazen = photochromics
correctiekring = correcting circuit
correctiemagneet = correction magnet
Correctiemateriaal = Correctors
Correctiemiddelen = Correction media
correctiemiddelen voor documenten = document correctors
Correctiepennen = Correction pens
correctiepercentage = adjusted percentage
Correcties = Corrections
correcties en corrigerende maatregelen = corrections and corrective actions
correcties nodig = corrections needed
Correcties van uitgangspunten = Corrections of assumptions
correcties voor abrupt eindigende verdelingen = corrections for abruptness
correcties voor de randvoorwaarden = end corrections
correctie-S&O-verklaring = corrected R&D Declaration
"Correcties, Corrigerende Maatregelen en hun Effectiviteit" = "Corrections, Corrective Actions and their Effectiveness"
correctieschakeling = correcting circuit
correctiespoel = correction coil
correctiesticker = correction label
correctiestroom = correction current
correctieteken = correction mark
correctieve = corrective
Correctieve Beschikbaarheidskorting = Corrective Availability reduction
correctieve change = corrective change
correctieve maatregelen = corrective measures
correctieve onderhoudsactie = corrective maintenance action
correctieve onderhoudsbeurten = corrective overhauls
Correctieve onderhoudsbeurten en herstellingen = Corrective overhauls and repairs
correctieve stuurfunctie = Corrective steering function
correctieve werkzaamheden = corrective actions
correctieversterker = equalizing amplifier
correctievloeistof = correcting fluid
Correctievloeistof = Correction fluid
"correctievloeistoffen, film en tape voor het corrigeren van gedrukte, get" = "correction fluids, films and tapes for use in correcting printed, typed a"
"correction, supplementation or deletion" = "correctie, aanvulling of verwijdering"
corrective maintenance = corrective maintenance
corrective maintenance = corrective maintenance
corregidor = <Spanish mayor>
correlatie = correlation
correlatie = correlation coefficient
correlatie {de} = correlation
correlatie binnen een organisme = organic correlation
correlatie met vertraging = lag correlation
correlatie tussen de rangordeningsgraden = grade correlation
Correlatieanalyse = Correlation analysis
Correlatiecoëfficent = Correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of correlation
Correlatiecoëfficiënt = Correlation
correlatiecoëfficiënt = correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt tussen vectoren = vector correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt van Bravais = Bravais correlation coefficient
correlatiedetector = correlation detector
correlatie-index = correlation index
correlatiematrix = correlation matrix
correlatie-quotiënt = correlation ratio
Correlatierekening = Correlation calculation
Correlaties = Correlations
correlatietabel = correlation table
correlatietechniek = correlation technique
correlatieverhouding = correlation ratio
correleren = to correlate
correlerende meetwaarden = tension metrics
correlogram = correlogram
correpondence = mail
correspondent = correspondent
correspondent {de} = correspondent
correspondent-accountant = correspondent auditor
correspondenten = correspondent bank
correspondentie = mapping
correspondentie = written communication
Correspondentie = Correspondence
correspondentie = correspondence
correspondentie {de} = correspondence
correspondentie gelieve richten aan = please direct all correspondence to
Correspondentie uitsluitend richten aan het retouradres met vermelding va = "Please direct all correspondence to the specified return address, indicat"
Correspondentie-/adres = Correspondence address
correspondentieadres = correspondence address
correspondentieafdeling = correspondence department
correspondentieafdeling = unjustifiable
correspondentieafdeling = unwarranted
Correspondentieanalyse = Correspondence analysis
correspondentie-intensieve = correspondence-intensive
correspondentie-intensieve organisatie = correspondence-intensive organisation
correspondentie-intensieve organisaties = correspondence-intensive organisations
correspondentierelatie = correspondence relationship
correspondentierelatiegegevens = correspondence relationship data
correspondentierelaties = correspondence relationships
Correspondentieset = Mailing kit
correspondentietheorie van de waarheid = corresponence theory of truth
Corresponderen = Fit together
corresponderen = match
corresponderen = to correspond (to)
Corresponderen = Correspond
corresponderen = correspond
corresponderen met = write to
corresponderen met = correspond to
corresponderend = corresponding
corresponderend met de voorgaande bijwerking hiervan = corresponding to the previous update of the spatial location information
corresponderend met een versnellingsmeting = corresponding to an acceleration measurement
"corresponderend, overeenkomstig" = correspondent {adj} (corresponding)
corresponderende = corresponding
corresponderende krachten = corresponding forces
corresponderende open einde = corresponding open end
corresponderende smartphone applicatie = corresponding smartphone application
corresponderende steekproeven = linked samples
corresponderende waarden = corresponding values
Correxmeter = Correxmeter
Corridor = Lane
Corridor = Alley
Corridor = Corridor
Corridor = Aisle
Corridor = Hallway
Corridor = Passage
Corridor = Gangway
Corridordeksel = Intermediate cover
corridors = corridors
corridors van het kernnetwerk = core network corridors
corridorzijden = corridor sides
Corrigeer = Correct
corrigeer de verwijzing naar = correct the reference to
corrigeert voor winter- en zomertijd = adjusts for standard and daylight saving time
corrigeren = correct
corrigeren = to correct
corrigeren = to rectify
Corrigeren = Retouch
Corrigeren = Set right
corrigeren = correcting
Corrigeren = Patch
Corrigeren = Adjust
Corrigeren = Sub-edit
Corrigeren = Mark
corrigeren = rectify (GDPR)
corrigeren (van tentamens etc.) = "to mark, to grade"
corrigeren (van tentamens etc.) = mark
corrigerende = corrective
corrigerende actie = corrective action
corrigerende actie in verband met de veiligheid in het veld = field safety corrective action
corrigerende actieplannen = corrective action plans
corrigerende acties ondernemen = take corrective action
corrigerende acties ondernemen indien nodig. = take corrective action if necessary.
corrigerende acties te ondernemen = take corrective action
corrigerende deel van het stabiliteits- en groeipact = corrective part of the Stability and Growth Pact
corrigerende en preventieve maatregelen = corrective and preventive measures
corrigerende ervaringen = corrective experiences
Corrigerende lenzen = Corrective lenses
corrigerende maatregel = corrective measure
corrigerende maatregel nodig = corrective action necessary
corrigerende maatregelen = corrective action
Corrigerende maatregelen = Corrective measures
corrigerende maatregelen nodig = corrective action required
corrigerende on-line aanpassing = corrective online adjustment
corrigerende terugkoppeling = corrective feedback
"corrigerende, preventieve en/of steriliserende functie" = "corrective, preventive and/or sterilizing function"
corroboreert = corroborates
corrodeerbaar = corrodible
corrodeerbaarheid = corrodibility
corrodeert = corrodes
Corroderen = Corrode
corroderen = to corrode
corroderende = corroding
corrosie = corrosion
corrosie / roesten / oxideren = corrosion
corrosie {de} = corrosion
corrosie bescherming = corrosion protection
corrosiearm = low-corrosion
corrosiearm materiaal = low-corrosion material
corrosiebeschermend middel = corrosion protection substance
corrosiebeschermende coating = corrosion protection coating
corrosiebeschermende kap = corrosion protection cap
corrosiebescherming = corrosion protection
corrosiebestendig = corrosion-resistant
corrosiebestendig = corrosion proof
corrosiebestendig materiaal = corrosion-resistant material
corrosiebestendige additieven = corrosion-resistant additives
Corrosiebestendigheid = Corrosion resistance
Corrosiebeveiliging = Corrosion protection
Corrosiebeveiligingstape (100 mm) = Corrosion protection tape 100 mm
Corrosiebeveiligingstape (50 mm) = Corrosion protection tape 50 mm
corrosief = corrosive
corrosiegraad van water = water corrosivity
corrosie-klasse = corrosion class
corrosienerf = corrosion pit
corrosieremmers = corrosion inhibitors
corrosietest = corrosion test
corrosievast = corrosion-resistant
corrosievast = corrosion resistant
corrosievast = resistant to corrosion
corrosievast = corrosion proof
corrosievastheid = corrosion resistance
corrosieve = corrosive
corrosieve atmosfeer = corrosive atmosphere
Corrosieve of ontvlambare = Corrosive or flammable
Corrosieve of ontvlambare gassen = Corrosive or flammable gases
Corrosieve of vervuilende stoffen = Corrosive or polluting substances
corrosieve stof = corrosive material
corrosieve stoffen = corrosives
corrosievrij = corrosion-free
corrosiewerend = anticorrosive
corrosiewerend = anti-corrosive
corrosie-werende = anti-corrosion
corrosie-werende = corrosion resistant
corrosiewerende middelen = anti-corrosive preparations
Corrosiewerende middelen = Anti-corrosion products
Corrosiewerende olie = Anti-corrosion oils
corrosiewerende producten = anti-corrosives
corrosie-werende producten = corrosion resistant products
corrosive slijtage = corrosion wear
corrosiviteit = corrodibility
corrosiviteit = corrosive effect
corrosiviteit = corrosivity
corrosiviteit = corrosiveness
corrupte wijzer = dangling pointer
Corruptie = Bribery
corruptie = corruptness
corruptie = corruption
corruptie en omkoping = corruption and bribery
corruptiebestrijding = the fight against corruption
corruptiebestrijding = anti-corruption
corsanr. = Corsa number
corset = earth wire
Corsica = Corsican
Corsica = Corsica
Corsicaan = Corsican
"Corsicaan, Corsicaanse, Corsicanen {p}" = Corsican (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent)
Corsicaans = Hotting
Corsicaans = Corsican woman
Corsicaans = Corsica
Corsicaans = Corsican man
Corsicaans = Corsican
"Corsicaans, Corsicaanse" = "Corsican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica)"
Corsicaanse = Corsican
Corsicaanse = Corsican woman
Corsicanen = Corsican
Corsikaan = Hotting
Corsikaan = Corsican woman
Corsikaan = Corsican man
Corsikaan = Corsican
Corsikaan = Corsica
Corsikaans = Hotting
Corsikaans = Corsica
Corsikaans = Corsican woman
Corsikaans = Corsican man
Corsikaans = Corsican
Corsikaanse = Corsican woman
Corsikaanse = Corsican man
Corsikaanse = Hotting
Corsikaanse = Corsica
Corsikaanse = Corsican
corso = display
CORS-preflight-scenario = CORS preflight scenario
cortecosteron = corticosterone
Cortes = States General
cortex = cortex
Corticaal = Cortical
Corticosteroide = Corticosteriod
Corticosteroïde = Corticoid
corticosteroïde = corticosteroid
corticosteroïden = Corticosteroids
corticosteroïden = corticosteroids
Corticosteroïden voor dermatologisch gebruik en dermatologische preparat = Corticosteroids for dermatological use and dermatological preparations
Corticosteroïden voor systemisch gebruik = Corticosteroids for systemic use
Corticosteroïdhormonen = Corticosteroids hormones
corticosteron = corticosterone
Cortison = Cortisone
cortivazol = cortivazol
Corvetten en patrouilleboten = Corvettes and patrol boats
corvolume = Cardiac Volume
Corvus = Raven
Corvus = Carrion
Corvus = Corbel
Corvus = Crow
Corylus = Hazel tree
Corylus = Hazel
Corynebacterium glutamicum = Corynebacterium glutamicum
cos = cos
cos phi regeling = cos phi control
Cos phi-meetwaarde-omvormer = True power (cos phi) value transformer
Cos phi-meter paneelbouw = Active power converter meter for installation
Cos phi-relais = True power (cos phi) monitoring relay
Co-schappen = residency (programs)
co-segregeert = co-segregates
co-segregerend = co-segregating
Co-sensing = Co-sensing
cosinus = cosine
cosinusgolf = cosine wave
Cosmetica = Cosmetic
cosmetica = cosmetics
cosmetica {mv} = cosmetics
cosmetica en schoonheidsproducten = cosmetic and beauty products
"cosmetica, te koop in een set" = cosmetics all for sale in kit form
cosmetica-industrie = cosmetic industry
cosmeticasets = cosmetic kits
Cosmeticum = Cosmetic
cosmetisch = cosmetic
cosmetisch gerei = cosmetic utensils
cosmetisch product = cosmetic product
cosmetische = cosmetic
cosmetische behandeling = cosmetic treatment
cosmetische crèmes = cosmetic creams
cosmetische doeleinden = cosmetic purposes
cosmetische industrie = cosmetics industry
cosmetische injectie = cosmetic injection
cosmetische kleurstoffen = cosmetic dyes
cosmetische middelen en cosmetische preparaten = cosmetics and cosmetic preparations
cosmetische middelen en producten voor de toiletverzorging = cosmetics and toiletries
"cosmetische middelen en reinigingsmiddelen, met name tandpasta en zepen" = "cosmetic and cleaning preparations, specifically toothpaste and soaps"
cosmetische middelen in het algemeen = cosmetics in general
"cosmetische middelen in het algemeen, waaronder parfums" = "cosmetics in general, including perfumes"
cosmetische middelen voor de wenkbrauwen = eyebrow cosmetics
cosmetische middelen voor dieren = cosmetics for animals
"cosmetische middelen, haarlotions" = "cosmetics, hair lotions"
"cosmetische middelen, met name crèmes, milks, lotions, gels en poeders v" = "cosmetics, in particular creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the"
"cosmetische middelen, parfumeriën, etherische oliën, zepen, tandreining" = "articles for body and beauty-care, perfumery, essential oils, soaps, dent"
"cosmetische middelen, producten voor de toiletverzorging en parfumerieën" = "cosmetics, toiletries and perfumery"
cosmetische preparaten = cosmetic preparations
cosmetische preparaten voor de huidverzorging = cosmetic preparations for skin care
cosmetische preparaten voor het baden = cosmetic preparations for baths
Cosmetische producten = Beauty products
cosmetische producten = cosmetic products
Cosmetische voetverzorging = Cosmetic foot care
cosmologie = cosmology
Cosmos = Cosmos
co-sourcing = co-sourcing
cospectrum = cospectrum
Cos-phi-meter = Operating power measurement device
Cost = COST
cost centre = cost centre
cost of living allowance = Cost of Living Allowances (COLA)
cost sheet = cost sheet
Costa Brava = Costa Brava
Costa Rica = Costa Rica
Costa Rica {het} = Costa Rica
Costaricaan = Costa Rican
Costaricaans = Costa Rican
costodiafragmatische sinus = diaphragmatic sinuses
Costuum = Outfit
Costuum = Garb
Costuum = Attire
Costuum = Suit
Costuum = Tuxedo
Costuum = Dress
Costuum = Costume
cosubstraat = co-substrate
co-teaching = collaborative teaching
co-teaching = co-teaching
CO-terugwinning = CO recovery
Cotonou = Cotonou
Cotopaxi (vulkaan) = Cotopaxi
COTS = Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
Cottage cheese = Cottage cheese
cottonbreimachine = cotton knitting machine
Cotylen = Cotyledons
Couchette = Couchette
Couchette = Bunk
Coulance = "goodwill, fair (business) dealings"
coulance periode = easy-terms period
coulant = accommodating
could reasonably come to the conclusion = redelijkerwijs tot de overtuiging zouden kunnen komen
couleur locale = Couleur locale
couleur locale = local colour
coulisse = flat
coulissedemper = acoustic/noise absorber panel
coulisselandschap = bocage
Coulissenlandschap = Grove
coulomb = coulomb
coulomb = coulomb: C
Coulomb (eenheid) = Coulomb
Coulombse wrijvingswet = Coulomb's friction law
Coulometers = Coulometers
Coulping = Coupling
Coumafos = Coumafos
coumarine = dicoumarin
coumarines = coumarins
Coumatetralyl = Coumatetralyl
Council of Europe Development Bank = Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
Council of Europe Development Bank = "Council of Europe Development Bank (French: CEB, Banque de Développement"
counselor = counsellor
counselor {de} = counsellor [Br.]
Count = Count
count XPath = count XPath
Counteracting institutions = Counteracting institutions
counterclaims = zie dubbelclaim
counterfeit = counterfeited sound carrier/cd/mc/lp/video etc.
Counterfeiting = Counterfeiting
Counteroffensive strategy = Counter offensive strategy
Countersegmentation = Counter segmentation
counterweight = counterweight
Country = Country
Country Manager = Country Manager
Country Manager Benelux at RICS = "RICS Country Manager for the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (Benelux"
Country Managing Partners = Country Managing Partners
Countrymuziek = Country music
countryname = country name
counts = counts
County = County
coup {de} = coup d'état
coup {de} = coup
Coup de torchon = Dust-up
Coupe = Cut
Coupe = "Pattern cutting, tailoring"
coupé = coupe
Coupé = Coupé
coupé = compartment
Coupe de Gulle Pot = Sundae à la Gulle Pot
coupler = coupler
couplet = verse
Coupling = Coupling
Coupling hook = Coupling hook
Coupling hook assembly = Coupling hook assembly
coupling parts = koppelingdelen
coupon = coupon
coupon = cut
Couponrendement = Coupon return
coupons = coupons
coupure = cutoff
courant = daily paper
courant = newspaper
courant = commonly
courant gekende = commonly known
courante = currency (betaalmiddel)
courante = current
courante = in demand / best selling
courante = listed (eff.)
courante = marketable
courante = prevailing
courante = prevalent
courante = quickly realisable (oz.)
courante = readily marketable (oz.)
courante = standard
Courante = Standard size
courante interfaces op basis van SQL = standard SQL-based interfaces
courante modellen = standard sizes
courante modellen = stock sizes
"Courantenpapier, handgeschept papier en ander papier en karton, niet gest" = "Newsprint, handmade paper and other uncoated paper or paperboard for grap"
Courbette = Curvet
Coureur = Runner
Coureur = Racer
courgette = zucchini
courgette = courgette
courgette {de} = zucchini [esp. Am.]
courgette {de} = courgette [Br.]
"courgette, wortel en zoete aardappel" = "courgette, carrot and sweet potato"
courgettefrieten = courgette chips
Courgettes = Courgettes
course of the game (JurLex) = spelverloop
Court = Short
courtage = brokerage
courtage = brokerage (makelaar)
Courtage = Commission
courtage bij effectentransacties = commission on security transactions
Courtage en daarmee verband houdende diensten voor effecten en goederen = Brokerage and related securities and commodities services
Courtagediensten voor goederen = Commodity brokerage services
Courtagediensten voor leningen = Loan brokerage services
courtesy cars = courtesy cars
Courtisane = Courtier
courtisane {de} = courtesan
courtyard = courtyard
couscous = couscous
Couture = Needlework
Couture = Sewing
Couture = Dressmaking
Couvert = Covered
Couvert = Envelope
Couvert = Overcast
Couvert = Cloudy
couvert = cutlery
Couveuse = Hatching tray
Couveuse = Incubator
couveuse voor prematuur geborenen = artificial  incubator
Couveuses = Incubators
couveuses voor baby's = incubators for babies
couveuses voor pasgeborene baby's = incubators for newborn babies
covalente binding = covalent bond
covariance kernel = covariance kernel
covariantie = covariance
Covariantie = Co-variance
covariantie met vertraging = lag covariance
covariantieanalyse = covariance analysis
covariantie-analyse = analysis of covariance
covariantie-analyse = ANCOVA
covariantie-analyse = covariance analysis
covariantiematrix = covariance matrix
covariantie-matrix = variance-covariance matrix
covariatie = covariation
covarimin = covarimin
Covasna = Covasna
covenant = covenant
Covenant of Mayors = Covenant of Mayors
Coventry = Coventry
cover = cover recording
Cover = Revival
Cover = Resumption
Cover = Blanket
Cover = Pick-up
Cover = Retaking
Cover = Cover
Cover = Recovery
Cover 3 = Cover 3
Cover Injector = Cover Injector
Cover Leaf Spring = Cover Leaf Spring
Cover Milled housing = Cover Milled housing
Cover Milled housing RF = Cover Milled housing RF
cover plate = cover plate
Cover Service = Cover Service
Cover Story = Cover story
Cover voor binnenzijde of buitenzijde = Inside or outside covering plate
coverband = cover band
Coverbanden = Retreaded tyres
CO-verbruikende = CO-consuming
Coveren van banden = Tyre-remoulding services
Coverfoto = Cover photo
coverglas = cover slip
coverglas = cover glass
cover-glas = cover glass
Covering = Covering
Covering Socket = Covering Socket
coverplate = cover plate
Coverplates = Cover plates
covers = covers
COVID crisis = COVID crisis
Covid-19 = COVID-19
Covid-19-pandemie = COVID-19 pandemic
COVOG = Central Organisation for Certificates of Conduct (COVOG)
CO-vrij = CO free
Cowboy = Cowboy
cowboy {de} = cowboy
cowdria ruminantium = cowdriose
Cox proportioneel toevalsmodel = Cox proportional hazards model
Coxalgie = Coxalgia
Cox-de-Booralgoritme = Cox-de-Boor algorithm
Cox-Stuart-toetsen = Cox and Stuart's tests
Coyote = Coyote
CP = Calcium Propionate
CP 155-LS gemotoriseerd = CP 155-LS Motorised
CPB = Commissie Publiek Belang
CPB = "Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau, CPB"
CPBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
cpe (customer premise equipment) = customer premise equipment (cpe)
cpe-certificatieprocedures = cpe certification procedures
C-periode = C-period
CPI-indexering = CPI indexation
CPK = ‘Coastal Vision’ complex project
CPK = "Complex Project Coastal Vision (complex project ‘Kustvisie’, CPK)"
CPK = Complex Project Coastal Vision (CPK)
CPO = Personnel Consultative Committee
CPPS = current point of purchase survey
C-profiel = C-profile
C-profiel dubbelzijdig = C-profile double-sided
C-profiel van de twee onderling evenwijdige zijprofielen = C-profile of the two parallel side profiles
C-profielen = C-profiles
C-profielverbinder = safety ladder connector
CPR-ventiel = CPR valve
cps carrier pre selection = cps carrier pre selection
CPTED-expert = CPTED expert
CPU (central processing unit / centrale verwerkingseenheid) = CPU
CPU (Centrale Processor) = CPU (Central Processor Unit)
CPU-cyclus = CPU cycle
CPU-limiet = CPU cap
CPU-limieten = CPU capping
CPWB (Comit? voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk) = Health & Safety Committee
cq = and/or
cq. = as the case may be
cq. = and/or
cq. = casu quo
CQRS = Command and Query Responsibility Separation
CQRS-gebaseerde systemen = CQRS-based systems
CR = Cognitive Radio
CR 1/3 N = CR 1/3 N
CR 1220 = CR 1220
CR 123 A = CR 123 A
CR 12600 = CR 12600
CR 1616 = CR 1616
CR 1620 = CR 1620
CR 17345 = CR 17345
CR 2 = CR 2
CR 2016 = CR 2016
CR 2025 = CR 2025
CR 2032 = CR 2032
CR 2320 = CR 2320
CR 2430 = CR 2430
CR 2450 = CR 2450
crack = ace
crackers = crackers
cracks = scheurvorming
cradle to cradle = cradle to cradle
cradle to cradle = cradle-to-cradle
Cradle to Cradle certificaat = Cradle to Cradle Certification
Cradle to Cradle gecertificeerde = Cradle to Cradle certified
cradle-to-cradle = cradle to cradle
Craig-effect = Craig effect
C-rail = C rail
Cramér-Rao limiet = Cramér-Rao bound
Cramér-Wold kunstgreep = Cramér-Wold device
Cranberry = Cranberry
cranberry = cranberry
cranberrysmaak = cranberry flavor
Crane = Crane
Crane + Flens = Crane + Flange
Crane Assy = Crane Assy
Crane Bottom Outer Tube = Crane Bottom Outer Tube
Crane Control Assy = Crane Control Assy
Crane Safety Device = Crane Safety Device
Crane Spacer = Crane Spacer
Cranendonck = Cranendonck
Craniaal = Cranial
craniale = cranial
Cranio Sacraal therapie = Cranio sacral therapy
Craniomandibulaire Dysfunctie = Craniomandibular Dysfunction
Crank = Crank
crank] = Extractor
crank] = Puller
crank] = Remover
Crankstel = Crank set
Cranktrekker = Crank extractor
crapaud = chair
craquel = crackle finish
craquel� = crackle
craquel? = crackle
craquelé = crackle
craquelé = crackle finish
crash = crash
Crash = Collision
crash tender = crash tender
Crash Tender = Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle
Crash Tender = Crash Tender
Crash Tenders = Crash Tenders
crashbestendig = crash-proof
crashbestendig = -proof fence
crash-bestendig = crash-resistant
crash-bestendige = crash-proof
crashconsistentie = crash consistency
crashdump = crash dump
crashdump-type = Crash Dump Type
crashen = crash
crashen = to crash
crashherstel = crash recovery
crashlog = crash log
crashlogs = crash logs
crasht = crashes
crashtenders = Crash Tenders
crashtests = crash tests
crashtests in de automobielsector = automotive crash tests
crashtruck = crash truck
crashtrucks = crash trucks
Crate = Crate
Craterus = Crater
Crawford = Crawford
crawlen = crawl
crawler = crawler
crayon = pencil
CRAZ = Client Advisory Board for University Hospitals
Crazy Summer-hotelarrangement = Crazy Summer hotel package
CRC = cyclic redundancy check
creatie = creation
creatiebureau = creative agency
creatiedatum = creation date
creatief = creative
Creatief boekhouden = Creative bookkeeping
creatief denken = creative thinking
creatief denker = creative thinker
creatief idee = creative idea
creaties = creations
creatieve = creative
creatieve activiteiten = creative activities
Creatieve Economie = Creative Economy
creatieve experts = creative experts
creatieve invulling = creative content
creatieve kracht = creative force
creatieve of culturele organisaties = creative or cultural organisations
creatieve oplossingen = creative solutions
creatieven = creatives
creatineklaring = creatine clearance
Creating healthy spaces = Creating healthy spaces
Creatininemie = Creatinaemia
Creatio ex nihilo = Ex nihilo
Creation and revision of documents = Creation and revision of documents
Creation and revision of documents Rev 3 = Creation and revision of documents Rev. 3
Creationisme = Creationism
Creative Class = Creative Class
Creative director = Creative director
Creative Intelligence = Creative Intelligence
Creative Twinning Regeling = Creative Twinning scheme
creatives = creative talent
creativiteit = creativity
creativiteit en individu = creativity and the individual
creativiteit en innovatie = creativity and innovation
creativiteit en vernuft = creativity and ingenuity
creatuur = creature
Crebo = Central Register of Vocational Courses
Crebo = CREBO
CREBO = Central register of vocational training courses CV(E)T
crèche = nursery
Credence claims = Credence claims
Credential Definition = Credential Definition
Credential Vault Service = Credential Vault Service
credit = song credit
credit = credit
Credit Arbitrage-strategie = Credit Arbitrage Strategy
credit card rekeningoverzicht = credit card statement
credit card statements = credit card statements
credit card-nummer = credit card number
credit management bedrijf = credit management company
credit management organisatie = credit management organisation
credit management software = credit management software
"credit management, debiteurenbeheer, incassomanagement en kredietanalyse" = "credit management, receivables management, debt collection management and"
Credit scoring = Credit scoring
creditadvies = credit advice
creditcard = credit card
creditcard = charge card
creditcard {de} = credit card
"creditcard, kredietkaart {f}" = "credit card (plastic card, with a magnetic strip)"
creditcardautorisatie = credit card authorization
creditcarddiensten = credit card services
creditcard-etuis = credit-card cases
creditcard-etuis en -houders = credit card cases and holders
creditcardhouders = credit-card holders
creditcardnummer = credit card number
creditcardnummers = credit card numbers
creditcardpreautorisatie = credit card preauthorization
creditcards = credit cards
creditcards en debetkaarten = credit and debit cards
credited/withdrawn = bijgeschreven / opgenomen
Crediteren = Credit
Creditering = Crediting
crediteringstermijn = credit entry term
crediteur = vendor
crediteur = creditor
crediteur / schuldeiser = creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = general creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = judgment creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = unsecured creditor
crediteurbegunstiging = Nomination as preferential/preferred creditor
crediteuren = accounts payable (see: debiteuren = accounts receivable / accounts collec
Crediteuren = Creditors
crediteuren (Afdeling F&C) = Accounts Payable
Crediteuren Administrateur = Creditors Accountant
crediteuren- en debiteurencontrole = creditor and debtor verification
"Crediteuren, looptijd langer dan 1 jaar" = "Creditors, amounts falling due after more than one year"
"Crediteuren, looptijd maximaal 1 jaar" = "Creditors, amounts falling within one year"
crediteurenadministratie = [customer] accounts payable records
crediteurenadministratie = creditor records
crediteurenadministratie = creditors ledger
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = accounts payable department
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = creditor accounts department
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = payables department
Crediteurenland = Creditor nation
crediteurensaldo = balance of accounts payable
crediteurenstand = creditor position
crediteurenstand = payables
creditLimit = kredietlimiet
creditmanagement = credit management
creditnota = credit note
Creditnota's op kosten aircoinstallaties = Credit notes with regard to charges airconditioning
Creditnota's op kosten companies secretary = Credit notes with regard to charges companies secretary
Creditnota's op kosten erelonen companies secretary = Credit notes with regard to charges fees companies secretary
Creditnota's op kosten erelonen externe bestuurders = Credit notes with regard to charges fees nominee directors
Creditnota's op kosten hijsmaterialen = Credit notes with regard to charges lifting materials
Creditnota's op kosten huur compressoren = Credit notes with regard to charges hire compressors
Creditnota's op kosten invoerrechten = Credit notes with regard to charges import duties
Creditnota's op kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van aircoinstallaties = Credit notes with regard to charges maintenance and repair of airconditio
Creditnota's op kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van diverse machines en = Credit notes with regard to charges maintenance and repair of miscellaneo
creditrekening = credits account
Creditrekening = Credit account
creditrentevergoedingen = credit interest payment
creditrentevergoedingen = rate of interest paid on credit balances
creditsaldotransactie = credit balance transaction
credittarief = credit interest
credittarief = credit interest rate
credittarief = deposit rate
creditzijde = credit
Creditzijde = Credit side
credo = Crēdo
credo = credo
Credo = Creed
Cree = Cry
Creëer = Create
creëert = create
creëert = creates
creel = creel
creëren = to create
creëren = create
creëren = creating
Creëren van een flexibele ontwikkelomgeving = Creating a flexible development environment
creëren van waarde voor haar aandeelhouders = create value for its shareholders
"creëren, beheren en controleren" = "creating, managing and controlling"
"creëren, beheren en controleren" = "create, manage and control"
"creëren, scheppen, maken" = create  (to put into existence)
"creëren, scheppen, ontwerpen" = "create  (to design, invest with a new form, shape etc)"
"creëren, wijzigen, bewerken, lezen" = "create, modify, edit, read or delete"
creërend vermogen = creative ability
creërend vermogen = creative skills
CREG = Belgian Federal Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation
CREM studie = CREM study
CREM Waste Management = CREM
CREM Waste Management = CREM Waste Management
cremalaag = crema layer
Crematie = Incineration
Crematie = Cremation
Crematiediensten = Cremation services
Crematieovens = Cremators
Crematorium = Crematorium
Crematorium = Incineration
Crematorium = Cremation
Creme = Cream
crème = cream
crème {de} = cream
crème brûlée = crème brûlée
"Crème Brulée met vanille, chocoladeijs en slagroom" = "Crème Brulée with vanilla, chocolate ice cream and whipped cream"
Crème fraîche = Fresh cream
crèmelikeuren = cream liqueurs
Cremeren = Cremate
Cremeren = Incinerate
crèmes = creams
crèmes en schuim = creams and foams
Creme-wit = Cream-white
crèmewit RAL9001 = cream
Cremewit/elektrowit = Cream white/electro white
Cremona (stad) = Cremona
cremotartanfabriek (wijnsteen laxeermiddel) = Cream of tartar plant
crena clunium = anal cleft
creolinefabriek (desinfecterend middel uit creosoot) = Creoline industry (disinfectant based on creosote)
creool = Creole
Creools = Creole
Creoolse talen = Creole
Creoolse talen = Creole languages
creosoot = creosote
creosootfabriek = Creosote industry
creosoteerinrichting = Creosoting plant
creosoteren = creosote
crêpe = crêpe
Crepepapier = Crepe paper
crêpepapier = crêpe paper
crêpepapier = creped paper
creperen = perish
Creperen = Burst
Creperen = Pop
Creperen = Bust
Creperen = Puncture
Crepes-automaat = Crepes maker
Crepes-bereik = Crepe plate
crêpetape = crêpe tape
crepidoma = crepidoma
crescendo = crescendo
cresol = cresol
Cresolen (som) = Cresols (total)
cresolformaldehyde = cresol formaldehyde
cresolhars = cresol resin
cresolsulfonzuur = cresol sulphonic acid
cressen = cresses
cretonne = cretonne
Creuse = Hollow
crew = crew
crew-id = crew ID
cri hydrencéphalique = Coindet sign
cricket = cricket
cricket {het} = cricket
cricketen = to play cricket
Crime = Crime
Crime = Calamity
criminal circles = criminele circuit
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven: SGM) = Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven: SGM) = SGM
criminaliteit = wrongdoing
criminaliteit = criminality
criminaliteit = crime
criminaliteit in verband met gestolen motorvoertuigen = motor vehicle crime
criminaliteit in verband met nucleaire en radioactieve stoffen = crime connected with nuclear and radioactive substances
criminaliteitsbestrijding = fight against crime
criminaliteitsgerelateerde = crime-related
criminaliteitsgerelateerde incidenten = crime-related incidents
crimineel = criminal
crimineel vermogen = criminal assets
criminele aansprakelijkheid = criminal liability
criminele geldstromen = criminal money flows
criminele geldstromenthe = criminal money flows
criminele inkomsten = criminal income
criminele organisatie = criminal organisation
criminele processen = criminal processes
criminele samenwerkingsverbanden = criminal partnerships
criminele uitbuiting = criminal exploitation
criminele uitspatting = surge in criminal behaviour
criminele verwaarlozing = criminal negligence
Criminologie = Criminology
criminologie {de} = criminology
Crimp = Crimp
Crimp/crimp = Crimp/crimp
Crimp/soldeer = Crimp/solder
Crimpen = Crimp
CrimpKontBu = CrimpKontBu
Crimp-splicebeschermer = Crimp splice protection
crinkle washer = crinkle washer
Criollo = Creole
crisesrespons = crisis response
Crisis = Hysterical
Crisis = Emergency
crisis = crisis
Crisis beoordelingsteam (CAT) = Crisis Assessment Team (CAT)
crisis opvangteam = crisis relief team
crisis organisatie = crisis organisation
crisisbeheer = crisis management
crisisbeheersing = crisis management
crisisbesluitvorming = crisis management decision-making
Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol (CBP-S) = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
crisiscentrum = crisis centre
crisiscontact = emergency contact
crisis-denken = "crisis-inspired or crisis-oriented thinking, crisis mongering"
crisisdienst = emergency service
crisismanagement = crisis mamagement
crisismanagement = crisis management
crisismanagement organisatie = crisis management organisation
Crisismanagementplan = Crisis Management Plan
Crisismanagementplan Universiteit Utrecht = Utrecht University Crisis Management Plan
crisismedewerker = emergency worker
crisisopvang = crisis shelter
crisisorganisatie = crisis organisation
crisispartners = crisis partners
crisisplan = crisis plan
crisisplannen = crisis plans
crisisplannen en –draaiboeken = crisis and contingency plans
Crisisrespons = Crisis response
crisissituatie = crisis situation
crisisstructuur = crisis structure
crisisteam = crisis team
CRISP = "Centre for Research Innovation, Support and Policy"
Crisp™plaat met handgreep = Crisp™plate with handle
crista iliaca = iliac crest
criteria = criteria
criteria om te stoppen = cut-off criteria
criteria om te stoppen = cut-off criterion
criteria om te stoppen = "cut-off criterion, -ria"
criteria van de norm = criteria of the standard
Criteria van Maastricht = Maastricht criteria
criteria voor diagnose = diagnostic criteria
Criteria voor resultaat = Outcome criteria
criteriadeelvenster = Criteria pane
criterium = criterion
criterium = standard
criterium voor de completering van testen = test completion criterion
criteriumgericht = criterion-based
criteriumgericht = criterion-oriented
criteriumgericht interview = criterion-oriented interview
criteriumgerichte steekproef = criterion-based sampling
criteriumingrijpendeverwerking = substantial transformation criterion
Criteriumvaliditeit = Criterion validity
critic<\b> = critic<\i>
critical = Critical
Critical Deficiency = Critical Deficiency
Critical Design = Critical Design
critical en security patches = critical and security patches
Critical Utilities project = Critical Utilities project
criticaster {de} = quibbler
critici {mv} = critics
criticus = critic
criticus {de} = critic
critiek = critical
critiek = critic
CRL's = CRLs
crm (customer relationship management) = customer relationship management (crm)
CRM Mobile-aanpassing = CRM Mobile Customization
CRM Mobile-perimeternetwerkonderdelen = CRM Mobile perimeter network components
CRM Mobile-serveronderdelen = CRM Mobile server components
CRM systeem = CRM system
CRM systeem Achilles = Achilles CRM system
CRM-back-endserver = CRM Back End Server
CRM-front-endserver = CRM Front End Server
CRM-methode = CRM method
CRM-methoden = CRM methods
CRM-systeem = CRM system
CRM-systemen = CRM systems
Crocodile = Crocodile
CROHO = CROHO (Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes)
CROHO (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs) = Central Register Higher Education Degree Programmes (Central Accreditatio
Croissant = Ascending
Croissant = Crescent
Croissant = Ascendant
Croissant = Croissant
croissant {de} = croissant
Croissantautomaat = Croissant maker
Croissants = Croissants
Croix = Cross
Cromstrijen = Cromstrijen
cron = cron
Cronbach-alpha = Cronbach alpha
Cronbach's alpha = Cronbachs alpha
crontab = crontab
Cronus = Cronus
croquant = brittle
Croque monsieur = Croque monsieur
Croquet = Croquet
croscarmellosenatrium = croscarmellose sodium
croscarmellose-natrium = croscarmellose sodium
crospovidon = crospovidone
Cross = Cross
Cross Border Enforcement = Cross Border Enforcement
cross mediaal-mediaplan = cross-media plan
cross-border transport** = grensoverschrijdend vervoer
crossbredwol = crossbred wool
Cross-culturele consumentenanalyse = Cross-cultural consumer analysis
"cross-departementaal, cross-border" = across departments and borders
cross-docken = cross-docking
cross-docking = cross-docking (unloading materials from a manufacturer or mode of transpo
cross-docking = cross-docking
crossdresser = cross-dresser
Crossed Roller Bearing = Crossed Roller Bearing
crossfading = crossfade
Crossfit = CrossFit
cross-functionele teams = cross-functional teams
Crossing = Crossing
crosslinken = cross-linking
crosslinken (inmiddels ingeburgerd) = cross-linking
crosslinker = cross-linker
crosslinker = crosslinker
crosslinkers = cross-linkers
crosslinking = cross-linking
crosslinking = crosslinking
cross-linking van fibrine = fibrin cross-linking
crossmediaal = cross-media
cross-mediale campagne = cross-media campaign
cross-mediale campagnes = cross-media campaigns
Cross-mediale marketing = Cross-media marketing
Cross-mediale marketing campagnes = Cross-media marketing campaigns
Cross-modaliteitsvergelijking = Cross-modality comparison
crossover = crossover
cross-over = crossover
crossover distortie = crossover distortion
crossover elektroforese = counterimmunoelectrophoresis
crossover elektroforese = crossover  electrophoresis
cross-over valves = cross-over ventielen
crossover-kabel = crossover cable
crossovers = crossovers
cross-overs = crossovers
Crossrunner = Crossrunner
Crossrunner mk7 = Crossrunner mk7
Crossrunner systeem = Crossrunner system
Crossrunner-concept = Crossrunner concept
Crossrunner-principe = Crossrunner principle
Crossrunner-systeem = Crossrunner system
Crossrunner-systeem van Qimarox = Qimarox Crossrunner system
Cross-sectieonderzoek = Cross-sectional research
cross-section = cross section
cross-sectionele survey = cross-sectional survey
cross-sections = doorsneden
cross-sectoraal = cross-sectoral
cross-sectoraal zijn = cross-sectoral
cross-sectorale = cross-sectoral
cross-sectorale = cross-sector
cross-sectorale en multidisciplinaire = cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary
cross-sectorale innovatie = cross-sector innovation
cross-sectorale kennisproduct = cross-sectoral knowledge product
cross-sectorale kennisproducten = cross-sectoral knowledge products
cross-sectorale leerproces = cross-sectoral learning process
cross-sectorale leerprocessen = cross-sectoral learning processes
cross-sectorale samenwerking = cross-sectoral cooperation
Crosssectorale verbinding = cross-sectoral link
Crosssectorale verbindingen = cross-sectoral links
Cross-selling = Cross selling
cross-site = cross-site
cross-site scripting = cross-site scripting
"cross-site scripting-, commando- en SQL-injectie-kwetsbaarheden" = "cross-site scripting, command and SQL injection vulnerabilities"
cross-training = cross-training
Crosstrainingsapparaten = Cross trainers
Crotale = Rattlesnake
crotonzuur = crotonic acid
Croupier = Croupier
Crouton = Crouton
CROW = CROW (the Dutch information and technology centre for transport and infra
CROW = "CROW, information and technology centre for transport and infrastructure "
crowd funding = crowd funding
crowdfunding = crowdfunding
crowdsourcing = crowdsourcing
Crown Fine Art = Crown Fine Art
CR-P 2 = CR-P 2
CRPlatform.Nl = CRPlatform.NL
CRT filter controle led (groen) = CRT filter control LED (green)
CRT filter controle led (oranje) = CRT filter control LED (orange)
CRT filter controle led (rood) = CRT filter control LED (red)
cru = crude
Cru = Rough
cruciaal = crucial
Cruciaal = Critical
cruciaal = decisive
cruciaal bedrijfsproces = critical business process
cruciale = critical
cruciale = crucial
cruciale bedrijfsactiviteiten = key business activities
cruciale elementen van een vliegplan = key items of a flight plan
cruciale grondstof = crucial raw material
Crucifix = Christ
Crucifix = Crucifix
crude = crude oil
C-ruimte = C-space
Cruise = Pleasure cruise
Cruise Control = Velocity control unit
cruise control + parkeerrem = cruise control + parking brake
cruise controlschakelaar = cruise control switch
cruisecontrol = cruise control
cruisehaven = cruise port
cruisemarkt = cruise market
cruiseschepen = cruise ships
Cruiseterminal = Cruise Terminal
cruisetrip = cruise
Crumpets = Crumpets
crunchy = granola
cruzeiro = cruzeiro
Cryogeen = Cryogenics
cryogeen = cryogenic
cryogeen gemalen = cryogenic milling
cryogeen malen = cryogenic milling
Cryogeenfactor = Cryogenic factor
cryogene destillatietoren = cryogenic distillation tower
cryogene distillatie = cryogenic distillation
cryogene distilleerder = cryogenic distillatory
cryogene flash = cryogenic flash
cryogene vat = cryogenic vessel
cryogene vaten = cryogenic vessels
cryologie = cryology
Crypte = Estate
Crypte = Crypt
crypto = crypto
Crypto API Diagnostics = Crypto API Diagnostics
crypto’s = cryptocurrencies
crypto-analyse = cryptanalysis
CryptoAPI = CryptoAPI
CryptoAPI 2.0 = CryptoAPI 2.0
crypto-apparaat = cryptoequipment
cryptobeveiliging = cryptosecurity
cryptobinding = cryptobinding
cryptocurrencies = cryptocurrencies
crypto-deterministisch proces volgens Whittaker = crypto-deterministic process
crypto-functies = cryptographic functions
cryptografie = cryptography
cryptografieprovider = cryptographic service provider
cryptografisch sterke = cryptographically strong
cryptografisch systeem met lange levensduur = high-grade cryptosystem
cryptografische = cryptographic
cryptografische algoritme = cryptographic algorithm
cryptografische functies = cryptographic functions
cryptografische gegevensbeveiliging = cryptographic data protection
cryptografische hulpmiddelen = cryptographic tools
cryptografische samenvatting = cryptographic digest
cryptografische sleutel = cryptographic key
cryptografische sleutels = cryptographic keys
cryptografische technieken = cryptographic techniques
Cryptography Application Programming Interface = Cryptography Application Programming Interface
Cryptography Next Generation = Cryptography Next Generation
crypto-informatie = cryptoinformation
cryptokanaal = cryptochannel
cryptologie = cryptology
cryptomateriaal = cryptomaterial
cryptomunteenheid = cryptocurrency
cryptonet = cryptonet
cryptosleutel = cryptokey
cryptosysteem = cryptosystem
cryptovaluta = cryptocurrencies
Cryptoworks = Cryptoworks
Crystal = Crystal
Crystal Ball = Crystal ball
Crystalline Silicon Monocrystalline (cSi) = local
crytptocurrencies = cryptocurrencies
CS = Cutset
CS = corticosterone (CS)
CS = corticosterone content (CS)
Cs = Cs
cs = et al.
CS = Customer Support
CSB = Central Student Information Desk
C-schil = C shell
CSD = Centre for Sustainable Development
CSD = Centre for Sustainable Development of Ghent University
CSG = WFE Central & Southern Germany
C-shell = C shell
C-si = c-Si
CSID-reeks = CSID string
CSI-register = CSI register
csk = countersunk
csk = csk
csk scr torx = csk scr torx
CSO = Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
CSRF-aanvallen = CSRF attacks
CSSR (Central Server for Statistical Reporting) = CSSR (Central Server for Statistical Reporting)
CSS-selectie = CSS selector
C-strip = C-bracket
CSU = Commissioning and start up
CSWSR = CSWSR (the Walloon High Council for Road Safety)
CT = Creative Twinning
CT = Chemical Engineering
CT = crisis management team
CT = computed tomography (CT)
CT 1+ = CT 1+
CT scan = CT scan
CT-0 apparatuur = CT-0 equipment
CT-1 apparatuur = CT-1 equipment
CT-2 apparatuur = CT-2 equipment
CTA = Call to action (CTA)
Ctac = Ctac
CTG-apparaat = cardiotocograph
CTIT = Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
CTLD = Center for Transboundary Legal Development
CTM = chemistry transport models
CTM = Clinical Trial Materials
CTO = Chief Technology Officer
CT-project = CT project
Ctrl = CTRL
CTRL-C = Ctrl+C
Ctrl-toets = Control key
Ctrl-toets = CTRL key
CTRL-V = Ctrl+V
CTS Twente BV = CTS Twente B.V.
CTVET = Continuing TVET
Cu = Cu
CU = CU (= close-up)
"Cu, blank" = "Cu, bare"
"Cu, vertind" = "Cu, tinned"
Cu/CuNi44 = Cu/CuNi44
Cuba = Cuba
Cuba (land) = Cuba
Cuba {het} = Cuba
Cubaan = Cuban
Cubaans = Cuban
Cubaanse = Cuban
Cu-band = copper strip
Cube = Cube
cubiculum = cubiculum
Cu-dwarsdoorsnede = Cu-cross-section
cue sheet = music cue sheet
Cues = Cues
Cuesta = Bench land
Cuijk = Cuijk
Culemborg = Culemborg
Culinair = Culinary
culinair leven in uw winkel brengen = create a cullinary stir in-store
culinaire omlijsting = culinary experience
culminatie = culmination
culmineren = to culminate
culpoze zaakbeschadiging = damage to property caused by negligence
Cult = Cult
cultivars = cultivars
Cultivator = Grower
Cultivator = Cultivator
cultiveert = cultivates
cultiveren = manure
cultural change = cultural change
Cultural Foundation Building = Cultural Foundation Building
cultural turn = cultural turn
Culture = Culture
cultureel = cultural
cultureel bepaald = culturally determined
cultureel centrum = cultural centre
Cultureel en linguistisch verschillend (CALD) = Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
Cultureel erfgoed = Patrimony
Cultureel erfgoed = Assets
cultureel erfgoed = cultural heritage
Cultureel geschikte maaltijden = Meals - culturally appropriate meals
Cultureel planoloog = Cultural planner
cultureel pluralisme = cultural pluralism
cultureel verschil = cultural difference
culturele = cultural
culturele activiteiten = cultural activities
Culturele antropologie = Ethnology
culturele aspect = cultural aspect
culturele betrekking = cultural relations
culturele beweging = cultural movement
culturele emancipatie = cultural emancipation
Culturele empathie = Cultural empathy
Culturele en creatieve sectoren = cultural and creative sectors
Culturele factoren = Cultural factors
culturele gemeenschap = cultural community
culturele geografie = cultural geography
culturele identiteit = cultural identity
culturele instellingen = cultural institutions
culturele manifestatie = cultural event
culturele of sportieve evenementen = cultural or sporting events
culturele ontwikkeling = cultural development
culturele organisatie = cultural organisation
culturele organisaties = cultural organisations
culturele prijs = cultural prize
Culturele redelijkheid = Cultural reasonableness
Culturele Revolutie = Cultural Revolution
culturele rijkdom = cultural wealth
culturele samenwerking = cultural cooperation
culturele sector = cultural sector
culturele serviceprovider = cultural service provider
culturele uitsluiting = cultural exception
culturele veld = cultural field
culturele verandering = cultural change
culturele verandering = change of culture
culturele verandering = culture change
culturele verscheidenheid = cultural pluralism
Culturele verschillen = Cultural differences
culturele voorziening = cultural facility
culturelel goederen = cultural goods
culturen = cultures
Cultures = Cultures
Cultures = Arable farming
Cultures = Land under cultivation
Cultures = Crops
Cultus = Worship
cultus = cult
Cultus = Service
Cultuur = Cultivation
cultuur = culture
cultuur- & erfgoedbeleidsplan = cultural and heritage policy plan
Cultuur en Maatschappij (profiel VWO) = Culture and Society
cultuur van billijkheid = Just culture
cultuur van samenwerken = culture of collaboration
"cultuur, in" = "cultivation, under"
"Cultuur, organisatie en management" = "Culture, Organization and Management (COM)"
"cultuur, primair proces, beheersorganisatie en stakeholderdialoog" = "culture, primary process, management and control environment, and stakeho"
"Cultuur-, sport- en recreatiediensten" = "Recreational, cultural and sporting services"
cultuurbeeld = view on culture
cultuurbeeld = culture concept
cultuurbegrip = culture concept
cultuurbeleid = cultural policy
cultuurbewaker = Actively involved in building and maintaining company culture
cultuurbos = forest plantation
Cultuurfilosofie van de techniek = Cultural Philosophy of Technology
cultuurgeschiedenis = cultural history
cultuurgoed = cultural object
cultuurhistorisch = cultural-historical
cultuurhistorisch belang = cultural importance
cultuurhistorisch belang = cultural relevance
cultuurhistorisch belang = historical and cultural interest
cultuurhistorisch belang = historical and cultural value
cultuurindicator = cultural indicator
cultuurindustrie = culture industry
cultuurlandschap = cultural landscape
cultuurlandschap = man-made / cultural landscape
cultuuromslag = change of culture
cultuuronderzoek = investigation of our culture
cultuurparticipatie = cultural participation
cultuurplant = cultivated plant
cultuurrelativisme = cultural relativism
cultuurscan = culture assessment
cultuurschok = culture shock
cultuursector = cultural sector
cultuurslaplanten = cultivated lettuce plants
Cultuurstad Vlaanderen = ‘Cultuurstad Vlaanderen’ (‘Flemish Cultural City’)
cultuurtechniek = hydraulic engineering concerning the reclamation and improvement of agric
cultuurverandering en user adoption = culture change and user adoption
cultuurverschillen = cultural differences
cum annexis = with appendices
cum annexis = with appurtenances
cum laude = cum laude/with distinction/with credit/with honours
cum laude = cum laude
cum laude = with distinction
cum laude = with distinction / cum laude
cum suis = et al.
Cumbria = Cumbria
Cumela = Cumela
cummulatieve = cumulative
cumul = accumulation
Cumul. percentages doorval = Cumulative percentages pass through
cumulant = cumulant
cumulant-genererende functie = cumulant generating function
cumulatie = cumulation
cumulatie = cumulative effect
"cumulatie met Noorwegen, Turkije of Zwitserland" = "cumulation with Norway, Switzerland or Turkey"
cumulatie van ambten = multiple office holding
cumulatie van beroepsactiviteiten = cumulation of professional activities
cumulatie van inkomsten = overlapping of income
cumulatief = cumulative
Cumulatief bereik = Cumulative reach
cumulatief een overzicht = cumulative overview
cumulatief frequentiediagram = cumulative frequency curve
cumulatief frequentiediagram = ogive
cumulatief opgebouwde vertragingsrente = cumulatively accrued default interest
cumulatief preferent aandeel = cumulative preference share
Cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = Cumulative preferred share capital
cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = cumulative preferred sharecapital
cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = cumulative stock
Cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = Cumulative preferred stock
cumulatief preferent dividend = cumulative preferantial dividend
cumulatief preferent dividend = scrip dividend
cumulatief preferent dividend = share dividend
cumulatief preferent winstdelend aandeel = cumulative preference profit-sharing share
Cumulatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preference shares
cumulatief preferente aandelen = cumulative preference shares
cumulatief proces = cumulative process
cumulatief risico = cumulative hazard
cumulatief risico = cumulative risk
cumulatief systeem = cumulative system
cumulatief te berekenen = to be calculated cumulatively
cumulatief te berekenen over = to be calculated cumulatively over
cumulatieve afschrijvingen = accumulated depreciation
Cumulatieve bezitsgraad = Cumulative possession ratio
cumulatieve chi-kwadraatgrootheid = cumulative chi-squared statistic
cumulatieve cijfers = year to date
cumulatieve deviatie = accumulated deviation
cumulatieve doorlooptijd = cumulative lead time
cumulatieve fabricagedoorlooptijd = cumulative manufacturing lead time
cumulatieve fout = cumulative error
cumulatieve frequentie = cumulative frequency
cumulatieve frequentiekromme = cumulative frequency curve
cumulatieve frequentiekromme = ogive
Cumulatieve frequentiepolygoon = Cumulative frequency polygon
Cumulatieve frequentieverdeling = Cumulative frequency distribution
Cumulatieve kansverdeling = Cumulative distribution probability
cumulatieve kansverdelingsfunctie = cumulative distribution probability function
cumulatieve koersverschillenvoorziening = cumulative exchange adjustment
cumulatieve koersverschillenvoorziening = unreadable
cumulatieve MRP = cumulative MRP
cumulatieve ontvangsten = cumulative receipts
Cumulatieve penetratiegraad = Cumulative penetration ratio
cumulatieve somtest = cumulative sum test: CUSUM
cumulatieve verdelingsfunctie = cumulative distribution function
cumulatieve voorwaarden = cumulative conditions
cumulatieve weerslag = cumulative incidence
cumulatieven van het vakantiegeld = accumulated holiday pay
cumuleerbare strafsommen = cumulative penalties
cumuleren = accumulate
cumuleren van opbrengstverliezen = cascading yield loss
cumuleren van pensioenen = cumulative pension entitlement
Cumulonimbus = Cumulonimbus
Cumultatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preferred shares
Cumultatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preferred stock
Cumulus = Cumulus cloud
Cumulus = Cumulus
cumulus {de} = cumulus (cloud)
cunet = cunette
cunet = trench
Cunnilingus = Cunnilinctus
Cunnilingus = Cunnilingus
Cup = Cut
cup = goblet
Cupid = Cupid
Cupido = Cupid
Cupido {de} = Cupid
cupmolen = cups
cup-molentje = cup-type current meter
Cupressus = Cypress
"CUR, Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering" = the Civil Engineering Centre for Execution of Research and Regulation (CU
Curacao = Curaçao
Curaçao = Curaçao
curaçao {de} = curaçao
Curaçaoënaar {de} = native of Curaçao
Curaçaoër {de} = native of Curaçao
Curaçaose {de} = female native of Curaçao
curanal zalf = Curanal Balsam
Curariseren = Curarize
curateleregister = guardianship register
Curatief = Curative
curatief en / of preventief = curative and/or preventative
curatief onderhoud = curative maintenance
curatieve behandeling = curative treatment
curator = trustee
curator = curator
curator = guardian
curator = "trustee (US, bankruptcy)"
curator = "insolvency practitioner (UK, bij faillissement)"
curator (bewindvoerder) = (official) receiver
curator (bewindvoerder) = receiver
curator (bewindvoerder) = trustee
curator of de bewindvoerder = trustee or receiver
"curator, beslagleggende deurwaarder, bewindvoerder" = "insolvency practitioner, attaching bailiff, administrator"
curatorium = curatorial panel
curators = curators
curatorschap = receivership
curculair = (pan)circular
Curcuma longa = Turmeric
curcumine = curcumin
Cure = Cure
cureren = care for
Cureren = Recover
Curettage = Curettage
Curia Julia = Curia
curiculum = curriculum
curie = curie
Curie = Curia
Curieus = Quaint
curieus = curious
curiositeit = curiosity
Curitiba = Curitiba
curium = curium
curling = curling
Curling (sport) = Curling
Curpas = CURPAS (German association focusing on unmanned aerial systems)
current = current
current = current
Current = Current
Current Products = Current Products
Current ratio = Current ratio
curricula = curriculums
curricula = curricula
curricula vitae = CVs
curriculum = curriculum
curriculum / course of study / programme of study / educational programme = onderwijsprogramma
curriculum opbouw = curriculum development
curriculum van een opleiding = curriculum of a programme
curriculum vitae = curriculum vitae
curriculum vitae = "curriculum vitae, CV"
curriculum vitae = curriculum vitae
curriculum vitae = "curriculum vitae, CV (resumé = Am)"
"curriculum vitae {n}, levensloop" = curriculum vitae
"curriculum, pedagogiek en de didactiek" = "curriculum, pedagogy and didactics"
curriculumhervorming = curriculum reform
curriculumherziening = curriculum review
Curriculumtechnologie = Curriculum Technology
curriculumvernieuwing = curriculum revision
curry {de} = curry
currykleurig = curry
curses = curses
curseur = ring traveller
Cursief = Italics
cursief = in italics
cursief = italic
cursist = course participant
cursist = student
cursist volwassenenonderwijs = adult learner
cursisten = course participants
cursiveren = italicize
cursor = cursor
cursor dag = cursor day
cursor datum = cursor date
cursor filter = cursor filter
cursor jaar = cursor year
cursor jaar+ = cursor year+
cursor maand = cursor month
cursor maand+ = cursor month+
cursor periode = cursor period
cursor week = cursor week
cursorisch onderwijs = cursory education
cursus = course [Osiris]
Cursus = Current
Cursus = training course
cursus = course / module / subject
cursus = class
Cursus = Tuition
cursus = short course
Cursus = Quotation
cursus = course
cursus {de} = class
cursus hoger onderwijs = higher education course
cursus voor gevorderden = advanced course
cursusaanbod = available courses
cursusaanbod = available courses / modules / subjects
Cursusbeschrijving = Course description
cursusboek = textbook
cursusboek = coursebook
Cursuscode = Course code
cursusdag = training day
cursusdatum = course date
cursusduur = course duration
cursusduur (van de hele opleiding) = length of a degree programme
cursusduur (van een losse cursus) = course duration
cursusgeld = course fee
cursus-gerelateerde zaken = course-related issues
Cursushandleiding = Course guide
cursusinformatie = course information
cursusjaar = academic year
cursuslokaal = classroom
Cursusmateriaal = Course material
cursusmateriaal = course materials
cursusontwikkeling = course development
cursusplanner = Course Planner
cursusprogramma = course programme
cursussen = courses
cursussen = training courses
cursussen en voorlichting = courses and information
cursussen per correspondentie = correspondence courses
cursustijd = course time
cursustype = course type [Osiris]
Curv = Curv
curv = curv
curve = 1. (grafische voorstelling ook) graph
curve = "2. (kromme, kromming) curve"
curve = bend
Curve = Curve
curve = characteristic curve
curve = control curve
curve fitten = curve fitting
curve of equidetectability = curve of equidetectability
Curve Offset = Curve Offset
curve van bedrijfskarakteristieken = operating characteristic curve (OC curve)
curve voor de bladbelasting = blade load curve
"curve, kromming, bocht (road)" = curve (gentle bend)
curved exponential family = curved exponential family
curved washer = curved washer
curvedekkend = covers the entire performance curve
curve-fitting = curve fitting
curve-fitting techniek = curve-fitting technique
curve-fitting technieken = curve-fitting techniques
Curvenvorm bij RCD/FI-test = Curve shape at RCD/FI testing
curves = curves
curvevolger = curve follower
curvimeter = opisometer
CuSn = CuSn
CuSn8Ni = CuSn8Ni
Custardpoeder = Custard powder
custom image = custom image
Custom patch policies op aanvraag = Custom patch policies on request
customer account management-teams = customer account management teams
Customer Affairs Office = Customer Affairs Office
Customer Approval Report = Customer Approval Report
customer asset = customer asset
Customer Care = Customer Care
Customer Contact Center Eventim = Eventim Customer Contact Centre
Customer Desk = Customer Desk
Customer drivers = Customer drivers
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) = CDD
customer engagement platform = customer engagement platform
customer engagement platformen = customer engagement platforms
Customer Experience Improvement Program = Customer Experience Improvement Program
Customer Experience Platform = Customer Experience Platform
Customer feedback = Customer feedback
customer journey = customer journey
customer lifetime value = customer lifetime value
Customer Needs = Customer Needs
Customer Product Training = Customer Product Training
Customer Relationship Management = Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management = CRM
Customer Relationship Management = Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management = customer relationship management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) = Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer relationship quality = Customer relationship quality
customer service = customer service
Customer Service automatisering = Customer service automation
Customer Service Center = Customer Service Center
Customer Service Centre = Customer Service Centre
Customer Service Desk = CSD
Customer Service Desk = Customer Service Desk
Customer Service Director = Customer Service Director
Customer Service Employee = Customer Service Employee
customer service manager = customer service manager
customer service managers = customer service managers
customer service medewerker = customer service representative
Customer Story = Customer Story
Customer Success Manager = Customer Success Manager
customer support = customer support
Customer Support = Customer Support
Customer Support Center = Customer Support Center
Customer Trial = Customer Trial
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism = CT-PAT
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism = Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
cusum = cumulative sum chart
CUSUM-procedures = CUSUM procedures
cut pile = cut-pile
Cut Wijd profiel = cut wide profile
"Cut, Colour, Clarity en Carat" = "Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat"
Cutaan = Cutaneous
Cutable = Cuttable
Cuticula = Cuticle
cut-in windspeed = cut-in wind speed
cutis anserina hebben = to get  goosebumps/goose pimples
cut-off = cut-off
Cutomer Services Portal = Customer Services Portal
cutter = fabric cutting machine
cuttermes = utility knife
cutterzuiger = cuttersuction dredger
Cutting Ring = Cutting Ring
cutting room = cutting room
cuvettentest = cuvette tests
Cuzco (stad) = Cusco
CuZn = CuZn
CV = cooperative society
CV = limited partnership
CV = central heating system
cv = CV
CV = boiler
cv- en luchtbehandelingsapparatuurinstallatiebedrijff = Central heating and air handling contractors
CV installatie = central heating system
CV instellingen = central-heating settings
CV water = central-heating water
CV water temperatuur = central-heating water temperature
CV(E)T = Continuing vocational (education and) training
"cv, sollicitatiebrief of vacature" = "resume, job application letter or job posting"
CV’s = CVs
CVA = partnership limited by shares
CVA = cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
CVA = stroke
CVA = Graduation Support Committee (CVA)
CvA = Committee of Tendering Experts (Commissie van Aanbestedingsexperts: CvA)
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = defence
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = SoD
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = statement of defence
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = Statement of Defence
CV-aansluiting = central heating connection
CvB = Executive Board (College van Bestuur)
CvB = Executive Board (OR: Board of Governors)
CvB = EB
CvB = Executive Board
CVBA = Cooperative Company with Limited Liability (CVBA/SCRL)
CVBA = Coöperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid (Cooperative Co
CVBA = cooperative society with limited liability (coöperatieve vennootschap me
cvba = [limited liability cooperative]
CvBHO = Higher Education Appeals Tribunal
CV-circuit = central heating circuit
CV-circuit = boiler circuit
CVD = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
CVD gestuwd = CVP congested
CVD-beleid = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policy
CVD-beleid = CVD policy
CVD-proces = CVD process
CVDs = Cisco Validated Design
C-verfraaiier = C beautifier: cb
CVI = "Commission on Critical Infrastructure (Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur, C"
CV-installatie = central heating system
cv-ketel = central heating boiler
CV-ketels = boiler
CV-ketels = boilers
CV-ketels = central-heating boiler
CV-ketels = central-heating boilers
cv-ketels = central heating boiler
cvm = Cooperation and Verification Mechanism
CVO = "Addiction Research Centre (Centrum voor Verslavingsonderzoek, CVO)"
CVO = "Centre for Vocational Training (Centrum Vakopleiding, CVO)"
CVO (Consortium voor Valorisatie en = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship Ondernemerschap)
CVO (Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap) = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship)
CVOA = Cooperative company with unlimited liability (CVOA/SCRI)
C-vorm = C-shape
C-vormig = C-shaped
C-vormige = C-shaped
C-vormige profiel = C-shaped profile
C-vormige profielen = C-shaped profiles
CVO-VU = Center for Research on Aging
cvr = statement of reply
CVR-data = CVR-data
CVsA = Center for Liability Law
CVsB = "Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University"
CVsK = Centre for Knowledge Transfer
CVsP = Center for Legal Procedure Litigation
CVsP = Doctorate Board
CVsW = Center for Legislative Studies
CvTA = Dutch Supervisory Authority for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Collect
CV-warmtewisselaar = Heat exchanger for heating
CV-water = boiler water
CVZ = Healthcare Insurance Board
CVZ = "Healthcare Insurance Board (College voor Zorgverzekeringen, CVZ)"
CVZ = Healthcare Insurance Board (CVZ)
CWI = Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
CWI = Academic Integrity Committee (Commissie Wetenschappelijke Integriteit –
CWI = Centre for Work and Income
CWL = Centre for Science and Values
Cx&Q = Applied Risk Management for Commissioning and Qualification
Cx&Q proces = Cx&Q process
CXB (CAN eXtension Box) = CXB (CAN eXtension Box)
"CXB (CAN eXtension Box) Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = CXB (CAN eXtension Box) Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
Cyaan = Cyan
cyaan = cyanogen
"cyaan, appelblauwzeegroen" = cyan (a colour between blue and green)
cyaanbad = cyanide bath
cyaanchloride = cyan chloride
cyaanijzerblauw = Prussian blue
cyaankali = potassium cyanide
Cyaankali = Cyanide
cyaankalisch vercadmiummen = cyanide cadmium plating
cyaankalisch vergulden = cyanide gold plating
cyaankalisch verkoperen = alkaline copper plating
cyaankalisch verkoperen = cyanide copper plating
cyaankalisch verzilveren = cyanide solver plating
cyaankalisch verzinken = cyanide zinc plating
cyaanwaterstofzuur = hydrocyanic acid
cyanaat = cyanate
Cyanaten = Cyanates
Cyanazine = Cyanazine
cyanide = cyanide
Cyanide (chloorafbreekbaar) = Cyanide (can be decomposed with chlorine)
Cyanide (complex pH<5) = Cyanide (complex pH<5)
Cyanide (complex pH>=5) = Cyanide (complex pH>=5)
Cyanide (som vrije en niet-chlooroxyde = cyanide (total free and not oxidised by chlorine)
Cyanide (totaal) = Cyanide (total)
Cyanide (vrij) = Cyanide (free)
cyanide {het} = cyanide
"Cyanide, cyanideoxide, fulminaten, cyanaten, silicaten" = "Cyanide, cyanide oxide, fulminates, cyanates, silicates, borates, perbora"
Cyaniden = Cyanides
Cyanideoxide = Cyanide oxide
Cyanofenfos = Cyanofenfos
Cyanose = Cyanosis
Cybebe = Cybele
Cybele = Cybele
Cyber Physical Systems = Cyber Physical Systems
cyber resilient = cyber resilient
cyber secure = cyber secure
Cyber Security Act = Cyber Security Act (CSA)
Cyber Security Agenda = Dutch Cyber Security Agenda
Cyber Security Beeld Nederland = Netherlands Cyber ​​Security Assessment (Cyber Security Beeld Nederla
Cyber Security Strategie = Cyber Security Strategy
Cyber Strategie = Cyber Strategy
cyberaanvallen = cyber attacks
Cybercafé-diensten = Cybercafé services
cybercapaciteit = cyber capacity
cybercrime = cybercrime
cybercrimezaken = cybercrime cases
cyberdomein = cyber domain
cyberdreiging = Cyber threats
cyberdreigingen = cyber threats
cyberhygiëne = cyber hygiene
Cybernetica = Cybernetic
cybernetica = cybernetics
"cybernetica, cybernetika, stuurkunde" = cybernetics (science of communication and control)
"cybernetisch, stuurkundig" = cybernetic {adj} (relating to the mathematical study of control)
cyberpesten = cyberbullying
Cyber-Physical Systems = Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyberpunk = Cyberpunk
cybersecurity = cybersecurity
cybersecurity en platforms = cyber security and platforms
cybersecurity kennisontwikkeling = cyber security knowledge development
cybersecurity- specialisten = cyber security specialists
"cybersecurity, veilige apparatuur, data integriteit en privacy" = "cybersecurity, secure equipment, data integrity and privacy"
cybersecurity-onderzoek = cyber security research
Cybersecurityproducten = Cyber security products
Cybersecurityproducten en –diensten = Cyber security products and services
cybersecurity-specialisten = cyber security specialists
Cybersex = Cybersex
cyberspace = cyberspace
cyberterrorisme = cyberterrorism
cyberweerbaarheid = cyber resilience
cyborg = cyborg
Cyclaam = Cyclamen
Cycladen = Cyclades
cyclamaat = cyclamates
cyclame = cyclamen
cyclamen = cyclamen
cycli = cycles
cycli per seconde = cycles per second: cps
cyclic olefin copolymeer = cyclic olefin copolymer
Cyclisch = Cyclic
cyclisch = cyclical
cyclisch drietal = circular triads
cyclisch effect = cyclic effects
Cyclisch gedrag = Cyclical behaviour
cyclisch gerangschikte reeks = cyclic series
cyclisch interpretatieve stap = cyclical interpretative step
cyclisch koolwaterstof = cyclic  hydrocarbon
cyclisch model = cyclic model
cyclisch proces = cyclical process
cyclische = cyclic
cyclische = The progress of the innovation process (cyclic presentation)
cyclische analyseproces = cyclical analytical process
cyclische autocorrelatiecoëfficiënt = circular serial correlation coefficient
Cyclische bedrijfstakken = Cyclical branches of industry
cyclische belasting = cyclic loads
Cyclische beproeving / duurzaamheids beproeving = Cycle testing
Cyclische fluctuaties = Cyclical fluctuations
cyclische planning = cycle planning
cyclische proefopzet = cyclic design
cyclische proefopzet met onvolledige blokken van John = John's cyclic incomplete block designs
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclic redundancy check: CRC
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclic redundancy check
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclical redundancy check
cyclische toets voor indexcijfers van Fisher = circular test
cyclische verbindingen = cyclics
cyclische vervorming = cyclic distortion
cyclische verwisseling = cyclical change
Cyclische verzadigde koolwaterstoffen = Saturated cyclic hydrocarbons
cyclische vochtproef = cyclic humidity test
cyclische volgorde = cyclic order
cyclische zoekprocedure = cyclic search
cyclische-reeksformule = circular formula
cyclisch-uniforme verdeling = circular uniform distribution
cyclish guanosine-monofosfaat = cyclic  guanosine monophosphate
cyclish guanosine-monofosfaat = C-GMP
"cyclo- (only used in compounds: cyclo-sport), rijwiel (usually a bicycle)" = cycle (vehicle)
Cycloaat = Cycloate
cycloalifatische = cycloaliphatic
cycloalifatische koolwaterstof = alicyclic hydrocarbon
cyclocondensatie = cyclocondensation
cyclograaf = cyclograph
Cyclohexaan = Cyclohexane
cyclohexaan = cyclohexane
cyclohexaaneenheid = cyclohexane unit
Cyclohexanol = Cyclohexanol
Cyclohexanon = Cyclohexanone
cyclohexanon = cyclohexanone
cyclomethicon = cyclomethicone
cyclonen = cyclone filters
Cyclon-stofzuiger = Cyclone cleaner
cycloon = cyclone
cycloon {de} = hurricane
cycloon {de} = cyclone
cycloonluchtfilter = cyclone air cleaner
Cycloop = Cyclops
Cycloop = Cyclop
cyclopensteen = cyclopean stone
cyclopisch = Cyclopean / Cyclopian
cyclopisch (bouwkunde) = Cyclopean / Cyclopian
Cycloplegie = Cycloplegia
Cyclops = Cyclop
Cyclosportief = Cyclo(sportive) race?
cyclus = cycle
cyclus = cycle
cyclus = cycle
cyclus (hier) = undergraduate 3-year cycle (see explanation)
Cyclus in meerdere richtingen = Multidirectional Cycle
cyclus segment = cycle segment
Cyclus tijd = Cycle time
cyclus van een kruispuntregeling = intersection signal cycle
cyclus van Human Capital-beheer = human capital management cycle
cyclus veld = cycle field
Cyclus vitale infrastructuur = Critical infrastructure cycle
cyclus voor learning en development = learning and development cycle
cyclusbegindatum = cycle start date
cyclusdefinitie = cycle definition
cyclusdiagram = cycle diagram
cyclusduur = cycle time
cycluseinddatum = cycle end date
cyclusinstantie = cycle instance
Cyclusmanagement = Cycle management
Cyclusmatrix = Cycle Matrix
cyclusproductie = cyclical production
Cyclusprogramma = Cycle program
Cyclusstap = Cycle step
Cyclusteller = Cycle counter
cyclusteller = cycle counter
cyclustijd = cycle time
cyclustijd en groentijdverdeling = cycle time and green time distribution
cyclusvoorraad = cycle stock
Cyfluthrin = Cyfluthrin
Cyfluthrin-1 = Cyfluthrin-1
Cyfluthrin-2 = Cyfluthrin-2
Cyfluthrin-3 = Cyfluthrin-3
Cygnus = Swan
Cyhalothrin = Cyhalothrin
Cyhalothrin (lambda-) = Cyhalothrin (lambda-)
cylinder = cylinder
Cylinder bracket = Cylinder bracket
Cylindrisch = Cylindrical raised
cylindrisch draaibare proefopzet = cylindrically rotable design
cyma / cymatium = cyma
cyma reversa = cyma reversa
cynisch = cynical
Cynisch = Cynic
Cynisme = Shamelessness
Cynisme = Cynicism
Cypergrassenfamilie = Cyperaceae
Cypermethrin = Cypermethrin
"Cypermethrin (som B, C + D)" = "Cypermethrin (total B, C + D)"
Cypermethrins (som) = Cypermethrins (total)
Cypres = Cypress
Cyprioot = Cypriot
Cypriotisch = Cypriot
Cypriotische = Cyprian woman
cyproheptadine = cyproheptadine
Cyprus = Cyprus
Cyprus {het} = Cyprus
cyrillisch = Cyrillic
Cyrillisch alfabet = Cyrillic alphabet
Cyrillisch alphabet = Cyrillic alphabet
Cyrix = Cyrix
Cyrus II = Cyrus the Great
Cyste = Cyst
cyste = painless  hard tumor
cyste?ne = l-cysteine
Cysteïne = Cysteine
cystenaaltje = potato root eelworm
cyste�ne = l-cysteine
cystine = l-cystine
cystische hyperplasie van een klier = glandularcystic hyperplasia
Cystitis = Cystitis
cystitis fibrinosa = fibrinous cystitis
cystoscoop afzuiger = lithotriptor
Cystoscopie = Cystoscopy
Cytochroom = Cytochrome
cytogenetica van de mens = human cytogenetics
cytogenetische beenmerg-test in vivo = in vivo mammalian bone-marrow-cytogenic test
cytoglobulinische dissociatie = cytoglobulinic  dissociation
cytologie = cytology
cytologie {de} = cytology
Cytomegalovirus = Cytomegalovirus
Cytometers = Cytometers
cytopathologisch effect = cytopathic effect
Cytoplasma = Cytoplasm
cytoplasmatische immunoglobuline = cytoplasmic  immunoglobulin
Cytosine = Cytosine
Cytoskelet = Cytoskeleton
cytostatica = cytostatics
Cytostaticum = Cytostatic
cytotoxiciteit = cytotoxicity
Cytotoxisch = Cytotoxic
cytotrope immunoreactie = cytotropic  immunoreaction
CZ = Self-Regulation Coordination Group [Coördinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsover
CZ = CZ (Dutch health insurance company)
CZV (na filtratie) = COD (after filtration)
D = D
D - Zeer kruimig = D - Very mealy
D (letter) = D
d (mv) / dt = "momentum, rate of change of"
d (mv) / dt = momentum
d e enige aandeelhouder van de vennootschap = the sole shareholder of the company
D t/m G = D to G
D&A = Administration of Customs and Excise
D&B-Contractor = D&B Contractor
D&C = D&C
D&C Geel = D&C Yellow
D&C Rood = D&C Red
D&D = Design & Development
d.d. = dd
d.d. = dated
D.H. Lawrence = D. H. Lawrence
d.i = i.e.
D.J. Anbeek = D.J. Anbeek
D.K.T.P. = "difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus en polio"
d.m.v. = by means of
d.m.v. = through
d.m.v. app = by means of an app
d.m.v. de twee schroeven vast te draaien = by tightening the two screws
d.m.v. enquête = by means of a survey
d.m.v. onderstaand formule = using the following formula
D.o.P. = DoP
d.t.v. = c/o
D.W. Griffith = D. W. Griffith
d.w.z = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e
d.w.z. [[[dat]] wil zeggen] = i.e. {abbr} (that is)
D/A-conversie = digital-to-analog conversion
D/AM 1 = D/AM 1
D/UM-1 = D/UM-1
D0. = D0. EP 2 348 814 B1
D01 = D01
D02 = D02
D03 = D03
D0-schroefadapter = Neozed screw adapter
D0-zekering = Neozed fuse link
D0-zekeringhouder = Neozed fuse base
d1 = d1
d10 = d10
D1R = D1R
D1S = D1S
D2R = D2R
D2S = D2S
D3. = "D3. US 5,009,029"
D3D = D3D
D45 = D45
D66 = D66 (Democrats 66)
d90 = d90
Daad = Action
Daad = Act
Daad = Deed
daad = achievement
daad {de} = act
daad {de} = "deed [act, action]"
daad van dagelijks bestuur = act of day-to-day management
daadkrachtig = decisive
Daadkrachtige executie = Effective execution
daadkrachtige verandering = decisive change
daadwerkelijk = actually
daadwerkelijk = active(ly)
Daadwerkelijk = Actual
daadwerkelijk betrokken zijn bij het onderhoud aan relevante luchtvaartui = involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance
daadwerkelijk bijdraagt aan de organisatiedoelen = effectively contributes to organisational goals
daadwerkelijk en ononderbroken werkzaam = Effective pursuit for an unbroken period
daadwerkelijk en regelmatig werkzaam = Effective and regular pursuit
daadwerkelijk gebruikt = actually used
daadwerkelijk gemaakte kosten voor levensonderhoud = costs of living actually incurred
daadwerkelijk gemaakte uren = actual hours worked
daadwerkelijk gewerkte uren = hours actually worked
daadwerkelijk implementeren = actual implementation
daadwerkelijk met radiotherapie is behandeld = actually treated with radiotherapy
daadwerkelijk onderhouden = actually maintained
daadwerkelijk opgewekte energie = actual energy generated
daadwerkelijk verrichte werkzaamheden = Services actually performed
"daadwerkelijk, schijnbaar of potentieel" = "actual, apparent or potential"
daadwerkelijke = actual
daadwerkelijke aanvraagdatum = actual date of application
daadwerkelijke afstand = actual distance
daadwerkelijke bedrading = actual wiring
daadwerkelijke bouw = actual construction
daadwerkelijke concurrent = actual competitor
daadwerkelijke concurrentie = genuine competition
daadwerkelijke controle ... in een lidstaat = effective control in a Member State
daadwerkelijke ingangsdatum = actual inception date
daadwerkelijke inkomsten = actual revenue
daadwerkelijke inrichting van nijverheid of handel = effective industrial or commercial establishment
daadwerkelijke kostenpercentage = actual expense ratio
daadwerkelijke locaties = actual locations
daadwerkelijke locaties waar de documenten worden opgeslagen = actual locations where the documents are stored
daadwerkelijke metrage v.v.o. van het gehuurde = actual Lettable Floor Area (LFA) of the Leased Space
daadwerkelijke overgang = actual transition
daadwerkelijke tenuitvoerlegging = effective implementation
daadwerkelijke uitgaande kasstroom = actual cash outflow
daadwerkelijke verandering = real change
daadwerkelijke verandering = actual change
daadwerkelijke zeggenschap = effective control
"daadwerkelijke, schijnbare of potentiële" = "actual, apparent or potential"
Daag = Yo !
Daag = Ta-ta !
daags = daily
daalcurve = descent profile
daalde met = fell by
daalde significant = decreased significantly
daalden de huisvestingskosten = accommodation costs declined
daalprofiel = descent profile
daalsnelheden = rate of descent
daalsnelheden = rate of descent
daalsnelheid = rate of descent
daalsnelheid = speed of descent
daalsnelheid = rate of decrease
daalsnelheid = approach speed
daalsnelheid = landing speed
daalsnelheid = fall velocity
daalsnelheid = lowering speed
daalsnelheid = descent rate
daalstroming = downdraft
daalstroom = downdraft
daalt de temperatuur = temperature will drop
Daalt het totale afgevoerde ventilatiedebiet naar = If the total extraction rate falls to
daalvlucht en landing = descent and landing
daar = since
Daar = Y
daar = because
daar = as
daar ... aan = it
daar ... vandaan = from there
daar antwoord ik liever niet op = I’d rather not answer that
daar deze eenvoudig alle vormen van de mal kan aannemen = because it can easily assume all shapes of the mold
Daar dit om een wettelijke eis gaat = Since this is a legal requirement
daar een bestelling plaatsen = place an order there
Daar er verschillende punten open blijven = As several points remain open
daar geen inkomsten uit derft = does not get an income from it
daar gelaten = aside
daar gelet op de bestemming = considering the designated use
daar hebben wij geen bemoeienis mee = we are not concerned with that
Daar het = Because the
daar houden wij het dan ook maar op = Let's leave it at that
Daar komt nog bij = What’s more
Daar komt nog bij = Add to this
daar niet om bekend = not known for
daar niet onder begrepen = not including
daar staan wij voor = that’s our objective
Daar staat tegenover = On the other hand
Daar staat tegenover = However
Daar valt niets anders voor te verzinnen = That\'s the way it is
Daar waar andere normen = Wherever other standards
daar waar de context hier om vraagt = where required by the context
Daar waar het gaat om = Where it concerns
daar waar het werk wordt uitgevoerd = where the work is performed
Daar waar in deze Overeenkomst naar een Voorwaarde wordt verwezen = References to Conditions in this Agreement
"Daar waar in deze Overeenkomst naar een Voorwaarde wordt verwezen, wordt " = References to Conditions in this Agreement are to Conditions in this Agre
Daar waar mogelijk = Where possible
Daar waar mogelijk = Wherever possible
daar waar nodig = where needed
daar waar versleuteling vereist wordt = in situations where encryption is required
daaraan = it
daaraan de hand zullen houden = shall enforce it
daaraan equivalent = equivalent thereto
Daaraan gekoppeld = Linked to that
daaraan gekoppelde = connected thereto
daaraan ten grondslag liggende processen = underlying processes
daaraan vastgehecht = attached thereto
daaraan verbonden voorwaarden = associated conditions
Daaraan zijn relatief hoge kosten verbonden = This involves relatively high costs
daarachter = behind it
Daarbeneden = Lower
daarbeneden = below
Daarbeneden = Underside
daarbeneden = down there
Daarbeneden = Underneath
Daarbeneden = Underlying
Daarbeneden = Downstairs
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = also
Daarbij = In addition
daarbij = [see list]
Daarbij = What’s more
daarbij = near
daarbij = besides
daarbij = also
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = also
daarbij = thereto
daarbij (1) = besides
daarbij (1) = furthermore
daarbij (1) = in addition (to this/that)
daarbij (1) = moreover
daarbij (1) = what is more
daarbij (2) = in doing so
daarbij (2) = in that case/regard
daarbij (2) = with that
Daarbij *geldt dat het aan XXX zou zijn geweest (te bewijzen/aan te tonen = Then *applies that it would have been up to XXX to prove/show that he did
Daarbij aansluitend = Subsequently
daarbij afgegeven = issued on that occasion
daarbij behorende = associated
daarbij behorende = related
daarbij behorende documenten = associated documents
daarbij behorende maatregelen = associated measures
daarbij behorende producten = associated products
daarbij behorende rechtsverhouding = associated legal relationship
daarbij bekomende = thereby obtaining
Daarbij dient wel te worden aangetekend = "It should be noted, however"
daarbij een redelijke termijn stellende = allowing the latter a reasonable period
daarbij een redelijke termijn stellende ter zuivering van de tekortkoming = allowing the latter a reasonable period to remedy any failure in the perf
Daarbij gaat het om = This involves
Daarbij geldt dat het aan XXX zou zijn geweest (te bewijzen/aan te tonen) = Then applies that it would have been up to XXX to prove/show that he did
Daarbij hoort = This includes
daarbij horende documentatie = associated documentation
daarbij inbegrepen = including
Daarbij kan gedacht worden aan = This could include
Daarbij kan het gaan = This may involve
Daarbij kan men positieve impulsen vanuit markt en maatschappij goed gebr = Positive signs from the market and society would no doubt add momentum to
Daarbij kan worden gedacht aan = This could include
Daarbij moet er ook op gelet worden = Care must also be taken
Daarbij moet opgemerkt worden = "In addition, it should be noted"
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = Account should be taken here of
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = Consideration must then be given to
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = It is important to bear in mind the
daarbij rekening houden met cultuur verschillen = while taking cultural differences into account
daarbij speelt nog in het bijzonder dat = it is also significant here that
Daarbij spelen grosso modo dezelfde overwegingen een rol = "Broadly speaking, the same considerations play a role"
Daarbij wordt opgemerkt = It should be noted
daarbinnen = within
daarbinnen = inside
daarboven = above
daarboven gelegen = superjacent
Daarbuiten = External
Daarbuiten = Outward
Daarbuiten = Outlying
Daarbuiten = Beside
Daarbuiten = Out
Daarbuiten = Quite apart from
Daarbuiten = Outside
Daarbuiten = Outer
Daarbuiten = Apart from that
Daarbuiten = Outdoors
Daarbuiten = Out of doors
Daarbuiten = Off
Daarbuiten = Exterior
daarbuiten = abroad
daardoor = thus
daardoor = thereby
daardoor = as a result
daardoor = therefore
daardoor = on that account
Daardoor beschikken we over een = "Consequently, we have a"
"Daardoor bevinden ze zich alleen in de vrije ruimte boven de vloeistof, e" = "As a result, they are located only in the free space above the liquid and"
daardoor gekenmerkt dat = characterised in that
daardoor gekenmerkt dat de één of meer = characterised in that the one or more
daardoor gekenmerkt dat genoemde = characterised in that said
Daardoor kan een = This allows a
Daardoor ontstaat er samenwerking = This will engender cooperation
daardoor verkrijgende = thereby obtaining
Daardoor wordt de efficiëntie verhoogd = This increases efficiency
daarenboven = also
Daarenboven = In addition
daarenboven = and also
daarenboven = besides
daarenboven = furthermore
daarenboven = in addition (to this/that)
daarenboven = moreover
daarenboven = over and above this/that
daarenboven = what is more
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals ?eerste?, ?tweede?, ?derde?, en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ?first?, ?second?, ?third?, and the like are u"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals “eerste”, “tweede”, “derde”, " = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals “eerste”, “tweede”, “derde”, " = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals éeersteé, étweedeé, éderdeé, en der" = "In addition, terms such as éfirsté, ésecondé, éthirdé, and the like"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals �eerste�, �tweede�, �derde�, " = "In addition, terms such as �first�, �second�, �third�, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals �eerste�, �tweede�, �derde�, " = "In addition, terms such as �first�, �second�, �third�, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals 'eerste', 'tweede', 'derde', en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals 'eerste', 'tweede', 'derde', en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
daarentegen = on the other hand
daarentegen = however
daarentegen = on the contrary
daarentegen = all the time
Daarentegen = Conversely
Daarginds = Back there
Daarginds = Way down
Daarginds = Out there
Daarginds = Yon
daarginds = over there
Daarginds = Yonder
daarheen = thither
daarheen = that way
daarin = therein
daarin = in that
daarin = in this/that context
daarin = in it
daarin = in there
daarin = in those
daarin = therein (verouderd)
daarin aangebrachte = arranged therein
daarin aanwezige lucht = air contained therein
daarin gemonteerde = mounted therein
daarin ingrijpen = engage therein
daarlangs = lengthwise
daarmede = with that
daarmede = thereby
daarmee = thereby
daarmee = with that
Daarmee = Thus
daarmee = that
daarmee = therewith
daarmee = this/that
daarmee = with/by that/it/those
Daarmee bieden wij u = This enables us to offer you
daarmee gepaard gaande = attendant
Daarmee kunnen zij = This allows them to
daarmee samenhangende = associated
daarmee samenhangende = associated with it
daarmee samenhangende = connected therewith
daarmee samenhangende = connected with this
daarmee samenhangende = linked to this
daarmee samenhangende = relating to it
daarmee samenhangende = which is linked to
daarmee samenhangende betalingsverplichtingen = any payment obligations associated therewith
daarmee uit = that's that
daarmee verband houdend = related
daarmee verband houdende = related
daarmee verband houdende activiteiten = related operations
daarmee verbonden onderneming = and its business activity
daarmee verbonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek = related scientific research
daarmeegelijkgesteldeeenheden = similar organizations
Daarna = After that
daarna = afterwards
daarna = after
daarna = next
daarna = subsequently
Daarna beginnen we aan de implementatie op een lean of agile manier = We then begin implementing the system in a Lean and Agile manner
daarna jaarlijks = thereafter annually
daarna komend = subsequent
Daarna surft de niet-gebruiker naar = The non-user then goes to
Daarna volgt het gesprek = You will then be interviewed
Daarna volgt het rollenspel = This will be followed by the role-play
Daarna wordt ingegaan op = This is followed by a discussion of
"daarna, onder nummer" = "thereafter, under number"
Daarnaast = In addition to this
Daarnaast = In addition
Daarnaast = "In addition,"
Daarnaast = Moreover
daarnaast = furthermore
Daarnaast = Besides
daarnaast = nearby
daarnaast = additionaly
daarnaast = additionally
daarnaast = besides (this/that)
daarnaast = in addition (to this/that)
Daarnaast heeft de groep haar capabilities uitgebreid op het vlak van = "In addition, the group has expanded its capabilities in the areas of"
Daarnaast heeft het invoeren van een conflictvrije VRI ook een effect op  = The introduction of a protected left turn has it’s implications on the
Daarnaast is er een = "In addition, there is a"
Daarnaast moet het ook mogelijk zijn = "In addition, it must also be possible to"
Daarnaast worden verschillende diensten aangeboden = "In addition, various services are offered"
Daarnet = Shortly
Daarnet = Soon
Daarom = However
daarom = therefore
daarom = on that account
daarom = for that reason
daarom = hence
Daarom een dringend advies = We therefore urge that you note the following
Daarom een toelichting vanuit = has therefore provided a number of explanatory notes
Daarom investeren wij in kennis = That’s why we invest in knowledge
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking �een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking �een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
Daarom maken we gebruik van = That’s why we make use of
Daarom omvat de werkwijze in een verdere uitvoeringsvorm = "Therefore, in a further embodiment, the method further comprises"
Daarom omvat de werkwijze van de onderhavige uitvinding bij voorkeur = "Therefore, preferably the method of the present invention comprises"
daarom tezamen behandeld = are therefore treated together
Daarom zijn we ertoe gekomen = This led us to
"daarom, bijgevolg [formal], daardoor [beginning of sentence], waardoor [n" = by consequence)
"daarom, bijgevolg [formal], daardoor [beginning of sentence], waardoor [n" = therefore {adv} (consequently
"daarom, vandaar, bijgevolg" = hence
Daaromheen = Around
daaromheen = roundabout
daaronder = below
daaronder begrepen = including
daaronder begrepen relaties en personeel van de Onderneming = including contacts and personnel of the Company
"daaronder begrepen, maar niet daartoe beperkt" = including but not limited to
daaronder mede begrepen = including
daaronder mede begrepen de bijlagen = including the Appendices
daaronder mede begrepen de President van de Rechtbank recht doende in kor = including the President of the Court ruling in preliminary relief proceed
"daaronder mede begrepen patches, hot-fixes etc." = "including patches, hotfixes, etc."
daaronder ressorterende diensten = subordinate departments
daaronder uitdrukkelijk begrepen = expressly including
daaronder vallende = [departments] accountable to it
daaronder vallende = included therein
daaronder vallende = qualifying
daaronder vallende = subordinate
daarop = subsequently
daarop = thereupon
daarop = on it
daarop = on that
daarop = there upon
daarop = after this
daarop = thereon
daarop = beyond
daarop afgestemde = (which is) designed for that purpose
daarop afgestemde = aligned to these
daarop afgestemde = appropriate
daarop afgestemde = based on it
daarop afgestemde = coordinated with
daarop afgestemde = corresponding
daarop afgestemde = geared to this
daarop afgestemde = matched
daarop afgestemde = set up for this purpose
daarop afgestemde = tailored
daarop afgestemde = targeted
daarop bevestigd = attached thereto
daarop bevestigde = attached to it
daarop bevestigde = attached thereto
daarop gebaseerde = based thereon
daarop gelijkende = similar
daarop gelijkende omstandigheid = or similar circumstance
daarop gestoelde afspraken = agreements based thereon
daarop monteerbare = mountable thereto
Daarop staat o.a = "This contains, among other things"
daarop toegespitste = tailored to them
daarop voortbouwende en daaruit voortvloeiende = that build upon and result from these
daarop zicht houden = monitor the situation
daaropvolgende = subsequent
daaropvolgende aangiftetijdvak = subsequent tax period
daaropvolgende periode = subsequent period
"daaropvolgende wijzigingen, aanvullingen" = subsequent amendments and additions
daarover = in this regard
daarover = thereof
daarover = thereover
daarover exclusief beslist = has final say in these matters
daarover in gesprek te gaan = to discuss
daarover verplaatsbaar = movable thereover
Daartegenover = In contrast
Daartegenover staat dat = In contrast
Daartegenover staat dat de technologie complex = "On the other hand, the technology is complex"
daartoe = for that purpose
daartoe = to this end
daartoe = to that end
daartoe = to that purpose
daartoe = for this purpose
daartoe = thereto
daartoe aangegeven zones = designated zones
daartoe aangewezen derden = third parties designated for this purpose
daartoe aangewezen persoon = designated person
daartoe aanleiding geeft = gives cause to do so
daartoe aanleiding geven = so dictate
Daartoe behoort = This includes
Daartoe behoren = This includes
daartoe bevoegd is = is authorised to do so
daartoe bevoegd persoon = authorised person
daartoe bevoegde instantie = competent authority
Daartoe bevoegde medewerkers = Authorised employees
daartoe de nodige openingen heeft = has the necessary apertures for this purpose
daartoe de sterke hand zullen bieden = shall lend their assistance
Daartoe dient de klemband = This is what the clamping belt is for
daartoe erkend = approved to that effect
daartoe erkend en te goeder naam en faam bekend staand = approved to that effect and of good report
daartoe geëigende = appropriate
daartoe gekwalificeerd personeel = qualified personnel
Daartoe hebben we dit document opgesplitst in een aantal hoofdstukken. = "To this end, we have split this document into several chapters."
Daartoe heeft de onderhavige uitvinding betrekking op = "Thereto, the present invention relates to"
daartoe ingericht = set up for this purpose
daartoe strekkend = to that effect
daartoe verhinderd is als gevolg van overmacht = prevented from doing so due to force majeure
daartoe verplicht is op grond van = is obliged to do so on the basis of
daartoe voorzien = provided for that purpose
daartoe voorzien = provided for this purpose
daartoe voorziene = provided for this purpose
daartoe voorziene = provided for that purpose
daartoe voorziene leidingen = conduits provided for that purpose
daartussen = therebetween
daartussen = in between
daaruit kennis afleiden = infer knowledge therefrom
daaruit vervaardigd = constructed therefrom
daaruit volgende = resulting
daaruit voortvloeiende = arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = provisions resulting therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = any provision adopted pursuant to it
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = any resulting provisions
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = provisions applicable as a consequence
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = resulting provisions
daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen = the consequences arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsbetrekkingen = legal relationships arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende schade = any loss or damage resulting therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende schade = resulting loss or damage
Daarvan = Per
Daarvan = Upon
Daarvan = On
Daarvan = Within
daarvan = from there
Daarvan = At
Daarvan = Into
daarvan = thence
Daarvan = Any
Daarvan = In
Daarvan = As
daarvan = thereof
daarvan = of the same
daarvan = of it
daarvan = of it
daarvan = of it
daarvan deel uitmakend = forming a part thereof
daarvan deel uitmakende = forming a part thereof
daarvan vrij te stellen = to exempt / to seperate/ from the rest of the estate
daarvandaan = (coming) from there
daarvandaan = thence
daarvoor = for that (purpose)
daarvoor = for that
Daarvoor = to this end
daarvoor = ahead
daarvoor = before that
Daarvoor = Before
daarvoor = For that purpose
daarvoor = To this end
daarvoor bestaande = that exist for this purpose
daarvoor bestemde bakken = appropriate bins
daarvoor bestemde formulieren = appropriate forms
daarvoor de navolgende voorwaarden gelden = the following conditions shall apply for this purpose
daarvoor een redelijk verzoek indienen = submit a reasonable request to do so
daarvoor gekwalificeerd personeel = suitably qualified staff
daarvoor geldende voorwaarden = applicable conditions
daarvoor in aanmerking komende = eligible
daarvoor ingerichte = designed for this purpose
daarvoor ingestelde = dedicated
daarvoor ingestelde = set up for this purpose
daarvoor randvoorwaardelijk is = is a precondition for this
daas = gadfly
DAB = asphalt concrete
DAB (digital audio broadcast) = DAB (digital audio broadcast)
DAB antenne (digitale radio antenne) = DAB aerial (digital radio aerial)
DAC = Digital Audit Center (KPMG)
DAC = Director Admission Committee
Dacca = Dacca
DACH regio = "DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)"
DACH-regio = DACH region
dacht = thought
dacht actief mee = got involved
dachten = thought
dachten dus mee = contributed ideas
DACH-vestiging = DACH office
Dactyloscopie = Fingerprint
dactylus = date
dada = Dada
dada = cup of tea
Dadaïsme = Dada
Dadel = Date
dadelijk = right away
dadelijk = immediately
dadelijk = directly [right away]
Dadelijk = Right now
dadelijk = at once [immediately]
Dadelijk = Instantly
dadelijk = at once
dadelijk beschikbaar krediet = immediate credit
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = immediate annuity
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = taking effect from 1 May
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = with effect from 1 May
dadelijk opvorderbaar geld = call money
dadelijk opvorderbaar geld = payable on call
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = demand loan
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = deposit on call
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = loan on call
dadelijk opvorderbare lening = call loan
dadelijk opvorderbare lening = demandable
dadelijk opvraagbaar tegoed = demand deposit
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = net demand deposits
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = tort (jur.)
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = wrong
Dadelpalm = Date
Dadelpalm = Date Palm
Dadels = Dates
dadelstroop = date syrup
daden = action
daden van beheer = acts of administration
daden van beheer en beschikking = acts of administration and disposition
daden van beschikking = acts of disposal
daden van beschikking = acts of disposition
daden van dagelijks bestuur = day-to-day administration activities
daden van koophandel verrichten = to transact business
daden van oneerlijke concurrentie = acts of unfair competition
Daden voor Delft (alumnivereniging) = Deeds for Delft
"daden, eigenschappen of gedragingen" = "acts, characteristics or behaviour"
dader = perpetrator
dader = criminal
dader = culprit
dader {de} = offender
dader of de daders = perpetrator or perpetrators
dader of de daders = person or people who did it
dader of één van de daders = perpetrator or one of the perpetrators
dader(s) = perpetrator(s)
dadergroeperingen in de georganiseerde criminaliteit = organised crime groups
daders = criminals
daders binnen de georganiseerde criminaliteit = organised criminals
daders die zich met cybercrimes bezighouden = cybercriminals
"dadingen, compromissen of akkoorden" = "settlements, arbitration agreements or agreements"
Dadingovereenkomst = Settlement Agreement
Daedalus = Daedalus
Daedalus = Labyrinth
daemon = daemon
daemon voor enkelvoudige aanmelding = single sign-on daemon
dag = hello
Dag = Daylight
dag = clear
dag = jamb
dag = good day
Dag = Day
dag (24 uur) / etmaal = day
dag {de} = day
dag {de} van de week = day of the week
dag + week + month + year = day + week + month + year
Dag des oordeels = Day of doom
dag- en jaarkluisjes = day and annual lockers
dag en nacht = day and night
dag- en nachtevening = equinox
dag- en nachtroutes = daytime and nighttime routes
"dag in, dag uit" = day in day out
dag op de hei = An away day
dag ritme = daily rhythm
"dag tevoren, de" = "day before, the"
dag van arbeidsongeschiktheid = day of incapacity
dag van betekening = date of service
dag van oogst = day of harvest
dag waarop de desinfectie plaatsvindt = day when disinfection takes place
Dag! = Bye!
"dag-, avond- en nachtfuncties" = day / evening / night functions
"dag-, nieuws- en weekbladen en tijdschriften" = daily and weekly newspapers and magazines
"dag-, week-, en maandrapporten" = "Daily, weekly, and monthly reports"
"dag-, week-, maand- kwartaal- en/of jaarplanningen" = "daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annual schedules"
Dag-/dagklok = Day-/day clock
dag-/nachtomschakeling = daytime / nighttime switching
Dag/nacht-schakeling = Day/night switching
Dag/week = Day/week
Dag-/weekklok = Day-/week clock
dagafschrift = bank statement
dagarbeider = day labourer
dag-avond-nacht-niveau Lden (of LDEN) = day-evening-night level Lden (or LDEN)
dag-back-up = daily backup
dagbebakening = daytime marking
dagbebakening = daytime beacon light
Dagbehandeling verslaving = Addiction day treatment
dagbesteding = daytime activities
Dagbezettingscodes = daytime staffing level codes
dagbezoekers = day visitors
Dagblad = Day-to-day
Dagblad = Daily
Dagblad = Quotidian
dagblad = daily newspaper
dagblad = newspaper
dagblad = daily paper
Dagblad = Journal
dagblad {het} = daily newspaper
dagbladen = journals
dagbladhandelaar = newsagent
dagbladschrijfster = journalist
dagbladschrijver = journalist
dagboek = journal
Dagboek = Diary
dagboek {het} = diary
dagboekfunctie = diary feature
dagboekoefening = diary exercise
dagboekoefeningen = diary exercises
dagbouw = strip mining
dagbouw = surface mining
dagbouw = opencast mining
dagcentrum = day centre
dagcode = day code
dagdagelijkse = daily
dagdagelijkse handelingen = day-to-day operations
dagdagelijkse onderhoud = daily maintenance
dagdagelijkse werking = daily operation
dagdeel = session / shift / morning / afternoon
dagdeel = "(daily) shift, morning, afternoon"
dagdeel = half days
dagdeel = session
dagdelen = half-day session
dagdelen = morning/afternoon/evening session
dagdelen = shift
dagdelen = afternoon
dagdelen = evening
dagdelen = morning
dagdelen = night
dagdelen = daily period
dagdelen = sessions
dagdienst = day shift
dagdosis = daily dose
dagdroom = daydream
dagdroom = dream
dagelijke dosis = daily intake
dagelijke scrum-meeting = daily scrum meeting
dagelijke scrum-meetings = daily scrum meetings
dagelijks = every day
Dagelijks = Day-to-day
dagelijks = everyday
Dagelijks = Daily
Dagelijks = on a daily basis
dagelijks begeleider = day-to-day supervisor
dagelijks beheer = day-to-day management
dagelijks beheer van de informatievoorziening = day-to-day management of information provisioning
dagelijks bestuur = executive committee (of the department of)
dagelijks bestuur = executive committee
dagelijks bestuur en commissarissen = executives and directors [UK/US]
dagelijks bestuur en commissarissen = executives and non-executives [UK/US]
dagelijks bestuurder = executive director
dagelijks bijgewerkt = updated daily
Dagelijks controleren = Daily checks
dagelijks gebruik = everyday use
dagelijks gebruik = daily use
dagelijks handelen = daily practice
dagelijks handelen = daily activities
Dagelijks of bijna dagelijks = Daily or almost daily
Dagelijks onderhoud = Daily maintenance
dagelijks onderhoud woningbouwbezit = daily maintenance for a housing association
dagelijks opvraagbare lening = day-to-day loan
Dagelijks tarief gebaseerd op inkomen = Daily income tested fee
dagelijks uit te voeren = to be performed daily
dagelijks veranderadvies = daily change advice
dagelijks verscheept = shipped daily
dagelijks via de mail gecommuniceerd = sent daily via email
dagelijks werk = daily work
Dagelijks wisselende soep van de chef = Chef’s Soup of the Day
"dagelijks, wekelijks, maandelijks" = "daily, weekly, monthly"
dagelijkse = daily
dagelijkse aanbieding = daily offer
dagelijkse activiteiten = daily activities
dagelijkse back-up = daily backup
dagelijkse back-up van de databases = daily database backups
Dagelijkse communicatie = Daily communication
dagelijkse controle = daily inspection
dagelijkse controle data = daily inspection data
dagelijkse controle formulier = daily check form
dagelijkse controle formulier = daily inspection form
dagelijkse controle meting = daily control measurement
dagelijkse controle OOC = daily OOC check
Dagelijkse controle op invalid objecten = Daily monitoring of invalid objects
Dagelijkse controle op logische of fysieke corruptie = Daily monitoring of logical or physical corruption
dagelijkse controle resultaten = daily inspection results
dagelijkse controle van het werk = daily inspection of the work
dagelijkse controleformulier = daily inspection form
dagelijkse correspondentie = daily correspondence
dagelijkse diensten = daily services
dagelijkse documentstromen = daily document flows
dagelijkse dosering = daily dosage
dagelijkse doses = daily doses
dagelijkse en/of periodieke werkzaamheden = daily and/or regular activities
dagelijkse energie-inname = daily energy intake
dagelijkse ervaring = daily experience
dagelijkse gang van zaken = daily routine
dagelijkse gang van zaken = day-to-day affairs
dagelijkse gang van zaken = day-to-day issues
dagelijkse gang van zaken = daily business
dagelijkse goederen = convenience goods
Dagelijkse index van 100 aandelen gepubliceerd in 'the Financial Times. = Financial Times Stock Exchange One Hunderd Share Index (FOOTSIE)
Dagelijkse index van 100 aandelen gepubliceerd in 'the Financial Times'. = Financial Times Stock Exchange One Hunderd Share Index (FOOTSIE)
dagelijkse inspectie = daily inspection
dagelijkse klantcommunicatie = daily customer communication
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily living environment
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily social environment
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily social environment / living environment
dagelijkse leiding = day-to-day management
dagelijkse methode van renteberekening = day-to-day method of calculation of interest
dagelijkse omgang met elkaar = people’s daily contact with each other
Dagelijkse onderhoudswerkzaamheden = Daily maintenance
dagelijkse ongelijkheid = diurnal inequality
dagelijkse operatie = day-to-day operations
dagelijkse operationele bedrijfsactiviteiten = day-to-day operational activities
dagelijkse portie gezonde = daily dose of healthy
dagelijkse praktijk = daily practice
dagelijkse praktijk = daily practice
dagelijkse rapportages = daily reporting
dagelijkse referentiewisselkoers = daily foreign exchange reference rate
dagelijkse surveillances = daily patrols
dagelijkse vergoeding = daily allowance
dagelijkse verkeersintensiteit = daily traffic volume
dagelijkse verrichtingen = everyday transactions
dagelijkse verrichtingen = everyday operations
dagelijkse vlucht = daily flight
dagelijkse volatiliteit = daily volatility
dagelijkse werk = daily work
dagelijkse werkomgeving = daily work environment
dagelijkse werkpraktijk = day-to-day work
dagelijkse werkpraktijk = everyday work
dagelijkse werksituatie = daily practice
dagelijkse werksituatie = day-to-day activities
dagelijkse werkzaamheden = daily activities
dagelijksgebruik = everyday use
dagen = dawn
Dagen = Quote
dagen = days
dagen = assign
Dagen / Week = Days/Week
dagen {mv} = days
dagen c.q. uren dat niet gewerkt wordt = days or hours not worked
dagen onbetaalde arbeidsduurvermindering = days off under the reduction in working hours scheme (‘arbeidsduurvermi
dagen per jaar = days a year
Dagen toevoegen = Add days
Dagen waarop de Werkzaamheden niet verricht worden = Days on which the Services are not carried out
dagen waarop je bijzonder verlof hebt = special leave days
dagen waarop werkzaam = working days
Dagen zonder activiteit = Days Neglected
DAGEN360 = DAYS360
dag-en-nachtevening = equinox
Dageraad = Red of dawn
Dageraad = Aurora
Dageraad = Daybreak
dageraad = dawn
"dageraad, zonsopgang, ochtendschemering" = dawn (time)
Dagestaans = Dagestan
Dagestan = Daghestan
dagfase = day time phase
dagfilter = day filter
"dagge, dagijzer, voegijzer" = jointer
"dagge, dagijzer, voegijzer, voegspijker" = pointing-trowel
Daggeld- en telefoonkostenvergoeding = Per diem and allowance for telephone expenses
Daggeldlening = Call loan
daggeldvergoeding = per diem (allowance)
daggeldvergoeding = daily reimbursement
daggemiddelde = daily average
Daghandel = Daytrading
dagje uit = day out
dagjesbezoekers = day trippers
dagjesmens = day tripper
Dagjesmensen en toeristen = Day trippers and tourists
dagjespubliek = day trippers
dagkaart = day ticket
dagkaart = day-ticket
dagkant = jamb
dagkant = reveal
dagkant (b.v. van kathedraal) = splay
dagkliniek = day care unit
Dagklok = Day clock
dagkluisjes = day lockers
dagkoers = daily rate
Daglicht = Daylight
daglicht = daylight
daglicht {het} = daylight
Daglicht doorlatend = Lets daylight through
daglichtberekeningen = daylight calculations
daglichtcassette = daylight cartridge
daglichtfactor = daylight factor
daglichtopening = daylight
daglichtsensor = daylight sensor
daglichtsensoren = daylight sensors
daglichttoetreding = daylight penetration
daglichtvrije meerlaags oplossing = "daylight-free, multi-layer solution"
Daglijst = Day list
dagloner = day labourer
Dagloon = Daily pay
dagmaat = clear width
Dagon = Dagon
dagonderwijs = daytime courses
dagopening = aperture
dagopleidingen = day classes
dagopleidingen = day course
dagopleidingen = daytime classes
dagopleidingen = daytime course
dagopleidingen = daytime training
dagopname = daily consumption
Dagopvang = Daycare
dagopvang = day nursery
dagopvang = day care
Dagopvang voor volwassenen = Adult Day Care Centre
dagorde = agenda
dagorde {de} [BN] = agenda
Dagorder = Day order
dagorder = agenda
dagpas = day pass
dagplan = day plan
dagplanning = daily schedule
dagploeg = day-shift
dagprijs = current price(s)
dagprijs = price valid for one day
dagprijzen = daily prices
dagproductie = daily production
dagprogramma = day’s programme
dagprogramma = day programme
Dagprogramma = Daily program
dagrandverbinding = day return service
dagrapportage = daily report
dagrapporten = daily reports
dagrente = current interest rate
dagrijlichten van verschillende typen = Daytime running lamps of different types
dagritme = daily routine
dagschoonmaak = cleaning during the day
dagschoot = latchbolt
dagschoot (in slot) = spring bolt
dagschoot (van slot) = latch bolt
dagschoot en de nachtschoot = latchbolt and deadbolt
dagschootveer = latchbolt spring
dagstart = daily scrum
dagstart = daily stand-up
dagstart = morning huddle
dagtaak = day’s work
dagtarief = daily rate
dag-tarief = daily rat(e) [een (hele) dag geldend]
dag-tarief = daily rate/daily tariff/daily wage [van verrichte arbeid]
dag-tarief = day rate [GWIT]
dag-tarief = day(time) fare [verkeer]
dag-tarief = "day(time) rate [overdag geldend, bijv. parkeermeter]"
dag-tarief = per diem rate
dagtekenen = date
dagtekening = date
dagtekening van deze brief = date of this letter
dagteller = day counter
dagtempostaat = list of daily production
Daguerreotypie = Daguerreotype
daguren = daytime hours
Dagvaarden = Quote
Dagvaarden = Assign
Dagvaarding = Award
Dagvaarding = Citation
Dagvaarding = Quotation
dagvaarding = subpoena
dagvaarding = summons
dagvaarding = (in Engeland:) claim form
dagvaarding = "(Rv) summons  , writ  , writ of summons  ,  A citation"
dagvaarding = "(Sv) summons  , writ  , writ of summons  ,  A citation"
dagvaarding = "(van onwillige getuige, Rv) subpoena"
dagvaarding = "(van onwillige getuige, Sv) subpoena"
dagvaarding betekenen aan = serve a summons on
dagvaarding in kort geding = summons for interlocutory proceedings/interim injunction
dagvaarding in verzet = a summons to set aside the default judgment / interlocutory judgment
dagvaarding om te getuigen = current market value
dagvaarding om te getuigen = present value
dagvaarding om te getuigen = witness summons
dagvaarding tot vanwaardeverkla.ring = (writ of) summons to obtain a validation
dagvaardingskosten = summons costs
dagvaardt = summon
dagvenster = day pane
dagverblijf voor kinderen in het ziekenhuis = hospital nursery
dagverblijf voor kinderen in het ziekenhuis = daycare inside the hospital
Dagverblijven voor gehandicapte kinderen en jongeren = Daycare services for handicapped children and young people
dagvergoeding = daily allowance
dagvergoedingen = per diems
dagverwerking = daily processing
dagverzorgingscentrum = day care centre
dagvoorzitter = chairman for the day
dagwaarde = current value
dagwijdte = inside diameter
dagwijdte = clear width
dagwinkels = retail outlets
dagziekenhuis = day care unit
dagziekenhuis = day  hospital
dagziekenhuisbedden = day hospital bed
dagziekenhuisbedden = day hospital beds
Dahlanderschakelaar (handmatig) = Dahlander switch (manual)
Dahlia = Dahlia
dahlia {de} = dahlia
Dahomey = Dahomey
Dahomey = Dahomey Kingdom
Daily 60° met geïntegreerd startuitstel 3u = Daily-Programme 60 °C with 3 hrs.
daily business = daily business
daily control = daily control
Daimon = Daemon
Daimon = Fiend
Daimon = Demon
dak = halfhipped roof
dak = saddle roof
dak = sawtooth roof
dak = hipped roof
dak = shell-roof
dak = helm-roof
dak = bulbous dome
dak = high-pitched roof
dak = hard top
dak = mono-pitched roof
dak = roof
dak = flat roof
dak = broken roof
dak (n) = roof
dak {het} = roof
dak- en bumpermonitor = roof and bumper monitor
dak- en muurbekledingen van metaal = metal roof and wall cladding
dak- en vloerbedekking van metaal = metal roof and floor decking
dak gedekt met leipannen (platte pannen) = split-tiled roof
dak gedekt met monniken en nonnen = Spanish-tiled roof
dak gedekt met monniken en nonnen = mission-tiled roof
dak met holle pannen = pantiled roof
dak van asbestgolfplaten = corrugated asbestos cement roofing
"dak-, muur- en gevelelementen" = "roof, wall and façade elements"
dakafwerking = roof finishing
Dakafwerkingen = Roof coatings
Dakafwerkingen = Roof finishes
Dakantenne = Roof antenna
Dakar = Dakar
dakbalk / zolderbalklaag = roof beam
dakbedekken = roofing
dakbedekking = built-up roofing
dakbedekking = roof cladding
dakbedekking = roof covering
Dakbedekking = Roofing material
dakbedekking = roofage
dakbedekking / dakwerk = roofing (material)
Dakbedekking en schilderen van daken = Roof-covering and roof-painting work
Dakbedekking voor ventilatiesysteem = Roof covering for ventilation system
Dakbedekkingsmateriaal = Roofing materials
dakbedekkingsmaterialen = roofing materials
Dakbedekkingsmaterialen = Roofing material
dakbedekkingspakket = roofing
dakbeglazing = roof glazing
Dakbehandelingsmiddelen = Roof treatment means
dakbeschot = soffit
dakbeschot = roof boards / boarding
dakbeschot = roof sheathing
dakbeschot = battening
dakbeschot van overstek (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves fascia
dakbeveiliging = roof safety
dakbeveiliging = roof safety systems
Dakconstructie = Roof
dakconstructie = roof structure
dakconstructie (constructie zelf) = roof structure
dakconstructie (het bouwen = roof construction
dakconstructies = roof structures
Dakconstructiewerkzaamheden = Roof-framing work
dakdekker = roofer
dakdekker (pannen) = tiler
Dakdekkers- en andere gespecialiseerde bouwwerkzaamheden = Roof works and other special trade construction works
dakdekkersbedrijf = Roofing contractors industry
dakdekkershamer = tile hammer
Dakdekkerswerkzaamheden = Roof-covering work
dakdekkingen = tile roofing
dakdoorvoer = roof duct
dakdoorvoer = roof vent flange
dakdoorvoer en buitenluchtklep = roof duct and outside air valve
Dakdoorvoer voor ventilatiesysteem = Roof bushing for ventilation system
dakdoorvoeren = roof ducts
Dakdoorvoering = Roof feed-through
Dakdoorvoeringsafdichting = Sealing for roof feed-through
Dakdoorvoerstuk = Roof feed-through conduit
dakelement = roof element
dakelement sandwichplaat = roof element sandwich panel
dakelementen = roof elements
daken = roofs
daken te bedekken = covering roofs
daken van gebouwen = roofs of buildings
"daken, plafonds, wanden" = "roofs, ceilings, walls"
"daken, plafonds, wanden, vloeren" = "roofs, ceilings, walls, floors"
"daken, plafonds, wanden, vloeren, hang -en sluitwerk, en gevelopeningen e" = "roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, hinges and locks, and apertures and compa"
"daken, wanden en vloeren" = "roofs, walls and floors"
dakengineering = roof engineering
dakgarantie = cost-cieling warranty (note spcdific context)
dakgedeelte = roof section
dakgoot = raingutter
Dakgoot = Gutter
dakgoot = roof-gutter
dakgoot = roof gutter
dakgoot / mastgoo / dakrand = gutter
dakgoot {de} = roof gutter
dakgoot {de} = gutter [roof]
Dakgoot/dakvlak = Gutter/roof area
Dakgootklem = Gutter clamp
dakhaak = roof hook
dakhelling = angle of a roof
dakhelling = pitch
dakhelling = roof pitch
dakhuid = "roof cladding, roof membrane, roofing skin, roof sheathing"
dakinvulling = roof infill
dakisolatie = roof insulation
Dakisolatiewerkzaamheden = Roof insulation work
dakkamertje = attic
dakkamertje = loft
dakkap = roof cowl
dakkap = truss
dakkapel = dormer-(window)
dakkapel {de} = dormer
dakkapel in mansardekap = mansard dormer window
"dakkapel, koekoek, koekoekvenster, dakvenster, dakraam, dakkapellen" = dormer
"dakkapel, koekoek, koekoekvenster, dakvenster, dakraam, dakkapellen" = dormer window
dakkappen = roof cowls
dakkoepels = domed skylight
dakladder / steekladder (schoorsteenladder) = roof ladder
dakladder / steekladder (schoorsteenladder) = cat ladder
Daklampen = Rooflights
daklei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = roof course
Dakleidinghouder voor bliksembeveiliging = Roof conductor holder for lightning protection
daklicht = skylight
daklijst = eaves
dakloos = homeless
"dakloos, thuisloos" = (adjective)  homeless
dakloze = homelessness
Dakloze = Of no fixed abode
dakloze jongeren = homeless youth
"dakloze, zwerver, vagebond, landloper" = hobo (homeless person)
daklozigheid = homelessness
dakluifel = canopy roof
dakluik = roof hatch
Dakmarkeringen = Roof markings
dakmessen = roof blades
dakmodule = roof module
dakmoestuin = rooftop vegetable garden
daknaden = roof joints
Daknok = Roof plunger
dakopbouw = rooftop structure
dakopeningen = roof opening
dakopeningen = roof openings
Dakopeningen = Roof openings
dakopstand = roof upstand
dakopstand = curb
dakoverstek = eaves overhang
dakoverstek (daklijst) = rafter-supported eaves
dakpan = tile
dakpan = roof tile
Dakpan = Piece of bad luck
dakpan = pantile
dakpan (monnik en non) = monk and nun
dakpan {de} = pantile
dakpaneel = roof panel
dakpanelen = roof panels
dakpannenfabriek = Pantile works
dakpansgewijs = imbricate
dakplaat = roof decking
dakplaat = roofing sheet
dakplaat = roofing slab
dakplaat = roof slab
dakplaat = roof board
dakplaat = canopy
dakplaat = top plate
Dakplaatmontage met draadeinde = Roofing sheet mounting with stud
Dakplaatprofielhanger = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling
dakplankje = shingle
dakplaten = roofing sheets
dakproef = natural weathering test
Dakraam = Dormer
Dakraam = Dormer window
dakraam = porthole
dakraam = skylight
dakraam = roof window
"dakraam, koekoek, vullicht" = skylight
Dakramen = Skylights
dakrand = roof edge
dakrand = eaves
dakrand = edge of a/the roof
dakrand = roof projection
dakrand = "roof edge, edge of a roof, cornice"
dakrand = (overstek) eave(s)
dakrand = (plat dak)
dakrand met windveren = verge with bargeboards
Dakrandafwerking = Roof edge coatings
dakrandafwerking = Roof edge finish
dakrandafwerking = (hellend dak) verge trim
Dakrandbeveiliging = Roof edge protection
dakranden = eaves
dakrandprofiel = roof edge section
dakruiter = ridge turret
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = fl?che
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = flèche
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = fl�che
dakruiter / torenkapje = ridge turret
dakschild = plane face of a roof
dakschild = hip end
dakschild = roof hip
dakschild (van dakkapel) = hipped dormer window
dakschild (van dakkapel) = hip dormer window
dakspaan = clapboard
Dakspaan = Shingle
Dakspanen = Shingles
dakspant / dakgebinte / kapspant = roof truss
dakspant {het} = rafter
Dakspanten = Roof frames
dakspar = common rafter
dakspar / dakspant / spoor = rafter
dakspoor = rafter
Daksteun = Roof stud
dakstoel = roof truss
dakstoel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = roof tressle
dakstoeltouw (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = trestle rope
Dakstroomafnemer = pantograph
dakstructuur = roof structure
Dakstutten = Roof supports
dakstuw = roof weir
dakstuw = bear-trap weir
daktegel = roof tile
daktengel = counter-batten
dakterras = sun roof
dakterras = rooftop terrace
dakterras = sun terrace
dakterras = roof garden terrace
dakterras = rooftop garden
Daktimmerwerken = Roof carpentry
daktoegangsluik = roof access hatch
daktoegangsluiken = roof access hatches
daktrim = aluminium edging strip
daktrim = metal trim
daktuin = roof garden
dakvegetatie = roof vegetation
dakvenster = roof window
dakvenster = dormer-window
dakverdieping = top floor
dakverlichting = roof lighting
dakverluchteropstand = roof vent cowl
dakvlak = roof-plane
Dakvlak schuin = Roof surface pitched
dakvloer = roof floor
dakvoet = eave
dakvorm = roof form
Dakvorst = Ridge/hip
dakvullende = roof covering
dakwerken = roofing
dakwerker = roofer
dal = Talley
dal = dip
Dal = Valley
"dal, nauw bebost" = dell
dalafsluiting = dam
dalafsluiting = damming
Dalai Lama = Dalai Lama
Dalarna = Dalarna county
dalbodem = bedrock
Dalecarlië = Dalecarlia
Dalen = Lower
Dalen = Move down
dalen = to descend
Dalen = Depress
dalen = descending
Dalen = Descend
Dalen = Take down
dalen = to fall
dalen = decrease
Dalend aanbod = Falling supply
Dalende curve = Falling curve
Dalende effectenmarkt = Bear market
dalende lijn = downward trend
dalende overlijdens-risicoverzekering = decreasing term insurance
dalende rij = decreasing sequence
dalende risicoverzekering = decreasing term assurance
dalende risicoverzekering = downtrend
dalende risicoverzekering = drop
dalende risicoverzekering = falling-off
dalende risicoverzekering = reduction
dalende trend = downward trend
dalende volumes = decreasing volumes
Dalfsen = Dalfsen
daling = descent
Daling = Descent
Daling = Downward slope
Daling = Slope down
daling = decrease
Daling = Bust
daling = fall
daling = drop
daling = landing
daling = stair platform
daling = drawdown
Daling in = Decrease in
Daling in aankoopvolume = Decrease in purchase volume
daling in conjunctuurcyclus = downswing/downturn in trade cycle
daling in conjunctuurcyclus = drop in price
daling in de incidentie = decrease in incidence
daling in het aantal gerechtelijke secties = decline in the number of forensic autopsies
daling in kolonievormende eenheden = decrease in colony forming units
daling of stijging = climb or descent
daling van de frequentie = frequency drop
Daling van de operationele EBITDA = Decrease in operating EBITDA
Daling van de operationele kasstroom = Decrease in operating cash flow
Daling van de rentedragende schulden = Decrease in interest-bearing debt
daling van het aantal = decrease in the number of
daling van het aantal uren = decrease in the number of hours
dalingspercentage = drop
Dalit = Untouchable
Dallas (Texas) = Dallas
dallijn = thalweg
Dalmatia = Dalmatia
Dalmatië = Dalmatia
Dalmatiër = Dalmatian
Dalmatisch = Dalmatian
Dalton = Da
Dalton = dalton
Dalton = daltons
daluren (stille uren) = low-load hours (quiet hours)
dalvorming = generation of valleys
dalwind = valley breeze
Dam = Barrage
Dam = Queen
Dam = Dam
dam = diversion dam
dam = embankment
dam = hydraulic-fill dam
dam = mound
dam = causeway
Dam (waterkering) = Dam
damarhars = dammar
Damascus = Damascus
Damast = Damascus
damast = damask
damastbinding = damask weave
dambord = checkerboard
dambordpatroon = checkerboard pattern
Dâmbovi?a = Dâmbovita
Dame = Queen
dame = female
dame = lady
Dame (schaken) = Queen (chess)
dame {de} = queen [chess]
dame {de} = lady
"dame, koningin [unofficial]" = queen (chess piece)
dames = ladies
dames en heren = ladies and gentlemen
"dames-, heren- en kinderconfectiekleding" = "ready-made clothing for women, men and children"
damesachtig = ladylike
dameshygiënebox = lady bin
dameskleding = women's wear
dameskledingsartikelen = articles of clothing for women
damestas = lady's bag
damestasje = lady's bag
damestoilet {het} = women's restroom [Am.]
damesverband {het} = sanitary pad
damesverband {het} = sanitary towel [Br.]
damesverband {het} = sanitary napkin [Am.]
Damhert = Fallow Deer
Damhert = Suede
Damhert = Deerskin
Damhert = Buckskin
Daminspectiediensten = Dam-inspection services
Dammen = Draughts
dammen = checkers
Dammen op het internet = Internet Checkers
dammer = vibrating tamper
dammetje = wall
Damocles = Damocles
Damontwerpdiensten = Dam-design services
damp = smoke
Damp = Haze
damp = vapour
Damp = Fog
damp = fume
Damp = Mist
damp = vapor
damp/vloeistofscheidingswerkwijze = vapor / liquid separation method
dampaal = sheet pile
dampafgevend materiaal = fuming substance
damp-afname = vapour offtake
dampafzuiging = vapour exhaustion
dampcompartiment = vapour compartment
dampconcentratie = vapour concentration
dampconcentratie bij benadering = approximate vapour concentration
dampdichte = damp proof
dampdichtheid = vapour density
dampdoorgang = vapour passage
dampdoorgangkanalen = vapour passage channels
dampdoorgangzone = vapour passage zone
dampdoorlatend = vapour permeable
dampdoorvoerkanalen = passage channels
dampdruk = vapour pressure
Dampdruk = Vapor pressure
dampen = vapours
dampen = to damp
dampen = fumes
dampen = to steam
Dampen = Vapors
dampen = vapors
dampen en gassen = vapors and gases
Dampen en gassen die bij de thermische modificatie uit het hout vrijgelat = Vapors and gases released from the wood during thermal modification
Dampen kunnen slaperigheid en duizeligheid veroorzaken = Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness
Dampen kunnen slaperigheid en duizeligheid veroorzaken. = Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
Dampen niet inademen. = Do not breathe vapour.
damper = damper
Damper Interface Block = Damper Interface Block
damper large pitch = damper large pitch
damper small pitch = damper small pitch
Damper small pitch = Damper small pitch
damper support = damper support
Damperring = Damper ring
dampers large = dampers large
dampfase = vapour phase
"Dampfgaren, automatisch" = "Food steamer, automatic"
Dampig = Foggy
Dampig = Hazy
Dampig = Misty
dampig = fuzzy
Damping plate = Damping plate
dampkamer = steaming chamber
dampkap = cooker hood [fornuis]
dampkap = extractor hood
dampkap = steam hood
dampkap = hood
dampkapverdeeldoos = extractor hood junction box
dampkapverdeeldoos = hood junction box
dampkapverdeeldoos = exhaust hood junction box
Dampkring = Background music
Dampkring = Atmosphere
Dampkring = Ethos
Dampkring = Room tone
damplank = sheet pile
dampmasker = damp mask
dampmonster = vapor sample
Dampoort = Dampoort
dampscherm = vapour barrier
dampspanning = "vapour tension, vapor tension"
dampspanning = vapour pressure
Dampspanning en dampconcentratie = Vapour pressure and vapour concentration
dampspanningen = vapour pressures
dampuitlaat = vapor outlet
dampvorming = vapour
dampzone = vapour zone
Damschijfmineermot = Apple circular leaf miner
damsets = draughts sets
damsluis = go-out
damspanningen = vapour pressures
damspel = checkers
Damverstevigingswerken = Dam-reinforcement works
damvoet = toe of a dam
damwand = pile planking
damwand = sheetpiles
damwand = sheet piling
damwand (betonbouw) = sheet pile / piling
damwand (betonbouw) = sheet pile wall
damwandkassen = sheet-piling housings/compartments
damwandplank = sheet pile
Damwandplanken = Sheet piling
Damwandprofielhanger (pendelklem) = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling (for chain suspension)
Damwandprofielhanger (trapeziumvorm) = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling (trapezoidal shape)
Dan = Afterwards
DAN (Nucleaire directie van GDF SUEZ) = DAN (Nuclear Activities Department of GDF SUEZ)
dan bedraagt deze tegemoetkoming = this allowance is
Dan bent u bij ons aan het goede adres = Then you’ve come to the right place.
dan beslist het lot = such cases are decided by drawing lots
dan blijft deze van kracht = it will remain in force
dan blijft het product staan = the product will remain stationary
dan daaronder = than below it
dan datgene dat voortvloeit uit = than that resulting from
dan de = than the
dan de gewenste temperatuur = than the desired temperature
dan de op historische kostprijs gebaseerde waardering = than the valuation based on historical cost
dan de reguliere school = than the mainstream school
dan delen zij zulks schriftelijk mee aan de beweerdelijk tekortschietende = they shall notify the allegedly failing Party in writing
dan die vermeld zijn in de specificaties = than those mentioned in the specifications
dan dien je hiervoor toestemming te hebben van je leidinggevende = you must have permission from your supervisor to do so
dan dient dit te gebeuren met = this should be done with
dan dient u daarvan spontaan en direct na constatering melding te doen aa = you should immediately and spontaneously notify the Contracting Party the
dan drogen met stikstof = then dry with nitrogen
dan een = than a
"dan en slechts dan als [Netherlands], als en slechts als [Belgium]" = if and only if {conj} (implies and is implied by)
dan er data was in de hele geschiedenis = than the totality of civilisation produced from its inception
dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere conclusie = than are expressly recited in each claim
dan gelden om veiligheidsredenen aanvullende voorwaarden = additional conditions will apply for safety reasons
dan geldende = applicable at that time
dan geldende = in force at that time
dan heb je gewoon deze plastic schelp die op de buitenkant van de helm ge = you’ve just got this plastic shell that mounts to the exterior of the h
dan heb je op dat moment een keuze = you then have a choice
Dan heb je qua engagement ook hogere eisen. = Then you will also have higher demands in terms of engagement.
dan hebben wij het recht = we reserve the right
dan hebben wij het recht om deze te deactiveren = we reserve the right to disable it
dan heeft u het recht deze toestemming in te trekken = you have the right to withdraw this permission
dan hierin beschreven of ge?llustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of geéllustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of geïllustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of ge�llustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan horen wij dat graag = please let us know
dan in = than in
dan in de overeenkomst is opgenomen = that stipulated in the agreement
dan in de uitvoering van deze Overeenkomst = other than in the performance of this Agreement
dan in het jaar daarvoor = than in the year before
dan in het vorige boekjaar = than in the previous financial year
dan is de ingangsdatum de dag volgende op de dag waarop = the effective date will be the day following the day on which
dan is Dedicated hosting de oplossing voor u = Dedicated hosting is the solution for you
dan is die = this
dan is er sprake van opvolgend werkgeverschap = this constitutes a successive term of employment
dan is er sprake van vaste maatvoering = the dimensions are fixed
dan is het mogelijk dat er een onbekend object op de invoerbaan aanwezig  = it is possible that an unknown object is present on the infeed conveyor
dan is het zonder meer verstandig = then it’s certainly wise
dan kan een zoekopdracht misschien helpen = try using the search facility
dan kiest u voor Supported hosting = then opt for Supported hosting
dan kom je in onderstaande scherm = you will be taken to the following screen
dan kom je jezelf en mekaar wel eens tegen = "you sometimes reach the end of your rope/tether,"
dan komen wij graag in contact met jou = we would be happy to get in touch with you
dan kun je per E-mail contact opnemen via = please contact us by email at
dan kunnen de bestuurders hoofdelijk aansprakelijk worden gesteld = the directors may be held jointly and severally liable
dan kunnen geen wettige besluiten worden genomen = no lawful resolutions may be passed
dan kunnen geen wettige besluiten worden genomen = then no lawful resolutions can be passed
dan kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen = please feel free to contact us at any time
dan kunt u contact opnemen met = please contact
dan kunt u contact opnemen met uw direct leidinggevende = please contact your immediate supervisor
dan kunt u deze brief als niet verzonden beschouwen = please disregard this letter
dan kunt u het vakje leeglaten = you can leave the box blank
dan kunt u uw recht van bezwaar inroepen = you can invoke your right to object
dan lucht = than air
dan mag je dat hier ook noteren = you can mention that here as well
dan met stikstof drogen = then dry with nitrogen
dan moet de drager stoppen = the carrier must stop
dan moet deze beveiligd worden tegen vallen = people must be protected from falling
dan moet je slagen voor de = you must pass the
dan mogelijk niet van toepassing zijn = might not be relevant for you
dan mogelijk zou zijn = than would be possible
dan mogen zij die taken niet vervullen = they are not permitted to perform these duties
dan normaal = than normal
dan onder = other than under
dan ontvangt u een tegemoetkoming = you will receive an allowance
dan ook = at all
dan oorspronkelijk was voorzien = than originally envisaged
dan prevaleert hetgeen in de aanbieding staat vermeld = the contents of the offer shall prevail
dan stopt de formeerbaan = the pattern-formation conveyor will stop
dan tot nog toe het geval was = than has hitherto been the case
dan van de meeste conventionele palletiseermachines = than most conventional palletisers
dan verwijzen we u graag naar = please have a look at
dan verzoeken wij u contact met ons op te nemen = please contact us
dan volgens de = than according to
Dan volgt = Next is
dan wanneer = than when
dan wel = or
dan wel de wederpartij niet langer in staat moet worden geacht haar verpl = or the other party can no longer be deemed capable of fulfilling its obli
dan wel die ontstaan naar aanleiding van door ons gedane aanbiedingen in  = or which arise from offers made by Us in whatever form
dan wel een combinatie van wettelijke verloven = or a combination of different types of statutory leave
dan wel een reeks met elkaar samenhangende incidenten = or series of related incidents
dan wel elk van zijn agenten = or any of its agents
dan wel geheel of gedeeltelijk te ontbinden = or dissolve it in part or in full
dan wel het ondernemen van pogingen daartoe = or attempting to do so
dan wel hiertoe een aanvraag heeft gedaan = files a winding-up petition
dan wel hoger is dan of gelijk is aan = or higher than or equal to
dan wel indien = or if
dan wel indien goede grond bestaat voor de vrees = or if there is good reason to fear
"dan wel indien goede grond bestaat voor de vrees, dat de Klant niet in st" = or if there is good reason to fear that Customer will not be able to meet
dan wel ingeval zulks schriftelijk is overeengekomen = or if agreed in writing
dan wel naar aanleiding van nadere overeenkomsten die daarvan het gevolg  = or following further agreements resulting therefrom
dan wel om een andere reden = or for any other reason
dan wel redelijkerwijs verzekerd had behoren te zijn = or could reasonably have been expected to have been
dan wel verwijderd is = or has been deleted
dan wel visa versa = or visa versa
dan wél voor zover de schade naar verkeersopvatting voor risico van Opdr = or if the damage is commonly considered at Contractor’s risk
dan wel voornoemde derde = or said third party
dan worden de resterende dagen = the remaining days are then
dan wordt daarvan onder opgave van reden melding gedaan = this shall be reported and the reason shall be given
dan wordt het invoeren stopgezet = infeeding is stopped
dan wordt het invoeren stopgezet en moet ook de Prorunner stoppen = infeeding is stopped and the Prorunner must also stop
dan wordt hierbij overeengekomen = Parties hereby agree
dan wordt Koper geacht in te stemmen met = Buyer shall be deemed to consent to
dan zal de ene Partij direct de andere Partij hiervan op de hoogte stelle = either Party shall immediately notify the other Party thereof
dan zal de warmtepomp geactiveerd worden = the heat pump will be activated
dan zal nader onderzoek nodig zijn = further investigation will be required
dan ze ze in jaren zijn geweest = than they they have been in years
dan zijn wij gerechtigd om de overeenkomst te ontbinden = We are entitled to terminate the agreement
dan zou kunnen = than could it be
danaide = danaid
Dance = Dance
Dance hall = Dance hall
dancefestivals = dance festivals
dancesegment = dance segment
Dandy = Dandy
Danger = Danger
Dangerous Goods Management = Dangerous Goods Management
Dangerous Substances Directive = 67/548/EEC
Dangerous Substances Directive = Dangerous Substances Directive
Daniël = Daniel
Daniel Bernoulli = Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel C. Griffith (Holland) B.V. = Daniel C. Griffith (Holland) B.V.
Daniel Defoe = Daniel Defoe
Daniel Ortega = Daniel Ortega
"Daniël, (Bijbel)Boek Daniël {n}" = Daniel {prop} (book of the Bible)
danig = thoroughly
danig = enormously
danig = in such a way
dank = gratitude
Dank = Thanks
dank {de} = thanks {pl}
dank betuigen = thank
dank je = thank you
dank je = thanks
Dank je! = Thank you!
"dank je, dankjewel/dank je wel, bedankt, jo, joe, thanks [Flemish] merci," = cheers {interj} (informal: thank you)
Dank u = Thank you
dank u = thanks
Dank u voor de inlichtingen = Thank you (very much) for the information
Dank u wel voor uw medewerking = Thank you for your cooperation!
Dank u! = Thank you!
"dank u, dank je, dankjewel, bedankt" = thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude)
dank voor uw deelname aan dit onderzoek = many thanks for participating in this survey
dank voor uw medewerking = thank you for your cooperation
dank zij = thanks to
Dankbaar = Appreciate
dankbaar = thankful
Dankbaar = Grateful
dankbaar = obliged
dankbaar voor = grateful for
Dankbaarheid = Thankfulness
dankbaarheid = gratitude
Dankbaarheid = Thanks
dankbaarheid {de} = gratitude
dankbetuiging = thank you
Dankbetuigingen = Credits
danken = thank
danken voor = acknowledge
Danker Kemper = Danker Kemper
dankjewel = thank you
dankmelding = thank you
dankt zijn = owes its
dankzegging = gratitude
Dankzij = Thanks to
Dankzij de constructie met vier kolommen = Thanks to its four-column construction
dankzij de financiële bijdrage van = thanks to the financial contribution of
Dankzij de inspanningen van = Thanks to the efforts of
Dankzij de introductie van deze nieuwe = The introduction of this new
dankzij de lage inflatie = thanks to low inflation
Dankzij deze acquisitie = Thanks to this acquisition
Dankzij deze miljoeneninvestering = Thanks to this million-euro investment
Dankzij een minimaal aantal bewegende delen = Thanks to the minimal number of moving parts
Dankzij het gebruiksvriendelijke = The user-friendly
dankzij het modulaire ontwerp = due to its modular design
Dankzij het toepassen van de werkwijze volgens huidige uitvinding = Thanks to the application of the method according to the present inventio
dankzij profilering = thanks to profiling
Danone = Danone
Dans = Dance
Dans (bacheloropleiding) = Dance
dans {de} = dance
"dans-, muziek- en toneeluitvoeringen" = "performance of dance, music and drama"
Dansacademie Lucia Marthas = Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts
Dansacademie Lucia Marthas = Dance Academy Lucia Marthas
danseffect = bouncing
dansen = dance
dansen = to dance
danser = dancer
danseres = dancer
Danslesdiensten = Dance-instruction services
Danspartij = Dance
Danspartij = Dance hall
danspartij = ball
Dante = Dante
Dante Alighieri = Dante Alighieri
Dante building = Dante building
Dantumadeel = Dantumadeel
danwel = or
danwel anderszins gebruik te maken van de diensten van derden = or to otherwise make use of the services of third parties
danwel het leveren van de overeengekomen Diensten = or to deliver the agreed Services
danwel rechten daarop willen vestigen of doen gelden = or wish to establish or assert rights to them
danwel ten behoeve van het garanderen van de continuïteit van = or for the purpose of guaranteeing the continuity of
DAO = histaminase
DAO hack = DAO hack
DAP = Delivered at Place (DAP)
DAP = Dossier of Arrangements and Procedures
DAP participatiemodus = TAP participation mode
Daphne = Daphne
Daphne (mythologie) = Daphne
dapper = daring [brave]
dapper = audacious
Dapper = Brave
"dapper, durvend, gedurfd" = daring {adj} (courageous)
"dapper, moedig, [poetic] stout, heldhaftig" = heroic)
"dapper, moedig, [poetic] stout, heldhaftig" = valiant {adj} (showing courage or determination
Dapperheid = Mettle
Dapperheid = Courage
Dapperheid = Nerve
dar = drone
Dar es Salaam (stad) = Dar es Salaam
Dardanellen = Dardanelles
Darfur (regio) = Darfur
Darjeeling (stad) = Darjeeling
dark area = dark area
darknet market = darknet market
Darkwave = Darkwave
darm = intestine
Darm = Entrails
Darm = Bowel
darm- = enteric
darm {de} = gut
darmaandoeningen = intestinal disorders
darm-distomatose = intestinal  distomatosis
darmdivertikel = intestinal  diverticulum
darmdysbiose = intestinal dysbiosis
darmen = hoses
"darmenslijmerij, -wasserij en -zouterij" = Gut processing industry
Darmflora = Colonic Flora
darmgassen = intestinal  gases
darmgezondheid = gut health
darmgezondheid = INTESTINAL HEALTH
darmgezondheid = intestinal health
darmgezondheid bij sporters = intestinal health in athletes
darmkanaal = intestinal tract
darmkanker = intestinal cancer
darmkoolhydraten = intestinal carbohydrates
darmmicrobiota = gastrointestinal microbiota
darmmicrobiota = gut flora
darmmicrobiota = gut microbiota
darmmotiliteit = intestinal motility
Darmois-Koopman-verdelingen = Darmois-Koopman's distributions
darmpijn = gut pain
darmslijmvlies = intestinal mucosa
Darmstadtium = Darmstadtium
darmstelsel = intestinal tract
darmwand = gut wall
darmweefsel = intestines
darmwerking = intestinal function
darmziekte veroorzakend = enteropathogenic: causing disease in the intestinal tract
Dartborden = Dart boards
dartel = airy-fairy
dartelen = frolic
Dartpijlen = Darts
Darwin = Darwin
Darwin (Australië) = Darwin
Darwin-nandoe = Darwin's rhea
das = necktie
das = scarf
das = badger
das = tie
DAS = Distributed Antenna Systems
Das (dier) = Eurasian Badger
das {de} [Meles meles] = badger
DAS model = "Typology: dominant, detached and social behaviour"
"da's wat ik u gezegd heb he!, wat heb ik je gezegd?" = I told you so {phrase} (told you so!)
dashboard = dashboard
dashboard = dashboard: facia
Dashboard = Panel
dashboard = dash-board
dashboard / instrumentenpaneel = dashboard / control panel / instrument panel
dashboard {het} = dashboard
Dashboard Designer = Dashboard Designer
dashboard mogelijkheden = dashboard options
dashboard oplossing = dashboard solution
dashboard oplossingen = dashboard solutions
Dashboard Problem Management = Problem Management Dashboard
Dashboard software = Dashboard software
Dashboard Viewer voor SharePoint Services = Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint Services
Dashboard Web Preview = Dashboard Web Preview
dashboarding = dashboarding
dashboardkastje = glovebox
dashboardkastje = coaming
dashboardonderzoek = dashboard audit
dashboard-onderzoek = dashboard audit
dashboardonderzoeken = dashboard audits
dashboard-onderzoeken = dashboard audits
Dashboards = Dashboards
dashboards bouwen = build dashboards
Dashboardverbindingen = Dashboard connections
Dashond = Dachshund
Dassen = Badger
dasspeld = tie-pin
dasspelden = tie clips
dasspelden = tie pins
DAT = digital audio tape
Dat = What
Dat = Or not
Dat = Isn't it
Dat = Isn't that so
dat ... daar = that ... over there
"dat {s}, die {f} (and {n} {p})" = that {conj}
dat aan alle veiligheidseisen voldoet = that meets all the safety requirements
dat aan de tweede zijde van het betonwelfsel grenst = which adjoins the second side of the hollowcore concrete slab
dat aan deze akte gehecht zal blijven = which shall remain attached to this deed
dat aangedreven is door een actuator = which is driven by an actuator
dat alle storingen verdwenen zijn = that no faults are active
dat alleen toegankelijk is voor geautoriseerde medewerkers = which is only accessible to authorised personnel
dat als dusdanig benoemd is = named as such
dat als standaard geldt = that apply as standard
dat als zodanig wordt aangeduid = that is identified as such
dat altijd in de weg zit = that always gets in the way
dat beide partners woonachtig zijn op hetzelfde adres = that both partners reside at the same address
dat bekend is in de stand van de techniek = known in the art
Dat ben ik niet met je eens = I don’t agree with you
Dat bepaalt u zelf = It is up to you to decide
dat bestaat uit = which consists of
dat betaalbaar is uit hoofde van deze Overeenkomst = payable under this Agreement
Dat betekent dat = This means that
dat betrekking heeft op de hardwarecomponent daarvan = that relates to the hardware component thereof
Dat bevordert = This promotes
dat beweegbaar is tussen een gesloten positie en een open positie = that is movable between a closed position and an open position
dat bij een belasting op het vloeroppervlak samengedrukt wordt = that is compressed under a load on the floor surface
dat bij het besturingssysteem hoort = belonging to the operating system
dat bij het spannen niet gegrepen werd = which was not gripped during tensioning
dat binnen de wettige capaciteit valt = that falls within the legal range
dat binnenkort zijn 100ste verjaardag viert = that will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary
DAT cassette = DAT cassette
dat daadwerkelijk met radiotherapie wordt behandeld = actually treated with radiotherapy
dat daar loodrecht op staat = which is perpendicular thereto
dat daaraan behoefte heeft = in need thereof
dat daarginds = that
dat de = that the
dat de afscherming op een steriele manier kan worden aangebracht = that the shielding can be applied in a sterile manner
dat de algemene voorwaarden bij de verkoper zijn in te zien = that the general terms and conditions are available for inspection at the
dat de bank bevat = that a bank contains
Dat de betaling van deze belasting tijdig heeft plaatsgevonden = That this tax has been paid in a timely manner
dat de broekspijpen over de ledemaat van de patient kan afgesloofd worden = that the legs can be slid off over the limb of the patient
dat de diktes van de lagen = that the thicknesses of the layers
dat de functionaliteit voorziet = that provides the functionality
dat de inhoud van dit rapport = that the contents of this report
dat de Klant niet in staat zal zijn om aan haar contractuele verplichting = that Customer will not be able to meet its contractual obligations
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user’s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the userés location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user�s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user?s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user's location has not changed significantly
dat de loopwereld voor altijd heeft veranderd = that has changed the running world forever
dat de medewerker kan worden verweten = attributable to the employee
dat de Ontwerpen de overeengekomen eigenschappen bevat = that the Designs have the agreed characteristics
dat de partijen ermee instemmen = that the Parties agree
dat de patient op een efficiente manier kan worden voorbereid op een chir = that the patient can be prepared for a surgical procedure in an efficient
dat de patient op een efficiente manier kan worden voorbereid op een chir = that the patient can be prepared for a surgical procedure in an efficient
dat de translatie van het hoofdgedragen apparaat onder een voorafbepaalde = that the translation of the head-mounted device is below a predetermined
dat de translatie van het hoofdgedragen apparaat onder een voorafbepaalde = that the translation of the head-mounted device is below a predetermined
dat de uitvinding meer kenmerken vereist dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere = that the claimed invention requires more features than are expressly reci
dat de uitvinding meer kenmerken vereist dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere = that the claimed invention requires more features than are expressly reci
dat de wederpartij haar verplichtingen niet zal nakomen = that the Other party will not be able to fulfil its obligations
dat de wijziging niet ongedaan gemaakt kan worden = that the change cannot be undone
dat deze batch gestapeld moet gaan worden = to be stacked in this batch
dat deze een voorgeprogrammeerde route aflegt = to travel a pre-programmed route
dat deze eenvoudig gevoed kan worden = that it can easily be powered
dat deze functionaliteit = that this functionality
dat deze uitvoeringsvorm gunstig kan worden gecombineerd met een eerder b = that this embodiment can be beneficially combined with a previously descr
dat deze waarden slechts indicatief zijn = that these values ​​are only indicative
dat deze waarden slechts indicatief zijn = that these values ??are only indicative
dat dit geen nadelige gevolgen heeft voor de beveiliging = that this does not adversely affect security
dat dit product in deze afmetingen niet voorkomt = that this product is not present in these dimensions
dat dit voor mij niet kon = that their behaviour was unacceptable
dat door beide Partijen is ondertekend = that has been signed by both Parties
dat door de toetsende commissie werd goedgekeurd = approved by the reviewing committee
dat door Rudolf Steiner ontwikkeld is = that was developed by Rudolf Steiner
dat door TIP wordt geleverd = supplied by TIP
dat doorlopend op de agenda moet staan = deserves a permanent place on the agenda
dat draagt mijn voorkeur weg = that would be my first choice
dat dwars op de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde van het balkvormige beton = which is transverse to the first side and the second side of the beam-sha
dat een deelnemer de informatie heeft ontvangen = that a participant has received the information
dat een heel rigoureuze aanpak vergt = that requires a very rigorous approach
dat een kniegewricht handeling toelaat = allowing for a knee joint operation
dat een Machtiging is verstrekt = that a Mandate has been issued
dat een onderneming haar continuïteit niet langer kan handhaven = cease to continue as a going concern
dat een OTP (One Time Password) genereert = that generates an OTP (othene-time password)
dat een zeer gevoelige laag moet deponeren = that has to deposit a very sensitive layer
dat elders in de code gebruikt kan worden = that can be used elsewhere in the code
dat elektrisch rijdt = driving electrically
dat er bij onderhoud geen hinder van ondervonden wordt = that it does not cause a hindrance during maintenance
dat er bijzonder veel tijd en kosten mee gespaard wordt = that a lot of time and costs are saved
dat er bijzonder veel tijd en kosten mee gespaard wordt = that it saves a lot of time and costs
dat er een aanwezigheidsdetector in de inbouwarmatuur is geïntegreerd = that an occupancy detector is integrated in the recessed luminaire
dat er een relatief grote flexibiliteit is voor = that it offers a relatively high degree of flexibility with regard to
dat er geen proeftijd van toepassing is = no probationary period shall apply
dat er meerdere producten tegelijk ingevoerd worden = multiple products from being fed in at the same time
dat er mogelijk een impact is = that there may be an impact
dat er mogelijk een impact is op = that there may be an impact on
dat er slechts één enkel computersysteem nodig is = that only a single computer system is required
dat er van alles mis kan gaan = that all kinds of things can go wrong
dat er voorheen niet was = that did not previously exist
dat evenwijdig loopt met = which runs parallel to
dat expliciet gebaseerd is op een holistisch spiritueel mens- en wereldbe = which is explicitly based on a holistic worldview
dat flexibiliteit combineert met = that combines flexibility with
dat flexibiliteit combineert met kostenvoordelen en schaalbaarheid = that combines flexibility with cost advantages and scalability
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart = combining flexibility and versatility
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart aan = combining flexibility and versatility with
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart aan lage aanschaf- en onderhoud = combining flexibility and versatility with low purchase and maintenance c
Dat gebeurt elektronisch = This will be done electronically
dat gebruik gemaakt wordt van = that use is made of
dat gebruik maakt van = making use of
dat gebruikt maakt van = making use of
dat geconfigureerd is voor het minstens gedeeltelijk ondersteunen van = which is configured to at least partially support
Dat geeft het beste resultaat = This gives the best results
dat geeft niet = it doesn't matter
dat geen draadloze netwerkverbinding tot stand is gebracht = that no wireless network connection had been extablished
dat geen nadere beschrijving zou nodig zijn = that no further description would be necessary
dat geheelover het HV grid past = that fits over the HV grid in its entirety
Dat geldt ook voor haar. = That goes for her too.
Dat geldt voor = This applies to
dat gerealiseerd wordt in een industriële omgeving = carried out in an industrial environment
dat grijpt in respectievelijk het eerste tandwiel en het tweede tandwiel = "which engages the first sprocket wheel and the second sprocket wheel, res"
dat grijpt in respectievelijk het eerste tandwiel en het tweede tandwiel = "which engages the first sprocket wheel and the second sprocket wheel, res"
dat hangt helemaal af van het rooster = it all depends on the roster
dat hebben we al eens geprobeerd = we tried that already
Dat hebben we geweten = and then some
Dat heeft als voordeel = This has the advantage
dat hen bevestigt in hun kennis = confirming their knowledge
dat het best overeenstemt met = that best corresponds to
dat het dringend tijd wordt = it is high time
dat het gebruik van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepaling = that seeks to avoid the use of the application program interface for posi
dat het gebruik van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepaling = that seeks to avoid the use of the application program interface for posi
dat het gebruik van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepalin = that attempts to avoid the use of an application program interface for po
dat het gebruik van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepalin = that attempts to avoid the use of an application program interface for po
Dat het gevolgde proces voor ontslag = That the dismissal process followed
dat het hart is van de = which is the heart of the
dat het hen uitkomt = that suits them
dat het kan gebruikt worden om = that it can be used to
dat het mogelijk maakt dat = that allows
dat het mogelijk maakt om = that allows
dat het twee functionaliteiten kan bieden = that it can provide two functions
dat het verschil op toeval berust = that the difference is due to chance
dat het volgende omvat = comprising the following
Dat hier behoefte aan is = That there is a demand for this
dat hier uit voortvloeit = that ensues from this
dat hij de competenties heeft een behoeften analyse te doen = that he or she has the skills required to perform a needs assessment
dat hij de materie beheerst en boven de stof staat = that they have mastered the subject
dat hij een beroep heeft gedaan op de Ziektewet- of WGA -uitkering = that he/she received benefits under the Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet)
dat hij handig gebruikt kan worden = that it can conveniently be used
dat hij/zij in de daaraan voorafgaande 12 maanden heeft ontvangen = that he/she has received in the preceding 12 months
dat hoofdzakelijk bestaat uit = consisting mainly of
dat hoofdzakelijk bestaat uit aarde = consisting mainly of soil
dat huishoudens hebben ingekocht = bought by households
dat hun reactie vrijwel unaniem positief was = that their response has been almost unanimously positive
Dat ik dit benadruk is geen diplomatieke manier om mijn paraplu op te ste = "When I stress this, it is not a diplomatic way of covering myself, it is "
dat in aanmerking zou moeten komen = eligibl
dat in aanmerking zou moeten komen voor = eligible for
dat in beginsel voor vergoeding in aanmerking komt = which in principle is eligible for reimbursement
dat in de aanbieding is = that is on sale
dat in de ten minste ene inwendige impactelement is geplaatst = that is placed inside the at least one inner impact member
dat in de zetel van de vennootschap wordt gehouden = held in the office of the company
dat in eerste instantie niet als dusdanig was erkend = that was initially not recognised as such
dat in elke ruimte moet worden geïnstalleerd = to be installed in each room
dat in en uit de autoclaaf verschuifbaar of verrijdbaar is = hich can be slid or wheeled in and out of the autoclave
dat in enig voertuig vervoerd wordt = transported in any vehicle
dat in gebruik geen deel uitmaakt van de vrije ruimte = which in use does not form part of the free space
dat in het geval van opzegging door één der partijen = that in the event of termination by either party
dat in Nederland behandeld wordt met radiotherapie = treated with radiotherapy in the Netherlands
dat in staat is om = that is capable of
dat in voorbereiding is = that is in preparation
dat inbreuk maakt op rechten van derden = that infringes third-party rights
dat inbreuk maakte op = infringing
dat integraal deel uitmaakt van deze = which form an integral part of this
dat invoeren toegestaan is = that product infeeding is allowed
dat is <d.i.> = "that is <id est, i.e.>"
Dat is bijna nergens beter te zien = Nowhere is this more clear
"dat is Chinees voor mij ('This is Chinese to me'), ik versta ergeen bal v" = it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don’t understand any of this)
Dat is een kwestie van = It’s a matter of
Dat is een moeilijke oefening = This is no mean feat.
dat is niet erg = it doesn't matter
dat is niet persoonlijk bedoeld (okay) = no offence (none taken)
dat is op zijn minst opmerkelijk te noemen = there is something remarkable about
dat is opgenomen als = which is included as
dat is opgesteld om naar de stator 130 te zijn gericht = arranged to face the stator 130
dat is opgesteld om naar het buitenrotordeel 110 en weg van de stator 130 = which is arranged to face the outer rotor member 110 and away from the st
dat je aan of uit wilt zetten = that you want to activate or deactivate
dat je de lak niet beschadigd = Do not damage the paintwork
dat je dit verstuurd hebt = that you have sent it
dat je jaarlijks krijgt toegestuurd = that you will receive each year
dat je zo spoedig mogelijk een nieuwe pas toegestuurd krijgt = that you receive a new card as soon as possible
dat kan gebruikt worden als in-situ sensorsysteem in een station = which can be used as an in situ sensor system in a station
dat kan gemonteerd worden aan een = that can be mounted to a
dat kan gemonteerd worden aan een deksel = that can be mounted to a cover
Dat kan ik niet betalen. = I can’t afford that.
Dat kan niet worden uitgesloten = This cannot be ruled out
dat kan worden overlegd = that can be submitted
Dat kunnen bijvoorbeeld = These could include
dat kunnen wij als geen ander = we can do that like no other
dat leiding geeft aan het project = which leads the project
Dat leidt tot = This leads to
dat loopt als een rode draad door de = which is a central theme of the
dat met radiotherapie werd behandeld = treated with radiotherapy
dat minimaal gelijkwaardig is aan = that is at least equivalent to
dat minstens één regelmechanisme omvat = that comprises at least one control mechanism
dat minstens een signaalverwerkingseenheid bevat = including at least a signal processing unit
dat minstens ��n regelmechanisme omvat = that comprises at least one control mechanism
dat minstens twee hoofddelen omvat = comprising at least two main parts
dat modulair opgebouwd is = which is modularly constructed
dat moet worden afgegeven = to be dispensed
dat neemt niet weg = that does not alter the fact
dat niet als zodanig wordt benoemd = that is not labeled as such
dat niet gecommit wordt = that does not have the support of
dat niet in der minne kan geregeld worden = that cannot be settled amicably
dat niet in der minne tussen partijen kan worden beslecht = which cannot be settled amicably between the parties
dat niet langer bestaat = that no longer exists
dat niet verklaard kan worden = that cannot be explained
dat niet verklaard kan worden op basis van = that cannot be explained on the basis of
dat niet voldoet aan de beschreven kwaliteit = that does not meet the prescribed quality
dat niet wordt beantwoord = that is not answered
dat niet zonder meer vaststaat = it is not entirely obvious
dat normaal twee jaar in beslag neemt = that normally takes two years
dat omtreksgewijs omheen het genoemde volume loopt = circumferentially surrounding said volume
dat onderbouwd is met de resultaten van het onderzoek = that is supported by the results of the research
dat onderdeel vormt van = that forms part of
dat ondersteund moet worden = that needs to be supported
dat ontkoppeld wordt van de gebruikersidentiteit = that is decoupled from the user identity
dat onze omvormers onder alle klimatologische omstandigheden kunnen worde = that our inverters can be used in any climatic conditions
dat op de achtergrond draait = that runs in the background
dat op de ommezijde staat = that is mentioned on the reverse side
dat op de zetel van de vennootschap wordt bijgehouden = kept at the registered office of the company
dat op minstens twee wielen steunt = supported by at least two wheels
dat over de twee rollerstangen (29) gepositioneerd is = positioned over the two roller-bars (29)
dat overeenstemt met = corresponding to
dat parallel ligt aan = which is parallel to
Dat past ook bij ons. = This is all about what we do.
dat per fax wordt verstuurd = that is sent by fax
dat per post wordt verstuurd = that is sent by post
dat pivoteerbaar is tussen een gesloten positie en een open positie = pivotable between a closed position and an open position
dat plan kwam op de helling te staan = that plan was under review again
Dat recht is exclusief voor = That right accrues solely to
dat rechtstreeks gevoed wordt door enkel = that is fed directly by only
dat rechtstreeks mechanisch verbonden is met het eerste koppelingselement = which is directly mechanically connected to the first coupling element
dat samenwerkt met = that interacts with
dat schriftelijk bepaald is = determined in writing
dat spreekt vanzelf = of course
dat staat in de wet = the law says so
dat systemen kunnen geproduceerd worden = that systems can be produced
dat te maken krijgt met een levensbedreigende situatie = faced with a life-threatening situation
dat tegenstrijdig is met het belang van de stichting = that conflicts with the interests of the Foundation
dat tijdens productie ontstaat = generated during production
dat toelaat = allowing
dat toelaat = that allows
dat twee broekspijpen omvat = that comprises two trouser legs
dat u een beperkte voorkeur uitdraagt aan = that you have a limited preference for
dat u een uitgesproken voorkeur uitdraagt aan = that you have a strong preference for
dat u geen producten koopt = that you do not buy products
dat u op het einde niet voor extra kosten komt te staan = that you aren’t faced with additional costs later on down the road
dat u probeert te wijzigen = you are trying to modify
dat uitgestraald wordt door de stralingsbron = that is radiated by the radiation source
dat uitsteekt voorbij = that projects past
dat valt u aan te rekenen = you were found wanting in this (respect)
dat van tijd tot tijd geldt = in force from time to time
dat vanuit de Cabine kan worden bediend = that can be operated from inside the Cab
dat veelal bestaat uit = which usually consists of
dat ventilatie op een energiezuinige manier kan gebeuren = ensures energy efficient ventilation
dat verder middelen omvat = that further comprises means
dat verder middelen omvat = which further comprises means
dat verder minstens één opstaande plank of plaat omvat = further comprising at least one upright plank or board
dat verder minstens ��n opstaande plank of plaat omvat = further comprising at least one upright plank or board
dat versmalt = which narrows
dat versmalt in de richting van = which narrows in the direction of
dat verticaal omhoog gaat = rising vertically
dat verwarmd moet worden = that must be heated
dat voldoet aan de hoogste technische eisen = that meets the highest technical requirements
dat voldoet aan de strengste veiligheidseisen = that meets the strictest safety requirements
dat voldoet aan norm ISO 9001 = that meets the ISO 9001 standard
dat voor alle verkeersregelaars identiek is = that is identical for all traffic-signal controllers
dat voor een grotere inefficiëntie van het product kan zorgen = that may result in the increased inefficiency of the product
dat voor extra stevigheid zorgt = which provides extra strength
dat voorhanden is = available
dat voornamelijk bestaat uit = consisting mainly of
dat voorstel doorkruist mijn plannen = that proposal has thwarted my plans
dat vrij kan roteren rond de richting = which can freely rotate around the direction
dat we als team dezelfde richting uitgaan = that all team members move in the same direction
dat werkt volgens het paternosterprincipe = that works according to the paternoster principle
dat wijzelf kunnen uitvoeren = that we can carry out ourselves
Dat wil echter niet zeggen = "That does not mean, however,"
dat wil zeggen = that is to say
dat wil zeggen = that is
dat wordt berekend met inachtneming van = calculated in accordance with
dat wordt beschreven = which is described
dat wordt gebruikt = used
dat wordt gebruikt door of ten gunste van = used by or in favour of
dat wordt gebruikt of is bestemd om te worden gebruikt = used or intended to be used
dat wordt gebruikt of is bestemd om te worden gebruikt als = used or intended to be used as
dat wordt toegepast bij = that is used in
dat zaakje zal wel doodbloeden = that business is likely to blow over
dat ze de groei van bacteriën kunnen remmen = that they can inhibit the growth of bacteria
dat ze kunnen ingebracht worden in = that they can be inserted into
dat ze kunnen ingebracht worden in de openingen = that they can be inserted into the apertures
dat ze modulaire opbouw toelaat = that it allows for modular construction
dat ze zeer eenvoudig kan uitgevoerd worden = that it can be very easily performed
dat zich aan het vormen is = that is forming
dat zich richt op de Nederlandse markt en de Nederlandse consument = aimed at the Dutch market and Dutch consumers
dat zicht uitstrekt in de lengterichting = extending in the longitudinal direction
Dat zien we ook in het feit dat = This can also be seen in the fact that
dat zij geen vorderingsrecht hebben op = that they do not have a right of claim against
dat zij gezamenlijk verantwoordelijk zijn = that they are jointly responsible
dat zij te dien einde te hunnen behoeve uitoefent of doet uitoefenen = "the business which it operates, directly indirectly, for their benefit"
dat zij zonder de zgn. kartelafspraken zonder die merkost zou hebben kunn = "that, if not for the alleged cartel agreement, it would have been able to"
Dat zit niet in de koers. = That is not due to the exchange rate.
dat zonlicht omzet in energie = that converts sunlight into energy
dat zorgt voor minder wrijving = that reduces friction
dat zowel stevig en dimensioneel stabiel is = which is both sturdy and dimensionally stable
dat zulk computerprogramma product bevat = comprising such a computer program product
dat zulks zal geschieden = that this will happen
"dat, bij verdere voorkeur, strooisel bevat, op de vloer van de pluimveest" = "that, more preferably, contains litter, on the floor of the poultry house"
Data = Datum
data = data
data = data ??
Data & Archief systemen = Data and archive systems
data abonnement = data plan
Data Access Objects = Data Access Objects
Data Access-pagina = data access page
Data analyse = Data analysis
data analyse programma = data analysis program
Data and Files or Material = Gegevens en Bestanden of Materiaal
Data Architecture Management = Data Architecture Management
data at rest = data at rest
data centers = data centres
Data Collector = data collector
data communicatie en beheer = data communication and management
Data Communications Equipment = Data Communications Equipment
data connectie strings = data connection strings
data connection = dataconnectie
data connectiviteit = data connectivity
Data Definition Language = data definition language
data delen of openstellen = share or open up access to data
data drager = data carrier
data- en applicatiekosten = data and application costs
data en life cycle management = data and lifecycle management
data- en privacybescherming = data and privacy protection
data- en softwaregedreven = data and software driven
data- en softwaregedreven = driven by data and software
data- en telecomoplossingen = data and telecom solutions
Data Encryption Standard = Data Encryption Standard
Data gebruik = Data use
data gedreven = driven by data
data gedreven documentatie = data-driven documentation
data governance = data governance
data hubs = data hubs
data in transit = data in transit
Data in transport = Data in transit
data including 3 ablations only = data including three ablations only
data integriteit = data integrity
Data intelligent gebruiken = Intelligent data use
Data Intelligentie = Data Intelligence
Data Intelligentie voorbeelden = Data intelligence examples
"Data intelligentie, Support, Outsourcing" = "Data intelligence, Support, Outsourcing"
Data Interchange Format = data interchange format
data kabel is shielded = data cable is shielded
data keten = data chain
data kwaliteit checks = data quality checks
data lake = data lake
data lawine = data avalanche
data lawine = avalanche of data
Data leaks = Datalekken
Data Link Control = Data Link Control
data logger = data logger
Data Management Association = DAMA
data management ondersteuning = data management support
Data Manipulation Language = data manipulation language
Data migratie naar ander type storage = Data migration to other storage types
data mining = data mining
Data mining = Data mining
Data News = Data News
Data News Information Services = Data News Information Services
data opslag = data storage
data opslag faciliteiten = data storage facilities
Data Processing Agreement = verwerkingsovereenkomst
Data Processing Agreement = Verwerkersovereenkomst
Data Processing Agreement = verwerkingovereenkomst
Data project = Data project
Data Protection Manager = Data Protection Manager
data repeater = data repeater
Data request = Data request
Data schakelaar = Data switch
data science = data science
data segment = data segment
Data Sheet Grid Performance = Data Sheet Grid Performance
Data Solutions team = Data Solutions Team
data stewart = data steward
data stream = datastroom
data te decrypteren = decrypting the data
Data Terminal Equipment = Data Terminal Equipment
Data Terminal Ready = data terminal ready
Data type = Data type
data types = data types
data uitlezen = read data
data uitlezen = read out data
Data Value Center Smart Industry = Data Value Centre Smart Industry
Data van de overheid = Government data
Data verzameling = Data collection
Data Verzameling & Verwerking (afd P&O) = Data Collection and Processing
data warehouse = data warehouse
data warehousing-oplossingen = data warehousing solutions
data wetenschapper = data scientist
data wiping = data wiping
data(bases) = data and databases
"data, configuratiebestanden en software" = data configuration files and software
data/bestanden/databases = data/files/databases
data/databases = data/databases
data/gegevenselementen = data elements
Data-/telecom-kanaalcontactdoos = Data-/telecommunications duct socket outlet
data-abonnement = data plan
data-afhandeling = data handling
data-afhandeling = data processing
data-analisten = data analysts
data-analyse = data analysis
data-analyse = data analytics
Databank = Database
databank = data bank
Databank = Databank
Databank Effectieve sociale interventies = Effective Social Interventions database
databank van de microdienst = database of the microservice
databanken = databases
databankrecht = database rights
databankrechten = database rights
"databankrechten, handelsnaamrechten, merkrechten, modelrechten, naburige " = "database rights, trade name rights, trademark rights, design rights, neig"
database = database
database = database
Database = Databank
database = data base
database = data base: DB
Database autorisatie toekennen per medewerker = Assigning database permissions to each employee
Database back-up via agents = Database backup via agents
Database beheren = Manage Database
database connectie string = database connection string
Database delen = Share Database
database design & development = Database design & development
database eigenaar = database owner
Database- en besturingssoftware = Database and operating software package
database- en infrastructuurbeheer = database and infrastructure management
database functionaliteit = database functionality
"database functionaliteit, business logica en gebruikersinterface" = "database functionality, business logic and user interface"
database management systeem = database management system
database management system = database management system
database met onderdeelinstellingen = component settings database
database PubChem = PubChem database
Database script per database aanmaken/aanpassen = Create/modify database script for each database
database services en eventlogs = database services and event logs
Database terugzetten = Database restore
Database terugzetten = Restore Database
database van ASP.NET-toepassingsservices = ASP.NET application services database
database van experten op afstand = remote expert database
database van experten op afstand = database of remote experts
database van Service Manager = Service Manager database
database voor de hoge energie fysica = high energy physics database: HEPDB
database voor meerdere gebruikers (gedeelde database) = multiuser shared database
database voor programmacompatibiliteit = AppCompat database
database waarnaar wordt verweze = referenced database
"database, datawarehouse" = data warehouse
"database, logica en GGI" = "database, functional process logic and GUI"
Database-administrators = database administrators
Database-analist = Database analyst
databasebeheer = data base management: DBM
Database-beheerder = Database administrator
Databasebeheerssysteem = Database-management system
databasebeheerssysteem = data base management system: DBMS
databasebestand = database file
databasebestand = data base file
databasebestanddeel = data base component
databasediagram = database diagram
Databasediensten = Database services
Databasedocumentatie = Database Documenter
database-engine = database engine
Databasefuncties = Database functions
databasegegevens = data base data
databasegegevens = database data
Databasehulpprogramma voor Business Contact Manager voor Microsoft Outloo = Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool
databasemanagementsysteem = data base management system: DBMS
Databasemanagementsysteem = Database management system
databasemanagementsysteem = database management system
Database-manager = Database manager
Database-marketing = Database marketing
databasemigratie = database migration
databaseontwikkeling = database development
database-oproep = data base call
database-overgangstaal = database transition language
databaseproject = database project
databasereplicatie = database replication
databases = databases
databases en bijhorende toepassingen = databases and associated applications
Databases en het verwerken van informatie = Databases and data processing
databases en interfaces = databases and interfaces
databases voor het modelleren van gebouwinformatie = building information modeling databases
databaseschema = database schema
databaseserver = database server
databaseservers (sql server 2000 en oracle 8i standard editions) = database servers (sql server 2000 and oracle 8i standard editions)
Databasesoftware = Database software package
databasesysteem = data base system
Databasesystemen = Database systems
databasetoepassing = database application
databasetransactie = database transaction
databaseverbinding = database connection
databedrijven = data companies
databehoefte = data requirement
Databekabeling = Data cabling
databerg = mountain of data
databeschermingsmechanisme = data protection mechanism
databestand = data file
data-bestand = data file
databestanden = databases
databestanden = data files
data-bewustzijn = data awareness
databus = data bus
databus 0 of 1 = data bus 0 or 1
databus interface = data bus interface
databus ventilatie = ventilation data bus
databusbverbinding = data bus connection
datacapaciteit = data capacity
datacapture = data capture
Datacartridges = Data cartridges
datacenter = data centre
Datacenter faciliteiten = Data centre facilities
datacenter van Teleperformance = Teleperformance data centre
datacenteroplossing = data centre solution
datacenters = data centres
datacenterspeler = data centre player
datacentra = data centres
datacentrum = data center
datacircuit-apparatuur = "data circuit-termination equipment: DCE, DCTE"
datacircuitapparatuur-vrijsignaal = data circuit-terminating equipment clear signal
datacircuitapparatuur-wachtsignaal = data circuit- terminating equipment waiting signal
datacommunicatie = data communication
Datacommunicatie Specialist = Data Communication Specialist
datacommunicatie-programma = data communication program
datacommunicatiesysteem = data communication system
datacommunicatie-systeem = data communication system
datacommunicatieverbinding = data communication link
dataconnectiviteit = data connectivity
Datacontactdoos glasvezel = Fibre optic data communication outlet
Datacontactdoos twisted pair = Data communication outlet twisted pair
datacriminaliteit = data crime
datadelen = data sharing
data-delen = data sharing
datadelen binnen de EU = data sharing within the EU
datadelen waarbij persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt = data sharing in which personal data is processed
datadeling = data sharing
datadeling te bevorderen = promote data sharing
datadictionary = data dictionary: DD
data-dictionary/directory systeem = data dictionary/directory systeem: DD/DS
datadirectory = data directory
datadivision = data division
datadoorvoersnelheid = data transfer rate
Datadrager = Data medium
datadragers = data devices
datadriver = data driver
data-economie = data economy
data-encryptie = data encryption
data-entry = data entry
data-evaluatie = data evaluation
Dataflow = Data-flow diagram
datafundament = data foundation
datagebruik = data use
datagedreven = data-driven
datagedreven bedrijf = data-driven company
datagedreven creativiteit = data-driven creativity
data-gedreven organisatie = data-driven organization
data-gedreven waardecreatie = data-driven value creation
datagedreven werken = data-driven working
datagedrevenheid = data-drivenness
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit = Data memory of sufficient capacity
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit = Sufficient data memory
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit om de voorgeschreven registraties t = Sufficient data memory to store the prescribed records
datagram = datagram
datagramdienst = datagram service
datagrammethode = datagram method
datagramsocket = datagram socket
datahandling = data handling
Data-Highway = Data-Highway
datahub = data hub
datahuurlijn = data lease line
Data-Informatie-Kennis-Wijsheid = Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Wisdom (DIKW)
data-infrastructuur = data infrastructure
Data-interface = PC interface
Data-interface en satelliet/air/kabel = PC interface and satellite/air/cable
data-item = data item
Datakabel = Data cable
datakabel = data cable
Datakabel bus-systeem = Data cable bus system
Datakabel glasvezel = Data cable glass fibre
Datakabel koper = Data cable copper
dataketen = data chain
dataketens = data chains
datakeuze = choice of data
datakwaliteit = data quality
data-kwaliteit = data quality
datalagen = data layers
datalawine = avalanche of data
datalek = data breach
datalek = personal data breach (GDPR)
Datalekken = Data Breaches
Datalekken = Data breaches (GDPR)
dataleverancier = data supplier
dataleverancier(s) = data supplier(s)
dataleveranciers = data suppliers
datalijst = data list
datalijstwerkblad = data list worksheet
Dataline = Dataline
datalink = data link
datalinklaag = Data link layer
Datalogger = Datalogger
datalogger = data logger
data-logging = data logging
datalogging en monitoring = data logging and monitoring
datalogging en -monitoring = data logging and monitoring
datalogging en -monitoring dashboard = data logging and monitoring dashboard
datalogische organisatie = datalogical organization
datalogische productiehandeling = datalogical production act
datalogische transactie = datalogical transaction
datamanagement = data management
datamanagers = data managers
datamart = data mart
datamigratie = data migration
Dataminimalisatie = Data minimisation
dataminimalisatie = data minimisation
datamining = data mining
datamodel = data model
datamodellen = data models
datamyte length fixture = datamyte length fixture
datanet = datanet
Datanetaansluiting = Data net connection
datanetwerk = data network
Datanetwerkondersteuningsdiensten = Data network support services
data-ontsluiting = data access
dataopslag = data storage
data-opslag = data storage
dataopslag en databeveiliging = data storage and data protection
dataopslag en -gebruik = data storage and use
Dataopslag/dataverwerking = Data storage / data processing
dataopslagsysteem = data storage system
dataopslagsysteem omvattende één of meerdere tastbare niet-transitoire  = data storage system comprising one or more tangible non-transitory comput
dataovereenkomst = data agreement
datapad = data path
datapaneel = data pane
datapanelen = data panes
dataplatform = data platform
Datapolis = Datapolis
dataportabiliteit = data portability
dataportal = data portal
dataprocessen- en analyses = data processes and analyses
dataprotectie = data protection
Dataprotocol codering = Coding for data communication technique
dataprovider = data provider
datapunt = datapoint
datapunt = data point
datapunten = datapoints
datapunten = data points
Datarail bussysteem = Data rail for bus system
Datarail-afdekking = Data rail cover
Datarailverbinder bussysteem = Data rail coupler for bus system
datareductie = data reduction
data-reductie = reduction of data
datareeks = data series
Dataregistratiediensten in boorgat = Downhole recording services
Dataretentie = Data retention
dataroom = data room
dataroom management = data room management
datascience = data science
data-service = data service
data-services = data services
dataset = dataset
dataset = data set
Dataset Designer = Dataset Designer
datasets = datasets
datasheets = data sheets
datasilo’s = data silos
datasnelheden = data speeds
data-standaarden = data standards
datastream = data stream
datastromen = data flows
Datastructuur = Data structure
datastructuur = data structure
datastructuur wijzigen = modify data structure
datatablet = data tablet
datateam = data team
Datatechniek = Data processing technique
dataterminal = data terminal
dataterminalapparatuur = data terminal equipment: DTE
data-toegang = data access
data-toegang en –controle = data access and control
datatransformaties = data transformations
datatransmissie = data transmission
datatransmissie-besturing = data transmission control
datatransmissie-controle = data transmission check
Datatransmissiediensten = Data transmission services
Datatransmissiekabel = Data-transmission cable
Datatransmissiekabel met coaxiale geleiders = Data-transmission cable with coaxial conductors
Datatransmissiekabel met meervoudige elektrische geleiders = Data-transmission cable with multiple electrical conductors
Datatransmissiekabel voor bijzondere toepassingen = Data-transmission cable for special applications
datatransmissie-systeem = data transmission system
Datatransmissie-uitrusting = Data-transmission equipment
datatransportbesturing = flow control
Datatype = Type
datatype = data type
datatype van de parameters = data type of the parameters
Datatypen beperken met extends = Restricting data types with extends
"Datatypen, variabelen en methoden" = "Data types, variables and methods"
Datauitwisseling = Data-exchange
data-uitwisseling = data exchange
Dataveiligheid = Data security
dataveld = data field
dataverandering = data change
Dataveranderingen = Data changes
dataveranderingen in de gebeurtenislog = data changes in the event log
dataveranderingen in de gebeurtenislog worden opgenomen = data changes are recorded in the event log
dataveranderingsdatabank = data change database
dataverbinding = data connection
Dataverkeer = Traffic
dataverkeer = data traffic
dataverkeer en oproepen = data traffic and calls
dataverkeer en -opslag = data traffic and storage
dataverlies verlies van cliënteel = loss of customer data
dataverwerking = data processing
dataverwerkingssysteem = data processing system
dataverzameling = data collection
dataverzamelingsmethode = data-collection method
dataverzamelingsmethode = data collection method
dataverzamelinrichting = data collection device
data-visualisatie = data visualisation
Data-visualization = Data-visualisation
datavloer = data floor
datawarehouse = Data Warehouse
datawarehouses = data warehouses
datawetenschappen = data sciences
datawetenschappen = data science
datawetenschapper = data scientist
data-wetenschapper = data scientist
data-wiping = data wiping
DAT-banden = DAT tapes
DAT-cassettes = Digital Audio Tape (DAT) cartridges
Date & Clock = Date & Clock
Date found = Wanneer gevonden
Dateer- of nummermachines = Dating or numbering machines
dateerb = dateable
dateert van = dates from
dateren = date
dateren = date from
dateren (with van or uit) = date  (to begin)
datering = date
datgene = that
datgene = that which
datgene = what
datief = dative (dative case)
datief = dative case
datr = datr
datr- fr- en sb-cookie = "‘datr’, ‘fr’ and ‘sb’ cookie"
"datr-, fr- en sb-cookie" = "‘datr’, ‘fr’ and ‘sb’ cookie"
DAT-recorder = DAT recorder
Datum = Days
datum = date
Datum = Detail
datum {de} = date
datum afhankelijk = date dependent
Datum akte laatste statutenwijziging = Date of last deed of amendment to the Articles of Associations
Datum akte van oprichting = Date of deed of incorporation
Datum audit = Audit date
Datum begin opdracht = Assignment start date
datum binnenkomst = Date of receipt
datum economische levering = date of transfer of the beneficial ownership
datum einde = End date
datum en het tijdstip van het bezoek = date and time of the visit
datum en het uur van de dag = date and time of day
datum en plaats als boven = date and place as above
datum en tijd = date and time
datum en tijd eigenschappen = date and time properties
Datum en tijd van het ontstaan van = Date and time of the occurrence of
Datum- en tijdfuncties = Date and time functions
Datum en tijdstip = Date and time
Datum en tijdstip vrijgave = Date and time of release
datum evenement = date of event
datum gecreëerd = date created
Datum in functie = Date of taking up the position
datum indienst = date of employment
datum indiensttreding = date of employment
datum inlevering = return date
Datum inwerkingtreding = Date of entry into force
datum laatste aanpassing = last modification date
Datum laatste revisie = Date of last revision
datum- of tijdformaat = date or time format
datum ondertekening = signing date
Datum ondertekening door beide partijen = Date signed by both parties
Datum rapport = Date of report
datum rapportkolom = date report column
datum registratie = registration date
Datum Schadegeval = Claim Date
datum start = Start date
datum terugbetalingsregeling = date specified in the repayment scheme
Datum Uitgifte = issue date
datum van aanpassing = adjustment date
datum van aanpassing = modification date
datum van aanpassing van deze overeenkomst = date of adjustment of this Agreement
Datum van aanvang terbeschikkingstelling = Commencement date of the temporary placement
datum van accountantsverklaring = audit report date
datum van accountantsverklaring = payment date of a dividend
datum van aflevering = date of delivery
datum van aflevering van de Producten = date of delivery of the Products
Datum van Afloop = Expiry Date
Datum van afloop = Expiry date
Datum van Afloop van de Initiële Looptijd = Expiry Date of the Initial Term
datum van Bedrijfsklare oplevering = Turnkey delivery date
datum van Bedrijfsklare oplevering van de Programmatuur = date of Turnkey delivery of the Software
datum van berekening = calculation date
datum van bevestiging van de offerte = date of confirmation of the offer
Datum van de klacht = Date of the complaint
datum van dividendbetaling = date of payment of a dividend
datum van heenreis = date of departure
datum van in werking treden van de wet = date of enactment
datum van in werking treden van de wet = date of posting
datum van indiensttreding = date of employment
datum van ingang = effective date
datum van inleveren = submission date
datum van inwerkingtreding = effective date
datum van inwerkingtreding = commencement date
datum van minimale houdbaarheid = date of minimum durability
datum van minimale houdbaarheid van een levensmiddel = date of minimum durability of a food
datum van ondertekening = date of signature
datum van ontvangst = date of receipt
datum van opname = Date of the inspection:
datum van publicatie = date of publication
datum van ter post bezorging = date of issue
datum van ter post bezorging = posting date
datum van uitdiensttreding = date of departure
datum van uitdiensttreding = date of departure from service
datum van vaststelling door de algemene vergadering = date of adoption by the General Meeting
Datum van verlies = Date lost
datum van vertrek = departure date
datum van vervanging = fulfillment of discard criteria
datum van verzending = date of dispatch
datum van voorrang = priority date
Datum vandaag = Today’s date
datum vaststellen voor de volgende vergadering = to fix a date for the next meeting
Datum verslag = Date of report
datum vestiging = date of establishment
datum voor aandelensplitsing = effective date for share split
datum voorziene bevalling = expected date of delivery
Datum vorige inspectie = Date last inspection
datum waarop de euro wordt ingevoerd = euro adoption date
datum waarop de laatste proefpersoon is geïncludeerd = date when the last trial subject is enrolled
datum waarop de vergadering heeft plaatsgevonden = date on which the meeting took place
datum waarop de vergadering plaats gaat vinden = date on which the meeting is to take place
datum waarop het afgerond dient te zijn = date by which it should be completed
datum waarop het besluit door de Gemeente tot verkoop is genomen = date on which the Municipality took the decision to sell
datum waarop naar de chartale euro wordt omgeschakeld = cash changeover date
Datum/tijd = datetime
datum/tijd = date/time
datum/tijd einde van de = date and ending time of the
datum/tijd start van de = Date and starting time of the
Datum/tijd van laatste wijziging = LMDT
Datum/tijd van laatste wijziging = Last Modified Date/Time
datum/tijd-groep = date-time group: DTG
Datum: = Date:
datumafhankelijk = date-dependent
datumafhankelijk veld aanpassen = modify date-dependent field
datumcodering = date coding
datumcodering = date code
datumexpressie = date expression
datumformaat = dating format
datumformatering = date formatting
datumkiezer = date picker
datumplanningsysteem = bucketless system
Datumreeks = Date range
datumroosterveld = date schedule field
Datums = Dates
datumscheidingsteken = date separator
datumstempel = date mark
datumstempels = date stamps
datumtijd = date time
datumtijdveld eigenschappen = date time field properties
datumvan = DateLost
datumveld = date field
datumveldbreedte = date field width
datumwijziging = date change
Datura = Datura
datzelfde = that same
Datzelfde jaar = That same year
Daugavpils = Daugavpils
Dauphin = Dauphin
Dauphin = Heir apparent
Dauphin = Dolphin
Dauw = Dew
dauw {de} = dew
dauwdruppel {de} = dewdrop
dauwkap = dew protection cap
Dauwpunt = Dew point
Dauwpunt = Dew-point
dauwpunt = dew point
dauwpunt {het} = dew point
dauwpunthygrometer = dew-point hygrometer
dauwpunttemperatuur = temperature of dew point
dauwroten = dew retting
dauwworm = acne
daveren = howl
Daveren = Blare
Daveren = Cling out
Daveren = Ring out
Daveren = Boom out
Daveren = Bang
David = David
David Bohm = David Bohm
David Hilbert = David Hilbert
David Hilbert = Hilbert
David Hume = David Hume
David Livingstone = David Livingstone
David Ricardo = David Ricardo
Davidster = Star of David
Davis Cup = Davis Cup
Dawn of the Dead = Zombie
dayOfBirth = geboortedag
DB = executive
DB = executive board (EB)
DB = executive committee
DB = managing committee
DB = day-to-day administration
dB = dB
dB(A) = dB(A)
DBA-naam = DBA name
Dbase = Dbase
D-Basics = d-basics
DBCP = dibromochloropropane
DBCS-tekens = double-byte characters
"DBFM Ontwerp, bouw, financiering en onderhoud van een nieuwe gevangenis v" = "DBFM - Design, Construction, Financing and Maintainence of a new prison f"
DBFMO = "Design, Build, Finance and Maintain-contract (DBFM)"
DBFM-overeenkomst = DBFM contract
dbln = dbln
DBMS = database management system
dB-schaal = dB scale
DBV = Venlo Board (Dagelijks Bestuur Venlo)
DC (gelijkstroom) = DC (direct current)
DC bekabeling = DC cabling
DC- en AC-zijde = DC and AC side
DC ingang = DC input
DC spanningen = DC voltages
DC zijdig = On the DC side
DC zijdige = DC-side
DC’s = DCs
DC’s = distribution centres
DC-aansluitingen = DC connections
DC-bekabeling = DC wiring
DCC = "Departmental Coordination Centre (Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum, DCC"
DCC (digital compact cassette) = DCC
DCF 77 radiogestuurd = DCF 77 radio controlled
DCF77 tijdsynchronisatie voor digitale schakelklok = DCF77 time synchronisation for digital timers
DCF-antenne voor schakelklok = DCF-antenna for time switches
DCI = Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI)
DC-kabel = DC cable
DC-koppelkast = DC junction cabinet
DC-laadunit = DC charger unit
DC-offsetwaarde = DC offset value
DCOM = Distributed COM
DCOM = Distributed Component Object Model
DC-Ontwerpspanning = DC design voltage
DC-optimizer = DC optimiser
DCP-packages = DCP packages
Dc's = Drill Collar(s)
DC-scheiding = DC-isolation
DC-systeemspanning = DC-system voltage
DC-uitgang = DC-output
DCV Mode = DCV Mode
DC-verdeelkast = DC distribution system cabinet
DC-verdeler = DC distribution system
DC-vermogen = DC power
DC-vermogensbeveiliging = DC rating interlock
DCV-Mode = DCV Mode
Dcypher = Dcypher
DC-zijdig = on the DC side
dd = dated
D-Day = D-day
DDC = data-driven creativity
DDC = data-driven creativity (DDC)
DDD (som) = DDD (total)
DDD-model = DDD model
DDE (som) = DDE (total)
DDE-conversatie = dynamic data exchange conversation
DDE-conversatie = DDE conversation
DDE-kanaal = dynamic data exchange channel
DDE-kanaal = DDE channel
DDI = Design-Driven Innovation
ddie dicumarine = dicoumarin
Ddiensten voor het demonteren van boorpijpen = Well-drilling laydown services
DDOS-aanvallen = DDoS attacks
DDoS-aanvallen = DDoS attacks
DDoS-beschermingsservices = DDoS protection services
DDR = East Germany
DDT (insecticide) = DDT
DDT (som) = DDT (total)
DDT + DDE + DDD (som) = DDT + DDE + DDD (total)
DDT + TDE + DDE (som) = DDT + TDE + DDE (total)
de = the
de = said
DE = Rotor Blade Design Evaluation
DE = Electrical Detail Engineering
dé = the perfect
dé = just the
dé = ideal
dé = the leading
dé = perfect
de  bovenste  sensor = the top sensor
de  invoerbaan = the import conveyor
de  leverancier en de transporteur = the supplier and the carrier
de (on)mogelijkheden = the possibilities and limitations
de (stempel)kram = dog
de (technische modaliteiten van) de uit te voeren werken = the (technical aspects of the) works to be carried out
de (uitvoering van de) Overeenkomst = the Agreement and/or its performance
de ‘ander’ = the ‘Other’
de ‘next big thing’ = next big thing
de ‘next big thing’ = the next big thing
de ‘Vorige pagina’-knop van uw internetbrowser = your internet browser’s ‘Back’ button
"de 1,6-diaminohexaan" = "1,6-diaminohexane"
"de 1,6-diaminohexaan" = "1,2-  diaminohexane"
de 2 ‘r’en = the 2 Rs
de 2 voorgaande vrachten = the two previous cargoes
de 3 Ps = the 3 Ps
de 3-jarige route van de eerste twee studiejaren = the first two years of the three-year variant
"de 4 C's [carat (gewicht), clarity (zuiverheid), colour (kleur), cut (maa" = "the 4 C's [carat (weight), clarity, colour, cut]"
de 70-jarige leeftijd bereikt = reach the age of 70
de aal = the eel
de aan de Aandeelhouder verbonden bestuurder niet langer de enige bestuur = the director associated with the Shareholder is no longer the sole direct
de aan deze overeenkomst voorafgaande arbeidsovereenkomst = the contract of employment preceding this contract
de aan- en afvoer van pallets = the supply and removal of pallets
de aan haar gelieerde bedrijven = the companies affiliated to it
de aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen = its affiliated enterprises
de aan het item gekoppelde brontekst = the source text linked to the item
de aan of af te voeren goederen = the goods to be supplied or removed
de aan- of afwezigheid van luchtbellen en vuil = the presence or absence of air bubbles or dirt
de aan ons toekomende rechten = the rights to which we are entitled
de aan TIP verschafte informatie = the information provided to TIP
De aanbestedende dienst = The contracting authority
de aanbestedende instantie = the contracting entity
de aanbestedende overheid = the contracting authority
De aanbieder levert met de Inschrijving = The supplier shall include with the Tender
De aanbieding is gebaseerd op = The offer is based on
De aanbieding is gebaseerd op de hieronder vermelde documenten: = The offer is based on the documents listed below:
De aandachtige lezer kan dus begrijpen = The attentive reader will thus note
de Aandelen die de Vennootschap houdt = the Shares held by the Company
de aandelen luiden aan toonder = shares are issued in bearer form
de aandelen luiden op naam = the shares are registered
De Aandelen luiden op naam = The Shares are registered
de aandelen van de in gebreke zijnde vennoot = the shares of the defaulting shareholder
De aandelen zijn ondeelbaar = The shares are indivisible
De aandelen zijn op naam. = The shares are registered.
de aandoening = the condition
De aanduiding is = This is referred to as
de aangeboren dermatitis bullosa = epidermolysis bullosa
de aangeborene beperking = "congenital  disability, congenital impairment, congenital defect"
de aangehechte Bijlagen = the attached Appendices
De aangevraagde werkgeversverklaring = The requested employer’s certificate
de aangewezen begunstigde onder de bankgarantie = the beneficiary designated under the bank guarantee
de aangifte van het betreffende jaar heeft goedgekeurd = has approved the tax return of the year in question
de aanhef = preamble (of a claim)
de aanhef van de conclusie = preamble (of a claim)
de aankomst = arrival
de aanleg van netwerken = the construction of networks
de aanleg van wegen = road construction
de aanleiding voor = driving force(s) behind
de aanleiding voor = factor(s) contributing to
de aanleiding voor = the (direct) cause for
de aanleiding voor = the background for
de aanleiding voor = the reason(s) to/for
de aanleiding voor = the trigger for
de aanleiding voor = were occasioned by
de aanleiding voor = X has been prompted by Y
de aanleiding voor = X triggered Y
de aanloop naar = the run-up to
De aanmelding is gesloten = Applications will no longer be accepted
de Aannemer ter beschikking gestelde documenten en gegevens = the documents and data made available to the Contractor at that time
de aanpak van = tackling the problem of
de aanpak van belastingontwijking = tackling tax avoidance
de aanpak van een probleem = tackling a problem
de aanpak van een project = one’s approach to a project
De aanpassing van de gewenste taal = Changing the preferred language
de aanschaf van = the purchase of
de aanslag van het betreffende jaar heeft goedgekeurd = has approved the tax assessment of the relevant year
de aansluitcontacten op de aansluitconnectoren = the terminal contacts on the terminal connectors
de aansluiting tot stand wordt gebracht = the connection is established
de aansluiting va = the connection of
de aansluiting van de eigen kwaliteiten en persoonlijkheid op deze compet = the extent to which their own qualities and personality dovetail with the
de aansluiting van de eigen kwaliteiten en persoonlijkheid op deze compet = the extent to which the student’s own qualities and personality dovetai
de aansluiting van de schoorsteen (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = chimney flashing
De aansprakelijkheid van = The liability of
De aansprakelijkheid van de Maatschappij is gelimiteerd tot een bedrag va = The liability of the Company is limited to an amount of
de aansprakelijkheid van een van de partijen = the liability of either party
De aansprakelijkheid van Leverancier = Supplier’s liability
De aansprakelijkheid van Yellax ontstaat slechts indien Klant Yellax onve = "In order for the Yellax to incur liability, Customer must serve Yellax wi"
De aansprakelijkheid voor = The liability for
De aansprakelijkheid voor een toerekenbare tekortkoming = The liability for an attributable failure
de aansteker = the lighter
de aantrede / de bloktrede (van trap) = curtail step
De aanvangshuurprijs van het gehuurde bedraagt op jaarbasis = The initial annual rent for the Leased Space is
de aanvoer van verse lucht = fresh air supply
de aanvraag goedkeuren = approve the request
De aanvrager stelde verrassend vast = The applicant surprisingly found
De aanvrager vond dat = The applicant found that
De aanvrager vond verrassenderwijs = The applicant surprisingly found
De Aanvullende Anw-verzekering = The Supplementary ANW insurance
de aanwezigheid van de aanwezigheidsdetector niet wordt verraden = the presence of the occupancy detector is not given away
de aanwezigheid van pallets = The presence of pallets
De aanwijsnaald aan de buitenkant van de tank reageert op de stand van de = The arrow pointer on the outside of the tank responds to the position of
de aanzuig = the suction point
de aanzuigleiding tussen het afvoerpunt en de ventilatiecollector = the suction line between the extraction outlet and the air collector
de aap = ape
de aard en omvang = the nature and extent
de aard van de samenhang tussen = the nature of the relationship between
De aard van de werkzaamheden = The nature of the work
De aard van deze Uitzendovereenkomst = The nature of this Temporary Employment Contract
De aard van deze Uitzendovereenkomst en de betrokken werkzaamheden = The nature of this Temporary Employment Contract and the work in question
de aard van het probleem = the nature of the problem
de aard van het risico = the nature of the risk
de aardappel = potato
de aardbei = the strawberry
de aardbeiengalblaas = strawberry  gallbladder
de aardbeving = the earthquake
de aarde = Earth
de aarde = the earth
de aarzeling bij urinelozing = hesitancy: delay in the ability to urinate
de aas = ace
de ABO incompatibiliteit = blood group incompatibility
de ABO incompatibiliteit = blood type  incompatibility
de ABO incompatibiliteit = rhesus incompatibility of blood
De abonnementsprijs is inclusief = The subscription price includes
de abrikoos = the apricot
de accentueerde harttoon = accentuated  heart sound
de acceptatie van voedingsmiddel = food acceptance
de acceptatie van voedingsmiddel = accepting  food
de Accountant en het bestuursverslag = Discussion paper of the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (N
de accountant geeft de uitslag van zijn onderzoek weer in een schriftelij = the accountant must record the findings of his examination in a written s
De acht mentality-milieus van de Nederlandse samenleving. = The eight mentality classes/groups of modern Dutch society.
de acrokeratosis verruciformis = Hopf disease
de acropathia ulcerans et mutilans = Denny Brown's syndrome
de- Activatie = deactivation
De activiteit = The activity
de activiteit te annuleren = to cancel the activity
de activiteit van de combinatie = the activity of the combination
De activiteiten van de groep = The activities of the group
de actualiteit = the current situation
de actuele laag = the current layer
de actuele praktische uitvoering van de uitvinding = actual reductions to practice of the invention
De actuele waarde van de bedrijfsgebouwen en -terreinen = The current value of the commercial buildings and land
de actuele werkomstandigheden waarin ze zich bevinden = the actual working conditions in which they find themselves
De adaptors = The adapters
de adder = the viper
de adductorenkanaal = adductor canal
de adductorenkanaal = crural canal of Henle
de adductorenkanaal = Hunter's canal
de adductorenkanaal = subsartorial canal: a musculo-fascial canal containing the large neurovas
de ademnood bij het uitademen = "expiratory dyspnea: difficulty with the expiration, often due to obstruct"
de ader = vein
de aderlijke Doppler = venous  doppler
de administratie = Administrative Department
De administratieve organisatie en interne controle = The accounting system and related internal controls
De adresgegevens van de opdrachtgever = The address of the client
de advertentie-instellingen van hun account = their account’s ad preferences
de adviezen zijn met redenen omkleed = the advisory opinions give reasons
De AEOS Blue door controller = The AEOS Blue by controller
de AEOS Blue door controllers = the AEOS Blue door controllers
De AEOS Blue hardware lijn = The AEOS Blue hardware line
de af te leggen route = the route to be travelled
de af te werken wandprofielen en wand = wall profiles and wall to be finished
De afdekdoppen = The sealing caps
De afdekportie = the covering portion
de afdekportie van het tweede element = the covering portion of the second element
de afdeling Fleet Management = the Fleet Management department
de afdeling infectieziekten = infectious diseases section
de afdeling infectieziekten = ward for  infectious diseases
De afdeling Operationele Inkoop = The Operational Procurement department
De afdeling recruitment = The recruitment department
de afdeling schade van de leasemaatschappij = the claims department of the leasing company
de afdeling Systeembeheer = the systems management department
de affectieve instabiliteit = emotional lability
de afgelopen 2 jaar = the past two years
De afgelopen dagen = The last few days
de afgelopen jaren = in recent years
de afgelopen periode = recently
de afgelopen tien jaar = over the past decade
De afgelopen vijf jaar = Over the past five years
de afgesproken ingangsdatum = the agreed commencement date
de afgesproken kwaliteit = the agreed level of quality
de afgesproken termijnen = the agreed deadlines
De afgifteinrichting van de onderhavige uitvinding = The dispensing device of the present invention
de afhankelijk van de ernst van de kwaal verminderde weerstand te verbete = to improve the resistance reduced to a certain extent depending on the se
De aflossingsverplichtingen = The repayment obligations
De afmetingen = The dimensions
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen niet noodzakelijkerwijze o = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen niet noodzakelijkerwijze o = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen soms niet overeen met de a = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen soms niet overeen met de a = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond
De afmetingen van = The dimensions of
De afmetingen van een diamant worden uitgedrukt in millimeter. = The measurements of a diamond are expressed in millimetres.
De afmetingen van het product = The dimensions of the product
de afneembare beveiliging = the removable security device
De Afnemer dient ervoor te zorgen dat = Customer must ensure
de afnemer dient ontbinding in te roepen door middel van een schriftelijk = the buyer must effect the termination of the contract by means of a writt
De Afnemer doet afstand van alle rechten = Customer waives all rights
de afnemer is niet bevoegd zijn betalingsverplichtingen tegenover de leve = the purchaser will not be entitled to suspend its payment obligations to
de afspraken die zijn vastgelegd in = the agreements laid down in
de afspraken gemaakt tussen = the agreements made between
de afspraken met betrekking tot voornoemde opdracht = the agreements with respect to said assignment
de afstammelingsleer = theory of  evolution
de afstand = the distance
de afstand in millemeters = the distance in millimetres
De afstand tussen = The distance between
de afstand tussen = the distance between
de afstand tussen de = the distance between the
de afstand tussen de producten = the distance between the products
de afstand tussen deze groepen = the distance between these groups
de afstand tussen het eerste en tweede = the distance between the first and second
de afstand tussen het verhoogde oppervlak en het onderliggende oppervlak = the distance between the raised surface and the underlying surface
de afstandhouder ( dekkingblokje) = distance piece
de afstandhouder (bekisting) = crow strut
De afstandsbedieningsmodule = The remote control module
De afstandsbedieningsmodule voor = The remote control module for
de aftakking (loodgieterij) = distributing pipe
de aftocht blazen = retreat
de afvalbrandstof wordt in de verbrandingsovens verbrand = the waste fuel is burned in the incinerators
de afwas doen = to wash the dishes
de afweeronderdrukker = immunodepressor
de afweeronderdrukker = (noun)  immunosuppressant
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = absence due to  illness
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = missing work because of sickness
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = time lost through illness
de afzonderlijke activa en passiva = the components of assets and liabilities
de afzonderlijke malhelften worden ontworpen = the separate mold halves are designed
de Agent en de Artiest = the Agent and the Artist
de agglomeratie van Brussel = Brussels metropolitan area
de agglomeratie van Brussel = conurbation
de agglutinabiliteit = agglutinability
de AIS = AIS
de AIS = abbreviated  injury scale: a classification system for assessing impact i
de alarmen zijn veel te zacht = the alarms are much too soft
De aldus verkregen bedragen = The amounts thus obtained
de Algemene Bepalingen van deze algemene voorwaarden = the General Provisions of these General Terms and Conditions
de algemene stijging van de temperatuur = global warming
de algemene vergadering kan besluiten tot juridische fusie en tot splitsi = the general meeting may decide to approve a merger or division
de algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders heeft met instemming kennis ge = the general meeting of shareholders has welcomed ...
De Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders kan = The General Meeting of Shareholders may
De Algemene Werkgeversvereniging Nederland = The General Employers’ Association (AWVN)
de allergrootste verzenders van = the largest senders of
de allernieuwste technologie = the latest technologies
de als Bijlage toegevoegde = attached as an Appendix
de als dan geldende = applicable at such time
de als dan voor de Onderneming geldende = applicable in the Company at that time
de als voorbeeld beschreven en in de figuren weergegeven uitvoeringsvorme = the embodiments described by way of example and shown in the figures
de als zodanig herkenbare hulpverleners = the emergency services workers identified as such
de alsdan geldende huurprijs = the rent then applicable
de alsdan geldende wettelijke handelsrente = the then current statutory commercial interest
de alveolaire echinococcose de lever = hepatic echinococcosis
de amandel = the almond
de ambassadeur = ambassador
De ambitie = Our ambition
De ambitie = Our ambitions
De Amerikaanse centrale bank (Fed) = Federal Reserve (Fed)
De Amerikanen = Americans
de analyse van literatuur en documenten = the analysis of literature and documents
de analyse van onderzoeksdata = the analysis of research data
de ananas = the pineapple
de ander stimuleren om door te vertellen = stimulating the other person to continue with their story
De andere kant van de medaille = The flip side
de andere Partij het voorwerp is van een beslag = the other Party is subject to an attachment order
de andere zorgverzekeraars = the other health insurance providers
de anemie van Fanconi = Fanconi syndrome
de anemie van Lederer = acute  hemolytic anemia
de anemie van Lederer = hemolytic acute anemia
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = anemia due to blood loss
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = anemia due to loss of blood
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = posthemorrhagic anemia
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = hemorrhagic anemia
de aneurysma axiale = axial aneurysm
de angina monocytotica = glandular fever
de anjer = the carnation
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic chemicals
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic substances
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic compounds
de ansjovis = the anchovy
de anti-GBM-nefritis = anti-  glomerular basement membrane antibody disease
de anti-GBM-nefritis = "anti-GBM disease: glomerulonephritis, of a generalized proliferative cres"
de anti-GBM-nefritis = Goodpasture disease
de AOW gerechtigde leeftijd bereikt = reaches retirement age
de AOW gerechtigde leeftijd bereikt = reaches state pension age
De aparte handline voor poeder = the separate handline for powder
de apathie = apathy
De API voor plaatsbepaling = The API for positioning
de aponeurosis epicranialis = galea
De apparatuur is tegen diefstal verzekerd = The equipment is insured against theft
de appel = the apple
de appel valt niet ver van de boom = apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to it
de appel valt niet ver van de boom = the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
De applicatie moet gegevens die de kwalitatieve houdbaarheidsgrenzen bena = The application is required to automatically flag data which are approach
de apps van het bedrijf zelf = the company’s own apps
de arbeidsmarkt is open voor zowat alle functies = there are plenty of employment opportunities in the labour market
de arbeidsomstandigheden = the working conditions
de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering = "disability insurance, invalidity insurance"
de Arbeidsovereenkomst = the Employment Contract
de arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt = the employment contract ends
de arbeidsovereenkomst te ontbinden = terminate the employment agreement
de arend = the eagle
de argumenterende samenleving = rational society
de arhinencephalia = alobar  holoprosencephaly
de arm = arm
de armfracturen = fractures of the arm
de arteria supratrochlearis = frontal artery
de Artiest = the Artist
de artisjok = the artichoke
de arts die de schouw verricht = the physician conducting the external examination
De as waarop het drijvend wiel zit = The shaft on which the driving gear is fitted
de asbak = ashtray
de aseptische cultuur = axenic culture
de aseptische cultuur = germ-free culture
de asfaltspijker (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = clout nail
De aspecten van de openbaarmaking kunnen betrekking hebben op individuele = The aspects of the disclosure may relate to individual features as well a
De aspecten van de openbaarmaking kunnen betrekking hebben op individuele = The aspects of the disclosure may relate to individual features as well a
de asperge = the asparagus
De assemblagehandleiding filmpjes kun je vinden = The assembly guide videos can be found
de atelectasis adnata = congenital  fetal atelectasis: collapse of an expanded lung in a newborn
de atriale tachycardie = "atrial  flutter: a rapid, well-organized contraction of the atrium at 260"
de atriale tachycardie = fibrillo-flutter: a serious & potentially unstable rhythm
de atriumfibrillatie = "a disorganized electrical conduction in the atria, resulting in ineffecti"
de atriumfibrillatie = atrial  fibrillation
de audiokwaliteit van de audio-ingangskanalen = the audio quality of the audio input channels
de auto in ontvangst neemt = takes delivery of the car
De auto wordt niet weergegeven in de lijst = The car does not appear in the list
de automatische belichtingsregeling = automatic exposure control
de automatische belichtingsregeling = automatic  exposure timing
de automatische defibrillator = AICD
de automatische defibrillator = automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator: a surgically-implanted devic
de automatische defibrillator = automatic  implantable cardioverter defibrillator
de autonome DNA-replicatie = ARS
de autonome DNA-replicatie = autonomous DNA replication
de autonome DNA-replicatie = autonomously replicating sequence
de autonoom replicerende sequentie = autonomously replicating sequence
de autonoom replicerende sequentie = autonomous  DNA replication
De autoregeling geldt niet alleen voor = The company car scheme applies not only to
de autoriteiten = the authorities
de autoriteiten van de FSM = FSM authorities
de autosomale erfelijkheid = autosomal heredity
de avond = evening
de avond valt = night is falling
de avondklok = the curfew
de azijn = vinegar
de baard = beard
de baas zijn = be master over
De baas zijn = Overpower
De baas zijn = Domineer
De baas zijn = Outclass
De baas zijn = Dominate
De baas zijn = Exceed
De baas zijn = Tower
De baas zijn = Surpass
de back office van de klant = the customer’s back office
de bacteriële biosynthese van eiwitten = bacterial protein translation
de bacteriële biosynthese van eiwitten = bacterial protein synthesis
de Baerveldt-implant = Krupin valve
De Bagage = Luggage
"De baguette is steeds rechthoekig met altijd wisselende facetten, wat hem" = "The baguette is always rectangular and has alternating facets, which make"
de bakpan = the frying pan
de baksteen = brick
de balans = scales
de balans voor vandaag = today's balance
de balenovertrek = bagging
de balenovertrek = bale wrapping
de balenovertrek = wrapping
de balk = beam
de Balkan = Balkans
de ballast = the ballast
de balloncannula = balloon cannula
de balsem = the balm
de banale besmetting = slight infection
de banale besmetting = mild  infection
de banden = the tires
de banden na goedkeuring door de leasemaatschappij tijdig te laten vernie = have the tyres replaced on time after approval by the leasing company
de banden op spanning brengen = tension the belts
de Bank en de Incassant = the Bank and the Creditor
de barst = the burst
de basis kan aangepast zijn om aan de binnenzijde van de laadklep te mont = the base may be adapted to be mounted on the inside of the tail lift
de basis van een juiste lichaamshouding = the foundation for correct posture
de basis van geneeskunde = the basis of medicine
De basis voor de = The basis for the
de basis voor de andere vormen = the basis for other forms
de basis voor een correcte houding = the foundation for correct posture
de basisprincipes van het = the basics of the
De basisuitrusting omvat alle = The basic equipment includes all
de batches reeds getest zijn = the batches have already been tested
de battery = dry cell battery
De bediening kan gebeuren = The unit can be controlled
de bediening schermen van de Palletiseermachine = the control screens of the Palletiser
De bedieningshandleiding en de onderhoudshandleiding zijn aanwezig = The operating manual and maintenance manual are present
De bedieningspanelen worden = The control panels are
De bedragen van de tarieven = Rates
De bedragen zijn inclusief = The amounts include
de bedrijfsgebouwen en –terreinen = the land and buildings
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational health service
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational health care
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational medicine
De bedrijfslasten stegen = Operating expenses rose
de bedrijfsveiligheid van het toestel = the operational safety of the device
De beëindiging treedt in werking zodra = The termination shall enter into force as soon as
De beëindiging van de Overeenkomst = The termination of the Agreement
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van de camera = the images are lost after switching off the camera
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van de camera = the images are lost when the camera is switched off
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van het apparaat = the images are lost when the device is switched off
de beeldinterpretatie = computer-assisted  image interpretation
de beeldsensor van de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving geïntegreerd is  = the image sensor of the user in the sterile environment is integrated in
de beeldsensor van de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving geïntegreerd is  = the image sensor of the user in the sterile environment is integrated in
de beer = the bear
de begane grond / benedenverdieping = ground floor
de beginselen van Eurocontrol voor het vaststellen van de kostengrondslag = Eurocontrol's principles for establishing the cost-base for route facilit
de begrippen die met een hoofdletter beginnen = the capitalised terms
de begroting = the budget
de begroting in evenwicht brengen = to balance the budget
de begroting voor = the budget for
de behaalde operationele kasstroom = the operating cash flow achieved
de behaalde resultaten over het eerste kwartaal = the results achieved in the first quarter
de behandeling met hirudine = hirudinization
de behandeling van condensaatwater in de procesindustrie = "the treatment of condensed water (or: water condensate, condensate wat"
de behandeling van condensaatwater in de procesindustrie = "the treatment of condensed water (or: water condensate, condensate water)"
De beheerder van de gegevens is = The administrator of the data is
De beheersing van registraties = Managing records
de behoefte aan = the need for
De behoefte aan = The demand for
"De behoefte aan spectrum voor specifieke, professionele breedbandige toep" = "‘The need for spectrum for specific, professional broadband application"
de behoefte te voelen in controle = the need to feel in control
de behoefte van verschillende gebruikers = the needs of different users
de behoefte voor meetnauwkeurigheid = the need for measuring accuracy
de behoeften van de klant = the needs of the customer
de behuizing = the housing
de behuizing een cilindrisch lichaam omvat = the housing comprises a cylindrical body
de behuizing een kraag omvat = the housing comprises a collar
de behuizing een retentiering omvat = the housing comprises a retention ring
de behuizing langs genoemd verbindingselement beweegbaar is = the housing is movable along said connecting element
de beitel = the chisel
de bek = muzzle
De bekabeling wordt zo uitgevoerd = The cabling must be laid
de bekercellen = mucus-secreting goblet cells
de bekercellen = goblet cells
de bekisting van de balkbodem = cut-in bottom
de belangen van de klant = the interests of the customer
de belangen van de Onderneming = the interests of the Company
de belangen van eindgebruikers = the interests of end users
de belangen van stakeholders = the interests of the stakeholders
de belangrijkste = the most important
De belangrijkste aspecten = The main aspects
De belangrijkste inkomsten = The main source of income
De belangrijkste redenen zijn = The main reasons for this are as follows
De belangrijkste symmetrie-afwijkingen en de 'proportions' worden eerst b = The main symmetry-deviations and the proportions are first judged based o
De belangrijkste symmetrie-afwijkingen en de proportions worden eerst beo = The main symmetry-deviations and the proportions are first judged based o
De belangrijkste taak van de = The main task of the
de belangrijkste technologische component = the key technological component
De belangrijkste uitdagingen in een ‘Wild West Datacenter’…en het a = Major challenges in a ‘Wild West data centre’... and how to tackle th
de belastingdienst = The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst
de belastingstolerantie = exercise tolerance
de belediging = outrage
de belegering = the siege
De beleidsanalyse = Policy analysis
de beleidsbepalingen en procedures = the policies and procedures
De beleidswetenschappen = Policy studies
de belemmeringswet privaatrecht = public-right of way charge
de Belgische diamanthandelaar = Belgian diamond traders
de Belgische diamantsector = the Belgian diamond sector
"De Belgische Staat, de Gemeenschappen, de Gewesten, de provincies, de gem" = "The Belgian State, the Communities, the Regions, the provinces, the munic"
de bemonsterde versnelling en een eerder bemonsterde versnelling = the sampled acceleration and a previously sampled acceleration
de benen = the legs
de benen van de pati = the legs of the patient
de benen van de patiënt = the legs of the patient
de benodigde functie-informatie = the required job information
de benodigde materialen = The necessary materials
de benodigde tijd om applicaties te bouwen en implementeren = the time required to build and implement applications
De benodigde verbinding(en) = The required connection(s)
de benodigde zorg in natura te leveren = provide the necessary care in kind
de beoordeelde = person being assessed
de bepaling van de verzekeringspremie = determining the insurance premium
de bepalingen in de cao = the provisions in the collective agreement
De bepalingen uit de = The provisions of the
de bepalingen uit de huisregels = the provisions of the company rules
de bepalingen van = the provisions of
De bepalingen van deze bevestiging = The stipulations of this confirmation
De bepalingen van dit artikel = The provisions of this Article
De bepalingen van dit artikel zullen ook van kracht blijven nadat deze ov = The provisions of this article shall remain in force after this agreement
De bepalingen van het Weens koopverdrag zijn niet van toepassing = The provisions of the Vienna Sales Convention shall not apply
de bepalingen welke nietig of niet rechtsgeldig zijn of worden = the void or voided ones
de beplating van een machine = the housing of a machine
de bereikbaarheid van de machine = machine accessibility
de bereikbaarheid van het = the accessibility of the
de berekende afwijking = the calculated deviation
de berekende snelheid = the calculated speed
de berekende waarden = the calculated values
de berekening van de benuttingsgraad = calculating the utilisation rate
de berg = mountain
de Bergsingel ligt in het verlengde van de Noordsingel = the Bergsingel is a continuation of the Noordsingel
de beroepsbevolking is goed opgeleid = the workforce is well educated
de beroepscontacteczeem = cosmetic  dermatitis: a cutaneous eruption that results from the applicat
de beroepskostenvergoeding = the professional expense allowance
de bescheiden worden al dan niet in afschrift overgelegd = either originals or copies of the documents will be submitted
de beschermde schakelaar = drill-cast rotary switch
de bescherming van ons land tegen digitale dreigingen = protecting the Netherlands against digital threats
de beschermingsfolie van de gelaagde inrichting = the protective film of the layered structure
De beschermkappen niet verwijderen tijdens de werking van de machine = Do not remove the guards during operation of the machine
de beschikbaarheid van bancair krediet = the availability of bank credit
de beschikbaarheid van data = data availability
De beschikbaarheidsgraad = The availability rate
de beschikbare dikte = the available thickness
De beschikbare premie = The defined contribution
de beschikking is bepaald op heden = the Court Order is issued with today's date
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting.
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. In d = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting. In the dr
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. In d = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting. In the dr
De beschrijving is voldoende gedetailleerd = The description is sufficiently detailed
de beschrijving van het = the description of the
De beslissing is in het openbaar uitgesproken = The decision was pronounced in open court
de beslissing om opdracht te geven tot een gerechtelijke sectie = the decision to order a forensic autopsy
de beslissing omtrent de kosten wordt aangehouden = costs are reserved
de besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid naar Nederlands r = a private company with limited liability under Dutch law
de besmettelijke nucleïnezuren = infectious nucleinic acids
de besmetting door Necator = bunostomiasis
de besmetting door Necator = hookworm disease
de besmetting door Necator = hookworm infection
de bestaande architectuur = the organisation’s existing architecture
"De beste kleur wordt 'exceptional white+' genoemd, de laagste kleur op de" = The best colour is called 'exceptional white+'
"De beste kleur wordt 'exceptional white+' genoemd, de laagste kleur op de" = the lowest colour on the scale is called 'tinted colour'. Between bracket
"De beste kleur wordt exceptional white+ genoemd, de laagste kleur op de s" = The best colour is called exceptional white+
"De beste kleur wordt exceptional white+ genoemd, de laagste kleur op de s" = "the lowest colour on the scale is called tinted colour. Between brackets,"
De beste oplossing voor starters = The best solution for beginners
de beste premiestelling = lowest premiums
de beste premiestelling heeft = has the lowest premiums
de beste werkzaamheid = optimal efficacy
"De beste zuiverheidsgraad wordt loupe clean genoemd, letterlijk loepzuive" = "The best clarity grade is called loupe clean, literally meaning clean whe"
de bestelling definitief is = the order is final
de bestelling te annuleren = to cancel the order
De bestellingen in uitvoering daalden tot = Contracts in progress fell to
De bestellingen worden gefactureerd = Orders are invoiced
De bestellingen worden gefactureerd tegen de prijzen en de voorwaarden = Orders are invoiced at the prices and under the conditions
de bestrijding van discriminatie te ondersteunen in arbeid en beroep = The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
de bestrijding van fraude = combating fraud
de bestrijding van piraterij = the fight against piracy
de bestrijding van soorten die nog niet bestreden werden (hiaten) = the control of species that have not yet been controlled (gaps)
de besturingseenheid is geconfigureerd om een afsluitklep te besturen die = the controller is configured to control a shut-off valve associated with
de betaling van reeds geleverde goederen of diensten op te schorten = suspend payment for goods or services already delivered
de betalingsverplichting komt niet in aanmerking voor een beroep op verre = the payment obligation does not qualify for set-off
de betalingsverplichting vervalt = the payment obligation ends
de betekening of de kennisgeving van stukken = the service of documents
de betekening of de kennisgeving van stukken = service of documents
de betermelding voor 9.30 uur doorgeven = to report before 9.30 a.m. that one is well again
de betonnen gording = concrete purlin
De betonwanden = The concrete walls
de betreffende categorie = the relevant category
De betreffende documenten = The relevant documents
De betreffende eis = The relevant requirement
de betreffende leasemaatschappij = the relevant leasing company
de betreffende onderdelen = the relevant components
de betreffende verkeerslichteninstallatie = the relevant traffic signal installation
De betrekking in = The employment in
de betrekking in België en Nederland = the employment in Belgium and the Netherlands
de betrokken categorieën van persoonsgegevens = the categories of personal data concerned
de betrokkenheid van medewerkers vergroot = increase employee engagement
de betrouwbaarheid = reliability
de betrouwbaarheid ervan voor specifieke doeleinden = its reliability for specific purposes
de betrouwbaarheid van je onderzoek = the reliability of your research
de betrouwbaarheid van uw data = the reliability of your data
de beuk = beech
de Beurs = Stock Exchange
De beurs loopt vooruit op de economische ontwikkelingen = the stock market anticipates economic developments
de beurs van de regering = government funding
de beurzen in Europa = European stock exchanges
de beveiliging van = securing
de beveiliging van communicatie = securing communication
de beveiliging van de toegang tot het netwerk = securing access to the network
de beveiliging van onze systemen = system security
De bevestiging van uitzending = The Confirmation of Secondment
De bevestiging van uitzending zal aan Werknemer worden verstrekt en maakt = The Confirmation of Secondment will be provided to Employee and is an int
De bevindingen van de inspectie = The findings of the inspection
de bevoegde autoriteiten van de lidstaten = the competent authorities of the Member States
de bevoegde rechter in het Arrondissement = the competent court in the district of
de bevoegde rechter in het Arrondissement Arnhem = the competent court in the district of Arnhem
de bevoegde rechter van de Rechtbank te Maastricht = "the competent court of the District Court of Maastricht, the Netherlands"
De bevolking in Nederland = the population in the Netherlands
de bevordingssekwentie = "enhancer element: in molecular biology, a Cis-acting DNA sequence in the "
de bewaarplicht van verkeersgegevens = the obligation to retain traffic data
de bewaartermijn van de externe documenten = The retention period of the external documents
de beweging = the device is not obstructed by
de beweging van de behuizing = the movement of said housing
de bewegingen van de foetus = fetal movements
De bewegingen van de vlotter worden via een tandwielsysteem overgebracht  = The movements of the float are transferred via a gear system to a metal s
de bewegingsrichting = the direction of movement
de bewegingsrichting van het substraat in het sputtersysteem = the direction of movement of the substrate in the sputtering system
de bewegingstherapie = exercise therapy
"de bewezenverklaring van het onder 1 primair, 2 primair en 3 ten laste ge" = That the court finds (...) on the principal charge 1
De bewijskracht hiervoor is gering = The evidence for this is limited
De bewijslast ligt bij = The burden of proof lies with
de bewoner van de flat = the occupier of the flat
de bezem = floor brush
de bezem = broom
de bij = the bee
de bij de aanbesteding betrokken medewerk(st)ers = the staff involved in the call for tenders
de bij de opdrachtgever ter zake geldende regeling = the client’s regulations in this respect
de bij de reorganisatie betrokken werknemers = the employees affected by the reorganisation
de bij dit onderzoek betrokken artsen = the physicians involved in this study
de bij haar aangesloten bedrijven = its affiliated companies
de bij het bestek behorende stukken = the documents supporting the contract documents
de bij het transport behorende vervoersbewijzen = transport certificates associated with the transport
de bij Werkgever geldende werktijden = the working hours in force at Employer
De bijdrage die de medewerker is verschuldigd = The contribution that the employee is due
De bijdrage die de medewerker is verschuldigd wegens = The contribution the employee must pay to cover the costs of
De bijeenroeping der algemene vergadering = The general meeting shall be convened
de bijenkorf = the beehive
de bijgevoegde conclusies = the appended claims
de bijkomende stap omvat van = comprises the additional step of
de bijl = ax
de bijlagen behorende bij deze overeenkomst = the Appendices forming part of this Agreement
De Bijlagen bij deze Overeenkomst = The Annexes to this Agreement
De bijwerking van de bijdragen en de prestaties = Update of the contributions and the benefits
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = distinguish main points from minor points
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = separate essentials from details
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = separate essentials from non-essentials
De Bilt = De Bilt
de binnen het bedrijf geldende = that apply within the Company
De binnendiameter = The inside diameter
De binnendiameter van de = The inside diameter of the
De binnendiameter van de buis = The inside diameter of the pipe
de binnendiameter van de kraag van de vatkop = the inner diameter of the keg head collar
de binnenkomende telefoonlijn = the incoming telephone line
de binnenluchtkwaliteit = the indoor air quality
de binnenste laag van de leidingen een substantieel gladde binnenzijde he = the inner layer of the pipes having a substantially smooth inside
de binnenzijde van de zijportie = the inner side of the side portion
de binnenzijden van de wanden van de buitenste kamer = the inner sides of the walls of the outer chamber
de biochemische werking van het endometrium = endometrial biochemical activity
de biomedische imaging = biomedical  imaging
de bitumenlaag af te schermen = shield the bitumen layer
de bitumenlaag af te schermen van UV licht = shield the bitumen layer from UV light
de bitumenlaag de plaatsingslijn en de eerste rand nog scheidt = the bitumen layer still separates the placement line and the first edge
de blaas = bladder
de bladzijde = page
de blennorrhoea neonatorum = ophthalmia neonatorum
de bliksem = the thunder
de bliksem = the lightning
de bliksemafleider = the lightning rod
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = erythrocyte sedimentation rate
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = ESR
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = E.S.R.
de bloedvormend organen = hemopoietic organs
de bloedzuiger = the leech
de bloem = the flower
de bloemkool = the cauliflower
de blootstelling via inademing van gifgassen = "inhalation exposure: inhaling harmful chemical, physical, or biological a"
de blootstelling via inademing van gifgassen = inhalation of air pollutants
de bodem = the bottom
de bodem speelt altijd een belangrijke rol = The soil always plays an important role
De Boer Logistics = De Boer Logistics
De Boer Logistics B.V. = De Boer Logistics B.V.
De Boer Tenten = De Boer Tenten
de boete = the fine
de boete is rechtstreeks verschuldigd aan de werkgever en strekt deze tot = the penalty is payable to and accrues to the employer
De boete is verschuldigd door het enkele feit van niet-nakoming = The penalty shall be due by the mere fact of non-performance
de bokkepruik op hebben = to be in a bad mood
de bol van de steel te scheiden = separating the bulb from the stem
de boodschap en de wijzigingsgebeurtenis elk omvattende eenzelfde code = the message and the change event each comprising the same code
de boog = bow
de boog = the bow
de boog = arch
de boom = the tree
de boomen groeien niet tot in de hemel = all good things must come to an end/ you can't always get what you want
de boon = the bean
de boorkop (op schroevendraaier en boormachine) = chuck
de boorstandaard = drill stand
de boot missen = miss the boat
de borging van = the control of
de borging van .... garandeert = ensures that .... is retained
de borging van de kwaliteit van = ensuring the quality of
de borging van onze kwaliteit = ensuring our quality
de borst geven = suckle
de borst geven = breastfeed
de Bosporus = Bosporus
de boter = the butter
de bothriocephaliasis = diphyllobothriasis: an infection caused by the fish tapeworm
De bouten dienen volledig in het hout te worden opgenomen. = The length of the screws must be fully incorporated within the wood
de bouw = the construction industry
de bouw van de daarvoor benodigde componenten = the construction of the necessary components
de bouw van een verlenging = the construction of an extension
de bouwput = excavation
De boven genoemde werkzaamheden kunnen wij voor u uitvoeren voor een bedr = We can perform the above work for you for a sum of
De bovengenoemde = above-mentioned aim
De bovengenoemde documenten = The above documents
de bovengenoemde werkwijze toe te passen = apply the abovementioned method
De bovenkant van de pallet = The top of the pallet
de bovenmatie frequentie = excess frequency
De bovenstaande doelstelling wordt verwezenlijkt door een inrichting volg = The above-mentioned aim is achieved by a device according to the present
De bovenstaande doelstelling wordt verwezenlijkt door een inrichting volg = The above-mentioned aim is achieved by a device according to the present
De bovenstaande en andere aspecten = The above and other aspects
De bovenste = The upper
de bovenste legplank = the top shelf
De bovenste twee lagen worden weggegooid. = The upper two layers are discarded.
De bovenste verdieping van deze = The top floor of this
de boventoon voeren = to predominate
de bovenzijde van de schuimplaat = the upper side of the foam panel
De box = bulk storage
de BPV is met goed gevolg afgesloten = the practical occupational training has been successfully concluded
de braking = vomiting
de braking = emesis
de brancard op wielen = gurney
de branche = the industry
de branche waarin u actief bent = the industry in which you operate
de branderafscherming (van oliebrander) = covered pilot light
De brandstofpas mag niet worden gebruikt voor = The fuel card may not be used for
De brandwerende roldeur = The fire-resistant roller door
de brandwerende roldeuren = the fire-resistant roller doors
De brandwerende schuifdeur = The fire-resistant sliding door
De brandwerende schuifdeur is bij Efectis Nederland met succes tweezijdig = The fire-resistant sliding door has successfully undergone double-sided s
de Brasquage = the pot manufacture workshop (Brasquage)
de brede lakkwast = flat brush
de brede lakkwast = flat wall bush
de breedte = the width
de breedte van de = the width of the
de breedte van de derde laag = the width of the third layer
de breedte van de groeven = the width of the grooves
de breedte van het substraat = the width of the substrate
De breedte wordt gemeten = The width is measured
de breedte-richting van een substraat = the width of a substrate
"de breedterichting, de diepterichting en de hoogterichting" = "the width direction, the depth direction and the height direction"
de breiartikelen = knitted goods
de breiartikelen = knitwear
de brief is zoekgeraakt = the letter has gone astray
de brief is zoekgeraakt = the letter has got mislaid
De brief van = The letter dated
de brievenbus = letterbox
de Britse brancheorganisatie = the UK trade association
De Britse wet op gegevensbescherming en de vereiste van de EU regels = Under the UK Data Protection Act and the requirements of the EU rules
de broeder = the brother
de broekspijp of mouw van het chirurgisch doek = the leg or sleeve of the surgical drape
De bron = The source
de bronchospirochaetosis = hemorrhagic bronchitis: chronic bronchitis due to infection with spiroche
de bronchospirochaetosis = Castellani's bronchitis
De broncode is uw eigendom = You own the source code
de brug = the bridge
De bruginrichting volgens conclusie = The loading ramp according to claim
De bruginrichting volgens één van voorgaande conclusies = The loading ramp according to any of the previous claims
de bruikbare capaciteit van de batterijen = the usable capacity of the batteries
De brutomarge = The company’s gross margin
De Buffalo's = K.A.A. Gent (Royal Athletic Association Ghent)
de buigzame lip gevormd door de eerste snede en de buigzame lip gevormd d = the pliable lip formed by the first cut and the pliable lip formed by the
de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eerste paar = the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair
de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd tweede paar = the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said second pair
de buik = the belly
de buitendiameter = the outside diameter
de buitenhalsslagader = external carotid artery: the branch of the carotid artery that supplies b
de buitenkant van het monster = the outside of the sample
de buitenluchtklep = The outdoor air valve
de buitentemperatuur = the outside temperature
de buitentemperatuur = the outdoor temperature
de buitenzijde daarvan = its exterior
de buitenzijde van de zijwand van de behuizing = the outside of the side wall of the housing
de bundel = the bundle
de burgemeester van 's-Gravenhage of de door hem daartoe aangewezen ambte = the mayor of The Hague or an official designated by him for this purpose
de burgers de komende tijd extra te maken krijgen = "in the near future, citizens will suffer increasingly..."
de business = the business
De Business Service Catalogue = The Business Service Catalogue
De Business Service Catalogue beschrijft: = The Business Service Catalogue describes:
de bustehouder = the bra
de buurman = neighbour
de BV Nederland = "The Netherlands, Inc."
de cachexie = wasting
de canalis arantii = ductus venosus
de capillaropathie = capillary  hemangioma
De carelink werkt bij mij niet = I can’t get the CareLink to work
de categorieën van gegevens waarop de verwerking betrekking heeft = the categories of data to which the processing relates
De categorieën worden als volgt gewogen: = The categories are weighted as follows:
De Cegeka visie Connected Organisation = Cegeka’s Connected Organisation vision
de cel = cell
de cel van bloedvormend stamweefsel = hematopoietic stem cell
de cellen van Corti = inner  hair cells: the bulbous cells medially placed in one row in the or
de cellulaire immuniteit = cell-mediated  immunity
de cellulaire immuniteit = delayed hypersensitivity: those manifestations of the immune response whi
de CE-markering = the CE marking
De centen = Financial aspects
De centrale eenheid laat tolken toe op een meer comfortabele manier hun w = The central unit allows interpreters to perform their work in a more comf
De centrale eenheid laat tolken toe op een meer comfortabele manier hun w = The central unit allows interpreters to perform their work in a more comf
de centrale verwarming / cv = full central heating
de cerebrale inklemming = cerebral herniation
de cerebrale inklemming = subfascial  herniation
de cervicale sympathectomie = cervical  denervation
de cervicale sympathectomie = denervation of cervico-sympathetic trunk
de cervicale sympathectomie = sympathectomy
de chauffeur die de levering moest doen = the driver making the delivery
de cheque werd niet uitbetaald = the cheque was not met
de cheques waren afgeschreven = the cheques had been debited
de chirurg = the surgeon
de cholangiohepatitis = cholestatic  hepatitis
de cholesteropexie = cholesterol stratification
de cholesteropexie = cholesterol  deposition
de chromosomenscheiding = genetic disjunction
de chronische agressieve hepatitis = chronic active  hepatitis
de cijfercultuur = assessment-driven culture
De cilinderdruk kan ook verhoogd worden door toevoeging van een ander gas = The cylinder pressure can also be increased by adding another gas.
de circulatie-hypoxie = circulatory hypoxia
de circulatie-hypoxie = circulatory  hypoxemia
de circulatie-hypoxie = stagnant  hypoxia
de cirrose van Hanot = Hanot cirrhosis
de cirrose van Hanot = Hanot disease
de citroen = lemon
de classificatie van dit voorval = the classification of this incident
de classificatie van medische hulpmiddelen = the classification of medical devices
de cliënt = the client
De cliënt centraal = Client-centered practice
de cloud authentication service = the cloud authentication service
De clown = clown
de code = code
de code één-op-één gelinkt is met een gebruiker = the code is one-to-one linked to a user
de code en het type van persoonsgegeven = the code and the type of personal data
de code gerelateerd aan de gebruiker = the code related to the user
de code te draaien = to run the code
de cognitie = awakening to
de cognitie = awareness
de cognitie = becoming aware of
de cognitie = becoming more aware
de cognitie = cognition
de cognitie = consciousness-raising
de cognitie = consciousness-raising (van eigen identiteit)
de cognitie = emotional realisation
de cognitie = ideational realisation
de cognitie = realisation
de collectieve pensioenregeling is ondergebracht bij = the group pension scheme is administered by
de collectiviteit bij Menzis = Menzis’s group scheme
de Colleges van Bestuur = the respective Executive Boards
de colonfistel = colonic  fistula
de coma acidoticum = acidotic coma
de coma acidoticum = diabetic coma
de coma acidoticum = hypoglycemic coma
de coma acidoticum = insulin coma
De combinatie van = The combination of
de combinatietang = combination cutting pliers
De commissie heeft een toelichting ontvangen op alle kwartaalrapportages  = funding
de Commissie voor de evaluatie van de activa van het Rijk = la Commission d??valuation des actifs de l?Etat (! Pas de traduction offi
de commissura hippocampi = hippocampal commissure
de communicatie met de server te beperken = limiting the communication with the server
De communicatie tussen verkeersregelaars en een verkeerscentrale = Communication between traffic-signal controllers and a traffic control ce
De communicatieaansluiting = The communication port
De comparant = The person appearing
"De comparant is mij, notaris, bekend." = "The person appearing is known to me, civil-law notary"
"De comparant is mij, notaris, bekend." = "The person appearing is known to me, civil[-law] notary"
De complementaire schroefdraad is complementair met de uitwendige schroef = The complementary screw thread is complementary to external screw thread
de complementbindingsproef = complement  fixation reaction (a reaction used to identify antibodies or
De componenten = The components
De comptabele meting = metering for accounting purposes
de computer = computer
de computer van de gebruiker = the computer of the user
de conclusies = the claims
de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving = the claims following the detailed description
De concurrent = The competition
de concurrentie de baas worden = to overcome the competition
de condities die gelden = the conditions that apply
de condities die gelden = the conditions governing
De configuratie bestaat uit = The configuration consists of
de congenitale mitralisstenose = Duroziez disease
de Connected Organisation = the Connected Organisation
de consequenties van = the impact of
de console (betonbouw) = flank
de constructor van de superklasse = the constructor of the superclass
de consument = consumer
de consument = consumers
de consument kan met het etiket uit de voeten = how useful the laberl is for consumers / how consumer-friendly the label
De consument van morgen = Tomorrow’s consumers
de contactstop met randaarde = earthed plug
de contactveer = contact spring
de continuïteit van = the continuity of
de continuïteit van de bedrijfsactiviteiten = the continuity of its business operations
de continuïteit van de informatie en de informatievoorziening te waarbor = ensure the continuity of the information and information systems
de continuïteit van de informatievoorziening = the continuity the information services
de continuïteit van de onderneming = business continuity
de continuïteit van een organisatie = the continuity of an organization
de continuïteit van het sorteerproces = the continuity of the sorting process
de contouren vluchtig schetsen = adumbrate  (To give a vague outline.)
de contractuele wederpartij = the other party to the contract
de contrastekker = extension socket
De controle op = Monitoring
de controle op personeel en goederen = the screening of staff and goods
"De controle uitoefenen over een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "Controlling a legal person, entity or body"
de controlled hypotensie = controlled  hypotension
De controller kan ook geprogrammeerd zijn = The controller can also be programmed
"de conventionele palletiseermachine, de standaard palletiseerrobot en de " = "the conventional palletiser, the standard palletiser robot, and the Highr"
de conversie te realiseren van een organisatie van professionals naar een = the conversion of an organisation of professionals to a professional orga
de Coombs serum = antihuman globulin
de Coombs serum = Coombs serum
de Coombs serum = anti-  human globulin serum
de correcte positie van het = the correct position of the
de correcte toepassing van = the correct application of
de correctheid van uw data = the accuracy of your data
de correctie OF de corrigerende maatregel = the correction OR the corrective action
de correctiebrillen = ophthalmic glasses
de correctiebrillen = photochromics
de correcties en corrigerende maatregelen zal beoordelen = will assess the corrections and corrective actions
de coup = coup
De Crash tender dient (aan de rechter achterzijde bij RETT-box) te zijn v = RETT box
de creatie van = the creation of
de crena chenium = anal cleft
de crena chenium = gluteal cleft
de criteria van de norm = the criteria of the standard
de criteria van de normen = the criteria of the standards
De criteria zijn = The criteria are as follows
De criteria zijn nog vast te stellen = The criteria still need to be established
de cross-linking van fibrine-monomeren = cross-linking of fibrin monomers
de cross-linking van fibrine-monomeren = fibrin cross-linking
de crymo-anesthesie = induced  hypothermia
de Cullinan = the Cullinan diamond
De customer service medewerker = The customer service representative
de CV-installatie = the central heating system
de cypres = cypress
de daad bij het woord voegen = walk the talk  (to act in accordance with one's words)
de daadwerkelijke bouwwerkzaamheden = the actual construction
de daadwerkelijke engineering = the actual engineering
de daaraan verbonden kosten = associated costs
de daarbij behorende rechten = the accompanying rights
de daarbij behorende rechten = the corresponding rights
de daarbij behorende rechten = the related rights
de daarin vervatte data = the data contained therein
de daarmee samenhangende diensten = the ancillary services
de daarmee samenhangende richtlijnen = the related guidelines
de daartoe bestemde = appropriate
de daartoe voorziene sectie = the section provided for this purpose
"de daaruit voortvloeiende financiële, strafrechtelijke en mogelijke ande" = "the consequences of this, whether financial, concerning criminal law or o"
de daaruit voortvloeiende opdracht = the resulting order
de daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsgevolgen = its legal consequences
de daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsgevolgen = the legal consequences thereof
de daarvoor benodigde = the necessary
de daarvoor benodigde componenten = the necessary components
de dag = the day
de dag van betaalbaarstelling = the day on which a distribution becomes payable
de dag waarop de betaling daadwerkelijk plaatsvindt = the date on which payment in fact occurs
de dag waarop je overlijdt = the day of your death
de dag waartegen een bijstorting is uitgeschreven = the day on which an additional payment is called up
"de dag, waarop deze betalingen hadden moeten geschieden" = the date on which these payments should have been made
de dagelijkse activiteiten van = the daily activities of
de dagelijkse gang van zaken = the daily routine
De dagen waarop de gedetacheerde medewerkers verlof mogen opnemen = The days on which the seconded employees may take leave
de dagmaat (i.v.m. brug) = clear span
de dakkapel (in een tentdak) = eyebrow
de dakpan = the tile
de dan geldige tarieven = the then current rates
De darmen = Intestine
de darmkronkel = ileocecal volvulus: twisted intestine
de data waarop de plannen werden gewijzigd = the dates on which the plans were modified
de dato = dated
de datum = date
de datum in waarop de vergadering heeft plaatsgevonden = the date on which the meeting took place
de datum van betaalbaarstelling van het dividend = the day on which the dividend becomes payable
de datum van erkenning of betekening = the date of acknowledgement or service
de Datum van inwerkingtreding = the Effective Date
de datum van vaststelling = the date of adoption
de datum waarop zij de Aandelen hebben verkregen = the date on which they acquired the Shares
de dauw = the dew
de decade = decade
"de decompensati: onvoldoende hartwerking met verlaagd minuutvolume, waard" = backward failure
"de decompensati: onvoldoende hartwerking met verlaagd minuutvolume, waard" = backward  heart failure
De deelkruispunten moeten afzonderlijk gestuurd kunnen worden = It must be possible to control the sub-intersections separately
De deelnemer heeft toegang tot = The participant has access to
De deelnemer kan aangeven = The participant can indicate
De deelnemer kan zijn persoonlijke gegevens bekijken = The participant can view their personal data.
de deelroosters in het roosterpatroon = the sub-grids in the grid pattern
De definitieve schikking = The final arrangement
de dekking van de pakketten en de premiestelling van de verzekeringen = the cover and the premiums of the packages
De dekking Vrijstelling van de bijdragen voorziet in de tenlasteneming do = Exemption from contributions cover
De deler mag niet nul zijn = The divisor cannot be zero
de den = pine
de denneboom = the fir
de dentine dysplasie = dentin dysplasia
de dentitiecyste = follicular cyst
de depressieschaal van Hamilton = HRS-D
de depressors = (noun & adjective)  depressant
de derde en vierde = the third and fourth
de derde harttoon = third  heart sound
de dermatitis venenata = contact dermatitis
de dermatitis venenata = contact  hypersensitivity
de dermatologie bij kinderen = pediatric  dermatology: the treatment of skin disorders in children
de desbetreffende producten = the relevant products
de desbetreffende vergoeding = the relevant consideration
de desbetreffende werkzaamheden = work in question
de design- en evaluatiefase = the design and evaluation phase
de desinfestatie = extermination: getting rid of vermin
de deskundige van de AWVN = the AWVN expert
de deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscie = the expert of the AWVN and the Central Classification Committee
De deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscommissie = The AWVN expert and the Central Classification Committee
de detectoren = the detectors
de deur = the door
De deur bij de = The door next to the
De deur bij de productlift = The door next to the product lift
de deur of de deuren = the door or the doors
de deur op slot = shutting the door on
de deur wijzen = put off
de deuren = the doors
de deuren opengooien = be open to outside ideas
de deviantie = deviation
de diabetes mellitus type I = unstable  diabetes
de diafragma in hoogstand = diaphragmatic elevation
de diagnose met behulp van een computer = computer-assisted  diagnosis
de diagnose met behulp van een computer = computer-assisted diagnostics
de diagnostiekproef = immunodiagnostic
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = counterbrace
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = crossbrace
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = diagonal member
de dialoog = dialogue
de diameter van = the diameter of
de diameter van de cilindervormige binnenwand = the diameter of the cylindrical inner wall
de diameter van de holle bout = the diameter of the hollow bolt
de diameter van de ring in gespannen vorm = the diameter of the ring in stressed shape
de diameter van de ring in niet-gespannen vorm = the diameter of the ring in unstressed shape
de diapedesis van leukocyten = leucocyte  diapedesis: passage of white blood cells through intact capill
de diarree ten gevolge van gastro-enteritis = enteral diarrhea
"de dibutyryl guanosine-3',5'-monofosfaat" = dibutyryl cyclic GMP
de dideoxyadenosine = DDA
de dideoxyadenosine = dideoxyadenosine: a dideoxynucleoside compound used as inhibitor of HIV r
De dienst wordt aangeboden = The service is offered
De dienst wordt aangeboden vanuit = The service is offered from
de diensten als vermeld in de overeenkomst = the services as stated in the agreement
de diensten conform de overeengekomen SLA worden geleverd = the services are provided in accordance with the agreed SLA
de diensten die tot een fase behoren = the services that form a part of a phase
de dienstverbandgegevens = the employment data
De dienstverlenende functie op de terreinen gezondheid en onderwijs blijf = Their role as health and education service providers remains important
de Dienstverlening aanpassen tot het marktconforme niveau = adjust the Service to the market level
de dienstverlening met zorg uit te voeren = to perform the services with due care
de dienstverlening van een applicatie-vendor = the services of an application vendor
De dienstverlening van Snappet = Snappet’s services
de diepe cicatrix = sunken scar
de diepte = the depth
de diepte in = deepen their understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = deepen their understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = deepen your understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = scratch below the surface
de diepte ingaan = going deeper
de diepte van = the depth of
de diepte van de = the depth of the
de diepteperceptie = depth perception
de dier = animal
De Dier Bart = Bart De Dier
de di-ethylstilboestrol = DES
de differentiaaldiagnose = DD
de diffusor = the diffuser
De Digitale Samenleving = the VSNU’s ‘Digital Society’ (De Digitale Samenleving) programme
de digitaline = C41H64O13
de dijbeenfractuur = femoral fracture
De dikte = the thickness
de dikte van = the thickness of
de dikte van de = the thickness of the
de dikte van de groeven = the thickness of the grooves
de dikte van de lagen van de parti?le coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de partiéle coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de partiële coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de parti�le coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van iedere laag = the thickness of each layer
de dilatie van de sphincter = dilation of the sphincter
De dimensionering van de = The sizing of the
de dimethyl-sulfoxidum = (CH3)2SO
de dimmer die leds probleemloos dimt = the problem-free LED dimmer
de dinsdag = Tuesday
de directie = the management
de directie stelt in onderling overleg haar werkverdeling vast = the board of directors will determine the division of tasks among themsel
De disciplinaire hoorzitting = The disciplinary hearing
De disciplinaire hoorzitting moet georganiseerd worden door een onafhanke = The disciplinary hearing must be organised by an independent person.
de discriminator = pulse-height  discriminator
De display moet goed zichtbaar = The display should be clearly visible
de displays en de LED’s = the displays and LEDs
de dissociatie van kiemen = bacterial variation
de dissociatie van kiemen = bacterial  dissociation
de distensie van de maag = acute  distension of the stomach
de distillatiewijn = muté wine
de distilleerkolf = distilling flask
de disto-occlusie = distocclusion
De distributeur is gehouden klachten van de eindafnemer uit hoofde van de = Distributor is required to remedy complaints of the final customer compla
de disulfidebrug = disulphide bond
de diurnale onwillekeurige urinelozing = diurnal  enuresis: urinary incontinence during wakefulness
de diverse materialen = all of the equipment
de diverticulum ilei = Meckel's  diverticulum
de divertikel in het duodenum = duodenal diverticulum
de divertikel van de urinebuis = ureteral  diverticulum
de divertikel van Rokitansky = esophageal  diverticulum
de divertikulose = colonic diverticulitis
de divertikulose = colonic  diverticulosis
de dizygote graviditeit = dizygotic pregnancy
de DNA koolhydrasen = DNA N-glycosidases
de DNA vingerafdruk = genome fingerprint: partial content of a DNA sequence
de dobbelsteen = "die,"
de dochter = daughter
de documentcreatie suite Inspire van GMC = the Inspire GMC document creation suite
de documenten benaderen en controleren = access and check the documents
De documenten welke als Bijlage bij deze Overeenkomst zijn gevoegd = The documents that have been attached to this Agreement as Appendices
de doeleinden en middelen van de verwerking bepalen = determine the purposes and means of the processing
de doelstelling niet kan worden gerealiseerd = the objective cannot be achieved
De doelstelling van dit artikel = The objective of this article
de doelstellingen als hiervoor benoemd = the objectives set out above
de doeltreffendheid ervan te beoordelen = assess their effectiveness
de doeltreffendheid van mijn communicatievaardigheden = the effectiveness of my communication skills
de dokter = doctor
de dokterspraktijk = doctor's office
De domeinnaambranche in het kort = domain name industry brief
de donder = the thunder
de donderdag = Thursday
de donovanosis = granuloma venerenum
de dood = death
de dood is ingetreden = death has occurred
de dood van haar man bracht een ommekeer in haar leven = the death of her husband changed her life completely
de dooierzaktumor = endodermal sinus tumor
de door ABC aangevoerde inhoudelijke verweren = the substantive defences put forward by ABC
de door controller en -interface = the door controller and interface
de door de beeldsensor gecapteerde beelden = the images recorded by the image sensor
de door de Dealer aangegeven specificaties/functionaliteit = the specifications/functionality specified by the Dealer
de door de fiscus vastgestelde niet-bovenmatige vergoeding voor woon-werk = the limits for commuting allowances set by the tax authorities
de door de fiscus vastgestelde niet-bovenmatige vergoeding voor woon-werk = the non-excessive compensation for commuting set by the tax authorities
de door de gebruikers opgewekte energie = the energy generated by the users
de door de leverancier geleverde diensten = the services provided by the supplier
de door de leverancier te leveren diensten = the services to be provided by the supplier
de door de medewerker terug te betalen studiekosten = the amount of study costs payable by the employee
de door de testtrommel op de band uitgeoefende kracht = the force applied to the tire by the testing drum
de door de wederpartij gedane betalingen strekken steeds eerst ter afdoen = payments made by the other party will first be applied to settle all inte
de door Goedan geleden schade = the loss suffered by Goedan
de door GRENKE verleende diensten = the services provided by GRENKE
de door hem ontworpen = his designs of
de door hen gehouden Aandelen = the Shares they hold
de door het management gehanteerde veronderstellingen = the assumptions used by management
De door Klant gestelde eisen = The requirements set by Customer
De door Maatschappij verleende diensten = The services provided by the Company
de door of namens Huurder aangebrachte veranderingen of toevoegingen = modifications or additions made by or on behalf of Lessee
de door ons afgegeven = we issued
de door partijen gewaarmerkte omschrijving van het gehuurde = the description of the leased property certified by the parties
de door u bestelde artikelen = your ordered items
de door u ingediende begroting = the budget that you submitted
De door u reeds ondertekende bijzondere bedingen = Any special provisions that you signed previously
de door u verzochte informatie = the information you requested
De door Verkoper geleverde zaken blijven het eigendom van Verkoper = The goods delivered by Seller remain the property of Seller
De door werkgever aan medewerkers ter beschikking gestelde auto’s = The cars made available to the employees by the employer
De door Yellax ten behoeve van Klant te verrichten werkzaamheden. = The work to be performed by Yellax for Customer
de doorn = the thorn
de doorsneepensioenpremie = the average pension contribution
de doorvoer = the throughput
De doos is al aan het einde van de baan = The box is already at the end of the belt
de dopa = C9H11NO4
de Doppler-ultrasonografle = ultrasonics
de dosimetrische aërosol = dosimetric aerosol
De dosis moet worden afgestemd op de individuele behoeften van de patiën = The dose should be adapted to the individual needs of the patient
de dosistempo = dosage rate
de douane = "custom, customhouse"
de douane = Customs
de dourine = dourine: a venereal disease of horses
de doxorubicine = adriamycin: an antibiotic & anticancer drug derived from the bacterium St
de doxorubicine = doxorubicin
de draadloze netwerkverbinding = the wireless network connection
de draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = die stocks
de draagarm = the support arm
de draagarmen = the support arms
de draagarmen verwijderd kunnen worden = the support arms can be removed
De draagstructuur = The support structure
de draagstructuur (1) omvattende = the support structure (1) comprising
de draagstructuur omvattende = said support structure comprising
De draaideuren van Securyfence = The Securyfence hinged doors
de draaiing van de nozzle = the rotation of the nozzle
de draairichting te veranderen = change the direction of rotation
de draden aan de connector solderen = solder the wires to the connector
de dragee = enteric-coated tablet
de drager is leeg = the carrier is empty
de drank = the drink
De Drechtsteden = De Drechtsteden
de drempel = the threshold
de drie adidas strepen = the three adidas stripes
De drie elementen = The three elements
de drie principes van milieubeleid = trinity of principles
de drijvende kracht achter = the driving force behind
de droom = the dream
de droperidol = droperidol: a butyrophenone with general properties similar to those of h
de drugvoorlichting = educational outreach on hard drugs
de druif = grape
De druk kan worden geregeld door middel van een stelschroef. = The pressure can be controlled by means of an adjusting screw.
De drukkracht van de klemband = The pressure exerted by the clamping belt
de drukspoeler (loodgieterij) = flushing valve
de druppel = drop
de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen = the straw that broke the camel's back (The small additional burden which
de dubbele wandcontactdoos = double plug point
de dubbele wandcontactdoos = double outlet
de dubbelgespiraliseerde gloeidraad = coiled-coil filament
de dubble panlat = double lath
de ductus = duct
de ductus = passage
de ductus arteriosus botalli = Botallo's duct
de ductus arteriosus persistens = patent  ductus arteriosus: the abnormal persistence of the ductus arterio
de ductus utriculosaccularis = endolymphatic duct
de duif = the dove
de duimstok = folding rule
de duivel = the devil
De duur is = The term is
De duur van de terbeschikkingstelling = The duration of the posting
de duur van deze overeenkomst = the duration of this Agreement
de duur van het project = the duration of the project
de duur van het verlof is verstreken = the duration of the leave has expired
de dwarsfluit = flute
de dwerg = the dwarf
de dysesthesie: een vermindering van gevoeligheid = dysesthesia: an unpleasant & abnormal tactile sensation
de dysurie: moeilijkheid bij het urineren = dysuria
de E. coli(-bacterie) = Escherichia coli
De E+ndura® = The E+ndura®
de eb = low tide
de ECB-vereisten met betrekking tot het rapporteren van statistische gege = the ECB’s statistical reporting requirements
de ecchymose = bruise
de ecchymose = bruising
de ecchymose = ecchymosis
de echocardiografie = "echocardiography: an ultrasonic recording of the size, motion, and compos"
de ecologische abondantie = ecological abundance
de economische activiteiten van het cluster = the economic activities of the group
de economische spionage = industrial espionage
de economische toestand = economic conditions
de economische toestand = the economic situation
De Economist = The economist
de eed = oath
de EEG = EEG
de EEG = electro-encefalograph
de EEG = electroencephalogram
de eekhoorn = the squirrel
De één noemt dat een roeping = Some might call it a vocation
de één of meer = the one or more
de één of meerdere = the one or more
de één of meerdere additieven = the one or more additives
de één of meerdere draden van veerkrachtig materiaal = the one or more wires of a resilient material
de één of meerdere granulaire additieven = the one or more granular additives
de één of meerdere pompen gemonteerd zijn op het frame = the one or more pumps are mounted on the frame
de één of meerdere retractoren = the one or more retractors
de één of meerdere verwarmelementen = the one or more heating elements
de één of meerdere waarden = the one or more value
de één of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ?obtained via the inertial measurement unit
de één of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ​obtained via the inertial measurement unit
"de één of meerdere waarden, of een aggregatiewaarde van deze waarden" = "the one or more values, or an aggregate value of these values"
de eend = duck
de eenheden = minor  details
de eenheden = minutiae
de eenvoudige monteerbaarheid en demonteerbaarheid = simple mounting and demounting
de eer = honor
De eer van het eerste bedrijf met deze certificering = is the first company to be awarded this certification
de eerder genoemde inlichtingen = the information referred to above
de eerste 2 maanden van het jaar = the first two months of the year
de eerste 6 maanden = the first six months
De eerste dag van arbeidsongeschiktheid = The first day of incapacity
de eerste dag van de maand = the first day of the month
de eerste dag van de volgende maand = the first day of the next month
"de eerste elementen, respectievelijk de tweede elementen" = "the first elements and the second elements, respectively"
De eerste en de tweede = first and the second
De eerste en de tweede = The first and the second
de eerste en de tweede elementen = the first and second elements
de eerste en de tweede opening = the first and the second opening
de eerste en de tweede verzameling van series van beelden = the first and second sets of series of images
de eerste en tweede = the first and second
de eerste fase van het havo/vwo = the first stage of higher secondary education
de eerste fase van het havo/vwo = the first stage of pre-university education
de eerste fase van het in de handel brengen van een product = The first stage of the placing on the market of a product
De eerste indicaties = The first indications
"de eerste keer wordt een boete van de eerste categorie opgelegd, maar bij" = "the offender is liable to a fine of the first category, but to a fine of "
de eerste laag (metselwerk) = first course
de eerste lagen = the first layers
De eerste maand van de arbeidsovereenkomst geldt als proeftijd = The first month of the employment contract shall count as a trial period
de eerste maand van het jaar = the first month of the year
de eerste plaat van het tweede bouwelement = the first panel of the second building component
de eerste positie en de tweede positie = the first position and the second position
de eerste respectievelijk = "the first, respectively second"
de eerste set van instructies = the first set of instructions
de eerste set van instructies omvattende instructies voor = the first set of instructions comprising instructions for
de eerste soorten gesorteerd kunststof verpakkingsafval = the first types of sorted plastic packaging waste
de eerste stappen zetten = take the first steps
de eerste tussenafstand en de tweede tussenafstand = the first intermediate distance and the second intermediate distance
de eerste twee categorieën = the first two categories
De eerste twee maanden van de arbeidsovereenkomst = The first two months of employment
de eerste twee stations sputterstations zijn = the first two stations are sputtering stations
De eerste uitdaging is de = The first challenge is the
de eerste uitvoering van deze test = the first implementation of this test
de eerste van een reeks = the first of a series
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen = the first connecting means
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen minstens op twee manieren kunnen verbinden  = the first connecting means can connect to the second connecting means in
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen minstens op twee manieren kunnen verbinden  = the first connecting means can connect to the second connecting means in
de eerste verdieping = first floor
de eerste verkeersregelaar = the first traffic-signal controller
de eerste vrijloopkoppeling en de tweede vrijloopkoppeling = the first freewheel clutch and the second freewheel clutch
de eerste wand = the first wall
de eerste zes maanden van = the first six months
de eerste zes maanden van haar boekjaar = the first six months of the financial year
de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde = the first side and the second side
de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde van het balkvormige betonnen element = the first side and the second side of the beam-shaped concrete element
De eerstvolgende gelegenheid hiervoor is = The next opportunity for this will be
de eerstvolgende inspectie = the next inspection
de eeuw = the century
de effect modificatoren = (epidemiology)  effect modifiers
De effecten van = The effects of
de effectiviteit van de maatregelen = the effectiveness of the measures
de efficiency van onze producten = the efficiency of our products
de efficiëntie verhogen = to improve efficiency
de efficiëntie verhoogde = increased the efficiency
de egel = the hedgehog
de eieren sneller loslaten = release the eggs more quickly
De eieren zelf = the eggs themselves
de eigen = the company’s own
de eigen functie = the employee’s own position
de eigen groep = the associated group
de eigen kwaliteitsdoelstellingen = our own quality objectives
De eigen media = Private media
de eigen organisatie = the individual organisation
de eigen organisatie = one’s own organisation
de eigen persoonlijke ontwikkeling = the student’s own personal development
de eigendom gaat over op = the ownership is transferred to
de eigendom gaat over op = the ownership passes to
de eigendom van de goederen gaat over op de koper = the ownership of the goods passes to the buyer
de eigendom van de goederen gaat over op de koper = the property in the goods passes to the buyer
de eik = the oak
de eindgebruiker = the end user
de eindgebruiker en integrator = the end user and integrator
De eindklant = The end customer
de eis in de hoofdzaak binnen 8 weken na het beslag moet worden ingesteld = the claim in the principal action must be brought within eight weeks of t
de eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = to bring a claim in the principal action
de eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = to bring a claim in the plenary action (US)
De eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = Bring a claim in the principal action
De eis is niet noodzakelijkerwijs van toepassing op = The requirement does not necessarily apply to
de eis is niet ontvankelijk = the action does not lie
De eis is van toepassing op = The requirement applies to
De eisen hieruit worden hierna vermeld = The requirements therein are specified below
De eisen t.a.v. naspeurbaarheid = The requirements as regards traceability
de eisen van de = the requirements of the
de eisen van overige gehanteerde normen en bepalingen = the requirements of other standards and regulations employed
de eisen voor het ter beschikking houden van de technische documentatie = the requirements around ensuring the technical documentation is always av
de eisen zoals gevraagd door de norm = the requirements as requested by the standard
de eiwitrendementsratio = protein  efficiency ratio
de electieve operatie = elective surgery
de electroforetische mobiliteitsproeven = EMSA:  electrophoretic mobility shift assay
de elektricien = electrician (electrical fitter
de elektricien = "electrician (electrical fitter, wireman)"
de elektriciteit die opgewekt wordt door de zonnepanelen = the electricity generated by the solar panels
de elektriciteitsmeter = electricity meter
de elektrische bel = electric bell
de elektrische bloedstelping = surgical diathermy
de elektrische fonk = electrical  discharge
de elektrische geiser = electric water heater
de elektrische gloeilamp = electric light bulb
de elektrische gloeilamp = general service lamp
de elektrische gloeilamp = filament lamp
de elektrische installatie van de machine = the electrical system of the machine
de elektrische klopboormachine / klopboor = electric hammer drill
de elektrische klopboormachine / klopboor = electric percussion drill
de elektrische soldeerbout = electric soldering iron
de elektrische verbindingen = the electrical connections
de elektrodermale respons = galvanic skin response
de elektrokardioversie = cardiac electroversion
de elektrokardioversie = cardioversion
de elektrokardioversie = electric countershock
de elektrokardioversie = electric defibrillation
de elektrokardioversie = electroversion
de elektromotor = electric motor
de elleboog = the elbow
de embrasure = embrasure: the space created by the diverging surfaces of adjacent teeth
de embryogenesis = fetal development
de embryopathie door zuurstofgebrek = hypoxic embryopathy
de emissie van nieuwe aandelen = the issue of new shares
de emotionele  impact van een leerling met ASS op de sociale omgeving = the emotional impact of a student with an ASD
de empyeemvinger = clubbed finger
de emulsielijm = emulsion paste
de emulsieverf = emulsion paint
dé en montage = assembling and disassembling
dé en montage volgorde = assembly and disassembly sequence
dé en monteren = assembly or disassembly
de encephalopathia hepatica = hepatic  encephalopathy
de encephalopathia hepatica = hepatic encephalopathy: the deleterious effects of liver failure on the c
de endocarditis simplex = serous  endocarditis
de endogene opiaten = endogenous opioids
de endoscopische sclerotherapie: een behandeling voor vaataders = endoscopic sclerotherapy
de endotheelcellen = endothelioid cells
de ene = one
de ene bij gebreke aan de andere = the one in the absence of the other
De ene keer = One time
de ene zijde van = the one side of
de energie geassocieerd aan het gebruik van de API = the energy associated with the use of the API
de energie-efficiëntie van ons bedrijf = the energy efficiency of our company
de energiestofwisseling = energy metabolism
de engel = the angel
de enige efficiënte manier = the only effective way
de enige manier = the only way
De enige methode = the only way
de enige relevante componenten = the only relevant components
de enige relevante componenten A en B zijn = the only relevant components of the device are A and B
de enige relevante onderdelen = the only relevant components
De enige vereiste is dat = The only requirement is that
de enkel = the ankle
De enkelvoudige jaarrekening is opgesteld in overeenstemming met = The company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
de enossale implantaten = endosteal implant
de enterische oplossing = enteric solution
de Enterobacteriaceae = enterobacteriaceae
de enzyme-werking = enzymatic activity
de enzyminducerende stof = enzyme-inducing agent
de enzymrepressie = repression
de epidemiologische controle = epidemiological monitoring
de epidemiologische enquête = epidemiological study
de epidurale pijnverdoving = epidural block
de epileptische aanval = epileptiform convulsion
de epinefrine-aërosol voor inhalatie = epinephrine  inhalation aerosol bronchodilator
de EPP buizen = the EPP pipes
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = amylopectinosis
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = Andersen's disease
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = brancher deficiency
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = branching enzyme deficiency
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = glycogenosis 4
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = type IV  glycogen storage disease
de erfelijlke hydronefrose = congenital  hydronephrosis
de erfgenaam = the heir
de ergastoplasma = ergastoplasm
de erin vervatte informatie = the information contained therein
de eronder gelegen bodem = the ground below
de erysipelas aan het gelaat = facial  erysipelas
de erysipelas spontaneum = idiopathic  erysipelas
de erythema infectiosum morbilliforme = infectious erythema
de erythroblastose = erythroblastosis: the abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulati
de erythrocyt = erythrocyte
de erythrodermia ichthysiosiformis = lamellar  desquamation
de E-schema's = the electrical diagrams
de estradiolacetaat = estradiol acetate
de estradiolsufaat = estradiol sulfate
de etage = the floor
de ethinyloestradiol = ethinylestradiol
de ethyleendichloride = CH2ClCH2Cl
de etterende hechting = festering stitches
de etterophoping = pyemia
de EU-richtlijn te verwerken in de landelijke wetgeving = transpose the EU Directive into national legislation
de Euro = the euro
de euro speelt in het voordeel van Europese bedrijven = European companies are benefiting from the Euro
de Europese ondernemingsraad = the European works council
De eurozone draait economisch lekker = The eurozone economy is doing great
de eutecticum = eutectic: having the lowest melting point or freezing point
de euthyreoïd hypometabolisme = euthyroid hypometabolism
de evaluatie van = the evaluation of
de eventratie = eventration: protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall
de eventueel door de Werkgever toegekende premies of boni = any bonuses or benefits granted by Employer
de eventuele leveringskosten = any delivery costs
de eventuele ontbinding van de vennootschap = the possible dissolution of the company
de evoluties van de markt = the evolution of the market
de evolutionaire psychologie = genetic psychology
de excitatiebron = the excitation source
de exclusieve economische zone van de FSM = FSM Exclusive Economic Zone
de exclusieve eigendom van = the exclusive property of
de exfoliatieve huidaandoening = exfoliative  dermatitis
de expertise van de accountant = assessment
de expertise van de accountant = inspection
de expertise van de accountant = the auditor’s expertise
de exploitant en/of het beveiligingsbedrijf en/of KMar = the operator and/or the security company and/or the Royal Netherlands Mar
de exposities = exhibitions
de exposities = exhibits
de externe controle-eenheid bedraad of draadloos in communicatie met het  = the external control unit being wiredly or wirelessly in communication wi
de externe controle-eenheid bedraad of draadloos in communicatie met het  = the external control unit being wiredly or wirelessly in communication wi
De extra deeltijdbijdrage = The additional contribution for part-time employees
de ezel = the donkey
de fabel = the fable
de fabrikant = the manufacturer
de fabrikant zijn beoordeling = the manufacturer’s assessment
de facilitatie = facilitation
de faco-emulsificatie = phacoemulsification: a procedure for removal of the crystalline lens in c
De facto = De facto
de factor = factor
De facturen zijn betaalbaar = The invoices are payable
de factuur binnen 14 dagen na dagtekening voldoen = to pay the invoice within 14 days of its date
de faecale coliformen = fecal coliform
de familie = family
de fazant = pheasant
de febris uveo-parotidea = uveoparotid fever
de fee = the fairy
de feitelijke beschikkingsmacht over de zaken hebben = to have taken actual possession of the goods
de feitelijke bevalling = the actual delivery
de feitelijke gang van zaken = the actual course of events
De feitelijke ter beschikkingstelling van Programmatuur = The actual delivery of Software
De feiten = The facts
de feiten met betrekking tot = the facts regarding
De felle geur (van de plant) doet de neus krullen = The strong smell (of the plant) is overpowering
de femurhals = femoral neck
de femurhals = neck of  femur
de fertiliteitsbevorderende middelen = infertility agents
de fertiliteitsproblemen = fertility disorders
de F-factor = F episome
de fiets = the bicycle
de fiets en het openbaar vervoer = bicycle and public transport
de figurale nevenperceptie = figural aftereffect: how events in one part of the perceptual field affec
De figuren zijn enkel schematisch en niet limiterend. = The drawings are only schematic and are non-limiting.
de figuurschaar = elbow snips
De film opent op = the film opens on
De filterbox wordt gebruikt om = The filter box is used to
de filterdoek = filter cloth
De filters = The filters
de financiele functie = the finance function (in an organisation)
de financiële gevolgen van het overlijden van de partner te verlichten = alleviate the financial consequences of the death of a partner
De financiële vaste activa omvatten ook = Financial fixed assets also include
De financiële vaste activa stegen van = The financial fixed assets increased from
de financiering van het betreffende Leaseobject = the financing of the relevant Leased Property
De firma’s die geregistreerd zijn = The firms that are registered
De fiscale compensatie is alleen van toepassing = The tax offset is only applicable
de fiscus = the tax authorities
de fistula dentalis = gingival fistula
de fixatieplaat voor de ledematen = fixation device for the extremities
de fles = bottle
de flexibele schil = "the flexible, non-core workforce"
de flexibilisering van de = increasing the flexibility of
de flexibilisering van het koelproces = increasing the flexibility of the cooling process
de flexibiliteit en modulariteit = the flexibility and modularity
de flexibiliteit van = the flexibility of
de flexie-contractuur = flexion contracture
de fluorvergiftiging = mottled enamel
de FMconférence in Frankrijk = the FMconférence in France
de focus te verleggen van = shift the focus from
de foetale cardiotocograaf = cardiotocograph
de foetale cardiotocograaf = fetal heart monitor
de foetale cardiotocograaf = fetal monitor
de foetale haemoglobine = HbF
de foetale hartgeluiden = fetal heart sounds
de foetale hartslag = fetal cardiac rate
de foetale letsel = damage to a fetus
de foetale letsel = fetal damage
de foetale letsel = fetal injury
De fondsbeheerder = The fund manager
de fondsinvesteringen = the fund’s investments
de forel = the trout
de formaline = embalming fluid: embalming solution: a liquid composed of formaldehyde &
de formaline = formalin
de formaline = arterial fluid
de fosfaat-bindende proteïnen = phosphate-binding proteins
de fossa musculi biventris = digastric fovea
de fout die deze fout heeft veroorzaakt = the error that caused this error
de framboos = raspberry
de frameshift-mutaties = frameshift mutation
de franchise is het bedrag waarover geen premie hoeft te worden betaald = the deductible is the amount on which no contributions are payable
de Franse minister van economische zaken = the French Minister of Economic Affairs
de fuchsine = triphenylmethane dye
de full color inkjet printers van Rotaform = Rotaform’s full colour inkjet printers
De functie gezondheidsprocurement staat in voor de medische dienstverleni = The Health Procurement function is in charge of the provision of the medi
de functie te vergelijken met de referentiefuncties = comparing the job with the reference jobs
De functie van = The function of
De functie van de = The function of the
de functie van de ontkoppelkast = the function of the disconnect box
De functie van Werknemer = Employee’s post
de functie vervullen van voorzitter = act as chairman
de functie vervullen van voorzitter = be in the chair
de functiebeschrijving als basis gebruikend = based on the job description
de functiegroepenstructuren = the job grade matrices
de functiegroepenstructuur = The job grade matrix
de functie-indeling van de medewerkers = the job hierarchy of the employees
de functies van het oprapen en verwijderen = the gathering and removal functions
De functiewaarderingsdeskundigen = The job evaluation experts
De functionaliteit wordt gedeeltelijk ondersteund in = The functionality is partially supported in
De functionaliteit wordt volledig ondersteund = The functionality is fully supported
de functionele handicap = functional disability
De functionele omschrijving = The functional description
de functionele werking van de installatie = the correct operation of the installation
de fundering = foundation
de funderingssleuf (in bouwput) = foundation trench
De gaaspanelen = The mesh panels
de galvanotechniek = electroplating
de gammazwartingsmeting = gamma densitometry
de gang van zaken = the current situation
de gans = the goose
de ganse lengte = the entire length
de garant maakt zich voorts tegenover de verhuurder sterk en staat ervoor = the guarantor also warrants its performance and guarantees that the lesso
de garant verbindt zich om = the guarantor undertakes
De garantie geldt enkel op onderdelen. = The warranty is only valid on parts.
De garantie omvat = The warranty covers
De garantie van de installatie vervalt = The warranty of the system is void
De garantie vervalt voorts = The warranty shall furthermore lapse
de garantietermijn is verlopen = the warranty period has expired
De garantievoorwaarden voor het Voertuig zijn onderdeel van de offerte. e = The warranty terms for the Vehicle are part of the offer.
de garnaal = the shrimp
de gaskachel = gas heater
de gastritis erosiva = ulcerative  gastritis
de gastroduodenite = gastroduodenitis
de gastrostomie = gastrostomy: creating an artificial external opening into the stomach
De ge?xtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de geavanceerde mogelijkheden = the advanced capabilities
de geavanceerde mogelijkheden van de = the advanced capabilities of the
de gebeurtenis zelf = the event itself
de gebouwen van de productie afdeling als van het administratief gedeelte = production and administrative buildings
de gebroeders Montgolfier = the Montgolfier brothers
De gebruikelijke = Ordinary
de gebruiker en zijn verplaatsing = the user and their movements
de gebruiker hiervan genotificeerd wordt = the user is notified thereof
de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving = the user in the sterile environment
de gebruiker in staat dient te zijn om uit te voeren = the user must be able to perform
De gebruiker kan inloggen = The user can log in
De gebruiker kan inloggen met een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. = The user can log in with a username and password.
de gebruiker op gepaste wijze te informeren = inform the user in an appropriate manner
de gebruiker van het Materieel = the user of the Equipment
de gebruiker weer snel aan de slag kan = the user can get back to work quickly
de gebruiker wordt verzocht de stap uit te voeren van het identificeren v = the user is requested to carry out the step of identifying the zones cont
De gebruikers zijn zelf verantwoordelijk voor = Users are responsible for
de gebruikersdatabank omvattende een veelheid van persoonsgegevens = the user database comprising a plurality of personal data items
De gebruiksaanwijzing is opgesteld voor = The manual has been prepared for
de gebruiksduur van de MiniMed Duo = the working life of the MiniMed Duo
de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de toepassingen = the usability of the applications
de gebruikte normering in dit bestek = the standards used in these specifications
De gebruikte taal in documenten = The language used in documents
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk te brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
De geconsolideerde balans = The consolidated balance sheet
de geconsolideerde cijfers = the consolidated figures
De geconsolideerde jaarrekening is opgesteld in overeenstemming met de In = The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance wi
De geconsolideerde resultaten over het 1e halfjaar van het boekjaar = The consolidated results for the first half of the financial year
De geconsolideerde resultaten over het boekjaar = The consolidated results for the financial year
de gecontracteerde hoeveelheid = the quantity contracted for
de gecontracteerde prijs = the contract price
de gecreëerde kaart automatisch wordt aangepast = the map created is automatically adapted
de gecreëerde kaart van het terrein = the created map of the terrain
de gedaalde olieprijzen = the fall in oil prices
de gedachte = thought
de gedeeltelijke overmaatse fractie en de eerste gedeeltelijke middelgrot = the partial oversize fraction and the first partial midsize fraction
de gedeponeerde coating stack = the deposited coating stack
de gedetacheerde medewerkers = the seconded employees
de gedetailleerde inhoud van = the detailed contents of
de gedetailleerde inhoud van de kast = the detailed contents of the cabinet
de geelzucht = the jaundice
de geëncrypteerde data heeft opgeslagen = stored the encrypted data
de geest = the spirit
De Geest = De Geest
"de geest is gewillig, maar het vlees is zwak" = the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (acheiving somethin
De geest is uit de fles = The genie is out of the bottle
de geestesverwarring = "incoherent thinking, confusion, incoherent ideation"
De geéxtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
De geëxtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de geformuleerde strategie = the formulated strategy
de gegadigde = candidate
de gegevens afkomstig van het ex-situ sensorsysteem = the data from the ex-situ sensor system
de gegevens eveneens getoond worden op een scherm = the data can also be displayed on a screen
De gegevens kunnen op twee manieren worden toegevoegd of gewijzigd = The data can be added or modified in two ways
De gegevens van het kruispunt = Intersection data
de gegevens van uw werknemers = your employees’ data
De gegevens worden vervolgens via Bluetooth overgebracht = The data is then transferred via Bluetooth
"de gegevens, de voorwaarden en de parameters" = "the data, conditions and parameters"
de gegevensregistratie is gestopt = data recording has stopped
de gegevensverzameling kan belemmeren = may interfere with data collection
de gehandicapte kinderen = disabled children
de gehandicapten = the handicapped
de gehandicaptenzorg = care of the disabled
de gehandicaptenzorg = disability care
de gehele aanbestedingsprocedure of een deel daarvan = all or part of the Tendering Procedure
de gehele beleidscyclus = the entire policy cycle
de gehele hoeveelheid = all
de gehele onderzoekspopulatie = the entire study population
de gehele oppervlakte = the entire surface
de gehele organisatie en onderdelen daarvan = the entire organisation and components thereof
de gehele volgende leaseperiode = the entire next lease period
de gehele zone = the entire zone
de gehoorde = interviewee
de gehoorgevoeligheid = auditory sensitivity
de gehoorgevoeligheid = hearing acuity
de gehoorresten = residual  hearing
de geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare natuurlijke persoon op wie de Pe = The identified or identifiable natural person to whom the Personal Data r
de geïmplanteerde elektrodes = NIM
de geïnduceerde coma = medically  induced coma
de geïnfecteerde = infected patient
de geïnspecteerde laagspanningsinstallatie = the inspected low-voltage installation
De geïntegreerde sensoren = The integrated sensors
de geïntegreerde warmtepomp = the integrated heat pump
de geïntegreerde warmtepomptechnologie = the integrated heat pump technology
de geit = goat
de geknipte figuur = the perfect man
de gekozen geschikte posities = the chosen appropriate positions
de gekruiste embolie = crossed  embolism
de gelaagde inrichting kan gebruikt worden voor het tegenhouden van opsti = the layered structure can be used for preventing rising damp in a wall
de gelaagde verkalking in de hersenen = flaky appearance of the brain
de gelaatsuitdrukking = facial expression
de geldende bevoegde instantie = the relevant competent authority
de geldende norm = the applicable standard
de geldende wetten en voorschriften = the applicable laws and regulations
de geleidende mantel in de afgewerkte geleider = the conductive sheath in the finished conductor
de geleider (voor afsnijden van behang) = cutter
de geleider omvattend = the conductor comprising
de gelijkstroom = (electricity)  direct current
de gelinkte toestellen = the linked devices
De geluiddemper = Silencer
de geluidsmuur = sound barrier
de gemaakte kosten te declareren = declare the costs incurred
de gember = the ginger
de Gemeenschap in haar oorspronkelijke samenstelling = the Community as originally constituted
de gemeenschappelijke markt = the common market
de gemeenschappelijke teruggeleiders = the common input conductors
de gemeten eigenschap = the measured property
de gemeten waarde van de sensoren = values measured by the sensors
de gemeten waarden = the measured values
de gemeten waarden of eigenschappen of karakteristieken = the measured values or properties or characteristics
de gemiddelde waarde over acht uur = the average value over eight hours
de genade = grace
de geneesmiddelenbewaking = drug monitoring
de genen--herschikking door T-cellen = T-lymphocyte  gene rearrangement: an ordered rearrangement of T-cell vari
de general adaptation syndrome = general adaptation syndrome: the body's nonspecific systemic reactions to
de genetica van de ontwikkeling = developmental genetics
de genetische diversiteit = genetic diversity
de genetische diversiteit = genetic variation
de genetische hulpbronnen = genetic resources
de genetische reassortment = gene rearrangement
de genetische verbetering = genetic  enhancement
de genische mutatie = genetic suppression
de genoemde gebeurtenissen = the events listed
de genoemde gebiedsafschermingen = the security fence systems mentioned above
de genomische inprenting = genomic  imprinting genetic imprinting
de genomische inprenting = genomic imprinting: parental imprinting: a biochemical phenomenon that de
De genoteerde aandelen luiden aan toonder = The listed shares are held in bearer form
de gentargeting = gene targeting
de geografische locatie van de medische gebruiker op het moment van de vi = "the geographical location of the medical user, at the time of the videoco"
de geopenbaarde uitvoeringsvormen = the disclosed embodiments
de gepaste RENSON accessoires = the appropriate RENSON® accessories
de geprefabriceerde bouwelementen op een eenvoudige en snelle manier aan  = the prefabricated building components can be connected to each other in a
de geprefabriceerde bouwelementen op een eenvoudige en snelle manier aan  = the prefabricated building components can be connected to each other in a
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting zoals beschreven in co = The preferred embodiment of the device as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting zoals beschreven in co = The preferred embodiment of the device as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = The preferred embodiment of the method
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geregistreerde diamanthandelaren = Registered diamond traders
de geringste verandering in de gezondheidstoestand van de baby = the smallest change in the baby’s medical condition
de gerst = the barley
de geschatte leveringstermijn = the estimated delivery time
De geschetste praktijkoplossing / het beroepsproduct = The outlined real-world solution / professional product
de geschiedenis van de regio = the history of the region
de geslachtscellen = germinal cells
de geslachtschromosoom = accessory chromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = B chromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = gonosome
de geslachtschromosoom = heterochromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = idiochromosome
de geslachtsgebonden erfelijkheid = gonosomal heredity
de geslachtskeuze = gender selection
de geslachtsspecifieke discrepantie = gender gap
de gesloten fractuur = simple  fracture: a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture
de gestelde normen = the required standards
de gestelde service levels = the required service levels
de gestoorde diffusiecapaciteit in de longen = diffusion disorder
de getuige = witness
De getypte aantekeningen van de hoorzitting = The typed notes of the hearing
de geur = smell
de gevaarlijke zones van de machine = the Machine’s hazardous areas
De gevaren van = The dangers of
de gevel helt naar voren over = the wall leans forward
de gevolgen daarvan = the consequences of its use
de gevolgen daarvan en de getroffen corrigerende maatregelen = the consequences thereof and the corrective measures taken
de gevolgen die aan een wederinvoer verbonden zijn = the consequences associated with a re-import
de gevolgen hiervan komen voor rekening van de opdrachtgever = the consequences of this will be borne by the client
de gevolgen van welke aard ook = the consequences of any kind
De gevolmachtigde = Authorised representative
de gevonden theorie = the theory I discovered
de gevraagde informatie = the requested information
de gewapend-betonvloer = ferroconcrete floor
de gewenning aan geneesmiddelen = "drug  habituation, drug addiction"
de gewenste = the desired
de gewenste capaciteit = the desired capacity
de gewenste dosis niet kan worden toegediend = the desired dose cannot be administered
de gewenste kleinste opening = the desired smallest opening
de gewenste snelheid = the desired speed
de gewenste sterkte = the desired strength
de gewenste temperatuur = the desired temperature
de gewenste waarde ingesteld worden = set the desired value
de gewenste watertemperatuur = the desired water temperature
de gewoonten bij het eten = dietary history
De ge�xtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de gezamenlijke genen (van een soort) = genetic pool
de gezamenlijke Nederlandse banken = the joint Dutch banks
De Gezinsbond = The Gezinsbond
de gezinsverzorgster = home aid
de gezondheid = health
de gezondheid van jongeren = the health of young people
de gezondheidsinstanties = sanitary authorities
"De gezondheidsstrategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het b" = "Lead, organize and drive the Health strategy at corporate, entity and/or "
de gezondheidstoestand van de deelnemer = the health of the participant
de gezondheidsvoorlichting en gezondheidsopvoeding = health education
de gezondheidsvoorlichtingscampagne = health promotion programs
de gezondheidszorg = health services
de gezondheidszorgsector = the healthcare sector
de gezuiverde glycerol = purified  glycerol
de gijzelaar = the hostage
de gingivitis = marginal  gingivitis
de giraffe = the giraffe
de glandulae sine ductibus = ductless glands
de glasbewerker = glassworker
de glashaak = glazier's square
de glazen ballon (van gloeilamp) = glass bulb
de glazen wand = glass wall
de gletsjer = the glacier
de gleufporties en pinportie = the slot portions and pin portion
De gleufvormige secties = the slot-shaped sections
de globale belasting van ziektes = global burden of disease
de globulimeter = erythrocytometer
de globulimeter = hemacytometer: an instrument for counting blood cells
de glomerulaire mesangiale cellen = mesangial cells
de glomerulonephritis = membranous  glomerulonephritis
de glomerulonephritis acuta = acute  glomerulonephritis
de glomus jugulare = jugular gland
de glossitis areata exfoliativa = painful  desquamation of the tongue
de glossopyrosis = glossopyrosis: burning mouth syndrome
de glucocerebrosidase: een glycosidase = glucosylceramidase
de glucosestofwisseling = glucose metabolism
de glucosuria = glucosuria: glucose discharging in the urine
de glucosuria = glycuresis
de glucosuria = having abnormally high levels of glucose in the urine
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = celiac disease
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = Gee's disease
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = gluten intolerance
de glutenvrije voeding = gluten-free food
de glycosphingolipiden = glycosphingolipids: ceramides which contain one or more sugar moieties
de God = God
de goede uitvoering van het contract = the proper performance of the contract
de goede werking van = the proper functioning of
de goede werking van de klok = correct functioning of the clock
de goede werking van het toestel = the proper functioning of the device
de goederen meenemen = carry along the goods
De goederen worden verkocht zonder recht van teruggave = The products are sold without a right of return
de goedheid hebben = do a favor
de goedkeuring vereisen van = to be subject to the approval of
de Golgicellen = Golgi cells
de Golgicellen = Golgi's cells
de Golgicellen = axiramificate cells
de gootbeugel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gutter bracket
de gotische stijl = Gothic order
de goudsmid = the goldsmith
De Gouw = County
De graad van fluorescentie wordt bepaald door de steen onder langegolf-UV = The degree of fluorescence is determined by comparing the diamond to a se
De graad van fluorescentie wordt bepaald door de steen onder langegolf-UV = The degree of fluorescence is determined by comparing the diamond to a se
de graaf = count
de grafiek van de dosis-effectrelatie = dose-response relation
de granaatappel = the pomegranate
de granulaire verharding = granular induration
de graviditeit = gestation
de grensregio op de kaart = put the border region on the map
de grensregio’s van Europa = Europe’s border regions
de grenzen opzoeken = seek the limits
"de grief zal waarschijnlijk afstuiten op..., gezien" = the ground for appeal is likely to be denied in view of ...
De griffier van de Rechtbank Noord-Holland = The registrar of the North Holland District Court
de groef gevormd door = the groove formed by
de groei en de ontwikkeling van de kuikens = the growth and development of the chicks
de groeifactor = growth factor
de groep bijzondere scholen = the group of privately-run schools
de groepstherapie = group therapy
de grond = soil
de grond = ground
de grondwettelijke macht van de Koning gaat bij erfopvolging over op de n = "the King's constitutional powers are hereditary through the direct, natur"
de groothandel = the wholesale sector
de grootschaals levernecrose = massive  hepatic necrosis
de grootste drukval = the greatest pressure drop
de grootste kans op succes = the best chance of success
de grootste speler in Europa = the largest player in Europe
de grootste uitdaging = the greatest challenge
de grootste van de = the largest of the
de grootste zorgverzekeraars = the largest health insurance providers
de grootte en de samenstelling van het vermogen = the financial position
De grootte van de = The size of the
de grootte van de benodigde = the size of the required
de grootte van de gemaskeerde videofeed = the masked video feed size
de grootte van de stroomdensiteit = the magnitude of the current density
de grootte van de stroomdensiteit van de ijzer of aluminium elektrocoagul = the magnitude of the current density of the iron or aluminum electrocoagu
de groove is ternair samengesteld = the groove is in compound triple time
de grote lijn daarin is = broadly speaking
De grotere flexibiliteit = the greater flexibility
de GTAC’s tijdig af te ronden = finalising the GTACs in a timely manner
De gunstige tariefbehandeling van goederen uit hoofde van hun aard wordt  = The favourable tariff treatment of goods by reason of their nature is gov
de Guthrie phenylketonurietest = Guthrie´s test
De Haagse Hogeschool = The Hague University of Applied Sciences
de haai = the shark
"de haak, het oog, de klem of het andere geschikte middel" = "hook, eye, clamp or other suitable means"
"de haak, het oog, de klem of het andere geschikte middel aan, tegen of ac" = "the hook, eye, clamp or other suitable means is attached, hooked or clamp"
de haan = the cock
de haarspeldbocht = hairpin bend
de haas = the hare
de habituele abortus = habitual abortion: three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions
de haemagglutinatie = intravascular  erythrocyte aggregation
de haematokyste = hematocyst: a cyst containing blood
de haematokyste = hemorrhagic cyst
de haemodia = gingival bleeding
de hagedis = the lizard
de hagel = the hail
de Hageman-factor deficiëntie = Hageman  factor deficiency
de halfopen ogen = half-closed eyes
de hals of de peer van de lamp = the neck or the bulb of the lamp
de halvering van de olieprijs = the halving of oil prices
de ham = ham
de hamer = hammer
de hamer met sferische kop = ball peen  hammer
de hamer met sferische kop = ballpeen hammer
de hand = the hand
de hand aan zichzelf slaan = commit suicide
de hand aan zichzelf slaan = kill oneself
de hand schudden = shake hands
de handdoek in de ring gooien = to throw in the towel
de handdoek in de ring werpen = throw in the towel  ((idiomatic) to quit
de handdoek in de ring werpen = to give up)
de handdouche = extendible shower attachment
de handelsmerkvorderingen te schikken = to settle the trademark actions
de handen uit de mouwen steken = roll up their sleeves
de handen wringen = wring one's hands
de handhaving van het omgevingsrecht = enforcing environmental law
de handleiding = the manual
De handleiding = The instructions
de handleiding zal later worden bezorgd = the manual will be delivered later
de handpalmen en de handruggen van de passagier = the palms and backs of the passenger’s hands
de handschoen = the glove
de handstamper = concrete tamper
de harde gelkapsel = hard  gelatin capsule
de harde hersenvlies = dura mater of the brain
De hardheid waarmee geschraapt wordt = How strongly the leeks are scraped
de hardnekkige eosinofilie = persistent  eosinophilia
De hardware configuratie = The hardware configuration
de hardware engineering = the hardware engineering
de hare = hers
de haring = the herring
de hartbeklemmingcellen = heart failure cells
de hartbewakingsapparatuur = electrocardiograph
de hartklep van een varken = bioprosthetic  heart valve
de hart-longmachine = heart-lung machine
de hart-longmachine = pump-oxygenator
De hartvorm heeft uiteraard een sterk emotionele waarde en is dan ook een = "The heart shape has, of course, a high emotional value and is thus popula"
de haver = the oats
de havik = the hawk
de hazelaar = hazelnut
de HBGF-1 = acidic fibroblast growth factor
de HDL-cholesterol = HDL cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins
de HDL-cholesterol = the 'good cholesterol'
de hebephrenia = hebephrenia: a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe disintegrati
De hechtende werking van de lijm ten opzichte van het artikel = The adhesive action of the adhesive relative to the article
de hechting van een prothese = retention of  dental prosthesis
de hechtlaag van de achterzijde = the adhesive layer of the rear side
De heer = Mr
de heer / mevrouw = Mr/Ms
de heer A.C. Blokhuis = Mr A.C. Blokhuis
"de heer ABC is bevoegd om alle goederen, gelden en waarden toekomende aan" = "the aforesaid Mr ABC is authorized to claim and receive all goods, monies"
De heer drs. = Mr
de heer E.M.J.M. van Nispen = Mr E.M.J.M. van Nispen
De heer Ir = Mr
de heer J.H.M. Hendriks = Mr J.H.M. Hendriks
de heer J.P. Visser = Mr J.P. Visser
de heer R. van Kleef = Mr R. van Kleef
de heer Samuel Kalu = Mr Samuel Kalu
de heetschokreactie = heatshock response
de hefboom = the lever
de heks = witch
de held = hero
de heldere cellen = epithelioid cells
de hele = the entire
de hele ... door = all
de hele hoeveelheid = all
de helft = half
de helft van de arbeidsduur per week = half of the weekly working hours
de helft van de bandbreedte = half of the bandwidth
De helft van de bloeiwijze is uitgekomen = Half of inflorescence emerged
de helft van een lengte van een zijde van de dwarsdoorsnede = half of a length of a side of the cross section
De helften van = The halves of
de hematocrietbepaling = erythrocyte count
de hematose = hematosis
de hematose = the arterialization of the blood in the lungs
de hematose = the formation of blood in general
de hematose = hematogenesis
de hemel = the sky
de hemiplegia = capsular paralysis
de hemiplegia = hemiplegia of internal capsule
de hemiplegia = capsular hemiplegia
de hemiplegia cruciata = alternate  hemiplegia
de hemodilutie = hemodilution: reduction of blood viscosity by adding cell-free solutions
de hemodilutie = increased plasma volume
de hemofiliepatiënt = bleeder
de hemofiliepatiënt = hemophile
de hemofiliepatiënt = hemophiliac
de hemopathie = blood disease
de hemopathie = hematologic disease
de hemopathie = hemopathy
de hemorroïdale trombose = thrombotic hemorrhoids
de hennep = the hemp
de heredopathia = hereditary disease
de heren = Messrs
De heren H.W. Kampert en J.F. Helm = Messrs H.W. Kampert and J.F. Helm
de herfst = the autumn
de hernia cruralis = femorocele
de hernia ischiadica infrapiriformis = infrapiriform hernia
de heroicum = heroic medicine
de herpetische pharyngitis = herpes pharyngis
de herpetische pharyngitis = herpes laryngis
de hersenen = the brain
de hersenhelft die normaliter overweegt = dominant hemisphere
de hertog = duke
de heterocyclische zuurstoffen = heterocyclic acids: acides with a ring structure in which at least one at
de heupbeen = hip
de heupbeen = hip bone
de heupbeen = lumbo-sacral area
de hevel = flushing lever
de hevige ademhaling = forcible exhalation
de hevige ademhaling = heavy breathing
de hevige ademhaling = huffing
de hevige ademhaling = huffing & puffing
de hevige ademhaling = breathing heavily
de hexamethonii bromidum = hexamethonium bromide
de hidrosadenitis = hidrosadenitis
de hier aangeboden toepassing = the application offered here
de hier voorliggende analyse = the present analysis
De hier weergegeven tekeningen = The drawings shown here
De hier weergegeven tekeningen zijn enkel schematische weergaven en zijn  = The drawings shown here are merely schematic representations and are not
De hier weergegeven tekeningen zijn enkel schematische weergaven en zijn  = The drawings shown here are merely schematic representations and are not
de hierboven beschreven = the above-described
de hierboven beschreven stap = the above-described step
de hierboven beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = the embodiments described above
de hierboven beschreven werkwijze = the method described above
de hierboven uiteengezette nadelen = the disadvantages outlined above
de hierboven vermelde aspecten = the above-mentioned aspects
De hierin beschreven inrichting = The device described herein
de hiermee geassocieerde = the associated
de hiermee geassocieerde kost = the cost associated therewith
De hierna beschreven functionaliteit = The functionality described below
de hierna omschreven = described below
de hierna volgende beschrijving = the following description
de hiernavolgende bepalingen = the following provisions
de hiernavolgende beschreven uitvoeringsvorm(en) = the embodiment(s) described hereinafter
de hieronder vermelde documenten = the documents listed below
de hieruit voortvloeiende = the resulting
de hieruit voortvloeiende kosten en schade die werkgever in rekening word = any expenses or losses resulting therefrom incurred by the employer
de hiervoor omschreven leveringsomvang = the scope of delivery described above
De hiervoor onder 2 genoemde vordering = the claim mentioned above under 2
de hiervoor vermelde = the above
de Highrunner mk7 = the Highrunner mk7
de hinder = impediment
de histiocytaire medullaire reticulose = Omenn's reticulosis
de hittepuistjes = prickly heat
de HIV infectie = HIV infection
de HLH motieven = HLH motifs
de hoed = hat
De hoedanigheid of een gebrek van zijn handbagage = The condition of or a defect in their hand luggage
De hoedanigheid of een gebrek van zijn handbagage = The condition of the passenger’s hand luggage or a defect therein
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het frontale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the frontal plane
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het sagittale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the sagittal plane
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het transversale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the transverse plane
de hoek gevormd door = the angle formed by
de hoek indrukken = wedge in the corner
de hoek indrukken = wedge into the corner
de hoek tussen een richting waarin iets zich uitstrekt en het vlak = the angle between a direction wherein something extends to and the plane
de hoeklei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = corner bottom slate
de hoekstenen van ons succes = the cornerstones of our success
de hoekstijl = corner strut
de hoekstijl = corner stile
de hoest = the cough
de hoeveelheid die beschikbaar is voor toediening = the amount available for application
de hoeveelheid vloeistof die per tijdseenheid in de condensor condenseert = the amount of liquid that condenses per unit of time in the condenser is
de hoeveelheid voedsel dat wordt weggegooid = the amount of food that is thrown
de hoeveelste = what date in
de hoeveelste is het vandaag? = what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?)
de hoge flexibiliteit geboden door de onderhavige uitvinding = the high degree of flexibility offered by the present invention
de Hoge Raad heeft het Hof drie prejudiciële vragen gesteld over de uitl = the Supreme Court of the Netherlands referred to the Court of Justice for
de hogere standen = high society
de hogeschool = the Hogeschool
de hogeschool = the NHL
de hogeschool = the university
de Hohn-catheter = central venous catheter
de Hohn-catheter = CVC
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn catheter
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn triple lumen catheter
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn central venous catheter
de holle bout minder of meer kan ingeschroefd worden = the hollow bolt can be screwed in less or more
de hologyne overdracht = hologynic inheritance: transmission of a trait from mother to her daughte
de homeobox- genen = homeotic genes
de homolaterale hemiplegie = homolateral  hemiplegia
de hond = the dog
de hondsdolheid = rabies
de honger = the hunger
de honing = the honey
de honneurs waarnemen = do the honours
de hoofdbaluster = guard rail
de hoofdkromtestralen op één punt van het spiegeloppervlak (ri) = The principal radii of curvature at one point on the reflecting surface (
de hoofdlijnen van het bedrijf = the company’s basic principles
de hoofdpijn van Horton = cluster headache
De hoofdstroomvoorziening = The main power supply
De hoofdzetel bevindt zich in = XXX is headquartered in
de hoogfrequentieventilatie = high-frequency jet ventilation
de hoogst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid = the greatest possible care
de hoogste kringen = the highest circles
de hoogste rechtsprekende instantie = the highest court
de hoogste technische bekwaamheid = the highest level of technical competence
de hoogste toegangsrechten hebben = to have the highest access rights
de hoogte en bestemming van reservering = the level and purpose of the addition to reserves
de hoogte en de breedte van een vak = the height and the width of a box
de hoogte in = into the heights
de hoogte van = the height of
de hoogte van de = the level of the
De hoogte van de aanvullende uitkering = the size of the additional benefit
De hoogte van de compensatie = The level of compensation
De hoogte van de mobiliteitsvergoeding = The size of the travel allowance
de hoogte van de wand = the height of the wall
De hoogte van het bonusbedrag = the level of the bonus payment
de hoogte van het dividend = the amount of the dividend
De Hoorn = De Hoorn
de horen = the horn
de horizon te verbreden van = to broaden the horizon of
de horizontale verspreiding = horizontal  disease transmission: transmission of infectious disease or p
de hormonale stoornis = endocrinopathy
de hormoonontregelaar = endocrine disrupter
de hospitality = the hospitality industry
de houder op de cilindervormige mantel een uitwendige schroefdraad omvat = the holder comprises an external screw thread on the cylindrical shell
De houder voor een beugel = The casing for an underwire
de houding van het vragen stellen = the attitude with which the questions are asked
de houdstervennootschap waaronder de relevante werkmaatschappijen hangen = the holding company of which the relevant operating companies form part
de HTH motieven = HTH motifs
de huid = skin
de huid niet verkopen voor de beer geschoten is = don't count your chickens before they're hatched{proverb} (don't count on
de huidaandoening = dermatosis
de huidfibrosarcoma = dermatofibrosarcoma
de huidige Belgische regelgeving = the current Belgian regulations
de huidige huurder = the present tenant
de huidige methode = the present method
de huidige positie relevant vindt = finds the current position relevant
de huidige positie van de palletlift = the current position of the pallet lift
De huidige uitvinding = The present invention
de huidige uitvinding = The present invention
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden = The present invention aims to provide a solution
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden voor het technische  = The present invention aims to provide a solution to the technical problem
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden voor het technische  = The present invention aims to provide a solution to the technical problem
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden = The present invention aims to solve
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste bove = The present invention aims to find a solution to at least the above-menti
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste bove = The present invention aims to find a solution to at least the above-menti
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft = the present invention describes
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft een inrichting = the present invention describes a device
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft een werkwijze voor het produceren van = the present invention describes a method for producing
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft het gebruik van = the present invention describes the use of
De huidige uitvinding betreft = The present invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding betreft een inrichting = The present invention relates to a device
De huidige uitvinding betreft een methode = The present invention relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding betreft een werkwijze voor het verpakken van = The present invention relates to a method for packaging
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook = The present invention also relates to
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook een werkwijze = The present invention also relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook het gebruik van = The present invention also relates to the use of
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook het gebruik van voorgenoemd = The present invention also relates to the use of said
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The current invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een verbeterde werkwijze = The current invention relates to an improved method
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The current invention relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voor produceren = The current invention relates to a method of producing
De huidige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op = The current invention also relates to
De huidige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot = The present invention is by no means limited to
De huidige uitvinding is voordelig = The present invention is advantageous
De huidige uitvinding onderscheidt zich van gekende systemen = The present invention differs from systems known in the art
de huidige uitvinding werd beschreven met verwijzing naar = the present invention has been described with reference to
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot = The present invention will be described with reference to
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot bijzondere = The present invention will be described with respect to particular embodi
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot bijzondere = The present invention will be described with respect to particular embodi
De huidige uitvoeringsvorm = The present embodiment
de huidige verzekeraar van = the current insurer of
de huidige wereld = today’s world
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational dermatosis
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational skin disease
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational  dermatitis
de huisvestingseisen formuleren = to formulate the accommodation requirements
de huisvrouw = the housewife
de huur opzeggen = to cancel a tenancy
De huur van deze additionele parkeerplaatsen = The rental of these additional parking spaces
de huurovereenkomst geheel of gedeeltelijk over te dragen = transfer all or part of the Lease
de huurovereenkomst middels opzegging beëindigen = terminate the Lease by giving notice
De huurprijs bedraagt op jaarbasis = The annual rent amounts to
de hybride opstelling = the hybrid setup
de hydrastis = goldenseal
de hydrocephalus vetricularis = cystic brain
de hydrophthalmos = infantile  glaucoma
de hydroxitryptofaan = 5-HTP
de hydroxycorticoiden = hydroxycorticosteroids
de hyperadrenocorticisme = hyperadrenalism
de hyperbare kamere = hyperbaric chamber
de hyperbare zuurstoftherapie = HOT  hyperbaric medicine
de hyperbilirubinemie = hyperbilirubinemia: excessive amounts of bilirubin in the blood
de hypercreatininemie = hypercreatinemia
de hypergammaglobulinaemia = hyperimmunoglobulinemia
de hyperinsulinisme = hyperinsulinism
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = harlequin fetus
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = ichthyosis foetalis
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = lamellar ichthyosis
de hyperkeratosis ichtyosiformis = congenital  ichthyosiform erythroderma
de hyperorthocytose = hyperorthocytosis
de hyperplasie van de zwezerik = hyperplasia of the thymus
de hyperthyreosis optredend na loodvergiftiging = lead-induced  hyperthyroidism
de hypertone blaas = hypertonic bladder
de hypocholesterolaemia = hypocholesterinemia
de hypofolliculinie = hypoestrogenism
de hypofosfatemie = hypophosphatemia
de hypovolemische hypotensie = hypovolemic hypotonia
de hypoxemie wegens anemie = anemic hypoxemia
de hypoxemie wegens anemie = anemic  hypoxia
de ichthyosis congenita = ichthyosis congenita
de ichthyosis congenita = X-linked ichthyosis
de ichthyosis congenita = congenital  ichthyosis
de ideale aanvulling = the ideal complement
de ideale oplossing voor = is the ideal solution for
de identiteit van een kant checken = check the identity of the client
de ideokinetische apraxie = ideomotor dyspraxia
de immunodominante epitopen = immunodominant epitopes
de immunofluorescentietekniek = fluorescent antibody test
de immunomodulatoren = immunostimulants
de immunoscintigrafie = immunoscintigraphy
de immunotolerantie = immune tolerance
de immunregelende activiteit = immunomodulatory effect
de immuungeschiedenis = immunohistochemistry: histochemical localization of immunoreactive substa
de immuunreactie = immune reaction
de immuunreactie = immunoreaction: a bodily defense reaction that recognizes an invading sub
de impact ervan = its impact
de impact op het milieu te beperken = limit the impact on the environment
de impact van = the impact of
de impact van deze omstandigheden heeft onderschat = underestimated the impact of these circumstances
de impact van grote incidenten te mitigeren = mitigate the impact of major incidents
de impact van het incid = the impact of the incident
de impactabsorberend paal loslaat van het oppervlak = the impact absorbing post comes off the surface
De impactanalyse is gebeurd = The impact analysis has been performed
De implementatie wordt aangeboden in regie. = The implementation is offered on a direct-labour basis.
"de implementatie, test en in productie name van" = "the implementation, testing and commissioning of"
de impulsio = drive
de impulsio = impulse
de impulsio = impulsion
De in bedrijf name vindt aaneengesloten plaats = Commissioning shall take place in an uninterrupted manner
de in de aanbieding vermelde werkzaamheden = the work specified in the offer
de in de Bijzondere Voorwaarden omschreven diensten = the services described in the Special Conditions
de in de ingebrekestelling gestelde redelijke termijn = the reasonable period specified in the notice
de in de Overeenkomst gestelde vereisten = the requirements laid down in the Agreement
de in de overeenkomst voorziene letter of comfort = the letter of comfort provided for in the contract
de in de planning opgenomen data = scheduled dates
de in de ruimte aanwezige lucht = ambient indoor air
de in de voorbeelden beschreven en/of in de figuren getoonde uitvoeringsv = the embodiments described in the examples and/or shown in the figures
de in deze aanbieding genoemde prijzen = the prices mentioned in this offer
de in deze aanbieding opgenomen beschrijvingen = the descriptions included in this offer
de in deze algemene voorwaarden opgenomen bepalingen = the provisions contained in these General Terms and Conditions
De in deze overeenkomst gemaakte afspraken = The commitments contained in this agreement
de in deze specificatie vermelde informatie = the information contained in this specification
De in deze Uitzendovereenkomst genoemde omvang van het aantal te werken u = The number of working hours mentioned in this temporary employment contra
de in dit artikel gestelde eisen aanscherpen = reinforce the requirements set out in this Article
De in dit artikel opgenomen bepalingen = The provisions of this Article
de in dit artikel vermelde verplichtingen = the obligations referred to in this clause
de in gebreke gebleven vennoot = the defaulting partner
de in gebreke zijnde partij de niet in gebreke zijnde partij = the defaulting party will reimburse the non-defaulting party
de in het aanbod vermelde geldigheidsduur = the period of validity indicated in the offer
de in het convenant vastgelegde afspraken = the commitments made in the agreement
de in het geheugen opgenomen foto’s = the photos recorded in the memory
de in het mandaat opgenomen limieten = the limits stated in the mandate
de in het ongelijk gestelde partij = the unsuccessful party
de in het Ontwerpdossier voorgeschreven technische voorschriften = the technical requirements prescribed in the Design Dossier
de in het testrapport genoemde fouten = the defects listed in the test report
de in overtreding (geweest) zijnde vennoot = the partner who is or has been in violation
de in redelijkheid van hen te vergen medewerking = the cooperation that can reasonably be requested from them
de in te nemen arbeidsplaats = the position to be filled
de in te zetten medewerker = the employee to be assigned
de inactivering van het enyzm = enzymatic inactivation
de inboedel verzekeren tegen nieuwwaarde = insure the effects at their replacement value
de inboedel verzekeren tegen nieuwwaarde = to insure the household contents at their new-for-old value
de inbouwarmatuur = the recessed luminaire
de inbreng van elk der vennoten = the capital contributed by each partner
de inbreng van elk der vennoten = the capital contributed by each party
de Incassant gerechtigd is = the Creditor is entitled
de inch = the inch
de incidentie genoemd in = the incidence mentioned in
de incisie = the incision
de incubator voor zuigelingen = artificial  incubator
de incubator voor zuigelingen = "incubator for newborn babies, for preemies"
De indeling is vastgesteld op basis van = Classification is determined by
de indeling van uw functie = the classification of your job
de indirecte immunofluorescentietekniek = indirect  immunofluorescence antibody test
de Indische hennep = cannabis
de Indische hennep = Indian hemp
de indruk krijgen = get the impression
de infectieuze boviene rhinotracheïtis = infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
de infectieuze dermatose = infective dermatitis
de informatie als bewijs wordt aangevoerd = it is invoked as evidence
de informatie die dit document bevat = the information contained in this document
de informatie die je wilt opnemen = the information you want to include
de informatie die ze aan de verkeersregelaar leveren = the information they provide to the traffic-signal controller
de informatie en de informatievoorziening = the information and information systems
de informatie hierboven = the information presented above
de informatie in dit document is uitsluitend opgesteld ter informatie = the information contained in this document has been provided for informat
de informatie is overgedragen = the information has been transferred
De informatie op deze site = The information on this site
De informatie wordt als volgt opgebouwd = The information is structured as follows
de informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris = the information security officer
de infrastructuur in het Erasmus MC = the infrastructure at Erasmus MC
de ingang = entrance
De ingebrekestelling zal schriftelijk geschieden = The notice of default shall be in writing
de ingesloten tand = impacted tooth
De ingestelde grenswaarde = The set limit
De ingevulde declaratie = The completed declaration
de ingevulde en ondertekende formulieren = The completed and signed forms
de ingezette veranderingen = the initiated changes
De ingrediënten van een = The ingredients of a
de inhoud = the contents
de inhoud of een deel van de inhoud = the contents or part of the contents
de inhoud of het onderwerp van de bijeenkomst is controversieel = the content or subject matter of the meeting is controversial
de inhoud van = the content of
de inhoud van = and/or their content
de inhoud van de database = the contents of the database
de inhoud van de verschillende documenten = the contents of the various documents
De inhoud van de Werkzaamheden = The content of the Services
de inhoud van deze Overeenkomst = the contents of this Agreement
de inhoud van deze vaststellingsovereenkomst = the content of this contract of settlement
De inhoud van dit rapport = The content of this report
De inhoud van dit rapport is gebaseerd op = The content of this report is based on
De inhoud van het geheugen uit te lezen = Read out the contents of the memory
De initialisatie = The initialisation
de initiële dosis = initial dose
de initiële dosis = loading  dose
de inklapbare werkbank = collapsible bench
De inkomsten uit het buitenland = Income from abroad
de inkomsten zijn fors teruggelopen = income has declined substantially
de inkoop = the purchased goods
de inkt = the ink
de inktvis = the squid
de inlegluiers = absorbent  incontinence pads
De Inlener vrijwaart de Uitlener voor aanspraken van de Werknemer op de U = The Host indemnifies the University from claims by the Employee against t
De Inlener vrijwaart de Uitlener voor aanspraken van wie ook die jegens d = The Host indemnifies the University for claims by anyone who files them a
de innovatieve dienstverlener = innovative provider of specialized services
"De innovatieve productliften, palletliften en palletiseermachines van Qim" = "Qimarox’s innovative product lifts, pallet lifts and palletisers"
de inorganische chemie = inorganic chemistry
de inorganische chemie = mineralogical chemistry
de inpassing van = the integration of
de inplanting van een embryo in de baarmoeder = embryo transfer
De inrichting = The apparatus
de inrichting = the apparatus
de inrichting een centrifuge omvat = the device comprises a centrifuge
De inrichting en besturing van bedrijfsprocessen. = The design and management of operational/business processes
de inrichting en uitrusting van = the fitting out and equipping of
De inrichting omvat verder = The device further comprises
de inrichting omvattende = the device comprising
de inrichting omvattende een gasdichte behandelkamer voor het plaatsen va = the device comprising a gas-tight treatment chamber for placing goods
"de inrichting omvattende een mengkuip, een weegunit en één of meerdere " = "the device comprising a mixing tub, a weighing unit and one or several pu"
de inrichting van het beheer = setting up the management
de inrichting verder omvattende = the device further comprising
De inrichting volgens conclusie = The device according to claim
De inrichting volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = The device according to the present embodiment
De inrichting volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The device according to any of the preceding claims
"De inrichting volgens één der voorgaande conclusies, verder omvattende" = "The device according to any of the preceding claims, further comprising"
de inrichting volgens onderhavige uitvinding = the device according to the present invention
de inrichting wordt beschermd tegen beschadiging = the device is protected from being damaged
De inrichtingen beschreven in = The devices described in
De inrichtingen uit de stand der techniek = The devices of the prior art
De inrichtingen uit de stand der techniek = The prior art devices
De inschrijver doet een voorstel = The tenderer shall submit a proposal
De inschrijver wordt erop gewezen = Tenderers should note
de inschrijving openstellen = to invite tenders
de insertie-mutageniteit = insertional mutagenesis
de insertiepees van een spier = insertion tendon of muscle
de insluitsels van Guarnieri = Guarnieri's bodies
de inspanningselektrocardiografie op ergometerfiets = standardized  exercise tolerance test
De inspectie is een tijdsopname = The inspection is on an as is basis
De inspectie is een tijdsopname = The inspection is on an 'as is' basis
De inspectie is uitgevoerd = The inspection was carried out
De inspectie is uitgevoerd volgens de criteria van de norm = The inspection was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the sta
De inspectie is uitgevoerd volgens de criteria van de normen = The inspection was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the sta
"de inspectie van het inwendige van de maag, slokdarm en twaalfvingerige d" = upper  gastrointestinal endoscopy
de inspecties Jeugdzorg en Inspectie Veiligheid en Justitie = the Inspectorate for Youth Care and the Inspectorate of Security and Just
de inspiratorische dyspnee = inspiratory dyspnea
de installateur die uw verwarmingsketel geïnstalleerd heeft = the installer who installed your boiler
De installatie dient te voldoen aan = The installation must comply with
De installatie en elektrische aansluiting van de verschillende componente = The various components may only be installed and connected to the power s
De installatie en het onderhoud dient te gebeuren = Installation and maintenance must be performed
De installatie mag alleen worden gebruikt voor het gebruiksdoel waar hij  = The system may only be used for its intended purpose
De installatie mag alleen worden onderhouden door gekwalificeerd personee = The installation should only be serviced by qualified personnel.
De installatie mag uitsluitend bediend worden door personen de geïnstrue = The system may only be operated by persons who are both trained and famil
De installatie moet opnieuw worden gestart. = The machine must be restarted.
"de installatie zal zodanig worden gedimensioneerd, dat ..." = the dimensions of the system will be such that ...
de instandhouding ex-situ = ex situ conservation
de instandhouding ex-situ = off-site conservation
De insteek is = The idea is
De instelling dient niet te gebeuren = No adjustment required
de instelling voor gerichte advertenties op basis van partnergegevens = the setting for targeted ads based on partner data
de instelling voor het Facebook Audience Network = the Facebook Audience Network setting
De instructies van = The instructions of
de instructies van de fabrikant en de leasemaatschappij = the instructions of the manufacturer and the leasing company
de instructies van de motorfabrikant betreffende de controle van onderdel = engine manufacturer’s instructions on monitoring the components and eng
de instructies van deze rubriek = the instructions in this section
de instructies voor het gebruik = directions for use
de instructies voor het gebruik = instructions for use
de instructies voor het gebruik = operating instructions
de instrumentdatabase omvattende een veelheid beeldvormende instrumenten  = the instrument database comprising a plurality of imaging instruments and
de instrumentdatabase omvattende een veelheid beeldvormende instrumenten  = the instrument database comprising a plurality of imaging instruments and
de insuline-proef van Hollander = Hollander's test
de insulinestoot = hypoglycemic attack
de insulinestoot = hypoglycemic shock
de insulinestoot = insulin shock
de integratie van eindverpakkingssystemen = the integration of end-of-line packaging systems
de intercurrente koorts = intercurrent  infection
de interieurverlichting eenvoudig kan aangepast worden = the interior lighting can be easily adjusted
de interne ventilator = the internal fan
de intestinale leverbotziekte = intestinal  distomatosis
de intracraniale overdruk = intracranial  hypertension
de intracraniale underdruk = intracranial  hypotension
de intraneurale anesthesie = endoneural injection
de introductie van = the introduction of
de in-vitro gerichte moleculaire evolutie = in vitro  directed molecular evolution
de invloed van emoties op intelligentie = the influence of emotions on intelligence
de invloed van veranderingen in het klimaat = climatic effect
de invoer normaliseren = normalise the input
de invoering van = the introduction of
de invoering zal gefaseerd plaatsvinden = the introduction will take place in stages
De invulling hiervan is vrij = You are free to enter what you wish here
de invulling van de = the details of the
de inwisseling van bankbiljetten van andere deelnemende lidstaten = exchange of banknotes of other participating Member States
de inzet = the aim
De inzet = The focus
De inzet op = Focusing on
De inzet richt zich op = The focus is on
de inzet van = the deployment of
de inzet van = the use of
de inzet van robots = the use of robots
de itemeigenschappen voor = The item properties for
de items die je in het overzicht wilt opnemen = the items you want to include in the report
de IT-portfolio van een organisatie = an organisations’s IT portfolio
de jaarmarkt = the fair
de jaarrekening 2018 is voorzien van een goedkeurende verklaring van de c = the auditor has provided an unqualified opinion in relation to the financ
de jaarrekening is op consistente wijze opgesteld op basis van bestendige = the presentation of the data in the financial statements is consistent an
de jaarrekening is opgesteld onder verantwoordelijkheid van de directie v = (as described above) the company's directors are responsible for the prep
de jaarstukken en de controleverklaring = the annual report and financial statements and the auditor’s report
de jacht = hunt
de Jacksonse epilepsie = Jacksonian  epilepsy
de jakhals = jackal
de jaren 70 = the 1970s
de jaren '70 = the 70s
de jaren 80 van de 20e eeuw = the 1980s
de jaren negentig = nineties
de jasmijn = the jasmine
de Jeugd van Tegenwoordig = De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig
de jicht = gouty arthritis
de jichtnier = gout nephropathy
De Jong DUKE = De Jong DUKE
de jongen = the boy
De jongste jaren = In recent years
de jouwe = yours
de juffrouw = miss
de juiste beslissingen nemen = make the right decisions
de juiste expert en expertise = the right expert and expertise
de juiste kilometerstand = the correct mileage
de juiste partij = second to none
de juiste persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen = appropriate personal protective equipment
de juiste pompkeuze te maken = selecting the right pump
De juiste tools en processen definiëren en implementeren voor de procure = Define and implement the right tools and processes needed by the procurem
de juiste vervolgstappen = the correct follow-up steps
de juiste voedingstoffen = the right nutrients
de juiste volgorde = the correct order
de juiste werking van = the proper functioning of
de juistheid van deze specificaties = the accuracy of these specifications
de justitie = justice
De kaai zal het schip wel kern = Nature will decide...
de kaart trekken = firmly/wholeheartedly committed to
de kaas = the cheese
de kabel voor de seingroepen = cable for the signal groups
de kabeljauw = the cod
de kalibratie van de operationele parameters van de camera = the calibration of the operational parameters of the camera
de kam = the comb
de kamer = room
de Kamer = the House of Representatives
de kamfer = the camphor
de kandidaat dient minimaal 5 jaar ervaring te hebben in = the incumbent should have at least 5 years experience in
"de kandidaat, de Hiring Manager en de recruiter" = "the candidate, the Hiring Manager and the recruiter"
de kanker van het ductus pancreaticus = pancreatic  ductal carcinoma: carcinoma that arises from the pancreatic d
de kans = the opportunity
de kans op blokkage = the risk of blockage
de kans op combinatievorming is groter naarmate projecten groter zijn = "the larger the project, the greater the likelihood of syndication"
De kans op lekkage = The risk of leakage
de kans op sterilisatie fouten wordt geminimaliseerd = the chance of sterilisation errors is minimised
de kans van slagen van het aangewende rechtsmiddel moet bij de beoordelin = the chance of success of the remedy to which recourse is made in the inte
de kansen kunnen benutten die digitalisering biedt = can take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation
de kansen van de informatiesamenleving = the opportunities offered by the information society
de kansen van digitalisering optimaal willen benutten = make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalisation
De kant-en-klare oplossing = The turnkey solution
de kantjes eraf lopen = cut corners
de kantjes ervan af loopt.Werkt = cutting corners
de kantonrechter te = the subdistrict court in
de kantplank = guard board
de kapper = the caper
de kapper gaan = to get a  haircut
de kas der vennootschap = the partnership’s treasury
de kastanje = the chestnut
de kat = the cat
"de kat sturen, in de kou laten staan" = stand up  (to avoid a prearranged meeting)
de katrol = pulley
de keel smeren = drink
de keerbaan = the turning conveyor
de kegel = cone
de keizer = emperor
de keizerin = empress
de kelder = the cellar
de kennis en de ervaring = the knowledge and experience
de kerk = the church
de kern = core
de kern en de geleidende mantel = the core and the conductive sheath
de kern op de vooraf gekozen spanning staat = the core is at the predetermined tension
de kern van het hout = the core of the wood
de kerndiameter van de complementaire schroefdraad van de kraag = the minor diameter of the complementary thread of the collar
De kerntemperatuur van fruit = The core temperature of fruit
de kers = the cherry
de ketelthermometer = furnace thermometer
de keten is zo sterk als haar zwakste schakel = a chain is only as strong as its weakest link {proverb} (aphorism )
De kettingen die de banden aandrijven = The chains that drive the belts
De kettingwielkap plaatsen en de klemmoer (5/2) handvast aandraaien. = Put on the sprocket cover and tighten clamping nut (5/2) slightly.
de keuken = the kitchen
De keuken in het totaal-bedrijf te zien = To view the kitchen in the context of the enterprise as a whole
De keuze van aardingsstelsel heeft echter eveneens consequenties voor de  = "However, the choice of neutral point treatment will also have an impact o"
De keuze van aardingsstelsel heeft echter eveneens consequenties voor de  = "However, the choice of neutral point treatment will also have an impact o"
de keuzelijst met modellen = list of available models
de kiel = keel
de kiem en angel voor verandering = the origin and impetus for change
de kiemvrije dieren = axenic animals
de kiemvrije dieren = germ-free animals
de kiemvrije dieren = germ-free life
de kiemvrije dieren = gnotobiotics
de kiesbaarheid = eligibility
de kiesbaarheid = legitimacy
de kijker thuis = the viewer at home
de kikker = the frog
de kilometerstand en de datum van levering = the mileage and the date of delivery
de Kimpel = De Kimpel
de kinderlijkheid = emotional  immaturity
de kinderwens uitstellen = to postpone starting a family
de klacht in onderling overleg op te lossen = resolve the complaint by mutual agreement
de klacht niet terecht is = the complaint is unfounded
de klankleer betreffend = phonetic
de klant = the customer
De klant erbij = ‘De klant erbij’ (‘Including the client’)
de klant in de wacht zet = puts the customer on hold
de klant is koning = the customer is always right
de klant is koning = the customer is king
De Klant mag deze Overeenkomst niet overdragen = The Customer may not may not transfer or assign this Agreement
De klant staat centraal = The customer is king
de klanten van de opdrachtgever = the customers of the client
de klanten van de opdrachtgever en de opdrachtgever = the customers of the client and the client
De klanten van Rotaform = Rotaform’s customers
de klantenportefeuille van Cegeka = Cegeka’s customer portfolio
de klantvraag of het verzoe = the customer query or request
de klap = the slap
de klaproos = the poppy
De klasse java.util.Objects = The class java.util.Objects
de klasse voor het eerst = the class is first
de klasse waarin ze zijn gedefinieerd = the class in which they are defined
de klauwteen = claw toe
de kleermaker = tailor
De kleine dingen die je doet = It’s the little things
De kleine letters groot geschreven = A closer look at the small print
De kleine lettertjes groot geschreven = A closer look at the small print
de kleinste afstand = the smallest distance
de kleinste afstand loodrecht = the smallest distance perpendicular
de kleinste loodrechte afstand tussen twee aangrenzende vezels in de mach = the smallest perpendicular distance between two adjacent fibers in the ma
de kleinste opening = the smallest opening
De klemband en de pelelementen = the clamping belt and the peeling elements
de klemtoon leggen op = accent
de kleppen = the valves
de kleur = the color
De kleur carrosserie en bekleding = The colour of the bodywork and upholstery
De kleur van de diamant wordt bepaald door visuele vergelijking met een i = The colour of a diamond is determined by comparing it to an international
De kleur wordt benoemd volgens de International Colour Grading Scale. = The colour grades are named according to the International Colour Grading
de kleuroorsprong bepalen = to determine the colour origin
de klinker = vowel
de klok = bell
de knie = the knee
de knie met aan één zijde buitendraad = elbow joint with male thread
de kniekoppeling (loodgieterij) = elbow screw joint
de kniekoppeling met wartel (loodgieterij) = elbow screw joint with female thread
de knoflook = the garlic
de knoop = button
de knoop = the node
de koe = the cow
de koe bij de hoorns vatten (lit. take the cow by the horns) = take the bull by the horns  (to deal directly with a matter
de koe bij de hoorns vatten (lit. take the cow by the horns) = to confront a difficulty)
de koersen harder zijn opgelopen dan de bedrijfswinsten = the prices rose faster than corporate profits
De koersen stijgen door = Prices are increasing as a result of
De koers-winstverhouding = The price-earnings ratio
de koffie = coffee
de Koh-i-Noor (Berg van Licht) = the Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of Light)
de kok = cook
de kolom helemaal rechts en de rij helemaal onderaan = the rightmost column and the bottommost row
de kolombekisting (betonbouw) = column box
de komende = the next
de komende drie jaar = the next three years
de komende jaren = in the coming years
de komende jaren = over the coming years
de komende jaren aanzienlijk zal toenemen = will increase significantly in the coming years
de komende maanden = in the coming months
de komende periode = the coming period
de komende periode = in the coming period
de komijn = the cumin
de komkommer = the cucumber
De komst van = The arrival of
de koning = the king
de Koning bekrachtigt de wetten en kondigt ze af = the King assents to and promulgates laws
de koningin = the queen
de kooi = the cage
de kookdampen = the cooking fumes
de kool = the cabbage
de koolhydraten in het eten = dietary carbohydrates
de Koopovereenkomst middels een aangetekende brief te ontbinden = terminate the Purchase Agreement by registered letter
de koopprijs is voldaan door storting bij de notaris = the purchase price has been deposited in the civil-law notary's account
de koorts = fever
de koper = the Buyer
De koper heeft de mogelijkheid = The Buyer has the option
De koper is aansprakelijk voor alle schade = The Buyer is liable for any loss or damage incurred whatsoever.
de koper kan hieraan geen rechten ontlenen = the Buyer cannot derive any rights therefrom
De koper mag deze overeenkomst overdragen = The Buyer may transfer this contract
de koper of bedrijf = the Buyer or company
De koper verbindt zich = The Buyer undertakes
De koper verbindt zich tot het = The Buyer undertakes to
de koperader (kern) = copper conductor
de kopers houden zich terug = buyers are holding off
de koppelcontactstop = extension plug
de koppelhaak (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = coupling hook
de kopse kant = end-grained timber
De kopteksten van deze Overeenkomst hebben geen invloed op de interpretat = The headings of this Agreement shall not affect its interpretation
de korte communicatie & informatielijnen = the short lines of communication and information
de korting op de basisverzekering en aanvullende verzekering = the discount on the basic insurance and supplementary insurance
de kosten (samen) delen = to halve the expenses
de kosten aan een installatie = the cost of an installation
"De kosten dezes voor mij, deurwaarder" = "The costs incurred by me, bailiff,"
de kosten die bij de uitoefening van de functie worden gemaakt = expenses relating to the exercise of their function
de kosten die gemoeid zijn geweest met het tot stand brengen van de aanbi = any costs associated with effecting the offer
de kosten die wij maken = the costs we incur
de kosten die worden gerekend door de leverancier = the costs charged by the supplier
de kosten draagt van = bear the costs of
De kosten hiervan kunt u declareren = You can claim the cost thereof
de kosten komen ten laste van = the costs will be borne by
De kosten van brandstof getankt in het buitenland = The cost of fuel purchased abroad
de kosten van de benodigde zorg te vergoeden = reimburse the cost of the care
de kosten van de Inschrijving = the costs of the Tender
de kosten van dit geding = the costs of these proceedings
De kosten van dit meerwerk = The cost of this additional work
De kosten van een duurdere keuze = The cost of a more expensive choice
de kosten van herstel in rekening te brengen bij Klant = charge the costs of repair to Customer
De kosten van het onderzoek = The cost of the investigation
de kosten van het opwekken van elektriciteit = electricity generation cost
De kosten van het verwijderen van = The cost of removing
De kosten van het verwijderen van de accessoires = The cost of removing the accessories
de kosten van keuring = the costs of inspection
de kosten van mechanisering en automatisering = the cost of mechanisation and automation
de kosten van opties en accessoires = the cost of manufacturer’s options and accessories
"de kosten van reparatie, onderhoud en banden" = "the cost of repairs, maintenance and tyres"
de kosten van verweer = costs of defending such claims
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs associated with
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs involved in
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs related to
de kosten verbonden aan = the expenses associated with
de kosten verbonden aan = the expenses attaching to/incidental to
de kosten voor aanschaf = the cost of purchase
"De kosten voor dit exploot zijn voor mij, deurwaarder" = "The costs due to me, the bailiff, for this bailiff’s notification"
de kosten voor het schoonmaken = the cost of cleaning
de kosten voor het schoonmaken van de auto = the cost of cleaning the car
de kosten voor te behouden = costs reserved
de kosten voor zijn rekening nemen = to bear the costs
de kosten voor zijn rekening nemen = to meet the costs
de kosten welke hier tegenover staan = the associated costs
De kosten zijn voor mij te hoog. = It’s just too expensive for me.
de kostprijs van het artikel berekenen = cost the article
de koudwaterkraan = cold tap
de kraag aan een naar de houder gerichte zijde een complementaire schroef = the collar comprises a complementary screw thread on a side facing the ho
De kraag is omheen minstens een deel van de cilindervormige mantel van de = The collar is placed around at least part of the cylindrical shell of the
De kraag omvat aan een naar de houder gerichte zijde een complementaire s = The collar comprises a complementary screw thread on a side facing the ho
de kraag over de houder in de richting van de lamp verplaatsbaar is = the collar can be moved over the holder in the direction of the lamp
de kraag recht op de peer van de lamp gealigneerd is = the collar is aligned perpendicular to the bulb of the lamp
de kraag schuin ten opzichte van de houder kan gepositioneerd worden = the collar can be positioned obliquely relative to the holder
de kraag van de vatkop van het vat = the collar of the keg head of the keg
de kraag van de vatkop van het vat = the keg head collar of the keg
de kraag van de vatkop voldoende stevig af te sluiten = closing the collar of the keg head sufficiently firmly
de kraag van de vatkop voldoende stevig af te sluiten = sealing the collar of the keg head sufficiently tightly
de kraakbeen van de keelklep = epiglottal cartilage
de kraakbeenschijf = epiphyseal cartilage
de kraan = crane
De kraan is verbonden met een lange buis ( dip tube) die tot vlak boven d = The valve is connected to a long tube (dip tube) that extends to just abo
De kraan is voorzien van een slangkoppeling met een automatisch afsluitme = The crane is equipped with a hose pipe coupling with an automatic closing
de krab = the crab
de kracht = force
De kracht werd uitgeoefend = The force was applied
de krachtens de c.a.o. in de Metalektro geldende opzeggingstermijn = the notice period applicable in the Collective Bargaining Agreement of th
de krant = newspaper
de kredietverzekeringslimieten = the credit insurance limits
de kreeft = the lobster
de krekel = the cicada
de Krim = Crimea
de kromming van de ring in niet-gespannen vorm kleiner is dan de kromming = the curvature of the ring in unstressed shape is smaller than the curvatu
De Kroon = Circlet
de kroon = crown
de kruidentherapie = herbal remedies
de kruisboog = "crossbow,"
"de kruisiging, de kruisdood {m}" = crucifixion (death of Christ on cross)
de kruisschoor = diagonal strut
de kruis-T (loodgieterij) = cross
de kruistocht = the crusade
De kuikens die laatst uitkomen = The chicks hatching last
de kuil = the pit
de kuisheid = chastity
de kunst = the art
de kunst van het gezamenlijk denken = the art of thinking together
de kunstmatige esophagus = artificial  esophagus
de kunstmatige uitmonding van de dunne darm = ileostomy: the surgical creation of an opening through which the ileum di
de kurk = the cork
de kus = the kiss
de kut = the cunt
de kwaadstichterswaanzin = divergent delirium
De kwaliteit van data = Data quality
de kwaliteit van de geleverde diensten = the quality of the services provided
de kwaliteit van de geleverde services = the quality of the delivered services
de kwaliteit van de output hoog = the quality of the output was high
de kwaliteit van de stapeling = how well it was stacked
de kwaliteit van de te leveren dienst = the quality of the service to be provided
de kwaliteit van de vertaling = the quality of the translation
de kwaliteit van het werk = the quality of the work
de kwaliteitseisen niet of nauwelijks zijn geformuleerd = "hardly any quality requirements have been formulated, if any"
de kwee = the quince
"De L&S-strategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het bedrijf," = "Lead, organize and drive the L&S strategy at corporate, entity and/or reg"
de laag = layer
de laag aangebracht door = the layer applied by
de laag natuurlijke vezels = the layer of natural fibers
"De laagste graden in de zuiverheidsschaal, aangeduid met de P van Piqué," = The lowest clarity grades on the scale (indicated by P for Piqué) refer
de laatst verzonden = the last transmitted
de laatste 3 maanden van het jaar = the last three months of the year
de laatste aanvullingen = the latest additions
de laatste doos = the last box
de laatste doos van een laag = the last box of a layer
de laatste doos van een pallet = the last box of a pallet
de laatste doos van een rij = the last box of a row
de laatste jaren = in recent years
De laatste puntjes worden op de 'I' gezet = putting the final touches to the product
De laatste tientallen jaren = In the last few decades
de laatste tijd = lately
de laatste twee = the last two
de laatste vier cijfers = the last four digits
de laatste werkende versie = the last working version
De lach zal niet van de lucht zijn! = Guaranteed laughter from beginning to end
de lade = the drawer
De lading is los gestort = The cargo is bulk loaded
De lading wordt los gestort = The cargo is transported in bulk
de lancet = the lancet
de langhoofdigheid = dolichocephalism
de langse zijden daarvan = the longitudinal sides thereof
de lasten van het opstellen van de partnerschapsovereenkomst = the costs of drafting the partnership agreement
de lat (in vloer) = cleat
de lat hoger of lager te leggen = setting the bar higher or lower
de latente diabetes = "latent  diabetes, asymptomatic diabetes"
de latten van de overnametransportband en de latten van de pinnentranspor = the slats of the transfer conveyor belt and the slats of the spiked conve
de lawine = the avalanche
de lay-out van afbeeldingen van de videofeed = the lay-out of images of the video feed
de lease van = the leasing of
de lease van verschillende soorten roerende goederen = the lease of various types of movable property
De leasemaatschappij bepaalt = The leasing company shall determine
De leasemaatschappij maakt afspraken met je = The leasing company will makes arrangements with you
de Leaseovereenkomst over te nemen = take over the Lease Agreement
De leden van het = The members of the
de leden van het LPPT = the members of the LPPT
de lediging van de oogbol = evisceratio bulbi
de leeftijd van de medewerker = the age of the employee
de leeftijd van de verzekerde = the age of the insured
de leeftijdsdiscriminatie = age  discrimination
de leefwereld van jongeren = a young person’s everyday life
de leegdraai knop = the emptying button
de leer van het gewekte vertrouwen = the theory of inspired confidence
de leerling met autisme = students with autism
de leerlingen van de onderzochte vrijeschool = the students of the surveyed Steiner school
de leerlingen van de reguliere school = the students of the mainstream school
de leerlingen van de vrijeschool = the students of the Steiner school
De leeromgeving = The learning environment
de leerstof voor het examen = the material for the exam(ination)
de leesgestoorde = dyslexic
de leest = the boot-tree
de leeuw = lion
de leeuwerik = the skylark
de legende = the legend
de legering = the alloy
de legionella bacterie = Legionella bacteria
de legitimatiebewijzen = ID cards
de leiding = the management
de leiding op zich nemen = to undertake the management
de leiding op zich nemen = to take charge
de leidingen die het gebied doorkruisen = the pipes traversing the area
de leidinggevende en HR = the manager and HR
De leidinggevende verliest de controle = The manager will lose control
de lengte = the length
De lengte is bij voorkeur = The length should preferably be
de lengte van = the length of
de lengte van de preisteel = the length of the leek stalks
de lengterichting en de breedterichting = the longitudinal direction and the transverse direction
de lengterichting van de = the longitudinal direction of
de lengterichting van de balk = the longitudinal direction of the beam
de lengterichting van de tafel = the longitudinal direction of the table
de lengterichting van een te vervaardigen betonwelfsel = the longitudinal direction of a hollowcore concrete slab to be manufactur
de lengterichting van het primaire impactelement = the longitudinal direction of the primary impact member
de lening = the loan
de lente = spring
de lepel = the spoon
de lerende = the learner
de les = lesson
de letsel van het gelaat = facial injury
de letter van de wet = the letter of the law
de letters in de zelfde volgorde = the letters in the same order
de leugen = lie
de leuning = guard rail
de levensduur van de wiek = the lifetime of the wick
de leverancier is verantwoordelijk voor de nakoming van de krachtens de b = the supplier is responsible for fulfilling its obligations under tax and
De leverancier kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld = The supplier cannot be held liable
de leverfistel = hepatic fistula
de levering toegewezen krijgen = to secure a contract
de levering van apparatuur = the supply of equipment
de levering van de Nood- en Onderhoudsdienst = the delivery of the Emergency and Maintenance Services
De levering van het kantoormeubilair = Delivery of the office furniture will take place
de levering van kantoormeubilair zelf en/of door een derde te laten uitvo = to supply the office furniture itself and/or have it supplied by a third
de levering van Programmatuur = the delivery of Software
de leverkapsel = a fibroelastic capsule covering the liver
de leverkapsel = fibrous capsule of liver
de leverkapsel = fibrous coat of the liver
de leverkapsel = Glisson's capsule
de leverkapsel = hepatobiliary capsule
de leverkapsel = perivascular fibrous capsule
de lex causae bepaalt voor welke „vormen' van schade vergoeding kan wor = the law applicable to the substance of the dispute will determine what
de licentie = the licence
de lichamelijke handicap = physical handicap
de lichamelijke handicap = physical  disability
de lichtbron een LED is = the light source is an LED
De lichtbron en de detector = The light source and the detector
De lichten die aangestoken zijn = The signals that are lit
de liefde bedrijven = make love
"de liefde bedrijven, vrijen" = make love  (to engage in sexual intercourse)
de lies = the groin
de liesbreuk = "inguinal hernia, femoral hernia"
De Ligne = Line
De lijkschouw en sectie = external examination and autopsy practices
De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd = A Study on External Examination and Autopsy Practices
De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd = ‘De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd’ (A Study on External Examination
de lijmtang (sergeant) = cramp
De Lijn = De Lijn
de lijnen van Owen = Schreger lines
de lijnen worden zo kort mogelijk gehouden = Organisational layers are reduced wherever possible
De lijnmanager en de HR Business Partner = The line manager and the HR Business Partner
de lijst = frame wood
de lijst van beschikbare talen = the list of available languages
de lijsten met documenten van externe oorsprong = the lists of documents of external origin
de lijstmonsters = frame wood samples
de lijstmonsters = frame samples
de link kopiëren = copy the link
de lip = lip
de lippen tuiten = to purse one's lips
de litotriptor = evacuation cystoscope: an instrument for triturating the stone in the bla
de litotriptor = lithotrite
de litotriptor = lithotriptor
de locale immuniteit = local  immunity
de locatie van de uitwijkpartner = the site of the disaster recovery partner
de locatie zoals beschreven in = the location as described in
De logica die gevolgd wordt = The logic of the system
de logica van de app = the logic of the app
de logistiek van industriële goederen = the logistics of industrial goods
de lokale gemeenschap = the local community
De Lokale Toetsingscommissie heeft het amendement beoordeeld en gaat akko = The Local Research Ethics Committee has reviewed the amendment and agree
de long = lung
de loodbepaling in biologische media = lead determination in a biological medium
de loodbepaling in biologische media = determination of lead in a biological matrix
de loondoorbetalingsverplichting opschorten = to suspend the obligation to continue to pay salary
de loondoorbetalingsverplichting opschorten = to suspend the obligation to continue to pay wages
de loonkosten zijn sterk gestegen = wage costs have risen sharply
de loopbaan = career planning
de looptijd en/of de kilometrage te verlengen of te verkorten = extend or shorten the service life and/or mileage
De looptijd van de activiteiten = The duration of the activities
de looptijd van het contract = the term of the contract
de lucht = the air
De lucht botst tegen = The air impinges on
De lucht kan worden gereinigd = The air can be cleaned
de lucht uit een balans laat lopen = understate the balance sheet
de luchthaven = the airport
de luchtwegen = the respiratory tract
de lucifer = the match
de luis = the louse
de luit = the lute
de lusvormige band van de overnametransportband en de lusvormige band van = the looped belt of the transfer conveyor belt and the looped belt of the
de lusvormige band van de overnametransportband en de pinnentransportband = the looped belt of the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked conveyor bel
de luxatio coxae = dislocated hip joint
de luxatio coxae = hip dislocation
de maag = the stomach
de maag em de duodenale darm = gastroduodenal
de maag em de duodenale darm = stomach and gut-related
de maagd = virgin
de maagresectie = partial  gastrectomy
de maagzuurproef = gastric acidity determination: gastric analysis to determine free acid or
de maaltijden die thuis gemaakt worden = home-cooked foods
de maan = the moon
de maand = the month
de maand van overlijden = the month of their death
de maandag = Monday
de maandelijkse inhouding = the monthly deduction
de maatbeker voor het bepalen van de viscositeit = efflux viscometer
de maatregelen die eventueel genomen werden = any measures taken
De maatregelen komen tot stand = The measures are established
De maatschappelijke zetel is gevestigd te = The company’s registered office is located at
de maatschappij = society
de maatschappij = the Company (AXA Belgium)
de maatschappij als geheel = society as a whole
De maatschappij is sterk afhankelijk van = Society is heavily dependent on
De maatschappij verandert = Society is changing
de maatschappij zetelt te ... = the company has its registered office(s) at ...
de maatschappij zetelt te ... = the company has its seat at ...
de maatstaf (ter beoordeling) is = the criterion to go by is
de machine bij te stellen = adjust the machine
de machine in normale omstandigheden uit te schakelen = switch off the machine under normal circumstances
de machine in werking te stellen = putting the machine into operation
De machine is nu in staat om in gebruik genomen te worden = The machine is now ready to be put into operation
De machine mag enkel bediend worden door = The machine may only be operated by
De machine mag enkel bediend worden door personen in goede conditie = The machine may only be operated by persons who are in good physical cond
De machine moet opgesteld worden = The machine should be installed
de machine valt in storing = the machine malfunctions
de machine volledig onder de knie te krijgen = completely master the machine
de machine volledig stilleggen = completely shut down the machine
de machine volledig stilleggen en de contactsleutel verwijderen = completely shut down the machine and remove the ignition key
De machine zelf neemt slechts weinig ruimte in beslag = The machine itself takes up little space
De machines en systemen van Qimarox = Qimarox’s machines and systems
De machines van Qimarox = Qimarox’s machines
de macht = power
de macht van = the power of
de mais = corn
de makreel = the mackerel
de mal voor proefkuben = mould / mold for concrete test cubes
de man = the man
de man of vrouw met wie je een geregistreerd partnerschap hebt = the man or woman with whom you live as a registered partner
de man worden van = become the husband of
de Manager Auditing & Compliance = the Auditing & Compliance Manager
De Manager zal zijn opdrachten in volle onafhankelijkheid uitoefenen = Manager shall perform its duties in complete independence
dé manier om = the best way to
De manier van samenwerken tussen verschillende soorten actoren = How different types of actors cooperate
de manier waarop = the way
De manier waarop = How
de manier waarop de gegevens aan elkaar gekoppeld worden = the way in which the data is linked together
de manier waarop de verschillende opeeenvolgende talen omgezet zijn = the way in which the various successive languages have been translated
de manier waarop de wetenschap kijkt naar de werkelijkheid = the way science looks at reality
de manier waarop dit plaatsvindt = how this takes place
de manier waarop zij reageren = the way they respond
De mantel van een effect = The body of a security
de marge = margin
de marinewerf = the dockyard
de markies = marquis
"De markies of navette, die boven en onder gepunt uitloopt, kan naargelang" = "The marquise or navette, which issues in a point above and below, can be "
de markt kent = knows the market
de markt van eindverpakkingssystemen = the end-of-line packaging solutions market
de markten in Europa en de Verenigde Staten = Besides the markets in Europe and the United States
de marktwaarde van organisaties = determine the market value of organisations
De Marne = De Marne
de mast = mast
de master = the master’s
de master = the master’s degree
De Master Healthconnector = The Master Healthconnector
de mate van = the degree of
de mate van intelligentie = a person’s degree of intelligence
de mate van zorgvuldigheid en deskundigheid = the degree of care and skill
De mate waarin = The degree to which
De mate waarin dat mogelijk is = The extent to which this is possible
de matglascellen = ground glass  hepatocyte
de matras = mattress
de maximaal beschikbare ruimte = the maximum space available
de maximale afstand tussen = the maximum distance between
de maximale breedte = the maximum width
de maximale capaciteit per type = the maximum capacity of each type
de maximale lengte = the maximum length
de maximum toegelaten druk overschrijdt = exceeds the maximum allowable pressure
de maximum toegestane druk = the maximum allowable pressure
de mazelen = the measles
De mazzel! = Bye!
de mechanische treksterktemeter = mechanical  dynamometer
de mechanische vervorming ge?nduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geénduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geënduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geïnduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming ge�nduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de medewerker daaronder begrepen = including the employee
De medewerker de kans te geven om zijn/haar kant van het verhaal te verte = Give the employee a chance to tell his/her side of the story
De medewerker die een auto ter beschikking heeft gekregen = Employees who have received a car
De medewerker die in aanmerking komt voor een lease auto = An employee who is eligible for a lease car
De medewerker dient de auto in te leveren = The employee must return the car
De medewerker dient zich = Employees should
De medewerker en de tegenpartij = The employee and the other party
De medewerker gaat ermee akkoord dat de werkgever = The employee agrees that the employer
De medewerker is verplicht = The employee is obliged
De medewerker kan dan een mail sturen = The employee may then send an email
De medewerker kan dan een mail sturen naar = The employee may then send an email to
De medewerker mag kosten gemaakt voor zakelijke doeleinden declareren = The employee may claim expenses for business purposes
De medewerker meldt de schade direct telefonisch bij de afdeling schade = The employee must report the damage immediately by calling the claims dep
De medewerker ontvangt de = The employee will receive the
De medewerker ontvangt deze toeslag = The employee shall receive this extra allowance
De medewerker ontvangt een onkostenvergoeding = The employee will receive an expense allowance
De medewerker verklaart zich bereid = The employee agrees to
de medewerker verwijzen = refer the employee
de medewerker verwijzen naar een dealer = refer the employee to a dealer
De medewerker wordt bij indiensttreding deelnemer aan de pensioenvoorzien = "On commencing employment, the employee will join the pension scheme of"
De medewerker zal de functie in deeltijd verrichten = The employee will perform the job on a part-time basis
de medewerker(s) zo snel mogelijk vervangen = replace the employee(s) as soon as possible
De medewerkers uit categorie = Employees in Category
De medewerkers uit categorie B = Employees in Category B
de medewerkers van uw bedrijf = the employees of your company
de medezeggenschap = consultative bodies
de medezeggenschap = employee participation
de medezeggenschap = employee representation
de medezeggenschap = employee representatives
de medezeggenschap = staff council
de medezeggenschap = staff representatives
de medezeggenschap = worker participation bodies
de medezeggenschap = works council
de medezeggenschap = representative advisory bodies
de medezeggenschap = the consultative bodies
de media die u wenst te gebruiken = the media of your choice
de Medinaworm = Medina worm
de medische beeldvorming = computer tomography
de medische beeldvorming = diagnostic  imaging
de medische bevochtiger = humidifier (for medical use)
de medische diensten in het ziekenhuis = hospital system
de medische expertise = expert evidence
de medische hoogfrequentapparatuur = high-frequency surgical equipment
de medische hulpmiddelen = the medical devices
de medische informatie = health information
de meegeleverde = enclosed
de meer ervaren = the more experienced
De meerdere = The plurality of
de meerderheid = majority
de meest aangewezen kandidaat = the most suitable candidate
de meest centrale rand = the most central rim
de meest compacte opstelling = the most compact arrangement
de meest concurrerende oplossingen in de markt = the most competitive solutions in the market
de meest concurrerende palletiseeroplossing op de markt = the most competitive palletising solution on the market
de meest direct betrokkenen = those most directly involved
de meest economische levensduur = the most cost-effective service life
de meest gebruikelijke gesproken taal = the most commonly spoken language
de meest gebruikelijke gesproken taal of talen = the most commonly spoken language or languages
de meest gebruikelijke lampen beschikbaar op de markt = the most common lamps available on the market
de meest gebruikte = the most commonly used
de meest gerede belanghebbende = the most interested party
de meest gerede partij (hier) = "the most appropriate party, the most suitable party"
de meest geschikte = the most suitable
De meest gewilde = The most popular
de meest gunstige tarieven = the most favourable rates
de meest kostenbesparende = the most cost-effective
de meest kostenbesparende geïntegreerde = "the most cost-effective, integrated"
de meest linker = the leftmost
de meest recent = the most recently
de meest recent bepaalde = the most recently determined
de meest recente apparatuur en uitrusting = state-of-the-art machinery and equipment
de meest recente bemonstering = the most recent sampling
De meest recente brochures kan u downloaden op = You can download our most recent brochures at
de meest recente Incoterms = the most recent Incoterms
de meest recente informatie = the latest information
de meest recente positiebepaling = the most recent position fix
de meest recente prijzen = the most recent prices
De meest rechter = The rightmost
de meest uiteenlopende vragen = a wide variety of questions
De meest universele = The most universal
de meest voordelige warmtebron = the most economical heat source
de meest voorkomende risico’s = the most common risks
de meest waarschijnlijke werkelijke laagdikte = the most likely actual layer thickness
De meeste = Most
de meeste aangeboden basisverzekeringen = most basic insurance policies offered
De meeste fabrikanten = Most manufacturers
De meeste palletiseermachines = Most palletisers
De meeste van onze ontwikkelaars = Most of our developers
De meetgegevens = The measurement data
de meetgegevens van het ex-situ sensorsysteem = the measurement data from the ex-situ sensor system
De melding = The report
de melk = the milk
de melkweg = Milky Way
de meloen = the melon
de membrana vitrea = hyaloid membrane
"de memorie van toelichting, die het wetsvoorstel vergezelt, bevat de gron" = the explanatory memorandum accompanying the bill sets out the grounds on
de mengkuip en de één of meerdere pompen = the mixing tub and the one or more pumps
de mens = humankind
de mens = the man
de mens = humans
De Mens Centraal = Focus on the person
De Mens Centraal = Focusing on people
De Mens Centraal = Humans centre stage
De Mens Centraal = The human measure
de mens die daaraan behoefte heeft = human in need thereof
de mens is voor de mens een mens = man is man to man {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were pl
"de mens wikt, God beschikt" = "man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as the"
de menselijke activiteit = human activity
de menselijke ecologie = human ecology
de menselijke geneeskunde = human medicine
de mensen = people
De mensen kopen en verkopen volgens de traditionele regels. Een handdruk  = People buy and sell according to the traditional rules. A handshake and t
De mensen kopen en verkopen volgens de traditionele regels. Een handdruk  = People buy and sell according to the traditional rules. A handshake and t
de merkrechten ten aanzien van het product zijn uitgewerkt = the trademark rights relating to the product have become extinguished
de mesenchymose = cutis hyperelastica
de met de klant afgesproken acties = the actions agreed with the customer
de met de vorige werkgever gemaakte afspraak = the agreement made with the previous employer
de met het gezag belaste ouder = the parent who has custody
de met het onderhoud belaste entiteit = entity in charge of maintenance
de met Verwerker gesloten Schriftelijke overeenkomst = Written Agreement concluded with Data Processor
de metaalionen en/of zouten van genaamde metaalionen = the metal ions and/or salts of said metal ions
de metadata van een mediabestand = media file metadata
de meterkast = electricity meter cupboard
De methode is typisch toepasbaar op = The method is typically applicable to
de methode van gebiedssteekproeven = area sampling
de methode voor het behandelen van zwart water = the method for treating black water
de methode voor het gebruik hiervan = the method for using the same
De metingen = The measurements
De micro usb zet je vast = Attach the micro USB
de middag = noon
de middelen = means
de middelen worden beschikbaar gesteld naarmate de desbetreffende kosten  = the resources will be made available as and when the costs are incurred
de middernacht = midnight
de mier = the ant
de migratie van ionen uit polymeren = the migration of ions from polymers
De mijne = Mine
De mijne = My own
de minimale duur van de overeenkomst = the minimum duration of the contract
De minimale isolatiespanning = The minimum isolation voltage
De minimale specificaties = The minimum specifications
de minimumdosis voor infectie = ID
de minimumdosis voor infectie = minimum infectious dose
de minimumdosis voor infectie = infective dose
de minister = minister
"De Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport" = "the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport"
"De Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport namens deze" = "On behalf of the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport"
de minstens = the at least one
de minstens 1 = the at least 1
de minstens één = the at least one
de minstens één broekspijp of mouw = the at least one leg or sleeve
de minstens eerste roteerbare looprol = at least first rotatable roller
de minstens ��n broekspijp of mouw = the at least one leg or sleeve
de minstens twee hoofddelen = the at least two main parts
de minstens twee zijwanden en de eventueel twee bijkomende zijwanden = the at least two side walls and the optionally two additional side walls
De minstens twee zijwanden strekken zich volgens de lengterichting van de = The at least two side walls extend along the longitudinal direction of th
de minstens twee zijwanden van de mal = the at least two side walls of the mold
de misleiding = deceit
de misleiding = fraud
de misleiding = fraudulence
de misleiding = intentional deception
de misleiding = trickery
de missie van de organisatie = the mission of the organisation
de mist = the fog
De mobiliteitsvergoeding = The travel allowance
de modder = mud
"de modellen van het eerste, het tweede en het derde element" = "the models of the first, second and third elements"
De module Mijn gegevens = The ‘My Data’ module
De modules zijn opgebouwd uit = The modules are constructed from
de moeder = mother
De moeilijke economische omstandigheden = The difficult economic situation
de moeilijke positie = predicament
de moeite waard = worthwhile
de moerbei = the mulberry
de mogelijkheden van digitalisering = the opportunities offered by digitalisation
de mogelijkheden van digitalisering = the possibilities offered by digitalisation
de mogelijkheden van het FileMaker-platform = the capabilities of the FileMaker platform
de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos = the possibilities are endless
de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos = the possibilities are pretty much endless
de moker (vuist) = club hammer
de moleculaire technieken voor diagnose = molecular  diagnostic techniques
de molen = the mill
de molenaar = the miller
de momentane sterilisatie = instant sterilization
de mond = the mouth
De mond spoelen = Rinse mouth
de mond wijd opendoen = open one's mouth wide
de monitoring mestmarkt = manure market monitoring
de monnik = the monk
De monsters zijn nu gereed om getest te worden = The samples are now ready to be tested
de montage van geleverde zaken = the assembly of supplied goods
de monumentale status heeft = is listed
de morfologie van het tandvlees = morphology of the gums
de morgen = morning
de moskee = the mosque
de mossel = the mussel
de motivering van een besluit = grounds for a decision
de motivering van een besluit = statement of the grounds on which a decision is based
De motor is zijn positie kwijt = The motor has lost its position
De motor wordt aangestuurd d.m.v = The motor is control by means of
De motoren moeten gecontroleerd worden op eventuele lekkage = The engines must be checked for leaks
de mucopolysaccharidose = glycosaminoglycan
de mug = mosquito
de muis = the mouse
de multiplexer 981 en de spectrofotometer 982 = the multiplexer 981 and the spectrophotometer 982
De MultiServer II beschikt over verschillende programma’s waaronder het = "The MultiServer II has various programmes, including the drying and autom"
de munt = coin
De mutatie van het werkkapitaal is als volgt = The movements in working capital are as follows
de muts = cap
de muur = wall
de muurdoorvoer = the wall duct
de ��n of meerdere = the one or more
de ��n of meerdere draden van veerkrachtig materiaal = the one or more wires of a resilient material
de ��n of meerdere retractoren = the one or more retractors
de ��n of meerdere waarden = the one or more value
de ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ?obtained via the inertial measurement unit
"de ��n of meerdere waarden, of een aggregatiewaarde van deze waarden" = "the one or more values, or an aggregate value of these values"
de naad = seam
de naald = the needle
De naam of het beeldmerk van de fabrikant. = The name or logo of the manufacturer.
de naam van het ‘eigen merk’ = the name of the ‘own brand’
de naam van het eigen merk van de supermarkt = the name of the supermarket’s own-brand product
de naam van onze accountantspraktijk en de naam van de accountant = our firm’s and auditor’s names
"de naam, de voornamen, de hoedanigheid en de verblijfplaats der getuigen" = "the names, forenames, description and address of the witnesses"
"De naam, functie en kwalificaties van de ter beschikking te stellen medew" = "The name, position and qualifications of the staff to be made available"
de naar elkaar toe gerichte positie = the facing each other position
de nabije toekomst = the near future
de nabijheid van een andere gebruiker = the proximity of another user
de nabijheid van een andere gebruiker indiceren = indicate the proximity of another user
de nabijheid van gebruikers = the proximity of users
de nabijheid van ten minste twee gebruikers te bepalen = to determine the proximity of at least two users
de nabijheid van twee gebruikers te achterhalen = to determine the proximity of two users
de nacht = night
de nachtegaal = the nightingale
de nachtmerrie = nightmare
de nadruk leggen op iets = to stress sth.
De nadruk wordt hierbij gelegd op = Emphasis is placed on
de nagel = the nail
de naijver = the envy
de nakoming van zijn betalingsverplichting te weigeren of op te schorten = refuse to discharge or to suspend the discharge of its payment obligation
de nakoming van zijn verplichtingen = the fulfilment of its obligations
de nalatenschap wordt zuiver aanvaard = the inheritance/estate/succession is accepted unconditionally
de nationale referentiefuncties = the national reference jobs
de natriumbicarbonaat = sodium  hydrogen carbonate
De natuur omringt u = Surrounded by nature
de natuurlijke gang van zaken = the natural order of things
de natuurlijke persoon = a natural person
de natuurlijke persoon die niet handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of b = a natural person not acting in the course of a business or profession
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the natural fiber layer
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag van de natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the layer of the natural fibers
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag van natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the layer of natural fibers
de natuurlijke vezels na het zwingelen opgerold worden = the natural fibers are rolled up after scutching
de natuurwetenschappelijke en de geesteswetenschappelijke = the physical sciences and the spiritual sciences
de nauwkeurigheid van = the accuracy of
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte = the accuracy of the last updated
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informati = the accuracy of the last updated spatial location information is less tha
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informati = the accuracy of the last updated spatial location information is less tha
de nauwkeurigheid van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the accuracy of the spatial location information
de nauwkeurigheid van laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the accuracy of the most recently updated spatial location information
de navel = the navel
de navigatiebalk = the navigation bar
de navolgende documenten = the following documents
De navolgende functionaliteiten = the following features
de navolgende informatie = the following information
de necrose van de pulpa dentis = gangrene of pulp
de nederlaag = defeat
de Nederlands/Duitse grens = the Dutch/German border
De Nederlandsche Bank = De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch central bank
De Nederlandsche Bank = Dutch central bank
de Nederlandse consument = Dutch consumers
de Nederlandse markt = the Dutch market
de Nederlandse overheid = the Dutch Government
de Nederlandse wetgeving kent geen bepalingen inzake mediation = Dutch law makes no provision for mediation
de neerslag van = reflects
De negerhut van Oom Tom = Uncle Tom Cabin
de neoplasma in de eileider = fallopian tube neoplasm
de nervus cruralis = femoral nerve
De nettowinst steeg uiteindelijk met = Net income ultimately rose
de neuralgie van Hunt = Hunt's neuralgia
de neurone dat dopamine afscheidt = dopamine-producing neuron
de neus = the nose
de neus bloeden = epistaxis
de neus optrekken = wrinkle one's nose
de neus optrekken/ophalen = sneer  (raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
de neusbloeding = epistaxis
de neusbloeding = nosebleed
de neuzen dezelfde kant op krijgen = singing from the same hymn sheet / rowing in the same direction
de nevel = the mist
de nier = the kidney
de niet afgenomen goederen = the non-purchased goods
de niet afgeroepen producten = non-ordered products
de niet verschenen gedaagde = the defendant who did not appear
de niet verstreken huurperiode = the not yet expired lease period
de nieuw te plaatsen aansluitingen en bekabeling = the newly installed connections and wiring
de nieuw te plaatsen apparatuur = the new equipment
de nieuw- vorming = genetic epigenesis: gradual increases in complexity of structure
de nieuwe business unit = the new business unit
De nieuwe deuren = The new doors
de nieuwe dienst wordt gehuisvest in Zoetermeer = the new department will be based in Zoetermeer
de nieuwe Europese wetgeving = the new European legislation
de nieuwe generatie werknemers = the next generation of employees
de nieuwe koelinstallatie = the new refrigeration system
de nieuwe Machinerichtlijn = the new Machinery Directive
De nieuwe ondernemer = Next generation entrepreneur
de nieuwe productielijn = The new production line
"De Nieuwe Regeling 2011, Rechtsverhouding opdrachtgever-architect, ingeni" = "‘The New Rules 2011, Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and "
De nieuwe versie van het = The new version of the
de nieuwste technische mogelijkheden = the latest technology
de nis = the niche
de nitrosadiethylamine = DENA
de niveau van opleiding = educational background
de niveau van opleiding = educational level
de NLse overheid = the Dutch government
de NLse topsectoren = the Netherlands’ top sectors
de nodige = a fair amount of
de nodige = a number of
de nodige = the necessary
de nodige = some
de nodige aandacht = the necessary attention
de nodige aandacht = due attention
de nodige aanpassingen uitvoeren = make the necessary adjustments
de nodige aansluitingen = the necessary connections
de nodige acties genomen te worden = the necessary actions taken
de nodige afscherming = the necessary shielding
de nodige afwisseling. = a lot of variety
de nodige bescherming = the necessary protection
de nodige discussie = concepts that are also bound to give rise to wide debate
de nodige discussie = excited some debate
de nodige discussie = often debated
de nodige discussie = These two issues often feature in discussions between
de nodige documentatie = the necessary documentation
de nodige identificatiedocumenten = the required identification documents
de nodige informatie = the appropriate information
de nodige informatie = the information needed
de nodige informatie = the information required
de nodige informatie = the necessary information
de nodige informatie uitwisselen = exchange the necessary information
de nodige inspanning = considerable effort
de nodige kennis en begrip = the requisite knowledge and understanding
de nodige ondersteuning = the necessary support
de nodige openingen = the necessary apertures
de nodige speling = the necessary play
de nodige stappen zouden ondernemen = would take the necessary steps
De nodige tijd met een maximum van = The time needed with a maximum of
de nodige veiligheidsuitrusting = the required safety equipment
de nodige verbeterslagen = the necessary improvements
de nodige voorbereidingen = the necessary preparations
De nodige voorzichtigheid moet in acht genomen = Caution should be observed
De nodige voorzichtigheid moet in acht genomen worden tijdens het transpo = Caution should be observed when transporting and unpacking the unit.
de non = the nun
De noodstopknop mag NOOIT gebruikt worden om = The emergency stop button should NEVER be used to
de noodzaak = the need
De noodzaak voor ontslagen = the need for layoffs
de noodzakelijke aandachtspunten = any points requiring your attention
de noodzakelijke gegevens = the necessary information
de noodzakelijke hoeveelheid = the necessary amount
de noodzakelijke tests en inspecties = the necessary tests and inspections
de noodzakelijke verbetering van = the need to improve
de Noord-Duitse laagvlakte = the North German Plain / Lowlands
de noot = the walnut
de norm vereist dat = the standard requires that
de normale waarde = the normal value
de normen die in de referentiefuncties zijn vastgelegd = the standards laid down in the reference jobs
De Notariële akte wordt verleden = The Notarial deed shall be executed
De notulen van een vergadering worden vastgesteld = The minutes of a meeting shall be adopted
de notulen vaststellen/goedkeuren = to adopt the minutes
de notulen zonder voorlezing goedkeuren = to take the minutes as read
de nr. 2 voor het 4e gamma = the no. 2 for pre-packaged salad
de nu = the now
de nucleus funiculi gracilis = the medial nuclei of the dorsal column  gracile nucleus
De Nude = De Nude
de NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam exchange
de Océ-cao en het Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = The Océ Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Working Arrangements Man
de octopus = the octopus
de oester = oyster
de oestradioldiacetaat = estradiol diacetate
de oestrus = estrus
de oestrus = oestrus
de oestrus = rut
de oestrus = rutting period
de oever = the bank
dé of montage = assembly or disassembly
"De offerte dient inzicht te geven in de aanpak, doorlooptijd, in te zette" = "The tender must provide information on the approach, throughput time, sta"
de offerte voorleggen = submit the quotation
De Officier van Justitie = De Officier van Justitie
de ogen uit hun kassen puilend = bug-eyed
de oksel = the armpit
de olie = the oil
de olifant = the elephant
de olijf = olive
de olijfboom = olive
de oma = grandmother
de ombouw van de installatie = the conversion of the plant
de omgang met = dealing with
de omgang met andere leerlingen = how students interact with each other
"de omgekeerde overname, de emissie van nieuwe aandelen en de behaalde ope" = "reverse takeover, the issue of new shares, and the operating cash flow ac"
de omgeving = the environment
De omgeving van de aansluiting = Surroundings of the connection
'De omgeving van het Jubelpark en van het Leopoldpark' = 'De omgeving van het Jubelpark en van het Leopoldpark' (The surroundings
de omgeving waarin ze aan het werken zijn te bieden = the environment in which they are working
De omschakeling tussen regimes = Switching between operating modes
de omstandigheden waaronder het arbeidsmiddel dient gebruikt te worden = the conditions under which the work equipment must be used
De omstandigheid dat de Producten zijn gekeurd = Rejection of the Products
de omstreden aanspraak = disputed claim
de omvang van = the extent of
de omvang van = the size of
de omvang van de bandbreedtevereisten = the size of the bandwidth requirements
de omvang van de lijkschouw = the scope of the external examination
de omvang van de uitdrukking = the scope of the expression
de omvang van uw bedrijf = the size of your business
De omzet steeg met = Turnover rose by
De onbetwiste blikvanger op de beurs = the undisputed eye-catcher at the fair
de oncogene factoren = initiation factors
de onderbouwing van zijn redenering is ijzersterk = the foundations of his argument are rock-solid
De onderdelen los op een kar plaatsen = Place the components separately on a cart
de onderdorpel = girt
de ondergetekende verklaart = the undersigned certifies
de ondergetekende verklaart = the undersigned declares
de ondergetekende verklaart bij wijze van zelfstandige verbintenis dat = "the undersigned declares, as if he were the principal debtor himself, tha"
de ondergetekende verklaart dat bovenstaand afschrift eensluidend is met  = the undersigned declares that the above is a true copy of the document of
De ondergetekenden = The undersigned
"de ondergetekenden, overwegende dat ..., verklaren te zijn overeengekomen" = "the undersigned ..., whereas ..., are agreed as follows"
De onderhavige arbeidsovereenkomst = This employment contract
De onderhavige arbeidsovereenkomst is een uitzendovereenkomst = This employment contract is a temporary employment contract
de onderhavige Bepalingen = the present Provisions
de onderhavige geheimhoudingsverplichting = the present confidentiality obligation
De onderhavige overeenkomst is een uitzendovereenkomst in de zin van = This agreement is a temporary employment contract within the meaning of
de onderhavige Overeenkomst niet als arbeidsovereenkomst kan worden aange = this agreement cannot be regarded as a contract of employment
De onderhavige uitvinding = The present invention
de onderhavige uitvinding = the present invention
De onderhavige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste  = The present invention intends to find a solution to at least some of the
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft = The present invention relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = The current invention relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft eveneens een methode = The present invention also relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft ook = the present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft ook = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft tevens = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft verder eveneens = The present invention further also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding en uitvoeringsvormen daarvan dienen om een oplo = The present invention and embodiments thereof serve to provide a solution
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention concerns
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = The present invention concerns a device
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een systeem voor = The present invention relates to a system for
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een verbeterde werkwijze = The present invention pertains to an improved method
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The present invention relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en systeem = The present invention concerns a method and system
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en systeem vo = The present invention concerns a method and system for producing
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op het technische gebied = The present invention pertains to the technical field
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op het vakgebied van = The present invention relates to the field of
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The present invention relates generally to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = "The present invention relates, in general to"
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op = The present invention relates also to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op een systeem voor het pr = The present invention also relates to a system for producing
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft verder betrekking op = The present invention furthermore relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding is echter niet beperkt tot deze specifieke uitv = "However, the present invention is not limited to these particular embodim"
De onderhavige uitvinding is echter niet beperkt tot deze specifieke uitv = "However, the present invention is not limited to these particular embodim"
De onderhavige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot = The present invention is in no way limited to
De onderhavige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot de in de figuren getoo = The present invention is in no way limited to the embodiments shown in th
De onderhavige uitvinding is voordelig aangezien = The present invention is advantageous since
De onderhavige uitvinding omvat een werkwijze en een systeem = The present invention comprises a method and a system
De onderhavige uitvinding richt zich eveneens op = The present invention also focuses on
De onderhavige uitvinding richt zich met name op = The present invention focuses mainly on
De onderhavige uitvinding verhoogt de kans = The present invention greatly increases the chance
De onderhavige uitvinding verhoogt de kans op het verkrijgen = The present invention greatly increases the chance of obtaining
De onderhavige uitvinding verschaft = The present invention provides
De onderhavige uitvinding voorziet in een oplossing voor minstens één v = The present invention provides a solution to at least one of the above-de
De onderhavige uitvinding voorziet in een oplossing voor minstens één v = The present invention provides a solution to at least one of the above-de
De onderhavige uitvinding zal hierna beschreven worden aan de hand van we = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal hierna beschreven worden aan de hand van we = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal worden beschreven met betrekking tot specif = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal worden beschreven met betrekking tot specif = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige werkwijze = The present method
De onderhavige werkwijze zal in het bijzonder worden beschreven met betre = The present method will be described in particular with regard to
De onderhavige werkwijze zal in het bijzonder worden beschreven met betre = The present method will be described in particular with regard to
de onderhuidse injectie = subcutaneous  injection: injection under the skin
De onderliggende broncode = The underlying source code
De onderliggende competenties zijn = The underlying competencies are
de onderlinge afstand van = the distance between
de ondermaatse fractie en de tweede gedeeltelijke middelgrote fractie = the undersize fraction and the second partial midsize fraction
De ondernemer verklaart dat = The economic operator declares that:
de Onderneming of van de Ondernemingen die met haar verbonden zijn = the Company or any of its subsidiary and affiliated companies
De onderneming stelt de volgende voorwaarden = The company employs the following conditions
de onderneming van de opdrachtgever = the client’s business
de onderneming van de wederpartij wordt geliquideerd of beëindigd = the other party’s business is wound up or terminated
de onderneming van de wederpartij wordt geliquideerd of beëindigd anders = the other party’s business is wound up or terminated other than for the
de onderneming vertegenwoordigen tegenover derden = to represent the company in dealings with third parties
de ondernemingsactiviteiten = the company’s activities
de onderoogslagader = infraorbital artery
de onderslagbalk = cross piece
de onderslagbalk (bekisting) = cross beam
de onderstaande Algemene leveringsvoorwaarden = the General Terms and Conditions of Delivery listed below
de onderste na plaatsing = "the bottom, after placement"
de onderste rij = the bottom row
de ondertekening van de app = the app’s signature
de ondervloer = finishing layer
"De onderwerpen die aan bod komen, zijn" = The following topics are covered
De onderzoekspopulatie = The study population
De onderzoeksresultaten = The research results
de onevenwichtigheid = disequilibrium
de onevenwichtigheid = imbalance
de ongewenste indringing = the undesired ingress
de ongewenste indringing van gevaarlijke substanties = the undesired ingress of dangerous substances
de on-line regelbare magneten = the online-adjustable magnets
de onopzettelijke verspreiding van persoonlijke informatie = inadvertent  disclosure of confidential data
de onroerende zaak is betrokken in een landinrichtingsplan = the immovable property is included in a land-use plan
de Onroerende zaak op eerste vordering van de Gemeente aan haar terug te  = return the Immovable Property to the Municipality at the Municipality’s
de ontkleuring = loss of pigmentation
de ontlastings-incontinentie = fecal incontinence
De ontlastklep is over het algemeen afgesteld op een druk van 26 bar (375 = The pressure relief valve is generally adjusted to a pressure of 26 bar (
de ontsluiting van het buitengebied = making outlying areas accessible
de ontsluiting van informatie en correspondentie = access to information and correspondence
de ontsmetting door formaldehyde = formalin vapor disinfection
de ontsteking van de epitrochlead = "golfer's  elbow, medial epicondylitis"
de ontsteking van de vaatkluwens in de nierschors = glomerular lesion
de ontstekingsinfiltratie = inflammatory infiltrate
de ontvangsten waren nihil = the receipts were nil / zero
de ontvlambaarheid = flammability
de ontwenningsafdeling = detox unit
de ontwikkeling = the development
de ontwikkeling = development
de ontwikkeling en de verspreiding van milieuvriendelijke technologieën  = Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly techn
de ontwikkeling en het beheer = the development and management
de ontwikkeling en productie = the development and production
de ontwikkeling gedurende het boekjaar = developments during the financial year
de ontwikkeling van = the development of
de ontwikkeling van een nieuw cosmetisch product = the development of new cosmetic product
de ontwikkeling van elke competentie = the development of each competence
de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie = the development of renewable energy
de ontwikkeling van kennis en innovatie = the development of knowledge and innovation
de ontwikkeling van nieuwbouwprojecten = developing of new projects
de ontwikkeling van nieuwbouwprojecten = the development of new projects
de ontwikkeling van nieuwe kennis = the development of new knowledge
de ontwikkeling van tools en methoden = the development of tools and methods
"de ontwikkeling, het gebruik en de regulering" = "the development, use and regulation"
"de ontwikkeling, het gebruik en de regulering van technologie" = "the development, use and regulation of technology"
de ontwikkelingsfysiologie = developmental biology
de ontwikkelingsleesstoornis = dyslexia
de onverwachte oorzaak van = the unexpected cause of
de onvoorziene gebeurtenis = unforeseen  event
de onze = ours
de oo- en spin-cookie = the ‘oo’ and ‘spin’ cookie
de oo-en fr-cookie = the ‘oo’ and ‘fr’ cookie
de oogslagader = ophthalmic artery
de ooievaar = the stork
de oordopjes voor eenmalig gebruik = disposable  earplugs
de oorlog = the war
de oorsprong en de aard van de natuurlijke ingrediënten = the origin and the nature of the natural ingredients
De oorspronkelijk ingestelde waarden door de installateur = The values originally set by the installer
de oorspronkelijke redactie handhaven = to retain the original wording
de oorspronkelijke resultaten = the original results
De oorzaak is duidelijk identificeerbaar = The cause is clearly identifiable
De oorzaak is niet gekend = The cause is not known
de oorzaak van het probleem weg te nemen = eliminate the cause of the problem
de oorzaak van problemen = the cause of problems
de op dat moment aanhangige handelsmerkprocedures = the then pending trademark actions
de op dat moment bekende bevindingen = the findings known at the time
de op de aandelen betaalde stortingen = the amounts paid up on the shares
de op de aandelen betaalde stortingen = the amounts paid up on shares
"de op de lijst vermelde personen, groepen of entiteiten" = "the listed persons, groups or entities"
de op de server geregistreerde locatie = the location registered on the server
de op de stage doorgelopen competentieontwikkeling = the competences they developed during the placement
de op de stage doorgelopen competentieontwikkeling = the competences developed during the placement
de op historische kostprijs gebaseerde waardering = the valuation based on historical cost
de op maat gesneden monsters = the cut-to-size samples
de op Partijen rustende verplichtingen = the obligations of the Parties
de opa = grandfather
de opbouw hierin = the structure thereof
de opbouw van de machine = the construction of the machine
de opbouw van het verslag niet helder is = the structure of the report is not clear
De opbrengsten uit = Revenues from
De opbrengsten uit de verhuur van ski- en snowboardmaterialen = Revenues from the rental of ski and snowboard equipment
de opbrengsten uit lessen = revenue from classes
De Opdracht kan slechts worden gewijzigd = The Contract may be amended only
De opdracht kent twee aanleidingen = There are two reasons for this assignment
De opdracht kent twee aanleidingen = The rationale behind the assignment is twofold
de opdracht niet te gunnen = not to award the contract
De opdracht wordt gegund = The contract will be awarded
De Opdracht wordt gegund aan de Inschrijver = The Contract will be awarded to the Tenderer
de opdrachten zijn afgerond en je ontwikkeling is goed genoeg om te exami = the assignments have been completed and your development is good enough t
De opdrachtgever draagt er zorg voor = The client shall ensure
De Opdrachtgever verplicht zich = The Client undertakes
De Opdrachtgever verplicht zich = The Client undertakes to
De opdrachtgever voert de risico inventarisatie uit = The client shall perform the risk inventory
De opdrachtnemer documenteert deze kwaliteitsindicatoren = The contractor shall document these quality indicators
"de opdrachtnemer, de onderaannemers, de architecten en studiebureaus" = "the contractor, the subcontractors, the architects and engineering firms"
De Opdrachtovereenkomst = The Contract for Services
de opeenvolgende kruispunten = the successive intersections
de opeenvolging van seintoestanden = the sequence of signal states
de open pen-en-gatverbinding = forked mortise (mortice) and tenon joint
de openbaargemaakte informatie = the disclosed information
de openbaarmaking = the disclosure
de openbare weg = public roads
de opening van de gleufvormige secties = the opening of the slot-shaped sections
de openingen = the apertures
de openingen bovenaan = the openings at the top
de openslaande balkondeur = French window(s)
de operatiehandschoenen = surgical  gloves
de operatiekamer = operating theater
De operationele kasstroom = Operating cash flow
De operationele kasstroom per aandeel kwam uit op = Operating cash flow per share amounted to
De operationele nettowinst = Net operating profit
De operationele nettowinst per aandeel = Net operating earnings per share
de operator van het = the operator of the
de operator van het configureerbaar sputtersysteem = the operator of the configurable sputtering system
de operculum orbitale = frontal operculum
de opgebouwde reserveringen = any accumulated entitlements
de opgeraapte hoeveelheid sneeuw = the amount of snow gathered
de opgeslagen energie in een batterij = the energy stored in a battery
de opgeworpen exceptie in limine litis = the objection raised in limine litis
de ophaling en vervoer van afval naar de stortplaats = collection and transport of waste to the landfill site
De opleiding kan bij goed gevolg worden voortgezet = Graduates of the programme can continue with
de oplosbaarheid in water = the water solubility
De oplossing = The solution
dé oplossing = the ideal solution
De oplossing & aanpak = The solution & approach
de oplossing bij uitstek = the solution of choice
de oplossing die bij u het beste past = the solution that suits you best
de oplossing die het beste bij uw behoeften past = the solution that best suits your needs
De oplossing is opgebouwd uit een = The solution consists of a
de oplossing of dispersie van het metaalion of metaalzout = the solution or dispersion of the metal ion or metal salt
de oplossing van het probleem = solving the problem
De oplossing voor = The perfect solution for
de opmaat naar = a prelude to
de opperhuid = epidermoid
de opperhuid = intra-  epidermal
de oppervlakte van het vouwbare tapijt = the surface area of the foldable carpet
de opportunistische infecties = opportunistic infections
de oprichting en het beheer van onroerend vermogen = the establishment and management of immovable assets
de oprichting van gebouwen = the acquisition of immovable property
"De oprichting, de verwerving, het in huur nemen, het beheer en/of de uitb" = "The setting-up, acquisition, hiring, management or operation, on its own "
De oproeping tot een vergadering geschiedt ten minste vijftien (15) dagen = A meeting shall be convened at least fifteen (15) days in advance
de opstaande of verticale wand = the upright or vertical wall
de opstaande of verticale wanden = the upright or vertical walls
de opstarttijd van de MiniMed Duo = the startup time of the MiniMed Duo
De opstelling = The system
De opstelling = The setup
de optillingstrauma = injury due to heavy lifting
de optimalisatie is voor 5 keywords met beperkte concurrentie = 5 keywords optimization with limited competition
de optredende ziekte = emerging infectious disease
de opvolging van uw installaties te optimaliseren = optimise the monitoring of your installations
de opvouwbare zijwand in opgevouwen toestand = the foldable sidewall in folded state
de opvulling van metselwerk = frost-resistant brickwork
De opzegging c.q. ontbinding van deze overeenkomst ontslaat partijen uitd = The cancellation or termination of this Agreement in no way relieves any
de opzet van = the design of
de orde = the rules of law
de orde van de dag = everyday occurrence
de orde van de dag = standard fare
de orde van de dag = the order of the day
de Order tot stand is gekomen = the Order has been established
de orderbevestiging = the order confirmation
de oregano = the origan
de organisatie blijk heeft gegeven van het v = the organisation has demonstrated the following
de organisatie weer functioneert = the organisation is operational again
De organisatie wordt geleid door = The organisation is led by
"de organisatie, onze producten en diensten, klanten, leveranciers of ande" = "the organization, our products and services, customers, suppliers or othe"
De organistie in Nederland = The organisation in the Netherlands
de Orloff (oorspronkelijk Zon van de Zee genoemd) = the Orlov diamond (originally called the Sun of the Sea)
de orthoglykemische glucosurie = renal  glycosuria: an inherited inability of the renal tubules to reabsor
de osteosynthese van frakturen = internal  fracture fixation
de Oude = the Elder
de ouderdom = age
de outillage van een haven = the equipment of a port
de outillage van een haven = the machinery of a port
De ovale briljant is een bij diamantjuwelen graag gebruikte variante van  = The oval brilliant is a popular variant of the classic round form in diam
de over de huurprijs verschuldigde  omzetbelasting = the VAT payable on the rent
De over te dragen bevoegdheden = The powers to be transferred
De overbruggingstijd wordt bepaald door = The bridging time is determined by
de overdraagbare gastroenteritis = transmissible  gastroenteritis
de overdreven groei = expansive growth
de overeengekomen dienstverlening = the agreed services
de overeengekomen eigenschappen = the agreed characteristics
de overeengekomen eigenschappen bevat = has the agreed characteristics
de overeengekomen methode = the agreed method
de overeengekomen periode = the agreed period
de overeengekomen prijs = the agreed price
de overeengekomen prijs dienovereenkomstig te verhogen = entitled to increase the agreed price accordingly
de overeengekomen specificaties = the agreed specifications
De overeengekomen werktijd bedraagt uur per week. = The agreed working time is hours per week.
de overeengekomen Werkzaamheden te blijven uitvoeren = to continue to perform the agreed Activities
de overeenkomst blijft van kracht tot wederopzegging = the contract remains in effect until notice of termination is given
de overeenkomst blijft van kracht tot wederopzegging = the contract remains in force until notice of termination is given
De Overeenkomst brengt nimmer een arbeidsovereenkomst tussen de medewerke = The Agreement in no way constitutes an employment contract between the em
de overeenkomst eindigt met één maand opzegging = termination of the contract is subject to one month's notice
de overeenkomst eindigt met één maand opzegging = the contract terminates one month after notice has been given
De Overeenkomst eindigt onmiddellijk = The Agreement will terminate immediately
de Overeenkomst en eventueel daarmee samenhangende overeenkomsten = the Agreement and any related agreements
De overeenkomst gaat in op = The Agreement will enter into force on
"de Overeenkomst geheel of gedeeltelijk in Bothell, Washington, heeft uitg" = "performed the contract in whole or in part in Bothell, Washington, or att"
De Overeenkomst kan alleen worden opgezegd = The Agreement may only be terminated
de overeenkomst kan in rechte geldend gemaakt worden = the contract is enforceable at law
de overeenkomst kan in rechte geldend gemaakt worden = the contract is enforceable in law
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand = The contract shall be concluded only
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand na = The contract shall be concluded only after
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand na schriftelijke bevestiging door  = The contract shall be concluded only after written confirmation by the Se
de overeenkomst met de wederpartij = the agreement with the Other party
De Overeenkomst Onderhoud = The Maintenance Agreement
de overeenkomst op te schorten dan wel (gedeeltelijk) te ontbinden = "suspend or terminate the agreement, either in full or in part,"
de overeenkomst op te zeggen met inachtneming van een opzegtermijn = terminate the Agreement subject to a notice period
de overeenkomst strekkende tot de verkrijging van het verkochte door verk = the contract for the acquisition by the vendor of the property sold
de overeenkomst strekkende tot het gebruiken van = the agreement providing for the use of ...
de overeenkomst te ontbinden = to terminate the Contract
de overeenkomst te ontbinden bij aangetekende brief = terminate the agreement by registered letter
De Overeenkomst treedt in werking = The Agreement shall enter into force
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki Agreement
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki declaration
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki accord
De Overeenkomst vangt aan = The Agreement shall commence
De Overeenkomst vangt aan op de datum dat beide partijen deze hebben onde = "The Agreement shall commence on the date it is signed by both parties, un"
De Overeenkomst vangt aan op de datum dat beide partijen deze hebben onde = The Agreement shall commence on the date it is signed by both parties
De Overeenkomst vormt voor de Verkopers een voor hen geldige en bindende  = "This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Selle"
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan = The Agreement is concluded
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur = The Agreement is concluded for the period
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur zoals in de overeenkomst is  = The Agreement is concluded for the period specified in the agreement
de overeenkomst wordt gesloten = the contract is concluded
de overeenkomst zonder kosten of schadevergoeding te beëindigen = to terminate the contract without penalty or compensation
de overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst ontbinden = terminate the agreement without judicial intervention
"de Overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst, met onmiddellijke ingang" = wholly or partially terminate the Agreement without judicial intervention
De overeenstemmende = The corresponding
de overenigbaarheid = being incompatible
de overerving = inheritability
De overgang van voorverwarmen van het hout naar thermisch modificeren = The transition from preheating the wood to thermal modification
de overhand krijgt = getting the upper hand
de overheid = government
de overheid is eigenrisicodrager = the government bears the risk
de overheid of andere bevoegde instanties = the state or other authorised bodies
"de overheidsbemoeienis met volwasseneneducatie, in de zin van regulering " = the government did not begin to provide for adult education until the twe
de overheidsdrempel is overschreden = the threshold for the involvement of government agencies has been exceede
de overige AEOS Blue modules = the other Blue AEOS modules
De overige arbeidsvoorwaarden die zijn overeengekomen = The other conditions of employment agreed
de overige bepalingen = the remaining provisions
de overige bepalingen van deze overeenkomst = the remaining provisions of this Agreement
De overige organisaties = The other organisations
de overlijdensakte v oor foetusdood = fetal death certificate
De overlijdensdekking = Death cover
de Overmacht aan de zijde van = the force majeure affecting the
de Overmacht aan de zijde van de wederpartij = the force majeure affecting the other party
De overname werd finaal afgerond op = The acquisition was completed on
de overnametransportband en de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor bel
de overnametransportband en de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband in = the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor bel
de overschreven methode = the overridden method
de overspel = adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someo
de overspel = extramarital relations
de overspel = extramarital sex
de overtredingen waarvoor rechtsvervolging is ingesteld = Administrative penalties imposed
de overtuiging zijn toegedaan = to be convinced that
de overtuiging zijn toegedaan = to believe
de oververhitte stoom naar wens kunnen conditioneren = can condition the superheated steam as desired
de overwegingen die ten grondslag liggen aan het vonnis = recitals of the facts of the case
de overwegingen die tot deze beslissing hebben geleid = the reasons for this decision
"De P&C-strategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het bedrijf," = "Lead, organize and drive the P&C strategy at corporate, entity and/or reg"
de paardeëncefalomyelitis = eastern  equine encephalitis
de paddestoel = the mushroom
De pagina wordt bereikt vanaf = The page can be reached from
de pagina's die bezocht zijn = pages visited
De pallet stopt automatisch = The pallet will stop automatically
De palletiseerinstallatie bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen met hun ei = "The palletising installation consists of several parts, each with its own"
de palletiseermachine = the palletiser
De palletiseermachines en productliften van Qimarox = Qimarox’s palletisers and product elevators
De palletlift verwacht een pallet op de drager = The pallet lift expects a pallet on the carrier
de palletmagazijn = the pallet store
de pallets = the pallets
de pancreatoduodenectomie = Whipple's operation
De panelen/installatie staan in een = The panels/installation are located in a
de papegaai = the parrot
de parachute = the parachute
De paradoxale situatie doet zich nu voor = Paradoxically
de paraglossitis = phlegmonous  glossitis
de paramyoclonus = chorea fibrillaris
de paramyoclonus = fibrillary chorea
de paramyoclonus = myokymia: involuntary quivering of muscles at rest
de paramyoclonus = Morvan's chorea
de paratonie = dystonic disorders
de paravertebrale infiltratie = paravertebral  infiltration
de parel = pearl
de parti?le coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partiéle coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partiële coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partij die in gebreke is = the Party in default
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party in whose favour the case is decided
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who is succesful
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who wins the case
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who wins the suit
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the successful party
De partijen erkennen = The parties acknowledge
De partijen werden in hun middelen en conclusies gehoord = The parties presented their arguments and pleas
de partijen zijn geen rechtskeuze overeengekomen = the parties have not agreed on a choice of law
de parti�le coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partner = the perfect partner
de paslei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gable slate
De passagier is aansprakelijk voor = The passenger is liable for
de passagier van de te controleren bagage = the passenger whose bag they are checking
de passagiers achteraan = the passengers in the back
de passagiers voorin en achterin = front and rear passengers
de passie = passion
de passieve hyperaemie = venous  hyperemia
de passieve stuwing = passive  hyperemia
de Pasteur = the pasteuriser
de pastinaak = carrot
de pati = the patient
de patiënt = the patient
de patrijs = the partridge
de pauw = the peacock
"de pectine, honing en een hydrolyseerbare tannine" = "the pectin, honey, and a hydrolysable tannin"
de peer = the pear
de peer van de lamp en de behuizing = the bulb of the lamp and the housing
de peetoom = the godfather
de pendule = the pendulum
de pensioenverzekering afkopen = to commute the pension insurance
de peper = the pepper
de peptische oesophagitis = corrosive  esophagitis
de perfecte vervanging van = the perfect replacement for
de performatie van uw organisatie = the performance of your organisation
de perfusie = infusion
de periodeduur = noxious influence time
de periodeduur = period of exposure to risk
de periodeduur = exposure time
de peritoneo-veneuse-shunt. = peritoneovenous shunt: an operation to allow the continuous emptying of a
de pers = press
de pers = the press
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons it engages to execute the assignment
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons it engages to implement the assignment
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons whose services it engages to implement the assignment
de persoon = person
de persoon die de preiplanten voor het laatst inspecteert = the person who last inspected the leeks
De persoon die het onderzoek uitvoert = The person performing the inquiry
De persoon in de frisse lucht brengen en ervoor zorgen dat deze gemakkeli = Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing
de persoon voor wie wordt gezorgd komt te overlijden = the person being cared for dies
de persoonlijke gegevens van de eindgebruiker = the personal data of the end user
de persoonlijke interview = personal interview
de persoonlijke situatie = the person’s specific circumstances
De persoonlijke toeslag wordt aangepast = The personal allowance is adjusted
de persoonlijkheid van de kandidaat = the personality of the candidate
de persoonsgegevens die wij van u bewaren = the personal data that we hold about
de perzik = the peach
de pest = the plague
de peterselie = parsley
de petrochemie = the petrochemical industry
de pharynxspier = glossopharyngeal muscle
De Physical Security Manager = The Physical Security Manager
de piano = piano
De pijl = The arrow
de pijl = arrow
dé pijlers = the cornerstones
de pijn = pain
de pijnlijke hydronefrose = painful  hydronephrosis
de pijp aan Maarten geven = kick the bucket
"de pijp aan Maarten geven, het loodje leggen" = kick the bucket  (to die)
"de pijp uit gaan, sneven" = croak  (slang: to die)
de pijptang = footprints
de pil = pill
de pinnen van de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the spikes of the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor belt
de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor belt
De pinportie = The pin portion
De plaat waarop een nieuwe laag is geformeerd = The plate on which new layers are formed
de plaats = place
de plaats in de rangorde = its place in the ranking
de plaats innemen van = take the place of
de plaats krijgen die hen toekomt = get their rightful place
de plaats van tewerkstelling = the place of employment
De plaats waar = Where
de plaats waar de sticker komt = sticker area
de plaatselijke autoriteiten = the local authorities
de plaatselijke overheid = local government
de plaatsingslijn en de eerste rand = the placement line and the first edge
de plak = the slice
de planering om te voorbereiden op een ramp = disaster planning
de plank van de bovenste legplank = the board of the top shelf
de plank van de onderste legplank = the board of the bottom shelf
de planning = the schedule
de planning en afstemming = planning and coordination
de planning van het operatiekwartier = operating theatre planning
de plant = plant
de plasma thromboplastin antecedent = factor XI
de platen van het eerste paar = the boards of the first pair
De platenband bestaat uit een frame waarin twee rollenkettingen ronddraai = "The slat conveyor consists of a frame, where two chains in rotary motion "
de pleisterlaag op de buitenmuur = exterior rendering
de plek = just the place
dé plek = just the place
de plek van het incident = the site of the incident
de plek waar een fout is opgeworpen = where an error was thrown
de pleuravochtuitstorting = pleural  effusion: leakage of fluid into the chest cavity
de pleurodynia diaphragmatica epidemica = epidemic  diaphragmatic pleurodynia
de plicht = duty
de ploeg = the plough
de plug = the plug
De pneumatische cilinder = The pneumatic cylinder
de pneumatische klep onderaan de mengkuip = the pneumatic valve at the bottom of the mixing tub
de pneumohydrothorax = hydropneumothorax
de pokken = the smallpox
de politie in de plaats waar de diefstal heeft plaatsgevonden = the police in the place where the theft occurred
de pols = pulse
de polypanarthritis = hypertrophic degenerative arthritis
de polypanarthritis = osteoarthritis
De pomp die ik nu gebruik = the pump I am currently using
De pomp is niet waterdicht = The pump is not water-tight.
de pomp van de verwarmingsketel = the pump of the central heating boiler
de pomp van de verwarmingsketel = the heat pump of the central heating boiler
De pomp wordt omgeven door een pomphuis = The pump is surrounded by a pump housing
de pop = the doll
de populier = the poplar
de positie van de elementen = the position of the elements
De positie van de pallet = The position of the pallet
De positieve consolidatieverschillen = The positive consolidation differences
de positieve en negatieve resultaten = hits & misses
De post voor het leveren = The item for the supply
de post-hepatitische cirrose = post-  hepatitic cirrhosis
De poststempel geldt als bewijs = The postmark will serve as proof of posting.
de pot verwijt de ketel dat hij zwart ziet = pot calling the kettle black (situation in which somebody accuses someone
De praktijk = Practice
De praktijk leert = Practice has shown
de praktijken van = the practices of
de praktische kant van = The practical side of
de preiwas- en pelmachine te onderhouden = to maintain the leek washing and peeling machine
De premie wordt jaarlijks in januari vastgesteld = The premium is fixed annually in January
De premies worden op de vervaldata gevaluteerd. = Premiums are value dated on the renewal dates
de prepareermicroscoop = stereo microscope
de prestaties en de daarmee samenhangende betalingsverplichting zullen ge = the performance and the related payment obligation cannot be undone
De prestaties van de producten die met bovenstaande unieke identificatiec = The performance of the products identified with the above unique identifi
De prestatieverliezen in deze systemen kunnen worden toegeschreven aan = The performance losses in these systems can be attributed to
de prijs = prize
de prijs = price
De prijs als genoemd in = The price listed in
de prijs inclusief belastingen = the price including taxes
de prijs van koffie wijzigen = change the price of coffee
De prijs verschuldigd door = The price payable by
De prijs wordt opgegeven in = The price is specified in
de prijzen dienovereenkomstig te verhogen = to increase the prices accordingly
de prijzen van grondstoffen = the prices of raw materials
de prijzen variëren van... tot... = prices range from... to...
De prijzen zoals genoemd bij artikel = The prices mentioned in Article
De prijzen zoals gespecificeerd in = The prices specified in
de prikkelingstoestand = excitation state
de prikkels = a motivator
de prikkels = a positive motivational influence
de prikkels = incentive
de prikkels = inducement
de prikkels = instigation
de prikkels = stimulus
de primaire eerstehulpverlening = emergency medical care
de primo-infectie = primary  HIV infection
de principes van relevantie en proportionaliteit = the principles of relevance and proportionality
de Principes van UN Global Compact = the UN Global Compact principles
de printer = printer
de privétherapie = individual care
de problemen rondom de invoering van die nieuwe wet = the problems entailed in the introduction of the new law
de problemen sectoroverschrijdend aanpakken = to tackle the problems on a cross-sectoral basis
de procedure = the procedure
De procedure = The proceedings
De procedure van de administratieve verwerking = The procedure
De procedure werd aangepast. = The procedure was modified.
de procedures van de commissie = the procedures of the committee
De procedures voor de werkvoorschriften = the rules of procedure and work instructions
de processen die worden uitgevoerd zodra een koelmiddellekkage wordt gede = the processes carried out once a refrigerant leakage is detected
de processen en procedures = the processes and procedures
De processor is geconfigureerd voor het uitvoeren van = The processor is configured to perform
De producten = The products
De producten bevatten in geen geval = The products must not under any circumstances contain
de producten gecontroleerd ingevoerd worden op de invoerbaan en gecontrol = the products are fed in on the infeed conveyor and fed out on the outfeed
de producten in ontvangst te nemen = take delivery of the products
de producten laag voor laag verwerken = process the products layer by layer
De producten reizen steeds voor rekening en risico van = The products are always transported for the account and at the risk of
De producten zelf = The products themselves
de productie = production
de productie = the production facilities
de productie van = the production of
De productie van artikelen = Production
de productie van gefermenteerde vloeistof = the production of fermented liquid
de productie van zonne-energie = the production of solar energy
De productiefaciliteiten in Duitsland en Noord-Amerika = Our manufacturing facilities in Germany and North America
de proef van Tiffeneau = forced  expiratory volume (in one second)
de professionele mogelijkheden = the professional capabilities
de profilering = the profile
de profilering van de = the profile of the
de Programmatuur of andere materialen = the Software or other materials
de Programmatuur te verbeteren = to improve the Software
de Programmatuur voldoet aan = the Software complies with
de Programmatuur voldoet aan de gangbare technische normen = the Software complies with prevalent technical standards
de programmawet (I) van 27 december 2006 = the Programme Law (I) of 27 December 2006
De programmeer omgeving = The programming environment
de projecten die we opzetten = the projects that we set up
de Prorunner mk 10 = The Prorunner mk 10
de Prorunner mk 5 = The Prorunner mk 5
De Prorunner mk10 = The Prorunner mk10
de Prorunner mk5 = the Prorunner mk5
de proteine-engineering = protein  engineering
de proteinlosing enteropathy = exudative enteropathy
de provincie = countryside
de provincie Noord-Brabant = the province of North Brabant
de pruim = the plum
de pseudodementia = pseudodementia
de psychedelische middelen = psychodysleptic drugs
de pulmonaire eosinofilie = Löffler's syndrome
de pulmonaire infiltraten met eosinofilie = pulmonary  eosinophilia
de puntjes op de i zetten = dot the i's and cross the t's  (Take care of every detail)
de put = the well
"de put, vergeetput, bajes, lik, nor" = hole (place where a prisoner is kept)
De Qimarox Prorunner mk5 = The Qimarox Prorunner mk5
de raad = council
De Raad van Bestuur AMC = The Executive Board of the AMC
De Raad van Bestuur heeft kennis genomen van de stukken genoemd in het po = The Executive Board has taken note of the documents mentioned in the posi
De Raad van Bestuur is ervan overtuigd = The Board of Directors is of the opinion
De Raad van Bestuur is van oordeel dat dit risico beperkt is. = The Board of Directors believes that this risk is limited.
De Raad van Bestuur onderkent dat er algemene risico’s zijn waaraan Ceg = The Board of Directors has identified the following general risks to whic
De Raad van Bestuur van DPA = The Management Board of DPA
de Raad van de Europese Unie = the Council of the European Union
de raadpleging = the consultation
de raadsman van eiser = the Claimant’s counsel
de raaf = raven
de Radboud Universiteit = Radboud University
De Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen = Radboud University in Nijmegen
de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen = Radboud University
de rand die de opening van een railhaak omgeeft = the edge surrounding the opening of a track hook
de rand van het = the edge of the
de rangorde van functies = the ranking of jobs
De rangschikking wordt opgemaakt = The ranking will be made
De rapportage bevat de volgende onderwerpen = The report contains the following topics
De rapportage zal als volgt gebeuren = Reporting will be done as follows
de rauwe hoekigheid... werd weggemoffeld = rough edges were smoothed away
de reactiekamer van de plasmareactor fluïdaal te verbinden met = fluidically connect the reaction chamber of the plasma reactor to
De reacties waren positief = The response was positive.
de reactieve inhibitie = reactive  inhibition: a tendency toward a lessened strength of response d
de realisatie van een adviesdienst = the provision of consulting services
de realisatie van het gewenste beveiligingsniveau = achieving the desired security level
de realisaties = what had been achieved so far
de rechtbank acht voldoende termen aanwezig = the court finds that there are sufficient grounds
"de rechtbank doet uitspraak op de grondslag van het beroepschrift, de ove" = "(Awb) the court shall give jugment on the basis of the notice of appeal, "
de rechtbank heeft terecht aangenomen dat het bewijs hiervan niet is gele = the court rightly held that the claimant failed prove his case
de rechtbank heeft terecht aangenomen dat het bewijs hiervan niet is gele = the court rightly held that the defendant failed prove his case
"de rechtbank overweegt ten aanzien van feit 1 voor het overige, te weten " = "the court considers the following with respect to the rest of count 1, na"
de rechtbank veklaarde zich niet bevoegd in de zaak vonnis to wijzen = the judge declared the case beyond the competence of the court
de rechtbank veklaarde zich niet bevoegd in de zaak vonnis to wijzen = the judge declared the case outside the jurisdiction of the court
de rechtbanken van Amsterdam = the courts of Amsterdam
De rechten en plichten voortspruitend uit dit contract = The rights and obligations arising from this Agreement
de rechten en verplichtingen = the rights and obligations
de rechten van ABC jegens DEF = ABC’s rights with respect to DEF
de rechten van de leden zijn beperkt of hun verplichtingen zijn verzwaard = the members have been restricted or their obligations have been increased
de rechten verbonden aan = the rights attaching to
de rechter = judge
de rechtspersoon of natuurlijke persoon = the natural or legal person
de rechtspraak = the judicial system
De recruiter neemt contact met de kandidaat op = The recruiter contacts the candidate
de redactie is nader uit te werken in de overeenkomst = the precise wording is to be set out in the agreement
de redactie van een bepaling wijzigen als volgt = to change the wording of a provision so that it reads as follows
de rede = reason
de reden van terugzending = the reason for return
de reeds geplaatste = the already placed
de reeks van ten minste twee paar sneden = the series of at least two pair of cuts
de referentie-elektrode = indifferent  electrode
de reflexieve werkwoorden = the reflexive verbs
de refractie-hypermetropie = refraction  hypermetropia
de regel = rule
De regeling Autolease is van toepassing. = The Car Lease Scheme applies.
de regeling Kostenvergoeding senioren = the Expense Allowance Scheme for Senior Employees
De regelingen in het Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = The arrangements in the Working Arrangements Manual
de regelmatige voortgang van de samenwerking = the regular progress of the cooperation
de regelmodules en de extractieroosters = the control valves and the extraction grilles
de regels die hierboven zijn opgenomen = the rules set out above
de regels die hiervoor gelden = all applicable rules
de regels die voor een statutenwijziging zijn gesteld = the rules laid down for an amendment to the articles of association
de regen = the rain
de Regent = the Regent
de regering regeert en het parlement controleert = the government governs and Parliament supervises
de regio = region
De registratie van bovenstaande producten = The registration of the above products
de registratie van uw mededeling = the registration of your notification
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals ?een inrichting omvattende de mid = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ?a device comprising means A and"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals “een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals “een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals éeen inrichting omvattende de mi = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as éa device comprising means A an"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals �een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as �a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals �een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as �a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals 'een inrichting omvattende de mid = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
de reis = trip
de rek (is) eruit = no more leeway
de rekening = bill
"de rekening, alstublieft" = "the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please)"
"De rekening, alstublieft." = The bill please! [Br.]
de relatie met bestaande klanten versterkt = strengthened relationships with existing customers
De relatie met de beroepspraktijk = The link to professional practice
de relatief hoge verschildruk = the relatively high differential pressure
de relatieve posities van het sensorsysteem en het substraat = the relative positions of the sensor system
de relevantie van GICP's te handhaven = maintain the relevance of HICPs
de Renaissance = Renaissance
de rendier = reindeer
De rente is laag en kan op korte termijn nog iets lager = Interest rates are low and may drop slightly lower in the short-term
De rentedragende schulden = The interest-bearing debt
de representatieve koers = representative rate
de reservesleutels en brandstofpas = the spare keys and fuel card
de resetknop = the reset button
de resetknop bij de deur = the reset button at the door
de resetknop op het bedieningspaneel = The reset button on the control panel
de rest van de = the rest of the
de rest van de organisatie = the rest of the organisation
De rest van de stijging = The remainder of the increase
de rest van het bedrijf = the rest of the company
De rest van het verschil = The remainder of the difference
de resterende producten = the remaining products
de resultaten kwamen overeen met = the results were consistent with
de resultaten over het eerste kwartaal = the results for the first quarter
de resultaten van = the results of
de resultaten van de daaraan voorafgaande fase = the results of the preceding phase
De resultaten van deze bedrijven = The results of these companies
De resultaten waren positief = The results were positive
de retractoren = the retractors
de return komt niet vanzelf = the rewards don't come easily
de revue gepasseerd = been reviewed
de richting is = is the direction
de ridder = the knight
de riem = the belt
de rij = the row
de rijbevoegdheid is ontzegd = is disqualified from driving
de rijken steeds rijker worden = the rich get increasingly richer
"de rijksoverheid gaat goedkoper, flexibeler en efficiënter werken, met m" = "central government will work more inexpensively, flexibly and efficiently"
De Rijksoverheid heeft de rol = The central government’s role
de rijst = the rice
de rijstrook = the lane
de rijweg = the carriageway
de ring = the ring
de ring is ingericht om = wherein the ring is adapted
de ringwikkelaar van Qimarox = Qimarox’s ring wrapper
de riolering = the sewer system
de risico groepen in gevaar voor besmetting met HIV = group at  high risk for HIV infection
de risico inventarisatie = the risk inventory
de risico van deze procedure = the risks of this procedure
de risico’s van uw onderneming = the risks your business is exposed to
De risico’s worden ingedeeld naar de afzonderlijke werkzaamheden die pl = The risks are classified in accordance with the individual activities tak
de rivier = river
de rivierkreeft = the crayfish
de rode draad in mijn ontwikkeling = the connecting thread in my development
de rode draad is helder = the central theme is clear
de rode draad ontbreekt = the central theme is missing
de roem = glory
de roest = the rust
de rogge = rye
De ROI van een project kan men berekenen = The ROI of a project can be calculated
de rok = the skirt
de rol van = the role of
de rol van de accountant = the role of the auditor
de rollenbaan van de laagbuffer = the roller conveyor of the layer buffer
de Romaanse pan = flat interlocking tile
de rommelmarkt viel letterlijk en figuurlijk in het water = the jumble-sale was a washout in both senses of the word / literally and
De ronde briljant is met zijn 57 facetten en een minimum aan verlies bij  = "The round brilliant cut is, with its 57 facets and minimum loss in cuttin"
De Ronde Venen = De Ronde Venen
de rook = smoke
de roos = rose
de roosachtige furfuratie = flaky exfoliation
de rotatie van het apparaat over de bepaalde tijd = the rotation of the device over the predetermined time
de roteerbare basisafdekking omhoog zou worden geduwd = the rotatable base cover would be pushed up
de Rotterdamse haven = the port of Rotterdam
"De Rotterdamse mentaliteit: Niet l..., maar poetsen!" = Actions speak louder than words
de route in het BHS = the route in the BHS
De route naar geweldig onderwijs = ‘De route naar geweldig onderwijs’ (‘The route to great education
de ruggemergszenuwknoop = spinal  ganglion
de ruimte = space
De ruimte die een palletiseeroplossing inneemt = The space occupied by a palletising solution
De ruimte in bedrijven voor het installeren van een nieuwe machine is vaa = Companies often have limited space for the installation of new machinery
De ruimte waarin de werkzaamheden moeten worden verricht = The space in which the work must be performed
de ruimte waarop het betonwelfsel geplaatst is = the space on which the hollowcore concrete slab is placed
de rum = rum
de rust-ECG = resting  electrocardiogram
de ruwbouw = fabric
de Sales Merchandiser Retail = the Retail Sales Merchandiser
de salpingo-oöthectomie = hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
de samenhang is bij de metalen zeer groot = "the cohesion of metals is very great / strong, metals are very cohesive"
de samenhang van de gebeurtenissen = the connection / relationship between the events
de samenstelling volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = the composition according to the current invention
de samenstelling wordt toegediend = said composition is administered
De samenstellingen van de uitvinding = The compositions of the invention
De samenstellingen volgens sommige uitvoeringsvormen = The compositions according to some embodiments
de samenvoeging van erfpachtrechten = the merging of ground leases
de samenwerking gerealiseerd = entered into cooperative arrangements
de samenwerking met = working with
de sanering van het milieu = environmental contamination control
de sanering van het milieu = environmental remediation: cleanup of a toxic spill or hazardous material
de sanering van het milieu = pollution remediation
de sanering van het milieu = toxic cleanup
de sap van de dunne darm = glandular secretion of small intestine
de sap van de dunne darm = proteolytic glandular secretion
de sap van de dunne darm = secretion from the Brunner's glands
de scepter zwaaien = control
de schaamte = shame
de schaar = scissors
de schade is te wijten aan een handeling of nalatigheid van de verkoper = the damage is due to an act or omission of the seller
de schade is verhaalbaar op de veroorzaker = recourse for the loss may be had against the person responsible
de schade is verhaalbaar op de veroorzaker = the damage is recoverable from the person responsible
de schade verhalen op iemand = to recover the damage/loss from a person
de schadelijke stof = dangerous substance
de schadelijke stof = hazardous substance
de schadelijkheid van zuurstof kan verhoogd worden = The harmful effects of oxygen may increase
De schadevergoeding die de vervoerder mogelijkerwijs is verschuldigd uit  = Any compensation the carrier may owe under
De schadevergoeding die de vervoerder mogelijkerwijs verschuldigd is = The liability that the carrier may incur
"De schadevergoeding, die de vervoerder wegens het niet nakomen van de op " = Any compensation the carrier may owe for failure to fulfil its obligation
de schaduw = shadow
de schakel = the link
de schakelaar (op boor) = gearshift switch
de schakelschema’s = wiring diagrams
de schat = treasure
de schede = the sheath
de schedelbreuk met beenindruk = depression fracture
de schemering = twilight
De scheurlip en de scheurlipopening = The tear tab and tear tab opening
de schijncorrelatie = illusory correlation
de schijven te verschuiven over de as = sliding the discs along the shaft
de schikking van de figuren op een schilderij = the arrangement of the figures in a painting'
de schildpad = the tortoise
de schimmeldodende verf = mildew-resistant paint
de schistosoma aandoening = schistosome  dermatitis
"De Schone Slaapster, Doornroosje" = Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale)
de school = school
De school biedt de leerlingen = The school offers students
De school streeft ernaar = The school strives
de schoolontwikkeling = the school’s development
de schoonmaak = the cleaners
de schoor (b.v. aan steiger en in betonbouw) / de kruisschoor = diagonal brace / bracing
de schoor (van dak) = cross tie
de schoor (van dak) = diagonal tie
de schoorsteenveger = chimney sweep(er)
de schorpioen = the scorpion
de schouder = the shoulder
de schouders ophalen = shrug
de schraper juist positioneren = position the scraper correctly
de schroef = screw
de schroefhouder = the screw holder
de schroefpatroonhouder = fuse holder
De schuif zorgt er bovendien automatisch voor = The slider also automatically ensures
de schuifdeur = the sliding door
De schuifdeur is zelfsluitend = The sliding door is self-closing
de schuld = the debt
de schuld geven = to blame
de schuldeisers kunnen zich alleen verhalen op de bezittingen van de nala = the creditors may only seek recovery from the assets of the estate
"de schuldenaar, die in de toestand verkeert dat hij heeft opgehouden te b" = "a debtor who has ceased to pay his debts will, either on his own petition"
"de schuldenaar, die voorziet dat hij met het betalen van zijn opeisbare s" = a debtor who foresees that he will be unable to keep up with his debt pay
de schuldsaneringsregeling is definitief verleend = the debt management scheme has been allowed definitively
de schuldsaneringsregeling is geëindigd door het verbindend worden van d = the debt management scheme ended when the plan of distribution became bin
de scleroderma = dermatosclerosis chorionitis
de scleroderma = scleroderma
De scooter volgens een van de conclusies = The scooter according to any claim
De scope van = The scope of
de scotomisatie = scotomization
de secondaire hemorragie = secondary  hemorrhage
de sector van de hernieuwbare energie = the renewable energy sector
de sectoren van de Internationale Raad voor het Onderzoek van de Zee (ICE = ICES zones
De seintoestand oranjegeel = The amber signal state
de seksediscriminatie = sex-based  discrimination
de sensor gelijktijdig te vervangen = replace the sensor simultaneously
De sensor voor relatieve vochtigheid = The relative humidity sensor
de sensoreenheid en de verwerkingseenheid niet losmaakbaar zijn = the sensor unit and the processing unit are not detachable
de sepia = the cuttlefish
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = aspartate aminotransferase
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = AST
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = glutamic-oxaloacetictransaminase
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = SGOT
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = serum  glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
de server = the server
de service beschikbaar gemaakt wordt = the service is made available
de set heeft geaccordeerd = approved the set
de set parameters geassocieerd aan de herkende driedimensionale oriëntat = the set of parameters associated with the recognized three-dimensional or
de Sewall-Wright-effect = genetic drift
de sfeer in het team verbeterde = improved the atmosphere in the team
de sfeer van geheimzinnigheid rond haar verdwijning = the mystery surrounding her disappearance
de shigellose = bacillary  dysentery
de shuttleplaat en de formeersectie = the shuttle plate and the pattern-formation section
de sigaret = cigaret
De signaalsterkte = The signal strength
De signaalverwerking = The signal processing
De signaalverwerkingseenheid = The signal processing unit
de signaalvingerafdruk van de medische eenheid = the signal fingerprint of the medical unit
De Simac Vulnerability Assessment = The Simac Vulnerability Assessment
De Simac Vulnerability Assessment leveren we in twee varianten: = The Simac Vulnerability Assessment comes is available in two versions:
de simulatie = the simulation
de sinaasappel = orange
de Sint = the saint
de sinus ethmoidalis = ethmoid sinus: one of the numerous small thin-walled spaces or air cells
de sirene = mermaid
de sirocco = the sirocco
de siroop = the syrup
de situatie analyseren = analysing the situation
de situatie in een conferentie zaal = the situation in a conference room
de situatie in te schatten = assess the situation
de sjabloneerkwast = gilder's mop
de sla = lettuce
de slaap = the sleep
de slaappapaver = medicinal poppy
de slag = battle
de slagader in het bekken = iliac artery
de slagschaar (loodgieterij) = guillotine
de slak = the snail
de slang = snake
de slappe verlamming = "flaccid paralysis: a neuroparalytic illness characterized by symmetric, d"
de slappe verlamming = muscle hypotonia
De Slave Healthconnector = The Slave Healthconnector
de slechte spijsvertering = indigestion
de slee = the sledge
de sleutel = key
de sleutel (kruin) (van brug) = crown
de sleutels overdragen = to hand over the keys
de slijmbuik = gelatinous ascites
de slokdarmspataders = esophageal and gastric varices: twisted swollen veins of the esophagus &
de slokdarmspraak = esophageal speech: audible speech produced by trapping air in the esophag
de slotgracht = ditch (fortress)
De slotkoers = The closing price
de sluitring = the washer
de smaak = taste
de smaragd = the emerald
De smaragdvorm is een geraffineerde variante van de baguette met een roem = The emerald shape is a refined variant of the baguette with a famous jewe
de snavel = the beak
de sneeuw = snow
de snelheid van de motor = the speed of the motor
de snelheid van het voertuig = the speed of the vehicle
de snelheid van het voortbewegen = advancement speed
de snelheid van het wegblazen van de sneeuw = the speed at which the snow is blown away
de snelheid waarmee de eieren kunnen worden vastgenomen door de eivastnee = the speed at which the eggs can be grabbed by the egg pickup means
de snelheid waarmee ze projecten uitvoeren = the speed with which they carry out projects
de snelste palletiseermachine van Qimarox = Qimarox’s fastest  palletiser
de snelste palletiseermachine van Qimarox waarin de pallet op en neer bew = Qimarox’s fastest  vertical palletiser
de SnowWorld vestiging in Zoetermeer = SnowWorld Zoetermeer
de sociale wetenschappen = the social sciences
De software is voorzien voor = The software is adapted for
De software kan desgewenst voorzien zijn om = The software can optionally be adapted to
De software kan ook voorzien zijn voor = The software can also be adapted for
De software matige resetknop = The soft reset button
De software matige resetknop = The software reset button
De software matige resetknop  heeft dezelfde werking = The soft reset button has the same effect
De software matige resetknop  kan alleen storingen resetten. = The soft reset button can reset only faults.
de software van de palletiseermachine = the software of the palletiser
"de software van de palletiseermachine, het toevoer transport en het palle" = "the software of the palletiser, the supply conveyor and the pallet convey"
de software voor medische beeldverwerking = medical  imaging software
de software zoals hoger beschreven = the software as described above
De solvabiliteit is als gevolg van bovenstaande gestegen = Solvency thus increased
De solvabiliteit is als gevolg van bovenstaande gestegen van = Solvency thus increased from
de soorten enquêtevragen = the types of survey questions
de spaarbank = savings bank
de span of control kan grote druk leggen = the span of control can put great pressure /create great
de spanning van de banden = the pressure of the tyres
de specificatie van de kleefstof = the specifications of the adhesive
de specificaties of het bestek = the specifications
de specifiek voor OG gedefinieerde eisen = the requirements defined specifically for property
de specifieke draagkracht waarop de ondernemer steunt = the specific capacities the economic operator is relying on
de specifieke garantie bepalingen = the specific warranty terms
"de specifieke kenmerken, structuren of karakteristieken" = "the specific features, structures, or characteristics"
de specifieke problemen = the specific problems
de specifieke transporteiwitten voor glutamaat = glutamate plasma membrane transport proteins
de speld = pin
de speling der natuur = freak of nature
de spiegel = the mirror
de spier = muscle
de spijker op de kop slaan = hit the nail on the head
de spijker op de kop slaan = hit the nail on the head  (identify something exactly)
de spin = the spider
de spinazie = the spinach
De spleet tussen de kelkvormige rand en de hals of de peer = The gap between the cup-shaped edge and the neck or bulb
de spleten tussen = the gaps between
de splitsende vennootschap houdt op te bestaan = the dividing company will cease to exist
de spons = the sponge
de spontane fractuur = stress  fracture
de spookschaaf (stokschaaf) = drawshave
de spookschaaf (stokschaaf) = drawknife
"de spoorwegen, het spoorwegsysteem" = railroad (transportation system)
de sporen geven = incite
de sport = sport
de sporters getest worden op de aan- of afwezigheid van één of meerdere = the athletes are tested for the presence or absence of one or more geneti
de spot drijven met = deride
de sprinkhaan = grasshopper
de sputterinstallatie = the sputtering installation
de staart = the tail
de staat = the authorities
de staat = the state
de staat = state
De staat als bewaker van sociale herinneringen = The State as Guardian of the social memory
de staat van = the condition of
de staat van de auto en de kilometerstand = the condition of the car and the mileage
De stabiliteit van = The stability of
de stabiliteit van een pallet = pallet stability
De stabiliteit van onze infrastructuur = The stability of our infrastructure
de Stad Kortrijk = the City of Kortrijk
de staking = the strike
de stal = stable
de stand der techniek = the prior art
de stand van de hoogste product mogelijk = the position of the highest product possible
de stand van de techniek = state of the art
de stand van de techniek = the state of the art
de stand van de wetenschap = scientific knowledge [comment]
de stand van zaken = the situation
De standaard arbeidsduur bedraagt = The standard working week is
De standaard maandelijkse bijdrage voor privé-gebruik van de auto = The standard monthly fee for private use of the car
De standaardfunctionaliteit = The standard functionality
de stap = step
de stap bevatten = include the step
de stap van het automatisch laden en instellen van de set parameters = the step of automatically loading and setting the set of parameters
de stap van het berekenen van de locatie van = the step of calculating the location of
de stap van het identificeren van de zones die overeenkomen met tekst = the step of identifying the zones corresponding to text
de stap van het identificeren van het model en/of type medische eenheid = the step of identifying the model and/or type of medical unit
de stap van het thermisch modificeren van het hout = the step of thermally modifying the wood
De stap van het voorverwarmen = the preheating step
de stappen van onderhavige werkwijze = the steps of the present method
de stappen van rubriek = the steps specified at
De start van de bouw wordt voorzien in = Construction is scheduled to start in
de stations en de sputtertargets = the stations and the sputtering targets
de status van een incident = the status of an incident
de status van je bestelling volgen = follow the status of your order
de statuten van de vennootschap bepalen = the articles of the company stipulate
de statuten van de vennootschap bepalen dat besluitvorming van aandeelhou = the articles of the company stipulate that resolutions of shareholders ma
de steek tussen de rollen = the distance between the rollers
de steekbalk (kreupele balk) = dragon beam (dragon piece)
de steekbeitel = firmer chisel
de steenbakkersanemie = ankylostoma dermatitis
de steenbakkersanemie = ground itch
de steenbakkersanemie = miners' bunches
de steenbakkersanemie = miner's dermatitis
de steenbakkersanemie = subtropical dermatitis
de steenbok = the capricorn
de steengroeve = the quarry
de steigerplank = gangway
de stekeinden (betonbouw) = connection rebars (AE)
de stelschroef = the adjusting screw
de stem = voice
de stempelkram = cramp
De stenen worden bewaard in partijbriefjes. = The stones are kept in parcels.
de stent: een stevig hulsje in metaaldraad om te voorkomen dat de slagade = endovascular device
De step volgens conclusie = The scooter according to claim
de ster = the star
de Ster van Zuid-Afrika = the Star of South Africa
de sterftecijfer = "fatality rate: the ratio of deaths per 1,000 persons per year"
de sterftecijfer = mortality rate
de sterke drank = intoxicant
de sterkte van = the strength of
De sterrennacht = Starlit night
de steur = the sturgeon
De Stichting Autoriteit Financïele Markten = The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
De stichting heeft ten doel = The objects of the Foundation are to
De stichting heeft ten doel = The object of the Foundation is to
de stichting heeft ten doel het tegen toekenning van certificaten ten tit = "the objects of the foundation are to acquire and administer shares, again"
De stichting tracht dit doel onder meer te verwezenlijken door = "The Foundation seeks to achieve these objects by carrying out activities,"
de stier = the bull
de stijgbeugel = the stirrup
de stijging van het aantal verkochte pistetickets = the increase in the number of ski passes sold
de stikstof = nitrogen
de stof = the dust
de stof of het mengsel = the substance or mixture
de stoffvrije lediging = controlled emptying
de stoffvrije lediging = enclosed emptying
de stoffvrije lediging = dust-free  emptying
de stokbezem (van schoorsteenveger) = flue brush
de stollingsfactor VIII = antihemophilic factor
de stollingsfactor VIII = blood clotting protein
de stollingsfactor VIII = factor VIII
de stollingsfactor VIII = antihemophilic  globulin
de stompzinnigheid = emotional  insensitivity: inability to respond appropriately to affective
De stooklijn = The heating
De stooklijn = The heating curve
De stooklijn van de = The heating curve of the
de stoom = steam
de stoornis in de aanleg = genetic disorder
de stoornis in de aanleg = genetic defect
de stoot geven tot = initiate
de stopklep = the stop flap
de stoppelbaard = unshaved
de storing van het hydro-elektrolytisch evenwicht = water-  electrolyte imbalance
de storingen = the faults
de storingen in de lijst die nog actief zijn = the faults in the list that are still active
De storting ervoor heeft wat minder extract dan met x = the grain bill (i.e. total amount of malt used) has less extract than is
de stortvloed = flash flood: sudden local flooding of large volume and short duration
de straal = the ray
de straal van het eerste loopwiel of de eerste looprol van de overnametra = the radius of the first pulley or the first roller of the transfer convey
de straal van het eerste loopwiel of de eerste looprol van de pinnentrans = the radius of the first pulley or the first roller of the spiked conveyor
de straat = street
De Straat Milieu-adviseurs = De Straat Milieu-adviseurs
De stralingsbronnen en de detectoren = The radiation sources and the detectors
De strategie = The strategy
De strategie die door SnowWorld is geformuleerd = The strategy formulated by SnowWorld
"De strategie en het beleid op vlak van procurement definiëren, ontwikkel" = "Define, develop and implement the Procurement strategy / policy at compan"
De strategie en het beleid op vlak van wetgeving en normnaleving definië = "Define, develop and implement legal and compliance (including insurance/c"
"De strategie en het beleid voor herverzekeringen definiëren, ontwikkelen" = "Define, develop and implement Reinsurance strategy/policy at corporate an"
"De strategie en het beleid voor operationeel risicobeheer definiëren, on" = "Define, develop and implement Operational Risk Management strategy/policy"
"De strategie en het beleid voor risicobeheer definiëren, ontwikkelen en " = "Define, develop and implement Risk Management strategy/policy at corporat"
de strekking van de Overeenkomst = the purport of the Agreement
de stress = emotional stress
de stroom van gemengd kunststof verpakkingsafval = the flow of mixed plastic packaging waste
de stroom verkopen = sell the electricity
"De structuur, het bestuur, de doelstellingen, de strategische oriëntatie" = "Define the structure, governance, objectives, strategic orientation and s"
de struisvogel = the ostrich
de struma substernalis = substernal  goiter
de student centraal = student centred
de student die spreekt tijdens de afsluitceremonie = valedictorian (farewell speech giver)
De student kreeg een negatieve BSA voor de opleiding Economie. = The student was issued a negative binding decision on his enrolment in th
De student laat zien = The student shows that they are able to
De student leert = The student will learn
De student maakt een juiste inschatting van = The student correctly assesses
De student staat open voor = Students are open to
de studentenadministratie = student administration department records
de studie inzake uitvoerbaarheid = feasibility studies
De studie is geen uitgestippeld pad. = The study programme/course is not set in stone
de studie op = the study on
de studie van het milieu = environmental studies
De sturing van derden valt onder de regie van = XXX is responsible for the management of third parties
De stuurgroep komt elke vier weken bijeen = The Steering Committee meets every four weeks
De stuurgroep rapporteert aan = The Steering Committee reports to
De stuurspanning is niet ingeschakeld = The control voltage is not enabled
de stuurspanning voor ontsteking = firing voltage
de stuurspanning voor ontsteking = starting voltage
de subklinische immuundysfunctie = immune dysfunction
de substantia metachromaticogranularis = Ehrlich's inner bodies
de suiker = the sugar
de suikertolerantie = glucose tolerance
de suikertolerantiefactor = GTF
de sulfamide-diuretica = sulfamyl  diuretics
de Sunny Remote Control = the Sunny Remote Control
de systeemanalist van Rotaform = Rotaform’s systems analyst
De system integrator = The system integrator
de systemische homeostase via excretie = systemic  homeostatic excretion
de T4 = glycoprotein 41
de taak = the task
De taak die het kabinet zich stelt = The task that the government has set itself
de taak waarvoor ze staan = the task at hand
de taal = language
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de ?vloer? = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de ‘vloer’ = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de évloeré = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de �vloer� = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment op de conferentievloer gesproken wordt = the language that is being spoken on the conference floor at that moment
de taal of talen van waaruit hij liefst tolkt = the language or languages out of which he or she prefers to interpret
de taal van de = the language of the
de taal van waaruit getolkt wordt = the language that needs to be interpreted
de taal waarin de overeenkomst kan worden gesloten = the language in which the contract can be concluded
de tabel in het flight manual = the table in the flight manual
de tactische recherche en de forensische opsporing = criminal and forensic investigators
de tafel = the table
de tafel afruimen = to clear the table
de tafel dekken = to lay the table
de tafel naar een origineel vlakke toestand terugkeert = the table returns to an originally flat condition
de taken die hem zouden kunnen toevertrouwd worden = any tasks that could be entrusted to him/her
de tand = tooth
de tandarticulator = articulator
de tandarticulator = dental articulator: a mechanical device representing the temporomandibula
de tandartsinstrumenten = dental instruments
de tandboog = dental arch
de tandkassen = dental alveoli
de tandkassen = tooth sockets
de tandvulling met devitalisatie = pulp  devitalization
de tandwortelkyste = apical  granuloma
de tandzorg = care of teeth
de tandzorg = dental care
de tapkraan = draw-off tap / faucet
de Tarchanoff-methode = Tarchanoff method
De tarieven = Rates
de tast = touch
de tastperceptie = haptic perception
de te behalen synergie-voordelen = expected synergies
de te behandelen onderwerpen = business to be transacted
de te betalen boete c.q. malus = the fine or penalty payable
De te condenseren stoom = The steam to be condensed
de te doseren chocolade = the chocolate to be dosed
de te hanteren = the applicable
de te labellen = to be labelled
de te labellen of verpakken = to be labelled or packaged
de te leveren diensten = the services to be provided
de te leveren diensten door een leverancier = the services to be provided by a supplier
de te leveren goederen = the goods to be delivered
de te leveren zaken in gedeelten te leveren = deliver the goods in parts
de te leveren zaken kunnen afwijken van de getoonde monsters = the goods to be delivered may vary from the samples shown
de te lijmen kant = the side to be glued
de te lijmen oppervlakte = the surface to be glued
de te nemen beveiligingsmaatregelen = security measures to be taken
de te nemen maatregelen = the measures to be taken
de te ontwerpen toestand = the situation to be designed
de te produceren meerlagige coatings = the multilayer coatings to be produced
de te realiseren termijnen = the required deadlines
de te recirculeren lucht = the air to be recirculated
de te ruimen zone = the zone to be cleared
De te treffen maatregelen = The measures to be taken
de te ventileren ruimtes = the rooms to be ventilated
de te verrichten Diensten = the Services to be provided
de te verrichten verwerkingen = the processing operations to be carried out
de te vervullen eigen functie = the job you are to perform
de te verwachten kracht = the expected force
de te verwerken harsen = resins to be processed
de te verwerken producten = the products being processed
De te volgen procedures = The procedures to be followed
de te vormen figuren = the figures to be formed
de techniek voor het produceren van zo = the technique for producing such a
de techniek voor het produceren van zo’n = the technique for producing such a
de technische constante van het apparaat = Technical constant of the speedometer
de technische infrastructuur = the technical infrastructure
de teer = tar
de teerling is geworpen = the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined)
de tegelvloer = flagstone paving
de tegemoetkomendheid = humanity
De tegemoetkoming bedraagt maximaal = The allowance is limited to a maximum
de tegenovergestelde zijde = the opposite side
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' contraction
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' sign
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' maneuver
de tekening van de uitgevoerde staten = process flow chart
de tekort aan elektrolyten = electrolyte deficiency
de tekortkoming is het gevolg van = The shortcoming is due to
de tekst van de brontekst = the source text content
de tekst van deze algemene voorwaarden = the text of these general terms and conditions
de tekst van een brontekst = the source text content
de tekst zoals voorgesteld in de dagorde = the text proposed in the order of business
de temperaturen die de sensor meet = the temperatures measured by the sensor
De temperatuur = The temperature
de temperatuur aan de platenwarmtewisselaar = the temperature in the plate heat exchanger
de temperatuur aan de sensoren = the temperature at the sensors
de temperatuur en de druk in de behandelkamer = the temperature and the pressure in the treatment chamber
"de temperatuur in de eerste holte, de uitsparing en het cilindrische lich" = "reducing the temperature in the first cavity, the recess and the cylindri"
de temperatuur in de inrichting = the temperature in the device
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap = "With each step, the temperature increases by"
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap met hoogstens = "With each step, the temperature increases by up to"
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap met minstens = "With each step, the temperature increases by at least"
de temperatuursensor = The temperature sensor
de ten minste ene inwendige impactelement en de ten minste ene uitwendige = the at least one inner impact member and the at least one outer impact me
de ten minste ene luchtuitlaat buiten de eerste holte = the at least one air outlet outside the first cavity
de ten minste twee = the at least two
de ten tijde van de Overeenkomst geldende werkomstandigheden = the working conditions prevailing at the time of the Agreement
de tengels (voor opleggen van plafond) = fillet
de tepel = the nipple
de ter beschikking gestelde auto = the provided car
de ter beschikking gestelde medewerkers = the posted employees
de ter beschikking te stellen medewerkers = the staff to be made available
de terbeschikkingstelling van = The provision of
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term éomvattendeé en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in " = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term 'omvattende' en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in de" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term 'omvattende' en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in de" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term écomprisingé, or its derivatives, use"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term 'comprising', or its derivatives, used "
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
De termen in kwestie zijn onderling verwisselbaar in de daarvoor geschikt = It is to be understood that the terms so used are interchangeable under a
De termen in kwestie zijn onderling verwisselbaar in de daarvoor geschikt = It is to be understood that the terms so used are interchangeable under a
de termijn gedurende wanneer het contract van toepassing is = the period during which the contract applies
de termijn voor aanvaarding van het aanbod = the deadline for accepting the offer
de termijn waarbinnen de prestatie moet worden verricht is onder alle oms = "under all circumstances, the term within which the work must be performed"
de termijn waarover de Aannemer beschikte om die documenten en gegevens t = the period available to the Contractor to study those documents and data
de terrasmuur (keermuur) = garden wall
de terugblik = the review
De test = The test
De test kan op een objectieve manier gescoord worden = The test can be scored objectively
de test van de draadloze netwerkverbinding = the test of the wireless network connection
de testiculaire ectopie = testicular ectopy
de tetania neonatorum = "eclampsia neonatorum, eclampsia of a newborn child"
de tevredenheid = gratification
de tevredenheid = satisfaction
de tevredenheid van klanten = customer satisfaction
de thans binnen Nederland geldende wetgeving = the current legislation in the Netherlands
de thee = tea
de thermische ontleding = thermic  dissociation
de thermische schokproteine = HSP
de thermopenetratie = surgical  diathermy
de thermostaat = the thermostat
de thuislozigheid = homelessness
de tien geboden {mv} = the Ten Commandments
de tijd = time
de tijd die ermee gemoeid is = the time it will take
de tijd die ermee gemoeid is = the time spent on it
de tijd doorgebracht bij verhoogde temperaturen = the time spent at elevated temperatures
De tijd heelt alle wonden = time heals all wounds {proverb} (injury)
De Tijd is Rijp = De Tijd is Rijp
de tijd of de middelen = the time and/or the means
de tijd tussen een kennisvraag en kennis = the time between requesting and obtaining knowledge
de tijd van de GPS-klok = the time of the GPS clock
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf gewenste snelheid tot stilstand komt in mi = The time (in milliseconds) the motor takes to reach standstill from the d
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt = The time that the motor takes to reach the maximum speed from standstill
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt in  = The time (in milliseconds) that the motor takes to reach maximum speed fr
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt in  = The time (in milliseconds) that the motor takes to reach the maximum spee
de tijdelijke afdekking van trapgat = cover (boards) for the staircase
de tijdelijke opslag op een vluchtig geheugen van een camera niet te besc = not considering the temporary storage on a volatile memory of a camera as
de tijdens de audit verzamelde informatie = the information gathered during the audit
de tijger = the tiger
de titanium elektrolytische cel of titanium elektro oxidatie cel = the titanium electrolytic cell or titanium electro-oxidation cell
de tl-buis = fluorescent tube
de toch al compacte = the already compact
de toegang ontzeggen tot = warn off
De toegang terug = Access in the other direction
de toegangsbeveiliging tot ICT-systemen = securing access to IT systems
de toegankelijkheid vergemakkelijkt = facilitates accessibility
de toegestane expositietijd = short-term  exposure limit
De toegevoegde gegevens = The added information
De toegevoerde lucht wordt niet gefilterd = The supplied air is not filtered
de toekenning van de restzetels geschiedt volgens het systeem van de groo = seats are allocated using the method of the highest average
de toekomst = future
De toekomst is aan organisaties = The future belongs to organizations
De toekomst van digitale connectiviteit in Nederland = De toekomst van digitale connectiviteit in Nederland (‘The future of di
de toekomst van het onderwijs = the future of education
"de toekomst van landbouw, natuur en voedselkwaliteit" = "the future of agriculture, nature and food quality"
De toelichting inzake = The notes on
De toelichtingen met betrekking tot = The notes on
de toen beschikbare gegevens = the then available data
de toen spelende kwestie = the matter then at issue
de toenemende somnolentie = clouding of consciousness
de toenemende somnolentie = increasing somnolence
de toenemende somnolentie = sleepiness
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling = The applicable remuneration scheme
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling conform = The applicable remuneration scheme as per
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling conform artikel = The applicable remuneration scheme as per Article
de toepasselijke loontabellen = the applicable wage tables
de toepasselijkheid van artikel 3:68 BW is uitgesloten = Section 68 of Book 3 of the Dutch Civil Code does not apply
de toepasselijkheid van de voorwaarden = the applicability of the terms and conditions
de toepasselijkheid van eventuele andere algemene voorwaarden die door de = the applicability of any other general terms and conditions which may be
de toepasselijkheid van eventuele voorwaarden van wederpartij wordt uitdr = the applicability of any terms and conditions of the other party is expli
De toepasselijkheid van het Weens koopverdrag (C.I.S.G.) is uitgesloten. = The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) is excluded.
De toepasselijkhModel nadere overeenkomst raamovereenkomsteid van algemen = Model Call-off Contract [under a Framework Agreement]
de toepassing van nieuw technologie = the application of new technology
de toepassing van nieuwe technologie = the application of new technologies
De toeristische infrastructuur = The tourist infrastructure
De toeristische infrastructuur langs de grens = The tourist infrastructure along the border
de Toeslagenwet vult uitkeringen aan tot het sociaal minimum als het tota = the Supplementary Benefits Act supplements benefits up to the level of th
de toestand de baas worden = to cope with the situation
de toestand meester zijn = to have the situation well in hand
de toestand van het milieu = state of the environment
de toets = key
de toets doorstaan = to stand the test
de toets waarmee wordt nagegaan = the test to determine
de toevoeging van opties = adding manufacturer’s options
de toevoerlucht en de lucht in de opstelruimte = the supply air and the air in the boiler room
de tolerantie van het meetelement van de snelheidsmeter = Tolerance of the speedometer's measuring mechanism
De tolk = The interpreter
De tolkenpost = The interpreter desk
de tolkenpost een verwerkingseenheid bevat = the interpreter desk contains a processing unit
de tomaat = tomato
de tongriem = lingual frenum
de tongspier = hyoglossus
de tonijn = the tunny
de top = the forefront
de top 5 op wereldniveau = the top five worldwide
de topgevel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gable
de topgevel / geveltop = gable end
de toren = tower
de Torsade de Pointes = irregular  heartbeat
de tot nu toe onderkende = identified so far
de totaalscores per pakket = the total scores per package
de totaalvervuiling = overall pollution
de totale aansprakelijkheid van de leverancier wegens toerekenbare tekort = the total liability of the supplier due to an attributable failure to per
De totale activa = Total assets
De totale duur van het verlof = The total duration of the leave
de totale financiële positie = the aggregate financial position
de totale hoeveelheid = the total amount
De totale investering bedraagt = The total investment amounts to
De totale investering bedraagt circa = The total investment amounts to approximately
de totale lastendruk in de vorm van belastingen en heffingen in de vervoe = the overall burden of taxes and charges borne by the transport sector
De totale lengte van de = The total length of the
de totale ombouwtijd te verkorten = reduce the total conversion time
de totale omvang van de = the total extent of the
de totale organisatie en onderdelen daarvan = the entire organisation and its components
de totale uitkeringen aan de niet-actieven overtreffen de premiebetalinge = Total benefits to non-active persons exceed contributions
de totale vergoeding voor directe schade = the total compensation for direct damage or loss
de totale waarde van = the total value of
de totale waarde van de portefeuille = the total value of the portfolio
de totstandkoming van = the establishment of
De totstandkoming van dit document is een samenwerking tussen = This document was prepared jointly by
de toxiciteit van medicijnen = drug toxicity: manifestation of the adverse effects of drugs administered
de traan = tear
de tram = "tram,"
de transgenese = gene exchange
de transitie naar = the transition to
De Transitiemanager Simac = The Simac Transition Manager
de translatie = genetic translation
de transplantaat-tegen-gastheer-reactie = graft-versus-host disease
de trechter = the funnel
de trekpunt = claw head
de trekveer = draw wire
de treurwilg = the willow-tree
de trias van Hutchinson = Hutchinson incisor
de trochlea phalangis = head of phalanx
de trom = the drum
de trompet steken = trumpet
de troon = throne
de tuba eustachii = eustachian tube
de tuchtiging = (noun)  discipline
de tuin = garden
de tumor van Ewing = Ewing's sarcoma: a tumor that invades the shaft of a long bone and tends
de tussen hen gesloten arbeidsovereenkomst = the contract of employment concluded between
de tussen hen gesloten arbeidsovereenkomst(en) = the contract(s) of employment concluded between
de tussen hen gesloten tijdelijke arbeidsovereenkomst = the temporary employment contract concluded between them
de tussen verhuurder en huurder geldende huurovereenkomst = the lease in force between Lessor and Lessee
De tussen Yellax en Klant gesloten overeenkomst = The agreement concluded between Yellax and Customer
de tussenregels = corner brace
de tussenvloer = false floor
de twee tegenoverliggende zijden van = the two opposite sides of
de twee uitsteeksels = the two projections
de twee zijwanden = the two side walls
de twee zijwanden = the two sidewalls
de tweede elementen daartussen = the second elements therebetween
de tweede set van instructies = the second set of instructions
de tweede toon = second  heart sound
de tweede wasbeurt en het pellen van de preisteel en –wortel = rewashing and peeling the leek stalks and roots
de tweeling = twins
de twijfel = doubt
de twist dansen = twist
de ui = the onion
de uil = owl
de uit de overeenkomst voortvloeiende verplichtingen = the obligations arising from the agreement
de uit te nodigen remote gebruikers = the remote users to be invited
de uit te voeren acties = the actions to be taken
de uit te voeren werken = the work to be carried out
de uit te voeren werken = the works to be carried out
de uit te voeren werkzaamheden = the work to be carried out
De uitbetaling geschiedt per maand. = Payments are made monthly.
de uitdaging = challenge
De uitdaging schuilt in = The challenge lies in
de uitdrukking = the expression
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen = the tip of the pliable lips
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eer = the tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair
De uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eer = The tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair and the
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd twe = the tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said second pair
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen van de sneden = the tip of the pliable lips of the cuts
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen van de sneden van het genoemde tweede  = the tip of the pliable lips of the cuts of said second pair
de uiteindelijke vergoeding vindt plaats op basis van nacalculatie = the final payment will be based on actual costs
de uiteinden van de buigzame lippen gevormd door alle sneden van alle par = the tips of the pliable lips formed by all cuts of all pairs of said seri
de uiteinden van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van opeenvolge = the tips of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of subsequent pairs of sa
De uiteinden van de buizen = The ends of the tubes
de uitgang = exit
de uitgangspunten = the principles
de uitgangspunten voor de brandstofkeuze vast = the fuel selection principles
de uitgegeven aandelen in verband met de omgekeerde overname = the shares issued in connection with the reverse takeover
de uitgegraven grond = excavated earth
De uitgekomen kuikens worden dan van de lege schalen gescheiden = The hatched chicks are then separated from the empty eggshells
De uitgestrekte zandvlakten aan de kustlijnen worden ontgonnen door het s = Exploitation of sandy coastal strata is done by open terrace construction
de uitgevoerde inspectie = the inspection carried out
de uitgifte van een perceel grond = the issue of a plot of land
De Uithof = De Uithof
de uitkering op grond van de Aanvullende Anw-verzekering = the benefit under the Supplementary ANW insurance
de uitkerning van de erythrocyten = denucleation of erythrocytes
de uitkerning van de erythrocyten = erythrocyte denucleation
De uitkomst is gevonden = The solution was found
de uitkomst van de schademelding = the outcome of my claim
de uitkomst van een gehoortest = hearing loss audiogram
De uitkomsten van dit onderzoek = The results of this study
de uitkomstvariabele = dependent variable
de uitkomstvariabele = endogenous variable
de uitkomstvariabele = outcome variable
de uitkomstvariabele = response variable
De uitleg hieronder = The explanation below
De uitleg over de verwerking van deze persoonsgegevens staat onder = Information on how this this personal data is processed can be found unde
de uitlijn = the alignment
de uitmuntendheid van het bedrijf = the excellence of the company
de uitoefening van het werk = the performance of the work
de uitpuiling van het oog = exophthalmos
de uitrol van = the roll-out of
de uitrol van 5G = rolling out 5G
de uitrusting met diagnostische reagentia = diagnostic reagent kit
de uitscheiding = discharge
De uitslag van dit onderzoek = The results of this study
de uitslagen van het onderzoek = the results of my study
de uitsteeksels = the projections
De uitvinders hebben daarom ontdekt = "The inventors, therefore, discovered"
De uitvinders hebben geconstateerd = The inventors have observed
De uitvinders hebben geconstateerd dat = The inventors have observed that
De uitvinders hebben gevonden dat = The inventors have found that
De uitvinders hebben ontdekt dat = The inventors discovered that
De uitvinders hebben onverwacht ontdekt = It was unexpectedly found by the inventors
De uitvinders hebben onverwachts geconstateerd = The inventors have unexpectedly observed
De uitvinders hebben onverwachts geconstateerd dat = The inventors have unexpectedly observed that
De uitvinders hebben vastgesteld = The inventors determined
De uitvinders hebben verassend ontdekt dat = The inventors have surprisingly discovered that
De uitvinders hebben verassend ontdekt dat het gebruik van = The inventors have surprisingly discovered that the use of
De uitvinders hebben verder gevonden = The inventors have further found
De uitvinders hebben verrassend gevonden = The inventors surprisingly found
De uitvinders hebben verrassenderwijs waargenomen = The inventors have surprisingly observed
De uitvinders ontdekten dat = The inventors found that
De uitvinders ontdekten verrassenderwijs = The inventors surprisingly found
De uitvinders vonden onverwachts = The inventors unexpectedly found
De uitvinders vonden onverwachts dat = The inventors unexpectedly found that
de uitvinding = the invention
De uitvinding beoogt daartoe = The invention thereto aims
De uitvinding beschreven in dit document = The invention described in this document
De uitvinding beschreven in dit document heeft betrekking op = The invention described in this document relates to
De uitvinding betreft = The invention relates to
De uitvinding betreft een inrichting volgens conclusie = The invention relates to a device according to claim
De uitvinding betreft een methode = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding betreft een verbeterde inrichting = The invention relates to an improved device
De uitvinding betreft een verbeterde inrichting en werkwijze = The invention relates to an improved device and method
De uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding betreft een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van = The invention relates to a method for manufacturing
De uitvinding betreft eveneens = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding betreft eveneens een doseerinrichting = The invention also relates to a dosing device
De uitvinding betreft eveneens een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding betreft ook een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding betreft verder ook een werkwijze voor het voorzien = The invention furthermore relates to a method for providing
de uitvinding heeft betrekking op = the invention relates to
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = The invention relates to a device
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en een inrichting = The invention relates to a method and a device
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en een inrichting voor he = The invention relates to a method and a device for manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voor = The invention relates to a method for
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting  voor de indust = The invention also relates to a device for the industrial production
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting  voor de indust = The invention also relates to a device for the industrial production
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting voor het verpak = The invention also relates to a device for packaging
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een veelheid van = The invention also relates to a plurality of
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention also relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor assemblage  = The invention also relates to a method of assembling
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor assemblage  = The invention also relates to a method of assembling
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing a
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing a
De uitvinding heeft in een eerste aspect betrekking op = The invention relates in a first aspect to
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een inric = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a device"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een inric = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a device"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for producing"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for manufactur"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for manufactur"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for producing"
De uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = "The invention, in general, relates to"
De uitvinding heeft specifiek betrekking op = "Specifically, the invention relates to"
De uitvinding heeft specifiek verder betrekking op = "Specifically, the invention further relates to"
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention also relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze en een gebruik = The invention also relates to a method and a use
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze voor het monteren = The invention also relates to a method for mounting
De uitvinding heeft tot doel = The object of the invention
De uitvinding heeft verder betrekking op = The invention further relates to
De uitvinding heeft voorts betrekking op = The invention further relates to
De uitvinding heeft voorts betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention further relates to a method
De uitvinding is = The invention is
De uitvinding is beschreven als = The invention has been described as
De uitvinding is beschreven als een methode = The invention has been described as a method
De uitvinding is geenszins gelimiteerd tot een dergelijk ontwerp = The invention is by no means limited to such a design
de uitvinding is niet beperkt tot = the invention is not limited to
De uitvinding is niet beperkt tot de geopenbaarde uitvoeringsvormen. = The invention is not limited to the disclosed embodiments.
de uitvinding is niet beperkt tot enkel = the invention is not limited solely to
De uitvinding is voordelig = The invention is advantageous
De uitvinding is voordelig omdat deze voorziet = The invention is advantageous because it provides
De uitvinding is voordelig omdat deze voorziet in het creëren van = The invention is advantageous because it provides for the creation of
de uitvinding kan worden belichaamd of uitgevoerd = the invention may be embodied or carried out
De uitvinding kenmerkt zich in = The invention is characterised by
de uitvinding op vele manieren kan worden uitgevoerd = the invention may be practised in many ways
de uitvinding op vele manieren kan worden uitgevoerd = the invention can be implemented in many ways
De uitvinding voorziet = The invention provides
De uitvinding voorziet in = The invention provides
De uitvinding werd samengevat = The invention was summarised
De uitvinding wordt ook bereikt = The invention is also reached
De uitvinding wordt ook bereikt door een werkwijze = The invention is also reached by a method
De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven = The invention will now be further described
"De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven, bij wijze van voorbeeld, e" = "The invention will now be described further, by way of example, with refe"
"De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven, bij wijze van voorbeeld, e" = "The invention will now be described further, by way of example, with refe"
de uitvinding zal verder toegelicht worden aannemende dat = the invention will be further explained assuming that
de uitvlokkingstest = turbidity test
de uitvoering in de verschillende technische punten = the technical implementation of
De uitvoering van de arbeidsovereenkomst = The performance of the employment contract
de uitvoering van de Opdracht = the performance of the Contract
de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst en de uitvoering van de Verwerkersovere = the performance of the Agreement and the performance of the Data Processi
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst op te schorten = to suspend the execution of the contract
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten = to suspend the execution of a contract
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten = to suspend the performance of an agreement
de uitvoering van deze overeenkomst = the implementation of this Agreement
de uitvoering van deze overeenkomst = the performance of this Agreement
de uitvoering van deze toezegging door de maatschappij = the Company’s performance of this commitment
de uitvoering van dit project = the performance of this project
de uitvoering van werkzaamheden = the performance of work
de uitvoering van zijn Diensten = the performance of its Services
de uitvoering wordt meetbaar gemaakt = quantifiable
De uitvoeringsvorm = The embodiment
de uitvoeringsvorm van Figuur = the embodiment in Figure
de uitvoeringsvormen van de uitvinding die hierin worden beschreven = the embodiments of the invention described herein
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven = The embodiments as described above
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
de uitvoerstroom van de plasma-uitlaat naar de plasma-inlaat te recircule = recycle the output stream from the plasma outlet to the plasma inlet
de uitwendige en de complementaire schroefdraad = the external and the complementary screw thread
de uitwendige gehoorgang = external auditory canal
de uitwendige gehoorgang = auditory meatus
de uitwendige schroefdraad op de cilindervormige mantel = the external screw thread on the cylindrical shell
De uitwijkstrategie van Rotaform = Rotaform’s disaster recovery strategy
De uitzendkracht krijgt te maken met = The temporary worker is exposed to
De uitzonderlijke kosten = The extraordinary expenses
de unieke manier van werken = the unique way of working
de unieke mens = the unique person
de unieke palletiseermachine van Qimarox = Qimarox’s unique product palletiser
De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens = the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
De universiteit van Michigan = The University of Michigan
de uptime van uw toepassingen = the uptime of your applications
de urologische technieken voor diagnose = urological  diagnostic techniques
de uwe = yours
de vaat doen = wash up
de vaat doen = to wash the dishes
de vaat wassen = wash up
de vacature en de aanpak van werving te bespreken = discuss the vacancy and recruitment approach
de vaccin tegen kinkhoest = pertussis vaccine
de vacuümpomp lucht te laten blazen = to let the vacuum pump blow air
de vader = the father
de vakman = a person skilled in the art
de vakman = the skilled person
de vakman = the person skilled in the art
de vakman gekend = known to those skilled in the art
de vakman in het technisch veld van de uitvinding = a person skilled in the art to which the invention pertains
De vakman kan een geschikte afweging maken = A person skilled in the art can take a suitable decision.
De vakman zal apprecieren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
De vakman zal appreciëren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
De vakman zal begrijpen = The skilled person will appreciate
De vakman zal begrijpen dat = The skilled person will appreciate that
de vakwerkwand = framed partition
de vakwerkwand = framed wall
De Vallei = De Vallei
de vallei = valley
de valpijp (in stortbak van wc) = flush pipe
de van belang zijnde = the relevant
de van kracht zijnde wet- en regelgeving = the laws and regulations in force
De van toepassing zijnde = The applicable
De van toepassing zijnde ATEX zonering = The applicable ATEX zoning
de van toepassing zijnde maatregelen = the appropriate measures
de van toepassing zijnde regels = the applicable rules
de vanger van vrije radikalen = antioxidant
de variabele vergoeding = the variable remuneration
De variatie die nodig is  aan buitenlucht = The changing amount of outdoor air that is required
de variatie in de afmetingen van dozen = variations in box dimensions
de vaste = the fast
de vaste kosten per kilo minder zwaar drukken = the share of fixed costs in the total costs per kilo will be lower
de vaste oplegging = fixed bearing
de vastgelegde taalkeuze in = the language set in
de vastgestelde coëfficiënt = the prescribed multiplier
De vastgoedmarkt is dynamisch en uitdagend en vraagt om professionals die = think ahead
de vatbaarheid voor een ziekte = predisposition
de veiligheid met smeltdraad = fuse carrier with fuse wire
de veiligheid van de ingreep = the safety of the procedure
de veiligheid van de voedselketen = the safety of the food chain
de veiligheid van medische toestellen en gereedschappen = medical  equipment safety
de veiligheidsinrichting = The safety device
de veiligheidsinstructie = the safety instructions
de veiligheidsinstructies = the safety instructions
"De veiligheidsvoorschriften, die in deze handleiding worden genoemd" = The safety regulations mentioned in this manual
"De veiligheidsvoorschriften, die in deze handleiding worden genoemd, dien" = "The safety regulations mentioned in this manual, should be adhered to"
de veiling = the auction
De Vennootschap blijft na haar ontbinding voortbestaan voorzover dit voor = The Partnership will continue to exist after dissolution to the extent ne
de vennootschap draagt de naam: = the company's name is:
de vennootschap en de aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen = the company and its affiliated enterprises
de Vennootschap en de met haar verbonden onderneming = the Company and its business
de vennootschap heeft goede resultaten laten zien = the company has produced good results
De vennootschap heeft ten doel = The objects of the company
De vennootschap heeft tot doel = The company’s objects
De vennootschap heeft tot voorwerp = The company’s object
de vennootschap is opgericht = the company was established
de vennootschap is opgericht op de achtste juli tweeduizendzes en is aang = the company was established on the eighth of July two thousand and six an
de vennootschap kent winstbewijzen = the company issues profit-sharing certificates
de vennootschap naar het recht harer vestiging = the company under the laws of its place of establishment
de vennootschap naar het recht van haar plaats van vestigin = the company under the laws of the place of establishment
de vennootschap naar het recht van haar plaats van vestiging = the company under the laws of its place of establishment
De vennootschap neemt de vorm aan va = The company takes the form of
de vennootschap rechtsgeldig (te kunnen) verbinden = capacity legally/ contractually to commit the company
De vennootschap wordt voor onbeperkte duur opgericht = The company is established for an unlimited period
De Vennootschappen hebben zich er niet toe verbonden = The Companies have not committed themselves
de ventilator = fan
de ventilator = the fan
de ventriculaire fibrillatie = ventricular  fibrillation
de verandering in de praktijk te realiseren = realise the change in practice
de veranderingen die plaatsvinden = the changes taking place
De verantwoordelijkheden van Partijen = The responsibilities of the Parties
de verantwoordelijkheid afwentelen op = to shift the responsibility on
de verbinding legt = links
De verbinding moet luchtdicht afgesloten kunnen worden = It must be possible to seal the connection in an airtight manner
De verbinding tussen de TouchDisplay en de Endura = the connection between the TouchDisplay and the E+ndura®
de verbinding was slecht = the connection was bad
de verbinding weigeren = refuse the connection
de verbinding werd verbroken = I got disconnected
de verbinding werd verbroken = we were disconnected
de verbindingen voor communicatie met = the communication links with
de verbindingsdelen in het basisdeel = the connecting members in the base member
de verbindingsprofiel ten minste een eerste paar sneden omvat = the connection profile comprises at least a first pair of cuts
De verbintenis wordt aangegaan voor een periode = The commitment is for
De verbintenis wordt aangegaan voor een periode van minimaal = The commitment is for a minimum period of
de verblijfplaats = the sojourn
de verblijfskatheter = indwelling catheter: any catheter that is allowed to remain in place in a
de verblijfskatheter = heparin-locked catheter
de verblijfskatheter in de urineleiding = indwelling ureteral catheter
de verdediging = defense
de verdeelstaaf = distribution steel
de verdere gang van zaken = the further course of events
de verdiepingstrap = dog-legged staircase
de verdunningsfactor = the dilution factor
de verdwijning = elimination phase
De vereffening van de rekeningen = Settlement of accounts
de vereiste meerderheid = the requisite majority
de vereisten voor het lozen = the requirements for discharge
de vereisten voor opzegging van de overeenkomst = the requirements governing termination of the contract
de verfkwast = cutting-in brush
de vergadering = assembly
De vergadering besluit aan de zaakvoerder volmacht te verlenen = The meeting decided to grant the manager authority
De vergadering kan alleen beslissingen nemen als ten minste de meerderhei = The meeting can only take decisions if at least the majority of the affil
de vergadering liep uit = the meeting was drawn out
de vergadering liep uit = the meeting overran
de vergadering tot het einde bijwonen = to stay the meeting out
De vergelijkende cijfers = The comparative figures
De vergelijkende cijfers betreffen de geconsolideerde cijfers van = The comparative figures concern the consolidated figures of
de vergelijkende cijfers zijn niet gecontroleerd = the comparative figures are unaudited
de vergelijkende cijfers zijn niet gecontroleerd = the comparative figures have not been audited
De vergelijking van = The comparison of
de vergoeding voor niet-gecontracteerde zorg = the reimbursement for non-contracted care
de verhalen op de vrijeschool = storytelling in a Waldorf school
de verhoging te weigeren = refuse the increase
de verhoging van de efficiëntie = improvement of efficiency
de verhoogde produktie van hormonen door de bijnierschors = Conn's disease
De verhouding direct versus indirect = The ratio of direct versus indirect
De verhouding is gebaseerd op = The ratio is based on
De verhouding tussen = The ratio between
de verhouding tussen = the relationship between
de verhouding van rozemarijnextract tot pyrethrinen = the ratio of rosemary extract to pyrethrins
de verkeerd gevouwen eiwitten = incorrectly  folded proteins
de verkeerde formatie = dysgenesis
de verkeerde secretie van het adrenocroticotroop hormoon = ectopic ACTH syndrome: production of ACTH by non-pituitary neoplasms
de verkeerde werking = dysfunction
de verkeerde zuinigheid betrachten = to be penny-wise and pound-foolish
de verkeersafwikkeling verbeteren = to improve the traffic flow
de verkeersintensiteit in die richting = the flow rate in that direction
de verkeerslichtencyclus = the traffic signal cycle
de verkeersregelaar en de afstandsbedieningsmodule = the traffic-signal controller and the remote control module
de verkeersregelaars onderling = the traffic-signal controllers themselves
De verkeersregelaars op deze kruispunten = The traffic-signal controllers at these intersections
de verkoop = sale
de verkoper = the Seller
De verkoper behoudt zich uitdrukkelijk het recht voor = The Seller expressly reserves the right
De verkoper is in geen geval aansprakelijk = The Seller shall not be liable
De verkoper is verantwoordelijk voor de verwerking van deze persoonsgegev = The Seller is responsible for the processing of this personal data
De verkoper wijst de koper uitdrukkelijk op het feit dat = The Seller expressly reminds the Buyer that
De verkoper zal bij de levering van het product of dienst aan de koper de = "When delivering the product or service, the Seller shall send to the Buye"
de Verkopers of de Vennootschappen = the Sellers or the Companies
de verkrachting = the rape
de verkregen oplossing = the resulting solution
de verkregen snelheid behouden = maintain the speed acquired
de verlamming van Duchenne = Duchenne-Erb paralysis
de verlangde beroepskwalificatie = the desired professional qualifications
de verlangde inlichtingen = the information desired
de verlangde inlichtingen = the information required
de verlangsaming van de foetale groei = fetal growth retardation
de verlening van Diensten = the provision of Services
de vermeende onregelmatigheden = the alleged irregularities
de vermindering van gevoeligheid = desensitization therapy
de vermoedelijke geboortetijdstip = EDD
de vermoedelijke geboortetijdstip = expected date of delivery
de vermoeienis = fatigue
de vernieuwer = a key innovator
De verpakking niet hermetisch sluiten = Do not keep the container sealed
De verpakking niet hermetisch sluiten. = Do not keep the container sealed.
de verplaatsingsrichting van het substraat = the direction of movement of the substrate
De verpleegkundige = The nurse
de verpleging voor zuigelingen = neonatal care
de verplichting om een duidelijke en onuitwisbare statiegeldaanduiding op = the obligation to place a clear and indelible deposit mark on the packagi
de verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit enige wetgeving = the obligations resulting from any legislation
de verplichtingen in deze Verwerkersovereenkomst = the obligations in this Data Processing Agreement
De verplichtingen onder dit artikel = The obligations under this Article
de verplichtingen uit hoofde van de gebruikersovereenkomst = the obligations under the user agreement
de verplichtingen van de andere partij = the obligations of the other party
de verplichtingen van Philips N.V. = Philips N.V.’s obligations
De verplichtingen zoals opgenomen in = The obligations as set out in
De verplichtingen zoals opgenomen in dit artikel = The obligations as set out in this Article
de verre afstand = geographical isolation
de verscheuring = disjunction
de verscheuring = divulsion
de verscheuring = laceration
de verscheuring = severance
De verschijnende persoon verklaart van de inhoud van de akte te hebben ke = The person appearing declared to have read and understood the contents of
De verschijnende persoon verklaart van de inhoud van de akte te hebben ke = The person appearing stated that he/she had read and understood the conte
de verschijnselen op termijn na prenatale blootstelling = prenatal  exposure delayed effects: delayed effects on offspring of mater
de verschillende = the different
de verschillende aspecten die een rol spelen = the different aspects that play a role
de verschillende bewegingen = the various movements
de verschillende bewerkingsfasen = the various processing stages
de verschillende businesslijnen = the various business lines
de verschillende dagen in de week = the different days of the week
de verschillende documenten = the various documents
de verschillende groepen = the different groups
De verschillende onderdelen = The various components
De verschillende onderdelen in het betoog = The different parts of the argument
de verschillende opleidingen = the various programmes
de verschillende pakketten = the various packages
de verschillende palletiseersystemen van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various palletiser systems
de verschillende Securyfence machineafscherming van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various Securyfence machine guards
de verschillende Securyfence van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various Securyfence models
de verschillende uit te voeren bewegingen = the various movements to be carried out
de verschillende veiligheidsnormen = the various security standards
de verschuldigdheid van de bedragen wordt door ABC erkend = ABC acknowledges that it owes the amounts
de verschuldigdheid van deze facturen = these invoices being due and payable
de versiegeschiedenis van een item = an item’s version history
de verslaving veroorzakende drug = dependence-producing drug
de verspreidingseenheden = dispersion units
De verste debietregelaar = The farthest flow regulator
de verstijving = diagonal strut
de verstoring als gevolg van = the disruption caused by
de verstreken tijd = the elapsed time
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke lo = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update 8 of the sp
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke lo = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update 8 of the sp
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke loca = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update of the spat
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke loca = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update of the spat
de verstrekte informatie = enquiry
de verstrekte informatie = the information supplied
de vertaalslag maken naar de praktijk = to make the transition to practice
de vertakte wond = dendritic lesion
de vertaling te maken naar de praktijk = to make the transition to practice
de vertalingen zijn uitgevoerd door een internationaal ISO 17100:2015 gec = The translations have been performed by a translation agency certified to
de vertegenwoordiging ervan = its representation
de verticale verspreiding = vertical  disease transmission
de vertraagde generalisering = late  generalization
de vertraging ongedaan te maken = remedy the delay
de vertrouwelijke gegevens en de app = the confidential data and the app
de vertrouwelijke gegevens te verwerken = to process the confidential data
de vertrouwelijke gegevens te verwerken aan de serverzijde = process the confidential data on the server side
De vervuilde ventilatielucht = The polluted ventilation air
de vervuiling van de voedingsmiddelen = food adulteration
de vervulling van haar taken = the fulfilment of her duties
De verwachting achter = The idea behind
De verwachting is = It is expected
De verwachting is dat = The expectation is that
de verwachting overtreffen = to exceed expectations
de verwachting voor de komende periode = the outlook for the coming period
de verwachtingen van onze klanten overtreffen = exceed the expectations of our customers
de verwarming van de patiënt = induced  hypothermia
de verwarmingsmat = heating pad
de Verwerkersovereenkomst en/of de AVG en/of andere Toepasselijke wet- en = the Data Processing Agreement and/or the GDPR and/or any other Applicable
de verwerking van bestellingen = order processing
de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = the processing of Personal Data
De verwerking van persoonsgegevens = The processing of personal data
de verwevenheid tussen onder- en bovenwereld doorbreken = Sever the links..
de verwezenlijkte voordelen ten opzichte van de stand van de techniek = the advantages achieved over the prior art
de verwijdering van bedrijfsafvalwater = disposal of industrial effluents
de verworven hemolytische anemie zonder autoantistoffen = acquired  hemolytic anemia without autoantibodies
de verworven hemolytische ziekte = hemolytic icterus
de verworvene dyslexie = acquired  dyslexia
de verzachter = softening agent
de verzekeraars behouden het recht te bewijzen dat de waarde op het momen = the underwriters retain the right to prove any overvaluation existing at
de verzekerde = insured party
de verzekering te willen beëindigen = that you wish to terminate the insurance
de verzinsel = concocted story
de verzinsel = confabulation
de verzinsel = fabrication
de verzoekende arts = requesting  doctor
de verzwakking van de euro = the weakening of the euro
de verzwaring van de fundering = foundation base
de vesting = the fortress
de vetharding = hydrogenation of fats
de vettige ontaarding = steatosis
de vezel = fiber
de vezelige dysplasie van beenderen = fibrous  dysplasia of bone
De vezels in de toplaag = The fibres in the top layer
de vezels van de maatschappij = the fabric of society
de vezels van de maatschappij = the very fabric of society
de Viagra = anti-  impotence drug
"De vier fasen zijn exploreren, ideation, prototyping en testen." = prototyping
de vier hoeken = the four corners
de vier ruiters van de Apocalyps = Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
de vierde = the fourth
de viervoudige contactdoos met snoer = four-socket adapter
de viervoudige contactdoos met snoer = four-way adapter
de vigerende wettelijke bepalingen = the legal provisions in force
de vijant = enemy
de vijf (klassieke) orden = five classical orders
de vijfde en zesde = the fifth and sixth
de vijfde en zesde plaat = the fifth and sixth board
de vijg = the fig
de vijver = the fishpond
de vinger = the finger
de vinger aan de pols te houden van de markt = keep its finger on the pulse of the market
de viool = violin
de vis = the fish
de visie en de strategie = vision and strategy
de visschubachtig huidaandoening = ichthyosiform desquamation
de visuele vermoeidheid = eyestrain
de vitale aanbieders en de vakdepartementen = the critical operators and the line ministries
de vlakkeplaatbrug = flat bridge
de vlakke-plaatbrug met draaibaar gedeelte = flat swing bridge
de vlakplaat (loodgieterij) = gib
de vlam = flame
de vleermuis = the bat
de vleugel = the wing
de vleugels van het profiel = the profile flanges
de vlieg = the fly
De Vliegende Hollander = Dutchman
de vlinder = the butterfly
de vlo = the flea
de vloeibaarheid van het materiaal = the fluidity of the material
de vloeibare chocolade massa wordt gespoten op onderdelen van de mal = the liquid chocolate mass is sprayed onto parts of the mold
"De vloeibare vorm van propaan, butaan of mengsels van deze twee stoffen w" = "Propane, butane, or mixtures of these two substances in a liquid form is "
de vloeistof vermengd wordt met lucht = the liquid is mixed with air
de vloeistofstroomindicator = flowmeter
de vloerdelen = floorboards
de vlooienmarkt = flea market
de vlot en snel = smooth and quick
De vlotter is bevestigd aan de onderzijde van een lange holle buis (.). = The float is attached to the underside of a long hollow tube (.).
de vlucht = flight
de vlucht nemen = flee
de voedingsindustrie en andere = the food industry and other sectors
de voedingsmiddelenindustrie = the food industry
de voedingsstoornis = malnutrition
de voedingsvezel = ballast
de voedingsvezel = bulk
de voedingsvezel = dietary fiber
de voedingsvezel = fiber in your diet
de voedingsvezel = roughage
de Voedsel en medecijnen administratie = "Food &  Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of the U.S. government"
de voedselaanbod = food supply
de voedseladditieven = food additives
de voetganger = pedestrian
de voetleien (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves joint
de voetleien / de rij onderpannen (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves course
de voetplaat = the base plate
de vogel = the bird
de vogelverschrikker = the scarecrow
De volgende = The following
de volgende aanvullende richtlijnen = the following additional guidelines
de volgende aanwijzingen = The following instructions
de volgende activiteiten = the following operations
de volgende arbeidsovereenkomst = the following employment contract
De volgende beschrijving van de figuren van specifieke uitvoeringen van d = The following description of the figures of specific embodiments of the i
de volgende bewaartermijnen = the following retention periods
de volgende business units = the following business units
de volgende categorieën = the following categories
De volgende communicatieafspraken = The following communication arrangements
de volgende complete rij/laag = the next complete row/layer
de volgende componenten = the following components
de volgende conclusies = the following claims
de volgende dag verwerkten we = the next day we would discuss
De volgende dingen besproken = Discussed the following things
de volgende documenten = The following documents
De volgende documenten zijn ingezien en akkoord bevonden = The following documents have been seen and approved
De volgende drie principes = The following three principles
de volgende eenheden = the following entities
de volgende eisen verbonden = subject to the following requirements
de volgende elementen = the following elements
de volgende factoren = the following factors
de volgende functionaliteit = the following functionality
de volgende functionaliteiten = the following functionality
de volgende gegevens = the following details
de volgende gegevens = the following information
De volgende gegevens worden getoond = The following data is shown
De volgende gegevens worden getoond = The following information is displayed
de volgende huisregels = The following House Rules
de volgende informatie = the following information
de volgende invulling = are given substance to as follows
de volgende karakteristieken = the following characteristics
de volgende kernwaarden = the following core values
de volgende knoppen/items = the following buttons/items
de volgende laag = the next layer
de volgende medewerkers = the following staff members
De volgende middelen kunnen hierbij worden ingezet = The following resources can be used for this purpose
de volgende migratiestappen = the following migration steps
de volgende onderwerpen = The following subjects
de volgende organen = the following bodies
de volgende organisaties = the following organisations
de volgende parameters = the following parameters
de volgende plekken = the following locations
de volgende prijzen zijn slechts ter indicatie = the following prices are approximate only
de volgende procedure = The following procedure
de volgende punten worden beoordeeld = the following points are evaluated
De volgende requirements = The following requirements
De volgende requirements worden standaard ondersteund = The following requirements are supported by default
De volgende richtlijnen = The following guidelines
de volgende scores behaald = achieved the following scores
de volgende sessies = the following sessions
de volgende situaties = the following situations
de volgende stap in de loop = the next step in the loop
de volgende stappen = the following steps
De volgende stellingen gaan over = The following statements relate to
De volgende technische controles = The following technical checks
de volgende uitgangspunten = the following principles
de volgende verplichtingen = the following obligations
de volgende volgorde = the following order
de volgende voorwaarden = the following terms and conditions
De volgende voorwaarden gelden = The following conditions apply
de volgende vragen = the following questions
de volgende werkzaamheden = the following activities
de volgende werkzaamheden verricht = carried out the following tasks
de volgende wettelijke verlofregelingen = the following statutory leave schemes
de volgens het beleid geldende spelregels = the rules that apply according to the policy
de volgplicht inroept = invoke the drag-along obligation
de volksgezondheidscertificaat = health certificate
de volksgezondheidscertificaat = medical certificate
de volksgroep = ethnicity
de Volkskrant = Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant
De volledig met kaarten uitgeruste regeleenheid = "The control unit, fully equipped with cards"
De volledig met kaarten uitgeruste veiligheidsinrichting = "The safety device, fully equipped with cards"
de volledige correspondentie met hun klanten = their complete correspondence with their clients
de volledige inhoud van deze gebruiksaanwijzing = the entire contents of this user manual
de volledige installatie los te maken = disconnect the complete installation
de volledige lengte = the entire length
de volledige logistiek = all logistics
de volledige menginstallatie = the complete mixing installation
De volledige naam van dit geneesmiddel is = The full name of this medicine is
de volledige opstelling = the complete setup
de volledige regie van de transitie op zich nemen = can assume full control of the Transition
de volledige vergoeding = the full fee
de volledige vergoeding door = the full fee paid by
de volledige weergave van de rechten en verplichtingen van partijen = the entire representation of the rights and obligations of parties
de voltijdbaan = full-time employment
de vonk = the spark
de voor dat medisch hulpmiddel geldende regels = the rules applicable to said medical device
de voor hem geldende vaste AOW-gerechtigde leeftijd = state pension age
de voor hen geldende arbeidsvoorwaarden = working conditions applicable to them
de voor oproeping gestelde termijn = the time limit set for convening the meeting
de vooraf door Yellax goedgekeurde specificaties = the specifications approved by Yellax in advance
De voorafbepaalde fractie = The predetermined fraction
de voorafbepaalde nauwkeurigheidsdrempel = the predetermined accuracy threshold
de voorafbepaalde tijdsdrempel = the predetermined time threshold
de voorafbepaalde translatiedrempelwaarde en/of de voorafbepaalde rotatie = the predetermined translational threshold and/or the predetermined rotati
De voorbeelden zijn legio = The examples are legion
de voorbeeldweergave van items en toetsen kunt bekijken = preview items and tests
de voorbereiding en uitvoering = project preparation and implementation
De voordelen = The advantages
De voordelen hiervan uit een oogpunt van = The advantages in terms of
"De voordelen hiervan uit een oogpunt van kosten, efficiency, flexibilitei" = "The advantages in terms of cost, efficiency, flexibility, control and sus"
de voordelen overtreffen de nadelen = the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
De voordelen van = The advantages of
De voordelen van een dergelijke = The advantages of such a
de voorgaande bepalingen = the foregoing provisions
De voorgaande beschrijving = The foregoing description
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention. 
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention. 
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention. 
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention. 
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention i
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention i
de voorgaande bijwerking = the previous update
de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the previous update of the spatial location information
de voorgeschreven grens niet wordt overschreden = the prescribed limit is not exceeded
de voorkeur geven aan = prefer
de voorkeur voor één oog of het andere = ocular dominance
de voorkeuren van de tolk = the preferences of the interpreter
de voorlichting = dissemination of information
de voorlichting = information dissemination
de voorlichting over drugs = drug education
De voorliggende analyse = The present analysis
de voorlopige ondertoezichtstelling uitspreken = to give a interim (family) supervision order
de voorlopige ondertoezichtstelling uitspreken = to issue a interim (family) supervision order
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = and wiring machine
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = flanging
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = swaging
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = "flanging, swaging, and wiring machine"
De voormelde leveringstermijn = The aforementioned delivery period
de voornaamste begrippen gebruikt in de onderhavige uitvinding = the no
de voornaamste componenten = the main components
De voornaamste oorzaak ligt in = The primary cause is
De voornaamste voordelen = The main advantages
de vooropgestelde eigenschap = the envisioned property
de voorraad is uitgeput = the stock is run out
de voorraad is zeer gering = the stock is very low
de voorrang hebben boven = to have priority over
de voorrang hebben boven = to rank above
de voorrang hebben boven = to take precedence of/over
de voors en tegens = the pros and cons
"De voorschriften, vereisten en procedures" = "The regulations, requirements and procedures"
"De voorschriften, vereisten en procedures van" = "The regulations, requirements and procedures of"
de voortijdige mortaliteit van zuigelingen = neonatal mortality
de voortuin = front garden
De Voorwaarden en Bedingen = The Terms and Conditions
De voorwaarden van deze Overeenkomst = The terms of this Agreement
de voorwaarden waaronder = the conditions under which
de voorwaarden waaronder = the conditions under
de voorzijde van zijportie = the front side of the side portion
de vordering die het voorwerp uitmaakt van huidige procedure in te stelle = to bring the claim that is the subject of the current proceedings
de vordering is niet-overdraagbaar = the claim is not assignable
de vordering is niet-overdraagbaar = the debt is not assignable
de vordering ter incasso uit handen is gegeven = the claim has been passed on for collection
de vordering tot schadevergoeding = damages
de vordering tot schadevergoeding gewaardeerd naar de omstandigheden = damages shall be evaluated according to the circumstances
de vordering uit handen geven = may pass on the claim for collection
de vordering van een aandeelhouder tot uitkering vervalt door een tijdsve = any claim a shareholder may have to a distribution lapses after five year
De vordering van eiser slechts gedeeltelijk gegrond te verklaren = Declare the Claimant’s claim only partially well-founded
de vorderingen met een deurwaarder halen = to send in the bailiffs
de vorderingen op = the amounts due from
de vorderingsstaat aanpassen en opnieuw voorleggen aan de Opdrachtgever = adapt the progress report and submit it again to the Client
de vorige huurder = the former tenant
de vorige nacht = last night
de vork = the fork
de vorksplitsing = bifurcation
de vorksplitsing = forking
de vorksplitsing = furcation
de vorm = the shape
De vorm en afmetingen van = The shape and dimensions of
de vorm van de = the shape of the
de vorm van het vouwbare tapijt na wassen behouden blijft = the shape of the foldable carpet is retained after washing
de vorming van je kind = the education of your child
de vos = the fox
de vraag = demand
De vraag die dan opgeroepen wordt = The question that then arises
De vraag die zich aandient is of = The question that arises is whether
De vraag doet zich dan voor = as to how the EIS system within the
De vraag is vervolgens = The question then is
de vraag naar verschillende vormen van = the demand for different forms of
de vraag naar vitaliteit = the demand for vitality
de vraag of een merk normaal werd gebruikt = assessment of whether a trade mark has been put to genuine use
de vraag van de opdrachtgever = the client’s question
de vraagstelling herformuleren = reformulate  the research question
de vracht en verdere op de zaken drukkende kosten te voldoen = pay the freight and further costs incumbent on the goods
"de vracht, de passage, het uit anderen hoofde terzake van het vervoer ver" = "freight payment, the passage fare, that which is owed on another basis in"
De vragenlijst die ik heb afgenomen = The questionnaire I administered
de vriend = friend
de vrijdag = Friday
de vrije beschikking over zijn vermogen verliest = loses the power to dispose of its own capital
de vrije beschikking over zijn vermogen verliezen = to lose the power to dispose of one’s capital
de vrije hoogte onder de geleider = the clearance height below the conductor
de vrijeschoolpedagogiek = Steiner educational theory
de vrijheid = the freedom
de vrijheid om zelf structuur te geven aan hun werk = the freedom to personally give structure to one’s work
de vrijheid van inrichting betekent dat het bijzonder onderwijs vrij is o = the freedom of organisation of teaching means that privately-run schools
de vroege genen = IEG:  immediate-early genes
de vroege generalisatie = early dispersion
de vroege-fasereactie = immediate-phase reaction
de vroegtijdige opsporing = early  diagnosis
de vrouw = the woman
de vrouw worden van = become the wife of
de vrouwen = womenfolk
de vrouwen = womankind
de vrucht = fruit
de vrucht afdrijven = abort
de vruchtbaarheid schaden = may affect fertility
de vruchtbaarheid schaden = may impair  fertility
de vruchtdood = fetal death
de vruchtgebruiker en de blote eigenaar samen = the usufructuary and the bare owner jointly
de vuist = the fist
de vul- en tapkraan = bleeder
de vulkaan = volcano
De waakvlam (pilot burner of pilot light) wordt gebruikt om de hoofd- en  = The pilot light (or pilot burner) is used to ignite the main burner and c
De waan van de dag = The issues of the day
de waarde moet groter zijn dan = the value must be greater than
de waarde representatief voor de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijw = the value representative of the amount of time that has elapsed since the
de waarde representatief voor de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijw = the value representative of the amount of time that has elapsed since the
de waarde van = the value of
de waarde van de onderliggende activa = the value of the underlying assets
de waarden die we delen blijven hetzelfde = the values we share remain the same
de waardeontwikkeling van de onderliggende portefeuille = the performance of the underlying portfolio
De waardering is aan nominale waarde uitgevoerd. = These have been taken/charged at carrying/face value.
de waarheid aan het licht te brengen = reveal the truth
de waarnemingsdrempel = limit of detection
de waarnemingsdrempel = lower limit of detection
de waarnemingsdrempel = detection limit
De wacht hebben = To be on guard
de wacht hebben = guard
De wacht hebben = To be on call
de Waddenzee en het Marsdiep daarbij inbegrepen = including the Wadden Sea and the Marsdiep
de wagon = the car
De wal zal het schip wel keren… = Nature will decide...
De wal zal het schip wel keren… = the tide will turn
de walvis = the whale
de wandluis = the bug
de wandportie = the wall portio
de wandportie en de afdekportie = the wall portion and the covering portion
de wandportie van het eerste element = the wall portion of the first element
de war = rumpled
de warme ventilatielucht = the warm ventilation air
de warmtestraler = infrared heater
de wartelbalk (bekisting) = frame timber
de was = the wax
De was doen = Launder
de was doen = wash
de was doet = does the laundry
De wat duurdere modellen = The more expensive models
de water-aerobics = hydrokinesitherapy
de waterkoelmachine is op het dak in een buitenopstelling gesitueerd = the water-cooling machine is located outside on the roof
De waterleiding moet aangesloten worden = The water supply should be connected
de watermeloen = the water-melon
de waterstofperoxide = H2O2
de waterzijdige weerstand = the waterside resistance
de website van OOM Verzekeringen = the website of OOM Verzekeringen
de wederpartij in staat van faillissement is verklaard = the other Party has been declared insolvent
De wederpartij in staat van faillissement wordt verklaard = The other party goes into liquidation
de wederpartij in vrijwaring betrekken = 1. join in a third-party defendant for a contribution & indemnity
de wederpartij in vrijwaring betrekken = 2. add as a co-defendant
De wederpartij is te allen tijde verplicht = The other party shall always be obliged
de wederpartij niet langer in staat moet worden geacht haar verplichtinge = the other party can no longer be deemed capable of fulfilling its obligat
de wederpartij surséance van betaling heeft aangevraagd dan wel surséan = "the other Party has applied for, or been granted, suspension of payments"
de wederpartij van ABC bij de overeenkomst = the party with which ABC contracts
de week = the week
de weergave = display
de weergave = presentation
de weergave van FIG = the view of FIG
de weg = way
de weg kwijt = lost
de weg naar de hel is geplaveid met goede voornemens = the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (proverb)
de weg te effenen = prepare the ground
de weg tot individuatie = process of  individuation
de weg vragen = can ask for directions
de weg wijzen = conduct
de weging van vastgoed in de aandelenportefeuille terugbrengen = to reduce the real estate weighting in the share portfolio
de weglatingen zijn doorstreept = the deletions are crossed out
"de weigering, eten door te geven" = food deprivation
de wenkbrauw = eyebrow
de wensen en behoeften van de klant = the wishes and needs of the customer
de wensen van de klant centraal stelt = put the customer’s wishes first
de wereld = the world
de wereld is aan de durvers! = "Who dares, wins!"
De wereld staat echter niet stil = "However, the world is constantly changing"
de werf = the platform
de werkbalkknop die van toepassing = the relevant toolbar button
de werkelijk gewerkte uren = the hours actually worked
de werkelijke energie die gespendeerd wordt om een zekere energievorm te  = the actual energy required to obtain a specific form of energy
de werkelijke kosten bij gebruik van openbaar vervoer = the actual cost of using public transport
de werkelijke kosten bij gebruik van openbaar vervoer 2e klas = the actual cost of using public transport in 2nd class
de werkelijke optische eigenschappen van de verschillende lagen = the actual optical properties of the various layers
de werkelijke voorraad in het magazijn = the actual stock level in the warehouse
De werkelijke waarde van = The true value of
"de werkelijkheid, de realiteit [definite article only]" = reality (entirety of all that is real)
de werken = works
de werken = the works
de werker in de gezondheidszorg = health practitioner
De werkgever behoudt zich het recht voor = The employer reserves the right
de werkgever behoudt zich het recht voor de arbeidsovereenkomst eenzijdig = the employer reserves the right to change the employment contract unilate
"De werkgever brengt, indien van toepassing, onderstaande kosten in rekeni" = "If applicable, Employer will charge the following costs to Employee"
de werkgever dient een pensioentoezegging buiten de risicosfeer van de on = the employer must ensure that its pension commitments are not exposed to
De werkgever dient te zorgen voor = The employer must ensure
De Werkgever hanteert een boeteregeling. = Employer has implemented penalty rules.
De werkgever kan de werknemer pas tewerkstellen = The Employer can only employ the Employee
De werkgever neemt de werknemer in dienst = Employer shall employ Employee
De werkgever neemt de werknemer in dienst in de functie van = Employer shall employ Employee in the capacity of
de werkgever van de medewerker = the employer of the employee
De werkgever verplicht zich = The employer undertakes
De werkgever zal de woning van de medewerker aankopen = The employer will purchase the home of the employee
"De Werkgever zal voor de kosten van de zorgverzekering, indien van toepas" = "If applicable, Employer will withhold a weekly amount of €20.36 from Em"
"De Werkgever zal voor verblijfskosten, indien van toepassing, wekelijks e" = "If applicable, Employer will withhold an amount of €70 from the Employe"
De werkgroep is van mening dat = The Working Group considers that
de werking van = the operation of
de werking van artikel 7 lid 2 BW wordt uitgesloten = the scope of Section 7(2) of the Dutch Civil Code is excluded
de werking van de = the operation of the
de werking van de geslachtklieren beïnvloedt of bevordert = gonadotropic
de werking van de geslachtklieren beïnvloedt of bevordert = stimulating sperm production
De werking van de homepagina = How to use the homepage
de werking van de wet is tot x opgeschort = the date on which the Act comes into effect has been postponed until
de werking van software van derden = the operation of third party software
De Werknemer erkent een exemplaar te hebben ontvangen van = Employee acknowledges having received a copy of
De Werknemer heeft de verplichting strikte confidentialiteit te bewaren = Employee must maintain strict confidentiality
De werknemer heeft jaarlijks recht op = Employee is annually entitled to
De Werknemer heeft recht op = Employee is entitled to
De Werknemer is jegens Werkgever verplicht = Employee warrants to Employer
De Werknemer machtigt hierbij de Werkgever = Employee hereby authorises Employer
"De werknemer ontvangt, indien van toepassing, de volgende vergoedingen" = "Where applicable, Employee will receive the following reimbursement"
De Werknemer rapporteert aan = The Employee reports to
de werknemer te re-integreren = to rehabilitate the employee
De werknemer treedt met ingang van BEGINDATUM dienst van de werkgever. = Employee shall enter the service of Employer as from the START DATE.
De werknemer verbindt er zich toe voor de duur van de overeenkomst bij de = The Employee undertakes to remain in the Employer’s employment for the
De Werknemer verbindt zich ertoe = Employee undertakes
de werknemer wordt aangesteld in de functie van accountmanager = the employee will be employed as an account manager
De werknemer wordt ontslagen om de opgegeven reden = That the employee is being dismissed for the reason given
de werknemers van de Klant = the employees of the Customer
de werknemers van de Klant inbegrepen = the employees of the Customer included
De werkplek voor de agent heeft niet meer nodig dan een standaard PC met  = The agent’s workplace requires nothing more than a standard PC with int
de werksfeer en de prestaties = the working environment and performance
De werktijden van de medewerker = The working hours of the employee
de werkvloer op school = in the classroom
De werkwijze = The method
de werkwijze = the method
De werkwijze beschrijft = The method describes
de werkwijze de bijkomende stap omvat van = the method comprises the additional step of
de werkwijze die voorheen beschreven werd = the method described previously
De werkwijze is bovendien gunstig = The method is additionally beneficial
De werkwijze is dan specifiek voor = The method is then specifically for
De werkwijze is in het bijzonder voordelig = The method is particularly advantageous
De werkwijze kan daarbij de stap bevatten = The method may thereby include the step
De werkwijze kan eveneens gebruikt worden = The method can also be used
De werkwijze kan voordeelsmatig gebruik maken van = The method can advantageously make use of
De werkwijze maakt het mogelijk om = The method permits
De werkwijze omvat = The method comprises
De werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap = The method comprises the additional step
de werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap van = the method comprises the additional step of
De werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap van = The method comprises the additional step of
De werkwijze omvat de stappen van = The method comprises the following steps
De werkwijze omvat de stappen van = The method comprises the steps of
De werkwijze omvat het vermijden 12 van = The method comprises the avoidance 12 of
De werkwijze omvat het vermijden van = The method comprises the avoidance of
De werkwijze omvat stappen = The method includes steps
de werkwijze omvat verder = the method further comprises
De werkwijze omvat voorts = The method further comprises
de werkwijze omvattend = the method comprising
de werkwijze omvattende = the method comprising
de werkwijze omvattende de stappen van = the method comprising the steps of
de werkwijze substantieel automatisch wordt uitgevoerd = the method is carried out substantially automatically
de werkwijze toelaat = the method allows
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan � = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan � = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan éé = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan éé = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate
de werkwijze verder een stap omvat = the method further comprises a step
De werkwijze volgens conclusie = The method according to claim
De werkwijze volgens conclusie = The method of claim
De werkwijze volgens conclusie 20 = The method according to claim 20
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding = The method according to the invention
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding is toepasbaar = The method according to the invention can be applied
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding kan worden toegepast = The method according to the invention can be applied
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding kan worden toegepast in allerlei syste = The method according to the invention can be applied in all sorts of syst
de werkwijze volgens één der conclusies = the method of any of claims
De werkwijze volgens een der voorgaande conclusies = The method of any of the preceding claims
De werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The method of any of the preceding claims
De werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van de conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van de voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of the previous claims
de werkwijze volgens het eerste aspect = the method according to the first aspect
De werkwijze volgens ��n van conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens ��n van de conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of the previous claims
De werkwijze volgens onderhavige uitvinding = The method of the present invention
de werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen = the method according to embodiments
de werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = the method according to embodiments of the present invention
"de werkwijze voor het vastleggen, maskeren en verzenden van een videofeed" = "the method capturing, masking and transmitting video feed based on the in"
de werkwijze zoals hierin beschreven = the method as described herein
de werkzaamheden afronden = to complete the work
de werkzaamheden afronden = to finalize the work
De werkzaamheden bestaan uit = The work consists of
de werkzaamheden der vennootschap = the activities of the partnership
De werkzaamheden door de door Yellax ter beschikking gestelde personen = The work performed by the staff posted by Yellax
de werkzaamheden en activiteiten = the work and activities
De werkzaamheden kunnen uitgevoerd worden = The work can be performed
de werkzaamheden niet naar behoren uitvoert = has failed to perform the Services properly
de werkzaamheden te hervatten = to resume the work
de werkzaamheden tijdens normale werkuren kunnen worden uitgevoerd = the work can be carried out during normal working hours
De werkzaamheden vinden gefaseerd plaats = The work will take place in phases
De werkzaamheden vinden plaats = The work will take place
De werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd = The work will be carried out
De werkzame stof in dit middel is = The active substance is
de wesp = wasp
de Westhoek = the Westhoek
de Wet op de ondernemingsraden bevat de kaders voor de medezeggenschap = the Works Councils Act contains the frameworks for employee participation
de wet op de privacy = privacy legislation
de wet van 24 december 1993 betreffende de overheidsopdrachten = the Act dated 24 December 1993 relating to government contracts
de Wet van Murphy = 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.'
De Wet verbetering Poortwachter en het Reïntegratieverslag = Dutch law pertaining to reintegration from sick leave / Dutch Gatekeeping
de wetenschap = science
de wetenschap = the scientific community
de wetgever = legislation
de wetgever = legislature
de wetgever heeft op overtreding van de voorziening een behoorlijk zware  = the legislature has set a rather heavy penalty for the infringement of th
de wetgeving betreffende het auteursrecht = copyright law
de wettelijke bepalingen die aan het vonnis ten grondslag liggen = the statutory provisions on which the sentence is based
de wettelijke bepalingen met betrekking tot de identificatie zijn door mi = the legal requirements with respect to identification have been fulfilled
de wettelijke eisen die gesteld worden aan elektrische apparaten = the legal requirements for electrical devices
de wettelijke rente over de proceskosten verschuldigd zijn = shall owe the statutory interest on the costs of the proceedings
de wetten van een ander rechtstelsel = the laws of another legal system
de wieg = the cradle
de wierook = incense
de wig = the wedge
de wijde wereld = the big wide world
de wijn = wine
de wijngaard = the vineyard
de wijnoogt = vintage
de wijnstok = the vine
de wijsheid = wisdom
de wijze van betaling = the method of payment
de wijze waarop de API de plaatsbepaling uitvoert = the manner in which the API performs the positioning
de wijze waarop de overeenkomst tot stand zal komen = how the agreement will be concluded
de wijze waarop de overeenkomst tot stand zal komen en welke handelingen  = how the agreement will be concluded and what actions are required to this
de wijze waarop producten tot rijen en rijen tot lagen worden geformeerd = the way in which products are formed into rows and rows are formed into l
de wijze waarop uw klacht is behandeld = the way in which your complaint was dealt with
de wijzigingsgebeurtenis omvattende een code = the change event comprising a code
de wil = will
de wilsrechten worden niet toegepast = the optional right is not exercised
de wimper = eyelash
de wind = wind
de windroos = the wind rose
de winkel wordt door de franchisenemer als zelfstandig ondernemer geëxpl = independent trader
de winkel wordt door de franchisenemer als zelfstandig ondernemer geëxpl = the shop is being operated by the franchisee as an independent trader und
De winst per aandeel = Earnings per share
de winst wordt eerst verdeeld en daarna uitgekeerd = first the profit is appropriated and thereupon distributed
de winter = winter
de winterslaap houden = to hibernate
de woensdag = Wednesday
de wol = the wool
De Wolden = De Wolden
de wolf = the wolf
de wolk = cloud
De Woonmensen = De Woonmensen
de woordvoerder = spokesman
de woorst = sausage
de wortel = the root
de wraak = vengeance
de wratten van Hasall-Henle = Hassall's corpuscles
de xanthine-oxidase = hypoxanthine oxidase: xanthine oxidase: an iron-molybdenum flavoprotein t
de zaadstreng = funiculus spermaticus
de zaag = the saw
de zaag van Gigli = Gigli saw
De zaagketting op het kettingwiel (6/3) en in de groef van het zaagblad a = Place the saw chain on chain sprocket (6/3) and in the groove of the chai
De zaagketting vervolgens rondom het omkeerwiel op het zaagblad heen hale = "Following this, guide the saw chain around the reversing sprocket of the "
De zaagketting zal aan de onderkant van het zaagblad iets doorhangen. = The saw chain hangs down slightly on the underside of the chain bar.
de zaak afdoen door een compromis = to settle the matter upon a compromise
de zaak als de verpakking = the item and the packaging
de zaak in voortzetting stellen = postpone the case
de zaak is in onderzoek = the matter is being investigated
de zaak is voor risico van de verkoper = the seller bears the risk of the thing
de zaak naar de rol te verzenden = to place the case in the cause list
de zaak niet meer vertrouwen = to become suspicious
de zaak op zijn partner overschrijven = put the business in one's partner’s name
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is down for a hearing
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is in the docket (US)
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is on the list
de zaak tot het einde doorzetten = to push the matter through
de zaak tot het einde doorzetten = to see the matter through
de zaal = the audience
de zachte gelkapsel = soft  gelatin capsule
de zachte gummy van de uitvinding = the soft gummy of the invention
de zak = pocket
De zaken = The goods
de zaken der vennootschap = the partnership’s affairs
de zaken en belangen van de Onderneming = the business and interests of the Company
de zaken en belangen van Werkgever = the affairs and interests of Employer
de zaken op een andere dan gebruikelijke wijze dienen te worden geleverd = goods should be delivered in a different way than usual
de zaken ten vervoer ter beschikking te stellen = tendering the goods for carriage
de zaklantaarn = flashlight
de zalm = the salmon
de zaterdag = Saturday
de zee = sea
de zee-egel = the sea urchin
de zeef = the sieve
de zeemeeuw = the sea-gull
de zeep = the soap
de zegening = the blessing
de zekerheid = security
de zelfde opeenvolging van = the same sequence of
de zenuw = nerve
de zenuwweefselgroeifactor = nerve  growth factor
De zetel van de vennootschap is gevestigd in = The registered office of the company is located in
de zetkop (van klinknagel) = die head
de zich in het griffiedossier bevindende gedingstukken = the case documents in the court file
De zich op Overmacht beroepende partij = The party invoking force majeure
De zich op Overmacht beroepende partij verstrekt op eerste verzoek bewijs = The party invoking force majeure shall provide evidence of the force maje
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospital care
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospital treatment
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospitalization
de ziekenhuiszorg = medical care in the hospital
de ziekenkas = health insurance
de ziekenkas = medical insurance
de ziekte = illness
de ziekte van Camurati-Engelmann = progressive  diaphyseal dysplasia
de ziekte van Friedreich = hereditary spinal sclerosis
de ziekte van Friedreich = "hereditary spinal sclerosis, Friedreich disease"
de ziekte van Friedreich = Friedreich ataxia
de ziekte van Gougerot = allergic cutaneous angiitis
de ziekte van Gougerot = allergic cutaneous vasculitis
de ziekte van Gougerot = Gougerot's syndrome
de ziekte van Gougerot = Gougerot's trisymptomatic disease
de ziekte van Gowers = Gowers' atrophy
de ziekte van Heine-Medin = Heine-Medin disease
de ziekte van Kikuchi = histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
de ziekte van Landau-von Hippel = Cushing  hemangioma
de ziekte van Lou Gehrig = "Lou  Gehrig's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"
de ziekte van Lou Gehrig = progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
de ziekte van Parkinson = Parkinson's disease (Parkinson's disease)
de ziekte van Romberg = Romberg disease
de ziektes van het vegetatief zenuwstelsel = diseases of the  autonomic nervous system
de ziektetoestand = statement
de ziel = the soul
de zijde = silk
de zijde gericht naar = the side facing
de zijde gericht naar de buitenomgeving = the side facing the outside environment
de zijde waarop het elektrische inrichting is gemonteerd = the side on which the electrical device is mounted
de zijkniptang = cutting pliers
de zijne = its
de zijne = his
De zijne = Hers
de zijportie = the side portion
"de zijportie, de afdekportie en de eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen" = "the side portion, the covering portion and the first and second connectin"
"de zijportie, de afdekportie en de eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen" = "the side portion, the covering portion and the first and second connectin"
de zijwand = the side wall
de zijwanden = the side walls
de zijwanden daarvan = the side walls thereof
de zingeving van = the meaning of
de zinneloosheid = mental illness
de zogenaamde = the so-called
de zomer = summer
de zon = the sun
de zondag = Sunday
de zones die patiëntinformatie bevatten = the zones containing patient information
de zonlichtbehandeling = solar radiation
de zonnebloem = the sun-flower
de zonne-energiebranche = the solar energy industry
de zonnewende = the solstice
de zoon = son
de zorg op zich nemen voor = to assume charge of
de zorg op zich nemen voor = to take charge of
de zorg van een goed opdrachtnemer in acht te nemen = must exercise the care of a good contractor
de zorg voor = taking care of
de zorg voor ouderen = elderly care
de zorg voor ouderen = providing care for the elderly
de zorg voor ouderen = taking care of the elderly
de zorg voor ouderen = elder care
de zorgaanbieder = "health care provider: a person or organization that helps to identify, tr"
de zorgsector = healthcare
de zuil = column
"De zuiverheid van een diamant wordt bepaald door het aantal, de grootte, " = "The clarity - or purity - of a diamond is determined by the number, the s"
de zuster = sister
de zuurteregelaar = the pH-adjusting agent
de zwaan = the swan
de zwaluw = the swallow
de zwangere vrouwen = pregnant women
de zwangere vrouwen = expectant mothers
de zwangerschapstetanie = gestation tetany
de zwavel = the sulphur
de zweetklierontsteking = suppurative  hydrosadenitis
de zweetklierontsteking = suppurative hidradenitis
de zweetklierontsteking = Verneuil's disease
de zwerm = the swarm
de zwevers = floaters: spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vi
DEA = Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs
deaccorderen = disapprove
Deactiveer = Deactivate
deactiveren = deactivate
Deactiveren via = Deactivate via
Deactiveren via accountinstellingen = Deactivating via account settings
deactivering = deactivation
deadline = deadline
deadline (datum) = deadline
deadline {de} = deadline
deadlines = deadlines
deadlines gehaald worden = deadlines are met
deadlines op een opdracht = job deadlines
deadlocks = deadlocks
Deadweight loss = Deadweight loss
Deadweight loss = Dead loss
DEA-FIA = Finance Information and Accounting office (Finance Office)
DEA-IM = Information Management Office
dealer = agent
Dealer = Racketeer
Dealer = Peddler
dealer = dealer
Dealer = Trafficker
dealer = dealer
Dealer development = Dealer development
Dealer display = Dealer display
Dealer netwerk = Dealer network
dealer(s = dealer(s
Dealercontract = Dealer contract
dealer-installeerbaar = dealer installable
dealernetwerk = dealer network
dealers = dealers
Dealersupport = Dealer support
Dean = Dean
dean = dean
dean = Dean
Dean (van een school) = Dean
DEA-PC = Planning and Control Office
DEA-PIA = Personnel Information and Administration Office (Personnel Office)
Death metal = Death metal
Debacle = Collapse
Debacle = Break-up
Debacle = Ice flow
Debacle = Breaking up
Debacle = Rout
debâcle = collapse
debâcle = abortion
debat = argument
Debat = Debate
debatteren = beat off
"debatteren, uitpraten, bespreken" = debate  (participate in a debate)
debet = debit
debetadvies = debit advice
debetkaartdiensten = debit card services
debetkaarten = debit cards
Debetrekening = Debit account
debetvalutadatum = debit value date
Debetzijde = Debit side
Debetzijde = Debit
Debetzijde = Debtor's side
Debiet = Flow rate
debiet = flow
Debiet = Debit
debiet = capacity
Debiet = Modulus
Debiet = Air flow
debiet = discharge
debiet = flow rate
debiet meter / = flow meter
debiet of regelwaarde = flow rate or control value
debiet sneeuw = snow flow rate
debietbegrenzer = flow limiter
debietbegrenzer = flow limiter set
debieteis = flow rate requirement
debieten = flow rates
debieten en regelwaarden = flow rates and control values
debieten of regelwaarden = flow rates or control values
Debietmeetdiensten = Flow-monitoring services
Debietmeetuitrusting = Flow-measuring equipment
debietmeter = flow meter
debietregelaar = discharge regulator
debietregelaar voor het regelen van de snelheid van de banden = flow controller for controlling the speed of the belts
debietsensor = flow sensor
debiteren = debit
debiteren = narrate
debiteren voor een bedrag = charge
debiteren voor een bedrag = debit entry
debiteren voor een bedrag = to debit with an amount
debitering = debit adjustment
debiteur = creditor
Debiteur = Debtor
debiteur {de} = debtor
debiteuren = debtors
debiteuren (boekhoudkundig) = accounts receivable
debiteuren (boekhoudkundig) = accounts collectable (see: crediteuren = accounts payable)
Debiteuren Administrateur = Debtors Accountant
Debiteuren en Artikelen = Accounts receivable and products
debiteuren manen tot betaling = to demand payment from debtors
debiteurenadministratie [1] = accounts receivable department
debiteurenadministratie [2] = accounts receivable records
debiteurenadministratie [3] = management of the accounts receivable
debiteurenbeheer = h: credit controller
debiteurenbeheer = credit management
debiteurenbeheer = debtor management
debiteurenbeheer = management of payments owed by customers
debiteurenbeheer = receivables management
debiteurenbeheerder = credit manager
debiteurenboek = sold ledger
Debiteurenboek = Sales ledger
debiteuren-controlerekening = sales ledger control account
debiteurenkrediet = debtor credit
Debiteurenland = Debtors' land
debiteurenlanden = debtor countries
Debiteurenmanagement = Debtor management
Debiteuren-netto = "Accounts receivables, net"
debiteurennummer = debtor number
debiteurenrekening = debtor account
Debiteurenrisico = Bad debt risk
debiteurenrisico = debtor risk
debiteurensubstitutie = debtor substitution
debiteurentermijn = debtor collection period
Debiteurnummer = Debtor number
debiteurnummer = debtor number
debitrice = debtor
Deblokkeer = unblock
deblokkeren = to release
deblokkeren (gelden) = "release, unfreeze (funds)"
deblokkeren (leerstoel) = release (the chair of)
Deblokkeren veerpotten = De-blocking die cushioning
deblokkering = release of royalties
deblokkering = anti-jamming
deblokkeringscode = unblock code
deblokkeringsmaatregel = anti-jamming measure
deblokkeringsmarge = anti-jamming margin
deblokkerings-PIN = subsidy PIN
debouncen = debounce
debrasquage = pot manufacture workshop
debrasseren = clear the tables
débridement = debridement
débridementmiddel = debridement agent
debriefing = debriefing
Debt Service Capacity Ratio = Debt Service Capacity Ratio
Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Debt servicing capacity = Debt servicing capacity
Debt-service ratio = Kasstroom ratio
debug = debug
debugcode = debug code
debugger = debugger
debugging = debugging
debuglogboek = debugging logbook
debugoperaties = debugging operations
deca = deca
decaan = student counsellor
Decaan = Dean
Decaan = Decane
Decaan = Provost
decaan = Student Counsellor
decaan (faculteit) = dean
decaan (faculteitsdecaan) = dean (faculty dean)
decaan (studenten) = student counsellor
decaan (studentendecaan) = student counsellor
decaan en directeur = dean and director
Decaan van de Faculteit der … = Dean of the Faculty of …
decaan van de FALW VU = Dean of the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW) of the VU
decaan van de FNWI UvA = Dean of the Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the UvA
Decaan van een faculteit = Dean of a Faculty
Decaanzuur = Decanoic acid
decaanzuur = decanoic acid
Decachloorbifenyl = Decachlorobiphenyl
Decachloorbifenylether = Decachlorobiphenylether
decaden = figures/digits
decadencondensatorbank = decade condenser instrument
Decadentie = Decadence
decadenweerstandsbank = decade resistance instrument
"decaf {m}, [Belgium] deca" = decaf (a decaffeinated drink)
decalcomanie en vastklevende stickers aangebracht door middel van een str = decals and iron-on heat transfers
decaliter = decaliter
decameter = decametre
decametrische golf = decametric wave
decanaat = Student Counsellors' Office
decanaat = student counselling service
decanaat = deanship
Decanal = Decanal
decanen = deans
decanteren = to decant
Decanteren = Carafe
Decanteren = Decanter
decanteren = decant
decastyle = decastyle
Décathlon = Decathlon
decatiseren = decatize
Decay-effect = Decay effect
Decay-theorie = Decay theory
Deceen = Decene
deceleratie = deceleration
decelereren = decelerate
December = December
december = December
december {de} = December <Dec.>
decemberdagen = december days
Decennia = Decade
decennia {mv} = decades
decennia lange ervaring = decades of experience
decennialang = for decades
decenniën {mv} = decades
Decennium = Decade
decennium {het} = decade
decent = decent
decent = decently
decentraal = locally
Decentraal = Peripheral
decentraal = decentralised
decentraal = devolved
decentraal = local
decentraal beslissingen = decentralised decisions
decentraal bijgehouden lijst = decentralised list
Decentraal Functioneel Beheer = Decentralised Operational Management (HvA)
Decentraal opgewekte energie = Locally generated energy
decentraal opgewekte stroom = locally generated power
decentraal parkeren = decentralised parking
Decentraal ventilatie-verwarmingstoestel = Peripheral ventilation heater
decentrale = decentral
decentrale = decentralised
decentrale bestand = local file
decentrale bestuurseenheden = decentralised operational units
decentrale elektriciteitsopwekking = decentralised power plant
Decentrale hardware = Decentralised hardware
decentrale intelligentie = decentralised intelligence
decentrale internet = decentralised internet
decentrale levering = decentralised delivery
Decentrale luchttoe- en luchtafvoer = Peripheral supply and exhaust
Decentrale luchttoevoer/centrale luchtafvoer = Peripheral supply/central exhaust
decentrale niveaus = decentralised levels
decentrale omvormer = decentralised inverter
decentrale omvormers = decentralised inverters
Decentrale opwekking = Combined heat and power
decentrale selectie = decentralised selection
Decentralisatie = Decentralization
decentralisatie = decentralisation
decentralisatie huisvesting = decentralised accommodation
decentralisatie huisvestingslasten = decentralised accommodation costs
decentralised application = decentralised application
decentralised application = dApp
decentralised applications = decentralised applications
decentraliseren = to decentralize
decentraliseren = to decentralise [Br.]
decentralisering = decentralization
decentralized application = decentralised application
decentralized application = dApp
decentralized applications = decentralised applications
decentralized wiring = decentralised wiring
Decertificering = Cancellation
Decertificering = cancellation of depositary receipts for shares in exchange for Shares
Decertificering = cancellation of the depositary receipts for shares in exchange for Shares
dechalinium = dequalinium: a topical bacteriostat
dechaliniumchloride = dequalinium chloride: a topical antiseptic
Decharge = Discharge
déchargebesluit = decision to grant discharge from liability (‘déchargebesluit’)
dechargeverlening = granting of discharge
dechargeverlening (aan de directie door de algemene vergadering van aande = Motion to endorse the policies of (pursued by) the Directors / Board of M
deci = deci
decibel = decibel
decibel = decibel: dB
Decibelmeter = Decibel meter
decibelschaal = decibel scale
deciel = decile
decimaal = decimal
decimaal = decimal place
decimaal cijfer = decimal digit
decimaal getal = decimal numeral
decimaal stelsel = decimal notation
decimaal teken = decimal point
decimaal veld = decimal field
"decimaal, decimale, tientallig, tientallige" = decimal {adj} (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations us
"Decimaal, octaal, hexadecimaal" = "Decimal, octal, hexadecimal"
decimaalstelsel = decimal
"decimaalstelsel, tientallig talstelsel" = decimal (number system)
decimaalteken {het} = decimal point
Decimale graad = Rank
decimale komma = decimal point
decimale punt = decimal point
"decimale stelsel, tientallig stelsel" = decimal system (numerical system of counting in tens)
decimale uren = decimal hours
decimale verzwakker = decimal attenuator
decimalen = decimals
decimalen = decimal places
decimeter = decimetre
Decimeter = Decimeter
decimetrische golf = decimetric wave
deci-millimetrische golf = decimillimetric wave
Decisiemodel = Decision-making model
Decision making unit = Decision making unit
Decision Support System = decision support system
decitex = decitex
Decius = Decius (emperor)
declamator = reciter
declameren = declaim
Declarabiliteits rapportage = Billable time reporting
declarant = claimant
declaratie = notification of a work
declaratie = expense claim
Declaratie = Statement
declaratie = expense statement
declaratie = declaration
declaratie = expense claim
declaratie = expense statement
declaratie = claim
declaratie (reiskosten) = expense claim
declaratie en initialisatie = declaration and initialisation
declaratie kosten binnenland = claim for domestic travelling expenses
declaratie kosten buitenland = claim for international travelling expenses
Declaratie van allergenen = declaration of allergenic ingredients
Declaratie van allergenen = Declaration of allergens
Declaratie van de kosten dienstreis = Statement of expenses for costs of business trips
declaratie van dividend = declaration of dividend
declaratie van dividend = expense account
declaratie van dividend = voucher
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = account
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = bill
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = statement of expenses
declaratie voor honorarium = fee-note
declaratiebedrag = amount billed
declaratiebedrag = amount of the expense claim
declaratiebedrag = amount of the statement of expenses
declaratiebedrag = invoice amount
declaratiedetails = expense claim details
declaratief programmeren = declarative programming
declaratieformulier = notification form of a work
declaratieformulier = claims form
declaratieformulier = expense claim form
Declaratieformulier Regeling Kinderopvang = Form Request Payment Childcare
declaraties = claims
declaraties = expense claims
declaraties = expense statements
Declaraties dienen te worden ingediend onder overlegging van originele no = the expense claims must be accompanied by original (itemised) invoices
declaratiesectie = Declarations section
declaratieve beveiligingscontrole = declarative security check
declaratieve kennis = declarative knowledge
Declaratieve kennis = Declaratory knowledge
declaratieve regel = declarative rule
declaratieve taal = declarative language
declaratieve werkstroom = declarative workflow
Declaration of Amsterdam = Declaration of Amsterdam
declaration of conformity = declaration of conformity
declaration of conformity for devices intended for clinical investigation = declaration of conformity for devices intended for clinical investigation
declaratoire kennis = declarative knowledge
declareren = declare
Declareren = State
declareren en initialiseren = declare and initialise
"declareren, verklaren, uitspreken" = announce  (to pronounce
"declareren, verklaren, uitspreken" = declare by judicial sentence)
declares that the machine = declares that the machine
declasseren = to declassify
declasseren = to downgrade
declinale = anticline
declinatie = declination
Declinatie (astronomie) = Declination
declineren = to decline
Deco = Deco
decodeer/stuurorgaan = decoder/driver
decodeerapparaat = decoder
decodeerapparatuur = decoders
decodeerboom = tree
decodeerder = decoder
decodeereenheid = colour decoder
decodeerorgaan = decoder
decodeerschakeling = decoder
decoder = decoder
decoder achteruitrijcamera = reversing camera decoder
decoder interieurbewakingscamera in combinatie met navigatiesysteem = 'decoder interior surveillance camera in combination with navigation syst
decoder video via navigatie display = decoder video via navigation display
decoderen = decrypt
decoderen = to decode
decoderen = decode
decodering = decoding
Decolleté = Low-necked
Decolleté = Neckline
Decolleté = Low-cut
Decolleté = Decolletage
décolleté = cleavage
decolliminatie = decollimation
decommutatie = decommutation
Decompensatie = Decompensation
decompilatie = decompilation
decompileerprogramma = decompiler
decompileren = to decompile
decomponeren = decomposition
decompositie = decomposition
decompositie theorema van Wold = Wold's decomposition theorem
decompositie-atrofie = inanition atrophy
decompositieproces = decomposition process
decomposities = decompositions
decompressie = decompression
Decompressie = Bearing
decompressietank = hyperbaric chamber
decompressieziekte = decompression sickness
decompressor = decompressor
deconcentratie = devolution
deconcentratie = deconcentration
Decongestivum = Decongestant
decongestivum = decongestant
deconstructie = deconstruction
deconstructionisme (Derrida) = "deconstructionism, deconstruction"
Decontaminatie verklaring = Decontamination declaration
Decontaminatieformulier = Decontamination form
decontaminatiestappen = decontamination steps
decor = scenery
decor = "set (film, toneel)"
Decor = Tile
Decor = Location
Decor = Decoration
decor = set
Decor = Décor
Decorafdekrand = Decor frame
decoratie = decorative materials
decoratie = décor
Decoratie = Decoration
decoratie / ornament / versiering = decoration
decoratie voor pakjes = package decorations
decoratieartikel = decorative item
Decoratieartikelen = Decorating supplies
decoratief = decorative
decoratief vloersysteem = decorative flooring system
decoratieve chocolade elementen = decorative chocolate elements
decoratieve elementen = decorative elements
decoratieve magneten = decorative magnets
decoratieve papierstroken om op planken aan te brengen = decorative paper strips for fixing to shelves
decoratieve toepassingen = decorative applications
Decoratieve verlichting = Decorative lighting
decoratieve verven en vernissen = Decorative paints and varnishes
Decoratieve Vloerensystemen = Decorative Flooring Systems
decoratieve vloersystemen = decorative floor systems
Decoratieve voorwerpen = Ornaments
"decoratieve, UV-bestendige vloerafwerking" = "decorative, UV-resistant floor finish"
Decoratiewerkzaamheden = Decoration work
Decorator = Set designer
Decorator = Decorator
decoreen decor ontwerpen = design a set / scenery
Decorelement = Decor element
decoreren = adorn
decoreren = to decorate
decorlift = lift for stage scenery
Decorum = Decorum
Decor-vereffeningspaneel = Decor-correction blind
decoupeerzaag = power jigsaw
decoupeerzaag = jig saw
Decoupeerzaag (accu) = Jig saw (battery)
Decoupeerzaag (elektrisch) = Jig saw (electrical)
decoupeerzaag / (machinale) figuurzaag = jigsaw
decoupeerzaagblad = jigsaw blade
Decoupeerzaagblad = Jig saw blade
Decoupler = Decoupler
Decreasing returns to scale = Decile
decreet = decree
Decreet = Decree
Decreet = Edict
decrement = decrement
decreten = decrees
decreteren = decree
decrypteren = decrypting
decrypteren = decrypt
decrypteren van het versleutelde = decrypting of the encrypted
decryptie = decoder
decryptie = decryption
decryptiesleutel = decryption key
DECT-basis = DECT-basis
DECT-basisstation = DECT-basis station
DECT-module = DECT-module
DECT-repeater = DECT-repeater
DECT-richtantenne = DECT-beam antenna
decubitus = pressure sore
Decubitus = Decubitus
Decubitus = Bedsore
decursus = end of treatment
Decylamine = Decylamine
decylglucoside = decyl glucoside
deden = worked
deden = did
deden = made
dedicated = dedicated
dedicated device = dedicated device
Dedicated en Supported hosting = Dedicated and Supported hosting
dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid = dedicated hardware processing unit
dedicated hosting = dedicated hosting
Dedicated hosting-oplossing = dedicated hosting solution
Dedicated hosting-oplossingen = dedicated hosting solutions
Dedicated of Supported hosting = Dedicated or Supported hosting
dedicated reviewer = dedicated reviewer
dedicated reviewers = dedicated reviewers
dedicated reviewpool = dedicated review pool
dedicated server = dedicated server
dedicated team = dedicated team
dedicated-hostingoplossing = dedicated hosting solution
deduceren = abstract
Deduceren = Deduct
deductie = deduction
Deductie = Deductive reasoning
Deductieve benadering = Deductive approach
deductieve database = deductive database
deductieve foutsimulatie = deductive fault simulation
Deductieve statistiek = Deductive statistics
deed = worked
deed = made
deed = did
deed aangifte = aangifte doen [aan autoriteiten]
deed aangifte = come forward
deed aangifte = file a criminal complaint
deed aangifte = file a report with the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = filing a complaint with the Police
deed aangifte = make/file a declaration (m.b.t. douanegoederen)
deed aangifte = notify the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = press charges
deed aangifte = refer [breaches] to the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = report
deed aangifte = report [a criminal offence] to the authorities
deed aangifte = report a case/breach/offence/violation
deed aangifte = submit an incident report [to the police]
deed het goed = did well
deed recht aan = did justice to
Deeg = Dough
deeg voor gebak = cake paste
deegproducten = pasta products
deegrol {de} = rolling pin
Deegroller = Rolling pin
deegroller {de} = rolling pin
deegschraper = scraper
deegwaren = pasta
deegwaren en noedels = pasta and noodles
deegwarenfabrieken = Dough products industry
deegwerking = dough extensibility
deel = divide
deel = portion
deel = member
deel = element
deel = item
Deel = Part
deel = fraction
deel = section
deel = part
deel = section
deel = share
Deel = Party
Deel = Piece
deel = parts
deel = tile
deel (van vruchtbeginsel) = loculus
deel {het} = share
deel {het} = part
Deel 1 = Part 1
Deel 2 = Part 2
Deel A van de ISPS-Code = Part A of the ISPS Code
Deel B van de ISPS-Code = Part B of the ISPS Code
deel- en spoedleveringen = part and urgent deliveries
deel FCL-bewijs van bevoegdheid = Part-FCL licence
deel I = Part I
Deel II = Part II
deel III = Part III
deel informatie = share information
Deel ouderschapsverlof al opgenomen = Part of the parental leave already taken
Deel Parkeergarage = Shared car park
deel te nemen aan kansspelen = participate in games of chance
deel uit van de behuizing = forms part of the housing
deel uitmaakt of verbonden is met = is part of or connected to
deel uitmaakt van een reeks = is part of a series
deel uitmaken = depend
deel uitmaken van een team = being part of a team
deel uitmaken van een voor verdeling vatbare onverdeeldheid = to form part of an undivided interest subject to division
deel van de = part of the
deel van de douane-unie = part of the customs union
deel van een constructie = member
deel van een constructie (bouwkunde) = member
deel van het grondgebied = Part of the territory
deel van het leerproces = part of the learning process
deelachtig worden = get
deelactiviteit = sub-activity
deelactiviteiten = sub-activities
Deelactiviteiten (projectplan) = subactivities
deelarmen = part arms
deelaspect = aspect
deelaspect = one aspect
deelaspect = partial aspect
Deelbaar = Divisible
Deelbaar = Separable
Deelbaar = Factor
deelbaar [door] = divisible [by]
deelbare graaf = bipartite graph
Deelbare koppeling/wartel = Separable screw gland
deelbeeldafstandmeter = split image rangefinder
deelbekrachtigingsimpuls = partial drive pulse
deelbelangen = particular interests
deelbesluiten = decisions
deelbestek = Part of the bill of quantities
deelbestelling = part order
deelbestelling = partial order
deelbewijs = share certificate
deelbewijzen = share certificates
deelbewijzen op naam = registered share certificates
"deelbewijzen, certificaten" = "share certificates, depositary receipts for shares"
"deelbewijzen, certificaten of andere instrumenten" = "share certificates, depositary receipts for shares or other instruments"
Deelbijdragen = individual modules
deelbord = subblackboard
deelcapaciteit = partial capacitance
deelcertificaat = partial certificate
deelcircuit = scaling circuit
deelcompetentie = sub-competence
deelcompetenties = sub-competences
deelconclusie = part claim
deelconstructies = structural elements
Deeldeur = Partial door
deeldiscipline = subdiscipline
deeldomein = subdomain
deeldosis = divided dose
deeldosis = fractional dose
deeldosis = partial dose
deeleconomie = Sharing Economy
deelexamen = interim examination
deelexamen = modular examination
deelfacet = area of interest
deelfacet = focus
deelfacet = point of (special / particular) interest
deelfiguur = subfigure
deelgebied = area
deelgebied = sub-sector
deelgebied = certain area
deelgebied = particular area
deelgebied = sub-area
deelgebied = sub-region
deelgebied = branch
deelgebieden = subregion
deelgebieden = subregions
deelgebieden = subsectors
deelgebieden = sub-areas
deelgeheel = partial assembly
deelgemeente = "borough (borough, in bijzonder in Londen en New York)"
deelgemeente = borough
deelgenomen = participated
deelgenomen = sympathized
deelgenomen aan de jaarlijkse = participated in this year’s
deelgenoot = associate
deelgenoot zijn in een onverdeeldheid = to be a joint holder of an ivided interest
deelgerechtigde = zie rechthebbende
Deelgerechtigden = interested parties
deelgroef = sub-groove
deelgroep = sub-group
deelgroeven = sub-grooves
deelhandeling = sub-activity
deelharmonische = subharmonic
deelhebber in onverdeeld bezit = joint owner
deelketting = back beam
deelklasse = subclass
deelkromme = partial curve
deellading = partial load
deellast verrijking = part throttle enrichment
deellastbedrijf = partial load operation
Deellastbereik = Partial load range
deellastbereik = partial load range
deelleesimpuls = partial read pulse
deellevering = part delivery
deellevering = part-delivery
deellevering = partial delivery
deellevering = split delivery
deellevering = split order
deellevering = part delivery
deellevering = partial delivery
deel-levering = split order
deel-levering = partial delivery
deellevering(en) = part delivery(ies)
deelleveringen = part deliveries
deellijn = division line
deellijnen = section lines
deelmark = market segment
deelmarkt = market segment
Deelmarkten = Market of one seller
deelmarkten van de bouwnijverheid = segments of the construction industry
deelmatrix = submatrix
deelmonster = part sample
deelnaad = division seam
deelname = contribution
deelname = participation
deelname = presence
deelname = participate
deelname = engagement
deelname aan de economie en maatschappij = participation in the economy and society
deelname aan de reis = participation in the trip
deelname aan deze regeling eindigt = participation in this scheme ends
deelname aan programma's van de Gemeenschap = participation in Community programmes
deelname datum = participation date
deelname Extra OP = participation (in a) Supplemental Old-Age Pension plan
deelname leraren = teacher participation
Deelname PV ZW = Non-contributory participation in sick leave benefits (Participation NC S
deelname van het publiek = public participation
deelneemt = participate
deelneemt aan = participate in
Deelnemen = Take part
deelnemen = participate
deelnemen = participate in a pension scheme
Deelnemen = Participate
Deelnemen = Opt out of
deelnemen = to attend
deelnemen = partake
Deelnemen = Take a hand in
deelnemen = to participate
deelnemen = join
deelnemen aan = to take part in
deelnemen aan = participating in
deelnemen aan een cursus = to take part / to participate in a course
deelnemen aan het partnerschap = participate in the partnership
deelnemen aan onderzoek = participate in research
deelnemen in = take a participating interest in
deelnemen in = take a share in
deelnemen in de digitale samenleving = participate in the digital society
deelnemend land = participating country
deelnemend land dat om vervoersteun verzoekt = participating State requesting transport support
deelnemende appartementen van het Appartementencomplex = participating Apartments in the Apartment complex
deelnemende bedrijven = participating companies
deelnemende gedelegeerde = participating delegate
deelnemende gedelegeerden = participating delegates
deelnemende gemeenten = participating municipalities
deelnemende juridische lichamen = participating legal entities
deelnemende landen = participating countries
deelnemende leden aan een collectieve regeling = members participating in a collective arrangement
deelnemende luchthavens = participating airports
deelnemende maatschappijen = Participating airlines
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = investor
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = partner
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = sharer
deelnemende ondernemingen = Participating undertakings
deelnemende stad = participating city
deelnemende steden = participating cities
deelnemende vennootschappen = participating companies
deelnemende vervoersmaatschappij = participating carrier
deelnemende werknemers = participating employees
deelnemer = competitor
Deelnemer = Participator
deelnemer = participant (Wet op de kansspelen)
Deelnemer = Participant
deelnemer = member
deelnemer = scheme member
deelnemer aan de emissierechtenmarkt = emission allowance market participant
deelnemer aan een wedstrijd = entrant for a competition
deelnemer aan een wedstrijd = member of a pension scheme
deelnemer aan het economisch verkeer = market participant
deelnemer aan vergadering = meeting participant
Deelnemer is alleenstaand = Participant is unmarried
Deelnemer-/Ontvangerlijst = Attendee/Recipient List
deelnemereenheid = delegate unit
Deelnemers = Scheme members
Deelnemers = Seating Chart
deelnemers = participants
deelnemers aan de branche = those working in the field
deelnemers aan de schoolgemeenschap = members of the school community
deelnemers aan een analysegroep = participants in an analysis group
deelnemers aan het programma = programme participants
Deelnemers aan het programma = Program Participants
deelnemers uit het cluster = members of the consortium
deelnemersbestand = list of members
Deelnemersbijdrage = Members’ contribution
deelnemersbijdrage = member’s contribution
deelnemersbijdragen = member’s contributions
deelnemerschap aan pensioenregeling = membership of a pension scheme
deelnemerscode = participant code
deelnemerseenheden = delegate units
deelnemerseenheid = delegate unit
deelnemers-eenheid = delegate unit
deelnemersgegevens = participant data
deelnemersgroep = group of participants
deelnemers-ID = Participant ID
deelnemersinterface (participant interface (PI)) = Participant Interface (PI)
deelnemersjaar = year of service
deelnemersjaren = service years
deelnemer-sportal = Participant portal
deelneming = [equity] investment
deelneming = [equity] holding
deelneming = [equity] stake
deelneming = [trade] investment
deelneming = investee company
deelneming = [participating] interest
deelneming = associated company [ownership between 20% and 50%]
deelneming = subsidiary [ownership more than 50%]
deelneming = investment [ownership less than 50%]
deelneming = shareholding
deelneming = sympathy
Deelneming = Participation
Deelneming = Ownership
deelneming = (equity) holding
deelneming = (equity) stake
deelneming = (participating) interest
deelneming = (trade/trade) investment
deelneming = associated company (ownership between 20% and 50%)
deelneming = investment (ownership less than 50%)
deelneming = participation
deelneming = subsidiary (ownership more than 50%)
deelneming (participatie) = participating interests
deelneming (verbonden onderneming cf. deelnemingsverhouding) = A: Affiliated/associated entities - 1: Participating
deelneming aan de verkiezing = turnout of voters
deelneming in aandelenkapitaal = equity participation
deelneming in groepsmaatschappij = intra-group holding
deelneming in het aandelenkapitaal = equity participation
deelneming in het kapitaal van een systeemverkoper met rechten of een ver = participation in the capital with rights or representation on the board o
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = equity stake
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = participation exemption
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = participation privilege
deelnemingen = (equity) holding(s)
deelnemingen = (equity) stake(s)
deelnemingen = (participating) interest(s)
deelnemingen = (trade/trade) investment(s)
deelnemingen = associated company/ies (ownership between 20% and 50%)
deelnemingen = investment(s) (ownership less than 50%)
deelnemingen = participation(s)
deelnemingen = shareholding(s)
deelnemingen = subsidiary/ies (ownership more than 50%)
deelnemingen = investee company
deelnemingen = holding
deelnemingen = participating interest
deelnemingen = participation
deelnemingen = investments
deelnemingen = holdings
deelnemingen = participating interests
deelnemingen in dochtermaatschappijen = participating interests in subsidiary companies
deelnemingen in groepsmaatschappijen = holdings in group companies
deelnemingen in groepsmaatschappijen = investments in group companies
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - unca
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - cost
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - amou
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - surp
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen = Investments in affiliated enterprises
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - aanschaffingswaarde = Investments in affiliated enterprises - cost
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - meerwaarden = Investments in affiliated enterprises - surpluses
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - nog te storten bedragen = Investments in affiliated enterprises - uncalled amounts
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - waardeverminderingen = Investments in affiliated enterprises - amounts written down (-)
deelnemingsaanvragen = requests to participate
Deelnemingsgraad = Employment percentage
Deelnemingspercentage = Holding percentage
deelnemingstitel = certification of (part) ownership
deelnemingsvoorwaarden = entry terms and conditions
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = to offer a person one’s condolence(s)
deelnemingsvrijstelling = equity holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = participation exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial-holding exemption (‘deelnemingsvrijstelling’)
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial-holding privilege
deelnemingsvrijstelling = tax exemption for subsidiaries
Deelnemingsvrijstelling = Subsidiary's exemption
deelniveau = component level
deelonderhoud = partial maintenance
deelonderzoek = subproject
deelonderzoek = part
deelonderzoeken = sub-assessments
deelonderzoeken = subsidiary investigations
deelonderzoekje = part of the investigation
deelonderzoekje = partial investigation
deelonderzoekje = subsidiary investigation
deelonderzoekjes = subsidiary research components
deelontlading = PD
deelontwerpen = constituent designs
deelopdracht = "lot, sub-task, pa?r?t?i?a?l? ?a?s?s?i?g?n?m?e?n?t, sub-assignment, contra"
deelopdracht = part of the contract
deelopdracht = partial assignment
deelopdracht = pa?r?t?i?a?l? ?a?s?s?i?g?n?m?e?n?t
deelopdracht = contract for part of ..
deelopdracht = lot
deelopdracht = part order
deelopdracht = partial assignment
deelopdracht = sub-assignment
deelopdracht = sub-task
deelopdracht = lot
deelopdracht = sub-assignment
deelopdracht geplaats in het kader van de raamovereenkomst = lot awarded under the framework agreement
deelopdrachten = assignment component
deelopdrachten = partial assignment
deelopdrachten = significantly and demonstrably
deelopdrachten = sub-assignment
deelopdrachten = part orders
deelopdrachten = sub-agreements
deelopdrachten = sub-assignment
deelopdrachten die in het kader van de raamovereenkomst zullen worden gep = lots to be awarded under the framework agreement
deelopdrachten in het kader van een raamovereenkomst te gunnen = awarding lots under a framework agreement
Deelopdrachten kunnen onderhevig zijn aan prijswijzigingen = Individual offer components can be subject to price changes
deelopleiding = subprogramme
deelopteller = scaling adder
deelovereenkomst = subagreement
Deelovereenkomst Dienstverlening = Service Subagreement
deelovereenkomsten = separate agreement (Steven Segaert)
deelovereenkomsten = "specific agreement, subagreement, contract for part of ... (JurLex)"
deelovereenkomsten = subcontracting agreement
deelovereenkomsten = subcontractor agreement
deelovereenkomsten = Subcontractual Agreement (Bryan Crumpler)
deelpacht = share farming
deelpad = subpath
deelparameter = subparameter
deelpartij = partial load
deelpartijen en complete zendingen = part loads and full shipments
Deelplaat = Partial panel
deelplan = sub-plan
deelplannen = sub-plans
deelplatforms = partial platforms
deelpopulatie = sub-population
deelproducten = components
deelprogramma = sub program
deelproject = sub-project
deelproject = subproject
deelprojecten = sub-projects
deelrapportage = interim report
deelreeks = seriola
deelreeks = sub-series
deelresultaat = partial success
deelrisico = partial risk
deelrooster = sub-grid
deelroosters = sub-grids
deels = partially
deels = partly
Deels = In part
Deels = Partly
deels geautomatiseerde systemen = partially automated systems
deels gelijkloopt met = partly congruent with
deels gelokaliseerde taal = partially localized language
deels in het beheer van = partly under the management of
deels of volledig = partly or fully
deels wordt veroorzaakt door = partially caused by
deels zal openen = will partially open
"Deels, namelijk" = "Partially, namely"
deelsamenstelling = subassembly
Deelsanering (gedeelte locatie) = Partial (part of the site)
deelschrijfimpuls = partial write pulse
deelsector = subsector
deelsegment = sub-segment
deelsegment = partial segment
deelserie = split lot
deelsnede = division cut
deelspoel = coil section
deelstaat = Federation State
deelstaat = federal state
deelstaat {de} = state [within a country]
deelsteekproef = subsample
deelstreep = graduation mark
deelstromen = sub flows
deelstructuren van zowel het onderstel als de bovenbouw = structural components of both the chassis and the bodywork
deelstuk = module
deelsysteem = sub-system
deelsysteem = subsystem
deelsysteemontwerp = subsystem design
deelsystemen = subsystem
deelsystemen = subsystems
deelsystemen = sharing systems
deeltaak = sub-activity
deeltaal = sublanguage
deeltabel = subarray
deeltal = numerator
deeltal = dividend
deelteken = fraction bar
deeltentamen = interim examination
deelterreinen van het recht = fields of law
deelthema = sub-theme
deelthema’s = sub-themes
deeltijd = part time (adjective: part-time)
Deeltijd = Parttime
deeltijd = part time
deeltijd = part-time
deeltijd aanstelling = part-time employment
deeltijd dienstverband van minder dan = part-time employment of less than
deeltijd)pensionering = Full and/or part-time retirement
deeltijdaanstelling = part-time appointment
deeltijdarbeid = part-time employment
Deeltijdbaan = Part-time employment
deeltijdcollegegeld = part-time tuition fees
deeltijd-economie = part-time economy
deeltijdhoogleraar = part-time professor
deeltijdlandbouw = part-time farming
deeltijdonderwijs = part-time modules
deeltijdonderwijs = part-time degree programmes
deeltijdontslag = partial dismissal
deeltijdopleiding = part-time degree programme
deeltijdopleiding = part-time programme
Deeltijdpensioen = Part-time pension
Deeltijdpensionering = Partial pension
deeltijdpercentage = part-time percentage
deeltijds contract = part-time contract
deeltijdse = part-time
deeltijdse arbeid = part-time work
deeltijdse bedienden = part-time white-collar workers
deeltijdse chauffeurs = part-time drivers
deeltijdse vorm = part-time mode
Deeltijdse werknemers = Part-time workers
deeltijdse werknemers = part-time employees
deeltijdstudent = part-time student
deeltijdstudent (avondopleiding) = evening student
deeltijdstudent (oudere) = mature student
Deeltijdwerker = Part-time worker
deeltitel = one volume from a multi-volume publication
Deeltje = Compartment
deeltje = atom
deeltje = element
Deeltje = Parcel
Deeltje = Plot
deeltje = particle
deeltje {het} = particle
deeltje met hoge energie = high-energy particle
"deeltje, puntmassa" = particle
deeltjes = particulate matter
deeltjes = particulates
deeltjes = particulate
deeltjes C02 = parts of CO₂
deeltjes C02 per miljoen deeltjes lucht = parts of CO₂ per million air particles
deeltjes concentratie = particulate concentration
deeltjes erosie = particle erosion
deeltjes lucht = air particles
Deeltjesfysica = Particle physics
deeltjesgrootte = particle size
deeltjesgrootte = particle sizing
deeltjesgrootte- = particle-size
deeltjesgrootte distributies = particle size distributions
deeltjesgroottedistributie = particle size distribution
deeltjesnabehandelingsvoorziening = particulate after-treatment device
deeltjesreinheid = particulate cleanliness
deeltjesscheider = particle separator
deeltjessysteem = finite element system
deeltjesverdeling = particle distribution
Deeltjesversnellers = Particle accelerators
deeltjesvormige meststoffen = particulate fertilizers
deeltoets = sub-test
deeltoetsen = interim assessments
deeltoetsen = interim tests
deeltoetsen = sub-tests
deeltoon = overtone
deeltraject = sub-task
deeltraject = sub-project
deeltrajecten = sub-activities
DEELTRAJECTPRIJZEN = sub-task prices
deeltrap = divider stage
deeltype = subtype
deeluitgave = split copyright
deelvaardigheden = sub-skills
deelvaardigheidstraining = instruction in component skills
deelvaardigheidstraining = training in component skills
deelvenster = pane
deelvenster Bewerken = Fix pane
deelvenster Miniaturen = thumbnail pane
deelvenster Nu presenteren = Now Presenting pane
deelvenster Pagina = page pane
deelvenster Vragen en antwoorden = Questions and Answers pane
Deelverzameling = Subset
deelverzameling tekens = character subset
deelverzameling van lettertype = font subsetting
deelverzekering = partial/part insurance
deelvordering = sub-claim
deelvorderingen = sub-claims
deelvra(a)g(en) = secondary research questions
deelvraag = research sub-question
deelvraag = sub-question
deelvraag a = subquestion (a
deelvragen = sub-questions
Deelvragen ontbreken = There are missing sub-questions
deelvragen zodanig te kunnen formuleren = can formulate sub-questions in such a way
"deelvrucht (ooievaars-, reigersbek)" = mericarp
deelwaarneming = spot checks
deelwaarneming = samples
deelwaarnemingen t.b.v. accountantscontrole = audit sampling
deelwerken = partial activities (JurLex)
deelwerken = certain activities
deelwerkplek = part-time workstation
deelwijk = "neighbourhood,"
Deelwoord = Participle
deelzending = part delivery
deelzending/-verscheping = deficiency
deelzending/-verscheping = flaw
deelzending/-verscheping = partial shipment
de-emfase = de-emphasis
deemoed = humility
Deemoedig = Meek
Deemoedig = Lowly
deemoedig = humble
Deemoedig = Retiring
Deen = Danish
deen = dane
Deen {de} = Dane
Deens = Danish
Deens = Dane
Deens {het} = Danish
Deens Scheepsregister = Danish International Ship Register
Deense = Dane
Deense = Danish woman
Deense {de} = Dane [female]
Deense dog = Danish
Deense kroon = Danish krone
deense nationale dienst voor consumentenbescherming = the national consumer agency of denmark
Deense taal = Danish
deep learning = deep learning
Deep learning = Deep learning
deep learning- = deep learning
deep learning-aanbevelingssysteem = deep learning recommendation system
deep linking = deep linking
Deep Zoom = Deep Zoom
deeplinks = deep links
Deep-selling = Deep selling
Deerlijk = Pathetic
Deerlijk = Glum
Deerlijk = Comfortless
Deerlijk = Pitiable
Deerlijk = Sorrowful
Deerlijk = Forlorn
Deerlijk = Sad
deerlijk = painful
deerniswekkend = paltry
deerniswekkend = meagre [Br.]
deerniswekkend = pitiful
deerniswekkend = meager [Am.]
deerniswekkend = pathetic [pitiful]
deerniswekkend = dismal
dees = dork
Deezer = Deezer
DEF = "Deontological and Pharmaceutical Ethics Committee (DEP Committee),"
DEF = "Ministry of Defence (Ministerie van Defensie, DEF)"
defaitisme = defeatism
default = default
default aantal uur = default number of hours
default gedeactiveerd = deactivated by default
default instelling = default setting
default opstelling = default setup
default parameterloze constructor = default parameterless constructor
Default risk = Default risk
Default scherm = Default screen
Default staat de waarde op = "By default, the value is set to"
Default staat de waarde op YES. = "By default, the value is set to YES."
Default staat dit gedeactiveerd. = This is deactivated by default.
default toegang = default (package) access
default toegang = package-private
default waarde = default value
default-optie = default option
Defecatie = Defaecation
Defect = Faulty
defect = broken
defect = defective
defect = breakdown
Defect = Failure
defect = defect
defect = fault
defect {het} = defect
Defect Detection Percentage = DDP
Defect Detection Percentage = Defect Detection Percentage
Defect materiaal = Defective equipment
defect of storing = defect or malfunction
defect opkoper = defective products
defect product = defective product
defect raken = to become defective
defect sanitair = faulty plumbing
"defect, alarm of melding" = "fault, alarm or notification"
"defect, mankement, panne, stilstand" = "breakdown (a failure, particularly mechanical)"
Defecte = faulty
defecte aandrijving = malfunctioning drive mechanism
Defecte kilometerteller = Faulty odometer
defecte micro-detectoren = faulty micro-detectors
defecte onderdelen = defective parts
defecte onderdelen razendsnel kan vervangen = quickly replace defective parts
defecte print = defective circuit board
defecte zekering = faulty fuse
defecten = defects
defecten aan detectoren = malfunction of detectors
defecten aan machines of apparatuur = defects to machinery or equipment
defecten aan meetposten = defects in measuring stations
defecten en onnauwkeurigheden = defects and inaccuracies
Defecten in Materialen = Defects in Materials
defecten te veroorzaken aan het werk van anderen = cause defects to the work of others
defecten voortkomend van = defects resulting from
"Defecten, alarmen en meldingen" = "Faults, alarms and notifications"
Defect-indicatie = Defect indicator
defectlogging = fault logging
defects = defects
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
defensie = defense
defensie = defence
Defensie = Belgian Ministry of Defence
defensie {de} = defence [esp. Br.]
defensie {de} = defense [Am.]
Defensie Cyber Strategie = Defence Cyber Strategy
defensie oplossingen = defence solutions
"Defensie, Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties" = (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties: BZK)
"Defensie, Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties" = Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations  (Ministerie van Binnenlan
"defensie, landsverdediging" = army (government agency in charge of a state's army)
defensiebegroting = defence budget
defensiebeleid = defence policy
Defensiediensten = Defence services
defensief = defensively
defensief = defensive
defensiegerelateerd product = defence-related product
defensie-industrie = defence industry
defensieklanten = defence customers
defensiestatistiek = defence statistics
defensieterrein = Defence sites
defensieuitgaven = defence expenditure
defensievere voedingsaandelen = more defensive food stocks
defensievermogens = defence capabilities
Defensive driving cursussen = Defensive driving course
DeFi = DeFi
Defibrillatie = Defibrillation
defibrillatie = defibrillation
Defibrillator = Defibrillator
Defici?ntie = Deficiency
deficiëntie = deficiency
deficientie aan holocarboxylase synthetase = holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency
deficiënties = deficiencies [DS] Deficiencies
deficiënties = deficiencies [DS: Deficiencies]
Deficiëntieziekte = Vitamin deficiency
Deficiëntieziekte = Avitaminosis
Defici�ntie = Deficiency
Deficit = Deficit
deficitaire balans = balance-of-payments deficit
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = DB scheme
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = defined benefit pension plan
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = defined-benefit pension scheme
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = final salary pension scheme
defineert = defines
defini?ren = define
Definieer = Define
Definieer de = Define the
definieerde = defined
definieert = defines
definiéren = define
definiëren = to define
definiëren = define
Definiëren van het begrip = Defining the concept
definiërend contrast (of betrekking) = defining contrast
definiërende gegevens = defining data
definiërende methode = descriptive method
definiëring = defining
"definiëring, omschrijving" = definition (action or process of defining)
defini�ren = define
definitie = definition
Definitie = Resolution
definitie {de} = definition
definitie van algemeen type = generic type definition
definitie van de (hulp)middelen = resource definition
definitie van de gegevensstructuur = data structure definition
definitie van documenttypes = document type definition: DTD
definitie van eigenschap = property definition
"definitie, omschrijving" = definition (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or
"definitie, omschrijving" = definition (product of defining)
definitie/vastlegging van doelstellingen = definition of target/Target agreement
definitief = definitely
definitief = definitive
definitief = permanently
definitief = definite
Definitief = Ultimate
Definitief = Final
definitief administratief besluit = final administrative decision
definitief belaste inkomsten [DBI] = income already taxed
definitief besluit = final decision
definitief besluit = final resolution
definitief buiten gebruik wordt gesteld = permanently decommissioned
Definitief concept = final draft
definitief gecommitteerd financieringsvoorstel = final committed financing proposal
definitief investeringsbesluit = final investment decision
definitief ontwerp = completion drawing
definitief te bepalen = to be determined definitively
definitief te bepalen na beoordeling monsters beton = to be determined definitively after assessment of concrete samples
definitief vastgesteld = finally adopted
definitiefase van de systeemeisen = system requirements definition phase
Definitiegebied = Range
definitiequery = data-definition query
Definities = Definitions
Definities en afkortingen = Definitions and Abbreviations
definities van spiritualiteit = definitions of spirituality
definitiestudie = definition study
definitiestudie van de installatie = definition study of the installation
definitietestbeeld = definition test pattern
Definitieve = Final
definitieve afkeuring = final rejection
definitieve belastingaanslag = final tax assessment
definitieve beleidskeuzes = final policy choices
definitieve bestellingen = firm orders
definitieve business case = final business case
definitieve concept = final draft
Definitieve Gunning = Final Award
definitieve indelingen = final layouts
definitieve instemmingsbesluit OC = Programme Committee’s final Resolution of Approval
definitieve instemmingsbesluiten = final Resolutions of Approval
definitieve instemmingsbesluiten FSR = Faculty Student Council’s final Resolutions of Approval
definitieve mediabibliotheek = definitive media library (DML)
definitieve offerte = final tender
definitieve ontwerp = final design
definitieve ontwerp = completion drawing
definitieve ontwerp = DO
definitieve ontwikkelingen = final developments
Definitieve oplevering = Final acceptance
definitieve oplevering = final acceptance
definitieve oplevering = final acceptance (tenders)
definitieve oplevering = final completion (of a building)
definitieve pakket = final package
definitieve pensioenrechten = vested pension rights
Definitieve plaatsbepaling in overleg met = Final position to be determined in consultation with
definitieve proefbalans = adjusted trial balance
definitieve protocolspecificatie = final protocol specification
definitieve rapport = final report
definitieve regelgeving = final regulatory action
definitieve regeling = final settlement
definitieve resourceset = resource final set
definitieve sectierapportage = final autopsy report
definitieve specificatie = definitive specification
definitieve stillegging van een nucleaire installatie = Final shutdown (of a nuclear installation)
definitieve surseance van betaling = final suspension of payment
definitieve surseance van betaling = temporay moratorium
definitieve surseance van betaling = to petition for a Letter of Licence
definitieve toezegging/verbintenis = final commitment
Definitieve versie = Final version
definitieve versie van het convenant = final version of the agreement
definitieve verwijdering = hard delete
definitieve voorzieningen treffen = to make final arrangements
definitieve vragenlijst = final questionnaire
Definitievergelijking = Definition comparison
definitiewig = resolution wedge
Definition of = Definition of
Definitions = Definitions
Definitive Hardware store = Definitive Hardware Store
Definitive Media Library = Definitive Media Library
Deflagratie = Explosion
deflatie = deflation
deflatie {de} = deflation
Deflator = Deflator
deflazacort = deflazacort
deflectie = deflection
deflectie (doorbuiging) = deflection
deflectie (doorbuiging) van de band = tyre deflection
deflectie van de band = tyre deflection
deflector = deflector
Defleren = Deflate
deforestation = deforestation
deformatie = deformation
deformeren = to deform
defosforylering = dephosphorylation
defragmentatie = defragmentation
deftig = distinguished
Deftig = Worthy
deftig = posh
deftig = stately
Deftig = Dignified
deftig = aristocratic
defungeert = retire
defungeren = resign
defungeren = resign one's post
defungeren = retire
defungeren = retire from office
defungeren = stand down
defungeren = step down
defungeren = resign one’s post
degeen die gehouden is tot betaling = the person liable for payment
degelijk = roundly
degelijk = thoroughly
degelijk = thorough
Degelijk = Honest
degelijk = solid [reliable]
degelijk = above-board
degelijke = solid
degelijke = solidly
degelijke = sound
degelijke = soundly
degelijke = thorough
degelijke = thoroughly
Degelijke constructie = Solid construction
degelijkheid = virtue
degen = epee
Degen = Sword
degen = rapier
Degene = That one
degene = he
degene = she
degene = the one
degene = those
degene = that
degene die aan ons aanbiedingen richt = those who direct offers at Us
degene die de zieke en/of gewonde ten vervoer heeft aangeboden = those offering said sick and/or injured persons for transport
degene die in gebreke blijft = defaulter
degene die zich ter zake bij Huurder zal vervoegen = the persons reporting to Lessee in this regard
degene met wie je bent getrouwd = the person to whom you are married
degene op wie een Persoonsgegeven betrekking heeft = a person to whom an item of Personal Data relates
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = distrainee
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = to confiscate
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = to impound
degene wiens belang rechtstreeks bij een besluit van de METC is betrokken = those whose interests are directly involved in a decision of the Medical
"degene, die gehouden is tot betaling van de vracht" = the party liable for payment of the freight
"degene, die zich jegens de afzender tot het vervoer heeft verbonden" = the party undertaking the carriage on behalf of the consignor
"degene, om wie het allemaal draait" = the most important person
degenen = those
degenen die hiertoe geautoriseerd zijn = authorized persons
degeneratie = devolution
degeneratie = devolution
degeneratie = degeneration
degeneratie (biologisch) = devolution
Degeneratief = Degenerative
degeneratief eczeem = "degenerative  eczema, sensitization dermatitis"
Degenereren = Degenerate
degenkrabben = horseshoe crabs
degenkrabben = HSC
degenkrabben = king crabs: an arthropod subclass
degenkrabben = limulus
degradatie = degradation
degradatie = demotion
degradatie = downgrading
degradatie {de} = degradation
degradatie van een werknemer = demotion
degradatiepercentage = degradation percentage
degradatieproducten = degradation products
degraderen = downgrading
Degraderen = Degrade
Degraderen = Damaged
degree = degree
degressief = degressive
Degressief inkomstenbelastingtarief = Degressive taxation
degressieve afschrijving = reducing balance depreciation
degressieve afschrijving = reducing depreciation
degressieve afschrijving = retrogressive method of depreciation
degressieve afschrijvingsmethode = declining balance method of depreciation
Degressiviteit = Degressivity
degroepage = degroupage
dehydratatie = dehydration
Dehydratie = Dehydration
dehydroacetaat = dehydroacetate
dehydroazijnzuur = dehydroacetic acid
dehydrobenzperidol = droperidol: a butyrophenone with general properties similar to those of h
dehydrogenering = dehydrogenation
dehydroisoandrosterone = DHEA sulfate
de-icing fluids = de-icing fluids
de-icing vloeistof = de-icing fluid (aircraft)
Deimos (maan) = Deimos (moon)
deinend = waving
deining = swell
Deïnstallatieprogramma = Uninstaller
Deinstalleer = uninstall
Deïnstalleer = uninstall
de-ionisatie = deionization
de-ionisatietijd = deionization time
de-ioniseren = to deionize
Deïsme = Deism
deJong@Work! = deJong@Work!
dek = deck
dek = covering
Dek = Bridge
dek = cover
dek {het} = deck
dek overeenkomst = Covering Agreement
DekaMarkt = DekaMarkt
Dekan = Deccan
dekbaar = dry to re-coat
dekbed = bed cover
dekbed = quilt
dekbed = duvet
dekbedden = quilts
dekbedhoezen = duvet covers
dekbedjes = duvets
Dekbedovertrekken = Duvet covers
dekbedovertrekken = quilt covers
Deken = Dean
deken = cover
Deken = Provost
Deken = Blanket
deken {de} = blanket
Dekens = Blankets
Dekens en reisdekens = Blankets and travelling rugs
dekens en tafellakens = bed and table covers
Dekens/dekbedjes = Blankets/duvets
dekensnoer = blanket flex
dekenwasserij = Blanket cleaning services
dekfineer = face veneer
Dekhengst = stud
dekindeling = deck layout
dekken = to cover
dekken = cover
Dekken = Dress
Dekken = Overlay
dekkend = opaque
dekkend (van verf) = heavy
dekkend onderwijsaanbod = comprehensive range of education
dekkend vermogen = covering power
dekkend vermogen (van verf) = masking power
dekkende = comprehensive
dekkende kleur = opaque colour
dekkende verzekering = comprehensive insurance
dekking = coverage
Dekking = Cover
dekking (door een verzekering) = insurance coverage
dekking Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Incapacity benefit cover
dekking in geval van leven = survival benefit
dekking met categorie 2 = Category 2 cover / covered by category 2
dekking op basis van de garantie = guarantee cover
dekking Overlijden en Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Death and Incapacity Benefit cover
dekking van beslissingspunten = decision coverage
dekking van de equivalentiepartitie = equivalence partition coverage
dekking van de gegevensdefinitie en C-gebruik = data definition C-use pair coverage
dekking van de gegevensdefinitie en P-gebruik = data definition P-use pair coverage
dekking van de gegevensstroom = data flow coverage
dekking van de verzekering = cover the insurance provides
dekking van de verzekering = insurance coverage
dekking van de wapening = concrete reinforcement cover
dekking van het gegevensdefinitiegebruik = data- definition use coverage
dekking van sprongcondities = branch condition coverage
dekking van sprongopdrachtcombinaties = branch condition combination coverage
dekking van sprongopdrachten = branch coverage
dekking van verlies op leningen/debiteuren = loan loss coverage
dekking van verlies op leningen/debiteuren = to protect against
dekking voorzien = provide cover
dekking Vrijstelling van bijdragen en Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Exemption from Contributions and Incapacity Benefit cover
dekking Vrijstelling van de bijdragen = The Exemption from contributions cover provides for the payment by the co
dekkingen = coverages
dekkingen overlijden en arbeidsongeschiktheid = cover for death and incapacity for work
dekkingen pensioen en overlijden = pension and death cover
dekkingen voor nabestaanden = coverage for surviving relatives
dekkingsbeleid = hedging policy
dekkingsbewijs = binder/formal binder (US)
dekkingsbewijs = cover note
dekkingsbewijs = insurance cover note
dekkingsbewijs = proof of cover
dekkingsbewijs = proof of coverage
dekkingsbewijs  aansprakelijkheid = liability insurance cover note
dekkingsbijdrage = contribution margin
dekkingsbijdrage = security/advance deposit
dekkingsfout = misregistration
Dekkingsfouten = Coverage errors
Dekkingsgebied = Territory covered
dekkingsgraad = fault coverage
dekkingsgraad = coverage degree
dekkingsgraden = funding ratios
dekkingsgraden = coverage degrees
dekkingsitem = coverage item
dekkingskaart = coverage map
dekkingsniveau = level of cover
Dekkingspercentage = Coverage percentage
dekkingspercentage (bij een krediet) = cover rate (credit)
Dekkingsperiode = Period for which cover is given
dekkingsproblemen = coverage problems
dekkingsratio = coverage ratio
dekkingsrekening = covering account/suspense account
dekkingsuitbreiding = extension of cover
dekkingsuitbreiding voor opzicht = extension of cover for supervision
dekkingsvermogen = Funded capital (consisting of long-term liabilities and owner's equity)
dekkingsverplichting = coverage obligation
dekkingsverschil per kostenplaats = cost centre variance
dekkingsvoorschriften voor bankbiljetten = cover requirements for bank notes
dekkingsvoorschriften voor bankbiljetten = coverage value
dekkingsvoorstel = coverage proposal
dekkingswaarschijnlijkheid = coverage probability
dekkleden = tarpaulins
dekkleed = tarpaulin
dekkracht = covering power
deklaag = finish coat
deklaag = coating
deklaag = surface layer
deklaag = shelf
deklaag = top coat
deklaag (bovenste rij stenen) = coping
deklaag (in de mijnbouw) = shelf
"deklaag, galvanisch" = "coating, galvanic"
"deklaag, testliner, gerecycleerd papier" = test liner
deklagen = coatings
deklagen = coating agents
deklak = finishing paint
deklak = topcoat
Deklandingsinstallaties = Deck-arresting gear
deklast = deck cargo
Deklat = Roof batten
deklier = tugger winch
deklieren = tugger winches
deklijst = masking frame
Dekmantel = Pretext
Dekmantel = Account
dekmantel = mask
dekmiddelen = coating agents
dekneer = roller
dekolonisatie = decolonisation
dekovereenkomst = stud agreement
Dekovereenkomst = Breeding agreement
dekovereenkomst = Covering Agreement
dekplaat = coping
dekplaat = end plate
dekplaat = cover plate
dekplaat = abacus
dekplaat (van kapiteel) = coping plate
Dekplaatjes van gietijzer = Ductile-iron end caps
Dekplaten = Cover plates
dekplaten = cover plates
dekprofiel = top bracket
dekristallisatie = decrystallization
dekschip = flush deck ship
deksel = lid
deksel = screen
deksel = cover
deksel = flap
deksel = cover combustion chamber
deksel {de} {het} = lid
deksel {de} {het} = top
Deksel aan beide zijde afgeschuind = Cover double-sided bevelled
Deksel aan een zijde afgeschuind = Cover one-sided bevelled
Deksel aftakstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Add-on tee cover for cable support system
Deksel bedradingskoker = Cover for wiring duct
Deksel bocht/hoekstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Bend cover for cable support system
Deksel buitenhoek wandgoot = Cover for outside corner wall duct
Deksel centraaldoos installatiebuis = Function cover for central junction box installation tube
Deksel hoekaanzetstuk kabelgoot = Cover for corner add-on piece for cable support system
Deksel inbouwdoos installatiebuis = Function cover for one gang box installation tube
Deksel installatiekast = Cover for distribution board
Deksel kabeldoos = Function cover for connection box
Deksel kabeldraagsysteem = Cover for cable support system
Deksel kruisstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Cross-over cover for cable support system
Deksel lasdoos installatiebuis = Function cover for connection box installation tube
Deksel leidingkanaal = Cover for installation duct
Deksel met haak = Cover with hook
deksel met sensorsysteem = cover with sensor system
deksel met sensorsysteem en pompsysteem = cover with sensor system and pump system
Deksel opbouw vloergoot = Cover floor duct
Deksel open vloergoot = Cover for underfloor installation duct flush floor open
Deksel plintgoot = Cover for plinth skirting duct
Deksel T-stuk kabeldraagsysteem = Tee cover for cable support system
Deksel verloopstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Reduction piece cover for cable support system
Deksel verticaal hoekstuk wandgoot = Cover for flat bend wall duct
Deksel voor schroefbevestiging = Cover for screw mounting
Deksel wandgoot/zuil = Cover for wall duct
Dekselbevestiging = Cover attachment
Dekselbevestiging klemmend = Cover attachment clamping
Dekselbreedte = Cover width
Dekselbreedte 1 = Cover width 1
Dekselbreedte 2 = Cover width 2
Dekselbreedte 3 = Cover width 3
Dekselklem = Cover clamp
Dekselklem kabeldraagsysteem = Clamp for cover cable support system
Dekselkoppeling kabeldraagsysteem = Cover coupler for cable support system
Dekselkoppeling wandgoot = Coupler for cover wall duct
Dekselmateriaal = Material cover
Dekselmontage = Cover mounting
dekselplaat = cover plate
Dekselplaatje = Cover
Dekselprofiel voor vloergootsysteem = Cover plate support for underfloor installation ducting
dekselrand = lid edge
deksels = lids
deksels = darn
"deksels, duivels, verduiveld" = "devilish {adj} (extreme, excessive)"
Dekselset vloerpot/vloergoot = Junction box insert for underfloor installation
dekselvergrendeling = lid locking
dekservet = table-cloth
deksloof = cap
deksteen / dektegel / muurafdekplaat / sluitsteen = coping stone
dekstier = stud
dekstoelen = deck chairs
dekstrip = cover strip
dekstroom = flash current
dekverf = finishing paint
dekverf = scumble
dekvermogen = covering power
dekvliesje = cover scale
dekvloer = floor finish
dekvloer = screed floor
Dekvoorwaarden = Breeding Conditions
dekvoorwaarden = covering conditions
dekwalificatie = deskilling
dekwalificatie = downgrading
dekwit = opaque white
Dekzeil = Canvas cover
Dekzeil = Tarpaulin
Dekzeil = Awning
Dekzeil = Tarp
dekzeil = tarpaulin
dekzeil = protective tarpaulin
dekzeil van de gondel = nacelle tarpaulin
dekzeil voor het mangat = manhole tarpaulin
Dekzeilen = Awnings
dekzerk = capstone
delaminatie = delamination
delamineren = delamination
delamineren en lamineren = delamination and lamination
delaminering = delamination
Delaware = Delaware
Delco = Distributor
delcrederebeding = Del credere clause
delegate unit = delegate unit
delegatie = deputation
delegatie = delegation
delegatie EP = EP delegation
delegatie van bevoegdheid = delegation of power
delegatie van bevoegdheid aan werknemers = b. to empower
delegatie van bevoegdheid aan werknemers = employee empowerment
delegatie van de Commissie = Delegation of the Commission
delegatie van de Commissie = Commission Delegation
delegaties = delegations
Delegeer = Delegate
delegeer eenheid = delegate unit
delegeereenheden = delegate units
delegeereenheid = delegate unit
Delegeren = Delegating
Delegeren = Delegate
delegeren = to delegate
delegeren de uitvoering daarvan = delegate its implementation
delegerend leiding geven = manage by delegating
Delen = Split
delen = divide
Delen = Division (mathematics)
delen = division
delen = to divide
delen = to share
delen = share
delen = parts
"delen 1, 2 en 3" = "parts 1, 2 and 3"
Delen die door een defect onder spanning komen te staan = Parts that become live due to a fault
delen door nul = zero divide
Delen door nul niet toegestaan = Division by zero is not allowed
delen en bewerken van vertrouwelijke data = sharing and processing confidential data
Delen en toebehoren van fotokopieerapparaten = Parts and accessories of photocopying apparatus
Delen en toebehoren van gereedschapswerktuigen = Parts and accessories of machine tools
Delen en toebehoren van kantoormachines = Parts and accessories of office machines
Delen en toebehoren van rekenmachines = Parts and accessories calculating machines
Delen en toebehoren van schrijfmachines = Parts and accessories of typewriters
Delen en toebehoren voor gereedschapswerktuigen voor het bewerken van har = Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools
Delen en toebehoren voor gereedschapswerktuigen voor metaalbewerking = Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools
Delen met gezin = Family Sharing
delen met uw hele organisatie = sharing it with your entire organisation
Delen of toebehoren voor poppen = Doll parts or accessories
delen opheffen = unshare
Delen starten… = Start Sharing...
Delen uit deze publicatie mogen worden overgenomen = Parts of this publication may be reproduced
Delen uit deze publicatie mogen worden overgenomen op voorwaarde van bron = Parts of this publication may be reproduced provided the source is acknow
Delen van aanhangwagens en opleggers = Parts of trailers and semi-trailers
Delen van andere voertuigen = Parts of other vehicles
Delen van apparatuur voor de distributie of het regelen van elektriciteit = Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus
Delen van assemblagestructuren = Parts of structures
Delen van audio- en video-uitrusting = Parts of sound and video equipment
delen van best practices = sharing of best practices
Delen van betonpompen = Parts of concrete pumps
Delen van bielzen = Parts of sleepers
Delen van boormachines = Parts for boring machinery
Delen van boorputextractiemachines = Parts of well-extraction machinery
Delen van bosbouwmachines = Parts of forestry machinery
"Delen van brandstof-, hand- en betonpompen" = "Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps"
Delen van brandstofpompen = Parts of fuel pumps
delen van bureaublad = desktop sharing
Delen van centrifugaalpompen = Parts of centrifugal pumps
Delen van centrifuges = Parts of centrifuges
Delen van condensors = Parts of condensers
delen van data tussen bedrijven = sharing of data between companies
Delen van delfmachines = Parts of sinking machinery
Delen van diepvriesuitrusting = Parts of freezing equipment
Delen van doseerpompen = Parts of dosing pumps
Delen van drijfwerkelementen = Parts of driving elements
Delen van een arbeidsmiddel = Work equipment parts
Delen van een toepassing of whiteboard starten = Start Application Sharing or Whiteboard
Delen van elektrische condensatoren = Parts of electrical capacitors
Delen van elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten = Parts of electrical domestic appliances
Delen van elektrische toestellen voor telefonie of telegrafie = Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatus
"Delen van elektrische weerstanden, reostaten en potentiometers" = "Parts of electrical resistors, rheostats and potentiometers"
Delen van elektromotoren en elektrische generatoren = Parts for electrical motors and generators
"Delen van elektromotoren, elektrische generatoren en elektrische transfor" = "Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers"
Delen van elektronenbuizen = Parts of electronic valves and tubes
Delen van elektronische componenten = Parts of electronic assemblies
delen van ervaringen = sharing of experiences
Delen van filtermachines = Parts of filtering machinery
Delen van gascompressoren = Parts of gas compressors
Delen van gasgeneratoren = Parts of gas generators
Delen van gasturbines = Parts of gas turbines
delen van gegevens tussen = sharing data between
Delen van gereedschap = Tool parts
Delen van graafmachinerie = Parts of excavating machinery
Delen van grondboormachines = Parts for well-drilling machinery
Delen van handgereedschap = Parts of hand tools
Delen van handpompen = Parts of hand pumps
Delen van hangsloten = Parts of padlocks
"Delen van hijs-, hef- en transportuitrusting" = Parts of lifting and handling equipment
Delen van hydraulische generatoren = Parts of hydraulic power packs
Delen van hydraulische machines of motoren = Parts of hydraulic power engines or motors
delen van informatie = sharing information
delen van informatie en kennis = share information and knowledge
Delen van inpakmachines = Parts of wrapping machines
Delen van kachels = Parts of stoves
"Delen van kachels, kooktoestellen, rechauds en huishoudelijke apparaten" = "Parts of stoves, cookers, plate warmers and domestic appliances"
Delen van kalandermachines = Parts of calendering machines
Delen van kennis en expertise = Sharing knowledge and expertise
Delen van kernreactoren = Parts of nuclear reactors
Delen van kernreactorvaten = Parts of nuclear-reactor vessels
Delen van ketels voor centrale verwarming = Parts of central-heating boilers
Delen van kettingzagen = Parts of chain saws
Delen van knopen = Parts of buttons
Delen van koel- en diepvriesuitrusting en van warmtepompen = Parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps
Delen van koeluitrusting = Parts of refrigerating equipment
Delen van kooktoestellen = Parts of cookers
Delen van kranen = Parts of cranes
Delen van kranen en afsluiters = Parts of taps and valves
Delen van lampen en verlichtingsarmaturen = Parts of lamps and light fittings
Delen van lampen en verlichtingstoestellen = Parts of lamps and lighting equipment
Delen van landbouwmachines = Parts of agricultural machinery
Delen van lichte vuurwapens = Parts of light firearms
"Delen van lieren en andere hijs-, hef- of transportuitrusting" = Parts of winding gear and other lifting or handling equipment
Delen van liften = Parts of lifts
"Delen van liften, skiphijsinstallaties en roltrappen" = "Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalators"
delen van locaties = location sharing
Delen van lopende banden = Parts of conveyors
"Delen van lucht- of vacuümpompen, delen van lucht- of gascompressoren" = "Parts of air or vacuum pumps, of air or gas compressors"
Delen van luchtbehandelingstoestellen = Parts of air-conditioning machines
Delen van luchtcompressoren = Parts of air compressors
Delen van luchtpompen = Parts of air pumps
Delen van machines of motoren = Parts of engines or motors
Delen van machines voor algemeen gebruik = Parts of general-purpose machinery
Delen van machines voor behandeling van dranken = Parts of machinery for beverage processing
Delen van machines voor de bewerking van tabak = Parts of machinery for tobacco processing
"Delen van machines voor de bewerking van voedingsmiddelen, dranken en tab" = "Parts of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing"
Delen van machines voor de landbouw of de bosbouw = Parts of agricultural and forestry machinery
Delen van machines voor de productie van papier of karton = Parts of machinery for paper or paperboard production
Delen van machines voor de productie van textiel en kleding = Parts of machinery for textile and apparel production
Delen van machines voor de productie van voedingsmiddelen = Parts of machinery for food processing
Delen van machines voor het behandelen van ertsen = Parts of mineral-processing machinery
Delen van machines voor het drukken en het inbinden van boeken = Parts of printing or bookbinding machinery
"Delen van machines voor mijnbouw, steengroeven en voor de bouw" = "Parts of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction"
Delen van machines voor zuivelproductie = Parts of dairy machinery
Delen van mangaten = Manhole elements
Delen van melkmachines = Parts of milking machines
Delen van militaire voertuigen = Parts of military vehicles
Delen van mortieren = Parts of mortars
Delen van muziekinstrumenten = Parts of musical instruments
delen van onderzoeksdata = sharing research data
Delen van ovenbranders en ovens = "Parts of furnace burners, furnaces or ovens"
Delen van pneumatische machines = Parts of pneumatic engines
Delen van pompen of elevators voor vloeistoffen = Parts of pumps or liquid elevators
"Delen van pompen, compressoren, machines of motoren" = "Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors"
Delen van radiatoren voor centrale verwarming = Parts of central-heating radiators
Delen van radio- en radaruitrusting = Parts of radio and radar equipment
Delen van raketwerpers = Parts of rocket launchers
Delen van reactiemotoren = Parts of reaction engines
Delen van rechauds = Parts of plate warmers
Delen van reinigingsmachines = Parts of cleaning machines
Delen van rolmachines = Parts of rolling machines
Delen van rolpaden = Parts of moving walkways
Delen van roltrappen = Parts of escalators
Delen van roterende verdringerpompen = Parts of rotary positive-displacement pumps
Delen van schoeisel = Parts of footwear
Delen van skiphijsinstallaties = Parts of skip hoists
Delen van sloten = Parts of locks
Delen van sproeimachines = Parts of spraying machines
Delen van steenkool- of steenzaagmachines = Parts of coal or rock cutting machinery
Delen van steenkoolzaagmachines = Parts of coal cutting machinery
Delen van steenzaagmachines = Parts of rock cutting machinery
"Delen van stofzuigers, niet voor huishoudelijk gebruik" = Parts of non-domestic vacuum cleaners
Delen van stoomgeneratoren = Parts of steam generators
Delen van stoomturbines = Parts of steam turbines
Delen van tandwieloverbrengingen en drijfwerkelementen = Parts of gearing and driving elements
Delen van tandwieloverbrengingselementen = Parts of gearing elements
delen van toepassingen = application sharing
"Delen van transformatoren, inductoren en statische omzetters" = "Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters"
Delen van transportbanden = Parts of belt conveyors
Delen van transportbanden type jakobsladder = Parts of bucket conveyors
Delen van tunnelgraafmachines = Parts of tunnelling machinery
Delen van turbines = Parts of turbines
Delen van vaatwasmachines = Parts of dishwashing machines
"Delen van vaatwasmachines en van reinigings-, vul-, verpakkkings- of inpa" = "Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, pack"
Delen van vacuümpompen = Parts of vacuum pumps
Delen van ventilatoren = Parts of fans
Delen van verpakkingsmachines = Parts of packing machines
"Delen van vloerboenmachines, niet voor huishoudelijk gebruik" = Parts of non-domestic floor polishers
Delen van voertuigen voor intern transport = Parts of works trucks
Delen van vulmachines = Parts of filling machines
Delen van vuurwapens en munitie = Parts of firearms and ammunition
Delen van warmtepompen = Parts of heat pumps
Delen van waterraderen = Parts of water wheels
Delen van waterturbines = Parts of hydraulic turbines
Delen van zuigerverdringerpompen = Parts of reciprocating positive-displacement pumps
Delen van zuiveringsmachines = Parts of purifying machinery
delen voor algemeen gebruik = parts of general use
Delen voor militaire lucht- en ruimtevaartapparatuur = Parts for military aerospace equipment
Delen voor oorlogsschepen = Parts for warships
delend bestand = sharer file
deler = common factor
deler = divisor
deler (schakeling) (elektra) = divider
delertrap = divider stage
delete = remove
Delete toets = Delete key
deleten = delete
deleteteken = delete character
Delete-toets = DELETE key
deletie van genes = gene deletion: unequal recovery of genetic markers (alleles) in the regio
Deleting cookies in = Cookies verwijderen in
de-leveraging = deleveraging
Delfi = Delphi
Delfland = Delfland
Delfmachines = Sinking machinery
delfstof = mineral
delfstofafzetting = mineral deposit
delfstoffen = mineral resource
delfstoffenindustrie = mineral industry
delfstoffenprospectie = mineral prospecting
delfstoffenwinning = mineral extraction
delfstofwinningsmachines = mining and petroleum machinery
Delft = Delft
Delft Alumni Netwerk (DAN) = Delft Alumni Network
Delft Integraal = Delft Outlook
Delft Research Centres = Delft Research Centres
Delft University Press = Delft University Press
DelftChem Tech = Delft Chemical Technology
Delfts = Delft
Delfts Instellings Pakket (DIP) = Delft Institute Package (DIP)
Delftse Allocatiesysteem = Delft Allocation System
Delfzijl = Delfzijl
delgen = amortize
delging = redemption
Delhi = Delhi
Delhi (stad) = Delhi
Deli Box / Verszone voor vlees en kaas = Refrigerator section meat and cheese Fresh Zone
deliberatieve democratie = deliberative democracy
Delicaat = Ticklish
delicaat = dainty
delicaatheid = tenderness
Delicatessen = Delicatessen
delicatessenwinkel {de} = deli [coll.]
delicatessenwinkel {de} = delicatessen
delicatessesalades = delicatessen salads
delict = criminal
delict = offence
delicten = offences
delicten = offenses
delimiteren = to delimit
deling = division
deling = needle pitch
Deling = Deviation
deling = part
Deling = Rift
deling = sharing
Deling = Split
Deling = Department
Deling = Partition
deling = pitch
deling {de} = fission
deling met rest = long division
Delingsring = Body
delinquent = wrongdoer
delinquentie = delinquency
Delirium = Delirious
Delirium = Delirium
delirium divergens = divergent delirium
Delivarebles op te leveren = Deliverables to be delivered
deliverable = deliverable
Deliverables = Deliverables
Deliverables opgeleverd = Deliverables delivered
Delivered Duty Paid = Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = DDP
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = Delivered Duty Paid
Delivered Duty Unpaid = Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)
Delivered safely = Delivered safely
delivered safely = delivered safely
delke = that
delke = which
delke = who
Dell = Dell
delocalisatie van elektronen = displacement of electrons
Deloitte Group Support Center B.V. = Deloitte Group Support Center B.V.
delokalisatie = offshoring
deloyment = deployment
Delphi = Delphi
Delphi (Griekenland) = Delphi
Delphimethode = Delphi method
Delphi-methode = Delphi research method
Delphi-onderzoek = Delphi research
delta = delta
Delta = Delta Magazine
Delta (letter) = Delta (letter)
delta hepatitis = delta  hepatitis: a severe form of hepatitis
Delta Lloyd Requirements = Delta Lloyd Requirements
delta methode = delta method
Delta T regeling = Delta T regulation
delta verdeling = delta distribution
Delta-4 = definition and design of an open dependable distributed system architectu
Delta-4 systeemomgeving = Delta-4 system environment: DELTASE
deltaframe = delta frame
deltagebied = deltaic region
deltagebied = delta region
delta-HCH = delta-HCH
delta-lacton = "1,4-heptonolactone"
Deltamethrin = Deltamethrin
deltamodulatie = delta modulation
deltamodulatie met continu-variabele-flanksteilheid = continuously-variable-slope delta modulation
deltaregel = delta rule
deltarivierregulering = delta estuary regulation
deltaruis = delta noise
deltaschurrmachine = delta sander
deltaschuurmachine = corner sander
deltaschuurmachine = detail sander
delta-sigmamodulatie = delta sigma modulation: DSM
Deltatone = Delta tone
Delta-T-regeling = Delta T regulation
Deltavliegen = Delta wing
Deltavliegers = Hang-gliders
deltavormig = deltoid
deltavorming = delta formation
Deltoideus = Deltoideus
Delven = Excavate
delven = to delve [fig.]
delven = dig up
delven = to dig
delven = to excavate
delven = dig
delven = delve
delver (in steengroeve) = quarry man
demagnetisatie = demagnetization
demagnetisatiecircuit = degaussing circuit
demagnetisatiefactor = demagnetization factor
demagnetisatiespoel = degaussing coil
demagnetisatieverliezen = demagnetization losses
demagnetiseerapparaat = demagnetizer
demagnetiseerschakeling = degaussing circuit
demagnetiseerspoel = degaussing coil
demagnetiseren = to demagnetize
Demagnetiseringsfactor (-tensor) = Demagnetizing factor (tensor)
demagogie = demagogy
demagogisch = demagogic
demagoog = demagogue
"demagoog, volksmenner, volksopruier" = demagogue (an orator exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience
Demand Management = Demand Management
Demand Manager = Demand Manager
Demand manager ICT = IT Demand Manager
Demandmanagement = Demand Management
Demarcated Area = DA
Demarcated Area = Demarcated Area
Demarcatie = Building Specification
demarcatie = demarcation
"demarcatielijn, demarkatielijn, grenslijn" = demarcation (thus fixed limit)
demarcatielijst = itemised list
demarcatie-lijst = list showing itemised responsibilities
demarcatielijst / Gespecificeerd demarcatie overzicht = itemized list / itemized list
Demarketing = Demarketing
demarqueren = demarcate
dematriceren = to dematrix
dematricering = dematrixing
dematrix = dematrix
dementerend = suffering from dementia
dementerende bewoners = residents suffering from dementia
dementerenden = people suffering from dementia
dementia pugilistica = boxer's  encephalopathy
Dementie = Dementia
Dementie door alcoholmisbruik = Dementia - alcohol related dementia
Dementie Educatie en Ondersteuningsprogramma = Dementia Education and Support Program
dementie en cognitieve achteruitgang = dementia and cognitive decline
Dementiecentrum en Geheugenkliniek (CDAMS) = Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
dementiezorg = dementia care
Demer = Demer
Demerit goods = Demerit goods
Demerpark = Demerpark
Demeter = Demeter
Demeter (mythologie) = Demeter
Demethon = Demethon
demeton (som) = demeton (total)
Demeton-o = Demeton-o
Demeton-o-methyl = Demeton-o-methyl
Demeton-s = Demeton-s
Demeton-S + Demeton-O-ethyl (som) = Demeton-S + Demeton-O-ethyl (total)
Demeton-s-methyl = Demeton-s-methyl
Demeton-s-methyl-sulphoxide = Demeton-s-methyl-sulphoxide
Demetonsulfon = Demetonsulphone
Demetonsulfoxide = Demetonsulphoxide
demi water = demineralized water
demineralisatie van water = water demineralisation
demineralised water = demi water
demineralised water = demineralised water
Deming circle = Deming Cycle
Demingcirkel = Deming Circle
Deming-cyclus = Deming Cycle
deminwater = demineralised water
demissionair zijn = resign
Demiurg = Demiurge
demiurg (Aristoteles) = demiurge
demiwater = demineralised water
demo = demo
demo = demo tape
demo’s = demos
democraat = democrat
democratie = democracy
Democratie = Demcoracy
democratie {de} = democracy
democratisch = democratic
democratisch deficit = democratic deficit
democratisch gesynchroniseerd netwerk = democratically synchronized network
democratisch socialisme = democratic socialism (socialism based on democratic principles)
democratische aanpak = democratic approach
democratische besluitvorming = democratic decision-making
democratische legitimatie = democratic legitimacy
democratische leiderschapsstijl = democratic leadership style
democratische partij = Democratic Party
Democratische Partij (Verenigde Staten) = Democratic Party (United States)
democratische politiek = democratic politics
democratische rechtsorde = democratic rule of law
democratische rechtsorde en open samenleving = democratic rule of law and open society
democratische rechtsstaat = democratic state under the rule of law
Democratische Republiek Congo = Congo-Kinshasa
Democratische Republiek Congo = Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije = Algeria
Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije = People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Democratische Volksrepubliek Korea = Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (offic
democratische waarden = democratic values
democratisering = democratisation
Democratisering & Decentralisering = Democratisation & Decentralisation
democratisering van het onderwijs = democratisation of education
democratiseringsbeweging = democratisation movement
democratiseringsbeweging = democracy movement
Democritus = Democritus
demodularisatie = demodularization
demodulatie = demodulation
demodulator = demodulator
demodulatoreenheid = demodulator unit
demodulatormeetkop = demodulator probe
demodulatortrap = demodulating stage
demoduleren = to demodulate
demografie = demography
demografisch = demographic
demografische analyse = demographic analysis
demografische evolutie = demographic evolution
Demografische factoren = Demographic factors
demografische gegevens = demographic data
Demografische kenmerken = Demographic characteristics
Demografische marktsegmentatie = Demographic market segmentation
demografische ontwikkeling = demographic development
demografische ontwikkelingen = demographic developments
demografische veranderingen = demographic change
demografische verwachtingen = population forecast
Demografische Verzekeringen = Demografic insurance
Demographic questions = Demographic questions
Demomodus = Attract Mode
demon = demon
Demon = Daemon
demonisch = demonic
Demonstrateren = Manifest
Demonstrateren = Express
Demonstrateren = Take to the streets
Demonstrateren = Assertive
Demonstrateren = Hold a demonstration
Demonstrateren = Demonstrate
demonstrateur = demonstrator
demonstratie = demo
demonstratie = demonstration
demonstratie = protest
demonstratie {de} = demonstration
demonstratie film = demonstration film
demonstratie van de mogelijkheden = demonstration of the possibilities
demonstratie van producten = demonstration of goods
demonstratiecentrum = demonstration centre
demonstratiecentrum van Qimarox = Qimarox demonstration centre
Demonstratie-effect = Demonstration effect
demonstratiefilm = demonstration film
demonstratiemodel = demonstration model
demonstratiemodel van geïntegreerde technologie (ITD) = Integrated Technology Demonstrator (ITD)
Demonstratieprojecten = Demonstration projects
Demonstratieve consumptie = Conspicious consumption
demonstreert = demonstrates
demonstreren = to demonstrate
demonstreren = demonstrate
demonstreren = show
demonstreren = protest
demontabel = can be disassembled
Demontabel frame = Frame detachable
demontabele = removable
demontage = dismantling
demontage = detachment
demontage = disassembly
demontage = removal
demontage {de} = dismantling
Demontage bestaande inrichting = Removal of existing furnishings
demontage en montage = disassembly and assembly
demontage en opnieuw monteren = disassembly and reassembly
Demontagebeveiliging = Demounting protection
demontage-handleiding = dismantling/ disassembly instructions
Demontage-LED = Demounting-LED
Demontagewerkzaamheden = Dismantling works
Demontagewerkzaamheden voor militaire installaties = Dismantling works for military installations
Demontagewerkzaamheden voor veiligheidsinstallaties = Dismantling works for security installations
Demonteer = Disassemble
Demonteer de as = Remove the shaft
demonteer de tooling = disassemble the tooling
demonteerbaar = detachable
demonteerbaar bevestigd = detachably attached
demonteerbaar deksel = removable cover
demonteerbaar en verplaatsbaar bevestigd = detachably and movably attached
demonteerbaar: ~ van elkaar = mutually detachable
demonteerbare = detachable
Demonteren = Disassemble
demonteren = disassemble
demonteren = disassembling
demonteren = take apart
demonteren = to demount
demonteren = unmounting
demonteren = Dismantling
demonteren = to disassemble
demonteren = dismantle
demonteren = remove
demonteren / verwijderen = removal
demonteren en af te danken = dismantle and dispose of
demonteren en afdanken = dismantled and disposed of
demonteren en terugnemen = disassemble and take back
Demonteren van het bovendeksel = Removing the top cover
demoon = demon
demorfinisatie = demorphinization: gradual withdrawal of morphine
demoruimte = showroom
Demotisch = Demotic
demotiveert = demotivates
demotiverend = demotivating
demotoepassing = attract application
demoxytocin = demoxytocin
dempbuis = damping tube
dempdiode = damping diode
dempelement = damping element
dempen = mute
Dempen = Suppress
dempen = fill
dempen = to damp
dempen = stilling
dempen = damping
dempen = fill up
dempen het meest = offer the highest level of attenuation
Dempen opheffen = Unmute
Dempen uit = Unmute
Dempen van de luidsprekers opheffen = Unmute Speakers
Dempen van de microfoon opheffen = Unmute Microphone
dempend = damping
dempend (akoestisch) = (acoustic) damping
dempende werking = damping action
demper = damper
demper = silencer
demper van het platformluik = platform hatch shock absorber
demperkast = damper box
dempersysteem = absorber system
demperveer = damper spring
demping = damped reaction
demping = filling up
Demping = Muffling
demping = cushioning
demping = damping
demping = stilling
demping = damped reaction
Demping = Attenuation
demping = damped response
Demping = Filling watercourses
demping = attenuation
demping (niet gespecificeerd) = "Filled watercourse, not specified"
demping (van schokbrekers) = damping
demping met agrarisch afval en/of takkenbossen = Watercourse filled with agricultural and silvicultural wastes
demping met baggerspecie = Watercourse filled with dredging spoil
demping met grond = Watercourse filled with soil
demping met houtafval = Watercourse filled with waste wood
demping met huishoudelijk afval = Watercourse filled with domestic refuse
demping met industrieel- en bedrijfsafval = Watercourse filled with trade and industrial wastes
demping met lompen = Watercourse filled with rags
demping met puin en/of bouw- en sloopafval = Watercourse filled with construction and demolition wastes
demping van grachten = filling in canals
demping veroorzaakt door bewolking = cloud attenuation
dempingsblok = damping block
dempingsco‰ffici‰nt = damping coefficient
dempingscoëfficiënt = damping coefficient
dempingsdiode = damping diode
dempingseigenschappen = damping qualities
dempingsfactor = damping factor
dempingsfactor = attenuation factor
dempingsmassa = damping compound
Dempingsmeter = Attenuation measuring device
dempingsmogelijkheden = damping capabilities
dempingsregelaar = attenuator
dempingsrubber = rubber damper
dempingstest = attenuation test
dempingswaarde = attenuation value
dempingswaarde = damping value
dempingsweerstand = damping resistor
dempmal = damping jig
Dempster-Shafer's bewijsvoeringstheorie = Dempster- Shafer theory of evidence
Demulcens = Demulcent
demulcens = demulcent
demulgerend = demulsifying
demultiplexen = to demultiplex
demultiplexer = demultiplexer: DEMUX
demultiplexing = demultiplexing
demyelinisatie van het ruggemerg = demyelination of the spinal cord
demyelinisatie-polyradiculopathie = chronic  inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
demyelinisatie-zone = zone of  demyelination
demyeliniserend = demyelinating
demystificatie = demystification
Den = Fir
den = pine
den = pino
Den Bosch = Den Bosch
Den Bosch = Bois-le-Duc
Den Haag = The Hague
Den Haag = "The Hague, The Netherlands"
"Den Haag," = The Hague
"Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage" = The Hague {prop} (Dutch city)
Den Helder = Den Helder
denaturatie van de eiwitten = protein  denaturation
denaturatie van de nucleïnezuur = DNA denaturation
denaturatie van de nucleïnezuur = nucleic acid  denaturation
denatureren = to denature
denatureren = denaturing
denatureren = to  denature
denatureren = denaturation
denderen = make a noise
denderen = to dash
Dendermondsesteenweg = Dendermondsesteenweg
dendriceptor = dendriceptor
dendriet = dendrite
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dentritic polymer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dendrimer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dense star polymer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = star polymer: tiny spheres that are carefully engineered to have loose en
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = starburst polymer
Dendritisch = Dendritic
dendritische cellen = T lymphocytes
dendritische letsel = dendritic lesion
Dendrochronologie = Dendrochronology
dendrogram = dendrogram
dendrometrie = dendrometry
dendron = dendrite
denemarken = denmark
Denen {mv} = Danes
denervatie: het ontbreken van alle zenuwverbindingen naar een weefsel of  = denervation: removal of nerve supply to a tissue
deneurotisatie = denervation
deneurotisatie = enervation
deneurotisatie = nerve resection
deneurotisatie = neurotomy
Deng Xiaoping = Deng Xiaoping
dengue = dengue fever
Dengue virus = dengue fever virus
Dengue virus = dengue virus
dengue-exantheem = dengue exanthema
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = Aden fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = break bone fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = breakbone fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = dengue fever
Denial of Service-aanval = denial-of-service attack
Denial of Service-aanval = denial of service attack
denial-of-service = denial-of-service
denier = denier
denigrerend = derogatory
Denim = Denim
Denis Diderot = Denis Diderot
Denitrificatie = Nitrate removal
denitrificatie = denitrification
denitrificatie capaciteit = denitrification capacity
denitrificatie van afvalgas = denitrification of waste gas
denitrificatieproces = denitrification process
Denivelleren = Reverse the equalization of incomes
denk = guess
denk = think
Denk aan = "Consider, for example"
Denk aan = e.g.
Denk aan = For example
Denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
Denk aan = This could include things such as
Denk aan = This may include things such as
denk aan = "Consider, for example,"
denk aan = e.g.
denk aan = For example
denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
denk aan = This could include things such as
denk aan = This may include things such as
denk aan = consider
denk aan = e.g.
denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
denk aan productliften = such as product elevators
Denk aan uw eigen veiligheid = Think of your own safety!
denk aan uzelf en aan anderen = think of yourself and others
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = "Think, for instance, of"
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = Criteria to consider
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = This could involve
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = "Consider, for example"
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = This included things such as
Denk daarbij aan = "Consider, for example,"
Denk daarbij aan = This may include things such as
denk- en beslisprocessen = thought and decision processes
Denk hierbij aan = "This could take the form, for example,"
Denk hierbij aan = Such as
Denk hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan = Examples include
Denk hierbij met name aan = Consider in particular
denk in dit geval aan = this might include things like
DenK iP = DenK iP
DenK iP confidential = DenK iP confidential
Denk je slank = ‘Think yourself thin’ (Denk je slank)
Denk maar aan = Just think of
denk maar aan = just think of
Denk maar eens aan = We only need to think of
Denk maar eens aan = Remember
Denk maar eens aan = Consider
Denk maar eens aan = Just think of
Denk maar eens aan = Think of
Denk maar eens aan = Think
Denk na over = Consider
Denk ook aan de installatiekosten = Consider also the installation costs
Denk tweemaal na = Think twice
Denk: = ", including"
Denk: = consider
Denk: = "consider, for example"
Denk: = "Consider, for example,"
Denk: = e.g.
Denk: = examples of this include
Denk: = for example
Denk: = "For instance,"
Denk: = I am thinking here of
Denk: = I am thinking of certain freelance professions
Denk: = Imagine
Denk: = Just think of
Denk: = "Take, for example"
Denk: = These can include
Denk: = Things like:
Denk: = "Think, for instance, of"
denkactiviteit = mental activity
denkbaar = thinkable
denkbaar = conceivable
denkbeeld = idea
Denkbeeld = Notion
denkbeelden = ideas
denkbeeldig = fictional
Denkbeeldig = Imaginary
Denkbeeldig = Clouds
Denkbeeldig = Fancied
"denkbeeldig, ingebeeld, onwerkelijk" = visionary {adj} (imaginary or illusory)
denkbeeldige middellijn = imaginary centre line
denkbeeldige populatie = hypothetical population
denkelijk = probably
Denken = Pansy
Denken = Reckon
Denken = Gather
Denken = Feel
Denken = Assume
Denken = Believe
Denken = Thought
Denken = Suppose
Denken = Deem
denken = think
Denken = Cogitate
denken = to think
denken continue mee hoe het beter kan = and work together with you on how to improve it
denken en doen = thought and action
denken en handelen = attitudes and conduct
denken in beelden = thinking in images
denken oplossingsgericht = are solution-oriented
Denken vanuit mogelijkheden = Possibility thinking
denken ze mee met wat er leeft bij de gebruikers = with their users in mind
"denken, geloven, vermoeden" = "think  (guess, reckon)"
"denken, nadenken, peinzen" = "think  (to ponder, to go over in one's head)"
"denkende zielenleven, het" = the thinking soul
denker = deliberator
denker = thinker
denker {de} = thinker
denkfout van Berkson = Berkson's fallacy
denkfouten = errors of reasoning
denkfouten = failure in reasoning
denkfouten = fallacies
denkfouten = faulty reasoning
denkfouten = mistaken belief (based on unsound arguments)
denkgewoonten = thinking habit
denkgewoonten = thinking habits
denkkader = conceptual framework
denkkunst = art of thinking
denkniveau = level of education
denkpauze = period of reflection
denkproblemen = cognitive problems
denkproces = reflection process
denkproces = thought process
denkrichting = line of reasoning
denkrichting = line of thought
denkrichting = mindset
denkrichting = school of thought
denkrichting = thinking
denkrichting = lines of thought
denkrichting = mindsets
denkrichting = schools of thought
denkrichting = ways of thinking
denkrichtingen = lines of reasoning
denkrichtingen = lines of thought
denkrichtingen = mindsets
denkrichtingen = schools of thought
denkrichtingen = ways of thinking
Denksport = Game of skill
denkstappen = mental steps
denkt = thinks
denkt mee = takes a proactive approach towards
"denkt mee, doet mee, profiteert mee" = "actively contributing ideas, participating and benefiting"
Denkt met u mee = Looks after you / has your (best) interests at heart
denkt niet alleen mee over = not only contributes to the thought process on
denktank = thinktank
Denktank = Think tank
denktijd = think time
denkvaardigheden = cognitive skills
denkvaardigheid = cognitive skill
denkvaardigheid = cognitive skills
denkvakken en creatieve en muzikale vakken = cognitive and creative and musical subjects
denkvermogen = mind
denkwijze = line of thought
denkwijze = particular way of considering a matter
denkwijze = thinking
denkwijze = way of thinking
denkwijze = (way of) thinking
denkwijze = school of thought
denneboom = family tree
denneboom = pine
denneboomstructuur = family tree structure
Dennelotrups = European pine shoot moth
dennenboom = side coaming
Dennenfamilie = Pinaceae
dennenhout = fir
Dennenprocessierups = Pine Procession Moth
Dennis Gabor = Dennis Gabor
denominalelijnvaneenpaneel = The nominal line of a panel
"denotatie, beschrijving" = denotation (act of denoting)
DENOVEM = "Dutch Research School for Reproduction, Endocrinology & Metabolism"
dens sustentatus = impacted tooth
densiteit = density
densiteit-fracties = density fractions
densiteit-gebaseerd = density-based
densiteit-gebaseerd sorteermiddel = density-based sorting means
densiteit-gebaseerde = density-based
densiteit-gebaseerde sorteermiddelen = density-based sorting means
densiteitsomvang = density range
densiteitsseparatie = density separation
densitometer = densitometer
Densitometers = Densitometers
densitometrie = densitometry
densovirus = densovirinae
dentaal implantaat = dental implant
dentigene dermoïdcyste = follicular cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = dentigerous cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = dentigerous dermatocyst: a common follicular odontogenic cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = keratocyst
dentine = dentine
dentinecauterisatie = dentin cauterization
dentinedysplasie = dentin dysplasia
dentine-globulus = dentin globule
dentinogenesis = dentinification
dentinogenesis = dentinogenesis
dentinoïed = dentinoid
Dentitie = Set of teeth
Dentitie = Dentition
dentobronchiaal syndroom = dentobronchial syndrome
dentobronchiaal syndroom = dentobronchitis
dentritische remming = dendritic inhibition
denuclearisatie = creation of nuclear-free zones
denudatie = stripping off covering
Denver = Denver
Denver classificatie = "Denver classification: a system of nomenclature for human chromosomes, ba"
Deodorant = Antiperspirant
Deodorants = Deodorants
deodorants en antitranspiratiemiddelen = deodorants and antiperspirants
deodorants voor persoonlijk gebruik = deodorants for personal use
"deodorants, niet voor persoonlijk gebruik" = deodorants other than for personal use
Deontologie = Ethics
deontologische = deontological
deossificatie = bone  deossification
deoxyadenine-nucleotiden = deoxyadenine nucleotides: adenine nucleotides which contain deoxyribose
deoxyadenosinen = deoxyadenosines
deoxycholzuur = C24H39NAO4Na
deoxycholzuur = deoxycholate
deoxycholzuur = deoxycholic acid: a bile acid formed from cholate by bacterial action
deoxycorticosteron = deoxycorticosterone
deoxycytidine = deoxycytidine: an enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of deoxycytid
deoxyepinefrine = deoxyepinephrine
depalletiseermachines = depalletisers
depanneren [BN] = to repair
Depart temperatuur = Depart temperature
departement = department (France)
Departement = Department
Departement (Departementen wordt exclusief gebruikt voor departementen) = Department
Departement Aardwetenschappen = Department of Earth Sciences
Departement Accountancy = Department of Accountancy
Departement Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen = Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science
Departement Belastingrecht = Department of Tax Law
Departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) = School of Governance
Departement Biochemie en Celbiologie = Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Departement Biologie = Department of Biology
Departement Business Law = Department for Business Law
Departement Certificaten (HRD) [Werkt samen met de Antwerpse Universiteit = Certificates Department (HRD) [Co-operates closely with the Antwerp Unive
Departement Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschap = Department of Communication and Information Science
"Departement Dier, Wetenschap en Maatschappij" = "Department of Animals, Science and Society"
Departement Econometrie en Operations = Department of Economics and Operations Research
Departement Economie = Department of Economics
Departement Economie (USE) = School of Economics (USE)
Departement Encyclopedie en Rechtsgeschiedenis = Department of Jurisprudence and Legal History
Departement Europees en Internationaal Publieksrecht = Department of European and International Public Law
Departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen = Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Departement Filosofie = Department of Philosophy
Departement Finance = Department of Finance
Departement Fiscale Economie = Department of Fiscal Economics
Departement Fysische Geografie = Department of Physical Geography
departement gedragswetenschappen = department of behavioural sciences
Departement Geneeskunde van Gezelschapsdieren = Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals
Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis = Department of History and Art History
Departement Gezondheidszorg Landbouwhuisdieren = Department of Farm Animal Health
Departement Gezondheidszorg Paard = Department of Equine Sciences
Departement Godgeleerdheid = Department of Theology
Departement Infectieziekten en Immunologie = Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Departement Informatica = Department of Information and Computing Sciences
Departement Informatiekunde = Department of Information Systems and Management
Departement Innovatie- en Milieuwetenschappen = Department of Innovation and Environmental Sciences
Departement LNE = "Environment, Nature and Energy Department (LNE)"
Departement Maatschappijwetenschappen = Department of Social Sciences
Departement Marketing = Department of Marketing
Departement Media- en Cultuurwetenschappen = Department of Media and Culture Studies
Departement Methoden & Technieken = Department of Methodology & Statistics
Departement Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek = Department of Methodology and Statistics
Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken = Department of Mobility and Public Works
Departement Natuur- en Sterrenkunde = Department of Physics and Astronomy
Departement Nederlands = Department of Dutch Studies
Departement Organisatie en Strategie = Department of Organization and Strategy
Departement Organisatiewetenschappen = Department of Organisation Studies
Departement Pathobiologie = Department of Pathobiology
Departement Pedagogische en Onderwijskundige Wetenschappen = Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
Departement Personeelwetenschappen = Department of Human Resource Studies
Departement Privaatrecht = Department of Private Law
Departement Psychologie = Department of Psychology
Departement Psychologie en Gezondheid = Department of Psychology and health
Departement Psychologie en Maatschappij = Department Psychology and Society
Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid = School of Law
Departement Religie Wetenschappen en Theologie = Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
Departement Religiewetenschappen en Theologie = Deaprtment of Religious Studies and Theology
Departement Scheikunde = Department of Chemistry
Departement Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek = Department of Social Law and Social Policy
Departement Sociale Geografie en Planologie = Department of Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning
Departement Sociale psychologie = Department of Social Psychology
Departement Sociologie en Vrijetijdwetenschappen = Department of Leisure Studies and Sociology
Departement Staats- en Bestuursrecht = Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Departement Strafrechtwetenschappen = Department of Criminal Law
Departement Taal- en Cultuurstudies = Department of Language and Culture Studies
Departement Vreemde Talen = Department of Foreign Languages
Departement Werk & Sociale Economie = Department of Work and Social Economy
Departement Wijsbegeerte = Department of Philosophy
Departement Wiskunde = Department of Mathematics
Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum = Departmental Coordination Centre for Crisis Management (Departementaal Co
Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum = Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum Crisisbeheersing (Departmental Coordin
departementale = departmental
departementale begroting = departmental budget
departementale informatie coordinatoror = departmental information coordinatoror
departementale verantwoordelijkheden en bevoegdheden = departmental responsibilities and powers
departementale verschuiving = departmental shift
departementale verschuivingen = departmental shifts
departementen = ministries
Departementsassessor = Departmental Assessor
departementsmanager = department manager
"Department for digital, culture, media & sports" = "Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports"
Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) = Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
Department Product Innovation Management = Department of Product Innovation Management
departmenten = departments
dependance = office
dependance = annexation
Dependent = Dependent
dependent variable = dependent variable
Depersonalisatie = Depersonalization
Depigmentatie = Depigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = loss of pigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = depigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = loss or absence of normal pigment
depigmenteringsmiddel = depigmenting agent
depilatie = hair removal
dépistage-onderzoek = commercial courts’ inquiry [Linguee]
dépistage-onderzoek = company investigation (‘dépistage-onderzoek’)
dépistage-onderzoek = investigation by the commercial court (‘depistage-onderzoek’)
Deplacement = Displacement
Deplacement = Move
Deplacement = Travel
Depletie = Depletion
depletiegebied = depletion region
depletielaag = depletion layer
depletielaagrectificatie = depletion-layer rectification
depletielaagtransistor = depletion-layer transistor
Deploy naar productie = Deploy to production
deployeringsdiagrammen = deployment diagrams
deployment = deployment
Deployment Image Servicing and Management = Deployment Image Servicing and Management
Depolarisatie = Depolarization
"depolarisatie, een vermindering van de elektrische lading in een zenuwcel" = depolarization
"depolarisatie, een vermindering van de elektrische lading in een zenuwcel" = neutralizing nerve impulses
depolariseren = to depolarize
depolitisering = depoliticisation
depolymerasen = depolymerases
deponeert of doet deponeren = deposits or has deposited
deponeren = to file
Deponeren = Drop
Deponeren = Depose
Deponeren = Send in
Deponeren = Register
deponeren = to deposit
Deponeren = Give evidence
Deponeren = Lodge
Deponeren = Testify
Deponeren = Deposit
deponeren = place
Deponeren = Leave
Deponeren (van geld) = To pay in
Deponeren (van geld) = To deposit
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = at an office)
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = to file (with a person
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = to file publicly
deponering ter openbaarmaking = filing publicly
deponering van contanten = cash lodgement
deponering van de jaarrekening = filing of the annual accounts
deponering van voorwaarden = to file terms or conditions
deponeringsstuk = filing document
deponeringsvoorschriften = filing requirements
deponie = dump
deponie = landfill
deponie = landfill site
deponieën = landfills
deporteren = deport
deposant = applicant
deposit = inlaag
deposit bewijs aan toonder = bearer certificate of deposit
depositaris = depositary
depositie = deposition
depositie op het substraat = deposition on the substrate
depositie uit de gasfase = gas plating
depositie uit de gasfase = vapour-phase deposition
depositie-inrichting = deposition apparatus
depositie-inrichting = deposition device
depositie-laag = deposited layer
depositieproces = deposition process
depositietechniek = deposition technique
depositietechnieken = deposition techniques
depositietechnologieën = deposition technologies
deposito = deposit
deposito = time deposit account
Deposito- en Consignatiekas = Deposit and Consignment Office
deposito- en consignatiekas = deposit and consignment office
deposito op vaste termijn = bank of deposit
deposito op vaste termijn = fixed deposit
deposito’s verkregen door bemiddeling van tussenpersonen = brokered deposits
Depositobank = Deposit bank
depositobanken = deposit banks
Depositobewijs = Certificate of deposit
depositobewijs/-certificaat = deposit receipt
Depositofaciliteit = Deposit facility
depositogarantieregeling = deposit guarantee scheme
deposito-garantieregeling = deposit protection scheme
depositogarantiestelsel = deposit guarantee scheme
Deposito-omzetting = Deposit transfer
deposito's die niet op naam luiden = non-nominative deposits
Deposito's en effecten = Marketable securities
Deposito's en effecten = Marketable securities and deposits
depositostrook = deposit slip
deposito-vermenigvuldigingsfactor = deposit creation multiplier
Depositozaken = Deposit services
depot = depository
depot (enkelvoudig/meervoudig) = filing (single/multiple) (BTO also uses ‘application’)
depot van averij grosse = depository bank [Am.]
depot van averij grosse = general average deposit
depotbank = depositary bank
depotbewijs = certificate of deposit
depotcertificaat/-verklaring = certificate of deposit
depotdatum = filing date
depothouder = sales agent
depotnummer = registration number
depotovernachting = overnight stay in a depot
depot-rekening gerelateerd aan hypothecaire lening = deposit account linked to mortage loan
depot-rekening gerelateerd aan hypothecaire lening = letter of deposit
depots = applications for registration / trademark applications
depotwaarde = Securities value
depotwerking = residual effect
deprecated = deprecated
Depreciatie = Depreciation
Depreciatie van kapitaalgoederen = Capital depreciation
Depreciatie van valuta = Currency depreciation
Depreciërend actief = Depreciating asset
depressie = depression
depressie = hollow
depressie = sinking
Depressie = Contraction
Depressie = Depression
depressie {de} = depression
depressief gedrag = depressed behaviour
depressiefractuur = depression fracture
depressiefractuur = depressed fracture of the skull: a skull fracture where a fragment of the
depressiefractuur = depressed skull fracture
depressio cataractae = depressio cataractae
depressiva = (noun & adjective)  depressant
"depressiviteit, de depressiviteit" = breakdown
depressor = depressor
depressor = hypotensor
deprimeren = depress
Deprimeren = Sadden
deprimeren = to dishearten
Deprivatie = Deprivation
deprivatiesyndroom = deprivation syndrome
deproteïnisatie = deproteinization
deputatie = provincial council
deputatie = provincial executive
deputatiebesluit = provincial executive’s decision (deputatiebesluit)
deputeren = depute
deputy = deputy
Deputy Manager = Deputy Manager
Derailed = Skid
Derailleur = Derailer
derailleur = derailleur
derailleurpad = derailleur hanger
derailleurs = derailleurs
derating = derating
deratingkromme = derating curve
Derbyshire = Derbyshire
derde = third <3rd>
derde = third
"derde (abbreviations 3de, 3e)" = third {ordinal number} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three)
derde / vijfde deur [hatchback] = hatchback
derde {het} [derde deel] = third [one third] <1/3>
derde actuator = third actuator
derde aspect = third aspect
derde baan = third run
derde baan = third ski run
derde beroepsdoelgroepen = professional third parties
derde beslagene = garnishee
derde correspondentierelatie = third correspondence relationship
derde cyclus hoger onderwijs = postgraduate studies
derde deel = third part
derde fabrikanten = third-party manufacturers
derde factor = third factor
derde fase van de EMU = third stage of EMU
derde garen = third yarn
derde gedeelte = third part
derde geldstroom = contract research funding / third flow of funds
derde geldstroom = third flow of funds
derde geldstroom = contract funding
derde geldstroom = commercial funding
derde geldstroom onderzoek = contract research
Derde generatie = Third generation
derde gleufportie = third slot portion
derde graads = cubic
derde graadsverbranding = 3rd degree burn
derde graadsverbranding = caustic burn
derde graadsverbranding = escharotic burn
derde grootte-fractie = third size fraction
derde hartgeluid = third  heart sound
derde hartgeluid = S3
derde kader = third frame
derde kandidaat-overnemer = third-party Prospective Transferee
derde katrol = third pulley
derde klas = third grade
derde kom = third bowl
Derde Kruistocht = Third Crusade
derde kwartiel = upper quartile
derde laag = third layer
derde land = third country
derde land = non-member country
derde landen en/of internationale organisaties = non-member countries and/or international organisations
derde landen of internationale organisaties = non-member countries or international organisations
derde lid = third paragraph
derde macht = cube
derde monster = third sample
derde naamval = dative case
derde niet-maat = third-party non-Partner
derde niveau = third level
derde of derden = third party or third parties
derde onafhankelijke partij = independent third party
derde paar scheurlijnen = third pair of tear lines
derde partij = third party
derde partijen = third parties
derde persoon = third person
derde programma = third programme
derde rand = third edge
derde rechthoekig kader = third rectangular frame
Derde regel = Third line
derde remlicht = third stop lamp
"Derde Rijk, Dritte Reich" = Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime)
derde schetsmatige weergave = third schematic representation
Derde schijf = Third tax bracket
derde stap = third step
derde van de beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde = Third of the frontal protection system
derde van de bovenkant motorkap = Third of the bonnet top
derde van de voorkant beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde = Third of the frontal protection system leading edge
derde van de voorkant motorkap = Third of the bonnet leading edge
derde verbindingsmiddelen = third connecting means
derde verbindingsmiddelen op het eerste element = third connecting means on the first element
derde vlak gedeelte = third flat portion
derde voorbeeld = third example
derde voordeel van onderhavige uitvinding = third advantage of the present invention
Derde wereld = developing countries
Derde wereld = Third World
derde wet van de thermodynamica = third law of thermodynamics
derde zijde = third side
derde(n) = third party or third parties
"derde, waaronder beslag wordt gelegd" = garnishee
derdebelanghebbenden = interested third parties
derde-etage groepenscheiding = major control change
derde-etage groepenscheiding = minor
derde-gearresteerde = (E&W prev.) garnishee
derde-geldstroomonderzoek = contract research
derde-generatie computer = third generation computer
derde-generatie computertaal = third generation language
derde-generatie programmatuur = third generation software
derde-generatietaal = third generation language: 3GL
derdejaars = third-year
derdejaars onderzoeksproject = third-year research project
derdejaars onderzoeksprojecten = third-year research projects
derdejaarsstudent = third-year student
derde-landen = non-member countries
derde-landen = outside countries
derde-lasthebber = third-party mandatary
derdelijnsondersteuning = third-line support
derdelijnssupport = third-line support
derdemacht van correlatie = cube of correlation
derden = third parties
derden = a third party
Derden (niet Overheid) = Third parties (not the government)
derden {mv} = third parties
derden die door haar bij de uitvoering van de overeenkomst zijn of worden = third parties engaged in the execution of the contract
Derden die van dit rapport kennisnemen = Third parties who consult this report
derden te goeder trouw = bona fide third parties
derdenaandeelhouder = external shareholder
derdenaandeelhouder = outside shareholder
derdenaandeelhouders = external shareholders
derdenaandeelhouders = outside shareholders
derdenbedingen = third party clauses
derdenbeslag = garnishment
derdengelden = Third party funds / funds entrusted
Derdengelden Rekening = Trust account
derdenrekening = third party account
derdenrekening advocaat = third-party lawyer's account
Derdenrekening Vastgoedmakelaars = Third-Party Real Estate Agent Account
Derdenverklaring uitsluitingscriteria = Third-party statement regarding exclusion criteria
derdepartijwebsite = third-party website
derdepartijweb-site = third-party website
Deregulering = Deregulation
deregulering {de} = deregulation
Deren = Touch
Deren = Affect
deren = harm
Deren = Broach
Deren = Finger
Deren = Touch on
Deren = Sink
derepressie = derepression
dergelijk = such
Dergelijk = Analogous
Dergelijk = Analog
Dergelijk = Analogue
Dergelijk = In the simile
dergelijk = like
dergelijk = similar
dergelijk = such like
dergelijk = the like
dergelijke = such
dergelijke = like
dergelijke = similar
dergelijke = such like
dergelijke = the like
dergelijke = other such
dergelijke = this type of
Dergelijke = Like
dergelijke aanwijzingen = such instructions
dergelijke inbreuken = such breaches
dergelijke maatregelen = such measures
dergelijke materialen = such materials
Dergelijke uitvoeringsvormen = Such embodiments
Dergelijke verzoeken = Such requests
Dergelijke warmtepompen kunnen één- of tweetrapssystemen zijn = Such heat pumps may be single or two-stage systems
derhalve = therefore
derhalve = accordingly
derhalve = consequently
derhalve = hence
derhalve = thus
derhalve = that is
derhalve eindigende op = thus ending on
derhalve tot en met = that is up to and including
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
derivaat = derivative
"derivaat, afleidend middel, afgeleid uit een andere verbinding" = derivative
"derivaat, afleidend middel, afgeleid uit een andere verbinding" = substance obtained from something else
derivaten = derivatives
derivaten = derivates
derivaten daarvan = derivatives thereof
derivatie = derivation
derivatieproces = derivation process
derivatieregel = derivation rule
derivatieregel van hoofdrekening = main account derivation rule
derivatives = derivations
derivatives = derivatives
Dermabond™ = "Dermabond™ topical skin adhesive, a biological adhesive sealant"
dermabrasie = dermabrasion
dermale toxiciteit = dermal toxicity
dermapterans = dermapteran
dermatansulfaat = beta-heparin
Dermate = Like this
Dermate = In such a manner
dermate = so
Dermate = So much
Dermate = To such a degree
dermate breed = so broad
Dermatitis = Dermatitis
dermatitis bullosa = epidermolysis bullosa
dermatitis bullosa = autoimmune bullous skin diseases: autoimmune blistering diseases: antibod
dermatitis cosmetica = cosmetic  dermatitis: a cutaneous eruption that results from the applicat
dermatitis cosmetica = allergic contact dermatitis
dermatitis exfoliativa: de ziekte van Wilson = exfoliative  dermatitis
dermatitis exfoliativa: de ziekte van Wilson = erythroderma
dermatitis herpetiformis = Brocq-Duhring disease
dermatitis herpetiformis = dermatitis herpetiformis
dermatitis hyperaemica = hyperemic dermatitis
dermatitis seborrhoeica = dysseborrheic  dermatitis
dermatitis veroorzaakt door geneesmiddelengebruik = drug eruptions
dermatofibroma = dermatofibroma
dermatofibrosarcoma = dermatofibrosarcoma
dermatofyten = arthrodermataceae
dermatofyten = dermatophytes
dermatofytose = an infection caused by dermatophytes
dermatofytose = dermatophytosis
dermatofytose = ringworm
Dermatofytose = Dermatophytosis
dermatologie = dermatology
dermatologie {de} = dermatology
Dermatologie en Venerische Ziekten = Dermatology & Venereal Diseases
Dermatologisch = Dermatological
dermatologische agenten = dermatologic agents: drugs used to treat skin disorders
dermatologische preparaten = dermatological preparations
dermatologische preparaten en substanties = dermatological preparations and substances
dermatologische substanties = dermatological substances
Dermatologische toepassing = Dermatological application
dermatoloog = dermatologist
dermatolysis = dermatolysis
Dermatomycose = Dermatomycosis
dermatoom = cutis plate
dermatoom = dermatome: a surgical instrument used to cut very thin slices of skin
dermatopathie = dermatopathy
dermatopathie = skin ailment
dermatopathologie: kennis van huidziekten = dermatopathology
dermatopathologie: kennis van huidziekten = pathology of skin disease
Dermatose = Dermatosis
dermatose van het gelaat = facial  dermatosis
dermatosis papulosa nigra = dermatosis papulosa nigra
dermatotroop virus = dermotropic virus
dermis = "dermis, derma"
Dermografie = Dermographia
"dermografie, de dermatografie" = dermography
dermoïd = dermoid
dermoïdkyste = dermoid cyst: a tumor consisting of displaced ectodermal structures along
dermoïdkyste = dermoid tumor
derogatie = derogation
derogatie aangevraagd = requested a derogation
Derogatieakte = Derogation deed
derogatiebedrijven = derogation farms
dertien = thirteen
dertiende = thirteenth
"dertiende (abbreviations 13e, 13de)" = thirteenth {adj} (13th)
"dertiende <13e, 13de>" = thirteenth <13th>
dertiende maand = extra month
dertig = thirty
dertig tot veertig procent = thirty to forty percent
dertiger = someone in their thirties
Dertigjarige Oorlog = Thirty Years' War
"dertigste <30e, 30ste>" = thirtieth <30th>
Derven = To be out of
Derven = To be lacking in
Derven = Go short of
Derven = Lack for
Derven = To be deficient in
Derven = To be short of
derven = lack
"derven, ontberen, missen, gebrek hebben (aan)" = "lack  (be without, need, require)"
derving van inkomsten = loss of income
derwisj = Dervish
Des Moines (Iowa) = Des Moines
des te meer = all the more
des te meer = the more
desaffectatie = change of use
desalniettemin = nonetheless
desaspidin = desaspidin
desastreuse = disastrous
desbetreffend = applicable
desbetreffend = concerned
desbetreffend = involved
desbetreffend = relevant
desbetreffend = to that effect
desbetreffend = said
desbetreffende = concerned
desbetreffende = in question
desbetreffende = relevant
desbetreffende = respective
desbetreffende = said
desbetreffende genre = relevant genre
desbetreffende medewerkers = employees concerned
desbetreffende overeenkomst = relevant agreement
desbetreffende voorschriften = relevant rules and regulations
descendant = descendant
descendent = descendant
descendentietheorie = theory of  evolution
descriptief = descriptive
Descriptief onderzoek = Descriptive research
descriptiestandaard = description standard
Description automatically generated = Description automatically generated
Description automatically generated with low confidence = Description automatically generated with low confidence
Description automatically generated with medium confidence = Description automatically generated with medium confidence
description for filing = description for filing
description tag = description tag
descriptor = descriptor
descriptoraanwijzer voor ankervolumes = Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer
desensibilisatie = desensitization therapy
Desensibilisatie = Desensitization
Deseret = Deseret
deserialisatie = deserialization
deserpidine = C32H38N2O8
Desertie = Desertion
"desertie, vaandelvlucht" = desertion (deserting)
Desethylatrazine = Desethylatrazine
desgevallend = if necessary
desgevallend = as and when necessary
desgevallend = as appropriate
desgevallend = as the occasion arises
desgevallend = if any
desgevallend = if applicable
desgevallend = if need be
desgevallend = in certain cases
desgevallend = should the need arise
desgevallend = where applicable
desgevallend = where relevant
desgevallend = where there are grounds for doing so
desgevallend stilzwijgende = "where applicable, tacit"
Desgevraagd = Upon request
desgevraagd = on request
desgevraagd dan wel op eigen initiatief = if requested or on its own initiative
desgewenst = if required
desgewenst = if desired
Desgewenst = On request
Desgewenst = By request
Desgewenst = On application
Desiderius Erasmus = Desiderius Erasmus
design = design
design = hardware design
Design & Development = Design & Development
Design & Specificatie = Design & Specification
Design & Technique = Design & Technique
Design & Technique stream = Design & Technique stream
design / vormgeving = design
design {het} = design
design aannames = design assumptions
Design Academy Eindhoven = Design Academy Eindhoven
design and build = design and build
Design- and Cx&Q Engineer = Design and Cx&Q Engineer
design based benadering = design-based approach
Design Based Education = Design-Based Learning
Design Based Innovation = Design-Driven Innovation
Design Based Innovation = Design-Based Innovation
design denken en doen = design thinking and doing (DTD)
Design Dilemma = Design Dilemma
Design Dilemma’s = Design Dilemmas
Design Driven Innovation = Design-Driven Innovation
Design Driven Innovation professionals = Design-Driven Innovation professionals
design driven innovation specialist = design-driven innovation specialist
design driven professionals = design-driven professionals
design- en evaluatiefase = design and evaluation phase
Design en ontwikkeling van auto's = Automobile Design & Engineering
Design Engineering (afdeling van faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen) = Design Engineering (DE)
Design Examination Certificaat = Design Examination Certificate
design extractierooster = decorative extraction grille
design extractieroosters = decorative extraction grilles
Design Factory Global Network = Design Factory Global Network
design factory’s = design factories
Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability = Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability
Design for Sustainability = Design for Sustainability
design gedreven innovatie = design-driven innovation
Design Glasschalterblende = Glass control panel design
Design Implementation = DI
design ingenieur = design engineer
design leiderschap = design leadership
design management = design management
Design Management Innovation = Design Management Innovation
design methodology = design methodology
design- of adviesbureau = design or consultancy firm
design op wrijving = friction design
design patterns = design pattern
design patterns = design patterns
design pilots = design pilots
design research = design research
design science research = design science research
design taak = design task
design thinking = design thinking
Design Thinking Proces = Design Thinking Process
Design Tür Silbermetallic = Silver metallic door design
design van user interfaces = user interface design
design variante = design variant
Design: Management en Toepassingen = Design Practice & Management
design+build partner = design–build partner
design-aaname = design assumption
design-aanames = design assumptions
design-aanname = design assumption
design-aannames = design assumptions
designachtergrond = design background
design-based education model = design-based learning model
Designbekwaam = Design suitable
designbenadering = design approach
designcyclus = design cycle
Designdenken en –doen = Design Thinking and Doing
Designer = Designer
designer {de} = designer
Designers = Designers
designfase = design phase
designing democracy = designing democracy
designing the social = designing the social
designlamp = designer lamp
designlampen = designer lamps
designonderzoek = design research
Designparameters = Design parameters
designprincipe = design principle
designprincipes = design principles
designproces = design process
design-review = design review
designrooster = decorative grille
designroosters = decorative grilles
designs = designs
design-time only license = design-time only licence
desillusie = disappointment
desincentives = deterrence
desincentives = disincentives: negative motivational influences
desinfectans = disinfectant
desinfecteer spray = disinfectant spray
desinfecteer-/reinigingsmiddel = disinfectant / cleaning agent
Desinfecteermachine = Sterilizer
desinfecteermiddelen = disinfectants
desinfecteerprocedures = disinfection procedures
Desinfecteeruitrusting = Disinfection equipment
desinfecteren = sanitise
desinfecteren = to disinfect
desinfecteren = disinfecting
Desinfecteren = Disinfect
desinfecteren = to  disinfect
desinfecteren van de = Disinfecting the
desinfecterend = disinfecting
desinfecterend middel = disinfectant
desinfecterende = disinfecting
Desinfecterende behandeling voegen = Joint disinfection treatment
Desinfecterende handgel = Disinfectant handgel
desinfecterende producten = disinfectants
desinfecterende werkzaamheid = disinfecting efficacy
Desinfectering en ongediertebestrijding = Disinfecting and exterminating services
Desinfectering en ongediertebestrijding binnen een stedelijke en/of lande = Disinfecting and exterminating services in urban or rural areas
desinfecteringsproces = disinfection process
desinfectie = disinfection: treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms
desinfectie = sanitizing
desinfectie = disinfection
desinfectie distributeur = disinfectant distributor
desinfectie van de handen = disinfection of hands
Desinfectie voor  anti-legionella = anti-Legionella disinfection
desinfectie-installatie = disinfection systems
desinfectie-installaties = disinfection system
desinfectie-installaties = disinfection systems
desinfectiemiddel = disinfectant
desinfectiemiddelen = disinfectants
desinfectieniveau = disinfection level
desinfectieproces = disinfection process
desinfectieschema' s = disinfection schedules
desinfectiestap = disinfection step
desinformatie = disinformation
desinhibitie = disinhibition
desinsertie = degloving
desintegratie = breakdown
desintegratie = decomposition
desintegratie = disintegration
desintegratieconstante = disintegration constant
desintegratiemiddelen = disintegrants
desintegratiemiddelen voor tabletten = tablet disintegrants
desintegratiespanning = disintegration voltage
desintegratietijd = disintegration time
desintegrator = comminutor
desintegrator = disintegrator
"desintegreren, ontbinden, opbreken" = disintegrate  (cause to break into parts)
"desintegreren, uiteenvallen" = disintegrate  (break up into one's parts)
desintoxicatie = detoxification
desinvestering = disinvestment (US)
desinvestering = disposal (verkoop)
desinvestering = divestment (afstoten)
desinvestering = exit
Desinvestering = Disinvestment
Desinvestering(en) = Divestment(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Disposal(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Disinvestment(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Desinvestiture(s)
desinvesteringbijtelling = capital disposal charge
desinvesteringbijtelling = competent
desinvesteringen (see context below) = Cost of disposals / depreciation on disposals
Desinvesteringen op netto activa van dochterondernemingen = Divestiture of net assets in subsidiaries
Desinvesteringsstrategie = Disinvestment strategy
desipramine = C18H22N2  desipramine: a tricyclic dibenzazepine compound that potentiate
desirability = wenselijkheid
Desire = Anxiety to
Desire = Love
Desire = Want
Desire = Anxiety to do well
desire to design = vormwil
desired output = gewenste output
desirudine = desirudin
Desisopropylatraton = Desisopropylatratone
Desisopropylatrazine = Desisopropylatrazine
desitometrisch = densitometric
desk- en fieldresearch = desk and field research
Desk research = Desk research
deskresearch = desk research
deskresearch = desk research
"deskresearch, interviews en workshops" = "desk research, interviews and workshops"
Desktop = Desktop
Desktop computers = Desktop computer
desktop computers = desktop computer
desktop computers = PC
Desktop Platform Product = Desktop Platform Product
desktop publishing = desktop publishing
desktop publishing = computer assisted publishing
Desktopapparaat = Table top
Desktop-communicatiesoftware = Desktop communications software package
desktopcomputer = desktop computer
desktopcomputerervaring = desktop experience
Desktop-monitor = Desktop monitor
Desktopomgeving = Desk
Desktop-publicatie software = Desktop-publishing software package
desktop-publishing = desktop publishing
Desktop-publishing-diensten = Desktop publishing services
"desktoptoepassingen, webtoepassingen en mobiele applicaties." = "desktop applications, web applications and mobile applications"
deskundig = expert(ly)
deskundig = professional(ly)
deskundig = competent(ly)
deskundig = adept
deskundig = knowledgeable
deskundig = expert
deskundig advies = expert advice
deskundig en hiervoor opgeleid personeel = competent and trained personnel
deskundig en objectief oordeel = expert and objective opinion
deskundig personeel van opdrachtgever = qualified personnel of the client
deskundige = "expert, specialist"
deskundige = expert / specialist
deskundige = expert
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = authority
deskundige = person skilled in the art
Deskundige = Adept
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = skilled person
deskundige = expert inspector
deskundige {de} = expert
deskundige derde = third party expert
deskundige derden = expert third parties
Deskundige en onafhankelijke beoordelaars = Expert and independent evaluators
deskundige en servicegerichte medewerkers = expert and service-oriented staff
deskundige hulp = expert assistance
Deskundige Infectiepreventie = Infection prevention expert
deskundige instanties = expert bodies
Deskundige medewerkers = Expert staff
deskundige op afstand = remote expert
"deskundige op dat gebied, een" = "expert in that field, an"
deskundige op het gebied van = an expert in the field of
deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscommissie = AWVN expert and the Central Classification Committee
deskundigen = experts
deskundigen op afstand = remote experts
deskundigenonderzoek = audit (door accountant)
deskundigenonderzoek = court-ordered expert examination
deskundigenoordeel = expert opinion
deskundigheid = expertise
deskundigheid = know-how
deskundigheid = proficiency
deskundigheid = expertness
deskundigheid = ability
Deskundigheid bij schade afhandeling = Claims settlement expertise
deskundigheid en vaardigheden = expertise and skills
deskundigheid inzake kwaliteit = quality competencies
deskundigheid m.b.t. een bepaalde bedrijfstak = industry expertise
deskundigheid op het gebied van = expertise in the field of
Deskundigheid van de medewerkers = Expertise of our employees
"deskundigheid, toewijding en succes" = "expertise, dedication and success"
deskundigheids- / bekwaamheidskaart = competency map
deskundigheidsbevordering = professional development
deskundigheidsbevordering = promotion of expertise
Desmetryn = Desmetryn
desmocyten = connective-tissue cells
desmocyten = desmocytes
desmocyten = fibroblasts
desmogleine = desmoglein: the cells that make up the 'glue' that keep the skin cells to
desmolase = CYP11A1
Desmond Tutu = Desmond Tutu
desmoplastisch = desmoplastic: causing adhesions
desmoplastisch fibroom = desmoplastic  fibroma: an extremely rare bone tumor
desmopressin = deamino arginine vasopressin
desmosoma = desmosome
Desnoods = If required
Desnoods = If necessary
Desnoods = If need be
desnoods met onmiddellijke ingang = "if necessary, with immediate effect"
desobstructie = disobliteration
desobstructie = endarterectomy: surgical removal of plaque deposits in arteries
desobstructie = unclogging obstructed arteries
desodorisatietoestellen voor persoonlijk gebruik = deodorising apparatus for personal use
desogestrel = desogestrel
desolate = desolate
Desoldeerbout = Desoldering iron
Desoldeerdraad = Desoldering lace
Desoldeerpincet = Desoldering tweezers
Desoldeerpomp = Desoldering pump
Desoldeerpunt = Desoldering tip
Desoldeerstation = Desoldering station
desondanks = nevertheless
Desondanks = Still
Desondanks = Yet
Desondanks = Notwithstanding
Desondanks = However
Desondanks = Nonetheless
"desondanks, zelfs dan, toch" = even so {adv} (despite the contrary)
desonide = desonide
desonide desoximetason = desonide desoximetasone
desorganisatie = discomposure
desorganisatie = disorganization
desorganisatie = distortion
Desori?ntatie = Disorientation
Desori�ntatie = Disorientation
desorptie = desorption
desoxicorticosterone = C21H30O3
desoxidatie = deoxidation
desoxidatieproduct = deoxidation product
desoxideren = to deoxidize
desoximetason = desoximetasone
desoxycorticosteron = deoxycorticosterone
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = dCMP
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = "deoxycytidine monophosphate, a hydrolysis product of DNA"
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = deoxycytidylic acid
desoxycytidine-kinase = deoxycytidine kinase
desoxyguanosine = deoxyguanine
desoxyguanosine-5'-monofosfaat = deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate
desoxyguanosine-nucleotiden = deoxyguanine nucleotides
"desoxyribonucleïnezuur, DNA" = DNA
desoxyribonucleoside = deoxynucleoside
desoxyribose = deoxyribose: a sugar that is a constituent of nucleic acids
desoxythymidine-5'-monofosfaat = dTTP
desoxyuridine = desoxyuridine
Despoot = Despot
despotisch = despotic
Despotisme = Despotism
Desquamatie = Desquamation
"desquamatie, de schilfering" = desquamation
desquamatio furfuracea = flaky exfoliation
desquamatio furfuracea = furfuraceous desquamation
desquamatio lamellosa = lamellar  desquamation
Dessert = Afters
Dessert = Dessert
dessert = dessert
dessert = pudding
dessert {het} = dessert
"dessert, nagerecht, toetje" = dessert (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal)
Dessertmixen = Dessert mixes
dessertrepen = dessert bars
desserts = desserts
desserts en puddingen = desserts and puddings
desserts op basis van melk = milk-based desserts
desserts voornamelijk van melk of melkproducten = desserts mainly of milk or milk products
dessin = pattern
dessin = design
destacker = destacker
destijds = way back then
destijds = back in those days
destillaat = distillate
destillaattemperatuur = distillate temperature
destillateur = distiller
Destillatie = Distillation
destillatieapparaat = still
destillatiekolom = distillation column
destillatietoren = distillation tower
destillatietraject = distillation range
destilleerderij = distillery
destilleerkolf = distillation flask
destilleren = to distill
destilleren = infer
destination fee = destination fee
Destiny = Luck
Destiny = Fate
Destiny = Destiny
destruaat = destructed material
destructie van weefsel = destruction of tissue
"destructie, reinigen, ontsmetten en insectenverdelging" = "destruction, cleaning, disinfection and disinsectisation costs"
destructiebedrijf = "Rendering plant (cattle remains, etc.)"
destructief = destructive
destructief onderzoek = destructive test
destructief onderzoek = destructive surveying methods
destructief testen = destructive testing
"destructief, destructieve, verwoestend, verwoestende" = damaging)
"destructief, destructieve, verwoestend, verwoestende" = destructive {adj} (causing destruction
destructiekosten = (special) disposal cost
destructieve = destructive
destructieve distillatie = pyrolisis
destructieve interferentie = destructive interference
destructieve leesbewerking = destructive read
destructieve test = destructive test
destructieve testen = destructive testing
destructor = destructor
Destruktiefactor = Destruction factor
desynchronisatie = desynchronization
Detachement = Draft
Detachement = Secondment
Detachement = Party
Detachement = Detachment
detacheren = second
detacheren = secondment
detachering = "on secondment to, secondment"
detachering = posting
detachering = secondment
detachering = transfer
Detachering zorgpersoneel = Care personnel secondment
"detachering, detachement" = detachment (military unit)
Detacheringkracht = Seconded employee
detacheringmedewerker = Seconded employee
detacheringovereenkomst = secondment agreement
detacheringsactiviteiten = secondment activities
detacheringsafspraken = secondment agreements
detacheringsbedrijf = placement firm (US)
detacheringsbedrijf = provider of staffing [solutions] (FELOnline)
detacheringsbedrijf = secondment company (JurLex)
detacheringsbedrijf = staffing firm (FELOnline)
detacheringsbureau = secondment agency
detacheringsbureau = secondment firm
detacheringsdiensten = secondment services
detacheringsfirma/-onderneming = particular
detacheringsfirma/-onderneming = staffing firm
Detacheringsmedewerker = Seconded employee
detacheringsorganisatie = secondment organisation
detacheringsovereenkomst = secondment agreement
detacherings-overeenkomst = secondment agreement
detacherings-overeenkomst = secondment contract
detacheringsperiode = secondment period
detai = detail
detail = specifics
detail = detail
detail = nuance
Detail Engineering = DK
Detail ontbreekt. = Information missing.
Detail van het voorwerp = Details of the item
detail venster = details pane
detail weergave = detail view
Detail(verkoop) = Retail
Detailaanzicht = Detail view
detailanalyse = drill through
detailbeeld = detail drawing
detailbeeld = detail view
detailberekening = detailed calculation
Detailbeschrijving = Detailed description
Detailbeschrijving van de opdracht = Detailed terms of reference
detailboekje = detail booklet
detailcontrastverhouding = detail contrast ratio
detailcontrole = detailed audit
detaildefinitie = detail definition
detailed design = detailed design
detaileenheid = detail unit
detailfoto = blow-up (vergroting van detail)
detailfoto = close-up
detailfoto = detail (picture)
detailfoto = detailed photo
detailfoto = enlarged image
detailfoto = inset (bij grotere foto)
detailfoto = photomicrograph (met betrekking tot microscoop)
detailfout = detail fault
detailgebied = detail area
detailgegevens = details
detailgegevens = detail data
Detailgegevens = Details
detailgericht = detail oriented
detailhandel = retail
detailhandel = retailing
detailhandel = retail trade
detailhandel {de} = retail industry
detailhandel {de} = retail
detailhandel {de} = retail business
Detailhandel in = Retail sale of
detailhandelaar = retailer
detailhandelaar = retailers
detailhandelaar = retailer
detailhandelaar in energie = retail energy sales company
detailhandelaren = retailers
detailhandelaren = retailer
Detailhandelsconcentratie = Retail concentration
Detailhandelsdiensten = Retail trade services
Detailhandelsdiensten voor elektronische handel = Electronic marketplace retailing services
Detailhandelsmarge = Retail contribution
Detailhandelsmarketing = Retail marketing
Detailhandelsmerk = Retail brand
detailhandelsverkooppunt = retail outlet
detailhandelsverpakking = retail packing
detailinformatie = detailed information
detailinformatie betreffende de klant(en) = customer details
detailkaart = detail card
detailklanten = retail customers
detailleert = specify
detailleert = further develops
detailleren = specify
detailleren = work out in greater detail
detailleren = draw in detail
detailleren = make a detailed plan
detailleren = break down
detailleren = detail
detailleren = elaborate
detailleren = elaborate on
detailleren = enumerate
detailleren = list
detailleren = to detail
detaillering = (structural) detailing
detaillering = design details
detaillering = structural details
detaillering = work details
detaillering = working details
Detaillering = design details
detaillering = working details
detaillering = detailed engineering
detaillijn = to the detailed record of the posting
detaillijst = detailed list / list of details
Detaillist = Retailer
detaillist {de} = retailer
Detaillistenpanel = Distribution panel
detailmenging = mixed highs
Detailmenu = Context menu
detailniveau = level of detail
detailniveau = detailed
detailniveaus = levels of detail
detailnummering = detail numbering
detailontwerp = detailed design
detailontwerpen = detailed design
detail-ontwerpen = detailed designs
detailplanning = detailed planning
detail-proces = low-level process
detail-proces = sub-process
Details betreffende de verstrekker van het veiligheidsinformatieblad = Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet
details info part = details info part
detailscherm = detail screen
detailsectie = Detail section
detailsoortvoorwerp = ItemTypeDetails
detailstudie = detailed design
detailstudie = developed design
detailstudiefase = detailed design phase
detailstudies = case study
detailstudies = component study
detailstudies = detail study
detailstudies = detailed quantification
detailstudies = detailed study
detailstudies = in-depth case
detailstudies = in-depth look
detailstudies = in-depth study
detailstudies = lower level study
detailstudies = specific study
detailtekening = detail drawing
detailveld = detail field
detailvelden = detail fields
detailvenster = details pane
detailverkoop = retail selling
detailverlichting = detail lighting
detailvoorstelling = detail representation
detailweergave = detail rendering
detailweergave = detail reproduction
detailweergave = detail(ed) drawing
detailweergave = detailed view
detailweergave = details view
detailweergave = part drawing
detamponeren = relief of tamponade
detavast = secondment with future employer
detecteerbaar = detectable
detecteerbaar/kan worden gevonden = discoverable
detecteerbare = detectable
detecteerbare concentratie = detectable concentration
detecteerde = detected
detecteert = detects
detecteert beweging = detects movement
detecteert de aanwezigheid van = detects the presence of
detecteert elke drager = detects each carrier
detecteren = detect
detecteren = to detect
detecteren geen beweging meer = no longer detect movement
detecteren of meten = detecting or measuring
detecteren van afwijkende telefoongesprekken = detecting anomalous telephone calls
detecteren van ophoping van sneeuw of van ijsvorming = detecting accumulation of snow or ice formation
"detecteren, signaleren en registreren" = "detect, signal and record"
detectie = detection
detectie = discovery
Detectie- en analyseapparatuur = Detection and analysis apparatus
detectie- en randapparatuur = detection equipment and peripherals
detectie en verwerking = detection and processing
detectie gebieden = detection areas
Detectie luchtkwaliteit = Air quality detection
Detectie op CO2 = CO₂ detection
Detectie op geur = Odour detection
Detectie op relatieve vochtigheid = Detection of relative humidity
detectie tijd = detection time
detectie van aanwezigheid = detection of occupancy
detectie van aanwezigheid in een ruimte = detection of occupancy of a space
Detectie VOC = VOC detection
Detectieafstandsbereik = Operating distance range
Detectieapparatuur = Detection apparatus
detectieapparatuur = detection equipment
Detectieapparatuur voor hout = Detection apparatus for timber
Detectieapparatuur voor kunststoffen = Detection apparatus for plastics
Detectieapparatuur voor metalen buizen = Detection apparatus for metal pipes
Detectieapparatuur voor niet-metalen voorwerpen = Detection apparatus for non-metallic objects
detectiebereik = detection scope
detectiebereik van de draadloze identificatiemodule (44) = wireless identification module detection range (44)
detectiebetrouwbaarheid = detection reliability
detectiediscriminatie = detection discrimination
detectie-eenheid = detection unit
detectiefase = investigative phase
Detectiehoek = Detection angle
Detectielimiet = detection limit
detectiemethode = detection method
detectiemiddelen = detection means
detectiemiddelen voor het detecteren = detection means for detecting
detectiemogelijkheden = detection capabilities
detectiepoort = security gate
detectiepoort = walk-through metal detector
detectiepoort(en = walk-through metal detector(s
detectiepoorten = security gates
detectieresolutie = detection resolution
detectieschakeling = detection circuit
detectiesysteem = detection system
detectietijd = Detection time
detectietijd = detection time
detectieweerstand = detection resistor
detectiezone = detection zone
detectiezones = detection zones
detection unit = detection unit
Detective = Detective
Detective = Detective novel
detective = whodunnit
Detective = Bloodhound
detective = sleuth
Detectiveverhaal = Detective novel
detector = detector
Detector meervoudig gas = Multiple gas detector
detector met een door ruis beperkte verwerkingswijze = detector noise-limited operation
detector met een relatief breed spectrum = detector with a relatively broad spectrum
detectorcircuit = detector circuit
Detectoren en andere inputs = detectors and other inputs
detectoren en anderen randapparatuur = detectors and other peripherals
detectoren en contacten = detectors and contacts
detectoren en getuigenlampen = detectors and indicator lights
detectormeetkop = diode probe
detectors = detectors
detectoruitgang = detector output
detectorwaarden en seingroeptoestanden = detector values ​​and signal group states
detektie = detection
Detektievermogen voor testlichamen = Detection power for test bodies
Detektor = Detector
Detektor REF speed verstellba = Detektor REF speed verstellbar
Detektor Rev speed verstellbar = Detektor Rev speed verstellbar
Detektorflansch = Detektorflansch
Détente = Trigger
Détente = Relaxation
Détente = Expansion
Détente = Distraction
Détente = Fun
detentie = detention
detergens = detergent
Detergent = Detergent
Detergent = Abluent
Detergenten = Detergents
Detergentia = Detergents
detergentia = detergents
Detergentia voor vaatwasmachines = Dishwasher detergents
determinant = determinant
Determinant = Defining
determinant(en) = determimant(s)
determinantcorrelatie = determinant correlation
Determinanten voor verspilling = Determinants of wastage
determinatie = determination
Determinatiecoëfficiënt = Coefficient of determination
determinator = determinator
Determineren = Define
Determineren = Give rise to
Determineren = Fix
Determineren = Bring about
determineren = determine
"determineren, identificeren" = identify  ((biology) to establish the taxonomic classification of an orga
determines the purposes and means of Processing Personal Data = het doel van en de middelen voor de Verwerking van de Persoonsgegevens va
determinisme = determinism
Determinisme (filosofie) = Determinism
deterministisch = deterministic
deterministisch model = deterministic model
deterministisch proces = deterministic process
deterministische behoeftebepaling = deterministic requirements calculation
deterministische routering = deterministic routing
deterministische verdeling = causal distribution
DetGeh = DetGeh
Dethier & Associés = Dethier & Associés
detineren = detain
Detonatie = Detonation
Detonatie = Crack
Detonatie = Bang
Detonatie = Explosion
detorsie = detorsion
Detoxicatie = Detoxication
detoxificatie = detoxification
detoxificatie = detoxifying
detoxificatie = detox
detoxificatie = detoxication
detoxificatie = drug addiction treatment
detoxificatie = getting off hard drugs
detoxificatie = kicking the habit
detoxificatie-afdeling = detox unit
detoxificatie-afdeling = detox
detoxificatie-afdeling = detoxification unit
Detroit = Sound
Detroit = Strait
Detroit (Michigan) = Detroit
detrusor = detrusor urinal muscle
detumescentie = detumescence
deugd = morality
Deugd = Virtue
Deugd = Righteousness
deugd {de} = virtue
deugdelijk = sound
deugdelijk = firm
Deugdelijk = Valid
deugdelijk = adequate
deugdelijk = decent
deugdelijk materiaal = sound materials
deugdelijk te legitimeren = furnish proper identification.
deugdelijk vakmanschap = sound craftsmanship
deugdelijk vastgezet = properly secured
deugdelijk verzekerd = properly insured
deugdelijk werden opgeslagen = were stored properly
deugdelijke bewijsmiddelen = proper evidence
deugdelijke zekerheid = adequate guarantee
deugdelijkheid = reliability
deugdelijkheid = solidity
deugdelijkheid = solidness
deugdelijkheid = sound condition
deugdelijkheid = soundness
deugdelijkheid = virtue
deugdzaamheid = virtue
deugen = fit
Deugniet = Reprobate
Deugniet = No-good
Deugniet = Scamp
deugniet = good-for-nothing
Deugniet = Lot
deugniet {de} = rascal
Deuk = Bump
Deuk = Hummock
Deuk = Hump
Deuk = Nub
Deuk = Dent
deuk = bump
deuk = dent
deuk {de} = dent
"deuk, [Belgium] bluts, [Netherlands] buts {c}" = dent (shallow deformation in the surface)
"deuken, indeuken, [Belgium] blutsen" = dent  (produce a dent)
deun = melody
Deun = Airflow
Deun = Air
deuntje = melody
deur = gate
Deur = Door
deur – en/of raamopeningen = door and/or window openings
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = primed door
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = paint-ready door
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = plain unpainted door
deur {de} = door
Deur beveiliging op bordes = Door safety device on work platform
deur bij de palletlift = door next to the pallet lift
Deur formeerbaan = Door of pattern-formation conveyor
Deur is dicht = Door is closed
Deur is geopend = Door is open
deur met raam (bovenin) = sash door
deur naar patio = patio door
deur of lichtscherm = door or safety light curtain
Deur palletlift = Pallet lift door
Deur product lift = Product lift door
deur van de balustrade = guardrail gate
Deur voor kast/lessenaar = Door for enclosure
"deur, flens of deksel" = "door, flange or lid"
deurafdekking = door frame cover
deurafsluiting = door gasket
deurbediening midden Magiq 13 - 14 = door control center Magiq 13 - 14
deurbediening midden/achter = door control center/rear
deurbediening voor Magiq 13 - 14 = door control front Magiq 13 - 14
deurbedieningshendel buitenzijde = exterior door control handle
deurbedieningsknop midden/achter = central/rear door control button
Deurbedieningspaneel = Door control panel
deurbedieningsschakelaar = door control switch
deurbedieningsschakelaar buitenzijde = exterior door control switch
Deurbel = Doorbell
Deurbel = Bell
Deurbel = Little bell
deurbel = doorbell
deurbel / huisbel = doorbell
deurbel {de} = doorbell
Deurbelpaneel = Doorbell panel
deurbeslag = door furniture
Deurbeslag = Door hardware
deurbeslag = door fittings
deurbeslag = mounting of a door
deurbeslag = door mountings (IATE)
deurbeslag = trim plate
deurbeslagelement = door fitting element
deurbeslagelementen = door fitting elements
Deurbeslagfabrikant = Door hardware manufacturer
deurbeslagfabrikant = door hardware manufacturer
deurbeslagmerken = door hardware brands
Deurbesturing = door controls
deurbeugel = door latch
deurbeveiliging = door guard
Deurbeveiliging = Door locking system
deurbeveiliging = door lock system
deurbeveiliging = door-lock mechanism
deurbeveiliging formeerbaan = pattern-formation conveyor door safety system
deurbeveiliging shuttleplaat = shuttle plate door safety system
Deurbeveiligingen = Door locking systems
deurbeveiligingen = door guards
Deurbevestiging = Door mounting
deurblad = door leaf
Deurblad en kozijn = Door leaf and frame
deurblad van de brandwerende overheaddeur = door leaf of the fire-resistant overhead door
deurblad van de brandwerende roldeur = curtain of the fire-resistant roller door
Deurcode-opener = Door code opener
deurconstructie = gate structure
Deurcontact = Door contact
deurcontact = door switch
Deurcontact voor bewakingstechniek = Detector for bolt switching contact
deurcontactschakelaar = door contact switch
deur-controller = door controller
Deurdikte ( deurdikte = ) = Door Thickess (DOOR THICKNESS=)
Deurdranger = door closer
deurdranger = door-spring
deurdrangers = door-spring
deurdrangers = door-springs
Deurdrempels = Door thresholds
Deuren = Doors
deuren = doors
deuren en andere componenten = doors and other components
deuren met veiligheidsschakelaars = doors with safety switches
deuren sluiten = closing doors
Deuren voor in-/uitlaatsluis = Sluice gates
deuren voor meubelen = doors for furniture
Deuren voor schutsluis = Lock gates
deuren/zijpanelen/bodemplaten/montageplaten = doors / side panels / bottom plates / assembly boards
deurenrelais = door guard
Deurgeleiding met railsysteem = Door mounting with adjustable sliding hinges
deurgrendels = door bolts
deurhandgreep = door handle
deurhengsel / scharnier = butt
Deurhorren = Door screens
Deurinbouw = Door installation
deurintercom = door intercom
Deurinterface = Door interface
deurkader = door frame
deurkas = gate recess
deurkas = camber
deurkasdiepte = gate-recess depth
deurklink = door latch
deurklopper = doorknocker
deurklopper = door-knocker
deurknop = doorknob
deurknop = door knob
Deurkoppeling schakelaar = Door coupling handle for switchgear
deurkozijn = doorframe
deurkozijn = door frame
deurkozijn = door case
Deurkozijnen = Door frames
deurkruk = door handle
deurkruk = door-handle
deurkruk / klink = doorhandle
deurkrukken = door handles
Deurluidspreker = Door loudspeaker
deurlusremming = door loop brake
Deurmat = Mat
deurmat = door mat
Deurmat = Straw mat
Deurmat = Doormat
deurmat {de} = doormat
deurmatten = door mats
Deurne = Deurne
deurneusrubber = rubber door seal
Deurnummers = Door numbers
Deuromlijstingsgoot = Door diversion duct
deuropening = doorway
deuropening = door opening
deur-opening = door opening
deuropening / ingang / deurgat = doorway
Deuropeningsautomaat = Automatic door opener
deurophanging = door suspension
deurpaneel = door panel
Deurplaten = Door blanks
deurpost = pole
Deurpost = Door station
Deurpost = Amount
deurpost / stijl (van deur of venster) / stut / muurtje = jamb
deurprocedure = door procedure
deurprofiel = door profile
deurprofielen = door profiles
deurrek = door shelf
deurrooster = door grille
Deurroosters = Door grilles
deurrubber = doorseal
deurrubber / stootdop = doorstop(per)
deurrubbers = doorseals
Deurschakelaar = Door switch
deurschakelaar = door switch
Deurschakelaar(s) = door switches
deurschakelaars = door switches
deurscharnier / vouwscharnier = butt hinge
deurscharnieren = door hinge
deurscharnieren = door hinges
Deurscharnieren = Gate stop
"Deurscharnieren, zelfsluitend" = Door hinge feature
deursegment = door segment
deurset = door set
deurslot = door lock
Deursloten = Door locks
deursluiter = door closer
deursluiting = door seal
Deursluiting voor kast/lessenaar = Lock system for enclosure systems
deurspion = spyhole
Deurstation-set = Door station set
deurstijl = door stile
deurstijl = door stile (van deur)
deurstijl = doorjamb (van deurkozijn)
deurstijl = doorpost
deurstijl = doorpost (van deurkozijn)
deurstop = door stop
deurstopper = door stop
deurstoppers van metaal = door stops of metal
deurstuiters = door stops
deursystemen = door systems
deurvanger = doorstop(per)
Deurvastzetcentrale = Door locking central station
deurvastzetter = door holder
deurvergrendeling = door locking
deurvergrendeling door inbraakbeveiliging = door locking by anti-theft protection
deurvulling = door panel
deurwaarder = bailiff
Deurwaarder = Sheriff's officer
Deurwaarder = Usher
Deurwaarder = Process server
Deurwaarder = Bailiff
deurwaarders = process servers (US)
Deurwaardersdiensten = Bailiff services
deurwaardersexploit van beslaglegging = writ of distrainment
deurwaardersexploot = a writ served by a bailiff
deurwaardersexploot = writ
deurwaardersexploot = bailiff’s writ
deurwaardersexploot = writ served by a bailiff
deurwaardersexploot betekenen aan = serve a bailiff’s notification on
Deurzijpaneel = Door side panel
Deuterium = Deuterium
"deuteron, deuteriumkern" = deuteron (tritium nucleus)
Deuteronomium = Deuteronomy
Deutsche Bank AG = Deutsche Bank AG
deuvel = key
deuvel = dowel
deuvel- / dook- / drevel- / penverbinding = dowel(led) joint
deuvel / dookpen / paspen = dowel pin
deuvelwapening = steel pin
Devaluatie = Devaluation
Devaluatie = Devaluation (e )
Devanagari = Devanagari
Developers Conference van FileMaker = FileMaker Developers Conference
Developing an explanatory model for the firm investments in submarine opt = Developing an explanatory model for the firm investments in submarine opt
development = development
Development & Consultancy = Development & Consultancy
Development & Sales Office = Development & Sales Office
Development & Standardisation = Development & Standardisation
Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence = Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence
development initiatief = development initiative
Development Kit = development kit
Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle = Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle
development team = development team
Deventer = Deventer
deviatie = deviate
deviatie = deviation
deviatie = deviance
deviatie residuals = deviance residual
deviatie van ogen = ocular  deviation
deviaties = deviations
deviatieverhouding = deviation ratio
deviatievervorming = deviation distortion
Deviation Report = Afwijkings-rapport
Device Manager = Device Manager
Device Metadata Retrieval Client = Device Metadata Retrieval Client
Device serial Nb = Device serial No.
device targeting = device targeting
DeviceNet = DeviceNet
DeviceNet Safety = DeviceNet Safety
devices = devices
Devies = Motto
deviezen = foreign currency
Deviezen = Foreign exchange
Deviezenbalans = Official reserve account (OR)
deviezenbeleid = exchange policy
deviezenbeleid/politiek = foreign exchange policy
deviezencontrole = exchange control
deviezenreserve = foreign-exchange reserves
Deviezenswap = Foreign exchange swap
Deviezenvoorraad = Currency reserves
devitalisatie = devitalization
Devon = Devon
Devoon = Devonian
Devoot = Godly
Devoot = Pious
DevOps = DevOps
DEVS = DEVS system (Driver's Enhanced Vision System)
dewatering = dewatering
dewelke = who
dewelke = which
dewelke bedraad of draadloos communiceert = which communicates wired or wirelessly
dewelke manueel geplaatst worden = which are manually placed
dewelke nog niet is uitgevoerd = which has not yet been carried out
dewelke onderling orthogonaal zijn = which are mutually orthogonal
dewelke verschillend zijn = which are different
Dewey Decimale Classificatie = Dewey Decimal Classification
DEWI = German Wind Energy Institute DEWI
DEXA = dual  energy x-ray absorptiometry: a method used to estimate total body f
Dexa scan = DEXA scan
Dexa scanner = DEXA scanner
dexamethason = C22H29FO5
dexamethason = dexamethasone
dexamethason-isonicotinaat = "dexamethasone isonicotinate: an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic glucocor"
dexamfetamine = dexamphetamine
dexamfetamine = dexedrine
dexamfetamine = dextroamphetamine: an addictive prescription stimulant used to treat narc
dexetimide = dexetimide
dexfenfluramine = dexfenfluramine
dexketoprofen = dexketoprofen
dextraan = dextran
dextraan sulfaat = dextran sulfate
dextranomer = dextranomer
dextraten = dextrates
dextrine = dextrin
dextrine = (C6H10O5)n  dextrin
dextro- = dextro-
"dextrocardia, de dextrocardie" = dextrocardia
dextrocerebraal = dextrocerebral
dextromethorfaan = d-methorphan
dextromethorfaan-hydrobromide = dextromethorphan HBr
dextromethorfaan-hydrobromide = dextromethorphan hydrobromide
dextromethorfan = dextromethorphan
dextromethorfan (DXM) = DXM
dextrometorfan = dextrometorphan
dextromoramide = dextromoramide
dextromoramide-bitartraat = dextromoramide bitartrate
dextropropoxyfeen = C22H29NO2
dextrose = dextrose
dextrose = grape sugar
dextrosehulpstof = dextrose excipient
dextrosemonohydraat = dextrose monohydrate
dextroversie = dextroversion: turning the eyes to the right
Deze = this
deze aanbieding doen wij gestand tot ... daarna geldt zij vrijblijvend = our quotation is valid until ... and is thereafter subject to further con
deze aanbieding en de verdere uitvoering daarvan = this offer and the execution thereof
Deze aanbieding is geldig tot = This offer is valid until
Deze aanpak = This approach
deze aanschrijving ontvangt = receives the notice
Deze aanslag is vastgesteld = This assessment has been calculated
Deze aansturing kan gebeuren via = This control can be done via
Deze abstracte methoden = These abstract methods
Deze actie geldt bij aankomst op = This offer is valid for arrivals on
Deze activiteiten zijn gebonden aan = These activities are subject to
deze afwijking geheel of gedeeltelijk te compenseren = compensate this deviation in whole or in part
deze algemene inkoopvoorwaarden van ABC sluiten de toepasselijkheid van a = these general purchase conditions exclude the supplier's general terms an
deze Allonge evenals de Overeenkomst = this Rider as well as the Agreement
Deze alternatieve uitvoeringsvorm = This alternative embodiment
Deze analyse is gepubliceerd in = This analysis was published in
deze andere sites of daarin opgenomen informatie = these other sites or any information contained therein
Deze app maakt gebruikt van Java-enabled devices = This app can run on any Java-enabled device
Deze arbeidsovereenkomst = This employment contract
Deze arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt van rechtswege op = This employment contract will end by operation of law on
"Deze arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt van rechtswege, zonder dat opzegging is " = "This employment contract shall end by operation of law, without notice be"
deze auteursrechten berusten bij = these copyrights are vested in
Deze autoregeling regelt = This company car scheme governs
Deze autoregeling vormt een onverbrekelijk geheel met = This car scheme forms an inseparable part of
deze barrières te slechten = remove these barriers
deze bedraagt momenteel = this is currently
Deze bedragen kunnen de komende jaren veranderen. = These amounts may change in the coming years.
deze beide = these two
deze bekende systemen in de praktijk slechts op beperkte schaal toegepast = these known systems are only applied on a limited scale in practice
deze belastingen drukken zwaar op hen = these taxes weigh heavy upon them
Deze bepaling geldt niet = This provision shall not apply
Deze bepaling is van toepassing op personeel (medewerkers) van Opdrachtge = This provision applies to all staff of both Client and Contractor.
Deze bepalingen worden beschouwd als hier herhaald en ingelast = These provisions are deemed to be repeated and incorporated herein
Deze beperking is echter niet van toepassing = "However, this limitation does not apply"
deze bescherming = this form of protection
Deze beschrijving wordt evenwel slechts als voorbeeld gegeven en is niet  = "However, this description is only given as an example and is not intended"
deze beslissing te motiveren = giving reasons
Deze besluiten zijn vastgelegd in = These decisions are laid down in
deze bestellingen niet geannuleerd kunnen worden = these orders cannot be cancelled
Deze bijdrage geldt alleen voor = This contribution applies only to
Deze bijlage bij de arbeidsovereenkomst = This annex to the employment agreement
deze bijlagen maken deel uit van deze overeenkomst en vormen daarmee een  = these appendices form an integral part of this agreement
Deze bijsluiter is goedgekeurd in = This leaflet was approved in
Deze bijsluiter is voor het laatst goedgekeurd in = This leaflet was last approved in
deze biomassa op een specifieke wijze te vergisten = digesting this biomass in a specific manner
deze bladzijde = this page
Deze boete laat onverlet = This penalty is without prejudice to
Deze bouten zijn echter niet goedgekeurd voor lage-temperatuur toepassing = "However, these bolts are not approved for low temperature application"
deze brandwerende roldeur = this fire-resistant roller door
Deze brochure bevat informatie = This brochure contains information
Deze CAR kan niet worden gesloten = This CAR cannot be closed
Deze cijfers zijn helaas niet voorhanden = These figures are unfortunately not available.
"Deze cilinder heeft als extra een gasafnameventiel (vapour valve), voorzi" = "This cylinder has as an additional vapour valve, fitted with a pressure r"
Deze competentie beschouwen wij als = We consider this competency to be
deze conclusie = the present defence to the counterclaim (in this document!)
deze databank bevat ruim 85% van het Nederlandse aanbod van gekwalificeer = this database holds details of more than 85% of all the qualified commerc
Deze definitie past binnen het = This definition is consistent with the
deze definitieve aanslag is vastgesteld overeenkomstig uw aangifte over 2 = this final assessment has been calculated in accordance with your return
Deze dient ’s avonds uitgeschakeld te worden = This should be switched off at night
deze diepte = this depth
Deze documenten omvatten minimaal volgende gegevens = These documents must include at least the following data
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt = This objective is achieved
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt = This object is achieved
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt door = This objective is achieved by means of
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt door = This object is achieved by means of
deze doelstellingen te monitoren = monitor these objectives
Deze doelstellingen worden bereikt door = These objects are achieved by
deze drie = these three
Deze drie typen branders worden samengeplaatst op een gemeenschappelijke  = "These three types of burner are fitted together on a common burner base, "
deze één of meerdere waarden = this/these one or more values
Deze effecten = These effects
deze eindpunten inbegrepen = "Quoting numerical intervals by the endpoints comprises all integers, frac"
deze eis niet noodzakelijkerwijs van toepassing is = this requirement does not necessarily apply
Deze eis zorgt er voor = This requirement ensures
Deze elegante productlift = This elegant product lift
deze elementen mee opneemt = includes these elements
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding = The above and other aspects of the invention
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn aan de ha = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn aan de ha = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn van en ve = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn van en ve = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere doelstellingen worden verwezenlijkt = These and other objects are achieved
Deze en andere kenmerken en voordelen van de onderhavige uitvinding kunne = These and other features and advantages of the present invention may be r
Deze en andere kenmerken en voordelen van de onderhavige uitvinding kunne = These and other features and advantages of the present invention may be r
Deze extra service kan aangevraagd worden via de site = This additional service can be requested via the website
Deze figuur toont = This figure shows
deze fysiek van elkaar gescheiden kunnen zijn = these can be physically separated from each other
Deze garantie geldt voor de gehele duur = This guarantee is valid for the entire duration
Deze garantie geldt voor de gehele duur van de tussen verhuurder en huurd = This guarantee is valid for the entire duration of the lease agreement in
Deze gebruikershandleiding geeft de gebruiker informatie over = This manual provides the user with information on
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = these operating instructions
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = this manual
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = these instructions for use
Deze gecentraliseerde aanpak = This centralised approach
deze gedetailleerde beschrijving = this detailed description
deze gegevens = this data
Deze gegevens worden gestockeerd = This data is stored
Deze geheimhoudingsplicht omvat tevens = This duty of confidentiality also includes
deze goed te roeren = stirring it well
deze goedbezochte beurs = this well attended fair
Deze groep behelst nu ruim = This group now accounts for over
Deze handleiding = These instructions
Deze handleiding moet U in staat stellen = This manual should enable you
deze handschoen oppakken = take up this gauntlet
Deze hoek is niet noodzakelijk recht = This angle is not necessarily a right angle
deze huurovereenkomst = this Lease agreement
deze huurovereenkomst = this tenancy agreement
Deze huurovereenkomst gaat in op = This Lease commences on
deze informatie aan elkaar getoetst [...] geënt op zaken als... = this information is cross-checked [....] applied to
Deze informatie bestrijkt verscheidene domeinen... = this information covers...
deze informatie uitsluitend gebruiken voor = use this information solely for
Deze informatie wordt gebruikt = This information is used
Deze inhouding vindt niet plaats = This deduction will not take place
Deze installatie bevat niet afschakelbare spanningsvoerende delen = This installation contains noninterruptible live parts
Deze installatie zal zorgen voor de productie van de koude = This installation will provide cooling
Deze installatiehandleiding = This installation guide
Deze installaties zullen = These installations will be
deze is aan te vragen via het = which can be requested via the
deze is te vinden op = which can be found at
Deze is te vinden op de website = This can be found on the website
Deze is terug te zien in = which is reflected in
deze kabinetsperiode = during this government’s term of office
deze kaderovereenkomst en zijn bijlagen = this Framework Agreement and its Schedules
deze kan niet gereset worden = This cannot be reset
deze kennis = this knowledge
deze kennis en ervaring = this knowledge and experience
deze kennis en ervaring met u te delen = share this knowledge and experience with you
Deze klachten worden afgehandeld door = These complaints are handled by
Deze klasse implementeert = This class implements
Deze knop Heeft in deze installatie geen functie meer = This button no longer has a function in the system
Deze knop staat standaard op = "By default, this button is set to"
Deze korting is alleen online via de link verkrijgbaar = This discount is only available online via the link
Deze kosten = These costs
Deze kosten worden vergoed = These costs are reimbursed
deze kunnen de naam hebben = these may have the name
Deze kunnen eveneens fungeren als = These can also act as
Deze kunnen eveneens fungeren als afstandshouders = These can also act as spacers
Deze kunnen opgedeeld worden in = These can be divided into
Deze kunnen opgedeeld worden in drie grote blokken = These can be divided into three main groups
Deze kunnen optioneel gebruikt worden voor = These can optionally be used for
Deze laatste = the latter
deze leiderschapsstijlen = these leadership styles
deze lichamelijke klachten = these physical symptoms
Deze lijn wordt onder meer gebruikt voor = "This line is used, among other things"
Deze lijst is niet limitatief = This list is not exhaustive
Deze lijst met werkzaamheden = These specifications
Deze lijst vind je op = This list can be found at
Deze lijsten zijn niet limitatief = These lists are not exhaustive
Deze link navigeert naar = This link takes the user to
Deze maatregelen hebben als doel = These measures aim
Deze maatregelen hebben betrekking op = These measures relate to
deze mail = this email
Deze mail stuurt de medewerker naar = The employee should send this email to
Deze manier van scannen = This type of scan
Deze meerwaarde bedraagt = This gain amounts to
Deze methode van openbaarmaking = This method of disclosure
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge?nterpreteerd te = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geénterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geénterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geïnterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geïnterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
deze methoden om te stoppen = These stopping methods
deze moet aan de volgende voorwaarden voldoen = it must fulfil the following conditions
Deze montage is alleen van toepassing bij = This assembly method is only applicable to
Deze montage is van toepassing bij zowel de = This assembly applies to both the
deze ��n of meerdere waarden = this/these one or more values
deze niet gebruiken voor een ander doel dan waarvoor het ter beschikking  = shall shall not use them for any purpose other than that for which they w
deze nieuwsbrief leest u over = In this newsletter you can read about
"Deze oefening, zorgt voor kennis en begrip" = This exercise provides knowledge and understanding
deze offerte omschreven werkzaamheden = work described in this quotation
deze ontwikkelingen bij te houden = monitor these developments
Deze opbrengsten bedroegen = These revenues amounted
deze openbaring = this disclosure
deze opgaven = these challenges
deze opsomming is louter exemplatief en niet limitatief = this enumeration is purely exemplative and not exhaustive
deze optie heeft voorkeur = This option is preferred
Deze optie kan door de deelnemer worden uitgezet = This option can be switched off by the participant
deze overeenkomst beëindigen = terminate this Agreement
deze Overeenkomst beëindigt = terminates this Agreement
Deze Overeenkomst behelst de volledige overeenkomst = This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
Deze Overeenkomst behelst de volledige overeenkomst tussen = This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
Deze overeenkomst eindigt = This Agreement shall terminate
Deze overeenkomst eindigt bij het overlijden van = This agreement shall terminate upon the death of
deze Overeenkomst en alle Orders = this Agreement and all Orders
Deze overeenkomst geldt = This agreement applies
Deze overeenkomst geldt voor alle medewerkers = This agreement applies to all employees
Deze overeenkomst geldt voor onbepaalde tijd = This agreement is valid for an indefinite period
Deze overeenkomst heeft betrekking op = This Agreement relates to
Deze overeenkomst inclusief de bijlagen = This Agreement including its Schedules
Deze overeenkomst is aangegaan voor de duur van 5 (vijf) jaar = This Agreement has been entered into for the duration of 5 (five) years
Deze overeenkomst is onderworpen aan het Belgisch recht = This Agreement is governed by Belgian law.
deze overeenkomst kan slechts worden gewijzigd of aangevuld door middel v = this contract can only be changed or added to by means of a written state
Deze overeenkomst kan tussentijds met onmiddellijke ingang zonder rechter = This agreement may be terminated by either party prematurely with immedia
deze overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang te beëindigen = terminate this agreement with immediate effect
deze overeenkomst of de uitvoering daarvan = this Agreement or its performance
deze overeenkomst om een van deze redenen beëindigt = terminates this agreement for one of these reasons
deze overeenkomst op elk moment beëindigen = terminate this agreement at any time
Deze overeenkomst regelt de relatie tussen Opdrachtgever en Opdrachtnemer = This Agreement governs the relationship between Client and Contractor
Deze Overeenkomst treedt in werking = This Agreement shall enter into force
Deze overeenkomst verplicht partijen tot = This agreement commits the parties to
Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door het Nederlands recht = This agreement is governed by Dutch law
deze Overeenkomst zal blijven honoreren = will continue to honour this Agreement
Deze overwegingen moeten worden meegenomen = These considerations must be taken into account
Deze overwegingen moeten worden meegenomen in de ontwerpfase = These considerations must be taken into account in the design phase
Deze pagina heeft opzettelijk geen inhoud = This page has been intentionally left blank
Deze pagina heeft opzettelijk geen inhoud = This page intentionally left blank
Deze pagina staat momenteel offline = This page is currently offline.
Deze paragraaf gaat in op = This section deals with
deze paren van tweede openingen = said pairs of second apertures
Deze partijen is gevraagd = These parties have been requested
deze persoon te vervangen = to replace this person
deze politiek biedt geen uitzicht op succes = this policy has no prospect / chance of success
Deze prestatieverklaring wordt verstrekt onder de exclusieve verantwoorde = This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility o
deze prijzen niet gewijzigd zullen worden indien de indexering leidt tot  = these prices will not be changed if the indexation leads to lower prices
Deze procedure is van toepassing op = This procedure applies to
Deze procedure is van toepassing tijdens = This procedure applies during
Deze publicatie is tot stand gekomen = This publication was produced
deze regel geldt voor iedereen = this rule applies to everyone
deze regeling is van toepassing op medewerkers met een vaste standplaats = these arrangements apply to employees whose work is carried out at a fixe
deze regels lenen zich... (whole phrase) = "Due to their nature, these rules are capable of direct application."
Deze rekeningen wordt vermeld = These accounts are specified
Deze rente zal worden berekend = This interest will be calculated
deze restricties = these restrictions
deze richtlijn = these guidelines on recommended practice
deze rubriek = this section
Deze scan kan tijdens kantoor uitgevoerd worden. = This scan can be performed during office hours.
Deze sensoren = these sensors
Deze situatie vraagt een goede kennis = This situation requires a good knowledge
deze slimme productlift = this clever product elevator
Deze specifieke scenario’s = These specific scenarios
Deze staan vermeld in de specificatie van de = These are listed in the specifications of the
Deze stelschroef heeft een linkse schroefdraad en werkt daarom wat onlogi = "This adjusting screw has a left-handed thread, which might seem a little "
Deze stijging is vooral het gevolg van = This growth was mainly caused by
Deze stijl kan efficiënt zijn = This style can be efficient
Deze stof en de verpakking als gevaarlijk afval afvoeren = This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste
Deze stof en de verpakking als gevaarlijk afval afvoeren. = This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
deze stof en de verpakking naar een inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzon = "Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material and its container at h"
Deze stof en de verpakking naar inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzonder  = Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special waste
Deze stof en de verpakking naar inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzonder  = Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special waste
Deze stof en de verpakking op veilige wijze afvoeren = This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way
Deze stof en de verpakking op veilige wijze afvoeren. = This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way.
deze stoffen te vermijden = avoid these substances
deze storingscode = this fault code
deze studie en de uitvoering daarvan = this trial and its implementation
Deze stukken vormen een integraal onderdeel van deze = These documents shall form an integral part of this
Deze tarieven zijn exclusief voor = These rates apply exclusively to
deze technieken = these techniques
deze technieken = these technologies
Deze tegemoetkoming is afhankelijk van = This allowance is dependent on
deze tekortkomingen weg te werken = eliminate these shortcomings
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit = it does not exclude other elements or steps
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ?comprising?, used in the claims, shoul"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = it does not exclude other elements or steps.
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = it does not exclude other elements or steps.
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ?comprising?, used in the claims, shoul"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = it does not exclude other elements or steps. It is thus to be interpreted
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = it does not exclude other elements or steps. It is thus to be interpreted
Deze termijn gaat in op de kalenderdag = This term starts on the calendar day
Deze termijn is vermeld in = This period is specified in
Deze termijn vangt aan op de dag nadat = This period commences on the day after
Deze termijn wordt vermeerderd = This period is increased
Deze termijn wordt vermeerderd met = This period is increased by
deze test = this test
deze toebehoren = these accessories
Deze toeslag maakt geen onderdeel uit van = This allowance is not part of
Deze toeslag maakt onderdeel uit van = This allowance is part of
Deze toeslag wordt aangepast = This allowance is adjusted
deze transactie komt tot stand onder de voorwaarden genoemd in = this transaction is concluded subject to the conditions set out in ...
deze tussentijds schriftelijk op te zeggen = terminate it prematurely in writing
deze twee = these two
deze Uitnodiging tot Inschrijving = this Invitation to Tender
Deze uitspraak is gedaan door = This judgement was pronounced by
Deze uitsteeksels = These projections
deze uitvinding = this invention
Deze uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The present invention generally relates to
Deze uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The invention generally relates to
deze uitvoeringsvorm = this embodiment
Deze uitvoeringsvorm beschrijft = This embodiment describes
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft als voordeel = This embodiment has the advantage
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft als voordeel dat = This embodiment has the advantage that
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft onder meer als voordeel = "This embodiment has the advantage, among other things,"
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig = This embodiment is particularly advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorhee = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig met een voorheen beschreven u = This embodiment is particularly advantageous with a previously described
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is eveneens voordelig = This embodiment is also advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan = This embodiment is the same as
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan de uitvoeringsvorm = This embodiment is the same as the embodiment
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan de uitvoeringsvorm in Figuur = This embodiment is the same as the embodiment in Figure
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gunstig voor het stevig bevestigen van een opwaar = This embodiment is beneficial for firmly attaching an upwardly extending
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig = This embodiment is particularly advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een  = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een  = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met voor = This embodiment is especially advantageous in combination with previously
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is vooral voordelig voor = This embodiment is especially advantageous for
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig = This embodiment is advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig doordat = This embodiment is advantageous in that
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig omdat = This embodiment is advantageous because
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig omdat het voorkomt = This embodiment is advantageous because it prevents
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig voor = This embodiment is advantageous for
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig voor het bekomen van = This embodiment is advantageous for obtaining
Deze uitvoeringsvorm kan voordelig gecombineerd worden met een voorheen b = This embodiment can advantageously be combined with a previously describe
Deze uitvoeringsvorm kan voordelig gecombineerd worden met een voorheen b = This embodiment can advantageously be combined with a previously describe
Deze uitvoeringsvorm omvat = This embodiment comprises
Deze uitvoeringsvorm van de uitvinding = This embodiment of the invention
Deze Uitzendovereenkomst is in tweevoud opgemaakt en ondertekend op  te = This Temporary Employment Contract was drawn up in duplicate and signed o
Deze uitzendovereenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur van de terbeschikki = This temporary employment contract is entered into for the duration of th
deze veiligheidsvoorschriften = these safety regulations
Deze verantwoordelijkheid = This responsibility
deze vergelijking = this comparison
Deze vergoeding heeft betrekking op = This allowance covers
Deze vergoeding heeft betrekking op de kosten = This allowance covers the costs
Deze vergoeding is belast. = This allowance is taxed.
Deze vergoeding is inclusief = This allowance includes
Deze vergoeding komt in de plaats van = This fee is in lieu of
Deze vergoeding wordt netto uitbetaald = This allowance will be paid out net
Deze verklaring is opgemaakt op = This declaration was prepared on
Deze verklaring kan worden verkregen = This statement can be obtained
deze verkzeringsvoorwarden zijn ontwikkeld door XYZ & co. b.v. te Amsterd = these insurance terms and conditions have been developed by XYZ & co. b.v
deze verpanding geschiedt onder de volgende bepalingen = this pledge is made subject to the following conditions
Deze verplichtingen zijn bijkomend aan = These obligations supplement
Deze verplichtingen zijn bijkomend aan deze van = These obligations supplement those of
Deze versie is voorzien van = This version includes
Deze verzekering is bedoeld om = This policy is designed to
deze verzekering wilde ik graag snel afsluiten = I wanted to take out this policy quickly
deze verzekering wilde ik graag snel en gemakkelijk afsluiten = I wanted to take out this policy quickly and easily
Deze visie sluit nauw aan bij = This vision is closely aligned with
Deze volmacht is onvoorwaardelijk en onherroepelijk = This power of attorney is unconditional and irrevocable
Deze voorkeursvormen = These preferred embodiments
deze voorwaarden = these conditions
Deze voorwaarden = These terms and conditions
deze voorwaarden = these Promotional Terms and Conditions
Deze voorwaarden worden niet geacht een garantie = These conditions do not constitute a guarantee
Deze voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op = These conditions apply to all
Deze voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle aanbiedingen en offertes = These conditions apply to all offers and quotations
Deze vorm om warmte energie op te wekken is weinig milieubelastend. = This form of generating heat energy places a low burden on the environmen
deze vorstbeveiliging = this frost protection system
Deze vraag zal door je zelf beantwoord moeten worden = Only you will be able to answer this question
Deze vragen overslaan = Skip these questions
Deze vragen zijn onder te verdelen in = These questions can be divided into
Deze vragenlijst gaat over = This questionnaire is about
Deze website = This website
Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies = This website makes use of cookies
deze weg volgen tot = continue along this road as far as
Deze werkwijze heeft onder meer als voordeel dat = "This method has the advantage, among other things, that"
Deze werkwijze is voordelig = This method is advantageous
Deze werkwijze is voordelig omdat = This method is advantageous because
Deze werkwijze van openbaarmaking = This method of disclosure
Deze wet stamt uit = This law dates from
Deze worden afgeleid uit = These are derived from
Deze worden gedocumenteerd = These are documented
Deze wordt gemeten in = This is measured in
Deze zaak wordt behandeld door = This case is being handled by
deze zijde = this side
Deze zijn = These are
Deze zijn onder andere nodig voor = "These are needed, for example,"
Deze zijn reeds in uw bezit. = You already have a copy of these.
Deze zijn vastgelegd in = These are defined in
Deze zijportie = This side portion
deze zin is te schrappen indien = this sentence is to be deleted if
deze zinsnede begrijp ik niet = I don’t understand this phrase
Deze zullen energie voorzien = These will supply energy
dezelfde = very
dezelfde = this same
dezelfde = the same
dezelfde afmetingen = the same dimensions
dezelfde afmetingen hebben als = have the same dimensions as
dezelfde arbeidsvoorwaarden als in deze Uitzendovereenkomst zijn opgenome = the same terms and conditions of employment as specified in this temporar
dezelfde dosis radiotherapie = the same dose of radiotherapy
dezelfde eis = the same requirement
dezelfde frequenties = the same frequencies
dezelfde functie = the same function
dezelfde functie zullen vervullen = will perform the same function
dezelfde geldingskracht hebben jegens = to apply with equal force with regard to
dezelfde hoge temperaturen = the same high temperatures
dezelfde identity hebben = have the same identity
dezelfde of soortgelijke werkzaamheden = the same or similar work
dezelfde periode vorig jaar = the same period last year
Dezelfde referentienummers in verschillende tekeningen identificeren deze = The same reference numbers in different drawings identify the same or sim
Dezelfde referentienummers in verschillende tekeningen identificeren deze = The same reference numbers in different drawings identify the same or sim
dezelfde types = the same types
Dezelfde uitvoering kan doorlopen worden = The same embodiment can be used
dezelfde uitvoeringsdatum hebben = share the same same processing date
dezelfde uitvoeringsvorm = the same embodiment
dezelfde verplichtingen = the same obligations
dezelfde verplichtingen op te leggen = impose the same obligations
dezelfde voetplaat = the same base plate
dezelfde volgorde van trapsgewijze aaneenschakeling = same sequence of stepwise interconnection
dezelfde voordelen = the same advantages
dezelfde vorm en afmetingen = the same shape and dimensions
dezelfde waarde = the same value
dezerzijds aantekening maken van = "the police, or possibly: the undersigned/ the aforementioned ( all depend"
df = df
df = degrees of freedom
DFA = Dossier of Financial Arrangements
DFB = Facility Service
D-fender = D-fender
D-fenders = D-fenders
DFS-toegangspunt = DFS root
DFS-topologie = DFS topology
D-functie = discriminant function
dg = day/days
DG BEB = Directorate-General for External Economic Relations
"DG Dier, Plant en Voeding (DG4)" = "Animal, Plant and Food Directorate-General (DG4)"
DG HOME = Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME)
DGA = dissolved Gas-in-Oil Analysis
D-galacturonzuurresiduen = D-galactouronic acid residues
DGBEB = DGBEB (Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations
DGBEB = DGBEB (Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations)
DGGIS = Office of the Director-General for International Cooperation Directoraat-
DGI = De Groot Installaties
D-glasvezel = D glass fiber
DGO = decentralised collective bargaining committee
DGUV Test = DGUV test
DGVS = DGVS notification
DGVS-melding = DGVS notification
Dhaka (stad) = Dhaka
Dharma = Dharma
Dhaulagiri = Dhaulagiri
DHCP NAP Enforcement-client = DHCP NAP enforcement client
DHCP NAP Enforcement-server = DHCP NAP enforcement server
DHCP-client = DHCP client
DHCP-server = DHCP server
DHCP-vereisten afdwingen = DHCP Enforcement
dhg.vloertegels = hard-burnt floor tiles
Dhole = Dhole
Dhr. = Mr
Dhr. = Dear Sir
Dhr. = Ducks
Dhr. = Mr.
Dhr. = Esquire
Dhr. = Gentleman
Dhr. = Sir
DHZ = Do it yourself
di = Tue
DI = Design Implementation
di- en polyfosfaten = di- and polyphosphates
di- of tricarbonzuur = di- or tricarboxylic acid
di-(2-ethylhexyl)ftalaat = DIHP
di(hydroxyethyl) = di(hydroxyethyl)
Dia = Slide
Dia = Transparency
dia = dia
dia = slide
dia = calibration target transparency
dia = transparency
dia en coverglas = calibration target transparency and cover glass
dia’s = slides
diabetes = diabetes
Diabetes mellitus = Diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus type 2 = type 2 diabetes mellitus
diabetes verpleegkundige = diabetes nurse
diabetesaudit = diabetes policy audit
diabetesbehandeling = diabetes treatments
diabetesbeleid = diabetes policies
diabetescomplicaties = diabetes complications
diabetesgangreen = diabetic gangrene
diabetesglucosurie = diabetic  glycosuria
diabetesonderzoek = diabetes review
diabetespreventie = diabetes prevention
Diabetesspecialist = Diabetes specialist
diabeteszorg = diabetes management
diabeticus = a  diabetic
diabetische angiopathie = diabetic angiopathy
diabetische angiopathie = diabetic macroangiopathy
diabetische arthropathie = diabetic arthrosis
diabetische arthropathie = diabetic arthropathy
diabetische foetopathie = diabetic fetopathy
diabetische gastroparese = diabetic  gastroparesis
diabetische nefropathie = diabetic nephropathy
diabetische neuropathie = diabetic neuropathy
diabetische neuropathie: de acute diabetische neuritis (van de hersenzenu = acute  diabetic neuritis
diabetische neuropathie: de acute diabetische neuritis (van de hersenzenu = acute diabetic neuropathy of cranial nerves
diabetische neuropathische ulcera = diabetic neuropathic ulcer
diabetische voet = diabetes foot
diabetogeen = diabetogenic
diabetogenische principe van het voorhypophyseum = diabetogenic antehypophyseal principle
diabetometer = diabetometer
diabolisch = devilish
diaboolglooiing = slope protected by diabolic concrete blocks
diacetaat = diacetate
diacetin = glycerol diacetate
diacetonacrylamide = diacetone acrylamide
Diacetonalcohol = Diacetonalcohol
diacetone acrylamide = diacetone acrylamide
diachromie = cross colour
diachylon = adhesive plaster
Diacs = Diacs
diactinisch = diactinal
diacylglycerol = diacylglycerol
diadochokinesia = diadochokinesia: the normal power of alternately bringing a limb into opp
diadochokinesia = diadochokinesis
diafanoscoop = transilluminator
Diafragma = Aperture
diafragma = diaphragm / aperture
diafragma = musculus diaphragma
diafragma = diaphragm
diafragma hoogstand = diaphragmatic elevation
diafragma hoogstand = diaphragm elevation
diafragma hoogstand = elevated diaphragm
diafragma hoogstand = elevation of the diaphragm
diafragma huis = diaphragm cover
diafragma koppeling = diaphragm clutch
Diafragma’s = Diaphragms
diafragmaframe = diaphragm frame
diafragmagetal = stop number
diafragmaimpressie = diaphragm impression
Diafragmakleppen = Diaphragm valves
diafragma-opening = aperture
diafragmapomp = diaphragm pump
diafragmareflex = diaphragm reflex
diafragmaregeling = diaphragm control
diafragmaschaal = "stop-scale, diaphragm scale"
diafragmasluitmechanisme = stopping down mechanism
diafragmatische eventratie = diaphragmatic eventration
diafragmatische eventratie = eventration of the diaphragm
diafragmeren = stop down
diafyse = shaft
diagenese = diagenesis
diagnose = diagnosis
Diagnose = Diagnostic
diagnose {de} = diagnosis
diagnose- en behandelingkosten = diagnosis and treatment costs
diagnose menu = diagnostic screen
diagnose programma = diagnostic program
diagnose scherm = diagnostics screen
diagnose stekker = diagnostic connector
diagnose stellen = "make a / one’s diagnosis, diagnose"
"diagnoseafdeling, de diagnosedienst" = diagnostic services
diagnoseapparatuur = diagnostic apparatus
diagnoseerverwande groepen = diagnosis-related groups: a system for classifying patient care by relati
diagnosefase = diagnostic phase
Diagnosefunctie = Diagnosis function
Diagnosefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated diagnosis function
diagnose-inhoud = diagnostic content
diagnosepakket = diagnostic package
diagnoseprovider = diagnostic provider
diagnoses gesteld = "make a / one’s diagnosis, diagnose"
diagnosescherm = diagnostics screen
diagnosescript = diagnostic script
Diagnosesets = Diagnostic kits
Diagnose-software = Diagnosis-software
diagnosestekker ABS/ASR = ABS/ASR diagnostic connector
diagnosestekker automaat = diagnostic connector automatic transmission
diagnosestekker Kibes/Cavtan = Kibes/Cavtan diagnostic connector
diagnosestekker retarder = retarder diagnostic connector
Diagnosesysteem van de NOx-beperking (NCD) = NOx Control Diagnostic system (NCD)
Diagnosesystemen = Diagnostic systems
Diagnostic Policy-service = Diagnostic Policy Service
Diagnostic Service Host = Diagnostic Service Host
Diagnostic System Host = Diagnostic System Host
diagnosticeren = to diagnose
diagnosticeren = diagnosing
"diagnosticum, het diagnostiek-methode" = diagnostic procedure
diagnostiek = diagnostics
diagnostisch = diagnostic
Diagnostisch Beeld = diagnostic picture
diagnostisch handboek = diagnostic manual
Diagnostisch hulpprogramma van Microsoft Ondersteuning = Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
Diagnostisch instrumentarium = Diagnostic devices
diagnostisch onderzoek = diagnostic assessment
diagnostisch programma = diagnostic program
diagnostischdieet = elimination diet
Diagnostische agentia = Diagnostic agents
Diagnostische benodigdheden = Diagnostic supplies
Diagnostische foutcode in behandeling = Pending DTC
diagnostische fouten = diagnostic errors
diagnostische foutmelding = diagnostic error message
Diagnostische gegevens = Diagnostics
Diagnostische gegevens van Office = Office Diagnostics
diagnostische gereedschappen = diagnostic equipment: nonexpendable items used in examinination
diagnostische handboeken = diagnostic manuals
diagnostische handleiding = diagnostic manual
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic aid
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic software
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic tool
diagnostische informatie = diagnostic information
diagnostische preparaten = diagnostic preparations
diagnostische preparaten voor in-vitro gebruik = diagnostic preparations for in vitro use
diagnostische preparaten voor medisch gebruik = diagnostic preparations for medical purposes
diagnostische reagentia = diagnostic reagents
diagnostische routine = diagnostic routine
diagnostische sensitiviteit = diagnostic sensitivity
diagnostische specificiteit = diagnostic specificity
diagnostische test = diagnostic test
diagnostische test = immunodiagnostic
diagnostische test = diagnostic test: an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
diagnostische vragen = diagnostic question
diagnostische vragen = diagnostic questions
diagnostoseren = to  diagnose
diagonaal = diagonal
Diagonaal = Diagonally
diagonaal = diagonal strut
diagonaalbinding = diagonal weave
diagonaalboog = diagonal buttress
diagonaalsgewijs / met scherpe kant of hoek = arris-wise
Diagonal = Diagonal
diagonale = diagonal
diagonale band van Broca = diagonal band of broca: a cholinergic bundle of nerve fibers posterior to
diagonale micro-instructie = diagonal microinstruction
diagonale regressie volgens Frisch = diagonal regression
diagonale stang = diagonal bar
Diagonalen = Diagonals
diagram = diagram
Diagram = Chart
diagram van een gebruiksgeval = use case diagram
diagram voor foutenstructuuranalyse = fault tree analysis diagram
diagram voor trendanalyse = trend analysis chart
"Diagram, schematic" = "Diagram, schematic"
diagramfunctie = diagramming feature
diagramgegevensregio = chart data region
Diagrammen = Charts
diagrammen = diagrams
Diaken = Deacon
diakinesis = diakinesis
Diaklaas = Joint
Diaklaas = Fracture joint
diakon- en perspexfabriek = Diakon and Perspex industry
diakopieervoorzetstuk = "slide-copier, transparency printer"
Diakritisch teken = Diacritic
diakritisch teken = diacritical mark
Dialect = Vernacular
dialect = dialect
dialect {het} = dialect
dialect- en taalontwikkeling = dialect and language development
dialecten = dialects
dialectgebruik = dialect use
Dialectiek = Dialectic
Dialectisch Materialisme = Dialectical materialism
dialectische = dialectic
dialectliefhebbers = dialect lovers
dialektiek = dialectic
Dialifos = Dialifos
dialkyl benzeen alkyl ammonium chloride = dialkyl benzene alkyl ammonium chloride
dialkylfosfaatesters = dialkyl phosphate esters
Diallaat = Diallate
diallyl = diallyl
Dialogen van Plato = Dialogues of Plato
"dialogeren, discussiëren, kortsluiten" = dialogue  (discuss)
Dialogic = Dialogic
Dialogisch leven = Dialogical existence
dialogische filosofie = dialogical philosophy
dialogische proces = dialogical process
dialogische wisselwerking = dialogic interaction
dialoog = dialogue
dialoog aangaan = establish a dialogue
dialoog en overleg aangaan = engaging in dialogue and consultation
dialoog platform = dialogue platform
dialoogbalk = dialog bar
dialoogronde = dialogue round
dialoogvenster = dialogs
dialoogvenster = dialog box
dialoogvenster met aangepaste eigenschappen = custom properties dialog box
Dialoogvensterweergave = Dialog Box Launcher
dialoogvoorziening voor een toepassing = application dialogue service
dialoogvorm = form of dialogue
dialysaat = dialysate
dialysator = artificial kidney
dialysator = dialysis unit: a machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and wast
dialysator = hemodialyzer
dialyse = hemodialysis
dialyse = kidney  dialysis
dialyse = renal dialysis
dialyse = vividiffusion: removing certain elements from the blood by diffusion thro
dialyse = dialysis
Dialysediensten in ziekenhuis = Hospital dialysis services
Dialysefilters = Dialysis filters
dialysemachine = dialysis machine
dialysemachine = dialysis unit
dialysemethoden en -producten = dialysis methods and products
Dialysenaalden = Dialysis needles
Dialyseoplossingen = Dialysis solutions
dialyseproducten en -therapieën = dialysis products and therapies
dialysevloeistof = dialysis solution
diam. = diam.
diamagnetisme = diamagnetism
Diamant = Diamond
Diamant is het hardste mineraal dat de mens kent. Zijn hardheidscoëffici = Diamond is the hardest mineral known to man (its hardness coefficient is
diamant komschijf = diamond cup wheel
diamant slijpmachine = diamond grinder
diamantachtige deklaag = diamond like carbon coating (DLC)
diamantbedrijf = diamond company
diamantbewerkers = diamond workers
diamantbewerkingsatelier = diamond workshop
diamantboor = diamond drill
Diamantboor met telescoopstatief = Diamond drill with telescopic stand
Diamant-boormachine (elektrisch) = Diamond drilling machine (electric)
Diamantboorstatief = Diamond drilling stand
diamantboorsysteem = diamond drill system
diamantbuurt = diamond neighbourhood
diamantcertificatenlaboratorium = diamond certification laboratory
Diamantclub van Antwerpen (opgericht in 1893) = Diamond Club of Antwerp (established in 1893)
Diamante = Diamond
diamanten = diamonds
diamanten in gem quality = gem-quality diamonds
diamanten van topkwaliteit = gem quality diamonds
diamantexpert = diamond expert
diamantgereedschappen = diamond tools
diamanthandel = diamond trade
diamanthandelaar = diamond merchant
diamantindustrie = diamond industry
diamantjuweel = piece of diamond jewellery
diamantjuwelen = diamond jewellery
diamantkloofgereedschappen = diamond cleaving equipments
diamantlagen = diamond deposits
"diamantmicroscoop [De HRD-microscopen, standaard uitgerust met ingebouwde" = "diamond microscope [The HRD microscopes, standard equipped with built-in "
Diamantmuseum = Diamond Museum
diamantnaald = diamond stylus
Diamantontginning = Diamond mining
diamantparel = diamond pearl
diamantpoeder = diamond powder
diamantpoederpotje = diamond powder jar
Diamantschijf = Diamond wheel
diamantsieraden = diamond jewellery
diamantslijper = diamond cutter
diamantslijperij = Diamond cutters
diamantslijperijen = diamond polishing factories
diamantslijpmachines en -gereedschappen = diamond cutting machines and tools
diamantsnijder / diamant-glassnijder = diamond glass cutter
diamantsnijmachines en -gereedschappen = diamond bruting machines and tools
diamantvindplaatsen = diamond deposits
diamantwereld = diamond industry
diamantwijk = diamond district
diamantzaagmachines = diamond sawing machines and tools
Dia-Mension-systemen = Dia-Mension systems
diameter = diameter
diameter (m) = diameter
Diameter (M..) = Diameter metrical (M..)
diameter {de} = diameter
Diameter aansluiting afvoer in mm = Air vent technical data
Diameter aansluitplaat = Diameter connection plate
Diameter aarde-aansluiting = Diameter earthing connection
Diameter aardpen = Diameter earthing pin
Diameter aftak = Diameter branch
Diameter afvoer = Diameter drain
Diameter behuizing = Diameter housing
Diameter beugel = Shackle diameter
Diameter binnengeleider = Diameter inner conductor
Diameter boorgat = Diameter drill hole
Diameter boorgat kraan = Diameter tap hole
Diameter boring = Diameter bore hole
Diameter buitengeleider = Diameter outer conductor
Diameter centreerboor = Centre drill diameter
Diameter doorvoer = Diameter of feed-through
Diameter draaiplateau = Cross-section rotating tray
Diameter groefbuisas = Diameter of grooved shaft
Diameter kap = Diameter cap
Diameter luchtaansluiting = Air connection diameter
Diameter mast = Diameter mast
Diameter met warmte-isolatie = Diameter with thermal insulation
Diameter na krimpen = Diameter after shrink
Diameter opening = Diameter opening
Diameter optiek = Diameter optics
Diameter paneeluitsparing = Diameter panel opening
Diameter PAR = Diameter PAR
Diameter ponsinzetstuk = Diameter punching insert
Diameter punt = Diameter tip
Diameter reikwijdte op vloer = Diameter detection range on floor
Diameter ronde geleider = Diameter round conductor
Diameter schaal = Diameter of bell shell
Diameter schacht = Shaft diameter
Diameter schacht na krimpen = Diameter shaft after shrink
Diameter schacht voor krimpen = Diameter shaft before shrink
Diameter schijf = Diameter disc
Diameter schoepenrad = Diameter impeller
Diameter schotel = Diameter of dish antenna
Diameter slijpsteen = Diameter grinding stone
Diameter soldeerpunt = Soldering tip diameter
Diameter top = Diameter top
diameter transversa van de bekkenuitgang = transverse  diameter of pelvic outlet
Diameter uitblaasopening = Diameter wing nozzle
Diameter van antennehouder = Diameter of antenna holder
diameter van een cirkel = diameter of a circle
Diameter van/tot = Diameter from/to
Diameter verloopstuk = Diameter reduction piece
Diameter vezelbundels = Diameter fibre bundles
Diameter vezels = Diameter fibres
Diameter vinger na krimpen = Diameter finger after shrink
Diameter vinger voor krimpen = Diameter finger before shrink
Diameter voor krimpen = Diameter before shrink
Diameter zuignap 1 = Diameter suction cup 1
Diameter zuignap 2 = Diameter suction cup 2
Diameter zuignap 3 = Diameter suction cup 3
Diameter zuigslang = Diameter suction hose
"diameter, doorsnede {f}" = diameter (length of this line)
Diameter/zijdelengte = Diameter/side length
diametercamera = diameter camera
Diameterinspectie = Diameter inspection
diameters = diameters
diametraal = diametrical
diametrale vervorming = diametrical distortion
diaminen = diamines: organic chemicals that have two amino groups in an aliphatic ch
diamino-aminozuren = diamino acids
Diaminodifenylmethaan = Diaminodiphenylmethane
diaminopimelisch zuur = diaminopimelic acid
diammoniumfosfaat = diammonium phosphate
diamodel = slide master
diamond cutter = slijper
"Diamond Office (HRD) [regelt de in- en uitvoer, de douaneformaliteiten en" = Diamond Office (HRD) [regulates importation and exportation as well as th
Diamond worker = Diamantbewerker
Diamond-model = Diamond model
Diana = Diana
Diana (godin) = Diana (mythology)
Diana Frances Spencer = Diana
diapedesis = diapedesis: blood cells passing through capillary walls into the surround
Diaphoresis = Diaphoresis
diaphoretica = (noun & adjective)  diaphoretic: induces sweating
Diaphragm = Diaphragm
diaphysis = diaphysis: the midsection of a long bone
diaphysis = shaft
diapositief = positive
diapositief = "transparency, lantern slide"
diapositief = diapositive
diapositieven = photographic transparencies
diaprojector = slide projector
Diaprojectoren = Slide projectors
diaraampje = slide mount
Diarree = Loose
diarree = diarrhea
diarree = diarrhoea
diarree- = loose
diarree {de} = diarrhea [Am.]
diarree en braken = D & V
diarree hebben = have diarrhoea
diarree met okergele ontlasting = diarrhea with yellow-ochre feces
diarrhoea alba = sprue
diarrhoea enteralis = enteral diarrhea
diaspora = diaspora
diastasis = diastasis: an abnormal separation of parts normally joined together
diastema = gap between teeth
"diastematomyelia, de diastematomyelie" = diastematomyelia
diastole = diastole: the time in between ventricular contractions at which ventricul
diastolisatie = diastolization
Diastolisch = Diastolic
diastolisch volume = diastolic volume
diastolische bloeddruk = diastolic blood pressure
diastolische depolarisatie = diastolic depolarization
diastolische depolarisatie = phase-four depolarization
diastolische souffle = diastolic murmur: a murmur heard during diastole
diastuurapparaat = slide synchronizer
Diatheek = Slide Library
Diathermie = Diathermy
diathermie met microgolven = microwave  diathermy
diathermische lus = diathermy machine
Diathese = Diathesis
diathese van het bindweefsel = diathesis of connective tissue
"diathesis spasmodica, het diathesis spasmophilica, spasmophilia, het spas" = spasmodic  diathesis
diathesis urica = uric-acid  diathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = predisposition
"diathesis, diathese" = diathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = genetic predisposition
"diathesis, diathese" = heredodiathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = susceptibility to a disease
Diatomee = Diatom
diatomeeën = diatom
diatomisch = diatomic: made up of two atoms
diatonische schaal = diatonic scale
diatrizoaat = diatrizoate
Diavoorstelling = Slideshow
Diavoorstelling = Slide show
Diavoorstelling op SkyDrive = SkyDrive camera roll
Diavoorstelling opnemen = Record Slide Show
Diazed = Diazed
diazepam = diazepam
diazinon = diazinon
diazocopie = diazocopy
diazofilm = diazofilm
diazoverbinding = diazo compound
diazoxide = diazoxide: a peripheral vasodilator that reduces blood pressure
dibasisch = dibasic
dibasisch natriumfosfaat = dibasic sodium phosphate
dibasische = dibasic
"Dibenzo(a,h)anthraceen" = "Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene"
Dibenzofuraan = Dibenzofuran
Dibenzothiofeen = Dibenzothiophene
Dibenzothiofenen = Dibenzothiophenes
dibitou = African walnut
diboraan = diborane
Dibroombenzeen = Dibromobenzene
Dibroomchloormethaan = Dibromochloromethane
dibroomethanen (som) = dibromomethanes (total)
Dibroometheen = Dibromoethene
Dibroommethaan = Dibromomethane
DI-budget = SE budget
di-butyladipaat = di-butyl adipate
Dibutylamine = Dibutylamine
Dibutylftalaat = Dibutylphthalate
Dibutylmaliaat = Dibutylmaliate
Dibutyltin = Dibutyltin
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = bucladesine
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = "dibutyryl adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate"
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = dibutyryl cyclic AMP
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = dibutyryl cyclic GMP
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = "dibutyryl guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate"
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = "N-(1-oxobutyl)-cyclic 3',5'-(hydrogen phosphate)-2'-butanoate guanosine"
DIB-volgorde = DIB sequence
Dicad = Cable bridge
dicalciumorthofosfaat = dicalcium phosphate
dicalciumpyrofosfaat = dicalcium pyrophosphate
Dicamba = Dicamba
dicarbonzuren = dicarboxylic acids
dicarbonzuur = dicarboxylic acid
dicarbonzuur of tricarbonzuur = dicarboxylic acid or tricarboxylic acid
dicarboxylaat = dicarboxylate
dicarboxylaminozuren = dicarboxylic amino acids
Dichlobenil = Dichlobenil
Dichlofenthion = Dichlofenthion
Dichlofluanide = Dichlofluanide
Dichlone = Dichlone
dichloor = dichloro
"Dichlooraniline (som 2,4 + 2,5)" = "Dichloroaniline (total 2,4 + 2,5)"
Dichlooranilinen (som) = Dichloroanilines (total)
Dichloorbenzenen (som) = Dichlorobenzenes (total)
Dichloorbenzoëzuur = Dichlorobenzoic acid
Dichloorbenzonitril = Dichlorobenzonitrile
Dichloorbifenyl = Dichlorobiphenyl
Dichloorbifenylether = Dichlorobiphenylether
Dichloorbroommethaan = Dichlorobromomethane
Dichloorbutaan = Dichlorobutane
Dichloorcarbazol = Dichlorocarbazol
dichloordifluormethaan = dichlorofluoromethane
Dichloorethanen (som) = Dichloroethanes (total)
Dichloorethenen (som) = Dichloroethenes (total)
dichloorethyleen = CH2ClCH2Cl
dichloorethyleen = "1,2-dichloroethane"
dichloorethyleen = Brocide
dichloorethyleen = dichloroethane
dichloorethyleen = Dutch liquid
dichloorethyleen = EDC
dichloorethyleen = ethylene dichloride
dichloorethyleen = sym-dichloroethane
Dichloorfenol = Dichlorophenol
"Dichloorfenol (som 2,4 + 2,5)" = "Dichlorophenol (total 2,4 + 2,5)"
Dichloorfenolen (som) = Dichlorophenols (total)
dichloorfenoxy = dichloro-phenoxy
dichloorfenoxyazijnzuur = dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid
Dichloorfluorethaan = Dichlorofluoroethane
Dichloorfluormethaan = Dichlorofluoromethane
Dichloorisopropylether = Dichloroisopropylether
Dichloormethaan = Dichloromethane
Dichloornaftaleen = Dichloronaphthalene
Dichloornaftalenen (som) = Dichloronapthalenes (total)
Dichloornitrobenzenen (som) = Dichloronitrobenzenes (total)
Dichloorpropaan = Dichloropropane
Dichloorpropeen (som) = Dichloropropene (total)
Dichloorpropylether = Dichloropropylether
Dichloortoluenen = Dichlorotoluenes
Dichloorvos = Dichlorvos
Dichloran = Dichloran
dichlorodifluormethaan = dichlorodifluormethane
Dichlorofen = Dichlorofen
dichotisch = dichotic
Dichotome schaal = Dichotomous scale
dichotome variabele = binary data
dichotome variabele = dichotomous variable
dichotome variabele = binary variable
dichotomie = dichotomy
dichotoom = dichotomus
dichotoom = dichotomie
dichroisch = dichroic
dichroische spiegel = dichroic mirror
dichromaat = dichromate
Dicht = Closed
Dicht = Sealed / Open [bearing]
Dicht = Concise
Dicht = Close-set
dicht = shut
dicht = compact
dicht = closed
dicht = thick
Dicht = Dense
dicht = concentrated
Dicht = Closely
dicht = tight
dicht = close
dicht asfaltbeton (DAB) = non porous alphalt
dicht bij  onze opdrachtgevers en professionals te blijven = remain closely involved with our clients and professionals
dicht bij elkaar brengen = bring close together
dicht bij elkaar geplaatst = closely spaced
dicht bij het lichaam werken = lift close to the body
dicht bindweefsel = dense  fibrous tissue
dicht gaan zitten = clog
dicht gespatieerde = closely spaced
Dicht met uitbreekpoorten = Closed with prestamping
dicht naast elkaar liggende = closely adjacent
dicht op elkaar = close to each other
dicht op elkaar = close together
dicht op elkaar = densely packed
dicht op elkaar = on top of one another
dicht op elkaar = tightly packed
dicht op elkaar gepakt = packed closely together
dicht op het huid zitten = close to one's heart
dicht paneel = dense panel
dicht tegen = close to
"dicht, dichte, dichtopeengepakt, dichtopeengepakte" = thick {adj} (densely crowded or packed)
dicht/bewegen = closing/moving
dichtbebouwd gebied = urban area
dichtbegroeid (o.a.) = close
Dichtbevolkt = Densely populated
dichtbij = close-up
dichtbij = within reach
dichtbij = nigh
dichtbij = near
dichtbij = hard by
dichtbij = close
dichtbij = close by
Dichtbij = At
dichtbij = close at hand
"dichtbij, nabij, naderbij" = "nigh {adj} (near, close by)"
dichtbijgelegen = adjacent
dichtbijkomen = approach
dichtbij-opname = close-up
dichtbijzijnd = adjacent
Dichtdoen = Close
dichtdoen = shut
Dichtdraaien = Shut
dichtdraaien = to close
Dichtdraaien = Close
Dichtdraaien = Turn off
Dichtdraaien = Shut up
dichtdraaiende zijde = closing side
dichtdrukgereedschap = closing tool
dichtdrukken = to block
Dichte = Dense
dichte afsluiting = tight seal
dichte matten vormend = matted
Dichte panelen = Dense panels
dichte positie = closed position
dichte zoden vormend = matted
dichten = stop
dichten = close
Dichten = Set type
Dichten = Seal off
Dichten = Compose
Dichten = Score
Dichten = Clog up
Dichten = Choke up
dichten = seal
Dichten = Typeset
Dichten = Colg
Dichten = Do a test
dichten = block
Dichten = Compound
Dichter = Bard
dichter = poet
dichter {de} = poet
dichter bij = closer to
dichter bij de gebruiker staat = is closer to the user
dichter bij de X zijn/brengen/staan = being closer to the X
dichter bij de X zijn/brengen/staan = involve X more
dichter bij elkaar geplaatst = placed closer together
Dichter samenwerken met = Closer collaboration with
dichteres {de} = poetess
dichteres {de} = poet [female]
dichterlijk = poetic
dichtgaan = close
dichtgedraaid = turned off
dichtgedrukt = block
dichtgedrukt = pressed shut
dichtgedrukt = applying pressure
dichtgedrukt = squeeze
dichtgedrukt = pinch off
dichtgemaakt = sealed
Dichtgespen = Shut down
dichtgespen = buckle
Dichtgespen = Gird
dichtgetimmerd plan = fixed and unchangeable plan
dichtgeweven = closely woven
dichtgeweven = closely
dichtgezet worden = closed
dichtgroeien = to get dense
dicht-groeien = to get dense
dicht-groeien = to grow dense
dichtheid = density
dichtheid = bulk density
dichtheid = integrity
dichtheid = specific gravity
Dichtheid (natuurkunde) = Density
dichtheid {de} = density
dichtheid van het koelmiddel = density of the refrigerant
Dichtheid van melkschuim kan ingesteld worden van cappuccino tot late mac = Density of milk foam can be set from cappuccino to latte macchiato
"dichtheid, soortelijk gewicht" = density
dichtheid-gradiëntcentrifugeren = isopyknic centrifugation
dichtheidsbereik = density range
dichtheidsfunctie = density function
dichtheidsgraad = degree of density
dichtheidsmeting = density measurement
dichtheidsproef = leak-proof test
dichtheidsschatting = density estimation
dichtheidsstroming = density current
dichting = stopping
dichting = sealing
dichting = seal (technical)
dichting = closure
dichting = seal
dichtingen = seals
dichtings- en pakkingmateriaal = packing and stopping material
"dichtings-, pakking- en isolatiemateriaal" = "packing, stopping and insulating materials"
dichtingselement = sealing element
Dichtingsflens = Sealing flange
Dichtingslip deksel = Sealing lip cover
dichtingsmassa = sealing compound
dichtingsmateriaal = caulking compound
dichtingsmateriaal = caulking material
dichtingsmateriaal = sealants
Dichtingsmateriaal van rubber = Rubber seals
dichtingsmaterialen = sealing materials
dichtingsmiddel = sealing agent
Dichtingsmiddelen = Sealants
dichtingsmiddelen = sealing devices
dichtingsmiddelen voor koelvloeistof = sealing devices for coolant
Dichtingsplaat = Sealing plate
dichtingsring = sealing ring
dichtingsring = seal
Dichtingsset voor contactdoos = Sealing set for socket outlet
Dichtingsset voor dimmer = Sealing set for dimmer
Dichtingsset voor installatieschakelaar = Sealing set for switches
dichtingsstroken = sealing strips
dichtingstrips = sealing strips
dichtingsvlak = packing face
dichtkitten = seale (to)
dichtklapdiode = snap diode
dichtklappen = shut
dichtklappen = fold closed
dichtknijpen = to pinch up
dichtknopen = button
dichtknopen = to button
dichtkunst = poetry
dichtlassen = to close by welding
dichtmaken = close
dichtmetselen = brick over
dichtmetselen / inmetselen / bemetselen = brick up
dichtnaaien = seam
dichtome = dichtomous
dichtome variabele = dichtomous variable
dichtplamuren = putty up
Dichtplatte = Sealing plate
dichtregel = verse
dichtring = gasket
dichtring = gasket
dichtring = sealing ring
Dichtring = Sealing ring
Dichtslaan = Slam
Dichtslaan = Click
Dichtslaan = Rattle
Dichtslaan = Flap
Dichtslaan = Bang
dichtslaan = clog
dichtslibben = "clog up, block, obstruct"
dichtslibben = clog
"dichtslibben," = silt
dichtslibbing = clog
dichtsmelten = to seal up
dichtst bij zijnde = closest
dichtstbevolkte = most populous
dichtstbij gelegen = nearest
dichtstbijzijnde short sea terminal = nearest short sea terminal
dichtstbijzijnde tijdstip = nearest time
dichtste bij de = closest to the
dichtste stand van de techniek = the closest prior art
dichtsturen = to close
dichtvallen = slam shut
dichtvlijen = replacing
dichtvouwen = fold up
dichtvouwen = furl (paraplu
dichtvouwen = vlag)
dichtvouwen = collapsing
dichtwalsen = to roll in
dichtwalsen (b.v. van wegdek) = consolidate
Dichtwerk = Poem
diclofenamide = diclofenamide
Diclofop = Diclofop
dicloxacilline = dichloroxacillin
Dicofol = Dicofol
Dicom RT Studio = Dicom RT Studio
Dicrotofos = Dicrotophos
Dictaat = Dictation
dictaat = lecture notes
Dictafoon = Dictaphone
dictaten = lecture notes
dictator = dictator
dictator {de} = dictator
dictatuur = dictatorship
dictatuur = dictator
Dictee = Dictation
dicteerapparaat = dictating machine
Dicteerapparaten = Dictating machines
dicteermachines = dictating machines
dicteermodus = dictation mode
dicteren = to dictate
Dicteren = Inspire
dicteren = dictate
dictionaire = dictionary
dictionaire-systeem voor informatiebronnen = information resource dictionary system: IRDS
dictyopsie = entoptic perception
dictyopsie = entoptic vision: visual sensation due to optical effects of structures wi
dicumarol = dicumarol
Dicyclohexyltin = Dicyclohexyltin
Dicyclopentadieen = Dicyclopentadiene
dicycloverine = dicycloverine
DID’s = Decentralised Identifiers
DID’s = Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)
DID’s = DIDs
didactiek = didactics
didactiek = teaching methods
didactisch = didactic
didactisch concept = didactic concept
"didactisch handelen, het" = teacher action
"didactisch handelen, het" = teachers' actions
"didactisch handelen, het" = teaching strategy
didactisch principe = didactic principle
didactische = didactic
didactische benadering = didactic approach
didactische expertise = didactic expertise
didactische kwaliteiten = teaching qualities
Didactische Leeftijds Equivalent = Didactic Age Equivalent
didactische uitwerking = didactic implementation
didactische visie = didactic vision
didactische werkvormen = teaching methods
didanosine = Videx
did-did-werkzaakheden = scheduling activities
didgeridoo = didgeridoo
didodecyl = didodecyl
Did-you-knows? = wist je datjes
Die = Which one
die = those
Die = Someone or other
die = that
Die = Ce
"die , wie , waarmee , waarvan , waaronder" = whom {pron}
die ... daar = those
die ... daarginds = those
die 360 graden kan draaien = that can rotate 360 degrees
die aan al je wensen voldoen = that meet your every need
die aan al je wensen voldoen = which meet all your needs
die aan alle wettelijke eisen voldoet = which meets all the statutory requirements
die aan de basis liggen van = that form the basis of
die aan de contractbreuk voorafgingen = preceding the breach of contract
die aan de dure kant zijn = which are relatively expensive
die aan de hoogste kwaliteitseisen moeten voldoen = that must meet the highest quality standards
die aan de Koper kenbaar zijn = that are known to the Buyer
die aan de linker zijkant van de montageplaat bevestigd is = that is attached to the left side of the mounting plate
die aan de notified body gemeld moeten worden = that must be reported to the notified body
die aan de voor- en/of achterzijde geplaatst moeten worden = which must be placed at the front and/or rear
die aan de voorwaarden voldoen = that meet the conditions
die aan een of meer van de volgende prioriteringscriteria voldoen = who meet one or more of the following priority criteria
die aan één of meerdere van de volgende criteria beantwoorden = that meet one or more of the following criteria
die aan elk van de navolgende criteria voldoen = that meet each of the following criteria
die aan elkaar zijn gehecht = adhered together
die aan elkaar zijn gehecht om een lichaam te vormen = adhered together to form a body
die aan elkaar zijn vastgemaakt = that are attached to each other
die aan zijn voorgenomen gebruik in de weg zouden kunnen staan = that could stand in the way of its intended use
die aandrijvend is verbonden met = which is drivingly connected to
die aanduiden welk = which indicate which
die aangebracht dient te worden = which is to be applied
die aangepast is om = adapted to
die aangepast zijn om een gebruiker toe te laten = adapted to allow a user
die aansluiten bij uw interesses = that match your interests
die aanvangen op of na 1 januari 2017 = beginning on or after 1 January 2017
die aanvullende eisen stellen aan = who make additional demands on
die accreditatie verleent aan en toezicht houdt op = which provides accreditation and supervision of
die achtereenvolgens zullen geproduceerd worden = that will be produced in succession
die actief deelneemt aan = who actively participates in
die actief kunnen zijn = that can be active
die adviserend van aard zijn = which are of an advisory nature
die afhankelijk zijn van een te laag zuurstofgehalte als prikkel voor de  = who depend on hypoxia as a breathing stimulus
die afhankelijk zijn van hypoxie als prikkel voor de ademhaling = who
die afhankelijk zijn van zuurstoftekort als prikkel voor de ademhaling = who depend on hypoxia as breathing stimulus
die aflevering vordert = demanding delivery
Die afspraken worden hieronder vastgelegd. = Said agreements are set out below.
die afsteunen op infrastructuur = resting on infrastructure
die al awarded zijn = that have already been awarded
die al deze competenties hebben = who process all these skills
die al in de ruimte voorkomen = already present in the space
die al plaatsvinden of gepland zijn = that is already taking place or is planned
die alleen aan de luchtzijde worden gebruikt = used only on airside
die alleen door geautoriseerde medewerkers met behulp van een keyprocesso = which can only be accessed by authorised employees using a key processor
die alleen handelt = acting alone
die alles kan = to rule them all
die als bijlage bij deze Request for Proposal is gevoegd = which is annexed to this Request for Proposal
die als bijlagen bij dit samenvattend rapport zijn gevoegd = which are appended as annexes to this summary report
die als veilig worden bestempeld = designated as safe
die als volgt is samen te vatten = that can be summarised as follows
die als volgt zijn verdeeld = broken down as follows
die als zodanig dienen te worden geregistreerd = which must be registered as such
die als zodanig herkenbaar zijn = who are recognisable as such
die als zodanig vermeld staat/staan = listed as such
die altijd en overal beschikbaar zijn = that are available at all times and everywhere
die andere types van kunstharsvloeren snel kunnen afbreken = that can quickly break down other types of synthetic resin floors
die automatisch worden aangestuurd = which are controlled automatically
die begrepen is tussen = comprised between
die behandeld worden met radiotherapie = treated with radiotherapy
die behoorlijk en geldig is opgericht en geldig bestaat = which is and will remain properly and validly incorporated
die beide geraadpleegd kunnen worden op = both of which can be accessed at
die belangrijk zijn = that are important
die benodigd is voor het opstellen van de Functionele specificaties = which is needed for the preparation of the Functional specifications
die beoordeeld is geweest = that was assessed
die beoordeeld is geweest als onderdeel van deze audit = that was assessed as part of this audit
die beraadslaagt op de wijze vereist = deliberating in the manner required
die beschermd is tegen = which is protected against
die beschikbaar is = who is available
die beschreven werd in de vorige sectie = described in the previous section
die beschreven wordt in par. = described in section
die bestaat uit = that comprises
die bestaat uit = which consists of
die betrekking hebben op = relating to
die betrekking hebben op de activiteiten van de Vennootschap = which relate to the activities of Company
die betrekking hebben op deze overeenkomst of die uit deze overeenkomst v = relating to this agreement or arising therefrom
die betrekking hebben op een specifiek aspect van deze site = relevant to a particular aspect of this site
die betrekking zouden hebben op de activiteiten van de Werknemer = relating to the Employee’s activities
die betrokken zijn bij de Overeenkomst = involved in the Agreement
die bevestigd is op de = which is attached to the
die bevestigd zijn aan = which are attached to
die bij afzonderlijk exploot reeds is of nog zal worden gedagvaard = which has already been or will be summoned by a separate writ
die bij andere waarden hoort = associated with other values
die bij de functie horen = associated with the position
die bij de veiligheidsvoorziening gemonteerd is = that is mounted at the safety device
die bij deze voorwaarden of anderszins uitdrukkelijk worden toegekend = granted under these general terms and conditions or otherwise expressly g
die bij het eerste contact zijn afgehandeld = settled on first contact
die bij het verwarmen smelt = which melts when heated
die bij voorkeur kleiner is dan = which is preferably smaller than
die bij voorkeur kleiner is dan de afstand van = which is preferably smaller than the distance of
die bij wijze van voorbeeld de beginselen van de uitvinding illustreren = "which illustrate by way of example, the principles of the invention"
die bijdragen aan een betere toekomst = that contribute to a better future
die bijvoorbeeld gebruikt kan worden = "that can be used, for example,"
die bovendien optimaal kan gekozen worden = "which, moreover, can be optimally selected"
die build-up = die build-up
die buiten worden gebruikt = that are used outdoors
Die Cast Aluminium Silicon Cilinder = DiASiL
die centraal is gemonteerd = mounted centrally
die centraal staan in deze = which are central to this
die conform zijn aan hun eisen = in accordance with their requirements
die continu worden verbeterd = that are continually being improved
die cumulatief worden verworven = acquired cumulatively
die daadwerkelijk aan de videoconferentie kunnen deelnemen = who can actually participate in the videoconference
die daar aankomt = which arrives there
die daar gelden = which apply in that context
die daar uit voortvloeit = arising therefrom
die daaraan behoefte heeft = in need thereof
die daarin goeddeels zijn geïncorporeerd = which are largely incorporated therein
die daarmee overeenkomt = corresponding thereto
die daaruit mochten voortvloeien = that might result therefrom
die daaruit voortvloeiden = resulting therefrom
die daaruit voortvloeien = arising therefrom
die daarvan het gevolg is = that may ensue
die daarvan integraal onderdeel uitmaken = which form an integral part of it
die daarvoor worden ingezet = that are used for this purpose
die dan met een vrachtwagen vervoerd worden = which are then transported with a truck
die dateert van voor = that predates
die dateren van vóór = that predate
die de andere partij betreffen = relating to the other party
die de bedoeling adequaat uitdrukken = that adequately express the meaning
"die de beschikbaarheid, integriteit en vertrouwelijkheid van informatie g" = "that ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of informatio"
die de buitentemperatuur meet = that measures the outdoor temperature
die de capaciteit van een conventionele palletiseermachine combineert = that combines the capacity of a conventional palletiser
die de capaciteit van een conventionele palletiseermachines combineert = that combines the capacity of a conventional palletiser
die de certificaten uitgeven = that issue the certificates
die de distributeur lijdt = suffered by the distributor
die de eisen zoals gevraagd  door de norm vastlegt = which defines the requirements as requested by the standard
die de feitelijke macht over de Koper uitoefent = exercising effective control over the Buyer
die de Franse economie zullen liberaliseren = that will liberalise the French economy
die de gebruiker beschermd tegen de draaiende onderdelen = which protects the user from the rotating parts
die de gebruiker kan aansturen = that can be controlled by the user
die de gebruiker toelaat zich in of uit te schrijven = that allows the user to opt in or out
die de gegevens verstrekt = providing
die de gehele procedure begeleidt = who oversees the entire procedure
die de geselecteerde experten op afstand representeert = representing the selected remote experts
die de hierboven beschreven draagstructuur omvat = comprising the support structure described above
die de hierboven beschreven draagstructuur omvat = which comprises the support structure described above
die de ingebruikname van de werken door de Opdrachtgever niet substantiee = that do not substantially prevent the Client from putting the works into
die de kans loopt te worden verwijderd = that are liable to be removed
die de leveranciers leveren = supplied by suppliers
die de lichtsignalen analyseert en verwerkt = that analyses and processes the light signals
die de luchtstroom door het minstens één luchtkanaal op het eerste nive = showing the air flow through the at least one air channel at the first le
die de nakoming van de overeenkomst blijvend of tijdelijk verhindert = that permanently or temporarily prevents the performance of the agreement
die de nodige aanpassingen kan doen = who can make the necessary adjustments
die de nodige informatie uitwisselen = that exchange the necessary information
die de opwaartse beweging koppelt naar een voorwaartse trapzin van de tra = which couples the upward movement to a forward pedal movement of the peda
die de opwaartse beweging koppelt naar een voorwaartse trapzin van de tra = which couples the upward movement to a forward pedal movement of the peda
die de patiënt behandeld = treating the patient
die de prioriteit van XXX inroept = which claims priority of XXX
"die de procedures die door de Maatschappij dienen te worden nageleefd, za" = which will impose the procedures to be followed by the Company
die de relatie beschrijven tussen = that describe the relationship between
die de samenwerking tussen hen regelt = which governs the cooperation between them
die de server kunnen aanspreken = that can communicate with the server
die de stabiliteit van de laag garandeert = that guarantees the stability of the layer
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the steps of
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the steps of
die de taal spreekt = who speaks the language
die de temperatuurgevoeligheid van de omvormer verlagen = which reduces the temperature sensitivity of the inverter
die de toegang tot of het verwijderen van = that might prevent access to or removal of
die de Transitie in gevaar brengen = which
die de uitvinding verder illustreren = which further illustrate the invention
die de uitvoering van de overeenkomst onmogelijk maken = that make execution of the contract wholly impossible
die de uitvoering van de werkwijze tijdelijk onderbreekt of stopzet = that temporarily interrupts or stops the performance of the method
die de vakman bekend zijn = known to those skilled in the art
die de veiligheid in het gedrang brengen = that affect safety
die de vennoot heeft ingeschreven = subscribed to by the partner
die de verantwoordelijkheid van = who bears the responsibility of
die de Verwerker namens de Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke beheert = managed by the Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller
die de Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke aan de Verwerker opgelegd = that the Data Controller imposes on the Data Processor
die de voordelen van een palletiseerrobot combineert met de snelheid en c = that combines the advantages of a palletiser robot with the speed and cap
die de werkgever toekent = granted by the employer
die de werking van de app beïnvloeden = that affect the operation of the app
die deel uitmaakt van de secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden = which is part of the fringe benefits
die deelnemen aan het project = participating in the project
die dekking biedt voor ziektekosten = which provides coverage for
die deze trillingen effectief zal dempen = which will effectively dampen said vibrations
die deze verkeersas volgen = who are travelling along this traffic axis
die direct of indirect verband houdt met = which is directly or indirectly related to
die direct of indirect voortvloeien uit = arising directly or indirectly from
die door de app worden gebruikt = used by the app
die door de app wordt gedownload = downloaded by the app
die door de medewerker zelf zijn betaald = paid by the employee
die door de Onderneming werd onderschreven ten voordele van alle werkneme = taken out by the Company for the benefit of all employees
die door de voorschriften worden opgelegd = imposed by the regulations
die door één persoon kunnen worden bediend = which can be operated by a single person
die door elke tand bedient wordt = that is actuated by each tooth
die door intellectuele eigendomsrechten beschermd zijn = which are protected by intellectual property rights
die door of in de ruimte loopt = running through or into the room
die door zijn arbeid plachten te worden onderhouden = who depended on the passenger for their support
die doorheen de plaat geschroefd worden = which are screwed through the panel
die d'r = that one's
die duiden op niet naleving van de betreffende gedragsregels = that indicate non-compliance with the relevant rules of conduct
die een 2e of 3e stap wil maken = who is looking to move up the corporate ladder
die een aantal van de = which can move a number of the
die een account heeft aangemaakt = who has opened an account
die een chirurgische ingreep moet ondergaan = who is to undergo a surgical procedure
die een flinke groei heeft doorgemaakt = which has experienced substantial growth
die een gedeelte vertoont = having a portion
die een geschikte hoogte hebben = having a suitable height
die een gesofistikeerde sensor kan zijn = which can be a sophisticated sensor
die een gokje willen wagen = who want to place a bet
die een impact (kunnen) hebben = which may have an impact
die een manager nodig heeft = a manager needs
die een mengsel daarvan omvat = comprising a mixture thereof
die een opbrengst heeft van = with an output of
die een opbrengst heeft van ten minste = with an output of at least
die een prijs hebben gewonnen en daar aanspraak op maken = who have won and claimed a prize
die een rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks verband hebben met haar doelstelli = which are directly or indirectly related to its objective
die een rol spelen = that play a role
die een software processor en een dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid o = comprising a software processor and a dedicated hardware processing unit
die een software processor en een dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid o = comprising a software processor and a dedicated hardware processing unit
die een speciale behandeling vereisen = requiring special handling
die een transplantatie hebben ondergaan = who have undergone a transplant
die een veelheid van zulke panelen bevat = containing a plurality of such panels
die een verbinding hebben met = that have a connection with
die een vergelijkbare energiebesparing oplevert als = which provides energy savings similar to
die een warmtebron of ander actief middel gebruikt = that uses a heat source or other active means
die een weerslag vormen van = that reflect
die een zorgvuldig vervoerder heeft kunnen vermijden = which a prudent carrier would have been able to avoid
die een zorgvuldig vervoerder heeft kunnen vermijden en waarvan zulk een  = which a prudent carrier would have been able to avoid and the effects of
die één-op-één gelinkt is met = that is one-to-one linked to
die eenvoudig geselecteerd kunnen worden = that can be easily selected
die eenvoudig in elke lay-out te integreren is = that is easy to integrate in any layout
die eenvoudig te vervangen en vrij op de markt verkrijgbaar zijn = which are easy to replace and freely available on the market
die eenvoudig te vervangen zijn = that are easy to replace
"die eenvoudig, snel en accuraat beelden kan capteren in verschillende con" = "which can easily, quickly and accurately capture images in different conf"
die eenvoudiger te produceren en/of eenvoudiger te plaatsen is = that is easier to manufacture and/or easier to install
die eerder inschreven op de service = who previously registered with the service
die eerlijke concurrentie verhinderen = which prevent fair competition
die eigendom zijn van = owned by
die eigendom zijn van de Vennootschap = that are owned by Company
die eindverantwoordelijk zijn = who hold ultimate responsibility for
die elektrisch (gaan) rijden = who are or will be driving electric vehicles
die elk het volgende omvatten = each comprising the following
die elkaar en de organisatie zullen respecteren = who will respect each other and the organisation
die elkaar niet kruisen = that do not intersect
die ene gebreke aan de andere = the one in the absence of the other
die er geldigheid aan ontleent = that derives validity from it
die er zorg voor dragen = to ensure
die erdoor is vervangen = which is replaced by it
die ertoe doen = that matter
die eruit voortvloeit = resulting
die even goed werken als = that work just as well as
die even goed werken als nieuwe = that work just as well as new
die eveneens zijn gedefinieerd in = that have also been defined in
die eventueel uit het gebruik van dit product zouden kunnen ontstaan = that may arise from the use of this product
die eventueel via een link op onze website bereikbaar zijn = to which our website links
die evenwijdig is uitgelijnd met = in parallel alignment with
die evenwijdig loopt met = which runs parallel to
die evenwijdig lopen met de lengterichting = running parallel to the longitudinal direction
die evenwijdig zijn aan = which are parallel to
die expliciet ingeschreven waren voor gerichte advertenties op basis van  = which were explicitly opted in to targeted ads based on data from partner
die flexibel past = that fits flexibly
die flexibiliteit en productiviteit koppelen aan een lage total cost of o = that link flexibility and productivity to a low total cost of ownership
die frequent met Cleanroom-medewerkers in aanraking komen = that frequently come into contact with cleanroom staff
die functioneert als = which functions as
die garant staat = to rely on
die geacht worden deel uit te maken van = which are deemed to be part of
die geacht worden deel uit te maken van de vervoerovereenkomst = which are deemed to be part of the contract of carriage
die geänodiseerd kunnen worden = that can be anodised
die gebruikt kunnen worden = that can be used
die gebruikt kunnen worden in zulke systemen = that can be used in such systems
die gebruikt kunnen worden voor plaatsbepaling = that can be used for positioning
die gebruikt worden voor = that are used for
die gebruikt wordt voor = used for
die geconstateerd zijn tijdens = found during
die gedefinieerd zijn voor = that are defined for this
die geen afbreuk doen aan de deugdelijkheid = that do not compromise reliability
die geen deel uitmaken van dezelfde zending = that are not part of the same consignment
die geen gebruikmaken van = that do not use
die geen waarde vertegenwoordigen in het economische verkeer = which have no economic value
die geheel of gedeeltelijk bestaan uit = which consist wholly or partly of
die gekenmerkt wordt doordat = which is characterised in that
die gekoppeld zijn met genoemde = coupled to said
die gekoppeld zijn met ten minste twee = coupled to at least two
die gelden op de plek waar = that apply at the place where
die geldig werden opgericht en bestaan = that were established and exist legally
die gemaakt is of is afgegeven = that is made or issued
die gemaakt worden in verband met = incurred in connection with
die gemakkelijk kan worden gerepareerd in het geval van schade = that can be easily repaired in the eventuality of damage
die gemoeid gaan met = relating to
die gemonteerd kan worden op één van de drie deksels = which can be mounted to one of the three covers
die gemonteerd kan worden op ��n van de drie deksels = which can be mounted to one of the three covers
die gepaard gaat met = associated with
die geschikt is voor gebruik als een voederadditief = suited for use as a feed additive
die geschikt zijn voor kauwen of zuigen = suitable for chewing or sucking
die geschoold zijn in deze materie = who are skilled in this matter
die gevaar kunnen opleveren voor = which may endanger
die gevat is over = which encloses
die gevat is over = which is arranged over
die gevormd is op = which is formed on
die gewijzigd kunnen worden = that can be changed
die gewoonte is hier goed ingeburgerd = that custom has been generally adopted here
die geworteld zijn in = rooted in
die geworteld zijn in = that stem from
die geworteld zijn in = with its origins in
die gezien de daarmee gemoeide kosten en de aard van de persoonsgegevens  = which are reasonable in view of the costs involved and the nature of the
die gezien mag worden = that stands out
die gezien mag worden = exceptional
die goed aanslaat = which has been very successful
die groter is dan = which is greater than
die haar ambt uitoefent in de vennootschap = performing her office in the company
die haar hoofdzetel in = with a principal place of business in
die haar hoofdzetel in XXX heeft = with a principal place of business in
die handelt in de plaats van de algemene vergadering = acting in the place of the general meeting of shareholders
die handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf = acting in the course of a business or profession
die heeft deelgenomen = who has participated
die heeft geresulteerd of mogelijk kan resulteren in = which has resulted or may result in
die heel gemotiveerd aan een nieuwe uitdaging begint = who is very motivated and starting on a new challenge
die hermetisch kunnen worden afgesloten = that can be hermetically sealed
die het automatisch laden van sets parameters geassocieerd aan een oriën = which can prevent the automatic loading of sets of parameters associated
die het bedrijf heeft verlaten = who has left the company
die het gevolg zijn van = resulting from
die het gevolg zijn van = arising from
die het gevolg zijn van = as a consequence of
die het gevolg zijn van toepassing = resulting from the application of
die het hierboven beschreven proces nogmaals doorloopt = which goes through the above-described process again
die het langst opeisbaar zijn = which have remained outstanding for the longest period of time
die het licht van een lichtbron gelijkmatig verdeelt = which evenly divides the light from a light source
die het minste aantal opeenvolgende vertalingen hebben ondergaan = which have undergone the least number of consecutive translations
die het mogelijk maakt dat de ring wordt samengedrukt van de niet-gespann = allowing the ring to be compressed from the unstressed shape into a stres
die het product van bovenaf op zijn plaats houdt = which holds the product in place from above
die het resultaat van de chemische conversie van het hout zijn = resulting from the chemical conversion of the wood
die het resultaat zijn van een verkeerd gebruik van het product = resulting from incorrect use of the product
die het versleutelt = which encrypts it
die het voorwerp van deze opdracht vormt = which is the object of this contract
die hier onder beschreven worden = described below
die hierbij aanvaardt = who hereby accepts
die hierbij uitdrukkelijk verzaakt zich te beroepen = who hereby expressly refrains from invoking
die hierdoor ontstaat = thus created
die hierna kort worden toegelicht = which will be briefly explained below
die hierna worden beschreven = described hereinafter
die hieronder is gegeven = given below
die hieruit voortvloeien = (extra costs) entailed
die hieruit voortvloeien = (the) ensuing (costs)
die hieruit voortvloeien = resulting therefrom
die hieruit voortvloeien of hiermee verband houden = arising from or in connection therewith
die hij nodig acht voor het team = which he deems necessary for the team
die hij redelijkerwijs moet beschouwen als gegevens = which he must reasonably deem as information
Die hoogstaande technische mogelijkheden biedt = That provide / offer high-tech options / state-of-the-art opportunities
die hoogstens een vooraf bepaalde waarde van elkaar verschillen = that differs from each other by at most a predetermined value
die horen bij = associated with
die hun belofte nog niet helemaal hebben waargemaakt = that have not quite lived up to their promise
die Huurder daaraan moet geven = for which Lessee is required to use the Leased Space
die ieder afzonderlijk tegen een wand worden bevestigd = each of which is separately attached to a wall
die ik persoonlijk kende = I knew personally
die impact hebben op = that affect
die in aanmerking komen voor = who qualify for
die in aanmerking kunnen worden genomen = that can be taken into account
die in contact komen met = that come into contact with
die in contact komen met klanten = who engage with customers
die in de Europese Unie op de markt gebracht worden = marketed in the European Union
die in de gidsbehoefte voorzien = which provides guidance
die in de groef past = which fits into the groove
die in de knel zijn gekomen = who have come into trouble
die in de Koopovereenkomst nader worden gespecificeerd = which shall be further specified in the Purchase Agreement
die in de loop van de tijd en door het gebruik verbeteren = which improve over time and use
die in de onderneming dezelfde arbeid verrichten = carrying out the same work in the company
die in de overweging dienen te worden meegenomen = that need to be taken into consideration
die in de praktijk hebben bewezen = which in practice have proven
die in de praktijk hebben bewezen dat = which in practice have proven th
die in de Programmatuur dient te zijn opgenomen = that must be included in the Software
die in deze gebruiksaanwijzing worden genoemd = mentioned in this manual
die in deze Overeenkomst worden genoemd = set forth in this Agreement
die in deze publicatie worden genoemd = mentioned in this publication
die in deze zaak woonplaats kiest = which has chosen as its address for service in this matter
die in dienst staat van = serving
die in directe connectie staan met = in direct communication with
die in een bepaalde afdeling gebruikt worden = which are used in a particular department
die in een open kring worden gegenereerd = generated in an open circuit
die in een V-vorm naar buiten zijn georiënteerd = which are oriented outward in a V-shape
die in een zij-aan-zij-relatie worden geplaatst = disposed in side-by-side relationship
die in eigendom aanvaardt = who [hereby] accepts title to / the ownership of
die in essentie dezelfde is voor = which is essentially the same for
die in essentie overeenkomt met = that essentially corresponds to
die in gebruik verbonden is met de stoomheader = connected in use to the steam header
die in genoemd oppervlak kan worden gemonteerd = mountable in said surface
die in het bezit komt danwel eigendom verwerft van = comes into possession or acquires ownership of
die in het bezit zijn van = who are in the possession of
die in het buitenland wonen = who live abroad
die in het buitenland zijn gemaakt = incurred abroad
die in het economische verkeer niet waardeerbaar zijn = with no economic value
die in het kader van het huidige contract werd uitgevoerd = carried out under the present contract
die in het onbemande autonome voertuig omvat zijn = contained in the unmanned autonomous vehicle
die in het systeem is opgeslagen = that is stored in the system
die in het systeem zijn opgenomen = included in the system
die in het verlengde ligt van = that lies in the extension of
die in meerdere categorieën vallen = who fall into several categories
die in Nederland is ingeschreven = registered in the Netherlands
die in redelijkheid van hem verlangd kunnen worden = that may reasonably be required of him
die in redelijkheid verwacht mag worden = which may reasonably be expected
die in rekening gebracht worden = charged
die in serie en/of parallel zijn opgesteld = which are arranged in series and/or in parallel
die in spiraalvorm geschikt zijn = arranged in spiral form
die in staat is om lokaal – in verschillende landen – hun projecten u = that is able to roll out their projects locally in different countries
die in staat is om met een gering ruimtebeslag grote volumes te verwerken = which is able to process large volumes while occupying little space
die in strijd zijn met internationale verdragen = that violate international treaties
die in tal van toepassingen gebruikt wordt = which is used in a variety of applications
die in vloeibare connectie staan met = which are in liquid connection with
die in wisselwerking treden met de verontreinigingen en deze afbreken = which interact with and break down the contaminants
die informatie over de omgeving waarnemen = that sense information about the environment
die ingebracht kunnen worden in = which can be inserted into
die ingesteld zijn volgens = which are set up in accordance with
die ingrijpt op = engaging
die inherent zijn aan de = that are inherent in the
die inspelen op de belangen van de klant = that key into customer interests
die instaat voor een optimale oplossing en service met betrekking tot al  = for all your hosting needs
die instemmings- of adviesplichtig zijn = that require Approval or an Opinion
die integraal deel uitmaakt van = which forms an integral part of
die intern voorzien is van = which is internally provided with
die interventie vereisen = that require intervention
die intrekking niet aan de bank kan worden tegengeworpen = such withdrawal cannot be enforced against the bank
die invloed (kunnen) hebben = that affect or may do so
die is = that is
die is = which is
die is = That is
die is afgegeven door = issued by
die is geconfigureerd om = being configured to
die is gekoppeld aan hun = associated to their
die is gemaakt van een geschikt zacht materiaal = constructed of a suitable soft material
die is uitgevoerd als = in the form of
die is veroorzaakt door vertraging = caused by delays
die Iterable implementeren = that implement Iterable
die je aan de telefoon had = you spoke to on the phone
die je aan een groep wilt toevoegen = you want to add to a group
die je aan het item wilt koppelen = that you want to link to the item
die je als leidinggevende kiest = you choose as a manager
die je complimenten geeft over je uiterlijk = compliments you on your appearance
die je daadwerkelijk afneemt = you actually purchase
die je daarbij inzet = that you can use in such a situation
die je hebt gebruikt bij het aanmaken van = you used when creating
die je hierbij kunnen helpen = that you may find helpful in this regard
die je wilt = that you want to
die je wilt groeperen = that you want to group
die je wilt inklappen = that you want to collapse
die kan gebruikt worden in een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = that can be used in an embodiment of the present invention
die kan ingebracht worden = which can be inserted
die kan voorzien in de behoefte = that can meet the need
die kan worden aangebracht = that can be applied
die kan worden aangebracht op = that can be applied to
die kan worden gebruikt in uitvoeringsvormen van de systemen en werkwijze = which can be used in embodiments of the systems and methods of the presen
die kleiner is dan of gelijk aan = that is less than or equal to
Die kunnen immers schade toebrengen aan het toestel = as they may damage the unit
die kunnen leiden tot het uitdrogen van de kuikens in de eieren = which may cause the chicks in the eggs to dry out
die kunnen verschillen van samenstelling = which may differ in composition
die kunnen worden gebruikt omvatten = that can be used comprise
die langer dan 3 maanden openstaan = that have been open for more than 3 months
die leiden tot verbeterde prestaties = that lead to improved performance
die lid zijn van = which are members of
die liggend of hellend gepositioneerd is = which is in a lying or inclined position
die loodrecht staan op het oppervlak = which are perpendicular to the surface
die loodrecht staan op het vlakke oppervlak = that are perpendicular to the planar surface
die loodrecht staat op = perpendicular to
die loodrecht staat op het oppervlak = perpendicular to the surface
die loodrecht staat op zowel = which is perpendicular to both
die loopt via = which runs through
die maatregelen treffen die van Verantwoordelijke in redelijkheid kunnen  = take such measures as may reasonably be required of Data Controller
die meerdere jaren mee kan gaan = that can be used for several years
die meetellen voor de eindboordeling = that count towards the final assessment
die men op die positie in het sputtersysteem wenst te bereiken = that one wishes to achieve at that position in the sputtering system
die met de service verband houden = associated with the service
die met elkaar moet kunnen opereren = that must be able to work together seamlessly
die met elkaar verbonden zijn = which are connected to each other
die met intelligentie samenhangen = associated with intelligence
die met minimum twee in aantal optreden = at least two of whom must be present
die met throw opnieuw worden opgegooid = that are rethrown by throw
die midden in de wereld staat = which is located in the real world
die mijn vraag kon beantwoorden = who was able to answer my question
die milieuvriendelijk kan worden geproduceerd = which may be produced eco-friendly
die minstens groter is dan = that is at least greater than
die minstens groter is dan de afstand tussen = which is at least greater than the distance between
die misschien meer vanuit de basis werken = that may be more grassroots level organisations
die moeilijk aansluiting vinden bij de samenleving = who find it difficult to connect with society
die moeilijk in eigen woonruimte kunnen voorzien = who find it difficult to provide their own housing
die moeten worden ondernomen = to be taken
die mogelijk later zal plaatsvinden = that may take place at a later date
die mogelijk misbruikt kunnen worden = that may be misused
die monteerbaar is op = which can be mounted on
die na de elektrolytische cel ligt = which is downstream from the electrolytic cell
die naar redelijkheid aangepast is aan de werkzaamheden = that is reasonably adapted to the work
die naast elkaar gelegen zijn = which are adjacent to each other
die nagenoeg gelijk is aan de lengte = which is substantially equal to the length
die nagenoeg loodrecht staat op = which is substantially perpendicular to
die nagenoeg samenvalt = which substantially coincides
die nagenoeg samenvalt met = which substantially coincides with
die nauwkeurigheid eist = that requires accuracy
die niet (meer) naar een object verwijst = that no longer refers to an object
die niet als kritisch of belangrijk kan worden geclassificeerd = which cannot be classified as either critical or major
die niet bedoeld zijn of geïnterpreteerd mogen worden om de omvang van d = which are not intended to and should not be interpreted as limiting the s
die niet binnen de bedrijfsmuren blijven = who do not remain on the company premises
die niet dienstbaar zijn aan = that do not serve
die niet door de stand van de techniek worden  aangereikt = not taught by the prior art
die niet droog te verwijderen zijn = that cannot be removed dry
die niet eerder is gemeld = which was not reported previously
die niet evenredig verdeelbaar zijn = that cannot be divided proportionally
die niet gebruikt worden = that are not used
die niet gelijkwaardig zijn = which are not equivalent
die niet gemakkelijk opgelost kunnen worden = that cannot be solved easily
die niet gewijzigd kunnen worden = that cannot be changed
die niet handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf = not acting in the course of a business or profession
die niet in aanmerking komen = that are not eligible
die niet in aanmerking komen voor subsidie = not eligible for funding
die niet in aantal was = which lacked a quorum
die niet in de natuur voorkomen = which are not found in nature
die niet in het belang zijn van de organisatie = that is not in the interest of the organization
die niet in opdracht van = who are not working on behalf of
die niet in overeenstemming zijn met de wettelijke eisen = which are not in accordance with the legal requirements
die niet kunnen of mogen worden verwijderd = that cannot or must not be removed
die niet met het oog zichtbaar zijn = which are not visible to the eye
die niet noodzakelijk zijn voor de organisatie van het werk = that are not needed for the organisation of the work
die niet op de openbare weg mogen rijden kunnen = not authorised to travel on public roads may
die niet op hun vervaldag werden betaald = that were not paid on their due date
die niet overeenkomstig het vorenstaande handelt = who fails to act in accordance with the foregoing
die niet reageren met = that do not react with
die niet reeds zijn gedekt door bestaande = not already covered by existing
die niet steriel gemaakt zijn = that have not been sterilised
die niet tot het optische pad van de lens horen = that do not belong to the optical path of the lens
die niet uitgeschakeld worden door de hoofdschakelaar = that are not switched off by the master switch
die niet verhaald kan worden op de tegenpartij = that cannot be recovered from the other party
die niet versplinteren = that does not shatter
die niet via DigiD kunnen inloggen = who cannot log in via DigiD
die niet voorzien zijn in = that are not provided for
die niet werken zonder stroom = that do not work without power
die niet worden gebruikt = that are not in use
die niet zijn gedraaid = that have not been played
die niet zo veel elastisch kan vervormen en minder impactenergie zou abso = that cannot deform elastically as much and would absorb less impact energ
die nodig is = that is required
die nodig is = required
die nodig is voor de werking van = necessary for the operation of
die nodig of dienstig zijn tot verwezenlijking van het doel van de vennoo = "required by, or of service to, achieving the purpose of the company"
die nodig zijn om de processen te bewaken = required to monitor the processes
die nodig zijn voor lage-temperatuur toepassingen = which are required for low-temperature applications
die nog actief zijn = that are still active
die nog besproken moeten worden = that still need to be discussed
die nog niet getest is = that has not yet been not tested
die nog niet vergoed zijn = that have not yet been reimbursed
die nog onvoldoende aan bod zijn gekomen = that have not yet been sufficiently addressed
die nog volop in ontwikkeling is = is still very much in development
die noodzakelijk zijn voor de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst = which are necessary for the performance of the Agreement
die noodzakelijk zijn voor de werking van de app = that are necessary for the operation of the app
die noodzakelijk zijn voor een correcte werking van de app = that are necessary for the correct functioning of the app
die nooit te hoog is = that is never too high
die nu in meer detail zal beschreven worden = that will now be described in more detail
die ofwel niet-vluchtig zijn of worden = that either are or become non-volatile
die om dwingende reden afwezig = who remains absent for compelling reasons
die omvat is in = comprised in
die onbedoeld niet naleven = who unintentionally fail to comply
die ondanks waarschuwingen bepalingen in dit reglement blijven overtreden = "who, despite warnings, continue to infringe the provisions of these regul"
die onder andere actief zijn in = active in areas such as
die onder de reikwijdte van de nieuwe wetgeving vallen = that fall under the scope of the new legislation
die onderbreking van de bedrijfsprocessen kunnen veroorzaken = that can cause interruption of business
die onderhoud gevoelig zijn = requiring regular maintenance
die onderling verbonden zijn = which are interconnected
die onderling zijn verbonden = which are interconnected
die ondervraagd kunnen moeten worden = who may need to be questioned
die onderwijs volgen of hebben gevolgd = who receive or have received education
die onderzocht wordt = that is being examined
die oneffenheden aan het oppervlak van de gelaagde inrichting teweegbreng = causing irregularities at the surface of the layered structure
die ongewijzigd zijn gebleven = that have remained unchanged
die onmiddellijk reageert op drukverschillen = that responds immediately to pressure differences
die ons in staat moeten stellen = that should enable us
die onstaat door ophoping = that is created by accumulation of
die ontstaat door de Dienst = caused by the Service
die ontstaat in verband met de uitvoering = arising in connection with the performance
die ontwikkeling versterkt en versneld door te zetten = reinforce and accelerate this trend
die onveilig of gevaarlijk is of kan zijn = which is or can be unsafe or dangerous
die onze klanten efficiënter en competitiever maken = that make our customers more efficient and more competitive
die ook privé gebruikt mogen worden = that may also be used privately
die op dat moment op het scherm werden vertoond = displayed on the screen at that time
die op de planning staat voor = scheduled for
die op de robotarm en/of het grijpsysteem kunnen worden gemonteerd = which can be mounted on the robotic arm and/or the gripping system
die op de volgende manier terug te vinden is = which can be found in the following matter
die op dit moment in de markt te koop is = on the market today
die op een directe lijn wordt ingevoed = fed into a direct line
die op een eerste afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a first distance from each other and parallel with each othe
die op een eerste afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a first distance from each other and parallel with each othe
die op een tweede afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a second distance from each other and parallel with each oth
die op een tweede afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a second distance from each other and parallel with each oth
die op elkaar gestapeld zijn = stacked on top of each other
die op enige wijze verband houdt met = that is in any way related to
die op het handtekeningenformulier wordt vermeld = listed on the signature form
die op het zelfde terrein actief zijn = active in the same field
die op lange termijn gaan spelen = that will come into play in the long term
die op onderdelen = parts of which
die op onze servers draaien = running on our servers
die op voorraad liggen = in stock
die op zijn beurt = which in turn
die open is = which is open
die oprolbaar is op een slanghaspel = which can be rolled up onto a hose reel
die opvatting berust op onbegrip = that view / conception is born of ignorance / is based on lack of insight
die over de Prorunner mag gaan = that may pass over the Prorunner
die over de zaak hebben geoordeeld = who have ruled on the case
die over zijn = left over
die overeenkomt met = corresponding to
die overeenstemmen met = corresponding to
die overigens meestal niet altijd allemaal gebruikt zouden worden = which would otherwise not usually always all be used
Die parallel trekkend = Having drawn that parallel
die passen binnen = that are in conformance with
die peilen naar = that assess
die per puls wordt afgelegd = travelled per pulse
die per woningruimte het afvoerdebiet regelt = that controls the extraction flow rate in each living space
die plaatsvindt van = taking place from
die plaatsvond = that took place
die pro-actief Application Management hebben = with a proactive approach to Application Management
die producten met uiteenlopende vormen en formaten snel en efficiënt ver = quickly and efficiently processing products of different shapes and sizes
die producten zowel omhoog als omlaag kan transporteren = that can transport products both up and down
die recht doet aan = which does justice to
die rechtzoekenden moeten betalen = that litigants must pay
die redelijkerwijs niet voor subsidie in aanmerkingen komen = that do not reasonably qualify for funding
die reeds een aanvang heeft genomen voor deze datum = that has already commenced before that date
die regeling is allang afgeschaft = that rule was lifted / rescinded long ago
die risico’s voor de organisatie kunnen impliceren = that may involve risks to the organization
die roteerbaar is opgesteld = which is rotatably arranged
die rug aan rug zijn geplaatst = placed back to back
die samen de volledige oppervlakte van de voorzijde van de kast beslaan = which together cover the entire surface of the front side of the cabinet
die samenhangt met = in connection with
die samenkomen in = that meet in
die samenkomen in hun = that meet in their
die samenwerking ondersteunt = that supports collaboration
die schade = said loss or damage
die scharnierend verbonden is met = pivotally connected to
die schimmelziekte = fungus disease
die SMA’s engagement in deze materie aantonen = that demonstrate SMA’s commitment in this regard
die software bevat voor het analyseren van de coating stack = which includes software for analysing the coating stack
die speciaal zijn ontwikkeld voor = specially designed for
die specifiek voor dit project worden opgesteld = drawn up specifically for this project
die steeds meer gestandaardiseerd worden = which are becoming more and more standardized
die steunt op de = which is supported on the
die te herleiden is tot = that can be traced back to
die te maken hebben met = relating to
die te maken hebben met = that deal with
die te verkrijgen is bij de receptiebalie = which can be purchased at the reception desk
die te wijten is aan of verband houdt met = that is due to or related to
die tegemoet komen aan de hierboven uiteengezette nadelen = that meet the disadvantages outlined above
die tegen een muur of wand kunnen bevestigd worden = that can be attached to a wall
die tegen een muur of wand kunnen bevestigd worden = which can be fixed to a wall
die tegen elkaar bevestigd kunnen worden = which can be attached against each other
die tegen elkaar kunnen bevestigd worden = which can be attached against each other
die tegen elkaar worden aangedrukt = which are pressed against each other
die tegen Licentienemer mocht worden ingesteld = that may be brought against
die tekenen van ernstige slijtage vertonen = showing signs of severe wear and tear
die telkens toch steeds een zekere schade aan de eieren veroorzaakt = which always causes a certain amount of damage to the eggs
die ten deze tot advocaat wordt gesteld en als zodanig zal optreden = who is hereby appointed as a lawyer and who will act as such
die ten grondslag liggen aan = underlying
die ten grondslag liggen aan = that underlie
die ten grondslag liggen aan de bevindingen = underlying the findings
die ten grondslag liggen aan onze kwaliteitsuitdagingen = underlying our quality challenges
die ten minste deels energie verkrijgt vanuit stoom = that at least partly obtains energy from steam
die ten minste gedeeltelijk vervaardigd is uit = that is at least partially made of
die ten opzichte van elkaar verplaatsbaar zijn = movable relative to each other
die ten opzichte van elkaar verplaatsbaar zijn langs hun lengteas = movable relative to each other along their longitudinal axis
die tenminste een beschrijving bevat van = containing at least a description of
die terug naar de keteldrum 22 stroomt = which flows back to the boiler drum 22
die terug te voeren is naar = that can be traced back to
die terugleveren aan het elektriciteitsnet = that feed power back to the grid
die tezamen = which together
die toegepast kunnen worden = that can be applied
die toegevoegde waarde creëren = that create added value
die toekomstige evoluties in de weg staat = which can get in the way of future developments
die toelaat om de rijrichting aan te passen = which allows the direction of travel to be adjusted
die toelaat om in gezamenlijk overleg het vermogen op langere termijn te  = that makes it possible to manage and/or have the assets managed in joint
die toelaat om in gezamenlijk overleg het vermogen op langere termijn te  = which allows for the long-term management of the assets and/or having the
die toelaten data te delen = that allow data sharing
die tot doel hebben = aimed at
die tot het onderzoeksgebied van de koper behoren = which are for the purchaser to investigate
die totaal verschilt van = which differs dramatically from
die typisch zijn voor = typical to
die u bewust niet uitvraagt = that you deliberately do not ask about
die u een goed beeld geven van = to give you a good idea of
die u een goed beeld geven van de werking van onze producten = to give you a good idea of ​​how our products work
die u een goed beeld geven van de werking van onze producten = to give you a good idea of ??how our products work
die u hebt gegeven of ontvangen = that you have given or received
die u het best kan helpen = that will be the most use to you
die u het optimum voor vele soorten ladingen bieden = which are optimal for many types of loads
die u later kunt upgraden = which can later be upgraded
die u later kunt upgraden naar = which can later be upgraded to
die u nodig heeft = that you need
die uit een = coming out of
die uit een = exiting a
die uit kunststof vervaardigd is = made of plastic
die uitblinkt in = that excels in
die uitmonden in = that open into
die uitsluitend door zakelijke Debiteuren mag worden verstrekt = which may be issued only by business Debtors
die uniek is in de markt = that is unique in the market
die vaak voorkomt = common
die vaak worden vastgenomen = that are frequently handled
die vaker niet dan wel worden ingezet = that are usually not even being used
die vallen in de periode = that fall in the period
die van belang is voor de continuïteit van de bedrijfsprocessen = which is important for the continuity of the business
die van belang kunnen zijn = that may be of interest
die van de Onroerende zaak worden geheven = levied on the Immovable Property
die van dien aard zijn dat = of such nature that
die van grote waarde is = that is of great value
die van invloed zijn = that affect
die van invloed zullen zijn op = that will influence
die van jullie = yours
die van kracht is in de Onderneming = in force in the Company
die van mindere kwaliteit zijn = which are of lower quality
die van ons = ours
die van tevoren niet door Yellax zijn geaccepteerd = that were not accepted in advance by Yellax
die van toepassing is ter gehele uitsluiting van = which applies to the entire exclusion of
die van toepassing zijn = that are applicable
die van toepassing zijn = applicable
die van toepassing zijn op = that apply to
die van toepassing zijn op = that are applicable to
die van toepassing zijn op alle overeenkomsten met = which apply to all agreements with
die van toepassing zijn op de elektrische installatie = applicable to the electrical installation
die vanwege een pandrecht geen stemrecht heeft = who has no right to vote because of a right of pledge
die vast gemonteerd worden = which are fixedly mounted
die vast is aangebracht op = which is fixedly arranged on
die veel bijdraagt = that contributes greatly
die veelal in deze categorie zullen vallen = which will often fall into this category
die veranderd zijn = that have been changed
die verantwoordelijk is = which is responsible
die verantwoordelijk is voor = which is responsible for
die verantwoordelijk is voor = responsible for
die verband houden met de uitoefening van het werk = related to performance of the work
die verband houdt met beëindiging van het dienstverband = related to termination of the employment
die verband houdt met of anderszins voortvloeit uit = related to or otherwise arising from
die verder de stappen omvat van = further comprising the following steps
die vereist worden krachtens deze Overeenkomst = required under this Agreement
die vergelijkbaar zijn = that are comparable
die vergunning hebben om in België te verblijven = who have a residence permit to reside in Belgium
die verkrijgbaar zijn in een supermarkt = that are available in a supermarket
die vermeld staan of waarnaar wordt verwezen = mentioned or referred to
die verplaatsbaar voorzien is op = which is movably provided on
die verplaatsbaar zijn op een eerste resp. tweede rail = "which are movable on a first and second rail, respectively,"
die verschillende teams ondersteunt = that supports various teams
die verticaal gepositioneerd is = which is positioned vertically
die vertikaal zijn opgesteld = which are arranged vertically
die vervaardigd is uit = made of
die vervolgens bepaalde secties kunnen selecteren en vergroot weergeven = who can then select and magnify certain sections
die verzekeraars aanbieden = that insurers offer
die verzonken is t.o.v. het kader = which is sunken with respect to the frame
die via deze platforms actief zijn = operating on these platforms
die via een tand-en-groefverbinding in elkaar passen = which fit into each other via a tongue-and-groove joint
die via internet worden aangeboden = offered via the internet
die vlag dekt de lading niet = appearances are deceptive
die vlag dekt de lading niet = he / she / ... is sailing under false colours
die voldoen aan de eisen = that meet the requirements
die voldoen aan de emissienormen van categorie = that meet the emission standards of Category
die voldoen aan de minimum eisen = meeting the minimum requirements
die voldoen aan de vereisten van = that meet the requirements of
die voldoen aan de vereisten van de Europese Norm = that meet the requirements of European standard
die voldoet aan de europese wetgeving = that meets the European legislation
die volgen op de betaling/dat volgt op de betaling = from payment
die volgen uit = resulting from
die voor 100% aan uw noden beantwoordt = that meets 100% of your needs
die voor de aanvoer van de producten zorgen = that supply the products
die voor de uitvoering van het werk vereist zijn = required for the execution of the work
die voor deze zaak woonplaats kiest te = which chooses as its address for service for this case the offices of
die voor een duur van minder dan twaalf maanden worden gesloten = concluded for a period of less than twelve months
die voor een duur van twaalf maanden of meer worden gesloten = concluded for a period of twelve months or more
die voor een groot deel is gericht op = which is largely focused on
die voor een normaal gebruik nodig zijn = required for normal use
die voor een opdrachtgever is uitgevoerd = carried out for a client
die voor extra stijfheid en dus een grotere veiligheid zorgt = ensure added stiffness and thus greater safety
die voor het functioneren en de veiligheid van het apparaat nodig zijn = which are required for the proper functioning and safety of the device
die voorhanden waren = that were available
die voorkomen dat de panelen uitschuiven = which prevent the panels from sliding out
die voortvloeien uit = resulting from
die voortvloeien uit de kwetsbaarheid = arising from the vulnerability
die voortvloeien uit dit gebruik = arising from such use
"die voortvloeien uit dit gebruik, komen voor rekening van de medewerker" = arising from such use shall be borne by the employee
die voortvloeien uit of die verband houden met = arising from or in connection with
die voortvloeit uit het door haar uitgeoefende retentierecht = resulting from its exercised right of retention
die voorzien in de specifieke behoeften van = that meet the specific needs of
die voorzien is om in te grijpen = provided for engaging
die voorzien is van DE reclame = with DE advertising
die vraag speelt voortdurend op = this remains a difficult question
die vrij draaibaar is om = that is freely rotatable about
die we blijven uitbreiden = that we continue to expand
die we graag willen laten maken = events
die we graag willen laten maken = which we would like to have made
die we in een komend nummer van dit magazine voorstellen = that we will introduce in a forthcoming issue of this magazine
die we met de oude nooit hebben ondervonden = that we never had with the old one
die we niet mogen vergeten = that deserves to be remembered
die weer = which in turn
die weer is gebaseerd op = which in turn is based on
die weg van de bodemplaat is georiënteerd = that is oriented away from the bottom plate
die weg wijzen van de bodemplaat van de basiselement = pointing away from the bottom plate of the base member
die weigert de toegangscontrole te ondergaan = who refuses to undergo access control
die werd bijgewoond door = attended by
die werd opgeslagen tijdens het opt-outproces = stored during the opt-out process
die werd verzonden naar de server = that was transmitted to the server
die werden bekomen = which were obtained
die wij eveneens kunnen leveren = which we can also supply
die wij hebben aangeleverd = we provided
die wij in het Verenigd Koninkrijk vertegenwoordigen = we represent in the United Kingdom
die wij intern stellen = that we set  internally
die wij op deze plaats bedanken = whom we would like to thank here
die wij vooraf hebben vastgesteld = that we have determined in advance
die wijst op = which indicates
die worden doorgestuurd van en naar het product = that are sent to and from the product
die worden gebruikt in industriële warmtepompen = used in industrial heat pumps
die worden gekenmerkt door = that are characterised by
die worden gesteld vanuit de Nederlandse markt = imposed by the Dutch market
die worden onderverdeeld in = divided into
die worden voorgesteld door Facebook = proposed by Facebook
die wordt doorkruist door = which is traversed by
die wordt geplaatst tussen de = that is placed between the
die wordt vermeld = indicated
die wordt vermeld op het handtekeningenformulier = listed on the Signature Form
die zaak heeft later nog een vervolg gehad = that business had a sequel
die zal gehouden worden op het kantoor van = which will be held at the office of
die ze er doen uitspringen = that make them stand out
die ze wereldwijd verkoopt = which sells them worldwide
die zeer gelijkaardig zijn = which are very similar
die zeer gevoelig zijn voor kleine afwijkingen = which are very sensitive to small deviations
die zelf fysiek van elkaar gescheiden zijn = that are themselves physically separate from each other
die zelf gevuld moeten worden = that you have to fill yourself
die zich aan de buitenkant van de koker bevinden = which are located on the outside of the tube
die zich allen onderscheiden door = who are all known for
die zich binnenwaarts naar de koepel uitstrekt = extending inwards to the dome
die zich binnenwaarts uitstrekt = extending inwardly
die zich boven het substraat bevinden = which are located above the substrate
die zich buiten het gebouw bevinden = located outside the building
die zich continu op dezelfde hoogte bevindt als de bovenkant van de palle = which is always located at the same height as the top of the pallet
die zich doorheen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband uitstre = extending through the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
die zich expliciet heeft ingeschreven voor gerichte advertenties = who has explicitly opted in to targeted ads
die zich geheel of gedeeltelijk in een gevaarlijke zone bevindt = wholly or partially in a hazardous area
die zich in een richting dwars op het tafeloppervlak uitstrekken = which extend in a direction transverse to the table surface
die zich in het … bevindt = comprised in the
die zich kenmerken door = characterised by
die zich kenmerkt door = that is characterised by
die zich minstens gedeeltelijk uitstrekt = which extends at least partially
die zich naar boven vanaf een vloeroppervlak uitstrekken = extending upwardly from a floor surface
die zich onder de detector bevindt = which is located below the detector
die zich onder het substraat bevinden = that are located under the substrate
die zich op het horizontaal vlak van de afdekschijf bevinden = which are located on the horizontal plane of the cover disk
die zich op het werk aanbiedt = who presents himself at work
die zich op overmacht beroept = claiming force majeure
die zich over nagenoeg de ganse lengte van de platen uitstrekken = which extend along substantially the entire length of the panels
die zich richten op de Nederlandse consument = aimed at Dutch consumers
die zich richten op de Nederlandse markt = that focus on the Dutch market
die zich richten op de Nederlandse markt = that is aimed at the Dutch market
die zich tegenover elkaar bevinden = which are situated opposite each other
die zich tegenover elkaar bevinden = located opposite each other
die zich tijdens de Overeengekomen Periode voordoen = which have occurred during the Agreed Period
die zich uitstrekken doorheen = that extend through
die zich uitstrekken doorheen de = which extend through the
die zich uitstrekken langs = which extend along
die zich uitstrekt over de volledige lengte van = which extends over the entire length of
die zich vooral toelegt op = which mainly focuses on
die zicht binnenwaarts naar de koepel uitstrekt = that extends inward towards the dome
die zichzelf kunne oplossen = that can solve themselves
die ziek uit dienst gaat = who leaves employment while sick
die zij bezitten en/of beheren = they own and/or manage
die zijde van = that side of
die zijn aangemaakt door = that have been created by
die zijn afgeleid uit = derived from
die zijn ambt uitoefent in de vennootschap = performing his office in the company
die zijn geconstrueerd van een geschikt stijf en sterk materiaal = constructed of a suitably rigid and strong material
die zijn gesynthetiseerd uit chemische verbindingen = synthesised from chemical compounds
die zijn ingericht om = arranged to
die zijn of haar privacy rechten wil uitoefenen = who wishes to exercise their privacy rights
die zijn ontstaan door invloeden van buitenaf = caused by external influences
die zijn opgenomen in andere uitvoeringsvormen = that are included in other embodiments
die zijn verstrekt aan de chauffeur = issued to the driver
die z'n = that one's
die zo veel als wordt toegestaan door de wet = to the maximum extent permitted by law
die zojuist op de markt was gekomen = that had just come on the market
die zorgen voor een geruisloze hijsbeweging = which ensure that lifting is silent
die zorgen voor een veilig gebruik van het rolluik = to ensure the safe operation of the shutter
die zorgen voor precisiekoeling = that provide precision cooling
die zorgt voor = which provides
die zorgt voor extra = which provides extra
die zou voortvloeien uit de toegang tot of het gebruik van = resulting from access to or use of
die zouden kunnen leiden tot = which could lead to
die zouden kunnen voortvloeien uit = that could arise from
die zowel intern als mobiel bereikbaar moeten zijn = that need to be accessible both internally and on mobile devices
die zulke draagstructuur omvat = comprising such a support structure
die zulke draagstructuur omvat = which comprises such a support structure
die zwaarder is dan lucht = which is heavier than air
Diederik = Derek
"Diederik, Diedrich, Dirk" = Derek {prop} (given name)
dieet = diet
dieet = light
Dieet = Starvation diet
diëet- = dietary
diëet leven = to be on a  diet
dieet maken = dieting
dieet met een hoog eiwitgehalte = protein-rich diet
dieet van Giordano-Giovanetti = Giordano-Giovanetti diet
"diëet, levensmiddelen {p}" = fare (food and drink)
dieetgrillen = diet fads
dieetgrillen = dietary fads
dieetgrillen = fad diets
dieetgrillen = food fads
dieetproduct = dietary product
Dieetproducten = Dietetic products
dieetsupplementen = dietary supplements
dieetvoeding voor medisch gebruik = dietary foods for special medical purposes
dieetwensen = dietary requirements
dieetzout = diet salt
dieetzout = low-sodium diet salt
DIEF = diethylhexyl phthalate
Dief = Thieving
Dief = Drummer
dief = thief
Dief = Robber
dief {de} = thief
diefkever = spider beetle
diefrand = false cathode
diefstal = abstraction
Diefstal = Theft
diefstal {de} = theft
Diefstal apparatuur en waardevolle zaken = Theft of equipment and valuables
diefstal en oneigenlijk gebruik = theft and improper use
diefstal met geweld of bedreiging = aggravated theft
diefstal of beschadiging = theft or damage
diefstal referentiegegevens = credential theft
Diefstal van identiteit = Identity theft
diefstal van informatie = theft of information
"Diefstal, vermissing en beschadiging" = "Theft, loss and damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing en beschadiging van" = "Theft, loss and damage of/to"
"diefstal, vermissing of beschadiging" = "theft, loss or damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing, beschadiging" = "Theft, loss and damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing, beschadiging" = "Theft, loss, damage"
Diefstalbeveiliging = Anti-theft protection
Diefstalbeveiliging integreerbaar = Anti-theft protection integrable
diefstalclaim = theft claim
diefstalpreventie = prevention of theft
Diegem = Diegem
diegene = that
diegene = he
diegene = she
diegene = those
Diegene = That one
diegene die het vroegst uitgekomen zijn = those which hatched the earliest
Diego Rivera = Diego Rivera
die-het-eerst-komt-die-het-eerst-maalt regel = first- come-first-served rule
Dieldrin = Dieldrin
dieldrine = dieldrin
Dielectricum = Dielectric
diëlectricum = dielectric
Diëlektricum = Dielectric
diëlektrische absorptie = dielectric absorption
"Diëlektrische barrièreontlading (Dielectric Barrier Discharg, DBD)" = Dielectric Barrier Discharge
"Diëlektrische barrièreontlading (Dielectric Barrier Discharg, DBD)" = DBD
diëlektrische capaciteit = dielectric capacity
diëlektrische constante = dielectric constant
diëlektrische constante = relative permittivity
diëlektrische dissipatie = dielectric dissipation
diëlektrische draad = dielectric wire
diëlektrische eigenschappen = dielectric properties
Dielektrische interferentielagen = Dielectric coatings
diëlektrische laag = dielectric film
diëlektrische pijp = dielectric guide
diëlektrische polarisatie = dielectric polarization
diëlektrische relaxatietijd = dielectric relaxation time
diëlektrische sterkte = dielectric strength
diëlektrische stroom = dielectric current
diëlektrische verliesfactor = dielectric loss factor
diëlektrische verliezen = dielectric losses
diëlektrische versterker = dielectric amplifier
Diëlektrische vloeistoftransformatoren = Liquid dielectric transformers
diëlektrische waardebepaling = dielectric rating
Diemen = Diemen
dien = should
dien ik volgende zaken bijzonder te blijven opvolgen = I should continue to monitor the following specific issues
Dien op met groenten naar keuze. = Serve with vegetables of your choice.
dienaangaande = in that connection
dienaangaande = in that regard
dienaangaande = in that respect
dienaangaande = in this connection
dienaangaande = in this regard
dienaangaande = in this respect
dienaangaande = relevant
dienaangaande = to this effect
dienaangaande = with respect to that
dienaangaande is mij niets gebleken = I have no evidence of this effect
dienaangaande is mij niets gebleken = I have no evidence to that effect
Dienaar = Servant
dienaar = boy
"dienaar, dienares, bediende {c}, meid, knecht" = menial (domestic servant)
dienares = maid
Dienblad = Set
Dienblad = Wold
Dienblad = Supporting table
Dienblad = Shelf
Dienblad = Tableland
Dienblad = Plateau
Dienblad = Salver
dienblad = plate
Dienblad = Tray
Dienblad = Platter
dienblad.php = tray.php
Dienbladen = Food trays
dienbladen = serving trays
diëncefalisch = diencephalic
diëncefalisch aanval = diencephalo-autonomic attack
diencephalon = "diencephalon: the caudal part of the prosencephalon, consisting of the ep"
diencephalon = interbrain
diende = serve
dienen = must
dienen = serve
Dienen = Dish up
Dienen = Avail
Dienen = Further
Dienen = Avail oneself of
Dienen = Use
dienen = have to
dienen = service
dienen = to serve
Dienen = Wait on
Dienen = To be of use
Dienen = Dish
dienen = should
diënen = dienes
dienen alleen als referentie = are for reference only
dienen als = serve as
dienen als richtlijn gebruikt te worden = should be used as a guide
dienen altijd goedgekeurd te worden door = must always be approved by
dienen altijd van te voren aangemeld te zijn = must always be registered in advance
dienen behouden te blijven = should be preserved
dienen bij deze vragenronde aan de orde te worden gesteld = must be addressed in this round of questions
dienen bij uitsluiting te worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter te Am = must be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam
dienen correctieve maatregelen te worden uitgevoerd = corrective measures must be carried out
dienen de auto direct in te leveren op een door de werkgever vast te stel = must immediately return the vehicle to an address to be determined by the
dienen de onderstaande gegevens vermeld te worden = must contain the following information
dienen door de leverancier en op rekening van de leverancier te worden ui = must be taken care of and paid by the supplier
dienen door de Physical Security Manager direct te worden gemeld aan de d = must be reported to the management directly by the Physical Security Mana
dienen dus andere technieken gebruikt te worden = other techniques must therefore be used
dienen een solide verankering te kennen in de dagelijkse praktijk = should be solidly anchored in daily practice
dienen er duidelijke afspraken gemaakt te worden = clear agreements must be made
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden = should be documented
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden = must be documented
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden op = should be documented in
dienen gelijk te liggen met = must be flush with
dienen gemeld en verholpen te worden = must be reported and resolved
dienen geschikt te zijn = must be suitable
dienen idem ingesteld te zijn = must be set identically
dienen identiek te zijn = must be identical
dienen in acht te worden Genomen = should be adhered to
dienen in bezit te zijn van = must be in possession of
dienen in het bezit te zijn van = must be in possession of
dienen maatregelen te worden genomen = measures should be taken
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen = measures should be taken
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen gericht op afscherming van de mens = measures shall be taken to shield humans from the source
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen gericht op afscherming van de mens = measures shall be taken to shield humans from the source
dienen nageleefd te worden = must be observed
dienen nauw op elkaar aan te sluiten = should link up closely
dienen niet langer te zijn dan = should not be longer than
dienen onmiddellijk verholpen te worden = should be immediately corrected
dienen ook informatie te verschaffen = should also provide information
dienen overlegd te worden = must be submitted
dienen schriftelijk te worden vastgelegd = must be laid down in writing
dienen separaat te worden overeengekomen = must be agreed separately
dienen slechts een beperkt aantal taken te worden uitgevoerd = only a limited number of tasks need to be performed
dienen steeds met elkaar verbonden te worden = should always be connected to each other
dienen strikt te worden opgevolgd = must be strictly followed
dienen te voldoen aan = shall comply with
dienen te worden gemanaged = should be managed
dienen te worden gemeld = should be reported
dienen te worden gestuurd = must be sent
dienen te worden gestuurd naar = must be sent to
dienen te worden ingediend in tweevoud = should be submitted in duplicate
dienen te worden vastgelegd = should be recorded
dienen te worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter = must be submitted to the competent court
dienen te zijn gedocumenterd = must be documented
dienen ter goedkeuring te worden voorgelegd = must be submitted for approval
dienen toegang te hebben tot = must have access to
dienen uitsluitend als richtsnoer = are only given as a guide
dienen verstelbaar te zijn = must be adjustable
dienen voorzien te  zijn van = must be provided with
dienen zich te legitimeren = must provide proof of identity
dienen zo recht mogelijk gehouden te worden = should be kept as straight as possible
dienen zo te worden uitgevoerd = shall be designed in such a way
dienen zo veel mogelijk vermeden te worden = should be avoided as much as possible
dienen zorgvuldig en volledig te worden onderzocht = should be carefully and fully examined
dienend leiderschap = servant leadership
Diener en Diener Basel = Diener & Diener Basel
dienkeuken = service kitchen
diënoestrol = "dienestrol: a synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen (structurally related to "
dienogest = dienogest
dienovereenkomstig = accordingly
dienovereenkomstig = relevant
dienovereenkomstig = to that effect
dienovereenkomstig = to this effect
dienovereenkomstig = Accordingly
dienovereenkomstige vergoeding = corresponding fee
diens = that one's
diens architect en/of studiebureau’s = its architect and/or engineering firms
diens ermee verbandhoudende betalingsverplichtingen = its payment obligations in this respect
diens opvolger = its successor
diens steriliteit niet moet breken = does not have to compromise their sterility
diens toeleverancier = its supplier
dienst = Service Department
dienst = "department, service, ward (Medical)"
Dienst = Service
dienst = agency
dienst = authority
dienst = department
dienst = office
dienst = service
dienst = shift
dienst = favor
dienst = division
Dienst (administratieve diensten of afdelingen) = Office
dienst {de} = service
Dienst A = Department A
dienst aan de samenleving = service to society
Dienst Algemene Bestuurlijke Ondersteuning = General Administration
dienst anorganische scheikunde = Inorganic Chemistry Department
Dienst Arbo en Milieu = "Department of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment"
Dienst Bestuurlijke Ondersteuning = Management Support
dienst beveiliging van levens van Galileo = GALILEO safety of life service
Dienst Burgerlijke Zaken = Registration Services
Dienst Centrale Recherche = Central Criminal Investigation Department (DCR)
Dienst Centrale Recherche = Central Criminal Investigation Department (Dienst Centrale Recherche: DCR
"Dienst Centrale Recherche, bureau Sociale Jeugd- en Zedenpolitie" = "Central Criminal Investigation Department (DCR), Juvenile and Vice Sectio"
Dienst Communicatie = Department of Communications
Dienst directeur (operationele diensten of afdelingen) = Service Director
Dienst Domeinen = Dienst Domeinen
Dienst Economische en Administratieve Zaken = Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs
Dienst Economische Migratie = Economic Migration service
Dienst Elektronische en Mechanische Ontwikkeling (domein DEMO) = Electronic & Mechanical Support Division (EMSD)
dienst- en studiereizen = official trips and study trips
Dienst Facilitaire Bedrijven = Facility Service
Dienst Facilitaire Zaken en Bouwbeheer = Department of Campus and Estates Services
Dienst Faciliteiten en Automatisering = Facilities and Automation
Dienst financiën en Personeel = Department of Finance and Personnel
"Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen" = Defence Infrastructure Agency
"Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen (DGW&T)" = "Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen (DGW&T)"
dienst hebben = be on duty
Dienst Indicatiestelling ouderenzorg (ACAS) = Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS)
Dienst Informatietechnologie = Department of Information Technology / Information Technology Department
Dienst Informatisering en Automatisering = Computer Systems and Automation
Dienst Justitiële Inlichtingen = Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI)
dienst Kwaliteit Aankoop = Purchasing Quality Department
Dienst Landelijk Gebied (DLG) = Dienst Landelijk Gebied (DLG)
Dienst Macro-Economie = Macroeconomics Department
dienst MER = EIA Service (Dienst Mer)
dienst met toegevoegde waarde = value added service
dienst met toegevoegde waarde = Value-added service
dienst na verkoop = after sales service
Dienst na verkoop = After-sales service
dienst nemen = enlist
dienst NTMB = Ecotechnical Environmental Engineering unit (NTMB)
Dienst Ondernemingsinformatie = Business Information Department
Dienst Onderwijs en Studentenzaken (O&S) = Education and Student Affairs
dienst organische scheikunde = Organic Chemistry Department
dienst segment = shift segment
Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling en Beheer (DSOB) = Department of Urban Development and Management
Dienst Studentenvoorzieningen & Campus (DiSC) = Student & Campus Services (DiSC)
Dienst Studentenzaken = Office of Student Affairs
Dienst Studentenzaken = Department of Student Services
Dienst Technische Ondersteuning = Department for Technical Support
dienst van algemeen belang = services of general interest
Dienst van Back-IT = Back-IT Service
dienst van de commissie = office of the commission
dienst van een ander Lid = service of another Member
dienst van openbaar nut = public utility service
Dienst Veiligheidsrapportering = Safety Reporting Division
Dienst Vergunningen van de FOD Economie = Licence Service of the FPS Economy
Dienst Vervoer en Ondersteuning (DV&O) van het Ministerie van Justitie en = Transport and Support Department (DV&O) of the Ministry of Justice and Se
dienst voor arbeidsbemiddeling = employment service
Dienst voor Bescherming tegen Ioniserende Straling [DBIS] = Office for Protection against Ionizing Radiation
Dienst voor de Technische Veiligheid van de Kerninstallaties = Office for the Technical Security of Nuclear Facilities
dienst VR = Safety Reporting Division
Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken = Immigration Office
Dienst(en) = Service(s)
dienst(en) = service(s)
"dienst, gebedsdienst, mis {f}" = church service)
"dienst, gebedsdienst, mis {f}" = mess (Mass
dienstaanbieder = service provider
dienstaanbiederinterface = service provider interface (SPI)
dienstaanbieders = service providers
dienstacceptatiecriteria = service acceptance criteria (SAC)
dienstanalyse = service analytics
dienstbaar = willingness to help
dienstbaarheid = helpful service
dienstbaarheid = helpfulness
dienstbaarheid = willingness to help
dienstbaarheid = "(houding) helpfulness  , service"
dienstbaarheid = (onderhorigheid) servitude
dienstbaarheid = (servituut) easement
dienstbaarheid = helpfulness/service (houding)
dienstbelang / indien het dienstbeland zich hiertegen verzet / tenzij zwa = / if it would be contrary to the interests of the institution / unless di
dienstbetrekking = employment
dienstbetrekking = employment (relationship)
Dienstbetrekking = Wage-earning occupation
dienstbetrekking = job
dienstbetrekkingen = jobs
dienstbode = maid-servant
dienstboekje = service record
dienstbrug = control bridge
Dienstbruggen = Gantries
dienstcontract = service contract
dienstdoende = on duty
dienstdoende bij de = serving with the
dienstdoende manager = manager on duty
dienstdruk = working pressure
diensteigenaar = service owner
diensten = agencies
diensten = authorities
diensten = departments
diensten = offices
diensten = services
diensten = service departments
Diensten = services
diensten = service
"Diensten (wanneer er in het algemeen sprake is van de diensten BU, DBI, D" = Service departments
diensten aan cliënten = services to clients
diensten aan eindgebruikers = retail services
diensten afnemen = buy services
diensten afnemen = purchase services
diensten afnemen = receive services
diensten als tussenhandelaar = brokering services
"diensten bestaande uit de registratie, transcriptie, samenstelling, compi" = "services consisting of the registration, transcription, composition, comp"
diensten bewijzen = render services
Diensten CAO = Services collective agreement (‘Diensten CAO’)
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor buitenvoorzieningen = Architectural services for outdoor areas
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor gebouwen = Architectural services for buildings
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor uitbreidingsverbouwingen = Architectural services for building extensions
Diensten door chirurgische specialisten = Surgical specialist services
Diensten door derden = Third party services
Diensten door huisartsen = General-practitioner services
Diensten door ledenverenigingen = Membership organisation services
Diensten door medische specialisten = Medical specialist services
Diensten door onbemand duikvaartuig = ROV services
Diensten door persagentschappen = News-agency services
Diensten en diverse goederen = Services and other goods
Diensten en diverse goederen = Services and goods
diensten en producten = products and services
diensten- en productiecentrum = service and production centre
diensten en toepassingen = services and applications
diensten en/of producten = products and/or services
Diensten in gynaecologie en obstetrie = Gyneacologic or obstetric services
Diensten in verband met afvalwater = Sewage services
Diensten in verband met bescherming van de ozonlaag = Ozone protection services
Diensten in verband met bodemvervuiling = Services related to soil pollution
Diensten in verband met bosbouw = Services incidental to forestry
Diensten in verband met de bouw = Construction-related services
Diensten in verband met de gaswinning = Services incidental to gas extraction
Diensten in verband met de jacht = Hunting services
Diensten in verband met de olie- en gasindustrie = Services related to the oil and gas industry
Diensten in verband met de opslag van containers = Container station and depot services
Diensten in verband met de opstelling van handleidingen = Services related to the preparation of training manuals
Diensten in verband met de productie van films en video's = Services in connection with motion-picture and video-tape production
Diensten in verband met de uitvoering van verlichtings- en daglichtvoorzi = Artificial and natural lighting engineering services for buildings
Diensten in verband met economische hulp aan het buitenland = Foreign economic-aid-related services
Diensten in verband met fusies en overnamen = Mergers and acquisition services
Diensten in verband met geluidsvervuiling = Services related to noise pollution
Diensten in verband met het beheer van financiële markten = Financial markets administration services
Diensten in verband met het drukken = Services related to printing
Diensten in verband met het lichamelijk welzijn = Physical well-being services
Diensten in verband met houtwinning = Services incidental to logging
Diensten in verband met informatietechnologie = Information technology services
Diensten in verband met landbouwproductie = Services incidental to agricultural production
Diensten in verband met luchtvervuling = Services related to air pollution
Diensten in verband met militaire hulp aan het buitenland = Foreign military-aid-related services
Diensten in verband met olievervuiling = Services related to oil pollution
Diensten in verband met oliewinning = Services incidental to oil extraction
"Diensten in verband met opsporing, toezicht en verwijdering van vervuilen" = Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
Diensten in verband met software = Software-related services
Diensten in verband met sport = Sport-related services
Diensten in verband met vervuilde grond = Services relating to contaminated soil
Diensten in verband met vervuiling door giftige stoffen = Services related to toxic substances pollution
Diensten in verband met visserij = Services incidental to fishing
Diensten in verband met warmtetechniek voor gebouwen = Heating engineering services for buildings
Diensten in verband met watervervuiling = Services related to water pollution
"Diensten inzake afvalwater, afval, reiniging en milieu" = "Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services"
Diensten inzake managementopleiding = Management training services
Diensten inzake onderwaterexploratie = Underwater exploration services
Diensten inzake recreatiegebieden = Recreational-area services
diensten met betrekking tot adviesverlening op het gebied van computers = computer consultancy services
"diensten met betrekking tot bioscoop en ontspanning via de televisie, als" = "services relating to cinema and to television entertainment, and to live "
diensten met betrekking tot boekhouding en loonlijsten = accountancy and payroll services
"diensten met betrekking tot communicatie, verzending van gegevens per com" = services relating to the communication and transmission of data by comput
diensten met betrekking tot consultancy op het gebied van werkgelegenheid = employment consultancy services
diensten met betrekking tot de behandeling van metalen = metal treatment services
"diensten met betrekking tot de uitgave van boeken, tijdschriften en perio" = "services relating to the publication of books, magazines and periodicals"
diensten met betrekking tot entertainers = entertainer services
diensten met betrekking tot onderzoek en advisering op zakelijk gebied = business research and advisory services
diensten met betrekking tot onderzoek en ontwikkeling van nieuwe producte = research and development services concerning new
diensten met betrekking tot opleiding en begeleiding = training and support services
"diensten met betrekking tot opvoeding, opleiding en entertainment" = "education, training and entertainment services"
diensten met betrekking tot professionele consultancy op zakelijk gebied = professional business consultancy services
"diensten met betrekking tot reclame, bedrijfsvoering" = "advertising services, commercial business management"
diensten met betrekking tot restauratie (het verstrekken van voedsel) = restaurant services (food)
diensten met betrekking tot ruimtelijke gegevens = spatial data services
diensten met betrekking tot verzending van berichten = message sending services
diensten of producten = services or products
diensten op afstand = remote services
diensten op farmaceutisch gebied = pharmacy services
diensten op het gebied van abonnementen op kranten voor derden = newspaper subscription services for others
diensten op het gebied van administratie van = company secretarial services
diensten op het gebied van advies en consultancy van bedrijven = business management advisory and consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van advies en ondersteuning van harware en sofware = consultancy and support services for computer hardware and computer softw
"diensten op het gebied van advies over voedsel, dranken, catering, restau" = "consultancy relating to food, drink, catering, restaurant and cafeteria s"
diensten op het gebied van advies voor beleggingen = investment advisory services
diensten op het gebied van advies voor cosmetica = cosmetics consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake het beheer van intellectuele = consulting services relating to management of intellectual property and c
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake Internet = Internet advice services
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake software = consulting services in the field of computer software
diensten op het gebied van advisering voor computers = computer advisory services
"diensten op het gebied van advisering, onderhandeling en vertegenwoordigi" = "advisory, negotiating and representational services"
"diensten op het gebied van amusement, zoals exploitatie en beheer van the" = entertainment services in the nature of provision and management of theat
diensten op het gebied van amusementclubs = entertainment club services
diensten op het gebied van amusements- en themaparken = amusement and theme park services
diensten op het gebied van analyse = analytical services
diensten op het gebied van arbeidspsychologie = occupational psychology services
diensten op het gebied van arbitrage = arbitration services
diensten op het gebied van architectuur = architectural services
diensten op het gebied van babysitten = baby-sitting services
diensten op het gebied van bank- en krediettransacties = banking and credit affairs
Diensten op het gebied van banken en investeringen = Banking and investment services
"diensten op het gebied van banken, financieringen en verzekeringen" = "banking, financial and insurance services"
diensten op het gebied van bedrijfsmarketing = business marketing services
diensten op het gebied van bedrijfstaxatie = business appraisal services
diensten op het gebied van beheer = management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van = management services for exhibition facilities
diensten op het gebied van beheer van commerciële zaken = business management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van commerciële zaken en zakelijke adm = business management and business administration services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van gegevensbestanden = database management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van onroerende = real-estate management services
diensten op het gebied van beheeradvies en consultancy = business management assistance and consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van belastingaangifte = tax-preparation services
diensten op het gebied van belastingaangifte en belastingadvisering = tax-preparation and consulting services
diensten op het gebied van beleggingsbeheer = investment management services
diensten op het gebied van beleggingsfondsen en = unit trust management and mortgage services
diensten op het gebied van bereiding van voeding = food preparation services
diensten op het gebied van bestellingen = delivery services
diensten op het gebied van betalingsmandaten = money order services
diensten op het gebied van bewakingsdiensten = security guard services
diensten op het gebied van binnenhuisarchitectuur = interior design services
diensten op het gebied van bioscopen = cinema services
diensten op het gebied van boekhouding = bookkeeping services
diensten op het gebied van boekhouding = accounting services
diensten op het gebied van borgstelling = surety services
diensten op het gebied van brandbestrijding = fire fighting services
diensten op het gebied van cabaret = cabaret services
diensten op het gebied van cafés = café services
"diensten op het gebied van cafetaria’s, koffiehuizen, restaurants, kant" = "cafeteria, coffee shop, restaurant, canteen and café"
diensten op het gebied van casino's en gokspelen = "casino, gaming and gambling services"
diensten op het gebied van certifaten = certification services
diensten op het gebied van chemie = chemistry services
diensten op het gebied van communicatie en verzending per fax = facsimile communication and transmission services
diensten op het gebied van communicatie tussen computers = communication services between computers
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via computers = services for communication by computer
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via elektronische middelen = services for communication by electronic means
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via het Internet = communication services provided on the Internet
diensten op het gebied van communicatienetwerken = communications networking services
diensten op het gebied van computerinstallatie en - = computer installation and maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van computerondersteuning = computer support services
diensten op het gebied van computerontwikkeling en -programmering 42 = computer design and programming services
diensten op het gebied van computeropleiding = computer training services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering = computer programming services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering en computer-consultancy = computer programming and computer consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering en software = computer programming and software services
diensten op het gebied van computersoftware-ontwikkeling = computer software design services
diensten op het gebied van computer-timesharing = computer time-sharing services
diensten op het gebied van consultancy en advisering inzake hardware en s = consultancy and advisory services in the field of computer hardware and s
diensten op het gebied van consultancy en advisering voor computers = computer consultancy and advisory services
diensten op het gebied van consultancy inzake computers en software = consulting services relating to computers and computer software
diensten op het gebied van consultancy inzake telecommunicatie = consulting services in the field of telecommunications
diensten op het gebied van consultancy met betrekking tot techniek = engineering consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van consumentenadvies voor vakanties = consumer advisory services relating to holidays
diensten op het gebied van crèches = crèche services
diensten op het gebied van cruiseschepen = cruise ship services
diensten op het gebied van cultuur = cultural services
diensten op het gebied van dansclubs = dance club services
diensten op het gebied van datacommunicatie = data communication services
diensten op het gebied van de organisatie van feestmalen = banqueting services
diensten op het gebied van de productie van videobanden en films = video-tape and film production services
diensten op het gebied van diagnostiek = diagnostic services
diensten op het gebied van direct marketing = direct marketing services
diensten op het gebied van discotheken = discothèque services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische = electronic database services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische betaling = electronic payment services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische bulletin-boards = electronic bulletin board services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische communicatie = electronic communication services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische financiële = electronic banking services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische overmaking van fondsen = electronic funds transfer services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische publicaties = electronic publishing services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische spellen geleverd via het Interne = electronic game services provided by means of the Internet
diensten op het gebied van elektronische uitwisseling van gegevens = electronic data interchange services
diensten op het gebied van e-mail = electronic mail services
"diensten op het gebied van entertainment op het gebied van : muziek, dans" = "entertainment services featuring music, dancing, comedy, drama and magic "
diensten op het gebied van entertainment voor clubs = club entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van facturering = billing services
diensten op het gebied van facturering = factoring services
diensten op het gebied van farmaceutisch onderzoek en ontwikkeling = pharmaceutical research and development services
diensten op het gebied van faxverzending = facsimile transmission services
diensten op het gebied van film- en videoverhuur = motion picture and video-rental services
diensten op het gebied van filmstudio’s = motion picture studio services
diensten op het gebied van filmverhuur = motion picture-rental services
diensten op het gebied van financieel beheer = financial management services
diensten op het gebied van financieel onderzoek = financial research services
diensten op het gebied van financieel onderzoek en financiële informatie = financial research and information services
"diensten op het gebied van financiële administratie, boekhouding en veri" = "accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services"
diensten op het gebied van financiële analyses = financial analysis services
diensten op het gebied van financiële consultancy = financial consultancy services
"Diensten op het gebied van financiële consultancy, financiële transacti" = "Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-hous"
diensten op het gebied van financiële en monetaire zaken en makerlaardij = "services in relation to financial, monetary and real-estate"
diensten op het gebied van financiële informatie = financial information services
diensten op het gebied van financiële planning = financial planning services
diensten op het gebied van financiële sanering = financial clearing services
diensten op het gebied van financiële sponsoring = financial sponsorship services
diensten op het gebied van financiële taxaties = financial appraisal services
diensten op het gebied van fotokopiëren = photocopying services
diensten op het gebied van franchising = franchising services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd = computerised database management services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd onderzoek en informatie = computerized research and information services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd opslaan en terugvinden van zak = computerized business information storage and retrieval services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerde bedrijfsinformatie = computerised business information services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerde betalingen = automated payment services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensoverdracht = data transmission services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensterugwinning = data recovery services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensverwerking = data-processing services
diensten op het gebied van geluidsopname = sound recording services
diensten op het gebied van geluidsopnamen = audio recording services
diensten op het gebied van gemeenschappelijke beleggingsfondsen = unit-trust services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheid en schoonheid = health and beauty services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheid en veiligheid = health and safety services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheids- en fitnessclubs = health and fitness club services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidscentra = health-club services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidszorg = health-care services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidszorg en schoonheidsverzorging = health and beauty care services
diensten op het gebied van gokspelen = gaming and gambling services
diensten op het gebied van gokspelen = gaming services
diensten op het gebied van grafisch ontwerpen = graphic-design services
diensten op het gebied van handelsinlichtingen = commercial information services
diensten op het gebied van havens = port services
diensten op het gebied van herverzekering = reinsurance services
diensten op het gebied van het beheer van fondsen = fund management services
diensten op het gebied van het bereiden van warm voedsel = food cooking services
diensten op het gebied van het bijeenbrengen van fondsen = fund raising services
diensten op het gebied van het charteren van = aircraft chartering services
diensten op het gebied van het maken van video-opnames = videotaping services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van software en computernetwerke = computer software and network design services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van webpagina’s = webpage design services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van web-sites = website design services
diensten op het gebied van het organiseren van tentoonstellingen voor com = services relating to the organization of exhibitions for commercial or ad
diensten op het gebied van het testen van materialen = material testing services
diensten op het gebied van het verstrekken van multimedia-amusement en/of = provision of multimedia entertainment and/or live entertainment and shows
diensten op het gebied van het verzenden van geld = money transmission services
diensten op het gebied van het zakelijk beheer van informatietechnologie = business management consulting services in the field of information techn
"diensten op het gebied van hotel, restauratie en catering" = "hotel, restaurant and catering services"
diensten op het gebied van hotelaccommodatie = hotel accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van hotelbeheer = hotel-management services
diensten op het gebied van hotelreservering = hotel-reservation services
diensten op het gebied van hotels en accommodatie = hotel and accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van hotels en restaurants = hotel and restaurant services
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, hotels in vakantieoorden, motels en pe" = "hotel, resort-hotel, motel and guest-house services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, motels en pensions" = "hotel, motel and boarding house services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, motels, restaurans, bars en catering" = "hotel, motel, restaurant, bar and catering services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, restaurants, bars, nachtclubs, cafés," = "hotel, restaurant, bar, nightclub, café, cafeteria and canteen services"
"diensten op het gebied van huisvesting, verzorging en restauratie door ho" = "services provided in the acquisition of accommodation, lodging and meals "
diensten op het gebied van hulp bij de leiding van zaken = business management assistance services
diensten op het gebied van hypotheeklening = mortgage banking
diensten op het gebied van import- en = import/export agency services
diensten op het gebied van import en export = import and export services
diensten op het gebied van individuele pensioenregelingen = personal pension services
diensten op het gebied van informatie en advisering inzake het voornoemde = information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid
diensten op het gebied van informatie over entertainment = entertainment information services
diensten op het gebied van inspectie van gebouwen = building inspection services
diensten op het gebied van intellectuele eigendom = intellectual-property services
diensten op het gebied van kalibreren = calibration services
diensten op het gebied van kamerverhuur = room hire services
diensten op het gebied van kap- en schoonheidssalons = services of a hair and beauty salon
diensten op het gebied van kapitaalbelegging = capital investment services
diensten op het gebied van kapitaalinvesteringen = fund investment services
diensten op het gebied van kasbeheer = cash management services
diensten op het gebied van kinderverzorging = child-care services
diensten op het gebied van kleermakerij = tailoring services
diensten op het gebied van kortingskaarten = discount-card services
diensten op het gebied van kunstgalerijen = art gallery services
diensten op het gebied van kunststudio’s = art-studio services
diensten op het gebied van kwaliteitscontrole = quality-control services
diensten op het gebied van leningen = loan services
diensten op het gebied van levensverzekeringen = life-assurance services
diensten op het gebied van licentieverlening = licensing services
diensten op het gebied van lichaamstraining = physical-education services
diensten op het gebied van liefdadigheidscollectes = charitable fund-raising services
diensten op het gebied van live-amusement = live entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van logies = lodging services
diensten op het gebied van logies en pensions = lodging and boarding services
diensten op het gebied van loonlijstverwerking = payroll processing services
diensten op het gebied van luchttransport = air-transportation services
diensten op het gebied van luchtvaartmaatschappijen = airline services
diensten op het gebied van makelaardij = real-estate brokerage services
Diensten op het gebied van management = Management-related services
diensten op het gebied van management en consultancy = management consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van managementopleiding = management training services
diensten op het gebied van marketing = marketing services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en promotie = marketing and promotional services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en public relations = marketing and public relations services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en reclame = marketing and advertising services
diensten op het gebied van marktonderzoek = market research services
diensten op het gebied van massage = massage services
diensten op het gebied van materiaalbehandeling = material treatment services
diensten op het gebied van medische behandeling = medical treatment services
diensten op het gebied van medische bijstand = medical assistance services
diensten op het gebied van medische klinieken = medical clinic services
diensten op het gebied van medische laboratoria = medical laboratory services
"diensten op het gebied van medische verzorging, hygiëne en schoonheid" = "medical, hygienic and beauty care services"
diensten op het gebied van meenneemmaaltijden = food takeaway services
Diensten op het gebied van micro-kredietverstrekking = Micro-credit granting services
diensten op het gebied van modeontwerp = dress-design services
diensten op het gebied van modeshows = fashion show services
diensten op het gebied van motels en pensions = motel and guest-house services
diensten op het gebied van musea = museum services
diensten op het gebied van muziek- en artiestenimpressariaat = music and artist agency services
diensten op het gebied van muziekconcerten = music concert services
diensten op het gebied van muzikaal amusement = musical entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van nachtclubs = nightclub services
diensten op het gebied van nachtclubs en discotheken = nightclub and discotheque services
diensten op het gebied van nieuwsprogramma’s = news programme services
diensten op het gebied van noodreparaties van voertuigen = emergency vehicle repair services
diensten op het gebied van onderhoud van software = computer software maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van ondertekening van verzekeringscontracten = underwriting services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs = educational services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en entertainment = educational and entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en instructie = educational and instruction services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en opleiding = education and training services
"diensten op het gebied van onderwijs, opleiding en ontspanning in het alg" = "educational, training and entertainment services in general"
"diensten op het gebied van onderwijs, opvoeding en" = "educational, teaching and training services"
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek = research services
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek en informatie met betrekking tot zak = "research and information services relating to business, advertising and m"
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek en informatie van bedrijven = business research and information services
diensten op het gebied van onroerende goederen = real estate services
diensten op het gebied van ontspanning en vrije tijd = entertainment and leisure services
diensten op het gebied van ontspanning via de radio = radio entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van ontwerp van medische en chirurgische apparaten = design services for medical and surgical apparatus and instruments
"diensten op het gebied van ontwerp, informatie, advies en consultancy, al" = "design, information, advisory and consultancy services, all relating to c"
diensten op het gebied van ontwerpen van verpakkingen = packaging design services
diensten op het gebied van ontwikkeling van bedrijven = business development services
diensten op het gebied van opslag van goederen = services for the storage of goods
"diensten op het gebied van opvoeding, instructie en training" = "educational, instructional and training services"
diensten op het gebied van organisatie van entertainment = organization of entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van organisatie van reizen = travel-arrangement services
diensten op het gebied van pakketbestelling = parcel delivery services
diensten op het gebied van parkeerterreinen = parking lot services
diensten op het gebied van parkeren van voertuigen = vehicle parking services
diensten op het gebied van passagiersvervoer = passenger transport services
diensten op het gebied van pensions = boarding services
diensten op het gebied van persagentschappen = news agency services
diensten op het gebied van persoonlijk aandeelvermogen = personal equity services
diensten op het gebied van persoonlijk aandeelvermogen en individuele pen = personal equity and personal pension services
diensten op het gebied van productie van geluid = sound production services
diensten op het gebied van productie van shows = show production services
diensten op het gebied van productontwerp = product design services
diensten op het gebied van programmering = programming services
diensten op het gebied van promotie = promotional services
diensten op het gebied van promotie en reclame = promotional and advertising services
diensten op het gebied van public relations = public relations services
"diensten op het gebied van publicatie van muziek, allemaal begrepen in kl" = music publishing services all included in class 41
diensten op het gebied van radio- en televisie-amusement = radio and television entertainment services
"Diensten op het gebied van radioactief, toxisch, medisch en gevaarlijk af" = "Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services"
"diensten op het gebied van radiofonische, telefonische en telegrafische c" = "radio, telephone or telegraph communications services"
diensten op het gebied van reclame en marketing = advertising and marketing services
diensten op het gebied van reclame en promotie = advertising and promotional services
diensten op het gebied van reclame en publiciteit = advertising and publicity services
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, marketing en" = "advertising, marketing and publicity services"
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, marketing en promotie" = "advertising, marketing and promotional services"
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, promotie en" = "advertising, promotional and publicity services"
diensten op het gebied van reclamemaken = publicity services
diensten op het gebied van recycling = recycling services
diensten op het gebied van redactie = editing services
diensten op het gebied van reisbegeleiding = travel guide services
diensten op het gebied van reisbureaus en boekingen = travel agency and booking services
diensten op het gebied van reisgidsen = travel courier services
diensten op het gebied van reisverzekeringen = travel insurance services
diensten op het gebied van reizen = travel services
diensten op het gebied van relatiebemiddeling = dating services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie = repair services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie en onderhoud = repair and maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie van voertuigen = vehicle repair services
"diensten op het gebied van reparatie, onderhoud en" = "repair, maintenance and installation services"
diensten op het gebied van reportages = news-reporting services
diensten op het gebied van reservering van accommodatie = accommodation reservation services
diensten op het gebied van reserveringen van reizen = travel reservation services
"diensten op het gebied van restaurant, bar, bistro, café, cafetaria en k" = "restaurant, bar, bistro, café, cafeteria and canteen services"
diensten op het gebied van restaurants en cafés = restaurant and café services
diensten op het gebied van restaurants en zelfbedieningsrestaurants = restaurants and self-service restaurant services
"diensten op het gebied van restaurants, cafés en bars" = "restaurant, cafe and bar services"
diensten op het gebied van schadecontrole en = loss-control and loss-adjustment services
diensten op het gebied van schoonheids- en haarverzorging = beauty and hair-care services
diensten op het gebied van schoonheidsverzorging = beauty care services
diensten op het gebied van secretariaat = secretarial services
diensten op het gebied van service-stations = vehicle service station services
diensten op het gebied van showbizzentertainment = show business entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van software = computer-software services
diensten op het gebied van software-ontwikkeling = software development services
diensten op het gebied van sport = sporting services
diensten op het gebied van sport en cultuur = sporting and cultural services
diensten op het gebied van sportamusement = sports entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van sportclubs = sports club services
diensten op het gebied van sportinformatie = sports information services
diensten op het gebied van sportinstructie = sports instruction services
diensten op het gebied van statistische informatie = statistical-information services
diensten op het gebied van stockeren = storage services
diensten op het gebied van taxatie = valuation services
diensten op het gebied van technisch en juridisch onderzoek en onderzoeki = technical and legal searching and research services
diensten op het gebied van technisch tekenen = engineering drawing services
diensten op het gebied van technische ondersteuning = technical support services
diensten op het gebied van technologisch onderzoek = technological research services
diensten op het gebied van technologische advisering = technological consultation services
diensten op het gebied van telecommunicatie en = telecommunication and communication services
diensten op het gebied van telecommunicatie en datacommunicatie = telecommunications and data communications services
diensten op het gebied van telefonisch verzekeren = telephone insurance services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische bankoperaties = telephone banking services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische bankoperaties en telefonisch verz = telephone banking and insurance services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische communicatie = telephone communications services
diensten op het gebied van telefoon en telecommunicatie = telephone and telecommunication services
diensten op het gebied van telefoon en telegraaf = telephone and telegraph services
diensten op het gebied van telematiek = telematic services
diensten op het gebied van teletekst = teletext services
diensten op het gebied van televisiestudio’s = television studio services
diensten op het gebied van theater- en = theatrical and show business entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van themaparken = theme park services
diensten op het gebied van ticketreservering = ticket-reservation services
diensten op het gebied van tijdelijke huisvesting = temporary accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van toegang tot het Internet = internet access services
diensten op het gebied van toeristenagentschappen = tourist agency services
diensten op het gebied van toeristenbureaus = tourist office services
"Diensten op het gebied van training, workout of aerobics" = "Training, workout or aerobic services"
diensten op het gebied van transito = freight-forwarding services
diensten op het gebied van transmissie van pay-per-view televisie = pay per view television transmission services
diensten op het gebied van transport en opslag van = services relating to the transport and storage of goods
diensten op het gebied van transport van goederen = services for the transport of goods
"diensten op het gebied van transport, verpakking en opslag van goederen" = "services for the transport, packaging and storage of goods"
diensten op het gebied van uitzending van televisieprogramma’s = television broadcasting services
diensten op het gebied van uitzendingen via kabeltelevisie = cable television broadcasting services
diensten op het gebied van vakantieaccommodatie = holiday accommodation services
"diensten op het gebied van vakantiekampen, kampeerterreinen, hotels, pens" = "holiday camp, campground, hotel, boarding house and holiday centre servic"
diensten op het gebied van veiligheid van waardepapieren = security services relating to valuables
diensten op het gebied van veilingen = auctioneering services
diensten op het gebied van verhuizingen = removal services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur = leasing services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van computers = computer rental services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van verkoopautomaten = vending machine rental services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van voertuigen = vehicle-rental services
diensten op het gebied van verificatie van rekeningen = auditing services
diensten op het gebied van verkoopspromotie = sales promotion services
diensten op het gebied van vermogensbeheer = asset-management services
diensten op het gebied van verpakking van goederen = services for the packaging of goods
diensten op het gebied van verpleging = nursing services
diensten op het gebied van vertalingen = provision of translation services
diensten op het gebied van vervoer en opslag = transportation and storage services
diensten op het gebied van vervoer over zee = marine transport services
Diensten op het gebied van verzekeringen en pensioenen = Insurance and pension services
"diensten op het gebied van verzekeringen, financieringen en bankzaken" = "insurance, financial and banking services"
diensten op het gebied van verzending en presentatie van informatie via c = services for the transmission and presentation of information by computer
diensten op het gebied van videotekst- en = video text and teletext transmission services
diensten op het gebied van videoverhuur = video-rental services
diensten op het gebied van vliegreizen = air travel services
diensten op het gebied van voorbereiding van loonlijsten = payroll preparation services
diensten op het gebied van vrachtvervoer = freight services
diensten op het gebied van vreemde valuta = foreign currency services
diensten op het gebied van vrije tijd = leisure services
Diensten op het gebied van vuilnis en afval = Refuse and waste related services
diensten op het gebied van wetenschappelijk onderzoek = scientific research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijk onderzoek = business research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke administratie = business administration services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke analyse en onderzoek = business analysis and research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke consultancy = business consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van zelfbedieningsrestaurants = self-service restaurant services
diensten op het gebied van ziekenhuizen = hospital services
Diensten specifiek voor internationale organisaties = Services specific to international organisations and bodies
diensten t.b.v. in het buitenland wonenden = expatriate services
diensten te managen = manage services
Diensten ten behoeve van de gemeenschap = Provision of services to the community
Diensten van acupuncturist = Acupuncture services
Diensten van acupuncturist en chiropractor = Acupuncture and chiropractor services
diensten van agentschappen in onroerende goederen = estate agency services
diensten van agentschappen voor handelsinlichtingen = commercial information agency services
diensten van agentschappen voor octrooirechten = patent agency services
diensten van arbeidsbureaus = employment agency services
Diensten van Back-IT = Services of Back-IT
diensten van beleggingsmaatschappijen = investment trust services
Diensten van beoordelingscentrum voor aanwerving van personeel = Assessment centre services for recruitment
diensten van bureaus voor accommodatie = accommodation bureaux services
Diensten van cardioloog = Cardiology services
diensten van casino’s = casino services
Diensten van centrale banken = Central bank services
Diensten van chiropractor = Chiropractor services
diensten van de informatiemaatschappij = information society services
diensten van derden = outside services
Diensten van detectivebureau = Detective agency services
Diensten van disk-jockey = Disk-jockey services
diensten van een agentschap voor intellectuele eigendom = intellectual property agency services
diensten van een handelsmerkenbureau = trade mark agency services
"diensten van een restaurant, bar en cateringbedrijf" = "restaurant, bar and catering services"
diensten van een servicecentrum = services of a service centre
diensten van eet- en koffiehuizen = public-house services
Diensten van effectenmakelaars = Security brokerage services
diensten van fotografen = photographer services
Diensten van gastro-enteroloog = Gastroenterologist services
Diensten van gastro-enteroloog en geriater = Gastroenterologist and geriatric services
Diensten van geluidstechnicus = Sound technician
Diensten van geriater = Geriatric services
Diensten van hart- of longspecialist = Cardiology services or pulmonary specialists services
Diensten van homeopaat = Homeopathic services
"diensten van hotels, restaurants en bars" = "hotel, restaurant and bar services"
Diensten van huidarts = Dermatology services
diensten van investeringsbanken = investment banking services
diensten van kapsalons = hairdressing salon services
Diensten van kinderarts = Paediatric services
Diensten van kinderarts of uroloog = Paediatric or urologist services
Diensten van KNO-arts of audioloog = ENT or audiologist services
diensten van laboratoriumtesten = laboratory testing services
Diensten van longspecialist = Pulmonary specialists services
"diensten van medische, bacteriologische en chemische laboratoria" = "services of medical, bacteriological and chemical"
diensten van muziekuitgevers = music publishing services
Diensten van nefrologie- of zenuwspecialist = Nephrology or nervous system specialist services
Diensten van oog- of huidarts of orthopeed = "Ophthalmologist, dermatology or orthopedics services"
Diensten van oogarts = Ophthalmologist services
diensten van opnamestudio’s = recording studio services
Diensten van opticien = Optician services
diensten van opticiens = opticians’ services
Diensten van orthopeed = Orthopaedic services
Diensten van portefeuillebeheer = Portfolio management services
diensten van pretparken = amusement park services
Diensten van psychiater of psycholoog = Psychiatrist or psychologist services
diensten van reclamebureaus = advertising agency services
Diensten van researchlaboratorium = Research laboratory services
diensten van schoonheids- en kapsalons = beauty salon and hairdressing services
diensten van schoonheidssalons = beauty-salon services
diensten van schoonheidsspecialisten = beauticians’ services
diensten van sportparken = sports-park services
diensten van technische tekenaars = draftsman’s services
Diensten van tehuis voor patiënten met psychische stoornissen = Home for the psychologically disturbed services
"diensten van transport, verpakking, opslag en distributie van alle soorte" = "services for the transport, packaging, storage and distribution of all ty"
Diensten van uroloog = Urologist services
diensten van verschillende aanbieders = services from various providers
diensten van verslaggevers = news reporters services
Diensten van verzekeringsmakelaars en -agentschappen = Insurance brokerage and agency services
diensten verleend door = services provided by
Diensten verleend door auteurs = Services provided by authors
Diensten verleend door auteurs van technische teksten = Technical author services
Diensten verleend door bands = Band entertainment services
"Diensten verleend door bedrijfs-, werkgevers- en gespecialiseerde organis" = "Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations"
Diensten verleend door bedrijfsorganisaties = Services furnished by business organisations
Diensten verleend door beeldhouwers = Services provided by sculptors
Diensten verleend door begrafenisondernemingen = Undertaking services
Diensten verleend door beroepsorganisaties = Services furnished by professional organisations
Diensten verleend door bloedbanken = Services provided by blood banks
Diensten verleend door componisten = Services provided by composers
diensten verleend door een franchisegever = services provided by a franchiser
"diensten verleend door een franchisegever, te weten overdracht (verlening" = "services provided by a franchiser, namely transfer (provision) of know-ho"
Diensten verleend door entertainers = Services provided by entertainers
Diensten verleend door extraterritoriale organisaties en instanties = Services provided by extra-territorial organisations and bodies
Diensten verleend door gespecialiseerde organisaties = Services furnished by specialist organisations
Diensten verleend door individuele artiesten = Services provided by individual artists
Diensten verleend door jongerenverenigingen = Services provided by youth associations
Diensten verleend door ledenorganisaties = Services furnished by social membership organisations
Diensten verleend door medisch personeel = Services provided by medical personnel
Diensten verleend door medische laboratoria = Services provided by medical laboratories
Diensten verleend door orkesten = Orchestral entertainment services
Diensten verleend door politieke organisaties = Services furnished by political organisations
Diensten verleend door scheepsagenten = Maritime agency services
Diensten verleend door spermabanken = Services provided by sperm banks
Diensten verleend door tekstbureau = Writing agency services
Diensten verleend door theaterproducenten = Theatrical producer entertainment services
"Diensten verleend door theaterproducenten, zanggroepen, bands en orkesten" = "Theatrical producers', singer groups', bands' and orchestras' entertainme"
Diensten verleend door transplantatieorgaanbanken = Services provided by transplant organ banks
Diensten verleend door vakbonden = Services furnished by trade unions
Diensten verleend door verloskundigen = Services provided by midwives
Diensten verleend door verpleegkundigen = Services provided by nurses
Diensten verleend door zanggroepen = Singer group entertainment services
"diensten verleent, zoals" = provides services such as
diensten verlenen = provide services
Diensten voor (computer)-multi-use = Computer time-sharing services
Diensten voor activiteitengerichte milieuaudits = Activity specific environmental auditing services
Diensten voor advies inzake reclame = Advertising consultancy services
Diensten voor adviesverlening = Counselling services
Diensten voor afvalanalyse = Waste analysis services
Diensten voor afvalrecycling = Refuse recycling services
Diensten voor afvalverbranding = Refuse incineration services
Diensten voor afvalvervoer = Refuse transport services
Diensten voor afvoer van vervuild grondwater = Groundwater pollution drainage services
Diensten voor alarmbewaking = Alarm-monitoring services
Diensten voor basisonderwijs = Primary education services
Diensten voor bathymetrische metingen = Bathymetric surveys services
Diensten voor bedrijfsgeneeskunde = Company health services
Diensten voor begeleiding = Guidance services
Diensten voor begeleiding en adviesverlening = Guidance and counselling services
Diensten voor behandelen of zuiveren van vervuild grondwater = Groundwater pollution treatment or rehabilitation
Diensten voor behandeling van beerputten = Treatment services of cesspools
Diensten voor behandeling van oppervlaktewater = Surface water treatment services
Diensten voor behandeling van radioactief afval = Radioactive waste treatment services
Diensten voor behandeling van septische putten = Treatment services of septic tanks
Diensten voor beheer of controle in verband met grensoverschrijdende luch = Transboundary air pollution management or control services
Diensten voor beheer van wasgoed = Laundry-management services
Diensten voor beheersing van olielekkage = Oil spillage control services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen bodemvervuiling = Soil pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen geluidsvervuiling = Noise pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen giftige stoffen = Toxic substances protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen luchtvervuiling = Air pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen natuurlijke risico's of gevaren = Natural risks or hazards protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen voedsel- of diervoederbesmetting = Food or feed contamination protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van bedreigde planten- en diersoorten = Endangered species protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van genetische rijkdommen = Genetic resources protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van oppervlaktewater tegen vervuiling = Surface water pollution protection services
Diensten voor bijzonder onderwijs = Special education services
Diensten voor bosbouwbeheer = Forestry management services
Diensten voor bosmonitoring en -beoordeling = Forest monitoring or evaluation services
Diensten voor bosuitbreiding = Forestry extension services
Diensten voor botanische tuinen = Botanical garden services
"Diensten voor botanische tuinen, dierentuinen en natuurreservaten" = Botanical and zoological garden services and nature reserve services
diensten voor bouw en reparatie = construction and repair services
Diensten voor bouweconomie = Construction economics services
Diensten voor buitenlandse zaken = Foreign-affairs services
Diensten voor buitenlandse zaken en andere diensten = Foreign affairs and other services
Diensten voor CAD-softwareontwikkeling = Computer-aided design (CAD) software development services
Diensten voor CAM-softwareontwikkeling = Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software development services
Diensten voor computerbackup en converteren van computercatalogus = Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services
Diensten voor computerondersteuning en -advies = Computer support and consultancy services
Diensten voor conservatie van geëxposeerde stukken = Preservation services of exhibits
Diensten voor conservatie van geëxposeerde stukken en voorwerpen = Preservation services of exhibits and specimens
Diensten voor conservatie van voorwerpen = Preservation services of specimens
Diensten voor corporate governance rating = Corporate governance rating services
Diensten voor cosmetische behandeling = Cosmetic treatment services
"Diensten voor cosmetische behandeling, manicure en pedicure" = "Cosmetic treatment, manicuring and pedicuring services"
Diensten voor crisismanagement = Crisis management services
Diensten voor dagverblijven = Daycare services
Diensten voor database met toegevoegde waarde = Added-value database services
Diensten voor de landbouw = Agricultural services
diensten voor de opdrachtgever te verrichten = perform services for the client
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van arbeidskrachten voor handel e = Supply services of commercial or industrial workers
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van huishoudelijke hulp = Supply services of domestic help personnel
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van kantoorpersoneel = Supply services of office personnel
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van medisch personeel = Supply services of medical personnel
"Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van personeel, met inbegrip van t" = Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van verpleegkundig personeel = Supply services of nursing personnel
Diensten voor dialysebehandeling thuis = Dialysis home medical treatment services
Diensten voor dierentuinen = Zoological garden services
Diensten voor dossieropslag = Filing services
Diensten voor drukproevencorrectie = Proofreading services
Diensten voor elektronische gegevensuitwisseling = Electronic data exchange services
Diensten voor e-leren = E-learning services
Diensten voor estuariumoceanografie = Estuarine oceanography services
Diensten voor experimentele belading = Experimental payload services
Diensten voor financieel advies = Financial consultancy services
Diensten voor fysische oceanografie = Physical oceanography services
diensten voor geluids- en video-opnamen = audio and video recording services
Diensten voor geluidsbeheersing = Noise control services
Diensten voor geologische prospectie = Geological exploration services
Diensten voor gesloten televisiecircuits = Closed circuit television services
Diensten voor gokken en wedden = Gambling and betting services
Diensten voor graffitiverwijdering = Graffiti removal services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van bekleding in proefput = Test pit lining services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van cementafdichtingen = Plug cementing services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van cementbekleding = Liner cementing services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van putbekleding op boorlokatie = Well site pit lining services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van schuimcement = Foam cementing services
Diensten voor het aflezen van meters = Meter reading service
Diensten voor het afwerken van verbuizing = Well-casing completion services
diensten voor het beheer van auteursrechten = copyright-management services
Diensten voor het bergen van vaartuigen = Vessel-salvaging services
Diensten voor het beteugelen van parkeerovertredingen = Parking enforcement services
diensten voor het boeken van reizen = services for the booking of travel
Diensten voor het drukken van bankbiljetten = Banknote printing services
Diensten voor het innen van kosten = Toll-collection services
Diensten voor het inspecteren van boorputten op scheuren = Well fracture testing services
Diensten voor het ledigen van beerputten of septische putten = Cesspool or septic tank emptying services
Diensten voor het leeghalen van kolken = Gully emptying services
Diensten voor het onderhouden van begraafplaatsen = Cemetery maintenance services
Diensten voor het ontwerpen van websites = World wide web (www) site design services
Diensten voor het ontwikkelen van programmeertalen en tools = Programming languages and tools development services
Diensten voor het openen van boorgat = Downhole hole opening services
Diensten voor het ophalen van ziekenhuisafval = Clinical-waste collection services
Diensten voor het opsporen van voortvluchtigen = Absconder-tracing services
Diensten voor het organiseren van beurzen en tentoonstellingen = Fair and exhibition organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van culturele evenementen = Cultural event organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van evenementen = Event services
Diensten voor het organiseren van feesten = Party organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van festivals = Festival organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van modeshows = Fashion shows organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van veilingen = Auction organisation services
diensten voor het redigeren van teksten = text-editing services
Diensten voor het reinigen en leeghalen van kolken = Gully cleaning and emptying services
Diensten voor het reinigen van kolken = Gully cleaning services
Diensten voor het te water laten van schepen = Ship-launching services
Diensten voor het terugwinnen van boormateriaal = Well-drilling pickup services
Diensten voor het testen van boorputmaterieel = Well equipment testing services
Diensten voor het uitroeien van ratten = Rat-disinfestation services
Diensten voor het uittrekken van hoeveelheden = Quantity surveying services
Diensten voor het uittrekken van hoeveelheden voor civieltechnische insta = Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
Diensten voor het uitvoeren van enquêtes = Survey conduction services
Diensten voor het uitvoeren van voorboringen = Rathole well-drilling services
Diensten voor het verstrekken van identificatiebadges = Identification badge release services
Diensten voor het vervoeren van slib = Sludge transport services
Diensten voor het verwerken en storten van ongevaarlijk afval en vuilnis = Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
Diensten voor het verwerken van as = Ash disposal services
Diensten voor het verwerken van ziekenhuisafval = Clinical-waste disposal services
Diensten voor het verwijden van boorgat = Downhole underreaming services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van asbest = Asbestos removal services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van biologisch afval = Removal services of biological waste
Diensten voor het verwijderen van lood = Deleading services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van verontreinigde grond = Removal of contaminated soil
Diensten voor het verwijderen van wapens en munitie = Weapons and ammunition disposal services
Diensten voor het verzamelen van oud papier = Paper collecting services
Diensten voor het verzamelen van straatafval = Litter collection services
Diensten voor het wieden van onkruid = Weed-clearance services
Diensten voor het wisselen van valuta's = Foreign exchange services
Diensten voor hoger onderwijs = Higher education services
diensten voor hotel- en restaurantreserveringen = hotel and restaurant reservation services
"Diensten voor hotel, restaurant en detailhandel" = "Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services"
Diensten voor hotelaccomodatie = Hotel accommodation services
Diensten voor industrieel onroerend goed = Industrial property services
Diensten voor industriële en technische opleiding = Industrial and technical training services
Diensten voor industriële kwaliteitscontrole = Industrial quality control services
Diensten voor industriële opleiding = Industrial training services
diensten voor industriële vormgeving = industrial design services
Diensten voor informatie met toegevoegde waarde = Value-added information services
Diensten voor inhouds- of datastandaardisatie en –classificatie = Content or data standardization and classification services
Diensten voor interactieve televisie = Interactive television
Diensten voor internationaal zakendoen = International Business Services
Diensten voor internationale betalingsboekingen = International payment transfer services
Diensten voor intramurale gezondheidszorginstelling = Residential health facilities services
Diensten voor in-vitrofertilisatie = In vitro fertilisation services
Diensten voor kadastraal onderzoek = Cadastral surveying services
Diensten voor kantines en andere niet-openbare cafetaria's = Canteen and other restricted-clientele cafeteria services
Diensten voor kermisattracties en pretparken = Fair and amusement park services
Diensten voor kermissen = Fair services
Diensten voor keuring van machines = Machinery-inspection services
Diensten voor keuring van rails = Railway-track inspection services
Diensten voor kinderanimatie = Children animation services
Diensten voor klantenonderzoek = Customer survey services
Diensten voor klantenservice = Customer-care services
Diensten voor kleuteronderwijs = Pre-school education services
"Diensten voor land-, bos- en tuinbouw, aquicultuur en imkerij" = "Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural servi"
Diensten voor landschapsbescherming = Landscape protection services
diensten voor loopbaanbegeleiding = career guidance services
Diensten voor luchtpostvervoer volgens dienstregeling = Scheduled airmail transport services
Diensten voor luchtpostvervoer zonder dienstregeling = Non-scheduled airmail transport services
Diensten voor maatschappelijke gezondheidszorg = Community health services
Diensten voor marien onderzoek = Marine survey services
Diensten voor medisch afval = Medical waste services
Diensten voor medisch onderwijs = Medical education services
Diensten voor medische beeldvorming = Medical imaging services
Diensten voor medische behandeling thuis = Home medical treatment services
Diensten voor milieuaudits voor bedrijven = Corporate environmental auditing services
Diensten voor milieukwaliteitscontrole = Environmental quality control services
Diensten voor milieuveiligheidstoezicht = Environmental security control services
Diensten voor museumexposities = Museum-exhibition services
Diensten voor natuurreservaten = Nature reserve services
Diensten voor nucleaire veiligheid = Nuclear safety services
Diensten voor ondergronds onderzoek = Subsurface surveying services
Diensten voor onderwijs en opleiding = Education and training services
Diensten voor onderwijs voor jongeren = Youth education services
Diensten voor onderzoek naar vervuiling = Pollution investigation services
Diensten voor onderzoek naar vervuiling door chemische stoffen en olie = Chemicals and oil pollution investigation services
Diensten voor ongediertebestrijding in bossen = Forest pest control services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van aankoopsoftware = Procurement software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van algemene dienstsoftware = Software development services utilities
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van analytische of wetenschappelijke software = Analytical or scientific software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van analytische, wetenschappelijke, mathematis" = "Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development "
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van anti-virussoftware = Anti-virus software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van back-up- of recoverysoftware = Backup or recovery software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van barcodesoftware = Bar coding software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van beeldverwerkingssoftware = Image-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van belastingaangiftesoftware = Tax preparation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van bestandbeveiligingssoftware = File security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van besturings- en systeemsoftware = Drivers and system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van beveiligingssoftware = Security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van bibliotheeksoftware = Library software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van boekhoudsoftware = Accounting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van business intelligence software = Business intelligence software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van cartografiesoftware = Mapping software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van clustersoftware = Clustering software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van communicatie- en multimediasoftware = Communication and multimedia software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van communicatiesoftware = Communication software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van compilingsoftware = Compiling software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van configuratiebeheersoftware = Configuration management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van conformiteitssoftware = Compliance software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van contactmanagement-software = Contact management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van database- en besturingssoftware = Database and operating software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van databasesoftware = Database software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van databeveiligingssoftware = Data security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van dienstregelingen-software = Scheduling software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van diverse software en computersystemen = Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van editingsoftware voor muziek of geluid = Music or sound editing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van emulatiesoftware = Emulation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van foutenopsporingssoftware = Debugging software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van geheugenbeheer-software = Memory-management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van grafische software = Graphics software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van inhoudsbeheer-software = Content management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van internet- of intranetklantenapplicatie = Internet or intranet client application development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van internet- of intranetserverapplicatie = Internet or intranet server application development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van IT-software = IT software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van kalendersoftware = Calendar software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van kantoorautomatiseringssoftware = Office automation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van karteringssoftware = Charting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van mathematische of prognosesoftware = Mathematical or forecasting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van medische software = Medical software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van microcomputerbesturingssoftware = Microcomputer operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van minicomputerbesturingssoftware = Minicomputer operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van modemsoftware = Modem software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van multimediasoftware = Multimedia software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van netwerkbesturingssoftware = Mainframe operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van onderwijssoftware = Educational software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van ontwikkelingssoftware = Development software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opleidings- en vermaaksoftware = Training and entertainment software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opleidingssoftware = Training software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opslagbeheer-software = Storage management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opvolgingssoftware = Software development services suites
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van patroonontwerp- en kalendersoftware = Pattern design and calendar software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van patroonontwerpsoftware = Pattern design software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van PC-besturingssoftware = Personal computer (PC) operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van presentatiesoftware = Presentation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van printshopsoftware = Print shop software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van programmatestsoftware = Program testing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van projectmanagement-software = Project management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van remote-access-software = Remote access software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van scannersoftware = Scanner software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software en opvolgingssoftware voor facili = Facilities management software development services and software developm
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor algemene voorzieningen = General utility software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor algemene, comprimerings- en " = "General, compression and print utility software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor computerspelletjes = Computer game software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor computerspelletjes, gezinsvi" = "Computer game software development services, family titles and screen sav"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor desktop-communicatie = Desktop communications software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor desktoppublishing = Desktop-publishing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor dienstregelingen en producti = Scheduling and productivity software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor diverse netweken = Miscellaneous networking software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor documentenbeheer = Document management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor drukkervoorzieningen = Print utility software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor elektronisch klantenbeheer = Customer Relation Management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor elektronisch publiceren = Electronic publishing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor ERP (Enterprise resource pla = Enterprise resource planning software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor faciliteitenbeheer = Facilities management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële analyse = Financial analysis software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële analyse en boekh = Financial analysis and accounting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële systemen = Financial systems software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor grondondersteuning in de luc = Aviation ground support and test software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor grondondersteuning in de luc = Aviation ground support software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het laden van geheugendrager = Storage media loading software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van adressenbestan = Address book making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van documenten = Document creation software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van documenten, te" = "Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van formulieren = Form making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van labels = Label making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van tekeningen en  = Drawing and imaging software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor industriële controle = Industrial control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor interactieve spraakbeantwoor = Interactive voice response software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor internet en intranet = Internet and intranet software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor internetbrowsing = Internet browsing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor inventarisbeheer = Inventory management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor investeringsbeheer = Investment management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor investeringsbeheer en belast = Investment management and tax preparation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor licentiemanagement = License management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor luchtverkeersleiding = Air traffic control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netweken = Networking software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkbesturingssysteem = Network operating system software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerken, internet en intra" = "Networking, Internet and intranet software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkontwikkelaars = Networking developers software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkverbindingdsterminale = Network connectivity terminal emulation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor OCR (optische schriftherkenn = Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor optical jukebox server = Optical jukebox server software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor platforminterconnectiviteit = Platform interconnectivity software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor realtimebesturingssysteem = Real time operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spoorwegverkeersleiding = Railway traffic control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spraakherkenning = Voice recognition software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spreadsheets en verbetering = Spreadsheets and enhancement software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor systeem-, opslag- en inhoudb" = "System, storage and content management software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor tijdregistratie of personele = Time accounting or human resources software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor veilingen = Auction software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verbetering van besturingssy = Operating system enhancement software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkoop of marketing = Sales or marketing software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkoop, marketing en busine" = "Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkooppunten = Point of sale (POS) software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor videoconferentie = Video conferencing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor virtueel keyboard = Virtual keyboard software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor vluchtbesturing = Flight control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor web page editing = Web page editing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor webserver = Web server software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor zakelijke transacties en per = Business transaction and personal business software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van speciale software voor de industrie = Industry specific software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van spellingcheckersoftware = Version checker software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van spreadsheetsoftware = Spreadsheet software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van statistieksoftware = Statistical software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van systeembeheer-software = System management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van teken- en schildersoftware = Drawing and painting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van tekstverwerkingssoftware = Word-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van testsoftware voor de luchtvaart = Aviation test software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van transactionele verwerkingssoftware = Transaction-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van uitwisselingssoftware = Exchange software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van vermaaksoftware = Entertainment software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van vertaalsoftware = Foreign language translation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van virusbeschermingssoftware = Virus protection software development services
"Diensten voor openbaar bestuur, defensie en sociale verzekering" = "Administration, defence and social security services"
Diensten voor openbare orde = Public security services
"Diensten voor openbare orde, recht en veiligheid" = "Public security, law and order services"
Diensten voor ophalen van vuilnis = Refuse collection services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake EHBO = First-aid training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake gezondheidszorg = Health training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake gezondheidszorg en EHBO = Health and first-aid training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake milieu = Environmental training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake veiligheid = Safety training services
Diensten voor opleidingsprogramma = Training programme services
Diensten voor opruimen van giftige stoffen = Toxic substances rehabilitation services
Diensten voor opslag van radioactief afval = Radioactive waste storage services
Diensten voor opsporing van giftige gassen = Toxic gas detection services
Diensten voor opsporingssysteem = Tracing system services
Diensten voor parkeerruimte = Car park services
diensten voor portefeuillebeheer = portfolio management services
Diensten voor pretparken = Amusement park services
Diensten voor preventief onderhoud = Preventive maintenance services
Diensten voor privé-onderwijs = Tutorial services
Diensten voor public relationsbeheer = Public relations management services
Diensten voor publicatie van woordenboeken = Language dictionary publishing services
Diensten voor publicatie van woordenboeken in streektalen = Regional language dictionary publishing services
Diensten voor radio-studio of apparatuur = Radio studio or equipment services
Diensten voor rechtsbijstands- en allriskverzekeringen = Legal insurance and all-risk insurance services
Diensten voor reclamebeheer = Advertising management services
Diensten voor registratie in boorgat = Downhole logging services
Diensten voor reiniging van ovens en schoorsteenvegen = Furnace and chimney cleaning services
Diensten voor rioolreiniging = Sewer cleaning services
Diensten voor rondtrekkende workshops = Moving workshops services
Diensten voor sectorale milieuaudits = Sectoral environmental auditing services
Diensten voor secundair onderwijs = Secondary education services
Diensten voor slibbehandeling = Sludge treatment services
Diensten voor slibstorting = Sludge disposal services
Diensten voor slibverwijdering = Sludge removal services
Diensten voor softwareontwikkeling voor e-mail = Electronic mail software development services
Diensten voor sollicitatiebegeleiding = Job search services
Diensten voor speciaal personenvervoer over land = Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
Diensten voor stortplaats = Civic-amenity services
Diensten voor stratigrafische geologie = Stratigraphic geology services
Diensten voor studiofotografie = Studio photography services
Diensten voor technische analyse of adviezen = Technical analysis or consultancy services
Diensten voor technische ondersteuning = Engineering support services
Diensten voor technische opleiding = Technical training services
"Diensten voor technische testen, analyse en adviezen" = "Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services"
Diensten voor textielverven = Dyeing services
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home care agencies
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home health care agencies
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home health care services
Diensten voor toezicht of controle van oppervlaktewatervervuiling = Surface water pollution monitoring or control services
diensten voor toezicht of interceptie van telecommunicatie of internet = telecommunication or internet monitoring or interception services
Diensten voor toezicht op de aantasting van de ozonlaag = Ozone depletion monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op geluidsvervuiling = Noise pollution monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op giftige stoffen = Toxic substances monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op kooldioxide = Carbon dioxide monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op of beheersing van grondwatervervuiling = Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
Diensten voor toezicht op of meting van luchtvervuiling = Air pollution monitoring or measurement services
Diensten voor topografie en waterscheiding = Topographical and water divining services
Diensten voor tozicht op olielekkage = Oil spillage monitoring services
Diensten voor trillingscontrole in boorgat = Downhole vibration control services
Diensten voor trust en inbewaringstelling = Trust and custody services
Diensten voor turbineboring van spoelen = Coiled turbine drilling services
Diensten voor uitzending van films op verzoek = Film-on-demand television
Diensten voor veiligheidsonderricht = Safety education services
Diensten voor vergaderingen en conferenties in hotel = Hotel meeting and conference services
Diensten voor vermeerdering van de wildstand = Game-propagation services
Diensten voor verplichte sociale verzekering = Compulsory social security services
Diensten voor verwijdering van vervuilde grond = Polluted soil removal services
Diensten voor verzekerde bewaring of reclassering van misdadigers = Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
Diensten voor verzorgingstehuis = Residential nursing care services
Diensten voor voorgezet technisch onderwijs = Technical secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezet beroepsonderwijs = Vocational secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezet technisch en beroepsonderwijs = Technical and vocational secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezette opleiding van personeel = Staff development services
Diensten voor werkomgeving = Work environment services
Diensten voor wildreservaten = Wildlife preservation services
Diensten voor zuurstoftherapie = Oxygen-therapy services
"diensten, partijen of risico’s" = "services, parties or risks"
"diensten, producten en maatschappij" = "products, services and society"
dienstenaanbieder = service provider
dienstenbedrijfsmiddel = service asset
dienstenbeheer = service management
dienstenbeheerder = service manager
dienstenbeheerlevenscyclus = service management lifecycle
dienstencapaciteitsbeheer = service capacity management (SCM)
dienstencatalogus = service catalogue
Dienstencatalogusbeheer = service catalogue management
Dienstencataloog = Service Catalogue
dienstencentrum = service centre
dienstencentrum = (social) service centre
Dienstencentrum GID(t)S = Dienstencentrum GID(t)S
Dienstenclassificatie = Services classification
dienstencontinuïteitsbeheer = service continuity management
Dienstencontinuüm = Services continuüm
dienstencultuur = service culture
dienstenfuncties = service functions
dienstenmaatschappij = services company
Dienstenmarketing = Services marketing
dienstenniveau = service level
dienstenniveau doel = service level target
dienstenniveau overeenkomst = service level agreement (SLA)
dienstenniveaubeheer = service level management (SLM)
dienstenniveauovereenkomst = service level agreement
dienstenniveau-overeenkomsten = Service Level Agreements
dienstenniveaupakket = service level package (SLP)
dienstenniveauvereiste = service level requirement (SLR)
Dienstenomschrijving = Service Description
Dienstenovereenkomst = Service contract
Dienstenovereenkomsten = Service contracts
dienstenpakket = package of services
dienstenpakket = service package
dienstenpijplijn = service pipeline
dienstenplatform = service platform
dienstenportfolio = service portfolio
dienstenportfoliobeheer = service portfolio management (SPM)
dienstenpotentie = service potential
dienstenrapportage = service reporting
Dienstenrekening = Balance of invisible items
Dienstensector = Service industry
dienstensector = service industry
dienstensector = service sector
dienstensector = tertiary sector
dienstensector = service sector
dienstenstrategie = service strategy
dienstenverstoringsanalyse = service failure analysis (SFA)
Dienstenwijzer = Service Guide
Dienster = Server
Dienster = Waitress
dienstfiets = university bicycle
dienstgang = service corridor
dienstgebouw = staff building
dienstgebouw = service building
dienstgeheim = official secret
diensthervatting = restoration of service
diensthoofd = department head
Diensthoofd = head of service
Diensthoofd = head of unit
Diensthoofd = service head
Diensthoofd = unit head
diensthoofd = department head / head of department
Diensthoofd interne preventiedienst = Head of the Internal Department for Prevention and Protection at Work (In
diensthoofd labo = Lab Manager
Diensthoofd onderhoud = Maintenance Manager
diensthoofd voeding en diëtiek = head of nutrition and dietetics
diensthoofden = unit heads
diensthoofden VGV = Safety Prevention Officer/Advisor
Dienstig = Useful
dienstig = advantageous
dienstindelen = timetabling
Dienstjaar = Year of service
dienstjaren = years of service
dienstjaren = seniority
dienstjaren indexatiesysteem = pensionable service indexation system
dienstjaren tot de datum van uitdiensttreding = years of service up to their date of departure
dienstjaren voor pensioenberekening = pensionable service
dienstjubileum = service anniversary
dienstknecht = hand servant (male)
dienstkring = service district
dienstleider = duty manager
dienstleider = supervisor
dienstmededeling = service announcement
dienstmededelingen = service announcements
dienstmeid = maid-servant
Dienstmeisje = Servant
dienstmeisje = maid
dienstmerk = professional title
dienstmodel = service model
dienstnota = directive / memo(randum)
dienstnota = official memo
dienstnota’s = official memos
dienstonderdeel = section
dienstonderdeel = unit
dienstonderdeel / directie = unit / department
dienstonderhouds-doelstelling = service maintenance objective (SMO)
dienstontwerp = service design
dienstontwerppakket = service design package (SDP)
dienstopdracht = assignment
dienstoptie = service option
dienstorders = service instructions
dienstorders = commission
dienstorders = directive
dienstorders = directives
dienstorders = instructions
dienstorders = administrative order (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt
dienstorders = internal memorandum (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt1
dienstorders = "mission charter (CELEX General, financial and institutional matters.tmx)"
dienstorders = ordre de service
dienstorders = service instructions (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt
dienstorders = Service Order (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt3.tmx)
dienstoverleg = staff meeting
dienstoverschrijdende = supra-departmental
dienstparkeer = staff parking
dienstparkeerruimte = staff parking
dienstpersoneel = service occupation
Dienstplicht = Conscription
Dienstplicht = Draft
dienstplicht = national service
dienstplichtige = conscript
dienstplichtige werknemer = employee eligible for military service
dienstprestatie = services
dienstprestaties = services
dienstprestaties = service
dienstprogramma = service program
dienstraad = service council
dienstraad = employees' consultative body
dienstraad = council of the service department
dienstregeling = schedule
Dienstregeling = Indicator
dienstregeling = timetable
dienstregeling {de} = timetable
dienstregeling {de} = schedule
dienstregeling en tariefbepalingen = timetable and rates
Dienstregeling en verkoopvoorwaarden = Timetable and conditions of sale
Dienstregelingen = Timetables
"dienstregelingen, routebeschrijvingen" = "timetables, itineraries"
dienstreis = official trip
dienstreizen = business trip
dienstreizen = duty trip
dienstreizen = official journey
dienstreizen = official trip
dienstreizen = tour of duty
dienstreizen = official travel
dienstreizen = business trips
dienstreizen onder werktijd = official travel during working hours
dienstrooster = duty roster
dienstrooster = work schedule
dienstruimten = service areas
dienst-schakelaar = mode switch
dienstsegmentveld = shift segment field
dienstsplits specificatie = shift division specification
diensttemperatuur = working temperature
diensttijd = length of service
diensttijd = length of time that the employee has been employed
diensttijd = term of service
diensttijd = years of service
diensttijd = time spent at work
diensttijd = years of employment
diensttijd = seniority
diensttijdgratificatie = long-service bonus
diensturen = working hours
Diensturen voor de Nooddienst = Service Hours of the Emergency Services
Dienstverband = Duration of appointment
dienstverband = employment
dienstverband = appointment
dienstverband = contract of service
dienstverband (duur) = duration of appointment
dienstverband bepaalde tijd = temporary appointment
dienstverband in deeltijd = part-time employment
dienstverband met werkgever = employment by the employer
dienstverband voor bepaalde tijd = fixed-term employment
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = employment for an indefinite period of time
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = permanent employment
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = permanent appointment
dienstverbanden = shifts (m.b.t. ploegendienst)
dienstverbandsegment = shift segment
dienstverbeterplan = service improvement plan (SIP)
dienstverlenend = service
dienstverlenend apparaat = server
dienstverlenend bedrijf = service company
dienstverlenend centrum = service centre
dienstverlenend object = server object
dienstverlenend werk = service work
dienstverlenende afdeling = service department
dienstverlenende bedrijvigheid = services providing company
dienstverlenende beroepen = service occupations
dienstverlenende eenheden ten behoeve van de presentaties = presentation services
dienstverlenende eenheden voor de informatieverwerking = information services
dienstverlenende eenheid ten behoeve van de dialoog tussen machines = machine dialogue service
dienstverlenende eenheid ten behoeve van de dialoog tussen mensen = human dialogue service
dienstverlenende onderneming = service provider
dienstverlenende organisatie = service provider
dienstverlener = service provider
dienstverlener met een monopolie = monopoly supplier of a service
dienstverlener(s) = service provider(s)
dienstverleners = service providers
dienstverlening = service
Dienstverlening = Service delivery
dienstverlening = redering of service
dienstverlening = service
dienstverlening = services
dienstverlening = "service(s), provision of services"
dienstverlening aan consumenten = consumer services
dienstverlening biedt op het gebied van informatietechnologie = information technology services
"Dienstverlening door auteurs, componisten, beeldhouwers, entertainers en " = "Services provided by authors, composers, sculptors, entertainers and othe"
Dienstverlening door bevrachtingsagentschap = Freight transport agency services
Dienstverlening door commercieel en industrieel personeel = Services of commercial and industrial workers
Dienstverlening door commercieel personeel = Services of commercial workers
Dienstverlening door deskundige getuigen = Expert witness services
dienstverlening door een redacteur = editor’s services
Dienstverlening door incassobureaus = Collection agency services
Dienstverlening door industrieel personeel = Services of industrial workers
Dienstverlening door ingenieurs = Engineering services
"dienstverlening door restaurants, bars, cafés, bierhuizen, pubs, bar- en" = "restaurant, bar, café, brasserie, public-house services, bar and caterin"
dienstverlening door tussenpersonen die huisvesting in hotels voor reizig = brokers ensuring hotel accommodation for travellers
dienstverlening en werken = services and works
Dienstverlening in verband met de openbare orde = Public-order services
dienstverlening inzake computerondersteund technisch ontwerpen en tekenen = computer-aided engineering design and drawing services
Dienstverlening inzake wetenschappen en techniek = Engineering-related scientific and technical services
dienstverlening m.b.t. specifieke transactie(s) = transaction services
Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur en dergelijke = Architectural and related services
"Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur, bouwkunde en planning" = "Architectural, engineering and planning services"
"Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur, bouwkunde, civiele techni" = "Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services"
dienstverlening op het gebied van communicatie en interactieve communicat = communication and interactive communication services
dienstverlening op het gebied van huisvesting = accommodation services
dienstverlening op het gebied van hygiëne en schoonheidsverzorging = hygienic and beauty care
dienstverlening op het gebied van interactieve = interactive communication services
dienstverlening op het gebied van personeelsbeleid = personnel management services
dienstverlening op het gebied van publicaties = publishing services
dienstverlening op het gebied van restaurants en bars = restaurant and bar services
Dienstverlening op het gebied van stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur = Urban planning and landscape architectural services
dienstverlening op maat = personalised service
dienstverlening t.b.v. gerechtelijke procesvoering = litigation services
Dienstverlening ten aanzien van ziekenhuisbeddengoed = Hospital-bedding services
dienstverlening tot het verrichten van jaarrekeningcontroles = annual accounts audit services
dienstverlening tussen vaste locaties = fixed service
dienstverlening van agentschappen voor de organisatie van reizen = agency services for arranging travel
"Dienstverlening van architecten en bouwkundigen, en controles" = "Architectural, engineering and surveying services"
dienstverlening van banken = banking services
dienstverlening van een reisbureau = travel agency services
Dienstverlening voor klanten = Customer services
Dienstverlening voor luchthavenbouwtechniek = Airport engineering services
Dienstverlening voor Podiumkunst = Service provision for performing arts
Dienstverlening voor spoorwegenbouwtechniek = Railway engineering services
Dienstverlening voor wegenbouwtechniek = Highways engineering services
dienstverleningniveau = profit level
dienstverleningsbedrijf = service company
dienstverleningscontract = contract for the provision of services/service(s) provision contract
dienstverleningscontract = service level agreement
dienstverleningscontract = services contract
dienstverleningscontract/-overeenkomst = contract of services
dienstverleningscontract/-overeenkomst = service industry
dienstverleningsdocument = financial services document
dienstverleningsgebied = service area
dienstverleningsovereenkomst = contract for the provision of services
dienstverleningsovereenkomst = service provision agreement
dienstverleningsovereenkomst (DVO) = service level agreement (SLA)
dienstverleningsovereenkomst ARVODI = ‘ARVODI public service contract’
dienstverleningspakket = service package
dienstverleningspakketten = service packages
dienstverleningssector = service industry
dienstverleningsverzoek = service request
dienstverrichter = service provider
dienstverrichting = provision of services
dienstvoertuig = service vehicles
dienstwagen = company car
dienstweigering = failure to report for duty
dienstwijziging = service change
dienstwillig = obliging
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = company flat
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = company house
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = employer-provided housing
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = staff accommodation
dienstwoning (m.b.t. functionaris) = service dwelling
dienstwoning (m.b.t. instelling) = staff accommodation
dienstwoning (m.b.t. instelling) = staff residence
dient = should
dient aan alle wettelijke eisen te voldoen = must comply with all legal requirements
dient aan een aantal voorwaarden te voldoen = must meet a number of conditions
dient aan te sluiten = must conform
dient aanwezig te zijn = must be present
dient als = serves as
dient als een richtlijn = is intended as a guideline
dient als input = serves as input
dient als volgt geïnterpreteerd te worden = should be interpreted as follows
dient beveiligd te worden = must be protected
dient bevestigd te worden = must be confirmed
dient bij de maandelijkse factuur te worden gevoegd = must be attached to the monthly invoice
dient de graad van impact te worden geanalyseerd = the degree of impact should be analysed
dient de instructies van de leasemaatschappij op te volgen = must follow the instructions of the leasing company
dient de medewerker contact op te nemen met de leasemaatschappij = The employee must contact the leasing company
dient de medewerker dit bedrag volledig terug te betalen = the employee must repay this amount in fully
dient de medewerker tevens een procesverbaal op te laten maken door de po = the employee must also have an official report drawn up by the police
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden = must allow
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden = must offer the option
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden dat = must allow
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden dat een = must allow a
dient de toegang geweigerd te worden = entry must be refused
dient de volgende functionaliteit te hebben = should have the following functionality
dient de volgende systemen te bevatten = must contain the following systems
dient de volgende volgorde te worden aangehouden = the following sequence must be followed
dient direct de leasemaatschappij gewaarschuwd te worden = The leasing company must be immediately alerted
dient dit als volgt te gebeuren = this should be done as follows
dient dit gelezen te worden als = shall be taken to mean
dient dit in rekening gebracht te worden = this must be taken into account
dient duidelijk te beschrijven = should clearly describe
dient een controle ronde van de vracht plaats te vinden = the cargo should be inspected
dient een inzage verzoek in = submits a Data Access Request
dient een opzegtermijn in acht te nemen = must observe a notice period
dient éénmalig te gebeuren = should be done once
dient eerst de stroomtoevoer afgesloten te worden = the power supply must first be shut off
dient er altijd grondig gereinigd te worden = you must always clean the area thoroughly
dient er een rapportage opgesteld te worden = a report must be drawn up
dient ervoor te zorgen dat = shall ensure that
dient geaard te worden = must be earthed
dient geadresseerd te worden = must be addressed
dient geadresseerd te worden aan = must be addressed to
dient gebaseerd te zijn op = should be based on
dient gegeven te worden door daarvoor gekwalificeerd personeel = must be administered by suitably qualified staff
dient gezien te worden als een zijaanzicht = is a side view
dient groter te zijn dan = must be greater than
dient het betreffende gebied eerst te worden ontruimd = the area concerned must first be cleared
dient hierbij ruim geïnterpreteerd worden = should be interpreted broadly
dient hij dit voorafgaand aan het aangaan van die overeenkomst kenbaar te = Employee must inform Employer therof prior to entering into said contract
dient hoe dan ook niet ge?nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling v = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geénterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient in de kar water en voedsel voorzien te worden = water and feed must be provided in the cart
dient in een gesloten systeem plaats te vinden = should take place in a closed system
dient in elk geval de volgende elementen te bevatten = shall include at least the following elements
dient in ieder geval de volgende informatie te bevatten = must contain at least the following information
dient ingesteld te worden = should be set
dient ingevuld en ondertekend te worden = must be completed and signed
dient klacht in bij = files a complaint with
dient meerdere belangen = serves multiple interests
dient men alvorens de stroomtoevoer af te sluiten = the power supply must first be shut off
dient men gebruik te maken van = you should employ
dient men zich zo min mogelijk op te houden onder een last = one should spend as little time as possible standing under a load
dient minimaal te bedragen = must be at least
dient namens de alliantie de aanvraag in = submits the application on behalf of the alliance
dient nauwlettend te worden gecontroleerd = must be closely monitored
dient niet beperkt te worden tot = should not be limited to
dient niet te worden beschouwd = shall not be construed
dient niet vervangen te worden = does not need to be replaced
dient ondersteund te worden = must be supported
dient onmiddellijk opgeruimd te worden = must be cleaned up immediately
dient op een zo veilig mogelijke manier plaats te vinden = should take place in the safest possible manner
dient opgegeven te worden in = should be specified in
dient overeen te komen met = must correspond to
dient permanent op alle wielen te worden aangedreven = must have permanent all-wheel-drive
dient permanent te functioneren = must operate continuously
dient plaats te vinden = should take place
dient plaats te vinden conform = must take place in accordance with
dient rekening gehouden te worden met een combinatie van factoren = a combination of factors must be taken into account
dient rekening te worden gehouden met het verhoogde risico op spontane on = the increased risk for spontaneous ignition should be taken into account
dient ruimte te bieden voor = should provide space for
dient schriftelijk te gebeuren = must be done in writing
dient slechts ter indicatie en vormt geen garantie = is approximate only and shall not constitute any guarantee
dient te  worden voorzien = must be equipped
dient te allen tijde te worden voorkomen = must always be avoided
dient te beschikken over minimaal = must have a minimum of
dient te faciliteren in de plaatsing van = must facilitate the placement of
dient te facilteren = must facilitate
dient te gebeuren in rechtopstaande stand = should be done in upright position
dient te voldoen aan = must meet
dient te voldoen aan = must comply with
dient te voldoen aan bovengenoemde normen = must meet the above standards
dient te voldoen aan norm = must comply with standard
dient te worden aangeleverd = must be submitted
dient te worden begrepen als = is to be understood as
dient te worden gehanteerd = must be complied with
dient te worden gesteld = must be issued
dient te worden ondertekend = must be signed
dient te worden opgebouwd conform = must be structured as per
dient te worden opgeme = it should be noted
dient te worden opgemerkt = it is to be understood
dient te worden opgeslagen = must be stored
Dient te worden uitgevoerd Conform = Must be carried out in accordance with
dient te worden uitgevoerd met = must have
dient te worden vermeden = should be avoided
dient te zijn uitgerust met = must be equipped with
dient te zijn uitgevoerd als = should take the form of
dient te zijn uitgevoerd met = must feature
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be fitted with
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be equipped with
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be provided with
dient ten hoogste = must be at most
dient ten minste 1000 liter per minuut te zijn = "must be at least 1,000 litres per minute"
dient tenminste de volgende materialen te kunnen herbergen = must be able to accommodate at least the following materials
dient ter ondersteuning = intended as support
dient tijdig kennis te nemen = must take timely note
dient u dit binnen drie maanden na dagtekening van de factuur te doen = you must do so within three months of the date of the invoice
dient u te adresseren aan = must be addressed to
dient uitgevoerd te worden = should be carried out
dient uitgevoerd te worden door een gekwalificeerd persoon = must be done by a qualified person
dient uitgevoerd te worden in overeenstemming met = must be carried out in accordance with
dient uitgevoerd te worden in overeenstemming met de algemene en plaatsel = must be carried out in accordance with general and locally applicable con
dient van een dusdanige aard te zijn dat = must be such that
dient verbonden te worden = must be connected
dient vergezeld te gaan van = must be accompanied by
dient voor vertrek gemeld te worden = should be reported prior to departure
dient vooraf te worden goedgekeurd = should be approved in advance
dient voorzien te worden van = must be provided with
dient voorzien te zijn van = must be equipped with
dient vroegtijdig gemeld te worden = should be reported in a timely manner
dient wederzijds te zijn = should be mutual
dient zich = presents itself
dient zich in een technisch goede staat te bevinden = should be in good technical condition
dient zich te houden aan = must adhere to
dient zich te houden aan de volgende algemene verplichtingen = must comply with the following general obligations
dient zichtbaar te zijn in het donker = must be visible in the dark
dient zichtbaar te zijn in het donker = should be visible in the dark
dient zo concreet mogelijk te worden beschreven = should be described as concretely as possible
dient zo goed mogelijk te worden bepaald = should be determined as well as possible
dient zo te worden gerealiseerd = must be constructed in such a way
dient zo te worden ontworpen dat = must be designed in such a way that
dient zo te worden ontworpen en uigevoerd = must be designed and implemented in such a way
dient zo te zijn ontworpen dat = must be designed such that
dient zo te zijn ontworpen dat = must be so designed that
dient zo veel mogelijk te worden vermeden = should be avoided as much as possible
dient zodanig solide te zijn uitgevoerd = must be sufficiently solid
dient zodanig te zijn ontworpen dat = must be designed such that
dient zoveel mogelijk te worden vermeden = should be avoided as much as possible
dient zoveel mogelijk te worden voorkomen = should be avoided wherever possible
dienten op het gebied van autoverhuur = car hire services
dientengevolge = hence
dientengevolge = as a consequence
dientengevolge = Accordingly
"dientengevolge, bijgevolg" = as a result
Dienvolgens = accordingly
dienvolgens = "accordingly, consequently"
Diep = Abysmal
Diep = Thorough
Diep = Deep
Diep = Dead
diep = profound
Diep = Deep-seated
diep = whole-hearted
diep beneden = deep below
diep ingrijpende aandoening = condition that can have a profound impact
diep ontsluiten (bibliotheken) = detailed indexing or cataloguing (libraries)
diep watergolf = deepwater wave
diep-/plaatdrukkerij = Relief printers
Diep-breedstralend = Deep-wide-beam
diepbuigrol = bending roll
diepdruk = engraving
diepdruk = intaglio
diepdruk = gravure printing
Diepdrukinkt = Intaglio ink
diepdrukinstallatie = gravure press
diepe belevingen = strong experience
diepe fundering = deep foundation
diepe fundering met opwaartse druk = deep foundation with buoyancy
diepe hyperthermie = deep  hypothermia
diepe indruk = deep impression
Diepe Slaap = Deep Sleep
diepe slaap mode = deep sleep mode
diepe stratificatie = deep stratification
Diepenbeek = Diepenbeek
dieper = in more detail
dieper gelegen zone = deeper zone
dieper liggende = deeper situated
dieper op in gaan = examined the matter further
dieper op in gegaan = examined the matter further
diepere groef = deeper groove
diepere motieven = underlying motives
dieperliggende opvattingen = advanced views
diepe-slaap mode = deep sleep mode
diepgaand = thorough
diepgaand = thoroughgoing
diepgaand gereinigd = thorough cleaning
diepgaand inzicht = thorough understanding
diepgaand redeneren = deep reasoning
diepgaande = basic
diepgaande = fundamental
diepgaande = in-depth
diepgaande = profound
diepgaande = searching
diepgaande beschrijving = in-depth description
diepgaande kennis = in-depth knowledge
diepgaande kennis = indepth knowledge
diepgaande veranderingen = deep-seated change
diepgaande veranderingen = huge changes
diepgaande veranderingen = profound changes
diepgaande voorbereidingen = thorough preparations
diepgang = depth
diepgang = scope
Diepgang = Draft
diepgang = level of depth
diepgang = draught
diepgang {de} = draught [Br.]
diepgang {de} = draft [Am.]
diepgang in geladen toestand = laden draught
diepgekoeld = refrigerated
diepgetrokken = vacuum formed
diepgetrokken kap = deep-drawn casing
diepgevroren = frozen
diepgevroren producten = frozen products
diepgevroren snoepgoed = frozen confections
diepgevroren vlees van pluimvee = quick-frozen poultrymeat
diepgravende = in-depth
diepgravende beschouwingen = in-depth analyses
dieplader = flatbed
dieplader = flatbed trailer
dieplader = low loader
dieplader = flatbed truck
dieplader = lowboy trailer (US)
dieplader = "low-loader (a lorry with a low floor and no sides, for transporting heavy"
dieplader = low-loader
Diepladers = Flatbed trucks
diepladers = low-loaders
diepladers = low loaders
Diepladers en kipauto's = Flatbed and Tipper trucks
dieplassen = deep welding
dieplepel / (graaf)bak = bucket
dieplepel / graafbak = shovel bucket
dieplepel(machine) = excavator
dieplepel(machine) = mechanical shovel
"dieplepel(machine), dragline" = excavator
diepliggend = hollow
dieplood = sounding lead
dieprood = crimson
diepsondering = deep sounding
Diepstralend = Deep beam
dieptank = sunken hopper
Diepte = Depth
diepte = depth
diepte {de} = depth
Diepte aftakking/opening = Depth branch/opening
Diepte binnenunit = Depth of inner device
Diepte buitenunit = Depth outdoor unit
diepte indicatoren = depth perception
diepte indicatoren = stereopsis
diepte interview = in-depth interview
Diepte met open deur (mm) = Depth with door open (mm)
Diepte plintgoot = Depth plinth skirting duct
diepte tegenover de breedte = depth versus width
Diepte van behuizing = Depth housing
diepte van de effectieve kanalen = depth of the effective channels
diepte van de slits = slot depth
Diepte verpakt apparaat = Packaged appliance depth
Diepte vloerbedekkingsuitsparing = Depth of flooring recess
Diepte wandgoot = Depth of wall duct
diepteaanslag = depth stop
diepte-aanslag = depth stop
diepteaanslag (op boor) = handle with depth gauge / gage
diepteafmeting = depth dimension
diepteas = depth axis
dieptebepaling = depth determination
diepteboring = deep sounding
dieptedrijver = subsurface float
dieptefactor = depth factor
Dieptegesteente = Plutonite
Diepte-indicatoren = Depth indicators
diepte-instelling = depth adjustment
diepte-instelling = depth stop
diepte-instelschroef (van schaaf) = depth adjustment mechanism
diepte-interview = depth-interview
diepte-interview = in-depth interview
diepte-interviews = in-depth interviews
diepte-interviews = in-dept interviews
Diepte-investering = Capital deepening
dieptekaart = sounding chart
dieptekennis = in-depth knowledge
dieptelijn = depth contour
dieptelijn = isobathe
Dieptelijn = Isobath
dieptemaat = depth gauge
Dieptemaat = Depth dimension
dieptemagnetisatie = perpendicular magnetization
Dieptemarkering = Depth code
dieptemeetklok = depth gauge with indicator
dieptemeter = depth gauge
dieptemeting = depth measurement
dieptemicrometer = depth micrometer
diepte-onderzoek = in-depth investigation
diepte-onderzoek = in-depth study
diepterichting = depth direction
diepteschaal = depth scale
dieptescherpte = depth of field
Diepteschoor voor kast/lessenaar = Side support for switchgear cabinet
diepteschrift = vertical recording
diepteschuifmaat = depth vernier
diepteschuifmaat = vernier depth gauge
diepteschuifmaat = depth gauge
dieptesensor = depth sensor
dieptesensoren = depth sensors
dieptewerking [1] = depth (effect)
dieptewerking [1] = three-dimensional effect
dieptewerking [2] = (downward) penetration
dieptewerking [2] = penetrative effect
dieptrek = blister packaging
dieptrek = deep drawing
dieptrekken = drawing
dieptrekken = deep drawing
dieptrekkwaliteit = deep-drawing quality
dieptrekolie = deep-drawing oil
dieptrekstaal = deep drawing steel
Diepvries = Deep-frozen
diepvries = freezer
diepvriescel = freezer
diepvriesinhoud = frozen-food inventory
diepvriesinstallateur = freezer installer
diepvriesinstallatie = freezer
Diepvrieskast = Deep freezer
diepvrieskast = freezer
diepvrieskast {de} = deep-freezer
Diepvrieskasten = Upright-type freezers
diepvrieskist = top-opening freezer
Diepvrieskisten = Chest-type freezers
Diepvriesmes = Frost blade
diepvriesopslag = cold store
diepvriesopslag = deep-freeze storage
diepvriespizza’s van ‘Jumbo Huismerk’ = ‘Jumbo Huismerk’ own brand frozen pizzas
diepvriesproduct = deep-frozen product
Diepvriesproducten = Deep-frozen products
diepvriesproducten = frozen products
Diepvriessector = frozen food sector
diepvriessperma = frozen semen
diepvriestemperatuur = freezer temperature
Diepvriesuitrusting = Freezing equipment
diepvriesvak = freezer compartment
diepvriezen = deep-freezing
diepvriezen = deep-freeze
diepvriezen = freeze
diepvriezen = to freeze
Diepvriezer = freezer
Diepvriezer = Deep freezer
diepvriezer {de} = deep freezer
diepvriezers = freezers
Diepvriezers voor huishoudelijk gebruik = Household freezers
Diepwandmethode = Diaphragm wall technique
diepwelpomp = deepwell pump
diepwortelende = deep-rooted
diepwortelende gewassen = deep-rooting plants
diepzee = deep sea
diepzee- en offshoremarkt = deep-sea and offshore market
diepzee-afzetting = deep sea deposit
diepzee-exploitatie = exploitation of the sea-bed
diepzeemijnbouw = deep sea mining
diepzeestorting = deep-sea disposal
diepzeevisserij = deep sea fishing
diepzinnig = profound
diepzinnig = abstruse
diepzinnigheid = deepness
diepzwart = rich black
Dier = Beast
dier = animal
dier {het} = animal
dieraantallen = animal numbers
dieraantallen en de excreties per dier = animal numbers and excretions per animal
dieraantallen en excreties = animal numbers and excretions
dieraantallen per diercategorie = animal numbers per animal category
dieraantallen voor melkvee = dairy cattle numbers
dierbaar = dear
Dierbaar = Expensive
dierbaar = beloved
Dierbaar = Costly
"dierbaar, geliefd, gekoesterd, duur, precieus, waardevol" = dear {adj} (precious to or greatly valued by someone)
diercategorie = animal category
diercategorieën = animal categories
diercategormelkproductie of de fokkerij = milk production or breeding
diercrises = animal crises
Dieren = Animal
dieren- = beastly
Dieren (rijk) = Animal
"dieren [algemeen, niet systematisch]" = animal
Dieren buiten = Outdoor animals
dieren en planten = plants and animals
dieren in het wild = wildlife
dieren op bedrijven = animals on farms
dieren van nevenvestigingen = animals from secondary establishments
dieren(door)gang = animal corridor
dierenarts = veterinarian
Dierenarts = Veterinary
dierenarts = vet
dierenarts {de} = vet
dierenasiel = animal shelter
dierenasiel = animal home / shelter
dierenbescherming = animal protection
dierenbescherming = protection of animals
dierenbiologie = animal biology
dierendressuur = animal training
dierenecologie = animal ecology
dierenfysiologie = animal physiology
dierengedrag = animal behaviour
dierengeluid = animal noise
dierenhabitat = animal habitat
dierenhandel = animal trade
dierenhuid = animal skin
dierenhuid {de} = hide
dierenhuiden = "animal skins, hides"
dierenhuiden = animal skins
"dierenhuiden, reiskoffers en koffers" = "animal skins, trunks and suitcases"
"dierenhuiden, reiskoffers en reistassen" = "animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags"
dierenhuisvesting = animal housing
dierenleven = animal life
dierenlucht = animal smell
dierenoversteekplaats = crossing place for animals
dierenpension = (boarding) kennel(s)
dieren-pension = (boarding) kennel(s)
dierenpopulatie = animal population
dierenproef = animal experiment
Dierenras = Race
dierenrechten = animal rights
dierenreservaat = animal conservatory
dierenriem = zodiac
Dierenroepfluitjes = Animal calls
dierenspeciaalzaak = pet supply store
dierenstand = animal resource
dierententoonstellingen = animal shows
dierentuin = zoo
dierentuin = zoological garden
dierentuin {de} = zoo
dierentuin {de} = zoological garden [dated]
Dierenvel = Skin
Dierenvel = Pelt
Dierenvel = Fur
dierenverblijf = animal house
dierenvoeder = animal foodstuff
dierenvoeding = animal nutrition
dierenvoeding = animal food
dierenvoorstelling = animal show
dierenwelzijn = bird welfare
dierenwelzijn = the welfare of the birds
dierenwinkel = pet store
dierenziekte = animal disease
dierenziekte {de} = animal disease
Dierevel = Pelt
Dierevel = Fur
Dierevel = Skin
diergebonden maatregelen = Animal-related measures
diergeneeskunde = veterinary medicine
diergeneeskunde {de} = veterinary medicine
diergeneeskundig laboratorium = Veterinary laboratories
diergeneeskundige behandeling = veterinary treatment
diergeneeskundige diensten = veterinary services
diergeneeskundige en hygiënische producten = veterinary and sanitary preparations
diergeneeskundige preparaten en substanties = veterinary preparations and substances
diergeneeskundige producten = veterinary preparations
diergeneeskundige substanties = veterinary substances
diergeneeskundige toestellen en instrumenten = veterinary apparatus and instruments
diergeneesmiddelen = veterinary medicines
diergeneesmiddelenfabricage = Veterinary medicine industry
diergezondheid en voedselveiligheid = animal health and food safety
diergezondheidsproblemen = animal health problems
Dierkunde = Zoology
dierkundige = zoologist
dierlijk = animal
dierlijk afval = animal waste
Dierlijk bloed = Animal blood
dierlijk eiwit = animal protein
dierlijk erfgoed = animal heritage
Dierlijk haar = Animal hair
dierlijk materiaal = animal material
dierlijk product = animal product
dierlijk vet = animal fats
dierlijke = animal
dierlijke eiwitten = animal protein
Dierlijke en aanverwante producten = Animal products and related products
dierlijke erfelijkheidsleer = animal genetics
dierlijke genetische hulpbronnen = animal genetic resources
dierlijke geur = animal smell
dierlijke mest = animal manure
dierlijke meststof = animal fertiliser
dierlijke meststof = animal manure
dierlijke meststoffen = animal manure
Dierlijke of plantaardige oliën = Animal or vegetable oils
Dierlijke of plantaardige oliën en vetten = Animal or vegetable oils and fats
dierlijke olie = animal oil
dierlijke olie- en vettenfabriek = Animal oils and fats industry
dierlijke oliëen vettengroothandel = Animal oil and fat wholesalers
dierlijke producten = animal products
"Dierlijke producten, vlees en vleesproducten" = "Animal products, meat and meat products"
dierlijke productie = animal production
dierlijke reproductie = animal breeding
dierlijke reserves = animal resources
dierlijke resten = animal remain
dierlijke uitwerpselen = animal excrement
dierlijke uitwerpselen als  brandstof = animal dung as fuel
Dierlijke vellen = Animal skins
Dierlijke vetten = Animal fats
dierlijke voortplanting = animal reproduction
diersoorten = animal species
dierstudies = animal tests
diertuberculose = animal tuberculosis
Dierverzorging = Animal Care
diervoeder = animal feed
diervoeder = animal feedstuffs
diervoederindustrie = Animal feed industry
diervoederkolom = animal feedstuffs sector
Diervoeders = Animal feedstuffs
diervoeders = animal feeds
diervoeders met bijzonder voedingsdoel = feed intended for particular nutritional purposes
dierziekten = animal diseases
Dies (Natalis) = "Dies Natalis, Foundation Day"
Dies Natalis = Anniversary Day (of Utrecht University)
diesel = diesel
diesel fuel card = dieseltankkaart
diesel gedreven = diesel-driven
diesel gedreven pompen = diesel-driven pumps
diesel katalysator = DOC (diesel oxidation catalyst)
Dieselbrandstof = Diesel fuel
"Dieselbrandstof (0,2)" = "Diesel fuel (0,2)"
Dieselbrandstof (EN 590) = Diesel fuel (EN 590)
dieselgedreven = diesel-driven
dieselgedreven geluidgedempte = diesel-driven sound-damped
dieselgedreven pomp = diesel-driven pump
dieselgedreven pompen = diesel-driven pumps
Dieselgedreven spuitpomp = Diesel-driven high head pump
dieselgenerator = diesel power generator
Dieselmotor = compression ignition engine
dieselmotor = diesel engine
dieselmotor = diesel
dieselmotor met directe inspuiting = direct-injection diesel engine
dieselmotoren = diesel engines
Dieselmotorolie = Diesel engine oil
Dieselolie = Diesel oil
Dieselolie = Diesel
dieselolie = diesel fuel
dieselolie / gasolie = diesel fuel
Dieselolie voor de scheepvaart = Marine diesel oils
dieseloliën = diesel oils
dieselolietoeslagen = diesel oil surcharges
diesel-partikelfilter = diesel particulate filter
dieselpompen = diesel pumps
dieselpompinstallatie = Diesel pump or dispensing pump
dieselprijs = diesel price
dieselsets = diesel sets
Dieseltank = Diesel tank
dieseltank (bovengronds) = "Diesel tank, above ground"
dieseltank (ingemetseld) = "Diesel tank, bricked in"
dieseltank (ommuurd) = "Diesel tank, bunded"
dieseltank (ondergronds) = "Diesel tank, underground"
dieseltechniek = diesel technology
dieseltoeslag = diesel surcharge
dieselunit = diesel unit
dieselvoorziening = diesel supply
dieselwagens = diesel cars
Diesrede = "Dies Natalis lecture, Foundation Day Lecture"
Diesrede = "Anniversary Address, Anniversary Speech"
diëtetiek = science of nutrition
Diethanolamine = Diethanolamine
diethanolamine = diethanolamine
diëthanolamine = diethanolamine
diethanolammoniumlaurylsulfaat = diethanolammonium lauryl sulfate
Diethoxymethaan = Diethoxymethane
diethyl carbamazine = diethylcarbamazine
Diethylamine = Diethylamine
diethylamine = (C2H5)2NH  diethylamine
diethylaminen = diethylamines
diëthylamine-salicylaat = diethylamine salicylate: a topical analgesic used for rheumatic and muscu
diëthylamine-salicylaat = it is a derivative of salicylic acid
Diethylaniline = Diethylaniline
Diethylbenzeen = Diethylbenzene
"Diethylbenzeen (som 1,3 + 1,4)" = "Diethylbenzene (total 1,3 + 1,4)"
Diethylbenzenen (som) = Diethylbenzenes (total)
Diethyleenglycol = Diethyleneglycol
diethyleenglycol = diethylene glycol
diëthyleenglycol = diethylene glycol
diethyleenglycolabietaat = diethylene glycol abietate
diethyleenglycolbutylether = diethylene glycol butyl ether
diethyleenglycolethylether = diethylene glycol ethyl ether
diethyleenglycolmonobutylether = diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
diethyleenglycolmonoethylether = diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Diethyleentriamine = Diethylenetriamine
di-ethyleentriamine = diethylenetriamine
Diethylether = Diethylether
Diethylftalaat = Diethylphthalate
diethylftalaat = diethyl phthalate
diethylmaleaat = diethyl maleate
Diethyl-methylfosfonaat = Diethyl-methylphosphonate
diethylnitrosamine = DENA
diethylnitrosamine = diethylnitrosamine
diethylnitrosamine = nitrosodiethylamine: a nitrosamine derivative
diethylpropion = C13H19NO
diethyl-pyrocarbonaat = C2H5OC(O)OC(O)OC2H5
diëthylstilboestrol = DES
diëthylstilboestrol = diethylstilbestrol: a synthetic estrogen
Diethylsulfide = Diethylsulphide
diëtisch = (adjective)  dietetic
diëtische preparaten = dietetic preparations
diëtische preparaten en substanties = dietetic preparations and substances
diëtische preparaten voor kinderen en zieken = dietetic preparations for children and the sick
diëtische producten = dietetic products
diëtische substanties = dietetic substances
diëtische substanties en voedingsvervangende middelen voor medisch gebru = dietetic substances and nutritional replacement adapted for medical use
diëtische substanties voor kinderen en zieken = dietetic substances for children and the sick
diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik = dietetic substances adapted for medical use
"diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik, voedingsmiddelen voor baby" = "dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, plasters, m"
"diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik, voedingsmiddelen voor baby" = "dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for"
diëtische supplementen en voedselsupplementen = dietary and nutritional supplements
diëtische voedingsmiddelen = dietetic foodstuffs
diëtische voedselsupplementen = dietary food supplements
diëtist = dietician
dietiste = dietician
diëtiste = dietician
Diëtisten = Dieticians
Dietrich Bonhoeffer = Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Diets = Middle Dutch
dievegge = thief
dievegge {de} = thief [female]
dieven = liquidate
dieven {mv} = thieves
diezelfde = the very same
diezelfde = "this/that same, this/that very"
diezelfde morgen = that same morning
difemanil-methylsulfaat = diphemanil methylsulfate
difenhydramine = Benadryl®
difenhydramine = diphenhydramine
difenyl = biphenyl
difenylamine = diphenyl amine
Difenylamine = Diphenylamine
Difenyl-butaandion = Diphenyl-butanedione
difenylcarbazid = DCPA
difenylester = diphenyl ester
Difenyl-ethaandion = Diphenyl-ethanedione
difenylmethoxyazijnzuur = diphenylmethoxyacetic acid
difenyl-p-chinon = diphenyl-p-quinone
Difenyl-propenon = Diphenyl-propenone
difenylpyraline = diphenylpyraline
difenylpyraline = diphenylpyraline hydrochloride
Difenyltin = Diphenyltin
diff. = diff.
diff. inrichting = differential device
difference between aandelen and deelbewijzen = see text - none
difference of opinion = verschil van mening
differentatieminor = electives
differentiaal = differential gear
differentiaal = differential
differentiaal- en integraalrekening = infinitesimal calculus
differentiaal inrichting = differential device
differentiaal manometer = differential manometer
differentiaal peilschaal = inclined gauge
differentiaal vergelijking = differential equation
differentiaalanalysator = differential analyzer
differentiaalcondensator = differential capacitor
differentiaaldiagnostiek = DD
differentiaaldiagnostiek = diacrisis
differentiaaldiagnostiek = differential diagnosis
differentiaal-differentie vergelijking = differential-difference equation
differentiaalprogrammering = differential programming
differentiaalprogrammering = programming by modification
Differentiaalquotiënt = Derivative
differentiaalrekening = differential calculus
differentiaalspanning = differential voltage
differentiaaltransformator = differential transformer
differentiaalvergelijking = differential equation
differentiaalvergelijking = differential equation (equation involving the derivatives of a function)
differentiaalvergelijkingen = differential equations
differentiaalversterker = differential amplifier
Differentiated Services Code Point = Differentiated Services Code Point
differentiatie = differentiation
Differentiatie (Met 2 schoolvakken de diepte in.) = Focus(sing) on two subjects
Differentiatie van de markt = Market differentiation
Differentiatiequotiënt = Average rate of increase
Differentiatiestrategie = Differentiation strategy
Differentiatiewaarde = Differentiation value
differentiator = differentiator
differentie = difference
differentie-antigenen voor myelo-monocytaire leukemie = myelomonocytic  differentiation antigens
differentiecorrectieschakeling = difference correcting circuit
differentiedraaggolfsysteem = intercarrier sound system
differentiedraaggolfsysteem = intercarrier system
differentieel = differential gear
Differentieel = Differential
differentieel = differential
differentieel koersstelsel = differential exchange rate system
Differentieel productvoordeel = Distinctive product advantage
differentieel thermische analyse = differential thermal analysis
differentieel verven = differential dyeing
differentieelautomaat [LS] = residual current circuit-breaker [LV]
differentieelbeveiliging = differential protection
differentieel-coherente modulatie met faseverschuiving = differentially-coherent phase-shift keying: DCPSK
differentieelhuis = differential case
differentieel-schakelaar = differential circuit breaker
differentieelschakelaar [LS] = residual current switch
differentieelstroominrichting = differential current device
differentieelstroominrichting = differential power device
differentieelstroominrichtingen = differential current devices
differentieelstroomschakelaar = differential current switch
differentieerbaarheid in stochastische zin = stochastic differentiability
differentiëernetwerk = differentiating network
differentiële = differential
differentiële amplitude = differential amplitude
differentiele centrifugering = differential centrifugation
differentiële codering = differential encoding
differentiële diagnose = DD
differentiële diagnose = diacrisis
differentiële diagnose = differential diagnosis
differentiële diagnose = differential diagnosis: a determination of which one of two or more disea
Differentiële drempel = Differential treshold
differentiële fase = differential phase
Differentiële fasekontrast microscopie = Differential phase microscopy
differentiële fasemodulatie = differential phase-shift keying: DPSK
Differentiële holografie = Differential holography
differentiële invoer = differential input
differentiële kostenbeschouwing = differential costing
differentiële kostencalculatie = partial cost system
Differentiële kostprijs = Differential cost price
differentiele meting ten opzichte van een vast GPS station = differential measurement relative to fixed GPS station
differentiële modulatie = differential modulation: DM
differentiële multiplexer = differential multi- plexer
differentiële prijsstelling = multiple pricing
differentiële pulscodemodulatie = differential pulse code modulation: DPCM
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = calorimetric differential thermal analysis
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = differential scanning calorimetry
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = DSC
differentiële thermoanalyse = differential thermal analysis
differentiële versterking = differential gain
differentiële werkwijze-interferentie = differential mode interference
differentiële zettingen = differential settlement
differentiëren = differentiate
differentiëren = to differentiate
"differentiëren, onderscheiden" = difference  (to distinguish or differentiate)
differentiërende virtuele harde schijf = differencing virtual hard disk
differentievergelijking behorende bij een explosief proces = explosive stochastic difference equation
diffluentie = diffluence
diffractie = diffraction
diffractie / breking = diffraction
Diffractieapparatuur = Diffraction apparatus
diffractiefactor = diffraction
diffunderen = to diffuse
diffunderen = diffuse
diffunderingsproces = diffusion process
diffus spasme in het slokdarm = diffuse  esophageal spasm: Barsony-Teschendorf syndrome
diffuse bron = diffuse source
diffuse emissie van NMVOS = Fugitive emission of NMVOCs
diffuse nagalm = diffuse reverberation
diffuse reflectie = diffuse reflection
diffuse transmissie = diffuse transmission
diffuse verontreiniging = diffuse pollution
Diffuser = Diffuser
Diffuser mounting tool = Diffuser mounting tool
diffusie = diffusion
diffusie / verstrooiing = diffusion
diffusie stoornis = diffusion disorder
diffusie stoornis = diffusing disorder
diffusie stoornis = diffusion dysfunction: a breakdown of the diffusing capacity of the lung
diffusie van Compton = Compton diffusion
diffusieapparatuur = diffusion apparatus
diffusiecapacitantie = diffusion capacitance
diffusiecapaciteit van de long = the diffusing capacity of the lung
diffusiediepte = diffusion depth
diffusie-index = diffusion index
diffusie-inspectie = diffusion inspection
diffusielaag = diffused layer
diffusielengte = diffusion length
Diffusieproces = Diffusion process
diffusie-proces = diffusion process
diffusieprofiel = diffusion profile
diffusiepunt = spike
diffusierichting = direction of diffusion
diffusiescherm = diffusion screen
diffusieschijf = diffusion disk
diffusiestof = diffusant
diffusiestofpenetratie = diffusant penetration
diffusiestroom = diffusion current
diffusiesysteem = diffusion system
diffusietemperatuur = diffusion temperature
diffusietheorie = diffusion theory
diffusietijd = diffusion time
diffusietransistor = diffusion transistor
diffusie-uitloper = spike
diffusieverdeling = diffused distribution
diffusor = diffuser
diffusor (armatuur voor diffuus licht) = diffuser
diffuus = diffuse (adj.)
diffuus = diffuse
diffuus = diffused
diffuus geluid = diffuse sound
diflorason = diflorasone
diflorasondiacetaat = diflorasone diacetate
difloxacine = difloxacin
Diflubenzuron = Diflubenzuron
diflucortolon = diflucortolone
diflucortolone = diflucortolone
diflunisal = diflunisal
difluprednate = difluprednate
difterie = diphtheria
difterie-antitoxine = diphtheria serum
Difterie-Tetanusvaccins = Diphtheria-tetanus vaccines
difterietoxoïd = diphtheria toxoid
diftong = diphthong
diftong {de} = diphthong
difussiehalo = halo
digamma = digamma
digastrisch = digastric
Digereren = Digest
digestie = digestion
digestie {de} = digestion
Digestief = Digestive
Digest-toegangsprotocol = Digest Access protocol
digibeet = Computer illiterate
digibord = interactive whiteboard (IWB)
digibord = digibord of IWB (= interactive whiteboard)
DigiD = DigiD
DigiD5 = DigiD5
DigiD-token = DigiD-token
DigiInkoop = DigiInkoop
Digileerkracht = ‘Digileerkracht’ (‘Digital teacher’
digilines = digilines
Digipoort = Digipoort
Digirooster = Digi Schedule
Digitaal = Digital
digitaal = digital
digitaal = via electronic means
digitaal = digitally
digitaal + drukken = digital + printing
digitaal alarm = digital alarm
digitaal archief = digital archive
digitaal archiveren = digital archiving
digitaal archiveringssysteem = digital archiving system
Digitaal beeldmateriaal = Digital images
digitaal beeldverwerkingssysteem = image processing digital system
digitaal beschikbaar = electronically available
digitaal besturingssysteem = digital control system: DCS
digitaal bewustzijn = digital consciousness
digitaal blok = digital block
digitaal briefgeheim = privacy of electronic communications
digitaal briefgeheim = confidentiality of digital correspondence
digitaal certificaat = digital certificate
digitaal circuit = digital circuit
digitaal combineren = digital combining
digitaal communicatiesysteem = digital communication system
digitaal communiceren = digital communication
digitaal conferentiesysteem = digital conferencing system
digitaal consult = digital consultation
digitaal datacommunicatieberichtenprotocol = digital data communications message protocol: DDCMP
digitaal display = digital display
digitaal document = electronic document
digitaal documentuitwisselingsformaat = digital document interchange format: DDIF
Digitaal EVSA = Digital electronic ballast
digitaal exemplaar van de Documentatie = digital copy of the Documentation
digitaal filter = digital filter
digitaal ge‹ntegreerd circuit = digital integrated circuit
digitaal geaccordeerd = digitally approved
Digitaal gegenereerde = Digitally generated
digitaal gegevenskanaal = digital data channel
digitaal gespuis = hackers
digitaal global netwerk = global digital network
Digitaal Hulpplein = digital help platform
digitaal id-certificaat = digital id certificate
digitaal kiezen = digital data switching
digitaal koploper = digital frontrunner
digitaal leerplatform = digital learning platform
Digitaal met enkelfunctie = Digital with single function
Digitaal met multifunctie = Digital with multi function
digitaal netwerk met ge‹ntegreerde diensten = integrated services digital network
digitaal of fysiek verzonden = digitally or physically transmitted
digitaal onboarding programma = digital onboarding programme
Digitaal Ondernemersplein =
digitaal ondertekend = digitally signed
digitaal ondertekende = digitally signed
digitaal ondertekende document = digitally signed document
digitaal onveilige = digitally unsafe
Digitaal over coax = Digital over coax
digitaal overlaynetwerk = digital overlay network
digitaal platform = digital platform
digitaal potentieel = digital potential
"digitaal presenteren, factureren en archiveren van documenten" = "digitally presenting, invoicing and archiving documents"
Digitaal product = Digital Product
digitaal rekenblad = spreadsheet
digitaal samenwerken = digital collaboration
digitaal schakelen = digital switching
digitaal signaal = digital signal
Digitaal surround-soundsysteem = Digital Surround-Sound system
digitaal telefonienetwerk = digital telephone network
digitaal tentamen = digital exam
digitaal terreinmodel = digital land model
digitaal toestel = digital device
Digitaal toetsen = Digital testing
digitaal toetsen = digital assessment
digitaal transport van gegevens = digital transmission of data
digitaal uitwisselingsplatform = digital exchange platform
Digitaal vaardig = Digitally skilled
Digitaal vaardig mkb = Digitally skilled SMEs
digitaal veilige hard- en software = digitally safe hardware and software
digitaal verbonden = digitally connected
digitaal verbonden productienetwerk = digitally connected production network
digitaal vergelijkingsorgaan = digital comparator
digitaal verlopen = done digitally
digitaal vertellen = digital storytelling
Digitaal werknemersplatform = Digital employee platform
digitaal/analoog-omvormer = digital-to-analog converter
digitaal/analoog-omzetter = dc/ac converter
digitaal/analoog-omzetter = digital- to-analog converter
digitaal/analoogomzetting = digital-to-analog conversion
digitaal-analoogomzetter = digital-analog converter
digitaal-analoogomzetters = digital to analogue converters =
Digitaal-kabel = Digital-cable
digitaal-ontwerptaal = digital design language: DDL
Digitaal-sat = Digital-sat
Digitaal-terrestrisch = Digital terrestrial
digital = digital
Digital Advertising Alliance = Digital Advertising Alliance
Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada = Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada
Digital Airport Programme = Digital Airport Programme
Digital Asset Management = Digital Asset Management
Digital Cinema Packages = Digital Cinema Packages
digital commons = digital commons
digital creation = digital creation
Digital Design = Digital Design
Digital Economy and Society Index = The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
Digital Enhanced Reality = Digital Enhanced Reality
Digital Flow Switch For Air = Digital Flow Switch For Air
Digital Flow Switch For Water = Digital Flow Switch For Water
Digital Health Society = Digital Health Society
Digital Inkjet Printing = Digital Inkjet Printing
digital input module = digital input module
digital inputs = digital inputs
digital interface = digitale ingang
Digital Living Network Alliance = Digital Living Network Alliance
digital native = digital native (A person born or brought up during the age of digital tec
digital native = digital native
digital out of home = digital out of home
digital output module = digital output module
Digital over IP = Digital over IP
Digital pressure switch = Digital pressure switch
Digital Rights Management = digital rights management
digital signage = digital signage
Digital Signage oplossingen = digital signage solutions
Digital Signature Standard = Digital Signature Standard
Digital Subscriber Line = Digital Subscriber Line
Digital versatile discs (dvd's) = Digital versatile disks (DVDs)
Digital Video Broadcasting = Digital Video Broadcasting
Digital Workplace = Digital Workplace
Digital8 = Digital8
digitale = electronic
digitale = digital
digitale accordering = digital approval
digitale afbeelding = digital image
digitale afdruksystemen = digital printing systems
digitale aflezing = digital readout
Digitale afstandsbedieningsunit = Digital remote-control unit
digitale aftrekker = digital subtracter
digitale agenda = digital calendar
digitale agenda's = digital calendars
digitale alternatieven = digital alternatives
Digitale animatie = Animation
digitale attendering = electronic notification
Digitale audio tape recorder = digital audio tape recorder: DAT
Digitale audio/video mixer = Digital audio/video mixer
digitale audiobanden = digital audio tapes
digitale audiotape = digital audio tape
digitale basisinfrastructuur = basic digital infrastructure
digitale basisvaardigheden = basic digital skills
digitale beeldapparatuur = digital imaging devices
digitale beeldapparatuur en digitale signaalprocessors = digital imaging devices and digital signal processors
digitale beeldverwerkingstechniek = digital image processing technique
digitale belastingaangifte = digital tax return
digitale bestanden = digital files
digitale besturingsmethodologie = digital control methodology
digitale bewegwijzering = digital signage
digitale biomarkers = digital biomarkers
digitale breedbandtelevisiedienst = wide-screen digital television service
digitale brief = digital letter
digitale buis = digital tube
digitale camera = digital camera
digitale certificaat = digital certificate
digitale communicatie-apparatuur en -instrumenten = digital communications apparatus and instruments
digitale communicaties = digital communications
digitale compressie = digital compression
digitale computer = digital computer
digitale conferentiesysteem = digital conferencing system
digitale conferentiesystemen = digital conferencing systems
digitale connectiviteit = digital connectivity
digitale connectiviteits-research agenda = digital connectivity research agenda
digitale content = The citizen is not only co-producer of
digitale content = 'The citizen is not only co-producer of
digitale dataset = digital data set
digitale deler = digital divider
digitale dienstaanbieders = digital service providers
digitale diensten en producten = digital products and services
digitale dienstverlening = digital services
digitale differentiaalanalysator = digital differential analyzer: DDA
digitale domein = digital domain
digitale dragers = digital media
digitale dreigingen = digital threats
digitale druk = digital printing
Digitale drukkerijdiensten = Digital printing services
Digitale drukmeters = Digital pressure gauges
digitale druktechnieken = digital printing techniques
digitale economie = digital economy
digitale economie en samenleving = digital economy and society
digitale eenheid = digital device
digitale elektronica = digital electronics
digitale en Analoge = digital and analogue
digitale envelop = digital envelope
digitale feedback = digital feedback
digitale formulier = electronic form
digitale foto = digital photo
digitale foto’s = digital photos
Digitale fotocamera = Digital photo camera
Digitale fotografie = Digital photography
Digitale fototoestellen = Digital cameras
digitale fototoestellen en videocamera- opnametoestellen = digital camera and video camera recorders
digitale frequentiemodulatie = digital frequency modulation
digitale geestelijke gezondheidszorg = digital mental health care
digitale gegevens = digital data
digitale geletterdheid = digital literacy
digitale geletterdheid en praktische vaardigheden = digital literacy and practical skills
digitale handtekening = digital signature
Digitale I/O-module voor PLC = PLC digital I/O-module
digitale id = Digital ID
Digitale Identiteit = Digitale Identiteit
digitale identiteiten = digital identities
"Digitale in-/uitgangen, configureerbaar" = "Digital in-/outputs, configurable"
Digitale indicatie = Digital indication
digitale informatie = digital information
digitale infrastructuren = Digital infrastructures
digitale infrastructuur = digital infrastructure
Digitale infrastructuur van wereldklasse = World-class digital infrastructure
digitale infrastructuur voor onderzoek = digital infrastructure for research
Digitale ingang = Digital input
digitale ingang = digital input
digitale ingangen = digital inputs
Digitale ingangsmodules = Digital input modules
digitale inhoud = digital content
digitale inhoudsdienst = digital content service
digitale inkt = digital ink
digitale innovatie = digital innovation
digitale innovaties = digital innovations
digitale input of output = digital input or output
digitale integrator = digital integrator
digitale interface van hoog niveau = high-level digital interface
digitale itembank = digital itembank
digitale jaaropgave = digital annual statement
Digitale kadasterkaarten = Digital cadastral maps
digitale kansen = digital opportunities
Digitale kartering = Digital mapping services
Digitale kennis en kunde = Digital knowledge and skills
digitale kennistoetsen = digital knowledge tests
digitale klok = digital clock
digitale kloof = digital divide
Digitale kluis = Digital Locker
digitale kopie = digital copy
digitale koploper = digital leader
digitale koploper van Europa = Europe’s digital leader
Digitale kunst = Computer graphics
Digitale kunst = Graphics
digitale kwaliteit = digital quality
digitale kwetsbaarheden = digital vulnerabilities
digitale leer- en werkomgeving (DLWO) = digital learning and working environment
digitale leermiddelen = digital learning resources
digitale leeromgeving = digital learning environment
digitale licentie = digital license
digitale logica = digital logic
digitale maatschappij = digital society
digitale manometer = digital manometer
digitale marketingkanalen = digital marketing channels
digitale mededinging = digital competition
digitale mediabedrijven = digital media companies
digitale meetgegevens = digital measurement data
digitale middelen = digital resources
digitale modulatie = digital modulation
digitale multichannel omgeving = digital multi-channel environment
digitale multimeter = digital multimeter
digitale multiplexsystemen = digital multiplex systems
Digitale nieuwsbrief = Digital newsletter
digitale nieuwsbrieven = digital newsletters
digitale niveaumeting = digital level meter
digitale niveaumeting = digital level measurement
digitale normen = digital standards
digitale nummer aanduiding = Digital numbering
Digitale offsetapparatuur = Digital offset equipments
Digitale offsetsystemen = Digital offset systems
digitale onboarding = digital onboarding
Digitale OnderwijsPlanner (DOP) = Digital Course Planner (DCP)
digitale onderwijsplatform = digital learning platform
digitale ontplooiingskansen = digital developmental opportunities
digitale ontwerpinformatie = digital design data
digitale ontwikkelingen = digital developments
digitale openheid = digital freedom of access
digitale opleidingsintermediar = digital training intermediary
digitale oplossing = digital solution
digitale opname = digital recording
digitale opnamen = digital recordings
digitale opslagsysteem = digital storage system
digitale opsporingstechnieken = digital investigation techniques
digitale opteller = digital adder
digitale overheid = e-government
digitale overheid = e-government services
digitale overheid = electronic government
digitale overheid = digital government
digitale overheid = digital government services
digitale platform = digital platform
digitale platforms = digital platforms
digitale plattegrond = digital map
digitale plotters = digital plotters
digitale poort = digital port
digitale printsysteem = digital printing systems
digitale printsystemen = digital printing systems
digitale printsystemen = digital printing system
digitale radio = digital radio
digitale rechten = digital rights
digitale rekenautomaat = digital computer
digitale rekenmachine = digital computer
digitale representatie = digital representation
Digitale roaming = Digital Roam
digitale samenleving = digital society
digitale schakelaars voor communicatienetwerken = digital communication network switches
Digitale schakelborden = Digital switchboards
digitale schakeling = digital switch
Digitale schakelklok voor paneelbouw = Digital time switch for distribution board
Digitale schakeluitrusting = Digital switching equipment
digitale schuifmaat = digital caliper
digitale signaalprocessors = digital signal processors
digitale signaalverwerkingsinrichting = digital signal processing device
digitale signalering = digital signalling
digitale simulatie = digital simulation
digitale slagkracht = digital defences
digitale slip = digital slip
digitale snelweg = information highway
Digitale spiegelreflexcamera = Digital single lens reflex camera
digitale spraakinterpolatie = digital speech interpolation
digitale spraaktransmissie = digital voice transmission
digitale steden = digital cities
digitale steden & gemeenschappen = digital cities & communities
Digitale stencilapparaten = Digital duplicators
digitale strategie = digital strategy
digitale subtractie-angiografie = DSA
Digitale surround-decoder = Digital Surround Decoder
digitale synchrone hiërarchie = digital synchronous hierarchy: DSH
digitale technieken = digital technologies
digitale technieken en toepassingen = digital technologies and applications
digitale technologie = digital technologies
digitale technologie = digital technology
digitale technologieën = digital technologies
digitale televisie = digital television
digitale toegangspoort tot Europa = digital gateway to Europe
digitale toegankelijkheid = digital accessibility
digitale toekomst = digital future
digitale toets = digital test
Digitale toets afnemen = Administering digital tests
digitale toetscyclus = digital testing cycle
digitale toetsdeskundige = digital testing expert
digitale toetsing = digital testing
Digitale Top = Digital Summit
digitale transformatie = digital transformation
digitale transitie = digital transition
digitale transmissie = digital transmission
Digitale transmissie (AWUG) = Digital transmission
digitale transmissiegroep = digital transmission group
Digitale Transport Strategie = Digital Transport Strategy
Digitale trapezium correctie = Digital keystone correction
digitale TV ontvanger Eastern = digital TV receiver Eastern
Digitale tv-diensten = Digital television
Digitale uitgang = Digital output
Digitale uitgangsmodule = Digital output module
Digitale uitgangsmodules = Digital output modules
digitale uitvoer = digital output
digitale uitzending = digital broadcasting
Digitale universeelmeter = Digital multimeter
digitale unster = digital hanging scales
digitale upgrade = digital upgrade
digitale vaardigheden = digital skills
digitale vaardigheden basis = basic digital skills
digitale vaardigheden en geletterdheid = digital skills and literacy
"digitale vaardigheden en geletterdheid, onderzoek en innovatie, eerlijke " = "digital skills and literacy, research and innovation, fair competition, s"
digitale veiligheid = digital safety
digitale veiligheid = digital safety and security
digitale veiligheid = digital security
digitale veiligheid en privacybescherming = digital security and privacy protection
digitale veiligheid en weerbaarheid = digital security and resilience
"digitale veiligheid, privacy, digitale geletterdheid, mededinging, innova" = "digital security, privacy, digital literacy, competition, innovation and "
digitale vergelijker = digital comparator
digitale verkeersborden = digital traffic signs
digitale verlofkaart = electronic leave application system
digitale vermenigvuldiger = digital multiplier
digitale vermenigvuldiger = digital multiplier unit
digitale vertellen = digital storytelling
Digitale video = Digital video
Digitale videocassette = Digital videocassette
digitale videorecorder = digital video recorder
digitale vingerafdruk = digital fingerprint
digitale voltmeter = digital voltmeter
digitale voorstelling = digital representation
digitale voorziening = digital facility
Digitale vragenlijst = Digital questionnaire
digitale waarde = digital value
digitale waterpas = digital spirit level
digitale weg = digital route
Digitale wegwijzer = Digital signage display
Digitale wegwijzer = Digital signpost
digitale werkplek = digital workplace
digitale werkplekdiensten = digital workplace services
digitale werkzaamheden = digital work
digitale zakelijke toepassingen = digital business applications
Digitale zendapparatuur = Digital transmission apparatus
Digitale zenders = Digital senders
Digitale zoom = Digital zoom
digitale zorg op afstand = digital remote care
Digitalecartografie-uitrusting = Digital cartography equipment
digitale-diensteninfrastructuur = Digital service infrastructures
digitale-meterdata = digital metering data
Digitaletelefooncentrales = Digital telephone exchanges
digitalis = digitalis
Digitalisatie = Digitalization
digitalis-eenheden = digitalis units
Digitaliseer = Digitalise
Digitaliseer = Digitise
Digitaliseer uw onboarding programma = Digitalise your onboarding programme
digitaliseerapparaat = digitizer
digitaliseerders = digitizers
digitaliseert = digitises
digitaliseert = "digitalising (entire company/processes, etc.) vs digitising (scanning, et"
digitaliseert en automatiseert = digitalising and automating
digitaliseren = digitalise
digitaliseren = digitalize
digitaliseren = digitise
digitaliseren = digitize
digitaliseren = to digitize
digitaliseren = digitising
digitaliseren = to  digitize
digitaliserende economie = digitalising economy
digitalisering = digitalisation
digitalisering = digitisation
digitalisering van de industrie = digitalisation of industry
digitalisering van de Nederlandse maatschappij = digitalisation of Dutch society
digitalisering van de rechtspraak = digitalisation of the judicial system
digitalisering van het openbaar bestuur = digitalisation of public administration
digitalisering van het primair en voortgezet onderwijs = digitalisation of primary and secondary education
digitalisering van processen = digitalisation of processes
digitaliseringsgolf = wave of digitalisation
digitaliseringsproces = digitalisation process
digitaliseringsproject = digitalisation project
digitaliseringsstrategie = digitalisation strategy
Digitaliseringstop = Digitalisation summit
digitaliseringsvraagstukken = digitalisation issues
digitaliseringsvragen = digitalisation issues
digitaliseringsvragen en -opgaven = digitalisation issues and challenges
digitalis-therapie = digitalis therapy
digitatus = digitiform
digitoets = digital testing
digitonine = digitin
digitoxigenine = cerberigenin
digitoxigenine = digitoxigenin
digitoxigenine = echujetin a cardenolide
digitoxigenine = thevetigenin
digitoxigenine = thevetin
digitoxine = C41H64O13
digitoxine = digitoxin: a poisonous glycoside that is the most active constituent of d
digitus malleus pedis = claw toe
digitus malleus pedis = "a deformed, claw-shaped toe"
digitus malleus pedis = hammertoe
diglyceriden = diacylglycerols
digoxine = Lanoxin
digoxygenine = digoxygenin
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = DHP ether
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = dihematoporphyrin ether
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = porfimer
Diheptylftalaat = Diheptylphthalate
Dihexylftalaat = Dihexylphthalate
dihybride = dihybrid
dihydralazine = dihydralazine: an antihypertensive agent
dihydroalprenolol = dihydroalprenolol
dihydrobetaerythroidine = dihydro-beta-erythroidine
dihydrobetaerythroidine = dihydrobetaerythroidine
dihydrochloride = dihydrochloride
dihydrocodeine-bitartraat = dihydrocodeine
dihydrocodeine-bitartraat = dihydrocodeine bitartrate
dihydroergocristine = dihydroergocristine
dihydroergotoxine = Hydergine
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = dihydrofolate reductase
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = folic acid reductase
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
dihydrolutidine = dihydrolutidine
dihydromorfine = dihydromorphine: a semisynthetic analgesic
dihydroorotase = dihydroorotase
dihydroprogesterone = dihydroprogesterone
dihydrostreptomycine = dihydrostreptomycin
dihydrotachysterol = dihydrotachysterol
dihydrotestosterone = stanolone
dihydroxidihydrobenspyrenen = dihydroxydihydrobenzopyrenes
dihydroxyaceton = DHA
dihydroxy-morfine = dihydroxymorphine
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = C9H11NO4
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = an amino acid that's formed in the liver & converted in the brain to dopa
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = dihydroxyphenylalanine: a beta-hydroxylated derivative of phenylalanine
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = DOPA
Di-isobutyleen = Di-isobutylene
Di-isobutylftalaat = Di-isobutylphthlate
Di-isobutylketon = Di-isobutylketone
Di-isodecylftalaat = Di-isodecylphthalate
Di-isononylftalaat = Di-isononylphthalate
Di-isooctylftalaat = Di-isooctylphthalate
di-isopropanolamine = diisopropanolamine
Di-iso-propenylbenzeen = Di-iso-propenylbenzene
Di-isopropylamine = Di-isopropylamine
Di-iso-propylbenzeen = Di-iso-propylbenzene
Di-isopropylether = Di-isopropylether
Di-iso-propylfenol = Di-iso-propylphenol
Di-isopropylftalaat = Di-isopropylphthalate
Dij = Thigh
dij {de} = thigh
Dijbeen = Femur
Dijbeen = Thighbone
dijbeen {het} = thigh bone
dijbenen {mv} = thighs
dijen {mv} = thighs
dijk = embankment
dijk = dike
dijk = dam
dijk = dyke
dijk = dyke (UK)
Dijk = Levee
dijk = bank
dijk {de} = dike
dijk {de} = dyke
dijkbekleding = dike revetment
dijkbekleding = dike facing
dijkbeschadiging = damage to a dike
dijkbouw = dike building
dijkdoorbraak = dikebreach
dijken = dams
dijken = dikes
dijken = banks
dijken = dikes (US)
dijken = dykes (UK)
dijkgat = dike gap
dijkgat = dike breach
dijkgraaf = chairman of the dike-board/ polder-board
dijkherstel = dike repair
dijkkern = dike core
dijkkruin = dike crest
dijklichaam = dike body
dijkprofiel = dike profile
dijkspecie = soil to build a dike of
dijkvak = dike reach
dijkval = dike slide
dijkverbreding = dike widening
dijkverhoging = dike heightening
dijkverhoging = dike elevations
dijkverzwaring = dike improvement
dijkverzwaring = dyke reinforcement
dijkverzwaring = dike enlargement
dijkvorm = dike profile
dijkwacht = dike guard
dijkwacht = dike warden / inspector
dijkweg = causeway
dijkwerker = dike worker
Dijon = Dijon
dijonmosterd = Dijon mustard
dik = thick
dik = plump
dik = big
dik = stout
dik = concentrated
dik = fat [thick]
Dik = Fat
dik = bulky
dik = burly
"dik, dikke, gezet, gezette" = thick {adj} (heavy in build)
dikbuikig = fat
Dike = Dyke
dike toes = dijkvoeten
dikfilmtechniek = thick film technique
dikgetrokken lijn = continuous thick line
Dikhoornschaap = Mouflon sheep
dikhoornschaap = bighorn sheep
dikke = thick
dikke adviezen = Byzantine recommendations
Dikke darm = Colon
Dikke darm = Small intestine
dikke darm {de} = colon
dikke film = thick film
dikke laag = thick film
Dikke room = Clotted cream
dikke vloeistof = thick liquid
Dikke vloeistoffen = Thick liquids
dikkedarmendometriose = "endometriosis of large intestine, colonic endometriosis"
dikke-filmcomponent = thick-film component
dikke-filmtechniek = thick-film technology
dikke-filmweerstand = thick-film resistor
dikker = thicker
dikker of dunner = thicker or thinner
"dikkerd, dikzak, vetzak" = stout (fatso)
dikkere = thicker
dikkere isolatielaag = thicker insulation layer
dikkere isolatielaag = thicker insulating layer
dikkere laag = thicker layer
dikkop = tadpole
dikkopje = tadpole
"dikkopje (dim), dikkop, kikkervisje (dim)" = tadpole (toad or frog larva)
diklijvig = obese
diklijvige = obese
dikoor {de} = mumps {pl}
dikschuimigheid = fluffiness
dikst = thickest
Diktatenmagazijn = Course Materials Shop
dikte = thickness  (bulk)
dikte = thickness
Dikte = Thickness
dikte {de} = thickness
dikte {de} [dichtheid] = density
Dikte folie = Foil thickness
Dikte hoes = Hood thickness
Dikte mantel = Sheath thickness
Dikte plaat = Thickness of mounting plate
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
Dikte rail = Busbar thickness
dikte T2 = thickness T2
dikte van de dekking van de wapening = cover thickness of the reinforcement
dikte van de kwaliteitssamenstelling = combined board caliper
dikte van de wand = thickness of the wall
dikte van iedere laag = thickness of each layer
dikte van wandprofielen = wall profile thickness
Dikte warmte-isolatie = Thickness of thermal insulation
dikteafmeting = thickness dimension
dikteafmeting = thickness dimension
dikteafwijking = thickness defect
dikteerkast = coal tar tank
diktemaat = thickness dimension
diktemal = thickness gauge
diktemeter = gauging instrument
diktemeter = thickness gauge
diktemeter = feeler gauge
dikteprofiel = thickness profile
diktereduktie = thickness reduction
dikterichting = thickness direction
diktes = thicknesses
diktevermindering = reducing
diktezwelling = thickness swelling
dikvloeibaar = viscous
dikvloeibaarheid = viscosity
dikvloeibare hars = thickened resin
dikvloeibare olie = heavy oil
dikvloeibare zuivelproduct = thick liquid dairy product
dikvloeibare zuivelproducten = thick liquid dairy products
DIKW = Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Wisdom (DIKW)
dikwandig = thick-walled
dikwijls = frequently
Dikwijls = Often
dikzuivel = thick dairy
dikzuivel = thick dairy products
dikzuivel product = thick dairy product
dikzuivel producten = thick dairy products
dilatantie = dilatancy
Dilatatie = Dilatation
dilatatie = widening
dilatatierand = dilatation joint
dilataties = expansion joints
dilatatievoeg = expansion joint
dilatatievoeg = "expansion joint, movement joint, settlement joint"
dilatator van Hegar = Hegar dilator
dilateren = provide with expansion joints
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilatation of the cervix
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilatation of the cervix uteri
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilation of the cervix
dilatie van de sluitspier = dilation of the sphincter
dilatie van de sluitspier = dilatation of the sphincter
dilatometer = dilatometer
Dilatoria = Dilator
DIL-behuizing = dual-in line package
dilemma = dilemma
Dilemma = Quandary
Dilemma = Bind
dilemma's = dilemmas
dilemmasessie = dilemma session
Dilemmasessies = Dilemma sessions
dilemmatraining = dilemma training
dilettant = amateur
Dilettant = Keen
Dilettant = Lover of
Dilettant = Fancier
Dilettant = Lover
Dilettant = Non-professional
Dilettant = Amateurish
Dilettant = Dabbler
Dilettant = Keen of
Dille = Dill
Dillon-ronde = Dillon Round
diltiazem = diltiazem: a coronary vasodilator that causes an increase in the luminal
Dilutant = Dilutant
Diluvium = Diluvium
Dim = Dim
dim licht = low beam
DIM profiel = DIM profile
DIM profielen = DIM profiles
Dimactor = Dimming actuator
Dimactor bussysteem = Dimming actuator for bus system
Dimbaar = Dimmable
dimbare LED’s = non-dimmable LEDs
dimbereik = dimming range
dimcircuit = dimming circuit
dimcurve = dimming curve
dimcurven = dimming curves
dimcurves = dimming curves
Dimefuron = Dimefuron
dimenhydrinaat = Dramamine
Dimensie = Dimension
Dimensie = Sphere
dimensie {de} = dimension
Dimensie Geld = Dimension of money
Dimensie Geldvoorraad = Dimension of the stock of money
Dimensie Tijd = Dimension of time
Dimensieanalyse = Dimensional analysis
dimensie-analyse = dimensional analysis
Dimensieconstante = Dimensional constant
dimensiederivatieregel = dimension derivation rule
Dimensiefunctie = Dimensional function
dimensiegroep = dimension set
dimensiekoppeling = dimension association
dimensielid = dimension member
dimensieloos draaggetal = bearing number
dimensieloze grootheid = dimensionless quantity
Dimensiematrix = Dimensional matrix
dimensieniveau = dimension level
dimensie-reductie = dimension reduction
Dimensies = aspects
Dimensies = dimensions
Dimensies = spheres
dimensies = dimensions
dimensies van ernst = dimensions of severity
dimensies van gezondheid = Dimensions of health
dimensies van intelligentie en gezondheid = dimensions of intelligence and health
dimensietabel = dimension table
Dimensievergelijking = Dimensional equation
Dimensionaal onderzoek = Dimensional surveying services
dimensionale belevenis = multidimensional experience
dimensionale stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensionale-stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensioneel stabiel = dimensionally stable
dimensioneel stabieler = dimensionally more stable
dimensionele stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensionele stabiliteit = shape stability
dimensionele stabiliteit = shape retention
dimensionele wijzigingen = dimensional changes
dimensioneren = to dimension
dimensioneren = dimension
"dimensioneren, maatinschrijving" = dimensioning
dimensionering = dimensioning
dimensionering = design
dimensionering van de overspanningsbeveiligingen = sizing of the overvoltage protection devices
dimensioneringen = dimensioning
dimensioneringen = dimensions
dimensions = dimensions
Dimensions packed product = Dimensions packed product
dimercaprol = dimercaprol
dimercept = dimercept
dimeren = dimers
"dimeren, trimeren en tetrameren" = "dimers, trimers, and tetramers"
Dimethachloor = Dimethachlor
dimethicon = dimethicone
dimethoaat = perfethion
Dimethoaat = Dimethoate
Dimethoxymethaan = Dimethoxymethane
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = "7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene"
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = "9,10-  dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene"
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = benz anthracene: a carcinogen
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = DMBA
dimethyladipaat = dimethyl adipate
dimethylamide = dimethyl amide
Dimethylamine = Dimethylamine
dimethylammoniumzout = dimethylammonium salt
dimethylaniline = dimethylaniline
Dimethyl-benzaldehyde = Dimethyl-benzaldehyde
dimethylbenzeen = dimethyl benzene
Dimethylbenzeenmethanol = Dimethylbenzenemethanol
Dimethylbenzoezuur = Dimethylbenzoic acid
dimethylcarbonaat = dimethylcarbonate
Dimethyl-chloorpropaan = Dimethyl-chloropropane
Dimethylcyclohexaan = Dimethylcyclohexane
dimethyldicarbonaat = dimethyldicarbonate
Dimethyldisulfide = Dimethyldisulphide
Dimethylethylamine = Dimethylethylamine
Dimethylfenol = Dimethylphenol
"Dimethylfenol (som 2,6 + 3,5)" = "Dimethylphenol (total 2,6 + 3,5)"
"Dimethylfenolen (som 2,3 + 3,5) + 4-Ethylfenol (som)" = "Dimethylphenols (total 2,3 + 3,5) + 4-Ethylphenol (total)"
Dimethylformamide = Dimethylformamide
Dimethylftalaat = Dimethylphthalate
Dimethylglutaraat = Dimethylglutarate
dimethylglutaraat = dimethyl glutarate
Dimethylglycol = Dimethylglycol
Dimethylheptanon = Dimethylheptanone
Dimethylhexaan = Dimethylhexane
Dimethyl-hexaandiol = Dimethyl-hexanediol
Dimethylhexanon = Dimethylhexanone
Dimethyl-hexeen = Dimethyl-hexene
Dimethylisopropylamine = Dimethylisopropylamine
dimethylmorfine = dimethylmorphine
dimethylmorfine = paramorphine
dimethylmorfine = thebaine
Dimethylnaftalenen (Som) = Dimethylnaphtalenes (total)
dimethylnitrosamine = (CH3)2N–NO
Dimethyl-pentanon = Dimethyl-pentanone
Dimethylpiperazine = Dimethylpiperazine
dimethylpolysiloxaan = dimethyl-polysiloxane
dimethylsuccinaat = dimethyl succinate
Dimethylsulfide = Dimethylsulphide
dimethylsulfoxide = (CH3)2SO
dimethylsulfoxide = C2H6OS
dimethylsulfoxide = "also used as an industrial cleaner, and a polymerization solvent"
dimethylsulfoxide = DMSO:  dimethyl sulfoxide: dimethylsulfoxide: a chemical solvent used as
dimethylsulfoxide = dimethyl sulfoxide
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) = Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO)
Dimethyltereftalaat = Dimethylterephthalate
Dimethylterftalaat = Dimethylterephthalate
Dimethyltrisulfide = Dimethyltrisulphide
dimethyltryptamine = C13H18N2
dimetrische projectie = dimetric projection
Dimfunctie met dimmerbasiselement = Dim function with dimmer basic element
diminuendo = diminuendo
dimlast = dimming load
dimlicht = dimmed headlights
dimlicht = dipped headlights
dimlicht = front dipped headlight / low beam lights
dimlicht = low beam
dimlicht via contact voeding = dip beam over contact switch supply
dimlichten = dipped headlights
dimlichtrelais = dimmer relay
dimlichtschakelaar = dimmer switch
dimmen = to dip
dimmen = dim
Dimmen tot 0 % = Dimming to 0 %
Dimmen tot 50% = Dimming to 50 %
Dimmer = Dimmer
dimmer (voor lampen) = dimmable
dimmer / dimschakelaar = dimmer switch
Dimmer inclusief trafo = Dimmer incl. transformer
Dimmers = Dimmers
Dimmers voor fluorescentielampen = Reactors for fluorescent lamps
dimmerschakelaar = dimmer switch
Dimmerschakelaars = Dimmer switches
dimmersturing = dimmer control
Dimona-aangifte = Dimona declaration
dimschakelaar = dip switch
Dimt alle soorten = Dims all types of
dimt geheel traploos = completely stepless dimming
dimverlichting = dimmed headlights
dimverlichting = dipped headlights
Dimvermogen per kanaal = Dim capacity per channel
DIN = German Industry Standard
DIN 38414-S4 = DIN 38414-S4
DIN 84 = DIN 84
Din Certco = Din Certco
DIN- normen = DIN standards
DIN rail = DIN rail
DIN rail volgens EN 50022 = DIN rail acc. EN50022
DIN rail volgens EN 50035 = DIN rail acc. EN50035
DIN rail volgens EN 50045 = DIN rail acc. EN50045
DIN rail volgens EN 60715 = DIN rail acc. EN60715
DIN VDE 0100 multitester = DIN VDE 0100 multitasked
DIN VDE 0701 multitester = DIN VDE 0701 multitasked
DIN vijfpolig = DIN 5-pole
"DIN-, combi-, C-rail" = Omega-rail/combination-rail/C-rail
DIN-/G-rail = DIN-rail/G-rail
dinatrium = disodium
dinatrium tallow sulfosuccinamaat = disodium tallow sulfosuccinamate
dinatriumedetaat = edetate disodium
dinatriumguanylaat = E627
dinatriumzout = disodium salt
Di-n-butylftalaat = Di-n-butylphthalate
DIN-compatibel = DIN-compatible
Dineophyltin = Dineophyltin
Diner = Dinner
Diner = Supper
Diner = Meal
Diner = Lunch
diner = dinner
diner pensant = dinner debate
Dinerbon = dinner voucher
dinerbon = Gift Certificate
Dineren = Meal
Dineren = dine
Dineren = Supper
Dineren = Dinner
Dineren = Lunch
diners = dinners
"diners, productpresentaties, recepties" = "dinners, product presentations and receptions"
dinervoucher = dinner voucher
Di-n-ethylftalaat = Di-n-ethylphthalate
ding = thing
ding = affair
Ding = Case
ding {het} = thing
Ding an sich (Kant) = thing-in-itself
dingen = objects
dingen = things
Dingen = Stuff
dingen {mv} = things
dingen naar = aspire
Dingen naar = Seek
Dingen naar = Angle for
dingen naar de gunst van = woo
Dingen toezeggen en niet nakomen. = Not delivering on promises.
dinges = thingamajig
Dingo = Dingo
Dingo = Potty
DIN-grootte = DIN-size
dinitroaniline = dinitroaniline
Dinitrobenzeen = Dinitrobenzene
dinitrochlorobenzene = DNCB
Dinitrofenol = Dinitrophenol
Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC) = Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC)
Dinkelland = Dinkelland
DIN-lijst = DIN-strips
Di-n-octylftalaat = Di-n-octylphthalate
Dinonylftalaat = Dinonylphthalate
dinoproston = E2C20H32O5
Dinosauriërs = Dinosaur
dinosaurus = dinosaur
Dinoseb = Dinoseb
Dinoterb = Dinoterb
Din-rail = DIN-rail
DIN-rail = DIN rail
DIN-rail = top-hat rail
DIN-rail (DRA) = DIN-rail (DRA)
DIN-rail 15 mm = DIN-rail 15 mm
DIN-rail 32 mm = DIN-rail 32 mm
DIN-rail 35 mm = DIN-rail 35 mm
DIN-rail 75 mm = DIN-rail 75 mm
DIN-rail adapter = DIN-rail-adapter
dinsdag = Tuesday
dinsdag {de} = Tuesday
dinsdagavond = tuesday night
dinsdagochtend = Tuesday morning
DIN-uitvoering met kengetal = DIN version with code digit
DIO = "International Enterprise Department (Directie International Ondernemen, D"
DIO = International Entreprise Department (DIO)
Diocletianus = Diocletian
Dioctyladiaphate = Dioctyladiaphate
Dioctylftalaat = Dioctylphthalate
di-octylftalaat = di-octyl phthalate
dioctylnatriumsulfosuccinaat = dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate
dioctylsebacaat = di-octyl sebacate
di-octylsuccinaat = di-octyl succinate
dioctylsulfosuccinaat = dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = "dioctyl sulfosuccinate: a surfactant, wetting agent, and solubilizer"
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = dioctyl sulfosuccinic acid
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = docusate
Diode = Diode
diode = diode
"Diode, 5-polig" = "Diode, 5-pole"
diode-aansluiting = diode terminal
diodebegrenzer = diode limiter
diodebelasting = diode load
Diodeblok = Diode bloc
diodecapacitantie = diode capacitance
diodecapaciteit = diode capacitance
diodecondensator = diode capacitor
diodedetectie = diode detection
diodedetector = diode detector
diode-doorbraakspanning = diode reverse breakdown voltage
Diode-element = Diode element
diode-functiegenerator = diode function generator: DFG
diodegelijkrichter = diode rectifier
diodehersteltijd = diode recovery time
diode-impedantie = diode impedance
diode-ingang/uitgang = diode input/output
diodekarakteristiek = diode characteristic
diodelekstroom = diode leakage current
diodematrix = diode matrix
Dioden = Diodes
diode-opslag = diode storage
diode-opslagtijd = diode storage time
diode-oscillator = diode oscillator
diode-overzicht hoofdschakelaar = main switch diode list
diode-overzicht middenpaneel = central panel diode list
diode-overzicht motorruimte = engine compartment diode list
diode-overzicht toilet en keuken = toilet and kitchen diode list
diodepoort = diode gate
diodeschakelaar = diode switch
diodespanning = diode voltage
diodestroom = diode current
diodetester = diode checker
diodetransistor = diode transistor
diode-transistorlogica = diode-transistor logic
diodeversterker = diode amplifier
diodevoltmeter = diode voltmeter
diodeweerstand = diode resistor
diodoon = diodone: an ionic monomeric contrast medium
diodoon = iodopyracet
Diogenes = Diogenes
diolefinen = diolefins
diolen = diols
"Diolen, polyalcoholen en derivaten" = "Diols, polyalcohols and derivatives"
dionysisch = Dionysian
Dionysos = Dionysus
Dioptaas = Achirite
dioptrie = dioptry
dioptrie = diopter
dioptrieschaal = diopter scale
diosmin = buchu resin
diotylftalaat = DOP
Dioxaan = Dioxane
Dioxathion = Dioxathion
dioxine = dioxin
dioxine = "dioxins: chlorinated carcinogenic, teratogenic & mutagenic hydrocarbons c"
Dioxine = Dioxin
dioxo = dioxo
Dioxolaan = Dioxolane
dioxopenicillinezuur = "1,1  dioxo penicillinic acid"
dioxyaceton = dioxyacetone
Dip Koud Proces = Cold-dip process
DIP schakelaar = DIP switch
dip- schakelaars = dip switches
dip switches = dip switches
Dipentylftalaat = Dipentylphthalate
dipeptidase = renal dipeptidase
dipeptiden = dipeptides: peptides composed of 2 amino acid units
diphenhydramine-chloorhydraat = benhydramin
diphenhydramine-chloorhydraat = diphenhydramine hydrochloride
diphenylamine = (C6H5)2NH  diphenylamine
"Diphenylmethaan-2,2-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-2,2-diisoc"
"Diphenylmethaan-2,4-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-2,4-diisoc"
"Diphenylmethaan-4,4-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-4,4-diisoc"
diphyllobothriasis = diphyllobothriasis: an infection caused by the fish tapeworm
dipivefrine oogdruppels = dipivefrin
dipivefrine oogdruppels = dipivefrin hydrochloride: an adrenergic epinephrine prodrug used in eyedr
DIPLA = DIgital PLAtform (DIPLA)
diplegia = bilateral paralysis
diplegia = diplegia
diplexapparaat = diplexer
diplexbewerking = diplex operation
diplextelegrafie met vier signalen = four-frequency diplex telegraphy
diplococcus = diplococci
diplococcus = diplococcus
Diplodocus = Diplodocus
diploïd = "diploid: having a full set of genetic material, consisting of paired chro"
diploide = diploid
diploïdie = diploidy: the state of having two full sets of homologous chromosomes
diploma = diploma (the certificate) / degree certificate / degree
diploma = diploma
diploma = certificate
diploma = diploma/certificate/degree certificate
diploma = school-leaving certificate
diploma = degree
diploma = "certificate, diploma"
diploma algemeen vormend onderwijs = general education certificate
Diploma Eerste Hulp = First Aid Diploma
Diploma Eerste Hulp = First Aid Diploma (‘Diploma Eerste Hulp’)
diploma halen = graduate/gain a degree
"diploma halen, een" = to obtain a certificate
diploma hoger onderwijs = higher education diploma
diploma uitreiken = present a diploma
diploma’s en certificaten = diplomas and certificates
Diplomaat = Diplomatic
diplomaat = diplomat
Diplomaat = Trifle
Diplomaat = Diplomatist
diplomaat {de} = diplomat
Diplomacy = Diplomacy
diploma-eisen = diploma requirements
diplomaregister = Register of Diplomas Awarded
diplomaregister = Register of diplomas awarded (‘Diplomaregister’)
diplomasupplement = supplement
diplomasupplement = Diploma Supplement
diplomasupplement = diploma supplement
diplomaten = diplomats
diplomatermijn = degree period
diplomatie = diplomacy
diplomatie {de} = diplomacy
diplomatiek = diplomatic
diplomatiek = tactful
diplomatiek = diplomatically
diplomatiek koerier = diplomatic courier
diplomatiek protocol = diplomatic protocol
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomat
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomatic officer
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomatic official
diplomatieke ambtenaren = Diplomatic officials
diplomatieke bescherming = diplomatic protection
diplomatieke betrekking = diplomatic relations
diplomatieke betrekkingen = diplomatic relations
"diplomatieke betrekkingen, pl." = diplomatic relations (diplomatic intercouse)
diplomatieke communicatie = diplomatic communication
Diplomatieke diensten = Diplomatic services
Diplomatieke koeriers = Diplomatic couriers
diplomatieke missie = diplomatic mission
diplomatieke onschendbaarheid = diplomatic immunity
diplomatieke post = diplomatic post
diplomatieke tas = diplomatic bag
diplomatieke vertegenwoordiging = diplomatic representation
diplomatisch = diplomatic
diplomatisch = diplomatically
diploma-uitreiking = graduation ceremony
diplomawaardering = credential evaluation
diplomawaardering = valuation / assessement of certificates
diplomelliturie = diplomelituria: diabetic and nondiabetic glycosuria in the same person
diplomering = certification
diplopagus = conjoined twins
Diplopie = Diplopia
diplosoma = diplosome
dipool = dipole
dipoolantenne = dipole aerial
dipoolion = zwitterion
dipoollaag = dipole layer
dipperdredger = dipperdredger
diprofylline = diprophylline: a theophylline derivative used in the treatment of asthma
Dipropyleenglycol = Dipropyleneglycol
dipropyleenglycol = dipropylene glycol
dipropyleenglycoldibenzoaat = dipropylene glycol dibenzoate
dipropyleenglycolmethylether = dipropylene glycol methyl ether
Dipropylftalaat = Dipropylphthalate
diproxitol = Diproxitol
DIP-schakelaar = DIP switch
DIP-schakelaarbank = DIP switch bank
DIP-schakelaars = dip switches
DIP-schakelaars = dip switches
dipsomanie = "alcoholophilia: an intense, persistent desire or craving for alcoholic dr"
dipsomanie = binge drinking
dipsomanie = dipsomania
dipsomanie = dipsopathy
dipswitch = DIP switch
dipswitches = DIP switches
dip-switches = dip switches
dipyridamole = dipyridamole
dipyridil = C10H8N2
dipyrocetyl = dipyrocetyl
dipyrone = C13H16N3NaO4S
Dir. = Director of
Dir. FSC = FSC director
Dire Straits = Dire Straits
direct = immediately
direct = immediate
direct = straight
Direct = Direct
direct = directly
direct  naast de deur geplaatst is = located directly next to the door
direct aan de slag = can get started right away
direct aan de vlucht voorafgaande inspectie = pre-flight inspection
Direct aan te sluiten op netspanning = Direct connection to main supply
direct aangedreven = directly driven
direct aangesloten kunnen worden op de andere helft = can be connected directly to the other half
direct aansluitend op = directly following
direct aansluitend op = directly after
Direct account = Direct account
direct actie kunt ondernemen = take immediate action
direct adres = direct address
direct adresseerbaar geheugen = direct address storage
Direct advertising = Direct advertising
direct afdrukken = print immediately
direct afleesbaar = direct-reading
direct alle maatregelen nemen die redelijkerwijs nodig en wenselijk zijn = will immediately take all measures reasonably necessary and desirable
direct belang = have a direct interest in
direct belang-hebbenden = direct stakeholders
Direct betrokken = Directly involved
Direct betrokken bij = Directly involved in
direct betrokken geweest bij de ontwikkeling van = directly involved in the development of
direct betrokkenen = directly involved parties
direct betrokkenen = parties directly involved
direct betrokkenen = those directly involved
Direct Boeken = Instant Booking
direct current feedback = terugvoedende gelijkstroom
direct daglicht = direct daylight
direct delen van relevante gegevens over personen in nood = directly sharing relevant data about people in need
direct een arts raadplegen en de verpakking of het etiket tonen = "If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and"
direct een arts raadplegen en de verpakking of het etiket tonen. = "If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and"
direct elektrisch contact = direct electrical contact
direct e-mail = direct e-mail
direct en indirect rendement = direct and indirect return
direct en ondubbelzinnig = straightforward and unambiguous
direct en onmiddellijk ter beschikking = readily and immediately available
direct en onmiddellijk ter beschikking van de medewerker = readily and immediately available to the employee
direct en op afstand = instantly and remotely
direct gebruiken = available for immediate use
direct gekoppeld station = directly connected station
direct gekoppelde motor = direct coupled engine
direct gekoppelde motor = direct drive engine
direct gevolg = direct result
direct gewin = quick win
direct hostgebruik = direct hosting
direct impact = direct impact
direct in aanraking = coming into direct contact
direct in acht genomen te worden = must be observed immediately
direct ingaande lijfrente = immediate annuity
direct ingaande pensioen = immediate pension
direct leidinggevende = direct superior/manager
direct leidinggevende = immediate senior officer
direct leidinggevende = immediate superior/manager
direct leidinggevende = immediate supervisor
direct leidinggevende = direct supervisor
direct leidinggevende = immediate superior
direct marketing = direct marketing
direct marketingactiviteiten = direct marketing activities
Direct marketingdiensten = Direct marketing services
direct materiaal = direct material
direct met elkaar verbonden = directly connected to one another
direct na = immediately after
Direct na afloop van het bevallingsverlof = Directly after the maternity leave ends
direct na het plaatsen van de bestelling = immediately after placing the order
direct na ondertekening van de Notariële akte dan wel eerdere Ingebruikn = immediately after the Notarial Deed has been signed or early Occupation
direct na ontvangst = immediately upon receipt
direct naar buiten doorkiezen = direct outward dialing: DOD
direct nadat = directly after
direct noch indirect = either directly or indirectly
direct of indirect = either directly or indirectly
direct of indirect = directly or indirectly
direct of indirect persoonlijk belang = direct or indirect personal interest
direct of indirect toebehorend aan = directly or indirectly belonging to
direct of indirect verlies = direct or indirect loss
direct omkeerbaar = direct reversing
direct op het kinderbeveiligingssysteem gemonteerde verstelinrichting = adjuster mounted directly on child restraint
direct opeisbaar = immediately payable
direct opeisbaar deposito/tegoed = demand deposit
direct opeisbare = immediately payable
direct opeisbare en niet voor matiging vatbare boete = an immediately payable penalty which is not subject to judicial mitigatio
"direct opeisbare, niet voor verrekening vatbare, boete" = immediately due and payable penalty
direct opneembare kredietfaciliteit = demand line of credit
direct opvraagbaar schuldpapier = demand note
direct opvraagbaar tegoed = demand deposit
direct opvraagbaar tegoed = indication
direct or indirect private interests = directe of indirecte persoonlijke belangen
Direct Personeel = Direct staff
Direct personeel = Direct labour
Direct Push = Direct Push
direct rapporterende medewerker = directly reporting staff
direct reageren = respond directly
direct realiseerbare activa = available assets
direct realiseerbare activa = quick assets
direct schade = direct loss or damage
Direct selling = Direct selling
direct solliciteren = apply now
direct telefonisch gemeld = immediately reported by telephone
direct ten volle opeisbaar = immediately and fully due
Direct terugluisteren van gesprekken = Instant replay of conversations
direct to consumer = direct-to-consumer
direct to consumer-tool = direct-to-consumer tool
direct toegang = direct access
direct toegankelijk bestand = direct access file
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct access storage
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct access memory
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct accessible memory: DAM
direct toegankelijk geheugen = immediate access store
direct toegankelijke bestandsorganisatie = direct accessible file organization
Direct toegankelijke geheugeneenheden = Direct-access storage devices (DASD)
direct toezicht door de leiding = supervisory control(s)
Direct touch elektronische bediening = Direct touch electronic operation
direct verband houdende = directly related
direct verhit = directly heated
direct voldaan door de leasemaatschappij = paid directly by the leasing company
direct volledig opeisbare = due in full immediately
direct voor het achtervoegsel = directly in front of the suffix
direct voorafgaand = immediately prior
Direct voorafgaand aan = Immediately before
direct voorafgaand aan = immediately prior to
direct waarneembare = directly observable
direct worden geïnitialiseerd = initialised directly
direct writer = direct writer
direct zitten op een professioneel niveau = are now at a professional level
Direct zoeken = Instant Search
direct zonlicht = direct sunlight
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = directly {adv} (soon
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = next
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = when it becomes convenient)
"direct, onomwonden, rechtuit" = "directly {adv} (plainly, without circumlocution or ambiguity)"
"direct, rechtstreeks" = direct
Direct/indirect = Direct/indirect
Direct-/indirectaandeel apart regelbaar = Direct-/indirect proportion separately controllable
Direct/omvormer = Direct/transformer
Direct3D = Direct3D
Directaanbouw = Direct attachment
Directaanbouw/separate opstelling = Direct attachment/single positioning
DirectComposition = DirectComposition
Direct-costingmethode = Direct costing method
DirectDraw = DirectDraw
Directe = Direct
directe (vermijdbare) kosten = avoidable cost(s)
directe aanbieder van openbare telefoondienst = direct public telephone service provider
directe aandrijving = direct drive
directe aanleiding = came as a direct response to
Directe actie = Direct action
directe afschuiving = direct (simple) shear
directe anterieure aanpak = Direct Anterior Approach
directe anterieure aanpak heupchirurgie = direct anterior approach hip surgery
directe bedreiging = direct threat
directe bedrijfsschade = loss on trading
directe bedrijfsschade = loss on working
directe bedrijfsschade = trading loss
directe belasting = direct tax
directe belastingen = direct taxes
Directe belastingen = Direct duty
directe belastingen = direct taxation
directe besturing = direct control
directe betaling = direct payment
directe betalingen = direct payments
directe betrokkenheid = direct involvement
directe beveiligingsmaatregelen = direct security measures
Directe bevestiging = Direct fastening
directe capacitantie = direct capacitance
directe chef = direct superior
directe collega's = immediate colleagues
directe communicatie = direct communication
directe compensatie = direct compensation
directe concurrenten = direct competitors
directe contante (on)kostenpost = out-of-pocket expense
directe contante uitgave = out-of-pocket expense
directe controle/verificatie = asset card [Am.]
directe controle/verificatie = direct verification
directe correspondentie = direct mapping
directe debiteringskaart = (direct) debit card
directe democratie = direct democracy
Directe democratie = Direct democraty
"directe derivatie, de directe bepaling" = direct lead
directe digitale besturing = direct digital control
Directe distributie = Direct distribution
directe druk = direct printing
directe elektronische verbinding = direct electronic connection
directe emissiereductie of -beperking = direct emission reduction or limitation
directe en indirecte inkomsten = direct and indirect revenues
directe en indirecte kosten = direct and indirect costs
directe en indirecte personeel = permanent and temporary staff
directe en onderliggende oorzaken = direct and underlying causes
directe en/of indirecte schade = direct and/or indirect loss or damage
Directe entreestrategie = Direct entry strategy
directe export = direct export
directe financiering = direct financing
directe fysieke link of verbinding = direct physical link or connection
directe fysieke verbinding = direct physical connection
directe gebeurtenisverwerking = direct event handling
directe gegevenstoevoer = data
directe gegevenstoevoer = direct data entry
directe gegevenstoevoer = information
directe gegevensverwerking = transactional data processing
directe geheugentoegang = direct memory access
directe geluidsregistratie = direct recording
directe golf = direct wave
directe impact = direct impact
directe incasso = collection with immediate effect
directe input = direct input
directe inspuiting = direct injection
directe investering = direct investment
Directe investeringen = Direct investment
directe investeringen = direct investments
directe invloed op = Direct impact on
directe kabelverbinding = direct cable connection
directe kennisgeving = direct notification
directe kleurstof = direct dye
directe klokbesturing = direct clock control
directe koppeling = direct coupling
Directe kosten = Direct costs
directe kosten = direct cost
Directe kredietcontrole = Direct credit audit
directe leidinggevende = direct manager
directe leidinggevende = immediate supervisor
directe levering = direct delivery
directe levering = drop shipment
directe lijn = direct line
directe lijst = push-up stack
directe logging = direct logging
directe loonkosten = direct labour costs
directe lozing in het grondwater = Direct discharge to groundwater
Directe luchtgeluidisolatie = Direct airborne sound insulation
directe marginale kosten = current value [Am.]
directe marginale kosten = direct incremental costs
directe marginale kosten = net realisable value
directe marketing = direct marketing
Directe marktbewerkingsstrategie = Direct marker approach strategy
Directe materialen = Direct materials
Directe medewerkers = Direct staff
directe meerdere = direct manager
directe methode = direct method
directe meting = direct measurement
Directe montage = Direct mounting
directe nabestaanden in eerste lijn = surviving lineal descendants
directe numerieke besturing = direct numerical control: DNC
directe OEM = direct OEM
directe of indirecte = direct or indirect
directe of indirecte handelsbelangen = direct or indirect commercial interests
directe of indirecte persoonlijke belangen = direct or indirect personal interests
directe of indirecte schade = direct or indirect loss or damage
directe omgeving = immediate environment
directe omgeving = close surroundings
directe omgeving = direct environment
directe omgeving = direct neighbourhood
directe omgeving = direct surroundings
directe omgeving = immediate area
directe omgeving = immediate neighbourhood
directe omgeving = immediate vicinity
directe omgeving = near environment
directe omgeving = near surroundings
directe omgeving = nearby area
directe omstandigheden = direct circumstances
directe opbrengstwaarde = directly realizable value
directe opbrengstwaarde = random access
directe opbrengstwaarde = realisable value
directe opbrengstwaarde = real-time access
directe opdracht = direct instruction
directe operandopdracht = direct instruction
directe opname = direct recording
directe oproep = direct call
directe overboeking = wire transfer
directe overbrenging = direct drive
directe overbrenging (1:1) = direct drive
directe overeenkomst = direct agreement
directe persoonlijke omgeving = direct personal environment
directe precedentie = immediate precedence
Directe prijsverandering = Direct price change
Directe programmawijziging = Patch
directe puntentoekenning = direct point allocation
Directe reclame = Direct advertising
Directe ruil = Direct trade
directe samenwerkingsactiviteiten = direct cooperative activities
directe schade = direct losses
directe schade = direct loss or damage
directe schade (general damages) = direct damage or loss
directe schade (general damages) = direct loss or damage
directe schade aan zaken = direct damage to goods
directe schade aan zaken of personen = direct damage to goods or people
directe schuifproef = direct shear test
directe standaardisatie = direct standardisation
directe standaardisatie = direct standardization
directe stop = immediate stop
directe straling = direct radiation
directe stroming = (electricity)  direct current
directe stroming = DC
Directe stroommeting = Direct current measuring
directe synchronisatie = direct synchronization
directe team rond de bestuursvoorzitter = the CEO’s immediate team
directe tewerkstelling = direct employment
directe toegang = direct access
directe transmissie tussen stations = direct working
directe transmissie tussen stations in een lokaal net = direct-working local net
directe uitzending = live broadcast
directe verantwoordelijkheid = direct responsibility
directe verkoop = direct selling
"directe verkoop op dag-, week- en termijnbasis" = "direct sales on a daily, weekly or other periodic basis"
directe vermogensmutatie = direct change in equity
directe versie = immediate version
directe vertegenwoordiging = direct representation
directe verwerking = demand processing
Directe verwerking = Direct processing
directe vlucht = direct flight
directe waarschijnlijkheid = direct probability
directe warmtestraling = direct heat radiation
directe weergever = acoustic pick-up
directe werkomstandigheden = immediate working conditions
directe zendingen = direct shipments
directe zichtverbinding = line-of-sight
directe zichtverbinding en niet-directe gezichtsverbinding situaties = line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight situations
directe zonnestraling = direct solar radiation
directe-communicatiekanaal = direct communication channel
directed acyclic graph = DAG
directed acyclic graph = directed acyclic graph
directe-invoer terminal = direct entry terminal
directen = direct labour
directe-toegang programmering = random access programming
directeur = governor
directeur = manager
directeur = principal
directeur = owner
Directeur = Director
directeur = director
directeur = managing director
directeur (algemeen) = director
directeur (van een school) = dean
"directeur {f}, regisseur" = "director (supervisor, manager)"
directeur à titre personnel = "ad personam (or: deputy, etc.)"
directeur bedrijfsvoering = director of operations
directeur bedrijfsvoering = Managing Director
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Managing Director
Directeur bedrijfsvoering = Business operations director
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Operations
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Business Support
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Operational Management
directeur bedrijfsvoering = Operations Director
directeur belast met de uitvoerende leiding = executive director
directeur belast met de uitvoerende leiding = finance manager
Directeur Capaciteitsopbouw en Beurzen = Director of Capacity Building & Scholarships
Directeur Communicatie = Director of Communication
directeur departement personeel & logistiek = manager of the personnel & logistics department
Directeur dienst = Service director
Directeur Facility Management & services = Director of Facility Management & Services
Directeur faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen = Director of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Directeur financieel = Financial Director
directeur financiële zaken = finance director
directeur financiële zaken = human resource manager
directeur financiën = director of finance
directeur financiën en controlling = Director of Finance and Controlling
directeur gebouwen = director of estates and facilities
directeur général adjoint = assistant director-general (ec)
Directeur Kennis en Innovatie = Director of Knowledge & Innovation
Directeur lid van de Directieraad = Director member of the Board of Directors
Directeur Neso = Neso Director
Directeur Ondernemingen & Institutionelen = Corporates & Institutionals Manager
directeur onderwijs = Director of Education
directeur Onderwijs en Studentenzaken = Director of Education and Student Affairs
directeur onderwijsinstituut = director of the teaching institute
Directeur onderwijsinstituut = Director education institute
directeur Onderzoek = director of research
directeur onderzoekinstituut = director of the research institute
Directeur onderzoeksinstituut = Director research institute
directeur operations = Director of Operations
directeur opleiding = programme director
Directeur Particulieren & Professionelen = Retail & Self-employed Manager
directeur personeel = director of personnel
directeur personeel en organisatie = Director of Personnel and Organisation
directeur personeelszaken = staff manager
Directeur Private & Personal Banking = Private & Personal Banking Manager
directeur supply chain = Supply Chain Manager
directeur UCI = director of UCI
directeur valorisatie = Improvement manager/development manager
Directeur van de Bank van Engeland = director
Directeur van de Bank van Engeland = Governor of the Bank of England
Directeur van een dienst = Director
directeur van grotere instelling = managing director
Directeur van het departement Niet-verblijfhouders = Manager of the Non residents Department
directeur van het ziekenhuis = hospital director
Directeur Wetsuitvoering = Director of Implementation of Legislation
directeur-aandeelhouder = owner-director
directeur-aandeelhouder = shareholder manager
directeur-bestuurder = executive director
directeur-bestuurder = president (US)
directeur-bestuurder = director (bv/nv)
directeuren = directors
Directeur-Generaal = Director General [no hyphen]
directeur-generaal = (ministerie) director-general
Directeur-generaal Controle = Director General Control
directeur-generaal der posterijen = postmaster general
Directeur-generaal Distributie Centrum = General Manager Distribution Centre
Directeur-generaal Distributie Vlaanderen = General Manager Distribution Flanders
Directeur-generaal Distribution Wallonie = General Manager Distribution Wallonia
Directeur-generaal Human resources en Informatica = General Manager Human Resources and EDP
Directeur-generaal Marketing = General Manager Marketing
Directeur-generaal Productie = General Manager Generation
Directeur-generaal Strategie = General Manager Strategy
Directeur-grootaandeelhouder = Managing director and major shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = major shareholder manager
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and major shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and major stockholder (US)
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and principal shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and principal stockholder (US)
directeurswoning = executive residence
directfilm = direct emulsion
direct-gekoppelde transistorlogica = direct-coupled transistor logic
directie = Executive Board
Directie = Department
directie = (school) management team
directie = general management
directie = senior management
directie = administration
Directie = Management
directie = (members of the) management board
directie = board of directors
directie = board of management
directie = company management
directie = department (ministry)
directie = directorate (EU-instelling)
directie = directors
directie = executive board
directie = Executive Board (ECB)
directie = executive directors
directie = executive management
directie = executive team
directie = Government/Governing Board
directie = management
directie = management committee
directie = managing director
directie = site management (construction)
directie = management
directie = management
directie = department (overheid)
directie = Management
Directie (ECB) = Executive Board (ECB)
Directie (van BTO) = Directors
directie (zie context) = executive board / board of directors
directie AI Arbo = Labour Inspectorate Working Conditions (AI-Arbo)
Directie Algemene Zaken = General Affairs Directorate
directie Arbeidsmarktfraude van de Arbeidsinspectie = Labour Market Fraud department of the Dutch Labour Inspectorate
Directie Audit/Advisory = Audit/Advisory Board (KPMG)
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Operations Department
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Business Operations Department
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Business Support Directorate
Directie Bedrijfsvoering en Ondersteuning Bestuursdepartement = Operational Management and Management Support Department
Directie Bestuurlijke en Juridische Zaken (BJZ) = (Min. Fin.) Administrative and Legal Affairs Department
Directie Bijzondere Voorzieningen = Special Facilities Department
Directie Capaciteitsopbouw en Beurzen = Capacity Building & Scholarships Directorate
Directie Communicatie = Communication Directorate
directie Communicatie = Communications Department
directie Curatieve Zorg = Curative Care Directorate
directie Curatieve Zorg (CZ) = Curative Care Department
directie Curatieve Zorg (CZ) = Curative Care Directorate (CZ)
Directie Cyber Security = Cyber Security Department
directie en medewerkers = management and employees
directie en/of afgevaardigden van de directie = management and/or representatives of the management
Directie Genees- en Hulpmiddelenvoorziening = Pharmaceutical Affairs and Medical Technology Directorate (GMT)
Directie Intellectuele Eigendom = Intellectual Property Rights Directorate (Luxembourg national office)
Directie International Ondernemen = "International Enterprise Department (Directie International Ondernemen, D"
Directie Jeugdbescherming en Reclassering = Youth Protection and Probation Department
Directie Kennis en Innovatie = Knowledge & Innovation Directorate
directie landbouwkundig onderzoek = agricultural research board
Directie Natuur en Biodiversiteit = Nature and Biodiversity Department
Directie onderwijs en studentenzaken = Education and Student Affairs
Directie Strategie en Controle Groep [DSC] = Group Strategy and Control Management [SCM]
directie SURF = SURF Management
Directie Toezicht Energie (Dte) = Office of Energy Regulation
directie van een groepsmaatschappij = management board of a group company
Directie van het Centrum = Management of the Centre
Directie Wetstoepassing = Law Enforcement Directorate
directie/toezichthoudend orgaan = management / supervisory body
directiebegroting = management budget
Directiebeoordeling = Management review
directiebeoordeling = management review
Directiecomit? = Management Committee
Directiecomité = Management Committee
Directiecomité = Management Committee (MC)
Directiecomité = Management Committee
directiecomité = management committee
Directiecomité (van BBIE) = Directors’ Committee (of the BOIP)
directief = directive
directiekeet = building supervisor's office
directiekeet = surveyor's house
Directieleden = members of the management
directielevering = client-supplied materials
directielevering = supplied and paid for by the client
directieleveringen = contract supplies
directielid = management member
directielid = member of the management
directieniveau = at director level
Directiepersoneel - wedden = Executives - wages
Directieraad = Board of Directors
Directieraad = Senior Management Team
directieraad = Executive Board
directierichtlijn = management directive
Directiesecretaresse = Management Secretary
Directiesecretaris = Secretary to the Board
directiespelen = management games
Directiestaf = Office of the Executive Board
directieteam = management team
directieteams = management teams
Directieve = Directive
directieve opstelling = directional array
directievergadering = board meeting
directieverklaring = management statement
Directieverslag = Management Report
directievoerder = site manager
Directievoorzitter = chief executive
DIRECTIEWISSEL = change of management
DirectInput = DirectInput
directional data = directional data
directioneel = directional
directioneel licht = directional light
directionele = directional
directive counseling = directive counseling
Directklaarfilm = Instant-print film
directmail = direct mail
Direct-mailcampagne = Direact mailing campaign
direct-marketingactie = direct marketing
direct-marketingacties = direct marketing campaigns
Direct-marketingcommunicatie = Direct marketing communication
Directoire = Directory
director = director
Director Admission Proces = Director Admission Process
Director Admission Toets = Director Admission Assessment
Director Assessment = Director Assessment
Director Customer Service = Customer Service Director
Director Customer Services = Customer Services Director
Director Marketing = Marketing Director
director of commercial finance = director of commercial finance
"Director of Marketing, SMA Benelux" = "Marketing Director, SMA Benelux"
"Director of Sales, SMA Benelux" = "Director of Sales, SMA Benelux"
Director Processen & Quality = Processes & Quality Director
Director Processes & Quality = Processes & Quality Manager
Director Profiel = Director Profile
Directoraat Informatica = Informatics Directorate
Directoraat-generaal = Directorate-General
Directoraat-Generaal = Directorate-General
Directoraat-generaal Agro en Natuur = Directorate-General for Agro and Nature Policy
"Directoraat-generaal Dier, Plant en Voeding" = "Directorate-General for Animals, Plants and Foodstuffs"
Directoraat-generaal Leefmilieu = Directorate-General for the Environment
Directoraat-Generaal voor de Belastingdienst = Directorate-General for the Tax and Customs Administration (Min. Fin.)
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs = Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME)
directoraten = directorate
directoraten = directorship
directors = directors
Directory = Directory
Directory Management-service = Directory Management Service
directory service = directory service
Directory Services = Directory Services
Directory Services Markup Language = Directory Services Markup Language
Directory Services-opties = Directory Services options
Directory Services-uploadmodus = Directory Services Upload mode
Directory System Agent = directory system agent
directory voor ophalen = Pickup directory
directorypartitie = directory partition
directoryservice = directory service
Directory-systeem = Directory system
directoryteken = directory character
DirectPlay = DirectPlay
directrice = manager
directrice = owner
directrice {de} = headmistress
"directrice, hoofdverpleegster" = matron (a housekeeper)
DirectShow = DirectShow
DirectSound = DirectSound
Directstarter = Direct starter
direct-to-consumer = direct to consumers
DirectX = DirectX
DirectX Media Object = DirectX Media Object
direct-zichtbuis = direct-vision tube
"direkt, duidelijk en doelgericht" = "direct, clear and focused"
direkteur = general manager
direktie = management
Dirichlet-reeks-verdeling = Dirichlet series distribution
Dirichlet-verdeling = Dirichlet distribution
Dirickx Systems = Dirickx Systems
Dirigeerstokjes = Conductors' batons
Dirigent = Conducting
dirigent = conductor
dirigenten = conductors
Dirigeren = Manage
dirigeren = direct
Dirigeren = Conduct
Dirigeren = Channel
Dirigeren = Run
Dirigerend management = Directing management
Dirigerende beslissingen = Directing decisions
Dirigisme = Economic planning
Dirk = Derek
Dirksland = Dirksland
dirofilariose = dirofilariasis
dirofilariose = dirofilariosis
Dirt Remover = Dirt Remover
DIS = "Danish International Ship Register, DIS"
Dis = Table
disability adjusted life year = DALY
disability adjusted life year = disability adjusted life year
disabler = disabler
disaccharide = disaccharide: a carbohydrate that yields two monosaccharide molecules on
disaccharide-intolerantie = disaccharide intolerance
Disacharide = Disaccharide
disacharide = disaccharide
disachariden = disaccharides
Disagio = Price reduction
Disagio doen = To be at a discount
Disagio op aandelen = Share discount
disagio op aandelen van conglomeraat = conglomerate discount
disassembleerprogramma = disassembler
disassembleren = to disassemble
disaster plan = disaster plan
disaster plannen = disaster plans
Disaster Recovery Data Center = Disaster Recovery Data Centre
DISC = Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections
DISC = Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
Disc Spring = Disc Spring
discantgedeelte = treble part
discard eligible bit (de) = discard eligible bit (de)
discectomie = surgical  discectomy
discgolf = disc golf
discharge rate = discharge rate
Discipel = Follower
discipel = disciple
disciplinair onderzoek = disciplinary research
Disciplinair proces of informeel gesprek = Disciplinary procedure or informal discussion
disciplinaire = disciplinary
Disciplinaire aantijging = Disciplinary allegation
Disciplinaire aantijgingen = Disciplinary allegations
Disciplinaire actie kan inhouden = disciplinary measures may include
disciplinaire beslissing = disciplinary decision
disciplinaire beslissingen = disciplinary decisions
disciplinaire en klachtenprocedures = Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
disciplinaire gesprekken = disciplinary interviews
disciplinaire hoorzitting = disciplinary hearing
disciplinaire maatregelen = disciplinary measures
disciplinaire maatregelen = disciplinary action
disciplinaire maatregelen treffen tegen = to take disciplinary action against
disciplinaire maatregels = disciplinary measures
disciplinaire onderzoeken = disciplinary inquiries
disciplinaire overtreding = disciplinary offence
disciplinaire procedure = disciplinary proceedings
disciplinaire procedure van de organisatie = disciplinary procedure of the organisation
disciplinaire procedures = disciplinary procedures
disciplinaire sancties = disciplinary sanctions
disciplinaire team = disciplinary team
disciplinaire teams = disciplinary teams
disciplinaire voorvallen = disciplinary incidents
Discipline = Constraint
Discipline = Self-discipline
discipline = (noun)  discipline
discipline = discipline
discipline = punishment
discipline Burgerlijke Bouwkunde van de Studiedienst = Civil Engineering department of the Research Centre of the Flemish Govern
discipline en prestaties = discipline and performance
discipline in de naleving = compliance discipline
discipline op de werkplek te bewaken = maintain discipline in the workplace
"discipline, (zelf)beheersing" = discipline (controlled behaviour)
"discipline, branche, tak" = discipline (category in which a certain activity belongs)
"discipline, tuchtiging, tuchtstraf" = discipline (punishment)
disciplinegroep = research group
"disciplineren, tuchtigen" = discipline  (to punish someone in order to (re)gain control)
disciplines = disciplines
discissie = discission
discitis septica = septic  discitis
disclaimer = disclaimer
disclaimer > proclaimer = disclaimer > proclaimer
disclinatio = disclination: outward rotation of the upper pole of the eye's vertical me
disclosure = disclosure
disclosure proces = disclosure process
Disco = Disco
Discodanslesdiensten = Discotheque dance-instruction services
discofiel = discophile
Discoid = Discoid
discoïd = discoid
"Disconnecteer, reinig" = "Disconnect, clean"
Disconteren à forfait = Discount without recourse
Disconteringsfactor = Present value factor
Disconteringsfactor = Discount factor
discontinu / onderbroken = discontinuous
discontinu- en continutransport = discontinuous and continuous transport
discontinu- en continutransporteurs = discontinuous and continuous conveyors
discontinu patroon = discontinuous pattern
discontinu transporteur = discontinuous product elevator
discontinu transporteur = discontinuous conveyor
Discontinu verloop van de vraag = Discontinuous decline in demand
discontinu verven = discontinuous dyeing
discontinu‹teit = discontinuity
discontinue functie = discontinuous function
discontinue goederenlift = discontinuous goods lift
Discontinue innovatie = Discontinuous innovation
discontinue patroon = discontinuous pattern
discontinue productie = discontinuous production
discontinue productlift = discontinuous product elevator
discontinue variabele = discontinuous variable
discontinue vraag = discontinuous demand
discontinuiteit = discontinuity
discontinuïteit = cessation
discontinuïteit = discontinuity
discontinuïteit = interruption
discontinuïteit = lack of continuity
discontinuïteit = unsteadiness
discontinulift = discontinuous product lift
disconto = discounting
Disconto = Discount rates
Disconto = Discount
disconto (van een wissel) = discount (bills of exchange)
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = bank of discount
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = cash credit discount
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = sales finance company
disconto van orderbriefjes = discounting of promissory notes
Discontokosten op vorderingen = Charges for discounting amounts receivable
discontokrediet-faciliteit = line of discount
Discontopolitiek = Discount rate policy
Discontoschroef = Discount rate screw
Discontovoet = Discount rate
discordante steekproef volgens Pitman = discordant sample
discordantie = discordance
discotheek = record library
Discotheek = Nightclub
Discotheek = Nightspot
discotheken = clubs
discount codes = discount codes
discounted cash flow = discounted cash flow
discounted cash-flow = discounted cash flow
discounted cash-flow = discounted cash flow (DCF)
Discountmerk = Discount brand
Discount-pricing = Discount pricing
discounts = discounts
Discountwinkel = Discounter
Discouraged workers effect = Discouraged workers effect
Discoursanalyse = Discourse Analysis
discovery = discovery
discovery = constatering
Discovery Centre Continium = Discovery Center Continium
discreet = tactful
discreet = discreetly
Discreet = Discreet
Discreet = Quiet
Discreet = Discrete
discreet circuit = discrete circuit
discreet component = discrete component
discreet element = discrete element
discreet met deze situatie om te gaan = to deal with this situation discreetly
discreet proces = discrete process
discreet proces = discontinuous process
discreet type = discrete type
discrepant = inconsistent
discrepantie = discrepancy
discrepantie bij de controle op kerntechnisch materiaal = Nuclear material control discrepancy
discrepantiemaatstaven van Haldane = Haldane's discrepancy measures
discrete = discrete
discrete bestelseriegrootte = lot for lot
discrete code = discrete code
discrete condensator = discrete capacitor
discrete detectoren = discrete detectors
discrete eenheid = discrete device
discrete frequenties = discrete frequencies
discrete inductor = discrete inductor
discrete lichtbronnen = discrete light sources
discrete lognormale verdeling = discrete lognormal distribution
discrete machtreeks-verdeling = discrete power series distribution
discrete meetpunten = discrete measuring points
discrete normale verdeling = discrete normal distribution
discrete onderdelen = discrete components
discrete Pareto-verdeling = discrete Pareto distribution
discrete posities = discrete positions
discrete programmering = discrete programming
discrete rechthoekige verdeling = discrete rectangular distribution
discrete sensoren = discrete sensors
discrete simulatie = discrete simulation
discrete stochast = discrete random variable
discrete type-III-verdeling = discrete type III distribution
discrete uniforme verdeling op de cirkel = discrete circular uniform distribution
discrete variabele = discrete variate
discrete variabele = discontinuous variable
Discrete variabele = Discrete variable
discrete verdeling = staircase distribution
discrete verdeling = discrete distribution
discrete waarschijnlijkheidsverdeling = discrete probability law
discrete wavelet transformation = discrete wavelet transformation
discrete weerstand = discrete resistor
discrete wiskunde = "Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Analysis and Geometry"
discretie = discretion
discretie = modesty
Discretie = Sneak
Discretie = Ad lib
discretionair beheer = discretionary management
Discretionair inkomen = Discretionary income
discretionair vastleggen = established at the discretion of XXX
discretionair vermogensbeheer = discretionary asset management
discretionair vermogensbeheer = discriminatory tax
discretionaire bevoegdheid = discretionary power
discretionaire bevoegdheid = discretion
discretionaire macht = discretionary power
Discretionary Access Control List = discretionary access control list
discretisatie = discretisation
discretiseren = discretization
discretiseren = discretize
Discriminantanalyse = Discriminant analysis
discriminant-analyse = discriminant analysis
discriminant-analyse = discriminatory analysis
discriminantfunctie = classification statistic
Discriminatie = Discrimination
discriminatie = discrimination
discriminatie op grond van economische situatie = economic discrimination
discriminatie op grond van een handicap = discrimination based on disability
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sex-based  discrimination
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sexual discrimination
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = discrimination on grounds of sex
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sex discrimination
discriminatie op grond van godsdienst = religious discrimination
discriminatie op grond van handicap = Discrimination on the basis of disability
discriminatie op grond van leeftijd = age discrimination
discriminatie op grond van leeftijd = age  discrimination
discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit = discrimination on the basis of nationality
discriminatie op grond van politieke opvatting = political discrimination
discriminatie op grond van seksuele geaardheid = discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
discriminatie op grond van taal = linguistic discrimination
discriminatie op het werk en in het beroep = workplace and career discrimination
discriminator = discriminator
discriminator voor kleurenonderdrukking = colour killer discriminator
discriminatoreenheid = discriminator unit
discriminatorkromme = discriminator curve
discriminatorspoel = discriminator coil
discriminatortransformator = discriminator transformer
discrimineren = to discriminate
discriminerende belastingheffing = debate (on)
discriminerende belastingheffing = discriminating taxation
discriminerende praktijk = discriminatory practice
discriminerende praktijken = discriminatory practices
discriminerende prijs = discriminatory price
discriminerende uitspraken = discriminatory statements
discursieve = discursive (see note)
discursieve benadering = discursive approach
discursieve fenomenografie = discursive phenomenography
discus = dial
discus = disk
discus = discus
discus = overlapping
discus = disc
discushernia = disk herniation
Discussie = Argument
Discussie = Discussion
discussie = debate
Discussie = Chat
discussie = issue
discussie {de} = discussion
Discussie aangaan = Enter into discussion
Discussie forum = Forum
discussie op tabbladen = tabbed conversation
Discussie uit de weg gaan = Avoid debate
"Discussie, Conclusie en Aanbevelingen" = "Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations"
discussiebord = discussion board
discussiecollege = seminar
discussiedoeleinden = discussion purposes
discussieforum = discussion forum
discussieforums en unified communications = discussion forums and unified communications
discussiegroep = discussion group
discussiegroepen = discussion groups
discussieleider = discussion leader
discussielijn = discussion thread
discussielijn = threaded discussion
Discussielijst = Mailing list
Discussienota = discussion document
Discussienota = discussion paper
discussieopmerking = discussion comment
discussiepartners = discussion partners
discussiepunt = discussion item
discussiepunten = discussion items
discussierechten = discussion rights
discussiëren = discuss
discussiëren = to discuss
discussiëren over (politiek) = to discuss (politics)
discussies = discussions
discussies over kwaliteit = discussions about quality
discussieserver = discussion server
discussiestuk = discussion paper
discussiestuk = working paper
discutabel = doubtful
discutabel = debatable
discutabel = questionable
Discuteren = Argue
discuteren = discuss
Discuteren = Bandy about
disentanglement = disentanglement
disequilibriumsyndroom = cerebral  disequilibrium syndrome
disfunctioneert = dysfunctional
disfunctionele kernopvatting = dysfunctional core belief
disfunctioneren = dysfunction
disfunctioneren of dood = poor performance or death
disfunctioneren of dood van de ter beschikking gestelde medewerkers = poor performance or death of the posted employees
disharmonisch = disharmonic
disharmonisch intelligentieprofiel = disharmonious intelligence profile
disharmonisch IQ-profiel = disharmonic IQ profile
disinfect your hands = handdesinfectie
disinfectant = disinfectant
Disinfection = Disinfection
Disinflatie = Disinflation
disintegrins = disintegrins
disjectie = disjection
disjunct = disjoint
disjuncte signalen = disjoint signals
disjunctie = disjunction
Disjunctieve beslisregel = Disjunctive decision rule
disjunctieve normaalvorm = disjunctive normal form: DNF
disk = disk
Disk Operating System = disk operating system
Disk plate = Disk plate
Disk Support = Disk Support
diskdrives = disk drives
diskdrives voor computers = computer disk drives
diskette = floppy disk
Diskette = Floppy disc
Diskette = Diskette
Diskette = Floppy
diskette met hoge dichtheid = double-density disk
"diskette, CD-ROM, e-mail, tape" = "floppy disk, CD-ROM, email, tape"
"diskette, CD-ROM, e-mail, tape of anderszins" = "floppy disk, CD-ROM, email, tape or otherwise"
Diskettebesturingseenheden = Floppy-disk drives
diskettedozen = diskette boxes
Diskette-etiket = Disk label
Disketteloopwerk/disk drive = Floppy disc drive
Diskettes = Diskettes
diskettes = floppy disks
Diskettestation = Disk drive
diskettestation = floppy disk drive
diskettestation = disc drive
diskettestations voor optische schijven = optical disc drives
Diskjockey = Disc jockey
diskontinu = discontinuous
diskopbergsystemen = disk organizers
diskpart.exe = diskpart.exe
diskrediet = bring into disrepute
diskruimte = disk space
disks = discs
diskutabele vorderingen = doubtful claims
diskwalificatie = disqualification
dislocatie = dislocation
dislocatie = moving out of position
Dislocatie = Break-up
dislocatie van de schouder = dislocation of the shoulder
dislocatie van de schouder = shoulder dislocation
"dismemberen, opdelen, splitsen, verdelen" = partition  (divide into two or more territories)
DISM-transformatieprovider = DISM Transmogrify Provider
disnormality = disnormality
disopyramide = Rythmodan
disorde = confusion
disparaat = not alike
disparate netvliespunten = disparate points
disparate netvliespunten = disparate retinal points
dispariteit = disparity
dispariteit = inequality
dispatchingsysteem = dispatching system
dispensatie = dispensation
dispensatie = waiver
dispensatie = exemption
dispensatie = exemption from a rule or usual requirement
dispensatie-indicator = permission indicator
dispensation from participation = dispensatie van deelneming
dispenser = dispenser
dispensersysteem = dispenser system
dispensetten = dispensing pipettes
dispensing device = afgifteinrichting
dispensing devices = afgifteinrichtingen
Dispergeer-apparatuur voor immersie-homogenisatoren = Dispersing instruments for immersion homogenisers
dispergeerinstallatie = dispersion cleaner
dispergeermiddel = dispersing agent
Dispergeermiddel = Dispersing agent
dispergeermiddelen = dispersants
dispergeervermogen = dispersing power
dispergeren = to disperse
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie = discordance
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie [chem. en fys.] = dispersion
dispersie polymerisatie = dispersion polymerization
dispersie polymerisatie of copolymerisatie = dispersion polymerization or copolymerization
dispersie stabiliserende transformatie = dispersion stabilising transformation
dispersie stabiliserende transformatie = dispersion stabilizing transformation
dispersie van het metaalion en/of metaalzout = dispersion of the metal ion and/or metal salt
dispersie van polymeer partikels in een solvent = dispersion of polymer particles in a solvent
dispersieberekening = dispersion calculation
dispersie-dempingsfactor = dispersion attenuation factor: DAF
dispersiekleurstof = dispere dye
dispersiemiddel = dispersing agent
Dispersiepolymerisatie = Dispersion polymerization
dispersiepolymerisatie = dispersion polymerization
dispersieverf = emulsion paint
Display = Display
display = screen
display = display
display = screen
display = main display
Display aantal kleuren/grijstinten = Display number of colours/grey-scales
"display box, display, presentatiedoos" = display box
Display Control Interface = Display Control Interface
Display deurstatus = Door status indication
display graphics = display graphics
Display Klarspülernachfüllanzeige = Rinse aid refill indicator display
Display met 3 posities = 3 digit display
Display Programmablaufanz = Programme sequence indicator display
Display Programmablaufanzeige = Programme sequence indicator display
Display Restzeitanzeige = Time remaining indicator display
Display Salznachfüllanzeige = Detergent refill indicator display
Display Settings = Display Settings
Display Siemens Simatic Panel = Siemens Simatic Panel Display
Display Startzeitvorwahl = Start time preselection display
Display Temperatur/Start-/Restzeit = Temperatur/Start-/Remaining time 1 Display
Display van = Display of
display van de turbine = WEC display
"display, beeldscherm" = display
"Display, beeldschermdiagonaal" = "Display, screen diagonal"
"Display, kleur" = "Display, colour"
Displaydiagonaal = Display diagonal
Displayelement bussysteem = Display for bus system
Displaygrootte = Display size
DisplayPort = Display port
displays = displays
displaystandaarden = display stands
disponeren = supply scheduling
disponeren = absorb
disponibel = available
Dispositie = Disposition
Dispositie (van geld) = Withdrawal (of money)
dispositief = operative part
disproportioneel = disproportionate
Disproportioneel gestratifiseerde steekproef = Disproportional stratisfied sample
disputeren = argue
Disputeren = Contend
Disputeren = Quarrel
Disputeren = Loggerheads
Disputeren = Contest
Disputeren = Challenge
dispuut = dispute
Dispuut = Argument
dispuut = fraternity
disruptieve = disruptive
disruptieve incidenten = disruptive incidents
disruptive HR = Disruptive HR
Dissapearing Computers = Disappearing Computers
dissectiewrat = anatomic wart
dissecting microscoop = stereo microscope
dissecting microscoop = dissecting microscope
dissector = dissector
dissel = "pole, shaft, thill (verbindingsstang)"
dissel = adze
dissel (kleine bijl) = adze
dissel van aanhangwagen = "[AUTOMOT.] A-bracket, tow bar"
disselbak = front compartment
disselboom (verbindingsstang) = "pole, shaft, boom"
disselen = adze
disselen = adze (ww)
disselen (hout = dub
disselwagen = pole carriage
Disseminatie = Dissemination
disseminatiemoment = dissemination opportunity
disseminatiemomenten = dissemination opportunities
Dissemineren = Disseminate
dissensus = dissensus
dissensus = widespread dissent
dissertatie = dissertation
dissertatie = "PhD thesis, dissertation"
dissertatie = doctoral dissertation
dissertatie = PhD thesis / doctoral degree thesis
dissertatie = doctoral thesis
Dissertatie = Thesis
Dissertatie = Premise
Dissertatie = Ph. D. thesis
Dissertatie = These
Dissertatie = Essay
dissertatie onderzoek = dissertation research
Dissident = Dissent
dissidentie = dissidence
dissimilatie = dissimilation
dissimulatie = concealment
dissimulatie = dissimulation: the act of deceiving
dissipatie = dissipation
dissipatieconstante = dissipation constant
dissipatiefactor = dissipation factor
dissipatievermogen = dissipation rate
dissiperen = to dissipate
dissociatie = (psychology)  dissociation
dissociatie = (physics)  dissociation
dissociatie = disassociation
dissociatie = dissociation
dissociatie van CO2 = dissociation of CO2
dissociatieproces = dissociation process
dissociatieve = dissociative
dissociatieve amnesie = dissociative amnesia
dissociatieve recombinatie = dissociative recombination
dissociatieve stoornissen = dissociative disorders
dissocieert = dissociates
Dissolutie = Dissolution
dissolution or termination = ontbinding c.q. beëindiging
dissonant = dissonant
Dissonantie = Dissonance
Dissonantiereducerend gedrag = Dissonance reducing behaviour
Dissonantiereductietheorie = Dissonance reduction-theory
dissymmetrie = dissymmetry
dissymmetrisch = dissymmetrical
distaal = distal
distaal uiteinde = distal end
distaal uitstrekkende = distally extending
distale = distal
distale uiteinde = distal end
distallatie = distillation
distamycine A = distamycin A
distamycinen = distamycins: oligopeptide antibiotics from Streptomyces distallicus
Distance = Distance
Distance bush = Distance bush
Distance Measuring Equipment (afstandmeetapparatuur) = Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
Distance Piece = Distance Piece
Distance ring = Distance Ring
Distanceblock = Distance block
distantie = distance
distel = thistle
distel = thisle
distelveld = thisle-field
distelvink = goldfinch
distensie = swelling
distensieluxatie = distension luxation
Distentie = Distension
distichiasis = distichia
distichiasis = distichiasis
distigmine = distigmine
distillaat = distilate
distillatie = distillation
distillatieflesje = distilling flask
distillatieflesje = distillation flask
"Distilleer-, filter- en rectificeertoestellen" = "Distilling, filtering or rectifying apparatus"
distilleerder = distillatory
distilleerderij en likeurstokerij = Distilleries (including liqueurs)
distilleerderijen = distilling industry
distilleren = to  distill
distilleren = distill
distilleren = distil
Distilleren = Distel
distilleren = to distillate
distomatose fascioliasis = distomatosis
distomatose fascioliasis = fascioliasis
distomatose fascioliasis = fluke disease
distomatose fascioliasis = liver rot
distomatose fascioliasis = liver-fluke disease
Distorsie = Distortion
distorsiemeter = distortion meter
distortiekromme = distortion curve
Distortion = Distortion
distractie = distraction
distractie = exognathia
distractie = extension
distractor = distracter
distractor = distractor
distractor = transmandibular distractor
Distribiteur = Distributor
Distribuant = Dealer
Distribuantenmarketing = Distributor marketing
Distribuantenmerk = Distributor brand
Distribuantenportfolioanalyse = Distributors portfolio analysis
distribueren = to distribute
distribueren = distribute
distribueren = distributing
"distribueren, presenteren en archiveren" = "distribute, offer and archive"
distribuerend gewricht = distributed joint
Distribuerende handel = Distributive trade
distribuerende versterker = distributing amplifier
Distributed Antenna Systems = Distributed Antenna Systems
Distributed Denial of Service = DDoS
Distributed Denial of Service = Distributed Denial of Service
Distributed File System = Distributed File System
Distributed Link Tracking = Distributed Link Tracking
Distributed Relational Database Architecture = Distributed Relational Database Architecture
Distributed Scan Management = Distributed Scan Management
distributeur = distributor
distributeur van de Film = distributor of the Film
distributeurs = distributors
Distributeurs van cosmetica = Distributors of cosmetics
distributeurs van elektronische componenten = distributors of electronic components
distributie = distribution
distributie = deployment
distributïe = distribution
distributie {de} = distribution
distributie elektriciteit = distribution of electricity
distributie- en handelsbedrijven = distributors and traders
Distributie- en regelinstallaties voor elektriciteit = Electricity distribution and control apparatus
distributie netbeheerder = distribution grid operator
distributie netwerk = distribution network
distributie partners = distribution partners
distributie strategie = distribution strategy
distributie van de agenda = distribution of the agenda
distributie van de content = distribution of the content
Distributie van films en video's = Motion-picture or video-tape distribution services
distributie van goederen = distribution of goods
distributie van offlineadresboek = offline address book distribution
distributie van speelfilms = distribution of motion pictures
Distributie van video's = Video-tape distribution services
"distributie, uitdeling, verdeling" = distribution (act of distribution or being distributed)
distributieactiviteiten = distribution activities
Distributieanalyse = Distribution analysis
distributiebedrijf = distribution centre
distributiebehoefteplanning = distribution requirements planning: DRP-I
Distributiebeleid = Distribution analysis
Distributiebuizen en toebehoren = Distribution pipes and accessories
distributiecentra = distribution centres
distributiecentrum = distribution centre
distributiecentrum Lokeren = Lokeren Distribution Centre
Distributiecentrum Tradeport Noord = Distributiecentrum Tradeport Noord
Distributiecentrum van Lokeren = Lokeren distribution centre
distributieco‰ffici‰nt = distribution coefficient
Distributiediagram = Distribution diagram
distributiediensten = distribution services
Distributiefaciliteiten = Distribution facilities
Distributiefuncties = Distribution functions
distributiegas = distribution gas
distributiegebied = distribution area
Distributiegegevens = distribution data
distributiegerelateerde risico’s = distribution-related risks
distributiegroep = distribution group
Distributie-instrument = Distribution instrument
distributiekanaal = distribution channel
Distributiekanaal = Channel of distribution
distributiekanalen = distribution channels
distributiekast of nokaskast = camshaft casing
distributiekast of nokaskast = timing gear casing
distributieketen = market chain
distributieketen = supply chain
distributieketen van de fruitverwerking = fruit processing distribution chain
distributieketting = timing chain
distributieketting = timing belt
Distributie-klemmenblok = Distribution terminal block
distributiekosten = distribution cost
distributiekosten = distribution costs
distributiekwaliteit = quality of distribution
distributielijst = distribution list
distributiemaatschappijen = distribution companies
Distributiemanagement = Distribution Management
distributiemanifest = deployment manifest
distributiemap = distribution folder
distributiemiddelenplanning = distribution resource planning: DRP-I
distributienet = distribution network
distributienetbeheerder = distribution network operator
distributienetbeheerders = Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
distributienetwerk = distribution network
distributienetwerken = distribution networks
distributienetwerkstructuur = distribution network structure
distributieomgeving = distribution environment
distributieovereenkomst = distribution agreement
Distributiepijpleiding = Distribution piping
distributieplanning = distribution planning
Distributiepositie = Distribution position
distributieproces = distribution process
distributiepunt = distribution point
distributiepunt van certificaatintrekkingslijst = certificate revocation list distribution point
distributiepunt van OAB = OAB distribution point
distributiepunt van offlineadresboek = offline address book distribution point
distributierecht = distribution right
distributieriem = timing belt
Distributieriem = Belt
distributieriem spanning = timing belt tension
distributierondsel = timing sprocket
distributierotor = rotor arm (distributor)
distributies = distributions
distributieserver = distribution server
distributieshare = distribution share
Distributiestrategie = Distribution strategy
distributiestructuur = distribution structure
Distributiesysteem = Distribution system
distributiesysteembeheerder = distribution system operator
distributietandwielen = timing gears
distributietijd = distribution time
Distributie-uitrusting = Distribution equipment
distributieversterker = distribution amplifier
distribution = Bernoulli
distribution mixture = distribution mixture
Distribution Network = distribution network
Distribution Networks = distribution networks
distribution-constant statistic = distribution-constant statistic
District = District
District = Precinct
District = Ward
District = Constituency
District = Division
district {het} = district <dist.>
district Berchem = Berchem district
District Management Association = District Management Association
disulfidebinding = disulphide bond
disulfidebinding = disulfide bond
disulfidebinding = disulphide bridge
disulfide-brugge = disulfide bond
disulfiram = disulfiram
disulfiram = C10H20N2S4  disulfiram
Disulfoton = Disulfoton
disulfoton = disulfoton: an organothiophosphate insecticide
dit = this
dit al diverse malen heeft bewezen = and which has a proven track record
Dit alles = The foregoing
Dit apparaat is alleen voor huishoudelijk gebruik bestemd. = This appliance is for household use only.
Dit archief wordt gehost door = This archive is hosted by
Dit artikel bestaat uit = This article consists of the following sections
Dit artikel is niet van toepassing op = This clause does not apply to
Dit assessment bestaat uit een = This assessment consists of a
Dit assessment bestaat uit een scan en rapportage = This assessment consists of a scan and report
Dit attest werd afgegeven aan = This certificate was issued to
Dit bedrag bestaat voor een belangrijk deel uit = This amount mainly comprises
Dit bedrag is inclusief = This amount includes
Dit bedrag passen wij jaarlijks aan = We adjust this amount annually
dit bedrag volledig terug te betalen = repay this amount in fully
Dit bedrijf verzorgt al meer dan 75 jaar elektro- en besturingstechniek v = This company has been supplying electrical and control technology for a v
Dit behelst de volgende werkzaamheden = This involves the following tasks
dit bericht printen en bewaren = print out and save this message
Dit besluit is genomen = This decision was taken
Dit besluit is genomen op grond van = This decision was taken based on
dit besluit zijn geldigheid verliest als de studie niet binnen één jaar = this decision lapses if the trial has not started within one year of the
dit bestek = this Specification
Dit betekent dat = This means that
Dit betekent dat er geen misverstanden of onduidelijkheden mogen bestaan = This means that there should be no misunderstandings or ambiguities
Dit betekent een aanzienlijke stijging = This represents a significant increase
Dit betekent een stijging van = This represents an increase of
Dit betreft = this concerns
Dit betreft bijvoorbeeld = "This concerns, for example,"
Dit betreft hulpverlening = This includes assistance
"Dit betreft hulpverlening, repatriëring" = "This includes assistance, repatriation"
Dit betreft in het bijzonder = This concerns in particular
Dit betreft onder andere = These include
Dit betreft vervaardiging van = This concerns the production of
Dit bevestigt de medewerker = The employee shall confirm this
Dit bevestigt de medewerker door het ondertekenen van een schriftelijke v = The employee shall confirm this by signing a written statement
Dit bevestigt mij in mijn oordeel = This confirms my opinion
Dit biedt als voordeel = This offers the advantage that
Dit biedt daardoor = This therefore offers
Dit biedt op zijn beurt het voordeel = This in turn offers the advantage
Dit biedt verschillende voordelen = This offers several advantages
dit blok wordt altijd uitgevoerd = this block is always executed
Dit boekje geeft aan degenen die daar belangstelling voor hebben antwoord = This booklet answers the question
Dit brengt met zich mee = This implies
Dit brengt met zich mee = This means
Dit condensaat wordt door inwerking van de zwaartekracht afgevoerd = This condensate is discharged by the action of gravity
Dit controlekanaal = This control channel
dit convenant = this Agreement
dit de totale reisafstand van de overbrengmachine beperkt = this limits the total travel distance of the transfer machine
Dit deel kan gebruikt worden als = This part can be used as
Dit document beschrijft = This document describes
Dit document beschrijft het overall projectplan = This document describes the overall project plan
Dit document bestaat uit de volgende hoofdstukken = This document consists of the following chapters
Dit document is bedoeld voor = This document is intended for
Dit document is geschreven door = This document was written by
Dit document is hiermee onderdeel van de = This document is thus part of the
Dit document is te downloaden op = This document can be downloaded at
Dit document is uitsluitend bedoeld ter algemene informatie = This document is intended solely as general information
Dit document is verspreid onder = This document was distributed among
dit document of delen hieruit = this document or parts therefrom
Dit doel is gerealiseerd door = This object is achieved by
Dit doel wordt bereikt door uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitv = This object is achieved by embodiments of the present invention
Dit doel wordt bereikt door uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitv = This object is achieved by embodiments of the present invention
Dit doen we = We do this
Dit doen we samen met = We are doing this together with
Dit doen wij op basis van = We do so based on the
Dit draagt verder bij tot = This further contributes to
dit een groter risico op secundaire tumoren oplevert = this results in a greater risk of secondary tumours
Dit effect is vooral voordelig = This effect is particularly advantageous
Dit event = This event
dit evenwel zonder afbreuk te doen aan = "however, without prejudice to"
Dit formulier dient te worden gebruikt in combinatie met = This form should be used in conjunction with form
Dit formulier inleveren = Return this form
Dit formulier inleveren bij HR Services. = Return this form to HR Services.
Dit formulier opsturen naar = Send this form to
Dit formulier opsturen naar HR Services = Send this form to HR Services
Dit formulier volledig invullen = Please complete this form
Dit ga je doen = Your tasks
Dit gaat gepaard met = This is accompanied by
dit gaat gepaard met = this ensures
Dit gaat veel verder dan = This goes much further than
Dit gebeurd door middel van = This is done by means of
dit gebeurt automatisch = this will happen automatically
Dit gebeurt door middel van = This is done by means of
Dit gebeurt met de = This can be done with the
Dit gebeurt nog lang niet altijd = This is by no means always the case
dit gebruik geen inbreuk maakt op de rechten van die derden = such use does not infringe the rights of such third parties
Dit geldt = This is the case
dit geldt des te meer = this is all the more true
Dit geldt eveneens voor = This also applies to
Dit geldt in alle landen = This applies in all countries
Dit geldt speciaal voor = This applies especially
Dit geldt voor alle auto’s = This applies to all cars
Dit gemiddeld koersdoel = This average target
Dit geschiedt met behulp van een = This is done using a
Dit getal = This number
Dit getal was inclusief = This number included
dit ging nergens over = this made no sense at all
dit ging nergens over = this was complete nonsense
dit hangt af van configuratie = depending on configuration
Dit heeft als voordeel dat = this has an advantage that
Dit heeft als voordeel dat = this has the advantage that
Dit heeft de volgende voordelen = This has the following advantages
Dit heeft echter als nadeel = "However, this has the disadvantage"
Dit heeft geresulteerd in = This has resulted in
Dit heeft geresulteerd in een omzetstijging uit = This has resulted in an increase in revenue from
Dit heeft gevolgen voor = This has implications for
Dit heeft het voordeel dat = This has the advantage that
dit heeft Mark uitgedacht = this was an idea of Mark's
dit hier = these
Dit hoofdstuk behandelt = This chapter discusses
Dit hoofdstuk beschouwt wat = This chapter describes how to
dit hoofdstuk beschreven = described in this chapter
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft = This chapter describes
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft de opbouw van = This chapter describes the construction of
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft de opbouw van de machine. = This chapter describes the construction of the machine.
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft het = This chapter describes the
Dit hoofdstuk voorziet je van = This chapter provides
Dit in acht nemend met uitzondering van = The foregoing applies to everything except
"dit in het geheel, of ten dele" = either in whole or in part
dit is = i.e.
Dit is afhankelijk van = This will depend on
Dit is beschreven in = This is described in
Dit is bijkomend voordelig = This is also advantageous
Dit is bijzonder voordelig = This is particularly advantageous
Dit is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met = This is particularly advantageous in combination with
Dit is bovendien gunstig = This is additionally beneficial
Dit is bovendien voordelig = This is additionally advantageous
Dit is bovendien voordelig omdat = This is additionally advantageous because
dit is contra-intuïtief = this is counter-intuitive
Dit is correct = This is correct
Dit is de knop om de machine in normale omstandigheden uit te schakelen. = This is the button to switch off the machine under normal circumstances.
Dit is de primaire focus van = This is the primary focus of
Dit is dezelfde afstand = This is the same distance
Dit is echter = However
Dit is een belangrijke verbetering = This is a major improvement
dit is een cruciale stap! = This is a crucial step!
Dit is een enorm voordeel = This is a huge advantage
Dit is een groot minpunt = This is a big drawback
Dit is een schriftelijke eenmalige machtiging = "This is a written, one-off direct debit mandate"
Dit is een snelle en korte handeling = This is a quick and short operation
Dit is een stijging van = This is an increase of
Dit is een vertaling uit het .+?. Bij tegenstrijdigheid tussen deze verta = The original Dutch text will be binding and will prevail in the event of
Dit is een vertaling uit het .+?. Bij tegenstrijdigheid tussen deze verta = This is a translation from [Dutch]. In the event of any conflict between
Dit is een waarde ingesteld door = This is a value set by
Dit is een waarde ingesteld door Nedpack . = This is a value set by Nedpack.
Dit is geen eis = This is not a requirement
Dit is in het bijzonder nadelig = This is particularly disadvantageous
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig = This is particularly advantageous
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een hierna beschreven = This is particularly advantageous in combination with an embodiment descr
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorheen beschrev = This is particularly advantageous in combination with a previously descri
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorheen beschrev = This is particularly advantageous in combination with a previously descri
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met voorheen beschreven u = This is particularly advantageous in combination with previously describe
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig voor toepassingen = This is particularly advantageous for applications
Dit is later wel aan te passen. = This can be adjusted later.
Dit is mede te wijten aan = This is partly due to
Dit is met name voordelig voor = This is particularly advantageous for
Dit is mogelijk door gebruik te maken van = This can be achieved by using
Dit is mogelijk door gebruik te maken van = This can be done by using
Dit is niet aan de orde = This is not the case
Dit is niet het geval bij = This is not the case with
dit is niet reglementair geoorloofd = the regulations do not allow this
dit is niet strikt noodzakelijk = this is not strictly necessary
Dit is niet zonder meer mogelijk = This is not readily possible
Dit is nu = This is now
Dit is ons uitgangspunt = This is our starting point
Dit is onze instapformule. = This is our entry-level package.
Dit is ook duidelijk ge?llustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk ge?llustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk geéllustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk geéllustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk geïllustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk geïllustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk ge�llustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk ge�llustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is schematisch weergegeven = This is shown schematically
Dit is schematisch weergegeven in = This is shown schematically in
dit is van kracht op 1 juli = this takes effect on 1 July
dit is vaste regel = this is standard practice
Dit is verwoord in onze = This is outlined in our
Dit is vooral voordeli = This is especially advantageous
Dit is vooral voordelig = This is especially advantageous
Dit is voordelig = This is advantageous
Dit is voordelig doordat = This is advantageous because
Dit is voordelig in combinatie met voorheen beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = This is advantageous in combination with previously described embodiments
Dit is voordelig om ervoor te zorgen dat = This is advantageous to ensure that
Dit is voordelig omdat = This is advantageous because
Dit is voordelig omdat het apparaat = This is advantageous because the apparatus
Dit is voordelig ten opzichte van = This is advantageous over
Dit is weinig veranderd. = This has not changed much.
"dit kan d.m.v. spanningsuitval, vastloper van motor, storing aan regelaar" = "This can be due to power failure, motor jam or malfunctioning controller"
Dit kan dagelijks = This can be done daily
Dit kan door = This can be done by
Dit kan gepaard gaan met = This may be accompanied by
Dit kan ik niet beoordelen = I cannot judge
Dit kan in het bijzonder voordelig zijn = This can be particularly advantageous
Dit kan komen door = This may be due to
Dit kan komen door = This could be caused by
Dit kan leiden tot = This can result in
Dit kan met name interessant zijn voor = This may be of particular interest to
Dit kan toegepast worden = This can be applied
Dit kan vergeleken worden met = You could compare this to
Dit kan via = This can be done via
Dit kan via onderstaand online formulier = You can do so using the online form below
Dit kan worden aangetoond aan de hand van = This can be demonstrated by means of
Dit kan zich op allerlei manieren voordoen = This can occur in many ways
Dit komt mede door = This is partly because of
Dit komt met name omdat = This is mainly because
Dit komt omdat = This is because
Dit komt ongeveer overeen = This corresponds approximately
Dit komt ongeveer overeen met = This corresponds approximately to
Dit komt overeen met = This corresponds to
Dit laat echter onverlet = "However, this does not alter the fact"
Dit laat onverlet = This is without prejudice to
Dit laat onverlet de bevoegdheid van = This is without prejudice to the right of
Dit laat toe = This allows
Dit laatste = The latter
Dit laatste geld niet voor = The latter does not apply to
Dit laatste kan gerealiseerd worden door = The latter can be achieved by
Dit levert een bijdrage aan = This contributes to
Dit ligt mede aan = This is partly because of
Dit maakt het met voordeel mogelijk = This advantageously allows
Dit maakt het met voordeel mogelijk = "This permits, advantageously"
Dit maakt het mogelijk om de behuizing te kantelen = This allows to tilt the housing
Dit maakt het op voordelige wijze mogelijk = This advantageously permits
Dit maakt het systeem uitermate geschikt voor = This makes the system ideal for
Dit maakt op voordelige wijze een vereenvoudiging van het systeem mogelij = This advantageously permits simplifying the system
Dit materiaal is een eenvoudig te gebruiken = This material is easy to use
Dit materiaal is eenvoudig te gebruiken = This material is easy to use
Dit mede in verband met = This is partly related to
Dit moet afgerond zijn voordat = This must be completed before
Dit moet gebeuren binnen drie maanden = This must be done within three months
Dit moet overeen komen met = This should correspond to
Dit moet worden aangetoond = This must be demonstrated
Dit moet zeer grondig gebeuren = This must be done very thoroughly
dit neemt altijd extra tijd in beslag = this always takes extra time
Dit noemen we = We refer to this as
dit nummer vermelden = please quote this number
dit nummer vermelden bij correspondentie a.u.b = please quote this number in correspondence
dit om een optimale stabiliteit te kunnen garanderen = in order to ensure optimum stability
Dit om te voorkomen dat = This is to prevent that
Dit onderdeel wordt alleen getoond = This section is displayed only
Dit onderdeel wordt alleen getoond als = This section is displayed only if
dit onderzoek = my research
dit onderzoek = this project
dit op aanvraag wijzigen = can change this upon request
Dit pictogram = This pictogram
Dit pictogram betreft de verpakking = This pictogram refers to the packaging
Dit pictogram betreft de verpakking of het product = This pictogram refers to the packaging or the product
Dit pictogram betreft het = This pictogram refers to
Dit pictogram geeft aan dat de machine voldoet aan de van toepassing zijn = This pictogram indicates that the machine complies with the applicable re
Dit prijsvoorstel is geldig vanaf = This proposed price is valid from
dit probleem geven = have this problem
Dit proces moet beschreven worden = This process should be described
Dit proces moet beschreven worden in het = This process should be described in the
dit product in deze afmetingen niet voorkomt = this product is not present in these dimensions
Dit product is getest en goedgekeurd bevonden = This product has been tested and approved
Dit programma houdt in dat = This programme requires that
Dit rapport geeft inzicht in: = This report provides insight into:
Dit rapport is opgesteld door = This report has been prepared by
Dit rapport verliest zijn geldigheid = This report loses its validity
dit reglement = these Company Rules
Dit rolluik kan dagelijks gebruikt worden = The roller shutter can be used daily
Dit sluit aan bij = This is consistent with
dit soort systemen = such systems
Dit staat bekend als = This is known as
Dit staat beschreven = This is described
Dit staat beschreven in = This is described in
dit staat gelijk aan = which is equivalent to
Dit systeem communiceert = This system communicates
Dit systeem maakt het mogelijk = This system makes it possible
Dit telefoonnummer publiceren = Publish this phone number
Dit tellen = Counting
Dit terrein heeft een grote impact op het door de ERK geschatte foutenper = Public procurement is an area with a high impact on the error rate estima
Dit tevens ten behoeve van = The same (arrangement/obligation) applies in respect of (in this context)
dit type werk = this kind of work
Dit veld is verplicht. = This field is required.
Dit ventiel (fixed liquid level gauge of bleed valve) bestaat simpelweg u = This valve (‘fixed liquid level gauge’ or ‘bleed valve’) consists
dit vereist = so requires
Dit verhoogt de efficiëntie van = This increases the efficiency of
dit verlaagt echter de snelheid = but this lowers the speed
Dit verloopt bij deze uitvoeringsvorm = "In this embodiment, this takes place"
Dit verschijnsel = This phenomenon
Dit verschijnsel wordt ook wel = This phenomenon is also referred to as
Dit vertaalde zich onder andere = This resulted – among other things –
Dit videogesprek opnieuw starten = Restart this video feed
Dit vloeit voort uit = This follows from
dit volume = this volume
dit volume per uur = this volume per hour
"dit vonnis, deze beschikking, dit bevel of deze akte" = "this judgment, sentence, decision, order or deed"
Dit voor de vakgebieden = We operate in the fields of
Dit voorbeeld illustreert aldus = This example thus illustrates
Dit voordeel = This advantage
Dit voordeel mag niet onderschat worden = This advantage should not be underestimated
Dit voordeel mag niet onderschat worden. = This advantage should not be underestimated.
Dit voorkomt = This will prevent
dit vraagt dan ook = this therefore calls for
Dit was een hele onderneming = This was quite an undertaking
dit wordt alleen gedaan als de invoerbaan een object aanwezig heeft = this is only done if there is an object present on the infeed conveyor
Dit wordt bepaald aan de hand van = This is determined on the basis of
Dit wordt bereikt door het gebruik van detectoren = This is achieved by the use of detectors
Dit wordt beschreven in = This is described in
Dit wordt bewaakt = This is monitored
Dit wordt bewaakt met = This is monitored with
Dit wordt enkel aangewend indien = This will be used only if
Dit wordt gedocumenteerd = This is documented
dit wordt geregeld in onderling overleg tussen = this will be arranged by agreement among
Dit wordt mede ondersteund door = This is also supported by
dit wordt niet geacht een arbeidsovereenkomst te zijn in de zin der wet = this is not considered to be a contract of employment in the terms of the
Dit wordt o.a. toegepast als = "This is applied, for example, if"
dit wordt vaak aangeduid als = this is often referred to as
Dit zal gebaseerd zijn op = This will be based on
Dit zie je terug in = This is reflected in
Dit zijn de minimale specificaties = These are the minimum specifications
Dit zijn onder andere = These include
Dit zijn voornamelijk = These are mainly
Dit zorgt voor een beter eindresultaat = This ensures a better end result
Di-tert-butylperoxide = Di-tert-butylperoxide
Dithiocarbamaten (als CS2) = Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Dithiocarbamaten-metabolieten = Dithiocarbamate metabolites
ditmaal = this time
dito = same
"dito, idem, idem dito, dito dito" = ditto (the aforesaid)
Diurese = Diuretic
Diuretica = Diuretics
Diureticum = Diuretic
Diurnus = Diurnal
Diuron = Diuron
DIV = "Vehicle Registration Service (Dienst voor Inschrijving van Voertuigen, DI"
DIV = Vehicle Registration Service (DIV)
DIV = Belgian Vehicle Registration Service (Dienst voor Inschrijving van Voertu
DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated animal)-strategie = differentiating infected from vaccinated animal (DIVA) strategy
Divan = Divan
Divan = Studio couch
divan = couch
divans = divans
Divans voor psychiatrie = Psychiatric couches
Divehi = Dhivehi
divergent = divergent
divergent denken = divergent thinking
divergente vragen = divergent question
divergente vragen = divergent questions
Divergentie = Discrepancy
divergentie = divergence
Divergentie (vectorveld) = Divergence
divergentiecoëfficiënt van Lexis = coefficient of divergence
divergentiehoek = divergence range
divergeren = diverge
divergeren = to diverge
divergerend = divergent
divergerende = divergent
divergerende behoeften van opdrachtgevers = divergent needs of clients
Divergerende industrie = Divergent industry
divergerende stuklijst = diverging bill-of-material
divers = diverse
Divers = Miscellaneous
Divers drukwerk = Miscellaneous printed matter
Divers handgereedschap = Miscellaneous hand tools
divers landschap = diverse landscape
Divers meubilair en uitrusting = Miscellaneous furniture and equipment
divers product = miscellaneous product
"Divers touwwerk, koorden, twijn en netten" = "Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting"
Divers vlees = Various meats
diverse = various
diverse = several
Diverse = Miscellaneous
diverse = misc. costs
diverse = misc. expenses
diverse aanpassingen = various adjustments
diverse activiteiten = miscellaneous activities
Diverse andere bedrijfsopbrengsten = Miscellaneous other operating income
Diverse apparatuur voor beoordeling en testen = Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
diverse aspecten = various aspects
diverse baten = sundry income
diverse baten en lasten = miscellaneous income less charges
diverse baten en lasten = statement of income and expenditure
diverse bedieningsvormen = a variety of control systems
Diverse bedrijfsopbrengsten = Miscellaneous operating income
Diverse bouwstenen = Miscellaneous building stone
Diverse bovenkleding = Miscellaneous outerwear
Diverse brandbeveiligingsuitrusting = Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment
diverse camera's = various cameras
Diverse chemische producten = Various chemical products
diverse clausules = various clauses
Diverse computeruitrusting = Miscellaneous computer equipment
Diverse constructiestructuren = Miscellaneous building structures
Diverse datarecorders = Miscellaneous data recorders
diverse debiteuren/crediteuren = sundry debtors/creditors
Diverse decoratievoorwerpen = Miscellaneous decoration items
diverse delegeereenheden = various delegate units
diverse diensten = A variety of services
Diverse diensten = Miscellaneous services
Diverse diensten door ledenverenigingen = Miscellaneous membership organisations services
diverse doelgroepen = various target groups
diverse eindgebruikers = various end-users
Diverse ertsen = Miscellaneous ores
Diverse explosieven = Miscellaneous explosives
diverse fabrikanten = various manufacturers
Diverse fabrikaten en aanverwante producten = Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
diverse factoren = various factors
Diverse financiële kosten = Miscellaneous financial charges
Diverse financiële kosten - betalingsverschillen = Miscellaneous financial charges - payment differences
Diverse geneesmiddelen = Various medicinal products
Diverse gespecialiseerde bouwwerkzaamheden = Miscellaneous special-trade construction work
diverse gevaarlijke stoffen en voorwerpen = miscellaneous hazardous substances and objects
diverse gevaarlijke stoffen en voorwerpen = various dangerous substances and objects
Diverse gezondheidszorgdiensten = Miscellaneous health services
Diverse goederen = Miscellaneous articles
Diverse grafische componenten = Various graphical components
diverse grondstoffen op rol = various raw materials on rolls
Diverse hangsloten en sloten = Miscellaneous padlocks and locks
Diverse houten materialen voor de bouw = Miscellaneous construction materials in wood
diverse industrieën = miscellaneous industries
Diverse kaassoorten geserveerd met een klein glaasje port = "Selected cheeses, served with a small glass of port"
diverse locaties = various locations
diverse lopende kosten = other current charges (other current expenses)
Diverse machines voor algemeen en specifiek gebruik = Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery
Diverse machines voor specifieke doeleinden = Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery
"Diverse machines, uitrusting en benodigdheden voor kantoor" = Various office equipment and supplies
diverse mandaten aandelen en obligaties = various mandates for shares and bonds
diverse manieren = various ways
Diverse materialen voor de bouw = Miscellaneous construction materials
Diverse medische instrumenten en producten = Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Diverse meststoffen = Miscellaneous fertilisers
Diverse meubelen = Miscellaneous furniture
Diverse meubilering = Miscellaneous furnishing
diverse mogelijkheden = various options
Diverse netwerksoftware = Miscellaneous networking software package
Diverse niet-metaalhoudende minerale producten = Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products
diverse nieuwe functies = a host of new features
Diverse onderdelen = Miscellaneous spare parts
Diverse ondersteunende diensten voor vervoer over water = Miscellaneous water transport support services
diverse onderzoeken = various studies
"diverse onkosten, uitgaven" = miscellaneous income/receipts
"diverse onkosten, uitgaven" = sundry expenses
Diverse oorzaken = Various causes
Diverse oppervlaktewerkzaamheden = Various surface works
Diverse organische chemicaliën = Miscellaneous organic chemicals
diverse partners = various partners
Diverse pijpfittingen = Various pipe fittings
Diverse prestaties zonder betrekking tot de exploitatie = Various performances without regard to the exploitation
diverse procedures voor kwaliteitscontrole = various quality control procedures
diverse projecten = various projects
Diverse reinigingsmachines = Miscellaneous cleaning machines
Diverse reparatie- en onderhoudsdiensten = Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
diverse ruimtes = various rooms
Diverse schooldiensten = Various school services
Diverse software en computersystemen = Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
Diverse structuren = Miscellaneous structures
Diverse sulfiden = Miscellaneous sulphides
Diverse symbolen = Various symbols
diverse techniek = general technical installations
Diverse technische dienstverlening = Miscellaneous engineering services
Diverse textielartikelen = Miscellaneous textile articles
Diverse textielfabrikaten = Miscellaneous manufactured textile articles
Diverse thema’s = Various themes
Diverse toebehoren voor microscopen = Miscellaneous compounds for microscopes
diverse toepassingen = various applications
diverse toeslagen = miscellaneous charge
Diverse transportmiddelen en onderdelen = Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts
Diverse tuingereedschappen = Miscellaneous gardening equipment
Diverse uitrusting = Miscellaneous equipment
diverse uitvoeringen = different versions
diverse uitvoeringen = various models
diverse uitvoeringen = various versions
Diverse vast = "Various, solid"
Diverse verhuringen zonder betrekking tot de exploitatie = Various lettings without regard to the exploitation
Diverse vloeibaar = "Various, liquid"
Diverse voedingsmiddelen = Miscellaneous food products
Diverse voedingsmiddelen en droge waren = Miscellaneous food products and dried goods
diverse vormen van = various shapes of
Diverse wapens = Miscellaneous weapons
Diverse zakelijke diensten = Miscellaneous business-related services
Diverse zakelijke en andere diensten = Miscellaneous business and business-related services
Diverse zitmeubelen en stoelen = Miscellaneous seats and chairs
Diverse zuivelproducten = Assorted dairy products
diversen = sundries
diversen = misc.
diversetoeslagen inkoop = purchase miscellaneous charge
Diversey Taski Sprint Multi = Diversey Taski Sprint Multi
diversificatie = diversification
diversificatie van de productie = product diversification
diversificatie van de uitvoer = diversification of exports
Diversificatiestrategie = Dieversification strategy
Diversified Industrial-organisatie = Diversified Industrial organisation
Diversiteit = Diversity
diversiteit aan de top = diversity on boards of directors
diversiteit personeel = personnel diversity
diversiteitsbeleid = diversity policy
diversiteitsontvangst = diversity reception
diversiteitstransmissie = diversity transmission
Diversity = Diversity
diverticulitis = colon inflammation
diverticulitis = diverticulitis
diverticulose = diverticular colitis
diverticulose = diverticulosis: diverticula in the walls of the colon
diverticulum = diverticulum: a pathological condition manifested as a pouch or sac openi
diverticulum urethrae = ureteral  diverticulum
divertikel van Meckel = Meckel's  diverticulum
divertikels = diverticula (plural of diverticulum)
divice = device
"divide et impera, deel en heers, verdeel en heers" = divide and conquer  (Divide and conquer)
"divide et impera, deel en heers, verdeel en heers" = divide and rule  (Divide and conquer)
dividend = dividends
Dividend = Dividend
Dividend aan houder preferente aandelen = Dividends to preference shareholder
dividend afgebeelde waarden droogsectie = dividend doubleback reading checks plotted
Dividend eigen aandelen = Dividend own shares
dividend in cash = cash dividend
dividend in cash = dividend in cash
Dividend op gewone aandelen = Dividend on common shares
dividend op preferente aandelen = preference share dividend
Dividend preferente aandelen = Dividend preference shares
dividend van groepsmaatschappij = intercompany dividend
dividend van winstdeling = dividend from profit sharing
dividend/winst verhouding = payout
Dividendbelasting = Dividend tax
dividend-dekkingsfactor = dividend coverage ratio
dividend-egalisatiereserve = dividend equalization reserve
dividenden = dividends
Dividenden betaald op gewoon aandelenkapitaal = Dividends paid on ordinary share capital
Dividenden en tantièmes over vorige boekjaren = Dividends and directors' entitlements relating to prior financial periods
Dividenden over het boekjaar = Dividends current financial period
dividendgerechtigd = bearing dividends
Dividendpolitiek = Dividend policy
Dividendrendement = Dividend return
dividendrestrictie = dividend restriction
dividenduitkering = dividend distribution
dividenduitkering = dividend payment
dividenduitkering = dividend payout
Dividenduitkering(en) = Dividend payment(s)
dividenduitkeringen = dividend distributions
dividenduitkeringspercentage = dividend payout ratio
dividendvoorstel = proposed dividend
dividendvoorstel = dividend proposal
Divisie = Division
divisie = division
Divisie Biomedische Genetica = Division of Biomedical Genetics
Divisie Directeur = Division Manager
divisie DPA Benkis Training & Coaching = DPA Benkis Training & Coaching division
Divisie Hart & Longen = Division of Heart Lungs
Divisie Heelkundige Specialismen = Division of Surgical Specialities
Divisie Hersenen = Division of Neurosciences
Divisie Infra = Division Infra
Divisie Intensive Care Centrum = Division of Intensive Care Centre
Divisie Interne Geneeskunde en Dermatologie = Division of Internal Medicine and Dermatology
Divisie Julius Centrum voor Gezondheidswetenschappen en Eerstelijnsgenees = Division of Julius Center Health Sciences and Primary Care
Divisie Kinderen = Division of Pediatrics
Divisie Laboratoria en Apotheek = Division of Laboratory and Pharmacy
Divisie Perioperatieve Zorg en Spoedeisende Hulp = Division of Perioperative and Emergency Care
"Divisie Radiologie, Radiotherapie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde" = "Division of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine"
divisie Special Cargo = Special Cargo division
Divisie Vrouw en baby = Division of Perinatology and Gynaecology
Divisiemanager = Division Manager
Divisiemanager Administratie = Administration Division Manager
Divisieopdrachtgever = divisional client
divisies = divisions
Divisiestructuur = Division structure
Division = Division
DiVx weergave = DiVx exposure
diwaterstofcarbonaat = carbonic acid
Diwaterstofcarbonaat = Carbon dioxide
Diwaterstofsulfide = Sulfide
Diwaterstofsulfiet = Sulfurous acid
DIX = Ten
dixyrazine = C24H33N3O2S
dizetmeelfosfaten = di-starch phosphates
dizetmeelglycerol = di-starch glycerol
Dizionario enciclopedico Treccani = pasta
dizygote tweelingen = dizygotic twins: 2 offspring produced in the same pregnancy from separate
dizygote zwangerschap = dizygotic pregnancy
Dizzy Gillespie = Dizzy Gillespie
DjaCo BV = DjaCo B.V.
Djedda = Jeddah
DJI = Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI)
DJI = Custodial Institutions Agency
DJI = Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency
DJI = Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen: DJI
Djibouti = Djibouti
Djibouti (stad) = Djibouti (city)
Djinn = Genie
DK diafragma kiesstop = "PS, PD pre-set"
D-kanaal = D-channel
dlci (data link connection identifier) = data link connection identifier
DLE = Didactic Age Equivalent
DLE = Double Ag Low-E
DLE = Double Ag Low-E
DLE stack = DLE stack
DLF = DLF (glass packaging sizes)
d-limoneen = d-limonene
DLL-bestand = dynamic-link library file
Dln = Dry Low NOx
Dln = Dln
DLT = Distributed Ledger Technology
DLT-cartridges = Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges
DLWO = Digital Learning and Working Environment (DLWO)
DM = Demand Manager
DM = Mechanical Detail Engineering
DMA = torque support
DMBOK = Data Management Body of Knowledge
DmfA = DmfA (Belgian multi-functional electronic declaration form)
Dmitri Mendelejev = Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Sjostakovitsj = Dmitri Shostakovich
DMP = Filling watercourses
DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide
DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide
DMU = Decision Making Unit
DMU = Decision-making unit
DMU’s = DMUs
dmv = via
dmv = by means of
dmv = by means of
dmv van een stappenmotor = by means of a stepper motor
DN 15 = DN15
DN 20 = DN20
DN 25 = DN25
DN 30 = DN30
Dn+ toetsingsgrootheid van Wald-Wolfwitz = Dn+ statistic
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA en RNA synthese = DNA and RNA synthesis
DNA glycosylasen = DNA N-glycosidases
DNA glycosylasen = DNA glycosylases: a family of DNA repair enzymes
DNA packaging = DNA packaging: folding an organism's DNA molecule into a compact structur
DNA profiling = DNA profiling
DNA sequentie-analyse = DNA sequence analysis
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = DNA shuffling
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = in vitro exon shuffling
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = molecular breeding: a technique in DNA recombination
DNA van de onderneming = the company’s DNA
DNA-addukten = DNA adducts: covalent couplings between chemical mutagens & DNA
DNA-chip = DNA chip
DNA-herstel = DNA repair
DNA-herstelenzymen = DNA repair enzymes
DNA-herstelsynthese = unscheduled  DNA synthesis
DNA-matrijs = DNA template
DNA-methylatie = DNA methylation
DNA-motief = DNA motif
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA insertion elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA insertion elements: discrete segments of DNA which can excise and rei
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA transposable elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA transposons
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = insertion sequence elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = jumping genes
DNA-polymerase = DNA polymerase
DNA-schade = DNA repair
DNA-sequentie die voor één proteine codeert = DNA sequence which codes for one protein
DNA-sonde = nucleic acid probe
DNA-synthesizer = DNA synthesizer
DNA-test = DNA testing
DNA-topo-isomerase = DNA topoisomerase
DNB = De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
DNB = DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank)
DNB = DNB (the central bank of the Netherlands)
D-net = D-net
D-netwerk = D-network
dnis (dialed number identification service) = dialed number identification service (dnis)
Dnjepr = Dnieper River
Dnjepropetrovsk = Dnipropetrovsk
DN-naam = distinguished name
DN-naam van map = distinguished folder
DNR = National Investigation Service
DNR 2011 = "‘The New Rules 2011, Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and "
DNR 2011 = "‘The New Rules 2011’ Legal relationship client-architect, engineer an"
DNR 2011 = "The New Rules 2011 Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and cons"
DNR 2011 = DNR 2011
dns (domain name system) = domain name system (dns)
DNS Client = DNS client
DNS-achtervoegsel = DNS suffix
DNSSEC-handtekeningen = DNSSEC signatures
DNS-server = DNS server
DNZ = deoxyribonucleic acid: a nucleic acid consisting of large molecules that
DNZ-chip = biochip
DNZ-chip = DNA chip
DNZ-chip = genome chip
DO = completion drawing
Do = Doh
do = Thurs
Do = C
do = bo
DO = final design
DO = definitive design
DO = Documentation
DO fase = final design phase
Do Not Stack = Do Not Stack
Do/vr = Thur/Fri
Do’s and don’ts = Dos and don’ts
do’s en dont’s = dos and don’ts
dobbelen = gamble
dobbelsteen = dice
dobbelsteen = cube
Dobbelsteen = Die
dobbelsteen {de} = die [dice]
dobbelsteen {de} = dice
"dobbelsteen, teerling [archaic]" = die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
"dobbelsteenslang, dambordslang" = dice snake (Natrix tessellata)
dobbelstenen {mv} = dice {pl}
Dobber = Rubber ring
Dobberen = Float
Dobermann = Doberman Pinscher
dobutamine = dobutamine: a beta-2 agonist catecholamine with cardiotonic action
Doc/Part Number = Doc/Part Number
doceerlasturen = teaching load hours
doceerpomp = metering pump
Doceerpomp = Metering pump
docent = lecturer
Docent = Schoolmaster
Docent = Schoolteacher
Docent = Assistant master
Docent = Professor
docent = teacher
docent = instructor
Docent = Lecturer (Br) / Instructor (Am)
docent (de functie) = assistant/associate/full professor
docent (zoals aangeduid door de student) = "tutor (werkgroep), lecturer (hoorcollege), professor (als professor)"
docent {de} = teacher
docent {de} = lecturer
Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (bacheloropleiding) = Fine Art and Design in Education
Docent Dans (bacheloropleiding) = Dance in Education
Docent Engels = English Teacher
Docent Muziek (bacheloropleiding) = Music in Education
docent professionalisering = instructor professionalisation
docent professionalisering = lecturer professionalisation
docent/beoordelaar = lecturer/assessor
docent/onderwijzend personeel = teacher/educational staff
docente = teacher
docenten = teachers
Docenten = Lecturers
docenten = teaching staff
docenten en medestudenten = lecturers and fellow students
docenten en onderzoekers = lecturers and researchers
docentenopleiding = teacher training
docentenopleidingen = teacher training
docentenprofiel = lecturer profile
docententeam = team of lecturers
docentenuitwisseling = teaching staff mobility
docentenuitwisseling = lecturer exchange (form of teaching staff mobility)
docentgecentreerd onderwijs = teacher-oriented teaching
docentkwalificaties = Lecturer Qualifications
docentmentor = mentor
docent-onderzoeker = lecturer-researcher
docent-onderzoekers = lecturer-researchers
docentprofessionalisering = development of teaching skills
docentregister = lecturer register
docentrol = lecturing role / lecturing duties
docent-studentverhouding = lecturer-student ratio
Doceren = Teacher
Doceren = Maestro
Doceren = Assistant master
Doceren = Schoolmaster
Doceren = Schoolteacher
Doceren = Adept
Doceren = Professor
docetaxel = docetaxel: a type of chemotherapy used in treating advanced non small cel
DocGen = DocGen
doch = yet
doch = but
doch = still
Doch = However
Doch = Even so
doch aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid = but shall not accept any liability
doch aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor schade = but shall not accept any liability for damage
doch de uitvinding is daar niet toe beperkt en wordt enkel gedefinieerd d = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
doch de uitvinding is daar niet toe beperkt en wordt enkel gedefinieerd d = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
doch gedurende maximaal = yet no longer than
doch kan in geen geval aansprakelijk worden gesteld = but can under no circumstances be held responsible
doch niet beperkt tot = but not limited to
doch omslachtiger = although more laborious
doch uiterlijk binnen = and at most within
doch uiterlijk tot en met = but no later than
Dochter = Girlish
Dochter = Bird
dochter = subsidiary
Dochter = Lass
Dochter = Wench
Dochter = Spinster
Dochter = Girlishly
Dochter = Female
Dochter = Girl
Dochter = Hooker
Dochter = Girlie
Dochter = Whore
Dochter = She
Dochter = Girl's name
Dochter = Daughter
dochter {de} = daughter
dochter {de} [dochteronderneming] = subsidiary
dochterbedrijf = daughter company
"dochterbedrijf, filiaal" = subsidiary (company owned by the parent company or holding company)
dochterbedrijven = subsidiaries
dochtercalque = direct copy
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiary company
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiary
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiaries
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiaries
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiary (company)
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiary
dochteronderneming = subsidiary company
dochteronderneming = affiliate (CESS is an affiliate of SUEZ Energy South America)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary
dochteronderneming = daughter company
dochteronderneming = subsidiary (IFRS)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary corporation (US)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary enterprise
dochteronderneming = subsidiary undertaking (EU)
dochteronderneming {de} = subsidiary (company)
dochterondernemingen = subsidiaries
dochterorganisatie = subsidiary organisation
dochterplak = daughter slab
dochterpositief = derived positive
dochtertje = daughter
Dochtervennootschap = Subsidiary
dochtervennootschap = subsidiary
Dochtervennootschappen = Subsidiaries
dock equipment = loading dock equipment
docking = docking
docking station = docking station
Docksystemen = dock systems
dockuitrusting = dock system
Docosaanzuur = Docosanic acid
docosahexaenoisch zuur = docosahexenoic acid
doctertje = little one
doctor = doctor
Doctor = Doctorate
doctor (dr) = Doctor (Dr)
doctor in de letteren = Doctor of Letters
doctor in de medicijnen = Doctor of Medicine
doctor in de rechten = Doctor of Law
doctor in de sociale wetenschappen = Doctor of Social Science
doctor in de theologie = Doctor of Divinity
doctor in de wijsbegeerte = Doctor of Philosophy
doctor in de wis-en natuurkunde = Doctor of Science
doctoraal = Master's
doctoraal = Master's (degree)
doctoraal doen = take one's Master's
doctoraalbul = Master's degree certificate
doctoraalexamen = apply for graduation to the board of examiners
doctoraalexamen = Master's examination/exam
doctoraalexamen = "Master's exam, Master's examination"
Doctoraalexamen = Master's degree audit
doctoraalfase = Master's phase
doctoraalprogramma = Master's degree programme
doctoraalscriptie = master’s thesis
doctoraalscriptie = Master's thesis
doctoraalstudent = student for the Master's degree
doctoraalstudies = doctoral studies
doctoraat = doctorate
doctoraat honoris causa = honorary doctorate
doctorandus = MA (doctorandus)
doctorandus = master
doctorandus (drs) = Master of Arts/Science (MA/MSc)
"doctorandus (drs), idem met Doctor" = "in het Engels blijft deze titel onvertaald, men kan in plaats hiervan wel"
doctorandus (drs.) = doctorandus (italicise and do not translate
doctorandus (drs.) = possibly explain that this is an old title considered equivalent to a cur
doctorandustitel = university graduate (‘doctorandus’)
doctorsbul = doctoral degree certificate
doctorsgraad = Doctoral/PhD degree
doctorstitel = title of doctor
doctorstitel = "title of Doctor (Dr), PhD"
doctorstitel = doctorate
Doctrine = Doctrine
DocType = DocType
documenatie = documentation
document = doc
document = act
document = document
document blokkeren = document blocking
Document Connection voor Mac = Document Connection for Mac
Document dat een gedetailleerde beschrijving bevat = Document containing a detailed description
Document Date = Document Date
Document herstellen = Document repair
document ID = document ID
document m.b.t. zekerheidsstelling = security instrument
Document Management = Document Management
document management infrastructuur = document management infrastructure
document management platform = document management platform
document management systeem = Document Management System
Document naam = Document name
Document Object Model = Document Object Model
document of agreement and procedures = DAP
document of agreement and procedures = document of agreement and procedures
document op plaat (in context) = collection
document output management = document output management
document output management oplossingen voor klanten = document output management solutions for customers
Document Type Definition = document type definition
document van externe oorsprong = document of external origin
Document Version = Document Version
document voor wederzijdse administratieve bijstand = mutual administrative assistance document
document voor wederzijdse administratieve bijstand in de noodprocedure = fall-back mutual administrative assistance document
document waaruit blijkt = document showing
"document, de formulier" = document
"document, werk, eindwerk" = paper (written document shorter than a book)
documentadviseur = document adviser
documentair = documentary
Documentair accreditief = Documentary credit
Documentair accreditief = Documentary letter of credit
documentair hulpmiddel = documentary tool
Documentair incasso = Documentary collection
documentair krediet = documentary credit
documentaire = documentary film
Documentaire audit = Document audit
Documentaire fotografie = Documentary photography
documentaire informatie = documentary information
Documentaire Informatie Voorziening = Documentary Information Services
documentaire kredietbrief = documentary letter of credit
documentaire tekortkoming = documentary shortcoming
documentalist (gebruik: informatiespecialist) = information specialist
documentatie = files
Documentatie = Documentation
Documentatie (afd P&O) = "Documentation (dept. HRM, faculty office)"
documentatie centrum = documentation centre
documentatie eis = documentation requirement
Documentatie eisen = Documentation requirements
Documentatie en goedkeuring = Documentation and approval
documentatie en papieren = documents and papers
documentatie en rapportages = documentation and reporting
Documentatie en voorstel = Documentation and proposal
Documentatie Management Systeem = Document Management System
documentatie over massa en zwaartepunt = mass and balance documentation
documentatie van categorie 3 = Category 3 documentation
documentatie van de eisen van een (test)eenheid = unit requirements documentation
documentatie van de klasse = documentation of the class
documentatieboom = documentation tree
documentatiecentrum = documentation center
documentatiecentrum = documentation centre
Documentatiecentrum voor Internationale en Statistieken Collecties = Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections
Documentatiedienstverlening = Documentation services
Documentatie-materiaal = Documentation
Documentatierekken = Literature rack
Documentatie-software = Documentation-software
documentatie-structuur = documentation structure
Documentatiesysteem = Documents
documentatiesysteem = documentary system
Documentatiesysteem = Papers
documentatiesysteem = information service
Documentation = Documentation
documentbehandeling = document handling
documentbeheer = document management
documentbeheer = document control
Documentbeheerdiensten = Document management services
documentbeheersysteem = document management system
documentbeheersysteem = document management
document-beschrijving = document description
documentbibliotheek = document library
Documentcode = Document code
Documentcontrole = Document Inspector
documentcontrole = document check
"documentcreatie, beheer en distributie" = "document creation, management and distribution"
documentdefinities = document definitions
documenteert = documents
documenteigenschappen = document properties
documentelement = document element
Documenten = Documents
documenten = documents
documenten delen en bespreken = share and discuss documents
documenten en autosleutels = documents and car keys
Documenten en Voorwaarden = Documents and Terms and Conditions
documenten kunnen worden = Documents can be
"documenten kunnen worden geopend, aangepast, gedeeld en verzonden worden" = "Documents can be opened, modified, shared and sent"
Documenten redigeren = Document Review
Documenten Services = Document Services
documenten tegen acceptatie = documents against acceptance
documenten tegen acceptatie = documents against presentation
documenten tegen betaling = documents against payment
documenten van externe oorsprong = documents of external origin
documenten van het Parlement = Parliament documents
Documenten verbonden aan de levering = Documents relating to the delivery
documenten waarmee identiteit en schulden worden aangetoond = documents proving identity and debts
"documenten, briefteksten en opmaak" = "documents, letter texts and layout"
"documenten, uitrusting, correspondentie, bescheiden" = "documents, equipment, correspondence, records"
"documenten, uitrusting, correspondentie, bescheiden, specificaties, softw" = "documents, equipment, correspondence, records, specifications, software, "
"documenten, video’s, foto’s, chat sessies en conference gesprekken" = "documents, videos, photos, chat sessions and conference calls"
documentenbeheer = document management
documentenbeheer = document administration
documentenhouders en -mappen = document cases and holders
Documenteninvoerders voor scanners = Scanner document feeders
Documentenkoker = Document sleeve
documentenlijst = document list
documentenmap = document pouch
documentenmappen = document cases
documentenmappen voor conferenties = conference folders
documentenonderzoek = document retrieval
documentenset = document set
documentenstroom = flow of documents
documententassen = briefcases
documenten-verkeer = document traffic
documenteren = to document
documenteren = to  document
Documenteren = Document
documenteren = documentation
documentgeneratie = document generation
documentgroepnummer = document group number
documenthouder = document holder
Documenthouder voor kast/lessenaar = Document holder for Enclosure
documenthouders = document holders
document-id = Document ID
documentidentificatie = document identification
documentinformatie = document details
Documentinformatiescherm = Document Information Panel
Documentintegriteit = Document Integrity
documentleverantie = document delivery
Documentleverantie (Afd. Bibliotheek) = Document Delivery
documentmanagementsystemen = document management systems
documentmicrodienst = document microservice
Documentno = Document No
Documentnr = Document No
Documentnummer = Document number
documentnummer = document number
Documentomschrijving = Document description
documentonderzoek = document research
documentopmaak = document layout
documentprocessen = document processes
documentprofiel = document profile
documentreferentie = document reference list
documentscanner = document scanner
documentservices = document services
documentsjabloon = document template
documentsoort = document type
documentstencil = document stencil
documentstromen = document flow
documentstromen = document flows
documentstromen = document streams
documentstromen = flow of documents
documentstromen beheren = manage document flows
Documentstructuur = Document Map
documentsymbool = document symbol
documentsystem = document systems
documentsystemen = document systems
documentsystemen = document system
documenttype = document type
documentvenster = document window
Documentverkenner = Document Explorer
documentverschaffing = provision of documents
documentverwerking = document processing
documentwerkruimte = Document Workspace
documentwerkruimtesite = Document Workspace site
documentwijziging = changes or amendments to documents
docusaatnatrium = docusate sodium
DocWorks = DocWorks
DOD = direct outward dialling
dode = deceased
dode = dead
dode gang = backlash
dode hoek = blind spot
dode hoek = blind area
dode hoek camera Blaupunkt icm achteruitrijcamera Blaupunkt = blind spot camera Blaupunkt in combination with reversing camera Blaupunk
dode hoek camera Blaupunkt icm navigatiesysteem Blaupunkt = blind spot camera Blaupunkt in combination with navigation system Blaupun
dode hoek camera VDO icm achteruitrijcamera VDO = blind spot camera VDO in combination with reversing camera VDO
dode hoek camera VDO icm navigatiesysteem VDO = blind spot camera VDO in combination with navigation system VDO
dode hoeken = blind spots
dode kamer = dead room
dode punt = dead centre
dode rivierarm = blind river-channel
dode ruimte = dead room
dode ruimtes = dead spaces
dode ruimtes = void
dode ruimtes = void space
dode ruimtes = void spaces
dode ruimtes = voids
dode sector = dead sector
dode tijd = dead time
dode voorraad = inactive inventory
Dode Zee = Dead Sea
dode zone = silent zone
dodeband = deadband
dodeband = deadband range
Dodecaan = Dodecane
Dodecaanzuur = Dodecanoic acid
dodecaanzuur = dodecanoic acid
Dodecaëder = Dodecahedron
dodecaëder [12 vlakken] = dodecahedron
dodecafonist (obsolete: dodecaphonist) = dodecaphonist (proponent of dodecaphony)
dodecanol = a fatty alcohol obtained from coconut oil fatty acids
dodecanol = C12H26O
dodecanol = dodecanol
dodecanol = dodecyl alcohol: lauryl alcohol
Dodeceen = Dodecene
dodecyl benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride = dodecyl benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride
dodecylbenzeen = dodecylbenzene
dodecylgallaat = dodecyl gallate
dode-gangorgaan = dead zone unit
Dodehoek = Blind spot
dodehoek spiegel = blind-spot mirror
Dodekanesos = Dodecanese
dodelijk = dead
dodelijk = fatal
Dodelijk = Mortal
Dodelijk = Lethal
dodelijk = deadly
dodelijk bij contact met de huid = deadly if in contact with skin
dodelijk bij inademing = deadly if inhaled
dodelijk bij inslikken = deadly if swallowed
"dodelijk letsel, het dodelijk ongeval" = "fatal injury, fatality, fatal accident"
dodelijk ongeval = fatal accident
dodelijk ongeval {het} = fatal accident
dodelijke concentratie = lethal concentration
dodelijke omhelzing = deadlock
dodelijke ongevallen = fatalities
dodelijke verkeersongevallen = fatal traffic accidents
Dodemansinrichting = driver’s safety device (DSD)
dodemansknop = skull & cross-bones
dodemansknop {de} = dead man's button
dodemansmodule = dead man’s switch module
Doden = Zap
Doden = Kill
doden = to kill
doden = slay
doden / overledenen = fatalities / (road) deaths
"doden {p}, overledenen {p}, gestorvenen {p}" = dead (those who have died)
"doden, zieken of gewonden (mens, plant én dier" = "dead, sick or injured humans, plants and/or animals"
Dodenbezweerder = Necromancy
Dodencel = Death row
dodendans = dance of death
dodenmis = requiem
dodenwake = wake
doder = killer
dodesangst = fear of dying
dodesangst = fear of death
Dode-Zeerollen = Dead Sea scrolls
dodo = dodo
Dodoma (stad) = Dodoma
doe = do
"Doe een ander niet iets aan, wat je zelf niet graag zou meemaken" = Don’t do something to someone else that you wouldn’t want done to you
Doe er je voordeel mee = Take advantage of it
Doe er uw voordeel mee! = Use it to your advantage
Doe er uw voordeel mee! = Take advantage of it
Doe gerust! = Go ahead!
doe je samen = has to be done with others
doe je samen = is a collective task
doe je samen = is a shared journey
doe je samen = is something we need to do together
doe je samen = is something you work on together
Doe meer = Do more
doedelzak = bagpipes
Doedelzak = Bagpiper
Doedelzakken = Bagpipes
doe-het-zelf = DIY
doe-het-zelf = do-it-yourself
Doe-het-zelf = Do-it-yourself department
Doe-het-zelf = Odd job
doe-het-zelf- = do-it-yourself <DIY> [attr]
doe-het-zelf winkel = DIY shops
doe-het-zelfgereedschap = hand tool
doe-het-zelfwerk = do-it-yourself work
doe-het-zelfzaak {de} = hardware store
doe-het-zelven / klussen = home improvement
doe-het-zelver = do-it-yourselfer
doe-het-zelver = DIY’er
doe-het-zelver = do-it-yourself enthusiast
doe-het-zelver = DIY
doe-het-zelvers = do-it-yourselfers
doei = goodbye
doei = bye
Doei! = Bye!
Doejong = Dugong
"doejong, Indische zeekoe" = dugong (Dugong dugon)
doek = clout
Doek = Web
Doek = Screen
Doek = Canvas
doek = surgical drape
doek = curtain
doek = cloth
Doek = Screen fabric
doek = linen
doek {de} = cloth
doek {het} [projectiescherm] = screen
doek {het} [schilderstuk] = canvas
doek {het} [toneelgordijn] = curtain
doek geel = yellow cloth
doekboom = cloth beam
Doekbuis = Fabric roller barrel
doekbuisadapter = Fabric roller barrel adapter
doekbuisprop = Fabric roller barrel end piece
doeken = cloths
Doeken voor operatiekamer = Operating-theatre drapes
doekgleuf = Fabric groove
doekje = [see list]
doekje = wipe
doekjes = tissues
doekjes van textiel om make-up te verwijderen = tissues of textile for removing make-up
doeklus = Fabric eyelet
doekoe {de} [SN] [omg.] = money
Doekondersteuningsrol = Fabric supporting roller
Doekpees = Screen cord
doekrand = fabric border
doekrand = fabric edge
doekrand = fabric border
doekrol = Fabric roller barrel
doel = "aim, objective"
Doel = Destination
doel = target
Doel = goal
Doel = Objective
Doel = Purpose
doel = aim
Doel = goal
doel = meaning
doel = purpose
Doel = "Objects (omschrijving in statuten, vennootschappen)"
doel = objective
doel- = destination
doel {het} = aim
doel {het} = purpose
doel {het} = target
doel {het} = goal
doel en de middelen van de gegevensverwerking = purpose and means of the data processing
doel en de middelen voor de Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = the purposes and means of Processing Personal Data
doel en het belang van de stichting = objects and interests of the Foundation
doel en middelen = objectives and means
Doel en middelen = Purpose and means
Doel en middelen = Objects and means (e.g. of an Association)
Doel en middelen = Objects and means
doel en middelen van Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = purpose and means of Processing Personal Data
doel en strekking = aim and purpose
Doel en toepassingsgebied = Purpose and scope
doel- en vraagstelling valt van dit onderzoek = objectives and questions of this study
Doel is = The aim is
doel of de doeleinden = purpose or purposes
doel of de doeleinden van de verwerking = purpose or purposes of the processing
doel patroon = target pattern
doel programma = target program
doel segment = target segment
Doel selectieleidraad = Objective of the selection guideline
Doel van = The aim of
Doel van de opleiding = Purpose of the training
Doel van de persoonsgegevensverwerking = Purpose of the personal data processing
doel van de reis = purpose of trip
Doel van de rol = Aim of the role
doel van de stichting = objects of the Foundation
Doel van deze Overeenkomst = Purpose of the Agreement
doel werkmap = target work folder
doel(en in geld) = (money-related) goal(s)
doel(stelling) = "target, aim, objective, goal (! let op verschillen)"
"doel, bedoeling, objectief, oogmerk{n}" = goal (result one is attempting to achieve)
"doel, intentie, gewicht" = purport (import)
"doel, streefdoel, doelstelling" = objective (goal)
doelallocatie = target allocation
doelapparaat = target device
doelbedrijfsrekening = destination company account
doelbepaling = goal definition
doelbepaling = target definition
doelbepalingsfase = target definition phase
doelbestand = destination file
doelbewust = determined
doelbewust = purposeful
doelbewust = purposefully
doelbewust of incidenteel = deliberately or incidentally
doelbewuste introductie = deliberate release
doelbewuste toevoeging van zware metalen = intentional introduction of heavy metals
doelbinding = purpose limitation (m.b.t. verwerking van persoonsgegevens)
doelbinding = purpose limitation
doelcode = object code
doelcomputer = destination computer
doelcoördinat = target coordinate
doelcoördinaten = target coordinates
doelde = referred
doeldiagram = target diagram
doeldiersoort = target animal species
doeldocument = destination document
doeleienden = purposes
doeleinde = target
doeleinde = practical purpose
doeleinden = purposes
doeleinden en middelen = ends and means
Doeleinden van de doorgifte = Purposes of the transfer
Doeleinden van de Verwerking = Purposes of the Processing
Doeleinden voor verwerking = Processing purposes
doelen = goals
doelen = objectives
doelen = purposes
doelen en achtergrond = objectives and background
doelen en inrichting van de organisatie = goals and structure of the organisation
Doelen en prioriteiten bepalen = Establishing goals and priorities
doelen en regels = goals and rules
doelen en voordelen = aims and advantages
Doelen op = Aim at
doelen stellen = setting goals
doelen uitzetten en blijven beheren = set and continue to monitor goals
Doelen voor boogschieten = Archery targets
Doelen voor schietbanen = Targets for shooting practice
Doelen voor werpsport = Throwing targets
doelen voorgesteld = proposed targets
Doelen zijn rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks gelinkt = Goals are directly or indirectly linked
"doelen, resultaten en activiteiten" = "goals, results and activities"
"doelen, strategie en missie" = "goals, strategy and mission"
"doelen, verwachtingen, stakeholders en roadmap" = "objectives, expectations, stakeholders and roadmap"
Doelen/idealen nastreven = Pursuing goals / ideals
Doelencongruentie = Correspondence in targets
doelframe = target frame
doel-framework = target framework
doelgebied = destination area
doelgedrag = target behaviour
doelgericht = targeted
doelgericht = goal-oriented
doelgericht = purposive
doelgericht = purposively
doelgericht = targeted
doelgericht samenwerkingsverband = functional partnership between people
doelgericht te achterhalen = purposefully gauging
doelgerichte = targeted
doelgerichte engineering = discrete engineering
doelgerichte informatie = appropriate
doelgerichte informatie = fit for the purpose
doelgerichte informatie = targeted information
doelgerichte opleidingen = targeted training
doelgerichte steekproef = purposive sampling
doelgerichtheid = goal-orientedness
doelgroep = target audience
doelgroep = audience
doelgroep = intended audience
Doelgroep = Target group
doelgroep = focus group
doelgroep = target group
doelgroep te bereiken = reach target group
doelgroep van het onderzoek = target group of the study
doelgroep(en = target group(s
Doelgroepbepaling = Target group selection
doelgroepen = target groups
doelgroepen = target audiences
Doelgroepentabel = Target group table
doelgroepenvervoer = target group transport
doelgroep-gericht = targeted
Doelgroepgerichte = Targeted
doelgroepgerichte benadering = targeted approach
Doelgroepgerichte mailing = Targeted mailing
doelgroepgerichte opleidingen = target-group-oriented training
doelgroepwerknemer = target group employees
doelgroepwerknemers = target group employees
doelgroepwerknemers = target group employee
doelincentivebedrag = target incentive amount
doelincentivepercentage = target incentive percent
doelinsect = target insect
doelinsecten = target insects
doel-KPI = objective KPI
doelland = target country
Doellijst = Target List
doelloos = idle
doelloos = aimless
doelmachine = target computer
Doelman = Goalie
doelman = goalkeeper
doelman {de} = keeper [goalkeeper]
doelmap = target directory
doelmap = drop folder
doelmap = target folder
doelmarkt = target market
Doelmatig = Effective
doelmatig = convenient
doelmatig = efficient
doelmatige = effective
doelmatige afvoer = efficient disposal
doelmatige deelgroep = rational sub-group
doelmatige oplossing = service solution
doelmatige valbeveiliging = effective fall protection
"doelmatige, veilige en goedgekeurde" = "effective, safe and approved"
doelmatigheid = suitability
doelmatigheid = efficiency
doelmatigheid = effectiveness
doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid = effectiveness and efficiency
Doelmatigheidsbeginsel = Principle of suitability
doelmatigheidscontrole = efficiency audit
doelmatigheidsonderzoek = performance audit
doelmatigheidsonderzoek = performance audit (door rekenkamer)
doelmatigheidstoets = effectiveness test
doelmatigheidstoets = suitability assessment
doelmatigheidstoets = examination of expediency
doelmatigheidstoets = review on aspects of suitability
doelmatigheidstoets = efficiency test
doelmatigheidstoets = suitability test
doelmatigheidstoets = "judicial review on aspects of suitability (of a decision, permit)"
doelmatigheidstoets = efficiency check
doelmatigheidstoets = performance test
doelmatigheidstoets NVAO = NVAO accreditation procedure
doel-middelketen = objective-means chain
doel-middelketens = objective-means chains
doelmodel = target model
doelomschrijving = objects clause
doeloorzaak = final cause
doelorgaantoxiciteit = specific target organ toxicity
doelparallellisme = goal parallelism
doelpatroon = target pattern
doel-pc = target PC
doelpoort infrastructuur = destination infrastructure port
doelpopulatie = domain of study
doelportefeuille = target portfolio
Doelpositie = Target position
doelprogramma = target program
doelpubliek = target audience
Doelpunt = Aim
Doelpunt = Consummation
Doelpunt = Point-blank
Doelpunt = Target
Doelpunt = Objective
Doelpunt = Aim for
Doelpunt = Goal
Doelpunt = Aim to do
Doelpunt = Mark
Doelpunt = Aimlessly
Doelpunt = Purpose
Doelpunt = Aimless
doelpunt {het} = goal
doelrealisatie = degree to which targets are achieved
doelrealiserend = goal-realising
doelrealiserende = goal-realising
doelrealisering = achieve their goals
doelrealisering = achieving one's goals
doelrealisering = goal achievement
doelschijf = destination drive
doelsegment = target segment
doelset = destination set
doelsjabloon = goal template
doelspanning = target voltage
Doelstandaards voor boogschieten = Archery target stands
doelstelling = goal
doelstelling = objective
Doelstelling = Goal
doelstelling = aim
Doelstelling = Objective
Doelstelling = Target
doelstelling = object
doelstelling = performance target
doelstelling = purpose
doelstelling = target
Doelstelling = Purpose
doelstelling en vraagstelling = objectives and questions
Doelstelling van de functie = Purpose of the function
Doelstelling van de onderneming = Targets of a company
doelstelling van de opdrachtgever = client’s objective
doelstelling van de vereniging = object of the association
doelstelling van het assessment = objective of the assessment
doelstelling van het gunningscriterium = objective of the award criterion
doelstelling van het onderzoek = goal of the study
doelstelling van het onderzoek = study goal
doelstelling van je onderzoek = goal of your study
doelstelling/beperking = objective/constraint
doelstellingbepalingsproces = target setting procedure
doelstellingen = objectives
doelstellingen = goals
doelstellingen = aims and objectives
doelstellingen = aims
doelstellingen = object
doelstellingen = performance targets
doelstellingen = purpose
doelstellingen = targets
doelstellingen en deadlines = objectives and deadlines
Doelstellingen en deadlines = Targets and deadlines
doelstellingen en plannen = goals and plans
doelstellingen en verwachtingen = objectives and expectations
doelstellingen en voorwaarden = objectives and conditions
doelstellingen project = Project objectives
doelstellingen realiseren = achieve the targets
doelstellingen te behalen of te overstijgen = achieve or surpass goals
doelstellingen uitdragen = communicate objectives
doelstellingen uitdragen = publish objectives
doelstellingen uitdragen = subscribe to objectives
doelstellingen van de audit = audit objectives
doelstellingen van de vereniging = objects of the association
Doelstellingen van economische politiek = Targets of economic politics
doelstellingen van individuele economische ondernemingen = goal of individual economic business
doelstellingen voor de studie = objectives for the study
Doelstellingen worden gesteld = Targets are set
"doelstellingen, opvattingen, waarden en normen" = "goals, opinions, values and standards"
doelstellingengesprek = appraisal start meeting
doelstellingengesprek = goal setting conversation
doelstellingengesprek = goal setting session
doelstellingengesprek = goal-setting discussion
doelstellingengesprek = goal-setting meeting
doelstellingengesprek = objective setting interview
doelstellingengesprek = objective setting meeting
Doelstellingenhiërarchie = Hierarchy of objectives
Doelstellingsfunctie = Onjective function
doeltaal = object language
doeltoekenning = target award
Doeltoepassing = Target Application
Doeltreffend = Limited
Doeltreffend = Potent
doeltreffend = efficacious
doeltreffend = efficient
Doeltreffend = Telling
Doeltreffend = Businesslike
Doeltreffend = Effectual
Doeltreffend = Effective
doeltreffend en doelmatig = effective and efficient
doeltreffend heeft geïmplementeerd = has effectively implemented
doeltreffende = effective
doeltreffende beveiligingsmaatregelen = effective security measures
doeltreffende ongediertebestrijding = effective pest control
doeltreffendheid = efficiency
doeltreffendheid = efficacy
Doeltreffendheid = Effectiveness
doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid = efficiency and effectiveness
doeltreffendheid van de = audit effectiveness
doeltreffendheid van de beveiligingsmaatregelen = effectiveness of the security measures
doeltreffendheid van de controle = audit effectiveness
Doeltreffendheid van het kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem = Effectiveness of the Quality Management System
doeltreffendheidsfactor = efficiency factor
doeluitkering = special-purpose grant
Doelvariabele = Target variable
doelverdediger {de} = goalkeeper
doelverdelingsregel = destination distribution line
doelverhoging = target increase
doelvermogen = target sum/final sum
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = discontinuance target method
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = retirement fund
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = super annuation fund
doelvoorraad = target stock
doelvoorraadlocatie = destination inventory location
doelvoorziening = destination provider
doelvoorziening = destination
doelvrouw {de} = goalkeeper [female]
doelvrouw {de} = keeper [female goalkeeper]
doelwachter = goalkeeper
doelwachtster = goalkeeper
Doelweging = Target weighting
Doelwegingen = Target weightings
doelwit = aim
Doelwit = Goal
Doelwit = Target
Doelwit = Purpose
doelzoeken = goal seek
doelzoekend = homing
doelzoekend = target-seeking
doelzoekend = goal-seeking
doelzoekende adapter = homing adapter
doelzoekende procedure = homing procedure
Doem = Curse
doema = duma
Doemen = Doom
Doemen = Condemn
Doemen = Sentence
doe-mentaliteit = hands-on mentality
doen = make
Doen = It
doen = act
Doen = Implement
doen = suggest
doen = do
doen = to do
doen aanspoelen = wash up
Doen alsof = Feign
doen alsof = give as an excuse
Doen alsof = Make believe
doen alsof = pretend
doen bezinken = deposit
"doen bijeen passen, zorgen dat het bijeenpast" = coordinate  (to match)
doen een beroep op = rely on
doen en denken = thinking and acting
doen en laten = comings and goings
doen er dan ook goed aan = are therefore well advised
doen falen = abort
doen groeien = grow  ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger)
"doen herleven, nieuw leven inblazen" = revive  (to recover from a state of neglect)
doen koken = boil
"doen landen, aan de grond zetten" = land  (to bring to land)
doen mislukken = abort
doen ontbranden = kindle
doen ontstaan = develop
doen opstijgen en zweven = levitate
doen overhellen = bend
doen rinkelen = ring
doen samenkleven = agglutinate
doen samenklonteren = agglomerate
doen schommelen = rock
Doen schrikken = Numb
Doen schrikken = Daunt
doen schrikken = frighten
Doen schrikken = Scare
"doen schrikken, angst aanjagen" = "harrow  (traumatise, frighten)"
doen schudden = shake
doen smelten = melt
doen toekomen = send
doen uitvoeren van HSE-inspecties = having HSE inspections performed
doen uitvoeren van metingen = having measurements carried out
doen van voorstellen = making proposals
doen verdampen = evaporate
doen verdwijnen = drown
doen verminderen = to decrement
"doen vermoeden, suggereren" = suggest  (to make one suppose)
"doen versmelten, doen samensmelten" = coalesce  (to form from different elements)
doen verwelven = cove (ww)
doen voorts afstand van het recht = waive the right
doen wankelen = shake
doen we allang niet meer = is something we stopped doing a long time ago
"doen wennen (aan), (to accustom oneself) wennen (aan)" = accustom  (To make familiar by use)
doen wij u hiervoor het volgende voorstel = we propose the following
Doen zij dat niet = If they fail to do so
doen zinken = sink
doen zwellen = inflate
Doen: = Do:
"doenbaar, uitvoerbaar, werkbaar" = feasible)
"doenbaar, uitvoerbaar, werkbaar" = practicable {adj} (capable of being accomplished
Doende deze betekening = Serving my summons
doen-en-laten = actions / behaviour
doener = doer
doeners en denkers = doers and thinkers
Doenlijk = Feasible
doenlijk = achievable
doe-pact = Hands-on Pact
does not pay a stake = betaalt geen inleg
Doesburg = Doesburg
Doesjanbe = Dushanbe
doet = do
doet afstand van alle rechten = waives all rights
doet daaraan niet af = does not change that
Doet dat pijn? = Does this hurt?
doet dienst als = serves as
doet eerbiedig concluderen voor antwoord in reconventie = respectfully asserts as statement of defence in the counterclaim
doet er te lang over = takes too long
doet geen afbreuk aan = shall not affect
doet geen afbreuk aan de wettelijke verplichtingen = are without prejudice to any legal obligations
doet hier niet aan af = does not detract from this
doet niet af aan = does not alter
doet nu ook dienst als = now doubles as
doet onderzoek = conduct research
doet onderzoek = conducts research
doet vermoeden dat = suggests that
doet voorstellen voor de aanpak = makes proposals regarding the approach
doet wat haar gevraagd wordt = does what is asked of her
doet wat hij belooft = does what it promises
doet wat van haar gevraagd wordt = does what is asked of her
"doet, veroorzaakt dat" = causes
Doetinchem = Doetinchem
Doetje = Tomfool
Doetje = Oaf
Doetje = Nitwitted
Doetje = Simpleton
Doetje = Sucker
doe-werk = manual labour / hand work / physical labour
Doezelen = Doze
Doezelen = Drowse
Doezelig = Drowsy
Doezelig = Sleepily
Doezelig = Somnolent
Dof = Mournful
Dof = Gloomy
Dof = Drab
dof = dull
Dof = Desolate
Dof = Colourless
dofetilide = dofetilide
doffe onverschilligheid = lethargy
doffen = doff
doffer = doffer
doffer = cock-pigeon
dofheid = flatness
Dofheid = Inertia
Dofheid = Apathy
"doggy, doggy style, op z'n hondjes" = doggy style (Adverb)
dogma = dogma
Dogma (algemeen) = Dogma
dogma {het} = dogma
"dogma, geloofspunt, leerstelling, leerstuk" = "dogma (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion)"
dogmatisch = dogmatic
Dogmatisme = Dogmatism
DO-groep = DO-group
Doha = Doha
Doha-ronde = Doha Round
DOI = digital object identifier
DOI = doi
Doily = Doily
Doing Business As-naam = doing business as name
dok = dock
Dok Noord = Dok Noord
Dok van Perry = Dok van Perry (‘Perry-Dock’)
Dok Zuid = Dok Zuid
dokdeur = dock gate
dokdeur = limpet
dokhaven = dock
dokhaven = dock harbour
Dokinstallaties = Docking installations
dokken = dock
Dokken = Stump up the money
dokken = pay
dokken met rafting = raft
dokranden = edges of the docks
Doksaal = Rood
Doksaal = Screen
Doksaal = Sceen
Doksaal = Chancel screen
Doksaal = Choir screen
doksluis = entrance lock
dokter = physician
Dokter = Doctor
dokter = doctor
dokter {de} = doctor
dokter in de geneeskunde = doctor of medicine
"dokter, kinesitherapeut of andere medische specialist" = "doctor, physiotherapist or other medical specialist"
Dokters van de Wereld = Doctors of the World
"dokters-, ziekenhuisbezoek" = "Doctor’s, and hospital visits"
doktersbriefjes = doctor’s notes
dokterspraktijk = medical practice
Doktersrecept = Order
Doktersrecept = Ordinance
Doktersrecept = Statute
doktersverklaring = doctor's certificate
doktersverklaring = sick note
doktersvoorschrift = by  doctor's orders
dokwerkers = dock workers
dol = drunk
Dol = Rabid
dol = crazy
Dol = Infuriate
dol = stripped
DOL brochure = DOL brochure
dol worden = go crazy
dol zijn op = be fond of
dolasetron = dolasetron
Dolblij = Delirious with joy
dolboord = gunwale
dolby = dolby
Dolby B = Dolby B
Dolby B/C = Dolby B/C
Dolby B/C/HX-PRO = Dolby B/C/HX-PRO
Dolby B/C/S//HX-PRO = Dolby B/C/S/HX-PRO
Dolby Digital/AC3 Decoder = Dolby Digital/AC3 Decoder
doldriftig = furious
dolen = roam
Dolfijn = Dauphin
dolfijn = dolphin
Dolfijn = Heir apparent
Dolfijn (sterrenbeeld) = Delphinus
Dolfijnen = Heir apparent
Dolfijnen = Dauphin
Dolfijnen = Dolphin
dolfijnsterftelimiet (DSL) = Dolphin mortality limit
dolfijnvriendelijk gevangen tonijn = dolphin-safe tuna
dolheid = rabies
dolheid = screw-thread drunkenness
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephalism
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephalic: having a relatively long head
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephaly
dolichol = dolichol: a polyprenol found in animal tissues
dolichol-monofosfaat-monnose = mannosyl phosphoryl dolichol
dolichomegalie = dolichomegaly
Doline = Sinkhole
Doline = Doline
Doline = Dell
Doline = Dale
Dolj = Dolj
Dolk = Dagger
Dollar = Dollar
Dollar (munt) = Dollar
dollar {de} = dollar
Dollarisatie = Dollarisation
Dollarteken = Dollar
dollar-zwitsersefranken = dollar-swissy
dolle kervel = hemlock
dolle pret = wild fun
dolle schroef = drunken screw
dollekoeienziekte = bovine spongiform encephalopathy
"dollekoeienziekte, gekkekoeienziekte, boviene spongiforme encefalopathie" = bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
Dolleman = Maniac
Dolleman = Frenzied
"dolleman, gek, krankzinnige, waanzinnige" = madman (An insane man)
Dolly (schaap) = Dolly (sheep)
dolly (verrijdbaar onderstel bij botsproeven) = impact sled
Dolomiet = Dolomite
Dolomieten = Dolomites
DO-lus = DO-loop
dolzinnig = crazy
Dolzinnig = Insane
dom = stupid
Dom = Sloppy
dom = silly
dom = dumb [coll.: stupid]
Dom = Mindless
Dom = Maudlin
Dom = Dim
Dom = Numbskull
Dom = Wood-headed
Dom = Fatuous
dom = cathedral
Dom = Idiotic
dom kijken = gape
"dom, domme, onverstandig, onverstandige, stom,stomme" = stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence)
domain = area
domain = domain
domain = field
Domain Name Service = Domain Name Service
Domain Name System = Domain Name System
domainarchitect = Domain architect
domaine public (DP) = public domain
domaine public payant = paying public domain
Domaine Pulbic = DP
domein = "field, area, domain"
domein = department
domein = discipline
domein = faculty
domein = school
domein = subject domain/area
domein = domain
domein = policy area
Domein = Department
domein = domain (comp.)
domein = domain/territory (fig.)
domein = state property (staatsdomein)
domein = field
Domein (biologie) = Domain (biology)
domein {het} = scope
domein {het} = domain
Domein Applied Science = Domain Applied Science
Domein herorientatie processen = Domain rearrangement processes
domein overstijgend = crosses domains
domein overstijgend = operate across domains
domein overstijgend = cross-domain
domein specifiek = domain specific
domein specifiek = domain-specific
Domein van de uitvinding = Field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = technical field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
"domein, bereik, reikwijdte" = a domain)
"domein, bereik, reikwijdte" = "scope (breadth, depth or reach of a subject"
domeinadministrator = domain administrator
domeinanalist = domain analyst
domeinanalyse = domain analysis: DA
domeinarchitectuur = domain architecture
Domeinbeheer = Domain Manager
domeinbeheerder = domain manager
domeinbeperking = domain constraint
domeinbeschrijving = domain description
domeinbesturen = school Board’s
domeincompetenties = domain competences
domeinconfiguratie = domain configuration
domeincontroller = domain controller
domeindefinitie = domain definition
domeindeskundige = domain expert
domeindoelstelling = domain objective
domeinen = domains
domeinen = areas
Domeinen in dwarsrichting = Transverse domains
domeinentiteit = domain entity
domeinexpert = domain expert
domeinfunctie = domain function
domeingebeurtenis = domain event
domeingebonden groep = domain local group
domeinimplementatie = domain implementation
domeinintegriteit = domain integrity
domeinkennis = domain knowledge
domeinkennis = knowledge of the domain
Domeinkennis = Domain knowledge
"domeinkennis, onderzoeksvaardigheden en creativiteit" = "domain knowledge, research skills and creativity"
domeinkennisrepresentatie = domain knowledge representation
domeinklasse = domain class
domeinlaag = domain layer
domeinmarkering = domain highlighting
domeinmodel = domain model
domeinnaam = domain name
domeinnaamregister = domain name registry
domeinnaamregistrar = domain name registrar
domeinnaamruimte = domain namespace
domeinnaamserver = domain name server
Domeinnaamsysteem Beveiligingsuitbreidingen = DNSSEC
Domeinnaamsysteem Beveiligingsuitbreidingen = Domain Name System Security Extensions
domeinnaamwederverkoper = domain name reseller
domeinnamen = domain names
domeinontwikkeling = domain engineering
domeinoverdracht = domain transfer
Domein-overstijgend kunnen samenwerken = The ability to collaborate across disciplines
domeinproces = domain process
domeinrelatie = domain relationship
domeinrol = domain role
domein-specifieke taal = domain-specific language
domeinstructuur = domain tree
Domeinvoortplantingselementen = Domain propagation devices
domeinvoorzitter = domain chair
Domesday Book = Domesday Book
Domesticatie = Domestication
Domicile conjugal = Marital home
domicilie = legal domicile
Domicilie = Dwelling
domicilie = abode
domicilie = address for service
domicilie/woonplaats kiezen = to give an address for service of process
domicilieadres = domicile (US)
domicilieadres = permanent address [2]
domicilieadres = permanent address
Domiciliekeuze = Choice of an address for service
domiciliërende vestiging = registered address
domiciliëring = direct debit (BE)
domiciliëring = domicile
domiciliëring = domiciliation
domiciliëring = local clearance
domiciliëringsprocedure = local clearance procedure
domifeenbromide = domiphen bromide
Dominant = Prevailing
dominant = dominantly
Dominant = Dominating
Dominant = Chief
Dominant = Ruling
Dominant = Reigning
Dominant = Most important
dominant = dominant
Dominant = Prevalent
dominant besturingselement = dominant control
dominant eigenschap = dominant trait
dominant gen = dominant gene
dominante golf = dominant wave
dominante golflengte = dominant wavelength
Dominante strategie = Dominant strategy
dominante vraag = overriding question
dominantie = ability to influence
dominantie = dominance
dominantie = dominant
dominantie analyse = dominance analysis
dominantie-effect = dominance effect
Dominantietheorie = Domination theory
Dominee = Rector
Dominee = Preacher
Dominee = Vicar
Dominee = Shepherd
Dominee = Provost
Dominee = Clergyman
Dominee = President
Dominee = Clergywoman
Dominee = Jesus Christ
dominee = pastor
domineren = to dominate
Domineren = Outclass
Domineren = Surpass
Domineren = Exceed
Domineren = Domineer
Domineren = Dominate
Domineren = Tower
Domineren = Overpower
dominerende golfhoogte = significant waveheight
dominerende golflengte = dominant wavelength
dominerende kleur = dominant colour
dominerende strategie = dominating strategy
Dominica = Dominica
Dominica Labour Party = Labour Party
Dominicaan = Dominican
Dominicaanse Republiek = Dominican Republic
Dominicanen = Dominican Order
Dominicus = Dominica
Dominiek Savio Instituut vzw = Dominiek Savio Instituut vzw
Dominion = Dominion
Dominique Delbeke = Dominique Delbeke
Domino = Domino
Domino Records = Domino
dominospellen = dominoes
domkop = fool
domme = stupid
Dommekracht = Jack
Dommekracht = Srew jack
dommekracht = wagon jack
Dommekracht = Actuator
Dommekracht = Car jack
Dommel = Ulna
domoor = fool
domotica = domotics
domotica systeem = home automation system
domoticasysteem = home automation system
domotica-systeem = home automation system
domoticasyteem = building automation system
Domotics = home automation
Domotics = Home automation
Dompbok = lifting jack
dompel proces = dipping process
dompel proces = immersion process
dompelaar = immersion heater
dompelapparaat = immersion device
Dompeldiepte = Immersing depth
dompeldoorloop = immersion stopper plate
dompelelement = immersion element
dompelen = to immerse
dompelen = immerse (to)
dompelen = to plunge
Dompelhuls voor solarsysteem = Solar dipping case
Dompelkoelers = Immersion coolers
dompelontvetten = immersion degreasing
dompelontvettingsinstallatie = immersion cleaning equipment
dompelontvettingsinstallatie = immersion cleaner
dompelpijp = submerged nozzle
dompelpijp = dipping tube
Dompelpomp = Plunger pump
dompelpomp = submersible pump
dompelproces = dipping method
dompelproces = dipping process
dompelproces = immersion process
dompelproef = immersion test
dompelrol = immersion roller
dompelsensor = immersion sensor
dompelsmering = bath lubrication
dompelsolderen = dip-soldering
dompeltank = dipping tank
Dompelthermostaten = Immersion thermostats
dompeltijd = immersion time
dompelverf = dipping paint
dompelvergulden = immersion gold plating
dompelverguldvloeistof = immersion gold-plating liquid
dompelverkoperen = immersion copper plating
dompelvernikkelen = immersion nickel plating
dompelvertinnen = immersion tin plating
dompelverwarmer = immersion heater
dompelverzilveren = immersion silver plating
dompelwas = dipping wax
dompen = heave
domperidom = Motilin
Domverwarming = Dome heating element
Don = Don
Don = Talent
Don = Dowry
Don = Gift
Don = Feat
Don (Rusland) = Don River (Russia)
Don Juan = Don Juan
Don Quichot = Don Quixote
Donald Duck (figuur) = Donald Duck
Donar = Thor
Donatello = Donatello
donateur = supporter
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner antibody
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner cold autoantibody
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner hemolysin
donatie = donation
donatie = gift
Donatie = Endowment
donatie van een levende donor = donation by living donor
donatie van een levende donor = living donation
donatie van een levende donor = living organ donation
donatie-elektron = donated electron
donaties = donations
Donato Bramante = Donato Bramante
Donau = Danube
donder = thunder
donder {de} = thunder
donderbui {de} = thunderstorm
donderdag = Thursday
donderdag {de} = Thursday
donderdagavond = thursday night
donderdagmiddag = Thursday afternoon
donderdagmorgen = on Thursday morning
donderen = thunder
Donderen = Snarl
Donderen = Menace
Donderen = Roar
Donderen = Brew
Donderen = Scold
Donderen = Rumble
Donderen = Reprove
Donetsk = Donetsk
DONG Energy Borssele I BV = DONG Energy Borssele I BV
Dông Nam Bô = Southeast
Dongen = Dongen
Dongeradeel = Dongeradeel
dongle = dongle
Donjon = Keep
donjon (burcht) = keep
donker = black
Donker = Dim
donker = bleak
donker = dark
donker {het} = dark
donker {het} = darkness
donker gebied = dark area
Donker geel = Dark Yellow
donker worden = darken
donker(der) maken/ kleuren = darken  (to make dark(er) in colour)
"donker, schemerachtig, schemerig, mat" = "dim {adj} (not bright, not colourful)"
donker-adaptatie = dark adaptation
donkerblauw = dark blue
Donkerbruin = Dark brown
donkere = darker
donkere loog = black liquor
Donkere materie = Dark matter
donkere periode = dark interval
donkere tint = shade
donkere vlek = dark spot
donkerekamerverlichting = safe light
Donkergeel = Dark yellow
Donkergrijs = Dark grey
donkerharding = age hardening
donkerrood = crimson
Donkerschakelend = Dark switching
Donkerveld- en rastersondemicroscopen = Darkfield and scanning probe microscopes
Donkerveld-microscopen = Darkfield microscopes
donor = "donor, giver"
Donor = Donor
donoraanbieder van roaming = donor roaming provider
donoratoom = donor atom
donordoopstof = donor impurity
donorland = donor country
donormateriaal = donor material
Donovan-lichaampjes = Donovan's bodies
dons = down
donsdekens = duvets
donsdicht = down-proof
Don'ts = Don’ts
Donut-automaat = Donut maker
donuts = doughnuts
donzen dekbedden = eiderdowns
donzig = downy
dood = dead
dood = death
dood {de} = death
dood door de strop = death by  hanging
dood door ongeval = accidental death
dood door schuld = manslaughter
dood gebied = blind spot
Dood geheugen = Fixed storage
Dood geheugen = Read-Only Memory
Dood geheugen = ROM
dood geheugen = fixed store
dood of letsel van de passagier = death or injury of the passenger
dood schip = idling
dood van de passagier = death of the passenger
dood van het embryo = embryo resorption
"dood, dode, overleden, gestorven" = expired {adj} (Dead)
"dood, dode, overleden, gestorven" = dead {adj} (no longer alive)
doodbidder = undertaker's man
doodbloeden = blow over
doodbloeden = peter / fizzle out
doodbloeden = run down
dooddoener = unanswerable statement
doodeenvoudig = dead simple
doodgaan = die
Doodgaan = Pass away
doodgaan = to die
"doodgaan, sterven, overlijden" = die  (to stop living)
doodgeborene = stillborn child
Doodgoed = Babe
Doodgraver = Gravedigger
doodkist = coffin
Doodkisten = Coffins
doodlachen = to die laughing
Doodleuk = Meekly
Doodleuk = Tranquilly
Doodliggen = Play dead
Doodliggen = Overwrite
Doodliggen = Mash
Doodliggen = Squelch
Doodliggen = Overwhelm
Doodliggen = Squash flat
Doodliggen = Squash up
Doodlopen = Race
Doodlopen = Sink
Doodlopen = Get bogged down
Doodlopen = Accrue
Doodlopen = Run
Doodlopen = Get bogged
Doodlopend [-e straat] = Dead-end [- street]
doodlopend straatje = cul-de-sac
doodlopend straatje = dead-end street
doodlopend straatje {het} = cul-de-sac
doodlopend straatje {het} = dead-end street
doodlopende straat = dead-end street
doodlopende weg = blind alley
doodlopende weg = cul de sac / dead-end street
Doodmaken = Slay
Doodmaken = Fall
Doodmaken = Zap
Doodmaken = Bite
Doodmaken = Bear away
Doodmaken = Chop down
Doodmaken = Amortize
Doodmaken = Brain
Doodmaken = Knock over
Doodmaken = Swoop down
Doodmaken = Take down
Doodmaken = Account for
Doodmaken = Knock out
Doodmaken = Pull down
Doodmaken = To enrich
Doodmaken = Dishearten
Doodmaken = To soften
Doodmaken = Stun
Doodmaken = Fall down
Doodmaken = Deaden
Doodmaken = Bring down
Doodmaken = Club
Doodmaken = Butcher
Doodmaken = Cosh
Doodmaken = Down
Doodmaken = Depress
Doodmaken = Bear up!
Doodmaken = Slaughter
Doodmaken = Bill
Doodmaken = Kill
Doodmaken = Damp
Doodmaken = Subdue
Doodmaken = Bore
Doodmaken = Beak
Doodmaken = Shoot down
Doodmaken = Fell
Doodmoe = All in
Doodmoe = Dead tired
doodmoe = exhausted
Doodmoe = Worn
Doodmoe = Cook
Doodnuchter = Starving
Doodnuchter = Without batting an eyelid
Doodnuchter = Fasting
doodongerust = worried sick
Doodop = Jiggered
Doodop = Zonked
Doodop = Dead tired
Doods = Desert
doods = dreary
doodsangst = agony
doodsangst = anguish
"doodsangst, agonie, doodsstrijd, hevig lijden,martelgang" = anguish (extreme pain)
doodsbedreiging = threat to life
doodsbleek = ghastly
doodschieten = shoot dead
doodschieten = to shoot dead
doodskist = coffin
doodslag = homicide
doodslag = manslaughter
doodslag {de} = manslaughter
doodsoorzaak = cause of death
doodsoorzaakformulier = cause of death form
doodsoorzaken = causes of death
doodsoorzakenstatistieken = cause of deaths statistics
doodsrituelen = death rituals
Doodsstrijd = Agonize
Doodsstrijd = Death agony
Doodsstrijd = Dying days
Doodsstrijd = Death throes
doodsstrijd = agony
doodsstrijd = anguish
doodstraf = death sentence
doodstraf = capital punishment
Doodstraf = Death penalty
"doodstraf {c}, doodvonnis" = death sentence (sentence)
doodsvijand = arch-enemy
doodtij = neap tide
doodvonnis = death sentence
doodwater = deadwater
doof = hard of  hearing
doof = deaf
doofcircuit = killer circuit
doofheid = deafness
doofheid {de} = deafness
doofheidsaudiogram = hearing loss audiogram
doofoscillator = quench oscillator
doofschakeling = quenching circuit
doofspanning = extinction voltage
doofstom = deaf and dumb
doofstomme {de} = deaf mute
doofweerstand = quench resistor
dooi = thaw
Dooi = Thawing
dooi = melting
dooien = thawing
dooien = thaw
dooien = melt
dooier = egg yolk
Dooier = Yolk
dooier {de} = yolk
"dooier, eidooier, eigeel" = yolk (yellow of egg)
"dooier, eidooier, eigeel, eierdooier" = egg yolk (central part of an egg)
Dooiwaterafvoer vooraan = Water discharge
dooizouten en chemicaliën = thawing salts and chemicals
dooizouten en verontreiningen = thawing salts and contaminants
dook (houtverbinding voor b.v. dak) = pin
dookanker = cramp
dookbout = Lewis bolt
dookbout = rag bolt
Doolhof = Maze
Doolhof = Labyrinth
Doolhoven = Mazes
doom = dome
DO-ontwikkeling = Final Design development
doop = baptism
doop = christening
Doop (sacrament) = Baptism
"doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken" = parish records
"doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken" = church records
doopakte = certificate of baptism
doopbewijzen = baptism certificates
doopboek = register of baptations
doopkapel = baptistery
doopkleed = christening robe
doopnaam = Christian name
Doopsel = Christening
doopsel = baptism
doopsolderen = dip-soldering
doopstof = impurity
doopstofatoom = impurity atom
doopstofbron = impurity source
doopstofconcentratie = impurity concentration
doopstofdiffusie = impurity diffusion
doopstoffencompensatie = impurity compensation
doopstofniveau = impurity level
doopvont = font
doopvontschelp = giant clam
door = by
door = by means of
Door = Door
door (middels) = by (means of)
door ... heen = through
door aan een uiteinde van de broekspijp of de mouw te trekken = by pulling on one end of the leg or sleeve
door aan het uiteinde van de broekspijp of de mouw te trekken = by pulling on the end of the leg or sleeve
door aan het uiteinde van de broekspijpen te trekken = by pulling on the end of the legs
door aardbeving veroorzaakte zeegolven = seismic sea wave
door activa gedekt commercial-paperprogramma = Asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) programme
door activa gedekte waardepapieren = asset backed securities
Door Airlock = Door Airlock
door alle aanwezige vennoten ondertekend = signed by all the partners present
door alle middelen rechtens = by all lawful means
door alle partijen beoogde = envisaged by all Parties
Door alles te centraliseren = By centralising everything
door andere partijen geleverde arbeidskrachten = staff supplied by other parties
Door Assy Left = Door Assy Left
door bankoverschrijving op het nummer = by bank transfer to account number
door beantwoording van de deelvragen = by answering the sub-questions
door beheerder goedgekeurde formuliersjabloon = administrator-approved form template
door belasting van een betonnen druklaag op het betonwelfsel = due to loading of a concrete compression layer on the hollowcore concrete
door bemiddeling van = per
door bemiddeling van = through the intermediation of
door besluit van de algemene vergadering = by a resolution of the general meeting
door bestrijdingsmiddelen gevolgde weg = pesticide pathway
door bevoegde overheden bestuurlijk vastgestelde = administratively established by competent authorities
door bevriezing veroorzaakte wond = frostbite
Door beweging = By movement
door bijschrijving van de koopprijs op de bankrekening van verkoper zal d = the buyer's obligation to pay the seller the purchase price will have bee
Door biodiesel aangedreven = Bio-diesel powered
door bleomycine of actinomycine geïnduceerde longschade = bleomycin-induced lung disease
door geaccordeerde forecast = forecast approved by
door buitengewone omstandigheden = due to exceptional circumstances
door chantage bekommen = to blackmail
door chantage bekommen = to extort
door chantage bekommen = to obtain through threats
door chantage bekommen = to shake down
door chemische stoffen geïnduceerde genmutatie = gene mutation induced by chemical agents
door consumenten gesloten overeenkomsten = consumer agreements
door consumenten gesloten overeenkomsten = consumer contracts
door controller en de -interfaces = door controller and the interfaces
door controller en –interface = door controller and interface
Door corona = Due to the pandemic
Door Database- en infrastructuurbeheer te combineren = By combining database and infrastructure management
Door de = Due to the
door de aanbestedende overheid ter beschikking gesteld = made available by the contracting authority
door de aandacht op de eindgebruiker te richten = by focusing on the end user
door de aanzuigende werking = by the suction effect
Door de aard van onze activiteiten = Due to the nature of our activities
door de aard van zijn werkzaamheden = due to the nature of his work
door de afnemer te verstrekken produkten = purchaser supplied products
door de API voor plaatsbepaling te gebruiken = by using the API for positioning
door de app = by the app
door de as afgelegde afstand = axle travelled distance
door de as afgelegde afstandsstap = axle travelled distance increment
door de as afgelegde afstandsstap (52) = axle travelled distance increment (52)
door de as afgelegde afstandsstappen = axle travelled distance increments
door de as afgelegde afstandsstappen (52) = axle travelled distance increments (52)
door de auteur vrijgegeven = author-released
door de Bank  aangewezen = designated by the Bank
door de Bank aangewezen elektronisch bankieren diensten = electronic banking services designated by the Bank
door de Bank geaccepteerd = accepted by the Bank
door de Bank voorgeschreven = prescribed by the Bank
door de Bank voorgeschreven beveiligings- en signeermethoden = security and signing methods prescribed by the Bank
door de beantwoording van alle deelvragen de hoofdvraag wordt beantwoord = the main research question is answered by answering all the sub-questions
door de behuizing tussen de eerste en tweede positie te verplaatsen = by moving the housing between the first and second position
door de Belgische wetgeving voorgeschreven = prescribed by Belgian law
door de benodigde tijd om applicaties te bouwen en implementeren te vermi = by reducing the time required to build and implement applications
door de bomen het bos niet kunnen zien = you cannot see the wood for the trees
door de bout weer vast te draaien = tightening again the bolt
door de consument gemonteerde vergrendeling = consumer-mounted locking device
door de dag heen = throughout the day
door de dienstverlener gecontracteerde beveiligingsbedrijf = security company contracted by the service provider
door de directie goedgekeurde = approved by management
door de douane uitgegeven = issued by the customs authorities
door de dubbelwandige wanden van de inrichting = through the double-walled walls of the device
door de dwarsbalken tussen horizontale balken van het frame te positioner = by positioning the cross-beams between horizontal beams of the frame
Door de eerste en de tweede = Due to the first and the second
door de eeuwen heen = over the centuries
door de eindbegunstigden gedane betalingen = payments by final beneficiaries
door de eivastneemorganen vastgenomen voorgebroede eieren = set eggs gripped by the egg pickup means
door de Europese Centrale Bank voor basisfinancieringstransacties toegepa = interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancin
door de Europese Unie geleide zeemacht = European Union-led naval force (EUNAVFOR)
door de fabrikant van de kabels voorgeschreven = prescribed by the cable manufacturer
door de fabrikant voorgeschreven = prescribed by the manufacturer
door de feiten gestaafd = borne out by the facts
door de gebruiker = by the user
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd object = user-defined object
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd opmaakprofiel = user-defined style
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd veld = user-defined field
door de gebruiker gedefinieerde dimensie = user-defined dimension
Door de gebruiker gedefinieerde velden beheren = Manage User-Defined Fields
door de gebruiker gewenste route = user required route
door de gebruiker ingestelde interfacetaal = user-preferred interface language
door de gebruiker ingestelde planning = user-controlled scheduling
door de gebruiker instelbaar = can be changed by the user
door de gehele = throughout
door de goede dimensionele stabiliteit = due to the good dimensional stability
door de groeven tussen aansluitende panelen op te spuiten met polyutheraa = by injecting the grooves between adjacent panels with polyurethane foam
door de immunrespons bepaald = immune-mediated
door de inschrijver opgelijst = listed by the tenderer
door de installateur = by the installer
door de installatie van = by installing
door de invoering van de = by the introduction of the
door de jaren heen hetzelfde gebleven = remained the same over the years
door de klant = by the customer
door de klant gedeclareerd = declared by the customer
door de Klant uitgebracht document = document issued by the Customer
door de koopsom verhoogd = The lump sum premium is added to the rights insured with X/
door de Koper of in opdracht van de Koper = by the Buyer or on behalf of the Buyer
door de kredietgever ontvangen bedragen = sums levied by the creditor
Door de lage storingsgevoeligheid = due to the product’s low susceptibility to breakdowns
door de leasemaatschappij in opdracht van de werkgever = by the leasing company on behalf of the employer
door de leasemaatschappij te bepalen = to be determined by the lease company
door de leverancier is voorzien = provided by the supplier
door de leverancier te leveren diensten = services to be provided by the supplier
door de leverancier uit te voeren werkzaamheid = work to be performed by the Supplier
Door de leveranciers geconsigneerd leeggoed = By the suppliers consigned empties
door de lucht beweegt = moves through the air
door de lucht vervoerde verontreiniging = airborne contaminant
door de mens veroorzaakte klimaatsverandering = man-made climate change
door de mens veroorzaakte ramp = human-made disaster
door de motor vereiste brandstof = Fuel requirement by the engine
door de nadruk te leggen = by emphasizing
door de omstandigheden geboden = called for by circumstances
door de Onderneming gemandateerde en betaalde arts = doctor prescribed and paid for by the Company
door de ontvangende partij werd ontwikkeld = developed by the receiving Party
door de opdrachtgever ter beschikking gesteld = provided by the contracting authority
door de opdrachtgever voorgeschreven = prescribed by the client
door de opdrachtgever wordt toegeleverd = supplied by the client
door de Opdrachtgever zelf = by the Client itself
door de operator = by the operator
door de overeenkomst bestreken assortiment = contract range
door de partijen gewaarmerkte = certified by the parties
door de passagier aan boord van de veerboot gebrachte zaken = things taken on board by the passenger
door de passieve wapening = as a result of the passive reinforcement
door de pinportie niet volledig in te brengen = by not fully inserting the pin portion
door de platen op deze manier tegen elkaar te klemmen = by clamping the panels against each other in this way
door de platenwarmtewisselaar = through the plate heat exchanger
door de pluimveestal verrijdbaar gestel = frame that can be rolled through the poultry house
door de politie uit te voeren = to be carried out by the police
door de productie en het gebruik van kankerverwekkende of mutagene stoffe = by having the production and the use of carcinogenic or mutagenic substan
door de projectmanagers = by the project managers
Door de reverse listing = As a result of the reverse takeover
door de ROZ opgesteld = prepared by the Real Estate Council of the Netherlands (ROZ
door de samenstelling toe te voegen aan het voeder of drinkwater van het  = by adding said composition to the feed or drinking water of said animal
door de samenstelling toe te voegen aan het voeder of drinkwater van het  = by adding said composition to the feed or drinking water of said animal
door de sandbox beveiligd = protected by the sandbox
door de temperatuur van = by the temperature of
Door de toevoeging van het positieve resultaat na belastingen aan de rese = By adding the positive result after taxes to the reserves
Door de toevoeging van het resultaat aan de reserves = By adding the result to the reserves
door de transporteenheid afgelegde afstandsstappen = transport unit travelled distance increments
door de transporteenheid afgelegde afstandsstappen (32) = transport unit travelled distance increments (32)
Door de twee helften van het lichaam los te nemen = By detaching the two halves of the body
door de veiligheidsinrichting gecontroleerd = monitored by the security device
door de Vennootschap gedreven onderneming = the Company’s business
door de Vennootschap uitgegeven aandelen = shares issued by the Company
door de Vereniging uitgegeven = issued by the Association
Door de verpakking weer in kringloop te brengen = By recycling the packaging
door de verschillende doosformaten = due to the different box sizes
door de vervoerder laatstelijk gepubliceerde = last published by the carrier
door de vervoerder ten vervoer is aanvaard = accepted for carriage by the carrier
door de verwerkingseenheid of analyse-eenheid niet vast te monteren op he = by not fixedly mounting the processing unit or analysis unit to the assoc
door de verwerkingseenheid of analyse-eenheid niet vast te monteren op he = by not fixedly mounting the processing unit or analysis unit to the assoc
door de verzekeringsmaatschappij = by the insurance company
Door de vrijstelling van de metaalionen te beperken tot deze hoeveelheid = By limiting the release of the metal ions to this amount
door de wederpartij geleden schade = damages incurred by the other party
door de wederpartij geleden schade = damage incurred by the other party
door de week = during the week
door de week(s) = on weekdays
door de werkgever vast te stellen = to be determined by the employer
door de werknemer te kiezen = to be chosen by the employee
door de wervel worden meegenomen = are carried along by the eddy
door de wet beschermd recht = legally protected right
door de wet voorgeschreven accountant = statutory auditor
door de wet voorgeschreven reserves = statutory reserves
door de wetgever geregeld = provided for in legislation
door de wetgever geregeld zijn = to be provided for in legislation
Door de zeer geringe inbouwdiepte = Due to the very shallow installation depth
door de zelfstandige = by the self-employed person
door de zonnepanelen = by the solar panels
door Deloitte is afgegeven = has been issued by Deloitte
Door DEMB ter beschikking gestelde auto = The car made available by DEMB
door derden = by third parties
door derden conservatoir beslag wordt gelegd = is subject to a prejudgement attachment by third parties
door derden executoriaal beslag wordt gelegd = is seized under a warrant of execution by third parties
door derden gereed gemaakte = prepared by third parties
door Derden in de Programmatuur aangebrachte mutaties = changes made in the Software by Third parties
door dewelke = via which
Door deze hele Overeenkomst heen = Throughout this Agreement
door deze naar boven te kantelen = by tilting it upwards
door deze stoffen veroorzaakt = caused by those substances
door deze te wassen in een badje met IPA = by washing them in a bath with IPA
Door deze wijze van vouwen = As a result of this manner of folding
door deze wijzigingen = as a result of these changes
door dialoog en overleg aan te gaan = by engaging in dialogue and consultation
Door diesel aangedreven = Diesel-powered
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = board of directors
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = board of management
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = owner-managed business
door dispensatie = dispensatory
door dit bureau opgestelde adviesrapport = advisory report prepared by this agency
door dit verdrag gebonden staat = State bound by this Convention
door draaien van de reflector in een tweede richting = by rotating the reflector in a second direction
door drie toestellen parallel te plaatsen = by placing three devices in parallel
door drukbanden geklemd = clamped by presser belts
door drukschommelingen = due to pressure fluctuations
door een aanbestedende dienst = by a contracting authority
door een aangetekend schrijven met onmiddellijke ingang buiten rechte = "with immediate effect and without court intervention, by registered lette"
door een aanvaller worden bemachtigd = obtained by an attacker
door een ander dan = by someone other than
"Door een ander gas dan propaan onder druk in de cilinder te pompen, kan d" = "The cylinder pressure can be increased to an acceptable level of, say, 7 "
door een bepaald persoon = by a particular person
door een besluit van de Algemene Vergadering = by a resolution of the General Meeting
door een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan = by a competent government authority
door een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan proces-verbaal is opgemaakt = an official report is drawn up by
door een daartoe bevoegde instantie opgemaakte = drawn up by a competent authority
door een defect = due to a fault
door een derde geïnstalleerde = installed by a third party
door een deur = through a door
Door een dialoog aan te gaan met = Entering into a dialogue with
door een door beide partijen ondertekend schrijven = through a document signed by both parties
door een door de lidstaat aangewezen instantie wordt onder door de eindbe = payments effected by final beneficiaries
door een druk op de knop = at the push of a button
door een eenvoudige schriftelijke mededeling = by means of a simple written notice
door een e-mail te sturen naar = by emailing
door een erkende dealer of door de constructeur = by an authorised dealer or the manufacturer
door een erkende organisatie uitgevaardigde aanhouding = recognised organisation-related detention
door een felle brand is verwoest = destroyed by a raging fire
door een felle brand verwoest = destroyed by a raging fire
door een fout of nalatigheid van de koper = due to error or negligence on the part of the Buyer
door een gat = through a hole
door een gebruiker = by a user
Door een gepaste keuze van = Through a suitable selection of
door een gespecialiseerd technieker = by a specialised technician
door een kredietverzekeraar geweigerd = rejected by a credit insurer
door een minimale hoeveelheid kracht met de hand uit te oefenen = by exercising a minimal amount of force by hand
Door een omgekeerde splitsing = Through a reverse share split
door een omstandigheid = by a situation
door een onafhankelijk persoon worden georganiseerd = organised by an independent person
door één persoon = by a single person
door één persoon kan worden bediend = can be operated by one person
door één persoon kunnen worden bediend = can be operated by a single person
door een plaatselijke instantie = by a local authority
Door een relatie op te bouwen met je teamleden = By building a relationship with your team members
door een roodgekleurde balk weergegeven = represented by a red coloured bar
door een strafbaar feit zijn verkregen = obtained by criminal means
door een studie van de tekeningen = by a study of the drawings
door een transportband in een steile hoek mee te voeren = carried along at a steep angle by a conveyor belt
door één van beide partijen = by either Party
door een van de voorgaande zaken is veroorzaakt of eruit voortvloeit = caused by or arising out of one of the previous cases
door een verkeerscentrale = by a traffic control centre
door één zaakvoerder ondertekend = signed by one manager
door een zorgverzekeraar = through a health insurance provider
door eenvoudig weg aan een uiteinde van de broekspijp te trekken = by simply pulling on an end of the trouser leg
door eenvoudige beslissing = by simple resolution
door eenvoudige overlapping = by simple overlapping
door elkaar heen = interchangeably
door elkaar heen = without making a distinction between the two types
door elkaar vlechten = to interlace
door elkaar weven = to interweave
Door elke levensloop wordt het wezen van de mens zichtbaar. (R. Treichler = "Through a man’s life story, you may glimpse the essence of all men. (R."
door en door = through and through
Door en Front Cover = Door and Front Cover
door enkel gebruik te maken van = by making use of only
door enkele overtreding of niet nakoming = as a result of any breach or failure
Door ethanol aangedreven = Ethanol powered
door externe leveranciers worden geboden = provided by external suppliers
door Facebook ingezameld = collected by Facebook
Door gas aangedreven = Gas-powered
door gebrek aan ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden = due to lack of development opportunities
door gebruik = due to use
door gebruik te maken van = by using
door gebruik te maken van = by making use of
Door gebruik te maken van = By using
door gebruik te maken van de = by using the
door gebruik te maken van de API = by making use of the API
door gebruik te maken van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbe = by making use of the application programming interface for positioning
door gebruik te maken van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbe = by making use of the application programming interface for positioning
door gebruik te maken van de werkwijze en de inrichting volgens conclusie = by using the method and the device according to claim
door gebruik te maken van een = through the use of a
door gebruik te maken van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding = through the use of an application program interface
door gebruik van een andere montageset = using a different mounting kit
door gebruik van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = by using embodiments of the present invention
door gebruik versleten = worn out as a result of use
door gebruiker gedefinieerd type = user-defined type
door gebruiker gedefinieerd type financiële dimensie = user-defined financial dimension type
Door gebruiker vertrouwd certificaat = User Self Trust Certificate
door gecertificeerd vakpersoneel = by certified specialists
"Door geen tel knappers te accepteren, gaat vert. drammen bij klant" = By not accepting any cancellations by phone...
door geheel Europa erkend en geaccepteerd = recognised and accepted across Europe
Door geïntegreerde generator = By integrated generator
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakt gezweer = drug-induced ulcer
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakt parkinsonisme = drug-induced parkinsonism
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakte akathisie = drug-induced akathisia
door genoemd masker over ten minste één frame te leggen = by overlaying said mask over at least one frame
door gepaste feedback te geven = by giving appropriate feedback
door gepersonaliseerde content aan te bieden = by offering personalised content
door gewrichten verbonden structuur = articulated structure
door gezamenlijk deel te nemen in het kapitaal = by joint participation in the capital
door gezamenlijk deel te nemen in het kapitaal van de Vennootschap = by joint participation in the capital of the Company
door GGO’s geproduceerd = produced by GMOs
door GGO's geproduceerde producten = products produced by GMOs
door hem heen en weer te schuiven = by sliding it back and forth
door hem verschuldigde bedragen = amounts for which he is liable
Door hem vragen te stellen = By asking him questions
door hem/haar verstrekte/ingevulde (persoons)gegevens = data (personal or otherwise) provided/completed by them
door het aanbrengen van een koude temperatuur = by applying a cold temperature
door het aanbrengen van een warme temperatuur = by applying a warm temperature
door het aanleggen van een hoge trekkracht = by applying a high tensile force
door het aantrekken van koorden = by pulling draw strings
door het afval in fluïdisatie te brengen en te houden = by fluidising the waste and keeping it fluidised
Door het afvoerdebiet te regelen = By controlling the discharge rate
door het algoritme = by the algorithm
door het bedrijf beschikbaar gesteld = provided by the company
door het bedrijfsleven ervaren = experienced by the business community
door het bestuur genomen actie = administrative action
door het bestuur te nemen actie = administrative action
door het bureau begeleid = assisted by our staff
door het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband afgeschermd = shielded by the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
Door het drukken van de kraag in de behuizing = By pressing the collar into the housing
door het enkele feit dat = by the mere fact that
door het enkele feit dat = by the sole fact that
door het enkele feit dat = merely because
door het enkele feit dat = purely on the basis of the fact that
door het enkele feit dat = solely because
door het etiket en de verpakking waarop het is bevestigd in contact te br = by bringing the label and the packaging it is attached to in contact with
door het feit dat = by the fact that
door het gat = through the hole
door het gebruik van = by the use of
door het gebruik van een grafisch display = through the use of a graphic display
door het gebruik van een mal = by using a mold
door het goede voorbeeld te geven = by setting a good example
door het hele project = project-wide
door het herhalen van de eerder beschreven handelingen = by repeating the previously described operations
door het horen van getuigen = by hearing witnesses
door het horen van getuigen en deskundigen = by hearing witnesses and experts
door het in beschouwing nemen = by taking into consideration
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ​​obtained via an ine
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
Door het indienen van een Inschrijving = By submitting a Tender
door het jaar = throughout the year
door het lot laten beslissen = to determine by lot
door het niet nakomen van de wet = as a result of non-compliance with the law
Door het ontbreken van = In the absence of
door het oog van de naald = A narrow escape or
Door het plaatsen van een bestelling = By placing an order
door het polymeer te verwarmen in een verhittingsmachine = by heating the polymer in a heating machine
door het positioneren van de uitsparing over het uitsteeksel = by positioning the recess over the protrusion
Door het schuim te laten opschuimen = By allowing the foam to foam
door het spiraalvormig zijn van het afdichtingselement = due to the spiral shape of the sealing element
"door het spuitgieten, het extruderen, het thermovormen, het compressievor" = "by injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming, compression molding or 3D"
"door het spuitgieten, het extruderen, het thermovormen, het compressievor" = "by injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming, compression molding or 3D"
door het synchroniseren van = by synchronising
door het treffen van maatregelen = by taking measures
door het uitvoeren van = by carrying out
door het uitvoeren van een corresponderende smartphone applicatie = by means of the execution of a corresponding smartphone application
door het uitvoeren van een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de ond = by carrying out a method according to embodiments of the present inventio
door het uitvoeren van een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de ond = by carrying out a method according to embodiments of the present inventio
door het uitvoeren van stappen (a) en (b) = by performing steps (a) and (b)
door het uitzetten van de lucht in het gesloten systeem door verwarming = by the expansion of the air in the closed system by heating
door het vastklemmen in de holte = by the clamping in the cavity
door het verminderen van de vorming van = reducing the formation of
door het verplaatsen van = by moving
door het verstrekken van minder korting = by offering less discounts
door het vormen van een positieve luchtdruk = by forming a positive air pressure
door het vuur gaan = do just about anything
door het water plassen = paddle
door het weer aangetast / verkleurd / met weervlekken / verweerd = weather-stained
door hun aandelen vertegenwoordigd = represented by their shares
door hun vorm en afmeting ingeslikt kunnen worden = of ingestible shape and size
door Huurder aan Verhuurder zijn voldaan = have been paid by Lessee to Lessor
door huurder niet is opgezegd = has not been terminated by the Lessee
door Huurder te weinig is betaald of door Verhuurder te veeI is ontvangen = that Lessee has paid too little or that Lessor has received too much
door Huurder van Verhuurder worden gehuurd = rented by Lessee from Lessor
door huurder verschuldigde huurprijs = rent payable by Lessee
Door hypothecaire zekerheid gedekte obligatie = Collateral mortgage obligation (C.M.O)
door ijs ingesloten = icebound
door in mijn  hoedanigheid als verzendende instantie aan de bevoegde ontv = in my capacity as transmitting agency to the competent receiving agency
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = EIA
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exercise-induced asthma
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exercise-induced brochospasm
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exertional asthma
door inspanning veroorzaakte hoofdpijn = benign exertional headache
door inspanning veroorzaakte hoofdpijn = exertional headache
Door intelligent search = Through intelligent search
door kapitaal gedekte pensioenregeling = funded pension scheme
Door kernenergie aangedreven = Nuclear powered
Door kerosine aangedreven = Kerosene powered
door ketting aangedreven = chain-driven
Door key = Door key
door Klant aan Derde is geleverd = supplied by Customer to a Third party
door koken of stoven verkregen = obtained by cooking
door kunnen ontwikkelen = develop
door kwaadwillenden misbruikt = abused by malicious parties
door lasers te lezen disks = laser-readable discs
door laxeermiddel veroorzaakte enteropathie = laxative-induced  enteropathy
door lekkend = caused by leaking
door lekkend water = caused by leaking water
door leveranciers ontwikkelde software = software developed by suppliers
Door Lock = Door Lock
Door Lock = Door Lock
Door lock cap = Door lock cap
door loting aanwijzen = select by lottery
door management en medewerkers = by management and staff
door mechanische middelen = by mechanical means
door meerdere evenwijdige lusvormige linten gevormd is = is formed by a plurality of parallel looped ribbons
door Microsoft gereserveerde partitie = Microsoft Reserved partition
door middel van = by means of
door middel van = through
door middel van = per
door middel van = using
door middel van aankoop of anders = through purchase or otherwise
door middel van chemische (lijm/oplosmiddel) middelen of door middel van  = by chemical (adhesive/solvent) means or by physical (mechanical or therma
door middel van de = by means of the
door middel van de juiste kennis en de juiste vraagstelling = by asking the right questions and having the right knowledge
door middel van de Ontwerpen = by means of the Designs
door middel van de stappenmotor = by means of the stepping motor
door middel van deuren = by means of doors
door middel van dompelen = by immersion
door middel van een aangetekend schrijven = by means of a registered letter
door middel van een aangetekend schrijven met ontvangstbewijs = by means of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt
door middel van een deksel kan zijn = can be by means of a lid
door middel van een inhouding op het netto salaris = shall be settled through a deduction from the net salary
door middel van een kennisgeving per aangetekende post = by means of a notice sent by registered post
door middel van een Schriftelijke overeenkomst = by means of a Written agreement
door middel van een schriftelijke verklaring = by means of a written statement
door middel van een schriftelijke verklaring = through a written statement
door middel van een transmissiemiddel = by means of a transmission means
door middel van een vragenlijst = by means of a questionnaire
door middel van het aanbrengen en bevestigen = by means of applying and fixing
door middel van het afschermingsvel = by means of the protective sheet
door middel van het delen van data = through the sharing of data
door middel van hitte gesneden = heat cut
door middel van hitte gesneden wordt = is heat cut
Door middel van inductie = Using induction
door middel van insteekpluggen = by means of push-in plugs
door middel van koolstofketenverlenging = by carbon chain elongation
door middel van lithografie = by means of lithography
door middel van of op basis van = through or based on
door middel van opwarming = by means of heating
door middel van schriftelijke goedkeuring van beide Partijen = by written agreement of both Parties
door middel van schroeven = by means of screws
door middel van telefoon e = by phone
door middel van tweerichtingsfeedback = through two-way feedback
door middel van verschillende interfaces = though various interfaces
"door mij, notaris, zakelijk aan de verschenen persoon meegedeeld en toege" = "communicated and explained by me, civil-law notary, to the person appeari"
door mijn team te analyseren = by analysing my team
door mijn werkgever uitgezonden naar het buitenland = transferred to a foreign country by my employer
Door mijn ziekte zit ik soms niet lekker in mijn vel. = My illness really gets me down at times.
door moeten en willen = must and want to continue
door na elke wijziging op drukknop 'save' te drukken = by pressing the ‘save’ button following any change
door nalatigheid of verzuim van = through failure or omission on the part of
door nalatigheid of verzuim van = through the default or negligence of
door naschakeling van een deNOx-katalysator = by utilising downstream DeNOx catalyst
door nieuwe sets toe te voegen = by adding new sets
Door nu op  de toets  te drukken = By pressing on the  button
Door obstakels = By obstacles
door of  vanwege Verhuurder  verzorgde levering van zaken en diensten = the supplies and services to be provided by or on behalf of Lessor
door of namens = by or on behalf of
door of namens de koper = by or on behalf of the Buyer
door of namens hem te verlenen diensten = services provided by or on its behalf
door of namens wie = by or on behalf of
door of namens wie = by or on whose behalf
door- of onder verantwoording van = "by, or under the responsibility of,"
door of op vordering van = by or on the demand of
door of vanwege = by or on behalf of
door of vanwege de vervoerder = by or on behalf of the carrier
door of vanwege verhuurder = by or on behalf of Lessor
door of vanwege Verhuurder te verzorgen levering van zaken en diensten = goods and services to be provided by or on behalf of Lessor
door ondertekening door = upon signature by
door ondertekening van = upon signature of
door ondertekening van deze Uitzendovereenkomst = By signing this Temporary Employment Contract
Door ondertekening van dit formulier = By signing this form
door ongedierte aangetaste korrels = grains damaged by pests
door ons geïdentificeerde = we have identified
door ons ingeschakelde derden = third parties engaged by us
door ons worden waargenomen = observed by us
door oorzaken buiten de schuld van = through no fault of
"door op de externe component ook de beweging/versnelling te detecteren, e" = by also detecting the movement/acceleration on the external component and
Door op een titel te klikken = Clicking on a title
door op voorhand de metalen plaat te snijden = by cutting the metal plate in advance
door opdrachtgever aangegeven locatie(s = location(s) specified by client
door opdrachtnemer in rekening worden gebracht = charged by the contractor
door opgeroepene betaalde oproep = collect call
door opnieuw de wizard te doorlopen = by re-running the wizard
door opzegging beëindigen = terminate by giving notice
door opzegging door één der Partijen = by notice of termination by one of the Parties
door overheid aangestelde = appointed by the government
door partijen geparafeerde = initialled by Parties
door partijen gewaarmerkte = certified by Parties
door Partijen zijn aanvaard = have been accepted by Parties
door personen die geschoold zijn in dit domein = by persons who are skilled in this field
door ponsen en plooien van metaal = by punching and bending of metal
door RD-gateway beheerde computergroep = RD Gateway-managed computer group
door regelmatig positiebijstellingen te verzenden naar de server = by regularly sending position updates to the server
Door rekening te houden met = By taking into account
door relevante instanties = by the relevant authorities
door reset commando te geven = by giving reset command
door rollend materieel in rijdende toestand veroorzaakte persoonlijke ong = accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion
door rook en roet aangetast = damaged by smoke and soot
door samenvoeging van = by merging
Door samenwerking = By working together
door Schiphol aan te leveren apparatuur (directielevering) = equipment supplied and paid for by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
door schriftelijk akkoord van beide partijen = with the written consent of both parties
door schriftelijke mededeling = by means of a written notice
door schrik bevangen worden = be horrified
door sensor = by sensor
Door sensor assy = Door sensor assy
Door Side = Door Side
door slim gebruik te maken van = by making smart use of
Door slimme tools is het mogelijk = Smart tools make it possible
door spanning van de schakelkast te halen = disconnecting the switch box from the power source
Door stop = Door stop
Door Stops Assy = Door Stops Assy
door storing verspeelde werktijd = machine spoilt work-time
door storm beschadigd = weather-beaten
door straling uitgeharde vernissen = radiation-cured varnishes
door structuur en samenhang zichtbaar te maken en verbanden te leggen tus = by showing the structure and cohesion of the topic and making connections
Door Switch = Door Switch
Door Switch Actuator = Door Switch Actuator
Door Switch Assy = Door Switch Assy
door te berekenen = pass on
door te berekenen naar de klanten = pass this on to the customer
door te breken op de consumentenmarkt = break into the consumer market
Door te factureren kosten aircoinstallaties = By bill-costs for charges airconditioning
Door te factureren kosten companies secretary = By bill-costs for charges companies secretary
Door te factureren kosten erelonen companies secretary = By bill-costs for charges fees companies secretary
Door te factureren kosten erelonen externe bestuurders = By bill-costs for charges fees nominee directors
Door te factureren kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van aircoinstallatie = By bill-costs for charges maintenance and repair of airconditioning
Door te factureren kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van diverse machines = By bill-costs for charges maintenance and repair of miscellaneous machine
door te kantelen = by tilting
door te klikken op = by clicking on
dóór te ontwerpen = by designing
door te rekenen = pass on the charges
door te sturen = forward
door te trekken aan = by pulling on
door te voeren = implement
door te voeren = Passing through
door te vragen = pursue in more detail
door toedoen van = through the actions of
door toepassing van = by using
door toeval teniet gegaan = unless the goods were lost/destroyed as a result of unforeseeable circums
door toevoeging van = by adding
door tussenkomst van = per
door tussenkomst van = through
door tussenkomst van = through the agency of
door tussenkomst van = through the good offices of
door tussenkomst van = through the intermediary of
door twee aluminium geleiders = by two aluminium guide rails
door u ingediende = that you submitted
door u opgemaakte = prepared by you
door u opgemaakte jaarrekening = financial statements prepared by you
door u worden georganiseerd = shall be organised by you
door vacuüm bediende klep = vacuum valve
Door Vacuüm Chamber = Door Vacuum Chamber
door vakgenoten van commentaar voorzien = peer-reviewed
door vastzuigen vastnemen van de voorgebroede eieren = gripping the set eggs by suction
door verbranding van vast brandbaar materiaal verkregen rookgas = flue gas obtained through combustion of solid combustible material
door vergaande automatisering en doordachte logistiek = Through far-reaching automation and clever logistical solutions
door Verhuurder te verstrekken bijkomende leveringen en diensten = additional supplies and services to be provided by Lessor
door Verkoper opgegeven = specified by Seller
door Verkoper schriftelijk is bevestigd = confirmed in writing by Seller
door verplaatsing van een ander aantal = by moving a different number of
door verrekening met een vordering = by set-off with a claim
door versleuteling is afgeschermd = protected by encryption
"door Verwerker en/of door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen, waaro" = by Data Processor and/or legal or natural persons engaged by Data Process
door Verwerker getroffen beveiligingsmaatregelen = security measures taken by Data Processor
door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen = legal or natural persons engaged by Data Processor
"door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen, waaronder maar niet beperk" = "legal or natural persons engaged by Data Processor, including but not lim"
door Verwerker ingeschakelde Sub-verwerkers = Sub-Processors engaged by Data Processor
door vezels van de eerste buitenste non-woven laag te verstrengelen met v = by entangling fibers from the first outer nonwoven layer with fibers of t
door voedsel overgedragen uitbraak = foodborne outbreak
door vorst beschadigd worden = being damaged by frost
Door waterstof aangedreven = Hydrogen powered
door WebViews gebruikte applicatiecode = application code used by WebViews
door welke oorzaak dan ook = for any reason whatsoever
door welke oorzaak dan ook = for whatever reason
door welke overmacht dan ook = any circumstances beyond one’s control
door werkgever aan te wijzen = appointed by the employer
door werkgever uitgezonden naar Nederland = transferred to the Netherlands by employer
door wet- of regelgeving gestelde vereisten = legal and regulatory requirements
door wie naar wie wordt geëscaleerd = who escalates to whom
door Yellax ontwikkelde Programmatuur = Software developed by Yellax
door Yellax schriftelijk bevestigd = confirmed in writing by Yellax
door ze aan het tapijt te naaien = by sewing them to the carpet
door ze er eenvoudigweg op te leggen = by simply placing it on it
door zekerheid gedekte verplichting = secured liability
door zelf het voorbeeld te stellen = by setting the example myself
door zich te wenden tot = by appealing to
door ziekenfondsen erkende geneeskunde = standard agreement health care
door zijn cilindrische mantel = due to its cylindrical shell
Door zonne-energie aangedreven = Solar powered
door zuurstoftekort onbruikbare ademlucht = atmosphere rendered unbreathable by oxygen deficienc
door zwangerschap veroorzaakte hypertensie = pregnancy-induced  hypertension
door zwangerschap veroorzaakte hypertensie = hypertension due to pregnancy
door/middels/op = by/through/on
doorbabbelt = continuing to chat
doorbelast = passed on
doorbelast = charged on
doorbelast in huurverhoging = charged on in the rent increase
doorbelasten = charge on
doorbelasten = on-charge
doorbelasten = pass on
doorbelasten aan = pass on to
doorbelasting = charging
doorbelasting = "passing on, charging on"
doorbelastingsbeleid = charging policy
doorbelastingsitem = chargeable item
doorbelastingsproces = charging process
doorbelastingssleutel = allocation key / allocation matrix
doorbelastingsstructuren = cost allocation structures
doorbelastingsstructuur = cost allocation structure
doorberekend = charged on
doorberekend = passed on
doorberekende (gedekte) vaste kosten = absorbed burden
doorberekende (gedekte) vaste kosten = absorbed cost(s)
doorberekenen = charge on
doorberekenen = charge on to
doorberekenen = pass on to
doorberekenen = pass on
doorberekenen = allocate to
doorberekenen = charge to
doorberekenen = oncharge
doorberekenen = pass on (costs) to
doorberekenen = rebill
doorberekenen = recharge (expenses to group companies)
doorberekenen = recover (costs) from
doorberekenen (naar) = charge to the budget of
doorberekening = recharging of costs
doorberekeningsclausule = escalation clause
doorberekeningsclausule = to glance (cursorily) at
doorberekeningsclausule = to run over
doorbetaald loon = continued payment of wages
doorbetaling = forwarding payment on to
doorbetaling = forwarding payment to
doorbetaling = continued payment
doorbetaling bij afwezigheid = paid absence
doorbetaling bij afwezigheid = paid leave
doorbetaling van loon = sick leave at full pay
doorbetalingspercentage = payment percentage
doorbetalingsproces = payment process
doorbetalingsproces = distribution process
doorbetalingsverplichting = obligation to continue to pay salary
doorbijten = abide
Doorblaassysteem = Blow-through system
doorbladeren = to leaf through
doorbladeren = to thumb through
doorbladeren = leaf through
"doorbladeren, diagonaal lezen" = "skim  (read quickly, skipping some detail)"
doorblazen = being blown through
doorblazen = blow through
doorbloeding = blood flow/blood circulation
doorbloeding in het endometrium = endometrial breakthrough bleeding
doorboorbaar = pierceable
doorboorbare = pierceable
doorboort = pierced
doorboren = pierce
Doorboren = Tap
Doorboren = Bore
Doorboren = Lance
Doorboren = Hole
Doorboren = Drill
Doorboren = Erupt
doorboren = to drill through
Doorboren = Break through
Doorboring = Punch
Doorboring = Hole
Doorboring = Perforation
doorboringen = internal channel
doorboringen = internal channels
Doorbraak = Break
doorbraak = breakthrough
Doorbraak = Breach
doorbraak = game-changer
doorbraak in de tegengestelde richting = reverse breakdown
Doorbraakproject Onderwijs & ICT = ‘Breakthrough project on Education & IT’ (Doorbraakproject Onderwijs
doorbraakpunt voor verbetering = leverage point for improvement: LPI
doorbraakspanning = reverse breakdown voltage
doorbraaktechnologie = breakthrough technology
doorbraken = breakthroughs
doorbranden = melt
doorbranden = to fuse
doorbranden = burn out
doorbranden / smelten = fuse (ww)
Doorbreken = Puncture
Doorbreken = Cross over
Doorbreken = Come out into the open
Doorbreken = Erupt
Doorbreken = Break through
Doorbreken = Get across
Doorbreken = Hole
Doorbreken = Drill
Doorbreken = Cut into
Doorbreken = Bore
doorbreken = to break through
Doorbreken = Eat into
Doorbreken = Snap off
Doorbreken = Break up
Doorbreken = Walk across
Doorbreken = Cross
Doorbreken = Bust
Doorbreken = Enter into
Doorbreken = Burst
Doorbreken = Traverse
doorbreken = break
Doorbreken = Snap
Doorbreken = Go across
Doorbreken = Tap
Doorbreken = Break into
Doorbreken = Pop
Doorbreken = Lance
Doorbreken = Make inroads into
Doorbreken = Get over
doorbreken van de interne beheersing = by-passing of internal control procedures
Doorbreking = Break
Doorbreking = Interruption
Doorbreking = Rupture
Doorbreking = Break-up
Doorbreking = Breach
Doorbreking = Disruption
doorbrengen = spend
doorbrengen = pass
Doorbrengen = Employ in
Doorbrengen = Employ for
Doorbrengen = Employ
Doorbrengen = Employ on
Doorbrengen = Make use of
Doorbrengen = Use
Doorbrengen = Utilize
Doorbrengen = Apply
doorbroken = penetrate
doorbroken = pierced
doorbroken = circumvented
doorbuigen = deflect
doorbuigen = sag
doorbuigen = bend
doorbuigen = bend through
doorbuigen = deflect (to)
doorbuigen / uitbuigen = deflection
doorbuigen onder belasting = sag under load
doorbuiging = sag
doorbuiging = bending
doorbuiging = bending-through
doorbuiging = deflection
doorbuiging = sagging
doorbuiging [5] = downward flexure
doorbuiging van de band = tyre deflection
Doorbuiging van het element = Frame deflection
"doorbuiging, zakking" = deflection
doorbuigingslijn = deflection curve
"doorbuigingslijn, elastische lijn" = deflection curve
doorcederen = reassign
door-connossement voor container = combined transport bill of lading
door-connossement voor container = to pass on to
door-connossement voor container = to recover from
doorcontroller en -interfaces = door controller and interfaces
doordacht = sophisticated
doordacht = considered
doordacht = elaborate
"doordacht, doordachte, weloverwogen" = deliberate {adj} (carefully considered)
doordachte business-strategie = well-thought-out business strategy
Doordachte technologie = Results-driven technology
doordat = in that
doordat = because
Doordat = Because
doordat = through (the fact that)
dóórdat = owing to (the fact that)
Doordat de houder door middel van de kraag in de behuizing is vastgehoude = Because the holder is held in the housing by means of the collar
Doordat de houder door middel van de kraag in de behuizing is vastgehoude = Because the holder is held in the housing by means of the collar
doordat de klant de verbinding heeft verbroken = because the customer hung up
doordat de negatieve waarde van de renteswap afnam = because the negative value of the interest rate swap fell
Doordat de temperatuur lineair stijgt = Because the temperature rises linearly
doordat deze een beter rendement hebben = because of their higher efficiency
doordat er gebruikt gemaakt wordt van = under
doordat er meer en relevante feedbackinformatie wordt bezorgd aan de tolk = because more and relevant feedback information is provided to the interpr
doordat er meer en relevante feedbackinformatie wordt bezorgd aan de tolk = because more and relevant feedback information is provided to the interpr
Doordat het systeem zichzelf in evenwicht houdt = Because the system keeps itself in balance
doordat kabels niet moeten worden doorgeknipt = because cables do not have to be cut
doordecentralisatie = progressive decentralisation
doordenken = careful consideration
doordenken = consider
doordenken = deep thinking
doordenken = think out
doordenken = think through
doordeweeks = during the week
doordeweeks = on weekdays
doordeweekse dag = weekday
door-de-weekse dag = weekday (Monday to Friday)
doordeweekse rustdag = weekly rest day
Doordien = Because
doordiepen = to emboss
doordiepstempel = embossing tool
Doordoen = Squander
Doordoen = Waste
doordraaft = rattles on
doordrenking = impregnation
doordrenking (materialen) = impregnation (materials)
doordrenking (materialen) = impregnation
doordrenkt = waterlogged
doordrenkt = infused
doordrenkt = soaked
doordrijven = drive through
doordringbaar = permeable
doordringbaar = pierceable
doordringbaarheid = permeability
doordringen = to penetrate
Doordringen = Pervade
doordringen = get in
doordringen = to convince
Doordringen = Break into
Doordringen = Convinced
doordringen = to persuade
Doordringen = Soak in
doordringen = penetrate
doordringen = percolate
Doordringen = Permeate
Doordringend = Piercing
Doordringend = Abrasive
Doordringend = Sharp
Doordringend = Keen
Doordringend = Shrill
Doordringend = Sharp-toned
doordringende = penetrating
doordringing = penetration
doordringing = permeation
doordringspanning = punch-through voltage
doordrinkers = session drinks
doordroging = through drying
doordrongen van = fully aware of
doordruk = through print
doordrukken = force
Doordrukken = Break through
doordrukken = to extrude
doordrukking = embossment
doordruklasapparaat = projection welder
doordruklassen = projection welding
doordrukveer = extruded spring
Dooreen = Higgledy-piggledy
Dooreen = Huger-mugger
Dooreen = Pell-mell
dooreenhalen = confuse
dooreenleverbare obligatie = interchangeable bond
doorfan = door fan
doorfantest = door fan test
doorfluitapparaat = whistle apparatus
doorfluiten = to whistle
doorfluitspanning = whistle voltage
doorgaan = proceed
Doorgaan = Along
Doorgaan = Go on with
Doorgaan = Push on
doorgaan = to go on [continue]
Doorgaan = Carry on
doorgaan = to carry on [continue]
Doorgaan = Continue
Doorgaan = Keep with
Doorgaan = Pursue
doorgaan = to continue
Doorgaan = Proceed with
Doorgaan met disciplinair proces = Continue with the disciplinary procedure
doorgaan zonder activeren = continue without activating
doorgaand = continuous
doorgaand / aanhoudend = ongoing
doorgaand gat = through hole
doorgaand gat van de bak = through hole of the tray
doorgaand verkeer = through traffic
doorgaand verkeer = through-traffic
doorgaand wegverkeer = through traffic
doorgaande = through-going
doorgaande gat = through hole
doorgaande gaten = through holes
doorgaande gatgeometrie = through hole geometry
doorgaande getapte stelgaten = through-going threaded guide holes
doorgaande ligger = continuous beam
doorgaande montagegaten = through-going mounting holes
doorgaande ontwikkeling = continuous development
doorgaande sleufgaten = through-going slotted holes
doorgaande transportlaag = end-to-end transport layer
doorgaande verbindingen = end-to-end communications
doorgaande weg = through road
doorgaande weg buiten de bebouwde kom = express-road
doorgaande zuigerstang = through piston rod
Doorgaans = By and large
Doorgaans = Generally
doorgaans = usually
Doorgaans = Typically
Doorgaans = Taking it by and large
doorgaans = as a rule
doorgaans = generally
doorgaans gedaan in tweetallen = usually done in pairs
doorgaans vergezeld gaan met grote warmtebehoeften = usually accompanied with high heat requirements
doorgang = corridor
doorgang = passageway
doorgang = continuity
doorgang = aisle
doorgang = gate
Doorgang = Narrow(s)
doorgang = transit
doorgang = passage
doorgang vinden = to be on
doorgang vinden = to take place
doorgang zal kunnen vinden = continue to take place
doorgang(en) = passageways
doorgangen = passageways
doorgangen = access points
doorgangen = access points … leading to …
doorgangen = passages
doorgangmeten = to test on continuity
doorgangsbewijzen = transit passes
Doorgangsboring = Through bore hole
doorgangsboring = pass-through hole
doorgangsdemping = insertion loss
Doorgangsdemping bij 2150 MHz = Through loss at 2400 MHz
Doorgangsdemping bij 860 MHz = Through loss at 860 MHz
doorgangsdeur = access door
doorgangsgaten = passage holes
doorgangsklemmenstrook = interconnecting terminal strip
doorgangsluik = hatch
doorgangsluik = access hatch
doorgangsmeter = continuity tester
doorgangsmeting = continuity test
doorgangsmeting = continuity check
doorgangsopening = hoistway opening
doorgangsopening = access opening
doorgangsruimte = free passage
Doorgangstest = Continuity test
Doorgangstester = Continuity tester
doorgangsuitsparingen = passage recesses
doorgangsverlichting = passageway lighting
Doorgangsweerstand = Continuity resistor
doorgangsweerstand = forward resistance
"doorgangsweg, doorgaande weg" = "thoroughfare (a road open at both ends, especially one with much traffic)"
doorgave van wijzigingen = change propagation
doorgeblazen = purge
"doorgedraaid, [slang] geflipt" = "berserk {adj} (injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of co"
doorgedreven = highly developed
doorgedreven = advanced
doorgedreven integratie = thorough integration
doorgedreven ontwikkeling = extensive development
doorgedreven samenwerking = extensive cooperation
doorgedrukt gat met schroefdraad = embossed threaded hole
doorgedrukte gaten = knocked-out holes
doorgeefformulier = document filling note
doorgeefpoort = relay port
doorgefactureerd = to pass on
doorgegeven = disclosed
doorgegeven = transmitted
doorgegeven aan = handed over to
doorgegeven aan Lifetime = passed on to Lifetime
doorgegeven naar = passed on to
doorgehaald = cancelled
doorgekauwd = chewed through
doorgeleiding door de lucht = transit by air
doorgeleverd = supplied to a third party
doorgelinkt = redirected
doorgelopen = undergone
doorgelust = daisy chained
doorgemetalliseerd = plated through
doorgemetalliseerd gat = via
doorgenomen = gone through
doorgerekend = calculated
doorgerekend aan de klant = passed on to the customer
doorgerolde = rolled forward
doorgeschakeld = redirected
doorgeschakeld = sent
doorgeschoten = excessive
doorgeschoten = excessively
doorgeschoten = extreme
doorgeschoten = taken to the extreme
doorgeschoten flexibilisering = excessive flexibility
doorgeschoven (pensioen)bijdrage = roll-over contribution
doorgeschoven naar = postponed to
Doorgeslagen zekering = Blown fuse
doorgeslipt = slipped
doorgesneden = cut
doorgespoeld = flushed
doorgesproken = discussed
doorgestreept = effaced
doorgestuurd = transmitted
doorgestuurd = redirected
doorgestuurd = forwarded
doorgetrokken = extended
doorgetrokken gat = plunged hole
doorgetrokken lijnen = solid lines
doorgetrokken streep = barrier line / continuous line
doorgeven = handing over
doorgeven = passing on
doorgeven = providing
doorgeven = propagate
Doorgeven = Demise
Doorgeven = Transfer
Doorgeven = Hand down
doorgeven = submission
doorgeven = pass on
doorgeven = reporting
doorgeven of versturen = transferring or transmitting
doorgeven van gegevens aan derden = onward transfer
doorgeven van informatie = disclosure of information
doorgeven van instructies = instruction passing
doorgevoerd = conveyed in transit
doorgevoerd = forwarded
doorgevoerd = transited
doorgevoerd = implemented
doorgevoerd = passed through it
doorgevoerde wijzigingen = implemented changes
doorgezakte voet = fallen arches
doorgezet naar = sent to
doorgezet naar een ander kanaal = transferred to another channel
doorgezette boetes = apportioned damages
doorgezonden = transmitted
"doorgezonden, opgeslagen of anderszins verwerkte gegevens" = "data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed"
"doorgezonden, opgeslagen of anderszins verwerkte Persoonsgegevens" = "transmitted, stored or otherwise processed Personal Data"
doorgifte = transfer (m.b.t. persoonsgegevens)
doorgifte = propagation
doorgifte van persoonsgegevens = transfer of personal data
Doorgifte-mechanisme = Transfer mechanism
doorgiften = transfers
doorgiften aan derde landen of internationale organisaties = transfers to non-member countries or international organisations
doorgifterecht = right of relay
doorglijden = slip
doorgroeibaan (loopbaan met doorgroeimogelijkheden) = career with promotion opportunities
doorgroeid = perfoliate
doorgroeien = career advancement
doorgroeien = continued growth
doorgroeiers = growing/expanding companies
doorgroeimechanismen = development mechanisms
Doorgroeimogelijkheden = Career opportunities
doorgroeimogelijkheden = career opportunities
doorgroeistaffel [premie] = "graduated, age-related premium table"
doorgronden = understanding
doorgronden = scrutinize
doorhaalfout = drawing-in fault
doorhaalhaak = drawing-in hook
doorhaalmachine = drawing-in machine
doorhaalmiddel = cover / coating
doorhaalplan = drafting plan
doorhalen = draw in
doorhalen = cross out
Doorhalen = Strikethrough
doorhalen = swipe
"doorhalen , slaan , toeslaan" = strike
doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is = strike out what does not apply
doorhaling = drawing-in
doorhaling = striking off
doorhaling = [see note]
doorhaling van de inschrijving = cancellation of the registration
doorhalingen door parafering waarmerken = to initial deletions
doorhalingsprocedure = cancellation procedure
doorhang = sag
doorhang (of cable) = sag
doorhang (of wires) = dip
doorhang van bovenleiding = catenary sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen en vervormen van planken of balken = sagging and deformation of planks or beams
doorhangen van geleiders = conductor sagging
doorhangende = sagging
doorharden = through hardening
doorharden = hardening through
doorharding = full-harden
doorharding = harden
doorharding = harden full
doorharding = harden through
doorharding = through-hardening
doorhebben = figure out
doorheen = through
doorheen (dwars door) = through (in België)
doorheen de = through the
doorheen de bekledingsplaat = through the cladding panel
doorheen de bouwelementen = through the building elements
doorheen de eerste opening = through the first opening
doorheen de jaren = over the years
doorheen de parti?le coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de partiéle coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de partiële coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de parti�le coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen deze ganse beschrijving = throughout this description
doorheen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband zakken = sink through the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
doorheen het substraat = through the substrate
doorijders na een ongeval = hit-and-run drivers
Doorkiesnr = Direct line
doorkiesnummer = direct dial number
doorkiesnummer = direct line
Doorkiesnummer = Extension number
Doorkiesnummer = Direct telephone number
doorkiezen = dial through
doorkijk = forward view
doorkijk = look ahead
doorkijk = perspective
doorkijk = transparency
doorkijk = window
Doorkijk = Prospect
Doorkijk = Outlook
Doorkijk = Perspective
doorkijk = peep-through
doorkijk = vista
doorkijken = read again
doorkijken = views
doorkijkvenster = look-through window
doorklieven = split
doorklik = click through
doorklik homepage = click-through to homepage
doorklik naar = click through to
doorklikken = clickthrough
doorklikken = click through
doorklikkers = speed-clickers
doorkliksysteem = drill down
doorklinken = resound
doorklokken = "send, dispatch, forward, process"
doorkoeling = further cooling
doorkoken [1] = continue to cook
doorkoken [1] = keep boiling
doorkoken [1] = simmering
doorkoken [2] = cook through
doorkoken [3] = boil thoroughly
Doorkomen = Get on
Doorkomen = Make it
Doorkomen = Hit it off
Doorkomen = Make a success of
Doorkomen = Make the grade
Doorkomen = Pull off
Doorkomen = Success
Doorkomen = Successful
doorkomen = succeed
doorkoppelen = linking
doorkrasproef = scratching test
Doorkruisen = Scour
Doorkruisen = Wander across
Doorkruisen = Travel through
Doorkruisen = Wander over
Doorkruisen = Traverse
doorkruisen = bar
Doorkruisen = Browse
Doorkruisen = Race through
Doorkruisen = Skim through
Doorkruisen = Look through
doorkruisen = to traverse
doorkruisen = traverse
"doorkruisen, verstoren, verijdelen" = disconcert  (frustrate)
doorkruising van het gemiddeld niveau van positief naar negatief = down cross
doorkruising van het gemiddelde niveau van negatief naar positief = up cross
doorkruist = traverses
doorkwellen = seep through
doorlaat = duct
doorlaat = pass band
doorlaat (%) = open area (%)
doorlaatbaarheid = permeability
doorlaatbaarheid van licht = light transmittance
"doorlaatbaarheid, doorstroombaarheid, doorlaatbaarheid" = permeability (propery of being permeable)
doorlaatband = pass-band
doorlaatbandbreedte = response bandwidth
doorlaatcaisson = sluice caisson
doorlaatcoefficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlaatfactor = transmission factor
doorlaatfilter = band-pass filter
doorlaatgebied = band-pass range
doorlaatgeleiding = forward conduction
doorlaatkarakteristiek = response curve
doorlaatkarakteristiek = transmission characteristic
doorlaatkromme = forward characteristic
doorlaatpost = checkpoint
doorlaatposten = checkpoints
doorlaatpotentiaal = forward potential
doorlaatrichting = forward direction
doorlaatstrook = passage strip
doorlaatstroom = forward current
doorlaatvermogen = forward power
doorlaatversterker = pass amplifier
doorlaatvoorspanning = forward bias
doorlaatwaarde = threshold value
doorlaatweerstand = forward resistance
doorlassing = continuous butt welding (doorlassen)
doorlassing = root fusion (doorbranding als lasfout)
doorlaten = admit (to)
doorlaten = to let through
doorlatend = pervious
doorlatend = permeable
doorlatend materiaal = permeable material
doorlatend membraan = pervious membrane
doorlatende bedekking = pervious lining
doorlatendheid = transmittance
doorlatendheid = permeability
doorlatendheidscoëfficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlatendheidsco�fficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlatendheidsmeter = permeameter
doorlatingsbewijs = access permit
doorlatingsbewijs = entry permit
doorlatingsbewijs = special dispensation to drive through somewhere
doorlatingsbewijs = transit pass
doorleefd verhaal = a vivid story
doorleefde ervaring = lived experience
doorleefde ervaring = lived experiences
doorleefde ervaringen = lived experiences
doorleefde ervaringen = lived experience
doorleefde evaringen = lived experience
doorleefde uitspraken = lived statements
Doorlees = Continue reading
Doorlees = Continued
doorleesactie = readthrough
doorleggen trein = continue train tracks
doorleiden = to inject
doorleiding = transfer/transaction
doorlekken = to leak
Doorleven = Test
Doorleven = Experience
doorleveren = redistribute
doorleveren = resell
doorleveren = resupply
doorleveren = supply on
doorleveren = supply to a third party
Doorlezen = Read through
doorlichten = analyse
doorlichten = analyze [US]
doorlichten = audit
doorlichten = examine
doorlichten = investigate
"doorlichten, bestralen, röntgenen, met röntgenstralen onderzoeken" = X-ray  (to take a radiograph of)
doorlichting = audit
doorlichtingsfirma = audit firm
doorlichtscherm = fluoroscopic screen
doorliep een basis en advanced training = underwent basic and advanced training
doorlinken = [see: ‘backlink’]
doorlinken = followed
doorlinken = redirect (JurLex: comp.)
doorlinken naar = link to
doorloop = nozzle
doorloophoogte = Passage height
doorloopproces = continuous process
doorloopprovisie = renewal commission
doorlooppuls = transport pulse
doorloop-puls = transport pulse
Doorlooppulsen = transport pulses
doorloopsnelheid = machine speed
doorloopt = completes
doorloopteller = accumulator
doorlooptijd = lead time <productietijd>
doorlooptijd = throughput time <productietijd>
doorlooptijd = project lead time
doorlooptijd = turnaround time
doorlooptijd = duration
doorlooptijd = lead time
doorlooptijd = processing time
doorlooptijd = throughput time
doorlooptijd = turnaround time (US)
Doorlooptijd = Throughput time
doorlooptijd van de inkoop = purchasing lead time
doorlooptijd van de levering = supply lead time
doorlooptijd van de toeleverancier = vendor lead time
doorlooptijd van een opdracht = lead time of a job order
doorlooptijd van een partij = batch throughput time
doorlooptijdcompensatie = lead time offset
doorlooptijdconsequenties = impact on turnaround
doorlooptijden = lead times
doorlooptijden van projecten = project turnaround times
doorlooptijdverkorting = lead time reduction
doorlooptijdverkorting = reduction in lead time
doorlooptijdvoorraad = lead time inventory
doorlopen = continue
Doorlopen = Travel through
Doorlopen = Browse
Doorlopen = Skim through
doorlopen = completed
doorlopen = passed through
Doorlopen = Race through
doorlopen = complete
Doorlopen = Look through
Doorlopen = Wander across
Doorlopen = Scour
Doorlopen = Wander over
Doorlopen = Traverse
doorlopen = to run through
doorlopen = work through
doorlopen naar het = extend into the
doorlopen op de formation roller conveyor = continue on the formation roller conveyor
doorlopen stappen = completed steps
doorlopen tot aan de = proceed to the
doorlopend = continues
Doorlopend = Multi-trip travel and cancellation insurance
doorlopend = continuously
doorlopend = continuous
doorlopend = continual
doorlopend = continually
Doorlopend ‘on-access’ controle = Continuous on-access checks
Doorlopend ‘on-access’ controle op aanwezigheid van virussen = Continuous on-access checks for the presence of viruses
Doorlopend C-profiel = Continuous C-profile
Doorlopend DIN-profiel = Continuous DIN-rail
doorlopend formulier = continuous form
doorlopend gat = bottomless hole
doorlopend in gesprek = is in constant dialogue
doorlopend incassoopdrachten = recurrent direct debit orders
doorlopend klavier = continuous keyboard
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving account
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving credit
Doorlopend krediet = Standing credit line
Doorlopend krediet = Continuous credit
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving credit line
Doorlopend krediet (tot maximum) = Standing credit
Doorlopend nummer = Consecutive number
doorlopend nummer = consecutive number
Doorlopend nummeren = Consecutive numbering
doorlopend of periodiek uitgegeven effecten = securities issued in a continuous or repeated manner
Doorlopend overig profiel = Continuous other profile
Doorlopend profiel = Through-going profile
doorlopend uitwisselen van kennis = continuous exchange of knowledge
doorlopende = continuous
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = continuous inventory [Am.]
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = continuous stocktaking
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = cyclical stocktaking
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = perpetual inventory [Am.]
Doorlopende activiteiten = Continuing operations
doorlopende activiteiten = continuing activities/operations
Doorlopende administratie = Perpetual records
Doorlopende arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering = Continuous disability insurance
Doorlopende basis = Continuing basis
doorlopende berekening van samengestelde interest = continuous compounding
doorlopende bout = through bolt
doorlopende diensten = ongoing services
Doorlopende draad = Through-going wire
doorlopende evaluatie = continuous evaluation
doorlopende fundering = continuous footings
doorlopende gaten = through holes
Doorlopende kast = Extension of the box
Doorlopende kosten = Recurring costs
Doorlopende kosten = Recurrent costs
Doorlopende kosten = Standing expenses
Doorlopende kosten van prolongatie = Renewal expenses
Doorlopende lasten = Recurring charges
doorlopende leerlijn = curriculum continuity / learning continuity pathway [DS: Learning Continu
doorlopende leerlijn = continuous learning pathway
doorlopende leerlijnen = learning-teaching trajectories
doorlopende lijn = continuous line
doorlopende lijnen = continuous lines
doorlopende machtiging = standing order (m.b.t. betaling)
Doorlopende Machtiging Bedrijven = Recurrent Business Mandate (Doorlopende Machtiging Bedrijven)
Doorlopende nummering van pagina’s = Consecutively numbered pages
doorlopende ondersteuning = ongoing support
doorlopende onveranderlijke betaling = constant payment
doorlopende opdracht = standing order (BE)
Doorlopende opdracht = Recurring engagement
Doorlopende opdracht = Continuing engagement
doorlopende opdracht = standing order
doorlopende opdracht = recurring/continuing engagement [auditing
doorlopende order = standing order
doorlopende order = automatic withdrawal
doorlopende paginering = consecutive numbering
doorlopende professionele ontwikkeling = continuing professional development
doorlopende reisverzekering = multi-trip travel [insurance]
doorlopende reisverzekering = Continuous travel insurance
doorlopende scholing = continuing education
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging = Recurrent SEPA direct debit mandate
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging = Recurrent SEPA mandate
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging Bedrijven = Recurrent SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
Doorlopende stift = Through-going pin
doorlopende storing = continuous interference
doorlopende tekst = running text
doorlopende tekst = "(van statuten)
continuous text"
doorlopende tekst = "(in ondergrondbedrukking)
endless text"
doorlopende tekst = endless text
doorlopende tekst = continuous text
Doorlopende toevoer = Continuous feed
Doorlopende vakantieverzekering = Continuous holiday insurance
Doorlopende vergunning = Standing permit
Doorlopende vergunningen = Standing permits
doorlopende verzekering = continuous insurance
doorlopende verzekering = annual insurance
doorlopende verzekering = long-stay insurance
doorlopende verzekering = multi-trip insurance
Doorlopende volmacht = Standing authorization
Doorlopende volmacht = Durable power of attorney
doorlopende volmacht = lasting power of attorney (LPA)
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual inventory records
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual stock ledger
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual inventory ledger
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual stock accounts
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual inventory ledger [Am.]
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual inventory records [Am.]
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual stock accounts
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual stock ledger
Doorlopende voorraadopnamen = Cyclical stocktaking
Doorlopende voorraadopnamen = Continuous stocktaking
doorlopende ziektegeval = ongoing illness
doorloper = rummer
doorloper = Mephisto crossword
doorloper = prolonged production set
doorluchtig = episcopal
doorlussing = daisy chaining (het gelijktijdig versturen van signalen naar verschillend
doorlussing = loop/loop-linking (TELECOM.
doorlussing = patch(ing) (TELECOM.)
doorlussing = van signalen)
doorlussing = patching
Doorlussing voor TV = Loop-through for TV
Doorlussing voor TV en door geïntegreerde generator = Loop-through for TV and by integrated generator
Doorlusvoorziening = Through-wiring
Doormaken = Cross over
Doormaken = Walk across
Doormaken = Traverse
Doormaken = Go across
Doormaken = Get through
Doormaken = Get over
Doormaken = Test
Doormaken = Experience
Doormaken = Cross
Doormaken = Go through
Doormaken = Get across
doormeetapparaat = continuity tester
doormeetapparatuur = circuit tester
doormeettest = continuity test
doormelden = to report
doormelden = to notify
doormelden = "to report, to notify"
doormelding = notification
doormelding = forwarding of a fire alarm to a central fire alarm centre (e.g.)
Doormelding en Detectie = Remote alarm and Detection
doormelding van brandalarm = automatic forwarding of a fire alarm
doormelding van brandalarm naar een particuliere alarmcentrale = automatic forwarding of a fire alarm to a private emergency alarm centre
Doormeldmodule voor bliksem- en overspanningsafleider = Remote signalling module f. lightning current/surge arrester
doormetalisering = through(-hole) metallisation
doormetalliseren = to plate through
doormetallisering = plated-through-holes
doormeten = conduct a circuit test
doormeten = measure
doormeten = test for continuity
doormeten = test(ing)
doormeten = to test for continuity
doormetingen = continuity test(ing)
doormetingen = test (for) continuity
doormiddel van = by means of
doormiddel van de 485bus = by means of the 485-bus
doormiddel van de verschillende bewerkingen = by means of the various operations
doormiddel van een hijsband = by means of a hoisting strap
Doormodderen = Trample on
Doormodderen = Sink
Doormodderen = Trample upon
Doormodderen = Get stuck in the mud
Doormodderen = Flounder
Doormodderen = Get bogged
Doormodderen = Get bogged down
Doormodderen = Paddle
Doormodderen = Wallow
Doormodderen = Tread on
Doormodderen = Wade
Doormodderen = Splash about
doormodderen = muddling on
Doormodderen = Squelch
Doormodderen = Tread
doorn = mandrel
doorn = thorn
doorn (van clark) = buckle catch
doorn {de} in het oog = eyesore
"doorn, (tak-)" = spine
"doorn, de vertakte spine" = dendritic spine
doornemen = to peruse
doornemen = repeat
Doornmaat = Mandrel size
Doornpersing = Arbour clamping
Doornroosje = Sleeping Beauty
doornstruik = thorn bush
doorontwikkeld = continuously developed
doorontwikkeld = further developed
doorontwikkeld tot = developed into
doorontwikkelde = mature
doorontwikkelde = sophisticated
doorontwikkelde = mature
doorontwikkelde = sophisticated
doorontwikkelen = further develop
doorontwikkeling = (further) development
Doorontwikkeling = further development
Doorontwikkeling = continued development
Doorontwikkeling = follow-on development
doorontwikkelingen = detailed engineering
doorontwikkelingen = continued development
doorontwikkelingen = development
doorontwikkelingen = further development
doorontwikkelingen = evolution
doorpakken = interim injunction including a ruling on an objection in the plenary acti
doorpakken = interim injunction including a ruling on an objection in the principal ac
doorpakken = act vigorously
doorpakken = put through
doorpersen = forcing away a layer of bad soil by loading it with layers of sand on top
doorpersen v/e pijp = pipe jacking
doorplaatsen = to copy
doorprikbaar = pierceable
Doorprikken = Pierce
"doorprikken, ontmaskeren" = debunk  (to discredit or expose the falsehood of something)
doorregen lap = streaky bacon/pork
Doorreis = Way through
Doorreis = Excerpt
Doorreis = Passbeyond
Doorreis = Aisle
Doorreis = Passage
Doorreis = Pass
doorrekenen = to calculate
doorrekenen = invoice you  for
doorrekeningen = transfer pricing charge-on
Doorrijden = Travel through
Doorrijden = Scour
Doorrijden = Browse
Doorrijden = Wander across
Doorrijden = Wander over
Doorrijden = Skim through
Doorrijden = Look through
Doorrijden = Race through
Doorrijden = Traverse
doorrijden na een ongeval = hit-and-run accident
doorrijgen = to tack
doorrijhoogtes = clearance heights
doorrijroute = transit route
doorrijzone = traffic route
doorroeren = curl
doorroesten = to rust through
doorrollen = to wrap-around
Doorrollen = Roll-over
doorrolstelling = flow rack
doorrolstellingen = flow racks
doorschakelen = forward a call
doorschakelen = redirect
doorschakelen = relaying
doorschakelen = toggling
doorschakelen = call forwarding
doorschakelen = to call forward
doorschakelen = forward
doorschakelen van binnenkomende oproepen = forwarding incoming calls
doorschakelen vanuit ruggespraak = call transfer
doorschakelfunctie = call forwarding function
doorschakelmodule = switching unit
doorschakelverzoeken = forwarding requests
doorscheuren = tear
doorschiet = bolt
doorschieten = bolt
doorschieten = go over the top
doorschieten = to overshoot
doorschieten op de landingsbaan = overshoot
doorschieten van de pose = pose overshoot
doorschietfactor = overshoot ratio
doorschijnend = translucence
doorschijnend = transparent
doorschijnend = pellucid
doorschijnend = translucent
doorschijnend en teer = hyaline
"doorschijnend, verstrooïend" = translucent {adj} (allowing light to pass through but diffusing it)
doorschijnende = transparent
doorschijnendheid = transparency
doorschot = overshoot
doorschoten = interleaved
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = carbon copy bookkeeping system
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = copy writing accounting
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = duplicate recording system
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = one-write bookkeeping system [Am.]
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = single-posting system
Doorschrijfpapier zonder carbon = Carbonless paper
doorschrijven = to write through
doorschuifmodel vaatwasser = passthrough dishwasher
doorschuifmomenten = throughput moments
doorschuifoven = pusher-type furnace
doorschuiftijd = transit time
doorschuiven = pass on
doorschuiving (van activa/beleggingen) via een tussenschakel = conduit roll-over
doorschutten = lock through
doorsijpelen = seep through
doorsijpelen = percolate
doorsijpelen = to silt through
doorsijpelen = percolation
"doorsijpelen, doordringen" = percolate  ((intransitive) spread slowly or gradually)
doorsijpeling = percolation
doorsijpeling = oozing
doorsijpeling = seepage
doorsijpeling = seeping through to
doorsijpeling van water in de bodem = water infiltration into the ground
Doorsijpelprincipe = Filtering through principle
doorslaan = 7. (drevelen) drive in
doorslaan = "2. (van gaten) punch, race"
doorslaan = "3. [ELEC.ENG.] (van een zekering) fuse, blow, come through"
doorslaan = "8. [ELEC.ENG.] (van smeltveiligheid) blow, melt"
doorslaan = "4. (van bijv. inkt door papier) show through, bleed through"
doorslaan = "6. (vocht doorlaten) sweat, become damp"
doorslaan = 1. (door prikken) puncture
doorslaan = "11. (grof filtreren) strain, colander"
doorslaan = 5. (lijm) bleed through
doorslaan = "12. (het slippen van wielen, machine) race, skid"
doorslaan = 9. (door slaan breken) break
doorslaan = "10. (een muur) knock down, break out"
doorslaan = 14. (van een leiding) fuse
doorslaan = 13. (van isolatie) break down
doorslaan = to blow
doorslaan = moisture penetration
doorslaan = to get (completely) out of hand
doorslaan = slip
doorslaan = to mix
doorslaan = reverse
doorslaan = change face
doorslaan = invert
doorslaan van een kabel = breakdown of a cable
doorslag = breakdown
doorslag = punch
doorslag = round punch
Doorslag = Replication
Doorslag = Drift punch
Doorslag = Copy
doorslag = drift-punch
Doorslag = Backup
Doorslag = Dub
Doorslag = Paper
doorslagboring = pass-through hole
doorslaggevend = deciding factor
doorslaggevend = decisive
doorslaggevend geweest = was the deciding factor
doorslaggevende = decisive
doorslaggevende factoren = deciding factors
doorslaggevende stem = decisive vote
doorslaggevende stem = casting vote
doorslaggevende stem = deciding vote
doorslaggevende stem zal hebben = having a deciding vote
doorslaggevende zeggenschap = decisive control
doorslagkit = arcing cement
doorslagmeettafel = breakdown test board
doorslagpapier = carbon paper
doorslagspanning = breakdown voltage
doorslagsterkte = dielectric strength
doorslagvastheid = puncture strength
doorslagveiligheid = "electrical breakdown fuse, electrical breakdown protection (circuit)"
doorslagveldsterkte = breakdown field strength
doorslijpen = straight cylindrical grinding
Doorslijpen = Slit
doorslijpmachine (loodgieterij) = abrasive cut(ting)-off machine
doorslijpmachine (loodgieterij) = abrasive(-wheel) cut(ting)-off machine
doorslijten = wear away
Doorslikken = Swallow down
doorslikken = swallow
Doorslikken = Gulp
Doorslikken = Gobble up
doorslippen = to slip
doorsluizen = channel
doorsluizen = to forward
doorsluizen = to pass on
doorsluizen = pipe
doorsmelten = to melt through
doorsmelttijd = fusing time
doorsmeren = anoint
Doorsmeren = Grease
doorsnede = profile
doorsnede = intersection
doorsnede = cross-section
Doorsnede = Cross section
doorsnede = section
doorsnede = overlap
doorsnede (middellijn) = diameter
doorsnede (snijvlak) = sectional plane
doorsnede (tekening) = cross-section
doorsnede (tekening) = cross-sectional drawing
doorsnede (tekening) = section
Doorsnede (verzamelingenleer) = Intersection (set theory)
Doorsnede aansluitsnoer = Cross section connection cable
Doorsnede afnameleiding = Cross-section of take-off cable
Doorsnede aftakgeleider = Cross section branch core
Doorsnede bedradingsaders = Cross section wiring cores
Doorsnede doorgaande geleider = Cross section through-wiring core
Doorsnede kap = Diameter cap
Doorsnede kookgedeelte 1 = Diameter cooking field 1
Doorsnede kookgedeelte 2 = Diameter cooking field 2
Doorsnede opening = Diameter openings
Doorsnede reflector = Reflector diameter
doorsnede ter hoogte van = cross-section at the height of
doorsnede van de leidingen = cross sections of the pipes
Doorsnede van ribben = Rib diameter
Doorsnede van/tot = Cross section from/to
Doorsnede volgens de as = Cross-section along the axis
doorsnede volgens de lengterichting = cross-section along the longitudinal direction
doorsnedeaanzicht = sectional view
doorsnedekracht = section force
doorsneden = transected
doorsneden [ww] = transected
doorsnede-oppervlakte = cross-sectional area
doorsnedetekening = sectional drawing
doorsnee = ordinary
doorsnee = average
doorsnee = common
doorsnee = mean
doorsnee = run-of-the-mill
Doorsnee = Platoon
doorsnee spies = regular skewer
doorsneeaanzicht = sectional view
Doorsneeanalyse = Cross-section analysis
doorsneepensioenpremie = average pension contribution
doorsneepremie = average premium
Doorsnijden = Sever
Doorsnijden = Slice away
Doorsnijden = Slice
Doorsnijden = Dissect
doorsnijding = intersection
doorsnijdingsklok = intersection clock
doorsnijstempel = cutting tool
doorspoelbaar = flushable
doorspoelen = flush
doorspoelen = to  flush (a toilet)
doorspoelen = flushing
"doorspoelen,doortrekken" = flush  (to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water)
doorspoelwater = flush water
doorspreken = discussing
doorspreken = talking through
doorspuiten = to purge
doorspuitopeningen = flushing openings
doorspuitvoorziening = flushing facility
doorsroommogelijkheden (gebruikt als HR term) = career possibilities
doorstaan = endure
doorstaan = abide
doorstart = restart (at take-off) go-around (for landing)
doorstart = "new start, een doorstart maken = start up again"
doorstart = relaunch/restart (m.b.t. bedrijven)
doorstartend bedrijf = restarting company (after bankruptcy)
doorstartend bedrijf = restructuring company (from bankruptcy)
doorstartend bedrijf = young business
doorstarter = young business
doorsteekbox = break-out box
Doorsteekfitting = Passing through lamp holder
doorsteekketen = break-out chain
Doorsteekmodel = Trough-feed model
Doorsteekscharnier = Passing through hinge
Doorsteekveilig = Stick-proof
doorsteken = threading
doorsteken = short-cuts
doorsteken = piercing
doorsteken of doorboren = piercing or perforating
doorstikken = stitch through
doorstop = door stop
doorstoten = penetrate
doorstreept = crossed out
doorstreeptest = cross-out test
doorstrepen = cross out
"doorstrepen, uitwissen, wissen" = strike  (to delete)
doorstrijkmethode = ???
Doorstrijkmortel = Jointing mortar
doorstromen = transfer / move on / progress / pursue a … degree
doorstromen = to transfer to
doorstromen = having received recognition for knowledge
doorstromen = move on (or up) to another level or form of education
doorstromen = skill or competence acquired.
doorstromen = to move on (or move up) to another type of education
doorstromen = flow through
doorstromen = transfer to a Master's programme
doorstromer = transferee
doorstromer (kijk ook bij 'zij-instromer') = continuing student
doorstroming = moving up (down) the house ladder
doorstroming = circulation
doorstroming = flow
doorstroming van het openbaar vervoer = flow of public transport
doorstroming van het openbaar vervoer = public transport flow
doorstroming van lucht = air flow
doorstromingsmeter = flowmeter
doorstromingsprofiel = wet cross-section
doorstromingsveld = flow field
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. onderw., naar andere opleiding) transfer  , moving on to"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. onderw., naar hoger studiejaar) progression"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. personeel, binnen organisatie) advancement  , promotion"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. personeel, verloop) flow  , turnover"
doorstroom = (m.b.t. verkeer) flow
doorstroom (gebruikt als HR term) = "mobility, career development"
Doorstroom- en overstapanalyse = subscriber loyalty analysis
Doorstroom Master = follow-on master’s
doorstroom naar andere functie = mobility of staff
doorstroom naar andere functie = move to another job
doorstroom naar andere functie = transfer to another function [horizontal career step]
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = advancement of staff
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = mobility of staff
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = move on to a higher level
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = progression to a senior position
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = promotion of staff
doorstroom van mensen = flow of people
Doorstroom warmwatertoestel = Instantaneous water heater
doorstroomanalyses = high-throughput analysis
doorstroomdebiet = through-flow rate
doorstroomdeelkwalificatie = Entrance certificate
doorstroommanagement (HR term) = talent management
doorstroommaster = follow-on master’s
doorstroommaster voor bachelor studenten = follow-on master’s for bachelor’s students
doorstroommatrix = transfer matrix
doorstroomminor = special minor designed to enable students to transfer directly onto a uni
doorstroomminors = qualifying minors
doorstroommoeras = river basin wetlands
doorstroommogelijkheden = admission possibilities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = [staff] development opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career development [opportunities]
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career potential
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career prospects
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = mobility of staff
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = opportunities for progress
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = promotion potential
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = promotion prospects
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = transfer opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = upward mobility
doorstroomopening = orifice
doorstroomproblematiek = (career) progression problems
doorstroomprofiel = transfer profile
doorstroomsnelheid = flow rate
doorstroomstudent = previously enrolled students entering a Master’s degree programme leadi
Doorstroomtijd = lead time
Doorstroomtijd = processing time
doorstroomtoestel = instantaneous water heater
doorstroomvak = required subject
Doorsturen = Forward
doorsturen = transmitting
doorsturen van bestellingen = forwarding orders
"doorsturen, doorverwijzen" = "redirect  (instruct to go, inquire... elsewhere)"
doorstuurpostvak = forward mailbox
doorstuurt = forwards
doortast = side access opening
doortastend = energetic
doortastender = bold
doortastender = boldly
doortastender = firm
doortastender = firmly
doortastender = resolute
doortastender = resolutely
doortastender = vigorous
doortastender = vigorously
doortastender = more vigouously
doortikken = to continue ticking
doortocht = transit
doortranen = weep
doortrapbescherming = puncture-resistant
Doortrapt = Smart
doortrapt = clever
Doortrapt = Sly
Doortrapt = Artful
Doortrapt = Cunning
Doortrapt = Wily
doortraptheid = cunning
doortrekken = lengthen
Doortrekken = Cross over
Doortrekken = Walk across
Doortrekken = Go across
Doortrekken = Get across
Doortrekken = Traverse
Doortrekken = Get over
Doortrekken = Cross
"doortrekken, doorzwerven" = peregrinate  (to travel through a specific place)
doortrekpons = extruding punch
doortrekstempel = extruding tool
doorvaart = passage
doorvaarthoogte = clearance
doorvaarthoogte = headroom
doorvaartopening = bridge passage
doorvalbeveiliging = fall-through protection
doorvalbeveiliging = fall prevention on the stands
doorvalbeveiliging = to protect people and objects from falling through
doorvalbeveiliging = protection for people or objects falling through
doorvallen = falling through
doorvalstans = [fall-through] die-punch machine
doorverbindblokje = junction block
doorverbindblokje = jumper block
doorverbinden = transfer
doorverbinden = to connect
Doorverbinden = Call forwarding
doorverbinden = to interconnect
Doorverbinden aan = Call Forwarding On
doorverbinden gebaseerd op locatie = location-based forwarding
doorverbinden met aankondiging = announced transfer
doorverbinden naar ander net = off-net extension
Doorverbinden uit = Call Forwarding Off
Doorverbinden wordt beheerd door Communicator = Control call forwarding from Communicator
doorverbinding = interconnection
Doorverbindingsbrug rijgklem = Cross-connector for terminal block
doorverbonden = connected
doorverbonden = interconnected
door-verbonden = connect through
door-verbonden = connect together
door-verbonden = interconnect
doorverhuren = relet
doorverhuren = rehire/relet
doorverkocht = resold
doorverkoopovereenkomst = resale contract
doorverkopen = resell
doorverkopen = sell on
doorverkopen = resale
doorverkoperen = to plate through
doorvermenigvuldigen = multiplying through
doorvertalen = pass on (...) to
doorvertaling = elaboration
doorvertaling = translation
doorverven = dye through
doorverwezen = redirected
doorverwezen = referred
doorverwijst = refer
doorverwijzen = refer
doorverwijzen naar buitengewoon onderwijs = refer
doorverwijzen naar buitengewoon onderwijs = refer to a special school
doorverwijzen naar iemand anders = to refer to somebody else
doorverwijzing = referral to a special school
Doorverwijzing = Referral to
doorverwijzing naar buitengewoon onderwijs = referral to a special school
doorverwijzing naar buitengewoon onderwijs = referral
doorvoer = lead-through
Doorvoer = Circulation
Doorvoer = Throughput
doorvoer = transit
doorvoer = duct
doorvoer = passage
doorvoer = throughput
doorvoer en kabelgoot = bushing and cable duct
doorvoer gaten = feed-through holes
doorvoer van de kabel = passage of the cable
Doorvoer van lucht = Circulation of air
doorvoer(ing) = lead-through
doorvoerbeitsinstallatie = conveyorized pickling equipment
Doorvoerblok = Feed-through block
doorvoerbout = through bolt
doorvoerbuis = sleeve
doorvoercapaciteit = throughput
doorvoercomponent = feedthrough component
doorvoercondensator = feed-through capacitor
doorvoerdraad = feed-through wire
doorvoerelement = pass-through housing
doorvoeren = implement
doorvoeren = make
doorvoeren = ducts
doorvoeren = feedthroughs
doorvoeren = to introduce a change
Doorvoeren = Elate
doorvoeren = to pass through
Doorvoeren = Carry
Doorvoeren = Whisk
Doorvoeren = Transport
doorvoeren = apply
Doorvoeren = Haul
Doorvoeren = Carry away
Doorvoeren = Carry out
doorvoeren = convey in transit
doorvoeren = forward
doorvoeren = send on
doorvoeren = transit
doorvoeren = feed-through conduits
Doorvoeren van critical en security patches = Implementation of critical and security patches
Doorvoeren van critical en security patches voor een stabiele (veilige) I = Implementation of critical and security patches for a safe and stable IT
doorvoerfout = feed check
doorvoergat = feeded through hole
doorvoergloeidraad = feed-through filament
doorvoerhuls = pass-through bush
doorvoering = duct
Doorvoering = Slide bearing
Doorvoering = Anti-friction bearing
Doorvoering = Friction bearing
doorvoering in reactorvatdeksel = penetration of reactor vessels
doorvoeringen = ducts
doorvoerisolator = feedthrough insulator
doorvoerkabel = feed-through cable
doorvoerkampen = transit camps
doorvoerkanaal = conduit
doorvoerkanaal = feed-through conduit
Doorvoerklem = Panel feed-through terminal block
doorvoerland = transit country
doorvoerlengte = feed-through length
doorvoernummer = lead through number
doorvoerontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized cleaner
doorvoerontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized cleaning equipment
doorvoeropening = conduits
doorvoeropening = feed-through aperture
doorvoeropening = passage
doorvoeropening = lead-through opening
doorvoeroplosmiddelontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized solvent degreasing equipment
doorvoeroven = conveyor oven
doorvoerplaat voor de ketting = chain entry plate
doorvoerrechten = transit charge
doorvoerreeks = fill series
doorvoerrichting = feed-through direction
doorvoerrol = pull roll
doorvoerrol = sectional pull roll
doorvoerrollen = pull collars
Doorvoerrubber = rubber grommet
doorvoerrubber schutbord = bulkhead grummet
Doorvoerscherm = confirmation screen/window
Doorvoersnelheid = Rate
doorvoersnelheid = throughput
doorvoersnelheid = throughput speed
doorvoerstuk = feed-through conduit
Doorvoerstuk leidingkanaal = Wall-ceiling transition for installation duct
doorvoersysteem = feedthrough system
doorvoerterminal = feedthrough terminal
doorvoertule = grommet
doorvoertule = screw plug
doorvoertule = "filler cap, rubber for test port for"
doorvoertule = bushing
doorvoertype = feed-through type
doorvragen = further inquiry
doorvragen = follow on questions
doorvragen = further questions
doorvragen = probing questions
Doorvragen = Asking probing questions
doorvragen = probing questions
Doorvragen = Follow-through questions
doorvragen = asking further questions
doorwaadbare plaats = lrish bridge
doorwaadbare plaats = watersplash
doorwaadbare plaats = ford
Doorwaden = Ford
doorwarmen = to soak
doorwarmingszone = soaking zone
Doorweken = Sop
Doorweken = Soak
Doorweken = Quench
Doorweken = Anneal
Doorweken = Steep
Doorweken = Dip
Doorweken = Chill
Doorweken = Douse
Doorweken = Temper
Doorweken = Drench
Doorweken = Harden
doorwerken = to plate out
doorwerken = carry on working
doorwerken = work on
doorwerken = continue to affect
doorwerken = continue to work
doorwerken in = be carried over into
doorwerken in = extend to
doorwerking = continued effect
doorwerking = impact
doorwerking = plating out
doorwerking = (continued) effect
doorwerking = direct effect (van cao)
doorwerkkap = work shelter
doorwerknippel = hole-finishing punch
doorzagen = to saw through
doorzakken = collapse
doorzakken = to sag
doorzakking = sagging
doorzending = transmission
doorzet = throughput
doorzetten = pass XXX on to YYY
doorzetten = abide
doorzetten = carry through
doorzetten = see out
doorzetten = to persevere
doorzetten = transfer
Doorzetten = Transfer
doorzetten naar de handel = pass on to the car trade
doorzetter = go-getter
doorzetting = embossment
doorzetting van het schip = inertia (in motion)
doorzettingsmacht = legal power
doorzettingsmacht = overriding authority
doorzettingsmacht = power to overrule
doorzettingsmacht = powers to overcome obstacles
doorzettingsmacht = with the power to take measures in another minister’s remit
doorzettingsmacht = final authority
doorzettingsvermogen = perseverance
doorzettingsvermogen {het} = perseverance [stamina]
doorzettingsvermogen {het} = stamina
"doorzettingsvermogen, daadkracht, creativiteit, respect, verdraagzaamheid" = "perseverance, decisiveness, creativity, respect, tolerance, receptivity a"
Doorzicht = transparency
doorzicht densiteit = "TD, transmission density"
doorzichten = views
doorzichtig = transparent
Doorzichtig = Overlay
doorzichtig = transparant
Doorzichtig = See-through
doorzichtig is = is transparent
doorzichtig materiaal = transparent material
Doorzichtig of doorschijnend papier = Transparent or translucent paper
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = allowing light to pass through
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = capable of being seen through)
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = diaphanous {adj} (Transparent
"doorzichtig, klaar, doorschijnend" = clear {adj} (completely transparent in colour)
doorzichtige = transparent
doorzichtige fietshelmcover = transparent bicycle helmet cover
doorzichtige folies = transparent films
doorzichtige procedures = transparent procedures
doorzichtige regionale-investeringssteunregelingen = transparent regional investment aid schemes
doorzichtige wanden = transparent walls
doorzichtige zijwanden = transparent side walls
doorzichtiggedeeltevandevoorruit = Transparent area of a windscreen
doorzichtigheid = transparency
Doorzichtigheid van de markt = Market transparency
doorzichtzoeker = direct vision finder
Doorzien = Guess
doorzitten [1] = ride (at) a sitting trot
doorzitten [2] = wear out (the seat of)
doorzitten [3] = decubitus (ulcers)
doorzitten [3] = have / get bedsores
doorzitten [3] = pressure sores
doorzoekbaar = searchable
Doorzoeken = Explore
Doorzoeken = Forage for
Doorzoeken = Delve
Doorzoeken = Excavate
Doorzoeken = Frisk
Doorzoeken = Poke about
Doorzoeken = Rustle for
doorzoeken = to scan
Doorzoeken = Pry
doorzoeken = search
Doorzoeken = Scavenge
Doorzoeken = Dig
doorzonkamer = through room
doorzonwoning = house with a through room
doorzweten = seep through
Doos = Till
Doos = Drum
Doos = Carton
Doos = Box
Doos = Can
doos = case
Doos = Cash desk
doos = box
doos {de} = box
"doos, verpakking" = box
doosafmetingen = box dimensions
doosband = cardboard box conveyor belt
dooscondensator = box capacitor
doosconfiguratie = box configuration
doosje = box
doosje {het} = "box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]"
doosligger = box beam
doosligger = box girder
doosniveau = circular level
doosopening = manufacturer's gap
doosvormige caisson = box caisson
Doosvrucht = Capsule
dooswand = box wall
dooswanden = box walls
dooverkopen = resell
dop = cap
dop = "DoP, director of photography"
Dop = Husk
dop = drain plug
dop = bark
dop = socket
dop met vertanding = toothed socket
Dop voor binnenzeskant = Socket driver hexagonal
Dop voor kruiskopschroeven = Socket for crosshead screws
Dop voor sleufschroeven = Socket for slot head screws
Dop voor torxschroeven = Socket for Torx screws
Dop voor zeskantmoeren = Socket for hexagonal nuts
dopaanslag = rubber buffer
dopakfles = Dopak bottle / Dopak sampler
dopamin agoniste = dopamine agonist: a substance that reduces the fluctuations in motor cont
Dopamine = Dopamine
dopamine-neurone = dopamine-producing neuron
dopamine-neurone = dopamine neuron
dopamineontvanger = dopamine receptor
dope = drug
dopen = to baptize
Dopen = Christen
dopen = to dope
dopen = to christen
dopen = baptize
doper = baptizer
Doperwten = Garden peas
dopes = additives
dophei = heath
Dophei = Heather
Dopheide = Heath
Dopheide = Heather
dophouder = nozzle
dophouders = nozzles
doping = performance drugs
Doping = Doping
doping in het sportswezen = doping in sports
doping in het sportswezen = sports drug abuse
doping in het sportswezen = using performance-enhancing drugs
dopinggeduide stoffen = substances designated as doping agents
dopje (bij systeemrol) = insert
dopjes = caps
dopmoer = blind nut
dopmoer = cap nut
dopmoer = capped nut
doppelblind studie = double blind study
Doppen = Husk
Doppen = Hull
Doppen = Shell
doppen = caps
Doppen verwijderen = Remove caps
Doppen voor houders = Tops for containers
doppenset met ratel = ratchet set
Doppler effect = Doppler shift
Doppler van bloedvaten = venous  doppler
Doppler VHF Omni direction Range (DVOR) = Doppler VHF Omni direction Range (DVOR)
Doppler-duplex echocardiografie = Doppler  echocardiography
Doppler-duplex echocardiografie = duplex echocardiography: a non-invasive technique used to determining blo
Dopplereffect = Doppler effect
Doppler-effect = Doppler effect
Doppler-navigatiesysteem = Doppler navigation system
Doppler-onderzoek = ultrasonics
Doppler-onderzoek = Doppler ultrasonography
Doppler-onderzoek: een techniek waarbij men met behulp van geluidsgolven  = Doppler scanning
Doppler-radar = Doppler radar
Doppleruitrusting = Doppler equipment
Doppler-verschuiving = Doppler shift
dopschroevendraaier = nut driver
Dopschroevendraaier = Socket spanner
dopschroevendraaier = socket-type wrench
dopsleutel = socket wrench
dopsleutel = socket spanner
Dopsleutelset = Socket set
dopvrucht = achene
dor = barren
dor = dry
DO-raming = final design estimate
Dordrecht = Dordrecht
Dordtenaren = citizens of Dordt
Dorenroosje = the Sleeping Beauty
dorheid = dryness
Doris Lessing = Doris Lessing
Dorisch = Dorian
Dorisch / Dorische orde / Dorische stijl = Doric
Dorisch ojief = cyma recta
Dorische = Doric
Dorische orde = Doric order
Dorische stijl / orde = Doric order
Dorische zuil = Doric column
dormter / dormitorium (slaapzaal in klooster) = dorter / dortour
Dorn = Prickle
Dorn = Thorn
Dorn = Spine
dornase = dornase
Dorner Electronic = Dorner Electronic
DornerDisposition I = DornerDisposition I
DornerSteuerung I = DornerSteuerung I
dorp = village
Dorp = Village Hall
dorp = town
dorp {het} = village
dorpel = threshold
dorpel = sill
dorpel = "1. (grondbalk van dok, sluis) sill, threshold"
dorpel = "2. [BUILD.] (deurdrempel) threshold, doorstep"
dorpel = 3. (bovendorpel) lintel
"dorpel, drempel" = threshold
"dorpel, onderdorpel" = sill
dorpeling = villager
dorpen {mv} = villages
dorpen en steden = villages and towns
dorpje = quiet village
Dorps = Rough
Dorps = Coarse
Dorps = Crude
Dorps = Raw
Dorps = Rural
Dorps = Rustic
Dorps = Countrified
dorpsburgemeester = burgomaster
dorpsgezicht = villagescape
dorpskern = village centre
dorpsplein = village square
dorre streek = barren
dorsaal = dorsal
dorsale wervelkolom = dorsal spine
dorsen = ripple
dorsen = thresh
dorsen = "thresh, to"
Dorsen = Percussion drilling
Dorsen = Beating
Dorsen = Threshing
Dorset = Dorset
Dorset Blue Vinney cheese = Dorset Blue Vinney cheese
dorsiflexie = bending backwards
dorsiflexie = dorsiflexion
Dorsmachine = Threshing machine
Dorsmachine = Drummer
Dorsmachine = Beater
dorsoventraal: van rug- naar buikzijde = dorsoventral: extending from the back to the belly
dorst = thirst
dorst {de} = thirst
dorst hebben = to be thirsty
dorst hebben = be thirsty
dorsten naar = covet
dorstig = thirsty
Dorsvlegel = Scourge
Dortmund = Dortmund
dorzolamide = dorzolamide
DoS = DoS
DOS = Reverse side
DOS = Piggyback
DOS = Reverse
DOS = Fed up
DOS = Back
DOS (besturingssysteem) = DOS
do's and don'ts = dos and don’ts
DoS-aanval = DoS attack
doseer installatie = batching system
doseerapparaat = metering device
doseerapparaat = dosing device
doseerapparaat = dosaging device
doseerapparaten = dosing devices
doseerapparatuur = dosing equipment
doseerbaan en/of keerbaan = batching conveyor and/or turning conveyor
doseerband = batching conveyor
doseerband = dosing conveyor
doseerband = batching conveyor
doseerband = belt feeder (IATE)
doseerband = dosing conveyor
doseerband = metering conveyor
doseerband = metering conveyor
doseerband = belt feeder (IATE)
doseer-band = batching conveyor
doseer-band = belt feeder (IATE)
doseer-band = dosing conveyor
doseer-band = metering conveyor
doseerband + keerbaan = batching conveyor + turning conveyor
doseerbunker = coal silo
doseercontainer = metering container
doseerextruder = dosage extruder
doseerhopper = dosing hopper
doseerhoppers = dosing hoppers
doseerinrichting = dosing device
doseerinrichting volgens onderhavige uitvinding = dosing device according to the present invention
doseerinstallatie = batching system
doseerinstallatie = dosing installation
doseerkamer = metering chamber
doseerkanaal = dosing channel
doseerkanalen = dosing channels
doseerkop = dosing head
doseerkoppen = dosing heads
doseerpen = dosing needle
doseerpomp = metering pump
doseerpomp = proportioning pump
doseerpomp = dosing pump
Doseerpompen = Dosing pumps
doseerrol = metering roll
doseerrol = roll feeder
doseerschuif = dosaging slide
doseerschuif = measuring valve
Doseersets = Dosage kits
doseersluis = rotary airlock
doseersluis = rotary feeder
doseersluis = rotary valve
doseersystemen = dosing systems
doseertank = dosing tank
Doseertoestellen = Dosing plant
doseerunit = dosing unit
doseervloeistof = dosing medium
doseerworm/afvulmachine = dosing screw/dosed filling unit
doseren = to dose
doseren = batch
doseren = batching
doseren = dose
doseren = measure out
doseren = meter
doseren = dosing
doseren en vermengen = dosing and mixing
doseren van chocolade in een mal = dosing chocolate into a mold
dosering = dosage
dosering = posology
dosering = dose
dosering = dose adjustment
Dosering en wijze van toediening = Posology and method of administration
doseringsaanpassing = dose adjustment
doserings-compensatie = dosage compensation
doseringscontrole = dosage control
doseringsregime = dosage regimen
doseringsregime = dosage schedule
doseringsregime = regimen
Doseringsregime = Dosage Schedule
doseringsschema = immunization schedule: choosing the best times usually for primary or sec
doseringsschema = vaccination schedule
doseringsvat = dosing vat
doseringsvorm = dosage form
doseringsvormen = dosage forms
Dosimeters = Dosimeters
Dosimeters voor ionisatiekamers = Ionization chamber dosimeters
dosimetrie = "dosimetry: methods of measuring and computing absorbed dose, exposure, ex"
Dosimetriesysteem = Dosimetry system
dosimetrisch = dosimetric
dosimetrische verstuiver = dosimetric aerosol
dosis = dose
dosis {de} = dose
dosis lethalis = lethal  dose
dosis per tijdseenheid = dosage rate
dosis per tijdseenheid = dose-rate: the strength of a treatment given over a period of time
dosis voor de gonade = gonadal dose
dosis-afhankelijk = dose-dependent
dosis-effectrelatie = dose-effect relationship
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response relation
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response curve
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response graph
dosisescalatie = dose escalation
dosismeter = dosimeter
dosis-reponsiecurve = dose-response curve
dosis-respons relatie = dose-response relationship
dosis-respons-evaluatie = dose-response evaluation
dosis-responsie samenhang = dose-response relationship
dosisresponsrelatie = dose–response relationship
dosisresponsrelatie = exposure–response relationship
dosisverdeling = dose distribution
dosometer = dosometer
dosse gezaagd hout = plain sawn timber
Dossier = File
Dossier = Brief
dossier = dossier
Dossier = Folder
dossier = tender dossier
dossier {het} = file
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier on Agreements and Procedures
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier of Arrangements and Procedures
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier of Agreements and Procedures (DAP)
dossier afspraken en procedures (DAP) = dossier of agreements and procedures (DAP)
dossier as built = as-built file
dossier dat in gebruik is = active file
dossier dat is afgelegd = dead file
dossier- en dashboardonderzoeken = file and dashboard audits
Dossier Enkelvoudig Onderhands = Single Private Tender dossier
Dossier Financiële Afspraken = Financial Agreements File
Dossier Meervoudig Onderhands = Multiple Private Tender dossier
dossier tot kandidaatstelling = BID APPLICATION DOSSIER
dossier van de rechtspleging = case file
dossier van de werknemer = employee’s file
dossier van de windturbine = service life logbook
dossier zeehondenopvang = seal rehabilitation dossier
Dossierbeheer = File management
dossierbeheerder = account manager
Dossierbeveiligingssoftware = File security software package
dossierdiploma = testimonium
dossiergegevens = project details
dossierhouder = case officers
Dossierkasten = Filing cabinets
dossierkosten = administration charges
dossierkwaliteit = audit file quality
dossierkwaliteit = file quality
Dossiermappen = File covers
dossierniveau = project level
Dossiernr = File No
dossiernummer = file number
Dossieronderzoek = File search
dossieronderzoeken = file audits
Dossieropbouw = File structure
Dossieropbouw = Tender dossier structure
dossierreview = file review
dossierreviews = file reviews
dossiers = case dossiers
dossiers = documents
dossiers = dossiers
dossiers = files
dossiers = papers
dossiers = records
dossiers bijgewerkt houden = keep records up to date
dossierstudie = examination of files
dossierstudie = file appraisal
Dossiertaks = Dossier fee
dossiervastleggingen = documentation
dossierverklaring = transcript
dossiervorming = compiling of files
dossiervorming = documentation
dossiervorming = preparation of files
Dot = Tuft
Dot = Clump
dot = chunk
Dotatie aan een reserve = Transfer to a reserve
Dotatie aan een reserve = Crediting of a reserve
dotatie aan het reservefonds = addition to the reserve fund
dotatie aan het reservefonds = allocation to the reserve fund
dotatie aan het reservefonds = transfer to the reserve fund
dotatie latentie = deferred allocation
Dotatieschema = Allocation scheme
Dot-com wereld = Dotcom world
doteerstof = dopant
doteren = to dope
doteringsatoom = impurity atom
doteringsion = impurity ion
doteringsstof = impurity material
dothiepin = dosulepin
Dot-pitch = Pitch
dotplot = dotplot
dots per inch = dots per inch
Douala = Douala
douane = customs authorities
douane = customs
Douane = Dutch Customs (Douane
douane {de} = customs
douane-aangifte voor invoergoederen in veemopslag = warehousing entry
douaneagentschappen = customs brokerage
douaneautoriteit = customs authority
douanebeambte = customs officer
Douanebeleid = Customs policy
douanebewijs voor teveel betaalde invoerrechten = over-entry certificate
douanecontrole = customs inspection
Douanediensten = Custom broker services
douanedocument = customs document
douanedocumenten = customs documents
douane-entrepot = customs warehouse
douaneformaliteit = customs formalities
douanefraude = customs fraud
douanegebied van de Europese Unie = customs territory of the European Union
douanegebied van de Gemeenschap = Community customs territory
douanegebied van de Gemeenschap = customs territory of the Community
douanegebied van de Unie = customs territory of the Union
douanegoederen = customs goods
douanegoederen of kostbare producten = customs goods or valuable products
douaneharmonisatie = customs harmonisation
Douanekamer = Customs Division
Douanekamer van het gerechtshof Amsterdam = Customs Division of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal
douanekantoor = custom-house
douanekantoor in België = customs office in Belgium
douanekantoor van bestemming = customs office of departure
douanekantoor van bestemming = Customs office of destination
douanekantoor van bestemming van het controle-exemplaar T5 = customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent
douanekantoor van doorgang = Customs office en route
douanekantoor van uitgang = customs office of exit
douanekantoor van uitvoer = customs office of export
douanepapier = customs document
douanepost = customs post
Douanerechten = Customs duties
douaneregeling = customs procedure suspending duties
douaneregelingen = customs regulations
douaneregelingen = customs regulation
douanesamenwerking = customs cooperation
douaneschorsingsregeling = customs suspensive procedure or arrangement
douaneschuld = customs debt
douanetarief = customs tariff
douane-unie = customs union
douane-unie of economische unie = customs or economic union
Douane-Unie van Zuidelijk Afrika = Southern African Customs Union
douaneveiligheidsmaatregelen = Customs security measures
douanevertegenwoordiger = customs representative
douanevoorschriften = customs regulations
douanevrijstelling = exemption from customs duties
douanewaarde = customs valuation
douanewaarde van ingevoerde goederen = customs value of imported goods
Douanewetgeving = Customs
douanewetgeving = customs legislation
Double action = Platinum
Double Ag Low-E = Double Ag Low-E
double face = double face
Double slot contrasteker = Double nut equipment bus
Doubleclick Campaign manager = DoubleClick Campaign Manager
DoubleClick studio = DoubleClick Studio
Double-duty advertising = Double duty advertising
doubleren = double
doublure lopen (on the job) = job shadowing
doublure lopen (on the job) = on-the-job shadowing
douceurtje = tip
Douche = Shower
douche / doucheruimte = shower
douche {de} = shower
douche- en badleiding (loodgieterij) = bath and shower mixer
douche ruimte = shower area
douchebak = shower tray
Douchebakken = Shower basins
douchecabine = shower cabinet
douchecabine = shower cubicle
douchecabines = shower enclosures
douchecel = shower stall
Douchedeur = Shower door
douchedrain = shower drain
douchefittingen = shower fittings
douchegarnituren = shower fittings
douchegels = shower gels
douchegordijnen = shower curtains
douchehoek = shower corner
douchehokje = showerstall
douchekop = shower head
douchekop = showerhead
douchemengkraan = shower mixer
Douchemutsen = Shower caps
Douchen = Take a shower
douchen = to shower
douchen = shower
"douchen, een douche nemen, een stortbad nemen" = shower  (to bathe using a shower)
doucheruimte = shower room
Douches = Showers
douchescherm = shower screen
doucheslang = shower hose
doucheslang = shower hose
Douchestang/-slang = Shower bar/hose
Douglas MacArthur = Douglas MacArthur
Douillet = Cozy
Douillet = Snug
Douillet = Cosy
douw = push
Douwe Egberts Coffee Care = Douwe Egberts Coffee Care
Douwe Egberts Professional = Douwe Egberts Professional
douwel / deuvel / drevel = dowel
douwen = push
DO-variabele = DO-variable
Dove = Deafness
Dove = Deaf
dovekool = charcoal
Doven = Slake
doven = to extinguish
Doven = Put out
doven = extinguish
doven- = Deaf
"doven, uitdoen, uitdoven" = douse  (put out
"doven, uitdoen, uitdoven" = extinguish)
dovenetel = dead-nettle
dovenlus = hearing loop
dover = colour killer
Dover = Dover
Dover (Delaware) = Dover
Dover (Engeland) = Dover
dowel = dowel
Dowel = Dowel
dowels = dowels
Dow-Jones index = Dow-Jones Industrial Average
DowJones Sustainability Index = Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
down = depressed
"down, depri, depressief" = down {adj} (depressed)
downcast = downcast
downcasting en instanceof = downcasting and instanceof
downcyclen = downcycling
downdraft-afzuiginstallatie = downdraft extractor
downgrading = down-grading
Down-grading = Down grading
Downlight = Downlight
download = download
Download = Downloads
Download = Download
Download de whitepaper nu gratis = Download the free white paper now
download- en uploadverkeer = download and upload traffic
Download gratis Cegeka’s = Download Cegeka’s free
Download hier gratis die whitepaper = Download the free white paper here
download modus = Download mode
downloadbeheer = Download Manager
downloadcache = download cache
Downloaden = Download
downloaden = downloading
Downloaden = Uploading
Downloaden = Upload
downloaden = to download [from the Internet]
Downloaden in App Store = Download on App Store
Downloaden in Google Play = Download on Google Play
"downloaden, te verspreiden, te reproduceren, te vermenigvuldigen, te dist" = "download, disseminate, reproduce, distribute, transmit, collect, publish "
downloading license = downloading licence
downloadpakket voor Windows-bibliotheek voor JavaScript = the download package for Windows Library for JavaScript
downloadproces = download process
downloadprogramma = downloader
downloadprogramma in Trojaans paard = Trojan downloader
downloads = downloads
Downloads van brochures = Download brochures
Downloads van handleidingen = Download manuals
Downloads van persberichten = Download press releases
Downloads van technische documentatie = Download technical documentation
Downloads van tekeningen = Download drawings
downloadsnelheden = download speeds
Download-toets = Download key
downregeling = down regulation: decreasing ligand & receptor interactions or reducing th
downscalen = downscale
downstream = downstream
downstream bandbreedte = downstream bandwidth
downtijd = downtime
downtime = downtime
Downton-schattingen = Downton's estimators
doxapram = Dopram
doxazosin = doxazosin mesylate
doxazosin = doxazosin: a selective alpha-1-adrenergic blocker
doxepine = a tricyclic antidepressant
doxepine = C19H21NO  doxepin: a dibenzoxepin tricyclic compound
doxepine = doxepin hydrochloride
doxorubicine-injectie = doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal injection
doxycycline = doxycycline: an antibiotic
doxylamine = doxylamine: a histamine h1 antagonist used in allergies and as an antitus
doxylamine-sulfosuccinaat = doxylamine succinate: an antihistamine with strong sedative properties
dozen = cases
dozen = boxes
dozen en kasten begrepen in deze klasse geschikt voor het opslaan van mag = cases and cabinets included in this class adapted for the storage of magn
dozen en kratten = boxes and crates
dozen en trays = boxes and trays
dozen handlingsystemen = box handling systems
dozen met of zonder deksels = boxes with or without lids
dozen van karton of papier = boxes of cardboard or paper
"dozen, zakken, emmers, blikken, bakken of trays" = "boxes, bags, buckets, cans, containers or trays"
"dozen, zakken, emmers, blikken, bakken of trays met of zonder krimpfolie" = "boxes, bags, buckets, cans, containers or trays with or without cling fil"
Dozenboor = Installation box core drill bit
dozenheffer = box lifter
dozenlift = box elevator
dozentransporteur = box conveyor
dozijn = dozen
dozijn = twelve
dozijn {het} = dozen
dozijnen = dozen
DP3 = DP3
D-patronen = D-fuse
DPC-Poorten = DPC-Ports
dpi = dpi
DPI-schaalbaarheid = DPI scaling
DPNA = Disabled Passenger (with intellectual or developmental disability) Needin
D-profiel = D-profile
DPS Database = DPS Database
DPSAH = Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History
DPT-vaccins = Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines
DQ = Design Qualification
DQ policy = DQ policy
dr = Dr
d'r = her
dr. = Dr.
Dr. = Dr
dr. (doctor) = Dr / PhD
dr. (doctor) = "doctor (dr.), PhD"
Dr. Ir. = Dr
Dr. Meurerhuis = Dr. Meurer building
Dr. Mollercollege = Dr. Mollercollege
dr. or dochter = daughter
Dr. W. Kolb Nederland = Dr. W. Kolb Nederland = Dr.
Dr.-Ing. = D.Eng = Dr
dra = soon
draad = wire
draad = string
draad = yarn
draad = strand
Draad = Thread
Draad = Fiber
Draad = Fibre
draad = lead
draad (hout) = grain
draad {de} = thread
draad diameter = thread diameter
draad doorknippen/verwijderen = wire cutting/removing
draad of meerdere draden = wire or multiple wires
Draad voor postmortaal gebruik = Post-mortem thread
"draad, ijzerdraad" = wire
"Draad, naalden of snijklemmen voor postmortaal gebruik" = "Post-mortem thread, needles or incision clips"
Draadaansluiting = Thread connection
draadaanvoer = wire supply
draadantenne = antenna wire
draadantenne = wire antenna
draadas = lead screw
draadas = leadscrew
draadbeugel = wire bracket
Draadbocht = Threaded bend
Draadbochten = Threaded bends
draadboom = wiring loom
Draadboom = Cable harness
draadboom = wire tree
draadboom (of kabelboom) = (wiring) harness
draadboom (of kabelboom) = wire harness
draadborstel = wire brush
draadbreuk = thread breakage
draadbreuk = wire breakage
draadbreuk = wire break
draadbreuk = wire strand break
draadbrug = bridging wire
draadbrug = jumper
Draadbuis = Threaded pipe
draadbundel = wire bundle
draadbus = threaded brush
draadbus = threaded bush
Draadclip bedradingskoker = Wire clamp for wiring duct
Draadclip plintgoot = Cable clip for skirting duct
draadcommunicaties = wire communications
draadcontactering = wire bonding
Draad-container = Wire container
Draaddiameter = Wire cross-section
draaddiameter = wire diameter
Draaddiameter (inch) = Thread cross-section (inch)
Draaddiameter (metrisch) = Thread cross-section (metric)
Draaddiameter (ST..) = Thread cross-section (ST..)
Draaddiameter nippel = Nipple thread
draaddiepte = depth of thread
draaddiepte = thread depth
draaddikte = wire thickness
draaddikte meter = wire gauge
draadeind = thread end
draadeind = stud
draadeind (van een schroefdraad) = thread end
draadeind (van een schroefdraad) = threaded end
draadeinde = threaded end
draadeinden = threaded ends
draadflank = thread flanc
draadflens = threaded flange
draadgaas / (metaal)gaas = wire mesh
draadgad = threaded hole
draadgang = thread
draadgat = threaded hole
draadgat = tapped hole
draadgaten = threaded holes
draadgaten = tapped holes
Draadgebonden = With cord
draadgedeelte = threaded portion
draadgeleider = wire guide
draadgeleider = thread guide
Draadgeleider voor telecom-klemstrook = Ceramic wire-guide
draadgeleiderdruk = wire-guide pressure
draadgeleidermechanisme = wire-guide mechanism
draadgever = wire dispenser
draadgewikkeld = wire wrapped
draadgewikkelde verbinding = wire-wrap connection
draadglas = wired glass
draadglas = reinforced glass
draadglas = wire glass
draadgoot = cable tray
Draadgoot = Mesh cable tray
Draadgootbreedte = Width mesh cable tray
Draadgoothoogte = Wire mesh tray height
draadgoten = cable trays
draadgrafiek = wire frame graphics
Draadgrootte M = Thread size M
Draadgrootte NPT = Thread size NPT
Draadgrootte PG = Thread size PG
draadinvoermechanisme = wire inserting mechanism
DRAADINZETSTUKJES = thread/screw insertion pieces
draadkaliber = wire gauge
draadkaliberschroef = thread plug gauge
Draadkettingbruglid = Wire commoning chain
draadklem = wire clip
Draadklemmen = Wire grips
draadklos = reel
draadknipper = wire cutter
draadkniptang = wire cutter
draadkruis = cross threads
draadlager = wire race bearing
draadlengte = yarn length
draadlooos = wireless
draadloos = cordless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
Draadloos beheer = Wireless Manager
Draadloos breedband internet = Wireless broadband Internet
draadloos elektrisch gereedschap = cordless power tool
draadloos ethernet = wireless Ethernet
draadloos gegevens te verzenden = transmitting data wirelessly
Draadloos Groningen = Wireless Groningen
draadloos LAN-netwerk = wireless LAN
draadloos netwerk = wireless network
draadloos netwerk van sensoren = wireless network of sensors
draadloos netwerksysteem = wireless network system
draadloos opladen van een mobiel toestel = wirelessly charging a mobile device
draadloos profiel = wireless profile
draadloos schakel-software = wireless switching software
draadloos sensornetwerk = wireless sensor network
draadloos signalerings systeem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signalerings-systeem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = wireless monitoring system according to the present invention
draadloos stereo = wireless stereo
draadloos sternetwerk = wireless star network
draadloos telecommunicatienetwerk = wireless telecommunication network
draadloos verbonden = wirelessly connected
Draadloos WAN = wireless wide area network
Draadloos zender = Transmitter/Remote control for domestic switching devices
Draadlose zender bussysteem = Hand-/wall sensor for bus system
draadloze = wireless
draadloze = radio
Draadloze afstandsbediening = Radio remote control
draadloze afstandsbediening = wireless remote control
draadloze afstandsbediening = radio control unit
Draadloze antenne = Wireless antenna
draadloze audioverbindingen = wireless audio connections
draadloze batterijgevoede signaalgever = wireless battery-powered signalling device
draadloze bediening = wireless control
draadloze communicatie = wireless communication
draadloze communicatie-infrastructuur = wireless communication infrastructure
draadloze communicatiemodule = wireless communication module
draadloze connectiviteit = wireless connectivity
draadloze dasspeldmicrofoon = wireless tie microphone
draadloze dataverbinding = wireless data connection
draadloze deurbel = wireless doorbell
draadloze drukknop inrichting = wireless push-button device
draadloze eenheid = wireless device
draadloze identificatiemodule = wireless identification module
draadloze microfoon = wireless microphone
draadloze microfoons = wireless microphones
draadloze microfoons handheld = handheld wireless microphones
draadloze mobiele informatieterminal = wireless information device
draadloze netwerken = wireless networks
draadloze netwerksystemen = wireless network systems
draadloze netwerkverbinding = wireless network connection
draadloze of bedrade = wireless or wired
draadloze ontvanger = wireless receiver
draadloze radio = wireless radio
draadloze signaalgever = wireless signalling device
draadloze signaalgevers = wireless signalling devices
draadloze signalen = wireless signals
draadloze signaleringssystemen = test
draadloze signaleringssystemen = wireless monitoring systems
draadloze telecommunicatienetwerken = wireless telecommunication networks
Draadloze telefoon = Analogue telephone
draadloze telefoon = wireless telephone
draadloze telefoon (carkit bluetooth) = wireless phone (carkit bluetooth)
draadloze telefoons = cordless telephones
draadloze telegrafie = wireless telegraph
Draadloze toegangssystemen met inbegrip van Radio Local Area Networks (WA = wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs)
draadloze verbinding = wireless communication
draadloze Wi-Fi verbinding = wireless Wi-Fi connection
draadloze zaag = cordless saw
draadloze zender en ontvanger = wireless transmitter and receiver
draadloze zendontvanger = wireless transceiver
Draadmaat = Thread size
draadmaat = wire gauge
Draadmaat (M..) = Thread size metric (M..)
Draadmaat binnendraad (inch) = Thread size inner thread (inch)
Draadmaat binnendraad metrisch = Thread size inner thread metric
Draadmaat buitendraad (inch) = Thread size outer thread (inch)
Draadmaat buitendraad metrisch = Thread size outer thread metric
Draadmaat NPT binnendraad = Thread size NPT inner thread
Draadmaat NPT buitendraad = Thread size NPT outer thread
Draadmaat PG binnendraad = Thread size PG inner thread
Draadmaat PG buitendraad = Thread size PG outer thread
draadmal = wire jig
draadmatten = wire mats
draadmeter = wire gauge
draadmodel = wire frame model
Draadmodel = Wire
draadmodule = thread
draadnagel = wire nail
draadnagel = wire-nail
Draadnagel = Tack
Draadnagel = Cleat
Draadnagel = Star turn
Draadnagel = Clove
Draadnagel = Nail (fastener)
Draadnagel = Nail
draadnippel = threaded nipple
draadnummer = wire gauge
draadomroep = wire broadcasting
draadomroepinrichtingen (alsmede kabelinrichtingen) = cable broadcasting networks and also cable networks
draadontspanner = cable release
draadoog = wire eye
draadopneming = thread pick-up
draadopspanning = wire harness
draadopzetmechanisme = wire setting mechanism
draadpanelen = wire panels
draadpentrekker = wired pin puller
draadpijp met binnendraad = female-threaded tube
draadpijp met buitendraad = male-threaded tube
draadpin = threaded pin
draadplug = screw plug
draadpotentiometer = wire wound potentiometer
Draadproducten = Wire products
draadproductenfabriek (metaal) = Metal wire products industry
draadprofiel = thread profile
draadprop = threaded plug
draadraam = wire harness
draadreiniger = slub catcher
draadreiniger = yarn cleaner
draadreiniger = yarn clearer
draadreiniger = yarn cleaner
draadrek = wire pull
draadrem = thread brake
draadrem = wire brake
draadreserve = yarn reserve
draadrichting = direction of grain
draadring = threaded ring
draadring = ring nut
draadrolkop = thread-rolling head
draadrollen = thread-rolling
draadschaar = wire-shears
Draadschaar en bistouri = Wire-cutter and bistoury
draadschacht = wire duct
Draadsnij- of -tapmachines = Threading or tapping machines
draadsnijden = thread cutting
Draadsnijden metrisch tot = Threading metric to
Draadsnijdend = Thread-cutting
Draadsnijdende schroef = Thread-cutting screws
draadsnijder = thread-cutting tool
Draadsnij-ijzer (elektrisch) = Threading machine (electric)
draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = screw-cutting machine
draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = thread-cutting machine
draadsnijmes = thread chaser
draadsnijtap = tap
Draadsoort = Kind of thread
draadsoort = kind of wire
draadspanner = thread tensioner
Draadspanner kabelsysteem = Span wire clamp
draadspanning = filament voltage
draadspanning = yarn tension
draadspil = wire shaft
draadspindel = threaded spindle
"draadspindel, spoel" = spindle
draadspindels = spindles
draadsplits = wire splice
DRAADSPOEDMETER = (thread) pitch gauge
draadsschema = wiring diagram
draadstaaf = threaded rod
draadstang = threaded rod
draadstang = threaded bolt
Draadstang M4-M8 = Threaded rods M4-M8
"Draadstang M6, M8" = "Threaded rods M6, M8"
Draadstang M8-M12 = Threaded rods M8-M12
draadstangen = threaded rods
draadstekker = wiring plug
draadstriptang = wire stripper and cutter
draadstriptang = end cutter
draadstriptang = end wire stripper
draadstructuur = wire structure
draadstuk = threaded piece
Draadtap = Tap
draadtap = screw tap
draadtap = tap
draadtap = tapping chuck
draadtapmachine = tapping machine
Draadtapmachine = Threading machine
draadtappen = thread tapping
draadtapset = tap and die set
draadtelefonie = wire telephony
draadtelegrafie = wire telegraphy
draadtrekken = to draw wire
draadtrekkerij = wire drawing works
draadtrekkerij uit ijzer en staal = Iron and steel wire drawing mill
draadtrekking = wire drawing
draadtrekolie = oil for wire drawing
draadtrimmer = wire trimmer
draadtrommel = tendon reel
draaduitlopers = wire leads
draadveer = wire spring
draadverbinding = wire link
draadververij = yarn dyeing plant
draadvork = slot closer
Draadvormend = Thread-forming
draadvormig = wiry
draadvormig = filiform
draadvormig = threadlike
draadvormig = cord form
draadvormige papillen = filiform papilla
Draadvorming = Thread moulding
draadwachter = thread stop-motion
draadweerstand = wire wound resistor
draadwervelen = thread swivelling
draadwier = fga
draadwier = filamentous green algae
draadwikkeling = filament winding
draadwikkelverbinding = wire-wrap connection
draadwinding = thread
draadworm = nematode
draadzaag van Gigli = Gigli saw
draadzaag van Gigli = Gigli's wire saw
draadzekering = wire fuse
draadzwam = "filamentous  fungus: eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms, including mushr"
Draag = Wear
draag de juiste persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen = wear appropriate personal protective equipment
Draag een veiligheidsbril = Wear safety goggles
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding = Wear suitable protective clothing
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de og = Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection.
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de og = Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection
"Draag geschikte beschermende kleding, handschoenen en een beschermingsmid" = "Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection"
"Draag geschikte beschermende kleding, handschoenen en een beschermingsmid" = "Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection."
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding. = Wear suitable protective clothing.
Draag geschikte handschoenen = Wear suitable gloves
Draag geschikte handschoenen en beschermende kleding = Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves
Draag geschikte handschoenen en beschermende kleding. = Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
Draag geschikte handschoenen en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen/het g = Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
Draag geschikte handschoenen en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen/het g = Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection.
Draag geschikte handschoenen. = Wear suitable gloves.
Draag het aan uw niet-dominante hand = Wear it on your non-dominant hand
"Draag, indien nodig, beschermende kleding" = "If necessary, wear protective clothing"
"draag-, steun- of verankeringinrichtingen" = "bearing, support or anchoring devices"
Draagarm = Supporting bracket
draagarm = support arm
draagarm = supporting arm
draagarm = support
Draagarm compleet voorgemonteerd = Support arm complete pre-mounted
draagarm van de lier = winch carrier
draagarm van de stator = stator jib
Draagarmbevestiging voor kast/lessenaar = Mounting for support arm enclosure
draagarmen = support arms
draagarmen = supporting arms
draagarmen en steunprofiel = support arms and support profile
Draagarmkoppeling voor kast/lessenaar = Connection for support arm
Draagarmprofiel voor kast/lessenaar = Profile support arm
draagarmstelling = adjustable bracket shelving unit
draagbaar = gurney
draagbaar = stretcher
draagbaar = litter
Draagbaar = Portable
draagbaar apparaat = portable device
draagbaar computersysteem = portable computer system
draagbaar instrument/hulpmiddel = portable device
draagbaar op wielen = gurney
draagbaar op wielen = stretcher cart
draagbaar op wielen = wheeled stretcher: a metal stretcher with wheels
Draagbaar opbergsysteem voor gereedschap = Tool carriers
draagbaar toestel = portable device
draagbaar werktuig met explosieve lading = portable cartridge-operated device
draagbalk = transfer beam / girder
draagbalk = supporting beam
draagbalk = summer
draagbalk = strut
draagbalk van de gondel = nacelle strut
draagband = carrier band
draagband = (carrying) strap
draagband = belt
draagbanden = load tape
draagbare = portable
draagbare = wearable
draagbare apparaat = portable device
draagbare apparaat = wearable device
draagbare apparaat van de gebruiker ter plaatse = wearable device of the user on site
draagbare apparatuur = portable devices
draagbare batterij of accu = portable battery or accumulator
draagbare beeldsensor = wearable image sensor
draagbare beeldsensorapparatuur = wearable image sensor devices
Draagbare brandblusapparaten = Portable fire-extinguishers
Draagbare Cassetterecorder = Portable cassette player/recorder
Draagbare CD speler = Portable CD player
draagbare computer = portable computer
draagbare computer = mobile PC
draagbare computers = portable computers
draagbare computersystemen = portable computer systems
Draagbare elektrische lampen = Portable electric lamps
draagbare instrumenten en apparaten = portable instruments and apparatus
Draagbare kleurentelevisie = Portable colour
draagbare mediaspeler = portable media player
draagbare medische apparaten = wearable medical devices
Draagbare MiniDisc-Player/-Recorder = Portable MD player/recorder
Draagbare MP3 speler = Portable MP3 player
Draagbare ontvangers voor oproepen en boodschappen = Portable receivers for calling and paging
Draagbare radio's = Portable radios
Draagbare smidse = Portable forge
draagbare telefoon = cellphone
draagbare telefoons = mobile telephones
draagbare toestel = wearable device
draagbare toestellen = portable devices
draagbare toestellen = wearable devices
Draagbare zwart-wit televisie = Portable black and white TV
"draagbare, handenvrije" = "wearable, handsfree"
"draagbare, handenvrije beeldsensor" = "wearable, hands-free image sensor"
"draagbare, handenvrije beeldsensor" = "wearable, handsfree image sensor"
"draagbed, draagstoel, draagbaar" = litter (platform designed to carry a person or a load)
Draagberrie = Stretcher
Draagbeugel = Carrying handle
draagbeugel = carrier bracket
Draagbeugel DIN-rail = DIN-rail adapter
draagblad = bract
draagbout = load-bearing bolt
draagbuis = supporting tube
draagcomfort = wearing comfort
draagcomfort = wear comfort
draagconstructie = load-bearing frame
draagconstructie = supporting structure
draagconstructie = support structure
draagconstructie = load-bearing construction
draagconstructie = support frame
draagconstructie = structure
draagconstructie van de stator = stator support structure
Draagconstructie voor pijpen = Pipe-hanging brackets
Draagconstructie/constructieverlenging voor solarsysteem = Solar stand-off mounting/- extension
draagconsulent = babywearing consultant
draagdoek = sling
draagdoek = support
draagelement = carrying element
draagelementen = carrier elements
draagelementen = carrying elements
draagfolie = carrier film
Draagframe = With mounting frame
draagframe = undercarriage
draagframe = support frame
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentiechrominantiesignaal = carrier colour signal
draagfunctie = carrying function
draaggas = carrier gas
draag-gas = buoyant gas
draag-gas = lifting gas
draaggolf = carrier
Draaggolf = Bearer
draaggolf van het chrominantiesignaal = chrominance subcarrier
draaggolf/ruisverhouding = carrier-to-noise ratio
draaggolfamplitude = carrier amplitude
draaggolfbalans = carrier balance
draaggolffase = carrier phase
draaggolffrequente aftasting = carrier-frequent scanning
draaggolffrequentie = carrier frequency
draaggolffrequentiebereik = carrier-frequency range
draaggolffrequentiepuls = carrier-frequency pulse
draaggolf-kleursignaal = carrier colour signal
draaggolflek = carrier leak
draaggolflijn = carrier line
draaggolfniveau = carrier level
draaggolfomhullende = carrier envelope
draaggolfonderdrukking = carrier suppression
draaggolfregeling = carrier control
draaggolfregeneratie = subcarrier regeneration
draaggolfregenerator = carrier regenerator
draaggolfruis = carrier noise
draaggolfspanning = carrier voltage
draaggolfstroom = carrier current
draaggolfsysteem = carrier system
draaggolftransmissie = carrier transmission
draaggolfvector = subcarrier vector
draaggolfverschuiving = carrier shift
draaghemel = baldachin
draaghoek = lifting bracket
draaghoogte = depth of engagement
draagkabel = suspension cable
draagkabel = suspension rope
draagkabel (bij elektrische tractie) = carrier cable
draagkabel (van brug) = carrying rope
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = carrier wire
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = catenary (UK)
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = messenger cable
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = messenger wire (US & Canada)
draagklem = cable clamp
draagkracht = load capability
draagkracht = bearing force
draagkracht = range
draagkracht = standing
draagkracht = load carrying capability
Draagkracht = Lifting capacity
draagkracht = carrying capacity
draagkracht = load-bearing capacity
'Draagkracht' = Uplifting power
draagkracht van grond = ground bearing capacity
Draagkrachtbeginsel = Ability-to-pay principle
draagkracht-coëfficiënt = lift coefficient
draagkrachtig = having sufficient bearing capacity
draagkrachtig = load bearing capability
draagkrachtig = affluent
draagkrachtig = of sufficient means
draagkrachtig = well-to-do
draagkrachtig is = has sufficient means
draagkrachtige ondergrond = ground bearing capacity
draagkruik = amphora
Draaglast = Load bearing capacity
draaglast = useful load
draaglat = (supporting) joist
draaglat volgens de invoerrichting = support slat according to the insertion direction
Draaglijk = Admissible
draaglijk = endurable
Draaglijk = Tolerable
Draaglijk = Permissible
Draaglijk = Acceptable
draagmal = supporting jig
draagmechanisme = carrier mechanism
draagmechanisme = carrying mechanism
draagmechanisme = support mechanism
draagmechanisme = supporting mechanism
draagmiddel = Badge lanyard (several options)
draagmiddel = suspension element
draagmoeder = surrogate mother
draagmuur = load-bearing wall
draagmuur / dragende muur / bouwmmur = load-bearing wall
draagmuur / dragende muur / steunmuur = bearing wall
draagoppervlak = support surface
draagoppervlak = bearing surface
draagoppervlak van de pinnentransportband = bearing surface of the spiked conveyor belt
draagoppervlakken = bearing surfaces
Draagorgaan = Support organ
draagpaal = spud
draagpaal / drukpaal = bearing pile
draagplaat = punch-holder plate
Draagplaat = Supporting plate
draagplaat = support plate
draagplateaus = shelf
draagplateaus = shelves
draagplicht (van autogordels) = compulsory seat belt usage
draagplichtig = financially liable
draagplichtig = liable
draagplichtig = obliged to contribute
draagplichtig = partly liable
draagplichtigheid = (financieel) obligation to contribute
draagplichtigheid = (m.b.t. identiteitsbewijs) obligation to carry proof of identity
draagplichtigheid = (van bijv. badge) obligation to wear
draagpositie = carrying position
draagprofiel = support profile
Draagprofiel lichtlijnsysteem = Support profile light-line system
draagprofielen = support profiles
draagpunt = load-bearing point
draagpunt = pole
Draagrail = Mounting rail
draagrail = support rail
draagrail = carrier rail
draagrail = mounting rail
draagraket = launch vehicle
draagrek = carrying rack
draagriem = carrying strap
draagriem = neck strap
Draagriemen = Slings
Draagring = Support ring
Draagring = Supporting ring
draagring = lifting ring
draagsignaal = carrier signal
draagsingel = strap
draagstatus = wearing status
draagstel = carrying case
draagster = support star
draagstructuur = support structure
draagstructuur = load-bearing construction
draagstructuur = load-bearing structure
draagstructuur = supporting structure
Draagstructuur = Supporting structure
draag-structuur = (load) bearing construction
draag-structuur = (load)bearing structure
draagt actief bij = contributes actively
draagt alle verantwoordelijkheid = will bear all responsibility
draagt bij aan = contributes to
draagt bij tot de stabiliteit van = contributes to the stability of
draagt de inschrijver zijn eigen kosten = The tenderer shall bear its own costs
draagt de naam = bears the name
draagt de verantwoording voor = assumes responsibility for
draagt er zorg voor en staat ervoor in = represents and warrants
draagt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid = shall not be liable whatsoever
draagt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid = has no responsibility whatsoever
draagt verantwoordelijkheid af aan = delegates responsibility to
draagt verantwoordelijkheid af aan = bears responsibility towards
draagt zelf alle uitgaven en kosten = shall bear all expenses and costs
draagt zijn visie uit = communicates his vision
draagt zorg voor = is responsible for
draagt zorg voor = be responsible for
draagtafel = supporting plate
draagtap = journal
Draagtas = Carrier bag
draagtas = carrying case
draagtassen = carrier bags
Draagtassen voor laptop = Portable computer carrying cases
draagtijdteller = wearing time counter
draagvermogen = bearing capacity
draagvermogen = load bearing capacity
draagvermogen = working load limit
draagvermogen = load-bearing capacity
draagvermogen van de kraan = crane lifting capacity
Draagvermogen van veiligheidsvoorzieningen = Load-bearing capacity of safety devices
draagvlak = support base
draagvlak = support
draagvlak = support capacity (draagKRACHT)
draagvlak = "social support, base(ed)"
draagvlak = user base
draagvlak = base
draagvlak = consensus
draagvlak = customer base
draagvlak = level of support
draagvlak = platform
draagvlak = social support
draagvlak = sustainability
draagvlak = "1. (klepzitting) bearing face, bearing seat"
draagvlak = "2. (platform) platform, bearing surface, supporting surface"
draagvlak = 3. (steunvlak voor verschillende onderdelen of platform waarop onderdelen
draagvlak = 4. (de grootte ervan) bearing area
draagvlak = "5. bearing surface, supporting surface"
draagvlak = "6. (aërodynamisch vlak) aerofoil, airfoil"
draagvlak = "7. (stempels, matrijzen) bearing joint"
draagvlak = 8. (bij op elkaar rustende onderdelen) seat
draagvlak = basis
draagvlak = bearing surface
draagvlak = bearing area
draagvlak = bearing face
draagvlak = airfoil
draagvlak creëren = creating support
draagvlak creëren = create a support base
draagvlak krijgt bij alle betrokken partijen = will receive the support of all involved parties
Draagvlakbeginsel = Support principle
draagvleugelboot = hydro-foil vessel
draagvloer = load-bearing floor
draagweefsel = support
draagwijdte = range
draagwijdte = scope
draagwijdte en consequenties = implications (of an audit)
draai = rotate
draai = winding
Draai = Turning-point
draai = twist
draai = turning
draai = turn
Draai = Veering
Draai = Curve
Draai = Revolving
Draai = Watershed
Draai = Screw
draai dan de machine leeg = Empty the machine
draai de bouten vast = tighten the bolts
Draai de cilinderkraan open = Open the cylinder valve
Draai de kraan open = Open the valve
draai de machine leeg = Empty the machine
draai de moer vast = tighten the nut
Draai de palletiseermachine leeg = Empty the palletiser
draai de perslucht dicht = switch off the compressed air
Draai de schroef aan = Tighten the screw
Draai de schroeven = Tighten the screws
draai deze nu om = turn it over
draai- en kipfunctie = tilt-and-turn function
draai- en schuifdeuren = hinged and sliding doors
draai– en schuifdeuren = hinged and sliding doors
Draai- en slijpinstrumentarium = Rotary and abrasive instrument
draai inrichting = turning device
draai- of schuifdeuren = hinged or sliding doors
Draai om de oren = Slap
"draai, bocht (in traffic)" = turn (change of direction or orientation)
draai/druk knop = rotary/push-button
Draai/drukknop = Rotary/push-button
draai/drukknop = rotary/push-button
Draaiapparatuur = Turning gear
Draaias = Rotating axis
draaias = axis of rotation
draaibaar = rotatable
draaibaar = rotatably
draaibaar = turnable
Draaibaar = Rotating
draaibaar gemonteerd = rotatable mounted
draaibaar gemonteerd = pivotally mounted
draaibaar gemonteerd = rotatably mounted
draaibaar is = can be swivelled
draaibaar om een pen = pivoting around a pin
draaibaar over 90 graden = rotatable through 90 degrees
draaibaar zijn = can be swivelled
Draaibank = Tower
draaibank = lathe
draaibankbed = lathe bed
draaibankbeitel = lathe tool
draaibankbril = work stay
draaibankcenter = lathe centre
Draaibanken = Lathes
"Draaibanken, boor- of freesmachines" = "Lathes, boring and milling machine tools"
draaibankslede = lathe saddle
draaibankspil = headstock spindle
draaibanksupport = toolpost
draaibare = rotatable
draaibare achterwand = turnable back
draaibare arm = swing arm
draaibare bovenbalk met geleidingskeg = swivelling top beam with guiding wedge
draaibare flenzen = rotating flanges
draaibare huls = rotatable sleeve
draaibare ontspannergrendel = pivoting locking lever
Draaibare schroefdraad = Revolving thread
Draaibare tafels = Rotary tables
draaibeitel = turning tool
draaibeweging = rotate gesture
draaibeweging = rotation movement
draaibewegingen = rotational movements
draaibewerking = turning operation
draaiboek = script
draaiboek = continuity of operations
draaiboek = planning document
draaiboek = plan
draaiboek = film script
draaiboek = scenario
draaiboek = scenario screenplay
draaiboek = shooting script
draaiboek = runbook
draaiboek = action plan
draaiboek = plan of action
draaiboek = planning
draaiboek = project plan
draaiboek = scheme
draaiboek = sequence of operations
draaiboek = strategy
draaiboek = project schedule
draaiboek = "project plan, plan, strategy, scheme, plan of action, action plan, sequen"
draaiboek = contingency plan
draaiboek = project schedule / project plan [for employee satisfaction survey]
Draaiboek = Block letters
draaiboek = check list
draaiboek = detailed instructions
draaiboek = pilot scenario
draaiboek = road map
draaiboek = runbook (IT)
draaiboek = scenario plan
draaiboek = schedule
draaiboek = test programme
draaiboeken = contingency plans
draaibord = rotating table
draaibrug = swing bridge
draaibrug van stalen vakwerk = lattice swing bridge
draaicirkel = turning diameter
draaicirkel = turning circle
draaicirkel = turning radius
draaicirkel = turning cycle
Draaicirkel: groter dan gemiddeld = Turning circle: larger than average
draaicondensator = variable capacitor
Draaicontact = Revolving contact
draaidag = production day
draaidag = shooting day
draaidagen = shooting days
draaideksel = hinged lid
draaideur = hinged door
Draaideur = Swing door
draaideur = pivot (-leaf-)gate
draaideur = flap gate
draaideur / tourniquetdeur = revolving door
draaideur of schuifdeur = hinged or sliding door
draaideurconstructie = revolving door arrangement
draaideuren = flap gate
draaideuren = pivot gate
draaideuren = revolving gate
draaideuren = rotary gate
draaideuren = turntable gate
draaideuren = hinged/pin gate (scharnierend)
draaideuren = revolving door (algemeen)
draaideuren = swing(ing) door (deur met scharnieren)
draaideuren = revolving doors
draaideuren = hinged doors
draaideuren van Securyfence = Securyfence hinged doors
Draaidiagram = PivotDiagram
draaidoorloop = rotary nozzle
draai-drukknop = rotary/push-button
draaien = rotate
draaien = to turn
draaien = shooting
draaien = turning
draaien = dial
draaien = turn
draaien = rotation
draaien = to twist
draaien = to turn around
Draaien = Shoot
draaien = to spin
draaien = revolve (to)
draaien = rotate (to)
draaien = turn (to)
draaien om een pen = to pivot around a pin
draaien om zijn as = to rotate around its axis
draaien omheen een wielas = rotate around a wheel shaft
draaien omheen een wielas = rotate around a wheel axle
draaien over 90 graden = to rotate through 90 degrees
draaien tegen de wijzers van de klok in = rotate anticlockwise
"draaien, frezen en boren" = "turning, milling and drilling"
"Draaien, naar binnen" = "Spin, In"
"Draaien, naar buiten" = "Spin, out"
draaiend elektron = spinning electron
draaiend mondstuk = rotating nozzle
draaiende = rotating
draaiende = running smoothly
draaiende as = rotary shaft
draaiende beweging = rotary motion
draaiende beweging = rotating movement
draaiende delen = Rotating parts
draaiende delen van de motor = rotating engine parts
draaiende en bewegende onderdelen = rotating and moving parts
draaiende machineonderdelen = rotating machine parts
draaiende of andere onderdelen van scheidingmachines = rotating or other parts of separation machines
draaiende onderdelen = rotating parts
Draaiende onderdelen voor centrifuges = Rotary equipment for centrifuges
draaiende rollen = rotating rollers
draaiende trommel = revolving drum
draaier = turner
draaierig = dizzy
draaierij = pretext
draaigetij = amphidromic tidal wave
Draaigrafiekweergave = PivotChart view
draaigreep = rotation handle
Draaigreep = Toggle
Draaigreep-tapkraan = Turn handle tap
Draaigrendel = Spagnolet
Draaihals = Wryneck
draaihek = gate
draaihoek = angle of rotation
draaihuls = twist sleeve
draaiing = rotation
draaiing {de} = rotation
draaiing van wiel = tire rotation
draaiingshoek = angle of rotation
draai-inrichting = turning device
draaikiepramen = tilt and turn windows
draaikipraam = tilt & turn window
draaiklem = rotatable clamp
Draaiklep = Hinged flap
draaiknop = rotary knob
Draaiknop = Turn button (knob)
draaiknop = rotary switch
draaikolk / werveling = vortex
Draaikop = Pivoting head
draaikoppel = torque
draaikraan = rotating valve
draaikrans (b.v. van graafwerktuig) = turntable
draaikrans (van brug) = turntable
draaikwaliteit = free-cutting steel
draailengte = length between centres
Draaimechanisme = Swivelling mechanism
draaimolen = whirligig
Draaimolen = Carrousel
Draaimolen = Carousel
"draaimolen {c}, carrousel {c}" = carousel (merry-go-round)
draaimolen {de} = merry-go-round [Br.]
Draaimolens voor speelplaatsen = Playground merry go rounds
"Draaimolens, schommels, schiettenten en andere kermisattracties" = "Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements"
draaimoment = torque
draaimoment = torsion
Draaimoment = Moment of torque
draaimoment = tightening torque
draaimoment {het} = torque
Draaimomentinstelling = Torque setting
draaimomentniveau = tightening stage
draaimomenttabel = torque table
draainippel = threaded coupling
draainis (medisch) = dizziness
draai-omvormer = rotary converter
Draaiontgrendeling = Turn unlatching mechanism
Draaiorgel = Barrel organ
draaiorgel = barrel-organ
Draaiorgel = Street organ
draaioven = rotary furnace
draaipen = pivot
Draaiplateau = Rotating tray
draaiplateau = rotating plate
Draaiplateau uitschakelbaar/niet uitschakelbaar = Turntable
draaiplateaus = turning platform
draaiplateaus = turntable
draaiplateaus = upper (of a hydraulic telescopic crane or boom)
draaiplateaus = "turntable, turning platform, upper (of a hydraulic telescopic crane or bo"
draaiplatform = "turntable, turning platform, upper"
draaiplatform = turntable
draaiplatform = turning platform
draaiplatform = upper
Draaipoortaandrijving = Swing gate operator
draaipotentiometer = rotary potentiometer
draaiproduct = turned product
draaiproef = running test
draaipunt = center of rotation
draaipunt = pivot
draaipunt = hinge point
draaipunt = fulcrum
draaipunt = pivot point
draaipunt = trunnion
draaipunt (spil) = pivot
draaipunt van de knikarmrobot = pivot point of the articulated arm robot
draaipunten = hinge points
draairaam = side hung casement
draairelais = rotary relay
draairichting = direction of rotation
draairichting = swing direction
draairichting = rotational direction
draairichtingen = directions of rotation
draaischakelaar = rotary switch
Draaischakelaar = Rotary toggle
draaischakelproef = controls operating test
draaischijf = rotating disc
draaischijf = lathe
Draaischijf = Dial
draaischijf {de} = turntable
draaischijfintegrator = potter's wheel integrator
draaischuif = revolving sleeve (sleeve valve engines)
draaischuifstandaardcondensator = sliding standard capacitor
draaisel = turnings
draaisleutel = bent spanner
draaislot = release screw
draaisluiting = turnbutton fastener
draaisnelheden = rotation speeds
draaisnelheid = speed
Draaisnelheid = Angular speed ratio
Draaisnelheid = Angle speed
Draaisnelheid = Angular velocity
draaisnelheid = rotational speed
draaispil = capstan
draaispil = winch
draaispil = windlass
draaispil = lathe spindle
Draaispil = Capstan
draaispil = capstan roller
draaispillen = central point
draaispillen = hub
draaispillen = pivot
draaispillen = spindle
Draaispit = Brooch
Draaispit = Spit
Draaispit = Pin
Draaispit = Pinout
Draaispit = Spindle
Draaispit = Skewer
Draaispit = Broaching tool
Draaispit = Lathe mandrel
Draaispoel = Moving coil
draaispoelgalvanometer = moving-coil galvanometer
draaispoelmeter = moving-coil meter
draaistandaardcondensator = standard capacitor
Draaistarter = Reversing starter
Draaistel = Bogie
draaistel = bogie
draaisteun = telescopic prop
Draaistoelen = Swivel seats
draaistroom = three-phase current
Draaistroom = Rotating current
Draaistroom asynchroonmotor = Rotary current asynchronous motor
Draaistroom synchroonmotor = Rotary current synchronous motor
draaistroomkabel = three-phase cable
draaistroommotor = three-phase motor
draaistroomnet = three-phase mains
draaistuk = rotary piece
draait = running
draait het om = relates to
draait het om maatwerk = are made to measure
draait om as A = pivots about axis A
draait op = runs on
draait voornamelijk inhouse = is run mainly in-house
draaitabel = PivotTable
draaitabelformulier = PivotTable form
draaitabellijst = PivotTable list
draaitabelrapport = PivotTable report
draaitabelrapport = PivotChart report
Draaitabelweergave = PivotTable view
draaitafel = rotating table
Draaitafel = Turntable
draaitafel- of armwikkelaars = turntable or rotary arm wrappers
draaitafelas = turntable spindle
draaitafeldreun = turntable rumble
draaitafelkom = turntable recess
draaitafelmat = turntable mat
Draaitafels = Turntables
draaitafelsnelheid = turntable speed
draaitafel-wikkelaar = turntable wrapper
Draaitol = Wind vane
Draaitol = Shaper
Draaitol = Vane
Draaitol = Spinning top
Draaitol = Slotting machine
Draaitol = Weather cock
draaitop = swivel top
draaitoren = turret
draaiuren = operating hours
draaiuren = running hours
draaiveld = rotary field
draaiveld = rotational field
draaiveldbewaking = rotating field monitoring
draaiveldmeter = rotational field measuring device
Draaiveldrichtingaanduiding = Indication of direction of field rotation
Draaiveldtest = Field rotation test
draaivoet = swivel base
draaivoetvergrendeling (van bankschroef) = swivel lock
draaiwerk = rotating mechanism
Draaiwiel = Turning wheel
draaiwielen = swivel wheels
draaiwijzer = dial
draaiwisselproef = performance test
draaizin = direction of rotation
draaizin aan voor het vastdraaien = direction of rotation for tightening
Draak = Dragon
Draak (fabeldier) = Dragon
Draak (sterrenbeeld) = Draco (constellation)
draak {de} = dragon
"draak, (archaic) lintworm" = dragon (mythical creature)
drabvorming = sludge formation
Drachme = Drachma
Dracht = Attire
Dracht = Garb
Dracht = Dress
Dracht = Suit
Dracht = Tuxedo
Dracht = Clothing
Dracht = Outfit
dracht = costume
Dracht = Clothes
drachtig = pregnant
Drachtig = Due
Drachtig = Totally
Drachtig = Height
drachtig = with young
Drachtig = Bang in the middle
Draco = Terylene
Draco = Dracon
Dracula = Dracula
dracunculus medinensis = Medina worm
dracunculus medinensis = dracunculus medinensis: a parasitic roundworm that lives under the skin o
dracunculus medinensis = Guinea worm
draden = threads
draden = wires
draden trekken = cob webbing
dradenafstandsmeter = stadia
dradennet = wire net
dradennetlijst = wire net list
Draf = Trot
draf = "residu, grounds, dregs, slop(s), swill, deposit, deposition, sediment"
draf {de} = trot
drafsport {de} = harness racing
draft positions = concept-standpunten
draft site decision = ontwerpkavelbesluit
drafting stage = drafting stage
Drag Along Aanbod = Drag-Along Offer
drag alongbepaling = drag-along provision
drag alongrechten = drag-along rights
drag-along clause = drag-along clause
Dragee = Sugar almond
dragen = to carry
dragen = carry
dragen = fruition
dragen = bear (to)
dragen = bear
dragen = wear
dragen = support
dragen = to wear
dragen = transport
Dragen = Hold
dragen = abide
dragen = supported
dragen = carrying
dragen / ondersteunen = bear
dragen daaraan bij = contribute to this
dragen er zorg voor dat = shall ensure that
dragen valgordel is verplicht = wearing a safety harness is compulsory
dragen zorg voor toezicht = ensure supervision
"dragen, uitgerust zijn met" = bear  (be equipped with)
dragend = supporting
dragend = bearing
dragend element = load-bearing element
dragend element = load-bearing member
Dragend materiaal = Loadbearing equipment
dragend metselwerk = load-bearing brickwork
dragend onderstel = supporting frame
dragende = supporting
dragende = load-bearing
dragende buitenmuur = supporting outer wall
dragende constructie = supporting structure
dragende constructie = structure
dragende constructie / raamwerk = frame
dragende functie = load-bearing function
dragende laag / dragend verband (metselwerk) = bearing coarse
dragende muur = main walling
dragende muur = supporting wall
dragende muur = load-bearing wall
dragende muur = bearing wall
"dragende muur, wand" = supporting wall
"dragende muur, wand" = main walling
dragende onderdelen = load-bearing parts
dragende rol = supporting role
dragende rollen = supporting roles
dragende schroefdraadlengte = thread engagement
dragende structuur = support structure
Dragende vloer = Load-bearing floors
Dragende vloeren = Load-bearing floors
Dragende vloeren = Load-bearing floor
Dragende wand = Main-bearing wall
dragende wand = load-bearing wall
dragende wanden = load-bearing walls
drager = carriers
Drager = Porter
drager = bearer
Drager = Support
drager = prop
Drager = Dräger
drager = carrier
drager = conveyor
Drager = Bearing
Drager = Carrier
drager = girder
drager = wearer
drager bebakeningsplatform = beacon platform support
drager boogstuk = arched beam
drager dakconstructie = roof structure support
Drager detectie = Carrier detection
Drager in gebied = Carrier in area
Drager in gebied = Carrier in vicinity of
drager in positie voor uitvoer = carrier in outfeed position
drager in positie voor uitvoer = carrier in outfeed postion
drager met belading = loaded carrier
Dräger Nieuws = Dräger News
Dräger Nieuws Nederland = Dräger Nieuws Nederland
Drager PS7000 = Dräger PS700
Dräger Safety Academy = Dräger Safety Academy
Dräger Safety Nederland = Dräger Safety Nederland
drager van de trapas = bottom bracket
drager van het gondelplatform = nacelle floor carrier
drager van textiel = textile backing
drager van textiel = textile carrier
drager variabele = carrier variable
drager/ruisverhouding = carrier-to-noise ratio
drageraanduiding = carrier indicator
dragerbaan = carrier paper or paper carrier
dragerconcentratie = carrier concentration
dragerdichtheid = carrier density
dragerdienst = carrier service
dragerdiffusie = carrier diffusion
dragerelement = support element
Dragerelementen = support elements
dragerelementen volgens onderhavige uitvinding = support elements according to the present invention
dragerfolie = filmsupport
drager-inbouwpakketsysteem = skeleton system
dragerlading = carrier charge
dragerlevensduur = carrier lifetime
dragermateriaal = support
dragermateriaal = backing material
dragerplaat = support plate
dragerpolymeer = carrier polymer
Dragerrail = Support rail
dragers = pillars
dragers = carriers
dragers op basis van halfgeleiders = semiconductor carriers
dragersconcentratie = carrier concentration
dragertaal = carrier language
dragerverdeling = carrier distribution
Dragervorm = Support shape
Drägerware = Drägerware
dragline = excavator
dragline = dragline
draglineschotten = dragline mats
Dragon = Tarragon
Dragon (plant) = Tarragon
Dragonder = Dragon
drain = drain
drain = drainpipe
drain coupling = afvoerkoppeling
"drain, regenpijp" = drainpipe
Drainaansluiting = Sock drain connection
drainage = drainage
drainage = outflowing of water
Drainage = Draining
drainage pijp = leak-off pipe
drainagegaten = drainage holes
drainagegoot = drainage gutter
drainagegrind = drainage gravel
drainageleiding = sublateral
drainageleiding = drainage gallery (IATE)
drainageleiding = sublateral (GWIT)
drainageleiding = drainage channel
drainageleidingen = drainage channels
drainageleidingen = drainage galleries (IATE)
drainageleidingen = sublaterals (GWIT)
drainagemat = drainage mat
drainagemogelijkheden = drainage capabilities
drainageputten = drainage wells
Drainagetoebehoren = Drain accessories
drainagezand = drainage sand
draineerbuis = drainage tile
draineerbuis = drain
draineerbuis = agricultural drain
draineerbuis {de} = drainage pipe
draineeropening = weephole
draineerput = absurbing well
draineerput = well drain
draineersleuf = drainage trench
draineren = tile (ww)
draineren = drain
drainerende = draining
drainering = draining
draineringsbuis = drain tile
Draineringsuitrusting = Drainage equipment
Drains = Drain
drainslang = drain hose
Drakensbergen = Drakensberg Mountains
Dram = Dram
drama = drama
Drama (kunst en cultuur) = Drama
"drama {n}, toneelstuk, theateropvoering" = drama (Theatrical play)
dramamine = dimenhydrinate
Dramatisch = Television play
dramatisch = dramatic
dramatisch muzikaal werk = dramatico-musical work
dramatisch uitvoeringsrecht = dramatic right
dramatische ervaringen = dramatic experiences
dramatische kunst = performing arts
Dramaturg = Dramatist
Drang = Surge
Drang = Jog
Drang = Anxiety to do well
Drang = Drive
Drang = Effort
Drang = Love
Drang = Anxiety to
Drang = Rising
Drang = Growth
Drang = Want
drang = access
Drank = Nightcap
drank = beverages
drank = alcohol
Drank = Clop
drank = booze
drank = drink
drank = beverage
drank {de} = drink
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (served beverage)
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (type of beverage)
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (served alcoholic beverage)
drankautoamaat = drink vending machine
Drankbereider = Drinks maker
drankblikjes = beverage cans
dranken = beverages
dranken {mv} = drinks
dranken begrepen in klasse 30 = beverages included in Class 30
dranken bereid uit zuivelproducten = drinks made from dairy products
dranken met een vruchtensmaak = fruit flavoured drinks
dranken met moutextract = malted food drinks
dranken met moutextract = malted drinks
"dranken met moutextract, preparaten voor de bereiding van dranken met mou" = "malted drinks, preparations for making malted beverages"
dranken op basis van cacao = cocoa-based beverages
dranken op basis van chocolade = chocolate based drinks
dranken op basis van chocolade = beverages based on chocolate
"dranken op basis van chocolade, cacao, koffie of thee" = "beverages based on chocolate, cocoa, coffee or tea"
dranken op basis van koffie = coffee-based beverages
dranken op basis van koffie = coffee based drinks
"dranken op basis van koffie en chocolade, vullingen" = "coffee and chocolate based drinks, fillings"
"dranken op basis van koffie, cacao of chocolade" = "beverages with a coffee, cocoa or chocolate base"
dranken op basis van melkwei = whey beverages
dranken van of met chocolade = beverages made from or containing chocolate
dranken voor medicinaal gebruik = beverages adapted for medicinal purposes
dranken voornamelijk gemaakt van melk = drinks mainly of milk
"Dranken, tabak en aanverwante producten" = "Beverages, tobacco and related products"
"dranken, vullingen" = "drinks, fillings"
"dranken, vullingen, snacks" = "drinks, fillings, snack foods"
Drankenautomaat = Drinks dispensers
drankenindustrie = beverage industry
drankhouder = beverage container
drankhouder met een houderlichaam = beverage container with a container body
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam = beverage container comprising a container body
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam en een aangepast drinkdeksel = beverage container comprising a container body and a modified drinking li
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam en een aangepast drinkdeksel = beverage container comprising a container body and a modified drinking li
drankhouders = beverage containers
Drankje = Potion
drankje = beverage
drankje {het} = drink
"drankje, toverdrankje, v" = "potion (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, "
drankkarton = beverage carton
drankkarton afval = beverage carton waste
drankkartons = beverage cartons
Drankkoelers = Drink coolers
drankmisbruik = alcoholism
drankuitstroomopening = beverage outflow opening
drankverpakking = drinks packaging
drankverpakkingen = beverage containers
Drankverslaving counselling = Drink addiction counselling
drankzucht = alcoholism
drankzucht {de} = dipsomania
drankzuchtige = alcoholic
drapeereigenschappen = drape characteristics
draperen = to  drape
draperen = to cover with surgical drapes
Draperen = Drape
Draperieën = Drapes
Draperieën voor mortuarium = Mortuary wraps
dras(sig) = swampy
Draschia Megastomas = cutaneous  habronemiasis: bursatti
Drasland = Wet section
drasland = marsh
drassig = marshy
drassig = soppy
drassig = boggy
Drassig = Swampy
Drastisch = Strenuous
Drastisch = Emphatic
Drastisch = Spirited
Drastisch = Energetic
Drastisch = Forceful
Drastisch = Drastic
Drastisch = Telling
Drastisch = Aggressive
drastisch verlaagd = drastically reduced
drastisch verminderd = drastically reduced
drastisch verminderd worden = drastically reduced
draven = to trot
draven = trot
draven {het} = trotting
drawdown = drawdown
Drawing Exchange Format = Drawing Exchange Format
Dream = Dream
Drechterland = Drechterland
Drechttunnel = ‘Drechttunnel’
Dreef = Aisle
dreef = field
Dreef = Walkway
Dreef = Lane
Dreef = Gangway
dreef = region
Dreef = Driveway
dreef = avenue
dreef = alley
Dreef = Drive
dreg = drag
Drehsaüle = Drehsaüle
dreigement = menace
dreigen = menace
Dreigen = Threaten
dreigen = to threaten
dreigend = imminent
dreigend = threatening
dreigend = ominous
dreigend = menacing
dreigend = impending
dreigende = ominous
dreigende = menacing
dreigende = threatening
dreigende ernstige schade = threat of serious injury
dreigende faillissementen = impending bankruptcies
dreigender = more threatening
dreiging = threat
dreiging = menace
dreiging {de} = threat
dreiging daarvan = the threat thereof
dreiging van schade = threat of damage
dreigingen = threats
dreigingen worden gemonitord = threats are monitored
dreigingsbeeld = threat assessment
dreigt = threatens
dreigt = menaces
Drek = Mud
Drek = Rubbish
drek = dung
Drek = Ooze
Drek = Sludge
Dremel = Dremel
drempel = sill
drempel = doorstep
drempel = bar
drempel = doorsill
drempel = sleeping policeman
drempel = speed bump
drempel = "speed bump, sleeping policeman"
drempel = barrier
drempel = threshold
drempel {de} = doorstep
drempel criteria = threshold criteria
drempel voor spamwaarschijnlijkheidswaarde = spam confidence level threshold
drempelbedrag van de beroepskosten = threshold amount for professional expenses
drempelbedragen = Threshold amounts
drempelbedragen voor opdrachten = Threshold amounts for contracts
drempelbeschermplaat = sill protection plate
Drempelcriterium = Threshold criterion
drempeldiepte = "sill depth, sill level"
drempelelement = threshold element
drempelexpertisescore = threshold expertise score
drempelfrequentie = threshold frequency
drempelglijder = threshold slide
Drempelgoed = Threshold good
Drempelinkomen = Threshold income
drempelloze doorstroom = unconditional transfer
drempelmodel = threshold model
drempelplaat = threshold plate
drempelprijs = threshold price
Drempels = Thresholds
drempels om te investeren = barriers to investment
drempels voor investeringen = barriers to investment
drempelsgewijze herverzekering = surplus treaty reinsurance
drempelsolderen = flow soldering
drempelspanning = threshold voltage
Drempelstrips = Threshold strips
drempelstroom = threshold current
drempeltest = threshold test
Drempeltoets = Threshold test
drempelverlagend = threshold-lowering
drempelverlaging = moral decline/lowering of standards
drempelvorming = barring
drempelwaarde = threshold value
drempelwaarde = threshold
drempelwaarde theorema = threshold theorems
drempelwaarde voor queryresultaten = query-size threshold
drempelwaarde-instelling = banding setting
drempelwaarden = threshold values
drempelwaardes = threshold values
Drenkbak = Drinking trough
Drenkbak = Water place
drenkbak = manger
drenken = to impregnate
drenken = dip
drenken = saturate
drenken = soak
Drenken = Water
drenkvloeisof = impregnating liquid
Drentelen = Mooch about
Drentelen = Saunter
Drenthe = Drenthe
drepanocyt = drepanocyte: the characteristic crescent-shaped or sickle-shaped red cell
drepanocyt = sickle cell
Dresden = Dresden
dresschijf = dressing wheel
Dresscode = Dress code
dresseren = tame
dressing = dresser
dressings = dressers
Dressuur = True running
Dressuur = Animal Handling
Dressuur = Dressing
dreun = rumble
dreun = wallop
dreun = whack
dreun {de} = dash
dreun {de} = wallop
"dreun, gedreun, gerommel" = "roll (a heavy, reverberatory sound)"
"dreun, klap, slag, oplawaai" = belt (powerful blow)
dreunbeeld = rumble performance
dreunmeetwaarde = measuring values of rumble
dreunmeting = rumble measurement
dreunniveau = rumble level
dreunspectrum = rumble spectrum
drevel = mandrel
drevel = punch
drevel = nail punch
drevel = guide pin
drevel / douwel / deuvel(pas)pen = dowling pin
drevel verbinden = dowel (ww)
drgl = timetable
dribbelen = trot
drie = three
drie ablaties per behandeling = three ablations per treatment
drie armige pully trekker = three-legged puller
drie belangrijkste punten = three main points
drie belangrijkste redenen = three main reasons
drie dagen bedenktijd-regeling = three day-reconsideration period arrangement
drie dagen na de datum van posten = three days after the date of posting
drie delen = three parts
drie dimensies van spirituele gevoeligheid = three dimensions of spiritual sensitivity
drie dimensionele matrix = three-dimensional matrix
drie elementen = three elements
drie fasen generator = three-phase generator
drie gescheiden serverruimtes = three separate server rooms
drie hoek schakeling = delta connection
drie hydraulische motoren = three hydraulic motors
drie keer = three times
drie keer per dag = three times a day
drie lagen = three layers
drie manieren = three ways
drie maten = three sizes
drie of zes of tien of veertien of twintig = three or six or ten or fourteen or twenty
drie paren = three pairs
drie soorten onderzoek = three types of research
drie standen schakelaar = three position switch
drie steunprofielen en vier draagarmen = three support profiles and four support arms
drie typen branders = three types of burner
drie van de vier = three out of four
"drie van normale kwaliteit, en één van hoge kwaliteit" = "three of normal quality, and one of high quality"
"drie van normale kwaliteit, en ��n van hoge kwaliteit" = "three of normal quality, and one of high quality"
drie varianten = three variants
drie verschillende landen = three different countries
drie-/tweewegklep = 3/2 directional valve
drie-aderig = three-core
drie-aderig(e) snoer / kabel = three-core cable
drie-assige = three-axle
driebandkaart = ninety-six columns card
driebandponsmachine = data recorder
driebasisch = tribasic
driebasisch calciumfosfaat = tribasic calcium phosphate
driebladig = trifoliate
driebladige rotor = three-bladed rotor
driecijferige = three-digit
driecilinderspinnerij = three-roller spinning mill
drie-componenten model van Bock = Bock's three component model
Driedelig = Three-tier
driedelig segment = one-third shell
driedelige legbordstelling = three-piece shelf rack
Driedelige wip = Three-part rocker
Driedimensionaal = Tridimensional
driedimensionaal = three-dimensional
drie-dimensionaal (ruimtelijk) vakwerk = space truss
driedimensionaal afdrukken/lijmen = three-dimesnional printing/gluing
driedimensionaal lassen = three-dimensional welding
driedimensionaal referentiesysteem = three-dimensional reference system
driedimensionaal referentiesysteem = Three-dimensional reference grid
drie-dimensionaal rooster = three-dimensional lattice
driedimensionaal spatiaal maasnetwerk = three-dimensional spatial mesh
driedimensionale = three-dimensional
drie-dimensionale = three-dimensional
driedimensionale beelden = three-dimensional images
driedimensionale beschrijving = three-dimensional description
driedimensionale bewegingen = three-dimensional movements
driedimensionale computergrafiek = three-dimensional graphics
driedimensionale oriëntatie = three-dimensional orientation
driedimensionale positie = three-dimensional position
driedimensionale positie-informatie = three-dimensional position information
driedimensionale spatiale anatomische structuurinformatie = three-dimensional spatial anatomical structural information
driedimensionale spatiale gelaatinformatie = three-dimensional spatial facial information
driedimensionale volume = three-dimensional volume
driedimensionale weergave = three dimensional representation
drie-dimensioneel = three-dimensional
drie-draads = three-wire
driedraadsmeting = three-wire sensing
driedubbel = triple
driedubbel golfkarton = triple-wall
Drie-eenheid = Trinity
Drie-eenheid van innovatie = Trinity of innovation
Drie-eenheid van innovatie = Trinity of Innovation
drie-elementsantenne = three-element antenna
drieëntwintig = twenty-three
drieëntwintig <23> = twenty-three
drieënvijftig = fifty-three
drieënzestig = sixty-three
driefasen = three-phase
drie-fasen stroming = three-phase flow
driefasen viergeleidereindgroepen = "three-phase, four-conductor load circuits"
driefasencircuit = three-phase circuit
driefasengelijkrichter = three-phase rectifier
driefasenschakeling (elektra) = three-phase circuit
driefasenspanning = three-phase voltage
driefasenstroom = three-phase current
driefasensysteem = three-phase system
driefasen-toestellen = three-phase units
Driefasevoeding = Three-phase power supply
Driefasig = 3-phased
driefasige PV omvormer Sunny Tripower = Sunny Tripower three-phase PV inverter
driegangig = triple-start
Driehoek = Triangular
Driehoek = Triangle
driehoek = triangle
Driehoek (meetkunde) = Triangle
Driehoek (sterrenbeeld) = Triangulum
driehoek {de} = triangle
Driehoek aansluiting = Delta connection
driehoek van Pascal = Pascal's Triangle
driehoek van Sierpinski = Sierpinski triangle (a fractal consisting of three copies of itself)
Driehoeken = Triangles
Driehoekig = Triangle
Driehoekig = Triangular
Driehoekig = Three-cornered
driehoekig = deltoid
driehoekig = trigonous
driehoekig bovenvlak = triangular top face
driehoekig facet = triangular facet
driehoekig grondpaneel = triangular base panel
driehoekig grondvlak = triangular base
driehoekig schraapijzer = shavehook
driehoekig vlak(je) = triangular facet
driehoekige = triangular
driehoekige doorsnede = triangular cross-section
driehoekige profiel = triangular profile
driehoekige profielen = triangular profiles
driehoekige schroefdraad = V-thread
driehoekige stuw = V-notch
driehoekige stuw = triangular weir
driehoekige stuw = Thomson weir
driehoekige vorm = triangular shape
Driehoekje = Triangle
driehoekprofielsnaar = triangular section belt
driehoeks-associatieschema = triangular association scheme
driehoeksbepaling = triangulation
driehoekschakeling = delta connection
driehoekschuurmachine = triangular base-plate sander
driehoeksketting = chain of triangles
Driehoeksleutel = Triangular key
Driehoekslijper (elektrisch) = Triangular base-plate grinder (electric)
driehoeksmeting = triangulation
driehoeksmeting = trigonometry
driehoeksnet = network of triangles
driehoekspanning = delta voltage
driehoeksschakeling = delta connection
driehoeksschakeling = mesh connection
driehoekstest = duo-trio test
driehoekstoets = triangle test
"driehoekstransactie,driehoekshandel,driehoeksverhouding" = triangular arrangement
"driehoekstransactie,driehoekshandel,driehoeksverhouding" = triangular operation
driehoekstrip = triangle strip
driehoeksverdeling = triangular distribution
driehoeksverhouding = love triangle
driehoeksverhouding = triangular relationship
driehoekvormige = triangular
driejaar = three years
driejaars = three-year
driejaars periodes = three-year periods
driejarenbeleidsplan = three-year policy plan
driejarenplan = three-year plan
DrieJarenTandzorgPlan = Three-Year Dental Care Plan
driejarige stam = a third year field generation
driekamerappartementen = three-room apartments
driekamerwoning = two bedroom house
Driekanaals = 3-channel
drie-kanaals = three-channel
Driekant = Three-square
driekante vijl = three-square file
Driekantsleutel = triangular key
drieklank = triad
"drieklank, triftong {f}" = triphthong (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vo
"driekleur, nationale driekleur" = tricolour (A flag with three stripes of different colour)
driekleurenbuis = three-colour picture tube
driekleurendruk = three-colour printing
driekleurenmengsel = three-colour mixture
driekleurenscherm = three-colour screen
driekleurensysteem = trichromatic system
driekleurentelevisie = three-colour television
driekleurig verkeerslicht = three-coloured signal
driekleurig viooltje = pansy
driekleurige pijllichten = tri-colour arrow lights
drieklezoor = three-quarter brick
driekoningen = Epiphany
Driekoningen = Epiphany (Christian)
driekopsdek = three-head deck
Driekroon = Tiara
driekwart = 3/4
driekwart = three-quarters
driekwartautomaat = three-quarter automatic
driekwartsbroek = three-quarter length pants
driekwartsbroek = three-quarter length pants (US)
drielaagse beglazing = triple glazing
drieledig = threefold
drieledige configuratie = 3-leg configuration
drieledige verificatiemethode = three-factor authentication
drielichamen abrasive slijtage = three-body abrasive wear
drieluik = triptych
drieluiken = tri-fold leaflets
driemaal = three times
driemaal = thrice
driemaal A gewaardeerde effekten = AAA rated securities
driemaal A kredietwaardigheid = AAA rating
driemaal daags = t.i.d
Driemaandelijks = Quaterly
driemaandelijks = quarterly
Driemaandelijks en jaarlijks = quarterly and annual
driemaandelijkse = quarterly
drienervig = trinervate
driepartijenconferentie = tripartite conference
driepas = trefoil
driepas (bouwkunde) = trefoil
driepasboog / klaverbladboog = trefoil arch
drieploegendienst = three-shift system
drieploegendienst = three shift working
drie-polig = 3-pin
driepolige contactstop = three-phase plug
driepolige contactstop / wandcontactdoos (VS) = three-pin plug / socket
driepolige wandcontactdoos = three-pole earthed socket
driepoot = tripod
driepoot voor de demontage = dismantling tripod
driepunt gordel = three-point safety-belt
driepunts aanleg = three-point registration
driepuntsbelasting = three-point loading
driepuntsgordel = three-point seat belt
driepuntsmeting = three-point measurement
driepuntsoplegging = three-point support
drie-puntssterkteproef = three-point assay
drie-reeksen theorema van Kolmogorov = three-series theorem
drierichtings-handshake = three-way handshake
drieruimte = three-space
drie-s proef = three standard deviations check
driescharnierboog = three-hinged arch
driescharnierspant = three-hinge frame
driescharnierspant = three-hinged truss
driespan = team of three horses
driest = audacious
driest = cheeky
Driest = Bold
driest = daring
driestandenschakelaar = three-position switch
Drie-standenschakelaar = Three-stage switch
driestralenbeeldbuis = three-gun colour tube
drietakslijden = triple or three vessel disease
drietal = triple
drietal = leash
drietallig = ternate
drietallig = ternary
drietallig = trifoliolate
drietalsgewijze vergelijkingen = triple comparisons
Drietand = Trident
drieteenmeeuw = kittiwake
Drieteenstrandloper = Sanderling
drietenige luiaard = ai
drie-tier architectuur = three-tier architecture
drietopskurve = three-hump curve
drietrapsversterker = three-stage amplifier
drietrapszender = three-stage transmitter
drietreks- vuurgang-vlampijpketel = three-pass fire tube boiler
drievoet = tripod
drievoud = threefold
Drievoudig = Treble
Drievoudig = Threefold
Drievoudig = Triple
Drievoudig = 3-fold
drievoudig rooster = triple lattice
drievoudige bescherming = threefold protection
drievoudige diffusiemethode = triple-diffused process
drievoudige diode = triple diode
Drievoudige maak = 3 make contacts (NO)
Drievuldigheidsdag = Trinity Sunday
driewaardig = trivalent
driewaardige logica = tri-state logic
driewals = triple-roll mill
drieweg factuurvereffening crediteuren = accounts payable three-way invoice matching
drieweg omschakelventiel = three-way switching valve
drieweg-afsluiter = three-way valve
driewegklem = three-way clamp
driewegklep = 3-way valve
driewegmagneetklep = three-way solenoid valve
driewegmengkraan = three-way mixer valve
driewegmenkraan = three-way mixer valve
drieweg-overeenstemmingsbeleid = three-way matching policy
driewegplugpakkingkraan = three-way plug cock with packing gland
driewegsluis = three-way lock
driewegsolenoïdeklep = three-way solenoid valve
driewegsteker = three-way plug
driewekelijks = every 3 weeks
Driewieler = Three-wheeler
driewieler = tricycle
driewielige = three-wheeled
driewielige step = three-wheeled scooter
driezuilenpers = dieing press
drift = drift
drift = are
drift = drove
drift = flock
Drift = Fervour
driftbeweeglijkheid = drift mobility
driften = to drift
drift-equivalent spanning = equivalent drift voltage
driftfout = drift error
drift-gecorrigeerde versterker = drift-corrected amplifier
drifthoek = drift angle
Driftig = Quick-tempered
driftig = fiery
driftig = passionate
driftig = hasty
Driftig = Spunky
driftkikker = hothead
driftmatig = libidinal or drive-based
driftmeter = drift meter
driftreducerend = drift reducing
driftreducerende = drift reducing
driftsnelheid = drift velocity
driftstroom = drift current
drift-waarschuwingen = drift alerts
drift-waarschuwingen = drift warnings
drijf gas = propellant
drijfas = arbor
drijfdruk = wall pressure
drijfgas = propellant
drijfhout = driftwood
drijfkaarsen = floating candles
Drijfkracht = Motive power
drijfkracht = motive force
Drijfkracht = Driving force
drijfkrachtmotor = (drive) motor
drijflaag = floating layer
Drijflading = Propellant powders
drijfmest = slurry
drijfnetvisserij = drift net fishing
drijfriem = drive belt
drijfriem = driving belt
drijfriem = belt
drijfriem = transmission belt
drijfriem pulp = pull strap pulp
Drijfriemen/-snaren = Drive belts
drijfriemenfabriek (leer) = Leather drive belt makers
drijfriemhaak = driving-belt hook
drijfriemverbinder = belt fastener
drijfsnaar = driving belt
drijfsnaar = drive belt
drijfstang = drive rod
Drijfstang = Connecting rod
drijfstang compleet = connecting rod assembly
drijfstangbout = connecting rod bolt
drijfstangen = connecting rods
drijfstangkap (onder) = connecting rod big end cap
drijfstangoog = small end (connecting rod)
drijfstangschacht = connecting rod shank
drijfsteen = Rhenisch brick
drijfsteen = alluvial stone
drijfsteen = sandstone
"drijfsteen, zandsteen" = sandstone
drijfstof = propellant
drijft een onderneming = runs a company
drijfveer = account
drijfveer = motive
drijfveer = driver
drijfveer [1] = account
drijfveer [1] = drive
drijfveer [1] = driving force
drijfveer [1] = mainspring
drijfveer [1] = motive
drijfveer [1] = reason
drijfveer [1] = spring
drijfveer [2] = mainspring
drijfveren = motives
drijfveren = drivers
drijfvermogen = buoyancy
drijfwerk = piston and connecting rod assembly
drijfwerk = "3.13.5 lubricate dangerous parts of the driving gear, driving-or other ma"
drijfwerk = trolley
"Drijfwerk, tandwieloverbrengingen en drijfwerkelementen" = "Gears, gearing and driving elements"
drijfwerken = driving gear
drijfwiel = driving wheel
drijfzand = quick sand
Drijfzand = Running sand
Drijfzand = Quicksand
drijven = float
Drijven = Drive
Drijven = Conduct
drijven = swim
drijven = drift
"drijven, aanzetten, aansporen, bewegen" = move  (to excite to action)
drijvend = float
drijvend decimaalteken = floating point
drijvend dok = floating dock
drijvend doorgemetalliseerd gat = floating via
"drijvend houden, vlottend houden" = buoy  (To keep afloat or aloft.)
drijvend materiaal = drift
drijvend nulpunt = floating zero
drijvend rooster = floating grid
drijvend zwembad = floating swimming pool
drijvende bok = floating derrick
Drijvende boorplatforms = Floating drilling platforms
Drijvende constructies = Floating structures
drijvende en bewegende offshoreconstructies = floating and moving offshore structures
drijvende golfbreker = floating breakwater
drijvende grijperkraan = grab dredger
drijvende komma = floating point
drijvende kraan = floating crane
Drijvende kranen = Floating cranes
drijvende kranen met grijpers = floating cranes with grabs
drijvende monopile = floating monopile
drijvende monopile met handlingtool = floating monopile with handling tool
Drijvende of diepdrijvende boor- en productieplatforms = Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms
drijvende olielaag = oil slick
Drijvende opslageenheid = Floating storage unit
drijvende persleiding = floating pipeline
drijvende poort = floating gate
Drijvende productie-installatie = Floating production facility
drijvende riemschijf = driving pulley
drijvende vlokken = floating flocs
drijvende vlotten = swimming floats
drijvende vlotten voor recreatieve doeleinden = swimming floats for recreational use
drijvende-kommacoderingscompactie = floating-point coding compaction
Drijvendekommagetal = Floating point
drijvendekommagetal = floating-point number
drijvende-kommagetal = floating point number
drijvende-kommagetal met enkele precisie = single precision floating point
drijvende-kommavoorstelling = floating-point representation
drijver = float
drijver = driver
dril = drill
Drilboor = Well perforator
Drilboor = Punch
Drilboor = Puncher
drilboor = pneumatic drill
drilboor {de} = drill
drilboren = drill bores
Drilled = Drilled
drillen = bore (ww)
Drillen = Exercise
Drimmelen = Drimmelen
D-ring = safety D-ring
D-ring passchroef = Diazed ring adapter
dringen = press
Dringen = Clamp
dringen de behoefte terug = reduce the need
dringen deze zones gedeeltelijk door in een oppervlak = these zones partly penetrate a surface
dringend = emphatic
Dringend = Pressing
dringend = urgent
dringend = just cause
dringend aan vervanging toe = urgently in need of replacement
dringend advies = urgent recommendation
"dringend, ogenblikkelijk" = instant {adj} (urgent)
dringende = urgent
dringende afschakeling = emergency shutdown
dringende en gewichtige redenen = urgent and strong (weighty) reasons
Dringende interventies = Urgent interventions
Dringende levering = Urgent delivery
dringende noodzaak = urgent necessity
dringende reden = just cause (dringende reden)
dringende reden voor ontslag op staande voet = just cause for immediate dismissal
dringende redenen = serious reasons
dringende redenen = [termination] for [just] cause
dringende redenen = for just cause
dringende redenen = Termination for just cause
drink water = drink water
Drinkbaar = Potable
drinkbaar = drinkable
Drinkbaar [water] = Potable [water]
drinkbaar water = potable water
drinkbare chocolade = drinking chocolate
drinkbare vloeistof = potable liquid
drinkbare vloeistoffen = potable liquids
drinkbeker = goblet
drinkbeurten = drinks
Drinkbus / -houder = (drinking) Flask / Bottle cage
Drinkbus / -houder = Bottle
drinkdeksel = drinking lid
drinkdeksel-ontwerp = drinking lid design
drinkdeksels = drinking lids
Drinken = Pledge
drinken = drink
drinken = drinking
drinken = to drink
drinker = alcoholic
drinkfles = drinking bottle
drinkgelag = orgy
drinkgeld = tip
drinkgerei = drinking vessels
drinkglas = glass
Drinkglazen = Drinking glasses
drinking water coating = drinkwater coating
drinkkroezen of -kannen = tankards
drinkopening = drinking opening
drinkopeningen = drinking openings
drinkrand = drinking edge
drinkranddeel = drinking edge part
drinkrietjes = drinking straws
drinkt = drink
drinktrog = manger
drinkwater = potable water
Drinkwater = Drinking water
drinkwater = drinking-water
drinkwater en voedingsmiddelen = drinking water and food
drinkwater in flessen = bottled drinking water
"drinkwater, elektriciteit en afwatering" = "drinking water, electricity and drainage"
drinkwaterbehandeling = drinking-water treatment
drinkwaterbeschermingsgebied = drinking water protection area
drinkwatercirculatiepomp = drinking water circulator
drinkwatercoating = drinking water coating
Drinkwaterdistributie = Drinking-water distribution
drinkwaterfilters = filters for drinking water
Drinkwaterhygiëne = Drinking water hygiene
drinkwaterinstallatie = water supply
drinkwaterinstallatie = drinking-water supply
Drinkwaterleidingen = Drinking-water piping
drinkwaterleidingnet = drinking-water pipeline
drinkwaterleidingnet = water supply system
drinkwatermaatschappij = water authority
drinkwatermaatschappij = water company / board
drinkwatermaatschappijen = water authorities
drinkwaterproductiecentra = drinking water production centres
Drinkwaterproductielocatie = drinking water production facility
drinkwaterslang = drinking water hose
drinkwatertank = drinking water tank
drinkwatervoorziening = drinking-water supply
drinkwatervoorziening = drinking water supply
drinkwatervoorziening = supply of drinking water
drinkwaterwet = Dutch Drinking Water Act (‘Drinkwaterwet’)
drinkwaterzuivering = drinking water treatment
drinkwaterzuivering = drinking-water treatment
drinkwaterzuiveringsinstallaties = drinking water treatment plant
drinkwaterzuiveringsinstallaties = drinking water treatment plants
drinkzijde = drinking side
Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin) = Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin)
Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin+Endrin) = Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin+Endrin)
Drins (som 5) = Drins (total 5)
"Drins (som, STI-tabel)" = "Drins (total, STI table)"
Drip tray vaatwasserbestendig = Dishwasher-proof drip tray
drive = Are you driven …
drive en file permissions = drive and file permissions
Drive- en motorelektronica = Drive and motor electronics
Drive Housing = Drive Housing
Drive Housing Flange = Drive Housing Flange
Drive Housing Tube = Drive Housing Tube
Drive pin = Drive pin
Drive Tension Rod = Drive Tension Rod
Drivecontrol = Drivecontrol
drive-inwoning = home with built-in garage
drive-in-woning = drive-in home
driven = drive
Driven by data = Driven by data
Driver = Driver
driver = driver
driver info template = Driver Info Template
driver ontwikkeling = Driver Development
drivers = drivers
Drivers- en systeemsoftware = Drivers and system software package
drivers enhanced vision system = DEVS system (Driver's Enhanced Vision System)
Drivers voor grafische kaarten = Graphics card drivers
drivetrain (The system in a motor vehicle which connects the transmission = aandrijflijn
Driviing shaft = Driving shaft
Driving Shaft = Driving Shaft
DRM-onderdeel = DRM component
DRM-onderdeel = digital rights management component
Droef = Sorrowful
droef = afflicted
droef = sadly
Droef = Sad
droef = mallet
Droefenis = Lugubriousness
Droefenis = Gloominess
Droefenis = Gloom
Droefenis = Sorrow
droefenis {de} = sadness
droefgeestig = bleak
"droefgeestig, weemoedig, droevig peinzend" = wistful {adj} (full of longing)
droefgeestigheid = melancholy
Droefheid = Gloominess
Droefheid = Lugubriousness
droefheid = affliction
Droefheid = Sorrow
droefheid = sadness
Droefheid = Gloom
droeg af = deduct
droeg af = pay
droeg af = surrender
droeg af = use up
droegen = were wearing
droes = devil
Droesem = Deposit
droevig = melancholy
Droevig = Distressed
droevig = dismal
Droevig = Sorrowful
Droevig = Doleful
droevig = sad
droevig stemmen = afflict
"droevig, bedroefd, treurig, triest, verdrietig" = sad {adj}
drogbeeld = illusion
droge = dry
droge blusleiding = dry riser
droge bulk = dry bulk
droge cel = dry cell
droge cel batterij = dry cell battery
droge depositie = dry deposition
droge doek = dry cloth
Droge duikpakken = Dry suits
droge elco = dry elco
droge elektrolytische condensator = dry electrolytic capacitor
droge elektrolytische condensator = dry elco
droge gebieden = arid regions
droge geëxtrudeerde voederpelle = dry extruded feed pellet
droge humor = corny humour
droge humor = dry humour
droge lengte = dry (flue) length
droge pan = dry pan
droge plaat = dry plate
droge product = dry product
droge ruimte = dry area
droge ruimtes = dry areas
droge smeermiddelen = dry lubricants
Droge stof = Dry matter content
droge stof = dry matter
droge stof = dry substance
droge stofgehalte = dry matter content
droge stofgehalte = dry substance content
droge tandkasontsteking = alveolalgia
droge tandkasontsteking = dry socket
droge tandkasontsteking = dry tooth socket
droge tandkasontsteking = infected socket
droge tantaalelco = solid electrolyte tantalum capacitor
Droge tijd = Dry season
Droge verassing = Dry ashing
droge vervuiling = dry dirt
droge voering = dry liner
droge vruchten = dried fruit
Droge waren = Dry goods
droge warme bewaarproef = dry hot storage test
droge was = dry laundry
drogen = dessication
drogen = drying
drogen = exsiccation
drogen = to dry
drogen = dry
drogen bij 40 °C = Drying at 40 °C
drogen met stikstof = dry with nitrogen
"drogen, dehydreren, deshydrateren, ontwateren, uitdrogen, verdrogen" = desiccate  (to dry)
drogende olie = drying oil
"drogende olie, hars en/of oplosmiddel" = "drying oil, resin and/or solvent"
drogende oliën = drying oils
droger = dryer
Drogeren = Dope
drogerij = drug
drogers = dryers
droging = desiccation
Droging = Drying
drogist = druggist
Drogisterij = Drugstore
Drogisterij = Hardware shop
drogisterij-winkelketen = drug retailer
Drogreden = Fallacy
drol = turd
drol = dung
"drol, (euphemism) vlaai" = flop (poned package of dung)
drom = accumulation
Drom = Throng
Drom = Rabble
dromedaris = dromedary
dromedaristype = double-peaked fever curve
dromedaristype = dromedarian fever curve
Dromeidae = Emu
dromen = dream
dromen = to dream
dromen {mv} = dreams
dromenland = dreamland
Dromer = Dreamy
Dromer = Dreamer
"dromer, idealist, fantast" = visionary (an impractical dreamer)
dromerdijk = tertiary dike
Drommel = Nuts !
drommel = devil
drommels = diabolical
Drommels = Fiendish
Drone = Great bell
Drone = Bumblebee
drones = drones
drong zich op = was urgently needed
dronk = toast
dronkaard = drunkard
dronkaard = drunk
dronkaard {de} = drunkard
dronken = fucked-up
Dronken = Half-cocked
dronken = intoxicated
Dronken = Drunk
Dronken = Tight
Dronken = Drunken
Dronken = Canned
dronken worden = get drunk
"dronken, bedronken, gealcoholiseerd, zat [Flemish]" = intoxicated {adj} (Stupefied by alcohol)
"dronken, bedronken, zat [Flemish]" = fucked-up {adj} (drunken)
"dronken, zat, beschonken" = drunken {adj} (In the state of alcoholic intoxication)
"dronken, zat, bezopen, blauw, beschonken" = drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol)
Dronkenschap = Intoxication
Dronkenschap = Inebriety
Dronkenschap = Drunkenness
dronkenschap = drunkenness
"dronkenschap, de roes" = intoxication
Dronten = Dronten
droog = austere
droog = wry
Droog = Dry
droog chemisch poeder = dry chemical powder
droog circuit = dry circuit
Droog- en perstoestel = Drying and pressing unit
droog gazon = dry lawn
droog gewicht = dry weight
droog gewichts-% = dry weight percentage
droog gewichts-% op natte gewicht = dry to wet weight percentage
droog granulaat = dry granules
Droog houden en in een goed gesloten verpakking bewaren = Keep container tightly closed and dry
Droog houden en in een goed gesloten verpakking bewaren. = Keep container tightly closed and dry.
droog lopen / droog draaien / draaien zonder smering = dry run
droog plaatsen = lay dry
droog product = dried product
Droog uitwisbare borden of toebehoren = Dry erase boards or accessories
Droog volumegewicht = Dry volume weight
droog worden = dry
Droogapparaat = Fruit/vegetable dryer
droogapparaten = apparatus for drying
droogapparaten = drying apparatus
droogautomaat = dryer
droogbed = drying bed
droogbewerking = drying operation
droogblazen = to dry by blowing
droogbouw = dry-wall installation
droogcirkelzaag met afzuiging = dry cutting circular saw with suction
droogdoek = dish cloth
droogdok = drydock
droogdok = dry dock
droogdok (scheepsreparatie) = Dry docks for ship repairs
droogdok {het} = dry dock
Droogdokdiensten = Dry-docking services
Droogdokkeneiland = Droogdokkeneiland (‘Dry Dock Island’)
Droogetsmateriaal = Dry-etching equipment
drooggaasje = drying screen
drooggangreen = dry  gangrene
drooggas = drying gas
Drooggewicht (behorend bij SVI) = Dry weight (for SVI/Sludge Volume Index)
drooggezet = dried-off
droogheid = dryness
drooghoes = drying hood
droogijs = dry ice
droogkamer = drying chamber
droogkap = drying cap
Droogkap = Drying hood
droogkast = drying box
droogkast = drying cabinet
droogkast = airing cupboard
droogkast = drier
Droogklasse = Drying performance
Droogkleeftechniek = Dry adhesive technology
Droogkoken = Running dry
droogkookbeveiliging = boiling-dry protection
droogkuis = dry-clean
droogkuis = dry cleaner's
Droogleggen = Drain
droogleggen = "reclaim, to"
droogleggen = lay open
droogleggen = reclaim
Drooglegging = Prohibition
drooglichaam = drying body
droogloopbeveiliging = dry-running protection
droogloopbeveiligingen = dry-running protections
droogloopschakelaar = dry-run switch
droogmachine = drier
droogmachine = dryer
droogmachine = drying machine
droogmachines = drying machines
droogmaken = dry
droogmakerij = reclamed lake
droogmakerij = drained lake
droogmakingsproject = land reclamation project
droogmengproces = dry-mixing process
droogmiddel = drying agent
droogmiddel = desiccant
droogmiddelen = desiccants
droogontsmetter = dry disinfectant
droogontsmetting van zaad = seed dressing
droogoven = drying kiln
droogoven = drying oven
droogparel = desiccant beads
droogpartij = double-backer
droogpartij = dry end
droogperiode = drying period
droogpompen = dewater
droogproces = drying process
droogrek = drying rack
droogrek = rack
Droogrekken = Drying racks
Droogrest onopgeloste bestanddelen = "Dry residue, undissolved components"
Droogrest v/d bezonken bestanddelen = Dry residue of settled components
droogrot = dry rot
droogruimte = drying room
droogscheerapparaat = dry-shaver
droogschuim = dry foam cleaner
droogslijpen = dry grinding
droogsmering = dry-film lubrication
droogspinnen (chemisch) = dry spinning (chemical)
droogspinnen (vlas) = dry spinning
droogspinprocédé = dry spinning method
droogstof = dryer
droogstoof = drying stove
droogt = dries
droogte = "drought (climate term, NOT a medical term)"
droogte = shortage of water
droogte = dryness
droogte = drought
droogte {de} = drought
droogtebeheer = drought control
droogtemperatuur = drying temperature
droogtezone = arid zone
droogtijd = drying time
droogtoestel = drying apparatus
"Droogtoestellen voor hout, papierpulp, papier of karton" = "Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard"
Droogtoestellen voor landbouwproducten = Dryers for agricultural products
droogtoren = drying tower
droogtrommel = tumble dryer
droogtrommel = drying drum
droogtrommel = drying cylinder
droogtunnel = drying tunnel
droogvallen = run dry
droogvallen = dry
droogvallen op het wad = dry out on the shallows
droogverlies = drying loss
droogvlasspinnen = dry flax spinning
droogvliezen (Engels: dry-laid nonwovens) = drylaid nonwovens
Droogvoer = Dry fodder
droogvorm = drying form
droogweerafvoer = dryweatherflow
Droogwijze = Drying system
droogzelfaanzuigende = dry self-priming
droogzelfaanzuigende centrifugaalpomp = dry self-priming centrifugal pump
droogzelfaanzuigende pompen = dry self-priming pumps
droogzetten = lay open
droogzettingsinstallatie = drydock
Droogzuiger = Dry vacuum
droom = dream
droom {de} = dream
droombeeld = vision
Droombeeld = Illusion
Droombeeld = Delusion
"droombeeld, visioen, geestesverschijning{f}" = vision (something imaginary)
Droombeld = Illusion
Droombeld = Delusion
droomgezicht = vision
Drop = Liquorice
Drop = Licorice
drop = drip
drop = drop
drop attack = drop attack
drop attack = syncope
drop down lijst inhoudscontrole = ‘Drop Down List Content Control’ (‘Drop Down Lijst Inhoudscontrole
Drop down menu = drop-down menu
drop shadow = dropshadow
"drop, dropregen, drup, drupregen, gemiezer, motregen, miezer" = drizzle (light rain)
dropbox = Dropbox
dropdown = drop-down
dropdown keuzemenu = drop-down selection menu
dropdown menu = drop-down menu
dropdownlijst = dropdown list
dropout = dropout
droppel = drip
droppelen = drip
droppen = to drop
Droppen van parachutisten = Dropping parachutists
dropping = orienteering (exercise)
droppings = droppings
dropshipping = drop-shipping
drossen = abscond
drost = taskmaster
DRR = Regional Crime Investigation Department
drs. = drs. (doctorandus: academic titles should not be translated)
Drs. = Doctorandus/Doctoranda (PhD candidate)
Drs. = [see note]
drs. = "MA, ± M Sc"
drs. = drs.
Drs. (if required to be translated in context) = Doctorandus/Doctoranda and explain in a translators' note
DRT = Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
DRT-mesh = DRT mesh
DRT-platform = DRT API
DRT-platform = DRT platform
DRT-protocol = DRT protocol
DRU = Rural Development Division
Drug = Dope
Drug = Monkey
Drug = Drug
drug resistente = multiresistant
drugdelinquent = drug-addicted offender
drugdelinquent = drug-dependent offender
drugepidemie = drug epidemic
drugepidemie = nationwide epidemicof drug addiction
druggebruik = "drug use, drug consumption"
druggebruik door de moeder = shooting up
druggebruik door de moeder = drug use by the mother
drugkliniek = "drug clinic, detox center"
drugpreventie = drug abuse prevention
Drugs = Drugs
Drugs = Dope
Drugs = Drug
Drugs = Monkey
drugs = drugs
drugs en alcohol = drugs and alcohol
drugs- en alcoholbeleid = drug and alcohol policy
drugs- en alcoholbeleid = Drug and alcohol policy
Drugs- en alcoholpreventie = Drug and alcohol misuse prevention
drugsachtige schemertoestand = drug-like daze
drugsgebruik = using drugs
drugsgebruikers = drug users
drugshandelaar = drug dealer: an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
drugshandelaar = drug pusher
drugshandelaar = drug trafficker
drugshandelaar = purveyor of drugs
drugshandelaren = drug traffickers
drugsmisbruik = drug abuse
Drugsopsporingsapparatuur = Drug detection apparatus
drugssmokkel = drug smuggling
drugsverslaafde = drug addict
drugsverslaving = drug abuse
Drugsverslaving counselling = Drugs addiction counselling
drugverslaafde = drug addict
drugverslaving = drug addiction
Druïde = Druid
Druif = Grape
druif (op booromslag) = front knob
druif {de} = grape
Druifhyacint = Grape-hyacinth
druifmola = hydatidiform mole
druilen = doze
druilerig = drowsy
Druilerig = Sleepily
Druilerig = Somnolent
Druilmast = Mizzen
druipbak = drip tray
druipdroog = drip dry
druipen = to drip
druipen = drip
druiper / druiplijst = drip-mold / drip-moulding
druiper / druiplijst = dripstone
druiper / druiplijst = drip
druipkant = eaves
druipkant (van dak) = eaves
druipkant (van dak) = eave
druipkant (van dak) /dakoverstek = eaves
druiplijst = label
Druiplijst = Weather moulding
druiplijst = hoodmould
druiplijst / kranslijst / vensterkap = weather moulding
druiplus = drip loop
druipneus = cold
druiprek = draining board
Druipsteen = Stalactite
druipsteengrot = limestone cave
druipwater = drip water
Druipwateraansluiting = Dripping water connection
druipwaterdicht = dripproof
Druivebladroller = European grape berry moth
druivelaars = grape-vines
Druiven = Grapes
Druiven = Grape
druiven {mv} = grapes
druiven met een dubbel doel = grapes for double end
druivenextract = grape extract
Druivenmost = Grape must
druivenmost waarvan de gisting door het toevoegen van alcohol is gestuit = fresh grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcohol
druivenpit = grape seed
druivenpittenextract = Grape Seed Extract
Druivenplukker = Grape-picker
Druivenplukster = Aster
Druivensap = Grape juice
druivensmaak = grape flavor
druk = distress
druk = compression
druk = frenetic
druk = crowded
druk = fussy
druk = busy
druk = lively
Druk = Press
druk = edition
druk = draw-down
druk = print
druk = "compression, pressure"
Druk = Pressure
druk = [see list]
druk = pressure
druk = contact pressure
druk / stuwkracht = thrust
druk {de} = pressure
druk aflaat ventiel = pressure relief valve
Druk aflaten = Depressurise
druk- als krachtenverdeling = pressure and force distribution
druk de pin door = push the pin through
druk de pin door het gat = push the pin through the hole
druk deze naar beneden = press it down
druk- en explosietesten = pressure and explosion tests
Druk- en grafische uitrusting = Printing and graphics equipment
druk- en opwaartse krachten = pressure and buoyance forces
druk- en temperatuurgrenzen = pressure and temperature limits
druk gebruikte verkeerslijngroep = high-usage trunk group
druk geïnduceerd = pressure-induced
druk geleiding = pressure guide
Druk geven (ext. drukpomp) = Give pressure (external pressure pump)
Druk hem aan met = Press it down with
druk het aan = press it down
Druk het doek aan = Press down on the cloth
druk kort op = Briefly press
Druk kort op ■ = Briefly press ■
druk leidingen = high pressure pipes
Druk naar beneden = Press down
druk- of spanningsloos = depressurised and de-energised
Druk- of temperatuursensor = Pressure or temperature sensor
druk of trek = pressure or tension
Druk op = Press
Druk op ‘accept = Press ‘Accept’
Druk op de reset knop = Press the reset button
Druk op de 'RESET' knop = Click the ‘RESET’ button
Druk op een van de knoppen aan de zijkant = Press one of the buttons on the side
Druk op het bedieningsscherm op de knop “start” = Press the ‘Start’ button on the control screen
Druk op om het even welke toets = Press any key
Druk op Reset = Press Reset
druk opgebouwd in = pressure built up in
druk opnemer = pressure sensor
druk reduceer = pressure reducer
druk sensor in spruitstuk = manifold pressure sensor
druk uitoefenen = to exert pressure
druk van aandeelhouders = Pressure from shareholders
druk verminderen / indrukken = depress
Druk vervolgens kort op = Then briefly press
druk x snelheid = LPV-value
druk zakdoekjes uit elkaar rukkend = busily fidgeting with tissues/ripping tissues apart
"druk, stroming, temperatuur of vochtigheid" = "pressure, flow, temperature, or humidity"
Druk-/tiptoetscontact = Push button/touch control button
drukaansluiting = compressed-air connection
drukaansluiting = delivery nozzle
drukaansluiting = outlet flange
drukaansluiting = pressure port
drukaansluitingen = compressed-air connections
drukaccumulator = pressure accumulator
drukAf = print
drukAf() = print()
drukafhankelijke = pressure-dependent
drukaflaat = pressure release
drukaftaster = pressure transducer
drukapparaat = pressure device
drukapparaten = pressure equipment
drukapparaten = printing apparatus
drukapparatuur = pressure equipment
drukapparatuur en -instrumenten = printing apparatus and instruments
drukbaar = presser bar
drukbaar = printable
drukbaarheid = printability
drukband = presser belt
drukbegrenzingsventiel = pressure limiting valve
drukbegrenzingsventiel = pressure relief valve
drukbehandelingsprocessen = pressure treatment processes
drukbelasting = compressive load
drukbelasting = compression load
drukbelasting = pressure load
drukbeveiliging = overpressure safety device
drukbewaking = pressure monitor
drukblok = pressure block
drukbus = bush
drukcabine = pressurized cabin
drukcilinder = pressure cylinder
drukcilinder = press roll
drukcilinder = jack cylinder
drukcilinders en appendages = pressure cylinders and fittings
drukcompensator = pressure compensator
drukcondensator = pressure capacitor
drukcontact = pressure contact
Drukcontact = Push button
"Drukcontact, verbreek" = "Push button, normally closed"
"Drukcontact,maak" = "Push button, normally open"
drukcorrector = pressure corrector
drukdiensten = printing services
drukdoos = pressure cell
drukdoos = pressure cells
drukdragende = pressure bearing
drukdragende onderdelen = pressure bearing parts
druk-druktoets = push-push button
druk-eenheden = pressure units
druk-eenheden = units of pressure
drukelement = pressing element
drukflens = flange
Drukfolie = Print foil
drukformaat = print format
drukfout = misprint
drukfouten voorbehouden = all rights reserved concerning printing errors
drukgereedschap = pressing tool
drukgestuurd ventiel = pressure actuated valve
druk-gestuurde = pressure-actuated
druk-gestuurde = pressure-controlled
druk-gestuurde ventilator = pressure-controlled ventilator
drukgestuurde ventilatoren = pressure-controlled fans
drukgevoelig beeldscherm = touch screen
drukgevoelige = pressure sensitive
drukgevoelige zelfklevende folie = pressure sensitive adhesive foil
drukgevoeligheid = pressure sensitivity
drukgevuld = supercharged
drukgolf = pressure wave
drukgolf of jet = pressure wave or jet
drukgolven = pressure waves
drukgradiënten = pressure gradients
drukgradiëntmicrofoon = pressure-gradient microphone
drukhoek = pressure angle
drukhoogte = pressure head
drukhoogte (pressure-altitude) = pressure-altitude
Drukhoogte van het startterrein = Pressure altitude at the take-off site
Drukhouder = Pressure vessel
Drukhouders = Pressure vessels
drukindicatie = pressure indicator
Drukingang = Push button input
Drukinkt = Printing ink
drukinkten = printing inks
drukinktfabriek = Printing ink industry
drukinstelling = pressure setting
drukkamer = pressure room (PIL)
drukkamer = pressure room
drukkamer = pressure chamber
Drukke dag = Busy day
drukke zones = busy areas
drukken = press
drukken = to squeeze
drukken = to push
Drukken = Print
drukken = squeeze
drukken = printing
drukken = oppress
drukken = depress
drukken = to press
drukken en temperaturen = pressures and temperatures
drukken en vasthouden = press and hold
drukken met afsprong = off contact printing
drukken op = weigh heavily on
drukken op en vasthouden = press and hold
"drukken, afdrukken, printen" = "print  (to copy something on a surface, especially by machine)"
Drukkend = Overwhelming
Drukkend = Damning
drukkend = burdensome
drukkend felsen = impact riveting
drukkend felsgereedschap = impact-riveting tool
drukkende = incumbent on
drukkende kosten = costs incumbent on
Drukker = Printer
drukker = button
"Drukker, wissel" = "Button, alternating"
drukkerij = printing
drukkerij = printer
drukkerij = print shop
Drukkerij = Printing works
drukkerij = printing work
Drukkerij = Printing Office
Drukkerij & Nabewerking = Printing & Finishing
Drukkerij & Nabewerking = Printing & Post-processing
drukkerij (algemeen) = "Printing industry, general"
Drukkerij- en aanverwante diensten = Printing and related services
Drukkerij- en afleveringsdiensten = Printing and delivery services
Drukkerij- en distributiediensten = Printing and distribution services
Drukkerij en Nabewerking = Printing and Finishing
Drukkerij werkplaats = Printing workshop
drukkerij-activiteit = printing activities
Drukkerijdiensten = Printing services
Drukkerijen = Printers
drukkerijen en aanverwante activiteiten = Printers and related activities
drukkerij-industrie = printing industry
drukkerijproducten en publicaties = printed materials and publications
drukkersmerk = printer's mark
drukketel = pressure tank
drukketel = pressure vessel
drukketel = air vessel
drukklaar = print-ready
drukklaar maken van bestanden = preparing files for printing
drukklasse = pressure class
drukklem = pressure clamp
drukknoop = press-stud
drukknoop = push-button
drukknoopsluiting = snap-fastener
Drukknop = Ram
Drukknop = Tappet
drukknop = press-button
Drukknop = "Push button, complete"
drukknop = press button
drukknop = push-button
drukknop = push button
drukknop = button
Drukknop = Plunger
drukknop = snap button
drukknop = snap fastener
drukknop (voor bel) = bell push
drukknop / resetknop = resetting button
drukknop busstop invalide passagier = disabled passenger bell push
drukknop busstop passagiers = passenger bell push
Drukknop Down = Down button
Drukknop frontelement = Front element for push button
Drukknop frontelement (paddestoel) = Front element for mushroom push-button
Drukknop frontrand = Front bezel pushbutton
drukknop inrichting = push-button device
Drukknop modulair = Push button for distribution board
Drukknop Reset = Reset button
Drukknop Up = Up button
drukknopas = push-button spindle
drukknopbediening = push-button control
drukknopbericht = push-button message
drukknopcontact = push-button contact
drukknopeenheid = push-button unit
drukknopinrichting = push-button device
drukknopinrichtingen = push-button devices
Drukknopkast compleet = Control circuit devices combination in enclosure
Drukknopkast leeg = Enclosure for control circuit devices
drukknoppastille = ornamental disc
drukknoppen = push buttons
drukknopschakelaar = push-button switch
"drukknopschakelaar, sleutelschakelaar en/of afstandsbediening" = "push button switch, key switch and/or remote control unit"
drukknopschakelaars = touch switches
drukknopschuif = push-button slide
drukknopsignaal = push-button signal
drukknopverankering = stud
drukkoeling = forced cooling
Drukkop = Print head
drukkosten = printing expenses
drukkosten = printing costs
drukkracht = pressure force
drukkracht = compressive force/load
drukkracht = press force
drukkracht = thrust push
drukkracht = compressive force
drukkracht = pressing force
drukkracht = compressive load
drukkrachten = compressive forces
drukkrachten = pressure forces
Drukktoets = Push button
drukkussen = pressure pad
drukkwaliteit = print quality
druklaag = compression layer
druklager = release bearing
druklager = thrust bearing
druklager = bevel ring gear
druklager = ball trust bearing
druklagerkraag = thrust bearing collar
druklassen = projection welding
druklassen = pressure welding
drukleiding = pressure line
drukleiding = pressure pipe
drukleiding = penstock
drukletsel = pressure-induced injury
drukletter = type
drukletter = printing type
drukletters = printers’ type
drukletters = printing fonts
drukletters en clichés (stereotype) = printers’ type and printing blocks
drukletters en clichés (stereotypen) = printers' type and clichés (stereotype)
druklijn = pressure line
drukloos = depressurised
drukloos maken = depressurise
Drukloze bedrijfsmodus = Pressure less operation
druklucht = compressed air
drukmachine = printer
drukmachine = printing machine
drukmachine = printing press
Drukmachines = Printing machinery
drukmachines = printing machines
drukmachines en -apparaten = printing machines and apparatus
drukmateriaal = material
drukmateriaal = printed material
Drukmechanisme = Printer mechanics
drukmeetslang = pressure sensor tube
drukmeter = pressure gauge
drukmeter = pressure meter
Drukmeter = Barometer
drukmeter = manometer
drukmeter = pressure monitor
drukmeters = pressure measuring apparatus
Drukmeters = Pressure gauges
Drukmeters = Pressure-measuring equipment
drukmeters = pressure gauges
drukmeting = pressure measurement
drukmicrofoon = pressure microphone
drukmodule = compressive modulus
drukmotief = printing design
drukniveau = pressure level
drukniveau van inregeling = calibration pressure level
drukomvormer = pressure converter
drukontlastingskanaal = pressure relief channel
drukopbouw = pressure build-up
drukopnemer = pressure sensor
drukorder = print order
drukorders = Print orders
Drukpapier = Printing paper
drukpasta = printing paste
drukpeer = pipette bulb
drukpen = pressure pin
Drukpen = Compression Pin
drukpen (in slot) = cotter pin
drukpers = printing press
drukpers = press
Drukpers = Printing works
Drukpers = Crush
Drukpers = Media
Drukpers = Newspapers
drukpersen = printing presses
drukpijnzone = pressure pain area
drukplaat = thrust plate
drukplaat = pressure plate
drukplaat = printing plates
drukplaat / koppelingsplaat = pressure plate
"drukplaat, stempel, clichee" = printing plate
drukplaat/koppelingsplaat = pressure plate
drukplaten = printing plates
drukplaten = holding-down plates (neerhouder)
drukplaten = pressure plates (koppeling)
drukplaten = thrust plates (voor opvangen van opwaartse druk)
drukplaten = washers (onderlegplaat voor krachtverdeling)
Drukplaten of -cilinders of andere drukmiddelen = Printing plates or cylinders or other media for use in printing
Drukproces = Print process
drukproef = pressure test
drukproef = compression test
Drukproef = Test
drukproef = proof
drukproef = printing proof
drukproef = proof sheet
drukproeven = pressure tests
drukpunt = centre of pressure
drukpunt = pressure point
drukpunten = pressure points
drukraam = printing frame
drukrand = gland
drukrecht = printing right
drukreduceerstation = pressure-limiting station
drukreduceerstation = Gas pressure reducing stations (GPRS)
drukregelaar = pressure regulator
drukregelaar = pressure governor
Drukregelaar voor rotatieverdampers = Pressure regulator for rotating evaporators
drukregelaars = pressure regulators
Drukregeling = Pressure control
drukregeling = pressure regulator
drukregelklep = pressure regulating valve
drukregulator = pressure governor
drukregulator = pressure regulator
Drukresolutie = Print resolution
drukresponsie = pressure response
drukring = thrust washer
Drukring = Thrust Ring
drukring = thrust collar
drukrol = print roll
drukrol = impression roll
drukrol = pressure roller
drukrol = edge roll
drukrol = pressure roll
drukrol = printing roller
drukrolas = pressure-roller spindle
drukrolbehuizing = pressure roller casing
drukrolhefboom = pressure-roller lever
drukrollager = pinch-wheel bearing
drukrollager = pressure-roller bearing
drukrollen = pressure rollers
drukrolverf = pressure-roller paint
drukruimte = pressure zone
Drukscanners = Pressure scanners
Drukschakelaar = Pressure switch
drukschakelaar = pressure-operated switch
drukschakelaar = pressure switch
drukschakelaar deurcontact strip = door contact strip pressure switch
drukschakelaars = pressure switches
drukschakelaars voetbediening retarder = push buttons retarder operation by foot
drukschijf = pressure plate
drukschommelingen = pressure fluctuations
Drukschommelingsabsorptie = Pressure swing absorption
drukschot = pressure bulkhead
drukschotten = bulkheads
drukschotten 27dB in plenum = bulkheads 27dB in plenum
drukschroef = screw propeller
Drukschroef voor wartel = Threaded bush
druksensor = force sensor
Druksensor = Pressure sensor
druksensor = pressure sensor
druksensoren = pressure sensors
druksets = printing sets
druksignaal = button-press signal
drukslang = pressure hose
Drukslang/trillingsdemper = Pressure hose/oscillation damper
drukslangen = pressure hoses
Drukslangkoppeling = Pressure hose connection
druksluiting = snap-fastener
druksmering = forced lubrication
drukspanning = compressive stress
drukstang = push bar
drukstang = compression bar
drukstel = pressure pieces
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = bearing strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = compressive strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte en isolatiewaarde = compressive strength and insulation value
druksterkte van het beton = compressive concrete strength
"druksterkte, gewicht en isolatie" = "compressive strength, weight and insulation"
drukstof = printing stock
drukstoot = pressure impact
drukstoot = pressure impulse
drukstoot = pressure impulse testing
drukstoottest = pressure impulse testing
drukstoten = pressure surges
drukstroming = Poisseuille flow
drukstroming = pressure flow
Drukstroom = Push current
drukstuk = gland
drukstuk = compression testpiece
drukstuk = test cube
drukstuk = pressure piece
Druksysteem = Pressurised system
druksystemen = pressure systems
drukt het energiegebruik = saves energy
drukt u gedurende één seconde op één van de zijknoppen = press one of the side buttons for one second
drukt u kort op = briefly press
drukt u op een van de knoppen aan de rechterkant = press one of the buttons on the right side
Drukt zich verbaal soepel uit = Is a fluid speaker
druktabel = pressure table
druktafel = print table
druktafel = printing table
drukte = hoo-ha
drukte = busyness
Drukte = Hurly-burly
Drukte = Commotion
drukte = activity
druktebeeld = traffic volumes
druktechnieken = printing techniques
druktemetingsensoren = pressure sensors
druktest = pressure test
druktoets = key
druktoets = push button
druktoetsblok = push-button tuner
Druktoetsdimmer = Push button dimmer
druktoetsen = push-buttons
Druktoetsenmodus = Push button mode
Druktoetsenveld = Push button panel
druktoetsschakelaar = push-button switch
Druktoetsschakelaar = Push button switch
Druktoetssensoraankoppeling bussysteem = Touch sensor connector for bus system
druktoren = Printing tower
druktransducer = pressure transducer
druk-trekschakelaar = push-pull switch
druktunnel = pressure tunnel
druktunnel = penstock
Drukuitschakeling = Pressure switch
drukval = pressure drop
drukval = drop in pressure
drukval afblaastraject = pressure drop of vent channel
Drukval componenten = Pressure drop of components
drukvast = compression resistant
Drukvast kapseling = Pressure resistant enclosure
drukvastheid = compression strength
Drukvastheid = Compressive strength
Drukvastheidsklasse = Compressive strength class
drukvat = pressure vessel
drukvat = pressure pot
drukvat van eenvoudige vorm = simple pressure vessel
drukvatberekening = pressure vessel design (software)
drukvaten = pressure vessels
drukveer = compression spring
drukveer = holding down spring
drukveer = pressure spring
Drukveermeter = Compression spring gauge
drukveermeter = compression spring gauge
drukventiel = pressure value
drukventiel = pressure valve
drukverandering = change in pressure
drukverdeling = pressure distribution
drukvereffeningsklep = by-pass valve
drukvereffeningsslang = pressure equalizing pipe (???)
drukvereffeningsslang = pressure equalizing pipe
drukveren = compression springs
drukverhang = pressure gradient
drukverhoger = pressure booster
drukverhoger (m) = pressurizer
Drukverhogers voor vloeistoffen = Pressure boosters for liquids
Drukverhoging met andere gassen = Pressure increase using other gases
Drukverhoging met andere gassen. = Pressure increase using other gases.
drukverhogingsinstallatie = pressurisation unit
drukverhogingsinstallatie = water booster system
drukverhouding = pressure ratio
drukverlies = pressure loss
Drukverlies bij nominale volumestroom = Pressure loss at rated volume flow
drukverlies tester = pressure loss tester
drukverliezen = pressure losses
drukverliezen die optreden in het luchtkanaal-netwerk = after all takes into account the pressure losses that occur in the air du
Drukvermogen = Pressure capacity
drukverschil = pressure difference
drukverschillen = pressure differential
drukverschillen = pressure differentials
drukverschillen = pressure differences
drukverschilregelaar = differential pressure controller
drukverschilschakelaar = differential pressure switch with screws
drukvlak = printing area
Drukvlakschakelaar = Push button switch
drukvorm = printing form
drukvormen = compression moulding
drukvormvervaardiging = pre-press
drukvrij = depressurized
Drukvrij maken systeem = Making the system pressure-free
drukvulling = supercharging
Drukvulling = Supercharger
drukwachter = pressure switch
drukwaterreactor [PWR] = pressurized water reactor [PWR]
drukweerstand = form drag
drukweerstand = form resistance
drukwerk = printed matter
drukwerk = printing
drukwerk = print-work
Drukwerk = Printed
Drukwerk = Forme
Drukwerk en aanverwante producten = Printed matter and related products
drukwerken = printed matter
"drukwerken en papieren goederen, te weten boeken, stripboeken, kinderboek" = "printed matter and paper goods, namely, books, comic books, children’s "
drukwerken en papierwaren = printed matter and paper goods
"drukwerken en papierwaren, te weten stripboeken en stripbladen en geïllu" = "printed matter and paper goods, namely comic books and comic magazines an"
drukwerken en publicaties = printed matter and publications
drukwerken met betrekking tot computers = printed materials concerning computers
"drukwerken met betrekking tot computers, software, en computernetwerken" = "printed materials concerning computers, computer software, and computer n"
drukwerken met betrekking tot het verstrekken van informatie = printed matter relating to the provision of information
drukwerken voor computers en software = printed matter pertaining to computers and computer
"drukwerken, boekbinderswaren" = "printed matter, bookbinding material"
"drukwerken, boeken en publicaties" = "printed matter, books and publications"
"drukwerken, boeken, posters, foto's, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, books, posters, photographs, stationery"
"drukwerken, foto's" = "printed matter, photographs"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties" = "printed matter, printed publications"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties in de vorm van boeken, tijdschriften, pe" = "printed matter, publications in the form of books, magazines, periodicals"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, boeken" = "printed matter, printed publications, books"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, boeken, tijdschriften, brochures, bladm" = "printed matter, printed publications, books, magazines, brochures, sheet "
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, printed publications, stationery"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, tijdschriften" = "printed matter, printed publications, magazines"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, tijdschriften, dagbladen" = "printed matter, printed publications, magazines, journals"
"drukwerken, in het bijzonder boeken, handleidingen en brochures met betre" = "printed matter, particularly books, manuals and brochures with regard to "
"drukwerken, karton en artikelen en tickets van karton, kranten, periodiek" = "printed matter, cardboard and cardboard articles and tickets, newspapers,"
"drukwerken, kranten en periodieken, boeken" = "printed matter, newspapers and periodicals, books"
"drukwerken, leermiddelen en onderwijsmateriaal" = "printed matter, instructional and teaching materials"
"drukwerken, leermiddelen en onderwijsmateriaal (uitgezonderd toestellen)" = "printed matter, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus)"
"drukwerken, publicaties" = "printed matter, publications"
"drukwerken, publicaties, brochures en prospectussen" = "printed matter, publications, pamphlets and prospectuses"
"drukwerken, publicaties, kranten, periodieken, catalogussen, tijdschrifte" = "printed matter, printed publications, newspapers, periodicals, catalogues"
"drukwerken, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, stationery"
"drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, ha" = "printed matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user’s g"
"drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, ha" = "printed matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user guide"
drukwerkinkoop = printing purchasing
drukwerkinkoop = the purchasing of printed materials
Drukwijze = Push type
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = pressure-swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = PSA
"Drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = Pressure swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = pressure-swing adsorption
"drukwisseladsorptie [Engels: pressure-swing absorptie, PSA]" = pressure-swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie [Engels: pressure-swing absorptie, PSA]" = PSA
drukwisselingen = fluctuations in pressure
Drukzadel = Pressure clamp
drukzijde = PS
drukzijde = pressure side
drum = drum
Drum & Bass = Drum & Bass
Drum Solo = Drum Solo
drumband (DR) = drum bands
Drumlin = Drumlin
Drummelters = Drum melters
drummer = drummer
Drummer = Beater
Drums (muziekinstrument) = Drums (instrument)
drumstel = drum kit
Drumstel = Battery
druppel = drop
druppel {de} = drop [of liquid]
druppel lijm = drop of glue
druppel op de gloeiende plaat = drop in a bucket
druppel op een gloeiende plaat = drop in a bucket
druppel voeding / lader = drip feed
druppelafscheider = water separator
druppelbeveiliging = drip tray
druppelen = drip
druppelen = to drip
druppelen = dripping
druppelende infiltratie = guttate infiltration
druppelflesje = dropper bottle
druppelflesje = eyedropper bottle
druppelflesje = pipette flask
Druppelflesje = Dropper
druppelimpregneren = to trickle-impregnate
druppelinfectie = droplet infection
druppelirrigatie = drip irrigation
druppelirrigatiedarmen = drip irrigation hoses
druppelirrigatiesysteem = drip irrigation system
druppelkamer = drip chamber
druppeloliepot = drip feed oil cup
druppelpipet voor medicijnen = medicine dropper
druppelpipet voor medicijnen = "pipette,  eyedropper"
druppelpunt = dropping point
druppelpunt = dripping point
"druppels, druppelachtig" = guttate
"druppels, druppelachtig" = spotted
druppelsgewijs = drop by drop
druppelsgewijs afscheiden = distil  (exude in small drops)
druppelsgewijs afscheiden = distill  (to exude in small drops)
druppelsgewijze bevloeiing = trickle irrigation
druppelslagerosie = liquid impingement erosion
druppelsleutel = digital key
druppelsmering = drip lubrication
druppelsmering = drip feed lubrication
Druppelstop = Drip-stop
druppelteller = drop counter
druppeltjes = droplets
druppeltjes van Flügge = droplet nuclei
druppelvoeding (druppellader) = drip feed
druppen = drizzle
"druppen, motregenen, miezeren, motteren" = drizzle  (to rain lightly)
drupppel = drop
drusen in de papilla nervi optici = "optic disk  drusen: small, bright structures in the optic disc, composed "
Druten = Druten
DRW = drift alert
DRW = drift warning
dry farming = dry farming
dry ice = dry ice
dryade = wood nymph
DS = Diploma Supplement
ds = dry substance content
ds = ds
DSA = digital subtraction angiography
DSA = digital vascular imaging
d-scheiding stelling = d-separation theorem
D-schroefadapter = Diazed screw adapter
dsciplinaire hoorzitting = disciplinary hearing
DSCR = Debt Service Capacity Ratio
DSG = Directorate of Standards and Guidance
DSG standaard = DSG standard
DSI = DSI (Document Scene Investigation)
DSL = Digital subscriber line
dsl (digital subscriber line)-breedbandservices = digital subscriber line (dsl) broadband services
DSL/ISDN-aansluiting = DSL-/ISDN-connection
DSL-aansluiting = DSL-connection
DSL-filter = DSL filter
D-sluiting = Shackle
DSN = diabetes nurse
DSN = diabetes specialist nurse
DSN = System DSN
D-snaar = D-chord
DSN-bericht = DSN message
DSN-code = DSN code
DSO = days sales outstanding
DSOs = Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
DSR = design science research
DSS = Decision Support Systems (DSS)
d-statistic van Sukhatme = Sukhatme d-statistic
D-subminiatuur = D-sub-miniature
DSW = Steam Equipment Supervision Service
DSZ = Office of Student Affairs
dt. = part-time
DTA = definition
DTC = Digital Trust Centre
DTD-bestand = DTD file
DTE/DCE-koppelvlak = data terminal equipment/data circuit terminating equipment interface
dtex = dtex
D-trein = corridor train
DTT = Discrete Trial Training
duaal = dual
duaal proces = dual process
duaal student = dual student
Dual Brand = Dual Brand
dual branded = dual branded
Dual Combined Braking System = DCBS
Dual Over Head Camshaft = DOHC
Dual Rod Rotary = Dual Rod Rotary
Dual Stage Fuel Injection = PGM-DSFI
Dual Tone Multiple-Frequency = dual-tone multiple-frequency
dual-boot = dual boot
duale bewerking = dual operation
duale bus voor gedistribueerde wachtrijen = distributed queue dual bus: DQDB
duale condensator = dual capacitor
duale diode = dual diode
duale doelstelling = dual objective
Duale economie = Dual economy
duale energie computertomografie (Engels: Dual-Energy CT) = dual-energy CT
Duale inkomstenbelasting = Dual income tax
duale opleiding = dual degree programme
duale opleiding = alternance training
duale opleiding = work-study programme
duale opleiding = sandwich degree programme
duale opleiding = dual training course (JurLex)
duale opleidingen = dual degree programmes
duale pentode = dual pentode
Duale planning = Dual planning
duale poort = dual gate
duale potentiometer = dual potentiometer
Duale prijszetting = Dual pricing
duale student = work-study student
duale studenten = sandwich students
duale students = work-study students
duale theorema van lineaire programmering = dual theorem
duale triode = dual triode
duale variant = sandwich course
duale weerstand = dual resistor
dual-fuel motor = dual fuel engine
dual-in-line = dual in line: DIL
dualisme = dualism
Dualisme (filosofie van de geest) = Dualism (philosophy of mind)
Dualistische merkenstrategie = Dualistic brand strategy
dualiteit = duality
Dubai (emiraat) = Dubai
Dubai EXPO 2020 = Dubai EXPO 2020
Dubai Expo organisatie = Dubai Expo organisation
Dubbel = Dual
Dubbel = Duplicate
Dubbel = Twice
dubbel = double
dubbel = doubling
Dubbel = Copy
Dubbel afgeschermd = Double shielded
dubbel beroep = holding down two jobs
dubbel beroep = holding of two jobs
dubbel censureren = double censoring
Dubbel circuit = Double circuit
dubbel computersysteem = duplex computer system
Dubbel contact = Double contact
dubbel diploma = double degree
Dubbel draagrek = Double mounting bracket
Dubbel envelope = Double-envelope
dubbel filter = two-section filter
dubbel filter met condensatoringang = tow-section capacitor input filter
dubbel filter met smoorspoelingang = two-section choke input filter
Dubbel fixeerplaatje = Double shell
dubbel ge‹soleerd = double insulated
dubbel gedestilleerd = redistilled
dubbel gestikte striping = double-stitched striping
dubbel geveerd = bipinnate
dubbel geveerd = twicepinnate
dubbel gevoel = mixed feelings
dubbel gevouwen = folded in half
dubbel gezaagd = doubly serrate
dubbel gezaagd = biserrate
Dubbel glas = Double glazing
dubbel hangspant = strutted collar beam roof structure
dubbel hangspant (van dak) = queen truss
dubbel kruistouw aanbrengen = to apply double crossed cord
dubbel liggen (van het lachen) = to double up (with laughter)
dubbel motorsysteem = two-motor system
dubbel of samengesteld raam = Double or multiple window
dubbel oog = double eyelet
dubbel processorsysteem = dual processor system
dubbel raam = double casement window
dubbel roerwerk = double cement mixer
dubbel scharnier = double hinge
dubbel signaal = double signal
dubbel symmetrisch = double symmetric
dubbel uitgevoerd afstemcircuit = double-tuned circuit
dubbel vernikkelen = double nickel plating
dubbel verwarren = double confounding
dubbel vrijgavesignaal = double clear
dubbel weefsel = doubleweave
dubbel weefsel = double-cloth
dubbel werk = duplication of work
dubbel woonhuis = duplex house
dubbel zaagtandsysteem = bilateral area track
dubbel-(ster) -> binary star = binary {adj} (equal importance)
dubbel.. = bi
Dubbel/enkel circuit = Double-/single circuit
dubbelaftasting = double scanning
"dubbelagent, dubbelspion" = double agent (spy)
dubbelbaans weg met gesloten verklaring = dual carriageway restricted to motorcars
dubbelbaans weg voor alle verkeer = dual carriageway for all traffic
Dubbelbaard (DIN) = Double bit
dubbelbaards sleutelslot = double-bitted key lock
dubbelbaardsleutel = double-bit key
dubbelbaardslot = double-bit lock
dubbelbajonetring = "5mm ring, two-in-one bay ring, D-ring"
dubbelbed (vlakbreimachine) = double bed (flat knitting machine)
dubbelbestemming = dual zoning (NB in zoning context)
Dubbelbesturing instructietijd = Dual instruction time
dubbelbinair signaal = duobinary signal
dubbelbinaire codering = duobinary coding
dubbelblind = double-blind
Dubbelblind = Doubleblind
dubbelblind vergelijkend onderzoek = double-blind comparative trial
dubbel-blind-methode = double-blind method
dubbelboeking = double entry accounting
dubbelbrekingseffect = birefringence
dubbelcassette = double plate holder
dubbelclaim = contradictory claims
dubbeldaags getij = semi-diurnal tide
Dubbeldekker = Biplane
Dubbeldekker = Link-up
Dubbeldekker = Maisonette
Dubbeldekker = Duplex
Dubbeldekkers = Double-decker buses
dubbeldeks pallet = double-deck pallet
Dubbeldeksbus = Double-decker bus
Dubbeldekstrein = Maisonette
Dubbeldekstrein = Link-up
Dubbeldekstrein = Duplex
dubbeldeurs = twin doors
dubbeldiagnose = dual  diagnosis (psychiatry)
Dubbeldienstkraan = Double service valve
dubbeldik glas = thick glass
dubbeldik golfkarton = double-wall corrugated fibreboard
dubbeldoel = double-purpose
dubbeldoelras = dual-purpose breed
dubbeldraads twijnen = twofold yarn
dubbeldraadtwijnen = two-ply yarn
dubbeldraadtwijnen = twofold yarn
dubbeldraaistwijnen = two-for-one-twisting
dubbeldrietallige transmissie = biternary transmission
dubbele = double
dubbele (keuken)gootsteen = double sink
dubbele aansluiting = dual homing
dubbele aansluitklemmen = double terminal blocks
dubbele bajonetsluiting = double bayonet mount
dubbele balguittrek = double bellows extension
dubbele bediening tbv rij-instructeur = dual control for driving instructor
dubbele belasting = double taxation
dubbele belastingheffing = double taxation
dubbele beplating = double panelling
dubbele besturing = dual control
dubbele beweging = double motion
dubbele binding = double bond
dubbele bodemfels = rebated knocked-up joint
dubbele bovenliggende nokkenas = dohc (double overhead camshaft)
dubbele carburateur = dual carburetor
Dubbele claims = Double claims
dubbele claimzaken = double claims
Dubbele console = Double wall bracket
Dubbele contactdoos = Double socket outlet
dubbele controle = combined check
dubbele conversie = double conversion
dubbele deur = double door
dubbele dienstverlening door één telefoonnummer = duet service
dubbele diffusiemethode = double-diffused process
dubbele diode (met gemeenschappelijke kathode = binode
dubbele diode (met gemeenschappelijke kathode = double diode
Dubbele doelgroepbenadering = Double target group approach
dubbele dosis = double dose
dubbele draaideuren = double hinged doors
dubbele drukknop = double pushbutton
dubbele dynamo = double-current generator
dubbele effening = second order smoothing
Dubbele fitting = Double lamp holder
dubbele flitscontacten = bipolar sockets
dubbele functie = double function
dubbele geleider klem = Double conductor terminal
Dubbele gloeidraad = Double filament
dubbele golf = twin flute
dubbele graad/meervoudige graad = double degree/multiple degree
dubbele grijper = double gripper
Dubbele haak = Double hook
dubbele haak = double hook
Dubbele hoek = Double bracket
dubbele huisvesting = double accommodation
dubbele huisvestingskosten = double housing costs
dubbele ionisatie = double ionization
dubbele kegelring = double conical ring
dubbele klemgesp = double cam buckle
Dubbele klemschroef = Double clamp screw
Dubbele klik = Double-click
Dubbele koffieautomaat = Double coffee maker
"Dubbele kogelbiefstuk geserveerd met gebakken ui, paprika, champignons, k" = "Double round steak served with fried onions, bell pepper, mushrooms, garl"
dubbele koolstof-koolstofbinding = carbon–carbon double bond
dubbele lip = double lip
dubbele Martinhoorns = Martins (two-tone) horns
dubbele modulatie = double modulation
Dubbele naad = Double seam
dubbele nationaliteit = dual nationality
dubbele nauwkeurigheid = double precision
Dubbele nippel = Double nipple
dubbele nippel / (smeer)nippel (loodgieterij) = nipple
dubbele of meervoudige graad = double or multiple degree
Dubbele opste = Double setup
Dubbele opstelling mogelijk = Double setup possible
Dubbele optrede = Double rise
dubbele panlat = tilting lath
dubbele pen = double-ended bolt
dubbele plooilijn = double fold line
dubbele plooilijnen = double fold lines
dubbele precisie = double-precision
dubbele precisie = double precision
dubbele programmering = dual programming
dubbele puls = a pulse having a double beat
dubbele puls = dicrotic pulse
dubbele puls = double pulse
dubbele punt = colon
dubbele punthaak = chevron
dubbele ramen / dubbel glas = double glazing
dubbele ramen / dubbel glas = double-glazed windows
dubbele ramen / dubbele beglazing = double windows
dubbele ratio schatter = double-ratio estimator
dubbele Rietberger = "double Rittberger, double loop jump"
Dubbele scheerfolie = Double razor foil
dubbele schuifdeur = double sliding door
dubbele schutsluis = double lock
dubbele signalering met meervoudige frequenties = dual-tone multi-frequency signalling: DTMF
dubbele slijpmachine / tafelslijpmachine = bench grinder
Dubbele spatel = Double spatula
dubbele spiraal = double spiral
Dubbele spruit = Double nozzle
dubbele steeksleutel = double open-ended spanner
dubbele tand-en-groefverbinding = double tongue-and-groove joint
dubbele T-balk = I-beam
dubbele tegenplaat = double saddle
dubbele terugslagklep = double-check (non-return) valve
dubbele toegang = dual access
dubbele toon = double cardiac sound
dubbele trekzwaluwverbinding = dovetail halving
dubbele T-staal = H-beam / H-girder
dubbele uitgave = double spend
dubbele uitkering bij overlijden door ongeval = double accident benefit
dubbele uittrek = double extension
dubbele uitvoering = double lining
Dubbele uitvoering = Double model
Dubbele vertanding = Double toothing
Dubbele vloer = Double floor
dubbele wagen = dual carriage
dubbele wand = double wall
dubbele wand van de fermentatietank = double wall of the fermentation tank
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double socket
dubbele wandcontactdoos = socket outlet (plug point) box
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double wall outlet
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double wall socket
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double convenience outlet
dubbele wastafel = double sink
dubbele wastafel met meubel = double sink with cabinet
dubbele watertank op een waterpomp = double water tank on one water pump
dubbele werking = double action
dubbele wikkeldraad = double-coated wire
dubbele zijband = double sideband
dubbele zijband met gereduceerde draaggolf = double- sideband suppressed-carrier
dubbele zijbandtransmissie = double-sideband transmission
dubbele-basisjunctietransistor = double-base junction transistor
dubbele-I-vorm = double L-shape
dubbelen = assembling
dubbele-pulsgolf = double-pulse wave
dubbelepunt {de} = colon
dubbele-steekproefsysteem = double sampling
dubbeletandverbinding (houtverbinding) = double skew notch
dubbelfasegelijkrichter = full-wave rectifier
dubbelfasige codering = biphase coding
dubbelfasige gelijkrichting = full-wave rectification
dubbelfasige merktekencodering = biphase mark coding
dubbelfasige ruimtecodering = biphase space coding
dubbelfasige signalering = biphase signalling
dubbelfasig-niveau codering = biphase-level coding
Dubbelflensplug = Double flange plug
dubbelfocus-buisje = double focus tube
dubbelganger = doppelganger
"dubbelganger, dubbelgangster" = double (a person resembling or standing for another)
dubbelganginge schroefdraad = double thread
dubbelgaren = double-twist yarn
dubbelgaren = double-twist yarn
dubbelgebruik = dual use
dubbelgekromd = double curved
dubbelgelaagde klemband = double-layered clamping belt
dubbelgelaagde klembanden = double-layered clamping belts
dubbelgelaagde transportriem = double-layered conveyor belt
dubbelgepolijste = double polished
dubbelgestookte graanjenever = double-distilled Dutch gin
dubbelhartig = false
Dubbelhartig = Copy
Dubbelhartig = Dual
dubbelhelix van DNA = double  helix of DNA
dubbelhoekmodule = double corner module
dubbeling = duplication
dubbeling van vaste kosten = duplication of fixed costs
Dubbelingen = Duplications
dubbelingsplaat = doubling plate
dubbelkeper = double twill
dubbelkerend = double sluice
Dubbelklik op een bestand = Double-click a file
Dubbelklik op het icoon = Double-click the icon
Dubbelklik vervolgens op = Then double-click
dubbelklikken = double-click
dubbelklikken = to double click
dubbelkrukas automatische pers = double crank shaft press
dubbellagige = double-layered
dubbel-logaritmische grafiek = double logarithmic chart
dubbellucht = dual tyres
dubbelop = redundant
dubbelopname = double exposure
dubbelpolig = bipolar
dubbelpolige = double pile (carpets)
dubbelpolige schakelaar (zekeringkast) = double pole circuit breaker
dubbelpolig-om contacten = bipolar reversing contacts
dubbelpoort-FET = dual gate FET
dubbelpoort-MOSFET = dual gate MOSFET
Dubbelprofiel = Double profile
dubbelpunt = colon
dubbelraam = double frame
dubbelrol = twin pulley
dubbelschalig bouwen = double shelled building
dubbelslachtig = ambiguous
dubbelspeelband = doubleplay tape
dubbelspoor = double track
dubbelster = binary star
dubbelstoter = twin ram
dubbelstraaloscilloscoop = dual beam oscilloscope
dubbelstukbinding = face-to-face weave
dubbelstuktapijt = face-to-face pile carpet
dubbelstukweefmachine = face-to-face weaving machine
dubbelstukweverij = face-to-face weaving mill
dubbelsysteemcamera = dual-system camera
dubbeltarief = dual-rate
dubbeltarief electriciteit = dual-rate electricity
dubbeltariefmeter = double tariff meter
dubbeltariefmeter = dual rate meter
dubbeltariefmeter = dual tariff meter
dubbeltelling = double counting
dubbeltellingsverklaring = double-counting certificate
dubbel-threaded = both-threaded
dubbeltikken = double-tap
dubbel-toegankelijk ondersteuningsstation = dual- access tributary station
dubbeltoerige boormachine = two speed drill
dubbeltwijnen = double twisting
dubbeltwijnmachine = two-for-one-twister
dubbeltwisttwijnen = two-for-one-twisting
dubbeltwisttwijnmachine = two-for-one-twister
dubbelverhouding = odds ratio
dubbelvleugelig = Double leaf
dubbelvleugelige = double leaf
dubbelvleugelige deur = double leaf door
dubbelvleugelige toegangsdeur = double leaf entrance door
dubbelvoudige schrijfdichtheid = double density: DD
dubbelwaardig = dual
dubbelwandig = double walled
dubbelwandig = jacketed
Dubbelwandig = Double-walled
dubbelwandig olietankschip = double hull oil tanker
dubbelwandig tank = double-walled tank
dubbelwandige = double-walled
dubbelwandige container = double-walled container
dubbelwandige olietanker = oil tanker of an alternative design
dubbelwandige tank = double-walled tank
dubbelwandige wand = double-walled wall
dubbelwandige wanden = double-walled walls
"dubbelwandige, geanodiseerde" = "double-walled, anodised"
"dubbelwandige, geanodiseerde onderlijst" = "double-walled, anodised bottom frame"
dubbelweefsel = double fabric
dubbelweefsel = doubleweave
dubbelweefsel = double-cloth
dubbelwerkend = double acting
dubbelwerkend = double-acting
dubbelwerkende drukontlastklep (DPR) = double-acting pressure relief valve (DPR)
dubbelwerkende hoofd(rem)cilinder = dual circuit master cylinder
dubbelwerkende motor = double acting engine
dubbelwerkende schokbreker = double acting shock absorber
dubbelwerkende zuiger = double acting piston
dubbelwoord = double word
dubbelzien = diplopia
dubbelzijband = double sideband
dubbelzijdig = double-sided
dubbelzijdig afdrukken = duplex printing
dubbelzijdig coaten = double-sided coating
dubbelzijdig en enkelzijdig = double-sided and single-sided
dubbelzijdig exponentiële verdeling = bilateral exponential
dubbelzijdig georganiseerd = "double-oriented, dual-oriented"
Dubbelzijdig klevende rondjes of tekenplakband = Drafting dots or tapes
"Dubbelzijdig klevende rondjes, tekenplakband en -film" = "Drafting dots, tapes and films"
dubbelzijdig plakband = two-side adhesive tape
dubbelzijdige druk = double-sided printing
dubbelzijdige gelijkrichting = full-wave rectification
dubbelzijdige tape = double-sided tape
dubbelzijdige tape = double-sided adhesive tape
dubbelzijdige toets = double-tailed test
dubbelzijdigheid = bilateral treatment table (in this context)
dubbelzinnig = ambiguous
dubbelzinnig = equivocal
Dubbelzinnig = Ambiguous
Dubbelzinnige richtlijnen. = Ambiguous guidelines.
dubbelzinnigheid = ambiguity
Dubben = Shilly-shally
Dubben = Waver
Dubben = Vacillate
Dubben = Shot
dubben = doubt
Dubben = Dither
Dubben = Falter
Dubben = Hang back
dubieus = doubtful
Dublin = Dublin
Dublin {het} = Dublin
Dublin-descriptoren = Dublin descriptors
dubnium = dubnium
Dubolimburg = Dubolimburg
Dubrovnik = Dubrovnik
Duchten = Dread
Duchten = Afraid
Duchten = To be scared of
duchten = be afraid of
Duchten = Fear
duchtig = severe
Duchtig = Fort
Duchtig = Potent
ducking = ducking
duct tape = duct tape
ductaal carcinoma = infiltrating duct carcinoma
ductaal carcinoma in situ = d.c.i.s.
ductiliteit = tensile properties
ductolobulair gebied van de mamma = terminal duct-lobular unit
ductuli efferentes testis = efferent ductules in the testicle
Ductus = Duct
ductus arteriosus = Botallo's duct
ductus arteriosus = ductus arteriosus: a fetal blood vessel connecting the pulmonary artery w
ductus craniopharyngeus = hypophyseal duct
ductus ejaculatorius = ejaculatory duct
ductus endolymphaticus = endolymphatic duct
ductus epididymidis = canal of  epididymis
ductus excretorius = excretory duct
ductus hepaticus = hepatic duct
ductus venosus arantii = ductus venosus
ductus venosus arantii = ductus venosus arantii
due diligence = due diligence
due diligence = "due diligence, investigation"
due diligence bevindingen = due diligence findings
Due dilligence = Due diligence
Due dilligence onderzoeken = due diligence enquiry
Duet = Duet
Duet = Duo
Duet-aanvraaghandler = Duet Request Handler
Duet-engine = Duet engine
Duet-instellingenbeheer = Duet Settings Manager
Duet-metagegevensservice = Duet Metadata Service
Duet-schema = Duet schema
Duet-toepassing voor eindgebruikers = Duet end-user application
Duf = Mouldy
Duf = Dank
Duf = Moldy
Duf = Musty
Duffy antigeen = Duffy antigen
duid = "explain, interpret, indicate, express"
duid = indicate
duidelijk = obviously
duidelijk = clearly
duidelijk = precise [clear]
duidelijk = distinctly
duidelijk = distinct
Duidelijk = Clear
duidelijk = obvious
duidelijk = understandable
duidelijk = plainly
duidelijk = evident
Duidelijk aangeven = Make clear
Duidelijk aangeven welke componenten = Clearly indicate which components
duidelijk afgescheiden opgesteld = clearly separated
duidelijk als zodanig herkenbaar = clearly recognisable as such
duidelijk als zodanig herkenbaar is = clearly recognisable as such
duidelijk beeld = clear picture
duidelijk bepaald stramien = clearly defined pattern
duidelijk bewijs = clear proof
duidelijk en begrijpbaar = clear and understandable
duidelijk en makkelijk te bedienen = transparent and easy in use
duidelijk en overtuigend bewijs = clear and conclusive evidence
duidelijk en volledig beschreven = clearly and fully described
duidelijk gebaseerd op = clearly based on
duidelijk geïnteresseerd = clearly interested
duidelijk identificeerbaar = clearly identifiable
duidelijk identificeerbare inrichtingen = clearly identifiable means
duidelijk krijgen = ascertain
Duidelijk maken = Clarify
Duidelijk maken = Account
Duidelijk maken = Unroll
Duidelijk maken = Explain
Duidelijk maken = Account for
"duidelijk maken, te kennen geven" = signify  (to show one's intentions)
duidelijk merkbaar = clearly noticeable
duidelijk nog verbetering mogelijk = clearly room for improvement
duidelijk normenkader = clear framework of standards
duidelijk puntproces = marked point process
Duidelijk standpunt = Clear position
duidelijk stelsel van normen = clear set of standards
duidelijk verband = clear connection
duidelijk verwoord = clearly articulated
duidelijk worden = clear
Duidelijk zicht zonder beperkingen = Clear view without restrictions
duidelijk zichtbaar = clearly visible
duidelijk zichtbaar en herkenbaar = clearly visible and identifiable
duidelijk zichtbaar zijn = are clearly visible
duidelijk zichtbare typeplaat = clearly visible type plate
"duidelijk, begrijpelijk, klaar" = perspicuous {adj} (clearly expressed)
"duidelijk, beknopt en objectief communiceren" = "clear, concise and objective communication"
"duidelijk, beknopt, nauwkeurig" = "clearly, concisely, accurately"
"duidelijk, helder, limpide, begrijpelijk" = limpid {adj} (clear)
"duidelijk, klaar, efficiënt" = "articulate {adj} (clear, effective)"
"duidelijk, klaarblijkelijk" = evidently {adv} (obviously)
duidelijke = clear
duidelijke afspraken = clear agreements
duidelijke afspraken te maken = making clear agreements
duidelijke beleving = clear experience
duidelijke boodschap = clear message
duidelijke businesscase = clear business case
Duidelijke communicatie = Clear communication
duidelijke en doelgerichte = Clear and targeted
duidelijke functie-informati = clear job information
duidelijke functie-informatie = clear job information
duidelijke fysieke scheiding = clear physical separation
duidelijke gebruikerservaring = clear user experience
duidelijke grenzen te stellen = set clear boundaries
Duidelijke informatie = Clear information
duidelijke koers = clear course
duidelijke omschrijving = clear description
duidelijke richtlijnen = clear guidelines
duidelijke rolverdeling = clear division of roles
duidelijke symbolen = clear symbols
duidelijke verklaring = clear explanation
duidelijke visie = clear vision
duidelijke volledige namen = "clear, full names"
duidelijker = clearer
duidelijkheid = obviousness
duidelijkheid = clearness
duidelijkheid = clarity
Duidelijkheid en afstemming = Clarity and coordination
Duidelijkheid over = Clarity on
duidelijkheid van de taakomschrijving en de vraag of de doelstellingen en = Clarity of the task definition and appropriateness of the targets and ind
Duidelijkheid van de website = Clarity of our website
Duiden = Explain
Duiden = Clarify
Duiden = Account
Duiden = Unroll
Duiden = Account for
duiden = interpret
duiden op = to indicate
duiding = meaning/interpretation/explanation
duiding = reading
duiding = interpretation
duiding en detail = explanation and detail
duidingen = meanings/interpretations/explanations
duif = pigeon
Duif = Dove
Duif (sterrenbeeld) = Columba (constellation)
duif {de} = pigeon
"duif {m}, [?] doffer, [?] mannetjesduif, [?] duivin, [?] vrouwtjesduif, [" = pigeon (bird of the (pigeon and dove) family Columbidae)
Duifachtige = Columbiformes
Duifachtigen = Columbiformes
duifje = dove
duig = stave
duigkaarde = stave card
duik {de} = dive
Duik- en snorkeluitrusting = Scuba and snorkelling gear
duikapparatuuronderhoudsbedrijf = Diving equipment maintenance services
duikarbeid = diving work
duikboot = submarine
duikboot {de} = submarine
Duikdiensten = Diving services
duiken = to dive
Duiken = Dive
Duiken = Plunge
"duiken , onderwaterzwemmen" = dive  (to swim under water)
"duiken, een duikvlucht maken" = dive  (to descend)
duikende componenten = downward growth or prolongations
duiker = culvert
duiker = diver
duikerbuis = tile cilvert
Duikerelementen = Culvert elements
duikerklok = diving bell
duikerklok = diving-bell
Duikers = Diver
Duikers = Plunge
duikers = culverts
Duikers = Dive
Duikersdiensten in verband met gaswinning = Diving services incidental to gas extraction
Duikersdiensten voor onderzeese putten = Subsea well diving services
duikersluis = culvert sluice
Duikersschepen = Dive-support vessels
duikersziekte = the bends
Duikinstrumenten of toebehoren = Diving instruments or accessories
Duikkleding = Diving wear
duikongeluk = diving accident
Duikschooldiensten = Diving-school services
duikschot = baffle
duikspoelgenerator = linear moving-coil generator
duiksport = scuba diving
duikwerk = diving work
duim = inch
duim (25.4 mm) = inch
duim (geheng) = nib
Duim (lengtemaat) = Inch
duimen = thumbs
duimgeheng = nibhinge
duimnagel = thumbnail
duimspanner = hammer spur
duimspijker = thumbtack
duimstok = gauge
duimstok = ruler gauge
duimstok = inch rule
duimstok = rule
Duimstok = Folding rule
duimstok = folding rule
Duin = Dune
duinen = dunes
duinengordel = dune bel
duinglooiing = slope of a dune
Duinkerke = Dunkirk
Duinkerken = Dunkirk
duinverdediging = dune protection
duinvoet = toe of a dune
duinvorming = formation of dunes
duinwater = dune water
duinwaterwinning = dune-water works
duinwiggenstructuur = dune cuneate structure
duinzand = dune sand
duister = obscure
duister = dark
duister = gloomy
Duister = Cloudy
Duister = Indistinct
Duisternis = Darkness
duisternis {de} = darkness
"duisternis, obscuriteit" = caliginosity
Duit = Farthing
duitendief = miser
Duits = German language
duits = german
Duits (Oostenrijk) = German (Austria)
Duits (Zwitserland) = German (Switzerland)
Duits {het} = German
Duits afgestudeerde vrije school leerling = German Steiner school graduate
Duits federaal fysiotechnisch bureau = Federal institute of physics and metrology
Duits federaal instituut voor materiaalkeuring = Federal institute for materials testing
Duits instituut voor bouwtechniek = German institute for structural engineering
Duits Instituut voor Bouwtechniek = German Civil Engineering Institute (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)
"Duits instituut voor bouwtechniek (""Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik"")" = DIBt
Duits kuuroord = German spa town
Duitse = German woman
Duitse = German
Duitse {de} = German [female]
Duitse afgestudeerde vrije school leerlingen = German Steiner school graduates
Duitse Bocht {de} = German Bight
Duitse Democratische Republiek = GDR
Duitse Democratische Republiek = German Democratic Republic
Duitse Democratische Republiek = East Germany
Duitse EEG-wetgeving inzake duurzame energie = Renewable Energy Sources Act
Duitse federale wet inzake de bescherming tegen emissies = German Federal Immission Control Act
Duitse goedkeuring DIBt = German approval DIBt
Duitse goedkeuring EltVTR = German approval EltVTR
Duitse goedkeuring VdS = German approval VdS
Duitse herder = Alsatian
Duitse herder = German shepherd
Duitse herder = Wolfhound
Duitse herder = German Shepherd Dog
Duitse herdershond = German shepherd
"Duitse herdershond, Duitse herder" = German Shepherd (Medium sized breed of dog)
Duitse mark = German mark
Duitse norm inzake geluidshinder (TA Lärm) = technical instructions on noise control
Duitse staalbouwcommissie = German committee for structural steel engineering
Duitse taal = German
Duitse Taal en Cultuur = German Language and Culture
Duitse verordening inzake geluid en trillingen = German Noise and Vibration OHS Ordinance
Duitse verordening inzake het hanteren van lasten = German Heavy Load Handling Ordinance
Duitse windenergievereniging = German Wind Energy Association
duitser = german
Duitser = German language
Duitsers = German
Duitsers = German language
Duitsgezind = pro-German
Duitsland = Dutch
duitsland = germany
Duitsland en Noord-Amerika = Germany and North America
Duitsland of België = or Belgium
"Duitsland, Frankrijk, VK, Italië" = "Germany, France, UK, Italy"
"Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland" = "Germany, Austria, and Switzerland"
"Duitsland, Zweden en Zwitserland" = "Germany, Sweden and Switzerland"
Duitssprekend = German-speaking
Duitstalig = German-speaking
Duitstalig = German-language
Duitstalige Gemeenschap = German-speaking Community
Duitstalige Gemeenschap van België = German-speaking Community of Belgium
Duivel = Devil
duivel = demon
Duivel = Fiend
Duivel = Bogey
duivel = willow
Duivel = Nuts !
duivel {de} = devil
"duivel, duvel [informal]" = "devil (person, especially a man"
"duivel, duvel [informal]" = used to express a particular opinion of him)
Duivelachtig = Fiendish
duivelachtig = diabolical
duivels = demonic
Duivels = Fiendish
duivels = devilish
duivels (wolven) = devilling machines
"duivels, diabolisch, satanisch" = devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil)
"duivels, hels, infernaal" = infernal {adj} (diabolical or fiendish)
duivelsdrek = asafoetida
Duivelseiland = Devil's Island
duivelsklauw = Devil's Claw: a south African medicinal plant used in treatment of osteoa
duivelsklauw = Grapple Plant
duivelsklauw = harpagophytum procumbens
Duivelskunstenaar = Wizard
duivelskunstenaar = enchanter
Duivelskunstenares = Witch
duivelstong = pheasant's eye
Duiven = Duiven
Duiven = Pigeons
Duiven en tortelduiven = Pigeon
Duiven en tortelduiven = Dove
Duiven en tortels = Columbidae
Duiven en tortels = Dove
Duiven en tortels = Pigeon
Duiventil = Dovecote
duiventoren = dovecote
Duizelen = To be giddy
Duizelen = Feel dizzy
duizelig = dizzy
duizelig = woozy
duizelig voelen = to be  dizzy
duizelig zijn = feel dizzy
duizeligheid = light-headedness
duizeligheid = "vertigo,  dizziness"
duizeligheid = dizziness
Duizeligheid = Fear of heights
Duizeligheid = Acrophobia
Duizeligheid = Vertigo
duizeligheid = vertigo
duizeling = dizziness
Duizeling = Fear of heights
Duizeling = Vertigo
Duizeling = Acrophobia
duizelingwekkend = dizzying
Duizend = Mile
duizend = thousand
duizend colli = a thousand packages
duizendblad = yarrow
Duizendblad = Achillea millefolium
duizenden = thousands
duizenden km = thousands of km
duizenden tot tienduizenden = thousands to tens of thousands
duizendjarig tijdperk = millenium
duizendjarige storm = thousand-year storm
duizendjarige stormen = ‘super storms’
duizendpoot = jack of all trades
duizendpoot = centipede
duizendpoot {de} = centipede [genus Chilapoda]
Duizendpotigen = Myriapoda
duizendpotigen = centipedes
duizendschoon = sweet william
dukdalf = dolphin
Duke Ellington = Duke Ellington
Duke-universiteit = Duke University
duldeloos = impatient
Dulden = Tolerate
Dulden = Connive
dulden = abide
Dulden = Put up with
Dulden = Bear
Dulden = Allow
dulden = endure
dummies = dummies (probably
dummy = dummy
dummy = carousel
Dummy activiteit = Dummy activity
dummy behandeling = dummy treatment
dummy carrier = dummy carrier
Dummy contactblok = Contact block dummy
Dummy gewicht = Dummy weight
dummy houder = dummy holder
dummy kanaal = dummy channel
dummy variabele = dummy variable
Dummy variabele = Dummy variable
dummy waarneming = dummy observation
dummy-argument = dummy argument
dummy-instructie = dummy instruction
dummy-variabele = dummy variable
dummyvariabelen = dummy variables
dummy-variabelen = dummy variables
dump = dump
dumpen = to dump
dumping = dumping
dumpingsyndroom = early dumping
dumpprijzen = cut-rate prices
dumpprijzen = bargain basement prices
dumpster = dumpster
dumptruck = tipping truck / wagon
dumptruck = tipper truck
dun = rare
dun = lanky
dun = slim
dun = washy
dun = watery
dun = small
dun = slender
dun = thin
dun = clear
dun = fluid
dun = sparse
dun blad = thin sheet
dun geschilderd = finely painted
Dun gesneden = Thinly sliced
dun gezaaid = in short supply
dun karton = thin pasteboard
dun papier = fine paper
"dun, droog en vliezig" = scarious
"dun, smal, slank, ijl (for air)" = thin {adj}
dunbevolkte gebieden = sparsely populated areas
dundoek = banner
dundrukpapier = india paper
Dune = Dune
Dungels = Dunglish
dungesneden = thinly sliced
dungetrokken lijn = continuous thin line
dungezaaid = airy
duniet = dunite
Dunk = Belief
Dunk = Voice
Dunk = Judgement
Dunk = Opinion
Dunk = View
Dunkerque = Dunkirk
Dunlop zuurstofapparaat = resuscitator
dunne = slim
dunne = thin
Dunne darm = Small intestine
dunne film = thin film
dunne film = Thin-film technology
dunne film pv = thin film PV
dunne film pv-modules = thin-film PV modules
dunne film pv-technologie = thin-film PV technology
dunne film zonnecellen = thin-film solar cells
dunne film zonnepanelen = thin-film solar panels
dunne filmpanelen = thin-film panels
Dunne folie = Film
dunne folie = thin film
dunne gelaagde polymeren = thin-layered polymers
Dunne laag = Thin-film
dunne laag = thin laye
dunne laag = thin film
dunne laag chromatografie = thin-layer chromatography
dunne mest = liquid manure
dunne metaalplaat = sheet metal
dunne metalen platen = thin metal plates
dunne olie = light oil
dunne rundermest = bovine manure
dunne varkensmest = liquid pig manure
dunne-darmfistel = intestinal fistula
dunne-film IC = thin-film integrated circuit
dunne-film technologie = thin-film technology
dunne-filmcomponent = thin-film component
dunne-filmcondensator = thin-film capacitor
dunne-filmhalfgeleider = thin-film semiconductor
dunne-filmtechniek = thin-film technology
dunne-filmtransistor = thin-film transistor
dunne-filmweerstand = thin-film resistor
dunne-filmzonnecellen = thin-film solar cells
dunne-filmzonnepanelen = thin-film solar panels
dunnelaagcondensator = thin-film capacitor
dunnelaagelement = thin-film element
dunnelaagschakeling = thin-film circuit
dunnelaagtechniek = thin-film technique
dunnelaagweerstand = thin-film resistor
dunner = thinner
dunnlaagelektroforese = thin-layer  electrophoresis
dunsnummer = D&B D-U-N-S Number
dunst = thinnest
dunvloeibaar glansbad = fluid bright dip
dunwandige cilinders = thin-walled cylinders
dunwandige doorsnede = thin-walled section
DUO = "Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), The Education Executive Agency of the "
DUO = Director-General of the Education Implementation Service (directeur-gener
DUO = Education Executive Agency (DUO)
duo = couple
duo = pair
Duo = Duo
Duo = Duet
DUO = Service Institute of Education (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs)
duo {het} = duo
duo palen = pair of posts
Duo schoonheidsbehandeling = Double beauty treatment
Duoblock = Duoblock
Duobond = Duobond
Duobond International BV = Duobond International B.V.
Duobond® = Duobond®
Duobond®-systeem = Duobond® system
DUOC University = DUOC University
duodecimaal = duodecimal
duodenal mucosal resurfacing = duodenal mucosal resurfacing
duodenalis = duodenal
duodenectomie = duodenectomy
duodenitis = duodenitis: inflamation of the duodenum
duodeno-ileostomie = duodenal  ileostomy
duodenojejunostomie = duodenojejunostomy
duodenopancreatectomie = Whipple's operation
duodenopancreatectomie = "duodeno-pancreatectomy: a surgery in which the pancreas, gall bladder, di"
duodenoscopie = duodenoscopy
duodenostomie = duodenostomy
duodenum = "duodenum: the first portion of the small intestine, extending from the py"
Duodenum = Duodenum
duodenum vocht = duodenal fluid
duodenumcarcinoom = duodenal carcinoma
duodenumdivertikel = duodenal diverticulum
duodenummucosa = duodenum mucosa
duo-diode = double diode
duo-diodegelijkrichtbuis = double diode rectifier valve
Duo-inductief = Duo-inductive
duokaart = dual card
duo-passagier = pillion passenger
Duopolie = Duopoly
duo-potentiometer = twin potentiometer
duopresentatie = joint presentation
duopresentaties = joint presentations
Duopsonie = Duopsony
duoticket = ticket for two
duowalstuig = two-high stand
duo-woning = two houses with shared facilities
Dupe = Dupe
dupe = deceived person
duperen = harm
Duplex = Duplex
duplex = double
Duplex Bearing Set = Duplex Bearing Set
duplex karton = duplex board
Duplex printeenheid = Duplex printing unit
duplex registratie = Duplex authorisations
duplexapparatuur = duplex equipment
duplexcircuit = duplex circuit
duplexer = duplexer
duplexers = duplexers
duplexkabel = duplex cable
duplexkanaal = duplex channel
duplexsysteem = duplex system
duplextransmissie = duplex transmission
duplexverbinding = duplex circuit
duplexverwerking = duplex operation
Duplicaat = Copy
Duplicaat = Dual
duplicaat = duplicate
duplicaatdetectie = duplicate detection
Duplicaatsteekproef = Duplicate sample
duplicatie = ghosting
Duplicatie = Duplication
duplicators = duplicators
Duplicators = Duplicating machines
dupliceren = ghost
dupliceren = to duplicate
dupliceren = duplicate
duplicerende ponsmachine = duplicating card punch
dupliek in conventie = rejoinder in principal action
Dupline = Dupline
Duplo = Double
Duplo = Duplicate
Dupont-schema = Dupont scheme
Dura Mater = Dura Mater
dura mater encephali = dura mater of the brain
"dura mater spinalis, het theca vertebralis, de harde ruggemergsmantel, he" = spinal  dura mater
duralaneurysma = dural aneurysm
duraluminium = duralumin
duralziekte = dural poisoning: a magnesium irritation occurring in aircraft workers
durapatite = Hydroxylapatite
duraschede = dural sheath
Durazno = Draught
Durazno = Peach
Durazno = Fischery
Durazno = Draft
Durazno = Fishing
Durazno = Fishery
Durban (Zuid-Afrika) = Durban
"dure, externe deskundigen" = "expensive, external experts"
Duren = Keep on
Duren = Last
duren = to take [to last]
Duren = Endure
duren = to last
Duren = Continue
Duren = Linger on
Durend = Standing
Durend = Continual
Durend = Steady
Durend = Sustained
Durend = Constant
Durend = Lasting
durf = daring
Durf = Audacity
Durf = Face
Durf = Gall
durf = spirit
Durf = Boldness
"durf, moed, lef, stalen zenuwen {p}" = nerve (courage)
Durfkapitaal = Venture capital
durfkapitaalfondsbeheerder = venture capital fund manager
durfkapitaalwereld = world of venture capital / venture capital world
Durft initiatief te nemen = dares to take initiative
Durham = Durham
Duroplast = Duroplast
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez murmur
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez' murmur
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez' rhythm
Durum = Hard wheat
Durum = Flint wheat
Durum = Durum wheat
durven = dare
Durven = Bold
Durven = Risk
Durven = Venture
durven = be bold
DURX doekje = DURX wipe
DURX doekjes = DURX wipes
DURX poetsdoek = DURX cleaning cloth
Dus = Ergo
Dus = That way
Dus = Consequently
Dus = Like this
Dus = Like that
Dus = Therefore
Dus = Were
dus = therefore
dus = thus
dus deze regel geldt hier niet = so this does not apply here
Dus door doelen te stellen = So by setting goals
dus kan het niet vergelijken = so I cannot compare it
dus ook op de Brompton wilde hij wel fietsen = so why not try a Brompton
dus zeer gebruiksvriendelijk = and therefore very user friendly
dus zonder het vacu?m te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacuém te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacu�m te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacuüm te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, de conclusi" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusi" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijving hierbij e" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijving hierbij e" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving zijn hierbij" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving zijn hierbij" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ""in one embodiment"" or ""in an embodiment"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases “in one embodiment” or “in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases “in one embodiment” or “in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen éin één uitvoeringsvormé of éin " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases éin one embodimenté or éin an embodim"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases 'in one embodiment' or 'in an embodiment"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen �in ��n uitvoeringsvorm� of " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases �in one embodiment� or �in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen �in ��n uitvoeringsvorm� of " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases �in one embodiment� or �in an embo"
dusdanig = in such a way/manner
dusdanig = so
dusdanig = such
dusdanig = that sort of
dusdanig = to such an extent
Dusdanig = Similar
Dusdanig = Like
Dusdanig = Alike
dusdanig uitgevoerd dat = designed such that
dusdanig verouderd = so outdated
duspol = Duspol voltage tester
Düsseldorf = Düsseldorf
Dustbin-onderzoek = Dustbin research
duster = négligé
Duster = Smock
Duster = Shirt blouse
Duster = Vest
Duster = White coat
Duster = Blouse
Duster = Shirt
Dustin Hoffman = Dustin Hoffman
Dusver = For the time being
Dusver = Down to here
Dusver = Up until now
Dusver = For the moment
dusver = so far
dusver = up till now
Dusver = Thus far
dut = kip
"dut (usually in the diminutive, dutje), hazeslaapje" = kip (informal: nap)
Dutch = English
Dutch Act on prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (W = Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financiering van terrorisme
Dutch Act on prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (W = Wwft
Dutch Association of Intermediary Organizations and Temporary Employment  = NBBU
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Authority for the Financial Markets
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten
Dutch Blockchain Coalition = Dutch Blockchain Coalition
Dutch cure = Dutch cure
Dutch Design Week = Dutch Design Week
Dutch Golf Putten = Dutch Golf Putten
Dutch Good Growth = Dutch Good Growth
Dutch Mammal Society (Zoogdiervereniging) = VZZ
Dutch patent office = Netherlands Patent Office
Dutch Sprouts = Dutch Sprouts
Dutch Sprouts Holding BV = Dutch Sprouts Holding B.V.
Dutch victims = Nederlandse slachtoffers
Dutch Visitors Programme = Dutch Visitors Programme
Duties = Duties
Dutje = Bottom
Dutje = Sum
Dutje = Amount
Dutje = Zizz
dutje {het} = nap
Duts = Unhappy
Duts = Pitiful
Duts = Ill-fated
Duts = Poor
Duts = Hapless
Duts = Woeful
Dutten = Have a nap
dutten = to snooze
dutten = to take a nap
dutten = doze
"dutten, een uiltje knappen, [informal] maffen" = "kip  (to sleep, in a temporary, charitable, or necessary situation)"
duty managers = duty managers
duty to assist (art. 5.20 Awb) = medewerkingsplicht
duur = length of time
duur = dear [expensive]
Duur = Duration
Duur = Costly
Duur = Continuance
duur = high-priced
duur = expensive
duur {de} = duration
Duur arbeidsovereenkomst = Term of the contract
duur copyright = zie beschermingsduur
Duur en beëindiging = Term and termination
Duur en beëindiging = Duration and termination
Duur en beëindiging van de Overeenkomst = duration and termination of the agreement
Duur en einde = Duration and termination
Duur en einde van de overeenkomst = Duration and termination of the Agreement
duur en log = expensive and cumbersome
duur en tijd van jouw bezoek = duration and time of your visit
Duur en tijdslimieten = Duration and time limits
Duur evenement = Duration of event
Duur opleiding = Duration of the degree programme
Duur overeenkomst = Duration of the agreement
DUUR OVEREENKOMST EN BEEINDIGING = Duration and Termination of the Agreement
duur overeenkomst en uitsluitingen = Term of the agreement and exclusions
"duur van aangehouden druk, verblijftijd" = dwell time
duur van de actie voor verlegging van visserijactiviteit = duration of the redeployment operation
Duur van de arbeidsovereenkomst = Duration of the employment contract
duur van de Olympische en Paralympische Spelen = Duration of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
duur van de overeenkomst = term of the contract
duur van de overeenkomst = duration of the agreement
duur van de overeenkomst = term of the agreement
duur van de terbeschikkingstelling = duration of the posting
duur van de uitkeringen = duration of benefits
duur van de verwerking van de gegevens = duration of data processing
duur van de vrijheidsbeneming = period of detention
duur van deze overeenkomst = duration of this Agreement
duur van een seintoestand = duration of a signal state
duur van het academisch jaar = duration of the academic year
DUuR van het contract = DURATION of the contract
Duur van het dienstverband = Duration of appointment
duur van het huurcontract = length of lease
duur van het leasingcontract = lease term
duur van het leerplichtig onderwijs = duration of compulsory education
duur van het schooljaar = duration of the school year
duur van premiebetaling = premium paying period
"duur, opzegging en verlenging" = "duration, termination and extension"
"Duur, verlenging en opzegging" = "Duration, extension and termination"
duurbelasting > load-duration? = continuous load
duurder = more expensive
duurder gaat werken = ... raises its/his prices
duurdrempel = duration threshold
duurkromme = duration curve
Duurovereenkomst = Continuing performance contract
Duurovereenkomst = Long-term agreement
duurovereenkomst = continuing performance contract
duurovereenkomsten = continuing performance contracts
duurproef = life test
duurrelaties = long-term relationships
duursporters = endurance athletes
duurst = most expensive
duurste = most expensive
duurt = lasts
duurt al snel = can easily take
duurt erg lang = takes a very long time
duurt te kort = takes too little time
duurt te lang = taking too long
duurt te lang = is taking too long
duurt te lang = takes too long
duurte = dearth
duurte = love
"duurte (expensive), hongersnood (famine)" = dearth (period when food is rare)
duurtest = "durability test, endurance test"
duurtest = life test
Duurtetoeslag = Cost-of-living allowance
duurtetoeslag = cost-of-living bonus
Duurtijd = Duration
Duurtijd onderneming = Duration of company
duurtijd van de overeenkomst = duration of the Agreement
duurtransactie = continuing performance contract
Duurtransacties = Continuing performance contracts
duurvorm onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd (d.o.t.t.) {m} = present continuous (tense that describes an ongoing action in the present
duurzaam = permanent
Duurzaam = On a continuing basis
Duurzaam = Steady
Duurzaam = Hard-wearing
Duurzaam = Durable
Duurzaam = Sustainable
Duurzaam = Abiding
duurzaam = permanently
duurzaam = durable
duurzaam afvalbeheer = sustainable waste management
duurzaam beheer = sustainable management
duurzaam beheerde bossen = sustainably-managed forests
duurzaam beheerde bossen = sustainably managed forests
duurzaam behoud van = preserving
duurzaam bouwen = sustainable building
duurzaam businessmodel = sustainable business model
duurzaam elastisch afdichtingsmiddel = permanently flexible sealant
duurzaam elastische afdichting = permanently flexible seal
Duurzaam en Verantwoord Beleggen (SRI) = SRI: Sustainable & Responsible Investments
Duurzaam Financieel Management = Sustainable Financial Management
Duurzaam Financieel Management (lectoraat) = Sustainable Financial Management
Duurzaam Financieel Management (lectoraat) = Sustainable Financial Management (professorship)
Duurzaam Gebouwd = Duurzaam Gebouwd
Duurzaam Gebouwd = Duurzaam Gebouwd (‘Sustainably Built’)
duurzaam gebruik = sustainable use
Duurzaam gemaakt en duurzaam in gebruik = Sustainable in construction and use
duurzaam geproduceerd voedsel = sustainably produced food
duurzaam gevestigde = lastingly established
duurzaam handelen = act sustainably
duurzaam hergebruik van water = sustainable reuse of water
Duurzaam HRM = Sustainable HRM
Duurzaam HRM (lectoraat) = Sustainable HRM (professorship)
Duurzaam HRM (lectoraat) = Sustainable HRM
"duurzaam in diensten, producten en maatschappij" = "sustainable products, services and society"
duurzaam inkopen = sustainable procurement
duurzaam inzetbaar = sustainably employable
duurzaam koken = sustainable cooking
duurzaam maatschappelijk succesvol = socially successful and sustainable
duurzaam mobiliteitsbeleid = sustainable mobility policy
Duurzaam Ondernemen = Sustainable Enterprise and Food Security Fund
duurzaam ondernemen = corporate sustainability
duurzaam ondernemen = sustainable business practice
duurzaam op weg = on the road to sustainable ???
duurzaam proces = sustainable process
duurzaam rijden = sustainable transport
Duurzaam ruimtegebruik = Sustainable land use
duurzaam samenwoont = stable cohabitation
duurzaam toerisme = sustainable tourism
duurzaam verantwoord = ecologically sustainable
duurzaam verbouwd = sustainably grown
duurzaam vervoersysteem = sustainable transport system
duurzaam voedsel = sustainable food
Duurzaam Woningvoorraadbeleid en Kwaliteitszorg = Sustainable Housing Management and Quality Assurance
duurzaam woon-werkverkeer = sustainable commuting
duurzaam(heid) = sustainable (-bility) (! In de zin van 'langdurig': durable)
"duurzaam, verantwoord, verantwoord" = sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term)
duurzaamheid = durability
duurzaamheid = permanence
duurzaamheid = stability
duurzaamheid = sustainability
duurzaamheid = lastingness
Duurzaamheid = Sustainability
Duurzaamheid = Life span
Duurzaamheid en betrouwbaarheid = Durability and reliability
duurzaamheid en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen = sustainability and corporate social responsibility
Duurzaamheid staat bij ons hoog in het vaandel = Sustainability is our top priority
"duurzaamheid, mobiliteit en de volksgezondheid" = "sustainability, mobility and public health"
Duurzaamheiddocumentatie = Sustainability documentation
duurzaamheidprestatie = sustainability performance
duurzaamheids uitdagingen = sustainability challenges
duurzaamheidsambities = sustainability goals
duurzaamheidsaspecten = sustainability aspects
duurzaamheidsbeginsel = principle of sustainability
duurzaamheidsbeleid = sustainability policy
Duurzaamheidscharter = Sustainability charter
Duurzaamheidscharter leveranciers/dienstverleners Wereldhave = Sustainability charter concerning Wereldhave’s suppliers / service prov
duurzaamheidscharters = sustainability charters
duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen = goals in the area of sustainability
duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen = sustainability targets
duurzaamheidseigenschappen = durability characteristics
duurzaamheidsklasse = durability class
duurzaamheidsklassen = durability classes
duurzaamheidsmonitor = sustainability monitoring tool
Duurzaamheidspanel = Sustainability panel
duurzaamheidsprincipe = sustainability principle
duurzaamheidsproject = sustainability project
duurzaamheidsrapport = sustainability report
duurzaamheidsstrategie = sustainability strategy
"duurzaamheidsstrategie, –beleid en —prestaties" = "sustainability strategy, policy, and performance"
duurzaamheidsvereiste = sustainability requirement
duurzaamheidsvereisten = sustainability requirements
duurzaamheidsverslaggeving = sustainability reporting
duurzaamheidsvraagstukken = sustainability issues
duurzaam-veilig wegverkeer = sustainably safe traffic system
duurzame = durable
duurzame = sustainable
Duurzame activa = Durable assets
duurzame antiaanbaklaag = "durable, non-stick coating"
duurzame archivering = sustainable archiving
Duurzame armoede = Lasting poverty
duurzame aspect = sustainable aspect
duurzame basis = sustainable basis
Duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = Durable capital equipment
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = fixed assets
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = long-lived assets
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = property plant and equipment
duurzame bedrijfsvoering = sustainable business
duurzame bedrijfsvoering = sustainable operations
duurzame biobrandstoffen = sustainable biofuels
duurzame bosbeheer = sustainable forest management
duurzame bosbouw = sustainable forest management
duurzame consumentengoederen = consumer durables
duurzame consumentengoederen = durable consumer goods
duurzame consumentengoederen = hard goods
Duurzame consumptiegoederen = Durable consumer goods
duurzame drinkwaterproductie = sustainable production of drinking water
Duurzame economische groei = Lasting economic growth
duurzame elektriciteit energie opwekking = sustainable electricity generation
duurzame en betrouwbare energievoorzieningen = sustainable and reliable energy supplies
duurzame en energiezuinige materialen = sustainable and energy-efficient materials
Duurzame en slijtagebestendige motor = Durable and wear-resistent motor for spin result A
Duurzame en veilige = Sustainable and safe
duurzame energie = [see note on difference!]
duurzame energie = green energy
duurzame energie = renewable energy
duurzame energie = sustainable energy
Duurzame Energie / Biomassa Conversie = Sustainable Energy
Duurzame Energie / Biomassa Conversie (lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy
Duurzame Energie/Biomassa Conversie(lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy (professorship)
Duurzame Energie/Biomassa Conversie(lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy (professorship
duurzame energiebronnen = sustainable energy (re)sources
duurzame energieopwekking = sustainable energy production
duurzame energieproject = renewable energy project
duurzame energieprojecten = renewable energy projects
duurzame energietransitie = sustainable energy transition
duurzame energietransitie = transition to sustainable energy sources
duurzame energievoorziening = sustainable energy supply
Duurzame exploitatie van een natuurproduct = Lasting exploitation of a natural product
duurzame gassen = sustainable gases
duurzame gebruiksgoederen = durable consumer goods
duurzame gedragsverandering = sustainable behavioural change
Duurzame gegevensdrager = Durable data carrier
duurzame goederen = durable goods
Duurzame groei = Lasting growth
Duurzame haven = Sustainable port
duurzame insteek = sustainable approach
duurzame inzetbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzame inzetbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzame inzetbaarheid van medewerkers = sustainable employment of staff
duurzame inzetbaarheidsuren = Sustainable Employment hours
duurzame inzetbare = sustainably employable
duurzame klantrelatie = lasting customer relationship
Duurzame kleding & textiel = ‘Sustainable clothing & textiles’ (‘Duurzame kleding & textiel’)
duurzame kwaliteitsproduct = sustainable quality product
duurzame kwaliteitsproducten = sustainable quality products
duurzame landbouw = sustainable agriculture
duurzame leefstijlen = sustainable lifestyles
duurzame materialen = durable materials
duurzame mobiliteit = sustainable mobility
duurzame netwerken met tweerichtingsverkeer = sustainable bidirectional networks
Duurzame ontwikkeling = Lasting development
duurzame ontwikkeling = sustainable development
duurzame ontwikkelingsindicator = sustainable development indicator
duurzame oplossing = sustainable solution
duurzame oplossingen = sustainable solutions
duurzame pannen = durable pans
duurzame partnership = lasting partnership
duurzame partnership = sustainable partnership
duurzame partnerships = sustainable partnerships
duurzame productie = sustainable production
Duurzame productiegoederen = Durable production goods
duurzame productiemiddelen = durable means of production
duurzame professionele toepassingen = sustainable professional applications
duurzame relatie met alle belanghebbenden = sustainable relationship with all stakeholders
duurzame relaties = sustainable relationships
duurzame renovatie = sustainable renovation
duurzame ringkerntransformator = durable toroidal transformer
duurzame samenleving = sustainable society
duurzame samenwerking = continuing cooperation
duurzame samenwerking = long-lasting cooperation
duurzame samenwerking = Sustainable cooperation
duurzame samenwoning = stable cohabitation
duurzame samenwoning = (X and Y are) cohabiting long-term
duurzame samenwoning = long-term cohabitation
duurzame stadsontwikkeling = sustainable urban development
duurzame stroom = sustainable electricity
duurzame technologieën = sustainable technologies
duurzame verandering = sustainable change
duurzame verbruiksgoederen = consumer durables
duurzame verlichting = sustainable lighting
duurzame verwarmingsvermogen = sustainable heating capacity
duurzame voedselvoorziening = sustainable food supply
duurzame voordelen = sustainable benefits
duurzame waardevermindering = permanent depreciation
Duurzame werkgelegenheid = sustainable employability
Duurzame werkgelegenheid = sustainable employment
duurzame werking = sustainable operation
duurzame werkstroom = durable workflow
duurzame-inzetbaarbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzamere = more sustainable
Duurzamere inzetbaarheid = Sustainable employability
Duw = Blow
duw = push
Duw = Hit
Duw = Shag
Duw = Clout
Duw = Stroke
Duw = Swoop
duw- en trekratels = push and pull ratchets
duw- of trekratel = push or pull ratchet
Duw- of trekratels = Push or pull ratchets
duwarm = pushing device
duwbak = push barge
duwbak = barge
duwbeweging = pushing movement
duwboom = balance beam
duwboot = pusher tug
Duwdiensten = Pushing services
duweenheid = push tow
duwelement = pushing element
duwen = to push
Duwen = Sprout
Duwen = Prompt
Duwen = Shove
Duwen = Shoot
Duwen = Shoot up
Duwen = Thrust
Duwen = Prod
Duwen = Bear down
Duwen = Heave
duwen = push
Duwen = Drive along
Duwen = Grow
duwer van een project = stimulator of a project
duwframe (op bulldozer) = frame push
duwkonvooi = push-tow train
Duwkracht = Thrust
duwkracht = pushing force
duwmachine = pusher machine
duwratel = push ratchet
duwratels = push ratchets
duwratels of trekratels = push ratchets or pull ratchets
duwstang = push rod
duwtje = boost
duwtje in de rug = boost
duwtrap trektrap = push-type / towable aircraft stairs
duwvaart = pushtow navigation
duwvaart = push towing
duwvaart = push navigation
DV = Secondary research question
DV I = Secondary research question I
DV II = Secondary research question II
DV III = Secondary research question III
DV&O = DV&O (Transport and Support Department of the Custodial Institutions Agen
DV&O = Transport and Support Department (DV&O)
DV&O = Transport and Support Department (DV&O)(of the Custodial Institutions Age
DVB-T (digital video broadcast - terrestrisch) = DVB-T (digital video broadcast - terrestrial)
DVBT antenne (digitale TV antenne) = DVBT aerial (digital TV aerial)
Dvd = DVD
DVD’s = DVDs
DVD+R opname = DVD+R recording
DVD+R weergave = DVD+R playing
DVD+RW opname = DVD+RW recording
DVD+RW weergave = DVD+RW playing
dvd-audio = DVD-Audio
DVD-drive = DVD-drive
dvd-films met extra inhoud = enhanced DVD movie
DVD-Player/-Recorder = DVD player/recorder
DVD-R opname = DVD-R recording
DVD-R weergave = DVD-R playing
DVD-RAM opname = DVD-RAM recording
DVD-RAM weergave = DVD-RAM playing
DVD-RW opname = DVD-RW recording
DVD-RW weergave = DVD-RW playing
Dvd-schijf = DVD
DVD-speler = DVD-player
Dvd-speler en/of -brander = Digital versatile disc (DVD) reader and/or burner
DVD-speler geïntegreerd = DVD-player integrated
"DVD-speler/recorder, draagbaar" = Portable DVD player/recorder
DVM = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)
DVM systeem = DTM system
DVM;Docentvergoedingenmodel = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)+/-
DVM;Docentvergoedingenmodel = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)
DVM-normen = LRM standards
DVN = Dutch Diabetes Association
DVV = Food Safety Objectives (FSOs)
DVW = De Vlaamse Waterweg (independent waterway manager of the Flemish governma
dwa = dry weather discharge
dwaalde rond = dwelled
"dwaalde rond, dwaalden rond" = dwelled  (simple past of dwell)
dwaalden rond = dwelled
dwaallicht = will-o'-the-wisp
dwaallichtjes = "wisps, Will-o'-the-Wisps, fenlights, etc."
dwaalspoor = wrong track
dwaalspoor {het} = wrong track
dwaalsporen = the wrong track
dwaas = absurd
dwaas = foolish
Dwaas = Nutty
dwaas = fool
dwaas = silly
Dwaas = Ass
Dwaas = Sloppy
Dwaas = Stupid
Dwaas = Dolt
Dwaas = Numbskull
dwaas {de} = fool
dwaas opbod = 'irresponsible bid'
dwalen = wander
Dwalen = Ramble
Dwalen = Blunder
dwalen = roll
dwalen = go astray
Dwalen = Err
dwalen = roam
dwalen is menselijk = to  err is human
Dwaling = Mistake
dwaling = aberration
dwaling = error
Dwang = Coercion
dwang = enforcement
Dwang = Restraint
Dwang = Compulsion
Dwang = Constraint
Dwang = Bind
Dwang = Stress
Dwangarbeid = Forced labour
dwangarbeid en slavernij = forced labour and slavery
dwangarbeider = convict
Dwangbuis = Strait-jacket
Dwangbuis = Straitjacket
Dwanggeleide contacten = Forced-guided contacts
dwanglicentie = compulsory licence
dwangmaatregel = penalty
"dwangmatig, dwangmatige" = compulsive {adj} (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious)
Dwangmenger = forced action mixer
dwangrem = emergency brake
dwangsom = liquidated damages
dwangsom = (Awb) coercive fine
dwangsom = judicially imposed penalty
dwangsom = penalty (per breach or per unit of time until the breach is remedied)
dwangsom = periodic penalty payment  (EU)
Dwangstand = conjugate deviation
dwangstand = contracture
dwarrelen = swirl
Dwarrelen = Eddy
dwarrelwind = whirlwind
dwars = contrarians
dwars = transverse
Dwars = Transversal
Dwars = Cross
dwars = crossways
dwars = crosswise
dwars = transverse(ly)
dwars door = across
dwars of onder hoek op het genoemde oppervlak = transversely or at an angle to said surface
dwars op = perpendicular to
dwars op de = transverse to the
dwars op de eerste en de tweede rand = transverse to the first and second edges
dwars op de eerste en tweede rand = transverse to the first and second edge
dwars op de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde = transverse to the first side and the second side
dwars op de kant die de sneden van het eerste paar omvat = transverse to the side comprising the cuts of the first pair
dwars op de laterale zijden = transversely to the lateral sides
dwars op de lengterichting = transverse to the longitudinal direction
dwars op de lontvormingsrichting = transversely to the sliver formation direction
dwars op elkaar = transversely with respect to each other
dwars op elkaar zijn gerangschikt = are arranged transversely to each other
dwars opener = side-opener
dwars opener nok instellingen = side-opener cam settings
dwars opener sturingen = side-opener controls
dwars staan op de wand = are perpendicular to the wall
Dwars verbindbaar = Cross connectable
"dwars, tegendraads, onhandelbaar" = contrarious (persons)
Dwars-/kortsluitherkenning mogelijk = Cross-/short circuit identification possible
dwarsampŠrewinding = cross-ampere turn
dwarsbalk = transom
dwarsbalk = transverse beam
dwarsbalk = cross beam
dwarsbalk = "1. (van raam, deur) lintel, transom"
dwarsbalk = "2. [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] transverse beam, cross beam, dwarsbreuk"
dwarsbalk = 3. [MECH.ENG.] cross bar
dwarsbalk = "4. tranverse beam, cross beam"
dwarsbalk = crossbeam
dwarsbalk = cross-beam
dwarsbalk / kruisbalk / trabes = trave
dwarsbalk in het frame = cross member of engine frame
dwarsbalk of ligger van staal) = bar
dwarsbalk of ligger van staal) = girder
dwarsbalk van de hoekencoder = angle encoder crossbeam
dwarsbalken = cross-beams
dwarsbalkset = cross-beam set
Dwarsbeugel = Double locking levers
dwarsbomen = oppose
Dwarsbomen = Thwart
Dwarsbomen = Antagonize
Dwarsbomen = Vex
dwarsboring = cross hole
dwarsbout = cross dowel
dwarscontractie = lateral contraction
dwarscontractie coëfficiënt = Poisson's ratio
dwarscontractiecoëfficiënt = Poisson ratio
dwarsdoorbuiging = transverse deflection
dwarsdoorsnede = cross section
dwarsdoorsnede = cross-sectional view
dwarsdoorsnede = cross-section
dwarsdoorsnede {de} = cross section
Dwarsdoorsnede aan te sluiten kabel = Cross section of the connecting conductors
Dwarsdoorsnede Aftakkabel = Conductor cross section branch cable
Dwarsdoorsnede breedte = Cross section width
Dwarsdoorsnede hoofdkabel = Conductor cross section main cable
Dwarsdoorsnede hoogte = Cross section height
dwarsdoorsnede van de weg = transverse profile
dwarsdoorsnede van een wikkeling = winding cross section
dwarsdoorsnede van het cilindrische lichaam loodrecht op de lengteas van  = cross section of the cylindrical body perpendicular to the longitudinal a
dwarsdoorsneden van de holte = cross-sections of the cavity
dwarsdoorsneden van de holte in het lichaam = cross-sections of the cavity in the body
dwarsdoorsnedevorm = cross-sectional shape
dwarsdoorsnijdend thema = transversal theme
dwarsdrukcompensatie = side-thrust compensation
dwarse = crossways
dwarse = crosswise
dwarse = diagonal
dwarse = transverse
dwarse doorsnede = cross-section
dwarse doorsneden = cross sections
dwarse openingen = transverse openings
dwarse oriëntatie = transverse orientation
dwarse portie = transverse portion
Dwarse weg = side street
dwarsedoorsnede = cross-section
dwarselement = transverse element
dwarselementen = transverse elements
dwarshelling = cross slope
dwarshout = stretcher
dwarshout / bovendorpel / kozijndorpel (boven raam) = lintel
dwarskracht = shear force
dwarskrachtcompensatie = side-thrust compensation
dwarskrachtenlijn = shear force diagram
dwarskrachtmiddelpunt = center of flexure
dwarskrachtmiddelpunt = shear center
dwarslaag = crossply
dwarslaesie = paraplegia (het gevolg)
dwarslaesie = spinal cord lesion
dwarsliggende motor = transverse engine
Dwarsligger = Crossbeam
Dwarsligger = Sleep
Dwarsligger = Cross-beam
Dwarsligger = Traverse
Dwarsligger = Cross bar
Dwarsligger = Crosspiece
Dwarsligger = Beam
"dwarsligger, biels {c}, biel {c}" = sleeper (horizontal wooden or concrete strucutural member supporting rail
dwarsliggers = cross beams
dwarslijn = diagonal
Dwarslijnen = Crossovers
dwarsmagnetisatie = transverse magnetization
dwarsnijkantpunt (van beitel) = chisel edge corner
dwarsomkering = lateral inversion
dwarsparkeren = perpendicular parking
dwarsplaat = cross plate
Dwarsplaten en dwarsstangen = Bedplates and ties
dwarsprofiel = cross section
dwarsprofiel = cross-section
dwarsprofiel = cross section / cross sectional profile
dwarsprofiel {het} = cross section
dwarsprofielen in langs- en dwarsrichting = longitudinal and transverse cross sections
dwarsregeltransformator = lateral control trasnformer
dwarsregeltransformator = cross control transformer
dwarsrek = lateral strain
dwarsrichting = perpendicular direction
dwarsrichting = transverse direction
dwarsrichting = cross direction
dwarsrichting = transversal direction
Dwarsrichting = Cross direction
dwarsrips = diagonal rep
dwarsscheeps = abeam
Dwarsscheiding = Cross disconnection
dwarsscheur = transversal crack
dwarssjorren = oblique lashing
dwarsslede = cross slide
dwarssnijden = to cut to length
dwarssnijmachine = flame-cutting machine
dwarssom = sideways sum
dwarssper = cross-axle locking device
dwarssperinrichting = cross-axle locking device
dwarsstang = horizontal spreader
dwarsstraat = cross street
dwarsstreep = cross/traverse line/-stripe/-band
dwarsstroming = transverse flow
dwarsstroom = transverse current
dwarsstroom = cross-flow
dwarsstroom = cross current
dwarsstroomventilator = cross flow fan
dwarsstuk / knevel / brugstuk / traverse = cross member
dwarssupport = cross support
dwarstransportband = cross conveyor belt
dwarstraverse = crossbeam
Dwarsverbinder = Cross connector
dwarsverbinding = cross coupling
dwarsverbinding = cross connection
dwarsverbinding = cross-connection
Dwarsverbinding = cross coupling
Dwarsverbinding = transverse connection
Dwarsverbinding = Cross connection
dwarsverbindingen = cross connections
dwarsvergroting = lateral magnifying power
dwarsverhang = transverse gradient
dwarsverstelling = cross screwing
dwarsverstijving (b.v. van brug) / verstijvingsrib = stiffener
dwarsvoeding = cross feed
dwarswalsen = cross-rolling
Dwarswaterdicht = Cable transverse water-proof
dwarszitplaats = cross seat
Dwass-Steel-toets = Dwass-Steel test
dweepziek = fanatical
Dweepziek = Fanatic
Dweil = Floorcloth
dweil {de} = rag
dweil {de} = mop
dweilen = mopping
dweilen met de kraan open = (it's) a waste of time (and effort)
dweilen met de kraan open = (that's just) banging/running/beating one's head against a brick wall
dweilen met de kraan open = a waste of time and effort
dweilen met de kraan open = banging one's head against a brick wall
dweilen met de kraan open = emptying the ocean with a thimble
dweilen met de kraan open = fighting a losing battle
dweilen met de kraan open = fighting a running battle
dweilen met de kraan open = it is a waste of time
dweilen met de kraan open = trying to empty the ocean with a thimble
"dweilorkest, blaaskapel {c}" = marching band (group of instrumental musicians)
dwepend = fanatical
Dweper = Fanatic
dwerg = midget
dwerg = dwarf
dwerg {de} = munchkin
dwerg {de} = "pygmy [dwarf, also fig.]"
dwerg {de} = dwarf
dwerg {de} = runt
dwerg {de} = "pigmy [spv.] [dwarf, also fig.]"
dwerg {de} = midget
"dwerg(exemplaar, -versie) etc. {m}" = dwarf (something much smaller than the usual of its sort)
dwerg.. = dwarf
dwergachtig = dwarf
Dwergarend = Booted Eagle
Dwergen = Dwarf
Dwergmiereneter = Myrimidon
Dwergpapegaaien = Inseparable
dwergstaat {de} = microstate
dwergstaat {de} = tiny nation
dwergstaat {de} = ministate [Am.]
dwergstaat {de} = mini state
dwergstaat {de} = miniature state
dwergstaat {de} = tiny country
Dwight D. Eisenhower = Dwight D. Eisenhower
dwingel (b.v. van kasteel) = outer bailey
dwingel (b.v. van kasteel) = outer ward
dwingel (bij burcht) = lists
Dwingeland = Tyrant
Dwingeland = Bully
dwingeland = despot
dwingelandij = tyranny
dwingen = "move, shift (in the context of aligning)"
dwingen = coerce
dwingen = to enforce [constrain]
dwingen = to constrain
dwingen = compel
"dwingen tot, overweldigen" = force  (compel (someone to do something))
dwingend = compulsory
Dwingend = Overriding
Dwingend = Imperative
dwingend = binding
dwingend = compulsory
dwingend = imperative
dwingend = mandatory
dwingend opgelegde voorschriften = mandatory requirements
dwingend recht = mandatory law
dwingend voorgeschreven voorzorgsmaatregelen = mandatory precautions
dwingende = authoritative
dwingende = mandatory
dwingende reden afwezig = absent for compelling reasons
dwingende redenen = compelling grounds
dwingende redenen = compelling reason
dwingende redenen van algemeen belang = overriding reasons relating to the public interest
dwingende toon = authoritative tone
dwingendrechtelijk = mandatory
dwingendrechtelijk wettelijk voorschrift = mandatory statutory provision
dwingendrechtelijk wettelijk voorschrift of rechterlijke uitspraak = mandatory statutory provision or judicial decision
dwingendrechtelijke = mandatory
dwingendrechtelijke = mandatory provisions of law
dwingendrechtelijke bepalingen = mandatory legal provisions
dwingendrechtelijke wettelijke bepaling = mandatory statutory provision
dwingendrechtelijke wettelijke bepalingen = mandatory provisions of law
dwingendrechterlijke = imperative
dwingerig = whiny
dwingerig = complaining [whiny]
DWORD-waarde = DWORD value
dwt = DWT
dwz = "i.e.,"
dyadisch = dyadic
dyadische bewerking = dyadic operation
dyadische Boolebewerking = binary boolean operation
dyadische Boolebewerking = dyadic boolean operation
dyadische operator = dyadic operator
Dyadische relatie = Dyadic relationship
dyadische selectieve constructie = dyadic selective construct
Dyalise = Dialysis
dyclonine = dyclonine: an oral anesthetic
dydrogesterone = isopregnenone
dye- en pigment = dye and pigment inks
dye inkt = dye ink
dyfodont = "diphyodont: having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous & permanent), "
dyfylline = "dyphylline: a theophylline derivative used in the treatment of asthma, ca"
Dynamic Aggregate Demand curve = DAD curve
Dynamic Aggregate Demand-Surprise Aggregate Supply model = DAD-SAS model
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = DCO
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = Dynamic creative optimisation
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = Dynamic creative optimisation (DCO)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Dynamic List Display = Dynamic List Display
Dynamic RAM = dynamic RAM
Dynamic Random Access Memory = dynamic random access memory
Dynamica = Dynamics (physics)
dynamica = dynamics
dynamica {de} = dynamics
Dynamica en Simulatie = Dynamics and Simulation
Dynamic-Link Library = dynamic-link library
dynamics numerieke stromingsleer = computational fluid
dynamiek = vitality
Dynamiek = Hue
Dynamiek = Dynamics
dynamiek in de machtsverhouding = power dynamic in the relationship between
dynamiek in markten = dynamism in markets
dynamiekomvang = dynamic range
Dynamiet = Dynamite
dynamisch = kinematic friction
dynamisch = dynamic
dynamisch aangepaste = dynamically adapted
dynamisch aangevuld beeld = dynamically augmented image
dynamisch aankoopsysteem = Dynamic purchasing system
dynamisch aanpassende dimensies = driving dimensions
dynamisch beeld = dynamic image
dynamisch bepaalde = dynamically determined
dynamisch bereik = dynamic range
dynamisch besturingselement = dynamic control
dynamisch breekpunt = dynamic breakpoint
dynamisch bufferen = dynamic buffering
Dynamisch continue innovatie = Dynamic continous innovation
dynamisch dempen = damp (to)
dynamisch draaggetal = dynamic load rating
dynamisch expanderende virtuele harde schijf = dynamically expanding virtual hard disk
dynamisch filter = dynamic filter
dynamisch filteren = filter dynamically
dynamisch gedrag = dynamic behaviour
dynamisch gegevensuitwisselingsprotocol = dynamic data exchange protocol
dynamisch gegevensveld = dynamic data field
dynamisch gemeten = dynamically-measured
dynamisch informatiedisplay = dynamic information display
dynamisch lidmaatschap = dynamic membership
dynamisch model = dynamic model
dynamisch model = multi-temporal model
dynamisch rapport = dynamic report
dynamisch raster = dynamic grid
dynamisch systeem = dynamical system
dynamisch verkeersbeheer = dynamic traffic management
dynamisch volume = dynamic volume
Dynamisch willekeurig toegankelijk geheugen (DRAM) = Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
"dynamisch, dynamische, veranderlijk, veranderlijke" = dynamic {adj} (not steady
"dynamisch, dynamische, veranderlijk, veranderlijke" = in motion)
dynamische = dynamic
dynamische aankoopsysteem = dynamic purchasing system
Dynamische achtergronden = Dynamic backgrounds
dynamische afdichting = dynamic seal
dynamische afdichtingen = dynamic seals
dynamische afschuifwaarde = dynamic shear
dynamische afvoerspanning = dynamic drain voltage
dynamische afvoerstroom = dynamic drain current
dynamische afvoerweerstand = dynamic drain resistance
dynamische afwijking = dynamic deviation
Dynamische analyse = Dynamic analysis
dynamische balancering = dynamic balancing
Dynamische Banners = Dynamic Banners
dynamische basisspanning = dynamic base voltage
dynamische basisstroom = dynamic base current
dynamische basisweerstand = dynamic base resistance
dynamische beeldopname = dynamic image recording
dynamische behandelingstoewijzing = dynamic treatment allocation
dynamische belasting = dynamic load
dynamische beweging = dynamic motion
dynamische binding = dynamic binding
dynamische buistester = dynamic tube tester
dynamische collectorspanning = dynamic collector voltage
dynamische collectorstroom = dynamic collector current
dynamische collectorweerstand = dynamic collector resistance
dynamische contactverschijnselen = dynamic contact phenomena
dynamische controle = dynamic check
dynamische convergentie = dynamic convergence
dynamische distributiegroep = dynamic distribution group
dynamische dump = dynamic dump
dynamische eigenschap = dynamic characteristic
dynamische eigenschap = dynamic property
dynamische emitterspanning = dynamic emitter voltage
dynamische emitterstroom = dynamic emitter current
dynamische emitterweerstand = dynamic emitter resistance
dynamische flip-flop = dynamic flip-flop
dynamische fout = dynamic error
dynamische geheugentoewijzing = dynamic storage allocation
dynamische gereedschapsweergave = dynamic tool display
dynamische gevel = dynamic façade
dynamische grafische voorstelling = dynamic graphics
dynamische groenvensters = dynamic ‘green windows’
Dynamische herschikking = Dynamic Reordering
dynamische herstructurering = dynamic restructuring
dynamische heupschroef = dynamic hip screw
dynamische HTML = dynamic HTML
dynamische hulplijnen = dynamic guides
dynamische impedantie = dynamic impedance
dynamische ingangscapaciteit = dynamic input capacity
dynamische karakteristiek = dynamic characteristic
dynamische kathodespanning = dynamic cathode voltage
dynamische kathodestroom = dynamic cathode current
dynamische kathodeweerstand = dynamic cathode resistance
dynamische kegelpenetrometer = dynamic cone penetrometer
dynamische klemdruk = dynamic clamping pressure
Dynamische lift = Dynamic lift
dynamische luchtvaartuig = dynamic aircraft
dynamische luidspreker = moving-coil speaker
Dynamische microfoon = Dynamic microphone
dynamische microfoon = moving-coil microphone
dynamische mixer = dynamic mixer
dynamische onbalans = dynamic imbalance
dynamische ontwikkeling van de PV markt = dynamic market trends of the photovoltaic industry
dynamische opslag = dynamic store
dynamische opslag = dynamic storage
dynamische pagina = dynamic page
dynamische penetratietest = dynamic penetration test
dynamische persoonlijkheid = dynamic personality
dynamische poortspanning = dynamic gate voltage
dynamische programmering = dynamic programming
Dynamische reaktiekracht = Dynamic reaction force
dynamische regelaar = dynamic regulator
dynamische regeling = dynamic control
Dynamische Reinigings Fiches = Dynamic Cleaning Schedules
dynamische relocatie = dynamic relocation
dynamische respons = dynamic response
dynamische roosterruimte = dynamic working grid bias
dynamische roosterspanning = dynamic grid voltage
dynamische route informatie paneel = DRIP
dynamische route informatie paneel = dynamic route information panel
dynamische route informatie panelen = dynamic route information panels
dynamische routering = dynamic routing
dynamische ruisonderdrukker = dynamic noise suppressor
dynamische schermafbeelding = dynamic display picture
dynamische schijf = dynamic disk
Dynamische sensortechnologie = Dynamic sensor technology
dynamische seriegroottebepaling = dynamic lot- sizing
dynamische setpunten = dynamic setpoints
dynamische spanning = dynamic stress
dynamische stabilisering = dynamic regulation
dynamische stabiliteit = dynamic stability
dynamische steilheid = dynamic slope
dynamische steunzolen = dynamic orthotics
dynamische stijfheid = dynamic stiffness
dynamische stop = dynamic stop
dynamische subroutine = dynamic subroutine
dynamische test = dynamic test
dynamische tijdverificatie = dynamic timing verification
dynamische toewijzing = dynamic allocation
dynamische toewijzing van systeemelementen = dynamic resource allocation
dynamische transistortester = dynamic transistor tester
dynamische update = dynamic update
dynamische variatie = dynamic variation
dynamische verbindingslijn = dynamic connector
Dynamische vermogensregeling = Dynamic power control
dynamische viscositiet = dynamic viscosity
dynamische VOC = dynamic VOC
dynamischebelasting = dynamic load
dynamischer = more dynamic
dynamisch-stochastisch-proces = dynamic stochastic process
dynamiseerder = dynamiciser
dynamo = generator
dynamo = dynamo
dynamo’s = dynamos
dynamofabriek = Dynamo industry
dynamometer = dynamometer
Dynamo's = Dynamos
dynaset = dynaset
Dynastie = Dynasty
Dynasty = Dynasty
dyne = dyne
dynistor = dynistor
dynode = dynode
"dysaemia, de dysemie" = dysemia
Dysartrie = Dysarthria
dysbarisme = dysbarism: any illness resulting from changes in ambient pressure or a pr
dysbasie = dysbasia: difficulty in walking
dysbulia = dysbulia
dyscalculie = discalculia
dyschromatopsie = chromatodysopia
dyschromatopsie = dyschromasia
dyschromatopsie = dyschromatopsia
dyschromatose = dyschromatosis: an asymptomatic pigmentation anomaly among the Japanese
dyschromie = dyschromia: an abnormality in the color of the skin
Dyscrasie = Dyscrasia
dysdiaemorrhysis = dysdiemorrhysis: a slowing of capillary circulation
dysembryoplasie = dysembryoplasia: prenatal malformation
dysenteria fulminans = fulminating  dysentery
dysenterie = dysentery
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = bacillary  dysentery
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = Kruse diarrhea
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = shigellosis
dysenterisch = dysenterical
dyserythropoiesis = dyserythropoiesis
"dysesthesie, de paresthesie, de kakesthesie" = dysesthesia: an unpleasant & abnormal tactile sensation
Dysfagie = Dysphagia
dysfagie = dysphagia
Dysforie = Dysphoria
Dysfunctie = Dysfunction
dysfunctioneel = dysfunctional
"dysfunctioneel, dysfunctionele" = dysfunctional {adj} (Functioning incorrectly or abnormally)
dysfunctionele = dysfunctional
dysgammaglobulinemie = dysgammaglobulinemia: an immunologic deficiency state
dysgenesia reticularis = reticular  dysgenesis
Dysgenesie = Dysgenesis
dysgerminoma = seminoma
"dysgeusia, de dysgeusie, de smaakstoornis" = distortion of sense of taste
"dysgeusia, de dysgeusie, de smaakstoornis" = dysgeusia
Dysgeusie = Dysgeusia
dysglobulinemie = dysglobulinemia
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = agraphia
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = an impaired ability to learn to write
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = dysgraphia: a disturbed writing faculty
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = writing disability
dyshidrose = dyshidrosis
dyshidrose = leathered skin
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = dyshidrotic eczema
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = cheiropompholyx: a condition in which small blisters develop on the hands
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = dyshidrosis
dyskinesia algera = dyskinesia algera
dyskinesia tardia = tardive  dyskinesia
Dyskinesie = Dyskinesia
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = dyskinesia
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = jerky movements
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = movement disorder
dyslectici = dyslexics
dyslectisch = dyslexic
dyslectisch = dyslectic
dyslectische leerlingen = dyslexic students
dyslexia = dyslexia
dyslexia = legasthenia
Dyslexie = Word-blindness
dyslexie = dyslexia
dyslexische mens = dyslexic
dyslexische mens = dyslexic person
dyslipidemie = dyslipemia: an imbalance of lipids in the blood
dysmegalopsie = dysmegalopsia
dysmelie = dysmelia
Dysmennorroe = Dysmenorrhoea
dysmenorroe = inflammatory  dysmenorrhea
dysmenorroe = uterine colic
dysmetria = "dysmetria: the ability to control the distance, power, and speed of an ac"
dysmetrie = dysmetria
dysmimie = dysmimia
dysmorfofobie = body  dysmorphic disorder
dysmorphia = deformity
dysmorphia = dysmorphia
dysmorphia = dysmorphism
dysmorphia = dysmorphosis
dysmorphia = malformation
dysodontie: de stoornis in de gebitsaanleg = dysodontiasis: difficulty or irregularity in the eruption of teeth
dysostose = dysostosis: defective formation of bone
Dyspareunie = Dyspareunia
Dyspepsie = Dyspepsia
Dyspepsie = Indigestion
dyspepsie = dyspepsia
dysphagia paradoxa = paradoxical  dysphagia
dysphagia paralytica = paralytic  dysphagia
dysphonia spastica = dysphonia spastica
dysplasie = abnormality of development
dysplasie = dysplasia
dysplastisch = dysplastic
dysplastisch naevus-syndroom = B-K mole syndrome
dysplastisch naevus-syndroom = dysplastic nevus syndrome
dysplastische multicysteuze nier = multicystic  dysplastic kidney
Dyspnoe = Dyspnoea
dyspraxie = dysfunction
dysprosium = dysprosium
Dysprosium [Dy] = Dysprosium [Dy]
dysproteinemie = dysproteinemia: abnormal composition of plasma proteins
"dysrafie, de dysraphia, dystectia" = spinal  dysraphism
dysrythmie = arrhythmia
dysrythmie = dysrhythmia: a disordered rhythm exhibited in a record of electrical acti
dystokie van de baarmoederhals = cervical  dystocia
dystonia musculorum deformans = dystonia musculorum deformans
dystonia musculorum deformans = progressive torsion spasm: an inherited neurological disorder in which pr
dystonia musculorum deformans = torsion  dystonia
Dystonie = Dystonia
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = dystonic disorders
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = dystonia
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = lack of muscle tone
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = muscle disorder
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = "paratonia: involuntary, sustained, patterned & repetitive contractions of"
Dystopie = Dystopia
"dystopie, de allotopie" = dystopia: congenitally abnormal position of an organ
Dystrofie = Dystrophy
dystrophia corneae reticulata = Haab-Dimmer dystrophy
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = endothelial corneal dystrophy
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = guttate cornea
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = guttate keratitis
dystrophia endothelialis van Fuchs = Fuchs'  endothelial dystrophy
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = familialepithelial dystrophy of the cornea
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = Fuchs  epithelio-corneal dystrophy
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = corneal  granular dystropy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = Groenouw hereditary corneal dystrophy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = Groenouw's dystrophy
dystrophine = dystrophin: a protein from skeletal muscle
Dysurie = Dysuria
D-zekering = Diazed fuse link
D-zekeringhouder = Diazed fuse base
Dzjoengarije = Dzungaria
E = E
E = C (consequence / severity)
ë = ë
E (letter) = E
E (wiskunde) = E (mathematical constant)
E- installatie = electrical system
E Poi Le Parole vzw = E Poi Le Parole vzw
E&C = E&C
E&C = Engineering & Construction
E&C = Ethics and Compliance
E&M = "Economics and Society profile (Economie en Maatschappij, E&M)"
E. coli = E. coli
e.a. = et al.
e.a. = et al.
E.a. (eerstaanwezend) Inspecteur = senior inspector
e.a. > eerstaanwezend = senior
E.A.S. (Emissie nabehandelingssysteem) = E.A.S. (Emission After treatment System)
e.d. = etc.
e.d. = and the like
E.D.C. = engine diagnostic computer
E.D.T.A. = edathamil
e.e.a. = everything
e.e.a. = or this
e.e.a. = all of which
e.e.a. = all the factors together
e.e.a. = everything
e.e.a. = or this
e.e.a. = the foregoing
e.e.a. = these matters
e.e.a. = this
e.e.a. = these matters
e.e.a. = all the factors together
e.e.a. = een en ander
e.e.a. = this
E.e.a. = The foregoing
e.e.a. = all of which
e.g. = e.g.
e.g.o.o = PLM-EGOO
E.H.B.O.’ers = first-aiders
E.S. = ES
E.S. = embedded systems
E.T.A. Hoffmann = E. T. A. Hoffmann
e.v. = next
e.v. = married to
e.v. = ff
e.v. = in this town
e.v. = et seq.
e.v. = ff.
e.v. = ex voto
E/N verhouding = energy/noise ratio
E+H = E+H
E+ndura®  en TouchDisplay = E+ndura® and TouchDisplay
E1 E2 proefpersoneninformatie en toestemmingsverklaring = E1 E2 Subject Information and Informed Consent Form
E10 = E10
E12 = E12
E14 = E14
E170 = E170
E170 = calcium  hydrogen carbonate
E2000 = E2000
E2000 LAN = E2000 LAN
E242 = dimethyldicarbonate
E27 = E27
E27 voet = E27 base
E27/E14 = E27/E14
E30 = E 30
E40 = E40
E40-POS = E40-POS
E60 = E 60
E627 = disodium guanylate: the disodium salt of guanilic acid
E627 = E627
E90 = E 90
EA = Engagement Acceptance
EA = Electrical Design
EA = Electrical WEC Model Development & Application
EAC-code = EAC code
EAC-landen = EAC countries
éâëäåàçêèïî = éâëäåàçêèïî
EAE-poeder = EAE powder
EAFRD = European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Eagle = Eagle
EAN Code = EAN code
EAP-type = EAP type
Early adopters = Early adopters
early life support = early life support (ELS)
Early majority = Early majority
Early-algoritme = Earley algorithm
earn out agreement = earn-out agreement
Earnings Momentum-model = Earnings Momentum model
earn-out = earn-out
earn-out verplichtingen = earn-out obligations
Earth Explorer = Earth Explorer
Earth Simulation Laboratorium = Earth Simulation Laboratory (ESL)
EASA = European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
EASA = European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
EASA Rescue and firefighting services at aerodromes = EASA Rescue and firefighting services at aerodromes
EASA-vereisten ten aanzien van terreinvaardigheid = EASA requirements regarding on-site performance
EASE Travel & Health Clinic = EASE Travel & Health Clinic
easing-functie = easing function
EASME = Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
EASME Project Adviser = EASME Project Adviser
East Anglia = East anglia
East Midlands = Midlands
East Midlands = East Midlands
East Sussex = East Sussex
Eastman = Eastman
Easy Fill systeem (SxS) = "Water dispenser, folding"
Easy Listening = Easy Listening
Easy Print voor Extern bureaublad = Remote Desktop Easy Print
Easy Sanitairy Solutions B.V = Easy Sanitairy Solutions B.V
Easy Sanitary Solutions B.V = Easy Sanitary Solutions B.V
Easy Software Deployment = Easy Software Deployment
Easy Touch elektronische bediening = Easy Touch electronic operation
Easyflex luchtkanalen = Easyflex® air ducts
Easy-to-sell = Easy-to-sell
e-atb’s = Counter-Terrorism Alert System (ATb) procedures
Eaton’s = Eaton’s
eau de cologne = eau-de-Cologne
Eau de cologne = Colognes
Eau de cologne = Eau de Cologne
eau de cologne {de} = eau de cologne
eau de parfum = eau de parfum
eau de tavellesfabriek (bleekmiddel) = Eau de tavelles plant (bleach)
eau de toilette = toilet waters
eb = ebb tide
eb = ebb
Eb = Low tide
EB = Fixtures
eb- = ebb
eb co = ebusiness company
eb en vloed = ebb & flow
ebbe = ebb
ebben = ebony
ebben = ebb
ebben(hout) = ebony
Ebbenhout = Ebony
Ebbenhout = Mahogany
ebbenhout {het} = ebony [wood]
ebdeur = ebb gate
ebenisterie = woodworking and cabinetmaking or woodwork and cabinetwork
EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes
EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
EBIT doelstelling = EBIT target
EBIT doelstellingen = EBIT targets
EBITDA = "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation"
EBITDA besparing = EBITDA savings
E-Board = E-Board
"Ebola, hemorragische koorts" = Ebola
Ebolavirus = the  Ebola virus
Ebolavirus = Ebola
eboniet = ebonite
eBook = eBook
e-book = e-book
EBR = Enterprise Backup and Restore
EBR = External Backup and Restore
EBRD = European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Ebro = Ebro
EBS regeleenheid achteras = EBS control unit rear axle
EBS regeleenheid sleepas = EBS control unit trailing axle
EBS ventiel rechts voor = right front EBS valve
Ebstein-hartafwijking = Ebstein disease
ebstroming = ebb flow
ebstroom = ebb current
EBTIDA = "Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation"
EBU = European Broadcasting Union
ebullisme = ebullism: the formation of bubbles in biological fluids
e-business = e-business
e-business omgeving = e-business environment
e-business tools = e-business tools
e-business-toepassingen = e-business applications
ebvolume = ebb volume
EC = Examination Board
EC = ECTS credits
EC correctiefactor = EC correction factor
EC declaration of conformity = EC Declaration of Conformity
EC na LS1 = EC after LS1
EC na LS10 = EC after LS10
EC’s = Examination Boards
ECAA-luchtvaartmaatschappij = ECAA air carrier
ECABO = ECABO (the knowledge centre for vocational education and training in the
ECABO = ECABO (the knowledge centre for vocational education and training in the
Ecabo-erkend ICT-leerbedrijf = Ecabo-approved ICT work placement company
Ecabo-erkend leerbedrijf = Ecabo-approved work placement company
e-card {de} = e-card
eCargo = eCargo
eCargo Receipt (eCR) = eCargo Receipt (eCR)
ecartement = ratch
ecarterend instrument = wound retraction device
ecartering-systeem = wound retraction system
ecarteur = spreader
ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension) = ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension)
ECAS met anti-tilt (GB) = ECAS with anti tilt (GB)
ECB = European Central Bank
ECB = European Chemicals Bureau (ECB)
ECB = now ECHA
ECB (Europese Centrale Bank) = ECB (European Central Bank)
ECB-betalingsmechanisme = ECB payment mechanism
ECC = Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
eccentrisceh belasting = eccentric load
"ecchymoma: een uitgieting, i.h. bijzonder van bloed in het celweefsel" = ecchymoma: a slight hematoma following a bruise
Ecchymose = Ecchymosis
ecchymosis = hemorrhagic spots
ecchymosis = petechia
ecchymotisch = ecchymotic: pertaining to ecchymosis
"ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk" = ecclesiastic {adj} (pertaining to the church)
"ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk" = ecclesiastical {adj} (pertaining to the church)
ecclesiologie = ecclesiology
ECE code = Standard indication (ECE)
ECE R 65 = ECE R 65
ECE R-normen = ECE-R standards
ECF = ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free)
ECF = executive control function
ECG registratie = ECG recording
ECG registratie = EKG recording
ECHA = European Chemicals Agency
ECHA = European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
ECHA = formerly ECB
Echappement = Exhaust
Echappement = Escape
Echappement = Escapement
Echec = Bankrupt
Echec = Failure
Echec = Check
Echec = Insolvency
echec = abortion
Echelon (ladder) patroon = Echelon pattern
echelons = echelons
Echidna (mythologie) = Echidna (mythology)
echinacea purpurea = echinacea
echinococcose = echinococcosis
echinomycine = quinomycin A
Echinostoma(trematode) = Echinostoma: intestinal flukes of the family Echinostomatidae
echinostomiasis = echinostomiasis: infection by Echinostoma flukes
echo = echo
echo {de} = echo
echoangiogram = echoangiogram
echoarm = hypoechoic
echobeeld = multiple image
echobeeld = ghost image
Echocardiografen = Echocardiographs
echocardiogram = echocardiogram
echocompensatie = echo cancelling
echocompensator = echo compensator
echocontrole = echo check
echocorrectieschakeling = ghost correcting circuit
echo-effect = echo effect
echoën = to echo
echoën = echo
Echo-encefalografen = Echoencephalographs
echogolf = echo wave
Echogolf = Reinvestment cycle
Echograaf = Ultrasonic unit
Echografie = Echography
Echografie = Ultrasound scan
echografie = echograph
echografie = Ultrasound
echo-interferentie = echo interference
Echoïsche waarneming = Echoistic observation
echokamer = echo chamber
echoloding = echo sounding
echolood = depth sounder
echolood = echo sounder
Echoloze kamer = Anechoic chamber
echo-onderdrukking = echo cancelling
echopathie = echokinesis
Echopeilers = Echo sounders
echoplex = echoplex
echoscopist = sonographer
echotijd = echo time
echoval = echo trap
echoversterker = echo amplifier
echoverzwakking = echo attenuation
ECHO-Virus = human  echovirus 6
echt = realistic
echt = authentic
echt = genuinely
Echt = Legitimate
Echt = Really
echt = truly
echt = actually
echt = truely
echt = real
echt = TRUE
Echt = Legal
echt [onvervalst] = genuine
echt {de} = matrimony
echt {de} = wedlock
echt {de} = marriage
echt contact te maken = really connect
echt en onecht = real and fake
echt het gesprek aanging = really interested in what we had to say
echt tewerkgesteld is geweest = has actually been employed
"echt, authentiek, origineel" = "genuine {adj} (real, authentic)"
echtbreekster = adulteress
echtbreken = commit adultery
echtbrekend = adulterous
echtbreker = adulterer
echtbreuk = adultery
echte = True
echte = real
echte bladeren = true leaves
Echte Boter = Butter
echte Europese dimensie = real European dimension
Echte guldenroede = Rod
Echte hazen = Hare
echte korenbloem = cornflower
Echte lampionplant = Winter-sherry
Echte libellen = Dragonfly
Echte mezen = Tit (bird)
echte middelen = actual powers (the ... of the Joint Works Council)
echte oorzaak = real cause
echte oplossing = real solution
echte persoonsgegevens = real personal data
echte sfeermaker = perfect for creating atmosphere in a space
echtelieden = couple
echtelieden = married couple
echtelijk = maritally
echtelijk = matrimonially
echtelijk = marital
Echtelijk = Matrimonial
echten = legitimize
echter = but
Echter = Even so
echter = though
echter = However
Echter de kans is groot = "Chances are, however"
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt = but the invention is not limited thereto
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt maar is enkel beperkt doo = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt maar is enkel beperkt doo = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
Echter in andere uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = "However, in other embodiments of the present invention"
echter met uitzondering van = with the exception of
Echter uitvoeringsvormen zijn hiertoe niet gelimiteerd = "However, embodiments are not limited thereto."
"echter, evenwel, daarentegen" = however
"Echter, verdient het de voorkeur" = "However, it is preferable"
echtgeno(o)t(e) = spouse
echtgeno(o)t(e) van = married to
echtgeno(o)te = spouse
echtgenoot = "husband, spouse"
echtgenoot = husband
Echtgenoot = Spouse
echtgenoot (m) = husband
echtgenoot {de} = husband
echtgenoot {de} = spouse [male]
echtgenoot of echtgenote = spouse
echtgenooten = spouses
echtgenote = "wife, spouse"
Echtgenote = Wife
echtgenote (v) = wife
echtgenote {de} = spouse [female]
echtgenote {de} = wife
echtgenote van de werknemer = employee’s wife
ECHTGENOTEN = husband and wife
echtheid = authenticity
echtheid = fastness
echtheid {de} = authenticity
echtheid vaststellen = establish authenticity
echtheidscertificaat = certificate of authenticity
echtheidscijfer = fastness rating
echtheidscontrole van euromunten = authentication of euro coins
echtheidsgetal = fastness rating
echtheidstest [Er zijn verschillende manieren om de echtheid van diamant  = "authenticity test [There are various methods of testing a diamond, based "
Echtpaar = Torque
echtpaar = couple
echtpaar {het} = married couple
echtparen = married couples
Echtscheiding = Divorce
echtscheiding aanvragen = to start divorce proceedings
"echtscheiding, beëindiging ongehuwd samenwonen, uitdiensttreding" = "divorce, termination of unmarried cohabitation, termination of employment"
"echtscheiding, beëindiging ongehuwd samenwonen, uitdiensttreding of omda" = "divorce, termination of unmarried cohabitation, termination of employment"
echtstitel op een onroerende zaak = title to immovable property
echtstitel op een onroerende zaak = title to real estate (US)
Echt-Susteren = Echt-Susteren
echtverbintenis = marriage
echtverklaren = to authenticate
echtviolet = fast violet
ECI = European Critical Infrastructure (ECI)
eclampsia neonatorum = "eclampsia neonatorum, eclampsia of a newborn child"
Eclampsie = Eclampsie
"eclampsie, de stuipen, de vrouwenstuipen" = a complication of pregnancy
"eclampsie, de stuipen, de vrouwenstuipen" = eclampsia
eclamptisch = eclamptic
eclectisch = eclectic
eclectisch: het beste uitkiezend = eclectic: choosing what seems best of various styles or ideas
Eclectisme â€' Romantiek - Nieuw Rococo = Eclecticism - romance - new rococo
ECLI = European Case Law Identifier
eclips = eclipse
Eclips = Eclipse
Eclipse (software) = Eclipse (software)
Ecliptica = Ecliptic
Ecliptica (astronomie) = Ecliptic
ECLM = European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM)
ECLM principles = ECLM principles
EC-motor = EC motor
ECN = ECN (stock exchanges)
ECO = Economics and Information Science collection
eco cheques = EcoCheques
Eco Mode = Eco Mode
Eco-Acupuncture programma = Eco-Acupuncture programme
eco-balans = ecolabel
ecocheque = EcoCheque
ecocheques = EcoCheques
ecocheques = ‘eco vouchers’
Ecofin = Ecofin
eco-fysiologie = ecophysiology
eco-gecertificeerd = eco-certified
eco-gecertificeerde = eco-certified
"Eco-HR-label [Economie, Ecologie en Hoog Rendement]" = "Eco-HE label [Economy, Ecology and High Efficiency]"
École Militaire = Military academy
École Militaire = Cadet school
ecolgie = ecology
eco-lijn = eco line
Ecologie = Ecology
ecologie (als onderdeel van de sociologie) = human ecology
ecologie {de} = ecology
Ecologie van Antarctica = Antarctic
ecologie van het water = aquatic ecology
ecologisch = ecologically
ecologisch = ecological
ecologisch alternatief = ecological alternative
ecologisch bouwen = ecological construction
ecologisch bouwen = green building
ecologisch bouwen = ecologically-sound building
ecologisch evenwicht = eco-balance
ecologisch evenwicht = ecological balance
ecologisch gevoelig gebied = ecologically sensitive area
ecologisch gezonde = environmentally sound
"ecologisch gezonde, verantwoordelijke en ethische principes" = "fair, environmentally sound, responsible and ethical principles"
ecologisch onderzoek = ecologic study
Ecologisch systeem = Ecological system
ecologisch verantwoord = ecologically sound
ecologisch verantwoorde materialen = environmentally sound materials
ecologische = environmental
ecologische = ecological
ecologische (levens)gemeenschap = ecological community
ecologische aanpassing = ecological adaptation
ecologische abondantie = ecological abundance
ecologische activiteiten = environmental activities
ecologische amplitude = ecological amplitude/scope
Ecologische benadering = Ecological approach
ecologische beoordeling = ecological assessment
ecologische beweging = ecology movement
ecologische boekhouding = ecological bookkeeping
ecologische cultuur = environmental culture
ecologische draagvermogen = ecological carrying capacity
ecologische en sociale doelen = environmental and social goals
ecologische en sociale vraagstukken = environmental and social issues
ecologische factor = ecological factor
ecologische footprint = ecological footprint
ecologische fout = ecological fallacy
Ecologische Hoofdstructuur = National Ecological Network
ecologische impact = environmental impact
ecologische impact = ecological impact
Ecologische informatie = Ecological information
ecologische inventarisatie = ecological stocktaking
ecologische materialen = ecological materials
ecologische niche = ecological niche
ecologische ongelijkheid = ecological inequality
ecologische ontwikkeling = ecodevelopment
ecologische oplossingen = ecological solutions
ecologische parameter = ecological parameter
ecologische partij = Ecology Party
ecologische ramp = disaster
ecologische schade = ecological damage
ecologische standaarden = ecological standards
ecologische successie: de temporele opeenvolging van levensgemeenschappen = biotic succession
ecologische successie: de temporele opeenvolging van levensgemeenschappen = ecological succession: the process whereby different communities follow &
ecologische surfplank = ecological surfboard
ecologische systemen = ecological systems
Ecologische termen = Ecological terms
ecologische verbindingszone = ecological connection zone
ecologische voetafdruk = environmental footprint
ecologische voetafdruk = ecological footprint
ecologische voetafdruk van het productieproces = environmental footprint of the production process
ecologische waarborg = ecological guarantee
ecologische waardering = ecological rating
ecologische wijk Eva-Lanxmeer = Ecological district EVA Lanxmeer
ecologische zone = ecozone
"ecologische, economische en sociale" = "ecological, economic and social"
ecologisme = ecologism
Ecology = Ecology
ecoloog = ecologist
E-commerce = E-commerce
ECOmode = ECOmode
economaat = staff store/staff co-op
econometrie = econometry
econometrie = econometrics
Econometrie en Operationele Research = Econometrics and Operations Research
econometrist = econometrist
Econometrist = Econometrician
Economic Boards = Economic Boards
Economic Diplomacy = Economic Diplomacy
Economics = Economics
Economics and Finance of Ageing = Economics and Finance of Ageing
Economie = Economics
economie = economic issues
economie = economic science
economie = economy
economie (discipline) = economics
economie en maatschappij = economy and society
Economie en Maatschappij (profiel VWO) = Economy and Society
economie en samenleving = economy and society
"economie floreert, De" = The economy is booming
economie van de eurozone = eurozone economy
Economie van overvloed = Economy of abundance
"economie, financien" = "economics, finance"
economieën = economies
economie-opleving = economic recovery
Economies of atmosphere = Economies of atmosphere
economisch = economical
Economisch = Economic
economisch aantoonbare vraag = economically justifiable demand
Economisch actieven = Economic acitives
economisch aggregaat = economic aggregate
Economisch beginsel = Economic principle
economisch beginsel/principe = economic principle
economisch beleid = economic policy
economisch delict = economic offence
economisch efficiënte = economically efficient
Economisch eigendom = Benificial ownership
economisch eigendom = economic ownership
economisch en ecologisch gunstigere systemen = more economically and ecologically favourable systems
Economisch en financieel comité = Economic and Financial Committee (EFC)
economisch en financieel comité = economic and financial committee
economisch en sociaal comité = economic and social committee
Economisch en Sociaal Instituut = Economic and Social Institute
economisch gebied = economic region
economisch gebied van de deelnemende lidstaten = economic territory of the participating Member States
economisch gevolg = economic consequence
economisch grondbeginselen = economic fundamentals
economisch haalbaar = economically feasible
economisch herstel = economic recovery
Economisch imperialisme = Economic imperialism
economisch instrument voor het milieu = economic instrument for the environment
economisch kerngebied = economic core area
economisch lange termijn succes = long-term economic success
economisch liberalisme = economic liberalism
Economisch liberalisme = Laisser-faire policy
economisch managementsinstrumenten = economic management instrument
economisch meest voordelige = most economically advantageous
economisch meest voordelige offerte = most economically advantageous tender
economisch middel = economic resource
economisch model = economic model
Economisch onderzoek = Economic research services
economisch onderzoek = economic survey
economisch overgangsproces = economic transition
economisch plan = economic plan
economisch potentieel = economic potential
economisch publiekrecht = public economic law
economisch significante risico’s = economically significant risks
economisch stabilisatieprogramma = economic stabilization program
economisch stelsel = economic system
economisch systeem = economic system
economisch te werk gaan = to proceed economically
economisch verkeer = economic market
economisch voordeligste = economically most advantageous
Economisch-Besliskundige Wiskunde = Mathematics of Economics and Decision Making
Economische = Economic
economische (inhoudelijke) realiteit = economic substance
economische aardrijkskunde = economic geography
economische activiteit = economic activity
economische activiteiten = economic activities
economische afdeling = economic division
economische afleverhoeveelheid = economic delivery quantity: EDQ
economische afschrijving = obsolescence
economische afschrijving/slijtage/veroudering = economic wear and tear
economische afschrijving/slijtage/veroudering = obsolescence
economische afweging = economic trade-off: ETO
economische analyse = economic analysis
economische arbeidsongeschiktheid = economic incapacity for work
economische bedrijvigheid = economic activity
economische belangengemeenschap = Economic Interest Grouping
economische beleidskeuze = economic policy choice
economische bestelhoeveelheid = economic order quantity
economische bestelserie = economic order quantity: EOQ
economische betrekking = economic relations
economische bezigheden = economic activities
Economische calculatie = Economic calculus
economische concentratie = economic concentration
economische conjunctuur = short-term economic prospects
economische context = economic context
Economische Controle Dienst = Economic Investigation Service
economische convergentie = economic convergence
economische correcties = economic adjustments
Economische crisis = Slump
economische cyclus = economic cycle
Economische democratie = Economic democracy
Economische determinisme = Economic determinism
Economische diplomatie = economic diplomacy
Economische doelmatigheid = Economic efficiency
economische doelstellingen = economic objectives
economische draagkracht = economic capacity
economische draagkracht = economic standing
economische draagwijdte = economic scope
economische duurzaamheidsprincipe = economic sustainability principle
economische eigendom = beneficial ownership
economische eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of beneficial ownership
Economische en financiële draagkracht = Economic and financial standing
economische en maatschappelijke kansen = economic and social opportunities
economische en maatschappelijke kansen van digitalisering = economic and social opportunities created by digitalisation
economische en maatschappelijke kansen van digitalisering = economic and social opportunities offered by digitalisation
economische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen = economic and social developments
economische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen = socioeconomic developments
economische en maatschappelijke uitdagingen = economic and societal challenges
Economische en Monetaire Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrika = Central African Economic and Monetary Community
economische en monetaire unie = economic and monetary union
Economische en Monetaire Unie (EMU) = Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
economische en sociale cohesie = economic and social cohesion
Economische en Sociale Commissie voor Azië en de Stille Oceaan = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
economische en sociale ontwikkeling = economic and social development
economische en sociale samenhang = economic and social cohesion
Economische en Sociale Wetenschappen = Economic & Social Sciences
economische ethiek = business morals
economische factor = economic factor
Economische factoren = Economic factors
economische fluctuatie = economic fluctuation
economische gang van zaken = economic situation/performance/state of affairs
economische gebeurtenis = economic event
economische gegevens = economic data
Economische Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrikaanse Staten = Economic Community of Central African States
Economische Gemeenschap van Westafrikaanse Staten = Economic Community of West African States
economische geografie = economic geography
Economische goederen = Economic goods
economische goederenvoorraad = economic stock of goods
Economische groei = Economic growth
economische groei en maatschappelijke ontwikkeling = economic growth and social development
economische hervorming = economic reform
economische hulp = economic aid
economische hulpbron = economic resources
economische indicator = economic indicator
economische informatievergaring = economic intelligence
economische infrastructuur = economic infrastructure
economische instrumenten = economic instrument
economische integratie = economic integration
economische intercompany-transactie = intercompany economic transaction
economische invaliditeit = economic disability
Economische kansen = Economic opportunities
Economische kansen voor de Nederlandse cybersecurity-sector = Economische kansen voor de Nederlandse cybersecurity-sector (Economic opp
economische kosten-batenanalyse = economic cost-benefit analysis
economische kringloop = economic cycle
Economische kringloop = Economic circulation
economische kwaliteit = economic quality
economische landbouwboekhouding = economic accounts for agriculture
Economische levensduur = Economic life cycle
economische levensvatbaarheid = economic viability
economische levering = transfer of the beneficial ownership
Economische machtspositie = Dominant economic position
economische meerwaarde = economic value
economische middelen = economic resources
Economische Migratie = Economic Migration
economische missie = economic delegation
economische missies = economic missions
economische neergang = economic downturn
economische noodtoestand = depressed
economische noodtoestand = economic crisis
economische of sociale omstandigheden = economic or social circumstances
economische omgeving = economic environment
economische omschakeling = economic conversion
economische onafhankelijkheid = economic independence
economische ongelijkheid = economic disparity
economische ongeschiktheid = economic incapacity
Economische ontwikkeling = Economic development
economische ontwikkelingen = economic developments
Economische orde = Economic order
economische ordergrootte = economic order quantity
Economische organisatietheorie = Economic organisation theory
economische overeenkomst = economic agreement
economische partijgrootte = economic batch size
economische partijgrootte = economic lot size
economische pijler = economic cornerstone
economische planning = economic planning
Economische politiek = Economic politics
economische prioriteit = economic priority
economische prognose = economic forecasting
economische prognose/prognose-technieken = economic forecasting
economische prognoses = economic forecasting
economische prognoses en analyses = economic forecasting and analysis
economische randvoorwaarden = financial constraints
economische realiteitsbeginsel = substance over form principle
economische recessie = economic recession
economische rechten = economic rights
economische rechthebbende = ultimate beneficial owner
economische reconstructiewaarde = economic reconstruction value
economische reputatie = economic reputation
economische samenwerking = economic cooperation
Economische Samenwerking Azië-Stille Oceaan = Asia–Pacific economic cooperation
economische sanctie = economic sanctions
economische schaalgrootte = economy of scale
economische schade = economic damage
Economische sector = Economic sector
economische seriegrootte = economic batch quantity
economische seriegrootte = economic lot size
economische seriegrootte = economic order quantity: EOQ
economische situatie = economic situation
Economische slijtage = Obsolescence
economische stabilisatie = economic stabilisation
economische stagnatie = economic stagnation
economische statistiek = economic statistics
economische steun = economic support
economische stimuleringsmaatregel = economic incentive
economische structuur = economic structure
Economische Studiedienst (HRD) = Market Research Service (HRD)
economische tegenwind = economic downturn
economische theorie = economic theory
economische toestand = economic conditions
economische toestand = economic situation
Economische totalen = Economic aggregates
economische trend = economic trend
economische uitdagingen = economic challenges
Economische Unie = Economic Union
economische valuta-positie = economic exposure
economische veranderingen = economic change
economische veroudering = economic ageing
economische veroudering = obsolescence
economische vluchteling = economic refugee
economische voordelen = economic benefits
Economische voorraad = Economic inventory
economische voorraad = economic stock
Economische waarde = Economic value
economische waarde = economic value
economische waardeketen = economic value chain
economische wederopbouw = economic reconstruction
economische wetenschap = economics
Economische Wetenschappen = Economics
Economische Wetenschappen = Economics & Business
Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde = Economics and Business Administration
Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie = "Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics"
Economische winst = Economic profits
Economische Zaken = Ministry of Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken = Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken (Ministerie van) = (Ministry of) Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken en Klimaat = Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
"economische, bouwkundige en juridische kwaliteit" = "economic, structural and legal quality"
"economische, handels- en financiële belangen" = "economic, commercial and financial interests"
"economische, maatschappelijke en politieke" = "economic, social and political"
economisch-ecologische efficiëntie = economical-ecological efficiency
Economischeffectbeoordeling = Economic impact assessment
Economische-waardeanalyse = Economic value analysis
economisch-technische verschijnselen = Technical Economic Issues
economiser = economiser
economisering = saving
economizer = economizer
economizers = economizers
"Economy, Ecology of Always HP" = "Economy, Ecology or Always HP"
econoom = economist
Econvert Anaerobic Enhancer = Econvert Anaerobic Enhancer (EAE)
Econvert Water & Energy BV = Econvert Water & Energy B.V
eco-pediatrie = eco-paediatrics
ECOS = Research Schools Accreditation Committee
ecosfeer = ecosphere
Ecosoc = Ecosoc
Ecosysteem = Ecosystem
eco-systeem = ecosystem
ecosysteem in water = aquatic ecosystem
ecosysteem riviermonding = estuarine ecosystem
ecosysteem van bosgebeid = woodland ecosystem
ecosysteem van de bodem = terrestrial ecosystem
ecosysteem van de zeebodem = benthic ecosystem
ecosysteem van een onvruchtbaar gebied = arid land ecosystem
ecosysteem van grasland = grassland ecosystem
ecosysteem van het land = terrestrial ecosystem
ecosysteem van hooglanden = highland ecosystem
ecosysteem van waterrijke gebied = wetlands ecosystem
ecosysteem van/in koude gebieden = cold zone ecosystem
ecosysteem-analyse = ecosystem analysis
ecosysteemdiensten = ecosystem services
ecosysteemgerichte benadering van het visserijbeheer = ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management
ecosystemen = ecosystems
ecosystemen van halfdroog land = semi-arid land ecosystem
ecosystemen voor breedbandige mobiele communicatie = broadband mobile communication ecosystems
ecosyteem van het tropisch woud = tropical forest ecosystem
ecotaks = ecotax
ecotaksen = ecotaxes
ecothiopaatiodide = ecothiopate iodide
ecotoerisme = ecotourism
ecotoerisme = ecological tourism
ecotoxiciteit = ecotoxicity
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicology
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicity
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicity/ ecotoxicology
ecotoxicologische evaluatie = ecotoxicological evaluation
Ecotype = Ecotype
Ecowas-landen = Ecowas countries
ECQ = European Qualification Framework
eCR = eCargo Receipt (eCR)
ECR-glasvezel = ECR glass fiber
ecru = grey
ecru = ecru
ecru filament uit polyester = ecru polyester filament
ECS = Export Control System
ECs = Examination Boards
ECs = ECTS credits
ECS-melding = ECS
ECS-melding = ECS notification
Ecstasy = Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
ECT = ECTS credits
ect (kantstuikwaarde) = ECT (edge crush test)
ECT’s = ECTS credits
ectasis = ectasia
ecthyma simplex = ecthyma simplex
ectocardia nuda = ectocardia
ectocervix = ectocervix
ectoderm = "ectoderm: the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo, which layer g"
ectoderm = epiblast
ectodermaal = ectodermal
ectodermalis = ectodermal
ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis = Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis = Fuchs syndrome I
ectoparasitaire aandoening = ectoparasitic disease
ectoparasitaire aandoening = ectoparasitic infestation
"Ectoparasiticiden, incl. scabiciden, insecticiden en insectenwerende midd" = "Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellents"
ectopia ureteris = exstrophy of the ureter
ectopia vesicae = ectopia of urinary bladder
Ectopisch = Ectopic
ectopisch ACTH-syndroom = ectopic ACTH syndrome: production of ACTH by non-pituitary neoplasms
"ectopisch, buiten zijn normale plaats" = ectopic
"ectopisch, buiten zijn normale plaats" = in the wrong place
ectopische klierafscheiding = ectopic hormone secretion
ectopische tanddoorbraak = ectopic eruption (of tooth)
ectopische tanddoorbraak = ectopic tooth eruption
ectopische testikel = testicular ectopy
ectopische testikel = ectopic testicle
ectopische testikel = ectopic testis
ectopische zwangerschap = "ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, fimbrial pregnancy"
ectoplasme = ectoplasm
ectoprothese = ectoprosthesis
ectromelie = ectromelia: gross hypoplasia of one or more long bones of one or more lim
ectropion = uterine  ectropion
ectropion van de ooglid = ectropion of the eyelid
ectropion van de ooglid = ectropion
ectroprosopie = cyclocephaly
ectroprosopie = ectroprosopia
ECTS/studiepunten = ECTS credits
Ecu = Ecu
E-Cu/A-Cu = E-Cu/A-Cu
Ecuador = Ecuador
Ecuador = Equator
Ecuador {het} = Ecuador
Ecuadoriaan = Ecuadorian
"Ecuadoriaan, Ecuadoriaanse" = Ecuadorian (person from Ecuador)
Ecuadoriaans = Ecuadorian
"Ecuadoriaans, Ecuadoriaanse" = Ecuadorian {adj} (pertaining to Ecuador)
Ecuadoriaanse = Ecuadorian
Écurie = Stable
eczeem = acne
Eczeem = Dermatitis
Eczeem = Eczema
"eczeem, een oppervlakkige huidaandoening" = eczema: pruritic papulovesicular dermatitis
eczeemblaasjes = eczema vesicles
eczema intertrigo = eczema intertrigo
eczema nummulare = nummular  eczema
eczemateus = eczematous
eczematide pityriasiforme = pityriasiform  eczematid
eczematide psoriasiforme = psoriasiform  eczematid
ed = and suchlike
ed = and the like
ed = etc
ED = Experiments & Demonstration
EDA-elektroden = EDA electrodes
Edam-Volendam = Edam-Volendam
EDAX = electron dispersive X-ray analysis
EDC = European Documentation Centre
Edda = Edda
Edding = permanent marker
Eddingtonlichtkracht = Eddington limit
Eddy – dispersie = Eddy dispersion
eddy-stroomverlies = eddy-current loss
Ede = Ede
edel = of noble birth
Edel = Noble
edel metaal = precious metal
"edel, adellijk, eervol, fatsoenlijk, nobel" = noble {adj} (having honorable qualities)
"edelboortig, nobel, hooggeboren" = generous {adj} (of noble birth)
edele metalen en hun legeringen = precious metals and their alloys
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods of precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
"edele metalen en hun legeringen, niet voor tandheelkundige doeleinden" = precious metals and their alloys other than for dental
"edele, aristocraat, adellijke" = noble (aristocrat)
edelen = nobility
edelfiguratie = bit part
edelfineer = high-grade veneer
edelfineer (hout) = high-grade veneer
edelgas = element of group 0
edelgas = element of group 0
edelgas = inert gas
Edelgas = Noble gas
edelgas = rare gas
edelgasnarcose = depth intoxication
Edelgassen = Rare gases
Edelgesteente = Jewel
edelgesteente = gem
edelheid = nobleness
edelhert = red deer
Edelhert = Hart
Edelhert = Stag
Edelhert = Deer
edelknaap = page
edelman = Edelman
Edelman = Gentleman
edelman = nobleman
edelmetaal = noble metal
Edelmetaalertsen = Precious-metal ores
edelmetalen = precious metal
Edelmoedig = Unselfish
Edelmoedig = Freehanded
Edelmoedig = Bountiful
Edelmoedig = Ungrudging
Edelmoedig = Generous
Edelmoedig = Generously
edelmoedig = magnanimous
Edelmoedigheid = Lordliness
Edelmoedigheid = Liberalness
Edelmoedigheid = Generosity
Edelmoodig = Freehanded
Edelmoodig = Ungrudging
Edelmoodig = Bountiful
Edelmoodig = Unselfish
Edelmoodig = Generous
edelsmeedwerk = silversmiths’ wares
edelstaal = refined steel
edelstaal = high-grade steel
edelstaal {het} = stainless steel
edelstaal {het} = Stainless Steel
edelsteen = precious stones
Edelsteen = Gemstone
Edelsteen = Jewel
Edelsteen = Gem
edelsteendiamant = gem quality diamond
Edelstenen = Precious stones
Edelstenen en halfedelstenen = Precious and semi-precious stones
Edelstenen voor juwelen = Precious stone for jewellery
Edelstenenfederatie = Precious Stones Federation
Edelweiss = Edelweiss
Eden = Eden
edetinezuur = edetic acid
Edgar Allan Poe = Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Degas = Edgar Degas
Edgar Rice Burroughs = Edgar Rice Burroughs
edge = edge
edge computing = edge computing
Edge-abonnement = Edge Subscription
Edge-abonnementsbestand = Edge Subscription file
EDGE-diensten (verbeterde data voor gsm-ontwikkeling) = Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution (EDGE) services
EdgeSync = EdgeSync
EdgeSync-synchronisatie = EdgeSync synchronization
Edge-transportserverfunctie = Edge Transport server role
e-didactiek = e-learning
EDI-gateway = electronic data interchange gateway
edik = vinegar
Edinburg = Edinburgh
Edinburgh = Edinburgh
EDI-organisaties = electronic data interchange organizations
Edirne = Adrianople
Edirne = Edirne
Edison schroefdraad = Edison screw thread
Edison schroefdraad op de voet van de lamp = Edison screw thread on the base of the lamp
Edisonfitting = Edison lamp holder
Edison-lamp = Edison lamp
Edisonschroefdraad = Edison thread
Edit Install Commands = Edit Install Commands
Edit Installation Item = Edit Installation Item
editeerbare = editable
Editie = Drafting
Editie = Publishing
Editie = Edit
Editie = Creation
Editie = Issue
Editie = Edition
Editie januari = January issue
Editie mei = May issue
Editie november = November issue
Editie oktober = October issue
Editie september = September issue
editor = editor
editorial = editorial
Editorial Office = Editorial Office
editoronderdeel = Editor Part
EDI-werkstation = electronic data interchange workstation
Edmond Halley = Edmond Halley
Edmonton = Edmonton
Edmund Burke = Edmund Burke
Edmund Hillary = Edmund Hillary
Edmund Husserl = Edmund Husserl
Edo (Japan) = Edo
EDP-auditor = EDP auditor
EDPB = Belgian External Prevention and Protection Service
EDP-centrum = computer center
EDP-manager = EDP-manager
edrofonium = edrophonium chloride: a cholinesterase inhibitor used in treatment of car
EDS = Explosives Detection System
EDS = ENERCON Documentation System
eds. = eds.
EDS-CB = Explosives Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDS CB)
ED-systeem = ED-system
edta = calcium disodium ethylenediamine
EDTC = External Technical Inspection Service (Externe Diensten voor Technische C
Eduard Buchner = Eduard Buchner
Eduard de Belijder = Edward the Confessor
edubadge = edubadge
edubadge issuers = edubadge issuers
edubadge pilotomgeving = edubadge pilot environment
edubadgeclass = edubadge class
edubadges = edubadges
edubadges omgeving = edubadge environment
edubadges pilotomgeving = edubadge pilot environment
edubadgesclasses = edubadge classes
educatie {de} = education
educatie- en trainingsmiddelen = education and training resources
educatiebudget = education budget
educatief = educative
educatief materiaal van universiteiten = university educational materials
educatief spel = educational game
educatief verlof = educational leave
Educatieomgeving = Education environment
educaties = educational programs
educatieve = educational
educatieve aanpak = teaching approach
educatieve activiteiten = educational activities
educatieve begeleiding = educational guidance
educatieve diensten = educational services
educatieve doeleinden = educational purposes
educatieve masters = teacher training Master's programme (first level) / teacher training prog
educatieve programmatuur = courseware
educatieve software = educational software
educatieve software = teaching software
Educatieve spelen = Educational games
educatieve technologie = educational technology
Educatieve uitgeverijen = Educational publisher
educatieve video’s = educational videos
educatieve waarde = educational value
Education Agreement (Onderwijsakkoord) = Onderwijsakkoord
Education permanente = Permanent edecucation
Education program = Education programme
educational needs = onderwijsbehoeften
educatoren = educators
Educatorium = Educatorium
eduID = eduID
edutainment = edutainment
Edvard Grieg = Edvard Grieg
Edvard Munch = Edvard Munch
Edward Gibbon = Edward Gibbon
Edward Jenner = Edward Jenner
Edward Teller = Edward Teller
Edwin Hubble = Edwin Hubble
Eed = Vow
Eed = Oath
Eed van Hippocrates = Hippocratic Oath
eed van Hippocrates = Hippocratic oath: an oath that serves as an ethical guide for the medical
eed van trouw = homage
eedgenootschap = confederation
Eeerste hypotheek nemen (De bank kan en mag als zekerheid onder hun lenin = the bank can and may secure its loan by first mortgage
EEG 2001/85 deurbediening midden = EEC 2001/85 door control center
EEG 2001/85 deurbediening voor = EEC 2001/85 door control front
EEG Slot verordening = EEC Slot Regulation
Eega = Couple
Eega = Married people
Eega = Wife
eega = spouse
Eega = Husband
eegade = spouse
Eeg-apparaten = Electro-encephalographs
EEG-fabrikantenverklaring = EEC self-certification
EEG-goedkeuring van volledige voertuigen = EEC whole vehicle type-approval
EEG-lab = EEG lab
EEG-Verdrag = EEC Treaty
Eeindhoven = Eindhoven
Eekhoorn = Squirrel
eekhoorn {de} = squirrel [Sciurus]
Eekhoorns = Sciuridae
eekhoorntje = squirrel
Eekhoorntjesbrood = Boletus edulis
Eelt = Cal
eelt = corn
eelt = callus
Eemnes = Eemnes
Eems-Dollard = Ems-Dollard
Eems-Dollard Regio = Eems-Dollard Regio
Eemsmond = Eemsmond
Een = A
Eén = One
één = a single
één = one
een  Connected Organisation = a  Connected Organisation
een (al dan niet geautoriseerde) gebruiker = an authorized or unauthorized user
een (deel van een) bepaling = a provision or part of a provision
een (gerechtelijke) vervolging instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een (gerechtelijke) vervolging instellen tegen = to take (legal) proceedings against
een (zit)bank of een legger of een rek = a seat or a shelf or a rack
"een (zit)bank, een legplank, een rek" = "a seat, a shelf, a rack"
een .class bestand als een .java bestand = a .class file and a .java file
een {1} langwerpig profiel = a {1} elongated section
Een ‘toestemmingstekst’ = An ‘authorisation text’
een 100% dochter van de holdingmaatschappij = a wholly-owned subsidiary of the holding company
een 20-tal jaren geleden = around 20 years ago
een 2-tal grote investeringen = two large investments
een 360° perspectief van = a 360-degree view of
een 360° perspectief van de klant = a 360-degree view of the customer
een 3-fasige aansluiting = a three-phase connection
één aan beide zijkanten van = one on both sides of the
een aan de marktwaarde gerelateerde verlaging c.q. verhoging van de huurp = a market-related reduction or increase of the lease price
een aan het oppervlak rakend gedeelte en een overhangend gedeelte van de  = a surface-contacting portion and an overhanging portion of the layered st
een aanbesteding uitschrijven = to invite tenders for
een aanbetaling bedingen = to stipulate a down payment
een aanbetaling doen = make a deposit
een aanbieding is geldig gedurende 3 maanden na dagtekening = an offer is valid for 3 months from the date it is made
een aanbieding te maken = offer a quotation
een aanbieding toetsen op marktconformiteit = to evaluate an offer on the basis of market prices
een aanbod doet = makes an offer
Een aandachtspunt is = One point requiring attention is
een aandeel van = a share of
een aaneengesloten periode = a continuous period
een aangetekend schrijven = a registered letter
een aanliggende = an adjacent
Een aanmeldingsformulier = An application form
Een aanmeldingsformulier is beschikbaar = An application form is available
een aanmerkelijk deel van het vermogen = a substantial part of the assets
een aanmerkelijk deel van het vermogen van de wederpartij = a substantial part of the assets of the other party
een aanpassing van de constructie = a change in construction
een aanslag plegen op = assault
een aansluiting van een eerste element op een tweede element = a connection of a first element to a second element
een aanspraak geeft waarvoor geen nadere uitvoeringswetgeving noodzakelij = gives rise to a claim (or entitlement) without the need for further legis
Eén aanspreekpunt = Single point of contact
Een aanstelling van 0.1 FTE = An appointment for 0.1 FTE
een aantal = a number of
een aantal = some
Een aantal aansluitingen = A number of connections
een aantal afzonderlijke = a number of separate
een aantal belangrijke bepalingen = a number of key provisions
een aantal beperkingen = a number of limitations
een aantal bijzondere eigenschappen = a number of special features
een aantal binneneenheden = a plurality of indoor units
een aantal categorieën = a number of categories
een aantal concrete vragen = a number of specific questions
een aantal diercategorieën = a number of animal categories
een aantal eigen merken van supermarkten = a number of supermarkets’ own brands
een aantal identieke punten in het terrein = a number of identical points in the terrain
een aantal keten- en acceptatietests = a number of system integration and acceptance tests
een aantal keuzes = a number of choices
een aantal kolommen = a number of columns
een aantal kwaliteitscriteria = certain quality criteria
een aantal onderdelen = a number of parts
een aantal relaykanalen = a number of relay channels
een aantal relayknoppen = a number of relay buttons
Een aantal rood afwezig = Some red lights absent
een aantal spirituele dimensies = a number of spiritual dimensions
een aantal standaard situaties = a number of standard situations
een aantal stappen = a number of steps
een aantal verschillende = a number of different
een aantal voorbeelden = a few examples
een aantal voorkeursuitvoeringsvormen van de op de uitvinding gebaseerde  = a number of preferred embodiments of the device based on the invention
een aantal voorkeursuitvoeringsvormen van de op de uitvinding gebaseerde  = a number of preferred embodiments of the device based on the invention
een aantal voorliggende jaren = a number of previous years
een aantal werkwijzen = A number of methods
een aantal zaken = a number of things
een aantrekkelijk geprijsde = an attractively priced
een aantrekkelijke kortingsregeling = an attractive discount scheme
een aantrekkelijke optie = an attractive option
een aanvaardbaar minimum = an acceptable level
een aanvang nemen = begin
een aanvraag afronden = to finalize an application
een aanvraag herzien = to revise an application
een aanvraag indienen = to file an application
een aanvraag tot zijn faillissement is gedaan = an application for bankruptcy has been made
een aanvraag verwerken = to process an application
Een aanvraag voor software = Software requests
een aanvulling zijn op onze dienstverlening = complement our products and services
een aanwinst zal zijn = will be an asset
een aanzet gedaan = an attempt is made
een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid gewicht = a significant amount of weight
een aanzienlijke zwaardere lading hebben = is substantially wider/greater in scope
een abonnement nemen = subscribe
"een absolute meetfout, een relatieve meetfout, een standaard afwijking, e" = "an absolute measurement error, a relative measurement error, a standard d"
"een absolute meetfout, een relatieve meetfout, een standaard afwijking, e" = "an absolute measurement error, a relative measurement error, a standard d"
een acceleratie van = an acceleration of
een accord buiten faillissement aanbieden = to offer a voluntary arrangement
een actie 'onbevoegde beïnvloeding' = an act of ‘unauthorised manipulation’
een actie ondergaat = undergo an action
een actieplan opstellen = draw up an action plan
een actieve bijdrage levert aan de uitvoering van = actively contribute to implementing
een actieve en een passieve wapening = an active and a passive reinforcement
één activiteit = one activity
een actuator in de vorm van een vacuümpomp = an actuator in the form of a vacuum pump
een actuator omvatten = comprise an actuator
een administratie = an administrative department
een advies opgesteld = prepared a recommendation
een adviesfunctie vervullen = advisory role
een afdekportie = a covering portion
een afdoende werking hebben = are working properly
een afgebakend deel van het terrein exploreert = explores a demarcated part of the terrain
Een afgeronde activiteit = A completed activity
een afgewerkte muur = a finished wall
een afgifteinrichting die een warmtebron of ander actief middel gebruikt  = a dispensing device that uses a heat source or other active means to prom
een afkeer hebben van = to have an aversion to
een afremmingssysteem voor het afremmen van = a braking system for braking
een afschrift van dit exploot = a copy of the writ
een afschrift van haar brief = a copy of its letter
een afschuw hebben van = abhor
een afspraak maken = make an appointment
een afstand gelijk aan = a distance equal to
een afstand inhouden van dit recht = a waiver of that right or remedy
een afstand tussen een positie = a distance between a position
een afstand tussen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband en het = a distance between the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt and
een afstand van het recht dit op enigerlei tijdstip wel te doen = a waiver of the right to do so at any other time
een afstand van minder dan = a distance of less than
een afstand volgens de lengterichting = a distance along the longitudinal direction
een afstand volgens een richting loodrecht op = a distance along a direction perpendicular to
een afstandshouder wordt gecre?erd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecreéerd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecreëerd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecre�erd = a spacer is created
een afstandsmiddel dat op de kleeflaag is aangebracht = a spacing agent arranged on the adhesive layer
Een aftakking voor de voeding van = A take-off point to supply
Een aftakking voor de voeding van de externe detectie- en randapparatuur = A take-off point to supply the external detection equipment and periphera
een afvoerlijn voor het afvoeren van = a discharge line for discharging
een afweging blijven maken tussen = continue to weigh up
een afweging vanuit het geheel = a consideration of the whole situation
Een afwerkingsprofiel = a finishing profile
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens conclusie = A finishing profile according to claim
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the previous claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the preceding claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the previous claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the preceding claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel voor de bekleding van een wand = A finishing profile for cladding a wall
een afwijkende plaatsbepaling = an incorrect position fix
een afwijking wordt vastgesteld in een eigenschap = a deviation is identified in a property
een afzonderlijk na te streven doel = a separate goal
een afzonderlijke uitvoeringsvorm van deze uitvinding = a separate embodiment of this invention
een afzonderlijke zekering = a separate fuse
een akkoord aan zijn schuldeisers aanbiedt = offers a scheme of composition to its creditors
een akkoord bereiken = to reach an agreement
een akkoord buiten faillissement aanbieden = compromise for the benefit of creditors
een akkoord buiten faillissement aanbiedt = offers a settlement
een akkoord in der minne = an amicable settlement
een akte nemen = submit/introduce a document
Een alarm wordt veroorzaakt = An alarm is triggered
een algemeen verbindend voorschrift uitvaardigen = to issue a generally binding regulation
een algemene draagwijdte hebben = to be of general scope
een algemene instructie = general instructions
een algoritme = an algorithm
een algoritme voor het lokaliseren van het autonome voertuig = an algorithm for locating the autonomous vehicle
Een all-in-one oplossing = An all-in-one solution
een alom aanwezig kwaad = an evil that is all too present
Een alternatief is = An alternative is
Een alternatief is het gebruik van = An alternative is the use of
een alternatieve uitvoeringsvorm van het samenstel = an alternative embodiment of the assembly
een ambachtelijke wijze van bakken = traditional cooking methods
een ambtelijk bevel = an official command
een ammonium- of kaliumzout van = an ammonium or potassium salt of
een ander = another
Een ander aandachtspunt vormt het = Another item for consideration is the
Een ander belangrijk onderdeel van = Another important element of
een ander bevestigingssysteem = a different fastening system
Een ander document koppelen = Associate a different document
Een ander duidelijk signaal = Another clear signal
een ander land (alle landen mogelijk = any other country
een ander lettertype te kiezen = choose a different font
Een ander nadeel = Another drawback
Een ander nadeel van het gekende = Another drawback of the known
een ander pallettype = another type of pallet
een ander persoon = another person
een ander type = another type
Een ander voorbeeld wordt gegeven in = Another example is given in
een ander voordeel = another advantage
een andere = a different
een andere = another
een andere coating stack = a different coating stack
een andere de Bank conveniërende regeling is overeengekomen = another arrangement has been agreed that is to the satisfaction of the ba
een andere door Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke aan te wijzen partij = another party to be designated by Data Controller
een andere en/of dezelfde = a different and/or the same
Een andere hierin beschreven uitvoeringsvorm = Another embodiment described herein
Een andere hierin beschreven uitvoeringsvorm omvat = Another embodiment described herein comprises
Een andere ingrijpende reden = Another major reason
een andere insteek krijgen = change course
Een andere kanttekening betreft = Another observation concerns
een andere keer = another time
een andere manier van doen = a different way of doing things
Een andere methode is om de cilinders te verwarmen met behulp van een ele = Another method is to heat them with electrically heated cylinder covers o
een andere onderneming of organisatie = another company or organisation
een andere oorzaak die buiten invloed ligt van = any other cause which is beyond the influence of
Een andere oplossing = Another solution
een andere persoon = another person
Een andere specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = Another particular embodiment
Een andere specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op = Another specific preferred embodiment relates to
een andere taal spreken = speak a different language
een andere televisiecamera = other television cameras
Een andere uitvoeringsvorm omvat = Another embodiment comprises
een andere uitvoeringsvorm van een = another embodiment of a
een andere vorm van = another form of
Een andere websitekoppeling koppelen = Associate a different Web site link
Een andere Works-taak koppelen = Associate a different Works task
een ankerpunt aan een = an anchor point on an
een antibioticakuur hebben gevolgd = have followed a course of antibiotics
een antimicrobieel effect bekomen wordt = antimicrobial acticity is obtained
een antimicrobiële werking vertoont = exhibits antimicrobial activity
een antwoord kan worden gegeven op = respond to
Een antwoord op de hoofdvraag = Answering the main question
een antwoord op deze vraag = an answer to this question
een aparte opslag = a separate storage area
een apparaat dat een warmtebron gebruikt = a device that uses a heat source
een apparaat dat fysiek is verbonden met de medische eenheid = a device physically connected to the medical unit
een apparaat omvattende middelen A en B = a device comprising means A and B
een appeltje te schillen = an axe to grind
een appeltje te schillen hebben (met) = have a bone to pick  (have a complaint or grievance)
een applicatie = an application
Een applicatie product = an application product
een arbeidsovereenkomst aan te gaan = enter into an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangaan = conclude an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangaan = enter into an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangegaan = entered into an employment agreement
Een arbeidsovereenkomst die voor bepaalde tijd is aangegaan = An employment contract entered into for a specified period of time
Een arbeidsovereenkomst die voor onbepaalde tijd is aangegaan = An employment contract entered into for an indefinite period
een arbitrale procedure = arbitration proceedings
een armatuur volgens de huidige uitvinding = a luminaire according to the current invention
een artikel terug te sturen = return an item
een arts raadplegen = consult a physician
Een assertion bestaat in twee vormen = There are two kinds of assertions
een attractief design = an attractive design
een attribuut uit de superklasse = an attribute of the superclass
Een audiogesprek starten… = Start an Audio Conversation...
een audio-uitgangskanaal te kiezen = select an audio output channel
een auto boven het normleasebedrag = a car that exceeds the standard lease price
een auto ter beschikking krijgen = receive a company car
een automatische variant = an automatic version
een autonome fijnregelingsklep = an autonomous fine control valve
een baan of een filmmateriaal = a web or a film material
een baan van vijf dagdelen per week = "a job for five shifts / mornings / ... a / per week, a job for twenty hou"
een back-up installatie = a backup system
Eén back-up is geen back-up = A single backup is not a backup
een backup maken = backup
een back-up maken = back up
een backup maken van = backup
een bad nemen = bathe
een balans te vinden = strike a balance
een basisdeel voor het monteren van de impactabsorberend paal op een oppe = a base member for mounting the impact absorbing post on a surface
een basiselement voor het bevestigen van een opwaarts uitstrekkende paal  = a base member for attaching an upwardly extending post to a surface
een basiselement voor het monteren van de absorberend paal op een oppervl = a base member for mounting the absorbing post on a surface
een basisvlak van de basis = a base plane of the base
Een batterij mag nooit volledig worden ontladen. = A battery should never be fully discharged.
een batterijspanning van = a battery voltage of
een batterijvermogen van = a battery capacity of
een bedieningspaneel = a control panel
een bedrag aanvullen = to make up an amount
Een bedrag dat iedereen wel kan missen = an amount anyone should be able to spare
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to allocate (to appropriate) a sum to the reserve fund
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to place a sum to reserve
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to put a sum to a reserve
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to transfer a sum to the reserve fund
een bedrag in contanten = a cash sum
een bedrag regulariseren = settle/pay/rectify the/an outstanding amount/balance
een bedreiging vormen = constitute a threat
een bedrijf dat eigendom is van = a company owned by
een bedrijf is dat zich onder meer bezig houdt met = "is a company that, among other things, is concerned with"
een bedrijf is dat zich onder meer bezig houdt met de productie van = "is a company that, among other things, is concerned with the production o"
een bedrijf met meer dan 2 miljoen klanten = a company with more than 2 million customers
een beeldsensor voor het capteren van beelden = an image sensor for capturing images
een been of een arm = a leg or an arm
een beetje = a bit
een beetje = a little
een beetje een ... = a bit of a ...
een beetje hulp = a bit of help
Een beetje minder vaak = A little less often
Een beetje ontevreden = A little dissatisfied
een beetje quite = to be/break (more or less) even
Een beetje vaker = A little more often
"een beetje, niet veel, niet goed (when asked about a language)" = a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree)
een begroting/budget opmaken/opstellen = budget  (construct or draw up a budget)
een behandeling met een ander medicijn = treatment with another medication
een behandelingsstap wordt uitgevoerd = a treatment step is performed
een behoorlijk probleem = a serious problem
een behuizing volgens het tweede aspect = a housing according to the second aspect
een behuizing voor het ontvangen van een voet van een lamp = a housing for receiving a lamp base
"een behuizing, een lichtbron en een aanwezigheidsdetector" = "a housing, a light source and an occupancy detector"
Een bekend probleem = A known problem
een belachelijk figuur slaan = make a spectacle of oneself  (To embarrass oneself or others in public)
een belang nemen in = taking an interest in
een belangrijk aspect is bij de beoordeling = is an important aspect in the evaluation
een belangrijk aspect van = an important aspect of
een belangrijk onderdeel = an important part
Een belangrijk onderdeel van = An important part of
Een belangrijk onderdeel van het = An important part of the
Een belangrijk voordeel = An important advantage
een belangrijke aanjager = an important driver
een belangrijke afwijking van = a major deviation from
Een belangrijke eerste stap om dit te bereiken = An important first step to achieving this
Een belangrijke eigenschap van de = An important feature of the
een belangrijke minderwaarde te realiseren op haar participatie in = realise an important depreciation on its interest in
een belangrijke mogelijkheid om ervaring op te doen = a great way to gain experience
een belangrijke nieuwe troef in handen = a major new asset
een belangrijke ontwikkeling = an important development
een belangrijke overweging = an important consideration
een belangrijke rol = an important role
een belangrijke rol spelen = play an important role
een belangrijke stap vooruit = a significant step forward
een belangrijke taak vervullen = play an important role
een belasting van = a load of
een beleidsmatige meerwaarde = add policy-related value
een belletje doen rinkelen = ring a bell  (to seem vaguely familiar)
een belofte gestand doen = to fulfil a promise
een belofte gestand doen = to keep a promise
een belofte gestand doen = to stand by a promise
een bemiddelende rol spelen = playing a mediating role
een benoeming aanvaarden = accept an appointment
een bepaald gedeelte van = a certain portion of
een bepaald niveau van redundantie = a certain level of redundancy
een bepaald onderdeel of aspecten van = a particular part or aspect
een bepaald ziektebeeld = a particular syndrome
een bepaalde agent of onderaannemer = a particular agent or subcontractor
een bepaalde beweging of bewegingspatroon = a certain movement or movement pattern
een bepaalde CO2 grenswaarde = a certain CO₂ threshold
een bepaalde coating stack = a particular coating stack
een bepaalde hoeveelheid data = a specific amount of data
een bepaalde seininstallatie = a specific signalling system
een bepaalde seintoestand = a certain signal state
één bepaalde sputtertarget = one particular sputtering target
een bepaalde stijging = a specific increase
een bepaalde waarde overschrijdt = exceeds a certain value
een bepaling in een contract opnemen = to admit as a partner
een bepaling in een contract opnemen = to insert a clause in a contract
een beperking van = a limitation of
een beperking van de reikwijdte = a limitation of the scope
een beperkte draagwijdte hebben = to have a limited scope
een beperkte geldigheidsduur heeft = is subject to a limited period of validity
een beperkte mate van zekerheid = a limited degree of assurance
een beperkte rekenkracht nodig heeft = requires limited computing power
een bereik  tot = a range up to
een bericht = a notification
een bericht algemeen verkrijgbaar stellen = to make a report generally available
een beroep doen op = claim the right to
Een beroep doen op = Call in
een beroep doen op = appeal
een beroep doen op = take recourse to
Een beroep doen op = Enlist
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to borrow in the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to borrow on the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to have recourse to the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to raise funds in the capital market
een beroep doen op de verzekering = to claim under the insurance policy
een beroep doen op iemand / iets = "make an appeal to someone / something, appeal to someone / something"
een beroep doen op onze = make use of our
een beroep op overmacht = invocation of force majeure
een beroep op overmacht toekomt = is entitled to invoke force majeure
een beroep te doen op de diensten van = rely on the services of
een beschadiging = damage
Een bescherming voor de ogen/voor het gezicht dragen = Wear eye/face protection
Een bescherming voor de ogen/voor het gezicht dragen. = Wear eye/face protection.
een beschikking = a decision by
Een beschrijving van = A description of
een beschrijving van het alarm = a description of the alarm
een besef van normen en waarden bijbrengen = to instill a sense of values and standards
een beslag van waarde verklaren = to validate an attachment
een beslissing terugdraaien = reverse a decision
"een besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, statutair geves" = "a Dutch private limited liability company, having its registered office i"
"een besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, statutair geves" = "a Dutch private limited liability company, having its registered office i"
een besluit heeft genomen tot ontbinding = has decided to dissolve itself
een bespreking heeft plaatsgevonden = a discussion took place
een bestaande = an existing
een bestand te selecteren = selecting a file
"een bestek opmaken, een (prijs)offerte doen" = quote  (to prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price)
een bestelling effectueren = to execute an order
een bestelling plaatsen = place an order
een bestelstop afkondigen = issue a stop on orders
een bestuurder defungeert door het verlies van de hoedanigheid op grond w = a director will retire if he loses the capacity for which he was appointe
een bestuurlijke boete opleggen wegens overtreding van = impose an administrative fine for violation of
een betaalrekening aanhouden bij = to hold a current account with
een beter sentiment op de financiële markten = improved financial market sentiment
een betrouwbare en onderhoudsarme machine = a reliable and low-maintenance machine
een beursgenoteerde internationale onderneming = a listed international company
een beveiligde verbinding = a secure connection
een beveiligingssysteem te installeren = install a security system
een bevestiging van uitzending = a Confirmation of Secondment
een bevoegd persoon van = an authorised representative of
een bevoegd persoon van Deloitte = an authorised representative of Deloitte
een bevoegde vertegenwoordiger = an authorized representative
een bevoegde vertegenwoordiger van beide partijen = an authorized representative of both parties
een bevoegdheid delegeren = to delegate a power
een bewaartermijn tot wel = a retention period of up to
een bewegelijk denken = an agile mind
een bewegende bron en meerdere vaste detectoren = a moving source and multiple fixed detectors
een beweging of bewegingspatroon van het hoofdgedragen apparaat = a movement or movement pattern of the head-mounted device
een bewegingsdrempelwaarde voor de Euclidische norm = a motion threshold value for the Euclidean norm
een bewerking of een geheel van bewerkingen = an operation or set of operations
een bewijs van kwijting afgeven = to give a receipt
een bezoek brengen = to visit
een bezoek te plannen = schedule a visit
een bezoldiging genieten = to receive a remuneration
een bezwaarschrift = a notice of objection
een bezwaarschrift indienen bij = to lodge a notice of objection to
een bezwaarschrift indienen tegen een besluit = to lodge a notice of objection against a decision
een bieding uitbrengen op = to make a bid for
een bieding uitbrengen op = to make an offer for
een bij de uitoefening van overheidsgezag verleende dienst = a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority
een bij geschrift gesloten overeenkomst = a contract in writing
een bijbediening = an additional control
een bijdrage leveren aan = contribute to
een bijdrage leveren aan = to contribute to
een bijdrage leveren aan de theorievorming = wants to contribute to theory building on these topics
een bijhorend deksel met sensorsysteem = a corresponding cover with sensor system
een bijkom = an additional
een bijkomend voordeel = an additional advantage
Een bijkomend voordeel bestaat erin dat = An additional advantage is that
Een bijkomend voordeel is dat = An additional advantage is that
Een bijkomend voordeel is dat de stap in een later stadium kan worden uit = An additional advantage is that the step can be executed at a later stage
één bijwerking = one side effect
een bijwerking 8 van = an updating 8 of
een bijwerking 8 van de locatie-informatie = an updating 8 of the location information
een bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke positie-informatie via de API voor pl = an updating 8 of the spatial location information via the API for positio
een bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke positie-informatie via de API voor pl = an updating 8 of the spatial location information via the API for positio
Een bijzonder voordeel van huidige uitvinding = A particular advantage of the present invention
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm = A particularly preferred embodiment
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising the steps of
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising the steps of
Een bijzondere vorm van = A special form of
een bindend advies kan worden vernietigd indien gebondenheid aan de inhou = a binding decision can be reversed if it should be unacceptable for its c
een binnenhoek = an internal corner
een binnenoppervlak = an inner surface
een binnenste laag en een buitenste laag = an inner layer and an outer layer
een binnenwand = an inner wall
een binnenwand en/of een buitenwand = an inner wall and/or an outer wall
een binnenwand of een buitenwand = an inner wall or an outer wall
een blauwe lamp op het veiligheid lichtscherm branden = blue light on the safety light curtain will light up
een blauwtje lopen [fig.] = to be / get rejected
een blauwtje lopen [fig.] = to be / get turned down
een blik werpen = glance
een blik werpen op = glance
een blinde vlek in de waarneming = a blind spot in the perception
een bloedverwant in de rechte lijn = a blood relative in the ascending or descending line
een bodemplaat en een hol verbindingsprofiel = a bottom plate and a hollow connection profile
een boekenplank uit de stand van de techniek = a prior art bookshelf
een boel = a lot
een boete verschuldigd is van tenminste = shall owe Mood Media a fine of at least
"een boom, een hek, een muur" = "a tree, a fence, a wall"
"een boom, muur of hek" = "a tree, wall or fence"
een borstel of stofzuiger = a brush or vacuum cleaner
Een botermals resultaat = Amazing results
een bout of schroef = a bolt or screw
een bouwelement volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a building component according to the present invention
een bovengemiddeld uitrustingsniveau = an above-average finishing specification
een bovenkant en onderkant = a top and a bottom
een bovenste wand = an upper wall
een brandstofverbruik van circa = a fuel consumption of approximately
een brede basis parate kennis = a wide range of ready knowledge
een brede range = a wide range
een breed gamma van producten = a wide range of products
een breedte heeft = exhibits a width
een breedte heeft tussen = exhibits a width between
een breedte in een richting = a width in a direction
een breedte in een richting evenwijdig met = a width in a direction parallel to
een breedte ongeveer gelijk aan = a width approximately equal to
een breedte tussen = a width between
een breedterichting en een hoogterichting = a transverse direction and a height direction
een breedterichting en een invoerrichting dewelke onderling orthogonaal z = a transverse direction and an insertion direction which are mutually orth
een bres slaan = breach
een bres slaan in = breach
een breuk lijden = to have a  hernia
een brief waarin de inleverprocedure is weergegeven = a letter detailing the return procedure
een broek = a pair of trousers
een broek of shirt omvat = a pair of trousers or shirt
een bron van potentiële bias = a source of potential bias
een brugfunctie vervullen = act as a bridge
een bruginrichting volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvindin = a loading ramp according to embodiments of the present invention
een bruine arm halen = be a brown-nose
een buiging maken = bow
"een buiging maken, zich buigen" = bow  (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
een buigzame lip gevormd door de eerste snede van een paar sneden = a pliable lip formed by the first cut of a pair of cuts
een buitengerechtelijk akkoord = an out-of-court settlement
een buitenhoek = an external corner
een buitenoppervlak omvattende = an outer surface comprising
een buitenschil rond een binnenvloeistof = an outer shell around an inner liquid
een buitenste profiel = an outer profile
"een buitenste profiel, een tussenliggend profiel en een binnenste profiel" = "an outer profile, an intermediate profile and an inner profile"
een buitenwand of een binnenwand = an outer wall or an inner wall
een bump-map maken = bump mapping
een business case te definiëren = defining a business case
een calibratiesignaal = a calibration signal
een cassatieberoep instellen = "to take/bring an appeal to the supreme court/court of cassation, to appea"
een centraal datacenter = a central data centre
een centrale = a central
een centrale eenheid = a central unit
een centrale eenheid voor een = a central unit for a
een centrale rol in de aansturing = a central guiding role
een centrale rol vervullen = play a central role
Een cheque innen = To cash a cheque
een cheque uitschrijven = write a cheque
Een chirurgisch doek = A surgical drape
een chirurgisch doek met een opgeplooide broekspijp = a surgical drape with a folded up leg
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig één van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the previous claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig één van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the preceding claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the previous claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the preceding claims
Een cilinder die voorzien is van zowel een vloeistofafnamekraan als een g = A cylinder which is fitted with both a fluid offtake valve and a vapour v
een cilindrische of conische vorm = a cylindrical or conical shape
een cirkel met een straal = a circle having a radius
een cirkel met een straal = a circle with a radius
een cirkelvormige doorsnede = a circular cross-section
een Cloud-platform of een in-house-implementatie = a cloud platform or an in-house solution
een cluster van private organisaties = a cluster of private organisations
een CO2 inblaassysteem = a CO2 injection system
Een collaboration platform = A collaboration platform
een collectie elementen = a collection of elements
een collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = a collective agreement
een combinatie er van = a combination thereof
een combinatie tussen de twee bedrijven tot stand te brengen = create a combined entity out of the two companies
een combinatie van = a combination of
een combinatie van beide = a combination of both
een combinatie van deze twee = a combination of these two
een combinatie van deze twee onderdelen = a combination of these two components
een combinatie van factoren = a combination of factors
een combinatie van hoge temperatuur = a combination of high temperature
een combinatie van lucht van verschillende blokken = Mixed air from the various blocks
een combinatie van vaste en beweegbare afschermingen = a combination of fixed and movable guards
een commercieel en technisch directeur = a commercial and technical director
een compact en modulair ontwerp = a compact and modular design
een compact en modulair ontwerp en een hoge mate van standaardisatie = a compact and modular design and high degree of standardisation
"een compact, modulair ontwerp" = "a compact, modular design"
een comparitie gelasten = to order a personal appearance
een compleet = a completely
een compleet assortiment producten = a complete range of products
een compleet nieuwe deur = a whole new door
een compleet tekeningenpakket = a complete set of drawing sheets
een complementaire schroefdraad = complementary screw thread
een complete palletlaag = a complete pallet layer
een complete rij = a complete row
een complexer probleem = a more complex problem
een complexere casus = a more complex case
een compromis vinden = find a compromise
een computer die zich buiten de vacu?mkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacuémkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacu�mkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacuümkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer programma product = a computer program product
Een computerprogramma = A computer program
een computersysteem = a computer
een computersysteem met een software pakket = a computer system with a software package
een computersysteem met een software pakket voor optische modellering = a computer system with a software package for optical modelling
een computersysteem voor het beheren van persoonsgegevens = a computer system for managing personal data
een concept rapportage opgesteld = prepared a draft report
een concern-onderdeel van Politie Nederland = a central coordinating division of the Dutch Police
een conclusie wettigend = conclusive
een conditionele uitvoeringslus = a conditional execution loop
Een conferentiesysteem = A conferencing system
een conferentiesysteem omvattende een centrale eenheid zoals hierboven be = a conferencing system comprising a central unit as described above
een conferentiesysteem omvattende een centrale eenheid zoals hierboven be = a conferencing system comprising a central unit as described above
een configuratie op maat = a custom configuration
een configureerbaar meetsysteem = a configurable measuring system
een configureerbaar meetsysteem van een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = a configurable measuring system of a configurable sputtering system
Een configureerbaar meetsysteem voor gebruik in een configureerbaar sputt = A configurable measuring system for use in a configurable sputtering syst
Een configureerbaar meetsysteem voor gebruik in een configureerbaar sputt = A configurable measuring system for use in a configurable sputtering syst
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = a configurable sputtering system
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem voor het sputteren van meerlagige coat = a configurable sputtering system for sputtering multilayer coatings with
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem voor het sputteren van meerlagige coat = a configurable sputtering system for sputtering multilayer coatings with
Een Connected organisatie = A Connected Organisation
een Connected Organisation = a Connected Organisation
een connectie met ons te maken = connect with us
Een connectiegat = A connection hole
een conservatoir beslag opheffen = to raise/lift/withdraw the prejudgement attachment
een consistente set van kwaliteitsindicatoren = a consistent set of quality indicators
een consortium van = a consortium of
een constant druk gestuurde ventilator = a constant pressure-controlled ventilator
een constructie van bordessen = a system of elevated walkways
een constructie van bordessen die elkaar niet kruisen = a system of elevated walkways that do not intersect
Een contactpersoon verwijderen… = Delete a Contact...
een contract laten aflopen = to terminate a contract
Een contract op basis van = A contract on the basis of
een controle omvat onder meer een onderzoek door middel van deelwaarnemin = "an audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to t"
een controle omvat onder meer een onderzoek door middel van deelwaarnemin = Note that 'omvat onder meer' could be simply translated as 'includes' omi
een controle uitvoeren = carry out an inspection
een controle verrichten = to carry out an audit
een controle verrichten = to perform an audit
Een converged infrastructure = A converged infrastructure
een creditnota voor een bedrag van = a credit note for the sum of
een cruciaal thema binnen ondernemingen = a key theme within companies
een culinaire omlijsting = a culinary setting
een cultuur gecreeerd = established a corporate culture
een daadwerkelijke uitgaande kasstroom = an actual cash outflow
een daarmee gelijk te stellen methode = an equivalent method
een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan = a competent government authority
een daartoe strekkende kennisgeving = a notification to this effect
Eën dag geldige opdracht = Day order
een dag van tevoren = one day in advance
een dagje uit = a day out
een dagvaarding = a summons
een dagvaarding uitbrengen = take out / issue a summons / writ
een daling van het gemiddelde rentepercentage = a fall in the average interest rate
een database = a database
een datum afspreken = to fix a date
een datum wilt reserveren = book a date
een datum) verzetten = a date)
een datum) verzetten = to postpone (an appointment
een deceleratie van = a deceleration of
een deel = a part
een deel of het geheel van = some or all of
een deel of het geheel van de Nooddienst- of Onderhoudsdienst = some or all of the Emergency or Maintenance Services
Een deel van de = A part of the
Een deel van de daling = Part of the decrease
een deel van de provisie afstaan = commission splitting
een deel van een zijwand = a part of a side wall
een deel van het verschil komt doordat = part of the difference is due to
een deellevering te eisen = demand a partial delivery
een deeltjesgrootte kleiner dan = a particle size smaller than
Een defect aan het communicatiesysteem = A defect in the communication system
een definitieve beslissing = a decision which is final and conclusive
een definitieve planning = a definite schedule
een deksel met daaraan bevestigd een sensorsysteem = a cover having attached thereto a sensor system
een deksel met een sensorsysteem = a cover with a sensor system
een deksel met zulk sensorsysteem = a cover with such a sensor system
een deposit certifikaat uitbrengen = issue a certificate of deposit
een der voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één der voorgaande conclusies = one of the preceding claims
één der voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
een derde = a third party
één derde = a third
Een derde aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A third aspect of the present invention relates to
Een derde aspect van de uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = A third aspect of the invention relates to a method
een derde partij = a third party
een derde partij waarmee wij samenwerken = a third party with whom we cooperate
een derde van het meerdere = one third of the remainder
een dergelijk = such a
Een dergelijk administratief beroepschrift = Such an administrative appeal
een dergelijk afwerkingsprofiel = such a finishing profile
Een dergelijk apparaat is beschreven in = Such a device is described in
een dergelijk materiaal = such a material
Een dergelijk proces is bijvoorbeeld beschreven in = "Such a process is described, for example, in"
een dergelijk veelomvattend = such a comprehensive
een dergelijke = such a
een dergelijke = such an
een dergelijke aanpassing nog vóór de algemene vergadering moet worden  = any amendments must be made before the General Meeting convenes
een dergelijke activiteit = such activities
een dergelijke activiteit = such activity
een dergelijke beslissing = such a decision
een dergelijke flexibele = such a flexible
een dergelijke garantie = such a guarantee
Een dergelijke inrichting is bekend uit = Such a device is known from
Een dergelijke inrichting volgens de aanhef is ook bekend uit = Such a device according to the preamble is also known from
een dergelijke maatregel = such a measure
een dergelijke prijswijziging = any such price changes
een dergelijke uitspraak = any such statement
een dergelijke wand = such a wall
Een dergelijke werkwijze volgens de aanhef is ook bekend uit = Such a method according to the preamble is also known from
een deskundige aan te wijzen = to appoint an expert
een detacheringovereenkomst = a secondment agreement
een detailvoorstelling van het perspectivisch aanzicht = a detail representation of the perspective view
Een detailweergave van een voorkeursvorm = A detail view of a preferred embodiment
een diameter = a diameter
een diameter heeft die kleiner is dan de diameter van = has a diameter smaller than the diameter of
een diameter heeft die niet kleiner is dan de diameter van = has a diameter not smaller than the diameter of
een dicarbonzuur of een tricarbonzuur = a dicarboxylic acid or a tricarboxylic acid
een dienst afneemt = procures a service
een dienst bewijzen = accomodate
een diepte kleiner dan = a depth smaller than
een diepte tussen = a depth between
een dierbare = a loved one
Een differentieelschakelaar = A differential circuit breaker
een diffuus 3-taks coronarialijden = diffuse 3-vessel heart disease
een digitaal exemplaar van = a digital copy of
een dikte welke is begrepen tussen = a thickness of between
Een dinerbon van De Gulle Pot = De Gulle Pot Gift Certificate
een diploma behalen = graduate
een diploma halen = graduate
een diploma halen = to obtain a certificate
een direct opeisbare boete van EUR ... = a penalty payable forthwith of EUR ...
een direct opeisbare boete van EUR ... = an immediately payable penalty of EUR ...
"een direct opeisbare, niet voor rechterlijke matiging vatbare boete" = an immediately payable penalty which is not subject to judicial mitigatio
een discussie entameren = to initiate a discussion
een discussie entameren = to start a discussion
een display opgevuld met = a display filled with
een diversiteit aan leerlingen = a wide range of pupils
een diversiteit aan productieomgevingen = a variety of production environments
een diversiteit van leerlingen = a range of different pupils
één document = a single document
Een document koppelen = Associate a document
een documenten- en een overeenstemmingcontrole = a documentary check and an identity check
een doel van de onderhavige uitvinding = an object of the present invention
een doel van uitvoeringsvormen van de huidige uitvinding = an object of embodiments of the present invention
een door de bestuurder bediende bedrijfsdeur = Driver operated service door
een door de gebruiker gedefinieerd = a user defined
een door de leasemaatschappij te bepalen inleveradres = a drop-off address to be determined by the lease company
een door de leasemaatschappij vast te stellen inleveradres = a drop-off address to be determined the leasing company
een door de werkgever vast te stellen adres = an address to be determined by the employer
een door het ZiN getoetste model-based indicatie voor protonentherapie = a model-based indication for proton therapy assessed by the ZiN
een door mij ondertekend eensluidend afschrift van dit exploot = a true and faithful copy of this writ signed by me in a sealed envelope
een door Rotaform in eigen beheer ontwikkeld content management systeem = a content management system developed by Rotaform
een door werkgever aan te wijzen beëdigd makelaar = a certified estate agent appointed by the employer
een door Yellax begeleid = supervised by Yellax
een doorn in het oog van = a thorn in the side of
een doorslaggevende stem uitoefenen = cast a casting vote
een doosetiket van Mediberg = a Mediberg box label
een doseerinrichting met één of meerdere doseerkoppen = a dosing device with one or more dosing heads
één dosering = one dosage
een douanekantoor en een postkantoor uitsluitend voor diamantverzendingen = a customs office and a post office for diamond transactions only
een douche nemen = shower
een draaddikte van = a wire thickness of
een draadloze netwerkverbinding = a wireless network connection
een draagstructuur = a support structure
een draaimoment over te brengen op de aandrijfas = transmit a torque to the drive shaft
een dragerelement voor het houden van een voorwerp op een afstand van een = a support element for keeping an object at a distance from an underlying
een dragerelement voor het houden van een voorwerp op een afstand van een = a support element for keeping an object at a distance from an underlying
een drankje drinken = having a drink
een driedimensionale oriëntatie waaraan een reeds opgeslagen set paramet = a three-dimensional orientation to which an already stored set of paramet
een driehoekig profiel = a triangular section
een driehoekje = a triangle
een druk heerst = a pressure prevails
een drukkracht ondervindt = experiences a compressive force
een drukkracht te geven naar beneden toe = downward force
een druppel in de oceaan = a drop in the bucket
een druppel in de oceaan = "drop in the bucket (an effort or action having very little influence, esp"
een duidelijk overzicht = a clear overview
een duidelijk stappenplan = a clear roadmap
een duidelijke businesscase = a clear business case
een duidelijke gedragsdoelstelling = a clear behavioural objective
een duidelijke gehecht = a clear commitment
een duidelijke haalbare taakomschrijving = description of a clearly achievable task
een duidelijke scheiding = a clear separation
een duidelijke uitleg levert het juiste resultaat = clear explanations yield correct results
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = running a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = to run a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = to share a household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = run a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = share a household on a long-term basis
een duurzame ringkerntransformator met voldoende vermogen = a sufficiently powerful and durable toroidal transformer
een duurzame samenwerking = a long-term collaboration
een duurzame werking = sustainable operation
een duw geven = jog
een dwarsdoorsnede van het afwerkingsprofiel = a cross-sectional view of the finishing profile
een ecosysteem vormgeven = shape an ecosystem
een eed afleggen = swear
een eenmalige betaling = a once-only payment
een eenvoudig onderzoek = a simple investigation
een eenvoudige passieve component = a simple passive component
een eerste = a first
een eerste aanbetaling doen = make a down payment
een eerste aanbetaling doen = pay an initial deposit
Een eerste aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A first aspect of the present invention relates to
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op = A first aspect of the invention relates to
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting ge = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device suitable for
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting ge = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device suitable for
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding verschaft = A first aspect of the invention provides
een eerste bindmiddel = a first binding agent
een eerste buitenste non-woven laag = a first outer nonwoven layer
"een eerste buitenste non-woven laag, twee gaasweefsel-lagen en een tweede" = "a first outer nonwoven layer, two scrim layers and a second outer nonwove"
een eerste deel = a first part
een eerste deel opstaand vanaf de basis = a first part erecting from the base
een eerste deel van de beschermingsfolie = a first part of the protective film
een eerste deel van de bouwconstructie = a first part of the building structure
een eerste element = a first element
een eerste element dewelke een tweede element aan het zicht verbergt = a first element which hides a second element from view
een eerste en een tweede = a first and a second
een eerste en een tweede buitenste non-woven laag = a first and a second outer nonwoven layer
een eerste en een tweede draagarm = a first and a second support arm
een eerste en een tweede set van instructies = a first and a second set of instructions
een eerste en tweede opening = a first and second opening
een eerste extensie en een buitenwand = a first extension and an outer wall
Een eerste helft van het lichaam is aan een eerste zijde en een tweede he = A first half of the body is on a first side and a second half is on a sec
een eerste koppelingselement = a first coupling element
een eerste laag en een tweede laag = a first layer and a second layer
een eerste langwerpig profiel = a first elongated section
een eerste legplank = a first shelf
een eerste levensbehoefte = an essential of life
een eerste levensbehoefte = to effect a life assurance
een eerste levensbehoefte = to insure one’s life
een eerste maal = a first time
een eerste paar = a first pair
een eerste pandrecht vestigen op = to create a first pledge on
een eerste pandrecht vestigen op = to establish a first right of pledge on
een eerste plaat = a first panel
een eerste plaat en een tweede plaat = a first panel and a second panel
een eerste rand = a first edge
een eerste rechthoekig kader en een tweede rechthoekig kader = a first rectangular frame and a second rectangular frame
een eerste respectievelijk tweede = "a first, respectively second"
een eerste specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = a first particular embodiment
een eerste testrun = a first test run
een eerste uiteinde = a first end
een eerste uiteinde en een tweede uiteinde = a first end and a second end
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte = a first projecting part
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte hebben dat uitsteekt voorbij de eerste pla = a first projecting part which projects beyond the first panel
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte hebben dat uitsteekt voorbij de eerste pla = a first projecting part which projects beyond the first panel
een eerste wand = a first wall
een eerste zijde van een balkvormige betonnen element van een te vervaard = a first side of a beam-shaped concrete element of a hollowcore concrete s
een eerste zijwand = a first side wall
een eerste zijwand en een tweede zijwand = a first side wall and a second side wall
"een eerste, een tweede en een derde" = "a first, a second and a third"
"een eeuwigheid, eeuwen, tijden {p}" = forever {adv} ((colloquially) for a very long time)
een effectieve schifting = streamlining
een efficiënt gebruik van = the efficient use of
een efficiënte barrière = an effective barrier
een efficiëntere opwekking van warmte = a more efficient generation of heat
een eigenschap of karakteristiek = a property or characteristic
één eindblok = one end-block
een eindcontrole voor levering verrichten = carry out a final inspection before delivery
één einde = one end
een einde neemt = terminates
een eis/beroep verwerpen = to dismiss a claim/an appeal
een elegante en uniforme uitstraling = an elegant and uniform appearance
een elegante productlift = an elegant product lift
Een elektrisch samenstel (1) volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = An electrical assembly (1) according to any of the previous claims
een elektrisch samenstel voor montage in of op een oppervlak = an electrical assembly for mounting in or on a surface
een elektrische of pneumatische = an electric or pneumatic
een elektrische of pneumatische deur = an electric or pneumatic door
een elektrische titanium anode = an electrically powered titanium anode
een elektromagnetisch signaal uitzendt = emits an electromagnetic signal
een elektronisch gedeelte voor het elektrisch aansturen van = an electronic part for electrically controlling
een elektronisch kompas = an electronic compass
een elektronisch medium = an electronic medium
een e-mail met ontvangstbevestiging = an email with acknowledgement of receipt
Een e-mail verzenden… = Send E-Mail...
eén en al oor zijn = be all ears
een en ander = all of which
een en ander = all the above
een en ander = all the factors together
een en ander = all the foregoing
een en ander = all this
een en ander = everything
een en ander = such
een en ander = these factors
een en ander = these matters
een en ander = this
een en ander = all this
een en ander = the foregoing/the aforementioned/the aforesaid/this/such/etc. (or leave o
een en ander = the foregoing
één en ander = all of which
één en ander = all the above
één en ander = all the factors together
één en ander = all the foregoing
één en ander = all this
één en ander = everything
één en ander = such
één en ander = these factors
één en ander = these matters
één en ander = this
een en ander aan te tonen = to be demonstrated
een en ander als gevolg van overlijden van = the foregoing as a result of the death of
Een en ander betekent = This means that
Een en ander conform = The foregoing in accordance with
Een en ander in overleg met = The foregoing in consultation with
Eén en ander is als volgt weer te geven = This can be represented as follows
Een en ander onverminderd = The aforementioned applies without prejudice to
een en ander onverminderd het hier verder bepaalde = all without prejudice to the following provisions
Een en ander onverminderd het recht = The aforementioned applies without prejudice to the right
een en ander op voorwaarde van = subject to
één en ander overeenkomstig = één en ander overeenkomstig
één en ander overeenkomstig = in keeping with
een en ander overeenkomstig de = the foregoing in accordance with th
één en ander overeenkomstig de = één en ander overeenkomstig
één en ander overeenkomstig de = in keeping with
een en ander overeenkomstig de veiligheidsvoorschriften = the foregoing in accordance with the safety regulations
een en ander ter beoordeling van = the foregoing at the discretion of
een en ander ter keuze van = all this at the discretion of
een en ander voorzover zulks in redelijkheid van hem kan worden verlangd = insofar as this can reasonably be required of them
een en andere = all of which
een en andere = all the factors together
een en andere = everything
een en andere = or this
een en andere = the aforementioned applies
een en andere = the foregoing
een en andere = these matters
een en andere = this
een en dezelfde = one and the same
één en dezelfde persoon = one and the same person
één en dezelfde seintoestand = A single signal state
een en twintig = twenty-one
één enkel = a single
één enkel antwoord mogelijk = only one answer possible
een enkel materiaal = a single material
één enkel steunprofiel = a single support profile
één enkele = one single
één enkele aanvraagprocedure = single application procedure
één enkele betaling = a single payment
Een enkele processor of andere eenheid = A single processor or other unit
een enorm efficiëntieverlies = a huge loss of efficiency
een enorm voordeel = a major advantage
een enquête invult = fills in a questionnaire
een enquête onder de bevolking houden = conduct a survey of population
een erectie krijgen = have an erection
Een erfstelling over de hand = fideicommissary succession
een ernstige ziekte gehad = had a serious illness
een essentieel bestanddeel uitmaken van = constitute an essential part of
een essentieel bestanddeel uitmaken van onderhavige overeenkomst = constitute an essential part of this agreement
een essentieel element van onze bedrijfscultuur = an essential element of our corporate culture
een essentiële rol = a key role
een ester of zout daarvan = an ester or salt thereof
"een ester, of zout" = an ester or salt
Een etiket dat gemakkelijk kan worden afgewassen = A label that can easily wash off
een Europees bedrijf met lokale verankeringen = a European company with local branches
een Europese organisatie = a European organisation
een eventueel ten laste van de kredietnemer in de administratie van de ba = any liability on the part of the borrower in the bank's records by reason
een eventueel vermoeden van de oorzaak = a possible suspicion of the cause
een eventuele Anw-uitkering = any ANW benefit
een executoriale titel opleveren = to be enforceable
een executoriale titel opleveren = to constitute entitlement to enforcement
een exemplaar maken = to instance
een exemplaar te hebben ontvangen van = having received a copy of
een exemplaar van deze overeenkomst ontvangen te hebben = having received a copy of this Agreement
één exemplaar voor Opdrachtnemer = one copy for Contractor
een exploit betekenen aan = to serve a writ upon
een explorerend onderzoek = an exploratory study
Een expresbericht verzenden… = Send an Instant Message...
een ex-situ meetsysteem en twee in-situ meetsystemen = an ex situ measuring system and two in situ measuring systems
een ex-situ sensorsysteem = an ex situ sensor system
een ex-situ sensorsysteem 410 omvatten = comprise an ex situ sensor system 410
een extern nummer dat op de ontvangstbon wordt afgedrukt en een intern nu = "an external number for use of the client, which is printed on the receipt"
een externe = an external
een externe circulatiepomp = an external circulation pump
een extra aandachtspunt = an additional concern
een extra deur = an additional door
Een extra functionaliteit = An additional feature
Een extra functionaliteit is het delen van grote bestanden. = An additional feature is the ability to share large files.
een extra streepje voor = enjoy greater priority
een extra uur wachttijd = an extra hour’s wait
een extra verzwaarde kolom = an extra heavy post
één factuur = one invoice
een factuur overmaken aan de Opdrachtgever = submit an invoice to the Client
een faillissementsaanvraag indienen = file a bankruptcy petition [nat.pers.] / winding-up petition [re.pers.]
een faillissementsaanvraag indienen = to fold (popular language)
een faillissementsaanvraag is ingediend = a winding-up petition has been filed
een familielid zijn van = be related to
een fascinatie heeft voor = is fascinated with
Een feedbacksysteem = A feedback system
Een feedbacksysteem volgens conclusie = A feedback system in accordance with claim
een feedbacksysteem volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a feedback system in accordance with the present invention
een feedbacksysteem volgens het derde aspect = a feedback system in accordance with the third aspect
een feestelijke Open Week = a festive Open Week
een feit naar voren brengen = bring forward a fact
een feit naar voren brengen = put forward a fact
een fictie = (legal) fiction
een fictief bedrag = an imaginary sum
een figuur snijden uit hout = carve wood into a figure / carve a figure out of wood
een FileMaker Go-licentie = a FileMaker Go licence
een FileMaker Pro-licentie = a FileMaker Pro licence
"een filtereenheid, voor het filteren van de gefermenteerde vloeistof" = a filter unit for filtering the fermented liquid
een flens-verbinding = a flange connection
een flexibele ring met een reeds bestaande gesloten of open niet-gespanne = a flexible ring having a pre-existing closed or open unstressed ring shap
een flexibelere machineafscherming = a more flexible machine guard
een flinke mate van = a considerable degree of
een fluïdumverbinding heeft met = is in fluid communication with
een fluitje van een cent = a piece of cake
een fluitje van een cent = easy as pie {adj} (very easy)
een formulier invullen = to fill in a form
een forse besparing in operationele kosten = considerable savings on operating costs
een foto maken = to take a photograph
een fout in zit = imperfect
een fout maken = err
"een fout maken, een vergissing maken, zich vergissen" = err  (make a mistake)
"een fout maken, in de fout gaan" = mistake  (To make an error)
een fractie later = a fraction later
een fraude of scam = fraudulent or a scam
Een freestyle ski clinic = A freestyle ski clinic
een functie aanvaard heeft = has accepted a position
een functie met als standplaats Nederland = a position operationally based in the Netherlands
een functie met goede perspectieven = a job with good prospects
een functie met goede perspectieven = to declare categorically
een functiebeschrijving = a job description
een fundament metselen / optrekken = build up a foundation
een G2G = a G2G project
een gangbaar woord voor = is commonly referred to as
een garennummer van minstens = a yarn count of at least
een gas voor inademing = an inhalation gas
Een geautomatiseerde toegang = An automated entrance
één gebeurtenis = one incident
een gebeurtenis gerelateerd aan voedsel = an event related to food
een gebeurtenislog en een gebruikersdatabank = an event log and a user database
een gebied dat niet is gemarkeerd in = an area that is not marked in
een gebied met een hoger beschermingsniveau = an area with a higher level of security
Een gebied met meer dan 1.000 adressen per km² of meer dan 75% bebouwd o = "An area with more than 1,000 addresses by km² or more than 75% cultivate"
Een gebied met minder dan 100 adressen per km² en met minder dan 10% van = An area with less than 100 addresses by km² and with less than 10% culti
een gebiedsafscherming = a safety fence system
een geblokkeerde rekening = a frozen account
een gebouw dat minstens één wand omvat = a building that comprises at least one wall
Een gebouw omvattende een muur = A building comprising a wall
Een gebrek aan = Lack of
een gebrek aan georganiseerde kennis = a lack of organised knowledge
een gebrek bij het aangaan van de huurovereenkomst behoorde te kennen = should have been aware of a defect when concluding the Lease
een gebruik van = using
een gebruik van de = using the
een gebruik van de gelaagde inrichting = a use of the layered structure
Een gebruik van de werkwijze = Use of the method
een gebruik van de werkwijze = a use of the method
Een gebruik van de werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande beschrijvingen = Use of the method according to any of the preceding descriptions
een gebruik van een inrichting of een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvin = a use of a device or a method according to the present invention
een gebruik van een inrichting of een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvin = a use of a device or a method according to the present invention
een gebruik van het = as a use of the
een gebruik volgens conclusie = a use according to claim
een gebruikersovereenkomst wordt afgesloten = a user agreement is concluded
een gecertificeerd en goed gecontroleerd productieproces = a certified and well-controlled production process
een gecompliceerde bezigheid = a complicated task
een geconcentreerd diamanthoudend residu = a concentrated diamond-containing residue
een gecontroleerde snelheid = a controlled speed
een gedeelte van = part of
een gedeelte van de = a portion of the
een gedeelte van het Infrarood-gebied = a portion of the infrared spectrum
een gedegen rationalisatie van het applicatielandschap = a thorough rationalisation of the application landscape
een gedegen uitvoering van het onderzoek = a thorough implementation of the study
een gedelegeerde instantie = a delegated body
een gedetailleerde beschrijving = a detailed description
een gedifferentieerd geprijsd product = tiered priced product
een geding aanspannen = to take legal action
een geelachtige basiskleur = a basically yellowish colour
een geëxtrapoleerde positie = an extrapolated position
een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken = don't look a gift horse in the mouth
"een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken, Men moet een gegeven paard niet " = don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to una
een geheel uitmaken = to constitute a whole
een geheel uitmaken = to form a whole
een geheel van gerelateerde klassen = a set of related classes
één geheel vormen = form a whole
een geheimhoudingsverklaring te ondertekenen = sign a confidentiality agreement
een gehele nieuwe dimensie kreeg = had taken on a whole new dimension
een geheugen en een processor = a memory and a processor
een geheugenelement en een processor voor het aansturen van de beeldsenso = a memory element and a processor for controlling the image sensor
een geheugenelement en een processor voor het aansturen van de beeldsenso = a memory element and a processor for controlling the image sensor
één geïntegreerd platform = "a single, integrated platform"
Een geïntegreerde benadering van = An integrated approach to
een geintje maken = kid
een gekeurd = an approved
een gekoppelde reeks = a coupled series
een gelaagde inrichting volgens de huidige uitvinding = a layered structure according to the present invention
Een gelaagde inrichting volgens één der voorgaande beschrijvingen = A layered structure according to any of the preceding descriptions
een geldig identiteitsbewijs = a valid form identification
een geldig paspoort = a valid passport
een gelegenheid uitbuiten = to make the most of an opportunity
een geleidende mantel = a conductive sheath
een geleider met een centrale kern = a conductor having a central core
Een geleider overeenkomstig conclusie = A conductor according to Claim
Een geleider overeenkomstig één van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the previous claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig één van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the preceding claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig ��n van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the previous claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig ��n van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the preceding claims
een geleider voor bovengronds energietransport = a conductor for overhead power transmission
een geleiderail = a guide rail
een geleidingsprofiel is aangebracht = there is arranged a guide profile
een geliefde = a loved one
een gelijk deel = an equal share
Een gelijkaardige werkwijze = A similar method
Een gelijkaardige werkwijze kan ook worden gebruikt voor = A similar method can also be used for
een gelijke breedte en een verschillende hoogte = an equal width and a different height
"een gelijke spoed, maar een afwijkende kerndiameter hebben" = "have the same pitch, but a different minor diameter"
een gelijke verhouding van = an equal ratio of
een gelijkwaardige woning = an equivalent property
een geluidsdemper = a sound dampener
een gemeenschappelijk doel = a common purpose
een gemeenschappelijk gevoel van streven = a common sense of purpose
een gemeenschappelijke as hebben = have a common shaft
een gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = share a joint household
een gemiddeld kostenvoordeel = an average cost advantage
een gemiddelde = an average
een gemiddelde relatieve toename = an average relative increase
een gemiddelde vakman = one of ordinary skill in the art
een gemiddelde wachttijd = an average waiting time
een gemotiveerd bezwaarschrift = a reasoned (notice of) objection
een geneesmiddel dat zuivert = detergent
een geneesmiddel dat zuivert = washing powder
een genenkaart opstellen = to map the  genome
Een geneste klasse wordt gedeclareerd = A nested class is declared
een geniteur van een kweekbedrijf voor een kruisprogramma = genitor
een genoegennis met u te maken = a pleasure to meet you
een genuanceerd oordeel = a balanced / finely tuned judgement
een gepaste keuze = a suitable selection
een gepaste keuze van = a suitable selection of
een gerechtelijk akkoord aanvragen = to file an application for a composition
een gerechtelijk onderzoek instellen = to bring an action before the court
een gerechtelijk onderzoek instellen = to hold a judicial inquiry
een gerechtelijk verbod te vorderen = to demand an injunction
een gerechtelijke procedure heeft opgestart = initiated legal proceedings
een gerechtvaardigd beroep op overmacht schort de uitvoering van de overe = "in the case of justified force majeure, performance of the agreement will"
een geregistreerd partnerschap aangaan = to enter into a registered civil partnership
een geregistreerd partnerschap aangaan = to enter into a registered partnership
een geregistreerd partnerschap heeft = lives as a registered partner
een geregistreerd partnerschap voeren = to live as registered partners
een geregistreerd partnerschap zijn overeengekomen = have entered into a registered civil partnership
een gericht bestuurlijk en strafrechtelijk optreden = a targeted application of administrative and criminal law
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = lifting is silent
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = silent lifing
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = lifting is silent
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = silent lifing
een geschenk uit de hemel = over the moon
een geschil door dading beslechten = to transact a dispute
een geschil door dading beslechten = unfair
een geschil door dading beslechten = to resolve a dispute
een geschil door dading beslechten = to settle a dispute
Een geschil is aanwezig = A dispute exists
Een geschil is aanwezig indien = A dispute exists if
Een geschil is aanwezig indien één van de partijen zulks stelt = There is a dispute if either of the parties so asserts
een gesloten ondervlak en een open bovenvlak = "a closed lower surface, and an open upper surface."
een gespecificeerde opgave = a specified return
een gespecificeerde opgave = an itemised return
een gespecificeerde opgave = an itemised statement
Een gesprek integreren = Merge a Conversation
een gesprek met de klant = a conversation with the customer
een gesprek of onderhandeling = a conversation or negotiation
een gesprek voeren = converse
een gestaan hebben = be a hit in the charts
een gevaar op besmetting = a risk of contamination
een gevaar vormen voor = endanger
een gevaarlijke situatie welke levensbedreigend is = a dangerous situation that is life-threatening
een gevoel van gemeenschappelijk streven = a common sense of purpose
een gevoel van herkenbaarheid = a sense of familiarity
een gevoel van verlatenheid = a feeling of abandonment
een gevolgtrekking maken = abstract
een gevolgtrekking maken = gather
een gevolgtrekking maken = induce
een gevolgtrekking maken = infer
een gewaarmerkte kopie van = a certified copy of
een gewaarschuwd persoon er minstens twee waard is = forewarned is forearmed
een gewenste hoek = a desired angle
een gewicht heeft van = has a weight of
een gewicht heeft van minstens = has a weight of at least
een gewicht van hoogstens = a weight of at most
een gewicht van minstens = a weight of at least
een gewicht van ongeveer = a weight of about
een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid = a shared responsibility
een gezicht om leer op te kloppen = like the back end of a bus {adj} (very unattractive)
een gezin van twee = a family of two
een gezond binnenklimaat = a healthy indoor climate
een gezond binnenklimaat te verkrijgen = to obtain a healthy indoor climate
een gezonde drang naar kennis = a healthy thirst for knowledge
een gezonde leefomgeving = a healthy living environment
een glas water = a glass of water
een glijvlucht maken = glide
Een globaal overzicht = A general overview
een goed = a good
een goed gelezen vakblad = a widely read trade journal
een goed sociaal klimaat = a good social climate
een goed uitgedacht plan = a carefully thought-out plan
een goede = a good
een goede bibliotheekvoorziening = a good library service
een goede documentatie van incidenten en de betreffende oplossing = clearly documenting incidents and their respective solutions
Een goede finish grade getuigt van het vakmanschap van de slijper. = A good finish grade testifies of the workmanship of the diamond polisher.
een goede legplank = a good shelf
Een goede opleiding maakt het verschil = Proper training makes all the difference
een goede samenvatting van hetgeen is gezegd = a good summary of what has been said
Een goede voorbeeld hiervan = A good example of this
een goede werking van de machine garanderen = guarantee the correct operation of the machine
een goede werking van de sensor = the proper functioning of the sensor
een goede werking voor de afvoer te garanderen = ensure optimal extraction
Een gradueel grotere afstand = A gradually greater distance
een gratis 8 uur-skipas = a free 8-hour ski pass
Een greep uit ons klantenbestand = Some of our customers
Een greep uit onze = A selection of our
een grensoverschrijdende dialoog = a cross-border dialogue
"een groenachtige verbinding, welke ontstaat door contact van bloed met H2" = sulph  hemoglobin: sulfhemoglobin: a greenish derivative of hemoglobin
"een groentje, onervaren" = green {adj} (inexperienced)
een groep van digitale mediabedrijven = a group of digital media companies
een groep verbindingen gevormd door = a group of compounds formed by
Een groep verwijderen = Delete a Group
een groepering = a group
Een groepering opheffen = Ungrouping
een groepering van items = a group of items
een grondexploitatie = a land development project
een grondige dossierkennis = a thorough knowledge of the files
een grondige en diepgaande analyse = a thorough and comprehensive analysis
een groot aantal = a large number of
een groot aantal = a large number
een groot aantal = a variety of
een groot aantal gebruikers = a large number of users
een groot aantal misdaden = a large number of crimes
een groot aantal toepassingen = a large number of applications
"een groot aantal, myriade" = myriad (vast diversity or number)
een groot debiet hebben = to command a ready sale
Een groot deel van onze klanten = A large proportion of our clients
één groot nadeel = one major drawback
Een groot voordeel van deze verzendwijze = A major advantage of this delivery method
een grote diameter heeft = has a large diameter
een grote diversiteit aan werkzaamheden = a wide variety of activities
een grote hoeveelheid informatie = a wealth of information
een grote hoeveelheid informatie = a large amount of information
een grote mate van = a high degree of
een grote mate van duurzaamheid = a high degree of durability
een grote openheid = a high degree of openness
een grote rol = an important role
een Grote Toekomst tegemoet = heading for a Grand Future
een grote vlucht genomen = been booming
een grote vlucht genomen = grown enormously
een grote vlucht genomen = has really taken off
"een grote vooruit!, wreed geholpen!" = thanks for nothing {interj} (unhappy for actual unhelpfulness)
een groter geheel = a larger whole
een groter risico op = a greater risk of
één grotere = one larger
een grotere afstand = a larger distance
een grotere deeltjesgrootte = a larger particle size
een grotere diameter heeft dan de buitendiameter van = is of larger diameter than the outer diameter of
een grotere groep patiënten = a larger group of patients
een grotere oppervlakte = a larger surface area
een grotere weerstand = greater resistance
een gunstige samenloop van omstandigheden = fortuitous circumstances
een gyroscoop = a gyroscope
"een haak, een klem, een drukknop, magnetische middelen of een ander gesch" = "a hook, a clamp, a snap button, magnetic means or another suitable means"
een half miljard = half a billion
een half uur = half an hour
een halve slag = half a turn
een handmatige controle = manual screening
een handmatige taak = a manual task
een handtekening vervalsen = to forge a signature
Een hard gecodeerde waarde = A hard-coded value
een hartgrondige hekel hebben aan = wholeheartedly detest
één hectare = one hectare
een heel palet aan dienstverlening = a whole range of services
een hefplateau = a lifting platform
een heildronk uitbrengen = toast
een heildronk uitbrengen = offer a toast
een hekel hebben aan = dislike
een hele reeks = a variety of
een hele tijd = while
een heleboel = a lot
Een helft van een doos = One half of a box
een hellingspercentage van maximaal = a slope of maximum
een herbruikbare verpakking = a reusable packaging
een hernieuwbare periode van twee jaar = a renewable period of two years
"een hersenschudding veroorzaken, door elkaar schudden" = concuss  (injure the brain)
een hiërarchie van  behoeften = a hierarchy of needs
één hierboven beschreven steunprofiel = one support profile described above
een hiermee samenhangend probleem = a related / an allied problem
een hinderlaag leggen = ambush
een historisch = a historic
een hoek tussen het = an angle between the
een hoek van 90 = an angle of 90
een hoek van 90� vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van 90? vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van 90° = an angle of 90°
een hoek van 90° vormt = forms an angle of 90°
een hoek van 90é vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van een kader = a corner of a frame
een hoek van minstens = an angle of at least
een hoek θ = an angle θ
een hoek θ van minstens = an angle θ of at least
een hoek θ van minstens 90° en hoogstens 180° = an angle θ of at least 90° and at most 180°
een hoek θ van minstens 90° en hoogstens 180° = an angle of at least 90° and at most 180°
een hoekelement voor het monteren van een hoekdraaglat aan een hoek van e = a corner element for mounting a corner support slat to a corner of a fram
een hoeveelheid = some
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit = high capacity and flexibility
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit kunnen samengaan met lage oper = high capacity and flexibility can go together with low operating costs
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit kunnen samengaan met lage oper = high capacity and flexibility can go together with low operating costs an
een hoge graad van beschikbaarheid en beveiliging = a high degree of availability and security
een hoge inzet of betrokkenheid = a high level of commitment or involvement
een hoge vlucht nemen = be a hit
een hoger aantal lagen = larger number of layers
een hoger drukniveau = at a higher pressure
een hoger ingedeelde functie = a job in a higher grade
een hogere algemene reserve = a higher general reserve
een hogere druk tijdens het thermisch modificeren = a higher pressure during thermal modification
een hogere flexibiliteit biden = offer a higher degree of flexibility
een hogere operationele EBITDA = a higher operating EBITDA
een hogere productiviteit = higher productivity
een hol profiel of een massief profiel = a hollow profile or a massive profile
een holistische benadering = a holistic approach
een holte in een muur = a cavity in a wall
een homogene massa is ontstaan = smooth
een honderdste baht = satang
Een hoofddoel van de onderhavige uitvinding = A primary objective of the present invention
een hoofdgedragen apparaat volgens het tweede aspect = a head-mounted device according to the second aspect
een hoog energieverbruik = high energy consumption
een hoog inkomen genieten = enjoy a high income
een hoogte heeft = exhibits a height
een hoogte heeft tussen = exhibits a height between
"een hoogterichting, een breedterichting" = "a height direction, a width direction"
"een hoogterichting, een breedterichting en een invoerrichting" = "a height direction, a width direction and an insertion direction"
een hoogwaardige en duurzame biobrandstof = "a high quality, sustainable biofuel"
een hoop = a lot
een horizontaal deurbeslag = a horizontal track
een houder en een kraag = a holder and a collar
een houder van een recht van vruchtgebruik = a holder of a right of usufruct
een houder voor aansluiten van een lamp = a holder for connecting a lamp
een houder voor een beugel = a casing for an underwire
een houtsoort met een dichtheid begrepen tussen = a type of wood with a density of between
"Een HR-strategie en -beleid definiëren, ontwikkelen en implementeren op " = "Define, develop and implement HR strategy/policy at corporate and/or comp"
een huurovereenkomst is gesloten = a lease was concluded
Een huwelijk of partnerregistratie = a marriage or registered partnership
een huwelijksreis maken = honeymoon  (to travel on a honeymoon)
een hydrolyseerbare bron van tannine = a hydrolysable source of tannin
een hydrolyseerbare tannine of een bron van hydrolyseerbare tannine = a hydrolysable tannin or source of hydrolysable tannin
een hypotheek executeren = to foreclose a mortgage
een ideaal verwezenlijken = to realize an ideal
een idee indienen = submit an idea
een identificatienummer = an identification number
een i-DEPOT indienen = submit an i-DEPOT
een ieder = all the
Een ieder = Everyone
Een ieder = Every
Een ieder = Every one
Een ieder = Each
Een ieder = Apiece
Een ieder = Everybody
Een ieder = Each one
een ieder die betrokken is = everyone involved
een impact met hoge energie = impact with high energy
een impact op de werksfeer en de prestaties = a negative impact on the working environment and performance
een impact van een botsing = an impact of a collision
een impasse in een gesprek of onderhandeling = deadlock in a conversation or negotiation
Een implementatietraject = An implementation process
een in beroep gegeven beslissing = a decision given on appeal
Een in de database aangemaakt SQL account. = a database-generated SQL account
een in de groeve inschuifbaar deel = a part which can be slid into the groove
een in de uitoefening van overheidsgezag verleende dienst = services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority
een in essentie aaneengesloten = a substantially continuous
een in hoofdzaak rechthoekige vorm = a substantially rectangular shape
een in Nederland geldig rijbewijs = a driving licence that is valid in the Netherlands
een in Nederland gelegen natuurterrein dat de hoofdfunctie natuur heeft = natural area primarily used as natural space situated in the Netherlands
een in Nederland gevestigde onderneming = a company established in the Netherlands
Een incident melden = Reporting an incident
een index van een Array = an index of an Array
een informatieaanvraag of een sollicitatie indient = submit a request for information or an application
een informele benadering = an informal approach
een ingang van een gebouw = an entrance of a building
Een ingebouwde palletlift = A built-in pallet lift
een ingeburgerde uitdrukking = an established expression
een initiatief van = an initiative of
een initiërende rol te vervullen = play an initiating role
een inrichting bevattende = a device including
een inrichting die geschikt is voor = a device suitable for
een inrichting omvattende de middelen A en B = a device comprising means A and B
een inrichting volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a device according to the present invention
een inrichting volgens een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = a device according to an embodiment of the present invention
een inrichting volgens het eerste aspect = a device according to the first aspect
een inrichting voor het buigen van materiaal = a device for bending material
een inrichting voor het samenstellen van een reeks satés volgens huidige = a device for composing a series of satays according to the present invent
een inrichting voor het samenstellen van een reeks satés volgens huidige = a device for composing a series of satays according to the present invent
een inrichting voor het verpakken van confiserieproducten = a device for packaging confectionery products
Een inrichting voor het vervaardigen = A device for manufacturing
Een inschakelmechanisme = An engaging mechanism
een inschatting = an estimate
een inschatting gemaakt van de korting = made an estimate of the discount
een Inschrijving voor dit specifieke project = a Tender for this particular project
een inspanningsverbintenis = a best efforts obligation
een installatiebedrijf met kantoren in = installation contractors with offices
één integraal onderdeel vormen = form one integral part
Een integrale benadering van = An integrated approach to
een integrerend bestanddeel uitmaken van = to form an integral part of
een integrerend deel van deze Overeenkomst = an integral part of this Agreement
een internationaal bedrijf = an international company
een interne ruimte afbakenen = define an internal space
een intertie-meeteenheid in een smartphone = an inertial measurement unit in a smartphone
een interventie uit te voeren = take remedial action
Een interview met = An interview with
een investering terugverdienen = to recoup an investment
Een inzageversie van dit rapport = A draft version of this report
Één jaar = One year
een jaar minus een maand = a year less one month
een jaarlijks opgesteld onderhoudsplan = a maintenance plan that is drawn up annually
een Java Virtual Machine = a Java Virtual Machine
Een juist beeld geven = To give a true and fair view
Een juist beeld geven = To present fairly
een juiste uitvoering van de overeengekomen werkzaamheden = for proper implementation of the agreed work
een juridische procedure voeren = to conduct legal proceedings
een kaart van het terrein = a map of the terrain
Één kabel systeem = Single cable system
een kabelbreukbeveiliging = a cable break protection mechanism
een kabeldoorvoer gevormd volgens de huidige uitvinding = a cable entry formed according to the present invention
een kabeldoorvoer volgens de huidige uitvinding = a cable entry according to the present invention
een kader met vijf K(ernwaarden)....die kleuring moeten geven aan = a framework with five K(ey values)...that have to give meaning to...
een kale reis = a disappointing/unsuccessful/fruitless trip/journey
een kamer van het huis = a chamber of the housing
een kanaal voor doorvoer van de kabel = a channel for passage of the cable
een kandidaat contracteren = to sign a contract with a prospect
een kans om nog meer toegevoegde waarde te bieden aan haar klanten = an opportunity to offer its customers even more added value
een kanteling = tilting
Een kanttekening die geplaatst dient te worden = One caveat that should be made
een kapitaal aan materiaal beheren = manage equipment worth a fortune / many millions
een kat in de zak kopen = to buy a pig in a poke
een kat in de zak kopen = accounting year
een kat in de zak kopen = business year
een keer = once
Eén keer = Once
één keer = once
Een keer per jaar of minder = Once a year or less
één keer per kwartaal = once per quarter
een kemel van formaat = a real blunder
een kennisgeving per aangetekende post = a notice sent by registered post
een kettingbeding ten gunste van verkoper en ten laste van koper = a perpetual clause as a benefit to the vendor and as an encumbrance again
een keuze voor efficiëntie = opting for efficiency
een kilo = a kilo
een kindergezicht = baby-faced
een kit die een herbicidesamenstelling omvat = a kit comprising a herbicide composition
een kit voor het omzetten van = a kit for converting
een klacht in te dienen = lodge a complaint
"een klacht indienen, klagen" = complain  (to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge)
een klankbeeld in vogelvlucht = a nostalgic journey through 30 years
een klant die niet tevreden is over = a customer who is not satisfied because of
een klare kijk op... = a clear perspective on
een klasse heeft één superklasse = a class has one superclass
een klasse om primitieve waarden te bewerken = a class to manipulate primitive values
een klasse zonder constructor = a class without a constructor
Een klein aantal diamanten heeft een kleur die afwijkt van het normale ty = Some diamonds have a colour different from the normal type. The most beau
Een klein aantal diamanten heeft een kleur die afwijkt van het normale ty = Some diamonds have a colour different from the normal type. The most beau
een klein beetje = a little
een klein snuifje = a pinch of
een kleine = close
een kleine = for almost
een kleinere deeltjesgrootte hebben = have a smaller particle size
een kleinere maasgrootte heeft dan stap = has a smaller mesh size than step
een kleur naar keuze = a colour of choice
een kleurcodering = a colour code
een klokgestuurde variant = a time-based variant
een knik = a bend
een knik in de richting van = a bend in the direction of
een knoop leggen = knot
een koekje van eigen deeg krijgen [fig.] = to get some of one's own medicine [fig.]
een koerswinst van ruim 8% = a price increase of over 8%
een koop (af)sluiten = to effect a sale
een kopie van = a copy of
een kopie van onderhavig exploot = a copy of the present writ
een kopie van uw paspoort of identiteitspas = A copy of your passport or identity card
een koppeling gemaakt = a relationship is defined
een kopse groef = an end groove
een kopse tand = an end tongue
een kort geding aanspannen tegen = to bring preliminary relief proceedings against
een kort geding aanspannen tegen = to institute preliminary relief proceedings against
een korte introductie = a brief introduction
een korte omschrijving = A short description
een korte omschrijving van de storing = A short description of the fault
Een korte periode studeren in Nederland = A brief period of study in the Netherlands
een korting van = a discount of
een korting van 15% = a 15% discount
een korting van meer dan = a discount of over
een kraag in de richting van de as van de cilindervormige mantel van de h = a collar can be moved in the direction of the axis of the cylindrical she
Een krediet oversluiten = Roll over credit
"een krediet verlenen, verstrekken" = to grant a credit
een kreet slaken = call out
een kruispunt herinrichten = to redesign a crossroads
een kruispunt met een kortere cyclus wacht op dat met de langste cyclus = an intersection with a shorter cycle will wait for one with the longest c
een kwalitatief of kwantitatief onderzoek = a qualitative or quantitative study
een kwalitatieve analyse = a qualitative analysis
een kwaliteitsaanduiding van de verschillende talen = an indication of the quality of the different languages
een kwart = 1/4
een kwart slag = a quarter of a turn
een kwartslag naar rechts = a quarter turn to the right
een kwestie uitzoeken = to sort out a problem
een kwestie van = a matter of
een kwestie van consistentie = a matter of consistency
een kwestie van willen = is a question of will
een laadbak en een bruginrichting = a loading body and a loading ramp
een laag bedekkingsmateriaal = a layer of covering material
een laag energetisch rendement opleveren = delivers a low energy yield
een laag hardschuim en een laag soepel schuim = a layer of rigid foam and a layer of flexible foam
een laatst gekende positie = a last known position
een lage total cost of ownership = a low total cost of ownership
een lager drukniveau = a lower pressure
een land met een overgangseconomie = a country with an economy in transition
Een land of een gebied van doorvoer = A country or area of transit
een landelijk dekkend Retail distributienetwerk = a nationwide retail distribution network
een lange halsketting is het hebbeding van dit seizoen = a long necklace is this season's must-have
een langwerpige plaat die zich in een eerste richting uitstrekt = an elongated plate that extends in a first direction
een last is van onderhavige opdracht = is an obligation under this contract
een last van onderhavige opdracht = an obligation under this contract
een lastig (moeilijk) geval = a difficult case
een lastig (moeilijk) geval = hard
een latex op basis van dispersie polymerisatie = a latex based on dispersion polymerization
een Leaseobject = a Leased Asset
een leerling met een ASS = a student with ASD
een legplank = a shelf
een legplank of een rek = a shelf or a rack
een legplank of een rek of een zitbank = a shelf or a rack or a seat
een legplank of een rek of een zitbank of dergelijke = a shelf or a rack or a seat or the like
een lengte heeft = has a length
een lengte heeft = exhibits a length
een lengte heeft tussen = exhibits a length between
een lengte ongeveer gelijk aan = a length approximately equal to
"een lengterichting, een breedterichting en een dikterichting" = "a longitudinal direction, a width direction and a thickness direction"
een lening onderbrengen = to place a loan
een lening sluiten = contract a loan
een leven lang = lifelong
een levensverzekering afsluiten = to take out a life policy
een leverancier wil benoemen voor de levering van = wishes to appoint a supplier for the supply of
een lezing houden = lecture
een lezing houden (over) = "give a paper on, deliver a lecture on, give a talk on"
een lezing houden over = "to lecture on, to give a paper on, to deliver a lecture on"
Een licentie aanvragen op = Request a license at
"een lichaam, een afdichtingselement en een klemelement" = "a body, a sealing element and a clamping element"
een lichtbron = a light source
één lichtbron = one light source
een lichtbron en een stralingsdetector = a light source and a radiation detector
een lichtbron en meerdere stralingsdetectoren = a light source and multiple radiation detectors
een lichte huidskleur = clear-complexioned
een lichte reactie waarbij histamine vrijkomt = a mild  histamine release reaction
een lichtstroom die door de diffusor wordt doorgelaten = a transmitted light flux through the diffuser
één lid van het = one member of the
een lied aanheffen = intone
één lijn te brengen in = aligning
een lijntje lijm = a line of glue
een lijst maken = list
een lijst met = a list of
een lijst met alle items = a list of all items
een lijst met opsommingstekens = a bulleted list
Een lijst met referentiefuncties = A list of reference jobs
een lijst met veiligheidsfuncties = a list of safety functions
een lijst van producten = a list of products
een linkse of een rechtse = a left-hand or right-hand
Een lip = 1 lip
een lip omvat voor het haken op het frame = comprises a lip for hooking onto the frame
een locale parameter = a local parameter
een locatie = a location
een locatie bepalen = determine a location
een locatie bij u in de omgeving = a location in your area
één loket = one-stop shop
Een long getal wordt aangeduid met = A long number is indicated by
een looptijd heeft van één jaar = a term of one year
een losneembaar in de uitsparing geplaatst label = a label detachably placed in said recess
een losse kamer in Hotel**** SnowWorld = a single room at Hotel**** SnowWorld
een luchtspleet of een hittebestendig vet = an air gap or a heat-resistant grease
een luchtstroom langs de LED’s op het montageoppervlak creëren = create an air flow along the LEDs on the mounting surface
een luis in de pels = a thorn in one\'s side
een lusbewerking uitvoeren = to loop
een lust voor het oog = a sight for sore eyes
een lymfokine die de granulopoïese stimuleert = GM-CSF
één maal per = once a
een maand voor het verlopen van het contract = one month before the contract expires
een maat voor de nauwkeurigheid = a measure of the accuracy
een maatregel doorvoeren = to carry through a measure
een maatregel doorvoeren = to enforce a measure
een maatschappij (vennootschap) oprichten = to form a company
een maatschappij (vennootschap) oprichten = to set up a business
Een machine = A machine
een machine of robot = a machine or robot
een machtigingsformulier in twee talen = a mandate form form in two languages
een magneetveld = a magnetic field
Een maken = Unify
een mal waarbij de minstens twee zijwanden en de eventueel twee bijkomend = a mold in which the at least two side walls and possibly two additional s
een malhelft die de achterzijde van het 3D voorwerp representeert = a mold half that represents the back side of the 3D object
een malhelft die de voorzijde van het 3D voorwerp representeert = a mold half that represents the front side of the 3D object
een map = a folder
een map te kiezen = to select a folder
een markt voor duurzame producten = a market for sustainable products
een marktconform pakket overige arbeidsvoorwaarden = a competitive benefits package
een massief blok materiaal = a solid block of material
een mate van consistentie = a degree of consistency
een mate van consistentie en lineariteit = a degree of consistency and linearity
een materiaal dat wordt gekozen uit = a material selected from the group consisting of
een materiaal gekozen uit de groep bestaande uit = a material selected from the group consisting of
een maximaal overbrugbaar hoogteverschil in het bereik van = a maximum bridgeable height difference in the range of
een maximale breedte van minimaal = a maximum width of at least
een maximale daling = a maximum decrease
een maximale daling van het = a maximum decrease in the
een maximale diameter van = a maximum diameter of
een maximale termijn van drie jaar = A maximum period of three years
een mechanische en een pneumatische component = a mechanical and a pneumatic component
een mechanisme om de lucht uit de zuignap te onttrekken = a mechanism to extract the air from the suction cup
een medewerker van BPM van = a BPM employee of
"een medewerker, klant of partner" = "an employee, customer or partner"
"een medisch hulpmiddel ter aflevering voorhanden te hebben, dan wel af te" = deliver or have a medical device in one’s possession for delivery
een medische oorzaak van de arbeidsongeschiktheid = a medical cause of the incapacity for work
een medische verklaring = a medical certificate
een medische verklaring te overleggen = submit a medical certificate
een meer afgelegen lokatie = a more remote location
Een meer gedetailleerd aanzicht van = A more detailed view of
een meer kwalitatieve of kwantitatieve benadering = a more qualitative or quantitative approach
een meer positieve benadering = a more positive approach
een meer uniforme dikte = a more uniform thickness
een meerderheid van ten minste twee derde van de stemmen = a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes
één meerlagige coating = one multilayer coating
een meervoud van ribben = a plurality of ribs
een melding geven = tag
een meldingsplicht voor het doorgeven van veranderingen = a duty to report any changes
een member van z'n superklasse = a member of its superclass
een mengsel van twee of meer = a mixture of two or more
een menu verder = go to the next screen
een met de camera vergelijkbaar product = a product similar to the camera
een met dit kort geding vergelijkbaar resultaat kunnen bereiken = can achieve a result comparable to that of the interim measures
een met GLB-steun vergelijkbare nationale regeling = CAP-like national scheme
een methode met array argument = a method with an array argument
een methode te overschrijven = override a method
een methode van de ene klasse = a method from one class
een methode voor het monteren van een hoekdraaglat aan twee hoeken van ee = a method for mounting a corner support slat at two corners of a frame
een methode wordt aangeroepen vanuit een variabele = a method is called from a variable
een methode zoals hierboven beschreven = a method as described above
een meting van de snelheid van de bloedstroom = vascular  doppler
een middel / plan uitdenken = invent / devise / think up a means / plan
een miljoen vierhonderdvijfenveertigduizend tweehonderdeenenzeventig = one million four hundred forty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-one
een minder frequente gegevensuitwisseling met de server = a less frequent exchange of data with the server
een minimale Debt Service Capacity Ratio (DSCR) = a minimum Debt Service Capacity Ratio (DSCR)
een minimale inspanning van de persoon vergt = requires minimal effort on the part of the person
een minimum aan beheer en onderhoud = minimal maintenance and management
een minimum aan inspanning = a minimum of effort
een minimum voorraadniveau = A minimum stock level
een minnelijke schikking van een zaak tot stand doen komen = to effect a settlement of a matter
een minnelijke schikking van een zaak tot stand doen komen = to secure a settlement of a matter
een minor volgen = take a minor
een miskraam krijgen = abort
een mix van = a combination of
een mobiel apparaat = a mobile device
een mobiel toestel = a mobile device
Een mobiel toestel met een geheugen = A mobile device with a memory
een mobiliteitsmonitoringsysteem voor het bepalen van mobiliteit of mobil = a mobility monitoring system for determining mobility or mobility changes
een mobiliteitsmonitoringsysteem voor het bepalen van mobiliteit of mobil = a mobility monitoring system for determining mobility or mobility changes
een modulair opgebouwd = a modularly constructed
een modulaire draagstructuur = a modular supporting structure
een modulaire oplossing wordt bekomen = a modular solution is obtained
een module doen = to take a module
Een module doen = To take a module
een modus vinden om met iemand om te gaan = come to terms with someone
een modus vinden om met iemand om te gaan = work out a way to deal with someone
een moeilijkheid omzeilen = to obviate a difficulty
een mogelijke alarmsituatie zich voordoet = a possible alarm situation is occurring
Een mogelijkheid zou geweest kunnen zijn = Another option would have been
een moment = a few minutes
Een moment a.u.b. = "Just a minute, please"
een monopolist is = holds a monopoly
een MOOC = a MOOC
een mooie plaats te geven in de rekken = give it a good spot on the shelves
een moratorium afkondigen = to proclaim (announce) a moratorium
een motor die representatief is voor het goed te keuren type = An engine representative of the type to be approved
een motor voor de aandrijving van de banden = a motor for driving the belts
een motorvoertuig dat met een model van het door de overeenkomst bestreke = motor vehicle which corresponds to a model within the contract range
Een multidisciplinair team = A multidisciplinary team
een multimedia server = a multimedia server
een muur omvattende een gelaagde inrichting = a wall comprising a layered structure
"een muur, een wand" = "a wall, a partition"
een muzieklicentie afnemen = take out a music licence
een na de navigatiefout opgekomen omstandigheid = a situation that occurred after the navigation error
een naamloze vennootschap naar het recht van de Republiek Frankrijk = a societe anonyme (S.A.) under the laws of France
Een nadeel = A disadvantage
Een nadeel van deze methode = A disadvantage of this method
Een nadeel van deze methode is dat er tijdens het vullen (eerst gasvormig = A disadvantage of this method is that propane is lost during filling (fir
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = closer examination
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = closer investigation
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = to make further inquiries into
een nader te bepalen locatie = yet to be determined location
een nader te bepalen RAL-kleur = other RAL colour to be determined by the customer
een nadere begripsbepaling = a more detailed definition
een nadere invulling = to further detail
een nagenoeg rechthoekige vorm hebben = have a substantially rectangular shape
een namens Werkgever aangeboden re-integratietraject of proefplaatsing = a rehabilitation programme or trial placement offered on behalf of Employ
een nat pak krijgen = get wet
een nauwkeurige bepaling van een positie = an accurate determination of a position
een Nederlandse en een Duitse agent = a Dutch and a German officer
een neerwaartse duwbeweging = a downward pushing movement
een negatief advies uitbrengen = to deliver a negative opinion
een negatief effect heeft op koeling van het rookgas = has a negative effect on cooling of the flue gas
een negatief resultaat afleveren = have a negative result
een negatieve waarde retourneert = returns a negative value
een neiging tot verkeerd zijn = error-prone
een neiging tot verkeerd zijn = fault-prone
een nest maken = nest
een netto tegemoetkoming = a net allowance
een netwerk creëren = create a network
een netwerk van ervaren collega’s = a network of experienced colleagues
een niet op het grondgebied van de Gemeenschap gevestigde belastingplicht = A taxable person not established in the territory of the Community
een niet te verwaarlozen hoeveelheid = A not inconsiderable amount
een niet-gecontracteerde = a non-contracted care provider
een niet-geknikt gedeelte = a non-bent portion
een niet-geknikt gedeelte 56 en een geknikt gedeelte 58 = a non-bent portion 56 and a bent portion 58
een niet-geweven materiaal = a non-woven material
een niet-limiterend voorbeeld dat de uitvinding illustreert = a non-limiting example illustrating the invention
een nieuw feit of een nieuwe omstandigheid bekend is geworden = a new fact or a new circumstance has become known
Een nieuw kruispuntprogramma te installeren = Install a new intersection program
een nieuwe auto bestellen = order a new car
een nieuwe database creëren = create a new database
Een nieuwe financiële injectie = a new financial injection
een nieuwe iteratie van = a new iteration of
een nieuwe jasje = gets a new look
een nieuwe jasje = has been redecorated
een nieuwe jasje = in a new guise
Een Nieuwe Koers (‘A New Direction’) = een Nieuwe Koers
een nieuwe leer vestigen = establish a new school (of thought)
een nieuwe leverdatum vaststellen = establish a new delivery date
een nieuwe manier van samenwerken = a new way of working together
een nieuwe masteropleiding = a new master’s programme
een nieuwe of verrassende aanpak = a new or surprising approach
een nieuwe omschrijving = a new description
een nieuwe patchkabel = a new patch cable
een nieuwe rij geformeerd = a new row is formed
een nieuwe serie = a new line of
een nieuwe serie draai- en schuifdeuren = a new line of hinged and sliding doors
een nieuwe standaard = a new standard
een nieuwe tewerkstelling = a new posting
Een nieuwe vergadering starten… = Start a New Conference...
een nieuwe versie te uploaden = upload a new version
Een nieuwe voorraad = A fresh supply
een nog beter beeld te krijgen = to paint an even clearer picture
een nog krokantere bite = are even crunchier
een nog te bepalen aantal = a yet to be determined number
een nominaal gelijkblijvende inkomenstoeslag = a flat-rate income supplement
een noodverband aanleggen = to patch
een normaal gesprek voeren = have a conversation
een normaal verlopend productie- proces = a normal production process
een normaal verlopend productie- proces te stoppen = stop a normal production process
een normaal verlopend productie-proces = a normal production process
"een normale, kalme of drukke spits" = "a normal, calm or busy rush hour"
een notering aan NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = a listing on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam
een numeriek overwicht hebben = to outnumber
een object en zijn omgeving = an object and its environment
een object naar een subklasse te casten = to cast an object to a subclass
een object van de klasse = an object of the class
een of ander = some kind of
een of andere = some kind of
één of beide partijen = Both or either party
één of beide uiteinden = one or both ends
één of beide uiteinden van de koker tijdelijk en/of gedeeltelijk afdich = temporarily and/or partially sealing one or both ends of the tube
één of beide uiteinden van de koker tijdelijk en/of gedeeltelijk afdich = temporarily and/or partially sealing one or both ends of the tube
een of een combinatie van = any or any combination of
een of een combinatie van het volgende = any or any combination of the following
een of elke combinatie van = any or any combination of
een of enkele = one or a few
een of meer = one or more
één of meer = one or more
één of meer andere kenmerken = one or more other features
een of meer andere personen = one or more other persons
één of meer bepalingen van deze arbeidsovereenkomst = one or more provisions of this employment contract
één of meer catch blokken = one or more catch blocks
één of meer der tot ondertekening verplichten = one or more of the parties required to sign
Eén of meer doseringsvormen = One or more dosage form
één of meer elementen = one or more elements
een of meer experten op afstand = one or more remote experts
één of meer frames van de videofeed = one or more frames of the video feed
een of meer gebruikers op afstand = one or more remote users
een of meer kleurstoffen = one or more colorants
één of meer kostprijsfactoren = one or more cost-determining factors
Een of meer medewerkers = One or more employees
een of meer ruimtes = one or more rooms
één of meer specifieke doelgroepen = one or more specific target groups
één of meer stroken = one or more strips
één of meer uitvoeringsvormen = one or more embodiments
één of meer verplichtingen = one or more obligations
een of meer zoetstoffen = one or more sweeteners
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
één of meerdere = one or more
één of meerdere = one or several
één of meerdere activiteiten = one or more activities
één of meerdere afzonderlijke motors = one or more separate motors
één of meerdere andere richtingen = one or more other directions
één of meerdere audio-ingangskanalen = one or more audio input channels
één of meerdere batterijen = one or more batteries
één of meerdere bepalingen = one or more provisions
één of meerdere bepalingen van deze Overeenkomst = one or more provisions of this Agreement
één of meerdere bijkomende plaatsen = one or more additional locations
één of meerdere centrale = one or more central
één of meerdere centrale verwerkingseenheden en een dataopslagsysteem = one or more central processing units and a data storage system
één of meerdere confiserieproducten = one or more confectionery products
Een of meerdere contacten = One or more contacts
één of meerdere discrete frequenties = one or more discrete frequencies
één of meerdere effectieve kanalen = one or more effective channels
één of meerdere eindverpakkingslijnen = one or more final packaging lines
één of meerdere elektronische sensoren = one or more electronic sensors
één of meerdere elementen = one or more elements
een of meerdere gebruikers = one or more users
één of meerdere gekoppelde verkeersregelaars = one or more connected traffic-signal controllers
één of meerdere glassecties = one or more glass sections
één of meerdere kanalen = one or more channels
één of meerdere lagen = one or more layers
één of meerdere materialen geselecteerd uit de groep = one or more materials selected from the group of
één of meerdere of alle = one or more or all
één of meerdere openingen = one or more apertures
één of meerdere openingen voor het ontvangen van = one or more openings for receiving
één of meerdere parameters waaronder de beeldsensor opereert = one or more parameters under which the image sensor operates
één of meerdere personen in één of meerdere gebouwen = one or more people in one or more buildings
één of meerdere persoonsgegevens = one or more personal data items
één of meerdere retractoren = one or more retractors
één of meerdere seintoestanden overslaan = skip one or more signal states
een of meerdere sensoren = one or more sensors
één of meerdere sensoren = one or more sensors
één of meerdere structuren = one or more structures
één of meerdere te visualiseren niet-visuele output genererende instrum = one or more non-visual output-generating instruments to be visualized fro
één of meerdere te visualiseren niet-visuele output genererende instrum = one or more non-visual output-generating instruments to be visualized fro
één of meerdere uitsteeksels en/of ??n of meerdere holtes = one or more projections and/or one or more cavities
één of meerdere uitsteeksels en/of één of meerdere holtes = one or more projections and/or one or more cavities
één of meerdere van = one or more of
één of meerdere van de = one or more of the
één of meerdere van de in de PDC vastgestelde Diensten en Producten = one or more of the Services and Products identified in the PSC
één of meerdere van de verbindingselementen kunnen zich aan de binnenka = one or more of the connecting elements may be located on the inside of th
één of meerdere van de verbindingselementen kunnen zich aan de binnenka = one or more of the connecting elements may be located on the inside of th
een of meerdere van de volgende middelen = one or more of the following means
één of meerdere van dergelijke materialen = one or more of such materials
één of meerdere van onderstaande principes = one or more of the following principles
één of meerdere ventilatiecollectoren = one or more air collectors
één of meerdere ventilators = one or more fans
één of meerdere verwarmelementen gepositioneerd op een zijwand van de b = one or more heating elements positioned on a side wall of the treatment c
één of meerdere verzekeringen = one or more insurance policies
één of meerdere verzekeringen afgesloten = taken out one or more insurance policies
een of meerdere vloeren = one or more floors
een of meerdere waarden = one or more values ​
een of meerdere waarden = one or more values ?
één of meerdere waarden = one or more values
één of meerdere waarden bekomen via een inertie-meeteenheid = one or more values obtained via an inertial measurement unit
één of meerdere warmtewisselaars = one or more heat exchangers
een- of meermaals = once or several times
één of twee = one or two
één of twee richtingen = one or two directions
één- of twee-dimensionale informatie = one or two-dimensional information
één- of tweetrapssystemen = single or two-stage systems
een offerte voor individuele voortzetting = a quote for continuation on an individual basis
een omgebogen kant = a bent back side
een omgeving die voortdurend in beweging is = an environment that is constantly changing
een omnichannel approach = an omnichannel approach
een omschrijving van = a description of
Een omschrijving van de kleur = A description of the colour
een omstandigheid = a circumstance
een omstandigheid die een zorgvuldig afzender van de ten vervoer ontvange = a circumstance that a prudent consignor of the goods received for transpo
een omstandigheid die een zorgvuldig passagier heeft kunnen vermijden en  = circumstances which a prudent passenger should have been able to avoid an
Een onafhankelijke auditor = An independent auditor
Een onbekende vrouw = An unknown woman
een onderbouwing = support
een onderdeel van = a subsidiary of
een ondergrond welke oneven kan zijn = a surface which may be uneven
Een onderneming oprichten = To found a company
een onderneming sluiten = closing down of firm
een onderscheid te maken in hoofd- en bijzaken = distinguish between essentials and non-essentials
een onderscheid worden gemaakt tussen = A distinction will be made between
een onderzijde = a bottom side
een onderzijde van = a bottom side of
een onderzoek gestart = launched an investigation.
een onderzoek in te (doen) stellen = "to conduct an investigation, or have an investigation conducted"
Een onderzoek kan verschillen qua lengte en omvang = An inquiry can vary in length and scope
Een onderzoek naar = A study of
een onderzoek verrichten = to carry out an examination/investigation
een onderzoekende houding aannemen = adopting an inquisitive attitude
Een oneindige kringloop. = An endless cycle.
een ongeluk krijgen = have an accident
een ongeval = an accident
een onherroepelijk vonnis = irrevocable/irreversible/final judgement
een onherroepelijk vonnis of arrest = final judgement conviction or ruling
een onkostennota indienen = to submit an expense claim form
een onkostenvergoeding van = an expense allowance
een onlosmakelijk deel = an integral part
een onmiddellijk opeisbare boete = an immediately payable penalty
een onmisbare schakel = a vital link
een onmogelijke wijziging in positie = an impossible change in position
een Onroerende zaak = an Immovable Property
een onschuldige hand = an impartial observer
een ontbrandingsmotor zijn zoals een benzinemotor of een dieseéén of me = one or more batteries
een ontbrandingsmotor zijn zoals een benzinemotor of een dieselmotor = a spark-ignition engine such as a petrol engine or a diesel engine
een ontruiming begeleiden = supervise an evacuation
een ontruimingsprocedure voeren = to conduct eviction proceedings
een ontsteking van de slokdarm = Barrett's  esophagus
een ontsteking van de vaatkluwens in de nierschors = Bright disease
een ontvangstbewijs geven = receipt  (to give a receipt)
een ontwerpmatige bevraging = design-based approach
één onverbrekelijk geheel met = form an inseparable whole with
een onverwachte hindernis = an unexpected obstacle
Een onvolkomenheid in de Programmatuur = A flaw in the Software
een onzekerheid van materieel belang bestaat = a material uncertainty exists
een oogje in het zeil houden = keep an eye on things
Een op Cloud gebaseerd data-analyseplatform = A cloud-based data analysis platform
Een op een = 1:1
één op één = one-to-one
één op één = one on one
een op één brandstof rijdend voertuig = Mono-fuel vehicle
één op één vergelijkbaar = compared one-to-one
een op functionele eisen afgestemd ontwerp = based on functional requirements
een op innovatie gerichte opleiding op masterniveau = a master’s-level programme focused on innovation
een op twee brandstoffen rijdend voertuig = Bi-fuel vehicle
een op twee brandstoffen rijdend voertuig of bi-fuelvoertuig': een voertu = a bi-fuel vehicle
een op Verwerker van toepassing zijnde = that applies to Data Processor
een op voorhand bepaalde = a predetermined
"één op, één neer binding" = one-up-one-down weave
"één op, vijftien neer" = one-up-fifteen-down
"één op, vijftien neer" = one-up-fifteen-down weave
"één op, zeven neer" = one-up-seven-down weave
"één op, zeven neer" = one-up-seven-down
een opdracht plaatsen bij = to award a contract to
een opdracht plaatsen bij = to place an order with
een opdracht tot terugboeking geven = to request a reversal of the transaction
een opeenstapeling van meerdere lagen = a stack of multiple layers
een open deur intrappen = preach to the choir  (speaking to those that already believe)
een open uiteinde = an open end
een opening = an opening
een open-source framework = an open-source framework
een operationele marge van = an operating margin of
een opgerolde en een vlakke toestand = a rolled-up and a flat state
één ophangpunt in het frame = one suspension point in the frame
een oplossing in water = a solution in water
een oplossing of een gedispergeerde fase van monomeren = a solution or dispersed phase of monomers
een oplossing van het geschil = settlement of the dispute
een oppervlak van de laadruimte van een vrachtvoertuig = a surface of the load compartment of a carrier vehicle
een oppervlak van een laadruimte van een vrachtvoertuig = a surface of a load compartment of a carrier vehicle
een opstaande muur = an upright wall
een opstaande muur of dergelijke = an upright wall or the like
een opstaande wand of een vloer of een dak = an upstanding wall or a floor or a roof
een optie op = an option on
Een optie uitoefenen = To exercise an option
een optierecht uitoefenen = to exercise a right of option
een optimale configuratie = an optimal configuration
een optioneel onderdeel is van = is an optional part of
een optisch sensorsysteem = an optical sensor system
een optisch transmissiesignaal = an optical transmission signal
een optisch transmissie-signaal = an optical transmission signal
een optische sensor = an optical sensor
één optische vezel = a single optical fibre
een opvallend kenmerk van het = a distinctive feature of the
Een opvallende vaststelling = A point worth noting
Een opvouwbare container volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = A foldable container according to the current embodiment
een opwaarts uitstrekkende paal = an upwardly extending post
een opwaartse en een neerwaartse beweging = an upward and downward movement
een opzegtermijn van 1 maand = a notice period of one month
"een orale zachte gummy geschikt voor kauwen, zuigen of buccale oplossing " = "an oral soft gummy suitable for chewing, sucking, or buccal dissolution a"
Een organisatie moet ten minste inzicht geven in = An organisation should at least provide insight into
een over de jaren voortbouwend programma = a structurally progressive programme
Een overbrengmachine (1) volgens conclusie = A transfer machine (1) according to claim
"Een overbrengmachine (1) volgens één van de voorgaande conclusies, daar" = "A transfer machine (1) according to any of the previous claims, character"
Een overeengekomen leveringstermijn = An agreed delivery period
Een overeengekomen leveringstermijn geldt bij benadering = Agreed delivery periods are approximate
een overeenkomst aangaan = to enter into an agreement
een overeenkomst afwikkelen = to complete a contract
een overeenkomst afwikkelen = to fulfil a contract
een overeenkomst eenzijdig annuleren = to cancel an agreement unilaterally
een overeenkomst gestand doen = to fulfil a contract
een overeenkomst gestand doen = to perform a contract
een overeenkomst getekend = signed an agreement
een overeenkomst is aangegaan = has entered into an agreement
een overeenkomst komt eerst dan tot stand nadat = an agreement does not come into effect until
een overeenkomst komt tot stand = a contract is concluded
een overeenkomst komt tot stand door een aanbod en de aanvaarding daarvan = a contract is concluded by an offer and its acceptance
een overeenkomst tot stand brengen = to effect an agreement
een overgedragen Schuldvordering = a transferred Claim
"een overmaatse fractie, een middelgrote fractie en een ondermaatse fracti" = "an oversize fraction, a midsize fraction and an undersize fraction"
een overnametransportband en een pinnentrommel of een pinnentransportband = a transfer conveyor belt and a spiked drum or a spiked conveyor belt
Een overschreven methode = An overridden method
Een overschrijding ontstaat = An overrun occurs
een overslag die afsluitbaar is = velcro-closable overlap
een overstroming in een krimpregio = a flood in a shrinking rural region
een overwegend belang in een onderneming hebben = paramount
een overwegend belang in een onderneming hebben = to have a controlling interest in a company
een overwegende invloed op aanwijzing der winnaars = exerts a dominant influence on the choice of winners
een overzicht te hebben = have an overview of
een overzicht te hebben gegeven = outlined
Een overzicht van = An overview of
een overzicht van de vacaturegegevens = a summary of the job details
een overzicht van geselecteerde items = a report of selected items
een overzicht van leveranciers van proces- en verpakkingsmachines = an overview of process and packaging machinery suppliers
een P95 figuur = a person with body dimensions ‘P95’
een paar = a few
een paar achtergrondvragen = a few background questions
een paar hapjes = a few bites
Een paar jaar geleden kreeg ik een nieuwe groep mensen te leiden = A few years ago I was asked to manage a new group of people
een paar kanttekeningen = a few observations
een paar keer per week = a few times a week
Een paar niet aangedreven loopkatten = a pair of non-driven travelling crabs
een paar sneden = a pair of cuts
Een paar tips = Here are a few tips
een paar uitsteeksels = a pair of projections
een paar uitstulpingen = a pair of protuberances
een paar uitstulpsels = a pair of protuberances
een paar vormend = even
een paar zijwanden = a pair of side walls
een pakket referentiefuncties = a set of reference jobs
een pallet te herstapelen = restack a pallet
een pallet van sectie naar sectie transporteren = transport a pallet from section to section
een paneel met een display = a panel with a display
een paraaf zetten = to initial
een parade afnemen = review
een paraplu opsteken / opzetten = put up an umbrella
een parkeerplaats = a parking space
een parti?le stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een partiële rechtskeuze doen = to make a partial choice of law
een partiéle stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een partiële stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een parti�le stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een passend stelsel van maatregelen = an appropriate system of measures
een passende aanbieding = a suitable offer
een passende oplossing = a suitable solution
een passende oplossing aan te bieden = offer an appropriate solution
een passieve wapening in het beton wordt aangebracht = a passive reinforcement is provided in the concrete
een pati?nt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patiënt die daaraan behoefte heeft = a subject in need thereof
een patiént steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patiënt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patient voor te bereiden op een chirurgische ingreep = prepare a patient for a surgical procedure
een pati�nt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patroon van opeenvolgende steeds kleinere lussen = a pattern of successively smaller loops
Een pay-off waarmaken = deliver on our promise
een pelgrimstocht maken = go on pilgrimage
een pensionkostenvergoeding = an accommodation allowance
een pensionkostenvergoeding van = an accommodation allowance of
één per keer = one at a time
een per saldo eenmalige bate van = non-recurring income and costs with a net effect of
een per saldo positieve herwaardering van de portefeuille = a net gain on the portfolio
"een perceel grond gelegen aan de ABCweg te Utrecht, kadastraal bekend Gem" = "a parcel of land situated at ABCweg in Utrecht, recorded in the land regi"
Een perceel waarop bedrijfsactiviteiten worden verricht door een ondernem = A plot on which company activities are performed by a venture in the sens
Een perfecte oplossing voor = The perfect solution for
Een perfecte oplossing voor kleine ondernemingen. = The perfect solution for small businesses.
een perfecte rechte hoek = a perfect right angle
een perfecte rondist = a perfect girdle
een perfecte vierkante vorm = a perfectly square shape
een perimeter in het terrein = a perimeter in the terrain
een periode = a period
een personal computer = a personal computer
Een persoon aan de oproep toevoegen = Add a Person to the Call
een persoon bezoeken = visit a person
een persoon die daartoe is geautoriseerd = a person authorised to do so
een persoon die een openbaar ambt bekleedt = a person holding a public office
een persoon die hard werkt = a  hard-working person
een persoon die lijdt aan een of meer van = a subject suffering from one or more of
een persoon die onvermogend is = a person of limited means
één persoon in één gebouw = one person in one building
een persoon met een ASS = a person with an ASD
een persoon met jaren ervaring = a person with years of experience
een persoon met medische kwalificaties = a person with medical qualifications
Een persoon van gelijke sekse = A person of the same sex
een persoonlijkheid = a person
een persoonsgegeven = a personal data item
een persoonsgegeven = an item of personal data
Een persoonsgegeven is elk gegeven betreffende een geïdentificeerde of i = Personal data is any data relating to an identified or identifiable perso
een perspectief zicht weergeven = show a perspective view
"een perspectieftekening, een explosietekening en een dwarse doorsnede" = "a perspective drawing, an exploded view and a cross section"
een pinnentransportband en een overnametransportband = a spiked conveyor belt and a transfer conveyor belt
een pixel van Facebook = a Facebook Pixel
een plaat draaien = to play a record
een plaat van een plafond = a board of a ceiling
een plaats aanhalen = cite a passage
een plaats bezoeken = visit a place
een plaats ophogen = raising a site
een plaatsbepaling = a position fix
een plaatselijke instantie = a local authority
een plan van aanpak = plan of attack
een plank of bekleding of dergelijke = a board or covering or the like
een plank of plaat aangebracht op de minstens twee draagarmen = a shelf or board applied to the at least two support arms
een plas doen = urinate
een platform op maat van = a platform tailored to
een plattegrond van een gebouw = a floorplan of a building
een pleidooi houden voor = to plead in favour of
een pleidooi houden voor = to submit arguments
een plek buiten de camera = a location outside of the camera
een plek krijgen = "be taken on board/be considered/included, etc."
een plotselinge ommekeer in zijn houding = a sudden change in his attitude
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet"
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet, een vloeistof" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet, a liquid"
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet, een vloeistof of een pasta" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet, a liquid or a paste"
Een polis afkopen = To surrender a policy
een polis onderschrijven = to take out a policy
"een polymeer, bij voorkeur een polyolefine, zoals polyethyleen (PE), poly" = "a polymer, preferably a polyolefin, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropyl"
een polymeercompositie met antimicrobiële werking = a polymer composition having antimicrobial activity
een pompeenheid = a pump unit
een pompsysteem = a pump system
een pool voor zware risico's = high-risk pool
een poort of een deur = a gate or door
Een positie innemen = To take a position
een positie van de balk tussen het inklemmechanisme volgens de doorvoerri = a position of the beam between the clamping mechanism according to the fe
een positie van de balk tussen het inklemmechanisme volgens de doorvoerri = a position of the beam between the clamping mechanism according to the fe
een positief oordeel geven over = to deliver a favourable recommendation on
een positieve maatschappelijke impact = a positive social impact
"een poster is te groot, een boek is te zwaar" = "a poster is too large, and a book too heavy"
een praatje = having a chat
Een praatje maken = Chatting
een pre = an advantage
een prefab huis / woning = prefab (zn)
een premievrije pensioenopbouw hebben = to build up a non-contributory pension
een presentatie of demonstratie = a presentation or demonstration
een prettige dag verder = have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye)
een preventieve last onder dwangsom op te leggen = to impose an order subject to a penalty
een prijs contractueel vastleggen = to fix a price by contract
een prijs toekennen = award a prize
een primair impactelement voor het opvangen van een impact van een botsin = a primary impact member for absorbing an impact of a collision
een probleem doorspelen aan iemand anders = pass a problem on to someone else
een probleem kan vormen = can be a problem
een procedure aanhangig is gemaakt = proceedings are not brought
een proces aanspannen tegen = prosecute
een proces aanspannen tegen = sue
één processor die instructies uitvoert die zijn opgeslagen in het geheu = one processor which executes instructions which are stored in the memory
een proces-verbaal krijgen = be cited
een proces-verbaal krijgen = be reported
een proces-verbaal krijgen = given a citation
een product of een werkwijze = a product or a method
een productiviteitsverlies = a productivity loss
een productlift = a product lift
een proef uitgevoerd = conducted a trial
een proefbalans trekken = to extract a trial balance
een proeve van bekwaamheid afleggen = to sit a test of competence
een profieldikte tussen = a profile thickness between
Een project dat gerealiseerd wordt in een industriële omgeving = A project carried out in an industrial environment
een project opleveren = deliver a project
een publiek van specialisten of niet specialisten = an audience of specialists and non-specialists
een punt compenseren (met) = compensate for a mark (with)
één raam = one window
een raamwerk voor het schatten van een locatie = a framework for estimating a location
een RAL-kleur naar keuze = any desired RAL colour
Een rapport waarin de resultaten van de controle zijn opgenomen = a report containing the results of the inspection
een rapportage = a report
een ras waarvan de benaming geen bijzondere betekenis verkregen heeft = a variety the denomination of which has acquired no special significance
een reactie = a response
een realistisch beeld geeft van = gives a realistic picture of
een recht niet uitoefenen = to relinquish/to abandon a right
een rechtskeuze voor Engels recht = a choice for English law
een rechtsvordering instellen tegen = to bring a claim against
een rechtsvordering instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een redelijk belang is geschaad = a reasonable interest is damaged/injuriously affected
een redelijk rendement op hun investeringen te behalen = achieve a reasonable return on their investment
een redelijke mate van zekerheid = reasonable assurance
een redelijke oplossing bieden = offer a reasonable solution
een redelijke termijn is gegund = has been given a reasonable period
een redelijke termijn tot nakoming = a reasonable period of time for fulfilment
een redelijke termijn wordt gegund om alsnog na te komen = has been given a reasonable period in which to meet its obligations
een reden om ontslag om dringende reden = a reason for dismissal for just cause
een reductie van het energieverbruik = a reduction of the energy consumption
een reeds geplaatste kabel = an already installed cable
een reeks 1’en en 0’en = a series of 1s and 0s
een reeks eivastneemorganen van een overlegmachine = a series of egg-grabbing instruments of a transfer machine
Een reeks gestandaardiseerde richtlijnen = A set of standardised guidelines
een reeks opeenvolgende inwendige impactelementen = a series of subsequent inner impact members
een reeks satés = a series of satays
een reeks van aanbevelingen = a series of recommendations
een reeks van magneten = a series of magnets
een reeks van producten of diensten = a series of products or services
een reeks van samenhangende gebeurtenissen = a series of connected incidents
een reeks van satés = a series of satays
een reeks van ten minste twee paar sneden = a series of at least two pairs of cuts
een reeks zuignappen = a series of suction cups
een reflectiesignaal = a reflection signal
een regel te selecteren = selecting a line
een regelbare klep (10 = a controllable valve (10
een regelmatig en betrouwbaar schema = a regular and reliable schedule
Een registratie van = A record of
een registratie van de verrichte werkzaamheden = a record of the Services performed
Een registratiehouder zoeken = find a registrar
een regresactie instellen tegen = recovery action [see notes!]
een regresactie instellen tegen = to have recourse against
een reis van duizend mijlen begint met een enkele stap = a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a jour
een reiskostenvergoeding = a travel allowance
een rek of een legplank of een bank = a rack or a shelf or a seat
een rekening blokkeren = to freeze an account
Een rekening debiteren = To debit an account
Een rekening die een buitenlandse bank aanhoudt bij een Nederlandse bank. = Vostro account
een rekening laten oplopen = accrued dividend
een rekening laten oplopen = to run up an account
een relatief breed golflengtebereik = a relatively broad wavelength range
een relatief gelijke positie ten opzichte van het draagoppervlak van de o = maintain a relatively equal position with respect to the bearing surface
een relatief groot aantal lagen = a relatively large number of layers
een relatief stille gevel = a relatively quiet façade
een relationele databank = a relational database
een rente worden vergoed gelijk aan de wettelijke rente = interest equal to the statutory rate of interest
een reservoir volgens conclusie = a reservoir according to claim
een respons moet invoeren = must enter a response
een resultaat beogen = are intended to produce a result
een return statement bevatten = contain a return statement
een richting hebbend = unidirectional
een richting loodrecht op = a direction perpendicular to
een richting loodrecht op de lengterichting = a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction
een rij in de groep = a row in the group
een risico voor gezondheid en veiligheid = a risk to health and safety
een rittenadministratie bij te houden = keep a kilometre record
een rittenadministratie bijhouden = keep a kilometre log
een roadmap voor de doorontwikkeling = a roadmap for the development
een robuuste en betrouwbare aanwezigheidsdetectie met een verborgen aanwe = a robust and reliable detection of occupancy with a hidden occupancy dete
een robuuste productlift = a robust product lift
een rode kleur hebben = be red
een rode kleur heeft = is red
een rode kleur moeten hebben = must be red
een rol toewijzen/geven = cast  (assign a role in a play or performance)
één rollenbaan voor aan- en afvoer = a single roller conveyor for supply and removal
een rooster heeft = who is scheduled to work
een ruim assortiment = a wide range of
een ruimte = a space
een ruimte gecre?erd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecreéerd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecreëerd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecre�erd wordt = a space is created
een ruwe wand = an unfinished wall
een samengestelde configuratie = a combination setup
een samenhangend beleid = a coherent policy
een samenhangend verhaal = a coherent / connected story
een samenstel van meerdere machines = a combination of multiple machines
een samenstel volgens het eerste aspect = an assembly according to the first aspect
een samenstel waarbij de verschillende onderdelen van een inrichting gegr = an assembly in which the different parts of a device are grouped on a fra
een samenstelling omvat volgens één der conclusies = comprises a composition according to any of the claims
een samenstelling van onderdelen = a composition of components
een samenwerking met SHpartners = working with SHpartners
een Samenwerkingsoverleg = a Cooperation meeting
een samenwerkingsproject tussen = a collaborative project between
een samenwerkingsproject tussen grote = a collaborative project between major
een satijn 8-binding = an 8-harness satin weave
een schade vergoed krijgen = be compensated for a loss
een schadevergoeding wegens ontbinding van de verkoop te eisen = receive compensation for the cancellation of the sale
een schatting = an estimate
een schatting van = an estimate of
een schatting van de afstand tussen = an estimate of the distance between
Een schatting van de kosten = An estimate of the cost
een scheider met een hulpcontact = a separator with an auxiliary contact
Een schematisch overzicht van een uitvoeringsvorm = A schematic overview of an embodiment
een schematische voorstelling = a schematic representation
een schematische voorstelling van een dwarsdoorsnede van een gelaagde inr = a schematic representation of a cross-sectional view of a layered structu
een schending van de persoonlijke levenssfeer van derden oplevert = violates the privacy of third parties
een schending van enige wetgeving of regelgeving = a breach of any laws or regulations
een schending van vertrouwelijkheid = a breach of confidentiality
een scherm bevat waarop = includes a screen on which
een schets van = an outline of
een schijn van = the semblance of
een schikking treffen = agree
een schip voor een reis uitrusten = to fit out a ship for a voyage
een schoenlepel gebruiken = shoehorn  (to use a shoehorn)
een schriftelijke bevestiging hiervan = a written confirmation thereof
Een schriftelijke overeenkomst = A written agreement
een schriftelijke verklaring = a written statement
een schroef of een bout = a screw or a bolt
een schuiver maken = skid
Een schuld afbetalen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld afbetalen = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld aflossen = To redeem a debt
Een schuld delgen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld delgen = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld kwijten = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld kwijten = To discharge a debt
een schuld kwijtschelden = to remit a debt
Een schuld vereffenen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld vereffenen = To discharge one's liabilities
een script uitrollen = deploying a script
een sectie = an autopsy
één segment naar rechts = one segment to the right
een sein geven = signal
een selecte groep van personeelsleden = a select group of employees
een selectie van = customers a selection of
één sensor = one sensor
een sensor (niet getoond = a sensor (not shown
"één sensor die beweging, licht en/of temperatuur waarneemt" = "one sensor that detects movement, light and/or temperature"
een sensoreenheid = a sensor unit
een sensorsysteem = a sensor system
één sensorsysteem = one sensor system
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een serie foto’s = a series of photos
een serie lezingen rond een thema = a series of talks on a theme
een serieplaat met kleppen = a batch plate fitted/equipped with valves
een seropositief varken = seropositive pig
een server = a server
een server die u deelt met andere klanten = a server shared with other customers
een server omvattend een software programma product = a server comprising a software program product
één set aan regels = single set of rules
een set van = a set of
een set van draaglatten = a set of support slats
een set van onderzoeksvragen = a set of research questions
een set van twee = a set of two
een sfeer van professionaliteit = an atmosphere of professionalism
een sfeer van professionaliteit en wederzijdse ondersteuning = an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual support
een Shore A-hardheid van ten minste = a shore A hardness of at least
een signaal afkomstig van = a signal originating from
een signaal afkomstig van de bron = a signal originating from the source
een signaalverwerkingseenheid = a signal processing unit
een significant verschil of niet = a significant difference or not
Een silhouet is een foto van een mens dat met een outline is overgetrokke = A silhouette is a tracing / an outline tracing of a person's photograph
een situatie van overmacht = an event of force majeure
een slag op de arm houden = "refuse to commit oneself, be non-committed, keep one's options open, not "
een slang die kan worden aangeduid als 'maagsonde' = a tube that can be referred to as a gastric tube
een slechte aanpak van disciplinaire gevallen = Mishandling of disciplinary cases
Een slechte installatie = Poor installation
Een slechte installatie kan leiden tot = Poor installation may cause
Eén sleutelcontact met twee standen = One key switch with two positions
een sluitende rittenadministratie = a full record of kilometres travelled
een sluitertijd en/of een brandpuntsafstand = a shutter speed and/or a focal length
een SMA Smart Home met flexibel opslagsysteem = an SMA Smart Home with Flexible Storage System
een SMA Sunny Island back-up systeem = an SMA Sunny Island backup system
een smart glass = a pair of smartglasses
een smartphone of tablet = smartphone or tablet
een smartphone software product = a smartphone software product
een snapmechanisme = a snap mechanism
Een snel veranderende = A rapidly changing
een snel veranderende wereld = a rapidly changing world
een snelheid = a speed
een snelheidsmeter = a speedometer
"een snelheidsmeter, een versnellingsmeter, een gyroscoop en/of een elektr" = "a speedometer, an accelerometer, a gyroscope and/or an electronic compass"
"een snelheidsmeter, een versnellingsmeter, een gyroscoop en/of een elektr" = "a speedometer, an accelerometer, a gyroscope and/or an electronic compass"
een snelle verbinding is wenselijk = a fast connection is desirable
een snuifje = a pinch of
een snuifje peper = a pinch of pepper
een social plug-in van Facebook = one of Facebook’s Social Plugins
een software processor = a software processor
een software product = a software product
een software-module = a software module
een software-pakket = a software package
een sokkel of een basisframe = a base or a base frame
een soort = a kind of
Een soortgelijk resultaat zou verkregen worden = A similar outcome would be obtained
een soortgelijke verzekering = a similar insurance policy
een speciale publicatie = a special publication
een specifiek aandachtsgebied = specific area of interest
Een specifiek geval van = A specific case of
een specifiek onderwerp = a specific topic
Eén specifiek voorbeeld = One specific example
Een specifiek voorbeeld van = A particular example of
een specifieke diameter van = a specific diameter of
één specifieke organisatie = a particular organisation
een specifieke patiënt = a particular patient
een specifieke plek van de prei = a specific part of the leeks
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van = a particular embodiment of
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van de uitvinding = a specific embodiment of the invention
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van een bouwelement = a particular embodiment of a building component
Een specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op een uitvindin = A specific preferred embodiment relates to an invention according to clai
Een specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op een uitvoerin = A specific preferred embodiment relates to an embodiment
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft = A specific preferred form relates to
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft = A specific preferred embodiment relates to
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft de uitvinding = A specific preferred form of the invention relates to
een spectrofotometer = a spectrophotometer
een speerpunt van gemaakt = made it a priority
een spoedig antwoord verwachten = to look forward to an early reply
een spreekbeurt houden = lecture
een sprint duurt twee weken = a sprint lasts two weeks
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget = a sputtering station with a sputtering target
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget waarvan enkel het vermogen kan g = a sputtering station with a sputtering target of which only the power can
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget waarvan enkel het vermogen kan g = a sputtering station with a sputtering target of which only the power can
een sputtertarget = a sputtering target
een stand innemen = to assume a position
een standaard leasecontract = a standard lease
een standaardindicatie voor protonentherapie = a standard indication for proton therapy
een standalone applicatie = a standalone application
een standje geven = reproach
een standpunt innemen over = adopt a position
een standpunt innemen over de status van een product = adopt a position on the status of a product
een stap = a step
een stap omvatten = comprise a step
een stap waarin = a step wherein
een steeds grotere impact hebben = are having an ever-increasing impact
een steekhoudend argument = a valid argument
een steekhoudend argument = illicit commission
een steekhoudend argument = secret commission
een steengroeve ontginnen = quarrying
een stelschroef = an adjusting screw
een steriele omgeving met een medische gebruiker = a sterile environment with a medical user
een sterk parcours voorleggen = has made rapid/tremendous strides
een sterk verlangen hebben = crave  (to want strongly)
een sterke stijging van de bezoekersaantallen = a significant increase in visitor numbers
één steunprofiel en twee draagarmen = one support profile and two support arms
een steuntje in de rug = a helping hand
één stevig geheel vormt = forms one solid whole
een stevige windkracht uit de goede richting = a strong tailwind
een stijging van = an increase of
"een stijging van 8,5 procent dit jaar" = an increase of 8.5 percent this year
een stijging van de personeelskosten = an increase in personnel costs
een stiksel = a line of stitches
één stiksel = one line of stitches
Een stilzwijgende overeenkomst = A tacit agreement
een stof die vrijkomt = a substance released
een stoornis in het diepe spiergevoel = tabetic  dissociation
een stopzetting van de uitbating tijdens de garantietermijn = cessation of operation during the guarantee period
een storing binnen een bepaalde termijn opgelost moet zijn = a fault must be solved within a specified period
een storing op een machine = a fault on a machine
een storting vragen op aandelen = to make a call on shares
"Een strategie en beleid op vlak van informatietechnologie definiëren, on" = "Define, develop and implement Information Technology strategy/policy at c"
een streep halen door = cross out
een streep trekken = draw
een streep zetten onder = to put an end to
"een stricturerende, oppervlakkig groeiende massa" = "a stricturing, superficially growing mass"
een strikte governance = Strict governance procedures
een studie van de tekeningen = a study of the drawings
een studietoelage = a grant
een studieverzekering afsluiten = to take out an education policy
een stuk in afschrift betekenen aan = to serve a copy of a document on
een stuk lager = considerably lower
een stuk of = about
Een stuk of = Approximately
Een stuk of = Circa
een sturende functie vervullen = to have a guiding role
een stuursignaal = a control signal
een substantiële beperking betekenen van de efficiëntie = mean a substantial reduction in efficiency
een substantiële toename van zeer waardevolle datasets = a substantial increase in highly valuable datasets
een substraat omvattende korrelvormige deeltjes die aan elkaar zijn gehec = a substrate comprising granular particles adhered together to form a body
een succesvolle overgang = a successful transition
een succesvolle overgang naar = a successful transition to
een summiere schets met de losse hand = a basic freehand sketch
een summiere schets met de losse hand = a freehand sketch
een Sunny Island back-up systeem = a Sunny Island backup system
Een Sunny Island back-up systeem van SMA = An SMA Sunny Island backup system
een Sunny Island batterijomvormer = a Sunny Island battery inverter
Een Sunny Island omvormer = A Sunny Island inverter
Een Sunny Island systeem = A Sunny Island system
Een supervisor geeft leiding aan = A supervisor oversees
een systeem = a system
een systeem dat gebruik maakt van een implementatie overeenkomstig de ond = a system making use of an implementation according to the present inventi
een systeem dat gebruik maakt van een implementatie overeenkomstig de ond = a system making use of an implementation according to the present inventi
een systeem dat uit balans is = a system that is out of balance
een systeem van ‘monitoring’ = monitoring system
een systeem voor het isoleren en afwerken van wanden = a system for insulating and finishing walls
een taal leren = to acquire a language
een tafel volgens het tweede aspect = a table according to the second aspect
een tafel voor vervaardiging van een betonwelfsel = a table for manufacturing a hollowcore concrete slab
een talurit geklemde kous = thimbled talurit eye
een tandarts zien op regelmatige basis = see a dentist on a regular basis
een tapgat maken / verbinden met een pen-en-gatverbinding = mortise (ww)
een tapgat maken / verbinden met een pen-en-gatverbinding = mortise
"een tapijt vormen, bedekken (met)" = carpet  (to cover like a carpet)
een te groot aantal = too many
een te grote voorraad hebben = to be overstocked
een te hoge = excessively high
een te hoge temperatuur = too high a temperature
een te reinigen oplossing = a solution to be cleaned
een te vervaardigen betonwelfsel = a hollowcore concrete slab to be manufactured
Een team effectief leiden en motiveren = Effective team leadership and motivation
een team van multidisciplinaire raadgevende ingenieurs = a multidisciplinary team of consulting engineers
een team van support desk specialisten en Field Service Engineers = a team of support desk specialists and Field Service Engineers
een tegemoetkoming in de kosten van dubbele huisvesting = a contribution towards the cost of double accommodation
een tegenbezoek brengen aan = will return the visit to
een tegengesteld belang hebben = counter charge
een tegengesteld belang hebben = to have an opposite interest
een tegenoverstaand uiteinde van het primaire impactelement = an opposing end of the primary impact member
een tegenoverstaand uiteinde van het ten minste één inwendig impactelem = an opposing end of the at least one inner impact member
een tegenwicht vormen tegen = to be at variance
een tegenwicht vormen tegen = to counterbalance
een teken dat de bedrijvigheid in de hele regio toeneemt = a sign that business is picking up throughout the region
een teken geven = indicate
een tekening van de basisvorm = a drawing of the basic shape
een tekort aan financiële middelen = a shortage of funds
een tekortkoming in de nakoming van de overeenkomst betekenen = to constitute a breach of the agreement
een tekortkoming kan ABC niet worden toegerekend indien zij niet te wijte = "breaches may not be attributed to ABC if they are not its fault, nor if i"
een tekortschieten in de nakoming = a breach
een telefoongesprek voeren = make a phone call
een temperatuur die tussen 15% en 50% van het temperatuursverschil tussen = a temperature that is between 15% and 50% of the temperature difference b
een temperatuur die tussen 15% en 50% van het temperatuursverschil tussen = a temperature that is between 15% and 50% of the temperature difference b
een temperatuur-gecontroleerd watercircuit voor het reguleren van de temp = a temperature-controlled water circuit for regulating the temperature in
"een tentamen maken (door de docent, niet de student!)" = to set an examination
een termijn voor aanvaarding bevatten = a deadline for acceptance
één terugkoppelsysteem = one feedback system
Een terugslagklep = An automatic non-return valve
een test = a test
een testament verifiëren = to prove a will
een tewerkstellingsvergunning verlenen = to grant a work permit
Een TIF is goed te gebruiken als onderlegger in een GIS. Om ervoor te zor = A TIF makes an effective background file in a GIS. To make sure that what
een tijdelijke vergoeding van de reiskosten voor woon-werkverkeer = a temporary commuting allowance
een tijdelijke vervangende auto = a temporary replacement vehicle
een tijdige respons en/of analyse = a timely response and/or analysis
een tijdrovende bezigheid = a time consuming task
een tijdspunt indicatief voor het moment waarop de laatste bijwerking van = a point in time that is indicative of the time at which the spatial locat
een tijdspunt indicatief voor het moment waarop de laatste bijwerking van = a point in time that is indicative of the time at which the spatial locat
een tikje = a touch
Een tip die we kunnen meegeven is = Our tip would be
Een tip die we kunnen meegeven is = We recommend trying
een toekenning = an award
een toekenningsbrief = an award notice
een toekomstbeeld schetsen van = to sketch a picture of the future
een toename van = an increase of
Een toepassingsgerichte server = A dedicated server
een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding = an application program interface
een toets afnemen = to give / administer a test
een toets met vrije navigatie = a test with free navigation
een toevlucht zoeken = take refuge
een toewijzing of registratie van een of meer elementen aan elkaar = an assignment or registration of one or more elements to each other
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter?s booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter’s booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreterés booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter�s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter�s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreterés booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter?s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter’s booth
een tolkenpost voor een conferentiesysteem = an interpreter desk for a conferencing system
een tolkkanaal = an interpreter channel
een tolkpost kanaal = an interpreter desk channel
een toonaangevende producent van = a leading manufacturer of
een tot het gerecht gericht verzoek om verlof tot het leggen van conserva = an application directed to the Court for leave to have a garnishee order
één tot twee dagen = one to two days
een totaal aantal luisteraars = a total number of listeners
een totaal aantal luisteraars per luisterkanaal = a total number of listeners per listening channel
een totale dikte heeft = has a total thickness
een totale kwaliteitcontrole = a total quality control system
een totale ommekeer teweegbrengen in het leven van de mensen = revolutionise people’s lives
een training volgen = take a course
Een transactie annuleren = To call of a deal
een transactie effectueren = to effect a transaction
Een transactie ongedaan maken = To call of a deal
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to close a deal
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to conclude a transaction
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to effect a transaction
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to transact a deal
een transmissie-meting of een reflectie-meting = a transmission measurement of a reflection measurement
een transmissiesignaal = a transmission signal
een transportband of een rollensysteem = a conveyor belt or a roller system
een trekkracht ondervindt = experiences a tensile force
"een troop gebruiken, van een troop voorzien" = trope  (use a trope)
Een T-stuk (fuel manifold of ‘T-piece’) is een verbindingsstuk tussen = A fuel manifold or T-piece is a connecting piece between two or more gas
een tussenliggend profiel = an intermediate profile
"een TV programma coördineren, bij mekaar praten" = anchor  (to perform as a TV anchorman)
Een twee Drie vier Vijf zes Zeven = One two Three four Five six Seven
een tweede = a second
een tweede afwerkingsprofiel = a second finishing profile
Een tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A second aspect of the present invention relates to
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding = A second aspect of the invention
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding betreft = A second aspect of the invention relates to
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voo = A second aspect of the invention relates to a method of establishing
Een tweede assessor observeert tijdens het rollenspel = A second assessor will be present to observe during the role-play
een tweede deel = a second part
een tweede element = a second element
een tweede extensie en een buitenwand = a second extension and an outer wall
een tweede keer bemonsterd en getest = sampled and tested a second time
een tweede langwerpig profiel = a second elongated section
een tweede legplank = a second shelf
een tweede leven = a second lease of life
een tweede maal = a second time
een tweede paar = a second pair
een tweede paar vlakke platen = a second pair of flat panels
een tweede richting die loodrecht staat op = a second direction perpendicular to
een tweede set van = a second set of
een tweede specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = a second particular embodiment
een tweede transmissiemiddel = a second transmission means
een tweede transmissiemiddel aansluitbaar op de bron = a second transmission means connectable to the source
een tweede uiteinde = a second end
een tweede variant van = a second variant of
een tweede werkwijze = a second method
een tweedeling in de maatschappij = a division in society
een twee-dimensionale of drie-dimensionale = a two-dimensional or three-dimensional
een tweetal kleine = two small
één type afwerkingsprofiel = one type of finishing profile
Een typegoedkeuringsnummer (indien van toepassing). = A type approval number (if applicable).
Een typisch voorbeeld van = A typical example of
één uit de volgende = one of the following
één uit hun midden kiezen = to choose one from among themselves
één uit hun midden kiezen = to elect one from their number
een uitbreiding van de regeling naar derde landen = an expansion of the system to non-member countries
een uitbreiding van het personeelsbestand = an expansion of the workforce
Een uiteinde van = an end of
een uiteinde van een draaglat = an end of a support slat
een uiterst robuuste productlift = an extremely robust product elevator
Een uitgaand telefoongesprek = An outbound call
een uitgebreid assortiment = een broad range of
een uitgebreide beschrijving = a comprehensive description
een uitgebreide profibustest = a comprehensive PROFIBUS test
"een uitgebreide Service, wereldwijd" = comprehensive support worldwide
een uitgebreidere toelichting = a more detailed explanation
een uitgegroeid familiebedrijf = a growing family business
een uitkering aanvragen bij CWI = to apply for a benefit with CWI
een uitloper van de notering = linked to the price level
een uitspraak aanhouden = to defer a decision/judgement
één uitsteeksel = one projection
een uitstekend podium = provides an excellent platform
een uitstekende oplossing biedt = provides an excellent solution
een uitstroom van kapitaal = a capital outflow
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = disk herniation
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniated disc
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniated intervertebral disk
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniation of intervertebral disc
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = ruptured disk
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = slipped disc
Een uitvinding die een inrichting openbaart = An invention disclosing a device
een uitvinding wordt als nieuw beschouwd indien zij geen deel uitmaakt va = an invention will be considered to be new if it does not form part of the
een uitvinding wordt als nieuw beschouwd indien zij geen deel uitmaakt va = an invention will be considered to be new if it does not form part of the
een uitvoeringsvorm = an embodiment
één uitvoeringsvorm = one embodiment
een uitvoeringsvorm omvat het eerste en het tweede bouwelement verder = "In an embodiment, the first and the second building component further com"
een uitvoeringsvorm omvat het eerste en het tweede bouwelement verder = "In an embodiment, the first and the second building component further com"
een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = an embodiment of the present invention
een uitvoeringsvorm van de overbrengmachine = an embodiment of the transfer machine
een uitvoeringsvorm van het = an embodiment of the
een uitvoeringsvorm van het afwerkingsprofiel = an embodiment of the finishing profile
een uitvoeringsvorm van het eerste aspect = an embodiment of the first aspect
een uitvoeringsvorm van het eerste aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding = an embodiment of the first aspect of the present invention
een uitwerking van het regeerakkoord = an elaboration of the coalition agreement
een Ulbricht sfeer = an Ulbricht sphere
een unieke gepatenteerde verticaal transportsysteem = "a unique, patented vertical transport system"
een uniforme voorstelling = a uniform representation
een up-to-date database = an up-to-date database
een utispraak aanhouden = to defer a judgment
een utispraak aanhouden = to defer a decision
een uur gaans = an hour's walk
Een uur voor de afspraak = An hour before the meeting
een uur voor vertrek = one hour before departure
een U-vormig = a U-shaped
een vak volgen = "to do/take a subject, to attend classes in a subject"
Een vak volgen = To do/take a subject / to attend classes in a subject
een vakman die weet = a person skilled in the art who knows
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld = One skilled in the art
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren = One skilled in the art will appreciate
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren dat = One skilled in the art will appreciate that
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren dat een werk = A person skilled in the art will appreciate that a method according to th
een vakman met gewone kennis in het vakgebied = a person of ordinary skill
een vakman met gewone vakbekwaamheid = a person of ordinary skill
Een vakman met gewone vakbekwaamheid zal appreciëren = A person of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate
Een vakman zal appreciëren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
een valse aangifte doen = to make a false declaration
Eén van = One of
een van de = one of the
één van de = any of the
één van de = one of the
een van de  dragers = one of the carriers
één van de aanwezige noodstopknoppen = one of the available emergency stop buttons
één van de andere functies = one of the other functions
één van de binnenste wanden van de binnenste kamer = one of the inner walls of the inner chamber
één van de draagarmen = one of the support arms
een van de drie categorieën = one of the three categories
één van de drie deksels = one of the three covers
één van de één of meerdere = one of the one or more
één van de gevallen = one of the cases
één van de hierboven beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = any of the embodiments described above
één van de hoogtepunten = one of the highlights
één van de hoogtepunten van de avond = one of the highlights of the evening
één van de lagen = one of the layers
één van de landen die ervoor pleiten om = is amongst those countries advocating
Eén van de manieren om dit te bereiken = One of the ways to achieve this
Eén van de manieren om duurzame groei = One way to achieve sustainable growth
één van de meerdere = one of the plurality of
Een van de meest aansprekende innovaties van Qimarox = One of Qimarox’s most successful innovations
Eén van de meest aansprekende innovaties van Qimarox = One of Qimarox’s most successful innovations
een van de middelen is om = is a means to
één van de minstens twee deksels = one of the at least two covers
één van de onderstaand beschreven stappen = one of the steps described below
één van de oprichters = one of the founders
één van de snelste = one of the fastest
één van de twee = one of the two
Een van de uitdagingen van dit project = One of the challenges of this project
één van de volgende gebeurtenissen zich voordoet = any of the following events occur
een van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the previous claims
één van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van de woningen = one of the properties
één van de zijwanden = one of the side walls
een van de zorgverstrekkers en de kwetsbare persoon = one of the care providers and the vulnerable person
één van deze = one of these
een van een dagtekening voorzien verslag = a dated report
een van een tweeling = twin
een van hen insolvabel is of wordt = one of them is or becomes insolvent
één van hoge kwaliteit = one of high quality
één van lagere kwaliteit = one of lower quality
één van onze medewerkers = one of our employees
Eén van onze ontwikkelaars = One of our developers
een van onze sterkste troeven = one of our greatest strengths
een van te voren vastgestelde = a predetermined
één van volgende grenzen bereikt wordt = one of the following limits is reached
een van voorgaande conclusies = one of the previous claims
een van voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van voorgaande conclusies = any of the previous claims
één van voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
een vanzelfsprekende keuze = an obvious choice
een variant op deze = a variation on this
een variant van = a variant of
Een variante op deze = A variant on this
een varieteit aan = a variety of
een variëteit aan = a variety of
een vast gegeven = a constant
een vast gegeven = a constant factor
een vast te stellen maximum prijs = a maximum price to be determined
een vaste autokostenvergoeding = a fixed vehicle allowance
een vaste contactpersoon = a fixed contact person
een vaste kostenvergoeding = a fixed expense allowance
een vaste kostenvergoeding = a fixed reimbursement of expenses
een vaste positie kan hebben = can have a fixed position
Een vaste tijdvoorkeuze = One preselected time
een vaste vergoeding per maand = a fixed monthly allowance
een vaste verzameling constanten = a fixed set of constants
"een vaste, eerste positie" = "a fixed, first position"
"een vaste, vooraf ingestelde waarde" = "a fixed, preset value"
een vasthoudende sturing van de politieke top = Steadfast management at senior political level
een vat met bier als inhoud = a keg containing beer
een veel gemaakte fout = a common mistake
een veelheid = a plurality
een veelheid aan = a multitude of
een veelheid van = a plurality of
een veelheid van audio-ingangskanalen = a multitude of audio-input channels
een veelheid van eerste controlesignalen = a plurality of first control signals
een veelheid van feedbacksignalen = a plurality of feedback signals
een veelheid van gebruikers = a plurality of users
een veelheid van identieke = a plurality of identical
een veelheid van paren = a plurality of pairs
een veelheid van persoonsgegevens = a plurality of personal data items
een veelheid van posities = a plurality of positions
een veelheid van sensoren = a plurality of sensors
een veelheid van stations = a plurality of stations
een veelheid van tolkenposten = a plurality of interpreter desks
een veelheid van tolkenposten en van luisterposten = A plurality of interpreter desks and listening posts
een veelvoud aan doelstellingen = a multitude of objectives
een veelvoud aan ribben = a plurality of ribs
een veelvoud aan ribben en rails = a plurality of ribs and rails
een veelvoud van = a plurality of
een veelvoud van gevelpanelen = a plurality of cladding panels
een veelvoud van horizontale balken ondersteund door de verticale palen = a plurality of horizontal beams supported by the vertical posts
een veelvoud van inwendig gerichte = a plurality of internally directed
een veelvoud van mobiliteitscomponenten = a plurality of mobility components
een veelvoud van rollerstangen = a plurality of roller-bars
een veelzijdig verticaal transportsysteem = a versatile vertical transport system
een veerkrachtig materiaal aangepast om door middel van dimensionele wijz = a resilient material adapted to compensate by means of dimensional change
een veerkrachtig materiaal aangepast om door middel van dimensionele wijz = a resilient material adapted to compensate by means of dimensional change
een veilig gebruik van = the safe operation of
Een veilige digitale samenleving = A safe and secure digital society
een vel papier of een kunststoffolie = a sheet of paper or a plastic film
een vennootschap in het handelsregister doen inschrijven = to register a company
een vennootschap in het handelsregister doen inschrijven = to submit a tender
een vennootschap naar Belgisch recht = a company incorporated under Belgian law
een vennootschap naar Frans recht = a company incorporated under French law
een vennootschap ontbinden = to dissolve a partnership
een vennootschap opheffen = to dissolve a partnership
een vennootschap opheffen = to withdraw the attachment
een ventilatiecollectorblok = a air collector block
een ventilatiesysteem = a ventilation system
een ver familielid = a distant relative / relation
Een veranderende bedrijfscultuur = A changing corporate culture
een verband omleggen = dress
een verbeteractie ondernemen = to take remedial action
Een verbeterde kwaliteit van de applicaties = Higher-quality applications
een verbeterde versie = an improved version
een verbinding = a connection
een verbinding aan te gaan = to relate
een verbinding die de behuizing met het verbindingselement verbindt = a joint which connects the housing to the connecting element
Een verbinding lokaal of op afstand tot stand te brengen met = Establish a local or remote connection with a
een verbinding op één punt van de behuizing = a joint at one point of the housing
een verbinding tot stand brengen = to make contact
één verbindingspositie = one connection position
een verbintenis aangaan = to conclude an agreement
een verbintenis aangaan = to enter into an agreement/a contract/an engagement
een verbintenis aangaan = assume an obligation
een verbintenis aangaan = take on an obligation
een verbintenis aangaan = undertake a commitment
een verbintenis aangaan om = to contract to
een verbintenis aangaan om = to undertake to
een verbintenis die een wezenlijk verhaalsrisico met zich meebrengt. = an undertaking that carries a substantial risk of recovery with it
een verbintenis hebben of zijn aangegaan = have an obligation or have assumed an obligation
een verbintenis om te geven te doen onstaan = to create an obligation to give
een verbintenis op zich nemen = make an undertaking
een verblijfsvergunning = a residence permit
een verdachte de cautie geven = to caution a suspect
een verdachte de cautie geven = to read a suspect his rights (US)
een verder doel van de onderhavige uitvinding = a further object of the present invention
een verder gelegen eenheid = a more distant unit
een verder gelegen eenheid van de inrichting = a unit of the device located further away
Een verder nadeel = A further disadvantage
Een verdere beperking van de stand van de techniek = A further limitation of prior art
Een verdere beperking van de stand van de techniek heeft betrekking op = A further limitation of prior art relates to
een verdere beschrijving = a further description
Een verdere of andere uitvoeringsvorm = A further or other embodiment
Een verdere oplossing = A further solution
een verdere uitvoeringsvorm = a further embodiment
een vereiste is = is required
een vereiste temperatuur van = a required temperature of
een vereiste voor = a prerequisite for
een vergadering beleggen = to convene/to call/to convoke a meeting
een vergadering oproepen = to be deposed
een vergadering oproepen = to call a meeting
Een vergadering plannen = Schedule a Meeting
Een vergadering plannen = Schedule a Conference...
een vergelijkbare = a similar
een vergelijking = a comparison
Een vergelijking van = A comparison of
een vergelijking van de premies = a comparison of the premiums
een vergoeding die gelijk is aan = an allowance equal to
Een vergoeding is van toepassing indien = An allowance will apply if
een vergoeding ontvangen = receive compensation
een vergoeding verschuldigd zijn = to be obliged to pay a fee
een vergoeding voor weekend- en midweekse reiskosten = an allowance for weekend or midweek travel expenses
een vergoedingsplicht meebrengen = to entail an obligation to compensate
een vergrijp tegen de wet = a breach of law
een vergrijp tegen de wet = an offence against the law
een vergunning aanvragen = to apply for a licence
een vergunning verlenen = to grant a licence
een verhaal in gespreksvorm = a story in dialogue form
een verhaal zonder samenhang = a rambling / disconnected story
een verhoging ondergaan of nieuwe ontstaan = are subject to an increase or new onset
een verhoging van de door Huurder te betalen servicekosten = an increase in the service costs to be paid by Lessee
een verhoging van de performance = an increase in performance
een verhoging van fiscale bijtelling = an increase in additional tax liability
een verhoogd vetgehalte in het bloed = lipacidemia
een verhoogde hyperbètalipoproteinespiegel = hyperlipoproteinemia
een verhoor afnemen = interrogate
Een verhoor afnemen = Grill
een verkeerde beslissing nemen = make a bad decision
een verkeerde reinigingsprocedure = an incorrect cleaning procedure
een verkeersovertreding niet op tijd voldoet = fails to pay a fine for a traffic offence on time
een verkeersregelinstallatie = A traffic-signal controller
een verklaring afleggen tegenover de rechter-commissaris = to make a statement before the examining judge
een verklaring omtrent het gedrag is een verklaring van de burgemeester w = a certificate of conduct is a statement issued by the mayor confirming th
een verkoop tot stand brengen = to conclude/to effect a sale
een verlaging van het vereiste aantal individuele toepassingen = a reduction in the required number of individual applications
een verlenging van de periode van toepassing = an extension of the period of application
"een verlichtingsapparaat is, of een rookdetector, of een bewegingsdetecto" = "a lighting device, or a smoke detector, or a motion detector, or a camera"
een verlies komt ten laste van de algemene reserve = a loss is charged to the general reserve
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to realize a loss
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to sell at a loss
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to take a loss
een verlies van tijd en geld = a loss of time and money
een verlopen paspoort = an expired passport
een vermindering van de administratieve lasten = a reduction of the administrative burden on
een vermindering van een bedrag = a reduction of an amount
een vermindering van het rendement = a decreased return
Eén vermogensbeheerder wordt aangeduid voor het beheer van = One asset manager is appointed to manage
"een veroordeelde crimineel, een veroordeelde" = "con (a convicted criminal, a convict)"
een verplichting niet nakomen = to fail to meet an obligation
een verrchting stellen = undertake an activity
een verre van professionele indruk maakt = is far from professional looking
een verregaand vereenvoudigd ontwerp = an exceedingly simplified design
een verschil in opvatting overbruggen = overcome a difference of opinion
een verschillende taal = a different language
een verslag/rapport indienen = to lodge with
een verslag/rapport indienen = to present to
een verslag/rapport indienen = to submit a report
een verslavende werking hebben = are addictive
een versnellingsmeter = an accelerometer
een versnellingsmeting = an acceleration measurement
een versterking / steunmuur bouwen = revet
een vertegenwoordiger van = a representative of
één verticaal transporteur = a single vertical conveyor
een vertragende plastificeerder = a retarding plasticiser
een vertrek naar het buitenland of werk in het buitenland = a relocation to and/or employment in a foreign country
een vervolging instellen tegen = prosecute
een vervolging instellen tegen = sue
een verwacht klinisch relevant voordeel = an expected clinically relevant benefit
een verwerkingseenheid en een geheugen = a processing unit and a memory
een verwijt kan worden gemaakt = can be blamed
een verwijzing naar de gebeurtenis = a reference to the event
een verwijzing naar een begrip of woord in het enkelvoud = a reference to a term or word in the singular form
een verwijzing naar het mannelijke geslacht = a reference to the male gender
een verzameling = a collection
Een verzameling packages = A collection of packages
een verzameling van voorwaarden = a set of conditions
een verzegeling aanbrengen = to affix a seal
één verzekering = one policy
een verzekering afsluiten = take out an insurance policy
een verzekering afsluiten voor schade = take out cover to cover loss or damage
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to effect an insurance with
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to place a risk with
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to place an insurance with
een verzekering sluiten = take out a policy
een verzekeringskontrakt aangaan = take out an insurance policy
een verzekeringskontrakt onderschrijven = take out an insurance policy
een verzekeringsoverzicht met gegevens over = an insurance summary with information about
een verzoek om = a request for
een verzoek om betaling = payment request
een verzoek om nadere instructies = a request for further instructions
een verzoek om verlof tot het leggen van conservatoir derdenbeslag = an application for leave to have a garnishee order levied
"een verzoek van een gebruiker om ondersteuning, levering van, informatie," = "A request from a user for support, delivery, information, advice or docum"
een verzoekschrift indienen bij = to present/to file a petition to
"een verzoekschrift neergelegd, ter griffie, op..." = "a petition filed, at the court registry, on..."
een verzoekschrift richten tot = to address a petition to
een videofeed van een medische eenheid = a video feed from a medical unit
Een videogesprek starten… = Start a Video Conversation...
Een vierde aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A fourth aspect of the present invention relates to
Een vierde aspect van de uitvinding betreft = A fourth aspect of the invention relates to
een vijfde en een zesde = a fifth and a sixth
een vijftal specifieke behandelingen = five specific treatments
een vingerbreedte = one finger’s width
een vingerwijzing in de richting van geven = to point in the direction of / hint at
een virtuele appliance te hosten = host a virtual appliance
een virtuele private server = a virtual private server
een visie op = a vision for
een vissersvaartuig van een derde land = third-country fishing vessels
Een vlag die veel ladingen dekt = One size fits all
een vlak dat evenwijdig is met de lengterichting en de breedterichting = a plane that is parallel to the longitudinal direction and the transverse
een vlak geheel zonder reliëf = a plane without any relief
een vlak oppervlak = a planar surface
een vlak organigram = flat organizational structure
een vlak organigram = flat organisational structure
een vlak voorwerp = a planar object
Een vleugje luxe = A touch of luxury
een vloeiende beweging van de behuizing ten opzichte van het verbindingse = a smooth movement of the housing with respect to the connecting element i
een vloeistof of een halfvloeibare stof = a liquid or a semi-liquid
een vloeistofdichte vloerbekleding = an impermeable floor covering
"een vloeistofdichte, elastische vloerbekleding" = "n impermeable, elastic floor covering"
"een vloer, wanden en een plafond" = "a floor, walls and a ceiling"
een vloot van met GPS uitgeruste voertuigen = a fleet of vehicles equipped with GPS
een vlucht naar voren = a leap in the dark
een vochtgehalte van ten minste = a moisture content of at least
een voederadditief = animal feed additive
een voedselelement aanzuigen = suction a food element
een voertuigafhankelijke regeling = a vehicle-actuated control
een volautomatisch = a fully automatic
een volautomatische = a fully automatic
een voldoende = a pass / a passing mark
een voldoende accurate plaatsbepaling = a sufficiently accurate position fix
een volgend component = the next component
een volgens het rooster aftredend lid is aansluitend eenmaal herbenoembaa = an officer retiring by rotation is eligible for re-election for one furth
een volgnummertje trekken = take a number
een volledig geautomatiseerde = a fully automated
een volledig geautomatiseerde roterende ring folie-wikkelaar voor pallets = a fully automated rotary ring foil wrapper for pallets
een volledig verticaal beslag = fully vertical track
een volledige en nauwkeurige omschrijving = a complete and accurate description
een volledige instructie = complete instructions
één voor aanvoer en één voor afvoer = one for supply and one for discharge
een voor alle partijen wenselijke oplossing = solution which satisfies all parties
"Eén voor allen, allen voor één" = "One for all, all for one"
"één voor allen, allen voor één" = "one for all, all for one {phrase} (motto: working for each other)"
een voor de gezondheid gevaarlijke concentratie in de lucht = a concentration in the air that is dangerous to health
een voor een = one by one
Één voor een = Singly
Één voor een = One by one
één voor één = one by one
één voor één = One by one
één voor één individueel = "individually, one by one"
één voor één met de hand overgelegd = transferred manually one by one
een voor- en een achterzijde = a front and a rear side
een vooraf bepaalde hoeveelheid = a predefined quantity
een voorafbepaalde actie van de gebruiker = a predetermined action of the user
een voorafbepaalde fractie = a predetermined fraction
een voorafbepaalde nauwkeurigheidsdrempel = a predetermined accuracy threshold
Een voorbeeld hiervan = An example of this
Een voorbeeld hiervan is getoond in = An example of this is shown in
Een voorbeeld hiervan is te zien in = An example of this can be seen in
Een voorbeeld is te vinden in = An example can be found in
een voorbeeld ter illustratie van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige ui = an example to illustrate embodiments of the present invention
een voorbeeld ter illustratie van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige ui = an example to illustrate embodiments of the present invention
Een voorbeeld van = An example of
Een voorbeeld van een dergelijke uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvindin = An example of such an embodiment of the present invention
Een voorbeeld van een dergelijke uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvindin = An example of such an embodiment of the present invention
een voorbeeld van genuanceerd denken = an example of balanced thinking / judgement
een voorbehoud maken = express a reservation
een voorbehoud maken = make a reservation
een voorbehoud maken = reserve one's position
een voorbehoud maken in een accountantsverklaring = to qualify an audit report
één voordeel of groep van voordelen = one advantage or group of advantages
Een voordeel van = An advantage of
Een voordeel van deze uitvoeringsvorm = An advantage of this embodiment
Een voordeel van onderhavige uitvinding = An advantage of the present invention
een voordeel van uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = an advantage of embodiments according to the present invention
Een voordeel van zulke uitvoeringsvorm = An advantage of such an embodiment
een voordelige vorming = an advantageous formation
een voorgaande bemonstering = a previous sampling
een voorgaande bijwerking = a previous update
een voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = a previous update of the spatial location information
een voorgaande uitvoering van de test = a previous performance of the test
Een voorgestelde oplossing voor de problemen die samenhangen met = One proposed solution to the problems associated with
een voorkeur uitspreken = expressing a preference
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm omvat = A preferred embodiment comprises
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting = A preferred embodiment of the device
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvat = A preferred embodiment of the method comprises
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm = One preferred embodiment
een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = a preferred embodiment of the method
een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze presenteert = presents a preferred embodiment of the method
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van deze inrichting = A preferred embodiment of this device
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van deze inrichting wordt weergegeven in con = A preferred embodiment of this device is shown in claim
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van dit samenstel = A preferred embodiment of this assembly
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van een inrichting volgens de uitvinding = A preferred embodiment of a device according to the invention
een voorrecht toekennen = to grant a privilege
een voorschot geven = to give an advance
een voorschrift tot het stellen van zekerheid = a requirement for the subject to provide assurance
een voorschrift van = prescribed by
een voorsprong = an edge
een voorsprong op de markt = a head start on the market
een voorstel doen aan de eerstvolgende Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelho = table a motion at the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
een voorstel indienen = submit a proposal
een voorstel ingediend onder de naam = submitted a proposal entitled
een voorstel tot wetswijziging = a bill
een voorstel voor een andere datum te doen = to propose a different date
een voortgangsgesprek voeren met = have a progress meeting with
een voorwaarde voor = a prerequisite for
"Een voorwerp waarop geen (netto) kracht rust, blijft in rust of volhardt " = "An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remai"
een voorziening treffen voor = to make a provision for
een voorziening treffen voor = to provision against
een voorziening treffen voor = to provision for
een voorziening treffen voor belastingen = to accrue taxes
"een voorzijde, een achterzijde en twee laterale zijden" = "a front side, a rear side and two lateral sides"
een vordering handhaven = to uphold a claim
een vordering incasseren = collect a debt
een vordering incasseren = recover a debt
een vordering ingesteld = filed an action
een vordering instellen = to lodge a claim against
een vordering instellen tegen = to commence litigation
een vordering instellen tegen = to take an action against
een vordering instellen tegen = to institute an action against
een vordering instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een vordering kwijtschelden = to remit a debt
een vordering motiveren = to substantiate one’s claim
een vordering ontvankelijk verklaren = to allow a claim
een vordering ontvankelijk verklaren = to entertain a claim
een vordering tot schadevergoeding = claim damages
een vordering uit handen geven = to pass on a claim for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = to refer a debt for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = pass on a claim for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = refer a debt for collection
een vorm gelijklopend met = a shape congruent with
een vorm hebben die eerst taps toeloopt en vervolgens naar beneden verwij = a form first being tapered and then widening out downwards
een vorm van meting duur = a type of [shelf-life] duration measurement
een vos verliest zijn streken niet = a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own
Een vouwbaar tapijt volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = A foldable carpet according to the present embodiment
Een V-plan per kruispunt = A Traffic Plan for each intersection
een vraaggestuurd ventilatiesysteem = a demand-controlled ventilation system
een vraaggestuurd ventilatiesysteem met warmteterugwinning = a demand-controlled ventilation system with heat recovery
een vrij uiteinde heeft = has a free end
een vroege diagnose te stellen = make an early diagnosis
"Een waakvlam (pilot burner), die permanent brandt en dient om de hoofdbra" = "A pilot light, which is always lit and is used to ignite the main burner "
een waarde representatief voor = a value representative of
een waarde van = a value of
een waarde vertegenwoordigen van = to have a value of
een waardebepaling van een object uitvoeren = to carry out a value appraisal of a property
een waardepapier aankopen = fulfilment of a commitment
een waarschuwing krijgen = get a warning
een wachtwoord worden opgevraagd per e-mail = A password can be requested via email
een wand = a wall
een wand die minstens twee bouwelementen omvat = a wall comprising at least two building components
een wand van een gebouw = a wall of a buildin
Een wand volgens conclusie = A wall according to claim
een wand volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a wall according to the present invention
Een wand volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the previous claims
Een wand volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the preceding claims
Een wand volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the previous claims
Een wand volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the preceding claims
een wandportie 1 = a wall portion 1
een wat grotere afstand van elkaar = a somewhat larger distance from each other
een waterhoofd = hydrocephalic
Een webkoppeling koppelen = Associate a Web link
een webpagina met social plug-in van Facebook = a web page with a Facebook Social Plugin
een wederzijdse proeftijd = a trial period for both parties
een week vóór de datum = one week before the date
een weerstand overwonnen wordt = a resistance is overcome
een weinig = a little
een welbepaald scenario = a specific scenario
een wenk geven = draw attention
een wereldwijd opererende producent van standaard componenten voor materi = a global producer of standard components for material handling systems
een wereldwijd servicenetw = a global service network
een werk dat veel aandacht vraagt = a job that needs to be done carefully
een werkwijze = a method
een werkwijze en een inrichting = a method and a device
een werkwijze en een systeem = a method and a system
een werkwijze en systeem = a method and system
een werkwijze hiertoe = a method for this purpose
Een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusie = A method according to claim
Een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusie = A method according to Claim
een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusies = a method according to claims
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm = a method according to an embodiment
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm van de onderhavige uitvi = a method according to an embodiment of the present invention
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm van de onderhavige uitvi = a method according to an embodiment of the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens conclusie = A method according to Claim
Een werkwijze volgens conclusie = A method according to claim
een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvinding = a method according to the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens een der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
Een werkwijze volgens één der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
een werkwijze volgens een van de voorgaande conclusies = a method according to any of the previous claims
een werkwijze volgens het eerste aspect = a method according to the first aspect
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect = a method according to the second aspect
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur geconfigureerd is vo = a method according to the second aspect is preferably configured to manuf
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur geconfigureerd is vo = a method according to the second aspect is preferably configured to manuf
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur uitgevoerd wordt met = a method according to the second aspect is preferably carried out using a
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur uitgevoerd wordt met = a method according to the second aspect is preferably carried out using a
Een werkwijze volgens ��n der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen = a method according to embodiments
een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = a method according to embodiments of the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens voorgaande beschrijving = A method according to preceding description
een werkwijze voor = a method of
een werkwijze voor assemblage van = a method of assembling
een werkwijze voor assemblage van een samenstel = a method of assembling an assembly
een werkwijze voor beeldvorming met een hoofdgedragen apparaat = a method of imaging with a head-mounted device
Een werkwijze voor de productie van = A method for producing
Een werkwijze voor het aanbrengen van = A method for the application of
een werkwijze voor het bepalen en verzenden van ruimtelijke locatie-infor = "a method for determining and transmitting spatial location information, a"
een werkwijze voor het bepalen en verzenden van ruimtelijke locatie-infor = "a method for determining and transmitting spatial location information, a"
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = a method for determining spatial location information
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie en het  = a method for determining spatial location information and the transmissio
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie en het  = a method for determining spatial location information and the transmissio
Een werkwijze voor het configureren = A method for configuring
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem v = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system in accordance wi
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem v = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system in accordance wi
een werkwijze voor het installeren van = a method for installing
Een werkwijze voor het produceren van = A method of producing
een werkwijze voor het produceren van = a method for producing
Een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van = a method of assembling
een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van een wand = a method of assembling a wall
een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van een wand van een gebouw = a method of assembling a wall of a building
een werkwijze voor het sorteren van gemengd kunststof verpakkingsafval = a method for sorting mixed plastic packaging waste
Een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in bouwconstructies = A method for preventing moisture transfer in building structures
een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in een bouwconstructi = a method for preventing moisture transfer in a building structure
een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in een bouwconstructi = a method to prevent moisture transfer in a building structure
een werkwijze voor het toevoegen van gebruikers op afstand aan een videoc = a method for adding remote users to a videoconference by a medical user i
Een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van = A method for manufacturing
een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van voornoemde = a method for manufacturing said
Een werkwijze wordt verschaft = A method is provided
een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven = a method as described above
een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven kan worden uitgevoerd = a method as described above can be carried out
"een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven, kan worden uitgevoerd" = a method as described above can be carried out
een wettelijke eis is = is a legal requirement
een wettelijke verplichting die op de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke rust = a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Controller
"een wettig, veilig en eerlijk aanbod aan consumenten" = "providing legitimate, safe and fair gambling services to consumers"
een wezenlijk bestanddeel vormen/uitmaken van = to be an essential/integral part of
een wezenlijke bijdrage voor = a fundamental contribution to
een wezenlijke tekortkoming in de nakoming vormen = to amount to a fundamental breach of contract
een wig slaan = wedge
een wig steken = wedge
een wijze die strijdig is met eerlijke handelsgebruiken = a manner contrary to honest commercial practices
Een wijziging of aanvulling = Any changes or additions
een wijziging op de bestaande arbeidsovereenkomst = an amendment to your current contract of employment
Een wijzigingsprocedure = A change procedure
een wind laten = fart
"een wind laten, een scheet laten" = break wind  (fart)
"een wind laten, scheet laten" = fart  (to emit flatulent gases)
een windpark te bouwen en exploiteren = to build and operate a wind farm
een win-win situatie = a win-win situation
Een wissel accepteren = Accept a bill
één wisselkoersbeleid = single exchange-rate policy
een woning kraken = to squat in a house
een woning of kantoorgebouw = a home or office building
Een Works-taak koppelen = Associate a Works task
een zaak = an item
een zaak (winkel) beginnen = to open a shop
een zaak aan arbitrage onderwerpen = to submit a matter to arbitration
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to conclude a transaction
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to effect a transaction
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to transact a deal
een zaak afwikkelen = to settle a matter
een zaak afwikkelen = to wind up an affair
een zaak in beraad nemen = take into consideration
een zaak in beraad nemen = consider
een zaak naar de rol verwijzen voor het nemen van akte = the case has been entered on the cause list for claimant to submit a stat
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to enter a case in the docket (US)
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to place a case on the register
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to set down a case for hearing
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to set down a case for trial
een zaak op een bepaalde plaats afleveren = to deliver a thing at a particular place
een zaak op een bepaalde plaats afleveren = to deliver an article at a particular place
een zaak van de rol voeren = to remove a case from the cause list
een zaak van de rol voeren = to strike a case off the cause list
een zaak voor het gerecht brengen = legal
een zaak voor het gerecht brengen = to institute an action
een zaak weer op de rol plaatsen = to restore a case to the cause list
een zachte gummy voor therapeutisch oraal gebruik = a soft gummy for therapeutic oral use
een zakelijke op resultaat gerichte oriëntatie = business and result-oriented
een zakelijke oplossing = a corporate solution
een zakelijke reis naar het buitenland = business trips abroad
een zakenreis naar het buitenland = a business trip abroad
een zeer grote groepen en verdeelkast = "groepenkast = distribution board, consumer unit"
een zeer hoge mechanische sterkte vertonen = exhibit a very high mechanical strength
een zeer specifieke term die mogelijk niet aanwezig is als een vastgestel = a very specific term which may not be present as an established keyword b
een zeer uitgebreid kwaliteitsbeheer = a comprehensive quality management system
een zekere afstand van elkaar gescheiden zijn = are separated a certain distance from each other
een zekere inkomensbescherming = a certain degree of income protection
een zelfregelende klep = a self-regulating valve
een zelfstandig opererende = an independent
een zelfstandig uitgevoerde analyse = an independently performed analysis
"een zetje geven, een duwtje geven, een duwtje in de rug geven" = boost  (to lift or push from behind)
één zijde = one side
één zijkant van één van genoemde tussenschotten = one side of one of said partitions
een zinvolle voortzetting van de arbeidsovereenkomst is niet aan de orde = there is no suitable way of continuing the employment contract
een zo goed mogelijke bescherming van je gezondheid = protecting your health as much as possible
een zo groot mogelijke veiligheid = maximizing safety
een zo laag mogelijk = the lowest possible
een zo uniform mogelijke dikte = a thickness that is as uniform as possible
een zogenaamde penetratietest = a so-called penetration test
één zone met één of meerdere woorden = one single or multiple word zone
een zooitje van zou hebben gemaakt = made a mess of things
een zorg minder voor de klant = ensuring the customer had one less aspect to worry about
een zorgvuldige analyse van = a careful analysis of
een zorgvuldige analyse van het complete eindverpakkingsproces = a careful analysis of the entire final packaging process
een zout daarvan = a salt thereof
een zout daarvan of een mengsel daarvan = a salt thereof or a mixture thereof
een zwakke leerling bijspijkeren = bring a weak pupil up to standard
een zware wissel trekken op = to take a heavy toll on
een zwarte bladzijde in de geschiedenis van het bedrijf = a black page in the history of the company
een zwarte stip = a black dot
"één, een [non-emphasized]" = one {cardinal number} (cardinal number 1)
"een, een zeker, een of ander" = "some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown)"
een/de eed afleggen/ zweren = depose  (to take an oath)
een/tweerichtingsverkeer = one/two-way traffic
eenaderige kabel = single-core cable
éénaderige stroomgeleider = Single-core conductor
éénaderige stroomgeleiders = Single-core conductors
eenadresopdracht = one-address instruction
eenadresopdrachtvorm = one address instruction format
Eenas-positionering = Single-axis positioning
Eenas-regeling = Single-axis controller
eenassig = uniaxial
eenassig bijscherm = simple cyme
eenbaansweg = highway
eenbeenstatief = unipod support
eenbroederig = monadelphous
eencilinder motor = single cylinder engine
een-complement = ones complement
eencomponentlak = one-component lacquer
eencomponentverf = one-component paint
ééncomponentversie = single-component version
ééncomponentversies = single-component versions
Eend = Duck
eend {de} = duck
eendagskuiken = day-old chick
ééndagskuiken = day old chick
eendagskuikens = day-old chicks
ééndagskuikens = day-old chicks
eende- = duck
eendebout = duck
eendeëi = duck egg
ééndelig = single-sheave
ééndelig = one-part
ééndelig = one-piece
ééndelig = single-component
eendelig doek = one-piece surgical drape
ééndelig doek = one-piece surgical drape
eendelig en uit kunststof vervaardigd = is made in one piece and in plastic
ééndelige = one-piece
Eenden = Duck
eenden = ducks
eenden- = duck
eendenkooi = duck-trap
eendenlever = foie gras
Eender = Similar
eender = likewise
Eender = Identical
Eender = Alike
Eender = Same
eender = equal
Eender = Like
eender wanneer = any time
eender wanneer = anytime [esp. Am.]
eender wat = whatever
eender wel aantal = any number of
eender welk = any
eender welke = any
eender welke = any ...whatsoever
eender welke combinatie = any combination
eender welke combinatie daarvan = any combination thereof
eender welke informatie = any information whatsoever
eender welke of meerdere = any or several
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen = any of the claimed embodiments
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen worden gebruikt in eender = any of the claimed embodiments can be used in any combination
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen worden gebruikt in eender = any of the claimed embodiments can be used in any combination
eendimensionaal = univariate
Eendimensionale schaalanalyse = One-dimensional scale analysis
eendimensionale verdeling = univariate distribution
eendollarbiljet/eendollarsbiljet = one (dollar bill)
ééndoorgangs- = single pass
eendraads- = circuit diagrams
Eendraads getextureerd garen = Single textured yarn
eendraadschema = single line diagram
eendraadsgeleiding = single-wire line
eendraadsleiding = single-wire line
eendraadsschema = one-line diagram
eendraadsschema = single-line diagram
een-draadsschema = one-line diagram
eendraadsschema's = circuit diagrams
eendracht = harmony
Eendracht = Union
eendracht {de} = unity
eendracht {de} = harmony
Eendracht maakt macht = United we stand
eendrachtig = harmonious
Eendrachtig = Unanimous
eenduidig = unambiguous
eenduidig = clear-cut
eenduidig = unmistakeable
eenduidig = univocal
eenduidig = foolproof
eenduidig = unambiguously
eenduidig = "unambiguous, unequivocal"
Eenduidig = Clear
eenduidig optreden = uniform action
Eenduidige = Clear
Eenduidige = Clear-cut
éénduidige = clear
éénduidige = clear-cut
éénduidige = clearly
éénduidige = consistent
éénduidige = unambiguous
éénduidige = unambiguously
éénduidige = unequivocal
éénduidige = unequivocally
eenduidige aanpak = uniform approach
eenduidige definitie = unambiguous definition
eenduidige interpretatie van de beoordelingscriteria = unambiguous interpretation of the assessment criteria
eenduidige privacywetgeving = unambiguous privacy legislation
eenduidige rapportage = unambiguous reporting
eenduidige stijl = consistent style
eenduidigheid = uniformity
eenduidigheid van de controle = consistency and uniformity of inspection
eenduizend = one thousand
Eendvogels = Anseriformes
een-eenduidig (injectief) = one-to-one
eenendertig = thirty-one
eenentachtigst = eighty-first
"eenentachtigst, eenentachtigste" = eighty-first {numeral} (ordinal number 81st)
eenentachtigste = eighty-first
eenentwintig = twenty-one
eenentwintigste = twenty-first
"eenentwintigste <21e, 21ste>" = twenty-first <21st>
eenenvijftig = fifty-one
eenenzestig = sixty-one
één-factor-theorie van Spearman = single factor theory
eenfasegelijkrichter = half-wave rectifier
eenfasegelijkrichting = single-phase rectification
Eenfasemotoren = Single-phase motors
Eenfasig = 1-phased
éénfasige = single-phase
éénfasige elektriciteit = single-phase power
eenfasige halve golf = single-phase half-wave
eenfrequentieoscillator = single-frequency oscillator
eenfrequentieversterker = single-frequency amplifier
éénfunctietoets = single switch device
eengangig = single-thread
eengemaakte arbeidsmarkt = single labour market
eengezinswoning = one-family house
eengezinswoning = single family dwelling
eengezinswoning = single-family housing
ééngezinswoning = family home
"eengezinswoning, eengezinshuis" = one-family house
Eengreepskraan = One handle tap
eenh./m = unit/m
Eenhandbediening = One hand control
Eénhandmengkraan = One hand mixer
eenheden = units
eenheden = entities
eenheden = integers
eenheden {mv} = units
eenheden per periode = units per period
eenheden per uur = M's hour
eenheden van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = spatial locations
eenhedengroep = unit group
eenhedenstelsel = system of units
eenheid = device
eenheid = unit
eenheid = unit of measurement
eenheid = whole
eenheid = entity
eenheid = unity
eenheid = integrity
eenheid {de} = unit
eenheid met meervoudige banden = multiband device
Eenheid van = Unit of
eenheid van elektriciteit = electrical unit
eenheid van elektrostatica = electrostatic unit
eenheid van elektrostatische lading = unit electrostatic charge
eenheid van energie = unit of energy
eenheid van kostprijsberekening = costing unit
eenheid van taal = consistent terminology
eenheid van vermogen = power unit
eenheid van warmte = heat unit
eenheid voor algemene luchtverkeersleiding (ACC) = area control centre (ACC)
eenheid voor hoeken = angular unit
eenheid waarover afschrijving wordt berekend = depreciation unit
Eenheids Afleverings Verpakkingen = unit dose blister packs
eenheidsafstandcode = unit-distance code
eenheidsas = basic shaft
eenheidsasstelsel = shaft basis system of fits
Eenheidscel = Mesh
eenheidscertificaat = unit certificate
eenheidsdenken = groupthink
eenheidsdiagnose = unit  diagnostics
eenheidsgat = basic hole
eenheidsgatstelsel = hole basis system of fits
eenheidsidentificatiecode = unit identification code
eenheidsinformatie = unit information
eenheidsinterval = unit interval
eenheidsklasse = unit class
eenheidskwaliteit = unit quality
eenheidslengte = unit length
eenheidslichtbron = unit source of light
eenheidsmatrix = unit matrix
Eenheidsmatrix = Identity matrix
eenheidsontwikkelingsfolder = unit development folder: UDF
eenheidspartij = one-party system
eenheidsprijs = unit price
eenheidsprijzen = unit prices
eenheidsprijzen en globale prijzen = unit prices and overall prices
eenheidsstaat = unitarian State
eenheidsstaat = unitary state
eenheidsstatuut = unified employment status (for blue and white collar workers)
eenheidstarieven = unit rates
eenheidsvector = unit vector
eenheidsvertragingstijd = unit delay
eenheidsvertragingstijdsimulator = unit delay simulator
Eénhendelmengkraan = Single lever mixer
eenhokkig = unilocular
eenhokkig al = one celled
eenhonderd = one hundred
eenhonderd vijf duizend = one hundred five thousand
eenhonderd vijftig duizend = one hundred and fifty thousand
éénhoofdigheid = companies with single shareholders
Eenhoorn = Unicorn
Eenhoorn (fabeldier) = Unicorn
eenhoorn {de} = unicorn
eenhuizig = monoecions
eenhuizig = monoecious
eeningangsterminal = one-input terminal
eenjarig = annual
eenjarige plant {de} = annual
eenjunctietransistor = single-junction transistor
eenkamerstelsel = unicameral system
eenkennig = shy
eenkleurig = monochromatic
"eenkleurig, met/van de zelfde kleur" = concolorous
eenkleurige mierklauwier = uniform antshrike (passerine bird of the antbird family)
eenkopsysteem = single-head system
eenkristal = single crystal
eenlettergrepig = monosyllabic
eenlidsrij = unit string
eenlijnschrijver = one-line tracer
Eenlijnsprestaties = performance on a par with a patentable invention
eenlinggolf = solitary wave
E-en-M signalering = E-and-M lead signalling
eenmaal = at some time
eenmaal = simply
Eenmaal = Once
Eenmaal = One day
Eenmaal de heropstart volledig gebeurd is = Once the restart is complete
Eenmaal de verbinding opnieuw gerealiseerd is = Once the connection has been reestablished
eenmaal het jaarinkomen = once your annual income
Eenmaal ingelogd op de machine = Once logged on to the machine
eenmaal klikken = single click
eenmaal per dag = once a day
éénmaal per jaar = once a year
eenmaal per week = weekly
eenmaken = unify
eenmaking = union
eenmalig = non-recurring
eenmalig = non-recurrent
éénmalig = non-recurring
éénmalig = once-only
eenmalig 50% korting = one-time 50% discount
eenmalig een incassoopdracht te sturen = to send a one-off direct debit order
eenmalig gebruik = disposable
eenmalig kapitaal = lump sum capital
eenmalig seksueel geweld = non-recurring sexual violence
eenmalig toepassingen = one-off applications
éénmalig uniek wachtwoord = one-time password
eenmalig wachtwoord = one-time password
eenmalige = One-time
éénmalige = non-recurrent
éénmalige = non-recurring
éénmalige = on a case-by-case basis
éénmalige = on one occasion
éénmalige = once-in-a-life-time
éénmalige = once-only
éénmalige = one single time
éénmalige = one time
éénmalige = one-off
éénmalige = one-shot (informal)
éénmalige = one-time
éénmalige = single
éénmalige = single time
eenmalige aanmelding = single sign-on
eenmalige actie = one-off effort
eenmalige actie = one-off measure
eenmalige actie = one-off operation
eenmalige actie = one-off procedure
eenmalige actie = one-off promotion
éénmalige automatische incasso = non-recurring direct debit
éénmalige automatische incasso = one-off direct debit
eenmalige bedragen = one-off amounts
eenmalige beoordeling = one-time assessment
"eenmalige binnenkomst, visum" = single-entry visa
eenmalige dosis = single dosage
eenmalige en periodieke kosten = one-off and periodic expenses
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = disposable goods
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = disposables
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = single-use goods
eenmalige indienststelling = one time startup
eenmalige inspectie = one-time inspection
eenmalige kosten = non-recurring costs
eenmalige kosten = one-off costs
eenmalige kosten omgekeerde overname = non-recurring costs relating to reverse takeover
eenmalige lasten en baten = non-recurring income and expenditures
eenmalige machtiging = once-only authorisation
eenmalige machtiging = one-off direct debit mandate
eenmalige machtiging = single direct debit mandate
Eenmalige machtiging incasso = One-off direct debit
eenmalige registratie = one-time registration
eenmalige registratievergoeding = one-time registration fee
eenmalige SEPA Incasso-opdrachten = One-off SEPA Direct Debit orders
Eenmalige SEPA machtiging Bedrijven = One-off SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
eenmalige storting = one-off deposit
eenmalige storting = payment of a single deposit
eenmalige storting = single contribution [pension insurance]
eenmalige storting = single deposit
eenmalige storting = single premium [pension insurance]
eenmalige stortingen = single contributions
Eenmalige tarieven = One-off rates
eenmalige uitbetaling = lump sum payment
éénmalige uitbetaling = lump sum payment
eenmalige uitkering = one-off payment
eenmalige uitkering = non-recurrent benefit
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurrent payment
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurring payment
éénmalige uitkering = once-only payment
éénmalige uitkering = one-off payment
éénmalige uitkering = lump sum benefit
éénmalige uitkering = lump sum payment
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurrent benefit
éénmalige uitkering = once-only benefit
eenmalige vergoeding = one-off charge
eenmalige vrijval = one-off release
éénmalige wachtwoord = one-time password
éénmalige wachtwoord = OTP
eenmalige zware belasting = a single heavy load
Eenmanszaak = one-man business
Eenmanszaak = sole proprietor
Eenmanszaak = sole proprietorship
Eenmanszaak = sole trader
eenmanszaak = sole proprietorship
eenmanszaken = sole traders
éénmanszaken = one-man business (bron: business)
éénmanszaken = sole proprietorship
éénmanszaken = sole trader
een-na-laatste jaar = penultimate year
een-niveau adres = one-level address
eenogig = one-eyed
Eenoog = One-eyed
eenoogreflex = "single-lens reflex, SLR"
één-op-één = at full value
één-op-één = in full
één-op-één = in their entirety
één-op-één = one by one
één-op-één = one for one
één-op-één = one-to-one
een-op-een afbeelding = one-to-one correspondence
een-op-een associatie = one-to-one association
één-op-één communicatie = one-to-one communication
éen-op-één doorberekenen = pass on expenses at cost
één-op-één kopie = one-to-one copy
één-op-één les = one-to-one lessons
één-op-één toepassing = one-to one-application
een-op-een vertaler = one-to-one translator
een-op-een-relatie = one-to-one relationship
een-op-veel associatie = one-to-many association
een-op-veel-relatie = one-to-many relationship
eenoudergezin = one-parent family
eenoudergezin = single-parent family
éénoudergezin = one-parent family
eenpansgerechten = one-pot meals
eenpansgerechten = one-pot dishes
eenparig = unanimous
eenparig = uniform
eenparig schriftelijk akkoord = unanimous written agreement
eenparig versnelde beweging = uniformly accelerated motion
eenparig vertraagde beweging = uniformly retarded motion
eenparige beweging = uniform motion
eenparigheid van stemmen = consensus vote
eenpersoons = Single-member LLC (EBVBA/SPRLU)
eenpersoons- = one person
eenpersoons bed = single bed
eenpersoons kamers = single rooms
eenpersoonsbed {het} = single bed
eenpersoonsdeken = single blanket
eenpersoonshuishouden = single household
eenpersoonshuishouden = single-person household
éénpersoonshuishouden = single-person household
éénpersoonshuishoudens = single-person households
eenpersoonskamer = single room
éénpersoonskamer = single room
één-persoontoeslag = single supplement
Eénpiloot-gecertificeerd luchtvaartuig = Single-pilot aircraft
een-plus-een adresinstructie = one-plus-one address instruction
een-plus-een adresopdrachtvorm = one-plus-one address instruction format
eenpolig = unipolar
Eenpolig drukcontact = 1-pole push button
Eenpolige fase-indicatie = Single pole phase indication
Eenpolige schakelaar = 1-pole switch
éénpunts meting = single-point measurement
Eenregelig = Single-line
eenrichting [-sweg] = One-way [- street]
eenrichtingsbus = unidirectional bus
eenrichtingscommunicatie = one-way communication
eenrichtingsfietspad = one-way cycle track
eenrichtingsgeleiding = unidirectional conductivity
eenrichtingsgraaf = unidirected graph
eenrichtingsnetwerk = unidirectional network
eenrichtingsonderdrukker = half echo suppressor
eenrichtingspuls = unidirectional pulse
eenrichtingsspanning = unidirectional voltage
eenrichtingsstraat = one-way streets
eenrichtingsstraat {de} [vooral BN] = one-way street
eenrichtingsstraten = one-way streets
eenrichtingsstraten = one-way street
eenrichtingsstroom = unidirectional current
eenrichtingstransportsysteem = one-way transport system
eenrichtingsventiel = non-return valve
eenrichtingsverbindingsfaciliteit = calls barred facility
eenrichtingsverkeer = one-way traffic
Eenrichtingsverkeer = One way
een-richtingsverkeer = one-way traffic
een-richtingsverkeer = unidirectional traffic
eenrichtingsvertrouwensrelatie = one-way trust
eenrichtingsweg {de} = one-way street
eenrijig = single row
eenrijig groefkogellager = single-row ball bearing
Eens = One day
eens = once upon a time
eens = just
Eens = Once
eens bent = agree
eens de dataverandering aan de gebeurtenislog toegevoegd is = once the data change has been added to the event log
eens het is gevormd = once formed
eens in de zoveel tijd = every once in a while
eens verbonden = once connected
Eens we dat begrepen hebben = Once we have understood this
"eens zijn, Zijn we het daar allemaal over eens?" = "to agree, Are we all agreed on that?"
"eens, een keer, eenmaal" = once {adv} (one and only one time)
eenschijfsmachine = single-disc machine
eenschrift-meertalig = uniscript-multilingual
Eensgevend geld = Quotation per unit
Eensgezind = Unanimous
eensgezind naar buiten treden = to stand united
eensklaps = unexpectedly
Eensklaps = All of a sudden
eensklaps = suddenly
eenslachtig = unisexual
eenslagkoppeling = single-revolution clutch
eensluidend gewaarmerkt afschrift = certified true copy
eensoortige vegetatie = sward
eenstand = one condition
eenstapsgoedkeuringsprocedure = single-step approval procedure
eenstapstypegoedkeuring = single-step type-approval
een-steekproef-kwaliteitscontrole-procedure = single sampling plan
één-steekproefschatter van Hodges-Lehmann = Hodges-Lehmann one-sample estimator
eenstemmig = with one accord
eenstemmig besluit = unanimous resolution
eenstemmigheid = unanimity
Eentaksziekte = usually single vessel disease/sometimes single-vessel disease/very occasi
eentekortbijdevoorziening = supply shortfall
eenterm = monomial
"eentje laten vliegen, eentje loslaten" = cut one loose  (fart)
eentoerenschroef = one way head
eentoestand = one state
eentonig = monotonous
Eentonig = Humdrum
Eéntonig = Single-tone
Eéntonig continue signaal = Single-tone continuous alarm
"eentonig, eentonige, monotoon, monotone" = monotonic {adj}
eentonigheid = monotony
Eentonigheid = Tediousness
eentoppig = unimodal
eentoppig = single-peaked
eentoppige verdeling = unimodal distribution
ééntrap = single-stage
eentraps = single stage
ééntraps = single-stage
ééntraps = one-step
ééntraps = single stage
Eentrapsactie = One-stage campaign
eentrapsgenerator = single-stage generator
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = single sampling
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = unit stage sampling
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = unitary sampling
ééntrapssysteem = single-stage system
eentrapsversteker = single-stage amplifier
eenuitgangssignaal = one output signal
eenuitgangsterminal = one-output terminal
éénvijfde = one fifth
een-voorwaartse adressering = one-ahead addressing
eenvormig = uniform
Eenvormige Beneluxwet op de Merken = Uniform Benelux Law on Marks
eenvormige besluitvorming = uniform decision-making
eenvormigheidsattest = certificate of vehicle conformity
Eenvoud = Artlessness
Eenvoud = Simplicity
Eenvoud = Simpleness
eenvoudig = easy [simple]
Eenvoudig = Informal
Eenvoudig = Straightforward
Eenvoudig = Homely
eenvoudig = plain [simple]
Eenvoudig = Homespun
eenvoudig = simple
eenvoudig = plain
eenvoudig = elementary
Eenvoudig = Informally
Eenvoudig = Mere
eenvoudig = trivially
Eenvoudig bestellen = Easy ordering
Eenvoudig doel = Basic Target
eenvoudig en flexibel kan verplaatst worden = can be easily and flexibly moved
Eenvoudig en goedkoop in gebruik = Simple and cheap to run
eenvoudig en in hoge mate recycleerbaar = easily and to a large extent recyclable
Eenvoudig en snel aan te brengen = Easy and quick to apply
eenvoudig en snel ontsmet = easily and quickly disinfected
eenvoudig en snel ontsmet worden = can be easily and quickly disinfected
Eenvoudig flexproces = Basic Bending Process
eenvoudig gehouden worden = kept simple
eenvoudig geïntegreerd kan worden = can be easily integrated
eenvoudig gekanteld kan worden met een bepaalde hoek = can easily be tilted at a certain angle
eenvoudig gereedschap = simple tools
eenvoudig gevormd worden = be formed easily
eenvoudig handelskrediet = straight credit
eenvoudig handgereedschap = simple hand tools
eenvoudig in de holte kan opgenomen worden = can be easily received in the cavity
eenvoudig in gebruik = easy to use
eenvoudig in gebruik en onderhoud = easy to use and maintain
"Eenvoudig in gebruik en onderhoud, gunstig in aanschaf" = Economical and easy to use and maintain
eenvoudig in het gebruik = easy to use
Eenvoudig in het onderhoud = Easy maintenance
eenvoudig in onderhoud = easy to maintain
eenvoudig instapbaar = easy to get into
eenvoudig kan gevormd worden = can be formed easily
eenvoudig losmaakbaar = easily detachable
eenvoudig losmaakbaar paneel = easily detachable panel
eenvoudig met elkaar in contact = easily be in contact with each other
"eenvoudig met elkaar in contact, waar ze zich ook bevinden" = "easily be in contact with each other, wherever they are located"
eenvoudig netwerk = simple network
eenvoudig op de site kan samengebouwd worden = can be easily assembled on site
eenvoudig overzicht = simple overview
eenvoudig prduct = simple product
Eenvoudig proces = Basic Process
eenvoudig raadpleegbaar = can be easily consulted
Eenvoudig samenwerken met = Easily collaborate with
Eenvoudig samenwerken met collega’s = Easily collaborate with colleagues
Eenvoudig schoon te maken = Easy to clean
eenvoudig te achterhalen = easily retrievable
eenvoudig te gebruiken = easy to use
eenvoudig te implementeren systeem = easy-to-implement system
Eenvoudig te installeren = Easy to install
Eenvoudig te installeren zonder hak- en breekwerk = Easy to install without major construction work
eenvoudig te integreren = easy to integrate
eenvoudig te integreren palletlift = easy to integrate pallet lift
Eenvoudig te openen met push-push openingssysteem = Easy opening using push-push opening system
Eenvoudig te openen met push-push openingssysteem = Simple to open with push-push opening system
eenvoudig te plaatsen = easy to install
eenvoudig te reinigen = easy to clean
eenvoudig te selecteren = easily selectable
eenvoudig te vervaardigen = easy to manufacture
Eenvoudig toegankelijk = Easily accessible
Eenvoudig toegankelijk = Easy access
eenvoudig tot complexe = simple to complex
eenvoudig type = simple type
eenvoudig verkrijgbaar = readily available
eenvoudig vermeden = easily avoided
eenvoudig verplaatsbaar = easily movable
eenvoudig verplaatsbaar is naar een andere plaats = is easy to move to a different location
eenvoudig verplaatsbare = easily movable
eenvoudig volume = simple volume
eenvoudig worden uitgebreid met een aantal optionele modules = can easily be expanded with a number of optional modules
"eenvoudig, duurzaam en goedkoop" = "easily, durably and inexpensively"
"eenvoudig, energiezuinig en doeltreffend" = "simple, energy efficient and effective"
"eenvoudig, snel en goedkoop" = "simply, quickly and cheaply"
"eenvoudig,snel,uitgekookt" = convenient)
"eenvoudig,snel,uitgekookt" = "expedient {adj} (simple, easy, or quick"
eenvoudige = simple
eenvoudige (niet-getrapte) winst- en verliesrekening = single-step income statement
eenvoudige berekeningen = simple calculations
eenvoudige beslissing = simple resolution
Eenvoudige bloklijst = Basic Block List
eenvoudige bufferbewerking = simple buffering
Eenvoudige cirkel = Basic Pie
eenvoudige client = simple client
eenvoudige componenten = simple components
eenvoudige conflictsituatie = simple conflict
Eenvoudige cyclus = Basic Cycle
Eenvoudige cyclus = Cycle
eenvoudige deelroute = simple subpath
eenvoudige en effectieve = simple and effective
Eenvoudige en schone montage = Simple and clean installation
Eenvoudige indicator = simple indicator
eenvoudige letsels = simple injuries
Eenvoudige matrix = Basic Matrix
eenvoudige monteerbaarheid en demonteerbaarheid = simple mounting and demounting
eenvoudige opbouw = simple construction
eenvoudige oplossing = simple solution
eenvoudige opslag = easy storage
eenvoudige overeenkomst = open contract
eenvoudige overeenkomst = simple contract
Eenvoudige piramide = Basic Pyramid
eenvoudige plaatsing = easy installation
Eenvoudige problemen oplossen = Solving simple problems
eenvoudige quad = simple quad
Eenvoudige radiaal = Basic Radial
eenvoudige scheidingsmogelijkheden bieden = are simple to separate
eenvoudige schriftelijke = open contract
eenvoudige schriftelijke = simple contract
eenvoudige schriftelijke mededeling = simple written notice
eenvoudige taken veilig afwerken = safely complete simple tasks
Eenvoudige TCP/IP-services = Simple TCP/IP Services
Eenvoudige tijdlijn = Basic Timeline
eenvoudige tracés = simple routes
Eenvoudige venn = Basic Venn
eenvoudige vragenlijst = simple questionnaire
eenvoudige wetgeving = simple legislation
Eenvoudige winst- en verliesrekening = Single-step income statement
eenvoudiger = simpler
Eenvoudiger en sneller aan te brengen en af te werken = Easier and faster to apply and finish
eenvoudiger en sneller te produceren = easier and quicker to produce
eenvoudiger en voordeliger = simpler and cheaper
eenvoudiger hanteerbaar = easier to handle
eenvoudiger in elkaar te schuiven = easier to slide into one another
eenvoudiger is dan ooit = easier than ever
Eenvoudiger openen en sluiten = Easier opening and closing
eenvoudiger te produceren = easier to manufacture
eenvoudigweg = simply
eenvoudigweg = easily
eenwaardig = monovalent
eenwaardig alcohol = monohydric alcohol
eenwaardig carbonzuur = monocarboxylic acid
Eenwaardige alcoholen = Monohydric alcohols
eenwaardige alcoholen = monohydric alcohols
eenwaardige carbonzuur = monocarboxylic acid
eenwals = single-roll mill
eenwegcommunicatie = one-way communication
eenwegscommunicatie = one-way communication
Éénwegsysteem = One-way system
eenwegventiel = one-way valve
eenwindingsspoel = single-turn coil
éénwoordzone = single word zone
éénwoordzones = single word containing zones
éénwoordzones = single word zones
eenwording van Duitsland = unification of Germany
eenzaadlobbig = monocotyledonous
Eenzaadlobbigen = Monocotyledon
Eenzaam = Solitary
eenzaam = dreary
Eenzaam = Lonesome
Eenzaam = Rogue elephant
Eenzaam = Solitaire
Eenzaam = Alone
Eenzaam = Lonely
Eenzaam = Lone
eenzaamheid = abandonment
Eenzaamheid = Isolation
Eenzaamheid = Solitude
Eenzaamheid = Loneliness
Eenzaamheid = Seclusion
eenzaamheid {de} = loneliness
eenzelfde = a single
eenzelfde = identical
eenzelfde = the same
éénzelfde = the same/identical
eenzelfde materiaal = a same material
Eenzelfde overweging = The same consideration
eenzelfde soort = an identical
éénzelfde wand = the same wall
Eenzelvig = Solitaire
Eenzelvig = Rogue elephant
Eenzelvig = Lone
Eenzelvig = Solitary
Eenzelvig = Lonesome
Eenzelvig = Lonely
Eenzelvig = Alone
eenzijband = single-sideband: SSB
eenzijbandbereik = single-sideband range
eenzijbanddistortie = single-sideband distortion
eenzijbandfout = single-sideband error
eenzijbandonderdrukking = single-sideband suppression
eenzijbandontvanger = single-sideband receiver
eenzijbandontvangst = single-sideband reception
eenzijbandsignaal = single-sideband signal
eenzijbandversterker = single-sideband amplifier
eenzijbandzender = single-sideband transmitter
eenzijdig = on one side
eenzijdig = biased
Eenzijdig = One way
Eenzijdig = Unilateral
eenzijdig = one-sided
eenzijdig = one-tailed
eenzijdig = unilaterally
eenzijdig afgewezen = unilaterally rejected
Eenzijdig Buitengerechtelijk Deskundigenonderzoek = Unilateral Extrajudicial Expert’s Investigation
eenzijdig delen = unilateral sharing
eenzijdig doorgevoerde = unilaterally implemented
eenzijdig herroepbaar contract = voidable contract
eenzijdig in het voordeel van de koper = unilaterally favouring the buyer
éénzijdig ingeklemde balk = cantilever beam
eenzijdig mandaat = unilateral mandate
eenzijdig ongeval = single vehicle accident
eenzijdig te wijzigen = unilaterally change
eenzijdig te wijzigen of aan te vullen = unilaterally change or supplement
eenzijdig vastgestelde prijs = administered price
eenzijdig verbreken = unilateral termination
eenzijdig verbreken van de opdracht = unilateral breach of contract
éénzijdig verzoekschrift = ex parte application
eenzijdig voetgangersongeval (niet in VN-ECE internationale definitie) = pedestrian-only accident (not in UN-ECE international definition)
eenzijdig wijzigen = unilaterally amend
eenzijdig wijzigingsbeding = unilateral changes clause
eenzijdig worden aangepast = unilaterally changed
eenzijdig wordt gewijzigd = is amended unilaterally
"eenzijdig, onmiddellijk en zonder voorafgaande gerechtelijke tussenkomst" = "unilaterally, immediately and without prior judicial intervention"
eenzijdige = unilateral
Eenzijdige akte = Deed poll
eenzijdige beëindiging = unilateral termination
éénzijdige beëindiging = unilateral termination
éénzijdige beëindiging zonder opzeggingstermijn = unilateral termination without notice
eenzijdige begrensde turbulentie = wall-turbulence
eenzijdige belasting van het lichaam = one-sided strain on the body
eenzijdige bevestiging = single-sided mounting
eenzijdige geschriften = unilateral writings
eenzijdige golf = one-sided wave
"eenzijdige hypalgesie, de hemihypalgesie" = hemihypalgesia
"eenzijdige hypalgesie, de hemihypalgesie" = hemi-hypoalgesia
eenzijdige ongeval = one-car accident
eenzijdige ongeval = one-vehicle accident
eenzijdige specialisatieovereenkomst = unilateral specialisation agreement
eenzijdige steeksleutel = open-end spanner
eenzijdige toets = asymmetrical test
eenzijdige toets = one-sided test
eenzijdige toets = one-tailed test
eenzijdige toets = single tail test
Eenzijdige toets = One-tailed test
eenzijdige verbreking = unilateral termination
eenzijdige verbreking arbeidsovereenkomst = unilateral termination of the employment contract
eenzijdige verbreking arbeidsovereenkomst door werkgever = unilateral termination of employment contract by employer
eenzijdige vermindering van belasting = unilateral tax relief
eenzijdige vorm van onderwijs = one-sided form of education
Eenzijdige wijziging = Unilateral amendment
eenzijdige wilsverklaring = unilateral declaration of intent
eenzijdigheid {de} = one-sidedness
EEPROM = electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
eer = credit
eer = honor
eer = rather
eer = sooner
eer = before
eer = honour
EER = European Economic Area
eer {de} = honor [Am.]
eer {de} = honour [Br.]
eer en geweten = true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability
eerbaar = reputable
Eerbaar = Honest
eerbaar = chaste
eerbaarheid = chastity
eerbaarheid {de} = respectability
Eerbetoon = Token
eerbetoon = tribute
eerbetoon = homage
eerbetoon {het} = tribute
"eerbetoon, hommage, hulde, huldeblijk" = homage (demonstration of respect)
eerbetuiging = accolade
Eerbetuiging = Token
Eerbetuiging = Homage
eerbewijs = honor
eerbewijsontvankelijkheid = honorificabilitudinitatibus (being able to receive honours)
eerbewijsontvankelijkheid = honorificabilitudinitatibus
Eerbied = Reverence
eerbied = respect
Eerbied = Abidance
Eerbiedig = Reverent
Eerbiedig = Dutiful
Eerbiedig = Respectful
Eerbiedigen = Have respect
Eerbiedigen = Follow
Eerbiedigen = Act on
Eerbiedigen = Respect
Eerbiedigen = Act upon
Eerbiedigen = Abide by
eerbiediging van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = respect for privacy
eerbiediging van de persoonlijke levenssfeer en de onaantastbaarheid van  = respect for privacy and physical integrity
eerbiediging van het privé-leven = protection of privacy
Eerbieding van mensenrechten = Respect for human rights
eerbiedwaardig = respectable
Eerbiedwaardig = Venerable
Eerbiedwaardig = Ancient
Eerbiedwaardigheid = Venerable
Eerbiedwaardigheid = Ancient
eerbiedwaardigheid = deference
eerdaags = soon
eerder = before
Eerder = Preferably
eerder = sooner
Eerder = Quite
eerder = rather
eerder = earlier
Eerder = Sufficiently
eerder = ahead
eerder ... dan = rather ... than
eerder aangekondigde = previously announced
eerder aangekondigde overname van = previously announced acquisition of
eerder bemonsterde = previously sampled
eerder bestelde = previously ordered
eerder bestelde Producten = previously ordered Products
eerder dan vermoedelijke datum = before the expected delivery date
Eerder eens = I tend to agree
Eerder gebeurde incidenten = Previous incidents
eerder gedaan eigen onderzoek = previously done own research
eerder gedane beleggingen = earlier investments
eerder gedeponeerde laag = previously deposited layer
eerder geformuleerde = previously formulated
eerder geïnstalleerde applicatie = previously installed application
eerder geïnstalleerde kruispuntprogramma = previously installed intersection program
eerder geïnstalleerde kruispuntprogramma’s = previously installed intersection programs
eerder gemeld = previously reported
eerder genoemd = previously mentioned
eerder genoemde = previously mentioned
eerder genoemde = above-mentioned
eerder genoemde = mentioned above
eerder genomen beslissingen = earlier decisions
eerder gepresenteerde informatie = the information presented earlier
eerder gerealiseerde project = past project
eerder gerealiseerde projecten = past projects
eerder geschat = previously estimated
eerder gewoonlijke dan toevallige lichte schuld = any minor negligence on their part that is usual/frequent rather than acc
eerder grenzen stellen = be more proactive about setting boundaries
eerder in het proces = earlier in the process
Eerder met pensioen gaan = Retiring earlier
Eerder niet eens = I tend to disagree
Eerder of later met pensioen = Early or late retirement
Eerder ontevreden = Somewhat dissatisfied
eerder op heden verleden = executed earlier this day
eerder opgedane ervaringen = previously gained experience
eerder opgedane kennis = prior learning
Eerder tevreden = Somewhat satisfied
eerder uitgevoerd onderzoek = previous research
eerder uitgevoerde SEPA Incasso-opdracht = previously executed SEPA Direct Debit order
eerder verbruik = previous consumption
eerder vermeld = above-mentioned
eerder vermeld = mentioned previously
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
Eerdere = Previous
eerdere audit = previous audit
eerdere beëindiging van deze overeenkomst = earlier termination of this Agreement
Eerdere betrokkenheid = Previous involvement
eerdere certificatie = previous certification
eerdere einddatum = early finish date
eerdere ervaringen = previous experiences
eerdere Ingebruikneming = early Occupation
eerdere onderzoeken naar = previous studies on
eerdere opdrachtgevers = previous clients
Eerdere prijzen = Previous Awards
eerdere releases = previous releases
eerdere stations = upstream stations
eerdergenoemd = aforementioned
eerdergenoemde = above-mentioned
eerdgronden = eerd soils
eergaande slag = downstroke
eergisteren = "day before yesterday, the"
Eergisteren = Day before last
eergisteren = the day before yesterday
eergisteren = day before yesterday
eergisteren = ereyesterday
EER-land = EEA country
EER-landen = EEA countries
Eerlang = So long!
Eerlang = Bye for now
Eerlang = Not far off
eerlang = soon
EER-lidstaten = EEA Member States
Eerlijk = Straightforward
eerlijk = fair
eerlijk = brave
Eerlijk = Frankish
eerlijk = honestly
Eerlijk = Frank
Eerlijk = Honest
eerlijk en open stelt tegenover de mensen van je team = adopt an open and honest attitude towards the people in your team
eerlijk en rechtvaardig = honest and fair
eerlijk en redelijk was = was fair and reasonable
Eerlijk is eerlijk = To be fair
eerlijk over eten = honest about food
eerlijk spel = equitable game
eerlijk spel = fair game
eerlijk toerisme = equitable tourism
eerlijk werk = fair work
eerlijk zijn tegenover elkaar = if we are honest with each other
"eerlijk, open, oprecht, openhartig" = frank {adj} (bluntly honest)
"eerlijk, rechtvaardig, rechtschapen, correct, fair" = "fair {adj} (just, equitable)"
eerlijke = fair
eerlijke = honest
eerlijke = sincere
eerlijke concurrentie = fair competition
eerlijke concurrentieverhoudingen = fair competitive conditions
eerlijke eendenlever = ethical foie gras
eerlijke en niet scheefgetrokken concurrentie op een open markt = fair and undistorted competition in an open market
eerlijke en redelijke voorwaarden = fair and reasonable conditions
eerlijke en transparante = fair and transparent
eerlijke handel = fair trade
eerlijke markt = fair marketplace
Eerlijke onderlinge verhoudingen = Fair relationships
Eerlijke prijs = Fair price
eerlijke procesgang = fair trial
Eerlijkheid = Straightforwardness
eerlijkheid = honesty
Eerlijkheid = Trustworthiness
Eerlijkheid = Uprightness
eerlijkheid duurt het langst = honesty is the best policy
"eerlijkheid, respect en steun" = "honesty, respect and support"
Eerloos = Nefarious
Eerloos = Villainous
Eerloosheid = Foul deed
Eerloosheid = Phi
Eerloosheid = Beastliness
Eerloosheid = Villainy
Eerloosheid = Shabby trick
Eerloosheid = Infamy
Eerloosheid = Vile action
EER-Raad = EEA Council
eerroof = backbiting
eerroof = defamation
eerrovend = defamatory
Eersel = Eersel
Eerst = Prime
eerst = only after
eerst = first
eerst = not until
eerst aan de orde komen = are dealt with first
Eerst en vooral = First and foremost
Eerst indien = Not until
eerst positie = first position
eerstdaags = soon
eerste = initial
eerste = fore
eerste = inaugural
eerste = chief
eerste = first
eerste = prime
"eerste <1e, 1ste>" = first <1st>
Eerste aanloopfase = first running-in phase
eerste aanslag = starting fare
eerste aanspreekpunt = first point of contact
eerste actuator = first actuator
eerste administratief of gerechtelijk proces-verbaal = primary administrative or judicial finding
eerste aflevering naar de klant = first customer ship: FCS
eerste afname = initial acceptance
eerste afstand = first distance
eerste afwerkingsprofiel = first finishing profile
eerste antwoord = first response
"Eerste APK na 3 jaar, daarna elk jaar" = "First inspection after 3 years, then every year"
Eerste arbeidsongeschiktheidsdag = First day of incapacity for work
eerste as = first axis
eerste aspect = first aspect
eerste assistent accountant = audit senior (assistant)
eerste assistent accountant = junior audit assistant
eerste bakbeurt = first fry
eerste been = first leg
eerste beginselen = ABC
Eerste beginselen = Rudiments
eerste belangrijke punt = first principal point
eerste betrekking = first job
eerste bevestigingselement = first attachment element
eerste beweging = first movement
eerste beweging = first motion
eerste bewegingsbericht = first movement message
eerste bewegingsdetectie = first movement detection
eerste binnenoppervlak = first inner surface
eerste bout = first bolt
eerste breedte = first width
Eerste brief van Paulus aan de Korintiërs = First Epistle to the Corinthians
eerste buitenste = first outer
eerste buitenwand = first outer wall
eerste bundelknoop = first beam cross-over point
eerste cilinder = first cylinder
eerste concept = first draft
Eerste Concilie van Nicea = First Council of Nicaea
eerste conclusie = first claim
Eerste conische reflector = First conical reflector
eerste consolidatieverschil = first consolidation difference
Eerste constateringen = Initial findings
Eerste contactpunt = First point of contact
eerste controlesignalen = first control signals
eerste cyclus = first cycle
eerste dag van contractuele opslag = day of commencement of contractual storage
eerste database = first database
eerste deel = first part
eerste deel = first portion
eerste deel van de cyclus = first part of the cycle
eerste diffusiewet van Fick = Fick principle of circulatory analysis
eerste diffusiewet van Fick = the first law of diffusion
eerste digitale dataset = first digital data set
eerste doel van deze uitvinding = first object of this invention
eerste draaimoment = first torque
eerste element = first element
eerste elementen = first elements
eerste elementen van de eerste matrijshelft = first elements of the first mould half
eerste en de tweede elementen = first and second elements
eerste en een tweede langszijde = first and a second longitudinal side
eerste en enige uitdeling = first and final distribution
eerste en enige uitdeling = first and final dividend
Eerste en laatste element = First and last element
eerste en tweede = first and second
eerste en tweede buitenste non-woven-lagen = first and second outer nonwoven layers
eerste en tweede element = first and second element
Eerste en Tweede Kamer = Dutch Senate and House of Representatives
Eerste en Tweede Kerstdag = Christmas Day and Boxing Day
eerste en tweede lid = first and second paragraph
eerste en tweede lid = subsections one and two
eerste en tweede lijn = primary and secondary care
eerste en tweede parameter = first and second parameter
eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen = first and second connecting means
eerste en tweede verzameling van series van beelden = first and second sets of series of images
eerste en vierde lid = first and fourth paragraph
eerste etage = ground floor
Eerste examinator = First examiner
eerste expert op afstand = first remote expert
eerste extensie = first extension
eerste factor = first factor
eerste fase = first phase
eerste fase van de EMU = first stage of EMU
eerste filter = first filter
eerste flexibele laag = first flexible layer
eerste garen = first yarn
eerste gedeelte = first part
eerste gedeelte van het contactsegment = first part of the contact segment
eerste gedeeltelijke middelgrote fractie = first partial midsize fraction
eerste geheugen = first memory
eerste geldstroom = government funding / first flow of funds
eerste geldstroom = government funding
eerste geldstroom = direct funding (mechanism)
eerste geldstroom = direct government funding
Eerste generatie = First generation
eerste gespannen vorm = first stressed shape
eerste getande loopwiel = first toothed pulley
eerste gleufvormige sectie = first slot-shaped section
Eerste graads lesbevoegdheid = ‘First level’ teaching qualifications
eerste groep = first group
eerste grootte-fractie = first size fraction
eerste halswervel = atlas
eerste harmonische = first harmonic
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector = first harmonic radial force variation vector
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector en een statische onbalans = first harmonic radial force variation vector and a static imbalance vecto
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector van de banduniformiteit = tire uniformity first harmonic radial force variation vector
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector van de banduniformiteit e = tire uniformity first harmonic radial force variation vector and the stat
eerste helft = first half
Eerste helft 2017 = First half of 2017
eerste helft van het lichaam = first half of the body
eerste herinneringsbrief = first reminder (letter)
eerste hoekelement = first corner element
eerste holle ruimte = first hollow space
eerste holte = first cavity
eerste hulp = emergency medical aid
eerste hulp = emergency medical treatment
eerste hulp = emergency medicine
eerste hulp = oxiology
eerste hulp = first aid
Eerste hulp = Relief
eerste hulp = first-aid
eerste hulp afdeling (van ziekenhuis) = Accident & Emergency department (A&E)
Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken = First aid
Eerste Hulp Bij Ongevallen = First aid for accidents
eerste hulp kit = first aid kit
eerste hulp voor brandwonden = emergency kit for burns
"eerste hulp, de E.H." = first aid
Eerste hulpmaatregelen = First aid measures
eerste implementerende klasse = first implementing class
eerste inbedrijfstelling = initial commissioning
eerste inschatting = first estimate
eerste inschrijving = first-time enrolment
eerste inspectie = initial on-site orientation
eerste interface = first interface
eerste inventarisatie = initial inventory
eerste jaar = first year
eerste jaren na pensionering = first few years after retirement
Eerste Kamer = Senate of the Netherlands
Eerste Kamer = Upper House
Eerste Kamer = Upper House (First Chamber)
Eerste Kamer = Senate
Eerste Kamer = Senate (Eerste Kamer)
eerste katrol = first pulley
eerste keer opstarten = first boot
Eerste Kerstdag = Christmas Day
eerste klas = first grade
Eerste klas = Top grade
Eerste klas = First class
Eerste koop = First buy
eerste koppelingselement = first coupling element
eerste kopse zijde = first end side
Eerste Kruistocht = First Crusade
Eerste kwartaal naar tevredenheid afgesloten = First quarter ended satisfactorily
eerste kwartiel = lower quartile
eerste laag = first layer
eerste laagje = first layer
eerste langse zijde = first longitudinal side
eerste langszijde = first longitudinal side
eerste leeskop = pre-read head
eerste lengte = first length
eerste levensreddende handelingen = life-saving first aid
eerste levering = first delivery
eerste licentie = first licentiate
eerste lid = first paragraph
eerste lid = first subsection
eerste lijn = primary care
eerste looprol = first roller
eerste loopwiel = first pulley
eerste loopwiel of –rol = first pulley or roller
eerste loopwielen of looprollen = first pulleys or rollers
eerste lossingsplaats in het derde land van de eindbestemming = first place of unloading in the third country of final destination
eerste materiaal = first material
eerste matrijshelft = first mould half
eerste medewerker (wmo team) = senior employee/assistant/social worker
eerste microdienst = first microservice
eerste minister = prime minister
"eerste minister, premier" = prime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
eerste monster = first sample
eerste motor = first engine
eerste naamval = nominative case
"eerste naamval, nominatief" = nominative case (case used to indicate the subject)
"eerste naamval, nominatief" = nominative (the nominative case)
eerste Nederlandse = first Dutch
eerste niveau = first level
eerste noodzakelijke levensreddende handelingen = life-saving first aid
eerste of tweede = first or second
eerste of tweede binnenoppervlak = first or second inner surface
eerste of tweede element = first or second element
Eerste Onbewogen Beweger = "the first mover, the self cause, the prime mover"
eerste onderdeel van de vragenlijst = first part of the questionnaire
eerste ontmoeting met de prospect = initial prospect meeting
eerste opening = first opening
eerste openingen = first apertures
eerste oplevering = first completion
eerste oplevering = first delivery
eerste oplossing = first solution
eerste opneemlichaam = first receiving body
eerste oppervlakte moment = first moment of area
"eerste oppervlakte moment, statisch moment" = first moment of area
Eerste opstart = First start
eerste opzegmogelijkheid = first opportunity of notice
Eerste opzet = First draft
eerste overhangende wand = first overhanging wall
eerste paar = first pair
eerste paar sneden = first pair of cuts
eerste paasdag = Easter Sunday
eerste pagina = first page
Eerste pakje van de aar net zichtbaar (Engels: ‘Beginning of heading’ = Beginning of heading
eerste persoon = first person
eerste persoon actieonderzoek = first-person action research
eerste pijler = first pillar
eerste pinksterdag = Whitsunday
Eerste Pinksterdag = Whitsunday (Br) / Pentecost (Am)
eerste plaat = first panel
eerste positie = first position
eerste promotor = principal supervisor
eerste punt van binnenkomst = first point of introduction
eerste railelement = first rail element
eerste rand = first edge
eerste rand van het oppervlak = first edge of the surface
eerste reactie = initial reaction
eerste reacties = initial reactions
eerste rechthoekig kader = first rectangular frame
eerste rechthoekige kader = first rectangular frame
eerste referentieperiode voor de nieuwe regels = First reference period for the new rules
Eerste regel = First Line
eerste regering Rutte-Verhagen = First Rutte cabinet (also known as the Rutte-Verhagen cabinet)
eerste respectievelijk tweede = "first, respectively second"
eerste richting = first direction
eerste risico = First loss
Eerste ronde = First round
eerste roteerbaar loopwiel of roteerbare looprol = first rotatable pulley or rotatable roller
eerste roteerbare looprol = first rotatable roller
eerste roteerbare loopwiel = first rotatable pulley
eerste scharnierarm = first hinge arm
eerste schepen = deputy mayor
eerste schetsmatige weergave = first schematic representation
Eerste scheut zichtbaar = First tiller visible
Eerste schijf = lowest rate band
Eerste schijf = lowest tax bracket
eerste schriftelijk verzoek = first written request
eerste schriftelijke waarschuwing = a first written warning
eerste seconde = first second
eerste sensor = first sensor
eerste SEPA incasso-opdracht = first SEPA Direct Debit order
eerste serie = first series
eerste set = first set
eerste set getande riemen of kettingen = first set of toothed belts or chains
eerste set van instructies = first set of instructions
eerste signalen = first signs
Eerste Slag = First Strike (coins)
eerste snede = first cut
eerste snede van het eerste paar = first cut of the first pair
eerste snede van het tweede paar = first cut of the second pair
eerste specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = first particular embodiment
eerste sputterzone van het sputtersysteem = first sputtering zone of the sputtering system
Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk = First Stadholderless Period
eerste stappen van het migratieproject = first steps of the migration project
eerste steen = foundation stone
eerste stelgat = first guide hole
eerste straat links = take the first turning to the left
eerste straat rechts = take the first turning to the right
eerste symptomen = first symptoms
eerste tandwiel = first sprocket wheel
eerste tenaamstelling van het kenteken = the date on which the car is first assigned a registration number
eerste terugtrekmechanisme = first retraction mechanism
eerste theorema van Helly = Helly's first theorem
eerste thermische uitzettingsco?ffici?nt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingscoéfficiént = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingscoëfficiënt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingsco�ffici�nt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste tijdsperiode = first time period
eerste tussenafstand = first intermediate distance
eerste tussenafstand en tweede tussenafstand = first intermediate distance and second intermediate distance
eerste twee = first two
eerste twee maanden = first two months
eerste twee rollen = first two rollers
eerste type = first type
eerste uitdager = first challenger
eerste uiteinde = first end
eerste uiteinde van de behuizing = first end of the housing
eerste uitgangspunt = basic principle
eerste uitgave = first edition
Eerste uitloper zichtbaar = First tiller visible
eerste U-vorm = first U-shape
eerste variant = first variant
eerste veiligheidsinstructie = initial safety training
eerste verbindingslichaam = first connecting body
eerste verbindingsmiddelen = first connecting means
eerste verbindingsmiddelen op het eerste element = first connecting means on the first element
eerste verbindingszijvlak = first connecting side face
eerste verdieping = first floor (UK)
eerste verdieping / bovenverdieping = second floor (AE)
eerste verzameling beelden = first set of images
eerste vlak gedeelte = first flat portion
eerste volzin = first sentence
eerste voorafbepaalde afstand = first predetermined distance
eerste voorafbepaalde waarde = first predetermined value
eerste voorbeeld = first example
eerste voorwaarde = Condition 1
eerste voorwerp = first object
eerste vrijloopkoppeling = first freewheel clutch
eerste wandgedeelte = first wall section
eerste wandgedeelte = first wall portion
eerste wasbeurt van de prei = initial washing of the leek
Eerste weken = First weeks
Eerste Wereld = First World
Eerste Wereldoorlog = World War I
Eerste Wereldoorlog = First World War
Eerste werkcollege = First tutorial
eerste werkdag = first workday
eerste wet van de thermodynamica = first law of thermodynamics
Eerste wet van de thermodynamica = Conservation of energy
eerste wet van Kirchhoff = Kirchhoff's first law
eerste wet van Newton = Newton’s first law
eerste zijde = first side
eerste zijde van de plaat = first side of the board
eerste zijde van het betonwelfsel = first side of the hollowcore concrete slab
eerste zijpaneel = first side panel
Eerste zijscheut zichtbaar = First side shoot visible
eerste zijwand = first side wall
eerste zitting = first session
eerste zorgen = first aid
"eerste, derde en vierde" = "first, third, and fourth"
"eerste, tweede en derde" = "first, second and third"
"eerste, tweede en derde geldstroom" = "sources of research funding: directly from the government, from the gover"
"eerste, tweede en derde verbindingsmiddelen" = "first, second and third connecting means"
"eerste, tweede en vierde" = "first, second, and fourth"
"eerste, tweede, derde en vierde" = "first, second, third and fourth"
eerste-doorgangopbrengst = first-pass yield
eerste-etage groepenscheiding = minor control change
eerste-etage groepenscheiding = minor
eerste-generatie computer = first generation computer
eerste-generatie computertaal = first generation language
eerste-generatie programmatuur = first generation software
eerstegraads = upper secondary education certificate
eerstegraads docent = grade-one lecturer
eerstegraads docent = upper secondary school teacher
eerstegraads leraar = teacher in upper secondary education/fully qualified teacher
eerstegraads lerarenopleiding = postgraduate teacher training
eerstegraads lesbevoegdheid (post-doctorale lerarenopleiding) = PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education)
eerstegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid = upper secondary teaching qualification
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = heat-induced  erythema
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = erythema induratum
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = first degree burn
eerstehands aandelenmarkt = primary equity market
Eerstehands markt = Firsthand market
eerstehands vermogensmarkt = primary capital market
eerstehulpkamer = casualty department
eerstehulpkamer = emergency medical services
eerstehulpkamer = emergency service
eerstehulpkamer = "the  emergency room, emergency unit"
eerstehulpmaatregelen = first aid
eerstehulpsets = first-aid kits
Eerstehulpvoertuigen = Mobile incident units
Eerstehulpwagens voor chemische ongevallen = Chemical incident unit
eerstejaars (student) = "first year student, freshman"
eerstejaars (student) = first-year student
eerstejaars studenten = first-year students
eerstejaarsevaluatie = first-year evaluation
eerstejaarsprogramma = first-year programme
eerstejaarsstudent = first-year student
eerstejaarsstudenten = first-year students
eerstejaarsweekend = first-years' weekend
Eersteklas = First class
Eersteklas = Top grade
eersteklas bedrijfsondersteunende diensten = top-class business support
eersteklas handelspapier = first-class paper
eersteklas waardepapieren = blue chip stock [Am.]
eersteklas waardepapieren = blue chips
eerstelijns = primary
eerstelijns = frontline
eerstelijns anti-TB-geneesmiddelen = first-line anti-TB medication
eerstelijns contactcentermedewerker = frontline call centre
eerstelijns forensisch arts = primary forensic physician
eerstelijns forensische geneeskunde = primary forensic medicine
eerstelijns ondersteuning = first-line supportrt
eerstelijns politieagent = front-line police officer
eerstelijns politieagenten = front-line police officers
Eerstelijns psychologen = Primary care psychologist
eerstelijns storingsdienst = frontline breakdown service
eerstelijns vrachtoverslag = first-line cargo transshipment facilities
eerstelijns werkzaamheden = first-line maintenance
Eerstelijnsgezondheidsverzorger = Primary generalist providers
Eerstelijnshulpverlening = Primary care
eerstelijnsonderhoud = first-line maintenance
eerstelijnsonderhoud = primary maintenance
Eerstelijnsonderhoud = First line maintenance
eerstelijnsondersteuning = first-line support
eerste-lijns-werkzaamheden = First-line maintenance
eerstelingen = early fruit and vegetables
eerste-opnamerecht = right of first recording
eerste-orde effening = first order smoothing
Eerste-orde-interactie = First-order interaction
eerstepartijverzoek = first-party request
eerstePersoonInRij = firstPersonInQueue
eersteplaatsvanbestemming = First place of destination
Eersterangs = High-class
Eersterangs = Slap-up
Eerstgeboren = Oldest
Eerstgeboren = Senior
eerstgeboren = firstborn
eerstgenoemde = first
eerstgenoemde = first named
eerstgenoemde = former (van twee)
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate superior
eersthogere leidinggevende = line manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct superior
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct supervisor
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct superior/manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate senior officer
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate superior/manager
Eerstkomend = Forthcoming
Eerstkomend = Next
Eerstkomend = Nearest
Eerstkomend = Incoming
Eerstvolgend = Next
eerstvolgend = close
eerstvolgende keer dat u inlogt = the next time you log in
eerstvolgende werkdag = next working day
Eervergeten = Barefaced
Eervergeten = Unembarrassedly
Eervergeten = Villainous
Eervergeten = Nefarious
eervol = honourable [Br.]
eervol = honorary
Eervol = Decent
Eervol = Creditable
Eervol = Honourable
Eervol = Glorious
eervolle onderscheiding = honour
eervolle onderscheiding = "distinction of honour, honourable distinction"
eervolle vermelding = honourable mention
Eerwaard = Clergyman
Eerwaard = Reverend
eerwaarde = excellency
eerwaardigheid = respectability
eerwraak = honour killing
eerzaam = above-board
Eerzaam = Honest
eerzucht = ambition
eerzucht {de} = ambition
Eerzuchtig = Upstart
Eerzuchtig = Ambitious
Eerzuil = Monument
Eèsjdenère = speakers of Eèsjdes
Eèsjdes en Mestreechs = Eèsjdes and Mestreechs
Eest = Drying shed
Eest = Dryer
Eest = Airer
Eest = Drier
Eesten = Stump
Eesten = Dry
eet = eat
eet- en drinkvoorzieningen = eating and drinking facilities
eet smakelijk = enjoy your meal
Eet smakelijk! = Enjoy your meal!
Eetbaar = Eatable
eetbaar = edible
eetbaarheid = consumability
eetbaarheid {de} = edibility
eetbak = manger
eetbare = edible
eetbare geleien = jellies for food
"eetbare geleien, jams" = "jellies for food, jams"
eetbare gist = edible yeast
"eetbare gist, bakpoeder" = "edible yeast, baking-powder"
eetbare oliën = edible oils
eetbare oliën en vetten = edible oils and fats
"eetbare oliën en vetten, conserven, pickles" = "edible oils and fats, preserves, pickles"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, visconserven en vleesconserven" = "edible oils and fats, fish and meat preserves"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, waaronder conserven op basis van vlees, vis, ge" = "edible oils and fats, including preserves with a meat, fish, poultry or g"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, waaronder margarine" = edible oils and fats including margarine
Eetbare producten van dierlijke oorsprong = Edible products of animal origin
eetbare versieringen voor gebak = edible decorations for cakes
eetbare vetten = edible fat
eetbare vetten = edible fats
eetgerei = forks
eetgewoonte {de} = eating habit
eetgewoonten = dietary habits
eetgewoonten = eating habits
eetgewoonten = feeding habits
eethoek = dining area
eethuis = restaurant
Eethuis = Pull-in
eetkamer = dining room
Eetkamer = Dining-room
eetkamer {de} = dining room
eetkamergedeelte = dining area
Eetkamermeubilair = Dining-room furniture
Eetkamerstoelen = Dining chairs
Eetketels = Mess tins
eetlepel = tablespoon
eetlepel = spoon
eetlepel = tablespoon(s)
eetlepel = tbsp
eetlepel {de} = tablespoon <tbsp.>
Eetlust = Appetite
eetlust opwekkend = appetizing
Eetlust opwekkende alcoholische drank die voor de maaltijd wordt gebruikt = An alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite.
eetpatroon = diet
eetpatroon = eating habits
eetpatroon = eating patterns
eetservies = crockery set
Eetservies = Dinner service
eetstokje = chopstick
eetstokjes = chopsticks
eetstoornis = dysorexia
Eetstoornissen counselling = Eating disorders counselling
eettafel = refectory
Eettafels = Dining tables
eetzaal = dining-room
eetzalen = dining rooms
Eeuw = Century
Eeuw = Centennial
eeuw {de} = century
Eeuwen = Centennial
Eeuwen = Century
eeuwen {mv} = centuries
eeuwenoud = age-old
Eeuwig = Timeless
Eeuwig = Eternal
Eeuwig = Endless
eeuwigdurend = perpetual
eeuwigdurend en niet-overdraagbaar gebruiksrecht = a non-exclusive
eeuwigdurend en niet-overdraagbaar gebruiksrecht = perpetual and non-transferable right of use
eeuwigdurend gebruiksrecht = perpetual right of use
eeuwigdurende = perpetual
eeuwigdurende erfdienstbaarheid = perpetual easement
eeuwigdurende Licenties = perpetual Licences
eeuwigdurende obligatie = irredeemable debenture
eeuwigdurende obligatie = perpetual debenture
eeuwigdurende rechten = perpetual rights
Eeuwigdurende rente = Perpetual Annuity
eeuwige = perdition
eeuwige = eternal
eeuwigheid = aeon
eeuwigheid = perpetuity
Eeuwigheid = Eternity
Eeuwigheid = Ages
eeuwigheid (definite article only) = eternity (infinite time)
eeuwigheid (indefinite article only) = eternity (informal: a comparatively long time)
eeuwigheid {de} = eternity
eeuwjaar = century year
eeuwjaar = end-of-century year
eeuwjaren = century years
eeuwwisseling = turn of the century
EEx - e/ -i = EEx e/i
Eex - p = EEx p
EEx-d = EEx d
e-facturen = e-invoices
e-factureren = e-invoicing
e-factuur = e-invoice
efalizumab screening = efalizumab screening
efalizumab: een recombinant humaan monoclonaal antilichaam = efalizumab: a selective T-cell modulator and immunosupressant
efalizumab: een recombinant humaan monoclonaal antilichaam = Raptiva
efedrine = ephedrine: an alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonist that may also enhance re
Efeze = Ephesus
effect = effect
effect = effectiveness
Effect = Stock
Effect = Security
Effect = Impression
effect {het} = effect
effect bepaling = effect modifier
effect heeft gehad = has had an effect
effect op het microklimaat = microclimate effect
effect sorteren = act
effect sorteren = to have an effect/impact
Effect van deconsolidaties = Effect of deconsolidation
Effect van een verbod op de drugsmarkt = Impact of a ban on the drugs market
effect van gezinssamenstelling = impact of family composition
Effect van gezinssamenstelling = Impact of family composition
effect van handel op het milieu = trade impact on environment
effect van Josephson = Josephson effect
Effect van koers- en consolidatiewijzigingen op kasposities = Effect of changes in exchange rates and consolidations on cash positions
Effect van koers schommelingen = Effect of exchange rate fluctuations
Effect van overige financiële transacties = Effect of other financial transactions
effect van Wien = Wien effect
"effect, het gevolg, de uitwerking" = effect
"effect, het gevolg, de uitwerking" = result
effectbeoordeling = impact assessment
effectbeoordeling met betrekking tot de gegevensbescherming = data protection impact assessment
effectcompiler = Effect Compiler
Effecten = Stocks
Effecten = Stocks and shares
Effecten = Marketable securities
effecten = after-effects
effecten = securities
Effecten = Shares
effecten = effect
effecten = effects
Effecten = Security
Effecten = Deeds
Effecten = Security investment
effecten (gevolgen) van prijsveranderingen = effects of changing prices
Effecten aan toonder = Bearer securities
effecten betaalbaar in meer dan n valuta = multiple currency securities
Effecten beursgang joint ventures / deelnemingen = Effects public offering of joint ventures / participating interests
effecten die door hypothecaire zekerheid zijn gedekt = mortgage-backed securities
Effecten en liquide middelen = Cash and cash equivalents
Effecten en overige financiële belangen = Marketable securities and other financial interests
effecten met een aandelenkarakter = equity securities
Effecten of stukken = Securities or documents
Effecten op de gezondheid = Health effects
effecten op korte termijn aan- en verkopen = trading (of securities)
effecten van beschaduwing = effects of shading
Effecten van consolidatie/deconsolidatie van deelnemingen = Effects of consolidation/deconsolidation of participating interests
effecten van haar bedrijfsactiviteiten = impact of its operations
Effecten van koersmutaties en herwaarderingen = Effects of changes in exchange-rates and revaluations.
Effecten van wisselkoersen op liquide middelen = Effects of exchange rates on cash
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = dealing securities
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = dealing stock [Am.]
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = trading securities
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Dealing stock
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Dealing securities
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Trading securities
effecten zonder aandelenkarakter = non-equity securities
effectenafwikkelingssysteem = securities settlement system
effectenbeleggingsrekening = securities investment account
Effectenbeurs = Stock exchange
effectenbeurs NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = NYSE Euronext Amsterdam exchange
effectenbeurs van New York = New York Stock Exchange
effectenbuco = securities BUCO (Business Unit Compliance Officer)
effectenfinancieringstransactie = securities financing transaction
effectenhandel met voorkennis = insider dealing
effectenhandel met voorkennis = insider trading
effectenkoers = price of securities
effecten-kredietinstelling = investment company [Am.]
effecten-kredietinstelling = securities credit institution
effecten-kredietinstelling = securities house
effectenleaseovereenkomst = securities lease
Effectenmakelaar = Investment broker
Effectenmakelaar = Stock broker
effectenmakelaar op niet-officiële markt = kerb broker [Am.]
effectentypisch gedrachtstoezicht = behavioural supervision for securities activities
Effectenverkeer = Securities transactions
Effectenverkeer = Securities trading
effectgaren = effect yarn
effectgaren = fancy yarn
effectgaren = novelty yarn
effectief = effective
effectief = actual
effectief aantal vrijheidsgraden = effective degrees of freedom
effectief adres = effective address
Effectief alcoholmassagehalte = Actual alcoholic strength by mass
Effectief alcoholvolumegehalte = Actual alcoholic strength by volume
effectief antennegebied = antenna effective area
Effectief belastingpercentage = Effective tax rate
Effectief bereik = Effective reach
effectief en doelmatig = effectively and efficiently
effectief en efficiënt = effectively and efficiently
effectief geaard = effectively grounded
effectief geborgd = effectively safeguarded
effectief gecommuniceerd = effectively communicated
effectief gordelverankeringspunt = Effective belt anchorage
effectief in werking blijft = continues to work properly
effectief in werking treedt = starts working properly
effectief interveniëren = effective intervention
effectief invullen = effective implementation
effectief kader = effective framework
effectief kan optreden = able to take effective action
effectief kanaal = effective channel
effectief kredietvergoedingspercentage = effective credit interest rate
Effectief leiderschap = Effective leadership
effectief lid = effective member
effectief netwerk = effective network
effectief onboarding programma = effective onboarding programme
effectief oppervlak = effective surface
effectief oppervlak = effective area
effectief orderpicking = effective order picking
Effectief Preventief = Effective Prevention (Effectief Preventief)
Effectief rendement = Effective yield
Effectief rendement = Real return
Effectief rendement = Effective return
effectief rendement bij gemiddelde looptijd = yield to average life
Effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = Yield to redemption
effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = yield to maternity
effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = yield to redemption
Effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = Yield to maturity
effectief signaal = rms signal
Effectief sinus vermogen = Effective sinus power
effectief te blijven samenwerken = continue to cooperate effectively
effectief toezicht = effective supervision
effectief uitgestraald vermogen = effective radiated power: ERP
effectief uitgestraalde energie = effective radiated power: ERP
effectief vermogen = effective output
effectief vermogen = real power
effectief werkende = effectively functioning
effectieve = effective
effectieve aanvangsdatum = effective start datete
effectieve afgiftesnelheid = effective delivery rate
effectieve afschaffing van kinderarbeid = effective abolition of child labour
effectieve akoestische puntbron = effective acoustic centre
effectieve ampère = effective ampere
effectieve bandbreedte = effective bandwidth
effectieve bestrijding = effective control
effectieve brand = actual fire
effectieve capacitantie = effective capacitance
effectieve cilinderinhoud = effective cylinder capacity
effectieve datum = effective date
effectieve dosis = ED
effectieve dosis = effective dose
effectieve energie = effective energy
effectieve erkenning van het recht op collectieve onderhandelingen = the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Effectieve gedragsbeinvloeding = Effectively influencing behaviour
effectieve geleiding = effective conductance
effectieve gemiddelde druk = mean effective pressure
effectieve golflengte = effective wavelength
effectieve hoeveelheid = effective amount
effectieve instructie = effective instruction
effectieve interventies = effective interventions
effectieve inzet = effective use
effectieve kanalen = effective channels
effectieve koppeling praktijk en theorie = effectively connecting theory and practice
effectieve korrelgrootte = effective grain size
effectieve lengte = effective length
Effectieve marktbewerking kan pas plaatsvinden indien het bedrijf zorgt v = How effective the marketing of a business will be is a function of how ef
effectieve massa = effective mass
effectieve omtrek van de wielbanden = effective circumference of the wheel tyres
effectieve onderhandelingen = effective negotiations
effectieve ondersteuning = effective support
effectieve opdracht = effective instruction
effectieve overdrachtssnelheid = effective transfer rate
effectieve productietijd van een machine = machine running time
effectieve samenwerking = effective cooperation
effectieve snelheid van de gegevensoverdracht = effective data transfer rate
effectieve spaning = effective stress
effectieve spanning = effective voltage
effectieve spleetbreedte = effective gap length
effectieve stage = effective work placement
effectieve stageperiode = effective work placement period
effectieve stageweken = effective work placement weeks
effectieve stroom = effective current
effectieve temperatuurweerstand = effective thermal resistance
effectieve tijd = effective time
effectieve toepassing = to their effective use
effectieve toepassing = effective application
effectieve transmissiesnelheid = effective speed of transmission
effectieve transmissiesnelheid = effective transmission speed
effectieve volt = effective volt
effectieve voorraad = effective stock
Effectieve vraag = Effective demand
effectieve waarde = effective value
effectieve waarde = root mean square
effectieve weerstand = effective resistance
effectieve wekelijkse arbeidsduur (EWAD) = actual weekly working hours (EWAD)
effectieve weken  stage = effective weeks of work placement
Effectieve wisselkoers = Effective exchange rate
effectiever = more efficiently
effectiever op nieuwe marktontwikkelingen in te spelen = more effectively respond to new market developments
Effectievere en gerichte = Effective and targeted
Effectievere en gerichte inzet = Effective and targeted use
Effectievere en gerichte inzet van = Effective and targeted use of
effectisering van schuld(en) = securitisation of debt
Effective = Effective
Effective Date = Effective Date
effectiviteit = effectiveness
effectiviteit = efficacy
effectiviteit = efficiency
effectiviteit {de} = effectiveness
effectiviteit en de efficiency = effectiveness and efficiency
effectiviteit en efficiency = effectiveness and efficiency
effectiviteit van de (accountants)controle = audit effectiveness
effectiviteit van smeren = lubricity
effectiviteits-/resultaatgebieden = efficiency/results (function description template)
effectiviteitscontrole = effectiviness audit
effectiviteitsintervaal = window of  efficacy
Effectiviteitsmeting = Effectivity measurement
effectlak = special-effect finish
effectmeting = impact measurement
effectmodulatoren = (epidemiology)  effect modifiers
effector = effector
effectorcel = effector cell: a cell that performs a specific function in response to a
effectormolecuul = effector molecule
Effectueren = To effect
Effectueren = To effectuate
Effectueren = To execute
Effectuering keuzedividend = Optional dividend conversion exercised
Effectuering optioneel dividend = Effectuation optional dividend
effectvoorspelling = effect prediction
effekt of aandeel aan toonder = bearer security (share)
Effen = Smooth
Effen = Peer
Effen = Equal
effen = even
Effen = align
Effen = level
Effen = Level
Effen = Equable
Effen = United
effenbinding = plain weave
effenen = even
effenheid = flatness
effening = acquittal
effening = smoothing
effeningsfactor = smoothing factor
effeningsmethode = smoothing method
efferent = efferent
efferent = outgoing
efferent neuron = efferent neuron
efferent neuron = motor neuron
efferente besturing = efferent control
efferente glomerulaire arteriolen = efferent glomerular arterioles
efferente weg = efferent pathway
efferente zenuw = efferent nerve
efferente zenuw = motor nerve
effervescent = rimmed
effervescentie = effervescence
effervescentiepoeder = effervescing powder
effici?ntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
effici?ntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
effici‘nte verlichting = light efficiency
effici‘ntie = efficiency
efficiency = efficiency
efficiency (in de uitvoering) van de = audit efficiency
efficiency- en doelmatigheidsslag = efficiency and effectiveness drive
efficiency- en prijsverschillen lonen = labour variance
Efficiency- en prijsverschillen materialen = Material(s) variance
efficiency graad = measure of efficiency
Efficiency loon = Efficiency wage (wx)
efficiency van het project = efficiency of the project
efficiencybepaling = efficiencytest
efficiencybonus = output bonus
efficiencycontrole = operational audit
efficiencycontrole = efficiency audit
Efficiency-kengetallen = Efficiency indicators
efficiencyverschil = efficiency variance
efficiencyverschillen lonen = labour efficiency variance
efficiencyverschillen lonen = labour usage variance
Efficiencyverschillen materialen = Material(s) usage variance
efficiencywinst = efficiency gains
Efficient = Efficient
efficiënt = efficient
efficiënt = proficient
Efficiënt = Telling
Efficiënt = Limited
Efficiënt = Potent
Efficiënt = Effectual
Efficiënt = Efficacious
Efficiënt = Efficient
efficiënt = effective
Efficiënt = Businesslike
efficiënt benut = efficiently utilise
efficiënt en op een ergonomisch verantwoorde wijze = efficiently and in an ergonomically sound manner
Efficient en snel = Fast and efficient
Efficiënt en snel = Fast and efficient
Efficiënt en snel palletiseren = Fast and efficient palletising
efficiënt energie management = efficient energy management
efficiënt gebruik van hulpbronnen = resource efficiency
Efficiënt in luchtverversing = Efficient ventilation
Efficiënt met energie = Energy efficient
Efficiënt op reis = Travel smart
efficiënt werkende = efficiently functioning
efficiënt werkende markthypothese = efficient market hypothesis
efficiënt werkt = works efficiently
efficiënt worden verwerkt = are efficiently processed
"efficiënt, snel en gemakkelijk" = "efficient, fast and easy"
efficiënte = effective
efficiënte = efficient
Efficiënte bediening = Efficient control
Efficiënte bestandsoverdracht = Efficient File Transfer
Efficiënte bouwplaats inrichting = Designing an efficient construction site
efficiënte en optimale samenwerking = efficient and optimal cooperation
Efficiënte en veilige opslag = Efficient and secure storage
efficiënte individuele verwarming en koeling = efficient individual heating and cooling
efficiënte informatieverwerking = efficient data processing
efficiënte interne communicatie = effective internal communication
efficiënte luchtverversing = efficient ventilation
Efficiënte rapportering = Efficient reporting
efficiënte reactie van vragen = efficient response to questions
efficiënte schatter = efficient estimator
efficiënte stadsverwarming en -koeling = efficient district heating and cooling
Efficiënte structuuropbouw = Efficient structure
efficiënte systemen = efficient systems
efficiënte vergaderingen = efficient meetings
efficiënte verwarming en koeling = efficient heating and cooling
efficiënte werkwijze = efficient method
efficienter = more efficient
efficiënter = more effectively
efficiënter = more efficiently
efficiënter en goedkoper = more efficient and cheaper
efficiënter en veiliger = safer and more efficiently
Efficienter inzet = More efficient use
efficiënter werken = work efficiency
efficiënter worden gecompileerd = compiled more efficiently
efficiëntere = more efficient
efficiëntere bedrijfsprocessen = more efficient business processes
efficiëntere processen = more efficient processes
efficiëntere werkwijze = more efficient method
efficientie = efficiency
efficiëntie = efficiency
Efficiëntie = Efficiency
efficïentie = efficiency
efficiéntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
efficiëntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
efficiëntie en effectiviteit = efficiency and effectiveness
efficiéntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efficiëntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efficiëntie van het stikstofgebruik = nitrogen use efficiency
efficiëntie verlichting = light efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Cramér-Rao = Cramér-Rao efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Pitman = Pitman efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Pitman = Pitman nearness criterion
efficiëntie voor het scheiden = separation efficiency
"efficiëntie, veiligheid en hygiëne" = "efficiency, safety and hygiene"
efficiëntiecriterium = efficiency criterion
efficiëntiefactor = efficiency factor
efficiëntie-index van Armitage = efficiency index
efficiëntieniveau = efficiency level
efficiëntieslag = efficiency gains
efficiëntieslag = efficiency improvement
efficiëntieslag = improvement in efficiency
efficiëntieslag = efficiency gain
efficiëntieslagen = efficiency gains
efficiëntieverbetering = efficiency improvement
efficiëntieverbeteringen = improved efficiency
efficiëntiewinsten = efficiency gains
effici�ntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
effici�ntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efflorescentie / salpeteruitslag (op muren) = efflorescence
effluent = effluent
effluent met een laag stikstof- en fosfaatgehalte = effluent with low nitrogen and phosphate content
effluentuitlaat = effluent outlet
effort = effort
Effusie = Effusion
effuus = (adjective)  effuse: spread out flat without definite form
effuus = effused
EFI-systeempartitie = EFI system partition
EFK's = EFKs
eflornithine = difluoromethylornithine
e-foilen = e-foiling
e-frastructuur = e-frastructure
EFRO = European Regional Development Fund
E-fulfillment = E-fulfilment
E-fulfillment = E-fullfilment (US)
E-fulfillment industrie = E-fulfilment industry
EG = European Community
eg = harrow
Eg = Portcullis
EG Raad van Ministers = EC Council of Ministers
EG richtlijnen = EC Directives
EG Verklaring van Overeenstemming = EC Declaration of Conformity
EGA-aanbeveling = EAEC recommendation
Egaal = Equable
Egaal = Even
Egaal = Equal
egaal = uniform
egaal = equally
Egaal = Peer
EG-aanbeveling = EC recommendation
EGA-beschikking = EAEC Decision
EG-advies = EC opinion
egalisatie = correction
egalisatie = equalization
egalisatie (van bouwgrond) = smoothing
egalisatie van erfenissen = estate equalization
Egalisatiefonds W.I.R. = Investment tax credits ( 'W.I.R' ) equalization fund
egalisatie-impuls = equalizing pulse
egalisatiemiddel = levelling material
egaliseerimpuls = equalizing pulse
egaliseerlaag = level layer
egaliseren = levelling
egaliseren = even
Egaliseren = Equalize
egaliseren = smooth
egaliseren (van bouwgrond) = smooth
egards = respect
EGA-richtlijn = EAEC Directive
EG-associatieovereenkomst = EC association agreement
EGA-Verdrag = EAEC Treaty
EGA-verordening = EAEC Regulation
EGA-voorzieningsagentschap = EAEC Supply Agency
EG-begrotingsreserve = EC budgetary reserve
EG-beleid = EC policy
EG-beschikking = Community decision
EG-betekeningsverordening = EU Service Regulation
EG-binnengrens = internal Community frontier
EG-conformiteitsmarkering = EC conformity marking
EG-conformiteitsmerk = EC conformity marking
EG-Design Examination Certificaat = EC Design Examination Certificate
EG-douanegebied = EC customs territory
Egeïsche eilanden = Aegean Islands
Egeïsche zee = Aegean Sea
EG-eisen = EC requirement
EG-eisen = EC requirements
egel = hedgehog
Egel = Scraper
egel {de} = hedgehog
e-gezondheidszorg = e-healthcare
Egg = Egg
Egg nog = Egg flip
Egg nog = Egg-flip
Egg nog = Egg nog
egge = harrow
eggen = harrow
"Eggen, grondbrekers, cultivators, hakploegen of schoffels" = "Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders or hoes"
EG-handelsakkoord = EC trade agreement
EG-jurisprudentie = EC case law
EGKS-aanbeveling = ECSC recommendation
EGKS-heffing = ECSC levy
EGKS-lening = ECSC loan
EGKS-steun = ECSC aid
EGKS-Verdrag = ECSC Treaty
E-glasvezel = E glass fiber
EG-Middellandse-Zeegebied = EC Mediterranean region
EG-milieukeur(merk) = EC ecolabel
Ego = Ego
ego {het} = ego
egobeweging = egomotion
egocentrisch = self-absorbed
egoïsme = selfinterest
egoïsme = egotism
egoïst {de} = egoist
egoïstisch = self-interested
egoïstisch = selfish
E-golf emas (systeem voor milieu-audit en -beheer) = E-flute EMAS (Eco Audit & Management System)
egotrippertje = Ego-tripper
EG-overeenkomst = EC agreement
eGov-rollenbeheer systeem = eGov role management system
EG-protocol = EC Protocol
EG-Raad = EU Council
EG-regeling = CE regulation
EG-richtlijn = EC Directive
EG-richtlijn betreffende afvalverwerking = EC directive on waste disposal
EG-richtlijn betreffende biociden = EC directive on biocides
EG-richtlijn betreffende de bescherming van water = EC directive on water protection
EG-richtlijn betreffende verpakkingen = EC directive on packaging
EG-samenwerkingsovereenkomst = EC cooperation agreement
egtazinezuur = EGTA
egteleide = married couple
EG-Toetredingsverdrag = EC Accession Treaty
EG-typegoedkeuring van een voertuig wat emissies en reparatie- en onderho = EC type-approval of a vehicle with regard to emissions and vehicle repair
EG-typegoedkeuringsformulier = EC type-approval certificate
EG-typegoedkeuringsinstantie = EC type-approval authority
EG-typeonderzoek = EC type approval test
EG-verblijfsvergunning voor langdurig ingezetenen = long-term resident's EC residence permit
EG-Verdrag = EC Treaty
EG-vergelijkend onderzoek = EC competition
EG-Verklaring = EC Declaration
EG-verklaring van overeenstemming = EC Declaration of  Conformity
EG-Verklaring van Overeenstemming = EC Declaration of Conformity
EG-Verklaring van Overeenstemming betreffende Machines = EC Declaration of Conformity for Machinery
eg-verklaring van overeenstemming voor = ec declaration of conformity for
EG-verklaringen = EC Declarations
EG-verordening = EC regulation
EG-verordening betreffende milieubeheer en = EC regulation on eco-management and audit
"EG-verordening indeling, etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengse" = "EC regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances an"
EG-verordening inzake bestaande chemicaliën = EC regulation on existing chemicals
EG-voorstel = EC proposal
Egypte = Arab Republic of Egypt
Egypte = Egypt
Egypte (land) = Egypt
Egypte {het} = Egypt
Egyptenaar = Egyptian
Egyptisch = Egyptian
Egyptisch pond = Egyptian pound
Egyptische = Egyptian
Egyptische piramiden = Egyptian pyramid
egyptologie = egyptology
EHBO = first aid
EHBO artikelen = first aid equipment
EHBO cursus = first aid course
EHBO koffer = first aid kit
EHBO middelen = First aid equipment
EHBO opleiding = First Aid training
EHBO’er = First-aider
EHBO’ers = first-aiders
EHBO-brevet = first aid certificate
EHBO-diploma = First Aid diploma
EHBO-er = first aider
EHBO-er = first-aid provider
EHBO-er = first-aider
EHBO'ers = first-aiders
EHBO-ers = first aiders
EHBO-hulpverlener = first-aider
EHBO-incident = first aid incident
EHBO-koffer = first aid kit
EHBO-middelen = First aid equipment
EHBO-opleiding = first aid training
EHBO-post = first-aid station
EHBO-tas = First aid bag
EHBO-trommel = medkit
EHBO-trommels = First-aid boxes
EHBZ = EHBZ (Eerste Hulp Bij Zeezoogdieren - First Aid For Marine Mammals)
ehealth = e-health
E-health = digital health
E-health = eHealth
e-health doelstellingen = e-health goals
e-health toepassingen = e-health applications
E-healthoplossingen = E-health solutions
e-healthweek = e-health week
EHEC = enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
EHEDG = European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG)
EHEDG World Congres = EHEDG World Congress
eHerkenning = eRecognition
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = cutis hyperelastica
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = arthrochalasis-multiplex congenita
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = fibrodysplasia hyperelastica
ehoudens normale slijtage = subject to normal wear and tear
Ehrlichia ruminantium = Cowdria ruminantium: a tick-borne septicemic disease of domestic & wild r
Ehrlichia ruminantium = Ehrlichia ruminantium
Ehrlichia ruminantium = heartwater disease
Ehrlichia ruminantium = cowdriose
ehrlichiose = ehrlichiosis: a tick-borne disease caused by rickettsial bacteria of the
EHRM = European Court of Human Rights (EHRM)
EHRM-jurisprudentie = ECHR case law
EHS (extra hoogspanning) = extra high voltage
EHSQ = Environment Health and Safety and Quality
EHSQ = Environmental Health Safety and Quality
EHSQ Management Review = EHSQ Management Review
Ei = Egg
EI = WFE Enviromental Impacts
Ei (dier) = Egg (biology)
ei {het} = egg
EIB = European Investment Bank (EIB)
EIB-afstandsbediening = EIB remote control
EIB-lening = EIB loan
EIB-module gebouwentechniek = EIB module heating appliances
Eicel = Ovum
eicelbevruchting = fertilization of ovocytes
Eicosaanzuur = Eicosanic acid
eicosapentaëenzuur = eicosapentaenoic acid
EID = eIdentity (EID) token (eHerkenningsmiddel)
EID = eRecognition
eIDAS verordening = eIDAS Regulation
Eider = Eider
eidereend = eider
eiderschapsthema = leadership issue
eidetisch beeld = eidetic imagery
eidetisch beeld = photographic memory: extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall of visual
EIDK = Europese Identiteitskaart
eidooier = yolk
eidooier = egg yolk
eidooiers = egg yolks
Eidophor = eidophor
Eierdooier = Egg yolk
Eierdooier = Yolk
eierdooier {de} = egg yolk
Eierdopje = Eggcup
eierdopjes = egg cups
Eieren = Eggs
eieren {mv} = eggs
eieren die in broedlades 2 voorgebroed zijn = eggs which have been set in setter trays 2
eieren en melkproducten = eggs and milk products
eieren per uur = eggs per hour
eieren van kalkoenen = turkey eggs
"eieren, melk en melkproducten" = "eggs, milk and milk products"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten voor menselijke consumptie" = "eggs, milk and milk products for food for human"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten, eetbare oliën en vetten" = "eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten, te weten boter, kaas, room, yoghurt, melkp" = "eggs, milk and milk products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, powd"
"eieren, melk, kaas en andere melkproducten" = "eggs, milk, cheese and other milk products"
eierenschaal = eggshell
eierkarton = egg carton
eierkartons = egg cartons
eierkoek = egg cake
Eierkoker = Egg boiler
eierlade = egg tray
eierlades = egg trays
eierlijst = egg-and-dart / egg-and-anchor / egg-and-tongue
eierlijst = echinus
eierplant = aubergine
eierrek = egg-stand
eierschaal = eggshell
eierschalen = eggshells
eierstok = ovary
eiervrucht = aubergine
Eierwekker = Kitchen timer
Eiffeltoren = Eiffel Tower
Eiffeltoren {de} = Eiffel Tower
e-IFU = e-IFU
eigeel = egg yolk
eigeel = yolk
eigeel {het} = egg yolk
eigen = personal
Eigen = Clean
eigen = domestic
Eigen = Pure
Eigen = Decent
eigen = personalised
eigen = own
eigen = in-house
eigen aan = specific to
eigen aan = belonging to
eigen aan = inherent in
eigen aan de = specific to the
eigen aan de Vennootschap = specific to the Company
eigen aan dit kruispunt = specific to this intersection
Eigen aandelen (verkoop/aankoop) = Own stocks (sale/purchase)
eigen aandelen van de vennootschap = own shares of the company
eigen aandelen van de vennootschap = treasury stock [Am.]
Eigen afgifte cheque = self-issued cheque
Eigen afgifte cheque = self-cheque
eigen agenda = at the top of your agenda
eigen auto = private vehicle
eigen beheer = own management
eigen beheer oplossingen = in-company solutions
eigen behoefte = power consumption
eigen behoud = deductible
eigen belang = individual interests
eigen bijdrage = employee’s pension contribution
eigen bijdrage = employee's contribution
eigen bijdrage = private contribution
Eigen bijdrage cluster = Consortium contributions
eigen bijdrage pensioenpremie = employee’s contribution
eigen bijdrage pensioenpremie = employee’s pension contribution
eigen bijdrage privégebruik van de auto van de zaak = private use of a company car
eigen bijdrage privégebruik van de auto van de zaak = personal contribution towards private use of a company car
eigen bijdrage van de gebruiker = user charges
eigen bijdrage van de werknemer = contributed by the Employee
eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik = personal contribution for private use
Eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik van de bedrijfsauto = Personal contribution for private use of the company car
eigen bijdrage voor privé-gesprekskosten = personal contribution for private calls
eigen bijdragen die rechtzoekenden moeten betalen = personal contributions that litigants must pay
eigen data = own data
eigen data = one’s own data
eigen data te benaderen = access their own data
eigen directory = home directory
eigen douche = private shower
Eigen en vreemd vermogen = Equity and debt capital
eigen en/of externe hulpdiensten = internal or external emergency services
eigen fabricage = in-house manufacturing
eigen faillissement aanvragen = petition for one’s own bankruptcy
eigen functioneren = own performance
eigen functioneren = their own performance
eigen gebreken = defect inherent to the thing
eigen gebreken = faulty design
eigen gebreken = inherent defect
eigen gebreken = inherent vice
eigen gebruik = personal use
eigen gedefinieerde = user-defined
eigen geledingen = own ranks
Eigen gewicht = Fixed weight
eigen gewicht = dead load
eigen gewicht kabels = the weight of the cables themselves
eigen gewin = own gain
eigen goederen = own property
eigen goederen = own assets
eigen handeling of nalaten = own act or omission
eigen inbreng = an own contribution
eigen inbreng = an/my own role
eigen inbreng = personal benefit
eigen inbreng = personal input
eigen inbreng = own input
eigen inbreng en originaliteit = own input and originality
eigen initiatief en inbreng = personal initiative and input
eigen inkleuring = own interpretation
eigen inkomen = personal income
eigen karakter = individual character [which a design has to have]
Eigen kenmerk = Own reference
eigen koerseen veilige koers varen = steer a safe course
eigen kracht = self-sufficiency
eigen leiderschapskwaliteiten = your own leadership qualities
eigen maken = master
eigen merk = private brand
eigen merk = private label
eigen merk van de supermarkt = supermarket’s own-brand product
eigen merken = corporate 
eigen merken = its own brands
eigen merken = our own brands
eigen merken = own brand
eigen merken = own brand product
eigen merken = own label
eigen merken = private brand
eigen merken = private label
eigen merken = private label product
eigen merken = products from our own facilities
eigen merken = products under own brands
eigen merken = store label
Eigen merken Supermarkten = Supermarkets’ Own brands
eigen merken van supermarkten = supermarkets’ own brands
Eigen merken versus A-merken = Own brands vs Leading brands
Eigen Merken vs. A-merken = Own brands vs Branded products
eigen merkproducten van supermarkten = a supermakets’s own-brand products
eigen methode = in-house method
eigen methode = proprietary method
eigen middelen = own resources
eigen of andere leveringsvoorwaarden = its own or other terms of delivery
eigen of externe Big Databronnen = internal or external Big Data sources
eigen onderwijs = own form of education
eigen onderwijs van de school = the school’s own form of education
eigen ontwikkeling = personal development
eigen operatornetwerk = home network
eigen opleg = own contribution
eigen oppositie = system of internal control
eigen opslag = own storage
eigen organisatie = one’s own organisation
eigen personeel = own staff
eigen personeelsbestand = In-house staff
Eigen persoonlijke leiderschapsstijl = My own personal leadership style
eigen producten = own range of products
eigen productiefaciliteit = own production facility
eigen productie-installaties = own production facilities
eigen productlijnen = own range of products
eigen productlijnen = its own product lines
eigen productlijnen = its own products
eigen productlijnen = its own range of products
eigen promotie = obtaining one’s own doctorate
Eigen rapporten = Custom reports
eigen regie van burgers op persoonsgegevens = citizens’ own control over personal data
Eigen risico = Policy deductible (Vanderwal & Joosten BV)
Eigen risico = Excess
eigen risico = excess (verz.)
eigen risico (franchise) = excess (deductible)
eigen risico nota = excess invoice
eigen risico voor werkgevers = employer’s own risk [under Sickness Benefits Act]
eigen ruimte = autonomy
eigen S&O = one’s own R&D
eigen schuld = circumstances which can be imputed to the victim
eigen schuld = contributory negligence
eigen schuld = culpability (Mark Cole)
eigen schuld = that the [respondent/defendant?] is to blame (xxxjarry)
Eigen schuld = that the [respondent/defendant?] is to blame
"Eigen schuld, dikke bult" = "you've made your bed, now you must lie/sleep in it"
eigen stofbereiding = own dedicated material preparation facility
eigen straatje schoonvegen = own house is in order
eigen technische dienst = internal technical department
eigen terrein = private property
eigen vakgebied = own field of expertise
Eigen velden = Custom fields
Eigen verantwoordelijkheid = Personal responsibility
eigen verantwoordelijkheid voor zorg = personal responsibility for care
eigen verbruik = own consumption
eigen verhaal = personal account
eigen verklaring = tenderer’s statement
eigen verklaring omtrent het gedrag = statement concerning a person’s conduct
eigen vermogen = equity capital
eigen vermogen = equity
eigen vermogen = equity (capital)
eigen vermogen = equity [capital]
Eigen vermogen = Stockholders' equity
eigen vermogen = shareholders’ equity
eigen Vermogen = own funds
eigen vermogen = equity base
eigen vermogen = shareholders’ equity
eigen vermogen = capital and reserves
Eigen vermogen = Owners' equity
eigen vermogen om financiering rond te krijgen = equity to raise financing
eigen vermogen op basis van de boekwaarde = net book value
eigen vermogen per aandeel = shareholder’s equity per share
eigen vermogen per aandeel = shareholders’ equity per share
eigen vermogen verder versterkt = further strengthened the company’s equity capital
"Eigen vermogen, voorzieningen en uitgestelde belastingen en schulden op m" = "Capital and reserves, provisions for liabilities and charges and amounts "
eigen vermogensverschaffer = provider of private equity
eigen vervoer = private transport
eigen vervoer = transport on own account / private transport
eigen voordeel = personal gain
"Eigen voorwaarden, welke bij de wederpartij mochten worden gehanteerd" = Any terms and conditions employed by the other party
eigen woning = home of one’s own
eigen woning = own house
eigen woning = owner-occupied dwelling
eigen woning = owner-occupied property
eigen woning = self-occupied property
eigen zielenontwikkeling = development of our own soul
eigen zijn aan = are associated with
eigenaar = proprietor
eigenaar = Owner
eigenaar = "holder (m.b.t. documenten, waardepapieren)"
eigenaar {de} = owner
eigenaar {de} = proprietor
eigenaar van de apparatuur = owner of the equipment
eigenaar van de database = database owner
eigenaar van een eenmanszaak = sole proprietor
eigenaar van een eenmanszaak = sole trader
eigenaar van het afval = owner of waste
eigenaar van het betreffende proces = owner of the relevant process
eigenaar van het betreffende systeem = owner of the system in question
eigenaar van toewijzing = assignment owner
"eigenaar zijn van een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "Owning a legal person, entity or body"
"Eigenaar zijn van een rechtspersoon, groep of entiteit" = "Owning a legal person, group or entity"
"eigenaar, eigenares, bezitter, bezitster" = owner (one who owns)
"eigenaar, of huurder, bediener of gebruiker" = "owner, lessee, operator or user"
eigenaar/beheerder = owner/manager
eigenaar/erfpachter = owner/tenant (land lease)
eigenaar/exploitant van ECI’s = owners/operators of ECIs
eigenaar-beheerder = owner-manager
eigenaar-bewoner = owner-occupier
eigenaar-bewoner = "owner-occupant, owner-occupier"
eigenaardig = peculiar
eigenaardig = individual
Eigenaardig = Typical
eigenaardig = odd
Eigenaardigheid = Characteristic
Eigenaardigheid = Peculiarity
Eigenaardigheid = Quirk
eigenaaronderhoud = owner maintenance
eigenaarschap = ownership
eigenaarslasten = owner’s charges
eigenaars-lusten en lasten = risks and rewards of ownership
eigenaarsonderhoud = owner maintenance
eigenaren van een wagenpark = fleet owners
eigenaren van voorzieningen = facility owners
eigenaren/beleggers = owners/investors
eigenares = owner
eigenares {de} = owner [female]
eigenaresse {de} [NN] = owner [female]
eigenbaat = selfinterest
eigenbelang = self-interest
Eigenbelanghypothese = Hypothesis of self-interest
Eigenbeweging = Proper motion
eigenbias = self-bias
eigenbijdrageregeling = contribution scheme
eigenbijdrageregeling = co-payment scheme
eigencapaciteit = self-capacitance
Eigendom = Ownership
eigendom = possession
Eigendom = Effects
eigendom = property
eigendom / bezit / eigendomsrecht = ownership
eigendom {de} {het} = possession
eigendom {het} = property
eigendom belast met erfpacht = leasehold
eigendom en risico blijft bij = title and risk remain with
eigendom van = property of
eigendom van de goederen = property in the goods
eigendom van de Producten gaat van Leverancier over op Afnemer = Ownership of the Products shall pass from Supplier to Purchaser
eigendom van een huwelijksgemeenschap = marital property
"eigendom van een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "ownership of a legal person, entity or body"
eigendom van een ruimtevaartuig = ownership of a spacecraft
eigendom van een schip of van een luchtvaartuig = ownership of a vessel or an aircraft
eigendom van een schip of van een luchtvaartuig = ownership of a vessel or aircraft
eigendom van goederen = ownership
eigendom van of worden onder licentie gebruikt = are owned or used under licence by
eigendom verkregen door testamentaire erfstelling = ownership acquired by testamentary succession
eigendom Vertrouwelijke Informatie = Ownership of the Confidential Information
eigendom verwerft = or acquires ownership of
"eigendom verwerven/verliezen door zaaksvorming, natrekking of vermenging" = "acquire/lose ownership by specification, accession or confusion"
"eigendom, bezitting, goed, bezit" = property (something owned)
eigendommen = possessions
eigendommen van derden = third party property
eigendommen van partijen = property of either Party
Eigendommen werkgever = Employer property
Eigendoms- rechten = Property rights
eigendomsaanhaling = Ownership citation
eigendomsbelang = ownership interest
eigendomsbescherming = property protection
eigendomsbewijs = proof of ownership
eigendomsbewijs m.b.t. overheidsgrond = land patent [Am.]
eigendomsbewijs m.b.t. overheidsgrond = land warrant [Am.]
"eigendomsbewijs, eigendomscertificaat, titel" = title (certificate of ownership)
eigendomsclausule = proprietary clause
eigendomsdelict = crime against property
eigendomsgrens = property boundaries
eigendomsgrenzen = property boundaries
eigendomsgrenzen = property boundary
eigendomsinformatie = registration
eigendomsintercommunale = owner intermunicipal company
Eigendomsoorsprong = Origin of ownership
eigendomsoverdacht = transfer of ownership
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of property
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of title
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of ownership
eigendomsovergang = transfer of ownership
eigendomsrecht = right of property
eigendomsrecht = property right
eigendomsrecht = proprietary law
Eigendomsrechten = Proprietary rights
eigendomsrechten = property rights
eigendomsrechten = proprietary rights
Eigendomsrechten en intellectuele eigendomsrechten = Property rights and Intellectual property rights
Eigendomsrechtentheorie = Theory of proprietary rights
eigendomsregister = land and property register
eigendomssituaties = ownership situations
eigendomstitel = property title
eigendomsverhoudingen = patterns of ownership
eigendomsverkrijging = acquisition of property
eigendomsvoorbehoud = reservation of ownership
eigendomsvoorbehoud = reservation of title
eigendomsvoorbehoud = retention of title
eigendomsvoorbehoud = title retention
Eigendomsvoorbehoud en risico = Retention of title and risk
eigendomsvoorbehoud heeft ingeroepen = (invoke the) retention of title (clause)
eigendomsvoorbehoud heeft ingeroepen = invoked the reservation of ownership (clause)
eigendomszones = property zone
eigendomszones = property zones
eigener beweging = on his own initiative
eigener beweging = of one's own accord
eigenfreq [rad/s] = "circular frequency, natural"
eigenfreq [rad/s] = circular frequency
eigenfrequentie = "frequency, natural"
eigenfrequentie = natural frequency
eigenfrequentie = frequency
eigenfrequentie = resonance frequency
eigenfrequentie [Hz] = natural frequency
eigengeleiding = intrinsic conduction
eigengeluid = accompanying sound
eigengeluidonderdrukking = rejection of accompanying sound
eigengeluidonderdrukking = sound rejection
Eigengemaakt = Home-made
eigengewicht = dead load
eigenhalfgeleider = intrinsic semiconductor
Eigenhandige aanpassingen = Unauthorised modifications
eigenhandige brief = autograph letter
eigenheid = characteristic property
eigenheid = characteristic trait
eigenheid = idiosyncrasy
eigenheid = singularity
eigenheid = individuality
eigenheid = individual character
eigenheid = special character
eigenheid = unique character
eigenheid = unique characteristics
eigenheid = uniqueness
eigenheid {de} = uniqueness
eigenheid {de} = singularity
eigenimpedantie = self-impedance
eigenkanaalscheiding = co-channel separation
Eigenlijk = Clean
eigenlijk = to tell the truth
eigenlijk = true
eigenlijk = in fact
eigenlijk = actually
eigenlijk = proper
Eigenlijk = Veritable
eigenlijk = exactly
Eigenlijk = Genuine
eigenlijk = real
Eigenlijk = Decent
eigenlijk = really
Eigenlijk = Downright
Eigenlijk = Pure
Eigenlijk geen andere opties = We were actually not given any other options
"eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid" = as a matter of fact {adv} (actually)
"eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid, feitelijk" = actually {adv} (really)
eigenlijke = actual
Eigenlijke karpers = Cyprinid
eigenlijke onderzoek = actual study
eigenlijke verdeling = proper distribution
eigenlijke waarde van ICT = actual value of IT
Eigenmachtig = Arbitrary
eigenmaken = assimilate
eigenmaken = familiarising himself with
eigenmaken = learn
eigenmaken = master
eigenmaken = mastering
Eigennaam = Proper name
eigennaam = name
eigennaam = proper noun
eigennaam = propes name
eigennaam {de} = proper noun
eigennaam {de} = proper name
eigenresistentie = self-resistance
eigenresonantie = natural resonance
eigen‑risicobedrag = amount of the deductible (US)
eigen‑risicobedrag = excess amount
eigenrisicodrager = own-risk bearer
eigenrisicodrager = self-insurer
eigenrisicodragerschap = self-insurance
eigenschap = attribute
Eigenschap = Quality
eigenschap = aspect
eigenschap = characteristic
eigenschap = feature
eigenschap = property
eigenschap = quality
eigenschap = characteristic/property
Eigenschap = Draught
Eigenschap = Property
Eigenschap = Feature
eigenschap {de} = quality
eigenschap {de} = property [quality]
Eigenschap afdekking = Kind of covering
eigenschap selectie = feature selection
eigenschap van de onderhavige uitvinding = quality of the present invention
eigenschap van de parti?le coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de parti?le stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de partiéle coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de partiële coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de partiéle stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de partiële stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de parti�le coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de parti�le stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van dimensielid = dimension member property
eigenschap van een energiecentrale = power plant property
eigenschap van lid = member property
"eigenschap, hoedanigheid, kwaliteit" = quality (differentiating property or attribute)
"eigenschap, structuur of kenmerk" = "feature, structure or characteristic"
eigenschappen = aspects
eigenschappen = characteristics
eigenschappen = features
eigenschappen = properties
eigenschappen = qualities
eigenschappen = characteristics/properties
Eigenschappen = Qualities
Eigenschappen = Characteristics
Eigenschappen bewerken = Property Editor
eigenschappen bezitten die voor een normaal gebruik nodig zijn = have the characteristics required for normal use
eigenschappen en gebruiksmogelijkheden = characteristics  and uses
eigenschappen en voordelen = properties and benefits
eigenschappen en/of laagdiktes = properties and/or layer thicknesses
eigenschappen in de dikterichting = through-thickness properties
eigenschappen van de standaardatmosfeer = properties of standard atmosphere
eigenschappen van een bestand = file properties
eigenschappen van het gezin = family characteristics: the size and composition of the family
"eigenschappen, gehele getallen, stappen, of componenten" = "features, integers, steps or components"
eigenschappenarchief = property store
Eigenschappenbeheer = Property Manager
eigenschappenbevordering = property promotion
eigenschappencache = property cache
eigenschappenpagina = property page
eigenschappenpagina = properties page
eigenschappenset = property set
eigenschappenvenster = property sheet
Eigenschappenvenster = Properties window
eigenschappenverzameling = property bag
eigenschapsexpressie = property expression
eigenschapsgroep = property group
eigenschapsnaam = property name
eigenschapsvelden = property fields
eigenschapswaarde = property value
eigenschapswaarde van statusbericht = status message property value
eigentemperatuur = temperature variations
eigentijds = current
Eigentijds = Cutting-edge
Eigentijds = Contemporary
eigentijds = The latest
eigentijds (samen)werken = completely modern way to collaborate
"eigentijds, uitdagend en kwalitatief hoogstaand onderwijs" = "contemporary, challenging and high-quality education"
eigentijdse = contemporary
eigentijdse architectuur = contemporary architecture
eigentijdse onderwijsplatform = modern teaching platform
eigenvector = eigenvector
Eigenverbruik = Own consumption
eigen-verbruik = private consumption
eigenverklaringinzakeoorsprong = declaration of origin
eigenvermogensvereisten = own funds requirements
eigenwaarde = characteristic root
eigenwaarde = eigenvalue
eigenwaarde = latent root (vector)
eigenwaarde = self-esteem
Eigenwaarde = Shame into
Eigenwaarde = Pride
Eigenwaarde = Shame
Eigenwaarde/zelfrespect = Self-worth/self-respect
Eigenwijs = Obstinate
Eigenwijs = Obdurate
eigenwijs = conceited
eigenwijs = maverick
Eigenwijs = Stubborn
Eigenwijs = Wilful
eigenzinnig = obstinate
eigenzinnig = stubborn
eigenzinnig = wayward
eigenzinnig = wayward
eigenzinnig = obstinate
eigenzinnige = obstinate
eigenzinnige = stubborn
eigenzinnige = contrary
eigenzinnige = difficult
eigenzinnige = disobedient
eigenzinnige = headstrong
eigenzinnige = insubordinate
eigenzinnige = intractable
eigenzinnige = intransigent
eigenzinnige = mulish
eigenzinnige = naughty
eigenzinnige = obdurate
eigenzinnige = perverse
eigenzinnige = pig-headed
eigenzinnige = recalcitrant
eigenzinnige = refractory
eigenzinnige = self-willed
eigenzinnige = stiff-necked
eigenzinnige = stubborn as a mule
eigenzinnige = uncooperative
eigenzinnige = ungovernable
eigenzinnige = unpersuadable
eigenzinnige = wayward
eigenzinnige = wilful
eigenzinnige = unamenable
eigenzinnigheid = tenacity
eiglans = satin (finish)
eiglans = egg-shell finish
Eijsden = Eijsden
Eijsden-Margraten = Eijsden-Margraten
Eijsdens = Eèsjdes
Eijsdens = Eèsjdes (the Eijsden dialect)
eik = oak
eik {de} = oak
eikehout = oak (wood)
eikehout = oak
eikehouten = oak
eikel = glans
eikel = glans penis
Eikel = Acorn
eikel = dickhead
Eikel (vrucht) = Acorn
eikel {de} = acorn
eikelbuis = acorn valve
eiken = oak
eiken = oaken
eiken- = oak
eiken(bomen) = oak
eiken(hout) = oak
eikenbeits = oak stain
eikenboom = oak
eikenboom {de} = oak tree
eikenbos = oak-wood
eikenhout = oak
eikenhout = oak wood
Eikenprocessierups = Oak processionary moth
Eikentandvlinder = Timid
Eikentandvlinder = Bashful
Eikentandvlinder = Retiring
Eikentandvlinder = Shy
Eikentandvlinder = Coy
eikonometer: een apparaat voor het meten van aniseikonia = eiconometer
eikonometer: een apparaat voor het meten van aniseikonia = eikonometer
eikosanoïde = eicosanoid: prostaglandin
eiland = isle
eiland = island
eiland = pad
eiland {het} = island
eiland- en back-upopstellingen = off-grid or grid backup setups
Eiland Man = Isle of Man
eiland opstelling = island arrangement
eilandbedrijf = house load operation
eilandecosysteem = island ecosystem
eilanden = islands
eilanden {mv} = islands
eilandenboog = arc of islands
eilandengebied = island region
eilandengordel = belt of islands
Eilandengroep = Archipelago
"eilandenketen {f}, eilandenrij" = island chain (chain-like archipelago)
eilandenzee = archipelago
eilander {de} = islander
eilandhaven = island harbour
eilandje {het} = islet
eilandje {het} = small island
eiland-opstelling = off-grid setup
eiland-opstelling = stand-alone setup
eilandproblematiek = island automation
Eilandschouw = Decorative (isle hood)
eilandstaten = island states
eiland-systeem = off-grid system
Eileider = Fallopian tube
eind = distance
eind = offset
Eind = Deadline
Eind = Thin
Eind = Term
Eind = Wispy
Eind = End
Eind = Ending
eind = at the end of
eind {het} = end
eind {het} [omg.] = distance
Eind 2017 = End of 2017
eind datum/tijd = end date/time
eind december = late December
Eind dit jaar = by the end of this year
eind maart = at the end of March
Eind pH na LS1 = Final pH after LS1
Eind pH na LS10 = Final pH after LS10
Eind resultaat = Final result
Eind test E / I / Q = End test E / I / Q
Eind tijd = End time
Eind tijdstip = End time
eind vorig jaar = Late last year
eind.. = ultimate
Eind-/benaderingschakelaars = End of travel / proximity switches
Eind-/reinigingsdeksel voor ventilatiesysteem = End -/cleaning piece for ventilation system
eindaandrijving = final drive
eind-aan-eind koppeling = end-fire coupling
eindaanslag = end stop
eindadvies = final recommendation
eindafdek = final seal
eindafdichting = end seal
eindafdichting = end sealing
eindaflevering = final delivery
eindafname = final purchase
eindafnamerapport = final inspection report
eindafnemer = final customer
eindafrekening = final settlement
eindafrekening = final account
eindafrekening = final statement
eindafsluiter = terminator
eindafstand = end distance
Eindafwerkset thermoband = Heating cable end piece
eindassemblage = final assembly
eindassemblageplan = final assembly schedule: FAS
eindassemblagestuklijst = final assembly bill-of- material
eindassessment = final assessment
eindbalk (van (hout)skelet) = end joist
eindbeeld = final result
eindbeeld = final picture
eindbeeld = end shot
eindbeeld = (final) goal
eindbeoordeling = final assessment
eindbeoordeling PVB = final Proficiency Check assessment
eindbeoordeling van de PVB = final assessment of the Proficiency Check
eindbestelling = all-time order
eindbestemming = final destination
eindbestemming {de} = final destination
eindbeugel = end bracket
Eindbeurt = Final cleaning
eindblokbehuizing = end-block housing
eindblokken = end blocks
eindblokken = end-blocks
eindblokwerk = end-block mechanism
eindbreedte = end width
eindbuis = output valve
eindcertificaat = final certificate
eindcijfer = final mark
eindcijfer = final grade
Eindcijfer berekening = Calculation of final mark
eindconclusie = final conclusion
eindconclusie = final opinion
eindconclusies = final conclusions
eindconsument = end consumer
eindcontrole = final inspection
eindcontrole voor levering = final inspection before delivery
einddatum = end date
einddatum = closing date
einddatum = finish date
einddatum = project end date
einddatum (bepaalde tijd) = final date (in case of temporary appointment)
einddatum (van arbeidscontract) = final date of employment given
Einddatum boekjaar = financial year end date
Einddatum instellen = Set due date
Einddatum opdracht = Assignment end date
Einddatum ouderschapsverlof = End date parental leave
einddatum repartitieperiode = distribution end date
einddatum van cyclus = cycle end date
einddatumparameter = end date parameter
einddatumveld = end date field
einddeclaratie = final statement
einddeel = end part
einddeksel = end cover
einddelen = end parts
einddiastolisch = end  diastolic
eind-diastolsich voluum = end-  diastolic ventricular volume
eind-diastolsich voluum = end-diastolic volume
einddikte = end thickness
einddiploma = diploma
Einddiploma = Leaving-certificate
Einddiploma = A-level
Einddiploma = Leaving certificate
Einddiploma = General Certificate of Educat
Einddiploma = Leaving examination
einddoel = goal
Einddoel = Final goal
einddoel = ultimate goal
Einddoel Plan van Aanpak = Final goal of the Action Plan
Einddoos = End socket
einddop = end cap
einde = conclusion
Einde = Thin
einde = end
einde {het} = end
einde dienst = at the end of the shift
einde dienstverband = termination of employment
einde exportperiode = end export period
einde functieschaal = upper limit of pay scale
Einde huurovereenkomst = End of lease agreement
Einde huurovereenkomst of gebruik = End of lease agreement or use
Einde in bedrijf name = Final start-up
Einde levensduur = End of service life
Einde looptijd = Maturity
einde periode = end of period
einde termijnwagens = end-of-lease cars/vehicles
Einde turnaround werkzaamheden systeem = Final turnaround system work
einde van de gegevensverzameling = End of data collection
einde van de levensduur = End of life
einde van de slaap = sleep offset
Einde van de verzekering = Termination of the insurance
Einde van het dienstverband = Termination of employment
Einde van het interview = End of the interview
einde van het jaardividend = year-end dividend
einde van het leasecontract = end of the lease
Einde veiligstellen systeem = End of placing system in safe mode
Einde vragenlijst = End of questionnaire
einde-band = end of tape
einde-berichtfunctie = end-of-message function
einde-berichtindicator = end-of-message indicator
einde-blokteken = end of block character
eindecontractschade = end-of-contract damage
eindeffector = end effector
eindejaarsgesprek = end-of-year interview
Eindejaarspremie = Christmas allowance
Eindejaarspremie = end-of-year allowance
eindejaarspremie = end-of-year bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = year-end bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = Christmas bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = end-of-year bonus
Eindelijk = Last
eindelijk = at last
eindelijk = finally
eindelijk = eventually
eindelings deel lip (Orchid.) = epichile
eindeloop schakelaar = stop switch
eindeloopprop = end course end piece
eindeloos = everlasting
Eindeloos = Endless
eindeloos = endlessly
eindeloos nesten = endless nesting
eindeloze band = endless loop
Eindeloze mogelijkheden = Endless possibilities
eindeloze opeenvolging = endless sequence
eindeloze opeenvolging van uit- en inschakelen van de lichtbron = endless sequence of switching off and on the light source
einde-mediumteken = end-of-medium character: EM
einden afgeknipt en vlak geslepen = ends plain and ground
einden geslepen = ends ground square
einden vlakgewikkeld = plain ends squared
einden vlakgewikkeld en geslepen = plain ends squared and ground
einde-naar-einde sessie = end-to-end session
einde-rubriekcode = end of field code
einde-slag = end of stroke
einde-slag = end-of-stroke
einde-tekstteken = end-of-text character: ETX
einde-transmissieblokteken = end-of-transmission block character: ETB
einde-transmissiefunctie = end-of-transmission function
einde-transmissieteken = end-of-transmission character: EOT
Eindevaluatie = Final evaluation
eindevaluatie in het jaarrapport (R&O) = final assessment given by you in the annual report
eindexamen = school-leaving examination
Eindexamen = Leaving-certificate
eindexamen = final examination
Eindexamen = Leaving certificate
Eindexamen = General Certificate of Educat
Eindexamen = A-level
eindexamen = leaving examination
eindexamencijfers = final exam results
eindexamenjaar = graduation year
eindexaminator = final examiner
eindexaminatoren = final examiners
eindfactuur = final invoice

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Latest revision as of 18:38, 21 February 2024

Back to: BEIJER.rystb (various sources)
Date: 2022-11-14
Dutch = English
calamiteitenplan = emergency response plan
calamiteitenplan en uitwijkplan = emergency plan and disaster recovery plan
calamiteitenplan Lelystad Airport = Lelystad Airport Emergency Response Plan
Calamiteitenplannen = Emergency Plans
calamiteitenpomp = emergency pump
calamiteitenpompen = emergency pumps
calamiteitenregelingen = emergency arrangements
calamiteitenschakeling = disaster recovery fallback/cutover
calamiteitenteam = emergency response team
calamiteitenverlof = emergency leave
"calamiteitenverlof, kort - en langdurig zorgverlof en adoptieverlof" = "emergency leave, short- and long-term carer’s leave and adoption leave"
Calara?i = Calarasi = Calc. No
calcaneodynie = "pain in the  heel, calcaneodynia"
calcaneus accessorius = heel bone sesamoid
calcaneusspoor = "heel spur, calcanean spur"
calcar femorale = femoral calcar
Calceolaria = Calceolaria
Calciet = Calcite
Calcificatie = Calcification
Calcinmie = Calcaemia
calcium = calcium
Calcium (als CaO) = Calcium (as CaO)
Calcium (II) = Calcium (II)
Calcium [Ca] = Calcium [Ca]
calcium carbonaat = calcium carbonate
calciumacetaat = calcium acetate
calciumalginaat = calcium alginate
calciumascorbaat = calcium l-ascorbate
calciumbenzoaat = calcium benzoate / benzoic acid calcium salt
Calciumcarbide = Carbide
Calciumcarbonaat = Calcium carbonate
calciumcarbonaat = calcium carbonate
calciumchloride = calcium chloride (E-nummer: E509)(CaCl2)
calciumchloride = calcium chloride
calciumcitraat = "mono, di, and tri- calcium citrate"
calciumdodecylbenzeensulfonaat = calcium dodecylbenzenesulfonate
calciumferrocyanide = calcium ferrocyanide
calciumformiaat = calcium formate
calciumfosfaat = calcium phosphate
calciumfosfaatfosfor = calcium phosphate phosphor
calciumgluconaat = calcium gluconate
calciumglutamaat = calcium glutamate
calciumguanylaat = calcium guanylate
Calcium-hardheid = Calcium hardness
Calciumhydroxide = Lime
Calciumhydroxide = Calcium hydroxide
calciuminosinaat = calcium inosinate
calciumionen = calcium ions
Calciumkanaalblokkerende middelen = Calcium channel blockers
calciumlactaat = calcium lactate
calciummalaat = calcium malate
calciumorthofosfaten = calcium orthophosphates
Calciumoxide = Lime
Calciumoxide = Calcium oxide
calciumperoxide = calciumperoxide
calciumpolyfosfaat = calcium polyphosphate
calciumpropionaat = calcium propionate
calciumribonucleotiden = calcium ribonucleotides
calciumsacharine = calcium saccharin
calciumsilicaat = calcium silicate
calciumsilicaatfosfor = calcium silicate phosphor
calciumsorbaat = calcium sorbate
calciumstearaat = calcium stearate
calciumstearoyllactaat = calcium stearoyl lactate
calciumsulfaat = calcium sulphate
calciumsulfaat = calcium sulfate
calciumsulfiet = calcium sulphite
calciumtartraat = calcium tartarate
calciumwaterstofcarbonaat = calcium   hydrogen carbonate
calciumwaterstofsulfiet = calcium hydrogen sulphite
calciumzeepvet = calcium-soap grease
calciumzout = calcium salt
calciumzout aanslag = calcium salt deposits
Calciurie = Calciuria
calculatie = computation
calculatie = calculation
calculatie (f) = calculation
calculatie {de} = calculation
Calculatie cleopatra (WTK) = Calculation cleopatra (WTK)
Calculatie deel = Calculation part
Calculatie gereed = Calculation ready
Calculatie Nspace (WTK) = Calculation N space (WTK)
Calculatieformulier = Calculation Form
Calculatiekartel = Cost accounting cartel
Calculatienummer = Calculation number
calculatierecept = calculation formula
calculatieregel = calculation line
calculatierente = interest rate
Calculatieschaal = Computational scale
calculatiesysteem = calculation system
Calculatietarief = Calculation rate
calculatieverschil = calculation difference
calculatiewijze = calculation method
calculator = verdelingscalculator
calculator = calculator
calculator {de} = calculator
calculatorische huurkosten = implicit interest
calculatorische huurkosten = implicit rent
calculatorische interest/-rente = notional interest
calculators en rekenmachines = calculators and calculating machines
calculeerbaar = calculable
Calculeren = Calculate
Calculeren = Work out
calculeren = to calculate
Calculerend = Calculating
calculus = calculus
Calculus = Analysis
Calcutta = Kolkata
Caldera = Caldera
Caledonië = Caledonia
Caledoniër = Caledonian
Caledonisch = Caledonian
caleidoscopen = kaleidoscopes
calender = calendar
Calibrated = Calibrated
calibratie = calibration
calibratie {de} = calibration
Calibratie detector = Calibration detector
calibratie periode = calibration period
calibratie procedure = calibration procedure
calibratie stap = calibration step
calibratie-detector = calibration detector
calibratiemode = calibration mode
calibratieplan = calibration plan
Calibratierapporten van meetinstrumenten = Calibration reports of measuring instruments
calibratierun = calibration run
calibraties = calibrations
calibratiestatus = calibration status
calibratiestickers en -rapporten = calibration stickers and reports
Calibrating = Calibrating
Calibration Training = Calibration Training
Calibratorset = Calibrator set
calibreren = calibrate
calibreren = to calibrate
calibreren of ijken = calibrating
"calibrering, ijking, schaalverdeling" = calibration
calicot = calico (plain)
California-encefalitis = California  encephalitis
California-encefalitisvirus = California  encephalitis virus
Californie = California
Californië = California
Californiër = Californian
Californisch = Californian
californische = californian
Californium = Californium
Caligula = Caligula
calimerogevoel = underdog
calite kogel = ceramic pellet
call = call for research and innovation projects
call = call for project proposals
call = funding call
call = call
call center = call centre
Call Manager = Call Manager
Call optie = Call option
Callandkanaal = Calland canal
Callback = Callback
Callback Control Protocol = Callback Control Protocol
callcenter = call centre
caller line identification = caller line identification
CallEvent = CallEvent
Callisto = Callisto
Callisto (maan) = Callisto (moon)
Callisto (mythologie) = Callisto (mythology)
Calorie = Thermal unit
Calorie = Low-calorie
calorie = calorie
calorie {de} <cal> = calorie <cal>
Calorie?npool = Calory Pool
Caloriearme maaltijd = Low calorie meal
calorieën {mv} = calories
Calorie�npool = Calory Pool
calorierijke = calorie-rich
calorimeter = calorimeter
Calorimeters = Calorimeters
calorimetrie = calorimetry
calorisch = calorific
Calorische waarde = Calorific value
CAL-pakket = CAL pack
calque = transparency
Calqueerpapier = Tracing paper
calquehouder = transparency archivist
calqueuse = tracer
Calvados (departement) = Calvados
Calvijn = Calvin
Calvin Coolidge = Calvin Coolidge
Calvinisme = Calvinism
Calypso = Calypso
cam customer account management = cam customer account management
Camargue = Camargue
Cambio = Bill of exchange
Cambio = Milking
Cambio = Draft
Cambium = Cambium
Cambodja = Kampuchea
Cambodja = Cambodia
Cambodja {het} = Cambodia
Cambodjaan = Cambodian man
Cambodjaan = Kampuchean
Cambodjaan = Cambodian
"Cambodjaan, Cambodjaanse" = Cambodian (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent)
Cambodjaans = Kampuchean
Cambodjaans = Cambodian
Cambodjaanse = Cambodian
Cambodjaanse = Cambodian woman
Cambodjaanse = Kampuchean
Cambridge = Cambridge (disambiguation)
Cambridge (Engeland) = Cambridge
Cambridge (Massachusetts) = Cambridge
Cambridge ring = Cambridge ring
Cambridgeshire = Cambridgeshire
Cambrium = Cambrian
Camcorder = Camcorder
camcorders = camcorders
Came = Cam
came to an agreement = vonden elkaar
Camelot = Street pedlar
Camelot = Camelot
Camelot = Street vendor
Camelot = Cheapjack
Camembert = Pie chart
Camembert = Camembert
Camembert (kaas) = Camembert (cheese)
Camera = Camera
Camera = Movie camera
Camera = Cine-camera
camera = television camera
camera = camera
camera {de} = camera
Camera Capture = Camera Capture
Camera obscura = Dark room
Camera obscura = Darkroom
camera pakket = camera package
Camera toezicht = Camera monitoring
camera voering = camera work
Camera voor deur-/video-intercom = Camera for door and video intercom system
camera’s = cameras
Camera’s = CCTV cameras
camera’s die beelden opnemen = cameras that capture images
camera-album = camera roll
camerabediening = camera control
camerabeelden = CCTV footage
camera-beeldscherminrichting voor indirect zicht = Camera-monitor device for indirect vision
camerabewaking = CCTV
Camerabody's = Camera bodies
camerabuis = camera tube
cameradeksel = body cap
cameragrondkleuren = camera primaries
camerahoek = camera angle
camera-ingang = camera input
cameralens = camera lens
Cameralenzen = Camera lenses
cameraman = cameraman
camera-monitoring = camera monitoring
cameraobservatie- en bewakingssysteem = video surveillance and monitoring system
Camera's = Cameras
Camera's voor het vervaardigen van clichés of van drukcilinders = Cameras for preparing printing plates or cylinders
camerasysteem = camera system
cameratoezicht = camera surveillance
cameratoezicht = CCTV surveillance
Cameratoezicht = camera surveillance
Camera-uitrusting voor snelheidsmeting = Speed camera equipment
cameravoering = camera work
camera-voering = camera work
camerawagen = trolley-mounted camera
Camino = Fireplace
camion {de} [BN] = lorry [Br.]
camion {de} [BN] = truck
camionette {de} [BN] = van
camouflage = camouflage
camouflage {de} = camouflage
camouflage therapie gezicht/hals = face/neck camouflage therapy
Camouflagehoezen = Camouflage covers
Camouflagejassen = Camouflage jackets
camoufleren = to camouflage
camoufleren = to disguise
Campagne = Countryside
Campagne = Drive
Campagne = Campana
Campagne = Pasque-flower
Campagne = Farmland
Campagne = Campaign
Campagne = Country
Campagne = Agitate
campagne = campaign
campagne {de} = campaign
campagne Facebook = Facebook campaign
campagne insteek = campaign focus
campagne Linkedin = LinkedIn campaign
Campagne samenstellen = Campaign Builder
campagneactiviteit = campaign activity
campagneboodschap = campaign message
campagnecode = campaign code
campagnedoel = campaign goaling
Campagne-evaluatie = Campaign evaluation
campagne-item = campaign item
campagnenaam = campaign name
campagnerespons = campaign response
campagnes = campaigns
campagneselectie = campaign selection
Campania = Campania
Campanië = Campania
Campanien = Campanian
Campanile = Campanile
campanile (oudheid) = campanile
campanula = bellflower
Camper = Dormobile ®
Camper = Trailer convertible into tent
Camper = Recreational vehicle
Camper = Mobile home
Camper = Camper
Camper = Caravanette
camper = mobil home
Camper = Motor-home
camper = camper
Camphechloor = Camphechlor
Campheen = Camphene
Camphor = Camphor
camping = camping
camping = camping ground
camping {de} = camping site
camping van het Summer Festival = Summer Festival campsite
Campingweekend = Camping weekend
Campro Camerabewaking & Alarmsystemen = Campro Camerabewaking & Alarmsystemen
campus = campus
Campus = Student's residences
campusbreed = campus-wide
campusconcept = campus concept
campuskaart = campus card
campuslicentie = campus license
campusontwikkeling = campus development
campussen = campuses
Campylobacter = Campylobacter
Campylobacter jejuni = Campylobacter jejuni
CAM-software = Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software package
CAN (Controller Area Network) = CAN (Controller Area Network)
CAN berichten overzicht = CAN messages overview
CAN lay-out halfautomaat = CAN lay-out for semi-automatic gearbox
"CAN lay-out Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = CAN lay-out Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
Canaan = Canaan
Canada = Canada
Canada {het} = Canada
Canadees = Canadian
Canadese = Lumber jacket
Canadese = Fur-lined jacket
Canadese = Canadian
Canadese = Canadian woman
Canadese dollar = Canadian dollar
Canadese kano = Canoe
Canadian Payment Association = Canadian Payment Association
Canadian Payments Association Standard 005 = Canadian Payments Association Standard 005
canaille = rabble
canalis adductorius = crural canal of Henle
canalis femoralis = femoral canal
canalis genitalis = genital canal
canalis infra-orbitalis = infraorbital canal
canalis inguinalis = inguinal canal: the oblique passage through the lower abdominal wall
Canapé = Settee
Canapé = Davenport
Canapé = Canapé
Canapé = Sofa
Canapé = Open sandwich
canapé = couch
canapés = settees
canard = hoax
Canari = Canary
Canarisch = Canary
Canarische Eilanden = Canary Islands
Canarische Eilanden {mv} = Canary Islands
canaubawas = canauba wax
Canberra = Canberra
CAN-bus = CAN bus
CAN-bus = Controller Area Network
Cancel = Cancel
Cancellation rate = Cancellation rate
Cancer = Cancer
CAN-databus = CAN bus
candela = candle
candela = candela
Candela (eenheid) = Candela
Candide = Artless
Candide = Naïve
Candide = Candid
Candidiasis = Candidiasis
candillawas = candilla wax
Cane = Cane
canelure (verticale groef in zuil) = flute
caninet = cabinet
Canna = Cane
cannabidiol = cannabidiol
Cannabis sativa = Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa indica = Indian hemp
Cannaceae = Canna
Cannaceae = Indian shot
Cannelloni = Cannelloni
Cannelure = Furrow
cannelure = slot
Cannelure = Fluting
cannelures = grooves
Cannes = Cannes
cannot be applied to given types = cannot be applied to given types
cannot be referenced from a static context = cannot be referenced from a static context
Canny-algoritme = Canny algorithm
canon = canon
canon = ground rent
cañon = cañon
Canon Art. Satin Canvas = Canon Artistic Satin Canvas
CANON Art.Satin Canvas = CANON Artistic Satin Canvas
Canon Business Services = Canon Business Services
Canon Colorstream 665 Pro = Canon ColorStream 665 Pro
Canon Extra = Canon Extra
Canon High Grade = Canon High Grade
Canon Large Format Media = Canon Large Format Media
Canon Nederland = Canon Nederland
Canon Office = Canon Office
Canon per jaar = Ground rent per year
Canon Proof P. Glossy = Canon Glossy Proofing Paper
Canon Proof P. Semiglossy = Canon Semi-Gloss Proofing Paper
Canon Roll-up Gls Film = Canon Roll-Up Gloss Film
Canon Scrim Ban.Vinyl = Canon Scrim Banner Vinyl
CANON Univ. White Film = CANON Universal White Film
Canon van de Bijbel = Canon
Canon Webshop = Canon Webshop
Canon WR. Art. Canvas = Canon Artistic Canvas WR
"Canon, Inc." = Canon (company)
canonbedrag = ground rent
Canon-grootformaatprinters = Canon Large Format Printers
canonicalization = canonicalization
canoniek = canonical
canoniek recht = canon law
canonieke naam = canonical name
canonisch = canonical
canonische correlatie = canonical correlation
Canonische correlatiecoëfficient = Canonical correlation coefficient
canonische matrix = canonical matrix
canonische variabele = canonical variable
canonpercentage = ground rent percentage
canonverhoging = ground rent increase
CANOpen = CANOpen
Canopus (ster) = Canopus
canopy = overkapping
cans = kannen
CAN-systeem aandrijflijn = powertrain CAN-system
CAN-systeem carrosserie = body CAN-system
CAN-systeem klimaatsysteem = climate system CAN-system
Cantabrië = Cantabria
Cantabrisch = Cantabrian
Cantate = Cantata
Canterbury (Engeland) = Canterbury
canthaxanthine = canthaxanthin
canthus = canthus
Canticum = Canticle
Canton = Canton
Canule = Cannula
canules = cannulae
Canvas = Canvas
canvas {het} = canvas
"canvas, doek, linnen, schilderslinnen" = canvas (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)
Canvasartikelen = Canvas items
CAO = collective labour agreement (CAO)
CAO = Collective Labour Agreement
CAO = Collective Agreement
CAO = Collective Bargaining Agreement
CAO = contractual pay
CAO = negotiated salaries
CAO = negotiated wages
CAO = Collective agreement
cao = Collective Labour Agreement
CAO = Collective labour agreement
CAO = labour agreement
CAO (Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst) = collective labour agreement
cao 100 = ‘CAO 100’ (Collective agreement on alcohol and substance abuse)
CAO à la Carte = Working Conditions Multiple Choice Model
CAO Beroepsgoederenvervoer = Dutch Collective agreement on Commercial Transport ('CAO Beroepsgoederenv
CAO Coffee&Tea = Coffee & Tea Collective Agreement (‘Coffee & Tea CAO’)
cao Hoger Personeel Metalektro = Collective Bargaining Agreement for senior staff in the Mechanical and El
cao Metalektro = Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Mechanical and Electrical Enginee
cao Metalektro = Metalektro CBA
cao Nederlandse Universiteiten = Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Unive
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = CLA for Temporary Agency Workers
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers (ABU-CLA)
CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers of the Dutch Fed
Cao/Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = Collective bargaining agreement (CAO) / Working Arrangements Manual
cao-afspraak = collective agreement
cao-afspraak = collective bargaining agreement
cao-afspraak = "collective labor agreement (US, also)"
cao-afspraak = collective wage agreement
CAO-afspraken = collective agreements
CAO-afspraken = collective bargaining agreements
CAO-afspraken = "collective labor agreements (US, also)"
CAO-afspraken = collective wage agreements
cao-hbo = Collective Agreement for the Universities of Applied Sciences (cao-hbo
cao-loon = contractual pay
cao-loon = negotiated salaries
cao-loon = negotiated wages
cao-onderhandelingen = collective bargaining negotiations
cao-overleg = collective bargaining
cao-overleg = collective bargaining (rounds)
cao-overleg = collective wage talks
cao-overleg = labour contract negotiations
cao-overleg = pay bargaining
cao-overleg = wage negotiations
cao-overleg = collective bargaining rounds
CAO-partijen = parties to the collective agreements
CAO-personeel = personnel covered by a collective labour agreement
cao-salarisschaal = salary scale in accordance with the collective agreement
cao-tafel = collective bargaining table
caoutchoucfabriek = Caoutchouc industry
Caoutschouc (ongevulcaniseerd rubber) = Caoutchouc
cap = cap
CAPA = Corrective and Preventive Action
CAPA procedure = CAPA procedure
Capabel = Competent
capabel = capable
capabel = able
Capabiliteit = Capability
Capability Maturity Model Integration = Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
capable to promise = capable to promise
capacitantie = capacitance
capacitantie van een montage in voetje = header capacitance
capacitantiefilter = capacitance filter
capacitantiekoppeling = capacitance coupling
capacitantieverhouding = capacitance ratio
capaciteit = capacity
capaciteit = electric utility capacity
capaciteit = capacitance
capaciteit = service
Capaciteit = Capacitiy
capaciteit (weg) = capacity (road)
capaciteit {de} = skill
capaciteit {de} = capacity
capaciteit afbouw = capacity reduction
Capaciteit borden (28cm) = Capacity dishes (28 cm)
Capaciteit eieren = Capacity eggs
capaciteit en continuïteit = capacity and continuity
capaciteit en ergonomie = capacity and ergonomics
Capaciteit espressogedeelte = Capacity espresso part
Capaciteit espressokopjes = Capacity espresso cups
Capaciteit gaarruimte = Cavity capacity
Capaciteit glazen = Capacity glasses
capaciteit inkopen = capacity buying
Capaciteit maatcouverts = Capacity normative cutleries
capaciteit overzicht = capacity overview
Capaciteit permanent geheugen/ROM = Fast memory capacity/ROM
capaciteit tot zakendoen = capacity to contract
Capaciteit trommel (kg) = Drum capacity
capaciteit van afvalrecyclinginstallaties = capacity of waste recycling facilities
capaciteit van afvalverbrandingsinstallaties = capacity of waste incineration facilities
capaciteit van andere verwijderingsinstallaties = capacity of other disposal facilities
capaciteit van de batterijen = capacity of the batteries
capaciteit van stortplaatsen = capacity of landfills
capaciteit vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacity
Capaciteit waterreservoir = Water reservoir capacity
Capaciteit waterreservoir ({x} liter = Water reservoir capacity ({x} litres
Capaciteit wijnbewaarkast (0.75 cl flessen) = Wine storage cabinet capacity (0.75 cl bottles)
"capaciteit, capaciteiten {p}" = "capacity (the ability to hold, receive or absorb)"
"capaciteit, de veiligheid, de openbare orde, dreiging van schade c.q. hin" = "capacity, safety, public order, threat of damage or obstacle"
capaciteitbehoefte = capacity requirement
capaciteiten = capacity
capaciteiten = capacities
capaciteiten en aspiraties = abilities and aspirations
capaciteiten op het gebied van vitale infrastructuur = capacities in the field of critical infrastructure
capaciteiten optimaal benut worden = capacity is optimally utilised
capaciteiten vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacities
Capaciteiten voor herstel en nazorg = Restoration and aftercare capacities
Capaciteiten voor herstel en nazorg = Remedy and aftercare capacities
Capaciteiten voor preparatie en response = Preparation and response capacities
Capaciteiten voor proactie en preventie = Proactive and preventive capacities
capaciteiten voor vitale infrastructuur = critical infrastructure capacities
capaciteiten voor weerbare vitale infrastructuur = resilient critical infrastructure capacities
Capaciteits management database = Capacity Management Database
Capaciteits management database omvang = Size of Capacity Management Database
Capaciteitsaanbieder = Capacity supplier
capaciteitsaangelegenheid = capacity management matter
capaciteitsaanpassingen = capacity adjustments
capaciteitsaanvraag = capacity request
capaciteitsadvisering = capacity recommendations
capaciteitsarm = anti-capacitance
capaciteitsbeheer = capacity management
capaciteitsbeheerinformatiesysteem = capacity management information system (CMIS)
capaciteitsbeheersing = restriction of intake capacity
capaciteitsbeheersing = capacity management
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity requirement
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity need
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity needed
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity needs assessment
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity required
capaciteitsbehoefte = capacity requirement assessment
capaciteitsbehoefte = required capacity
Capaciteitsbehoefte Protonentherapie = Proton Therapy Capacity Requirement
capaciteitsbehoefteplanning = capacity requirements planning: CRP
capaciteitsbelasting = capacity load
capaciteitsbenutting = capacity utilization
capaciteitsberekening = capacity calculation
capaciteitsbeslag = capacity tie-up
capaciteitsbezetting = capacity load
capaciteitsbezettingsvoorraad = capacity loading stock
capaciteitsbron = resource
capaciteitscontrole = capacity check
capaciteitsdiode-afstemming = capacitive diode tuning
Capaciteitseffect van investeringen = Capacity effect of investments
capaciteitsfactor = capacity factor
capaciteitsfixus = restriction in connection with teaching capacity
capaciteitsgroep = capacity group
capaciteitsgroep OBP AUC van de FNWI = AUC Support and Management Staff Capacity Group (‘capaciteitsgroep OBP 
capaciteitsgroep OBP AUC van FNWI = AUC Support and Management Staff Capacity Group (‘capaciteitsgroep OBP 
capaciteitsgrootte = capacity
Capaciteitsissues = Capacity issues
Capaciteitsmanagement = Capacity management
capaciteitsmanagement-informatiesysteem = capacity management information system (CMIS)
capaciteitsmedewerker = capacity staff member
capaciteitsmeeting = Capacity meeting
capaciteitsmeter = capacitance meter
Capaciteitsmeting = Capacity measurement
capaciteitsnoden = capacity needs
Capaciteitsopbouw = Capacity building
capaciteitsplan = capacity plan
capaciteitsplan en het trainings- en opleidingsplan = capacity plan and the training and education programme
capaciteitsplanner = capacity planner
capaciteitsplanning = capacity planning
capaciteitsproblemen = capacity problems
capaciteitsrapportage = capacity reporting
capaciteitssimulatie = capacity simulation
capaciteitstekort = capacity shortage
capaciteitsvergrotingsplan = capacity-enhancement plan
capaciteitsvergrotingsplan = capacity enhancement plan
capaciteitsverhogingen = capacity increases
capaciteitsverloop = capacitance drift
capaciteitswaarde = capacitance value
capaci-tester = capaci-tester
Capacitief = Capacitive
capacitief = capacitance
capacitief aftakpunt = capacitive tap point
capacitief component = capacitive component
capacitief element = capacitive element
"Capacitief gekoppelde ontlading [Engels: Capacitively Coupled Discharge, " = Capacitively Coupled Discharge
"Capacitief gekoppelde ontlading [Engels: Capacitively Coupled Discharge, " = CCD
capacitief inspuiten = to inject capacitively
capacitieve = capacitive
capacitieve aarde = capacitive earth
Capacitieve belasting = Capacitive load
capacitieve eenheid = capacitive load
capacitieve inkoppeling = capacitive coupling
capacitieve koppeling = capacitance coupling
capacitieve omvormer = capacitive transducer
capacitieve ontlading = capacitive discharge
capacitieve signaalverzwakker = capacitive attenuator
capacitieve terugkoppeling = capacitive feedback
capacity beheerder = capacity manager
Capacity building = Capacity building
Capacity Management = Capacity Management
Capacity Management Informatie Systeem = Capacity Management Information System
capacity rapportages = capacity reports
Capacitybuilding = Capacity building
cape {de} = cape
cape {de} = cloak
Cape Bretoneiland = Cape Breton Island
Cape Breton-eiland = Cape Breton Island
Cape Canaveral = Cape Canaveral
Capelle aan den IJssel = Capelle aan den IJssel
Capes = Capes
Capetown = Cape Town
Capex = CAPEX
capex = CapEx
CAPEX Investments = CAPEX Investments
capex-model = CapEx model
Capgroep = Department
capicitatieve ontlading = capicitative discharge
capillair = capillary
capillair water = capillary water
capillair water = held water
capillaire buis = capillary tube
capillaire druk = capillary pressure
capillaire elektroforese = capillary  electrophoresis
capillaire embolie = capillary  embolism
capillaire golf = capillary wave
capillaire opstijging = capillary rise
capillaire voorweerstand = capillary restrictor
capillaire werking = capillary action
capillaire werking = wicking action
capillaire werking = wicking performance
capillaire werking [In het Engels: wicking action] = wicking action
capillaire werking [In het Engels: wicking action] = capillary action
capillairfilm = capillary film
"capillariasis van de lever: een leveraandoening, veroorzaakt door Capilla" = hepatic capillariasis: liver disease caused by Capillaria nematode worms
"capillariasis van de lever: een leveraandoening, veroorzaakt door Capilla" = septal fibrosis of the liver
capillarimeter = capilarymeter
Capillariteit = Capillarity
capita selecta = selected topics
Capital budgetting = Capital budgetting
capital call = capital call
capital calls = capital calls
capital expenditures = capex
capital expenditures = CAPEX
capital expenditures = capital expenditures
Capitol = Capitol
Capitolijn = Capitol
Capitool = Capitol
capitulatie {de} = capitulation
capituleren = to capitulate
capituleren = capitulate
capnografie = capnography
caponi?re (vesting) = caponiere
caponière (vesting) = caponiere
caponi�re (vesting) = caponiere
Capote = Hood
Cappadocië = Cappadocia
capping = capping
capricieus = whimsical
Capricornus = Capricorn
caprinezuur = capric acid
"capriool, capriolen {p}" = "caprice (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action)"
Caprolactam = Caprolactam
Caprolactam = Caprolactame
caprolactamfabriek (nylon) = Caprolactam plant (nylon)
Capronzuur = Capronic acid
capronzuur = caproic acid
capronzuur = C6
caprylzuur = caprylic acid
caprylzuur en caprinezuur = caprylic acid and capric acid
Caps Lock = CAPS LOCK
Caps Lock-toets = CAPS LOCK key
Capsicum = Capsicum
Capsicum = Paprika
Capsicum annuum = Pimento
Capsicum annuum = Mustard
Capsicum annuum = Chili
Capsicum annuum = Chilli ¤
capsula fibrosa perivascularis = Glisson's capsule
capsula tenoni = vagina bulbi
capsulair glaucoma = capsular  glaucoma
capsulaire verlamming = capsular hemiplegia
capsule = capsule
capsule (toedieningsvorm van geneesmiddelen) = capsule
capsule {de} = capsule
capsuleafmetingen = capsule dimensions
capsulenfabriek = Foil bottle top industry
capsule-suspensie = capsule suspension
capsuletype = capsule type
capsuletypes = capsule types
Captafol = Captafol
captain = captain
Captan = Captan
captatie = outside broadcast live (video) recording/transmission
captein = captain
capteren cq captatie = uptake
Captive distribution = Captive distribution
Captive market = Captive market
capture ratio = capture ratio
capture/release steekproefprocedé = capture/recapture sampling
capture/release steekproefprocedé = capture/release sampling
capuchon = hood
capuchon = cowl
Capuchon afneembaar = Hood removable
capuchons = hoods
caput college = "caput lecture, caput lecture series"
caput femoris = head of  femur
caput mediale van de musculus gastrocnemius = medial head of  gastrocnemius muscle
caput musculi = head of muscle
CAR = CAR insurance
CAR = contractors all risks insurance
car (committed access rate) = committed access rate (car)
CAR 1 = CAR 1
CAR nr = CAR No
Car Policy = Car Policy
Car policy = Car policy
Cara?-Severin = Caras-Severin
Caracal (dier) = Caracal
Caracas = Caracas
Caraïben = Caribbean
Caraïben = West Indies
Caraïben = Caribbean Islands
Caraïben = Antilles
Caraïbisch = Caribbean
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean Area
Caraïbische Zee = Caribbean Sea
Carambola = Carambola
caramel = caramel
Carapax = Stone Skin
Carapax = Shell
Carapax = Carapace
Caravaggio (schilder) = Caravaggio
Caravan = Caravan
Caravanachtige aanhangwagens en opleggers = Caravan-type trailers and semi-trailers
caravanfabriek = Caravan building industry
caravanreparatiebedrijf = Caravan repair services
Caravanterrein = Caravan-site services
Carbamaten = Carbamates
carbamaten = carbamates
carbamide-binding = carbamide bond
Carbaryl = Carbaryl
Carbazol = Carbazole
Carbendazim = Carbendazim
carbid = carbide
Carbide = Carbide
Carbiden = Carbides
carbidfabriek = Calcium carbide industry
carbitol = diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
carbodiimiden = carbodiimides
Carbodiimides = Carbodiimides
Carbofenothion = Carbophenothion
Carbofuran = Carbofuran
Carbofuran-3-keto = Carbofuran-3-keto
carboleum = carbolineum
carbolineumfabriek = Carbolineum industry
carbolzuur = carbolic acid
carbomeer = carbomer
carbon = carbon
carbonaat = carbonates
carbonaat = carbonate
carbonatatie en chloriden = carbonation and chlorides
carbonatatieremmend = carbonation inhibiting
carbonatatie-remmende = carbonation-inhibiting
carbonatatie-remmende coating = carbonation-inhibiting coating
carbonatatie-remmende coatings = carbonation-inhibiting coatings
Carbonaten = Carbonates
carbonaten = carbonates
carbon-blackfabriek = Carbon black industry
carboneren = carburizing
carboniseren = to carburize
carboniseren = carbonise
carboniseren = carburize (to)
carbonitreren = carbonitriding
carbonketen = carbon chain
carbonpapier = blue-carbon leaf
carbonpapier = carbon paper
Carbonpapier = Carbon-paper
"Carbonpapier, contactpapier, stencilpapier en doorschrijfpapier zonder ca" = "Carbon paper, self-copy paper, paper duplicator stencils and carbonless p"
"carbonpapier, doorslagpapier" = carbon paper (sheet of paper used to make carbon copies)
carbonpapierfabriek = Carbon copy paper industry
carbonversterkte kunststof = CFRP
carbonzure = carboxylic acid
Carbonzuren = Carboxylic acids
carbonzuur = carboxylic acid
carbonzuurfabriek (synthetisch) = Carboxylic acid industry (synthetic)
carbonzuurmonomeren = carboxylic acid monomers
carbonzuurradicaal = carboxylic radical
Carboon = Carboniferous
carboonkalk = carboniferous limestone
carborundum = carborundum
Carboxin = Carboxin
carboxy-functioneel = carboxy-functional
carboxyfunctioneel polymeer = carboxy-functional polymer
carboxyfunctionele = carboxy functional
carboxyfunctionele groep = carboxy functional group
carboxy-functionele groep = carboxy-functional group
carboxyhemoglobineconcentratie = carboxyhaemoglobin concentration
carboxyhemoglobineconcentraties = carboxyhemoglobin levels
carboxyl = carboxyl
carboxylaat = carboxylate
carboxylaten = carboxylates
carboxylgroep = carboxyl group
carboxylgroepen = carboxylic groups
carboxylgroepen = carboxyl groups
carboxylzuren = carboxylic acids
carboxymethylcellulose = carboxymethyl cellulose
carboxymethylcellulosecalcium = carboxymethylcellulose calcium
carboxymethylcellulose-natrium = carboxymethylcellulose sodium
carboxymethylcellulose-natrium 12 = carboxymethylcellulose sodium 12
carboxymethylcellulose-natriumcellulose = carboxymethylcellulose sodium cellulose
Carburateur = Carburettor
carburateur = carburettor (US = carburetor)
carburateur = carburetor
carburateur schroevendraaier = stubby screwdriver
carburateurs = carburettors
carburator = carburettor
carburator = carburetter
"carburator, carburateur" = carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine)
carbureren = carburizing
carbureren = gas carburizing
carburol = gasohol
Carcinogeen = Cancerogenous
carcinogeen = carcinogen
Carcinogeen = Carcinogenic
"carcinogeen, kankerverwekkend" = carcinogenic
"carcinogeen, kankerverwekkende stof" = carcinogen
Carcinogene effecten zijn niet uitgesloten = Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect
Carcinogene effecten zijn niet uitgesloten. = Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.
carcinogene of mutagene agentia = carcinogenic or mutagenic agents
carcinogene of mutagene agentia op het werk = carcinogenic or mutagenic agents at work
carcinogene of mutagene agentia op het werk = carcinogens or mutagens at work
Carcinogeniteit = Carcinogenicity
carcinogeniteits-onderzoek = carcinogenicity study
carcinoïd-syndroom van het hart = Hedinger syndrome
carcinoïd-syndroom van het hart = malignant carcinoid syndrome
Carcinoom = Carcinoma
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = cancer of the hypopharynx
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = hypopharyngeal cancer
carcinoom van de hypopharynx = hypopharyngeal neoplasm
carcinoom van de maag = "gastric cancer, stomach cancer"
carcinoom van het ductus van Wirsung = pancreatic  ductal carcinoma: carcinoma that arises from the pancreatic d
carcinoom van het endometrium = endometrial cancer
carcinoom van het endometrium = endometrial neoplasm: tumor or cancer of the inner mucous membrane of the
carcinoom van het tandvlees = gingival carcinoma
carcinoom van het tandvlees = cancer of the gums
carcinoom van het tandvlees = gingival cancer
Card Validation Code = card validation code
cardan (hoekverbinding ) 90° = cardan 90°
cardan/perrot = Cardan/Perrot
cardanas = cardan shaft
cardanas = propeller shaft
cardanas = universal shaft
cardanas tandwiel (pignion) = bevel pinion
cardangewricht = cardan joint
cardangewrichten = cardan joints
cardankoppeling = universal joint
cardankoppeling = cardan joint
Cardankoppelingen = Universal joints
cardanophanging = cardan suspension
cardanring = gimbal
cardanvet = axle grease
Cardbus = Cardbus
Cardbus Card = Cardbus Card
Cardiaal = Cardiac
cardiac output = cardiac output
cardiale belasting = cardiac strain
Cardiale struwing = Cardial stasis
cardialgia icterica = icteric cardialgia
Cardiff = Cardiff
cardigan = cardigan
cardio = cardiac
cardio appartuur = cardio workout equipment
cardiochirurgie = cardiac surgery
cardiofitness bij sportorganisatie voor hartpatiënten = cardio fitness at sport centre for heart patients
Cardiogeen = Cardiogenic
Cardiografen = Cardiographs
cardiogram {het} = cardiogram
cardioide = cardioid
cardioide-verdeling = cardioid distribution
cardioide-verdeling = cosine distribution
Cardiologie = Cardiology
cardiologie {de} = cardiology
Cardiologisch = Cardiological
cardioloog = cardiologist
cardioloog {de} = cardiologist
Cardiomegalie = Cardiomegaly
Cardiomyopathie = Cardiomyopathy
Cardiopathie = Cardiopathy
Cardiopulmonaal = Cardiopulmonary
cardio-pulmonair = cardio-pulmonary
cardio-pulmonair by-pass systeem = cardio-pulmonary by-pass system
Cardiorespiratoir = Cardiorespiratory
Cardioselectief = Cardioselective
cardiotocograaf = electronic  fetal monitoring
Cardiotonisch = Cardiotonic
Cardiotoxisch = Cardiotoxic
Cardiovasculair = Cardiovascular
cardiovasculaire = cardiovascular
cardiovasculaire disfunctie = cardiovascular failure
cardiovasculaire dysfunctie = cardiovascular failure
cardiovasculaire syfilis = syphilitic  endocarditis
cardiovasculaire syfilis = cardiovascular syphilis
Cardiovasculaire Systemen en Hematologie = Cardiovascular System & Hematology
cardioversie = electric countershock
career advice = loopbaanadvies
Career Launch = Career Launch
carenztijd = qualifying period
"CaRES (kenniscentrum Care, Rehabilitatie, Educatie & Sport)" = "CaRES (Centre of Applied Research on Care, Rehabilitation, Education and "
"CaRES, Care Rehabilitatie Educatie & Sport" = "CaRES, Care Rehabilitation Education & Sport (kenniscentrum)"
"CaRES, Care Rehabilitatie Educatie & Sport (kenniscentrum)" = "CaRES, Care Rehabilitation Education & Sport (Research Centre)"
caret-teken = caret unit
Carfentrazone = Carfentrazone
carfentrazon-ethyl = "ethyl 2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-[4-(difluoromethyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-tri"
carga = cargo
Cargadoorsdiensten = Ship brokerage services
cargadoorsdiensten = ship brokerage
Cargo = Cargo
cargo {de} = cargo
cargo {de} = freight
Cargovoertuigen = Cargo carriers
Caribbean Common Market = Caribbean Common Market
Caribisch Gebied = West Indies
Caribisch Gebied = Antilles
Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank = Caribbean Development Bank
Caribische Zee = Caribbean Sea
Caricom = Caricom
Caricom-landen = Caricom countries
Caries = Caries
cariës = tooth decay
Cariës = Dental caries
cariës {de} = caries
caries dentium = dentine caries
carillon = carillon
carillonmuziek (CA) = carillon music
Carina = Keel
Carina = Carina
Carina = Hull
Cariologie & Endodontologie = Cariology and Endodontology
Carisch = Carian
Car-kit = Car kit
Carl Anderson (natuurkundige) = Carl David Anderson
Carl Gustav Jung = Carl Jung
Carl Lewis = Carl Lewis
Carl Maria von Weber = Carl Maria von Weber
Carl Orff = Carl Orff
Carl Zeiss = Carl Zeiss
Carl Zeiss SMT = Carl Zeiss SMT
Carl Zeiss-fabrieken = Carl Zeiss factories
Carleman-criterium = Carleman's criterion
Carlo Van Caekenberg = Carlo Van Caekenberg
Carnage = Bloodshed
Carnage = Bloodbath
Carnage = Gore
Carnage = Carnage
Carnage = Slaughter
carnaubawas = carnauba wax
Carnaval = Carnival
Carnivoor = Carnivorous
carnivoor = carnivore
carnivoor {de} = carnivore
Carnivora = Carnivorous
Carnivora = Carnivore
carnosinezuur = carnosic acid
carnosol = carnosol
"carnosol, carnosinezuur en zouten daarvan" = "carnosol, carnosic acid and salts thereof"
"carnosol, carnosinezuur, een zout daarvan of een mengsel daarvan" = "carnosol, carnosic acid, a salt thereof or a mixture thereof"
Carolinen = Caroline Islands
Carolus Linnaeus = Carolus Linnaeus
caroteen (alfa- beta- en gamma-) = "alfa-, beta- and gamma- carotene"
carotenoïden = carotenoids
Carouge = Carola-bean
Carouge = Locust
Carouge = St.John's bread
Carouge = St John's bread
caroxylate = caroxylate
Carpaccio = Carpaccio
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome = carpal tunnel syndrome
car-pass = Car-Pass
Carpinus = Sorcery
Carpinus = Attractiveness
Carpinus = Charm
Carpinus = Hornbeam
Carpinus = Allure
Carpinus = Flirt with
Carpinus = Sex appeal
Carpinus = Enticement
Carpolicy = Car Policy
CAR-polis = CAR policy
carpool = carpool
Carpoolen = Car pooling
carpoolen = carpooling
Carpoolen = Car pool
carpooling = carpooling
carpoolvignet = carpool sticker
carport = carport
carport {de} = carport
carrageen = carrageenan
carré = perimeter block
carré = square
Carrefour = Crossroads
Carré-opstelling = Carré arrangement
Carriage = Carriage
carrier = carrier
carrier = aircraft-carrier
Carrier service technicus = Carrier service technician
carriere = career
carrière = career
Carrière = Quarry
carrière {de} = career
carrière- en/of loopbaanadvies = career advice
Carrière mogelijkheden = Career opportunities
carrière versnellen = accelerate your career
carrière vooruitzichten = career prospects
carrière vooruuitzichten = career prospects
carrièrebeurs = Career fair
carrièredoelstellingen = career goals
carrièrekansen = career opportunities
carrièremogelijkheden = career opportunities
carrièreplanning = career planning
carrière-planning = career planning
carroseriering = frame ring
carrosserie = bodywork
carrosserie = body
Carrosserie = Coachwork
carrosserie = body (car)
carrosserie = body shell
Carrosserie = Bodywork
Carrosserie Bakker = Carrosserie Bakker
carrosserie ring = sheet-metal ring
carrosserie stijl = body pillar
Carrosserie-center = body shop
Carrosserie-center = Bodywork Centre
Carrosserieën voor ambulances = Ambulance bodies
Carrosserieën voor bussen = Bus bodies
"Carrosserieën voor bussen, ambulances en vrachtwagens" = "Bus bodies, ambulance bodies and vehicle bodies for goods vehicles"
Carrosserieën voor vrachtwagens = Vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
carrosseriefabriek = Coach-builders (automotive bodywork)
Carrosserieherstellingen = Bodywork repairs
carrosseriemodel = body style
carrosserienieuwbouw = coach-building industry
carrosseriering = washer
carrosseriering = large flat washer
carrosseriering = coach bolt washer
carrosseriering = mudguard washer
carrosseriewerkplaats = body repair shop
carrossier = body repair shop
carrossiers = repair garages
carrousel = voltage adapter
carrousel = carousel
carrousel = carrousel
carrouseldraaiwerk = (carousel) turning mechanism
Carrouseleenheden = Carousel units
carrouselholten = carrousel cavities
carrouselplaat = voltage-adapter plate
Carrouselsystemen = Carousel systems
carroussel oefeningen = ‘carousel’ exercises
Cars = Coach
Cars = For the reason that
Cars = Bus
Cars = Because
Carson City = Carson City
Carson's bandbreedte = Carson bandwidth
Carson's bandbreedteregel = Carson bandwidth rule
Cartagena (Spanje) = Cartagena
carte blanche = elbow-room
carter = sump
carter = crankcase
carter = casing
carter aftapplug = sump drain plug
carterhelften / carter (karter) = crankcase halves / crankcase
carterontluchtingsfilter = breather filter
carterventilatie = Positive Crankcase Ventilation
carterventilatie = crankcase ventilation
carterventilatie filter = crankcase ventilation
carterventilatie-filter = crankcase filter
Carterverwarming in werking = Crankcase heater operation mode
cartesiaans assenstelsel = Cartesian coordinate (the rectangular coordinates of a point)
cartesiaanse cirkel = cartesian circle
Cartesisch coördinatenstelsel = Cartesian coordinate system
Cartesisch product = Cartesian product
"cartesisch product, kruisproduct" = Cartesian product (set of possible pairs)
cartesische configuratie = cartesian configuration
Cartesische coordinaten = Cartesian coordinates
cartesische coördinaten = cartesian coordinates
cartesische robot = cartesian robot
Carthaags = Carthaginian
Carthager = Carthaginian
Carthago = Carthage
Carthamus = Safflower
cartilago epiglottica = epiglottal cartilage
cartilago epiphysialis = epiphyseal cartilage
cartograaf = cartographer
Cartografie = Mapping
Cartografie = Cartography
cartografie {de} = cartography
Cartografiediensten = Map-making services
Cartografiesoftware = Charting software package
Cartografisch papier = Paper for maps
Cartografische bepaling = Carthographic determination
cartoon {de} = cartoon
Cartouche = Cartridge
cartouche = cartouche
cartouche (ornament) = cartouche
cartouche (van kraan) = cartridge
cartridge = cartridge
Cartridge met doseerkwast = Cartridge with dispense brush
Cartridge met doseernaald = Cartridge with dispense needle
cartridges en cassettes = cartridges and cassettes
cartridges voor computerspellen = computer game cartridges
Cary Grant = Cary Grant
Carya = Carya
Caryophyllales = Caryophyllales
caryopsis = caryopsis
Cary-over-effect = Cary-over effect
CA's = CAs
cas fout = cas error
CAS Number = CAS Number
Casablanca (stad) = Casablanca
CAS-beleid = CAS policy
cascade = cascade
cascade gevolgen = cascading effects
cascade/domino gevolgen = cascading / domino effects
cascadediagram = cascade diagram
Cascade-effect = Cascade effect
Cascadeerbaar = Cascadable
cascadegeschakeld = connected in cascade
cascademodel = ‘cascading model’
cascade-ontvanger = tuned radio frequency receiver
cascade-ontvettingsinstallatie = multi-compartment degreaser
cascade-ontvettingsinstallatie = multi-stage degreaser
cascade-proces = cascade process
cascaderegeling = cascade control
cascadeschakelaar = cascade switch
cascadeschakeling = cascade connection
cascadesysteem = cascade system
cascade-systeem = cascade system
cascadeversterker = cascade amplifier
Cascading Style Sheet = Cascading Style Sheets
cascading stylesheet = cascading style sheet
casco = "shell ( The outer structure of a building, ship or other structure withou"
casco = without furnishings / unfurnished
casco = body
casco = shell
Casco = Carcass
casco = "shell (The outer structure of a building, ship or other structure without"
casco = framework
casco = hull
casco = shell (The outer structure of a building
casco = ship or other structure without any further additions
casco = the first stage in construction)
casco- en ruwbouw = structure/shell of a building
Casco oplevering = Delivery as a shell
casco ruimte = shell space
cascobouw = carcass work
cascodeschakeling = cascode connection
cascodeversterker = cascode amplifier
Casco-helm = Casco helmet
case = case study
case = case study [DS: Case Study]
case = case study [DS] Case Study
case = business case
case behandelingsproces = case handling process
case fatality rate = case fatality rate
CASE gereedschappen = CASE tools
CASE integratiediensten = CASE integration services: CIS
case material = casusmateriaal
CASE raamwerk = CASE framework
case studie aanpak = case study approach
case study = case study
case?nelijm = casein adhesive
CASE-clausule = CASE-clause
CASE-gegevensuitwisselingsformaat = CASE data interchange format: CDIF
Caseïne = Casein
caseïne voor voedingsdoeleinden = casein for food
caseïne-/kunsthoornfabriek = Casein/artificial horn industry
caseïnelijm = casein adhesive
casemanager = Case Manager
Casemixsysteem = Casemix system
case�nelijm = casein adhesive
casenr = Case No
cases = cases
casestudie = case-study
case-studies = case studies
casestudy = case study
casestudy’s = case studies
casette-achtige = cassette-like
cash = cash
cash = in cash
cash {de} = cash
Cash cow = Cash cow
Cash discount = Cash discount
Cash dividend = Cash dividend
cash flow = cash flow
cash flow berekening = cash flow calculation
Cash flow uit bedrijfsoperaties = Cash flow from operations
Cash limieten = Cash limits
Cashback = Cashback
Cashew = Cashew
Cashewnoot = Cashew nut
cashewnoten = cashew nuts
cashflow = cash flow
cash-flow = cash-flow
Cashflowbehoefte = Cash flow requirement
cashflowproblemen = cash flow problems
cashflowprognose = cash flow forecast
cash-incentive lange termijn = long-term cash incentive
cashing in = incasseren
Cashless society = Cashless society
Cashmanagement = Cash management
cashmanagementspecificaties = cash management specifications
casing = casing
Casings & Sub-Components = VS
Casino = Casino
Casino (gokken) = Casino
casino {het} = casino
casino’s = casinos
casinospelen = casino games
Cassandra = Cassandra
cassatierechtspraak = case law arising from cassation appeals
Cassave = Cassava
Cassave = Manioc
Cassete = Cassette
Cassette = Tape
Cassette = Cart
cassette = cartridge
Cassette = Treasure
Cassette = Cassette
Cassette- = Block-
cassette (verzonken (plafond)paneel) = coffer
Cassette Assy = Cassette Assy
Cassette Centre Ring = Cassette Centre Ring
Cassette Guide Left = Cassette Guide Left
Cassette Support = Cassette Support
Cassette Support Ring = Cassette Support Ring
Cassette Support Set Screw = Cassette Support Set Screw
Cassette Support Stud = Cassette Support Stud
Cassette Table = Cassette Table
cassette van de hydraulische momentsleutel = hydraulic torque wrench cassette
"cassette, filmcassette" = "cassette, charger"
cassettebanden = cassette tapes
cassette-bandopnemer = cassette tape recorder
cassette-compartiment = cassette compartment
Cassettedeck = HiFi-cassette deck
cassettedeksel = cassette cover
Cassettehoogte = Cassette height
cassettehouder = cassette holder
cassettelettertype = cartridge font
cassettelift = cassette lift
Cassetteloopwerken = Number of cassette drives
Cassettemodel = Cassettes model
cassetten voor printers = cassettes for printers
cassettenaaf = cassette hub
cassettenplafond = soffit
cassettenvloer = waffle slab
cassetteprofielen = cassette profiles
Cassetteraam met cassette voor vloergootsysteem = Cassette frame with cassette
Cassetterecorder = Tape-recorder
Cassetterecorder = Tape deck
Cassetterecorder = Sound recorder
cassetterecorder = cassette recorder
cassetterecorders = cassette recorders
cassetteruimte = cassette chamber
cassettes = cassettes
"cassettes en cartridges, allemaal voor of met video- en geluidsopnamen" = "cassettes and cartridges all for use with, or containing, video and sound"
"cassettes en software voor handbediende spelsystemen, lunaparkspellen met" = "cartridges and software for hand-held game systems, coin-operated arcade "
cassettes voor videospellen = video game cartridges
"cassettes, compactdiscs, videobanden, video compactdiscs (beeldplaten), i" = "cassettes, compact discs, video tapes, video compact discs (laser discs),"
cassetteschotel = reel disc
Cassettespeler = Cassette player
Cassettespelers = Cassette players
Cassettesystemen = Cassette-handling equipment
Cassettetoestel = Cassette unit
cassette-uitwerper = cassette ejector
cassettevloer = waffle slab
cassettewisselaar = cassette changer
cassettotheek = cassette library
Cassiopea = Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia = Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia (sterrenbeeld) = Cassiopeia (constellation)
Cast = Starring
Cast = Dealing
Cast = Issue
Cast = Delivery
Cast = Cast
Cast = Distribution
Cast = Casting
castagnetten = castanets
castagnetten {mv} = castanets
castalagin = castalagin
castalin = castalin
Castanea sativa = Castanea sativa
cast-conversie = coercion
cast-conversie = cast
Casteljau-methode = Casteljau method
casten = casting
Castiliaan = Castilian
Castiliaans = Castilian
Castilië = Castile (historical region)
Castilië en La Mancha = Castile-La Mancha
Castilië en Leon = Castile-Leon
Castilië-La Mancha = Castile-La Mancha
Castilië-León = Castile-Leon
Castilliaans = Castilian
Castilliaans = Castillian
Castillië = Castile
Casting & Drive Elements = GA
Castor = Beaver
Castor = Castor
castor = castor
Castor EDC = Castor EDC
Castor SMS = Castor SMS
castorolie = castor oil
castorolie = castor
castraat = eunuch
"castraat, castrato, castraatzanger" = castrato (male soprano or alto voice
"castraat, castrato, castraatzanger" = the singer)
Castratie = Spaying
castratie = castration
Castreren = Neuter
Castreren = Emasculate
Castreren = Castrate
Castreren = Spay
Castricum = Castricum
Castries (Saint Lucia) = Castries
casu quo = as the case may be
casu quo = or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = and/or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or ... (if any / as the case may be / where appropriate)
casu quo (respectievelijk) = or as the case may be
casu quo (respectievelijk) = where appropriate
casuistiek = casuistry
casuïstiek = casuistry
casuïstiek = case study
casus = Case
casus = case study
casus = business case
casus = case
Casus belli = Casus belli
casusconceptualisatie = case conceptualization
casustoets = diagnostic problem-solving test (Notebook)
CAT = Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT)
CAT 10 = CAT 10
cat.0 = cat.0
CAT10 = CAT10
CAT10 = CAT 10
CAT10 luchthavens = CAT 10 airports
cataclysme = catastrophe
Catacombe = Catacombs
Catacombe = Unearthed Graves
catacombe = catacomb
catagorieënleer = Aristotelian catagories
Catalaan = Catalonian
Catalaan = Catalan
Catalaans = Catalan
Catalaanse = Catalan
Catalog Maintenance Request-bestand = Catalog Maintenance Request file
catalogi = catalogues
"catalogi, afbeeldingen, tekeningen, maat- en gewichtsopgaven" = "catalogues, pictures, drawings, weights and measurements"
"catalogi, brochures en folders" = "catalogues, brochures and leaflets"
catalogiseren = catalogue
catalogiseren = to catalog
catalogisering = cataloguing
Catalogiseringsdiensten = Cataloguing services
catalogus = catalog
catalogus = catalogue
catalogus (gebruik niet: WebOPC) = catalogue
catalogus {de} = catalogue
"catalogus, cataloog, inventaris" = catalogue (a complete list of items)
cataloguseigenschap = catalog property
catalogusexpressie = catalog expression
catalogusgegevens = catalog data
catalogusnummer = catalogue number
catalogusnummer = index No.
catalogusprijs = list price
catalogusprijzen = catalogue prices
catalogussamenvoeging = catalog merge
catalogusschema = catalog schema
catalogussen = catalogues
Cataloguswinkel = Catalogue showroom
Catalonië = Catalonia
cataloogpag = catalogue page
Catamaran-zeilboten = Catamaran sailing boats
Cataract = Cataract
"cataract {m} {n} {f}, grijze staar" = cataract (opacity of the lens in the eye)
Cataratas do Iguaçu = Iguazu Falls
Catarre = Catarrh
catastrofaal = catastrophic
catastrofale fout = catastrophic failure
catastrofale storing = catastrophic failure
Catastrofe = Catastrophe
catastrofe {de} = catastrophe
catastrofe {de} = disaster
catastrofe theorie = catastrophe theory
Catastrofentheorie = Catastrophe theory
catch & dispatch = catch & dispatch
Catch Disc = Catch Disc
catch weight = catch weight
"catcher {f}, achtervanger" = catcher (baseball player who receives pitches)
catechismus = catechism
Catechismus = Sunday school
Catechol = Catechol
catecholamine = catecholamine
catecholamines = catecholamines
Categorale bonden = Non-affiliated unions
categorale gegevens = categorical data
categorale variabele = categorical variable
Categorale Ziekenhuizen = Non-affiliated hospital
Categoriale bescherming = Categorical Protection
categoriale beschermingsbeleid = categorical protection policy
Categoriale inkomensverdeling = Categorial division of income
categorie = distribution category
Categorie = Class
categorie {de} = class [type]
categorie 1-verwerkingsbedrijf = Category 1 processing plant
Categorie 5 certificeringsset = Cat-5 certification set
Categorie 5 tester = Cat-5 testing device
Categorie 6 certificeringsset = Cat-6 certification set
categorie C-schuim = category C foam
categorie- en klassenindeling = categories and classes
Categorie IIIB-operatie (CAT IIIB) = category A with respect to helicopters
Categorie I-naderingsoperatie (CAT I) = category I (CAT I) approach operation
categorie theorie = category theory
categorie van hoofdrekening = main account category
Categorie van luchtvaartuigen = Category of aircraft
Categorie volgens EN 954 = Category according to EN 954
categorie voor Snelklikken = Quick Click category
"categorie, genre, ras, soort, type" = "kind (type, race, category)"
categorieas = category axis
categoriecatalogus = category catalog
Categorieën = categories
categorieën en concepten = categories and concepts
categorieën Medewerkers = categories of Employees
categorieën voertuigen = vehicle categories
Categorieën werknemers = Categories of employees
Categorieën werknemers en categorieën voertuigen = Employee categories and vehicle categories
categoriehiërarchie = category hierarchy
categorie-indeling = classification into categories
categorie-indeling = division into categories
categorie-item = category item
categorielabels met meerdere niveaus = multiple-level category labels
Categoriemanagement = Category management
categorietest = class test
categorieveld = category field
categorieveld in draaigrafiek = PivotChart category field
Categorieverkenner = Category Explorer
Categorisatie = Categorization
categorisch = firm
categorisch ondubbelzinnig maken = categorical disambiguation
Categorisch systeem = Categorical system
categorische (categorale) kostenindeling = cost analysis by category
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = categorical profit and loss account
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = natural classification
categorische (categorale) winst- en verliesrekening = object classification
categorische imperatief = catgorical imperative
categorische planning = categorical planning
categorische verdeling = categorical distribution
categoriseren = categorise
categorisering = categorisation
categorisering = categorizer
categorisering van wegen = classification of roads
categorisering volgens een ordinale variabele = ordered categorisation
categorisering volgens een ordinale variabele = ordered categorization
Category Development Manager = Category Development Manager
Category management = Category management
catering = catering
catering = outside catering
catering diensten = catering services
"Catering voor ondernemingen of instellingen, uitgezonderd transportbedrij" = Catering services for other enterprises or other institutions
Catering voor scholen = School catering services
Catering voor transportbedrijven = Catering services for transport enterprises
cateringbedrijf = catering company
Cateringbenodigdheden = Catering supplies
Cateringbenodigdheden voor eenmalig gebruik = Disposable catering supplies
Cateringdiensten = Catering services
Cateringdiensten voor particulieren = Catering services for private households
cateringlocatie = catering location
Cateringuitrusting = Catering equipment
cateringvoertuigen = catering vehicles
Catharina Parr = Catherine Parr
Catharina van Aragón = Catherine of Aragon
catharsis = purification
Cathedra = Pulpit
Catheter = Catheter
catheter van Foley = Foley's catheter
catheterablatie van het baarmoederslijmvlies = endometrial ablation
Catheterisatie = Catheterization
Cathetertoebehoren = Catheter accessories
cathexis = cathexis
Cato = Cato
CAT-scanners = CAT scanners
Cauberg-Huygen en Technipower = Cauberg-Huygen and Technipower
Cauchy-distributie = Cauchy distribution
Cauchy-verdeling = Cauchy distribution
cauda epididymidis = tail of  epididymis
cauda musculi = insertion tendon of muscle
Caudaal = Caudal
caudale = caudal
Causaal = Causal
Causaal onderzoek = Causal research
Causaal tijdreeksmodel = Causal chronological model
causaal verband = causal link
Causaal verband = Causal connection
causaal verband aan te tonen = demonstrate a causal relationship
causaal verband verondersteld wordt = causal relationship is assumed
causale = causal
Causaliteit = Causality
"causaliteit, oorzakelijkheid" = causality (agency of cause)
causaliteitsbeginsel = "causality, sausation"
causes of death = doodoorzaken
Causticus = Caustic
caustische kali = caustic potash
caustische soda = caustic soda
Caution = Caution
Cavalerie = Cavalry
Cavalerie = Horse
Cavalier = Cavalier
Cavalier = Coupler
Cavalier = Rider
Cavalier = Partner
Cavalier = Jumper
Cavalier = Horseman
Cavalier = Cavalryman
Cavalier = Trooper
Cavalier = Act alone
cavaliersloot = catchwater
cavaliersloot = grip
cavaliersloot = intercepting drain
cavaliersloot = catch drain
Cave = Basement
Cave = Cellar
cave beginnende overvulling = Early signs of fluid overload
cavia = guinea pig
cavia = guinea-pig
cavia {de} = guinea pig
cavia's = guinea pigs
cavia's {mv} = guinea pigs
cavitas glenoidalis scapulae = glenoid cavity
cavitatie = cavitation
cavitatie erosie = cavitation erosion
cavitatieblaas = cavitation bubble
cavitatie-erosie = cavitation erosion
cavitatiekracht = cavitation force
cavitatietunnel = cavitation tunnel
Caviteit = Cavity
caviteiten = cavities
caviteren = cavitate
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = Douglas' cul-de-sac
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = Douglas' pouch
cavum Douglasii: de interperitoneale ruimte tussen rectum en uterus = recto-uterine pouch
Cayenne (stad) = Cayenne
Caymaneilanden = Cayman Islands
CBA = camera operation and alarm handling system
C-band = C-band
CBD = Central Business District (CBD)
C-Belasting = C-load
CBFA = "(Belgian) Banking, Finance, and Insurance Commission"
CBFA = (Belgian) Banking
CBFA = (Belgian) Banking Finance and Insurance Commission
CBI = Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (Centrum te
CBM = closed stacks
CBN (Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen) = Accounting Standards Commission
CBN/CNC = Belgian Commission for Accounting Standards
CBO = "Central Executive Council (Centraal Bestuurlijk Overleg, CBO)"
CBO’s = collective management organisations
CBO-Keurmerk = CBO (collective management organisations) Quality Mark
CBO's = CMOs
CBP-S = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
CBR = california bearing ratio
CBS = consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de S
CBS = CBS (Dutch Central Statistical Office)
CBS = Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS = the consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS = Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
CBS-analyse = CBS analysis
CBS-benuttingsgraden = CBS utilisation rates
CBS-berekening = CBS calculation
CBS-cijfers = CBS figures
"CBS-prijsindexcijfer voor de gezinsconsumptie, reeks werknemersgezinnen m" = "CBS consumer price index for family consumption, series relating to emplo"
"CBS-prijsindexcijfer voor de gezinsconsumptie, reeks werknemersgezinnen m" = "consumer price index for family consumption, series relating to employees"
CBS-rapport = CBS report
CBT = computer-based training
CBTC-systeem = CBTC system
c-BVF = Centralised Biological Safety Officer (Centraal Biologisch Veiligheidsfun
cbwfq (class-based weighted fair queuing) = class-based weighted fair queuing (cbwfq)
CC = Client Continuance
CC = cc
cc. = certified copy
cc. = copy
CC/EA = Client Continuance / Engagement Acceptance
Cc: = Cc:
CC: = CC:
CCB = Cooling Control Box
C-cijfer = C value (% NaCl in water)
CCL = Center for Company Law
CC-lagen = CC shelves
C-clip / borgring = snap-ring (circlip)
"CCMO, Postbus 16302, 2500 BH Den Haag" = "CCMO, Postbus 16302, 2500 BH Den Haag, The Netherlands"
CCN = Carrier Comfort Network
CCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation = ICCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation
CCORE-rapport = CCORE report
CCP = Critical Control Point
CCP's = Critical Control Points (CCP's)
CCR = UT Central Research Commission
CC-regel = Cc line
CCTV monitoring = CCTV monitoring
CCUS = "carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS)"
CCV = Centre for Crime Prevention and Public Safety (Centrum voor Criminaliteit
CCV certificatieschema = CCV certification scheme
CCV certificatieschema = Centre for Crime Prevention and Public Safety (CCV) certification scheme
cd = CD
CD = CD (disambiguation)
CD - Zeer Kruimig = CD - Very mealy
CD labeling-systeem = CD labelling system
cd/dvd-brander = disc burner
Cd/dvd-speler en/of -brander = Compact disk (CD) and digital versatile disk (DVD) reader and/or burner
CD’s = CDs
CDA = CDA (the Dutch Christian Democratic Alliance)
cd-brander = CD burner
CDC = Corporate Data Centre
CDC42-GTP-bindende protein = CDC42  GTP-binding protein
cd-code = CD Key
CDD-beleid = CDD policy
cd-i’s = compact disc-interactive
cd-i’s = CDI’s
cd-i-opnamen en -publicaties = CDI recordings and publications
cdiu centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoer = central import and export office
CDMA-netwerk = CDMA network
CDNA = Complementary DNA
CDNA = CDNA‚ complementary DNA
cd-opname = CD recording
CdP = mission head
CD-Player/-Recorder = CD player/recorder
CDR & Recording Manager = CDR & Recording Manager
cd-recordable = compact disc-recordable
CD-recorder = CD recorder
cd-rewritable = compact disc-rewritable
C-drive = C: drive
CD-Rom = CD-Rom
cd-rom pc (gebruik niet: stand-alone cd-rom) = CD-ROM PC
Cd-rom zoekdienst = CD-ROM search service
"cd-rom, cd-rom's (gebruik: onderkast)" = "CD ROM, CD ROMs"
cd-rom-bestandssysteem = CD-ROM File System
cd-romdrives = CD-ROM drives
CD-ROM-loopwerk = CD-ROM drive
cd-roms = CD-ROMs
"cd-roms, diskettes" = "CD-ROMS, diskettes"
Cd-romspeler = CD-ROM station
cd-rom-spelers = CD-ROM players
cd-rom-station = CD-ROM drive
cd's branden zonder pauzes = gapless CD burning
CDS Electronics = CDS Electronics
CD-sinussen = costodiaphragmatic sinuses
cd-speler = compact disc player
CD-speler = CD player
CD-speler = CD-Player
cd-speler {de} = CD player
Cd-speler en/of -brander = Compact disk (CD) reader and/or burner
CD-speler geluid verdeler = CD player sound distributor
CD-speler start aansluiting = CD player start connection
CD-wisselaar = CD changer
CD-wisselaar ingangsignaal = CD-changer input signal
CD-wisselaar-pakket = CD changer set
CD-wisselaarsturing = CD changer control
CE 2-draads = CE 2 wire
CE conformiteitmarkering = CE conformity marking
CE consultant = Civil Engineering consultant
CE consultant = CE consultant
CE- en NEN-normen = CE and NEN standards
CE gelabeld = CE labelled
CE gelabeld product = CE labelled product
CE layout = CE layout
CE Lay-out = CE Layout
CE- markering = CE marking
CE markering van de machine = CE marking of the machine
CEB = The BEC (Belgian Electrotechnical Committee npo) is a neutral and indepen
CEB-interventie = CEB intervention
CE-certificaten = CE certificates
CE-certificatie = CE certification
Cecil Rhodes = Cecil Rhodes
Cedefop = Cedefop
cedel = list
cedent = assignor
ceder = cedar
ceder- = cedar
cederen = assign
cederen = cede
cederen/overdragen/afstaan = assign
cederhouten = cedar
cedille = cedilla
CEE = WFE Central & Eastern Europe
CEE 60x60 = CEE 60x60 mm
CEE 70x70 = CEE 70x70 mm
CEE16A = CEE 16 A
CEE32A = CEE 32 A
CEE-afschermkap contactstop = Protective cover for CEE plugs
CEE-apparaten 60 mm bevestigingsspoor = CEE devices 60 mm mounting distance
CEE-apparaten 70 mm bevestigingsspoor = CEE devices 70 mm mounting distance
CEE-architectuurprogramma = CEE/SCHUKO architectural programme (IP44)
CEE-contactdoos = industrial power socket
CEE-contactdoos combinatie = CEE socket outlet combination
CEE-contactdoos explosieveilig = Ex-proof CEE socket outlet
"CEE-contactdoos uitschakelbaar, beveiligd" = "CEE socket outlet, disconnectable, with fuse"
"CEE-contactdoos, aanbouw" = Panel-mounted CEE socket outlet
CEE-contactdoos-125A = CEE socket outlet 125 A
CEE-contactdoos-16A = CEE socket outlet 16 A
CEE-contactdoos-32A = CEE socket outlet 32 A
CEE-contactdoos-63A = CEE socket outlet 63 A
CEE-contactstop = CEE plug
CEE-contactstop/koppelcontactstop explosieveilig = Ex-proof CEE-plug/-coupler
CEE-contactstopvergrendeling = Padlock guard for CEE plugs
CEE-Form = CEEform
CEE-inbouwdoos = CEE junction box
CEE-koppelcontactstop = CEE coupler
ceel = list
Ceelbaas = dock supervisor
CEE-steker = CEE-plug
CEE-toestelcontactdoos = CEE plug for mounting on machines and equipment
CEE-wandcontactdoos = CEE socket outlet
Cefalalgie = Cephalalgia
Cefalosporine = Cephalosphorin
CEFTA-landen = CEFTA countries
Cegeka = Cegeka
Cegeka Accelerator voor SharePoint = Cegeka Accelerator for SharePoint
Cegeka Business Solutions = Cegeka Business Solutions
Cegeka Cloud = Cegeka Cloud
Cegeka Data expert = Cegeka Data expert
Cegeka Groep = Cegeka Group
Cegeka heeft een beproefde aanpak in vijf stappen = Cegeka has a proven five-step approach
Cegeka-groep = Cegeka group
ceiling plenum = ceiling plenum
ceintuur = cummerbund
Ceintuur = Belt
ceintuur {de} = belt
ceintuurgespen = buckles
Ceintuurs = Belts
ceintuurs (kledingstukken) = belts (being articles of clothing)
ceintuurs van leder = leather belts
CE-keur = CE mark
cel = cell
Cel (biologie) = Cell (biology)
cel [biologie] = cell (biology)
cel [energie] = cell (energy)
cel {de} = cell
cel eigenschappen = cell properties
cel eind offset (aantal) = cell end offset (number)
Cel Mobiliteit en Infrastructuur = Mobility and Infrastructure Unit
cel stap grootte = cell step size
cel start offset (aantal) = cell start offset (number)
cel tijd stap = cell time step
"cel van Heidenhain, de steuncel" = Heidenhain  gastric mucosa cell
Cel voor het afwerken van het preiloof = Cell for finishing the leek tops
Cel voor het pelen en reinigen van de preisteel = Cell for peeling and cleaning the leek stalks
cel voor het wassen van de prei = leek-washing cell
Cel voor medische culturen = Medical cultivation cabinet
cel voor reinigen en snijden loof = cell for washing and cutting leek tops
cel voor reinigen en snijden wortel = cell for washing and cutting of the roots
cel voor snijden en reinigen wortel = cell for cutting and washing roots
Cel voor wassen van de prei = Cell for washing the leeks
CE-label = CE label
celafstand = cell spacing
CE-Layout = ‘CE-Layout’
celbereik = cell range
celbesturingsapparaat = cell controller
Celbiologie = Cell Biology
Celcyclus = Mitosis
celdecompositie = cell decomposition
celdifferentiatie = cell  differentiation
celdoding = cell killing
Celebes = Sulawesi
Celebes = Celebes
Celebeszee = Celebes Sea
Celebreren = Celebrate
Celesta's = Celestas
celfrequentie = cell frequency
celfrequentie = class frequency
celhouder = cell holder
Celibaat = Spinsterhood
Celibaat = Bachelorhood
Celibaat = Celibacy
celibatair = bachelor
cel-immuniteit = cell-mediated  immunity
Celkern = Cell nucleus
celkern = nucleus
celkweek = cell culture
celkweekcellen = cell culture cells
cella (van tempel) = cella
celleer = cytology
cellen = cells
cellen {mv} = cells
cellen beton = cellular concrete
cellen blok = cell block
cellen in plantenweefsels = cells in plant tissues
Cellen verwijderen = Delete Cells
cellenbeton = cellular concrete
cellenbeton = air-entrained concrete
cellenbeton = foamed concrete
cellenbeton = aerated concrete
Cellenbeton = Cellular concrete
Cellenbeton = aerated concrete
cellenbeton dakplaat = cellular concrete roof board
cellenbetonbranche = cellular concrete industry
cellenbibliotheek = cell library
cellendamwand = cellular cofferdam
cellenstructuur = cell structure
Cellist = Cellist
cello = violoncel
Cello = Cello
Cello Biënnale Amsterdam = Cello Biënnale Amsterdam
cellofaan = cellophane
cellophaanbekleding drukwerk = Print finishing with cellophane
Cello's = Violoncellos
cellula caliciformis = goblet cells
cellulae axis ramificatae = axiramificate cells
cellulair {de} [SN] = cellular phone [Am.]
cellulaire fabricage = cellular manufacturing
cellulaire immuniteit = cell-mediated  immune response
cellulaire telefoons = cellular telephones
Cellulitis = Fibrositis
Cellulitis = Cellulitis
celluloid = celluloid
celluloide-voorwerpenfabriek = Celluloid products industry
celluloidfabriek = Celluloid industry
cellulose = (pure) cellulose / pulp
cellulose = cellulose
cellulose acetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose doekje = cellulose wipe
cellulose nitraat = cellulose nitrate
celluloseacetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose-acetaat = cellulose acetate
cellulose-acetaatbutyraat = cellulose acetate butyrate
cellulose-acetaatbutyraatfoelie = cellulose acetate butyrate foil
cellulose-acetoftalaat = cellulose acetate phthalate
celluloseachtig = cellulosic
cellulosefabriek = Cellulose industry
cellulosegebaseerde = cellulose-based
cellulose-gebaseerde = cellulose-based
cellulose-gebaseerde biofilm = cellulose-based biofilm
cellulosegebaseerde producten = cellulose-based products
cellulose-industrie = cellulose industry
cellulosepoeder = powdered cellulose
cellulosepolymeren = cellulose polymers
cellulosepolymeren = cellulosic polymers
cellysis = cell lysis
Celmateriaal = Cell material
Celmembraan = Cell Membrane
Celmembraan = Plasma membrane
"celmembraan, plasmamembraan" = cell membrane (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell
celmetabolisme = cell metabolism
celmeter = cellmeter
celmodel = cell model
celopvulling = cell padding
celorganellen = cell organelles
celpoly-ethyleen = cellular polyethylene
celproef = cell test
celrelais = cell relay
Celsius = Celsius
Celsius = Degree centigrade
Celsius: C = centigrade
Celstof = Wood pulp
Celstof = Pulp
celstof = cellulose
celstroom = cell flow
celstructuur = cellular structure
Celtelling = Cell count
Celtic = Celtic
celverwijzing = cell reference
Celwand = Cell wall
CE-machinerichtlijnen = CE Machinery Directives
CEMAC-landen = CAEMC countries
CEmarkering = CE marking
CEmarkering = CE Marking
CE-markering = CE marking
CE-markering = CE-marking
CE-markering = CE mark
CE-markeringen = CE marking
cement = cement
Cement = Mortar/cement/plaster
cement {de} {het} = cement
cement compartiment = cement compartment
cement en schuim gebaseerde producten = cement and foam-based products
cement screed = cementdekvloer
"cement, beton, mortel, cementlijm, en blokkenlijm" = "cement, concrete, mortar, grout, and block joining adhesive"
"cement-, kalk- en gipsindustrie" = "Cement, lime and plaster industry"
cementatie = cementation
Cementbasis = Cement base
cementbedekking = cement coating
cementbekleding = cement lining
cementbepleistering = cement plastering
cementbeton = cement concrete
cementbeton = concrete
cementbrij / cementmelk = cement paste
cementbrij / cementmelk / cementpap / aanbrandspecie / cementwater = cement slurry
cementbrij / vulspecie = grout
cementbuis = cement tube
cementcompartiment = cement compartment
cementdekvloer / afwerklaag van cementspecie = cement screed
cementeerkist = cementing chest
cementeerpoeder = cementing powder
cementeerpoeder = solid carburizing compound
cementeerstaal = case-hardening steel
Cementeerwerkzaamheden = Cementing work
cementeerzout = case-hardening salt
cementeren = case-harden (to)
cementeren = cement (ww)
cementeren = pack carburizing
cementeren = concrete
cementeren = carbonize (to)
cementeren = to cement
cementeren = cement
cementering = carburization
cementering = carbonization
cementering = case hardening
cementering = cementation
cementering / cementatie = cementation
cementfabriek = Cement works
cementfabrieken = cement factories
cementgebaseerde = cement-based
cement-gebaseerde = cement-based
Cementgebaseerde coating = Cement-based coating
Cementgebaseerde coatings = Cement-based coatings
cement-gebaseerde producten = cement-based products
cementgebonden dekvloer = cement mortar screed
cementgebonden fireproofing = cementitious fireproofing
cementgebonden ondergrond = cementitious substrate
cementgebonden ondergronden = cementitious substrates
cementgebonden oppervlak = cementitious surface
cementgebonden oppervlakken = cementitious surfaces
cementgel = cement gel
cementhechting = cement adhesion
cementhuid = cement skin
cementhydratatie = cement hydration
cementiet = cementite
cementindustrie = cement industry
cementinjectie = cement grouting
cementinjectie = cement injection
cementkanon = cement gin
cementklinker = cement clinker
cementlaag / cementbedekking = cement coating
cementloods = cement store
cementmelk = cement grout
Cementmengers = Cement mixers
cementmolen = cement mixer
cementmolen = Cement mill
cementmortel / cementspecie = cement mortar
cementplaat = cement slab
cementpleister = cement rendering
cementpleister = cement plaster
cementraam = plinth
cementraam /sokkel = base course
cementrubber = cement rubber latex
cementsilo = cement bin
cementsilo = cement silo
cementslib = cement laitance
cementspecie = cement mortar
cementspuit = gunite machine
cementspuit / cementpistool = cement gun
cementstaal / cementeerstaal = cemented steel
cementsteen = cement stone
cementsteenfabriek = Cement brick industry
cementsuspensie = cement suspension
cementtegel = cement block
cementtegel = cement tile
cement-toeslagverhouding = cement-aggregate ratio
Cementtransporteur = Cement conveyor
cementtrechter = cement funnel
cementvervaardiging = cement manufacture
cementvilt = cement felt
cementvloer = cement floor
cementvoeg = cement joint
cementwater = cement water
cement-zandverhouding = cement-sand ratio
CE-merk = CE mark
CEM-verdamper = CEM evaporator
Cenelec = Cenelec
CEN-mandaat = CEN mandate
CE-norm = CE standard
cenotaaf = cenotaph
Cenozoïcum = Cenozoic
Censureren = Censor
Censureren = Censure
censureren = censoring
Census = Census
census-verdeling van Skellam en Shenton = census distribution
censuur = censorship
Censuur = Censure
censuur = censor
Cent = Groat
Cent = Pence
Cent = Penny
Cent = One hundred
cent = cent
Cent = Hundred
Centaur = Centaur
Centaur (mythologie) = Centaur
Centaur (sterrenbeeld) = Centaurus
centaurie = knapwood
Centaur-planetoïden = Centaur
centavo = centavo
Centenkliever = Arab
Centenkliever = Arabian
center = centre
Center = Center
CentER Applied Research = CentER for Applied Research
center drop leaf = center drop leaf
Center for Company Law = Center for Company Law
CentER for Economic Research = CentER for Economic Research
Center for Transboundary Legal Development = Center for Transboundary Legal Development
Center of Excellence-aanpak = Center of Excellence approach
centerafstand = distance between centres
centerafstand = centre-to-centre distance
centerboor = centre bit
Centerboor = Centre drill
centerbout = centre bolt
centerbout = centring bolt
CentERdata = CentERdata
centeren = to centre
centeringring = centring ring
"centerline, nulstelling" = centerline
"centerlining formulieren, nulstelling formulieren" = centerlining forms
"centerlining, nulafstelling" = centerlining
centerloos slijpen = centreless grinding
centermarkering = punch mark
centerpoint (op boorkop) = centring point
Centerpons = Punch
Centerpons = Centre punch
centerpons / keurnagel / kornagel = centre punch
centerpunt = centre point
centerpunt = centre punch
centerring = centring ring
centerring = Centring Ring
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: de lokale noodcentra in de V. = CDC: a governmental agency that monitors the prevalence of diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: de lokale noodcentra in de V. = Centers for  Disease Control & Prevention
Centers of Expertise = Centres of Expertise
centi = centi
Centiare = Metre
centiare = centiares
centiel = centile
centimeter = centimeter
Centimeter = Tape-measure
Centimeter = Inchtape
Centimeter = Centimetre
centimeter-gram-seconde systeem = centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system
centra in het beroepsonderwijs = vocational training centres
Centra voor Innovatief Vakmanschap = "Centres for Innovative Workmanship (Centra voor Innovatief Vakmanschap, C"
centraal = the focus of attention
Centraal = Focal
Centraal = Power station
Centraal = Central
Centraal = centralised
centraal = central
centraal aangestuurd = centrally managed
centraal aangrijpen = centrally engaging
centraal aangrijpt = centrally engages
centraal aanspreekpunt = single point of contact
centraal aanspreekpunt en escalatiepunt = central point of contact and escalation contact point
Centraal Akkoord = Central Agreement
centraal antennesysteem = community aerial system
centraal antennesysteem = community antenna system
centraal antennesysteem = master antenna system
Centraal beheer = Central management
centraal beheer van de cliënteel = centralised customer management
Centraal beheer voor PerformancePoint Services = PerformancePoint Services Central Administration
centraal beheerde omgeving = centrally managed environment
centraal berichtensysteem = Central Messaging System
centraal besturingsorgaan = central control unit
centraal besturingssysteem = central control system
Centraal bestuurlijk overleg = Central discussions between government bodies
Centraal bewakingsstation = Central monitoring station
Centraal Biologisch Veiligheidsfunctionaris = Central Biological Safety Officer
Centraal boekenmagazijn = closed stacks
Centraal budget = Centralized budget
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek = "Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS)"
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek = Central Bureau of Statistics
Centraal bureau voor de statistiek = Central bureau for statistics
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) = Statistics Netherlands
centraal controlemechanisme = central control mechanism
Centraal desk = Central desk
Centraal deskundigen = Central experts
centraal digitaal archief = central digital repository
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor de Opvolgingen en Ontwikkeling v = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of the Monitoring and Development o
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor de Promotie van Technologische I = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of the Promotion of Technological I
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Financi?n en Fiscaliteit = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Corporate Finance, Tax and Treas"
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Financi�n en Fiscaliteit = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Corporate Finance, Tax and Treas"
Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Performance en Organisatie = Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Performance and Organization
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Planning, Controle en Boekhoudin" = "Group Senior Vice-President in charge of Strategic Planning, Control and "
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Risico?s, Organisatie en Central" = "Group Senior Vice-President for Risk, Organization and Central Services"
"Centraal Directeur verantwoordelijk voor Risico�s, Organisatie en Centr" = "Group Senior Vice-President for Risk, Organization and Central Services"
centraal drukgestuurde ventilator = central pressure actuated vent
Centraal Economisch Plan = Central Economic Plan
Centraal Economische Commissie = Central Economic Committee
centraal frame = central base frame
Centraal Functioneel Beheer = Central Operational Management
centraal gedeelte = central section
Centraal geleide economie = Centrally planned economy
centraal geplaatste = centrally located
centraal gepositioneerd = centrally positioned
centraal geregeld = centrally controlled
centraal gespiesd = centrally skewed
centraal in het datacenter zijn opgeslagen = stored centrally in the data centre
centraal in Nederland gelokaliseerd = centrally located in the Netherlands
"Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau, CJ" = "Central Fine Collection Agency (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, CJIB)"
centraal ketelhuis (n) = central boiler plant
centraal komvormig element = central cup-shaped element
centraal magazijn = central store
Centraal Magazijn (afd FMVG) = Central Warehouse
Centraal management = Central management
centraal managementsysteem = central management system
Centraal Massief = Massif Central
centraal ontwikkeld en ondersteund = centrally developed and supported
centraal parkeergeleidingssysteem = central parking guidance system
Centraal Planbureau = Central Planning Office
"centraal processor Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = central processor Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
centraal rechtenbeheer = centralised rights management
centraal registratiemodel = centralized registration model
centraal rijgen = central threading
Centraal Schengen Informatie Systeem = Schengen central information system
centraal smeersysteem = central lubrication system
Centraal Sociaal Planbureau = Central Social Planning Office
Centraal staat dat = It is important that
centraal stammenveld = central clone field
centraal station = controlling station
centraal stelt = prioritises
Centraal Stembureau (CSB) = Central Electoral Office
centraal team = central team
centraal televisie-antennesysteem = community antenna system for television: CATV
centraal televisie-antennesysteem = master antenna system for television: MATV
centraal veem = central warehouse
centraal veneuze catheter = Hohn central venous catheter
centraal verbindingsbureau = central liaison office
Centraal verwarmingssysteem elektrisch = Electro central heating system
centraal verwerkingsorgaan = central processor
centraal verwerkingsorgaan = main frame
centraal zenuwstelsel = central nervous system: CNS
Centraal zenuwstelsel = Central nervous system
centraal zenuwstelsel-toxiciteit = toxicity to the central nervous system
Centraal-Afrika = Central Africa
Centraalafrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek = Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa)
Centraal-Amerika = Central America
Centraal-Amerikaans Integratiesysteem = Central American Integration System
Centraal-Amerikaans parlement = Central American Parliament
Centraal-Amerikaanse Bank voor Economische Integratie = Central American Bank for Economic Integration
Centraal-Amerikaanse Gemeenschappelijke Markt = Central American Common Market
Centraal-Azië = Central Asia
Centraalbeugel = Central clamp
Centraal-Bohemen = Central Bohemia
centraalburo voor statistiek = centraalburo voor statistiek
Centraaldoos = Central conduit box
Centraaldoos installatiebuis = Central junction box for installation tubes
Centraaldoos/inbouwdoos = Central conduit box/built-in conduit box
centraaldozen-systeem = central junction box system
Centraal-Estland = Central Estonia
Centraal-Europa = Europe
Centraal-Europa = Central Europe
Centraal-Griekenland = Central Greece
Centraal-Hongarije = Central Hungary
Centraal-Macedonië = Central Macedonia
Centraalplaat = Centre plate
Centraalplaat = Central cover plate
Centraalplaat zusteroproepsysteem = Central-element clinic-installation
Centraal-Slovenië = Central Slovenia
centraalsluiter = "between-lens shutter, diaphragm s."
centraalstelling van de klant = customer centricity [Am.]
centraalstelling van de klant = to convert (into)
Centraalstofzuiger = Central vacuum cleaner
Centraal-Trans-Danubië = Central Transdanubia
Central = Central
Central = Focal
Central = Power station
Central American Common Market = Central American Common Market
Central Business District = Central Business District
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Aansluitingenregister
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = CAR
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = C-AR
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluit Register
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluitingenregister
Central Connections Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister: C-AR) = Centraal Aansluitingenregister (C-AR)
Central Intelligence Agency = Central Intelligence Agency
central licensing = central licensing
Central Park = Central Park
Central Technical Documentation = ZR
centrale = centre
Centrale = Power station
Centrale = Base station
Centrale = Central
Centrale = Power plant
centrale = exchange
centrale = centralised
centrale aanleg = centralised laying-out
centrale aanmelding = central registration
centrale aanschaf = central purchasing
centrale aansluitkast = central terminal box
centrale aanspreekpunt = central point of contact
centrale administrateur = Central Administrator
Centrale Administratieve Services = Central Accounting Services
Centrale afvoer = Central extraction
centrale antenne = community antenna
centrale antenne-installatie = community aerial installation
centrale antenne-installatie = community antenna installation
centrale antenne-installatie = master antenna installation
centrale as = central shaft
centrale as = central axis
centrale assen = central axles
Centrale Autoriteit = Central Authority
centrale autoriteit = central authority
Centrale autoriteit Internationale Kinderaangelegenheden (Ca IKA) = Central Authority for International Children's Issues
centrale axiale stroming = central axial flow
centrale bank = central bank
centrale bank van aangesloten systeem (ASCB) = ancillary system central bank (ASCB)
centrale bank van het Eurosysteem = Eurosystem central bank
centrale banken buiten het eurogebied = central banks outside the euro area
centrale batterij = common battery
centrale bediening op afstand = remote central operation
centrale behuizing = central enclosure
Centrale besturing = Central controller
centrale besturingseenheid = central control unit
Centrale besturingseenheid = Central controlling unit
centrale besturingseenheid = centralised control unit
centrale binnentuin = central courtyard garden
centrale brandstof injectie = single-point fuel injection
centrale bus = central bus
centrale cirkelvormige gat = central circular hole
Centrale Coherentie = Central Coherence
Centrale Commissie Financiele Ondersteuning (CCFO) = Central Committee for Financial Assistance (CCFO)
Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO) = Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO)
Centrale Commissie Research = UT Central Research Commission
Centrale Commissie voor de Bezwaarschriften = Central Objections Committee
Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart = Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
centrale computer en gebruikers = central computer and users
centrale concept = central concept
centrale contactpersoon bij gno = gno point of contact
centrale controlemechanisme = central control mechanism
Centrale cues = Central cues
centrale dienst = central department
Centrale Dienst voor Contingenten en Vergunningen (CDCV) = Central Office for Contingents and Licences
Centrale Diensten = Service Departments
centrale drukgestuurde ventilatoren = "central, pressure-controlled fans"
centrale eenheid = central unit
Centrale Eenheid voor een Conferentiesysteem = Central unit for a Conferencing system
centrale eenheid voor een digitaal conferentiesysteem = central unit for a digital conferencing system
centrale elektriciteitsopwekking = centralised power plant
centrale en gemeenschappelijk = central and shared
centrale en gemeenschappelijke = central and shared
centrale en gemeenschappelijke installaties = central and shared installations
centrale facturatie = centralised invoicing
centrale frequentie = central frequency
Centrale functie UIT = Central function OUT
Centrale functiemodule voor zenders/actoren = Central functional unit for senders/actuators
centrale gebeuren = main event
centrale gedachte of boodschap = central thought or message
centrale hallen = central halls
Centrale hardware = Centralised hardware
centrale hoofdas = principal centroidal axis
centrale hoofdtraagheidsassen = principal axes of inertia
centrale houtkern = central wood core
Centrale Indelingscommissie = Central Classification Committee
Centrale informatiebalie = Central information desk
Centrale ingang = Central input
centrale inschrijfsysteem (SIS) = central enrollment system (SIS)
centrale kern = central core
centrale ketelinstallatie (f) = central boiler plant
centrale leerplek = central learning environment
centrale leerplek = central learning location
centrale lijn = centre line
Centrale limietstelling = Central-limit theorem
centrale limietstelling = central limit theorem
Centrale luchttoevoer/-afvoer = Central air supply and -exhaust
centrale magazijn = central warehouse
centrale medezeggenschap = representative advisory bodies (UvA)
centrale meldkamer = central control room
Centrale mogendheid = Central Powers
Centrale nationale veiligheidsautoriteit = single national authority
centrale of gezaghebbende organisatie = central organisation or authority
Centrale Ondernemingsraad = Central Works Council
Centrale Ondernemingsraad = Central Works Council (Centrale Ondernemingsraad)
centrale onderzoeksvraag = principal research question
centrale ontmoetingsplaats = central meeting place
centrale ontmoetingsplek = central meeting place
centrale ontwikkelomgeving = central development environment
centrale opening = central aperture
centrale opening = central opening
Centrale ophanging = Central suspension
centrale organisatie = central organisation
centrale overheid = central government
centrale plaats theorie = central place theory
centrale plant = central plant
centrale plek = central place
centrale portier vergrendeling = central locking system
centrale positie volgens Fisher = centre of location
centrale post = switchboard
centrale primaire besturing = central primary control
centrale printfaciliteiten = central printing facilities
Centrale Processor Unit(s) = Central Processing Unit(s)
Centrale Raad van Beroep = Central Appeals Board
centrale raad van bestuur = corporate executive committee
Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven = Central Council for the Industry
centrale rand = central rim
centrale Randstad servicedesk = central Randstad service desk
Centrale Recruitment afdeling = Central Recruitment department
centrale regelaar = central controller
Centrale Regelingen = Central Licensing
centrale regering = central government
centrale rol = central role
Centrale route = Central route
centrale ruimte inlaatspruitstuk = plenum chamber
centrale ruimte telefooncentrale = central telephone switchboard area
centrale server = central server
centrale smering = central lubrication system
centrale stimuleringsmiddelen = central incentive funds
centrale stofzuigsystemen = central vacuum systems
Centrale StudentenAdministratie (CSA) = Central Student Administration
Centrale Studentenbalie = Central Student Information Desk
centrale studentenraad = Central Student C+B48ouncil
centrale sturing = Central control
centrale stuurprint = central control PCB
centrale tegenpartij (CTP) = CCP
centrale tendentie = central tendency
Centrale thermostaat = Central thermostat
centrale ventilator = central fan
centrale vergrendeling indien 6 kleppen = central locking if 6 flaps
centrale verkeerscomputer = central traffic computer
centrale verwarming = central heating
centrale verwarming (centrale verwarmingsinstallatie) = central heating system
centrale verwarming (f) = central heating
centrale verwarming / cv = hot water heating system
centrale verwarming {de} = central heating
centrale verwarmingsinstallatie (f) = central heating plant
centrale verwerkingseenheden = central processing units
Centrale verwerkingseenheden (CPU) of processors = Central processing unit (CPU) or processors
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor microcomputer = Central processing units for microcomputers
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor minicomputer = Central processing units for minicomputers
Centrale verwerkingseenheden voor pc's = Central processing units for personal computers
centrale verwerkingseenheid = main frame
centrale verwerkingseenheid = volume of business
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit: CPU
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit (part of a computer)
centrale verwerkingseenheid = central processing unit
centrale verwerkingseenheid = Central Processing Unit
centrale verwerkingseenheid van het computersysteem = central processing unit of the computer system
centrale verzamelplek = central collection place
Centrale Vestiging = Central Library
Centrale VICnet ruimten = central TICnet rooms
centrale voor besturing en bewaking op afstand = remote control and monitoring centre
Centrale voor gasdetectie = Centralised gas detection unit
centrale voor gecombineerde electriciteits-en warmteproductie = combined cycle-power station
Centrale voor Kredieten aan Particulieren = Bureau of Credit to private persons
Centrale voor Kredieten aan Particulieren = Central Individual Credit Register
centrale vragen = central questions
Centrale waarden = Central values
centrale zekeringkast = central fuse box
centrale zenuwstelsel = central nervous system
centralegebied = exchange area
centrale-limiet stelling van Lindeberg-Feller = Lindeberg-Feller theorem
centrale-limiet stelling van Lindeberg-Lévy = Lindeberg-Lévy theorem
centrale-overheidsinstanties = central government authorities
centraler gelegen = more centrally located
centraler gelegen in de structuur = more centrally located in the structure
centrales voor besturing en bewaking op afstand = remote control and monitoring centres
Centrale-tendentiemaatstaf = Central tendency criterion
centrale-verwarmingsketel (olieketel) = central heating furnace
centralisatie = centralisation
centralisatie = centralization
centralisatie van de informatie = centralisation of information
centralisatierekening = centralisation account
centraliseren = to centralize
centraliseren = to centralise [Br.]
Centraliseren = Centralize
centralist = operator
centraliteit = centrality
Centralpoint = Centralpoint
Centre = Center
Centre (Frankrijk) = Centre
Centre (Frankrijk) = Centre (France)
Centre Bolt = Centre Bolt
Centre of Excellence = Centre of Excellence
Centre of Expertise = CE
Centre of Expertise = Centre of Expertise
Centre of Expertise = COE
Centre of Registers and Information Systems = Centre of Registers and Information Systems
Centreer = Centring
centreer de gaten = centre the holes
centreerbaan = centring track
Centreerboor = Centre drill
centreerboor = centring drill
centreerdoorn = centring mandrel
centreerdoorn = centring pin
centreerdop = centring boss
centreereenheid = centring unit
centreerfout = centring error
centreergat = centring hole
centreergereedschap = centring tool
centreerhulp = centring aid
centreerhuls = centring sleeve
centreerlip = centring lug
centreermagneet = centring magnet
centreermal = centring jig
centreermiddel = centring device
centreernok = centring boss
centreernokken = centring ridge
centreernokken = centring ridges
centreerpen = centring pin
centreerplaat = centring plate
centreerpositie = centring position
centreerring = centring ring
centreerstrip = centring strip
Centreertijd = centering time
Centreertijd van pallets = Pallet centering time
centrefeed = centrefeed
centreren = to position
centreren = center (to)
centreren = Centre
centreren = to centre
centreren = center
centrering = centring
centrering van het remzadel = calliper centring device
centreringsregelaar = centring controller
centreringsregeling = centring control
Centres of Expertise = Centres of Expertise
Centric = Centric
centrifugaalbeton = centrifugated concrete
Centrifugaalcompressoren = Centrifugal compressors
centrifugaaldroger = centrifugal drier
centrifugaalgewicht = centrifugal force balance weight
centrifugaalkoppeling = centrifugal clutch
centrifugaalpomp = centrifugal pump
centrifugaalpomp met vacuümondersteuning = vacuum-assisted centrifugal pump
Centrifugaalpompen = Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugaalpompen en elevators voor vloeistoffen = Centrifugal pumps and liquid elevators
centrifugaalregulateur = centrifugal governor
centrifugaalrem = centrifugal brake
centrifugaalschakelaar = centrifugal switch
centrifugaalventilator = centrifugal fan
centrifugale kracht = centrifugal force
centrifugale ventilator = Centrifugal fan
centrifugale ventilator met achterwaarts gebogen schoepen met behuizing = Centrifugal backward curved fan with housing
centrifugale ventilator met achterwaarts gebogen schoepen zonder behuizin = Centrifugal backward curved fan without housing
centrifugale ventilator met radiale schoepen = Centrifugal radial bladed fan
centrifugale ventilator met voorwaarts gebogen schoepen = Centrifugal forward curved fan
centrifugatie = centrifugation
centrifugatiestap = centrifugation step
Centrifuge = Mangle
centrifuge = spin drier
Centrifuge = Wringer
centrifuge = hydroextractor
Centrifuge = Rotary dryer
Centrifuge = Spin-dryer
centrifuge = centrifuge
centrifuge- en separatorslib = centrifuge or separator sludge
centrifugeergang = spinning run
Centrifugeerresultaat = Spin drying performance class
Centrifugeersnelheid variabel instelbaar = Variable adjustable spin speed
centrifugeertijd = centrifuging time
centrifugeertrommel = spin drier drum
centrifugeproef = centrifuge test
Centrifugeren = Centrifuging
centrifugeren = to centrifuge
centrifugeren = hydro-extract
centrifugeren = centrifugate
centrifugeren = centrifuging
centrifugering = centrifugation
Centrifuges = Centrifuges
"Centrifuges, kalandermachines of verkoopautomaten" = "Centrifuges, calendering or vending machines"
centrifugestap = centrifugation step
Centriool = Centriole
Centronics = Centronics
Centronics 36-polig = Centronics 35-pole
Centrosoom = Centrosome
Centru (Roemenië) = Centru (Romania)
centrum = center
Centrum = Centre
Centrum (plaats) = Centre (ville)
centrum / middelpunt = centre
centrum {het} = centre [Br.]
centrum {het} = center [Am.]
Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen = Centre for Sustainable Building (Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen)
Centrum Oost = Centrum Oost
centrum van de naaf van het bedieningsorgaan van de stuurinrichting = Centre of the steering control boss
Centrum van de Verenigde Naties voor regionale ontwikkeling = UN Centre for Regional Development
centrum van een kanaal = center of channel
centrum van werkzaamheden = centre of operations
Centrum voor Aansprakelijkheidsrecht = Center for Liability Law
centrum voor afhandeling van oproepen = call handling center
Centrum voor Communicatie en Sensibilisering = Centre for Communication and Awareness-Raising
Centrum voor Consultatie en Expertise (CCE) = Centre for Consultation and Expertise (CCE)
Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van Azië en de Stille Oceaan = Asian and Pacific Development Centre
Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven = Centre for the Development of Enterprise
Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van Palliatieve Zorg Amsterdam = Centre for the Development of Palliative Care Amsterdam
Centrum voor Duurzaam bouwen = Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen (CeDuBo)
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling = Centre for Sustainable Development
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling = Centre for Sustainable Development of Ghent University
Centrum voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling (CDO-UGent) = Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD-UGent)
Centrum voor Elektronische Ontwikkeling = Centre for Electronic Development
Centrum voor fondsenadministratie-stukken = CF certificates
Centrum voor fondsenadministratie-stukken = CF stocks
centrum voor geboorteregeling = family planning clinic
Centrum voor Innovatie en Maatschappelijk Ondernemen = Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Centrum voor Interculturele Ethiek = Center for Intercultural Ethics
Centrum voor Internationale Samenwerking = Centre for International Cooperation
Centrum voor Kennistransfer = Centre for Knowledge Transfer
Centrum voor Lokale Politiek = Centre for Local Politics of Ghent University
"Centrum voor Lokale Politiek, Vakgroep Politieke Wetenschappen" = "Centre for Local Politics, Department of Political Science, University of"
Centrum voor Mariene Aardwetenschappen = Centre for Marine Earth Sciences
Centrum voor Materialen Onderzoek = Materials Research Centre (CMO)
Centrum voor Mechanische Ontwikkeling = Centre for Mechanical Development
Centrum voor Niet-Westerse Studies = "Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies"
Centrum voor Ondernemerschap en Innovatie (CvOI) = Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centrum voor Onderzoek en Statistiek = Centre for Research and Statistics
Centrum voor Procesrecht = Center for Legal Procedure Litigation
"Centrum voor Produktie-, Logistiek en Operationeel Management" = "Centre for Production, Logistics and Operational Management (CPLOM)"
"Centrum voor Proeven, Vorming en Advies" = "Centre for Testing, Training and Advice"
Centrum voor Rijgeschiktheid = Centre for Driving Aptitude
Centrum voor Rijgeschiktheid en voertuigaanpassing (CARA) = Belgian Centre for driving aptitude and vehicle adaptation (CARA)
Centrum voor Schone Technologie en Milieubeleid = Centre for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy (CSTM)
centrum voor studie en loopbaan = Course and Career Information Centre
Centrum voor Studiekeuze = Study Counselling Centre
Centrum voor Studies voor het Hoger Onderwijs Beleid = Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)
Centrum voor Taal en Spraaktechnologie = Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST
Centrum voor Telematica en Informatietechnologie = Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
Centrum voor Verouderingsonderzoek = Center for Research on Aging
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Centre for Work and Income
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment agency
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment exchange
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Employment service
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Job centre
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Labour Exchange
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen = Labour Office
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen (arbeidsbureau) = Centre for Work and Income
Centrum voor Wetenschap en Levensbeschouwing = Centre for Science and Values
Centrum voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken = Center for Legislative Studies
centrumbemonstering = center sampling
Centrumdirectie = Centre Management
centrumfrequentie = center frequency
Centrumgebied = city centre
centrumgebied = central area
Centrumgebied de Uithof = De Uithof centre
centrumgebied van de Uithof = De Uithof centre
centrumgebieden = "central area, city area"
centrumgevulde = center-filled
Centrumkantoordirecteur = Main Branch Manager
centrummilieu = city centre environment
centrumpen = record spindle
centuries-old = eeuwenoud
Centurio = Centurian
Centurion = Centurian
centveiling = penny auction
CEO = chair of the board
CEO = chief executive officer
CEO Benelux = CEO Benelux
CEO en oprichter = CEO and founder
Cepheïde = Cepheids
Cepheus (sterrenbeeld) = Cepheus (constellation)
Cera = Cera
ceramic plant = ceramics plant
ceramiek = ceramics
Cerbère = Cerberus
Cerberus = Cerberus
Cerberus (mythologie) = Cerberus
Cerebellair = Cerebellar
Cerebraal = Cerebral
cerebraal zuurstofgebrek = brain hypoxia
cerebrale inklemming van de middenstructuur = subfascial  herniation
Cerebrospinaal = Cerebrospinal
Cerebrovasculair = Cerebrovascular
Ceremonie = Formally dressed
ceremonie = ceremony
Ceremonie = Formality
Ceremonie = Proceedings
Ceremonie = Ceremoniously
"ceremonie, plechtigheid" = ceremony (official gathering to celebrate)
"ceremonie, plechtigheid" = ceremony (ritual with religious significance)
Ceremonieel = Ceremonial
ceremonieel = formal
ceremoniemeester = commissar
Ceres = Ceres
Ceres (dwergplaneet) = Ceres (dwarf planet)
Ceres (mythologie) = Ceres (mythology)
Cerium = Cerium
Cerium [Ce] = Cerium [Ce]
cerlet = verlet (typo) --> leave of absence
cermetweerstand = cermet resistor
CERN Ideasquare = CERN Ideaquare
cert coordination center (computer emergency response team) = cert coordination center (computer emergency response team)
certainty equivalence = certainty equivalence
certficiatie-instelling = certification body
Certifiacte = Certificate
certificaat = certificate
certificaat = award certificate
certificaat = depositary receipt
certificaat = depositary receipt for a share
certificaat aan toonder = bearer certificate
certificaat aan toonder = depositary receipt for a share
certificaat aan toonder = depository receipt of share
certificaat aan toonder = dividend certificate
certificaat aan toonder = stock trust certificate [Am.]
certificaat beroepsopleiding advocatuur = training certificate for the legal profession
certificaat beschikbaar = certificate available upon request
certificaat beschikbaar = certificate available upon
Certificaat chauffeur heftruck = Forklift driving certificate
Certificaat details = Certificate details
Certificaat inzake goederenverkeer = Certificate goods transit
certificaat inzake goederenverkeer = movement certificate
Certificaat nummer = Certificate number
certificaat van aandeel = share certificate
certificaat van aandeel op naam = depositary receipt for registered share
certificaat van beschadiging = certificate of damage
Certificaat van conformiteit = Certificate of Conformity
Certificaat van conformiteit in het kader van de wetgeving Welzijn op het = Certificate of Conformity within the framework of the Wellbeing at Work C
certificaat van controlerend accountant = auditor’s certificate
certificaat van controlerend accountant = certificate of title (issued by a title company)
certificaat van de basiscertificeringsinstantie = Root certification authority certificate
certificaat van eigendom = certificate of ownership
Certificaat van goedkeuring verstrekt = Certificate of approval issued
certificaat van inschrijvingen van aandelen op naam = registered share subscription certificate
certificaat van luchtwaardigheid = certificate of airworthiness
certificaat van luchtwaardigheid = paying
certificaat van oorsprong = certificate of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Certificate of country of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Certificate of origin
Certificaat van oorsprong = Origin certificate
certificaat van openbaar accountant = certificate of independent (public) accountant
certificaat van overeenstemming = certificate of conformity
Certificaat van Toezicht op Laagspanningsinstallaties en arbeidsmiddelen = Certificaat van Toezicht op Laagspanningsinstallaties (certificate of sup
certificaat van tweede afgifte = second-issue licence
certificaat van uitvoer = export certificate
certificaat van uitvoer = scrip
certificaat van voedingsgeschiktheid = food grade certificate
certificaat van vrijstelling = exemption certificate
certificaat van zeewaardigheid = certificate of seaworthiness
certificaat voor clientverificatie = client authentication certificate
certificaat voor de infrastructuur van openbare sleutels = Public Key Infrastructure certificate
certificaat voor de kwalificatie assessor = assessor qualification certificate
certificaat voor token-ondertekening = token-signing certificate
"certificaat, certificatie" = caption (section of an official paper)
certificaat/kwalificatie = certificate/qualification
certificaatabonnee = certificate subscriber
certificaatarchief = certificate store
certificaatautoriteit = CA
certificaatautoriteit = certificate authority
certificaatautoriteit = certification authority
Certificaatbeheer = Cert Manager
certificaatbeheerder = certificate manager
certificaatbewijzen = certificates issued in respect of depository receipts
Certificaatbewijzen = depositary receipt certificates
Certificaathouder = Depositary receipt holder
certificaathouder = depositary receipt holder
Certificaathouder(s) = Depositary receipt holders(s)
certificaathouders = depositary receipt holders
Certificaathouders = Depositary receipt holders
certificaathoudersovereenkomst = depositary receipt holders’ agreement
certificaathoudersregister = depositary receipt holders’ register
certificaatinschrijving = certificate enrollment
certificaatinschrijvingsbeleid = certificate enrollment policy
certificaatintrekking = certificate revocation
certificaatintrekkingscontrole = certificate revocation checking
certificaatintrekkingslijst = certificate revocation list
certificaatketen = certification path
certificaatketen = certificate chain
certificaatkoppeling = certificate chaining
certificaatnummer = certificate number
certificaatpinning = certificate pinning
certificaatsjabloon = certificate template
certificaatuitgifte = certificate issuance
certificaatuitgiftebeleid = certificate issuance policy
Certificaatvalidatieservice = Certificate Validation Service
certificaatvanoorsprong = certificate of origin
certificaatvanregionalebenaming = regional appellation certificate
certificaatverificatie = certificate verification
certificaatverlener = certificate issuer
certificaatvertrouwenslijst = certificate trust list
Certificate Lifecycle Manager Client = Certificate Lifecycle Manager Client
Certificate of Authenticity (Certificaat van Echtheid) = certificate of authenticity
certificate of cause of death = certificate of cause of death
certificate of competence = Certificate of Competence
Certificate Profile Update Control = Certificate Profile Update Control
Certificate Revocation Lists = Certificate Revocation Lists
certificate signing request = Certificate Signing Request
certificaten = certificates
certificaten = depositary receipts
certificaten = Depositary Receipts
certificaten = depositary receipts for shares
Certificaten aan toonder = Bearer depositary receipts
Certificaten en Certificaathouders = Depositary receipts and Depositary receipt holders
certificaten en uitgevoerde controles = certificates and completed checks
certificaten in eigendom ten titel van beheer = in trust
Certificaten niet voorgelegd = Certificates not submitted
certificaten op naam = depositary receipts for registered shares
certificaten op naam van Aandelen = registered depositary receipts for Shares
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts (for shares)
certificaten van aandelen = depositary receipts for shares
certificaten van Aandelen in het kapitaal van de Vennootschap = depositary receipts for shares in the capital of the Company
certificaten van aandelen op naam = depositary receipts for registered shares
"certificates, audit reports or assessments" = "certificaten, audit-rapporten of beoordelingen"
certificatie = certification
certificatie door SGS = SGS certification
certificatie- en verwervingsprocedure = certification and procurement procedures
certificatie instelling = certification body
certificatie- instelling = certification body
certificatie voor de bosbouw = forest certification
certificatiebureau = certification office
Certificatiedienst voor elektronische handtekeningen = Electronic signature certification services
certificatie-instelling = certification body
certificatie-instellingen = certification bodies
certificatie-instituut = certification institute
certificatiemerken = certification marks
Certificatienorm = Certification standard
Certificatienormen = Certification standards
Certificatienummer = Certification number
certificatieprogramma frame relay customer premises equipment (cpe) = frame relay customer premises equipment (cpe) certification program
Certificatiereglement = Certification Rules
certificatieschema = certification scheme
Certification = ZF
certification programme = certificeringsprogramma
certificeert = certifies
Certificeren = Testify
Certificeren = Certification (the process)
certificeren = to certify
certificeren = attest
certificerende instelling = certification body
Certificering = Certification
certificering = issuance of depositary receipts for shares
certificering na productie = post-production certification
certificering op geluidsisolatie = certification for soundproofing
certificering van aandelen = issuing depositary receipts for shares
certificeringen = certifications
certificeringsautoriteit = certification authority
certificeringsautoriteiten = certification authorities
Certificeringsbevoegdheid = Certification authorisation
certificeringscommissie = Certification Committee
Certificeringscommissie Docentkwalificaties = Certification Committee for Lecturer Qualifications
Certificeringsdienstverlening = Certification services
certificeringshiërarchie = certification hierarchy
certificeringsinstantie = certification authority
certificeringsinstantie = certification body
certificeringsinstantie (CA) voor ondernemingen = enterprise certification authority
certificeringsinstellingen = certification bodies
certificeringsmechanisme = certification mechanism
certificeringsnummer = certification number
certificeringsorganisaties = certification organisations
certificeringspersoneel = certifying staff
certificeringsproces = certification process
certificeringsprogramma voor assessoren = certification programme for assessors
certificeringstype = certification type
certificeringswerkzaamheden = certification tasks
Certified Company-certificering = Certified Company certification programme
Certified Company-programma = Certified Company programme
Certified System Partners = Certified System Partners
Certified Used Cars = Certified Used Cars
certifiëringsinstelling = certification lab
certifikaat = certificate
Certipost = Certipost
Cerumen = Cerumen
cerumen = earwax
Cerus Europe B.V = Cerus Europe BV
Cervelaat = Saveloy
Cervicaal = Cervical
cervix = cervix
Cervix uteri = Cervix uteri
cervixcarcinoom = cervical cancer
cervixcarcinoom = cervical carcinoma
Cesar = Caesar
Cesare Borgia = Cesare Borgia
cesium = caesium
cesium = cesium
Cesium [Cs] = Cesium [Cs]
"Cesium, strontium, rubidium en calcium" = "Caesium, strontium, rubidium and calcium"
cessie = abandonment
Cessie = Assignment
cessie/overdracht/afstand = assignment
cessie-akte = assignment deed
cessie-akte = deed of assignment
cessiegebied = licensed territory
cessionaris = assignee
cessus = debtor
Cesuur = Nick
Cesuur = Caesura
cesuur = cut-off score
cesuurbepaling = cut-off score(s)
cesuurbepaling = determination of a pass mark
cesuurbepaling = the setting of a cutting score
cesuurbepaling = cut-off score provision
cesuurbepalingen = cut-off score provisions
CET 08:00 t/m 17:30 uur = 08:00 to 17:30 CET
Ceteris paribus = Ceteris paribus
cetostearylalcohol = cetostearyl alcohol
cetostearylether = cetostearyl ether
cetyl- en stearylalcoholen = cetyl and stearyl alcohols
cetylalcohol = cetyl alcohol
cetylesterswas = cetyl esters wax
cetylpyridiniumchloride = cetylpyridinium chloride
CE-typeplaat = CE rating plate
Ceuta = Ceuta
Ceuta en Melilla = Ceuta and Melilla
CE-veiligheidsvoorschriften = CE safety regulations
CE-verklaring = CE declaration
CE-verklaring van overeenstemming = CE declaration of conformity
CEX = central exchange
CEX = central exchange (CEX)
Ceylon = Ceylon
Ceylonees = Ceylonese
Ceylons = Ceylonese
Cf. = cf.
Cf. = compare with
cf. = see:
CFB = Cultural Foundation Building (CFB)
CFH = CFH (Commission for Pharmaceutical Help)
Cfi = Central Funding of Institutions Agency (CFI)
Cfi = Cfi
CF-kaart = CF card
CF-kaart = CompactFlash card
CFK-houdende = CFC-containing
CFK-vrij = CFC free
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CFO-dag = annual conference for chief financial officers
cfr = cf.
cfr = compare with
cfr. = colleague
cfr. = cf
cfr. = See
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = cf.
cfr. = see:
cfr. artikel = see Clause
cfu = cfu
cfu/ml = cfu/ml
CGB = Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG)
CGI = common gateway interface
cgi naam = cgi name
C-glasvezel = C glass fiber
CGMT = (contant geld) money transfer
CGN = "Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN)"
Ch = Ch (= Countersunk head)
Ch 22 spoelsonde = Ch 22 Irrigation unit / probe
Ch scr skt = Ch scr skt
ch scr skt = ch scr skt
Ch. de Costerlaan = Charles de Costerlaan
CH4 = methane
CH4 = CH4
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = CH50 assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = complement  hemolytic activity assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = hemolytic titration assay
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = serum complement titer
CH-50: de bepaling van klassieke hemolytische activiteit = total hemolytic complement
Chabarovsk = Khabarovsk
chador = chador
chagrijn = shagreen
Chagrijn = Aggressiveness
chagrijnig = dismal
Chai = Wine and spirits store
Chain = Chain
Chain of Custody = Chain of Custody
Chain.MaximumLength = Chain.MaximumLength
Chain.MinimumLength = Chain.MinimumLength
Chain.TotalLength = Chain.TotalLength
chair = chair
Chairman Board Executive Directors = Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors
Chairman of the Board = Chairman of the Board
chaise-lounge = couch
Chakma = Chakma
Chakra = Chakra
Chalcedoon = Chalcedony
Chaldea = Chaldea
Chaldeeën = Chaldea
Chaldeeër = Chaldean
Chaldeeuws = Chaldean
Chaldeeuwse = Chaldean
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
Challenging neighbours = Challenging neighbours
chaloderma = dermatolysis
Chalumeau = Piper
Chalumeau = Blowlamp
Chalumeau = Blowpipe
Chamber = Chamber
Chamber Buffer = Chamber Buffer
chamefyt = surface plant
Chameleon = Chameleon
Chamois = Chamois
chamotte = fireclay
chamottesteen = firestone
champagne = champagne
Champagne (wijn) = Champagne (wine)
Champagne-Ardennen = Champagne-Ardenne
Champagne-Ardennes = Champagne-Ardenne
champagnepils = Champagnepils (tastes like Dandelion & Burdock)
Champenois = Champagne
Champernowne-verdelingen = Champernowne distributions
champignon = mushroom
Champignon = Agaric
champignon-/paddestoelenkwekerij = Mushroom growers
Champignons = Mushrooms
champignonteelt = mushroom-growing
Champlainmeer = Lake Champlain
champost = mushroom compost
Chandrasekhar-limiet = Chandrasekhar limit
Change = Change
Change Advisory Board = Change Advisory Board
Change Advisory Board = Change Advisory Board (CAB)
change coalition = change coalition
change control = change control
change control processen = change control processes
change controls = change controls
Change Evaluation = Change Evaluation
Change Leadership = Change Leadership
Change Logic = Change Logic
Change Management = Change Management
change management = change management
change management = change management (IMACD)
Change Management proces = Change Management process
Change Manager = Change Manager
change office = change office
change process = changeproces
change request = change request
change support = change support
change/wijziging = change
changecoördinator = change coordinator
changed = changed
ChangeEvent = ChangeEvent
changegeschiedenis = change history
changemanagement = change management (IMACD)
changemanagement = change management
changemanagement = IMACD
changemodel = change model
changeplan = change schedule
changerecord = change record
changes = changes
CHANGES to the protocol = CHANGES to the protocol
changevenster = change window
changevoorstel = change proposal
Channel Overeenkomst = Channel Agreement
Channel Overeenkomst van de Overheidspartner = Government Partner’s Channel Agreement
channel partners = channel partners
chanoeka = Hanukkah
Chanoeka = Hannukah
Chanoine-klep = Chanoine shutter
Chanoine-klepstuw = Chanoine shutter weir
Chanson = Song
Chanson = Chanson
chantage = blackmail
"chantage plegen, chanteren" = to blackmail
Chantal Janzen = Chantal Janzen
Chanteren = Blackmail
Chantilly = Chantilly cream
Chantilly = Whipped cream
Chantillyparket = Chantilly parquet
chaos = chaos
CHAOS = CHAOS (Linux distribution)
Chaos (Griekse mythologie) = Chaos (mythology)
chaostheorie = chaos theory
chaotisch = chaotic
chape = screed
Chapelle = Chapel
chaperonne = chaperon
chaperonneren = chaperon
Chaperonneren = Squire
chaperonpan (dak) = coping tile
Chapiter = Chapter
Chapman Taylor = Chapman Taylor
Chapman-Kolmogorov-vergelijkingen = Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
chappe = floret silk
chaptaliseren = chaptalisation
char = char
CHAR = chartaal geld = common money
character streams en byte streams = character streams and byte streams
Charcuterie = Delicatessen
charcuterie = charcuterie
Chardon = Thistle
Charel = Charles
Charente = Charente
charge = batch
charge = assault
Charge cards = Charge cards
Charge Coupled Device = charge-coupled device
Charge Point Integrator = Charge Point Integrator
Charge Point Operator = Charge Point Operator
chargegrootte = batch size
chargenummer = batch number
Chargeren = Overstep the mark
Chargeren = Go too far
Chargeren = Pile it on
Chargeren = Overdo
Chargeren = Overstate
chargeren = exaggerate
Charisma = Charisma
charismatisch = charismatic
charismatisch = charismatically
charismatisch leiderschap = charismatic leadership
charitas = charity
charitatief = charitable
charitatieve = charity-related
charitatieve instelling = charitable institution
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin = Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charkov = Kharkiv
Charlatan = Charlatan
Charlatan = Humbug
Charlatan = Impostor
Charlatan = Quack
Charlatan = Fraudster
Charleroi = Charleroi
Charles Baudelaire = Charles Baudelaire
Charles Darwin = Charles Darwin
Charles de Gaulle = Charles de Gaulle
Charles Dickens = Charles Dickens
Charles Fourier = Charles Fourier
Charles Fourier = Fourier
Charles Law = Charles’ Law
Charles Lindbergh = Charles Lindbergh
Charles Peirce = Charles Peirce
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson = Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
"Charles, prins van Wales" = Charles
Charleston (West Virginia) = Charleston
Charlie Chaplin = Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Parker = Charlie Parker
Charlier-polynomen = Charlier polynomials
Charlier-verdeling = Charlier distribution
Charlotte (North Carolina) = Charlotte
Charmant = Ducky
Charmant = Beguiling
Charmant = Charming
Charmant = Fetching
charme = charm
Charmed = Charmed
charmeren = charm
Charon = Charon
Charon (god) = Charon (mythology)
Charon (maan) = Charon (moon)
CharSequence als String te retourneren = return the CharSequence as String
Chartaal betalingverkeer = Payments in circulation
chartaal geld = cash
Chartaal geld = Money in circulation
Chartaal geld = Fiduciary money
chartale betaaldiensten = cash payment services
Chartale wisselkoersen naar 5 decimalen = notes and coin exchange rates to five decimal places
charter = charter
Charter = Chartered plane
Charter = Charter flight
Charteren = Charter
charteren = chartering
charteren = hire
charteren (sentence) = charter
Chartoem = Khartoum
Chartres = Chartres
Chartreuse = Tansy
Chartreuse = Chartreuse
Chartreuse = Benedictine ®
Chartreux = Carthusian
Chartreux = Carthusian monk
Charybdis = Charybdis
Chassé = Chassé
Chassé Theater = Chassé Theater
chasseeractiviteit = chasing activity
Chassépark = Chassé Park
chasseren = to chase
Chassé-terrein = Chassé-terrein
chasseur = chaser
Chassis = Frame
Chassis = Chassis
chassis (golfkartonmachine) = chassis (corrugator)
Chassis met cabines = Chassis cabs
Chassis met lege opbouw = Chassis bodies
Chassisaardingsklem = Earthing set
chassisachterplaat = chassis backplate
chassisafdekplaat = chassis cover
chassisbeugel = chassis bracket
chassisdeel = chassis connector
Chassisdeel vermogensschakelaar = Chassis part power circuit breaker
Chassisdeel voor opname van apparaatbekers = Chassis part for device cups
Chassismontage = Housing mounting
chassisnummer = chassis number
chassissmering = chassis lubrication
Chat = Chat
chat sessies = chat sessions
chatbericht = instant message
chatberichten = IM
chatberichten = instant messaging
chatberichtsessie = instant message session
chatbot = chatbot
Châtelain = Manor-owner
Châtelain = Lord
Chatfunctie = Chat feature
chatgesprek = chat
chatri = chatri
chatroom = chat room
chatsessie = instant message conversation
chatsessie = instant messaging session
Chatten = Cat
chatten = chat
chatten voor ondersteuning = chat support
Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code = Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
chauf = driver
chaufferen = to drive
chaufferen = drive
chauffeur = driver
chauffeur = chauffeur
Chauffeur = Drive
chauffeur {de} = chauffeur
chauffeur {de} = driver
chauffeur en bijrijder = driver and co-driver
Chauffeur Internationaal = International Driver
chauffeur positie = driver’s position
chauffeurs = drivers
Chauffeurs = Drivers
chauffeursdiensten = chauffeur services
Chauffeurshandboek = Driver’s manual
Chauffeurskaart = taxi driver’s permit
chauffeurskant = driver’s side
chauffeursmicrofoon op de A-stijl (telefoon) = driver's microphone on A-pillar (telephone)
chauffeurspositie = driver’s position
chauffeursslaapplaatskachel = driver's sleeping compartment heater
chauffeursslaapplaatsklep = driver's sleeping compartment flap
chauffeuse {de} = chauffeuse
Chauvenet-criterium = Chauvenet's criterion
chauvinisme = chauvinism
Chauvinisme = Jingoism
chauvinist = chauvinist
chauvinistisch = chauvinistic
Chayes brug = Chayes  fixed-movable bridge
chccolade = chocolate
Che Guevara = Che Guevara
Cheaper by the Dozen = Baker's dozen
Chebyshev metriek = Chebyshev metric
check = check
check filters = check filters
Check Inhoudingsplicht = ‘Check Inhoudingsplicht’ (check withholding obligation)
Check op volledigheid = Completeness check
CHECK!!!! = 2016-07-12T20:11:26
check_integer = check_integer
check_interval = check_interval
CHECK-beperking = CHECK constraint
checken = to verify
Checken = Check
Checken = Verify
checken = to check
Checken = Monitor
checken = audit
check-in = check-in area
checklijst = checklist
checklijsten = check-lists
checklist = checklist
checklist Essentiële Eisen = Essential Requirements checklist
Checklist Mechanisch en Elektrisch = Mechanical and Electrical Checklist
checklisten = checklists
checkout = checkout
checkpoints = checkpoints
checkronde = inspection round
Checksum = Checksum
checksum = checksum
checkt uit = checks out
checkwegers = checkweighers
checkweigher = checkweigher
Cheddar = Cheddar cheese
cheddar = cheddar
cheers = cheers
Cheesecake = cheesecake
cheeta = cheetah
cheeta {de} = cheetah
chef = station-master
chef = boss
Chef = Chief
chef = supervisor
chef = head
chef / manager klantendienst (b) /hoofd binnendienst (nl) / customer serv = customer service manager
Chef Arbeidsvoorwaarden / Personeelsregelingen = Head of Labour Conditions / Office Administrator
chef de partie = chef de partie
Chef Financiële Administratie = Accounts Department Manager
"chef productie, productie manager" = production manager
chef van de administratie = chief accountant
Chefkok = Jobsworth
Chefkok = Chief
Chefkok = Boss
Chefkok = Leader
chefkok = chef
Chefkok = Head
Chefkok = Foreman
Chef-kok = Foreman
Chef-kok = Leader
Chef-kok = Chief
Chef-kok = Chef
Chef-kok = Boss
Chef-kok = Jobsworth
Chef-kok = Head
chef-programmeur = chief programmer
cheilitis glandularis = glandular cheilitis
cheilitis glandulosa apostematosa = apostematous  glandular cheilitis
cheilitis granulomatosa van Miescher = Miescher  granulatomous cheilitis
chelaatvormer = chelating agent
chelaatvormers = chelating agents
chelaatvormige micronutriënt = Chelated micro-nutrient
Chelatie = Chelation
Chelicerata = chelicerate
chem specialiteitenfabriek = custom chemical manufacturer
chemicali#nopslagplaats = Chemicals storage
chemicali‰n = chemicals
chemicalie = chemical
chemicalien = chemicals
chemicaliën = chemicals
chemicaliën = chemical
chemicaliën die schadelijk zijn voor het milieu = environmentally harmful chemicals
chemicaliën in het milieu = chemical in the environment
Chemicaliën opslag = Chemicals storage
Chemicaliën voor waterbehandeling = Water-treatment chemicals
Chemicaliënbescherming = Protection against chemicals
chemicaliënbestendigheid = chemical resistance
"chemicaliënindustrie, chemische industrie" = chemicals (chemical industry)
chemicaliënvastheid = resistance to chemicals
chemicali�n = chemical
chemicali�n = chemical substance
Chemicus = Chemist
Chemicus Organisch Synthetische Research = Synthetic Organic Research Chemist
Chemie = Chemistry
Chemie (bacheloropleiding) = Chemistry
chemie {de} = chemistry
Chemie aandeel = chemical concentration
Chemie en Chemische Technologie = xxx
chemie- en detergentenmarkt = chemicals and detergents market
Chemie/Moleculaire Technologie = Chemical/Molecular Engineering
Chemieanalysatoren = Chemistry analyser
chemie-hydrometry = chemical gauging
chemie-hydrometry = chemi-hydrometry
chemiekaart = chemical safety card
chemiekaarten = chemical safety cards
Chemielinco en B3partners = Chemielinco en B3partners
chemiemarkt = chemical market
Chemiepark Delfzijl = Chemical Park Delfzijl (‘Chemiepark Delfzijl’)
chemiereuzen = chemical giants
Chemin = Road
Chemin = Path
Cheminot = Railwayman
Chemisch = Chemically
chemisch = chemical
Chemisch afval = Chemical waste
chemisch agressief = chemically aggressive
chemisch agressieve = chemically aggressive
chemisch anker = chemical anchor
chemisch bedrijf = chemical company
chemisch beitsen = chemical pickling
chemisch beleid = chemical policy
Chemisch bestendig = Resistant to chemicals
Chemisch bestrijdingsmiddel = Pesticide
chemisch bewerkt = chemically processed
chemisch element = chemical element
"chemisch element, scheikundig element" = chemical element (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot
chemisch etsen = chemical etching
chemisch gecrosslinked = chemically crosslinked
Chemisch gewijzigde vetten en oliën = Chemically-modified fats and oils
chemisch glanzend = chemical bright dip
chemisch onderzoek = chemical research
chemisch ongeval = chemical accident
chemisch polijstbad = chemical polishing bath
chemisch polijsten = chemical polishing
chemisch procédé = chemical process
chemisch proces = chemical process
chemisch product = chemical product
chemisch reinigen = dry cleaning
chemisch reinigen = dryclean
chemisch reinigen = dry clean
chemisch reinigen = chemical cleaning
chemisch reinigingsbedrijf = Dry cleaning services
chemisch risico = chemical risk
chemisch schoon = chemically clean
chemisch stabiel = chemically stable
chemisch vergulden = electroless gold plating
chemisch vernikkelen = electroless nickel plating
chemisch verwant = chemically related
chemisch wapen = chemical weapon
chemisch zout = chemical salt
chemisch zuiver = chemically pure
Chemisch Zuurstof Verbruik = COD‚ chemical oxygen demand
chemisch zuurstofverbruik = chemical oxygen demand
chemisch zuurstofverbruik (COD) = chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Chemische = Chemical
chemische aantasting = chemical staining
Chemische additieven = Chemical additives
chemische adsorptie = chemisorption
chemische afvalstoffenopslag/kca-depot = Chemical waste storage/household hazardous waste storage
chemische alcohol = chemical alcohol
Chemische Analyse = Chemical Analysis
chemische analysen = chemical analysis
chemische analyses = chemical analysis services
chemische basisindustrie = raw chemical industry
chemische behandeling = chemical treatment
chemische behandeling van afval = chemical treatment of waste
chemische belastbaarheid = chemical resistance
Chemische bescherming = Protective sheath
chemische bestendigheid bij hoge temperaturen = chemical resistance at high temperatures
Chemische bestendigheid tegen = Chemical resistance to
Chemische bestendigheid tegen dooizouten en verontreiningen = Chemical resistance to thawing salts and contaminants
chemische bestrijding = chemical pest control
chemische binding = chemical bond
Chemische binding = Chemical bound
chemische component = chemical component
chemische componenten = chemical components
chemische condensator = chemical capacitor
Chemische contraceptiva = Chemical contraceptives
chemische corrosiekracht = chemical corrosivity
chemische depositie = chemical deposition
chemische eigenschappen = chemical property
chemische eigenschappen = chemical properties
chemische elementen (en hun verbindingen) = chemical element
Chemische elementen in schijfjes = Chemical elements in disc form
"Chemische elementen, anorganische zuren en verbindingen" = "Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds"
chemische en fysische eigenschappen = chemical and physical properties
chemische en fysische reacties = chemical and physical reactions
chemische en mechanische eigenschappen = chemical and mechanical properties
chemische fabriek = chemical plant
chemische fall-out = chemical fallout
chemische formule = chemical formula
Chemische fosfaathoudende meststoffen = Chemical phosphatic fertilisers
Chemische Fysica = Chemical Physics
chemische gevaren = chemical hazards
Chemische groep = Group (periodic table)
chemische grondstabilisatie = chemical soil stabilization
chemische grondstoffen en chemicali#ngroothandel = Chemical raw materials and chemicals wholesalers
chemische grondstoffenindustrie = Chemical raw materials industry
chemische hervorming = chemical conversion
chemische industrie = chemical industry
chemische installatie = chemical installation
chemische invloeden van buitenaf = external chemical influences
chemische kantoorbenodigdheden-fabrieken = Chemical office supplies industry
chemische machines en apparaten = chemical machines and apparatus
chemische meststof = chemical fertiliser
Chemische mineralen = Chemical minerals
chemische naam = chemical name
chemische oceanografie = chemical oceanography
chemische ontbinding = chemical degradation
chemische ontsmetting = chemical decontamination
chemische preparaten voor farmaceutisch gebruik = chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes
chemische preparaten voor medisch gebruik = chemical preparations for medical purposes
chemische processen = chemical process
chemische producten = chemicals
Chemische producten = Chemical products
chemische producten = chemical preparations
chemische producten = chemical products
chemische producten en gevaarlijke stoffen = chemicals and hazardous substances
chemische producten voor de hygiëne = chemical preparations for hygiene
chemische producten voor de landbouw = agricultural chemicals
Chemische producten voor de landbouw = Agro-chemical products
Chemische producten voor de olie- en gasindustrie = Chemical products for the oil and gas industry
chemische producten voor de verwerkende industrie = chemicals used in processing industries
chemische producten voor fotografische doeleinden = chemicals used in photography
chemische producten voor gebruik in de medische = chemical products for use in medical science
chemische producten voor gebruik in land- en tuinbouw = chemical products for use in agriculture and horticulture
chemische producten voor het conserveren van voedingsmiddelen = chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs
chemische producten voor industriële doeleinden = chemical products for use in industry
"chemische producten voor industriële doeleinden, kleefstoffen voor indus" = "chemicals for industrial purposes, adhesives for industrial purposes"
chemische producten voor industriële en landbouwkundige doeleinden = chemicals used in industry and agriculture
chemische producten voor industriële en wetenschappelijke doeleinden = chemicals used in industry and science
"chemische producten voor industriële, land-, tuin- en bosbouwkundige doe" = "chemicals used in industry, agriculture, horticulture and"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agricu"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agricu"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke en fotografische" = "chemicals used in industry, science and photography"
"chemische producten voor industriële, wetenschappelijke, land-, tuin- en" = "chemicals used in industry, science, agriculture, horticulture and forest"
"chemische producten voor land-, tuin- en bosbouwkundige doeleinden" = "chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry"
chemische producten voor wetenschappelijke doeleinden = chemical preparations for scientific purposes
chemische productoplossing = chemical product solution
chemische productoplossingen = chemical product solutions
Chemische reactie = Chemical reaction
chemische reacties = chemical reaction
chemische reactiviteit = chemical reactivity
chemische reactor = chemical reactor
chemische reactoren = chemical reactors
"chemische reactoren, bijvoorbeeld chemische reactoren" = chemical reactors with multiple parallel channels
chemische reagentia = chemical reagents
chemische reagentia voor medisch of diergeneeskundig gebruik = chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes
chemische reductie = chemical reduction
chemische resistentie = chemical resistance
chemische risico’s = chemical risks
chemische samenstelling = chemical composition
chemische samenstelling van voedingsmiddelen = chemical composition of foods
chemische samenstellingen voor het solderen = soldering chemicals
chemische sensor = chemical sensor
chemische stabilisatoren = chemical stabilisers
Chemische stabiliteit = Chemical stability
chemische stof die in een lidstaat verboden of aan strenge beperkingen on = chemical banned or severely restricted by a Member State
chemische stoffen = chemical substances
chemische structuur = chemical structure
Chemische technologie = Chemical engineering
Chemische Technologie = Chemical Technology
Chemische Technologie (bacheloropleiding) = Chemical Engineering
Chemische Technologie en Informatica = Chemical Engineering and Computer Science
chemische toestellen en instrumenten = chemistry apparatus and instruments
chemische toevoeging = chemical addition
Chemische toiletten = Chemical toilets
Chemische verbinding = Chemical compound
chemische verbinding = compound
chemische verbindingen = chemical compounds
chemische verontreinigende stof = chemical pollutant
chemische verontreiniging = chemical contamination
chemische verontreiniging = chemical pollution
chemische ververij = Chemical dyeing services
chemische vervuiling = chemical contamination
chemische vervuiling = chemical pollution
chemische verwering = chemical weathering
chemische vloeistoffen = liquid chemicals
chemische voorbehandeling = chemical pre-treatment
Chemische wapens = Chemical warfare
chemische wasserij/stomerij = Dry cleaning services
Chemische weerstand en slagvast = Chemical and impact resistant
chemische zuurstofbehoefte = chemical oxigen demand (COD)
chemische zuurstofverbruik = chemical oxygen demand
chemische-stoffenbeleid = chemical substances policy
chemisch-fysische reacties = chemical/physical reactions
Chemischreiniging = Dry-cleaning
Chemistry and Biotechnology = Chemistry and Biotechnology
Chemnitz = Chemnitz
"chemo-, chemie-, scheikundig" = chemistry (as modifier: relating to or using chemistry)
"chemokuur {f}, chemotherapie" = chemotherapy (chemical treatment intended to be therapeutic with respect 
"chemokuur {f}, chemotherapie" = chemotherapy (chemical treatment to kill or halt the replication and/or s
chemoradiatie = chemoradiation
Chemoreceptor = Chemoreceptor
Chemotherapeuticum = Chemotherapeutic
Chemotherapie = Chemotherapy
ChemSpider = ChemSpider database
chenille = chenille
chenille garen = chenille yarn
chenille garens = chenille yarns
chenillegaren = chenille
chenodeoxycholzuur = chenodeoxycholate
Cheque = Check
cheque = cheque
cheque {de} = cheque [Br.]
cheque {de} = check [Am.]
cheque aantoonder = bearer
Cheque- en girodiensten = Clearing services
cheque onder gewoon voorbehoud = negotiated cheque
cheque waarvan de betaling is opgehouden = stopped cheque
cheque-afschrijving = cheque clearing
chequeboeken = cheque books
chequeboeketuis = cheque book cases
chequeboekje = cheque-book
Chequeboekje = Chequebook
chequedatum = check date
Chequeformulieren = Cheque forms
cheque-loze maatschappij = chequeless society
chequenummer = check number
chequepassen = cheque cards
chequeregister = check register
cheques = cheques
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = collectible
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = encashable
cheques aan een bank ter incasso geven = to pay in cheques to a bank
Cher = Dear
Cherimoya = Anona
Cherimoya = Custard-apple
cheringgarens = warp yarns
Chernov's gezichten = Chernoff's faces
Chernov-Savage theorema = Chernoff-Savage theorems
Cherubijn = Cherub
Cheshire = Cheshire
Chess Titans = Chess Titans
chest pain = pijn op de borst
Chester A. Arthur = Chester A. Arthur
Chevet = Bedside
Chevet = Bed head
Chevet = Chevet
Chevet = Head of bed
chevet (in kathedraal) = chevet
cheviotwol = cheviot wool
Chevron = Rafter
Chevron = Chevron
chevron / keper / visgraat (balk in vorm van omgekeerde V) = chevron
Cheyenne (Wyoming) = Cheyenne
chi = chi-statistic
chi = chi
Chi (letter) = Chi (letter)
Chiang Kai-shek = Chiang Kai-shek
Chic = Nifty
Chic = Flossy
chic = chic
Chic = Stylish
Chic = Fancy
"chic, bekakt [pejorative]" = "posh {adj} (Stylish, elegant, exclusive)"
Chicago = Chicago
Chicago school = Chicago school
chicane = chicane
chicane = baffle
Chickenpox = Varicella
Chickenpox = Chickenpox
Chief Data Officer = CDO
Chief Data Officer = Chief Data Officer
chief design officer = chief design officer
chief designer = Chief Designer
Chief Executive Officer = Chairman and managing director
Chief Executive Officer = Chief executive officer
Chief Financial Officer = Chief Financial Officer
Chief Innovation = Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)
Chief Operational Officer = Chief Operational Officer
chi-grafiek = chi-plot
Chihuahua = Chihuahua
Chihuahua (staat) = Chihuahua
chi-kwadraat (toetsingsgrootheid) = chi-squared statistic
chi-kwadraat trend test volgens Armitage = Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
chi-kwadraat-afstandsmaat = chi-squared metric
chi-kwadraatproef = Chi-square test
Chi-kwadraattoets = Chi-squaretest
chi-kwadraattoets = chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-toets onder restricties volgens Neyman = restricted chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-toets van Pearson = Pearson chi-squared test
chi-kwadraat-verdeling = chi-squared distribution
chi-kwadraten-verdeling met drie vrijheidsgraden = Maxwell distribution
child victims of human trafficking = minderjarige slachtoffers van mensenhandel
Children & Youth = Children & Youth
Children of God = Family
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act = Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
Chileen = Chilean
Chileens = Chilean
Chileense = Chilean
Chileense = Chilean woman
Chili = Chile
chili = chili
Chili {het} = Chile
Chiliarend = Chilean eagle
Chiliflamingo = Chilean flamingo
Chilipeper = Mustard
Chilipeper = Chili
Chilipeper = Chilli ¤
Chilipeper = Pimento
chilisaus = chilli sauce
Chimaera = Chimera
Chimaera (mythologie) = Chimera (mythology)
Chimborazo (vulkaan) = Chimborazo (volcano)
Chimera = Chimera
chimney = chimney
chimpansee = chimpanzee
chimpansee {de} = chimpanzee
Chimpansees = Chimpanzee
China = People's Republic of China
China = China
China {het} = China
chinaklei {de} = china clay
chinaklei {de} = kaolin
chinchilla = chinchilla
chiné = chene
Chinees = Chinese
Chinees {de} = Chinaman [pej.]
chinees {de} [omg.] = Chinese restaurant
Chinees {de} [persoon] = Chinese
Chinees {het} = Chinese
Chinees DomeinNaam Consortium = CDNC
Chinees DomeinNaam Consortium = Chinese Domain Name Consortium
Chinees klokje = forsythia
Chinees Nieuwjaar = Chinese New Year
Chinees papier = China
Chinees porselein = China
Chinese = Chinese
Chinese {de} = Chinese [female]
Chinese gekuifde naakthond = Chinese Crested Dog (Chinese Crested Dog)
Chinese houtolie = China wood oil
Chinese kamer = Chinese room
Chinese kool = Chinese cabbage
Chinese Muur = Great Wall of China
chinese producten = products destined for China
Chinese taal = Chinese
Chinezen {mv} = Chinese {pl}
Chinoiserie = Monkey trick
chinoline = quinoline
chinoline = quinolin
chinoline geel = quinoline yellow
Chinomethionaat = Chinomethionate
Chios (eiland) = Chios
Chip = Chip
chip = integrated circuit
chip fabricatie = chip manufacturing
chip- of vlokvorm = chip or flake form
Chipcard = Chip card
chipcode = chip code
chipcondensator = chip capacitor
chipindustrie = semiconductor industry
chipkaart / chipknip = chip card
Chipkaarten = Cards containing integrated circuits
Chipknip = Chipcard
chipknip = smart card
chipmachine = chip-making machine
chipmachinefabrikant = photolithography equipment manufacturer
chipmunk = chipmunk
Chips = Crisps
chips = potato chips
chips {mv} = crisps [esp Br.]
chips {mv} = chips [esp. Am.]
chips {mv} = potato chips [Am.]
Chipset = Chipset
chipset = chip set
CHIPS-regeling = CHIPS control
chiptechnologie = chip technology
chipweerstand = chip resistor
"chirale verbindingen, alle voor gebruik bij de vervaardiging van wetensch" = chiral compounds all for use in the manufacture of scientific and pharmac
chirografair = unsecured
Chiron = Chiron
Chiropedie = Podiatry
chirurg = surgeon
chirurg {de} = surgeon
chirurgen = surgeons
chirurgen in opleiding = trainee surgeons
chirurgie = surgery
chirurgie om de infertiliteit te corrigeren = infertility operation
chirurgie om de infertiliteit te corrigeren = surgery to restore fertility
chirurgijn = "chirurgeon, barber-surgeon"
Chirurgisch = Surgical
chirurgisch = surgical
chirurgisch (operatie-)afval = surgical waste
chirurgisch doek = surgical drape
chirurgisch doek met één mouw = surgical drape with one sleeve
chirurgisch doek met ��n mouw = surgical drape with one sleeve
chirurgisch ingreep = surgical procedure
chirurgische = surgical
chirurgische apparaten en instrumenten = surgical apparatus and instruments
chirurgische apparatuur = surgical equipment
chirurgische en medische toestellen en instrumenten = surgical and medical apparatus and instruments
chirurgische handelingen = surgical procedures
chirurgische hoogfrequentapparatuur = high-frequency surgical equipment
Chirurgische implantaten = Surgical implants
chirurgische incisie = surgical  incision
chirurgische ingreep = surgical procedure
chirurgische ingrepen = surgical procedures
chirurgische instrumenten = surgical instruments
chirurgische lakens = surgical drapes
Chirurgische laser = Surgical laser
chirurgische methode = surgical method
chirurgische operatie = surgical operation
chirurgische sponsen = surgical sponges
chirurgische toestellen = surgical apparatus
chirurgische verbanden = surgical dressings
chirurgische weefsels = surgical tissues
Chirurgische ziekenhuisdiensten = Surgical hospital services
"chirurgische, medische en diergeneeskundige apparaten en instrumenten" = "surgical, medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments"
"chirurgische, medische en tandheelkundige apparaten en instrumenten" = "surgical, medical and dental apparatus and instruments"
"chirurgische, medische, tandheelkundige en diergeneeskundige toestellen e" = "surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artif"
"chirurgische, medische, tandheelkundige en diergeneeskundige toestellen e" = "surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments"
Chitine = Chitin
chi-verdeling = chi distribution
Chloasma = Chloasma
chlomethoxyfen = chlomethoxyfen
Chloor = Chlorine
chloor = chloro
Chloor (totaal) = Chlorine (total)
"Chloor (totaal, als chloride)" = "Chlorine (total, as chloride)"
Chloor (vrij) = Chlorine (free)
Chloor [Cl] (elementair) = Chlorine [Cl] (elementary)
chloor bestending = chlorine resistant
chloor en fluor = chlorine and fluorine
Chloor-4-methoxyaniline = Chloro-4-methoxyaniline
Chloorallylalcohol (CAAL) = Chloroallylalcohol (CAAL)
Chlooraniline  (som meta + para) = Chloroaniline  (total meta + para)
Chlooranilinen (overige) = Chloroanilines (others)
chlooranilinen (som) = chloroanilines (total)
Chloorbenzenen (som) = Chlorobenzenes (total)
"Chloorbenzenen (som, interventiefactor)" = "Chlorobenzenes (total, intervention factor)"
"chloorbenzenen, niet vluchtig (som)" = "chlorobenzenes, not volatile (total)"
Chloorbenzilaat = Chlorobenzilate
chloorbleekloog = sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine)
Chloorbromuron = Chlorobromuron
Chloorbufam = Chlorobufam
Chloorbutanol = Chlorobutanol
chloorbutanol = chlorobutanol
chloorcresol = chlorocresol
Chloordaan (cis + trans) = Chlordane (cis + trans)
Chloordanen (som) = chlordanes (total)
Chloordeen = Chlorodene
chloordioxide = chlorodioxide
chloordioxide = chlorine dioxide
chloorechtheid = chlorine fastness
chloorechtheid = fastness to chlorine
chloorechtheid = bleaching fastness
chloorechtheid = fastness to bleaching
chloorequivalent = chlorine equivalent
chloorethenen = chloroethylene
chloorfabriek = Chlorine industry
chloorfenol = chlorophenol
Chloorfenol (som 3 + 4) = Chlorophenol (total 3 + 4)
Chloorfenolen (som ) = Chlorophenols (total)
Chloorfenoxyzuren = Chlorophenoxy acids
Chloorfenson = Chlorfenson
Chloorfenvinfos (alfa-) = Chlorfenvinfos (alpha-)
Chloorfenvinfos (beta-) = Chlorfenvinfos (beta-)
Chloorfenvinfos-1 = Chlorfenvinfos-1
Chloorfenvinfos-2 = Chlorfenvinfos-2
Chloorfenvinphos (E+Z) = Chlorfenvinphos (E+Z)
chloorfenyl = chlorophenyl
chloorfluorkoolstof = chlorofluorocarbon
chloorfluorkoolstoffen = chlorofluorocarbons
Chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding = CFC
Chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding = chlorofluorocarbon
chloorfluorkoolwaterstoffen = hydrochlorofluorocarbons
chloorftaalim = chlorphthalim
chloorgehalte = chlorine content
chloorhoudend = chlorinated
Chloorhoudende oplosmiddelen = Chlorinated solvents
chloorhoudende reinigingsmiddel = chlorinated cleaning product
chloorhoudende reinigingsmiddelen = chlorinated cleaning products
Chloorhoudende verbindingen = Chlorinated compounds
chloorkoolwaterstoffen = chlorinated hydrocarbon
Chloormefos = Chlormefos
Chloormethaan = Chloromethane
Chloormethylfenol = Chloromethylphenol
Chloornaftaleen = Chloronaphthalene
chloornitrofen = chlornitrophen
Chloorprofam = Chlorprofam
Chloorpropylaat = Chloropropylate
Chloorpyrifos = Chlorpyrifos
Chloorpyrifos-ethyl = Chlorpyrifos-ethyl
Chloorpyrifos-methyl = Chlorpyrifos-methyl
Chloorpyrofos-ethyl = Chlorpyrofos-ethyl
Chloorpyrofos-methyl = Chlorpyrofos-methyl
chloorretentie = chlorine retention
chloorrubber = chlorinated rubber
chloorrubberverf = chlorinated rubber paint
chloorrubbervernis = chlorinated rubber lacquer
Chloorthalonil = Chlorothalonil
Chloorthiamide = Chlorothiamide
Chloorthiofos-1 = Chlorthiofos-1
Chloorthiofos-2 = Chlorthiofos-2
Chloortolueen = Chlorotoluene
Chloortolueen (totaal) = Chlorotoluene (total)
Chloortoluron = Chlorotoluron
chloortrein = chlorine train
chloortreinen = chlorine trains
chloorvezel = chlorofibre
chloorvrij = chlorine-free
chloorwaterstof = hydrogen chloride
chloorzuur = hydrochloric acid
chlor(er)en = chlorination
chloraat = chlorate
Chloramben = Chloramben
Chloranil = Chloranil
Chloraten = Chlorates
Chlorbenside = Chlorbenside
Chloreertoestellen = Chlorinators
chloreren = chlorination
chloreren = to chlorinate
chloreren = chlorinate
chlorering = chlorination
Chloridazon = Chloridazon
chloride = chloride
Chloride (na filtratie) = Chloride (after filtration)
chloride ionen = chloride ion
Chloride na LS10 = Chloride after LS10
chloride zout = chloride salt
chloride zouten = chloride salts
chloridegehalte = chloride content
Chloriden = Chlorides
chloridezout = chloride salt
chloriet = chlorite
chlorigzuur = chlorous acid
chloriniteit = chlorinity
chlorocresol = chlorocresol
Chloroform = Chloroform
chloroform = chlorophorm
chloroform = chloroform
chloroformkapje = anesthetic mask
chlorofyl = chlorophyll
Chlorofyl a = Chlorophyl a
Chloroneb = Chloroneb
Chlorophyl = Chlorophyl
chlorophyllen = chlorophylls
chloroplastcel = chloroplast cell
chloropreenrubber = chloroprene rubber
chloropreenrubber (CR = chloroprene rubber (CR)
chloropreenrubber (CR) = chloroprene rubber (CR)
chloropreenrubberfabriek = Chloroprene rubber industry
chlorositeit = chlorosity
Chloroxuron = Chloroxuron
Chlorthal = Chlorthal
Chlorthiophos = Chlorthiophos
Chlozolinaat = Chlozolinate
choco prins = Fudge packer
Chocola = Cocoa
Chocola = chocolate
chocolaatjes = chocolates
"chocolaatjes, chocolade" = "chocolates, chocolate"
Chocolade = Cocoa
Chocolade = Chocolate
chocolade = chocolate
chocolade- [combining form] = chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate)
chocolade {de} = chocolate
chocolade confiserieproduct = chocolate confectionery product
chocolade confiserieproducten = chocolate confectionery products
chocolade en chocoladeproducten = chocolate and chocolate products
Chocolade en suikerwerk = Chocolate and sugar confectionery
chocolade en suikerwerk = chocolate and sugar confectionery
chocolade en suikerwerk = Cocoa
chocolade figuren = chocolate figures
chocolade gedeelte = chocolate portion
chocolade gedeelte van het confiserieproduct = chocolate part of the confectionery product
chocolade lolly’s = chocolate lollipops
chocolade massa = chocolate mass
chocolade repen = chocolate bars
"chocolade, chocoladeproducten, chocolaatjes en niet-medicinale suikerbakk" = "chocolate, chocolate products, chocolates and non-medicated confectionery"
"chocolade, sausen" = "chocolate, sauces"
"chocoladebonbon, chocolaatje, praline" = chocolate (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate)
Chocoladedrank = Drinking chocolate
chocoladedruppels = chocolate drops
chocoladedruppels of –stukjes = chocolate drops or pieces
chocoladefabriek = Chocolate industry
chocoladegedeelte = chocolate portion
chocoladekleuren = chocolate colors
chocoladekristallen = chocolate crystals
chocoladelaag = chocolate layer
chocolademelk = cocoa
Chocolademelk = Chocolate milk
chocoladeparels = chocolate pearls
chocoladeproduct = chocolate product
Chocoladeproducten = Chocolate products
chocoladeproducten = chocolate products
Chocoladerepen = Chocolate bars
chocoladesmaak = chocolate flavor
chocoladesmeersels = chocolate spreads
chocoladestukjes = chocolate pieces
chocoladetype = chocolate type
chocoladetypes = chocolate types
chocoladeverlies = chocolate loss
chocosticks = choco sticks
Choice set = Choice set
choke = choke
Choke = Starter
choke kabel verbinding = choke linkage
chokeklep spleet = choke valve gap
choken = choke
Cholangiografie = Cholangiography
Cholangitis = Cholangitis
Cholecystitis = Cholecystitis
Cholelithiasis = Cholelithiasis
Cholera = Cholera
cholera {de} = cholera
Cholereticum = Choleretic
Cholesky-ontbinding = Cholesky decomposition
Cholestase = Cholestasis
cholestatische hepatitis = cholestatic  hepatitis
Cholesterol = Cholesterol
cholesterol = cholesterol
cholesterol HDL = HDL cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins
cholesterose: het neerslaan van cholesterol op de aderwanden = cholesterol  deposition
choline = choline
choline-butyraat = choline butyrate
choline-ionen = choline ions
Cholinerg = Cholinerg
Cholinesterase remmers = Cholinesterase inhibitors
cholinezuur = cholic acid
cholyglycine = C26H43NO6
Chomarat = Chomarat
Chondriet = Chondrite
chopper = chopper
chopper = chopper resistor
chopper-gestabiliseerde versterker = chopper-stabilized amplifier
chopperkast = chopper cabinet
choppertijd = chopper time
chopperunit = chopper unit
choqueren = shock
Chordadieren = Chordata
Chordadieren = Chordate
Chordata = chordate
Chorea = Chorea
chorea fibrillaris = Morvan's chorea
Choreografie = Choreography
chorionitis = scleroderma
chorologie = chorology
Chorus = Chorus
Choux = Dead
chrestomathie = anthology
Christchurch (Nieuw-Zeeland) = Christchurch
christelijk = Christian
Christelijk basisonderwijs = Christian primary education
christelijk denken = Christian thought
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond = National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in the Netherlands (Christe
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond = National Federation of Protestant Trade Unions
christelijk perspectief = Christian perspective
Christelijke instellingen = Christian institutions
Christelijke jaarfeesten = Christian seasonal celebrations
christelijke jaartelling = Christian Era
christen = christian
christen worden = become a Christian
Christen-Democratisch Appèl {het} <CDA> = "[Dutch political party, lit. translated: Christian Democratic Appeal]"
christen-democratische partij = Christian Democratic Party
Christendom = Christianity
christenen = Christians
Christenheid = Christendom
ChristenUnie = ChristenUnie (Christian Union)
Christiaan Huygens = Christiaan Huygens
Christian Dior = Christian Dior
Christian gangsta rap = Christian gangsta rap
Christian Rap = Christian Rap
Christian Rock = Christian Rock =
Christianus Maria de Graauw = Christianus Maria de Graauw
"Christmaseiland, Kersteiland" = Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia)
Christmaseilanden = Christmas Island
Christoffel = Christopher
Christoffel Columbus = Christopher Columbus
"Christoffel, Kristof(fel)" = Christopher {prop} (a male given name)
Christopher Marlowe = Christopher Marlowe
Christus = Christ
Christus (Jezus) = Jesus
CHRM = Certified Human Resources Manager
CHRO = chief human resources officer
Chroesjtsjov = Khrushchev
chroma = chroma
Chroma key = Incrustation
Chroma key = Inlay
chromaatgeel = lead chromate
chromaatgroen = chrome green
chromadetector = chroma detector
chromakey = chroma key
chromaregelaar = chroma control(ler)
chromaregeling = chroma control
chroma-sperversterker = colour killer
chromateermiddel = chromating agent
chromateerpoeder = chromatizing powder
chromateren = to chromate
Chromatine = Chromatin
chromatisch = chromatic
Chromatische aberratie = Color fringing
chromatische aberratie = chromatic aberration
chromatische coördinaten = chromaticity coordinates
Chromatografen = Chromatographs
Chromatografie = Chromatography
chromatografietoestellen en -instrumenten = chromatography apparatus and instruments
chromatografisch kolom = chromatographic column
chromatografische = chromatographic
chromatografische analyse = chromatographic analysis
chromatografische kolom = chromatographic column
chromatografische kolom met pilaar structuren = chromatographic column with pillar structures
chromatografische kolommen = chromatographic columns
chromatografische kolommen op basis van microgefabriceerde pilaren = chromatographic columns based on microfabricated columns
Chromatografische scanners = Chromatographic scanners
chromatografische systemen = chromatographic systems
Chromatogram = chromatogram
chromavector = chroma vector
chromaversterker = chrominance amplifier
chromen = chrome
chromeren = chroma conversion coating
chrominantie = chrominance
chrominantieamplitude = chrominance amplitude
chrominantieband = chrominance band
chrominantiebeeld = chrominance image
chrominantiecomponent = chrominance component
chrominantiedemodulator = chrominance demodulator
chrominantiedetector = chrominance detector
chrominantiediscriminator = chrominance discriminator
chrominantiediscriminator = colour discriminator
chrominantiedraaggolf = chrominance carrier
chrominantie-eenheid = chrominance unit
chrominantiefilter = chrominance band-pass filter
chrominantie-fotovermenigvuldiger = chrominance photomultiplier
chrominantiehulpdraaggolf = chrominance subcarrier
chrominantiehulpdraaggolf = colour subcarrier
chrominantie-informatie = chrominance information
chrominantie-informatie = chroma information
chrominantie-ingang = chrominance input
chrominantiekanaal = chrominance channel
chrominantiekromme = chrominance curve
chrominantiemodulatie = chrominance modulation
chrominantiemodulator = chrominance modulator
chrominantieoscillator = chrominance oscillator
chrominantie-referentiesignaal = chrominance-subscriber reference
chrominantiesignaal = chrominance signal
chrominantiespectrum = chrominance spectrum
chrominantiespoor = chrominance track
chrominantietranscoder = chrominance transcoder
chrominantietrap = chrominance stage
chrominantieversterker = chrominance amplifier
chromolithografie = chromolithographie
chromoscoop = chromoscope
Chromosfeer = Chromosphere
chromosomaal = chromosomal
Chromosoom = Chromosome
chroniqueur = chronicler
Chronisch = Chronicle
chronisch = chronic
chronisch diabetisch syndroom = long-term  diabetic syndrome
chronisch hyperventilatiesyndroom = chronic  hyperventilation syndrome
chronisch misbruik = chronic abuse
chronisch obstructieve longziekte = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
chronisch obstructieve longziekten = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
chronisch probleem = chronic problem
chronisch subduraal hematoom = chronic subdural  hematoma
chronisch zieken = chronically ill people
Chronisch Zieken en Global Health = Chronic Illnesses and Global Health
chronische = chronic
chronische aandoening = chronic condition
Chronische aandoeningen = Chronic ailment
chronische ademhalingsinsufficiëntie = chronic respiratory insufficiency
chronische aquatische toxiciteit = chronic aquatic toxicity
Chronische en complexe aandoening = Chronic and complex condition
chronische eosinofilie = chronic  eosinophilic pneumonia
chronische gonorrhoe = "gleet: in gonorrhea, a thin discharge containing only small numbers of go"
chronische granulomatose = chronic  granulomatous disease
chronische hepatitis = chronic  hepatitis
chronische hoest = chronic cough
chronische hypoxie = chronic hypoxia
chronische idiopatische icterus = chronic  idiopathic jaundice
chronische intoxicatie = chronic intoxication
Chronische myeloïde leukemie = CML
Chronische myeloïde leukemie = Leukemia
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = chronic obstructive airways disease
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = COAD
chronische obstructieve luchtwegziekte (chronic obstructive airways disea = chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD)
chronische ondervoeding = chronic malnutrition
chronische procedure = chronic procedure
chronische respiratoire insufficiëntie = chronic respiratory insufficiency
chronische therapie = chronic therapy
chronische vermoeidheid = chronic  fatigue syndrome
Chronische ziekte = Chronic
chronische ziekte = chronic illness
chronische ziekten = chronic diseases
chronische ziektes = chronic diseases
chronistor = chronistor
Chronolog. = Chronological
Chronologie = Chronology
chronologisch = chronological
chronologisch omgekeerd verwerken = chronological backtracking
chronologisch overzicht = chronological list
chronologisch overzicht = chronological overview
chronologische = chronological
chronologische analyse = chronological analysis
chronologische constructievolgorde = chronological construction order
chronologische opsomming = chronological overview
chronologische volgorde = abandoned
chronologische volgorde = chronologic order
chronologische volgorde = unowned
chronometer = stopwatch
"chronometer, stopwatch" = stopwatch
chronometers = chronometers
Chronotroop = Chronotropic
Chroom = Chromium
chroom = chrome
chroom = chromium
Chroom (Cr) uitloogbaar  LS2 = Chromium (Cr) leachable  LS2
Chroom (Cr) uitloogbaar  LS8 = Chromium (Cr) leachable  LS8
Chroom (element) = Chromium
Chroom (VI) = Chromium (VI)
Chroom [Cr] = Chromium [Cr]
chroom {het} = chrome
Chroom na LS10 = Chromium after LS10
"Chroom, mangaan, kobalt, yttrium en zirkonium" = "Chromium, manganese, cobalt, yttrium and zirconium"
"Chroom-, mangaan-, magnesium-, lood- en koperoxiden en -hydroxiden" = "Chromium, manganese, magnesium, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides"
chroombad = chrome bath
Chroomdioxide = Chrome dioxide
Chroomhydroxide = Chromium hydroxide
chroomijzer = ferrochrome
chroomijzer = ferrochromium
chroomkleurstof = chrome dye
Chroomna LS10 = Chromium after LS10
chroomnikkelstaal = chromium nickel steel
Chroomnikkelstaal = Chrome-nickel-steel
Chroomoxide = Chromium oxide
chroomstaal = chromium steel
chroomvanadiumstaal = chrome vanadium steel
chroomverfstoffenfabriek = Chromium dye industry
chroomvrije = chromate-free
Chroomzool = Chrome sole
chroomzuur = chromium acid
chroomzuur = chromic acid
chroomzuuranhydride = chromium trioxide
chroomzuurbad = chromic acid dip
chroomzuurbeitsbad = chromic acid dip
chroomzuuroplossing = chromic acid solution
chroomzwavelzuur = chromic sulphuric acid
chrysant {de} = chrysanthemum
chrysantenoogstmachines = Chrysanthemum harvester
Chryseen = Chrysene
Chrysoberyl = Chrysoprase
chrysoti el = chrysotile
Chubb Fractyl Laboratories = Chubb Fractyl Laboratories
Chuck Berry = Chuck Berry
Chufu = Khufu
Chunk = Chunk
chunking = chunking
Churchill = Grand Falls
Churchill = Churchill Falls
Churchill = Churchill
Churchillkaai = Churchillkaai
churn = churn rate
churrigueresk (overdadige Spaans-barokke bouwstijl) = Churrigueresque
Chutney = Chutney
CI’s = CIs
Ciao! = Bye!
CIBG = Central Information Unit on Healthcare Professions
Ciborie = Pyx
cicade = cicada
ci-card = CI card
CICAT Bureau voor Internationale samenwerking = CICAT Management Centre for International Cooperation
Cicatrisatie = Cicatrization
Cicero = Cicero
cichorei = chicory
cichorei en cichoreimengsels = chicory and chicory mixtures
"cichorei en cichoreimengsels, allemaal als vervangingsmiddelen voor koffi" = "chicory and chicory mixtures, all for use as substitutes for"
cichoreimengsels = chicory mixtures
ciclesonide = ciclesonide
Ciconiidae = Stork
Cider = Cider
Cider en andere vruchtenwijnen = Cider and other fruit wines
cider- en vruchtenwijnenfabriek = Cider and fruit wine producers
cie = (mil.) Co/company (afkorting van: compagnie)
cie = committee
CIE witheid = CIE whiteness
cie-Frijns = Frijns Committee
cie-Goudswaard = Goudswaard Committee
CIF = Communication Infrastructure Fund (CIF
cifax = cifax
CIF-bepaling = CIF clause
cif-levering = CIF delivery
cif-prijs = cif price
cigarillo = cigarillo
cigarillo’s = cigarillos
Cigarillos = Cigarillos
CIGS-cellen = CIGS cells
CIGS-modules = CIGS modules
CIGS-paneel = CIGS panel
CI-interface = Common interface
cijfer = mark / grade (NB: grade = Am)
cijfer = mark
cijfer = cipher
cijfer = mark / grade
Cijfer = Number
cijfer = grade
cijfer = numeral
cijfer = digit
cijfer (berekend eindcijfer) = mark/final mark
cijfer (examencijfer) = "examination mark, result"
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = mark (UK)
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = niet: grade want Amerikaans)
cijfer (voor tentamen etc.) = mark
cijfer bij wijze van voorbeeld = analytical procedure(s)
cijfer bij wijze van voorbeeld = notional figure
"cijfer, punt" = "mark (Br), mark, grade (Am)"
cijferanalyse = analytical review
cijferanalyse = analytical procedure
cijferanalyses = analytical reviews
Cijfer-assortiment = Number assortment
cijferbeoordeeling = analytical review (procedure)
cijferblok = numeric keypad
cijferbriefje = marks sheet
Cijfercode = Numeric code
cijfercode = numerical code
cijfercode = number code
cijfercultuur = culture of assessment
Cijferen = Calculate
cijferen = arithmetic
cijfergedeelte = body (of edit word)
cijfergegevens = figures
cijfergenerator = selective digit emitter
Cijfergrootte = Size of figures
cijferimpuls = digit pulse
cijferklok = digital clock
cijferkunst = arithmetic
cijferlijst = "(niet: list of grades, want Amerikaans)"
cijferlijst = list of marks (UK)
cijferlijst = list of marks
cijferlijst = transcript
cijfermateriaal = data
cijfermatig (goed) onderlegd zijn = being good at figures
Cijfermatig en analytisch = Numerical and analytical
Cijfermatig en analytisch inzicht = Numerical and analytical skills
cijfermatige gegevens = numerical data
cijfermatige onderbouwing = metrics
cijfermatige onderbouwing = supporting figures
cijferopstellingen = financial statements
cijferperiode = digit period
cijferplaats = digit position
cijferplaatsimpuls = commutator pulse
cijferpositie = digit position
cijferpositievertrager = digit delay element
Cijferreeks = Number sequence
Cijferreeksen = Number sequences
cijferregistratie = registration of marks
Cijferregistratiesysteem Osiris = Osiris electronic mark-registration system
cijfers = figures
cijfers = ciphers
cijfers = grades
cijfers = numbers
cijfers per aandeel corrigeren = adjust figures per share
cijfers per aandeel corrigeren = restate figures per share
cijfers van Bank of America = figures from Bank of America
Cijfers van CBS = Figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cijfers van het CBS = Figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
cijferschrift = chipher
cijferschrift = code
cijferschriften = codes
cijferschriften = chiphers
cijferscore = numerical grade
cijferscores = numerical grades
cijferselectie = digit selection
cijferteken = digit
cijfertijd = digit time
cijfertoekenning = marking
Cijfertoets = Number key
cijfertoets = numeric key
cijferwijziging = figure change
cijferwoord = numeric word
cijns = tribute
CIL = Critical Items List
cil = cyl
Cil = Cyl
cil hx = cyl hx
Cil. = Cyl.
Cilinder = Cylinder (geometry)
Cilinder = Cylinder
cilinder = cyl.
cilinder = cylinder
cilinder (b.v. van cilinderslot) = cylinder
cilinder / loop = cylinder barrel
cilinder {de} = cylinder
Cilinder en ventiel = Cylinder and valve
Cilinder glad = Cylinder plain
cilinder hartlijn = cylinder centre line
Cilinder met kartel = Cylinder with knurl
cilinder met koelribben = finned cylinder
cilinder met voldoende inhoud = sufficiently full cylinder
Cilinder met zeskant = Cylinder hexagon
cilinder slot = lock barrel
cilinder voering = cylinder barrel
"Cilinder, schroefdraad" = "Cylinder, screw-thread"
cilinderafsluiter = cylinder valve
Cilinderafwerking ( Afwerking = ) = Cylinder finish (Finish=)
cilinderas = cylinder axis
cilinderas = cylindrical shaft
cilinderblok = cylinder block
cilinderblok = cylinder body
cilinderboor = taper drill bit
cilinderboring / diameter = cylinder bore
cilinderbout = cylinder head bolt
cilinderbus = cylinder liner (sleeve)
cilindercoördinaten = cylindric coordinates
cilinderdiagram = cylinder chart
cilinderdrukmeter = cylinder pressure gauge
cilinderhuis (van slot) = cylinder case
cilinderinformatie = cylinder information
cilinderinhoud = swept volume
Cilinderinhoud = Cubic capacity
cilinderinhoud = cylinder capacity
cilinder-insteekmeerpuntsslot = insertable multipoint cilinder lock
cilinderkop = cylinder head
cilinderkopbout = cylinder head bolt
cilinderkoppakking = cylinder head gasket
cilinderkopschroef = cheese-head screw
cilinderlager = cylindrical bearing
Cilinderlengte ( Lengte = A) = Cylinder length (Length A=)
Cilinderlengte ( Lengte = A/ Lengte = B) = Cylinder length (Length A=/Length B=)
cilindermachine = cylinder press
cilindermachine = automatic cylinder press
cilindermantel = cylinder jacket
cilindermantel = cylindrical shell
cilinderrollager = cylindrical roller bearing
cilinders = cylinders
Cilinders controleren op = Cylinders checked for
Cilinders controleren op luchtlekkage = Cylinders checked for air leaks
Cilinders kunnen ook op temperatuur gebracht worden door ze te verwarmen  = Cylinders can also be warmed up by heating them in a tub of warm water.
Cilinders optilbeveiliging controleren = Check cylinder lifting protection
Cilinders zonder gasafnameventiel worden aangeduid als standaardcilinders = Cylinders without a vapour valve are referred to as standard cylinders or
cilinderschuif = cylinder gate
cilinderslot = cylinder lock
Cilinderslotvergrendeling voor schakelaar = Cylinder lock for switch
cilinderstift = dowel pin
cilindervoering = cylinder lining
cilindervoering = cylinder liner
cilindervoeringflens = cylinder liner flange
cilindervorm = cylinder shape
cilindervormig = cylindrical
cilindervormig deel = cylindrical portion
cilindervormig kanaal = cylindrical channel
cilindervormig lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindervormig of kegelvormig = cylindrical or conical
cilindervormig of kegelvormig volume = cylindrical or conical volume
cilindervormig of vierkantig = cylindrical or square
cilindervormig substraat = cylindrical substrate
cilindervormig verbruiksdoel = cylindrical consumable target
cilindervormige = cylindrical
cilindervormige binnenwand = cylindrical inner wall
cilindervormige binnenwand met schroefdraad = cylindrical threaded inner wall
cilindervormige lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindervormige mantel = cylindrical shell
cilindervormige trommel = cylindrical drum
cilindervormige trommels = cylindrical drums
cilindervormige uitsteeksel = cylindrical projection
cilindrisch = cylindrical
cilindrisch coördinatenstelsel = cylindrical coordinate system
cilindrisch lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindrisch lichaam van een inbouwarmatuur = cylindrical body of a recessed luminaire
Cilindrisch met schroefdraad = Cylinder with screw-thread
cilindrisch reactorvat = cylindrical reactor vessel
cilindrisch verbruiksdoel = cylindrical consumable target
Cilindrisch zonder schroefdraad = Cylinder without screw-thread
"cilindrisch, cilindervormig" = cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder)
cilindrisch-conische = cylindrically-conical
cilindrisch-conische fermentatietank = cylindrically-conical fermentation tank
cilindrisch-conische fermentatietank = CCT
cilindrische aandrukmiddel = cylindrical pressing means
cilindrische buitengeometrie = cylindrical outer geometry
cilindrische geometrie = cylindrical geometry
cilindrische golf = cylindrical wave
cilindrische golfpijp = cylindrical waveguide
cilindrische holte = cylindrical cavity
cilindrische huls = cylindrical sleeve
Cilindrische insteekas = Cylindrical plug-in axle
cilindrische lichaam = cylindrical body
cilindrische mantel = cylindrical shell
cilindrische of conische vorm = cylindrical or conical shape
cilindrische of conische vorm van de eerste holte = cylindrical or conical shape of the first cavity
cilindrische pennen = cylindrical pins
cilindrische reactiekamer = cylindrical reaction chamber
cilindrische robot = cylindrical robot
cilindrische sputtertarget = cylindrical sputtering target
cilindrische sputtertarget met een veelheid van on-line regelbare magnete = cylindrical sputtering target having a plurality of online-adjustable mag
cilindrische sputtertarget met een veelheid van on-line regelbare magnete = cylindrical sputtering target having a plurality of online-adjustable mag
cilindrische sputter-targets = cylindrical sputtering targe
cilindrische stang = cylindrical rod
cilindrische targets = cylindrical targets
cilindrisch-gekromd = cylindrically curved
Cim Data Base = CIM DATABASE
CIM Object Manager = CIM Object Manager
CIM Object Manager-opslagplaats = CIM Object Manager repository
CIM-applicatie = CIM application
CIM-architectuur = CIM architecture
cimbaal = cymbal
CIM-beeld = CIM view
CIM-domein = CIM domain
CIM-gegevens = CIM data
CIMO = Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
CIM-product = CIM product
CIM-schema = CIM schema
CIM-systeem = CIM system
CIM-vrijgave = CIM release
Cinch = Cinch
cindynica = cindynics
Cineast = Film director
Cineast = Filmmaker
Cineast = Film maker
Cineast = Movie maker
cine-camera = cine camera
cinefilm = cine film
Cinema = Cinema
cinema {de} = cinema
cinema-apparatuur = cine projector
cinemaprojector = cinema projector
cinemascope = CinemaScope
Cinematografie = Cinema
cinematografische apparaten en instrumenten = cinematographic apparatus and instruments
cinematografische en fotografische films = cinematographic and photographic films
cinematografische film = cinematographic film
cinematografische film (belicht) = cinematographic film (exposed)
cinematografische films = cinematographic films
cinematografische films en videofilms = cinematographic films and video films
cinematografische films gereed voor vertoning = cinematographic films prepared for exhibition
Cinematografische werken die deel uitmaken van hun audiovisuele erfgoed = Cinematographic works forming part of their audiovisual heritage
cinidon-ethyl = "ethyl (Z)-2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-(1,3-dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoindol-2-"
Cinnaber = Cinnabar
CINOP = Centre for the Innovation of Education and Training
CIO Platform Nederland = CIO Platform Netherlands
cionnection = connection
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy (Centrum Inform
CIP = Centre for Information Security and Protection of Privacy (CIP)
CIP = Clean-in-Place
CIP = clean-in-place
CIP (Cleaning in place) reinigingssysteem = CIP (clean-in-place) cleaning system
CIP controleplan 2010 - resultaten reeds uitgevoerde controles.pdf = CIP control plan 2010 - results of already carried out inspections.pdf
CIP pneumatische kleppen = CIP pneumatic valves
CIP proces = CIP process
CIP water = CIP water
CIP watercircuit = CIP water circuit
ciphony = ciphony
ciphonycommunicatiesysteem = ciphony communication system
Cipier = Gaoler
Cipier = Jailer
cipier = prison guard
Cipoletti meetstuw = Cipoletti measuring weir
Cipres = Cypress
cipres = cypres
Cipresfamilie = Cupressaceae
cir (committed information rate) = cir
cir (committed information rate) = committed information rate (cir)
ciraet = ornament (sieraad)
circa = "circa {prep} (approximately, about)"
circa = around
circa = approximately
circa = approximately: approx.
Circa = Circa
circa = about
circa = approx.
circa <ca.> = approximately
"circa, ca" = "approximately, app."
Circassië = Circassia
Circe = Circe
circelzaag = circular saw
circuit = circuit
circuit (elektra) = circuit
circuit LT-verwarming = low temperature heating circuit
circuit met een directe ingang = direct-input circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke afvoer(elektrode) = common-drain circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke basis = common-base circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke collector = common-collector circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke emitter = common-emitter circuit
circuit met gemeenschappelijke kathode = common-cathode circuit
Circuit Monitoring Systeem = Circuit Monitoring System
circuit van parallel-series = parallel-series circuit
circuit verdeler = circuit distributor
circuit voor exclusief gebruik = allocated-use circuit
circuitanalyse = circuit analysis
circuitanalyse bij omstandigheden in het slechtste geval = worst-case circuit analysis
circuitbelasting = circuit load
circuitbescherming = circuit protection
circuitbetrouwbaarheid = circuit reliability
circuitcapacitantie = circuit capacitance
circuitcapaciteit = circuit capacity
circuitcomponent = circuit component
circuitconstructie = circuit construction
circuitdiscipline = circuit discipline
circuitefficiëntie = circuit efficiency
circuitelement = circuit element
circuitfout = circuit fault
circuitgat = circuit hole
circuitgeschakeld netwerk = circuit-switched network
circuitgeschakeld verkeer = circuit switching
circuitgeschakelde gegevensoverdrachtsservice = circuit-switched data transmission service
circuitgeschakelde verbinding = circuit-switched connection
circuitlog = circuit log
circuitonwerp = circuit engineering
circuitparameter = circuit parameter
circuitrestoratie = circuit restoration
circuitruis = circuit noise
circuitschakelcentrum = circuit switching center: CSC
circuitschakeleenheid = circuit switching unit: CSU
circuitschakelen en pakketschakelen = circuit and packet switching
circuitschakeling = circuit switching
circuitsynthese = circuit synthesis
circuittester = circuit tester
circuitunit = circuit unit
circulair = circular
circulair materieelgebruik = circular material flows
circulair ontwerp = circular design
circulair tripel = circular triad
Circulaire = Circular
circulaire aftasting = circular scan
circulaire economie = circular economy
circulaire interpolatie = circular interpolation
circulaire normale verdeling = circular normal distribution
Circulaire reacties = Circular reactions
circulaires = circulars
circulant = circulator
Circulariteit = Circularity
Circulatie = Distribution
Circulatie = Traffic
Circulatie = Flow
Circulatie = Circulation
circulatie in de fermentatietank = circulation in the fermentation tank
circulatie logbestanden = log file rotation utilities
circulatie-/luchtafvoerbedrijf = outdoor air operation
Circulatie-aansluiting = Circulation connection
Circulatiebank = Bank of issue
circulatiebedrijf = recirculating air operation
circulatieblok = circulation area
circulatiecondities = circulation conditions
circulatie-hypoxemie = stagnant  hypoxia
circulatie-hypoxemie = circulatory  hypoxemia
circulatie-hypoxemie = circulatory hypoxia
circulatieklep = louvred vent (recirculating air)
circulatielucht = recirculating air
circulatiemaatregelen = Circulation measures
Circulatiemunten in euro = Euro circulation coins
Circulatie-omkeer = Circulation reversal
circulatieplan = circulation plan
circulatiepomp = circulating pomp
Circulatiepomp = Circulation pump
circulatiepomp = circulating pump
circulatieregister = circulating register
circulatiestromen = circulation routes
circulatiestromen = airflows
Circulatieventilator = Air circulation ventilator
Circuleren = Circulate
Circuleren = Flow
circuleren = be about
circulerend = about
circulerende bladontdooiing = air blade heating system
circulerende bladverwarming = air blade heating system
circulerende immuuncomplex = circulating  immune complex
Circumcisie = Circumcision
circumfix = circumfix
circumflex = circumflex
Circus = Circus
Circus = Cirque
Circus = Corrie
Circus = Antics
Circus (cultuur) = Circus
Circusdiensten = Circus services
circusvoorstellingen = circus performances
cirkel = circle
cirkel {de} = circle
cirkel van lagerkogels = bearing race
cirkel van Mohr = Mohr's circle
cirkelboog = arc of circle
cirkelboog = circular arc
cirkelboogvormig = arc-shaped
cirkelboogvormige = arc-shaped
cirkelboogvormige dwarsdoorsnede = arc-shaped cross section
Cirkeldiagram = Pie chart
cirkeldiagram = pie chart
cirkeldiagram met uitgelichte segmenten = exploded pie chart
cirkelhistogram = circular histogram
cirkelhistogram = polar wedge diagram
cirkelhistogram = rose diagram
cirkelomtrek = circumference
Cirkelomtrek = Girth
cirkelredeneringen = circular arguments
cirkels = circles
cirkelschaar = rotary shears
cirkelstuw = circular weir
cirkel-van-cirkeldiagram = pie of pie chart
cirkelvorm = circular shape
cirkelvormig = circular
cirkelvormig = circular
cirkelvormig (als vlak) = orbicular
Cirkelvormig flexproces = Circular Bending Process
cirkelvormig fundament = circular foundation
cirkelvormig lichaam = circular body
cirkelvormig oppervlak = circular surface
cirkelvormig paneel = circular panel
cirkelvormig profiel = circular profile
cirkelvormig spoor = circular track
cirkelvormige = circular
cirkelvormige baan = circular path
cirkelvormige behuizing = circular housing
cirkelvormige bodemplaat = circular bottom plate
cirkelvormige cellen = circular cells
cirkelvormige doorsnede = circular cross-section
cirkelvormige dwarsdoorsnede = circular cross-section
cirkelvormige dwarsdoorsnede = circular cross section
cirkelvormige element = circular element
Cirkelvormige en gekruiste Bloch lijnen = Circular and cross Bloch lines
cirkelvormige gat = circular hole
cirkelvormige groef = circular groove
cirkelvormige meetstuw = circular measuring weir
cirkelvormige omtrek = circular circumference
cirkelvormige opening = circular opening
cirkelvormige stuw = circular weir
cirkelvormige verhoging = circular elevation
cirkelvormige verhoging of rib = circular elevation or rib
cirkelzaag = circular saw
cirkelzaag = circular power saw
cirkelzaag die met water is afgekoeld = water-cooled circular saw
cirkelzaag(blad) = rotary saw
"cirkelzaag, afgekoeld met water" = water-cooled circular saw
cirkelzaagblad = circular saw blade
cirkelzaaghulpstuk = circular saw attachment
Cirkelzaagmachine (accu) = Chop saw (battery)
cirkulatiepomp = circulation pump
Cirque du Soleil = Cirque du Soleil
cirrestor = pump-oxygenator
cirrhosis hepatica hypertrophica met chronische icterus = Hanot disease
Cirrocumulus = Cirrocumulus
Cirrose = Cirrhosis
cirrose na hepatitis = post-  hepatitic cirrhosis
Cirrostratus = Cirrostratus
cirrus = cirrus
CIS = Centre for International Cooperation
CIS 2-transmissiemechanisme = CIS 2 transmission mechanism
"cis-1,2-Dichlooretheen" = "cis-1,2-Dichloroethene"
"cis-1,3-Dichloorpropeen" = "cis-1,3-Dichloropropene"
cis-Chloordaan = cis-Chlordane
CISG = Vienna Sales Convention
CISG = Vienna Sales Convention (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the I
cis-Heptachloorepoxide = cis-Heptachloroepoxide
Cis-Jordaanse kwestie = West Bank question
cis-Nonachloor = cis-Nonachlor
CISO = Corporate Information Security Office
CISO = chief information security officer (CISO)
CISOs = chief information security officers (CISOs)
"cisterne, waterreservoir" = cistern (a reservoir for holding water)
Citaat = Award
Citaat = Quotation
Citaat = Citation
citaat = quote
citaat {het} = citation
citaat {het} = quotation [citation]
citaat {het} = quote
"citaat, (tekst)aanhaling" = quote (a statement attributed to someone else)
Citadel = Citadel
citaten = quotations
citatie-index = citation index
citaties = citations
citatiescore = citation score
citeert = quoting
citeertitel = short title
Citer = Zither
Citer = Cithara
Citeren = Quote
citeren = cite
citerne = tank
CITO = ?
cito = at once 
cito = immediately 
cito = on the spot
cito = quickly
cito = stat
citraconzuur = citraconic acid
citraconzuur = Citraconic acid
citranaxanthine = citranaxanthin
Citrien = Citrin
Citrien = Citrine
citrix = Citrix
Citrix-omgeving = Citrix environment
Citroen = Lime-tree
Citroen = Lemon-tree
Citroen = Lemon tree
Citroen = Citron-tree
Citroen = Lemon
citroen = lemon
Citroën = Citroën
Citroen (vrucht) = Lemon
citroenboom = lemon-tree
citroenen = lemons
citroengeel = citrine
citroen-gembersaus = lemon-ginger sauce
Citroengras = Southernwood
Citroenmarmelade = Lemon marmalade
Citroenmelisse = Lemon balm
citroenmelisse = lemon balm
"citroenmelisse, citronella, bijenkruid,vrouwenkruid" = lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
citroenpers = citrus fruit squeezer
Citroensap = Lemon juice
citroensap = lemon juice
citroensappoeder = lemon juice powder
citroenschil = lemon peel
citroensmaak = lemon flavor
Citroenvlinder = Lemon
Citroenzuur = Citric acid
citroenzuur = citric acid
Citroenzuurcyclus = Citric acid cycle
citrus = citrus
Citrus wolluis = Citrus mealy bug
citrusfruit = citrus fruit
citrusfruit {het} = citrus fruit
citrusfruit {het} = citrus [citrus fruit]
Citruspectine = Citrus pectin
Citruspers = Citrus press
citrussmaak = citrus flavor
Citrusvrucht = Citrus
Citrusvrucht = Citrus fruit
Citrusvruchten = Citrus fruit
City Meadow = City Meadow
Citymesh = Citymesh
CIV = Centres for Innovative Workmanship (CIW)
civette = bulb
civiel = (civil) engineering
civiel = civil-law
civiel = Civil
Civiel = civil-law
civiel = Civilian
Civiel = civil-law
civiel communicatienetwerk = civil communication network
civiel effect = (demonstrable) social impact
civiel ingenieur = civil engineer
civiel subsonisch straalvliegtuig = civil subsonic jet aeroplane
civiele aannemers = civil contractors
civiele aansprakelijkheid = civil liability
civiele beschermingsbijstand = civil protection assistance
civiele bouw = civil construction
civiele dienst = alternative service
civiele rechter = civil court
civiele samenleving = civil society
civiele satellietnavigatie- en -tijdsbepalingsdienst = Civil satellite-based navigation and timing service
civiele satellietnavigatie- en tijdsbepalingssignalen = Civil satellite-based navigation and timing signals
civiele subsonische vliegtuigen = Civil subsonic jet aeroplanes
Civiele Techniek = Civil Engineering
civiele techniek = civil engineering
"Civiele Techniek & Geowetenschappen (faculteit, afk. CiTG)" = Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG)
Civiele Techniek (bacheloropleiding) = Civil Engineering
Civiele Techniek (CiT) = Civil Engineering
Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen = Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Civiele techniek voor militaire installaties = Engineering work for military installations
Civiele techniek voor veiligheidsinstallaties = Engineering work for security installations
Civiele Technologie & Management = Civil Engineering and Management
Civiele Technologie in = Civil Engineering in Developing Countries
civiele werken = civil works
Civiele werkzaamheden = Civil engineering work
Civiele Zaken = Custodial Services
civielingenieur = civil engineer
civiel-ingenieur = civil engineer
civiel-militaire coördinatie = civil-military coordination
civielrechtelijke = civil
civielrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid = civil liability
civielrechtelijke boete = civil action
civielrechtelijke boete = civil penalty
civielrechtelijke boete = civil suit
civielrechtelijke stappen = civil action
Civieltechnisch = Civil engineering
civieltechnisch / bouwkundig werk = civil works
civieltechnische constructies = highway and hydraulic engineering
Civieltechnische en bouwwerkzaamheden = Engineering works and construction works
Civieltechnische infrastructuur = Civil engineering infrastructure
civieltechnische software = civil engineering software
"Civieltechnische werkzaamheden, met uitzondering van bruggen, tunnels, sc" = "Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts a"
Civil Engineering = civil engineering
civil law = civil law
Civiliseren = Civilized
Civiliseren = Civilize
Civilization = Civilization (computer game)
CIV-verdrag = CIV Convention
CJIB = "Central Fine Collection Agency (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, CJIB)"
CJK-vormen = CJK Strokes
C-kern = C-core
C-kern transformator = C-core transformer
C-klem aarddraad = C-clamp for round wire
ckt = ckt
CKW (som) = CHC (total)
ckWh = CkWh
cl. H = cl. H [classification H]
cladophyllum = phylloclade
claim = relinguish a claim
Claim = Claim
Claim = Pretence
Claim = Assertion
claim {de} = claim
claim op de zorgverzekering = health care insurance claim
claimafhandeling = claims processing
claimanten = claimants
Claimbewust = "claim conscious, inclined to make a claim"
claim-compatibele toepassing = claims-aware application
claim-confirmatie = claim confirmation
claimemissie met garantie van syndicaatlid = stand-by offering
claimen = to claim
claimen = claim
claimen en doorbetalen = claiming and forwarding
claimen op de verzekering = claim under the insurance policy
claimgegevens = claim data
claimproces = claims process
claims = claims
claims (third-party and otherwise) = aanspraken (van derden)
Claims evalueren en afhandelen. De reserves van elk dossier evalueren. = Evaluate and settle claims. Evaluate reserves on a case by case basis.
Claims evalueren en afhandelen. De reserves van elk dossier evalueren. Er = Evaluate and settle claims. Evaluate reserves on a case by case basis. En
claims passagiers = passenger claims
claims van derden = claims of third parties
Claimtag = Claim tag
Claimtagnummer = Claim tag number
claimtoewijzing = claim mapping
claimverwerking = claims processing
claimzaken = claims
clamcleat = Clam Cleat
Clamp = Clamp
Clamp Block Cable = Clamp Block Cable
Clamp Plate = Clamp Plate
Clamp Plate Cable = Clamp Plate Cable
Clamp ring = Clamp ring
Clamp Shaft = Clamp Shaft
Clamp spring = Clamp spring
Clamping bracket = Clamping bracket
Clamping Profile = Clamping Profile
Clamping ring = Clamping ring
clampring = clamp ring
clan = clan
clandestien = clandestinely
clandestien = hidden
clandestien = clandestine
"clandestien, heimelijk, stiekem" = "clandestinely {adv} (in a secret, covert manner)"
"clandestien, onwettig, ongeoorloofd" = clandestinely {adv} (in an illicit way)
clandestiene uitgave = secret printing
clanfamilie = clan family
clanfamilies = clan families
clapotis = clapotis
Clapp-oscillator = Clapp oscillator
Clark Gable = Clark Gable
clash of universalisms = clash of universalisms
Class 10 = Class 10
Class 20 = Class 20
Class A IP-adres = Class A IP address
Class actions = Class actions
Class B IP-adres = Class B IP address
Class C IP-adres = Class C IP address
class diagram = klassendiagram
class Kind extends Ouder = class Child extends Parent
class Ouder extends Grootouder = class Parent extends Grandparent
class PrecisieException = class PrecisionException
class SubKlasse extends SuperKlasse = class SubClass extends SuperClass
classes\com\vijfhart\cursus\Voorbeeld.class = classes\com\vijfhart\course\Example.class
classicisme = classicism
classicisme {het} = classicism
classicistisch = classical
classificatie = classification (RE 18.6.08)
classificatie = evaluation
Classificatie = Rating:
classificatie = classifier
classificatie = ranking
classificatie = rating
Classificatie = Classification
classificatie en codering = classification & coding
classificatie naar twee aspecten = two-way classification
classificatie op basis van het grondgebruik = land use classification
classificatie van de verkeersveiligheid van het wegennet = network safety ranking
classificatie van medische hulpmiddelen = classification of medical devices
classificatie van schepen = classification of ships
classificatie van schepen = proviso
classificatie van schepen = unappointable
Classificatie van SpyNet-community = SpyNet Community Rating
"classificatie, klasse" = classification
classificatiebureaus = classification societies
Classificatiedominantie = Classification dominance
classificatiegrootheid = classification statistic
classificatierol = ClassifierRole
classificaties = classifications
classificatievoorstel = classification proposal
Classification = Classification
classification and regression trees = CART
classification and regression trees = classification and regression trees
Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration = Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration
classificeerbedrijf = Ships’ tank and hold cleaning services
classificeert = classifies
classificeren = classify (to)
Classificeren = Classify
Classificeren = Classifying
classificeren = to classify
classificeren en opvolgen = classifying and tracking
classificeren van gedeelten met een hoog aantal verkeersongevallen = ranking of high accident concentration sections
classificeringsgrootheid van Wald = Wald's classification statistic
classroom = classroom
Claude Monet = Claude Monet
Claude Shannon = Claude Shannon
Claudicatie = Claudication
Claudicatio Intermittens = Claudicatio Intermittens
Claudio Monteverdi = Claudio Monteverdi
Claudius Galenus = Galen
Claudius I = Claudius
Claudius Ptolemaeus = Ptolemy
claustrofobie = claustrophobia
clausule = contract terms
Clausule = Clause
clausule met ontbindende voorwaarde = resolutive clause
clausule privé-zijn = exclusion clause
clausule tot saldering bij vroegtijdige beëindiging = close-out netting provision
clausule van afstand van verhaal = waiver of recourse clause
clausule van Horn = Horn clause
clausule van wederzijdse erkenning = mutual recognition clause
clausule-beheerssysteem = clause management system
clausuleblad = clauses schedule
clausuleblad = clauses sheet
clausules = clauses
clausuur = separation
Clavichords = Clavichords
Clavier = Keyboard
claw clamps = claw clamps
Clawback = Clawback
claxon = hooter
claxon = horn
claxon {de} = horn
claxon brandblussysteem DAFO = DAFO fire extinguisher system horn
claxonmodule = horn module
Claxonneren = Toot
Claxonneren = Hoot
claxonneren = to honk [horn]
Claxonneren = Honk
claxonneren = to sound the horn
claxonneren = to toot [horn]
claxonsignaal = horn signal
CLB = "Pupil Guidance Centre (Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding, CLB)"
CLB = Centrum voor Loonbeheer (in 1989 opgericht)
CLB = CLB Group
CLB = "CLB Group, Care for Life and Business (2010, new name)"
ClCon = ClCon
clean and redlines copies = clean and ‘redline’ copies
clean area = clean area
Clean area maken = Ensuring an area is ‘clean’
clean desk policy = clean desk policy
clean desk policy = clean desk policy (CDP)
Clean Desk-beleid = Clean Desk policy
Clean room = Clean room
clean room = clean room
cleanagent = Clean Agent
clean-area = clean area
Cleaning Crew = Cleaning Crew
cleaning en verificatie cycli = cleaning and verification cycles
cleaning facility = cleaning facility
cleaning in place = clean-in-place
cleaning label = cleaning lable
cleaning level = cleaning level
cleaning up and repairing = opruim- en herstelwerkzaamheden
clean-in-place = clean-in-place
cleanroom = cleanroom
cleanroom = clean room
Cleanroom doek = Cleanroom cloth
cleanroom doekje = cleanroom cloth
Cleanroom doekje = Cleanroom wipe
Cleanroom doekje 10 x 10 cm = 10 x 10 cm Cleanroom wipe
cleanroom gebruiker = cleanroom user
cleanroom gedrag = cleanroom behaviour
cleanroom omstandigheden = cleanroom conditions
cleanroomdoekje = cleanroom cloth
Cleanroom-klasse = Cleanest room class
Cleanroom-medewerkers = cleanroom staff
cleanroomomgevingen = cleanroom environments
cleanroom-ruimte = cleanroom space
cleanrooms = cleanrooms
cleanroon omgeving = cleanroom environment
Clean-Up Florisil (MO-GC) = Clean-Up Florisil (MO-GC)
Clear = Clear
Clear de error = Clear the error
Clear Desk = Clear desk policy
Clear Detections services = Clear Detection services
clear of unclear = clear or unclear
Clear Remotes List = Clear Remotes List
clear ruimbagage = clear hold baggage
Clear screen = Clear screen policy
Clear System List = Clear System List
Clear To Send = Clear To Send
Clearance = Clearance
Clearing = Compensation
Clearinghouse = Clearing
Clearinghouse = Compensation
ClearType = ClearType
ClearType-tekst afstemmen = ClearType Text Tuner
cleaver’s box = kloversbak
cleaver’s stick = kloversstok
cleistogaam = cleistogamous
cleistogamie = cleistogamy
Clematis = Clematis
Clemens = Clement
Clement Attlee = Clement Attlee
Clementie = Mercy
Clementie = Mildness
Clementie = Clemency
Clementie = Leniency
Clementine = Clementine
Cleopatra = Cleopatra
Cleopatra = Cleopatra (disambiguation)
C-level = C-level
C-level professional = C-level professional
Cleveland = Cleveland
Cleveland (Ohio) = Cleveland
Clever Light / Light Control = Optical operating display
cliché = printing block
cliché = platitude
Cliché = Hackneyed expression
Cliché = Cliché
Cliché = Catch-phrase
Cliché = Dump
cliché = block
"cliché, gemeenplaats, platitude" = cliché (overused phrase or expression)
clichédrukkerij = Intaglio printers
clichéplatenfabriek/chemigrafisch bedrijf = Printing plates/chemical plate engravers
clichés = printing blocks
"clichés, postordercatalogussen" = "printing blocks, mail-order catalogues"
clichétekening = master drawing
Click & Collect = Click & Collect
Click & Collect bestelling = Click & Collect order
Click Schedule = Click Schedule
Click&Collect bestelling = Click & Collect order
Click/Garantiefondsen = click funds / guaranteed funds
Clickfondsen = Click funds
clickgedrag = click behavior
ClickOnce = ClickOnce
click-wrap = click-wrap
client = client
Client = Customer
client = client (mental health care)
cliënt = client
Cliënt Access License = Client Access Licence
client access license per apparaat voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services Per Device client access license
client access license per gebruiker voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services Per User client access license
client access license voor Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services client access license
cliënt bediener = client-server
Client Continuance = Client Continuance
Client Continuance/Engagement Acceptance = Client Continuance / Engagement Acceptance
Client Due Diligence = Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
Client en server = Client and server
client failback = client failback
client failover = client failover
cliënt opzeggen/afstoten = to give notice to a client
cliënt opzeggen/afstoten = unlimited
cliënt questionnaire = client questionnaire
Cliënt Service Manager = Client Service Manager
client versie = client version
Client voor activeren van Windows = Windows Activation Client
Client voor groepsbeleid = Group Policy Client
Client voor groepsbeleid voor bekabeld netwerk = Wired Group Policy Client
Client voor groepsbeleid voor draadloos netwerk = Wireless Group Policy Client
Client voor quarantainebekrachtiging = Quarantine Enforcement Client
cliënt/server architectuur = client/server architecture
client/server computers = client/server computing
client-/serverarchitectuur = client/server architecture
cliënt/server-netwerk = client/server network
cliëntacceptatie = client acceptance
cliëntacceptatiebeleid = customer acceptance policy
clientcertificaat = client certificate
clientcomputer = client computer
clientcontext = client context
clientcoördinaat = client coordinate
clientdatabase = client database
cliënte = client
client-eigen of client-vreemd = "client-specific, not client-specific"
clientèle = clientèle
clientèle = customer base
cliënten = clients
cliënten en potentiële cliënten = clients and potential clients
cliënten of andere relaties = clients and other contacts
cliëntenbestand = client base
Cliëntenraad Academische Ziekenhuizen = Client Advisory Board for University Hospitals
clientgebied = client area
clientgebied = client region
Cliëntkennis = Client knowledge
clientlaag = client tier
client-licentie = client licence
client-licenties = client licences
Clientnummer = Account Number
cliëntobject = client object
cliëntportfolio = client portfolio
cliëntportfolio’s = client portfolios
clientscript = client script
Client-servermodel = Client-server
client-side = client-side
client-side cookie = client-side cookies
client-side cookies = client-side cookies
client-side injectie = client-side injection
Client-Side Rendering = client-side rendering
clienttoepassing = client application
clienttoepassingsservice = client application service
clienttype = client type
clientuitbreiding = client extension
clientverificatie = client authentication
Cliffhanger = Serial
Cliffhanger = Television serial
Cliffhanger = Serial story
Cliffhanger = Telecast
clignoteur = flash indicator
clignoteurschakelaarhefboom = flasher stalk
clignoteurverklikkerlamp = indicator tell tale
ClimaCool = ClimaCool
climacterische hypertensie = climacteric  hypertension
climacterische hypertensie = menopause hypertension
climakterische hypertrichose = hypertrichosis due to menopause
climakterische hypertrichose = climacteric hypertrichosis
climax = climax
"climax, hoogtij, hoogtepunt, hoogdag(en) {m}" = "high tide (climax, culminating point or phase)"
Climbing belt = Climbing belt
Clinical Operations = Clinical Operations
Clinical Supply Chain = Clinical Supply Chain
Clinical Trial Materials = CTM
clinical trials = clinical trials
clinometer = clinometer
Clio (muze) = Clio
clip = clip
CLIP functie = CLIP function
CLIP voor analoge eindapparaten = CLIP for analogue end devices
Clipgalerie = Clip Gallery
Cliplengte = Staple length
clipper = amplitude limiter
clip-portaal = CLIP portal
clips = clips
Clips = Clip
"Clips, hechtdraad, ligatuur" = "Clip, suture, ligature supplies"
Clipsbare afdichtprofiel = clippable sealing profile
clipsgaten = clip holes
clitic curve = clitic curve
Clitoraal = Clitoral
clitoris = button
Clitoris = Clitoris
clitoris {de} = clitoris
CLM Audit = CLM Audit
CLM Enrollment Agent = CLM Enrollment Agent
CLM Request Unblock Smart Card = CLM Request Unblock Smart Card
CLM-rapporten = CLM reports
CLM-referenties = CLM credentials
Cloaca = Cloaca
Cloaca = Sewer
Cloacadieren = Monotreme
clobetasol = clobetasol
clobetason = clobetasone
Clock = Clock
clock frequentie = clock frequency
Clock Settings = Clock Settings
clockcyle = clock cycle
clockwise = clockwise
clocortolon = clocortolone
clodroninezuur = BONEFOS
clone op originele of alternatieve locatie plaatsen = placing clone at original or alternate location
Clonisch = Clonic
cloprednol = cloprednol
Clopyrid = Clopyrid
close beeld = close-up shot
Closed = Closed
closed shop-opstelling = closed-shop attitude
closed-end = closed-end
closed-end fondsen = closed-end funds
closed-end Onroerend Goed = closed-end property
closed-end Onroerend Goed fondsen = closed-end property funds
closed-loop systeem = closed-loop system
closed-sourcecomponenten = closed source components
closely involved with = goed betrokken bij
closet = water-closet
Closet = Toilet
closetbrildeksel = seat cover
Closetpapier = Toilet tissue
Closetpapier = Toilet paper
closetpapier = toilet-paper
closetpot / wc-pot = toilet bowl
closetpot / wc-pot = toilet pan
closetreservoir = toilet cistern
closetreservoirs = toilet cisterns
closetsok = wax seal
Close-up = close-up
close-up = close-up
close-up impressie = close-up impression
Closing Meeting = Closing Meeting
clostridiale = clostridial
clostridiale myonecrose = clostridial myonecrosis
Clostridium perfringens = Clostridium perfringens
cloth support = cloth support
cloud = cloud
Cloud = Cloud
cloud adoptie = cloud adoption
cloud adoptie traject = cloud adoption journey
Cloud Adoption Assessment = Cloud Adoption Assessment
cloud authentication service = cloud authentication service
cloud authentication service platform = cloud authentication service platform
cloud computing = cloud computing
cloud computing en virtualisatie = cloud computing and virtualisation
"cloud computing, open science, veiligheid en privacy" = "cloud computing, open science, security and privacy"
cloud connect advance = Cloud Connect Advance
Cloud delivery-modellen = Cloud delivery models
cloud gebaseerde dienst = cloud-based service
Cloud Migration Assessment = Cloud Migration Assessment
cloud technologie = cloud technology
cloudaanbieder = cloud provider
cloud-aanbieders = cloud providers
cloudapplicaties = cloud applications
cloudbedrijven = cloud companies
cloud-computing = cloud computing
clouddiensten = cloud services
clouddienstverlening = cloud services
cloud-gebaseerd tastbaar niet-transitoir computer-leesbaar opslagmedium = cloud-based tangible non-transitory computer-readable storage medium
cloud-gebaseerde = cloud-based
cloud-gebaseerde tastbare niet-transitoire computer-leesbare opslagmedia = cloud-based tangible non-transitory computer-readable storage media
cloud-infrastructuur = cloud infrastructure
cloudmigratie = cloud migration
cloud-native = cloud-native
cloudomgeving = cloud environment
cloud-omgeving = cloud environment
cloudoplossing = cloud solution
cloudoplossingen = cloud solutions
cloud-platform = cloud platform
cloud-platformen = cloud platforms
cloudplatforms = cloud platforms
cloud-provider = cloud provider
cloudresources = cloud resources
cloud-services = cloud services
cloudstorage = cloud storage
cloudstorage en -computing = cloud storage and computing
cloudstrategie = cloud strategy
cloudtechnologie = cloud technology
cloudtoepassingen = cloud applications
cloud-VPN = cloud VPN
Clovis I = Clovis I
clown = buffoon
Clown = Clown
clown {de} = clown
CLP = Centre for Local Politics
CLP = Centre for Local Politics of Ghent University
CLP criteria = CLP criteria
CLP Regulation = CLP
CLP Regulation = CLP Regulation
CLP Regulation = "Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging"
CLP-verordening = CLP Regulation
CLR-metagegevens = CLR metadata
CLS-compatibel = CLS-compliant
CLSID-code = CLSID tag
CLtB = Leo ten Brinke consortium
Club = Society
Club = Company
Club = Club
club {de} = club
Club van Rome = Club of Rome
clubdeals = club deals
Club-House = Club-House
clubjes = clubs
clublid = club member
clue = write
Cluj = Cluj
Cluster = Cluster of galaxies
Cluster = Galaxy cluster
cluster = cluster
cluster = consortium
cluster = group
Cluster Controller = Cluster Controller
cluster Industriële Automatisering = Industrial Automation cluster
cluster met enkele opslaggroep = single copy cluster
cluster met genummerde eenheden = serial cluster
Cluster Professional Services = Professional services cluster
cluster randomized trial = cluster randomized trial
cluster testen = cluster testing
cluster van bedrijven = consortium of companies
cluster van bedrijven = group of companies
cluster van bewerkingen = operations network
cluster van organisaties = consortium of organisations
cluster van veranderingsprojecten = cluster of change projects
Cluster van voorzieningen = Cluster of facilities
Cluster.exe = Cluster.exe
clusteradapter = cluster adapter
Clusteranalyse = Cluster analysis
cluster-analyse = cluster analysis
clusterhoofdpijn = cluster headache
clustering = clustering
Clusteringsoftware = Clustering software package
clusterleden = consortium members
clusterleden = group members
clusterlogboek = cluster log
clusternetwerkadres = cluster network address
clusteropslag = cluster storage
clusterpoort = cluster port
clusters = clusters
clusters van veranderingsprojecten = clusters of change projects
Clusterservice = Cluster service
Clustersteekproef = Clustersteekproef
clustersteekproeftrekking achteraf volgens Dalenius = post cluster sampling
clustert = cluster
clustervragen = multiple true-false item
clustervragen = multiple true-false question
cluttering = verrommeling
Clyde Tombaugh = Tombaugh
clysteerspuit = enema syringe
CM = Collection Management
cm = cm
CM (Coach-Medewerker) formulier = CE (Coach-Employee) form
CM formulier = CE form
CM gesprek = CE (Coach-Employee) meeting
cm waterkolom = inches of water column =
cm/s = cm/s
cm2 = cm2
cm3 = cm3
CMA/2/I/C/1.1 = CMA/2/I/C/1.1
CMAI = Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory
CMDB = Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
cmdlet = cmdlet
C-Meal = C-Meal
CML = Staff Development Service
CML Loopbaanontwikkeling = Staff Development Service
"CMO, Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Ondernemen" = "CMO, Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility"
C-Mode = C-Mode
cmol+/kg = cmol+/kg
CMO's = Chief Marketing Officer
CMOS-technologie = CMOS technology
CMR = Central Participation Council (Centrale Medezeggenschapsraad)
CMR = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR condities = CMR Conditions
CMR Convention = CMR
CMR Convention = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR verdrag = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roa
CMR-bestand = CMR file
CMR-checklist = CMR checklist
CMR-verdrag = CMR Convention
cms = CMS
CMS-systeem = CMS system
CMTO = Chief Market & Technology Officer
CMTO = ContentMaster Template Online
CMYK = cyan-magenta-yellow-black
CMYK-kleur = process color
CN Tower = CN Tower
CN Tower = NC lathe
CNAME-record = CNAME record
CNC = computerised numerical control
CNC = Numerical controller
CNC gestuurde = CNC-controlled
CNC gestuurde machine = CNC-controlled machine
CNC klem = CNC clamp
CNC klemmen = CNC clamps
CNC plaatklemmen = CNC plate clamps
CNC-draaibank = CNC lathe
CNC-machines = CNC machines
CNCR = Center for Neurogenomics and Cognition Research
CNC-snijproces = CNC cutting process
CNC-verspaner = CNC Operator
cnemidocoptes gallinae = depluming mites
C-netwerk = C-network
CNG-provider = CNG provider
cNm = cN-m
cnms (customer network management service) = cnms (customer network management service)
cnms (customer network management service) = customer network management service (cnms)
cnms (global customer network management system) = global customer network management system (cnms)
cnms-rapportageprogramma voor beheer = cnms management reporting tool
CNNIC = China Network Information Centre
CNWS = "Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies"
co = tablet
CO = Care order
co- = co-
CO 2  set = CO 2  set
CO detector = CO detector
CO- en CO2-stromen = CO and CO2 streams
CO melding = Carbon Monoxide Detector
CO/CO2-scheidingsfase = CO/CO2 separation stage
CO/CO2-scheidingsstap = CO/CO2 separation stage
CO/LPG installaties = CO/LPG systems
CO/O2 = CO/O2
CO/O2-scheidingsfase = CO/O2 separation stage
CO/O2-scheidingsstap = CO/O2 separation stage
co?rdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
co?rdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
CO2 = CO₂
CO2 = CO2
CO₂ = CO₂
CO2  sensor = CO₂ sensor
CO2 blusser = CO2 extinguisher
CO2 concentratie = CO2 concentration
CO2 en H2O = CO₂ and H₂O
CO2 en vocht = CO₂ and moisture
CO2 en/of andere uitstoot = CO2 emissions and/or other emissions
CO2 footprint = CO₂ footprint
CO2 grenswaarde = CO₂ threshold
CO2 inblaassysteem = CO2 injection system
CO2 neutraal geproduceerd = produced carbon neutrally
CO2 reductie verklaring = CO₂-reduction statement
CO2 reductie verklaringen = CO₂-reduction statements
CO₂ sensor = CO₂ sensor
CO2 Threshold = CO₂ Threshold
CO2 tot CO-verhoudingen = CO2 to CO ratios
CO2 uitstoot vermindering = CO₂ emission reduction
CO2/CO/O2-mengsels = CO2 / CO / O2 mixtures
CO2/CO-mengsels = CO2 / CO mixtures
CO2-afvangsysteem = CO2 capturing system
CO2-bemesting = CO2 fertilisation
CO2-bevattende = CO2-comprising
CO2-bevattende gas = CO2 comprising gas
CO2-Bewust certificaat = CO2-Conscious Certificate
CO2-brandblusser = CO2 extinguisher
CO2-detectie = CO₂ detection
CO2-dissociatieproces = CO2 dissociation process
CO2-emissie = CO2 emissions
CO2-emissie = CO2 emission
CO2-emissies = CO2 emissions
CO2-emissievoetafdruk = CO2 emission footprint
CO2-gas = CO2 gas
CO2-gebaseerde processen = CO2-based processes
CO2-houdende = CO2 comprising
CO2-houdende gas = CO2 comprising gas
CO2-houdende stromen = CO2 comprising streams
CO2-invoersysteem = CO2 input system
CO2-neutraal geproduceerd = CO₂-neutrally produced
CO2-neutrale = CO₂-neutral
CO2-neutrale = CO2-neutral
CO2-neutrale PV omvormer = CO₂-neutral PV inverter
CO2-neutrale PV omvormers = CO₂-neutral PV inverters
CO2-omzetting = CO2 conversion
CO2-opvangsysteem = CO2 capturing system
CO2-producerende installaties = CO2 producing installations
CO2-reductie = CO2 reduction
CO2-rijke separatoruitvoer = CO2-rich separator output
CO2-sensor = CO2-Sensor
CO2-set = CO2  set
CO2-splitsingsproces = CO2 splitting process
CO2-uitstoot = CO2 emissions
CO2-uitstoot = CO2 exhaust
CO2-voetafdruk = CO2 foot print
CO2-vrij = CO2 free
coöperatieve vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid = cooperative company with limited liability (CVBA)
Co-aanbevelings- en Co-marketingactiviteiten = Co-Recommendation and Co-Marketing Activities
Coach = Coach
coachduo = coaching pair
coachen = coach
coachen bij uw eigen projecten = coach you on your own projects
coachen en ondersteunen = coach and support
coachen op competenties = coaching on competencies
Coachend leidinggeven = Coaching management
coachend leidinggevende = coaching manager
coachende leiderschapskwaliteiten = coaching leadership skills
coaching = coaching
coaching en leiderschap = coaching and leadership
coaching initiatives = coachingsinitiatieven
coachingstraject = coaching pathway
coachkwaliteiten = coaching qualities
Coach-medewerker = Coach-Employee
coach-medewerker gesprek = CE (coach-employee) meeting
coach-medwerker formulier = CE form
coach-medwerker formulier = coach-employee form
Coachtraining = Coach training
coachvaardigheden = coaching skills
coagulant = coagulant
coagulatie = coagulation
coagulatie effluent = coagulation effluent
coagulatiebad = coagulation bath
coaguleren = coagulate
coaguleren = coagulating
coaguleren = to coagulate
coaguleren = coagulation
coaguleren (samenklonteren) = coagulation (flocculation)
coagulerende vlokken = coagulating flocs
coalescentie = coalescence
coalescentie (samen­vloeiing van de vloeibare deeltjes van een emulsie) = coalescence
coal-fired power stations = kolencentrales
Coalitie = Coalition
coalitie = alliance
coalitie = coalition
Coalitie Wadden Natuurlijk = Coalitie Wadden Natuurlijk (The Natural Wadden Coalition)
Coalitiestrategie = Coalition strategy
coalition building = coalition building
Coarse Adjust = Coarse Adjust
Coarse Adjustment = Coarse Adjustment
Coase-theorema = Coase theorema
co-assessor = co-assessor
Coastal Municipality Water Utility = Coastal Municipality Water Utility
Coaster = Coaster
coaten = coating
coaten = coat
"coaten, infilmen" = coat
coater = coater
coating = coating
coating = topcoat
Coating behuizing = Coating housing
Coating- en slitgegevens = Coating & slitting data
coating stack = coating stack
coating stacks = coating stacks
coating uit zwart plastic = coating made of black plastic
coating vaten = coating drums
"coating, verflaag" = coating
coating-laagsysteem = coating layer system
coating-lagen = coating layers
"coatingmachine, infilmmachine" = coating machine
coatingmiddelen = coating agents
Coatingmiddelen = Coating agents
coatings in poedervorm = powder coatings
coatings met decoratief effect = decorative effect coatings
coatings met meerdere lagen = multilayer coatings
coatings met meerdere lagen = coatings with multiple layers
coatingsysteem = coating system
coax = coax
coax = coaxial cable
Coax = Coax
Coax (IEC) = Coaxial (IEC)
Coax connector = Coax connector
coax kabel = coax cable
Coax koppeling = Coax coupler
coaxconnector = coax connector
coaxdemping = coax damping
Coaxiaal = Coaxial
coaxiaal = coaxial
coaxiaal filter = coaxial filter
coaxiaal gelegen = coaxially disposed
coaxiaal is met de = is coaxial with the
coaxiaal is met de verbruiksdoel-aandrijfas = is coaxial with the consumable target drive shaft
coaxiaal met = coaxial with
coaxiaal met de aangedreven as = coaxial with the driven shaft
coaxiaalkabel = coaxial cable
coaxiaalsteker = coaxial plug
coaxiaalsteker = coax(ial) plug
coaxiale = coaxial
Coaxiale aansluitstekkers = Coaxial connectors
coaxiale connector = coaxial connector
coaxiale diode = coaxial diode
coaxiale elektrolytische cel = coaxial electrolytic cell
coaxiale flitscontacten = coaxial flash contacts
coaxiale kabel = coaxial cable
coaxiale kabel = coax
coaxiale lijn = coaxial line
coaxiale pijpvormige metaalelektroden = coaxial pipe-shaped metal electrodes
coaxialiteit = coaxiality
coaxkabel = coax(ial) cable
Coaxkabel = Coaxial cable
coaxkabel = coax
Coaxkabeltester = Coaxial cable testing device
coaxsteker = coaxial plug
Coaxsteker = Coaxial connector
coaxstekerbus = coax socket
Coaxtype = Coax type
coaxverbinder = coax connector
COB Diagnostiek = COB Diagnostiek
cobalt = cobalt
Cobalt [Co] = Cobalt [Co]
cobaltbad = cobalt plating solution
Cobbenhagen building = Cobbenhagen building
Cobex = Cobex
Cobol = common business oriented language: Cobol
Cobot = Cobot
Cobots = cobots
Cobouw = Cobouw
CoBrA = CoBrA
COBS Vast Observatiesysteem = COBS Fixed Observation System
COBS Vaste Observatiesysteem = COBS Fixed Observation System
COBS Vaste Observatiesystemen = COBS Fixed Observation Systems
Coca = Coca
COCA-formulier = COCA form
Cocaïne = Cocaine
cocaïne {de} = coke [sl.]
Cochleair = Cochlear
cochleair implantaat (CI) = cochlear implant (CI)
cockpit = cockpit
Cockpit = Dwelling place
Cockpit = Binnacle
cockpit = cabin
Cocktail = Cocktail
Cocktail = Cocktail party
cocktail {de} = cocktail
cocktail lounge = cocktail lounge
cocktailprikkers = cocktail sticks
cocktails = cocktails
cocktailsaus = homemade cocktail sauce
cocktailshakers = cocktail shakers
cocon = cocoon
Cocoon = Enveloping Prey
Cocoon = Cocoon
Cocoseilanden = Cocos Islands
Cocoseilanden = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
cocosmat = coco mat
cocosmat met rubber bovenlaag = rubber-topped coco mat
cocreatie = co-authoring
Co-Creatie = Co-creation
co-creatie proces = co-creation process
co-creatie processen = co-creation processes
co-creation = co-creation
co-creator = co-creator
Co-creeëren = Co-creating
COD = cash on delivery
codabar = codabar
Codarts = Codarts
Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten = Codarts University of the Arts
code = code
code = tag
Code = Code digit
code 128 = code 128
code 39 = code 39
code 93 = code 93
code cadeaubon = gift certificate code
code die recursief wordt aangeroepen = code that is called recursively
code diverse toeslagen = miscellaneous charge code
code en codebibliotheken = code and code libraries
Code Napoléon = Civil code
Code of Conduct = Code of Conduct
Code of Ethics for Research in the Social and Behavioural Sciences involv = Code of Ethics for Research in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Involv
code of practice = code of practice
code per blok = code per block
code per dag = code per day
Code review = Code review
Code storingsmelding = Fault message code
code stub = code stub
code uit de superklasse = code from the superclass
code uitvoeren = execute code
Code van Goede Praktijk = Code of Good Practice
code van vier tekens = four character code
code versluiering = code obfuscation
code voor automatisch dupliceren = auto-duplicating code
code voor automatisch overslaan = auto-skip code
Code voor de goede praktijk = Code of Good Practice
code voor eenmalig gebruik = single-use code
code voor goed handelen = code of good conduct
code voor het onderzoek naar ongevallen op zee = Code for the investigation of marine casualties
Code voor Informatiebeveiliging = Code of Practice for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC 17799: 2005
code voor log en debug-operaties = logging and debugging code
code voor zelf-controlerend nummer = self-check number verification code
code waar een fout in kan optreden = code that may contain an error
code(s = code(s
Code/afneembaar front = Code/removable control unit
codeanalyse = code analysis
codebasis = code base
codebeheer = code management
codebeoordeling = code review
codebibliotheken = code libraries
codeblad = code sheet
codeboek = code book
codebreekpunt = code breakpoint
codec = codec
codec = coder/decoder
codeconversie = code conversion
Codedefinitievenster = Code Definition window
codedekking = code coverage
codeer- en decodeerapparatuur = encoding and decoding apparatus
codeer- en decodeerapparatuur en -instrumenten = encoding and decoding apparatus and instruments
codeer- en decodeerinstrumenten = encoding and decoding instruments
codeerafdeling/-centrale = coding department
codeerder = coder
codeereenheid = colour encoder
Codeermachines voor videosignalen = Video-signal coding machines
codeerorgaan = encoder
Codeerrichting = Direction of coding
codeerschakelaar = encoding switch
codeer-ster = coding element
codeert een eiwit = encodes a protein
Codeeruitrusting = Coding equipment
codegenerator = code generator
code-georiënteerd testen = code-based testing
Codegever = Coder
Codeïne = Codeine
codeïne {het} = codeine
codeklavier = keypad
Codelengte (Bit) = Code length (Bit)
codelijst = list of codes
codemasker = code mask
codenaam = code name
codenummer = code number
codenummerbestand = code number file
code-onafhankelijk = code-independent
code-onafhankelijk systeem = code-independent system
codepoint = code point
codeprijs = code price
coderegel = line of code
coderegel = coderegel (Gwit)
code-regels = code lines
coderen = encode
coderen = to code
coderen = code
codereviews = code reviews
Codering = Encryption
codering = encoding
codering = coding
codering in één keer = one-pass encoding
codering in twee keer = two-pass encoding
codering in twee niveaus = two-level encoding
codering met twee opeenvolgende pulsen = dipulse coding
codering op enkelvoudig niveau = single-level encoding
Codering rijgklem = Labelling for terminal block
codering van informatie = cryptography
Codering voedingaders = Codification main cores
coderingsapparaat = coder
coderingsapparatuur = encoders
coderingsmethode = cipher
coderingsprogramma = encoder
Coderingsschild = Coding plate
Coderingssleutel = Encryption key
coderings-systeem = encoding system
coderingstoestel = encoder
codeselector = code selector
code-signing = code signing
Codeslot = Code lock
code-snippit = code snippet
codestelsel = code scheme
codetabel = code page
codeteken = code character
codetoegangbeveiligingsbeleid (CAS) = code access security (CAS) policy
codeur = coder
co-development = co-development
codevenster = code pane
codeverdeling met meervoudige toegang = code division multiple access
codewijziging = locking
code-wijziging = change in law
codewijzigingsvoorstel = Code Amendment Proposal (CPA)
codewoord = code word
CODEX = (Belgian) Welfare at Work Code
Codex Alimentarius = Codex Alimentarius
Codex over het welzijn op het werk. = (Belgian) Regulations on health and safety at work
Codex over het welzijn op het werk. = (Belgian) Welfare at Work Code
Codex over Welzijn op het werk = Code on Well-Being of Workers in the Performance of their Work
Codicil = Codicil
codicil = living will
codificatie = "codification, code"
Codificatie = Codification
codificatie van het communautaire recht = codification of Community law
codificatieplaten = code plates
codificeren = encode
coding = coding
codistor = codistor
CoE = Centre of Expertise
CoE = Center of Excellence
"CoE, HA" = Centre of Expertise on Healthy Ageing (CoE HA)
co-editie = co-edition
coëducatie = coeducation
coëfficiënt = coefficient
coëfficiënt = factor
coëfficiënt = coefficients
coëfficiënt = factors
Coëfficiënt = Coefficient
coefficient of individuality = coefficient of individuality
coëfficiënt op het niveau van de lidstaat = coefficient at Member State level
coëfficiënt van kurtosis = coefficient of excess
coëfficiënt van ordeningsverschil = coefficient of disarray
coëfficiënt van zelf-gelijkenis = coefficient of self-similarity
coëfficiënten = coefficients
coëfficiënten = factors
Coefficients = Coefficients
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = scaler
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = coefficient potentiometer
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = coefficient unit
coëfficiëntvermenigvuldiger = constant multiplier unit
Coeficients = Coefficients
Coelacanten = Coelacanth
Coelacanthen = Coelacanth
coeliakie = Gee's disease
co-emulgator = co-emulsifier
Coenzyme = Coenzyme
coërcitiekracht = coercive force
coërciviteit = coercivity
coérdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
coérdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
Co-evalueren = Co-evaluating
Coevorden = Coevorden
coex polypropyleen = co-extruded polypropylene
co-existentie = coexistence
co-existentie van e-mailomgevingen = e-mail coexistence
co-existeren = to coexist
coextrusion = coëxtrusie
Coffee & Tea Marketing en Sales unit = Coffee & Tea Marketing and Sales unit
Coffee & Tea Marketing en Sales units = Coffee & Tea Marketing and Sales units
coffee as a service = coffee as a service
Coffee Workshop = Coffee Workshop
coffee-corner = coffee corner
Coffeeshop = Coffee-house
Coffeeshop = Café
Coffeeshop = Coffee
coffeeshop = <a shop where drugs are sold>
Coffeïne = Caffeine
coffeïne {de} = caffeine
Coffeïnevrij = Decaffeinated coffee
Coffeïnevrij = Caffeine-free coffee
coffre = borst
co-financier = co-financier
cofinanciering = co-financing
cofinanciering = co-funding
co-formulering = co-formulation
cofunctionele VidPN-modaliteit = cofunctional VidPN modality
CO-gehalte = CO-content
cogito ergo sum = "I am thinking, therefore I exist"
Cognac = Cognac
cognac = brandy
Cognac (drank) = Cognac (drink)
cognac {de} = cognac
cognitie = cognition
Cognitief = Cognitive
cognitief neurologisch onderzoek = cognitive neuroscience
cognitief probleem = cognitive problem
cognitief-psycholoog = cognitive psychologists
cognitieve = cognitive
cognitieve- = cognitive
cognitieve achteruitgang = cognitive decline
Cognitieve achteruitgang door ouderdom = Age related cognitive decline
cognitieve behandelprogramma = cognitive  treatment programme
Cognitieve benadering = Cognitive approach
Cognitieve capaciteit = Cognitive capacity
cognitieve capaciteiten = cognitive abilities
Cognitieve component van de attitude = Cognitive component of attitude
Cognitieve consistentietheorieën = Cognitive consistency theories
Cognitieve dissonantie = Cognitive dissonance
cognitieve en emotionele intelligentie = cognitive and emotional intelligence
cognitieve en normatieve dimensie = cognitive and normative dimension
Cognitieve Ergonomie = Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitieve gedragstherapie = Cognitive behavioral therapy
cognitieve intelligentie = cognitive intelligence
Cognitieve map = Cognitive map
cognitieve ontwikkeling = cognitive  development
cognitieve ontwikkeling = cognitive development
Cognitieve psychologie = Cognitive psychology
Cognitieve Radio Platform = Dutch platform for Cognitive Radio
Cognitieve Radio = Cognitive Radio
Cognitieve responses = Cognitive responses
cognitieve stoornis = cognitive disorder
cognitieve stoornissen = cognitive disorders
cognitieve vaardigheden = cognitive skills
cognitieve vorming = cognitive education
cognitieve wetenschap = cognitive science
cognitiewetenschap = cognitive science
cognitron = cognitron
Cognizant Digital Studio = Cognizant Digital Studio
Cognossement = Bill of lading
cognossement = bill of lading
Cohabitation = Cohabitation
coherent = coherent
coherente 3D-scène = scene-coherent 3-D
coherente bundel = coherent bundle
coherente detector = coherent detector
coherente draaggolf = coherent carrier
coherente referentie = coherent reference
coherente signalen = coherent signals
"coherente structuur volgens Birnbaum, Esary en Saunders" = coherent structure
"coherente structuur volgens Birnbaum, Esary en Saunders" = monotonic structure
coherente transponder = coherent transponder
coherentie = coherence
Coherentie van het ontwerp met = Coherence of the design with
coherentiecoëfficiënt = coherency
coherentie-principe = coherency principle
coherentietheorie van de waarheid = coherence theory of truth
cohesie = cohesion
Cohesie van een organisatie = Cohesion of the organisation
cohesiebeleid = cohesion policy
Cohesiefonds = Cohesion Fund
cohesielanden = cohesion countries
cohesieve grond = cohesive soil
cohesion = cohesion
Cohors = Cohort
cohort = "intake, cohort"
Cohort = Cohot
cohort = cohort
cohort (cohort studenten) = cohort (student cohort)
cohort (statistiek) = cohort (statistics)
cohort 1998 = "1998 intake, intake for the year 1998"
Cohortanalyse = Cohort analysis
cohortanalyse = cohort analysis
Cohorten = Cohorts
Cohortonderzoek = Cohort studies
cohort-sterftetabel = cohort life table
cohortstudie = cohort study
COICOP/GICP-onderverdeling = subdivision of COICOP/HICP
coilbreak = coil break
coilhaak = coil hook
Coín = Wedge
Coín = Penny
Coín = Angle
Coín = Nook
coincard = coin card
coïncidentele cohesie = coincidental cohesion
coïncidentie = coincidence
coïncidentiefout = coincidence error
Co-initiëren = Co-initiating
Coitus = Coitus
coïtus = coition
Coitus interruptus = Coitus interruptus
Cokes = Coke
cokes = cokes
cokes {de} = coke
cokes- en kolenbreek- en sorteerinrichting (zifterij) = Coal and cokes crushing and sorting plant
cokesfabriek = Cokes industry
cokesfabriek = coke plant
cokesfabrieken en teerdestilleerderijen = Cokes factories and tar distilleries
Col = Throat
Col = Mountain pass
Col = Collar
Cola = Cola
Cola = Kola
cola {de} = Coke [coll.]
Colbert = Jacket
Colbert = Suit coat
colbert {de} {het} = tuxedo [esp. Am.]
colbert {de} {het} = dinner jacket
Colbertjassen = Jackets
Colbertjassen en blazers = Jackets and blazers
Colbetisten = Colbetists
Colchis = Colchis
cold = cold
Cold call = Cold call
cold calling = cold calling
cold chain = cold chain
cold check = cold check
Cold Climate Package = Cold Climate Package
Cold list = Cold list
Cold mailing = Cold mailing
Cold prospect = Cold prospect
cold standby = cold standby
cold-deck-methode = cold deck method
coleoptiel = coleoptile
coleur lokaal = local colour
colibacteriën = coliform bacterium
"colica hepatica, cholecystalgie, de galblaaskoliek, galsteenkoliek" = hepatic colic
Colin Powell = Colin Powell
Colitis = Colitis
colitis ulcerosa = ulcerative colitis
Coll. Arb h.t. ab Actis//Coll. Arb. h.t. Praeses = Secretary / Chairman (of an Examination Board in this matter)
collabeert = Contracting / collapsing
Collaboratie = Collaboration
Collaboration Data Objects = Collaboration Data Objects
Collaborative Action Research = Collaborative Action Research
Collage = Collage
Collage = Sticking
Collage = Paste
collage {de} = collage
Collageen = Collagen
Collaps = Collapse
collapsibility = collapsibility
Collar = Collar
Collar Lifting Arm = Collar Lifting Arm
"collateraal, neven-, begeleidend" = "collateral {adj} (accompanying, concomitant)"
"collateraal, neven-, zijdelings" = "collateral {adj} (parallel, along the same vein)"
Collateral = Aisle
Collateral standard = Collateral standard
collatie = collation
collationeren = collate
collator = collator
Collecteren = Take the collection
collecteren = collect
Collecteren = Collect money
collecteren = Collecting
Collecterende handel = Collectioning trade
Collectie = Collection
collectie = collection
collectie (Nederlandse) Geschiedenis = (Dutch) History collection
collectie Bibliotheek TU Delft = TU Delft Library collection
collectie Economie en Informatica = Economics and Information Science collection
collectie- en informatiespecialist = collection and information specialist
collectie Filosofie = Philosophy collection
collectie Letteren = Language and Literature collection (niet: Arts collection)
collectie Rechtsgeleerdheid = Law collection
Collectie Smidt-van Gelder = Smidt van Gelder Collection
collectie Sociale Wetenschappen = Social Sciences collection
collectie/ verzameling = collection
collectiebeheer = collection management
collectief = collective
collectief arbeidscontract = collective labour (wage) agreement (contract)
collectief besef = general consensus
collectief bewustzijn = collective consciousness
collectief contract (ziektekosten) = group policy
collectief gedeelde = collective
collectief gedrag = collective behaviour
collectief herdenken = collective commemoration
collectief herstel van olijfgaarden = collective schemes for the re-establishment of olive groves
collectief merk = collective trademark
Collectief merk = Collective brand
collectief met = together with
collectief ontslag = collective dismissal
collectief openbaar vervoer (COV) = public transport
collectief oproepteken = collective call sign
collectief pensioen = group pension scheme
collectief verlof = company leave
collectief vervoer = collective transport
collectief voor alle medewerkers = collectively for all employees
collectief werknemerspensioen = group employees’ pension scheme
collectief werknemerspensioen = group pension scheme
collecties gebaseerd op = collections based on
Collecties versus arrays = Collections versus arrays
collectieve = collective
collectieve (pensioen)regelingen van meer werkgevers = (IFRS) multiemployer (benefit) plans
collectieve aanbiedingsvorm = collective presentation
collectieve actie = collective action
collectieve adresgroep = collective address group
Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst = Collective Labour Agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = CBA
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective Bargaining Agreement (CAO)
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective wage agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective labour agreements
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective agreement
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = Collective labour agreement
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = collective bargaining agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = labour agreement
Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst (CAO) = Collective Labour Agreement
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten = collective bargaining agreements
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaarden = collective employment conditions
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling = employment conditions scheme
collectieve arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling = employee benefits scheme
collectieve beheerorganisaties = collective management organisations
collectieve beheersorganisatie = collective management organisation
Collectieve Beheersorganisaties = Collective Management Organisations
collectieve beheersorganisaties voor uitvoerende kunstenaars = collective management organisations for performing artists
collectieve beschermingsmiddelen = Collective Protective Equipment.(CPE)
collectieve beschermingsmiddelen = collective protection equipment (CPE)
collectieve besparingen = collective savings
collectieve besparingen = defense)
collectieve besparingen = security
collectieve beveiliging = collective security services
collectieve bewustzijn = collective consciousness
collectieve boerderij = collective farm
collectieve concentratie = collective concentration
collectieve consumentenbelangen = collective interests of consumers
collectieve contracten = group contracts
collectieve denken = collective thought
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group employment accident insurance
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group insurance
collectieve dienstongevallenverzekering = group long-term disability income insurance
collectieve economie = collectivised economy
collectieve en individuele arbeidsovereenkomst = collective or individual employment contract
Collectieve Garantie Regeling = Collective Guarantee Scheme
collectieve geheugen = collective memory
Collectieve goederen = Collective goods
collectieve inkoopkracht = collective purchasing power
collectieve korting = group discount
Collectieve lasten = Collective burdens
Collectieve lastendruk = Collective burden
collectieve legitimiteit = collective legitimacy
collectieve levensverzekering = group insurance
collectieve levensverzekering = group life insurance
collectieve levensverzekering = group schemes [vs personal lines]
collectieve licenties = collective licences
collectieve maaltijdverstrekking = catering
collectieve maatregelen = collective measures
collectieve Mode S-ondervragingen = Mode S all call interrogations
collectieve onderhandeling = collective bargaining
collectieve onderhandelingen = collective bargaining
collectieve onderhandelingen = super annuation scheme
Collectieve ongevallenverzekering = Group accident insurance
collectieve onverantwoordelijkheid = collective irresponsibility
collectieve overeenkomst = collective agreement
collectieve overeenkomst = group contract
collectieve overeenkomsten = collective bargaining agreements
collectieve overeenkomsten of scheidsrechterlijke uitspraken die algemeen = collective agreements or arbitration awards which have been declared univ
collectieve partnerverzekering = group Domestic Partner Policy scheme
collectieve pensioenregeling = group pension plan
collectieve pensioenregeling = group pension scheme
collectieve pensioentoezegging = group pension scheme
collectieve pensioenverzekering = group pension insurance
collectieve pensioenverzekering = joint power of attorney
collectieve rechtenbeheerder = collective rights manager
collectieve regeling = group arrangement
collectieve regeling van een brancheorganisatie = group arrangement of a trade association
collectieve registratie = corporate registration
collectieve reisongevallenverzekering/reisbagageverzekering = group travel accident insurance/baggage insurance
collectieve risicoverzekering = group term life insurance
collectieve routering = collective routing
collectieve routeringsindicator = collective routing indicator
collectieve salarisverhoging = collective salary increase
Collectieve sector = Public sector
collectieve sluitingsdag = company holiday
collectieve sluitingsdagen = collective days of closure
collectieve snipperdag = company-wide day off
collectieve snipperdagen = company-wide days off
collectieve snipperdagen = company-wide day off
Collectieve uitgaven = Public expenditure
Collectieve uitgavenquote = Public expenditure quota
collectieve uiting van herdenking = collective expression of remembrance
collectieve uitvoerder = collective implementer
collectieve uitvoerder = collective implementing agency
Collectieve uitvoering = Collective implementation
collectieve vakantie = company holidays
collectieve verantwoordelijkheid = collective responsibility
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide leave days
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide days off
collectieve verlofdagen = annual closure periods
collectieve verlofdagen = annual holidays
collectieve verlofdagen = company holidays
collectieve verlofdagen = company leave
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide holiday(s)
collectieve verlofdagen = company-wide leave
collectieve verlofdagen = compulsory holiday
collectieve verlofdagen = fixed holiday
collectieve verzekering = group-insurance
collectieve verzekering = group insurance schemes
collectieve verzekering premievrijstelling = collective insurance waiver
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance schemes
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance policies
collectieve verzekeringen = group insurance scheme
collectieve verzekeringsovereenkomst = collective insurance contract
collectieve verzekeringspakket = group insurance package
collectieve voorwaarden = collective terms and conditions
collectieve voorzieningen = social benefits
collectieve voorzieningen = community facilities
collectieve voorzorgsmaatregelen = collective precautionary measures
Collectieve vraag = Public demand
Collectieve vraagfunctie = Public function of demand
Collectieve vraaglijn = Public line of demand
collectieve vrije dag = company holiday
collectieve vrije dag = company-wide holiday
collectieve vrije dagen = company holidays
collectieve vrije dagen = company-wide holidays
collectieve warmwatervoorziening = communal hot-water system
collectieve werklijst = unified work list
Collectieve WGA Hiaatverzekeringen = Collective WGA shortfall insurance
collectieve zakenreisverzekering = group business travel insurance
collectieve ziektekostenregeling = group health benefit plan
collectieve ziektekostenverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve ziekteverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve zorgverzekering = group health insurance
collectieve zorgverzekering en daarbij behorende dienstverlening = group health insurance and related services
Collectieve zorgverzekeringen = group health insurance policies
Collection Management = Collection Management
collective ziektekostenregeling = group health insurance scheme
Collectivisering = Collectivization
Collectivisme = Collectivism
collectiviteiten = group health insurance schemes
Collectiviteitsgedachte = Group perspective
collectiviteitsnummer = group health insurance scheme number
collectiviteitsnummer = group scheme number
collectiviteitsvoordeel = group discounts
collectivum volgens Von Mises = kollectiv
collector = collector
collector = commutator
Collectoraansluiting = Collector connection
collector-basis junctie = collector-base junction
collectorbelastingsweerstand = collector load resistance
collectorcapacitantie = collector capacitance
collectordissipatie = collector dissipation
collectorefficiëntie = collector efficiency
collectoren = collectors
collectorjunctie = collector junction
collectorkarakteristiek = collector characteristic curve
collectorlamel = collector lamination
collectorlamel = commutator lamination
Collectors voor microscoop = Microscope collectors
collectorschakeling = collector circuit
collectorsegment = collector segment
collectorspanning = collector voltage
collectorstroom = collector current
collectorverbreking = collector cutoff
collectorvoedingsspanning = collector supply voltage
collectorvoorspanning = collector bias voltage
collectorweerstand = collector resistance
collega = co-worker
collega = coworker
collega = associate
collega = colleague
collega = confrère
collega = fellow-worker
collega = workmate
Collega = Colleague
collega- = fellow
collega {de} = colleague
collega docent = fellow lecturer
collega docent / onderzoeker = fellow lecturer/researcher
collega onderzoeker = fellow researcher
"collega, medewerker, medewerkster" = a companion or workmate)
"collega, medewerker, medewerkster" = coworker (somebody with whom one works
collega’s = colleagues
collega’s = co-workers
collega’s = people
collega’s = staff
collega’s = teachers
collega’s = experts
collega’s = everybody
collega’s en zakenrelaties = colleagues and business relations
collega’s FileMaker-ontwikkelaars = colleague FileMaker developers
collega’s of zakenrelaties = colleagues or business partners
collega-assessor = fellow assessor
collega-beoordelaar = fellow assessor evaluator
collega-CBO’s = fellow CMOs
collega-chauffeur = fellow driver
collega-gedelegeerde = fellow delegates
collega-gedelegeerden = fellow delegates
collega-gedelegeerden = fellow delegate
collega-parlementsleden = fellow parliamentarians
collega's = colleagues
Collega's = Colleagues
collega's {mv} = colleagues
"collega's, leidinggevenden, opdrachtgevers en klanten" = "colleagues, managers, clients and customers"
"collega's, partners en klanten" = "colleagues, partners and customers"
"collega's, relaties of kennissen" = "colleagues, business relations or acquaintances"
collega's/medewerkers = colleagues/staff
collega's/personeel = colleagues/staff
collegavorm = coworker shape
College = Course
college = lecture
college = board
college = body
college = "body, board"
College = High school
College = College
college = (course of) lectures
college = "lecture (Br), class (Am)"
college (bestuurslichaam) = board
college (hoorcollege) = lecture
college (les) = lecture / class
college (les) = "lecture, class"
college (leseenheid) = lecture
college (opleidingsinstituut) = college
College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens = The Dutch Data Protection Authority
college bijwonen (niet als cursist) = "to sit in on lectures (Br), to sit in on classes (Am)"
college- en examengelden = tuition and examination fees
college geven = lecture
college geven = to lecture
college geven = lecture (on)
college lopen = attend lectures
college lopen = to attend lectures/classes
college lopen = to attend lectures
college- of medewerkerskaart = student or staff ID card
college van arbiters = council or panel of arbitrators/arbitration council
College van B&W = Municipal Executive
college van B&W = "Local Executive (OR: city ex., municipal ex.)"
College van Beroep voor de Examens = Board of Appeal for Examinations
College van Beroep voor de examens = Examination Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor de Examens (CBE) = Examinations Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor de studiefinanciering = Student Finance Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven = Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het Bijzonder Onderwijs (CBBO) = Privately-Run Education Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor het Hoger Onderwijs = Higher Education Appeals Board
College van Beroep voor het Hoger Onderwijs = Higher Education Appeals Tribunal
College van Beroep voor Studenten = Student Appeals Board
college van bestuur = Executive Board
college van bestuur = board of governors
College van Bestuur = "Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University"
College van Bestuur = Executive Board
College van Bestuur (CvB) = Executive Board
college van Burgemeester & Wethouders = Mayor and aldermen
College van Burgemeester en Wethouders = Municipal Executive
college van burgemeester en wethouders = mayor and aldermen
college van burgemeester en wethouders = Municipal Executive
college van burgermeester en wethouders = mayor and aldermen
college van burgermeester en wethouders = Municipal Executive (bestuur)
college van Burgmeester en Wethouders = XXX
college van Burgmeester en Wethouders van de gemeente = Municipal Executive of the municipality of
college van commissarissen = board of commissioners (BE)
college van commissarissen = board of (supervisory) directors
college van commissarissen = board of trustees
College van Commissarissen (van de rekeningen) = Supervisory Board (RE 18.6.08)
College van Decanen = "Deans of the Faculties, Committee of Deans"
College van Decanen = College of Deans
College van Hoogleraren = College of Professors
college van revisoren = joint auditors
college van statutaire zaakvoerders = Management Board under the Articles of Association
College van Toezicht = Supervisory Board
College van Toezicht = Control Board
College van Toezicht collectieve beheersorganisaties = Control Board of the Collective Management Organisations
College van Toezicht Sociale Verzekeringen = Social Security Supervisory. Board
college van toezichthouders = college of supervisors
college van zaakvoerders = board of managers
college van zaakvoerders = Board of Managers
College van Zorgverzekeringen (HIC) = Health Insurance Commission (HIC)
College voor de toelating van Bestrijdingsmiddelen = Pesticides Approval Committee
College voor Promoties = Board for Doctorates
College voor Promoties = Doctorate Board
College voor Promoties = Board for the Conferral of Doctoral Degrees (NB: dient voluit geschreven 
collegebesluit = Resolution of the Municipal Executive
collegedictaat = lecture notes
Collegedirecteur = College Director
collegegeld = tuition fees
collegegeld = tuition fee(s)
collegegeld = tuition fee
collegegelden = tuition fees
collegegeldvergoeding = tuition reimbursement
collegejaar = academic year
collegekaart = "student card, university (ID) card"
collegekaart = student card
collegekaart = college ID
collegekaart = student ID card
collegekaart = university registration card
collegeldvergoeding = reimbursement of tuition fees
collegelid = Member of the Executive Board
collegereeks = course of lectures
collegerooster = timetable
collegerooster = class/lecture timetable
colleges = lectures
Collegetijden = lecure times
collegevrij = "no lectures (Br), no classes (Am)"
collegevrije periode = Break
collegevrije periode = recess
collegevrije periode (herfst) = mid-term Break
collegevrije periode (kerst) = Christmas Break
collegevrije periode (Pasen) = Easter Break
collegevrijheid = non-compulsory lectures
collegezaal = lecture room / lecture hall
collegezaal = lecture room
collegezaal = "lecture room, classroom, lecture hall, lecture theatre"
collegezaal = lecture room / lecture hall / lecture theatre
collegezaal {de} = lecture hall
Collegezalen = lecture rooms
collegezalen = lecture theatres
collegiaal = collegial
collegiaal = cooperative
collegiaal = joint
collegiaal = like a good colleague
collegiaal = peer
collegiaal beslissende directie = The Board reaches decisions jointly/collectively
collegiaal bestuur = a board in which close cooperation is key
collegiaal bestuur [meer dan twee leden] = joint management body
collegiaal bestuursorgaan = joint management body
collegiaal overleg plegen = raw
collegiaal overleg plegen = to consult a colleague
collegiale = collegial
Collegiale = Collegial church
Collegiale = Collegial chapel
Collegiale = Collegiate
collegiale intervisie = peer review
collegiale intervisie (beoordeling onderwijsresultaten) = peer review
collegiale review = peer review
collegiale reviews = peer reviews
collegiale samenwerking = teamwork
collegiale samenwerking = working closely with
Collegiale toets = Peer review
collegiale uitwisseling = collegial exchange
collegialiteit = level of collegiality
collegialiteit = collegiality
Collégien = Schoolboy
collen/coll = collate
Colletieve reclame = Collective advertising
colli = goods
Collier = Collar
collier = necklace
colligatiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of colligation
colligatiecoëfficiënt = colligation
collimatiefout = collimation error
collimator = collimator
collineair = collinear
collineariteit = collinearity
collinearity-influential observations = collinearity-influential observations
colli's = bags
collisie = collision
collisiecontrole = collision check
collisions = collisions
collo = package
collo = bag
collo = "package, parcel"
colloafmeting = case size
Collodium = Collodion
colloguium Doctum = (University) entrance examination
Colloidaal = Colloidal
colloïdaal = colloidal
colloidaal goud = colloidal gold
colloïdaal siliciumdioxide = colloidal silicon dioxide
colloïdaal zilver = colloidal silver
colloïdale = colloidal
colloïdale deeltjes = colloidal particles
colloïdale grootteorde = colloidal size range
colloidale mengsels = colloidal mixtures
colloïdale partikels = colloidal particles
colloidale stoffen = colloidal substances
colloïdale toestand = colloidal state
colloïde = colloid
collomerk = package mark
colloquia = colloquiums
colloquium (discussiecollege) = student colloquium
colloquium (onderzoekspresentatie) = colloquium
Colloquium Doctum = university entrance examination
colloquium doctum = university admissions test (colloquium doctum)
Colloquium Doctum = Colloquium Doctum / university entrance exam
colloquium doctum commissie = University Entrance Examination Board
collum femoris = neck of   femur
Collyrium = Collyrium
co-locatie = co-location
colofon = Publisher’s details
Colofon = advies: weglaten in vertaling
colofon = credits
colofon = (eventueel:) colophon
colofon = (weglaten in het Engels
colofon = compilation
colofon = Contributing web editors (‘Colofon Webredacteuren’)
colofon = masthead
colofon = of:)
colofon = publication details
colofon = publisher’s emblem
colofon = publishing details
colofon = the following (organisations) have contributed to the production of this 
colofon = colophon
Colofonium = Rosin
colofonium = colophony
colofonium esters = esters of colophane
Colombia = Colombia
Colombia {het} = Colombia
Colombiaan = Colombian
Colombiaans = Colombian
Colombiaanse = Colombian woman
Colombië = Colombia
Colombier = Dovecote
Colombo (stad) = Colombo
Colombo-plan = Colombo Plan
Colon = Settler
Colon = Colon
Colon = Damned
Colon = Colón
Colon = Colonist
Colon = Farmer
Colon = Colonel
Colón = Colonist
Colón = Colonel
Colón = Farmer
Colón = Colón
Colón = Settler
Colón = Damned
colondivertikels = colonic  diverticulosis
colondivertikels = diverticula of large intestine
Colonia = Colony
Colonkanker = Colon cancer
colonnade = colonnade
"colonnade, zuilenrij(oudheid)" = colonnade
Colonne = Column
colonne {de} = column
Colopathie = Colonopathy
Color Calibration Slide = Colour Calibration Slide
Color Calibration Slide = Color Calibration Slide
Color Calibration Slide Assy = Color Calibration Slide Assy
Color Calibration Slide Generic = Color Calibration Slide Generic
Color Target = Colour Target
color target reference file = color target reference file
color target slide = color target slide
Colorado = Colorado
Colorado (rivier) = Colorado River
Colorado (staat) = Colorado
Coloradokever = Colorado beetle
"coloradokoorts, dengue" = dengue  fever
Colorectaal = Colorectal
Colorectaalkanker = Colorectal cancer
colorimetrie = colorimetry
colorimetrie = colourimetry
Colosseum = Colosseum
colour-killer = colour killer
Colpittsoscillator = Colpitts oscillator
Colportage = Canvassing
Colportagewet = Door-to-Door Sales Act
colporteren = peddle
colporteur = doorstep salesman
Colporteur = Door-to-door salesman
Colposcoop = Colposcope
colstructie = colstruction
Colubriden = colubrid
Columbia = Columbia River
Columbia = Columbia
Columbia (rivier) = Columbia River
Columbia (South Carolina) = Columbia
Columbia Business School = Columbia Business School
"Columbia, Colombia, Colombië" = Columbia {prop} (female personification of the USA)
Columbia-universiteit = Columbia University
columbium = columbium
Columbus = Columbus
Columbus (Ohio) = Columbus
Column = Column [1]
column {de} = column
Column Prop = Column Prop
Column Support = Column Support
Column Support VB5 = Column Support VB5
COM = Commission of the European Communities
COM port = COM port
com.vijfhart.cursus.PackageApp = com.vijfhart.course.PackageApp
com.vijfhart.cursus.Voorbeeld = com.vijfhart.course.Example
com.vijfhart.cursus.Voorbeeld.class = com.vijfhart.course.Example.class
com/vijfhart/cursus/PackageApp.class = com/vijfhart/course/PackageApp.class
coma = coma
Coma (geneeskunde) = Coma
coma diabeticum = hepatic coma: coma that occurs in severe cases of liver disease
coma diabeticum = acidotic coma
coma hypoglycaemicum = insulin shock
coma na ernstige hoofdletsel = post-  head injury coma
COM-aanroepbare wrapper = COM callable wrapper
co-maker = co-maker
co-maker overeenkomst = co-maker agreement
co-makership = co-makership
co-makersschap = co-makership
Co-manufacturing = Co-manufacturing
Comateus = Comatose
Comb. dubbele contactdoos = Combination double socket outlet
Combi = Combi
Combi poorten RJ45/Mini GBIC = Combination-Ports RJ45/Mini GBIC
combi-antenne = combi-antenna
combifilm = direct/indirect film
Combifilter = Combination filter
combifilter = combined filter
combihamer = combination hammer
Combikenmelder = Combination fuse status indicator
combi-ketel = dual boiler
Combi-magnetron = Microwave combination
combi-magnetron = combi microwave
combinant = (consortium) partner
combinant = consortium partner
Combinatie = Pantsuit
combinatie = assembly
combinatie = set
combinatie = unit
Combinatie = consortium
Combinatie = group
Combinatie = Combination
Combinatie = Dungarees
Combinatie = Trouser suit
Combinatie = Boiler suit
combinatie = aggregate
combinatie = composition
Combinatie = Slip
combinatie = "train/unit (van een trein, vrachtwagen)"
combinatie (schakelaar en wandcontactdoos met randaarde) = switched socket (switch and socket)
combinatie {de} = combination
"combinatie daarvan, farmaceutisch aanvaardbare zouten daarvan, of esters " = "combinations thereof, pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, or ester"
combinatie land- en bosbouw = agroforestry
combinatie offerte = combined quote
Combinatie schakelaar/drukker = Combination switch/button
Combinatie schakelaar/wcd = Combination switch/wall socket outlet
combinatie tussen arbeid en privéleven = work-life balance
combinatie tussen werk en privéleven = Balance between work and private life
combinatie van bedrijven = combination of businesses
combinatie van beperkingen = combination of  impairments
combinatie van berging en installatieruimte = storage and plant room
combinatie van deze twee = combination of these two
combinatie van factoren = combination of factors
combinatie van inschrijvers = consortium of tenderers
combinatie van koppelingen = combination of couplings
combinatie van methodes = combination of methods
combinatie van NOx-verwijderingssysteem en deeltjesfilter = combined deNOx- particulate filter
combinatie van NOx-verwijderingssysteem en deeltjesfilter = combined deNOx-particulate filter
combinatie van ondernemers = group of economic operators
combinatie van ondernemingen = group of enterprises
combinatie van ondernemingen = group of undertakings
combinatie van producten = product mix
combinatie van producten = to syndicate
Combinatie van productiefactoren met laagste kosten = Least cost combination
combinatie van standaardgewichten = combination of standard weights
combinatie van twee verschillende signalen = dual-diversity combining
Combinatie van uitkeringen = Combination of benefits
combinatie van verschillende = combination of different
combinatie van werkzame stoffen = combination of active substances
combinatieantenne = combination aerial
Combinatiebedrijf met magnetron = Combined operation with microwave
Combinatiebrug = Box connector
combinatiecircuit = combinational circuit
combinatieformulering = combination formulation
combinatiegrafiek = combination chart
Combinatiekabel = Hybrid cable
combinatieklas = mixed age class
combinatiekleur = scheme color
Combinatiekorting = Combination credit
Combinatieovereenkomst = Consortium agreement
combinatiepolis = combined policy
Combinatiereclame = Combination advertising
combinaties = combinations
combinaties hiervan = combinations thereof
combinaties van deze kanalen = combinations of these channels
combinaties van kenmerken van verschillende uitvoeringsvormen = combinations of features of different embodiments
combinaties van werkzame verbindingen = combinations of active substances
combinatiesectie = combination section
combinatiesleutel = combination spanner
combinatiesystemen = combination system
combinatiesystemen = combination systems
combinatietang = combination plier
combinatietang = all-purpose wrench
combinatietang = combination pliers
combinatietang = engineer's pliers
combinatietang (met isolatie) = electrician's pliers
combinatietang / buigtang = pliers
combinatietekening = combined drawing
combinatietekening = combination drawing
combinatie-tekening = combined drawing
combinatietekeningsysteem = combined drawing system
combinatietonen = combination frequencies
combinatievorm = hybrid form
combinatieweergave = combination view
combinatiezaagblad = combination saw blade
combinatoriek = combinatorial methods
combinatorisch moment = combinatorial power mean
combinatorische logica = combinational logic
combinatorische schakeling = combinational circuit
combinatorische toets = combinatorial test
Combineer = Combine
combineer cellen = combine cells
combineer dag/tijdfilter = combine day/time filter
Combineerbaar met inbouwoven(s) = Can be combined with integral ovens
Combineerbaar met inbouwoven(s) = Can be combined with integral oven (s)
combineerbare functies = combinable functions
combineert goed = toned well
combineert het gebruiksgemak van = combines the ease of use of
Combineert verschillende = Combines different
Combineert verschillende elementen = Combines different elements
combineert vraaggestuurde ventilatie = combines demand-controlled ventilation
Combinerboxen = Combiner boxes
combineren = to combine
combineren = combine
combipakket = combo pack
Combireiniger = All-purpose vacuum cleaner
Combirooster = Combi grate
combi-schakelaar worstenkoker/koffiefix = combi-switch sausage boiler/coffee fix
combischroef = bolt/washer assembly
combitang = combination pliers
Combiversterker = Combination amplifier
Combivest = Combi vest
Comecon = Comecon
Comecon-landen = Comecon countries
Comedo = Comedone
Comedy = Comedy
comedy show = comedy show
Comenius = Comenius
Comenius-EPC-partnerschap = Comenius-EPC Partnership
CoMensha = Coordination Centre for Human Trafficking (CoMensha)
Comes = Earl
comfort = comfort
comfort (n) = comfort
comfort (voor voertuig en bestuurder) = ambience
comfort {het} = convenience
comfort instelling = comfort setting
Comfort mode = Comfort mode
comfort op alle vlakken = comfort in all areas
"comfort verschaffen, het gemakkelijk maken" = comfort  (to make comfortable)
comfortabel = comfortable
Comfortabel op reis = Travel in comfort
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = comfortable {adj} (Enjoying comfort)
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = agreeable)
"comfortabel, gemakkelijk" = comfortable {adj} (providing comfort and ease
comfortabele = comfortable
comfortabele eigenschappen = comfortable properties
comfortabeler levensstandaard = more comfortable standard of living
comfortinstelling = comfort setting
comfortinstelling = comfort mode
comfortknoppen = comfort buttons
comfort-lijn = comfort line
comfort-luchtgordijn = Comfort Air Curtain
comfortstand = comfort setting
Comfy Cakes = Comfy Cakes
COM-invoegtoepassing = COM add-in
Comit? voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk = Health & Safety Committee
comité = committee
comité {het} = committee
Comité Belge des Hydrogéologues = Belgian Belgian chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologis
comité EG = EC committee
Comité Européen de Normalisation = European Committee for Standardisation
comité PB = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
comité PBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPBW)
comité PBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
Comité van ambassadeurs ACS-EG = ACP-EC Committee of Ambassadors
comité van beheer EG = EC management committee
comité van de Raad van de Europese Unie = EU Council committee
Comité van de Regio's = Committee of the Regions
comité van luchthavengebruikers = Airport Users Committee
comité van voorzitter en ondervoorzitters = Committee of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons
comité Vastgoed en Investeringen = Property and Investment Committee
comité veiligheid = Safety Committee
Comité Verzekeringen België = Comité d'Assurances Belgique
Comité voor communicatie = Communications Committee
Comité voor de werkgelegenheid (EG) = Employment Committee
Comité voor wetenschappelijk en technisch onderzoek = Scientific and Technical Research Committee
Comitologie = comitology
COM-klasse = COM class
Command Control Block = command control block
command poll = command poll
commandant = fire chief
commandant = fire officer
commandant = senior fire officer
commandant = (senior) fire officer
commandant = commander
commandant van de brandweer = commander of the fire brigade
commandant van de brandweer = commander of the fire department (US)
commandant van de door de Europese Unie geleide troepenmacht = EU force commander
Commander voor bediening op afstand van het testapparaat = Commander for remote control of testing device
commanderen = command
Commanderen = Order
Commandeur = Gear lever
commanditaire aandeel = limited partner share
commanditaire aandeel in het kapitaal der vennootschap = limited share in the capital of the partnership
commanditaire kapitaal = limited partner’s capital contribution
commanditaire vennoot = limited partner
commanditaire vennootschap = capital contributed by limited partner
commanditaire vennootschap = limited partnership
commanditaire vennootschap = limited partnership
Commanditaire Vennootschap op Aandelen = General Partnership (Comm VA/SNC)
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = limited partnership with a share capital
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = partnership limited by shares
commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen = limited partnership with share capital
commanditaire vennoten = limited partners
commandline = command line
commando = command
Commando = Commando
Commando = Detachment
Commando = Simon says
"Commando-, controle- en communicatiesystemen" = "Command, control, communication systems"
"Commando-, controle-, communicatie- en computersystemen" = "Command, control, communication and computer systems"
commando’s = commands
commando’s en instellingen = commands and settings
commandobestand = command file
commandobrug = bridge
Commandobrug = Gateway
commando-eenheid = command unit
commandogestuurd tools = command line tools
Commando-injectie = Command injection
commandomicrofoon = command microphone
commandopost = command post
commandoreferentie = command reference
commando's = commands
commandoschijf = control disc
commandotaal = command language
commandotransmissieframe = command frame
commandozaal = control room
Commedia dell'arte = Commedia dell'arte
Commensaal = Commensal
commentaar = advice
commentaar = commentary
Commentaar = Comment
commentaar = annotation
Commentaar (claim) = claim (comment / remark)
commentaar {het} {de} = comment
commentaar geven = providing the radio commentary
commentaar leveren op = comment
Commentaar van de inspecteurs = Inspectors’ comments
"commentaar, suggesties en vragen" = "comments, suggestions and questions"
commentaar/klacht = objection/complaint
commentaarkanaal = commentary channel
commentaaropdracht = comment statement
commentaarregel = comment line
Commentaarveld = Comments field
commentaarveld = comment field
commentariëren = comment on
commentator = commentator
Commerce = Trade
commercial = ad
commercial = advert
commercial = advertising
commercial = advertizement
commercial = advertizing
commercial = advertisement
commercial = radio commercial
commercial = television commercial
Commercial & Operational Flight Planning = Commercial & Operational Flight Planning
commercial {de} = commercial
Commercial Advisory Desk Manager = Commercial Advisory Desk Manager
Commercial Department = Commercial Department
Commercial off the Shelf = Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
Commercial paper = Treasury note
Commercial Service (CS) van GALILEO = GALILEO Commercial Service (CS)
Commercial Supplier Management = Commercial Supplier Management
commercialisatie = commercialisation
commercialisering = marketing
commercials = commercials
commercie = commerce
commercieel = commercial
commercieel aantrekkelijke = commercially attractive
commercieel beleid = commercial policy
commercieel beschikbaar = commercially available
Commercieel directeur = Marketing director
Commercieel Directeur = Commercial Director
commercieel economisch beheer = business administration
commercieel en operationeel verantwoordelijk = commercially and operationally responsible
commercieel en technisch directeur = commercial and technical director
commercieel gebruik = commercial use
commercieel gevoelige informatie = commercially sensitive information
commercieel herstelplan = commercial recovery plan
commercieel interessant = commercially interesting
commercieel levensvatbaar apparaat = commercially viable device
commercieel luchtvervoer = commercial air transport
Commercieel manager = Commercial Manager
Commercieel Medewerker Binnendienst = office sales worker / as opposed to field sales worker
commercieel perspectief = commercial prospects
commercieel plan = market plan
commercieel pluimveebedrijf = commercial poultry holding
commercieel rendabel = commercially viable
commercieel station = commercial station
commercieel type = commercial type
commercieel vastgoed = commercial property
commercieel verantwoordelijke = sales manager
commercieel verantwoordelijke = sales representative
commercieel verhandelbare brandstoffen = commercially traded fuels
commercieel verhandelbare materialen = commercially traded materials
commercieel verhandelbare standaardbrandstof = commercial standard fuel
commercieel verkrijgbaar = is no
commercieel vertrouwelijk = commercially sensitive
commerciele = commercial
commerciële = commercial
commerciële (burger)luchtvaart = commercial civil aviation
commerciële aanbiedingen = commercial offers
Commerciële aanwezigheid = Commercial presence
Commerciële activiteit = Commercial activity
commerciële activiteiten = commercial activities
commerciële afdruk = commercial printing
commerciële afspraken = commercial agreements
commerciële agent = commercial agent
commerciële artikelen en onderdelen = commercial products and components
Commerciële bedrijfseconomie = Marketing
commerciële beleid = commercial policy
commerciële bemiddelaar = commercial intermediary
commerciële binnendienst = sales support [position / assistant]
commerciële binnendienst = inside sales department
commerciële binnendienst = office sales department
commerciele claim = commercial claim
commerciële communicatie = commercial communication
commerciële communicatiedienst = commercial communication service
commerciële contactpersoon = commercial contact person
commerciële dienst van Galileo = GALILEO commercial service
commerciële dienstverlening = commercial services
commerciële distributie = distributive trades
commerciële doeleinden = commercial purposes
commerciële doelstellingen = commercial objectives
commerciële download = commercial download
Commerciele Economie = Commercial Economics
Commerciële economie = Commercial Economics
Commerciële economie = Commercial economy
Commerciële Economie (bacheloropleiding) = Marketing
commerciële e-mails = commercial email communication
commerciële en charitatieve doelen = commercial and charitable purposes
commerciële en informatieve = commercial and informational
commerciële en informatieve doeleinden = commercial and informational purposes
commerciële exploitatie = commercial exploitation
Commerciële formulieren = Business forms
commerciële functie = marketing function
commerciële handelingen = commercial transactions
commerciële handelingen en handelingen betreffende onroerende goederen = commercial and immovable property transactions
commerciële informatie = trade information
Commerciële jaarcijfers = Financial report and accounts
commerciële jaarrekening = company accounts
commerciële kansen = commercial opportunities
commerciële kant = commercial side
Commerciële kettingformulieren = Continuous business forms
commerciële landbouw = commercial farming
commerciële landelijke radio = commercial national radio
commerciële leverancier van publiekelijk beschikbare communicatiedienste = commercial communication common carrier
commerciële luchtdiensten voor passagiers = commercial passenger air service
commerciële luchtvervoersbewegingen = Commercial air transport movements
commerciële luchtvervoersonderneming = commercial air transport operator
commerciële media = commercial media
Commerciële naam = Commercial name
commerciële ondersteuning = commercial support
commerciële ontwikkeling = commercial development
commerciële opportuniteiten = commercial opportunities
Commerciele organisatie = Profit organisation
Commerciele organisatie = Profit-oriented organisation
commerciële organisatie = commercial organisation
commerciële overwegingen = commercial considerations
commerciële partijen = commercial parties
commerciële printer = commercial press
commerciële radiozenders = commercial radio stations
commerciële rechtspraak = commercial court
commerciële ruimte = commercial space
commerciële samenwerking = trade cooperation
commerciële sector = commercial sector
commerciële sms-bericht = commercial text message
commerciële sms-berichten = commercial text messages
Commerciële Specificatie = Commercial Specifications
commerciële status = commercial status
commerciële strategie = commercial strategy
commerciële strategie en prijzen = business strategy and prices
commerciële tarieven = commercial rates
commerciële team = commercial team
commerciële toepassingen = commercial applications
commerciele uiting = commercial communication
commerciële uiting = commercial communication
commerciële uitingen = commercial communication
commerciële uitingen = marketing messages
commerciële uitingen = references made in a business context
commerciële uitingen = sales publicity
commerciële uitingen = statements made in a business context
commerciële unit = commercial unit
commerciële vaardigheden = commercial skills
Commerciële validiteit = Commercial validity
commerciële varianten = commercial variants
commerciële verspreiding = distributive trade
commerciële vervoersdiensten voor passagiers over zee = commercial passenger maritime service
commerciële vissersvloot = commercial fishing fleet
commerciële voorraad = commercial stock
commerciële voorwaarden = commercial conditions
Commerciële waarde = Commercial value
commerciële werkveld = commercial setting
commerciële zaken = commercial issues
"commerciële, goede of ideële doeleinden" = "commercial, good or non-commercial causes"
"commerciële, goede of ideële doelen" = "commercial, good or non-commercial causes"
"commerciële, industriële en/of financiële handelingen" = "commercial, industrial and/or financial transactions"
"commerciële, politieke- of publicitaire doeleinden" = "commercial, political or advertising purposes"
"commerciële, product-, proces- en technische ontwikkelingen" = "developments affecting commercial, product, process and technical aspects"
"commerciële, religieuze en/of politieke activiteiten" = "commercial, religious and/or political activities"
commies = clerk
commingling analysis = commingling analysis
Commisariaat voor de Media = The Dutch Media Authority
Commissariaat voor de Vluchtelingen en Staatlozen = Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons
Commissariaat-generaal voor de euro = General Commission for the Euro
Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtleingen en Staatlozen = Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CG
commissariaten = supervisory directorships
commissaris = Supervisory Board member (RE 18.6.08)
commissaris = "supervisory director, supervisory board member"
commissaris = commissar
Commissaris = Company director
commissaris = chief superintendent
commissaris = supervisory board member
commissaris = supervisory director
commissaris = assistant chief constable (ACC)
commissaris = deputy chief constable (DCC)
commissaris = commissioner
commissaris = supervising director
commissaris = "commissioner, chief constable"
commissaris (BE) = external/statutory auditor
Commissaris / Directeur = Supervisory director / Executive director
commissaris {de} = commissioner
Commissaris van de Koning = King’s Commissioner
Commissaris van de Koningin = Queen’s Commissioner
commissaris voor de notering = officer of quotations
commissaris voor de notering = supervisory director’s emolument
Commissaris voor de noteringen = Supervisory director of the quoted prices
commissaris-hoofdinspecteur = superintendent
commissaris-revisor = independent / external auditor
commissaris-revisor = auditor
commissarissen = supervisory board members
commissarissen = commisioners
commissarissen = officials
commissarissen = external auditors
commissarissen = statutory auditors
commissarissenbelasting = delegate member of the board of supervisory directors
commissarissenbelasting = supervisory directors’ tax
commissie = committee
Commissie = Commission
commissie = commission
commissie = Committee
Commissie = Committee
Commissie = Committee
Commissie (Vereniging) voor de Effectenhandel = Stock Exchange Committee
commissie {de} = commission
commissie ad hoc = ad hoc committee
Commissie Administratieve Geschillen (AAT) = Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Commissie Auteursrecht van VNO-NCW = Copyright Committee of the VNO-NCW (the Confederation of Netherlands Indu
Commissie Azough = Azough Committee
Commissie Beleggingen = CBL
Commissie Buurmeijer = Buurmeijer Committee
commissie Democratisering & Decentralisering = Democratisation & Decentralisation committee
Commissie Doelmatigheid Hoger Onderwijs = CDHO (Higher Education Efficiency Committee)
commissie EP = EP Committee
Commissie financien en infrastructuur = Committee finance and infrastructure
Commissie Herziening Handhavingstelsel VROM-regelgeving = Committee for the Revision of the Environmental Law Enforcement System (C
Commissie Individuele Tegemoetkoming Slachtoffers WO II Transporten NS = Committee on Individual Compensation for Victims of WWII Transport by NS
Commissie Maritiem Recht = Belgian Maritime Law Commission (Commissie Maritiem Recht)
commissie mensenhandel = Human Trafficking Committee
Commissie onderwijs en onderzoek = Committee education and research
Commissie Personeelsoverleg = Personnel Consultative Committee
Commissie Peters = Peters Committee
Commissie Regionaal Overleg Luchthaven Schiphol (CROS) = Commissie Regionaal Overleg Luchthaven Schiphol (CROS)
Commissie Richtlijnen goede voeding 2015 = Committee on Guidelines for a Healthy Diet 2015
Commissie Sint = Sint Committee
"Commissie studenten, personeel en Arbo" = "Committee students, staff & safety"
Commissie ter beoordeling van chemische stoffen = Chemical Review Committee
Commissie van advies voor de bezwaar- en beroepschriften = Objections and Appeals Advisory Committee
commissie van beroep = appeals committee
Commissie van Beroep = Appeals Committee
Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen = Commission of the European Communities
commissie van deskundigen = expert committee
commissie van experts = committee of experts
commissie van onderzoek = committee of inquiry
commissie van ontvangst = board of supervision
commissie van ontvangst = board of trustees
commissie van ontvangst = reception committee
commissie van voorbereiding = preparatory committee
Commissie Verlening Afstudeersteun (CVA) = Graduation Support Committee (CVA)
Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur = "Commission on Critical Infrastructure (Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur, C"
commissie VN = UN Commission
commissie voor belangrijkste risicokapitalist = carry
commissie voor belangrijkste risicokapitalist = goods sold on commission
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen (CBN) = Belgian Commission for Accounting Standards (CBN)
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen (CBN) = (Belgian) Commission for Accounting Standards
Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen [CBN] = Accounting Standards Commission
Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy (Commissie voor de besch
Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = CBPL
Commissie voor de milieueffectrapportage (daarna Commissie m.e.r. of Cie- = The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA)
Commissie voor Deontologie en Ethica in de Farmaceutische Nijverheid = Deontological and Pharmaceutical Ethics Committee (DEP Committee)
commissie voor geschillen = arbitration committee
commissie voor het aanpakken van wangedrag = committee for addressing misconduct
Commissie Voor Het Bank = Financie en Assurantiewezen (CBFA)
Commissie voor het Bank- en Financiewezen = Banking and Finance Commission
"Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen" = "Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission"
"Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen" = Commission Bancaire et Financire et des Assurances
"Commissie Voor Het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (CBFA)" = "(Belgian) Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission"
commissie voor Informatiebeveiliging = Committee for Information Security
Commissie voor Mensenrechten en Gelijkheid van kansen = Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
commissie voor normering op het gebied van motorvoertuigen = vehicle standardisation committee
Commissie voor ontwikkelingsbijstand = Development Assistance Committee
commissie voor overzicht van geneesmiddelengebruik = drug utilization review: a formal program for assessing drug prescription
commissie voor overzicht van geneesmiddelengebruik = DUR
"Commissie voor veiligheid, gezondheid en welzijn" = Works Council Health and Safety Committee
Commissie voor Wetenschapsbeoefening = Permanent Committee for ACADEMIC Practice
commissie WGD = Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards (DECOS)
"commissie, in een commissie zitten" = "committee, to be on a committee"
commissie/commissieloon = brokerage
commissie/commissieloon = brokerage (makelaar)
commissie-Azough = Azough Committee
commissiekamer = committee room
commissienummer = budget number
commissieovereenkomst = commission contract
commissies = committees
Commissies en kosten borgtochten = Commissions and charges bonds/pledge
commissies en raden = committees & councils
commissieverslag = committee report
commissieverstrekkende = commission-providing
commissionair = commission agent
Commissionair = Agent
commissionair in effecten = stockbroker
commissionairsbemiddeling tegen gereduceerd tarief = discount broking
commissioning = commissioning
commissioning proces = commissioning process
commissioning uitvoeringsplan = Commissioning Implementation Plan
commissura fornicis = hippocampal commissure
Commited = Committed
commitment = support
commitment = commitment
Commitment and Continual Improvement = Commitment and Continual Improvement
commitment fee = commitment fee
commitment fees = commitment fees
commitments = commitments
committeren zich om = are committed to
committering = commitment
Committering vreemd vermogen = Commitment of loan capital
commode = chest
Commode = Handy
Commodestraler = Cradle radiator
Commodities = Raw material
Commoditisering = commoditisation
Commodity agreement = Commodity agreement
Commodity Sales Engineer = Commodity Sales Engineer
Commodore = Serious
commodore = commodore
Commodus = Handy
Common Criteria = Common Criteria
common general knowledge = common general knowledge (of the person skilled in the art)
Common Information Model = Common Information Model
Common Information Model Object Manager = Common Information Model Object Manager
Common Intermediate Language = Common Intermediate Language
Common Language Runtime = common language runtime
Common Language Runtime-host = common language runtime host
Common Language Specification = Common Language Specification
Common Object File Format = common object file format
common rail = common rail
common sense = "common sense, as opposed to nonsense"
Common Structure Services = Common Structure Services
Common Type System = common type system
Common Work Registration (CWR) = Common Work Registration (CWR)
common-mode = common mode
common-mode capacitantie = common-mode input capacitance
common-mode impedantie-ingang = common-mode impedance input
common-mode ingangscircuit = common-mode input circuit
common-mode ingangsimpedantie = common-mode input impedance
common-mode ingangssignaal = common-mode input signal
common-mode ingangsspanning = common-mode input voltage
common-mode interferentie = common-mode interference
common-mode karakteristieken = common-mode characteristics
common-mode signaal = common-mode signal
common-mode spanning = common-mode voltage
common-mode versterking = common-mode gain
Commotio = Commotion
communautair advies = Community opinion
communautair beleid = Community policy
communautair beleid-nationaal beleid = Community policy-national policy
communautair beschermheerschap = Community sponsorship
communautair besluit = Community act
communautair bestek = Community support framework
Communautair Bureau voor plantenrassen = Community Plant Variety Office
Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole = Community Fisheries Control Agency
Communautair certificaat = Community certificate
communautair Corpus Juris = Community corpus juris
communautair douanewetboek = Community Customs Code
communautair financieel instrument = Community financial instrument
communautair industriebeleid = Community industrial policy
communautair informatiesysteem voor vismachtigingen = Community fishing authorisation information system
communautair initiatief = Community initiative
communautair migratiebeleid = Community migration policy
communautair milieubeleid = Community environmental policy
Communautair minimumbelastingniveau = Community minimum tax level
communautair onderzoeksbeleid = Community research policy
communautair organisme = Community body
communautair programma = Community programme
communautair recht = Community law
communautair recht-nationaal recht = Community law - national law
communautair regionaal beleid = Community regional policy
communautair SAFA-systeem = Community SAFA system
communautair toezicht = Community control
communautair verkiesbaar persoon = Community national entitled to stand as a candidate
communautair vissersvaartuig = Community fishing vessel
communautair vlootregister = Community fleet register
communautair werkgelegenheidsbeleid = Community employment policy
communautair wetgevingsprogramma = Community legislative programme
communautaire = Community
communautaire aanbeveling = Community recommendation
communautaire actie = Community action
communautaire activiteit = Community activity
communautaire algemene uitvoervergunning = Community General Export Authorisation
communautaire antigeen- en vaccinbank = Community antigen and vaccine bank
communautaire autoriteiten = Community authorities
communautaire bedrijfstak = Community industry
communautaire bepalingen = community provisions
communautaire bevoegdheid = Community competence
communautaire certificatie = Community certification
communautaire exploitatievergunning = Community Operating Licence
communautaire financiële steun aan de sector = Community financial assistance allocated to the sector
communautaire financiering = common market financing
communautaire financiering = share fraction
communautaire financiering = Community financing
communautaire harmonisatiewetgeving = Community harmonisation legislation
communautaire hulp = Community aid
communautaire inspecteurs = Community inspectors
communautaire instantie = Community body (established by the Treaties)
communautaire instelling = EU institution
communautaire instelling of communautair orgaan = Community institution or body
communautaire instellingen en organisaties = Community institutions and bodies
communautaire investering = Community investment
communautaire invoer = Community import
communautaire juridische orde = Community legal system
communautaire landbouwmarkt = Community agricultural market
communautaire lening = Community borrowing
communautaire luchthavens = Community airports
communautaire luchtvaartmaatschappij = Community air carrier
communautaire luchtvaartmaatschappij = Community carrier
communautaire maritieme wetgeving = Community maritime legislation
communautaire markt = Community market
communautaire methode = Community method
communautaire preferentie = Community preference
communautaire productie = Community production
communautaire publicatie = Community publication
communautaire resolutie = Community resolution
communautaire richtlijn = Community directive
communautaire sanctie = Community sanction
communautaire sociale dialoog = Community social dialogue
communautaire statistiek = Community statistics
communautaire transit = Community transit
communautaire trojka = Community Troika
communautaire uitgaven = Community expenditure
communautaire uitvoer = Community export
communautaire vaccinbank = Community vaccine bank
communautaire vangstmogelijkheid = Community fishing opportunity
communautaire verkeersader = Community trunk route
communautaire verordening = Community regulation
communautaire verworvenheden = Community acquis
communautaire veterinaire wetgeving = Community veterinary legislation
communautaire visserij = Community fisheries
communautaire voorraad = Community stock
communautaire wateren = Community waters
communautaire werknemer = Community worker
communautaire wetgeving = Community law
communautaire wetgeving ter zake = Relevant Community law
communautarisering = principle of communitisation
Communciatie = Communication
Communicatie = Communication
Communicatie = Lecture
Communicatie = Paper
Communicatie = Communication skills
communicatie = communication
communicatie = communications
communicatie & collaboratie = communication and collaboration
Communicatie & Marketing = Communications & Marketing
Communicatie (bacheloropleiding) = Communication
communicatie adviseur = communication consultant
Communicatie af te handelen met = Handling communication with
Communicatie af te handelen met de = Handling communication with the
communicatie apparatuur = communication devices
communicatie binnen de sectie = communication within the department
Communicatie directie-arbeiders = communication between the management and the workers
Communicatie en actief luisteren = Communication and active listening
communicatie en bewakingsproducten = communication and monitoring products
communicatie- en crisisplan = communication and crisis plan
Communicatie- en informatiesystemen = Communication and Information System
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen = Communication and Information Studies
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen = Communication and Information Sciences
communicatie- en kennisuitdagingen = communication and knowledge challenges
Communicatie en Literatuurwetenschappen = Communication & Textual Studies
Communicatie en Marketingstrategie = Communication and Marketing Strategy
Communicatie- en multimediasoftware = Communication and multimedia software package
communicatie- en navigatie apparatuur = communication and navigation equipment
Communicatie- en navigatie-apparatuur = Communication and navigation equipment
communicatie en samenwerking = communication and collaboration
communicatie en telecommunicatie = communications and telecommunications
communicatie- en telecommunicatieapparaten en - = communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments
Communicatie en Werving = Communications and Student Recruitment
communicatie foutmelding = communication error
communicatie in de praktijk = communication skills
communicatie instrument = communication tool
communicatie instrumenten = communications instruments
communicatie instrumenten = communication tools
communicatie interface = communication interface
communicatie inzake operationele controle = operational control communication
communicatie kabel = communication cable
Communicatie manager = Communication Manager
communicatie menu = communication screen
Communicatie met andere systemen = Communication with other systems
communicatie met de server = communication with the server
communicatie met de verkeersregelaars = communication with the traffic signal controllers
communicatie met de VLCC = communication with the Traffic Signal Control System is disturbed
communicatie met en/of tussen computers en computerterminals = communications by and/or between computers and computer terminals
Communicatie met klant = Communicate with the customer
Communicatie met lokale overheden = Communication with local authorities
communicatie met regelmodule = communication with control module
communicatie met stroomafwaarts transport = communication with downstream transport
communicatie naar beneden = Downward communication
communicatie naar de gebruikers = communication to the users
Communicatie naar de werknemer = Communication with employee
Communicatie naar de werknemers = Communication with employees
Communicatie naar gebruikers = Communication with users
communicatie op afstand = remote communication
communicatie op openbare locaties = communication in public locations
communicatie over het netwerk = communication over the network
communicatie overzicht = communication overview
communicatie platform = communication platform
communicatie protocol = communication protocol
communicatie richting werknemers = communication with employees
communicatie signalen = communication signals
communicatie tijd = communication time
communicatie tussen computers = computer inter-communication services
communicatie tussen eindpuntapparatuur = interworking
communicatie tussen leidinggevenden = communication between managers
communicatie tussen netwerken = internetworking
communicatie tussen processen = interprocess communication: IPC
communicatie tussen taken = interprocess communication
communicatie van de directie = management communication
communicatie vanuit het netwerk richting de gebruiker = communication from the network to the user
communicatie verbeteren = improve communication
Communicatie vergemakkelijken = Facilitate communication
Communicatie via = Communication via
communicatie via computers = communication by computer
communicatie via computerterminals = communication by computer terminals
communicatie via elektronische middelen = communication by electronic means
communicatie via elektronische platforms = communications via electronic platforms
"communicatie, informatie & samenwerkingsoplossing" = "communication, information and collaboration solution"
communicatie/elektronica = communications/electronics
communicatie/samenwerking = Communication/cooperation
communicatieaanpassingseenheid = communication adapter
communicatie-aansluiting = communication port
communicatie-aansluiting = communications adapter
communicatieactiviteiten = communication activities
Communicatieadviseur = Communication advisor
Communicatieadviseur = Communications Advisor
communicatieafdeling = Communication Department
communicatieafdeling = Communication Office
communicatieafdeling = Internal Communication Department
communicatieaftaster = communication scanner
communicatieapparaten = communications apparatus
communicatieapparatuur = communications equipment
communicatieapparatuur = communication equipment
communicatie-apparatuur = communication equipment
communicatie-apparatuur en -instrumenten = communications apparatus and instruments
communicatieapparatuur met gering prestatievermogen = low-performance communication equipment
communicatieapparatuur met hoog prestatievermogen = high-performance communication equipment
Communicatieassistent = Communications Assistant
communicatiebeheer = communication management
communicatiebeheercomputer = communication-management computer
Communicatiebeleid = Communication policy
communicatiebeleid = communications policy
communicatiebericht = announcement
communicatiebericht = communication message
communicatiebericht = communications
communicatiebesturingseenheid = communication control unit
communicatiebesturingseenheid = communication processor
communicatie-besturingseenheid = communication control unit
communicatie-besturingseenheid = communication system
communicatiebesturingsprocedure = communication control procedure
communicatiebesturingsprogramma = communication control program
communicatie-besturingsprogramma = communication control program
communicatiebesturingsteken = communication control character
communicatiebesturingswerkwijze = communication control mode
communicatiebetrouwbaarheid = communication reliability
communicatiebeveiliging = communication security
communicatiebeveiligingsapparatuur = communication security equipment
communicatieblokkering = communication jamming: COMJAM
communicatieboodschap = marketing message
Communicatiebudget = Communication budget
communicatiebuffer = communication buffer
communicatiebureau = communications agency
communicatiecampagnes = communication campaigns
Communicatiecapaciteit = Communication capacity
communicatiecentrum = communication center
communicatiecompetenties = communication skills
communicatiecomponent = communications component
communicatiecomputer = communication computer
communicatieconcept = communications concept
communicatieconfiguratie = communication configuration
Communicatiecontrolesysteem = Communications control system
communicatiedienst = communication service
communicatiedienst voor gebruikers met een algemeen belang = common-user communication service
communicatiediensten = communication services
communicatiediensten via computerterminals = services relating to communications by computer terminals
communicatiediensten via het Internet = Internet communication services
communicatiediensten via het internet = communication services via the internet
Communicatiedoelgroep = Communication target group
communicatiedoelgroep(en) = communication target groups
Communicatiedoelstelling = Communication objective
communicatiedragers = information carriers or company media
communicatiedrukwerk = communications print-work
communicatiedrukwerk = print communication
communicatie-eenheid met laag transmissievermogen = low-power communication device
communicatie-exercitie = communication exercise
communicatief moreel universalistisch = communicative moral universalistic
Communicatief Vermogen = Communication skills
communicatief vermogen = communication skills
communicatiefaciliteit = communication facility
Communicatiefout = Communication error
Communicatiefout = Communication fault
Communicatiefunctie = Communication function
communicatiefunctie = communication task
Communicatiefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated communication function
communicatiegebied = communication region
communicatiegebruikersprogramma = communication user program
Communicatiegedrag = Communication behaviour
communicatiegeheim = confidentiality of communications
Communicatiegeschiedenis = Communication History
communicatiegeschiedenisitem = communication history item
communicatiehardware en -software = communications hardware and software
communicatie-in/uitvoereenheid = communication input/output device
communicatie-industrie = communications industry
communicatie-infrastructuur = communication infrastructure
Communicatie-infrastructuur = Communications infrastructure
communicatie-inhoudsanalyse = communication contents analysis
communicatie-inspanningen = communication efforts
Communicatie-installatie = Communications technology
communicatie-instellingen = communication settings
Communicatie-instrument = Communication instrument
communicatie-interceptie = communication intercept
communicatie-interface = communication interface
Communicatie-interface = Communications interface
communicatie-interfacemodule = communication interface module
communicatie-interfaces = communication interfaces
Communicatiekabel met coaxiale geleiders = Communications cable with coaxial conductors
Communicatiekabel met meervoudige elektrische geleiders = Communications cable with multiple electrical conductors
Communicatiekabel voor bijzondere toepassingen = Communications cable for special applications
Communicatiekabels = Communications cable
communicatiekalender = communication calendar
communicatiekanaal = communications channel
communicatiekanaal = communication channel
communicatiekanalen = channels of communication
communicatiekanalen = communication channels
communicatiekanalen en tools = communication channels and tools
communicatieketen = notification chain
communicatiekit = communication kit
Communicatiekosten = Communication costs
communicatielaag = communication layer
communicatielijn = communication line
communicatielijnen = communication lines
communicatielijnen = lines of communication
communicatielink = communication link
communicatieluik = communication component
communicatiemakelaar = message broker
communicatiematrix = communication matrix
Communicatiemedewerker = Communications Officer
communicatiemedia = communication media
communicatiemedium = means of communication
communicatiemenu = communication screen
communicatiemethode voor het uitzenden van gegevens = broadcast communication method
communicatiemiddel = means of communication
communicatiemiddelen = communication resources
communicatiemiddelen = communication means
communicatiemiddelen = means of communication
communicatiemix = communications mix
Communicatiemix = Communication mix
Communicatiemodel = Communication model
Communicatiemodule = Communication module
communicatiemodule = communication module
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication technology
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication means
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication options
communicatiemogelijkheden = communications capabilities
communicatiemogelijkheden = communications facilities
communicatiemogelijkheden = communication capabilities
communicatiemultiplexer = communication multiplexer
communicatienet = communication net
communicatienet voor noodberichten = distress communication net
communicatienetten = communications networks
communicatienetwerk = communication network
Communicatienetwerk = Communications network
communicatie-netwerk dat bepaald gebied bestrijkt = area network
communicatienetwerken = communications networks
communicatienetwerksystemen = communications network systems
communicatieniveau = communication level
communicatieonderbreking = communication interruption
communicatieonderzoek = communication research
communicatieonderzoek = communication study
communicatieontvangststation = communication sink
communicatieopdracht = communication instruction
communicatieoplossingen = communications solutions
communicatieorganen = communication media
communicatieorganisatie voor een bepaald gebied = area communication organization
communicatiepad = communication path
communicatieparameters = communication parameters
communicatiepatronen = communication patterns
communicatiepatroon = communication pattern
communicatiepatroon = communication patterns
communicatieplan = communication plan
communicatieplan en -protocol = communication plan and protocol
communicatiepoort = communications port
communicatieproces = communication process
communicatieprogrammatuur = communication software
communicatieprotocol = communication protocol
Communicatieprotocol = Communications protocol
communicatieprotocollen = communication protocols
communicatierelatie = communicates relationship
Communicatierouter = Communications router
communicaties = communications
communicaties betreffende militaire en veiligheidsgegevens = intelligence communications
communicaties in de lucht = air-air communications
communicaties in noodsituaties = distress communications
communicaties met behulp van lichtgolven = lightwave communications
communicaties tussen diverse afdelingen = communications between various departments
communicaties via computers = communications by computer
communicaties voor militaire basissen = base communications: basecom
communicatiesamenhang = communication coherence
communicatiesatelliet = communication satellite
Communicatiesatellieten = Communication satellites
communicatieschakeleenheid = communication switching unit
communicatieschema = communication diagram
communicatieschema = communication model
communicatieserver = communications server
communicatieserver = communication server
communicatieservice = communications service
communicatiesignaal = communication signal
Communicatiesoftware = Communication software package
communicatiesoftware = communications software
communicatiestandaard = communication standard
communicatiestijl = communication style
communicatiestijl die je als leidinggevende kiest = communication style you choose as a manager
communicatiestijlen voorschrijven en overtuigen = Prescriptive and Persuasive communication styles
communicatiestoornissen = communication problems
communicatiestoring = communication fault
communicatiestrategie = communication strategy
communicatiestrategie en middelen = communication strategy and resources
communicatiestroom = communication
communicatiestructuur = communication structure
communicatiesubsysteem = communication subsystem
communicatiesysteem = communications systems
communicatiesysteem = communication system
communicatiesysteem = communications system
communicatiesysteem tussen verkeersregelaar = communication system between traffic-signal controller
communicatiesysteembeheer = communication system management
communicatiesystemen = communication systems
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems Communicatieve Vaardigheden [DS] Communication Skil
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems Communicatieve Vaardigheden
Communicatiesystemen (bacheloropleiding) = Communication Systems
communicatietarief = telephone charges
communicatietechniek = communication technique
Communicatietechniek adapter = Communications technique adapter
Communicatietechniek elementen schakelmateriaal = Communication technology/clinic installation
communicatietechnologie = communication technology
communicatietechnologie = communications technology
communicatietechnologieën = communication technologies
communicatieterminal = communication terminal station
communicatietheorie = communication theory
communicatietijd = sampling time
communicatietoestel = communication device
communicatietoestellen = communication devices
communicatie-uitingen = communications
Communicatie-uitrusting = Communications equipment
communicatievaardigheden = communication skills
communicatieve = communicative
communicatieve cohesie = communicational cohesion
communicatieve competenties = communicative competences
communicatieve en sociale vaardigheden = communication skills and social skills
communicatieve handeling = communicative act
communicatieve handelingen = communicative acts
communicatieve vaardigheden = communication skills [DS: Communication Skills]
Communicatieve Vaardigheden = [DS] Communication Skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communication skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communications skills
communicatieve vaardigheden = communicative skills
communicatieve vaardigheden {mv} = communication skills
communicatieverkeer = communication traffic
communicatieverstoring = communication jamming: COMJAM
communicatieverwerkingseenheid = communication processor unit: CPU
communicatievoorkeur = communication preferences
communicatievoorkeuren = communication preferences
communicatievoorzieningen = communication facilities
communicatievorm = form of communication
communicatiewacht = guard watch
communicatiewerkwijzen = communication modes
communicatiewetenschap = communication sciences
communicatiewetenschappen = communication sciences
Communicatiewetenschappen = Communication Studies
communicatiewetenschapper = communication scientist
communicatiezender = communication transmitter
communicatiezendstation = communication source
Communicatie-zuil = Communication column
Communication & the Sustainable Society = Communication & the Sustainable Society
Communication and Multimedia Design = Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD)
Communication meeting = Communication meeting
Communication meetings = Communication meetings
Communication menu = communication screen
communication plan = communicatieplan
Communication-Based Train Control = Communication-Based Train Control
communications management association = communications management association
Communicator = Communicator
Communicator 2005 = Communicator 2005
communicatoren = communicators
Communicator-oproep = Communicator call
Communicator-rondleiding = Communicator Tour
communiceer = communicate
communiceerbaar = communicable
communiceerbare = communicable
communiceerbare visie = clear and communicable vision
communiceerde = communicated
communiceert = communicates
Communiceert begrip voor = Communicates understanding for
communiceert en gaat in gesprek met u = communicates and engages with you
communiceren = communicating
communiceren = communicate
communiceren = to communicate
communiceren (van toestanden in een Markov-keten) = communicate
Communiceren en het vertrouwen bewaren = communicate and maintain confidence
communiceren en uitdragen = communicate and promote
Communiceren in minimaal 1 vreemde taal = Communicating in at least one foreign language
communiceren onder elkaar = communicate among yourselves
"communiceren, en hoe men dat doet" = "the importance of clear, concise and objective communication"
communicerende = communicating
communicerende vaten = interconnected tanks
communie = communion
communinicatie = communication
communiqué = communication
communisme = communism
communist = communist
communistisch = communist
communistische = communist
communistische partij = Communist Party
"communities, discussieforums en unified communications" = "communities, discussion forums and unified communications"
community = community
community = intranet (Community)
Community of Practice = Community of Practice
Community relations = Community relations
Community-lid = Community Member
communitynaam = community name
Community-sensing = Community-sensing
commutatie = commutation
commutatiecondensator = commutating capacitor
commutatief = abelian
commutator = commutator
COM-object = COM object
Comoren = Comoro Islands
Comoren = Comoros
comp & ben = Compensation & Benefits
Compact = Compactness
Compact = Tightness
compact = compact
compact = compactly
compact (serial) cluster = compact (serial) cluster
compact cassette = compact cassette
"Compact chassis met twee opstellingsmogelijkheden, met max. 1,5 TB(1) SAS" = "Compact, dual-orientation chassis with up to 1.5TB1 SAS and/or SATA stora"
Compact disc = Compact Disc
Compact Disc File System = Compact Disc File System
Compact disks (cd's) = Compact disks (CDs)
compact en modulair ontwerp = compact and modular design
compact en modulair ontwerp en een hoge mate van standaardisatie = compact and modular design and high degree of standardisation
Compact Flash = Compact Flash
Compact fluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
compact kit = compact kit
Compact model = Compact model
compact station = compact station
compact transportsysteem = compact transport system
"compact, modulair ontwerp" = "compact, modular design"
Compact-cassette (analoog) = Compact cassette (analogue)
compact-disc = compact disc
compactdiscs = compact discs
compactdiscs (audio-video) = compact discs (audio-video)
compactdiscs en cd-roms = compact discs and CD-roms
"compactdiscs, banden, cartridges, kabels, kaarten en filamenten, allemaal" = "compact discs, tapes, cartridges, wires, cards and filaments, all for bea"
compactdiscspelers = compact disc players
compact-disk = compact disk
compact-disk fabriek = Compact Disc industry
compact-disk PROM = compact disk PROM: CD-PROM
compact-disk ROM = compact disk ROM: CD-ROM
compacte = compact
compacte eindschakelaar = compact limit switch
Compacte en veelzijdige = Compact and versatile
compacte fluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
Compacte fluorescerende bollampen = Compact fluorescent globe lamps
Compacte fluorescerende buislampen = Compact fluorescent tube lamps
compacte footprint = Compact footprint
Compacte installatie voor centrale verwarming elektrisch = Compact installation for electro central heating
Compacte installatie voor solarsysteem = Solar compact installation
Compacte installatie voor warmtepomp = Compact installation for heat pump
compacte modus = skin mode
compacte opstelling = compact arrangement
compacte opstelling = compact setup
compacte palletlift = compact pallet lift
compacte palletlift voor middelzware lasten = compact pallet lift for medium heavy loads
compacte ruimtes = compact spaces
compacte samenvatting = concise summary
compacte sneeuw = compact snow
compacte stad = compact city
compacte verpakkingsmachine = compact packaging machine
compacte verzamelrail = compact bar
compactere configuratie = more compact configuration
compactere vorm = more compact form
compacteur = compactor
CompactFlash-kaart = CompactFlash card
Compactfluorescentielamp = Compact fluorescent lamp
compactheid = compaction
compactie met vaste-tolerantieband = fixed-tolerance-band compaction
compactiegraad = degree of compaction
"compactificeren, samenpersen" = compact  (make more dense)
compacting- of extrusion-technologie = compacting or extrusion technology
compactregie = compact multi-cam setup
compactstation = compact substation
Compagnie = Company (military unit)
Compagnie = Firm
Compagnie = Company
Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications = Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications
Compagnie Industrielle de Télécommunications = CIT Alcatel
compander = compander
Companies House = Companies House
Companies Registration Office = Companies Registration Office
compansie = companding
Company – Career settings = Company – Career settings
Company – FileMaker Business Alliance = Company – FileMaker Business Alliance
company buy-out = company buyout
company doelstellingen = company objective
company limited by guarantee = company limited by guarantee
company regulations** = bedrijfsreglement
Comparable implementeren = Implementing Comparable
comparant = person appearing
comparante = the appearer
comparanten = "the parties, the parties appearing (before me)"
comparanten = conductor
comparanten = signatories
comparanten = witnesses
comparatief voordeel = comparative advantage
Comparatief-statische analyse = Comparative static analysis
Comparatieve analyse = Comparative analysis
comparatieve kosten = comparative costs
Comparatieve producttest = Comparative producttest
comparatio = compa-ratio
comparative mortality figure = comparative mortality figure
comparator = dial gauge
comparator = comparator
comparator product = comparator product
comparator producten = comparator products
comparitie = appearance
comparitie van partijen om inlichtingen te verschaffen dan wel een schikk = personal appearance of the parties to give information or to try to reach
comparitie-na-antwoordmodel = post-defence hearing model
compartiment = compartment (in i-DEPOT envelope)
Compartiment = Coupé
compartiment = compartment
compartiment {het} = compartment
Compartiment zwaar = "room factor, high"
compartimenten = compartments
compartimentenmodel = compartment models
compartimenteren = classification
compartimenteren = classifying
compartimenteren = subdivision
compartimenteren van bedrijfspanden = compartmentalising business premises
compartimentering = compartmentation
compartimentering = partitioning
compartimentering = phased (fire/smoke up) full clearance
compartimentering = compartmentalization
compartimenteringsvoorschriften = guidelines/instructions for divison into compartments
compartimenteringtekening = compartmentalisation drawing
compartimentidentificatiecode = compartment identification code
Compassie = Pity
Compassie = Mercy
Compassie = Compassion
Compassie = Mercifulness
Compatabiliteit = Compatability
compatabiliteit = compatibility
compatibel = compatible
compatibel met eerdere versies = backward compatible
compatibel met eerdere versies = backward-compatible
compatibel zijn met elkaar = are compatible with each other
compatibele computer = compliant computer
compatibele enkelzijband = compatible single sideband: CSSB
compatibele IC = compatible IC
compatibele id = compatible ID
compatibele kaart = compliant card
compatibele ontvangst = compatible reception
compatibele programmatuur = compatible software
compatibele zijbandtransmissie = compatible sideband transmission
Compatibiliteit = Compatibility
compatibiliteit = compatibility
compatibiliteit met andere devices = Compatibility with other devices
compatibiliteit met eerdere versies = backward compatibility
compatibiliteit naar beneden = downward compatibility
compatibiliteit naar boven = upward compatibility
Compatibiliteitsbeheer = Compatibility Administrator
Compatibiliteitscontrole = Compatibility Checker
compatibiliteitsmiddelen = compatibility agents
compatibiliteitsmodus = compatibility mode
compatibiliteitsoplossing = compatibility fix
compatibiliteitsproblemen = compatibility issues
Compatibiliteitsrapport = Compatibility Report
compatibiliteitsterugschakeling = compatibility switching
Compatibiliteitsweergave = Compatibility View
compelling transmedia storytelling = compelling transmedia storytelling
compensatie = indemnity
compensatie = time off
compensatie = indemnity
compensatie = setoff
compensatie = compensation
compensatie {de} = compensation
compensatie ouderendagen = compensation with respect to leave days accrued by older employees
compensatie sproeier = compensating jet
compensatie van blindvermogen = reactive power compensation
compensatie van de straal van het gereedschap = tool radius offset
compensatie voor openbaredienstverlening = public service compensation
compensatie voor vervroegd pensioen = compensation for early retirement
compensatiebedrag voor niet-bedrijfsmatige producenten van zonnebloemzaad = compensatory payment to non-professional sunflower seed producers
compensatiecondensator = compensating capacitor
compensatiedag = day off in lieu
compensatiediode = compensating diode
compensatiefilter = compensating filter
compensatiefonds = compensation fund
compensatiehandel = countertrade
Compensatiehandel = Barter trade
compensatiehuls = compensation sleeve
compensatienaaf = compensator hub
compensatieniveau = compensation level
compensatieovereenkomst = clearing agreement
compensatieplaat = compensation plate
compensatiespoel = compensation coil
compensatiestroom = compensation current
compensatiestuk = compensation element
Compensatietransactie = Counter purchase
compensatie-uren = compensatory hours
compensatievat = expansion tank
compensatieverlof = compensation leave
compensatieweerstand = compensating resistor
Compensation & Benefits = Compensation & Benefits
Compensatoire beslisregel = Compensatory decision rule
compensatoire maatregelen = compensatory measures
compensator = expansion joint
Compensator/harmonicaslang voor solarsysteem = Solar compensator/- corrugated hose
compensatoren = expansion joints
compenseert = co
compenseert de kosten van deze procedure tussen de partijen = each of the parties will have to pay its own legal costs
Compenseren = Make up for
compenseren = to compensate
Compenseren = Make up
Compenseren = Make good
compenseren = to indemnify
compenseren = offset
compenseren = compensate
compenserende belasting = compensatory tax
compenserende boekingspost = counter error
compenserende boekingspost = offsetting entry
compenserende boekingspost = offsetting error
compenserende faseverschuiving = compensating phase shift
compenserende financiering = compensatory financing
compenserende fout = compensating error
compenserende heffing = countervailing charge
compenserende maatregel = compensatory measure
compenserende rechten heffen = to levy countervailing duties
Competatief = Competitive
Competence Center = Center of Competence
Competencies = Competencies
competency = competencies
competency = Competencies
competency = competency
competency = Competency
competency centres = centre of competence
competency centres = centre of excellence
competency centres = competency centre
Competency development = Competency development
Competency matrix = Competency matrix
competent = competent
competent = able
Competent Authority = Competent Authority
"competent, handig, bedreven" = able {adj} (skillful)
"competent, in aanmerking komend" = able {adj} (legally qualified)
competentie = competency / competence (plural: competencies / competences)
competentie = "competency, competence [plural: competencies, competences]"
competentie = 'competency (BTO’s official competencies are:
competentie = competence
competentie = ability
competentie = competency
competentie en autoriteit = competence and authority
Competentie- en innovatiecommunities = Competence and innovation communities
competentie matrix = competence matrix
competentie ontwikkeling = competence development
competentie- ontwikkeling = competence development
competentie ontwikkeling van competenties = competence development of competencies
"competentie, bekwaamheid" = competence (the quality or state of being competent for a general role.)
"competentie, bevoegdheid" = competence (the quality or state of being competent for a particular task
Competentiebeschrijving = Competency description
competentiedeling = competence sharing
competentiegebied = competency area
competentiegericht = competence oriented
competentiegericht = competency oriented
competentiegericht = competency-focused
competentiegericht beoordelingsformulier = competence-based assessment form
competentiegericht leren = competence-based learning
competentiegericht ontwikkelen = Competency oriented development
competentiegerichte = competence-based
competentiegerichte profielbeschrijving = competence-based profile description
Competentielab = Competency Lab
competentiemanagement = competency management
competentiemanagement = competence management
competentiematrix = competency matrix
Competentieniveau = Competency Level
Competentieomschrijving = Competency description
competentieontwikkeling = development of competences
competentieontwikkeling = competence development
competentieontwikkeling = development of competences Computer- en Compositietechnieken
Competentieontwikkeling = Development of competencies
competentieontwikkeling = competency development
competentieontwikkeling = updating of skills
competentieontwikkeling = developing competences
competentie-ontwikkeling = competence development
competentieontwikkeltraject = competency development program
competentieprofiel = competence profile
Competentieprofiel = Competency profile
competentieprofielen = competence profiles
competenties = competencies
competenties = skills
competenties = competences
Competenties = Competences
Competenties en Scoring = Competencies and Scoring
Competenties maatschappelijke ondersteuning in de branche Welzijn en Maat = Social Support Competences (Competenties Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning)
Competentiestrijd = conflict of responsibility
Competentietabel = Competency table
competitie = contest
competitie {de} = competition
Competitief = Competitive
competitief en efficiënt = competitive and efficient
Competitieve = Competitive
Competitieve markt = Competitive market
Competitieve markten = Competitive markets
competitieve prijzen = competitive prices
competitieve voorsprong = competitive edge
Competitive Dialogue = Competitive Dialogue
competitiveness = competitiveness
competitiviteit = competitivity
competitor analysis data (analyse van concurrentiegegevens) = competitor analysis data
compilatie = compilation
compilatie van adreslijsten = compilation of mailing lists
compilatie van bedrijfsinformatie = compilation of business information
compilatie van bedrijvengidsen = compilation of business directories
compilatie van doelgroep = audience compilation
compilatie-eenheid = compilation unit
compilatieprogramma = compiler
compilatietijd = compile time
compilator = compiler
compilator-generator = compiler generator
Compiled list = Compiled list
compileerfase = compiling phase
compileermachine = compiling computer
compileerprogramma = compile program
compileerprogramma = compiler
compileert het .java bestand = compiles the .java file
compileertaal = compiler
compiler = compiler
compilercode = compiler code
compileren = compile
compileren = to compile
compileren en uitvoeren = compile-and-go
compileren en uitvoeren = compile-and-go (GWIT)
compileren en uitvoeren = Compiling and running
Compileren vanaf een DOS prompt = Compiling from a DOS prompt
compileren vanuit de parent directory = compile from the parent directory
compileren vanuit de parent directory van = compile from the parent directory of
compilergenerator = compiler generator
compileringsduur = compile time
compiler-optie = compiler option
Compiling software = Compiling software packages
complaint analyse = complaint analysis
compleet = absolute
compleet = completely
Compleet = All-round
compleet = complete
compleet = comprehensive
compleet anker (ac) = armature
Compleet apparaat = Complete device
Compleet apparaat met sokkel = Complete with socket
Compleet betonreparatiesysteem = Complete concrete repair system
compleet doorlaatfilter = all-pass filter
compleet geautomatiseerde = fully automated
compleet gemonteerd = completely assembled
compleet kleurentelevisiesignaal = composite colour television signal
compleet opgesloten = completely closed up.
compleet prototype = full prototype
compleet stempel = compound tool
compleet tek pakket = complete technical kit
compleet tekeningenpakket = complete set of drawing sheets
compleet televisiesignaal = composite television signal
compleet traject = full gamut
compleet uitgerust = fully equipped
compleet uitgerust en gevuld voertuig = fully equipped and filled vehicle
compleet vergeten = plumb forgotten
"compleet, complete, volledig, volledige, geheel, gehele" = total {adj} (complete)
"compleet, kritisch en kloppend" = "complete, critical and accurate"
"compleet, volledig, volkomen" = completely {adv} (in a complete manner)
compleetheid {de} = completeness
Complement = Auxiliary
complement = complement
Complement = Complementary
complement = adjunct
complement van de error-functie = error function complement
"complement, pendant, tegenhanger" = "counterpart (either of two parts that fit together, or complement one ano"
complementair = complementary
complementair mechanisme = supplementary trade mechanism
complementair samenwerken = to work together on a complementary basis
complementaire = complementary
complementaire bewerking = complementary operation
complementaire bewerking = complementary operator
Complementaire en Alternatieve Geneeskunde = Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Complementaire gebruikskosten = Complementary utilization costs
Complementaire geneeskunde = Complementary medicine
complementaire gleuven = complementary slots
Complementaire goederen = Complementary goods
complementaire golf = complementary wave
complementaire golflengte = complementary wavelength
"complementaire groeven, gleuven of andere geschikte uitsparingen" = "complementary grooves, slots or other suitable recesses"
Complementaire kleur = Complementary color
complementaire kleur = complementary colour
complementaire kleuren = complementary colors
complementaire metaaloxide halfgeleider = complementary metal oxide semiconductor
complementaire oplossing = transient solution
complementaire overgenomen = complementary acquisitions
complementaire producten = complementary products
complementaire producten = joint demand
Complementaire productiefactoren = Complementary production factors
complementaire ringvormige groef = complementary annular groove
complementaire schroefdraad = complementary screw thread
complementaire tandem = complementary tandem
complementaire transistoren = complementary transistors
complementariteit van het handelsverkeer = complementarity of trade
complementariteitsbeginsel = principle of additionality
complementariteitsovereenkomst = complementarity agreement
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
complementbindingsreactie = complement  fixation reaction (a reaction used to identify antibodies or 
complementiar = complementary
complet = outfit
complete = complete
Complete = Vervolledig
complete afhandeling van = complete handling of
complete afhandeling van een gesprek = complete handling of a call
Complete behuizing = Complete housing
complete fabrieksinstallatie = industrial plant
complete fabrieksinstallatie = Complete industrial plant
complete informatie = complete information
Complete kast = Complete enclosure
complete kledingstukken = complete articles of clothing
complete koppelingseenheid = diaphragm unit
complete laag = complete layer
Complete ladingen vervoeren = Complete cargo transport
complete leeraanbod = complete learning offering
complete linkage clustering = complete linkage clustering
complete modulatie = complete modulation
complete omschrijving = complete description
complete opdracht = complete instruction
Complete oplossing = complete solution
complete oplossingen = complete solutions
complete palletiseeroplossingen = complete palletising solutions
complete palletlaag = complete pallet layer
Complete PC terugzetten = Complete PC Restore
Complete PC-back-up = Complete PC Backup
complete rij = complete row
complete rij of laag = complete row or layer
complete rij/laag = complete row/layer
Complete spelsets voor basketbal = Basketball complete game systems
complete systemen = complete systems
complete ticketingoplossing = complete ticketing solution
complete verwarmingseenheid = heater unit
complete voorzieningen = complete solutions
completer = more complete
completeren = to complete
completeren = complete
completering = completion
completering = closure
completeringswachttijd = completion waiting time
completion instructions = Instructies voor het invullen
Complex = Sophisticated
Complex = Messy
complex = complex
complex abnormal curve = complex abnormal curve
complex beroepsvraagstuk = complex professional problem
complex codes = complex codes
complex en traag = complex and slow
complex getal = complex number
Complex Instruction Set Computer = Complex instruction set computer
Complex Instruction Set Computing = complex instruction set computing
complex netwerk = complex network
complex onderwerp = complex topic
complex project Kustvisie = ‘Coastal Vision’ complex project
complex schrifttype = complex script
complex type = complex type
complex van gebouwen waarvan het gehuurde deel uit maakt = complex of buildings containing the Leased Space
complexe = complex
complexe bewerkingen = complex operations
complexe casus = complex case
complexe demodulatie = complex demodulation
complexe fraude = complex fraud
complexe functie = complex function
complexe Gauss-verdeling = complex Gaussian distribution
complexe golfvorm = complex waveform
complexe innovaties = complex innovations
complexe locatie = complex location
complexe maatschappelijke vraagstukken = complex social issues
complexe manipulatie = complex manipulation
complexe marketingprobleemstelling = complex marketing problem
complexe materie = complex subject matter
complexe migratieprojecten = complex migration projects
complexe ontwerpprocessen = complex design processes
complexe operaties = complex operations
complexe overdrachtsfunctie = complex transfer function
complexe overgang = complex transition
complexe periodieke golf = complex periodic wave
complexe projecten en vraagstukken = complex projects and issues
complexe realiteit = complex reality
complexe situaties of problemen = complex situations or problems
Complexe technologie = Complex technology
complexe toon = complex tone
complexe uitdaging = complex challenge
"complexe uitdaging, in een multi stakeholder setting" = complex challenge in a multi-stakeholder setting
complexe vorm = complex shape
complexe vormgeving = complex design
complexe vraagstukken = complex issues
complexe Wishart-verdeling = complex Wishart distribution
complexeermiddel = complexing agent
complexen = complexes
complexer = more complex
complexer dan de hoofdvraag = more complex than the main question
complexere sociale situaties = complex social situations
complexeren = to complex
complexering = complex formation
Complexiteit = Complexity
complexiteit en eenvoud = complexity and simplicity
complexiteit markt = market complexity
complexiteit van een eenheid = device complexity
complexiteit van gezondheid = complexity of health
complexiteit verminderen = reduce complexity
Complexiteit vragenlijst = Complexity questionnaire
complexiteitserkennende benadering = something / an approach that recognises complexity
Complexiteitsniveau = Level of complexity
Complexiteitsniveau = Complexity level
complexvormer = complexing agent
complexvormers = complexing agents
complexvormige micronutriënt = Complexed micro-nutrient
compliance = compliance
compliance framework = compliance framework
compliance functionaris = compliance officer
Compliance GAP analyse = Compliance gap analysis
Compliance GAP analyses = Compliance gap analyses
Compliance Manager = Compliance Manager
Compliance Matrix = Compliance Matrix
Compliance Office = CO
Compliance Office = Compliance Office
compliance officer = compliance officer
compliance risico’s = compliance risks
compliance-eisen = compliance requirements
compliancy = compliancy (chiefly US English)
Compliancy List = Compliance List
Compliant Eis = Meets Requirement
compliant met = compliant with
Compliant Wens = Meets Wishes
Compliantie = Favour
compliantie = compliance
Compliantie = Complacency
Compliantie = Favor
compliantiebereik = compliance range
Complicatie = Complication
compliceren = complicate
compliment = compliment
complimenten = compliments
complimenteren = Ensure that compliments are given
complimenteren = compliment
"complimenteren, een compliment geven" = compliment  (to pay a compliment
"complimenteren, een compliment geven" = to express a favorable opinion)
Complimentje geven = Positive feedback?
compluvium = compluvium
comply or explain = comply or explain
comply with and/or observe = nakomt en/of naleeft
component = hive
component = component
component = building element
Component (en) = Component(s)
component {de} = component
component A = component A
component A en sulfentrazone = component A and sulfentrazone
Component Object Model = Component Object Model
Component Platform Interface = Component Platform Interface
Component Services = Component Services
component toekenning = Component Allocation
component van een kracht = component of a force
component van het chrominantiesignaal met de grootste bandbreedte = fine chrominance primary
component video = component video
Component-Based Servicing = Component-Based Servicing
componentcapaciteits-management = Component Capacity Management
component-CI = component CI
componentdrager = component carrier
componenten = components
componenten en bekabeling = components and cabling
componenten en subeenheden = Components and sub-assemblies
Componenten GC-ECD (som) = Components GC-ECD (total)
Componenten GC-FID (som) = Componenten GC-FID (total)
componenten met verwerkingsvermogen = components with processing power
Componenten overzicht = Components overview
Componenten Systems & Storage services = Systems & Storage Services Components
Componenten van de hosted authenticatie dienst: = Components of the hosted authentication service:
componenten van de integrerende infrastructuur = integrating infrastructure components
componenten van eindverpakkingssystemen = end-of-line packaging system components
componenten van het chrominantiesignaal = chrominance components
componenten van het systeem = components of the system
componenten van Qimarox = Qimarox components
componenten voor eindverpakkingssystemen = components for end-of-line packaging systems
componenten voor material handling systemen = components for material handling systems
Componenten voor omheiningen = Fencing components
"componenten, kenmerken, elementen, leden, stappen" = "components, characteristics, elements, members, steps"
componentenassemblage = component assembly
componentenboek = parts catalogue
componentencapaciteitsbeheer = component capacity management (CCM)
Componentenrijgklem = Component terminal block
Componentensteker rijgklem = Component plug terminal block
componentschema = component diagram
componentsecties = component sections
componentspanning = component stress
componentstandaard = component standard
componentverstoringimpactanalyse = component failure impact analysis (CFIA)
componeren = compose
"componeren (notably music), redigeren" = compose  (to construct by mental labor
"componeren (notably music), redigeren" = to think up)
componist = composer
componisten = composers
componisten en tekstschrijvers = composers and lyricists
COM-poort = COM port
composable applicaties = composable applications
composierorde (vijfde klassieke bouworde) = composite
composiet = composite
Composiet (materiaal) = Composite material
composiet balk = composite beam
composiet steen = composite stone
composiet video = composite video
composietbesturingselement = composite control
composieten = composites
Composietenfamilie = Asteraceae
composietmateriaal = composite material
composietmateriaal = composite
Compositie = Composition
Compost = Compost production
compost = compost
compost uit afval en (riool)slib = refuse-sludge compost
Compostcontainers = Compost boxes
composteerbaar afval = compostable waste
composteerbaarheid = compostability
composteerbare = compostable
composteerbare producten = compostable products
Composteerdiensten = Composting services
composteerinrichting = composting plant
composteren = composting
compostering door de producent = composting by producer
composteringsbedrijf = Composting plant
composthoop = compost heap
Compote = Stewed fruit
Compote = Compote
compote = compote
compote = stewed fruit
Compoteschaal = Fruit dish
compound = compound
compounderen = compound (to)
compounderen = to compound
compounderen = compounding
compoundering = compounding
compoundwikkeling = compound winding
comprehensible = bevattelijke
comprehensief leerplicht(ig) onderwijs = single-structure education
compressed natural gas = CNG
compressed natural gas = compressed natural gas
Compressen = Compresses
Compressibiliteit = Compressibility
compressie = compaction
compressie = compression
Compressie en deduplicatie = Compression and deduplication
compressie en expansie = companding
compressie met kwaliteitsverlies = lossy compression
compressie molding = compression moulding
compressie tester = compression tester
compressie tester = compression machine
compressie zonder kwaliteitsverlies = lossless compression
compressie(zuiger)veer = compression ring
"compressie, comprimering" = compression (the act of compressing)
compressiehulpprogramma = compression utility
Compressiekousen = Compression stockings
compressiemeter = compression gauge
compressiemodulus = compression modulus
compressieniveau = compression level
Compressie-ontstekingsmotoren = Compression-ignition engines
compressiepersmatrijs = compression mould
compressieproces = compression process
compressieruimte = clearance volume
compressie-sportkousen = compression sports socks
compressietherapie = elastic compression
compressietrappen = compression stages
compressie-uitsluitingslijst = compression exclusion list
compressieveer = compression ring
compressieverhouding = compression ratio
compressievormen = compression molding
compressiewaarde = compression value
compression set = compression set
Compression Spring = Compression Spring
Compression spring = Compression spring
compressor = air compressor
compressor = compressor
compressor (m) = compressor
compressor / luchtperspomp = compressor
compressor / turbo = supercharger (turbo)
compressor huis / carrosserie = blower body
compressoreenheden = compressor units
compressoreenheid = compressor unit
compressoren = compressors
compressoren (machines) = compressors (machines)
Compressoren voor burgerluchtvaartuigen = Compressors for use in civil aircraft
compressoren voor koelinstallaties = compressors for refrigerators
Compressoren voor koelinstallaties = Compressors for refrigerating equipment
compressorgebouw = compressor building
compressorleiding = compressor line
compressorlucht = compressor air
Compressorolie = Compressor lube oils
compressorset = compressor set
compressortypen = compressor types
compressorunit = compressor unit
compressorunits = compressor units
compressorwaaier = compressor impeller
comprimeerbare suiker = compressible sugar
comprimeren = compress
comprimeren = to compress
comprimeren = compact
comprimeren = archive
"comprimeren, samendrukken, verdichten" = compress  (to press together into a smaller space)
"comprimeren, samenvatten, verdichten" = compress  (to condense)
comprimering van gegevens = data reduction
Comprimeringsfaciliteiten = Compression utilities
comprimeringstechnieken = compression techniques
compromis = compromis
Compromis = Settlement
Compromis = Compromise
Compromis = Trade-off
Compromis = Accommodation
compromis van averij grosse = average bond
compromis van averij grosse = to settle the matter out of court
compromissen = arbitration agreements
compromitteert = compromise
comptabel te meten grootheden = quantities to be metered for accounting purposes
comptabele meetinrichting = metering device for accounting purposes
comptabele meting = metering for accounting purposes
comptabiliteit = accountancy
comptabiliteitsafdeling = accounts department
comptabiliteitsafdeling = doom
Comptabiliteitswet = Government Accounting Act
Comptabiliteitswet = Government Accounts Act
Compton-effect = Compton scattering
Computational Fluid Dynamics = NS
Computational thinking = computational thinking
computationele = computational
computationele effici?ntie = computational efficiency
computationele efficiéntie = computational efficiency
computationele efficiëntie = computational efficiency
computationele effici�ntie = computational efficiency
Computationele Natuurkunde = Computational Physics
computationele taalkunde = computational linguistics (an interdisciplinary field dealing with the st
Computationele taalkunde = Computational linguistics
compute = compute
computer = computer
computer (ECU) = computer
computer {de} = computer
Computer Aided Design = Computer-aided design
Computer apparatuur = Computer equipment
Computer apparatuur = Computer appliances
Computer Associates = Computer Associates
Computer Based = Computer Based
computer based installatie = computer-based installation
computer bewerkingscontroles = computer operating controls
Computer Browser Service = Computer Browser service
computer code = computer code
Computer- en Compositietechnieken = Computer and Composition Techniques
computer- en menselijk leesbare = computer and human readable
computer en telefonie-integratie = computer telephony integration (CTI)
computer- en videospellen = computer and video games
Computer Entertainment Rating Organization = Computer Entertainment Rating Organization
computer gestuurd ontwerpsysteem = computer aided design (system): CAD
Computer hardware - aanschaffingswaarde = Computer hardware - cost
Computer hardware - afschrijvingen = Computer hardware - depreciation (-)
Computer hardware - meerwaarden = Computer hardware - surpluses
computer identificatie = computer identification
computer met bijbehorende apparatuur = hardware
computer met een complex instructieset = complex instruction set computer: CISC
computer met een gereduceerd instructieset = reduced instruction set computer: RISC
computer met gedeelde toegang = shared access computer
computer met installatiebestanden = technician computer
computer met Intel-architectuur = Intel Architecture Personal Computer
computer met meervoudige toegang = multi-access computer
computer ondersteund leren = computer-assisted learning
computer ondersteund onderwijs = computer assisted instruction
computer ondersteunde = computer-supported
computer ondersteunde controletechnieken = computer assisted audit techniques
computer ondersteunde software-ontwikkeling = computer-aided software engineering: CASE
computer ondersteunde testontwikkeling = computer-aided test engineering: CATE
computer op één plaat = single board computer
computer programma = computer program
computer programma product = computer program product
Computer Science & Sensor Technology = Computer Science & Sensor Technology
Computer Science & Sensor Technology = Computer Science & Sensor Technology (lectoraat)
Computer Science & Sensor Technology (lectoraat) = Computer Science & Sensor Technology (professorship)
Computer software - aanschaffingswaarde = Computer software - cost
Computer software - afschrijvingen = Computer software - depreciation (-)
Computer software - meerwaarden = Computer software - surpluses
Computer systemen = Computer Systems
computer systemen = computer systems
computer voor alle doeleinden = all-purpose computer
computer voor persoonlijk gebruik = personal computer: PC
"computer, mobiele telefoon of tablet" = "computer, mobile phone or tablet"
"computer, smartphone of ander apparaat" = "computer, smartphone or other device"
"computer, tablet of smartphone" = "computer, tablet or smartphone"
computeraccessoires = computer accessories
computeraccount = computer account
Computer-aided engineering = CAE
Computer-aided engineering = Computer-aided engineering
computerapparaat = computer device
computerapparatuur = computer equipment
Computerapparatuur = Computer-related equipment
computerapparatuur = computer apparatus
computerapparatuur en -instrumenten = computer apparatus and instruments
computerapparatuur en -instrumenten = computing apparatus and instruments
Computerarchitectuur = Computer architecture
Computerarchiveringsdiensten = Computer archiving services
computeraudio = computer audio
Computeraudit- en testdiensten = Computer audit and testing services
computerbanden = computer tapes
computer-beeldontleding = computer-assisted  image interpretation
computerbeeldscherm = computer display
computer-begeleid onderwijs = computer-aided education
computer-begeleide constructie = computer-aided design
computerbeheerder = computer administrator
computerbekabeling = computer cabling
Computerbenodigdheden = Computer supplies
computerbenodigdheden = computer supplies
computerbeperkingen = computer restrictions
computerberekeningen = computer simulations
computerbesturingsprogramma’s = computer operating programs
Computerbesturingssysteem = Computer control system
computerbesturingssystemen = computer operating systems
computerbeveiliging = computer security
computerbewerkingen uitgevoerd door eindgebruikers = end-user computing
computerbewijs = digital evidence
computerbord = computer board
computercartridges = computer cartridges
computerchips = computer chips
computercommunicatiesoftware = computer communication software
Computerconfiguraties = Computer configurations
computercriminaliteit = computer crime
computercriminelen = computer criminals
Computercursussen = Computer courses
Computercursussen voor beginners en gevorderden = Computer-user familiarisation and training services
Computerdatakabel = Data cable
computerdiagnostiek = computer-assisted  diagnosis
computerdiensten = computer services
"computerdiensten, te weten de beoordeling, de analyse, het testen en het " = "computer services, namely appraisal, analysis, testing and rating the per"
computerdiode = computer diode
computerdiscs = computer disks
computereiland = computer cluster
computerelementen = computer resources
"computeren, computergebruik" = computing (action of using a computer)
computerervaring = PC experience
computerfabriek = Computer industry
computerfabrikanten = computer factories
computerfirmware = computer firmware
computerfraude = computer fraud
computergames = computer games
computergebruik = computer use
computergebruik = computer usage
computergebruiker = information technology user
computergebruiker = computer user
computergebruikers = computer users
computergebruikershandleidingen = computer user manuals
computergegevens = computer data
computergeheugen = data storage medium
computergeheugen = memory
computergeheugen = computer memory
computergeïmplementeerd = computer implemented
computergeïmplementeerd segmentatie-algoritme = computer implemented segmentation algorithm
computer-geïmplementeerde werkwijze = computer-implemented method
computer-geïntegreerd fabricagesysteem = computer-integrated manufacturing system
computer-geïntegreerd ontwerp = computer integrated design: CID
computer-geïntegreerde fabricage = computer integrated manufacturing: CIM
computer-geïntegreerde productie = computer-integrated manufacturing: CIM
computergeletterdheid = computer literacy
computergeneratie = computer generation
computergerichte taal = computer oriented language
Computergestuurd = Computer-controlled
computer-gestuurd = computer-controlled
computergestuurd fabricagesysteem = computer aided manufacturing (system): CAM
computergestuurd programma = computer-controlled program
computergestuurd systeem = computer-controlled system
computergestuurde tekenmachine = computer controlled plotter
computergestuurde tekstverwerking = computer controlled text processing
computergestuurde transmissie van boodschappen en/of beelden = computer-aided transmission of messages and/or images
computergrafiek = computer graphics
Computergraphics = Computer graphics
computerhandboeken = computer manuals
"computerhandboeken, printpapier" = "computer manuals, computer printout paper"
Computerhandleidingen = Computer manuals
Computerhardware = Computer hardware
computerhardware en -randapparatuur = computer hardware and peripheral devices
computerhulplijndiensten = computer help-line services
Computerinbreker = Hacker
computerinstallaties = computing equipment
"computerinstallaties, -apparaten en -instrumenten" = "computer installations, apparatus and instruments"
computerinstructie = computer instruction
computerinstructiecode = computer instruction code
computer-instrumenten = computer instruments
computerinvoer = computer input
computerisatie = computerization
Computerkaarten = Computer cards
computerkabels = computer cables
computerkamer = computer room
Computerkast = Case
Computerkast = Tower
computerkracht = computing power
Computerkraker = Cracker
computerleerzaal = computer room
computerleerzalen = computer rooms
Computerleerzalen = computer labs
computerleesbaar = computer-readable
computerleesbaar medium = computer-readable medium
Computermeubilair = Computer furniture
computermiddelen = computer resources
computermodel = computer model
computermonitors = computer monitors
Computermuis = Computer mouse
computermuizen = mice
computernaam = computer name
computer-naar-computernetwerk = computer-to-computer network
computernet = computer net
computernetwerk = computer network
Computernetwerk = Network
computernetwerk met toegevoegde hulpmiddelen = attached resources computing network: ARCnet
computernetwerkapparatuur = computer networking apparatus
computernetwerkapparatuur en -instrumenten = computer networking apparatus and instruments
computernetwerkcommunicatie = computer network communications
Computernetwerkdiensten = Computer network services
Computeronderdelen = Parts of computers
Computerondersteund = Computer-aided
computer-ondersteund = computer-aided: CA
computer-ondersteund detector ontwerp = computer-aided detector design: CADD
computerondersteund onderwijs = programmed learning
computer-ondersteund onderwijs = computer-assisted learning
computer-ondersteund onderwijs = computer-aided education: CAE
computer-ondersteund onderwijs (COO) = "computer-assisted instruction (CAI), computer-aided learning (CAL)"
computer-ondersteund ontwerp = computer-aided design: CAD
computerondersteund ontwerpen = computer-aided design
computerondersteund ontwerpen = computer-aided design services
computer-ondersteund tekenen = computer-aided drafting: CAD
computer-ondersteund testen = computer-aided testing: CAT
computer-ondersteunde coöperatieve werkzaamheden = computer supported cooperative work: CSCW
computer-ondersteunde documentatie = computer-aided documentation
computer-ondersteunde educatie = computer-aided education: CAE
computer-ondersteunde engineering = computer-aided engineering: CAE
computerondersteunde fabricage = computer assisted manufacturing
computer-ondersteunde fabricage = computer-aided manufacturing: CAM
computer-ondersteunde inspectie = computer-aided testing: CAT
computer-ondersteunde kwaliteitsbeheersing = computer-aided quality: CAQ
computer-ondersteunde linguïstiek = computational linguistics
computer-ondersteunde logistiek = computer-aided logistics: CAL
computer-ondersteunde ontwikkeling = computer-aided engineering: CAE
computer-ondersteunde procesplanning = computer-aided process planning: CAPP
computer-ondersteunde productie-engineering = computer-aided production engineering: CAPE
computer-ondersteunde programmatuurontwikkeling = computer-aided software engineering: CASE
computer-ondersteunde publicatie = desk-top publishing: DTP
computerondersteunde verzending van beelden = computer-aided transmission of images
computerondersteunde verzending van berichten = computer-aided transmission of messages
computerondersteunde verzending van berichten en = computer-aided transmission of messages and images
"computerondersteunde verzending van berichten, gegevens en beelden" = "computer-aided transmission of messages, data and images"
"computerondersteunde verzending van berichten, informatie en beelden" = "computer-aided transmission of messages, information and images"
computer-ondersteunde werkstukprogrammering = computer-aided part programming
Computer-Ondersteunde Zelfstudie (COZ) = computer supported private study (COZ)
computerondersteuning = computer support
Computerondersteuningsdiensten = Computer support services
computeropleiding = computer training
computerpapier = computer paper
computerpenetratie = computer penetration
computerpiraterij = computer piracy
Computerplatforms = Computer platforms
Computerpoorten = Computer ports
computerprinters = printers for use with computers
computerprogramma = computer program
computerprogramma = software
computer-programma = computer program
computerprogramma product = computer program product
computerprogramma voor het uitvoeren van een computer-geïmplementeerde w = computer program for carrying out a computer-implemented method
computerprogramma’s = computer programs
computerprogramma’s (geregistreerd) = computer programs (recorded)
computerprogramma’s die on line over het Internet en het world wide web = computer programs distributed on-line over the Internet and Web
computerprogramma’s die zijn opgeslagen op gegevensdragers = computer programs being recorded on data carriers
computerprogramma’s en -gegevens vastgelegd in een voor de computer toe = computer programs and data recorded in computer accessible form
computerprogramma’s en gegevensbanken = computer programs and data bases
computerprogramma’s en programmeertalen = computer programmes and programming languages
computerprogramma’s en software = computer programs and software
computerprogramma’s in gedrukte vorm = computer programs in printed form
computerprogramma’s t.b.v. accountantscontrole = audit software
computerprogramma’s voor gebruik van het Internet en het world wide web = computer programs for using the internet and the worldwide
computerprogramma’s voor het spelen van spellen = computer programs for playing games
computerprogramma’s voor video- en computerspellen = computer programs for video and computer games
"computerprogramma’s, computerspellen" = "computer programs, computer games"
computerprogrammacomponent = computer program component: CPC
computerprogrammaconfiguratie-item = computer program configuration item: CPCI
computerprogrammaproduct = computer program product
Computerprogrammaproduct volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = Computer program product according to any of the previous claims
Computerprogrammaproduct volgens voorgaande conclusie = Computer program product according to previous claim
computerprogrammaproduct voor het beheren van persoonsgegevens = computer program product for managing personal data
computerprogrammaproducten = computer program products
computerprogramma-resumé = computer program abstract
computerprogramma's = computer programs
computerprogramma's = programs
computerprogramma's en programmeertalen = computer programmes and programming languages
computerprogrammatuur = computer software
computerprogrammatuur voor belastingzaken = tax software
computerprogrammering = computer programming
computerprogrammering en analyse van computersystemen = computer programming and computer system analysis
computerprogrammering en ontwikkeling van software = computer programming and software design
computerprogrammering voor derden = computer programming for others
computer-randapparaten = computer peripheral devices
computerrandapparatuur = computer peripheral equipment
Computerreinigingskits = Computer cleaning kits
computerreparatiebedrijf = Computer repair services
computerruimte = computer room
computerruimten = computer rooms
computerrun = computer run
Computers = Data processing
Computers = Computing
Computers = Data-processing
Computers = Computerized
Computers = Information processing
Computers = Information technology
Computers = Informatics
computers = computers
computers en computerprogramma’s = computers and computer programs
computers en computerrandapparatuur = computers and computer peripherals
computers en gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = computers and data-processing apparatus
computers en gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en instrumenten = computers and data-processing apparatus and instruments
computers en hardware = computers and computer hardware
computers en software = computers and computer software
"computers, computerhardware en computersoftware" = "computers, computer hardware and computer software"
"computers, computersoftware" = "computers, computer software"
"computers, gegevensverwerkende apparatuur, computerapparatuur, modems voo" = "computers, data processing apparatus, computer equipment, computer modems"
"computers, hun randapparatuur, onderdelen en toebehoren" = "computers, their peripherals, parts and accessories"
computerscherm = computer screen
Computerschermen en -consoles = Computer screens and consoles
computerschijven en -banden = computer discs and tapes
Computerservers = Computer servers
computersimulatie = computer simulation
computersoftware = computer software
computersoftware (geregistreerd) = computer software (recorded)
computersoftware (geregistreerde programma’s) = computer software (recorded programs)
computersoftware en computerfirmware = computer software and computer firmware
computersoftware waaronder software met computerspellen = computer software including computer games software
"computersoftware, computerprogramma’s, computergegevensbanken" = "computer software, computer programs, computer"
"computersoftware, computerprogramma’s, computergegevensbanken op gegeve" = "computer software, computer programs, computer databases on data carriers"
computersoftwarecomponent = computer software component: CSC
computersoftwareconfiguratie-item = computer software configuration item: CSCI
computersoftware-ontwikkeling en -ontwerp voor derden = computer software development and design for others
computersoftwareprogramma’s = computer software programs
computerspecialist = computer specialist
Computerspel = Video game
Computerspel = Computer game
computerspellen = computer games
computerspellen en programma’s daarvoor = computer games and programs therefor
computerspellen voor gebruik met televisietoestellen = computer games for use with televisions
"computerspellen, voor zover begrepen in deze klasse" = computer games included in this class
computerspelletjes = computer games
computerspelprogramma’s = computer game programs
"computerspelprogramma’s, cartridges en cassettes" = "computer game programs, cartridges, and cassettes"
computerspeltoestellen = computer game apparatus
computersysteem = computer system
computersysteem voor het uitvoeren van een computer-geïmplementeerde wer = computer system for carrying out a computer-implemented method
computersystemen = computer systems
computersystemen = computer system
computertaal = computer language
Computertafels = Computer tables
computertape = computer tape
computertechniek = computer technique
computerterminal = computer terminal
Computerterminals = Computer terminals
computer-timesharing = computer timesharing
Computertoebehoren = Computer accessories
computertoegangstijd = computer access time
computertoestel = computer device
Computertoetsenborden = Computer keyboards
Computertomografie = Computed tomography
"computertomografie (Engels: computed tomography, CT)" = computed tomography (CT)
Computertomografiescanners = CT scanners
computeruitdraai = printer output
Computeruitrusting en -benodigdheden = Computer equipment and supplies
computeruitvoer = computer output
computeruitvoer op microfilm = computer output microfilm
Computerupgrading = Computer upgrade services
computervergoeding = computer reimbursement
computerverhuur = computer rental
computervertaling = machine translation: MT
Computervertaling = Machine translation
Computervirus = Computer virus
computervirussen = computer viruses
computervloer = access flooring
computervloer = raised access flooring
computervloer = raised access computer floor
Computervloeren = Computer floors
Computervoeding = EDP (Electronic data processing)
computerwetenschap = computer science
computerwetenschappen = computer science
Computerwetenschappen = Computer science
computerwormen = computer worms
Computerzalen = computer rooms
Comté AOC = County
Conakry = Conakry
"conatief, trachtend, proberend" = conative {adj} (of a striving action)
Conatieve component van de attitude = Conative component of attitude
Conax = Conax
conbijluco = concentric air-gap trimmer
concaaf = concave
concaaf oriëntatieprofiel = concave orientation profile
concaaf verloop = concave course
concaafheid = concavity
concatineren = to concatenate
concave = concave
concave oriëntering = concave orientation
concaviteit = concavity
Concensusmodellen = Consensus model
Concentatiegraad = Concentration ratio
Concentrated diversity strategy = Concentrated diversity strategy
Concentrated similarity strategy = Concentrated similarity strategy
Concentratie = Focus
Concentratie = Concentration
Concentratie (oplossing) = Concentration
concentratie [proces] = concentration (process)
concentratie [waarde] = concentration (value)
concentratie bandbreedte = concentration bandwidth
concentratie- en vernietigingskampen = concentration and extermination camps
concentratie matrix = concentration matrix
concentratie- of vernietigingskamp = concentration or extermination camp
Concentratie restmonomeren = Concentration of residual monomers
concentratie van nederzettingen = settlement concentration
concentratie van ondernemingen = business combination
concentratie zonder waargenomen effecten = no observed effect concentration (NOEC)
concentratieapparatuur = concentrating equipment
Concentratiebepaling van Zn = Determination of Zn concentration
concentratiebereik = range of concentrations
Concentratiebeweging = Movement of concentration
concentratiecoëfficiënt van Gini = coefficient of concentration
concentratiecurve = curve of concentration
concentratie-eenheid = concentrator
concentratie-ellips = ellipse of concentration
concentratiegebied = concentration area
concentratiegebied Oost = concentration area East
concentratiegebied Zuid = concentration area South
Concentratiegraad = Degree of concentration
Concentratiekamp = Internment
concentratiekamp = concentration camp
concentratiekamp {het} = concentration camp
concentratiemeter = concentration meter
concentratieparameter (bij de verdeling van Von Mises) = concentration parameter
Concentratieproces = Concentration process
concentratieruimte = concentration space
concentraties = concentrations in excess of
concentraties = concentrations
concentratievermogen = concentration
concentratiewerkplekken = concentration workplaces
concentratiezwakte = poor concentration
concentrator = concentrator
concentreert = focuses
concentreren = to concentrate
Concentreren = Concentrate
Concentreren = Mind
Concentreren = Focus
Concentreren = Focus on
Concentreren = Compress
concentreren zich vaak op = often focus on
concentriciteit = concentricity
concentrisch = concentric
concentrisch daarmee = concentrically therewith
concentrisch in elkaar geplaatst = are placed concentric in each other
concentrische = concentric
concentrische bijstelluchtcondensator = concentric air-dielectric trimmer
concentrische bijstelluchtcondensator = concentric air-gap trimmer
concentrische binnen en buitenelektrode = concentric inner and outer electrode
concentrische cilindrische elektroden = concentric cylindrical electrodes
concentrische cilindrische elektrolytische cel = concentric cylindrical electrolytic cell
concentrische condensator = concentric capacitor
concentrische extrusie = concentric extrusion
concentrische extrusie-druiptechnieken = concentric extrusion – dripping techniques
Concentrische geleider = Concentric conductor
concentrische lussen = concentric loops
concentrische mondstuk = concentric nozzle
concentrische mondstuk van de buitenschil = outer shell concentric nozzle
concentrische pijpen = concentric pipes
concentrische spuitmond = concentric nozzle
concept = design
concept = draft
concept = draft design
Concept = Concept
concept (voor een conferentie) = outline or plan
concept actieplan = draft action plan
concept advies = draft recommendation
concept begroting = draft budget
Concept bestellingen aanmaken = Create draft orders
concept bestemmingsplan = draft zoning plan
Concept Businesscase = Draft Business Case
Concept detailed design = Draft detailed design
Concept en Design Director = Concept and Design Director
concept note = concept note
concept notitie reikwijdte en detailniveau (concept-NRD) = Draft Memorandum Scope and Level of Detail
concept notulen = draft minutes
concept OER = draft Teaching and Examination Regulations
concept OER-en = draft Teaching and Examination Regulations
concept ontwerp NEN 5729 = initial draft NEN 5729
concept ontwikkeling = concept development
concept op trek = tension-based design
concept organogram = draft organisation chart
concept rapport = draft report
concept Strategisch plan = draft Strategic Plan
concept ter beoordeling/discussie = exposure draft
concept van druk = pressure design
concept van overerving begrijpen en toepassen = understand and apply the concept of inheritance
concept van stabilisatie op druk = compression-based stabilisation design
concept van stabilisatie op trek = tension-based stabilisation design
concept wet- en regelgeving = bill or draft legal framework
concept wetgeving = draft legislation
conceptadvies = draft recommendation
concept-advies = draft recommendation
concept-afwijzingsbrief = draft rejection letter
conceptakte = draft deed
conceptbeleidsplan = draft policy plan
Conceptbeproeving = Concept testing
conceptbeschrijving = concept description
conceptbewaker = concept guardian
conceptbewaking = concept monitoring
conceptdatum = draft date
conceptdesign = draft design
concepten = concepts
conceptfase = concept phase
Conceptformatie = Concept formation
conceptgedachte = "conceptual idea, notion"
concept-gunningsbrief = draft award letter
concept-gunningsbrief en concept-afwijzingsbrief = draft award letter and draft rejection letter
Concepthouder = Copy holder
Concepthouders = Copy holders
conceptie = conception
Conceptie = Design
conceptleverancier = concept developer
conceptmodel = conceptual model
conceptnota = design plan
conceptnotitie = draft memo
conceptontwikkelaar = concept developer
Conceptontwikkeling = Concept development
Conceptontwikkelingsfase = Concept development stage
concept-Opdracht = draft Order
concept-opzet = draft structure
concept-overeenkomst = Draft Agreement
Conceptplan = Draft plan
concept-Plan van aanpak = draft Action Plan
concept-PvA = Draft Action Plan
conceptrapport = draft report
concept-sitemap = draft sitemap
conceptstudie = draft study
Concepttekening = Draft drawing
concepttekening = conceptual drawing
Concepttest = Concept test
Conceptual Recidences = Conceptual Recidences
Conceptualiseren = conceptualising
conceptueel = conceptual
conceptueel model = conceptual model
conceptueel ontwerp = conceptual design
conceptueel ontwerpen = conceptual design engineering
conceptueel schema = conceptual schema
conceptuele = conceptual
conceptuele afhankelijkheid = conceptual dependency
conceptuele informatie = conceptual information
conceptuele ontwerp = conceptual design
Conceptuele opbouw = Conceptual design
conceptuele taken = Conceptual tasks
conceptuele tekening = conceptual drawing
conceptversie = draft version
conceptvertaling = draft translation
conceptvertalingen = draft translations
Conceptverwerving = Concept attainment
conceptweergave = draft view
concern = group
Concern = Concern
Concern Business Control Financien = Corporate Business Control
concern met diversificatie = diversified group
concern met diversificatie = horizontal trust
concern met een communautaire dimensie = Community-scale group of undertakings
concern met horizontale structuur = horizontal group
concern met horizontale structuur = vertical trust
concern met verticale structuur = primary auditor
concern met verticale structuur = vertical group
concern-belang = Group interest
concernbetalingen = intra-group payments
concerngarantie = corporate guarantee
concerngarantie = guarantee provided by the parent company
concernoverhead = group overheads
Concernplan 2016 = Business plan 2016
Concernplan 2017 = Business plan 2017
concernplanning = concern planning
Concernresultaat = Consolidated result of operations
Concernresultaat uit gewone bedrijfsuitoefening na belasting = Consolidated results of operations after taxes
Concert = Together
Concert = Concerto
Concert = Concert
concert {het} = concert
concertatie = concertation
concertgebouw = concert hall
concertgebouw {het} = concert hall
concertkiosk = bandstand
concertmuziek - muziekscholen en conservatoria (CM) = music schools and conservatories
concertmuziek - orgelmuziek (CO) = organ music
concertmuziek - recitals en kamermuziek (CR) = recitals and chamber music
concertmuziek - symfonische muziek (CE) = symphonic music
concertmuziek - zang en accordeon (CZ) = choirs and accordion music
Concerto = Concerto
concertzaal = concert hall
concertzaal = concert-room
concessie = franchise
concessie = abandonment
concessie = concession
Concessie KPI’s = Concession KPIs
concessie tot ontginning = working concession
concessie van NS = Dutch Railways concession
concessie voor oliewinning = licensee
concessie voor oliewinning = oil concession
concessiehouder = concessionaire
concessiehouder = dealer
concessiehouders = concessionaires
concessiemodel = concession model
concessieovereenkomst = concession contract
concessieovereenkomst voor diensten = service concession
concessieovereenkomst voor openbare werken = public works concession
concessieovereenkomsten = concession agreements
concessieovereenkomsten voor dienstverlening = service concession
concessies = concessions
concessies of andere verplichtingen = concessions or other obligations
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
"Concessies, octrooien, licenties, know-how, merken en soortgelijke rechte" = "Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, trade-marks and other similar r"
concessieverlenging = concession extension
Concessieverlening = Granting concession
concessieverplichtingen = concession obligations
Concessionair = Concessionaire
conchae nasalis inferioris = inferior nasal concha
Concierge = Concierge
conciërge = caretaker / porter
conciërge = "Caretaker, Porter"
Conciërge = Janitor
Conciërge = Caretaker
Conciërge = Keeper
Conciërge = Custodian
Conciërge = Watchman
Conciërge = Attendant
Conciërge = Hall porter
Conciërge = Guardian
Conciërge = Warden
conciërge = porter
concierge (als achter de balie) = receptionist
Concierge-systeem = Concierge system
Conciliatie = Conciliation
Concilie = Ecumenical council
concilie = ecclesiastical council
Concilie = Council
Concilie van Chalcedon = Council of Chalcedon
Concilie van Constantinopel I = First Council of Constantinople
Concilie van Efeze = Council of Ephesus
Concilie van Trente = Council of Trent
Conclaaf = Conclave
concluant = claimant/applicant
concluante = Applicant
concluante = Claimant
Concluante = The pleading party
concluante = pleading party
concluante / appellante = Defendant / appellant
concludeerde indertijd = concluded at the time
concludeert = concludes
concludeert tot gegrondverklaring van het beroep = concludes that the appeal is well-founded
concluderen = conclude
Concluderen = Gather
concluderen = abstract
concluderen = to conclude
Concluderend = From this I conclude
Concluderend = In conclusion
Conclusie = Abstract
conclusie = conclusion
conclusie = inference
conclusie = claim
Conclusie = In summary
conclusie {de} = conclusion
conclusie 1 en conclusie 2 = claim 1 and claim 2
conclusie 1 tot en met conclusie = claim 1 to claim
Conclusie 1: = Claim 1:
conclusie 2 = claim 2
conclusie 20 of conclusie 21 = claim 20 or claim 21
Conclusie 7 = Claim 7
Conclusie 8: = Claim 8:
Conclusie en discussie = Conclusion and discussion
conclusie na schorsing in prima = statement after stay of the proceedings in first instance
conclusie trekken = to conclude
conclusie van antwoord = defence
conclusie van antwoord = statement of defence
conclusie van antwoord = statement of defense (US)
conclusie van antwoord in conventie = (statement of) defence in the original proceedings
conclusie van antwoord in conventie = statement of defence in the original proceedings
"conclusie van antwoord in conventie, tevens houdende conclusie van eis in" = statement of defence in the original proceedings and counterclaim
conclusie van antwoord in reconventie = answer to the counterclaim (US)
conclusie van antwoord in reconventie = defence to the counterclaim
conclusie van antwoord in vrijwaring = third party counterclaim
conclusie van dupliek in reconvention = rejoinder in counterclaim
Conclusie van het assessment = Conclusion of the assessment
Conclusie: Er is te weinig onderzoek om een uitspraak te doen over het ef = Conclusion: Not enough research is available to make a statement about th
conclusies = claims
Conclusies = Claims
Conclusies & aanbevelingen = Conclusions and recommendations
conclusies 1 & 6 = claims 1 & 6
conclusies 1 tot 4 = claims 1 to 4
conclusies 1 tot 5 = claims 1 to 5
conclusies 1–2 = claims 1-2
conclusies 2 tot en met 10 = claims 2-10
conclusies 2 tot en met 12 = claims 2–12
conclusies 2 tot en met 14 = claims 2–14
conclusies 2 tot en met 7 = claims 2–7
conclusies 2 tot en met 9 = claims 2-9
conclusies 2 tot en met 9 = claims 2–9
conclusies 9 tot en met 12 = claims 9–12
conclusies daaruit trekken = drawing conclusions therefrom
Conclusies en aanbevelingen = Conclusions and recommendations
conclusies en afspraken = conclusions and agreements
Conclusies en besluiten = Conclusions and decisions
conclusies en inzichten = conclusions and insights
conclusies te trekken = draw conclusions
conclusies trekken = draw conclusions
conclusies uit de klinische evaluatie = conclusions of the clinical evaluation
conclusies van de audit = audit conclusions
conclusies van de octrooiaanvraag = claims of the patent application
conclusies/advies = conclusions/advice
conclusietermijnen = filing periods
conclusietermijnen = periods allowed for filing statements
conclusietermijnen = periods for submitting pleadings 
Conclusion and discussion = Conclusion and discussion
concomitantie = concomitance
Concomiterend = Concomitant
Concord (New Hampshire) = Concord
concordaat = composition
concordaat = compromise
Concordaat = Concordat
concordante steekproef volgens Pitman = concordant sample
concordantie = concordance
Concordantie = Similarity
Concordantie = Agreement
Concordantie = Concurrence
Concordantie = Responsibility
Concordantie = Reconciliation
concordantiebestand = concordance file
concordantiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of concordance
concordantiecoëfficiënt = Kendall’s coefficient of concordance
concordantiecoëfficiënt = rank concordance coefficient
concordantietabel = correlation table
concours = competition
concours = concours
concours = contest
concours = exhibition grounds
concourse = exhibition grounds
concourse = rest of the exhibition
Concreet = Concrete
Concreet = In concrete terms
Concreet = Specifically
concreet = practical
concreet = in concrete terms
concreet beleid = concrete policies
Concreet betrof dit = "Specifically, this involved"
concreet gesproken = in practical terms
concreet handelen = concrete action
concreet houdt dit in dat = "In concrete terms, this means that"
concreet omschreven = concretely defined
Concreet Onderwijsproducten = Concreet Onderwijsproducten
concreet plan = concrete plan
"concreet substantief,concretum" = concrete noun (noun that denotes a tangible thing)
concrete = concrete
Concrete acties = Concrete measures
concrete afspraken te maken = make concrete agreements
concrete beleidsdoelstellingen = concrete policy objectives
concrete belemmeringen voor innovatie = concrete obstacles to innovation
Concrete dienstverlening = Tangible service
concrete doelen = concrete goals
concrete doelstellingen = concrete objectives
Concrete en gerichte acties = concrete and targeted actions
Concrete en gerichte acties ondernemen om doelstellingen te behalen of te = Taking concrete and targeted actions to achieve or surpass goals.
concrete feiten = concrete facts
concrete gegevens = concrete data
concrete indicatoren = concrete indicators
concrete klasse = concrete class
Concrete markt = Concrete market
concrete methode = practical method
concrete mogelijkheden = concrete opportunities
concrete planning = concrete schedule
concrete primer = concrete primer
concrete randvoorwaarden = concrete preconditions
concrete randvoorwaarden = specific preconditions
concrete resultaten = concrete results
Concrete tips = Concrete tips
concrete veranderactiviteiten = concrete change activities
concrete vervolgacties = concrete follow-up actions
concrete voorbeelden = concrete examples
concrete voorstel = concrete proposal
concrete voorstellen = concrete proposals
Concrete voorstellen van de inschrijver = Concrete proposals by the tenderer
concrete vragen = specific questions
concretie in het divertikil = diverticular concretion
concretise = concretise
concretiseren = concretise
"concretiseren, concreet worden, vorm aannemen" = concrete  (solidify)
concretisering = realisation
concretisering = reification
concretisering = instantiation
concruent = congruous
Concubinaat = Common-law marriage
Concubinaat = Concubinage
Concubinaat = Cohabitation
Concubinaat = Cohabit
concubine = partner
Concur = SAP Concur
concurent = rival
concurenten = competitors
Concurreniebeperkingen = Restrains on competition
concurrent = rival
concurrent = competitor
concurrent {de} = competitor
concurrent gebruik = concurrency
concurrent model = concurrent model
Concurrent Programming = Concurrent Programming
concurrente besturing = concurrent control
concurrente crediteur = common creditor
concurrenten = competitors
concurrenten = rivals
concurrentie = competition
concurrentie (economisch) = economic competition
concurrentie / mededinging = competition
concurrentie [biologisch] = competition (biological)
concurrentie {de} = competition
concurrentie beperken = restrict competition
concurrentie bevorderen = promote competition
Concurrentie en comparatief Voordeel = Competition and Comparative Advantage
concurrentie- gerichte dialogen = competitive dialogue procedures
concurrentie het hoofd bieden = to meet competition
concurrentie informatie = competitor information
concurrentie op het zakelijke segment = competition in the business segment
Concurrentie staat echter onder druk = competition is under pressure
Concurrentie stellen = use competitive bidding (procedures)
concurrentie tussen gelijksoortige producten = intraproduct competition
concurrentie tussen ongelijksoortige producten = interproduct competition
concurrentie tussen ongelijksoortige producten = to be in competition (with)
"Concurrentie waar het kan, samenwerking waar het moet" = "competition where possible, cooperation where needed"
"concurrentie, toezicht en andere regelgeving" = "competition, supervision and other regulations"
concurrentieanalyse = competition analysis
concurrentiebeding = non-compete clause
concurrentiebeding = non-competition clause
concurrentiebeding = restraint-of-trade clause
concurrentiebeding = competition clause
Concurrentiebeding of een Geheimhoudingsverplichting = Non-compete Clause or Confidentiality Obligation
concurrentiebeleid = competition policy
concurrentiebeperking = restriction on competition
concurrentiedruk = competitive pressure
Concurrentie-evenwicht = Competitive equilibrium
concurrentie-gedrag = competitive behaviour
Concurrentiegeoriënteerde prijszetting = Competiotion-oriented pricing
"concurrentiegerichte dialogen, concurrentie-gerichte dialogen, concurrent" = competitive dialogue procedures
concurrentiegerichte dialoog = Competitive dialogue
concurrentiegerichte prijsstelling = competition-oriented pricing
concurrentiegevoelig = competition-sensitive
concurrentiegevoelig = competitively relevant
concurrentiegevoelig = information of value to the competition
concurrentiegevoelige = competition-sensitive
concurrentiegevoelige gegevens = competition-sensitive information
concurrentiegevoelige informatie = competition-sensitive information
concurrentiegevoelige informatie = information that is sensitive to competition
concurrentie-informatie = competitive intelligence
concurrentiekracht = competitiveness
concurrentienadelen = competitive disadvantages
concurrentieonderzoek = competitive product analysis
concurrentieoverwegingen = competitive considerations
concurrentieoverwegingen = competition
concurrentiepositie = competitive position
concurrentiepositie = competitiveness
concurrentierecht = competition law
concurrentiesituatie = competitive situation
concurrentievergelijking = competition comparison
concurrentieverhoudingen = competitive conditions
Concurrentievermogen = Competitiveness
concurrentieverstorende activiteiten = anticompetitive activities
Concurrentieverstorende gedragingen of activiteiten = Anticompetitive behaviour or activities
concurrentievervalsing = distortion of competition
concurrentievoordeel = competitive advantage
concurrentievoordelen = competitive advantage
Concurrentievoorwaarden = Condition of competition
concurreren = competing
Concurreren = Compete with
concurreren = compete
concurreren en innoveren = compete and innovate
concurrerend = competitive
Concurrerend Bod = Competitive Offer
concurrerend maatwerk leveren = offer a competitive and customised service
concurrerende = competitive
concurrerende economie = competitive economy
concurrerende inschrijving = competitive tender
concurrerende kostprijzen = competitive costs
concurrerende leegstand = The fact that Lessor has and/or will have competitive vacant space in the
concurrerende onderneming = competing undertaking
concurrerende oplossing = competitive solution
concurrerende oplossingen = competitive solutions
concurrerende planten = competitive plants
Concurrerende prijsstelling = Competitive pricing
concurrerende produkten = competing products
concurrerende risico's = competing risks
Concurrerende tarieven = Competitive rates
condens = moisture
condens = condensate
condens afvoerbuis = condensate drain tube
condensaat = condensate
condensaatafscheider = condensate separator
condensaatinjectiepompen = condensate injection pumps
Condensaatpomp = Condensate pump
condensaatpompen = condensate pumps
condensaatstromen = condensate streams
condensaatstromen = condensate flows
condensaattank = condensate tank
condensaattanken = condensate tanks
condensaatvoorverwarmer = condensate preheater
condensaatvoorverwarmers = condensate preheaters
Condensaatvoorverwarming = Condensate preheating
condensafscheider = condensate separator
condensafvoer = condensate drain
condensafvoerstuk = condensate drain
condensalcohol = alcohol condensate
condensaten = condensates
condensatie = condensation
condensatie = condensation (process)
condensatie / vochtvorming = condensation
condensatieafvoeren = condensation exhaust pipes
condensatiedampkap = condensation hood
condensatie-efficiëntie = condensation efficiency
condensatie-installaties = condensing installations
condensatievlek = condensation stain
condensatiewarmte = condensation heat
condensator = capacitor
condensator = condenser (capacitor)
condensator (m) = condenser
condensator van het tussencircuit = DC link capacitor
condensator van polystyreen = polystyrene capacitor
condensator voor de nooduitschakeling = emergency shutdown capacitor
condensator voor de noodverstelling = emergency stop capacitor
Condensatorbanken = Capacitor banks
condensatorbatterij = capacitor bank
Condensatorblok = Capacitor block
condensatorcellulosepapier = capacitor cellulose paper
condensatordecadenbank = decade condenser instrument
condensatoreenheid = capacitor unit
condensatoren = capacitors
condensatoren van parallel-series = parallel-series capacitors
condensatorfilter = capacitor filter
condensatorgeheugen = capacitor store
condensatorkast = capacitor box
Condensatormagneetschakelaar = Capacitor magnet contactor
Condensatormicrofoon = Capacitor microphone
condensatormicrofoon = electrostatic microphone
Condensatormotor = Capacitor motor
Condensatornetwerken = Capacitor networks
condensatorspanning = capacitor voltage
condensatortester = capacitor tester
condensatorvervanger = dummy capacitor
condenseren = condense
condenseren = to condense
condenseren = to condensate
condenseren = condensing
Condensers voor microscoop = Microscope condensers
condensor = condenser
Condensor = Capacitor
condensor = condenser (thermodynarnic)
condensor (m) = condenser
condensor (m) = liquefier
Condensor-luchtkoelsysteem = Condenser air-cooling systems
condensors = condensers
Condensring = Condensation ring
Condensspoor = Vapour trail
condensvocht = condensate
condensvorming = condensation
condenswater = condensation
condenswater = condensate
condenswater = condensed water
condenswaterafvoerbak = condensate drain pan
condenswaterwisselklimaat = 'cyclic condensation (testing)' [testing using alternating humidity cycle
condenswaterwisselklimaat = cyclic humidity testing with condensation'
condimenten = relishes
Conditie = Condition
conditie / staat = condition
conditie {de} = condition
Conditie opstart = Condition upon starting
conditieafhankelijke ontvangst = fringe reception
conditie-ingang = condition entry
Conditiekartel = Cartel which establishes the terms of delivery
Conditiemeting van bouw- en installatiedelen = Condition assessment of building and installation components (NEN 2767)
conditienaam = condition name
conditieniveau = condition level
conditieomschrijving = condition stub
condities als vervat in = the provisions of
Condities en herhalingsstatements = Conditional and iteration statements
Condities en voorwaarden = Terms and conditions
condities van correct gebruik = conditions of proper use
condities voor de plaatsing = installation conditions
condities voor zeilende goederen = floating terms
conditio sine qua non verband = the essential condition of the (existence of a causal) relationship
condition survey = condition survey
conditioneel = conditional
conditionele constructie = conditional construction
conditionele element = conditional element
conditionele elementen = conditional elements
conditionele impliciete bewerking = conditional implication operation
conditionele inroostering = conditional scheduling
conditionele relatiematrix = conditional relationship matrix
conditionele sprong = conditional jump
conditionele uitdrukking = conditional expression
conditionele uitdrukking = conditional statement
conditionele uitvoeringslus = conditional execution loop
conditionele variabele = conditional variable
conditionele verdeling = conditional distribution
conditionele verwachtingswaarde = conditional expectation
conditionele verwachtingswaarde = conditional expected value
conditioneren = to condition
conditioneren = set conditions
conditioneren = condition
conditioneren = condition (to)
conditionerende apparatuur = conditioning equipment
conditionering = conditioning
conditioneringapparatuur = conditioning equipment
condoleantie = condolences
condoleren = express condolences
Condom = Condom
condominium = freehold flat
Condominium = Condominium
Condoom = French letter
Condoom = condom
"condoom, capotje, regenjasje (jocular)" = condom (flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
Condooms = Condoms
Condorelli-encefalitis = Condorelli  encephalitis
conductantie = conductance
Conducteur = Controller
Conducteur = Ticket collector
conducteur = conductor
conductie = conduction
Conductive Strip = Conductive Strip
conductiviteit = conductivity
conductometrie = conductometry
conductor = conductor
conductor = guard
Condyloma = Condyloma
condylusfractuur = subcapital  humerus fracture
cone tip resistance = cone tip resistance
confabulatie = confabulation
Confectie = Confection
confectie = ready-to-wear
Confectiekleding = Confection
confectiekleding = ready-made clothing
confectiekleding = ready-to-wear
"confectiekleding (zowel boven- als onderkleding), schoeisel, hoofddeksels" = "ready-made clothing (outerwear and underwear), footwear, headgear"
"confectiekleding voor dames, heren en kinderen (uitgezonderd orthopedisch" = "ready-made clothing for ladies, gentlemen and children, footwear (except "
"confectiekleding, schoeisel en hoofddeksels" = "ready-made clothing, footwear and items of headgear"
Confectiezijde = Confection side
confectioneren = manufacture
Confederatie = Confederation
Confederatie bouw Limburg = Confederatie Bouw Limburg
Confederatie Bouw Vlaanderen = Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw
Confederatie der Expediteurs van België = Confederation of Belgian Freight Forwarders
conference = conference
Conference bellen = Conference call
conference rooms = conference rooms
Conferencing Add-in for  Microsoft Office Outlook = Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook = Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Outlook
Conferencing Announcement-service = Conferencing Announcement service
conferentie = conference
conferentie {de} = conference
conferentie deelnemer = delegate
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie deelnemer = conference participant
Conferentie van de partijen = the Conference of the Parties
Conferentie van de Verenigde Naties voor handel en ontwikkeling = UN Conference on Trade and Development
Conferentie van Jalta = Yalta Conference
Conferentie van Rio = Rio Conference
Conferentie van Stockholm = Stockholm Conference
Conferentie van voorzitters = conference of presidents
conferentie VN = UN Conference
conferentieactie = conference operation
conferentiebijdrage = conference paper
conferentiecentra = conference centres
conferentiedeelnemer = conference delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference participant
conferentiedeelnemer = delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference delegate
conferentiedeelnemer = conference participant
conferentiedeelnemer = delegate
conferentie-deelnemer = conference delegate
conferentie-deelnemer = conference participant
conferentie-deelnemer = delegate
conferentiediensten = conference services
conferentiefacilliteiten = conference facilities
conferentiehandelingen = conference proceedings
Conferentiehotel = Conference Hotel
Conferentiehotel Willibrordhaeghe = Willibrordhaeghe Conference Hotel
conferentielijn = conference circuit
conferentielijnen = conference tracks
conferentiemanagementsysteem = conference management system
conferentienetwerk = conference network
conferentie-presentatie = conference presentation
conferenties = conferences
conferenties en evenementen = conferences and events
"conferenties, tentoonstellingen en seminaria" = "conferences, exhibitions and seminars"
Conferentiesysteem = conferencing system
Conferentiesysteem zoals in conclusie = Conferencing system as in claim
conferentiesystemen = conferencing systems
conferentietolken = conference interpreting
conferentieverslagen = proceedings
confereren = deliberate
confessie = confession
confessioneel onderwijs = denominational education
confessioneel school = denominational school
confessionele onderwijs = denominational education
confessionele school = denominational school
confessionele staat = non-secular State
confetti = colour noise
Confetti = Confetti
confettiloze band = chadless tape
Confidential = Confidential
confidential and privacy-sensitive information = vertrouwelijke en privacy gevoelige informati
confidentialiteit = confidentiality
confidentialiteitsplicht = confidentiality requirement
confidentie = confidence
Confidentieel = Hush-hush
confidentieel = confidential
Confidentieel = Private
Confidentieel = Proprietary
Confidentieel = In strict confidence
Confidentiel = Private
Confidentiel = Proprietary
Confidentiel = Hush-hush
Confidentiel = Confidential
confidentiële informatie = confidential information
configuratie = configuration
configuratie = setup
configuratie = layout
configuratie = configuration
configuratie = configuration
configuratie database = configuration database
configuratie en de setup van uw toepassing = configuration and setup of your application
configuratie- en wijzigingsbeheer = configuration and change management
configuratie instellingen = configuration settings
Configuratie items = Configuration Items
configuratie management databank (CMDB) = Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
configuratie management database = configuration management database
Configuratie Management System = Configuration Management System
configuratie manager = configuration manager
configuratie van een arm met gewricht = jointed-arm configuration
Configuratie van het portaal voor = Configuring the portal for
Configuratie volgens = Configuration according to
configuratie zoals gemodificeerd = configuration as-modified
configuratie zoals gepland = configuration as planned
configuratie zoals gerealiseerd = configuration as-built
configuratie zoals ontworpen = configuration as-designed
configuratie-audit = configuration audit
configuratiebaseline = configuration baseline
Configuratiebeheer = Configuration Manager
Configuratiebeheer = Deployment Manager
configuratiebeheer = configuration management: CM
Configuratiebeheer = Configuration Management
Configuratiebeheer van PerformancePoint-planningserver = PerformancePoint Planning Server Configuration Manager
Configuratiebeheer voor mobiele apparaten = Mobile Deployment Manager
Configuratiebeheerserver = Deployment Administration Server
configuratiebeheersing = configuration control
configuratieberekeningen = configuration calculations
configuratiebestand = configuration file
configuratiebestand = config file
configuratiebestand van de metabase = metabase configuration file
configuratiebestanden = configuration files
configuratiebestanden en software = configuration files and software
configuratiebesturing = configuration control
configuratiebesturingsdocumenten = configuration control documents
configuratieblad = configuration sheet
configuratiecontrole = configuration control
configuratiedatabase = configuration database
configuratiedocumentatie = configuration documentation
configuratie-element = configuration element
Configuratie-export = Configuration Export
configuratiefase = configuration pass
configuratiefunctie = pattern function
Configuratiefunctie = Configuration function
Configuratiefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated configuration function
configuratiegroep = configuration group
configuratiehulpprogramma voor Muziek = Music Configuration tool
configuratie-identificatie = configuration identification
configuratie-identificatiecode = configuration identifier
configuratie-index = configuration index
configuratieinstellingen = configuration settings
configuratie-instellingen = configuration settings
configuratie-item = configuration item
configuratie-item = configuration item (CI)
configuratie-item = configuration item: CI
configuratie-item type = CI type
configuratie-items = configuration items
configuratie-itemspecificatie = configuration item specification
configuratie-itemstuklijst = configuration item parts list
configuratiekeuze = configuration choice
configuratielijst = configuration list
configuratielogboek = configuration log
configuratiemanagement = configuration management
configuratiemanagementsysteem = configuration management system (CMS)
configuratiemenu = configuration menu
configuratienulmeting = configuration baseline
configuratieobject = configuration object
configuratieovername = configuration inheritance
configuratierecord = configuration record
configuratieregel = configuration rule
configuratieregistratie = configuration record
configuratieroute = configuration route
configuratieruimte = configuration space: C-space
configuraties = arrangements
configuraties = configurations
configuraties van de zijprofielen = configurations of the side profiles
configuraties van eindblokken = end block configurations
configuratieschema = configuration plan
Configuratiescherm = control panel
configuratieset = configuration set
configuratiestatus = configuration state
configuratiestatusadministratie = configuration status accounting
configuratiestructuur = configuration structure
configuratie-stuurgroep = configuration control board: CCB
configuratietijden = configuration times
configuratieuitgangspunt = configuration baseline
configuratievoetlijn = configuration baseline
Configuration Item = CI
Configuration Item = Configuration Item
configuration item = configuration item
Configuration Items = Configuration Items
Configuration Management = Configuration Management
Configuration Management Database = CMDB
Configuration Management Database = Configuration Management Database
Configuration Management DataBase = CMDB  =   Configuration Management DataBase
configuration management database = configuration management database (CMDB)
Configuration Manager = Configuration Manager
configurator = configurator
Configureerbaar = Configurable
configureerbaar = configurable
configureerbaar feedbacksysteem = configurable feedback system
configureerbaar is = is configurable
configureerbaar meetsysteem = configurable measurement system
configureerbaar meetsysteem = configurable measuring system
configureerbaar meetsysteem van een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable measuring system of a configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbaar sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
Configureerbaarheid = Configurability
Configureerbare = Configurable
configureerbare coating stack = configurable coating stack
Configureerbare melduitgang beschikbaar = Configurable message output available
Configureerbare regelmodules = Configurable control valves
configureerbare sputterinrichting = configurable sputtering device
configureerbare sputterinstallatie = configurable sputtering installation
configureerbare sputtersysteem = configurable sputtering system
configureerbare sputtersystemen = configurable sputtering systems
configureren = to configure
configureren en te beheren = configure and manage
configureren op bestelling = configure-to-order
confirmation test = confirmation test
confiscatie = seizure
confiscation order = ontnemingsvordering
confiserieproduct = confectionery product
confiserieproducten = confectionery products
confiserieproducten met een houder = confectionery products with a holder
confiserieproducten met een houder en een chocolade gedeelte = confectionery products with a holder and a chocolate portion
confisqueren = confiscate
"confisqueren, in beslag nemen" = impound  (to hold in the custody of a court or its delegate)
confiturenmijt = dried fruit mite (Carpoglyphus lactis L.)
confiturenmijt = dried fruit mite
confituur {de} [BN] = jam
confituur {de} [BN] = jelly [Am.]
conflict = strife
conflict = collision
conflict = conflict
conflict = dispute
Conflict (onenigheid) = Conflict
conflict of interest = conflict of interest
conflict tussen etnische groeperingen = ethnic conflict
"conflict, geschil, strijd" = conflict (clash or disagreement)
"conflict, onverenigbaarheid, tegenstrijdigheid" = conflict (incompatibility)
conflictbeheer = conflict management negotiation
Conflictbemiddeling = Mediation
Conflictbemiddeling = Arbitration
Conflictbemiddeling = Conflict mediation
conflictdetectie = conflict detection
conflicten = conflicts
conflicten en geschillen = conflicts and disputes
"conflicteren (met), confligeren (met), strijdig zijn (met)" = conflict  (be at odds (with))
Conflicterende accounts = Conflicting accounts
Conflicthantering = Handling conflicts
Conflicthantering = conflict management
Conflicthantering = conflict resolution
Conflicthantering = resolution of conflicts
conflicthantering = conflict management
conflictinteractie = conflict bahaviour
conflictoplossingsmethode = conflict resolution method
conflictpartijen = party to the conflict
conflictpartijen = litigant
conflictpartijen = party to the dispute
conflictpreventie = conflict prevention
conflictregeling = dispute settlement
conflictresolutie = conflict resolution
Conflicts of interest = conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest = Conflicts of interest
conflictsituatie = conflict
conflictsituaties = conflict
confluentie-analyse van Frisch = confluence analysis
conform = in accordance with
conform = approved
conform = in line with
conform = compliant
conform = in conformance with
Conform (de norm) = Complies with…
conform alle relevante wet- en regelgeving = in accordance with all relevant legislation and regulations
conform berekening en opgave = according to calculations and specification
conform blijven = remaining compliant
conform blijven aan de wetgeving = remaining compliant with the legislation
Conform de = In accordance with
conform de (Functionele) specificaties zoals opgenomen in de Overeenkomst = in accordance with the Functional specifications as contained in the Agre
conform de aanwijzingen van de leidinggevende = in accordance with the instructions of the supervisor
conform de afmetingen van de portaalconstructie = in accordance with the dimensions of the portal structure
conform de beloningsregeling = in accordance with the remuneration scheme
conform de beloningsregeling van de opdrachtgever = in accordance with the remuneration scheme of the client
conform de bepalingen in dit artikel = in accordance with the provisions of this article
conform de bepalingen van = in accordance with the provisions of
conform de bestelopdracht = in accordance with the purchase order
conform de bij Werkgever geldende regels omtrent ziekmeldingen = in accordance with the Employer’s rules on reporting sick
conform de eisen = to the requirements
Conform de eisen van de norm = In accordance with the requirements of standard
conform de eisen van het maatschappelijk verkeer = according to generally accepted standards
conform de Europese Norm = in accordance with European standard
conform de geldende richtlijnen = in accordance with the applicable guidelines
conform de gestelde eisen = in accordance with the prescribed requirements
conform de gestelde normen = in accordance with the prescribed standards
conform de hiervoor geldende normen en eisen = in accordance with the applicable standards and requirements
conform de inzet voor = in accordance with the commitment to
conform de NEN-EN 1634-3 = in accordance with NEN-EN 1634-3
conform de norm = in accordance with standard
conform de overeenkomst = under the agreement
conform de regels = in accordance with the rules
conform de regels van IFRS = pursuant to the rules of IFRS
conform de regels voorzien binnen de = in accordance with the rules laid down within the
conform de requirements = in accordance with the requirements
conform de requirements is = is in accordance with the requirements
conform de SLA = in accordance with the SLA
conform de specificaties = according to the specifications
conform de toepasselijke = in accordance with the applicable
conform de toepasselijke bepalingen = in accordance with the applicable provisions
conform de toepasselijke loontabellen = in accordance with the applicable wage tables
conform de toepasselijke loontabellen van de CAO voor Uitzendkrachten = in accordance with the applicable wage tables of the CAO for temporary ag
conform de van toepassing zijnde eisen = and meets the requirements regarding
conform de vereisten = in accordance with the requirements
conform de verzekeringspolissen = in accordance with the insurance policies
conform de voorschriften = in accordance with regulations
conform de voorschriften recycleren of afvoeren = recycled and disposed of in accordance with the regulations
conform de voorschriften te recycleren of af te voeren = recycle or dispose of it in accordance with regulations
conform de voorwaarden van = under the terms of
conform de wensen van de klant = in accordance with the customer’s wishes
conform de wet = in accordance with the law
conform deze = in accordance with present
conform deze overeenkomst = in accordance with this Agreement
conform een vastgestelde procedure = in accordance with an established procedure
conform gangbare procedures = in accordance with established procedures
conform gekozen retentie = in accordance with chosen retention period
conform geldende normeringen = in accordance with applicable standards
conform gestelde eisen = in accordance with stipulated requirements
conform haar verwachtingen = in line with its expectations
conform het actieplan = in accordance with the action plan
conform het bepaalde in Artikel = in accordance with the provisions of Clause
conform het bepaalde in de = in accordance with the provisions of the
conform het communicatieprotocol = in accordance with the communications protocol
Conform het door de leverancier opgegeven werkwijze = in accordance with the method specified by the supplier
conform het prijsindexcijfer volgens de consumentenprijsindex (CPI) reeks = in accordance with the price index figure from the consumer price index (
conform hetgeen wettelijk is bepaald = in accordance with what is stipulated by law
conform hun eigen huisstijlregels = in accordance with their own house style rules
conform ontwerper/leverancier MVGM = in accordance with designer/supplier MVGM
conform opgave = in accordance with the specifications
conform opgave van leverancier = in accordance with the supplier’s specifications
conform opgaven van leverancier = in accordance with the supplier’s specifications
conform overeengekomen service niveaus = in accordance with agreed service levels
conform overeengekomen SLA = in accordance with the agreed SLA
conform productspecificatie = in accordance with the product specification
conform specificaties in = in accordance with the specifications under
conform specifieke normen = in accordance with specific standards
conform vastgestelde procedures = in accordance with established procedures
Conform wettelijke bepalingen = In accordance with statutory provisions
conformantie = conformance
conformantiecriterium = conformance criterion
conformantietesten = conformance testing
conforme datakabel = compliant data cable
conformeert zich aan deze eis = conforms to this requirement
conformeren aan = conform to
conformering = compliance
Conformisme = Conformity
conformiteit = conformity
conformiteit = conformity
conformiteit = conformance
conformiteit met = Compliance with
conformiteit van doelen = compliance of goals
conformiteit van doelen aan ondernemingsbeleid = compliance of goals with corporate policy
Conformiteitattest = conformity certificates
Conformiteitattest = conformity certificate
conformiteitsattest = conformity certificate
conformiteitsattesten = compliance certificates
conformiteitsattesten = conformity certificates
conformiteitsbeoordeling = evaluation of product conformity
conformiteitsbeoordeling = conformity testing
conformiteitsbeoordeling = conformance testing
conformiteitsbeoordeling = assessment of conformity
conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie = conformity assessment body
conformiteitsbeoordelings-procedure = conformity evaluation procedure
conformiteitsbeproeving = conformity check
Conformiteitscertificaat = Certificate of Conformity
Conformiteitscertificaat Europa = Certificate of Conformity for Europe
conformiteitsmarkering = conformity marking
conformiteitsmerkteken = conformity mark
Conformiteitssoftware = Compliance software package
conformiteitstoetsingsproces = conformity assessment process
conformiteitsverklaring = certificate of conformity
conformiteitsverklaring = conformity certificate
conformiteitsverklaring = declaration of conformity
conformiteits-verklaring = declaration of conformity
conformitseitattest = conformity certificate
Conformity = Conformity
Conformity of production = Conformity of Production (COP)
Confort = Conveniences
Confort = Comfort
confounder = confounder
confounders = confounders
confrater = colleague
confrontatie = confrontation
confrontatie van fase 1 met fase 2 = comparison of results of phase 1 with those of phase 2
Confrontatiematrix = Confrontation matrix
confronteren = confront
"confronteren, het hoofd bieden" = encounter  (engage in conflict)
Confucianisme = Confucianism
Confucius = Confucius
Confuscianisme = Confucianism
Confusie = Confusion
congé = discharge
Congenitaal = Congenital
congenitale factor VIII deficiëntie = congenital  factor VIII deficiency
Congestie = Congestion
congestie = traffic jam / congestion / bunching
Congestiecontroller = Congestion Controller
congestiegebied = congestion area
Conglomeraat = Conglomerate
conglomeraat van bedrijven = conglomerate
Congo = Congo
Congo-Brazzaville = Republic of the Congo
Congo-Kinshasa = Democratic Republic of the Congo
Congolees = Congolese
congregatie = congregation
congres = "conference, congress"
congres = "conference, congress (on)"
congres = conference
congres = congress
congres = convention
Congres Associatie Twente = Congress Association Twente
congres- en of nascholingsactiviteiten = conferences and/or refresher courses
Congres van Lokale en Regionale Overheden van Europa = Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
congres Vastgoed in Noord Nederland = Convention on Property in Northern Netherlands (Congres Vastgoed in Noord
Congresbalie = Conference Desk
congresbijdragen = conference contributions
congresbijdragen = conference papers
Congresbureau = Conference Office
congrescentra = conference centres
congrescentrum = conference centre
Congrescoordinatie en Bureau Pedel = Conference Services Department and Beadle's Office
Congresinfrastructuur = Conference infrastructure
congressen = congresses
congressen = conferences
congresseren = attend a congress
congruent = consistent
Congruent = Equable
Congruent = Even
Congruent = Peer
Congruent = Equal
Congruent = Compatible
congruent = match
congruent zijn = coincide
congruentie = congruency
Congruentie = Agreement
congruentie = congruity
congruentie van doeleinden = goal congruence
congruentie van doeleinden = unofficial(ly)
Conical = Conical
Conical Seat = Conical Seat
coniciteit = cone angle
coniciteit = conicity
coniciteit van de vulruimte = draft
coniciteit van de vulruimte = draw
coniciteitshoek = draft angle
conifeer = coniferous tree
conifeer = conifer
conifeer {de} = conifer
"conifeer, naaldboom" = conifer
conisch = conical
conisch aandrijfwiel = tapered pulley
conisch gedeelte = tapered part
conisch gevormde = conically shaped
conisch gevormde uiteinde = conically shaped end
conisch is van vorm = is conical in shape
conisch lager = taper-roller bearing
conisch lager = cone (bearing)
conisch rollager = taper roller bearing
conisch spiraaltandwiel = bevel gear with helical teeth
conisch tandwiel = bevel gear
conisch van vorm = conical in shape
conisch verlopend = tapering
conische = conical
conische aftasting = conical scanning
conische as = tapered journal
conische boring = conical bore
conische Collector (4e Generatie) = conical Collector (4th Generation)
conische deel = conical part
conische doekbuisprop = Cone shaped end piece
conische drukveer = conical compression spring
conische kop = conical head
conische kop van de schroef = conical head of the screw
conische manchet = conical flexible connector
conische opening = conical opening
conische opening voorzien in het roestvast stalen deel van genoemd artike = conical opening provided in the stainless steel part of said item
conische pen = taper pin
conische pen = tapered pin
conische pen/deel = cone
conische rand = conical edge
conische reflector = conical reflector
conische ring = tapered ring
conische ruimer = tapered reamer
conische spanring = conical clamping ring
conische uitsparing = conical recess
conische uitsparingen = conical recesses
conische verbindingszijde = conical connecting side
conische verzinkboor = countersink
conische vorm = conical shape
CO-niveau = CO level
Conix Architects = Conix Architects
Conjugatie = Conjugation
Conjugatie = Mating
conjugatie {de} = conjugation
Conjugatus = Conjugated
conjugeren = to conjugate
conjugeren = conjugate
conjunct = conjunct
Conjuncte analyse = Conjoint analysis
conjunctie = conjunction
conjunctief = subjunctive
Conjunctieve beslisregel = Conjunctive decision rule
conjunctieve normale vorm = conjunctive normal form: CNF
Conjunctivitis = Conjunctivitis
Conjunctureel = Economic
conjuncturele ontwikkelingen = cyclical developments
conjuncturele ontwikkelingen = trade fluctuations
conjuncturele schommelingen = industrial fluctuations
Conjuncturele toestand = Business activity
conjuncturele voorraad = economic contingency stock
conjuncturele werkloosheid = cyclical unemployment
Conjunctuur = Juncture
Conjunctuur = Economic situation
Conjunctuur = Outlook
conjunctuur = business cycle
Conjunctuur- en structuurbeleid = Cyclical and structural policy
Conjunctuurbarometer = Economic indicators
conjunctuurbeleid = short-term economic policy
conjunctuurbeweging = economic trend
Conjunctuurbeweging = Business cycle
Conjunctuurcyclus = Business cycle
conjunctuurfluctuatie = cyclical fluctuation
conjunctuurgevoeligheid = cyclicality
Conjunctuurindicator = Indicator of cyclical movement
Conjunctuurmodel = Short-term model
Conjunctuurnivellering = Levelling of the business cycle
Conjunctuurpolitiek = Cyclical economic policy
Conjunctuurprognose = Business forecasting
conjunctuurschok = cyclical shock
conjunctuurschommelingen = cyclical fluctuations
conjunctuurschommelingen = downward movement
conjunctuurschommelingen = slump
Conjunctuurtheorie = Business cycle theory
Conjunctuurwerkloosheid = Cyclical unemployment
Conjunctuurwinst = Boom profit
Conjunktuur = Juncture
Conjunktuur = Outlook
Conjuntuurfase = Phase of the business cycle
Connacht = Connacht
Connect Remotes = Connect Remotes
Connect Your Pump to a Trailer = Connect Your Pump to a Trailer
Connected = Connected
connected and autonomous driving = connected and autonomous driving
connected car = connected car
connected cars = connected cars
Connected Company = Connected Company
connected devices = connected devices
connected inverter = connected inverter
Connected Organisation = Connected Organisation
connected organisation visie = vision of the Connected Organisation
Connecteer = Connect
connecteer opnieuw de patchkabel = reconnect the patch cable
Connecticut = Connecticut
Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police = Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police
connectie = connection
connectie = association
connectie = contacts (with)
connectie = link
connectie = relation(ship)
connectie = contacts
connectie richting = connection to
connectieelement = connecting element
connectieelementen = connecting elements
connectiegat = connection hole
connectiegaten = connection holes
connectiegaten = connecting holes
connectielement = connecting element
connectiestation = connection station
connectiestring = connection string
connecting plate = connecting plate
connection = connection
Connection Block = Connection Block
Connection Machine<\b> = Connection Machine<\i>
Connection Manager = Connection Manager
connection part = connection part
Connection Part RF = Connection Part RF
Connection part RM = Connection part RM
Connection Rod = Connection Rod
connection string = connection string
connectiviteit = connectivity
Connectiviteit datacenter = Data centre connectivity
Connectiviteit voor een competitieve digitale eengemaakte markt = Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market
Connectiviteit voor een competitieve digitale eengemaakte markt – Naar  = Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market - Towards a European
connectiviteitsaanbod = connectivity products
connectiviteitsaanbod = connectivity offering
connectiviteitsbehoefte = need for connectivity
connectiviteitsbehoeften = connectivity needs
connectiviteitsdiensten = connectivity services
connectiviteitsdoelstelling = connectivity objective
connectiviteitsdoelstellingen = connectivity goals
connectiviteitslaag = connectivity layer
connectiviteitsmarkt = connectivity market
connectiviteitsonderzoek = connectivity study
Connectiviteitsplan = Connectivity plan
connectiviteits-research = connectivity research
connectiviteits-research agenda = connectivity research agenda
connectiviteitsuitdagingen = connectivity challenges
connectiviteitsvraag = "In doing so, we will look in more detail at connectivity"
connectiviteitsvraagstukken = connectivity issues
Connectiviteitverkenner = Connectivity Explorer
ConnectMe = ConnectMe
connector = connector
Connector = Connector
connector = plug connection
Connector (male) = Connector (male)
'Connector 1/2 = Connector 1/2 inch
Connector 3/4' = Connector 3/4 inch
Connector 7/8 = Connector 7/8 inch
Connector afstandbediening = Connector remote control
connector framework = connector framework
Connector M12 = Connector M12
Connector M8 = Connector M8
Connector overgang = Connector transition
connector pen = connector pin
connector voor uitschakelen van een systeem = connector to switch off a system
"connector, verbindingsstuk" = connector (mating pair of devices)
Connector/kabeladapter = Connector/cable adapter
connectorborging = connector lock
connectoreind = connector end
connectoren = connectors
connectoren op de stuurprint = connectors on the control board
connectorgebied = connector space
connectorkabel = flat cable
Connectormontage = Connector mounting
connectorpen = connector pin
connectorpinnen = connector pins
connectorplaat = connector plate
connectors = connectors
connectorsysteem = push-fit system
Connectorsysteem GST18 = Connector system GST18
Connectortang = Crimping plier for connectors
connectortoepassing = connector application
Connectortype uiteinde 1 = Type of connector connection 1
Connectortype uiteinde 2 = Type of connector connection 2
Connectortype zijde 1 = Type of connector side 1
Connectortype zijde 2 = Type of connector side 2
connectorwachtrij = connector queue
Connectorype = Type of connector
connossement = bill-of-lading: B/L
Connossement = Bill of lading
connossement van lijnvaartrederij = berth bill of lading
"connotatie, bijbetekenis, bijklank, associatie, gevoelswaarde" = connotation (suggested or implied meaning)
Conquistador (geschiedenis) = Conquistador
conrector = Vice-Rector
consciëntieus = conscientious
Consciëntieusheid = conscientiousness
consecutive model = consecutive model
consensus = consensus
consensus (verwachtingen) = "consensus expectations, estimates"
"consensus {m}, eensgezindheid, overeenstemming" = consensus (general agreement)
consensus algoritme = consensus algorithm
consensus decision-makers (‘polderaars’) = polderaars
consensus theorie = consensus theory
consensusdocument = consensus document
Consensusdocument Selectiecriteria Model-based Indicaties = Consensusdocument Selectiecriteria Model-based Indicaties (Consensus Docu
consequent = consistently
consequent = consistent
consequent = consequent
consequent en vasthoudend = consistently and persistently
consequent op te treden = act consistently
consequent weergeven = represented consistently
consequente = consistent
consequentie = consequence
consequentie = consequence(s)
consequentie = implication(s)
consequentie = repercussion(s)
consequentie = consistency
consequentie en passendheid = consequence and appropriateness
consequentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of consistency
consequenties = implications
consequenties aan analyses verbinden = attaching consequences to analyses
consequenties op korte- en langere termijn = short and long-term impact
consequenties van het incident = consequences of the incident
Conservatief = Conservative
conservatief betrouwbaarheidsinterval = conservative confidence interval
conservatief proces = conservative process
conservatieve financiering = conservative financing
conservatieve partij = Conservative Party
Conservatieve Partij van Nicaragua = Conservative party
Conservatieve Partij van Nicaragua = Tory
conservatisme = conservatism
Conservative Party = Tory
Conservative Party = Conservative party
conservatoir = provisional
conservatoir beslag = interlocutory freezing order
conservatoir beslag leggen = to attach (seize) before judg(e)ment
Conservatoir beslag tot afgifte te doen leggen = To have prejudgment attachment for the purpose of surrender levied on
conservatoir derdenbeslag = (protective) garnishee order
conservatoir maatregelen = measures of conservation
conservatoir maatregelen = to anticipate
conservatoir pauliana beslag = prejudgement seizure based on presumption of fraud
conservatoir vreemdelingenbeslag = prejudgment attachment of assets of a debtor not domiciled in the Netherl
Conservatoire beslaglegging = Curatorial seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = attachment before judgment
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = precautionary seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = prejudgment attachment
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = prejudgment seizure
conservatoire beslagmaatregel = seizure before judgment
conservatoire maatregelen nemen = take precautionary measures
conservatoire maatregelen te nemen = take precautionary measures
conservatoire of executoriale maatregelen = attach property before a judgement or take measures for enforcing a judgm
conservator = curator
Conservator = Conservative
conservator = keeper
Conservatorium = School of music
Conservatorium = Conservatoire
Conservatorium = Conservatory
Conservatorium = Protective
Conservatorium = Academy of music
conservatorium = conservatoire
conserveermiddel {het} = preservative
conserveermiddelen = preservatives
conserven = preserves
conserven = preserve tins
"conserven op basis van vlees, vis, gevogelte en wild, diepgevroren voedin" = "preserves and frozen foodstuffs based on meat, fish, poultry and game, no"
"conserven van vlees, vis, gevogelte en wild" = "meat, fish, poultry and game preserves"
"conserven, met name vlees-, vis-, vruchten- en groenteconserven" = "preserves, namely meat, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves"
"conserven, pickles" = "preserves, pickles"
conservenfabriek = cannery
conservenfabriek = canning facory
conserveren = to preserve
Conserveren = Safe
Conserveren = Keep
Conserveren = Conserve
conserveren = to can [preserve]
Conserveren = Maintain
conserveren leidingwerk = preservation of pipe system
Conserveren toestel = Preservation of unit
Conserveren toestel / leidingwerk = Preservation of unit / pipe system
Conserverende belastingaanslag = Jeopardy assessment
Conservering = Preservation
Conservering = conservation
conservering = preservation
conservering van levensmiddelen = food preserving
conservering van stalen = corrosion protection of steel
conserveringsmiddel = preservative
conserveringsmiddelen = preservatives
conserveringsmiddelen voor metaal = preservatives for metal
conserveringsmiddelen voor voedingsmiddelen = preservatives for foodstuffs
conserveringsolië = preservative oil
conserveringsoliën = preservative oils
Conserveringstechniek = Preservation
considerans = preamble
considerans = recitals
considerans van deze overeenkomst = preamble of this contract
considerans van deze overeenkomst = preamble to this contract
Consideration phase = Consideration phase
consignatie = stand-by duty
Consignatie = Consignment
consignatie = stand-by
consignatiebeheer = management of clearance documents
consignatiegelden = consignment fees
Consignatiegoederen = Consigned goods
Consignatiegoederen = Goods on consignment
consignatiestock = consignment stock
consignatie-toeslag = on-call allowance
consignatievoorraad = consignment stock
consigne = directions
consigne temperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consigneren = consign
consignetemperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consignetemperaturen / consigne temperaturen = setpoint temperatures
consignment note = begeleidingstaat
consistent = consistent
Consistent = Integrity
consistente = consistent
consistente bevindingen = consistent findings
Consistente normen vast te stellen = establish consistent standards
consistente strategie = consistent strategy
consistente toets = consistent check
Consistentie = Consistency
Consistentie = Coherence
Consistentiebeginsel = Consistency concept
consistentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of consistence
consistentiecoëfficiënt van Kendall en Babington Smith = coefficient of consistence
consistentiecontrole = consistency check
consistentie-eenheid = consistency unit
Consistentietheorie = Consistency theory
Consistorie = Consistory
console = support
Console = Console
console = bracket
console (loodgieterij) = bracket
console / kraagsteen / draagsteen / modillon = ancon
Console CV/airco/ventilatie = Console HVAC
console Groepsbeleidbeheer = Group Policy Management Console
Console kabeldraagsysteem = Bracket for cable support system
Console Windows Prestatiecontrole = Windows Performance Diagnostic Console
console-apparaat = console receiver
consoleman = console operator
Consoles = Consoles
consoles = bracket consoles
console-schrijfmachine = console keyboard
consolestructuur = console tree
consolette = consolette
consolidatie = consolidation
consolidatie dubbele functies = consolidate duplicate functions
Consolidatie en Interne Controle = Reporting & Internal Audit
Consolidatie en validatie = Consolidation and validation
consolidatie van aandelen = consolidation of shares
consolidatie van de Europese Unie = deepening of the European Union
consolidatie van de schuld = rescheduling of public debt
consolidatie van een domein = domain consolidation
consolidatie van een schuld = consolidation of a debt
consolidatie van het communautaire recht = consolidation of Community law
Consolidatie van informatie = Consolidation of information
consolidatie-effect = consolidation effect
consolidatieproef = consolidation test
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation questionnaire
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation schedule
consolidatiequestionnaire = consolidation working paper
Consolidatiestrategie = Consolidation strategy
consolidatieverplichting = consolidation obligation
consolidatievoorschriften = consolidation directives
Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef = Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef
Consolidating Legal en political achievements on LGBTI rights through eff = Consolidating Legal and political achievements on LGBTI rights through ef
consolideren = consolidate
consolideren = to consolidate
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidating financial statement
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidation policy
consoliderend financieel overzicht = consolidation principles
consoliderende toezichthouder = consolidating supervisor
consonant = consonant
consonantie = consonance
consortiale deelnemingen = participation loan
consortiale deelnemingen = syndicate participations
consortium = consortium
consortium {het} = consortium
consortium aan partijen = consortium of parties
consortium overeenkomst = syndicate agreement
Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship (CVO)
Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap (CVO) = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship (CVO)
consortiumlid = consortium member
const = const
Constan?a = Constanta
Constans II van Rome = Equable
Constans II van Rome = Continual
Constans II van Rome = Sustained
Constans II van Rome = Abiding
Constans II van Rome = Permanent
constant = constant
constant = continuously
constant = constantly
constant = changeless
constant druk gestuurde ventilator = constant pressure-controlled ventilator
constant druk-gestuurde = constant pressure-controlled
constant drukpomp = constant-pressure pump
constant hooggestookte installaties = [...] maintained at constant high temperatures
constant luminantiesysteem = constant luminance system
constant toezicht = Constant supervision
constant verbruik = constant consumption
constant vergelijkende methode = Contant Comparative Method
constantaan = constantan
Constantan (CN) = Constantan alloy
constant-drukregeling = constant pressure control system
constante = constant
constante {de} = constant
constante bestaande uit een geheel getal = integer constant
constante bitsnelheid = constant bit rate
constante bitsnelheid = CBR
constante deel van de zware keten van immunoglobuline = immunoglobulin constant region
constante doorsnede = constant cross section
constante druk = constant pressure
constante hoogte = constant altitude
Constante kosten = Fixed costs
constante kwaliteit = constant quality
Constante kwaliteitsverbetering = Continuous quality improvement
constante luchtdruk = constant atmospheric pressure
constante massa = constant mass
constante participatie = continuous participation
Constante schaalopbrengsten = Fixed scale proceeds
constante spanning = constant voltage
constante stroom = constant current
constante uitval = constant scrap
constante van Goutereau = Goutereau's constant
constante van het controleapparaat = constant of the recording equipment
constante van Planck = Planck constant
constante verbetering van onze prestaties = continuous improvement of our performance
constante verdampingssnelheid = constant evaporation rate
constante verdeelde belasting = uniform load
constante verdunning = constant dilution
constante voedingsconcentratie = constant  dietary concentration
Constanten worden in hoofdletters geschreven = Constants should be written in uppercase letters
Constante-somschaal = Constant sum scale
constante-stroommodulatie = constant-current modulation
constantheid = constancy
Constantijn = Constantine
Constantijn de Grote = Constantine I
Constantinopel = Constantinople
Constantlichtregeling = Constant light control
Constantvermogen parallel = Steady state parallel
constateer = identify
constateer = acknowledge
constateert = detects
constateert of vermoedt = detects or suspects
constateren = ascertain
constateren = to establish
constateren = ascertain
Constateren = Take note
constateren en daarop te acteren = detect and respond to
constateren of voorkomen = detect or prevent
"constateren, vaststellen" = ascertain  (find out
"constateren, vaststellen" = discover or establish)
constatering = observation
constatering = finding
Constatering en beoordeling = Identification and assessment
constateringen = observations
constellatie = constellation
constellatie = condition
"constellatie, plejade, sterrenhemel, gamma" = "constellation (wide, seemingly unlimited assortment)"
constellaties = constellations
Constellation = Constellation
Constellationgebouw = Constellation Building
consternatie = alarm
consternatie {de} = consternation
Constipatie = Constipation
constipatie {de} = constipation
constipatie veroorzaken = constipate
Constituency (kiesgroep) = Constituency
constituerend deel = constituent
Constituerend management = Constituent management
Constituerende beslissingen = Constituent decisions
constitutie = constitution
constitutie {de} = constitution
constitutief model = constitutive model
constitutieve vergelijking = constitutive equation
Constitutional Principles of International and European Law = Constitutional Principles of International and European Law
constitutioneel = constitutionally
"constitutioneel eczeem, de atopische dermatitis" = atopic  dermatitis
Constitutioneel Recht en Bestuursrecht = Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
constitutioneel rechtmatig = constitutionally legitimate
Constitutionele monarchie = Constitutional monarchy
constitutionele rechtmatigheid = constitutional legitimacy
constitutionele rechtspraak = constitutional court
constitutionele ventriculomegalie = "lobar  holoprosencephaly: a less severe form of holoprosencephaly, whereb"
constraints = constraints
Construct = Construct
Constructeur = Manufacturer
constructeur = structural engineer
constructeur = manufacturer
constructeur = designer
constructeur = engineer
constructeur = design engineer
constructie = architecture
constructie = engineering
Constructie = Development
Constructie = Building trade
Constructie = Build
Constructie = Building
constructie = construction
constructie = structure
constructie (f) = construction
constructie (zacht) staal = structural steel
constructie- /installatieonderdeel = structural/installation component
constructie {de} = construction
Constructie all risk verzekeringen = All risk construction insurance
Constructie All-Risk = Construction All-Risk
constructie all-risk verzekering = builder’s insurance
constructie all-risk verzekering = builder’s policy
constructie all-risk verzekering = construction all-risk insurance
constructie- en bouwplanning = construction and design planning
Constructie en Ontwerp = Construction and Design
constructie perspectief = construction perspective
Constructie van = Construction of
"constructie," = structure
"constructie-, fabricage- en materiaalfouten" = "construction, manufacturing and material defects"
"constructie, het construeren" = construction
constructieafdeling = construction department
constructiebedrijf = construction company
constructieberekening = structural calculation
constructieberekeningen = design calculations
constructiebeton = structural concrete
constructiebeton = heavy concrete
constructiebok = building frame
constructiebouw = construction engineering
constructiebureau = design office
constructiecode = construction code
constructiedeel = structural element
constructiedeel = structural member
constructiedeel = constructional part
constructiedetails = engineering details
constructie-element = structural element
constructie-elementen = structural elements
Constructie-elementen voor spoorwegen = Railway-track construction supplies
constructief = constructively
constructief = positive
Constructief = Constructive
constructief kostenmodel = constructive cost model: COCOMO
constructief meedenken over een probleem = to take a constructive approach to a problem
constructief ontwerper = structural engineer
constructiefout = structural fault
constructiefout = error in design
constructiegegevens = constructional data
constructiegeometrie = construction geometry
constructiehout = building timber
constructiehout = constructional timber
constructie-idee = design idea
Constructieklem = Construction clamp
constructieleer = theory of structures
constructieleer = structural design
constructiemateriaal = construction material
Constructiematerialen = Construction materials
constructiemethoden = construction methods
constructiemodel = construction model
constructieonderdeel = structural component
constructieonderdelen = structural components
constructie-onderdelen = structural components
Constructieproducten = Structural products
constructies = structures
constructieschema voor de spanstukken = prestressing tendon layout plan
constructiestaal = structural steel
constructiestaal = constructional steel
constructiestaal = steel girders
Constructiestaalbouw = Structural steelworks
constructiestap = construction step
constructietekening = constructional drawing
constructietekening = construction drawing
constructietekening = design drawing
constructietekeningsysteem = constructional drawing system
constructietoepassingen = construction applications
constructieve achteruitgang = structural deterioration
constructieve achteruitgang van het beton = structural deterioration of the concrete
constructieve afspraken = constructive arrangements
Constructieve beslisregel = Constructieve decision rule
constructieve dialoog = constructive dialogue
constructieve- en dekvloeren = structural and screed floors
constructieve haalbaarheid = structural feasibility
constructieve inductie = constructive induction
Constructieve motie van wantrouwen = Vote of no confidence
constructieve onderdelen = structural parts
constructieve opbouw = structural design
constructieve oppositie = constructive opposition
constructieve opzet = structural design
constructieve ruimtelijke geometrie = constructive solid geometry: CSG
constructieve samenhang = structural coherence
constructieve staa = structural condition
Constructieve werkzaamheden = Construction work
constructieve wijziging = structural change
constructieverbetering = design improvement
constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken = All Construction Site Risks
constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken = builders’ risk insurance 
constructievloer = structural floor
constructievoeg = key
constructievoeg = construction joint
constructiewerkzaamheden = constructional engineering
constructiewerkzaamheden = constructional work
constructiewerkzaamheden = design engineering
constructiewerkzaamheden = construction services
constructiewijziging = change in design
constructiewijziging = design change
Construction period = Realisatietermijn
constructionele = structural
constructionele element = structural element
constructionele elementen = structural elements
Constructiv = Constructiv
constructivisme = constructivism
constructivist = constructivist
constructivistisch = constructivist
Constructivistisch Leren = constructivist learning
constructivistisch onderwijs en leren = constructivist teaching and learning
constructivistische benadering = constructivist approach
constructivistische onderzoeksparadigma = constructivist research paradigm
constructor = constructor
constructor overloading = Constructor overloading
constructor van de superklasse = constructor of the superclass
constructorbeperking zonder parameters = parameterless constructor constraint
ConstructorNieuweNotNull = ConstructorNewNotNull
constructorreeks = constructor string
constructors = constructors
Constructors and overloading = Constructors and overloading
constructors en methoden = constructors and methods
Constructors en overloading = Constructors and overloading
Constructvaliditeit = Construct validity
construeren = build (ww)
construeren = engineer (to)
construeren = build
construeren = to design
Construeren toets = Constructing test
Construeren toets en normering = Constructing tests and standardisation method
Construeren toetsmatrijs = Constructing the assessment matrix
Construerende Technische Wetenschappen (faculteit CTW) = Engineering Technology (Faculty of)
consul = consul
Consul (Rome) = Consul
consul {de} = consul
Consulaat = Consul
Consulaat = Consulate
consulaat {het} = consulate
Consulaat Generaal = Consulate General
consulaat-generaal = Consulate General
Consulaire diensten = Consular services
consulaten = consulates
consulaten-generaal = Consulates General
consulent = consultant
consulent {de} = counselor [Am.]
consulent {de} = consultant
consulente = consultant
consul-generaal = consul general
consult = consultation
consult {het} = consultation
consultancy = consultancy
consultancy en advies voor het bedrijfsleven = business consultancy and advisory services
"consultancy en advisering met betrekking tot computersystemen, computerne" = "consultancy and advisory services, all relating to computer systems, comp"
consultancy en ondersteuning bij de exploitatie of de leiding van een ind = consultancy and assistance services relating to the running and managemen
consultancy inzake bedrijfsvoering = business management consultancy
consultancy inzake personeel = personnel consultancy
consultancy inzake personeelsbeleid = personnel management consultancy
consultancy met betrekking tot techniek = engineering consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van bedrijfsvoering en bedrijfsorganisatie = business management and organization consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van risicobeheer = risk management consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van veiligheid = security consultancy
consultancy op het gebied van werkgelegenheid = employment consultancy
consultancy op het vlak van computerhardware en -software = consultancy in the field of computer hardware and software
"consultancy, ontwerp, testen, onderzoek en advisering, allemaal met betre" = "consultancy, design, testing, research and advisory services, all relatin"
"consultancy, training en engineering" = "consulting, training and engineering"
consultancyactiviteiten = consultancy activities
consultancybureau = consulting firm
consultancy-opdracht = consultancy assignment
consultancyovereenkomst = consultancy agreement
consultant = consultant
Consultant ICT = ICT Consultant
consultants = consultants
consultants en specialisten = consultants and specialists
"consultants, projectmanagers, automatiseerders en accountmanagers" = "consultants, project managers, IT specialists and account managers"
consultatie = consulting room
consultatie = consultation
consultatiedocument = consultation document
consultatieronde = consultation round
Consultatieve = consultative
consultatieve bevoegdheid = advisory power
consultatieve commissie = consultative committee
Consultatieve klantgesprekken = consultative customer calls
Consultatieve verkoopbenadering = Consultative sales approach
consultatieverslag = consultation report
consulteerde = consulted
consulteren = consult
consulteren = to consult
consumables = consumables
consument = consumer
consument {de} = consumer
consument van een dienst = service consumer
consumenten = consumers
consumenten en andere stakeholders = consumers and other stakeholders
consumenten en zakelijk = consumers and business
Consumenten in een digitale wereld = Digital consumers
consumenten opslagdienst = consumer storage service
consumenten tv’s = consumer TVs
consumenten verpakkingsafdeling = consumer packaging department
"consumenten, producenten en platforms" = "consumers, producers and platforms"
consumentenacceptatie = consumer acceptance
Consumentenautoriteit = The Consumer Authority
consumentenbakjes = consumer containers
consumentenbehoeften = Consumer demands
consumentenbehoeftes = consumer needs
consumentenbeleid = consumer policy
consumentenbescherming = consumer protection
Consumentenbond = Consumers' association
consumentenelektronica = consumer electronics
Consumentenfrustratie = Consumer frustration
consumentengedrag = consumer behaviour
Consumentengedragsmodellen = Models of consumer behaviour
consumentengezondheid = consumer health
consumentengoederen = consumer goods
consumentenkoop = consumer sale
Consumenten-legitimiteit = Consumer legitimacy
Consumentenmarketing = Consumer marketing
consumentenmarkt = consumer market
consumentenmarktaandeel = consumer market share
consumentenmarkten = consumer markets
consumentenonderzoek = consumer survey
consumentenorganisatie = consumer movement
consumentenorganisatie = consumers association
consumentenorganisaties = consumer organisations
Consumentenorganisaties = Consumers' organisation
Consumentenpanel = Consumer panel
Consumentenpanel onderzoeken = Consumer panel study
consumentenpartij = consumer party
Consumentenprijs = Consumer price
consumentenprijs indexatie = the consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Consumentenprijsindex = consumer price index figures
Consumentenprijsindex = Consumer price index
consumentenprijsindex = consumer price index
consumentenprijsindexatie = consumer price index of Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de S
consumentenprijsindexcijfer = consumer price index
consumentenproduct = consumer product
Consumentenpromotie = Consumer promotion
consumentenpropositie = consumer proposition
Consumentenpsychologie = Consumer psychology
consumentenrecht = consumer law
Consumentenrechten = Consumer rights
consumentenrisico = consumer's risk
Consumentensoevereiniteit = Consumer sovereignty
consumenten-streamingdiensten = consumer streaming services
Consumentensubsidie = Consumers' subsidy
Consumentensurplus = Consumer surplus
consumententoezicht = consumer supervision
consumentenverpakking = consumer packaging
consumentenverpakking = consumption packaging
consumentenverpakkingen = consumer packaging
Consumentenvertrouwen = Consumer confidence
Consumentenvertrouwen = Consumer' confidence
consumentenvertrouwen te vergroten = increase consumer confidence
consumentenvoorlichting = consumer information
consumentenvoorlichting = consumer enlightenment
consumentenwasmiddelen voor vaatwasmachines = Consumer automatic dishwasher detergent
consumentenwetgeving = consumer legislation
consumentgedreven = consumer-driven
Consumentisme = Consumerism
Consumer franchise = Consumer franchise
consumer protection = consumentenbescherming
Consumer-benefitconcept = Consumer benefit concept
consumeren = to consume
consumeren = consume
"consumeren, opgebruiken" = absorb  (to consume completely )
consumerization = consumerisation
consuminderen = ‘consuminderen’ [untranslatable Dutch term meaning ‘consuming less
consuminderen = ‘consuminderen’ [untranslatable Dutch term meaning ‘consuming less
consumptie = consumption
Consumptie = Consumption (economics)
Consumptie = Consumption (C)
consumptie {de} = consumption
consumptie eieren = consumption eggs
consumptie van sterke drank = consumption of spirits
consumptie vraag = consumer demand
consumptieaardappelen = "ware, table potatoes"
consumptieaardappelen = table potatoes
consumptieaardappelen = ware
consumptieaardappelen = ware potatoes
Consumptieareaal = ware potato acreage
Consumptiebelasting = Expenditure tax
Consumptiebeleid = Consumption policy
consumptiecijfer = consumption figure
consumptiecijfers = consumption figures
Consumptiecurve = Consumption curve
Consumptief krediet = Consumers' credit
Consumptief krediet = Consumer credit
Consumptiefunctie = consumption function
consumptiegegevens = consumption data
consumptiegericht = consumerist
consumptiegoed = consumer good
consumptiegoederen = consumer goods
Consumptiegoederen = Basket of consumer goods
consumptiegoederen {mv} = consumer goods
consumptiegoederensector = consumer goods sector
Consumptiehuishouding = Household
Consumptie-ideologie = Consumption ideology
consumptie-ijs = ice
Consumptie-ijs = Ice-cream
consumptie-ijs = edible ices
consumptie-ijs en roomijs = ices and ice-cream
"consumptie-ijs, roomijs, roomijsproducten, bevroren suikergoed" = "ices, ice cream, ice cream products, frozen confections"
"consumptie-ijs, roomijs, roomijsproducten, bevroren yoghurt, bevroren sui" = "ices, ice cream, ice cream products, frozen yoghurt, frozen confections"
consumptie-ijsfabriek = Ice cream and water ice industry
consumptiemaatschappij = consumer society
consumptiemelk = drinking milk
Consumptiepakket = Consumption package
Consumptiepatroon = Consumption pattern
Consumptiepeil = Level of consumption
consumptieprijs = consumer price
consumptieprijsindex van de FOD Economie = consumer price index of the FPS Economy
Consumptiequote = Consumption quote
consumpties = drinks
Consumptiesysteem = Consumption system
Consumptieteler = ware (potato) grower
Consumptietijd = Consumption time
consumptieve belegging/investering = consumer investment
Consumptieve bestedingen = Consumption expenditure
consumptieve bestedingen = consumer spending
consumptieve vraag = consumer demand
Consumptievergelijking = Consumption equation
consumptieverpakking = consumption packaging
consumptievet = food fat
consumptievraag = consumer demand
contacdoos = adapter socket
Contact = Ignition switch
contact = connection
contact = contact
contact = ignition
contact = socket
contact — wijze van verwonding = contact — mode of injury
contact {het} = contact
contact Assy = contact ASSY
contact calender = (customer) contact calendar
contact center performance = contact centre performance
contact frequentie matrix = (customer) contact frequency matrix
Contact gegevens = Contact details
Contact Grill = Contact Grill
contact hebben = contact
contact hebben met = contact
Contact juggling = Ignition switch
contact leggen = establish contact
contact maakt met = makes contact with
contact maakt met de wanden = makes contact with the walls
contact maakt met de wanden van de kopse groef = makes contact with the walls of the end groove
contact maken = to make contact
contact maken met = contact
Contact met de aardpotentiaal = Contact of persons with earth potential
contact met de grond = contact with the ground
Contact met de huid = Contact with the skin
Contact met de huid vermijden. = Avoid contact with skin.
Contact met de makelaar = Contact the property agent
Contact met de ogen = Contact with the eyes
Contact met de ogen en de huid vermijden. = Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
contact met elektriciteit = contact with electricity
contact met kwetsbare mariene ecosystemen = encounter with vulnerable marine ecosystems
contact met ons op te nemen = contacting us
contact moment = touchpoint
contact momenten = touchpoint
contact momenten = touchpoints
Contact- of ander kopieerpapier = Self-copy or other copy paper
contact onderbreker = breaker / contact breaker
contact onderhouden (met) = inappropriate
contact onderhouden (met) = inexpedient
contact onderhouden (met) = to liaise (with)
contact onderhouden met = liaising with
Contact onderhouden met de projectverantwoordelijke = Keeping in touch with the person responsible for the project
contact opnemen = contact
contact opnemen met de leverancier = please contact the supplier
contact opnemen met een medewerker van de klantenservice van web center = contact web center customer service representative
contact opnemen met web center = contact web center
contact person = contact person
Contact persoon = Contact person
contact punten = breaker points
contact rate = contact rate
contact regels = contact rules
contact rules = contact rules
contact te leggen = initiate contacts
contact te leggen en te onderhouden = build and maintain relationships
contact te maken = making contact
contact tussen student en docent = contact between student and lecturer
contact verhouding = contact ratio
contact zoeken = chum up
contact/startschakelaar = contact/starter switch
contactafdruk = contact print
contactbed = contact bed
contactbed = bacteria bed
contactbelasting = contact load
contactbeschermer = contact protector
contactbeugel = contact bracket
contactblok = contact block
Contactblok industriele connector = Contact insert for heavy duty connectors
Contactblokhouder industriele connector = Contact insert mounting for heavy duty connectors
contactbol = contact point
contactboog omvattende een hoek = contact angle comprising an angle
contactbus = jack
contactbus = contact socket
contactbuslek = jacket leak
contactcommissie = liaison committee
contactdagen = "get-together days, networking days"
Contactdetails = Contact details
contactdetector = contact detector
contactdoos = socket outlet
contactdoos = adapter socket
contactdoos = fixed connector
contactdoos = socket
contactdoos = socket strips
Contactdoos 1-voudig = Socket outlet 1-position
Contactdoos 2-voudig = Socket outlet 2-position
Contactdooscombinatie = Socket outlet strip
Contactdooscombinatie = Socket outlet combination
Contactdooselement = Socket outlet element
contactdozen = sockets
contactdozen = junction boxes
contactdrogen = contact drying
contactdruk = contact pressure
contacteer = contact
Contacteer ons = Contact us
Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvende offerte = Contact us for a free quote
Contactelementtrekker = Contact element puller
Contacten = Contacts
Contacten = People
contacten = interactions
contacten = contacts
contacten legt = establish contacts
contacten met = interactions with
contacten met = contacts with
contacten met andere partijen tot stand te brengen = establish contacts with other parties
Contacten met de media = Communication with the press
contacten met de pers = contact with the press
contacten met tijdvertraging = delayed contacts
contacten van selectieve lussen = selective loop contacts
contacteren = contact
contactformulier = contact form
Contactformulier dealers = Dealer contact form
Contactformulier website = Website contact form
Contactfrequentie = Contact frequency
contactfrequentiematrix = (customer) contact frequency matrix
contactgaatje = hub
contactgegevens = contact details
contactgegevens = contact information
Contactgegevens = Contact info
contactgegevens firma = company contact details
Contactgegevens Siemens = Siemens contact details
contactgegevens telefonische bereikbaarheid = contact details regarding telephone line opening times
contactgegevens van de klant = customer contacts
contactgegevens van de serviceorganisatie = contact details of the service organisation
contactgegevens van het accountteam = account team contact info
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers = Contact information for end-users
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers = Contact details for end-users
Contactgegevens voor eindgebruikers van onze producten = Contact information for end-users of our products
Contactgegevens voor Systeem Integratoren = Contact information for System Integrators
contactgelijkrichter = contact rectifier
contactgeluid = structure-borne noise
contactgeluiden = contact sounds
contactgeluidisolatie = impact sound insulation
contactgeluidsisolatie = impact sound insulation
Contactgrill = Contact grill
contacthoek = dwell angle / cam angle
contacthouder = contact maker
Contactinformatie = contact details
contactinformatie = contact details
contactkast = contact printing apparatus
contactkracht = contact force
contactlengte = contact length
Contactlens = Contact lens
Contactlensvloeistoffen = Contact lenses lotions
contactlenzen = contact lenses
contactlenzen {mv} = contact lenses
Contactlenzen verwijderen = Remove contact lenses
contactlijm = contact adhesive
contactlip = solder tag
contactloos = contactless
Contactloos = Contact less
contactloos keren van product = contactless product turning
contactloos werken = contactless working
contactloze energieoverdracht = contactless energy transfe
Contactloze herkenning draairichting = Contact less detection of the sense of rotation
Contactloze kraan = Contact less tap
contactloze metingen = non-contact measurements
Contactloze spanningsherkenning = Contact less voltage detection
Contactloze toerentalmeting (optisch) = Contact less rotational speed measuring (optic)
contactmaker = contact maker
Contactmateriaal = Contact material
Contactmethode = Contact method
contactmogelijkheden = contact options
contactmoment = (customer service) touchpoint
contactmoment = contact
contactmoment = contact date
contactmoment = contacts communication activity
contactmoment = opportunity for contact
contactmoment = opportunity for interaction
contactmoment = regular/periodic contact
contactmoment = student and tutor must meet X times
contactmoment = moment of contact
contactmoment met de opleiding = an opportunity to meet someone from the programme face to face
contactmoment met de opleiding = face-to-face contact time with someone from the programme
contactmoment met de opleiding = face-to-face contact with the programme
contactmomenten = contact moments
contactmomenten = opportunities for face-to-face contact
contactmonitoringsysteem = contact monitoring system
contactolie = contact lubricant
contactonderbreker = contact breaker
contactonderbrekerafstand = contact breaker gap
contactonderwijs = face-to-face teaching
contactoog = solder eyelet
contactopening = contact gap
contactoppervlak = "1. [ELECTRON.] (aansluitpunt) contact area, land area"
contactoppervlak = 2. [POLYM.] (van een mal) land area
contactoppervlak = contact area
contactoppervlak = contact surface
contactoppervlakken = contact surfaces
Contactoppervlakte = Contact surface
contact-overgevoeligheid = contact  hypersensitivity
contactpagina = contact page
Contactpapier = Self-copy paper
contactpen = plug pin
contactpen (aan stekker) = pin
Contactperson = Contact person
Contactpersoneel = Contact personnel
contactpersonen = contacts
Contactpersonen bewerken = Edit Contacts
Contactpersonen groeperen op beschikbaarheid = Group Contacts by Availability
contactpersonen informatieschermen = information screen contacts
Contactpersonen zonder beschikbare statusgegevens = Status Unavailable Contacts
contactpersonenbeheer = contact management
contactpersonengroep = talkgroup
contactpersonenlijst = contact list
contactpersonenmatrix = contact person matrix
contactpersoon = contact (person)
contactpersoon = connection
Contactpersoon = Contact
Contactpersoon = Contact person
contactpersoon = contact person
contactpersoon = contact
contactpersoon = contact person
contactpersoon = point of contact
Contactpersoon (bv nieuwsbrief/monitor) = Contact
contactpersoon die e-mail gebruikt = mail contact
contactpersoon Digitaal Toetsen = Digital Testing contact
contactpersoon ICT = IT contact person
Contactpersoon markeren = Tag Contact
Contactpersoon opdrachtgever = Client’s contact
Contactpersoon toevoegen = contact picker
Contactpersoon toevoegen… = Add a Contact...
contactpersoon van de afdeling = department contact
Contactpersoon van de onderneming = Contact person of the company
contactpersoon van de opdrachtgever = contact person of the contracting authority
Contactpersoon verplaatsen naar = Move Contact to
Contactpersoon voor de = Contact person for the
contactpersoonformulier = contact form
contactpersoonitem = contact item
contactplaat = contact plate
contactplaten = contact plates
contactplaten = terminal plates
contactpotentiaal = contact potential
contactprocedure = contact procedure
contactproces = contact process
contactpunt = contact point
Contactpunt = Contact pin
contactpunten = point of contact
contactpunten = points of contact
contactpunten = contact points
contactpuntloos = contactless
contactrail dak = roof-mounted contact rail
contactraster = contact screen
contactrecency = contact recency
contactregels = contact rules
contactreinigingsolie = contact cleaning oil
contactring = contact ring
Contactrules = Contact rules
contactschakelaar = contact switch
contactschakelaar = ignition switch
contactschroef = contact screw
Contactschroef = KS screw
contactschuif = contact slide
contactsegment = contact segment
Contactset = Contact set
contactsleutel = ignition key
contactslot = ignition lock
Contactslot = Touch operated lock
contactspanning = contact potential
contactspray = contact spray
contactstift = contact pin
contactstop = plug connector
contactstrategie = customer contact strategy
contactstrategie = contact strategy
contactstrip = contact strip
contactstrook = terminal board
Contactstroom = Contact current
contacttijd = contact time
contactuele = interpersonal
contactuele en communicatieve vaardigheden = interpersonal and communication skills
contactuele vaardigheden = interpersonal skills
contactuele vaardigheden = unfeasible
"contactuele, sociale en praktische vaardigheden" = "interpersonal, social and practical skills"
Contactuitvoering = Contact type
contacturen = contact hours
contacturen = teaching load
Contacturen = contact hours
Contacturen = face-to-face instruction
Contacturen op jaarbasis = Face-to-face instruction per year
contactuur = contact hours
contactuur = face-to-face instruction
Contactvarianten = Contact variants
contactveer = contact spring
contactveer = Contact Spring
Contactverbod = Contact Ban
contactverenband = contact spring strip
contactverenstrip = stator strip
contactverklikkerlamp = ignition light
Contactverstevigingsbeugel = Contact amplifying bracket
contactverzoek = contact request
Contactvet = Contact grease
contactvlak = contact pad
contactvlak = contact face
contactvlak = contact area
contactvlak = contact surface
contactvlakinstelling = pole-face alignment
contactvlakken = contact surfaces
contactvorming = contact formation
contactweerstand = contact resistance
Contactweging = Contact weighting
Contactwijze = Form of contact
Contadora-groep = Contadora Group
container = container
container {de} = container
container voor de bouwplaats = construction site container
"container-, oplegger- en aanhangwagenverhuurbedrijf" = "Marine container, semitrailer and trailer rental services"
containerbegrip = catchall
container-begrip = a somewhat vague term
container-begrip = all-purpose concept
container-begrip = catch-all term
container-begrip = umbrella term
containerbesturingselement = container control
containerfabricage en -reparatiebedrijf = Shipping container production and repair industry
containerframe = container frame
containerhaak = container hook
containerhandling = container handling
containerklasse = container class
Containerkranen = Container cranes
Containerladers = Skip loaders
Containerliften = Bin-lifts
Containernaam = Container Name
container-nummer = container number
containerobject = container object
Containeropslagsysteem = Container storage system
containeroverslagbedrijf = Marine container transhipment services
containerpaklijst = container packing list
containerreinigingsbedrijf (incl. drumcleaning) = Container and drum cleaning services
containers vertrouwelijk papier = containers for confidential paper
Containers voor afvalmateriaal = Containers for waste material
Containers voor heelkundig gebruik = Surgical containers
Containers voor lijkenvervoer = Body transport containers
Containerschepen = Container carriers
containerterminal = container terminal
containertje = little container
containertoepassing = container application
containerventilator = container fan
Containervervoer = Container handling services
Containervervoeruitrusting = Container-handling equipment
containment = containment
containment strategieën = containment strategies
contaminant = contaminant
contaminanten = contaminants
Contaminatie = Contamination
contaminatie = contamination
contaminatie control = contamination control
contaminatie problemen = contamination problems
"contaminatie, verontreiniging" = "contamination, pollution"
contaminatierisico = contamination risk
Contamination Control = Contamination Control
contant = cash
"contant dividend, dividend in contanten" = cash dividend
contant geld = cash money
contant geld = cash
contante betaling = cash payment
contante dekking = cash coverage
contante koop/verkoop = cash transaction
contante of gelijkwaardige basis = cash or equivalent basis
contante ruiltransactie = cash swap
Contante waarde = Present value
contante waarde methode = discounted value method
contante waarde van levensverzekeringspolis = policy account value [Am.]
contante waarde van verwachte/toekomstige kasstroom = cash at hand
contante waarde van verwachte/toekomstige kasstroom = discounted cash flow
contanten = cash
contanten {mv} = cash
"contanten {p}, cash, baar geld" = cash (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
contantkorting = cash discount
contantmarkt = spot market
Conte = Tale
Conte = Storytelling
Conte = Fairy tale
Contemplatie = Contemplation
contemplatief = contemplative
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative inquiry
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative research
contemplatief onderzoek = contemplative studies
contemplatieve bezigheid = contemplative activity
contemplatieve onderzoek = contemplative research
contemplatieve onderzoeksmethode = contemplative research method
Contemplatieve onderzoeksmethoden = contemplative research methods
contemplatieve onderzoeksmethodes = contemplative research methods
contemplatieve onderzoekstechnieken = contemplative research techniques
Contemporary Christian = Contemporary Christian
content = content
Content = Content
content aansturing = content management
Content beheer = Content management
content beheerder = content manager
content beheerders = content managers
content management = content management
content management systeem = content management system
content managementsystemen = content management systems
content op televisie = TV content
Content pagina's = Content pages
Content Selection Framework = Content Selection Framework
content van nieuwe leveranciers = content from new suppliers
contentbeheerders = content managers
contentbezit = content ownership
contentcampagnes = content campaigns
contentdistributie = content distribution
contenteditors = content editors
contentie = contention
contentieus = contentiously
contentkanalen = content channels
contentmanagement = content management
ContentMaster Template Online = ContentMaster Template Online
ContentMaster Template Online = CMTO
content-occluderende masker = content occluding mask
contentpagina’s = content pages
contentprovider = content provider
contentproviders = content providers
content-securityproducten = content security products
conterfort = counterfort
Contestatie = Disputes
context = context
context {de} = context
Context Control Block = context control block
context van het museum = museum context
contextafhankelijke Help = context-sensitive Help
contextanalyse = context analysis
contextbepaald = context-determined
contexteigenschap = context property
contextgebonden ontwerp = contextual design
context-id = context ID
contextmenu = contextual menu
contextmenu = context menu
contextmenu van apps = app Context Menu
contextueel = contextual
contextueel tabblad = contextual tab
contextueel toegangsmanagement = contextual access management
contextuele data = contextual data
contextuele spelling = Contextual Spelling
contextveld = context field
contextvrije grammatica = context-free grammar
contextvrije taal = context-free language
Contigent = contingent
contimuïteit = continuity
continent = continent
continent {het} = continent
continentaal = continental
continentaal plat = continental shelf
continentaal plat {het} = continental shelf
Continentverschuiving = Continental drift
Contingency-theorie = Contigency theory
Contingent = contingent
contingent = authorised development quota
contingent {het} = contingent
Contingentering = Fixing of quotas
contingenteringsregeling = quota scheme
contingenteringsregeling = unclear
Contingenteringsstelsel = Quota system
Contingentie = Quota
contingentie = contingency
"contingentie, onvoorspelbaarheid" = contingency (quality of being contingent
"contingentie, onvoorspelbaarheid" = unpredictability)
contingentiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of contingency
Contingentieplan = Contingency plan
Contingentieplanning = Contingency planning
Continous Assessment = Continuous Assessment
continu = continual
Continu = Uninterruptible
continu = continuously
Continu = Continuous
continu = lasting
continu additief proces = differential process
continu additief proces = process with independent increments
continu bedrijf = continuous operation
Continu beschikbaarheid = Continuous availability
continu bewaken = continuous monitoring
Continu blokproces = Continuous Block Process
continu doorgaande slijtage = progressive wear
continu filament = continuous strand
continu geactualiseerd = continuously updated
continu gecontroleerde kwaliteit = continuously monitored quality
Continu licht = Continuous luminaire
Continu licht = Continuous light
continu lont = continuous sliver
continu monitoring = continuous monitoring
Continu nominaal vermogen = Continuous rated power
continu op zoek = continuously on the lookout
continu proces = continuous process
continu productlift = continuous product lift
continu productlift = continuous product elevator
continu rekening te houden met = continually take into account
Continu soldeerpunt = Continuous soldering tip
continu stroom = continuous current
continu thermisch verzinkte staalplaat = continuous hot dip galvanised sheet steel
Continu toon = Continuous tone
continu verbeteren = continuously improving
continu verder verbeterd en aangescherpt = continuously improved and enhanced
continu verstelbaar = continuously adjustable
continu vlak = continuous plane
continu worden bijgewerkt = are continuously updated
continu zicht = continuous visibility
"continu, voortdurend, ononderbroken, aanhoudend, onophoudelijk" = "continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)"
Continu/knipperlicht = Continuous-/flashing light
Continual Service Improvement = Continual Service Improvement
Continu-arbeid = Shift work
continuation of the Assignment = voortzetting van de opdracht
continubedrijf = continuous production firm
Continubedrijf = Continuous operating process industry
continudienst = continuous working day
continue = constantly
continue = continuously
continue = continuous
continue aan te sluiten bij = remain continuously consistent with
Continue afbeeldingslijst = Continuous Picture List
continue baanbesturing = continuous path control
continue baanverplaatsing = continuous path displacement
continue batch verficatie = continuous batch verification
continue belasting = continuous load
continue bemonstering = continuous sampling
continue beschikbaarheid = continuous availability
continue beweging van trekken en duwen = continuous movement of pulling and pushing
continue bewerking = continuous operation
continue code = continuous code
continue communicatiewacht = continuous communication watch
Continue cyclus = Continuous Cycle
continue doorontwikkeling = continuous development
continue draait = runs continuously
continue drager = continuous carrier
continue en gecontroleerde = Continuous and controlled
continue en gecontroleerde ventilatie = Continuous and controlled ventilation
continue en regelmatig = continuous and uniform
continue evaluatie = continuous evaluation
continue fase = continuous phase
Continue functie = Continuity
continue functie = continuous function
continue geluidsdruk = continuous sound pressure
continue glasvezelmat = continuous strand mat
continue golf = continuous wave: CW
Continue innovatie = Continuous innovation
continue iteratie = continuous iteration
continue kortsluitstroom = continuous short-circuit current
continue kwaliteit van de medewerker = continuous quality of the employee
continue maximale belasting = maximum continuous load
continue ontvanger = continuous receiver
continue ontwikkeling en verbetering = continuous development and improvement
Continue pijlproces = Continuous Arrow Process
continue populatie = continuous population
continue procesbesturing = continuous process control
continue productie = continuous production
continue productie = continuous operation
Continue professionalisering = continuing professional development
continue reactor = continuous reactor
continue remsysteem = continuous braking system
continue replicatie in een cluster = cluster continuous replication
continue rol = continuous roll
Continue rughoekverstelling = continuous adjustment of seat backrest angle
Continue rughoekverstelling = continuous backrest angle adjustment
continue service verbetering = continual service improvement
continue serviceverbetering = Continual Service Improvement
continue simulatie = continuous simulation
continue steekproefprocedure van Dodge = Dodge continuous sampling plan
continue stochast = continuous random variable
Continue storingsindicator = Continuous-MI
Continue variabele = Continuous variable
continue verbeteren = continuous improvement
continue verbeteren = continual improvement
continue verbetering = continuous improvement
continue verbetering = continual improvement
continue waarschijnlijkheidsverdeling = continuous probability law
continue warmwaterbelasting = continuous hot water load
continue wisselwerking = continuous interaction
continue-golfradar = continuous wave radar
continueren = continue
continueren = to continue
continuering {de} = continuation
continuering en intensivering = continuation and intensification
continuering van de studie = continuation of the study
continueserviceverbetering = continual service improvement (CSI)
continue-tijdsysteem = continuous time system
continue-uitvalsignaal = continuity failure signal
continu-filter = continous filter
continu-gieterij = continuous casting
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = continuous wave  Doppler device
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = continuous-wave Doppler transducer
continugolf-Doppplerapparaat = CW-doppler
Continuiteit = Continuity
continuïteit = continuity
continuïteit {de} = continuity
continuïteit en de integriteit van data = data continuity and integrity
continuïteit en de integriteit van data = continuity and data integrity
continuïteit en innovatie = continuity and innovation
continuïteit en weerbaarheid = continuity and resilience
continuïteit in de dienstverlening = continuity of services
continuïteit in stochastische zin = stochastic continuity
continuïteit management = continuity management
continuïteit te garanderen = ensure continuity
continuïteit tester = continuity tester
continuïteit van de bedrijfsprocessen = continuity of the business processes
continuïteit van de bedrijfsvoering = continuity of business operations
continuïteit van de onderneming = the continuity of the business
continuïteit van diensten = continuity of services
continuïteit van het bedrijf = continuity of the company
continuïteit van het onderwijs = continuity of education
"continuïteit, betrouwbaarheid" = "continuity, reliability"
"continuïteit, betrouwbaarheid, latency en beveiliging" = "continuity, reliability, latency and security"
continuïteitbeheer = Continuity Management
continuïteitmaatregelen = continuity measures
continuïteitsbeheer = continuity management
continuïteitsbeleid = continuity policy
continuïteitscontrole = continuity check
continuïteitscorrectie volgens Yates = continuity correction
continuïteitscorrectie volgens Yates = correction for continuity
continuïteitsmaatregelen = continuity measures
continuïteitsmetingen = ground continuity measurements
continuïteitsparagraaf = continuity section
continuiteitsplan = continuity plan
continuïteitsplan = continuity plan
continuïteitsplannen = continuity plans
continuïteitsproblemen = continuity problems
continuiteitsvergelijking = equation of continuity
continuïteitsveronderstelling = going concern principle
Continuity offer = Continuity offer
continulift = continuous product lift
continuliften = continuous product lifts
Continumarkt = Continuous market
Continu-onderzoek = Continuous research
Continuous = Continuous
Continuous Action Learning = Continuous Action Learning
Continuous Assessment = Continuous Assessment
continu-procesbesturing = continuous process control
continuproductie = continuous production
continusignaal = continuous emission
continuspectrum = continuous spectrum
continu-stapeldiagram = band chart
Continustroom-kamers voor ultrasone desintegrators = Continuous-flow chambers for ultrasound disintegrators
continutoeslag = shift allowance
continutransport = continuous transport
continutransporteurs = continuous conveyors
continuüm = continuum
continuummechanica = continuum mechanics
continuvermogen = continuous power
continuverven = continuous dyeing
continuverzwakker = continuous attenuator
"Continuwerkende liften of transportbanden, bandtype" = Belt-type continuous-action elevators or conveyors
"Continuwerkende liften of transportbanden, type jakobsladder" = "Bucket-type, continuous-action elevators or conveyors"
conto = contours
conto = account
contour = contour
contour = profile
contour = "contour, outline"
contour {de} = contour
Contour bewaking = Contour monitoring
contour met dubbele piek = double-peak contour
contour met een late piek = late-peak contour
contour met een vroege piek = early-peak contour
contour van de tandvlees = contour of the gums
contour van de tandvlees = gingival contour
contour van de tandvlees = gingival contouring
contourbewerking = contouring operation
contourbewerkingsbesturingssysteem = contouring control system
contourbouw = contour farming
contourdiagram = contour chart
contourdraadmodeldiagram = wireframe contour chart
contoureffect = outline effect
contouren-nota = outline policy document
contouren-nota = outline policy memorandum
contourfilter = contour filter
contourlettertype = outline font
contourmal = contour jig
contourmarkering = contour marking
contour-niveau = contour level
contour-niveau = patch
Contoursteker = Contour plug
contourtekening = contour drawing
contourveelhoek = contour polygon
contourverscherping = contour accentuation
Contra = Block
Contra = At
Contra = Against
Contra = In exchange for
Contra = Opposed to
Contra = Versus
contra akte = counter-deed
contra gewicht = counterweight
"contra gewicht, tegengewicht" = dead weight instrument
contraballast = counter ballast
contrabande = contraband
Contrabas = Double bass
contrabas = double base
Contraceptie = Contraception
contraceptie {de} = contraception
Contraceptiva = Contraceptives
Contraceptivum = Contraceptive
contract = contract
contract = "contract,agreement"
Contract = Contract/ agreement
contract {het} = contract
Contract Assignment = Contract Assignment
contract beëindigd per … = contract expired as from …
contract- en bureaukorting = contract and agency commission
Contract engineering = Contract engineering
contract geannuleerd per .. = contract cancelled as from ..
Contract klein en groot onderhoud = Contract on major and minor maintenance
contract management = Contract Management
contract managers = contractbeheerders
Contract manufacturing = Contract manufacturing
contract met een onbepaalde looptijd = open-ended contract
contract met uitgestelde prestatieplicht = contract with a delayed performance clause
Contract Monitoring = Contract Monitoring
contract of overeenkomst = contract or agreement
Contract over meerdere jaren = Multi-year contract
contract plaat = safety approval plate with contract No.
contract referentienummer = contract reference number
Contract Sales = Contract Sales
contract tussen toepassingen = app contract
contract van onbepaalde duur = open-ended contract
contract voor Afdrukken = Print contract
contract voor Afspelen met = Play To contract
contract voor bestandenkiezer = File Picker contract
contract voor betonwegen = slabcontract
contract voor Bron delen = Share Source contract
contract voor Delen = Share contract
contract voor Doel delen = Share Target contract
contract voor Instellingen = Settings contract
contract voor onbepaalde tijd = unlimited-term contract
contract voor seizoenarbeid = seasonal employment contract
contract voor tijdelijk werk = temporary work contract
contract voor Verzenden = Send contract
contract voor Zoeken = Search contract
contract voorstel = contract proposal
contract zonder rechtskracht = unenforceable agreement
contract zonder rechtskracht = unenforceable contract
Contract zorgverzekeraars = Contract insurer
contractactiviteiten = contract activities
contractadres = contract address
contractafspraak = contract agreements
contractafspraken = contract agreements
contractafspraken = contract agreement
contractant = (toehoorder) contract student
contractant = contracting party
contractant = contractor
contractant = non-examination student
contractant = party to a contract
Contractant = contracting party
contractanten = contracting parties
contractanten = contractors
contractartikel = contract clause
contractartikels = contract clauses
Contractbeoordeling = Contract assessment
Contractbeoordeling = Contract review
contractbepalingen = contract provisions
contractbesprekingen = contract negotiations
contractbreuk = breach of contract
Contractdocument = Contract document
Contractdocument(en) = Contract Document(s)
contractdocumenten = contract documents
contractduur = duration of the contract
contractduur: onbepaald = duration: indefinite
contractduur: onbeperkt = duration: unlimited
contracteert de opdrachtnemer = contracts the contractor
contracten = contracts
contracten en betalingen = contracts and payments
contracten en formulieren = contracts and forms
contracten met de leveranciers = contracts with suppliers
contracten voor beheer en onderhoud = contracts for management and maintenance
contracten voor bepaalde tijd = fixed-term contracts
Contractenbeheer = Contract administration services
contracteren = to contract
contracteren = contract
Contracteren = Contracting
contracteren = make a contract
contracteren = conclude a contract
contracterende luchthavens = contracting airports
contracterende partijen = contracting parties
contracterende partijen = note of sale
contracterende partijen = the parties hereto
"contractering, facturatie en betalingen" = "contracting, billing and payments"
contracteringsbeleid = contracting policy
contractgegevens = contract data
contracthuur = agreed rent
contracthuur = agreed rents
contracthuur = contracted rent
contractie = contraction
contractie van Gowers = Gowers' maneuver
contractiecoefficient = contraction coefficient
Contractiemethode = Contraction method
contractiepunt = vena contracta
Contractiliteit = Contractility
Contraction defense strategy = Contraction defense strategy
contractitems = contract items
contractjaar = contract year
contractkorting = reduction on account of a contract
contractlandbouw = contract farming
Contractloon = Contract pay/ wage
Contractloonstijging = Contract wage increase
Contractmanagement = Contract Management
Contractmanagement & Certification = Contract Management & Certification
Contractmanagement (proces) = Contract management (process)
Contractmanager = Contract Manager
contractnummer = contract number
contractomvang = contract size
contractonderhandelingen = contract negotiations
Contractondertekening = Contract signature
contractonderwijs = contract education
contractonderwijs = contract teaching
contractonderzoek = contract research
contractors = contractors
contractorverantwoordelijke = contractor manager
contractparameters = contract parameters
contractpartij = contracting party
contractpartijen = contracting parties
contractpartner = contract partner
contractperiode = contract period
contractprijs = contract price
contractrapportage = contract reporting
contractregel = contract line
Contractrente = Contract Interest
contractsgebied = area covered by the contract
contractsgebied = Contract Area
contractsjaar = contract year
contractsjabloon = contract template
contractsluiting = contract closure
Contractsoort = Contract type
Contractsovername = takeover of a contract
Contractsovername = takeover of contracts
Contractsovername = contract takeover
contractsoverneming = contract takeover
contractspartij = contracting party
Contractspartijen = Contracting parties
contractstaffel = contract scale/size
contractstermijn = contract term
contractsuitvoering = implementation of the contract
contractsvorm = contract form
contractsvormen = contract forms
Contractsysteem = Contract system
Contractsysteemanalyse en -programmering = Contract systems analysis and programming services
contracttermijn = contract term
contract-toehoorder = contract student
contractueel = contractual
contractueel afgesproken = contractually agreed
contractueel document = contract document
contractueel evenwicht = contractual balance
Contractueel kader van de = Contractual framework of the
contractueel overeengekomen = contractually agreed
contractueel samenwerkingsverband = contractual joint venture
contractueel samenwerkingsverband = contractual partnership
Contractueel systeem = Contractual vertical channel system
contractueel ter beschikking hebben (een gekwalificeerd persoon ...) = have (a qualified person) under contract
contractueel vastgelegd = been laid down in a contract
contractueel vastgelegde afspraken = contractual arrangements
contractueel vastleggen = document in an agreement
contractueel vastleggen = fix by contract
contractueel vastleggen = lay down in a contract
contractueel vastleggen = set out in a contract
contractueel vastleggen = stipulate by contract
contractueel verband = contractual relationship
contractueel verboden = contractually prohibited
contractueel verbonden zijn = to be bound by contract
contractueel voorziene prijs = contractual price
contractuele = contractual
contractuele aansprakelijkheid = contractual liability
contractuele aansprakelijkheid jegens = contractual liability to
contractuele aansprakelijkheid jegens = liability towards
contractuele bedrag = contractual amount
contractuele besparingen = contractual saving
contractuele boete = conventional penalty
contractuele boetes = contractual penalties
contractuele dienstverlening = contractual service
contractuele documenten = contract documents
contractuele einddatum = contract maturity date
contractuele eis = contractual requirement
contractuele en buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid = contractual and non-contractual liability
contractuele en wettelijke rechten = contractual and statutory rights
contractuele issues = contractual issues
contractuele leveringsverplichtingen = delivery obligations
contractuele of niet-contractuele verbintennissen = contractual or non-contractual obligations
contractuele overeenkomst = contractual agreement
contractuele periode = contractual period
contractuele rechten = contractual rights
contractuele rechten = rights under a contract
contractuele relatie = contractual relationship
contractuele rente = contractual interest
contractuele structuur = contractual structure
contractuele verplichting = contractual obligation
contractuele verplichtingen = contractual obligations
contractuele verplichtingen = obligations (rights) under the contract
contractuele wanprestatie = be in breach of contract
contractuele wanprestatie = breach of contract
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestatie = 
contractuele wanprestaties = be in breach of contract
Contractuele wanprestaties = Breach of contract
Contractuele wanprestaties = breach of contract
contractuele wederpartij = contractual counterparty
contractuele wederpartij = other party to the contract
contractuele wijziging = amendment to the contract
contractuele wijziging = contract amendment
contractuitbreiding = extension of a contract
Contractuur = Contracture
contractuur van het buigen = flexion contracture
contractvarianten = contract variants
contractverlenging = contract renewal
contractverloning = contract payment
contractvermogen = specified power
contractvoordevermeerderingineenderdeland = contract for multiplication in a non-member country
contractvoorwaarden = contract terms
contractvorming = contract formation
contractvorming = contracting
contractvorming = contracting stage
contractwaarde = contract value
contractwaarde vóór de steun = contract value before aid
Contractwijziging = Contract Amendment
Contradictie = Discrepancy
Contradictie = Contradiction
Contradictie = Allegation
contradictie {de} = contradiction
"contradictorisch, tegengesteld" = contradictory {adj} (that is diametrically opposed to something)
"contradictorisch, tegenstrijdig" = contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something)
contra-expert = adjuster for the other side
contra-expertise = second opinion
contrafinanciering = counterfinancing
Contra-fixeerplaatje = Counter shell
contra-garantie = counter-guarantee
contragewicht = balance weight (or counter weight)
contragewicht = counterweight
Contragewicht = Balance weight
contragewicht (hijskraan) = counterjib ballast
contragewicht {het} = counterweight
contragewicht {het} = counterbalance
Contra-Indicatie = Contraindication
Contra-indicaties = Contraindications
contra-intuïtief = counter-intuitive
Contraire vraagcurve = Contrary demand curve
contramal = counter-jig
contramalprofiel = scribe
Contramarketing = Counter marketing
contramoer = locking nut
contramoer = lock nut
contramoer = counter nut
contraplug = coupling socket
contraproductief = counter-productive
contraproductief = counterproductive
Contrapunt = Counterpoint
Contrarails = Check rails
contraring = locking ring
contraseizoensschatting = counter-seasonal estimation
contrasigneren = countersign
contrast = contrast
contrast = antithesis
contrast {het} = contrast
Contrast x:1 = Contrast x:1
contrastarm = poor in contrast
contrasteerden met = contrasted with
contrasteker = coupling socket
Contrasteker (female) = Bus
contrastekker = female connector
contrastekker = female plug
contrasteren = contrast
contrasterende = contrasting
contrastexpansie = contrast expansion
contrastinstelling = contrast setting
Contrastmiddel = Contrast Medium
contrastregelaar = contrast control
contrastregeling = contrast control
contrastrijk = rich in contrast
Contrastsensor = Contrast sensor
contraststof = contrast substance
contrastuitsparing = "contrast opacification, filling defect"
contrastverbetering = contrast improvement
contrastverhouding = contrast ratio
contrastvermindering = contrast reduction
contravariantie = contravariance
contrefort = counter
contregarde (vesting) = counterguard
contrescarp (vesting) = counterscarp
contribueren = to contribute
contributie = membership fee
contributie = contributions
Contributie = Assessment
Contributie = Dues
Contributie = Fee
contributie = membership fee
contributie {de} = contribution
contributie betalen = subscribe
Contributiemarketing = Contribution margin
contributieprogramma = contribution programme
"contributies, lidmaatschappen, abonnementen en vakliteratuur" = "contributions, memberships, subscriptions and professional literature"
Contribution accounting = Contribution accounting
Contribution from the Netherlands = Contribution from the Netherlands
Control = Control
control banding = control banding
Control Board Rectifier = rectifier control board
Control cabinet = Control cabinet
Control Center MKO = Control Centre MCS
Control Device Object = control device object
Control en Beleid = Control and Policy
Control Engineering = SR
control interface = control interface
control line = control line
control line = parachute valve operating line
control line = stuurleiding
control lines = control lines
Control Manager-server = Control Manager server
control measures = control measures
control messages = controleboodschappen
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology = Control Objectives for Information and related Technology
Control of external documents = Control of external documents
control panel = control panel
control panel van windows = Windows Control Panel
control platform = control platform
control room = control room
Control software = Control software
Control Systems = SR
control valves = stuurventielen
"Control, Risk, Optimization, Systems and Stochastics" = "Control, Risk, Optimization, Systems and Stochastics"
control-break = control-break
controle = check (US)
controle = cheque
controle = audit
controle = control
controle = check
controle = check-up
controle = medical
Controle = Inspection
controle = monitoring
Controle = Verification
controle = inspection
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = to inspect
controle (inspectie) ter plaatse = to supervise
Controle (instand) = Illuminated (on)
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = field audit
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = to examine
controle (onderzoek) ter plaatse = to verify
Controle (uitstand) = Control (off position)
Controle : (debet = credit) = Check : (debit = credit)
controle aan het eind van het jaar = year-end audit
controle achteraf = "ex post control, ex post audit"
controle beheersen = control
Controle bekabeling = Check wiring
Controle bekabeling tussen = Check wiring between
Controle bij aflevering = Delivery check
Controle Brand- en Mangatwachten = Inspection fire and manhole surveillance
Controle buitenluchtklep = Inspecting the outdoor air valve
Controle dat = Verification that
controle door de computer = auditing through the computer
controle door de computer = evidence check
controle door een expert = competent inspection
controle eenheid = control unit
controle en beoordeling = audit and assessment
Controle en herziening van zorgplan = Monitoring and review of care plan
controle- en inspectiemiddelen = means of control and inspection
controle- en inspectieverplichtingen van de Gemeenschap = control and inspection obligations of the Community
controle- en meetformulieren = checks and measurements forms
Controle en rapportage = Monitoring and reporting
controle- en rapportagetolerantie = inspection and reporting tolerance
Controle en schriftelijke goedkeuring = Review and written approval
Controle- en testapparatuur = Checking and testing apparatus
controle geslaagd = check successful
controle in onderlinge afhankelijkheid = interdependent control
controle inspectie ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle instructie = inspection instructions
controle klep / ventiel = check valve
Controle lampje = Indicator light
Controle luchthavenbenodigdheden = Screening of airport supplies
controle m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = compliance procedure(s)
"controle m.b.t. zuinigheid, efficiency en effectiviteit" = value for money auditing
controle maatregelingen = control measures
Controle met behulp van de = Screening using the
controle met bewijsstukken = voucher audit
controle met bewijsstukken = evidence check
Controle milieuzorgsysteem = Environmental management system audit
controle naar zich toe te trekken = taking control
controle netwerkverkeer = network traffic monitoring
controle- of testwerkzaamheden = inspection or testing activities
controle onderzoek ter plaatse = field audit
controle op = monitoring of
Controle op = Monitoring the
controle op concentraties = merger control
controle op de cosmeticawetgeving = check its compliance with cosmetic products legislation
controle op de naleving van = monitoring compliance with
controle op diamantverrichtingen = control on diamond transactions
controle op e-mail en internetgebruik = monitoring of email and internet use
controle op kwetsbaarheden = vulnerability checks
controle op naleving = monitoring compliance
controle op openbaarmaking van statistische gegevens = statistical disclosure control
controle op seismische activiteit = seismic monitoring
controle op teratogenese = teratogenesis screening
Controle op uitvoering = Monitoring implementation
controle positie = inspection position
controle rond de computer = auditing around the computer
controle ter plaatse = inspection on site
controle ter plaatse = field audit
controle uitoefenen op = "to check, to verify, to examine, to inspect, to supervise"
controle van advertentiecampagne = ad campaign audit
controle van alarmtoestellen = monitoring of alarms
controle van beveiligingssystemen = monitoring of security systems
controle van computersysteem = E.D.P.audit
controle van computersysteem = flow check
controle van computersysteem = "E.D.P.audit, computer audit"
controle van de aanwezigheden = attendance check
controle van de financiële administratie = audit of the annual financial statements
controle van de financiële administratie = financial audit
controle van de gegevensstromen = data flow control
controle van de jaarrekening = audit of the annual accounts
controle van de jaarrekening = audit of the financial statements
controle van de jaarrekening = "audit of the annual accounts, audit of the annual financial statements"
controle van de kennis = assessment
controle van de kromming door sproeien = spray warp
controle van de migraties = migration control
controle van de sluitopening = gap control
controle van de turbine = WEC inspection
controle van de werking = functional test
Controle van de werknemers bij het verlaten van de onderneming = Checking of employees on leaving the company
controle van de zee = marine monitoring
controle van het bedrijfsgebeuren = operational audit
controle van inkomende goederen = goods inwards inspection
controle van oliebronnen = oil-well testing
Controle van prestaties = Performance review services
controle van prognoses = forecast auditing
controle van stroomschema = flow audit
controle van stroomschema = "flow audit, flow check"
Controle van systeemstatus = system health validator
controle van uitgaande goederen = goods issued inspection
controle van vertegenwoordigers = agent monitoring
Controle voor het starten = Checks before starting
controle voorschriften Ziektewet = monitoring regulations pursuant to the Sickness Act
controle werkzaamheden = security duties
"controle, onderhoud en vervanging" = "inspection, maintenance and replacement"
"Controle-, veiligheids-, signalerings- en verlichtingsinstallaties" = "Control, safety, signalling and light equipment"
controleaanpak = audit approach
controle-aanpak = audit approach
controleaanpak en procedures = audit approach and procedures
controle-aanpak op risico-basis = risk based approach (in auditing)
controleactiviteit = review activity
controle-afdeling = auditing department
controle-afdeling = inspection department
controle-afdeling = audit department
controle-afdeling (verificatie) = proof department
controleafspraak = check-up
controleafspraken = check-up appointments
controle-ambtenaren = inspecting officers
controle-analyse = check analysis
controle-apparaat = test instrument
controle-apparatuur = monitoring equipment
controlearts = medical officer
controle-assistent = audit assistant
controleautoriteiten = supervisory authorities
controlebediende (klerk) = checking clerk
controlebeleid = audit policy
controlebevindingen = audit conclusions
controlebewijsstukken = audit evidence
controlebezoek = inspection visit
controlebezoek = audit check
controlebezoek = check-up visit
controlebezoeken = inspection visits
controlebezoeken = check-up visits
controlebit = check bit
controleblad = test sheet
controleblad = proof sheet
controleblok (b.v. op gasboiler) = control block
controlebudget = audit budget
controlebundel (regelbundel) = rod cluster control assembly
controlebureau = control office
controlecertificaat = audit certificate
Controlecijfer = Checksum
controlecijfer = check digit
"controlecijfer, checksum" = checksum (digit or character)
controlecijfer/-getal = "check digit, check figure, check number"
controlecliënt = audit client
controlecliënten = audit clients
controlecommissie = board of control
controlecommissie (m.b.t. accountantscontrole) = audit committee
controlecomponent = check clause
controlecontroleteam = audit team
controlecyclus = audit cycle
controlediagram = audit diagram
controlediagram = inspection card
Controlediagram = Control chart
controlediagram voor de variatiebreedte = range chart
controledichtheid = inspection density
Controledienst voor de Verzekeringen = Insurance Supervisory Authority
Controlediensten bij boringen = Well-drilling control services
controledossier = inspection dossier
controledossier = audit file
controledossier = audit working papers
controledossier lopend jaar = current audit file
Controle-eenheid = Control unit
controle-eenheid = control unit
controle-eis = test requirement
controleer = check
Controleer de = Check the
Controleer de aansturing. = Check the drive.
Controleer de bekabeling. = Check the wiring.
Controleer de beweging van = Check the movement of
Controleer de databusbverbinding = Check the data bus connection
Controleer de deelnemer. = Check the participant.
Controleer de druk = Check the pressure
Controleer de druk van = Check the pressure of
Controleer de ingestelde temperatuur = Check the set temperature
Controleer de instellingen = Check the settings
Controleer de luchtdruk. = Check the air pressure.
Controleer de remactie = Check the braking action
controleer de waarden = check the values
Controleer elke rol visueel op = Visually inspect each roll for
Controleer het = Check the
Controleer je gegevens = Check your data
Controleer of = Check whether
Controleer of het item kan worden gepubliceerd = Check whether the item can be published
controleer op lekkage = check for leaks
controleer op onreinheden = check for impurities
Controleer product = Check product
Controleer product op beschadigingen = Check product for damage
Controleer regelmatig de installatiedruk = Regularly check the system pressure
controleer sensor = check sensor
controleer snelheid ventilator = check fan speed
Controleer status = Check status
Controleer uit hoeveel batches de levering bestaat. = Check how many batches the delivery consists of.
Controleer uw gegevens = Please check your data
Controleer voor het monteren de flow richting van de = "Before mounting, check the flow direction of the"
Controleer waarom = Check why
Controleer waarom de Palletklem  niet op positie komt = Check why the Pallet clamp can’t reach the correct position
controleerbaar = verifiable
controleerbaar = auditable
controleerbaar = capable of verification
controleerbaar = checkable
controleerbaarheid = verifiability
controleerbare vastlegging = audit trail
controleert = supervises
controleert = carries out inspections
controleert men nogmaals het oliepeil = check the oil level again
controleert nauwgezet = carefully checks
controleert of de foto overeenkomt met = checks that the photo matches
controleerVoorraad($naam) = checkStock($name)
controleerwerk = audit work
controlefaciliteit = monitoring facility
controlefunctie = audit function
Controlefunctie = Check function
controlegebrek (tekortkoming in de controle) = auditing deficiency
controlegeneesheer = medical officer
controlegeneeskunde = medical verification (BE)
controlegeneeskundige onderzoeken = medical check-ups
controlegereedschap = inspection tool
controlegetal = checksum
controlegetal = checksum
controleglas = sight glass
controlegroep = check group
Controlegroep = Control group
controlegrondslagen = "auditing standards, auditing principles"
controlehandboek/-handleiding = auditmanual
controlehandboek/-handleiding = audit test
controlehandeling = Control
controlehandeling = "audit procedure, audit test"
controlehandelingen = checks
controlehandtekening = countersignature
controlehandtekening = counter-signature
controleinformatie = audit information
controle-informatie = control data
controle-informatie = audit evidence
controle-inrichting = checking equipment
controle-inrichting = monitor
controle-inrichting = monitoring device
controle-inrichting = control device
Controle-inrichting voor noodstroomvoorziening armaturen = Test device for emergency power luminaires
controleinstructies = inspection instructions
controle-instructies = inspection instructions
controle-interval = scan interval
controlejaar = audit year
controlekaart = inspection card
controlekamer = control room
controlekamer = surveillance room
controlekanaal = control channel
Controlekolommen = Tracking Columns
controlekosten m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = compliance costs
controlekosten m.b.t. naleving van voorschriften = audit senior-in-charge
controlelamp = pilot lamp
controlelamp = control light
controlelamp = indicator light
controlelamp brandalarm = fire-alarm control light
controlelamp luchtdrukkring 1 en 2 = air pressure circuit 1 and 2 control light
controlelampje = indicator light
controlelampje aanhanger ABS = trailer ABS control light
controlelampje brandblussysteem DAFO = DAFO fire extinguisher system control light
controlelampje dynamo 1 = alernator 1 control light
controlelampje dynamo 2 = alernator 2 control light
controlelampje dynamo 3 = alernator 3 control light
controlelampje heffen/knielen = control light raise/kneel
"controlelampje midden-, achterdeur" = "central-, rear door control light"
controlelampje olietemperatuur = oil temperature control light
controlelampje retarder = retarder control light
controlelampje retarder error = retarder error control light
controlelampje richtingaanwijzer = direction indicator control light
controlelampje richtingaanwijzer skikist/trekhaak = ski box/towing bracket direction indicator control light
controlelampje toilet bezet (bij chauffeur gemonteerd) = toilet occupied control light (mounted at the driver's)
controlelampje verwarmbare brandstofleiding = heated fuel pipe control light
controle-led hoog signalering (versnelling) = range indicator light
controle-led laag signalering (versnelling) = range indicator light
controle-led storing CXB = CXB malfunction control led
controleleider = "audit manager, audit senior-in-charge"
Controlelicht = Control light
controlelijst = check list
controlelijst = checklist
controlelijsten = check-lists
controlemaat = reference dimension
controlemaatregelen = "auditing procedures, audit procedures"
controlemal = inspection jig
controlemanometer = control gauge
controlemechanisme = control mechanism
Controlemedium golfkarton = Control medium corrugated board
Controlemedium luchtdoorlatend = Control medium air-permeable media
Controlemedium metaalfolie = Control medium metallized foils
Controlemedium papier = Control medium paper
Controlemedium transparantfolie = Control medium transparent foils
controlememorandum (samenvatting) = "audit memorandum, audit summary memorandum"
controlemeter = controlling meter
controlemethodiek = audit methodology
controlemeting = test measuring
controlemetingen = control group measurements
controlemiddel = test equipment
controlemiddelen = means of auditing
controlemiddelen = controls
controlemiddelen = control devices
controlemiddelen = means of verification
controlemissie = supervision / monitoring
controlemodus = audit mode
controlemomenten = checkpoints
controlemonster = check sample
controlenaam = check name
controleniveau = monitoring level
controlenorm voor bestrijdingsmiddelen = pesticide control standard
controle-omgeving = audit environment
"controle-omgeving (m.b.t. interne controle, inclusief besturings- en behe" = control environment
controle-omvang = audit scope
controle-onderzoek = "audit, examination"
controleonderzoek door een geneesheer-adviseur = a medical  examination by a medical officer
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = "computer audit, electronic data processing (E.D.P.) audit"
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = audit engagement
controle-onderzoek van computersysteem = computer audit
controleopdracht = audit engagement
controleopdracht = audit assignment
controle-opdracht = "audit assignment, audit engagement"
controleopdrachten = audit engagements
controleophetvoldoenaantechnischenormen = Control of compliance with technical standards
controleophetvoldoenaantechnischenormen = Phytosanitary inspection
controleopslag = monitoring store
controleorgaan = supervisory body
controleorganisme = inspection body
controleorganismes = inspection bodies
controle-oscilloscoop = test oscilloscope
controleoverdrachtspunt = transfer of control point
controle-overwegingen = audit considerations
controlepakket = audit package
controlepaneel = control panel
Controlepanelen = Control panels
Controleparameters = Control parameters
controlepen = test pin
controleperiode = audit period
controlepersoneel = audit staff
controlepijl = tracer arrow
controleplan = (overall) audit plan
controleploeg = audit team
controleponsmachine = verifier
controlepraktijk = audit practice
controleprocedure = control procedure
controleprocedure = "audit procedure, auditing procedure"
controleprocedures = control procedures
controleprocedures = control procedure
controleproces = audit process
controleproduct = control product
controleproeven = check tests
controleprogramma = "audit program, checking program (computer)"
controleprogrammatuur = audit soft ware
controleprotocol = audit protocol
Controleprotocol subsidies in het kader van de (homo)emancipatie = Audit Protocol for subsidies in the context of the (gay) emancipation
controlepunt = control point
controlepunt = checkpoint
controlepunt = test point
controlepunt = check item
controlepunt- en herstartprocedures = checkpoint and restart procedures
controlepunten = checkpoints
controleputje (ontstoppingsput) = cleanout
controleregister = check register (computer)
controleregister (totaal-controle) = control register
controlerekening = "check account, control account, controlling account, adjustment account, "
controlerelais = supervisory relay
controlerelais = control relay
controlerelais voor de draairichting = direction control relay
controleren = review
controleren = auditing
controleren = to inspect
Controleren = To verify
controleren = checking
Controleren = Verify
controleren = probe
controleren = check
controleren = audit
controleren en meten = Check and measure
controleren en smeren = check and lubricate
controleren en testen = checking and testing
controleren met behulp van historische gegevens = historical controls
controleren met bewijsstukken = to vouch
Controleren of aan afspraken is voldaan = Monitoring compliance with agreements
Controleren onderwijszalen & beheergebieden = Check classrooms and managed areas
Controleren op = Check for
controleren op lekkage = checked for leaks
Controleren van de boekhouding = Accounting review services
Controleren van de goederen = Inspection of the goods
controleren volgende keer = check next time
"controleren, aanvullen en beheren" = "check, complete and manage"
"controleren, inspecteren, checken" = "check  (to inspect, examine)"
"controleren, toezicht houden, volgen" = "monitoring (The act of listening, carrying out surveillance on)"
controleren/reinigen = check/clean
controlerend accountant = auditor
controlerend accountant van informatie-technologie-systeem = IT auditor
controlerend en handhavend = monitoring and enforcement
controlerend en handhavend = monitoring and enforcing
Controlerend management = Controlling management
controlerend programma = checking program
controlerende = monitoring person or party
controlerende ambtenaar = civil servant / government official or representative or inspector
controlerende autoriteit = control authority
controlerende instantie = controlling authority
controlerende instantie = inspection authorities
controlerende instantie = supervisory authorities
controlerende instanties = enforcement agencies
controlerende instanties = inspection authorities
controlerende instanties = monitoring authorities
controlerende instanties = supervisory authorities
controlerende instanties = verification bodies
controlerende instanties = control authorities
controlerende instanties = inspection bodies
controlerende instelling = controlling body
controlerende instellingen = controlling bodies
controlerende maatschappij = controlling company
controlerende maatschappij = unfailing
controlerende vennootschap = auditing firm
controlerende vennootschap = firm of auditors
controlerenden = monitoring persons or parties
controleresultaten = inspection results
controlerij = check row
controlerisico = "audit risk, overall risk"
controleronde = inspection round
controles = check-ups
controles = audits
controles = checks
controles en research = monitoring and research
controles op regelmatige basis = regular checks
controles overschreden = checks failed
controles te verrichten = carry out checks
controles te verrichten c.q. voorzieningen te treffen = carry out checks or adopt measures
Controles voor de start = Pre-take-off procedures and checks
Controles vóór het leveren = Checks prior to delivering
Controleschakelaar = Control switch
controleschema = inspection diagram
controleschijf = test disc
controlesoftware = monitoring software
controlesom = checksum
controlesom = check sum
Controlespanning = Monitoring voltage
controlespoor = "audit trail, management trail"
Controlespoor = Audit trail
controlestaat = verification list
controlestandaard = auditing standard
controlestandaarden = Standards on Auditing
controlestap = auditing step
controlestappen = auditing steps
controlestatus = control state
controlesteekproef = audit sample
Controlestock = Counterfoil
controlestrategie = audit strategy
controlestrook van telmachine = tally-roll
controlestroom = control flow
controlesymbool = check symbol
Controlesysteem = Control system
controlesysteem van de autoclaaf = autoclave control system
controlesysteem voor het ansjovisbestand = monitoring system for the anchovy stock
controletaak = control function
controletaak = control task
controletaak = monitoring function
controletaak = supervisory task
controletaak = (bkh.) audit function
controletaak = audit task
controletaak = auditing function
controletafel = control table
controleteam = audit team
controletechniek = audit technique
controleteken = check character
controleteken (haakje) = "tick mark, vouchmark, checkmark"
controletekening = check plot
controletellingen/-totalen = "security counts, check totals, control totals"
controletellingen/-totalen = security counts
controletheorie = audit theory
controletoestellen en -instrumenten voor pacemakers = heart pacemaker control apparatus and instruments
controletoestellen voor batterijen = battery testers
controletotaal = "check total, check sum"
controletotaal = proof total
controle-uitvoering = "audit field work, audit operations"
controleur = controller
controleur = inspector
controleur = checker
controleur in opdracht van de centrale bank = national bank examiner
controleur van de jaarrekening = auditor
Controleur Volksgezondheid = Public Health Inspector
Controlevenster/verlicht = Monitoring window/light outlet
controleverklaring = auditor’s report
controleverklaring = (auditor's) attestation report
controleverklaring bij de jaarrekening = auditor’s report on the financial statement
Controleverklaring van de onafhankelijke accountant = Independent auditor’s report
controleverrichtingen = "audit proceedings, audit operations"
controleverslag = inspection report
controleverslag = audit report
controlevoorschrift = test instruction
controlevoorschriften = inspection regulations
controlevoorschriften = medical check-up rules
controlevoorschriften = audit instructions
controlevoorschriften bij ziekte = illness examination rules
controlevoorzieningen (in computer) = checking features
controlevormen = types of checks
Controlevraag = Confirmation question
controlevragen = security question
controlevragen = verification question [1]
controlevragen = control question [1]
controlevragen = control questions
Controlevragen = Check questions
controlevragenlijst = check list
controlewaarde = checksum
controleweging = weight check measurement
controlewerk = audit work
controlewerking op afstand = remote monitoring
controlewerkzaamheden = audit work
controlewerkzaamheden = inspection activities
controlewoord = check word
controlezekerheid = audit assurance
Controlled Environment = Controlled Environment
controlled non-return valves = gestuurde terugslagkleppen
controller = controller
controller architect = Controller Architect
Controller bussysteem = Central device for bus system
controller ontwikkeling = Controller Development
controller software architect = Controller Software Architect
Controllers = microcontrollers
controllers = Microcontrollers
controlling = Financial Control department
controlling = Controllin
Controlling = Check
Controlling = Controlling
Controllogix = ControlLogix
controlmudule = control module
Control-pack = Control pack
Controltoets = Ctrl
controurverschuiving = contour shift
controverse = controversy
controverse {de} = controversy
controversieel = controversial
Controversiële groep = Controversial group
Contusie = Contusion
Conurbatie = Conurbation
conus = cone
conus arteriosus infundibulum = infundibulum of the heart
conusbakmal = cone baking jig
conusdrager = chassis
conushoek = conical angle
conusluidspreker = cone loudspeaker
conusproef = cone-penetration test
conusring = conical seat
conusscheermachine = cone warping machine
conusscheermolen = cone warping machine
conussen = cones
conusweerstand = cone resistance
Convalescentie = Convalescence
convectie = convection
convectie van warmte = heat convection
Convectieluchtstromen = Convection air currents
convectieschermen = convection screens
convectiestroming = convection flow
convectiestroom = convection current
convectiewarmte = convection heat
convectiewarmteoverdracht = convection heat transfer
convectiewarmteoverdracht middelen = convection heat transfer means
convectiewarmteoverdrachtmiddelen = convection heat transfer means
convectiewarmteoverdracht-middelen = convection heat transfer means
convector (m) = convector
Convectoren voor koeling en koeling/verwarming = Refrigerated and refrigerated/heating circulators
Convectorlijst = Convector frame
Convectors = Convectors
convenant = financial covenant
convenant = covenant
convenant = Memorandum of Understanding
convenant = agreement
Convenant & Actieplan = Agreement & Action Plan
convenant [het] = branch agreement
Convenant Betalingsverkeer = Payment Services Agreement
Convenant Co-existentie = Coexistence Agreement
Convenant en actieplan = agreement and action plan
Convenant Leerkracht = Teachers’ Agreement (Convenant Leerkracht)
convenant vergadering = covenant meeting
Convenant Windpark = Wind Park Agreement
convenanten = agreements
convenant-vergadering = covenant meeting
convenience food market = convenience food market
Convenience goods = Convenience goods
Convenience store = Convenience store
conveniërend = to the satisfaction of / acceptable to (the bank)
conveniërende = acceptable to
conveniërende = acceptable to the bank
conveniërende = being to the satisfaction of
conveniërende = satisfactory
conveniërende = to the satisfaction of the bank
Convent = Convent
Convent = Nunnery
Convent = Convent school
Convent = Monastery
convent {het} = convent
Conventie = Covenant
conventie = convention
conventie [1] = claim
conventie [2] = convention
conventie [3] = original action
conventie [3] = proceedings on the claimaint’s claim
conventie [3] = proceedings on the complainant's claim (US)
conventie [3] = proceedings on the original complaint (US)
conventie [3] = proceedings on the plaintiff's claim (US)
conventie [4] = convention
conventie [4] = petition
conventie {de} = convention
Conventie inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levend = Washington species protection convention
Conventie van Arusha = Arusha Convention
Conventie van Bazel = Basel Convention
Conventie van Bern = Bern Convention
Conventie van Geneve = Geneva Convention
Conventie van Lomé = Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé I = first Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé II = second Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé III = third Lomé Convention
Conventie van Lomé IV = fourth Lomé Convention
Conventie van Ramsar = Ramsar Convention
Conventie van Yaoundé = Yaoundé Convention
"conventie, overeenkomst" = "convention (agreement, contract or pact)"
"conventie, vaste praktijk" = "convention (generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)"
Conventies = Methods
conventies = conventions
Conventietheorie = Convention theory
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild flora and = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
conventioneel = conventionally
Conventioneel = Conventional
conventioneel = conventional
Conventioneel algoritme = conventional algorithm
Conventioneel distributiekanaal = Conventional marketing channel
conventioneel ontmantelingsafval = conventional decommissioning waste
conventioneel schadebeding = statutory damages
conventioneel trans-Europees spoorwegsysteem = trans-European conventional rail system
Conventioneel voorschakelapparaat = Conventional ballast
conventioneel wapen = conventional weapon
conventionele = conventional
Conventionele = provided for by collective agreement
conventionele [niet-nucleaire] energie = conventional energy
Conventionele ballast/conversiekit = Conventional ballast/conversion kit
conventionele energie = conventional energy
conventionele fiets = conventional bicycle
conventionele geleider = conventional conductor
conventionele halve verlofdag = half day off provided for by collective agreement
conventionele implementatie = conventional implementation
conventionele maat = standard size
conventionele machines = conventional machines
conventionele methode = conventional method
conventionele oplossing = conventional solution
Conventionele palletiseermachine = Conventional palletiser
Conventionele palletiseermachines = Conventional palletisers
conventionele stroom = conventional current
conventionele techniek = conventional technique
conventionele tegenhanger = conventional counterpart
Conventionele transformator = Conventional transformer
conventionele verplichting = obligation provided for by collective agreement
conventionele vordering = claim
converged datacenter infrastructure = converged data centre infrastructure
converged datacenter infrastructures = converged data centre infrastructures
converged infrastructure = converged infrastructure
Convergente vragen = Convergent question
Convergente vragen = Convergent questions
convergentie = convergence
convergentie in maat = convergence in measure
convergentie in stochastische zin = stochastic convergence
convergentie in waarschijnlijkheid = convergence in probability
convergentieanode = convergence anode
Convergentiecriteria = Convergence criteria
convergentiecriterium = convergence criteria
convergentiedoelstelling = Convergence Objective
convergentiedoos = convergence box
convergentie-eenheid = convergence unit
convergentiefout = convergence error
convergentie-instelling = convergence alignment
convergentiemagneet = convergence magnet
convergentiepaneel = convergence panel
convergentiepunt = convergence point
convergentieraster = convergence dot pattern
convergentieschakeling = convergence circuit
convergentiesignaal = convergence signal
convergentiespoel = convergence coil
convergentiestraal = radius of convergence
convergentiesysteem = convergence system
convergentieunit = convergence unit
convergeren = to converge
convergeren = concentrate
convergeren = converge
convergerend = convergent
Convergerende industrie = Convergent industry
conversatie = talk
conversatie = conversation
conversatie = discourse
conversatie = thread
conversatie {de} = conversation
"conversatie, gesprek, gedachtenwisseling" = discourse (verbal exchange or conversation)
conversatieanalyse = conversation analysis
conversatiecontext = conversation context
conversatiestructuur = conversation structure
conversation management = conversation management
Conversation Manager = Conversation Manager
conversationeel = conversational
conversationeel computergebruik = conversational computer use
conversationele werkwijze = conversational mode
converseren = to converse
converseren = converse
conversie = conversion
Conversie franchising = Conversion franchising
Conversie naar vorm = Convert to Shape
conversie van graden naar radialen = degrees-to-radians conversion
conversie van kaart naar magneetband = conversion from card to tape
conversie van primitieve typen = conversion of primitive types
"conversie, omzetting" = conversion
"Conversie, polymorfisme en interfaces" = "Conversion, polymorphism and interfaces"
conversiecyclus = conversion cycle
conversiefactor = conversion factor
Conversiefactoren = Conversion factors
conversiegebieden = ‘conversion areas
Conversiekoers = Conversion exchange rate
conversielaag = conversion coating
conversielijst = conversion list
Conversiemarketing = Conversional marketing
conversiepagina = conversion page
conversieprogramma = conversion program
conversieprogramma = converter
conversiepunt = conversion point
conversiepuntnaam = point name
conversiepunt-URL = point URL
conversierates = conversion rates
conversierecht = conversion option (eff.)
conversies = conversions
conversiesnelheid = conversion rate
conversiesteilheid = conversion conductance
conversietesten = conversion testing
conversietracking = conversion tracking
conversietype = conversion type
Conversieverhouding = Conversion ratio
conversieverhouding = conversion rate
conversieversterking = conversion gain
conversions = ombouw
Converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = Convertible share capital
Converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = Convertible stock capital
converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = convertible sharecapital
converteerbaar aandelenkapitaal = convertible stock
converteerbaar waardepapier = convertible
Converteerbare achtergestelde leningen = Convertible subordinated loans
converteerbare effecten = convertible debenture
converteerbare effecten = convertible stock
Converteerbare niet achtergestelde obligatieleningen = Convertible unsubordinated debentures
converteerbare obligatie = convertible bond
converteerbare obligaties = convertible bonds
Converter = Interface converter
Converter = Converter
converteren = to convert
converteren = convert
Converteren van computercatalogus = Computer catalogue conversion services
converters = converters
Converters voor ultrasone desintegrators = Converters for ultrasound disintegrators
Convertibele valuta = Convertible currency
convertibiliteit = currency convertibility
Convertibiliteit = Convertibility
convertor = converter
convertorhal = converter bay
convertorlading = converter charge
convertors = converters
convertorslak = vessel slag
convertortoeslag = converter addition
convex = convex
convex oriëntatieprofiel = convex orientation profile
convexe boog = convex arch
convexe oriëntering = convex orientation
Convexe veiligheidsspiegels = Convex security mirrors
conveyers = conveyors
conveyor = conveyor
conveyors = conveyors
Convocatie = notice (not: invitation)
convocatie = parade
convoceren = convoke
convolutie = convolution
convolutioneel neuraal netwerk (meerlagig neuraal netwerk dat vooral voor = convolutional neural network
convolutionele code = convolutional code
Convulsie = Convulsion
COO = computer-aided instruction
COO = Computer Ondersteund Onderwijs / Computer-Assisted Education
Cookeilanden = Cook Islands
cookie = cookie
Cookie is verwijderd = Cookie was deleted
cookie- of privacyverklaring = cookie or privacy statement
cookiebanner = cookie banner
cookiebeleid = cookie policy
cookie-beleid = cookie policy
cookiebepaling = cookie provision
cookiegebruik van derden = third-party cookie usage
Cookies = Cookies
Cookies en andere site- en plug-ingegevens = Cookies and other site data (Chrome)
Cookies ingezameld door Facebook = Cookies collected by Facebook
cookies van derden = third-party cookies
cookiewaarde = cookie value
cookie-waarden = cookie values
cooking zone front left = cooking zone front left
cool [omg.] = awesome [Am.] [coll.]
Cool Gard = Cool-Gard
cool packs = cool packs
cool wool = cool-wool
"cool, de max [Flemish], wijs [Flemish], tof" = "lush {adj} (amazing, cool, fantastic, wicked)"
"cool, in (de mode), hip, blits" = cool {adj} (colloquial: in fashion)
Coolbeam = Cool beam
COOL-bibliotheek = class object-oriented library
Cooled ISO160 Flange = Cooled ISO160 Flange
Cooling Control Box = Cooling Control Box
Cooling cover = Cooling cover
cooling flange = cooling flange
Cooling House = Cooling House
Cooling off = Cooling off
coolstart = CoolStart
COOL-taal = combined object-oriented language
Coons-element = Coons patch
Coons-methode = Coons method
CO-opbrengst = CO yield
CO-opbrengsten = CO yields
coöperant = cooperative member
coöperanten = cooperative members
coöperatie = co-op
coöperatie = cooperative
coöperatie = cooperative association
coöperatie = cooperative society
Coöperatie = Co-operative
coöperatie = cooperation
Coöperatie = Co-op
Coöperatie = Cooperative stores
coöperatie {de} = co-operation
coöperatie {de} = cooperation
Coöperatie Informatiemanagement Politie = Police Information Management Cooperative
coöperatie SURF = SURF cooperative
coöperatief = cooperative
coöperatief = cooperatively
Coöperatief evenwicht = Cooperative balance
Coöperatief model = Co-operative model
coöperatief model = cooperative model
coöperatief ondernemen = cooperative enterprise
coöperatief opleidingsprogramma = cooperative education program
coöperatieve = cooperative
coöperatieve bank = cooperative bank
coöperatieve bedrijven = cooperative concerns
coöperatieve besluitvorming = cooperative decision making
coöperatieve boerenleenbank = agricultural bank on a cooperative basis
coöperatieve groothandelsvereniging = wholesale cooperative
coöperatieve kredietinstelling = credit union
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = consumers’ cooperative
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = credit cooperative
coöperatieve kredietvereniging = retail cooperative
Cooperatieve organisaties = Cooperative organisation
Coöperatieve prijszetting = Co-operative price setting
Coöperatieve reclame = Co-operative advertising
coöperatieve surveillanceketen = co-operative surveillance chain
coöperatieve surveillanceketen = cooperative surveillance chain
coöperatieve vennootschap = cooperative company
coöperatieve vennootschap = cooperative
Cooperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid = Cooperative Company with Limited Liability (CVBA/SCRL)
Cooperatieve Vennootschap met Onbeperkte Aansprakelijkheid = Cooperative company with unlimited liability (CVOA/SCRI)
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = consumer’s cooperative
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = cooperative
coöperatieve verbruiksvereniging = cooperative association
coöperatieve vereniging = cooperative society
coöperatieve vereniging met uitgesloten aansprakelijkheid = cooperative association with liability excluded (for its members)
Coöperatieve Vereniging voor de Agrarische Bedrijfsverzorging = Cooperative Association for Farm Relief Services
coöperatieve verwerking = co-operative processing
Cooperation Arrangement = Cooperation Arrangement
coöperative vennootschap = co-operative
coöpereren = to cooperate
coöpereren = to co-operate
co-oplosmiddel = co-solvent
co-oplosmiddelen = co-solvents
coordinaat = coordinate
coördinaat = coordinate
Coördinaat = Coordinate system
coördinaatreferentiesysteem = coordinate reference system
Coordinated Universal Time = Coordinated Universal Time
coordinated vulnerability disclosure = coordinated vulnerability disclosure
coordinated vulnerability disclosure = CVD
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure proces = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Process
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure-beleid = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policy
coördinaten = coordinates
coördinaten = contact details
coördinaten buiten bereik = Coordinates out of range
coördinaten van de oppak- en afzetposities = coordinates of the pick-up and put-down positions
coördinatenboormachine = jig-boring machine
coördinatenboren = jig boring
coördinatenomzetter = resolver
coördinatenpaar = coordinate pair
coordinatenstelsel = co-ordinate system
coördinatenstelsel = system of coordinates
coördinatenstelsel = coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel {het} = coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
coördinatenstelsel van de mechanische interface = mechanical interface coordinate system
coördinatensysteem/-stelsel = coordinates system
coördinatensysteem/-stelsel = difference
coördinatentekentafel = coordinate drafting machine
coordinatie = Coordination
coördinatie = coordination
coördinatie = linking
coördinatie = co-ordination
coördinatie {de} = coordination
Coördinatie Bureau Energie = Bureau of Energy and Coordination
Coördinatie coëfficiënten = Coordination factors
coördinatie- en ondersteuningsactie = coordination and support action
coördinatie en samenhang = coordination and coherence
coördinatie handelingen = coordination acts
coördinatie tussen verkeersregelaars = coordination between traffic-signal controllers
Coördinatie van bouwwerkzaamheden = Construction management services
coördinatie van de steunmaatregelen = coordination of aid
coördinatie van EMU-beleid = coordination of EMU policies
coördinatie van financieringen = coordination of financing
Coordinatie verbeteringen = Coordination improvement
coördinatie: Voor gelijkvormige coördinatie = certified as a true coordinated/approximated text
coördinatieafstand = coordination distance
coördinatiebehoeften = coordination needs
Coördinatiechemie = Complex
Coördinatiechemie = Messy
Coördinatiechemie = Sophisticated
coördinatiecomité = coordination committee
coördinatiecommissie = coordination committee
Coördinatiecommissie Integraal Waterbeleid = Coordination Committee on Integrated Water Policy (CIW)
coördinatiecomputer = signal coordination computer
coördinatiecontract = coordination contract
coördinatiedagboek) = coordination journal
Coördinatiediensten voor luchthavenslots = Airport slot coordination services
coordinatiefeit = coordination fact
coördinatiefeiten en productiefeiten = coordination facts and production facts
Coördinatiefunctie van het prijsmechanisme = Coordination function of the price mechanism
Coördinatiegroep Constructie Bestrijding = Counter-Evasive Practices Coordinating Group
coördinatiehandeling = coordination act
Coordinatieklasse = Type of coordination
coördinatiekosten = coordination expenses
coördinatiekosten = coordination costs
coordinatieloon = wage for national insurance purposes
Coördinatiemaatregelen = Coordination measures
Coordinatiemechanismen = Coordination mechanisms
coordinatiemeeting = coordination meeting
coördinatiemeeting = coordination meeting
coördinatiemeetings = coordination meeting
coördinatienet = coordination net
coördinatiepunten = coordinate points
coördinaties en regelingen = coordinations and traffic signal controls
coördinatiestructuurvergadering = coordination structure meeting
coördinatiewerkzaamheden = coordination
Coördinatiewet Sociale Verzekeringen = Social Security (Coordination) Act
Coordination = Coordination
coördinatograaf = coordinate drafting machine
coordinatograph = coordinatograph
coördinator = co-ordinator
Coördinator = coordinator
coördinator {de} = coordinator
Coordinator ARBO en Milieu = "Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Coordinator"
coördinator binnendienst = Service Dispatch coordinator
coördinator cluster = group coordinator
coördinator cluster = Consortium Coordinator
coördinator debiteurenbeheer = accounts receivable coordinator
Coordinator English Language Centre = English Language Centre Coordinator
Coordinator externe samenwerking = Coordinator external cooperation
coördinator integriteitszorg = Integrity Management Coordinator
Coordinator internationale programma's = International Programme Coordinator
Coördinator internationale uitwisseling = International Exchange Coordinator
Coordinator internationalisering = International Relations Coordinator
coördinator labcentrum = lab centre coordinator
Coordinator MSc projecten en BSc eindwerk = BSc and MSc Project Coordinator
coordinator of unit = coördinator eenheid
Coördinator Sales Engineering = Sales Engineering Coordinator
coördinator Security. = Security Coordinator
coordinator speciale projecten = special projects coordinator
Coördinator Studentenfaciliteiten = Student Facilities Coordinator
coördinator van de cursus = course coordinator
coördinator van het cluster = Consortium Coordinator
coördinator van het cluster = Group Coordinator
Coördinator vormgeving/drukwerkbegeleiding = Graphic Design and DTP coordinator
Coördinator wetenschap = Sciences Coordinator
Coördinatoren = Coordinators
Coördinatoren of coaches = Coordinators or coaches
coördinator-ontwerp = design coordinator
coördineert = coordinates
coördineert en controleert = coordinates and monitors
coördineren = coordinating
coördineren = coordinate
coördineren = to coordinate
coördineren/sturen = coordinating/managing
Coördinerend = Coordinating
coördinerend biologisch veiligheidsfunctionaris = Coordinating Biological Safety Officer
coördinerend onderzoeker = coordinating investigator
coördinerend onderzoekers = coordinating researchers
Coördinerend Stralingsdeskundige = Coordinating Radiation Expert
Coördinerend/Specialistisch = Coordinating/Specialist
coördinerende persoon = coordinating person
coördinerende rol = coordinating role
co-ouderschap = joint custody
CO-overdrachtssysteem = CO transfer system
COP = Conformity of Production (COP)
Copeland classificatie = Copeland classification
Copenhagen Centre for Prospective Studies = Copenhagen Centre for Prospective Studies
Copenhagen City Heart Study = Copenhagen City Heart Study
copernicaanse wending (Kant) = Copernican revolution
copie = copy
copiers = copiers
copiers en printers = copiers and printers
Copieus = Plentiful
Copieus = Abundant
Copieus = Affluent
Copieus = Ample
Copieus = Copious
Copieus = Bountiful
Copieus = Profuse
Copieus = Lush
copiloot = first officer
copiloot {de} = copilot
Coping = Coping
coping = coping
copingstrategieën = coping strategies
copolymeer = copolymer
Copolymeer gevulcaniseerd = "Copolymer, cross-linked"
Copolymeer thermoplastisch = "Copolymer, thermo plastic"
copolymeren = copolymers
copolymerisatie = copolymerization
C-oppervlak = C-surface
coprecipiteren = coprecipitate
Co-presencing = Co-presencing
coprocessor = coprocessor
co-product = co-product
co-product = coproduct
coproductie = co-production
coproductie {de} = coproduction
Coprolagnie = Scatology
co-promotie = co-promotion
co-promotiemateriaal = co-promotion materials
co-promotionele onthulling = co-promotional reveal
copromotor = co-supervisor
co-promotor = second PhD supervisor / co-supervisor
cops = cop
copulatie {de} = copulation
copuleren = have sex
Copy General Management System Analog = Copy General Management System Analog
Copy-briefing = Copy briefing
Copycat = Copycat
Copy-platform = Copy platform
copyright = copyright
copyright {het} = copyright
Copyright © = Copyright ©
copyright clausule = copyright notice
copyright conflict = copyright conflict
Copyright Simac Business Applications B.V. ICT Nederland bv = Copyright Simac Business Applications B.V. ICT Nederland B.V.
copyright-regel = copyright line
Copyshop = Copy Shop
copyshop = copyshop
Copyshops = Copy shops
Copyslag = copy session
Copy-test = Copy test
Copywriter = Copywriter
copywriting = copywriting
copywriting = Copywriting
COPZ-A = Centre for the Development of Palliative Care Amsterdam
Coquette = Coquette
coquille = ingot mould
coquille gieten = gravity die-casting
Cor = Horn
Cor = Keras
Cor = Corn
Cor Pulmonale = Cor Pulmonale
CO-radicalen = CO radicals
Corantijn = Corantin
Corauscultatie = heart or cardiac auscultation
Corbion = Corbion
co�rdinatenstelsel = coordinate system
co�rdinatenstelsel gebonden aan het aardoppervlak = Earth-surface fixed coordinate system
Córdoba = Cordova
cordonlijst (b.v. van tempel) = reglet
cordonlijst (in klassiek gebouw) = string course
corduroy = corduroy
core = core
Core activities = Core activities
Core activities = Core business
core business = Core business
Core markten = Core markets
core processes = core processes
Core sectoren = Core sectors
core systemen = core systems
co-reactanten = co-reactants
co-reactieve = co-reactive
corebusiness = core business
co-referent = PhD examiner
co-referent (inleider op een conferentie) = respondent
core-markten = core markets
Coreper = Coreper
core-sectoren = core sectors
Corguide-kabel = Corguide
CO-rijke separatoruitvoer = CO-rich separator output
CO-rijke stroom = CO-rich stream
Corinthe = Corinth
Corinthisch = Corinthian
Corinthische stijl / (bouw)orde (figuurlijk extravagant / bloemrijk) = Corinthian order
Corinthische zuil = Corinthian column
Corioliseffect = Coriolis effect
Coriolistol = Coriolis-top
Coriolisversnelling = Coriolis acceleration
Coriolisversnelling = geostrophic acceleration
Coriolisversnelling = Coriolis
Cork (stad) = Cork (city)
Cormet = Cormet
Cormet Enjoy the Good Life = Cormet Enjoy The Good Life
Cornea = Cornea
Cornedbeef = Corned beef
Cornelis = Cornelius
Cornell-universiteit = Cornell University
corner {de} = corner [corner kick]
Corner piece = Corner piece
Corner Protection = Corner Protection
corner-casting = corner casting
corner-castings = corner castings
Cornerplate = Corner plate
cornet = cornet
cornetlijn = cornet production line
Cornflakes = Cornflakes
Cornisch = Cornish
Cornwall = Cornwall
corona = corona
Corona = Circlet
corona = aureole
corona = COVID-16
corona = the pandemic
corona / (druip)lijst = corona
coronabehandeling = corona treatment
coronacijfers = Coronavirus figures
coronacrisis = Corona crisis
coronacrisis = pandemic
Coronair = Coronary
coronair vaatlijden = Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Coronaire endoprotheses = Coronary endoprostheses
coronaire hartziekten = coronary heart disease
coronapandemie = coronavirus pandemic
coronapandemie = pandemic
coronaperiode = pandemic period
Coronaro = Coronary Angiogram
coronavirus = coronavirus
coroners-bijeenkomst = Coroner’s conference
Coropgebieden = Corop' areas
coroutine = co-routine
corporate actions = corporate actions
corporate administrative systems = corporate administrative systems
Corporate advertising = Corporate advertising
Corporate brand = Corporate brand
Corporate branding = Corporate branding
Corporate citizenship = Corporate citizenship
Corporate comms = Corporate Communications
corporate communicatie = corporate communications
Corporate communicatie = Corporate communication
Corporate Competency Dictionary = Corporate Competency Dictionary
Corporate cultuur = Corporate culture
Corporate Data Center = Corporate Data Centre
Corporate Data Center = CDC
corporate datamodel = corporate data model
Corporate endorsement = Corporate endorsement
Corporate Finance Team = Corporate Finance Team
Corporate geheugen = Corporate memory
Corporate governance = Corporate governance
corporate governance code = Corporate Governance Code
corporate identity = corporate identity
Corporate identity mix = Corporate identity mix
Corporate image = Corporate image
Corporate Information Security Office = Corporate Information Security Office
Corporate Institutional-lid = Corporate Institutional member
Corporate institutionele leden = Corporate institutional members
corporate kosten = corporate costs
corporate kwaliteitssysteem = corporate quality system
corporate management review = corporate management review
Corporate marketing onderzoek = Corporate marketing research
Corporate missie = Corporate mission
Corporate Order Management = Corporate Order Management
Corporate persoonlijkheid = Corporate personality
Corporate PQS = Corporate PQS
corporate producten = corporate products
Corporate reputatie = Corporate reputation
Corporate Responsibility = Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility doelstellingen = Corporate Responsibility objectives
Corporate SCM = Corporate SCM
Corporate Security = Corporate Security
Corporate Social Responsibility (duurzaam ondernemen) = Corporate Social Responsibility (corporate sustainability)
Corporate Social Responsibility at = Corporate Social Responsibility at
Corporate Social Responsibility at SMA = Corporate Social Responsibility at SMA
Corporate Social Responsibility team = Corporate Social Responsibility team
Corporate Stock Management = Corporate Stock Management
corporate succes te bereiken = achieve corporate success
corporate systeem = corporate system =
Corporate-image-barometer = Corporate image barometer
corporatie = organisation
Corporatie = Professional body
Corporatie = Corporation
corporatie {de} = corporation
corporaties = housing associations
Corporation = Corporation
corporatisme = corporatism
corps = corps
corps = student club
corps = body
corps {het} = corps
corpulent = fat
corpulent = corpulent
corpus = corpus
corpus = torso
Corpus = Body
corpus femoris = shaft of  femur
corpus geniculatum laterale = medial  geniculate body
corpus geniculatum laterale = metathalamus
corpus geniculatum mediae = lateral  geniculate body
corpus geniculatum mediae = metathalamus
corpus humeri = shaft of  humerus
Corpus Luteum = Corpus Luteum
Corpus uteri = Corpus uteri
"corpus, massa, verzameling" = body (collection of knowledge)
correct = correct
correct = correctly
correct = sound
Correct = Proper
Correct = Prima
Correct = Faultless
correct afgehandeld = dealt with correctly
correct DNA herstel = error-free DNA repair
correct functioneren = proper functioning
correct ge?dentificeerd = correctly identified
Correct gebruik = Correct use
correct gebruik = correct use of
correct ge�dentificeerd = correctly identified
correct geédentificeerd = correctly identified
correct geïdentificeerd = correctly identified
correct georiënteerde = correctly oriented
correct gespeld = spelled correctly
correct ingesteld = set correctly
Correct Nederlands = Correct Dutch
"correct opgeslagen, gebruikt en beheert" = "properly stored, used and managed"
correct te functioneren = operate correctly
correct toegepast = correctly applied
correct uitgevoerd = carried out correctly
correct voorverwarmen = proper preheating
correct worden uitgevoerd = are carried out correctly
"correct, volledige en actueel" = "correct, complete and up to date"
"correct, welgemanierd, welopgevoed, goedgemanierd" = correct {adj} (with good manners)
correcte = correct
correcte en veilige werking = correct and safe operation
correcte en volledige verificatie van de EATMN-software = correct and complete EATMN software verification
correcte houding = correct posture
Correcte inhoudsopgave = Correct table of contents
correcte naleving = correct compliance
correcte Passagier = prudent Passenger
correcte positie van het = correct position of the
correcte toepassing = correct application
correcte veiligheidsvoorzieningen = proper safety equipment
correcte werking = correct functioning
correctheid = correctness
correctheid {de} = correctness
correctheid en de volledigheid = correctness and completeness
correctheidsbewijs = correctness proof
Correctie = Spindle speed override
Correctie = Compensation
Correctie = Offset
Correctie = Marking
correctie = correction
correctie = rectify (GDPR)
correctie {de} = correction
correctie aan einde van jaar = financing adjustment
correctie aan einde van jaar = year-end adjustment
correctie i.v.m. financiering van activa met vreemd vermogen = gearing adjustment
correctie in vorige periode = prior period adjustment
correctie nodig = correction required
correctie signalering = correction signal
correctie van Bessel = Bessel's correction
correctie van drukproef = proof reading
correctie van Lyttkens = Lyttkens' correction
correctie volgens Dandekar = Dandekar's correction
correctie voor gebruik van klassemiddens = correction for grouping
correctie vorige jaren/boekingsperioden = prior period adjustments
correctie-afrekening = adjust
correctiebedrag = correction amount
correctiebedrag = corrected amount
correctiebericht = correction statement
correctieberichten = correction statements
correctiebeschikking = correction decision
Correctiebevel = Correction demand
correctieboeking = adjusting entries
correctief = corrective
correctiefactor = correction factor
correctiefactoren = Correction factors
Correctiefilm of -band = Correction film or tape
correctiefilter = correcting filter
correctiegebied = correction area
correctieglazen = photochromics
correctiekring = correcting circuit
correctiemagneet = correction magnet
Correctiemateriaal = Correctors
Correctiemiddelen = Correction media
correctiemiddelen voor documenten = document correctors
Correctiepennen = Correction pens
correctiepercentage = adjusted percentage
Correcties = Corrections
correcties en corrigerende maatregelen = corrections and corrective actions
correcties nodig = corrections needed
Correcties van uitgangspunten = Corrections of assumptions
correcties voor abrupt eindigende verdelingen = corrections for abruptness
correcties voor de randvoorwaarden = end corrections
correctie-S&O-verklaring = corrected R&D Declaration
"Correcties, Corrigerende Maatregelen en hun Effectiviteit" = "Corrections, Corrective Actions and their Effectiveness"
correctieschakeling = correcting circuit
correctiespoel = correction coil
correctiesticker = correction label
correctiestroom = correction current
correctieteken = correction mark
correctieve = corrective
Correctieve Beschikbaarheidskorting = Corrective Availability reduction
correctieve change = corrective change
correctieve maatregelen = corrective measures
correctieve onderhoudsactie = corrective maintenance action
correctieve onderhoudsbeurten = corrective overhauls
Correctieve onderhoudsbeurten en herstellingen = Corrective overhauls and repairs
correctieve stuurfunctie = Corrective steering function
correctieve werkzaamheden = corrective actions
correctieversterker = equalizing amplifier
correctievloeistof = correcting fluid
Correctievloeistof = Correction fluid
"correctievloeistoffen, film en tape voor het corrigeren van gedrukte, get" = "correction fluids, films and tapes for use in correcting printed, typed a"
"correction, supplementation or deletion" = "correctie, aanvulling of verwijdering"
corrective maintenance = corrective maintenance
corrective maintenance = corrective maintenance
corregidor = <Spanish mayor>
correlatie = correlation
correlatie = correlation coefficient
correlatie {de} = correlation
correlatie binnen een organisme = organic correlation
correlatie met vertraging = lag correlation
correlatie tussen de rangordeningsgraden = grade correlation
Correlatieanalyse = Correlation analysis
Correlatiecoëfficent = Correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt = coefficient of correlation
Correlatiecoëfficiënt = Correlation
correlatiecoëfficiënt = correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt tussen vectoren = vector correlation coefficient
correlatiecoëfficiënt van Bravais = Bravais correlation coefficient
correlatiedetector = correlation detector
correlatie-index = correlation index
correlatiematrix = correlation matrix
correlatie-quotiënt = correlation ratio
Correlatierekening = Correlation calculation
Correlaties = Correlations
correlatietabel = correlation table
correlatietechniek = correlation technique
correlatieverhouding = correlation ratio
correleren = to correlate
correlerende meetwaarden = tension metrics
correlogram = correlogram
correpondence = mail
correspondent = correspondent
correspondent {de} = correspondent
correspondent-accountant = correspondent auditor
correspondenten = correspondent bank
correspondentie = mapping
correspondentie = written communication
Correspondentie = Correspondence
correspondentie = correspondence
correspondentie {de} = correspondence
correspondentie gelieve richten aan = please direct all correspondence to
Correspondentie uitsluitend richten aan het retouradres met vermelding va = "Please direct all correspondence to the specified return address, indicat"
Correspondentie-/adres = Correspondence address
correspondentieadres = correspondence address
correspondentieafdeling = correspondence department
correspondentieafdeling = unjustifiable
correspondentieafdeling = unwarranted
Correspondentieanalyse = Correspondence analysis
correspondentie-intensieve = correspondence-intensive
correspondentie-intensieve organisatie = correspondence-intensive organisation
correspondentie-intensieve organisaties = correspondence-intensive organisations
correspondentierelatie = correspondence relationship
correspondentierelatiegegevens = correspondence relationship data
correspondentierelaties = correspondence relationships
Correspondentieset = Mailing kit
correspondentietheorie van de waarheid = corresponence theory of truth
Corresponderen = Fit together
corresponderen = match
corresponderen = to correspond (to)
Corresponderen = Correspond
corresponderen = correspond
corresponderen met = write to
corresponderen met = correspond to
corresponderend = corresponding
corresponderend met de voorgaande bijwerking hiervan = corresponding to the previous update of the spatial location information
corresponderend met een versnellingsmeting = corresponding to an acceleration measurement
"corresponderend, overeenkomstig" = correspondent {adj} (corresponding)
corresponderende = corresponding
corresponderende krachten = corresponding forces
corresponderende open einde = corresponding open end
corresponderende smartphone applicatie = corresponding smartphone application
corresponderende steekproeven = linked samples
corresponderende waarden = corresponding values
Correxmeter = Correxmeter
Corridor = Lane
Corridor = Alley
Corridor = Corridor
Corridor = Aisle
Corridor = Hallway
Corridor = Passage
Corridor = Gangway
Corridordeksel = Intermediate cover
corridors = corridors
corridors van het kernnetwerk = core network corridors
corridorzijden = corridor sides
Corrigeer = Correct
corrigeer de verwijzing naar = correct the reference to
corrigeert voor winter- en zomertijd = adjusts for standard and daylight saving time
corrigeren = correct
corrigeren = to correct
corrigeren = to rectify
Corrigeren = Retouch
Corrigeren = Set right
corrigeren = correcting
Corrigeren = Patch
Corrigeren = Adjust
Corrigeren = Sub-edit
Corrigeren = Mark
corrigeren = rectify (GDPR)
corrigeren (van tentamens etc.) = "to mark, to grade"
corrigeren (van tentamens etc.) = mark
corrigerende = corrective
corrigerende actie = corrective action
corrigerende actie in verband met de veiligheid in het veld = field safety corrective action
corrigerende actieplannen = corrective action plans
corrigerende acties ondernemen = take corrective action
corrigerende acties ondernemen indien nodig. = take corrective action if necessary.
corrigerende acties te ondernemen = take corrective action
corrigerende deel van het stabiliteits- en groeipact = corrective part of the Stability and Growth Pact
corrigerende en preventieve maatregelen = corrective and preventive measures
corrigerende ervaringen = corrective experiences
Corrigerende lenzen = Corrective lenses
corrigerende maatregel = corrective measure
corrigerende maatregel nodig = corrective action necessary
corrigerende maatregelen = corrective action
Corrigerende maatregelen = Corrective measures
corrigerende maatregelen nodig = corrective action required
corrigerende on-line aanpassing = corrective online adjustment
corrigerende terugkoppeling = corrective feedback
"corrigerende, preventieve en/of steriliserende functie" = "corrective, preventive and/or sterilizing function"
corroboreert = corroborates
corrodeerbaar = corrodible
corrodeerbaarheid = corrodibility
corrodeert = corrodes
Corroderen = Corrode
corroderen = to corrode
corroderende = corroding
corrosie = corrosion
corrosie / roesten / oxideren = corrosion
corrosie {de} = corrosion
corrosie bescherming = corrosion protection
corrosiearm = low-corrosion
corrosiearm materiaal = low-corrosion material
corrosiebeschermend middel = corrosion protection substance
corrosiebeschermende coating = corrosion protection coating
corrosiebeschermende kap = corrosion protection cap
corrosiebescherming = corrosion protection
corrosiebestendig = corrosion-resistant
corrosiebestendig = corrosion proof
corrosiebestendig materiaal = corrosion-resistant material
corrosiebestendige additieven = corrosion-resistant additives
Corrosiebestendigheid = Corrosion resistance
Corrosiebeveiliging = Corrosion protection
Corrosiebeveiligingstape (100 mm) = Corrosion protection tape 100 mm
Corrosiebeveiligingstape (50 mm) = Corrosion protection tape 50 mm
corrosief = corrosive
corrosiegraad van water = water corrosivity
corrosie-klasse = corrosion class
corrosienerf = corrosion pit
corrosieremmers = corrosion inhibitors
corrosietest = corrosion test
corrosievast = corrosion-resistant
corrosievast = corrosion resistant
corrosievast = resistant to corrosion
corrosievast = corrosion proof
corrosievastheid = corrosion resistance
corrosieve = corrosive
corrosieve atmosfeer = corrosive atmosphere
Corrosieve of ontvlambare = Corrosive or flammable
Corrosieve of ontvlambare gassen = Corrosive or flammable gases
Corrosieve of vervuilende stoffen = Corrosive or polluting substances
corrosieve stof = corrosive material
corrosieve stoffen = corrosives
corrosievrij = corrosion-free
corrosiewerend = anticorrosive
corrosiewerend = anti-corrosive
corrosie-werende = anti-corrosion
corrosie-werende = corrosion resistant
corrosiewerende middelen = anti-corrosive preparations
Corrosiewerende middelen = Anti-corrosion products
Corrosiewerende olie = Anti-corrosion oils
corrosiewerende producten = anti-corrosives
corrosie-werende producten = corrosion resistant products
corrosive slijtage = corrosion wear
corrosiviteit = corrodibility
corrosiviteit = corrosive effect
corrosiviteit = corrosivity
corrosiviteit = corrosiveness
corrupte wijzer = dangling pointer
Corruptie = Bribery
corruptie = corruptness
corruptie = corruption
corruptie en omkoping = corruption and bribery
corruptiebestrijding = the fight against corruption
corruptiebestrijding = anti-corruption
corsanr. = Corsa number
corset = earth wire
Corsica = Corsican
Corsica = Corsica
Corsicaan = Corsican
"Corsicaan, Corsicaanse, Corsicanen {p}" = Corsican (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent)
Corsicaans = Hotting
Corsicaans = Corsican woman
Corsicaans = Corsica
Corsicaans = Corsican man
Corsicaans = Corsican
"Corsicaans, Corsicaanse" = "Corsican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica)"
Corsicaanse = Corsican
Corsicaanse = Corsican woman
Corsicanen = Corsican
Corsikaan = Hotting
Corsikaan = Corsican woman
Corsikaan = Corsican man
Corsikaan = Corsican
Corsikaan = Corsica
Corsikaans = Hotting
Corsikaans = Corsica
Corsikaans = Corsican woman
Corsikaans = Corsican man
Corsikaans = Corsican
Corsikaanse = Corsican woman
Corsikaanse = Corsican man
Corsikaanse = Hotting
Corsikaanse = Corsica
Corsikaanse = Corsican
corso = display
CORS-preflight-scenario = CORS preflight scenario
cortecosteron = corticosterone
Cortes = States General
cortex = cortex
Corticaal = Cortical
Corticosteroide = Corticosteriod
Corticosteroïde = Corticoid
corticosteroïde = corticosteroid
corticosteroïden = Corticosteroids
corticosteroïden = corticosteroids
Corticosteroïden voor dermatologisch gebruik en dermatologische preparat = Corticosteroids for dermatological use and dermatological preparations
Corticosteroïden voor systemisch gebruik = Corticosteroids for systemic use
Corticosteroïdhormonen = Corticosteroids hormones
corticosteron = corticosterone
Cortison = Cortisone
cortivazol = cortivazol
Corvetten en patrouilleboten = Corvettes and patrol boats
corvolume = Cardiac Volume
Corvus = Raven
Corvus = Carrion
Corvus = Corbel
Corvus = Crow
Corylus = Hazel tree
Corylus = Hazel
Corynebacterium glutamicum = Corynebacterium glutamicum
cos = cos
cos phi regeling = cos phi control
Cos phi-meetwaarde-omvormer = True power (cos phi) value transformer
Cos phi-meter paneelbouw = Active power converter meter for installation
Cos phi-relais = True power (cos phi) monitoring relay
Co-schappen = residency (programs)
co-segregeert = co-segregates
co-segregerend = co-segregating
Co-sensing = Co-sensing
cosinus = cosine
cosinusgolf = cosine wave
Cosmetica = Cosmetic
cosmetica = cosmetics
cosmetica {mv} = cosmetics
cosmetica en schoonheidsproducten = cosmetic and beauty products
"cosmetica, te koop in een set" = cosmetics all for sale in kit form
cosmetica-industrie = cosmetic industry
cosmeticasets = cosmetic kits
Cosmeticum = Cosmetic
cosmetisch = cosmetic
cosmetisch gerei = cosmetic utensils
cosmetisch product = cosmetic product
cosmetische = cosmetic
cosmetische behandeling = cosmetic treatment
cosmetische crèmes = cosmetic creams
cosmetische doeleinden = cosmetic purposes
cosmetische industrie = cosmetics industry
cosmetische injectie = cosmetic injection
cosmetische kleurstoffen = cosmetic dyes
cosmetische middelen en cosmetische preparaten = cosmetics and cosmetic preparations
cosmetische middelen en producten voor de toiletverzorging = cosmetics and toiletries
"cosmetische middelen en reinigingsmiddelen, met name tandpasta en zepen" = "cosmetic and cleaning preparations, specifically toothpaste and soaps"
cosmetische middelen in het algemeen = cosmetics in general
"cosmetische middelen in het algemeen, waaronder parfums" = "cosmetics in general, including perfumes"
cosmetische middelen voor de wenkbrauwen = eyebrow cosmetics
cosmetische middelen voor dieren = cosmetics for animals
"cosmetische middelen, haarlotions" = "cosmetics, hair lotions"
"cosmetische middelen, met name crèmes, milks, lotions, gels en poeders v" = "cosmetics, in particular creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the"
"cosmetische middelen, parfumeriën, etherische oliën, zepen, tandreining" = "articles for body and beauty-care, perfumery, essential oils, soaps, dent"
"cosmetische middelen, producten voor de toiletverzorging en parfumerieën" = "cosmetics, toiletries and perfumery"
cosmetische preparaten = cosmetic preparations
cosmetische preparaten voor de huidverzorging = cosmetic preparations for skin care
cosmetische preparaten voor het baden = cosmetic preparations for baths
Cosmetische producten = Beauty products
cosmetische producten = cosmetic products
Cosmetische voetverzorging = Cosmetic foot care
cosmologie = cosmology
Cosmos = Cosmos
co-sourcing = co-sourcing
cospectrum = cospectrum
Cos-phi-meter = Operating power measurement device
Cost = COST
cost centre = cost centre
cost of living allowance = Cost of Living Allowances (COLA)
cost sheet = cost sheet
Costa Brava = Costa Brava
Costa Rica = Costa Rica
Costa Rica {het} = Costa Rica
Costaricaan = Costa Rican
Costaricaans = Costa Rican
costodiafragmatische sinus = diaphragmatic sinuses
Costuum = Outfit
Costuum = Garb
Costuum = Attire
Costuum = Suit
Costuum = Tuxedo
Costuum = Dress
Costuum = Costume
cosubstraat = co-substrate
co-teaching = collaborative teaching
co-teaching = co-teaching
CO-terugwinning = CO recovery
Cotonou = Cotonou
Cotopaxi (vulkaan) = Cotopaxi
COTS = Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
Cottage cheese = Cottage cheese
cottonbreimachine = cotton knitting machine
Cotylen = Cotyledons
Couchette = Couchette
Couchette = Bunk
Coulance = "goodwill, fair (business) dealings"
coulance periode = easy-terms period
coulant = accommodating
could reasonably come to the conclusion = redelijkerwijs tot de overtuiging zouden kunnen komen
couleur locale = Couleur locale
couleur locale = local colour
coulisse = flat
coulissedemper = acoustic/noise absorber panel
coulisselandschap = bocage
Coulissenlandschap = Grove
coulomb = coulomb
coulomb = coulomb: C
Coulomb (eenheid) = Coulomb
Coulombse wrijvingswet = Coulomb's friction law
Coulometers = Coulometers
Coulping = Coupling
Coumafos = Coumafos
coumarine = dicoumarin
coumarines = coumarins
Coumatetralyl = Coumatetralyl
Council of Europe Development Bank = Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
Council of Europe Development Bank = "Council of Europe Development Bank (French: CEB, Banque de Développement"
counselor = counsellor
counselor {de} = counsellor [Br.]
Count = Count
count XPath = count XPath
Counteracting institutions = Counteracting institutions
counterclaims = zie dubbelclaim
counterfeit = counterfeited sound carrier/cd/mc/lp/video etc.
Counterfeiting = Counterfeiting
Counteroffensive strategy = Counter offensive strategy
Countersegmentation = Counter segmentation
counterweight = counterweight
Country = Country
Country Manager = Country Manager
Country Manager Benelux at RICS = "RICS Country Manager for the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (Benelux"
Country Managing Partners = Country Managing Partners
Countrymuziek = Country music
countryname = country name
counts = counts
County = County
coup {de} = coup d'état
coup {de} = coup
Coup de torchon = Dust-up
Coupe = Cut
Coupe = "Pattern cutting, tailoring"
coupé = coupe
Coupé = Coupé
coupé = compartment
Coupe de Gulle Pot = Sundae à la Gulle Pot
coupler = coupler
couplet = verse
Coupling = Coupling
Coupling hook = Coupling hook
Coupling hook assembly = Coupling hook assembly
coupling parts = koppelingdelen
coupon = coupon
coupon = cut
Couponrendement = Coupon return
coupons = coupons
coupure = cutoff
courant = daily paper
courant = newspaper
courant = commonly
courant gekende = commonly known
courante = currency (betaalmiddel)
courante = current
courante = in demand / best selling
courante = listed (eff.) 
courante = marketable
courante = prevailing
courante = prevalent
courante = quickly realisable (oz.) 
courante = readily marketable (oz.)
courante = standard
Courante = Standard size
courante interfaces op basis van SQL = standard SQL-based interfaces
courante modellen = standard sizes
courante modellen = stock sizes
"Courantenpapier, handgeschept papier en ander papier en karton, niet gest" = "Newsprint, handmade paper and other uncoated paper or paperboard for grap"
Courbette = Curvet
Coureur = Runner
Coureur = Racer
courgette = zucchini
courgette = courgette
courgette {de} = zucchini [esp. Am.]
courgette {de} = courgette [Br.]
"courgette, wortel en zoete aardappel" = "courgette, carrot and sweet potato"
courgettefrieten = courgette chips
Courgettes = Courgettes
course of the game (JurLex) = spelverloop
Court = Short
courtage = brokerage
courtage = brokerage (makelaar)
Courtage = Commission
courtage bij effectentransacties = commission on security transactions
Courtage en daarmee verband houdende diensten voor effecten en goederen = Brokerage and related securities and commodities services
Courtagediensten voor goederen = Commodity brokerage services
Courtagediensten voor leningen = Loan brokerage services
courtesy cars = courtesy cars
Courtisane = Courtier
courtisane {de} = courtesan
courtyard = courtyard
couscous = couscous
Couture = Needlework
Couture = Sewing
Couture = Dressmaking
Couvert = Covered
Couvert = Envelope
Couvert = Overcast
Couvert = Cloudy
couvert = cutlery
Couveuse = Hatching tray
Couveuse = Incubator
couveuse voor prematuur geborenen = artificial  incubator
Couveuses = Incubators
couveuses voor baby's = incubators for babies
couveuses voor pasgeborene baby's = incubators for newborn babies
covalente binding = covalent bond
covariance kernel = covariance kernel
covariantie = covariance
Covariantie = Co-variance
covariantie met vertraging = lag covariance
covariantieanalyse = covariance analysis
covariantie-analyse = analysis of covariance
covariantie-analyse = ANCOVA
covariantie-analyse = covariance analysis
covariantiematrix = covariance matrix
covariantie-matrix = variance-covariance matrix
covariatie = covariation
covarimin = covarimin
Covasna = Covasna
covenant = covenant
Covenant of Mayors = Covenant of Mayors
Coventry = Coventry
cover = cover recording
Cover = Revival
Cover = Resumption
Cover = Blanket
Cover = Pick-up
Cover = Retaking
Cover = Cover
Cover = Recovery
Cover 3 = Cover 3
Cover Injector = Cover Injector
Cover Leaf Spring = Cover Leaf Spring
Cover Milled housing = Cover Milled housing
Cover Milled housing RF = Cover Milled housing RF
cover plate = cover plate
Cover Service = Cover Service
Cover Story = Cover story
Cover voor binnenzijde of buitenzijde = Inside or outside covering plate
coverband = cover band
Coverbanden = Retreaded tyres
CO-verbruikende = CO-consuming
Coveren van banden = Tyre-remoulding services
Coverfoto = Cover photo
coverglas = cover slip
coverglas = cover glass
cover-glas = cover glass
Covering = Covering
Covering Socket = Covering Socket
coverplate = cover plate
Coverplates = Cover plates
covers = covers
COVID crisis = COVID crisis
Covid-19 = COVID-19
Covid-19-pandemie = COVID-19 pandemic
COVOG = Central Organisation for Certificates of Conduct (COVOG)
CO-vrij = CO free
Cowboy = Cowboy
cowboy {de} = cowboy
cowdria ruminantium = cowdriose
Cox proportioneel toevalsmodel = Cox proportional hazards model
Coxalgie = Coxalgia
Cox-de-Booralgoritme = Cox-de-Boor algorithm
Cox-Stuart-toetsen = Cox and Stuart's tests
Coyote = Coyote
CP = Calcium Propionate
CP 155-LS gemotoriseerd = CP 155-LS Motorised
CPB = Commissie Publiek Belang
CPB = "Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau, CPB"
CPBW = Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (Comité voor Preventie e
cpe (customer premise equipment) = customer premise equipment (cpe)
cpe-certificatieprocedures = cpe certification procedures
C-periode = C-period
CPI-indexering = CPI indexation
CPK = ‘Coastal Vision’ complex project
CPK = "Complex Project Coastal Vision (complex project ‘Kustvisie’, CPK)"
CPK = Complex Project Coastal Vision (CPK)
CPO = Personnel Consultative Committee
CPPS = current point of purchase survey
C-profiel = C-profile
C-profiel dubbelzijdig = C-profile double-sided
C-profiel van de twee onderling evenwijdige zijprofielen = C-profile of the two parallel side profiles
C-profielen = C-profiles
C-profielverbinder = safety ladder connector
CPR-ventiel = CPR valve
cps carrier pre selection = cps carrier pre selection
CPTED-expert = CPTED expert
CPU (central processing unit / centrale verwerkingseenheid) = CPU
CPU (Centrale Processor) = CPU (Central Processor Unit)
CPU-cyclus = CPU cycle
CPU-limiet = CPU cap
CPU-limieten = CPU capping
CPWB (Comit? voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk) = Health & Safety Committee
cq = and/or
cq. = as the case may be
cq. = and/or
cq. = casu quo
CQRS = Command and Query Responsibility Separation
CQRS-gebaseerde systemen = CQRS-based systems
CR = Cognitive Radio
CR 1/3 N = CR 1/3 N
CR 1220 = CR 1220
CR 123 A = CR 123 A
CR 12600 = CR 12600
CR 1616 = CR 1616
CR 1620 = CR 1620
CR 17345 = CR 17345
CR 2 = CR 2
CR 2016 = CR 2016
CR 2025 = CR 2025
CR 2032 = CR 2032
CR 2320 = CR 2320
CR 2430 = CR 2430
CR 2450 = CR 2450
crack = ace
crackers = crackers
cracks = scheurvorming
cradle to cradle = cradle to cradle
cradle to cradle = cradle-to-cradle
Cradle to Cradle certificaat = Cradle to Cradle Certification
Cradle to Cradle gecertificeerde = Cradle to Cradle certified
cradle-to-cradle = cradle to cradle
Craig-effect = Craig effect
C-rail = C rail
Cramér-Rao limiet = Cramér-Rao bound
Cramér-Wold kunstgreep = Cramér-Wold device
Cranberry = Cranberry
cranberry = cranberry
cranberrysmaak = cranberry flavor
Crane = Crane
Crane + Flens = Crane + Flange
Crane Assy = Crane Assy
Crane Bottom Outer Tube = Crane Bottom Outer Tube
Crane Control Assy = Crane Control Assy
Crane Safety Device = Crane Safety Device
Crane Spacer = Crane Spacer
Cranendonck = Cranendonck
Craniaal = Cranial
craniale = cranial
Cranio Sacraal therapie = Cranio sacral therapy
Craniomandibulaire Dysfunctie = Craniomandibular Dysfunction
Crank = Crank
crank] = Extractor
crank] = Puller
crank] = Remover
Crankstel = Crank set
Cranktrekker = Crank extractor
crapaud = chair
craquel = crackle finish
craquel� = crackle
craquel? = crackle
craquelé = crackle
craquelé = crackle finish
crash = crash
Crash = Collision
crash tender = crash tender
Crash Tender = Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle
Crash Tender = Crash Tender
Crash Tenders = Crash Tenders
crashbestendig = crash-proof
crashbestendig = -proof fence
crash-bestendig = crash-resistant
crash-bestendige = crash-proof
crashconsistentie = crash consistency
crashdump = crash dump
crashdump-type = Crash Dump Type
crashen = crash
crashen = to crash
crashherstel = crash recovery
crashlog = crash log
crashlogs = crash logs
crasht = crashes
crashtenders = Crash Tenders
crashtests = crash tests
crashtests in de automobielsector = automotive crash tests
crashtruck = crash truck
crashtrucks = crash trucks
Crate = Crate
Craterus = Crater
Crawford = Crawford
crawlen = crawl
crawler = crawler
crayon = pencil
CRAZ = Client Advisory Board for University Hospitals
Crazy Summer-hotelarrangement = Crazy Summer hotel package
CRC = cyclic redundancy check
creatie = creation
creatiebureau = creative agency
creatiedatum = creation date
creatief = creative
Creatief boekhouden = Creative bookkeeping
creatief denken = creative thinking
creatief denker = creative thinker
creatief idee = creative idea
creaties = creations
creatieve = creative
creatieve activiteiten = creative activities
Creatieve Economie = Creative Economy
creatieve experts = creative experts
creatieve invulling = creative content
creatieve kracht = creative force
creatieve of culturele organisaties = creative or cultural organisations
creatieve oplossingen = creative solutions
creatieven = creatives
creatineklaring = creatine clearance
Creating healthy spaces = Creating healthy spaces
Creatininemie = Creatinaemia
Creatio ex nihilo = Ex nihilo
Creation and revision of documents = Creation and revision of documents
Creation and revision of documents Rev 3 = Creation and revision of documents Rev. 3
Creationisme = Creationism
Creative Class = Creative Class
Creative director = Creative director
Creative Intelligence = Creative Intelligence
Creative Twinning Regeling = Creative Twinning scheme
creatives = creative talent
creativiteit = creativity
creativiteit en individu = creativity and the individual
creativiteit en innovatie = creativity and innovation
creativiteit en vernuft = creativity and ingenuity
creatuur = creature
Crebo = Central Register of Vocational Courses
Crebo = CREBO
CREBO = Central register of vocational training courses CV(E)T
crèche = nursery
Credence claims = Credence claims
Credential Definition = Credential Definition
Credential Vault Service = Credential Vault Service
credit = song credit
credit = credit
Credit Arbitrage-strategie = Credit Arbitrage Strategy
credit card rekeningoverzicht = credit card statement
credit card statements = credit card statements
credit card-nummer = credit card number
credit management bedrijf = credit management company
credit management organisatie = credit management organisation
credit management software = credit management software
"credit management, debiteurenbeheer, incassomanagement en kredietanalyse" = "credit management, receivables management, debt collection management and"
Credit scoring = Credit scoring
creditadvies = credit advice
creditcard = credit card
creditcard = charge card
creditcard {de} = credit card
"creditcard, kredietkaart {f}" = "credit card (plastic card, with a magnetic strip)"
creditcardautorisatie = credit card authorization
creditcarddiensten = credit card services
creditcard-etuis = credit-card cases
creditcard-etuis en -houders = credit card cases and holders
creditcardhouders = credit-card holders
creditcardnummer = credit card number
creditcardnummers = credit card numbers
creditcardpreautorisatie = credit card preauthorization
creditcards = credit cards
creditcards en debetkaarten = credit and debit cards
credited/withdrawn = bijgeschreven / opgenomen
Crediteren = Credit
Creditering = Crediting
crediteringstermijn = credit entry term
crediteur = vendor
crediteur = creditor
crediteur / schuldeiser = creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = general creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = judgment creditor
crediteur wiens vordering door de rechter is toegewezen = unsecured creditor
crediteurbegunstiging = Nomination as preferential/preferred creditor
crediteuren = accounts payable (see: debiteuren = accounts receivable / accounts collec
Crediteuren = Creditors
crediteuren (Afdeling F&C) = Accounts Payable
Crediteuren Administrateur = Creditors Accountant
crediteuren- en debiteurencontrole = creditor and debtor verification
"Crediteuren, looptijd langer dan 1 jaar" = "Creditors, amounts falling due after more than one year"
"Crediteuren, looptijd maximaal 1 jaar" = "Creditors, amounts falling within one year"
crediteurenadministratie = [customer] accounts payable records
crediteurenadministratie = creditor records
crediteurenadministratie = creditors ledger
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = accounts payable department
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = creditor accounts department
crediteurenadministratie [afdeling] = payables department
Crediteurenland = Creditor nation
crediteurensaldo = balance of accounts payable
crediteurenstand = creditor position
crediteurenstand = payables
creditLimit = kredietlimiet
creditmanagement = credit management
creditnota = credit note
Creditnota's op kosten aircoinstallaties = Credit notes with regard to charges airconditioning
Creditnota's op kosten companies secretary = Credit notes with regard to charges companies secretary
Creditnota's op kosten erelonen companies secretary = Credit notes with regard to charges fees companies secretary
Creditnota's op kosten erelonen externe bestuurders = Credit notes with regard to charges fees nominee directors
Creditnota's op kosten hijsmaterialen = Credit notes with regard to charges lifting materials
Creditnota's op kosten huur compressoren = Credit notes with regard to charges hire compressors
Creditnota's op kosten invoerrechten = Credit notes with regard to charges import duties
Creditnota's op kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van aircoinstallaties = Credit notes with regard to charges maintenance and repair of airconditio
Creditnota's op kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van diverse machines en = Credit notes with regard to charges maintenance and repair of miscellaneo
creditrekening = credits account
Creditrekening = Credit account
creditrentevergoedingen = credit interest payment
creditrentevergoedingen = rate of interest paid on credit balances
creditsaldotransactie = credit balance transaction
credittarief = credit interest
credittarief = credit interest rate
credittarief = deposit rate
creditzijde = credit
Creditzijde = Credit side
credo = Crēdo
credo = credo
Credo = Creed
Cree = Cry
Creëer = Create
creëert = create
creëert = creates
creel = creel
creëren = to create
creëren = create
creëren = creating
Creëren van een flexibele ontwikkelomgeving = Creating a flexible development environment
creëren van waarde voor haar aandeelhouders = create value for its shareholders
"creëren, beheren en controleren" = "creating, managing and controlling"
"creëren, beheren en controleren" = "create, manage and control"
"creëren, scheppen, maken" = create  (to put into existence)
"creëren, scheppen, ontwerpen" = "create  (to design, invest with a new form, shape etc)"
"creëren, wijzigen, bewerken, lezen" = "create, modify, edit, read or delete"
creërend vermogen = creative ability
creërend vermogen = creative skills
CREG = Belgian Federal Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation
CREM studie = CREM study
CREM Waste Management = CREM
CREM Waste Management = CREM Waste Management
cremalaag = crema layer
Crematie = Incineration
Crematie = Cremation
Crematiediensten = Cremation services
Crematieovens = Cremators
Crematorium = Crematorium
Crematorium = Incineration
Crematorium = Cremation
Creme = Cream
crème = cream
crème {de} = cream
crème brûlée = crème brûlée
"Crème Brulée met vanille, chocoladeijs en slagroom" = "Crème Brulée with vanilla, chocolate ice cream and whipped cream"
Crème fraîche = Fresh cream
crèmelikeuren = cream liqueurs
Cremeren = Cremate
Cremeren = Incinerate
crèmes = creams
crèmes en schuim = creams and foams
Creme-wit = Cream-white
crèmewit RAL9001 = cream
Cremewit/elektrowit = Cream white/electro white
Cremona (stad) = Cremona
cremotartanfabriek (wijnsteen laxeermiddel) = Cream of tartar plant
crena clunium = anal cleft
creolinefabriek (desinfecterend middel uit creosoot) = Creoline industry (disinfectant based on creosote)
creool = Creole
Creools = Creole
Creoolse talen = Creole
Creoolse talen = Creole languages
creosoot = creosote
creosootfabriek = Creosote industry
creosoteerinrichting = Creosoting plant
creosoteren = creosote
crêpe = crêpe
Crepepapier = Crepe paper
crêpepapier = crêpe paper
crêpepapier = creped paper
creperen = perish
Creperen = Burst
Creperen = Pop
Creperen = Bust
Creperen = Puncture
Crepes-automaat = Crepes maker
Crepes-bereik = Crepe plate
crêpetape = crêpe tape
crepidoma = crepidoma
crescendo = crescendo
cresol = cresol
Cresolen (som) = Cresols (total)
cresolformaldehyde = cresol formaldehyde
cresolhars = cresol resin
cresolsulfonzuur = cresol sulphonic acid
cressen = cresses
cretonne = cretonne
Creuse = Hollow
crew = crew
crew-id = crew ID
cri hydrencéphalique = Coindet sign
cricket = cricket
cricket {het} = cricket
cricketen = to play cricket
Crime = Crime
Crime = Calamity
criminal circles = criminele circuit
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven: SGM) = Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven: SGM) = SGM
criminaliteit = wrongdoing
criminaliteit = criminality
criminaliteit = crime
criminaliteit in verband met gestolen motorvoertuigen = motor vehicle crime
criminaliteit in verband met nucleaire en radioactieve stoffen = crime connected with nuclear and radioactive substances
criminaliteitsbestrijding = fight against crime
criminaliteitsgerelateerde = crime-related
criminaliteitsgerelateerde incidenten = crime-related incidents
crimineel = criminal
crimineel vermogen = criminal assets
criminele aansprakelijkheid = criminal liability
criminele geldstromen = criminal money flows
criminele geldstromenthe = criminal money flows
criminele inkomsten = criminal income
criminele organisatie = criminal organisation
criminele processen = criminal processes
criminele samenwerkingsverbanden = criminal partnerships
criminele uitbuiting = criminal exploitation
criminele uitspatting = surge in criminal behaviour
criminele verwaarlozing = criminal negligence
Criminologie = Criminology
criminologie {de} = criminology
Crimp = Crimp
Crimp/crimp = Crimp/crimp
Crimp/soldeer = Crimp/solder
Crimpen = Crimp
CrimpKontBu = CrimpKontBu
Crimp-splicebeschermer = Crimp splice protection
crinkle washer = crinkle washer
Criollo = Creole
crisesrespons = crisis response
Crisis = Hysterical
Crisis = Emergency
crisis = crisis
Crisis beoordelingsteam (CAT) = Crisis Assessment Team (CAT)
crisis opvangteam = crisis relief team
crisis organisatie = crisis organisation
crisisbeheer = crisis management
crisisbeheersing = crisis management
crisisbesluitvorming = crisis management decision-making
Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol (CBP-S) = "Schiphol Crisis Management Plan (Crisisbestrijdingsplan Schiphol, CBP-S)"
crisiscentrum = crisis centre
crisiscontact = emergency contact
crisis-denken = "crisis-inspired or crisis-oriented thinking, crisis mongering"
crisisdienst = emergency service
crisismanagement = crisis mamagement
crisismanagement = crisis management
crisismanagement organisatie = crisis management organisation
Crisismanagementplan = Crisis Management Plan
Crisismanagementplan Universiteit Utrecht = Utrecht University Crisis Management Plan
crisismedewerker = emergency worker
crisisopvang = crisis shelter
crisisorganisatie = crisis organisation
crisispartners = crisis partners
crisisplan = crisis plan
crisisplannen = crisis plans
crisisplannen en –draaiboeken = crisis and contingency plans
Crisisrespons = Crisis response
crisissituatie = crisis situation
crisisstructuur = crisis structure
crisisteam = crisis team
CRISP = "Centre for Research Innovation, Support and Policy"
Crisp™plaat met handgreep = Crisp™plate with handle
crista iliaca = iliac crest
criteria = criteria
criteria om te stoppen = cut-off criteria
criteria om te stoppen = cut-off criterion
criteria om te stoppen = "cut-off criterion, -ria"
criteria van de norm = criteria of the standard
Criteria van Maastricht = Maastricht criteria
criteria voor diagnose = diagnostic criteria
Criteria voor resultaat = Outcome criteria
criteriadeelvenster = Criteria pane
criterium = criterion
criterium = standard
criterium voor de completering van testen = test completion criterion
criteriumgericht = criterion-based
criteriumgericht = criterion-oriented
criteriumgericht interview = criterion-oriented interview
criteriumgerichte steekproef = criterion-based sampling
criteriumingrijpendeverwerking = substantial transformation criterion
Criteriumvaliditeit = Criterion validity
critic<\b> = critic<\i>
critical = Critical
Critical Deficiency = Critical Deficiency
Critical Design = Critical Design
critical en security patches = critical and security patches
Critical Utilities project = Critical Utilities project
criticaster {de} = quibbler
critici {mv} = critics
criticus = critic
criticus {de} = critic
critiek = critical
critiek = critic
CRL's = CRLs
crm (customer relationship management) = customer relationship management (crm)
CRM Mobile-aanpassing = CRM Mobile Customization
CRM Mobile-perimeternetwerkonderdelen = CRM Mobile perimeter network components
CRM Mobile-serveronderdelen = CRM Mobile server components
CRM systeem = CRM system
CRM systeem Achilles = Achilles CRM system
CRM-back-endserver = CRM Back End Server
CRM-front-endserver = CRM Front End Server
CRM-methode = CRM method
CRM-methoden = CRM methods
CRM-systeem = CRM system
CRM-systemen = CRM systems
Crocodile = Crocodile
CROHO = CROHO (Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes)
CROHO (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs) = Central Register Higher Education Degree Programmes (Central Accreditatio
Croissant = Ascending
Croissant = Crescent
Croissant = Ascendant
Croissant = Croissant
croissant {de} = croissant
Croissantautomaat = Croissant maker
Croissants = Croissants
Croix = Cross
Cromstrijen = Cromstrijen
cron = cron
Cronbach-alpha = Cronbach alpha
Cronbach's alpha = Cronbachs alpha
crontab = crontab
Cronus = Cronus
croquant = brittle
Croque monsieur = Croque monsieur
Croquet = Croquet
croscarmellosenatrium = croscarmellose sodium
croscarmellose-natrium = croscarmellose sodium
crospovidon = crospovidone
Cross = Cross
Cross Border Enforcement = Cross Border Enforcement
cross mediaal-mediaplan = cross-media plan
cross-border transport** = grensoverschrijdend vervoer
crossbredwol = crossbred wool
Cross-culturele consumentenanalyse = Cross-cultural consumer analysis
"cross-departementaal, cross-border" = across departments and borders
cross-docken = cross-docking
cross-docking = cross-docking (unloading materials from a manufacturer or mode of transpo
cross-docking = cross-docking
crossdresser = cross-dresser
Crossed Roller Bearing = Crossed Roller Bearing
crossfading = crossfade
Crossfit = CrossFit
cross-functionele teams = cross-functional teams
Crossing = Crossing
crosslinken = cross-linking
crosslinken (inmiddels ingeburgerd) = cross-linking
crosslinker = cross-linker
crosslinker = crosslinker
crosslinkers = cross-linkers
crosslinking = cross-linking
crosslinking = crosslinking
cross-linking van fibrine = fibrin cross-linking
crossmediaal = cross-media
cross-mediale campagne = cross-media campaign
cross-mediale campagnes = cross-media campaigns
Cross-mediale marketing = Cross-media marketing
Cross-mediale marketing campagnes = Cross-media marketing campaigns
Cross-modaliteitsvergelijking = Cross-modality comparison
crossover = crossover
cross-over = crossover
crossover distortie = crossover distortion
crossover elektroforese = counterimmunoelectrophoresis
crossover elektroforese = crossover  electrophoresis
cross-over valves = cross-over ventielen
crossover-kabel = crossover cable
crossovers = crossovers
cross-overs = crossovers
Crossrunner = Crossrunner
Crossrunner mk7 = Crossrunner mk7
Crossrunner systeem = Crossrunner system
Crossrunner-concept = Crossrunner concept
Crossrunner-principe = Crossrunner principle
Crossrunner-systeem = Crossrunner system
Crossrunner-systeem van Qimarox = Qimarox Crossrunner system
Cross-sectieonderzoek = Cross-sectional research
cross-section = cross section
cross-sectionele survey = cross-sectional survey
cross-sections = doorsneden
cross-sectoraal = cross-sectoral
cross-sectoraal zijn = cross-sectoral
cross-sectorale = cross-sectoral
cross-sectorale = cross-sector
cross-sectorale en multidisciplinaire = cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary
cross-sectorale innovatie = cross-sector innovation
cross-sectorale kennisproduct = cross-sectoral knowledge product
cross-sectorale kennisproducten = cross-sectoral knowledge products
cross-sectorale leerproces = cross-sectoral learning process
cross-sectorale leerprocessen = cross-sectoral learning processes
cross-sectorale samenwerking = cross-sectoral cooperation
Crosssectorale verbinding = cross-sectoral link
Crosssectorale verbindingen = cross-sectoral links
Cross-selling = Cross selling
cross-site = cross-site
cross-site scripting = cross-site scripting
"cross-site scripting-, commando- en SQL-injectie-kwetsbaarheden" = "cross-site scripting, command and SQL injection vulnerabilities"
cross-training = cross-training
Crosstrainingsapparaten = Cross trainers
Crotale = Rattlesnake
crotonzuur = crotonic acid
Croupier = Croupier
Crouton = Crouton
CROW = CROW (the Dutch information and technology centre for transport and infra
CROW = "CROW, information and technology centre for transport and infrastructure "
crowd funding = crowd funding
crowdfunding = crowdfunding
crowdsourcing = crowdsourcing
Crown Fine Art = Crown Fine Art
CR-P 2 = CR-P 2
CRPlatform.Nl = CRPlatform.NL
CRT filter controle led (groen) = CRT filter control LED (green)
CRT filter controle led (oranje) = CRT filter control LED (orange)
CRT filter controle led (rood) = CRT filter control LED (red)
cru = crude
Cru = Rough
cruciaal = crucial
Cruciaal = Critical
cruciaal = decisive
cruciaal bedrijfsproces = critical business process
cruciale = critical
cruciale = crucial
cruciale bedrijfsactiviteiten = key business activities
cruciale elementen van een vliegplan = key items of a flight plan
cruciale grondstof = crucial raw material
Crucifix = Christ
Crucifix = Crucifix
crude = crude oil
C-ruimte = C-space
Cruise = Pleasure cruise
Cruise Control = Velocity control unit
cruise control + parkeerrem = cruise control + parking brake
cruise controlschakelaar = cruise control switch
cruisecontrol = cruise control
cruisehaven = cruise port
cruisemarkt = cruise market
cruiseschepen = cruise ships
Cruiseterminal = Cruise Terminal
cruisetrip = cruise
Crumpets = Crumpets
crunchy = granola
cruzeiro = cruzeiro
Cryogeen = Cryogenics
cryogeen = cryogenic
cryogeen gemalen = cryogenic milling
cryogeen malen = cryogenic milling
Cryogeenfactor = Cryogenic factor
cryogene destillatietoren = cryogenic distillation tower
cryogene distillatie = cryogenic distillation
cryogene distilleerder = cryogenic distillatory
cryogene flash = cryogenic flash
cryogene vat = cryogenic vessel
cryogene vaten = cryogenic vessels
cryologie = cryology
Crypte = Estate
Crypte = Crypt
crypto = crypto
Crypto API Diagnostics = Crypto API Diagnostics
crypto’s = cryptocurrencies
crypto-analyse = cryptanalysis
CryptoAPI = CryptoAPI
CryptoAPI 2.0 = CryptoAPI 2.0
crypto-apparaat = cryptoequipment
cryptobeveiliging = cryptosecurity
cryptobinding = cryptobinding
cryptocurrencies = cryptocurrencies
crypto-deterministisch proces volgens Whittaker = crypto-deterministic process
crypto-functies = cryptographic functions
cryptografie = cryptography
cryptografieprovider = cryptographic service provider
cryptografisch sterke = cryptographically strong
cryptografisch systeem met lange levensduur = high-grade cryptosystem
cryptografische = cryptographic
cryptografische algoritme = cryptographic algorithm
cryptografische functies = cryptographic functions
cryptografische gegevensbeveiliging = cryptographic data protection
cryptografische hulpmiddelen = cryptographic tools
cryptografische samenvatting = cryptographic digest
cryptografische sleutel = cryptographic key
cryptografische sleutels = cryptographic keys
cryptografische technieken = cryptographic techniques
Cryptography Application Programming Interface = Cryptography Application Programming Interface
Cryptography Next Generation = Cryptography Next Generation
crypto-informatie = cryptoinformation
cryptokanaal = cryptochannel
cryptologie = cryptology
cryptomateriaal = cryptomaterial
cryptomunteenheid = cryptocurrency
cryptonet = cryptonet
cryptosleutel = cryptokey
cryptosysteem = cryptosystem
cryptovaluta = cryptocurrencies
Cryptoworks = Cryptoworks
Crystal = Crystal
Crystal Ball = Crystal ball
Crystalline Silicon Monocrystalline (cSi) = local
crytptocurrencies = cryptocurrencies
CS = Cutset
CS = corticosterone (CS)
CS = corticosterone content (CS)
Cs = Cs
cs = et al.
CS = Customer Support
CSB = Central Student Information Desk
C-schil = C shell
CSD = Centre for Sustainable Development
CSD = Centre for Sustainable Development of Ghent University
CSG = WFE Central & Southern Germany
C-shell = C shell
C-si = c-Si
CSID-reeks = CSID string
CSI-register = CSI register
csk = countersunk
csk = csk
csk scr torx = csk scr torx
CSO = Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
CSRF-aanvallen = CSRF attacks
CSSR (Central Server for Statistical Reporting) = CSSR (Central Server for Statistical Reporting)
CSS-selectie = CSS selector
C-strip = C-bracket
CSU = Commissioning and start up
CSWSR = CSWSR (the Walloon High Council for Road Safety)
CT = Creative Twinning
CT = Chemical Engineering
CT = crisis management team
CT = computed tomography (CT)
CT 1+ = CT 1+
CT scan = CT scan
CT-0 apparatuur = CT-0 equipment
CT-1 apparatuur = CT-1 equipment
CT-2 apparatuur = CT-2 equipment
CTA = Call to action (CTA)
Ctac = Ctac
CTG-apparaat = cardiotocograph
CTIT = Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
CTLD = Center for Transboundary Legal Development
CTM = chemistry transport models
CTM = Clinical Trial Materials
CTO = Chief Technology Officer
CT-project = CT project
Ctrl = CTRL
CTRL-C = Ctrl+C
Ctrl-toets = Control key
Ctrl-toets = CTRL key
CTRL-V = Ctrl+V
CTS Twente BV = CTS Twente B.V.
CTVET = Continuing TVET
Cu = Cu
CU = CU (= close-up)
"Cu, blank" = "Cu, bare"
"Cu, vertind" = "Cu, tinned"
Cu/CuNi44 = Cu/CuNi44
Cuba = Cuba
Cuba (land) = Cuba
Cuba {het} = Cuba
Cubaan = Cuban
Cubaans = Cuban
Cubaanse = Cuban
Cu-band = copper strip
Cube = Cube
cubiculum = cubiculum
Cu-dwarsdoorsnede = Cu-cross-section
cue sheet = music cue sheet
Cues = Cues
Cuesta = Bench land
Cuijk = Cuijk
Culemborg = Culemborg
Culinair = Culinary
culinair leven in uw winkel brengen = create a cullinary stir in-store
culinaire omlijsting = culinary experience
culminatie = culmination
culmineren = to culminate
culpoze zaakbeschadiging = damage to property caused by negligence
Cult = Cult
cultivars = cultivars
Cultivator = Grower
Cultivator = Cultivator
cultiveert = cultivates
cultiveren = manure
cultural change = cultural change
Cultural Foundation Building = Cultural Foundation Building
cultural turn = cultural turn
Culture = Culture
cultureel = cultural
cultureel bepaald = culturally determined
cultureel centrum = cultural centre
Cultureel en linguistisch verschillend (CALD) = Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
Cultureel erfgoed = Patrimony
Cultureel erfgoed = Assets
cultureel erfgoed = cultural heritage
Cultureel geschikte maaltijden = Meals - culturally appropriate meals
Cultureel planoloog = Cultural planner
cultureel pluralisme = cultural pluralism
cultureel verschil = cultural difference
culturele = cultural
culturele activiteiten = cultural activities
Culturele antropologie = Ethnology
culturele aspect = cultural aspect
culturele betrekking = cultural relations
culturele beweging = cultural movement
culturele emancipatie = cultural emancipation
Culturele empathie = Cultural empathy
Culturele en creatieve sectoren = cultural and creative sectors
Culturele factoren = Cultural factors
culturele gemeenschap = cultural community
culturele geografie = cultural geography
culturele identiteit = cultural identity
culturele instellingen = cultural institutions
culturele manifestatie = cultural event
culturele of sportieve evenementen = cultural or sporting events
culturele ontwikkeling = cultural development
culturele organisatie = cultural organisation
culturele organisaties = cultural organisations
culturele prijs = cultural prize
Culturele redelijkheid = Cultural reasonableness
Culturele Revolutie = Cultural Revolution
culturele rijkdom = cultural wealth
culturele samenwerking = cultural cooperation
culturele sector = cultural sector
culturele serviceprovider = cultural service provider
culturele uitsluiting = cultural exception
culturele veld = cultural field
culturele verandering = cultural change
culturele verandering = change of culture
culturele verandering = culture change
culturele verscheidenheid = cultural pluralism
Culturele verschillen = Cultural differences
culturele voorziening = cultural facility
culturelel goederen = cultural goods
culturen = cultures
Cultures = Cultures
Cultures = Arable farming
Cultures = Land under cultivation
Cultures = Crops
Cultus = Worship
cultus = cult
Cultus = Service
Cultuur = Cultivation
cultuur = culture
cultuur- & erfgoedbeleidsplan = cultural and heritage policy plan
Cultuur en Maatschappij (profiel VWO) = Culture and Society
cultuur van billijkheid = Just culture
cultuur van samenwerken = culture of collaboration
"cultuur, in" = "cultivation, under"
"Cultuur, organisatie en management" = "Culture, Organization and Management (COM)"
"cultuur, primair proces, beheersorganisatie en stakeholderdialoog" = "culture, primary process, management and control environment, and stakeho"
"Cultuur-, sport- en recreatiediensten" = "Recreational, cultural and sporting services"
cultuurbeeld = view on culture
cultuurbeeld = culture concept
cultuurbegrip = culture concept
cultuurbeleid = cultural policy
cultuurbewaker = Actively involved in building and maintaining company culture
cultuurbos = forest plantation
Cultuurfilosofie van de techniek = Cultural Philosophy of Technology
cultuurgeschiedenis = cultural history
cultuurgoed = cultural object
cultuurhistorisch = cultural-historical
cultuurhistorisch belang = cultural importance
cultuurhistorisch belang = cultural relevance
cultuurhistorisch belang = historical and cultural interest
cultuurhistorisch belang = historical and cultural value
cultuurindicator = cultural indicator
cultuurindustrie = culture industry
cultuurlandschap = cultural landscape
cultuurlandschap = man-made / cultural landscape
cultuuromslag = change of culture
cultuuronderzoek = investigation of our culture
cultuurparticipatie = cultural participation
cultuurplant = cultivated plant
cultuurrelativisme = cultural relativism
cultuurscan = culture assessment
cultuurschok = culture shock
cultuursector = cultural sector
cultuurslaplanten = cultivated lettuce plants
Cultuurstad Vlaanderen = ‘Cultuurstad Vlaanderen’ (‘Flemish Cultural City’)
cultuurtechniek = hydraulic engineering concerning the reclamation and improvement of agric
cultuurverandering en user adoption = culture change and user adoption
cultuurverschillen = cultural differences
cum annexis = with appendices
cum annexis = with appurtenances
cum laude = cum laude/with distinction/with credit/with honours
cum laude = cum laude
cum laude = with distinction
cum laude = with distinction / cum laude
cum suis = et al.
Cumbria = Cumbria
Cumela = Cumela
cummulatieve = cumulative
cumul = accumulation
Cumul. percentages doorval = Cumulative percentages pass through
cumulant = cumulant
cumulant-genererende functie = cumulant generating function
cumulatie = cumulation
cumulatie = cumulative effect
"cumulatie met Noorwegen, Turkije of Zwitserland" = "cumulation with Norway, Switzerland or Turkey"
cumulatie van ambten = multiple office holding
cumulatie van beroepsactiviteiten = cumulation of professional activities
cumulatie van inkomsten = overlapping of income
cumulatief = cumulative
Cumulatief bereik = Cumulative reach
cumulatief een overzicht = cumulative overview
cumulatief frequentiediagram = cumulative frequency curve
cumulatief frequentiediagram = ogive
cumulatief opgebouwde vertragingsrente = cumulatively accrued default interest
cumulatief preferent aandeel = cumulative preference share
Cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = Cumulative preferred share capital
cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = cumulative preferred sharecapital
cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = cumulative stock
Cumulatief preferent aandelenkapitaal = Cumulative preferred stock
cumulatief preferent dividend = cumulative preferantial dividend
cumulatief preferent dividend = scrip dividend
cumulatief preferent dividend = share dividend
cumulatief preferent winstdelend aandeel = cumulative preference profit-sharing share
Cumulatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preference shares
cumulatief preferente aandelen = cumulative preference shares
cumulatief proces = cumulative process
cumulatief risico = cumulative hazard
cumulatief risico = cumulative risk
cumulatief systeem = cumulative system
cumulatief te berekenen = to be calculated cumulatively
cumulatief te berekenen over = to be calculated cumulatively over
cumulatieve afschrijvingen = accumulated depreciation
Cumulatieve bezitsgraad = Cumulative possession ratio
cumulatieve chi-kwadraatgrootheid = cumulative chi-squared statistic
cumulatieve cijfers = year to date
cumulatieve deviatie = accumulated deviation
cumulatieve doorlooptijd = cumulative lead time
cumulatieve fabricagedoorlooptijd = cumulative manufacturing lead time
cumulatieve fout = cumulative error
cumulatieve frequentie = cumulative frequency
cumulatieve frequentiekromme = cumulative frequency curve
cumulatieve frequentiekromme = ogive
Cumulatieve frequentiepolygoon = Cumulative frequency polygon
Cumulatieve frequentieverdeling = Cumulative frequency distribution
Cumulatieve kansverdeling = Cumulative distribution probability
cumulatieve kansverdelingsfunctie = cumulative distribution probability function
cumulatieve koersverschillenvoorziening = cumulative exchange adjustment
cumulatieve koersverschillenvoorziening = unreadable
cumulatieve MRP = cumulative MRP
cumulatieve ontvangsten = cumulative receipts
Cumulatieve penetratiegraad = Cumulative penetration ratio
cumulatieve somtest = cumulative sum test: CUSUM
cumulatieve verdelingsfunctie = cumulative distribution function
cumulatieve voorwaarden = cumulative conditions
cumulatieve weerslag = cumulative incidence
cumulatieven van het vakantiegeld = accumulated holiday pay
cumuleerbare strafsommen = cumulative penalties
cumuleren = accumulate
cumuleren van opbrengstverliezen = cascading yield loss
cumuleren van pensioenen = cumulative pension entitlement
Cumulonimbus = Cumulonimbus
Cumultatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preferred shares
Cumultatief preferente aandelen = Cumulative preferred stock
Cumulus = Cumulus cloud
Cumulus = Cumulus
cumulus {de} = cumulus (cloud)
cunet = cunette
cunet = trench
Cunnilingus = Cunnilinctus
Cunnilingus = Cunnilingus
Cup = Cut
cup = goblet
Cupid = Cupid
Cupido = Cupid
Cupido {de} = Cupid
cupmolen = cups
cup-molentje = cup-type current meter
Cupressus = Cypress
"CUR, Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering" = the Civil Engineering Centre for Execution of Research and Regulation (CU
Curacao = Curaçao
Curaçao = Curaçao
curaçao {de} = curaçao
Curaçaoënaar {de} = native of Curaçao
Curaçaoër {de} = native of Curaçao
Curaçaose {de} = female native of Curaçao
curanal zalf = Curanal Balsam
Curariseren = Curarize
curateleregister = guardianship register
Curatief = Curative
curatief en / of preventief = curative and/or preventative
curatief onderhoud = curative maintenance
curatieve behandeling = curative treatment
curator = trustee
curator = curator
curator = guardian
curator = "trustee (US, bankruptcy)"
curator = "insolvency practitioner (UK, bij faillissement)"
curator (bewindvoerder) = (official) receiver
curator (bewindvoerder) = receiver
curator (bewindvoerder) = trustee
curator of de bewindvoerder = trustee or receiver
"curator, beslagleggende deurwaarder, bewindvoerder" = "insolvency practitioner, attaching bailiff, administrator"
curatorium = curatorial panel
curators = curators
curatorschap = receivership
curculair = (pan)circular
Curcuma longa = Turmeric
curcumine = curcumin
Cure = Cure
cureren = care for
Cureren = Recover
Curettage = Curettage
Curia Julia = Curia
curiculum = curriculum
curie = curie
Curie = Curia
Curieus = Quaint
curieus = curious
curiositeit = curiosity
Curitiba = Curitiba
curium = curium
curling = curling
Curling (sport) = Curling
Curpas = CURPAS (German association focusing on unmanned aerial systems)
current = current
current = current
Current = Current
Current Products = Current Products
Current ratio = Current ratio
curricula = curriculums
curricula = curricula
curricula vitae = CVs
curriculum = curriculum
curriculum / course of study / programme of study / educational programme = onderwijsprogramma
curriculum opbouw = curriculum development
curriculum van een opleiding = curriculum of a programme
curriculum vitae = curriculum vitae
curriculum vitae = "curriculum vitae, CV"
curriculum vitae = curriculum vitae
curriculum vitae = "curriculum vitae, CV (resumé = Am)"
"curriculum vitae {n}, levensloop" = curriculum vitae
"curriculum, pedagogiek en de didactiek" = "curriculum, pedagogy and didactics"
curriculumhervorming = curriculum reform
curriculumherziening = curriculum review
Curriculumtechnologie = Curriculum Technology
curriculumvernieuwing = curriculum revision
curry {de} = curry
currykleurig = curry
curses = curses
curseur = ring traveller
Cursief = Italics
cursief = in italics
cursief = italic
cursist = course participant
cursist = student
cursist volwassenenonderwijs = adult learner
cursisten = course participants
cursiveren = italicize
cursor = cursor
cursor dag = cursor day
cursor datum = cursor date
cursor filter = cursor filter
cursor jaar = cursor year
cursor jaar+ = cursor year+
cursor maand = cursor month
cursor maand+ = cursor month+
cursor periode = cursor period
cursor week = cursor week
cursorisch onderwijs = cursory education
cursus = course [Osiris]
Cursus = Current
Cursus = training course
cursus = course / module / subject
cursus = class
Cursus = Tuition
cursus = short course
Cursus = Quotation
cursus = course
cursus {de} = class
cursus hoger onderwijs = higher education course
cursus voor gevorderden = advanced course
cursusaanbod = available courses
cursusaanbod = available courses / modules / subjects
Cursusbeschrijving = Course description
cursusboek = textbook
cursusboek = coursebook
Cursuscode = Course code
cursusdag = training day
cursusdatum = course date
cursusduur = course duration
cursusduur (van de hele opleiding) = length of a degree programme
cursusduur (van een losse cursus) = course duration
cursusgeld = course fee
cursus-gerelateerde zaken = course-related issues
Cursushandleiding = Course guide
cursusinformatie = course information
cursusjaar = academic year
cursuslokaal = classroom
Cursusmateriaal = Course material
cursusmateriaal = course materials
cursusontwikkeling = course development
cursusplanner = Course Planner
cursusprogramma = course programme
cursussen = courses
cursussen = training courses
cursussen en voorlichting = courses and information
cursussen per correspondentie = correspondence courses
cursustijd = course time
cursustype = course type [Osiris]
Curv = Curv
curv = curv
curve = 1. (grafische voorstelling ook) graph
curve = "2. (kromme, kromming) curve"
curve = bend
Curve = Curve
curve = characteristic curve
curve = control curve
curve fitten = curve fitting
curve of equidetectability = curve of equidetectability
Curve Offset = Curve Offset
curve van bedrijfskarakteristieken = operating characteristic curve (OC curve)
curve voor de bladbelasting = blade load curve
"curve, kromming, bocht (road)" = curve (gentle bend)
curved exponential family = curved exponential family
curved washer = curved washer
curvedekkend = covers the entire performance curve
curve-fitting = curve fitting
curve-fitting techniek = curve-fitting technique
curve-fitting technieken = curve-fitting techniques
Curvenvorm bij RCD/FI-test = Curve shape at RCD/FI testing
curves = curves
curvevolger = curve follower
curvimeter = opisometer
CuSn = CuSn
CuSn8Ni = CuSn8Ni
Custardpoeder = Custard powder
custom image = custom image
Custom patch policies op aanvraag = Custom patch policies on request
customer account management-teams = customer account management teams
Customer Affairs Office = Customer Affairs Office
Customer Approval Report = Customer Approval Report
customer asset = customer asset
Customer Care = Customer Care
Customer Contact Center Eventim = Eventim Customer Contact Centre
Customer Desk = Customer Desk
Customer drivers = Customer drivers
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) = CDD
customer engagement platform = customer engagement platform
customer engagement platformen = customer engagement platforms
Customer Experience Improvement Program = Customer Experience Improvement Program
Customer Experience Platform = Customer Experience Platform
Customer feedback = Customer feedback
customer journey = customer journey
customer lifetime value = customer lifetime value
Customer Needs = Customer Needs
Customer Product Training = Customer Product Training
Customer Relationship Management = Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management = CRM
Customer Relationship Management = Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management = customer relationship management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) = Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer relationship quality = Customer relationship quality
customer service = customer service
Customer Service automatisering = Customer service automation
Customer Service Center = Customer Service Center
Customer Service Centre = Customer Service Centre
Customer Service Desk = CSD
Customer Service Desk = Customer Service Desk
Customer Service Director = Customer Service Director
Customer Service Employee = Customer Service Employee
customer service manager = customer service manager
customer service managers = customer service managers
customer service medewerker = customer service representative
Customer Story = Customer Story
Customer Success Manager = Customer Success Manager
customer support = customer support
Customer Support = Customer Support
Customer Support Center = Customer Support Center
Customer Trial = Customer Trial
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism = CT-PAT
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism = Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
cusum = cumulative sum chart
CUSUM-procedures = CUSUM procedures
cut pile = cut-pile
Cut Wijd profiel = cut wide profile
"Cut, Colour, Clarity en Carat" = "Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat"
Cutaan = Cutaneous
Cutable = Cuttable
Cuticula = Cuticle
cut-in windspeed = cut-in wind speed
cutis anserina hebben = to get  goosebumps/goose pimples
cut-off = cut-off
Cutomer Services Portal = Customer Services Portal
cutter = fabric cutting machine
cuttermes = utility knife
cutterzuiger = cuttersuction dredger
Cutting Ring = Cutting Ring
cutting room = cutting room
cuvettentest = cuvette tests
Cuzco (stad) = Cusco
CuZn = CuZn
CV = cooperative society
CV = limited partnership
CV = central heating system
cv = CV
CV = boiler
cv- en luchtbehandelingsapparatuurinstallatiebedrijff = Central heating and air handling contractors
CV installatie = central heating system
CV instellingen = central-heating settings
CV water = central-heating water
CV water temperatuur = central-heating water temperature
CV(E)T = Continuing vocational (education and) training
"cv, sollicitatiebrief of vacature" = "resume, job application letter or job posting"
CV’s = CVs
CVA = partnership limited by shares
CVA = cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
CVA = stroke
CVA = Graduation Support Committee (CVA)
CvA = Committee of Tendering Experts (Commissie van Aanbestedingsexperts: CvA)
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = defence
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = SoD
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = statement of defence
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) = Statement of Defence
CV-aansluiting = central heating connection
CvB = Executive Board (College van Bestuur)
CvB = Executive Board (OR: Board of Governors)
CvB = EB
CvB = Executive Board
CVBA = Cooperative Company with Limited Liability (CVBA/SCRL)
CVBA = Coöperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid (Cooperative Co
CVBA = cooperative society with limited liability (coöperatieve vennootschap me
cvba = [limited liability cooperative]
CvBHO = Higher Education Appeals Tribunal
CV-circuit = central heating circuit
CV-circuit = boiler circuit
CVD = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
CVD gestuwd = CVP congested
CVD-beleid = Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure policy
CVD-beleid = CVD policy
CVD-proces = CVD process
CVDs = Cisco Validated Design
C-verfraaiier = C beautifier: cb
CVI = "Commission on Critical Infrastructure (Commissie Vitale Infrastructuur, C"
CV-installatie = central heating system
cv-ketel = central heating boiler
CV-ketels = boiler
CV-ketels = boilers
CV-ketels = central-heating boiler
CV-ketels = central-heating boilers
cv-ketels = central heating boiler
cvm = Cooperation and Verification Mechanism
CVO = "Addiction Research Centre (Centrum voor Verslavingsonderzoek, CVO)"
CVO = "Centre for Vocational Training (Centrum Vakopleiding, CVO)"
CVO (Consortium voor Valorisatie en = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship Ondernemerschap)
CVO (Consortium voor Valorisatie en Ondernemerschap) = Consortium for Valorisation and Entrepreneurship)
CVOA = Cooperative company with unlimited liability (CVOA/SCRI)
C-vorm = C-shape
C-vormig = C-shaped
C-vormige = C-shaped
C-vormige profiel = C-shaped profile
C-vormige profielen = C-shaped profiles
CVO-VU = Center for Research on Aging
cvr = statement of reply
CVR-data = CVR-data
CVsA = Center for Liability Law
CVsB = "Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University"
CVsK = Centre for Knowledge Transfer
CVsP = Center for Legal Procedure Litigation
CVsP = Doctorate Board
CVsW = Center for Legislative Studies
CvTA = Dutch Supervisory Authority for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Collect
CV-warmtewisselaar = Heat exchanger for heating
CV-water = boiler water
CVZ = Healthcare Insurance Board
CVZ = "Healthcare Insurance Board (College voor Zorgverzekeringen, CVZ)"
CVZ = Healthcare Insurance Board (CVZ)
CWI = Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
CWI = Academic Integrity Committee (Commissie Wetenschappelijke Integriteit –
CWI = Centre for Work and Income
CWL = Centre for Science and Values
Cx&Q = Applied Risk Management for Commissioning and Qualification
Cx&Q proces = Cx&Q process
CXB (CAN eXtension Box) = CXB (CAN eXtension Box)
"CXB (CAN eXtension Box) Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = CXB (CAN eXtension Box) Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
Cyaan = Cyan
cyaan = cyanogen
"cyaan, appelblauwzeegroen" = cyan (a colour between blue and green)
cyaanbad = cyanide bath
cyaanchloride = cyan chloride
cyaanijzerblauw = Prussian blue
cyaankali = potassium cyanide
Cyaankali = Cyanide
cyaankalisch vercadmiummen = cyanide cadmium plating
cyaankalisch vergulden = cyanide gold plating
cyaankalisch verkoperen = alkaline copper plating
cyaankalisch verkoperen = cyanide copper plating
cyaankalisch verzilveren = cyanide solver plating
cyaankalisch verzinken = cyanide zinc plating
cyaanwaterstofzuur = hydrocyanic acid
cyanaat = cyanate
Cyanaten = Cyanates
Cyanazine = Cyanazine
cyanide = cyanide
Cyanide (chloorafbreekbaar) = Cyanide (can be decomposed with chlorine)
Cyanide (complex pH<5) = Cyanide (complex pH<5)
Cyanide (complex pH>=5) = Cyanide (complex pH>=5)
Cyanide (som vrije en niet-chlooroxyde = cyanide (total free and not oxidised by chlorine)
Cyanide (totaal) = Cyanide (total)
Cyanide (vrij) = Cyanide (free)
cyanide {het} = cyanide
"Cyanide, cyanideoxide, fulminaten, cyanaten, silicaten" = "Cyanide, cyanide oxide, fulminates, cyanates, silicates, borates, perbora"
Cyaniden = Cyanides
Cyanideoxide = Cyanide oxide
Cyanofenfos = Cyanofenfos
Cyanose = Cyanosis
Cybebe = Cybele
Cybele = Cybele
Cyber Physical Systems = Cyber Physical Systems
cyber resilient = cyber resilient
cyber secure = cyber secure
Cyber Security Act = Cyber Security Act (CSA)
Cyber Security Agenda = Dutch Cyber Security Agenda
Cyber Security Beeld Nederland = Netherlands Cyber ​​Security Assessment (Cyber Security Beeld Nederla
Cyber Security Strategie = Cyber Security Strategy
Cyber Strategie = Cyber Strategy
cyberaanvallen = cyber attacks
Cybercafé-diensten = Cybercafé services
cybercapaciteit = cyber capacity
cybercrime = cybercrime
cybercrimezaken = cybercrime cases
cyberdomein = cyber domain
cyberdreiging = Cyber threats
cyberdreigingen = cyber threats
cyberhygiëne = cyber hygiene
Cybernetica = Cybernetic
cybernetica = cybernetics
"cybernetica, cybernetika, stuurkunde" = cybernetics (science of communication and control)
"cybernetisch, stuurkundig" = cybernetic {adj} (relating to the mathematical study of control)
cyberpesten = cyberbullying
Cyber-Physical Systems = Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyberpunk = Cyberpunk
cybersecurity = cybersecurity
cybersecurity en platforms = cyber security and platforms
cybersecurity kennisontwikkeling = cyber security knowledge development
cybersecurity- specialisten = cyber security specialists
"cybersecurity, veilige apparatuur, data integriteit en privacy" = "cybersecurity, secure equipment, data integrity and privacy"
cybersecurity-onderzoek = cyber security research
Cybersecurityproducten = Cyber security products
Cybersecurityproducten en –diensten = Cyber security products and services
cybersecurity-specialisten = cyber security specialists
Cybersex = Cybersex
cyberspace = cyberspace
cyberterrorisme = cyberterrorism
cyberweerbaarheid = cyber resilience
cyborg = cyborg
Cyclaam = Cyclamen
Cycladen = Cyclades
cyclamaat = cyclamates
cyclame = cyclamen
cyclamen = cyclamen
cycli = cycles
cycli per seconde = cycles per second: cps
cyclic olefin copolymeer = cyclic olefin copolymer
Cyclisch = Cyclic
cyclisch = cyclical
cyclisch drietal = circular triads
cyclisch effect = cyclic effects
Cyclisch gedrag = Cyclical behaviour
cyclisch gerangschikte reeks = cyclic series
cyclisch interpretatieve stap = cyclical interpretative step
cyclisch koolwaterstof = cyclic  hydrocarbon
cyclisch model = cyclic model
cyclisch proces = cyclical process
cyclische = cyclic
cyclische = The progress of the innovation process (cyclic presentation)
cyclische analyseproces = cyclical analytical process
cyclische autocorrelatiecoëfficiënt = circular serial correlation coefficient
Cyclische bedrijfstakken = Cyclical branches of industry
cyclische belasting = cyclic loads
Cyclische beproeving / duurzaamheids beproeving = Cycle testing
Cyclische fluctuaties = Cyclical fluctuations
cyclische planning = cycle planning
cyclische proefopzet = cyclic design
cyclische proefopzet met onvolledige blokken van John = John's cyclic incomplete block designs
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclic redundancy check: CRC
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclic redundancy check
cyclische redundantiecontrole = cyclical redundancy check
cyclische toets voor indexcijfers van Fisher = circular test
cyclische verbindingen = cyclics
cyclische vervorming = cyclic distortion
cyclische verwisseling = cyclical change
Cyclische verzadigde koolwaterstoffen = Saturated cyclic hydrocarbons
cyclische vochtproef = cyclic humidity test
cyclische volgorde = cyclic order
cyclische zoekprocedure = cyclic search
cyclische-reeksformule = circular formula
cyclisch-uniforme verdeling = circular uniform distribution
cyclish guanosine-monofosfaat = cyclic  guanosine monophosphate
cyclish guanosine-monofosfaat = C-GMP
"cyclo- (only used in compounds: cyclo-sport), rijwiel (usually a bicycle)" = cycle (vehicle)
Cycloaat = Cycloate
cycloalifatische = cycloaliphatic
cycloalifatische koolwaterstof = alicyclic hydrocarbon
cyclocondensatie = cyclocondensation
cyclograaf = cyclograph
Cyclohexaan = Cyclohexane
cyclohexaan = cyclohexane
cyclohexaaneenheid = cyclohexane unit
Cyclohexanol = Cyclohexanol
Cyclohexanon = Cyclohexanone
cyclohexanon = cyclohexanone
cyclomethicon = cyclomethicone
cyclonen = cyclone filters
Cyclon-stofzuiger = Cyclone cleaner
cycloon = cyclone
cycloon {de} = hurricane
cycloon {de} = cyclone
cycloonluchtfilter = cyclone air cleaner
Cycloop = Cyclops
Cycloop = Cyclop
cyclopensteen = cyclopean stone
cyclopisch = Cyclopean / Cyclopian
cyclopisch (bouwkunde) = Cyclopean / Cyclopian
Cycloplegie = Cycloplegia
Cyclops = Cyclop
Cyclosportief = Cyclo(sportive) race?
cyclus = cycle
cyclus = cycle
cyclus = cycle
cyclus (hier) = undergraduate 3-year cycle (see explanation)
Cyclus in meerdere richtingen = Multidirectional Cycle
cyclus segment = cycle segment
Cyclus tijd = Cycle time
cyclus van een kruispuntregeling = intersection signal cycle
cyclus van Human Capital-beheer = human capital management cycle
cyclus veld = cycle field
Cyclus vitale infrastructuur = Critical infrastructure cycle
cyclus voor learning en development = learning and development cycle
cyclusbegindatum = cycle start date
cyclusdefinitie = cycle definition
cyclusdiagram = cycle diagram
cyclusduur = cycle time
cycluseinddatum = cycle end date
cyclusinstantie = cycle instance
Cyclusmanagement = Cycle management
Cyclusmatrix = Cycle Matrix
cyclusproductie = cyclical production
Cyclusprogramma = Cycle program
Cyclusstap = Cycle step
Cyclusteller = Cycle counter
cyclusteller = cycle counter
cyclustijd = cycle time
cyclustijd en groentijdverdeling = cycle time and green time distribution
cyclusvoorraad = cycle stock
Cyfluthrin = Cyfluthrin
Cyfluthrin-1 = Cyfluthrin-1
Cyfluthrin-2 = Cyfluthrin-2
Cyfluthrin-3 = Cyfluthrin-3
Cygnus = Swan
Cyhalothrin = Cyhalothrin
Cyhalothrin (lambda-) = Cyhalothrin (lambda-)
cylinder = cylinder
Cylinder bracket = Cylinder bracket
Cylindrisch = Cylindrical raised
cylindrisch draaibare proefopzet = cylindrically rotable design
cyma / cymatium = cyma
cyma reversa = cyma reversa
cynisch = cynical
Cynisch = Cynic
Cynisme = Shamelessness
Cynisme = Cynicism
Cypergrassenfamilie = Cyperaceae
Cypermethrin = Cypermethrin
"Cypermethrin (som B, C + D)" = "Cypermethrin (total B, C + D)"
Cypermethrins (som) = Cypermethrins (total)
Cypres = Cypress
Cyprioot = Cypriot
Cypriotisch = Cypriot
Cypriotische = Cyprian woman
cyproheptadine = cyproheptadine
Cyprus = Cyprus
Cyprus {het} = Cyprus
cyrillisch = Cyrillic
Cyrillisch alfabet = Cyrillic alphabet
Cyrillisch alphabet = Cyrillic alphabet
Cyrix = Cyrix
Cyrus II = Cyrus the Great
Cyste = Cyst
cyste = painless  hard tumor
cyste?ne = l-cysteine
Cysteïne = Cysteine
cystenaaltje = potato root eelworm
cyste�ne = l-cysteine
cystine = l-cystine
cystische hyperplasie van een klier = glandularcystic hyperplasia
Cystitis = Cystitis
cystitis fibrinosa = fibrinous cystitis
cystoscoop afzuiger = lithotriptor
Cystoscopie = Cystoscopy
Cytochroom = Cytochrome
cytogenetica van de mens = human cytogenetics
cytogenetische beenmerg-test in vivo = in vivo mammalian bone-marrow-cytogenic test
cytoglobulinische dissociatie = cytoglobulinic  dissociation
cytologie = cytology
cytologie {de} = cytology
Cytomegalovirus = Cytomegalovirus
Cytometers = Cytometers
cytopathologisch effect = cytopathic effect
Cytoplasma = Cytoplasm
cytoplasmatische immunoglobuline = cytoplasmic  immunoglobulin
Cytosine = Cytosine
Cytoskelet = Cytoskeleton
cytostatica = cytostatics
Cytostaticum = Cytostatic
cytotoxiciteit = cytotoxicity
Cytotoxisch = Cytotoxic
cytotrope immunoreactie = cytotropic  immunoreaction
CZ = Self-Regulation Coordination Group [Coördinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsover
CZ = CZ (Dutch health insurance company)
CZV (na filtratie) = COD (after filtration)
D = D
D - Zeer kruimig = D - Very mealy
D (letter) = D
d (mv) / dt = "momentum, rate of change of"
d (mv) / dt = momentum
d e enige aandeelhouder van de vennootschap = the sole shareholder of the company
D t/m G = D to G
D&A = Administration of Customs and Excise
D&B-Contractor = D&B Contractor
D&C = D&C
D&C Geel = D&C Yellow
D&C Rood = D&C Red
D&D = Design & Development
d.d. = dd
d.d. = dated
D.H. Lawrence = D. H. Lawrence
d.i = i.e.
D.J. Anbeek = D.J. Anbeek
D.K.T.P. = "difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus en polio"
d.m.v. = by means of
d.m.v. = through
d.m.v. app = by means of an app
d.m.v. de twee schroeven vast te draaien = by tightening the two screws
d.m.v. enquête = by means of a survey
d.m.v. onderstaand formule = using the following formula
D.o.P. = DoP
d.t.v. = c/o
D.W. Griffith = D. W. Griffith
d.w.z = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e.
d.w.z. = i.e
d.w.z. [[[dat]] wil zeggen] = i.e. {abbr} (that is)
D/A-conversie = digital-to-analog conversion
D/AM 1 = D/AM 1
D/UM-1 = D/UM-1
D0. = D0. EP 2 348 814 B1
D01 = D01
D02 = D02
D03 = D03
D0-schroefadapter = Neozed screw adapter
D0-zekering = Neozed fuse link
D0-zekeringhouder = Neozed fuse base
d1 = d1
d10 = d10
D1R = D1R
D1S = D1S
D2R = D2R
D2S = D2S
D3. = "D3. US 5,009,029"
D3D = D3D
D45 = D45
D66 = D66 (Democrats 66)
d90 = d90
Daad = Action
Daad = Act
Daad = Deed
daad = achievement
daad {de} = act
daad {de} = "deed [act, action]"
daad van dagelijks bestuur = act of day-to-day management
daadkrachtig = decisive
Daadkrachtige executie = Effective execution
daadkrachtige verandering = decisive change
daadwerkelijk = actually
daadwerkelijk = active(ly)
Daadwerkelijk = Actual
daadwerkelijk betrokken zijn bij het onderhoud aan relevante luchtvaartui = involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance
daadwerkelijk bijdraagt aan de organisatiedoelen = effectively contributes to organisational goals
daadwerkelijk en ononderbroken werkzaam = Effective pursuit for an unbroken period
daadwerkelijk en regelmatig werkzaam = Effective and regular pursuit
daadwerkelijk gebruikt = actually used
daadwerkelijk gemaakte kosten voor levensonderhoud = costs of living actually incurred
daadwerkelijk gemaakte uren = actual hours worked
daadwerkelijk gewerkte uren = hours actually worked
daadwerkelijk implementeren = actual implementation
daadwerkelijk met radiotherapie is behandeld = actually treated with radiotherapy
daadwerkelijk onderhouden = actually maintained
daadwerkelijk opgewekte energie = actual energy generated
daadwerkelijk verrichte werkzaamheden = Services actually performed
"daadwerkelijk, schijnbaar of potentieel" = "actual, apparent or potential"
daadwerkelijke = actual
daadwerkelijke aanvraagdatum = actual date of application
daadwerkelijke afstand = actual distance
daadwerkelijke bedrading = actual wiring
daadwerkelijke bouw = actual construction
daadwerkelijke concurrent = actual competitor
daadwerkelijke concurrentie = genuine competition
daadwerkelijke controle ... in een lidstaat = effective control in a Member State
daadwerkelijke ingangsdatum = actual inception date
daadwerkelijke inkomsten = actual revenue
daadwerkelijke inrichting van nijverheid of handel = effective industrial or commercial establishment
daadwerkelijke kostenpercentage = actual expense ratio
daadwerkelijke locaties = actual locations
daadwerkelijke locaties waar de documenten worden opgeslagen = actual locations where the documents are stored
daadwerkelijke metrage v.v.o. van het gehuurde = actual Lettable Floor Area (LFA) of the Leased Space
daadwerkelijke overgang = actual transition
daadwerkelijke tenuitvoerlegging = effective implementation
daadwerkelijke uitgaande kasstroom = actual cash outflow
daadwerkelijke verandering = real change
daadwerkelijke verandering = actual change
daadwerkelijke zeggenschap = effective control
"daadwerkelijke, schijnbare of potentiële" = "actual, apparent or potential"
Daag = Yo !
Daag = Ta-ta !
daags = daily
daalcurve = descent profile
daalde met = fell by
daalde significant = decreased significantly
daalden de huisvestingskosten = accommodation costs declined
daalprofiel = descent profile
daalsnelheden = rate of descent
daalsnelheden = rate of descent
daalsnelheid = rate of descent
daalsnelheid = speed of descent
daalsnelheid = rate of decrease
daalsnelheid = approach speed
daalsnelheid = landing speed
daalsnelheid = fall velocity
daalsnelheid = lowering speed
daalsnelheid = descent rate
daalstroming = downdraft
daalstroom = downdraft
daalt de temperatuur = temperature will drop
Daalt het totale afgevoerde ventilatiedebiet naar = If the total extraction rate falls to
daalvlucht en landing = descent and landing
daar = since
Daar = Y
daar = because
daar = as
daar ... aan = it
daar ... vandaan = from there
daar antwoord ik liever niet op = I’d rather not answer that
daar deze eenvoudig alle vormen van de mal kan aannemen = because it can easily assume all shapes of the mold
Daar dit om een wettelijke eis gaat = Since this is a legal requirement
daar een bestelling plaatsen = place an order there
Daar er verschillende punten open blijven = As several points remain open
daar geen inkomsten uit derft = does not get an income from it
daar gelaten = aside
daar gelet op de bestemming = considering the designated use
daar hebben wij geen bemoeienis mee = we are not concerned with that
Daar het = Because the
daar houden wij het dan ook maar op = Let's leave it at that
Daar komt nog bij = What’s more
Daar komt nog bij = Add to this
daar niet om bekend = not known for
daar niet onder begrepen = not including
daar staan wij voor = that’s our objective
Daar staat tegenover = On the other hand
Daar staat tegenover = However
Daar valt niets anders voor te verzinnen = That\'s the way it is
Daar waar andere normen = Wherever other standards
daar waar de context hier om vraagt = where required by the context
Daar waar het gaat om = Where it concerns
daar waar het werk wordt uitgevoerd = where the work is performed
Daar waar in deze Overeenkomst naar een Voorwaarde wordt verwezen = References to Conditions in this Agreement
"Daar waar in deze Overeenkomst naar een Voorwaarde wordt verwezen, wordt " = References to Conditions in this Agreement are to Conditions in this Agre
Daar waar mogelijk = Where possible
Daar waar mogelijk = Wherever possible
daar waar nodig = where needed
daar waar versleuteling vereist wordt = in situations where encryption is required
daaraan = it
daaraan de hand zullen houden = shall enforce it
daaraan equivalent = equivalent thereto
Daaraan gekoppeld = Linked to that
daaraan gekoppelde = connected thereto
daaraan ten grondslag liggende processen = underlying processes
daaraan vastgehecht = attached thereto
daaraan verbonden voorwaarden = associated conditions
Daaraan zijn relatief hoge kosten verbonden = This involves relatively high costs
daarachter = behind it
Daarbeneden = Lower
daarbeneden = below
Daarbeneden = Underside
daarbeneden = down there
Daarbeneden = Underneath
Daarbeneden = Underlying
Daarbeneden = Downstairs
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = also
Daarbij = In addition
daarbij = [see list]
Daarbij = What’s more
daarbij = near
daarbij = besides
daarbij = also
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = hereby
daarbij = also
daarbij = thereto
daarbij (1) = besides
daarbij (1) = furthermore
daarbij (1) = in addition (to this/that)
daarbij (1) = moreover
daarbij (1) = what is more
daarbij (2) = in doing so
daarbij (2) = in that case/regard
daarbij (2) = with that
Daarbij *geldt dat het aan XXX zou zijn geweest (te bewijzen/aan te tonen = Then *applies that it would have been up to XXX to prove/show that he did
Daarbij aansluitend = Subsequently
daarbij afgegeven = issued on that occasion
daarbij behorende = associated
daarbij behorende = related
daarbij behorende documenten = associated documents
daarbij behorende maatregelen = associated measures
daarbij behorende producten = associated products
daarbij behorende rechtsverhouding = associated legal relationship
daarbij bekomende = thereby obtaining
Daarbij dient wel te worden aangetekend = "It should be noted, however"
daarbij een redelijke termijn stellende = allowing the latter a reasonable period
daarbij een redelijke termijn stellende ter zuivering van de tekortkoming = allowing the latter a reasonable period to remedy any failure in the perf
Daarbij gaat het om = This involves
Daarbij geldt dat het aan XXX zou zijn geweest (te bewijzen/aan te tonen) = Then applies that it would have been up to XXX to prove/show that he did 
Daarbij hoort = This includes
daarbij horende documentatie = associated documentation
daarbij inbegrepen = including
Daarbij kan gedacht worden aan = This could include
Daarbij kan het gaan = This may involve
Daarbij kan men positieve impulsen vanuit markt en maatschappij goed gebr = Positive signs from the market and society would no doubt add momentum to
Daarbij kan worden gedacht aan = This could include
Daarbij moet er ook op gelet worden = Care must also be taken
Daarbij moet opgemerkt worden = "In addition, it should be noted"
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = Account should be taken here of
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = Consideration must then be given to
Daarbij moet rekening gehouden worden met = It is important to bear in mind the
daarbij rekening houden met cultuur verschillen = while taking cultural differences into account
daarbij speelt nog in het bijzonder dat = it is also significant here that
Daarbij spelen grosso modo dezelfde overwegingen een rol = "Broadly speaking, the same considerations play a role"
Daarbij wordt opgemerkt = It should be noted
daarbinnen = within
daarbinnen = inside
daarboven = above
daarboven gelegen = superjacent
Daarbuiten = External
Daarbuiten = Outward
Daarbuiten = Outlying
Daarbuiten = Beside
Daarbuiten = Out
Daarbuiten = Quite apart from
Daarbuiten = Outside
Daarbuiten = Outer
Daarbuiten = Apart from that
Daarbuiten = Outdoors
Daarbuiten = Out of doors
Daarbuiten = Off
Daarbuiten = Exterior
daarbuiten = abroad
daardoor = thus
daardoor = thereby
daardoor = as a result
daardoor = therefore
daardoor = on that account
Daardoor beschikken we over een = "Consequently, we have a"
"Daardoor bevinden ze zich alleen in de vrije ruimte boven de vloeistof, e" = "As a result, they are located only in the free space above the liquid and"
daardoor gekenmerkt dat = characterised in that
daardoor gekenmerkt dat de één of meer = characterised in that the one or more
daardoor gekenmerkt dat genoemde = characterised in that said
Daardoor kan een = This allows a
Daardoor ontstaat er samenwerking = This will engender cooperation
daardoor verkrijgende = thereby obtaining
Daardoor wordt de efficiëntie verhoogd = This increases efficiency
daarenboven = also
Daarenboven = In addition
daarenboven = and also
daarenboven = besides
daarenboven = furthermore
daarenboven = in addition (to this/that)
daarenboven = moreover
daarenboven = over and above this/that
daarenboven = what is more
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals ?eerste?, ?tweede?, ?derde?, en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ?first?, ?second?, ?third?, and the like are u"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals “eerste”, “tweede”, “derde”, " = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals “eerste”, “tweede”, “derde”, " = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals éeersteé, étweedeé, éderdeé, en der" = "In addition, terms such as éfirsté, ésecondé, éthirdé, and the like"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals �eerste�, �tweede�, �derde�, " = "In addition, terms such as �first�, �second�, �third�, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals �eerste�, �tweede�, �derde�, " = "In addition, terms such as �first�, �second�, �third�, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals 'eerste', 'tweede', 'derde', en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
"Daarenboven worden termen zoals 'eerste', 'tweede', 'derde', en dergelijk" = "In addition, terms such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, and th"
daarentegen = on the other hand
daarentegen = however
daarentegen = on the contrary
daarentegen = all the time
Daarentegen = Conversely
Daarginds = Back there
Daarginds = Way down
Daarginds = Out there
Daarginds = Yon
daarginds = over there
Daarginds = Yonder
daarheen = thither
daarheen = that way
daarin = therein
daarin = in that
daarin = in this/that context
daarin = in it
daarin = in there
daarin = in those
daarin = therein (verouderd)
daarin aangebrachte = arranged therein
daarin aanwezige lucht = air contained therein
daarin gemonteerde = mounted therein
daarin ingrijpen = engage therein
daarlangs = lengthwise
daarmede = with that
daarmede = thereby
daarmee = thereby
daarmee = with that
Daarmee = Thus
daarmee = that
daarmee = therewith
daarmee = this/that
daarmee = with/by that/it/those
Daarmee bieden wij u = This enables us to offer you
daarmee gepaard gaande = attendant
Daarmee kunnen zij = This allows them to
daarmee samenhangende = associated
daarmee samenhangende = associated with it
daarmee samenhangende = connected therewith
daarmee samenhangende = connected with this
daarmee samenhangende = linked to this
daarmee samenhangende = relating to it
daarmee samenhangende = which is linked to
daarmee samenhangende betalingsverplichtingen = any payment obligations associated therewith
daarmee uit = that's that
daarmee verband houdend = related
daarmee verband houdende = related
daarmee verband houdende activiteiten = related operations
daarmee verbonden onderneming = and its business activity
daarmee verbonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek = related scientific research
daarmeegelijkgesteldeeenheden = similar organizations
Daarna = After that
daarna = afterwards
daarna = after
daarna = next
daarna = subsequently
Daarna beginnen we aan de implementatie op een lean of agile manier = We then begin implementing the system in a Lean and Agile manner
daarna jaarlijks = thereafter annually
daarna komend = subsequent
Daarna surft de niet-gebruiker naar = The non-user then goes to
Daarna volgt het gesprek = You will then be interviewed
Daarna volgt het rollenspel = This will be followed by the role-play
Daarna wordt ingegaan op = This is followed by a discussion of
"daarna, onder nummer" = "thereafter, under number"
Daarnaast = In addition to this
Daarnaast = In addition
Daarnaast = "In addition,"
Daarnaast = Moreover
daarnaast = furthermore
Daarnaast = Besides
daarnaast = nearby
daarnaast = additionaly
daarnaast = additionally
daarnaast = besides (this/that)
daarnaast = in addition (to this/that)
Daarnaast heeft de groep haar capabilities uitgebreid op het vlak van = "In addition, the group has expanded its capabilities in the areas of"
Daarnaast heeft het invoeren van een conflictvrije VRI ook een effect op  = The introduction of a protected left turn has it’s implications on the 
Daarnaast is er een = "In addition, there is a"
Daarnaast moet het ook mogelijk zijn = "In addition, it must also be possible to"
Daarnaast worden verschillende diensten aangeboden = "In addition, various services are offered"
Daarnet = Shortly
Daarnet = Soon
Daarom = However
daarom = therefore
daarom = on that account
daarom = for that reason
daarom = hence
Daarom een dringend advies = We therefore urge that you note the following
Daarom een toelichting vanuit = has therefore provided a number of explanatory notes
Daarom investeren wij in kennis = That’s why we invest in knowledge
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking ‘een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking �een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
Daarom mag het bereik van de uitdrukking �een apparaat omvattende midde = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
Daarom maken we gebruik van = That’s why we make use of
Daarom omvat de werkwijze in een verdere uitvoeringsvorm = "Therefore, in a further embodiment, the method further comprises"
Daarom omvat de werkwijze van de onderhavige uitvinding bij voorkeur = "Therefore, preferably the method of the present invention comprises"
daarom tezamen behandeld = are therefore treated together
Daarom zijn we ertoe gekomen = This led us to
"daarom, bijgevolg [formal], daardoor [beginning of sentence], waardoor [n" = by consequence)
"daarom, bijgevolg [formal], daardoor [beginning of sentence], waardoor [n" = therefore {adv} (consequently
"daarom, vandaar, bijgevolg" = hence
Daaromheen = Around
daaromheen = roundabout
daaronder = below
daaronder begrepen = including
daaronder begrepen relaties en personeel van de Onderneming = including contacts and personnel of the Company
"daaronder begrepen, maar niet daartoe beperkt" = including but not limited to
daaronder mede begrepen = including
daaronder mede begrepen de bijlagen = including the Appendices
daaronder mede begrepen de President van de Rechtbank recht doende in kor = including the President of the Court ruling in preliminary relief proceed
"daaronder mede begrepen patches, hot-fixes etc." = "including patches, hotfixes, etc."
daaronder ressorterende diensten = subordinate departments
daaronder uitdrukkelijk begrepen = expressly including
daaronder vallende = [departments] accountable to it
daaronder vallende = included therein
daaronder vallende = qualifying
daaronder vallende = subordinate
daarop = subsequently
daarop = thereupon
daarop = on it
daarop = on that
daarop = there upon
daarop = after this
daarop = thereon
daarop = beyond
daarop afgestemde = (which is) designed for that purpose
daarop afgestemde = aligned to these
daarop afgestemde = appropriate
daarop afgestemde = based on it
daarop afgestemde = coordinated with
daarop afgestemde = corresponding
daarop afgestemde = geared to this
daarop afgestemde = matched
daarop afgestemde = set up for this purpose
daarop afgestemde = tailored
daarop afgestemde = targeted
daarop bevestigd = attached thereto
daarop bevestigde = attached to it
daarop bevestigde = attached thereto
daarop gebaseerde = based thereon
daarop gelijkende = similar
daarop gelijkende omstandigheid = or similar circumstance
daarop gestoelde afspraken = agreements based thereon
daarop monteerbare = mountable thereto
Daarop staat o.a = "This contains, among other things"
daarop toegespitste = tailored to them
daarop voortbouwende en daaruit voortvloeiende = that build upon and result from these
daarop zicht houden = monitor the situation
daaropvolgende = subsequent
daaropvolgende aangiftetijdvak = subsequent tax period
daaropvolgende periode = subsequent period
"daaropvolgende wijzigingen, aanvullingen" = subsequent amendments and additions
daarover = in this regard
daarover = thereof
daarover = thereover
daarover exclusief beslist = has final say in these matters
daarover in gesprek te gaan = to discuss
daarover verplaatsbaar = movable thereover
Daartegenover = In contrast
Daartegenover staat dat = In contrast
Daartegenover staat dat de technologie complex = "On the other hand, the technology is complex"
daartoe = for that purpose
daartoe = to this end
daartoe = to that end
daartoe = to that purpose
daartoe = for this purpose
daartoe = thereto
daartoe aangegeven zones = designated zones
daartoe aangewezen derden = third parties designated for this purpose
daartoe aangewezen persoon = designated person
daartoe aanleiding geeft = gives cause to do so
daartoe aanleiding geven = so dictate
Daartoe behoort = This includes
Daartoe behoren = This includes
daartoe bevoegd is = is authorised to do so
daartoe bevoegd persoon = authorised person
daartoe bevoegde instantie = competent authority
Daartoe bevoegde medewerkers = Authorised employees
daartoe de nodige openingen heeft = has the necessary apertures for this purpose
daartoe de sterke hand zullen bieden = shall lend their assistance
Daartoe dient de klemband = This is what the clamping belt is for
daartoe erkend = approved to that effect
daartoe erkend en te goeder naam en faam bekend staand = approved to that effect and of good report
daartoe geëigende = appropriate
daartoe gekwalificeerd personeel = qualified personnel
Daartoe hebben we dit document opgesplitst in een aantal hoofdstukken. = "To this end, we have split this document into several chapters."
Daartoe heeft de onderhavige uitvinding betrekking op = "Thereto, the present invention relates to"
daartoe ingericht = set up for this purpose
daartoe strekkend = to that effect
daartoe verhinderd is als gevolg van overmacht = prevented from doing so due to force majeure
daartoe verplicht is op grond van = is obliged to do so on the basis of
daartoe voorzien = provided for that purpose
daartoe voorzien = provided for this purpose
daartoe voorziene = provided for this purpose
daartoe voorziene = provided for that purpose
daartoe voorziene leidingen = conduits provided for that purpose
daartussen = therebetween
daartussen = in between
daaruit kennis afleiden = infer knowledge therefrom
daaruit vervaardigd = constructed therefrom
daaruit volgende = resulting
daaruit voortvloeiende = arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = provisions resulting therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = any provision adopted pursuant to it
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = any resulting provisions
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = provisions applicable as a consequence
daaruit voortvloeiende bepalingen = resulting provisions
daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen = the consequences arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsbetrekkingen = legal relationships arising therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende schade = any loss or damage resulting therefrom
daaruit voortvloeiende schade = resulting loss or damage
Daarvan = Per
Daarvan = Upon
Daarvan = On
Daarvan = Within
daarvan = from there
Daarvan = At
Daarvan = Into
daarvan = thence
Daarvan = Any
Daarvan = In
Daarvan = As
daarvan = thereof
daarvan = of the same
daarvan = of it
daarvan = of it
daarvan = of it
daarvan deel uitmakend = forming a part thereof
daarvan deel uitmakende = forming a part thereof
daarvan vrij te stellen = to exempt / to seperate/ from the rest of the estate
daarvandaan = (coming) from there
daarvandaan = thence
daarvoor = for that (purpose)
daarvoor = for that
Daarvoor = to this end
daarvoor = ahead
daarvoor = before that
Daarvoor = Before
daarvoor = For that purpose
daarvoor = To this end
daarvoor bestaande = that exist for this purpose
daarvoor bestemde bakken = appropriate bins
daarvoor bestemde formulieren = appropriate forms
daarvoor de navolgende voorwaarden gelden = the following conditions shall apply for this purpose
daarvoor een redelijk verzoek indienen = submit a reasonable request to do so
daarvoor gekwalificeerd personeel = suitably qualified staff
daarvoor geldende voorwaarden = applicable conditions
daarvoor in aanmerking komende = eligible
daarvoor ingerichte = designed for this purpose
daarvoor ingestelde = dedicated
daarvoor ingestelde = set up for this purpose
daarvoor randvoorwaardelijk is = is a precondition for this
daas = gadfly
DAB = asphalt concrete
DAB (digital audio broadcast) = DAB (digital audio broadcast)
DAB antenne (digitale radio antenne) = DAB aerial (digital radio aerial)
DAC = Digital Audit Center (KPMG)
DAC = Director Admission Committee
Dacca = Dacca
DACH regio = "DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)"
DACH-regio = DACH region
dacht = thought
dacht actief mee = got involved
dachten = thought
dachten dus mee = contributed ideas
DACH-vestiging = DACH office
Dactyloscopie = Fingerprint
dactylus = date
dada = Dada
dada = cup of tea
Dadaïsme = Dada
Dadel = Date
dadelijk = right away
dadelijk = immediately
dadelijk = directly [right away]
Dadelijk = Right now
dadelijk = at once [immediately]
Dadelijk = Instantly
dadelijk = at once
dadelijk beschikbaar krediet = immediate credit
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = immediate annuity
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = taking effect from 1 May
dadelijk ingaande lijfrente = with effect from 1 May
dadelijk opvorderbaar geld = call money
dadelijk opvorderbaar geld = payable on call
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = demand loan
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = deposit on call
dadelijk opvorderbare deposito = loan on call
dadelijk opvorderbare lening = call loan
dadelijk opvorderbare lening = demandable
dadelijk opvraagbaar tegoed = demand deposit
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = net demand deposits
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = tort (jur.)
dadelijk opvraagbare tegoeden van derden na aftrek van eigen dadelijk opv = wrong
Dadelpalm = Date
Dadelpalm = Date Palm
Dadels = Dates
dadelstroop = date syrup
daden = action
daden van beheer = acts of administration
daden van beheer en beschikking = acts of administration and disposition
daden van beschikking = acts of disposal
daden van beschikking = acts of disposition
daden van dagelijks bestuur = day-to-day administration activities
daden van koophandel verrichten = to transact business
daden van oneerlijke concurrentie = acts of unfair competition
Daden voor Delft (alumnivereniging) = Deeds for Delft
"daden, eigenschappen of gedragingen" = "acts, characteristics or behaviour"
dader = perpetrator
dader = criminal
dader = culprit
dader {de} = offender
dader of de daders = perpetrator or perpetrators
dader of de daders = person or people who did it
dader of één van de daders = perpetrator or one of the perpetrators
dader(s) = perpetrator(s)
dadergroeperingen in de georganiseerde criminaliteit = organised crime groups
daders = criminals
daders binnen de georganiseerde criminaliteit = organised criminals
daders die zich met cybercrimes bezighouden = cybercriminals
"dadingen, compromissen of akkoorden" = "settlements, arbitration agreements or agreements"
Dadingovereenkomst = Settlement Agreement
Daedalus = Daedalus
Daedalus = Labyrinth
daemon = daemon
daemon voor enkelvoudige aanmelding = single sign-on daemon
dag = hello
Dag = Daylight
dag = clear
dag = jamb
dag = good day
Dag = Day
dag (24 uur) / etmaal = day
dag {de} = day
dag {de} van de week = day of the week
dag + week + month + year = day + week + month + year
Dag des oordeels = Day of doom
dag- en jaarkluisjes = day and annual lockers
dag en nacht = day and night
dag- en nachtevening = equinox
dag- en nachtroutes = daytime and nighttime routes
"dag in, dag uit" = day in day out
dag op de hei = An away day
dag ritme = daily rhythm
"dag tevoren, de" = "day before, the"
dag van arbeidsongeschiktheid = day of incapacity
dag van betekening = date of service
dag van oogst = day of harvest
dag waarop de desinfectie plaatsvindt = day when disinfection takes place
Dag! = Bye!
"dag-, avond- en nachtfuncties" = day / evening / night functions
"dag-, nieuws- en weekbladen en tijdschriften" = daily and weekly newspapers and magazines
"dag-, week-, en maandrapporten" = "Daily, weekly, and monthly reports"
"dag-, week-, maand- kwartaal- en/of jaarplanningen" = "daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annual schedules"
Dag-/dagklok = Day-/day clock
dag-/nachtomschakeling = daytime / nighttime switching
Dag/nacht-schakeling = Day/night switching
Dag/week = Day/week
Dag-/weekklok = Day-/week clock
dagafschrift = bank statement
dagarbeider = day labourer
dag-avond-nacht-niveau Lden (of LDEN) = day-evening-night level Lden (or LDEN)
dag-back-up = daily backup
dagbebakening = daytime marking
dagbebakening = daytime beacon light
Dagbehandeling verslaving = Addiction day treatment
dagbesteding = daytime activities
Dagbezettingscodes = daytime staffing level codes
dagbezoekers = day visitors
Dagblad = Day-to-day
Dagblad = Daily
Dagblad = Quotidian
dagblad = daily newspaper
dagblad = newspaper
dagblad = daily paper
Dagblad = Journal
dagblad {het} = daily newspaper
dagbladen = journals
dagbladhandelaar = newsagent
dagbladschrijfster = journalist
dagbladschrijver = journalist
dagboek = journal
Dagboek = Diary
dagboek {het} = diary
dagboekfunctie = diary feature
dagboekoefening = diary exercise
dagboekoefeningen = diary exercises
dagbouw = strip mining
dagbouw = surface mining
dagbouw = opencast mining
dagcentrum = day centre
dagcode = day code
dagdagelijkse = daily
dagdagelijkse handelingen = day-to-day operations
dagdagelijkse onderhoud = daily maintenance
dagdagelijkse werking = daily operation
dagdeel = session / shift / morning / afternoon
dagdeel = "(daily) shift, morning, afternoon"
dagdeel = half days
dagdeel = session
dagdelen = half-day session
dagdelen = morning/afternoon/evening session
dagdelen = shift
dagdelen = afternoon
dagdelen = evening
dagdelen = morning
dagdelen = night
dagdelen = daily period
dagdelen = sessions
dagdienst = day shift
dagdosis = daily dose
dagdroom = daydream
dagdroom = dream
dagelijke dosis = daily intake
dagelijke scrum-meeting = daily scrum meeting
dagelijke scrum-meetings = daily scrum meetings
dagelijks = every day
Dagelijks = Day-to-day
dagelijks = everyday
Dagelijks = Daily
Dagelijks = on a daily basis
dagelijks begeleider = day-to-day supervisor
dagelijks beheer = day-to-day management
dagelijks beheer van de informatievoorziening = day-to-day management of information provisioning
dagelijks bestuur = executive committee (of the department of)
dagelijks bestuur = executive committee
dagelijks bestuur en commissarissen = executives and directors [UK/US]
dagelijks bestuur en commissarissen = executives and non-executives [UK/US]
dagelijks bestuurder = executive director
dagelijks bijgewerkt = updated daily
Dagelijks controleren = Daily checks
dagelijks gebruik = everyday use
dagelijks gebruik = daily use
dagelijks handelen = daily practice
dagelijks handelen = daily activities
Dagelijks of bijna dagelijks = Daily or almost daily
Dagelijks onderhoud = Daily maintenance
dagelijks onderhoud woningbouwbezit = daily maintenance for a housing association
dagelijks opvraagbare lening = day-to-day loan
Dagelijks tarief gebaseerd op inkomen = Daily income tested fee
dagelijks uit te voeren = to be performed daily
dagelijks veranderadvies = daily change advice
dagelijks verscheept = shipped daily
dagelijks via de mail gecommuniceerd = sent daily via email
dagelijks werk = daily work
Dagelijks wisselende soep van de chef = Chef’s Soup of the Day
"dagelijks, wekelijks, maandelijks" = "daily, weekly, monthly"
dagelijkse = daily
dagelijkse aanbieding = daily offer
dagelijkse activiteiten = daily activities
dagelijkse back-up = daily backup
dagelijkse back-up van de databases = daily database backups
Dagelijkse communicatie = Daily communication
dagelijkse controle = daily inspection
dagelijkse controle data = daily inspection data
dagelijkse controle formulier = daily check form
dagelijkse controle formulier = daily inspection form
dagelijkse controle meting = daily control measurement
dagelijkse controle OOC = daily OOC check
Dagelijkse controle op invalid objecten = Daily monitoring of invalid objects
Dagelijkse controle op logische of fysieke corruptie = Daily monitoring of logical or physical corruption
dagelijkse controle resultaten = daily inspection results
dagelijkse controle van het werk = daily inspection of the work
dagelijkse controleformulier = daily inspection form
dagelijkse correspondentie = daily correspondence
dagelijkse diensten = daily services
dagelijkse documentstromen = daily document flows
dagelijkse dosering = daily dosage
dagelijkse doses = daily doses
dagelijkse en/of periodieke werkzaamheden = daily and/or regular activities
dagelijkse energie-inname = daily energy intake
dagelijkse ervaring = daily experience
dagelijkse gang van zaken = daily routine
dagelijkse gang van zaken = day-to-day affairs
dagelijkse gang van zaken = day-to-day issues
dagelijkse gang van zaken = daily business
dagelijkse goederen = convenience goods
Dagelijkse index van 100 aandelen gepubliceerd in 'the Financial Times. = Financial Times Stock Exchange One Hunderd Share Index (FOOTSIE)
Dagelijkse index van 100 aandelen gepubliceerd in 'the Financial Times'. = Financial Times Stock Exchange One Hunderd Share Index (FOOTSIE)
dagelijkse inspectie = daily inspection
dagelijkse klantcommunicatie = daily customer communication
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily living environment
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily social environment
dagelijkse leefomgeving = daily social environment / living environment
dagelijkse leiding = day-to-day management
dagelijkse methode van renteberekening = day-to-day method of calculation of interest
dagelijkse omgang met elkaar = people’s daily contact with each other
Dagelijkse onderhoudswerkzaamheden = Daily maintenance
dagelijkse ongelijkheid = diurnal inequality
dagelijkse operatie = day-to-day operations
dagelijkse operationele bedrijfsactiviteiten = day-to-day operational activities
dagelijkse portie gezonde = daily dose of healthy
dagelijkse praktijk = daily practice
dagelijkse praktijk = daily practice
dagelijkse rapportages = daily reporting
dagelijkse referentiewisselkoers = daily foreign exchange reference rate
dagelijkse surveillances = daily patrols
dagelijkse vergoeding = daily allowance
dagelijkse verkeersintensiteit = daily traffic volume
dagelijkse verrichtingen = everyday transactions
dagelijkse verrichtingen = everyday operations
dagelijkse vlucht = daily flight
dagelijkse volatiliteit = daily volatility
dagelijkse werk = daily work
dagelijkse werkomgeving = daily work environment
dagelijkse werkpraktijk = day-to-day work
dagelijkse werkpraktijk = everyday work
dagelijkse werksituatie = daily practice
dagelijkse werksituatie = day-to-day activities
dagelijkse werkzaamheden = daily activities
dagelijksgebruik = everyday use
dagen = dawn
Dagen = Quote
dagen = days
dagen = assign
Dagen / Week = Days/Week
dagen {mv} = days
dagen c.q. uren dat niet gewerkt wordt = days or hours not worked
dagen onbetaalde arbeidsduurvermindering = days off under the reduction in working hours scheme (‘arbeidsduurvermi
dagen per jaar = days a year
Dagen toevoegen = Add days
Dagen waarop de Werkzaamheden niet verricht worden = Days on which the Services are not carried out
dagen waarop je bijzonder verlof hebt = special leave days
dagen waarop werkzaam = working days
Dagen zonder activiteit = Days Neglected
DAGEN360 = DAYS360
dag-en-nachtevening = equinox
Dageraad = Red of dawn
Dageraad = Aurora
Dageraad = Daybreak
dageraad = dawn
"dageraad, zonsopgang, ochtendschemering" = dawn (time)
Dagestaans = Dagestan
Dagestan = Daghestan
dagfase = day time phase
dagfilter = day filter
"dagge, dagijzer, voegijzer" = jointer
"dagge, dagijzer, voegijzer, voegspijker" = pointing-trowel
Daggeld- en telefoonkostenvergoeding = Per diem and allowance for telephone expenses
Daggeldlening = Call loan
daggeldvergoeding = per diem (allowance)
daggeldvergoeding = daily reimbursement
daggemiddelde = daily average
Daghandel = Daytrading
dagje uit = day out
dagjesbezoekers = day trippers
dagjesmens = day tripper
Dagjesmensen en toeristen = Day trippers and tourists
dagjespubliek = day trippers
dagkaart = day ticket
dagkaart = day-ticket
dagkant = jamb
dagkant = reveal
dagkant (b.v. van kathedraal) = splay
dagkliniek = day care unit
Dagklok = Day clock
dagkluisjes = day lockers
dagkoers = daily rate
Daglicht = Daylight
daglicht = daylight
daglicht {het} = daylight
Daglicht doorlatend = Lets daylight through
daglichtberekeningen = daylight calculations
daglichtcassette = daylight cartridge
daglichtfactor = daylight factor
daglichtopening = daylight
daglichtsensor = daylight sensor
daglichtsensoren = daylight sensors
daglichttoetreding = daylight penetration
daglichtvrije meerlaags oplossing = "daylight-free, multi-layer solution"
Daglijst = Day list
dagloner = day labourer
Dagloon = Daily pay
dagmaat = clear width
Dagon = Dagon
dagonderwijs = daytime courses
dagopening = aperture
dagopleidingen = day classes 
dagopleidingen = day course
dagopleidingen = daytime classes 
dagopleidingen = daytime course
dagopleidingen = daytime training
dagopname = daily consumption
Dagopvang = Daycare
dagopvang = day nursery
dagopvang = day care
Dagopvang voor volwassenen = Adult Day Care Centre
dagorde = agenda
dagorde {de} [BN] = agenda
Dagorder = Day order
dagorder = agenda
dagpas = day pass
dagplan = day plan
dagplanning = daily schedule
dagploeg = day-shift
dagprijs = current price(s)
dagprijs = price valid for one day
dagprijzen = daily prices
dagproductie = daily production
dagprogramma = day’s programme
dagprogramma = day programme
Dagprogramma = Daily program
dagrandverbinding = day return service
dagrapportage = daily report
dagrapporten = daily reports
dagrente = current interest rate
dagrijlichten van verschillende typen = Daytime running lamps of different types
dagritme = daily routine
dagschoonmaak = cleaning during the day
dagschoot = latchbolt
dagschoot (in slot) = spring bolt
dagschoot (van slot) = latch bolt
dagschoot en de nachtschoot = latchbolt and deadbolt
dagschootveer = latchbolt spring
dagstart = daily scrum
dagstart = daily stand-up
dagstart = morning huddle
dagtaak = day’s work
dagtarief = daily rate
dag-tarief = daily rat(e) [een (hele) dag geldend]
dag-tarief = daily rate/daily tariff/daily wage [van verrichte arbeid]
dag-tarief = day rate [GWIT]
dag-tarief = day(time) fare [verkeer]
dag-tarief = "day(time) rate [overdag geldend, bijv. parkeermeter]"
dag-tarief = per diem rate
dagtekenen = date
dagtekening = date
dagtekening van deze brief = date of this letter
dagteller = day counter
dagtempostaat = list of daily production
Daguerreotypie = Daguerreotype
daguren = daytime hours
Dagvaarden = Quote
Dagvaarden = Assign
Dagvaarding = Award
Dagvaarding = Citation
Dagvaarding = Quotation
dagvaarding = subpoena
dagvaarding = summons
dagvaarding = (in Engeland:) claim form
dagvaarding = "(Rv) summons   , writ   , writ of summons   ,  A citation"
dagvaarding = "(Sv) summons   , writ   , writ of summons   ,  A citation"
dagvaarding = "(van onwillige getuige, Rv) subpoena"
dagvaarding = "(van onwillige getuige, Sv) subpoena"
dagvaarding betekenen aan = serve a summons on
dagvaarding in kort geding = summons for interlocutory proceedings/interim injunction
dagvaarding in verzet = a summons to set aside the default judgment / interlocutory judgment
dagvaarding om te getuigen = current market value
dagvaarding om te getuigen = present value
dagvaarding om te getuigen = witness summons
dagvaarding tot vanwaardeverkla.ring = (writ of) summons to obtain a validation
dagvaardingskosten = summons costs
dagvaardt = summon
dagvenster = day pane
dagverblijf voor kinderen in het ziekenhuis = hospital nursery
dagverblijf voor kinderen in het ziekenhuis = daycare inside the hospital
Dagverblijven voor gehandicapte kinderen en jongeren = Daycare services for handicapped children and young people
dagvergoeding = daily allowance
dagvergoedingen = per diems
dagverwerking = daily processing
dagverzorgingscentrum = day care centre
dagvoorzitter = chairman for the day
dagwaarde = current value
dagwijdte = inside diameter
dagwijdte = clear width
dagwinkels = retail outlets
dagziekenhuis = day care unit
dagziekenhuis = day  hospital
dagziekenhuisbedden = day hospital bed
dagziekenhuisbedden = day hospital beds
Dahlanderschakelaar (handmatig) = Dahlander switch (manual)
Dahlia = Dahlia
dahlia {de} = dahlia
Dahomey = Dahomey
Dahomey = Dahomey Kingdom
Daily 60° met geïntegreerd startuitstel 3u = Daily-Programme 60 °C with 3 hrs.
daily business = daily business
daily control = daily control
Daimon = Daemon
Daimon = Fiend
Daimon = Demon
dak = halfhipped roof
dak = saddle roof
dak = sawtooth roof
dak = hipped roof
dak = shell-roof
dak = helm-roof
dak = bulbous dome
dak = high-pitched roof
dak = hard top
dak = mono-pitched roof
dak = roof
dak = flat roof
dak = broken roof
dak (n) = roof
dak {het} = roof
dak- en bumpermonitor = roof and bumper monitor
dak- en muurbekledingen van metaal = metal roof and wall cladding
dak- en vloerbedekking van metaal = metal roof and floor decking
dak gedekt met leipannen (platte pannen) = split-tiled roof
dak gedekt met monniken en nonnen = Spanish-tiled roof
dak gedekt met monniken en nonnen = mission-tiled roof
dak met holle pannen = pantiled roof
dak van asbestgolfplaten = corrugated asbestos cement roofing
"dak-, muur- en gevelelementen" = "roof, wall and façade elements"
dakafwerking = roof finishing
Dakafwerkingen = Roof coatings
Dakafwerkingen = Roof finishes
Dakantenne = Roof antenna
Dakar = Dakar
dakbalk / zolderbalklaag = roof beam
dakbedekken = roofing
dakbedekking = built-up roofing
dakbedekking = roof cladding
dakbedekking = roof covering
Dakbedekking = Roofing material
dakbedekking = roofage
dakbedekking / dakwerk = roofing (material)
Dakbedekking en schilderen van daken = Roof-covering and roof-painting work
Dakbedekking voor ventilatiesysteem = Roof covering for ventilation system
Dakbedekkingsmateriaal = Roofing materials
dakbedekkingsmaterialen = roofing materials
Dakbedekkingsmaterialen = Roofing material
dakbedekkingspakket = roofing
dakbeglazing = roof glazing
Dakbehandelingsmiddelen = Roof treatment means
dakbeschot = soffit
dakbeschot = roof boards / boarding
dakbeschot = roof sheathing
dakbeschot = battening
dakbeschot van overstek (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves fascia
dakbeveiliging = roof safety
dakbeveiliging = roof safety systems
Dakconstructie = Roof
dakconstructie = roof structure
dakconstructie (constructie zelf) = roof structure
dakconstructie (het bouwen = roof construction
dakconstructies = roof structures
Dakconstructiewerkzaamheden = Roof-framing work
dakdekker = roofer
dakdekker (pannen) = tiler
Dakdekkers- en andere gespecialiseerde bouwwerkzaamheden = Roof works and other special trade construction works
dakdekkersbedrijf = Roofing contractors industry
dakdekkershamer = tile hammer
Dakdekkerswerkzaamheden = Roof-covering work
dakdekkingen = tile roofing
dakdoorvoer = roof duct
dakdoorvoer = roof vent flange
dakdoorvoer en buitenluchtklep = roof duct and outside air valve
Dakdoorvoer voor ventilatiesysteem = Roof bushing for ventilation system
dakdoorvoeren = roof ducts
Dakdoorvoering = Roof feed-through
Dakdoorvoeringsafdichting = Sealing for roof feed-through
Dakdoorvoerstuk = Roof feed-through conduit
dakelement = roof element
dakelement sandwichplaat = roof element sandwich panel
dakelementen = roof elements
daken = roofs
daken te bedekken = covering roofs
daken van gebouwen = roofs of buildings
"daken, plafonds, wanden" = "roofs, ceilings, walls"
"daken, plafonds, wanden, vloeren" = "roofs, ceilings, walls, floors"
"daken, plafonds, wanden, vloeren, hang -en sluitwerk, en gevelopeningen e" = "roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, hinges and locks, and apertures and compa"
"daken, wanden en vloeren" = "roofs, walls and floors"
dakengineering = roof engineering
dakgarantie = cost-cieling warranty (note spcdific context)
dakgedeelte = roof section
dakgoot = raingutter
Dakgoot = Gutter
dakgoot = roof-gutter
dakgoot = roof gutter
dakgoot / mastgoo / dakrand = gutter
dakgoot {de} = roof gutter
dakgoot {de} = gutter [roof]
Dakgoot/dakvlak = Gutter/roof area
Dakgootklem = Gutter clamp
dakhaak = roof hook
dakhelling = angle of a roof
dakhelling = pitch
dakhelling = roof pitch
dakhuid = "roof cladding, roof membrane, roofing skin, roof sheathing"
dakinvulling = roof infill
dakisolatie = roof insulation
Dakisolatiewerkzaamheden = Roof insulation work
dakkamertje = attic
dakkamertje = loft
dakkap = roof cowl
dakkap = truss
dakkapel = dormer-(window)
dakkapel {de} = dormer
dakkapel in mansardekap = mansard dormer window
"dakkapel, koekoek, koekoekvenster, dakvenster, dakraam, dakkapellen" = dormer
"dakkapel, koekoek, koekoekvenster, dakvenster, dakraam, dakkapellen" = dormer window
dakkappen = roof cowls
dakkoepels = domed skylight
dakladder / steekladder (schoorsteenladder) = roof ladder
dakladder / steekladder (schoorsteenladder) = cat ladder
Daklampen = Rooflights
daklei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = roof course
Dakleidinghouder voor bliksembeveiliging = Roof conductor holder for lightning protection
daklicht = skylight
daklijst = eaves
dakloos = homeless
"dakloos, thuisloos" = (adjective)  homeless
dakloze = homelessness
Dakloze = Of no fixed abode
dakloze jongeren = homeless youth
"dakloze, zwerver, vagebond, landloper" = hobo (homeless person)
daklozigheid = homelessness
dakluifel = canopy roof
dakluik = roof hatch
Dakmarkeringen = Roof markings
dakmessen = roof blades
dakmodule = roof module
dakmoestuin = rooftop vegetable garden
daknaden = roof joints
Daknok = Roof plunger
dakopbouw = rooftop structure
dakopeningen = roof opening
dakopeningen = roof openings
Dakopeningen = Roof openings
dakopstand = roof upstand
dakopstand = curb
dakoverstek = eaves overhang
dakoverstek (daklijst) = rafter-supported eaves
dakpan = tile
dakpan = roof tile
Dakpan = Piece of bad luck
dakpan = pantile
dakpan (monnik en non) = monk and nun
dakpan {de} = pantile
dakpaneel = roof panel
dakpanelen = roof panels
dakpannenfabriek = Pantile works
dakpansgewijs = imbricate
dakplaat = roof decking
dakplaat = roofing sheet
dakplaat = roofing slab
dakplaat = roof slab
dakplaat = roof board
dakplaat = canopy
dakplaat = top plate
Dakplaatmontage met draadeinde = Roofing sheet mounting with stud
Dakplaatprofielhanger = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling
dakplankje = shingle
dakplaten = roofing sheets
dakproef = natural weathering test
Dakraam = Dormer
Dakraam = Dormer window
dakraam = porthole
dakraam = skylight
dakraam = roof window
"dakraam, koekoek, vullicht" = skylight
Dakramen = Skylights
dakrand = roof edge
dakrand = eaves
dakrand = edge of a/the roof
dakrand = roof projection
dakrand = "roof edge, edge of a roof, cornice"
dakrand = (overstek) eave(s)
dakrand = (plat dak)
dakrand met windveren = verge with bargeboards
Dakrandafwerking = Roof edge coatings
dakrandafwerking = Roof edge finish
dakrandafwerking = (hellend dak) verge trim
Dakrandbeveiliging = Roof edge protection
dakranden = eaves
dakrandprofiel = roof edge section
dakruiter = ridge turret
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = fl?che
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = flèche
dakruiter / kleine kerktoren = fl�che
dakruiter / torenkapje = ridge turret
dakschild = plane face of a roof
dakschild = hip end
dakschild = roof hip
dakschild (van dakkapel) = hipped dormer window
dakschild (van dakkapel) = hip dormer window
dakspaan = clapboard
Dakspaan = Shingle
Dakspanen = Shingles
dakspant / dakgebinte / kapspant = roof truss
dakspant {het} = rafter
Dakspanten = Roof frames
dakspar = common rafter
dakspar / dakspant / spoor = rafter
dakspoor = rafter
Daksteun = Roof stud
dakstoel = roof truss
dakstoel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = roof tressle
dakstoeltouw (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = trestle rope
Dakstroomafnemer = pantograph
dakstructuur = roof structure
Dakstutten = Roof supports
dakstuw = roof weir
dakstuw = bear-trap weir
daktegel = roof tile
daktengel = counter-batten
dakterras = sun roof
dakterras = rooftop terrace
dakterras = sun terrace
dakterras = roof garden terrace
dakterras = rooftop garden
Daktimmerwerken = Roof carpentry
daktoegangsluik = roof access hatch
daktoegangsluiken = roof access hatches
daktrim = aluminium edging strip
daktrim = metal trim
daktuin = roof garden
dakvegetatie = roof vegetation
dakvenster = roof window
dakvenster = dormer-window
dakverdieping = top floor
dakverlichting = roof lighting
dakverluchteropstand = roof vent cowl
dakvlak = roof-plane
Dakvlak schuin = Roof surface pitched
dakvloer = roof floor
dakvoet = eave
dakvorm = roof form
Dakvorst = Ridge/hip
dakvullende = roof covering
dakwerken = roofing
dakwerker = roofer
dal = Talley
dal = dip
Dal = Valley
"dal, nauw bebost" = dell
dalafsluiting = dam
dalafsluiting = damming
Dalai Lama = Dalai Lama
Dalarna = Dalarna county
dalbodem = bedrock
Dalecarlië = Dalecarlia
Dalen = Lower
Dalen = Move down
dalen = to descend
Dalen = Depress
dalen = descending
Dalen = Descend
Dalen = Take down
dalen = to fall
dalen = decrease
Dalend aanbod = Falling supply
Dalende curve = Falling curve
Dalende effectenmarkt = Bear market
dalende lijn = downward trend
dalende overlijdens-risicoverzekering = decreasing term insurance
dalende rij = decreasing sequence
dalende risicoverzekering = decreasing term assurance
dalende risicoverzekering = downtrend
dalende risicoverzekering = drop
dalende risicoverzekering = falling-off
dalende risicoverzekering = reduction
dalende trend = downward trend
dalende volumes = decreasing volumes
Dalfsen = Dalfsen
daling = descent
Daling = Descent
Daling = Downward slope
Daling = Slope down
daling = decrease
Daling = Bust
daling = fall
daling = drop
daling = landing
daling = stair platform
daling = drawdown
Daling in = Decrease in
Daling in aankoopvolume = Decrease in purchase volume
daling in conjunctuurcyclus = downswing/downturn in trade cycle
daling in conjunctuurcyclus = drop in price
daling in de incidentie = decrease in incidence
daling in het aantal gerechtelijke secties = decline in the number of forensic autopsies
daling in kolonievormende eenheden = decrease in colony forming units
daling of stijging = climb or descent
daling van de frequentie = frequency drop
Daling van de operationele EBITDA = Decrease in operating EBITDA
Daling van de operationele kasstroom = Decrease in operating cash flow
Daling van de rentedragende schulden = Decrease in interest-bearing debt
daling van het aantal = decrease in the number of
daling van het aantal uren = decrease in the number of hours
dalingspercentage = drop
Dalit = Untouchable
Dallas (Texas) = Dallas
dallijn = thalweg
Dalmatia = Dalmatia
Dalmatië = Dalmatia
Dalmatiër = Dalmatian
Dalmatisch = Dalmatian
Dalton = Da
Dalton = dalton
Dalton = daltons
daluren (stille uren) = low-load hours (quiet hours)
dalvorming = generation of valleys
dalwind = valley breeze
Dam = Barrage
Dam = Queen
Dam = Dam
dam = diversion dam
dam = embankment
dam = hydraulic-fill dam
dam = mound
dam = causeway
Dam (waterkering) = Dam
damarhars = dammar
Damascus = Damascus
Damast = Damascus
damast = damask
damastbinding = damask weave
dambord = checkerboard
dambordpatroon = checkerboard pattern
Dâmbovi?a = Dâmbovita
Dame = Queen
dame = female
dame = lady
Dame (schaken) = Queen (chess)
dame {de} = queen [chess]
dame {de} = lady
"dame, koningin [unofficial]" = queen (chess piece)
dames = ladies
dames en heren = ladies and gentlemen
"dames-, heren- en kinderconfectiekleding" = "ready-made clothing for women, men and children"
damesachtig = ladylike
dameshygiënebox = lady bin
dameskleding = women's wear
dameskledingsartikelen = articles of clothing for women
damestas = lady's bag
damestasje = lady's bag
damestoilet {het} = women's restroom [Am.]
damesverband {het} = sanitary pad
damesverband {het} = sanitary towel [Br.]
damesverband {het} = sanitary napkin [Am.]
Damhert = Fallow Deer
Damhert = Suede
Damhert = Deerskin
Damhert = Buckskin
Daminspectiediensten = Dam-inspection services
Dammen = Draughts
dammen = checkers
Dammen op het internet = Internet Checkers
dammer = vibrating tamper
dammetje = wall
Damocles = Damocles
Damontwerpdiensten = Dam-design services
damp = smoke
Damp = Haze
damp = vapour
Damp = Fog
damp = fume
Damp = Mist
damp = vapor
damp/vloeistofscheidingswerkwijze = vapor / liquid separation method
dampaal = sheet pile
dampafgevend materiaal = fuming substance
damp-afname = vapour offtake
dampafzuiging = vapour exhaustion
dampcompartiment = vapour compartment
dampconcentratie = vapour concentration
dampconcentratie bij benadering = approximate vapour concentration
dampdichte = damp proof
dampdichtheid = vapour density
dampdoorgang = vapour passage
dampdoorgangkanalen = vapour passage channels
dampdoorgangzone = vapour passage zone
dampdoorlatend = vapour permeable
dampdoorvoerkanalen = passage channels
dampdruk = vapour pressure
Dampdruk = Vapor pressure
dampen = vapours
dampen = to damp
dampen = fumes
dampen = to steam
Dampen = Vapors
dampen = vapors
dampen en gassen = vapors and gases
Dampen en gassen die bij de thermische modificatie uit het hout vrijgelat = Vapors and gases released from the wood during thermal modification
Dampen kunnen slaperigheid en duizeligheid veroorzaken = Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness
Dampen kunnen slaperigheid en duizeligheid veroorzaken. = Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
Dampen niet inademen. = Do not breathe vapour.
damper = damper
Damper Interface Block = Damper Interface Block
damper large pitch = damper large pitch
damper small pitch = damper small pitch
Damper small pitch = Damper small pitch
damper support = damper support
Damperring = Damper ring
dampers large = dampers large
dampfase = vapour phase
"Dampfgaren, automatisch" = "Food steamer, automatic"
Dampig = Foggy
Dampig = Hazy
Dampig = Misty
dampig = fuzzy
Damping plate = Damping plate
dampkamer = steaming chamber
dampkap = cooker hood [fornuis]
dampkap = extractor hood
dampkap = steam hood
dampkap = hood
dampkapverdeeldoos = extractor hood junction box
dampkapverdeeldoos = hood junction box
dampkapverdeeldoos = exhaust hood junction box
Dampkring = Background music
Dampkring = Atmosphere
Dampkring = Ethos
Dampkring = Room tone
damplank = sheet pile
dampmasker = damp mask
dampmonster = vapor sample
Dampoort = Dampoort
dampscherm = vapour barrier
dampspanning = "vapour tension, vapor tension"
dampspanning = vapour pressure
Dampspanning en dampconcentratie = Vapour pressure and vapour concentration
dampspanningen = vapour pressures
dampuitlaat = vapor outlet
dampvorming = vapour
dampzone = vapour zone
Damschijfmineermot = Apple circular leaf miner
damsets = draughts sets
damsluis = go-out
damspanningen = vapour pressures
damspel = checkers
Damverstevigingswerken = Dam-reinforcement works
damvoet = toe of a dam
damwand = pile planking
damwand = sheetpiles
damwand = sheet piling
damwand (betonbouw) = sheet pile / piling
damwand (betonbouw) = sheet pile wall
damwandkassen = sheet-piling housings/compartments
damwandplank = sheet pile
Damwandplanken = Sheet piling
Damwandprofielhanger (pendelklem) = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling (for chain suspension)
Damwandprofielhanger (trapeziumvorm) = Hanger for trapezoidal ceiling (trapezoidal shape)
Dan = Afterwards
DAN (Nucleaire directie van GDF SUEZ) = DAN (Nuclear Activities Department of GDF SUEZ)
dan bedraagt deze tegemoetkoming = this allowance is
Dan bent u bij ons aan het goede adres = Then you’ve come to the right place.
dan beslist het lot = such cases are decided by drawing lots
dan blijft deze van kracht = it will remain in force
dan blijft het product staan = the product will remain stationary
dan daaronder = than below it
dan datgene dat voortvloeit uit = than that resulting from
dan de = than the
dan de gewenste temperatuur = than the desired temperature
dan de op historische kostprijs gebaseerde waardering = than the valuation based on historical cost
dan de reguliere school = than the mainstream school
dan delen zij zulks schriftelijk mee aan de beweerdelijk tekortschietende = they shall notify the allegedly failing Party in writing
dan die vermeld zijn in de specificaties = than those mentioned in the specifications
dan dien je hiervoor toestemming te hebben van je leidinggevende = you must have permission from your supervisor to do so
dan dient dit te gebeuren met = this should be done with
dan dient u daarvan spontaan en direct na constatering melding te doen aa = you should immediately and spontaneously notify the Contracting Party the
dan drogen met stikstof = then dry with nitrogen
dan een = than a
"dan en slechts dan als [Netherlands], als en slechts als [Belgium]" = if and only if {conj} (implies and is implied by)
dan er data was in de hele geschiedenis = than the totality of civilisation produced from its inception
dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere conclusie = than are expressly recited in each claim
dan gelden om veiligheidsredenen aanvullende voorwaarden = additional conditions will apply for safety reasons
dan geldende = applicable at that time
dan geldende = in force at that time
dan heb je gewoon deze plastic schelp die op de buitenkant van de helm ge = you’ve just got this plastic shell that mounts to the exterior of the h
dan heb je op dat moment een keuze = you then have a choice
Dan heb je qua engagement ook hogere eisen. = Then you will also have higher demands in terms of engagement.
dan hebben wij het recht = we reserve the right
dan hebben wij het recht om deze te deactiveren = we reserve the right to disable it
dan heeft u het recht deze toestemming in te trekken = you have the right to withdraw this permission
dan hierin beschreven of ge?llustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of geéllustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of geïllustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan hierin beschreven of ge�llustreerd = than described or illustrated herein
dan horen wij dat graag = please let us know
dan in = than in
dan in de overeenkomst is opgenomen = that stipulated in the agreement
dan in de uitvoering van deze Overeenkomst = other than in the performance of this Agreement
dan in het jaar daarvoor = than in the year before
dan in het vorige boekjaar = than in the previous financial year
dan is de ingangsdatum de dag volgende op de dag waarop = the effective date will be the day following the day on which
dan is Dedicated hosting de oplossing voor u = Dedicated hosting is the solution for you
dan is die = this
dan is er sprake van opvolgend werkgeverschap = this constitutes a successive term of employment
dan is er sprake van vaste maatvoering = the dimensions are fixed
dan is het mogelijk dat er een onbekend object op de invoerbaan aanwezig  = it is possible that an unknown object is present on the infeed conveyor
dan is het zonder meer verstandig = then it’s certainly wise
dan kan een zoekopdracht misschien helpen = try using the search facility
dan kiest u voor Supported hosting = then opt for Supported hosting
dan kom je in onderstaande scherm = you will be taken to the following screen
dan kom je jezelf en mekaar wel eens tegen = "you sometimes reach the end of your rope/tether,"
dan komen wij graag in contact met jou = we would be happy to get in touch with you
dan kun je per E-mail contact opnemen via = please contact us by email at
dan kunnen de bestuurders hoofdelijk aansprakelijk worden gesteld = the directors may be held jointly and severally liable
dan kunnen geen wettige besluiten worden genomen = no lawful resolutions may be passed
dan kunnen geen wettige besluiten worden genomen = then no lawful resolutions can be passed
dan kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen = please feel free to contact us at any time
dan kunt u contact opnemen met = please contact
dan kunt u contact opnemen met uw direct leidinggevende = please contact your immediate supervisor
dan kunt u deze brief als niet verzonden beschouwen = please disregard this letter
dan kunt u het vakje leeglaten = you can leave the box blank
dan kunt u uw recht van bezwaar inroepen = you can invoke your right to object
dan lucht = than air
dan mag je dat hier ook noteren = you can mention that here as well
dan met stikstof drogen = then dry with nitrogen
dan moet de drager stoppen = the carrier must stop
dan moet deze beveiligd worden tegen vallen = people must be protected from falling
dan moet je slagen voor de = you must pass the
dan mogelijk niet van toepassing zijn = might not be relevant for you
dan mogelijk zou zijn = than would be possible
dan mogen zij die taken niet vervullen = they are not permitted to perform these duties
dan normaal = than normal
dan onder = other than under
dan ontvangt u een tegemoetkoming = you will receive an allowance
dan ook = at all
dan oorspronkelijk was voorzien = than originally envisaged
dan prevaleert hetgeen in de aanbieding staat vermeld = the contents of the offer shall prevail
dan stopt de formeerbaan = the pattern-formation conveyor will stop
dan tot nog toe het geval was = than has hitherto been the case
dan van de meeste conventionele palletiseermachines = than most conventional palletisers
dan verwijzen we u graag naar = please have a look at
dan verzoeken wij u contact met ons op te nemen = please contact us
dan volgens de = than according to
Dan volgt = Next is
dan wanneer = than when
dan wel = or
dan wel de wederpartij niet langer in staat moet worden geacht haar verpl = or the other party can no longer be deemed capable of fulfilling its obli
dan wel die ontstaan naar aanleiding van door ons gedane aanbiedingen in  = or which arise from offers made by Us in whatever form
dan wel een combinatie van wettelijke verloven = or a combination of different types of statutory leave
dan wel een reeks met elkaar samenhangende incidenten = or series of related incidents
dan wel elk van zijn agenten = or any of its agents
dan wel geheel of gedeeltelijk te ontbinden = or dissolve it in part or in full
dan wel het ondernemen van pogingen daartoe = or attempting to do so
dan wel hiertoe een aanvraag heeft gedaan = files a winding-up petition
dan wel hoger is dan of gelijk is aan = or higher than or equal to
dan wel indien = or if
dan wel indien goede grond bestaat voor de vrees = or if there is good reason to fear
"dan wel indien goede grond bestaat voor de vrees, dat de Klant niet in st" = or if there is good reason to fear that Customer will not be able to meet
dan wel ingeval zulks schriftelijk is overeengekomen = or if agreed in writing
dan wel naar aanleiding van nadere overeenkomsten die daarvan het gevolg  = or following further agreements resulting therefrom
dan wel om een andere reden = or for any other reason
dan wel redelijkerwijs verzekerd had behoren te zijn = or could reasonably have been expected to have been
dan wel verwijderd is = or has been deleted
dan wel visa versa = or visa versa
dan wél voor zover de schade naar verkeersopvatting voor risico van Opdr = or if the damage is commonly considered at Contractor’s risk
dan wel voornoemde derde = or said third party
dan worden de resterende dagen = the remaining days are then
dan wordt daarvan onder opgave van reden melding gedaan = this shall be reported and the reason shall be given
dan wordt het invoeren stopgezet = infeeding is stopped
dan wordt het invoeren stopgezet en moet ook de Prorunner stoppen = infeeding is stopped and the Prorunner must also stop
dan wordt hierbij overeengekomen = Parties hereby agree
dan wordt Koper geacht in te stemmen met = Buyer shall be deemed to consent to
dan zal de ene Partij direct de andere Partij hiervan op de hoogte stelle = either Party shall immediately notify the other Party thereof
dan zal de warmtepomp geactiveerd worden = the heat pump will be activated
dan zal nader onderzoek nodig zijn = further investigation will be required
dan ze ze in jaren zijn geweest = than they they have been in years
dan zijn wij gerechtigd om de overeenkomst te ontbinden = We are entitled to terminate the agreement
dan zou kunnen = than could it be
danaide = danaid
Dance = Dance
Dance hall = Dance hall
dancefestivals = dance festivals
dancesegment = dance segment
Dandy = Dandy
Danger = Danger
Dangerous Goods Management = Dangerous Goods Management
Dangerous Substances Directive = 67/548/EEC
Dangerous Substances Directive = Dangerous Substances Directive
Daniël = Daniel
Daniel Bernoulli = Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel C. Griffith (Holland) B.V. = Daniel C. Griffith (Holland) B.V.
Daniel Defoe = Daniel Defoe
Daniel Ortega = Daniel Ortega
"Daniël, (Bijbel)Boek Daniël {n}" = Daniel {prop} (book of the Bible)
danig = thoroughly
danig = enormously
danig = in such a way
dank = gratitude
Dank = Thanks
dank {de} = thanks {pl}
dank betuigen = thank
dank je = thank you
dank je = thanks
Dank je! = Thank you!
"dank je, dankjewel/dank je wel, bedankt, jo, joe, thanks [Flemish] merci," = cheers {interj} (informal: thank you)
Dank u = Thank you
dank u = thanks
Dank u voor de inlichtingen = Thank you (very much) for the information
Dank u wel voor uw medewerking = Thank you for your cooperation!
Dank u! = Thank you!
"dank u, dank je, dankjewel, bedankt" = thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude)
dank voor uw deelname aan dit onderzoek = many thanks for participating in this survey
dank voor uw medewerking = thank you for your cooperation
dank zij = thanks to
Dankbaar = Appreciate
dankbaar = thankful
Dankbaar = Grateful
dankbaar = obliged
dankbaar voor = grateful for
Dankbaarheid = Thankfulness
dankbaarheid = gratitude
Dankbaarheid = Thanks
dankbaarheid {de} = gratitude
dankbetuiging = thank you
Dankbetuigingen = Credits
danken = thank
danken voor = acknowledge
Danker Kemper = Danker Kemper
dankjewel = thank you
dankmelding = thank you
dankt zijn = owes its
dankzegging = gratitude
Dankzij = Thanks to
Dankzij de constructie met vier kolommen = Thanks to its four-column construction
dankzij de financiële bijdrage van = thanks to the financial contribution of
Dankzij de inspanningen van = Thanks to the efforts of
Dankzij de introductie van deze nieuwe = The introduction of this new
dankzij de lage inflatie = thanks to low inflation
Dankzij deze acquisitie = Thanks to this acquisition
Dankzij deze miljoeneninvestering = Thanks to this million-euro investment
Dankzij een minimaal aantal bewegende delen = Thanks to the minimal number of moving parts
Dankzij het gebruiksvriendelijke = The user-friendly
dankzij het modulaire ontwerp = due to its modular design
Dankzij het toepassen van de werkwijze volgens huidige uitvinding = Thanks to the application of the method according to the present inventio
dankzij profilering = thanks to profiling
Danone = Danone
Dans = Dance
Dans (bacheloropleiding) = Dance
dans {de} = dance
"dans-, muziek- en toneeluitvoeringen" = "performance of dance, music and drama"
Dansacademie Lucia Marthas = Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts
Dansacademie Lucia Marthas = Dance Academy Lucia Marthas
danseffect = bouncing
dansen = dance
dansen = to dance
danser = dancer
danseres = dancer
Danslesdiensten = Dance-instruction services
Danspartij = Dance
Danspartij = Dance hall
danspartij = ball
Dante = Dante
Dante Alighieri = Dante Alighieri
Dante building = Dante building
Dantumadeel = Dantumadeel
danwel = or
danwel anderszins gebruik te maken van de diensten van derden = or to otherwise make use of the services of third parties
danwel het leveren van de overeengekomen Diensten = or to deliver the agreed Services
danwel rechten daarop willen vestigen of doen gelden = or wish to establish or assert rights to them
danwel ten behoeve van het garanderen van de continuïteit van = or for the purpose of guaranteeing the continuity of
DAO = histaminase
DAO hack = DAO hack
DAP = Delivered at Place (DAP)
DAP = Dossier of Arrangements and Procedures
DAP participatiemodus = TAP participation mode
Daphne = Daphne
Daphne (mythologie) = Daphne
dapper = daring [brave]
dapper = audacious
Dapper = Brave
"dapper, durvend, gedurfd" = daring {adj} (courageous)
"dapper, moedig, [poetic] stout, heldhaftig" = heroic)
"dapper, moedig, [poetic] stout, heldhaftig" = valiant {adj} (showing courage or determination
Dapperheid = Mettle
Dapperheid = Courage
Dapperheid = Nerve
dar = drone
Dar es Salaam (stad) = Dar es Salaam
Dardanellen = Dardanelles
Darfur (regio) = Darfur
Darjeeling (stad) = Darjeeling
dark area = dark area
darknet market = darknet market
Darkwave = Darkwave
darm = intestine
Darm = Entrails
Darm = Bowel
darm- = enteric
darm {de} = gut
darmaandoeningen = intestinal disorders
darm-distomatose = intestinal  distomatosis
darmdivertikel = intestinal  diverticulum
darmdysbiose = intestinal dysbiosis
darmen = hoses
"darmenslijmerij, -wasserij en -zouterij" = Gut processing industry
Darmflora = Colonic Flora
darmgassen = intestinal  gases
darmgezondheid = gut health
darmgezondheid = INTESTINAL HEALTH
darmgezondheid = intestinal health
darmgezondheid bij sporters = intestinal health in athletes
darmkanaal = intestinal tract
darmkanker = intestinal cancer
darmkoolhydraten = intestinal carbohydrates
darmmicrobiota = gastrointestinal microbiota
darmmicrobiota = gut flora
darmmicrobiota = gut microbiota
darmmotiliteit = intestinal motility
Darmois-Koopman-verdelingen = Darmois-Koopman's distributions
darmpijn = gut pain
darmslijmvlies = intestinal mucosa
Darmstadtium = Darmstadtium
darmstelsel = intestinal tract
darmwand = gut wall
darmweefsel = intestines
darmwerking = intestinal function
darmziekte veroorzakend = enteropathogenic: causing disease in the intestinal tract
Dartborden = Dart boards
dartel = airy-fairy
dartelen = frolic
Dartpijlen = Darts
Darwin = Darwin
Darwin (Australië) = Darwin
Darwin-nandoe = Darwin's rhea
das = necktie
das = scarf
das = badger
das = tie
DAS = Distributed Antenna Systems
Das (dier) = Eurasian Badger
das {de} [Meles meles] = badger
DAS model = "Typology: dominant, detached and social behaviour"
"da's wat ik u gezegd heb he!, wat heb ik je gezegd?" = I told you so {phrase} (told you so!)
dashboard = dashboard
dashboard = dashboard: facia
Dashboard = Panel
dashboard = dash-board
dashboard / instrumentenpaneel = dashboard / control panel / instrument panel
dashboard {het} = dashboard
Dashboard Designer = Dashboard Designer
dashboard mogelijkheden = dashboard options
dashboard oplossing = dashboard solution
dashboard oplossingen = dashboard solutions
Dashboard Problem Management = Problem Management Dashboard
Dashboard software = Dashboard software
Dashboard Viewer voor SharePoint Services = Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint Services
Dashboard Web Preview = Dashboard Web Preview
dashboarding = dashboarding
dashboardkastje = glovebox
dashboardkastje = coaming
dashboardonderzoek = dashboard audit
dashboard-onderzoek = dashboard audit
dashboardonderzoeken = dashboard audits
dashboard-onderzoeken = dashboard audits
Dashboards = Dashboards
dashboards bouwen = build dashboards
Dashboardverbindingen = Dashboard connections
Dashond = Dachshund
Dassen = Badger
dasspeld = tie-pin
dasspelden = tie clips
dasspelden = tie pins
DAT = digital audio tape
Dat = What
Dat = Or not
Dat = Isn't it
Dat = Isn't that so
dat ... daar = that ... over there
"dat {s}, die {f} (and {n} {p})" = that {conj}
dat aan alle veiligheidseisen voldoet = that meets all the safety requirements
dat aan de tweede zijde van het betonwelfsel grenst = which adjoins the second side of the hollowcore concrete slab
dat aan deze akte gehecht zal blijven = which shall remain attached to this deed
dat aangedreven is door een actuator = which is driven by an actuator
dat alle storingen verdwenen zijn = that no faults are active
dat alleen toegankelijk is voor geautoriseerde medewerkers = which is only accessible to authorised personnel
dat als dusdanig benoemd is = named as such
dat als standaard geldt = that apply as standard
dat als zodanig wordt aangeduid = that is identified as such
dat altijd in de weg zit = that always gets in the way
dat beide partners woonachtig zijn op hetzelfde adres = that both partners reside at the same address
dat bekend is in de stand van de techniek = known in the art
Dat ben ik niet met je eens = I don’t agree with you
Dat bepaalt u zelf = It is up to you to decide
dat bestaat uit = which consists of
dat betaalbaar is uit hoofde van deze Overeenkomst = payable under this Agreement
Dat betekent dat = This means that
dat betrekking heeft op de hardwarecomponent daarvan = that relates to the hardware component thereof
Dat bevordert = This promotes
dat beweegbaar is tussen een gesloten positie en een open positie = that is movable between a closed position and an open position
dat bij een belasting op het vloeroppervlak samengedrukt wordt = that is compressed under a load on the floor surface
dat bij het besturingssysteem hoort = belonging to the operating system
dat bij het spannen niet gegrepen werd = which was not gripped during tensioning
dat binnen de wettige capaciteit valt = that falls within the legal range
dat binnenkort zijn 100ste verjaardag viert = that will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary
DAT cassette = DAT cassette
dat daadwerkelijk met radiotherapie wordt behandeld = actually treated with radiotherapy
dat daar loodrecht op staat = which is perpendicular thereto
dat daaraan behoefte heeft = in need thereof
dat daarginds = that
dat de = that the
dat de afscherming op een steriele manier kan worden aangebracht = that the shielding can be applied in a sterile manner
dat de algemene voorwaarden bij de verkoper zijn in te zien = that the general terms and conditions are available for inspection at the
dat de bank bevat = that a bank contains
Dat de betaling van deze belasting tijdig heeft plaatsgevonden = That this tax has been paid in a timely manner
dat de broekspijpen over de ledemaat van de patient kan afgesloofd worden = that the legs can be slid off over the limb of the patient
dat de diktes van de lagen = that the thicknesses of the layers
dat de functionaliteit voorziet = that provides the functionality
dat de inhoud van dit rapport = that the contents of this report
dat de Klant niet in staat zal zijn om aan haar contractuele verplichting = that Customer will not be able to meet its contractual obligations
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user’s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the userés location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user�s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user?s location has not changed significantly
dat de locatie van de gebruiker niet significant gewijzigd is = that the user's location has not changed significantly
dat de loopwereld voor altijd heeft veranderd = that has changed the running world forever
dat de medewerker kan worden verweten = attributable to the employee
dat de Ontwerpen de overeengekomen eigenschappen bevat = that the Designs have the agreed characteristics
dat de partijen ermee instemmen = that the Parties agree
dat de patient op een efficiente manier kan worden voorbereid op een chir = that the patient can be prepared for a surgical procedure in an efficient
dat de patient op een efficiente manier kan worden voorbereid op een chir = that the patient can be prepared for a surgical procedure in an efficient
dat de translatie van het hoofdgedragen apparaat onder een voorafbepaalde = that the translation of the head-mounted device is below a predetermined 
dat de translatie van het hoofdgedragen apparaat onder een voorafbepaalde = that the translation of the head-mounted device is below a predetermined 
dat de uitvinding meer kenmerken vereist dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere = that the claimed invention requires more features than are expressly reci
dat de uitvinding meer kenmerken vereist dan expliciet vernoemd in iedere = that the claimed invention requires more features than are expressly reci
dat de wederpartij haar verplichtingen niet zal nakomen = that the Other party will not be able to fulfil its obligations
dat de wijziging niet ongedaan gemaakt kan worden = that the change cannot be undone
dat deze batch gestapeld moet gaan worden = to be stacked in this batch
dat deze een voorgeprogrammeerde route aflegt = to travel a pre-programmed route
dat deze eenvoudig gevoed kan worden = that it can easily be powered
dat deze functionaliteit = that this functionality
dat deze uitvoeringsvorm gunstig kan worden gecombineerd met een eerder b = that this embodiment can be beneficially combined with a previously descr
dat deze waarden slechts indicatief zijn = that these values ​​are only indicative
dat deze waarden slechts indicatief zijn = that these values ??are only indicative
dat dit geen nadelige gevolgen heeft voor de beveiliging = that this does not adversely affect security
dat dit product in deze afmetingen niet voorkomt = that this product is not present in these dimensions
dat dit voor mij niet kon = that their behaviour was unacceptable
dat door beide Partijen is ondertekend = that has been signed by both Parties
dat door de toetsende commissie werd goedgekeurd = approved by the reviewing committee
dat door Rudolf Steiner ontwikkeld is = that was developed by Rudolf Steiner
dat door TIP wordt geleverd = supplied by TIP
dat doorlopend op de agenda moet staan = deserves a permanent place on the agenda
dat draagt mijn voorkeur weg = that would be my first choice
dat dwars op de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde van het balkvormige beton = which is transverse to the first side and the second side of the beam-sha
dat een deelnemer de informatie heeft ontvangen = that a participant has received the information
dat een heel rigoureuze aanpak vergt = that requires a very rigorous approach
dat een kniegewricht handeling toelaat = allowing for a knee joint operation
dat een Machtiging is verstrekt = that a Mandate has been issued
dat een onderneming haar continuïteit niet langer kan handhaven = cease to continue as a going concern
dat een OTP (One Time Password) genereert = that generates an OTP (othene-time password)
dat een zeer gevoelige laag moet deponeren = that has to deposit a very sensitive layer
dat elders in de code gebruikt kan worden = that can be used elsewhere in the code
dat elektrisch rijdt = driving electrically
dat er bij onderhoud geen hinder van ondervonden wordt = that it does not cause a hindrance during maintenance
dat er bijzonder veel tijd en kosten mee gespaard wordt = that a lot of time and costs are saved
dat er bijzonder veel tijd en kosten mee gespaard wordt = that it saves a lot of time and costs
dat er een aanwezigheidsdetector in de inbouwarmatuur is geïntegreerd = that an occupancy detector is integrated in the recessed luminaire
dat er een relatief grote flexibiliteit is voor = that it offers a relatively high degree of flexibility with regard to
dat er geen proeftijd van toepassing is = no probationary period shall apply
dat er meerdere producten tegelijk ingevoerd worden = multiple products from being fed in at the same time
dat er mogelijk een impact is = that there may be an impact
dat er mogelijk een impact is op = that there may be an impact on
dat er slechts één enkel computersysteem nodig is = that only a single computer system is required
dat er van alles mis kan gaan = that all kinds of things can go wrong
dat er voorheen niet was = that did not previously exist
dat evenwijdig loopt met = which runs parallel to
dat expliciet gebaseerd is op een holistisch spiritueel mens- en wereldbe = which is explicitly based on a holistic worldview
dat flexibiliteit combineert met = that combines flexibility with
dat flexibiliteit combineert met kostenvoordelen en schaalbaarheid = that combines flexibility with cost advantages and scalability
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart = combining flexibility and versatility
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart aan = combining flexibility and versatility with
dat flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid paart aan lage aanschaf- en onderhoud = combining flexibility and versatility with low purchase and maintenance c
Dat gebeurt elektronisch = This will be done electronically
dat gebruik gemaakt wordt van = that use is made of
dat gebruik maakt van = making use of
dat gebruikt maakt van = making use of
dat geconfigureerd is voor het minstens gedeeltelijk ondersteunen van = which is configured to at least partially support
Dat geeft het beste resultaat = This gives the best results
dat geeft niet = it doesn't matter
dat geen draadloze netwerkverbinding tot stand is gebracht = that no wireless network connection had been extablished
dat geen nadere beschrijving zou nodig zijn = that no further description would be necessary
dat geheelover het HV grid past = that fits over the HV grid in its entirety
Dat geldt ook voor haar. = That goes for her too.
Dat geldt voor = This applies to
dat gerealiseerd wordt in een industriële omgeving = carried out in an industrial environment
dat grijpt in respectievelijk het eerste tandwiel en het tweede tandwiel = "which engages the first sprocket wheel and the second sprocket wheel, res"
dat grijpt in respectievelijk het eerste tandwiel en het tweede tandwiel = "which engages the first sprocket wheel and the second sprocket wheel, res"
dat hangt helemaal af van het rooster = it all depends on the roster
dat hebben we al eens geprobeerd = we tried that already
Dat hebben we geweten = and then some
Dat heeft als voordeel = This has the advantage
dat hen bevestigt in hun kennis = confirming their knowledge
dat het best overeenstemt met = that best corresponds to
dat het dringend tijd wordt = it is high time
dat het gebruik van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepaling = that seeks to avoid the use of the application program interface for posi
dat het gebruik van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepaling = that seeks to avoid the use of the application program interface for posi
dat het gebruik van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepalin = that attempts to avoid the use of an application program interface for po
dat het gebruik van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbepalin = that attempts to avoid the use of an application program interface for po
Dat het gevolgde proces voor ontslag = That the dismissal process followed
dat het hart is van de = which is the heart of the
dat het hen uitkomt = that suits them
dat het kan gebruikt worden om = that it can be used to
dat het mogelijk maakt dat = that allows
dat het mogelijk maakt om = that allows
dat het twee functionaliteiten kan bieden = that it can provide two functions
dat het verschil op toeval berust = that the difference is due to chance
dat het volgende omvat = comprising the following
Dat hier behoefte aan is = That there is a demand for this
dat hier uit voortvloeit = that ensues from this
dat hij de competenties heeft een behoeften analyse te doen = that he or she has the skills required to perform a needs assessment
dat hij de materie beheerst en boven de stof staat = that they have mastered the subject
dat hij een beroep heeft gedaan op de Ziektewet- of WGA -uitkering = that he/she received benefits under the Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet)
dat hij handig gebruikt kan worden = that it can conveniently be used
dat hij/zij in de daaraan voorafgaande 12 maanden heeft ontvangen = that he/she has received in the preceding 12 months
dat hoofdzakelijk bestaat uit = consisting mainly of
dat hoofdzakelijk bestaat uit aarde = consisting mainly of soil
dat huishoudens hebben ingekocht = bought by households
dat hun reactie vrijwel unaniem positief was = that their response has been almost unanimously positive
Dat ik dit benadruk is geen diplomatieke manier om mijn paraplu op te ste = "When I stress this, it is not a diplomatic way of covering myself, it is "
dat in aanmerking zou moeten komen = eligibl
dat in aanmerking zou moeten komen voor = eligible for
dat in beginsel voor vergoeding in aanmerking komt = which in principle is eligible for reimbursement
dat in de aanbieding is = that is on sale
dat in de ten minste ene inwendige impactelement is geplaatst = that is placed inside the at least one inner impact member
dat in de zetel van de vennootschap wordt gehouden = held in the office of the company
dat in eerste instantie niet als dusdanig was erkend = that was initially not recognised as such
dat in elke ruimte moet worden geïnstalleerd = to be installed in each room
dat in en uit de autoclaaf verschuifbaar of verrijdbaar is = hich can be slid or wheeled in and out of the autoclave
dat in enig voertuig vervoerd wordt = transported in any vehicle
dat in gebruik geen deel uitmaakt van de vrije ruimte = which in use does not form part of the free space
dat in het geval van opzegging door één der partijen = that in the event of termination by either party
dat in Nederland behandeld wordt met radiotherapie = treated with radiotherapy in the Netherlands
dat in staat is om = that is capable of
dat in voorbereiding is = that is in preparation
dat inbreuk maakt op rechten van derden = that infringes third-party rights
dat inbreuk maakte op = infringing
dat integraal deel uitmaakt van deze = which form an integral part of this
dat invoeren toegestaan is = that product infeeding is allowed
dat is <d.i.> = "that is <id est, i.e.>"
Dat is bijna nergens beter te zien = Nowhere is this more clear
"dat is Chinees voor mij ('This is Chinese to me'), ik versta ergeen bal v" = it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don’t understand any of this)
Dat is een kwestie van = It’s a matter of
Dat is een moeilijke oefening = This is no mean feat.
dat is niet erg = it doesn't matter
dat is niet persoonlijk bedoeld (okay) = no offence (none taken)
dat is op zijn minst opmerkelijk te noemen = there is something remarkable about
dat is opgenomen als = which is included as
dat is opgesteld om naar de stator 130 te zijn gericht = arranged to face the stator 130
dat is opgesteld om naar het buitenrotordeel 110 en weg van de stator 130 = which is arranged to face the outer rotor member 110 and away from the st
dat je aan of uit wilt zetten = that you want to activate or deactivate
dat je de lak niet beschadigd = Do not damage the paintwork
dat je dit verstuurd hebt = that you have sent it
dat je jaarlijks krijgt toegestuurd = that you will receive each year
dat je zo spoedig mogelijk een nieuwe pas toegestuurd krijgt = that you receive a new card as soon as possible
dat kan gebruikt worden als in-situ sensorsysteem in een station = which can be used as an in situ sensor system in a station
dat kan gemonteerd worden aan een = that can be mounted to a
dat kan gemonteerd worden aan een deksel = that can be mounted to a cover
Dat kan ik niet betalen. = I can’t afford that.
Dat kan niet worden uitgesloten = This cannot be ruled out
dat kan worden overlegd = that can be submitted
Dat kunnen bijvoorbeeld = These could include
dat kunnen wij als geen ander = we can do that like no other
dat leiding geeft aan het project = which leads the project
Dat leidt tot = This leads to
dat loopt als een rode draad door de = which is a central theme of the
dat met radiotherapie werd behandeld = treated with radiotherapy
dat minimaal gelijkwaardig is aan = that is at least equivalent to
dat minstens één regelmechanisme omvat = that comprises at least one control mechanism
dat minstens een signaalverwerkingseenheid bevat = including at least a signal processing unit
dat minstens ��n regelmechanisme omvat = that comprises at least one control mechanism
dat minstens twee hoofddelen omvat = comprising at least two main parts
dat modulair opgebouwd is = which is modularly constructed
dat moet worden afgegeven = to be dispensed
dat neemt niet weg = that does not alter the fact
dat niet als zodanig wordt benoemd = that is not labeled as such
dat niet gecommit wordt = that does not have the support of
dat niet in der minne kan geregeld worden = that cannot be settled amicably
dat niet in der minne tussen partijen kan worden beslecht = which cannot be settled amicably between the parties
dat niet langer bestaat = that no longer exists
dat niet verklaard kan worden = that cannot be explained
dat niet verklaard kan worden op basis van = that cannot be explained on the basis of
dat niet voldoet aan de beschreven kwaliteit = that does not meet the prescribed quality
dat niet wordt beantwoord = that is not answered
dat niet zonder meer vaststaat = it is not entirely obvious
dat normaal twee jaar in beslag neemt = that normally takes two years
dat omtreksgewijs omheen het genoemde volume loopt = circumferentially surrounding said volume
dat onderbouwd is met de resultaten van het onderzoek = that is supported by the results of the research
dat onderdeel vormt van = that forms part of
dat ondersteund moet worden = that needs to be supported
dat ontkoppeld wordt van de gebruikersidentiteit = that is decoupled from the user identity
dat onze omvormers onder alle klimatologische omstandigheden kunnen worde = that our inverters can be used in any climatic conditions
dat op de achtergrond draait = that runs in the background
dat op de ommezijde staat = that is mentioned on the reverse side
dat op de zetel van de vennootschap wordt bijgehouden = kept at the registered office of the company
dat op minstens twee wielen steunt = supported by at least two wheels
dat over de twee rollerstangen (29) gepositioneerd is = positioned over the two roller-bars (29)
dat overeenstemt met = corresponding to
dat parallel ligt aan = which is parallel to
Dat past ook bij ons. = This is all about what we do.
dat per fax wordt verstuurd = that is sent by fax
dat per post wordt verstuurd = that is sent by post
dat pivoteerbaar is tussen een gesloten positie en een open positie = pivotable between a closed position and an open position
dat plan kwam op de helling te staan = that plan was under review again
Dat recht is exclusief voor = That right accrues solely to
dat rechtstreeks gevoed wordt door enkel = that is fed directly by only
dat rechtstreeks mechanisch verbonden is met het eerste koppelingselement = which is directly mechanically connected to the first coupling element
dat samenwerkt met = that interacts with
dat schriftelijk bepaald is = determined in writing
dat spreekt vanzelf = of course
dat staat in de wet = the law says so
dat systemen kunnen geproduceerd worden = that systems can be produced
dat te maken krijgt met een levensbedreigende situatie = faced with a life-threatening situation
dat tegenstrijdig is met het belang van de stichting = that conflicts with the interests of the Foundation
dat tijdens productie ontstaat = generated during production
dat toelaat = allowing
dat toelaat = that allows
dat twee broekspijpen omvat = that comprises two trouser legs
dat u een beperkte voorkeur uitdraagt aan = that you have a limited preference for
dat u een uitgesproken voorkeur uitdraagt aan = that you have a strong preference for
dat u geen producten koopt = that you do not buy products
dat u op het einde niet voor extra kosten komt te staan = that you aren’t faced with additional costs later on down the road
dat u probeert te wijzigen = you are trying to modify
dat uitgestraald wordt door de stralingsbron = that is radiated by the radiation source
dat uitsteekt voorbij = that projects past
dat valt u aan te rekenen = you were found wanting in this (respect)
dat van tijd tot tijd geldt = in force from time to time
dat vanuit de Cabine kan worden bediend = that can be operated from inside the Cab
dat veelal bestaat uit = which usually consists of
dat ventilatie op een energiezuinige manier kan gebeuren = ensures energy efficient ventilation
dat verder middelen omvat = that further comprises means
dat verder middelen omvat = which further comprises means
dat verder minstens één opstaande plank of plaat omvat = further comprising at least one upright plank or board
dat verder minstens ��n opstaande plank of plaat omvat = further comprising at least one upright plank or board
dat versmalt = which narrows
dat versmalt in de richting van = which narrows in the direction of
dat verticaal omhoog gaat = rising vertically
dat verwarmd moet worden = that must be heated
dat voldoet aan de hoogste technische eisen = that meets the highest technical requirements
dat voldoet aan de strengste veiligheidseisen = that meets the strictest safety requirements
dat voldoet aan norm ISO 9001 = that meets the ISO 9001 standard
dat voor alle verkeersregelaars identiek is = that is identical for all traffic-signal controllers
dat voor een grotere inefficiëntie van het product kan zorgen = that may result in the increased inefficiency of the product
dat voor extra stevigheid zorgt = which provides extra strength
dat voorhanden is = available
dat voornamelijk bestaat uit = consisting mainly of
dat voorstel doorkruist mijn plannen = that proposal has thwarted my plans
dat vrij kan roteren rond de richting = which can freely rotate around the direction
dat we als team dezelfde richting uitgaan = that all team members move in the same direction
dat werkt volgens het paternosterprincipe = that works according to the paternoster principle
dat wijzelf kunnen uitvoeren = that we can carry out ourselves
Dat wil echter niet zeggen = "That does not mean, however,"
dat wil zeggen = that is to say
dat wil zeggen = that is
dat wordt berekend met inachtneming van = calculated in accordance with
dat wordt beschreven = which is described
dat wordt gebruikt = used
dat wordt gebruikt door of ten gunste van = used by or in favour of
dat wordt gebruikt of is bestemd om te worden gebruikt = used or intended to be used
dat wordt gebruikt of is bestemd om te worden gebruikt als = used or intended to be used as
dat wordt toegepast bij = that is used in
dat zaakje zal wel doodbloeden = that business is likely to blow over
dat ze de groei van bacteriën kunnen remmen = that they can inhibit the growth of bacteria
dat ze kunnen ingebracht worden in = that they can be inserted into
dat ze kunnen ingebracht worden in de openingen = that they can be inserted into the apertures
dat ze modulaire opbouw toelaat = that it allows for modular construction
dat ze zeer eenvoudig kan uitgevoerd worden = that it can be very easily performed
dat zich aan het vormen is = that is forming
dat zich richt op de Nederlandse markt en de Nederlandse consument = aimed at the Dutch market and Dutch consumers
dat zicht uitstrekt in de lengterichting = extending in the longitudinal direction
Dat zien we ook in het feit dat = This can also be seen in the fact that
dat zij geen vorderingsrecht hebben op = that they do not have a right of claim against
dat zij gezamenlijk verantwoordelijk zijn = that they are jointly responsible
dat zij te dien einde te hunnen behoeve uitoefent of doet uitoefenen = "the business which it operates, directly indirectly, for their benefit"
dat zij zonder de zgn. kartelafspraken zonder die merkost zou hebben kunn = "that, if not for the alleged cartel agreement, it would have been able to"
Dat zit niet in de koers. = That is not due to the exchange rate.
dat zonlicht omzet in energie = that converts sunlight into energy
dat zorgt voor minder wrijving = that reduces friction
dat zowel stevig en dimensioneel stabiel is = which is both sturdy and dimensionally stable
dat zulk computerprogramma product bevat = comprising such a computer program product
dat zulks zal geschieden = that this will happen
"dat, bij verdere voorkeur, strooisel bevat, op de vloer van de pluimveest" = "that, more preferably, contains litter, on the floor of the poultry house"
Data = Datum
data = data
data = data ??
Data & Archief systemen = Data and archive systems
data abonnement = data plan
Data Access Objects = Data Access Objects
Data Access-pagina = data access page
Data analyse = Data analysis
data analyse programma = data analysis program
Data and Files or Material = Gegevens en Bestanden of Materiaal
Data Architecture Management = Data Architecture Management
data at rest = data at rest
data centers = data centres
Data Collector = data collector
data communicatie en beheer = data communication and management
Data Communications Equipment = Data Communications Equipment
data connectie strings = data connection strings
data connection = dataconnectie
data connectiviteit = data connectivity
Data Definition Language = data definition language
data delen of openstellen = share or open up access to data
data drager = data carrier
data- en applicatiekosten = data and application costs
data en life cycle management = data and lifecycle management
data- en privacybescherming = data and privacy protection
data- en softwaregedreven = data and software driven
data- en softwaregedreven = driven by data and software
data- en telecomoplossingen = data and telecom solutions
Data Encryption Standard = Data Encryption Standard
Data gebruik = Data use
data gedreven = driven by data
data gedreven documentatie = data-driven documentation
data governance = data governance
data hubs = data hubs
data in transit = data in transit
Data in transport = Data in transit
data including 3 ablations only = data including three ablations only
data integriteit = data integrity
Data intelligent gebruiken = Intelligent data use
Data Intelligentie = Data Intelligence
Data Intelligentie voorbeelden = Data intelligence examples
"Data intelligentie, Support, Outsourcing" = "Data intelligence, Support, Outsourcing"
Data Interchange Format = data interchange format
data kabel is shielded = data cable is shielded
data keten = data chain
data kwaliteit checks = data quality checks
data lake = data lake
data lawine = data avalanche
data lawine = avalanche of data
Data leaks = Datalekken
Data Link Control = Data Link Control
data logger = data logger
Data Management Association = DAMA
data management ondersteuning = data management support
Data Manipulation Language = data manipulation language
Data migratie naar ander type storage = Data migration to other storage types
data mining = data mining
Data mining = Data mining
Data News = Data News
Data News Information Services = Data News Information Services
data opslag = data storage
data opslag faciliteiten = data storage facilities
Data Processing Agreement = verwerkingsovereenkomst
Data Processing Agreement = Verwerkersovereenkomst
Data Processing Agreement = verwerkingovereenkomst
Data project = Data project
Data Protection Manager = Data Protection Manager
data repeater = data repeater
Data request = Data request
Data schakelaar = Data switch
data science = data science
data segment = data segment
Data Sheet Grid Performance = Data Sheet Grid Performance
Data Solutions team = Data Solutions Team
data stewart = data steward
data stream = datastroom
data te decrypteren = decrypting the data
Data Terminal Equipment = Data Terminal Equipment
Data Terminal Ready = data terminal ready
Data type = Data type
data types = data types
data uitlezen = read data
data uitlezen = read out data
Data Value Center Smart Industry = Data Value Centre Smart Industry
Data van de overheid = Government data
Data verzameling = Data collection
Data Verzameling & Verwerking (afd P&O) = Data Collection and Processing
data warehouse = data warehouse
data warehousing-oplossingen = data warehousing solutions
data wetenschapper = data scientist
data wiping = data wiping
data(bases) = data and databases
"data, configuratiebestanden en software" = data configuration files and software
data/bestanden/databases = data/files/databases
data/databases = data/databases
data/gegevenselementen = data elements
Data-/telecom-kanaalcontactdoos = Data-/telecommunications duct socket outlet
data-abonnement = data plan
data-afhandeling = data handling
data-afhandeling = data processing
data-analisten = data analysts
data-analyse = data analysis
data-analyse = data analytics
Databank = Database
databank = data bank
Databank = Databank
Databank Effectieve sociale interventies = Effective Social Interventions database
databank van de microdienst = database of the microservice
databanken = databases
databankrecht = database rights
databankrechten = database rights
"databankrechten, handelsnaamrechten, merkrechten, modelrechten, naburige " = "database rights, trade name rights, trademark rights, design rights, neig"
database = database
database = database
Database = Databank
database = data base
database = data base: DB
Database autorisatie toekennen per medewerker = Assigning database permissions to each employee
Database back-up via agents = Database backup via agents
Database beheren = Manage Database
database connectie string = database connection string
Database delen = Share Database
database design & development = Database design & development
database eigenaar = database owner
Database- en besturingssoftware = Database and operating software package
database- en infrastructuurbeheer = database and infrastructure management
database functionaliteit = database functionality
"database functionaliteit, business logica en gebruikersinterface" = "database functionality, business logic and user interface"
database management systeem = database management system
database management system = database management system
database met onderdeelinstellingen = component settings database
database PubChem = PubChem database
Database script per database aanmaken/aanpassen = Create/modify database script for each database
database services en eventlogs = database services and event logs
Database terugzetten = Database restore
Database terugzetten = Restore Database
database van ASP.NET-toepassingsservices = ASP.NET application services database
database van experten op afstand = remote expert database
database van experten op afstand = database of remote experts
database van Service Manager = Service Manager database
database voor de hoge energie fysica = high energy physics database: HEPDB
database voor meerdere gebruikers (gedeelde database) = multiuser shared database
database voor programmacompatibiliteit = AppCompat database
database waarnaar wordt verweze = referenced database
"database, datawarehouse" = data warehouse
"database, logica en GGI" = "database, functional process logic and GUI"
Database-administrators = database administrators
Database-analist = Database analyst
databasebeheer = data base management: DBM
Database-beheerder = Database administrator
Databasebeheerssysteem = Database-management system
databasebeheerssysteem = data base management system: DBMS
databasebestand = database file
databasebestand = data base file
databasebestanddeel = data base component
databasediagram = database diagram
Databasediensten = Database services
Databasedocumentatie = Database Documenter
database-engine = database engine
Databasefuncties = Database functions
databasegegevens = data base data
databasegegevens = database data
Databasehulpprogramma voor Business Contact Manager voor Microsoft Outloo = Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool
databasemanagementsysteem = data base management system: DBMS
Databasemanagementsysteem = Database management system
databasemanagementsysteem = database management system
Database-manager = Database manager
Database-marketing = Database marketing
databasemigratie = database migration
databaseontwikkeling = database development
database-oproep = data base call
database-overgangstaal = database transition language
databaseproject = database project
databasereplicatie = database replication
databases = databases
databases en bijhorende toepassingen = databases and associated applications
Databases en het verwerken van informatie = Databases and data processing
databases en interfaces = databases and interfaces
databases voor het modelleren van gebouwinformatie = building information modeling databases
databaseschema = database schema
databaseserver = database server
databaseservers (sql server 2000 en oracle 8i standard editions) = database servers (sql server 2000 and oracle 8i standard editions)
Databasesoftware = Database software package
databasesysteem = data base system
Databasesystemen = Database systems
databasetoepassing = database application
databasetransactie = database transaction
databaseverbinding = database connection
databedrijven = data companies
databehoefte = data requirement
Databekabeling = Data cabling
databerg = mountain of data
databeschermingsmechanisme = data protection mechanism
databestand = data file
data-bestand = data file
databestanden = databases
databestanden = data files
data-bewustzijn = data awareness
databus = data bus
databus 0 of 1 = data bus 0 or 1
databus interface = data bus interface
databus ventilatie = ventilation data bus
databusbverbinding = data bus connection
datacapaciteit = data capacity
datacapture = data capture
Datacartridges = Data cartridges
datacenter = data centre
Datacenter faciliteiten = Data centre facilities
datacenter van Teleperformance = Teleperformance data centre
datacenteroplossing = data centre solution
datacenters = data centres
datacenterspeler = data centre player
datacentra = data centres
datacentrum = data center
datacircuit-apparatuur = "data circuit-termination equipment: DCE, DCTE"
datacircuitapparatuur-vrijsignaal = data circuit-terminating equipment clear signal
datacircuitapparatuur-wachtsignaal = data circuit- terminating equipment waiting signal
datacommunicatie = data communication
Datacommunicatie Specialist = Data Communication Specialist
datacommunicatie-programma = data communication program
datacommunicatiesysteem = data communication system
datacommunicatie-systeem = data communication system
datacommunicatieverbinding = data communication link
dataconnectiviteit = data connectivity
Datacontactdoos glasvezel = Fibre optic data communication outlet
Datacontactdoos twisted pair = Data communication outlet twisted pair
datacriminaliteit = data crime
datadelen = data sharing
data-delen = data sharing
datadelen binnen de EU = data sharing within the EU
datadelen waarbij persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt = data sharing in which personal data is processed
datadeling = data sharing
datadeling te bevorderen = promote data sharing
datadictionary = data dictionary: DD
data-dictionary/directory systeem = data dictionary/directory systeem: DD/DS
datadirectory = data directory
datadivision = data division
datadoorvoersnelheid = data transfer rate
Datadrager = Data medium
datadragers = data devices
datadriver = data driver
data-economie = data economy
data-encryptie = data encryption
data-entry = data entry
data-evaluatie = data evaluation
Dataflow = Data-flow diagram
datafundament = data foundation
datagebruik = data use
datagedreven = data-driven
datagedreven bedrijf = data-driven company
datagedreven creativiteit = data-driven creativity
data-gedreven organisatie = data-driven organization
data-gedreven waardecreatie = data-driven value creation
datagedreven werken = data-driven working
datagedrevenheid = data-drivenness
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit = Data memory of sufficient capacity
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit = Sufficient data memory
Datageheugen met voldoende capaciteit om de voorgeschreven registraties t = Sufficient data memory to store the prescribed records
datagram = datagram
datagramdienst = datagram service
datagrammethode = datagram method
datagramsocket = datagram socket
datahandling = data handling
Data-Highway = Data-Highway
datahub = data hub
datahuurlijn = data lease line
Data-Informatie-Kennis-Wijsheid = Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Wisdom (DIKW)
data-infrastructuur = data infrastructure
Data-interface = PC interface
Data-interface en satelliet/air/kabel = PC interface and satellite/air/cable
data-item = data item
Datakabel = Data cable
datakabel = data cable
Datakabel bus-systeem = Data cable bus system
Datakabel glasvezel = Data cable glass fibre
Datakabel koper = Data cable copper
dataketen = data chain
dataketens = data chains
datakeuze = choice of data
datakwaliteit = data quality
data-kwaliteit = data quality
datalagen = data layers
datalawine = avalanche of data
datalek = data breach
datalek = personal data breach (GDPR)
Datalekken = Data Breaches
Datalekken = Data breaches (GDPR)
dataleverancier = data supplier
dataleverancier(s) = data supplier(s)
dataleveranciers = data suppliers
datalijst = data list
datalijstwerkblad = data list worksheet
Dataline = Dataline
datalink = data link
datalinklaag = Data link layer
Datalogger = Datalogger
datalogger = data logger
data-logging = data logging
datalogging en monitoring = data logging and monitoring
datalogging en -monitoring = data logging and monitoring
datalogging en -monitoring dashboard = data logging and monitoring dashboard
datalogische organisatie = datalogical organization
datalogische productiehandeling = datalogical production act
datalogische transactie = datalogical transaction
datamanagement = data management
datamanagers = data managers
datamart = data mart
datamigratie = data migration
Dataminimalisatie = Data minimisation
dataminimalisatie = data minimisation
datamining = data mining
datamodel = data model
datamodellen = data models
datamyte length fixture = datamyte length fixture
datanet = datanet
Datanetaansluiting = Data net connection
datanetwerk = data network
Datanetwerkondersteuningsdiensten = Data network support services
data-ontsluiting = data access
dataopslag = data storage
data-opslag = data storage
dataopslag en databeveiliging = data storage and data protection
dataopslag en -gebruik = data storage and use
Dataopslag/dataverwerking = Data storage / data processing
dataopslagsysteem = data storage system
dataopslagsysteem omvattende één of meerdere tastbare niet-transitoire  = data storage system comprising one or more tangible non-transitory comput
dataovereenkomst = data agreement
datapad = data path
datapaneel = data pane
datapanelen = data panes
dataplatform = data platform
Datapolis = Datapolis
dataportabiliteit = data portability
dataportal = data portal
dataprocessen- en analyses = data processes and analyses
dataprotectie = data protection
Dataprotocol codering = Coding for data communication technique
dataprovider = data provider
datapunt = datapoint
datapunt = data point
datapunten = datapoints
datapunten = data points
Datarail bussysteem = Data rail for bus system
Datarail-afdekking = Data rail cover
Datarailverbinder bussysteem = Data rail coupler for bus system
datareductie = data reduction
data-reductie = reduction of data
datareeks = data series
Dataregistratiediensten in boorgat = Downhole recording services
Dataretentie = Data retention
dataroom = data room
dataroom management = data room management
datascience = data science
data-service = data service
data-services = data services
dataset = dataset
dataset = data set
Dataset Designer = Dataset Designer
datasets = datasets
datasheets = data sheets
datasilo’s = data silos
datasnelheden = data speeds
data-standaarden = data standards
datastream = data stream
datastromen = data flows
Datastructuur = Data structure
datastructuur = data structure
datastructuur wijzigen = modify data structure
datatablet = data tablet
datateam = data team
Datatechniek = Data processing technique
dataterminal = data terminal
dataterminalapparatuur = data terminal equipment: DTE
data-toegang = data access
data-toegang en –controle = data access and control
datatransformaties = data transformations
datatransmissie = data transmission
datatransmissie-besturing = data transmission control
datatransmissie-controle = data transmission check
Datatransmissiediensten = Data transmission services
Datatransmissiekabel = Data-transmission cable
Datatransmissiekabel met coaxiale geleiders = Data-transmission cable with coaxial conductors
Datatransmissiekabel met meervoudige elektrische geleiders = Data-transmission cable with multiple electrical conductors
Datatransmissiekabel voor bijzondere toepassingen = Data-transmission cable for special applications
datatransmissie-systeem = data transmission system
Datatransmissie-uitrusting = Data-transmission equipment
datatransportbesturing = flow control
Datatype = Type
datatype = data type
datatype van de parameters = data type of the parameters
Datatypen beperken met extends = Restricting data types with extends
"Datatypen, variabelen en methoden" = "Data types, variables and methods"
Datauitwisseling = Data-exchange
data-uitwisseling = data exchange
Dataveiligheid = Data security
dataveld = data field
dataverandering = data change
Dataveranderingen = Data changes
dataveranderingen in de gebeurtenislog = data changes in the event log
dataveranderingen in de gebeurtenislog worden opgenomen = data changes are recorded in the event log
dataveranderingsdatabank = data change database
dataverbinding = data connection
Dataverkeer = Traffic
dataverkeer = data traffic
dataverkeer en oproepen = data traffic and calls
dataverkeer en -opslag = data traffic and storage
dataverlies verlies van cliënteel = loss of customer data
dataverwerking = data processing
dataverwerkingssysteem = data processing system
dataverzameling = data collection
dataverzamelingsmethode = data-collection method
dataverzamelingsmethode = data collection method
dataverzamelinrichting = data collection device
data-visualisatie = data visualisation
Data-visualization = Data-visualisation
datavloer = data floor
datawarehouse = Data Warehouse
datawarehouses = data warehouses
datawetenschappen = data sciences
datawetenschappen = data science
datawetenschapper = data scientist
data-wetenschapper = data scientist
data-wiping = data wiping
DAT-banden = DAT tapes
DAT-cassettes = Digital Audio Tape (DAT) cartridges
Date & Clock = Date & Clock
Date found = Wanneer gevonden
Dateer- of nummermachines = Dating or numbering machines
dateerb = dateable
dateert van = dates from
dateren = date
dateren = date from
dateren (with van or uit) = date  (to begin)
datering = date
datgene = that
datgene = that which
datgene = what
datief = dative (dative case)
datief = dative case
datr = datr
datr- fr- en sb-cookie = "‘datr’, ‘fr’ and ‘sb’ cookie"
"datr-, fr- en sb-cookie" = "‘datr’, ‘fr’ and ‘sb’ cookie"
DAT-recorder = DAT recorder
Datum = Days
datum = date
Datum = Detail
datum {de} = date
datum afhankelijk = date dependent
Datum akte laatste statutenwijziging = Date of last deed of amendment to the Articles of Associations
Datum akte van oprichting = Date of deed of incorporation
Datum audit = Audit date
Datum begin opdracht = Assignment start date
datum binnenkomst = Date of receipt
datum economische levering = date of transfer of the beneficial ownership
datum einde = End date
datum en het tijdstip van het bezoek = date and time of the visit
datum en het uur van de dag = date and time of day
datum en plaats als boven = date and place as above
datum en tijd = date and time
datum en tijd eigenschappen = date and time properties
Datum en tijd van het ontstaan van = Date and time of the occurrence of
Datum- en tijdfuncties = Date and time functions
Datum en tijdstip = Date and time
Datum en tijdstip vrijgave = Date and time of release
datum evenement = date of event
datum gecreëerd = date created
Datum in functie = Date of taking up the position
datum indienst = date of employment
datum indiensttreding = date of employment
datum inlevering = return date
Datum inwerkingtreding = Date of entry into force
datum laatste aanpassing = last modification date
Datum laatste revisie = Date of last revision
datum- of tijdformaat = date or time format
datum ondertekening = signing date
Datum ondertekening door beide partijen = Date signed by both parties
Datum rapport = Date of report
datum rapportkolom = date report column
datum registratie = registration date
Datum Schadegeval = Claim Date
datum start = Start date
datum terugbetalingsregeling = date specified in the repayment scheme
Datum Uitgifte = issue date
datum van aanpassing = adjustment date
datum van aanpassing = modification date
datum van aanpassing van deze overeenkomst = date of adjustment of this Agreement
Datum van aanvang terbeschikkingstelling = Commencement date of the temporary placement
datum van accountantsverklaring = audit report date
datum van accountantsverklaring = payment date of a dividend
datum van aflevering = date of delivery
datum van aflevering van de Producten = date of delivery of the Products
Datum van Afloop = Expiry Date
Datum van afloop = Expiry date
Datum van Afloop van de Initiële Looptijd = Expiry Date of the Initial Term
datum van Bedrijfsklare oplevering = Turnkey delivery date
datum van Bedrijfsklare oplevering van de Programmatuur = date of Turnkey delivery of the Software
datum van berekening = calculation date
datum van bevestiging van de offerte = date of confirmation of the offer
Datum van de klacht = Date of the complaint
datum van dividendbetaling = date of payment of a dividend
datum van heenreis = date of departure
datum van in werking treden van de wet = date of enactment
datum van in werking treden van de wet = date of posting
datum van indiensttreding = date of employment
datum van ingang = effective date
datum van inleveren = submission date
datum van inwerkingtreding = effective date
datum van inwerkingtreding = commencement date
datum van minimale houdbaarheid = date of minimum durability
datum van minimale houdbaarheid van een levensmiddel = date of minimum durability of a food
datum van ondertekening = date of signature
datum van ontvangst = date of receipt
datum van opname = Date of the inspection:
datum van publicatie = date of publication
datum van ter post bezorging = date of issue
datum van ter post bezorging = posting date
datum van uitdiensttreding = date of departure
datum van uitdiensttreding = date of departure from service
datum van vaststelling door de algemene vergadering = date of adoption by the General Meeting
Datum van verlies = Date lost
datum van vertrek = departure date
datum van vervanging = fulfillment of discard criteria
datum van verzending = date of dispatch
datum van voorrang = priority date
Datum vandaag = Today’s date
datum vaststellen voor de volgende vergadering = to fix a date for the next meeting
Datum verslag = Date of report
datum vestiging = date of establishment
datum voor aandelensplitsing = effective date for share split
datum voorziene bevalling = expected date of delivery
Datum vorige inspectie = Date last inspection
datum waarop de euro wordt ingevoerd = euro adoption date
datum waarop de laatste proefpersoon is geïncludeerd = date when the last trial subject is enrolled
datum waarop de vergadering heeft plaatsgevonden = date on which the meeting took place
datum waarop de vergadering plaats gaat vinden = date on which the meeting is to take place
datum waarop het afgerond dient te zijn = date by which it should be completed
datum waarop het besluit door de Gemeente tot verkoop is genomen = date on which the Municipality took the decision to sell
datum waarop naar de chartale euro wordt omgeschakeld = cash changeover date
Datum/tijd = datetime
datum/tijd = date/time
datum/tijd einde van de = date and ending time of the
datum/tijd start van de = Date and starting time of the
Datum/tijd van laatste wijziging = LMDT
Datum/tijd van laatste wijziging = Last Modified Date/Time
datum/tijd-groep = date-time group: DTG
Datum: = Date:
datumafhankelijk = date-dependent
datumafhankelijk veld aanpassen = modify date-dependent field
datumcodering = date coding
datumcodering = date code
datumexpressie = date expression
datumformaat = dating format
datumformatering = date formatting
datumkiezer = date picker
datumplanningsysteem = bucketless system
Datumreeks = Date range
datumroosterveld = date schedule field
Datums = Dates
datumscheidingsteken = date separator
datumstempel = date mark
datumstempels = date stamps
datumtijd = date time
datumtijdveld eigenschappen = date time field properties
datumvan = DateLost
datumveld = date field
datumveldbreedte = date field width
datumwijziging = date change
Datura = Datura
datzelfde = that same
Datzelfde jaar = That same year
Daugavpils = Daugavpils
Dauphin = Dauphin
Dauphin = Heir apparent
Dauphin = Dolphin
Dauw = Dew
dauw {de} = dew
dauwdruppel {de} = dewdrop
dauwkap = dew protection cap
Dauwpunt = Dew point
Dauwpunt = Dew-point
dauwpunt = dew point
dauwpunt {het} = dew point
dauwpunthygrometer = dew-point hygrometer
dauwpunttemperatuur = temperature of dew point
dauwroten = dew retting
dauwworm = acne
daveren = howl
Daveren = Blare
Daveren = Cling out
Daveren = Ring out
Daveren = Boom out
Daveren = Bang
David = David
David Bohm = David Bohm
David Hilbert = David Hilbert
David Hilbert = Hilbert
David Hume = David Hume
David Livingstone = David Livingstone
David Ricardo = David Ricardo
Davidster = Star of David
Davis Cup = Davis Cup
Dawn of the Dead = Zombie
dayOfBirth = geboortedag
DB = executive
DB = executive board (EB)
DB = executive committee
DB = managing committee
DB = day-to-day administration
dB = dB
dB(A) = dB(A)
DBA-naam = DBA name
Dbase = Dbase
D-Basics = d-basics
DBCP = dibromochloropropane
DBCS-tekens = double-byte characters
"DBFM Ontwerp, bouw, financiering en onderhoud van een nieuwe gevangenis v" = "DBFM - Design, Construction, Financing and Maintainence of a new prison f"
DBFMO = "Design, Build, Finance and Maintain-contract (DBFM)"
DBFM-overeenkomst = DBFM contract
dbln = dbln
DBMS = database management system
dB-schaal = dB scale
DBV = Venlo Board (Dagelijks Bestuur Venlo)
DC (gelijkstroom) = DC (direct current)
DC bekabeling = DC cabling
DC- en AC-zijde = DC and AC side
DC ingang = DC input
DC spanningen = DC voltages
DC zijdig = On the DC side
DC zijdige = DC-side
DC’s = DCs
DC’s = distribution centres
DC-aansluitingen = DC connections
DC-bekabeling = DC wiring
DCC = "Departmental Coordination Centre (Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum, DCC"
DCC (digital compact cassette) = DCC
DCF 77 radiogestuurd = DCF 77 radio controlled
DCF77 tijdsynchronisatie voor digitale schakelklok = DCF77 time synchronisation for digital timers
DCF-antenne voor schakelklok = DCF-antenna for time switches
DCI = Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI)
DC-kabel = DC cable
DC-koppelkast = DC junction cabinet
DC-laadunit = DC charger unit
DC-offsetwaarde = DC offset value
DCOM = Distributed COM
DCOM = Distributed Component Object Model
DC-Ontwerpspanning = DC design voltage
DC-optimizer = DC optimiser
DCP-packages = DCP packages
Dc's = Drill Collar(s)
DC-scheiding = DC-isolation
DC-systeemspanning = DC-system voltage
DC-uitgang = DC-output
DCV Mode = DCV Mode
DC-verdeelkast = DC distribution system cabinet
DC-verdeler = DC distribution system
DC-vermogen = DC power
DC-vermogensbeveiliging = DC rating interlock
DCV-Mode = DCV Mode
Dcypher = Dcypher
DC-zijdig = on the DC side
dd = dated
D-Day = D-day
DDC = data-driven creativity
DDC = data-driven creativity (DDC)
DDD (som) = DDD (total)
DDD-model = DDD model
DDE (som) = DDE (total)
DDE-conversatie = dynamic data exchange conversation
DDE-conversatie = DDE conversation
DDE-kanaal = dynamic data exchange channel
DDE-kanaal = DDE channel
DDI = Design-Driven Innovation
ddie dicumarine = dicoumarin
Ddiensten voor het demonteren van boorpijpen = Well-drilling laydown services
DDOS-aanvallen = DDoS attacks
DDoS-aanvallen = DDoS attacks
DDoS-beschermingsservices = DDoS protection services
DDR = East Germany
DDT (insecticide) = DDT
DDT (som) = DDT (total)
DDT + DDE + DDD (som) = DDT + DDE + DDD (total)
DDT + TDE + DDE (som) = DDT + TDE + DDE (total)
de = the
de = said
DE = Rotor Blade Design Evaluation
DE = Electrical Detail Engineering
dé = the perfect
dé = just the
dé = ideal
dé = the leading
dé = perfect
de  bovenste  sensor = the top sensor
de  invoerbaan = the import conveyor
de  leverancier en de transporteur = the supplier and the carrier
de (on)mogelijkheden = the possibilities and limitations
de (stempel)kram = dog
de (technische modaliteiten van) de uit te voeren werken = the (technical aspects of the) works to be carried out
de (uitvoering van de) Overeenkomst = the Agreement and/or its performance
de ‘ander’ = the ‘Other’
de ‘next big thing’ = next big thing
de ‘next big thing’ = the next big thing
de ‘Vorige pagina’-knop van uw internetbrowser = your internet browser’s ‘Back’ button
"de 1,6-diaminohexaan" = "1,6-diaminohexane"
"de 1,6-diaminohexaan" = "1,2-  diaminohexane"
de 2 ‘r’en = the 2 Rs
de 2 voorgaande vrachten = the two previous cargoes
de 3 Ps = the 3 Ps
de 3-jarige route van de eerste twee studiejaren = the first two years of the three-year variant
"de 4 C's [carat (gewicht), clarity (zuiverheid), colour (kleur), cut (maa" = "the 4 C's [carat (weight), clarity, colour, cut]"
de 70-jarige leeftijd bereikt = reach the age of 70
de aal = the eel
de aan de Aandeelhouder verbonden bestuurder niet langer de enige bestuur = the director associated with the Shareholder is no longer the sole direct
de aan deze overeenkomst voorafgaande arbeidsovereenkomst = the contract of employment preceding this contract
de aan- en afvoer van pallets = the supply and removal of pallets
de aan haar gelieerde bedrijven = the companies affiliated to it
de aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen = its affiliated enterprises
de aan het item gekoppelde brontekst = the source text linked to the item
de aan of af te voeren goederen = the goods to be supplied or removed
de aan- of afwezigheid van luchtbellen en vuil = the presence or absence of air bubbles or dirt
de aan ons toekomende rechten = the rights to which we are entitled
de aan TIP verschafte informatie = the information provided to TIP
De aanbestedende dienst = The contracting authority
de aanbestedende instantie = the contracting entity
de aanbestedende overheid = the contracting authority
De aanbieder levert met de Inschrijving = The supplier shall include with the Tender
De aanbieding is gebaseerd op = The offer is based on
De aanbieding is gebaseerd op de hieronder vermelde documenten: = The offer is based on the documents listed below:
De aandachtige lezer kan dus begrijpen = The attentive reader will thus note
de Aandelen die de Vennootschap houdt = the Shares held by the Company
de aandelen luiden aan toonder = shares are issued in bearer form
de aandelen luiden op naam = the shares are registered
De Aandelen luiden op naam = The Shares are registered
de aandelen van de in gebreke zijnde vennoot = the shares of the defaulting shareholder
De aandelen zijn ondeelbaar = The shares are indivisible
De aandelen zijn op naam. = The shares are registered.
de aandoening = the condition
De aanduiding is = This is referred to as
de aangeboren dermatitis bullosa = epidermolysis bullosa
de aangeborene beperking = "congenital  disability, congenital impairment, congenital defect"
de aangehechte Bijlagen = the attached Appendices
De aangevraagde werkgeversverklaring = The requested employer’s certificate
de aangewezen begunstigde onder de bankgarantie = the beneficiary designated under the bank guarantee
de aangifte van het betreffende jaar heeft goedgekeurd = has approved the tax return of the year in question
de aanhef = preamble (of a claim)
de aanhef van de conclusie = preamble (of a claim)
de aankomst = arrival
de aanleg van netwerken = the construction of networks
de aanleg van wegen = road construction
de aanleiding voor = driving force(s) behind
de aanleiding voor = factor(s) contributing to
de aanleiding voor = the (direct) cause for
de aanleiding voor = the background for
de aanleiding voor = the reason(s) to/for
de aanleiding voor = the trigger for
de aanleiding voor = were occasioned by
de aanleiding voor = X has been prompted by Y
de aanleiding voor = X triggered Y
de aanloop naar = the run-up to
De aanmelding is gesloten = Applications will no longer be accepted
de Aannemer ter beschikking gestelde documenten en gegevens = the documents and data made available to the Contractor at that time
de aanpak van = tackling the problem of
de aanpak van belastingontwijking = tackling tax avoidance
de aanpak van een probleem = tackling a problem
de aanpak van een project = one’s approach to a project
De aanpassing van de gewenste taal = Changing the preferred language
de aanschaf van = the purchase of
de aanslag van het betreffende jaar heeft goedgekeurd = has approved the tax assessment of the relevant year
de aansluitcontacten op de aansluitconnectoren = the terminal contacts on the terminal connectors
de aansluiting tot stand wordt gebracht = the connection is established
de aansluiting va = the connection of
de aansluiting van de eigen kwaliteiten en persoonlijkheid op deze compet = the extent to which their own qualities and personality dovetail with the
de aansluiting van de eigen kwaliteiten en persoonlijkheid op deze compet = the extent to which the student’s own qualities and personality dovetai
de aansluiting van de schoorsteen (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = chimney flashing
De aansprakelijkheid van = The liability of
De aansprakelijkheid van de Maatschappij is gelimiteerd tot een bedrag va = The liability of the Company is limited to an amount of
de aansprakelijkheid van een van de partijen = the liability of either party
De aansprakelijkheid van Leverancier = Supplier’s liability
De aansprakelijkheid van Yellax ontstaat slechts indien Klant Yellax onve = "In order for the Yellax to incur liability, Customer must serve Yellax wi"
De aansprakelijkheid voor = The liability for
De aansprakelijkheid voor een toerekenbare tekortkoming = The liability for an attributable failure
de aansteker = the lighter
de aantrede / de bloktrede (van trap) = curtail step
De aanvangshuurprijs van het gehuurde bedraagt op jaarbasis = The initial annual rent for the Leased Space is
de aanvoer van verse lucht = fresh air supply
de aanvraag goedkeuren = approve the request
De aanvrager stelde verrassend vast = The applicant surprisingly found
De aanvrager vond dat = The applicant found that
De aanvrager vond verrassenderwijs = The applicant surprisingly found
De Aanvullende Anw-verzekering = The Supplementary ANW insurance
de aanwezigheid van de aanwezigheidsdetector niet wordt verraden = the presence of the occupancy detector is not given away
de aanwezigheid van pallets = The presence of pallets
De aanwijsnaald aan de buitenkant van de tank reageert op de stand van de = The arrow pointer on the outside of the tank responds to the position of 
de aanzuig = the suction point
de aanzuigleiding tussen het afvoerpunt en de ventilatiecollector = the suction line between the extraction outlet and the air collector
de aap = ape
de aard en omvang = the nature and extent
de aard van de samenhang tussen = the nature of the relationship between
De aard van de werkzaamheden = The nature of the work
De aard van deze Uitzendovereenkomst = The nature of this Temporary Employment Contract
De aard van deze Uitzendovereenkomst en de betrokken werkzaamheden = The nature of this Temporary Employment Contract and the work in question
de aard van het probleem = the nature of the problem
de aard van het risico = the nature of the risk
de aardappel = potato
de aardbei = the strawberry
de aardbeiengalblaas = strawberry  gallbladder
de aardbeving = the earthquake
de aarde = Earth
de aarde = the earth
de aarzeling bij urinelozing = hesitancy: delay in the ability to urinate
de aas = ace
de ABO incompatibiliteit = blood group incompatibility
de ABO incompatibiliteit = blood type  incompatibility
de ABO incompatibiliteit = rhesus incompatibility of blood
De abonnementsprijs is inclusief = The subscription price includes
de abrikoos = the apricot
de accentueerde harttoon = accentuated   heart sound
de acceptatie van voedingsmiddel = food acceptance
de acceptatie van voedingsmiddel = accepting  food
de Accountant en het bestuursverslag = Discussion paper of the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (N
de accountant geeft de uitslag van zijn onderzoek weer in een schriftelij = the accountant must record the findings of his examination in a written s
De acht mentality-milieus van de Nederlandse samenleving. = The eight mentality classes/groups of modern Dutch society.
de acrokeratosis verruciformis = Hopf disease
de acropathia ulcerans et mutilans = Denny Brown's syndrome
de- Activatie = deactivation
De activiteit = The activity
de activiteit te annuleren = to cancel the activity
de activiteit van de combinatie = the activity of the combination
De activiteiten van de groep = The activities of the group
de actualiteit = the current situation
de actuele laag = the current layer
de actuele praktische uitvoering van de uitvinding = actual reductions to practice of the invention
De actuele waarde van de bedrijfsgebouwen en -terreinen = The current value of the commercial buildings and land
de actuele werkomstandigheden waarin ze zich bevinden = the actual working conditions in which they find themselves
De adaptors = The adapters
de adder = the viper
de adductorenkanaal = adductor canal
de adductorenkanaal = crural canal of Henle
de adductorenkanaal = Hunter's canal
de adductorenkanaal = subsartorial canal: a musculo-fascial canal containing the large neurovas
de ademnood bij het uitademen = "expiratory dyspnea: difficulty with the expiration, often due to obstruct"
de ader = vein
de aderlijke Doppler = venous  doppler
de administratie = Administrative Department
De administratieve organisatie en interne controle = The accounting system and related internal controls
De adresgegevens van de opdrachtgever = The address of the client
de advertentie-instellingen van hun account = their account’s ad preferences
de adviezen zijn met redenen omkleed = the advisory opinions give reasons
De AEOS Blue door controller = The AEOS Blue by controller
de AEOS Blue door controllers = the AEOS Blue door controllers
De AEOS Blue hardware lijn = The AEOS Blue hardware line
de af te leggen route = the route to be travelled
de af te werken wandprofielen en wand = wall profiles and wall to be finished
De afdekdoppen = The sealing caps
De afdekportie = the covering portion
de afdekportie van het tweede element = the covering portion of the second element
de afdeling Fleet Management = the Fleet Management department
de afdeling infectieziekten = infectious diseases section
de afdeling infectieziekten = ward for  infectious diseases
De afdeling Operationele Inkoop = The Operational Procurement department
De afdeling recruitment = The recruitment department
de afdeling schade van de leasemaatschappij = the claims department of the leasing company
de afdeling Systeembeheer = the systems management department
de affectieve instabiliteit = emotional lability
de afgelopen 2 jaar = the past two years
De afgelopen dagen = The last few days
de afgelopen jaren = in recent years
de afgelopen periode = recently
de afgelopen tien jaar = over the past decade
De afgelopen vijf jaar = Over the past five years
de afgesproken ingangsdatum = the agreed commencement date
de afgesproken kwaliteit = the agreed level of quality
de afgesproken termijnen = the agreed deadlines
De afgifteinrichting van de onderhavige uitvinding = The dispensing device of the present invention
de afhankelijk van de ernst van de kwaal verminderde weerstand te verbete = to improve the resistance reduced to a certain extent depending on the se
De aflossingsverplichtingen = The repayment obligations
De afmetingen = The dimensions
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen niet noodzakelijkerwijze o = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond 
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen niet noodzakelijkerwijze o = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond 
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen soms niet overeen met de a = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond 
De afmetingen en de relatieve afmetingen komen soms niet overeen met de a = The dimensions and the relative dimensions do not necessarily correspond 
De afmetingen van = The dimensions of
De afmetingen van een diamant worden uitgedrukt in millimeter. = The measurements of a diamond are expressed in millimetres.
De afmetingen van het product = The dimensions of the product
de afneembare beveiliging = the removable security device
De Afnemer dient ervoor te zorgen dat = Customer must ensure
de afnemer dient ontbinding in te roepen door middel van een schriftelijk = the buyer must effect the termination of the contract by means of a writt
De Afnemer doet afstand van alle rechten = Customer waives all rights
de afnemer is niet bevoegd zijn betalingsverplichtingen tegenover de leve = the purchaser will not be entitled to suspend its payment obligations to 
de afspraken die zijn vastgelegd in = the agreements laid down in
de afspraken gemaakt tussen = the agreements made between
de afspraken met betrekking tot voornoemde opdracht = the agreements with respect to said assignment
de afstammelingsleer = theory of  evolution
de afstand = the distance
de afstand in millemeters = the distance in millimetres
De afstand tussen = The distance between
de afstand tussen = the distance between
de afstand tussen de = the distance between the
de afstand tussen de producten = the distance between the products
de afstand tussen deze groepen = the distance between these groups
de afstand tussen het eerste en tweede = the distance between the first and second
de afstand tussen het verhoogde oppervlak en het onderliggende oppervlak = the distance between the raised surface and the underlying surface
de afstandhouder ( dekkingblokje) = distance piece
de afstandhouder (bekisting) = crow strut
De afstandsbedieningsmodule = The remote control module
De afstandsbedieningsmodule voor = The remote control module for
de aftakking (loodgieterij) = distributing pipe
de aftocht blazen = retreat
de afvalbrandstof wordt in de verbrandingsovens verbrand = the waste fuel is burned in the incinerators
de afwas doen = to wash the dishes
de afweeronderdrukker = immunodepressor
de afweeronderdrukker = (noun)  immunosuppressant
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = absence due to  illness
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = missing work because of sickness
de afwezigheid wegens ziekte = time lost through illness
de afzonderlijke activa en passiva = the components of assets and liabilities
de afzonderlijke malhelften worden ontworpen = the separate mold halves are designed
de Agent en de Artiest = the Agent and the Artist
de agglomeratie van Brussel = Brussels metropolitan area
de agglomeratie van Brussel = conurbation
de agglutinabiliteit = agglutinability
de AIS = AIS
de AIS = abbreviated  injury scale: a classification system for assessing impact i
de alarmen zijn veel te zacht = the alarms are much too soft
De aldus verkregen bedragen = The amounts thus obtained
de Algemene Bepalingen van deze algemene voorwaarden = the General Provisions of these General Terms and Conditions
de algemene stijging van de temperatuur = global warming
de algemene vergadering kan besluiten tot juridische fusie en tot splitsi = the general meeting may decide to approve a merger or division
de algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders heeft met instemming kennis ge = the general meeting of shareholders has welcomed ...
De Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders kan = The General Meeting of Shareholders may
De Algemene Werkgeversvereniging Nederland = The General Employers’ Association (AWVN)
de allergrootste verzenders van = the largest senders of
de allernieuwste technologie = the latest technologies
de als Bijlage toegevoegde = attached as an Appendix
de als dan geldende = applicable at such time
de als dan voor de Onderneming geldende = applicable in the Company at that time
de als voorbeeld beschreven en in de figuren weergegeven uitvoeringsvorme = the embodiments described by way of example and shown in the figures
de als zodanig herkenbare hulpverleners = the emergency services workers identified as such
de alsdan geldende huurprijs = the rent then applicable
de alsdan geldende wettelijke handelsrente = the then current statutory commercial interest
de alveolaire echinococcose de lever = hepatic echinococcosis
de amandel = the almond
de ambassadeur = ambassador
De ambitie = Our ambition
De ambitie = Our ambitions
De Amerikaanse centrale bank (Fed) = Federal Reserve (Fed)
De Amerikanen = Americans
de analyse van literatuur en documenten = the analysis of literature and documents
de analyse van onderzoeksdata = the analysis of research data
de ananas = the pineapple
de ander stimuleren om door te vertellen = stimulating the other person to continue with their story
De andere kant van de medaille = The flip side
de andere Partij het voorwerp is van een beslag = the other Party is subject to an attachment order
de andere zorgverzekeraars = the other health insurance providers
de anemie van Fanconi = Fanconi syndrome
de anemie van Lederer = acute  hemolytic anemia
de anemie van Lederer = hemolytic acute anemia
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = anemia due to blood loss
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = anemia due to loss of blood
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = posthemorrhagic anemia
de anemie wegens bloedverlies = hemorrhagic anemia
de aneurysma axiale = axial aneurysm
de angina monocytotica = glandular fever
de anjer = the carnation
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic chemicals
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic substances
de anorganische verbindingen = inorganic compounds
de ansjovis = the anchovy
de anti-GBM-nefritis = anti-  glomerular basement membrane antibody disease
de anti-GBM-nefritis = "anti-GBM disease: glomerulonephritis, of a generalized proliferative cres"
de anti-GBM-nefritis = Goodpasture disease
de AOW gerechtigde leeftijd bereikt = reaches retirement age
de AOW gerechtigde leeftijd bereikt = reaches state pension age
De aparte handline voor poeder = the separate handline for powder
de apathie = apathy
De API voor plaatsbepaling = The API for positioning
de aponeurosis epicranialis = galea
De apparatuur is tegen diefstal verzekerd = The equipment is insured against theft
de appel = the apple
de appel valt niet ver van de boom = apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to it
de appel valt niet ver van de boom = the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
De applicatie moet gegevens die de kwalitatieve houdbaarheidsgrenzen bena = The application is required to automatically flag data which are approach
de apps van het bedrijf zelf = the company’s own apps
de arbeidsmarkt is open voor zowat alle functies = there are plenty of employment opportunities in the labour market
de arbeidsomstandigheden = the working conditions
de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering = "disability insurance, invalidity insurance"
de Arbeidsovereenkomst = the Employment Contract
de arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt = the employment contract ends
de arbeidsovereenkomst te ontbinden = terminate the employment agreement
de arend = the eagle
de argumenterende samenleving = rational society
de arhinencephalia = alobar  holoprosencephaly
de arm = arm
de armfracturen = fractures of the arm
de arteria supratrochlearis = frontal artery
de Artiest = the Artist
de artisjok = the artichoke
de arts die de schouw verricht = the physician conducting the external examination
De as waarop het drijvend wiel zit = The shaft on which the driving gear is fitted
de asbak = ashtray
de aseptische cultuur = axenic culture
de aseptische cultuur = germ-free culture
de asfaltspijker (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = clout nail
De aspecten van de openbaarmaking kunnen betrekking hebben op individuele = The aspects of the disclosure may relate to individual features as well a
De aspecten van de openbaarmaking kunnen betrekking hebben op individuele = The aspects of the disclosure may relate to individual features as well a
de asperge = the asparagus
De assemblagehandleiding filmpjes kun je vinden = The assembly guide videos can be found
de atelectasis adnata = congenital  fetal atelectasis: collapse of an expanded lung in a newborn 
de atriale tachycardie = "atrial  flutter: a rapid, well-organized contraction of the atrium at 260"
de atriale tachycardie = fibrillo-flutter: a serious & potentially unstable rhythm
de atriumfibrillatie = "a disorganized electrical conduction in the atria, resulting in ineffecti"
de atriumfibrillatie = atrial  fibrillation
de audiokwaliteit van de audio-ingangskanalen = the audio quality of the audio input channels
de auto in ontvangst neemt = takes delivery of the car
De auto wordt niet weergegeven in de lijst = The car does not appear in the list
de automatische belichtingsregeling = automatic exposure control
de automatische belichtingsregeling = automatic  exposure timing
de automatische defibrillator = AICD
de automatische defibrillator = automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator: a surgically-implanted devic
de automatische defibrillator = automatic  implantable cardioverter defibrillator
de autonome DNA-replicatie = ARS
de autonome DNA-replicatie = autonomous DNA replication
de autonome DNA-replicatie = autonomously replicating sequence
de autonoom replicerende sequentie = autonomously replicating sequence
de autonoom replicerende sequentie = autonomous  DNA replication
De autoregeling geldt niet alleen voor = The company car scheme applies not only to
de autoriteiten = the authorities
de autoriteiten van de FSM = FSM authorities
de autosomale erfelijkheid = autosomal heredity
de avond = evening
de avond valt = night is falling
de avondklok = the curfew
de azijn = vinegar
de baard = beard
de baas zijn = be master over
De baas zijn = Overpower
De baas zijn = Domineer
De baas zijn = Outclass
De baas zijn = Dominate
De baas zijn = Exceed
De baas zijn = Tower
De baas zijn = Surpass
de back office van de klant = the customer’s back office
de bacteriële biosynthese van eiwitten = bacterial protein translation
de bacteriële biosynthese van eiwitten = bacterial protein synthesis
de Baerveldt-implant = Krupin valve
De Bagage = Luggage
"De baguette is steeds rechthoekig met altijd wisselende facetten, wat hem" = "The baguette is always rectangular and has alternating facets, which make"
de bakpan = the frying pan
de baksteen = brick
de balans = scales
de balans voor vandaag = today's balance
de balenovertrek = bagging
de balenovertrek = bale wrapping
de balenovertrek = wrapping
de balk = beam
de Balkan = Balkans
de ballast = the ballast
de balloncannula = balloon cannula
de balsem = the balm
de banale besmetting = slight infection
de banale besmetting = mild  infection
de banden = the tires
de banden na goedkeuring door de leasemaatschappij tijdig te laten vernie = have the tyres replaced on time after approval by the leasing company
de banden op spanning brengen = tension the belts
de Bank en de Incassant = the Bank and the Creditor
de barst = the burst
de basis kan aangepast zijn om aan de binnenzijde van de laadklep te mont = the base may be adapted to be mounted on the inside of the tail lift
de basis van een juiste lichaamshouding = the foundation for correct posture
de basis van geneeskunde = the basis of medicine
De basis voor de = The basis for the
de basis voor de andere vormen = the basis for other forms
de basis voor een correcte houding = the foundation for correct posture
de basisprincipes van het = the basics of the
De basisuitrusting omvat alle = The basic equipment includes all
de batches reeds getest zijn = the batches have already been tested
de battery = dry cell battery
De bediening kan gebeuren = The unit can be controlled
de bediening schermen van de Palletiseermachine = the control screens of the Palletiser
De bedieningshandleiding en de onderhoudshandleiding zijn aanwezig = The operating manual and maintenance manual are present
De bedieningspanelen worden = The control panels are
De bedragen van de tarieven = Rates
De bedragen zijn inclusief = The amounts include
de bedrijfsgebouwen en –terreinen = the land and buildings
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational health service
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational health care
de bedrijfsgeneeskundige begeleiding = occupational medicine
De bedrijfslasten stegen = Operating expenses rose
de bedrijfsveiligheid van het toestel = the operational safety of the device
De beëindiging treedt in werking zodra = The termination shall enter into force as soon as
De beëindiging van de Overeenkomst = The termination of the Agreement
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van de camera = the images are lost after switching off the camera
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van de camera = the images are lost when the camera is switched off
de beelden verloren gaan bij het uitschakelen van het apparaat = the images are lost when the device is switched off
de beeldinterpretatie = computer-assisted  image interpretation
de beeldsensor van de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving geïntegreerd is  = the image sensor of the user in the sterile environment is integrated in 
de beeldsensor van de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving geïntegreerd is  = the image sensor of the user in the sterile environment is integrated in 
de beer = the bear
de begane grond / benedenverdieping = ground floor
de beginselen van Eurocontrol voor het vaststellen van de kostengrondslag = Eurocontrol's principles for establishing the cost-base for route facilit
de begrippen die met een hoofdletter beginnen = the capitalised terms
de begroting = the budget
de begroting in evenwicht brengen = to balance the budget
de begroting voor = the budget for
de behaalde operationele kasstroom = the operating cash flow achieved
de behaalde resultaten over het eerste kwartaal = the results achieved in the first quarter
de behandeling met hirudine = hirudinization
de behandeling van condensaatwater in de procesindustrie = "the treatment of condensed water (or: water condensate, condensate wat"
de behandeling van condensaatwater in de procesindustrie = "the treatment of condensed water (or: water condensate, condensate water)"
De beheerder van de gegevens is = The administrator of the data is
De beheersing van registraties = Managing records
de behoefte aan = the need for
De behoefte aan = The demand for
"De behoefte aan spectrum voor specifieke, professionele breedbandige toep" = "‘The need for spectrum for specific, professional broadband application"
de behoefte te voelen in controle = the need to feel in control
de behoefte van verschillende gebruikers = the needs of different users
de behoefte voor meetnauwkeurigheid = the need for measuring accuracy
de behoeften van de klant = the needs of the customer
de behuizing = the housing
de behuizing een cilindrisch lichaam omvat = the housing comprises a cylindrical body
de behuizing een kraag omvat = the housing comprises a collar
de behuizing een retentiering omvat = the housing comprises a retention ring
de behuizing langs genoemd verbindingselement beweegbaar is = the housing is movable along said connecting element
de beitel = the chisel
de bek = muzzle
De bekabeling wordt zo uitgevoerd = The cabling must be laid
de bekercellen = mucus-secreting goblet cells
de bekercellen = goblet cells
de bekisting van de balkbodem = cut-in bottom
de belangen van de klant = the interests of the customer
de belangen van de Onderneming = the interests of the Company
de belangen van eindgebruikers = the interests of end users
de belangen van stakeholders = the interests of the stakeholders
de belangrijkste = the most important
De belangrijkste aspecten = The main aspects
De belangrijkste inkomsten = The main source of income
De belangrijkste redenen zijn = The main reasons for this are as follows
De belangrijkste symmetrie-afwijkingen en de 'proportions' worden eerst b = The main symmetry-deviations and the proportions are first judged based o
De belangrijkste symmetrie-afwijkingen en de proportions worden eerst beo = The main symmetry-deviations and the proportions are first judged based o
De belangrijkste taak van de = The main task of the
de belangrijkste technologische component = the key technological component
De belangrijkste uitdagingen in een ‘Wild West Datacenter’…en het a = Major challenges in a ‘Wild West data centre’... and how to tackle th
de belastingdienst = The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst
de belastingstolerantie = exercise tolerance
de belediging = outrage
de belegering = the siege
De beleidsanalyse = Policy analysis
de beleidsbepalingen en procedures = the policies and procedures
De beleidswetenschappen = Policy studies
de belemmeringswet privaatrecht = public-right of way charge
de Belgische diamanthandelaar = Belgian diamond traders
de Belgische diamantsector = the Belgian diamond sector
"De Belgische Staat, de Gemeenschappen, de Gewesten, de provincies, de gem" = "The Belgian State, the Communities, the Regions, the provinces, the munic"
de bemonsterde versnelling en een eerder bemonsterde versnelling = the sampled acceleration and a previously sampled acceleration
de benen = the legs
de benen van de pati = the legs of the patient
de benen van de patiënt = the legs of the patient
de benodigde functie-informatie = the required job information
de benodigde materialen = The necessary materials
de benodigde tijd om applicaties te bouwen en implementeren = the time required to build and implement applications
De benodigde verbinding(en) = The required connection(s)
de benodigde zorg in natura te leveren = provide the necessary care in kind
de beoordeelde = person being assessed
de bepaling van de verzekeringspremie = determining the insurance premium
de bepalingen in de cao = the provisions in the collective agreement
De bepalingen uit de = The provisions of the
de bepalingen uit de huisregels = the provisions of the company rules
de bepalingen van = the provisions of
De bepalingen van deze bevestiging = The stipulations of this confirmation
De bepalingen van dit artikel = The provisions of this Article
De bepalingen van dit artikel zullen ook van kracht blijven nadat deze ov = The provisions of this article shall remain in force after this agreement
De bepalingen van het Weens koopverdrag zijn niet van toepassing = The provisions of the Vienna Sales Convention shall not apply
de bepalingen welke nietig of niet rechtsgeldig zijn of worden = the void or voided ones
de beplating van een machine = the housing of a machine
de bereikbaarheid van de machine = machine accessibility
de bereikbaarheid van het = the accessibility of the
de berekende afwijking = the calculated deviation
de berekende snelheid = the calculated speed
de berekende waarden = the calculated values
de berekening van de benuttingsgraad = calculating the utilisation rate
de berg = mountain
de Bergsingel ligt in het verlengde van de Noordsingel = the Bergsingel is a continuation of the Noordsingel
de beroepsbevolking is goed opgeleid = the workforce is well educated
de beroepscontacteczeem = cosmetic  dermatitis: a cutaneous eruption that results from the applicat
de beroepskostenvergoeding = the professional expense allowance
de bescheiden worden al dan niet in afschrift overgelegd = either originals or copies of the documents will be submitted
de beschermde schakelaar = drill-cast rotary switch
de bescherming van ons land tegen digitale dreigingen = protecting the Netherlands against digital threats
de beschermingsfolie van de gelaagde inrichting = the protective film of the layered structure
De beschermkappen niet verwijderen tijdens de werking van de machine = Do not remove the guards during operation of the machine
de beschikbaarheid van bancair krediet = the availability of bank credit
de beschikbaarheid van data = data availability
De beschikbaarheidsgraad = The availability rate
de beschikbare dikte = the available thickness
De beschikbare premie = The defined contribution
de beschikking is bepaald op heden = the Court Order is issued with today's date
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting.
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. In d = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting. In the dr
De beschreven tekeningen zijn slechts schematisch en niet beperkend. In d = The drawings described are only schematic and are non-limiting. In the dr
De beschrijving is voldoende gedetailleerd = The description is sufficiently detailed
de beschrijving van het = the description of the
De beslissing is in het openbaar uitgesproken = The decision was pronounced in open court
de beslissing om opdracht te geven tot een gerechtelijke sectie = the decision to order a forensic autopsy
de beslissing omtrent de kosten wordt aangehouden = costs are reserved
de besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid naar Nederlands r = a private company with limited liability under Dutch law
de besmettelijke nucleïnezuren = infectious nucleinic acids
de besmetting door Necator = bunostomiasis
de besmetting door Necator = hookworm disease
de besmetting door Necator = hookworm infection
de bestaande architectuur = the organisation’s existing architecture
"De beste kleur wordt 'exceptional white+' genoemd, de laagste kleur op de" = The best colour is called 'exceptional white+'
"De beste kleur wordt 'exceptional white+' genoemd, de laagste kleur op de" = the lowest colour on the scale is called 'tinted colour'. Between bracket
"De beste kleur wordt exceptional white+ genoemd, de laagste kleur op de s" = The best colour is called exceptional white+
"De beste kleur wordt exceptional white+ genoemd, de laagste kleur op de s" = "the lowest colour on the scale is called tinted colour. Between brackets,"
De beste oplossing voor starters = The best solution for beginners
de beste premiestelling = lowest premiums
de beste premiestelling heeft = has the lowest premiums
de beste werkzaamheid = optimal efficacy
"De beste zuiverheidsgraad wordt loupe clean genoemd, letterlijk loepzuive" = "The best clarity grade is called loupe clean, literally meaning clean whe"
de bestelling definitief is = the order is final
de bestelling te annuleren = to cancel the order
De bestellingen in uitvoering daalden tot = Contracts in progress fell to
De bestellingen worden gefactureerd = Orders are invoiced
De bestellingen worden gefactureerd tegen de prijzen en de voorwaarden = Orders are invoiced at the prices and under the conditions
de bestrijding van discriminatie te ondersteunen in arbeid en beroep = The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
de bestrijding van fraude = combating fraud
de bestrijding van piraterij = the fight against piracy
de bestrijding van soorten die nog niet bestreden werden (hiaten) = the control of species that have not yet been controlled (gaps)
de besturingseenheid is geconfigureerd om een afsluitklep te besturen die = the controller is configured to control a shut-off valve associated with 
de betaling van reeds geleverde goederen of diensten op te schorten = suspend payment for goods or services already delivered
de betalingsverplichting komt niet in aanmerking voor een beroep op verre = the payment obligation does not qualify for set-off
de betalingsverplichting vervalt = the payment obligation ends
de betekening of de kennisgeving van stukken = the service of documents
de betekening of de kennisgeving van stukken = service of documents
de betermelding voor 9.30 uur doorgeven = to report before 9.30 a.m. that one is well again
de betonnen gording = concrete purlin
De betonwanden = The concrete walls
de betreffende categorie = the relevant category
De betreffende documenten = The relevant documents
De betreffende eis = The relevant requirement
de betreffende leasemaatschappij = the relevant leasing company
de betreffende onderdelen = the relevant components
de betreffende verkeerslichteninstallatie = the relevant traffic signal installation
De betrekking in = The employment in
de betrekking in België en Nederland = the employment in Belgium and the Netherlands
de betrokken categorieën van persoonsgegevens = the categories of personal data concerned
de betrokkenheid van medewerkers vergroot = increase employee engagement
de betrouwbaarheid = reliability
de betrouwbaarheid ervan voor specifieke doeleinden = its reliability for specific purposes
de betrouwbaarheid van je onderzoek = the reliability of your research
de betrouwbaarheid van uw data = the reliability of your data
de beuk = beech
de Beurs = Stock Exchange
De beurs loopt vooruit op de economische ontwikkelingen = the stock market anticipates economic developments
de beurs van de regering = government funding
de beurzen in Europa = European stock exchanges
de beveiliging van = securing
de beveiliging van communicatie = securing communication
de beveiliging van de toegang tot het netwerk = securing access to the network
de beveiliging van onze systemen = system security
De bevestiging van uitzending = The Confirmation of Secondment
De bevestiging van uitzending zal aan Werknemer worden verstrekt en maakt = The Confirmation of Secondment will be provided to Employee and is an int
De bevindingen van de inspectie = The findings of the inspection
de bevoegde autoriteiten van de lidstaten = the competent authorities of the Member States
de bevoegde rechter in het Arrondissement = the competent court in the district of
de bevoegde rechter in het Arrondissement Arnhem = the competent court in the district of Arnhem
de bevoegde rechter van de Rechtbank te Maastricht = "the competent court of the District Court of Maastricht, the Netherlands"
De bevolking in Nederland = the population in the Netherlands
de bevordingssekwentie = "enhancer element: in molecular biology, a Cis-acting DNA sequence in the "
de bewaarplicht van verkeersgegevens = the obligation to retain traffic data
de bewaartermijn van de externe documenten = The retention period of the external documents
de beweging = the device is not obstructed by
de beweging van de behuizing = the movement of said housing
de bewegingen van de foetus = fetal movements
De bewegingen van de vlotter worden via een tandwielsysteem overgebracht  = The movements of the float are transferred via a gear system to a metal s
de bewegingsrichting = the direction of movement
de bewegingsrichting van het substraat in het sputtersysteem = the direction of movement of the substrate in the sputtering system
de bewegingstherapie = exercise therapy
"de bewezenverklaring van het onder 1 primair, 2 primair en 3 ten laste ge" = That the court finds (...) on the principal charge 1
De bewijskracht hiervoor is gering = The evidence for this is limited
De bewijslast ligt bij = The burden of proof lies with
de bewoner van de flat = the occupier of the flat
de bezem = floor brush
de bezem = broom
de bij = the bee
de bij de aanbesteding betrokken medewerk(st)ers = the staff involved in the call for tenders
de bij de opdrachtgever ter zake geldende regeling = the client’s regulations in this respect
de bij de reorganisatie betrokken werknemers = the employees affected by the reorganisation
de bij dit onderzoek betrokken artsen = the physicians involved in this study
de bij haar aangesloten bedrijven = its affiliated companies
de bij het bestek behorende stukken = the documents supporting the contract documents
de bij het transport behorende vervoersbewijzen = transport certificates associated with the transport
de bij Werkgever geldende werktijden = the working hours in force at Employer
De bijdrage die de medewerker is verschuldigd = The contribution that the employee is due
De bijdrage die de medewerker is verschuldigd wegens = The contribution the employee must pay to cover the costs of
De bijeenroeping der algemene vergadering = The general meeting shall be convened
de bijenkorf = the beehive
de bijgevoegde conclusies = the appended claims
de bijkomende stap omvat van = comprises the additional step of
de bijl = ax
de bijlagen behorende bij deze overeenkomst = the Appendices forming part of this Agreement
De Bijlagen bij deze Overeenkomst = The Annexes to this Agreement
De bijwerking van de bijdragen en de prestaties = Update of the contributions and the benefits
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = distinguish main points from minor points
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = separate essentials from details
de bijzaken van de hoofdzaken scheiden = separate essentials from non-essentials
De Bilt = De Bilt
de binnen het bedrijf geldende = that apply within the Company
De binnendiameter = The inside diameter
De binnendiameter van de = The inside diameter of the
De binnendiameter van de buis = The inside diameter of the pipe
de binnendiameter van de kraag van de vatkop = the inner diameter of the keg head collar
de binnenkomende telefoonlijn = the incoming telephone line
de binnenluchtkwaliteit = the indoor air quality
de binnenste laag van de leidingen een substantieel gladde binnenzijde he = the inner layer of the pipes having a substantially smooth inside
de binnenzijde van de zijportie = the inner side of the side portion
de binnenzijden van de wanden van de buitenste kamer = the inner sides of the walls of the outer chamber
de biochemische werking van het endometrium = endometrial biochemical activity
de biomedische imaging = biomedical  imaging
de bitumenlaag af te schermen = shield the bitumen layer
de bitumenlaag af te schermen van UV licht = shield the bitumen layer from UV light
de bitumenlaag de plaatsingslijn en de eerste rand nog scheidt = the bitumen layer still separates the placement line and the first edge
de blaas = bladder
de bladzijde = page
de blennorrhoea neonatorum = ophthalmia neonatorum
de bliksem = the thunder
de bliksem = the lightning
de bliksemafleider = the lightning rod
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = erythrocyte sedimentation rate
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = ESR
de bloedbezinkingssnelheid = E.S.R.
de bloedvormend organen = hemopoietic organs
de bloedzuiger = the leech
de bloem = the flower
de bloemkool = the cauliflower
de blootstelling via inademing van gifgassen = "inhalation exposure: inhaling harmful chemical, physical, or biological a"
de blootstelling via inademing van gifgassen = inhalation of air pollutants
de bodem = the bottom
de bodem speelt altijd een belangrijke rol = The soil always plays an important role
De Boer Logistics = De Boer Logistics
De Boer Logistics B.V. = De Boer Logistics B.V.
De Boer Tenten = De Boer Tenten
de boete = the fine
de boete is rechtstreeks verschuldigd aan de werkgever en strekt deze tot = the penalty is payable to and accrues to the employer
De boete is verschuldigd door het enkele feit van niet-nakoming = The penalty shall be due by the mere fact of non-performance
de bokkepruik op hebben = to be in a bad mood
de bol van de steel te scheiden = separating the bulb from the stem
de boodschap en de wijzigingsgebeurtenis elk omvattende eenzelfde code = the message and the change event each comprising the same code
de boog = bow
de boog = the bow
de boog = arch
de boom = the tree
de boomen groeien niet tot in de hemel = all good things must come to an end/ you can't always get what you want
de boon = the bean
de boorkop (op schroevendraaier en boormachine) = chuck
de boorstandaard = drill stand
de boot missen = miss the boat
de borging van = the control of
de borging van .... garandeert = ensures that .... is retained
de borging van de kwaliteit van = ensuring the quality of
de borging van onze kwaliteit = ensuring our quality
de borst geven = suckle
de borst geven = breastfeed
de Bosporus = Bosporus
de boter = the butter
de bothriocephaliasis = diphyllobothriasis: an infection caused by the fish tapeworm
De bouten dienen volledig in het hout te worden opgenomen. = The length of the screws must be fully incorporated within the wood
de bouw = the construction industry
de bouw van de daarvoor benodigde componenten = the construction of the necessary components
de bouw van een verlenging = the construction of an extension
de bouwput = excavation
De boven genoemde werkzaamheden kunnen wij voor u uitvoeren voor een bedr = We can perform the above work for you for a sum of
De bovengenoemde = above-mentioned aim
De bovengenoemde documenten = The above documents
de bovengenoemde werkwijze toe te passen = apply the abovementioned method
De bovenkant van de pallet = The top of the pallet
de bovenmatie frequentie = excess frequency
De bovenstaande doelstelling wordt verwezenlijkt door een inrichting volg = The above-mentioned aim is achieved by a device according to the present 
De bovenstaande doelstelling wordt verwezenlijkt door een inrichting volg = The above-mentioned aim is achieved by a device according to the present 
De bovenstaande en andere aspecten = The above and other aspects
De bovenste = The upper
de bovenste legplank = the top shelf
De bovenste twee lagen worden weggegooid. = The upper two layers are discarded.
De bovenste verdieping van deze = The top floor of this
de boventoon voeren = to predominate
de bovenzijde van de schuimplaat = the upper side of the foam panel
De box = bulk storage
de BPV is met goed gevolg afgesloten = the practical occupational training has been successfully concluded
de braking = vomiting
de braking = emesis
de brancard op wielen = gurney
de branche = the industry
de branche waarin u actief bent = the industry in which you operate
de branderafscherming (van oliebrander) = covered pilot light
De brandstofpas mag niet worden gebruikt voor = The fuel card may not be used for
De brandwerende roldeur = The fire-resistant roller door
de brandwerende roldeuren = the fire-resistant roller doors
De brandwerende schuifdeur = The fire-resistant sliding door
De brandwerende schuifdeur is bij Efectis Nederland met succes tweezijdig = The fire-resistant sliding door has successfully undergone double-sided s
de Brasquage = the pot manufacture workshop (Brasquage)
de brede lakkwast = flat brush
de brede lakkwast = flat wall bush
de breedte = the width
de breedte van de = the width of the
de breedte van de derde laag = the width of the third layer
de breedte van de groeven = the width of the grooves
de breedte van het substraat = the width of the substrate
De breedte wordt gemeten = The width is measured
de breedte-richting van een substraat = the width of a substrate
"de breedterichting, de diepterichting en de hoogterichting" = "the width direction, the depth direction and the height direction"
de breiartikelen = knitted goods
de breiartikelen = knitwear
de brief is zoekgeraakt = the letter has gone astray
de brief is zoekgeraakt = the letter has got mislaid
De brief van = The letter dated
de brievenbus = letterbox
de Britse brancheorganisatie = the UK trade association
De Britse wet op gegevensbescherming en de vereiste van de EU regels = Under the UK Data Protection Act and the requirements of the EU rules
de broeder = the brother
de broekspijp of mouw van het chirurgisch doek = the leg or sleeve of the surgical drape
De bron = The source
de bronchospirochaetosis = hemorrhagic bronchitis: chronic bronchitis due to infection with spiroche
de bronchospirochaetosis = Castellani's bronchitis
De broncode is uw eigendom = You own the source code
de brug = the bridge
De bruginrichting volgens conclusie = The loading ramp according to claim
De bruginrichting volgens één van voorgaande conclusies = The loading ramp according to any of the previous claims
de bruikbare capaciteit van de batterijen = the usable capacity of the batteries
De brutomarge = The company’s gross margin
De Buffalo's = K.A.A. Gent (Royal Athletic Association Ghent)
de buigzame lip gevormd door de eerste snede en de buigzame lip gevormd d = the pliable lip formed by the first cut and the pliable lip formed by the
de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eerste paar = the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair
de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd tweede paar = the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said second pair
de buik = the belly
de buitendiameter = the outside diameter
de buitenhalsslagader = external carotid artery: the branch of the carotid artery that supplies b
de buitenkant van het monster = the outside of the sample
de buitenluchtklep = The outdoor air valve
de buitentemperatuur = the outside temperature
de buitentemperatuur = the outdoor temperature
de buitenzijde daarvan = its exterior
de buitenzijde van de zijwand van de behuizing = the outside of the side wall of the housing
de bundel = the bundle
de burgemeester van 's-Gravenhage of de door hem daartoe aangewezen ambte = the mayor of The Hague or an official designated by him for this purpose
de burgers de komende tijd extra te maken krijgen = "in the near future, citizens will suffer increasingly..."
de business = the business
De Business Service Catalogue = The Business Service Catalogue
De Business Service Catalogue beschrijft: = The Business Service Catalogue describes:
de bustehouder = the bra
de buurman = neighbour
de BV Nederland = "The Netherlands, Inc."
de cachexie = wasting
de canalis arantii = ductus venosus
de capillaropathie = capillary  hemangioma
De carelink werkt bij mij niet = I can’t get the CareLink to work
de categorieën van gegevens waarop de verwerking betrekking heeft = the categories of data to which the processing relates
De categorieën worden als volgt gewogen: = The categories are weighted as follows:
De Cegeka visie Connected Organisation = Cegeka’s Connected Organisation vision
de cel = cell
de cel van bloedvormend stamweefsel = hematopoietic stem cell
de cellen van Corti = inner  hair cells: the bulbous cells medially placed in one row in the or
de cellulaire immuniteit = cell-mediated  immunity
de cellulaire immuniteit = delayed hypersensitivity: those manifestations of the immune response whi
de CE-markering = the CE marking
De centen = Financial aspects
De centrale eenheid laat tolken toe op een meer comfortabele manier hun w = The central unit allows interpreters to perform their work in a more comf
De centrale eenheid laat tolken toe op een meer comfortabele manier hun w = The central unit allows interpreters to perform their work in a more comf
de centrale verwarming / cv = full central heating
de cerebrale inklemming = cerebral herniation
de cerebrale inklemming = subfascial  herniation
de cervicale sympathectomie = cervical  denervation
de cervicale sympathectomie = denervation of cervico-sympathetic trunk
de cervicale sympathectomie = sympathectomy
de chauffeur die de levering moest doen = the driver making the delivery
de cheque werd niet uitbetaald = the cheque was not met
de cheques waren afgeschreven = the cheques had been debited
de chirurg = the surgeon
de cholangiohepatitis = cholestatic  hepatitis
de cholesteropexie = cholesterol stratification
de cholesteropexie = cholesterol  deposition
de chromosomenscheiding = genetic disjunction
de chronische agressieve hepatitis = chronic active  hepatitis
de cijfercultuur = assessment-driven culture
De cilinderdruk kan ook verhoogd worden door toevoeging van een ander gas = The cylinder pressure can also be increased by adding another gas.
de circulatie-hypoxie = circulatory hypoxia
de circulatie-hypoxie = circulatory  hypoxemia
de circulatie-hypoxie = stagnant  hypoxia
de cirrose van Hanot = Hanot cirrhosis
de cirrose van Hanot = Hanot disease
de citroen = lemon
de classificatie van dit voorval = the classification of this incident
de classificatie van medische hulpmiddelen = the classification of medical devices
de cliënt = the client
De cliënt centraal = Client-centered practice
de cloud authentication service = the cloud authentication service
De clown = clown
de code = code
de code één-op-één gelinkt is met een gebruiker = the code is one-to-one linked to a user
de code en het type van persoonsgegeven = the code and the type of personal data
de code gerelateerd aan de gebruiker = the code related to the user
de code te draaien = to run the code
de cognitie = awakening to
de cognitie = awareness
de cognitie = becoming aware of
de cognitie = becoming more aware
de cognitie = cognition
de cognitie = consciousness-raising
de cognitie = consciousness-raising (van eigen identiteit)
de cognitie = emotional realisation
de cognitie = ideational realisation
de cognitie = realisation
de collectieve pensioenregeling is ondergebracht bij = the group pension scheme is administered by
de collectiviteit bij Menzis = Menzis’s group scheme
de Colleges van Bestuur = the respective Executive Boards
de colonfistel = colonic  fistula
de coma acidoticum = acidotic coma
de coma acidoticum = diabetic coma
de coma acidoticum = hypoglycemic coma
de coma acidoticum = insulin coma
De combinatie van = The combination of
de combinatietang = combination cutting pliers
De commissie heeft een toelichting ontvangen op alle kwartaalrapportages  = funding
de Commissie voor de evaluatie van de activa van het Rijk = la Commission d??valuation des actifs de l?Etat (! Pas de traduction offi
de commissura hippocampi = hippocampal commissure
de communicatie met de server te beperken = limiting the communication with the server
De communicatie tussen verkeersregelaars en een verkeerscentrale = Communication between traffic-signal controllers and a traffic control ce
De communicatieaansluiting = The communication port
De comparant = The person appearing
"De comparant is mij, notaris, bekend." = "The person appearing is known to me, civil-law notary"
"De comparant is mij, notaris, bekend." = "The person appearing is known to me, civil[-law] notary"
De complementaire schroefdraad is complementair met de uitwendige schroef = The complementary screw thread is complementary to external screw thread 
de complementbindingsproef = complement  fixation reaction (a reaction used to identify antibodies or 
De componenten = The components
De comptabele meting = metering for accounting purposes
de computer = computer
de computer van de gebruiker = the computer of the user
de conclusies = the claims
de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving = the claims following the detailed description
De concurrent = The competition
de concurrentie de baas worden = to overcome the competition
de condities die gelden = the conditions that apply
de condities die gelden = the conditions governing
De configuratie bestaat uit = The configuration consists of
de congenitale mitralisstenose = Duroziez disease
de Connected Organisation = the Connected Organisation
de consequenties van = the impact of
de console (betonbouw) = flank
de constructor van de superklasse = the constructor of the superclass
de consument = consumer
de consument = consumers
de consument kan met het etiket uit de voeten = how useful the laberl is for consumers / how consumer-friendly the label 
De consument van morgen = Tomorrow’s consumers
de contactstop met randaarde = earthed plug
de contactveer = contact spring
de continuïteit van = the continuity of
de continuïteit van de bedrijfsactiviteiten = the continuity of its business operations
de continuïteit van de informatie en de informatievoorziening te waarbor = ensure the continuity of the information and information systems
de continuïteit van de informatievoorziening = the continuity the information services
de continuïteit van de onderneming = business continuity
de continuïteit van een organisatie = the continuity of an organization
de continuïteit van het sorteerproces = the continuity of the sorting process
de contouren vluchtig schetsen = adumbrate  (To give a vague outline.)
de contractuele wederpartij = the other party to the contract
de contrastekker = extension socket
De controle op = Monitoring
de controle op personeel en goederen = the screening of staff and goods
"De controle uitoefenen over een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "Controlling a legal person, entity or body"
de controlled hypotensie = controlled  hypotension
De controller kan ook geprogrammeerd zijn = The controller can also be programmed
"de conventionele palletiseermachine, de standaard palletiseerrobot en de " = "the conventional palletiser, the standard palletiser robot, and the Highr"
de conversie te realiseren van een organisatie van professionals naar een = the conversion of an organisation of professionals to a professional orga
de Coombs serum = antihuman globulin
de Coombs serum = Coombs serum
de Coombs serum = anti-  human globulin serum
de correcte positie van het = the correct position of the
de correcte toepassing van = the correct application of
de correctheid van uw data = the accuracy of your data
de correctie OF de corrigerende maatregel = the correction OR the corrective action
de correctiebrillen = ophthalmic glasses
de correctiebrillen = photochromics
de correcties en corrigerende maatregelen zal beoordelen = will assess the corrections and corrective actions
de coup = coup
De Crash tender dient (aan de rechter achterzijde bij RETT-box) te zijn v = RETT box
de creatie van = the creation of
de crena chenium = anal cleft
de crena chenium = gluteal cleft
de criteria van de norm = the criteria of the standard
de criteria van de normen = the criteria of the standards
De criteria zijn = The criteria are as follows
De criteria zijn nog vast te stellen = The criteria still need to be established
de cross-linking van fibrine-monomeren = cross-linking of fibrin monomers
de cross-linking van fibrine-monomeren = fibrin cross-linking
de crymo-anesthesie = induced  hypothermia
de Cullinan = the Cullinan diamond
De customer service medewerker = The customer service representative
de CV-installatie = the central heating system
de cypres = cypress
de daad bij het woord voegen = walk the talk  (to act in accordance with one's words)
de daadwerkelijke bouwwerkzaamheden = the actual construction
de daadwerkelijke engineering = the actual engineering
de daaraan verbonden kosten = associated costs
de daarbij behorende rechten = the accompanying rights
de daarbij behorende rechten = the corresponding rights
de daarbij behorende rechten = the related rights
de daarin vervatte data = the data contained therein
de daarmee samenhangende diensten = the ancillary services
de daarmee samenhangende richtlijnen = the related guidelines
de daartoe bestemde = appropriate
de daartoe voorziene sectie = the section provided for this purpose
"de daaruit voortvloeiende financiële, strafrechtelijke en mogelijke ande" = "the consequences of this, whether financial, concerning criminal law or o"
de daaruit voortvloeiende opdracht = the resulting order
de daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsgevolgen = its legal consequences
de daaruit voortvloeiende rechtsgevolgen = the legal consequences thereof
de daarvoor benodigde = the necessary
de daarvoor benodigde componenten = the necessary components
de dag = the day
de dag van betaalbaarstelling = the day on which a distribution becomes payable
de dag waarop de betaling daadwerkelijk plaatsvindt = the date on which payment in fact occurs
de dag waarop je overlijdt = the day of your death
de dag waartegen een bijstorting is uitgeschreven = the day on which an additional payment is called up
"de dag, waarop deze betalingen hadden moeten geschieden" = the date on which these payments should have been made
de dagelijkse activiteiten van = the daily activities of
de dagelijkse gang van zaken = the daily routine
De dagen waarop de gedetacheerde medewerkers verlof mogen opnemen = The days on which the seconded employees may take leave
de dagmaat (i.v.m. brug) = clear span
de dakkapel (in een tentdak) = eyebrow
de dakpan = the tile
de dan geldige tarieven = the then current rates
De darmen = Intestine
de darmkronkel = ileocecal volvulus: twisted intestine
de data waarop de plannen werden gewijzigd = the dates on which the plans were modified
de dato = dated
de datum = date
de datum in waarop de vergadering heeft plaatsgevonden = the date on which the meeting took place
de datum van betaalbaarstelling van het dividend = the day on which the dividend becomes payable
de datum van erkenning of betekening = the date of acknowledgement or service
de Datum van inwerkingtreding = the Effective Date
de datum van vaststelling = the date of adoption
de datum waarop zij de Aandelen hebben verkregen = the date on which they acquired the Shares
de dauw = the dew
de decade = decade
"de decompensati: onvoldoende hartwerking met verlaagd minuutvolume, waard" = backward failure
"de decompensati: onvoldoende hartwerking met verlaagd minuutvolume, waard" = backward  heart failure
De deelkruispunten moeten afzonderlijk gestuurd kunnen worden = It must be possible to control the sub-intersections separately
De deelnemer heeft toegang tot = The participant has access to
De deelnemer kan aangeven = The participant can indicate
De deelnemer kan zijn persoonlijke gegevens bekijken = The participant can view their personal data.
de deelroosters in het roosterpatroon = the sub-grids in the grid pattern
De definitieve schikking = The final arrangement
de dekking van de pakketten en de premiestelling van de verzekeringen = the cover and the premiums of the packages
De dekking Vrijstelling van de bijdragen voorziet in de tenlasteneming do = Exemption from contributions cover
De deler mag niet nul zijn = The divisor cannot be zero
de den = pine
de denneboom = the fir
de dentine dysplasie = dentin dysplasia
de dentitiecyste = follicular cyst
de depressieschaal van Hamilton = HRS-D
de depressors = (noun & adjective)  depressant
de derde en vierde = the third and fourth
de derde harttoon = third  heart sound
de dermatitis venenata = contact dermatitis
de dermatitis venenata = contact  hypersensitivity
de dermatologie bij kinderen = pediatric  dermatology: the treatment of skin disorders in children
de desbetreffende producten = the relevant products
de desbetreffende vergoeding = the relevant consideration
de desbetreffende werkzaamheden = work in question
de design- en evaluatiefase = the design and evaluation phase
de desinfestatie = extermination: getting rid of vermin
de deskundige van de AWVN = the AWVN expert
de deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscie = the expert of the AWVN and the Central Classification Committee
De deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscommissie = The AWVN expert and the Central Classification Committee
de detectoren = the detectors
de deur = the door
De deur bij de = The door next to the
De deur bij de productlift = The door next to the product lift
de deur of de deuren = the door or the doors
de deur op slot = shutting the door on
de deur wijzen = put off
de deuren = the doors
de deuren opengooien = be open to outside ideas
de deviantie = deviation
de diabetes mellitus type I = unstable  diabetes
de diafragma in hoogstand = diaphragmatic elevation
de diagnose met behulp van een computer = computer-assisted  diagnosis
de diagnose met behulp van een computer = computer-assisted diagnostics
de diagnostiekproef = immunodiagnostic
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = counterbrace
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = crossbrace
de diagonale vakwerkstaaf (op vakwerkbrug) = diagonal member
de dialoog = dialogue
de diameter van = the diameter of
de diameter van de cilindervormige binnenwand = the diameter of the cylindrical inner wall
de diameter van de holle bout = the diameter of the hollow bolt
de diameter van de ring in gespannen vorm = the diameter of the ring in stressed shape
de diameter van de ring in niet-gespannen vorm = the diameter of the ring in unstressed shape
de diapedesis van leukocyten = leucocyte  diapedesis: passage of white blood cells through intact capill
de diarree ten gevolge van gastro-enteritis = enteral diarrhea
"de dibutyryl guanosine-3',5'-monofosfaat" = dibutyryl cyclic GMP
de dideoxyadenosine = DDA
de dideoxyadenosine = dideoxyadenosine: a dideoxynucleoside compound used as inhibitor of HIV r
De dienst wordt aangeboden = The service is offered
De dienst wordt aangeboden vanuit = The service is offered from
de diensten als vermeld in de overeenkomst = the services as stated in the agreement
de diensten conform de overeengekomen SLA worden geleverd = the services are provided in accordance with the agreed SLA
de diensten die tot een fase behoren = the services that form a part of a phase
de dienstverbandgegevens = the employment data
De dienstverlenende functie op de terreinen gezondheid en onderwijs blijf = Their role as health and education service providers remains important
de Dienstverlening aanpassen tot het marktconforme niveau = adjust the Service to the market level
de dienstverlening met zorg uit te voeren = to perform the services with due care
de dienstverlening van een applicatie-vendor = the services of an application vendor
De dienstverlening van Snappet = Snappet’s services
de diepe cicatrix = sunken scar
de diepte = the depth
de diepte in = deepen their understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = deepen their understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = deepen your understanding
de diepte in (gaan) = scratch below the surface
de diepte ingaan = going deeper
de diepte van = the depth of
de diepte van de = the depth of the
de diepteperceptie = depth perception
de dier = animal
De Dier Bart = Bart De Dier
de di-ethylstilboestrol = DES
de differentiaaldiagnose = DD
de diffusor = the diffuser
De Digitale Samenleving = the VSNU’s ‘Digital Society’ (De Digitale Samenleving) programme
de digitaline = C41H64O13
de dijbeenfractuur = femoral fracture
De dikte = the thickness
de dikte van = the thickness of
de dikte van de = the thickness of the
de dikte van de groeven = the thickness of the grooves
de dikte van de lagen van de parti?le coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de partiéle coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de partiële coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van de lagen van de parti�le coating stack = the thickness of the layers of the partial coating stack
de dikte van iedere laag = the thickness of each layer
de dilatie van de sphincter = dilation of the sphincter
De dimensionering van de = The sizing of the
de dimethyl-sulfoxidum = (CH3)2SO
de dimmer die leds probleemloos dimt = the problem-free LED dimmer
de dinsdag = Tuesday
de directie = the management
de directie stelt in onderling overleg haar werkverdeling vast = the board of directors will determine the division of tasks among themsel
De disciplinaire hoorzitting = The disciplinary hearing
De disciplinaire hoorzitting moet georganiseerd worden door een onafhanke = The disciplinary hearing must be organised by an independent person.
de discriminator = pulse-height  discriminator
De display moet goed zichtbaar = The display should be clearly visible
de displays en de LED’s = the displays and LEDs
de dissociatie van kiemen = bacterial variation
de dissociatie van kiemen = bacterial  dissociation
de distensie van de maag = acute  distension of the stomach
de distillatiewijn = muté wine
de distilleerkolf = distilling flask
de disto-occlusie = distocclusion
De distributeur is gehouden klachten van de eindafnemer uit hoofde van de = Distributor is required to remedy complaints of the final customer compla
de disulfidebrug = disulphide bond
de diurnale onwillekeurige urinelozing = diurnal  enuresis: urinary incontinence during wakefulness
de diverse materialen = all of the equipment
de diverticulum ilei = Meckel's  diverticulum
de divertikel in het duodenum = duodenal diverticulum
de divertikel van de urinebuis = ureteral  diverticulum
de divertikel van Rokitansky = esophageal  diverticulum
de divertikulose = colonic diverticulitis
de divertikulose = colonic  diverticulosis
de dizygote graviditeit = dizygotic pregnancy
de DNA koolhydrasen = DNA N-glycosidases
de DNA vingerafdruk = genome fingerprint: partial content of a DNA sequence
de dobbelsteen = "die,"
de dochter = daughter
de documentcreatie suite Inspire van GMC = the Inspire GMC document creation suite
de documenten benaderen en controleren = access and check the documents
De documenten welke als Bijlage bij deze Overeenkomst zijn gevoegd = The documents that have been attached to this Agreement as Appendices
de doeleinden en middelen van de verwerking bepalen = determine the purposes and means of the processing
de doelstelling niet kan worden gerealiseerd = the objective cannot be achieved
De doelstelling van dit artikel = The objective of this article
de doelstellingen als hiervoor benoemd = the objectives set out above
de doeltreffendheid ervan te beoordelen = assess their effectiveness
de doeltreffendheid van mijn communicatievaardigheden = the effectiveness of my communication skills
de dokter = doctor
de dokterspraktijk = doctor's office
De domeinnaambranche in het kort = domain name industry brief
de donder = the thunder
de donderdag = Thursday
de donovanosis = granuloma venerenum
de dood = death
de dood is ingetreden = death has occurred
de dood van haar man bracht een ommekeer in haar leven = the death of her husband changed her life completely
de dooierzaktumor = endodermal sinus tumor
de door ABC aangevoerde inhoudelijke verweren = the substantive defences put forward by ABC
de door controller en -interface = the door controller and interface
de door de beeldsensor gecapteerde beelden = the images recorded by the image sensor
de door de Dealer aangegeven specificaties/functionaliteit = the specifications/functionality specified by the Dealer
de door de fiscus vastgestelde niet-bovenmatige vergoeding voor woon-werk = the limits for commuting allowances set by the tax authorities
de door de fiscus vastgestelde niet-bovenmatige vergoeding voor woon-werk = the non-excessive compensation for commuting set by the tax authorities
de door de gebruikers opgewekte energie = the energy generated by the users
de door de leverancier geleverde diensten = the services provided by the supplier
de door de leverancier te leveren diensten = the services to be provided by the supplier
de door de medewerker terug te betalen studiekosten = the amount of study costs payable by the employee
de door de testtrommel op de band uitgeoefende kracht = the force applied to the tire by the testing drum
de door de wederpartij gedane betalingen strekken steeds eerst ter afdoen = payments made by the other party will first be applied to settle all inte
de door Goedan geleden schade = the loss suffered by Goedan
de door GRENKE verleende diensten = the services provided by GRENKE
de door hem ontworpen = his designs of
de door hen gehouden Aandelen = the Shares they hold
de door het management gehanteerde veronderstellingen = the assumptions used by management
De door Klant gestelde eisen = The requirements set by Customer
De door Maatschappij verleende diensten = The services provided by the Company
de door of namens Huurder aangebrachte veranderingen of toevoegingen = modifications or additions made by or on behalf of Lessee
de door ons afgegeven = we issued
de door partijen gewaarmerkte omschrijving van het gehuurde = the description of the leased property certified by the parties
de door u bestelde artikelen = your ordered items
de door u ingediende begroting = the budget that you submitted
De door u reeds ondertekende bijzondere bedingen = Any special provisions that you signed previously
de door u verzochte informatie = the information you requested
De door Verkoper geleverde zaken blijven het eigendom van Verkoper = The goods delivered by Seller remain the property of Seller
De door werkgever aan medewerkers ter beschikking gestelde auto’s = The cars made available to the employees by the employer
De door Yellax ten behoeve van Klant te verrichten werkzaamheden. = The work to be performed by Yellax for Customer
de doorn = the thorn
de doorsneepensioenpremie = the average pension contribution
de doorvoer = the throughput
De doos is al aan het einde van de baan = The box is already at the end of the belt
de dopa = C9H11NO4
de Doppler-ultrasonografle = ultrasonics
de dosimetrische aërosol = dosimetric aerosol
De dosis moet worden afgestemd op de individuele behoeften van de patiën = The dose should be adapted to the individual needs of the patient
de dosistempo = dosage rate
de douane = "custom, customhouse"
de douane = Customs
de dourine = dourine: a venereal disease of horses
de doxorubicine = adriamycin: an antibiotic & anticancer drug derived from the bacterium St
de doxorubicine = doxorubicin
de draadloze netwerkverbinding = the wireless network connection
de draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = die stocks
de draagarm = the support arm
de draagarmen = the support arms
de draagarmen verwijderd kunnen worden = the support arms can be removed
De draagstructuur = The support structure
de draagstructuur (1) omvattende = the support structure (1) comprising
de draagstructuur omvattende = said support structure comprising
De draaideuren van Securyfence = The Securyfence hinged doors
de draaiing van de nozzle = the rotation of the nozzle
de draairichting te veranderen = change the direction of rotation
de draden aan de connector solderen = solder the wires to the connector
de dragee = enteric-coated tablet
de drager is leeg = the carrier is empty
de drank = the drink
De Drechtsteden = De Drechtsteden
de drempel = the threshold
de drie adidas strepen = the three adidas stripes
De drie elementen = The three elements
de drie principes van milieubeleid = trinity of principles
de drijvende kracht achter = the driving force behind
de droom = the dream
de droperidol = droperidol: a butyrophenone with general properties similar to those of h
de drugvoorlichting = educational outreach on hard drugs
de druif = grape
De druk kan worden geregeld door middel van een stelschroef. = The pressure can be controlled by means of an adjusting screw.
De drukkracht van de klemband = The pressure exerted by the clamping belt
de drukspoeler (loodgieterij) = flushing valve
de druppel = drop
de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen = the straw that broke the camel's back (The small additional burden which 
de dubbele wandcontactdoos = double plug point
de dubbele wandcontactdoos = double outlet
de dubbelgespiraliseerde gloeidraad = coiled-coil filament
de dubble panlat = double lath
de ductus = duct
de ductus = passage
de ductus arteriosus botalli = Botallo's duct
de ductus arteriosus persistens = patent  ductus arteriosus: the abnormal persistence of the ductus arterio
de ductus utriculosaccularis = endolymphatic duct
de duif = the dove
de duimstok = folding rule
de duivel = the devil
De duur is = The term is
De duur van de terbeschikkingstelling = The duration of the posting
de duur van deze overeenkomst = the duration of this Agreement
de duur van het project = the duration of the project
de duur van het verlof is verstreken = the duration of the leave has expired
de dwarsfluit = flute
de dwerg = the dwarf
de dysesthesie: een vermindering van gevoeligheid = dysesthesia: an unpleasant & abnormal tactile sensation
de dysurie: moeilijkheid bij het urineren = dysuria
de E. coli(-bacterie) = Escherichia coli
De E+ndura® = The E+ndura®
de eb = low tide
de ECB-vereisten met betrekking tot het rapporteren van statistische gege = the ECB’s statistical reporting requirements
de ecchymose = bruise
de ecchymose = bruising
de ecchymose = ecchymosis
de echocardiografie = "echocardiography: an ultrasonic recording of the size, motion, and compos"
de ecologische abondantie = ecological abundance
de economische activiteiten van het cluster = the economic activities of the group
de economische spionage = industrial espionage
de economische toestand = economic conditions
de economische toestand = the economic situation
De Economist = The economist
de eed = oath
de EEG = EEG
de EEG = electro-encefalograph
de EEG = electroencephalogram
de eekhoorn = the squirrel
De één noemt dat een roeping = Some might call it a vocation
de één of meer = the one or more
de één of meerdere = the one or more
de één of meerdere additieven = the one or more additives
de één of meerdere draden van veerkrachtig materiaal = the one or more wires of a resilient material
de één of meerdere granulaire additieven = the one or more granular additives
de één of meerdere pompen gemonteerd zijn op het frame = the one or more pumps are mounted on the frame
de één of meerdere retractoren = the one or more retractors
de één of meerdere verwarmelementen = the one or more heating elements
de één of meerdere waarden = the one or more value
de één of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ?obtained via the inertial measurement unit
de één of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ​obtained via the inertial measurement unit
"de één of meerdere waarden, of een aggregatiewaarde van deze waarden" = "the one or more values, or an aggregate value of these values"
de eend = duck
de eenheden = minor  details
de eenheden = minutiae
de eenvoudige monteerbaarheid en demonteerbaarheid = simple mounting and demounting
de eer = honor
De eer van het eerste bedrijf met deze certificering = is the first company to be awarded this certification
de eerder genoemde inlichtingen = the information referred to above
de eerste 2 maanden van het jaar = the first two months of the year
de eerste 6 maanden = the first six months
De eerste dag van arbeidsongeschiktheid = The first day of incapacity
de eerste dag van de maand = the first day of the month
de eerste dag van de volgende maand = the first day of the next month
"de eerste elementen, respectievelijk de tweede elementen" = "the first elements and the second elements, respectively"
De eerste en de tweede = first and the second
De eerste en de tweede = The first and the second
de eerste en de tweede elementen = the first and second elements
de eerste en de tweede opening = the first and the second opening
de eerste en de tweede verzameling van series van beelden = the first and second sets of series of images
de eerste en tweede = the first and second
de eerste fase van het havo/vwo = the first stage of higher secondary education
de eerste fase van het havo/vwo = the first stage of pre-university education
de eerste fase van het in de handel brengen van een product = The first stage of the placing on the market of a product
De eerste indicaties = The first indications
"de eerste keer wordt een boete van de eerste categorie opgelegd, maar bij" = "the offender is liable to a fine of the first category, but to a fine of "
de eerste laag (metselwerk) = first course
de eerste lagen = the first layers
De eerste maand van de arbeidsovereenkomst geldt als proeftijd = The first month of the employment contract shall count as a trial period
de eerste maand van het jaar = the first month of the year
de eerste plaat van het tweede bouwelement = the first panel of the second building component
de eerste positie en de tweede positie = the first position and the second position
de eerste respectievelijk = "the first, respectively second"
de eerste set van instructies = the first set of instructions
de eerste set van instructies omvattende instructies voor = the first set of instructions comprising instructions for
de eerste soorten gesorteerd kunststof verpakkingsafval = the first types of sorted plastic packaging waste
de eerste stappen zetten = take the first steps
de eerste tussenafstand en de tweede tussenafstand = the first intermediate distance and the second intermediate distance
de eerste twee categorieën = the first two categories
De eerste twee maanden van de arbeidsovereenkomst = The first two months of employment
de eerste twee stations sputterstations zijn = the first two stations are sputtering stations
De eerste uitdaging is de = The first challenge is the
de eerste uitvoering van deze test = the first implementation of this test
de eerste van een reeks = the first of a series
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen = the first connecting means
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen minstens op twee manieren kunnen verbinden  = the first connecting means can connect to the second connecting means in 
de eerste verbindingsmiddelen minstens op twee manieren kunnen verbinden  = the first connecting means can connect to the second connecting means in 
de eerste verdieping = first floor
de eerste verkeersregelaar = the first traffic-signal controller
de eerste vrijloopkoppeling en de tweede vrijloopkoppeling = the first freewheel clutch and the second freewheel clutch
de eerste wand = the first wall
de eerste zes maanden van = the first six months
de eerste zes maanden van haar boekjaar = the first six months of the financial year
de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde = the first side and the second side
de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde van het balkvormige betonnen element = the first side and the second side of the beam-shaped concrete element
De eerstvolgende gelegenheid hiervoor is = The next opportunity for this will be
de eerstvolgende inspectie = the next inspection
de eeuw = the century
de effect modificatoren = (epidemiology)  effect modifiers
De effecten van = The effects of
de effectiviteit van de maatregelen = the effectiveness of the measures
de efficiency van onze producten = the efficiency of our products
de efficiëntie verhogen = to improve efficiency
de efficiëntie verhoogde = increased the efficiency
de egel = the hedgehog
de eieren sneller loslaten = release the eggs more quickly
De eieren zelf = the eggs themselves
de eigen = the company’s own
de eigen functie = the employee’s own position
de eigen groep = the associated group
de eigen kwaliteitsdoelstellingen = our own quality objectives
De eigen media = Private media
de eigen organisatie = the individual organisation
de eigen organisatie = one’s own organisation
de eigen persoonlijke ontwikkeling = the student’s own personal development
de eigendom gaat over op = the ownership is transferred to
de eigendom gaat over op = the ownership passes to
de eigendom van de goederen gaat over op de koper = the ownership of the goods passes to the buyer
de eigendom van de goederen gaat over op de koper = the property in the goods passes to the buyer
de eik = the oak
de eindgebruiker = the end user
de eindgebruiker en integrator = the end user and integrator
De eindklant = The end customer
de eis in de hoofdzaak binnen 8 weken na het beslag moet worden ingesteld = the claim in the principal action must be brought within eight weeks of t
de eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = to bring a claim in the principal action
de eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = to bring a claim in the plenary action (US)
De eis in de hoofdzaak instellen = Bring a claim in the principal action
De eis is niet noodzakelijkerwijs van toepassing op = The requirement does not necessarily apply to
de eis is niet ontvankelijk = the action does not lie
De eis is van toepassing op = The requirement applies to
De eisen hieruit worden hierna vermeld = The requirements therein are specified below
De eisen t.a.v. naspeurbaarheid = The requirements as regards traceability
de eisen van de = the requirements of the
de eisen van overige gehanteerde normen en bepalingen = the requirements of other standards and regulations employed
de eisen voor het ter beschikking houden van de technische documentatie = the requirements around ensuring the technical documentation is always av
de eisen zoals gevraagd door de norm = the requirements as requested by the standard
de eiwitrendementsratio = protein  efficiency ratio
de electieve operatie = elective surgery
de electroforetische mobiliteitsproeven = EMSA:  electrophoretic mobility shift assay
de elektricien = electrician (electrical fitter
de elektricien = "electrician (electrical fitter, wireman)"
de elektriciteit die opgewekt wordt door de zonnepanelen = the electricity generated by the solar panels
de elektriciteitsmeter = electricity meter
de elektrische bel = electric bell
de elektrische bloedstelping = surgical diathermy
de elektrische fonk = electrical  discharge
de elektrische geiser = electric water heater
de elektrische gloeilamp = electric light bulb
de elektrische gloeilamp = general service lamp
de elektrische gloeilamp = filament lamp
de elektrische installatie van de machine = the electrical system of the machine
de elektrische klopboormachine / klopboor = electric hammer drill
de elektrische klopboormachine / klopboor = electric percussion drill
de elektrische soldeerbout = electric soldering iron
de elektrische verbindingen = the electrical connections
de elektrodermale respons = galvanic skin response
de elektrokardioversie = cardiac electroversion
de elektrokardioversie = cardioversion
de elektrokardioversie = electric countershock
de elektrokardioversie = electric defibrillation
de elektrokardioversie = electroversion
de elektromotor = electric motor
de elleboog = the elbow
de embrasure = embrasure: the space created by the diverging surfaces of adjacent teeth
de embryogenesis = fetal development
de embryopathie door zuurstofgebrek = hypoxic embryopathy
de emissie van nieuwe aandelen = the issue of new shares
de emotionele  impact van een leerling met ASS op de sociale omgeving = the emotional impact of a student with an ASD
de empyeemvinger = clubbed finger
de emulsielijm = emulsion paste
de emulsieverf = emulsion paint
dé en montage = assembling and disassembling
dé en montage volgorde = assembly and disassembly sequence
dé en monteren = assembly or disassembly
de encephalopathia hepatica = hepatic  encephalopathy
de encephalopathia hepatica = hepatic encephalopathy: the deleterious effects of liver failure on the c
de endocarditis simplex = serous  endocarditis
de endogene opiaten = endogenous opioids
de endoscopische sclerotherapie: een behandeling voor vaataders = endoscopic sclerotherapy
de endotheelcellen = endothelioid cells
de ene = one
de ene bij gebreke aan de andere = the one in the absence of the other
De ene keer = One time
de ene zijde van = the one side of
de energie geassocieerd aan het gebruik van de API = the energy associated with the use of the API
de energie-efficiëntie van ons bedrijf = the energy efficiency of our company
de energiestofwisseling = energy metabolism
de engel = the angel
de enige efficiënte manier = the only effective way
de enige manier = the only way
De enige methode = the only way
de enige relevante componenten = the only relevant components
de enige relevante componenten A en B zijn = the only relevant components of the device are A and B
de enige relevante onderdelen = the only relevant components
De enige vereiste is dat = The only requirement is that
de enkel = the ankle
De enkelvoudige jaarrekening is opgesteld in overeenstemming met = The company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
de enossale implantaten = endosteal implant
de enterische oplossing = enteric solution
de Enterobacteriaceae = enterobacteriaceae
de enzyme-werking = enzymatic activity
de enzyminducerende stof = enzyme-inducing agent
de enzymrepressie = repression
de epidemiologische controle = epidemiological monitoring
de epidemiologische enquête = epidemiological study
de epidurale pijnverdoving = epidural block
de epileptische aanval = epileptiform convulsion
de epinefrine-aërosol voor inhalatie = epinephrine  inhalation aerosol bronchodilator
de EPP buizen = the EPP pipes
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = amylopectinosis
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = Andersen's disease
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = brancher deficiency
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = branching enzyme deficiency
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = glycogenosis 4
de erfelijke glycogenose van type IV = type IV  glycogen storage disease
de erfelijlke hydronefrose = congenital   hydronephrosis
de erfgenaam = the heir
de ergastoplasma = ergastoplasm
de erin vervatte informatie = the information contained therein
de eronder gelegen bodem = the ground below
de erysipelas aan het gelaat = facial  erysipelas
de erysipelas spontaneum = idiopathic  erysipelas
de erythema infectiosum morbilliforme = infectious erythema
de erythroblastose = erythroblastosis: the abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulati
de erythrocyt = erythrocyte
de erythrodermia ichthysiosiformis = lamellar  desquamation
de E-schema's = the electrical diagrams
de estradiolacetaat = estradiol acetate
de estradiolsufaat = estradiol sulfate
de etage = the floor
de ethinyloestradiol = ethinylestradiol
de ethyleendichloride = CH2ClCH2Cl
de etterende hechting = festering stitches
de etterophoping = pyemia
de EU-richtlijn te verwerken in de landelijke wetgeving = transpose the EU Directive into national legislation
de Euro = the euro
de euro speelt in het voordeel van Europese bedrijven = European companies are benefiting from the Euro
de Europese ondernemingsraad = the European works council
De eurozone draait economisch lekker = The eurozone economy is doing great
de eutecticum = eutectic: having the lowest melting point or freezing point
de euthyreoïd hypometabolisme = euthyroid hypometabolism
de evaluatie van = the evaluation of
de eventratie = eventration: protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall
de eventueel door de Werkgever toegekende premies of boni = any bonuses or benefits granted by Employer
de eventuele leveringskosten = any delivery costs
de eventuele ontbinding van de vennootschap = the possible dissolution of the company
de evoluties van de markt = the evolution of the market
de evolutionaire psychologie = genetic psychology
de excitatiebron = the excitation source
de exclusieve economische zone van de FSM = FSM Exclusive Economic Zone
de exclusieve eigendom van = the exclusive property of
de exfoliatieve huidaandoening = exfoliative  dermatitis
de expertise van de accountant = assessment
de expertise van de accountant = inspection
de expertise van de accountant = the auditor’s expertise
de exploitant en/of het beveiligingsbedrijf en/of KMar = the operator and/or the security company and/or the Royal Netherlands Mar
de exposities = exhibitions
de exposities = exhibits
de externe controle-eenheid bedraad of draadloos in communicatie met het  = the external control unit being wiredly or wirelessly in communication wi
de externe controle-eenheid bedraad of draadloos in communicatie met het  = the external control unit being wiredly or wirelessly in communication wi
De extra deeltijdbijdrage = The additional contribution for part-time employees
de ezel = the donkey
de fabel = the fable
de fabrikant = the manufacturer
de fabrikant zijn beoordeling = the manufacturer’s assessment
de facilitatie = facilitation
de faco-emulsificatie = phacoemulsification: a procedure for removal of the crystalline lens in c
De facto = De facto
de factor = factor
De facturen zijn betaalbaar = The invoices are payable
de factuur binnen 14 dagen na dagtekening voldoen = to pay the invoice within 14 days of its date
de faecale coliformen = fecal coliform
de familie = family
de fazant = pheasant
de febris uveo-parotidea = uveoparotid fever
de fee = the fairy
de feitelijke beschikkingsmacht over de zaken hebben = to have taken actual possession of the goods
de feitelijke bevalling = the actual delivery
de feitelijke gang van zaken = the actual course of events
De feitelijke ter beschikkingstelling van Programmatuur = The actual delivery of Software
De feiten = The facts
de feiten met betrekking tot = the facts regarding
De felle geur (van de plant) doet de neus krullen = The strong smell (of the plant) is overpowering
de femurhals = femoral neck
de femurhals = neck of   femur
de fertiliteitsbevorderende middelen = infertility agents
de fertiliteitsproblemen = fertility disorders
de F-factor = F episome
de fiets = the bicycle
de fiets en het openbaar vervoer = bicycle and public transport
de figurale nevenperceptie = figural aftereffect: how events in one part of the perceptual field affec
De figuren zijn enkel schematisch en niet limiterend. = The drawings are only schematic and are non-limiting.
de figuurschaar = elbow snips
De film opent op = the film opens on
De filterbox wordt gebruikt om = The filter box is used to
de filterdoek = filter cloth
De filters = The filters
de financiele functie = the finance function (in an organisation)
de financiële gevolgen van het overlijden van de partner te verlichten = alleviate the financial consequences of the death of a partner
De financiële vaste activa omvatten ook = Financial fixed assets also include
De financiële vaste activa stegen van = The financial fixed assets increased from
de financiering van het betreffende Leaseobject = the financing of the relevant Leased Property
De firma’s die geregistreerd zijn = The firms that are registered
De fiscale compensatie is alleen van toepassing = The tax offset is only applicable
de fiscus = the tax authorities
de fistula dentalis = gingival fistula
de fixatieplaat voor de ledematen = fixation device for the extremities
de fles = bottle
de flexibele schil = "the flexible, non-core workforce"
de flexibilisering van de = increasing the flexibility of
de flexibilisering van het koelproces = increasing the flexibility of the cooling process
de flexibiliteit en modulariteit = the flexibility and modularity
de flexibiliteit van = the flexibility of
de flexie-contractuur = flexion contracture
de fluorvergiftiging = mottled enamel
de FMconférence in Frankrijk = the FMconférence in France
de focus te verleggen van = shift the focus from
de foetale cardiotocograaf = cardiotocograph
de foetale cardiotocograaf = fetal heart monitor
de foetale cardiotocograaf = fetal monitor
de foetale haemoglobine = HbF
de foetale hartgeluiden = fetal heart sounds
de foetale hartslag = fetal cardiac rate
de foetale letsel = damage to a fetus
de foetale letsel = fetal damage
de foetale letsel = fetal injury
De fondsbeheerder = The fund manager
de fondsinvesteringen = the fund’s investments
de forel = the trout
de formaline = embalming fluid: embalming solution: a liquid composed of formaldehyde & 
de formaline = formalin
de formaline = arterial fluid
de fosfaat-bindende proteïnen = phosphate-binding proteins
de fossa musculi biventris = digastric fovea
de fout die deze fout heeft veroorzaakt = the error that caused this error
de framboos = raspberry
de frameshift-mutaties = frameshift mutation
de franchise is het bedrag waarover geen premie hoeft te worden betaald = the deductible is the amount on which no contributions are payable
de Franse minister van economische zaken = the French Minister of Economic Affairs
de fuchsine = triphenylmethane dye
de full color inkjet printers van Rotaform = Rotaform’s full colour inkjet printers
De functie gezondheidsprocurement staat in voor de medische dienstverleni = The Health Procurement function is in charge of the provision of the medi
de functie te vergelijken met de referentiefuncties = comparing the job with the reference jobs
De functie van = The function of
De functie van de = The function of the
de functie van de ontkoppelkast = the function of the disconnect box
De functie van Werknemer = Employee’s post
de functie vervullen van voorzitter = act as chairman
de functie vervullen van voorzitter = be in the chair
de functiebeschrijving als basis gebruikend = based on the job description
de functiegroepenstructuren = the job grade matrices
de functiegroepenstructuur = The job grade matrix
de functie-indeling van de medewerkers = the job hierarchy of the employees
de functies van het oprapen en verwijderen = the gathering and removal functions
De functiewaarderingsdeskundigen = The job evaluation experts
De functionaliteit wordt gedeeltelijk ondersteund in = The functionality is partially supported in
De functionaliteit wordt volledig ondersteund = The functionality is fully supported
de functionele handicap = functional disability
De functionele omschrijving = The functional description
de functionele werking van de installatie = the correct operation of the installation
de fundering = foundation
de funderingssleuf (in bouwput) = foundation trench
De gaaspanelen = The mesh panels
de galvanotechniek = electroplating
de gammazwartingsmeting = gamma densitometry
de gang van zaken = the current situation
de gans = the goose
de ganse lengte = the entire length
de garant maakt zich voorts tegenover de verhuurder sterk en staat ervoor = the guarantor also warrants its performance and guarantees that the lesso
de garant verbindt zich om = the guarantor undertakes
De garantie geldt enkel op onderdelen. = The warranty is only valid on parts.
De garantie omvat = The warranty covers
De garantie van de installatie vervalt = The warranty of the system is void
De garantie vervalt voorts = The warranty shall furthermore lapse
de garantietermijn is verlopen = the warranty period has expired
De garantievoorwaarden voor het Voertuig zijn onderdeel van de offerte. e = The warranty terms for the Vehicle are part of the offer.
de garnaal = the shrimp
de gaskachel = gas heater
de gastritis erosiva = ulcerative  gastritis
de gastroduodenite = gastroduodenitis
de gastrostomie = gastrostomy: creating an artificial external opening into the stomach
De ge?xtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de geavanceerde mogelijkheden = the advanced capabilities
de geavanceerde mogelijkheden van de = the advanced capabilities of the
de gebeurtenis zelf = the event itself
de gebouwen van de productie afdeling als van het administratief gedeelte = production and administrative buildings
de gebroeders Montgolfier = the Montgolfier brothers
De gebruikelijke = Ordinary
de gebruiker en zijn verplaatsing = the user and their movements
de gebruiker hiervan genotificeerd wordt = the user is notified thereof
de gebruiker in de steriele omgeving = the user in the sterile environment
de gebruiker in staat dient te zijn om uit te voeren = the user must be able to perform
De gebruiker kan inloggen = The user can log in
De gebruiker kan inloggen met een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. = The user can log in with a username and password.
de gebruiker op gepaste wijze te informeren = inform the user in an appropriate manner
de gebruiker van het Materieel = the user of the Equipment
de gebruiker weer snel aan de slag kan = the user can get back to work quickly
de gebruiker wordt verzocht de stap uit te voeren van het identificeren v = the user is requested to carry out the step of identifying the zones cont
De gebruikers zijn zelf verantwoordelijk voor = Users are responsible for
de gebruikersdatabank omvattende een veelheid van persoonsgegevens = the user database comprising a plurality of personal data items
De gebruiksaanwijzing is opgesteld voor = The manual has been prepared for
de gebruiksduur van de MiniMed Duo = the working life of the MiniMed Duo
de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de toepassingen = the usability of the applications
de gebruikte normering in dit bestek = the standards used in these specifications
De gebruikte taal in documenten = The language used in documents
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk te brengen = implementing the claimed invention in practice
De geconsolideerde balans = The consolidated balance sheet
de geconsolideerde cijfers = the consolidated figures
De geconsolideerde jaarrekening is opgesteld in overeenstemming met de In = The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance wi
De geconsolideerde resultaten over het 1e halfjaar van het boekjaar = The consolidated results for the first half of the financial year
De geconsolideerde resultaten over het boekjaar = The consolidated results for the financial year
de gecontracteerde hoeveelheid = the quantity contracted for
de gecontracteerde prijs = the contract price
de gecreëerde kaart automatisch wordt aangepast = the map created is automatically adapted
de gecreëerde kaart van het terrein = the created map of the terrain
de gedaalde olieprijzen = the fall in oil prices
de gedachte = thought
de gedeeltelijke overmaatse fractie en de eerste gedeeltelijke middelgrot = the partial oversize fraction and the first partial midsize fraction
de gedeponeerde coating stack = the deposited coating stack
de gedetacheerde medewerkers = the seconded employees
de gedetailleerde inhoud van = the detailed contents of
de gedetailleerde inhoud van de kast = the detailed contents of the cabinet
de geelzucht = the jaundice
de geëncrypteerde data heeft opgeslagen = stored the encrypted data
de geest = the spirit
De Geest = De Geest
"de geest is gewillig, maar het vlees is zwak" = the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (acheiving somethin
De geest is uit de fles = The genie is out of the bottle
de geestesverwarring = "incoherent thinking, confusion, incoherent ideation"
De geéxtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
De geëxtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de geformuleerde strategie = the formulated strategy
de gegadigde = candidate
de gegevens afkomstig van het ex-situ sensorsysteem = the data from the ex-situ sensor system
de gegevens eveneens getoond worden op een scherm = the data can also be displayed on a screen
De gegevens kunnen op twee manieren worden toegevoegd of gewijzigd = The data can be added or modified in two ways
De gegevens van het kruispunt = Intersection data
de gegevens van uw werknemers = your employees’ data
De gegevens worden vervolgens via Bluetooth overgebracht = The data is then transferred via Bluetooth
"de gegevens, de voorwaarden en de parameters" = "the data, conditions and parameters"
de gegevensregistratie is gestopt = data recording has stopped
de gegevensverzameling kan belemmeren = may interfere with data collection
de gehandicapte kinderen = disabled children
de gehandicapten = the handicapped
de gehandicaptenzorg = care of the disabled
de gehandicaptenzorg = disability care
de gehele aanbestedingsprocedure of een deel daarvan = all or part of the Tendering Procedure
de gehele beleidscyclus = the entire policy cycle
de gehele hoeveelheid = all
de gehele onderzoekspopulatie = the entire study population
de gehele oppervlakte = the entire surface
de gehele organisatie en onderdelen daarvan = the entire organisation and components thereof
de gehele volgende leaseperiode = the entire next lease period
de gehele zone = the entire zone
de gehoorde = interviewee
de gehoorgevoeligheid = auditory sensitivity
de gehoorgevoeligheid = hearing acuity
de gehoorresten = residual  hearing
de geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare natuurlijke persoon op wie de Pe = The identified or identifiable natural person to whom the Personal Data r
de geïmplanteerde elektrodes = NIM
de geïnduceerde coma = medically  induced coma
de geïnfecteerde = infected patient
de geïnspecteerde laagspanningsinstallatie = the inspected low-voltage installation
De geïntegreerde sensoren = The integrated sensors
de geïntegreerde warmtepomp = the integrated heat pump
de geïntegreerde warmtepomptechnologie = the integrated heat pump technology
de geit = goat
de geknipte figuur = the perfect man
de gekozen geschikte posities = the chosen appropriate positions
de gekruiste embolie = crossed  embolism
de gelaagde inrichting kan gebruikt worden voor het tegenhouden van opsti = the layered structure can be used for preventing rising damp in a wall
de gelaagde verkalking in de hersenen = flaky appearance of the brain
de gelaatsuitdrukking = facial expression
de geldende bevoegde instantie = the relevant competent authority
de geldende norm = the applicable standard
de geldende wetten en voorschriften = the applicable laws and regulations
de geleidende mantel in de afgewerkte geleider = the conductive sheath in the finished conductor
de geleider (voor afsnijden van behang) = cutter
de geleider omvattend = the conductor comprising
de gelijkstroom = (electricity)  direct current
de gelinkte toestellen = the linked devices
De geluiddemper = Silencer
de geluidsmuur = sound barrier
de gemaakte kosten te declareren = declare the costs incurred
de gember = the ginger
de Gemeenschap in haar oorspronkelijke samenstelling = the Community as originally constituted
de gemeenschappelijke markt = the common market
de gemeenschappelijke teruggeleiders = the common input conductors
de gemeten eigenschap = the measured property
de gemeten waarde van de sensoren = values measured by the sensors
de gemeten waarden = the measured values
de gemeten waarden of eigenschappen of karakteristieken = the measured values or properties or characteristics
de gemiddelde waarde over acht uur = the average value over eight hours
de genade = grace
de geneesmiddelenbewaking = drug monitoring
de genen--herschikking door T-cellen = T-lymphocyte  gene rearrangement: an ordered rearrangement of T-cell vari
de general adaptation syndrome = general adaptation syndrome: the body's nonspecific systemic reactions to
de genetica van de ontwikkeling = developmental genetics
de genetische diversiteit = genetic diversity
de genetische diversiteit = genetic variation
de genetische hulpbronnen = genetic resources
de genetische reassortment = gene rearrangement
de genetische verbetering = genetic  enhancement
de genische mutatie = genetic suppression
de genoemde gebeurtenissen = the events listed
de genoemde gebiedsafschermingen = the security fence systems mentioned above
de genomische inprenting = genomic  imprinting genetic imprinting
de genomische inprenting = genomic imprinting: parental imprinting: a biochemical phenomenon that de
De genoteerde aandelen luiden aan toonder = The listed shares are held in bearer form
de gentargeting = gene targeting
de geografische locatie van de medische gebruiker op het moment van de vi = "the geographical location of the medical user, at the time of the videoco"
de geopenbaarde uitvoeringsvormen = the disclosed embodiments
de gepaste RENSON accessoires = the appropriate RENSON® accessories
de geprefabriceerde bouwelementen op een eenvoudige en snelle manier aan  = the prefabricated building components can be connected to each other in a
de geprefabriceerde bouwelementen op een eenvoudige en snelle manier aan  = the prefabricated building components can be connected to each other in a
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting zoals beschreven in co = The preferred embodiment of the device as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting zoals beschreven in co = The preferred embodiment of the device as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = The preferred embodiment of the method
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geprefereerde uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze zoals beschreven in con = The preferred embodiment of the method as described in claim
De geregistreerde diamanthandelaren = Registered diamond traders
de geringste verandering in de gezondheidstoestand van de baby = the smallest change in the baby’s medical condition
de gerst = the barley
de geschatte leveringstermijn = the estimated delivery time
De geschetste praktijkoplossing / het beroepsproduct = The outlined real-world solution / professional product
de geschiedenis van de regio = the history of the region
de geslachtscellen = germinal cells
de geslachtschromosoom = accessory chromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = B chromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = gonosome
de geslachtschromosoom = heterochromosome
de geslachtschromosoom = idiochromosome
de geslachtsgebonden erfelijkheid = gonosomal heredity
de geslachtskeuze = gender selection
de geslachtsspecifieke discrepantie = gender gap
de gesloten fractuur = simple  fracture: a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture
de gestelde normen = the required standards
de gestelde service levels = the required service levels
de gestoorde diffusiecapaciteit in de longen = diffusion disorder
de getuige = witness
De getypte aantekeningen van de hoorzitting = The typed notes of the hearing
de geur = smell
de gevaarlijke zones van de machine = the Machine’s hazardous areas
De gevaren van = The dangers of
de gevel helt naar voren over = the wall leans forward
de gevolgen daarvan = the consequences of its use
de gevolgen daarvan en de getroffen corrigerende maatregelen = the consequences thereof and the corrective measures taken
de gevolgen die aan een wederinvoer verbonden zijn = the consequences associated with a re-import
de gevolgen hiervan komen voor rekening van de opdrachtgever = the consequences of this will be borne by the client
de gevolgen van welke aard ook = the consequences of any kind
De gevolmachtigde = Authorised representative
de gevonden theorie = the theory I discovered
de gevraagde informatie = the requested information
de gewapend-betonvloer = ferroconcrete floor
de gewenning aan geneesmiddelen = "drug  habituation, drug addiction"
de gewenste = the desired
de gewenste capaciteit = the desired capacity
de gewenste dosis niet kan worden toegediend = the desired dose cannot be administered
de gewenste kleinste opening = the desired smallest opening
de gewenste snelheid = the desired speed
de gewenste sterkte = the desired strength
de gewenste temperatuur = the desired temperature
de gewenste waarde ingesteld worden = set the desired value
de gewenste watertemperatuur = the desired water temperature
de gewoonten bij het eten = dietary history
De ge�xtrapoleerde positie = The extrapolated position
de gezamenlijke genen (van een soort) = genetic pool
de gezamenlijke Nederlandse banken = the joint Dutch banks
De Gezinsbond = The Gezinsbond
de gezinsverzorgster = home aid
de gezondheid = health
de gezondheid van jongeren = the health of young people
de gezondheidsinstanties = sanitary authorities
"De gezondheidsstrategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het b" = "Lead, organize and drive the Health strategy at corporate, entity and/or "
de gezondheidstoestand van de deelnemer = the health of the participant
de gezondheidsvoorlichting en gezondheidsopvoeding = health education
de gezondheidsvoorlichtingscampagne = health promotion programs
de gezondheidszorg = health services
de gezondheidszorgsector = the healthcare sector
de gezuiverde glycerol = purified  glycerol
de gijzelaar = the hostage
de gingivitis = marginal  gingivitis
de giraffe = the giraffe
de glandulae sine ductibus = ductless glands
de glasbewerker = glassworker
de glashaak = glazier's square
de glazen ballon (van gloeilamp) = glass bulb
de glazen wand = glass wall
de gletsjer = the glacier
de gleufporties en pinportie = the slot portions and pin portion
De gleufvormige secties = the slot-shaped sections
de globale belasting van ziektes = global burden of disease
de globulimeter = erythrocytometer
de globulimeter = hemacytometer: an instrument for counting blood cells
de glomerulaire mesangiale cellen = mesangial cells
de glomerulonephritis = membranous   glomerulonephritis
de glomerulonephritis acuta = acute  glomerulonephritis
de glomus jugulare = jugular gland
de glossitis areata exfoliativa = painful  desquamation of the tongue
de glossopyrosis = glossopyrosis: burning mouth syndrome
de glucocerebrosidase: een glycosidase = glucosylceramidase
de glucosestofwisseling = glucose metabolism
de glucosuria = glucosuria: glucose discharging in the urine
de glucosuria = glycuresis
de glucosuria = having abnormally high levels of glucose in the urine
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = celiac disease
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = Gee's disease
de glutenintolerantie: een aandoening waarbij de patiënt chronisch overg = gluten intolerance
de glutenvrije voeding = gluten-free food
de glycosphingolipiden = glycosphingolipids: ceramides which contain one or more sugar moieties
de God = God
de goede uitvoering van het contract = the proper performance of the contract
de goede werking van = the proper functioning of
de goede werking van de klok = correct functioning of the clock
de goede werking van het toestel = the proper functioning of the device
de goederen meenemen = carry along the goods
De goederen worden verkocht zonder recht van teruggave = The products are sold without a right of return
de goedheid hebben = do a favor
de goedkeuring vereisen van = to be subject to the approval of
de Golgicellen = Golgi cells
de Golgicellen = Golgi's cells
de Golgicellen = axiramificate cells
de gootbeugel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gutter bracket
de gotische stijl = Gothic order
de goudsmid = the goldsmith
De Gouw = County
De graad van fluorescentie wordt bepaald door de steen onder langegolf-UV = The degree of fluorescence is determined by comparing the diamond to a se
De graad van fluorescentie wordt bepaald door de steen onder langegolf-UV = The degree of fluorescence is determined by comparing the diamond to a se
de graaf = count
de grafiek van de dosis-effectrelatie = dose-response relation
de granaatappel = the pomegranate
de granulaire verharding = granular induration
de graviditeit = gestation
de grensregio op de kaart = put the border region on the map
de grensregio’s van Europa = Europe’s border regions
de grenzen opzoeken = seek the limits
"de grief zal waarschijnlijk afstuiten op..., gezien" = the ground for appeal is likely to be denied in view of ...
De griffier van de Rechtbank Noord-Holland = The registrar of the North Holland District Court
de groef gevormd door = the groove formed by
de groei en de ontwikkeling van de kuikens = the growth and development of the chicks
de groeifactor = growth factor
de groep bijzondere scholen = the group of privately-run schools
de groepstherapie = group therapy
de grond = soil
de grond = ground
de grondwettelijke macht van de Koning gaat bij erfopvolging over op de n = "the King's constitutional powers are hereditary through the direct, natur"
de groothandel = the wholesale sector
de grootschaals levernecrose = massive  hepatic necrosis
de grootste drukval = the greatest pressure drop
de grootste kans op succes = the best chance of success
de grootste speler in Europa = the largest player in Europe
de grootste uitdaging = the greatest challenge
de grootste van de = the largest of the
de grootste zorgverzekeraars = the largest health insurance providers
de grootte en de samenstelling van het vermogen = the financial position
De grootte van de = The size of the
de grootte van de benodigde = the size of the required
de grootte van de gemaskeerde videofeed = the masked video feed size
de grootte van de stroomdensiteit = the magnitude of the current density
de grootte van de stroomdensiteit van de ijzer of aluminium elektrocoagul = the magnitude of the current density of the iron or aluminum electrocoagu
de groove is ternair samengesteld = the groove is in compound triple time
de grote lijn daarin is = broadly speaking
De grotere flexibiliteit = the greater flexibility
de GTAC’s tijdig af te ronden = finalising the GTACs in a timely manner
De gunstige tariefbehandeling van goederen uit hoofde van hun aard wordt  = The favourable tariff treatment of goods by reason of their nature is gov
de Guthrie phenylketonurietest = Guthrie´s test
De Haagse Hogeschool = The Hague University of Applied Sciences
de haai = the shark
"de haak, het oog, de klem of het andere geschikte middel" = "hook, eye, clamp or other suitable means"
"de haak, het oog, de klem of het andere geschikte middel aan, tegen of ac" = "the hook, eye, clamp or other suitable means is attached, hooked or clamp"
de haan = the cock
de haarspeldbocht = hairpin bend
de haas = the hare
de habituele abortus = habitual abortion: three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions
de haemagglutinatie = intravascular  erythrocyte aggregation
de haematokyste = hematocyst: a cyst containing blood
de haematokyste = hemorrhagic cyst
de haemodia = gingival bleeding
de hagedis = the lizard
de hagel = the hail
de Hageman-factor deficiëntie = Hageman  factor deficiency
de halfopen ogen = half-closed eyes
de hals of de peer van de lamp = the neck or the bulb of the lamp
de halvering van de olieprijs = the halving of oil prices
de ham = ham
de hamer = hammer
de hamer met sferische kop = ball peen  hammer
de hamer met sferische kop = ballpeen hammer
de hand = the hand
de hand aan zichzelf slaan = commit suicide
de hand aan zichzelf slaan = kill oneself
de hand schudden = shake hands
de handdoek in de ring gooien = to throw in the towel
de handdoek in de ring werpen = throw in the towel  ((idiomatic) to quit
de handdoek in de ring werpen = to give up)
de handdouche = extendible shower attachment
de handelsmerkvorderingen te schikken = to settle the trademark actions
de handen uit de mouwen steken = roll up their sleeves
de handen wringen = wring one's hands
de handhaving van het omgevingsrecht = enforcing environmental law
de handleiding = the manual
De handleiding = The instructions
de handleiding zal later worden bezorgd = the manual will be delivered later
de handpalmen en de handruggen van de passagier = the palms and backs of the passenger’s hands
de handschoen = the glove
de handstamper = concrete tamper
de harde gelkapsel = hard  gelatin capsule
de harde hersenvlies = dura mater of the brain
De hardheid waarmee geschraapt wordt = How strongly the leeks are scraped
de hardnekkige eosinofilie = persistent  eosinophilia
De hardware configuratie = The hardware configuration
de hardware engineering = the hardware engineering
de hare = hers
de haring = the herring
de hartbeklemmingcellen = heart failure cells
de hartbewakingsapparatuur = electrocardiograph
de hartklep van een varken = bioprosthetic  heart valve
de hart-longmachine = heart-lung machine
de hart-longmachine = pump-oxygenator
De hartvorm heeft uiteraard een sterk emotionele waarde en is dan ook een = "The heart shape has, of course, a high emotional value and is thus popula"
de haver = the oats
de havik = the hawk
de hazelaar = hazelnut
de HBGF-1 = acidic fibroblast growth factor
de HDL-cholesterol = HDL cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins
de HDL-cholesterol = the 'good cholesterol'
de hebephrenia = hebephrenia: a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe disintegrati
De hechtende werking van de lijm ten opzichte van het artikel = The adhesive action of the adhesive relative to the article
de hechting van een prothese = retention of  dental prosthesis
de hechtlaag van de achterzijde = the adhesive layer of the rear side
De heer = Mr
de heer / mevrouw = Mr/Ms
de heer A.C. Blokhuis = Mr A.C. Blokhuis
"de heer ABC is bevoegd om alle goederen, gelden en waarden toekomende aan" = "the aforesaid Mr ABC is authorized to claim and receive all goods, monies"
De heer drs. = Mr
de heer E.M.J.M. van Nispen = Mr E.M.J.M. van Nispen
De heer Ir = Mr
de heer J.H.M. Hendriks = Mr J.H.M. Hendriks
de heer J.P. Visser = Mr J.P. Visser
de heer R. van Kleef = Mr R. van Kleef
de heer Samuel Kalu = Mr Samuel Kalu
de heetschokreactie = heatshock response
de hefboom = the lever
de heks = witch
de held = hero
de heldere cellen = epithelioid cells
de hele = the entire
de hele ... door = all
de hele hoeveelheid = all
de helft = half
de helft van de arbeidsduur per week = half of the weekly working hours
de helft van de bandbreedte = half of the bandwidth
De helft van de bloeiwijze is uitgekomen = Half of inflorescence emerged
de helft van een lengte van een zijde van de dwarsdoorsnede = half of a length of a side of the cross section
De helften van = The halves of
de hematocrietbepaling = erythrocyte count
de hematose = hematosis
de hematose = the arterialization of the blood in the lungs
de hematose = the formation of blood in general
de hematose = hematogenesis
de hemel = the sky
de hemiplegia = capsular paralysis
de hemiplegia = hemiplegia of internal capsule
de hemiplegia = capsular hemiplegia
de hemiplegia cruciata = alternate  hemiplegia
de hemodilutie = hemodilution: reduction of blood viscosity by adding cell-free solutions
de hemodilutie = increased plasma volume
de hemofiliepatiënt = bleeder
de hemofiliepatiënt = hemophile
de hemofiliepatiënt = hemophiliac
de hemopathie = blood disease
de hemopathie = hematologic disease
de hemopathie = hemopathy
de hemorroïdale trombose = thrombotic hemorrhoids
de hennep = the hemp
de heredopathia = hereditary disease
de heren = Messrs
De heren H.W. Kampert en J.F. Helm = Messrs H.W. Kampert and J.F. Helm
de herfst = the autumn
de hernia cruralis = femorocele
de hernia ischiadica infrapiriformis = infrapiriform hernia
de heroicum = heroic medicine
de herpetische pharyngitis = herpes pharyngis
de herpetische pharyngitis = herpes laryngis
de hersenen = the brain
de hersenhelft die normaliter overweegt = dominant hemisphere
de hertog = duke
de heterocyclische zuurstoffen = heterocyclic acids: acides with a ring structure in which at least one at
de heupbeen = hip
de heupbeen = hip bone
de heupbeen = lumbo-sacral area
de hevel = flushing lever
de hevige ademhaling = forcible exhalation
de hevige ademhaling = heavy breathing
de hevige ademhaling = huffing
de hevige ademhaling = huffing & puffing
de hevige ademhaling = breathing heavily
de hexamethonii bromidum = hexamethonium bromide
de hidrosadenitis = hidrosadenitis
de hier aangeboden toepassing = the application offered here
de hier voorliggende analyse = the present analysis
De hier weergegeven tekeningen = The drawings shown here
De hier weergegeven tekeningen zijn enkel schematische weergaven en zijn  = The drawings shown here are merely schematic representations and are not 
De hier weergegeven tekeningen zijn enkel schematische weergaven en zijn  = The drawings shown here are merely schematic representations and are not 
de hierboven beschreven = the above-described
de hierboven beschreven stap = the above-described step
de hierboven beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = the embodiments described above
de hierboven beschreven werkwijze = the method described above
de hierboven uiteengezette nadelen = the disadvantages outlined above
de hierboven vermelde aspecten = the above-mentioned aspects
De hierin beschreven inrichting = The device described herein
de hiermee geassocieerde = the associated
de hiermee geassocieerde kost = the cost associated therewith
De hierna beschreven functionaliteit = The functionality described below
de hierna omschreven = described below
de hierna volgende beschrijving = the following description
de hiernavolgende bepalingen = the following provisions
de hiernavolgende beschreven uitvoeringsvorm(en) = the embodiment(s) described hereinafter
de hieronder vermelde documenten = the documents listed below
de hieruit voortvloeiende = the resulting
de hieruit voortvloeiende kosten en schade die werkgever in rekening word = any expenses or losses resulting therefrom incurred by the employer
de hiervoor omschreven leveringsomvang = the scope of delivery described above
De hiervoor onder 2 genoemde vordering = the claim mentioned above under 2
de hiervoor vermelde = the above
de Highrunner mk7 = the Highrunner mk7
de hinder = impediment
de histiocytaire medullaire reticulose = Omenn's reticulosis
de hittepuistjes = prickly heat
de HIV infectie = HIV infection
de HLH motieven = HLH motifs
de hoed = hat
De hoedanigheid of een gebrek van zijn handbagage = The condition of or a defect in their hand luggage
De hoedanigheid of een gebrek van zijn handbagage = The condition of the passenger’s hand luggage or a defect therein
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het frontale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the frontal plane
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het sagittale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the sagittal plane
de hoek die de afwijking voorstelt in het transversale vlak = the angle representing the deviation in the transverse plane
de hoek gevormd door = the angle formed by
de hoek indrukken = wedge in the corner
de hoek indrukken = wedge into the corner
de hoek tussen een richting waarin iets zich uitstrekt en het vlak = the angle between a direction wherein something extends to and the plane 
de hoeklei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = corner bottom slate
de hoekstenen van ons succes = the cornerstones of our success
de hoekstijl = corner strut
de hoekstijl = corner stile
de hoest = the cough
de hoeveelheid die beschikbaar is voor toediening = the amount available for application
de hoeveelheid vloeistof die per tijdseenheid in de condensor condenseert = the amount of liquid that condenses per unit of time in the condenser is 
de hoeveelheid voedsel dat wordt weggegooid = the amount of food that is thrown
de hoeveelste = what date in
de hoeveelste is het vandaag? = what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?)
de hoge flexibiliteit geboden door de onderhavige uitvinding = the high degree of flexibility offered by the present invention
de Hoge Raad heeft het Hof drie prejudiciële vragen gesteld over de uitl = the Supreme Court of the Netherlands referred to the Court of Justice for
de hogere standen = high society
de hogeschool = the Hogeschool
de hogeschool = the NHL
de hogeschool = the university
de Hohn-catheter = central venous catheter
de Hohn-catheter = CVC
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn catheter
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn triple lumen catheter
de Hohn-catheter = Hohn central venous catheter
de holle bout minder of meer kan ingeschroefd worden = the hollow bolt can be screwed in less or more
de hologyne overdracht = hologynic inheritance: transmission of a trait from mother to her daughte
de homeobox- genen = homeotic genes
de homolaterale hemiplegie = homolateral  hemiplegia
de hond = the dog
de hondsdolheid = rabies
de honger = the hunger
de honing = the honey
de honneurs waarnemen = do the honours
de hoofdbaluster = guard rail
de hoofdkromtestralen op één punt van het spiegeloppervlak (ri) = The principal radii of curvature at one point on the reflecting surface (
de hoofdlijnen van het bedrijf = the company’s basic principles
de hoofdpijn van Horton = cluster headache
De hoofdstroomvoorziening = The main power supply
De hoofdzetel bevindt zich in = XXX is headquartered in
de hoogfrequentieventilatie = high-frequency jet ventilation
de hoogst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid = the greatest possible care
de hoogste kringen = the highest circles
de hoogste rechtsprekende instantie = the highest court
de hoogste technische bekwaamheid = the highest level of technical competence
de hoogste toegangsrechten hebben = to have the highest access rights
de hoogte en bestemming van reservering = the level and purpose of the addition to reserves
de hoogte en de breedte van een vak = the height and the width of a box
de hoogte in = into the heights
de hoogte van = the height of
de hoogte van de = the level of the
De hoogte van de aanvullende uitkering = the size of the additional benefit
De hoogte van de compensatie = The level of compensation
De hoogte van de mobiliteitsvergoeding = The size of the travel allowance
de hoogte van de wand = the height of the wall
De hoogte van het bonusbedrag = the level of the bonus payment
de hoogte van het dividend = the amount of the dividend
De Hoorn = De Hoorn
de horen = the horn
de horizon te verbreden van = to broaden the horizon of
de horizontale verspreiding = horizontal  disease transmission: transmission of infectious disease or p
de hormonale stoornis = endocrinopathy
de hormoonontregelaar = endocrine disrupter
de hospitality = the hospitality industry
de houder op de cilindervormige mantel een uitwendige schroefdraad omvat = the holder comprises an external screw thread on the cylindrical shell
De houder voor een beugel = The casing for an underwire
de houding van het vragen stellen = the attitude with which the questions are asked
de houdstervennootschap waaronder de relevante werkmaatschappijen hangen = the holding company of which the relevant operating companies form part
de HTH motieven = HTH motifs
de huid = skin
de huid niet verkopen voor de beer geschoten is = don't count your chickens before they're hatched{proverb} (don't count on
de huidaandoening = dermatosis
de huidfibrosarcoma = dermatofibrosarcoma
de huidige Belgische regelgeving = the current Belgian regulations
de huidige huurder = the present tenant
de huidige methode = the present method
de huidige positie relevant vindt = finds the current position relevant
de huidige positie van de palletlift = the current position of the pallet lift
De huidige uitvinding = The present invention
de huidige uitvinding = The present invention
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden = The present invention aims to provide a solution
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden voor het technische  = The present invention aims to provide a solution to the technical problem
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te bieden voor het technische  = The present invention aims to provide a solution to the technical problem
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden = The present invention aims to solve
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste bove = The present invention aims to find a solution to at least the above-menti
De huidige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste bove = The present invention aims to find a solution to at least the above-menti
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft = the present invention describes
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft een inrichting = the present invention describes a device
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft een werkwijze voor het produceren van = the present invention describes a method for producing
de huidige uitvinding beschrijft het gebruik van = the present invention describes the use of
De huidige uitvinding betreft = The present invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding betreft een inrichting = The present invention relates to a device
De huidige uitvinding betreft een methode = The present invention relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding betreft een werkwijze voor het verpakken van = The present invention relates to a method for packaging
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook = The present invention also relates to
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook een werkwijze = The present invention also relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook het gebruik van = The present invention also relates to the use of
De huidige uitvinding betreft ook het gebruik van voorgenoemd = The present invention also relates to the use of said
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The current invention relates to
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een verbeterde werkwijze = The current invention relates to an improved method
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The current invention relates to a method
De huidige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voor produceren = The current invention relates to a method of producing
De huidige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op = The current invention also relates to
De huidige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot = The present invention is by no means limited to
De huidige uitvinding is voordelig = The present invention is advantageous
De huidige uitvinding onderscheidt zich van gekende systemen = The present invention differs from systems known in the art
de huidige uitvinding werd beschreven met verwijzing naar = the present invention has been described with reference to
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot = The present invention will be described with reference to
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot bijzondere = The present invention will be described with respect to particular embodi
De huidige uitvinding zal beschreven worden met betrekking tot bijzondere = The present invention will be described with respect to particular embodi
De huidige uitvoeringsvorm = The present embodiment
de huidige verzekeraar van = the current insurer of
de huidige wereld = today’s world
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational dermatosis
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational skin disease
de huidziekte vanwege het beroep = occupational  dermatitis
de huisvestingseisen formuleren = to formulate the accommodation requirements
de huisvrouw = the housewife
de huur opzeggen = to cancel a tenancy
De huur van deze additionele parkeerplaatsen = The rental of these additional parking spaces
de huurovereenkomst geheel of gedeeltelijk over te dragen = transfer all or part of the Lease
de huurovereenkomst middels opzegging beëindigen = terminate the Lease by giving notice
De huurprijs bedraagt op jaarbasis = The annual rent amounts to
de hybride opstelling = the hybrid setup
de hydrastis = goldenseal
de hydrocephalus vetricularis = cystic brain
de hydrophthalmos = infantile  glaucoma
de hydroxitryptofaan = 5-HTP
de hydroxycorticoiden = hydroxycorticosteroids
de hyperadrenocorticisme = hyperadrenalism
de hyperbare kamere = hyperbaric chamber
de hyperbare zuurstoftherapie = HOT  hyperbaric medicine
de hyperbilirubinemie = hyperbilirubinemia: excessive amounts of bilirubin in the blood
de hypercreatininemie = hypercreatinemia
de hypergammaglobulinaemia = hyperimmunoglobulinemia
de hyperinsulinisme = hyperinsulinism
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = harlequin fetus
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = ichthyosis foetalis
de hyperkeratosis diffusa foetalis = lamellar ichthyosis
de hyperkeratosis ichtyosiformis = congenital  ichthyosiform erythroderma
de hyperorthocytose = hyperorthocytosis
de hyperplasie van de zwezerik = hyperplasia of the thymus
de hyperthyreosis optredend na loodvergiftiging = lead-induced  hyperthyroidism
de hypertone blaas = hypertonic bladder
de hypocholesterolaemia = hypocholesterinemia
de hypofolliculinie = hypoestrogenism
de hypofosfatemie = hypophosphatemia
de hypovolemische hypotensie = hypovolemic hypotonia
de hypoxemie wegens anemie = anemic hypoxemia
de hypoxemie wegens anemie = anemic  hypoxia
de ichthyosis congenita = ichthyosis congenita
de ichthyosis congenita = X-linked ichthyosis
de ichthyosis congenita = congenital  ichthyosis
de ideale aanvulling = the ideal complement
de ideale oplossing voor = is the ideal solution for
de identiteit van een kant checken = check the identity of the client
de ideokinetische apraxie = ideomotor dyspraxia
de immunodominante epitopen = immunodominant epitopes
de immunofluorescentietekniek = fluorescent antibody test
de immunomodulatoren = immunostimulants
de immunoscintigrafie = immunoscintigraphy
de immunotolerantie = immune tolerance
de immunregelende activiteit = immunomodulatory effect
de immuungeschiedenis = immunohistochemistry: histochemical localization of immunoreactive substa
de immuunreactie = immune reaction
de immuunreactie = immunoreaction: a bodily defense reaction that recognizes an invading sub
de impact ervan = its impact
de impact op het milieu te beperken = limit the impact on the environment
de impact van = the impact of
de impact van deze omstandigheden heeft onderschat = underestimated the impact of these circumstances
de impact van grote incidenten te mitigeren = mitigate the impact of major incidents
de impact van het incid = the impact of the incident
de impactabsorberend paal loslaat van het oppervlak = the impact absorbing post comes off the surface
De impactanalyse is gebeurd = The impact analysis has been performed
De implementatie wordt aangeboden in regie. = The implementation is offered on a direct-labour basis.
"de implementatie, test en in productie name van" = "the implementation, testing and commissioning of"
de impulsio = drive
de impulsio = impulse
de impulsio = impulsion
De in bedrijf name vindt aaneengesloten plaats = Commissioning shall take place in an uninterrupted manner
de in de aanbieding vermelde werkzaamheden = the work specified in the offer
de in de Bijzondere Voorwaarden omschreven diensten = the services described in the Special Conditions
de in de ingebrekestelling gestelde redelijke termijn = the reasonable period specified in the notice
de in de Overeenkomst gestelde vereisten = the requirements laid down in the Agreement
de in de overeenkomst voorziene letter of comfort = the letter of comfort provided for in the contract
de in de planning opgenomen data = scheduled dates
de in de ruimte aanwezige lucht = ambient indoor air
de in de voorbeelden beschreven en/of in de figuren getoonde uitvoeringsv = the embodiments described in the examples and/or shown in the figures
de in deze aanbieding genoemde prijzen = the prices mentioned in this offer
de in deze aanbieding opgenomen beschrijvingen = the descriptions included in this offer
de in deze algemene voorwaarden opgenomen bepalingen = the provisions contained in these General Terms and Conditions
De in deze overeenkomst gemaakte afspraken = The commitments contained in this agreement
de in deze specificatie vermelde informatie = the information contained in this specification
De in deze Uitzendovereenkomst genoemde omvang van het aantal te werken u = The number of working hours mentioned in this temporary employment contra
de in dit artikel gestelde eisen aanscherpen = reinforce the requirements set out in this Article
De in dit artikel opgenomen bepalingen = The provisions of this Article
de in dit artikel vermelde verplichtingen = the obligations referred to in this clause
de in gebreke gebleven vennoot = the defaulting partner
de in gebreke zijnde partij de niet in gebreke zijnde partij = the defaulting party will reimburse the non-defaulting party
de in het aanbod vermelde geldigheidsduur = the period of validity indicated in the offer
de in het convenant vastgelegde afspraken = the commitments made in the agreement
de in het geheugen opgenomen foto’s = the photos recorded in the memory
de in het mandaat opgenomen limieten = the limits stated in the mandate
de in het ongelijk gestelde partij = the unsuccessful party
de in het Ontwerpdossier voorgeschreven technische voorschriften = the technical requirements prescribed in the Design Dossier
de in het testrapport genoemde fouten = the defects listed in the test report
de in overtreding (geweest) zijnde vennoot = the partner who is or has been in violation
de in redelijkheid van hen te vergen medewerking = the cooperation that can reasonably be requested from them
de in te nemen arbeidsplaats = the position to be filled
de in te zetten medewerker = the employee to be assigned
de inactivering van het enyzm = enzymatic inactivation
de inboedel verzekeren tegen nieuwwaarde = insure the effects at their replacement value
de inboedel verzekeren tegen nieuwwaarde = to insure the household contents at their new-for-old value
de inbouwarmatuur = the recessed luminaire
de inbreng van elk der vennoten = the capital contributed by each partner
de inbreng van elk der vennoten = the capital contributed by each party
de Incassant gerechtigd is = the Creditor is entitled
de inch = the inch
de incidentie genoemd in = the incidence mentioned in
de incisie = the incision
de incubator voor zuigelingen = artificial  incubator
de incubator voor zuigelingen = "incubator for newborn babies, for preemies"
De indeling is vastgesteld op basis van = Classification is determined by
de indeling van uw functie = the classification of your job
de indirecte immunofluorescentietekniek = indirect  immunofluorescence antibody test
de Indische hennep = cannabis
de Indische hennep = Indian hemp
de indruk krijgen = get the impression
de infectieuze boviene rhinotracheïtis = infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
de infectieuze dermatose = infective dermatitis
de informatie als bewijs wordt aangevoerd = it is invoked as evidence
de informatie die dit document bevat = the information contained in this document
de informatie die je wilt opnemen = the information you want to include
de informatie die ze aan de verkeersregelaar leveren = the information they provide to the traffic-signal controller
de informatie en de informatievoorziening = the information and information systems
de informatie hierboven = the information presented above
de informatie in dit document is uitsluitend opgesteld ter informatie = the information contained in this document has been provided for informat
de informatie is overgedragen = the information has been transferred
De informatie op deze site = The information on this site
De informatie wordt als volgt opgebouwd = The information is structured as follows
de informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris = the information security officer
de infrastructuur in het Erasmus MC = the infrastructure at Erasmus MC
de ingang = entrance
De ingebrekestelling zal schriftelijk geschieden = The notice of default shall be in writing
de ingesloten tand = impacted tooth
De ingestelde grenswaarde = The set limit
De ingevulde declaratie = The completed declaration
de ingevulde en ondertekende formulieren = The completed and signed forms
de ingezette veranderingen = the initiated changes
De ingrediënten van een = The ingredients of a
de inhoud = the contents
de inhoud of een deel van de inhoud = the contents or part of the contents
de inhoud of het onderwerp van de bijeenkomst is controversieel = the content or subject matter of the meeting is controversial
de inhoud van = the content of
de inhoud van = and/or their content
de inhoud van de database = the contents of the database
de inhoud van de verschillende documenten = the contents of the various documents
De inhoud van de Werkzaamheden = The content of the Services
de inhoud van deze Overeenkomst = the contents of this Agreement
de inhoud van deze vaststellingsovereenkomst = the content of this contract of settlement
De inhoud van dit rapport = The content of this report
De inhoud van dit rapport is gebaseerd op = The content of this report is based on
De inhoud van het geheugen uit te lezen = Read out the contents of the memory
De initialisatie = The initialisation
de initiële dosis = initial dose
de initiële dosis = loading  dose
de inklapbare werkbank = collapsible bench
De inkomsten uit het buitenland = Income from abroad
de inkomsten zijn fors teruggelopen = income has declined substantially
de inkoop = the purchased goods
de inkt = the ink
de inktvis = the squid
de inlegluiers = absorbent  incontinence pads
De Inlener vrijwaart de Uitlener voor aanspraken van de Werknemer op de U = The Host indemnifies the University from claims by the Employee against t
De Inlener vrijwaart de Uitlener voor aanspraken van wie ook die jegens d = The Host indemnifies the University for claims by anyone who files them a
de innovatieve dienstverlener = innovative provider of specialized services
"De innovatieve productliften, palletliften en palletiseermachines van Qim" = "Qimarox’s innovative product lifts, pallet lifts and palletisers"
de inorganische chemie = inorganic chemistry
de inorganische chemie = mineralogical chemistry
de inpassing van = the integration of
de inplanting van een embryo in de baarmoeder = embryo transfer
De inrichting = The apparatus
de inrichting = the apparatus
de inrichting een centrifuge omvat = the device comprises a centrifuge
De inrichting en besturing van bedrijfsprocessen. = The design and management of operational/business processes
de inrichting en uitrusting van = the fitting out and equipping of
De inrichting omvat verder = The device further comprises
de inrichting omvattende = the device comprising
de inrichting omvattende een gasdichte behandelkamer voor het plaatsen va = the device comprising a gas-tight treatment chamber for placing goods
"de inrichting omvattende een mengkuip, een weegunit en één of meerdere " = "the device comprising a mixing tub, a weighing unit and one or several pu"
de inrichting van het beheer = setting up the management
de inrichting verder omvattende = the device further comprising
De inrichting volgens conclusie = The device according to claim
De inrichting volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = The device according to the present embodiment
De inrichting volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The device according to any of the preceding claims
"De inrichting volgens één der voorgaande conclusies, verder omvattende" = "The device according to any of the preceding claims, further comprising"
de inrichting volgens onderhavige uitvinding = the device according to the present invention
de inrichting wordt beschermd tegen beschadiging = the device is protected from being damaged
De inrichtingen beschreven in = The devices described in
De inrichtingen uit de stand der techniek = The devices of the prior art
De inrichtingen uit de stand der techniek = The prior art devices
De inschrijver doet een voorstel = The tenderer shall submit a proposal
De inschrijver wordt erop gewezen = Tenderers should note
de inschrijving openstellen = to invite tenders
de insertie-mutageniteit = insertional mutagenesis
de insertiepees van een spier = insertion tendon of muscle
de insluitsels van Guarnieri = Guarnieri's bodies
de inspanningselektrocardiografie op ergometerfiets = standardized  exercise tolerance test
De inspectie is een tijdsopname = The inspection is on an as is basis
De inspectie is een tijdsopname = The inspection is on an 'as is' basis
De inspectie is uitgevoerd = The inspection was carried out
De inspectie is uitgevoerd volgens de criteria van de norm = The inspection was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the sta
De inspectie is uitgevoerd volgens de criteria van de normen = The inspection was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the sta
"de inspectie van het inwendige van de maag, slokdarm en twaalfvingerige d" = upper  gastrointestinal endoscopy
de inspecties Jeugdzorg en Inspectie Veiligheid en Justitie = the Inspectorate for Youth Care and the Inspectorate of Security and Just
de inspiratorische dyspnee = inspiratory dyspnea
de installateur die uw verwarmingsketel geïnstalleerd heeft = the installer who installed your boiler
De installatie dient te voldoen aan = The installation must comply with
De installatie en elektrische aansluiting van de verschillende componente = The various components may only be installed and connected to the power s
De installatie en het onderhoud dient te gebeuren = Installation and maintenance must be performed
De installatie mag alleen worden gebruikt voor het gebruiksdoel waar hij  = The system may only be used for its intended purpose
De installatie mag alleen worden onderhouden door gekwalificeerd personee = The installation should only be serviced by qualified personnel.
De installatie mag uitsluitend bediend worden door personen de geïnstrue = The system may only be operated by persons who are both trained and famil
De installatie moet opnieuw worden gestart. = The machine must be restarted.
"de installatie zal zodanig worden gedimensioneerd, dat ..." = the dimensions of the system will be such that ...
de instandhouding ex-situ = ex situ conservation
de instandhouding ex-situ = off-site conservation
De insteek is = The idea is
De instelling dient niet te gebeuren = No adjustment required
de instelling voor gerichte advertenties op basis van partnergegevens = the setting for targeted ads based on partner data
de instelling voor het Facebook Audience Network = the Facebook Audience Network setting
De instructies van = The instructions of
de instructies van de fabrikant en de leasemaatschappij = the instructions of the manufacturer and the leasing company
de instructies van de motorfabrikant betreffende de controle van onderdel = engine manufacturer’s instructions on monitoring the components and eng
de instructies van deze rubriek = the instructions in this section
de instructies voor het gebruik = directions for use
de instructies voor het gebruik = instructions for use
de instructies voor het gebruik = operating instructions
de instrumentdatabase omvattende een veelheid beeldvormende instrumenten  = the instrument database comprising a plurality of imaging instruments and
de instrumentdatabase omvattende een veelheid beeldvormende instrumenten  = the instrument database comprising a plurality of imaging instruments and
de insuline-proef van Hollander = Hollander's test
de insulinestoot = hypoglycemic attack
de insulinestoot = hypoglycemic shock
de insulinestoot = insulin shock
de integratie van eindverpakkingssystemen = the integration of end-of-line packaging systems
de intercurrente koorts = intercurrent  infection
de interieurverlichting eenvoudig kan aangepast worden = the interior lighting can be easily adjusted
de interne ventilator = the internal fan
de intestinale leverbotziekte = intestinal  distomatosis
de intracraniale overdruk = intracranial  hypertension
de intracraniale underdruk = intracranial  hypotension
de intraneurale anesthesie = endoneural injection
de introductie van = the introduction of
de in-vitro gerichte moleculaire evolutie = in vitro  directed molecular evolution
de invloed van emoties op intelligentie = the influence of emotions on intelligence
de invloed van veranderingen in het klimaat = climatic effect
de invoer normaliseren = normalise the input
de invoering van = the introduction of
de invoering zal gefaseerd plaatsvinden = the introduction will take place in stages
De invulling hiervan is vrij = You are free to enter what you wish here
de invulling van de = the details of the
de inwisseling van bankbiljetten van andere deelnemende lidstaten = exchange of banknotes of other participating Member States
de inzet = the aim
De inzet = The focus
De inzet op = Focusing on
De inzet richt zich op = The focus is on
de inzet van = the deployment of
de inzet van = the use of
de inzet van robots = the use of robots
de itemeigenschappen voor = The item properties for
de items die je in het overzicht wilt opnemen = the items you want to include in the report
de IT-portfolio van een organisatie = an organisations’s IT portfolio
de jaarmarkt = the fair
de jaarrekening 2018 is voorzien van een goedkeurende verklaring van de c = the auditor has provided an unqualified opinion in relation to the financ
de jaarrekening is op consistente wijze opgesteld op basis van bestendige = the presentation of the data in the financial statements is consistent an
de jaarrekening is opgesteld onder verantwoordelijkheid van de directie v = (as described above) the company's directors are responsible for the prep
de jaarstukken en de controleverklaring = the annual report and financial statements and the auditor’s report
de jacht = hunt
de Jacksonse epilepsie = Jacksonian  epilepsy
de jakhals = jackal
de jaren 70 = the 1970s
de jaren '70 = the 70s
de jaren 80 van de 20e eeuw = the 1980s
de jaren negentig = nineties
de jasmijn = the jasmine
de Jeugd van Tegenwoordig = De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig
de jicht = gouty arthritis
de jichtnier = gout nephropathy
De Jong DUKE = De Jong DUKE
de jongen = the boy
De jongste jaren = In recent years
de jouwe = yours
de juffrouw = miss
de juiste beslissingen nemen = make the right decisions
de juiste expert en expertise = the right expert and expertise
de juiste kilometerstand = the correct mileage
de juiste partij = second to none
de juiste persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen = appropriate personal protective equipment
de juiste pompkeuze te maken = selecting the right pump
De juiste tools en processen definiëren en implementeren voor de procure = Define and implement the right tools and processes needed by the procurem
de juiste vervolgstappen = the correct follow-up steps
de juiste voedingstoffen = the right nutrients
de juiste volgorde = the correct order
de juiste werking van = the proper functioning of
de juistheid van deze specificaties = the accuracy of these specifications
de justitie = justice
De kaai zal het schip wel kern = Nature will decide...
de kaart trekken = firmly/wholeheartedly committed to
de kaas = the cheese
de kabel voor de seingroepen = cable for the signal groups
de kabeljauw = the cod
de kalibratie van de operationele parameters van de camera = the calibration of the operational parameters of the camera
de kam = the comb
de kamer = room
de Kamer = the House of Representatives
de kamfer = the camphor
de kandidaat dient minimaal 5 jaar ervaring te hebben in = the incumbent should have at least 5 years experience in
"de kandidaat, de Hiring Manager en de recruiter" = "the candidate, the Hiring Manager and the recruiter"
de kanker van het ductus pancreaticus = pancreatic  ductal carcinoma: carcinoma that arises from the pancreatic d
de kans = the opportunity
de kans op blokkage = the risk of blockage
de kans op combinatievorming is groter naarmate projecten groter zijn = "the larger the project, the greater the likelihood of syndication"
De kans op lekkage = The risk of leakage
de kans op sterilisatie fouten wordt geminimaliseerd = the chance of sterilisation errors is minimised
de kans van slagen van het aangewende rechtsmiddel moet bij de beoordelin = the chance of success of the remedy to which recourse is made in the inte
de kansen kunnen benutten die digitalisering biedt = can take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation
de kansen van de informatiesamenleving = the opportunities offered by the information society
de kansen van digitalisering optimaal willen benutten = make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalisation
De kant-en-klare oplossing = The turnkey solution
de kantjes eraf lopen = cut corners
de kantjes ervan af loopt.Werkt = cutting corners
de kantonrechter te = the subdistrict court in
de kantplank = guard board
de kapper = the caper
de kapper gaan = to get a   haircut
de kas der vennootschap = the partnership’s treasury
de kastanje = the chestnut
de kat = the cat
"de kat sturen, in de kou laten staan" = stand up  (to avoid a prearranged meeting)
de katrol = pulley
de keel smeren = drink
de keerbaan = the turning conveyor
de kegel = cone
de keizer = emperor
de keizerin = empress
de kelder = the cellar
de kennis en de ervaring = the knowledge and experience
de kerk = the church
de kern = core
de kern en de geleidende mantel = the core and the conductive sheath
de kern op de vooraf gekozen spanning staat = the core is at the predetermined tension
de kern van het hout = the core of the wood
de kerndiameter van de complementaire schroefdraad van de kraag = the minor diameter of the complementary thread of the collar
De kerntemperatuur van fruit = The core temperature of fruit
de kers = the cherry
de ketelthermometer = furnace thermometer
de keten is zo sterk als haar zwakste schakel = a chain is only as strong as its weakest link {proverb} (aphorism )
De kettingen die de banden aandrijven = The chains that drive the belts
De kettingwielkap plaatsen en de klemmoer (5/2) handvast aandraaien. = Put on the sprocket cover and tighten clamping nut (5/2) slightly.
de keuken = the kitchen
De keuken in het totaal-bedrijf te zien = To view the kitchen in the context of the enterprise as a whole
De keuze van aardingsstelsel heeft echter eveneens consequenties voor de  = "However, the choice of neutral point treatment will also have an impact o"
De keuze van aardingsstelsel heeft echter eveneens consequenties voor de  = "However, the choice of neutral point treatment will also have an impact o"
de keuzelijst met modellen = list of available models
de kiel = keel
de kiem en angel voor verandering = the origin and impetus for change
de kiemvrije dieren = axenic animals
de kiemvrije dieren = germ-free animals
de kiemvrije dieren = germ-free life
de kiemvrije dieren = gnotobiotics
de kiesbaarheid = eligibility
de kiesbaarheid = legitimacy
de kijker thuis = the viewer at home
de kikker = the frog
de kilometerstand en de datum van levering = the mileage and the date of delivery
de Kimpel = De Kimpel
de kinderlijkheid = emotional  immaturity
de kinderwens uitstellen = to postpone starting a family
de klacht in onderling overleg op te lossen = resolve the complaint by mutual agreement
de klacht niet terecht is = the complaint is unfounded
de klankleer betreffend = phonetic
de klant = the customer
De klant erbij = ‘De klant erbij’ (‘Including the client’)
de klant in de wacht zet = puts the customer on hold
de klant is koning = the customer is always right
de klant is koning = the customer is king
De Klant mag deze Overeenkomst niet overdragen = The Customer may not may not transfer or assign this Agreement
De klant staat centraal = The customer is king
de klanten van de opdrachtgever = the customers of the client
de klanten van de opdrachtgever en de opdrachtgever = the customers of the client and the client
De klanten van Rotaform = Rotaform’s customers
de klantenportefeuille van Cegeka = Cegeka’s customer portfolio
de klantvraag of het verzoe = the customer query or request
de klap = the slap
de klaproos = the poppy
De klasse java.util.Objects = The class java.util.Objects
de klasse voor het eerst = the class is first
de klasse waarin ze zijn gedefinieerd = the class in which they are defined
de klauwteen = claw toe
de kleermaker = tailor
De kleine dingen die je doet = It’s the little things
De kleine letters groot geschreven = A closer look at the small print
De kleine lettertjes groot geschreven = A closer look at the small print
de kleinste afstand = the smallest distance
de kleinste afstand loodrecht = the smallest distance perpendicular
de kleinste loodrechte afstand tussen twee aangrenzende vezels in de mach = the smallest perpendicular distance between two adjacent fibers in the ma
de kleinste opening = the smallest opening
De klemband en de pelelementen = the clamping belt and the peeling elements
de klemtoon leggen op = accent
de kleppen = the valves
de kleur = the color
De kleur carrosserie en bekleding = The colour of the bodywork and upholstery
De kleur van de diamant wordt bepaald door visuele vergelijking met een i = The colour of a diamond is determined by comparing it to an international
De kleur wordt benoemd volgens de International Colour Grading Scale. = The colour grades are named according to the International Colour Grading
de kleuroorsprong bepalen = to determine the colour origin
de klinker = vowel
de klok = bell
de knie = the knee
de knie met aan één zijde buitendraad = elbow joint with male thread
de kniekoppeling (loodgieterij) = elbow screw joint
de kniekoppeling met wartel (loodgieterij) = elbow screw joint with female thread
de knoflook = the garlic
de knoop = button
de knoop = the node
de koe = the cow
de koe bij de hoorns vatten (lit. take the cow by the horns) = take the bull by the horns  (to deal directly with a matter
de koe bij de hoorns vatten (lit. take the cow by the horns) = to confront a difficulty)
de koersen harder zijn opgelopen dan de bedrijfswinsten = the prices rose faster than corporate profits
De koersen stijgen door = Prices are increasing as a result of
De koers-winstverhouding = The price-earnings ratio
de koffie = coffee
de Koh-i-Noor (Berg van Licht) = the Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of Light)
de kok = cook
de kolom helemaal rechts en de rij helemaal onderaan = the rightmost column and the bottommost row
de kolombekisting (betonbouw) = column box
de komende = the next
de komende drie jaar = the next three years
de komende jaren = in the coming years
de komende jaren = over the coming years
de komende jaren aanzienlijk zal toenemen = will increase significantly in the coming years
de komende maanden = in the coming months
de komende periode = the coming period
de komende periode = in the coming period
de komijn = the cumin
de komkommer = the cucumber
De komst van = The arrival of
de koning = the king
de Koning bekrachtigt de wetten en kondigt ze af = the King assents to and promulgates laws
de koningin = the queen
de kooi = the cage
de kookdampen = the cooking fumes
de kool = the cabbage
de koolhydraten in het eten = dietary carbohydrates
de Koopovereenkomst middels een aangetekende brief te ontbinden = terminate the Purchase Agreement by registered letter
de koopprijs is voldaan door storting bij de notaris = the purchase price has been deposited in the civil-law notary's account
de koorts = fever
de koper = the Buyer
De koper heeft de mogelijkheid = The Buyer has the option
De koper is aansprakelijk voor alle schade = The Buyer is liable for any loss or damage incurred whatsoever.
de koper kan hieraan geen rechten ontlenen = the Buyer cannot derive any rights therefrom
De koper mag deze overeenkomst overdragen = The Buyer may transfer this contract
de koper of bedrijf = the Buyer or company
De koper verbindt zich = The Buyer undertakes
De koper verbindt zich tot het = The Buyer undertakes to
de koperader (kern) = copper conductor
de kopers houden zich terug = buyers are holding off
de koppelcontactstop = extension plug
de koppelhaak (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = coupling hook
de kopse kant = end-grained timber
De kopteksten van deze Overeenkomst hebben geen invloed op de interpretat = The headings of this Agreement shall not affect its interpretation
de korte communicatie & informatielijnen = the short lines of communication and information
de korting op de basisverzekering en aanvullende verzekering = the discount on the basic insurance and supplementary insurance
de kosten (samen) delen = to halve the expenses
de kosten aan een installatie = the cost of an installation
"De kosten dezes voor mij, deurwaarder" = "The costs incurred by me, bailiff,"
de kosten die bij de uitoefening van de functie worden gemaakt = expenses relating to the exercise of their function
de kosten die gemoeid zijn geweest met het tot stand brengen van de aanbi = any costs associated with effecting the offer
de kosten die wij maken = the costs we incur
de kosten die worden gerekend door de leverancier = the costs charged by the supplier
de kosten draagt van = bear the costs of
De kosten hiervan kunt u declareren = You can claim the cost thereof
de kosten komen ten laste van = the costs will be borne by
De kosten van brandstof getankt in het buitenland = The cost of fuel purchased abroad
de kosten van de benodigde zorg te vergoeden = reimburse the cost of the care
de kosten van de Inschrijving = the costs of the Tender
de kosten van dit geding = the costs of these proceedings
De kosten van dit meerwerk = The cost of this additional work
De kosten van een duurdere keuze = The cost of a more expensive choice
de kosten van herstel in rekening te brengen bij Klant = charge the costs of repair to Customer
De kosten van het onderzoek = The cost of the investigation
de kosten van het opwekken van elektriciteit = electricity generation cost
De kosten van het verwijderen van = The cost of removing
De kosten van het verwijderen van de accessoires = The cost of removing the accessories
de kosten van keuring = the costs of inspection
de kosten van mechanisering en automatisering = the cost of mechanisation and automation
de kosten van opties en accessoires = the cost of manufacturer’s options and accessories
"de kosten van reparatie, onderhoud en banden" = "the cost of repairs, maintenance and tyres"
de kosten van verweer = costs of defending such claims
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs associated with
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs involved in
de kosten verbonden aan = the costs related to
de kosten verbonden aan = the expenses associated with
de kosten verbonden aan = the expenses attaching to/incidental to
de kosten voor aanschaf = the cost of purchase
"De kosten voor dit exploot zijn voor mij, deurwaarder" = "The costs due to me, the bailiff, for this bailiff’s notification"
de kosten voor het schoonmaken = the cost of cleaning
de kosten voor het schoonmaken van de auto = the cost of cleaning the car
de kosten voor te behouden = costs reserved
de kosten voor zijn rekening nemen = to bear the costs
de kosten voor zijn rekening nemen = to meet the costs
de kosten welke hier tegenover staan = the associated costs
De kosten zijn voor mij te hoog. = It’s just too expensive for me.
de kostprijs van het artikel berekenen = cost the article
de koudwaterkraan = cold tap
de kraag aan een naar de houder gerichte zijde een complementaire schroef = the collar comprises a complementary screw thread on a side facing the ho
De kraag is omheen minstens een deel van de cilindervormige mantel van de = The collar is placed around at least part of the cylindrical shell of the
De kraag omvat aan een naar de houder gerichte zijde een complementaire s = The collar comprises a complementary screw thread on a side facing the ho
de kraag over de houder in de richting van de lamp verplaatsbaar is = the collar can be moved over the holder in the direction of the lamp
de kraag recht op de peer van de lamp gealigneerd is = the collar is aligned perpendicular to the bulb of the lamp
de kraag schuin ten opzichte van de houder kan gepositioneerd worden = the collar can be positioned obliquely relative to the holder
de kraag van de vatkop van het vat = the collar of the keg head of the keg
de kraag van de vatkop van het vat = the keg head collar of the keg
de kraag van de vatkop voldoende stevig af te sluiten = closing the collar of the keg head sufficiently firmly
de kraag van de vatkop voldoende stevig af te sluiten = sealing the collar of the keg head sufficiently tightly
de kraakbeen van de keelklep = epiglottal cartilage
de kraakbeenschijf = epiphyseal cartilage
de kraan = crane
De kraan is verbonden met een lange buis ( dip tube) die tot vlak boven d = The valve is connected to a long tube (dip tube) that extends to just abo
De kraan is voorzien van een slangkoppeling met een automatisch afsluitme = The crane is equipped with a hose pipe coupling with an automatic closing
de krab = the crab
de kracht = force
De kracht werd uitgeoefend = The force was applied
de krachtens de c.a.o. in de Metalektro geldende opzeggingstermijn = the notice period applicable in the Collective Bargaining Agreement of th
de krant = newspaper
de kredietverzekeringslimieten = the credit insurance limits
de kreeft = the lobster
de krekel = the cicada
de Krim = Crimea
de kromming van de ring in niet-gespannen vorm kleiner is dan de kromming = the curvature of the ring in unstressed shape is smaller than the curvatu
De Kroon = Circlet
de kroon = crown
de kruidentherapie = herbal remedies
de kruisboog = "crossbow,"
"de kruisiging, de kruisdood {m}" = crucifixion (death of Christ on cross)
de kruisschoor = diagonal strut
de kruis-T (loodgieterij) = cross
de kruistocht = the crusade
De kuikens die laatst uitkomen = The chicks hatching last
de kuil = the pit
de kuisheid = chastity
de kunst = the art
de kunst van het gezamenlijk denken = the art of thinking together
de kunstmatige esophagus = artificial  esophagus
de kunstmatige uitmonding van de dunne darm = ileostomy: the surgical creation of an opening through which the ileum di
de kurk = the cork
de kus = the kiss
de kut = the cunt
de kwaadstichterswaanzin = divergent delirium
De kwaliteit van data = Data quality
de kwaliteit van de geleverde diensten = the quality of the services provided
de kwaliteit van de geleverde services = the quality of the delivered services
de kwaliteit van de output hoog = the quality of the output was high
de kwaliteit van de stapeling = how well it was stacked
de kwaliteit van de te leveren dienst = the quality of the service to be provided
de kwaliteit van de vertaling = the quality of the translation
de kwaliteit van het werk = the quality of the work
de kwaliteitseisen niet of nauwelijks zijn geformuleerd = "hardly any quality requirements have been formulated, if any"
de kwee = the quince
"De L&S-strategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het bedrijf," = "Lead, organize and drive the L&S strategy at corporate, entity and/or reg"
de laag = layer
de laag aangebracht door = the layer applied by
de laag natuurlijke vezels = the layer of natural fibers
"De laagste graden in de zuiverheidsschaal, aangeduid met de P van Piqué," = The lowest clarity grades on the scale (indicated by P for Piqué) refer 
de laatst verzonden = the last transmitted
de laatste 3 maanden van het jaar = the last three months of the year
de laatste aanvullingen = the latest additions
de laatste doos = the last box
de laatste doos van een laag = the last box of a layer
de laatste doos van een pallet = the last box of a pallet
de laatste doos van een rij = the last box of a row
de laatste jaren = in recent years
De laatste puntjes worden op de 'I' gezet = putting the final touches to the product
De laatste tientallen jaren = In the last few decades
de laatste tijd = lately
de laatste twee = the last two
de laatste vier cijfers = the last four digits
de laatste werkende versie = the last working version
De lach zal niet van de lucht zijn! = Guaranteed laughter from beginning to end
de lade = the drawer
De lading is los gestort = The cargo is bulk loaded
De lading wordt los gestort = The cargo is transported in bulk
de lancet = the lancet
de langhoofdigheid = dolichocephalism
de langse zijden daarvan = the longitudinal sides thereof
de lasten van het opstellen van de partnerschapsovereenkomst = the costs of drafting the partnership agreement
de lat (in vloer) = cleat
de lat hoger of lager te leggen = setting the bar higher or lower
de latente diabetes = "latent  diabetes, asymptomatic diabetes"
de latten van de overnametransportband en de latten van de pinnentranspor = the slats of the transfer conveyor belt and the slats of the spiked conve
de lawine = the avalanche
de lay-out van afbeeldingen van de videofeed = the lay-out of images of the video feed
de lease van = the leasing of
de lease van verschillende soorten roerende goederen = the lease of various types of movable property
De leasemaatschappij bepaalt = The leasing company shall determine
De leasemaatschappij maakt afspraken met je = The leasing company will makes arrangements with you
de Leaseovereenkomst over te nemen = take over the Lease Agreement
De leden van het = The members of the
de leden van het LPPT = the members of the LPPT
de lediging van de oogbol = evisceratio bulbi
de leeftijd van de medewerker = the age of the employee
de leeftijd van de verzekerde = the age of the insured
de leeftijdsdiscriminatie = age  discrimination
de leefwereld van jongeren = a young person’s everyday life
de leegdraai knop = the emptying button
de leer van het gewekte vertrouwen = the theory of inspired confidence
de leerling met autisme = students with autism
de leerlingen van de onderzochte vrijeschool = the students of the surveyed Steiner school
de leerlingen van de reguliere school = the students of the mainstream school
de leerlingen van de vrijeschool = the students of the Steiner school
De leeromgeving = The learning environment
de leerstof voor het examen = the material for the exam(ination)
de leesgestoorde = dyslexic
de leest = the boot-tree
de leeuw = lion
de leeuwerik = the skylark
de legende = the legend
de legering = the alloy
de legionella bacterie = Legionella bacteria
de legitimatiebewijzen = ID cards
de leiding = the management
de leiding op zich nemen = to undertake the management
de leiding op zich nemen = to take charge
de leidingen die het gebied doorkruisen = the pipes traversing the area
de leidinggevende en HR = the manager and HR
De leidinggevende verliest de controle = The manager will lose control
de lengte = the length
De lengte is bij voorkeur = The length should preferably be
de lengte van = the length of
de lengte van de preisteel = the length of the leek stalks
de lengterichting en de breedterichting = the longitudinal direction and the transverse direction
de lengterichting van de = the longitudinal direction of
de lengterichting van de balk = the longitudinal direction of the beam
de lengterichting van de tafel = the longitudinal direction of the table
de lengterichting van een te vervaardigen betonwelfsel = the longitudinal direction of a hollowcore concrete slab to be manufactur
de lengterichting van het primaire impactelement = the longitudinal direction of the primary impact member
de lening = the loan
de lente = spring
de lepel = the spoon
de lerende = the learner
de les = lesson
de letsel van het gelaat = facial injury
de letter van de wet = the letter of the law
de letters in de zelfde volgorde = the letters in the same order
de leugen = lie
de leuning = guard rail
de levensduur van de wiek = the lifetime of the wick
de leverancier is verantwoordelijk voor de nakoming van de krachtens de b = the supplier is responsible for fulfilling its obligations under tax and 
De leverancier kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld = The supplier cannot be held liable
de leverfistel = hepatic fistula
de levering toegewezen krijgen = to secure a contract
de levering van apparatuur = the supply of equipment
de levering van de Nood- en Onderhoudsdienst = the delivery of the Emergency and Maintenance Services
De levering van het kantoormeubilair = Delivery of the office furniture will take place
de levering van kantoormeubilair zelf en/of door een derde te laten uitvo = to supply the office furniture itself and/or have it supplied by a third 
de levering van Programmatuur = the delivery of Software
de leverkapsel = a fibroelastic capsule covering the liver
de leverkapsel = fibrous capsule of liver
de leverkapsel = fibrous coat of the liver
de leverkapsel = Glisson's capsule
de leverkapsel = hepatobiliary capsule
de leverkapsel = perivascular fibrous capsule
de lex causae bepaalt voor welke „vormen' van schade vergoeding kan wor = the law applicable to the substance of the dispute will determine what 
de licentie = the licence
de lichamelijke handicap = physical handicap
de lichamelijke handicap = physical  disability
de lichtbron een LED is = the light source is an LED
De lichtbron en de detector = The light source and the detector
De lichten die aangestoken zijn = The signals that are lit
de liefde bedrijven = make love
"de liefde bedrijven, vrijen" = make love  (to engage in sexual intercourse)
de lies = the groin
de liesbreuk = "inguinal hernia, femoral hernia"
De Ligne = Line
De lijkschouw en sectie = external examination and autopsy practices
De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd = A Study on External Examination and Autopsy Practices
De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd = ‘De lijkschouw en sectie beschouwd’ (A Study on External Examination 
de lijmtang (sergeant) = cramp
De Lijn = De Lijn
de lijnen van Owen = Schreger lines
de lijnen worden zo kort mogelijk gehouden = Organisational layers are reduced wherever possible
De lijnmanager en de HR Business Partner = The line manager and the HR Business Partner
de lijst = frame wood
de lijst van beschikbare talen = the list of available languages
de lijsten met documenten van externe oorsprong = the lists of documents of external origin
de lijstmonsters = frame wood samples
de lijstmonsters = frame samples
de link kopiëren = copy the link
de lip = lip
de lippen tuiten = to purse one's lips
de litotriptor = evacuation cystoscope: an instrument for triturating the stone in the bla
de litotriptor = lithotrite
de litotriptor = lithotriptor
de locale immuniteit = local  immunity
de locatie van de uitwijkpartner = the site of the disaster recovery partner
de locatie zoals beschreven in = the location as described in
De logica die gevolgd wordt = The logic of the system
de logica van de app = the logic of the app
de logistiek van industriële goederen = the logistics of industrial goods
de lokale gemeenschap = the local community
De Lokale Toetsingscommissie heeft het amendement beoordeeld en gaat akko = The Local Research Ethics Committee has reviewed the amendment and agree 
de long = lung
de loodbepaling in biologische media = lead determination in a biological medium
de loodbepaling in biologische media = determination of lead in a biological matrix
de loondoorbetalingsverplichting opschorten = to suspend the obligation to continue to pay salary
de loondoorbetalingsverplichting opschorten = to suspend the obligation to continue to pay wages
de loonkosten zijn sterk gestegen = wage costs have risen sharply
de loopbaan = career planning
de looptijd en/of de kilometrage te verlengen of te verkorten = extend or shorten the service life and/or mileage
De looptijd van de activiteiten = The duration of the activities
de looptijd van het contract = the term of the contract
de lucht = the air
De lucht botst tegen = The air impinges on
De lucht kan worden gereinigd = The air can be cleaned
de lucht uit een balans laat lopen = understate the balance sheet
de luchthaven = the airport
de luchtwegen = the respiratory tract
de lucifer = the match
de luis = the louse
de luit = the lute
de lusvormige band van de overnametransportband en de lusvormige band van = the looped belt of the transfer conveyor belt and the looped belt of the 
de lusvormige band van de overnametransportband en de pinnentransportband = the looped belt of the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked conveyor bel
de luxatio coxae = dislocated hip joint
de luxatio coxae = hip dislocation
de maag = the stomach
de maag em de duodenale darm = gastroduodenal
de maag em de duodenale darm = stomach and gut-related
de maagd = virgin
de maagresectie = partial  gastrectomy
de maagzuurproef = gastric acidity determination: gastric analysis to determine free acid or
de maaltijden die thuis gemaakt worden = home-cooked foods
de maan = the moon
de maand = the month
de maand van overlijden = the month of their death
de maandag = Monday
de maandelijkse inhouding = the monthly deduction
de maatbeker voor het bepalen van de viscositeit = efflux viscometer
de maatregelen die eventueel genomen werden = any measures taken
De maatregelen komen tot stand = The measures are established
De maatschappelijke zetel is gevestigd te = The company’s registered office is located at
de maatschappij = society
de maatschappij = the Company (AXA Belgium)
de maatschappij als geheel = society as a whole
De maatschappij is sterk afhankelijk van = Society is heavily dependent on
De maatschappij verandert = Society is changing
de maatschappij zetelt te ... = the company has its registered office(s) at ...
de maatschappij zetelt te ... = the company has its seat at ...
de maatstaf (ter beoordeling) is = the criterion to go by is
de machine bij te stellen = adjust the machine
de machine in normale omstandigheden uit te schakelen = switch off the machine under normal circumstances
de machine in werking te stellen = putting the machine into operation
De machine is nu in staat om in gebruik genomen te worden = The machine is now ready to be put into operation
De machine mag enkel bediend worden door = The machine may only be operated by
De machine mag enkel bediend worden door personen in goede conditie = The machine may only be operated by persons who are in good physical cond
De machine moet opgesteld worden = The machine should be installed
de machine valt in storing = the machine malfunctions
de machine volledig onder de knie te krijgen = completely master the machine
de machine volledig stilleggen = completely shut down the machine
de machine volledig stilleggen en de contactsleutel verwijderen = completely shut down the machine and remove the ignition key
De machine zelf neemt slechts weinig ruimte in beslag = The machine itself takes up little space
De machines en systemen van Qimarox = Qimarox’s machines and systems
De machines van Qimarox = Qimarox’s machines
de macht = power
de macht van = the power of
de mais = corn
de makreel = the mackerel
de mal voor proefkuben = mould / mold for concrete test cubes
de man = the man
de man of vrouw met wie je een geregistreerd partnerschap hebt = the man or woman with whom you live as a registered partner
de man worden van = become the husband of
de Manager Auditing & Compliance = the Auditing & Compliance Manager
De Manager zal zijn opdrachten in volle onafhankelijkheid uitoefenen = Manager shall perform its duties in complete independence
dé manier om = the best way to
De manier van samenwerken tussen verschillende soorten actoren = How different types of actors cooperate
de manier waarop = the way
De manier waarop = How
de manier waarop de gegevens aan elkaar gekoppeld worden = the way in which the data is linked together
de manier waarop de verschillende opeeenvolgende talen omgezet zijn = the way in which the various successive languages have been translated
de manier waarop de wetenschap kijkt naar de werkelijkheid = the way science looks at reality
de manier waarop dit plaatsvindt = how this takes place
de manier waarop zij reageren = the way they respond
De mantel van een effect = The body of a security
de marge = margin
de marinewerf = the dockyard
de markies = marquis
"De markies of navette, die boven en onder gepunt uitloopt, kan naargelang" = "The marquise or navette, which issues in a point above and below, can be "
de markt kent = knows the market
de markt van eindverpakkingssystemen = the end-of-line packaging solutions market
de markten in Europa en de Verenigde Staten = Besides the markets in Europe and the United States
de marktwaarde van organisaties = determine the market value of organisations
De Marne = De Marne
de mast = mast
de master = the master’s
de master = the master’s degree
De Master Healthconnector = The Master Healthconnector
de mate van = the degree of
de mate van intelligentie = a person’s degree of intelligence
de mate van zorgvuldigheid en deskundigheid = the degree of care and skill
De mate waarin = The degree to which
De mate waarin dat mogelijk is = The extent to which this is possible
de matglascellen = ground glass  hepatocyte
de matras = mattress
de maximaal beschikbare ruimte = the maximum space available
de maximale afstand tussen = the maximum distance between
de maximale breedte = the maximum width
de maximale capaciteit per type = the maximum capacity of each type
de maximale lengte = the maximum length
de maximum toegelaten druk overschrijdt = exceeds the maximum allowable pressure
de maximum toegestane druk = the maximum allowable pressure
de mazelen = the measles
De mazzel! = Bye!
de mechanische treksterktemeter = mechanical  dynamometer
de mechanische vervorming ge?nduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geénduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geënduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming geïnduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de mechanische vervorming ge�nduceerd tijdens de productie = the mechanical deformation induced during the production
de medewerker daaronder begrepen = including the employee
De medewerker de kans te geven om zijn/haar kant van het verhaal te verte = Give the employee a chance to tell his/her side of the story
De medewerker die een auto ter beschikking heeft gekregen = Employees who have received a car
De medewerker die in aanmerking komt voor een lease auto = An employee who is eligible for a lease car
De medewerker dient de auto in te leveren = The employee must return the car
De medewerker dient zich = Employees should
De medewerker en de tegenpartij = The employee and the other party
De medewerker gaat ermee akkoord dat de werkgever = The employee agrees that the employer
De medewerker is verplicht = The employee is obliged
De medewerker kan dan een mail sturen = The employee may then send an email
De medewerker kan dan een mail sturen naar = The employee may then send an email to
De medewerker mag kosten gemaakt voor zakelijke doeleinden declareren = The employee may claim expenses for business purposes
De medewerker meldt de schade direct telefonisch bij de afdeling schade = The employee must report the damage immediately by calling the claims dep
De medewerker ontvangt de = The employee will receive the
De medewerker ontvangt deze toeslag = The employee shall receive this extra allowance
De medewerker ontvangt een onkostenvergoeding = The employee will receive an expense allowance
De medewerker verklaart zich bereid = The employee agrees to
de medewerker verwijzen = refer the employee
de medewerker verwijzen naar een dealer = refer the employee to a dealer
De medewerker wordt bij indiensttreding deelnemer aan de pensioenvoorzien = "On commencing employment, the employee will join the pension scheme of"
De medewerker zal de functie in deeltijd verrichten = The employee will perform the job on a part-time basis
de medewerker(s) zo snel mogelijk vervangen = replace the employee(s) as soon as possible
De medewerkers uit categorie = Employees in Category
De medewerkers uit categorie B = Employees in Category B
de medewerkers van uw bedrijf = the employees of your company
de medezeggenschap = consultative bodies
de medezeggenschap = employee participation
de medezeggenschap = employee representation
de medezeggenschap = employee representatives
de medezeggenschap = staff council
de medezeggenschap = staff representatives
de medezeggenschap = worker participation bodies
de medezeggenschap = works council
de medezeggenschap = representative advisory bodies
de medezeggenschap = the consultative bodies
de media die u wenst te gebruiken = the media of your choice
de Medinaworm = Medina worm
de medische beeldvorming = computer tomography
de medische beeldvorming = diagnostic  imaging
de medische bevochtiger = humidifier (for medical use)
de medische diensten in het ziekenhuis = hospital system
de medische expertise = expert evidence
de medische hoogfrequentapparatuur = high-frequency surgical equipment
de medische hulpmiddelen = the medical devices
de medische informatie = health information
de meegeleverde = enclosed
de meer ervaren = the more experienced
De meerdere = The plurality of
de meerderheid = majority
de meest aangewezen kandidaat = the most suitable candidate
de meest centrale rand = the most central rim
de meest compacte opstelling = the most compact arrangement
de meest concurrerende oplossingen in de markt = the most competitive solutions in the market
de meest concurrerende palletiseeroplossing op de markt = the most competitive palletising solution on the market
de meest direct betrokkenen = those most directly involved
de meest economische levensduur = the most cost-effective service life
de meest gebruikelijke gesproken taal = the most commonly spoken language
de meest gebruikelijke gesproken taal of talen = the most commonly spoken language or languages
de meest gebruikelijke lampen beschikbaar op de markt = the most common lamps available on the market
de meest gebruikte = the most commonly used
de meest gerede belanghebbende = the most interested party
de meest gerede partij (hier) = "the most appropriate party, the most suitable party"
de meest geschikte = the most suitable
De meest gewilde = The most popular
de meest gunstige tarieven = the most favourable rates
de meest kostenbesparende = the most cost-effective
de meest kostenbesparende geïntegreerde = "the most cost-effective, integrated"
de meest linker = the leftmost
de meest recent = the most recently
de meest recent bepaalde = the most recently determined
de meest recente apparatuur en uitrusting = state-of-the-art machinery and equipment
de meest recente bemonstering = the most recent sampling
De meest recente brochures kan u downloaden op = You can download our most recent brochures at
de meest recente Incoterms = the most recent Incoterms
de meest recente informatie = the latest information
de meest recente positiebepaling = the most recent position fix
de meest recente prijzen = the most recent prices
De meest rechter = The rightmost
de meest uiteenlopende vragen = a wide variety of questions
De meest universele = The most universal
de meest voordelige warmtebron = the most economical heat source
de meest voorkomende risico’s = the most common risks
de meest waarschijnlijke werkelijke laagdikte = the most likely actual layer thickness
De meeste = Most
de meeste aangeboden basisverzekeringen = most basic insurance policies offered
De meeste fabrikanten = Most manufacturers
De meeste palletiseermachines = Most palletisers
De meeste van onze ontwikkelaars = Most of our developers
De meetgegevens = The measurement data
de meetgegevens van het ex-situ sensorsysteem = the measurement data from the ex-situ sensor system
De melding = The report
de melk = the milk
de melkweg = Milky Way
de meloen = the melon
de membrana vitrea = hyaloid membrane
"de memorie van toelichting, die het wetsvoorstel vergezelt, bevat de gron" = the explanatory memorandum accompanying the bill sets out the grounds on 
de mengkuip en de één of meerdere pompen = the mixing tub and the one or more pumps
de mens = humankind
de mens = the man
de mens = humans
De Mens Centraal = Focus on the person
De Mens Centraal = Focusing on people
De Mens Centraal = Humans centre stage
De Mens Centraal = The human measure
de mens die daaraan behoefte heeft = human in need thereof
de mens is voor de mens een mens = man is man to man {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were pl
"de mens wikt, God beschikt" = "man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as the"
de menselijke activiteit = human activity
de menselijke ecologie = human ecology
de menselijke geneeskunde = human medicine
de mensen = people
De mensen kopen en verkopen volgens de traditionele regels. Een handdruk  = People buy and sell according to the traditional rules. A handshake and t
De mensen kopen en verkopen volgens de traditionele regels. Een handdruk  = People buy and sell according to the traditional rules. A handshake and t
de merkrechten ten aanzien van het product zijn uitgewerkt = the trademark rights relating to the product have become extinguished
de mesenchymose = cutis hyperelastica
de met de klant afgesproken acties = the actions agreed with the customer
de met de vorige werkgever gemaakte afspraak = the agreement made with the previous employer
de met het gezag belaste ouder = the parent who has custody
de met het onderhoud belaste entiteit = entity in charge of maintenance
de met Verwerker gesloten Schriftelijke overeenkomst = Written Agreement concluded with Data Processor
de metaalionen en/of zouten van genaamde metaalionen = the metal ions and/or salts of said metal ions
de metadata van een mediabestand = media file metadata
de meterkast = electricity meter cupboard
De methode is typisch toepasbaar op = The method is typically applicable to
de methode van gebiedssteekproeven = area sampling
de methode voor het behandelen van zwart water = the method for treating black water
de methode voor het gebruik hiervan = the method for using the same
De metingen = The measurements
De micro usb zet je vast = Attach the micro USB
de middag = noon
de middelen = means
de middelen worden beschikbaar gesteld naarmate de desbetreffende kosten  = the resources will be made available as and when the costs are incurred
de middernacht = midnight
de mier = the ant
de migratie van ionen uit polymeren = the migration of ions from polymers
De mijne = Mine
De mijne = My own
de minimale duur van de overeenkomst = the minimum duration of the contract
De minimale isolatiespanning = The minimum isolation voltage
De minimale specificaties = The minimum specifications
de minimumdosis voor infectie = ID
de minimumdosis voor infectie = minimum infectious dose
de minimumdosis voor infectie = infective dose
de minister = minister
"De Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport" = "the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport"
"De Minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport namens deze" = "On behalf of the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport"
de minstens = the at least one
de minstens 1 = the at least 1
de minstens één = the at least one
de minstens één broekspijp of mouw = the at least one leg or sleeve
de minstens eerste roteerbare looprol = at least first rotatable roller
de minstens ��n broekspijp of mouw = the at least one leg or sleeve
de minstens twee hoofddelen = the at least two main parts
de minstens twee zijwanden en de eventueel twee bijkomende zijwanden = the at least two side walls and the optionally two additional side walls
De minstens twee zijwanden strekken zich volgens de lengterichting van de = The at least two side walls extend along the longitudinal direction of th
de minstens twee zijwanden van de mal = the at least two side walls of the mold
de misleiding = deceit
de misleiding = fraud
de misleiding = fraudulence
de misleiding = intentional deception
de misleiding = trickery
de missie van de organisatie = the mission of the organisation
de mist = the fog
De mobiliteitsvergoeding = The travel allowance
de modder = mud
"de modellen van het eerste, het tweede en het derde element" = "the models of the first, second and third elements"
De module Mijn gegevens = The ‘My Data’ module
De modules zijn opgebouwd uit = The modules are constructed from
de moeder = mother
De moeilijke economische omstandigheden = The difficult economic situation
de moeilijke positie = predicament
de moeite waard = worthwhile
de moerbei = the mulberry
de mogelijkheden van digitalisering = the opportunities offered by digitalisation
de mogelijkheden van digitalisering = the possibilities offered by digitalisation
de mogelijkheden van het FileMaker-platform = the capabilities of the FileMaker platform
de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos = the possibilities are endless
de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos = the possibilities are pretty much endless
de moker (vuist) = club hammer
de moleculaire technieken voor diagnose = molecular  diagnostic techniques
de molen = the mill
de molenaar = the miller
de momentane sterilisatie = instant sterilization
de mond = the mouth
De mond spoelen = Rinse mouth
de mond wijd opendoen = open one's mouth wide
de monitoring mestmarkt = manure market monitoring
de monnik = the monk
De monsters zijn nu gereed om getest te worden = The samples are now ready to be tested
de montage van geleverde zaken = the assembly of supplied goods
de monumentale status heeft = is listed
de morfologie van het tandvlees = morphology of the gums
de morgen = morning
de moskee = the mosque
de mossel = the mussel
de motivering van een besluit = grounds for a decision
de motivering van een besluit = statement of the grounds on which a decision is based
De motor is zijn positie kwijt = The motor has lost its position
De motor wordt aangestuurd d.m.v = The motor is control by means of
De motoren moeten gecontroleerd worden op eventuele lekkage = The engines must be checked for leaks
de mucopolysaccharidose = glycosaminoglycan
de mug = mosquito
de muis = the mouse
de multiplexer 981 en de spectrofotometer 982 = the multiplexer 981 and the spectrophotometer 982
De MultiServer II beschikt over verschillende programma’s waaronder het = "The MultiServer II has various programmes, including the drying and autom"
de munt = coin
De mutatie van het werkkapitaal is als volgt = The movements in working capital are as follows
de muts = cap
de muur = wall
de muurdoorvoer = the wall duct
de ��n of meerdere = the one or more
de ��n of meerdere draden van veerkrachtig materiaal = the one or more wires of a resilient material
de ��n of meerdere retractoren = the one or more retractors
de ��n of meerdere waarden = the one or more value
de ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via de inertie-meeteenheid = the one or more values ?obtained via the inertial measurement unit
"de ��n of meerdere waarden, of een aggregatiewaarde van deze waarden" = "the one or more values, or an aggregate value of these values"
de naad = seam
de naald = the needle
De naam of het beeldmerk van de fabrikant. = The name or logo of the manufacturer.
de naam van het ‘eigen merk’ = the name of the ‘own brand’
de naam van het eigen merk van de supermarkt = the name of the supermarket’s own-brand product
de naam van onze accountantspraktijk en de naam van de accountant = our firm’s and auditor’s names
"de naam, de voornamen, de hoedanigheid en de verblijfplaats der getuigen" = "the names, forenames, description and address of the witnesses"
"De naam, functie en kwalificaties van de ter beschikking te stellen medew" = "The name, position and qualifications of the staff to be made available"
de naar elkaar toe gerichte positie = the facing each other position
de nabije toekomst = the near future
de nabijheid van een andere gebruiker = the proximity of another user
de nabijheid van een andere gebruiker indiceren = indicate the proximity of another user
de nabijheid van gebruikers = the proximity of users
de nabijheid van ten minste twee gebruikers te bepalen = to determine the proximity of at least two users
de nabijheid van twee gebruikers te achterhalen = to determine the proximity of two users
de nacht = night
de nachtegaal = the nightingale
de nachtmerrie = nightmare
de nadruk leggen op iets = to stress sth.
De nadruk wordt hierbij gelegd op = Emphasis is placed on
de nagel = the nail
de naijver = the envy
de nakoming van zijn betalingsverplichting te weigeren of op te schorten = refuse to discharge or to suspend the discharge of its payment obligation
de nakoming van zijn verplichtingen = the fulfilment of its obligations
de nalatenschap wordt zuiver aanvaard = the inheritance/estate/succession is accepted unconditionally
de nationale referentiefuncties = the national reference jobs
de natriumbicarbonaat = sodium   hydrogen carbonate
De natuur omringt u = Surrounded by nature
de natuurlijke gang van zaken = the natural order of things
de natuurlijke persoon = a natural person
de natuurlijke persoon die niet handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of b = a natural person not acting in the course of a business or profession
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the natural fiber layer
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag van de natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the layer of the natural fibers
de natuurlijke vezels in de laag van natuurlijke vezels = the natural fibers in the layer of natural fibers
de natuurlijke vezels na het zwingelen opgerold worden = the natural fibers are rolled up after scutching
de natuurwetenschappelijke en de geesteswetenschappelijke = the physical sciences and the spiritual sciences
de nauwkeurigheid van = the accuracy of
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte = the accuracy of the last updated
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informati = the accuracy of the last updated spatial location information is less tha
de nauwkeurigheid van de laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informati = the accuracy of the last updated spatial location information is less tha
de nauwkeurigheid van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the accuracy of the spatial location information
de nauwkeurigheid van laatst bijgewerkte ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the accuracy of the most recently updated spatial location information
de navel = the navel
de navigatiebalk = the navigation bar
de navolgende documenten = the following documents
De navolgende functionaliteiten = the following features
de navolgende informatie = the following information
de necrose van de pulpa dentis = gangrene of pulp
de nederlaag = defeat
de Nederlands/Duitse grens = the Dutch/German border
De Nederlandsche Bank = De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch central bank
De Nederlandsche Bank = Dutch central bank
de Nederlandse consument = Dutch consumers
de Nederlandse markt = the Dutch market
de Nederlandse overheid = the Dutch Government
de Nederlandse wetgeving kent geen bepalingen inzake mediation = Dutch law makes no provision for mediation
de neerslag van = reflects
De negerhut van Oom Tom = Uncle Tom Cabin
de neoplasma in de eileider = fallopian tube neoplasm
de nervus cruralis = femoral nerve
De nettowinst steeg uiteindelijk met = Net income ultimately rose
de neuralgie van Hunt = Hunt's neuralgia
de neurone dat dopamine afscheidt = dopamine-producing neuron
de neus = the nose
de neus bloeden = epistaxis
de neus optrekken = wrinkle one's nose
de neus optrekken/ophalen = sneer  (raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
de neusbloeding = epistaxis
de neusbloeding = nosebleed
de neuzen dezelfde kant op krijgen = singing from the same hymn sheet / rowing in the same direction
de nevel = the mist
de nier = the kidney
de niet afgenomen goederen = the non-purchased goods
de niet afgeroepen producten = non-ordered products
de niet verschenen gedaagde = the defendant who did not appear
de niet verstreken huurperiode = the not yet expired lease period
de nieuw te plaatsen aansluitingen en bekabeling = the newly installed connections and wiring
de nieuw te plaatsen apparatuur = the new equipment
de nieuw- vorming = genetic epigenesis: gradual increases in complexity of structure
de nieuwe business unit = the new business unit
De nieuwe deuren = The new doors
de nieuwe dienst wordt gehuisvest in Zoetermeer = the new department will be based in Zoetermeer
de nieuwe Europese wetgeving = the new European legislation
de nieuwe generatie werknemers = the next generation of employees
de nieuwe koelinstallatie = the new refrigeration system
de nieuwe Machinerichtlijn = the new Machinery Directive
De nieuwe ondernemer = Next generation entrepreneur
de nieuwe productielijn = The new production line
"De Nieuwe Regeling 2011, Rechtsverhouding opdrachtgever-architect, ingeni" = "‘The New Rules 2011, Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and "
De nieuwe versie van het = The new version of the
de nieuwste technische mogelijkheden = the latest technology
de nis = the niche
de nitrosadiethylamine = DENA
de niveau van opleiding = educational background
de niveau van opleiding = educational level
de NLse overheid = the Dutch government
de NLse topsectoren = the Netherlands’ top sectors
de nodige = a fair amount of
de nodige = a number of
de nodige = the necessary
de nodige = some
de nodige aandacht = the necessary attention
de nodige aandacht = due attention
de nodige aanpassingen uitvoeren = make the necessary adjustments
de nodige aansluitingen = the necessary connections
de nodige acties genomen te worden = the necessary actions taken
de nodige afscherming = the necessary shielding
de nodige afwisseling. = a lot of variety
de nodige bescherming = the necessary protection
de nodige discussie = concepts that are also bound to give rise to wide debate
de nodige discussie = excited some debate
de nodige discussie = often debated
de nodige discussie = These two issues often feature in discussions between
de nodige documentatie = the necessary documentation
de nodige identificatiedocumenten = the required identification documents
de nodige informatie = the appropriate information
de nodige informatie = the information needed
de nodige informatie = the information required
de nodige informatie = the necessary information
de nodige informatie uitwisselen = exchange the necessary information
de nodige inspanning = considerable effort
de nodige kennis en begrip = the requisite knowledge and understanding
de nodige ondersteuning = the necessary support
de nodige openingen = the necessary apertures
de nodige speling = the necessary play
de nodige stappen zouden ondernemen = would take the necessary steps
De nodige tijd met een maximum van = The time needed with a maximum of
de nodige veiligheidsuitrusting = the required safety equipment
de nodige verbeterslagen = the necessary improvements
de nodige voorbereidingen = the necessary preparations
De nodige voorzichtigheid moet in acht genomen = Caution should be observed
De nodige voorzichtigheid moet in acht genomen worden tijdens het transpo = Caution should be observed when transporting and unpacking the unit.
de non = the nun
De noodstopknop mag NOOIT gebruikt worden om = The emergency stop button should NEVER be used to
de noodzaak = the need
De noodzaak voor ontslagen = the need for layoffs
de noodzakelijke aandachtspunten = any points requiring your attention
de noodzakelijke gegevens = the necessary information
de noodzakelijke hoeveelheid = the necessary amount
de noodzakelijke tests en inspecties = the necessary tests and inspections
de noodzakelijke verbetering van = the need to improve
de Noord-Duitse laagvlakte = the North German Plain / Lowlands
de noot = the walnut
de norm vereist dat = the standard requires that
de normale waarde = the normal value
de normen die in de referentiefuncties zijn vastgelegd = the standards laid down in the reference jobs
De Notariële akte wordt verleden = The Notarial deed shall be executed
De notulen van een vergadering worden vastgesteld = The minutes of a meeting shall be adopted
de notulen vaststellen/goedkeuren = to adopt the minutes
de notulen zonder voorlezing goedkeuren = to take the minutes as read
de nr. 2 voor het 4e gamma = the no. 2 for pre-packaged salad
de nu = the now
de nucleus funiculi gracilis = the medial nuclei of the dorsal column  gracile nucleus
De Nude = De Nude
de NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam exchange
de Océ-cao en het Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = The Océ Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Working Arrangements Man
de octopus = the octopus
de oester = oyster
de oestradioldiacetaat = estradiol diacetate
de oestrus = estrus
de oestrus = oestrus
de oestrus = rut
de oestrus = rutting period
de oever = the bank
dé of montage = assembly or disassembly
"De offerte dient inzicht te geven in de aanpak, doorlooptijd, in te zette" = "The tender must provide information on the approach, throughput time, sta"
de offerte voorleggen = submit the quotation
De Officier van Justitie = De Officier van Justitie
de ogen uit hun kassen puilend = bug-eyed
de oksel = the armpit
de olie = the oil
de olifant = the elephant
de olijf = olive
de olijfboom = olive
de oma = grandmother
de ombouw van de installatie = the conversion of the plant
de omgang met = dealing with
de omgang met andere leerlingen = how students interact with each other
"de omgekeerde overname, de emissie van nieuwe aandelen en de behaalde ope" = "reverse takeover, the issue of new shares, and the operating cash flow ac"
de omgeving = the environment
De omgeving van de aansluiting = Surroundings of the connection
'De omgeving van het Jubelpark en van het Leopoldpark' = 'De omgeving van het Jubelpark en van het Leopoldpark' (The surroundings 
de omgeving waarin ze aan het werken zijn te bieden = the environment in which they are working
De omschakeling tussen regimes = Switching between operating modes
de omstandigheden waaronder het arbeidsmiddel dient gebruikt te worden = the conditions under which the work equipment must be used
De omstandigheid dat de Producten zijn gekeurd = Rejection of the Products
de omstreden aanspraak = disputed claim
de omvang van = the extent of
de omvang van = the size of
de omvang van de bandbreedtevereisten = the size of the bandwidth requirements
de omvang van de lijkschouw = the scope of the external examination
de omvang van de uitdrukking = the scope of the expression
de omvang van uw bedrijf = the size of your business
De omzet steeg met = Turnover rose by
De onbetwiste blikvanger op de beurs = the undisputed eye-catcher at the fair
de oncogene factoren = initiation factors
de onderbouwing van zijn redenering is ijzersterk = the foundations of his argument are rock-solid
De onderdelen los op een kar plaatsen = Place the components separately on a cart
de onderdorpel = girt
de ondergetekende verklaart = the undersigned certifies
de ondergetekende verklaart = the undersigned declares
de ondergetekende verklaart bij wijze van zelfstandige verbintenis dat = "the undersigned declares, as if he were the principal debtor himself, tha"
de ondergetekende verklaart dat bovenstaand afschrift eensluidend is met  = the undersigned declares that the above is a true copy of the document of
De ondergetekenden = The undersigned
"de ondergetekenden, overwegende dat ..., verklaren te zijn overeengekomen" = "the undersigned ..., whereas ..., are agreed as follows"
De onderhavige arbeidsovereenkomst = This employment contract
De onderhavige arbeidsovereenkomst is een uitzendovereenkomst = This employment contract is a temporary employment contract
de onderhavige Bepalingen = the present Provisions
de onderhavige geheimhoudingsverplichting = the present confidentiality obligation
De onderhavige overeenkomst is een uitzendovereenkomst in de zin van = This agreement is a temporary employment contract within the meaning of
de onderhavige Overeenkomst niet als arbeidsovereenkomst kan worden aange = this agreement cannot be regarded as a contract of employment
De onderhavige uitvinding = The present invention
de onderhavige uitvinding = the present invention
De onderhavige uitvinding beoogt een oplossing te vinden voor ten minste  = The present invention intends to find a solution to at least some of the 
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft = The present invention relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = The current invention relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft eveneens een methode = The present invention also relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft ook = the present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft ook = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft tevens = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding betreft verder eveneens = The present invention further also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding en uitvoeringsvormen daarvan dienen om een oplo = The present invention and embodiments thereof serve to provide a solution
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op = The present invention concerns
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = The present invention concerns a device
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een systeem voor = The present invention relates to a system for
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een verbeterde werkwijze = The present invention pertains to an improved method
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The present invention relates to a method
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en systeem = The present invention concerns a method and system
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en systeem vo = The present invention concerns a method and system for producing
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op het technische gebied = The present invention pertains to the technical field
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft betrekking op het vakgebied van = The present invention relates to the field of
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The present invention relates generally to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = "The present invention relates, in general to"
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op = The present invention relates also to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft ook betrekking op een systeem voor het pr = The present invention also relates to a system for producing
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op = The present invention also relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding heeft verder betrekking op = The present invention furthermore relates to
De onderhavige uitvinding is echter niet beperkt tot deze specifieke uitv = "However, the present invention is not limited to these particular embodim"
De onderhavige uitvinding is echter niet beperkt tot deze specifieke uitv = "However, the present invention is not limited to these particular embodim"
De onderhavige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot = The present invention is in no way limited to
De onderhavige uitvinding is geenszins beperkt tot de in de figuren getoo = The present invention is in no way limited to the embodiments shown in th
De onderhavige uitvinding is voordelig aangezien = The present invention is advantageous since
De onderhavige uitvinding omvat een werkwijze en een systeem = The present invention comprises a method and a system
De onderhavige uitvinding richt zich eveneens op = The present invention also focuses on
De onderhavige uitvinding richt zich met name op = The present invention focuses mainly on
De onderhavige uitvinding verhoogt de kans = The present invention greatly increases the chance
De onderhavige uitvinding verhoogt de kans op het verkrijgen = The present invention greatly increases the chance of obtaining
De onderhavige uitvinding verschaft = The present invention provides
De onderhavige uitvinding voorziet in een oplossing voor minstens één v = The present invention provides a solution to at least one of the above-de
De onderhavige uitvinding voorziet in een oplossing voor minstens één v = The present invention provides a solution to at least one of the above-de
De onderhavige uitvinding zal hierna beschreven worden aan de hand van we = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal hierna beschreven worden aan de hand van we = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal worden beschreven met betrekking tot specif = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige uitvinding zal worden beschreven met betrekking tot specif = Although the present invention will hereinafter be described with respect
De onderhavige werkwijze = The present method
De onderhavige werkwijze zal in het bijzonder worden beschreven met betre = The present method will be described in particular with regard to
De onderhavige werkwijze zal in het bijzonder worden beschreven met betre = The present method will be described in particular with regard to
de onderhuidse injectie = subcutaneous  injection: injection under the skin
De onderliggende broncode = The underlying source code
De onderliggende competenties zijn = The underlying competencies are
de onderlinge afstand van = the distance between
de ondermaatse fractie en de tweede gedeeltelijke middelgrote fractie = the undersize fraction and the second partial midsize fraction
De ondernemer verklaart dat = The economic operator declares that:
de Onderneming of van de Ondernemingen die met haar verbonden zijn = the Company or any of its subsidiary and affiliated companies
De onderneming stelt de volgende voorwaarden = The company employs the following conditions
de onderneming van de opdrachtgever = the client’s business
de onderneming van de wederpartij wordt geliquideerd of beëindigd = the other party’s business is wound up or terminated
de onderneming van de wederpartij wordt geliquideerd of beëindigd anders = the other party’s business is wound up or terminated other than for the
de onderneming vertegenwoordigen tegenover derden = to represent the company in dealings with third parties
de ondernemingsactiviteiten = the company’s activities
de onderoogslagader = infraorbital artery
de onderslagbalk = cross piece
de onderslagbalk (bekisting) = cross beam
de onderstaande Algemene leveringsvoorwaarden = the General Terms and Conditions of Delivery listed below
de onderste na plaatsing = "the bottom, after placement"
de onderste rij = the bottom row
de ondertekening van de app = the app’s signature
de ondervloer = finishing layer
"De onderwerpen die aan bod komen, zijn" = The following topics are covered
De onderzoekspopulatie = The study population
De onderzoeksresultaten = The research results
de onevenwichtigheid = disequilibrium
de onevenwichtigheid = imbalance
de ongewenste indringing = the undesired ingress
de ongewenste indringing van gevaarlijke substanties = the undesired ingress of dangerous substances
de on-line regelbare magneten = the online-adjustable magnets
de onopzettelijke verspreiding van persoonlijke informatie = inadvertent  disclosure of confidential data
de onroerende zaak is betrokken in een landinrichtingsplan = the immovable property is included in a land-use plan
de Onroerende zaak op eerste vordering van de Gemeente aan haar terug te  = return the Immovable Property to the Municipality at the Municipality’s
de ontkleuring = loss of pigmentation
de ontlastings-incontinentie = fecal incontinence
De ontlastklep is over het algemeen afgesteld op een druk van 26 bar (375 = The pressure relief valve is generally adjusted to a pressure of 26 bar (
de ontsluiting van het buitengebied = making outlying areas accessible
de ontsluiting van informatie en correspondentie = access to information and correspondence
de ontsmetting door formaldehyde = formalin vapor disinfection
de ontsteking van de epitrochlead = "golfer's  elbow, medial epicondylitis"
de ontsteking van de vaatkluwens in de nierschors = glomerular lesion
de ontstekingsinfiltratie = inflammatory infiltrate
de ontvangsten waren nihil = the receipts were nil / zero
de ontvlambaarheid = flammability
de ontwenningsafdeling = detox unit
de ontwikkeling = the development
de ontwikkeling = development
de ontwikkeling en de verspreiding van milieuvriendelijke technologieën  = Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly techn
de ontwikkeling en het beheer = the development and management
de ontwikkeling en productie = the development and production
de ontwikkeling gedurende het boekjaar = developments during the financial year
de ontwikkeling van = the development of
de ontwikkeling van een nieuw cosmetisch product = the development of new cosmetic product
de ontwikkeling van elke competentie = the development of each competence
de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie = the development of renewable energy
de ontwikkeling van kennis en innovatie = the development of knowledge and innovation
de ontwikkeling van nieuwbouwprojecten = developing of new projects
de ontwikkeling van nieuwbouwprojecten = the development of new projects
de ontwikkeling van nieuwe kennis = the development of new knowledge
de ontwikkeling van tools en methoden = the development of tools and methods
"de ontwikkeling, het gebruik en de regulering" = "the development, use and regulation"
"de ontwikkeling, het gebruik en de regulering van technologie" = "the development, use and regulation of technology"
de ontwikkelingsfysiologie = developmental biology
de ontwikkelingsleesstoornis = dyslexia
de onverwachte oorzaak van = the unexpected cause of
de onvoorziene gebeurtenis = unforeseen  event
de onze = ours
de oo- en spin-cookie = the ‘oo’ and ‘spin’ cookie
de oo-en fr-cookie = the ‘oo’ and ‘fr’ cookie
de oogslagader = ophthalmic artery
de ooievaar = the stork
de oordopjes voor eenmalig gebruik = disposable  earplugs
de oorlog = the war
de oorsprong en de aard van de natuurlijke ingrediënten = the origin and the nature of the natural ingredients
De oorspronkelijk ingestelde waarden door de installateur = The values originally set by the installer
de oorspronkelijke redactie handhaven = to retain the original wording
de oorspronkelijke resultaten = the original results
De oorzaak is duidelijk identificeerbaar = The cause is clearly identifiable
De oorzaak is niet gekend = The cause is not known
de oorzaak van het probleem weg te nemen = eliminate the cause of the problem
de oorzaak van problemen = the cause of problems
de op dat moment aanhangige handelsmerkprocedures = the then pending trademark actions
de op dat moment bekende bevindingen = the findings known at the time
de op de aandelen betaalde stortingen = the amounts paid up on the shares
de op de aandelen betaalde stortingen = the amounts paid up on shares
"de op de lijst vermelde personen, groepen of entiteiten" = "the listed persons, groups or entities"
de op de server geregistreerde locatie = the location registered on the server
de op de stage doorgelopen competentieontwikkeling = the competences they developed during the placement
de op de stage doorgelopen competentieontwikkeling = the competences developed during the placement
de op historische kostprijs gebaseerde waardering = the valuation based on historical cost
de op maat gesneden monsters = the cut-to-size samples
de op Partijen rustende verplichtingen = the obligations of the Parties
de opa = grandfather
de opbouw hierin = the structure thereof
de opbouw van de machine = the construction of the machine
de opbouw van het verslag niet helder is = the structure of the report is not clear
De opbrengsten uit = Revenues from
De opbrengsten uit de verhuur van ski- en snowboardmaterialen = Revenues from the rental of ski and snowboard equipment
de opbrengsten uit lessen = revenue from classes
De Opdracht kan slechts worden gewijzigd = The Contract may be amended only
De opdracht kent twee aanleidingen = There are two reasons for this assignment
De opdracht kent twee aanleidingen = The rationale behind the assignment is twofold
de opdracht niet te gunnen = not to award the contract
De opdracht wordt gegund = The contract will be awarded
De Opdracht wordt gegund aan de Inschrijver = The Contract will be awarded to the Tenderer
de opdrachten zijn afgerond en je ontwikkeling is goed genoeg om te exami = the assignments have been completed and your development is good enough t
De opdrachtgever draagt er zorg voor = The client shall ensure
De Opdrachtgever verplicht zich = The Client undertakes
De Opdrachtgever verplicht zich = The Client undertakes to
De opdrachtgever voert de risico inventarisatie uit = The client shall perform the risk inventory
De opdrachtnemer documenteert deze kwaliteitsindicatoren = The contractor shall document these quality indicators
"de opdrachtnemer, de onderaannemers, de architecten en studiebureaus" = "the contractor, the subcontractors, the architects and engineering firms"
De Opdrachtovereenkomst = The Contract for Services
de opeenvolgende kruispunten = the successive intersections
de opeenvolging van seintoestanden = the sequence of signal states
de open pen-en-gatverbinding = forked mortise (mortice) and tenon joint
de openbaargemaakte informatie = the disclosed information
de openbaarmaking = the disclosure
de openbare weg = public roads
de opening van de gleufvormige secties = the opening of the slot-shaped sections
de openingen = the apertures
de openingen bovenaan = the openings at the top
de openslaande balkondeur = French window(s)
de operatiehandschoenen = surgical  gloves
de operatiekamer = operating theater
De operationele kasstroom = Operating cash flow
De operationele kasstroom per aandeel kwam uit op = Operating cash flow per share amounted to
De operationele nettowinst = Net operating profit
De operationele nettowinst per aandeel = Net operating earnings per share
de operator van het = the operator of the
de operator van het configureerbaar sputtersysteem = the operator of the configurable sputtering system
de operculum orbitale = frontal operculum
de opgebouwde reserveringen = any accumulated entitlements
de opgeraapte hoeveelheid sneeuw = the amount of snow gathered
de opgeslagen energie in een batterij = the energy stored in a battery
de opgeworpen exceptie in limine litis = the objection raised in limine litis
de ophaling en vervoer van afval naar de stortplaats = collection and transport of waste to the landfill site
De opleiding kan bij goed gevolg worden voortgezet = Graduates of the programme can continue with
de oplosbaarheid in water = the water solubility
De oplossing = The solution
dé oplossing = the ideal solution
De oplossing & aanpak = The solution & approach
de oplossing bij uitstek = the solution of choice
de oplossing die bij u het beste past = the solution that suits you best
de oplossing die het beste bij uw behoeften past = the solution that best suits your needs
De oplossing is opgebouwd uit een = The solution consists of a
de oplossing of dispersie van het metaalion of metaalzout = the solution or dispersion of the metal ion or metal salt
de oplossing van het probleem = solving the problem
De oplossing voor = The perfect solution for
de opmaat naar = a prelude to
de opperhuid = epidermoid
de opperhuid = intra-  epidermal
de oppervlakte van het vouwbare tapijt = the surface area of the foldable carpet
de opportunistische infecties = opportunistic infections
de oprichting en het beheer van onroerend vermogen = the establishment and management of immovable assets
de oprichting van gebouwen = the acquisition of immovable property
"De oprichting, de verwerving, het in huur nemen, het beheer en/of de uitb" = "The setting-up, acquisition, hiring, management or operation, on its own "
De oproeping tot een vergadering geschiedt ten minste vijftien (15) dagen = A meeting shall be convened at least fifteen (15) days in advance
de opstaande of verticale wand = the upright or vertical wall
de opstaande of verticale wanden = the upright or vertical walls
de opstarttijd van de MiniMed Duo = the startup time of the MiniMed Duo
De opstelling = The system
De opstelling = The setup
de optillingstrauma = injury due to heavy lifting
de optimalisatie is voor 5 keywords met beperkte concurrentie = 5 keywords optimization with limited competition
de optredende ziekte = emerging infectious disease
de opvolging van uw installaties te optimaliseren = optimise the monitoring of your installations
de opvouwbare zijwand in opgevouwen toestand = the foldable sidewall in folded state
de opvulling van metselwerk = frost-resistant brickwork
De opzegging c.q. ontbinding van deze overeenkomst ontslaat partijen uitd = The cancellation or termination of this Agreement in no way relieves any 
de opzet van = the design of
de orde = the rules of law
de orde van de dag = everyday occurrence
de orde van de dag = standard fare
de orde van de dag = the order of the day
de Order tot stand is gekomen = the Order has been established
de orderbevestiging = the order confirmation
de oregano = the origan
de organisatie blijk heeft gegeven van het v = the organisation has demonstrated the following
de organisatie weer functioneert = the organisation is operational again
De organisatie wordt geleid door = The organisation is led by
"de organisatie, onze producten en diensten, klanten, leveranciers of ande" = "the organization, our products and services, customers, suppliers or othe"
De organistie in Nederland = The organisation in the Netherlands
de Orloff (oorspronkelijk Zon van de Zee genoemd) = the Orlov diamond (originally called the Sun of the Sea)
de orthoglykemische glucosurie = renal  glycosuria: an inherited inability of the renal tubules to reabsor
de osteosynthese van frakturen = internal  fracture fixation
de Oude = the Elder
de ouderdom = age
de outillage van een haven = the equipment of a port
de outillage van een haven = the machinery of a port
De ovale briljant is een bij diamantjuwelen graag gebruikte variante van  = The oval brilliant is a popular variant of the classic round form in diam
de over de huurprijs verschuldigde  omzetbelasting = the VAT payable on the rent
De over te dragen bevoegdheden = The powers to be transferred
De overbruggingstijd wordt bepaald door = The bridging time is determined by
de overdraagbare gastroenteritis = transmissible  gastroenteritis
de overdreven groei = expansive growth
de overeengekomen dienstverlening = the agreed services
de overeengekomen eigenschappen = the agreed characteristics
de overeengekomen eigenschappen bevat = has the agreed characteristics
de overeengekomen methode = the agreed method
de overeengekomen periode = the agreed period
de overeengekomen prijs = the agreed price
de overeengekomen prijs dienovereenkomstig te verhogen = entitled to increase the agreed price accordingly
de overeengekomen specificaties = the agreed specifications
De overeengekomen werktijd bedraagt uur per week. = The agreed working time is hours per week.
de overeengekomen Werkzaamheden te blijven uitvoeren = to continue to perform the agreed Activities
de overeenkomst blijft van kracht tot wederopzegging = the contract remains in effect until notice of termination is given
de overeenkomst blijft van kracht tot wederopzegging = the contract remains in force until notice of termination is given
De Overeenkomst brengt nimmer een arbeidsovereenkomst tussen de medewerke = The Agreement in no way constitutes an employment contract between the em
de overeenkomst eindigt met één maand opzegging = termination of the contract is subject to one month's notice
de overeenkomst eindigt met één maand opzegging = the contract terminates one month after notice has been given
De Overeenkomst eindigt onmiddellijk = The Agreement will terminate immediately
de Overeenkomst en eventueel daarmee samenhangende overeenkomsten = the Agreement and any related agreements
De overeenkomst gaat in op = The Agreement will enter into force on
"de Overeenkomst geheel of gedeeltelijk in Bothell, Washington, heeft uitg" = "performed the contract in whole or in part in Bothell, Washington, or att"
De Overeenkomst kan alleen worden opgezegd = The Agreement may only be terminated
de overeenkomst kan in rechte geldend gemaakt worden = the contract is enforceable at law
de overeenkomst kan in rechte geldend gemaakt worden = the contract is enforceable in law
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand = The contract shall be concluded only
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand na = The contract shall be concluded only after
De overeenkomst komt slechts tot stand na schriftelijke bevestiging door  = The contract shall be concluded only after written confirmation by the Se
de overeenkomst met de wederpartij = the agreement with the Other party
De Overeenkomst Onderhoud = The Maintenance Agreement
de overeenkomst op te schorten dan wel (gedeeltelijk) te ontbinden = "suspend or terminate the agreement, either in full or in part,"
de overeenkomst op te zeggen met inachtneming van een opzegtermijn = terminate the Agreement subject to a notice period
de overeenkomst strekkende tot de verkrijging van het verkochte door verk = the contract for the acquisition by the vendor of the property sold
de overeenkomst strekkende tot het gebruiken van = the agreement providing for the use of ...
de overeenkomst te ontbinden = to terminate the Contract
de overeenkomst te ontbinden bij aangetekende brief = terminate the agreement by registered letter
De Overeenkomst treedt in werking = The Agreement shall enter into force
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki Agreement
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki declaration
de overeenkomst van Helsinki = Helsinki accord
De Overeenkomst vangt aan = The Agreement shall commence
De Overeenkomst vangt aan op de datum dat beide partijen deze hebben onde = "The Agreement shall commence on the date it is signed by both parties, un"
De Overeenkomst vangt aan op de datum dat beide partijen deze hebben onde = The Agreement shall commence on the date it is signed by both parties
De Overeenkomst vormt voor de Verkopers een voor hen geldige en bindende  = "This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Selle"
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan = The Agreement is concluded
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur = The Agreement is concluded for the period
De Overeenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur zoals in de overeenkomst is  = The Agreement is concluded for the period specified in the agreement
de overeenkomst wordt gesloten = the contract is concluded
de overeenkomst zonder kosten of schadevergoeding te beëindigen = to terminate the contract without penalty or compensation
de overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst ontbinden = terminate the agreement without judicial intervention
"de Overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst, met onmiddellijke ingang" = wholly or partially terminate the Agreement without judicial intervention
De overeenstemmende = The corresponding
de overenigbaarheid = being incompatible
de overerving = inheritability
De overgang van voorverwarmen van het hout naar thermisch modificeren = The transition from preheating the wood to thermal modification
de overhand krijgt = getting the upper hand
de overheid = government
de overheid is eigenrisicodrager = the government bears the risk
de overheid of andere bevoegde instanties = the state or other authorised bodies
"de overheidsbemoeienis met volwasseneneducatie, in de zin van regulering " = the government did not begin to provide for adult education until the twe
de overheidsdrempel is overschreden = the threshold for the involvement of government agencies has been exceede
de overige AEOS Blue modules = the other Blue AEOS modules
De overige arbeidsvoorwaarden die zijn overeengekomen = The other conditions of employment agreed
de overige bepalingen = the remaining provisions
de overige bepalingen van deze overeenkomst = the remaining provisions of this Agreement
De overige organisaties = The other organisations
de overlijdensakte v oor foetusdood = fetal death certificate
De overlijdensdekking = Death cover
de Overmacht aan de zijde van = the force majeure affecting the
de Overmacht aan de zijde van de wederpartij = the force majeure affecting the other party
De overname werd finaal afgerond op = The acquisition was completed on
de overnametransportband en de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor bel
de overnametransportband en de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband in = the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor bel
de overschreven methode = the overridden method
de overspel = adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someo
de overspel = extramarital relations
de overspel = extramarital sex
de overtredingen waarvoor rechtsvervolging is ingesteld = Administrative penalties imposed
de overtuiging zijn toegedaan = to be convinced that
de overtuiging zijn toegedaan = to believe
de oververhitte stoom naar wens kunnen conditioneren = can condition the superheated steam as desired
de overwegingen die ten grondslag liggen aan het vonnis = recitals of the facts of the case
de overwegingen die tot deze beslissing hebben geleid = the reasons for this decision
"De P&C-strategie leiden, organiseren en sturen op niveau van het bedrijf," = "Lead, organize and drive the P&C strategy at corporate, entity and/or reg"
de paardeëncefalomyelitis = eastern  equine encephalitis
de paddestoel = the mushroom
De pagina wordt bereikt vanaf = The page can be reached from
de pagina's die bezocht zijn = pages visited
De pallet stopt automatisch = The pallet will stop automatically
De palletiseerinstallatie bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen met hun ei = "The palletising installation consists of several parts, each with its own"
de palletiseermachine = the palletiser
De palletiseermachines en productliften van Qimarox = Qimarox’s palletisers and product elevators
De palletlift verwacht een pallet op de drager = The pallet lift expects a pallet on the carrier
de palletmagazijn = the pallet store
de pallets = the pallets
de pancreatoduodenectomie = Whipple's operation
De panelen/installatie staan in een = The panels/installation are located in a
de papegaai = the parrot
de parachute = the parachute
De paradoxale situatie doet zich nu voor = Paradoxically
de paraglossitis = phlegmonous  glossitis
de paramyoclonus = chorea fibrillaris
de paramyoclonus = fibrillary chorea
de paramyoclonus = myokymia: involuntary quivering of muscles at rest
de paramyoclonus = Morvan's chorea
de paratonie = dystonic disorders
de paravertebrale infiltratie = paravertebral  infiltration
de parel = pearl
de parti?le coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partiéle coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partiële coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partij die in gebreke is = the Party in default
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party in whose favour the case is decided
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who is succesful
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who wins the case
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the party who wins the suit
de partij die in het gelijk gesteld wordt = the successful party
De partijen erkennen = The parties acknowledge
De partijen werden in hun middelen en conclusies gehoord = The parties presented their arguments and pleas
de partijen zijn geen rechtskeuze overeengekomen = the parties have not agreed on a choice of law
de parti�le coating stack = the partial coating stack
de partner = the perfect partner
de paslei (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gable slate
De passagier is aansprakelijk voor = The passenger is liable for
de passagier van de te controleren bagage = the passenger whose bag they are checking
de passagiers achteraan = the passengers in the back
de passagiers voorin en achterin = front and rear passengers
de passie = passion
de passieve hyperaemie = venous  hyperemia
de passieve stuwing = passive  hyperemia
de Pasteur = the pasteuriser
de pastinaak = carrot
de pati = the patient
de patiënt = the patient
de patrijs = the partridge
de pauw = the peacock
"de pectine, honing en een hydrolyseerbare tannine" = "the pectin, honey, and a hydrolysable tannin"
de peer = the pear
de peer van de lamp en de behuizing = the bulb of the lamp and the housing
de peetoom = the godfather
de pendule = the pendulum
de pensioenverzekering afkopen = to commute the pension insurance
de peper = the pepper
de peptische oesophagitis = corrosive  esophagitis
de perfecte vervanging van = the perfect replacement for
de performatie van uw organisatie = the performance of your organisation
de perfusie = infusion
de periodeduur = noxious influence time
de periodeduur = period of exposure to risk
de periodeduur = exposure time
de peritoneo-veneuse-shunt. = peritoneovenous shunt: an operation to allow the continuous emptying of a
de pers = press
de pers = the press
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons it engages to execute the assignment
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons it engages to implement the assignment
de personen waarvan zij zich bij de uitvoering van de opdracht bedient = the persons whose services it engages to implement the assignment
de persoon = person
de persoon die de preiplanten voor het laatst inspecteert = the person who last inspected the leeks
De persoon die het onderzoek uitvoert = The person performing the inquiry
De persoon in de frisse lucht brengen en ervoor zorgen dat deze gemakkeli = Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing
de persoon voor wie wordt gezorgd komt te overlijden = the person being cared for dies
de persoonlijke gegevens van de eindgebruiker = the personal data of the end user
de persoonlijke interview = personal interview
de persoonlijke situatie = the person’s specific circumstances
De persoonlijke toeslag wordt aangepast = The personal allowance is adjusted
de persoonlijkheid van de kandidaat = the personality of the candidate
de persoonsgegevens die wij van u bewaren = the personal data that we hold about
de perzik = the peach
de pest = the plague
de peterselie = parsley
de petrochemie = the petrochemical industry
de pharynxspier = glossopharyngeal muscle
De Physical Security Manager = The Physical Security Manager
de piano = piano
De pijl = The arrow
de pijl = arrow
dé pijlers = the cornerstones
de pijn = pain
de pijnlijke hydronefrose = painful  hydronephrosis
de pijp aan Maarten geven = kick the bucket
"de pijp aan Maarten geven, het loodje leggen" = kick the bucket  (to die)
"de pijp uit gaan, sneven" = croak  (slang: to die)
de pijptang = footprints
de pil = pill
de pinnen van de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the spikes of the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor belt
de pinnentrommel of de pinnentransportband = the spiked drum or the spiked conveyor belt
De pinportie = The pin portion
De plaat waarop een nieuwe laag is geformeerd = The plate on which new layers are formed
de plaats = place
de plaats in de rangorde = its place in the ranking
de plaats innemen van = take the place of
de plaats krijgen die hen toekomt = get their rightful place
de plaats van tewerkstelling = the place of employment
De plaats waar = Where
de plaats waar de sticker komt = sticker area
de plaatselijke autoriteiten = the local authorities
de plaatselijke overheid = local government
de plaatsingslijn en de eerste rand = the placement line and the first edge
de plak = the slice
de planering om te voorbereiden op een ramp = disaster planning
de plank van de bovenste legplank = the board of the top shelf
de plank van de onderste legplank = the board of the bottom shelf
de planning = the schedule
de planning en afstemming = planning and coordination
de planning van het operatiekwartier = operating theatre planning
de plant = plant
de plasma thromboplastin antecedent = factor XI
de platen van het eerste paar = the boards of the first pair
De platenband bestaat uit een frame waarin twee rollenkettingen ronddraai = "The slat conveyor consists of a frame, where two chains in rotary motion "
de pleisterlaag op de buitenmuur = exterior rendering
de plek = just the place
dé plek = just the place
de plek van het incident = the site of the incident
de plek waar een fout is opgeworpen = where an error was thrown
de pleuravochtuitstorting = pleural  effusion: leakage of fluid into the chest cavity
de pleurodynia diaphragmatica epidemica = epidemic  diaphragmatic pleurodynia
de plicht = duty
de ploeg = the plough
de plug = the plug
De pneumatische cilinder = The pneumatic cylinder
de pneumatische klep onderaan de mengkuip = the pneumatic valve at the bottom of the mixing tub
de pneumohydrothorax = hydropneumothorax
de pokken = the smallpox
de politie in de plaats waar de diefstal heeft plaatsgevonden = the police in the place where the theft occurred
de pols = pulse
de polypanarthritis = hypertrophic degenerative arthritis
de polypanarthritis = osteoarthritis
De pomp die ik nu gebruik = the pump I am currently using
De pomp is niet waterdicht = The pump is not water-tight.
de pomp van de verwarmingsketel = the pump of the central heating boiler
de pomp van de verwarmingsketel = the heat pump of the central heating boiler
De pomp wordt omgeven door een pomphuis = The pump is surrounded by a pump housing
de pop = the doll
de populier = the poplar
de positie van de elementen = the position of the elements
De positie van de pallet = The position of the pallet
De positieve consolidatieverschillen = The positive consolidation differences
de positieve en negatieve resultaten = hits & misses
De post voor het leveren = The item for the supply
de post-hepatitische cirrose = post-  hepatitic cirrhosis
De poststempel geldt als bewijs = The postmark will serve as proof of posting.
de pot verwijt de ketel dat hij zwart ziet = pot calling the kettle black (situation in which somebody accuses someone
De praktijk = Practice
De praktijk leert = Practice has shown
de praktijken van = the practices of
de praktische kant van = The practical side of
de preiwas- en pelmachine te onderhouden = to maintain the leek washing and peeling machine
De premie wordt jaarlijks in januari vastgesteld = The premium is fixed annually in January
De premies worden op de vervaldata gevaluteerd. = Premiums are value dated on the renewal dates
de prepareermicroscoop = stereo microscope
de prestaties en de daarmee samenhangende betalingsverplichting zullen ge = the performance and the related payment obligation cannot be undone
De prestaties van de producten die met bovenstaande unieke identificatiec = The performance of the products identified with the above unique identifi
De prestatieverliezen in deze systemen kunnen worden toegeschreven aan = The performance losses in these systems can be attributed to
de prijs = prize
de prijs = price
De prijs als genoemd in = The price listed in
de prijs inclusief belastingen = the price including taxes
de prijs van koffie wijzigen = change the price of coffee
De prijs verschuldigd door = The price payable by
De prijs wordt opgegeven in = The price is specified in
de prijzen dienovereenkomstig te verhogen = to increase the prices accordingly
de prijzen van grondstoffen = the prices of raw materials
de prijzen variëren van... tot... = prices range from... to...
De prijzen zoals genoemd bij artikel = The prices mentioned in Article
De prijzen zoals gespecificeerd in = The prices specified in
de prikkelingstoestand = excitation state
de prikkels = a motivator
de prikkels = a positive motivational influence
de prikkels = incentive
de prikkels = inducement
de prikkels = instigation
de prikkels = stimulus
de primaire eerstehulpverlening = emergency medical care
de primo-infectie = primary  HIV infection
de principes van relevantie en proportionaliteit = the principles of relevance and proportionality
de Principes van UN Global Compact = the UN Global Compact principles
de printer = printer
de privétherapie = individual care
de problemen rondom de invoering van die nieuwe wet = the problems entailed in the introduction of the new law
de problemen sectoroverschrijdend aanpakken = to tackle the problems on a cross-sectoral basis
de procedure = the procedure
De procedure = The proceedings
De procedure van de administratieve verwerking = The procedure
De procedure werd aangepast. = The procedure was modified.
de procedures van de commissie = the procedures of the committee
De procedures voor de werkvoorschriften = the rules of procedure and work instructions
de processen die worden uitgevoerd zodra een koelmiddellekkage wordt gede = the processes carried out once a refrigerant leakage is detected
de processen en procedures = the processes and procedures
De processor is geconfigureerd voor het uitvoeren van = The processor is configured to perform
De producten = The products
De producten bevatten in geen geval = The products must not under any circumstances contain
de producten gecontroleerd ingevoerd worden op de invoerbaan en gecontrol = the products are fed in on the infeed conveyor and fed out on the outfeed
de producten in ontvangst te nemen = take delivery of the products
de producten laag voor laag verwerken = process the products layer by layer
De producten reizen steeds voor rekening en risico van = The products are always transported for the account and at the risk of
De producten zelf = The products themselves
de productie = production
de productie = the production facilities
de productie van = the production of
De productie van artikelen = Production
de productie van gefermenteerde vloeistof = the production of fermented liquid
de productie van zonne-energie = the production of solar energy
De productiefaciliteiten in Duitsland en Noord-Amerika = Our manufacturing facilities in Germany and North America
de proef van Tiffeneau = forced  expiratory volume (in one second)
de professionele mogelijkheden = the professional capabilities
de profilering = the profile
de profilering van de = the profile of the
de Programmatuur of andere materialen = the Software or other materials
de Programmatuur te verbeteren = to improve the Software
de Programmatuur voldoet aan = the Software complies with
de Programmatuur voldoet aan de gangbare technische normen = the Software complies with prevalent technical standards
de programmawet (I) van 27 december 2006 = the Programme Law (I) of 27 December 2006
De programmeer omgeving = The programming environment
de projecten die we opzetten = the projects that we set up
de Prorunner mk 10 = The Prorunner mk 10
de Prorunner mk 5 = The Prorunner mk 5
De Prorunner mk10 = The Prorunner mk10
de Prorunner mk5 = the Prorunner mk5
de proteine-engineering = protein  engineering
de proteinlosing enteropathy = exudative enteropathy
de provincie = countryside
de provincie Noord-Brabant = the province of North Brabant
de pruim = the plum
de pseudodementia = pseudodementia
de psychedelische middelen = psychodysleptic drugs
de pulmonaire eosinofilie = Löffler's syndrome
de pulmonaire infiltraten met eosinofilie = pulmonary  eosinophilia
de puntjes op de i zetten = dot the i's and cross the t's  (Take care of every detail)
de put = the well
"de put, vergeetput, bajes, lik, nor" = hole (place where a prisoner is kept)
De Qimarox Prorunner mk5 = The Qimarox Prorunner mk5
de raad = council
De Raad van Bestuur AMC = The Executive Board of the AMC
De Raad van Bestuur heeft kennis genomen van de stukken genoemd in het po = The Executive Board has taken note of the documents mentioned in the posi
De Raad van Bestuur is ervan overtuigd = The Board of Directors is of the opinion
De Raad van Bestuur is van oordeel dat dit risico beperkt is. = The Board of Directors believes that this risk is limited.
De Raad van Bestuur onderkent dat er algemene risico’s zijn waaraan Ceg = The Board of Directors has identified the following general risks to whic
De Raad van Bestuur van DPA = The Management Board of DPA
de Raad van de Europese Unie = the Council of the European Union
de raadpleging = the consultation
de raadsman van eiser = the Claimant’s counsel
de raaf = raven
de Radboud Universiteit = Radboud University
De Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen = Radboud University in Nijmegen
de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen = Radboud University
de rand die de opening van een railhaak omgeeft = the edge surrounding the opening of a track hook
de rand van het = the edge of the
de rangorde van functies = the ranking of jobs
De rangschikking wordt opgemaakt = The ranking will be made
De rapportage bevat de volgende onderwerpen = The report contains the following topics
De rapportage zal als volgt gebeuren = Reporting will be done as follows
de rauwe hoekigheid... werd weggemoffeld = rough edges were smoothed away
de reactiekamer van de plasmareactor fluïdaal te verbinden met = fluidically connect the reaction chamber of the plasma reactor to
De reacties waren positief = The response was positive.
de reactieve inhibitie = reactive  inhibition: a tendency toward a lessened strength of response d
de realisatie van een adviesdienst = the provision of consulting services
de realisatie van het gewenste beveiligingsniveau = achieving the desired security level
de realisaties = what had been achieved so far
de rechtbank acht voldoende termen aanwezig = the court finds that there are sufficient grounds
"de rechtbank doet uitspraak op de grondslag van het beroepschrift, de ove" = "(Awb) the court shall give jugment on the basis of the notice of appeal, "
de rechtbank heeft terecht aangenomen dat het bewijs hiervan niet is gele = the court rightly held that the claimant failed prove his case
de rechtbank heeft terecht aangenomen dat het bewijs hiervan niet is gele = the court rightly held that the defendant failed prove his case
"de rechtbank overweegt ten aanzien van feit 1 voor het overige, te weten " = "the court considers the following with respect to the rest of count 1, na"
de rechtbank veklaarde zich niet bevoegd in de zaak vonnis to wijzen = the judge declared the case beyond the competence of the court
de rechtbank veklaarde zich niet bevoegd in de zaak vonnis to wijzen = the judge declared the case outside the jurisdiction of the court
de rechtbanken van Amsterdam = the courts of Amsterdam
De rechten en plichten voortspruitend uit dit contract = The rights and obligations arising from this Agreement
de rechten en verplichtingen = the rights and obligations
de rechten van ABC jegens DEF = ABC’s rights with respect to DEF
de rechten van de leden zijn beperkt of hun verplichtingen zijn verzwaard = the members have been restricted or their obligations have been increased
de rechten verbonden aan = the rights attaching to
de rechter = judge
de rechtspersoon of natuurlijke persoon = the natural or legal person
de rechtspraak = the judicial system
De recruiter neemt contact met de kandidaat op = The recruiter contacts the candidate
de redactie is nader uit te werken in de overeenkomst = the precise wording is to be set out in the agreement
de redactie van een bepaling wijzigen als volgt = to change the wording of a provision so that it reads as follows
de rede = reason
de reden van terugzending = the reason for return
de reeds geplaatste = the already placed
de reeks van ten minste twee paar sneden = the series of at least two pair of cuts
de referentie-elektrode = indifferent  electrode
de reflexieve werkwoorden = the reflexive verbs
de refractie-hypermetropie = refraction  hypermetropia
de regel = rule
De regeling Autolease is van toepassing. = The Car Lease Scheme applies.
de regeling Kostenvergoeding senioren = the Expense Allowance Scheme for Senior Employees
De regelingen in het Handboek Arbeidsregelingen = The arrangements in the Working Arrangements Manual
de regelmatige voortgang van de samenwerking = the regular progress of the cooperation
de regelmodules en de extractieroosters = the control valves and the extraction grilles
de regels die hierboven zijn opgenomen = the rules set out above
de regels die hiervoor gelden = all applicable rules
de regels die voor een statutenwijziging zijn gesteld = the rules laid down for an amendment to the articles of association
de regen = the rain
de Regent = the Regent
de regering regeert en het parlement controleert = the government governs and Parliament supervises
de regio = region
De registratie van bovenstaande producten = The registration of the above products
de registratie van uw mededeling = the registration of your notification
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals ?een inrichting omvattende de mid = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ?a device comprising means A and"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals “een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals “een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals éeen inrichting omvattende de mi = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as éa device comprising means A an"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals �een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as �a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals �een inrichting omvattende de m = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as �a device comprising means A a"
De reikwijdte van een uitdrukking zoals 'een inrichting omvattende de mid = "Thus, the scope of an expression such as ‘a device comprising means A a"
de reis = trip
de rek (is) eruit = no more leeway
de rekening = bill
"de rekening, alstublieft" = "the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please)"
"De rekening, alstublieft." = The bill please! [Br.]
de relatie met bestaande klanten versterkt = strengthened relationships with existing customers
De relatie met de beroepspraktijk = The link to professional practice
de relatief hoge verschildruk = the relatively high differential pressure
de relatieve posities van het sensorsysteem en het substraat = the relative positions of the sensor system
de relevantie van GICP's te handhaven = maintain the relevance of HICPs
de Renaissance = Renaissance
de rendier = reindeer
De rente is laag en kan op korte termijn nog iets lager = Interest rates are low and may drop slightly lower in the short-term
De rentedragende schulden = The interest-bearing debt
de representatieve koers = representative rate
de reservesleutels en brandstofpas = the spare keys and fuel card
de resetknop = the reset button
de resetknop bij de deur = the reset button at the door
de resetknop op het bedieningspaneel = The reset button on the control panel
de rest van de = the rest of the
de rest van de organisatie = the rest of the organisation
De rest van de stijging = The remainder of the increase
de rest van het bedrijf = the rest of the company
De rest van het verschil = The remainder of the difference
de resterende producten = the remaining products
de resultaten kwamen overeen met = the results were consistent with
de resultaten over het eerste kwartaal = the results for the first quarter
de resultaten van = the results of
de resultaten van de daaraan voorafgaande fase = the results of the preceding phase
De resultaten van deze bedrijven = The results of these companies
De resultaten waren positief = The results were positive
de retractoren = the retractors
de return komt niet vanzelf = the rewards don't come easily
de revue gepasseerd = been reviewed
de richting is = is the direction
de ridder = the knight
de riem = the belt
de rij = the row
de rijbevoegdheid is ontzegd = is disqualified from driving
de rijken steeds rijker worden = the rich get increasingly richer
"de rijksoverheid gaat goedkoper, flexibeler en efficiënter werken, met m" = "central government will work more inexpensively, flexibly and efficiently"
De Rijksoverheid heeft de rol = The central government’s role
de rijst = the rice
de rijstrook = the lane
de rijweg = the carriageway
de ring = the ring
de ring is ingericht om = wherein the ring is adapted
de ringwikkelaar van Qimarox = Qimarox’s ring wrapper
de riolering = the sewer system
de risico groepen in gevaar voor besmetting met HIV = group at  high risk for HIV infection
de risico inventarisatie = the risk inventory
de risico van deze procedure = the risks of this procedure
de risico’s van uw onderneming = the risks your business is exposed to
De risico’s worden ingedeeld naar de afzonderlijke werkzaamheden die pl = The risks are classified in accordance with the individual activities tak
de rivier = river
de rivierkreeft = the crayfish
de rode draad in mijn ontwikkeling = the connecting thread in my development
de rode draad is helder = the central theme is clear
de rode draad ontbreekt = the central theme is missing
de roem = glory
de roest = the rust
de rogge = rye
De ROI van een project kan men berekenen = The ROI of a project can be calculated
de rok = the skirt
de rol van = the role of
de rol van de accountant = the role of the auditor
de rollenbaan van de laagbuffer = the roller conveyor of the layer buffer
de Romaanse pan = flat interlocking tile
de rommelmarkt viel letterlijk en figuurlijk in het water = the jumble-sale was a washout in both senses of the word / literally and 
De ronde briljant is met zijn 57 facetten en een minimum aan verlies bij  = "The round brilliant cut is, with its 57 facets and minimum loss in cuttin"
De Ronde Venen = De Ronde Venen
de rook = smoke
de roos = rose
de roosachtige furfuratie = flaky exfoliation
de rotatie van het apparaat over de bepaalde tijd = the rotation of the device over the predetermined time
de roteerbare basisafdekking omhoog zou worden geduwd = the rotatable base cover would be pushed up
de Rotterdamse haven = the port of Rotterdam
"De Rotterdamse mentaliteit: Niet l..., maar poetsen!" = Actions speak louder than words
de route in het BHS = the route in the BHS
De route naar geweldig onderwijs = ‘De route naar geweldig onderwijs’ (‘The route to great education
de ruggemergszenuwknoop = spinal  ganglion
de ruimte = space
De ruimte die een palletiseeroplossing inneemt = The space occupied by a palletising solution
De ruimte in bedrijven voor het installeren van een nieuwe machine is vaa = Companies often have limited space for the installation of new machinery
De ruimte waarin de werkzaamheden moeten worden verricht = The space in which the work must be performed
de ruimte waarop het betonwelfsel geplaatst is = the space on which the hollowcore concrete slab is placed
de rum = rum
de rust-ECG = resting  electrocardiogram
de ruwbouw = fabric
de Sales Merchandiser Retail = the Retail Sales Merchandiser
de salpingo-oöthectomie = hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
de samenhang is bij de metalen zeer groot = "the cohesion of metals is very great / strong, metals are very cohesive"
de samenhang van de gebeurtenissen = the connection / relationship between the events
de samenstelling volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = the composition according to the current invention
de samenstelling wordt toegediend = said composition is administered
De samenstellingen van de uitvinding = The compositions of the invention
De samenstellingen volgens sommige uitvoeringsvormen = The compositions according to some embodiments
de samenvoeging van erfpachtrechten = the merging of ground leases
de samenwerking gerealiseerd = entered into cooperative arrangements
de samenwerking met = working with
de sanering van het milieu = environmental contamination control
de sanering van het milieu = environmental remediation: cleanup of a toxic spill or hazardous material
de sanering van het milieu = pollution remediation
de sanering van het milieu = toxic cleanup
de sap van de dunne darm = glandular secretion of small intestine
de sap van de dunne darm = proteolytic glandular secretion
de sap van de dunne darm = secretion from the Brunner's glands
de scepter zwaaien = control
de schaamte = shame
de schaar = scissors
de schade is te wijten aan een handeling of nalatigheid van de verkoper = the damage is due to an act or omission of the seller
de schade is verhaalbaar op de veroorzaker = recourse for the loss may be had against the person responsible
de schade is verhaalbaar op de veroorzaker = the damage is recoverable from the person responsible
de schade verhalen op iemand = to recover the damage/loss from a person
de schadelijke stof = dangerous substance
de schadelijke stof = hazardous substance
de schadelijkheid van zuurstof kan verhoogd worden = The harmful effects of oxygen may increase
De schadevergoeding die de vervoerder mogelijkerwijs is verschuldigd uit  = Any compensation the carrier may owe under
De schadevergoeding die de vervoerder mogelijkerwijs verschuldigd is = The liability that the carrier may incur
"De schadevergoeding, die de vervoerder wegens het niet nakomen van de op " = Any compensation the carrier may owe for failure to fulfil its obligation
de schaduw = shadow
de schakel = the link
de schakelaar (op boor) = gearshift switch
de schakelschema’s = wiring diagrams
de schat = treasure
de schede = the sheath
de schedelbreuk met beenindruk = depression fracture
de schemering = twilight
De scheurlip en de scheurlipopening = The tear tab and tear tab opening
de schijncorrelatie = illusory correlation
de schijven te verschuiven over de as = sliding the discs along the shaft
de schikking van de figuren op een schilderij = the arrangement of the figures in a painting'
de schildpad = the tortoise
de schimmeldodende verf = mildew-resistant paint
de schistosoma aandoening = schistosome  dermatitis
"De Schone Slaapster, Doornroosje" = Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale)
de school = school
De school biedt de leerlingen = The school offers students
De school streeft ernaar = The school strives
de schoolontwikkeling = the school’s development
de schoonmaak = the cleaners
de schoor (b.v. aan steiger en in betonbouw) / de kruisschoor = diagonal brace / bracing
de schoor (van dak) = cross tie
de schoor (van dak) = diagonal tie
de schoorsteenveger = chimney sweep(er)
de schorpioen = the scorpion
de schouder = the shoulder
de schouders ophalen = shrug
de schraper juist positioneren = position the scraper correctly
de schroef = screw
de schroefhouder = the screw holder
de schroefpatroonhouder = fuse holder
De schuif zorgt er bovendien automatisch voor = The slider also automatically ensures
de schuifdeur = the sliding door
De schuifdeur is zelfsluitend = The sliding door is self-closing
de schuld = the debt
de schuld geven = to blame
de schuldeisers kunnen zich alleen verhalen op de bezittingen van de nala = the creditors may only seek recovery from the assets of the estate
"de schuldenaar, die in de toestand verkeert dat hij heeft opgehouden te b" = "a debtor who has ceased to pay his debts will, either on his own petition"
"de schuldenaar, die voorziet dat hij met het betalen van zijn opeisbare s" = a debtor who foresees that he will be unable to keep up with his debt pay
de schuldsaneringsregeling is definitief verleend = the debt management scheme has been allowed definitively
de schuldsaneringsregeling is geëindigd door het verbindend worden van d = the debt management scheme ended when the plan of distribution became bin
de scleroderma = dermatosclerosis chorionitis
de scleroderma = scleroderma
De scooter volgens een van de conclusies = The scooter according to any claim
De scope van = The scope of
de scotomisatie = scotomization
de secondaire hemorragie = secondary  hemorrhage
de sector van de hernieuwbare energie = the renewable energy sector
de sectoren van de Internationale Raad voor het Onderzoek van de Zee (ICE = ICES zones
De seintoestand oranjegeel = The amber signal state
de seksediscriminatie = sex-based  discrimination
de sensor gelijktijdig te vervangen = replace the sensor simultaneously
De sensor voor relatieve vochtigheid = The relative humidity sensor
de sensoreenheid en de verwerkingseenheid niet losmaakbaar zijn = the sensor unit and the processing unit are not detachable
de sepia = the cuttlefish
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = aspartate aminotransferase
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = AST
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = glutamic-oxaloacetictransaminase
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = SGOT
de serum-glutamaatoxaalacetaattransaminase = serum  glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
de server = the server
de service beschikbaar gemaakt wordt = the service is made available
de set heeft geaccordeerd = approved the set
de set parameters geassocieerd aan de herkende driedimensionale oriëntat = the set of parameters associated with the recognized three-dimensional or
de Sewall-Wright-effect = genetic drift
de sfeer in het team verbeterde = improved the atmosphere in the team
de sfeer van geheimzinnigheid rond haar verdwijning = the mystery surrounding her disappearance
de shigellose = bacillary  dysentery
de shuttleplaat en de formeersectie = the shuttle plate and the pattern-formation section
de sigaret = cigaret
De signaalsterkte = The signal strength
De signaalverwerking = The signal processing
De signaalverwerkingseenheid = The signal processing unit
de signaalvingerafdruk van de medische eenheid = the signal fingerprint of the medical unit
De Simac Vulnerability Assessment = The Simac Vulnerability Assessment
De Simac Vulnerability Assessment leveren we in twee varianten: = The Simac Vulnerability Assessment comes is available in two versions:
de simulatie = the simulation
de sinaasappel = orange
de Sint = the saint
de sinus ethmoidalis = ethmoid sinus: one of the numerous small thin-walled spaces or air cells 
de sirene = mermaid
de sirocco = the sirocco
de siroop = the syrup
de situatie analyseren = analysing the situation
de situatie in een conferentie zaal = the situation in a conference room
de situatie in te schatten = assess the situation
de sjabloneerkwast = gilder's mop
de sla = lettuce
de slaap = the sleep
de slaappapaver = medicinal poppy
de slag = battle
de slagader in het bekken = iliac artery
de slagschaar (loodgieterij) = guillotine
de slak = the snail
de slang = snake
de slappe verlamming = "flaccid paralysis: a neuroparalytic illness characterized by symmetric, d"
de slappe verlamming = muscle hypotonia
De Slave Healthconnector = The Slave Healthconnector
de slechte spijsvertering = indigestion
de slee = the sledge
de sleutel = key
de sleutel (kruin) (van brug) = crown
de sleutels overdragen = to hand over the keys
de slijmbuik = gelatinous ascites
de slokdarmspataders = esophageal and gastric varices: twisted swollen veins of the esophagus & 
de slokdarmspraak = esophageal speech: audible speech produced by trapping air in the esophag
de slotgracht = ditch (fortress)
De slotkoers = The closing price
de sluitring = the washer
de smaak = taste
de smaragd = the emerald
De smaragdvorm is een geraffineerde variante van de baguette met een roem = The emerald shape is a refined variant of the baguette with a famous jewe
de snavel = the beak
de sneeuw = snow
de snelheid van de motor = the speed of the motor
de snelheid van het voertuig = the speed of the vehicle
de snelheid van het voortbewegen = advancement speed
de snelheid van het wegblazen van de sneeuw = the speed at which the snow is blown away
de snelheid waarmee de eieren kunnen worden vastgenomen door de eivastnee = the speed at which the eggs can be grabbed by the egg pickup means
de snelheid waarmee ze projecten uitvoeren = the speed with which they carry out projects
de snelste palletiseermachine van Qimarox = Qimarox’s fastest  palletiser
de snelste palletiseermachine van Qimarox waarin de pallet op en neer bew = Qimarox’s fastest  vertical palletiser
de SnowWorld vestiging in Zoetermeer = SnowWorld Zoetermeer
de sociale wetenschappen = the social sciences
De software is voorzien voor = The software is adapted for
De software kan desgewenst voorzien zijn om = The software can optionally be adapted to
De software kan ook voorzien zijn voor = The software can also be adapted for
De software matige resetknop = The soft reset button
De software matige resetknop = The software reset button
De software matige resetknop  heeft dezelfde werking = The soft reset button has the same effect
De software matige resetknop  kan alleen storingen resetten. = The soft reset button can reset only faults.
de software van de palletiseermachine = the software of the palletiser
"de software van de palletiseermachine, het toevoer transport en het palle" = "the software of the palletiser, the supply conveyor and the pallet convey"
de software voor medische beeldverwerking = medical  imaging software
de software zoals hoger beschreven = the software as described above
De solvabiliteit is als gevolg van bovenstaande gestegen = Solvency thus increased
De solvabiliteit is als gevolg van bovenstaande gestegen van = Solvency thus increased from
de soorten enquêtevragen = the types of survey questions
de spaarbank = savings bank
de span of control kan grote druk leggen = the span of control can put great pressure /create great
de spanning van de banden = the pressure of the tyres
de specificatie van de kleefstof = the specifications of the adhesive
de specificaties of het bestek = the specifications
de specifiek voor OG gedefinieerde eisen = the requirements defined specifically for property
de specifieke draagkracht waarop de ondernemer steunt = the specific capacities the economic operator is relying on
de specifieke garantie bepalingen = the specific warranty terms
"de specifieke kenmerken, structuren of karakteristieken" = "the specific features, structures, or characteristics"
de specifieke problemen = the specific problems
de specifieke transporteiwitten voor glutamaat = glutamate plasma membrane transport proteins
de speld = pin
de speling der natuur = freak of nature
de spiegel = the mirror
de spier = muscle
de spijker op de kop slaan = hit the nail on the head
de spijker op de kop slaan = hit the nail on the head  (identify something exactly)
de spin = the spider
de spinazie = the spinach
De spleet tussen de kelkvormige rand en de hals of de peer = The gap between the cup-shaped edge and the neck or bulb
de spleten tussen = the gaps between
de splitsende vennootschap houdt op te bestaan = the dividing company will cease to exist
de spons = the sponge
de spontane fractuur = stress  fracture
de spookschaaf (stokschaaf) = drawshave
de spookschaaf (stokschaaf) = drawknife
"de spoorwegen, het spoorwegsysteem" = railroad (transportation system)
de sporen geven = incite
de sport = sport
de sporters getest worden op de aan- of afwezigheid van één of meerdere = the athletes are tested for the presence or absence of one or more geneti
de spot drijven met = deride
de sprinkhaan = grasshopper
de sputterinstallatie = the sputtering installation
de staart = the tail
de staat = the authorities
de staat = the state
de staat = state
De staat als bewaker van sociale herinneringen = The State as Guardian of the social memory
de staat van = the condition of
de staat van de auto en de kilometerstand = the condition of the car and the mileage
De stabiliteit van = The stability of
de stabiliteit van een pallet = pallet stability
De stabiliteit van onze infrastructuur = The stability of our infrastructure
de Stad Kortrijk = the City of Kortrijk
de staking = the strike
de stal = stable
de stand der techniek = the prior art
de stand van de hoogste product mogelijk = the position of the highest product possible
de stand van de techniek = state of the art
de stand van de techniek = the state of the art
de stand van de wetenschap = scientific knowledge [comment]
de stand van zaken = the situation
De standaard arbeidsduur bedraagt = The standard working week is
De standaard maandelijkse bijdrage voor privé-gebruik van de auto = The standard monthly fee for private use of the car
De standaardfunctionaliteit = The standard functionality
de stap = step
de stap bevatten = include the step
de stap van het automatisch laden en instellen van de set parameters = the step of automatically loading and setting the set of parameters
de stap van het berekenen van de locatie van = the step of calculating the location of
de stap van het identificeren van de zones die overeenkomen met tekst = the step of identifying the zones corresponding to text
de stap van het identificeren van het model en/of type medische eenheid = the step of identifying the model and/or type of medical unit
de stap van het thermisch modificeren van het hout = the step of thermally modifying the wood
De stap van het voorverwarmen = the preheating step
de stappen van onderhavige werkwijze = the steps of the present method
de stappen van rubriek = the steps specified at
De start van de bouw wordt voorzien in = Construction is scheduled to start in
de stations en de sputtertargets = the stations and the sputtering targets
de status van een incident = the status of an incident
de status van je bestelling volgen = follow the status of your order
de statuten van de vennootschap bepalen = the articles of the company stipulate
de statuten van de vennootschap bepalen dat besluitvorming van aandeelhou = the articles of the company stipulate that resolutions of shareholders ma
de steek tussen de rollen = the distance between the rollers
de steekbalk (kreupele balk) = dragon beam (dragon piece)
de steekbeitel = firmer chisel
de steenbakkersanemie = ankylostoma dermatitis
de steenbakkersanemie = ground itch
de steenbakkersanemie = miners' bunches
de steenbakkersanemie = miner's dermatitis
de steenbakkersanemie = subtropical dermatitis
de steenbok = the capricorn
de steengroeve = the quarry
de steigerplank = gangway
de stekeinden (betonbouw) = connection rebars (AE)
de stelschroef = the adjusting screw
de stem = voice
de stempelkram = cramp
De stenen worden bewaard in partijbriefjes. = The stones are kept in parcels.
de stent: een stevig hulsje in metaaldraad om te voorkomen dat de slagade = endovascular device
De step volgens conclusie = The scooter according to claim
de ster = the star
de Ster van Zuid-Afrika = the Star of South Africa
de sterftecijfer = "fatality rate: the ratio of deaths per 1,000 persons per year"
de sterftecijfer = mortality rate
de sterke drank = intoxicant
de sterkte van = the strength of
De sterrennacht = Starlit night
de steur = the sturgeon
De Stichting Autoriteit Financïele Markten = The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
De stichting heeft ten doel = The objects of the Foundation are to
De stichting heeft ten doel = The object of the Foundation is to
de stichting heeft ten doel het tegen toekenning van certificaten ten tit = "the objects of the foundation are to acquire and administer shares, again"
De stichting tracht dit doel onder meer te verwezenlijken door = "The Foundation seeks to achieve these objects by carrying out activities,"
de stier = the bull
de stijgbeugel = the stirrup
de stijging van het aantal verkochte pistetickets = the increase in the number of ski passes sold
de stikstof = nitrogen
de stof = the dust
de stof of het mengsel = the substance or mixture
de stoffvrije lediging = controlled emptying
de stoffvrije lediging = enclosed emptying
de stoffvrije lediging = dust-free  emptying
de stokbezem (van schoorsteenveger) = flue brush
de stollingsfactor VIII = antihemophilic factor
de stollingsfactor VIII = blood clotting protein
de stollingsfactor VIII = factor VIII
de stollingsfactor VIII = antihemophilic  globulin
de stompzinnigheid = emotional  insensitivity: inability to respond appropriately to affective
De stooklijn = The heating
De stooklijn = The heating curve
De stooklijn van de = The heating curve of the
de stoom = steam
de stoornis in de aanleg = genetic disorder
de stoornis in de aanleg = genetic defect
de stoot geven tot = initiate
de stopklep = the stop flap
de stoppelbaard = unshaved
de storing van het hydro-elektrolytisch evenwicht = water-  electrolyte imbalance
de storingen = the faults
de storingen in de lijst die nog actief zijn = the faults in the list that are still active
De storting ervoor heeft wat minder extract dan met x = the grain bill (i.e. total amount of malt used) has less extract than is 
de stortvloed = flash flood: sudden local flooding of large volume and short duration
de straal = the ray
de straal van het eerste loopwiel of de eerste looprol van de overnametra = the radius of the first pulley or the first roller of the transfer convey
de straal van het eerste loopwiel of de eerste looprol van de pinnentrans = the radius of the first pulley or the first roller of the spiked conveyor
de straat = street
De Straat Milieu-adviseurs = De Straat Milieu-adviseurs
De stralingsbronnen en de detectoren = The radiation sources and the detectors
De strategie = The strategy
De strategie die door SnowWorld is geformuleerd = The strategy formulated by SnowWorld
"De strategie en het beleid op vlak van procurement definiëren, ontwikkel" = "Define, develop and implement the Procurement strategy / policy at compan"
De strategie en het beleid op vlak van wetgeving en normnaleving definië = "Define, develop and implement legal and compliance (including insurance/c"
"De strategie en het beleid voor herverzekeringen definiëren, ontwikkelen" = "Define, develop and implement Reinsurance strategy/policy at corporate an"
"De strategie en het beleid voor operationeel risicobeheer definiëren, on" = "Define, develop and implement Operational Risk Management strategy/policy"
"De strategie en het beleid voor risicobeheer definiëren, ontwikkelen en " = "Define, develop and implement Risk Management strategy/policy at corporat"
de strekking van de Overeenkomst = the purport of the Agreement
de stress = emotional stress
de stroom van gemengd kunststof verpakkingsafval = the flow of mixed plastic packaging waste
de stroom verkopen = sell the electricity
"De structuur, het bestuur, de doelstellingen, de strategische oriëntatie" = "Define the structure, governance, objectives, strategic orientation and s"
de struisvogel = the ostrich
de struma substernalis = substernal  goiter
de student centraal = student centred
de student die spreekt tijdens de afsluitceremonie = valedictorian (farewell speech giver)
De student kreeg een negatieve BSA voor de opleiding Economie. = The student was issued a negative binding decision on his enrolment in th
De student laat zien = The student shows that they are able to
De student leert = The student will learn
De student maakt een juiste inschatting van = The student correctly assesses
De student staat open voor = Students are open to
de studentenadministratie = student administration department records
de studie inzake uitvoerbaarheid = feasibility studies
De studie is geen uitgestippeld pad. = The study programme/course is not set in stone
de studie op = the study on
de studie van het milieu = environmental studies
De sturing van derden valt onder de regie van = XXX is responsible for the management of third parties
De stuurgroep komt elke vier weken bijeen = The Steering Committee meets every four weeks
De stuurgroep rapporteert aan = The Steering Committee reports to
De stuurspanning is niet ingeschakeld = The control voltage is not enabled
de stuurspanning voor ontsteking = firing voltage
de stuurspanning voor ontsteking = starting voltage
de subklinische immuundysfunctie = immune dysfunction
de substantia metachromaticogranularis = Ehrlich's inner bodies
de suiker = the sugar
de suikertolerantie = glucose tolerance
de suikertolerantiefactor = GTF
de sulfamide-diuretica = sulfamyl  diuretics
de Sunny Remote Control = the Sunny Remote Control
de systeemanalist van Rotaform = Rotaform’s systems analyst
De system integrator = The system integrator
de systemische homeostase via excretie = systemic  homeostatic excretion
de T4 = glycoprotein 41
de taak = the task
De taak die het kabinet zich stelt = The task that the government has set itself
de taak waarvoor ze staan = the task at hand
de taal = language
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de ?vloer? = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de ‘vloer’ = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de évloeré = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment gesproken op de �vloer� = the language that is being spoken on the floor at that moment
de taal die op dat moment op de conferentievloer gesproken wordt = the language that is being spoken on the conference floor at that moment
de taal of talen van waaruit hij liefst tolkt = the language or languages out of which he or she prefers to interpret
de taal van de = the language of the
de taal van waaruit getolkt wordt = the language that needs to be interpreted
de taal waarin de overeenkomst kan worden gesloten = the language in which the contract can be concluded
de tabel in het flight manual = the table in the flight manual
de tactische recherche en de forensische opsporing = criminal and forensic investigators
de tafel = the table
de tafel afruimen = to clear the table
de tafel dekken = to lay the table
de tafel naar een origineel vlakke toestand terugkeert = the table returns to an originally flat condition
de taken die hem zouden kunnen toevertrouwd worden = any tasks that could be entrusted to him/her
de tand = tooth
de tandarticulator = articulator
de tandarticulator = dental articulator: a mechanical device representing the temporomandibula
de tandartsinstrumenten = dental instruments
de tandboog = dental arch
de tandkassen = dental alveoli
de tandkassen = tooth sockets
de tandvulling met devitalisatie = pulp  devitalization
de tandwortelkyste = apical  granuloma
de tandzorg = care of teeth
de tandzorg = dental care
de tapkraan = draw-off tap / faucet
de Tarchanoff-methode = Tarchanoff method
De tarieven = Rates
de tast = touch
de tastperceptie = haptic perception
de te behalen synergie-voordelen = expected synergies
de te behandelen onderwerpen = business to be transacted
de te betalen boete c.q. malus = the fine or penalty payable
De te condenseren stoom = The steam to be condensed
de te doseren chocolade = the chocolate to be dosed
de te hanteren = the applicable
de te labellen = to be labelled
de te labellen of verpakken = to be labelled or packaged
de te leveren diensten = the services to be provided
de te leveren diensten door een leverancier = the services to be provided by a supplier
de te leveren goederen = the goods to be delivered
de te leveren zaken in gedeelten te leveren = deliver the goods in parts
de te leveren zaken kunnen afwijken van de getoonde monsters = the goods to be delivered may vary from the samples shown
de te lijmen kant = the side to be glued
de te lijmen oppervlakte = the surface to be glued
de te nemen beveiligingsmaatregelen = security measures to be taken
de te nemen maatregelen = the measures to be taken
de te ontwerpen toestand = the situation to be designed
de te produceren meerlagige coatings = the multilayer coatings to be produced
de te realiseren termijnen = the required deadlines
de te recirculeren lucht = the air to be recirculated
de te ruimen zone = the zone to be cleared
De te treffen maatregelen = The measures to be taken
de te ventileren ruimtes = the rooms to be ventilated
de te verrichten Diensten = the Services to be provided
de te verrichten verwerkingen = the processing operations to be carried out
de te vervullen eigen functie = the job you are to perform
de te verwachten kracht = the expected force
de te verwerken harsen = resins to be processed
de te verwerken producten = the products being processed
De te volgen procedures = The procedures to be followed
de te vormen figuren = the figures to be formed
de techniek voor het produceren van zo = the technique for producing such a
de techniek voor het produceren van zo’n = the technique for producing such a
de technische constante van het apparaat = Technical constant of the speedometer
de technische infrastructuur = the technical infrastructure
de teer = tar
de teerling is geworpen = the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined)
de tegelvloer = flagstone paving
de tegemoetkomendheid = humanity
De tegemoetkoming bedraagt maximaal = The allowance is limited to a maximum
de tegenovergestelde zijde = the opposite side
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' contraction
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' sign
de teken van Gowers = Gowers' maneuver
de tekening van de uitgevoerde staten = process flow chart
de tekort aan elektrolyten = electrolyte deficiency
de tekortkoming is het gevolg van = The shortcoming is due to
de tekst van de brontekst = the source text content
de tekst van deze algemene voorwaarden = the text of these general terms and conditions
de tekst van een brontekst = the source text content
de tekst zoals voorgesteld in de dagorde = the text proposed in the order of business
de temperaturen die de sensor meet = the temperatures measured by the sensor
De temperatuur = The temperature
de temperatuur aan de platenwarmtewisselaar = the temperature in the plate heat exchanger
de temperatuur aan de sensoren = the temperature at the sensors
de temperatuur en de druk in de behandelkamer = the temperature and the pressure in the treatment chamber
"de temperatuur in de eerste holte, de uitsparing en het cilindrische lich" = "reducing the temperature in the first cavity, the recess and the cylindri"
de temperatuur in de inrichting = the temperature in the device
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap = "With each step, the temperature increases by"
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap met hoogstens = "With each step, the temperature increases by up to"
De temperatuur stijgt bij elke trap met minstens = "With each step, the temperature increases by at least"
de temperatuursensor = The temperature sensor
de ten minste ene inwendige impactelement en de ten minste ene uitwendige = the at least one inner impact member and the at least one outer impact me
de ten minste ene luchtuitlaat buiten de eerste holte = the at least one air outlet outside the first cavity
de ten minste twee = the at least two
de ten tijde van de Overeenkomst geldende werkomstandigheden = the working conditions prevailing at the time of the Agreement
de tengels (voor opleggen van plafond) = fillet
de tepel = the nipple
de ter beschikking gestelde auto = the provided car
de ter beschikking gestelde medewerkers = the posted employees
de ter beschikking te stellen medewerkers = the staff to be made available
de terbeschikkingstelling van = The provision of
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term “omvattende” en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
"De term éomvattendeé en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in " = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term �omvattende� en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden i" = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
"De term 'omvattende' en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in de" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
"De term 'omvattende' en afgeleide termen, zoals die gebruikt worden in de" = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = the term does not exclude other elements or steps.
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term écomprisingé, or its derivatives, use"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term 'comprising', or its derivatives, used "
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, or its derivatives, u"
de term sluit andere elementen of stappen niet uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, or its derivatives, u"
De termen in kwestie zijn onderling verwisselbaar in de daarvoor geschikt = It is to be understood that the terms so used are interchangeable under a
De termen in kwestie zijn onderling verwisselbaar in de daarvoor geschikt = It is to be understood that the terms so used are interchangeable under a
de termijn gedurende wanneer het contract van toepassing is = the period during which the contract applies
de termijn voor aanvaarding van het aanbod = the deadline for accepting the offer
de termijn waarbinnen de prestatie moet worden verricht is onder alle oms = "under all circumstances, the term within which the work must be performed"
de termijn waarover de Aannemer beschikte om die documenten en gegevens t = the period available to the Contractor to study those documents and data
de terrasmuur (keermuur) = garden wall
de terugblik = the review
De test = The test
De test kan op een objectieve manier gescoord worden = The test can be scored objectively
de test van de draadloze netwerkverbinding = the test of the wireless network connection
de testiculaire ectopie = testicular ectopy
de tetania neonatorum = "eclampsia neonatorum, eclampsia of a newborn child"
de tevredenheid = gratification
de tevredenheid = satisfaction
de tevredenheid van klanten = customer satisfaction
de thans binnen Nederland geldende wetgeving = the current legislation in the Netherlands
de thee = tea
de thermische ontleding = thermic  dissociation
de thermische schokproteine = HSP
de thermopenetratie = surgical  diathermy
de thermostaat = the thermostat
de thuislozigheid = homelessness
de tien geboden {mv} = the Ten Commandments
de tijd = time
de tijd die ermee gemoeid is = the time it will take
de tijd die ermee gemoeid is = the time spent on it
de tijd doorgebracht bij verhoogde temperaturen = the time spent at elevated temperatures
De tijd heelt alle wonden = time heals all wounds {proverb} (injury)
De Tijd is Rijp = De Tijd is Rijp
de tijd of de middelen = the time and/or the means
de tijd tussen een kennisvraag en kennis = the time between requesting and obtaining knowledge
de tijd van de GPS-klok = the time of the GPS clock
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf gewenste snelheid tot stilstand komt in mi = The time (in milliseconds) the motor takes to reach standstill from the d
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt = The time that the motor takes to reach the maximum speed from standstill
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt in  = The time (in milliseconds) that the motor takes to reach maximum speed fr
De tijd waarmee de motor vanaf stilstand de maximale snelheid bereikt in  = The time (in milliseconds) that the motor takes to reach the maximum spee
de tijdelijke afdekking van trapgat = cover (boards) for the staircase
de tijdelijke opslag op een vluchtig geheugen van een camera niet te besc = not considering the temporary storage on a volatile memory of a camera as
de tijdens de audit verzamelde informatie = the information gathered during the audit
de tijger = the tiger
de titanium elektrolytische cel of titanium elektro oxidatie cel = the titanium electrolytic cell or titanium electro-oxidation cell
de tl-buis = fluorescent tube
de toch al compacte = the already compact
de toegang ontzeggen tot = warn off
De toegang terug = Access in the other direction
de toegangsbeveiliging tot ICT-systemen = securing access to IT systems
de toegankelijkheid vergemakkelijkt = facilitates accessibility
de toegestane expositietijd = short-term   exposure limit
De toegevoegde gegevens = The added information
De toegevoerde lucht wordt niet gefilterd = The supplied air is not filtered
de toekenning van de restzetels geschiedt volgens het systeem van de groo = seats are allocated using the method of the highest average
de toekomst = future
De toekomst is aan organisaties = The future belongs to organizations
De toekomst van digitale connectiviteit in Nederland = De toekomst van digitale connectiviteit in Nederland (‘The future of di
de toekomst van het onderwijs = the future of education
"de toekomst van landbouw, natuur en voedselkwaliteit" = "the future of agriculture, nature and food quality"
De toelichting inzake = The notes on
De toelichtingen met betrekking tot = The notes on
de toen beschikbare gegevens = the then available data
de toen spelende kwestie = the matter then at issue
de toenemende somnolentie = clouding of consciousness
de toenemende somnolentie = increasing somnolence
de toenemende somnolentie = sleepiness
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling = The applicable remuneration scheme
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling conform = The applicable remuneration scheme as per
De toepasselijke beloningsregeling conform artikel = The applicable remuneration scheme as per Article
de toepasselijke loontabellen = the applicable wage tables
de toepasselijkheid van artikel 3:68 BW is uitgesloten = Section 68 of Book 3 of the Dutch Civil Code does not apply
de toepasselijkheid van de voorwaarden = the applicability of the terms and conditions
de toepasselijkheid van eventuele andere algemene voorwaarden die door de = the applicability of any other general terms and conditions which may be 
de toepasselijkheid van eventuele voorwaarden van wederpartij wordt uitdr = the applicability of any terms and conditions of the other party is expli
De toepasselijkheid van het Weens koopverdrag (C.I.S.G.) is uitgesloten. = The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) is excluded.
De toepasselijkhModel nadere overeenkomst raamovereenkomsteid van algemen = Model Call-off Contract [under a Framework Agreement]
de toepassing van nieuw technologie = the application of new technology
de toepassing van nieuwe technologie = the application of new technologies
De toeristische infrastructuur = The tourist infrastructure
De toeristische infrastructuur langs de grens = The tourist infrastructure along the border
de Toeslagenwet vult uitkeringen aan tot het sociaal minimum als het tota = the Supplementary Benefits Act supplements benefits up to the level of th
de toestand de baas worden = to cope with the situation
de toestand meester zijn = to have the situation well in hand
de toestand van het milieu = state of the environment
de toets = key
de toets doorstaan = to stand the test
de toets waarmee wordt nagegaan = the test to determine
de toevoeging van opties = adding manufacturer’s options
de toevoerlucht en de lucht in de opstelruimte = the supply air and the air in the boiler room
de tolerantie van het meetelement van de snelheidsmeter = Tolerance of the speedometer's measuring mechanism
De tolk = The interpreter
De tolkenpost = The interpreter desk
de tolkenpost een verwerkingseenheid bevat = the interpreter desk contains a processing unit
de tomaat = tomato
de tongriem = lingual frenum
de tongspier = hyoglossus
de tonijn = the tunny
de top = the forefront
de top 5 op wereldniveau = the top five worldwide
de topgevel (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = gable
de topgevel / geveltop = gable end
de toren = tower
de Torsade de Pointes = irregular  heartbeat
de tot nu toe onderkende = identified so far
de totaalscores per pakket = the total scores per package
de totaalvervuiling = overall pollution
de totale aansprakelijkheid van de leverancier wegens toerekenbare tekort = the total liability of the supplier due to an attributable failure to per
De totale activa = Total assets
De totale duur van het verlof = The total duration of the leave
de totale financiële positie = the aggregate financial position
de totale hoeveelheid = the total amount
De totale investering bedraagt = The total investment amounts to
De totale investering bedraagt circa = The total investment amounts to approximately
de totale lastendruk in de vorm van belastingen en heffingen in de vervoe = the overall burden of taxes and charges borne by the transport sector
De totale lengte van de = The total length of the
de totale ombouwtijd te verkorten = reduce the total conversion time
de totale omvang van de = the total extent of the
de totale organisatie en onderdelen daarvan = the entire organisation and its components
de totale uitkeringen aan de niet-actieven overtreffen de premiebetalinge = Total benefits to non-active persons exceed contributions
de totale vergoeding voor directe schade = the total compensation for direct damage or loss
de totale waarde van = the total value of
de totale waarde van de portefeuille = the total value of the portfolio
de totstandkoming van = the establishment of
De totstandkoming van dit document is een samenwerking tussen = This document was prepared jointly by
de toxiciteit van medicijnen = drug toxicity: manifestation of the adverse effects of drugs administered
de traan = tear
de tram = "tram,"
de transgenese = gene exchange
de transitie naar = the transition to
De Transitiemanager Simac = The Simac Transition Manager
de translatie = genetic translation
de transplantaat-tegen-gastheer-reactie = graft-versus-host disease
de trechter = the funnel
de trekpunt = claw head
de trekveer = draw wire
de treurwilg = the willow-tree
de trias van Hutchinson = Hutchinson incisor
de trochlea phalangis = head of phalanx
de trom = the drum
de trompet steken = trumpet
de troon = throne
de tuba eustachii = eustachian tube
de tuchtiging = (noun)  discipline
de tuin = garden
de tumor van Ewing = Ewing's sarcoma: a tumor that invades the shaft of a long bone and tends 
de tussen hen gesloten arbeidsovereenkomst = the contract of employment concluded between
de tussen hen gesloten arbeidsovereenkomst(en) = the contract(s) of employment concluded between
de tussen hen gesloten tijdelijke arbeidsovereenkomst = the temporary employment contract concluded between them
de tussen verhuurder en huurder geldende huurovereenkomst = the lease in force between Lessor and Lessee
De tussen Yellax en Klant gesloten overeenkomst = The agreement concluded between Yellax and Customer
de tussenregels = corner brace
de tussenvloer = false floor
de twee tegenoverliggende zijden van = the two opposite sides of
de twee uitsteeksels = the two projections
de twee zijwanden = the two side walls
de twee zijwanden = the two sidewalls
de tweede elementen daartussen = the second elements therebetween
de tweede set van instructies = the second set of instructions
de tweede toon = second  heart sound
de tweede wasbeurt en het pellen van de preisteel en –wortel = rewashing and peeling the leek stalks and roots
de tweeling = twins
de twijfel = doubt
de twist dansen = twist
de ui = the onion
de uil = owl
de uit de overeenkomst voortvloeiende verplichtingen = the obligations arising from the agreement
de uit te nodigen remote gebruikers = the remote users to be invited
de uit te voeren acties = the actions to be taken
de uit te voeren werken = the work to be carried out
de uit te voeren werken = the works to be carried out
de uit te voeren werkzaamheden = the work to be carried out
De uitbetaling geschiedt per maand. = Payments are made monthly.
de uitdaging = challenge
De uitdaging schuilt in = The challenge lies in
de uitdrukking = the expression
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen = the tip of the pliable lips
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eer = the tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair
De uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd eer = The tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said first pair and the
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van genoemd twe = the tip of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of said second pair
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen van de sneden = the tip of the pliable lips of the cuts
de uiteinde van de buigzame lippen van de sneden van het genoemde tweede  = the tip of the pliable lips of the cuts of said second pair
de uiteindelijke vergoeding vindt plaats op basis van nacalculatie = the final payment will be based on actual costs
de uiteinden van de buigzame lippen gevormd door alle sneden van alle par = the tips of the pliable lips formed by all cuts of all pairs of said seri
de uiteinden van de buigzame lippen gevormd door de sneden van opeenvolge = the tips of the pliable lips formed by the cuts of subsequent pairs of sa
De uiteinden van de buizen = The ends of the tubes
de uitgang = exit
de uitgangspunten = the principles
de uitgangspunten voor de brandstofkeuze vast = the fuel selection principles
de uitgegeven aandelen in verband met de omgekeerde overname = the shares issued in connection with the reverse takeover
de uitgegraven grond = excavated earth
De uitgekomen kuikens worden dan van de lege schalen gescheiden = The hatched chicks are then separated from the empty eggshells
De uitgestrekte zandvlakten aan de kustlijnen worden ontgonnen door het s = Exploitation of sandy coastal strata is done by open terrace construction
de uitgevoerde inspectie = the inspection carried out
de uitgifte van een perceel grond = the issue of a plot of land
De Uithof = De Uithof
de uitkering op grond van de Aanvullende Anw-verzekering = the benefit under the Supplementary ANW insurance
de uitkerning van de erythrocyten = denucleation of erythrocytes
de uitkerning van de erythrocyten = erythrocyte denucleation
De uitkomst is gevonden = The solution was found
de uitkomst van de schademelding = the outcome of my claim
de uitkomst van een gehoortest = hearing loss audiogram
De uitkomsten van dit onderzoek = The results of this study
de uitkomstvariabele = dependent variable
de uitkomstvariabele = endogenous variable
de uitkomstvariabele = outcome variable
de uitkomstvariabele = response variable
De uitleg hieronder = The explanation below
De uitleg over de verwerking van deze persoonsgegevens staat onder = Information on how this this personal data is processed can be found unde
de uitlijn = the alignment
de uitmuntendheid van het bedrijf = the excellence of the company
de uitoefening van het werk = the performance of the work
de uitpuiling van het oog = exophthalmos
de uitrol van = the roll-out of
de uitrol van 5G = rolling out 5G
de uitrusting met diagnostische reagentia = diagnostic reagent kit
de uitscheiding = discharge
De uitslag van dit onderzoek = The results of this study
de uitslagen van het onderzoek = the results of my study
de uitsteeksels = the projections
De uitvinders hebben daarom ontdekt = "The inventors, therefore, discovered"
De uitvinders hebben geconstateerd = The inventors have observed
De uitvinders hebben geconstateerd dat = The inventors have observed that
De uitvinders hebben gevonden dat = The inventors have found that
De uitvinders hebben ontdekt dat = The inventors discovered that
De uitvinders hebben onverwacht ontdekt = It was unexpectedly found by the inventors
De uitvinders hebben onverwachts geconstateerd = The inventors have unexpectedly observed
De uitvinders hebben onverwachts geconstateerd dat = The inventors have unexpectedly observed that
De uitvinders hebben vastgesteld = The inventors determined
De uitvinders hebben verassend ontdekt dat = The inventors have surprisingly discovered that
De uitvinders hebben verassend ontdekt dat het gebruik van = The inventors have surprisingly discovered that the use of
De uitvinders hebben verder gevonden = The inventors have further found
De uitvinders hebben verrassend gevonden = The inventors surprisingly found
De uitvinders hebben verrassenderwijs waargenomen = The inventors have surprisingly observed
De uitvinders ontdekten dat = The inventors found that
De uitvinders ontdekten verrassenderwijs = The inventors surprisingly found
De uitvinders vonden onverwachts = The inventors unexpectedly found
De uitvinders vonden onverwachts dat = The inventors unexpectedly found that
de uitvinding = the invention
De uitvinding beoogt daartoe = The invention thereto aims
De uitvinding beschreven in dit document = The invention described in this document
De uitvinding beschreven in dit document heeft betrekking op = The invention described in this document relates to
De uitvinding betreft = The invention relates to
De uitvinding betreft een inrichting volgens conclusie = The invention relates to a device according to claim
De uitvinding betreft een methode = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding betreft een verbeterde inrichting = The invention relates to an improved device
De uitvinding betreft een verbeterde inrichting en werkwijze = The invention relates to an improved device and method
De uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding betreft een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van = The invention relates to a method for manufacturing
De uitvinding betreft eveneens = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding betreft eveneens een doseerinrichting = The invention also relates to a dosing device
De uitvinding betreft eveneens een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding betreft ook een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding betreft verder ook een werkwijze voor het voorzien = The invention furthermore relates to a method for providing
de uitvinding heeft betrekking op = the invention relates to
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = The invention relates to a device
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en een inrichting = The invention relates to a method and a device
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze en een inrichting voor he = The invention relates to a method and a device for manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voor = The invention relates to a method for
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting = The invention also relates to a device
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting  voor de indust = The invention also relates to a device for the industrial production
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting  voor de indust = The invention also relates to a device for the industrial production
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een inrichting voor het verpak = The invention also relates to a device for packaging
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een veelheid van = The invention also relates to a plurality of
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention also relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor assemblage  = The invention also relates to a method of assembling
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor assemblage  = The invention also relates to a method of assembling
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing a
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing
De uitvinding heeft eveneens betrekking op een werkwijze voor vervaardigi = The invention also relates to a method of manufacturing a
De uitvinding heeft in een eerste aspect betrekking op = The invention relates in a first aspect to
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een inric = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a device"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een inric = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a device"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for producing"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for manufactur"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for manufactur"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method"
De uitvinding heeft in een tweede aspect eveneens betrekking op een werkw = "In a second aspect, the invention also relates to a method for producing"
De uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = "The invention, in general, relates to"
De uitvinding heeft specifiek betrekking op = "Specifically, the invention relates to"
De uitvinding heeft specifiek verder betrekking op = "Specifically, the invention further relates to"
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op = The invention also relates to
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention also relates to a method
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze en een gebruik = The invention also relates to a method and a use
De uitvinding heeft tevens betrekking op een werkwijze voor het monteren = The invention also relates to a method for mounting
De uitvinding heeft tot doel = The object of the invention
De uitvinding heeft verder betrekking op = The invention further relates to
De uitvinding heeft voorts betrekking op = The invention further relates to
De uitvinding heeft voorts betrekking op een werkwijze = The invention further relates to a method
De uitvinding is = The invention is
De uitvinding is beschreven als = The invention has been described as
De uitvinding is beschreven als een methode = The invention has been described as a method
De uitvinding is geenszins gelimiteerd tot een dergelijk ontwerp = The invention is by no means limited to such a design
de uitvinding is niet beperkt tot = the invention is not limited to
De uitvinding is niet beperkt tot de geopenbaarde uitvoeringsvormen. = The invention is not limited to the disclosed embodiments.
de uitvinding is niet beperkt tot enkel = the invention is not limited solely to
De uitvinding is voordelig = The invention is advantageous
De uitvinding is voordelig omdat deze voorziet = The invention is advantageous because it provides
De uitvinding is voordelig omdat deze voorziet in het creëren van = The invention is advantageous because it provides for the creation of
de uitvinding kan worden belichaamd of uitgevoerd = the invention may be embodied or carried out
De uitvinding kenmerkt zich in = The invention is characterised by
de uitvinding op vele manieren kan worden uitgevoerd = the invention may be practised in many ways
de uitvinding op vele manieren kan worden uitgevoerd = the invention can be implemented in many ways
De uitvinding voorziet = The invention provides
De uitvinding voorziet in = The invention provides
De uitvinding werd samengevat = The invention was summarised
De uitvinding wordt ook bereikt = The invention is also reached
De uitvinding wordt ook bereikt door een werkwijze = The invention is also reached by a method
De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven = The invention will now be further described
"De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven, bij wijze van voorbeeld, e" = "The invention will now be described further, by way of example, with refe"
"De uitvinding zal nu verder worden beschreven, bij wijze van voorbeeld, e" = "The invention will now be described further, by way of example, with refe"
de uitvinding zal verder toegelicht worden aannemende dat = the invention will be further explained assuming that
de uitvlokkingstest = turbidity test
de uitvoering in de verschillende technische punten = the technical implementation of
De uitvoering van de arbeidsovereenkomst = The performance of the employment contract
de uitvoering van de Opdracht = the performance of the Contract
de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst en de uitvoering van de Verwerkersovere = the performance of the Agreement and the performance of the Data Processi
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst op te schorten = to suspend the execution of the contract
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten = to suspend the execution of a contract
de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten = to suspend the performance of an agreement
de uitvoering van deze overeenkomst = the implementation of this Agreement
de uitvoering van deze overeenkomst = the performance of this Agreement
de uitvoering van deze toezegging door de maatschappij = the Company’s performance of this commitment
de uitvoering van dit project = the performance of this project
de uitvoering van werkzaamheden = the performance of work
de uitvoering van zijn Diensten = the performance of its Services
de uitvoering wordt meetbaar gemaakt = quantifiable
De uitvoeringsvorm = The embodiment
de uitvoeringsvorm van Figuur = the embodiment in Figure
de uitvoeringsvormen van de uitvinding die hierin worden beschreven = the embodiments of the invention described herein
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven = The embodiments as described above
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
De uitvoeringsvormen zoals hierboven beschreven in het kader van de produ = The embodiments as described above in the context of the production metho
de uitvoerstroom van de plasma-uitlaat naar de plasma-inlaat te recircule = recycle the output stream from the plasma outlet to the plasma inlet
de uitwendige en de complementaire schroefdraad = the external and the complementary screw thread
de uitwendige gehoorgang = external auditory canal
de uitwendige gehoorgang = auditory meatus
de uitwendige schroefdraad op de cilindervormige mantel = the external screw thread on the cylindrical shell
De uitwijkstrategie van Rotaform = Rotaform’s disaster recovery strategy
De uitzendkracht krijgt te maken met = The temporary worker is exposed to
De uitzonderlijke kosten = The extraordinary expenses
de unieke manier van werken = the unique way of working
de unieke mens = the unique person
de unieke palletiseermachine van Qimarox = Qimarox’s unique product palletiser
De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens = the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
De universiteit van Michigan = The University of Michigan
de uptime van uw toepassingen = the uptime of your applications
de urologische technieken voor diagnose = urological  diagnostic techniques
de uwe = yours
de vaat doen = wash up
de vaat doen = to wash the dishes
de vaat wassen = wash up
de vacature en de aanpak van werving te bespreken = discuss the vacancy and recruitment approach
de vaccin tegen kinkhoest = pertussis vaccine
de vacuümpomp lucht te laten blazen = to let the vacuum pump blow air
de vader = the father
de vakman = a person skilled in the art
de vakman = the skilled person
de vakman = the person skilled in the art
de vakman gekend = known to those skilled in the art
de vakman in het technisch veld van de uitvinding = a person skilled in the art to which the invention pertains
De vakman kan een geschikte afweging maken = A person skilled in the art can take a suitable decision.
De vakman zal apprecieren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
De vakman zal appreciëren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
De vakman zal begrijpen = The skilled person will appreciate
De vakman zal begrijpen dat = The skilled person will appreciate that
de vakwerkwand = framed partition
de vakwerkwand = framed wall
De Vallei = De Vallei
de vallei = valley
de valpijp (in stortbak van wc) = flush pipe
de van belang zijnde = the relevant
de van kracht zijnde wet- en regelgeving = the laws and regulations in force
De van toepassing zijnde = The applicable
De van toepassing zijnde ATEX zonering = The applicable ATEX zoning
de van toepassing zijnde maatregelen = the appropriate measures
de van toepassing zijnde regels = the applicable rules
de vanger van vrije radikalen = antioxidant
de variabele vergoeding = the variable remuneration
De variatie die nodig is  aan buitenlucht = The changing amount of outdoor air that is required
de variatie in de afmetingen van dozen = variations in box dimensions
de vaste = the fast
de vaste kosten per kilo minder zwaar drukken = the share of fixed costs in the total costs per kilo will be lower
de vaste oplegging = fixed bearing
de vastgelegde taalkeuze in = the language set in
de vastgestelde coëfficiënt = the prescribed multiplier
De vastgoedmarkt is dynamisch en uitdagend en vraagt om professionals die = think ahead
de vatbaarheid voor een ziekte = predisposition
de veiligheid met smeltdraad = fuse carrier with fuse wire
de veiligheid van de ingreep = the safety of the procedure
de veiligheid van de voedselketen = the safety of the food chain
de veiligheid van medische toestellen en gereedschappen = medical  equipment safety
de veiligheidsinrichting = The safety device
de veiligheidsinstructie = the safety instructions
de veiligheidsinstructies = the safety instructions
"De veiligheidsvoorschriften, die in deze handleiding worden genoemd" = The safety regulations mentioned in this manual
"De veiligheidsvoorschriften, die in deze handleiding worden genoemd, dien" = "The safety regulations mentioned in this manual, should be adhered to"
de veiling = the auction
De Vennootschap blijft na haar ontbinding voortbestaan voorzover dit voor = The Partnership will continue to exist after dissolution to the extent ne
de vennootschap draagt de naam: = the company's name is:
de vennootschap en de aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen = the company and its affiliated enterprises
de Vennootschap en de met haar verbonden onderneming = the Company and its business
de vennootschap heeft goede resultaten laten zien = the company has produced good results
De vennootschap heeft ten doel = The objects of the company
De vennootschap heeft tot doel = The company’s objects
De vennootschap heeft tot voorwerp = The company’s object
de vennootschap is opgericht = the company was established
de vennootschap is opgericht op de achtste juli tweeduizendzes en is aang = the company was established on the eighth of July two thousand and six an
de vennootschap kent winstbewijzen = the company issues profit-sharing certificates
de vennootschap naar het recht harer vestiging = the company under the laws of its place of establishment
de vennootschap naar het recht van haar plaats van vestigin = the company under the laws of the place of establishment
de vennootschap naar het recht van haar plaats van vestiging = the company under the laws of its place of establishment
De vennootschap neemt de vorm aan va = The company takes the form of
de vennootschap rechtsgeldig (te kunnen) verbinden = capacity legally/ contractually to commit the company
De vennootschap wordt voor onbeperkte duur opgericht = The company is established for an unlimited period
De Vennootschappen hebben zich er niet toe verbonden = The Companies have not committed themselves
de ventilator = fan
de ventilator = the fan
de ventriculaire fibrillatie = ventricular  fibrillation
de verandering in de praktijk te realiseren = realise the change in practice
de veranderingen die plaatsvinden = the changes taking place
De verantwoordelijkheden van Partijen = The responsibilities of the Parties
de verantwoordelijkheid afwentelen op = to shift the responsibility on
de verbinding legt = links
De verbinding moet luchtdicht afgesloten kunnen worden = It must be possible to seal the connection in an airtight manner
De verbinding tussen de TouchDisplay en de Endura = the connection between the TouchDisplay and the E+ndura®
de verbinding was slecht = the connection was bad
de verbinding weigeren = refuse the connection
de verbinding werd verbroken = I got disconnected
de verbinding werd verbroken = we were disconnected
de verbindingen voor communicatie met = the communication links with
de verbindingsdelen in het basisdeel = the connecting members in the base member
de verbindingsprofiel ten minste een eerste paar sneden omvat = the connection profile comprises at least a first pair of cuts
De verbintenis wordt aangegaan voor een periode = The commitment is for
De verbintenis wordt aangegaan voor een periode van minimaal = The commitment is for a minimum period of
de verblijfplaats = the sojourn
de verblijfskatheter = indwelling catheter: any catheter that is allowed to remain in place in a
de verblijfskatheter = heparin-locked catheter
de verblijfskatheter in de urineleiding = indwelling ureteral catheter
de verdediging = defense
de verdeelstaaf = distribution steel
de verdere gang van zaken = the further course of events
de verdiepingstrap = dog-legged staircase
de verdunningsfactor = the dilution factor
de verdwijning = elimination phase
De vereffening van de rekeningen = Settlement of accounts
de vereiste meerderheid = the requisite majority
de vereisten voor het lozen = the requirements for discharge
de vereisten voor opzegging van de overeenkomst = the requirements governing termination of the contract
de verfkwast = cutting-in brush
de vergadering = assembly
De vergadering besluit aan de zaakvoerder volmacht te verlenen = The meeting decided to grant the manager authority
De vergadering kan alleen beslissingen nemen als ten minste de meerderhei = The meeting can only take decisions if at least the majority of the affil
de vergadering liep uit = the meeting was drawn out
de vergadering liep uit = the meeting overran
de vergadering tot het einde bijwonen = to stay the meeting out
De vergelijkende cijfers = The comparative figures
De vergelijkende cijfers betreffen de geconsolideerde cijfers van = The comparative figures concern the consolidated figures of
de vergelijkende cijfers zijn niet gecontroleerd = the comparative figures are unaudited
de vergelijkende cijfers zijn niet gecontroleerd = the comparative figures have not been audited
De vergelijking van = The comparison of
de vergoeding voor niet-gecontracteerde zorg = the reimbursement for non-contracted care
de verhalen op de vrijeschool = storytelling in a Waldorf school
de verhoging te weigeren = refuse the increase
de verhoging van de efficiëntie = improvement of efficiency
de verhoogde produktie van hormonen door de bijnierschors = Conn's disease
De verhouding direct versus indirect = The ratio of direct versus indirect
De verhouding is gebaseerd op = The ratio is based on
De verhouding tussen = The ratio between
de verhouding tussen = the relationship between
de verhouding van rozemarijnextract tot pyrethrinen = the ratio of rosemary extract to pyrethrins
de verkeerd gevouwen eiwitten = incorrectly  folded proteins
de verkeerde formatie = dysgenesis
de verkeerde secretie van het adrenocroticotroop hormoon = ectopic ACTH syndrome: production of ACTH by non-pituitary neoplasms
de verkeerde werking = dysfunction
de verkeerde zuinigheid betrachten = to be penny-wise and pound-foolish
de verkeersafwikkeling verbeteren = to improve the traffic flow
de verkeersintensiteit in die richting = the flow rate in that direction
de verkeerslichtencyclus = the traffic signal cycle
de verkeersregelaar en de afstandsbedieningsmodule = the traffic-signal controller and the remote control module
de verkeersregelaars onderling = the traffic-signal controllers themselves
De verkeersregelaars op deze kruispunten = The traffic-signal controllers at these intersections
de verkoop = sale
de verkoper = the Seller
De verkoper behoudt zich uitdrukkelijk het recht voor = The Seller expressly reserves the right
De verkoper is in geen geval aansprakelijk = The Seller shall not be liable
De verkoper is verantwoordelijk voor de verwerking van deze persoonsgegev = The Seller is responsible for the processing of this personal data
De verkoper wijst de koper uitdrukkelijk op het feit dat = The Seller expressly reminds the Buyer that
De verkoper zal bij de levering van het product of dienst aan de koper de = "When delivering the product or service, the Seller shall send to the Buye"
de Verkopers of de Vennootschappen = the Sellers or the Companies
de verkrachting = the rape
de verkregen oplossing = the resulting solution
de verkregen snelheid behouden = maintain the speed acquired
de verlamming van Duchenne = Duchenne-Erb paralysis
de verlangde beroepskwalificatie = the desired professional qualifications
de verlangde inlichtingen = the information desired
de verlangde inlichtingen = the information required
de verlangsaming van de foetale groei = fetal growth retardation
de verlening van Diensten = the provision of Services
de vermeende onregelmatigheden = the alleged irregularities
de vermindering van gevoeligheid = desensitization therapy
de vermoedelijke geboortetijdstip = EDD
de vermoedelijke geboortetijdstip = expected date of delivery
de vermoeienis = fatigue
de vernieuwer = a key innovator
De verpakking niet hermetisch sluiten = Do not keep the container sealed
De verpakking niet hermetisch sluiten. = Do not keep the container sealed.
de verplaatsingsrichting van het substraat = the direction of movement of the substrate
De verpleegkundige = The nurse
de verpleging voor zuigelingen = neonatal care
de verplichting om een duidelijke en onuitwisbare statiegeldaanduiding op = the obligation to place a clear and indelible deposit mark on the packagi
de verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit enige wetgeving = the obligations resulting from any legislation
de verplichtingen in deze Verwerkersovereenkomst = the obligations in this Data Processing Agreement
De verplichtingen onder dit artikel = The obligations under this Article
de verplichtingen uit hoofde van de gebruikersovereenkomst = the obligations under the user agreement
de verplichtingen van de andere partij = the obligations of the other party
de verplichtingen van Philips N.V. = Philips N.V.’s obligations
De verplichtingen zoals opgenomen in = The obligations as set out in
De verplichtingen zoals opgenomen in dit artikel = The obligations as set out in this Article
de verre afstand = geographical isolation
de verscheuring = disjunction
de verscheuring = divulsion
de verscheuring = laceration
de verscheuring = severance
De verschijnende persoon verklaart van de inhoud van de akte te hebben ke = The person appearing declared to have read and understood the contents of
De verschijnende persoon verklaart van de inhoud van de akte te hebben ke = The person appearing stated that he/she had read and understood the conte
de verschijnselen op termijn na prenatale blootstelling = prenatal  exposure delayed effects: delayed effects on offspring of mater
de verschillende = the different
de verschillende aspecten die een rol spelen = the different aspects that play a role
de verschillende bewegingen = the various movements
de verschillende bewerkingsfasen = the various processing stages
de verschillende businesslijnen = the various business lines
de verschillende dagen in de week = the different days of the week
de verschillende documenten = the various documents
de verschillende groepen = the different groups
De verschillende onderdelen = The various components
De verschillende onderdelen in het betoog = The different parts of the argument
de verschillende opleidingen = the various programmes
de verschillende pakketten = the various packages
de verschillende palletiseersystemen van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various palletiser systems
de verschillende Securyfence machineafscherming van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various Securyfence machine guards
de verschillende Securyfence van Qimarox = Qimarox’s various Securyfence models
de verschillende uit te voeren bewegingen = the various movements to be carried out
de verschillende veiligheidsnormen = the various security standards
de verschuldigdheid van de bedragen wordt door ABC erkend = ABC acknowledges that it owes the amounts
de verschuldigdheid van deze facturen = these invoices being due and payable
de versiegeschiedenis van een item = an item’s version history
de verslaving veroorzakende drug = dependence-producing drug
de verspreidingseenheden = dispersion units
De verste debietregelaar = The farthest flow regulator
de verstijving = diagonal strut
de verstoring als gevolg van = the disruption caused by
de verstreken tijd = the elapsed time
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke lo = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update 8 of the sp
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke lo = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update 8 of the sp
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke loca = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update of the spat
de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke loca = the amount of time that has elapsed since the previous update of the spat
de verstrekte informatie = enquiry
de verstrekte informatie = the information supplied
de vertaalslag maken naar de praktijk = to make the transition to practice
de vertakte wond = dendritic lesion
de vertaling te maken naar de praktijk = to make the transition to practice
de vertalingen zijn uitgevoerd door een internationaal ISO 17100:2015 gec = The translations have been performed by a translation agency certified to
de vertegenwoordiging ervan = its representation
de verticale verspreiding = vertical  disease transmission
de vertraagde generalisering = late  generalization
de vertraging ongedaan te maken = remedy the delay
de vertrouwelijke gegevens en de app = the confidential data and the app
de vertrouwelijke gegevens te verwerken = to process the confidential data
de vertrouwelijke gegevens te verwerken aan de serverzijde = process the confidential data on the server side
De vervuilde ventilatielucht = The polluted ventilation air
de vervuiling van de voedingsmiddelen = food adulteration
de vervulling van haar taken = the fulfilment of her duties
De verwachting achter = The idea behind
De verwachting is = It is expected
De verwachting is dat = The expectation is that
de verwachting overtreffen = to exceed expectations
de verwachting voor de komende periode = the outlook for the coming period
de verwachtingen van onze klanten overtreffen = exceed the expectations of our customers
de verwarming van de patiënt = induced  hypothermia
de verwarmingsmat = heating pad
de Verwerkersovereenkomst en/of de AVG en/of andere Toepasselijke wet- en = the Data Processing Agreement and/or the GDPR and/or any other Applicable
de verwerking van bestellingen = order processing
de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = the processing of Personal Data
De verwerking van persoonsgegevens = The processing of personal data
de verwevenheid tussen onder- en bovenwereld doorbreken = Sever the links..
de verwezenlijkte voordelen ten opzichte van de stand van de techniek = the advantages achieved over the prior art
de verwijdering van bedrijfsafvalwater = disposal of industrial effluents
de verworven hemolytische anemie zonder autoantistoffen = acquired  hemolytic anemia without autoantibodies
de verworven hemolytische ziekte = hemolytic icterus
de verworvene dyslexie = acquired  dyslexia
de verzachter = softening agent
de verzekeraars behouden het recht te bewijzen dat de waarde op het momen = the underwriters retain the right to prove any overvaluation existing at 
de verzekerde = insured party
de verzekering te willen beëindigen = that you wish to terminate the insurance
de verzinsel = concocted story
de verzinsel = confabulation
de verzinsel = fabrication
de verzoekende arts = requesting  doctor
de verzwakking van de euro = the weakening of the euro
de verzwaring van de fundering = foundation base
de vesting = the fortress
de vetharding = hydrogenation of fats
de vettige ontaarding = steatosis
de vezel = fiber
de vezelige dysplasie van beenderen = fibrous  dysplasia of bone
De vezels in de toplaag = The fibres in the top layer
de vezels van de maatschappij = the fabric of society
de vezels van de maatschappij = the very fabric of society
de Viagra = anti-  impotence drug
"De vier fasen zijn exploreren, ideation, prototyping en testen." = prototyping
de vier hoeken = the four corners
de vier ruiters van de Apocalyps = Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
de vierde = the fourth
de viervoudige contactdoos met snoer = four-socket adapter
de viervoudige contactdoos met snoer = four-way adapter
de vigerende wettelijke bepalingen = the legal provisions in force
de vijant = enemy
de vijf (klassieke) orden = five classical orders
de vijfde en zesde = the fifth and sixth
de vijfde en zesde plaat = the fifth and sixth board
de vijg = the fig
de vijver = the fishpond
de vinger = the finger
de vinger aan de pols te houden van de markt = keep its finger on the pulse of the market
de viool = violin
de vis = the fish
de visie en de strategie = vision and strategy
de visschubachtig huidaandoening = ichthyosiform desquamation
de visuele vermoeidheid = eyestrain
de vitale aanbieders en de vakdepartementen = the critical operators and the line ministries
de vlakkeplaatbrug = flat bridge
de vlakke-plaatbrug met draaibaar gedeelte = flat swing bridge
de vlakplaat (loodgieterij) = gib
de vlam = flame
de vleermuis = the bat
de vleugel = the wing
de vleugels van het profiel = the profile flanges
de vlieg = the fly
De Vliegende Hollander = Dutchman
de vlinder = the butterfly
de vlo = the flea
de vloeibaarheid van het materiaal = the fluidity of the material
de vloeibare chocolade massa wordt gespoten op onderdelen van de mal = the liquid chocolate mass is sprayed onto parts of the mold
"De vloeibare vorm van propaan, butaan of mengsels van deze twee stoffen w" = "Propane, butane, or mixtures of these two substances in a liquid form is "
de vloeistof vermengd wordt met lucht = the liquid is mixed with air
de vloeistofstroomindicator = flowmeter
de vloerdelen = floorboards
de vlooienmarkt = flea market
de vlot en snel = smooth and quick
De vlotter is bevestigd aan de onderzijde van een lange holle buis (.). = The float is attached to the underside of a long hollow tube (.).
de vlucht = flight
de vlucht nemen = flee
de voedingsindustrie en andere = the food industry and other sectors
de voedingsmiddelenindustrie = the food industry
de voedingsstoornis = malnutrition
de voedingsvezel = ballast
de voedingsvezel = bulk
de voedingsvezel = dietary fiber
de voedingsvezel = fiber in your diet
de voedingsvezel = roughage
de Voedsel en medecijnen administratie = "Food &  Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of the U.S. government"
de voedselaanbod = food supply
de voedseladditieven = food additives
de voetganger = pedestrian
de voetleien (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves joint
de voetleien / de rij onderpannen (i.v.m. dakbedekking) = eaves course
de voetplaat = the base plate
de vogel = the bird
de vogelverschrikker = the scarecrow
De volgende = The following
de volgende aanvullende richtlijnen = the following additional guidelines
de volgende aanwijzingen = The following instructions
de volgende activiteiten = the following operations
de volgende arbeidsovereenkomst = the following employment contract
De volgende beschrijving van de figuren van specifieke uitvoeringen van d = The following description of the figures of specific embodiments of the i
de volgende bewaartermijnen = the following retention periods
de volgende business units = the following business units
de volgende categorieën = the following categories
De volgende communicatieafspraken = The following communication arrangements
de volgende complete rij/laag = the next complete row/layer
de volgende componenten = the following components
de volgende conclusies = the following claims
de volgende dag verwerkten we = the next day we would discuss
De volgende dingen besproken = Discussed the following things
de volgende documenten = The following documents
De volgende documenten zijn ingezien en akkoord bevonden = The following documents have been seen and approved
De volgende drie principes = The following three principles
de volgende eenheden = the following entities
de volgende eisen verbonden = subject to the following requirements
de volgende elementen = the following elements
de volgende factoren = the following factors
de volgende functionaliteit = the following functionality
de volgende functionaliteiten = the following functionality
de volgende gegevens = the following details
de volgende gegevens = the following information
De volgende gegevens worden getoond = The following data is shown
De volgende gegevens worden getoond = The following information is displayed
de volgende huisregels = The following House Rules
de volgende informatie = the following information
de volgende invulling = are given substance to as follows
de volgende karakteristieken = the following characteristics
de volgende kernwaarden = the following core values
de volgende knoppen/items = the following buttons/items
de volgende laag = the next layer
de volgende medewerkers = the following staff members
De volgende middelen kunnen hierbij worden ingezet = The following resources can be used for this purpose
de volgende migratiestappen = the following migration steps
de volgende onderwerpen = The following subjects
de volgende organen = the following bodies
de volgende organisaties = the following organisations
de volgende parameters = the following parameters
de volgende plekken = the following locations
de volgende prijzen zijn slechts ter indicatie = the following prices are approximate only
de volgende procedure = The following procedure
de volgende punten worden beoordeeld = the following points are evaluated
De volgende requirements = The following requirements
De volgende requirements worden standaard ondersteund = The following requirements are supported by default
De volgende richtlijnen = The following guidelines
de volgende scores behaald = achieved the following scores
de volgende sessies = the following sessions
de volgende situaties = the following situations
de volgende stap in de loop = the next step in the loop
de volgende stappen = the following steps
De volgende stellingen gaan over = The following statements relate to
De volgende technische controles = The following technical checks
de volgende uitgangspunten = the following principles
de volgende verplichtingen = the following obligations
de volgende volgorde = the following order
de volgende voorwaarden = the following terms and conditions
De volgende voorwaarden gelden = The following conditions apply
de volgende vragen = the following questions
de volgende werkzaamheden = the following activities
de volgende werkzaamheden verricht = carried out the following tasks
de volgende wettelijke verlofregelingen = the following statutory leave schemes
de volgens het beleid geldende spelregels = the rules that apply according to the policy
de volgplicht inroept = invoke the drag-along obligation
de volksgezondheidscertificaat = health certificate
de volksgezondheidscertificaat = medical certificate
de volksgroep = ethnicity
de Volkskrant = Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant
De volledig met kaarten uitgeruste regeleenheid = "The control unit, fully equipped with cards"
De volledig met kaarten uitgeruste veiligheidsinrichting = "The safety device, fully equipped with cards"
de volledige correspondentie met hun klanten = their complete correspondence with their clients
de volledige inhoud van deze gebruiksaanwijzing = the entire contents of this user manual
de volledige installatie los te maken = disconnect the complete installation
de volledige lengte = the entire length
de volledige logistiek = all logistics
de volledige menginstallatie = the complete mixing installation
De volledige naam van dit geneesmiddel is = The full name of this medicine is
de volledige opstelling = the complete setup
de volledige regie van de transitie op zich nemen = can assume full control of the Transition
de volledige vergoeding = the full fee
de volledige vergoeding door = the full fee paid by
de volledige weergave van de rechten en verplichtingen van partijen = the entire representation of the rights and obligations of parties
de voltijdbaan = full-time employment
de vonk = the spark
de voor dat medisch hulpmiddel geldende regels = the rules applicable to said medical device
de voor hem geldende vaste AOW-gerechtigde leeftijd = state pension age
de voor hen geldende arbeidsvoorwaarden = working conditions applicable to them
de voor oproeping gestelde termijn = the time limit set for convening the meeting
de vooraf door Yellax goedgekeurde specificaties = the specifications approved by Yellax in advance
De voorafbepaalde fractie = The predetermined fraction
de voorafbepaalde nauwkeurigheidsdrempel = the predetermined accuracy threshold
de voorafbepaalde tijdsdrempel = the predetermined time threshold
de voorafbepaalde translatiedrempelwaarde en/of de voorafbepaalde rotatie = the predetermined translational threshold and/or the predetermined rotati
De voorbeelden zijn legio = The examples are legion
de voorbeeldweergave van items en toetsen kunt bekijken = preview items and tests
de voorbereiding en uitvoering = project preparation and implementation
De voordelen = The advantages
De voordelen hiervan uit een oogpunt van = The advantages in terms of
"De voordelen hiervan uit een oogpunt van kosten, efficiency, flexibilitei" = "The advantages in terms of cost, efficiency, flexibility, control and sus"
de voordelen overtreffen de nadelen = the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
De voordelen van = The advantages of
De voordelen van een dergelijke = The advantages of such a
de voorgaande bepalingen = the foregoing provisions
De voorgaande beschrijving = The foregoing description
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.  
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.  
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.  
De voorgaande beschrijving geeft details van bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen v = The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention.  
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention i
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention
De voorgaande beschrijving verklaart bepaalde uitvoeringsvormen van de ui = The foregoing description explains certain embodiments of the invention i
de voorgaande bijwerking = the previous update
de voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = the previous update of the spatial location information
de voorgeschreven grens niet wordt overschreden = the prescribed limit is not exceeded
de voorkeur geven aan = prefer
de voorkeur voor één oog of het andere = ocular dominance
de voorkeuren van de tolk = the preferences of the interpreter
de voorlichting = dissemination of information
de voorlichting = information dissemination
de voorlichting over drugs = drug education
De voorliggende analyse = The present analysis
de voorlopige ondertoezichtstelling uitspreken = to give a interim (family) supervision order
de voorlopige ondertoezichtstelling uitspreken = to issue a interim (family) supervision order
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = and wiring machine
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = flanging
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = swaging
de voormachine (loodgieterij) = "flanging, swaging, and wiring machine"
De voormelde leveringstermijn = The aforementioned delivery period
de voornaamste begrippen gebruikt in de onderhavige uitvinding = the no
de voornaamste componenten = the main components
De voornaamste oorzaak ligt in = The primary cause is
De voornaamste voordelen = The main advantages
de vooropgestelde eigenschap = the envisioned property
de voorraad is uitgeput = the stock is run out
de voorraad is zeer gering = the stock is very low
de voorrang hebben boven = to have priority over
de voorrang hebben boven = to rank above
de voorrang hebben boven = to take precedence of/over
de voors en tegens = the pros and cons
"De voorschriften, vereisten en procedures" = "The regulations, requirements and procedures"
"De voorschriften, vereisten en procedures van" = "The regulations, requirements and procedures of"
de voortijdige mortaliteit van zuigelingen = neonatal mortality
de voortuin = front garden
De Voorwaarden en Bedingen = The Terms and Conditions
De voorwaarden van deze Overeenkomst = The terms of this Agreement
de voorwaarden waaronder = the conditions under which
de voorwaarden waaronder = the conditions under
de voorzijde van zijportie = the front side of the side portion
de vordering die het voorwerp uitmaakt van huidige procedure in te stelle = to bring the claim that is the subject of the current proceedings
de vordering is niet-overdraagbaar = the claim is not assignable
de vordering is niet-overdraagbaar = the debt is not assignable
de vordering ter incasso uit handen is gegeven = the claim has been passed on for collection
de vordering tot schadevergoeding = damages
de vordering tot schadevergoeding gewaardeerd naar de omstandigheden = damages shall be evaluated according to the circumstances
de vordering uit handen geven = may pass on the claim for collection
de vordering van een aandeelhouder tot uitkering vervalt door een tijdsve = any claim a shareholder may have to a distribution lapses after five year
De vordering van eiser slechts gedeeltelijk gegrond te verklaren = Declare the Claimant’s claim only partially well-founded
de vorderingen met een deurwaarder halen = to send in the bailiffs
de vorderingen op = the amounts due from
de vorderingsstaat aanpassen en opnieuw voorleggen aan de Opdrachtgever = adapt the progress report and submit it again to the Client
de vorige huurder = the former tenant
de vorige nacht = last night
de vork = the fork
de vorksplitsing = bifurcation
de vorksplitsing = forking
de vorksplitsing = furcation
de vorm = the shape
De vorm en afmetingen van = The shape and dimensions of
de vorm van de = the shape of the
de vorm van het vouwbare tapijt na wassen behouden blijft = the shape of the foldable carpet is retained after washing
de vorming van je kind = the education of your child
de vos = the fox
de vraag = demand
De vraag die dan opgeroepen wordt = The question that then arises
De vraag die zich aandient is of = The question that arises is whether
De vraag doet zich dan voor = as to how the EIS system within the
De vraag is vervolgens = The question then is
de vraag naar verschillende vormen van = the demand for different forms of
de vraag naar vitaliteit = the demand for vitality
de vraag of een merk normaal werd gebruikt = assessment of whether a trade mark has been put to genuine use
de vraag van de opdrachtgever = the client’s question
de vraagstelling herformuleren = reformulate  the research question
de vracht en verdere op de zaken drukkende kosten te voldoen = pay the freight and further costs incumbent on the goods
"de vracht, de passage, het uit anderen hoofde terzake van het vervoer ver" = "freight payment, the passage fare, that which is owed on another basis in"
De vragenlijst die ik heb afgenomen = The questionnaire I administered
de vriend = friend
de vrijdag = Friday
de vrije beschikking over zijn vermogen verliest = loses the power to dispose of its own capital
de vrije beschikking over zijn vermogen verliezen = to lose the power to dispose of one’s capital
de vrije hoogte onder de geleider = the clearance height below the conductor
de vrijeschoolpedagogiek = Steiner educational theory
de vrijheid = the freedom
de vrijheid om zelf structuur te geven aan hun werk = the freedom to personally give structure to one’s work
de vrijheid van inrichting betekent dat het bijzonder onderwijs vrij is o = the freedom of organisation of teaching means that privately-run schools 
de vroege genen = IEG:  immediate-early genes
de vroege generalisatie = early dispersion
de vroege-fasereactie = immediate-phase reaction
de vroegtijdige opsporing = early  diagnosis
de vrouw = the woman
de vrouw worden van = become the wife of
de vrouwen = womenfolk
de vrouwen = womankind
de vrucht = fruit
de vrucht afdrijven = abort
de vruchtbaarheid schaden = may affect fertility
de vruchtbaarheid schaden = may impair  fertility
de vruchtdood = fetal death
de vruchtgebruiker en de blote eigenaar samen = the usufructuary and the bare owner jointly
de vuist = the fist
de vul- en tapkraan = bleeder
de vulkaan = volcano
De waakvlam (pilot burner of pilot light) wordt gebruikt om de hoofd- en  = The pilot light (or pilot burner) is used to ignite the main burner and c
De waan van de dag = The issues of the day
de waarde moet groter zijn dan = the value must be greater than
de waarde representatief voor de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijw = the value representative of the amount of time that has elapsed since the
de waarde representatief voor de verstreken tijd sinds de voorgaande bijw = the value representative of the amount of time that has elapsed since the
de waarde van = the value of
de waarde van de onderliggende activa = the value of the underlying assets
de waarden die we delen blijven hetzelfde = the values we share remain the same
de waardeontwikkeling van de onderliggende portefeuille = the performance of the underlying portfolio
De waardering is aan nominale waarde uitgevoerd. = These have been taken/charged at carrying/face value.
de waarheid aan het licht te brengen = reveal the truth
de waarnemingsdrempel = limit of detection
de waarnemingsdrempel = lower limit of detection
de waarnemingsdrempel = detection limit
De wacht hebben = To be on guard
de wacht hebben = guard
De wacht hebben = To be on call
de Waddenzee en het Marsdiep daarbij inbegrepen = including the Wadden Sea and the Marsdiep
de wagon = the car
De wal zal het schip wel keren… = Nature will decide...
De wal zal het schip wel keren… = the tide will turn
de walvis = the whale
de wandluis = the bug
de wandportie = the wall portio
de wandportie en de afdekportie = the wall portion and the covering portion
de wandportie van het eerste element = the wall portion of the first element
de war = rumpled
de warme ventilatielucht = the warm ventilation air
de warmtestraler = infrared heater
de wartelbalk (bekisting) = frame timber
de was = the wax
De was doen = Launder
de was doen = wash
de was doet = does the laundry
De wat duurdere modellen = The more expensive models
de water-aerobics = hydrokinesitherapy
de waterkoelmachine is op het dak in een buitenopstelling gesitueerd = the water-cooling machine is located outside on the roof
De waterleiding moet aangesloten worden = The water supply should be connected
de watermeloen = the water-melon
de waterstofperoxide = H2O2
de waterzijdige weerstand = the waterside resistance
de website van OOM Verzekeringen = the website of OOM Verzekeringen
de wederpartij in staat van faillissement is verklaard = the other Party has been declared insolvent
De wederpartij in staat van faillissement wordt verklaard = The other party goes into liquidation
de wederpartij in vrijwaring betrekken = 1. join in a third-party defendant for a contribution & indemnity
de wederpartij in vrijwaring betrekken = 2. add as a co-defendant
De wederpartij is te allen tijde verplicht = The other party shall always be obliged
de wederpartij niet langer in staat moet worden geacht haar verplichtinge = the other party can no longer be deemed capable of fulfilling its obligat
de wederpartij surséance van betaling heeft aangevraagd dan wel surséan = "the other Party has applied for, or been granted, suspension of payments"
de wederpartij van ABC bij de overeenkomst = the party with which ABC contracts
de week = the week
de weergave = display
de weergave = presentation
de weergave van FIG = the view of FIG
de weg = way
de weg kwijt = lost
de weg naar de hel is geplaveid met goede voornemens = the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (proverb)
de weg te effenen = prepare the ground
de weg tot individuatie = process of  individuation
de weg vragen = can ask for directions
de weg wijzen = conduct
de weging van vastgoed in de aandelenportefeuille terugbrengen = to reduce the real estate weighting in the share portfolio
de weglatingen zijn doorstreept = the deletions are crossed out
"de weigering, eten door te geven" = food deprivation
de wenkbrauw = eyebrow
de wensen en behoeften van de klant = the wishes and needs of the customer
de wensen van de klant centraal stelt = put the customer’s wishes first
de wereld = the world
de wereld is aan de durvers! = "Who dares, wins!"
De wereld staat echter niet stil = "However, the world is constantly changing"
de werf = the platform
de werkbalkknop die van toepassing = the relevant toolbar button
de werkelijk gewerkte uren = the hours actually worked
de werkelijke energie die gespendeerd wordt om een zekere energievorm te  = the actual energy required to obtain a specific form of energy
de werkelijke kosten bij gebruik van openbaar vervoer = the actual cost of using public transport
de werkelijke kosten bij gebruik van openbaar vervoer 2e klas = the actual cost of using public transport in 2nd class
de werkelijke optische eigenschappen van de verschillende lagen = the actual optical properties of the various layers
de werkelijke voorraad in het magazijn = the actual stock level in the warehouse
De werkelijke waarde van = The true value of
"de werkelijkheid, de realiteit [definite article only]" = reality (entirety of all that is real)
de werken = works
de werken = the works
de werker in de gezondheidszorg = health practitioner
De werkgever behoudt zich het recht voor = The employer reserves the right
de werkgever behoudt zich het recht voor de arbeidsovereenkomst eenzijdig = the employer reserves the right to change the employment contract unilate
"De werkgever brengt, indien van toepassing, onderstaande kosten in rekeni" = "If applicable, Employer will charge the following costs to Employee"
de werkgever dient een pensioentoezegging buiten de risicosfeer van de on = the employer must ensure that its pension commitments are not exposed to 
De werkgever dient te zorgen voor = The employer must ensure
De Werkgever hanteert een boeteregeling. = Employer has implemented penalty rules.
De werkgever kan de werknemer pas tewerkstellen = The Employer can only employ the Employee
De werkgever neemt de werknemer in dienst = Employer shall employ Employee
De werkgever neemt de werknemer in dienst in de functie van = Employer shall employ Employee in the capacity of
de werkgever van de medewerker = the employer of the employee
De werkgever verplicht zich = The employer undertakes
De werkgever zal de woning van de medewerker aankopen = The employer will purchase the home of the employee
"De Werkgever zal voor de kosten van de zorgverzekering, indien van toepas" = "If applicable, Employer will withhold a weekly amount of €20.36 from Em"
"De Werkgever zal voor verblijfskosten, indien van toepassing, wekelijks e" = "If applicable, Employer will withhold an amount of €70 from the Employe"
De werkgroep is van mening dat = The Working Group considers that
de werking van = the operation of
de werking van artikel 7 lid 2 BW wordt uitgesloten = the scope of Section 7(2) of the Dutch Civil Code is excluded
de werking van de = the operation of the
de werking van de geslachtklieren beïnvloedt of bevordert = gonadotropic
de werking van de geslachtklieren beïnvloedt of bevordert = stimulating sperm production
De werking van de homepagina = How to use the homepage
de werking van de wet is tot x opgeschort = the date on which the Act comes into effect has been postponed until
de werking van software van derden = the operation of third party software
De Werknemer erkent een exemplaar te hebben ontvangen van = Employee acknowledges having received a copy of
De Werknemer heeft de verplichting strikte confidentialiteit te bewaren = Employee must maintain strict confidentiality
De werknemer heeft jaarlijks recht op = Employee is annually entitled to
De Werknemer heeft recht op = Employee is entitled to
De Werknemer is jegens Werkgever verplicht = Employee warrants to Employer
De Werknemer machtigt hierbij de Werkgever = Employee hereby authorises Employer
"De werknemer ontvangt, indien van toepassing, de volgende vergoedingen" = "Where applicable, Employee will receive the following reimbursement"
De Werknemer rapporteert aan = The Employee reports to
de werknemer te re-integreren = to rehabilitate the employee
De werknemer treedt met ingang van BEGINDATUM dienst van de werkgever. = Employee shall enter the service of Employer as from the START DATE.
De werknemer verbindt er zich toe voor de duur van de overeenkomst bij de = The Employee undertakes to remain in the Employer’s employment for the 
De Werknemer verbindt zich ertoe = Employee undertakes
de werknemer wordt aangesteld in de functie van accountmanager = the employee will be employed as an account manager
De werknemer wordt ontslagen om de opgegeven reden = That the employee is being dismissed for the reason given
de werknemers van de Klant = the employees of the Customer
de werknemers van de Klant inbegrepen = the employees of the Customer included
De werkplek voor de agent heeft niet meer nodig dan een standaard PC met  = The agent’s workplace requires nothing more than a standard PC with int
de werksfeer en de prestaties = the working environment and performance
De werktijden van de medewerker = The working hours of the employee
de werkvloer op school = in the classroom
De werkwijze = The method
de werkwijze = the method
De werkwijze beschrijft = The method describes
de werkwijze de bijkomende stap omvat van = the method comprises the additional step of
de werkwijze die voorheen beschreven werd = the method described previously
De werkwijze is bovendien gunstig = The method is additionally beneficial
De werkwijze is dan specifiek voor = The method is then specifically for
De werkwijze is in het bijzonder voordelig = The method is particularly advantageous
De werkwijze kan daarbij de stap bevatten = The method may thereby include the step
De werkwijze kan eveneens gebruikt worden = The method can also be used
De werkwijze kan voordeelsmatig gebruik maken van = The method can advantageously make use of
De werkwijze maakt het mogelijk om = The method permits
De werkwijze omvat = The method comprises
De werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap = The method comprises the additional step
de werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap van = the method comprises the additional step of
De werkwijze omvat de bijkomende stap van = The method comprises the additional step of
De werkwijze omvat de stappen van = The method comprises the following steps
De werkwijze omvat de stappen van = The method comprises the steps of
De werkwijze omvat het vermijden 12 van = The method comprises the avoidance 12 of
De werkwijze omvat het vermijden van = The method comprises the avoidance of
De werkwijze omvat stappen = The method includes steps
de werkwijze omvat verder = the method further comprises
De werkwijze omvat voorts = The method further comprises
de werkwijze omvattend = the method comprising
de werkwijze omvattende = the method comprising
de werkwijze omvattende de stappen van = the method comprising the steps of
de werkwijze substantieel automatisch wordt uitgevoerd = the method is carried out substantially automatically
de werkwijze toelaat = the method allows
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan � = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate 
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan � = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate 
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan éé = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate 
De werkwijze van het tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding kan éé = The method of the second aspect of the present invention may incorporate 
de werkwijze verder een stap omvat = the method further comprises a step
De werkwijze volgens conclusie = The method according to claim
De werkwijze volgens conclusie = The method of claim
De werkwijze volgens conclusie 20 = The method according to claim 20
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding = The method according to the invention
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding is toepasbaar = The method according to the invention can be applied
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding kan worden toegepast = The method according to the invention can be applied
De werkwijze volgens de uitvinding kan worden toegepast in allerlei syste = The method according to the invention can be applied in all sorts of syst
de werkwijze volgens één der conclusies = the method of any of claims
De werkwijze volgens een der voorgaande conclusies = The method of any of the preceding claims
De werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The method of any of the preceding claims
De werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van de conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens één van de voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of the previous claims
de werkwijze volgens het eerste aspect = the method according to the first aspect
De werkwijze volgens ��n van conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens ��n van de conclusies = The method according to one of claims
De werkwijze volgens ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = The method according to any of the previous claims
De werkwijze volgens onderhavige uitvinding = The method of the present invention
de werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen = the method according to embodiments
de werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = the method according to embodiments of the present invention
"de werkwijze voor het vastleggen, maskeren en verzenden van een videofeed" = "the method capturing, masking and transmitting video feed based on the in"
de werkwijze zoals hierin beschreven = the method as described herein
de werkzaamheden afronden = to complete the work
de werkzaamheden afronden = to finalize the work
De werkzaamheden bestaan uit = The work consists of
de werkzaamheden der vennootschap = the activities of the partnership
De werkzaamheden door de door Yellax ter beschikking gestelde personen = The work performed by the staff posted by Yellax
de werkzaamheden en activiteiten = the work and activities
De werkzaamheden kunnen uitgevoerd worden = The work can be performed
de werkzaamheden niet naar behoren uitvoert = has failed to perform the Services properly
de werkzaamheden te hervatten = to resume the work
de werkzaamheden tijdens normale werkuren kunnen worden uitgevoerd = the work can be carried out during normal working hours
De werkzaamheden vinden gefaseerd plaats = The work will take place in phases
De werkzaamheden vinden plaats = The work will take place
De werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd = The work will be carried out
De werkzame stof in dit middel is = The active substance is
de wesp = wasp
de Westhoek = the Westhoek
de Wet op de ondernemingsraden bevat de kaders voor de medezeggenschap = the Works Councils Act contains the frameworks for employee participation
de wet op de privacy = privacy legislation
de wet van 24 december 1993 betreffende de overheidsopdrachten = the Act dated 24 December 1993 relating to government contracts
de Wet van Murphy = 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.'
De Wet verbetering Poortwachter en het Reïntegratieverslag = Dutch law pertaining to reintegration from sick leave / Dutch Gatekeeping
de wetenschap = science
de wetenschap = the scientific community
de wetgever = legislation
de wetgever = legislature
de wetgever heeft op overtreding van de voorziening een behoorlijk zware  = the legislature has set a rather heavy penalty for the infringement of th
de wetgeving betreffende het auteursrecht = copyright law
de wettelijke bepalingen die aan het vonnis ten grondslag liggen = the statutory provisions on which the sentence is based
de wettelijke bepalingen met betrekking tot de identificatie zijn door mi = the legal requirements with respect to identification have been fulfilled
de wettelijke eisen die gesteld worden aan elektrische apparaten = the legal requirements for electrical devices
de wettelijke rente over de proceskosten verschuldigd zijn = shall owe the statutory interest on the costs of the proceedings
de wetten van een ander rechtstelsel = the laws of another legal system
de wieg = the cradle
de wierook = incense
de wig = the wedge
de wijde wereld = the big wide world
de wijn = wine
de wijngaard = the vineyard
de wijnoogt = vintage
de wijnstok = the vine
de wijsheid = wisdom
de wijze van betaling = the method of payment
de wijze waarop de API de plaatsbepaling uitvoert = the manner in which the API performs the positioning
de wijze waarop de overeenkomst tot stand zal komen = how the agreement will be concluded
de wijze waarop de overeenkomst tot stand zal komen en welke handelingen  = how the agreement will be concluded and what actions are required to this
de wijze waarop producten tot rijen en rijen tot lagen worden geformeerd = the way in which products are formed into rows and rows are formed into l
de wijze waarop uw klacht is behandeld = the way in which your complaint was dealt with
de wijzigingsgebeurtenis omvattende een code = the change event comprising a code
de wil = will
de wilsrechten worden niet toegepast = the optional right is not exercised
de wimper = eyelash
de wind = wind
de windroos = the wind rose
de winkel wordt door de franchisenemer als zelfstandig ondernemer geëxpl = independent trader
de winkel wordt door de franchisenemer als zelfstandig ondernemer geëxpl = the shop is being operated by the franchisee as an independent trader und
De winst per aandeel = Earnings per share
de winst wordt eerst verdeeld en daarna uitgekeerd = first the profit is appropriated and thereupon distributed
de winter = winter
de winterslaap houden = to hibernate
de woensdag = Wednesday
de wol = the wool
De Wolden = De Wolden
de wolf = the wolf
de wolk = cloud
De Woonmensen = De Woonmensen
de woordvoerder = spokesman
de woorst = sausage
de wortel = the root
de wraak = vengeance
de wratten van Hasall-Henle = Hassall's corpuscles
de xanthine-oxidase = hypoxanthine oxidase: xanthine oxidase: an iron-molybdenum flavoprotein t
de zaadstreng = funiculus spermaticus
de zaag = the saw
de zaag van Gigli = Gigli saw
De zaagketting op het kettingwiel (6/3) en in de groef van het zaagblad a = Place the saw chain on chain sprocket (6/3) and in the groove of the chai
De zaagketting vervolgens rondom het omkeerwiel op het zaagblad heen hale = "Following this, guide the saw chain around the reversing sprocket of the "
De zaagketting zal aan de onderkant van het zaagblad iets doorhangen. = The saw chain hangs down slightly on the underside of the chain bar.
de zaak afdoen door een compromis = to settle the matter upon a compromise
de zaak als de verpakking = the item and the packaging
de zaak in voortzetting stellen = postpone the case
de zaak is in onderzoek = the matter is being investigated
de zaak is voor risico van de verkoper = the seller bears the risk of the thing
de zaak naar de rol te verzenden = to place the case in the cause list
de zaak niet meer vertrouwen = to become suspicious
de zaak op zijn partner overschrijven = put the business in one's partner’s name
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is down for a hearing
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is in the docket (US)
de zaak staat op de rol = the case is on the list
de zaak tot het einde doorzetten = to push the matter through
de zaak tot het einde doorzetten = to see the matter through
de zaal = the audience
de zachte gelkapsel = soft  gelatin capsule
de zachte gummy van de uitvinding = the soft gummy of the invention
de zak = pocket
De zaken = The goods
de zaken der vennootschap = the partnership’s affairs
de zaken en belangen van de Onderneming = the business and interests of the Company
de zaken en belangen van Werkgever = the affairs and interests of Employer
de zaken op een andere dan gebruikelijke wijze dienen te worden geleverd = goods should be delivered in a different way than usual
de zaken ten vervoer ter beschikking te stellen = tendering the goods for carriage
de zaklantaarn = flashlight
de zalm = the salmon
de zaterdag = Saturday
de zee = sea
de zee-egel = the sea urchin
de zeef = the sieve
de zeemeeuw = the sea-gull
de zeep = the soap
de zegening = the blessing
de zekerheid = security
de zelfde opeenvolging van = the same sequence of
de zenuw = nerve
de zenuwweefselgroeifactor = nerve  growth factor
De zetel van de vennootschap is gevestigd in = The registered office of the company is located in
de zetkop (van klinknagel) = die head
de zich in het griffiedossier bevindende gedingstukken = the case documents in the court file
De zich op Overmacht beroepende partij = The party invoking force majeure
De zich op Overmacht beroepende partij verstrekt op eerste verzoek bewijs = The party invoking force majeure shall provide evidence of the force maje
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospital care
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospital treatment
de ziekenhuiszorg = hospitalization
de ziekenhuiszorg = medical care in the hospital
de ziekenkas = health insurance
de ziekenkas = medical insurance
de ziekte = illness
de ziekte van Camurati-Engelmann = progressive  diaphyseal dysplasia
de ziekte van Friedreich = hereditary spinal sclerosis
de ziekte van Friedreich = "hereditary spinal sclerosis, Friedreich disease"
de ziekte van Friedreich = Friedreich ataxia
de ziekte van Gougerot = allergic cutaneous angiitis
de ziekte van Gougerot = allergic cutaneous vasculitis
de ziekte van Gougerot = Gougerot's syndrome
de ziekte van Gougerot = Gougerot's trisymptomatic disease
de ziekte van Gowers = Gowers' atrophy
de ziekte van Heine-Medin = Heine-Medin disease
de ziekte van Kikuchi = histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
de ziekte van Landau-von Hippel = Cushing  hemangioma
de ziekte van Lou Gehrig = "Lou  Gehrig's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"
de ziekte van Lou Gehrig = progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
de ziekte van Parkinson = Parkinson's disease (Parkinson's disease)
de ziekte van Romberg = Romberg disease
de ziektes van het vegetatief zenuwstelsel = diseases of the  autonomic nervous system
de ziektetoestand = statement
de ziel = the soul
de zijde = silk
de zijde gericht naar = the side facing
de zijde gericht naar de buitenomgeving = the side facing the outside environment
de zijde waarop het elektrische inrichting is gemonteerd = the side on which the electrical device is mounted
de zijkniptang = cutting pliers
de zijne = its
de zijne = his
De zijne = Hers
de zijportie = the side portion
"de zijportie, de afdekportie en de eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen" = "the side portion, the covering portion and the first and second connectin"
"de zijportie, de afdekportie en de eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen" = "the side portion, the covering portion and the first and second connectin"
de zijwand = the side wall
de zijwanden = the side walls
de zijwanden daarvan = the side walls thereof
de zingeving van = the meaning of
de zinneloosheid = mental illness
de zogenaamde = the so-called
de zomer = summer
de zon = the sun
de zondag = Sunday
de zones die patiëntinformatie bevatten = the zones containing patient information
de zonlichtbehandeling = solar radiation
de zonnebloem = the sun-flower
de zonne-energiebranche = the solar energy industry
de zonnewende = the solstice
de zoon = son
de zorg op zich nemen voor = to assume charge of
de zorg op zich nemen voor = to take charge of
de zorg van een goed opdrachtnemer in acht te nemen = must exercise the care of a good contractor
de zorg voor = taking care of
de zorg voor ouderen = elderly care
de zorg voor ouderen = providing care for the elderly
de zorg voor ouderen = taking care of the elderly
de zorg voor ouderen = elder care
de zorgaanbieder = "health care provider: a person or organization that helps to identify, tr"
de zorgsector = healthcare
de zuil = column
"De zuiverheid van een diamant wordt bepaald door het aantal, de grootte, " = "The clarity - or purity - of a diamond is determined by the number, the s"
de zuster = sister
de zuurteregelaar = the pH-adjusting agent
de zwaan = the swan
de zwaluw = the swallow
de zwangere vrouwen = pregnant women
de zwangere vrouwen = expectant mothers
de zwangerschapstetanie = gestation tetany
de zwavel = the sulphur
de zweetklierontsteking = suppurative  hydrosadenitis
de zweetklierontsteking = suppurative hidradenitis
de zweetklierontsteking = Verneuil's disease
de zwerm = the swarm
de zwevers = floaters: spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vi
DEA = Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs
deaccorderen = disapprove
Deactiveer = Deactivate
deactiveren = deactivate
Deactiveren via = Deactivate via
Deactiveren via accountinstellingen = Deactivating via account settings
deactivering = deactivation
deadline = deadline
deadline (datum) = deadline
deadline {de} = deadline
deadlines = deadlines
deadlines gehaald worden = deadlines are met
deadlines op een opdracht = job deadlines
deadlocks = deadlocks
Deadweight loss = Deadweight loss
Deadweight loss = Dead loss
DEA-FIA = Finance Information and Accounting office (Finance Office)
DEA-IM = Information Management Office
dealer = agent
Dealer = Racketeer
Dealer = Peddler
dealer = dealer
Dealer = Trafficker
dealer = dealer
Dealer development = Dealer development
Dealer display = Dealer display
Dealer netwerk = Dealer network
dealer(s = dealer(s
Dealercontract = Dealer contract
dealer-installeerbaar = dealer installable
dealernetwerk = dealer network
dealers = dealers
Dealersupport = Dealer support
Dean = Dean
dean = dean
dean = Dean
Dean (van een school) = Dean
DEA-PC = Planning and Control Office
DEA-PIA = Personnel Information and Administration Office (Personnel Office)
Death metal = Death metal
Debacle = Collapse
Debacle = Break-up
Debacle = Ice flow
Debacle = Breaking up
Debacle = Rout
debâcle = collapse
debâcle = abortion
debat = argument
Debat = Debate
debatteren = beat off
"debatteren, uitpraten, bespreken" = debate  (participate in a debate)
debet = debit
debetadvies = debit advice
debetkaartdiensten = debit card services
debetkaarten = debit cards
Debetrekening = Debit account
debetvalutadatum = debit value date
Debetzijde = Debit side
Debetzijde = Debit
Debetzijde = Debtor's side
Debiet = Flow rate
debiet = flow
Debiet = Debit
debiet = capacity
Debiet = Modulus
Debiet = Air flow
debiet = discharge
debiet = flow rate
debiet meter / = flow meter
debiet of regelwaarde = flow rate or control value
debiet sneeuw = snow flow rate
debietbegrenzer = flow limiter
debietbegrenzer = flow limiter set
debieteis = flow rate requirement
debieten = flow rates
debieten en regelwaarden = flow rates and control values
debieten of regelwaarden = flow rates or control values
Debietmeetdiensten = Flow-monitoring services
Debietmeetuitrusting = Flow-measuring equipment
debietmeter = flow meter
debietregelaar = discharge regulator
debietregelaar voor het regelen van de snelheid van de banden = flow controller for controlling the speed of the belts
debietsensor = flow sensor
debiteren = debit
debiteren = narrate
debiteren voor een bedrag = charge
debiteren voor een bedrag = debit entry
debiteren voor een bedrag = to debit with an amount
debitering = debit adjustment
debiteur = creditor
Debiteur = Debtor
debiteur {de} = debtor
debiteuren = debtors
debiteuren (boekhoudkundig) = accounts receivable
debiteuren (boekhoudkundig) = accounts collectable (see: crediteuren = accounts payable)
Debiteuren Administrateur = Debtors Accountant
Debiteuren en Artikelen = Accounts receivable and products
debiteuren manen tot betaling = to demand payment from debtors
debiteurenadministratie [1] = accounts receivable department
debiteurenadministratie [2] = accounts receivable records
debiteurenadministratie [3] = management of the accounts receivable
debiteurenbeheer = h: credit controller
debiteurenbeheer = credit management
debiteurenbeheer = debtor management
debiteurenbeheer = management of payments owed by customers
debiteurenbeheer = receivables management
debiteurenbeheerder = credit manager
debiteurenboek = sold ledger
Debiteurenboek = Sales ledger
debiteuren-controlerekening = sales ledger control account
debiteurenkrediet = debtor credit
Debiteurenland = Debtors' land
debiteurenlanden = debtor countries
Debiteurenmanagement = Debtor management
Debiteuren-netto = "Accounts receivables, net"
debiteurennummer = debtor number
debiteurenrekening = debtor account
Debiteurenrisico = Bad debt risk
debiteurenrisico = debtor risk
debiteurensubstitutie = debtor substitution
debiteurentermijn = debtor collection period
Debiteurnummer = Debtor number
debiteurnummer = debtor number
debitrice = debtor
Deblokkeer = unblock
deblokkeren = to release
deblokkeren (gelden) = "release, unfreeze (funds)"
deblokkeren (leerstoel) = release (the chair of)
Deblokkeren veerpotten = De-blocking die cushioning
deblokkering = release of royalties
deblokkering = anti-jamming
deblokkeringscode = unblock code
deblokkeringsmaatregel = anti-jamming measure
deblokkeringsmarge = anti-jamming margin
deblokkerings-PIN = subsidy PIN
debouncen = debounce
debrasquage = pot manufacture workshop
debrasseren = clear the tables
débridement = debridement
débridementmiddel = debridement agent
debriefing = debriefing
Debt Service Capacity Ratio = Debt Service Capacity Ratio
Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Debt servicing capacity = Debt servicing capacity
Debt-service ratio = Kasstroom ratio
debug = debug
debugcode = debug code
debugger = debugger
debugging = debugging
debuglogboek = debugging logbook
debugoperaties = debugging operations
deca = deca
decaan = student counsellor
Decaan = Dean
Decaan = Decane
Decaan = Provost
decaan = Student Counsellor
decaan (faculteit) = dean
decaan (faculteitsdecaan) = dean (faculty dean)
decaan (studenten) = student counsellor
decaan (studentendecaan) = student counsellor
decaan en directeur = dean and director
Decaan van de Faculteit der … = Dean of the Faculty of …
decaan van de FALW VU = Dean of the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW) of the VU
decaan van de FNWI UvA = Dean of the Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the UvA
Decaan van een faculteit = Dean of a Faculty
Decaanzuur = Decanoic acid
decaanzuur = decanoic acid
Decachloorbifenyl = Decachlorobiphenyl
Decachloorbifenylether = Decachlorobiphenylether
decaden = figures/digits
decadencondensatorbank = decade condenser instrument
Decadentie = Decadence
decadenweerstandsbank = decade resistance instrument
"decaf {m}, [Belgium] deca" = decaf (a decaffeinated drink)
decalcomanie en vastklevende stickers aangebracht door middel van een str = decals and iron-on heat transfers
decaliter = decaliter
decameter = decametre
decametrische golf = decametric wave
decanaat = Student Counsellors' Office
decanaat = student counselling service
decanaat = deanship
Decanal = Decanal
decanen = deans
decanteren = to decant
Decanteren = Carafe
Decanteren = Decanter
decanteren = decant
decastyle = decastyle
Décathlon = Decathlon
decatiseren = decatize
Decay-effect = Decay effect
Decay-theorie = Decay theory
Deceen = Decene
deceleratie = deceleration
decelereren = decelerate
December = December
december = December
december {de} = December <Dec.>
decemberdagen = december days
Decennia = Decade
decennia {mv} = decades
decennia lange ervaring = decades of experience
decennialang = for decades
decenniën {mv} = decades
Decennium = Decade
decennium {het} = decade
decent = decent
decent = decently
decentraal = locally
Decentraal = Peripheral
decentraal = decentralised
decentraal = devolved
decentraal = local
decentraal beslissingen = decentralised decisions
decentraal bijgehouden lijst = decentralised list
Decentraal Functioneel Beheer = Decentralised Operational Management (HvA)
Decentraal opgewekte energie = Locally generated energy
decentraal opgewekte stroom = locally generated power
decentraal parkeren = decentralised parking
Decentraal ventilatie-verwarmingstoestel = Peripheral ventilation heater
decentrale = decentral
decentrale = decentralised
decentrale bestand = local file
decentrale bestuurseenheden = decentralised operational units
decentrale elektriciteitsopwekking = decentralised power plant
Decentrale hardware = Decentralised hardware
decentrale intelligentie = decentralised intelligence
decentrale internet = decentralised internet
decentrale levering = decentralised delivery
Decentrale luchttoe- en luchtafvoer = Peripheral supply and exhaust
Decentrale luchttoevoer/centrale luchtafvoer = Peripheral supply/central exhaust
decentrale niveaus = decentralised levels
decentrale omvormer = decentralised inverter
decentrale omvormers = decentralised inverters
Decentrale opwekking = Combined heat and power
decentrale selectie = decentralised selection
Decentralisatie = Decentralization
decentralisatie = decentralisation
decentralisatie huisvesting = decentralised accommodation
decentralisatie huisvestingslasten = decentralised accommodation costs
decentralised application = decentralised application
decentralised application = dApp
decentralised applications = decentralised applications
decentraliseren = to decentralize
decentraliseren = to decentralise [Br.]
decentralisering = decentralization
decentralized application = decentralised application
decentralized application = dApp
decentralized applications = decentralised applications
decentralized wiring = decentralised wiring
Decertificering = Cancellation
Decertificering = cancellation of depositary receipts for shares in exchange for Shares
Decertificering = cancellation of the depositary receipts for shares in exchange for Shares
dechalinium = dequalinium: a topical bacteriostat
dechaliniumchloride = dequalinium chloride: a topical antiseptic
Decharge = Discharge
déchargebesluit = decision to grant discharge from liability (‘déchargebesluit’)
dechargeverlening = granting of discharge
dechargeverlening (aan de directie door de algemene vergadering van aande = Motion to endorse the policies of (pursued by) the Directors / Board of M
deci = deci
decibel = decibel
decibel = decibel: dB
Decibelmeter = Decibel meter
decibelschaal = decibel scale
deciel = decile
decimaal = decimal
decimaal = decimal place
decimaal cijfer = decimal digit
decimaal getal = decimal numeral
decimaal stelsel = decimal notation
decimaal teken = decimal point
decimaal veld = decimal field
"decimaal, decimale, tientallig, tientallige" = decimal {adj} (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations us
"Decimaal, octaal, hexadecimaal" = "Decimal, octal, hexadecimal"
decimaalstelsel = decimal
"decimaalstelsel, tientallig talstelsel" = decimal (number system)
decimaalteken {het} = decimal point
Decimale graad = Rank
decimale komma = decimal point
decimale punt = decimal point
"decimale stelsel, tientallig stelsel" = decimal system (numerical system of counting in tens)
decimale uren = decimal hours
decimale verzwakker = decimal attenuator
decimalen = decimals
decimalen = decimal places
decimeter = decimetre
Decimeter = Decimeter
decimetrische golf = decimetric wave
deci-millimetrische golf = decimillimetric wave
Decisiemodel = Decision-making model
Decision making unit = Decision making unit
Decision Support System = decision support system
decitex = decitex
Decius = Decius (emperor)
declamator = reciter
declameren = declaim
Declarabiliteits rapportage = Billable time reporting
declarant = claimant
declaratie = notification of a work
declaratie = expense claim
Declaratie = Statement
declaratie = expense statement
declaratie = declaration
declaratie = expense claim
declaratie = expense statement
declaratie = claim
declaratie (reiskosten) = expense claim
declaratie en initialisatie = declaration and initialisation
declaratie kosten binnenland = claim for domestic travelling expenses
declaratie kosten buitenland = claim for international travelling expenses
Declaratie van allergenen = declaration of allergenic ingredients
Declaratie van allergenen = Declaration of allergens
Declaratie van de kosten dienstreis = Statement of expenses for costs of business trips
declaratie van dividend = declaration of dividend
declaratie van dividend = expense account
declaratie van dividend = voucher
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = account
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = bill
"declaratie van kosten, uitgaven" = statement of expenses
declaratie voor honorarium = fee-note
declaratiebedrag = amount billed
declaratiebedrag = amount of the expense claim
declaratiebedrag = amount of the statement of expenses
declaratiebedrag = invoice amount
declaratiedetails = expense claim details
declaratief programmeren = declarative programming
declaratieformulier = notification form of a work
declaratieformulier = claims form
declaratieformulier = expense claim form
Declaratieformulier Regeling Kinderopvang = Form Request Payment Childcare
declaraties = claims
declaraties = expense claims
declaraties = expense statements
Declaraties dienen te worden ingediend onder overlegging van originele no = the expense claims must be accompanied by original (itemised) invoices
declaratiesectie = Declarations section
declaratieve beveiligingscontrole = declarative security check
declaratieve kennis = declarative knowledge
Declaratieve kennis = Declaratory knowledge
declaratieve regel = declarative rule
declaratieve taal = declarative language
declaratieve werkstroom = declarative workflow
Declaration of Amsterdam = Declaration of Amsterdam
declaration of conformity = declaration of conformity
declaration of conformity for devices intended for clinical investigation = declaration of conformity for devices intended for clinical investigation
declaratoire kennis = declarative knowledge
declareren = declare
Declareren = State
declareren en initialiseren = declare and initialise
"declareren, verklaren, uitspreken" = announce  (to pronounce
"declareren, verklaren, uitspreken" = declare by judicial sentence)
declares that the machine = declares that the machine
declasseren = to declassify
declasseren = to downgrade
declinale = anticline
declinatie = declination
Declinatie (astronomie) = Declination
declineren = to decline
Deco = Deco
decodeer/stuurorgaan = decoder/driver
decodeerapparaat = decoder
decodeerapparatuur = decoders
decodeerboom = tree
decodeerder = decoder
decodeereenheid = colour decoder
decodeerorgaan = decoder
decodeerschakeling = decoder
decoder = decoder
decoder achteruitrijcamera = reversing camera decoder
decoder interieurbewakingscamera in combinatie met navigatiesysteem = 'decoder interior surveillance camera in combination with navigation syst
decoder video via navigatie display = decoder video via navigation display
decoderen = decrypt
decoderen = to decode
decoderen = decode
decodering = decoding
Decolleté = Low-necked
Decolleté = Neckline
Decolleté = Low-cut
Decolleté = Decolletage
décolleté = cleavage
decolliminatie = decollimation
decommutatie = decommutation
Decompensatie = Decompensation
decompilatie = decompilation
decompileerprogramma = decompiler
decompileren = to decompile
decomponeren = decomposition
decompositie = decomposition
decompositie theorema van Wold = Wold's decomposition theorem
decompositie-atrofie = inanition atrophy
decompositieproces = decomposition process
decomposities = decompositions
decompressie = decompression
Decompressie = Bearing
decompressietank = hyperbaric chamber
decompressieziekte = decompression sickness
decompressor = decompressor
deconcentratie = devolution
deconcentratie = deconcentration
Decongestivum = Decongestant
decongestivum = decongestant
deconstructie = deconstruction
deconstructionisme (Derrida) = "deconstructionism, deconstruction"
Decontaminatie verklaring = Decontamination declaration
Decontaminatieformulier = Decontamination form
decontaminatiestappen = decontamination steps
decor = scenery
decor = "set (film, toneel)"
Decor = Tile
Decor = Location
Decor = Decoration
decor = set
Decor = Décor
Decorafdekrand = Decor frame
decoratie = decorative materials
decoratie = décor
Decoratie = Decoration
decoratie / ornament / versiering = decoration
decoratie voor pakjes = package decorations
decoratieartikel = decorative item
Decoratieartikelen = Decorating supplies
decoratief = decorative
decoratief vloersysteem = decorative flooring system
decoratieve chocolade elementen = decorative chocolate elements
decoratieve elementen = decorative elements
decoratieve magneten = decorative magnets
decoratieve papierstroken om op planken aan te brengen = decorative paper strips for fixing to shelves
decoratieve toepassingen = decorative applications
Decoratieve verlichting = Decorative lighting
decoratieve verven en vernissen = Decorative paints and varnishes
Decoratieve Vloerensystemen = Decorative Flooring Systems
decoratieve vloersystemen = decorative floor systems
Decoratieve voorwerpen = Ornaments
"decoratieve, UV-bestendige vloerafwerking" = "decorative, UV-resistant floor finish"
Decoratiewerkzaamheden = Decoration work
Decorator = Set designer
Decorator = Decorator
decoreen decor ontwerpen = design a set / scenery
Decorelement = Decor element
decoreren = adorn
decoreren = to decorate
decorlift = lift for stage scenery
Decorum = Decorum
Decor-vereffeningspaneel = Decor-correction blind
decoupeerzaag = power jigsaw
decoupeerzaag = jig saw
Decoupeerzaag (accu) = Jig saw (battery)
Decoupeerzaag (elektrisch) = Jig saw (electrical)
decoupeerzaag / (machinale) figuurzaag = jigsaw
decoupeerzaagblad = jigsaw blade
Decoupeerzaagblad = Jig saw blade
Decoupler = Decoupler
Decreasing returns to scale = Decile
decreet = decree
Decreet = Decree
Decreet = Edict
decrement = decrement
decreten = decrees
decreteren = decree
decrypteren = decrypting
decrypteren = decrypt
decrypteren van het versleutelde = decrypting of the encrypted
decryptie = decoder
decryptie = decryption
decryptiesleutel = decryption key
DECT-basis = DECT-basis
DECT-basisstation = DECT-basis station
DECT-module = DECT-module
DECT-repeater = DECT-repeater
DECT-richtantenne = DECT-beam antenna
decubitus = pressure sore
Decubitus = Decubitus
Decubitus = Bedsore
decursus = end of treatment
Decylamine = Decylamine
decylglucoside = decyl glucoside
deden = worked
deden = did
deden = made
dedicated = dedicated
dedicated device = dedicated device
Dedicated en Supported hosting = Dedicated and Supported hosting
dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid = dedicated hardware processing unit
dedicated hosting = dedicated hosting
Dedicated hosting-oplossing = dedicated hosting solution
Dedicated hosting-oplossingen = dedicated hosting solutions
Dedicated of Supported hosting = Dedicated or Supported hosting
dedicated reviewer = dedicated reviewer
dedicated reviewers = dedicated reviewers
dedicated reviewpool = dedicated review pool
dedicated server = dedicated server
dedicated team = dedicated team
dedicated-hostingoplossing = dedicated hosting solution
deduceren = abstract
Deduceren = Deduct
deductie = deduction
Deductie = Deductive reasoning
Deductieve benadering = Deductive approach
deductieve database = deductive database
deductieve foutsimulatie = deductive fault simulation
Deductieve statistiek = Deductive statistics
deed = worked
deed = made
deed = did
deed aangifte = aangifte doen [aan autoriteiten]
deed aangifte = come forward
deed aangifte = file a criminal complaint
deed aangifte = file a report with the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = filing a complaint with the Police
deed aangifte = make/file a declaration (m.b.t. douanegoederen)
deed aangifte = notify the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = press charges
deed aangifte = refer [breaches] to the Public Prosecutions Department
deed aangifte = report
deed aangifte = report [a criminal offence] to the authorities
deed aangifte = report a case/breach/offence/violation
deed aangifte = submit an incident report [to the police]
deed het goed = did well
deed recht aan = did justice to
Deeg = Dough
deeg voor gebak = cake paste
deegproducten = pasta products
deegrol {de} = rolling pin
Deegroller = Rolling pin
deegroller {de} = rolling pin
deegschraper = scraper
deegwaren = pasta
deegwaren en noedels = pasta and noodles
deegwarenfabrieken = Dough products industry
deegwerking = dough extensibility
deel = divide
deel = portion
deel = member
deel = element
deel = item
Deel = Part
deel = fraction
deel = section
deel = part
deel = section
deel = share
Deel = Party
Deel = Piece
deel = parts
deel = tile
deel (van vruchtbeginsel) = loculus
deel {het} = share
deel {het} = part
Deel 1 = Part 1
Deel 2 = Part 2
Deel A van de ISPS-Code = Part A of the ISPS Code
Deel B van de ISPS-Code = Part B of the ISPS Code
deel- en spoedleveringen = part and urgent deliveries
deel FCL-bewijs van bevoegdheid = Part-FCL licence
deel I = Part I
Deel II = Part II
deel III = Part III
deel informatie = share information
Deel ouderschapsverlof al opgenomen = Part of the parental leave already taken
Deel Parkeergarage = Shared car park
deel te nemen aan kansspelen = participate in games of chance
deel uit van de behuizing = forms part of the housing
deel uitmaakt of verbonden is met = is part of or connected to
deel uitmaakt van een reeks = is part of a series
deel uitmaken = depend
deel uitmaken van een team = being part of a team
deel uitmaken van een voor verdeling vatbare onverdeeldheid = to form part of an undivided interest subject to division
deel van de = part of the
deel van de douane-unie = part of the customs union
deel van een constructie = member
deel van een constructie (bouwkunde) = member
deel van het grondgebied = Part of the territory
deel van het leerproces = part of the learning process
deelachtig worden = get
deelactiviteit = sub-activity
deelactiviteiten = sub-activities
Deelactiviteiten (projectplan) = subactivities
deelarmen = part arms
deelaspect = aspect
deelaspect = one aspect
deelaspect = partial aspect
Deelbaar = Divisible
Deelbaar = Separable
Deelbaar = Factor
deelbaar [door] = divisible [by]
deelbare graaf = bipartite graph
Deelbare koppeling/wartel = Separable screw gland
deelbeeldafstandmeter = split image rangefinder
deelbekrachtigingsimpuls = partial drive pulse
deelbelangen = particular interests
deelbesluiten = decisions
deelbestek = Part of the bill of quantities
deelbestelling = part order
deelbestelling = partial order
deelbewijs = share certificate
deelbewijzen = share certificates
deelbewijzen op naam = registered share certificates
"deelbewijzen, certificaten" = "share certificates, depositary receipts for shares"
"deelbewijzen, certificaten of andere instrumenten" = "share certificates, depositary receipts for shares or other instruments"
Deelbijdragen = individual modules
deelbord = subblackboard
deelcapaciteit = partial capacitance
deelcertificaat = partial certificate
deelcircuit = scaling circuit
deelcompetentie = sub-competence
deelcompetenties = sub-competences
deelconclusie = part claim
deelconstructies = structural elements
Deeldeur = Partial door
deeldiscipline = subdiscipline
deeldomein = subdomain
deeldosis = divided dose
deeldosis = fractional dose
deeldosis = partial dose
deeleconomie = Sharing Economy
deelexamen = interim examination
deelexamen = modular examination
deelfacet = area of interest
deelfacet = focus
deelfacet = point of (special / particular) interest
deelfiguur = subfigure
deelgebied = area
deelgebied = sub-sector
deelgebied = certain area
deelgebied = particular area
deelgebied = sub-area
deelgebied = sub-region
deelgebied = branch
deelgebieden = subregion
deelgebieden = subregions
deelgebieden = subsectors
deelgebieden = sub-areas
deelgeheel = partial assembly
deelgemeente = "borough (borough, in bijzonder in Londen en New York)"
deelgemeente = borough
deelgenomen = participated
deelgenomen = sympathized
deelgenomen aan de jaarlijkse = participated in this year’s
deelgenoot = associate
deelgenoot zijn in een onverdeeldheid = to be a joint holder of an ivided interest
deelgerechtigde = zie rechthebbende
Deelgerechtigden = interested parties
deelgroef = sub-groove
deelgroep = sub-group
deelgroeven = sub-grooves
deelhandeling = sub-activity
deelharmonische = subharmonic
deelhebber in onverdeeld bezit = joint owner
deelketting = back beam
deelklasse = subclass
deelkromme = partial curve
deellading = partial load
deellast verrijking = part throttle enrichment
deellastbedrijf = partial load operation
Deellastbereik = Partial load range
deellastbereik = partial load range
deelleesimpuls = partial read pulse
deellevering = part delivery
deellevering = part-delivery
deellevering = partial delivery
deellevering = split delivery
deellevering = split order
deellevering = part delivery
deellevering = partial delivery
deel-levering = split order
deel-levering = partial delivery
deellevering(en) = part delivery(ies)
deelleveringen = part deliveries
deellijn = division line
deellijnen = section lines
deelmark = market segment
deelmarkt = market segment
Deelmarkten = Market of one seller
deelmarkten van de bouwnijverheid = segments of the construction industry
deelmatrix = submatrix
deelmonster = part sample
deelnaad = division seam
deelname = contribution
deelname = participation
deelname = presence
deelname = participate
deelname = engagement
deelname aan de economie en maatschappij = participation in the economy and society
deelname aan de reis = participation in the trip
deelname aan deze regeling eindigt = participation in this scheme ends
deelname aan programma's van de Gemeenschap = participation in Community programmes
deelname datum = participation date
deelname Extra OP = participation (in a) Supplemental Old-Age Pension plan
deelname leraren = teacher participation
Deelname PV ZW = Non-contributory participation in sick leave benefits (Participation NC S
deelname van het publiek = public participation
deelneemt = participate
deelneemt aan = participate in
Deelnemen = Take part
deelnemen = participate
deelnemen = participate in a pension scheme
Deelnemen = Participate
Deelnemen = Opt out of
deelnemen = to attend
deelnemen = partake
Deelnemen = Take a hand in
deelnemen = to participate
deelnemen = join
deelnemen aan = to take part in
deelnemen aan = participating in
deelnemen aan een cursus = to take part / to participate in a course
deelnemen aan het partnerschap = participate in the partnership
deelnemen aan onderzoek = participate in research
deelnemen in = take a participating interest in
deelnemen in = take a share in
deelnemen in de digitale samenleving = participate in the digital society
deelnemend land = participating country
deelnemend land dat om vervoersteun verzoekt = participating State requesting transport support
deelnemende appartementen van het Appartementencomplex = participating Apartments in the Apartment complex
deelnemende bedrijven = participating companies
deelnemende gedelegeerde = participating delegate
deelnemende gedelegeerden = participating delegates
deelnemende gemeenten = participating municipalities
deelnemende juridische lichamen = participating legal entities
deelnemende landen = participating countries
deelnemende leden aan een collectieve regeling = members participating in a collective arrangement
deelnemende luchthavens = participating airports
deelnemende maatschappijen = Participating airlines
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = investor
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = partner
deelnemende onderneming/vennootschap = sharer
deelnemende ondernemingen = Participating undertakings
deelnemende stad = participating city
deelnemende steden = participating cities
deelnemende vennootschappen = participating companies
deelnemende vervoersmaatschappij = participating carrier
deelnemende werknemers = participating employees
deelnemer = competitor
Deelnemer = Participator
deelnemer = participant (Wet op de kansspelen)
Deelnemer = Participant
deelnemer = member
deelnemer = scheme member
deelnemer aan de emissierechtenmarkt = emission allowance market participant
deelnemer aan een wedstrijd = entrant for a competition
deelnemer aan een wedstrijd = member of a pension scheme
deelnemer aan het economisch verkeer = market participant
deelnemer aan vergadering = meeting participant
Deelnemer is alleenstaand = Participant is unmarried
Deelnemer-/Ontvangerlijst = Attendee/Recipient List
deelnemereenheid = delegate unit
Deelnemers = Scheme members
Deelnemers = Seating Chart
deelnemers = participants
deelnemers aan de branche = those working in the field
deelnemers aan de schoolgemeenschap = members of the school community
deelnemers aan een analysegroep = participants in an analysis group
deelnemers aan het programma = programme participants
Deelnemers aan het programma = Program Participants
deelnemers uit het cluster = members of the consortium
deelnemersbestand = list of members
Deelnemersbijdrage = Members’ contribution
deelnemersbijdrage = member’s contribution
deelnemersbijdragen = member’s contributions
deelnemerschap aan pensioenregeling = membership of a pension scheme
deelnemerscode = participant code
deelnemerseenheden = delegate units
deelnemerseenheid = delegate unit
deelnemers-eenheid = delegate unit
deelnemersgegevens = participant data
deelnemersgroep = group of participants
deelnemers-ID = Participant ID
deelnemersinterface (participant interface (PI)) = Participant Interface (PI)
deelnemersjaar = year of service
deelnemersjaren = service years
deelnemer-sportal = Participant portal
deelneming = [equity] investment
deelneming = [equity] holding
deelneming = [equity] stake
deelneming = [trade] investment
deelneming = investee company
deelneming = [participating] interest
deelneming = associated company [ownership between 20% and 50%]
deelneming = subsidiary [ownership more than 50%]
deelneming = investment [ownership less than 50%]
deelneming = shareholding
deelneming = sympathy
Deelneming = Participation
Deelneming = Ownership
deelneming = (equity) holding
deelneming = (equity) stake
deelneming = (participating) interest
deelneming = (trade/trade) investment
deelneming = associated company (ownership between 20% and 50%)
deelneming = investment (ownership less than 50%)
deelneming = participation
deelneming = subsidiary (ownership more than 50%)
deelneming (participatie) = participating interests
deelneming (verbonden onderneming cf. deelnemingsverhouding) = A: Affiliated/associated entities - 1: Participating
deelneming aan de verkiezing = turnout of voters
deelneming in aandelenkapitaal = equity participation
deelneming in groepsmaatschappij = intra-group holding
deelneming in het aandelenkapitaal = equity participation
deelneming in het kapitaal van een systeemverkoper met rechten of een ver = participation in the capital with rights or representation on the board o
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = equity stake
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = participation exemption
deelneming in vermogen en resultaat = participation privilege
deelnemingen = (equity) holding(s)
deelnemingen = (equity) stake(s)
deelnemingen = (participating) interest(s)
deelnemingen = (trade/trade) investment(s)
deelnemingen = associated company/ies (ownership between 20% and 50%)
deelnemingen = investment(s) (ownership less than 50%)
deelnemingen = participation(s)
deelnemingen = shareholding(s)
deelnemingen = subsidiary/ies (ownership more than 50%)
deelnemingen = investee company
deelnemingen = holding
deelnemingen = participating interest
deelnemingen = participation
deelnemingen = investments
deelnemingen = holdings
deelnemingen = participating interests
deelnemingen in dochtermaatschappijen = participating interests in subsidiary companies
deelnemingen in groepsmaatschappijen = holdings in group companies
deelnemingen in groepsmaatschappijen = investments in group companies
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - unca
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - cost
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - amou
Deelnemingen in ondernemingen waarmee een deelnemingsverhouding bestaat - = Investments in other enterprises linked by participating interests - surp
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen = Investments in affiliated enterprises
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - aanschaffingswaarde = Investments in affiliated enterprises - cost
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - meerwaarden = Investments in affiliated enterprises - surpluses
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - nog te storten bedragen = Investments in affiliated enterprises - uncalled amounts
Deelnemingen in verbonden ondernemingen - waardeverminderingen = Investments in affiliated enterprises - amounts written down (-)
deelnemingsaanvragen = requests to participate
Deelnemingsgraad = Employment percentage
Deelnemingspercentage = Holding percentage
deelnemingstitel = certification of (part) ownership
deelnemingsvoorwaarden = entry terms and conditions
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = to offer a person one’s condolence(s)
deelnemingsvrijstelling = equity holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = holding exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = participation exemption
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial-holding exemption (‘deelnemingsvrijstelling’)
deelnemingsvrijstelling = substantial-holding privilege
deelnemingsvrijstelling = tax exemption for subsidiaries
Deelnemingsvrijstelling = Subsidiary's exemption
deelniveau = component level
deelonderhoud = partial maintenance
deelonderzoek = subproject
deelonderzoek = part
deelonderzoeken = sub-assessments
deelonderzoeken = subsidiary investigations
deelonderzoekje = part of the investigation
deelonderzoekje = partial investigation
deelonderzoekje = subsidiary investigation
deelonderzoekjes = subsidiary research components
deelontlading = PD
deelontwerpen = constituent designs
deelopdracht = "lot, sub-task, pa?r?t?i?a?l? ?a?s?s?i?g?n?m?e?n?t, sub-assignment, contra"
deelopdracht = part of the contract
deelopdracht = partial assignment
deelopdracht = pa?r?t?i?a?l? ?a?s?s?i?g?n?m?e?n?t
deelopdracht = contract for part of ..
deelopdracht = lot
deelopdracht = part order
deelopdracht = partial assignment
deelopdracht = sub-assignment
deelopdracht = sub-task
deelopdracht = lot
deelopdracht = sub-assignment
deelopdracht geplaats in het kader van de raamovereenkomst = lot awarded under the framework agreement
deelopdrachten = assignment component
deelopdrachten = partial assignment
deelopdrachten = significantly and demonstrably
deelopdrachten = sub-assignment
deelopdrachten = part orders
deelopdrachten = sub-agreements
deelopdrachten = sub-assignment
deelopdrachten die in het kader van de raamovereenkomst zullen worden gep = lots to be awarded under the framework agreement
deelopdrachten in het kader van een raamovereenkomst te gunnen = awarding lots under a framework agreement
Deelopdrachten kunnen onderhevig zijn aan prijswijzigingen = Individual offer components can be subject to price changes
deelopleiding = subprogramme
deelopteller = scaling adder
deelovereenkomst = subagreement
Deelovereenkomst Dienstverlening = Service Subagreement
deelovereenkomsten = separate agreement (Steven Segaert)
deelovereenkomsten = "specific agreement, subagreement, contract for part of ... (JurLex)"
deelovereenkomsten = subcontracting agreement
deelovereenkomsten = subcontractor agreement
deelovereenkomsten = Subcontractual Agreement (Bryan Crumpler)
deelpacht = share farming
deelpad = subpath
deelparameter = subparameter
deelpartij = partial load
deelpartijen en complete zendingen = part loads and full shipments
Deelplaat = Partial panel
deelplan = sub-plan
deelplannen = sub-plans
deelplatforms = partial platforms
deelpopulatie = sub-population
deelproducten = components
deelprogramma = sub program
deelproject = sub-project
deelproject = subproject
deelprojecten = sub-projects
deelrapportage = interim report
deelreeks = seriola
deelreeks = sub-series
deelresultaat = partial success
deelrisico = partial risk
deelrooster = sub-grid
deelroosters = sub-grids
deels = partially
deels = partly
Deels = In part
Deels = Partly
deels geautomatiseerde systemen = partially automated systems
deels gelijkloopt met = partly congruent with
deels gelokaliseerde taal = partially localized language
deels in het beheer van = partly under the management of
deels of volledig = partly or fully
deels wordt veroorzaakt door = partially caused by
deels zal openen = will partially open
"Deels, namelijk" = "Partially, namely"
deelsamenstelling = subassembly
Deelsanering (gedeelte locatie) = Partial (part of the site)
deelschrijfimpuls = partial write pulse
deelsector = subsector
deelsegment = sub-segment
deelsegment = partial segment
deelserie = split lot
deelsnede = division cut
deelspoel = coil section
deelstaat = Federation State
deelstaat = federal state
deelstaat {de} = state [within a country]
deelsteekproef = subsample
deelstreep = graduation mark
deelstromen = sub flows
deelstructuren van zowel het onderstel als de bovenbouw = structural components of both the chassis and the bodywork
deelstuk = module
deelsysteem = sub-system
deelsysteem = subsystem
deelsysteemontwerp = subsystem design
deelsystemen = subsystem
deelsystemen = subsystems
deelsystemen = sharing systems
deeltaak = sub-activity
deeltaal = sublanguage
deeltabel = subarray
deeltal = numerator
deeltal = dividend
deelteken = fraction bar
deeltentamen = interim examination
deelterreinen van het recht = fields of law
deelthema = sub-theme
deelthema’s = sub-themes
deeltijd = part time (adjective: part-time)
Deeltijd = Parttime
deeltijd = part time
deeltijd = part-time
deeltijd aanstelling = part-time employment
deeltijd dienstverband van minder dan = part-time employment of less than
deeltijd)pensionering = Full and/or part-time retirement
deeltijdaanstelling = part-time appointment
deeltijdarbeid = part-time employment
Deeltijdbaan = Part-time employment
deeltijdcollegegeld = part-time tuition fees
deeltijd-economie = part-time economy
deeltijdhoogleraar = part-time professor
deeltijdlandbouw = part-time farming
deeltijdonderwijs = part-time modules
deeltijdonderwijs = part-time degree programmes
deeltijdontslag = partial dismissal
deeltijdopleiding = part-time degree programme
deeltijdopleiding = part-time programme
Deeltijdpensioen = Part-time pension
Deeltijdpensionering = Partial pension
deeltijdpercentage = part-time percentage
deeltijds contract = part-time contract
deeltijdse = part-time
deeltijdse arbeid = part-time work
deeltijdse bedienden = part-time white-collar workers
deeltijdse chauffeurs = part-time drivers
deeltijdse vorm = part-time mode
Deeltijdse werknemers = Part-time workers
deeltijdse werknemers = part-time employees
deeltijdstudent = part-time student
deeltijdstudent (avondopleiding) = evening student
deeltijdstudent (oudere) = mature student
Deeltijdwerker = Part-time worker
deeltitel = one volume from a multi-volume publication
Deeltje = Compartment
deeltje = atom
deeltje = element
Deeltje = Parcel
Deeltje = Plot
deeltje = particle
deeltje {het} = particle
deeltje met hoge energie = high-energy particle
"deeltje, puntmassa" = particle
deeltjes = particulate matter
deeltjes = particulates
deeltjes = particulate
deeltjes C02 = parts of CO₂
deeltjes C02 per miljoen deeltjes lucht = parts of CO₂ per million air particles
deeltjes concentratie = particulate concentration
deeltjes erosie = particle erosion
deeltjes lucht = air particles
Deeltjesfysica = Particle physics
deeltjesgrootte = particle size
deeltjesgrootte = particle sizing
deeltjesgrootte- = particle-size
deeltjesgrootte distributies = particle size distributions
deeltjesgroottedistributie = particle size distribution
deeltjesnabehandelingsvoorziening = particulate after-treatment device
deeltjesreinheid = particulate cleanliness
deeltjesscheider = particle separator
deeltjessysteem = finite element system
deeltjesverdeling = particle distribution
Deeltjesversnellers = Particle accelerators
deeltjesvormige meststoffen = particulate fertilizers
deeltoets = sub-test
deeltoetsen = interim assessments
deeltoetsen = interim tests
deeltoetsen = sub-tests
deeltoon = overtone
deeltraject = sub-task
deeltraject = sub-project
deeltrajecten = sub-activities
DEELTRAJECTPRIJZEN = sub-task prices
deeltrap = divider stage
deeltype = subtype
deeluitgave = split copyright
deelvaardigheden = sub-skills
deelvaardigheidstraining = instruction in component skills
deelvaardigheidstraining = training in component skills
deelvenster = pane
deelvenster Bewerken = Fix pane
deelvenster Miniaturen = thumbnail pane
deelvenster Nu presenteren = Now Presenting pane
deelvenster Pagina = page pane
deelvenster Vragen en antwoorden = Questions and Answers pane
Deelverzameling = Subset
deelverzameling tekens = character subset
deelverzameling van lettertype = font subsetting
deelverzekering = partial/part insurance
deelvordering = sub-claim
deelvorderingen = sub-claims
deelvra(a)g(en) = secondary research questions
deelvraag = research sub-question
deelvraag = sub-question
deelvraag a = subquestion (a
deelvragen = sub-questions
Deelvragen ontbreken = There are missing sub-questions
deelvragen zodanig te kunnen formuleren = can formulate sub-questions in such a way
"deelvrucht (ooievaars-, reigersbek)" = mericarp
deelwaarneming = spot checks
deelwaarneming = samples
deelwaarnemingen t.b.v. accountantscontrole = audit sampling
deelwerken = partial activities (JurLex)
deelwerken = certain activities
deelwerkplek = part-time workstation
deelwijk = "neighbourhood,"
Deelwoord = Participle
deelzending = part delivery
deelzending/-verscheping = deficiency
deelzending/-verscheping = flaw
deelzending/-verscheping = partial shipment
de-emfase = de-emphasis
deemoed = humility
Deemoedig = Meek
Deemoedig = Lowly
deemoedig = humble
Deemoedig = Retiring
Deen = Danish
deen = dane
Deen {de} = Dane
Deens = Danish
Deens = Dane
Deens {het} = Danish
Deens Scheepsregister = Danish International Ship Register
Deense = Dane
Deense = Danish woman
Deense {de} = Dane [female]
Deense dog = Danish
Deense kroon = Danish krone
deense nationale dienst voor consumentenbescherming = the national consumer agency of denmark
Deense taal = Danish
deep learning = deep learning
Deep learning = Deep learning
deep learning- = deep learning
deep learning-aanbevelingssysteem = deep learning recommendation system
deep linking = deep linking
Deep Zoom = Deep Zoom
deeplinks = deep links
Deep-selling = Deep selling
Deerlijk = Pathetic
Deerlijk = Glum
Deerlijk = Comfortless
Deerlijk = Pitiable
Deerlijk = Sorrowful
Deerlijk = Forlorn
Deerlijk = Sad
deerlijk = painful
deerniswekkend = paltry
deerniswekkend = meagre [Br.]
deerniswekkend = pitiful
deerniswekkend = meager [Am.]
deerniswekkend = pathetic [pitiful]
deerniswekkend = dismal
dees = dork
Deezer = Deezer
DEF = "Deontological and Pharmaceutical Ethics Committee (DEP Committee),"
DEF = "Ministry of Defence (Ministerie van Defensie, DEF)"
defaitisme = defeatism
default = default
default aantal uur = default number of hours
default gedeactiveerd = deactivated by default
default instelling = default setting
default opstelling = default setup
default parameterloze constructor = default parameterless constructor
Default risk = Default risk
Default scherm = Default screen
Default staat de waarde op = "By default, the value is set to"
Default staat de waarde op YES. = "By default, the value is set to YES."
Default staat dit gedeactiveerd. = This is deactivated by default.
default toegang = default (package) access
default toegang = package-private
default waarde = default value
default-optie = default option
Defecatie = Defaecation
Defect = Faulty
defect = broken
defect = defective
defect = breakdown
Defect = Failure
defect = defect
defect = fault
defect {het} = defect
Defect Detection Percentage = DDP
Defect Detection Percentage = Defect Detection Percentage
Defect materiaal = Defective equipment
defect of storing = defect or malfunction
defect opkoper = defective products
defect product = defective product
defect raken = to become defective
defect sanitair = faulty plumbing
"defect, alarm of melding" = "fault, alarm or notification"
"defect, mankement, panne, stilstand" = "breakdown (a failure, particularly mechanical)"
Defecte = faulty
defecte aandrijving = malfunctioning drive mechanism
Defecte kilometerteller = Faulty odometer
defecte micro-detectoren = faulty micro-detectors
defecte onderdelen = defective parts
defecte onderdelen razendsnel kan vervangen = quickly replace defective parts
defecte print = defective circuit board
defecte zekering = faulty fuse
defecten = defects
defecten aan detectoren = malfunction of detectors
defecten aan machines of apparatuur = defects to machinery or equipment
defecten aan meetposten = defects in measuring stations
defecten en onnauwkeurigheden = defects and inaccuracies
Defecten in Materialen = Defects in Materials
defecten te veroorzaken aan het werk van anderen = cause defects to the work of others
defecten voortkomend van = defects resulting from
"Defecten, alarmen en meldingen" = "Faults, alarms and notifications"
Defect-indicatie = Defect indicator
defectlogging = fault logging
defects = defects
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
defensie = defense
defensie = defence
Defensie = Belgian Ministry of Defence
defensie {de} = defence [esp. Br.]
defensie {de} = defense [Am.]
Defensie Cyber Strategie = Defence Cyber Strategy
defensie oplossingen = defence solutions
"Defensie, Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties" = (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties: BZK)
"Defensie, Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties" = Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations  (Ministerie van Binnenlan
"defensie, landsverdediging" = army (government agency in charge of a state's army)
defensiebegroting = defence budget
defensiebeleid = defence policy
Defensiediensten = Defence services
defensief = defensively
defensief = defensive
defensiegerelateerd product = defence-related product
defensie-industrie = defence industry
defensieklanten = defence customers
defensiestatistiek = defence statistics
defensieterrein = Defence sites
defensieuitgaven = defence expenditure
defensievere voedingsaandelen = more defensive food stocks
defensievermogens = defence capabilities
Defensive driving cursussen = Defensive driving course
DeFi = DeFi
Defibrillatie = Defibrillation
defibrillatie = defibrillation
Defibrillator = Defibrillator
Defici?ntie = Deficiency
deficiëntie = deficiency
deficientie aan holocarboxylase synthetase = holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency
deficiënties = deficiencies [DS] Deficiencies
deficiënties = deficiencies [DS: Deficiencies]
Deficiëntieziekte = Vitamin deficiency
Deficiëntieziekte = Avitaminosis
Defici�ntie = Deficiency
Deficit = Deficit
deficitaire balans = balance-of-payments deficit
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = DB scheme
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = defined benefit pension plan
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = defined-benefit pension scheme
Defined benefit pensioenregeling = final salary pension scheme
defineert = defines
defini?ren = define
Definieer = Define
Definieer de = Define the
definieerde = defined
definieert = defines
definiéren = define
definiëren = to define
definiëren = define
Definiëren van het begrip = Defining the concept
definiërend contrast (of betrekking) = defining contrast
definiërende gegevens = defining data
definiërende methode = descriptive method
definiëring = defining
"definiëring, omschrijving" = definition (action or process of defining)
defini�ren = define
definitie = definition
Definitie = Resolution
definitie {de} = definition
definitie van algemeen type = generic type definition
definitie van de (hulp)middelen = resource definition
definitie van de gegevensstructuur = data structure definition
definitie van documenttypes = document type definition: DTD
definitie van eigenschap = property definition
"definitie, omschrijving" = definition (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or
"definitie, omschrijving" = definition (product of defining)
definitie/vastlegging van doelstellingen = definition of target/Target agreement
definitief = definitely
definitief = definitive
definitief = permanently
definitief = definite
Definitief = Ultimate
Definitief = Final
definitief administratief besluit = final administrative decision
definitief belaste inkomsten [DBI] = income already taxed
definitief besluit = final decision
definitief besluit = final resolution
definitief buiten gebruik wordt gesteld = permanently decommissioned
Definitief concept = final draft
definitief gecommitteerd financieringsvoorstel = final committed financing proposal
definitief investeringsbesluit = final investment decision
definitief ontwerp = completion drawing
definitief te bepalen = to be determined definitively
definitief te bepalen na beoordeling monsters beton = to be determined definitively after assessment of concrete samples
definitief vastgesteld = finally adopted
definitiefase van de systeemeisen = system requirements definition phase
Definitiegebied = Range
definitiequery = data-definition query
Definities = Definitions
Definities en afkortingen = Definitions and Abbreviations
definities van spiritualiteit = definitions of spirituality
definitiestudie = definition study
definitiestudie van de installatie = definition study of the installation
definitietestbeeld = definition test pattern
Definitieve = Final
definitieve afkeuring = final rejection
definitieve belastingaanslag = final tax assessment
definitieve beleidskeuzes = final policy choices
definitieve bestellingen = firm orders
definitieve business case = final business case
definitieve concept = final draft
Definitieve Gunning = Final Award
definitieve indelingen = final layouts
definitieve instemmingsbesluit OC = Programme Committee’s final Resolution of Approval
definitieve instemmingsbesluiten = final Resolutions of Approval
definitieve instemmingsbesluiten FSR = Faculty Student Council’s final Resolutions of Approval
definitieve mediabibliotheek = definitive media library (DML)
definitieve offerte = final tender
definitieve ontwerp = final design
definitieve ontwerp = completion drawing
definitieve ontwerp = DO
definitieve ontwikkelingen = final developments
Definitieve oplevering = Final acceptance
definitieve oplevering = final acceptance
definitieve oplevering = final acceptance (tenders)
definitieve oplevering = final completion (of a building)
definitieve pakket = final package
definitieve pensioenrechten = vested pension rights
Definitieve plaatsbepaling in overleg met = Final position to be determined in consultation with
definitieve proefbalans = adjusted trial balance
definitieve protocolspecificatie = final protocol specification
definitieve rapport = final report
definitieve regelgeving = final regulatory action
definitieve regeling = final settlement
definitieve resourceset = resource final set
definitieve sectierapportage = final autopsy report
definitieve specificatie = definitive specification
definitieve stillegging van een nucleaire installatie = Final shutdown (of a nuclear installation)
definitieve surseance van betaling = final suspension of payment
definitieve surseance van betaling = temporay moratorium
definitieve surseance van betaling = to petition for a Letter of Licence
definitieve toezegging/verbintenis = final commitment
Definitieve versie = Final version
definitieve versie van het convenant = final version of the agreement
definitieve verwijdering = hard delete
definitieve voorzieningen treffen = to make final arrangements
definitieve vragenlijst = final questionnaire
Definitievergelijking = Definition comparison
definitiewig = resolution wedge
Definition of = Definition of
Definitions = Definitions
Definitive Hardware store = Definitive Hardware Store
Definitive Media Library = Definitive Media Library
Deflagratie = Explosion
deflatie = deflation
deflatie {de} = deflation
Deflator = Deflator
deflazacort = deflazacort
deflectie = deflection
deflectie (doorbuiging) = deflection
deflectie (doorbuiging) van de band = tyre deflection
deflectie van de band = tyre deflection
deflector = deflector
Defleren = Deflate
deforestation = deforestation
deformatie = deformation
deformeren = to deform
defosforylering = dephosphorylation
defragmentatie = defragmentation
deftig = distinguished
Deftig = Worthy
deftig = posh
deftig = stately
Deftig = Dignified
deftig = aristocratic
defungeert = retire
defungeren = resign
defungeren = resign one's post
defungeren = retire
defungeren = retire from office
defungeren = stand down
defungeren = step down
defungeren = resign one’s post
degeen die gehouden is tot betaling = the person liable for payment
degelijk = roundly
degelijk = thoroughly
degelijk = thorough
Degelijk = Honest
degelijk = solid [reliable]
degelijk = above-board
degelijke = solid
degelijke = solidly
degelijke = sound
degelijke = soundly
degelijke = thorough
degelijke = thoroughly
Degelijke constructie = Solid construction
degelijkheid = virtue
degen = epee
Degen = Sword
degen = rapier
Degene = That one
degene = he
degene = she
degene = the one
degene = those
degene = that
degene die aan ons aanbiedingen richt = those who direct offers at Us
degene die de zieke en/of gewonde ten vervoer heeft aangeboden = those offering said sick and/or injured persons for transport
degene die in gebreke blijft = defaulter
degene die zich ter zake bij Huurder zal vervoegen = the persons reporting to Lessee in this regard
degene met wie je bent getrouwd = the person to whom you are married
degene op wie een Persoonsgegeven betrekking heeft = a person to whom an item of Personal Data relates
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = distrainee
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = to confiscate
degene op wiens goed beslag is gelegd = to impound
degene wiens belang rechtstreeks bij een besluit van de METC is betrokken = those whose interests are directly involved in a decision of the Medical 
"degene, die gehouden is tot betaling van de vracht" = the party liable for payment of the freight
"degene, die zich jegens de afzender tot het vervoer heeft verbonden" = the party undertaking the carriage on behalf of the consignor
"degene, om wie het allemaal draait" = the most important person
degenen = those
degenen die hiertoe geautoriseerd zijn = authorized persons
degeneratie = devolution
degeneratie = devolution
degeneratie = degeneration
degeneratie (biologisch) = devolution
Degeneratief = Degenerative
degeneratief eczeem = "degenerative  eczema, sensitization dermatitis"
Degenereren = Degenerate
degenkrabben = horseshoe crabs
degenkrabben = HSC
degenkrabben = king crabs: an arthropod subclass
degenkrabben = limulus
degradatie = degradation
degradatie = demotion
degradatie = downgrading
degradatie {de} = degradation
degradatie van een werknemer = demotion
degradatiepercentage = degradation percentage
degradatieproducten = degradation products
degraderen = downgrading
Degraderen = Degrade
Degraderen = Damaged
degree = degree
degressief = degressive
Degressief inkomstenbelastingtarief = Degressive taxation
degressieve afschrijving = reducing balance depreciation
degressieve afschrijving = reducing depreciation
degressieve afschrijving = retrogressive method of depreciation
degressieve afschrijvingsmethode = declining balance method of depreciation
Degressiviteit = Degressivity
degroepage = degroupage
dehydratatie = dehydration
Dehydratie = Dehydration
dehydroacetaat = dehydroacetate
dehydroazijnzuur = dehydroacetic acid
dehydrobenzperidol = droperidol: a butyrophenone with general properties similar to those of h
dehydrogenering = dehydrogenation
dehydroisoandrosterone = DHEA sulfate
de-icing fluids = de-icing fluids
de-icing vloeistof = de-icing fluid (aircraft)
Deimos (maan) = Deimos (moon)
deinend = waving
deining = swell
Deïnstallatieprogramma = Uninstaller
Deinstalleer = uninstall
Deïnstalleer = uninstall
de-ionisatie = deionization
de-ionisatietijd = deionization time
de-ioniseren = to deionize
Deïsme = Deism
deJong@Work! = deJong@Work!
dek = deck
dek = covering
Dek = Bridge
dek = cover
dek {het} = deck
dek overeenkomst = Covering Agreement
DekaMarkt = DekaMarkt
Dekan = Deccan
dekbaar = dry to re-coat
dekbed = bed cover
dekbed = quilt
dekbed = duvet
dekbedden = quilts
dekbedhoezen = duvet covers
dekbedjes = duvets
Dekbedovertrekken = Duvet covers
dekbedovertrekken = quilt covers
Deken = Dean
deken = cover
Deken = Provost
Deken = Blanket
deken {de} = blanket
Dekens = Blankets
Dekens en reisdekens = Blankets and travelling rugs
dekens en tafellakens = bed and table covers
Dekens/dekbedjes = Blankets/duvets
dekensnoer = blanket flex
dekenwasserij = Blanket cleaning services
dekfineer = face veneer
Dekhengst = stud
dekindeling = deck layout
dekken = to cover
dekken = cover
Dekken = Dress
Dekken = Overlay
dekkend = opaque
dekkend (van verf) = heavy
dekkend onderwijsaanbod = comprehensive range of education
dekkend vermogen = covering power
dekkend vermogen (van verf) = masking power
dekkende = comprehensive
dekkende kleur = opaque colour
dekkende verzekering = comprehensive insurance
dekking = coverage
Dekking = Cover
dekking (door een verzekering) = insurance coverage
dekking Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Incapacity benefit cover
dekking in geval van leven = survival benefit
dekking met categorie 2 = Category 2 cover / covered by category 2
dekking op basis van de garantie = guarantee cover
dekking Overlijden en Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Death and Incapacity Benefit cover
dekking van beslissingspunten = decision coverage
dekking van de equivalentiepartitie = equivalence partition coverage
dekking van de gegevensdefinitie en C-gebruik = data definition C-use pair coverage
dekking van de gegevensdefinitie en P-gebruik = data definition P-use pair coverage
dekking van de gegevensstroom = data flow coverage
dekking van de verzekering = cover the insurance provides
dekking van de verzekering = insurance coverage
dekking van de wapening = concrete reinforcement cover
dekking van het gegevensdefinitiegebruik = data- definition use coverage
dekking van sprongcondities = branch condition coverage
dekking van sprongopdrachtcombinaties = branch condition combination coverage
dekking van sprongopdrachten = branch coverage
dekking van verlies op leningen/debiteuren = loan loss coverage
dekking van verlies op leningen/debiteuren = to protect against
dekking voorzien = provide cover
dekking Vrijstelling van bijdragen en Arbeidsongeschiktheidsrente = Exemption from Contributions and Incapacity Benefit cover
dekking Vrijstelling van de bijdragen = The Exemption from contributions cover provides for the payment by the co
dekkingen = coverages
dekkingen overlijden en arbeidsongeschiktheid = cover for death and incapacity for work
dekkingen pensioen en overlijden = pension and death cover
dekkingen voor nabestaanden = coverage for surviving relatives
dekkingsbeleid = hedging policy
dekkingsbewijs = binder/formal binder (US)
dekkingsbewijs = cover note
dekkingsbewijs = insurance cover note
dekkingsbewijs = proof of cover
dekkingsbewijs = proof of coverage
dekkingsbewijs  aansprakelijkheid = liability insurance cover note
dekkingsbijdrage = contribution margin
dekkingsbijdrage = security/advance deposit
dekkingsfout = misregistration
Dekkingsfouten = Coverage errors
Dekkingsgebied = Territory covered
dekkingsgraad = fault coverage
dekkingsgraad = coverage degree
dekkingsgraden = funding ratios
dekkingsgraden = coverage degrees
dekkingsitem = coverage item
dekkingskaart = coverage map
dekkingsniveau = level of cover
Dekkingspercentage = Coverage percentage
dekkingspercentage (bij een krediet) = cover rate (credit)
Dekkingsperiode = Period for which cover is given
dekkingsproblemen = coverage problems
dekkingsratio = coverage ratio
dekkingsrekening = covering account/suspense account
dekkingsuitbreiding = extension of cover
dekkingsuitbreiding voor opzicht = extension of cover for supervision
dekkingsvermogen = Funded capital (consisting of long-term liabilities and owner's equity)
dekkingsverplichting = coverage obligation
dekkingsverschil per kostenplaats = cost centre variance
dekkingsvoorschriften voor bankbiljetten = cover requirements for bank notes
dekkingsvoorschriften voor bankbiljetten = coverage value
dekkingsvoorstel = coverage proposal
dekkingswaarschijnlijkheid = coverage probability
dekkleden = tarpaulins
dekkleed = tarpaulin
dekkracht = covering power
deklaag = finish coat
deklaag = coating
deklaag = surface layer
deklaag = shelf
deklaag = top coat
deklaag (bovenste rij stenen) = coping
deklaag (in de mijnbouw) = shelf
"deklaag, galvanisch" = "coating, galvanic"
"deklaag, testliner, gerecycleerd papier" = test liner
deklagen = coatings
deklagen = coating agents
deklak = finishing paint
deklak = topcoat
Deklandingsinstallaties = Deck-arresting gear
deklast = deck cargo
Deklat = Roof batten
deklier = tugger winch
deklieren = tugger winches
deklijst = masking frame
Dekmantel = Pretext
Dekmantel = Account
dekmantel = mask
dekmiddelen = coating agents
dekneer = roller
dekolonisatie = decolonisation
dekovereenkomst = stud agreement
Dekovereenkomst = Breeding agreement
dekovereenkomst = Covering Agreement
dekplaat = coping
dekplaat = end plate
dekplaat = cover plate
dekplaat = abacus
dekplaat (van kapiteel) = coping plate
Dekplaatjes van gietijzer = Ductile-iron end caps
Dekplaten = Cover plates
dekplaten = cover plates
dekprofiel = top bracket
dekristallisatie = decrystallization
dekschip = flush deck ship
deksel = lid
deksel = screen
deksel = cover
deksel = flap
deksel = cover combustion chamber
deksel {de} {het} = lid
deksel {de} {het} = top
Deksel aan beide zijde afgeschuind = Cover double-sided bevelled
Deksel aan een zijde afgeschuind = Cover one-sided bevelled
Deksel aftakstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Add-on tee cover for cable support system
Deksel bedradingskoker = Cover for wiring duct
Deksel bocht/hoekstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Bend cover for cable support system
Deksel buitenhoek wandgoot = Cover for outside corner wall duct
Deksel centraaldoos installatiebuis = Function cover for central junction box installation tube
Deksel hoekaanzetstuk kabelgoot = Cover for corner add-on piece for cable support system
Deksel inbouwdoos installatiebuis = Function cover for one gang box installation tube
Deksel installatiekast = Cover for distribution board
Deksel kabeldoos = Function cover for connection box
Deksel kabeldraagsysteem = Cover for cable support system
Deksel kruisstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Cross-over cover for cable support system
Deksel lasdoos installatiebuis = Function cover for connection box installation tube
Deksel leidingkanaal = Cover for installation duct
Deksel met haak = Cover with hook
deksel met sensorsysteem = cover with sensor system
deksel met sensorsysteem en pompsysteem = cover with sensor system and pump system
Deksel opbouw vloergoot = Cover floor duct
Deksel open vloergoot = Cover for underfloor installation duct flush floor open
Deksel plintgoot = Cover for plinth skirting duct
Deksel T-stuk kabeldraagsysteem = Tee cover for cable support system
Deksel verloopstuk kabeldraagsysteem = Reduction piece cover for cable support system
Deksel verticaal hoekstuk wandgoot = Cover for flat bend wall duct
Deksel voor schroefbevestiging = Cover for screw mounting
Deksel wandgoot/zuil = Cover for wall duct
Dekselbevestiging = Cover attachment
Dekselbevestiging klemmend = Cover attachment clamping
Dekselbreedte = Cover width
Dekselbreedte 1 = Cover width 1
Dekselbreedte 2 = Cover width 2
Dekselbreedte 3 = Cover width 3
Dekselklem = Cover clamp
Dekselklem kabeldraagsysteem = Clamp for cover cable support system
Dekselkoppeling kabeldraagsysteem = Cover coupler for cable support system
Dekselkoppeling wandgoot = Coupler for cover wall duct
Dekselmateriaal = Material cover
Dekselmontage = Cover mounting
dekselplaat = cover plate
Dekselplaatje = Cover
Dekselprofiel voor vloergootsysteem = Cover plate support for underfloor installation ducting
dekselrand = lid edge
deksels = lids
deksels = darn
"deksels, duivels, verduiveld" = "devilish {adj} (extreme, excessive)"
Dekselset vloerpot/vloergoot = Junction box insert for underfloor installation
dekselvergrendeling = lid locking
dekservet = table-cloth
deksloof = cap
deksteen / dektegel / muurafdekplaat / sluitsteen = coping stone
dekstier = stud
dekstoelen = deck chairs
dekstrip = cover strip
dekstroom = flash current
dekverf = finishing paint
dekverf = scumble
dekvermogen = covering power
dekvliesje = cover scale
dekvloer = floor finish
dekvloer = screed floor
Dekvoorwaarden = Breeding Conditions
dekvoorwaarden = covering conditions
dekwalificatie = deskilling
dekwalificatie = downgrading
dekwit = opaque white
Dekzeil = Canvas cover
Dekzeil = Tarpaulin
Dekzeil = Awning
Dekzeil = Tarp
dekzeil = tarpaulin
dekzeil = protective tarpaulin
dekzeil van de gondel = nacelle tarpaulin
dekzeil voor het mangat = manhole tarpaulin
Dekzeilen = Awnings
dekzerk = capstone
delaminatie = delamination
delamineren = delamination
delamineren en lamineren = delamination and lamination
delaminering = delamination
Delaware = Delaware
Delco = Distributor
delcrederebeding = Del credere clause
delegate unit = delegate unit
delegatie = deputation
delegatie = delegation
delegatie EP = EP delegation
delegatie van bevoegdheid = delegation of power
delegatie van bevoegdheid aan werknemers = b. to empower
delegatie van bevoegdheid aan werknemers = employee empowerment
delegatie van de Commissie = Delegation of the Commission
delegatie van de Commissie = Commission Delegation
delegaties = delegations
Delegeer = Delegate
delegeer eenheid = delegate unit
delegeereenheden = delegate units
delegeereenheid = delegate unit
Delegeren = Delegating
Delegeren = Delegate
delegeren = to delegate
delegeren de uitvoering daarvan = delegate its implementation
delegerend leiding geven = manage by delegating
Delen = Split
delen = divide
Delen = Division (mathematics)
delen = division
delen = to divide
delen = to share
delen = share
delen = parts
"delen 1, 2 en 3" = "parts 1, 2 and 3"
Delen die door een defect onder spanning komen te staan = Parts that become live due to a fault
delen door nul = zero divide
Delen door nul niet toegestaan = Division by zero is not allowed
delen en bewerken van vertrouwelijke data = sharing and processing confidential data
Delen en toebehoren van fotokopieerapparaten = Parts and accessories of photocopying apparatus
Delen en toebehoren van gereedschapswerktuigen = Parts and accessories of machine tools
Delen en toebehoren van kantoormachines = Parts and accessories of office machines
Delen en toebehoren van rekenmachines = Parts and accessories calculating machines
Delen en toebehoren van schrijfmachines = Parts and accessories of typewriters
Delen en toebehoren voor gereedschapswerktuigen voor het bewerken van har = Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools
Delen en toebehoren voor gereedschapswerktuigen voor metaalbewerking = Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools
Delen met gezin = Family Sharing
delen met uw hele organisatie = sharing it with your entire organisation
Delen of toebehoren voor poppen = Doll parts or accessories
delen opheffen = unshare
Delen starten… = Start Sharing...
Delen uit deze publicatie mogen worden overgenomen = Parts of this publication may be reproduced
Delen uit deze publicatie mogen worden overgenomen op voorwaarde van bron = Parts of this publication may be reproduced provided the source is acknow
Delen van aanhangwagens en opleggers = Parts of trailers and semi-trailers
Delen van andere voertuigen = Parts of other vehicles
Delen van apparatuur voor de distributie of het regelen van elektriciteit = Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus
Delen van assemblagestructuren = Parts of structures
Delen van audio- en video-uitrusting = Parts of sound and video equipment
delen van best practices = sharing of best practices
Delen van betonpompen = Parts of concrete pumps
Delen van bielzen = Parts of sleepers
Delen van boormachines = Parts for boring machinery
Delen van boorputextractiemachines = Parts of well-extraction machinery
Delen van bosbouwmachines = Parts of forestry machinery
"Delen van brandstof-, hand- en betonpompen" = "Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps"
Delen van brandstofpompen = Parts of fuel pumps
delen van bureaublad = desktop sharing
Delen van centrifugaalpompen = Parts of centrifugal pumps
Delen van centrifuges = Parts of centrifuges
Delen van condensors = Parts of condensers
delen van data tussen bedrijven = sharing of data between companies
Delen van delfmachines = Parts of sinking machinery
Delen van diepvriesuitrusting = Parts of freezing equipment
Delen van doseerpompen = Parts of dosing pumps
Delen van drijfwerkelementen = Parts of driving elements
Delen van een arbeidsmiddel = Work equipment parts
Delen van een toepassing of whiteboard starten = Start Application Sharing or Whiteboard
Delen van elektrische condensatoren = Parts of electrical capacitors
Delen van elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten = Parts of electrical domestic appliances
Delen van elektrische toestellen voor telefonie of telegrafie = Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatus
"Delen van elektrische weerstanden, reostaten en potentiometers" = "Parts of electrical resistors, rheostats and potentiometers"
Delen van elektromotoren en elektrische generatoren = Parts for electrical motors and generators
"Delen van elektromotoren, elektrische generatoren en elektrische transfor" = "Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers"
Delen van elektronenbuizen = Parts of electronic valves and tubes
Delen van elektronische componenten = Parts of electronic assemblies
delen van ervaringen = sharing of experiences
Delen van filtermachines = Parts of filtering machinery
Delen van gascompressoren = Parts of gas compressors
Delen van gasgeneratoren = Parts of gas generators
Delen van gasturbines = Parts of gas turbines
delen van gegevens tussen = sharing data between
Delen van gereedschap = Tool parts
Delen van graafmachinerie = Parts of excavating machinery
Delen van grondboormachines = Parts for well-drilling machinery
Delen van handgereedschap = Parts of hand tools
Delen van handpompen = Parts of hand pumps
Delen van hangsloten = Parts of padlocks
"Delen van hijs-, hef- en transportuitrusting" = Parts of lifting and handling equipment
Delen van hydraulische generatoren = Parts of hydraulic power packs
Delen van hydraulische machines of motoren = Parts of hydraulic power engines or motors
delen van informatie = sharing information
delen van informatie en kennis = share information and knowledge
Delen van inpakmachines = Parts of wrapping machines
Delen van kachels = Parts of stoves
"Delen van kachels, kooktoestellen, rechauds en huishoudelijke apparaten" = "Parts of stoves, cookers, plate warmers and domestic appliances"
Delen van kalandermachines = Parts of calendering machines
Delen van kennis en expertise = Sharing knowledge and expertise
Delen van kernreactoren = Parts of nuclear reactors
Delen van kernreactorvaten = Parts of nuclear-reactor vessels
Delen van ketels voor centrale verwarming = Parts of central-heating boilers
Delen van kettingzagen = Parts of chain saws
Delen van knopen = Parts of buttons
Delen van koel- en diepvriesuitrusting en van warmtepompen = Parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps
Delen van koeluitrusting = Parts of refrigerating equipment
Delen van kooktoestellen = Parts of cookers
Delen van kranen = Parts of cranes
Delen van kranen en afsluiters = Parts of taps and valves
Delen van lampen en verlichtingsarmaturen = Parts of lamps and light fittings
Delen van lampen en verlichtingstoestellen = Parts of lamps and lighting equipment
Delen van landbouwmachines = Parts of agricultural machinery
Delen van lichte vuurwapens = Parts of light firearms
"Delen van lieren en andere hijs-, hef- of transportuitrusting" = Parts of winding gear and other lifting or handling equipment
Delen van liften = Parts of lifts
"Delen van liften, skiphijsinstallaties en roltrappen" = "Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalators"
delen van locaties = location sharing
Delen van lopende banden = Parts of conveyors
"Delen van lucht- of vacuümpompen, delen van lucht- of gascompressoren" = "Parts of air or vacuum pumps, of air or gas compressors"
Delen van luchtbehandelingstoestellen = Parts of air-conditioning machines
Delen van luchtcompressoren = Parts of air compressors
Delen van luchtpompen = Parts of air pumps
Delen van machines of motoren = Parts of engines or motors
Delen van machines voor algemeen gebruik = Parts of general-purpose machinery
Delen van machines voor behandeling van dranken = Parts of machinery for beverage processing
Delen van machines voor de bewerking van tabak = Parts of machinery for tobacco processing
"Delen van machines voor de bewerking van voedingsmiddelen, dranken en tab" = "Parts of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing"
Delen van machines voor de landbouw of de bosbouw = Parts of agricultural and forestry machinery
Delen van machines voor de productie van papier of karton = Parts of machinery for paper or paperboard production
Delen van machines voor de productie van textiel en kleding = Parts of machinery for textile and apparel production
Delen van machines voor de productie van voedingsmiddelen = Parts of machinery for food processing
Delen van machines voor het behandelen van ertsen = Parts of mineral-processing machinery
Delen van machines voor het drukken en het inbinden van boeken = Parts of printing or bookbinding machinery
"Delen van machines voor mijnbouw, steengroeven en voor de bouw" = "Parts of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction"
Delen van machines voor zuivelproductie = Parts of dairy machinery
Delen van mangaten = Manhole elements
Delen van melkmachines = Parts of milking machines
Delen van militaire voertuigen = Parts of military vehicles
Delen van mortieren = Parts of mortars
Delen van muziekinstrumenten = Parts of musical instruments
delen van onderzoeksdata = sharing research data
Delen van ovenbranders en ovens = "Parts of furnace burners, furnaces or ovens"
Delen van pneumatische machines = Parts of pneumatic engines
Delen van pompen of elevators voor vloeistoffen = Parts of pumps or liquid elevators
"Delen van pompen, compressoren, machines of motoren" = "Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors"
Delen van radiatoren voor centrale verwarming = Parts of central-heating radiators
Delen van radio- en radaruitrusting = Parts of radio and radar equipment
Delen van raketwerpers = Parts of rocket launchers
Delen van reactiemotoren = Parts of reaction engines
Delen van rechauds = Parts of plate warmers
Delen van reinigingsmachines = Parts of cleaning machines
Delen van rolmachines = Parts of rolling machines
Delen van rolpaden = Parts of moving walkways
Delen van roltrappen = Parts of escalators
Delen van roterende verdringerpompen = Parts of rotary positive-displacement pumps
Delen van schoeisel = Parts of footwear
Delen van skiphijsinstallaties = Parts of skip hoists
Delen van sloten = Parts of locks
Delen van sproeimachines = Parts of spraying machines
Delen van steenkool- of steenzaagmachines = Parts of coal or rock cutting machinery
Delen van steenkoolzaagmachines = Parts of coal cutting machinery
Delen van steenzaagmachines = Parts of rock cutting machinery
"Delen van stofzuigers, niet voor huishoudelijk gebruik" = Parts of non-domestic vacuum cleaners
Delen van stoomgeneratoren = Parts of steam generators
Delen van stoomturbines = Parts of steam turbines
Delen van tandwieloverbrengingen en drijfwerkelementen = Parts of gearing and driving elements
Delen van tandwieloverbrengingselementen = Parts of gearing elements
delen van toepassingen = application sharing
"Delen van transformatoren, inductoren en statische omzetters" = "Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters"
Delen van transportbanden = Parts of belt conveyors
Delen van transportbanden type jakobsladder = Parts of bucket conveyors
Delen van tunnelgraafmachines = Parts of tunnelling machinery
Delen van turbines = Parts of turbines
Delen van vaatwasmachines = Parts of dishwashing machines
"Delen van vaatwasmachines en van reinigings-, vul-, verpakkkings- of inpa" = "Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, pack"
Delen van vacuümpompen = Parts of vacuum pumps
Delen van ventilatoren = Parts of fans
Delen van verpakkingsmachines = Parts of packing machines
"Delen van vloerboenmachines, niet voor huishoudelijk gebruik" = Parts of non-domestic floor polishers
Delen van voertuigen voor intern transport = Parts of works trucks
Delen van vulmachines = Parts of filling machines
Delen van vuurwapens en munitie = Parts of firearms and ammunition
Delen van warmtepompen = Parts of heat pumps
Delen van waterraderen = Parts of water wheels
Delen van waterturbines = Parts of hydraulic turbines
Delen van zuigerverdringerpompen = Parts of reciprocating positive-displacement pumps
Delen van zuiveringsmachines = Parts of purifying machinery
delen voor algemeen gebruik = parts of general use
Delen voor militaire lucht- en ruimtevaartapparatuur = Parts for military aerospace equipment
Delen voor oorlogsschepen = Parts for warships
delend bestand = sharer file
deler = common factor
deler = divisor
deler (schakeling) (elektra) = divider
delertrap = divider stage
delete = remove
Delete toets = Delete key
deleten = delete
deleteteken = delete character
Delete-toets = DELETE key
deletie van genes = gene deletion: unequal recovery of genetic markers (alleles) in the regio
Deleting cookies in = Cookies verwijderen in
de-leveraging = deleveraging
Delfi = Delphi
Delfland = Delfland
Delfmachines = Sinking machinery
delfstof = mineral
delfstofafzetting = mineral deposit
delfstoffen = mineral resource
delfstoffenindustrie = mineral industry
delfstoffenprospectie = mineral prospecting
delfstoffenwinning = mineral extraction
delfstofwinningsmachines = mining and petroleum machinery
Delft = Delft
Delft Alumni Netwerk (DAN) = Delft Alumni Network
Delft Integraal = Delft Outlook
Delft Research Centres = Delft Research Centres
Delft University Press = Delft University Press
DelftChem Tech = Delft Chemical Technology
Delfts = Delft
Delfts Instellings Pakket (DIP) = Delft Institute Package (DIP)
Delftse Allocatiesysteem = Delft Allocation System
Delfzijl = Delfzijl
delgen = amortize
delging = redemption
Delhi = Delhi
Delhi (stad) = Delhi
Deli Box / Verszone voor vlees en kaas = Refrigerator section meat and cheese Fresh Zone
deliberatieve democratie = deliberative democracy
Delicaat = Ticklish
delicaat = dainty
delicaatheid = tenderness
Delicatessen = Delicatessen
delicatessenwinkel {de} = deli [coll.]
delicatessenwinkel {de} = delicatessen
delicatessesalades = delicatessen salads
delict = criminal
delict = offence
delicten = offences
delicten = offenses
delimiteren = to delimit
deling = division
deling = needle pitch
Deling = Deviation
deling = part
Deling = Rift
deling = sharing
Deling = Split
Deling = Department
Deling = Partition
deling = pitch
deling {de} = fission
deling met rest = long division
Delingsring = Body
delinquent = wrongdoer
delinquentie = delinquency
Delirium = Delirious
Delirium = Delirium
delirium divergens = divergent delirium
Delivarebles op te leveren = Deliverables to be delivered
deliverable = deliverable
Deliverables = Deliverables
Deliverables opgeleverd = Deliverables delivered
Delivered Duty Paid = Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = DDP
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) = Delivered Duty Paid
Delivered Duty Unpaid = Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)
Delivered safely = Delivered safely
delivered safely = delivered safely
delke = that
delke = which
delke = who
Dell = Dell
delocalisatie van elektronen = displacement of electrons
Deloitte Group Support Center B.V. = Deloitte Group Support Center B.V.
delokalisatie = offshoring
deloyment = deployment
Delphi = Delphi
Delphi (Griekenland) = Delphi
Delphimethode = Delphi method
Delphi-methode = Delphi research method
Delphi-onderzoek = Delphi research
delta = delta
Delta = Delta Magazine
Delta (letter) = Delta (letter)
delta hepatitis = delta  hepatitis: a severe form of hepatitis
Delta Lloyd Requirements = Delta Lloyd Requirements
delta methode = delta method
Delta T regeling = Delta T regulation
delta verdeling = delta distribution
Delta-4 = definition and design of an open dependable distributed system architectu
Delta-4 systeemomgeving = Delta-4 system environment: DELTASE
deltaframe = delta frame
deltagebied = deltaic region
deltagebied = delta region
delta-HCH = delta-HCH
delta-lacton = "1,4-heptonolactone"
Deltamethrin = Deltamethrin
deltamodulatie = delta modulation
deltamodulatie met continu-variabele-flanksteilheid = continuously-variable-slope delta modulation
deltaregel = delta rule
deltarivierregulering = delta estuary regulation
deltaruis = delta noise
deltaschurrmachine = delta sander
deltaschuurmachine = corner sander
deltaschuurmachine = detail sander
delta-sigmamodulatie = delta sigma modulation: DSM
Deltatone = Delta tone
Delta-T-regeling = Delta T regulation
Deltavliegen = Delta wing
Deltavliegers = Hang-gliders
deltavormig = deltoid
deltavorming = delta formation
Deltoideus = Deltoideus
Delven = Excavate
delven = to delve [fig.]
delven = dig up
delven = to dig
delven = to excavate
delven = dig
delven = delve
delver (in steengroeve) = quarry man
demagnetisatie = demagnetization
demagnetisatiecircuit = degaussing circuit
demagnetisatiefactor = demagnetization factor
demagnetisatiespoel = degaussing coil
demagnetisatieverliezen = demagnetization losses
demagnetiseerapparaat = demagnetizer
demagnetiseerschakeling = degaussing circuit
demagnetiseerspoel = degaussing coil
demagnetiseren = to demagnetize
Demagnetiseringsfactor (-tensor) = Demagnetizing factor (tensor)
demagogie = demagogy
demagogisch = demagogic
demagoog = demagogue
"demagoog, volksmenner, volksopruier" = demagogue (an orator exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience
Demand Management = Demand Management
Demand Manager = Demand Manager
Demand manager ICT = IT Demand Manager
Demandmanagement = Demand Management
Demarcated Area = DA
Demarcated Area = Demarcated Area
Demarcatie = Building Specification
demarcatie = demarcation
"demarcatielijn, demarkatielijn, grenslijn" = demarcation (thus fixed limit)
demarcatielijst = itemised list
demarcatie-lijst = list showing itemised responsibilities
demarcatielijst / Gespecificeerd demarcatie overzicht = itemized list / itemized list
Demarketing = Demarketing
demarqueren = demarcate
dematriceren = to dematrix
dematricering = dematrixing
dematrix = dematrix
dementerend = suffering from dementia
dementerende bewoners = residents suffering from dementia
dementerenden = people suffering from dementia
dementia pugilistica = boxer's  encephalopathy
Dementie = Dementia
Dementie door alcoholmisbruik = Dementia - alcohol related dementia
Dementie Educatie en Ondersteuningsprogramma = Dementia Education and Support Program
dementie en cognitieve achteruitgang = dementia and cognitive decline
Dementiecentrum en Geheugenkliniek (CDAMS) = Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
dementiezorg = dementia care
Demer = Demer
Demerit goods = Demerit goods
Demerpark = Demerpark
Demeter = Demeter
Demeter (mythologie) = Demeter
Demethon = Demethon
demeton (som) = demeton (total)
Demeton-o = Demeton-o
Demeton-o-methyl = Demeton-o-methyl
Demeton-s = Demeton-s
Demeton-S + Demeton-O-ethyl (som) = Demeton-S + Demeton-O-ethyl (total)
Demeton-s-methyl = Demeton-s-methyl
Demeton-s-methyl-sulphoxide = Demeton-s-methyl-sulphoxide
Demetonsulfon = Demetonsulphone
Demetonsulfoxide = Demetonsulphoxide
demi water = demineralized water
demineralisatie van water = water demineralisation
demineralised water = demi water
demineralised water = demineralised water
Deming circle = Deming Cycle
Demingcirkel = Deming Circle
Deming-cyclus = Deming Cycle
deminwater = demineralised water
demissionair zijn = resign
Demiurg = Demiurge
demiurg (Aristoteles) = demiurge
demiwater = demineralised water
demo = demo
demo = demo tape
demo’s = demos
democraat = democrat
democratie = democracy
Democratie = Demcoracy
democratie {de} = democracy
democratisch = democratic
democratisch deficit = democratic deficit
democratisch gesynchroniseerd netwerk = democratically synchronized network
democratisch socialisme = democratic socialism (socialism based on democratic principles)
democratische aanpak = democratic approach
democratische besluitvorming = democratic decision-making
democratische legitimatie = democratic legitimacy
democratische leiderschapsstijl = democratic leadership style
democratische partij = Democratic Party
Democratische Partij (Verenigde Staten) = Democratic Party (United States)
democratische politiek = democratic politics
democratische rechtsorde = democratic rule of law
democratische rechtsorde en open samenleving = democratic rule of law and open society
democratische rechtsstaat = democratic state under the rule of law
Democratische Republiek Congo = Congo-Kinshasa
Democratische Republiek Congo = Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije = Algeria
Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije = People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Democratische Volksrepubliek Korea = Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (offic
democratische waarden = democratic values
democratisering = democratisation
Democratisering & Decentralisering = Democratisation & Decentralisation
democratisering van het onderwijs = democratisation of education
democratiseringsbeweging = democratisation movement
democratiseringsbeweging = democracy movement
Democritus = Democritus
demodularisatie = demodularization
demodulatie = demodulation
demodulator = demodulator
demodulatoreenheid = demodulator unit
demodulatormeetkop = demodulator probe
demodulatortrap = demodulating stage
demoduleren = to demodulate
demografie = demography
demografisch = demographic
demografische analyse = demographic analysis
demografische evolutie = demographic evolution
Demografische factoren = Demographic factors
demografische gegevens = demographic data
Demografische kenmerken = Demographic characteristics
Demografische marktsegmentatie = Demographic market segmentation
demografische ontwikkeling = demographic development
demografische ontwikkelingen = demographic developments
demografische veranderingen = demographic change
demografische verwachtingen = population forecast
Demografische Verzekeringen = Demografic insurance
Demographic questions = Demographic questions
Demomodus = Attract Mode
demon = demon
Demon = Daemon
demonisch = demonic
Demonstrateren = Manifest
Demonstrateren = Express
Demonstrateren = Take to the streets
Demonstrateren = Assertive
Demonstrateren = Hold a demonstration
Demonstrateren = Demonstrate
demonstrateur = demonstrator
demonstratie = demo
demonstratie = demonstration
demonstratie = protest
demonstratie {de} = demonstration
demonstratie film = demonstration film
demonstratie van de mogelijkheden = demonstration of the possibilities
demonstratie van producten = demonstration of goods
demonstratiecentrum = demonstration centre
demonstratiecentrum van Qimarox = Qimarox demonstration centre
Demonstratie-effect = Demonstration effect
demonstratiefilm = demonstration film
demonstratiemodel = demonstration model
demonstratiemodel van geïntegreerde technologie (ITD) = Integrated Technology Demonstrator (ITD)
Demonstratieprojecten = Demonstration projects
Demonstratieve consumptie = Conspicious consumption
demonstreert = demonstrates
demonstreren = to demonstrate
demonstreren = demonstrate
demonstreren = show
demonstreren = protest
demontabel = can be disassembled
Demontabel frame = Frame detachable
demontabele = removable
demontage = dismantling
demontage = detachment
demontage = disassembly
demontage = removal
demontage {de} = dismantling
Demontage bestaande inrichting = Removal of existing furnishings
demontage en montage = disassembly and assembly
demontage en opnieuw monteren = disassembly and reassembly
Demontagebeveiliging = Demounting protection
demontage-handleiding = dismantling/ disassembly instructions
Demontage-LED = Demounting-LED
Demontagewerkzaamheden = Dismantling works
Demontagewerkzaamheden voor militaire installaties = Dismantling works for military installations
Demontagewerkzaamheden voor veiligheidsinstallaties = Dismantling works for security installations
Demonteer = Disassemble
Demonteer de as = Remove the shaft
demonteer de tooling = disassemble the tooling
demonteerbaar = detachable
demonteerbaar bevestigd = detachably attached
demonteerbaar deksel = removable cover
demonteerbaar en verplaatsbaar bevestigd = detachably and movably attached
demonteerbaar: ~ van elkaar = mutually detachable
demonteerbare = detachable
Demonteren = Disassemble
demonteren = disassemble
demonteren = disassembling
demonteren = take apart
demonteren = to demount
demonteren = unmounting
demonteren = Dismantling
demonteren = to disassemble
demonteren = dismantle
demonteren = remove
demonteren / verwijderen = removal
demonteren en af te danken = dismantle and dispose of
demonteren en afdanken = dismantled and disposed of
demonteren en terugnemen = disassemble and take back
Demonteren van het bovendeksel = Removing the top cover
demoon = demon
demorfinisatie = demorphinization: gradual withdrawal of morphine
demoruimte = showroom
Demotisch = Demotic
demotiveert = demotivates
demotiverend = demotivating
demotoepassing = attract application
demoxytocin = demoxytocin
dempbuis = damping tube
dempdiode = damping diode
dempelement = damping element
dempen = mute
Dempen = Suppress
dempen = fill
dempen = to damp
dempen = stilling
dempen = damping
dempen = fill up
dempen het meest = offer the highest level of attenuation
Dempen opheffen = Unmute
Dempen uit = Unmute
Dempen van de luidsprekers opheffen = Unmute Speakers
Dempen van de microfoon opheffen = Unmute Microphone
dempend = damping
dempend (akoestisch) = (acoustic) damping
dempende werking = damping action
demper = damper
demper = silencer
demper van het platformluik = platform hatch shock absorber
demperkast = damper box
dempersysteem = absorber system
demperveer = damper spring
demping = damped reaction
demping = filling up
Demping = Muffling
demping = cushioning
demping = damping
demping = stilling
demping = damped reaction
Demping = Attenuation
demping = damped response
Demping = Filling watercourses
demping = attenuation
demping (niet gespecificeerd) = "Filled watercourse, not specified"
demping (van schokbrekers) = damping
demping met agrarisch afval en/of takkenbossen = Watercourse filled with agricultural and silvicultural wastes
demping met baggerspecie = Watercourse filled with dredging spoil
demping met grond = Watercourse filled with soil
demping met houtafval = Watercourse filled with waste wood
demping met huishoudelijk afval = Watercourse filled with domestic refuse
demping met industrieel- en bedrijfsafval = Watercourse filled with trade and industrial wastes
demping met lompen = Watercourse filled with rags
demping met puin en/of bouw- en sloopafval = Watercourse filled with construction and demolition wastes
demping van grachten = filling in canals
demping veroorzaakt door bewolking = cloud attenuation
dempingsblok = damping block
dempingsco‰ffici‰nt = damping coefficient
dempingscoëfficiënt = damping coefficient
dempingsdiode = damping diode
dempingseigenschappen = damping qualities
dempingsfactor = damping factor
dempingsfactor = attenuation factor
dempingsmassa = damping compound
Dempingsmeter = Attenuation measuring device
dempingsmogelijkheden = damping capabilities
dempingsregelaar = attenuator
dempingsrubber = rubber damper
dempingstest = attenuation test
dempingswaarde = attenuation value
dempingswaarde = damping value
dempingsweerstand = damping resistor
dempmal = damping jig
Dempster-Shafer's bewijsvoeringstheorie = Dempster- Shafer theory of evidence
Demulcens = Demulcent
demulcens = demulcent
demulgerend = demulsifying
demultiplexen = to demultiplex
demultiplexer = demultiplexer: DEMUX
demultiplexing = demultiplexing
demyelinisatie van het ruggemerg = demyelination of the spinal cord
demyelinisatie-polyradiculopathie = chronic   inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
demyelinisatie-zone = zone of  demyelination
demyeliniserend = demyelinating
demystificatie = demystification
Den = Fir
den = pine
den = pino
Den Bosch = Den Bosch
Den Bosch = Bois-le-Duc
Den Haag = The Hague
Den Haag = "The Hague, The Netherlands"
"Den Haag," = The Hague
"Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage" = The Hague {prop} (Dutch city)
Den Helder = Den Helder
denaturatie van de eiwitten = protein  denaturation
denaturatie van de nucleïnezuur = DNA denaturation
denaturatie van de nucleïnezuur = nucleic acid  denaturation
denatureren = to denature
denatureren = denaturing
denatureren = to  denature
denatureren = denaturation
denderen = make a noise
denderen = to dash
Dendermondsesteenweg = Dendermondsesteenweg
dendriceptor = dendriceptor
dendriet = dendrite
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dentritic polymer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dendrimer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = dense star polymer
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = star polymer: tiny spheres that are carefully engineered to have loose en
dendrimeer: een chemische verbinding die een structuur heeft als de takke = starburst polymer
Dendritisch = Dendritic
dendritische cellen = T lymphocytes
dendritische letsel = dendritic lesion
Dendrochronologie = Dendrochronology
dendrogram = dendrogram
dendrometrie = dendrometry
dendron = dendrite
denemarken = denmark
Denen {mv} = Danes
denervatie: het ontbreken van alle zenuwverbindingen naar een weefsel of  = denervation: removal of nerve supply to a tissue
deneurotisatie = denervation
deneurotisatie = enervation
deneurotisatie = nerve resection
deneurotisatie = neurotomy
Deng Xiaoping = Deng Xiaoping
dengue = dengue fever
Dengue virus = dengue fever virus
Dengue virus = dengue virus
dengue-exantheem = dengue exanthema
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = Aden fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = break bone fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = breakbone fever
"denguekoorts, coloradokoorts, de knokkelkoorts" = dengue fever
Denial of Service-aanval = denial-of-service attack
Denial of Service-aanval = denial of service attack
denial-of-service = denial-of-service
denier = denier
denigrerend = derogatory
Denim = Denim
Denis Diderot = Denis Diderot
Denitrificatie = Nitrate removal
denitrificatie = denitrification
denitrificatie capaciteit = denitrification capacity
denitrificatie van afvalgas = denitrification of waste gas
denitrificatieproces = denitrification process
Denivelleren = Reverse the equalization of incomes
denk = guess
denk = think
Denk aan = "Consider, for example"
Denk aan = e.g.
Denk aan = For example
Denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
Denk aan = This could include things such as
Denk aan = This may include things such as
denk aan = "Consider, for example,"
denk aan = e.g.
denk aan = For example
denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
denk aan = This could include things such as
denk aan = This may include things such as
denk aan = consider
denk aan = e.g.
denk aan = "relating to, e.g."
denk aan productliften = such as product elevators
Denk aan uw eigen veiligheid = Think of your own safety!
denk aan uzelf en aan anderen = think of yourself and others
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = "Think, for instance, of"
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = Criteria to consider
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = This could involve
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = "Consider, for example"
Denk bijvoorbeeld aan = This included things such as
Denk daarbij aan = "Consider, for example,"
Denk daarbij aan = This may include things such as
denk- en beslisprocessen = thought and decision processes
Denk hierbij aan = "This could take the form, for example,"
Denk hierbij aan = Such as
Denk hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan = Examples include
Denk hierbij met name aan = Consider in particular
denk in dit geval aan = this might include things like
DenK iP = DenK iP
DenK iP confidential = DenK iP confidential
Denk je slank = ‘Think yourself thin’ (Denk je slank)
Denk maar aan = Just think of
denk maar aan = just think of
Denk maar eens aan = We only need to think of
Denk maar eens aan = Remember
Denk maar eens aan = Consider
Denk maar eens aan = Just think of
Denk maar eens aan = Think of
Denk maar eens aan = Think
Denk na over = Consider
Denk ook aan de installatiekosten = Consider also the installation costs
Denk tweemaal na = Think twice
Denk: = ", including"
Denk: = consider
Denk: = "consider, for example"
Denk: = "Consider, for example,"
Denk: = e.g.
Denk: = examples of this include
Denk: = for example
Denk: = "For instance,"
Denk: = I am thinking here of
Denk: = I am thinking of certain freelance professions
Denk: = Imagine
Denk: = Just think of
Denk: = "Take, for example"
Denk: = These can include
Denk: = Things like:
Denk: = "Think, for instance, of"
denkactiviteit = mental activity
denkbaar = thinkable
denkbaar = conceivable
denkbeeld = idea
Denkbeeld = Notion
denkbeelden = ideas
denkbeeldig = fictional
Denkbeeldig = Imaginary
Denkbeeldig = Clouds
Denkbeeldig = Fancied
"denkbeeldig, ingebeeld, onwerkelijk" = visionary {adj} (imaginary or illusory)
denkbeeldige middellijn = imaginary centre line
denkbeeldige populatie = hypothetical population
denkelijk = probably
Denken = Pansy
Denken = Reckon
Denken = Gather
Denken = Feel
Denken = Assume
Denken = Believe
Denken = Thought
Denken = Suppose
Denken = Deem
denken = think
Denken = Cogitate
denken = to think
denken continue mee hoe het beter kan = and work together with you on how to improve it
denken en doen = thought and action
denken en handelen = attitudes and conduct
denken in beelden = thinking in images
denken oplossingsgericht = are solution-oriented
Denken vanuit mogelijkheden = Possibility thinking
denken ze mee met wat er leeft bij de gebruikers = with their users in mind
"denken, geloven, vermoeden" = "think  (guess, reckon)"
"denken, nadenken, peinzen" = "think  (to ponder, to go over in one's head)"
"denkende zielenleven, het" = the thinking soul
denker = deliberator
denker = thinker
denker {de} = thinker
denkfout van Berkson = Berkson's fallacy
denkfouten = errors of reasoning
denkfouten = failure in reasoning
denkfouten = fallacies
denkfouten = faulty reasoning
denkfouten = mistaken belief (based on unsound arguments)
denkgewoonten = thinking habit
denkgewoonten = thinking habits
denkkader = conceptual framework
denkkunst = art of thinking
denkniveau = level of education
denkpauze = period of reflection
denkproblemen = cognitive problems
denkproces = reflection process
denkproces = thought process
denkrichting = line of reasoning
denkrichting = line of thought
denkrichting = mindset
denkrichting = school of thought
denkrichting = thinking
denkrichting = lines of thought
denkrichting = mindsets
denkrichting = schools of thought
denkrichting = ways of thinking
denkrichtingen = lines of reasoning
denkrichtingen = lines of thought
denkrichtingen = mindsets
denkrichtingen = schools of thought
denkrichtingen = ways of thinking
Denksport = Game of skill
denkstappen = mental steps
denkt = thinks
denkt mee = takes a proactive approach towards
"denkt mee, doet mee, profiteert mee" = "actively contributing ideas, participating and benefiting"
Denkt met u mee = Looks after you / has your (best) interests at heart
denkt niet alleen mee over = not only contributes to the thought process on
denktank = thinktank
Denktank = Think tank
denktijd = think time
denkvaardigheden = cognitive skills
denkvaardigheid = cognitive skill
denkvaardigheid = cognitive skills
denkvakken en creatieve en muzikale vakken = cognitive and creative and musical subjects
denkvermogen = mind
denkwijze = line of thought
denkwijze = particular way of considering a matter
denkwijze = thinking
denkwijze = way of thinking
denkwijze = (way of) thinking
denkwijze = school of thought
denneboom = family tree
denneboom = pine
denneboomstructuur = family tree structure
Dennelotrups = European pine shoot moth
dennenboom = side coaming
Dennenfamilie = Pinaceae
dennenhout = fir
Dennenprocessierups = Pine Procession Moth
Dennis Gabor = Dennis Gabor
denominalelijnvaneenpaneel = The nominal line of a panel
"denotatie, beschrijving" = denotation (act of denoting)
DENOVEM = "Dutch Research School for Reproduction, Endocrinology & Metabolism"
dens sustentatus = impacted tooth
densiteit = density
densiteit-fracties = density fractions
densiteit-gebaseerd = density-based
densiteit-gebaseerd sorteermiddel = density-based sorting means
densiteit-gebaseerde = density-based
densiteit-gebaseerde sorteermiddelen = density-based sorting means
densiteitsomvang = density range
densiteitsseparatie = density separation
densitometer = densitometer
Densitometers = Densitometers
densitometrie = densitometry
densovirus = densovirinae
dentaal implantaat = dental implant
dentigene dermoïdcyste = follicular cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = dentigerous cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = dentigerous dermatocyst: a common follicular odontogenic cyst
dentigene dermoïdcyste = keratocyst
dentine = dentine
dentinecauterisatie = dentin cauterization
dentinedysplasie = dentin dysplasia
dentine-globulus = dentin globule
dentinogenesis = dentinification
dentinogenesis = dentinogenesis
dentinoïed = dentinoid
Dentitie = Set of teeth
Dentitie = Dentition
dentobronchiaal syndroom = dentobronchial syndrome
dentobronchiaal syndroom = dentobronchitis
dentritische remming = dendritic inhibition
denuclearisatie = creation of nuclear-free zones
denudatie = stripping off covering
Denver = Denver
Denver classificatie = "Denver classification: a system of nomenclature for human chromosomes, ba"
Deodorant = Antiperspirant
Deodorants = Deodorants
deodorants en antitranspiratiemiddelen = deodorants and antiperspirants
deodorants voor persoonlijk gebruik = deodorants for personal use
"deodorants, niet voor persoonlijk gebruik" = deodorants other than for personal use
Deontologie = Ethics
deontologische = deontological
deossificatie = bone  deossification
deoxyadenine-nucleotiden = deoxyadenine nucleotides: adenine nucleotides which contain deoxyribose
deoxyadenosinen = deoxyadenosines
deoxycholzuur = C24H39NAO4Na
deoxycholzuur = deoxycholate
deoxycholzuur = deoxycholic acid: a bile acid formed from cholate by bacterial action
deoxycorticosteron = deoxycorticosterone
deoxycytidine = deoxycytidine: an enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of deoxycytid
deoxyepinefrine = deoxyepinephrine
depalletiseermachines = depalletisers
depanneren [BN] = to repair
Depart temperatuur = Depart temperature
departement = department (France)
Departement = Department
Departement (Departementen wordt exclusief gebruikt voor departementen) = Department
Departement Aardwetenschappen = Department of Earth Sciences
Departement Accountancy = Department of Accountancy
Departement Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen = Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science
Departement Belastingrecht = Department of Tax Law
Departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) = School of Governance
Departement Biochemie en Celbiologie = Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Departement Biologie = Department of Biology
Departement Business Law = Department for Business Law
Departement Certificaten (HRD) [Werkt samen met de Antwerpse Universiteit = Certificates Department (HRD) [Co-operates closely with the Antwerp Unive
Departement Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschap = Department of Communication and Information Science
"Departement Dier, Wetenschap en Maatschappij" = "Department of Animals, Science and Society"
Departement Econometrie en Operations = Department of Economics and Operations Research
Departement Economie = Department of Economics
Departement Economie (USE) = School of Economics (USE)
Departement Encyclopedie en Rechtsgeschiedenis = Department of Jurisprudence and Legal History
Departement Europees en Internationaal Publieksrecht = Department of European and International Public Law
Departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen = Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Departement Filosofie = Department of Philosophy
Departement Finance = Department of Finance
Departement Fiscale Economie = Department of Fiscal Economics
Departement Fysische Geografie = Department of Physical Geography
departement gedragswetenschappen = department of behavioural sciences
Departement Geneeskunde van Gezelschapsdieren = Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals
Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis = Department of History and Art History
Departement Gezondheidszorg Landbouwhuisdieren = Department of Farm Animal Health
Departement Gezondheidszorg Paard = Department of Equine Sciences
Departement Godgeleerdheid = Department of Theology
Departement Infectieziekten en Immunologie = Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Departement Informatica = Department of Information and Computing Sciences
Departement Informatiekunde = Department of Information Systems and Management
Departement Innovatie- en Milieuwetenschappen = Department of Innovation and Environmental Sciences
Departement LNE = "Environment, Nature and Energy Department (LNE)"
Departement Maatschappijwetenschappen = Department of Social Sciences
Departement Marketing = Department of Marketing
Departement Media- en Cultuurwetenschappen = Department of Media and Culture Studies
Departement Methoden & Technieken = Department of Methodology & Statistics
Departement Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek = Department of Methodology and Statistics
Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken = Department of Mobility and Public Works
Departement Natuur- en Sterrenkunde = Department of Physics and Astronomy
Departement Nederlands = Department of Dutch Studies
Departement Organisatie en Strategie = Department of Organization and Strategy
Departement Organisatiewetenschappen = Department of Organisation Studies
Departement Pathobiologie = Department of Pathobiology
Departement Pedagogische en Onderwijskundige Wetenschappen = Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
Departement Personeelwetenschappen = Department of Human Resource Studies
Departement Privaatrecht = Department of Private Law
Departement Psychologie = Department of Psychology
Departement Psychologie en Gezondheid = Department of Psychology and health
Departement Psychologie en Maatschappij = Department Psychology and Society
Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid = School of Law
Departement Religie Wetenschappen en Theologie = Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
Departement Religiewetenschappen en Theologie = Deaprtment of Religious Studies and Theology
Departement Scheikunde = Department of Chemistry
Departement Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek = Department of Social Law and Social Policy
Departement Sociale Geografie en Planologie = Department of Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning
Departement Sociale psychologie = Department of Social Psychology
Departement Sociologie en Vrijetijdwetenschappen = Department of Leisure Studies and Sociology
Departement Staats- en Bestuursrecht = Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Departement Strafrechtwetenschappen = Department of Criminal Law
Departement Taal- en Cultuurstudies = Department of Language and Culture Studies
Departement Vreemde Talen = Department of Foreign Languages
Departement Werk & Sociale Economie = Department of Work and Social Economy
Departement Wijsbegeerte = Department of Philosophy
Departement Wiskunde = Department of Mathematics
Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum = Departmental Coordination Centre for Crisis Management (Departementaal Co
Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum = Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum Crisisbeheersing (Departmental Coordin
departementale = departmental
departementale begroting = departmental budget
departementale informatie coordinatoror = departmental information coordinatoror
departementale verantwoordelijkheden en bevoegdheden = departmental responsibilities and powers
departementale verschuiving = departmental shift
departementale verschuivingen = departmental shifts
departementen = ministries
Departementsassessor = Departmental Assessor
departementsmanager = department manager
"Department for digital, culture, media & sports" = "Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports"
Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) = Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
Department Product Innovation Management = Department of Product Innovation Management
departmenten = departments
dependance = office
dependance = annexation
Dependent = Dependent
dependent variable = dependent variable
Depersonalisatie = Depersonalization
Depigmentatie = Depigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = loss of pigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = depigmentation
depigmentatie: de verdwijning van kleurstof uit de huid = loss or absence of normal pigment
depigmenteringsmiddel = depigmenting agent
depilatie = hair removal
dépistage-onderzoek = commercial courts’ inquiry [Linguee]
dépistage-onderzoek = company investigation (‘dépistage-onderzoek’)
dépistage-onderzoek = investigation by the commercial court (‘depistage-onderzoek’)
Deplacement = Displacement
Deplacement = Move
Deplacement = Travel
Depletie = Depletion
depletiegebied = depletion region
depletielaag = depletion layer
depletielaagrectificatie = depletion-layer rectification
depletielaagtransistor = depletion-layer transistor
Deploy naar productie = Deploy to production
deployeringsdiagrammen = deployment diagrams
deployment = deployment
Deployment Image Servicing and Management = Deployment Image Servicing and Management
Depolarisatie = Depolarization
"depolarisatie, een vermindering van de elektrische lading in een zenuwcel" = depolarization
"depolarisatie, een vermindering van de elektrische lading in een zenuwcel" = neutralizing nerve impulses
depolariseren = to depolarize
depolitisering = depoliticisation
depolymerasen = depolymerases
deponeert of doet deponeren = deposits or has deposited
deponeren = to file
Deponeren = Drop
Deponeren = Depose
Deponeren = Send in
Deponeren = Register
deponeren = to deposit
Deponeren = Give evidence
Deponeren = Lodge
Deponeren = Testify
Deponeren = Deposit
deponeren = place
Deponeren = Leave
Deponeren (van geld) = To pay in
Deponeren (van geld) = To deposit
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = at an office)
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = to file (with a person
deponeren ter openbaarmaking = to file publicly
deponering ter openbaarmaking = filing publicly
deponering van contanten = cash lodgement
deponering van de jaarrekening = filing of the annual accounts
deponering van voorwaarden = to file terms or conditions
deponeringsstuk = filing document
deponeringsvoorschriften = filing requirements
deponie = dump
deponie = landfill
deponie = landfill site
deponieën = landfills
deporteren = deport
deposant = applicant
deposit = inlaag
deposit bewijs aan toonder = bearer certificate of deposit
depositaris = depositary
depositie = deposition
depositie op het substraat = deposition on the substrate
depositie uit de gasfase = gas plating
depositie uit de gasfase = vapour-phase deposition
depositie-inrichting = deposition apparatus
depositie-inrichting = deposition device
depositie-laag = deposited layer
depositieproces = deposition process
depositietechniek = deposition technique
depositietechnieken = deposition techniques
depositietechnologieën = deposition technologies
deposito = deposit
deposito = time deposit account
Deposito- en Consignatiekas = Deposit and Consignment Office
deposito- en consignatiekas = deposit and consignment office
deposito op vaste termijn = bank of deposit
deposito op vaste termijn = fixed deposit
deposito’s verkregen door bemiddeling van tussenpersonen = brokered deposits
Depositobank = Deposit bank
depositobanken = deposit banks
Depositobewijs = Certificate of deposit
depositobewijs/-certificaat = deposit receipt
Depositofaciliteit = Deposit facility
depositogarantieregeling = deposit guarantee scheme
deposito-garantieregeling = deposit protection scheme
depositogarantiestelsel = deposit guarantee scheme
Deposito-omzetting = Deposit transfer
deposito's die niet op naam luiden = non-nominative deposits
Deposito's en effecten = Marketable securities
Deposito's en effecten = Marketable securities and deposits
depositostrook = deposit slip
deposito-vermenigvuldigingsfactor = deposit creation multiplier
Depositozaken = Deposit services
depot = depository
depot (enkelvoudig/meervoudig) = filing (single/multiple) (BTO also uses ‘application’)
depot van averij grosse = depository bank [Am.]
depot van averij grosse = general average deposit
depotbank = depositary bank
depotbewijs = certificate of deposit
depotcertificaat/-verklaring = certificate of deposit
depotdatum = filing date
depothouder = sales agent
depotnummer = registration number
depotovernachting = overnight stay in a depot
depot-rekening gerelateerd aan hypothecaire lening = deposit account linked to mortage loan
depot-rekening gerelateerd aan hypothecaire lening = letter of deposit
depots = applications for registration / trademark applications
depotwaarde = Securities value
depotwerking = residual effect
deprecated = deprecated
Depreciatie = Depreciation
Depreciatie van kapitaalgoederen = Capital depreciation
Depreciatie van valuta = Currency depreciation
Depreciërend actief = Depreciating asset
depressie = depression
depressie = hollow
depressie = sinking
Depressie = Contraction
Depressie = Depression
depressie {de} = depression
depressief gedrag = depressed behaviour
depressiefractuur = depression fracture
depressiefractuur = depressed fracture of the skull: a skull fracture where a fragment of the
depressiefractuur = depressed skull fracture
depressio cataractae = depressio cataractae
depressiva = (noun & adjective)  depressant
"depressiviteit, de depressiviteit" = breakdown
depressor = depressor
depressor = hypotensor
deprimeren = depress
Deprimeren = Sadden
deprimeren = to dishearten
Deprivatie = Deprivation
deprivatiesyndroom = deprivation syndrome
deproteïnisatie = deproteinization
deputatie = provincial council
deputatie = provincial executive
deputatiebesluit = provincial executive’s decision (deputatiebesluit)
deputeren = depute
deputy = deputy
Deputy Manager = Deputy Manager
Derailed = Skid
Derailleur = Derailer
derailleur = derailleur
derailleurpad = derailleur hanger
derailleurs = derailleurs
derating = derating
deratingkromme = derating curve
Derbyshire = Derbyshire
derde = third <3rd>
derde = third
"derde (abbreviations 3de, 3e)" = third {ordinal number} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three)
derde / vijfde deur [hatchback] = hatchback
derde {het} [derde deel] = third [one third] <1/3>
derde actuator = third actuator
derde aspect = third aspect
derde baan = third run
derde baan = third ski run
derde beroepsdoelgroepen = professional third parties
derde beslagene = garnishee
derde correspondentierelatie = third correspondence relationship
derde cyclus hoger onderwijs = postgraduate studies
derde deel = third part
derde fabrikanten = third-party manufacturers
derde factor = third factor
derde fase van de EMU = third stage of EMU
derde garen = third yarn
derde gedeelte = third part
derde geldstroom = contract research funding / third flow of funds
derde geldstroom = third flow of funds
derde geldstroom = contract funding
derde geldstroom = commercial funding
derde geldstroom onderzoek = contract research
Derde generatie = Third generation
derde gleufportie = third slot portion
derde graads = cubic
derde graadsverbranding = 3rd degree burn
derde graadsverbranding = caustic burn
derde graadsverbranding = escharotic burn
derde grootte-fractie = third size fraction
derde hartgeluid = third  heart sound
derde hartgeluid = S3
derde kader = third frame
derde kandidaat-overnemer = third-party Prospective Transferee
derde katrol = third pulley
derde klas = third grade
derde kom = third bowl
Derde Kruistocht = Third Crusade
derde kwartiel = upper quartile
derde laag = third layer
derde land = third country
derde land = non-member country
derde landen en/of internationale organisaties = non-member countries and/or international organisations
derde landen of internationale organisaties = non-member countries or international organisations
derde lid = third paragraph
derde macht = cube
derde monster = third sample
derde naamval = dative case
derde niet-maat = third-party non-Partner
derde niveau = third level
derde of derden = third party or third parties
derde onafhankelijke partij = independent third party
derde paar scheurlijnen = third pair of tear lines
derde partij = third party
derde partijen = third parties
derde persoon = third person
derde programma = third programme
derde rand = third edge
derde rechthoekig kader = third rectangular frame
Derde regel = Third line
derde remlicht = third stop lamp
"Derde Rijk, Dritte Reich" = Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime)
derde schetsmatige weergave = third schematic representation
Derde schijf = Third tax bracket
derde stap = third step
derde van de beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde = Third of the frontal protection system
derde van de bovenkant motorkap = Third of the bonnet top
derde van de voorkant beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde = Third of the frontal protection system leading edge
derde van de voorkant motorkap = Third of the bonnet leading edge
derde verbindingsmiddelen = third connecting means
derde verbindingsmiddelen op het eerste element = third connecting means on the first element
derde vlak gedeelte = third flat portion
derde voorbeeld = third example
derde voordeel van onderhavige uitvinding = third advantage of the present invention
Derde wereld = developing countries
Derde wereld = Third World
derde wet van de thermodynamica = third law of thermodynamics
derde zijde = third side
derde(n) = third party or third parties
"derde, waaronder beslag wordt gelegd" = garnishee
derdebelanghebbenden = interested third parties
derde-etage groepenscheiding = major control change
derde-etage groepenscheiding = minor
derde-gearresteerde = (E&W prev.) garnishee
derde-geldstroomonderzoek = contract research
derde-generatie computer = third generation computer
derde-generatie computertaal = third generation language
derde-generatie programmatuur = third generation software
derde-generatietaal = third generation language: 3GL
derdejaars = third-year
derdejaars onderzoeksproject = third-year research project
derdejaars onderzoeksprojecten = third-year research projects
derdejaarsstudent = third-year student
derde-landen = non-member countries
derde-landen = outside countries
derde-lasthebber = third-party mandatary
derdelijnsondersteuning = third-line support
derdelijnssupport = third-line support
derdemacht van correlatie = cube of correlation
derden = third parties
derden = a third party
Derden (niet Overheid) = Third parties (not the government)
derden {mv} = third parties
derden die door haar bij de uitvoering van de overeenkomst zijn of worden = third parties engaged in the execution of the contract
Derden die van dit rapport kennisnemen = Third parties who consult this report
derden te goeder trouw = bona fide third parties
derdenaandeelhouder = external shareholder
derdenaandeelhouder = outside shareholder
derdenaandeelhouders = external shareholders
derdenaandeelhouders = outside shareholders
derdenbedingen = third party clauses
derdenbeslag = garnishment
derdengelden = Third party funds / funds entrusted
Derdengelden Rekening = Trust account
derdenrekening = third party account
derdenrekening advocaat = third-party lawyer's account
Derdenrekening Vastgoedmakelaars = Third-Party Real Estate Agent Account
Derdenverklaring uitsluitingscriteria = Third-party statement regarding exclusion criteria
derdepartijwebsite = third-party website
derdepartijweb-site = third-party website
Deregulering = Deregulation
deregulering {de} = deregulation
Deren = Touch
Deren = Affect
deren = harm
Deren = Broach
Deren = Finger
Deren = Touch on
Deren = Sink
derepressie = derepression
dergelijk = such
Dergelijk = Analogous
Dergelijk = Analog
Dergelijk = Analogue
Dergelijk = In the simile
dergelijk = like
dergelijk = similar
dergelijk = such like
dergelijk = the like
dergelijke = such
dergelijke = like
dergelijke = similar
dergelijke = such like
dergelijke = the like
dergelijke = other such
dergelijke = this type of
Dergelijke = Like
dergelijke aanwijzingen = such instructions
dergelijke inbreuken = such breaches
dergelijke maatregelen = such measures
dergelijke materialen = such materials
Dergelijke uitvoeringsvormen = Such embodiments
Dergelijke verzoeken = Such requests
Dergelijke warmtepompen kunnen één- of tweetrapssystemen zijn = Such heat pumps may be single or two-stage systems
derhalve = therefore
derhalve = accordingly
derhalve = consequently
derhalve = hence
derhalve = thus
derhalve = that is
derhalve eindigende op = thus ending on
derhalve tot en met = that is up to and including
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
Derhalve worden de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijvin = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
derivaat = derivative
"derivaat, afleidend middel, afgeleid uit een andere verbinding" = derivative
"derivaat, afleidend middel, afgeleid uit een andere verbinding" = substance obtained from something else
derivaten = derivatives
derivaten = derivates
derivaten daarvan = derivatives thereof
derivatie = derivation
derivatieproces = derivation process
derivatieregel = derivation rule
derivatieregel van hoofdrekening = main account derivation rule
derivatives = derivations
derivatives = derivatives
Dermabond™ = "Dermabond™ topical skin adhesive, a biological adhesive sealant"
dermabrasie = dermabrasion
dermale toxiciteit = dermal toxicity
dermapterans = dermapteran
dermatansulfaat = beta-heparin
Dermate = Like this
Dermate = In such a manner
dermate = so
Dermate = So much
Dermate = To such a degree
dermate breed = so broad
Dermatitis = Dermatitis
dermatitis bullosa = epidermolysis bullosa
dermatitis bullosa = autoimmune bullous skin diseases: autoimmune blistering diseases: antibod
dermatitis cosmetica = cosmetic  dermatitis: a cutaneous eruption that results from the applicat
dermatitis cosmetica = allergic contact dermatitis
dermatitis exfoliativa: de ziekte van Wilson = exfoliative  dermatitis
dermatitis exfoliativa: de ziekte van Wilson = erythroderma
dermatitis herpetiformis = Brocq-Duhring disease
dermatitis herpetiformis = dermatitis herpetiformis
dermatitis hyperaemica = hyperemic dermatitis
dermatitis seborrhoeica = dysseborrheic  dermatitis
dermatitis veroorzaakt door geneesmiddelengebruik = drug eruptions
dermatofibroma = dermatofibroma
dermatofibrosarcoma = dermatofibrosarcoma
dermatofyten = arthrodermataceae
dermatofyten = dermatophytes
dermatofytose = an infection caused by dermatophytes
dermatofytose = dermatophytosis
dermatofytose = ringworm
Dermatofytose = Dermatophytosis
dermatologie = dermatology
dermatologie {de} = dermatology
Dermatologie en Venerische Ziekten = Dermatology & Venereal Diseases
Dermatologisch = Dermatological
dermatologische agenten = dermatologic agents: drugs used to treat skin disorders
dermatologische preparaten = dermatological preparations
dermatologische preparaten en substanties = dermatological preparations and substances
dermatologische substanties = dermatological substances
Dermatologische toepassing = Dermatological application
dermatoloog = dermatologist
dermatolysis = dermatolysis
Dermatomycose = Dermatomycosis
dermatoom = cutis plate
dermatoom = dermatome: a surgical instrument used to cut very thin slices of skin
dermatopathie = dermatopathy
dermatopathie = skin ailment
dermatopathologie: kennis van huidziekten = dermatopathology
dermatopathologie: kennis van huidziekten = pathology of skin disease
Dermatose = Dermatosis
dermatose van het gelaat = facial  dermatosis
dermatosis papulosa nigra = dermatosis papulosa nigra
dermatotroop virus = dermotropic virus
dermis = "dermis, derma"
Dermografie = Dermographia
"dermografie, de dermatografie" = dermography
dermoïd = dermoid
dermoïdkyste = dermoid cyst: a tumor consisting of displaced ectodermal structures along
dermoïdkyste = dermoid tumor
derogatie = derogation
derogatie aangevraagd = requested a derogation
Derogatieakte = Derogation deed
derogatiebedrijven = derogation farms
dertien = thirteen
dertiende = thirteenth
"dertiende (abbreviations 13e, 13de)" = thirteenth {adj} (13th)
"dertiende <13e, 13de>" = thirteenth <13th>
dertiende maand = extra month
dertig = thirty
dertig tot veertig procent = thirty to forty percent
dertiger = someone in their thirties
Dertigjarige Oorlog = Thirty Years' War
"dertigste <30e, 30ste>" = thirtieth <30th>
Derven = To be out of
Derven = To be lacking in
Derven = Go short of
Derven = Lack for
Derven = To be deficient in
Derven = To be short of
derven = lack
"derven, ontberen, missen, gebrek hebben (aan)" = "lack  (be without, need, require)"
derving van inkomsten = loss of income
derwisj = Dervish
Des Moines (Iowa) = Des Moines
des te meer = all the more
des te meer = the more
desaffectatie = change of use
desalniettemin = nonetheless
desaspidin = desaspidin
desastreuse = disastrous
desbetreffend = applicable
desbetreffend = concerned
desbetreffend = involved
desbetreffend = relevant
desbetreffend = to that effect
desbetreffend = said
desbetreffende = concerned
desbetreffende = in question
desbetreffende = relevant
desbetreffende = respective
desbetreffende = said
desbetreffende genre = relevant genre
desbetreffende medewerkers = employees concerned
desbetreffende overeenkomst = relevant agreement
desbetreffende voorschriften = relevant rules and regulations
descendant = descendant
descendent = descendant
descendentietheorie = theory of  evolution
descriptief = descriptive
Descriptief onderzoek = Descriptive research
descriptiestandaard = description standard
Description automatically generated = Description automatically generated
Description automatically generated with low confidence = Description automatically generated with low confidence
Description automatically generated with medium confidence = Description automatically generated with medium confidence
description for filing = description for filing
description tag = description tag
descriptor = descriptor
descriptoraanwijzer voor ankervolumes = Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer
desensibilisatie = desensitization therapy
Desensibilisatie = Desensitization
Deseret = Deseret
deserialisatie = deserialization
deserpidine = C32H38N2O8
Desertie = Desertion
"desertie, vaandelvlucht" = desertion (deserting)
Desethylatrazine = Desethylatrazine
desgevallend = if necessary
desgevallend = as and when necessary
desgevallend = as appropriate
desgevallend = as the occasion arises
desgevallend = if any
desgevallend = if applicable
desgevallend = if need be
desgevallend = in certain cases
desgevallend = should the need arise
desgevallend = where applicable
desgevallend = where relevant
desgevallend = where there are grounds for doing so
desgevallend stilzwijgende = "where applicable, tacit"
Desgevraagd = Upon request
desgevraagd = on request
desgevraagd dan wel op eigen initiatief = if requested or on its own initiative
desgewenst = if required
desgewenst = if desired
Desgewenst = On request
Desgewenst = By request
Desgewenst = On application
Desiderius Erasmus = Desiderius Erasmus
design = design
design = hardware design
Design & Development = Design & Development
Design & Specificatie = Design & Specification
Design & Technique = Design & Technique
Design & Technique stream = Design & Technique stream
design / vormgeving = design
design {het} = design
design aannames = design assumptions
Design Academy Eindhoven = Design Academy Eindhoven
design and build = design and build
Design- and Cx&Q Engineer = Design and Cx&Q Engineer
design based benadering = design-based approach
Design Based Education = Design-Based Learning
Design Based Innovation = Design-Driven Innovation
Design Based Innovation = Design-Based Innovation
design denken en doen = design thinking and doing (DTD)
Design Dilemma = Design Dilemma
Design Dilemma’s = Design Dilemmas
Design Driven Innovation = Design-Driven Innovation
Design Driven Innovation professionals = Design-Driven Innovation professionals
design driven innovation specialist = design-driven innovation specialist
design driven professionals = design-driven professionals
design- en evaluatiefase = design and evaluation phase
Design en ontwikkeling van auto's = Automobile Design & Engineering
Design Engineering (afdeling van faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen) = Design Engineering (DE)
Design Examination Certificaat = Design Examination Certificate
design extractierooster = decorative extraction grille
design extractieroosters = decorative extraction grilles
Design Factory Global Network = Design Factory Global Network
design factory’s = design factories
Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability = Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability
Design for Sustainability = Design for Sustainability
design gedreven innovatie = design-driven innovation
Design Glasschalterblende = Glass control panel design
Design Implementation = DI
design ingenieur = design engineer
design leiderschap = design leadership
design management = design management
Design Management Innovation = Design Management Innovation
design methodology = design methodology
design- of adviesbureau = design or consultancy firm
design op wrijving = friction design
design patterns = design pattern
design patterns = design patterns
design pilots = design pilots
design research = design research
design science research = design science research
design taak = design task
design thinking = design thinking
Design Thinking Proces = Design Thinking Process
Design Tür Silbermetallic = Silver metallic door design
design van user interfaces = user interface design
design variante = design variant
Design: Management en Toepassingen = Design Practice & Management
design+build partner = design–build partner
design-aaname = design assumption
design-aanames = design assumptions
design-aanname = design assumption
design-aannames = design assumptions
designachtergrond = design background
design-based education model = design-based learning model
Designbekwaam = Design suitable
designbenadering = design approach
designcyclus = design cycle
Designdenken en –doen = Design Thinking and Doing
Designer = Designer
designer {de} = designer
Designers = Designers
designfase = design phase
designing democracy = designing democracy
designing the social = designing the social
designlamp = designer lamp
designlampen = designer lamps
designonderzoek = design research
Designparameters = Design parameters
designprincipe = design principle
designprincipes = design principles
designproces = design process
design-review = design review
designrooster = decorative grille
designroosters = decorative grilles
designs = designs
design-time only license = design-time only licence
desillusie = disappointment
desincentives = deterrence
desincentives = disincentives: negative motivational influences
desinfectans = disinfectant
desinfecteer spray = disinfectant spray
desinfecteer-/reinigingsmiddel = disinfectant / cleaning agent
Desinfecteermachine = Sterilizer
desinfecteermiddelen = disinfectants
desinfecteerprocedures = disinfection procedures
Desinfecteeruitrusting = Disinfection equipment
desinfecteren = sanitise
desinfecteren = to disinfect
desinfecteren = disinfecting
Desinfecteren = Disinfect
desinfecteren = to  disinfect
desinfecteren van de = Disinfecting the
desinfecterend = disinfecting
desinfecterend middel = disinfectant
desinfecterende = disinfecting
Desinfecterende behandeling voegen = Joint disinfection treatment
Desinfecterende handgel = Disinfectant handgel
desinfecterende producten = disinfectants
desinfecterende werkzaamheid = disinfecting efficacy
Desinfectering en ongediertebestrijding = Disinfecting and exterminating services
Desinfectering en ongediertebestrijding binnen een stedelijke en/of lande = Disinfecting and exterminating services in urban or rural areas
desinfecteringsproces = disinfection process
desinfectie = disinfection: treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms
desinfectie = sanitizing
desinfectie = disinfection
desinfectie distributeur = disinfectant distributor
desinfectie van de handen = disinfection of hands
Desinfectie voor  anti-legionella = anti-Legionella disinfection
desinfectie-installatie = disinfection systems
desinfectie-installaties = disinfection system
desinfectie-installaties = disinfection systems
desinfectiemiddel = disinfectant
desinfectiemiddelen = disinfectants
desinfectieniveau = disinfection level
desinfectieproces = disinfection process
desinfectieschema' s = disinfection schedules
desinfectiestap = disinfection step
desinformatie = disinformation
desinhibitie = disinhibition
desinsertie = degloving
desintegratie = breakdown
desintegratie = decomposition
desintegratie = disintegration
desintegratieconstante = disintegration constant
desintegratiemiddelen = disintegrants
desintegratiemiddelen voor tabletten = tablet disintegrants
desintegratiespanning = disintegration voltage
desintegratietijd = disintegration time
desintegrator = comminutor
desintegrator = disintegrator
"desintegreren, ontbinden, opbreken" = disintegrate  (cause to break into parts)
"desintegreren, uiteenvallen" = disintegrate  (break up into one's parts)
desintoxicatie = detoxification
desinvestering = disinvestment (US)
desinvestering = disposal (verkoop)
desinvestering = divestment (afstoten)
desinvestering = exit
Desinvestering = Disinvestment
Desinvestering(en) = Divestment(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Disposal(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Disinvestment(s)
Desinvestering(en) = Desinvestiture(s)
desinvesteringbijtelling = capital disposal charge
desinvesteringbijtelling = competent
desinvesteringen (see context below) = Cost of disposals / depreciation on disposals
Desinvesteringen op netto activa van dochterondernemingen = Divestiture of net assets in subsidiaries
Desinvesteringsstrategie = Disinvestment strategy
desipramine = C18H22N2  desipramine: a tricyclic dibenzazepine compound that potentiate
desirability = wenselijkheid
Desire = Anxiety to
Desire = Love
Desire = Want
Desire = Anxiety to do well
desire to design = vormwil
desired output = gewenste output
desirudine = desirudin
Desisopropylatraton = Desisopropylatratone
Desisopropylatrazine = Desisopropylatrazine
desitometrisch = densitometric
desk- en fieldresearch = desk and field research
Desk research = Desk research
deskresearch = desk research
deskresearch = desk research
"deskresearch, interviews en workshops" = "desk research, interviews and workshops"
Desktop = Desktop
Desktop computers = Desktop computer
desktop computers = desktop computer
desktop computers = PC
Desktop Platform Product = Desktop Platform Product
desktop publishing = desktop publishing
desktop publishing = computer assisted publishing
Desktopapparaat = Table top
Desktop-communicatiesoftware = Desktop communications software package
desktopcomputer = desktop computer
desktopcomputerervaring = desktop experience
Desktop-monitor = Desktop monitor
Desktopomgeving = Desk
Desktop-publicatie software = Desktop-publishing software package
desktop-publishing = desktop publishing
Desktop-publishing-diensten = Desktop publishing services
"desktoptoepassingen, webtoepassingen en mobiele applicaties." = "desktop applications, web applications and mobile applications"
deskundig = expert(ly)
deskundig = professional(ly)
deskundig = competent(ly)
deskundig = adept
deskundig = knowledgeable
deskundig = expert
deskundig advies = expert advice
deskundig en hiervoor opgeleid personeel = competent and trained personnel
deskundig en objectief oordeel = expert and objective opinion
deskundig personeel van opdrachtgever = qualified personnel of the client
deskundige = "expert, specialist"
deskundige = expert / specialist
deskundige = expert
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = authority
deskundige = person skilled in the art
Deskundige = Adept
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = person skilled in the art
deskundige = skilled person
deskundige = expert inspector
deskundige {de} = expert
deskundige derde = third party expert
deskundige derden = expert third parties
Deskundige en onafhankelijke beoordelaars = Expert and independent evaluators
deskundige en servicegerichte medewerkers = expert and service-oriented staff
deskundige hulp = expert assistance
Deskundige Infectiepreventie = Infection prevention expert
deskundige instanties = expert bodies
Deskundige medewerkers = Expert staff
deskundige op afstand = remote expert
"deskundige op dat gebied, een" = "expert in that field, an"
deskundige op het gebied van = an expert in the field of
deskundige van de AWVN en de Centrale Indelingscommissie = AWVN expert and the Central Classification Committee
deskundigen = experts
deskundigen op afstand = remote experts
deskundigenonderzoek = audit (door accountant)
deskundigenonderzoek = court-ordered expert examination
deskundigenoordeel = expert opinion
deskundigheid = expertise
deskundigheid = know-how
deskundigheid = proficiency
deskundigheid = expertness
deskundigheid = ability
Deskundigheid bij schade afhandeling = Claims settlement expertise
deskundigheid en vaardigheden = expertise and skills
deskundigheid inzake kwaliteit = quality competencies
deskundigheid m.b.t. een bepaalde bedrijfstak = industry expertise
deskundigheid op het gebied van = expertise in the field of
Deskundigheid van de medewerkers = Expertise of our employees
"deskundigheid, toewijding en succes" = "expertise, dedication and success"
deskundigheids- / bekwaamheidskaart = competency map
deskundigheidsbevordering = professional development
deskundigheidsbevordering = promotion of expertise
Desmetryn = Desmetryn
desmocyten = connective-tissue cells
desmocyten = desmocytes
desmocyten = fibroblasts
desmogleine = desmoglein: the cells that make up the 'glue' that keep the skin cells to
desmolase = CYP11A1
Desmond Tutu = Desmond Tutu
desmoplastisch = desmoplastic: causing adhesions
desmoplastisch fibroom = desmoplastic  fibroma: an extremely rare bone tumor
desmopressin = deamino arginine vasopressin
desmosoma = desmosome
Desnoods = If required
Desnoods = If necessary
Desnoods = If need be
desnoods met onmiddellijke ingang = "if necessary, with immediate effect"
desobstructie = disobliteration
desobstructie = endarterectomy: surgical removal of plaque deposits in arteries
desobstructie = unclogging obstructed arteries
desodorisatietoestellen voor persoonlijk gebruik = deodorising apparatus for personal use
desogestrel = desogestrel
desolate = desolate
Desoldeerbout = Desoldering iron
Desoldeerdraad = Desoldering lace
Desoldeerpincet = Desoldering tweezers
Desoldeerpomp = Desoldering pump
Desoldeerpunt = Desoldering tip
Desoldeerstation = Desoldering station
desondanks = nevertheless
Desondanks = Still
Desondanks = Yet
Desondanks = Notwithstanding
Desondanks = However
Desondanks = Nonetheless
"desondanks, zelfs dan, toch" = even so {adv} (despite the contrary)
desonide = desonide
desonide desoximetason = desonide desoximetasone
desorganisatie = discomposure
desorganisatie = disorganization
desorganisatie = distortion
Desori?ntatie = Disorientation
Desori�ntatie = Disorientation
desorptie = desorption
desoxicorticosterone = C21H30O3
desoxidatie = deoxidation
desoxidatieproduct = deoxidation product
desoxideren = to deoxidize
desoximetason = desoximetasone
desoxycorticosteron = deoxycorticosterone
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = dCMP
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = "deoxycytidine monophosphate, a hydrolysis product of DNA"
desoxycytidine-5'-monofosfaat = deoxycytidylic acid
desoxycytidine-kinase = deoxycytidine kinase
desoxyguanosine = deoxyguanine
desoxyguanosine-5'-monofosfaat = deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate
desoxyguanosine-nucleotiden = deoxyguanine nucleotides
"desoxyribonucleïnezuur, DNA" = DNA
desoxyribonucleoside = deoxynucleoside
desoxyribose = deoxyribose: a sugar that is a constituent of nucleic acids
desoxythymidine-5'-monofosfaat = dTTP
desoxyuridine = desoxyuridine
Despoot = Despot
despotisch = despotic
Despotisme = Despotism
Desquamatie = Desquamation
"desquamatie, de schilfering" = desquamation
desquamatio furfuracea = flaky exfoliation
desquamatio furfuracea = furfuraceous desquamation
desquamatio lamellosa = lamellar  desquamation
Dessert = Afters
Dessert = Dessert
dessert = dessert
dessert = pudding
dessert {het} = dessert
"dessert, nagerecht, toetje" = dessert (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal)
Dessertmixen = Dessert mixes
dessertrepen = dessert bars
desserts = desserts
desserts en puddingen = desserts and puddings
desserts op basis van melk = milk-based desserts
desserts voornamelijk van melk of melkproducten = desserts mainly of milk or milk products
dessin = pattern
dessin = design
destacker = destacker
destijds = way back then
destijds = back in those days
destillaat = distillate
destillaattemperatuur = distillate temperature
destillateur = distiller
Destillatie = Distillation
destillatieapparaat = still
destillatiekolom = distillation column
destillatietoren = distillation tower
destillatietraject = distillation range
destilleerderij = distillery
destilleerkolf = distillation flask
destilleren = to distill
destilleren = infer
destination fee = destination fee
Destiny = Luck
Destiny = Fate
Destiny = Destiny
destruaat = destructed material
destructie van weefsel = destruction of tissue
"destructie, reinigen, ontsmetten en insectenverdelging" = "destruction, cleaning, disinfection and disinsectisation costs"
destructiebedrijf = "Rendering plant (cattle remains, etc.)"
destructief = destructive
destructief onderzoek = destructive test
destructief onderzoek = destructive surveying methods
destructief testen = destructive testing
"destructief, destructieve, verwoestend, verwoestende" = damaging)
"destructief, destructieve, verwoestend, verwoestende" = destructive {adj} (causing destruction
destructiekosten = (special) disposal cost
destructieve = destructive
destructieve distillatie = pyrolisis
destructieve interferentie = destructive interference
destructieve leesbewerking = destructive read
destructieve test = destructive test
destructieve testen = destructive testing
destructor = destructor
Destruktiefactor = Destruction factor
desynchronisatie = desynchronization
Detachement = Draft
Detachement = Secondment
Detachement = Party
Detachement = Detachment
detacheren = second
detacheren = secondment
detachering = "on secondment to, secondment"
detachering = posting
detachering = secondment
detachering = transfer
Detachering zorgpersoneel = Care personnel secondment
"detachering, detachement" = detachment (military unit)
Detacheringkracht = Seconded employee
detacheringmedewerker = Seconded employee
detacheringovereenkomst = secondment agreement
detacheringsactiviteiten = secondment activities
detacheringsafspraken = secondment agreements
detacheringsbedrijf = placement firm (US)
detacheringsbedrijf = provider of staffing [solutions] (FELOnline)
detacheringsbedrijf = secondment company (JurLex)
detacheringsbedrijf = staffing firm (FELOnline)
detacheringsbureau = secondment agency
detacheringsbureau = secondment firm
detacheringsdiensten = secondment services
detacheringsfirma/-onderneming = particular
detacheringsfirma/-onderneming = staffing firm
Detacheringsmedewerker = Seconded employee
detacheringsorganisatie = secondment organisation
detacheringsovereenkomst = secondment agreement
detacherings-overeenkomst = secondment agreement
detacherings-overeenkomst = secondment contract
detacheringsperiode = secondment period
detai = detail
detail = specifics
detail = detail
detail = nuance
Detail Engineering = DK
Detail ontbreekt. = Information missing.
Detail van het voorwerp = Details of the item
detail venster = details pane
detail weergave = detail view
Detail(verkoop) = Retail
Detailaanzicht = Detail view
detailanalyse = drill through
detailbeeld = detail drawing
detailbeeld = detail view
detailberekening = detailed calculation
Detailbeschrijving = Detailed description
Detailbeschrijving van de opdracht = Detailed terms of reference
detailboekje = detail booklet
detailcontrastverhouding = detail contrast ratio
detailcontrole = detailed audit
detaildefinitie = detail definition
detailed design = detailed design
detaileenheid = detail unit
detailfoto = blow-up (vergroting van detail)
detailfoto = close-up
detailfoto = detail (picture)
detailfoto = detailed photo
detailfoto = enlarged image
detailfoto = inset (bij grotere foto)
detailfoto = photomicrograph (met betrekking tot microscoop)
detailfout = detail fault
detailgebied = detail area
detailgegevens = details
detailgegevens = detail data
Detailgegevens = Details
detailgericht = detail oriented
detailhandel = retail
detailhandel = retailing
detailhandel = retail trade
detailhandel {de} = retail industry
detailhandel {de} = retail
detailhandel {de} = retail business
Detailhandel in = Retail sale of
detailhandelaar = retailer
detailhandelaar = retailers
detailhandelaar = retailer
detailhandelaar in energie = retail energy sales company
detailhandelaren = retailers
detailhandelaren = retailer
Detailhandelsconcentratie = Retail concentration
Detailhandelsdiensten = Retail trade services
Detailhandelsdiensten voor elektronische handel = Electronic marketplace retailing services
Detailhandelsmarge = Retail contribution
Detailhandelsmarketing = Retail marketing
Detailhandelsmerk = Retail brand
detailhandelsverkooppunt = retail outlet
detailhandelsverpakking = retail packing
detailinformatie = detailed information
detailinformatie betreffende de klant(en) = customer details
detailkaart = detail card
detailklanten = retail customers
detailleert = specify
detailleert = further develops
detailleren = specify
detailleren = work out in greater detail
detailleren = draw in detail
detailleren = make a detailed plan
detailleren = break down
detailleren = detail
detailleren = elaborate
detailleren = elaborate on
detailleren = enumerate
detailleren = list
detailleren = to detail
detaillering = (structural) detailing
detaillering = design details
detaillering = structural details
detaillering = work details
detaillering = working details
Detaillering = design details
detaillering = working details
detaillering = detailed engineering
detaillijn = to the detailed record of the posting
detaillijst = detailed list / list of details
Detaillist = Retailer
detaillist {de} = retailer
Detaillistenpanel = Distribution panel
detailmenging = mixed highs
Detailmenu = Context menu
detailniveau = level of detail
detailniveau = detailed
detailniveaus = levels of detail
detailnummering = detail numbering
detailontwerp = detailed design
detailontwerpen = detailed design
detail-ontwerpen = detailed designs
detailplanning = detailed planning
detail-proces = low-level process
detail-proces = sub-process
Details betreffende de verstrekker van het veiligheidsinformatieblad = Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet
details info part = details info part
detailscherm = detail screen
detailsectie = Detail section
detailsoortvoorwerp = ItemTypeDetails
detailstudie = detailed design
detailstudie = developed design
detailstudiefase = detailed design phase
detailstudies = case study
detailstudies = component study
detailstudies = detail study
detailstudies = detailed quantification
detailstudies = detailed study
detailstudies = in-depth case
detailstudies = in-depth look
detailstudies = in-depth study
detailstudies = lower level study
detailstudies = specific study
detailtekening = detail drawing
detailveld = detail field
detailvelden = detail fields
detailvenster = details pane
detailverkoop = retail selling
detailverlichting = detail lighting
detailvoorstelling = detail representation
detailweergave = detail rendering
detailweergave = detail reproduction
detailweergave = detail(ed) drawing
detailweergave = detailed view
detailweergave = details view
detailweergave = part drawing
detamponeren = relief of tamponade
detavast = secondment with future employer
detecteerbaar = detectable
detecteerbaar/kan worden gevonden = discoverable
detecteerbare = detectable
detecteerbare concentratie = detectable concentration
detecteerde = detected
detecteert = detects
detecteert beweging = detects movement
detecteert de aanwezigheid van = detects the presence of
detecteert elke drager = detects each carrier
detecteren = detect
detecteren = to detect
detecteren geen beweging meer = no longer detect movement
detecteren of meten = detecting or measuring
detecteren van afwijkende telefoongesprekken = detecting anomalous telephone calls
detecteren van ophoping van sneeuw of van ijsvorming = detecting accumulation of snow or ice formation
"detecteren, signaleren en registreren" = "detect, signal and record"
detectie = detection
detectie = discovery
Detectie- en analyseapparatuur = Detection and analysis apparatus
detectie- en randapparatuur = detection equipment and peripherals
detectie en verwerking = detection and processing
detectie gebieden = detection areas
Detectie luchtkwaliteit = Air quality detection
Detectie op CO2 = CO₂ detection
Detectie op geur = Odour detection
Detectie op relatieve vochtigheid = Detection of relative humidity
detectie tijd = detection time
detectie van aanwezigheid = detection of occupancy
detectie van aanwezigheid in een ruimte = detection of occupancy of a space
Detectie VOC = VOC detection
Detectieafstandsbereik = Operating distance range
Detectieapparatuur = Detection apparatus
detectieapparatuur = detection equipment
Detectieapparatuur voor hout = Detection apparatus for timber
Detectieapparatuur voor kunststoffen = Detection apparatus for plastics
Detectieapparatuur voor metalen buizen = Detection apparatus for metal pipes
Detectieapparatuur voor niet-metalen voorwerpen = Detection apparatus for non-metallic objects
detectiebereik = detection scope
detectiebereik van de draadloze identificatiemodule (44) = wireless identification module detection range (44)
detectiebetrouwbaarheid = detection reliability
detectiediscriminatie = detection discrimination
detectie-eenheid = detection unit
detectiefase = investigative phase
Detectiehoek = Detection angle
Detectielimiet = detection limit
detectiemethode = detection method
detectiemiddelen = detection means
detectiemiddelen voor het detecteren = detection means for detecting
detectiemogelijkheden = detection capabilities
detectiepoort = security gate
detectiepoort = walk-through metal detector
detectiepoort(en = walk-through metal detector(s
detectiepoorten = security gates
detectieresolutie = detection resolution
detectieschakeling = detection circuit
detectiesysteem = detection system
detectietijd = Detection time
detectietijd = detection time
detectieweerstand = detection resistor
detectiezone = detection zone
detectiezones = detection zones
detection unit = detection unit
Detective = Detective
Detective = Detective novel
detective = whodunnit
Detective = Bloodhound
detective = sleuth
Detectiveverhaal = Detective novel
detector = detector
Detector meervoudig gas = Multiple gas detector
detector met een door ruis beperkte verwerkingswijze = detector noise-limited operation
detector met een relatief breed spectrum = detector with a relatively broad spectrum
detectorcircuit = detector circuit
Detectoren en andere inputs = detectors and other inputs
detectoren en anderen randapparatuur = detectors and other peripherals
detectoren en contacten = detectors and contacts
detectoren en getuigenlampen = detectors and indicator lights
detectormeetkop = diode probe
detectors = detectors
detectoruitgang = detector output
detectorwaarden en seingroeptoestanden = detector values ​​and signal group states
detektie = detection
Detektievermogen voor testlichamen = Detection power for test bodies
Detektor = Detector
Detektor REF speed verstellba = Detektor REF speed verstellbar
Detektor Rev speed verstellbar = Detektor Rev speed verstellbar
Detektorflansch = Detektorflansch
Détente = Trigger
Détente = Relaxation
Détente = Expansion
Détente = Distraction
Détente = Fun
detentie = detention
detergens = detergent
Detergent = Detergent
Detergent = Abluent
Detergenten = Detergents
Detergentia = Detergents
detergentia = detergents
Detergentia voor vaatwasmachines = Dishwasher detergents
determinant = determinant
Determinant = Defining
determinant(en) = determimant(s)
determinantcorrelatie = determinant correlation
Determinanten voor verspilling = Determinants of wastage
determinatie = determination
Determinatiecoëfficiënt = Coefficient of determination
determinator = determinator
Determineren = Define
Determineren = Give rise to
Determineren = Fix
Determineren = Bring about
determineren = determine
"determineren, identificeren" = identify  ((biology) to establish the taxonomic classification of an orga
determines the purposes and means of Processing Personal Data = het doel van en de middelen voor de Verwerking van de Persoonsgegevens va
determinisme = determinism
Determinisme (filosofie) = Determinism
deterministisch = deterministic
deterministisch model = deterministic model
deterministisch proces = deterministic process
deterministische behoeftebepaling = deterministic requirements calculation
deterministische routering = deterministic routing
deterministische verdeling = causal distribution
DetGeh = DetGeh
Dethier & Associés = Dethier & Associés
detineren = detain
Detonatie = Detonation
Detonatie = Crack
Detonatie = Bang
Detonatie = Explosion
detorsie = detorsion
Detoxicatie = Detoxication
detoxificatie = detoxification
detoxificatie = detoxifying
detoxificatie = detox
detoxificatie = detoxication
detoxificatie = drug addiction treatment
detoxificatie = getting off hard drugs
detoxificatie = kicking the habit
detoxificatie-afdeling = detox unit
detoxificatie-afdeling = detox
detoxificatie-afdeling = detoxification unit
Detroit = Sound
Detroit = Strait
Detroit (Michigan) = Detroit
detrusor = detrusor urinal muscle
detumescentie = detumescence
deugd = morality
Deugd = Virtue
Deugd = Righteousness
deugd {de} = virtue
deugdelijk = sound
deugdelijk = firm
Deugdelijk = Valid
deugdelijk = adequate
deugdelijk = decent
deugdelijk materiaal = sound materials
deugdelijk te legitimeren = furnish proper identification.
deugdelijk vakmanschap = sound craftsmanship
deugdelijk vastgezet = properly secured
deugdelijk verzekerd = properly insured
deugdelijk werden opgeslagen = were stored properly
deugdelijke bewijsmiddelen = proper evidence
deugdelijke zekerheid = adequate guarantee
deugdelijkheid = reliability
deugdelijkheid = solidity
deugdelijkheid = solidness
deugdelijkheid = sound condition
deugdelijkheid = soundness
deugdelijkheid = virtue
deugdzaamheid = virtue
deugen = fit
Deugniet = Reprobate
Deugniet = No-good
Deugniet = Scamp
deugniet = good-for-nothing
Deugniet = Lot
deugniet {de} = rascal
Deuk = Bump
Deuk = Hummock
Deuk = Hump
Deuk = Nub
Deuk = Dent
deuk = bump
deuk = dent
deuk {de} = dent
"deuk, [Belgium] bluts, [Netherlands] buts {c}" = dent (shallow deformation in the surface)
"deuken, indeuken, [Belgium] blutsen" = dent  (produce a dent)
deun = melody
Deun = Airflow
Deun = Air
deuntje = melody
deur = gate
Deur = Door
deur – en/of raamopeningen = door and/or window openings
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = primed door
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = paint-ready door
"deur (om te schilderen), schilderdeur, schilder-deur, schilder deur" = plain unpainted door
deur {de} = door
Deur beveiliging op bordes = Door safety device on work platform
deur bij de palletlift = door next to the pallet lift
Deur formeerbaan = Door of pattern-formation conveyor
Deur is dicht = Door is closed
Deur is geopend = Door is open
deur met raam (bovenin) = sash door
deur naar patio = patio door
deur of lichtscherm = door or safety light curtain
Deur palletlift = Pallet lift door
Deur product lift = Product lift door
deur van de balustrade = guardrail gate
Deur voor kast/lessenaar = Door for enclosure
"deur, flens of deksel" = "door, flange or lid"
deurafdekking = door frame cover
deurafsluiting = door gasket
deurbediening midden Magiq 13 - 14 = door control center Magiq 13 - 14
deurbediening midden/achter = door control center/rear
deurbediening voor Magiq 13 - 14 = door control front Magiq 13 - 14
deurbedieningshendel buitenzijde = exterior door control handle
deurbedieningsknop midden/achter = central/rear door control button
Deurbedieningspaneel = Door control panel
deurbedieningsschakelaar = door control switch
deurbedieningsschakelaar buitenzijde = exterior door control switch
Deurbel = Doorbell
Deurbel = Bell
Deurbel = Little bell
deurbel = doorbell
deurbel / huisbel = doorbell
deurbel {de} = doorbell
Deurbelpaneel = Doorbell panel
deurbeslag = door furniture
Deurbeslag = Door hardware
deurbeslag = door fittings
deurbeslag = mounting of a door
deurbeslag = door mountings (IATE)
deurbeslag = trim plate
deurbeslagelement = door fitting element
deurbeslagelementen = door fitting elements
Deurbeslagfabrikant = Door hardware manufacturer
deurbeslagfabrikant = door hardware manufacturer
deurbeslagmerken = door hardware brands
Deurbesturing = door controls
deurbeugel = door latch
deurbeveiliging = door guard
Deurbeveiliging = Door locking system
deurbeveiliging = door lock system
deurbeveiliging = door-lock mechanism
deurbeveiliging formeerbaan = pattern-formation conveyor door safety system
deurbeveiliging shuttleplaat = shuttle plate door safety system
Deurbeveiligingen = Door locking systems
deurbeveiligingen = door guards
Deurbevestiging = Door mounting
deurblad = door leaf
Deurblad en kozijn = Door leaf and frame
deurblad van de brandwerende overheaddeur = door leaf of the fire-resistant overhead door
deurblad van de brandwerende roldeur = curtain of the fire-resistant roller door
Deurcode-opener = Door code opener
deurconstructie = gate structure
Deurcontact = Door contact
deurcontact = door switch
Deurcontact voor bewakingstechniek = Detector for bolt switching contact
deurcontactschakelaar = door contact switch
deur-controller = door controller
Deurdikte ( deurdikte = ) = Door Thickess (DOOR THICKNESS=)
Deurdranger = door closer
deurdranger = door-spring
deurdrangers = door-spring
deurdrangers = door-springs
Deurdrempels = Door thresholds
Deuren = Doors
deuren = doors
deuren en andere componenten = doors and other components
deuren met veiligheidsschakelaars = doors with safety switches
deuren sluiten = closing doors
Deuren voor in-/uitlaatsluis = Sluice gates
deuren voor meubelen = doors for furniture
Deuren voor schutsluis = Lock gates
deuren/zijpanelen/bodemplaten/montageplaten = doors / side panels / bottom plates / assembly boards
deurenrelais = door guard
Deurgeleiding met railsysteem = Door mounting with adjustable sliding hinges
deurgrendels = door bolts
deurhandgreep = door handle
deurhengsel / scharnier = butt
Deurhorren = Door screens
Deurinbouw = Door installation
deurintercom = door intercom
Deurinterface = Door interface
deurkader = door frame
deurkas = gate recess
deurkas = camber
deurkasdiepte = gate-recess depth
deurklink = door latch
deurklopper = doorknocker
deurklopper = door-knocker
deurknop = doorknob
deurknop = door knob
Deurkoppeling schakelaar = Door coupling handle for switchgear
deurkozijn = doorframe
deurkozijn = door frame
deurkozijn = door case
Deurkozijnen = Door frames
deurkruk = door handle
deurkruk = door-handle
deurkruk / klink = doorhandle
deurkrukken = door handles
Deurluidspreker = Door loudspeaker
deurlusremming = door loop brake
Deurmat = Mat
deurmat = door mat
Deurmat = Straw mat
Deurmat = Doormat
deurmat {de} = doormat
deurmatten = door mats
Deurne = Deurne
deurneusrubber = rubber door seal
Deurnummers = Door numbers
Deuromlijstingsgoot = Door diversion duct
deuropening = doorway
deuropening = door opening
deur-opening = door opening
deuropening / ingang / deurgat = doorway
Deuropeningsautomaat = Automatic door opener
deurophanging = door suspension
deurpaneel = door panel
Deurplaten = Door blanks
deurpost = pole
Deurpost = Door station
Deurpost = Amount
deurpost / stijl (van deur of venster) / stut / muurtje = jamb
deurprocedure = door procedure
deurprofiel = door profile
deurprofielen = door profiles
deurrek = door shelf
deurrooster = door grille
Deurroosters = Door grilles
deurrubber = doorseal
deurrubber / stootdop = doorstop(per)
deurrubbers = doorseals
Deurschakelaar = Door switch
deurschakelaar = door switch
Deurschakelaar(s) = door switches
deurschakelaars = door switches
deurscharnier / vouwscharnier = butt hinge
deurscharnieren = door hinge
deurscharnieren = door hinges
Deurscharnieren = Gate stop
"Deurscharnieren, zelfsluitend" = Door hinge feature
deursegment = door segment
deurset = door set
deurslot = door lock
Deursloten = Door locks
deursluiter = door closer
deursluiting = door seal
Deursluiting voor kast/lessenaar = Lock system for enclosure systems
deurspion = spyhole
Deurstation-set = Door station set
deurstijl = door stile
deurstijl = door stile (van deur) 
deurstijl = doorjamb (van deurkozijn)
deurstijl = doorpost
deurstijl = doorpost (van deurkozijn)
deurstop = door stop
deurstopper = door stop
deurstoppers van metaal = door stops of metal
deurstuiters = door stops
deursystemen = door systems
deurvanger = doorstop(per)
Deurvastzetcentrale = Door locking central station
deurvastzetter = door holder
deurvergrendeling = door locking
deurvergrendeling door inbraakbeveiliging = door locking by anti-theft protection
deurvulling = door panel
deurwaarder = bailiff
Deurwaarder = Sheriff's officer
Deurwaarder = Usher
Deurwaarder = Process server
Deurwaarder = Bailiff
deurwaarders = process servers (US)
Deurwaardersdiensten = Bailiff services
deurwaardersexploit van beslaglegging = writ of distrainment
deurwaardersexploot = a writ served by a bailiff
deurwaardersexploot = writ
deurwaardersexploot = bailiff’s writ
deurwaardersexploot = writ served by a bailiff
deurwaardersexploot betekenen aan = serve a bailiff’s notification on
Deurzijpaneel = Door side panel
Deuterium = Deuterium
"deuteron, deuteriumkern" = deuteron (tritium nucleus)
Deuteronomium = Deuteronomy
Deutsche Bank AG = Deutsche Bank AG
deuvel = key
deuvel = dowel
deuvel- / dook- / drevel- / penverbinding = dowel(led) joint
deuvel / dookpen / paspen = dowel pin
deuvelwapening = steel pin
Devaluatie = Devaluation
Devaluatie = Devaluation (e )
Devanagari = Devanagari
Developers Conference van FileMaker = FileMaker Developers Conference
Developing an explanatory model for the firm investments in submarine opt = Developing an explanatory model for the firm investments in submarine opt
development = development
Development & Consultancy = Development & Consultancy
Development & Sales Office = Development & Sales Office
Development & Standardisation = Development & Standardisation
Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence = Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence
development initiatief = development initiative
Development Kit = development kit
Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle = Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle
development team = development team
Deventer = Deventer
deviatie = deviate
deviatie = deviation
deviatie = deviance
deviatie residuals = deviance residual
deviatie van ogen = ocular  deviation
deviaties = deviations
deviatieverhouding = deviation ratio
deviatievervorming = deviation distortion
Deviation Report = Afwijkings-rapport
Device Manager = Device Manager
Device Metadata Retrieval Client = Device Metadata Retrieval Client
Device serial Nb = Device serial No.
device targeting = device targeting
DeviceNet = DeviceNet
DeviceNet Safety = DeviceNet Safety
devices = devices
Devies = Motto
deviezen = foreign currency
Deviezen = Foreign exchange
Deviezenbalans = Official reserve account (OR)
deviezenbeleid = exchange policy
deviezenbeleid/politiek = foreign exchange policy
deviezencontrole = exchange control
deviezenreserve = foreign-exchange reserves
Deviezenswap = Foreign exchange swap
Deviezenvoorraad = Currency reserves
devitalisatie = devitalization
Devon = Devon
Devoon = Devonian
Devoot = Godly
Devoot = Pious
DevOps = DevOps
DEVS = DEVS system (Driver's Enhanced Vision System)
dewatering = dewatering
dewelke = who
dewelke = which
dewelke bedraad of draadloos communiceert = which communicates wired or wirelessly
dewelke manueel geplaatst worden = which are manually placed
dewelke nog niet is uitgevoerd = which has not yet been carried out
dewelke onderling orthogonaal zijn = which are mutually orthogonal
dewelke verschillend zijn = which are different
Dewey Decimale Classificatie = Dewey Decimal Classification
DEWI = German Wind Energy Institute DEWI
DEXA = dual  energy x-ray absorptiometry: a method used to estimate total body f
Dexa scan = DEXA scan
Dexa scanner = DEXA scanner
dexamethason = C22H29FO5
dexamethason = dexamethasone
dexamethason-isonicotinaat = "dexamethasone isonicotinate: an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic glucocor"
dexamfetamine = dexamphetamine
dexamfetamine = dexedrine
dexamfetamine = dextroamphetamine: an addictive prescription stimulant used to treat narc
dexetimide = dexetimide
dexfenfluramine = dexfenfluramine
dexketoprofen = dexketoprofen
dextraan = dextran
dextraan sulfaat = dextran sulfate
dextranomer = dextranomer
dextraten = dextrates
dextrine = dextrin
dextrine = (C6H10O5)n  dextrin
dextro- = dextro-
"dextrocardia, de dextrocardie" = dextrocardia
dextrocerebraal = dextrocerebral
dextromethorfaan = d-methorphan
dextromethorfaan-hydrobromide = dextromethorphan HBr
dextromethorfaan-hydrobromide = dextromethorphan hydrobromide
dextromethorfan = dextromethorphan
dextromethorfan (DXM) = DXM
dextrometorfan = dextrometorphan
dextromoramide = dextromoramide
dextromoramide-bitartraat = dextromoramide bitartrate
dextropropoxyfeen = C22H29NO2
dextrose = dextrose
dextrose = grape sugar
dextrosehulpstof = dextrose excipient
dextrosemonohydraat = dextrose monohydrate
dextroversie = dextroversion: turning the eyes to the right
Deze = this
deze aanbieding doen wij gestand tot ... daarna geldt zij vrijblijvend = our quotation is valid until ... and is thereafter subject to further con
deze aanbieding en de verdere uitvoering daarvan = this offer and the execution thereof
Deze aanbieding is geldig tot = This offer is valid until
Deze aanpak = This approach
deze aanschrijving ontvangt = receives the notice
Deze aanslag is vastgesteld = This assessment has been calculated
Deze aansturing kan gebeuren via = This control can be done via
Deze abstracte methoden = These abstract methods
Deze actie geldt bij aankomst op = This offer is valid for arrivals on
Deze activiteiten zijn gebonden aan = These activities are subject to
deze afwijking geheel of gedeeltelijk te compenseren = compensate this deviation in whole or in part
deze algemene inkoopvoorwaarden van ABC sluiten de toepasselijkheid van a = these general purchase conditions exclude the supplier's general terms an
deze Allonge evenals de Overeenkomst = this Rider as well as the Agreement
Deze alternatieve uitvoeringsvorm = This alternative embodiment
Deze analyse is gepubliceerd in = This analysis was published in
deze andere sites of daarin opgenomen informatie = these other sites or any information contained therein
Deze app maakt gebruikt van Java-enabled devices = This app can run on any Java-enabled device
Deze arbeidsovereenkomst = This employment contract
Deze arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt van rechtswege op = This employment contract will end by operation of law on
"Deze arbeidsovereenkomst eindigt van rechtswege, zonder dat opzegging is " = "This employment contract shall end by operation of law, without notice be"
deze auteursrechten berusten bij = these copyrights are vested in
Deze autoregeling regelt = This company car scheme governs
Deze autoregeling vormt een onverbrekelijk geheel met = This car scheme forms an inseparable part of
deze barrières te slechten = remove these barriers
deze bedraagt momenteel = this is currently
Deze bedragen kunnen de komende jaren veranderen. = These amounts may change in the coming years.
deze beide = these two
deze bekende systemen in de praktijk slechts op beperkte schaal toegepast = these known systems are only applied on a limited scale in practice
deze belastingen drukken zwaar op hen = these taxes weigh heavy upon them
Deze bepaling geldt niet = This provision shall not apply
Deze bepaling is van toepassing op personeel (medewerkers) van Opdrachtge = This provision applies to all staff of both Client and Contractor.
Deze bepalingen worden beschouwd als hier herhaald en ingelast = These provisions are deemed to be repeated and incorporated herein
Deze beperking is echter niet van toepassing = "However, this limitation does not apply"
deze bescherming = this form of protection
Deze beschrijving wordt evenwel slechts als voorbeeld gegeven en is niet  = "However, this description is only given as an example and is not intended"
deze beslissing te motiveren = giving reasons
Deze besluiten zijn vastgelegd in = These decisions are laid down in
deze bestellingen niet geannuleerd kunnen worden = these orders cannot be cancelled
Deze bijdrage geldt alleen voor = This contribution applies only to
Deze bijlage bij de arbeidsovereenkomst = This annex to the employment agreement
deze bijlagen maken deel uit van deze overeenkomst en vormen daarmee een  = these appendices form an integral part of this agreement
Deze bijsluiter is goedgekeurd in = This leaflet was approved in
Deze bijsluiter is voor het laatst goedgekeurd in = This leaflet was last approved in
deze biomassa op een specifieke wijze te vergisten = digesting this biomass in a specific manner
deze bladzijde = this page
Deze boete laat onverlet = This penalty is without prejudice to
Deze bouten zijn echter niet goedgekeurd voor lage-temperatuur toepassing = "However, these bolts are not approved for low temperature application"
deze brandwerende roldeur = this fire-resistant roller door
Deze brochure bevat informatie = This brochure contains information
Deze CAR kan niet worden gesloten = This CAR cannot be closed
Deze cijfers zijn helaas niet voorhanden = These figures are unfortunately not available.
"Deze cilinder heeft als extra een gasafnameventiel (vapour valve), voorzi" = "This cylinder has as an additional vapour valve, fitted with a pressure r"
Deze competentie beschouwen wij als = We consider this competency to be
deze conclusie = the present defence to the counterclaim (in this document!)
deze databank bevat ruim 85% van het Nederlandse aanbod van gekwalificeer = this database holds details of more than 85% of all the qualified commerc
Deze definitie past binnen het = This definition is consistent with the
deze definitieve aanslag is vastgesteld overeenkomstig uw aangifte over 2 = this final assessment has been calculated in accordance with your return 
Deze dient ’s avonds uitgeschakeld te worden = This should be switched off at night
deze diepte = this depth
Deze documenten omvatten minimaal volgende gegevens = These documents must include at least the following data
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt = This objective is achieved
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt = This object is achieved
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt door = This objective is achieved by means of
Deze doelstelling wordt bereikt door = This object is achieved by means of
deze doelstellingen te monitoren = monitor these objectives
Deze doelstellingen worden bereikt door = These objects are achieved by
deze drie = these three
Deze drie typen branders worden samengeplaatst op een gemeenschappelijke  = "These three types of burner are fitted together on a common burner base, "
deze één of meerdere waarden = this/these one or more values
Deze effecten = These effects
deze eindpunten inbegrepen = "Quoting numerical intervals by the endpoints comprises all integers, frac"
deze eis niet noodzakelijkerwijs van toepassing is = this requirement does not necessarily apply
Deze eis zorgt er voor = This requirement ensures
Deze elegante productlift = This elegant product lift
deze elementen mee opneemt = includes these elements
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding = The above and other aspects of the invention
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn aan de ha = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn aan de ha = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn van en ve = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere aspecten van de uitvinding zullen duidelijk zijn van en ve = The above and other aspects of the invention will be apparent from and el
Deze en andere doelstellingen worden verwezenlijkt = These and other objects are achieved
Deze en andere kenmerken en voordelen van de onderhavige uitvinding kunne = These and other features and advantages of the present invention may be r
Deze en andere kenmerken en voordelen van de onderhavige uitvinding kunne = These and other features and advantages of the present invention may be r
Deze extra service kan aangevraagd worden via de site = This additional service can be requested via the website
Deze figuur toont = This figure shows
deze fysiek van elkaar gescheiden kunnen zijn = these can be physically separated from each other
Deze garantie geldt voor de gehele duur = This guarantee is valid for the entire duration
Deze garantie geldt voor de gehele duur van de tussen verhuurder en huurd = This guarantee is valid for the entire duration of the lease agreement in
Deze gebruikershandleiding geeft de gebruiker informatie over = This manual provides the user with information on
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = these operating instructions
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = this manual
deze gebruiksaanwijzing = these instructions for use
Deze gecentraliseerde aanpak = This centralised approach
deze gedetailleerde beschrijving = this detailed description
deze gegevens = this data
Deze gegevens worden gestockeerd = This data is stored
Deze geheimhoudingsplicht omvat tevens = This duty of confidentiality also includes
deze goed te roeren = stirring it well
deze goedbezochte beurs = this well attended fair
Deze groep behelst nu ruim = This group now accounts for over
Deze handleiding = These instructions
Deze handleiding moet U in staat stellen = This manual should enable you
deze handschoen oppakken = take up this gauntlet
Deze hoek is niet noodzakelijk recht = This angle is not necessarily a right angle
deze huurovereenkomst = this Lease agreement
deze huurovereenkomst = this tenancy agreement
Deze huurovereenkomst gaat in op = This Lease commences on
deze informatie aan elkaar getoetst [...] geënt op zaken als... = this information is cross-checked [....] applied to
Deze informatie bestrijkt verscheidene domeinen... = this information covers...
deze informatie uitsluitend gebruiken voor = use this information solely for
Deze informatie wordt gebruikt = This information is used
Deze inhouding vindt niet plaats = This deduction will not take place
Deze installatie bevat niet afschakelbare spanningsvoerende delen = This installation contains noninterruptible live parts
Deze installatie zal zorgen voor de productie van de koude = This installation will provide cooling
Deze installatiehandleiding = This installation guide
Deze installaties zullen = These installations will be
deze is aan te vragen via het = which can be requested via the
deze is te vinden op = which can be found at
Deze is te vinden op de website = This can be found on the website
Deze is terug te zien in = which is reflected in
deze kabinetsperiode = during this government’s term of office
deze kaderovereenkomst en zijn bijlagen = this Framework Agreement and its Schedules
deze kan niet gereset worden = This cannot be reset
deze kennis = this knowledge
deze kennis en ervaring = this knowledge and experience
deze kennis en ervaring met u te delen = share this knowledge and experience with you
Deze klachten worden afgehandeld door = These complaints are handled by
Deze klasse implementeert = This class implements
Deze knop Heeft in deze installatie geen functie meer = This button no longer has a function in the system
Deze knop staat standaard op = "By default, this button is set to"
Deze korting is alleen online via de link verkrijgbaar = This discount is only available online via the link
Deze kosten = These costs
Deze kosten worden vergoed = These costs are reimbursed
deze kunnen de naam hebben = these may have the name
Deze kunnen eveneens fungeren als = These can also act as
Deze kunnen eveneens fungeren als afstandshouders = These can also act as spacers
Deze kunnen opgedeeld worden in = These can be divided into
Deze kunnen opgedeeld worden in drie grote blokken = These can be divided into three main groups
Deze kunnen optioneel gebruikt worden voor = These can optionally be used for
Deze laatste = the latter
deze leiderschapsstijlen = these leadership styles
deze lichamelijke klachten = these physical symptoms
Deze lijn wordt onder meer gebruikt voor = "This line is used, among other things"
Deze lijst is niet limitatief = This list is not exhaustive
Deze lijst met werkzaamheden = These specifications
Deze lijst vind je op = This list can be found at
Deze lijsten zijn niet limitatief = These lists are not exhaustive
Deze link navigeert naar = This link takes the user to
Deze maatregelen hebben als doel = These measures aim
Deze maatregelen hebben betrekking op = These measures relate to
deze mail = this email
Deze mail stuurt de medewerker naar = The employee should send this email to
Deze manier van scannen = This type of scan
Deze meerwaarde bedraagt = This gain amounts to
Deze methode van openbaarmaking = This method of disclosure
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge?nterpreteerd te = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geénterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd t = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geénterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geïnterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden geïnterpreteerd a = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
Deze methode van openbaarmaking mag echter niet worden ge�nterpreteerd  = "This method of disclosure, however, is not to be interpreted as reflectin"
deze methoden om te stoppen = These stopping methods
deze moet aan de volgende voorwaarden voldoen = it must fulfil the following conditions
Deze montage is alleen van toepassing bij = This assembly method is only applicable to
Deze montage is van toepassing bij zowel de = This assembly applies to both the
deze ��n of meerdere waarden = this/these one or more values
deze niet gebruiken voor een ander doel dan waarvoor het ter beschikking  = shall shall not use them for any purpose other than that for which they w
deze nieuwsbrief leest u over = In this newsletter you can read about
"Deze oefening, zorgt voor kennis en begrip" = This exercise provides knowledge and understanding
deze offerte omschreven werkzaamheden = work described in this quotation
deze ontwikkelingen bij te houden = monitor these developments
Deze opbrengsten bedroegen = These revenues amounted
deze openbaring = this disclosure
deze opgaven = these challenges
deze opsomming is louter exemplatief en niet limitatief = this enumeration is purely exemplative and not exhaustive
deze optie heeft voorkeur = This option is preferred
Deze optie kan door de deelnemer worden uitgezet = This option can be switched off by the participant
deze overeenkomst beëindigen = terminate this Agreement
deze Overeenkomst beëindigt = terminates this Agreement
Deze Overeenkomst behelst de volledige overeenkomst = This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
Deze Overeenkomst behelst de volledige overeenkomst tussen = This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
Deze overeenkomst eindigt = This Agreement shall terminate
Deze overeenkomst eindigt bij het overlijden van = This agreement shall terminate upon the death of
deze Overeenkomst en alle Orders = this Agreement and all Orders
Deze overeenkomst geldt = This agreement applies
Deze overeenkomst geldt voor alle medewerkers = This agreement applies to all employees
Deze overeenkomst geldt voor onbepaalde tijd = This agreement is valid for an indefinite period
Deze overeenkomst heeft betrekking op = This Agreement relates to
Deze overeenkomst inclusief de bijlagen = This Agreement including its Schedules
Deze overeenkomst is aangegaan voor de duur van 5 (vijf) jaar = This Agreement has been entered into for the duration of 5 (five) years
Deze overeenkomst is onderworpen aan het Belgisch recht = This Agreement is governed by Belgian law.
deze overeenkomst kan slechts worden gewijzigd of aangevuld door middel v = this contract can only be changed or added to by means of a written state
Deze overeenkomst kan tussentijds met onmiddellijke ingang zonder rechter = This agreement may be terminated by either party prematurely with immedia
deze overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang te beëindigen = terminate this agreement with immediate effect
deze overeenkomst of de uitvoering daarvan = this Agreement or its performance
deze overeenkomst om een van deze redenen beëindigt = terminates this agreement for one of these reasons
deze overeenkomst op elk moment beëindigen = terminate this agreement at any time
Deze overeenkomst regelt de relatie tussen Opdrachtgever en Opdrachtnemer = This Agreement governs the relationship between Client and Contractor
Deze Overeenkomst treedt in werking = This Agreement shall enter into force
Deze overeenkomst verplicht partijen tot = This agreement commits the parties to
Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door het Nederlands recht = This agreement is governed by Dutch law
deze Overeenkomst zal blijven honoreren = will continue to honour this Agreement
Deze overwegingen moeten worden meegenomen = These considerations must be taken into account
Deze overwegingen moeten worden meegenomen in de ontwerpfase = These considerations must be taken into account in the design phase
Deze pagina heeft opzettelijk geen inhoud = This page has been intentionally left blank
Deze pagina heeft opzettelijk geen inhoud = This page intentionally left blank
Deze pagina staat momenteel offline = This page is currently offline.
Deze paragraaf gaat in op = This section deals with
deze paren van tweede openingen = said pairs of second apertures
Deze partijen is gevraagd = These parties have been requested
deze persoon te vervangen = to replace this person
deze politiek biedt geen uitzicht op succes = this policy has no prospect / chance of success
Deze prestatieverklaring wordt verstrekt onder de exclusieve verantwoorde = This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility o
deze prijzen niet gewijzigd zullen worden indien de indexering leidt tot  = these prices will not be changed if the indexation leads to lower prices
Deze procedure is van toepassing op = This procedure applies to
Deze procedure is van toepassing tijdens = This procedure applies during
Deze publicatie is tot stand gekomen = This publication was produced
deze regel geldt voor iedereen = this rule applies to everyone
deze regeling is van toepassing op medewerkers met een vaste standplaats = these arrangements apply to employees whose work is carried out at a fixe
deze regels lenen zich... (whole phrase) = "Due to their nature, these rules are capable of direct application."
Deze rekeningen wordt vermeld = These accounts are specified
Deze rente zal worden berekend = This interest will be calculated
deze restricties = these restrictions
deze richtlijn = these guidelines on recommended practice
deze rubriek = this section
Deze scan kan tijdens kantoor uitgevoerd worden. = This scan can be performed during office hours.
Deze sensoren = these sensors
Deze situatie vraagt een goede kennis = This situation requires a good knowledge
deze slimme productlift = this clever product elevator
Deze specifieke scenario’s = These specific scenarios
Deze staan vermeld in de specificatie van de = These are listed in the specifications of the
Deze stelschroef heeft een linkse schroefdraad en werkt daarom wat onlogi = "This adjusting screw has a left-handed thread, which might seem a little "
Deze stijging is vooral het gevolg van = This growth was mainly caused by
Deze stijl kan efficiënt zijn = This style can be efficient
Deze stof en de verpakking als gevaarlijk afval afvoeren = This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste
Deze stof en de verpakking als gevaarlijk afval afvoeren. = This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
deze stof en de verpakking naar een inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzon = "Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material and its container at h"
Deze stof en de verpakking naar inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzonder  = Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special waste 
Deze stof en de verpakking naar inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzonder  = Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special waste 
Deze stof en de verpakking op veilige wijze afvoeren = This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way
Deze stof en de verpakking op veilige wijze afvoeren. = This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way.
deze stoffen te vermijden = avoid these substances
deze storingscode = this fault code
deze studie en de uitvoering daarvan = this trial and its implementation
Deze stukken vormen een integraal onderdeel van deze = These documents shall form an integral part of this
Deze tarieven zijn exclusief voor = These rates apply exclusively to
deze technieken = these techniques
deze technieken = these technologies
Deze tegemoetkoming is afhankelijk van = This allowance is dependent on
deze tekortkomingen weg te werken = eliminate these shortcomings
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit = it does not exclude other elements or steps
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ?comprising?, used in the claims, shoul"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = it does not exclude other elements or steps.
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = it does not exclude other elements or steps.
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ?comprising?, used in the claims, shoul"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term ‘comprising’, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = it does not exclude other elements or steps. It is thus to be interpreted
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = "It is to be noticed that the term �comprising�, used in the claims, s"
deze term sluit geen andere elementen of stappen uit. Hij is zodoende te  = it does not exclude other elements or steps. It is thus to be interpreted
Deze termijn gaat in op de kalenderdag = This term starts on the calendar day
Deze termijn is vermeld in = This period is specified in
Deze termijn vangt aan op de dag nadat = This period commences on the day after
Deze termijn wordt vermeerderd = This period is increased
Deze termijn wordt vermeerderd met = This period is increased by
deze test = this test
deze toebehoren = these accessories
Deze toeslag maakt geen onderdeel uit van = This allowance is not part of
Deze toeslag maakt onderdeel uit van = This allowance is part of
Deze toeslag wordt aangepast = This allowance is adjusted
deze transactie komt tot stand onder de voorwaarden genoemd in = this transaction is concluded subject to the conditions set out in ...
deze tussentijds schriftelijk op te zeggen = terminate it prematurely in writing
deze twee = these two
deze Uitnodiging tot Inschrijving = this Invitation to Tender
Deze uitspraak is gedaan door = This judgement was pronounced by
Deze uitsteeksels = These projections
deze uitvinding = this invention
Deze uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The present invention generally relates to
Deze uitvinding heeft in het algemeen betrekking op = The invention generally relates to
deze uitvoeringsvorm = this embodiment
Deze uitvoeringsvorm beschrijft = This embodiment describes
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft als voordeel = This embodiment has the advantage
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft als voordeel dat = This embodiment has the advantage that
Deze uitvoeringsvorm heeft onder meer als voordeel = "This embodiment has the advantage, among other things,"
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig = This embodiment is particularly advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorhee = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is bijzonder voordelig met een voorheen beschreven u = This embodiment is particularly advantageous with a previously described 
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is eveneens voordelig = This embodiment is also advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan = This embodiment is the same as
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan de uitvoeringsvorm = This embodiment is the same as the embodiment
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gelijk aan de uitvoeringsvorm in Figuur = This embodiment is the same as the embodiment in Figure
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is gunstig voor het stevig bevestigen van een opwaar = This embodiment is beneficial for firmly attaching an upwardly extending 
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig = This embodiment is particularly advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een  = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een  = This embodiment is particularly advantageous in combination with a previo
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met voor = This embodiment is especially advantageous in combination with previously
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is vooral voordelig voor = This embodiment is especially advantageous for
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig = This embodiment is advantageous
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig doordat = This embodiment is advantageous in that
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig omdat = This embodiment is advantageous because
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig omdat het voorkomt = This embodiment is advantageous because it prevents
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig voor = This embodiment is advantageous for
Deze uitvoeringsvorm is voordelig voor het bekomen van = This embodiment is advantageous for obtaining
Deze uitvoeringsvorm kan voordelig gecombineerd worden met een voorheen b = This embodiment can advantageously be combined with a previously describe
Deze uitvoeringsvorm kan voordelig gecombineerd worden met een voorheen b = This embodiment can advantageously be combined with a previously describe
Deze uitvoeringsvorm omvat = This embodiment comprises
Deze uitvoeringsvorm van de uitvinding = This embodiment of the invention
Deze Uitzendovereenkomst is in tweevoud opgemaakt en ondertekend op  te = This Temporary Employment Contract was drawn up in duplicate and signed o
Deze uitzendovereenkomst wordt aangegaan voor de duur van de terbeschikki = This temporary employment contract is entered into for the duration of th
deze veiligheidsvoorschriften = these safety regulations
Deze verantwoordelijkheid = This responsibility
deze vergelijking = this comparison
Deze vergoeding heeft betrekking op = This allowance covers
Deze vergoeding heeft betrekking op de kosten = This allowance covers the costs
Deze vergoeding is belast. = This allowance is taxed.
Deze vergoeding is inclusief = This allowance includes
Deze vergoeding komt in de plaats van = This fee is in lieu of
Deze vergoeding wordt netto uitbetaald = This allowance will be paid out net
Deze verklaring is opgemaakt op = This declaration was prepared on
Deze verklaring kan worden verkregen = This statement can be obtained
deze verkzeringsvoorwarden zijn ontwikkeld door XYZ & co. b.v. te Amsterd = these insurance terms and conditions have been developed by XYZ & co. b.v
deze verpanding geschiedt onder de volgende bepalingen = this pledge is made subject to the following conditions
Deze verplichtingen zijn bijkomend aan = These obligations supplement
Deze verplichtingen zijn bijkomend aan deze van = These obligations supplement those of
Deze versie is voorzien van = This version includes
Deze verzekering is bedoeld om = This policy is designed to
deze verzekering wilde ik graag snel afsluiten = I wanted to take out this policy quickly
deze verzekering wilde ik graag snel en gemakkelijk afsluiten = I wanted to take out this policy quickly and easily
Deze visie sluit nauw aan bij = This vision is closely aligned with
Deze volmacht is onvoorwaardelijk en onherroepelijk = This power of attorney is unconditional and irrevocable
Deze voorkeursvormen = These preferred embodiments
deze voorwaarden = these conditions
Deze voorwaarden = These terms and conditions
deze voorwaarden = these Promotional Terms and Conditions
Deze voorwaarden worden niet geacht een garantie = These conditions do not constitute a guarantee
Deze voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op = These conditions apply to all
Deze voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle aanbiedingen en offertes = These conditions apply to all offers and quotations
Deze vorm om warmte energie op te wekken is weinig milieubelastend. = This form of generating heat energy places a low burden on the environmen
deze vorstbeveiliging = this frost protection system
Deze vraag zal door je zelf beantwoord moeten worden = Only you will be able to answer this question
Deze vragen overslaan = Skip these questions
Deze vragen zijn onder te verdelen in = These questions can be divided into
Deze vragenlijst gaat over = This questionnaire is about
Deze website = This website
Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies = This website makes use of cookies
deze weg volgen tot = continue along this road as far as
Deze werkwijze heeft onder meer als voordeel dat = "This method has the advantage, among other things, that"
Deze werkwijze is voordelig = This method is advantageous
Deze werkwijze is voordelig omdat = This method is advantageous because
Deze werkwijze van openbaarmaking = This method of disclosure
Deze wet stamt uit = This law dates from
Deze worden afgeleid uit = These are derived from
Deze worden gedocumenteerd = These are documented
Deze wordt gemeten in = This is measured in
Deze zaak wordt behandeld door = This case is being handled by
deze zijde = this side
Deze zijn = These are
Deze zijn onder andere nodig voor = "These are needed, for example,"
Deze zijn reeds in uw bezit. = You already have a copy of these.
Deze zijn vastgelegd in = These are defined in
Deze zijportie = This side portion
deze zin is te schrappen indien = this sentence is to be deleted if
deze zinsnede begrijp ik niet = I don’t understand this phrase
Deze zullen energie voorzien = These will supply energy
dezelfde = very
dezelfde = this same
dezelfde = the same
dezelfde afmetingen = the same dimensions
dezelfde afmetingen hebben als = have the same dimensions as
dezelfde arbeidsvoorwaarden als in deze Uitzendovereenkomst zijn opgenome = the same terms and conditions of employment as specified in this temporar
dezelfde dosis radiotherapie = the same dose of radiotherapy
dezelfde eis = the same requirement
dezelfde frequenties = the same frequencies
dezelfde functie = the same function
dezelfde functie zullen vervullen = will perform the same function
dezelfde geldingskracht hebben jegens = to apply with equal force with regard to
dezelfde hoge temperaturen = the same high temperatures
dezelfde identity hebben = have the same identity
dezelfde of soortgelijke werkzaamheden = the same or similar work
dezelfde periode vorig jaar = the same period last year
Dezelfde referentienummers in verschillende tekeningen identificeren deze = The same reference numbers in different drawings identify the same or sim
Dezelfde referentienummers in verschillende tekeningen identificeren deze = The same reference numbers in different drawings identify the same or sim
dezelfde types = the same types
Dezelfde uitvoering kan doorlopen worden = The same embodiment can be used
dezelfde uitvoeringsdatum hebben = share the same same processing date
dezelfde uitvoeringsvorm = the same embodiment
dezelfde verplichtingen = the same obligations
dezelfde verplichtingen op te leggen = impose the same obligations
dezelfde voetplaat = the same base plate
dezelfde volgorde van trapsgewijze aaneenschakeling = same sequence of stepwise interconnection
dezelfde voordelen = the same advantages
dezelfde vorm en afmetingen = the same shape and dimensions
dezelfde waarde = the same value
dezerzijds aantekening maken van = "the police, or possibly: the undersigned/ the aforementioned ( all depend"
df = df
df = degrees of freedom
DFA = Dossier of Financial Arrangements
DFB = Facility Service
D-fender = D-fender
D-fenders = D-fenders
DFS-toegangspunt = DFS root
DFS-topologie = DFS topology
D-functie = discriminant function
dg = day/days
DG BEB = Directorate-General for External Economic Relations
"DG Dier, Plant en Voeding (DG4)" = "Animal, Plant and Food Directorate-General (DG4)"
DG HOME = Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME)
DGA = dissolved Gas-in-Oil Analysis
D-galacturonzuurresiduen = D-galactouronic acid residues
DGBEB = DGBEB (Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations
DGBEB = DGBEB (Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations)
DGGIS = Office of the Director-General for International Cooperation Directoraat-
DGI = De Groot Installaties
D-glasvezel = D glass fiber
DGO = decentralised collective bargaining committee
DGUV Test = DGUV test
DGVS = DGVS notification
DGVS-melding = DGVS notification
Dhaka (stad) = Dhaka
Dharma = Dharma
Dhaulagiri = Dhaulagiri
DHCP NAP Enforcement-client = DHCP NAP enforcement client
DHCP NAP Enforcement-server = DHCP NAP enforcement server
DHCP-client = DHCP client
DHCP-server = DHCP server
DHCP-vereisten afdwingen = DHCP Enforcement
dhg.vloertegels = hard-burnt floor tiles
Dhole = Dhole
Dhr. = Mr
Dhr. = Dear Sir
Dhr. = Ducks
Dhr. = Mr.
Dhr. = Esquire
Dhr. = Gentleman
Dhr. = Sir
DHZ = Do it yourself
di = Tue
DI = Design Implementation
di- en polyfosfaten = di- and polyphosphates
di- of tricarbonzuur = di- or tricarboxylic acid
di-(2-ethylhexyl)ftalaat = DIHP
di(hydroxyethyl) = di(hydroxyethyl)
Dia = Slide
Dia = Transparency
dia = dia
dia = slide
dia = calibration target transparency
dia = transparency
dia en coverglas = calibration target transparency and cover glass
dia’s = slides
diabetes = diabetes
Diabetes mellitus = Diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus type 2 = type 2 diabetes mellitus
diabetes verpleegkundige = diabetes nurse
diabetesaudit = diabetes policy audit
diabetesbehandeling = diabetes treatments
diabetesbeleid = diabetes policies
diabetescomplicaties = diabetes complications
diabetesgangreen = diabetic gangrene
diabetesglucosurie = diabetic  glycosuria
diabetesonderzoek = diabetes review
diabetespreventie = diabetes prevention
Diabetesspecialist = Diabetes specialist
diabeteszorg = diabetes management
diabeticus = a  diabetic
diabetische angiopathie = diabetic angiopathy
diabetische angiopathie = diabetic macroangiopathy
diabetische arthropathie = diabetic arthrosis
diabetische arthropathie = diabetic arthropathy
diabetische foetopathie = diabetic fetopathy
diabetische gastroparese = diabetic  gastroparesis
diabetische nefropathie = diabetic nephropathy
diabetische neuropathie = diabetic neuropathy
diabetische neuropathie: de acute diabetische neuritis (van de hersenzenu = acute  diabetic neuritis
diabetische neuropathie: de acute diabetische neuritis (van de hersenzenu = acute diabetic neuropathy of cranial nerves
diabetische neuropathische ulcera = diabetic neuropathic ulcer
diabetische voet = diabetes foot
diabetogeen = diabetogenic
diabetogenische principe van het voorhypophyseum = diabetogenic antehypophyseal principle
diabetometer = diabetometer
diabolisch = devilish
diaboolglooiing = slope protected by diabolic concrete blocks
diacetaat = diacetate
diacetin = glycerol diacetate
diacetonacrylamide = diacetone acrylamide
Diacetonalcohol = Diacetonalcohol
diacetone acrylamide = diacetone acrylamide
diachromie = cross colour
diachylon = adhesive plaster
Diacs = Diacs
diactinisch = diactinal
diacylglycerol = diacylglycerol
diadochokinesia = diadochokinesia: the normal power of alternately bringing a limb into opp
diadochokinesia = diadochokinesis
diafanoscoop = transilluminator
Diafragma = Aperture
diafragma = diaphragm / aperture
diafragma = musculus diaphragma
diafragma = diaphragm
diafragma hoogstand = diaphragmatic elevation
diafragma hoogstand = diaphragm elevation
diafragma hoogstand = elevated diaphragm
diafragma hoogstand = elevation of the diaphragm
diafragma huis = diaphragm cover
diafragma koppeling = diaphragm clutch
Diafragma’s = Diaphragms
diafragmaframe = diaphragm frame
diafragmagetal = stop number
diafragmaimpressie = diaphragm impression
Diafragmakleppen = Diaphragm valves
diafragma-opening = aperture
diafragmapomp = diaphragm pump
diafragmareflex = diaphragm reflex
diafragmaregeling = diaphragm control
diafragmaschaal = "stop-scale, diaphragm scale"
diafragmasluitmechanisme = stopping down mechanism
diafragmatische eventratie = diaphragmatic eventration
diafragmatische eventratie = eventration of the diaphragm
diafragmeren = stop down
diafyse = shaft
diagenese = diagenesis
diagnose = diagnosis
Diagnose = Diagnostic
diagnose {de} = diagnosis
diagnose- en behandelingkosten = diagnosis and treatment costs
diagnose menu = diagnostic screen
diagnose programma = diagnostic program
diagnose scherm = diagnostics screen
diagnose stekker = diagnostic connector
diagnose stellen = "make a / one’s diagnosis, diagnose"
"diagnoseafdeling, de diagnosedienst" = diagnostic services
diagnoseapparatuur = diagnostic apparatus
diagnoseerverwande groepen = diagnosis-related groups: a system for classifying patient care by relati
diagnosefase = diagnostic phase
Diagnosefunctie = Diagnosis function
Diagnosefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated diagnosis function
diagnose-inhoud = diagnostic content
diagnosepakket = diagnostic package
diagnoseprovider = diagnostic provider
diagnoses gesteld = "make a / one’s diagnosis, diagnose"
diagnosescherm = diagnostics screen
diagnosescript = diagnostic script
Diagnosesets = Diagnostic kits
Diagnose-software = Diagnosis-software
diagnosestekker ABS/ASR = ABS/ASR diagnostic connector
diagnosestekker automaat = diagnostic connector automatic transmission
diagnosestekker Kibes/Cavtan = Kibes/Cavtan diagnostic connector
diagnosestekker retarder = retarder diagnostic connector
Diagnosesysteem van de NOx-beperking (NCD) = NOx Control Diagnostic system (NCD)
Diagnosesystemen = Diagnostic systems
Diagnostic Policy-service = Diagnostic Policy Service
Diagnostic Service Host = Diagnostic Service Host
Diagnostic System Host = Diagnostic System Host
diagnosticeren = to diagnose
diagnosticeren = diagnosing
"diagnosticum, het diagnostiek-methode" = diagnostic procedure
diagnostiek = diagnostics
diagnostisch = diagnostic
Diagnostisch Beeld = diagnostic picture
diagnostisch handboek = diagnostic manual
Diagnostisch hulpprogramma van Microsoft Ondersteuning = Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool
Diagnostisch instrumentarium = Diagnostic devices
diagnostisch onderzoek = diagnostic assessment
diagnostisch programma = diagnostic program
diagnostischdieet = elimination diet
Diagnostische agentia = Diagnostic agents
Diagnostische benodigdheden = Diagnostic supplies
Diagnostische foutcode in behandeling = Pending DTC
diagnostische fouten = diagnostic errors
diagnostische foutmelding = diagnostic error message
Diagnostische gegevens = Diagnostics
Diagnostische gegevens van Office = Office Diagnostics
diagnostische gereedschappen = diagnostic equipment: nonexpendable items used in examinination
diagnostische handboeken = diagnostic manuals
diagnostische handleiding = diagnostic manual
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic aid
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic software
"diagnostische hulp, het diagnostische instrument, de diagnostische softwa" = diagnostic tool
diagnostische informatie = diagnostic information
diagnostische preparaten = diagnostic preparations
diagnostische preparaten voor in-vitro gebruik = diagnostic preparations for in vitro use
diagnostische preparaten voor medisch gebruik = diagnostic preparations for medical purposes
diagnostische reagentia = diagnostic reagents
diagnostische routine = diagnostic routine
diagnostische sensitiviteit = diagnostic sensitivity
diagnostische specificiteit = diagnostic specificity
diagnostische test = diagnostic test
diagnostische test = immunodiagnostic
diagnostische test = diagnostic test: an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
diagnostische vragen = diagnostic question
diagnostische vragen = diagnostic questions
diagnostoseren = to  diagnose
diagonaal = diagonal
Diagonaal = Diagonally
diagonaal = diagonal strut
diagonaalbinding = diagonal weave
diagonaalboog = diagonal buttress
diagonaalsgewijs / met scherpe kant of hoek = arris-wise
Diagonal = Diagonal
diagonale = diagonal
diagonale band van Broca = diagonal band of broca: a cholinergic bundle of nerve fibers posterior to
diagonale micro-instructie = diagonal microinstruction
diagonale regressie volgens Frisch = diagonal regression
diagonale stang = diagonal bar
Diagonalen = Diagonals
diagram = diagram
Diagram = Chart
diagram van een gebruiksgeval = use case diagram
diagram voor foutenstructuuranalyse = fault tree analysis diagram
diagram voor trendanalyse = trend analysis chart
"Diagram, schematic" = "Diagram, schematic"
diagramfunctie = diagramming feature
diagramgegevensregio = chart data region
Diagrammen = Charts
diagrammen = diagrams
Diaken = Deacon
diakinesis = diakinesis
Diaklaas = Joint
Diaklaas = Fracture joint
diakon- en perspexfabriek = Diakon and Perspex industry
diakopieervoorzetstuk = "slide-copier, transparency printer"
Diakritisch teken = Diacritic
diakritisch teken = diacritical mark
Dialect = Vernacular
dialect = dialect
dialect {het} = dialect
dialect- en taalontwikkeling = dialect and language development
dialecten = dialects
dialectgebruik = dialect use
Dialectiek = Dialectic
Dialectisch Materialisme = Dialectical materialism
dialectische = dialectic
dialectliefhebbers = dialect lovers
dialektiek = dialectic
Dialifos = Dialifos
dialkyl benzeen alkyl ammonium chloride = dialkyl benzene alkyl ammonium chloride
dialkylfosfaatesters = dialkyl phosphate esters
Diallaat = Diallate
diallyl = diallyl
Dialogen van Plato = Dialogues of Plato
"dialogeren, discussiëren, kortsluiten" = dialogue  (discuss)
Dialogic = Dialogic
Dialogisch leven = Dialogical existence
dialogische filosofie = dialogical philosophy
dialogische proces = dialogical process
dialogische wisselwerking = dialogic interaction
dialoog = dialogue
dialoog aangaan = establish a dialogue
dialoog en overleg aangaan = engaging in dialogue and consultation
dialoog platform = dialogue platform
dialoogbalk = dialog bar
dialoogronde = dialogue round
dialoogvenster = dialogs
dialoogvenster = dialog box
dialoogvenster met aangepaste eigenschappen = custom properties dialog box
Dialoogvensterweergave = Dialog Box Launcher
dialoogvoorziening voor een toepassing = application dialogue service
dialoogvorm = form of dialogue
dialysaat = dialysate
dialysator = artificial kidney
dialysator = dialysis unit: a machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and wast
dialysator = hemodialyzer
dialyse = hemodialysis
dialyse = kidney  dialysis
dialyse = renal dialysis
dialyse = vividiffusion: removing certain elements from the blood by diffusion thro
dialyse = dialysis
Dialysediensten in ziekenhuis = Hospital dialysis services
Dialysefilters = Dialysis filters
dialysemachine = dialysis machine
dialysemachine = dialysis unit
dialysemethoden en -producten = dialysis methods and products
Dialysenaalden = Dialysis needles
Dialyseoplossingen = Dialysis solutions
dialyseproducten en -therapieën = dialysis products and therapies
dialysevloeistof = dialysis solution
diam. = diam.
diamagnetisme = diamagnetism
Diamant = Diamond
Diamant is het hardste mineraal dat de mens kent. Zijn hardheidscoëffici = Diamond is the hardest mineral known to man (its hardness coefficient is 
diamant komschijf = diamond cup wheel
diamant slijpmachine = diamond grinder
diamantachtige deklaag = diamond like carbon coating (DLC)
diamantbedrijf = diamond company
diamantbewerkers = diamond workers
diamantbewerkingsatelier = diamond workshop
diamantboor = diamond drill
Diamantboor met telescoopstatief = Diamond drill with telescopic stand
Diamant-boormachine (elektrisch) = Diamond drilling machine (electric)
Diamantboorstatief = Diamond drilling stand
diamantboorsysteem = diamond drill system
diamantbuurt = diamond neighbourhood
diamantcertificatenlaboratorium = diamond certification laboratory
Diamantclub van Antwerpen (opgericht in 1893) = Diamond Club of Antwerp (established in 1893)
Diamante = Diamond
diamanten = diamonds
diamanten in gem quality = gem-quality diamonds
diamanten van topkwaliteit = gem quality diamonds
diamantexpert = diamond expert
diamantgereedschappen = diamond tools
diamanthandel = diamond trade
diamanthandelaar = diamond merchant
diamantindustrie = diamond industry
diamantjuweel = piece of diamond jewellery
diamantjuwelen = diamond jewellery
diamantkloofgereedschappen = diamond cleaving equipments
diamantlagen = diamond deposits
"diamantmicroscoop [De HRD-microscopen, standaard uitgerust met ingebouwde" = "diamond microscope [The HRD microscopes, standard equipped with built-in "
Diamantmuseum = Diamond Museum
diamantnaald = diamond stylus
Diamantontginning = Diamond mining
diamantparel = diamond pearl
diamantpoeder = diamond powder
diamantpoederpotje = diamond powder jar
Diamantschijf = Diamond wheel
diamantsieraden = diamond jewellery
diamantslijper = diamond cutter
diamantslijperij = Diamond cutters
diamantslijperijen = diamond polishing factories
diamantslijpmachines en -gereedschappen = diamond cutting machines and tools
diamantsnijder / diamant-glassnijder = diamond glass cutter
diamantsnijmachines en -gereedschappen = diamond bruting machines and tools
diamantvindplaatsen = diamond deposits
diamantwereld = diamond industry
diamantwijk = diamond district
diamantzaagmachines = diamond sawing machines and tools
Dia-Mension-systemen = Dia-Mension systems
diameter = diameter
diameter (m) = diameter
Diameter (M..) = Diameter metrical (M..)
diameter {de} = diameter
Diameter aansluiting afvoer in mm = Air vent technical data
Diameter aansluitplaat = Diameter connection plate
Diameter aarde-aansluiting = Diameter earthing connection
Diameter aardpen = Diameter earthing pin
Diameter aftak = Diameter branch
Diameter afvoer = Diameter drain
Diameter behuizing = Diameter housing
Diameter beugel = Shackle diameter
Diameter binnengeleider = Diameter inner conductor
Diameter boorgat = Diameter drill hole
Diameter boorgat kraan = Diameter tap hole
Diameter boring = Diameter bore hole
Diameter buitengeleider = Diameter outer conductor
Diameter centreerboor = Centre drill diameter
Diameter doorvoer = Diameter of feed-through
Diameter draaiplateau = Cross-section rotating tray
Diameter groefbuisas = Diameter of grooved shaft
Diameter kap = Diameter cap
Diameter luchtaansluiting = Air connection diameter
Diameter mast = Diameter mast
Diameter met warmte-isolatie = Diameter with thermal insulation
Diameter na krimpen = Diameter after shrink
Diameter opening = Diameter opening
Diameter optiek = Diameter optics
Diameter paneeluitsparing = Diameter panel opening
Diameter PAR = Diameter PAR
Diameter ponsinzetstuk = Diameter punching insert
Diameter punt = Diameter tip
Diameter reikwijdte op vloer = Diameter detection range on floor
Diameter ronde geleider = Diameter round conductor
Diameter schaal = Diameter of bell shell
Diameter schacht = Shaft diameter
Diameter schacht na krimpen = Diameter shaft after shrink
Diameter schacht voor krimpen = Diameter shaft before shrink
Diameter schijf = Diameter disc
Diameter schoepenrad = Diameter impeller
Diameter schotel = Diameter of dish antenna
Diameter slijpsteen = Diameter grinding stone
Diameter soldeerpunt = Soldering tip diameter
Diameter top = Diameter top
diameter transversa van de bekkenuitgang = transverse  diameter of pelvic outlet
Diameter uitblaasopening = Diameter wing nozzle
Diameter van antennehouder = Diameter of antenna holder
diameter van een cirkel = diameter of a circle
Diameter van/tot = Diameter from/to
Diameter verloopstuk = Diameter reduction piece
Diameter vezelbundels = Diameter fibre bundles
Diameter vezels = Diameter fibres
Diameter vinger na krimpen = Diameter finger after shrink
Diameter vinger voor krimpen = Diameter finger before shrink
Diameter voor krimpen = Diameter before shrink
Diameter zuignap 1 = Diameter suction cup 1
Diameter zuignap 2 = Diameter suction cup 2
Diameter zuignap 3 = Diameter suction cup 3
Diameter zuigslang = Diameter suction hose
"diameter, doorsnede {f}" = diameter (length of this line)
Diameter/zijdelengte = Diameter/side length
diametercamera = diameter camera
Diameterinspectie = Diameter inspection
diameters = diameters
diametraal = diametrical
diametrale vervorming = diametrical distortion
diaminen = diamines: organic chemicals that have two amino groups in an aliphatic ch
diamino-aminozuren = diamino acids
Diaminodifenylmethaan = Diaminodiphenylmethane
diaminopimelisch zuur = diaminopimelic acid
diammoniumfosfaat = diammonium phosphate
diamodel = slide master
diamond cutter = slijper
"Diamond Office (HRD) [regelt de in- en uitvoer, de douaneformaliteiten en" = Diamond Office (HRD) [regulates importation and exportation as well as th
Diamond worker = Diamantbewerker
Diamond-model = Diamond model
Diana = Diana
Diana (godin) = Diana (mythology)
Diana Frances Spencer = Diana
diapedesis = diapedesis: blood cells passing through capillary walls into the surround
Diaphoresis = Diaphoresis
diaphoretica = (noun & adjective)  diaphoretic: induces sweating
Diaphragm = Diaphragm
diaphysis = diaphysis: the midsection of a long bone
diaphysis = shaft
diapositief = positive
diapositief = "transparency, lantern slide"
diapositief = diapositive
diapositieven = photographic transparencies
diaprojector = slide projector
Diaprojectoren = Slide projectors
diaraampje = slide mount
Diarree = Loose
diarree = diarrhea
diarree = diarrhoea
diarree- = loose
diarree {de} = diarrhea [Am.]
diarree en braken = D & V
diarree hebben = have diarrhoea
diarree met okergele ontlasting = diarrhea with yellow-ochre feces
diarrhoea alba = sprue
diarrhoea enteralis = enteral diarrhea
diaspora = diaspora
diastasis = diastasis: an abnormal separation of parts normally joined together
diastema = gap between teeth
"diastematomyelia, de diastematomyelie" = diastematomyelia
diastole = diastole: the time in between ventricular contractions at which ventricul
diastolisatie = diastolization
Diastolisch = Diastolic
diastolisch volume = diastolic volume
diastolische bloeddruk = diastolic blood pressure
diastolische depolarisatie = diastolic depolarization
diastolische depolarisatie = phase-four depolarization
diastolische souffle = diastolic murmur: a murmur heard during diastole
diastuurapparaat = slide synchronizer
Diatheek = Slide Library
Diathermie = Diathermy
diathermie met microgolven = microwave  diathermy
diathermische lus = diathermy machine
Diathese = Diathesis
diathese van het bindweefsel = diathesis of connective tissue
"diathesis spasmodica, het diathesis spasmophilica, spasmophilia, het spas" = spasmodic  diathesis
diathesis urica = uric-acid  diathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = predisposition
"diathesis, diathese" = diathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = genetic predisposition
"diathesis, diathese" = heredodiathesis
"diathesis, diathese" = susceptibility to a disease
Diatomee = Diatom
diatomeeën = diatom
diatomisch = diatomic: made up of two atoms
diatonische schaal = diatonic scale
diatrizoaat = diatrizoate
Diavoorstelling = Slideshow
Diavoorstelling = Slide show
Diavoorstelling op SkyDrive = SkyDrive camera roll
Diavoorstelling opnemen = Record Slide Show
Diazed = Diazed
diazepam = diazepam
diazinon = diazinon
diazocopie = diazocopy
diazofilm = diazofilm
diazoverbinding = diazo compound
diazoxide = diazoxide: a peripheral vasodilator that reduces blood pressure
dibasisch = dibasic
dibasisch natriumfosfaat = dibasic sodium phosphate
dibasische = dibasic
"Dibenzo(a,h)anthraceen" = "Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene"
Dibenzofuraan = Dibenzofuran
Dibenzothiofeen = Dibenzothiophene
Dibenzothiofenen = Dibenzothiophenes
dibitou = African walnut
diboraan = diborane
Dibroombenzeen = Dibromobenzene
Dibroomchloormethaan = Dibromochloromethane
dibroomethanen (som) = dibromomethanes (total)
Dibroometheen = Dibromoethene
Dibroommethaan = Dibromomethane
DI-budget = SE budget
di-butyladipaat = di-butyl adipate
Dibutylamine = Dibutylamine
Dibutylftalaat = Dibutylphthalate
Dibutylmaliaat = Dibutylmaliate
Dibutyltin = Dibutyltin
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = bucladesine
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = "dibutyryl adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate"
dibutyryl cyclische AMP = dibutyryl cyclic AMP
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = dibutyryl cyclic GMP
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = "dibutyryl guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate"
dibutyryl cyclische GMP = "N-(1-oxobutyl)-cyclic 3',5'-(hydrogen phosphate)-2'-butanoate guanosine"
DIB-volgorde = DIB sequence
Dicad = Cable bridge
dicalciumorthofosfaat = dicalcium phosphate
dicalciumpyrofosfaat = dicalcium pyrophosphate
Dicamba = Dicamba
dicarbonzuren = dicarboxylic acids
dicarbonzuur = dicarboxylic acid
dicarbonzuur of tricarbonzuur = dicarboxylic acid or tricarboxylic acid
dicarboxylaat = dicarboxylate
dicarboxylaminozuren = dicarboxylic amino acids
Dichlobenil = Dichlobenil
Dichlofenthion = Dichlofenthion
Dichlofluanide = Dichlofluanide
Dichlone = Dichlone
dichloor = dichloro
"Dichlooraniline (som 2,4 + 2,5)" = "Dichloroaniline (total 2,4 + 2,5)"
Dichlooranilinen (som) = Dichloroanilines (total)
Dichloorbenzenen (som) = Dichlorobenzenes (total)
Dichloorbenzoëzuur = Dichlorobenzoic acid
Dichloorbenzonitril = Dichlorobenzonitrile
Dichloorbifenyl = Dichlorobiphenyl
Dichloorbifenylether = Dichlorobiphenylether
Dichloorbroommethaan = Dichlorobromomethane
Dichloorbutaan = Dichlorobutane
Dichloorcarbazol = Dichlorocarbazol
dichloordifluormethaan = dichlorofluoromethane
Dichloorethanen (som) = Dichloroethanes (total)
Dichloorethenen (som) = Dichloroethenes (total)
dichloorethyleen = CH2ClCH2Cl
dichloorethyleen = "1,2-dichloroethane"
dichloorethyleen = Brocide
dichloorethyleen = dichloroethane
dichloorethyleen = Dutch liquid
dichloorethyleen = EDC
dichloorethyleen = ethylene dichloride
dichloorethyleen = sym-dichloroethane
Dichloorfenol = Dichlorophenol
"Dichloorfenol (som 2,4 + 2,5)" = "Dichlorophenol (total 2,4 + 2,5)"
Dichloorfenolen (som) = Dichlorophenols (total)
dichloorfenoxy = dichloro-phenoxy
dichloorfenoxyazijnzuur = dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid
Dichloorfluorethaan = Dichlorofluoroethane
Dichloorfluormethaan = Dichlorofluoromethane
Dichloorisopropylether = Dichloroisopropylether
Dichloormethaan = Dichloromethane
Dichloornaftaleen = Dichloronaphthalene
Dichloornaftalenen (som) = Dichloronapthalenes (total)
Dichloornitrobenzenen (som) = Dichloronitrobenzenes (total)
Dichloorpropaan = Dichloropropane
Dichloorpropeen (som) = Dichloropropene (total)
Dichloorpropylether = Dichloropropylether
Dichloortoluenen = Dichlorotoluenes
Dichloorvos = Dichlorvos
Dichloran = Dichloran
dichlorodifluormethaan = dichlorodifluormethane
Dichlorofen = Dichlorofen
dichotisch = dichotic
Dichotome schaal = Dichotomous scale
dichotome variabele = binary data
dichotome variabele = dichotomous variable
dichotome variabele = binary variable
dichotomie = dichotomy
dichotoom = dichotomus
dichotoom = dichotomie
dichroisch = dichroic
dichroische spiegel = dichroic mirror
dichromaat = dichromate
Dicht = Closed
Dicht = Sealed / Open [bearing]
Dicht = Concise
Dicht = Close-set
dicht = shut
dicht = compact
dicht = closed
dicht = thick
Dicht = Dense
dicht = concentrated
Dicht = Closely
dicht = tight
dicht = close
dicht asfaltbeton (DAB) = non porous alphalt
dicht bij   onze opdrachtgevers en professionals te blijven = remain closely involved with our clients and professionals
dicht bij elkaar brengen = bring close together
dicht bij elkaar geplaatst = closely spaced
dicht bij het lichaam werken = lift close to the body
dicht bindweefsel = dense  fibrous tissue
dicht gaan zitten = clog
dicht gespatieerde = closely spaced
Dicht met uitbreekpoorten = Closed with prestamping
dicht naast elkaar liggende = closely adjacent
dicht op elkaar = close to each other
dicht op elkaar = close together
dicht op elkaar = densely packed
dicht op elkaar = on top of one another
dicht op elkaar = tightly packed
dicht op elkaar gepakt = packed closely together
dicht op het huid zitten = close to one's heart
dicht paneel = dense panel
dicht tegen = close to
"dicht, dichte, dichtopeengepakt, dichtopeengepakte" = thick {adj} (densely crowded or packed)
dicht/bewegen = closing/moving
dichtbebouwd gebied = urban area
dichtbegroeid (o.a.) = close
Dichtbevolkt = Densely populated
dichtbij = close-up
dichtbij = within reach
dichtbij = nigh
dichtbij = near
dichtbij = hard by
dichtbij = close
dichtbij = close by
Dichtbij = At
dichtbij = close at hand
"dichtbij, nabij, naderbij" = "nigh {adj} (near, close by)"
dichtbijgelegen = adjacent
dichtbijkomen = approach
dichtbij-opname = close-up
dichtbijzijnd = adjacent
Dichtdoen = Close
dichtdoen = shut
Dichtdraaien = Shut
dichtdraaien = to close
Dichtdraaien = Close
Dichtdraaien = Turn off
Dichtdraaien = Shut up
dichtdraaiende zijde = closing side
dichtdrukgereedschap = closing tool
dichtdrukken = to block
Dichte = Dense
dichte afsluiting = tight seal
dichte matten vormend = matted
Dichte panelen = Dense panels
dichte positie = closed position
dichte zoden vormend = matted
dichten = stop
dichten = close
Dichten = Set type
Dichten = Seal off
Dichten = Compose
Dichten = Score
Dichten = Clog up
Dichten = Choke up
dichten = seal
Dichten = Typeset
Dichten = Colg
Dichten = Do a test
dichten = block
Dichten = Compound
Dichter = Bard
dichter = poet
dichter {de} = poet
dichter bij = closer to
dichter bij de gebruiker staat = is closer to the user
dichter bij de X zijn/brengen/staan = being closer to the X
dichter bij de X zijn/brengen/staan = involve X more
dichter bij elkaar geplaatst = placed closer together
Dichter samenwerken met = Closer collaboration with
dichteres {de} = poetess
dichteres {de} = poet [female]
dichterlijk = poetic
dichtgaan = close
dichtgedraaid = turned off
dichtgedrukt = block
dichtgedrukt = pressed shut
dichtgedrukt = applying pressure
dichtgedrukt = squeeze
dichtgedrukt = pinch off
dichtgemaakt = sealed
Dichtgespen = Shut down
dichtgespen = buckle
Dichtgespen = Gird
dichtgetimmerd plan = fixed and unchangeable plan
dichtgeweven = closely woven
dichtgeweven = closely
dichtgezet worden = closed
dichtgroeien = to get dense
dicht-groeien = to get dense
dicht-groeien = to grow dense
dichtheid = density
dichtheid = bulk density
dichtheid = integrity
dichtheid = specific gravity
Dichtheid (natuurkunde) = Density
dichtheid {de} = density
dichtheid van het koelmiddel = density of the refrigerant
Dichtheid van melkschuim kan ingesteld worden van cappuccino tot late mac = Density of milk foam can be set from cappuccino to latte macchiato
"dichtheid, soortelijk gewicht" = density
dichtheid-gradiëntcentrifugeren = isopyknic centrifugation
dichtheidsbereik = density range
dichtheidsfunctie = density function
dichtheidsgraad = degree of density
dichtheidsmeting = density measurement
dichtheidsproef = leak-proof test
dichtheidsschatting = density estimation
dichtheidsstroming = density current
dichting = stopping
dichting = sealing
dichting = seal (technical)
dichting = closure
dichting = seal
dichtingen = seals
dichtings- en pakkingmateriaal = packing and stopping material
"dichtings-, pakking- en isolatiemateriaal" = "packing, stopping and insulating materials"
dichtingselement = sealing element
Dichtingsflens = Sealing flange
Dichtingslip deksel = Sealing lip cover
dichtingsmassa = sealing compound
dichtingsmateriaal = caulking compound
dichtingsmateriaal = caulking material
dichtingsmateriaal = sealants
Dichtingsmateriaal van rubber = Rubber seals
dichtingsmaterialen = sealing materials
dichtingsmiddel = sealing agent
Dichtingsmiddelen = Sealants
dichtingsmiddelen = sealing devices
dichtingsmiddelen voor koelvloeistof = sealing devices for coolant
Dichtingsplaat = Sealing plate
dichtingsring = sealing ring
dichtingsring = seal
Dichtingsset voor contactdoos = Sealing set for socket outlet
Dichtingsset voor dimmer = Sealing set for dimmer
Dichtingsset voor installatieschakelaar = Sealing set for switches
dichtingsstroken = sealing strips
dichtingstrips = sealing strips
dichtingsvlak = packing face
dichtkitten = seale (to)
dichtklapdiode = snap diode
dichtklappen = shut
dichtklappen = fold closed
dichtknijpen = to pinch up
dichtknopen = button
dichtknopen = to button
dichtkunst = poetry
dichtlassen = to close by welding
dichtmaken = close
dichtmetselen = brick over
dichtmetselen / inmetselen / bemetselen = brick up
dichtnaaien = seam
dichtome = dichtomous
dichtome variabele = dichtomous variable
dichtplamuren = putty up
Dichtplatte = Sealing plate
dichtregel = verse
dichtring = gasket
dichtring = gasket
dichtring = sealing ring
Dichtring = Sealing ring
Dichtslaan = Slam
Dichtslaan = Click
Dichtslaan = Rattle
Dichtslaan = Flap
Dichtslaan = Bang
dichtslaan = clog
dichtslibben = "clog up, block, obstruct"
dichtslibben = clog
"dichtslibben," = silt
dichtslibbing = clog
dichtsmelten = to seal up
dichtst bij zijnde = closest
dichtstbevolkte = most populous
dichtstbij gelegen = nearest
dichtstbijzijnde short sea terminal = nearest short sea terminal
dichtstbijzijnde tijdstip = nearest time
dichtste bij de = closest to the
dichtste stand van de techniek = the closest prior art
dichtsturen = to close
dichtvallen = slam shut
dichtvlijen = replacing
dichtvouwen = fold up
dichtvouwen = furl (paraplu
dichtvouwen = vlag)
dichtvouwen = collapsing
dichtwalsen = to roll in
dichtwalsen (b.v. van wegdek) = consolidate
Dichtwerk = Poem
diclofenamide = diclofenamide
Diclofop = Diclofop
dicloxacilline = dichloroxacillin
Dicofol = Dicofol
Dicom RT Studio = Dicom RT Studio
Dicrotofos = Dicrotophos
Dictaat = Dictation
dictaat = lecture notes
Dictafoon = Dictaphone
dictaten = lecture notes
dictator = dictator
dictator {de} = dictator
dictatuur = dictatorship
dictatuur = dictator
Dictee = Dictation
dicteerapparaat = dictating machine
Dicteerapparaten = Dictating machines
dicteermachines = dictating machines
dicteermodus = dictation mode
dicteren = to dictate
Dicteren = Inspire
dicteren = dictate
dictionaire = dictionary
dictionaire-systeem voor informatiebronnen = information resource dictionary system: IRDS
dictyopsie = entoptic perception
dictyopsie = entoptic vision: visual sensation due to optical effects of structures wi
dicumarol = dicumarol
Dicyclohexyltin = Dicyclohexyltin
Dicyclopentadieen = Dicyclopentadiene
dicycloverine = dicycloverine
DID’s = Decentralised Identifiers
DID’s = Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)
DID’s = DIDs
didactiek = didactics
didactiek = teaching methods
didactisch = didactic
didactisch concept = didactic concept
"didactisch handelen, het" = teacher action
"didactisch handelen, het" = teachers' actions
"didactisch handelen, het" = teaching strategy
didactisch principe = didactic principle
didactische = didactic
didactische benadering = didactic approach
didactische expertise = didactic expertise
didactische kwaliteiten = teaching qualities
Didactische Leeftijds Equivalent = Didactic Age Equivalent
didactische uitwerking = didactic implementation
didactische visie = didactic vision
didactische werkvormen = teaching methods
didanosine = Videx
did-did-werkzaakheden = scheduling activities
didgeridoo = didgeridoo
didodecyl = didodecyl
Did-you-knows? = wist je datjes
Die = Which one
die = those
Die = Someone or other
die = that
Die = Ce
"die , wie , waarmee , waarvan , waaronder" = whom {pron}
die ... daar = those
die ... daarginds = those
die 360 graden kan draaien = that can rotate 360 degrees
die aan al je wensen voldoen = that meet your every need
die aan al je wensen voldoen = which meet all your needs
die aan alle wettelijke eisen voldoet = which meets all the statutory requirements
die aan de basis liggen van = that form the basis of
die aan de contractbreuk voorafgingen = preceding the breach of contract
die aan de dure kant zijn = which are relatively expensive
die aan de hoogste kwaliteitseisen moeten voldoen = that must meet the highest quality standards
die aan de Koper kenbaar zijn = that are known to the Buyer
die aan de linker zijkant van de montageplaat bevestigd is = that is attached to the left side of the mounting plate
die aan de notified body gemeld moeten worden = that must be reported to the notified body
die aan de voor- en/of achterzijde geplaatst moeten worden = which must be placed at the front and/or rear
die aan de voorwaarden voldoen = that meet the conditions
die aan een of meer van de volgende prioriteringscriteria voldoen = who meet one or more of the following priority criteria
die aan één of meerdere van de volgende criteria beantwoorden = that meet one or more of the following criteria
die aan elk van de navolgende criteria voldoen = that meet each of the following criteria
die aan elkaar zijn gehecht = adhered together
die aan elkaar zijn gehecht om een lichaam te vormen = adhered together to form a body
die aan elkaar zijn vastgemaakt = that are attached to each other
die aan zijn voorgenomen gebruik in de weg zouden kunnen staan = that could stand in the way of its intended use
die aandrijvend is verbonden met = which is drivingly connected to
die aanduiden welk = which indicate which
die aangebracht dient te worden = which is to be applied
die aangepast is om = adapted to
die aangepast zijn om een gebruiker toe te laten = adapted to allow a user
die aansluiten bij uw interesses = that match your interests
die aanvangen op of na 1 januari 2017 = beginning on or after 1 January 2017
die aanvullende eisen stellen aan = who make additional demands on
die accreditatie verleent aan en toezicht houdt op = which provides accreditation and supervision of
die achtereenvolgens zullen geproduceerd worden = that will be produced in succession
die actief deelneemt aan = who actively participates in
die actief kunnen zijn = that can be active
die adviserend van aard zijn = which are of an advisory nature
die afhankelijk zijn van een te laag zuurstofgehalte als prikkel voor de  = who depend on hypoxia as a breathing stimulus
die afhankelijk zijn van hypoxie als prikkel voor de ademhaling = who
die afhankelijk zijn van zuurstoftekort als prikkel voor de ademhaling = who depend on hypoxia as breathing stimulus
die aflevering vordert = demanding delivery
Die afspraken worden hieronder vastgelegd. = Said agreements are set out below.
die afsteunen op infrastructuur = resting on infrastructure
die al awarded zijn = that have already been awarded
die al deze competenties hebben = who process all these skills
die al in de ruimte voorkomen = already present in the space
die al plaatsvinden of gepland zijn = that is already taking place or is planned
die alleen aan de luchtzijde worden gebruikt = used only on airside
die alleen door geautoriseerde medewerkers met behulp van een keyprocesso = which can only be accessed by authorised employees using a key processor
die alleen handelt = acting alone
die alles kan = to rule them all
die als bijlage bij deze Request for Proposal is gevoegd = which is annexed to this Request for Proposal
die als bijlagen bij dit samenvattend rapport zijn gevoegd = which are appended as annexes to this summary report
die als veilig worden bestempeld = designated as safe
die als volgt is samen te vatten = that can be summarised as follows
die als volgt zijn verdeeld = broken down as follows
die als zodanig dienen te worden geregistreerd = which must be registered as such
die als zodanig herkenbaar zijn = who are recognisable as such
die als zodanig vermeld staat/staan = listed as such
die altijd en overal beschikbaar zijn = that are available at all times and everywhere
die andere types van kunstharsvloeren snel kunnen afbreken = that can quickly break down other types of synthetic resin floors
die automatisch worden aangestuurd = which are controlled automatically
die begrepen is tussen = comprised between
die behandeld worden met radiotherapie = treated with radiotherapy
die behoorlijk en geldig is opgericht en geldig bestaat = which is and will remain properly and validly incorporated
die beide geraadpleegd kunnen worden op = both of which can be accessed at
die belangrijk zijn = that are important
die benodigd is voor het opstellen van de Functionele specificaties = which is needed for the preparation of the Functional specifications
die beoordeeld is geweest = that was assessed
die beoordeeld is geweest als onderdeel van deze audit = that was assessed as part of this audit
die beraadslaagt op de wijze vereist = deliberating in the manner required
die beschermd is tegen = which is protected against
die beschikbaar is = who is available
die beschreven werd in de vorige sectie = described in the previous section
die beschreven wordt in par. = described in section
die bestaat uit = that comprises
die bestaat uit = which consists of
die betrekking hebben op = relating to
die betrekking hebben op de activiteiten van de Vennootschap = which relate to the activities of Company
die betrekking hebben op deze overeenkomst of die uit deze overeenkomst v = relating to this agreement or arising therefrom
die betrekking hebben op een specifiek aspect van deze site = relevant to a particular aspect of this site
die betrekking zouden hebben op de activiteiten van de Werknemer = relating to the Employee’s activities
die betrokken zijn bij de Overeenkomst = involved in the Agreement
die bevestigd is op de = which is attached to the
die bevestigd zijn aan = which are attached to
die bij afzonderlijk exploot reeds is of nog zal worden gedagvaard = which has already been or will be summoned by a separate writ
die bij andere waarden hoort = associated with other values
die bij de functie horen = associated with the position
die bij de veiligheidsvoorziening gemonteerd is = that is mounted at the safety device
die bij deze voorwaarden of anderszins uitdrukkelijk worden toegekend = granted under these general terms and conditions or otherwise expressly g
die bij het eerste contact zijn afgehandeld = settled on first contact
die bij het verwarmen smelt = which melts when heated
die bij voorkeur kleiner is dan = which is preferably smaller than
die bij voorkeur kleiner is dan de afstand van = which is preferably smaller than the distance of
die bij wijze van voorbeeld de beginselen van de uitvinding illustreren = "which illustrate by way of example, the principles of the invention"
die bijdragen aan een betere toekomst = that contribute to a better future
die bijvoorbeeld gebruikt kan worden = "that can be used, for example,"
die bovendien optimaal kan gekozen worden = "which, moreover, can be optimally selected"
die build-up = die build-up
die buiten worden gebruikt = that are used outdoors
Die Cast Aluminium Silicon Cilinder = DiASiL
die centraal is gemonteerd = mounted centrally
die centraal staan in deze = which are central to this
die conform zijn aan hun eisen = in accordance with their requirements
die continu worden verbeterd = that are continually being improved
die cumulatief worden verworven = acquired cumulatively
die daadwerkelijk aan de videoconferentie kunnen deelnemen = who can actually participate in the videoconference
die daar aankomt = which arrives there
die daar gelden = which apply in that context
die daar uit voortvloeit = arising therefrom
die daaraan behoefte heeft = in need thereof
die daarin goeddeels zijn geïncorporeerd = which are largely incorporated therein
die daarmee overeenkomt = corresponding thereto
die daaruit mochten voortvloeien = that might result therefrom
die daaruit voortvloeiden = resulting therefrom
die daaruit voortvloeien = arising therefrom
die daarvan het gevolg is = that may ensue
die daarvan integraal onderdeel uitmaken = which form an integral part of it
die daarvoor worden ingezet = that are used for this purpose
die dan met een vrachtwagen vervoerd worden = which are then transported with a truck
die dateert van voor = that predates
die dateren van vóór = that predate
die de andere partij betreffen = relating to the other party
die de bedoeling adequaat uitdrukken = that adequately express the meaning
"die de beschikbaarheid, integriteit en vertrouwelijkheid van informatie g" = "that ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of informatio"
die de buitentemperatuur meet = that measures the outdoor temperature
die de capaciteit van een conventionele palletiseermachine combineert = that combines the capacity of a conventional palletiser
die de capaciteit van een conventionele palletiseermachines combineert = that combines the capacity of a conventional palletiser
die de certificaten uitgeven = that issue the certificates
die de distributeur lijdt = suffered by the distributor
die de eisen zoals gevraagd  door de norm vastlegt = which defines the requirements as requested by the standard
die de feitelijke macht over de Koper uitoefent = exercising effective control over the Buyer
die de Franse economie zullen liberaliseren = that will liberalise the French economy
die de gebruiker beschermd tegen de draaiende onderdelen = which protects the user from the rotating parts
die de gebruiker kan aansturen = that can be controlled by the user
die de gebruiker toelaat zich in of uit te schrijven = that allows the user to opt in or out
die de gegevens verstrekt = providing
die de gehele procedure begeleidt = who oversees the entire procedure
die de geselecteerde experten op afstand representeert = representing the selected remote experts
die de hierboven beschreven draagstructuur omvat = comprising the support structure described above
die de hierboven beschreven draagstructuur omvat = which comprises the support structure described above
die de ingebruikname van de werken door de Opdrachtgever niet substantiee = that do not substantially prevent the Client from putting the works into 
die de kans loopt te worden verwijderd = that are liable to be removed
die de leveranciers leveren = supplied by suppliers
die de lichtsignalen analyseert en verwerkt = that analyses and processes the light signals
die de luchtstroom door het minstens één luchtkanaal op het eerste nive = showing the air flow through the at least one air channel at the first le
die de nakoming van de overeenkomst blijvend of tijdelijk verhindert = that permanently or temporarily prevents the performance of the agreement
die de nodige aanpassingen kan doen = who can make the necessary adjustments
die de nodige informatie uitwisselen = that exchange the necessary information
die de opwaartse beweging koppelt naar een voorwaartse trapzin van de tra = which couples the upward movement to a forward pedal movement of the peda
die de opwaartse beweging koppelt naar een voorwaartse trapzin van de tra = which couples the upward movement to a forward pedal movement of the peda
die de patiënt behandeld = treating the patient
die de prioriteit van XXX inroept = which claims priority of XXX
"die de procedures die door de Maatschappij dienen te worden nageleefd, za" = which will impose the procedures to be followed by the Company
die de relatie beschrijven tussen = that describe the relationship between
die de samenwerking tussen hen regelt = which governs the cooperation between them
die de server kunnen aanspreken = that can communicate with the server
die de stabiliteit van de laag garandeert = that guarantees the stability of the layer
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the steps of
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the following steps
die de stappen omvat van = comprising the steps of
die de taal spreekt = who speaks the language
die de temperatuurgevoeligheid van de omvormer verlagen = which reduces the temperature sensitivity of the inverter
die de toegang tot of het verwijderen van = that might prevent access to or removal of
die de Transitie in gevaar brengen = which
die de uitvinding verder illustreren = which further illustrate the invention
die de uitvoering van de overeenkomst onmogelijk maken = that make execution of the contract wholly impossible
die de uitvoering van de werkwijze tijdelijk onderbreekt of stopzet = that temporarily interrupts or stops the performance of the method
die de vakman bekend zijn = known to those skilled in the art
die de veiligheid in het gedrang brengen = that affect safety
die de vennoot heeft ingeschreven = subscribed to by the partner
die de verantwoordelijkheid van = who bears the responsibility of
die de Verwerker namens de Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke beheert = managed by the Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller
die de Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke aan de Verwerker opgelegd = that the Data Controller imposes on the Data Processor
die de voordelen van een palletiseerrobot combineert met de snelheid en c = that combines the advantages of a palletiser robot with the speed and cap
die de werkgever toekent = granted by the employer
die de werking van de app beïnvloeden = that affect the operation of the app
die deel uitmaakt van de secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden = which is part of the fringe benefits
die deelnemen aan het project = participating in the project
die dekking biedt voor ziektekosten = which provides coverage for
die deze trillingen effectief zal dempen = which will effectively dampen said vibrations
die deze verkeersas volgen = who are travelling along this traffic axis
die direct of indirect verband houdt met = which is directly or indirectly related to
die direct of indirect voortvloeien uit = arising directly or indirectly from
die door de app worden gebruikt = used by the app
die door de app wordt gedownload = downloaded by the app
die door de medewerker zelf zijn betaald = paid by the employee
die door de Onderneming werd onderschreven ten voordele van alle werkneme = taken out by the Company for the benefit of all employees
die door de voorschriften worden opgelegd = imposed by the regulations
die door één persoon kunnen worden bediend = which can be operated by a single person
die door elke tand bedient wordt = that is actuated by each tooth
die door intellectuele eigendomsrechten beschermd zijn = which are protected by intellectual property rights
die door of in de ruimte loopt = running through or into the room
die door zijn arbeid plachten te worden onderhouden = who depended on the passenger for their support
die doorheen de plaat geschroefd worden = which are screwed through the panel
die d'r = that one's
die duiden op niet naleving van de betreffende gedragsregels = that indicate non-compliance with the relevant rules of conduct
die een 2e of 3e stap wil maken = who is looking to move up the corporate ladder
die een aantal van de = which can move a number of the
die een account heeft aangemaakt = who has opened an account
die een chirurgische ingreep moet ondergaan = who is to undergo a surgical procedure
die een flinke groei heeft doorgemaakt = which has experienced substantial growth
die een gedeelte vertoont = having a portion
die een geschikte hoogte hebben = having a suitable height
die een gesofistikeerde sensor kan zijn = which can be a sophisticated sensor
die een gokje willen wagen = who want to place a bet
die een impact (kunnen) hebben = which may have an impact
die een manager nodig heeft = a manager needs
die een mengsel daarvan omvat = comprising a mixture thereof
die een opbrengst heeft van = with an output of
die een opbrengst heeft van ten minste = with an output of at least
die een prijs hebben gewonnen en daar aanspraak op maken = who have won and claimed a prize
die een rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks verband hebben met haar doelstelli = which are directly or indirectly related to its objective
die een rol spelen = that play a role
die een software processor en een dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid o = comprising a software processor and a dedicated hardware processing unit
die een software processor en een dedicated hardware verwerkingseenheid o = comprising a software processor and a dedicated hardware processing unit
die een speciale behandeling vereisen = requiring special handling
die een transplantatie hebben ondergaan = who have undergone a transplant
die een veelheid van zulke panelen bevat = containing a plurality of such panels
die een verbinding hebben met = that have a connection with
die een vergelijkbare energiebesparing oplevert als = which provides energy savings similar to
die een warmtebron of ander actief middel gebruikt = that uses a heat source or other active means
die een weerslag vormen van = that reflect
die een zorgvuldig vervoerder heeft kunnen vermijden = which a prudent carrier would have been able to avoid
die een zorgvuldig vervoerder heeft kunnen vermijden en waarvan zulk een  = which a prudent carrier would have been able to avoid and the effects of 
die één-op-één gelinkt is met = that is one-to-one linked to
die eenvoudig geselecteerd kunnen worden = that can be easily selected
die eenvoudig in elke lay-out te integreren is = that is easy to integrate in any layout
die eenvoudig te vervangen en vrij op de markt verkrijgbaar zijn = which are easy to replace and freely available on the market
die eenvoudig te vervangen zijn = that are easy to replace
"die eenvoudig, snel en accuraat beelden kan capteren in verschillende con" = "which can easily, quickly and accurately capture images in different conf"
die eenvoudiger te produceren en/of eenvoudiger te plaatsen is = that is easier to manufacture and/or easier to install
die eerder inschreven op de service = who previously registered with the service
die eerlijke concurrentie verhinderen = which prevent fair competition
die eigendom zijn van = owned by
die eigendom zijn van de Vennootschap = that are owned by Company
die eindverantwoordelijk zijn = who hold ultimate responsibility for
die elektrisch (gaan) rijden = who are or will be driving electric vehicles
die elk het volgende omvatten = each comprising the following
die elkaar en de organisatie zullen respecteren = who will respect each other and the organisation
die elkaar niet kruisen = that do not intersect
die ene gebreke aan de andere = the one in the absence of the other
die er geldigheid aan ontleent = that derives validity from it
die er zorg voor dragen = to ensure
die erdoor is vervangen = which is replaced by it
die ertoe doen = that matter
die eruit voortvloeit = resulting
die even goed werken als = that work just as well as
die even goed werken als nieuwe = that work just as well as new
die eveneens zijn gedefinieerd in = that have also been defined in
die eventueel uit het gebruik van dit product zouden kunnen ontstaan = that may arise from the use of this product
die eventueel via een link op onze website bereikbaar zijn = to which our website links
die evenwijdig is uitgelijnd met = in parallel alignment with
die evenwijdig loopt met = which runs parallel to
die evenwijdig lopen met de lengterichting = running parallel to the longitudinal direction
die evenwijdig zijn aan = which are parallel to
die expliciet ingeschreven waren voor gerichte advertenties op basis van  = which were explicitly opted in to targeted ads based on data from partner
die flexibel past = that fits flexibly
die flexibiliteit en productiviteit koppelen aan een lage total cost of o = that link flexibility and productivity to a low total cost of ownership
die frequent met Cleanroom-medewerkers in aanraking komen = that frequently come into contact with cleanroom staff
die functioneert als = which functions as
die garant staat = to rely on
die geacht worden deel uit te maken van = which are deemed to be part of
die geacht worden deel uit te maken van de vervoerovereenkomst = which are deemed to be part of the contract of carriage
die geänodiseerd kunnen worden = that can be anodised
die gebruikt kunnen worden = that can be used
die gebruikt kunnen worden in zulke systemen = that can be used in such systems
die gebruikt kunnen worden voor plaatsbepaling = that can be used for positioning
die gebruikt worden voor = that are used for
die gebruikt wordt voor = used for
die geconstateerd zijn tijdens = found during
die gedefinieerd zijn voor = that are defined for this
die geen afbreuk doen aan de deugdelijkheid = that do not compromise reliability
die geen deel uitmaken van dezelfde zending = that are not part of the same consignment
die geen gebruikmaken van = that do not use
die geen waarde vertegenwoordigen in het economische verkeer = which have no economic value
die geheel of gedeeltelijk bestaan uit = which consist wholly or partly of
die gekenmerkt wordt doordat = which is characterised in that
die gekoppeld zijn met genoemde = coupled to said
die gekoppeld zijn met ten minste twee = coupled to at least two
die gelden op de plek waar = that apply at the place where
die geldig werden opgericht en bestaan = that were established and exist legally
die gemaakt is of is afgegeven = that is made or issued
die gemaakt worden in verband met = incurred in connection with
die gemakkelijk kan worden gerepareerd in het geval van schade = that can be easily repaired in the eventuality of damage
die gemoeid gaan met = relating to
die gemonteerd kan worden op één van de drie deksels = which can be mounted to one of the three covers
die gemonteerd kan worden op ��n van de drie deksels = which can be mounted to one of the three covers
die gepaard gaat met = associated with
die geschikt is voor gebruik als een voederadditief = suited for use as a feed additive
die geschikt zijn voor kauwen of zuigen = suitable for chewing or sucking
die geschoold zijn in deze materie = who are skilled in this matter
die gevaar kunnen opleveren voor = which may endanger
die gevat is over = which encloses
die gevat is over = which is arranged over
die gevormd is op = which is formed on
die gewijzigd kunnen worden = that can be changed
die gewoonte is hier goed ingeburgerd = that custom has been generally adopted here
die geworteld zijn in = rooted in
die geworteld zijn in = that stem from
die geworteld zijn in = with its origins in
die gezien de daarmee gemoeide kosten en de aard van de persoonsgegevens  = which are reasonable in view of the costs involved and the nature of the 
die gezien mag worden = that stands out
die gezien mag worden = exceptional
die goed aanslaat = which has been very successful
die groter is dan = which is greater than
die haar ambt uitoefent in de vennootschap = performing her office in the company
die haar hoofdzetel in = with a principal place of business in
die haar hoofdzetel in XXX heeft = with a principal place of business in
die handelt in de plaats van de algemene vergadering = acting in the place of the general meeting of shareholders
die handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf = acting in the course of a business or profession
die heeft deelgenomen = who has participated
die heeft geresulteerd of mogelijk kan resulteren in = which has resulted or may result in
die heel gemotiveerd aan een nieuwe uitdaging begint = who is very motivated and starting on a new challenge
die hermetisch kunnen worden afgesloten = that can be hermetically sealed
die het automatisch laden van sets parameters geassocieerd aan een oriën = which can prevent the automatic loading of sets of parameters associated 
die het bedrijf heeft verlaten = who has left the company
die het gevolg zijn van = resulting from
die het gevolg zijn van = arising from
die het gevolg zijn van = as a consequence of
die het gevolg zijn van toepassing = resulting from the application of
die het hierboven beschreven proces nogmaals doorloopt = which goes through the above-described process again
die het langst opeisbaar zijn = which have remained outstanding for the longest period of time
die het licht van een lichtbron gelijkmatig verdeelt = which evenly divides the light from a light source
die het minste aantal opeenvolgende vertalingen hebben ondergaan = which have undergone the least number of consecutive translations
die het mogelijk maakt dat de ring wordt samengedrukt van de niet-gespann = allowing the ring to be compressed from the unstressed shape into a stres
die het product van bovenaf op zijn plaats houdt = which holds the product in place from above
die het resultaat van de chemische conversie van het hout zijn = resulting from the chemical conversion of the wood
die het resultaat zijn van een verkeerd gebruik van het product = resulting from incorrect use of the product
die het versleutelt = which encrypts it
die het voorwerp van deze opdracht vormt = which is the object of this contract
die hier onder beschreven worden = described below
die hierbij aanvaardt = who hereby accepts
die hierbij uitdrukkelijk verzaakt zich te beroepen = who hereby expressly refrains from invoking
die hierdoor ontstaat = thus created
die hierna kort worden toegelicht = which will be briefly explained below
die hierna worden beschreven = described hereinafter
die hieronder is gegeven = given below
die hieruit voortvloeien = (extra costs) entailed
die hieruit voortvloeien = (the) ensuing (costs)
die hieruit voortvloeien = resulting therefrom
die hieruit voortvloeien of hiermee verband houden = arising from or in connection therewith
die hij nodig acht voor het team = which he deems necessary for the team
die hij redelijkerwijs moet beschouwen als gegevens = which he must reasonably deem as information
Die hoogstaande technische mogelijkheden biedt = That provide / offer high-tech options / state-of-the-art opportunities
die hoogstens een vooraf bepaalde waarde van elkaar verschillen = that differs from each other by at most a predetermined value
die horen bij = associated with
die hun belofte nog niet helemaal hebben waargemaakt = that have not quite lived up to their promise
die Huurder daaraan moet geven = for which Lessee is required to use the Leased Space
die ieder afzonderlijk tegen een wand worden bevestigd = each of which is separately attached to a wall
die ik persoonlijk kende = I knew personally
die impact hebben op = that affect
die in aanmerking komen voor = who qualify for
die in aanmerking kunnen worden genomen = that can be taken into account
die in contact komen met = that come into contact with
die in contact komen met klanten = who engage with customers
die in de Europese Unie op de markt gebracht worden = marketed in the European Union
die in de gidsbehoefte voorzien = which provides guidance
die in de groef past = which fits into the groove
die in de knel zijn gekomen = who have come into trouble
die in de Koopovereenkomst nader worden gespecificeerd = which shall be further specified in the Purchase Agreement
die in de loop van de tijd en door het gebruik verbeteren = which improve over time and use
die in de onderneming dezelfde arbeid verrichten = carrying out the same work in the company
die in de overweging dienen te worden meegenomen = that need to be taken into consideration
die in de praktijk hebben bewezen = which in practice have proven
die in de praktijk hebben bewezen dat = which in practice have proven th
die in de Programmatuur dient te zijn opgenomen = that must be included in the Software
die in deze gebruiksaanwijzing worden genoemd = mentioned in this manual
die in deze Overeenkomst worden genoemd = set forth in this Agreement
die in deze publicatie worden genoemd = mentioned in this publication
die in deze zaak woonplaats kiest = which has chosen as its address for service in this matter
die in dienst staat van = serving
die in directe connectie staan met = in direct communication with
die in een bepaalde afdeling gebruikt worden = which are used in a particular department
die in een open kring worden gegenereerd = generated in an open circuit
die in een V-vorm naar buiten zijn georiënteerd = which are oriented outward in a V-shape
die in een zij-aan-zij-relatie worden geplaatst = disposed in side-by-side relationship
die in eigendom aanvaardt = who [hereby] accepts title to / the ownership of
die in essentie dezelfde is voor = which is essentially the same for
die in essentie overeenkomt met = that essentially corresponds to
die in gebruik verbonden is met de stoomheader = connected in use to the steam header
die in genoemd oppervlak kan worden gemonteerd = mountable in said surface
die in het bezit komt danwel eigendom verwerft van = comes into possession or acquires ownership of
die in het bezit zijn van = who are in the possession of
die in het buitenland wonen = who live abroad
die in het buitenland zijn gemaakt = incurred abroad
die in het economische verkeer niet waardeerbaar zijn = with no economic value
die in het kader van het huidige contract werd uitgevoerd = carried out under the present contract
die in het onbemande autonome voertuig omvat zijn = contained in the unmanned autonomous vehicle
die in het systeem is opgeslagen = that is stored in the system
die in het systeem zijn opgenomen = included in the system
die in het verlengde ligt van = that lies in the extension of
die in meerdere categorieën vallen = who fall into several categories
die in Nederland is ingeschreven = registered in the Netherlands
die in redelijkheid van hem verlangd kunnen worden = that may reasonably be required of him
die in redelijkheid verwacht mag worden = which may reasonably be expected
die in rekening gebracht worden = charged
die in serie en/of parallel zijn opgesteld = which are arranged in series and/or in parallel
die in spiraalvorm geschikt zijn = arranged in spiral form
die in staat is om lokaal – in verschillende landen – hun projecten u = that is able to roll out their projects locally in different countries
die in staat is om met een gering ruimtebeslag grote volumes te verwerken = which is able to process large volumes while occupying little space
die in strijd zijn met internationale verdragen = that violate international treaties
die in tal van toepassingen gebruikt wordt = which is used in a variety of applications
die in vloeibare connectie staan met = which are in liquid connection with
die in wisselwerking treden met de verontreinigingen en deze afbreken = which interact with and break down the contaminants
die informatie over de omgeving waarnemen = that sense information about the environment
die ingebracht kunnen worden in = which can be inserted into
die ingesteld zijn volgens = which are set up in accordance with
die ingrijpt op = engaging
die inherent zijn aan de = that are inherent in the
die inspelen op de belangen van de klant = that key into customer interests
die instaat voor een optimale oplossing en service met betrekking tot al  = for all your hosting needs
die instemmings- of adviesplichtig zijn = that require Approval or an Opinion
die integraal deel uitmaakt van = which forms an integral part of
die intern voorzien is van = which is internally provided with
die interventie vereisen = that require intervention
die intrekking niet aan de bank kan worden tegengeworpen = such withdrawal cannot be enforced against the bank
die invloed (kunnen) hebben = that affect or may do so
die is = that is
die is = which is
die is = That is
die is afgegeven door = issued by
die is geconfigureerd om = being configured to
die is gekoppeld aan hun = associated to their
die is gemaakt van een geschikt zacht materiaal = constructed of a suitable soft material
die is uitgevoerd als = in the form of
die is veroorzaakt door vertraging = caused by delays
die Iterable implementeren = that implement Iterable
die je aan de telefoon had = you spoke to on the phone
die je aan een groep wilt toevoegen = you want to add to a group
die je aan het item wilt koppelen = that you want to link to the item
die je als leidinggevende kiest = you choose as a manager
die je complimenten geeft over je uiterlijk = compliments you on your appearance
die je daadwerkelijk afneemt = you actually purchase
die je daarbij inzet = that you can use in such a situation
die je hebt gebruikt bij het aanmaken van = you used when creating
die je hierbij kunnen helpen = that you may find helpful in this regard
die je wilt = that you want to
die je wilt groeperen = that you want to group
die je wilt inklappen = that you want to collapse
die kan gebruikt worden in een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = that can be used in an embodiment of the present invention
die kan ingebracht worden = which can be inserted
die kan voorzien in de behoefte = that can meet the need
die kan worden aangebracht = that can be applied
die kan worden aangebracht op = that can be applied to
die kan worden gebruikt in uitvoeringsvormen van de systemen en werkwijze = which can be used in embodiments of the systems and methods of the presen
die kleiner is dan of gelijk aan = that is less than or equal to
Die kunnen immers schade toebrengen aan het toestel = as they may damage the unit
die kunnen leiden tot het uitdrogen van de kuikens in de eieren = which may cause the chicks in the eggs to dry out
die kunnen verschillen van samenstelling = which may differ in composition
die kunnen worden gebruikt omvatten = that can be used comprise
die langer dan 3 maanden openstaan = that have been open for more than 3 months
die leiden tot verbeterde prestaties = that lead to improved performance
die lid zijn van = which are members of
die liggend of hellend gepositioneerd is = which is in a lying or inclined position
die loodrecht staan op het oppervlak = which are perpendicular to the surface
die loodrecht staan op het vlakke oppervlak = that are perpendicular to the planar surface
die loodrecht staat op = perpendicular to
die loodrecht staat op het oppervlak = perpendicular to the surface
die loodrecht staat op zowel = which is perpendicular to both
die loopt via = which runs through
die maatregelen treffen die van Verantwoordelijke in redelijkheid kunnen  = take such measures as may reasonably be required of Data Controller
die meerdere jaren mee kan gaan = that can be used for several years
die meetellen voor de eindboordeling = that count towards the final assessment
die men op die positie in het sputtersysteem wenst te bereiken = that one wishes to achieve at that position in the sputtering system
die met de service verband houden = associated with the service
die met elkaar moet kunnen opereren = that must be able to work together seamlessly
die met elkaar verbonden zijn = which are connected to each other
die met intelligentie samenhangen = associated with intelligence
die met minimum twee in aantal optreden = at least two of whom must be present
die met throw opnieuw worden opgegooid = that are rethrown by throw
die midden in de wereld staat = which is located in the real world
die mijn vraag kon beantwoorden = who was able to answer my question
die milieuvriendelijk kan worden geproduceerd = which may be produced eco-friendly
die minstens groter is dan = that is at least greater than
die minstens groter is dan de afstand tussen = which is at least greater than the distance between
die misschien meer vanuit de basis werken = that may be more grassroots level organisations
die moeilijk aansluiting vinden bij de samenleving = who find it difficult to connect with society
die moeilijk in eigen woonruimte kunnen voorzien = who find it difficult to provide their own housing
die moeten worden ondernomen = to be taken
die mogelijk later zal plaatsvinden = that may take place at a later date
die mogelijk misbruikt kunnen worden = that may be misused
die monteerbaar is op = which can be mounted on
die na de elektrolytische cel ligt = which is downstream from the electrolytic cell
die naar redelijkheid aangepast is aan de werkzaamheden = that is reasonably adapted to the work
die naast elkaar gelegen zijn = which are adjacent to each other
die nagenoeg gelijk is aan de lengte = which is substantially equal to the length
die nagenoeg loodrecht staat op = which is substantially perpendicular to
die nagenoeg samenvalt = which substantially coincides
die nagenoeg samenvalt met = which substantially coincides with
die nauwkeurigheid eist = that requires accuracy
die niet (meer) naar een object verwijst = that no longer refers to an object
die niet als kritisch of belangrijk kan worden geclassificeerd = which cannot be classified as either critical or major
die niet bedoeld zijn of geïnterpreteerd mogen worden om de omvang van d = which are not intended to and should not be interpreted as limiting the s
die niet binnen de bedrijfsmuren blijven = who do not remain on the company premises
die niet dienstbaar zijn aan = that do not serve
die niet door de stand van de techniek worden  aangereikt = not taught by the prior art
die niet droog te verwijderen zijn = that cannot be removed dry
die niet eerder is gemeld = which was not reported previously
die niet evenredig verdeelbaar zijn = that cannot be divided proportionally
die niet gebruikt worden = that are not used
die niet gelijkwaardig zijn = which are not equivalent
die niet gemakkelijk opgelost kunnen worden = that cannot be solved easily
die niet gewijzigd kunnen worden = that cannot be changed
die niet handelt in de uitoefening van beroep of bedrijf = not acting in the course of a business or profession
die niet in aanmerking komen = that are not eligible
die niet in aanmerking komen voor subsidie = not eligible for funding
die niet in aantal was = which lacked a quorum
die niet in de natuur voorkomen = which are not found in nature
die niet in het belang zijn van de organisatie = that is not in the interest of the organization
die niet in opdracht van = who are not working on behalf of
die niet in overeenstemming zijn met de wettelijke eisen = which are not in accordance with the legal requirements
die niet kunnen of mogen worden verwijderd = that cannot or must not be removed
die niet met het oog zichtbaar zijn = which are not visible to the eye
die niet noodzakelijk zijn voor de organisatie van het werk = that are not needed for the organisation of the work
die niet op de openbare weg mogen rijden kunnen = not authorised to travel on public roads may
die niet op hun vervaldag werden betaald = that were not paid on their due date
die niet overeenkomstig het vorenstaande handelt = who fails to act in accordance with the foregoing
die niet reageren met = that do not react with
die niet reeds zijn gedekt door bestaande = not already covered by existing
die niet steriel gemaakt zijn = that have not been sterilised
die niet tot het optische pad van de lens horen = that do not belong to the optical path of the lens
die niet uitgeschakeld worden door de hoofdschakelaar = that are not switched off by the master switch
die niet verhaald kan worden op de tegenpartij = that cannot be recovered from the other party
die niet versplinteren = that does not shatter
die niet via DigiD kunnen inloggen = who cannot log in via DigiD
die niet voorzien zijn in = that are not provided for
die niet werken zonder stroom = that do not work without power
die niet worden gebruikt = that are not in use
die niet zijn gedraaid = that have not been played
die niet zo veel elastisch kan vervormen en minder impactenergie zou abso = that cannot deform elastically as much and would absorb less impact energ
die nodig is = that is required
die nodig is = required
die nodig is voor de werking van = necessary for the operation of
die nodig of dienstig zijn tot verwezenlijking van het doel van de vennoo = "required by, or of service to, achieving the purpose of the company"
die nodig zijn om de processen te bewaken = required to monitor the processes
die nodig zijn voor lage-temperatuur toepassingen = which are required for low-temperature applications
die nog actief zijn = that are still active
die nog besproken moeten worden = that still need to be discussed
die nog niet getest is = that has not yet been not tested
die nog niet vergoed zijn = that have not yet been reimbursed
die nog onvoldoende aan bod zijn gekomen = that have not yet been sufficiently addressed
die nog volop in ontwikkeling is = is still very much in development
die noodzakelijk zijn voor de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst = which are necessary for the performance of the Agreement
die noodzakelijk zijn voor de werking van de app = that are necessary for the operation of the app
die noodzakelijk zijn voor een correcte werking van de app = that are necessary for the correct functioning of the app
die nooit te hoog is = that is never too high
die nu in meer detail zal beschreven worden = that will now be described in more detail
die ofwel niet-vluchtig zijn of worden = that either are or become non-volatile
die om dwingende reden afwezig = who remains absent for compelling reasons
die omvat is in = comprised in
die onbedoeld niet naleven = who unintentionally fail to comply
die ondanks waarschuwingen bepalingen in dit reglement blijven overtreden = "who, despite warnings, continue to infringe the provisions of these regul"
die onder andere actief zijn in = active in areas such as
die onder de reikwijdte van de nieuwe wetgeving vallen = that fall under the scope of the new legislation
die onderbreking van de bedrijfsprocessen kunnen veroorzaken = that can cause interruption of business
die onderhoud gevoelig zijn = requiring regular maintenance
die onderling verbonden zijn = which are interconnected
die onderling zijn verbonden = which are interconnected
die ondervraagd kunnen moeten worden = who may need to be questioned
die onderwijs volgen of hebben gevolgd = who receive or have received education
die onderzocht wordt = that is being examined
die oneffenheden aan het oppervlak van de gelaagde inrichting teweegbreng = causing irregularities at the surface of the layered structure
die ongewijzigd zijn gebleven = that have remained unchanged
die onmiddellijk reageert op drukverschillen = that responds immediately to pressure differences
die ons in staat moeten stellen = that should enable us
die onstaat door ophoping = that is created by accumulation of
die ontstaat door de Dienst = caused by the Service
die ontstaat in verband met de uitvoering = arising in connection with the performance
die ontwikkeling versterkt en versneld door te zetten = reinforce and accelerate this trend
die onveilig of gevaarlijk is of kan zijn = which is or can be unsafe or dangerous
die onze klanten efficiënter en competitiever maken = that make our customers more efficient and more competitive
die ook privé gebruikt mogen worden = that may also be used privately
die op dat moment op het scherm werden vertoond = displayed on the screen at that time
die op de planning staat voor = scheduled for
die op de robotarm en/of het grijpsysteem kunnen worden gemonteerd = which can be mounted on the robotic arm and/or the gripping system
die op de volgende manier terug te vinden is = which can be found in the following matter
die op dit moment in de markt te koop is = on the market today
die op een directe lijn wordt ingevoed = fed into a direct line
die op een eerste afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a first distance from each other and parallel with each othe
die op een eerste afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a first distance from each other and parallel with each othe
die op een tweede afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a second distance from each other and parallel with each oth
die op een tweede afstand van elkaar en evenwijdig met elkaar staan = which are at a second distance from each other and parallel with each oth
die op elkaar gestapeld zijn = stacked on top of each other
die op enige wijze verband houdt met = that is in any way related to
die op het handtekeningenformulier wordt vermeld = listed on the signature form
die op het zelfde terrein actief zijn = active in the same field
die op lange termijn gaan spelen = that will come into play in the long term
die op onderdelen = parts of which
die op onze servers draaien = running on our servers
die op voorraad liggen = in stock
die op zijn beurt = which in turn
die open is = which is open
die oprolbaar is op een slanghaspel = which can be rolled up onto a hose reel
die opvatting berust op onbegrip = that view / conception is born of ignorance / is based on lack of insight
die over de Prorunner mag gaan = that may pass over the Prorunner
die over de zaak hebben geoordeeld = who have ruled on the case
die over zijn = left over
die overeenkomt met = corresponding to
die overeenstemmen met = corresponding to
die overigens meestal niet altijd allemaal gebruikt zouden worden = which would otherwise not usually always all be used
Die parallel trekkend = Having drawn that parallel
die passen binnen = that are in conformance with
die peilen naar = that assess
die per puls wordt afgelegd = travelled per pulse
die per woningruimte het afvoerdebiet regelt = that controls the extraction flow rate in each living space
die plaatsvindt van = taking place from
die plaatsvond = that took place
die pro-actief Application Management hebben = with a proactive approach to Application Management
die producten met uiteenlopende vormen en formaten snel en efficiënt ver = quickly and efficiently processing products of different shapes and sizes
die producten zowel omhoog als omlaag kan transporteren = that can transport products both up and down
die recht doet aan = which does justice to
die rechtzoekenden moeten betalen = that litigants must pay
die redelijkerwijs niet voor subsidie in aanmerkingen komen = that do not reasonably qualify for funding
die reeds een aanvang heeft genomen voor deze datum = that has already commenced before that date
die regeling is allang afgeschaft = that rule was lifted / rescinded long ago
die risico’s voor de organisatie kunnen impliceren = that may involve risks to the organization
die roteerbaar is opgesteld = which is rotatably arranged
die rug aan rug zijn geplaatst = placed back to back
die samen de volledige oppervlakte van de voorzijde van de kast beslaan = which together cover the entire surface of the front side of the cabinet
die samenhangt met = in connection with
die samenkomen in = that meet in
die samenkomen in hun = that meet in their
die samenwerking ondersteunt = that supports collaboration
die schade = said loss or damage
die scharnierend verbonden is met = pivotally connected to
die schimmelziekte = fungus disease
die SMA’s engagement in deze materie aantonen = that demonstrate SMA’s commitment in this regard
die software bevat voor het analyseren van de coating stack = which includes software for analysing the coating stack
die speciaal zijn ontwikkeld voor = specially designed for
die specifiek voor dit project worden opgesteld = drawn up specifically for this project
die steeds meer gestandaardiseerd worden = which are becoming more and more standardized
die steunt op de = which is supported on the
die te herleiden is tot = that can be traced back to
die te maken hebben met = relating to
die te maken hebben met = that deal with
die te verkrijgen is bij de receptiebalie = which can be purchased at the reception desk
die te wijten is aan of verband houdt met = that is due to or related to
die tegemoet komen aan de hierboven uiteengezette nadelen = that meet the disadvantages outlined above
die tegen een muur of wand kunnen bevestigd worden = that can be attached to a wall
die tegen een muur of wand kunnen bevestigd worden = which can be fixed to a wall
die tegen elkaar bevestigd kunnen worden = which can be attached against each other
die tegen elkaar kunnen bevestigd worden = which can be attached against each other
die tegen elkaar worden aangedrukt = which are pressed against each other
die tegen Licentienemer mocht worden ingesteld = that may be brought against
die tekenen van ernstige slijtage vertonen = showing signs of severe wear and tear
die telkens toch steeds een zekere schade aan de eieren veroorzaakt = which always causes a certain amount of damage to the eggs
die ten deze tot advocaat wordt gesteld en als zodanig zal optreden = who is hereby appointed as a lawyer and who will act as such
die ten grondslag liggen aan = underlying
die ten grondslag liggen aan = that underlie
die ten grondslag liggen aan de bevindingen = underlying the findings
die ten grondslag liggen aan onze kwaliteitsuitdagingen = underlying our quality challenges
die ten minste deels energie verkrijgt vanuit stoom = that at least partly obtains energy from steam
die ten minste gedeeltelijk vervaardigd is uit = that is at least partially made of
die ten opzichte van elkaar verplaatsbaar zijn = movable relative to each other
die ten opzichte van elkaar verplaatsbaar zijn langs hun lengteas = movable relative to each other along their longitudinal axis
die tenminste een beschrijving bevat van = containing at least a description of
die terug naar de keteldrum 22 stroomt = which flows back to the boiler drum 22
die terug te voeren is naar = that can be traced back to
die terugleveren aan het elektriciteitsnet = that feed power back to the grid
die tezamen = which together
die toegepast kunnen worden = that can be applied
die toegevoegde waarde creëren = that create added value
die toekomstige evoluties in de weg staat = which can get in the way of future developments
die toelaat om de rijrichting aan te passen = which allows the direction of travel to be adjusted
die toelaat om in gezamenlijk overleg het vermogen op langere termijn te  = that makes it possible to manage and/or have the assets managed in joint 
die toelaat om in gezamenlijk overleg het vermogen op langere termijn te  = which allows for the long-term management of the assets and/or having the
die toelaten data te delen = that allow data sharing
die tot doel hebben = aimed at
die tot het onderzoeksgebied van de koper behoren = which are for the purchaser to investigate
die totaal verschilt van = which differs dramatically from
die typisch zijn voor = typical to
die u bewust niet uitvraagt = that you deliberately do not ask about
die u een goed beeld geven van = to give you a good idea of
die u een goed beeld geven van de werking van onze producten = to give you a good idea of ​​how our products work
die u een goed beeld geven van de werking van onze producten = to give you a good idea of ??how our products work
die u hebt gegeven of ontvangen = that you have given or received
die u het best kan helpen = that will be the most use to you
die u het optimum voor vele soorten ladingen bieden = which are optimal for many types of loads
die u later kunt upgraden = which can later be upgraded
die u later kunt upgraden naar = which can later be upgraded to
die u nodig heeft = that you need
die uit een = coming out of
die uit een = exiting a
die uit kunststof vervaardigd is = made of plastic
die uitblinkt in = that excels in
die uitmonden in = that open into
die uitsluitend door zakelijke Debiteuren mag worden verstrekt = which may be issued only by business Debtors
die uniek is in de markt = that is unique in the market
die vaak voorkomt = common
die vaak worden vastgenomen = that are frequently handled
die vaker niet dan wel worden ingezet = that are usually not even being used
die vallen in de periode = that fall in the period
die van belang is voor de continuïteit van de bedrijfsprocessen = which is important for the continuity of the business
die van belang kunnen zijn = that may be of interest
die van de Onroerende zaak worden geheven = levied on the Immovable Property
die van dien aard zijn dat = of such nature that
die van grote waarde is = that is of great value
die van invloed zijn = that affect
die van invloed zullen zijn op = that will influence
die van jullie = yours
die van kracht is in de Onderneming = in force in the Company
die van mindere kwaliteit zijn = which are of lower quality
die van ons = ours
die van tevoren niet door Yellax zijn geaccepteerd = that were not accepted in advance by Yellax
die van toepassing is ter gehele uitsluiting van = which applies to the entire exclusion of
die van toepassing zijn = that are applicable
die van toepassing zijn = applicable
die van toepassing zijn op = that apply to
die van toepassing zijn op = that are applicable to
die van toepassing zijn op alle overeenkomsten met = which apply to all agreements with
die van toepassing zijn op de elektrische installatie = applicable to the electrical installation
die vanwege een pandrecht geen stemrecht heeft = who has no right to vote because of a right of pledge
die vast gemonteerd worden = which are fixedly mounted
die vast is aangebracht op = which is fixedly arranged on
die veel bijdraagt = that contributes greatly
die veelal in deze categorie zullen vallen = which will often fall into this category
die veranderd zijn = that have been changed
die verantwoordelijk is = which is responsible
die verantwoordelijk is voor = which is responsible for
die verantwoordelijk is voor = responsible for
die verband houden met de uitoefening van het werk = related to performance of the work
die verband houdt met beëindiging van het dienstverband = related to termination of the employment
die verband houdt met of anderszins voortvloeit uit = related to or otherwise arising from
die verder de stappen omvat van = further comprising the following steps
die vereist worden krachtens deze Overeenkomst = required under this Agreement
die vergelijkbaar zijn = that are comparable
die vergunning hebben om in België te verblijven = who have a residence permit to reside in Belgium
die verkrijgbaar zijn in een supermarkt = that are available in a supermarket
die vermeld staan of waarnaar wordt verwezen = mentioned or referred to
die verplaatsbaar voorzien is op = which is movably provided on
die verplaatsbaar zijn op een eerste resp. tweede rail = "which are movable on a first and second rail, respectively,"
die verschillende teams ondersteunt = that supports various teams
die verticaal gepositioneerd is = which is positioned vertically
die vertikaal zijn opgesteld = which are arranged vertically
die vervaardigd is uit = made of
die vervolgens bepaalde secties kunnen selecteren en vergroot weergeven = who can then select and magnify certain sections
die verzekeraars aanbieden = that insurers offer
die verzonken is t.o.v. het kader = which is sunken with respect to the frame
die via deze platforms actief zijn = operating on these platforms
die via een tand-en-groefverbinding in elkaar passen = which fit into each other via a tongue-and-groove joint
die via internet worden aangeboden = offered via the internet
die vlag dekt de lading niet = appearances are deceptive
die vlag dekt de lading niet = he / she / ... is sailing under false colours
die voldoen aan de eisen = that meet the requirements
die voldoen aan de emissienormen van categorie = that meet the emission standards of Category
die voldoen aan de minimum eisen = meeting the minimum requirements
die voldoen aan de vereisten van = that meet the requirements of
die voldoen aan de vereisten van de Europese Norm = that meet the requirements of European standard
die voldoet aan de europese wetgeving = that meets the European legislation
die volgen op de betaling/dat volgt op de betaling = from payment
die volgen uit = resulting from
die voor 100% aan uw noden beantwoordt = that meets 100% of your needs
die voor de aanvoer van de producten zorgen = that supply the products
die voor de uitvoering van het werk vereist zijn = required for the execution of the work
die voor deze zaak woonplaats kiest te = which chooses as its address for service for this case the offices of
die voor een duur van minder dan twaalf maanden worden gesloten = concluded for a period of less than twelve months
die voor een duur van twaalf maanden of meer worden gesloten = concluded for a period of twelve months or more
die voor een groot deel is gericht op = which is largely focused on
die voor een normaal gebruik nodig zijn = required for normal use
die voor een opdrachtgever is uitgevoerd = carried out for a client
die voor extra stijfheid en dus een grotere veiligheid zorgt = ensure added stiffness and thus greater safety
die voor het functioneren en de veiligheid van het apparaat nodig zijn = which are required for the proper functioning and safety of the device
die voorhanden waren = that were available
die voorkomen dat de panelen uitschuiven = which prevent the panels from sliding out
die voortvloeien uit = resulting from
die voortvloeien uit de kwetsbaarheid = arising from the vulnerability
die voortvloeien uit dit gebruik = arising from such use
"die voortvloeien uit dit gebruik, komen voor rekening van de medewerker" = arising from such use shall be borne by the employee
die voortvloeien uit of die verband houden met = arising from or in connection with
die voortvloeit uit het door haar uitgeoefende retentierecht = resulting from its exercised right of retention
die voorzien in de specifieke behoeften van = that meet the specific needs of
die voorzien is om in te grijpen = provided for engaging
die voorzien is van DE reclame = with DE advertising
die vraag speelt voortdurend op = this remains a difficult question
die vrij draaibaar is om = that is freely rotatable about
die we blijven uitbreiden = that we continue to expand
die we graag willen laten maken = events
die we graag willen laten maken = which we would like to have made
die we in een komend nummer van dit magazine voorstellen = that we will introduce in a forthcoming issue of this magazine
die we met de oude nooit hebben ondervonden = that we never had with the old one
die we niet mogen vergeten = that deserves to be remembered
die weer = which in turn
die weer is gebaseerd op = which in turn is based on
die weg van de bodemplaat is georiënteerd = that is oriented away from the bottom plate
die weg wijzen van de bodemplaat van de basiselement = pointing away from the bottom plate of the base member
die weigert de toegangscontrole te ondergaan = who refuses to undergo access control
die werd bijgewoond door = attended by
die werd opgeslagen tijdens het opt-outproces = stored during the opt-out process
die werd verzonden naar de server = that was transmitted to the server
die werden bekomen = which were obtained
die wij eveneens kunnen leveren = which we can also supply
die wij hebben aangeleverd = we provided
die wij in het Verenigd Koninkrijk vertegenwoordigen = we represent in the United Kingdom
die wij intern stellen = that we set  internally
die wij op deze plaats bedanken = whom we would like to thank here
die wij vooraf hebben vastgesteld = that we have determined in advance
die wijst op = which indicates
die worden doorgestuurd van en naar het product = that are sent to and from the product
die worden gebruikt in industriële warmtepompen = used in industrial heat pumps
die worden gekenmerkt door = that are characterised by
die worden gesteld vanuit de Nederlandse markt = imposed by the Dutch market
die worden onderverdeeld in = divided into
die worden voorgesteld door Facebook = proposed by Facebook
die wordt doorkruist door = which is traversed by
die wordt geplaatst tussen de = that is placed between the
die wordt vermeld = indicated
die wordt vermeld op het handtekeningenformulier = listed on the Signature Form
die zaak heeft later nog een vervolg gehad = that business had a sequel
die zal gehouden worden op het kantoor van = which will be held at the office of
die ze er doen uitspringen = that make them stand out
die ze wereldwijd verkoopt = which sells them worldwide
die zeer gelijkaardig zijn = which are very similar
die zeer gevoelig zijn voor kleine afwijkingen = which are very sensitive to small deviations
die zelf fysiek van elkaar gescheiden zijn = that are themselves physically separate from each other
die zelf gevuld moeten worden = that you have to fill yourself
die zich aan de buitenkant van de koker bevinden = which are located on the outside of the tube
die zich allen onderscheiden door = who are all known for
die zich binnenwaarts naar de koepel uitstrekt = extending inwards to the dome
die zich binnenwaarts uitstrekt = extending inwardly
die zich boven het substraat bevinden = which are located above the substrate
die zich buiten het gebouw bevinden = located outside the building
die zich continu op dezelfde hoogte bevindt als de bovenkant van de palle = which is always located at the same height as the top of the pallet
die zich doorheen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband uitstre = extending through the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
die zich expliciet heeft ingeschreven voor gerichte advertenties = who has explicitly opted in to targeted ads
die zich geheel of gedeeltelijk in een gevaarlijke zone bevindt = wholly or partially in a hazardous area
die zich in een richting dwars op het tafeloppervlak uitstrekken = which extend in a direction transverse to the table surface
die zich in het … bevindt = comprised in the
die zich kenmerken door = characterised by
die zich kenmerkt door = that is characterised by
die zich minstens gedeeltelijk uitstrekt = which extends at least partially
die zich naar boven vanaf een vloeroppervlak uitstrekken = extending upwardly from a floor surface
die zich onder de detector bevindt = which is located below the detector
die zich onder het substraat bevinden = that are located under the substrate
die zich op het horizontaal vlak van de afdekschijf bevinden = which are located on the horizontal plane of the cover disk
die zich op het werk aanbiedt = who presents himself at work
die zich op overmacht beroept = claiming force majeure
die zich over nagenoeg de ganse lengte van de platen uitstrekken = which extend along substantially the entire length of the panels
die zich richten op de Nederlandse consument = aimed at Dutch consumers
die zich richten op de Nederlandse markt = that focus on the Dutch market
die zich richten op de Nederlandse markt = that is aimed at the Dutch market
die zich tegenover elkaar bevinden = which are situated opposite each other
die zich tegenover elkaar bevinden = located opposite each other
die zich tijdens de Overeengekomen Periode voordoen = which have occurred during the Agreed Period
die zich uitstrekken doorheen = that extend through
die zich uitstrekken doorheen de = which extend through the
die zich uitstrekken langs = which extend along
die zich uitstrekt over de volledige lengte van = which extends over the entire length of
die zich vooral toelegt op = which mainly focuses on
die zicht binnenwaarts naar de koepel uitstrekt = that extends inward towards the dome
die zichzelf kunne oplossen = that can solve themselves
die ziek uit dienst gaat = who leaves employment while sick
die zij bezitten en/of beheren = they own and/or manage
die zijde van = that side of
die zijn aangemaakt door = that have been created by
die zijn afgeleid uit = derived from
die zijn ambt uitoefent in de vennootschap = performing his office in the company
die zijn geconstrueerd van een geschikt stijf en sterk materiaal = constructed of a suitably rigid and strong material
die zijn gesynthetiseerd uit chemische verbindingen = synthesised from chemical compounds
die zijn ingericht om = arranged to
die zijn of haar privacy rechten wil uitoefenen = who wishes to exercise their privacy rights
die zijn ontstaan door invloeden van buitenaf = caused by external influences
die zijn opgenomen in andere uitvoeringsvormen = that are included in other embodiments
die zijn verstrekt aan de chauffeur = issued to the driver
die z'n = that one's
die zo veel als wordt toegestaan door de wet = to the maximum extent permitted by law
die zojuist op de markt was gekomen = that had just come on the market
die zorgen voor een geruisloze hijsbeweging = which ensure that lifting is silent
die zorgen voor een veilig gebruik van het rolluik = to ensure the safe operation of the shutter
die zorgen voor precisiekoeling = that provide precision cooling
die zorgt voor = which provides
die zorgt voor extra = which provides extra
die zou voortvloeien uit de toegang tot of het gebruik van = resulting from access to or use of
die zouden kunnen leiden tot = which could lead to
die zouden kunnen voortvloeien uit = that could arise from
die zowel intern als mobiel bereikbaar moeten zijn = that need to be accessible both internally and on mobile devices
die zulke draagstructuur omvat = comprising such a support structure
die zulke draagstructuur omvat = which comprises such a support structure
die zwaarder is dan lucht = which is heavier than air
Diederik = Derek
"Diederik, Diedrich, Dirk" = Derek {prop} (given name)
dieet = diet
dieet = light
Dieet = Starvation diet
diëet- = dietary
diëet leven = to be on a  diet
dieet maken = dieting
dieet met een hoog eiwitgehalte = protein-rich diet
dieet van Giordano-Giovanetti = Giordano-Giovanetti diet
"diëet, levensmiddelen {p}" = fare (food and drink)
dieetgrillen = diet fads
dieetgrillen = dietary fads
dieetgrillen = fad diets
dieetgrillen = food fads
dieetproduct = dietary product
Dieetproducten = Dietetic products
dieetsupplementen = dietary supplements
dieetvoeding voor medisch gebruik = dietary foods for special medical purposes
dieetwensen = dietary requirements
dieetzout = diet salt
dieetzout = low-sodium diet salt
DIEF = diethylhexyl phthalate
Dief = Thieving
Dief = Drummer
dief = thief
Dief = Robber
dief {de} = thief
diefkever = spider beetle
diefrand = false cathode
diefstal = abstraction
Diefstal = Theft
diefstal {de} = theft
Diefstal apparatuur en waardevolle zaken = Theft of equipment and valuables
diefstal en oneigenlijk gebruik = theft and improper use
diefstal met geweld of bedreiging = aggravated theft
diefstal of beschadiging = theft or damage
diefstal referentiegegevens = credential theft
Diefstal van identiteit = Identity theft
diefstal van informatie = theft of information
"Diefstal, vermissing en beschadiging" = "Theft, loss and damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing en beschadiging van" = "Theft, loss and damage of/to"
"diefstal, vermissing of beschadiging" = "theft, loss or damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing, beschadiging" = "Theft, loss and damage"
"Diefstal, vermissing, beschadiging" = "Theft, loss, damage"
Diefstalbeveiliging = Anti-theft protection
Diefstalbeveiliging integreerbaar = Anti-theft protection integrable
diefstalclaim = theft claim
diefstalpreventie = prevention of theft
Diegem = Diegem
diegene = that
diegene = he
diegene = she
diegene = those
Diegene = That one
diegene die het vroegst uitgekomen zijn = those which hatched the earliest
Diego Rivera = Diego Rivera
die-het-eerst-komt-die-het-eerst-maalt regel = first- come-first-served rule
Dieldrin = Dieldrin
dieldrine = dieldrin
Dielectricum = Dielectric
diëlectricum = dielectric
Diëlektricum = Dielectric
diëlektrische absorptie = dielectric absorption
"Diëlektrische barrièreontlading (Dielectric Barrier Discharg, DBD)" = Dielectric Barrier Discharge
"Diëlektrische barrièreontlading (Dielectric Barrier Discharg, DBD)" = DBD
diëlektrische capaciteit = dielectric capacity
diëlektrische constante = dielectric constant
diëlektrische constante = relative permittivity
diëlektrische dissipatie = dielectric dissipation
diëlektrische draad = dielectric wire
diëlektrische eigenschappen = dielectric properties
Dielektrische interferentielagen = Dielectric coatings
diëlektrische laag = dielectric film
diëlektrische pijp = dielectric guide
diëlektrische polarisatie = dielectric polarization
diëlektrische relaxatietijd = dielectric relaxation time
diëlektrische sterkte = dielectric strength
diëlektrische stroom = dielectric current
diëlektrische verliesfactor = dielectric loss factor
diëlektrische verliezen = dielectric losses
diëlektrische versterker = dielectric amplifier
Diëlektrische vloeistoftransformatoren = Liquid dielectric transformers
diëlektrische waardebepaling = dielectric rating
Diemen = Diemen
dien = should
dien ik volgende zaken bijzonder te blijven opvolgen = I should continue to monitor the following specific issues
Dien op met groenten naar keuze. = Serve with vegetables of your choice.
dienaangaande = in that connection
dienaangaande = in that regard
dienaangaande = in that respect
dienaangaande = in this connection
dienaangaande = in this regard
dienaangaande = in this respect
dienaangaande = relevant
dienaangaande = to this effect
dienaangaande = with respect to that
dienaangaande is mij niets gebleken = I have no evidence of this effect
dienaangaande is mij niets gebleken = I have no evidence to that effect
Dienaar = Servant
dienaar = boy
"dienaar, dienares, bediende {c}, meid, knecht" = menial (domestic servant)
dienares = maid
Dienblad = Set
Dienblad = Wold
Dienblad = Supporting table
Dienblad = Shelf
Dienblad = Tableland
Dienblad = Plateau
Dienblad = Salver
dienblad = plate
Dienblad = Tray
Dienblad = Platter
dienblad.php = tray.php
Dienbladen = Food trays
dienbladen = serving trays
diëncefalisch = diencephalic
diëncefalisch aanval = diencephalo-autonomic attack
diencephalon = "diencephalon: the caudal part of the prosencephalon, consisting of the ep"
diencephalon = interbrain
diende = serve
dienen = must
dienen = serve
Dienen = Dish up
Dienen = Avail
Dienen = Further
Dienen = Avail oneself of
Dienen = Use
dienen = have to
dienen = service
dienen = to serve
Dienen = Wait on
Dienen = To be of use
Dienen = Dish
dienen = should
diënen = dienes
dienen alleen als referentie = are for reference only
dienen als = serve as
dienen als richtlijn gebruikt te worden = should be used as a guide
dienen altijd goedgekeurd te worden door = must always be approved by
dienen altijd van te voren aangemeld te zijn = must always be registered in advance
dienen behouden te blijven = should be preserved
dienen bij deze vragenronde aan de orde te worden gesteld = must be addressed in this round of questions
dienen bij uitsluiting te worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter te Am = must be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam
dienen correctieve maatregelen te worden uitgevoerd = corrective measures must be carried out
dienen de auto direct in te leveren op een door de werkgever vast te stel = must immediately return the vehicle to an address to be determined by the
dienen de onderstaande gegevens vermeld te worden = must contain the following information
dienen door de leverancier en op rekening van de leverancier te worden ui = must be taken care of and paid by the supplier
dienen door de Physical Security Manager direct te worden gemeld aan de d = must be reported to the management directly by the Physical Security Mana
dienen dus andere technieken gebruikt te worden = other techniques must therefore be used
dienen een solide verankering te kennen in de dagelijkse praktijk = should be solidly anchored in daily practice
dienen er duidelijke afspraken gemaakt te worden = clear agreements must be made
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden = should be documented
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden = must be documented
dienen gedocumenteerd te worden op = should be documented in
dienen gelijk te liggen met = must be flush with
dienen gemeld en verholpen te worden = must be reported and resolved
dienen geschikt te zijn = must be suitable
dienen idem ingesteld te zijn = must be set identically
dienen identiek te zijn = must be identical
dienen in acht te worden Genomen = should be adhered to
dienen in bezit te zijn van = must be in possession of
dienen in het bezit te zijn van = must be in possession of
dienen maatregelen te worden genomen = measures should be taken
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen = measures should be taken
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen gericht op afscherming van de mens = measures shall be taken to shield humans from the source
dienen maatregelen te worden getroffen gericht op afscherming van de mens = measures shall be taken to shield humans from the source
dienen nageleefd te worden = must be observed
dienen nauw op elkaar aan te sluiten = should link up closely
dienen niet langer te zijn dan = should not be longer than
dienen onmiddellijk verholpen te worden = should be immediately corrected
dienen ook informatie te verschaffen = should also provide information
dienen overlegd te worden = must be submitted
dienen schriftelijk te worden vastgelegd = must be laid down in writing
dienen separaat te worden overeengekomen = must be agreed separately
dienen slechts een beperkt aantal taken te worden uitgevoerd = only a limited number of tasks need to be performed
dienen steeds met elkaar verbonden te worden = should always be connected to each other
dienen strikt te worden opgevolgd = must be strictly followed
dienen te voldoen aan = shall comply with
dienen te worden gemanaged = should be managed
dienen te worden gemeld = should be reported
dienen te worden gestuurd = must be sent
dienen te worden gestuurd naar = must be sent to
dienen te worden ingediend in tweevoud = should be submitted in duplicate
dienen te worden vastgelegd = should be recorded
dienen te worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter = must be submitted to the competent court
dienen te zijn gedocumenterd = must be documented
dienen ter goedkeuring te worden voorgelegd = must be submitted for approval
dienen toegang te hebben tot = must have access to
dienen uitsluitend als richtsnoer = are only given as a guide
dienen verstelbaar te zijn = must be adjustable
dienen voorzien te  zijn van = must be provided with
dienen zich te legitimeren = must provide proof of identity
dienen zo recht mogelijk gehouden te worden = should be kept as straight as possible
dienen zo te worden uitgevoerd = shall be designed in such a way
dienen zo veel mogelijk vermeden te worden = should be avoided as much as possible
dienen zorgvuldig en volledig te worden onderzocht = should be carefully and fully examined
dienend leiderschap = servant leadership
Diener en Diener Basel = Diener & Diener Basel
dienkeuken = service kitchen
diënoestrol = "dienestrol: a synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen (structurally related to "
dienogest = dienogest
dienovereenkomstig = accordingly
dienovereenkomstig = relevant
dienovereenkomstig = to that effect
dienovereenkomstig = to this effect
dienovereenkomstig = Accordingly
dienovereenkomstige vergoeding = corresponding fee
diens = that one's
diens architect en/of studiebureau’s = its architect and/or engineering firms
diens ermee verbandhoudende betalingsverplichtingen = its payment obligations in this respect
diens opvolger = its successor
diens steriliteit niet moet breken = does not have to compromise their sterility
diens toeleverancier = its supplier
dienst = Service Department
dienst = "department, service, ward (Medical)"
Dienst = Service
dienst = agency
dienst = authority
dienst = department
dienst = office
dienst = service
dienst = shift
dienst = favor
dienst = division
Dienst (administratieve diensten of afdelingen) = Office
dienst {de} = service
Dienst A = Department A
dienst aan de samenleving = service to society
Dienst Algemene Bestuurlijke Ondersteuning = General Administration
dienst anorganische scheikunde = Inorganic Chemistry Department
Dienst Arbo en Milieu = "Department of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment"
Dienst Bestuurlijke Ondersteuning = Management Support
dienst beveiliging van levens van Galileo = GALILEO safety of life service
Dienst Burgerlijke Zaken = Registration Services
Dienst Centrale Recherche = Central Criminal Investigation Department (DCR)
Dienst Centrale Recherche = Central Criminal Investigation Department (Dienst Centrale Recherche: DCR
"Dienst Centrale Recherche, bureau Sociale Jeugd- en Zedenpolitie" = "Central Criminal Investigation Department (DCR), Juvenile and Vice Sectio"
Dienst Communicatie = Department of Communications
Dienst directeur (operationele diensten of afdelingen) = Service Director
Dienst Domeinen = Dienst Domeinen
Dienst Economische en Administratieve Zaken = Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs
Dienst Economische Migratie = Economic Migration service
Dienst Elektronische en Mechanische Ontwikkeling (domein DEMO) = Electronic & Mechanical Support Division (EMSD)
dienst- en studiereizen = official trips and study trips
Dienst Facilitaire Bedrijven = Facility Service
Dienst Facilitaire Zaken en Bouwbeheer = Department of Campus and Estates Services
Dienst Faciliteiten en Automatisering = Facilities and Automation
Dienst financiën en Personeel = Department of Finance and Personnel
"Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen" = Defence Infrastructure Agency
"Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen (DGW&T)" = "Dienst Gebouwen, Werken en Terreinen (DGW&T)"
dienst hebben = be on duty
Dienst Indicatiestelling ouderenzorg (ACAS) = Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS)
Dienst Informatietechnologie = Department of Information Technology / Information Technology Department
Dienst Informatisering en Automatisering = Computer Systems and Automation
Dienst Justitiële Inlichtingen = Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI)
dienst Kwaliteit Aankoop = Purchasing Quality Department
Dienst Landelijk Gebied (DLG) = Dienst Landelijk Gebied (DLG)
Dienst Macro-Economie = Macroeconomics Department
dienst MER = EIA Service (Dienst Mer)
dienst met toegevoegde waarde = value added service
dienst met toegevoegde waarde = Value-added service
dienst na verkoop = after sales service
Dienst na verkoop = After-sales service
dienst nemen = enlist
dienst NTMB = Ecotechnical Environmental Engineering unit (NTMB)
Dienst Ondernemingsinformatie = Business Information Department
Dienst Onderwijs en Studentenzaken (O&S) = Education and Student Affairs
dienst organische scheikunde = Organic Chemistry Department
dienst segment = shift segment
Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling en Beheer (DSOB) = Department of Urban Development and Management
Dienst Studentenvoorzieningen & Campus (DiSC) = Student & Campus Services (DiSC)
Dienst Studentenzaken = Office of Student Affairs
Dienst Studentenzaken = Department of Student Services
Dienst Technische Ondersteuning = Department for Technical Support
dienst van algemeen belang = services of general interest
Dienst van Back-IT = Back-IT Service
dienst van de commissie = office of the commission
dienst van een ander Lid = service of another Member
dienst van openbaar nut = public utility service
Dienst Veiligheidsrapportering = Safety Reporting Division
Dienst Vergunningen van de FOD Economie = Licence Service of the FPS Economy
Dienst Vervoer en Ondersteuning (DV&O) van het Ministerie van Justitie en = Transport and Support Department (DV&O) of the Ministry of Justice and Se
dienst voor arbeidsbemiddeling = employment service
Dienst voor Bescherming tegen Ioniserende Straling [DBIS] = Office for Protection against Ionizing Radiation
Dienst voor de Technische Veiligheid van de Kerninstallaties = Office for the Technical Security of Nuclear Facilities
dienst VR = Safety Reporting Division
Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken = Immigration Office
Dienst(en) = Service(s)
dienst(en) = service(s)
"dienst, gebedsdienst, mis {f}" = church service)
"dienst, gebedsdienst, mis {f}" = mess (Mass
dienstaanbieder = service provider
dienstaanbiederinterface = service provider interface (SPI)
dienstaanbieders = service providers
dienstacceptatiecriteria = service acceptance criteria (SAC)
dienstanalyse = service analytics
dienstbaar = willingness to help
dienstbaarheid = helpful service
dienstbaarheid = helpfulness
dienstbaarheid = willingness to help
dienstbaarheid = "(houding) helpfulness   , service"
dienstbaarheid = (onderhorigheid) servitude
dienstbaarheid = (servituut) easement
dienstbaarheid = helpfulness/service (houding)
dienstbelang / indien het dienstbeland zich hiertegen verzet / tenzij zwa = / if it would be contrary to the interests of the institution / unless di
dienstbetrekking = employment
dienstbetrekking = employment (relationship)
Dienstbetrekking = Wage-earning occupation
dienstbetrekking = job
dienstbetrekkingen = jobs
dienstbode = maid-servant
dienstboekje = service record
dienstbrug = control bridge
Dienstbruggen = Gantries
dienstcontract = service contract
dienstdoende = on duty
dienstdoende bij de = serving with the
dienstdoende manager = manager on duty
dienstdruk = working pressure
diensteigenaar = service owner
diensten = agencies
diensten = authorities
diensten = departments
diensten = offices
diensten = services
diensten = service departments
Diensten = services
diensten = service
"Diensten (wanneer er in het algemeen sprake is van de diensten BU, DBI, D" = Service departments
diensten aan cliënten = services to clients
diensten aan eindgebruikers = retail services
diensten afnemen = buy services
diensten afnemen = purchase services
diensten afnemen = receive services
diensten als tussenhandelaar = brokering services
"diensten bestaande uit de registratie, transcriptie, samenstelling, compi" = "services consisting of the registration, transcription, composition, comp"
diensten bewijzen = render services
Diensten CAO = Services collective agreement (‘Diensten CAO’)
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor buitenvoorzieningen = Architectural services for outdoor areas
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor gebouwen = Architectural services for buildings
Diensten door architectenbureaus voor uitbreidingsverbouwingen = Architectural services for building extensions
Diensten door chirurgische specialisten = Surgical specialist services
Diensten door derden = Third party services
Diensten door huisartsen = General-practitioner services
Diensten door ledenverenigingen = Membership organisation services
Diensten door medische specialisten = Medical specialist services
Diensten door onbemand duikvaartuig = ROV services
Diensten door persagentschappen = News-agency services
Diensten en diverse goederen = Services and other goods
Diensten en diverse goederen = Services and goods
diensten en producten = products and services
diensten- en productiecentrum = service and production centre
diensten en toepassingen = services and applications
diensten en/of producten = products and/or services
Diensten in gynaecologie en obstetrie = Gyneacologic or obstetric services
Diensten in verband met afvalwater = Sewage services
Diensten in verband met bescherming van de ozonlaag = Ozone protection services
Diensten in verband met bodemvervuiling = Services related to soil pollution
Diensten in verband met bosbouw = Services incidental to forestry
Diensten in verband met de bouw = Construction-related services
Diensten in verband met de gaswinning = Services incidental to gas extraction
Diensten in verband met de jacht = Hunting services
Diensten in verband met de olie- en gasindustrie = Services related to the oil and gas industry
Diensten in verband met de opslag van containers = Container station and depot services
Diensten in verband met de opstelling van handleidingen = Services related to the preparation of training manuals
Diensten in verband met de productie van films en video's = Services in connection with motion-picture and video-tape production
Diensten in verband met de uitvoering van verlichtings- en daglichtvoorzi = Artificial and natural lighting engineering services for buildings
Diensten in verband met economische hulp aan het buitenland = Foreign economic-aid-related services
Diensten in verband met fusies en overnamen = Mergers and acquisition services
Diensten in verband met geluidsvervuiling = Services related to noise pollution
Diensten in verband met het beheer van financiële markten = Financial markets administration services
Diensten in verband met het drukken = Services related to printing
Diensten in verband met het lichamelijk welzijn = Physical well-being services
Diensten in verband met houtwinning = Services incidental to logging
Diensten in verband met informatietechnologie = Information technology services
Diensten in verband met landbouwproductie = Services incidental to agricultural production
Diensten in verband met luchtvervuling = Services related to air pollution
Diensten in verband met militaire hulp aan het buitenland = Foreign military-aid-related services
Diensten in verband met olievervuiling = Services related to oil pollution
Diensten in verband met oliewinning = Services incidental to oil extraction
"Diensten in verband met opsporing, toezicht en verwijdering van vervuilen" = Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
Diensten in verband met software = Software-related services
Diensten in verband met sport = Sport-related services
Diensten in verband met vervuilde grond = Services relating to contaminated soil
Diensten in verband met vervuiling door giftige stoffen = Services related to toxic substances pollution
Diensten in verband met visserij = Services incidental to fishing
Diensten in verband met warmtetechniek voor gebouwen = Heating engineering services for buildings
Diensten in verband met watervervuiling = Services related to water pollution
"Diensten inzake afvalwater, afval, reiniging en milieu" = "Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services"
Diensten inzake managementopleiding = Management training services
Diensten inzake onderwaterexploratie = Underwater exploration services
Diensten inzake recreatiegebieden = Recreational-area services
diensten met betrekking tot adviesverlening op het gebied van computers = computer consultancy services
"diensten met betrekking tot bioscoop en ontspanning via de televisie, als" = "services relating to cinema and to television entertainment, and to live "
diensten met betrekking tot boekhouding en loonlijsten = accountancy and payroll services
"diensten met betrekking tot communicatie, verzending van gegevens per com" = services relating to the communication and transmission of data by comput
diensten met betrekking tot consultancy op het gebied van werkgelegenheid = employment consultancy services
diensten met betrekking tot de behandeling van metalen = metal treatment services
"diensten met betrekking tot de uitgave van boeken, tijdschriften en perio" = "services relating to the publication of books, magazines and periodicals"
diensten met betrekking tot entertainers = entertainer services
diensten met betrekking tot onderzoek en advisering op zakelijk gebied = business research and advisory services
diensten met betrekking tot onderzoek en ontwikkeling van nieuwe producte = research and development services concerning new
diensten met betrekking tot opleiding en begeleiding = training and support services
"diensten met betrekking tot opvoeding, opleiding en entertainment" = "education, training and entertainment services"
diensten met betrekking tot professionele consultancy op zakelijk gebied = professional business consultancy services
"diensten met betrekking tot reclame, bedrijfsvoering" = "advertising services, commercial business management"
diensten met betrekking tot restauratie (het verstrekken van voedsel) = restaurant services (food)
diensten met betrekking tot ruimtelijke gegevens = spatial data services
diensten met betrekking tot verzending van berichten = message sending services
diensten of producten = services or products
diensten op afstand = remote services
diensten op farmaceutisch gebied = pharmacy services
diensten op het gebied van abonnementen op kranten voor derden = newspaper subscription services for others
diensten op het gebied van administratie van = company secretarial services
diensten op het gebied van advies en consultancy van bedrijven = business management advisory and consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van advies en ondersteuning van harware en sofware = consultancy and support services for computer hardware and computer softw
"diensten op het gebied van advies over voedsel, dranken, catering, restau" = "consultancy relating to food, drink, catering, restaurant and cafeteria s"
diensten op het gebied van advies voor beleggingen = investment advisory services
diensten op het gebied van advies voor cosmetica = cosmetics consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake het beheer van intellectuele = consulting services relating to management of intellectual property and c
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake Internet = Internet advice services
diensten op het gebied van advisering inzake software = consulting services in the field of computer software
diensten op het gebied van advisering voor computers = computer advisory services
"diensten op het gebied van advisering, onderhandeling en vertegenwoordigi" = "advisory, negotiating and representational services"
"diensten op het gebied van amusement, zoals exploitatie en beheer van the" = entertainment services in the nature of provision and management of theat
diensten op het gebied van amusementclubs = entertainment club services
diensten op het gebied van amusements- en themaparken = amusement and theme park services
diensten op het gebied van analyse = analytical services
diensten op het gebied van arbeidspsychologie = occupational psychology services
diensten op het gebied van arbitrage = arbitration services
diensten op het gebied van architectuur = architectural services
diensten op het gebied van babysitten = baby-sitting services
diensten op het gebied van bank- en krediettransacties = banking and credit affairs
Diensten op het gebied van banken en investeringen = Banking and investment services
"diensten op het gebied van banken, financieringen en verzekeringen" = "banking, financial and insurance services"
diensten op het gebied van bedrijfsmarketing = business marketing services
diensten op het gebied van bedrijfstaxatie = business appraisal services
diensten op het gebied van beheer = management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van = management services for exhibition facilities
diensten op het gebied van beheer van commerciële zaken = business management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van commerciële zaken en zakelijke adm = business management and business administration services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van gegevensbestanden = database management services
diensten op het gebied van beheer van onroerende = real-estate management services
diensten op het gebied van beheeradvies en consultancy = business management assistance and consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van belastingaangifte = tax-preparation services
diensten op het gebied van belastingaangifte en belastingadvisering = tax-preparation and consulting services
diensten op het gebied van beleggingsbeheer = investment management services
diensten op het gebied van beleggingsfondsen en = unit trust management and mortgage services
diensten op het gebied van bereiding van voeding = food preparation services
diensten op het gebied van bestellingen = delivery services
diensten op het gebied van betalingsmandaten = money order services
diensten op het gebied van bewakingsdiensten = security guard services
diensten op het gebied van binnenhuisarchitectuur = interior design services
diensten op het gebied van bioscopen = cinema services
diensten op het gebied van boekhouding = bookkeeping services
diensten op het gebied van boekhouding = accounting services
diensten op het gebied van borgstelling = surety services
diensten op het gebied van brandbestrijding = fire fighting services
diensten op het gebied van cabaret = cabaret services
diensten op het gebied van cafés = café services
"diensten op het gebied van cafetaria’s, koffiehuizen, restaurants, kant" = "cafeteria, coffee shop, restaurant, canteen and café"
diensten op het gebied van casino's en gokspelen = "casino, gaming and gambling services"
diensten op het gebied van certifaten = certification services
diensten op het gebied van chemie = chemistry services
diensten op het gebied van communicatie en verzending per fax = facsimile communication and transmission services
diensten op het gebied van communicatie tussen computers = communication services between computers
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via computers = services for communication by computer
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via elektronische middelen = services for communication by electronic means
diensten op het gebied van communicatie via het Internet = communication services provided on the Internet
diensten op het gebied van communicatienetwerken = communications networking services
diensten op het gebied van computerinstallatie en - = computer installation and maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van computerondersteuning = computer support services
diensten op het gebied van computerontwikkeling en -programmering 42 = computer design and programming services
diensten op het gebied van computeropleiding = computer training services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering = computer programming services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering en computer-consultancy = computer programming and computer consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van computerprogrammering en software = computer programming and software services
diensten op het gebied van computersoftware-ontwikkeling = computer software design services
diensten op het gebied van computer-timesharing = computer time-sharing services
diensten op het gebied van consultancy en advisering inzake hardware en s = consultancy and advisory services in the field of computer hardware and s
diensten op het gebied van consultancy en advisering voor computers = computer consultancy and advisory services
diensten op het gebied van consultancy inzake computers en software = consulting services relating to computers and computer software
diensten op het gebied van consultancy inzake telecommunicatie = consulting services in the field of telecommunications
diensten op het gebied van consultancy met betrekking tot techniek = engineering consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van consumentenadvies voor vakanties = consumer advisory services relating to holidays
diensten op het gebied van crèches = crèche services
diensten op het gebied van cruiseschepen = cruise ship services
diensten op het gebied van cultuur = cultural services
diensten op het gebied van dansclubs = dance club services
diensten op het gebied van datacommunicatie = data communication services
diensten op het gebied van de organisatie van feestmalen = banqueting services
diensten op het gebied van de productie van videobanden en films = video-tape and film production services
diensten op het gebied van diagnostiek = diagnostic services
diensten op het gebied van direct marketing = direct marketing services
diensten op het gebied van discotheken = discothèque services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische = electronic database services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische betaling = electronic payment services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische bulletin-boards = electronic bulletin board services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische communicatie = electronic communication services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische financiële = electronic banking services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische overmaking van fondsen = electronic funds transfer services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische publicaties = electronic publishing services
diensten op het gebied van elektronische spellen geleverd via het Interne = electronic game services provided by means of the Internet
diensten op het gebied van elektronische uitwisseling van gegevens = electronic data interchange services
diensten op het gebied van e-mail = electronic mail services
"diensten op het gebied van entertainment op het gebied van : muziek, dans" = "entertainment services featuring music, dancing, comedy, drama and magic "
diensten op het gebied van entertainment voor clubs = club entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van facturering = billing services
diensten op het gebied van facturering = factoring services
diensten op het gebied van farmaceutisch onderzoek en ontwikkeling = pharmaceutical research and development services
diensten op het gebied van faxverzending = facsimile transmission services
diensten op het gebied van film- en videoverhuur = motion picture and video-rental services
diensten op het gebied van filmstudio’s = motion picture studio services
diensten op het gebied van filmverhuur = motion picture-rental services
diensten op het gebied van financieel beheer = financial management services
diensten op het gebied van financieel onderzoek = financial research services
diensten op het gebied van financieel onderzoek en financiële informatie = financial research and information services
"diensten op het gebied van financiële administratie, boekhouding en veri" = "accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services"
diensten op het gebied van financiële analyses = financial analysis services
diensten op het gebied van financiële consultancy = financial consultancy services
"Diensten op het gebied van financiële consultancy, financiële transacti" = "Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-hous"
diensten op het gebied van financiële en monetaire zaken en makerlaardij = "services in relation to financial, monetary and real-estate"
diensten op het gebied van financiële informatie = financial information services
diensten op het gebied van financiële planning = financial planning services
diensten op het gebied van financiële sanering = financial clearing services
diensten op het gebied van financiële sponsoring = financial sponsorship services
diensten op het gebied van financiële taxaties = financial appraisal services
diensten op het gebied van fotokopiëren = photocopying services
diensten op het gebied van franchising = franchising services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd = computerised database management services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd onderzoek en informatie = computerized research and information services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerd opslaan en terugvinden van zak = computerized business information storage and retrieval services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerde bedrijfsinformatie = computerised business information services
diensten op het gebied van geautomatiseerde betalingen = automated payment services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensoverdracht = data transmission services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensterugwinning = data recovery services
diensten op het gebied van gegevensverwerking = data-processing services
diensten op het gebied van geluidsopname = sound recording services
diensten op het gebied van geluidsopnamen = audio recording services
diensten op het gebied van gemeenschappelijke beleggingsfondsen = unit-trust services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheid en schoonheid = health and beauty services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheid en veiligheid = health and safety services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheids- en fitnessclubs = health and fitness club services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidscentra = health-club services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidszorg = health-care services
diensten op het gebied van gezondheidszorg en schoonheidsverzorging = health and beauty care services
diensten op het gebied van gokspelen = gaming and gambling services
diensten op het gebied van gokspelen = gaming services
diensten op het gebied van grafisch ontwerpen = graphic-design services
diensten op het gebied van handelsinlichtingen = commercial information services
diensten op het gebied van havens = port services
diensten op het gebied van herverzekering = reinsurance services
diensten op het gebied van het beheer van fondsen = fund management services
diensten op het gebied van het bereiden van warm voedsel = food cooking services
diensten op het gebied van het bijeenbrengen van fondsen = fund raising services
diensten op het gebied van het charteren van = aircraft chartering services
diensten op het gebied van het maken van video-opnames = videotaping services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van software en computernetwerke = computer software and network design services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van webpagina’s = webpage design services
diensten op het gebied van het ontwerpen van web-sites = website design services
diensten op het gebied van het organiseren van tentoonstellingen voor com = services relating to the organization of exhibitions for commercial or ad
diensten op het gebied van het testen van materialen = material testing services
diensten op het gebied van het verstrekken van multimedia-amusement en/of = provision of multimedia entertainment and/or live entertainment and shows
diensten op het gebied van het verzenden van geld = money transmission services
diensten op het gebied van het zakelijk beheer van informatietechnologie = business management consulting services in the field of information techn
"diensten op het gebied van hotel, restauratie en catering" = "hotel, restaurant and catering services"
diensten op het gebied van hotelaccommodatie = hotel accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van hotelbeheer = hotel-management services
diensten op het gebied van hotelreservering = hotel-reservation services
diensten op het gebied van hotels en accommodatie = hotel and accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van hotels en restaurants = hotel and restaurant services
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, hotels in vakantieoorden, motels en pe" = "hotel, resort-hotel, motel and guest-house services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, motels en pensions" = "hotel, motel and boarding house services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, motels, restaurans, bars en catering" = "hotel, motel, restaurant, bar and catering services"
"diensten op het gebied van hotels, restaurants, bars, nachtclubs, cafés," = "hotel, restaurant, bar, nightclub, café, cafeteria and canteen services"
"diensten op het gebied van huisvesting, verzorging en restauratie door ho" = "services provided in the acquisition of accommodation, lodging and meals "
diensten op het gebied van hulp bij de leiding van zaken = business management assistance services
diensten op het gebied van hypotheeklening = mortgage banking
diensten op het gebied van import- en = import/export agency services
diensten op het gebied van import en export = import and export services
diensten op het gebied van individuele pensioenregelingen = personal pension services
diensten op het gebied van informatie en advisering inzake het voornoemde = information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid
diensten op het gebied van informatie over entertainment = entertainment information services
diensten op het gebied van inspectie van gebouwen = building inspection services
diensten op het gebied van intellectuele eigendom = intellectual-property services
diensten op het gebied van kalibreren = calibration services
diensten op het gebied van kamerverhuur = room hire services
diensten op het gebied van kap- en schoonheidssalons = services of a hair and beauty salon
diensten op het gebied van kapitaalbelegging = capital investment services
diensten op het gebied van kapitaalinvesteringen = fund investment services
diensten op het gebied van kasbeheer = cash management services
diensten op het gebied van kinderverzorging = child-care services
diensten op het gebied van kleermakerij = tailoring services
diensten op het gebied van kortingskaarten = discount-card services
diensten op het gebied van kunstgalerijen = art gallery services
diensten op het gebied van kunststudio’s = art-studio services
diensten op het gebied van kwaliteitscontrole = quality-control services
diensten op het gebied van leningen = loan services
diensten op het gebied van levensverzekeringen = life-assurance services
diensten op het gebied van licentieverlening = licensing services
diensten op het gebied van lichaamstraining = physical-education services
diensten op het gebied van liefdadigheidscollectes = charitable fund-raising services
diensten op het gebied van live-amusement = live entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van logies = lodging services
diensten op het gebied van logies en pensions = lodging and boarding services
diensten op het gebied van loonlijstverwerking = payroll processing services
diensten op het gebied van luchttransport = air-transportation services
diensten op het gebied van luchtvaartmaatschappijen = airline services
diensten op het gebied van makelaardij = real-estate brokerage services
Diensten op het gebied van management = Management-related services
diensten op het gebied van management en consultancy = management consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van managementopleiding = management training services
diensten op het gebied van marketing = marketing services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en promotie = marketing and promotional services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en public relations = marketing and public relations services
diensten op het gebied van marketing en reclame = marketing and advertising services
diensten op het gebied van marktonderzoek = market research services
diensten op het gebied van massage = massage services
diensten op het gebied van materiaalbehandeling = material treatment services
diensten op het gebied van medische behandeling = medical treatment services
diensten op het gebied van medische bijstand = medical assistance services
diensten op het gebied van medische klinieken = medical clinic services
diensten op het gebied van medische laboratoria = medical laboratory services
"diensten op het gebied van medische verzorging, hygiëne en schoonheid" = "medical, hygienic and beauty care services"
diensten op het gebied van meenneemmaaltijden = food takeaway services
Diensten op het gebied van micro-kredietverstrekking = Micro-credit granting services
diensten op het gebied van modeontwerp = dress-design services
diensten op het gebied van modeshows = fashion show services
diensten op het gebied van motels en pensions = motel and guest-house services
diensten op het gebied van musea = museum services
diensten op het gebied van muziek- en artiestenimpressariaat = music and artist agency services
diensten op het gebied van muziekconcerten = music concert services
diensten op het gebied van muzikaal amusement = musical entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van nachtclubs = nightclub services
diensten op het gebied van nachtclubs en discotheken = nightclub and discotheque services
diensten op het gebied van nieuwsprogramma’s = news programme services
diensten op het gebied van noodreparaties van voertuigen = emergency vehicle repair services
diensten op het gebied van onderhoud van software = computer software maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van ondertekening van verzekeringscontracten = underwriting services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs = educational services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en entertainment = educational and entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en instructie = educational and instruction services
diensten op het gebied van onderwijs en opleiding = education and training services
"diensten op het gebied van onderwijs, opleiding en ontspanning in het alg" = "educational, training and entertainment services in general"
"diensten op het gebied van onderwijs, opvoeding en" = "educational, teaching and training services"
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek = research services
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek en informatie met betrekking tot zak = "research and information services relating to business, advertising and m"
diensten op het gebied van onderzoek en informatie van bedrijven = business research and information services
diensten op het gebied van onroerende goederen = real estate services
diensten op het gebied van ontspanning en vrije tijd = entertainment and leisure services
diensten op het gebied van ontspanning via de radio = radio entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van ontwerp van medische en chirurgische apparaten = design services for medical and surgical apparatus and instruments
"diensten op het gebied van ontwerp, informatie, advies en consultancy, al" = "design, information, advisory and consultancy services, all relating to c"
diensten op het gebied van ontwerpen van verpakkingen = packaging design services
diensten op het gebied van ontwikkeling van bedrijven = business development services
diensten op het gebied van opslag van goederen = services for the storage of goods
"diensten op het gebied van opvoeding, instructie en training" = "educational, instructional and training services"
diensten op het gebied van organisatie van entertainment = organization of entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van organisatie van reizen = travel-arrangement services
diensten op het gebied van pakketbestelling = parcel delivery services
diensten op het gebied van parkeerterreinen = parking lot services
diensten op het gebied van parkeren van voertuigen = vehicle parking services
diensten op het gebied van passagiersvervoer = passenger transport services
diensten op het gebied van pensions = boarding services
diensten op het gebied van persagentschappen = news agency services
diensten op het gebied van persoonlijk aandeelvermogen = personal equity services
diensten op het gebied van persoonlijk aandeelvermogen en individuele pen = personal equity and personal pension services
diensten op het gebied van productie van geluid = sound production services
diensten op het gebied van productie van shows = show production services
diensten op het gebied van productontwerp = product design services
diensten op het gebied van programmering = programming services
diensten op het gebied van promotie = promotional services
diensten op het gebied van promotie en reclame = promotional and advertising services
diensten op het gebied van public relations = public relations services
"diensten op het gebied van publicatie van muziek, allemaal begrepen in kl" = music publishing services all included in class 41
diensten op het gebied van radio- en televisie-amusement = radio and television entertainment services
"Diensten op het gebied van radioactief, toxisch, medisch en gevaarlijk af" = "Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services"
"diensten op het gebied van radiofonische, telefonische en telegrafische c" = "radio, telephone or telegraph communications services"
diensten op het gebied van reclame en marketing = advertising and marketing services
diensten op het gebied van reclame en promotie = advertising and promotional services
diensten op het gebied van reclame en publiciteit = advertising and publicity services
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, marketing en" = "advertising, marketing and publicity services"
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, marketing en promotie" = "advertising, marketing and promotional services"
"diensten op het gebied van reclame, promotie en" = "advertising, promotional and publicity services"
diensten op het gebied van reclamemaken = publicity services
diensten op het gebied van recycling = recycling services
diensten op het gebied van redactie = editing services
diensten op het gebied van reisbegeleiding = travel guide services
diensten op het gebied van reisbureaus en boekingen = travel agency and booking services
diensten op het gebied van reisgidsen = travel courier services
diensten op het gebied van reisverzekeringen = travel insurance services
diensten op het gebied van reizen = travel services
diensten op het gebied van relatiebemiddeling = dating services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie = repair services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie en onderhoud = repair and maintenance services
diensten op het gebied van reparatie van voertuigen = vehicle repair services
"diensten op het gebied van reparatie, onderhoud en" = "repair, maintenance and installation services"
diensten op het gebied van reportages = news-reporting services
diensten op het gebied van reservering van accommodatie = accommodation reservation services
diensten op het gebied van reserveringen van reizen = travel reservation services
"diensten op het gebied van restaurant, bar, bistro, café, cafetaria en k" = "restaurant, bar, bistro, café, cafeteria and canteen services"
diensten op het gebied van restaurants en cafés = restaurant and café services
diensten op het gebied van restaurants en zelfbedieningsrestaurants = restaurants and self-service restaurant services
"diensten op het gebied van restaurants, cafés en bars" = "restaurant, cafe and bar services"
diensten op het gebied van schadecontrole en = loss-control and loss-adjustment services
diensten op het gebied van schoonheids- en haarverzorging = beauty and hair-care services
diensten op het gebied van schoonheidsverzorging = beauty care services
diensten op het gebied van secretariaat = secretarial services
diensten op het gebied van service-stations = vehicle service station services
diensten op het gebied van showbizzentertainment = show business entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van software = computer-software services
diensten op het gebied van software-ontwikkeling = software development services
diensten op het gebied van sport = sporting services
diensten op het gebied van sport en cultuur = sporting and cultural services
diensten op het gebied van sportamusement = sports entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van sportclubs = sports club services
diensten op het gebied van sportinformatie = sports information services
diensten op het gebied van sportinstructie = sports instruction services
diensten op het gebied van statistische informatie = statistical-information services
diensten op het gebied van stockeren = storage services
diensten op het gebied van taxatie = valuation services
diensten op het gebied van technisch en juridisch onderzoek en onderzoeki = technical and legal searching and research services
diensten op het gebied van technisch tekenen = engineering drawing services
diensten op het gebied van technische ondersteuning = technical support services
diensten op het gebied van technologisch onderzoek = technological research services
diensten op het gebied van technologische advisering = technological consultation services
diensten op het gebied van telecommunicatie en = telecommunication and communication services
diensten op het gebied van telecommunicatie en datacommunicatie = telecommunications and data communications services
diensten op het gebied van telefonisch verzekeren = telephone insurance services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische bankoperaties = telephone banking services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische bankoperaties en telefonisch verz = telephone banking and insurance services
diensten op het gebied van telefonische communicatie = telephone communications services
diensten op het gebied van telefoon en telecommunicatie = telephone and telecommunication services
diensten op het gebied van telefoon en telegraaf = telephone and telegraph services
diensten op het gebied van telematiek = telematic services
diensten op het gebied van teletekst = teletext services
diensten op het gebied van televisiestudio’s = television studio services
diensten op het gebied van theater- en = theatrical and show business entertainment services
diensten op het gebied van themaparken = theme park services
diensten op het gebied van ticketreservering = ticket-reservation services
diensten op het gebied van tijdelijke huisvesting = temporary accommodation services
diensten op het gebied van toegang tot het Internet = internet access services
diensten op het gebied van toeristenagentschappen = tourist agency services
diensten op het gebied van toeristenbureaus = tourist office services
"Diensten op het gebied van training, workout of aerobics" = "Training, workout or aerobic services"
diensten op het gebied van transito = freight-forwarding services
diensten op het gebied van transmissie van pay-per-view televisie = pay per view television transmission services
diensten op het gebied van transport en opslag van = services relating to the transport and storage of goods
diensten op het gebied van transport van goederen = services for the transport of goods
"diensten op het gebied van transport, verpakking en opslag van goederen" = "services for the transport, packaging and storage of goods"
diensten op het gebied van uitzending van televisieprogramma’s = television broadcasting services
diensten op het gebied van uitzendingen via kabeltelevisie = cable television broadcasting services
diensten op het gebied van vakantieaccommodatie = holiday accommodation services
"diensten op het gebied van vakantiekampen, kampeerterreinen, hotels, pens" = "holiday camp, campground, hotel, boarding house and holiday centre servic"
diensten op het gebied van veiligheid van waardepapieren = security services relating to valuables
diensten op het gebied van veilingen = auctioneering services
diensten op het gebied van verhuizingen = removal services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur = leasing services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van computers = computer rental services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van verkoopautomaten = vending machine rental services
diensten op het gebied van verhuur van voertuigen = vehicle-rental services
diensten op het gebied van verificatie van rekeningen = auditing services
diensten op het gebied van verkoopspromotie = sales promotion services
diensten op het gebied van vermogensbeheer = asset-management services
diensten op het gebied van verpakking van goederen = services for the packaging of goods
diensten op het gebied van verpleging = nursing services
diensten op het gebied van vertalingen = provision of translation services
diensten op het gebied van vervoer en opslag = transportation and storage services
diensten op het gebied van vervoer over zee = marine transport services
Diensten op het gebied van verzekeringen en pensioenen = Insurance and pension services
"diensten op het gebied van verzekeringen, financieringen en bankzaken" = "insurance, financial and banking services"
diensten op het gebied van verzending en presentatie van informatie via c = services for the transmission and presentation of information by computer
diensten op het gebied van videotekst- en = video text and teletext transmission services
diensten op het gebied van videoverhuur = video-rental services
diensten op het gebied van vliegreizen = air travel services
diensten op het gebied van voorbereiding van loonlijsten = payroll preparation services
diensten op het gebied van vrachtvervoer = freight services
diensten op het gebied van vreemde valuta = foreign currency services
diensten op het gebied van vrije tijd = leisure services
Diensten op het gebied van vuilnis en afval = Refuse and waste related services
diensten op het gebied van wetenschappelijk onderzoek = scientific research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijk onderzoek = business research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke administratie = business administration services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke analyse en onderzoek = business analysis and research services
diensten op het gebied van zakelijke consultancy = business consultancy services
diensten op het gebied van zelfbedieningsrestaurants = self-service restaurant services
diensten op het gebied van ziekenhuizen = hospital services
Diensten specifiek voor internationale organisaties = Services specific to international organisations and bodies
diensten t.b.v. in het buitenland wonenden = expatriate services
diensten te managen = manage services
Diensten ten behoeve van de gemeenschap = Provision of services to the community
Diensten van acupuncturist = Acupuncture services
Diensten van acupuncturist en chiropractor = Acupuncture and chiropractor services
diensten van agentschappen in onroerende goederen = estate agency services
diensten van agentschappen voor handelsinlichtingen = commercial information agency services
diensten van agentschappen voor octrooirechten = patent agency services
diensten van arbeidsbureaus = employment agency services
Diensten van Back-IT = Services of Back-IT
diensten van beleggingsmaatschappijen = investment trust services
Diensten van beoordelingscentrum voor aanwerving van personeel = Assessment centre services for recruitment
diensten van bureaus voor accommodatie = accommodation bureaux services
Diensten van cardioloog = Cardiology services
diensten van casino’s = casino services
Diensten van centrale banken = Central bank services
Diensten van chiropractor = Chiropractor services
diensten van de informatiemaatschappij = information society services
diensten van derden = outside services
Diensten van detectivebureau = Detective agency services
Diensten van disk-jockey = Disk-jockey services
diensten van een agentschap voor intellectuele eigendom = intellectual property agency services
diensten van een handelsmerkenbureau = trade mark agency services
"diensten van een restaurant, bar en cateringbedrijf" = "restaurant, bar and catering services"
diensten van een servicecentrum = services of a service centre
diensten van eet- en koffiehuizen = public-house services
Diensten van effectenmakelaars = Security brokerage services
diensten van fotografen = photographer services
Diensten van gastro-enteroloog = Gastroenterologist services
Diensten van gastro-enteroloog en geriater = Gastroenterologist and geriatric services
Diensten van geluidstechnicus = Sound technician
Diensten van geriater = Geriatric services
Diensten van hart- of longspecialist = Cardiology services or pulmonary specialists services
Diensten van homeopaat = Homeopathic services
"diensten van hotels, restaurants en bars" = "hotel, restaurant and bar services"
Diensten van huidarts = Dermatology services
diensten van investeringsbanken = investment banking services
diensten van kapsalons = hairdressing salon services
Diensten van kinderarts = Paediatric services
Diensten van kinderarts of uroloog = Paediatric or urologist services
Diensten van KNO-arts of audioloog = ENT or audiologist services
diensten van laboratoriumtesten = laboratory testing services
Diensten van longspecialist = Pulmonary specialists services
"diensten van medische, bacteriologische en chemische laboratoria" = "services of medical, bacteriological and chemical"
diensten van muziekuitgevers = music publishing services
Diensten van nefrologie- of zenuwspecialist = Nephrology or nervous system specialist services
Diensten van oog- of huidarts of orthopeed = "Ophthalmologist, dermatology or orthopedics services"
Diensten van oogarts = Ophthalmologist services
diensten van opnamestudio’s = recording studio services
Diensten van opticien = Optician services
diensten van opticiens = opticians’ services
Diensten van orthopeed = Orthopaedic services
Diensten van portefeuillebeheer = Portfolio management services
diensten van pretparken = amusement park services
Diensten van psychiater of psycholoog = Psychiatrist or psychologist services
diensten van reclamebureaus = advertising agency services
Diensten van researchlaboratorium = Research laboratory services
diensten van schoonheids- en kapsalons = beauty salon and hairdressing services
diensten van schoonheidssalons = beauty-salon services
diensten van schoonheidsspecialisten = beauticians’ services
diensten van sportparken = sports-park services
diensten van technische tekenaars = draftsman’s services
Diensten van tehuis voor patiënten met psychische stoornissen = Home for the psychologically disturbed services
"diensten van transport, verpakking, opslag en distributie van alle soorte" = "services for the transport, packaging, storage and distribution of all ty"
Diensten van uroloog = Urologist services
diensten van verschillende aanbieders = services from various providers
diensten van verslaggevers = news reporters services
Diensten van verzekeringsmakelaars en -agentschappen = Insurance brokerage and agency services
diensten verleend door = services provided by
Diensten verleend door auteurs = Services provided by authors
Diensten verleend door auteurs van technische teksten = Technical author services
Diensten verleend door bands = Band entertainment services
"Diensten verleend door bedrijfs-, werkgevers- en gespecialiseerde organis" = "Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations"
Diensten verleend door bedrijfsorganisaties = Services furnished by business organisations
Diensten verleend door beeldhouwers = Services provided by sculptors
Diensten verleend door begrafenisondernemingen = Undertaking services
Diensten verleend door beroepsorganisaties = Services furnished by professional organisations
Diensten verleend door bloedbanken = Services provided by blood banks
Diensten verleend door componisten = Services provided by composers
diensten verleend door een franchisegever = services provided by a franchiser
"diensten verleend door een franchisegever, te weten overdracht (verlening" = "services provided by a franchiser, namely transfer (provision) of know-ho"
Diensten verleend door entertainers = Services provided by entertainers
Diensten verleend door extraterritoriale organisaties en instanties = Services provided by extra-territorial organisations and bodies
Diensten verleend door gespecialiseerde organisaties = Services furnished by specialist organisations
Diensten verleend door individuele artiesten = Services provided by individual artists
Diensten verleend door jongerenverenigingen = Services provided by youth associations
Diensten verleend door ledenorganisaties = Services furnished by social membership organisations
Diensten verleend door medisch personeel = Services provided by medical personnel
Diensten verleend door medische laboratoria = Services provided by medical laboratories
Diensten verleend door orkesten = Orchestral entertainment services
Diensten verleend door politieke organisaties = Services furnished by political organisations
Diensten verleend door scheepsagenten = Maritime agency services
Diensten verleend door spermabanken = Services provided by sperm banks
Diensten verleend door tekstbureau = Writing agency services
Diensten verleend door theaterproducenten = Theatrical producer entertainment services
"Diensten verleend door theaterproducenten, zanggroepen, bands en orkesten" = "Theatrical producers', singer groups', bands' and orchestras' entertainme"
Diensten verleend door transplantatieorgaanbanken = Services provided by transplant organ banks
Diensten verleend door vakbonden = Services furnished by trade unions
Diensten verleend door verloskundigen = Services provided by midwives
Diensten verleend door verpleegkundigen = Services provided by nurses
Diensten verleend door zanggroepen = Singer group entertainment services
"diensten verleent, zoals" = provides services such as
diensten verlenen = provide services
Diensten voor (computer)-multi-use = Computer time-sharing services
Diensten voor activiteitengerichte milieuaudits = Activity specific environmental auditing services
Diensten voor advies inzake reclame = Advertising consultancy services
Diensten voor adviesverlening = Counselling services
Diensten voor afvalanalyse = Waste analysis services
Diensten voor afvalrecycling = Refuse recycling services
Diensten voor afvalverbranding = Refuse incineration services
Diensten voor afvalvervoer = Refuse transport services
Diensten voor afvoer van vervuild grondwater = Groundwater pollution drainage services
Diensten voor alarmbewaking = Alarm-monitoring services
Diensten voor basisonderwijs = Primary education services
Diensten voor bathymetrische metingen = Bathymetric surveys services
Diensten voor bedrijfsgeneeskunde = Company health services
Diensten voor begeleiding = Guidance services
Diensten voor begeleiding en adviesverlening = Guidance and counselling services
Diensten voor behandelen of zuiveren van vervuild grondwater = Groundwater pollution treatment or rehabilitation
Diensten voor behandeling van beerputten = Treatment services of cesspools
Diensten voor behandeling van oppervlaktewater = Surface water treatment services
Diensten voor behandeling van radioactief afval = Radioactive waste treatment services
Diensten voor behandeling van septische putten = Treatment services of septic tanks
Diensten voor beheer of controle in verband met grensoverschrijdende luch = Transboundary air pollution management or control services
Diensten voor beheer van wasgoed = Laundry-management services
Diensten voor beheersing van olielekkage = Oil spillage control services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen bodemvervuiling = Soil pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen geluidsvervuiling = Noise pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen giftige stoffen = Toxic substances protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen luchtvervuiling = Air pollution protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen natuurlijke risico's of gevaren = Natural risks or hazards protection services
Diensten voor bescherming tegen voedsel- of diervoederbesmetting = Food or feed contamination protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van bedreigde planten- en diersoorten = Endangered species protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van genetische rijkdommen = Genetic resources protection services
Diensten voor bescherming van oppervlaktewater tegen vervuiling = Surface water pollution protection services
Diensten voor bijzonder onderwijs = Special education services
Diensten voor bosbouwbeheer = Forestry management services
Diensten voor bosmonitoring en -beoordeling = Forest monitoring or evaluation services
Diensten voor bosuitbreiding = Forestry extension services
Diensten voor botanische tuinen = Botanical garden services
"Diensten voor botanische tuinen, dierentuinen en natuurreservaten" = Botanical and zoological garden services and nature reserve services
diensten voor bouw en reparatie = construction and repair services
Diensten voor bouweconomie = Construction economics services
Diensten voor buitenlandse zaken = Foreign-affairs services
Diensten voor buitenlandse zaken en andere diensten = Foreign affairs and other services
Diensten voor CAD-softwareontwikkeling = Computer-aided design (CAD) software development services
Diensten voor CAM-softwareontwikkeling = Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software development services
Diensten voor computerbackup en converteren van computercatalogus = Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services
Diensten voor computerondersteuning en -advies = Computer support and consultancy services
Diensten voor conservatie van geëxposeerde stukken = Preservation services of exhibits
Diensten voor conservatie van geëxposeerde stukken en voorwerpen = Preservation services of exhibits and specimens
Diensten voor conservatie van voorwerpen = Preservation services of specimens
Diensten voor corporate governance rating = Corporate governance rating services
Diensten voor cosmetische behandeling = Cosmetic treatment services
"Diensten voor cosmetische behandeling, manicure en pedicure" = "Cosmetic treatment, manicuring and pedicuring services"
Diensten voor crisismanagement = Crisis management services
Diensten voor dagverblijven = Daycare services
Diensten voor database met toegevoegde waarde = Added-value database services
Diensten voor de landbouw = Agricultural services
diensten voor de opdrachtgever te verrichten = perform services for the client
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van arbeidskrachten voor handel e = Supply services of commercial or industrial workers
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van huishoudelijke hulp = Supply services of domestic help personnel
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van kantoorpersoneel = Supply services of office personnel
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van medisch personeel = Supply services of medical personnel
"Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van personeel, met inbegrip van t" = Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
Diensten voor de terbeschikkingstelling van verpleegkundig personeel = Supply services of nursing personnel
Diensten voor dialysebehandeling thuis = Dialysis home medical treatment services
Diensten voor dierentuinen = Zoological garden services
Diensten voor dossieropslag = Filing services
Diensten voor drukproevencorrectie = Proofreading services
Diensten voor elektronische gegevensuitwisseling = Electronic data exchange services
Diensten voor e-leren = E-learning services
Diensten voor estuariumoceanografie = Estuarine oceanography services
Diensten voor experimentele belading = Experimental payload services
Diensten voor financieel advies = Financial consultancy services
Diensten voor fysische oceanografie = Physical oceanography services
diensten voor geluids- en video-opnamen = audio and video recording services
Diensten voor geluidsbeheersing = Noise control services
Diensten voor geologische prospectie = Geological exploration services
Diensten voor gesloten televisiecircuits = Closed circuit television services
Diensten voor gokken en wedden = Gambling and betting services
Diensten voor graffitiverwijdering = Graffiti removal services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van bekleding in proefput = Test pit lining services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van cementafdichtingen = Plug cementing services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van cementbekleding = Liner cementing services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van putbekleding op boorlokatie = Well site pit lining services
Diensten voor het aanbrengen van schuimcement = Foam cementing services
Diensten voor het aflezen van meters = Meter reading service
Diensten voor het afwerken van verbuizing = Well-casing completion services
diensten voor het beheer van auteursrechten = copyright-management services
Diensten voor het bergen van vaartuigen = Vessel-salvaging services
Diensten voor het beteugelen van parkeerovertredingen = Parking enforcement services
diensten voor het boeken van reizen = services for the booking of travel
Diensten voor het drukken van bankbiljetten = Banknote printing services
Diensten voor het innen van kosten = Toll-collection services
Diensten voor het inspecteren van boorputten op scheuren = Well fracture testing services
Diensten voor het ledigen van beerputten of septische putten = Cesspool or septic tank emptying services
Diensten voor het leeghalen van kolken = Gully emptying services
Diensten voor het onderhouden van begraafplaatsen = Cemetery maintenance services
Diensten voor het ontwerpen van websites = World wide web (www) site design services
Diensten voor het ontwikkelen van programmeertalen en tools = Programming languages and tools development services
Diensten voor het openen van boorgat = Downhole hole opening services
Diensten voor het ophalen van ziekenhuisafval = Clinical-waste collection services
Diensten voor het opsporen van voortvluchtigen = Absconder-tracing services
Diensten voor het organiseren van beurzen en tentoonstellingen = Fair and exhibition organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van culturele evenementen = Cultural event organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van evenementen = Event services
Diensten voor het organiseren van feesten = Party organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van festivals = Festival organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van modeshows = Fashion shows organisation services
Diensten voor het organiseren van veilingen = Auction organisation services
diensten voor het redigeren van teksten = text-editing services
Diensten voor het reinigen en leeghalen van kolken = Gully cleaning and emptying services
Diensten voor het reinigen van kolken = Gully cleaning services
Diensten voor het te water laten van schepen = Ship-launching services
Diensten voor het terugwinnen van boormateriaal = Well-drilling pickup services
Diensten voor het testen van boorputmaterieel = Well equipment testing services
Diensten voor het uitroeien van ratten = Rat-disinfestation services
Diensten voor het uittrekken van hoeveelheden = Quantity surveying services
Diensten voor het uittrekken van hoeveelheden voor civieltechnische insta = Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
Diensten voor het uitvoeren van enquêtes = Survey conduction services
Diensten voor het uitvoeren van voorboringen = Rathole well-drilling services
Diensten voor het verstrekken van identificatiebadges = Identification badge release services
Diensten voor het vervoeren van slib = Sludge transport services
Diensten voor het verwerken en storten van ongevaarlijk afval en vuilnis = Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
Diensten voor het verwerken van as = Ash disposal services
Diensten voor het verwerken van ziekenhuisafval = Clinical-waste disposal services
Diensten voor het verwijden van boorgat = Downhole underreaming services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van asbest = Asbestos removal services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van biologisch afval = Removal services of biological waste
Diensten voor het verwijderen van lood = Deleading services
Diensten voor het verwijderen van verontreinigde grond = Removal of contaminated soil
Diensten voor het verwijderen van wapens en munitie = Weapons and ammunition disposal services
Diensten voor het verzamelen van oud papier = Paper collecting services
Diensten voor het verzamelen van straatafval = Litter collection services
Diensten voor het wieden van onkruid = Weed-clearance services
Diensten voor het wisselen van valuta's = Foreign exchange services
Diensten voor hoger onderwijs = Higher education services
diensten voor hotel- en restaurantreserveringen = hotel and restaurant reservation services
"Diensten voor hotel, restaurant en detailhandel" = "Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services"
Diensten voor hotelaccomodatie = Hotel accommodation services
Diensten voor industrieel onroerend goed = Industrial property services
Diensten voor industriële en technische opleiding = Industrial and technical training services
Diensten voor industriële kwaliteitscontrole = Industrial quality control services
Diensten voor industriële opleiding = Industrial training services
diensten voor industriële vormgeving = industrial design services
Diensten voor informatie met toegevoegde waarde = Value-added information services
Diensten voor inhouds- of datastandaardisatie en –classificatie = Content or data standardization and classification services
Diensten voor interactieve televisie = Interactive television
Diensten voor internationaal zakendoen = International Business Services
Diensten voor internationale betalingsboekingen = International payment transfer services
Diensten voor intramurale gezondheidszorginstelling = Residential health facilities services
Diensten voor in-vitrofertilisatie = In vitro fertilisation services
Diensten voor kadastraal onderzoek = Cadastral surveying services
Diensten voor kantines en andere niet-openbare cafetaria's = Canteen and other restricted-clientele cafeteria services
Diensten voor kermisattracties en pretparken = Fair and amusement park services
Diensten voor kermissen = Fair services
Diensten voor keuring van machines = Machinery-inspection services
Diensten voor keuring van rails = Railway-track inspection services
Diensten voor kinderanimatie = Children animation services
Diensten voor klantenonderzoek = Customer survey services
Diensten voor klantenservice = Customer-care services
Diensten voor kleuteronderwijs = Pre-school education services
"Diensten voor land-, bos- en tuinbouw, aquicultuur en imkerij" = "Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural servi"
Diensten voor landschapsbescherming = Landscape protection services
diensten voor loopbaanbegeleiding = career guidance services
Diensten voor luchtpostvervoer volgens dienstregeling = Scheduled airmail transport services
Diensten voor luchtpostvervoer zonder dienstregeling = Non-scheduled airmail transport services
Diensten voor maatschappelijke gezondheidszorg = Community health services
Diensten voor marien onderzoek = Marine survey services
Diensten voor medisch afval = Medical waste services
Diensten voor medisch onderwijs = Medical education services
Diensten voor medische beeldvorming = Medical imaging services
Diensten voor medische behandeling thuis = Home medical treatment services
Diensten voor milieuaudits voor bedrijven = Corporate environmental auditing services
Diensten voor milieukwaliteitscontrole = Environmental quality control services
Diensten voor milieuveiligheidstoezicht = Environmental security control services
Diensten voor museumexposities = Museum-exhibition services
Diensten voor natuurreservaten = Nature reserve services
Diensten voor nucleaire veiligheid = Nuclear safety services
Diensten voor ondergronds onderzoek = Subsurface surveying services
Diensten voor onderwijs en opleiding = Education and training services
Diensten voor onderwijs voor jongeren = Youth education services
Diensten voor onderzoek naar vervuiling = Pollution investigation services
Diensten voor onderzoek naar vervuiling door chemische stoffen en olie = Chemicals and oil pollution investigation services
Diensten voor ongediertebestrijding in bossen = Forest pest control services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van aankoopsoftware = Procurement software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van algemene dienstsoftware = Software development services utilities
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van analytische of wetenschappelijke software = Analytical or scientific software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van analytische, wetenschappelijke, mathematis" = "Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development "
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van anti-virussoftware = Anti-virus software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van back-up- of recoverysoftware = Backup or recovery software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van barcodesoftware = Bar coding software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van beeldverwerkingssoftware = Image-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van belastingaangiftesoftware = Tax preparation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van bestandbeveiligingssoftware = File security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van besturings- en systeemsoftware = Drivers and system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van beveiligingssoftware = Security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van bibliotheeksoftware = Library software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van boekhoudsoftware = Accounting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van business intelligence software = Business intelligence software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van cartografiesoftware = Mapping software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van clustersoftware = Clustering software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van communicatie- en multimediasoftware = Communication and multimedia software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van communicatiesoftware = Communication software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van compilingsoftware = Compiling software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van configuratiebeheersoftware = Configuration management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van conformiteitssoftware = Compliance software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van contactmanagement-software = Contact management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van database- en besturingssoftware = Database and operating software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van databasesoftware = Database software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van databeveiligingssoftware = Data security software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van dienstregelingen-software = Scheduling software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van diverse software en computersystemen = Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van editingsoftware voor muziek of geluid = Music or sound editing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van emulatiesoftware = Emulation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van foutenopsporingssoftware = Debugging software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van geheugenbeheer-software = Memory-management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van grafische software = Graphics software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van inhoudsbeheer-software = Content management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van internet- of intranetklantenapplicatie = Internet or intranet client application development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van internet- of intranetserverapplicatie = Internet or intranet server application development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van IT-software = IT software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van kalendersoftware = Calendar software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van kantoorautomatiseringssoftware = Office automation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van karteringssoftware = Charting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van mathematische of prognosesoftware = Mathematical or forecasting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van medische software = Medical software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van microcomputerbesturingssoftware = Microcomputer operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van minicomputerbesturingssoftware = Minicomputer operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van modemsoftware = Modem software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van multimediasoftware = Multimedia software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van netwerkbesturingssoftware = Mainframe operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van onderwijssoftware = Educational software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van ontwikkelingssoftware = Development software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opleidings- en vermaaksoftware = Training and entertainment software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opleidingssoftware = Training software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opslagbeheer-software = Storage management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van opvolgingssoftware = Software development services suites
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van patroonontwerp- en kalendersoftware = Pattern design and calendar software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van patroonontwerpsoftware = Pattern design software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van PC-besturingssoftware = Personal computer (PC) operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van presentatiesoftware = Presentation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van printshopsoftware = Print shop software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van programmatestsoftware = Program testing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van projectmanagement-software = Project management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van remote-access-software = Remote access software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van scannersoftware = Scanner software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software en opvolgingssoftware voor facili = Facilities management software development services and software developm
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor algemene voorzieningen = General utility software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor algemene, comprimerings- en " = "General, compression and print utility software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor computerspelletjes = Computer game software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor computerspelletjes, gezinsvi" = "Computer game software development services, family titles and screen sav"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor desktop-communicatie = Desktop communications software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor desktoppublishing = Desktop-publishing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor dienstregelingen en producti = Scheduling and productivity software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor diverse netweken = Miscellaneous networking software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor documentenbeheer = Document management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor drukkervoorzieningen = Print utility software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor elektronisch klantenbeheer = Customer Relation Management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor elektronisch publiceren = Electronic publishing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor ERP (Enterprise resource pla = Enterprise resource planning software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor faciliteitenbeheer = Facilities management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële analyse = Financial analysis software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële analyse en boekh = Financial analysis and accounting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor financiële systemen = Financial systems software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor grondondersteuning in de luc = Aviation ground support and test software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor grondondersteuning in de luc = Aviation ground support software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het laden van geheugendrager = Storage media loading software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van adressenbestan = Address book making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van documenten = Document creation software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van documenten, te" = "Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van formulieren = Form making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van labels = Label making software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor het maken van tekeningen en  = Drawing and imaging software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor industriële controle = Industrial control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor interactieve spraakbeantwoor = Interactive voice response software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor internet en intranet = Internet and intranet software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor internetbrowsing = Internet browsing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor inventarisbeheer = Inventory management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor investeringsbeheer = Investment management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor investeringsbeheer en belast = Investment management and tax preparation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor licentiemanagement = License management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor luchtverkeersleiding = Air traffic control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netweken = Networking software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkbesturingssysteem = Network operating system software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerken, internet en intra" = "Networking, Internet and intranet software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkontwikkelaars = Networking developers software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor netwerkverbindingdsterminale = Network connectivity terminal emulation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor OCR (optische schriftherkenn = Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor optical jukebox server = Optical jukebox server software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor platforminterconnectiviteit = Platform interconnectivity software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor realtimebesturingssysteem = Real time operating system software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spoorwegverkeersleiding = Railway traffic control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spraakherkenning = Voice recognition software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor spreadsheets en verbetering = Spreadsheets and enhancement software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor systeem-, opslag- en inhoudb" = "System, storage and content management software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor tijdregistratie of personele = Time accounting or human resources software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor veilingen = Auction software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verbetering van besturingssy = Operating system enhancement software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkoop of marketing = Sales or marketing software development services
"Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkoop, marketing en busine" = "Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services"
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor verkooppunten = Point of sale (POS) software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor videoconferentie = Video conferencing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor virtueel keyboard = Virtual keyboard software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor vluchtbesturing = Flight control software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor web page editing = Web page editing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor webserver = Web server software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van software voor zakelijke transacties en per = Business transaction and personal business software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van speciale software voor de industrie = Industry specific software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van spellingcheckersoftware = Version checker software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van spreadsheetsoftware = Spreadsheet software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van statistieksoftware = Statistical software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van systeembeheer-software = System management software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van teken- en schildersoftware = Drawing and painting software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van tekstverwerkingssoftware = Word-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van testsoftware voor de luchtvaart = Aviation test software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van transactionele verwerkingssoftware = Transaction-processing software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van uitwisselingssoftware = Exchange software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van vermaaksoftware = Entertainment software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van vertaalsoftware = Foreign language translation software development services
Diensten voor ontwikkeling van virusbeschermingssoftware = Virus protection software development services
"Diensten voor openbaar bestuur, defensie en sociale verzekering" = "Administration, defence and social security services"
Diensten voor openbare orde = Public security services
"Diensten voor openbare orde, recht en veiligheid" = "Public security, law and order services"
Diensten voor ophalen van vuilnis = Refuse collection services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake EHBO = First-aid training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake gezondheidszorg = Health training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake gezondheidszorg en EHBO = Health and first-aid training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake milieu = Environmental training services
Diensten voor opleiding inzake veiligheid = Safety training services
Diensten voor opleidingsprogramma = Training programme services
Diensten voor opruimen van giftige stoffen = Toxic substances rehabilitation services
Diensten voor opslag van radioactief afval = Radioactive waste storage services
Diensten voor opsporing van giftige gassen = Toxic gas detection services
Diensten voor opsporingssysteem = Tracing system services
Diensten voor parkeerruimte = Car park services
diensten voor portefeuillebeheer = portfolio management services
Diensten voor pretparken = Amusement park services
Diensten voor preventief onderhoud = Preventive maintenance services
Diensten voor privé-onderwijs = Tutorial services
Diensten voor public relationsbeheer = Public relations management services
Diensten voor publicatie van woordenboeken = Language dictionary publishing services
Diensten voor publicatie van woordenboeken in streektalen = Regional language dictionary publishing services
Diensten voor radio-studio of apparatuur = Radio studio or equipment services
Diensten voor rechtsbijstands- en allriskverzekeringen = Legal insurance and all-risk insurance services
Diensten voor reclamebeheer = Advertising management services
Diensten voor registratie in boorgat = Downhole logging services
Diensten voor reiniging van ovens en schoorsteenvegen = Furnace and chimney cleaning services
Diensten voor rioolreiniging = Sewer cleaning services
Diensten voor rondtrekkende workshops = Moving workshops services
Diensten voor sectorale milieuaudits = Sectoral environmental auditing services
Diensten voor secundair onderwijs = Secondary education services
Diensten voor slibbehandeling = Sludge treatment services
Diensten voor slibstorting = Sludge disposal services
Diensten voor slibverwijdering = Sludge removal services
Diensten voor softwareontwikkeling voor e-mail = Electronic mail software development services
Diensten voor sollicitatiebegeleiding = Job search services
Diensten voor speciaal personenvervoer over land = Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
Diensten voor stortplaats = Civic-amenity services
Diensten voor stratigrafische geologie = Stratigraphic geology services
Diensten voor studiofotografie = Studio photography services
Diensten voor technische analyse of adviezen = Technical analysis or consultancy services
Diensten voor technische ondersteuning = Engineering support services
Diensten voor technische opleiding = Technical training services
"Diensten voor technische testen, analyse en adviezen" = "Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services"
Diensten voor textielverven = Dyeing services
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home care agencies
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home health care agencies
diensten voor thuisgezondheidszorg = home health care services
Diensten voor toezicht of controle van oppervlaktewatervervuiling = Surface water pollution monitoring or control services
diensten voor toezicht of interceptie van telecommunicatie of internet = telecommunication or internet monitoring or interception services
Diensten voor toezicht op de aantasting van de ozonlaag = Ozone depletion monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op geluidsvervuiling = Noise pollution monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op giftige stoffen = Toxic substances monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op kooldioxide = Carbon dioxide monitoring services
Diensten voor toezicht op of beheersing van grondwatervervuiling = Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
Diensten voor toezicht op of meting van luchtvervuiling = Air pollution monitoring or measurement services
Diensten voor topografie en waterscheiding = Topographical and water divining services
Diensten voor tozicht op olielekkage = Oil spillage monitoring services
Diensten voor trillingscontrole in boorgat = Downhole vibration control services
Diensten voor trust en inbewaringstelling = Trust and custody services
Diensten voor turbineboring van spoelen = Coiled turbine drilling services
Diensten voor uitzending van films op verzoek = Film-on-demand television
Diensten voor veiligheidsonderricht = Safety education services
Diensten voor vergaderingen en conferenties in hotel = Hotel meeting and conference services
Diensten voor vermeerdering van de wildstand = Game-propagation services
Diensten voor verplichte sociale verzekering = Compulsory social security services
Diensten voor verwijdering van vervuilde grond = Polluted soil removal services
Diensten voor verzekerde bewaring of reclassering van misdadigers = Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
Diensten voor verzorgingstehuis = Residential nursing care services
Diensten voor voorgezet technisch onderwijs = Technical secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezet beroepsonderwijs = Vocational secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezet technisch en beroepsonderwijs = Technical and vocational secondary education services
Diensten voor voortgezette opleiding van personeel = Staff development services
Diensten voor werkomgeving = Work environment services
Diensten voor wildreservaten = Wildlife preservation services
Diensten voor zuurstoftherapie = Oxygen-therapy services
"diensten, partijen of risico’s" = "services, parties or risks"
"diensten, producten en maatschappij" = "products, services and society"
dienstenaanbieder = service provider
dienstenbedrijfsmiddel = service asset
dienstenbeheer = service management
dienstenbeheerder = service manager
dienstenbeheerlevenscyclus = service management lifecycle
dienstencapaciteitsbeheer = service capacity management (SCM)
dienstencatalogus = service catalogue
Dienstencatalogusbeheer = service catalogue management
Dienstencataloog = Service Catalogue
dienstencentrum = service centre
dienstencentrum = (social) service centre
Dienstencentrum GID(t)S = Dienstencentrum GID(t)S
Dienstenclassificatie = Services classification
dienstencontinuïteitsbeheer = service continuity management
Dienstencontinuüm = Services continuüm
dienstencultuur = service culture
dienstenfuncties = service functions
dienstenmaatschappij = services company
Dienstenmarketing = Services marketing
dienstenniveau = service level
dienstenniveau doel = service level target
dienstenniveau overeenkomst = service level agreement (SLA)
dienstenniveaubeheer = service level management (SLM)
dienstenniveauovereenkomst = service level agreement
dienstenniveau-overeenkomsten = Service Level Agreements
dienstenniveaupakket = service level package (SLP)
dienstenniveauvereiste = service level requirement (SLR)
Dienstenomschrijving = Service Description
Dienstenovereenkomst = Service contract
Dienstenovereenkomsten = Service contracts
dienstenpakket = package of services
dienstenpakket = service package
dienstenpijplijn = service pipeline
dienstenplatform = service platform
dienstenportfolio = service portfolio
dienstenportfoliobeheer = service portfolio management (SPM)
dienstenpotentie = service potential
dienstenrapportage = service reporting
Dienstenrekening = Balance of invisible items
Dienstensector = Service industry
dienstensector = service industry
dienstensector = service sector
dienstensector = tertiary sector
dienstensector = service sector
dienstenstrategie = service strategy
dienstenverstoringsanalyse = service failure analysis (SFA)
Dienstenwijzer = Service Guide
Dienster = Server
Dienster = Waitress
dienstfiets = university bicycle
dienstgang = service corridor
dienstgebouw = staff building
dienstgebouw = service building
dienstgeheim = official secret
diensthervatting = restoration of service
diensthoofd = department head
Diensthoofd = head of service
Diensthoofd = head of unit
Diensthoofd = service head
Diensthoofd = unit head
diensthoofd = department head / head of department
Diensthoofd interne preventiedienst = Head of the Internal Department for Prevention and Protection at Work (In
diensthoofd labo = Lab Manager
Diensthoofd onderhoud = Maintenance Manager
diensthoofd voeding en diëtiek = head of nutrition and dietetics
diensthoofden = unit heads
diensthoofden VGV = Safety Prevention Officer/Advisor
Dienstig = Useful
dienstig = advantageous
dienstindelen = timetabling
Dienstjaar = Year of service
dienstjaren = years of service
dienstjaren = seniority
dienstjaren indexatiesysteem = pensionable service indexation system
dienstjaren tot de datum van uitdiensttreding = years of service up to their date of departure
dienstjaren voor pensioenberekening = pensionable service
dienstjubileum = service anniversary
dienstknecht = hand servant (male)
dienstkring = service district
dienstleider = duty manager
dienstleider = supervisor
dienstmededeling = service announcement
dienstmededelingen = service announcements
dienstmeid = maid-servant
Dienstmeisje = Servant
dienstmeisje = maid
dienstmerk = professional title
dienstmodel = service model
dienstnota = directive / memo(randum)
dienstnota = official memo
dienstnota’s = official memos
dienstonderdeel = section
dienstonderdeel = unit
dienstonderdeel / directie = unit / department
dienstonderhouds-doelstelling = service maintenance objective (SMO)
dienstontwerp = service design
dienstontwerppakket = service design package (SDP)
dienstopdracht = assignment
dienstoptie = service option
dienstorders = service instructions
dienstorders = commission
dienstorders = directive
dienstorders = directives
dienstorders = instructions
dienstorders = administrative order (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt
dienstorders = internal memorandum (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt1
dienstorders = "mission charter (CELEX General, financial and institutional matters.tmx)"
dienstorders = ordre de service
dienstorders = service instructions (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt
dienstorders = Service Order (CELEX Documents of the European Court of Justice pt3.tmx)
dienstoverleg = staff meeting
dienstoverschrijdende = supra-departmental
dienstparkeer = staff parking
dienstparkeerruimte = staff parking
dienstpersoneel = service occupation
Dienstplicht = Conscription
Dienstplicht = Draft
dienstplicht = national service
dienstplichtige = conscript
dienstplichtige werknemer = employee eligible for military service
dienstprestatie = services
dienstprestaties = services
dienstprestaties = service
dienstprogramma = service program
dienstraad = service council
dienstraad = employees' consultative body
dienstraad = council of the service department
dienstregeling = schedule
Dienstregeling = Indicator
dienstregeling = timetable
dienstregeling {de} = timetable
dienstregeling {de} = schedule
dienstregeling en tariefbepalingen = timetable and rates
Dienstregeling en verkoopvoorwaarden = Timetable and conditions of sale
Dienstregelingen = Timetables
"dienstregelingen, routebeschrijvingen" = "timetables, itineraries"
dienstreis = official trip
dienstreizen = business trip
dienstreizen = duty trip
dienstreizen = official journey
dienstreizen = official trip
dienstreizen = tour of duty
dienstreizen = official travel
dienstreizen = business trips
dienstreizen onder werktijd = official travel during working hours
dienstrooster = duty roster
dienstrooster = work schedule
dienstruimten = service areas
dienst-schakelaar = mode switch
dienstsegmentveld = shift segment field
dienstsplits specificatie = shift division specification
diensttemperatuur = working temperature
diensttijd = length of service
diensttijd = length of time that the employee has been employed
diensttijd = term of service
diensttijd = years of service
diensttijd = time spent at work
diensttijd = years of employment
diensttijd = seniority
diensttijdgratificatie = long-service bonus
diensturen = working hours
Diensturen voor de Nooddienst = Service Hours of the Emergency Services
Dienstverband = Duration of appointment
dienstverband = employment
dienstverband = appointment
dienstverband = contract of service
dienstverband (duur) = duration of appointment
dienstverband bepaalde tijd = temporary appointment
dienstverband in deeltijd = part-time employment
dienstverband met werkgever = employment by the employer
dienstverband voor bepaalde tijd = fixed-term employment
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = employment for an indefinite period of time
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = permanent employment
dienstverband voor onbepaalde tijd = permanent appointment
dienstverbanden = shifts (m.b.t. ploegendienst)
dienstverbandsegment = shift segment
dienstverbeterplan = service improvement plan (SIP)
dienstverlenend = service
dienstverlenend apparaat = server
dienstverlenend bedrijf = service company
dienstverlenend centrum = service centre
dienstverlenend object = server object
dienstverlenend werk = service work
dienstverlenende afdeling = service department
dienstverlenende bedrijvigheid = services providing company
dienstverlenende beroepen = service occupations
dienstverlenende eenheden ten behoeve van de presentaties = presentation services
dienstverlenende eenheden voor de informatieverwerking = information services
dienstverlenende eenheid ten behoeve van de dialoog tussen machines = machine dialogue service
dienstverlenende eenheid ten behoeve van de dialoog tussen mensen = human dialogue service
dienstverlenende onderneming = service provider
dienstverlenende organisatie = service provider
dienstverlener = service provider
dienstverlener met een monopolie = monopoly supplier of a service
dienstverlener(s) = service provider(s)
dienstverleners = service providers
dienstverlening = service
Dienstverlening = Service delivery
dienstverlening = redering of service
dienstverlening = service
dienstverlening = services
dienstverlening = "service(s), provision of services"
dienstverlening aan consumenten = consumer services
dienstverlening biedt op het gebied van informatietechnologie = information technology services
"Dienstverlening door auteurs, componisten, beeldhouwers, entertainers en " = "Services provided by authors, composers, sculptors, entertainers and othe"
Dienstverlening door bevrachtingsagentschap = Freight transport agency services
Dienstverlening door commercieel en industrieel personeel = Services of commercial and industrial workers
Dienstverlening door commercieel personeel = Services of commercial workers
Dienstverlening door deskundige getuigen = Expert witness services
dienstverlening door een redacteur = editor’s services
Dienstverlening door incassobureaus = Collection agency services
Dienstverlening door industrieel personeel = Services of industrial workers
Dienstverlening door ingenieurs = Engineering services
"dienstverlening door restaurants, bars, cafés, bierhuizen, pubs, bar- en" = "restaurant, bar, café, brasserie, public-house services, bar and caterin"
dienstverlening door tussenpersonen die huisvesting in hotels voor reizig = brokers ensuring hotel accommodation for travellers
dienstverlening en werken = services and works
Dienstverlening in verband met de openbare orde = Public-order services
dienstverlening inzake computerondersteund technisch ontwerpen en tekenen = computer-aided engineering design and drawing services
Dienstverlening inzake wetenschappen en techniek = Engineering-related scientific and technical services
dienstverlening m.b.t. specifieke transactie(s) = transaction services
Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur en dergelijke = Architectural and related services
"Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur, bouwkunde en planning" = "Architectural, engineering and planning services"
"Dienstverlening op het gebied van architectuur, bouwkunde, civiele techni" = "Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services"
dienstverlening op het gebied van communicatie en interactieve communicat = communication and interactive communication services
dienstverlening op het gebied van huisvesting = accommodation services
dienstverlening op het gebied van hygiëne en schoonheidsverzorging = hygienic and beauty care
dienstverlening op het gebied van interactieve = interactive communication services
dienstverlening op het gebied van personeelsbeleid = personnel management services
dienstverlening op het gebied van publicaties = publishing services
dienstverlening op het gebied van restaurants en bars = restaurant and bar services
Dienstverlening op het gebied van stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur = Urban planning and landscape architectural services
dienstverlening op maat = personalised service
dienstverlening t.b.v. gerechtelijke procesvoering = litigation services
Dienstverlening ten aanzien van ziekenhuisbeddengoed = Hospital-bedding services
dienstverlening tot het verrichten van jaarrekeningcontroles = annual accounts audit services
dienstverlening tussen vaste locaties = fixed service
dienstverlening van agentschappen voor de organisatie van reizen = agency services for arranging travel
"Dienstverlening van architecten en bouwkundigen, en controles" = "Architectural, engineering and surveying services"
dienstverlening van banken = banking services
dienstverlening van een reisbureau = travel agency services
Dienstverlening voor klanten = Customer services
Dienstverlening voor luchthavenbouwtechniek = Airport engineering services
Dienstverlening voor Podiumkunst = Service provision for performing arts
Dienstverlening voor spoorwegenbouwtechniek = Railway engineering services
Dienstverlening voor wegenbouwtechniek = Highways engineering services
dienstverleningniveau = profit level
dienstverleningsbedrijf = service company
dienstverleningscontract = contract for the provision of services/service(s) provision contract
dienstverleningscontract = service level agreement
dienstverleningscontract = services contract
dienstverleningscontract/-overeenkomst = contract of services
dienstverleningscontract/-overeenkomst = service industry
dienstverleningsdocument = financial services document
dienstverleningsgebied = service area
dienstverleningsovereenkomst = contract for the provision of services
dienstverleningsovereenkomst = service provision agreement
dienstverleningsovereenkomst (DVO) = service level agreement (SLA)
dienstverleningsovereenkomst ARVODI = ‘ARVODI public service contract’
dienstverleningspakket = service package
dienstverleningspakketten = service packages
dienstverleningssector = service industry
dienstverleningsverzoek = service request
dienstverrichter = service provider
dienstverrichting = provision of services
dienstvoertuig = service vehicles
dienstwagen = company car
dienstweigering = failure to report for duty
dienstwijziging = service change
dienstwillig = obliging
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = company flat
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = company house
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = employer-provided housing
dienstwoning (m.b.t. bedrijf) = staff accommodation
dienstwoning (m.b.t. functionaris) = service dwelling
dienstwoning (m.b.t. instelling) = staff accommodation
dienstwoning (m.b.t. instelling) = staff residence
dient = should
dient aan alle wettelijke eisen te voldoen = must comply with all legal requirements
dient aan een aantal voorwaarden te voldoen = must meet a number of conditions
dient aan te sluiten = must conform
dient aanwezig te zijn = must be present
dient als = serves as
dient als een richtlijn = is intended as a guideline
dient als input = serves as input
dient als volgt geïnterpreteerd te worden = should be interpreted as follows
dient beveiligd te worden = must be protected
dient bevestigd te worden = must be confirmed
dient bij de maandelijkse factuur te worden gevoegd = must be attached to the monthly invoice
dient de graad van impact te worden geanalyseerd = the degree of impact should be analysed
dient de instructies van de leasemaatschappij op te volgen = must follow the instructions of the leasing company
dient de medewerker contact op te nemen met de leasemaatschappij = The employee must contact the leasing company
dient de medewerker dit bedrag volledig terug te betalen = the employee must repay this amount in fully
dient de medewerker tevens een procesverbaal op te laten maken door de po = the employee must also have an official report drawn up by the police
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden = must allow
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden = must offer the option
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden dat = must allow
dient de mogelijkheid te bieden dat een = must allow a
dient de toegang geweigerd te worden = entry must be refused
dient de volgende functionaliteit te hebben = should have the following functionality
dient de volgende systemen te bevatten = must contain the following systems
dient de volgende volgorde te worden aangehouden = the following sequence must be followed
dient direct de leasemaatschappij gewaarschuwd te worden = The leasing company must be immediately alerted
dient dit als volgt te gebeuren = this should be done as follows
dient dit gelezen te worden als = shall be taken to mean
dient dit in rekening gebracht te worden = this must be taken into account
dient duidelijk te beschrijven = should clearly describe
dient een controle ronde van de vracht plaats te vinden = the cargo should be inspected
dient een inzage verzoek in = submits a Data Access Request
dient een opzegtermijn in acht te nemen = must observe a notice period
dient éénmalig te gebeuren = should be done once
dient eerst de stroomtoevoer afgesloten te worden = the power supply must first be shut off
dient er altijd grondig gereinigd te worden = you must always clean the area thoroughly
dient er een rapportage opgesteld te worden = a report must be drawn up
dient ervoor te zorgen dat = shall ensure that
dient geaard te worden = must be earthed
dient geadresseerd te worden = must be addressed
dient geadresseerd te worden aan = must be addressed to
dient gebaseerd te zijn op = should be based on
dient gegeven te worden door daarvoor gekwalificeerd personeel = must be administered by suitably qualified staff
dient gezien te worden als een zijaanzicht = is a side view
dient groter te zijn dan = must be greater than
dient het betreffende gebied eerst te worden ontruimd = the area concerned must first be cleared
dient hierbij ruim geïnterpreteerd worden = should be interpreted broadly
dient hij dit voorafgaand aan het aangaan van die overeenkomst kenbaar te = Employee must inform Employer therof prior to entering into said contract
dient hoe dan ook niet ge?nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling v = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geénterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet geïnterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling  = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient hoe dan ook niet ge�nterpreteerd te worden als een weerspiegeling = is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention
dient in de kar water en voedsel voorzien te worden = water and feed must be provided in the cart
dient in een gesloten systeem plaats te vinden = should take place in a closed system
dient in elk geval de volgende elementen te bevatten = shall include at least the following elements
dient in ieder geval de volgende informatie te bevatten = must contain at least the following information
dient ingesteld te worden = should be set
dient ingevuld en ondertekend te worden = must be completed and signed
dient klacht in bij = files a complaint with
dient meerdere belangen = serves multiple interests
dient men alvorens de stroomtoevoer af te sluiten = the power supply must first be shut off
dient men gebruik te maken van = you should employ
dient men zich zo min mogelijk op te houden onder een last = one should spend as little time as possible standing under a load
dient minimaal te bedragen = must be at least
dient namens de alliantie de aanvraag in = submits the application on behalf of the alliance
dient nauwlettend te worden gecontroleerd = must be closely monitored
dient niet beperkt te worden tot = should not be limited to
dient niet te worden beschouwd = shall not be construed
dient niet vervangen te worden = does not need to be replaced
dient ondersteund te worden = must be supported
dient onmiddellijk opgeruimd te worden = must be cleaned up immediately
dient op een zo veilig mogelijke manier plaats te vinden = should take place in the safest possible manner
dient opgegeven te worden in = should be specified in
dient overeen te komen met = must correspond to
dient permanent op alle wielen te worden aangedreven = must have permanent all-wheel-drive
dient permanent te functioneren = must operate continuously
dient plaats te vinden = should take place
dient plaats te vinden conform = must take place in accordance with
dient rekening gehouden te worden met een combinatie van factoren = a combination of factors must be taken into account
dient rekening te worden gehouden met het verhoogde risico op spontane on = the increased risk for spontaneous ignition should be taken into account
dient ruimte te bieden voor = should provide space for
dient schriftelijk te gebeuren = must be done in writing
dient slechts ter indicatie en vormt geen garantie = is approximate only and shall not constitute any guarantee
dient te  worden voorzien = must be equipped
dient te allen tijde te worden voorkomen = must always be avoided
dient te beschikken over minimaal = must have a minimum of
dient te faciliteren in de plaatsing van = must facilitate the placement of
dient te facilteren = must facilitate
dient te gebeuren in rechtopstaande stand = should be done in upright position
dient te voldoen aan = must meet
dient te voldoen aan = must comply with
dient te voldoen aan bovengenoemde normen = must meet the above standards
dient te voldoen aan norm = must comply with standard
dient te worden aangeleverd = must be submitted
dient te worden begrepen als = is to be understood as
dient te worden gehanteerd = must be complied with
dient te worden gesteld = must be issued
dient te worden ondertekend = must be signed
dient te worden opgebouwd conform = must be structured as per
dient te worden opgeme = it should be noted
dient te worden opgemerkt = it is to be understood
dient te worden opgeslagen = must be stored
Dient te worden uitgevoerd Conform = Must be carried out in accordance with
dient te worden uitgevoerd met = must have
dient te worden vermeden = should be avoided
dient te zijn uitgerust met = must be equipped with
dient te zijn uitgevoerd als = should take the form of
dient te zijn uitgevoerd met = must feature
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be fitted with
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be equipped with
dient te zijn voorzien van = must be provided with
dient ten hoogste = must be at most
dient ten minste 1000 liter per minuut te zijn = "must be at least 1,000 litres per minute"
dient tenminste de volgende materialen te kunnen herbergen = must be able to accommodate at least the following materials
dient ter ondersteuning = intended as support
dient tijdig kennis te nemen = must take timely note
dient u dit binnen drie maanden na dagtekening van de factuur te doen = you must do so within three months of the date of the invoice
dient u te adresseren aan = must be addressed to
dient uitgevoerd te worden = should be carried out
dient uitgevoerd te worden door een gekwalificeerd persoon = must be done by a qualified person
dient uitgevoerd te worden in overeenstemming met = must be carried out in accordance with
dient uitgevoerd te worden in overeenstemming met de algemene en plaatsel = must be carried out in accordance with general and locally applicable con
dient van een dusdanige aard te zijn dat = must be such that
dient verbonden te worden = must be connected
dient vergezeld te gaan van = must be accompanied by
dient voor vertrek gemeld te worden = should be reported prior to departure
dient vooraf te worden goedgekeurd = should be approved in advance
dient voorzien te worden van = must be provided with
dient voorzien te zijn van = must be equipped with
dient vroegtijdig gemeld te worden = should be reported in a timely manner
dient wederzijds te zijn = should be mutual
dient zich = presents itself
dient zich in een technisch goede staat te bevinden = should be in good technical condition
dient zich te houden aan = must adhere to
dient zich te houden aan de volgende algemene verplichtingen = must comply with the following general obligations
dient zichtbaar te zijn in het donker = must be visible in the dark
dient zichtbaar te zijn in het donker = should be visible in the dark
dient zo concreet mogelijk te worden beschreven = should be described as concretely as possible
dient zo goed mogelijk te worden bepaald = should be determined as well as possible
dient zo te worden gerealiseerd = must be constructed in such a way
dient zo te worden ontworpen dat = must be designed in such a way that
dient zo te worden ontworpen en uigevoerd = must be designed and implemented in such a way
dient zo te zijn ontworpen dat = must be designed such that
dient zo te zijn ontworpen dat = must be so designed that
dient zo veel mogelijk te worden vermeden = should be avoided as much as possible
dient zodanig solide te zijn uitgevoerd = must be sufficiently solid
dient zodanig te zijn ontworpen dat = must be designed such that
dient zoveel mogelijk te worden vermeden = should be avoided as much as possible
dient zoveel mogelijk te worden voorkomen = should be avoided wherever possible
dienten op het gebied van autoverhuur = car hire services
dientengevolge = hence
dientengevolge = as a consequence
dientengevolge = Accordingly
"dientengevolge, bijgevolg" = as a result
Dienvolgens = accordingly
dienvolgens = "accordingly, consequently"
Diep = Abysmal
Diep = Thorough
Diep = Deep
Diep = Dead
diep = profound
Diep = Deep-seated
diep = whole-hearted
diep beneden = deep below
diep ingrijpende aandoening = condition that can have a profound impact
diep ontsluiten (bibliotheken) = detailed indexing or cataloguing (libraries)
diep watergolf = deepwater wave
diep-/plaatdrukkerij = Relief printers
Diep-breedstralend = Deep-wide-beam
diepbuigrol = bending roll
diepdruk = engraving
diepdruk = intaglio
diepdruk = gravure printing
Diepdrukinkt = Intaglio ink
diepdrukinstallatie = gravure press
diepe belevingen = strong experience
diepe fundering = deep foundation
diepe fundering met opwaartse druk = deep foundation with buoyancy
diepe hyperthermie = deep  hypothermia
diepe indruk = deep impression
Diepe Slaap = Deep Sleep
diepe slaap mode = deep sleep mode
diepe stratificatie = deep stratification
Diepenbeek = Diepenbeek
dieper = in more detail
dieper gelegen zone = deeper zone
dieper liggende = deeper situated
dieper op in gaan = examined the matter further
dieper op in gegaan = examined the matter further
diepere groef = deeper groove
diepere motieven = underlying motives
dieperliggende opvattingen = advanced views
diepe-slaap mode = deep sleep mode
diepgaand = thorough
diepgaand = thoroughgoing
diepgaand gereinigd = thorough cleaning
diepgaand inzicht = thorough understanding
diepgaand redeneren = deep reasoning
diepgaande = basic
diepgaande = fundamental
diepgaande = in-depth
diepgaande = profound
diepgaande = searching
diepgaande beschrijving = in-depth description
diepgaande kennis = in-depth knowledge
diepgaande kennis = indepth knowledge
diepgaande veranderingen = deep-seated change
diepgaande veranderingen = huge changes
diepgaande veranderingen = profound changes
diepgaande voorbereidingen = thorough preparations
diepgang = depth
diepgang = scope
Diepgang = Draft
diepgang = level of depth
diepgang = draught
diepgang {de} = draught [Br.]
diepgang {de} = draft [Am.]
diepgang in geladen toestand = laden draught
diepgekoeld = refrigerated
diepgetrokken = vacuum formed
diepgetrokken kap = deep-drawn casing
diepgevroren = frozen
diepgevroren producten = frozen products
diepgevroren snoepgoed = frozen confections
diepgevroren vlees van pluimvee = quick-frozen poultrymeat
diepgravende = in-depth
diepgravende beschouwingen = in-depth analyses
dieplader = flatbed
dieplader = flatbed trailer
dieplader = low loader
dieplader = flatbed truck
dieplader = lowboy trailer (US)
dieplader = "low-loader (a lorry with a low floor and no sides, for transporting heavy"
dieplader = low-loader
Diepladers = Flatbed trucks
diepladers = low-loaders
diepladers = low loaders
Diepladers en kipauto's = Flatbed and Tipper trucks
dieplassen = deep welding
dieplepel / (graaf)bak = bucket
dieplepel / graafbak = shovel bucket
dieplepel(machine) = excavator
dieplepel(machine) = mechanical shovel
"dieplepel(machine), dragline" = excavator
diepliggend = hollow
dieplood = sounding lead
dieprood = crimson
diepsondering = deep sounding
Diepstralend = Deep beam
dieptank = sunken hopper
Diepte = Depth
diepte = depth
diepte {de} = depth
Diepte aftakking/opening = Depth branch/opening
Diepte binnenunit = Depth of inner device
Diepte buitenunit = Depth outdoor unit
diepte indicatoren = depth perception
diepte indicatoren = stereopsis
diepte interview = in-depth interview
Diepte met open deur (mm) = Depth with door open (mm)
Diepte plintgoot = Depth plinth skirting duct
diepte tegenover de breedte = depth versus width
Diepte van behuizing = Depth housing
diepte van de effectieve kanalen = depth of the effective channels
diepte van de slits = slot depth
Diepte verpakt apparaat = Packaged appliance depth
Diepte vloerbedekkingsuitsparing = Depth of flooring recess
Diepte wandgoot = Depth of wall duct
diepteaanslag = depth stop
diepte-aanslag = depth stop
diepteaanslag (op boor) = handle with depth gauge / gage
diepteafmeting = depth dimension
diepteas = depth axis
dieptebepaling = depth determination
diepteboring = deep sounding
dieptedrijver = subsurface float
dieptefactor = depth factor
Dieptegesteente = Plutonite
Diepte-indicatoren = Depth indicators
diepte-instelling = depth adjustment
diepte-instelling = depth stop
diepte-instelschroef (van schaaf) = depth adjustment mechanism
diepte-interview = depth-interview
diepte-interview = in-depth interview
diepte-interviews = in-depth interviews
diepte-interviews = in-dept interviews
Diepte-investering = Capital deepening
dieptekaart = sounding chart
dieptekennis = in-depth knowledge
dieptelijn = depth contour
dieptelijn = isobathe
Dieptelijn = Isobath
dieptemaat = depth gauge
Dieptemaat = Depth dimension
dieptemagnetisatie = perpendicular magnetization
Dieptemarkering = Depth code
dieptemeetklok = depth gauge with indicator
dieptemeter = depth gauge
dieptemeting = depth measurement
dieptemicrometer = depth micrometer
diepte-onderzoek = in-depth investigation
diepte-onderzoek = in-depth study
diepterichting = depth direction
diepteschaal = depth scale
dieptescherpte = depth of field
Diepteschoor voor kast/lessenaar = Side support for switchgear cabinet
diepteschrift = vertical recording
diepteschuifmaat = depth vernier
diepteschuifmaat = vernier depth gauge
diepteschuifmaat = depth gauge
dieptesensor = depth sensor
dieptesensoren = depth sensors
dieptewerking [1] = depth (effect)
dieptewerking [1] = three-dimensional effect
dieptewerking [2] = (downward) penetration
dieptewerking [2] = penetrative effect
dieptrek = blister packaging
dieptrek = deep drawing
dieptrekken = drawing
dieptrekken = deep drawing
dieptrekkwaliteit = deep-drawing quality
dieptrekolie = deep-drawing oil
dieptrekstaal = deep drawing steel
Diepvries = Deep-frozen
diepvries = freezer
diepvriescel = freezer
diepvriesinhoud = frozen-food inventory
diepvriesinstallateur = freezer installer
diepvriesinstallatie = freezer
Diepvrieskast = Deep freezer
diepvrieskast = freezer
diepvrieskast {de} = deep-freezer
Diepvrieskasten = Upright-type freezers
diepvrieskist = top-opening freezer
Diepvrieskisten = Chest-type freezers
Diepvriesmes = Frost blade
diepvriesopslag = cold store
diepvriesopslag = deep-freeze storage
diepvriespizza’s van ‘Jumbo Huismerk’ = ‘Jumbo Huismerk’ own brand frozen pizzas
diepvriesproduct = deep-frozen product
Diepvriesproducten = Deep-frozen products
diepvriesproducten = frozen products
Diepvriessector = frozen food sector
diepvriessperma = frozen semen
diepvriestemperatuur = freezer temperature
Diepvriesuitrusting = Freezing equipment
diepvriesvak = freezer compartment
diepvriezen = deep-freezing
diepvriezen = deep-freeze
diepvriezen = freeze
diepvriezen = to freeze
Diepvriezer = freezer
Diepvriezer = Deep freezer
diepvriezer {de} = deep freezer
diepvriezers = freezers
Diepvriezers voor huishoudelijk gebruik = Household freezers
Diepwandmethode = Diaphragm wall technique
diepwelpomp = deepwell pump
diepwortelende = deep-rooted
diepwortelende gewassen = deep-rooting plants
diepzee = deep sea
diepzee- en offshoremarkt = deep-sea and offshore market
diepzee-afzetting = deep sea deposit
diepzee-exploitatie = exploitation of the sea-bed
diepzeemijnbouw = deep sea mining
diepzeestorting = deep-sea disposal
diepzeevisserij = deep sea fishing
diepzinnig = profound
diepzinnig = abstruse
diepzinnigheid = deepness
diepzwart = rich black
Dier = Beast
dier = animal
dier {het} = animal
dieraantallen = animal numbers
dieraantallen en de excreties per dier = animal numbers and excretions per animal
dieraantallen en excreties = animal numbers and excretions
dieraantallen per diercategorie = animal numbers per animal category
dieraantallen voor melkvee = dairy cattle numbers
dierbaar = dear
Dierbaar = Expensive
dierbaar = beloved
Dierbaar = Costly
"dierbaar, geliefd, gekoesterd, duur, precieus, waardevol" = dear {adj} (precious to or greatly valued by someone)
diercategorie = animal category
diercategorieën = animal categories
diercategormelkproductie of de fokkerij = milk production or breeding
diercrises = animal crises
Dieren = Animal
dieren- = beastly
Dieren (rijk) = Animal
"dieren [algemeen, niet systematisch]" = animal
Dieren buiten = Outdoor animals
dieren en planten = plants and animals
dieren in het wild = wildlife
dieren op bedrijven = animals on farms
dieren van nevenvestigingen = animals from secondary establishments
dieren(door)gang = animal corridor
dierenarts = veterinarian
Dierenarts = Veterinary
dierenarts = vet
dierenarts {de} = vet
dierenasiel = animal shelter
dierenasiel = animal home / shelter
dierenbescherming = animal protection
dierenbescherming = protection of animals
dierenbiologie = animal biology
dierendressuur = animal training
dierenecologie = animal ecology
dierenfysiologie = animal physiology
dierengedrag = animal behaviour
dierengeluid = animal noise
dierenhabitat = animal habitat
dierenhandel = animal trade
dierenhuid = animal skin
dierenhuid {de} = hide
dierenhuiden = "animal skins, hides"
dierenhuiden = animal skins
"dierenhuiden, reiskoffers en koffers" = "animal skins, trunks and suitcases"
"dierenhuiden, reiskoffers en reistassen" = "animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags"
dierenhuisvesting = animal housing
dierenleven = animal life
dierenlucht = animal smell
dierenoversteekplaats = crossing place for animals
dierenpension = (boarding) kennel(s)
dieren-pension = (boarding) kennel(s)
dierenpopulatie = animal population
dierenproef = animal experiment
Dierenras = Race
dierenrechten = animal rights
dierenreservaat = animal conservatory
dierenriem = zodiac
Dierenroepfluitjes = Animal calls
dierenspeciaalzaak = pet supply store
dierenstand = animal resource
dierententoonstellingen = animal shows
dierentuin = zoo
dierentuin = zoological garden
dierentuin {de} = zoo
dierentuin {de} = zoological garden [dated]
Dierenvel = Skin
Dierenvel = Pelt
Dierenvel = Fur
dierenverblijf = animal house
dierenvoeder = animal foodstuff
dierenvoeding = animal nutrition
dierenvoeding = animal food
dierenvoorstelling = animal show
dierenwelzijn = bird welfare
dierenwelzijn = the welfare of the birds
dierenwinkel = pet store
dierenziekte = animal disease
dierenziekte {de} = animal disease
Dierevel = Pelt
Dierevel = Fur
Dierevel = Skin
diergebonden maatregelen = Animal-related measures
diergeneeskunde = veterinary medicine
diergeneeskunde {de} = veterinary medicine
diergeneeskundig laboratorium = Veterinary laboratories
diergeneeskundige behandeling = veterinary treatment
diergeneeskundige diensten = veterinary services
diergeneeskundige en hygiënische producten = veterinary and sanitary preparations
diergeneeskundige preparaten en substanties = veterinary preparations and substances
diergeneeskundige producten = veterinary preparations
diergeneeskundige substanties = veterinary substances
diergeneeskundige toestellen en instrumenten = veterinary apparatus and instruments
diergeneesmiddelen = veterinary medicines
diergeneesmiddelenfabricage = Veterinary medicine industry
diergezondheid en voedselveiligheid = animal health and food safety
diergezondheidsproblemen = animal health problems
Dierkunde = Zoology
dierkundige = zoologist
dierlijk = animal
dierlijk afval = animal waste
Dierlijk bloed = Animal blood
dierlijk eiwit = animal protein
dierlijk erfgoed = animal heritage
Dierlijk haar = Animal hair
dierlijk materiaal = animal material
dierlijk product = animal product
dierlijk vet = animal fats
dierlijke = animal
dierlijke eiwitten = animal protein
Dierlijke en aanverwante producten = Animal products and related products
dierlijke erfelijkheidsleer = animal genetics
dierlijke genetische hulpbronnen = animal genetic resources
dierlijke geur = animal smell
dierlijke mest = animal manure
dierlijke meststof = animal fertiliser
dierlijke meststof = animal manure
dierlijke meststoffen = animal manure
Dierlijke of plantaardige oliën = Animal or vegetable oils
Dierlijke of plantaardige oliën en vetten = Animal or vegetable oils and fats
dierlijke olie = animal oil
dierlijke olie- en vettenfabriek = Animal oils and fats industry
dierlijke oliëen vettengroothandel = Animal oil and fat wholesalers
dierlijke producten = animal products
"Dierlijke producten, vlees en vleesproducten" = "Animal products, meat and meat products"
dierlijke productie = animal production
dierlijke reproductie = animal breeding
dierlijke reserves = animal resources
dierlijke resten = animal remain
dierlijke uitwerpselen = animal excrement
dierlijke uitwerpselen als  brandstof = animal dung as fuel
Dierlijke vellen = Animal skins
Dierlijke vetten = Animal fats
dierlijke voortplanting = animal reproduction
diersoorten = animal species
dierstudies = animal tests
diertuberculose = animal tuberculosis
Dierverzorging = Animal Care
diervoeder = animal feed
diervoeder = animal feedstuffs
diervoederindustrie = Animal feed industry
diervoederkolom = animal feedstuffs sector
Diervoeders = Animal feedstuffs
diervoeders = animal feeds
diervoeders met bijzonder voedingsdoel = feed intended for particular nutritional purposes
dierziekten = animal diseases
Dies (Natalis) = "Dies Natalis, Foundation Day"
Dies Natalis = Anniversary Day (of Utrecht University)
diesel = diesel
diesel fuel card = dieseltankkaart
diesel gedreven = diesel-driven
diesel gedreven pompen = diesel-driven pumps
diesel katalysator = DOC (diesel oxidation catalyst)
Dieselbrandstof = Diesel fuel
"Dieselbrandstof (0,2)" = "Diesel fuel (0,2)"
Dieselbrandstof (EN 590) = Diesel fuel (EN 590)
dieselgedreven = diesel-driven
dieselgedreven geluidgedempte = diesel-driven sound-damped
dieselgedreven pomp = diesel-driven pump
dieselgedreven pompen = diesel-driven pumps
Dieselgedreven spuitpomp = Diesel-driven high head pump
dieselgenerator = diesel power generator
Dieselmotor = compression ignition engine
dieselmotor = diesel engine
dieselmotor = diesel
dieselmotor met directe inspuiting = direct-injection diesel engine
dieselmotoren = diesel engines
Dieselmotorolie = Diesel engine oil
Dieselolie = Diesel oil
Dieselolie = Diesel
dieselolie = diesel fuel
dieselolie / gasolie = diesel fuel
Dieselolie voor de scheepvaart = Marine diesel oils
dieseloliën = diesel oils
dieselolietoeslagen = diesel oil surcharges
diesel-partikelfilter = diesel particulate filter
dieselpompen = diesel pumps
dieselpompinstallatie = Diesel pump or dispensing pump
dieselprijs = diesel price
dieselsets = diesel sets
Dieseltank = Diesel tank
dieseltank (bovengronds) = "Diesel tank, above ground"
dieseltank (ingemetseld) = "Diesel tank, bricked in"
dieseltank (ommuurd) = "Diesel tank, bunded"
dieseltank (ondergronds) = "Diesel tank, underground"
dieseltechniek = diesel technology
dieseltoeslag = diesel surcharge
dieselunit = diesel unit
dieselvoorziening = diesel supply
dieselwagens = diesel cars
Diesrede = "Dies Natalis lecture, Foundation Day Lecture"
Diesrede = "Anniversary Address, Anniversary Speech"
diëtetiek = science of nutrition
Diethanolamine = Diethanolamine
diethanolamine = diethanolamine
diëthanolamine = diethanolamine
diethanolammoniumlaurylsulfaat = diethanolammonium lauryl sulfate
Diethoxymethaan = Diethoxymethane
diethyl carbamazine = diethylcarbamazine
Diethylamine = Diethylamine
diethylamine = (C2H5)2NH   diethylamine
diethylaminen = diethylamines
diëthylamine-salicylaat = diethylamine salicylate: a topical analgesic used for rheumatic and muscu
diëthylamine-salicylaat = it is a derivative of salicylic acid
Diethylaniline = Diethylaniline
Diethylbenzeen = Diethylbenzene
"Diethylbenzeen (som 1,3 + 1,4)" = "Diethylbenzene (total 1,3 + 1,4)"
Diethylbenzenen (som) = Diethylbenzenes (total)
Diethyleenglycol = Diethyleneglycol
diethyleenglycol = diethylene glycol
diëthyleenglycol = diethylene glycol
diethyleenglycolabietaat = diethylene glycol abietate
diethyleenglycolbutylether = diethylene glycol butyl ether
diethyleenglycolethylether = diethylene glycol ethyl ether
diethyleenglycolmonobutylether = diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
diethyleenglycolmonoethylether = diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Diethyleentriamine = Diethylenetriamine
di-ethyleentriamine = diethylenetriamine
Diethylether = Diethylether
Diethylftalaat = Diethylphthalate
diethylftalaat = diethyl phthalate
diethylmaleaat = diethyl maleate
Diethyl-methylfosfonaat = Diethyl-methylphosphonate
diethylnitrosamine = DENA
diethylnitrosamine = diethylnitrosamine
diethylnitrosamine = nitrosodiethylamine: a nitrosamine derivative
diethylpropion = C13H19NO
diethyl-pyrocarbonaat = C2H5OC(O)OC(O)OC2H5
diëthylstilboestrol = DES
diëthylstilboestrol = diethylstilbestrol: a synthetic estrogen
Diethylsulfide = Diethylsulphide
diëtisch = (adjective)  dietetic
diëtische preparaten = dietetic preparations
diëtische preparaten en substanties = dietetic preparations and substances
diëtische preparaten voor kinderen en zieken = dietetic preparations for children and the sick
diëtische producten = dietetic products
diëtische substanties = dietetic substances
diëtische substanties en voedingsvervangende middelen voor medisch gebru = dietetic substances and nutritional replacement adapted for medical use
diëtische substanties voor kinderen en zieken = dietetic substances for children and the sick
diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik = dietetic substances adapted for medical use
"diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik, voedingsmiddelen voor baby" = "dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, plasters, m"
"diëtische substanties voor medisch gebruik, voedingsmiddelen voor baby" = "dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for"
diëtische supplementen en voedselsupplementen = dietary and nutritional supplements
diëtische voedingsmiddelen = dietetic foodstuffs
diëtische voedselsupplementen = dietary food supplements
diëtist = dietician
dietiste = dietician
diëtiste = dietician
Diëtisten = Dieticians
Dietrich Bonhoeffer = Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Diets = Middle Dutch
dievegge = thief
dievegge {de} = thief [female]
dieven = liquidate
dieven {mv} = thieves
diezelfde = the very same
diezelfde = "this/that same, this/that very"
diezelfde morgen = that same morning
difemanil-methylsulfaat = diphemanil methylsulfate
difenhydramine = Benadryl®
difenhydramine = diphenhydramine
difenyl = biphenyl
difenylamine = diphenyl amine
Difenylamine = Diphenylamine
Difenyl-butaandion = Diphenyl-butanedione
difenylcarbazid = DCPA
difenylester = diphenyl ester
Difenyl-ethaandion = Diphenyl-ethanedione
difenylmethoxyazijnzuur = diphenylmethoxyacetic acid
difenyl-p-chinon = diphenyl-p-quinone
Difenyl-propenon = Diphenyl-propenone
difenylpyraline = diphenylpyraline
difenylpyraline = diphenylpyraline hydrochloride
Difenyltin = Diphenyltin
diff. = diff.
diff. inrichting = differential device
difference between aandelen and deelbewijzen = see text - none
difference of opinion = verschil van mening
differentatieminor = electives
differentiaal = differential gear
differentiaal = differential
differentiaal- en integraalrekening = infinitesimal calculus
differentiaal inrichting = differential device
differentiaal manometer = differential manometer
differentiaal peilschaal = inclined gauge
differentiaal vergelijking = differential equation
differentiaalanalysator = differential analyzer
differentiaalcondensator = differential capacitor
differentiaaldiagnostiek = DD
differentiaaldiagnostiek = diacrisis
differentiaaldiagnostiek = differential diagnosis
differentiaal-differentie vergelijking = differential-difference equation
differentiaalprogrammering = differential programming
differentiaalprogrammering = programming by modification
Differentiaalquotiënt = Derivative
differentiaalrekening = differential calculus
differentiaalspanning = differential voltage
differentiaaltransformator = differential transformer
differentiaalvergelijking = differential equation
differentiaalvergelijking = differential equation (equation involving the derivatives of a function)
differentiaalvergelijkingen = differential equations
differentiaalversterker = differential amplifier
Differentiated Services Code Point = Differentiated Services Code Point
differentiatie = differentiation
Differentiatie (Met 2 schoolvakken de diepte in.) = Focus(sing) on two subjects
Differentiatie van de markt = Market differentiation
Differentiatiequotiënt = Average rate of increase
Differentiatiestrategie = Differentiation strategy
Differentiatiewaarde = Differentiation value
differentiator = differentiator
differentie = difference
differentie-antigenen voor myelo-monocytaire leukemie = myelomonocytic  differentiation antigens
differentiecorrectieschakeling = difference correcting circuit
differentiedraaggolfsysteem = intercarrier sound system
differentiedraaggolfsysteem = intercarrier system
differentieel = differential gear
Differentieel = Differential
differentieel = differential
differentieel koersstelsel = differential exchange rate system
Differentieel productvoordeel = Distinctive product advantage
differentieel thermische analyse = differential thermal analysis
differentieel verven = differential dyeing
differentieelautomaat [LS] = residual current circuit-breaker [LV]
differentieelbeveiliging = differential protection
differentieel-coherente modulatie met faseverschuiving = differentially-coherent phase-shift keying: DCPSK
differentieelhuis = differential case
differentieel-schakelaar = differential circuit breaker
differentieelschakelaar [LS] = residual current switch
differentieelstroominrichting = differential current device
differentieelstroominrichting = differential power device
differentieelstroominrichtingen = differential current devices
differentieelstroomschakelaar = differential current switch
differentieerbaarheid in stochastische zin = stochastic differentiability
differentiëernetwerk = differentiating network
differentiële = differential
differentiële amplitude = differential amplitude
differentiele centrifugering = differential centrifugation
differentiële codering = differential encoding
differentiële diagnose = DD
differentiële diagnose = diacrisis
differentiële diagnose = differential diagnosis
differentiële diagnose = differential diagnosis: a determination of which one of two or more disea
Differentiële drempel = Differential treshold
differentiële fase = differential phase
Differentiële fasekontrast microscopie = Differential phase microscopy
differentiële fasemodulatie = differential phase-shift keying: DPSK
Differentiële holografie = Differential holography
differentiële invoer = differential input
differentiële kostenbeschouwing = differential costing
differentiële kostencalculatie = partial cost system
Differentiële kostprijs = Differential cost price
differentiele meting ten opzichte van een vast GPS station = differential measurement relative to fixed GPS station
differentiële modulatie = differential modulation: DM
differentiële multiplexer = differential multi- plexer
differentiële prijsstelling = multiple pricing
differentiële pulscodemodulatie = differential pulse code modulation: DPCM
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = calorimetric differential thermal analysis
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = differential scanning calorimetry
differentiële scanning calorimetrie = DSC
differentiële thermoanalyse = differential thermal analysis
differentiële versterking = differential gain
differentiële werkwijze-interferentie = differential mode interference
differentiële zettingen = differential settlement
differentiëren = differentiate
differentiëren = to differentiate
"differentiëren, onderscheiden" = difference  (to distinguish or differentiate)
differentiërende virtuele harde schijf = differencing virtual hard disk
differentievergelijking behorende bij een explosief proces = explosive stochastic difference equation
diffluentie = diffluence
diffractie = diffraction
diffractie / breking = diffraction
Diffractieapparatuur = Diffraction apparatus
diffractiefactor = diffraction
diffunderen = to diffuse
diffunderen = diffuse
diffunderingsproces = diffusion process
diffus spasme in het slokdarm = diffuse  esophageal spasm: Barsony-Teschendorf syndrome
diffuse bron = diffuse source
diffuse emissie van NMVOS = Fugitive emission of NMVOCs
diffuse nagalm = diffuse reverberation
diffuse reflectie = diffuse reflection
diffuse transmissie = diffuse transmission
diffuse verontreiniging = diffuse pollution
Diffuser = Diffuser
Diffuser mounting tool = Diffuser mounting tool
diffusie = diffusion
diffusie / verstrooiing = diffusion
diffusie stoornis = diffusion disorder
diffusie stoornis = diffusing disorder
diffusie stoornis = diffusion dysfunction: a breakdown of the diffusing capacity of the lung
diffusie van Compton = Compton diffusion
diffusieapparatuur = diffusion apparatus
diffusiecapacitantie = diffusion capacitance
diffusiecapaciteit van de long = the diffusing capacity of the lung
diffusiediepte = diffusion depth
diffusie-index = diffusion index
diffusie-inspectie = diffusion inspection
diffusielaag = diffused layer
diffusielengte = diffusion length
Diffusieproces = Diffusion process
diffusie-proces = diffusion process
diffusieprofiel = diffusion profile
diffusiepunt = spike
diffusierichting = direction of diffusion
diffusiescherm = diffusion screen
diffusieschijf = diffusion disk
diffusiestof = diffusant
diffusiestofpenetratie = diffusant penetration
diffusiestroom = diffusion current
diffusiesysteem = diffusion system
diffusietemperatuur = diffusion temperature
diffusietheorie = diffusion theory
diffusietijd = diffusion time
diffusietransistor = diffusion transistor
diffusie-uitloper = spike
diffusieverdeling = diffused distribution
diffusor = diffuser
diffusor (armatuur voor diffuus licht) = diffuser
diffuus = diffuse (adj.)
diffuus = diffuse
diffuus = diffused
diffuus geluid = diffuse sound
diflorason = diflorasone
diflorasondiacetaat = diflorasone diacetate
difloxacine = difloxacin
Diflubenzuron = Diflubenzuron
diflucortolon = diflucortolone
diflucortolone = diflucortolone
diflunisal = diflunisal
difluprednate = difluprednate
difterie = diphtheria
difterie-antitoxine = diphtheria serum
Difterie-Tetanusvaccins = Diphtheria-tetanus vaccines
difterietoxoïd = diphtheria toxoid
diftong = diphthong
diftong {de} = diphthong
difussiehalo = halo
digamma = digamma
digastrisch = digastric
Digereren = Digest
digestie = digestion
digestie {de} = digestion
Digestief = Digestive
Digest-toegangsprotocol = Digest Access protocol
digibeet = Computer illiterate
digibord = interactive whiteboard (IWB)
digibord = digibord of IWB (= interactive whiteboard)
DigiD = DigiD
DigiD5 = DigiD5
DigiD-token = DigiD-token
DigiInkoop = DigiInkoop
Digileerkracht = ‘Digileerkracht’ (‘Digital teacher’
digilines = digilines
Digipoort = Digipoort
Digirooster = Digi Schedule
Digitaal = Digital
digitaal = digital
digitaal = via electronic means
digitaal = digitally
digitaal + drukken = digital + printing
digitaal alarm = digital alarm
digitaal archief = digital archive
digitaal archiveren = digital archiving
digitaal archiveringssysteem = digital archiving system
Digitaal beeldmateriaal = Digital images
digitaal beeldverwerkingssysteem = image processing digital system
digitaal beschikbaar = electronically available
digitaal besturingssysteem = digital control system: DCS
digitaal bewustzijn = digital consciousness
digitaal blok = digital block
digitaal briefgeheim = privacy of electronic communications
digitaal briefgeheim = confidentiality of digital correspondence
digitaal certificaat = digital certificate
digitaal circuit = digital circuit
digitaal combineren = digital combining
digitaal communicatiesysteem = digital communication system
digitaal communiceren = digital communication
digitaal conferentiesysteem = digital conferencing system
digitaal consult = digital consultation
digitaal datacommunicatieberichtenprotocol = digital data communications message protocol: DDCMP
digitaal display = digital display
digitaal document = electronic document
digitaal documentuitwisselingsformaat = digital document interchange format: DDIF
Digitaal EVSA = Digital electronic ballast
digitaal exemplaar van de Documentatie = digital copy of the Documentation
digitaal filter = digital filter
digitaal ge‹ntegreerd circuit = digital integrated circuit
digitaal geaccordeerd = digitally approved
Digitaal gegenereerde = Digitally generated
digitaal gegevenskanaal = digital data channel
digitaal gespuis = hackers
digitaal global netwerk = global digital network
Digitaal Hulpplein = digital help platform
digitaal id-certificaat = digital id certificate
digitaal kiezen = digital data switching
digitaal koploper = digital frontrunner
digitaal leerplatform = digital learning platform
Digitaal met enkelfunctie = Digital with single function
Digitaal met multifunctie = Digital with multi function
digitaal netwerk met ge‹ntegreerde diensten = integrated services digital network
digitaal of fysiek verzonden = digitally or physically transmitted
digitaal onboarding programma = digital onboarding programme
Digitaal Ondernemersplein =
digitaal ondertekend = digitally signed
digitaal ondertekende = digitally signed
digitaal ondertekende document = digitally signed document
digitaal onveilige = digitally unsafe
Digitaal over coax = Digital over coax
digitaal overlaynetwerk = digital overlay network
digitaal platform = digital platform
digitaal potentieel = digital potential
"digitaal presenteren, factureren en archiveren van documenten" = "digitally presenting, invoicing and archiving documents"
Digitaal product = Digital Product
digitaal rekenblad = spreadsheet
digitaal samenwerken = digital collaboration
digitaal schakelen = digital switching
digitaal signaal = digital signal
Digitaal surround-soundsysteem = Digital Surround-Sound system
digitaal telefonienetwerk = digital telephone network
digitaal tentamen = digital exam
digitaal terreinmodel = digital land model
digitaal toestel = digital device
Digitaal toetsen = Digital testing
digitaal toetsen = digital assessment
digitaal transport van gegevens = digital transmission of data
digitaal uitwisselingsplatform = digital exchange platform
Digitaal vaardig = Digitally skilled
Digitaal vaardig mkb = Digitally skilled SMEs
digitaal veilige hard- en software = digitally safe hardware and software
digitaal verbonden = digitally connected
digitaal verbonden productienetwerk = digitally connected production network
digitaal vergelijkingsorgaan = digital comparator
digitaal verlopen = done digitally
digitaal vertellen = digital storytelling
Digitaal werknemersplatform = Digital employee platform
digitaal/analoog-omvormer = digital-to-analog converter
digitaal/analoog-omzetter = dc/ac converter
digitaal/analoog-omzetter = digital- to-analog converter
digitaal/analoogomzetting = digital-to-analog conversion
digitaal-analoogomzetter = digital-analog converter
digitaal-analoogomzetters = digital to analogue converters =
Digitaal-kabel = Digital-cable
digitaal-ontwerptaal = digital design language: DDL
Digitaal-sat = Digital-sat
Digitaal-terrestrisch = Digital terrestrial
digital = digital
Digital Advertising Alliance = Digital Advertising Alliance
Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada = Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada
Digital Airport Programme = Digital Airport Programme
Digital Asset Management = Digital Asset Management
Digital Cinema Packages = Digital Cinema Packages
digital commons = digital commons
digital creation = digital creation
Digital Design = Digital Design
Digital Economy and Society Index = The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
Digital Enhanced Reality = Digital Enhanced Reality
Digital Flow Switch For Air = Digital Flow Switch For Air
Digital Flow Switch For Water = Digital Flow Switch For Water
Digital Health Society = Digital Health Society
Digital Inkjet Printing = Digital Inkjet Printing
digital input module = digital input module
digital inputs = digital inputs
digital interface = digitale ingang
Digital Living Network Alliance = Digital Living Network Alliance
digital native = digital native (A person born or brought up during the age of digital tec
digital native = digital native
digital out of home = digital out of home
digital output module = digital output module
Digital over IP = Digital over IP
Digital pressure switch = Digital pressure switch
Digital Rights Management = digital rights management
digital signage = digital signage
Digital Signage oplossingen = digital signage solutions
Digital Signature Standard = Digital Signature Standard
Digital Subscriber Line = Digital Subscriber Line
Digital versatile discs (dvd's) = Digital versatile disks (DVDs)
Digital Video Broadcasting = Digital Video Broadcasting
Digital Workplace = Digital Workplace
Digital8 = Digital8
digitale = electronic
digitale = digital
digitale accordering = digital approval
digitale afbeelding = digital image
digitale afdruksystemen = digital printing systems
digitale aflezing = digital readout
Digitale afstandsbedieningsunit = Digital remote-control unit
digitale aftrekker = digital subtracter
digitale agenda = digital calendar
digitale agenda's = digital calendars
digitale alternatieven = digital alternatives
Digitale animatie = Animation
digitale attendering = electronic notification
Digitale audio tape recorder = digital audio tape recorder: DAT
Digitale audio/video mixer = Digital audio/video mixer
digitale audiobanden = digital audio tapes
digitale audiotape = digital audio tape
digitale basisinfrastructuur = basic digital infrastructure
digitale basisvaardigheden = basic digital skills
digitale beeldapparatuur = digital imaging devices
digitale beeldapparatuur en digitale signaalprocessors = digital imaging devices and digital signal processors
digitale beeldverwerkingstechniek = digital image processing technique
digitale belastingaangifte = digital tax return
digitale bestanden = digital files
digitale besturingsmethodologie = digital control methodology
digitale bewegwijzering = digital signage
digitale biomarkers = digital biomarkers
digitale breedbandtelevisiedienst = wide-screen digital television service
digitale brief = digital letter
digitale buis = digital tube
digitale camera = digital camera
digitale certificaat = digital certificate
digitale communicatie-apparatuur en -instrumenten = digital communications apparatus and instruments
digitale communicaties = digital communications
digitale compressie = digital compression
digitale computer = digital computer
digitale conferentiesysteem = digital conferencing system
digitale conferentiesystemen = digital conferencing systems
digitale connectiviteit = digital connectivity
digitale connectiviteits-research agenda = digital connectivity research agenda
digitale content = The citizen is not only co-producer of
digitale content = 'The citizen is not only co-producer of
digitale dataset = digital data set
digitale deler = digital divider
digitale dienstaanbieders = digital service providers
digitale diensten en producten = digital products and services
digitale dienstverlening = digital services
digitale differentiaalanalysator = digital differential analyzer: DDA
digitale domein = digital domain
digitale dragers = digital media
digitale dreigingen = digital threats
digitale druk = digital printing
Digitale drukkerijdiensten = Digital printing services
Digitale drukmeters = Digital pressure gauges
digitale druktechnieken = digital printing techniques
digitale economie = digital economy
digitale economie en samenleving = digital economy and society
digitale eenheid = digital device
digitale elektronica = digital electronics
digitale en Analoge = digital and analogue
digitale envelop = digital envelope
digitale feedback = digital feedback
digitale formulier = electronic form
digitale foto = digital photo
digitale foto’s = digital photos
Digitale fotocamera = Digital photo camera
Digitale fotografie = Digital photography
Digitale fototoestellen = Digital cameras
digitale fototoestellen en videocamera- opnametoestellen = digital camera and video camera recorders
digitale frequentiemodulatie = digital frequency modulation
digitale geestelijke gezondheidszorg = digital mental health care
digitale gegevens = digital data
digitale geletterdheid = digital literacy
digitale geletterdheid en praktische vaardigheden = digital literacy and practical skills
digitale handtekening = digital signature
Digitale I/O-module voor PLC = PLC digital I/O-module
digitale id = Digital ID
Digitale Identiteit = Digitale Identiteit
digitale identiteiten = digital identities
"Digitale in-/uitgangen, configureerbaar" = "Digital in-/outputs, configurable"
Digitale indicatie = Digital indication
digitale informatie = digital information
digitale infrastructuren = Digital infrastructures
digitale infrastructuur = digital infrastructure
Digitale infrastructuur van wereldklasse = World-class digital infrastructure
digitale infrastructuur voor onderzoek = digital infrastructure for research
Digitale ingang = Digital input
digitale ingang = digital input
digitale ingangen = digital inputs
Digitale ingangsmodules = Digital input modules
digitale inhoud = digital content
digitale inhoudsdienst = digital content service
digitale inkt = digital ink
digitale innovatie = digital innovation
digitale innovaties = digital innovations
digitale input of output = digital input or output
digitale integrator = digital integrator
digitale interface van hoog niveau = high-level digital interface
digitale itembank = digital itembank
digitale jaaropgave = digital annual statement
Digitale kadasterkaarten = Digital cadastral maps
digitale kansen = digital opportunities
Digitale kartering = Digital mapping services
Digitale kennis en kunde = Digital knowledge and skills
digitale kennistoetsen = digital knowledge tests
digitale klok = digital clock
digitale kloof = digital divide
Digitale kluis = Digital Locker
digitale kopie = digital copy
digitale koploper = digital leader
digitale koploper van Europa = Europe’s digital leader
Digitale kunst = Computer graphics
Digitale kunst = Graphics
digitale kwaliteit = digital quality
digitale kwetsbaarheden = digital vulnerabilities
digitale leer- en werkomgeving (DLWO) = digital learning and working environment
digitale leermiddelen = digital learning resources
digitale leeromgeving = digital learning environment
digitale licentie = digital license
digitale logica = digital logic
digitale maatschappij = digital society
digitale manometer = digital manometer
digitale marketingkanalen = digital marketing channels
digitale mededinging = digital competition
digitale mediabedrijven = digital media companies
digitale meetgegevens = digital measurement data
digitale middelen = digital resources
digitale modulatie = digital modulation
digitale multichannel omgeving = digital multi-channel environment
digitale multimeter = digital multimeter
digitale multiplexsystemen = digital multiplex systems
Digitale nieuwsbrief = Digital newsletter
digitale nieuwsbrieven = digital newsletters
digitale niveaumeting = digital level meter
digitale niveaumeting = digital level measurement
digitale normen = digital standards
digitale nummer aanduiding = Digital numbering
Digitale offsetapparatuur = Digital offset equipments
Digitale offsetsystemen = Digital offset systems
digitale onboarding = digital onboarding
Digitale OnderwijsPlanner (DOP) = Digital Course Planner (DCP)
digitale onderwijsplatform = digital learning platform
digitale ontplooiingskansen = digital developmental opportunities
digitale ontwerpinformatie = digital design data
digitale ontwikkelingen = digital developments
digitale openheid = digital freedom of access
digitale opleidingsintermediar = digital training intermediary
digitale oplossing = digital solution
digitale opname = digital recording
digitale opnamen = digital recordings
digitale opslagsysteem = digital storage system
digitale opsporingstechnieken = digital investigation techniques
digitale opteller = digital adder
digitale overheid = e-government
digitale overheid = e-government services
digitale overheid = electronic government
digitale overheid = digital government
digitale overheid = digital government services
digitale platform = digital platform
digitale platforms = digital platforms
digitale plattegrond = digital map
digitale plotters = digital plotters
digitale poort = digital port
digitale printsysteem = digital printing systems
digitale printsystemen = digital printing systems
digitale printsystemen = digital printing system
digitale radio = digital radio
digitale rechten = digital rights
digitale rekenautomaat = digital computer
digitale rekenmachine = digital computer
digitale representatie = digital representation
Digitale roaming = Digital Roam
digitale samenleving = digital society
digitale schakelaars voor communicatienetwerken = digital communication network switches
Digitale schakelborden = Digital switchboards
digitale schakeling = digital switch
Digitale schakelklok voor paneelbouw = Digital time switch for distribution board
Digitale schakeluitrusting = Digital switching equipment
digitale schuifmaat = digital caliper
digitale signaalprocessors = digital signal processors
digitale signaalverwerkingsinrichting = digital signal processing device
digitale signalering = digital signalling
digitale simulatie = digital simulation
digitale slagkracht = digital defences
digitale slip = digital slip
digitale snelweg = information highway
Digitale spiegelreflexcamera = Digital single lens reflex camera
digitale spraakinterpolatie = digital speech interpolation
digitale spraaktransmissie = digital voice transmission
digitale steden = digital cities
digitale steden & gemeenschappen = digital cities & communities
Digitale stencilapparaten = Digital duplicators
digitale strategie = digital strategy
digitale subtractie-angiografie = DSA
Digitale surround-decoder = Digital Surround Decoder
digitale synchrone hiërarchie = digital synchronous hierarchy: DSH
digitale technieken = digital technologies
digitale technieken en toepassingen = digital technologies and applications
digitale technologie = digital technologies
digitale technologie = digital technology
digitale technologieën = digital technologies
digitale televisie = digital television
digitale toegangspoort tot Europa = digital gateway to Europe
digitale toegankelijkheid = digital accessibility
digitale toekomst = digital future
digitale toets = digital test
Digitale toets afnemen = Administering digital tests
digitale toetscyclus = digital testing cycle
digitale toetsdeskundige = digital testing expert
digitale toetsing = digital testing
Digitale Top = Digital Summit
digitale transformatie = digital transformation
digitale transitie = digital transition
digitale transmissie = digital transmission
Digitale transmissie (AWUG) = Digital transmission
digitale transmissiegroep = digital transmission group
Digitale Transport Strategie = Digital Transport Strategy
Digitale trapezium correctie = Digital keystone correction
digitale TV ontvanger Eastern = digital TV receiver Eastern
Digitale tv-diensten = Digital television
Digitale uitgang = Digital output
Digitale uitgangsmodule = Digital output module
Digitale uitgangsmodules = Digital output modules
digitale uitvoer = digital output
digitale uitzending = digital broadcasting
Digitale universeelmeter = Digital multimeter
digitale unster = digital hanging scales
digitale upgrade = digital upgrade
digitale vaardigheden = digital skills
digitale vaardigheden basis = basic digital skills
digitale vaardigheden en geletterdheid = digital skills and literacy
"digitale vaardigheden en geletterdheid, onderzoek en innovatie, eerlijke " = "digital skills and literacy, research and innovation, fair competition, s"
digitale veiligheid = digital safety
digitale veiligheid = digital safety and security
digitale veiligheid = digital security
digitale veiligheid en privacybescherming = digital security and privacy protection
digitale veiligheid en weerbaarheid = digital security and resilience
"digitale veiligheid, privacy, digitale geletterdheid, mededinging, innova" = "digital security, privacy, digital literacy, competition, innovation and "
digitale vergelijker = digital comparator
digitale verkeersborden = digital traffic signs
digitale verlofkaart = electronic leave application system
digitale vermenigvuldiger = digital multiplier
digitale vermenigvuldiger = digital multiplier unit
digitale vertellen = digital storytelling
Digitale video = Digital video
Digitale videocassette = Digital videocassette
digitale videorecorder = digital video recorder
digitale vingerafdruk = digital fingerprint
digitale voltmeter = digital voltmeter
digitale voorstelling = digital representation
digitale voorziening = digital facility
Digitale vragenlijst = Digital questionnaire
digitale waarde = digital value
digitale waterpas = digital spirit level
digitale weg = digital route
Digitale wegwijzer = Digital signage display
Digitale wegwijzer = Digital signpost
digitale werkplek = digital workplace
digitale werkplekdiensten = digital workplace services
digitale werkzaamheden = digital work
digitale zakelijke toepassingen = digital business applications
Digitale zendapparatuur = Digital transmission apparatus
Digitale zenders = Digital senders
Digitale zoom = Digital zoom
digitale zorg op afstand = digital remote care
Digitalecartografie-uitrusting = Digital cartography equipment
digitale-diensteninfrastructuur = Digital service infrastructures
digitale-meterdata = digital metering data
Digitaletelefooncentrales = Digital telephone exchanges
digitalis = digitalis
Digitalisatie = Digitalization
digitalis-eenheden = digitalis units
Digitaliseer = Digitalise
Digitaliseer = Digitise
Digitaliseer uw onboarding programma = Digitalise your onboarding programme
digitaliseerapparaat = digitizer
digitaliseerders = digitizers
digitaliseert = digitises
digitaliseert = "digitalising (entire company/processes, etc.) vs digitising (scanning, et"
digitaliseert en automatiseert = digitalising and automating
digitaliseren = digitalise
digitaliseren = digitalize
digitaliseren = digitise
digitaliseren = digitize
digitaliseren = to digitize
digitaliseren = digitising
digitaliseren = to  digitize
digitaliserende economie = digitalising economy
digitalisering = digitalisation
digitalisering = digitisation
digitalisering van de industrie = digitalisation of industry
digitalisering van de Nederlandse maatschappij = digitalisation of Dutch society
digitalisering van de rechtspraak = digitalisation of the judicial system
digitalisering van het openbaar bestuur = digitalisation of public administration
digitalisering van het primair en voortgezet onderwijs = digitalisation of primary and secondary education
digitalisering van processen = digitalisation of processes
digitaliseringsgolf = wave of digitalisation
digitaliseringsproces = digitalisation process
digitaliseringsproject = digitalisation project
digitaliseringsstrategie = digitalisation strategy
Digitaliseringstop = Digitalisation summit
digitaliseringsvraagstukken = digitalisation issues
digitaliseringsvragen = digitalisation issues
digitaliseringsvragen en -opgaven = digitalisation issues and challenges
digitalis-therapie = digitalis therapy
digitatus = digitiform
digitoets = digital testing
digitonine = digitin
digitoxigenine = cerberigenin
digitoxigenine = digitoxigenin
digitoxigenine = echujetin a cardenolide
digitoxigenine = thevetigenin
digitoxigenine = thevetin
digitoxine = C41H64O13
digitoxine = digitoxin: a poisonous glycoside that is the most active constituent of d
digitus malleus pedis = claw toe
digitus malleus pedis = "a deformed, claw-shaped toe"
digitus malleus pedis = hammertoe
diglyceriden = diacylglycerols
digoxine = Lanoxin
digoxygenine = digoxygenin
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = DHP ether
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = dihematoporphyrin ether
dihaematoporphyrin-ether = porfimer
Diheptylftalaat = Diheptylphthalate
Dihexylftalaat = Dihexylphthalate
dihybride = dihybrid
dihydralazine = dihydralazine: an antihypertensive agent
dihydroalprenolol = dihydroalprenolol
dihydrobetaerythroidine = dihydro-beta-erythroidine
dihydrobetaerythroidine = dihydrobetaerythroidine
dihydrochloride = dihydrochloride
dihydrocodeine-bitartraat = dihydrocodeine
dihydrocodeine-bitartraat = dihydrocodeine bitartrate
dihydroergocristine = dihydroergocristine
dihydroergotoxine = Hydergine
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = dihydrofolate reductase
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = folic acid reductase
dihydrofolinezuur-reductase = tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
dihydrolutidine = dihydrolutidine
dihydromorfine = dihydromorphine: a semisynthetic analgesic
dihydroorotase = dihydroorotase
dihydroprogesterone = dihydroprogesterone
dihydrostreptomycine = dihydrostreptomycin
dihydrotachysterol = dihydrotachysterol
dihydrotestosterone = stanolone
dihydroxidihydrobenspyrenen = dihydroxydihydrobenzopyrenes
dihydroxyaceton = DHA
dihydroxy-morfine = dihydroxymorphine
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = C9H11NO4
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = an amino acid that's formed in the liver & converted in the brain to dopa
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = dihydroxyphenylalanine: a beta-hydroxylated derivative of phenylalanine
dihydroxy-phenylalamine = DOPA
Di-isobutyleen = Di-isobutylene
Di-isobutylftalaat = Di-isobutylphthlate
Di-isobutylketon = Di-isobutylketone
Di-isodecylftalaat = Di-isodecylphthalate
Di-isononylftalaat = Di-isononylphthalate
Di-isooctylftalaat = Di-isooctylphthalate
di-isopropanolamine = diisopropanolamine
Di-iso-propenylbenzeen = Di-iso-propenylbenzene
Di-isopropylamine = Di-isopropylamine
Di-iso-propylbenzeen = Di-iso-propylbenzene
Di-isopropylether = Di-isopropylether
Di-iso-propylfenol = Di-iso-propylphenol
Di-isopropylftalaat = Di-isopropylphthalate
Dij = Thigh
dij {de} = thigh
Dijbeen = Femur
Dijbeen = Thighbone
dijbeen {het} = thigh bone
dijbenen {mv} = thighs
dijen {mv} = thighs
dijk = embankment
dijk = dike
dijk = dam
dijk = dyke
dijk = dyke (UK)
Dijk = Levee
dijk = bank
dijk {de} = dike
dijk {de} = dyke
dijkbekleding = dike revetment
dijkbekleding = dike facing
dijkbeschadiging = damage to a dike
dijkbouw = dike building
dijkdoorbraak = dikebreach
dijken = dams
dijken = dikes
dijken = banks
dijken = dikes (US)
dijken = dykes (UK)
dijkgat = dike gap
dijkgat = dike breach
dijkgraaf = chairman of the dike-board/ polder-board
dijkherstel = dike repair
dijkkern = dike core
dijkkruin = dike crest
dijklichaam = dike body
dijkprofiel = dike profile
dijkspecie = soil to build a dike of
dijkvak = dike reach
dijkval = dike slide
dijkverbreding = dike widening
dijkverhoging = dike heightening
dijkverhoging = dike elevations
dijkverzwaring = dike improvement
dijkverzwaring = dyke reinforcement
dijkverzwaring = dike enlargement
dijkvorm = dike profile
dijkwacht = dike guard
dijkwacht = dike warden / inspector
dijkweg = causeway
dijkwerker = dike worker
Dijon = Dijon
dijonmosterd = Dijon mustard
dik = thick
dik = plump
dik = big
dik = stout
dik = concentrated
dik = fat [thick]
Dik = Fat
dik = bulky
dik = burly
"dik, dikke, gezet, gezette" = thick {adj} (heavy in build)
dikbuikig = fat
Dike = Dyke
dike toes = dijkvoeten
dikfilmtechniek = thick film technique
dikgetrokken lijn = continuous thick line
Dikhoornschaap = Mouflon sheep
dikhoornschaap = bighorn sheep
dikke = thick
dikke adviezen = Byzantine recommendations
Dikke darm = Colon
Dikke darm = Small intestine
dikke darm {de} = colon
dikke film = thick film
dikke laag = thick film
Dikke room = Clotted cream
dikke vloeistof = thick liquid
Dikke vloeistoffen = Thick liquids
dikkedarmendometriose = "endometriosis of large intestine, colonic endometriosis"
dikke-filmcomponent = thick-film component
dikke-filmtechniek = thick-film technology
dikke-filmweerstand = thick-film resistor
dikker = thicker
dikker of dunner = thicker or thinner
"dikkerd, dikzak, vetzak" = stout (fatso)
dikkere = thicker
dikkere isolatielaag = thicker insulation layer
dikkere isolatielaag = thicker insulating layer
dikkere laag = thicker layer
dikkop = tadpole
dikkopje = tadpole
"dikkopje (dim), dikkop, kikkervisje (dim)" = tadpole (toad or frog larva)
diklijvig = obese
diklijvige = obese
dikoor {de} = mumps {pl}
dikschuimigheid = fluffiness
dikst = thickest
Diktatenmagazijn = Course Materials Shop
dikte = thickness  (bulk)
dikte = thickness
Dikte = Thickness
dikte {de} = thickness
dikte {de} [dichtheid] = density
Dikte folie = Foil thickness
Dikte hoes = Hood thickness
Dikte mantel = Sheath thickness
Dikte plaat = Thickness of mounting plate
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
dikte profiel = thickness profile
Dikte rail = Busbar thickness
dikte T2 = thickness T2
dikte van de dekking van de wapening = cover thickness of the reinforcement
dikte van de kwaliteitssamenstelling = combined board caliper
dikte van de wand = thickness of the wall
dikte van iedere laag = thickness of each layer
dikte van wandprofielen = wall profile thickness
Dikte warmte-isolatie = Thickness of thermal insulation
dikteafmeting = thickness dimension
dikteafmeting = thickness dimension
dikteafwijking = thickness defect
dikteerkast = coal tar tank
diktemaat = thickness dimension
diktemal = thickness gauge
diktemeter = gauging instrument
diktemeter = thickness gauge
diktemeter = feeler gauge
dikteprofiel = thickness profile
diktereduktie = thickness reduction
dikterichting = thickness direction
diktes = thicknesses
diktevermindering = reducing
diktezwelling = thickness swelling
dikvloeibaar = viscous
dikvloeibaarheid = viscosity
dikvloeibare hars = thickened resin
dikvloeibare olie = heavy oil
dikvloeibare zuivelproduct = thick liquid dairy product
dikvloeibare zuivelproducten = thick liquid dairy products
DIKW = Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Wisdom (DIKW)
dikwandig = thick-walled
dikwijls = frequently
Dikwijls = Often
dikzuivel = thick dairy
dikzuivel = thick dairy products
dikzuivel product = thick dairy product
dikzuivel producten = thick dairy products
dilatantie = dilatancy
Dilatatie = Dilatation
dilatatie = widening
dilatatierand = dilatation joint
dilataties = expansion joints
dilatatievoeg = expansion joint
dilatatievoeg = "expansion joint, movement joint, settlement joint"
dilatator van Hegar = Hegar dilator
dilateren = provide with expansion joints
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilatation of the cervix
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilatation of the cervix uteri
dilatie van de baarmoederhals = dilation of the cervix
dilatie van de sluitspier = dilation of the sphincter
dilatie van de sluitspier = dilatation of the sphincter
dilatometer = dilatometer
Dilatoria = Dilator
DIL-behuizing = dual-in line package
dilemma = dilemma
Dilemma = Quandary
Dilemma = Bind
dilemma's = dilemmas
dilemmasessie = dilemma session
Dilemmasessies = Dilemma sessions
dilemmatraining = dilemma training
dilettant = amateur
Dilettant = Keen
Dilettant = Lover of
Dilettant = Fancier
Dilettant = Lover
Dilettant = Non-professional
Dilettant = Amateurish
Dilettant = Dabbler
Dilettant = Keen of
Dille = Dill
Dillon-ronde = Dillon Round
diltiazem = diltiazem: a coronary vasodilator that causes an increase in the luminal 
Dilutant = Dilutant
Diluvium = Diluvium
Dim = Dim
dim licht = low beam
DIM profiel = DIM profile
DIM profielen = DIM profiles
Dimactor = Dimming actuator
Dimactor bussysteem = Dimming actuator for bus system
Dimbaar = Dimmable
dimbare LED’s = non-dimmable LEDs
dimbereik = dimming range
dimcircuit = dimming circuit
dimcurve = dimming curve
dimcurven = dimming curves
dimcurves = dimming curves
Dimefuron = Dimefuron
dimenhydrinaat = Dramamine
Dimensie = Dimension
Dimensie = Sphere
dimensie {de} = dimension
Dimensie Geld = Dimension of money
Dimensie Geldvoorraad = Dimension of the stock of money
Dimensie Tijd = Dimension of time
Dimensieanalyse = Dimensional analysis
dimensie-analyse = dimensional analysis
Dimensieconstante = Dimensional constant
dimensiederivatieregel = dimension derivation rule
Dimensiefunctie = Dimensional function
dimensiegroep = dimension set
dimensiekoppeling = dimension association
dimensielid = dimension member
dimensieloos draaggetal = bearing number
dimensieloze grootheid = dimensionless quantity
Dimensiematrix = Dimensional matrix
dimensieniveau = dimension level
dimensie-reductie = dimension reduction
Dimensies = aspects
Dimensies = dimensions
Dimensies = spheres
dimensies = dimensions
dimensies van ernst = dimensions of severity
dimensies van gezondheid = Dimensions of health
dimensies van intelligentie en gezondheid = dimensions of intelligence and health
dimensietabel = dimension table
Dimensievergelijking = Dimensional equation
Dimensionaal onderzoek = Dimensional surveying services
dimensionale belevenis = multidimensional experience
dimensionale stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensionale-stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensioneel stabiel = dimensionally stable
dimensioneel stabieler = dimensionally more stable
dimensionele stabiliteit = dimensional stability
dimensionele stabiliteit = shape stability
dimensionele stabiliteit = shape retention
dimensionele wijzigingen = dimensional changes
dimensioneren = to dimension
dimensioneren = dimension
"dimensioneren, maatinschrijving" = dimensioning
dimensionering = dimensioning
dimensionering = design
dimensionering van de overspanningsbeveiligingen = sizing of the overvoltage protection devices
dimensioneringen = dimensioning
dimensioneringen = dimensions
dimensions = dimensions
Dimensions packed product = Dimensions packed product
dimercaprol = dimercaprol
dimercept = dimercept
dimeren = dimers
"dimeren, trimeren en tetrameren" = "dimers, trimers, and tetramers"
Dimethachloor = Dimethachlor
dimethicon = dimethicone
dimethoaat = perfethion
Dimethoaat = Dimethoate
Dimethoxymethaan = Dimethoxymethane
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = "7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene"
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = "9,10-  dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene"
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = benz anthracene: a carcinogen
"dimethyl-1,2-benzanthraceen" = DMBA
dimethyladipaat = dimethyl adipate
dimethylamide = dimethyl amide
Dimethylamine = Dimethylamine
dimethylammoniumzout = dimethylammonium salt
dimethylaniline = dimethylaniline
Dimethyl-benzaldehyde = Dimethyl-benzaldehyde
dimethylbenzeen = dimethyl benzene
Dimethylbenzeenmethanol = Dimethylbenzenemethanol
Dimethylbenzoezuur = Dimethylbenzoic acid
dimethylcarbonaat = dimethylcarbonate
Dimethyl-chloorpropaan = Dimethyl-chloropropane
Dimethylcyclohexaan = Dimethylcyclohexane
dimethyldicarbonaat = dimethyldicarbonate
Dimethyldisulfide = Dimethyldisulphide
Dimethylethylamine = Dimethylethylamine
Dimethylfenol = Dimethylphenol
"Dimethylfenol (som 2,6 + 3,5)" = "Dimethylphenol (total 2,6 + 3,5)"
"Dimethylfenolen (som 2,3 + 3,5) + 4-Ethylfenol (som)" = "Dimethylphenols (total 2,3 + 3,5) + 4-Ethylphenol (total)"
Dimethylformamide = Dimethylformamide
Dimethylftalaat = Dimethylphthalate
Dimethylglutaraat = Dimethylglutarate
dimethylglutaraat = dimethyl glutarate
Dimethylglycol = Dimethylglycol
Dimethylheptanon = Dimethylheptanone
Dimethylhexaan = Dimethylhexane
Dimethyl-hexaandiol = Dimethyl-hexanediol
Dimethylhexanon = Dimethylhexanone
Dimethyl-hexeen = Dimethyl-hexene
Dimethylisopropylamine = Dimethylisopropylamine
dimethylmorfine = dimethylmorphine
dimethylmorfine = paramorphine
dimethylmorfine = thebaine
Dimethylnaftalenen (Som) = Dimethylnaphtalenes (total)
dimethylnitrosamine = (CH3)2N–NO
Dimethyl-pentanon = Dimethyl-pentanone
Dimethylpiperazine = Dimethylpiperazine
dimethylpolysiloxaan = dimethyl-polysiloxane
dimethylsuccinaat = dimethyl succinate
Dimethylsulfide = Dimethylsulphide
dimethylsulfoxide = (CH3)2SO
dimethylsulfoxide = C2H6OS
dimethylsulfoxide = "also used as an industrial cleaner, and a polymerization solvent"
dimethylsulfoxide = DMSO:  dimethyl sulfoxide: dimethylsulfoxide: a chemical solvent used as 
dimethylsulfoxide = dimethyl sulfoxide
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) = Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO)
Dimethyltereftalaat = Dimethylterephthalate
Dimethylterftalaat = Dimethylterephthalate
Dimethyltrisulfide = Dimethyltrisulphide
dimethyltryptamine = C13H18N2
dimetrische projectie = dimetric projection
Dimfunctie met dimmerbasiselement = Dim function with dimmer basic element
diminuendo = diminuendo
dimlast = dimming load
dimlicht = dimmed headlights
dimlicht = dipped headlights
dimlicht = front dipped headlight / low beam lights
dimlicht = low beam
dimlicht via contact voeding = dip beam over contact switch supply
dimlichten = dipped headlights
dimlichtrelais = dimmer relay
dimlichtschakelaar = dimmer switch
dimmen = to dip
dimmen = dim
Dimmen tot 0 % = Dimming to 0 %
Dimmen tot 50% = Dimming to 50 %
Dimmer = Dimmer
dimmer (voor lampen) = dimmable
dimmer / dimschakelaar = dimmer switch
Dimmer inclusief trafo = Dimmer incl. transformer
Dimmers = Dimmers
Dimmers voor fluorescentielampen = Reactors for fluorescent lamps
dimmerschakelaar = dimmer switch
Dimmerschakelaars = Dimmer switches
dimmersturing = dimmer control
Dimona-aangifte = Dimona declaration
dimschakelaar = dip switch
Dimt alle soorten = Dims all types of
dimt geheel traploos = completely stepless dimming
dimverlichting = dimmed headlights
dimverlichting = dipped headlights
Dimvermogen per kanaal = Dim capacity per channel
DIN = German Industry Standard
DIN 38414-S4 = DIN 38414-S4
DIN 84 = DIN 84
Din Certco = Din Certco
DIN- normen = DIN standards
DIN rail = DIN rail
DIN rail volgens EN 50022 = DIN rail acc. EN50022
DIN rail volgens EN 50035 = DIN rail acc. EN50035
DIN rail volgens EN 50045 = DIN rail acc. EN50045
DIN rail volgens EN 60715 = DIN rail acc. EN60715
DIN VDE 0100 multitester = DIN VDE 0100 multitasked
DIN VDE 0701 multitester = DIN VDE 0701 multitasked
DIN vijfpolig = DIN 5-pole
"DIN-, combi-, C-rail" = Omega-rail/combination-rail/C-rail
DIN-/G-rail = DIN-rail/G-rail
dinatrium = disodium
dinatrium tallow sulfosuccinamaat = disodium tallow sulfosuccinamate
dinatriumedetaat = edetate disodium
dinatriumguanylaat = E627
dinatriumzout = disodium salt
Di-n-butylftalaat = Di-n-butylphthalate
DIN-compatibel = DIN-compatible
Dineophyltin = Dineophyltin
Diner = Dinner
Diner = Supper
Diner = Meal
Diner = Lunch
diner = dinner
diner pensant = dinner debate
Dinerbon = dinner voucher
dinerbon = Gift Certificate
Dineren = Meal
Dineren = dine
Dineren = Supper
Dineren = Dinner
Dineren = Lunch
diners = dinners
"diners, productpresentaties, recepties" = "dinners, product presentations and receptions"
dinervoucher = dinner voucher
Di-n-ethylftalaat = Di-n-ethylphthalate
ding = thing
ding = affair
Ding = Case
ding {het} = thing
Ding an sich (Kant) = thing-in-itself
dingen = objects
dingen = things
Dingen = Stuff
dingen {mv} = things
dingen naar = aspire
Dingen naar = Seek
Dingen naar = Angle for
dingen naar de gunst van = woo
Dingen toezeggen en niet nakomen. = Not delivering on promises.
dinges = thingamajig
Dingo = Dingo
Dingo = Potty
DIN-grootte = DIN-size
dinitroaniline = dinitroaniline
Dinitrobenzeen = Dinitrobenzene
dinitrochlorobenzene = DNCB
Dinitrofenol = Dinitrophenol
Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC) = Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC)
Dinkelland = Dinkelland
DIN-lijst = DIN-strips
Di-n-octylftalaat = Di-n-octylphthalate
Dinonylftalaat = Dinonylphthalate
dinoproston = E2C20H32O5
Dinosauriërs = Dinosaur
dinosaurus = dinosaur
Dinoseb = Dinoseb
Dinoterb = Dinoterb
Din-rail = DIN-rail
DIN-rail = DIN rail
DIN-rail = top-hat rail
DIN-rail (DRA) = DIN-rail (DRA)
DIN-rail 15 mm = DIN-rail 15 mm
DIN-rail 32 mm = DIN-rail 32 mm
DIN-rail 35 mm = DIN-rail 35 mm
DIN-rail 75 mm = DIN-rail 75 mm
DIN-rail adapter = DIN-rail-adapter
dinsdag = Tuesday
dinsdag {de} = Tuesday
dinsdagavond = tuesday night
dinsdagochtend = Tuesday morning
DIN-uitvoering met kengetal = DIN version with code digit
DIO = "International Enterprise Department (Directie International Ondernemen, D"
DIO = International Entreprise Department (DIO)
Diocletianus = Diocletian
Dioctyladiaphate = Dioctyladiaphate
Dioctylftalaat = Dioctylphthalate
di-octylftalaat = di-octyl phthalate
dioctylnatriumsulfosuccinaat = dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate
dioctylsebacaat = di-octyl sebacate
di-octylsuccinaat = di-octyl succinate
dioctylsulfosuccinaat = dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = "dioctyl sulfosuccinate: a surfactant, wetting agent, and solubilizer"
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = dioctyl sulfosuccinic acid
dioctyl-sulfosuccinzuur = docusate
Diode = Diode
diode = diode
"Diode, 5-polig" = "Diode, 5-pole"
diode-aansluiting = diode terminal
diodebegrenzer = diode limiter
diodebelasting = diode load
Diodeblok = Diode bloc
diodecapacitantie = diode capacitance
diodecapaciteit = diode capacitance
diodecondensator = diode capacitor
diodedetectie = diode detection
diodedetector = diode detector
diode-doorbraakspanning = diode reverse breakdown voltage
Diode-element = Diode element
diode-functiegenerator = diode function generator: DFG
diodegelijkrichter = diode rectifier
diodehersteltijd = diode recovery time
diode-impedantie = diode impedance
diode-ingang/uitgang = diode input/output
diodekarakteristiek = diode characteristic
diodelekstroom = diode leakage current
diodematrix = diode matrix
Dioden = Diodes
diode-opslag = diode storage
diode-opslagtijd = diode storage time
diode-oscillator = diode oscillator
diode-overzicht hoofdschakelaar = main switch diode list
diode-overzicht middenpaneel = central panel diode list
diode-overzicht motorruimte = engine compartment diode list
diode-overzicht toilet en keuken = toilet and kitchen diode list
diodepoort = diode gate
diodeschakelaar = diode switch
diodespanning = diode voltage
diodestroom = diode current
diodetester = diode checker
diodetransistor = diode transistor
diode-transistorlogica = diode-transistor logic
diodeversterker = diode amplifier
diodevoltmeter = diode voltmeter
diodeweerstand = diode resistor
diodoon = diodone: an ionic monomeric contrast medium
diodoon = iodopyracet
Diogenes = Diogenes
diolefinen = diolefins
diolen = diols
"Diolen, polyalcoholen en derivaten" = "Diols, polyalcohols and derivatives"
dionysisch = Dionysian
Dionysos = Dionysus
Dioptaas = Achirite
dioptrie = dioptry
dioptrie = diopter
dioptrieschaal = diopter scale
diosmin = buchu resin
diotylftalaat = DOP
Dioxaan = Dioxane
Dioxathion = Dioxathion
dioxine = dioxin
dioxine = "dioxins: chlorinated carcinogenic, teratogenic & mutagenic hydrocarbons c"
Dioxine = Dioxin
dioxo = dioxo
Dioxolaan = Dioxolane
dioxopenicillinezuur = "1,1   dioxo penicillinic acid"
dioxyaceton = dioxyacetone
Dip Koud Proces = Cold-dip process
DIP schakelaar = DIP switch
dip- schakelaars = dip switches
dip switches = dip switches
Dipentylftalaat = Dipentylphthalate
dipeptidase = renal dipeptidase
dipeptiden = dipeptides: peptides composed of 2 amino acid units
diphenhydramine-chloorhydraat = benhydramin
diphenhydramine-chloorhydraat = diphenhydramine hydrochloride
diphenylamine = (C6H5)2NH  diphenylamine
"Diphenylmethaan-2,2-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-2,2-diisoc"
"Diphenylmethaan-2,4-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-2,4-diisoc"
"Diphenylmethaan-4,4-diisoc" = "Diphenylmethane-4,4-diisoc"
diphyllobothriasis = diphyllobothriasis: an infection caused by the fish tapeworm
dipivefrine oogdruppels = dipivefrin
dipivefrine oogdruppels = dipivefrin hydrochloride: an adrenergic epinephrine prodrug used in eyedr
DIPLA = DIgital PLAtform (DIPLA)
diplegia = bilateral paralysis
diplegia = diplegia
diplexapparaat = diplexer
diplexbewerking = diplex operation
diplextelegrafie met vier signalen = four-frequency diplex telegraphy
diplococcus = diplococci
diplococcus = diplococcus
Diplodocus = Diplodocus
diploïd = "diploid: having a full set of genetic material, consisting of paired chro"
diploide = diploid
diploïdie = diploidy: the state of having two full sets of homologous chromosomes
diploma = diploma (the certificate) / degree certificate / degree
diploma = diploma
diploma = certificate
diploma = diploma/certificate/degree certificate
diploma = school-leaving certificate
diploma = degree
diploma = "certificate, diploma"
diploma algemeen vormend onderwijs = general education certificate
Diploma Eerste Hulp = First Aid Diploma
Diploma Eerste Hulp = First Aid Diploma (‘Diploma Eerste Hulp’)
diploma halen = graduate/gain a degree
"diploma halen, een" = to obtain a certificate
diploma hoger onderwijs = higher education diploma
diploma uitreiken = present a diploma
diploma’s en certificaten = diplomas and certificates
Diplomaat = Diplomatic
diplomaat = diplomat
Diplomaat = Trifle
Diplomaat = Diplomatist
diplomaat {de} = diplomat
Diplomacy = Diplomacy
diploma-eisen = diploma requirements
diplomaregister = Register of Diplomas Awarded
diplomaregister = Register of diplomas awarded (‘Diplomaregister’)
diplomasupplement = supplement
diplomasupplement = Diploma Supplement
diplomasupplement = diploma supplement
diplomaten = diplomats
diplomatermijn = degree period
diplomatie = diplomacy
diplomatie {de} = diplomacy
diplomatiek = diplomatic
diplomatiek = tactful
diplomatiek = diplomatically
diplomatiek koerier = diplomatic courier
diplomatiek protocol = diplomatic protocol
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomat
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomatic officer
diplomatieke ambtenaar = diplomatic official
diplomatieke ambtenaren = Diplomatic officials
diplomatieke bescherming = diplomatic protection
diplomatieke betrekking = diplomatic relations
diplomatieke betrekkingen = diplomatic relations
"diplomatieke betrekkingen, pl." = diplomatic relations (diplomatic intercouse)
diplomatieke communicatie = diplomatic communication
Diplomatieke diensten = Diplomatic services
Diplomatieke koeriers = Diplomatic couriers
diplomatieke missie = diplomatic mission
diplomatieke onschendbaarheid = diplomatic immunity
diplomatieke post = diplomatic post
diplomatieke tas = diplomatic bag
diplomatieke vertegenwoordiging = diplomatic representation
diplomatisch = diplomatic
diplomatisch = diplomatically
diploma-uitreiking = graduation ceremony
diplomawaardering = credential evaluation
diplomawaardering = valuation / assessement of certificates
diplomelliturie = diplomelituria: diabetic and nondiabetic glycosuria in the same person
diplomering = certification
diplopagus = conjoined twins
Diplopie = Diplopia
diplosoma = diplosome
dipool = dipole
dipoolantenne = dipole aerial
dipoolion = zwitterion
dipoollaag = dipole layer
dipperdredger = dipperdredger
diprofylline = diprophylline: a theophylline derivative used in the treatment of asthma 
Dipropyleenglycol = Dipropyleneglycol
dipropyleenglycol = dipropylene glycol
dipropyleenglycoldibenzoaat = dipropylene glycol dibenzoate
dipropyleenglycolmethylether = dipropylene glycol methyl ether
Dipropylftalaat = Dipropylphthalate
diproxitol = Diproxitol
DIP-schakelaar = DIP switch
DIP-schakelaarbank = DIP switch bank
DIP-schakelaars = dip switches
DIP-schakelaars = dip switches
dipsomanie = "alcoholophilia: an intense, persistent desire or craving for alcoholic dr"
dipsomanie = binge drinking
dipsomanie = dipsomania
dipsomanie = dipsopathy
dipswitch = DIP switch
dipswitches = DIP switches
dip-switches = dip switches
dipyridamole = dipyridamole
dipyridil = C10H8N2
dipyrocetyl = dipyrocetyl
dipyrone = C13H16N3NaO4S
Dir. = Director of
Dir. FSC = FSC director
Dire Straits = Dire Straits
direct = immediately
direct = immediate
direct = straight
Direct = Direct
direct = directly
direct  naast de deur geplaatst is = located directly next to the door
direct aan de slag = can get started right away
direct aan de vlucht voorafgaande inspectie = pre-flight inspection
Direct aan te sluiten op netspanning = Direct connection to main supply
direct aangedreven = directly driven
direct aangesloten kunnen worden op de andere helft = can be connected directly to the other half
direct aansluitend op = directly following
direct aansluitend op = directly after
Direct account = Direct account
direct actie kunt ondernemen = take immediate action
direct adres = direct address
direct adresseerbaar geheugen = direct address storage
Direct advertising = Direct advertising
direct afdrukken = print immediately
direct afleesbaar = direct-reading
direct alle maatregelen nemen die redelijkerwijs nodig en wenselijk zijn = will immediately take all measures reasonably necessary and desirable
direct belang = have a direct interest in
direct belang-hebbenden = direct stakeholders
Direct betrokken = Directly involved
Direct betrokken bij = Directly involved in
direct betrokken geweest bij de ontwikkeling van = directly involved in the development of
direct betrokkenen = directly involved parties
direct betrokkenen = parties directly involved
direct betrokkenen = those directly involved
Direct Boeken = Instant Booking
direct current feedback = terugvoedende gelijkstroom
direct daglicht = direct daylight
direct delen van relevante gegevens over personen in nood = directly sharing relevant data about people in need
direct een arts raadplegen en de verpakking of het etiket tonen = "If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and"
direct een arts raadplegen en de verpakking of het etiket tonen. = "If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and"
direct elektrisch contact = direct electrical contact
direct e-mail = direct e-mail
direct en indirect rendement = direct and indirect return
direct en ondubbelzinnig = straightforward and unambiguous
direct en onmiddellijk ter beschikking = readily and immediately available
direct en onmiddellijk ter beschikking van de medewerker = readily and immediately available to the employee
direct en op afstand = instantly and remotely
direct gebruiken = available for immediate use
direct gekoppeld station = directly connected station
direct gekoppelde motor = direct coupled engine
direct gekoppelde motor = direct drive engine
direct gevolg = direct result
direct gewin = quick win
direct hostgebruik = direct hosting
direct impact = direct impact
direct in aanraking = coming into direct contact
direct in acht genomen te worden = must be observed immediately
direct ingaande lijfrente = immediate annuity
direct ingaande pensioen = immediate pension
direct leidinggevende = direct superior/manager
direct leidinggevende = immediate senior officer
direct leidinggevende = immediate superior/manager
direct leidinggevende = immediate supervisor
direct leidinggevende = direct supervisor
direct leidinggevende = immediate superior
direct marketing = direct marketing
direct marketingactiviteiten = direct marketing activities
Direct marketingdiensten = Direct marketing services
direct materiaal = direct material
direct met elkaar verbonden = directly connected to one another
direct na = immediately after
Direct na afloop van het bevallingsverlof = Directly after the maternity leave ends
direct na het plaatsen van de bestelling = immediately after placing the order
direct na ondertekening van de Notariële akte dan wel eerdere Ingebruikn = immediately after the Notarial Deed has been signed or early Occupation
direct na ontvangst = immediately upon receipt
direct naar buiten doorkiezen = direct outward dialing: DOD
direct nadat = directly after
direct noch indirect = either directly or indirectly
direct of indirect = either directly or indirectly
direct of indirect = directly or indirectly
direct of indirect persoonlijk belang = direct or indirect personal interest
direct of indirect toebehorend aan = directly or indirectly belonging to
direct of indirect verlies = direct or indirect loss
direct omkeerbaar = direct reversing
direct op het kinderbeveiligingssysteem gemonteerde verstelinrichting = adjuster mounted directly on child restraint
direct opeisbaar = immediately payable
direct opeisbaar deposito/tegoed = demand deposit
direct opeisbare = immediately payable
direct opeisbare en niet voor matiging vatbare boete = an immediately payable penalty which is not subject to judicial mitigatio
"direct opeisbare, niet voor verrekening vatbare, boete" = immediately due and payable penalty
direct opneembare kredietfaciliteit = demand line of credit
direct opvraagbaar schuldpapier = demand note
direct opvraagbaar tegoed = demand deposit
direct opvraagbaar tegoed = indication
direct or indirect private interests = directe of indirecte persoonlijke belangen
Direct Personeel = Direct staff
Direct personeel = Direct labour
Direct Push = Direct Push
direct rapporterende medewerker = directly reporting staff
direct reageren = respond directly
direct realiseerbare activa = available assets
direct realiseerbare activa = quick assets
direct schade = direct loss or damage
Direct selling = Direct selling
direct solliciteren = apply now
direct telefonisch gemeld = immediately reported by telephone
direct ten volle opeisbaar = immediately and fully due
Direct terugluisteren van gesprekken = Instant replay of conversations
direct to consumer = direct-to-consumer
direct to consumer-tool = direct-to-consumer tool
direct toegang = direct access
direct toegankelijk bestand = direct access file
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct access storage
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct access memory
direct toegankelijk geheugen = direct accessible memory: DAM
direct toegankelijk geheugen = immediate access store
direct toegankelijke bestandsorganisatie = direct accessible file organization
Direct toegankelijke geheugeneenheden = Direct-access storage devices (DASD)
direct toezicht door de leiding = supervisory control(s)
Direct touch elektronische bediening = Direct touch electronic operation
direct verband houdende = directly related
direct verhit = directly heated
direct voldaan door de leasemaatschappij = paid directly by the leasing company
direct volledig opeisbare = due in full immediately
direct voor het achtervoegsel = directly in front of the suffix
direct voorafgaand = immediately prior
Direct voorafgaand aan = Immediately before
direct voorafgaand aan = immediately prior to
direct waarneembare = directly observable
direct worden geïnitialiseerd = initialised directly
direct writer = direct writer
direct zitten op een professioneel niveau = are now at a professional level
Direct zoeken = Instant Search
direct zonlicht = direct sunlight
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = directly {adv} (soon
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = next
"direct, (zo)dadelijk, meteen, zo" = when it becomes convenient)
"direct, onomwonden, rechtuit" = "directly {adv} (plainly, without circumlocution or ambiguity)"
"direct, rechtstreeks" = direct
Direct/indirect = Direct/indirect
Direct-/indirectaandeel apart regelbaar = Direct-/indirect proportion separately controllable
Direct/omvormer = Direct/transformer
Direct3D = Direct3D
Directaanbouw = Direct attachment
Directaanbouw/separate opstelling = Direct attachment/single positioning
DirectComposition = DirectComposition
Direct-costingmethode = Direct costing method
DirectDraw = DirectDraw
Directe = Direct
directe (vermijdbare) kosten = avoidable cost(s)
directe aanbieder van openbare telefoondienst = direct public telephone service provider
directe aandrijving = direct drive
directe aanleiding = came as a direct response to
Directe actie = Direct action
directe afschuiving = direct (simple) shear
directe anterieure aanpak = Direct Anterior Approach
directe anterieure aanpak heupchirurgie = direct anterior approach hip surgery
directe bedreiging = direct threat
directe bedrijfsschade = loss on trading
directe bedrijfsschade = loss on working
directe bedrijfsschade = trading loss
directe belasting = direct tax
directe belastingen = direct taxes
Directe belastingen = Direct duty
directe belastingen = direct taxation
directe besturing = direct control
directe betaling = direct payment
directe betalingen = direct payments
directe betrokkenheid = direct involvement
directe beveiligingsmaatregelen = direct security measures
Directe bevestiging = Direct fastening
directe capacitantie = direct capacitance
directe chef = direct superior
directe collega's = immediate colleagues
directe communicatie = direct communication
directe compensatie = direct compensation
directe concurrenten = direct competitors
directe contante (on)kostenpost = out-of-pocket expense
directe contante uitgave = out-of-pocket expense
directe controle/verificatie = asset card [Am.]
directe controle/verificatie = direct verification
directe correspondentie = direct mapping
directe debiteringskaart = (direct) debit card
directe democratie = direct democracy
Directe democratie = Direct democraty
"directe derivatie, de directe bepaling" = direct lead
directe digitale besturing = direct digital control
Directe distributie = Direct distribution
directe druk = direct printing
directe elektronische verbinding = direct electronic connection
directe emissiereductie of -beperking = direct emission reduction or limitation
directe en indirecte inkomsten = direct and indirect revenues
directe en indirecte kosten = direct and indirect costs
directe en indirecte personeel = permanent and temporary staff
directe en onderliggende oorzaken = direct and underlying causes
directe en/of indirecte schade = direct and/or indirect loss or damage
Directe entreestrategie = Direct entry strategy
directe export = direct export
directe financiering = direct financing
directe fysieke link of verbinding = direct physical link or connection
directe fysieke verbinding = direct physical connection
directe gebeurtenisverwerking = direct event handling
directe gegevenstoevoer = data
directe gegevenstoevoer = direct data entry
directe gegevenstoevoer = information
directe gegevensverwerking = transactional data processing
directe geheugentoegang = direct memory access
directe geluidsregistratie = direct recording
directe golf = direct wave
directe impact = direct impact
directe incasso = collection with immediate effect
directe input = direct input
directe inspuiting = direct injection
directe investering = direct investment
Directe investeringen = Direct investment
directe investeringen = direct investments
directe invloed op = Direct impact on
directe kabelverbinding = direct cable connection
directe kennisgeving = direct notification
directe kleurstof = direct dye
directe klokbesturing = direct clock control
directe koppeling = direct coupling
Directe kosten = Direct costs
directe kosten = direct cost
Directe kredietcontrole = Direct credit audit
directe leidinggevende = direct manager
directe leidinggevende = immediate supervisor
directe levering = direct delivery
directe levering = drop shipment
directe lijn = direct line
directe lijst = push-up stack
directe logging = direct logging
directe loonkosten = direct labour costs
directe lozing in het grondwater = Direct discharge to groundwater
Directe luchtgeluidisolatie = Direct airborne sound insulation
directe marginale kosten = current value [Am.]
directe marginale kosten = direct incremental costs
directe marginale kosten = net realisable value
directe marketing = direct marketing
Directe marktbewerkingsstrategie = Direct marker approach strategy
Directe materialen = Direct materials
Directe medewerkers = Direct staff
directe meerdere = direct manager
directe methode = direct method
directe meting = direct measurement
Directe montage = Direct mounting
directe nabestaanden in eerste lijn = surviving lineal descendants
directe numerieke besturing = direct numerical control: DNC
directe OEM = direct OEM
directe of indirecte = direct or indirect
directe of indirecte handelsbelangen = direct or indirect commercial interests
directe of indirecte persoonlijke belangen = direct or indirect personal interests
directe of indirecte schade = direct or indirect loss or damage
directe omgeving = immediate environment
directe omgeving = close surroundings
directe omgeving = direct environment
directe omgeving = direct neighbourhood
directe omgeving = direct surroundings
directe omgeving = immediate area
directe omgeving = immediate neighbourhood
directe omgeving = immediate vicinity
directe omgeving = near environment
directe omgeving = near surroundings
directe omgeving = nearby area
directe omstandigheden = direct circumstances
directe opbrengstwaarde = directly realizable value
directe opbrengstwaarde = random access
directe opbrengstwaarde = realisable value
directe opbrengstwaarde = real-time access
directe opdracht = direct instruction
directe operandopdracht = direct instruction
directe opname = direct recording
directe oproep = direct call
directe overboeking = wire transfer
directe overbrenging = direct drive
directe overbrenging (1:1) = direct drive
directe overeenkomst = direct agreement
directe persoonlijke omgeving = direct personal environment
directe precedentie = immediate precedence
Directe prijsverandering = Direct price change
Directe programmawijziging = Patch
directe puntentoekenning = direct point allocation
Directe reclame = Direct advertising
Directe ruil = Direct trade
directe samenwerkingsactiviteiten = direct cooperative activities
directe schade = direct losses
directe schade = direct loss or damage
directe schade (general damages) = direct damage or loss
directe schade (general damages) = direct loss or damage
directe schade aan zaken = direct damage to goods
directe schade aan zaken of personen = direct damage to goods or people
directe schuifproef = direct shear test
directe standaardisatie = direct standardisation
directe standaardisatie = direct standardization
directe stop = immediate stop
directe straling = direct radiation
directe stroming = (electricity)  direct current
directe stroming = DC
Directe stroommeting = Direct current measuring
directe synchronisatie = direct synchronization
directe team rond de bestuursvoorzitter = the CEO’s immediate team
directe tewerkstelling = direct employment
directe toegang = direct access
directe transmissie tussen stations = direct working
directe transmissie tussen stations in een lokaal net = direct-working local net
directe uitzending = live broadcast
directe verantwoordelijkheid = direct responsibility
directe verkoop = direct selling
"directe verkoop op dag-, week- en termijnbasis" = "direct sales on a daily, weekly or other periodic basis"
directe vermogensmutatie = direct change in equity
directe versie = immediate version
directe vertegenwoordiging = direct representation
directe verwerking = demand processing
Directe verwerking = Direct processing
directe vlucht = direct flight
directe waarschijnlijkheid = direct probability
directe warmtestraling = direct heat radiation
directe weergever = acoustic pick-up
directe werkomstandigheden = immediate working conditions
directe zendingen = direct shipments
directe zichtverbinding = line-of-sight
directe zichtverbinding en niet-directe gezichtsverbinding situaties = line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight situations
directe zonnestraling = direct solar radiation
directe-communicatiekanaal = direct communication channel
directed acyclic graph = DAG
directed acyclic graph = directed acyclic graph
directe-invoer terminal = direct entry terminal
directen = direct labour
directe-toegang programmering = random access programming
directeur = governor
directeur = manager
directeur = principal
directeur = owner
Directeur = Director
directeur = director
directeur = managing director
directeur (algemeen) = director
directeur (van een school) = dean
"directeur {f}, regisseur" = "director (supervisor, manager)"
directeur à titre personnel = "ad personam (or: deputy, etc.)"
directeur bedrijfsvoering = director of operations
directeur bedrijfsvoering = Managing Director
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Managing Director
Directeur bedrijfsvoering = Business operations director
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Operations
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Business Support
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering = Director of Operational Management
directeur bedrijfsvoering = Operations Director
directeur belast met de uitvoerende leiding = executive director
directeur belast met de uitvoerende leiding = finance manager
Directeur Capaciteitsopbouw en Beurzen = Director of Capacity Building & Scholarships
Directeur Communicatie = Director of Communication
directeur departement personeel & logistiek = manager of the personnel & logistics department
Directeur dienst = Service director
Directeur Facility Management & services = Director of Facility Management & Services
Directeur faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen = Director of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Directeur financieel = Financial Director
directeur financiële zaken = finance director
directeur financiële zaken = human resource manager
directeur financiën = director of finance
directeur financiën en controlling = Director of Finance and Controlling
directeur gebouwen = director of estates and facilities
directeur général adjoint = assistant director-general (ec)
Directeur Kennis en Innovatie = Director of Knowledge & Innovation
Directeur lid van de Directieraad = Director member of the Board of Directors
Directeur Neso = Neso Director
Directeur Ondernemingen & Institutionelen = Corporates & Institutionals Manager
directeur onderwijs = Director of Education
directeur Onderwijs en Studentenzaken = Director of Education and Student Affairs
directeur onderwijsinstituut = director of the teaching institute
Directeur onderwijsinstituut = Director education institute
directeur Onderzoek = director of research
directeur onderzoekinstituut = director of the research institute
Directeur onderzoeksinstituut = Director research institute
directeur operations = Director of Operations
directeur opleiding = programme director
Directeur Particulieren & Professionelen = Retail & Self-employed Manager
directeur personeel = director of personnel
directeur personeel en organisatie = Director of Personnel and Organisation
directeur personeelszaken = staff manager
Directeur Private & Personal Banking = Private & Personal Banking Manager
directeur supply chain = Supply Chain Manager
directeur UCI = director of UCI
directeur valorisatie = Improvement manager/development manager
Directeur van de Bank van Engeland = director
Directeur van de Bank van Engeland = Governor of the Bank of England
Directeur van een dienst = Director
directeur van grotere instelling = managing director
Directeur van het departement Niet-verblijfhouders = Manager of the Non residents Department
directeur van het ziekenhuis = hospital director
Directeur Wetsuitvoering = Director of Implementation of Legislation
directeur-aandeelhouder = owner-director
directeur-aandeelhouder = shareholder manager
directeur-bestuurder = executive director
directeur-bestuurder = president (US)
directeur-bestuurder = director (bv/nv)
directeuren = directors
Directeur-Generaal = Director General [no hyphen]
directeur-generaal = (ministerie) director-general
Directeur-generaal Controle = Director General Control
directeur-generaal der posterijen = postmaster general
Directeur-generaal Distributie Centrum = General Manager Distribution Centre
Directeur-generaal Distributie Vlaanderen = General Manager Distribution Flanders
Directeur-generaal Distribution Wallonie = General Manager Distribution Wallonia
Directeur-generaal Human resources en Informatica = General Manager Human Resources and EDP
Directeur-generaal Marketing = General Manager Marketing
Directeur-generaal Productie = General Manager Generation
Directeur-generaal Strategie = General Manager Strategy
Directeur-grootaandeelhouder = Managing director and major shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = major shareholder manager
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and major shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and major stockholder (US)
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and principal shareholder
directeur-grootaandeelhouder = director and principal stockholder (US)
directeurswoning = executive residence
directfilm = direct emulsion
direct-gekoppelde transistorlogica = direct-coupled transistor logic
directie = Executive Board
Directie = Department
directie = (school) management team
directie = general management
directie = senior management
directie = administration
Directie = Management
directie = (members of the) management board
directie = board of directors
directie = board of management
directie = company management
directie = department (ministry)
directie = directorate (EU-instelling)
directie = directors
directie = executive board
directie = Executive Board (ECB)
directie = executive directors
directie = executive management
directie = executive team
directie = Government/Governing Board
directie = management
directie = management committee
directie = managing director
directie = site management (construction)
directie = management
directie = management
directie = department (overheid)
directie = Management
Directie (ECB) = Executive Board (ECB)
Directie (van BTO) = Directors
directie (zie context) = executive board / board of directors
directie AI Arbo = Labour Inspectorate Working Conditions (AI-Arbo)
Directie Algemene Zaken = General Affairs Directorate
directie Arbeidsmarktfraude van de Arbeidsinspectie = Labour Market Fraud department of the Dutch Labour Inspectorate
Directie Audit/Advisory = Audit/Advisory Board (KPMG)
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Operations Department
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Business Operations Department
Directie Bedrijfsvoering = Business Support Directorate
Directie Bedrijfsvoering en Ondersteuning Bestuursdepartement = Operational Management and Management Support Department
Directie Bestuurlijke en Juridische Zaken (BJZ) = (Min. Fin.) Administrative and Legal Affairs Department
Directie Bijzondere Voorzieningen = Special Facilities Department
Directie Capaciteitsopbouw en Beurzen = Capacity Building & Scholarships Directorate
Directie Communicatie = Communication Directorate
directie Communicatie = Communications Department
directie Curatieve Zorg = Curative Care Directorate
directie Curatieve Zorg (CZ) = Curative Care Department
directie Curatieve Zorg (CZ) = Curative Care Directorate (CZ)
Directie Cyber Security = Cyber Security Department
directie en medewerkers = management and employees
directie en/of afgevaardigden van de directie = management and/or representatives of the management
Directie Genees- en Hulpmiddelenvoorziening = Pharmaceutical Affairs and Medical Technology Directorate (GMT)
Directie Intellectuele Eigendom = Intellectual Property Rights Directorate (Luxembourg national office)
Directie International Ondernemen = "International Enterprise Department (Directie International Ondernemen, D"
Directie Jeugdbescherming en Reclassering = Youth Protection and Probation Department
Directie Kennis en Innovatie = Knowledge & Innovation Directorate
directie landbouwkundig onderzoek = agricultural research board
Directie Natuur en Biodiversiteit = Nature and Biodiversity Department
Directie onderwijs en studentenzaken = Education and Student Affairs
Directie Strategie en Controle Groep [DSC] = Group Strategy and Control Management [SCM]
directie SURF = SURF Management
Directie Toezicht Energie (Dte) = Office of Energy Regulation
directie van een groepsmaatschappij = management board of a group company
Directie van het Centrum = Management of the Centre
Directie Wetstoepassing = Law Enforcement Directorate
directie/toezichthoudend orgaan = management / supervisory body
directiebegroting = management budget
Directiebeoordeling = Management review
directiebeoordeling = management review
Directiecomit? = Management Committee
Directiecomité = Management Committee
Directiecomité = Management Committee (MC)
Directiecomité = Management Committee
directiecomité = management committee
Directiecomité (van BBIE) = Directors’ Committee (of the BOIP)
directief = directive
directiekeet = building supervisor's office
directiekeet = surveyor's house
Directieleden = members of the management
directielevering = client-supplied materials
directielevering = supplied and paid for by the client
directieleveringen = contract supplies
directielid = management member
directielid = member of the management
directieniveau = at director level
Directiepersoneel - wedden = Executives - wages
Directieraad = Board of Directors
Directieraad = Senior Management Team
directieraad = Executive Board
directierichtlijn = management directive
Directiesecretaresse = Management Secretary
Directiesecretaris = Secretary to the Board
directiespelen = management games
Directiestaf = Office of the Executive Board
directieteam = management team
directieteams = management teams
Directieve = Directive
directieve opstelling = directional array
directievergadering = board meeting
directieverklaring = management statement
Directieverslag = Management Report
directievoerder = site manager
Directievoorzitter = chief executive
DIRECTIEWISSEL = change of management
DirectInput = DirectInput
directional data = directional data
directioneel = directional
directioneel licht = directional light
directionele = directional
directive counseling = directive counseling
Directklaarfilm = Instant-print film
directmail = direct mail
Direct-mailcampagne = Direact mailing campaign
direct-marketingactie = direct marketing
direct-marketingacties = direct marketing campaigns
Direct-marketingcommunicatie = Direct marketing communication
Directoire = Directory
director = director
Director Admission Proces = Director Admission Process
Director Admission Toets = Director Admission Assessment
Director Assessment = Director Assessment
Director Customer Service = Customer Service Director
Director Customer Services = Customer Services Director
Director Marketing = Marketing Director
director of commercial finance = director of commercial finance
"Director of Marketing, SMA Benelux" = "Marketing Director, SMA Benelux"
"Director of Sales, SMA Benelux" = "Director of Sales, SMA Benelux"
Director Processen & Quality = Processes & Quality Director
Director Processes & Quality = Processes & Quality Manager
Director Profiel = Director Profile
Directoraat Informatica = Informatics Directorate
Directoraat-generaal = Directorate-General
Directoraat-Generaal = Directorate-General
Directoraat-generaal Agro en Natuur = Directorate-General for Agro and Nature Policy
"Directoraat-generaal Dier, Plant en Voeding" = "Directorate-General for Animals, Plants and Foodstuffs"
Directoraat-generaal Leefmilieu = Directorate-General for the Environment
Directoraat-Generaal voor de Belastingdienst = Directorate-General for the Tax and Customs Administration (Min. Fin.)
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs = Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME)
directoraten = directorate
directoraten = directorship
directors = directors
Directory = Directory
Directory Management-service = Directory Management Service
directory service = directory service
Directory Services = Directory Services
Directory Services Markup Language = Directory Services Markup Language
Directory Services-opties = Directory Services options
Directory Services-uploadmodus = Directory Services Upload mode
Directory System Agent = directory system agent
directory voor ophalen = Pickup directory
directorypartitie = directory partition
directoryservice = directory service
Directory-systeem = Directory system
directoryteken = directory character
DirectPlay = DirectPlay
directrice = manager
directrice = owner
directrice {de} = headmistress
"directrice, hoofdverpleegster" = matron (a housekeeper)
DirectShow = DirectShow
DirectSound = DirectSound
Directstarter = Direct starter
direct-to-consumer = direct to consumers
DirectX = DirectX
DirectX Media Object = DirectX Media Object
direct-zichtbuis = direct-vision tube
"direkt, duidelijk en doelgericht" = "direct, clear and focused"
direkteur = general manager
direktie = management
Dirichlet-reeks-verdeling = Dirichlet series distribution
Dirichlet-verdeling = Dirichlet distribution
Dirickx Systems = Dirickx Systems
Dirigeerstokjes = Conductors' batons
Dirigent = Conducting
dirigent = conductor
dirigenten = conductors
Dirigeren = Manage
dirigeren = direct
Dirigeren = Conduct
Dirigeren = Channel
Dirigeren = Run
Dirigerend management = Directing management
Dirigerende beslissingen = Directing decisions
Dirigisme = Economic planning
Dirk = Derek
Dirksland = Dirksland
dirofilariose = dirofilariasis
dirofilariose = dirofilariosis
Dirt Remover = Dirt Remover
DIS = "Danish International Ship Register, DIS"
Dis = Table
disability adjusted life year = DALY
disability adjusted life year = disability adjusted life year
disabler = disabler
disaccharide = disaccharide: a carbohydrate that yields two monosaccharide molecules on 
disaccharide-intolerantie = disaccharide intolerance
Disacharide = Disaccharide
disacharide = disaccharide
disachariden = disaccharides
Disagio = Price reduction
Disagio doen = To be at a discount
Disagio op aandelen = Share discount
disagio op aandelen van conglomeraat = conglomerate discount
disassembleerprogramma = disassembler
disassembleren = to disassemble
disaster plan = disaster plan
disaster plannen = disaster plans
Disaster Recovery Data Center = Disaster Recovery Data Centre
DISC = Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections
DISC = Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
Disc Spring = Disc Spring
discantgedeelte = treble part
discard eligible bit (de) = discard eligible bit (de)
discectomie = surgical  discectomy
discgolf = disc golf
discharge rate = discharge rate
Discipel = Follower
discipel = disciple
disciplinair onderzoek = disciplinary research
Disciplinair proces of informeel gesprek = Disciplinary procedure or informal discussion
disciplinaire = disciplinary
Disciplinaire aantijging = Disciplinary allegation
Disciplinaire aantijgingen = Disciplinary allegations
Disciplinaire actie kan inhouden = disciplinary measures may include
disciplinaire beslissing = disciplinary decision
disciplinaire beslissingen = disciplinary decisions
disciplinaire en klachtenprocedures = Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
disciplinaire gesprekken = disciplinary interviews
disciplinaire hoorzitting = disciplinary hearing
disciplinaire maatregelen = disciplinary measures
disciplinaire maatregelen = disciplinary action
disciplinaire maatregelen treffen tegen = to take disciplinary action against
disciplinaire maatregels = disciplinary measures
disciplinaire onderzoeken = disciplinary inquiries
disciplinaire overtreding = disciplinary offence
disciplinaire procedure = disciplinary proceedings
disciplinaire procedure van de organisatie = disciplinary procedure of the organisation
disciplinaire procedures = disciplinary procedures
disciplinaire sancties = disciplinary sanctions
disciplinaire team = disciplinary team
disciplinaire teams = disciplinary teams
disciplinaire voorvallen = disciplinary incidents
Discipline = Constraint
Discipline = Self-discipline
discipline = (noun)  discipline
discipline = discipline
discipline = punishment
discipline Burgerlijke Bouwkunde van de Studiedienst = Civil Engineering department of the Research Centre of the Flemish Govern
discipline en prestaties = discipline and performance
discipline in de naleving = compliance discipline
discipline op de werkplek te bewaken = maintain discipline in the workplace
"discipline, (zelf)beheersing" = discipline (controlled behaviour)
"discipline, branche, tak" = discipline (category in which a certain activity belongs)
"discipline, tuchtiging, tuchtstraf" = discipline (punishment)
disciplinegroep = research group
"disciplineren, tuchtigen" = discipline  (to punish someone in order to (re)gain control)
disciplines = disciplines
discissie = discission
discitis septica = septic  discitis
disclaimer = disclaimer
disclaimer > proclaimer = disclaimer > proclaimer
disclinatio = disclination: outward rotation of the upper pole of the eye's vertical me
disclosure = disclosure
disclosure proces = disclosure process
Disco = Disco
Discodanslesdiensten = Discotheque dance-instruction services
discofiel = discophile
Discoid = Discoid
discoïd = discoid
"Disconnecteer, reinig" = "Disconnect, clean"
Disconteren à forfait = Discount without recourse
Disconteringsfactor = Present value factor
Disconteringsfactor = Discount factor
discontinu / onderbroken = discontinuous
discontinu- en continutransport = discontinuous and continuous transport
discontinu- en continutransporteurs = discontinuous and continuous conveyors
discontinu patroon = discontinuous pattern
discontinu transporteur = discontinuous product elevator
discontinu transporteur = discontinuous conveyor
Discontinu verloop van de vraag = Discontinuous decline in demand
discontinu verven = discontinuous dyeing
discontinu‹teit = discontinuity
discontinue functie = discontinuous function
discontinue goederenlift = discontinuous goods lift
Discontinue innovatie = Discontinuous innovation
discontinue patroon = discontinuous pattern
discontinue productie = discontinuous production
discontinue productlift = discontinuous product elevator
discontinue variabele = discontinuous variable
discontinue vraag = discontinuous demand
discontinuiteit = discontinuity
discontinuïteit = cessation
discontinuïteit = discontinuity
discontinuïteit = interruption
discontinuïteit = lack of continuity
discontinuïteit = unsteadiness
discontinulift = discontinuous product lift
disconto = discounting
Disconto = Discount rates
Disconto = Discount
disconto (van een wissel) = discount (bills of exchange)
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = bank of discount
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = cash credit discount
disconto in mindering van kaskrediet = sales finance company
disconto van orderbriefjes = discounting of promissory notes
Discontokosten op vorderingen = Charges for discounting amounts receivable
discontokrediet-faciliteit = line of discount
Discontopolitiek = Discount rate policy
Discontoschroef = Discount rate screw
Discontovoet = Discount rate
discordante steekproef volgens Pitman = discordant sample
discordantie = discordance
discotheek = record library
Discotheek = Nightclub
Discotheek = Nightspot
discotheken = clubs
discount codes = discount codes
discounted cash flow = discounted cash flow
discounted cash-flow = discounted cash flow
discounted cash-flow = discounted cash flow (DCF)
Discountmerk = Discount brand
Discount-pricing = Discount pricing
discounts = discounts
Discountwinkel = Discounter
Discouraged workers effect = Discouraged workers effect
Discoursanalyse = Discourse Analysis
discovery = discovery
discovery = constatering
Discovery Centre Continium = Discovery Center Continium
discreet = tactful
discreet = discreetly
Discreet = Discreet
Discreet = Quiet
Discreet = Discrete
discreet circuit = discrete circuit
discreet component = discrete component
discreet element = discrete element
discreet met deze situatie om te gaan = to deal with this situation discreetly
discreet proces = discrete process
discreet proces = discontinuous process
discreet type = discrete type
discrepant = inconsistent
discrepantie = discrepancy
discrepantie bij de controle op kerntechnisch materiaal = Nuclear material control discrepancy
discrepantiemaatstaven van Haldane = Haldane's discrepancy measures
discrete = discrete
discrete bestelseriegrootte = lot for lot
discrete code = discrete code
discrete condensator = discrete capacitor
discrete detectoren = discrete detectors
discrete eenheid = discrete device
discrete frequenties = discrete frequencies
discrete inductor = discrete inductor
discrete lichtbronnen = discrete light sources
discrete lognormale verdeling = discrete lognormal distribution
discrete machtreeks-verdeling = discrete power series distribution
discrete meetpunten = discrete measuring points
discrete normale verdeling = discrete normal distribution
discrete onderdelen = discrete components
discrete Pareto-verdeling = discrete Pareto distribution
discrete posities = discrete positions
discrete programmering = discrete programming
discrete rechthoekige verdeling = discrete rectangular distribution
discrete sensoren = discrete sensors
discrete simulatie = discrete simulation
discrete stochast = discrete random variable
discrete type-III-verdeling = discrete type III distribution
discrete uniforme verdeling op de cirkel = discrete circular uniform distribution
discrete variabele = discrete variate
discrete variabele = discontinuous variable
Discrete variabele = Discrete variable
discrete verdeling = staircase distribution
discrete verdeling = discrete distribution
discrete waarschijnlijkheidsverdeling = discrete probability law
discrete wavelet transformation = discrete wavelet transformation
discrete weerstand = discrete resistor
discrete wiskunde = "Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Analysis and Geometry"
discretie = discretion
discretie = modesty
Discretie = Sneak
Discretie = Ad lib
discretionair beheer = discretionary management
Discretionair inkomen = Discretionary income
discretionair vastleggen = established at the discretion of XXX
discretionair vermogensbeheer = discretionary asset management
discretionair vermogensbeheer = discriminatory tax
discretionaire bevoegdheid = discretionary power
discretionaire bevoegdheid = discretion
discretionaire macht = discretionary power
Discretionary Access Control List = discretionary access control list
discretisatie = discretisation
discretiseren = discretization
discretiseren = discretize
Discriminantanalyse = Discriminant analysis
discriminant-analyse = discriminant analysis
discriminant-analyse = discriminatory analysis
discriminantfunctie = classification statistic
Discriminatie = Discrimination
discriminatie = discrimination
discriminatie op grond van economische situatie = economic discrimination
discriminatie op grond van een handicap = discrimination based on disability
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sex-based  discrimination
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sexual discrimination
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = discrimination on grounds of sex
discriminatie op grond van geslacht = sex discrimination
discriminatie op grond van godsdienst = religious discrimination
discriminatie op grond van handicap = Discrimination on the basis of disability
discriminatie op grond van leeftijd = age discrimination
discriminatie op grond van leeftijd = age  discrimination
discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit = discrimination on the basis of nationality
discriminatie op grond van politieke opvatting = political discrimination
discriminatie op grond van seksuele geaardheid = discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
discriminatie op grond van taal = linguistic discrimination
discriminatie op het werk en in het beroep = workplace and career discrimination
discriminator = discriminator
discriminator voor kleurenonderdrukking = colour killer discriminator
discriminatoreenheid = discriminator unit
discriminatorkromme = discriminator curve
discriminatorspoel = discriminator coil
discriminatortransformator = discriminator transformer
discrimineren = to discriminate
discriminerende belastingheffing = debate (on)
discriminerende belastingheffing = discriminating taxation
discriminerende praktijk = discriminatory practice
discriminerende praktijken = discriminatory practices
discriminerende prijs = discriminatory price
discriminerende uitspraken = discriminatory statements
discursieve = discursive (see note)
discursieve benadering = discursive approach
discursieve fenomenografie = discursive phenomenography
discus = dial
discus = disk
discus = discus
discus = overlapping
discus = disc
discushernia = disk herniation
Discussie = Argument
Discussie = Discussion
discussie = debate
Discussie = Chat
discussie = issue
discussie {de} = discussion
Discussie aangaan = Enter into discussion
Discussie forum = Forum
discussie op tabbladen = tabbed conversation
Discussie uit de weg gaan = Avoid debate
"Discussie, Conclusie en Aanbevelingen" = "Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations"
discussiebord = discussion board
discussiecollege = seminar
discussiedoeleinden = discussion purposes
discussieforum = discussion forum
discussieforums en unified communications = discussion forums and unified communications
discussiegroep = discussion group
discussiegroepen = discussion groups
discussieleider = discussion leader
discussielijn = discussion thread
discussielijn = threaded discussion
Discussielijst = Mailing list
Discussienota = discussion document
Discussienota = discussion paper
discussieopmerking = discussion comment
discussiepartners = discussion partners
discussiepunt = discussion item
discussiepunten = discussion items
discussierechten = discussion rights
discussiëren = discuss
discussiëren = to discuss
discussiëren over (politiek) = to discuss (politics)
discussies = discussions
discussies over kwaliteit = discussions about quality
discussieserver = discussion server
discussiestuk = discussion paper
discussiestuk = working paper
discutabel = doubtful
discutabel = debatable
discutabel = questionable
Discuteren = Argue
discuteren = discuss
Discuteren = Bandy about
disentanglement = disentanglement
disequilibriumsyndroom = cerebral  disequilibrium syndrome
disfunctioneert = dysfunctional
disfunctionele kernopvatting = dysfunctional core belief
disfunctioneren = dysfunction
disfunctioneren of dood = poor performance or death
disfunctioneren of dood van de ter beschikking gestelde medewerkers = poor performance or death of the posted employees
disharmonisch = disharmonic
disharmonisch intelligentieprofiel = disharmonious intelligence profile
disharmonisch IQ-profiel = disharmonic IQ profile
disinfect your hands = handdesinfectie
disinfectant = disinfectant
Disinfection = Disinfection
Disinflatie = Disinflation
disintegrins = disintegrins
disjectie = disjection
disjunct = disjoint
disjuncte signalen = disjoint signals
disjunctie = disjunction
Disjunctieve beslisregel = Disjunctive decision rule
disjunctieve normaalvorm = disjunctive normal form: DNF
disk = disk
Disk Operating System = disk operating system
Disk plate = Disk plate
Disk Support = Disk Support
diskdrives = disk drives
diskdrives voor computers = computer disk drives
diskette = floppy disk
Diskette = Floppy disc
Diskette = Diskette
Diskette = Floppy
diskette met hoge dichtheid = double-density disk
"diskette, CD-ROM, e-mail, tape" = "floppy disk, CD-ROM, email, tape"
"diskette, CD-ROM, e-mail, tape of anderszins" = "floppy disk, CD-ROM, email, tape or otherwise"
Diskettebesturingseenheden = Floppy-disk drives
diskettedozen = diskette boxes
Diskette-etiket = Disk label
Disketteloopwerk/disk drive = Floppy disc drive
Diskettes = Diskettes
diskettes = floppy disks
Diskettestation = Disk drive
diskettestation = floppy disk drive
diskettestation = disc drive
diskettestations voor optische schijven = optical disc drives
Diskjockey = Disc jockey
diskontinu = discontinuous
diskopbergsystemen = disk organizers
diskpart.exe = diskpart.exe
diskrediet = bring into disrepute
diskruimte = disk space
disks = discs
diskutabele vorderingen = doubtful claims
diskwalificatie = disqualification
dislocatie = dislocation
dislocatie = moving out of position
Dislocatie = Break-up
dislocatie van de schouder = dislocation of the shoulder
dislocatie van de schouder = shoulder dislocation
"dismemberen, opdelen, splitsen, verdelen" = partition  (divide into two or more territories)
DISM-transformatieprovider = DISM Transmogrify Provider
disnormality = disnormality
disopyramide = Rythmodan
disorde = confusion
disparaat = not alike
disparate netvliespunten = disparate points
disparate netvliespunten = disparate retinal points
dispariteit = disparity
dispariteit = inequality
dispatchingsysteem = dispatching system
dispensatie = dispensation
dispensatie = waiver
dispensatie = exemption
dispensatie = exemption from a rule or usual requirement
dispensatie-indicator = permission indicator
dispensation from participation = dispensatie van deelneming
dispenser = dispenser
dispensersysteem = dispenser system
dispensetten = dispensing pipettes
dispensing device = afgifteinrichting
dispensing devices = afgifteinrichtingen
Dispergeer-apparatuur voor immersie-homogenisatoren = Dispersing instruments for immersion homogenisers
dispergeerinstallatie = dispersion cleaner
dispergeermiddel = dispersing agent
Dispergeermiddel = Dispersing agent
dispergeermiddelen = dispersants
dispergeervermogen = dispersing power
dispergeren = to disperse
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie = discordance
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie = dispersion
dispersie [chem. en fys.] = dispersion
dispersie polymerisatie = dispersion polymerization
dispersie polymerisatie of copolymerisatie = dispersion polymerization or copolymerization
dispersie stabiliserende transformatie = dispersion stabilising transformation
dispersie stabiliserende transformatie = dispersion stabilizing transformation
dispersie van het metaalion en/of metaalzout = dispersion of the metal ion and/or metal salt
dispersie van polymeer partikels in een solvent = dispersion of polymer particles in a solvent
dispersieberekening = dispersion calculation
dispersie-dempingsfactor = dispersion attenuation factor: DAF
dispersiekleurstof = dispere dye
dispersiemiddel = dispersing agent
Dispersiepolymerisatie = Dispersion polymerization
dispersiepolymerisatie = dispersion polymerization
dispersieverf = emulsion paint
Display = Display
display = screen
display = display
display = screen
display = main display
Display aantal kleuren/grijstinten = Display number of colours/grey-scales
"display box, display, presentatiedoos" = display box
Display Control Interface = Display Control Interface
Display deurstatus = Door status indication
display graphics = display graphics
Display Klarspülernachfüllanzeige = Rinse aid refill indicator display
Display met 3 posities = 3 digit display
Display Programmablaufanz = Programme sequence indicator display
Display Programmablaufanzeige = Programme sequence indicator display
Display Restzeitanzeige = Time remaining indicator display
Display Salznachfüllanzeige = Detergent refill indicator display
Display Settings = Display Settings
Display Siemens Simatic Panel = Siemens Simatic Panel Display
Display Startzeitvorwahl = Start time preselection display
Display Temperatur/Start-/Restzeit = Temperatur/Start-/Remaining time 1 Display
Display van = Display of
display van de turbine = WEC display
"display, beeldscherm" = display
"Display, beeldschermdiagonaal" = "Display, screen diagonal"
"Display, kleur" = "Display, colour"
Displaydiagonaal = Display diagonal
Displayelement bussysteem = Display for bus system
Displaygrootte = Display size
DisplayPort = Display port
displays = displays
displaystandaarden = display stands
disponeren = supply scheduling
disponeren = absorb
disponibel = available
Dispositie = Disposition
Dispositie (van geld) = Withdrawal (of money)
dispositief = operative part
disproportioneel = disproportionate
Disproportioneel gestratifiseerde steekproef = Disproportional stratisfied sample
disputeren = argue
Disputeren = Contend
Disputeren = Quarrel
Disputeren = Loggerheads
Disputeren = Contest
Disputeren = Challenge
dispuut = dispute
Dispuut = Argument
dispuut = fraternity
disruptieve = disruptive
disruptieve incidenten = disruptive incidents
disruptive HR = Disruptive HR
Dissapearing Computers = Disappearing Computers
dissectiewrat = anatomic wart
dissecting microscoop = stereo microscope
dissecting microscoop = dissecting microscope
dissector = dissector
dissel = "pole, shaft, thill (verbindingsstang)"
dissel = adze
dissel (kleine bijl) = adze
dissel van aanhangwagen = "[AUTOMOT.] A-bracket, tow bar"
disselbak = front compartment
disselboom (verbindingsstang) = "pole, shaft, boom"
disselen = adze
disselen = adze (ww)
disselen (hout = dub
disselwagen = pole carriage
Disseminatie = Dissemination
disseminatiemoment = dissemination opportunity
disseminatiemomenten = dissemination opportunities
Dissemineren = Disseminate
dissensus = dissensus
dissensus = widespread dissent
dissertatie = dissertation
dissertatie = "PhD thesis, dissertation"
dissertatie = doctoral dissertation
dissertatie = PhD thesis / doctoral degree thesis
dissertatie = doctoral thesis
Dissertatie = Thesis
Dissertatie = Premise
Dissertatie = Ph. D. thesis
Dissertatie = These
Dissertatie = Essay
dissertatie onderzoek = dissertation research
Dissident = Dissent
dissidentie = dissidence
dissimilatie = dissimilation
dissimulatie = concealment
dissimulatie = dissimulation: the act of deceiving
dissipatie = dissipation
dissipatieconstante = dissipation constant
dissipatiefactor = dissipation factor
dissipatievermogen = dissipation rate
dissiperen = to dissipate
dissociatie = (psychology)  dissociation
dissociatie = (physics)  dissociation
dissociatie = disassociation
dissociatie = dissociation
dissociatie van CO2 = dissociation of CO2
dissociatieproces = dissociation process
dissociatieve = dissociative
dissociatieve amnesie = dissociative amnesia
dissociatieve recombinatie = dissociative recombination
dissociatieve stoornissen = dissociative disorders
dissocieert = dissociates
Dissolutie = Dissolution
dissolution or termination = ontbinding c.q. beëindiging
dissonant = dissonant
Dissonantie = Dissonance
Dissonantiereducerend gedrag = Dissonance reducing behaviour
Dissonantiereductietheorie = Dissonance reduction-theory
dissymmetrie = dissymmetry
dissymmetrisch = dissymmetrical
distaal = distal
distaal uiteinde = distal end
distaal uitstrekkende = distally extending
distale = distal
distale uiteinde = distal end
distallatie = distillation
distamycine A = distamycin A
distamycinen = distamycins: oligopeptide antibiotics from Streptomyces distallicus
Distance = Distance
Distance bush = Distance bush
Distance Measuring Equipment (afstandmeetapparatuur) = Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
Distance Piece = Distance Piece
Distance ring = Distance Ring
Distanceblock = Distance block
distantie = distance
distel = thistle
distel = thisle
distelveld = thisle-field
distelvink = goldfinch
distensie = swelling
distensieluxatie = distension luxation
Distentie = Distension
distichiasis = distichia
distichiasis = distichiasis
distigmine = distigmine
distillaat = distilate
distillatie = distillation
distillatieflesje = distilling flask
distillatieflesje = distillation flask
"Distilleer-, filter- en rectificeertoestellen" = "Distilling, filtering or rectifying apparatus"
distilleerder = distillatory
distilleerderij en likeurstokerij = Distilleries (including liqueurs)
distilleerderijen = distilling industry
distilleren = to  distill
distilleren = distill
distilleren = distil
Distilleren = Distel
distilleren = to distillate
distomatose fascioliasis = distomatosis
distomatose fascioliasis = fascioliasis
distomatose fascioliasis = fluke disease
distomatose fascioliasis = liver rot
distomatose fascioliasis = liver-fluke disease
Distorsie = Distortion
distorsiemeter = distortion meter
distortiekromme = distortion curve
Distortion = Distortion
distractie = distraction
distractie = exognathia
distractie = extension
distractor = distracter
distractor = distractor
distractor = transmandibular distractor
Distribiteur = Distributor
Distribuant = Dealer
Distribuantenmarketing = Distributor marketing
Distribuantenmerk = Distributor brand
Distribuantenportfolioanalyse = Distributors portfolio analysis
distribueren = to distribute
distribueren = distribute
distribueren = distributing
"distribueren, presenteren en archiveren" = "distribute, offer and archive"
distribuerend gewricht = distributed joint
Distribuerende handel = Distributive trade
distribuerende versterker = distributing amplifier
Distributed Antenna Systems = Distributed Antenna Systems
Distributed Denial of Service = DDoS
Distributed Denial of Service = Distributed Denial of Service
Distributed File System = Distributed File System
Distributed Link Tracking = Distributed Link Tracking
Distributed Relational Database Architecture = Distributed Relational Database Architecture
Distributed Scan Management = Distributed Scan Management
distributeur = distributor
distributeur van de Film = distributor of the Film
distributeurs = distributors
Distributeurs van cosmetica = Distributors of cosmetics
distributeurs van elektronische componenten = distributors of electronic components
distributie = distribution
distributie = deployment
distributïe = distribution
distributie {de} = distribution
distributie elektriciteit = distribution of electricity
distributie- en handelsbedrijven = distributors and traders
Distributie- en regelinstallaties voor elektriciteit = Electricity distribution and control apparatus
distributie netbeheerder = distribution grid operator
distributie netwerk = distribution network
distributie partners = distribution partners
distributie strategie = distribution strategy
distributie van de agenda = distribution of the agenda
distributie van de content = distribution of the content
Distributie van films en video's = Motion-picture or video-tape distribution services
distributie van goederen = distribution of goods
distributie van offlineadresboek = offline address book distribution
distributie van speelfilms = distribution of motion pictures
Distributie van video's = Video-tape distribution services
"distributie, uitdeling, verdeling" = distribution (act of distribution or being distributed)
distributieactiviteiten = distribution activities
Distributieanalyse = Distribution analysis
distributiebedrijf = distribution centre
distributiebehoefteplanning = distribution requirements planning: DRP-I
Distributiebeleid = Distribution analysis
Distributiebuizen en toebehoren = Distribution pipes and accessories
distributiecentra = distribution centres
distributiecentrum = distribution centre
distributiecentrum Lokeren = Lokeren Distribution Centre
Distributiecentrum Tradeport Noord = Distributiecentrum Tradeport Noord
Distributiecentrum van Lokeren = Lokeren distribution centre
distributieco‰ffici‰nt = distribution coefficient
Distributiediagram = Distribution diagram
distributiediensten = distribution services
Distributiefaciliteiten = Distribution facilities
Distributiefuncties = Distribution functions
distributiegas = distribution gas
distributiegebied = distribution area
Distributiegegevens = distribution data
distributiegerelateerde risico’s = distribution-related risks
distributiegroep = distribution group
Distributie-instrument = Distribution instrument
distributiekanaal = distribution channel
Distributiekanaal = Channel of distribution
distributiekanalen = distribution channels
distributiekast of nokaskast = camshaft casing
distributiekast of nokaskast = timing gear casing
distributieketen = market chain
distributieketen = supply chain
distributieketen van de fruitverwerking = fruit processing distribution chain
distributieketting = timing chain
distributieketting = timing belt
Distributie-klemmenblok = Distribution terminal block
distributiekosten = distribution cost
distributiekosten = distribution costs
distributiekwaliteit = quality of distribution
distributielijst = distribution list
distributiemaatschappijen = distribution companies
Distributiemanagement = Distribution Management
distributiemanifest = deployment manifest
distributiemap = distribution folder
distributiemiddelenplanning = distribution resource planning: DRP-I
distributienet = distribution network
distributienetbeheerder = distribution network operator
distributienetbeheerders = Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
distributienetwerk = distribution network
distributienetwerken = distribution networks
distributienetwerkstructuur = distribution network structure
distributieomgeving = distribution environment
distributieovereenkomst = distribution agreement
Distributiepijpleiding = Distribution piping
distributieplanning = distribution planning
Distributiepositie = Distribution position
distributieproces = distribution process
distributiepunt = distribution point
distributiepunt van certificaatintrekkingslijst = certificate revocation list distribution point
distributiepunt van OAB = OAB distribution point
distributiepunt van offlineadresboek = offline address book distribution point
distributierecht = distribution right
distributieriem = timing belt
Distributieriem = Belt
distributieriem spanning = timing belt tension
distributierondsel = timing sprocket
distributierotor = rotor arm (distributor)
distributies = distributions
distributieserver = distribution server
distributieshare = distribution share
Distributiestrategie = Distribution strategy
distributiestructuur = distribution structure
Distributiesysteem = Distribution system
distributiesysteembeheerder = distribution system operator
distributietandwielen = timing gears
distributietijd = distribution time
Distributie-uitrusting = Distribution equipment
distributieversterker = distribution amplifier
distribution = Bernoulli
distribution mixture = distribution mixture
Distribution Network = distribution network
Distribution Networks = distribution networks
distribution-constant statistic = distribution-constant statistic
District = District
District = Precinct
District = Ward
District = Constituency
District = Division
district {het} = district <dist.>
district Berchem = Berchem district
District Management Association = District Management Association
disulfidebinding = disulphide bond
disulfidebinding = disulfide bond
disulfidebinding = disulphide bridge
disulfide-brugge = disulfide bond
disulfiram = disulfiram
disulfiram = C10H20N2S4   disulfiram
Disulfoton = Disulfoton
disulfoton = disulfoton: an organothiophosphate insecticide
dit = this
dit al diverse malen heeft bewezen = and which has a proven track record
Dit alles = The foregoing
Dit apparaat is alleen voor huishoudelijk gebruik bestemd. = This appliance is for household use only.
Dit archief wordt gehost door = This archive is hosted by
Dit artikel bestaat uit = This article consists of the following sections
Dit artikel is niet van toepassing op = This clause does not apply to
Dit assessment bestaat uit een = This assessment consists of a
Dit assessment bestaat uit een scan en rapportage = This assessment consists of a scan and report
Dit attest werd afgegeven aan = This certificate was issued to
Dit bedrag bestaat voor een belangrijk deel uit = This amount mainly comprises
Dit bedrag is inclusief = This amount includes
Dit bedrag passen wij jaarlijks aan = We adjust this amount annually
dit bedrag volledig terug te betalen = repay this amount in fully
Dit bedrijf verzorgt al meer dan 75 jaar elektro- en besturingstechniek v = This company has been supplying electrical and control technology for a v
Dit behelst de volgende werkzaamheden = This involves the following tasks
dit bericht printen en bewaren = print out and save this message
Dit besluit is genomen = This decision was taken
Dit besluit is genomen op grond van = This decision was taken based on
dit besluit zijn geldigheid verliest als de studie niet binnen één jaar = this decision lapses if the trial has not started within one year of the 
dit bestek = this Specification
Dit betekent dat = This means that
Dit betekent dat er geen misverstanden of onduidelijkheden mogen bestaan = This means that there should be no misunderstandings or ambiguities
Dit betekent een aanzienlijke stijging = This represents a significant increase
Dit betekent een stijging van = This represents an increase of
Dit betreft = this concerns
Dit betreft bijvoorbeeld = "This concerns, for example,"
Dit betreft hulpverlening = This includes assistance
"Dit betreft hulpverlening, repatriëring" = "This includes assistance, repatriation"
Dit betreft in het bijzonder = This concerns in particular
Dit betreft onder andere = These include
Dit betreft vervaardiging van = This concerns the production of
Dit bevestigt de medewerker = The employee shall confirm this
Dit bevestigt de medewerker door het ondertekenen van een schriftelijke v = The employee shall confirm this by signing a written statement
Dit bevestigt mij in mijn oordeel = This confirms my opinion
Dit biedt als voordeel = This offers the advantage that
Dit biedt daardoor = This therefore offers
Dit biedt op zijn beurt het voordeel = This in turn offers the advantage
Dit biedt verschillende voordelen = This offers several advantages
dit blok wordt altijd uitgevoerd = this block is always executed
Dit boekje geeft aan degenen die daar belangstelling voor hebben antwoord = This booklet answers the question
Dit brengt met zich mee = This implies
Dit brengt met zich mee = This means
Dit condensaat wordt door inwerking van de zwaartekracht afgevoerd = This condensate is discharged by the action of gravity
Dit controlekanaal = This control channel
dit convenant = this Agreement
dit de totale reisafstand van de overbrengmachine beperkt = this limits the total travel distance of the transfer machine
Dit deel kan gebruikt worden als = This part can be used as
Dit document beschrijft = This document describes
Dit document beschrijft het overall projectplan = This document describes the overall project plan
Dit document bestaat uit de volgende hoofdstukken = This document consists of the following chapters
Dit document is bedoeld voor = This document is intended for
Dit document is geschreven door = This document was written by
Dit document is hiermee onderdeel van de = This document is thus part of the
Dit document is te downloaden op = This document can be downloaded at
Dit document is uitsluitend bedoeld ter algemene informatie = This document is intended solely as general information
Dit document is verspreid onder = This document was distributed among
dit document of delen hieruit = this document or parts therefrom
Dit doel is gerealiseerd door = This object is achieved by
Dit doel wordt bereikt door uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitv = This object is achieved by embodiments of the present invention
Dit doel wordt bereikt door uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitv = This object is achieved by embodiments of the present invention
Dit doen we = We do this
Dit doen we samen met = We are doing this together with
Dit doen wij op basis van = We do so based on the
Dit draagt verder bij tot = This further contributes to
dit een groter risico op secundaire tumoren oplevert = this results in a greater risk of secondary tumours
Dit effect is vooral voordelig = This effect is particularly advantageous
Dit event = This event
dit evenwel zonder afbreuk te doen aan = "however, without prejudice to"
Dit formulier dient te worden gebruikt in combinatie met = This form should be used in conjunction with form
Dit formulier inleveren = Return this form
Dit formulier inleveren bij HR Services. = Return this form to HR Services.
Dit formulier opsturen naar = Send this form to
Dit formulier opsturen naar HR Services = Send this form to HR Services
Dit formulier volledig invullen = Please complete this form
Dit ga je doen = Your tasks
Dit gaat gepaard met = This is accompanied by
dit gaat gepaard met = this ensures
Dit gaat veel verder dan = This goes much further than
Dit gebeurd door middel van = This is done by means of
dit gebeurt automatisch = this will happen automatically
Dit gebeurt door middel van = This is done by means of
Dit gebeurt met de = This can be done with the
Dit gebeurt nog lang niet altijd = This is by no means always the case
dit gebruik geen inbreuk maakt op de rechten van die derden = such use does not infringe the rights of such third parties
Dit geldt = This is the case
dit geldt des te meer = this is all the more true
Dit geldt eveneens voor = This also applies to
Dit geldt in alle landen = This applies in all countries
Dit geldt speciaal voor = This applies especially
Dit geldt voor alle auto’s = This applies to all cars
Dit gemiddeld koersdoel = This average target
Dit geschiedt met behulp van een = This is done using a
Dit getal = This number
Dit getal was inclusief = This number included
dit ging nergens over = this made no sense at all
dit ging nergens over = this was complete nonsense
dit hangt af van configuratie = depending on configuration
Dit heeft als voordeel dat = this has an advantage that
Dit heeft als voordeel dat = this has the advantage that
Dit heeft de volgende voordelen = This has the following advantages
Dit heeft echter als nadeel = "However, this has the disadvantage"
Dit heeft geresulteerd in = This has resulted in
Dit heeft geresulteerd in een omzetstijging uit = This has resulted in an increase in revenue from
Dit heeft gevolgen voor = This has implications for
Dit heeft het voordeel dat = This has the advantage that
dit heeft Mark uitgedacht = this was an idea of Mark's
dit hier = these
Dit hoofdstuk behandelt = This chapter discusses
Dit hoofdstuk beschouwt wat = This chapter describes how to
dit hoofdstuk beschreven = described in this chapter
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft = This chapter describes
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft de opbouw van = This chapter describes the construction of
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft de opbouw van de machine. = This chapter describes the construction of the machine.
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft het = This chapter describes the
Dit hoofdstuk voorziet je van = This chapter provides
Dit in acht nemend met uitzondering van = The foregoing applies to everything except
"dit in het geheel, of ten dele" = either in whole or in part
dit is = i.e.
Dit is afhankelijk van = This will depend on
Dit is beschreven in = This is described in
Dit is bijkomend voordelig = This is also advantageous
Dit is bijzonder voordelig = This is particularly advantageous
Dit is bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met = This is particularly advantageous in combination with
Dit is bovendien gunstig = This is additionally beneficial
Dit is bovendien voordelig = This is additionally advantageous
Dit is bovendien voordelig omdat = This is additionally advantageous because
dit is contra-intuïtief = this is counter-intuitive
Dit is correct = This is correct
Dit is de knop om de machine in normale omstandigheden uit te schakelen. = This is the button to switch off the machine under normal circumstances.
Dit is de primaire focus van = This is the primary focus of
Dit is dezelfde afstand = This is the same distance
Dit is echter = However
Dit is een belangrijke verbetering = This is a major improvement
dit is een cruciale stap! = This is a crucial step!
Dit is een enorm voordeel = This is a huge advantage
Dit is een groot minpunt = This is a big drawback
Dit is een schriftelijke eenmalige machtiging = "This is a written, one-off direct debit mandate"
Dit is een snelle en korte handeling = This is a quick and short operation
Dit is een stijging van = This is an increase of
Dit is een vertaling uit het .+?. Bij tegenstrijdigheid tussen deze verta = The original Dutch text will be binding and will prevail in the event of 
Dit is een vertaling uit het .+?. Bij tegenstrijdigheid tussen deze verta = This is a translation from [Dutch]. In the event of any conflict between 
Dit is een waarde ingesteld door = This is a value set by
Dit is een waarde ingesteld door Nedpack . = This is a value set by Nedpack.
Dit is geen eis = This is not a requirement
Dit is in het bijzonder nadelig = This is particularly disadvantageous
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig = This is particularly advantageous
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een hierna beschreven = This is particularly advantageous in combination with an embodiment descr
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorheen beschrev = This is particularly advantageous in combination with a previously descri
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met een voorheen beschrev = This is particularly advantageous in combination with a previously descri
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig in combinatie met voorheen beschreven u = This is particularly advantageous in combination with previously describe
Dit is in het bijzonder voordelig voor toepassingen = This is particularly advantageous for applications
Dit is later wel aan te passen. = This can be adjusted later.
Dit is mede te wijten aan = This is partly due to
Dit is met name voordelig voor = This is particularly advantageous for
Dit is mogelijk door gebruik te maken van = This can be achieved by using
Dit is mogelijk door gebruik te maken van = This can be done by using
Dit is niet aan de orde = This is not the case
Dit is niet het geval bij = This is not the case with
dit is niet reglementair geoorloofd = the regulations do not allow this
dit is niet strikt noodzakelijk = this is not strictly necessary
Dit is niet zonder meer mogelijk = This is not readily possible
Dit is nu = This is now
Dit is ons uitgangspunt = This is our starting point
Dit is onze instapformule. = This is our entry-level package.
Dit is ook duidelijk ge?llustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk ge?llustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk geéllustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk geéllustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk geïllustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk geïllustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is ook duidelijk ge�llustreerd in = This is also clearly illustrated in
Dit is ook duidelijk ge�llustreerd in Fig = This is also clearly illustrated in Fig
Dit is schematisch weergegeven = This is shown schematically
Dit is schematisch weergegeven in = This is shown schematically in
dit is van kracht op 1 juli = this takes effect on 1 July
dit is vaste regel = this is standard practice
Dit is verwoord in onze = This is outlined in our
Dit is vooral voordeli = This is especially advantageous
Dit is vooral voordelig = This is especially advantageous
Dit is voordelig = This is advantageous
Dit is voordelig doordat = This is advantageous because
Dit is voordelig in combinatie met voorheen beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = This is advantageous in combination with previously described embodiments
Dit is voordelig om ervoor te zorgen dat = This is advantageous to ensure that
Dit is voordelig omdat = This is advantageous because
Dit is voordelig omdat het apparaat = This is advantageous because the apparatus
Dit is voordelig ten opzichte van = This is advantageous over
Dit is weinig veranderd. = This has not changed much.
"dit kan d.m.v. spanningsuitval, vastloper van motor, storing aan regelaar" = "This can be due to power failure, motor jam or malfunctioning controller"
Dit kan dagelijks = This can be done daily
Dit kan door = This can be done by
Dit kan gepaard gaan met = This may be accompanied by
Dit kan ik niet beoordelen = I cannot judge
Dit kan in het bijzonder voordelig zijn = This can be particularly advantageous
Dit kan komen door = This may be due to
Dit kan komen door = This could be caused by
Dit kan leiden tot = This can result in
Dit kan met name interessant zijn voor = This may be of particular interest to
Dit kan toegepast worden = This can be applied
Dit kan vergeleken worden met = You could compare this to
Dit kan via = This can be done via
Dit kan via onderstaand online formulier = You can do so using the online form below
Dit kan worden aangetoond aan de hand van = This can be demonstrated by means of
Dit kan zich op allerlei manieren voordoen = This can occur in many ways
Dit komt mede door = This is partly because of
Dit komt met name omdat = This is mainly because
Dit komt omdat = This is because
Dit komt ongeveer overeen = This corresponds approximately
Dit komt ongeveer overeen met = This corresponds approximately to
Dit komt overeen met = This corresponds to
Dit laat echter onverlet = "However, this does not alter the fact"
Dit laat onverlet = This is without prejudice to
Dit laat onverlet de bevoegdheid van = This is without prejudice to the right of
Dit laat toe = This allows
Dit laatste = The latter
Dit laatste geld niet voor = The latter does not apply to
Dit laatste kan gerealiseerd worden door = The latter can be achieved by
Dit levert een bijdrage aan = This contributes to
Dit ligt mede aan = This is partly because of
Dit maakt het met voordeel mogelijk = This advantageously allows
Dit maakt het met voordeel mogelijk = "This permits, advantageously"
Dit maakt het mogelijk om de behuizing te kantelen = This allows to tilt the housing
Dit maakt het op voordelige wijze mogelijk = This advantageously permits
Dit maakt het systeem uitermate geschikt voor = This makes the system ideal for
Dit maakt op voordelige wijze een vereenvoudiging van het systeem mogelij = This advantageously permits simplifying the system
Dit materiaal is een eenvoudig te gebruiken = This material is easy to use
Dit materiaal is eenvoudig te gebruiken = This material is easy to use
Dit mede in verband met = This is partly related to
Dit moet afgerond zijn voordat = This must be completed before
Dit moet gebeuren binnen drie maanden = This must be done within three months
Dit moet overeen komen met = This should correspond to
Dit moet worden aangetoond = This must be demonstrated
Dit moet zeer grondig gebeuren = This must be done very thoroughly
dit neemt altijd extra tijd in beslag = this always takes extra time
Dit noemen we = We refer to this as
dit nummer vermelden = please quote this number
dit nummer vermelden bij correspondentie a.u.b = please quote this number in correspondence
dit om een optimale stabiliteit te kunnen garanderen = in order to ensure optimum stability
Dit om te voorkomen dat = This is to prevent that
Dit onderdeel wordt alleen getoond = This section is displayed only
Dit onderdeel wordt alleen getoond als = This section is displayed only if
dit onderzoek = my research
dit onderzoek = this project
dit op aanvraag wijzigen = can change this upon request
Dit pictogram = This pictogram
Dit pictogram betreft de verpakking = This pictogram refers to the packaging
Dit pictogram betreft de verpakking of het product = This pictogram refers to the packaging or the product
Dit pictogram betreft het = This pictogram refers to
Dit pictogram geeft aan dat de machine voldoet aan de van toepassing zijn = This pictogram indicates that the machine complies with the applicable re
Dit prijsvoorstel is geldig vanaf = This proposed price is valid from
dit probleem geven = have this problem
Dit proces moet beschreven worden = This process should be described
Dit proces moet beschreven worden in het = This process should be described in the
dit product in deze afmetingen niet voorkomt = this product is not present in these dimensions
Dit product is getest en goedgekeurd bevonden = This product has been tested and approved
Dit programma houdt in dat = This programme requires that
Dit rapport geeft inzicht in: = This report provides insight into:
Dit rapport is opgesteld door = This report has been prepared by
Dit rapport verliest zijn geldigheid = This report loses its validity
dit reglement = these Company Rules
Dit rolluik kan dagelijks gebruikt worden = The roller shutter can be used daily
Dit sluit aan bij = This is consistent with
dit soort systemen = such systems
Dit staat bekend als = This is known as
Dit staat beschreven = This is described
Dit staat beschreven in = This is described in
dit staat gelijk aan = which is equivalent to
Dit systeem communiceert = This system communicates
Dit systeem maakt het mogelijk = This system makes it possible
Dit telefoonnummer publiceren = Publish this phone number
Dit tellen = Counting
Dit terrein heeft een grote impact op het door de ERK geschatte foutenper = Public procurement is an area with a high impact on the error rate estima
Dit tevens ten behoeve van = The same (arrangement/obligation) applies in respect of (in this context)
dit type werk = this kind of work
Dit veld is verplicht. = This field is required.
Dit ventiel (fixed liquid level gauge of bleed valve) bestaat simpelweg u = This valve (‘fixed liquid level gauge’ or ‘bleed valve’) consists
dit vereist = so requires
Dit verhoogt de efficiëntie van = This increases the efficiency of
dit verlaagt echter de snelheid = but this lowers the speed
Dit verloopt bij deze uitvoeringsvorm = "In this embodiment, this takes place"
Dit verschijnsel = This phenomenon
Dit verschijnsel wordt ook wel = This phenomenon is also referred to as
Dit vertaalde zich onder andere = This resulted – among other things –
Dit videogesprek opnieuw starten = Restart this video feed
Dit vloeit voort uit = This follows from
dit volume = this volume
dit volume per uur = this volume per hour
"dit vonnis, deze beschikking, dit bevel of deze akte" = "this judgment, sentence, decision, order or deed"
Dit voor de vakgebieden = We operate in the fields of
Dit voorbeeld illustreert aldus = This example thus illustrates
Dit voordeel = This advantage
Dit voordeel mag niet onderschat worden = This advantage should not be underestimated
Dit voordeel mag niet onderschat worden. = This advantage should not be underestimated.
Dit voorkomt = This will prevent
dit vraagt dan ook = this therefore calls for
Dit was een hele onderneming = This was quite an undertaking
dit wordt alleen gedaan als de invoerbaan een object aanwezig heeft = this is only done if there is an object present on the infeed conveyor
Dit wordt bepaald aan de hand van = This is determined on the basis of
Dit wordt bereikt door het gebruik van detectoren = This is achieved by the use of detectors
Dit wordt beschreven in = This is described in
Dit wordt bewaakt = This is monitored
Dit wordt bewaakt met = This is monitored with
Dit wordt enkel aangewend indien = This will be used only if
Dit wordt gedocumenteerd = This is documented
dit wordt geregeld in onderling overleg tussen = this will be arranged by agreement among
Dit wordt mede ondersteund door = This is also supported by
dit wordt niet geacht een arbeidsovereenkomst te zijn in de zin der wet = this is not considered to be a contract of employment in the terms of the
Dit wordt o.a. toegepast als = "This is applied, for example, if"
dit wordt vaak aangeduid als = this is often referred to as
Dit zal gebaseerd zijn op = This will be based on
Dit zie je terug in = This is reflected in
Dit zijn de minimale specificaties = These are the minimum specifications
Dit zijn onder andere = These include
Dit zijn voornamelijk = These are mainly
Dit zorgt voor een beter eindresultaat = This ensures a better end result
Di-tert-butylperoxide = Di-tert-butylperoxide
Dithiocarbamaten (als CS2) = Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Dithiocarbamaten-metabolieten = Dithiocarbamate metabolites
ditmaal = this time
dito = same
"dito, idem, idem dito, dito dito" = ditto (the aforesaid)
Diurese = Diuretic
Diuretica = Diuretics
Diureticum = Diuretic
Diurnus = Diurnal
Diuron = Diuron
DIV = "Vehicle Registration Service (Dienst voor Inschrijving van Voertuigen, DI"
DIV = Vehicle Registration Service (DIV)
DIV = Belgian Vehicle Registration Service (Dienst voor Inschrijving van Voertu
DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated animal)-strategie = differentiating infected from vaccinated animal (DIVA) strategy
Divan = Divan
Divan = Studio couch
divan = couch
divans = divans
Divans voor psychiatrie = Psychiatric couches
Divehi = Dhivehi
divergent = divergent
divergent denken = divergent thinking
divergente vragen = divergent question
divergente vragen = divergent questions
Divergentie = Discrepancy
divergentie = divergence
Divergentie (vectorveld) = Divergence
divergentiecoëfficiënt van Lexis = coefficient of divergence
divergentiehoek = divergence range
divergeren = diverge
divergeren = to diverge
divergerend = divergent
divergerende = divergent
divergerende behoeften van opdrachtgevers = divergent needs of clients
Divergerende industrie = Divergent industry
divergerende stuklijst = diverging bill-of-material
divers = diverse
Divers = Miscellaneous
Divers drukwerk = Miscellaneous printed matter
Divers handgereedschap = Miscellaneous hand tools
divers landschap = diverse landscape
Divers meubilair en uitrusting = Miscellaneous furniture and equipment
divers product = miscellaneous product
"Divers touwwerk, koorden, twijn en netten" = "Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting"
Divers vlees = Various meats
diverse = various
diverse = several
Diverse = Miscellaneous
diverse = misc. costs
diverse = misc. expenses
diverse aanpassingen = various adjustments
diverse activiteiten = miscellaneous activities
Diverse andere bedrijfsopbrengsten = Miscellaneous other operating income
Diverse apparatuur voor beoordeling en testen = Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
diverse aspecten = various aspects
diverse baten = sundry income
diverse baten en lasten = miscellaneous income less charges
diverse baten en lasten = statement of income and expenditure
diverse bedieningsvormen = a variety of control systems
Diverse bedrijfsopbrengsten = Miscellaneous operating income
Diverse bouwstenen = Miscellaneous building stone
Diverse bovenkleding = Miscellaneous outerwear
Diverse brandbeveiligingsuitrusting = Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment
diverse camera's = various cameras
Diverse chemische producten = Various chemical products
diverse clausules = various clauses
Diverse computeruitrusting = Miscellaneous computer equipment
Diverse constructiestructuren = Miscellaneous building structures
Diverse datarecorders = Miscellaneous data recorders
diverse debiteuren/crediteuren = sundry debtors/creditors
Diverse decoratievoorwerpen = Miscellaneous decoration items
diverse delegeereenheden = various delegate units
diverse diensten = A variety of services
Diverse diensten = Miscellaneous services
Diverse diensten door ledenverenigingen = Miscellaneous membership organisations services
diverse doelgroepen = various target groups
diverse eindgebruikers = various end-users
Diverse ertsen = Miscellaneous ores
Diverse explosieven = Miscellaneous explosives
diverse fabrikanten = various manufacturers
Diverse fabrikaten en aanverwante producten = Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
diverse factoren = various factors
Diverse financiële kosten = Miscellaneous financial charges
Diverse financiële kosten - betalingsverschillen = Miscellaneous financial charges - payment differences
Diverse geneesmiddelen = Various medicinal products
Diverse gespecialiseerde bouwwerkzaamheden = Miscellaneous special-trade construction work
diverse gevaarlijke stoffen en voorwerpen = miscellaneous hazardous substances and objects
diverse gevaarlijke stoffen en voorwerpen = various dangerous substances and objects
Diverse gezondheidszorgdiensten = Miscellaneous health services
Diverse goederen = Miscellaneous articles
Diverse grafische componenten = Various graphical components
diverse grondstoffen op rol = various raw materials on rolls
Diverse hangsloten en sloten = Miscellaneous padlocks and locks
Diverse houten materialen voor de bouw = Miscellaneous construction materials in wood
diverse industrieën = miscellaneous industries
Diverse kaassoorten geserveerd met een klein glaasje port = "Selected cheeses, served with a small glass of port"
diverse locaties = various locations
diverse lopende kosten = other current charges (other current expenses)
Diverse machines voor algemeen en specifiek gebruik = Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery
Diverse machines voor specifieke doeleinden = Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery
"Diverse machines, uitrusting en benodigdheden voor kantoor" = Various office equipment and supplies
diverse mandaten aandelen en obligaties = various mandates for shares and bonds
diverse manieren = various ways
Diverse materialen voor de bouw = Miscellaneous construction materials
Diverse medische instrumenten en producten = Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Diverse meststoffen = Miscellaneous fertilisers
Diverse meubelen = Miscellaneous furniture
Diverse meubilering = Miscellaneous furnishing
diverse mogelijkheden = various options
Diverse netwerksoftware = Miscellaneous networking software package
Diverse niet-metaalhoudende minerale producten = Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products
diverse nieuwe functies = a host of new features
Diverse onderdelen = Miscellaneous spare parts
Diverse ondersteunende diensten voor vervoer over water = Miscellaneous water transport support services
diverse onderzoeken = various studies
"diverse onkosten, uitgaven" = miscellaneous income/receipts
"diverse onkosten, uitgaven" = sundry expenses
Diverse oorzaken = Various causes
Diverse oppervlaktewerkzaamheden = Various surface works
Diverse organische chemicaliën = Miscellaneous organic chemicals
diverse partners = various partners
Diverse pijpfittingen = Various pipe fittings
Diverse prestaties zonder betrekking tot de exploitatie = Various performances without regard to the exploitation
diverse procedures voor kwaliteitscontrole = various quality control procedures
diverse projecten = various projects
Diverse reinigingsmachines = Miscellaneous cleaning machines
Diverse reparatie- en onderhoudsdiensten = Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
diverse ruimtes = various rooms
Diverse schooldiensten = Various school services
Diverse software en computersystemen = Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
Diverse structuren = Miscellaneous structures
Diverse sulfiden = Miscellaneous sulphides
Diverse symbolen = Various symbols
diverse techniek = general technical installations
Diverse technische dienstverlening = Miscellaneous engineering services
Diverse textielartikelen = Miscellaneous textile articles
Diverse textielfabrikaten = Miscellaneous manufactured textile articles
Diverse thema’s = Various themes
Diverse toebehoren voor microscopen = Miscellaneous compounds for microscopes
diverse toepassingen = various applications
diverse toeslagen = miscellaneous charge
Diverse transportmiddelen en onderdelen = Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts
Diverse tuingereedschappen = Miscellaneous gardening equipment
Diverse uitrusting = Miscellaneous equipment
diverse uitvoeringen = different versions
diverse uitvoeringen = various models
diverse uitvoeringen = various versions
Diverse vast = "Various, solid"
Diverse verhuringen zonder betrekking tot de exploitatie = Various lettings without regard to the exploitation
Diverse vloeibaar = "Various, liquid"
Diverse voedingsmiddelen = Miscellaneous food products
Diverse voedingsmiddelen en droge waren = Miscellaneous food products and dried goods
diverse vormen van = various shapes of
Diverse wapens = Miscellaneous weapons
Diverse zakelijke diensten = Miscellaneous business-related services
Diverse zakelijke en andere diensten = Miscellaneous business and business-related services
Diverse zitmeubelen en stoelen = Miscellaneous seats and chairs
Diverse zuivelproducten = Assorted dairy products
diversen = sundries
diversen = misc.
diversetoeslagen inkoop = purchase miscellaneous charge
Diversey Taski Sprint Multi = Diversey Taski Sprint Multi
diversificatie = diversification
diversificatie van de productie = product diversification
diversificatie van de uitvoer = diversification of exports
Diversificatiestrategie = Dieversification strategy
Diversified Industrial-organisatie = Diversified Industrial organisation
Diversiteit = Diversity
diversiteit aan de top = diversity on boards of directors
diversiteit personeel = personnel diversity
diversiteitsbeleid = diversity policy
diversiteitsontvangst = diversity reception
diversiteitstransmissie = diversity transmission
Diversity = Diversity
diverticulitis = colon inflammation
diverticulitis = diverticulitis
diverticulose = diverticular colitis
diverticulose = diverticulosis: diverticula in the walls of the colon
diverticulum = diverticulum: a pathological condition manifested as a pouch or sac openi
diverticulum urethrae = ureteral  diverticulum
divertikel van Meckel = Meckel's  diverticulum
divertikels = diverticula (plural of diverticulum)
divice = device
"divide et impera, deel en heers, verdeel en heers" = divide and conquer  (Divide and conquer)
"divide et impera, deel en heers, verdeel en heers" = divide and rule  (Divide and conquer)
dividend = dividends
Dividend = Dividend
Dividend aan houder preferente aandelen = Dividends to preference shareholder
dividend afgebeelde waarden droogsectie = dividend doubleback reading checks plotted
Dividend eigen aandelen = Dividend own shares
dividend in cash = cash dividend
dividend in cash = dividend in cash
Dividend op gewone aandelen = Dividend on common shares
dividend op preferente aandelen = preference share dividend
Dividend preferente aandelen = Dividend preference shares
dividend van groepsmaatschappij = intercompany dividend
dividend van winstdeling = dividend from profit sharing
dividend/winst verhouding = payout
Dividendbelasting = Dividend tax
dividend-dekkingsfactor = dividend coverage ratio
dividend-egalisatiereserve = dividend equalization reserve
dividenden = dividends
Dividenden betaald op gewoon aandelenkapitaal = Dividends paid on ordinary share capital
Dividenden en tantièmes over vorige boekjaren = Dividends and directors' entitlements relating to prior financial periods
Dividenden over het boekjaar = Dividends current financial period
dividendgerechtigd = bearing dividends
Dividendpolitiek = Dividend policy
Dividendrendement = Dividend return
dividendrestrictie = dividend restriction
dividenduitkering = dividend distribution
dividenduitkering = dividend payment
dividenduitkering = dividend payout
Dividenduitkering(en) = Dividend payment(s)
dividenduitkeringen = dividend distributions
dividenduitkeringspercentage = dividend payout ratio
dividendvoorstel = proposed dividend
dividendvoorstel = dividend proposal
Divisie = Division
divisie = division
Divisie Biomedische Genetica = Division of Biomedical Genetics
Divisie Directeur = Division Manager
divisie DPA Benkis Training & Coaching = DPA Benkis Training & Coaching division
Divisie Hart & Longen = Division of Heart Lungs
Divisie Heelkundige Specialismen = Division of Surgical Specialities
Divisie Hersenen = Division of Neurosciences
Divisie Infra = Division Infra
Divisie Intensive Care Centrum = Division of Intensive Care Centre
Divisie Interne Geneeskunde en Dermatologie = Division of Internal Medicine and Dermatology
Divisie Julius Centrum voor Gezondheidswetenschappen en Eerstelijnsgenees = Division of Julius Center Health Sciences and Primary Care
Divisie Kinderen = Division of Pediatrics
Divisie Laboratoria en Apotheek = Division of Laboratory and Pharmacy
Divisie Perioperatieve Zorg en Spoedeisende Hulp = Division of Perioperative and Emergency Care
"Divisie Radiologie, Radiotherapie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde" = "Division of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine"
divisie Special Cargo = Special Cargo division
Divisie Vrouw en baby = Division of Perinatology and Gynaecology
Divisiemanager = Division Manager
Divisiemanager Administratie = Administration Division Manager
Divisieopdrachtgever = divisional client
divisies = divisions
Divisiestructuur = Division structure
Division = Division
DiVx weergave = DiVx exposure
diwaterstofcarbonaat = carbonic acid
Diwaterstofcarbonaat = Carbon dioxide
Diwaterstofsulfide = Sulfide
Diwaterstofsulfiet = Sulfurous acid
DIX = Ten
dixyrazine = C24H33N3O2S
dizetmeelfosfaten = di-starch phosphates
dizetmeelglycerol = di-starch glycerol
Dizionario enciclopedico Treccani = pasta
dizygote tweelingen = dizygotic twins: 2 offspring produced in the same pregnancy from separate
dizygote zwangerschap = dizygotic pregnancy
Dizzy Gillespie = Dizzy Gillespie
DjaCo BV = DjaCo B.V.
Djedda = Jeddah
DJI = Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI)
DJI = Custodial Institutions Agency
DJI = Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency
DJI = Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen: DJI
Djibouti = Djibouti
Djibouti (stad) = Djibouti (city)
Djinn = Genie
DK diafragma kiesstop = "PS, PD pre-set"
D-kanaal = D-channel
dlci (data link connection identifier) = data link connection identifier
DLE = Didactic Age Equivalent
DLE = Double Ag Low-E
DLE = Double Ag Low-E
DLE stack = DLE stack
DLF = DLF (glass packaging sizes)
d-limoneen = d-limonene
DLL-bestand = dynamic-link library file
Dln = Dry Low NOx
Dln = Dln
DLT = Distributed Ledger Technology
DLT-cartridges = Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges
DLWO = Digital Learning and Working Environment (DLWO)
DM = Demand Manager
DM = Mechanical Detail Engineering
DMA = torque support
DMBOK = Data Management Body of Knowledge
DmfA = DmfA (Belgian multi-functional electronic declaration form)
Dmitri Mendelejev = Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Sjostakovitsj = Dmitri Shostakovich
DMP = Filling watercourses
DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide
DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide
DMU = Decision Making Unit
DMU = Decision-making unit
DMU’s = DMUs
dmv = via
dmv = by means of
dmv = by means of
dmv van een stappenmotor = by means of a stepper motor
DN 15 = DN15
DN 20 = DN20
DN 25 = DN25
DN 30 = DN30
Dn+ toetsingsgrootheid van Wald-Wolfwitz = Dn+ statistic
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA en RNA synthese = DNA and RNA synthesis
DNA glycosylasen = DNA N-glycosidases
DNA glycosylasen = DNA glycosylases: a family of DNA repair enzymes
DNA packaging = DNA packaging: folding an organism's DNA molecule into a compact structur
DNA profiling = DNA profiling
DNA sequentie-analyse = DNA sequence analysis
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = DNA shuffling
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = in vitro exon shuffling
DNA shuffling: meerdere DNA sequenties gerecombineerd om een library aan  = molecular breeding: a technique in DNA recombination
DNA van de onderneming = the company’s DNA
DNA-addukten = DNA adducts: covalent couplings between chemical mutagens & DNA
DNA-chip = DNA chip
DNA-herstel = DNA repair
DNA-herstelenzymen = DNA repair enzymes
DNA-herstelsynthese = unscheduled  DNA synthesis
DNA-matrijs = DNA template
DNA-methylatie = DNA methylation
DNA-motief = DNA motif
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA insertion elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA insertion elements: discrete segments of DNA which can excise and rei
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA transposable elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = DNA transposons
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = insertion sequence elements
DNA-overdraagbare elementen = jumping genes
DNA-polymerase = DNA polymerase
DNA-schade = DNA repair
DNA-sequentie die voor één proteine codeert = DNA sequence which codes for one protein
DNA-sonde = nucleic acid probe
DNA-synthesizer = DNA synthesizer
DNA-test = DNA testing
DNA-topo-isomerase = DNA topoisomerase
DNB = De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
DNB = DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank)
DNB = DNB (the central bank of the Netherlands)
D-net = D-net
D-netwerk = D-network
dnis (dialed number identification service) = dialed number identification service (dnis)
Dnjepr = Dnieper River
Dnjepropetrovsk = Dnipropetrovsk
DN-naam = distinguished name
DN-naam van map = distinguished folder
DNR = National Investigation Service
DNR 2011 = "‘The New Rules 2011, Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and "
DNR 2011 = "‘The New Rules 2011’ Legal relationship client-architect, engineer an"
DNR 2011 = "The New Rules 2011 Legal relationship client-architect, engineer and cons"
DNR 2011 = DNR 2011
dns (domain name system) = domain name system (dns)
DNS Client = DNS client
DNS-achtervoegsel = DNS suffix
DNSSEC-handtekeningen = DNSSEC signatures
DNS-server = DNS server
DNZ = deoxyribonucleic acid: a nucleic acid consisting of large molecules that 
DNZ-chip = biochip
DNZ-chip = DNA chip
DNZ-chip = genome chip
DO = completion drawing
Do = Doh
do = Thurs
Do = C
do = bo
DO = final design
DO = definitive design
DO = Documentation
DO fase = final design phase
Do Not Stack = Do Not Stack
Do/vr = Thur/Fri
Do’s and don’ts = Dos and don’ts
do’s en dont’s = dos and don’ts
dobbelen = gamble
dobbelsteen = dice
dobbelsteen = cube
Dobbelsteen = Die
dobbelsteen {de} = die [dice]
dobbelsteen {de} = dice
"dobbelsteen, teerling [archaic]" = die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
"dobbelsteenslang, dambordslang" = dice snake (Natrix tessellata)
dobbelstenen {mv} = dice {pl}
Dobber = Rubber ring
Dobberen = Float
Dobermann = Doberman Pinscher
dobutamine = dobutamine: a beta-2 agonist catecholamine with cardiotonic action
Doc/Part Number = Doc/Part Number
doceerlasturen = teaching load hours
doceerpomp = metering pump
Doceerpomp = Metering pump
docent = lecturer
Docent = Schoolmaster
Docent = Schoolteacher
Docent = Assistant master
Docent = Professor
docent = teacher
docent = instructor
Docent = Lecturer (Br) / Instructor (Am)
docent (de functie) = assistant/associate/full professor
docent (zoals aangeduid door de student) = "tutor (werkgroep), lecturer (hoorcollege), professor (als professor)"
docent {de} = teacher
docent {de} = lecturer
Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (bacheloropleiding) = Fine Art and Design in Education
Docent Dans (bacheloropleiding) = Dance in Education
Docent Engels = English Teacher
Docent Muziek (bacheloropleiding) = Music in Education
docent professionalisering = instructor professionalisation
docent professionalisering = lecturer professionalisation
docent/beoordelaar = lecturer/assessor
docent/onderwijzend personeel = teacher/educational staff
docente = teacher
docenten = teachers
Docenten = Lecturers
docenten = teaching staff
docenten en medestudenten = lecturers and fellow students
docenten en onderzoekers = lecturers and researchers
docentenopleiding = teacher training
docentenopleidingen = teacher training
docentenprofiel = lecturer profile
docententeam = team of lecturers
docentenuitwisseling = teaching staff mobility
docentenuitwisseling = lecturer exchange (form of teaching staff mobility)
docentgecentreerd onderwijs = teacher-oriented teaching
docentkwalificaties = Lecturer Qualifications
docentmentor = mentor
docent-onderzoeker = lecturer-researcher
docent-onderzoekers = lecturer-researchers
docentprofessionalisering = development of teaching skills
docentregister = lecturer register
docentrol = lecturing role / lecturing duties
docent-studentverhouding = lecturer-student ratio
Doceren = Teacher
Doceren = Maestro
Doceren = Assistant master
Doceren = Schoolmaster
Doceren = Schoolteacher
Doceren = Adept
Doceren = Professor
docetaxel = docetaxel: a type of chemotherapy used in treating advanced non small cel
DocGen = DocGen
doch = yet
doch = but
doch = still
Doch = However
Doch = Even so
doch aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid = but shall not accept any liability
doch aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor schade = but shall not accept any liability for damage
doch de uitvinding is daar niet toe beperkt en wordt enkel gedefinieerd d = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
doch de uitvinding is daar niet toe beperkt en wordt enkel gedefinieerd d = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
doch gedurende maximaal = yet no longer than
doch kan in geen geval aansprakelijk worden gesteld = but can under no circumstances be held responsible
doch niet beperkt tot = but not limited to
doch omslachtiger = although more laborious
doch uiterlijk binnen = and at most within
doch uiterlijk tot en met = but no later than
Dochter = Girlish
Dochter = Bird
dochter = subsidiary
Dochter = Lass
Dochter = Wench
Dochter = Spinster
Dochter = Girlishly
Dochter = Female
Dochter = Girl
Dochter = Hooker
Dochter = Girlie
Dochter = Whore
Dochter = She
Dochter = Girl's name
Dochter = Daughter
dochter {de} = daughter
dochter {de} [dochteronderneming] = subsidiary
dochterbedrijf = daughter company
"dochterbedrijf, filiaal" = subsidiary (company owned by the parent company or holding company)
dochterbedrijven = subsidiaries
dochtercalque = direct copy
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiary company
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiary
dochtermaatschappij = subsidiaries
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiaries
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiary (company)
dochtermaatschappijen = subsidiary
dochteronderneming = subsidiary company
dochteronderneming = affiliate (CESS is an affiliate of SUEZ Energy South America)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary
dochteronderneming = daughter company
dochteronderneming = subsidiary (IFRS)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary corporation (US)
dochteronderneming = subsidiary enterprise
dochteronderneming = subsidiary undertaking (EU)
dochteronderneming {de} = subsidiary (company)
dochterondernemingen = subsidiaries
dochterorganisatie = subsidiary organisation
dochterplak = daughter slab
dochterpositief = derived positive
dochtertje = daughter
Dochtervennootschap = Subsidiary
dochtervennootschap = subsidiary
Dochtervennootschappen = Subsidiaries
dock equipment = loading dock equipment
docking = docking
docking station = docking station
Docksystemen = dock systems
dockuitrusting = dock system
Docosaanzuur = Docosanic acid
docosahexaenoisch zuur = docosahexenoic acid
doctertje = little one
doctor = doctor
Doctor = Doctorate
doctor (dr) = Doctor (Dr)
doctor in de letteren = Doctor of Letters
doctor in de medicijnen = Doctor of Medicine
doctor in de rechten = Doctor of Law
doctor in de sociale wetenschappen = Doctor of Social Science
doctor in de theologie = Doctor of Divinity
doctor in de wijsbegeerte = Doctor of Philosophy
doctor in de wis-en natuurkunde = Doctor of Science
doctoraal = Master's
doctoraal = Master's (degree)
doctoraal doen = take one's Master's
doctoraalbul = Master's degree certificate
doctoraalexamen = apply for graduation to the board of examiners
doctoraalexamen = Master's examination/exam
doctoraalexamen = "Master's exam, Master's examination"
Doctoraalexamen = Master's degree audit
doctoraalfase = Master's phase
doctoraalprogramma = Master's degree programme
doctoraalscriptie = master’s thesis
doctoraalscriptie = Master's thesis
doctoraalstudent = student for the Master's degree
doctoraalstudies = doctoral studies
doctoraat = doctorate
doctoraat honoris causa = honorary doctorate
doctorandus = MA (doctorandus)
doctorandus = master
doctorandus (drs) = Master of Arts/Science (MA/MSc)
"doctorandus (drs), idem met Doctor" = "in het Engels blijft deze titel onvertaald, men kan in plaats hiervan wel"
doctorandus (drs.) = doctorandus (italicise and do not translate
doctorandus (drs.) = possibly explain that this is an old title considered equivalent to a cur
doctorandustitel = university graduate (‘doctorandus’)
doctorsbul = doctoral degree certificate
doctorsgraad = Doctoral/PhD degree
doctorstitel = title of doctor
doctorstitel = "title of Doctor (Dr), PhD"
doctorstitel = doctorate
Doctrine = Doctrine
DocType = DocType
documenatie = documentation
document = doc
document = act
document = document
document blokkeren = document blocking
Document Connection voor Mac = Document Connection for Mac
Document dat een gedetailleerde beschrijving bevat = Document containing a detailed description
Document Date = Document Date
Document herstellen = Document repair
document ID = document ID
document m.b.t. zekerheidsstelling = security instrument
Document Management = Document Management
document management infrastructuur = document management infrastructure
document management platform = document management platform
document management systeem = Document Management System
Document naam = Document name
Document Object Model = Document Object Model
document of agreement and procedures = DAP
document of agreement and procedures = document of agreement and procedures
document op plaat (in context) = collection
document output management = document output management
document output management oplossingen voor klanten = document output management solutions for customers
Document Type Definition = document type definition
document van externe oorsprong = document of external origin
Document Version = Document Version
document voor wederzijdse administratieve bijstand = mutual administrative assistance document
document voor wederzijdse administratieve bijstand in de noodprocedure = fall-back mutual administrative assistance document
document waaruit blijkt = document showing
"document, de formulier" = document
"document, werk, eindwerk" = paper (written document shorter than a book)
documentadviseur = document adviser
documentair = documentary
Documentair accreditief = Documentary credit
Documentair accreditief = Documentary letter of credit
documentair hulpmiddel = documentary tool
Documentair incasso = Documentary collection
documentair krediet = documentary credit
documentaire = documentary film
Documentaire audit = Document audit
Documentaire fotografie = Documentary photography
documentaire informatie = documentary information
Documentaire Informatie Voorziening = Documentary Information Services
documentaire kredietbrief = documentary letter of credit
documentaire tekortkoming = documentary shortcoming
documentalist (gebruik: informatiespecialist) = information specialist
documentatie = files
Documentatie = Documentation
Documentatie (afd P&O) = "Documentation (dept. HRM, faculty office)"
documentatie centrum = documentation centre
documentatie eis = documentation requirement
Documentatie eisen = Documentation requirements
Documentatie en goedkeuring = Documentation and approval
documentatie en papieren = documents and papers
documentatie en rapportages = documentation and reporting
Documentatie en voorstel = Documentation and proposal
Documentatie Management Systeem = Document Management System
documentatie over massa en zwaartepunt = mass and balance documentation
documentatie van categorie 3 = Category 3 documentation
documentatie van de eisen van een (test)eenheid = unit requirements documentation
documentatie van de klasse = documentation of the class
documentatieboom = documentation tree
documentatiecentrum = documentation center
documentatiecentrum = documentation centre
Documentatiecentrum voor Internationale en Statistieken Collecties = Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections
Documentatiedienstverlening = Documentation services
Documentatie-materiaal = Documentation
Documentatierekken = Literature rack
Documentatie-software = Documentation-software
documentatie-structuur = documentation structure
Documentatiesysteem = Documents
documentatiesysteem = documentary system
Documentatiesysteem = Papers
documentatiesysteem = information service
Documentation = Documentation
documentbehandeling = document handling
documentbeheer = document management
documentbeheer = document control
Documentbeheerdiensten = Document management services
documentbeheersysteem = document management system
documentbeheersysteem = document management
document-beschrijving = document description
documentbibliotheek = document library
Documentcode = Document code
Documentcontrole = Document Inspector
documentcontrole = document check
"documentcreatie, beheer en distributie" = "document creation, management and distribution"
documentdefinities = document definitions
documenteert = documents
documenteigenschappen = document properties
documentelement = document element
Documenten = Documents
documenten = documents
documenten delen en bespreken = share and discuss documents
documenten en autosleutels = documents and car keys
Documenten en Voorwaarden = Documents and Terms and Conditions
documenten kunnen worden = Documents can be
"documenten kunnen worden geopend, aangepast, gedeeld en verzonden worden" = "Documents can be opened, modified, shared and sent"
Documenten redigeren = Document Review
Documenten Services = Document Services
documenten tegen acceptatie = documents against acceptance
documenten tegen acceptatie = documents against presentation
documenten tegen betaling = documents against payment
documenten van externe oorsprong = documents of external origin
documenten van het Parlement = Parliament documents
Documenten verbonden aan de levering = Documents relating to the delivery
documenten waarmee identiteit en schulden worden aangetoond = documents proving identity and debts
"documenten, briefteksten en opmaak" = "documents, letter texts and layout"
"documenten, uitrusting, correspondentie, bescheiden" = "documents, equipment, correspondence, records"
"documenten, uitrusting, correspondentie, bescheiden, specificaties, softw" = "documents, equipment, correspondence, records, specifications, software, "
"documenten, video’s, foto’s, chat sessies en conference gesprekken" = "documents, videos, photos, chat sessions and conference calls"
documentenbeheer = document management
documentenbeheer = document administration
documentenhouders en -mappen = document cases and holders
Documenteninvoerders voor scanners = Scanner document feeders
Documentenkoker = Document sleeve
documentenlijst = document list
documentenmap = document pouch
documentenmappen = document cases
documentenmappen voor conferenties = conference folders
documentenonderzoek = document retrieval
documentenset = document set
documentenstroom = flow of documents
documententassen = briefcases
documenten-verkeer = document traffic
documenteren = to document
documenteren = to  document
Documenteren = Document
documenteren = documentation
documentgeneratie = document generation
documentgroepnummer = document group number
documenthouder = document holder
Documenthouder voor kast/lessenaar = Document holder for Enclosure
documenthouders = document holders
document-id = Document ID
documentidentificatie = document identification
documentinformatie = document details
Documentinformatiescherm = Document Information Panel
Documentintegriteit = Document Integrity
documentleverantie = document delivery
Documentleverantie (Afd. Bibliotheek) = Document Delivery
documentmanagementsystemen = document management systems
documentmicrodienst = document microservice
Documentno = Document No
Documentnr = Document No
Documentnummer = Document number
documentnummer = document number
Documentomschrijving = Document description
documentonderzoek = document research
documentopmaak = document layout
documentprocessen = document processes
documentprofiel = document profile
documentreferentie = document reference list
documentscanner = document scanner
documentservices = document services
documentsjabloon = document template
documentsoort = document type
documentstencil = document stencil
documentstromen = document flow
documentstromen = document flows
documentstromen = document streams
documentstromen = flow of documents
documentstromen beheren = manage document flows
Documentstructuur = Document Map
documentsymbool = document symbol
documentsystem = document systems
documentsystemen = document systems
documentsystemen = document system
documenttype = document type
documentvenster = document window
Documentverkenner = Document Explorer
documentverschaffing = provision of documents
documentverwerking = document processing
documentwerkruimte = Document Workspace
documentwerkruimtesite = Document Workspace site
documentwijziging = changes or amendments to documents
docusaatnatrium = docusate sodium
DocWorks = DocWorks
DOD = direct outward dialling
dode = deceased
dode = dead
dode gang = backlash
dode hoek = blind spot
dode hoek = blind area
dode hoek camera Blaupunkt icm achteruitrijcamera Blaupunkt = blind spot camera Blaupunkt in combination with reversing camera Blaupunk
dode hoek camera Blaupunkt icm navigatiesysteem Blaupunkt = blind spot camera Blaupunkt in combination with navigation system Blaupun
dode hoek camera VDO icm achteruitrijcamera VDO = blind spot camera VDO in combination with reversing camera VDO
dode hoek camera VDO icm navigatiesysteem VDO = blind spot camera VDO in combination with navigation system VDO
dode hoeken = blind spots
dode kamer = dead room
dode punt = dead centre
dode rivierarm = blind river-channel
dode ruimte = dead room
dode ruimtes = dead spaces
dode ruimtes = void
dode ruimtes = void space
dode ruimtes = void spaces
dode ruimtes = voids
dode sector = dead sector
dode tijd = dead time
dode voorraad = inactive inventory
Dode Zee = Dead Sea
dode zone = silent zone
dodeband = deadband
dodeband = deadband range
Dodecaan = Dodecane
Dodecaanzuur = Dodecanoic acid
dodecaanzuur = dodecanoic acid
Dodecaëder = Dodecahedron
dodecaëder [12 vlakken] = dodecahedron
dodecafonist (obsolete: dodecaphonist) = dodecaphonist (proponent of dodecaphony)
dodecanol = a fatty alcohol obtained from coconut oil fatty acids
dodecanol = C12H26O
dodecanol = dodecanol
dodecanol = dodecyl alcohol: lauryl alcohol
Dodeceen = Dodecene
dodecyl benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride = dodecyl benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride
dodecylbenzeen = dodecylbenzene
dodecylgallaat = dodecyl gallate
dode-gangorgaan = dead zone unit
Dodehoek = Blind spot
dodehoek spiegel = blind-spot mirror
Dodekanesos = Dodecanese
dodelijk = dead
dodelijk = fatal
Dodelijk = Mortal
Dodelijk = Lethal
dodelijk = deadly
dodelijk bij contact met de huid = deadly if in contact with skin
dodelijk bij inademing = deadly if inhaled
dodelijk bij inslikken = deadly if swallowed
"dodelijk letsel, het dodelijk ongeval" = "fatal injury, fatality, fatal accident"
dodelijk ongeval = fatal accident
dodelijk ongeval {het} = fatal accident
dodelijke concentratie = lethal concentration
dodelijke omhelzing = deadlock
dodelijke ongevallen = fatalities
dodelijke verkeersongevallen = fatal traffic accidents
Dodemansinrichting = driver’s safety device (DSD)
dodemansknop = skull & cross-bones
dodemansknop {de} = dead man's button
dodemansmodule = dead man’s switch module
Doden = Zap
Doden = Kill
doden = to kill
doden = slay
doden / overledenen = fatalities / (road) deaths
"doden {p}, overledenen {p}, gestorvenen {p}" = dead (those who have died)
"doden, zieken of gewonden (mens, plant én dier" = "dead, sick or injured humans, plants and/or animals"
Dodenbezweerder = Necromancy
Dodencel = Death row
dodendans = dance of death
dodenmis = requiem
dodenwake = wake
doder = killer
dodesangst = fear of dying
dodesangst = fear of death
Dode-Zeerollen = Dead Sea scrolls
dodo = dodo
Dodoma (stad) = Dodoma
doe = do
"Doe een ander niet iets aan, wat je zelf niet graag zou meemaken" = Don’t do something to someone else that you wouldn’t want done to you
Doe er je voordeel mee = Take advantage of it
Doe er uw voordeel mee! = Use it to your advantage
Doe er uw voordeel mee! = Take advantage of it
Doe gerust! = Go ahead!
doe je samen = has to be done with others
doe je samen = is a collective task
doe je samen = is a shared journey
doe je samen = is something we need to do together
doe je samen = is something you work on together
Doe meer = Do more
doedelzak = bagpipes
Doedelzak = Bagpiper
Doedelzakken = Bagpipes
doe-het-zelf = DIY
doe-het-zelf = do-it-yourself
Doe-het-zelf = Do-it-yourself department
Doe-het-zelf = Odd job
doe-het-zelf- = do-it-yourself <DIY> [attr]
doe-het-zelf winkel = DIY shops
doe-het-zelfgereedschap = hand tool
doe-het-zelfwerk = do-it-yourself work
doe-het-zelfzaak {de} = hardware store
doe-het-zelven / klussen = home improvement
doe-het-zelver = do-it-yourselfer
doe-het-zelver = DIY’er
doe-het-zelver = do-it-yourself enthusiast
doe-het-zelver = DIY
doe-het-zelvers = do-it-yourselfers
doei = goodbye
doei = bye
Doei! = Bye!
Doejong = Dugong
"doejong, Indische zeekoe" = dugong (Dugong dugon)
doek = clout
Doek = Web
Doek = Screen
Doek = Canvas
doek = surgical drape
doek = curtain
doek = cloth
Doek = Screen fabric
doek = linen
doek {de} = cloth
doek {het} [projectiescherm] = screen
doek {het} [schilderstuk] = canvas
doek {het} [toneelgordijn] = curtain
doek geel = yellow cloth
doekboom = cloth beam
Doekbuis = Fabric roller barrel
doekbuisadapter = Fabric roller barrel adapter
doekbuisprop = Fabric roller barrel end piece
doeken = cloths
Doeken voor operatiekamer = Operating-theatre drapes
doekgleuf = Fabric groove
doekje = [see list]
doekje = wipe
doekjes = tissues
doekjes van textiel om make-up te verwijderen = tissues of textile for removing make-up
doeklus = Fabric eyelet
doekoe {de} [SN] [omg.] = money
Doekondersteuningsrol = Fabric supporting roller
Doekpees = Screen cord
doekrand = fabric border
doekrand = fabric edge
doekrand = fabric border
doekrol = Fabric roller barrel
doel = "aim, objective"
Doel = Destination
doel = target
Doel = goal
Doel = Objective
Doel = Purpose
doel = aim
Doel = goal
doel = meaning
doel = purpose
Doel = "Objects (omschrijving in statuten, vennootschappen)"
doel = objective
doel- = destination
doel {het} = aim
doel {het} = purpose
doel {het} = target
doel {het} = goal
doel en de middelen van de gegevensverwerking = purpose and means of the data processing
doel en de middelen voor de Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = the purposes and means of Processing Personal Data
doel en het belang van de stichting = objects and interests of the Foundation
doel en middelen = objectives and means
Doel en middelen = Purpose and means
Doel en middelen = Objects and means (e.g. of an Association)
Doel en middelen = Objects and means
doel en middelen van Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens = purpose and means of Processing Personal Data
doel en strekking = aim and purpose
Doel en toepassingsgebied = Purpose and scope
doel- en vraagstelling valt van dit onderzoek = objectives and questions of this study
Doel is = The aim is
doel of de doeleinden = purpose or purposes
doel of de doeleinden van de verwerking = purpose or purposes of the processing
doel patroon = target pattern
doel programma = target program
doel segment = target segment
Doel selectieleidraad = Objective of the selection guideline
Doel van = The aim of
Doel van de opleiding = Purpose of the training
Doel van de persoonsgegevensverwerking = Purpose of the personal data processing
doel van de reis = purpose of trip
Doel van de rol = Aim of the role
doel van de stichting = objects of the Foundation
Doel van deze Overeenkomst = Purpose of the Agreement
doel werkmap = target work folder
doel(en in geld) = (money-related) goal(s)
doel(stelling) = "target, aim, objective, goal (! let op verschillen)"
"doel, bedoeling, objectief, oogmerk{n}" = goal (result one is attempting to achieve)
"doel, intentie, gewicht" = purport (import)
"doel, streefdoel, doelstelling" = objective (goal)
doelallocatie = target allocation
doelapparaat = target device
doelbedrijfsrekening = destination company account
doelbepaling = goal definition
doelbepaling = target definition
doelbepalingsfase = target definition phase
doelbestand = destination file
doelbewust = determined
doelbewust = purposeful
doelbewust = purposefully
doelbewust of incidenteel = deliberately or incidentally
doelbewuste introductie = deliberate release
doelbewuste toevoeging van zware metalen = intentional introduction of heavy metals
doelbinding = purpose limitation (m.b.t. verwerking van persoonsgegevens)
doelbinding = purpose limitation
doelcode = object code
doelcomputer = destination computer
doelcoördinat = target coordinate
doelcoördinaten = target coordinates
doelde = referred
doeldiagram = target diagram
doeldiersoort = target animal species
doeldocument = destination document
doeleienden = purposes
doeleinde = target
doeleinde = practical purpose
doeleinden = purposes
doeleinden en middelen = ends and means
Doeleinden van de doorgifte = Purposes of the transfer
Doeleinden van de Verwerking = Purposes of the Processing
Doeleinden voor verwerking = Processing purposes
doelen = goals
doelen = objectives
doelen = purposes
doelen en achtergrond = objectives and background
doelen en inrichting van de organisatie = goals and structure of the organisation
Doelen en prioriteiten bepalen = Establishing goals and priorities
doelen en regels = goals and rules
doelen en voordelen = aims and advantages
Doelen op = Aim at
doelen stellen = setting goals
doelen uitzetten en blijven beheren = set and continue to monitor goals
Doelen voor boogschieten = Archery targets
Doelen voor schietbanen = Targets for shooting practice
Doelen voor werpsport = Throwing targets
doelen voorgesteld = proposed targets
Doelen zijn rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks gelinkt = Goals are directly or indirectly linked
"doelen, resultaten en activiteiten" = "goals, results and activities"
"doelen, strategie en missie" = "goals, strategy and mission"
"doelen, verwachtingen, stakeholders en roadmap" = "objectives, expectations, stakeholders and roadmap"
Doelen/idealen nastreven = Pursuing goals / ideals
Doelencongruentie = Correspondence in targets
doelframe = target frame
doel-framework = target framework
doelgebied = destination area
doelgedrag = target behaviour
doelgericht = targeted
doelgericht = goal-oriented
doelgericht = purposive
doelgericht = purposively
doelgericht = targeted
doelgericht samenwerkingsverband = functional partnership between people
doelgericht te achterhalen = purposefully gauging
doelgerichte = targeted
doelgerichte engineering = discrete engineering
doelgerichte informatie = appropriate
doelgerichte informatie = fit for the purpose
doelgerichte informatie = targeted information
doelgerichte opleidingen = targeted training
doelgerichte steekproef = purposive sampling
doelgerichtheid = goal-orientedness
doelgroep = target audience
doelgroep = audience
doelgroep = intended audience
Doelgroep = Target group
doelgroep = focus group
doelgroep = target group
doelgroep te bereiken = reach target group
doelgroep van het onderzoek = target group of the study
doelgroep(en = target group(s
Doelgroepbepaling = Target group selection
doelgroepen = target groups
doelgroepen = target audiences
Doelgroepentabel = Target group table
doelgroepenvervoer = target group transport
doelgroep-gericht = targeted
Doelgroepgerichte = Targeted
doelgroepgerichte benadering = targeted approach
Doelgroepgerichte mailing = Targeted mailing
doelgroepgerichte opleidingen = target-group-oriented training
doelgroepwerknemer = target group employees
doelgroepwerknemers = target group employees
doelgroepwerknemers = target group employee
doelincentivebedrag = target incentive amount
doelincentivepercentage = target incentive percent
doelinsect = target insect
doelinsecten = target insects
doel-KPI = objective KPI
doelland = target country
Doellijst = Target List
doelloos = idle
doelloos = aimless
doelmachine = target computer
Doelman = Goalie
doelman = goalkeeper
doelman {de} = keeper [goalkeeper]
doelmap = target directory
doelmap = drop folder
doelmap = target folder
doelmarkt = target market
Doelmatig = Effective
doelmatig = convenient
doelmatig = efficient
doelmatige = effective
doelmatige afvoer = efficient disposal
doelmatige deelgroep = rational sub-group
doelmatige oplossing = service solution
doelmatige valbeveiliging = effective fall protection
"doelmatige, veilige en goedgekeurde" = "effective, safe and approved"
doelmatigheid = suitability
doelmatigheid = efficiency
doelmatigheid = effectiveness
doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid = effectiveness and efficiency
Doelmatigheidsbeginsel = Principle of suitability
doelmatigheidscontrole = efficiency audit
doelmatigheidsonderzoek = performance audit
doelmatigheidsonderzoek = performance audit (door rekenkamer)
doelmatigheidstoets = effectiveness test
doelmatigheidstoets = suitability assessment
doelmatigheidstoets = examination of expediency
doelmatigheidstoets = review on aspects of suitability
doelmatigheidstoets = efficiency test
doelmatigheidstoets = suitability test
doelmatigheidstoets = "judicial review on aspects of suitability (of a decision, permit)"
doelmatigheidstoets = efficiency check
doelmatigheidstoets = performance test
doelmatigheidstoets NVAO = NVAO accreditation procedure
doel-middelketen = objective-means chain
doel-middelketens = objective-means chains
doelmodel = target model
doelomschrijving = objects clause
doeloorzaak = final cause
doelorgaantoxiciteit = specific target organ toxicity
doelparallellisme = goal parallelism
doelpatroon = target pattern
doel-pc = target PC
doelpoort infrastructuur = destination infrastructure port
doelpopulatie = domain of study
doelportefeuille = target portfolio
Doelpositie = Target position
doelprogramma = target program
doelpubliek = target audience
Doelpunt = Aim
Doelpunt = Consummation
Doelpunt = Point-blank
Doelpunt = Target
Doelpunt = Objective
Doelpunt = Aim for
Doelpunt = Goal
Doelpunt = Aim to do
Doelpunt = Mark
Doelpunt = Aimlessly
Doelpunt = Purpose
Doelpunt = Aimless
doelpunt {het} = goal
doelrealisatie = degree to which targets are achieved
doelrealiserend = goal-realising
doelrealiserende = goal-realising
doelrealisering = achieve their goals
doelrealisering = achieving one's goals
doelrealisering = goal achievement
doelschijf = destination drive
doelsegment = target segment
doelset = destination set
doelsjabloon = goal template
doelspanning = target voltage
Doelstandaards voor boogschieten = Archery target stands
doelstelling = goal
doelstelling = objective
Doelstelling = Goal
doelstelling = aim
Doelstelling = Objective
Doelstelling = Target
doelstelling = object
doelstelling = performance target
doelstelling = purpose
doelstelling = target
Doelstelling = Purpose
doelstelling en vraagstelling = objectives and questions
Doelstelling van de functie = Purpose of the function
Doelstelling van de onderneming = Targets of a company
doelstelling van de opdrachtgever = client’s objective
doelstelling van de vereniging = object of the association
doelstelling van het assessment = objective of the assessment
doelstelling van het gunningscriterium = objective of the award criterion
doelstelling van het onderzoek = goal of the study
doelstelling van het onderzoek = study goal
doelstelling van je onderzoek = goal of your study
doelstelling/beperking = objective/constraint
doelstellingbepalingsproces = target setting procedure
doelstellingen = objectives
doelstellingen = goals
doelstellingen = aims and objectives
doelstellingen = aims
doelstellingen = object
doelstellingen = performance targets
doelstellingen = purpose
doelstellingen = targets
doelstellingen en deadlines = objectives and deadlines
Doelstellingen en deadlines = Targets and deadlines
doelstellingen en plannen = goals and plans
doelstellingen en verwachtingen = objectives and expectations
doelstellingen en voorwaarden = objectives and conditions
doelstellingen project = Project objectives
doelstellingen realiseren = achieve the targets
doelstellingen te behalen of te overstijgen = achieve or surpass goals
doelstellingen uitdragen = communicate objectives
doelstellingen uitdragen = publish objectives
doelstellingen uitdragen = subscribe to objectives
doelstellingen van de audit = audit objectives
doelstellingen van de vereniging = objects of the association
Doelstellingen van economische politiek = Targets of economic politics
doelstellingen van individuele economische ondernemingen = goal of individual economic business
doelstellingen voor de studie = objectives for the study
Doelstellingen worden gesteld = Targets are set
"doelstellingen, opvattingen, waarden en normen" = "goals, opinions, values and standards"
doelstellingengesprek = appraisal start meeting
doelstellingengesprek = goal setting conversation
doelstellingengesprek = goal setting session
doelstellingengesprek = goal-setting discussion
doelstellingengesprek = goal-setting meeting
doelstellingengesprek = objective setting interview
doelstellingengesprek = objective setting meeting
Doelstellingenhiërarchie = Hierarchy of objectives
Doelstellingsfunctie = Onjective function
doeltaal = object language
doeltoekenning = target award
Doeltoepassing = Target Application
Doeltreffend = Limited
Doeltreffend = Potent
doeltreffend = efficacious
doeltreffend = efficient
Doeltreffend = Telling
Doeltreffend = Businesslike
Doeltreffend = Effectual
Doeltreffend = Effective
doeltreffend en doelmatig = effective and efficient
doeltreffend heeft geïmplementeerd = has effectively implemented
doeltreffende = effective
doeltreffende beveiligingsmaatregelen = effective security measures
doeltreffende ongediertebestrijding = effective pest control
doeltreffendheid = efficiency
doeltreffendheid = efficacy
Doeltreffendheid = Effectiveness
doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid = efficiency and effectiveness
doeltreffendheid van de = audit effectiveness
doeltreffendheid van de beveiligingsmaatregelen = effectiveness of the security measures
doeltreffendheid van de controle = audit effectiveness
Doeltreffendheid van het kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem = Effectiveness of the Quality Management System
doeltreffendheidsfactor = efficiency factor
doeluitkering = special-purpose grant
Doelvariabele = Target variable
doelverdediger {de} = goalkeeper
doelverdelingsregel = destination distribution line
doelverhoging = target increase
doelvermogen = target sum/final sum
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = discontinuance target method
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = retirement fund
doelvermogen op een sluitdatum = super annuation fund
doelvoorraad = target stock
doelvoorraadlocatie = destination inventory location
doelvoorziening = destination provider
doelvoorziening = destination
doelvrouw {de} = goalkeeper [female]
doelvrouw {de} = keeper [female goalkeeper]
doelwachter = goalkeeper
doelwachtster = goalkeeper
Doelweging = Target weighting
Doelwegingen = Target weightings
doelwit = aim
Doelwit = Goal
Doelwit = Target
Doelwit = Purpose
doelzoeken = goal seek
doelzoekend = homing
doelzoekend = target-seeking
doelzoekend = goal-seeking
doelzoekende adapter = homing adapter
doelzoekende procedure = homing procedure
Doem = Curse
doema = duma
Doemen = Doom
Doemen = Condemn
Doemen = Sentence
doe-mentaliteit = hands-on mentality
doen = make
Doen = It
doen = act
Doen = Implement
doen = suggest
doen = do
doen = to do
doen aanspoelen = wash up
Doen alsof = Feign
doen alsof = give as an excuse
Doen alsof = Make believe
doen alsof = pretend
doen bezinken = deposit
"doen bijeen passen, zorgen dat het bijeenpast" = coordinate  (to match)
doen een beroep op = rely on
doen en denken = thinking and acting
doen en laten = comings and goings
doen er dan ook goed aan = are therefore well advised
doen falen = abort
doen groeien = grow  ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger)
"doen herleven, nieuw leven inblazen" = revive  (to recover from a state of neglect)
doen koken = boil
"doen landen, aan de grond zetten" = land  (to bring to land)
doen mislukken = abort
doen ontbranden = kindle
doen ontstaan = develop
doen opstijgen en zweven = levitate
doen overhellen = bend
doen rinkelen = ring
doen samenkleven = agglutinate
doen samenklonteren = agglomerate
doen schommelen = rock
Doen schrikken = Numb
Doen schrikken = Daunt
doen schrikken = frighten
Doen schrikken = Scare
"doen schrikken, angst aanjagen" = "harrow  (traumatise, frighten)"
doen schudden = shake
doen smelten = melt
doen toekomen = send
doen uitvoeren van HSE-inspecties = having HSE inspections performed
doen uitvoeren van metingen = having measurements carried out
doen van voorstellen = making proposals
doen verdampen = evaporate
doen verdwijnen = drown
doen verminderen = to decrement
"doen vermoeden, suggereren" = suggest  (to make one suppose)
"doen versmelten, doen samensmelten" = coalesce  (to form from different elements)
doen verwelven = cove (ww)
doen voorts afstand van het recht = waive the right
doen wankelen = shake
doen we allang niet meer = is something we stopped doing a long time ago
"doen wennen (aan), (to accustom oneself) wennen (aan)" = accustom  (To make familiar by use)
doen wij u hiervoor het volgende voorstel = we propose the following
Doen zij dat niet = If they fail to do so
doen zinken = sink
doen zwellen = inflate
Doen: = Do:
"doenbaar, uitvoerbaar, werkbaar" = feasible)
"doenbaar, uitvoerbaar, werkbaar" = practicable {adj} (capable of being accomplished
Doende deze betekening = Serving my summons
doen-en-laten = actions / behaviour
doener = doer
doeners en denkers = doers and thinkers
Doenlijk = Feasible
doenlijk = achievable
doe-pact = Hands-on Pact
does not pay a stake = betaalt geen inleg
Doesburg = Doesburg
Doesjanbe = Dushanbe
doet = do
doet afstand van alle rechten = waives all rights
doet daaraan niet af = does not change that
Doet dat pijn? = Does this hurt?
doet dienst als = serves as
doet eerbiedig concluderen voor antwoord in reconventie = respectfully asserts as statement of defence in the counterclaim
doet er te lang over = takes too long
doet geen afbreuk aan = shall not affect
doet geen afbreuk aan de wettelijke verplichtingen = are without prejudice to any legal obligations
doet hier niet aan af = does not detract from this
doet niet af aan = does not alter
doet nu ook dienst als = now doubles as
doet onderzoek = conduct research
doet onderzoek = conducts research
doet vermoeden dat = suggests that
doet voorstellen voor de aanpak = makes proposals regarding the approach
doet wat haar gevraagd wordt = does what is asked of her
doet wat hij belooft = does what it promises
doet wat van haar gevraagd wordt = does what is asked of her
"doet, veroorzaakt dat" = causes
Doetinchem = Doetinchem
Doetje = Tomfool
Doetje = Oaf
Doetje = Nitwitted
Doetje = Simpleton
Doetje = Sucker
doe-werk = manual labour / hand work / physical labour
Doezelen = Doze
Doezelen = Drowse
Doezelig = Drowsy
Doezelig = Sleepily
Doezelig = Somnolent
Dof = Mournful
Dof = Gloomy
Dof = Drab
dof = dull
Dof = Desolate
Dof = Colourless
dofetilide = dofetilide
doffe onverschilligheid = lethargy
doffen = doff
doffer = doffer
doffer = cock-pigeon
dofheid = flatness
Dofheid = Inertia
Dofheid = Apathy
"doggy, doggy style, op z'n hondjes" = doggy style (Adverb)
dogma = dogma
Dogma (algemeen) = Dogma
dogma {het} = dogma
"dogma, geloofspunt, leerstelling, leerstuk" = "dogma (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion)"
dogmatisch = dogmatic
Dogmatisme = Dogmatism
DO-groep = DO-group
Doha = Doha
Doha-ronde = Doha Round
DOI = digital object identifier
DOI = doi
Doily = Doily
Doing Business As-naam = doing business as name
dok = dock
Dok Noord = Dok Noord
Dok van Perry = Dok van Perry (‘Perry-Dock’)
Dok Zuid = Dok Zuid
dokdeur = dock gate
dokdeur = limpet
dokhaven = dock
dokhaven = dock harbour
Dokinstallaties = Docking installations
dokken = dock
Dokken = Stump up the money
dokken = pay
dokken met rafting = raft
dokranden = edges of the docks
Doksaal = Rood
Doksaal = Screen
Doksaal = Sceen
Doksaal = Chancel screen
Doksaal = Choir screen
doksluis = entrance lock
dokter = physician
Dokter = Doctor
dokter = doctor
dokter {de} = doctor
dokter in de geneeskunde = doctor of medicine
"dokter, kinesitherapeut of andere medische specialist" = "doctor, physiotherapist or other medical specialist"
Dokters van de Wereld = Doctors of the World
"dokters-, ziekenhuisbezoek" = "Doctor’s, and hospital visits"
doktersbriefjes = doctor’s notes
dokterspraktijk = medical practice
Doktersrecept = Order
Doktersrecept = Ordinance
Doktersrecept = Statute
doktersverklaring = doctor's certificate
doktersverklaring = sick note
doktersvoorschrift = by  doctor's orders
dokwerkers = dock workers
dol = drunk
Dol = Rabid
dol = crazy
Dol = Infuriate
dol = stripped
DOL brochure = DOL brochure
dol worden = go crazy
dol zijn op = be fond of
dolasetron = dolasetron
Dolblij = Delirious with joy
dolboord = gunwale
dolby = dolby
Dolby B = Dolby B
Dolby B/C = Dolby B/C
Dolby B/C/HX-PRO = Dolby B/C/HX-PRO
Dolby B/C/S//HX-PRO = Dolby B/C/S/HX-PRO
Dolby Digital/AC3 Decoder = Dolby Digital/AC3 Decoder
doldriftig = furious
dolen = roam
Dolfijn = Dauphin
dolfijn = dolphin
Dolfijn = Heir apparent
Dolfijn (sterrenbeeld) = Delphinus
Dolfijnen = Heir apparent
Dolfijnen = Dauphin
Dolfijnen = Dolphin
dolfijnsterftelimiet (DSL) = Dolphin mortality limit
dolfijnvriendelijk gevangen tonijn = dolphin-safe tuna
dolheid = rabies
dolheid = screw-thread drunkenness
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephalism
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephalic: having a relatively long head
dolichocephalie: het hoofd met naar achter gestrekte vorm = dolichocephaly
dolichol = dolichol: a polyprenol found in animal tissues
dolichol-monofosfaat-monnose = mannosyl phosphoryl dolichol
dolichomegalie = dolichomegaly
Doline = Sinkhole
Doline = Doline
Doline = Dell
Doline = Dale
Dolj = Dolj
Dolk = Dagger
Dollar = Dollar
Dollar (munt) = Dollar
dollar {de} = dollar
Dollarisatie = Dollarisation
Dollarteken = Dollar
dollar-zwitsersefranken = dollar-swissy
dolle kervel = hemlock
dolle pret = wild fun
dolle schroef = drunken screw
dollekoeienziekte = bovine spongiform encephalopathy
"dollekoeienziekte, gekkekoeienziekte, boviene spongiforme encefalopathie" = bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
Dolleman = Maniac
Dolleman = Frenzied
"dolleman, gek, krankzinnige, waanzinnige" = madman (An insane man)
Dolly (schaap) = Dolly (sheep)
dolly (verrijdbaar onderstel bij botsproeven) = impact sled
Dolomiet = Dolomite
Dolomieten = Dolomites
DO-lus = DO-loop
dolzinnig = crazy
Dolzinnig = Insane
dom = stupid
Dom = Sloppy
dom = silly
dom = dumb [coll.: stupid]
Dom = Mindless
Dom = Maudlin
Dom = Dim
Dom = Numbskull
Dom = Wood-headed
Dom = Fatuous
dom = cathedral
Dom = Idiotic
dom kijken = gape
"dom, domme, onverstandig, onverstandige, stom,stomme" = stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence)
domain = area
domain = domain
domain = field
Domain Name Service = Domain Name Service
Domain Name System = Domain Name System
domainarchitect = Domain architect
domaine public (DP) = public domain
domaine public payant = paying public domain
Domaine Pulbic = DP
domein = "field, area, domain"
domein = department
domein = discipline
domein = faculty
domein = school
domein = subject domain/area
domein = domain
domein = policy area
Domein = Department
domein = domain (comp.)
domein = domain/territory (fig.)
domein = state property (staatsdomein)
domein = field
Domein (biologie) = Domain (biology)
domein {het} = scope
domein {het} = domain
Domein Applied Science = Domain Applied Science
Domein herorientatie processen = Domain rearrangement processes
domein overstijgend = crosses domains
domein overstijgend = operate across domains
domein overstijgend = cross-domain
domein specifiek = domain specific
domein specifiek = domain-specific
Domein van de uitvinding = Field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = technical field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
domein van de uitvinding = field of the invention
"domein, bereik, reikwijdte" = a domain)
"domein, bereik, reikwijdte" = "scope (breadth, depth or reach of a subject"
domeinadministrator = domain administrator
domeinanalist = domain analyst
domeinanalyse = domain analysis: DA
domeinarchitectuur = domain architecture
Domeinbeheer = Domain Manager
domeinbeheerder = domain manager
domeinbeperking = domain constraint
domeinbeschrijving = domain description
domeinbesturen = school Board’s
domeincompetenties = domain competences
domeinconfiguratie = domain configuration
domeincontroller = domain controller
domeindefinitie = domain definition
domeindeskundige = domain expert
domeindoelstelling = domain objective
domeinen = domains
domeinen = areas
Domeinen in dwarsrichting = Transverse domains
domeinentiteit = domain entity
domeinexpert = domain expert
domeinfunctie = domain function
domeingebeurtenis = domain event
domeingebonden groep = domain local group
domeinimplementatie = domain implementation
domeinintegriteit = domain integrity
domeinkennis = domain knowledge
domeinkennis = knowledge of the domain
Domeinkennis = Domain knowledge
"domeinkennis, onderzoeksvaardigheden en creativiteit" = "domain knowledge, research skills and creativity"
domeinkennisrepresentatie = domain knowledge representation
domeinklasse = domain class
domeinlaag = domain layer
domeinmarkering = domain highlighting
domeinmodel = domain model
domeinnaam = domain name
domeinnaamregister = domain name registry
domeinnaamregistrar = domain name registrar
domeinnaamruimte = domain namespace
domeinnaamserver = domain name server
Domeinnaamsysteem Beveiligingsuitbreidingen = DNSSEC
Domeinnaamsysteem Beveiligingsuitbreidingen = Domain Name System Security Extensions
domeinnaamwederverkoper = domain name reseller
domeinnamen = domain names
domeinontwikkeling = domain engineering
domeinoverdracht = domain transfer
Domein-overstijgend kunnen samenwerken = The ability to collaborate across disciplines
domeinproces = domain process
domeinrelatie = domain relationship
domeinrol = domain role
domein-specifieke taal = domain-specific language
domeinstructuur = domain tree
Domeinvoortplantingselementen = Domain propagation devices
domeinvoorzitter = domain chair
Domesday Book = Domesday Book
Domesticatie = Domestication
Domicile conjugal = Marital home
domicilie = legal domicile
Domicilie = Dwelling
domicilie = abode
domicilie = address for service
domicilie/woonplaats kiezen = to give an address for service of process
domicilieadres = domicile (US)
domicilieadres = permanent address [2]
domicilieadres = permanent address
Domiciliekeuze = Choice of an address for service
domiciliërende vestiging = registered address
domiciliëring = direct debit (BE)
domiciliëring = domicile
domiciliëring = domiciliation
domiciliëring = local clearance
domiciliëringsprocedure = local clearance procedure
domifeenbromide = domiphen bromide
Dominant = Prevailing
dominant = dominantly
Dominant = Dominating
Dominant = Chief
Dominant = Ruling
Dominant = Reigning
Dominant = Most important
dominant = dominant
Dominant = Prevalent
dominant besturingselement = dominant control
dominant eigenschap = dominant trait
dominant gen = dominant gene
dominante golf = dominant wave
dominante golflengte = dominant wavelength
Dominante strategie = Dominant strategy
dominante vraag = overriding question
dominantie = ability to influence
dominantie = dominance
dominantie = dominant
dominantie analyse = dominance analysis
dominantie-effect = dominance effect
Dominantietheorie = Domination theory
Dominee = Rector
Dominee = Preacher
Dominee = Vicar
Dominee = Shepherd
Dominee = Provost
Dominee = Clergyman
Dominee = President
Dominee = Clergywoman
Dominee = Jesus Christ
dominee = pastor
domineren = to dominate
Domineren = Outclass
Domineren = Surpass
Domineren = Exceed
Domineren = Domineer
Domineren = Dominate
Domineren = Tower
Domineren = Overpower
dominerende golfhoogte = significant waveheight
dominerende golflengte = dominant wavelength
dominerende kleur = dominant colour
dominerende strategie = dominating strategy
Dominica = Dominica
Dominica Labour Party = Labour Party
Dominicaan = Dominican
Dominicaanse Republiek = Dominican Republic
Dominicanen = Dominican Order
Dominicus = Dominica
Dominiek Savio Instituut vzw = Dominiek Savio Instituut vzw
Dominion = Dominion
Dominique Delbeke = Dominique Delbeke
Domino = Domino
Domino Records = Domino
dominospellen = dominoes
domkop = fool
domme = stupid
Dommekracht = Jack
Dommekracht = Srew jack
dommekracht = wagon jack
Dommekracht = Actuator
Dommekracht = Car jack
Dommel = Ulna
domoor = fool
domotica = domotics
domotica systeem = home automation system
domoticasysteem = home automation system
domotica-systeem = home automation system
domoticasyteem = building automation system
Domotics = home automation
Domotics = Home automation
Dompbok = lifting jack
dompel proces = dipping process
dompel proces = immersion process
dompelaar = immersion heater
dompelapparaat = immersion device
Dompeldiepte = Immersing depth
dompeldoorloop = immersion stopper plate
dompelelement = immersion element
dompelen = to immerse
dompelen = immerse (to)
dompelen = to plunge
Dompelhuls voor solarsysteem = Solar dipping case
Dompelkoelers = Immersion coolers
dompelontvetten = immersion degreasing
dompelontvettingsinstallatie = immersion cleaning equipment
dompelontvettingsinstallatie = immersion cleaner
dompelpijp = submerged nozzle
dompelpijp = dipping tube
Dompelpomp = Plunger pump
dompelpomp = submersible pump
dompelproces = dipping method
dompelproces = dipping process
dompelproces = immersion process
dompelproef = immersion test
dompelrol = immersion roller
dompelsensor = immersion sensor
dompelsmering = bath lubrication
dompelsolderen = dip-soldering
dompeltank = dipping tank
Dompelthermostaten = Immersion thermostats
dompeltijd = immersion time
dompelverf = dipping paint
dompelvergulden = immersion gold plating
dompelverguldvloeistof = immersion gold-plating liquid
dompelverkoperen = immersion copper plating
dompelvernikkelen = immersion nickel plating
dompelvertinnen = immersion tin plating
dompelverwarmer = immersion heater
dompelverzilveren = immersion silver plating
dompelwas = dipping wax
dompen = heave
domperidom = Motilin
Domverwarming = Dome heating element
Don = Don
Don = Talent
Don = Dowry
Don = Gift
Don = Feat
Don (Rusland) = Don River (Russia)
Don Juan = Don Juan
Don Quichot = Don Quixote
Donald Duck (figuur) = Donald Duck
Donar = Thor
Donatello = Donatello
donateur = supporter
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner antibody
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner cold autoantibody
Donath-Landsteiner antilichaam: een bifasische hemolysine = Donath-Landsteiner hemolysin
donatie = donation
donatie = gift
Donatie = Endowment
donatie van een levende donor = donation by living donor
donatie van een levende donor = living donation
donatie van een levende donor = living organ donation
donatie-elektron = donated electron
donaties = donations
Donato Bramante = Donato Bramante
Donau = Danube
donder = thunder
donder {de} = thunder
donderbui {de} = thunderstorm
donderdag = Thursday
donderdag {de} = Thursday
donderdagavond = thursday night
donderdagmiddag = Thursday afternoon
donderdagmorgen = on Thursday morning
donderen = thunder
Donderen = Snarl
Donderen = Menace
Donderen = Roar
Donderen = Brew
Donderen = Scold
Donderen = Rumble
Donderen = Reprove
Donetsk = Donetsk
DONG Energy Borssele I BV = DONG Energy Borssele I BV
Dông Nam Bô = Southeast
Dongen = Dongen
Dongeradeel = Dongeradeel
dongle = dongle
Donjon = Keep
donjon (burcht) = keep
donker = black
Donker = Dim
donker = bleak
donker = dark
donker {het} = dark
donker {het} = darkness
donker gebied = dark area
Donker geel = Dark Yellow
donker worden = darken
donker(der) maken/ kleuren = darken  (to make dark(er) in colour)
"donker, schemerachtig, schemerig, mat" = "dim {adj} (not bright, not colourful)"
donker-adaptatie = dark adaptation
donkerblauw = dark blue
Donkerbruin = Dark brown
donkere = darker
donkere loog = black liquor
Donkere materie = Dark matter
donkere periode = dark interval
donkere tint = shade
donkere vlek = dark spot
donkerekamerverlichting = safe light
Donkergeel = Dark yellow
Donkergrijs = Dark grey
donkerharding = age hardening
donkerrood = crimson
Donkerschakelend = Dark switching
Donkerveld- en rastersondemicroscopen = Darkfield and scanning probe microscopes
Donkerveld-microscopen = Darkfield microscopes
donor = "donor, giver"
Donor = Donor
donoraanbieder van roaming = donor roaming provider
donoratoom = donor atom
donordoopstof = donor impurity
donorland = donor country
donormateriaal = donor material
Donovan-lichaampjes = Donovan's bodies
dons = down
donsdekens = duvets
donsdicht = down-proof
Don'ts = Don’ts
Donut-automaat = Donut maker
donuts = doughnuts
donzen dekbedden = eiderdowns
donzig = downy
dood = dead
dood = death
dood {de} = death
dood door de strop = death by  hanging
dood door ongeval = accidental death
dood door schuld = manslaughter
dood gebied = blind spot
Dood geheugen = Fixed storage
Dood geheugen = Read-Only Memory
Dood geheugen = ROM
dood geheugen = fixed store
dood of letsel van de passagier = death or injury of the passenger
dood schip = idling
dood van de passagier = death of the passenger
dood van het embryo = embryo resorption
"dood, dode, overleden, gestorven" = expired {adj} (Dead)
"dood, dode, overleden, gestorven" = dead {adj} (no longer alive)
doodbidder = undertaker's man
doodbloeden = blow over
doodbloeden = peter / fizzle out
doodbloeden = run down
dooddoener = unanswerable statement
doodeenvoudig = dead simple
doodgaan = die
Doodgaan = Pass away
doodgaan = to die
"doodgaan, sterven, overlijden" = die  (to stop living)
doodgeborene = stillborn child
Doodgoed = Babe
Doodgraver = Gravedigger
doodkist = coffin
Doodkisten = Coffins
doodlachen = to die laughing
Doodleuk = Meekly
Doodleuk = Tranquilly
Doodliggen = Play dead
Doodliggen = Overwrite
Doodliggen = Mash
Doodliggen = Squelch
Doodliggen = Overwhelm
Doodliggen = Squash flat
Doodliggen = Squash up
Doodlopen = Race
Doodlopen = Sink
Doodlopen = Get bogged down
Doodlopen = Accrue
Doodlopen = Run
Doodlopen = Get bogged
Doodlopend [-e straat] = Dead-end [- street]
doodlopend straatje = cul-de-sac
doodlopend straatje = dead-end street
doodlopend straatje {het} = cul-de-sac
doodlopend straatje {het} = dead-end street
doodlopende straat = dead-end street
doodlopende weg = blind alley
doodlopende weg = cul de sac / dead-end street
Doodmaken = Slay
Doodmaken = Fall
Doodmaken = Zap
Doodmaken = Bite
Doodmaken = Bear away
Doodmaken = Chop down
Doodmaken = Amortize
Doodmaken = Brain
Doodmaken = Knock over
Doodmaken = Swoop down
Doodmaken = Take down
Doodmaken = Account for
Doodmaken = Knock out
Doodmaken = Pull down
Doodmaken = To enrich
Doodmaken = Dishearten
Doodmaken = To soften
Doodmaken = Stun
Doodmaken = Fall down
Doodmaken = Deaden
Doodmaken = Bring down
Doodmaken = Club
Doodmaken = Butcher
Doodmaken = Cosh
Doodmaken = Down
Doodmaken = Depress
Doodmaken = Bear up!
Doodmaken = Slaughter
Doodmaken = Bill
Doodmaken = Kill
Doodmaken = Damp
Doodmaken = Subdue
Doodmaken = Bore
Doodmaken = Beak
Doodmaken = Shoot down
Doodmaken = Fell
Doodmoe = All in
Doodmoe = Dead tired
doodmoe = exhausted
Doodmoe = Worn
Doodmoe = Cook
Doodnuchter = Starving
Doodnuchter = Without batting an eyelid
Doodnuchter = Fasting
doodongerust = worried sick
Doodop = Jiggered
Doodop = Zonked
Doodop = Dead tired
Doods = Desert
doods = dreary
doodsangst = agony
doodsangst = anguish
"doodsangst, agonie, doodsstrijd, hevig lijden,martelgang" = anguish (extreme pain)
doodsbedreiging = threat to life
doodsbleek = ghastly
doodschieten = shoot dead
doodschieten = to shoot dead
doodskist = coffin
doodslag = homicide
doodslag = manslaughter
doodslag {de} = manslaughter
doodsoorzaak = cause of death
doodsoorzaakformulier = cause of death form
doodsoorzaken = causes of death
doodsoorzakenstatistieken = cause of deaths statistics
doodsrituelen = death rituals
Doodsstrijd = Agonize
Doodsstrijd = Death agony
Doodsstrijd = Dying days
Doodsstrijd = Death throes
doodsstrijd = agony
doodsstrijd = anguish
doodstraf = death sentence
doodstraf = capital punishment
Doodstraf = Death penalty
"doodstraf {c}, doodvonnis" = death sentence (sentence)
doodsvijand = arch-enemy
doodtij = neap tide
doodvonnis = death sentence
doodwater = deadwater
doof = hard of  hearing
doof = deaf
doofcircuit = killer circuit
doofheid = deafness
doofheid {de} = deafness
doofheidsaudiogram = hearing loss audiogram
doofoscillator = quench oscillator
doofschakeling = quenching circuit
doofspanning = extinction voltage
doofstom = deaf and dumb
doofstomme {de} = deaf mute
doofweerstand = quench resistor
dooi = thaw
Dooi = Thawing
dooi = melting
dooien = thawing
dooien = thaw
dooien = melt
dooier = egg yolk
Dooier = Yolk
dooier {de} = yolk
"dooier, eidooier, eigeel" = yolk (yellow of egg)
"dooier, eidooier, eigeel, eierdooier" = egg yolk (central part of an egg)
Dooiwaterafvoer vooraan = Water discharge
dooizouten en chemicaliën = thawing salts and chemicals
dooizouten en verontreiningen = thawing salts and contaminants
dook (houtverbinding voor b.v. dak) = pin
dookanker = cramp
dookbout = Lewis bolt
dookbout = rag bolt
Doolhof = Maze
Doolhof = Labyrinth
Doolhoven = Mazes
doom = dome
DO-ontwikkeling = Final Design development
doop = baptism
doop = christening
Doop (sacrament) = Baptism
"doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken" = parish records
"doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken" = church records
doopakte = certificate of baptism
doopbewijzen = baptism certificates
doopboek = register of baptations
doopkapel = baptistery
doopkleed = christening robe
doopnaam = Christian name
Doopsel = Christening
doopsel = baptism
doopsolderen = dip-soldering
doopstof = impurity
doopstofatoom = impurity atom
doopstofbron = impurity source
doopstofconcentratie = impurity concentration
doopstofdiffusie = impurity diffusion
doopstoffencompensatie = impurity compensation
doopstofniveau = impurity level
doopvont = font
doopvontschelp = giant clam
door = by
door = by means of
Door = Door
door (middels) = by (means of)
door ... heen = through
door aan een uiteinde van de broekspijp of de mouw te trekken = by pulling on one end of the leg or sleeve
door aan het uiteinde van de broekspijp of de mouw te trekken = by pulling on the end of the leg or sleeve
door aan het uiteinde van de broekspijpen te trekken = by pulling on the end of the legs
door aardbeving veroorzaakte zeegolven = seismic sea wave
door activa gedekt commercial-paperprogramma = Asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) programme
door activa gedekte waardepapieren = asset backed securities
Door Airlock = Door Airlock
door alle aanwezige vennoten ondertekend = signed by all the partners present
door alle middelen rechtens = by all lawful means
door alle partijen beoogde = envisaged by all Parties
Door alles te centraliseren = By centralising everything
door andere partijen geleverde arbeidskrachten = staff supplied by other parties
Door Assy Left = Door Assy Left
door bankoverschrijving op het nummer = by bank transfer to account number
door beantwoording van de deelvragen = by answering the sub-questions
door beheerder goedgekeurde formuliersjabloon = administrator-approved form template
door belasting van een betonnen druklaag op het betonwelfsel = due to loading of a concrete compression layer on the hollowcore concrete
door bemiddeling van = per
door bemiddeling van = through the intermediation of
door besluit van de algemene vergadering = by a resolution of the general meeting
door bestrijdingsmiddelen gevolgde weg = pesticide pathway
door bevoegde overheden bestuurlijk vastgestelde = administratively established by competent authorities
door bevriezing veroorzaakte wond = frostbite
Door beweging = By movement
door bijschrijving van de koopprijs op de bankrekening van verkoper zal d = the buyer's obligation to pay the seller the purchase price will have bee
Door biodiesel aangedreven = Bio-diesel powered
door bleomycine of actinomycine geïnduceerde longschade = bleomycin-induced lung disease
door geaccordeerde forecast = forecast approved by
door buitengewone omstandigheden = due to exceptional circumstances
door chantage bekommen = to blackmail
door chantage bekommen = to extort
door chantage bekommen = to obtain through threats
door chantage bekommen = to shake down
door chemische stoffen geïnduceerde genmutatie = gene mutation induced by chemical agents
door consumenten gesloten overeenkomsten = consumer agreements
door consumenten gesloten overeenkomsten = consumer contracts
door controller en de -interfaces = door controller and the interfaces
door controller en –interface = door controller and interface
Door corona = Due to the pandemic
Door Database- en infrastructuurbeheer te combineren = By combining database and infrastructure management
Door de = Due to the
door de aanbestedende overheid ter beschikking gesteld = made available by the contracting authority
door de aandacht op de eindgebruiker te richten = by focusing on the end user
door de aanzuigende werking = by the suction effect
Door de aard van onze activiteiten = Due to the nature of our activities
door de aard van zijn werkzaamheden = due to the nature of his work
door de afnemer te verstrekken produkten = purchaser supplied products
door de API voor plaatsbepaling te gebruiken = by using the API for positioning
door de app = by the app
door de as afgelegde afstand = axle travelled distance
door de as afgelegde afstandsstap = axle travelled distance increment
door de as afgelegde afstandsstap (52) = axle travelled distance increment (52)
door de as afgelegde afstandsstappen = axle travelled distance increments
door de as afgelegde afstandsstappen (52) = axle travelled distance increments (52)
door de auteur vrijgegeven = author-released
door de Bank  aangewezen = designated by the Bank
door de Bank aangewezen elektronisch bankieren diensten = electronic banking services designated by the Bank
door de Bank geaccepteerd = accepted by the Bank
door de Bank voorgeschreven = prescribed by the Bank
door de Bank voorgeschreven beveiligings- en signeermethoden = security and signing methods prescribed by the Bank
door de beantwoording van alle deelvragen de hoofdvraag wordt beantwoord = the main research question is answered by answering all the sub-questions
door de behuizing tussen de eerste en tweede positie te verplaatsen = by moving the housing between the first and second position
door de Belgische wetgeving voorgeschreven = prescribed by Belgian law
door de benodigde tijd om applicaties te bouwen en implementeren te vermi = by reducing the time required to build and implement applications
door de bomen het bos niet kunnen zien = you cannot see the wood for the trees
door de bout weer vast te draaien = tightening again the bolt
door de consument gemonteerde vergrendeling = consumer-mounted locking device
door de dag heen = throughout the day
door de dienstverlener gecontracteerde beveiligingsbedrijf = security company contracted by the service provider
door de directie goedgekeurde = approved by management
door de douane uitgegeven = issued by the customs authorities
door de dubbelwandige wanden van de inrichting = through the double-walled walls of the device
door de dwarsbalken tussen horizontale balken van het frame te positioner = by positioning the cross-beams between horizontal beams of the frame
Door de eerste en de tweede = Due to the first and the second
door de eeuwen heen = over the centuries
door de eindbegunstigden gedane betalingen = payments by final beneficiaries
door de eivastneemorganen vastgenomen voorgebroede eieren = set eggs gripped by the egg pickup means
door de Europese Centrale Bank voor basisfinancieringstransacties toegepa = interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancin
door de Europese Unie geleide zeemacht = European Union-led naval force (EUNAVFOR)
door de fabrikant van de kabels voorgeschreven = prescribed by the cable manufacturer
door de fabrikant voorgeschreven = prescribed by the manufacturer
door de feiten gestaafd = borne out by the facts
door de gebruiker = by the user
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd object = user-defined object
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd opmaakprofiel = user-defined style
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd veld = user-defined field
door de gebruiker gedefinieerde dimensie = user-defined dimension
Door de gebruiker gedefinieerde velden beheren = Manage User-Defined Fields
door de gebruiker gewenste route = user required route
door de gebruiker ingestelde interfacetaal = user-preferred interface language
door de gebruiker ingestelde planning = user-controlled scheduling
door de gebruiker instelbaar = can be changed by the user
door de gehele = throughout
door de goede dimensionele stabiliteit = due to the good dimensional stability
door de groeven tussen aansluitende panelen op te spuiten met polyutheraa = by injecting the grooves between adjacent panels with polyurethane foam
door de immunrespons bepaald = immune-mediated
door de inschrijver opgelijst = listed by the tenderer
door de installateur = by the installer
door de installatie van = by installing
door de invoering van de = by the introduction of the
door de jaren heen hetzelfde gebleven = remained the same over the years
door de klant = by the customer
door de klant gedeclareerd = declared by the customer
door de Klant uitgebracht document = document issued by the Customer
door de koopsom verhoogd = The lump sum premium is added to the rights insured with X/
door de Koper of in opdracht van de Koper = by the Buyer or on behalf of the Buyer
door de kredietgever ontvangen bedragen = sums levied by the creditor
Door de lage storingsgevoeligheid = due to the product’s low susceptibility to breakdowns
door de leasemaatschappij in opdracht van de werkgever = by the leasing company on behalf of the employer
door de leasemaatschappij te bepalen = to be determined by the lease company
door de leverancier is voorzien = provided by the supplier
door de leverancier te leveren diensten = services to be provided by the supplier
door de leverancier uit te voeren werkzaamheid = work to be performed by the Supplier
Door de leveranciers geconsigneerd leeggoed = By the suppliers consigned empties
door de lucht beweegt = moves through the air
door de lucht vervoerde verontreiniging = airborne contaminant
door de mens veroorzaakte klimaatsverandering = man-made climate change
door de mens veroorzaakte ramp = human-made disaster
door de motor vereiste brandstof = Fuel requirement by the engine
door de nadruk te leggen = by emphasizing
door de omstandigheden geboden = called for by circumstances
door de Onderneming gemandateerde en betaalde arts = doctor prescribed and paid for by the Company
door de ontvangende partij werd ontwikkeld = developed by the receiving Party
door de opdrachtgever ter beschikking gesteld = provided by the contracting authority
door de opdrachtgever voorgeschreven = prescribed by the client
door de opdrachtgever wordt toegeleverd = supplied by the client
door de Opdrachtgever zelf = by the Client itself
door de operator = by the operator
door de overeenkomst bestreken assortiment = contract range
door de partijen gewaarmerkte = certified by the parties
door de passagier aan boord van de veerboot gebrachte zaken = things taken on board by the passenger
door de passieve wapening = as a result of the passive reinforcement
door de pinportie niet volledig in te brengen = by not fully inserting the pin portion
door de platen op deze manier tegen elkaar te klemmen = by clamping the panels against each other in this way
door de platenwarmtewisselaar = through the plate heat exchanger
door de pluimveestal verrijdbaar gestel = frame that can be rolled through the poultry house
door de politie uit te voeren = to be carried out by the police
door de productie en het gebruik van kankerverwekkende of mutagene stoffe = by having the production and the use of carcinogenic or mutagenic substan
door de projectmanagers = by the project managers
Door de reverse listing = As a result of the reverse takeover
door de ROZ opgesteld = prepared by the Real Estate Council of the Netherlands (ROZ
door de samenstelling toe te voegen aan het voeder of drinkwater van het  = by adding said composition to the feed or drinking water of said animal
door de samenstelling toe te voegen aan het voeder of drinkwater van het  = by adding said composition to the feed or drinking water of said animal
door de sandbox beveiligd = protected by the sandbox
door de temperatuur van = by the temperature of
Door de toevoeging van het positieve resultaat na belastingen aan de rese = By adding the positive result after taxes to the reserves
Door de toevoeging van het resultaat aan de reserves = By adding the result to the reserves
door de transporteenheid afgelegde afstandsstappen = transport unit travelled distance increments
door de transporteenheid afgelegde afstandsstappen (32) = transport unit travelled distance increments (32)
Door de twee helften van het lichaam los te nemen = By detaching the two halves of the body
door de veiligheidsinrichting gecontroleerd = monitored by the security device
door de Vennootschap gedreven onderneming = the Company’s business
door de Vennootschap uitgegeven aandelen = shares issued by the Company
door de Vereniging uitgegeven = issued by the Association
Door de verpakking weer in kringloop te brengen = By recycling the packaging
door de verschillende doosformaten = due to the different box sizes
door de vervoerder laatstelijk gepubliceerde = last published by the carrier
door de vervoerder ten vervoer is aanvaard = accepted for carriage by the carrier
door de verwerkingseenheid of analyse-eenheid niet vast te monteren op he = by not fixedly mounting the processing unit or analysis unit to the assoc
door de verwerkingseenheid of analyse-eenheid niet vast te monteren op he = by not fixedly mounting the processing unit or analysis unit to the assoc
door de verzekeringsmaatschappij = by the insurance company
Door de vrijstelling van de metaalionen te beperken tot deze hoeveelheid = By limiting the release of the metal ions to this amount
door de wederpartij geleden schade = damages incurred by the other party
door de wederpartij geleden schade = damage incurred by the other party
door de week = during the week
door de week(s) = on weekdays
door de werkgever vast te stellen = to be determined by the employer
door de werknemer te kiezen = to be chosen by the employee
door de wervel worden meegenomen = are carried along by the eddy
door de wet beschermd recht = legally protected right
door de wet voorgeschreven accountant = statutory auditor
door de wet voorgeschreven reserves = statutory reserves
door de wetgever geregeld = provided for in legislation
door de wetgever geregeld zijn = to be provided for in legislation
Door de zeer geringe inbouwdiepte = Due to the very shallow installation depth
door de zelfstandige = by the self-employed person
door de zonnepanelen = by the solar panels
door Deloitte is afgegeven = has been issued by Deloitte
Door DEMB ter beschikking gestelde auto = The car made available by DEMB
door derden = by third parties
door derden conservatoir beslag wordt gelegd = is subject to a prejudgement attachment by third parties
door derden executoriaal beslag wordt gelegd = is seized under a warrant of execution by third parties
door derden gereed gemaakte = prepared by third parties
door Derden in de Programmatuur aangebrachte mutaties = changes made in the Software by Third parties
door dewelke = via which
Door deze hele Overeenkomst heen = Throughout this Agreement
door deze naar boven te kantelen = by tilting it upwards
door deze stoffen veroorzaakt = caused by those substances
door deze te wassen in een badje met IPA = by washing them in a bath with IPA
Door deze wijze van vouwen = As a result of this manner of folding
door deze wijzigingen = as a result of these changes
door dialoog en overleg aan te gaan = by engaging in dialogue and consultation
Door diesel aangedreven = Diesel-powered
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = board of directors
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = board of management
door directeur-eigenaar geleide onderneming = owner-managed business
door dispensatie = dispensatory
door dit bureau opgestelde adviesrapport = advisory report prepared by this agency
door dit verdrag gebonden staat = State bound by this Convention
door draaien van de reflector in een tweede richting = by rotating the reflector in a second direction
door drie toestellen parallel te plaatsen = by placing three devices in parallel
door drukbanden geklemd = clamped by presser belts
door drukschommelingen = due to pressure fluctuations
door een aanbestedende dienst = by a contracting authority
door een aangetekend schrijven met onmiddellijke ingang buiten rechte = "with immediate effect and without court intervention, by registered lette"
door een aanvaller worden bemachtigd = obtained by an attacker
door een ander dan = by someone other than
"Door een ander gas dan propaan onder druk in de cilinder te pompen, kan d" = "The cylinder pressure can be increased to an acceptable level of, say, 7 "
door een bepaald persoon = by a particular person
door een besluit van de Algemene Vergadering = by a resolution of the General Meeting
door een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan = by a competent government authority
door een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan proces-verbaal is opgemaakt = an official report is drawn up by
door een daartoe bevoegde instantie opgemaakte = drawn up by a competent authority
door een defect = due to a fault
door een derde geïnstalleerde = installed by a third party
door een deur = through a door
Door een dialoog aan te gaan met = Entering into a dialogue with
door een door beide partijen ondertekend schrijven = through a document signed by both parties
door een door de lidstaat aangewezen instantie wordt onder door de eindbe = payments effected by final beneficiaries
door een druk op de knop = at the push of a button
door een eenvoudige schriftelijke mededeling = by means of a simple written notice
door een e-mail te sturen naar = by emailing
door een erkende dealer of door de constructeur = by an authorised dealer or the manufacturer
door een erkende organisatie uitgevaardigde aanhouding = recognised organisation-related detention
door een felle brand is verwoest = destroyed by a raging fire
door een felle brand verwoest = destroyed by a raging fire
door een fout of nalatigheid van de koper = due to error or negligence on the part of the Buyer
door een gat = through a hole
door een gebruiker = by a user
Door een gepaste keuze van = Through a suitable selection of
door een gespecialiseerd technieker = by a specialised technician
door een kredietverzekeraar geweigerd = rejected by a credit insurer
door een minimale hoeveelheid kracht met de hand uit te oefenen = by exercising a minimal amount of force by hand
Door een omgekeerde splitsing = Through a reverse share split
door een omstandigheid = by a situation
door een onafhankelijk persoon worden georganiseerd = organised by an independent person
door één persoon = by a single person
door één persoon kan worden bediend = can be operated by one person
door één persoon kunnen worden bediend = can be operated by a single person
door een plaatselijke instantie = by a local authority
Door een relatie op te bouwen met je teamleden = By building a relationship with your team members
door een roodgekleurde balk weergegeven = represented by a red coloured bar
door een strafbaar feit zijn verkregen = obtained by criminal means
door een studie van de tekeningen = by a study of the drawings
door een transportband in een steile hoek mee te voeren = carried along at a steep angle by a conveyor belt
door één van beide partijen = by either Party
door een van de voorgaande zaken is veroorzaakt of eruit voortvloeit = caused by or arising out of one of the previous cases
door een verkeerscentrale = by a traffic control centre
door één zaakvoerder ondertekend = signed by one manager
door een zorgverzekeraar = through a health insurance provider
door eenvoudig weg aan een uiteinde van de broekspijp te trekken = by simply pulling on an end of the trouser leg
door eenvoudige beslissing = by simple resolution
door eenvoudige overlapping = by simple overlapping
door elkaar heen = interchangeably
door elkaar heen = without making a distinction between the two types
door elkaar vlechten = to interlace
door elkaar weven = to interweave
Door elke levensloop wordt het wezen van de mens zichtbaar. (R. Treichler = "Through a man’s life story, you may glimpse the essence of all men. (R."
door en door = through and through
Door en Front Cover = Door and Front Cover
door enkel gebruik te maken van = by making use of only
door enkele overtreding of niet nakoming = as a result of any breach or failure
Door ethanol aangedreven = Ethanol powered
door externe leveranciers worden geboden = provided by external suppliers
door Facebook ingezameld = collected by Facebook
Door gas aangedreven = Gas-powered
door gebrek aan ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden = due to lack of development opportunities
door gebruik = due to use
door gebruik te maken van = by using
door gebruik te maken van = by making use of
Door gebruik te maken van = By using
door gebruik te maken van de = by using the
door gebruik te maken van de API = by making use of the API
door gebruik te maken van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbe = by making use of the application programming interface for positioning
door gebruik te maken van de toepassingsprogrammaverbinding voor plaatsbe = by making use of the application programming interface for positioning
door gebruik te maken van de werkwijze en de inrichting volgens conclusie = by using the method and the device according to claim
door gebruik te maken van een = through the use of a
door gebruik te maken van een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding = through the use of an application program interface
door gebruik van een andere montageset = using a different mounting kit
door gebruik van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = by using embodiments of the present invention
door gebruik versleten = worn out as a result of use
door gebruiker gedefinieerd type = user-defined type
door gebruiker gedefinieerd type financiële dimensie = user-defined financial dimension type
Door gebruiker vertrouwd certificaat = User Self Trust Certificate
door gecertificeerd vakpersoneel = by certified specialists
"Door geen tel knappers te accepteren, gaat vert. drammen bij klant" = By not accepting any cancellations by phone...
door geheel Europa erkend en geaccepteerd = recognised and accepted across Europe
Door geïntegreerde generator = By integrated generator
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakt gezweer = drug-induced ulcer
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakt parkinsonisme = drug-induced parkinsonism
door geneesmiddelengebruik veroorzaakte akathisie = drug-induced akathisia
door genoemd masker over ten minste één frame te leggen = by overlaying said mask over at least one frame
door gepaste feedback te geven = by giving appropriate feedback
door gepersonaliseerde content aan te bieden = by offering personalised content
door gewrichten verbonden structuur = articulated structure
door gezamenlijk deel te nemen in het kapitaal = by joint participation in the capital
door gezamenlijk deel te nemen in het kapitaal van de Vennootschap = by joint participation in the capital of the Company
door GGO’s geproduceerd = produced by GMOs
door GGO's geproduceerde producten = products produced by GMOs
door hem heen en weer te schuiven = by sliding it back and forth
door hem verschuldigde bedragen = amounts for which he is liable
Door hem vragen te stellen = By asking him questions
door hem/haar verstrekte/ingevulde (persoons)gegevens = data (personal or otherwise) provided/completed by them
door het aanbrengen van een koude temperatuur = by applying a cold temperature
door het aanbrengen van een warme temperatuur = by applying a warm temperature
door het aanleggen van een hoge trekkracht = by applying a high tensile force
door het aantrekken van koorden = by pulling draw strings
door het afval in fluïdisatie te brengen en te houden = by fluidising the waste and keeping it fluidised
Door het afvoerdebiet te regelen = By controlling the discharge rate
door het algoritme = by the algorithm
door het bedrijf beschikbaar gesteld = provided by the company
door het bedrijfsleven ervaren = experienced by the business community
door het bestuur genomen actie = administrative action
door het bestuur te nemen actie = administrative action
door het bureau begeleid = assisted by our staff
door het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband afgeschermd = shielded by the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
Door het drukken van de kraag in de behuizing = By pressing the collar into the housing
door het enkele feit dat = by the mere fact that
door het enkele feit dat = by the sole fact that
door het enkele feit dat = merely because
door het enkele feit dat = purely on the basis of the fact that
door het enkele feit dat = solely because
door het etiket en de verpakking waarop het is bevestigd in contact te br = by bringing the label and the packaging it is attached to in contact with
door het feit dat = by the fact that
door het gat = through the hole
door het gebruik van = by the use of
door het gebruik van een grafisch display = through the use of a graphic display
door het gebruik van een mal = by using a mold
door het goede voorbeeld te geven = by setting a good example
door het hele project = project-wide
door het herhalen van de eerder beschreven handelingen = by repeating the previously described operations
door het horen van getuigen = by hearing witnesses
door het horen van getuigen en deskundigen = by hearing witnesses and experts
door het in beschouwing nemen = by taking into consideration
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ​​obtained via an ine
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van één of meerdere waarden bekomen via e = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
door het in beschouwing nemen van ��n of meerdere waarden bekomen via = by taking into consideration one or more values ??obtained via an inertia
Door het indienen van een Inschrijving = By submitting a Tender
door het jaar = throughout the year
door het lot laten beslissen = to determine by lot
door het niet nakomen van de wet = as a result of non-compliance with the law
Door het ontbreken van = In the absence of
door het oog van de naald = A narrow escape or
Door het plaatsen van een bestelling = By placing an order
door het polymeer te verwarmen in een verhittingsmachine = by heating the polymer in a heating machine
door het positioneren van de uitsparing over het uitsteeksel = by positioning the recess over the protrusion
Door het schuim te laten opschuimen = By allowing the foam to foam
door het spiraalvormig zijn van het afdichtingselement = due to the spiral shape of the sealing element
"door het spuitgieten, het extruderen, het thermovormen, het compressievor" = "by injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming, compression molding or 3D"
"door het spuitgieten, het extruderen, het thermovormen, het compressievor" = "by injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming, compression molding or 3D"
door het synchroniseren van = by synchronising
door het treffen van maatregelen = by taking measures
door het uitvoeren van = by carrying out
door het uitvoeren van een corresponderende smartphone applicatie = by means of the execution of a corresponding smartphone application
door het uitvoeren van een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de ond = by carrying out a method according to embodiments of the present inventio
door het uitvoeren van een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de ond = by carrying out a method according to embodiments of the present inventio
door het uitvoeren van stappen (a) en (b) = by performing steps (a) and (b)
door het uitzetten van de lucht in het gesloten systeem door verwarming = by the expansion of the air in the closed system by heating
door het vastklemmen in de holte = by the clamping in the cavity
door het verminderen van de vorming van = reducing the formation of
door het verplaatsen van = by moving
door het verstrekken van minder korting = by offering less discounts
door het vormen van een positieve luchtdruk = by forming a positive air pressure
door het vuur gaan = do just about anything
door het water plassen = paddle
door het weer aangetast / verkleurd / met weervlekken / verweerd = weather-stained
door hun aandelen vertegenwoordigd = represented by their shares
door hun vorm en afmeting ingeslikt kunnen worden = of ingestible shape and size
door Huurder aan Verhuurder zijn voldaan = have been paid by Lessee to Lessor
door huurder niet is opgezegd = has not been terminated by the Lessee
door Huurder te weinig is betaald of door Verhuurder te veeI is ontvangen = that Lessee has paid too little or that Lessor has received too much
door Huurder van Verhuurder worden gehuurd = rented by Lessee from Lessor
door huurder verschuldigde huurprijs = rent payable by Lessee
Door hypothecaire zekerheid gedekte obligatie = Collateral mortgage obligation (C.M.O)
door ijs ingesloten = icebound
door in mijn  hoedanigheid als verzendende instantie aan de bevoegde ontv = in my capacity as transmitting agency to the competent receiving agency
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = EIA
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exercise-induced asthma
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exercise-induced brochospasm
door inspanning veroorzaakte astma = exertional asthma
door inspanning veroorzaakte hoofdpijn = benign exertional headache
door inspanning veroorzaakte hoofdpijn = exertional headache
Door intelligent search = Through intelligent search
door kapitaal gedekte pensioenregeling = funded pension scheme
Door kernenergie aangedreven = Nuclear powered
Door kerosine aangedreven = Kerosene powered
door ketting aangedreven = chain-driven
Door key = Door key
door Klant aan Derde is geleverd = supplied by Customer to a Third party
door koken of stoven verkregen = obtained by cooking
door kunnen ontwikkelen = develop
door kwaadwillenden misbruikt = abused by malicious parties
door lasers te lezen disks = laser-readable discs
door laxeermiddel veroorzaakte enteropathie = laxative-induced  enteropathy
door lekkend = caused by leaking
door lekkend water = caused by leaking water
door leveranciers ontwikkelde software = software developed by suppliers
Door Lock = Door Lock
Door Lock = Door Lock
Door lock cap = Door lock cap
door loting aanwijzen = select by lottery
door management en medewerkers = by management and staff
door mechanische middelen = by mechanical means
door meerdere evenwijdige lusvormige linten gevormd is = is formed by a plurality of parallel looped ribbons
door Microsoft gereserveerde partitie = Microsoft Reserved partition
door middel van = by means of
door middel van = through
door middel van = per
door middel van = using
door middel van aankoop of anders = through purchase or otherwise
door middel van chemische (lijm/oplosmiddel) middelen of door middel van  = by chemical (adhesive/solvent) means or by physical (mechanical or therma
door middel van de = by means of the
door middel van de juiste kennis en de juiste vraagstelling = by asking the right questions and having the right knowledge
door middel van de Ontwerpen = by means of the Designs
door middel van de stappenmotor = by means of the stepping motor
door middel van deuren = by means of doors
door middel van dompelen = by immersion
door middel van een aangetekend schrijven = by means of a registered letter
door middel van een aangetekend schrijven met ontvangstbewijs = by means of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt
door middel van een deksel kan zijn = can be by means of a lid
door middel van een inhouding op het netto salaris = shall be settled through a deduction from the net salary
door middel van een kennisgeving per aangetekende post = by means of a notice sent by registered post
door middel van een Schriftelijke overeenkomst = by means of a Written agreement
door middel van een schriftelijke verklaring = by means of a written statement
door middel van een schriftelijke verklaring = through a written statement
door middel van een transmissiemiddel = by means of a transmission means
door middel van een vragenlijst = by means of a questionnaire
door middel van het aanbrengen en bevestigen = by means of applying and fixing
door middel van het afschermingsvel = by means of the protective sheet
door middel van het delen van data = through the sharing of data
door middel van hitte gesneden = heat cut
door middel van hitte gesneden wordt = is heat cut
Door middel van inductie = Using induction
door middel van insteekpluggen = by means of push-in plugs
door middel van koolstofketenverlenging = by carbon chain elongation
door middel van lithografie = by means of lithography
door middel van of op basis van = through or based on
door middel van opwarming = by means of heating
door middel van schriftelijke goedkeuring van beide Partijen = by written agreement of both Parties
door middel van schroeven = by means of screws
door middel van telefoon e = by phone
door middel van tweerichtingsfeedback = through two-way feedback
door middel van verschillende interfaces = though various interfaces
"door mij, notaris, zakelijk aan de verschenen persoon meegedeeld en toege" = "communicated and explained by me, civil-law notary, to the person appeari"
door mijn team te analyseren = by analysing my team
door mijn werkgever uitgezonden naar het buitenland = transferred to a foreign country by my employer
Door mijn ziekte zit ik soms niet lekker in mijn vel. = My illness really gets me down at times.
door moeten en willen = must and want to continue
door na elke wijziging op drukknop 'save' te drukken = by pressing the ‘save’ button following any change
door nalatigheid of verzuim van = through failure or omission on the part of
door nalatigheid of verzuim van = through the default or negligence of
door naschakeling van een deNOx-katalysator = by utilising downstream DeNOx catalyst
door nieuwe sets toe te voegen = by adding new sets
Door nu op  de toets  te drukken = By pressing on the  button
Door obstakels = By obstacles
door of  vanwege Verhuurder  verzorgde levering van zaken en diensten = the supplies and services to be provided by or on behalf of Lessor
door of namens = by or on behalf of
door of namens de koper = by or on behalf of the Buyer
door of namens hem te verlenen diensten = services provided by or on its behalf
door of namens wie = by or on behalf of
door of namens wie = by or on whose behalf
door- of onder verantwoording van = "by, or under the responsibility of,"
door of op vordering van = by or on the demand of
door of vanwege = by or on behalf of
door of vanwege de vervoerder = by or on behalf of the carrier
door of vanwege verhuurder = by or on behalf of Lessor
door of vanwege Verhuurder te verzorgen levering van zaken en diensten = goods and services to be provided by or on behalf of Lessor
door ondertekening door = upon signature by
door ondertekening van = upon signature of
door ondertekening van deze Uitzendovereenkomst = By signing this Temporary Employment Contract
Door ondertekening van dit formulier = By signing this form
door ongedierte aangetaste korrels = grains damaged by pests
door ons geïdentificeerde = we have identified
door ons ingeschakelde derden = third parties engaged by us
door ons worden waargenomen = observed by us
door oorzaken buiten de schuld van = through no fault of
"door op de externe component ook de beweging/versnelling te detecteren, e" = by also detecting the movement/acceleration on the external component and
Door op een titel te klikken = Clicking on a title
door op voorhand de metalen plaat te snijden = by cutting the metal plate in advance
door opdrachtgever aangegeven locatie(s = location(s) specified by client
door opdrachtnemer in rekening worden gebracht = charged by the contractor
door opgeroepene betaalde oproep = collect call
door opnieuw de wizard te doorlopen = by re-running the wizard
door opzegging beëindigen = terminate by giving notice
door opzegging door één der Partijen = by notice of termination by one of the Parties
door overheid aangestelde = appointed by the government
door partijen geparafeerde = initialled by Parties
door partijen gewaarmerkte = certified by Parties
door Partijen zijn aanvaard = have been accepted by Parties
door personen die geschoold zijn in dit domein = by persons who are skilled in this field
door ponsen en plooien van metaal = by punching and bending of metal
door RD-gateway beheerde computergroep = RD Gateway-managed computer group
door regelmatig positiebijstellingen te verzenden naar de server = by regularly sending position updates to the server
Door rekening te houden met = By taking into account
door relevante instanties = by the relevant authorities
door reset commando te geven = by giving reset command
door rollend materieel in rijdende toestand veroorzaakte persoonlijke ong = accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion
door rook en roet aangetast = damaged by smoke and soot
door samenvoeging van = by merging
Door samenwerking = By working together
door Schiphol aan te leveren apparatuur (directielevering) = equipment supplied and paid for by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
door schriftelijk akkoord van beide partijen = with the written consent of both parties
door schriftelijke mededeling = by means of a written notice
door schrik bevangen worden = be horrified
door sensor = by sensor
Door sensor assy = Door sensor assy
Door Side = Door Side
door slim gebruik te maken van = by making smart use of
Door slimme tools is het mogelijk = Smart tools make it possible
door spanning van de schakelkast te halen = disconnecting the switch box from the power source
Door stop = Door stop
Door Stops Assy = Door Stops Assy
door storing verspeelde werktijd = machine spoilt work-time
door storm beschadigd = weather-beaten
door straling uitgeharde vernissen = radiation-cured varnishes
door structuur en samenhang zichtbaar te maken en verbanden te leggen tus = by showing the structure and cohesion of the topic and making connections
Door Switch = Door Switch
Door Switch Actuator = Door Switch Actuator
Door Switch Assy = Door Switch Assy
door te berekenen = pass on
door te berekenen naar de klanten = pass this on to the customer
door te breken op de consumentenmarkt = break into the consumer market
Door te factureren kosten aircoinstallaties = By bill-costs for charges airconditioning
Door te factureren kosten companies secretary = By bill-costs for charges companies secretary
Door te factureren kosten erelonen companies secretary = By bill-costs for charges fees companies secretary
Door te factureren kosten erelonen externe bestuurders = By bill-costs for charges fees nominee directors
Door te factureren kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van aircoinstallatie = By bill-costs for charges maintenance and repair of airconditioning
Door te factureren kosten onderhoud en herstellingen van diverse machines = By bill-costs for charges maintenance and repair of miscellaneous machine
door te kantelen = by tilting
door te klikken op = by clicking on
dóór te ontwerpen = by designing
door te rekenen = pass on the charges
door te sturen = forward
door te trekken aan = by pulling on
door te voeren = implement
door te voeren = Passing through
door te vragen = pursue in more detail
door toedoen van = through the actions of
door toepassing van = by using
door toeval teniet gegaan = unless the goods were lost/destroyed as a result of unforeseeable circums
door toevoeging van = by adding
door tussenkomst van = per
door tussenkomst van = through
door tussenkomst van = through the agency of
door tussenkomst van = through the good offices of
door tussenkomst van = through the intermediary of
door twee aluminium geleiders = by two aluminium guide rails
door u ingediende = that you submitted
door u opgemaakte = prepared by you
door u opgemaakte jaarrekening = financial statements prepared by you
door u worden georganiseerd = shall be organised by you
door vacuüm bediende klep = vacuum valve
Door Vacuüm Chamber = Door Vacuum Chamber
door vakgenoten van commentaar voorzien = peer-reviewed
door vastzuigen vastnemen van de voorgebroede eieren = gripping the set eggs by suction
door verbranding van vast brandbaar materiaal verkregen rookgas = flue gas obtained through combustion of solid combustible material
door vergaande automatisering en doordachte logistiek = Through far-reaching automation and clever logistical solutions
door Verhuurder te verstrekken bijkomende leveringen en diensten = additional supplies and services to be provided by Lessor
door Verkoper opgegeven = specified by Seller
door Verkoper schriftelijk is bevestigd = confirmed in writing by Seller
door verplaatsing van een ander aantal = by moving a different number of
door verrekening met een vordering = by set-off with a claim
door versleuteling is afgeschermd = protected by encryption
"door Verwerker en/of door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen, waaro" = by Data Processor and/or legal or natural persons engaged by Data Process
door Verwerker getroffen beveiligingsmaatregelen = security measures taken by Data Processor
door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen = legal or natural persons engaged by Data Processor
"door Verwerker ingeschakelde (rechts)personen, waaronder maar niet beperk" = "legal or natural persons engaged by Data Processor, including but not lim"
door Verwerker ingeschakelde Sub-verwerkers = Sub-Processors engaged by Data Processor
door vezels van de eerste buitenste non-woven laag te verstrengelen met v = by entangling fibers from the first outer nonwoven layer with fibers of t
door voedsel overgedragen uitbraak = foodborne outbreak
door vorst beschadigd worden = being damaged by frost
Door waterstof aangedreven = Hydrogen powered
door WebViews gebruikte applicatiecode = application code used by WebViews
door welke oorzaak dan ook = for any reason whatsoever
door welke oorzaak dan ook = for whatever reason
door welke overmacht dan ook = any circumstances beyond one’s control
door werkgever aan te wijzen = appointed by the employer
door werkgever uitgezonden naar Nederland = transferred to the Netherlands by employer
door wet- of regelgeving gestelde vereisten = legal and regulatory requirements
door wie naar wie wordt geëscaleerd = who escalates to whom
door Yellax ontwikkelde Programmatuur = Software developed by Yellax
door Yellax schriftelijk bevestigd = confirmed in writing by Yellax
door ze aan het tapijt te naaien = by sewing them to the carpet
door ze er eenvoudigweg op te leggen = by simply placing it on it
door zekerheid gedekte verplichting = secured liability
door zelf het voorbeeld te stellen = by setting the example myself
door zich te wenden tot = by appealing to
door ziekenfondsen erkende geneeskunde = standard agreement health care
door zijn cilindrische mantel = due to its cylindrical shell
Door zonne-energie aangedreven = Solar powered
door zuurstoftekort onbruikbare ademlucht = atmosphere rendered unbreathable by oxygen deficienc
door zwangerschap veroorzaakte hypertensie = pregnancy-induced  hypertension
door zwangerschap veroorzaakte hypertensie = hypertension due to pregnancy
door/middels/op = by/through/on
doorbabbelt = continuing to chat
doorbelast = passed on
doorbelast = charged on
doorbelast in huurverhoging = charged on in the rent increase
doorbelasten = charge on
doorbelasten = on-charge
doorbelasten = pass on
doorbelasten aan = pass on to
doorbelasting = charging
doorbelasting = "passing on, charging on"
doorbelastingsbeleid = charging policy
doorbelastingsitem = chargeable item
doorbelastingsproces = charging process
doorbelastingssleutel = allocation key / allocation matrix
doorbelastingsstructuren = cost allocation structures
doorbelastingsstructuur = cost allocation structure
doorberekend = charged on
doorberekend = passed on
doorberekende (gedekte) vaste kosten = absorbed burden
doorberekende (gedekte) vaste kosten = absorbed cost(s)
doorberekenen = charge on
doorberekenen = charge on to
doorberekenen = pass on to
doorberekenen = pass on
doorberekenen = allocate to
doorberekenen = charge to
doorberekenen = oncharge
doorberekenen = pass on (costs) to
doorberekenen = rebill
doorberekenen = recharge (expenses to group companies)
doorberekenen = recover (costs) from
doorberekenen (naar) = charge to the budget of
doorberekening = recharging of costs
doorberekeningsclausule = escalation clause
doorberekeningsclausule = to glance (cursorily) at
doorberekeningsclausule = to run over
doorbetaald loon = continued payment of wages
doorbetaling = forwarding payment on to
doorbetaling = forwarding payment to
doorbetaling = continued payment
doorbetaling bij afwezigheid = paid absence
doorbetaling bij afwezigheid = paid leave
doorbetaling van loon = sick leave at full pay
doorbetalingspercentage = payment percentage
doorbetalingsproces = payment process
doorbetalingsproces = distribution process
doorbetalingsverplichting = obligation to continue to pay salary
doorbijten = abide
Doorblaassysteem = Blow-through system
doorbladeren = to leaf through
doorbladeren = to thumb through
doorbladeren = leaf through
"doorbladeren, diagonaal lezen" = "skim  (read quickly, skipping some detail)"
doorblazen = being blown through
doorblazen = blow through
doorbloeding = blood flow/blood circulation
doorbloeding in het endometrium = endometrial breakthrough bleeding
doorboorbaar = pierceable
doorboorbare = pierceable
doorboort = pierced
doorboren = pierce
Doorboren = Tap
Doorboren = Bore
Doorboren = Lance
Doorboren = Hole
Doorboren = Drill
Doorboren = Erupt
doorboren = to drill through
Doorboren = Break through
Doorboring = Punch
Doorboring = Hole
Doorboring = Perforation
doorboringen = internal channel
doorboringen = internal channels
Doorbraak = Break
doorbraak = breakthrough
Doorbraak = Breach
doorbraak = game-changer
doorbraak in de tegengestelde richting = reverse breakdown
Doorbraakproject Onderwijs & ICT = ‘Breakthrough project on Education & IT’ (Doorbraakproject Onderwijs 
doorbraakpunt voor verbetering = leverage point for improvement: LPI
doorbraakspanning = reverse breakdown voltage
doorbraaktechnologie = breakthrough technology
doorbraken = breakthroughs
doorbranden = melt
doorbranden = to fuse
doorbranden = burn out
doorbranden / smelten = fuse (ww)
Doorbreken = Puncture
Doorbreken = Cross over
Doorbreken = Come out into the open
Doorbreken = Erupt
Doorbreken = Break through
Doorbreken = Get across
Doorbreken = Hole
Doorbreken = Drill
Doorbreken = Cut into
Doorbreken = Bore
doorbreken = to break through
Doorbreken = Eat into
Doorbreken = Snap off
Doorbreken = Break up
Doorbreken = Walk across
Doorbreken = Cross
Doorbreken = Bust
Doorbreken = Enter into
Doorbreken = Burst
Doorbreken = Traverse
doorbreken = break
Doorbreken = Snap
Doorbreken = Go across
Doorbreken = Tap
Doorbreken = Break into
Doorbreken = Pop
Doorbreken = Lance
Doorbreken = Make inroads into
Doorbreken = Get over
doorbreken van de interne beheersing = by-passing of internal control procedures
Doorbreking = Break
Doorbreking = Interruption
Doorbreking = Rupture
Doorbreking = Break-up
Doorbreking = Breach
Doorbreking = Disruption
doorbrengen = spend
doorbrengen = pass
Doorbrengen = Employ in
Doorbrengen = Employ for
Doorbrengen = Employ
Doorbrengen = Employ on
Doorbrengen = Make use of
Doorbrengen = Use
Doorbrengen = Utilize
Doorbrengen = Apply
doorbroken = penetrate
doorbroken = pierced
doorbroken = circumvented
doorbuigen = deflect
doorbuigen = sag
doorbuigen = bend
doorbuigen = bend through
doorbuigen = deflect (to)
doorbuigen / uitbuigen = deflection
doorbuigen onder belasting = sag under load
doorbuiging = sag
doorbuiging = bending
doorbuiging = bending-through
doorbuiging = deflection
doorbuiging = sagging
doorbuiging [5] = downward flexure
doorbuiging van de band = tyre deflection
Doorbuiging van het element = Frame deflection
"doorbuiging, zakking" = deflection
doorbuigingslijn = deflection curve
"doorbuigingslijn, elastische lijn" = deflection curve
doorcederen = reassign
door-connossement voor container = combined transport bill of lading
door-connossement voor container = to pass on to
door-connossement voor container = to recover from
doorcontroller en -interfaces = door controller and interfaces
doordacht = sophisticated
doordacht = considered
doordacht = elaborate
"doordacht, doordachte, weloverwogen" = deliberate {adj} (carefully considered)
doordachte business-strategie = well-thought-out business strategy
Doordachte technologie = Results-driven technology
doordat = in that
doordat = because
Doordat = Because
doordat = through (the fact that)
dóórdat = owing to (the fact that)
Doordat de houder door middel van de kraag in de behuizing is vastgehoude = Because the holder is held in the housing by means of the collar
Doordat de houder door middel van de kraag in de behuizing is vastgehoude = Because the holder is held in the housing by means of the collar
doordat de klant de verbinding heeft verbroken = because the customer hung up
doordat de negatieve waarde van de renteswap afnam = because the negative value of the interest rate swap fell
Doordat de temperatuur lineair stijgt = Because the temperature rises linearly
doordat deze een beter rendement hebben = because of their higher efficiency
doordat er gebruikt gemaakt wordt van = under
doordat er meer en relevante feedbackinformatie wordt bezorgd aan de tolk = because more and relevant feedback information is provided to the interpr
doordat er meer en relevante feedbackinformatie wordt bezorgd aan de tolk = because more and relevant feedback information is provided to the interpr
Doordat het systeem zichzelf in evenwicht houdt = Because the system keeps itself in balance
doordat kabels niet moeten worden doorgeknipt = because cables do not have to be cut
doordecentralisatie = progressive decentralisation
doordenken = careful consideration
doordenken = consider
doordenken = deep thinking
doordenken = think out
doordenken = think through
doordeweeks = during the week
doordeweeks = on weekdays
doordeweekse dag = weekday
door-de-weekse dag = weekday (Monday to Friday)
doordeweekse rustdag = weekly rest day
Doordien = Because
doordiepen = to emboss
doordiepstempel = embossing tool
Doordoen = Squander
Doordoen = Waste
doordraaft = rattles on
doordrenking = impregnation
doordrenking (materialen) = impregnation (materials)
doordrenking (materialen) = impregnation
doordrenkt = waterlogged
doordrenkt = infused
doordrenkt = soaked
doordrijven = drive through
doordringbaar = permeable
doordringbaar = pierceable
doordringbaarheid = permeability
doordringen = to penetrate
Doordringen = Pervade
doordringen = get in
doordringen = to convince
Doordringen = Break into
Doordringen = Convinced
doordringen = to persuade
Doordringen = Soak in
doordringen = penetrate
doordringen = percolate
Doordringen = Permeate
Doordringend = Piercing
Doordringend = Abrasive
Doordringend = Sharp
Doordringend = Keen
Doordringend = Shrill
Doordringend = Sharp-toned
doordringende = penetrating
doordringing = penetration
doordringing = permeation
doordringspanning = punch-through voltage
doordrinkers = session drinks
doordroging = through drying
doordrongen van = fully aware of
doordruk = through print
doordrukken = force
Doordrukken = Break through
doordrukken = to extrude
doordrukking = embossment
doordruklasapparaat = projection welder
doordruklassen = projection welding
doordrukveer = extruded spring
Dooreen = Higgledy-piggledy
Dooreen = Huger-mugger
Dooreen = Pell-mell
dooreenhalen = confuse
dooreenleverbare obligatie = interchangeable bond
doorfan = door fan
doorfantest = door fan test
doorfluitapparaat = whistle apparatus
doorfluiten = to whistle
doorfluitspanning = whistle voltage
doorgaan = proceed
Doorgaan = Along
Doorgaan = Go on with
Doorgaan = Push on
doorgaan = to go on [continue]
Doorgaan = Carry on
doorgaan = to carry on [continue]
Doorgaan = Continue
Doorgaan = Keep with
Doorgaan = Pursue
doorgaan = to continue
Doorgaan = Proceed with
Doorgaan met disciplinair proces = Continue with the disciplinary procedure
doorgaan zonder activeren = continue without activating
doorgaand = continuous
doorgaand / aanhoudend = ongoing
doorgaand gat = through hole
doorgaand gat van de bak = through hole of the tray
doorgaand verkeer = through traffic
doorgaand verkeer = through-traffic
doorgaand wegverkeer = through traffic
doorgaande = through-going
doorgaande gat = through hole
doorgaande gaten = through holes
doorgaande gatgeometrie = through hole geometry
doorgaande getapte stelgaten = through-going threaded guide holes
doorgaande ligger = continuous beam
doorgaande montagegaten = through-going mounting holes
doorgaande ontwikkeling = continuous development
doorgaande sleufgaten = through-going slotted holes
doorgaande transportlaag = end-to-end transport layer
doorgaande verbindingen = end-to-end communications
doorgaande weg = through road
doorgaande weg buiten de bebouwde kom = express-road
doorgaande zuigerstang = through piston rod
Doorgaans = By and large
Doorgaans = Generally
doorgaans = usually
Doorgaans = Typically
Doorgaans = Taking it by and large
doorgaans = as a rule
doorgaans = generally
doorgaans gedaan in tweetallen = usually done in pairs
doorgaans vergezeld gaan met grote warmtebehoeften = usually accompanied with high heat requirements
doorgang = corridor
doorgang = passageway
doorgang = continuity
doorgang = aisle
doorgang = gate
Doorgang = Narrow(s)
doorgang = transit
doorgang = passage
doorgang vinden = to be on
doorgang vinden = to take place
doorgang zal kunnen vinden = continue to take place
doorgang(en) = passageways
doorgangen = passageways
doorgangen = access points
doorgangen = access points … leading to …
doorgangen = passages
doorgangmeten = to test on continuity
doorgangsbewijzen = transit passes
Doorgangsboring = Through bore hole
doorgangsboring = pass-through hole
doorgangsdemping = insertion loss
Doorgangsdemping bij 2150 MHz = Through loss at 2400 MHz
Doorgangsdemping bij 860 MHz = Through loss at 860 MHz
doorgangsdeur = access door
doorgangsgaten = passage holes
doorgangsklemmenstrook = interconnecting terminal strip
doorgangsluik = hatch
doorgangsluik = access hatch
doorgangsmeter = continuity tester
doorgangsmeting = continuity test
doorgangsmeting = continuity check
doorgangsopening = hoistway opening
doorgangsopening = access opening
doorgangsruimte = free passage
Doorgangstest = Continuity test
Doorgangstester = Continuity tester
doorgangsuitsparingen = passage recesses
doorgangsverlichting = passageway lighting
Doorgangsweerstand = Continuity resistor
doorgangsweerstand = forward resistance
"doorgangsweg, doorgaande weg" = "thoroughfare (a road open at both ends, especially one with much traffic)"
doorgave van wijzigingen = change propagation
doorgeblazen = purge
"doorgedraaid, [slang] geflipt" = "berserk {adj} (injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of co"
doorgedreven = highly developed
doorgedreven = advanced
doorgedreven integratie = thorough integration
doorgedreven ontwikkeling = extensive development
doorgedreven samenwerking = extensive cooperation
doorgedrukt gat met schroefdraad = embossed threaded hole
doorgedrukte gaten = knocked-out holes
doorgeefformulier = document filling note
doorgeefpoort = relay port
doorgefactureerd = to pass on
doorgegeven = disclosed
doorgegeven = transmitted
doorgegeven aan = handed over to
doorgegeven aan Lifetime = passed on to Lifetime
doorgegeven naar = passed on to
doorgehaald = cancelled
doorgekauwd = chewed through
doorgeleiding door de lucht = transit by air
doorgeleverd = supplied to a third party
doorgelinkt = redirected
doorgelopen = undergone
doorgelust = daisy chained
doorgemetalliseerd = plated through
doorgemetalliseerd gat = via
doorgenomen = gone through
doorgerekend = calculated
doorgerekend aan de klant = passed on to the customer
doorgerolde = rolled forward
doorgeschakeld = redirected
doorgeschakeld = sent
doorgeschoten = excessive
doorgeschoten = excessively
doorgeschoten = extreme
doorgeschoten = taken to the extreme
doorgeschoten flexibilisering = excessive flexibility
doorgeschoven (pensioen)bijdrage = roll-over contribution
doorgeschoven naar = postponed to
Doorgeslagen zekering = Blown fuse
doorgeslipt = slipped
doorgesneden = cut
doorgespoeld = flushed
doorgesproken = discussed
doorgestreept = effaced
doorgestuurd = transmitted
doorgestuurd = redirected
doorgestuurd = forwarded
doorgetrokken = extended
doorgetrokken gat = plunged hole
doorgetrokken lijnen = solid lines
doorgetrokken streep = barrier line / continuous line
doorgeven = handing over
doorgeven = passing on
doorgeven = providing
doorgeven = propagate
Doorgeven = Demise
Doorgeven = Transfer
Doorgeven = Hand down
doorgeven = submission
doorgeven = pass on
doorgeven = reporting
doorgeven of versturen = transferring or transmitting
doorgeven van gegevens aan derden = onward transfer
doorgeven van informatie = disclosure of information
doorgeven van instructies = instruction passing
doorgevoerd = conveyed in transit
doorgevoerd = forwarded
doorgevoerd = transited
doorgevoerd = implemented
doorgevoerd = passed through it
doorgevoerde wijzigingen = implemented changes
doorgezakte voet = fallen arches
doorgezet naar = sent to
doorgezet naar een ander kanaal = transferred to another channel
doorgezette boetes = apportioned damages
doorgezonden = transmitted
"doorgezonden, opgeslagen of anderszins verwerkte gegevens" = "data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed"
"doorgezonden, opgeslagen of anderszins verwerkte Persoonsgegevens" = "transmitted, stored or otherwise processed Personal Data"
doorgifte = transfer (m.b.t. persoonsgegevens)
doorgifte = propagation
doorgifte van persoonsgegevens = transfer of personal data
Doorgifte-mechanisme = Transfer mechanism
doorgiften = transfers
doorgiften aan derde landen of internationale organisaties = transfers to non-member countries or international organisations
doorgifterecht = right of relay
doorglijden = slip
doorgroeibaan (loopbaan met doorgroeimogelijkheden) = career with promotion opportunities
doorgroeid = perfoliate
doorgroeien = career advancement
doorgroeien = continued growth
doorgroeiers = growing/expanding companies
doorgroeimechanismen = development mechanisms
Doorgroeimogelijkheden = Career opportunities
doorgroeimogelijkheden = career opportunities
doorgroeistaffel [premie] = "graduated, age-related premium table"
doorgronden = understanding
doorgronden = scrutinize
doorhaalfout = drawing-in fault
doorhaalhaak = drawing-in hook
doorhaalmachine = drawing-in machine
doorhaalmiddel = cover / coating
doorhaalplan = drafting plan
doorhalen = draw in
doorhalen = cross out
Doorhalen = Strikethrough
doorhalen = swipe
"doorhalen , slaan , toeslaan" = strike
doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is = strike out what does not apply
doorhaling = drawing-in
doorhaling = striking off
doorhaling = [see note]
doorhaling van de inschrijving = cancellation of the registration
doorhalingen door parafering waarmerken = to initial deletions
doorhalingsprocedure = cancellation procedure
doorhang = sag
doorhang (of cable) = sag
doorhang (of wires) = dip
doorhang van bovenleiding = catenary sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen = sag
doorhangen en vervormen van planken of balken = sagging and deformation of planks or beams
doorhangen van geleiders = conductor sagging
doorhangende = sagging
doorharden = through hardening
doorharden = hardening through
doorharding = full-harden
doorharding = harden
doorharding = harden full
doorharding = harden through
doorharding = through-hardening
doorhebben = figure out
doorheen = through
doorheen (dwars door) = through (in België)
doorheen de = through the
doorheen de bekledingsplaat = through the cladding panel
doorheen de bouwelementen = through the building elements
doorheen de eerste opening = through the first opening
doorheen de jaren = over the years
doorheen de parti?le coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de partiéle coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de partiële coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen de parti�le coating stack = through the partial coating stack
doorheen deze ganse beschrijving = throughout this description
doorheen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband zakken = sink through the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt
doorheen het substraat = through the substrate
doorijders na een ongeval = hit-and-run drivers
Doorkiesnr = Direct line
doorkiesnummer = direct dial number
doorkiesnummer = direct line
Doorkiesnummer = Extension number
Doorkiesnummer = Direct telephone number
doorkiezen = dial through
doorkijk = forward view
doorkijk = look ahead
doorkijk = perspective
doorkijk = transparency
doorkijk = window
Doorkijk = Prospect
Doorkijk = Outlook
Doorkijk = Perspective
doorkijk = peep-through
doorkijk = vista
doorkijken = read again
doorkijken = views
doorkijkvenster = look-through window
doorklieven = split
doorklik = click through
doorklik homepage = click-through to homepage
doorklik naar = click through to
doorklikken = clickthrough
doorklikken = click through
doorklikkers = speed-clickers
doorkliksysteem = drill down
doorklinken = resound
doorklokken = "send, dispatch, forward, process"
doorkoeling = further cooling
doorkoken [1] = continue to cook
doorkoken [1] = keep boiling
doorkoken [1] = simmering
doorkoken [2] = cook through
doorkoken [3] = boil thoroughly
Doorkomen = Get on
Doorkomen = Make it
Doorkomen = Hit it off
Doorkomen = Make a success of
Doorkomen = Make the grade
Doorkomen = Pull off
Doorkomen = Success
Doorkomen = Successful
doorkomen = succeed
doorkoppelen = linking
doorkrasproef = scratching test
Doorkruisen = Scour
Doorkruisen = Wander across
Doorkruisen = Travel through
Doorkruisen = Wander over
Doorkruisen = Traverse
doorkruisen = bar
Doorkruisen = Browse
Doorkruisen = Race through
Doorkruisen = Skim through
Doorkruisen = Look through
doorkruisen = to traverse
doorkruisen = traverse
"doorkruisen, verstoren, verijdelen" = disconcert  (frustrate)
doorkruising van het gemiddeld niveau van positief naar negatief = down cross
doorkruising van het gemiddelde niveau van negatief naar positief = up cross
doorkruist = traverses
doorkwellen = seep through
doorlaat = duct
doorlaat = pass band
doorlaat (%) = open area (%)
doorlaatbaarheid = permeability
doorlaatbaarheid van licht = light transmittance
"doorlaatbaarheid, doorstroombaarheid, doorlaatbaarheid" = permeability (propery of being permeable)
doorlaatband = pass-band
doorlaatbandbreedte = response bandwidth
doorlaatcaisson = sluice caisson
doorlaatcoefficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlaatfactor = transmission factor
doorlaatfilter = band-pass filter
doorlaatgebied = band-pass range
doorlaatgeleiding = forward conduction
doorlaatkarakteristiek = response curve
doorlaatkarakteristiek = transmission characteristic
doorlaatkromme = forward characteristic
doorlaatpost = checkpoint
doorlaatposten = checkpoints
doorlaatpotentiaal = forward potential
doorlaatrichting = forward direction
doorlaatstrook = passage strip
doorlaatstroom = forward current
doorlaatvermogen = forward power
doorlaatversterker = pass amplifier
doorlaatvoorspanning = forward bias
doorlaatwaarde = threshold value
doorlaatweerstand = forward resistance
doorlassing = continuous butt welding (doorlassen)
doorlassing = root fusion (doorbranding als lasfout)
doorlaten = admit (to)
doorlaten = to let through
doorlatend = pervious
doorlatend = permeable
doorlatend materiaal = permeable material
doorlatend membraan = pervious membrane
doorlatende bedekking = pervious lining
doorlatendheid = transmittance
doorlatendheid = permeability
doorlatendheidscoëfficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlatendheidsco�fficient = coefficient of permeability
doorlatendheidsmeter = permeameter
doorlatingsbewijs = access permit
doorlatingsbewijs = entry permit
doorlatingsbewijs = special dispensation to drive through somewhere
doorlatingsbewijs = transit pass
doorleefd verhaal = a vivid story
doorleefde ervaring = lived experience
doorleefde ervaring = lived experiences
doorleefde ervaringen = lived experiences
doorleefde ervaringen = lived experience
doorleefde evaringen = lived experience
doorleefde uitspraken = lived statements
Doorlees = Continue reading
Doorlees = Continued
doorleesactie = readthrough
doorleggen trein = continue train tracks
doorleiden = to inject
doorleiding = transfer/transaction
doorlekken = to leak
Doorleven = Test
Doorleven = Experience
doorleveren = redistribute
doorleveren = resell
doorleveren = resupply
doorleveren = supply on
doorleveren = supply to a third party
Doorlezen = Read through
doorlichten = analyse
doorlichten = analyze [US]
doorlichten = audit
doorlichten = examine
doorlichten = investigate
"doorlichten, bestralen, röntgenen, met röntgenstralen onderzoeken" = X-ray  (to take a radiograph of)
doorlichting = audit
doorlichtingsfirma = audit firm
doorlichtscherm = fluoroscopic screen
doorliep een basis en advanced training = underwent basic and advanced training
doorlinken = [see: ‘backlink’]
doorlinken = followed
doorlinken = redirect (JurLex: comp.)
doorlinken naar = link to
doorloop = nozzle
doorloophoogte = Passage height
doorloopproces = continuous process
doorloopprovisie = renewal commission
doorlooppuls = transport pulse
doorloop-puls = transport pulse
Doorlooppulsen = transport pulses
doorloopsnelheid = machine speed
doorloopt = completes
doorloopteller = accumulator
doorlooptijd = lead time <productietijd>
doorlooptijd = throughput time <productietijd>
doorlooptijd = project lead time
doorlooptijd = turnaround time
doorlooptijd = duration
doorlooptijd = lead time
doorlooptijd = processing time
doorlooptijd = throughput time
doorlooptijd = turnaround time (US)
Doorlooptijd = Throughput time
doorlooptijd van de inkoop = purchasing lead time
doorlooptijd van de levering = supply lead time
doorlooptijd van de toeleverancier = vendor lead time
doorlooptijd van een opdracht = lead time of a job order
doorlooptijd van een partij = batch throughput time
doorlooptijdcompensatie = lead time offset
doorlooptijdconsequenties = impact on turnaround
doorlooptijden = lead times
doorlooptijden van projecten = project turnaround times
doorlooptijdverkorting = lead time reduction
doorlooptijdverkorting = reduction in lead time
doorlooptijdvoorraad = lead time inventory
doorlopen = continue
Doorlopen = Travel through
Doorlopen = Browse
Doorlopen = Skim through
doorlopen = completed
doorlopen = passed through
Doorlopen = Race through
doorlopen = complete
Doorlopen = Look through
Doorlopen = Wander across
Doorlopen = Scour
Doorlopen = Wander over
Doorlopen = Traverse
doorlopen = to run through
doorlopen = work through
doorlopen naar het = extend into the
doorlopen op de formation roller conveyor = continue on the formation roller conveyor
doorlopen stappen = completed steps
doorlopen tot aan de = proceed to the
doorlopend = continues
Doorlopend = Multi-trip travel and cancellation insurance
doorlopend = continuously
doorlopend = continuous
doorlopend = continual
doorlopend = continually
Doorlopend ‘on-access’ controle = Continuous on-access checks
Doorlopend ‘on-access’ controle op aanwezigheid van virussen = Continuous on-access checks for the presence of viruses
Doorlopend C-profiel = Continuous C-profile
Doorlopend DIN-profiel = Continuous DIN-rail
doorlopend formulier = continuous form
doorlopend gat = bottomless hole
doorlopend in gesprek = is in constant dialogue
doorlopend incassoopdrachten = recurrent direct debit orders
doorlopend klavier = continuous keyboard
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving account
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving credit
Doorlopend krediet = Standing credit line
Doorlopend krediet = Continuous credit
Doorlopend krediet = Revolving credit line
Doorlopend krediet (tot maximum) = Standing credit
Doorlopend nummer = Consecutive number
doorlopend nummer = consecutive number
Doorlopend nummeren = Consecutive numbering
doorlopend of periodiek uitgegeven effecten = securities issued in a continuous or repeated manner
Doorlopend overig profiel = Continuous other profile
Doorlopend profiel = Through-going profile
doorlopend uitwisselen van kennis = continuous exchange of knowledge
doorlopende = continuous
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = continuous inventory [Am.]
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = continuous stocktaking
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = cyclical stocktaking
doorlopende (roulerend-partiële) voorraadopnamen = perpetual inventory [Am.]
Doorlopende activiteiten = Continuing operations
doorlopende activiteiten = continuing activities/operations
Doorlopende administratie = Perpetual records
Doorlopende arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering = Continuous disability insurance
Doorlopende basis = Continuing basis
doorlopende berekening van samengestelde interest = continuous compounding
doorlopende bout = through bolt
doorlopende diensten = ongoing services
Doorlopende draad = Through-going wire
doorlopende evaluatie = continuous evaluation
doorlopende fundering = continuous footings
doorlopende gaten = through holes
Doorlopende kast = Extension of the box
Doorlopende kosten = Recurring costs
Doorlopende kosten = Recurrent costs
Doorlopende kosten = Standing expenses
Doorlopende kosten van prolongatie = Renewal expenses
Doorlopende lasten = Recurring charges
doorlopende leerlijn = curriculum continuity / learning continuity pathway [DS: Learning Continu
doorlopende leerlijn = continuous learning pathway
doorlopende leerlijnen = learning-teaching trajectories
doorlopende lijn = continuous line
doorlopende lijnen = continuous lines
doorlopende machtiging = standing order (m.b.t. betaling)
Doorlopende Machtiging Bedrijven = Recurrent Business Mandate (Doorlopende Machtiging Bedrijven)
Doorlopende nummering van pagina’s = Consecutively numbered pages
doorlopende ondersteuning = ongoing support
doorlopende onveranderlijke betaling = constant payment
doorlopende opdracht = standing order (BE)
Doorlopende opdracht = Recurring engagement
Doorlopende opdracht = Continuing engagement
doorlopende opdracht = standing order
doorlopende opdracht = recurring/continuing engagement [auditing
doorlopende order = standing order
doorlopende order = automatic withdrawal
doorlopende paginering = consecutive numbering
doorlopende professionele ontwikkeling = continuing professional development
doorlopende reisverzekering = multi-trip travel [insurance]
doorlopende reisverzekering = Continuous travel insurance
doorlopende scholing = continuing education
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging = Recurrent SEPA direct debit mandate
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging = Recurrent SEPA mandate
Doorlopende SEPA machtiging Bedrijven = Recurrent SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
Doorlopende stift = Through-going pin
doorlopende storing = continuous interference
doorlopende tekst = running text
doorlopende tekst = "(van statuten)
continuous text"
doorlopende tekst = "(in ondergrondbedrukking)
endless text"
doorlopende tekst = endless text
doorlopende tekst = continuous text
Doorlopende toevoer = Continuous feed
Doorlopende vakantieverzekering = Continuous holiday insurance
Doorlopende vergunning = Standing permit
Doorlopende vergunningen = Standing permits
doorlopende verzekering = continuous insurance
doorlopende verzekering = annual insurance
doorlopende verzekering = long-stay insurance
doorlopende verzekering = multi-trip insurance
Doorlopende volmacht = Standing authorization
Doorlopende volmacht = Durable power of attorney
doorlopende volmacht = lasting power of attorney (LPA)
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual inventory records
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual stock ledger
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual inventory ledger
Doorlopende voorraadadministratie = Perpetual stock accounts
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual inventory ledger [Am.]
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual inventory records [Am.]
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual stock accounts
doorlopende voorraadadministratie = perpetual stock ledger
Doorlopende voorraadopnamen = Cyclical stocktaking
Doorlopende voorraadopnamen = Continuous stocktaking
doorlopende ziektegeval = ongoing illness
doorloper = rummer
doorloper = Mephisto crossword
doorloper = prolonged production set
doorluchtig = episcopal
doorlussing = daisy chaining (het gelijktijdig versturen van signalen naar verschillend
doorlussing = loop/loop-linking (TELECOM.
doorlussing = patch(ing) (TELECOM.)
doorlussing = van signalen)
doorlussing = patching
Doorlussing voor TV = Loop-through for TV
Doorlussing voor TV en door geïntegreerde generator = Loop-through for TV and by integrated generator
Doorlusvoorziening = Through-wiring
Doormaken = Cross over
Doormaken = Walk across
Doormaken = Traverse
Doormaken = Go across
Doormaken = Get through
Doormaken = Get over
Doormaken = Test
Doormaken = Experience
Doormaken = Cross
Doormaken = Go through
Doormaken = Get across
doormeetapparaat = continuity tester
doormeetapparatuur = circuit tester
doormeettest = continuity test
doormelden = to report
doormelden = to notify
doormelden = "to report, to notify"
doormelding = notification
doormelding = forwarding of a fire alarm to a central fire alarm centre (e.g.)
Doormelding en Detectie = Remote alarm and Detection
doormelding van brandalarm = automatic forwarding of a fire alarm
doormelding van brandalarm naar een particuliere alarmcentrale = automatic forwarding of a fire alarm to a private emergency alarm centre
Doormeldmodule voor bliksem- en overspanningsafleider = Remote signalling module f. lightning current/surge arrester
doormetalisering = through(-hole) metallisation
doormetalliseren = to plate through
doormetallisering = plated-through-holes
doormeten = conduct a circuit test
doormeten = measure
doormeten = test for continuity
doormeten = test(ing)
doormeten = to test for continuity
doormetingen = continuity test(ing)
doormetingen = test (for) continuity
doormiddel van = by means of
doormiddel van de 485bus = by means of the 485-bus
doormiddel van de verschillende bewerkingen = by means of the various operations
doormiddel van een hijsband = by means of a hoisting strap
Doormodderen = Trample on
Doormodderen = Sink
Doormodderen = Trample upon
Doormodderen = Get stuck in the mud
Doormodderen = Flounder
Doormodderen = Get bogged
Doormodderen = Get bogged down
Doormodderen = Paddle
Doormodderen = Wallow
Doormodderen = Tread on
Doormodderen = Wade
Doormodderen = Splash about
doormodderen = muddling on
Doormodderen = Squelch
Doormodderen = Tread
doorn = mandrel
doorn = thorn
doorn (van clark) = buckle catch
doorn {de} in het oog = eyesore
"doorn, (tak-)" = spine
"doorn, de vertakte spine" = dendritic spine
doornemen = to peruse
doornemen = repeat
Doornmaat = Mandrel size
Doornpersing = Arbour clamping
Doornroosje = Sleeping Beauty
doornstruik = thorn bush
doorontwikkeld = continuously developed
doorontwikkeld = further developed
doorontwikkeld tot = developed into
doorontwikkelde = mature
doorontwikkelde = sophisticated
doorontwikkelde = mature
doorontwikkelde = sophisticated
doorontwikkelen = further develop
doorontwikkeling = (further) development
Doorontwikkeling = further development
Doorontwikkeling = continued development
Doorontwikkeling = follow-on development
doorontwikkelingen = detailed engineering
doorontwikkelingen = continued development
doorontwikkelingen = development
doorontwikkelingen = further development
doorontwikkelingen = evolution
doorpakken = interim injunction including a ruling on an objection in the plenary acti
doorpakken = interim injunction including a ruling on an objection in the principal ac
doorpakken = act vigorously
doorpakken = put through
doorpersen = forcing away a layer of bad soil by loading it with layers of sand on top
doorpersen v/e pijp = pipe jacking
doorplaatsen = to copy
doorprikbaar = pierceable
Doorprikken = Pierce
"doorprikken, ontmaskeren" = debunk  (to discredit or expose the falsehood of something)
doorregen lap = streaky bacon/pork
Doorreis = Way through
Doorreis = Excerpt
Doorreis = Passbeyond
Doorreis = Aisle
Doorreis = Passage
Doorreis = Pass
doorrekenen = to calculate
doorrekenen = invoice you  for
doorrekeningen = transfer pricing charge-on
Doorrijden = Travel through
Doorrijden = Scour
Doorrijden = Browse
Doorrijden = Wander across
Doorrijden = Wander over
Doorrijden = Skim through
Doorrijden = Look through
Doorrijden = Race through
Doorrijden = Traverse
doorrijden na een ongeval = hit-and-run accident
doorrijgen = to tack
doorrijhoogtes = clearance heights
doorrijroute = transit route
doorrijzone = traffic route
doorroeren = curl
doorroesten = to rust through
doorrollen = to wrap-around
Doorrollen = Roll-over
doorrolstelling = flow rack
doorrolstellingen = flow racks
doorschakelen = forward a call
doorschakelen = redirect
doorschakelen = relaying
doorschakelen = toggling
doorschakelen = call forwarding
doorschakelen = to call forward
doorschakelen = forward
doorschakelen van binnenkomende oproepen = forwarding incoming calls
doorschakelen vanuit ruggespraak = call transfer
doorschakelfunctie = call forwarding function
doorschakelmodule = switching unit
doorschakelverzoeken = forwarding requests
doorscheuren = tear
doorschiet = bolt
doorschieten = bolt
doorschieten = go over the top
doorschieten = to overshoot
doorschieten op de landingsbaan = overshoot
doorschieten van de pose = pose overshoot
doorschietfactor = overshoot ratio
doorschijnend = translucence
doorschijnend = transparent
doorschijnend = pellucid
doorschijnend = translucent
doorschijnend en teer = hyaline
"doorschijnend, verstrooïend" = translucent {adj} (allowing light to pass through but diffusing it)
doorschijnende = transparent
doorschijnendheid = transparency
doorschot = overshoot
doorschoten = interleaved
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = carbon copy bookkeeping system
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = copy writing accounting
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = duplicate recording system
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = one-write bookkeeping system [Am.]
doorschrijfboekhouding/doorschrijfsysteem = single-posting system
Doorschrijfpapier zonder carbon = Carbonless paper
doorschrijven = to write through
doorschuifmodel vaatwasser = passthrough dishwasher
doorschuifmomenten = throughput moments
doorschuifoven = pusher-type furnace
doorschuiftijd = transit time
doorschuiven = pass on
doorschuiving (van activa/beleggingen) via een tussenschakel = conduit roll-over
doorschutten = lock through
doorsijpelen = seep through
doorsijpelen = percolate
doorsijpelen = to silt through
doorsijpelen = percolation
"doorsijpelen, doordringen" = percolate  ((intransitive) spread slowly or gradually)
doorsijpeling = percolation
doorsijpeling = oozing
doorsijpeling = seepage
doorsijpeling = seeping through to
doorsijpeling van water in de bodem = water infiltration into the ground
Doorsijpelprincipe = Filtering through principle
doorslaan = 7. (drevelen) drive in
doorslaan = "2. (van gaten) punch, race"
doorslaan = "3. [ELEC.ENG.] (van een zekering) fuse, blow, come through"
doorslaan = "8. [ELEC.ENG.] (van smeltveiligheid) blow, melt"
doorslaan = "4. (van bijv. inkt door papier) show through, bleed through"
doorslaan = "6. (vocht doorlaten) sweat, become damp"
doorslaan = 1. (door prikken) puncture
doorslaan = "11. (grof filtreren) strain, colander"
doorslaan = 5. (lijm) bleed through
doorslaan = "12. (het slippen van wielen, machine) race, skid"
doorslaan = 9. (door slaan breken) break
doorslaan = "10. (een muur) knock down, break out"
doorslaan = 14. (van een leiding) fuse
doorslaan = 13. (van isolatie) break down
doorslaan = to blow
doorslaan = moisture penetration
doorslaan = to get (completely) out of hand
doorslaan = slip
doorslaan = to mix
doorslaan = reverse
doorslaan = change face
doorslaan = invert
doorslaan van een kabel = breakdown of a cable
doorslag = breakdown
doorslag = punch
doorslag = round punch
Doorslag = Replication
Doorslag = Drift punch
Doorslag = Copy
doorslag = drift-punch
Doorslag = Backup
Doorslag = Dub
Doorslag = Paper
doorslagboring = pass-through hole
doorslaggevend = deciding factor
doorslaggevend = decisive
doorslaggevend geweest = was the deciding factor
doorslaggevende = decisive
doorslaggevende factoren = deciding factors
doorslaggevende stem = decisive vote
doorslaggevende stem = casting vote
doorslaggevende stem = deciding vote
doorslaggevende stem zal hebben = having a deciding vote
doorslaggevende zeggenschap = decisive control
doorslagkit = arcing cement
doorslagmeettafel = breakdown test board
doorslagpapier = carbon paper
doorslagspanning = breakdown voltage
doorslagsterkte = dielectric strength
doorslagvastheid = puncture strength
doorslagveiligheid = "electrical breakdown fuse, electrical breakdown protection (circuit)"
doorslagveldsterkte = breakdown field strength
doorslijpen = straight cylindrical grinding
Doorslijpen = Slit
doorslijpmachine (loodgieterij) = abrasive cut(ting)-off machine
doorslijpmachine (loodgieterij) = abrasive(-wheel) cut(ting)-off machine
doorslijten = wear away
Doorslikken = Swallow down
doorslikken = swallow
Doorslikken = Gulp
Doorslikken = Gobble up
doorslippen = to slip
doorsluizen = channel
doorsluizen = to forward
doorsluizen = to pass on
doorsluizen = pipe
doorsmelten = to melt through
doorsmelttijd = fusing time
doorsmeren = anoint
Doorsmeren = Grease
doorsnede = profile
doorsnede = intersection
doorsnede = cross-section
Doorsnede = Cross section
doorsnede = section
doorsnede = overlap
doorsnede (middellijn) = diameter
doorsnede (snijvlak) = sectional plane
doorsnede (tekening) = cross-section
doorsnede (tekening) = cross-sectional drawing
doorsnede (tekening) = section
Doorsnede (verzamelingenleer) = Intersection (set theory)
Doorsnede aansluitsnoer = Cross section connection cable
Doorsnede afnameleiding = Cross-section of take-off cable
Doorsnede aftakgeleider = Cross section branch core
Doorsnede bedradingsaders = Cross section wiring cores
Doorsnede doorgaande geleider = Cross section through-wiring core
Doorsnede kap = Diameter cap
Doorsnede kookgedeelte 1 = Diameter cooking field 1
Doorsnede kookgedeelte 2 = Diameter cooking field 2
Doorsnede opening = Diameter openings
Doorsnede reflector = Reflector diameter
doorsnede ter hoogte van = cross-section at the height of
doorsnede van de leidingen = cross sections of the pipes
Doorsnede van ribben = Rib diameter
Doorsnede van/tot = Cross section from/to
Doorsnede volgens de as = Cross-section along the axis
doorsnede volgens de lengterichting = cross-section along the longitudinal direction
doorsnedeaanzicht = sectional view
doorsnedekracht = section force
doorsneden = transected
doorsneden [ww] = transected
doorsnede-oppervlakte = cross-sectional area
doorsnedetekening = sectional drawing
doorsnee = ordinary
doorsnee = average
doorsnee = common
doorsnee = mean
doorsnee = run-of-the-mill
Doorsnee = Platoon
doorsnee spies = regular skewer
doorsneeaanzicht = sectional view
Doorsneeanalyse = Cross-section analysis
doorsneepensioenpremie = average pension contribution
doorsneepremie = average premium
Doorsnijden = Sever
Doorsnijden = Slice away
Doorsnijden = Slice
Doorsnijden = Dissect
doorsnijding = intersection
doorsnijdingsklok = intersection clock
doorsnijstempel = cutting tool
doorspoelbaar = flushable
doorspoelen = flush
doorspoelen = to  flush (a toilet)
doorspoelen = flushing
"doorspoelen,doortrekken" = flush  (to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water)
doorspoelwater = flush water
doorspreken = discussing
doorspreken = talking through
doorspuiten = to purge
doorspuitopeningen = flushing openings
doorspuitvoorziening = flushing facility
doorsroommogelijkheden (gebruikt als HR term) = career possibilities
doorstaan = endure
doorstaan = abide
doorstart = restart (at take-off) go-around (for landing)
doorstart = "new start, een doorstart maken = start up again"
doorstart = relaunch/restart (m.b.t. bedrijven)
doorstartend bedrijf = restarting company (after bankruptcy)
doorstartend bedrijf = restructuring company (from bankruptcy)
doorstartend bedrijf = young business
doorstarter = young business
doorsteekbox = break-out box
Doorsteekfitting = Passing through lamp holder
doorsteekketen = break-out chain
Doorsteekmodel = Trough-feed model
Doorsteekscharnier = Passing through hinge
Doorsteekveilig = Stick-proof
doorsteken = threading
doorsteken = short-cuts
doorsteken = piercing
doorsteken of doorboren = piercing or perforating
doorstikken = stitch through
doorstop = door stop
doorstoten = penetrate
doorstreept = crossed out
doorstreeptest = cross-out test
doorstrepen = cross out
"doorstrepen, uitwissen, wissen" = strike  (to delete)
doorstrijkmethode = ???
Doorstrijkmortel = Jointing mortar
doorstromen = transfer / move on / progress / pursue a … degree
doorstromen = to transfer to
doorstromen = having received recognition for knowledge
doorstromen = move on (or up) to another level or form of education
doorstromen = skill or competence acquired.
doorstromen = to move on (or move up) to another type of education
doorstromen = flow through
doorstromen = transfer to a Master's programme
doorstromer = transferee
doorstromer (kijk ook bij 'zij-instromer') = continuing student
doorstroming = moving up (down) the house ladder
doorstroming = circulation
doorstroming = flow
doorstroming van het openbaar vervoer = flow of public transport
doorstroming van het openbaar vervoer = public transport flow
doorstroming van lucht = air flow
doorstromingsmeter = flowmeter
doorstromingsprofiel = wet cross-section
doorstromingsveld = flow field
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. onderw., naar andere opleiding) transfer   , moving on to"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. onderw., naar hoger studiejaar) progression"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. personeel, binnen organisatie) advancement   , promotion"
doorstroom = "(m.b.t. personeel, verloop) flow   , turnover"
doorstroom = (m.b.t. verkeer) flow
doorstroom (gebruikt als HR term) = "mobility, career development"
Doorstroom- en overstapanalyse = subscriber loyalty analysis
Doorstroom Master = follow-on master’s
doorstroom naar andere functie = mobility of staff
doorstroom naar andere functie = move to another job
doorstroom naar andere functie = transfer to another function [horizontal career step]
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = advancement of staff
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = mobility of staff
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = move on to a higher level
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = progression to a senior position
doorstroom naar hoger niveau = promotion of staff
doorstroom van mensen = flow of people
Doorstroom warmwatertoestel = Instantaneous water heater
doorstroomanalyses = high-throughput analysis
doorstroomdebiet = through-flow rate
doorstroomdeelkwalificatie = Entrance certificate
doorstroommanagement (HR term) = talent management
doorstroommaster = follow-on master’s
doorstroommaster voor bachelor studenten = follow-on master’s for bachelor’s students
doorstroommatrix = transfer matrix
doorstroomminor = special minor designed to enable students to transfer directly onto a uni
doorstroomminors = qualifying minors
doorstroommoeras = river basin wetlands
doorstroommogelijkheden = admission possibilities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = [staff] development opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career development [opportunities]
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career potential
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = career prospects
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = mobility of staff
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = opportunities for progress
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = promotion potential
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = promotion prospects
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = transfer opportunities
doorstroom-mogelijkheden = upward mobility
doorstroomopening = orifice
doorstroomproblematiek = (career) progression problems
doorstroomprofiel = transfer profile
doorstroomsnelheid = flow rate
doorstroomstudent = previously enrolled students entering a Master’s degree programme leadi
Doorstroomtijd = lead time
Doorstroomtijd = processing time
doorstroomtoestel = instantaneous water heater
doorstroomvak = required subject
Doorsturen = Forward
doorsturen = transmitting
doorsturen van bestellingen = forwarding orders
"doorsturen, doorverwijzen" = "redirect  (instruct to go, inquire... elsewhere)"
doorstuurpostvak = forward mailbox
doorstuurt = forwards
doortast = side access opening
doortastend = energetic
doortastender = bold
doortastender = boldly
doortastender = firm
doortastender = firmly
doortastender = resolute
doortastender = resolutely
doortastender = vigorous
doortastender = vigorously
doortastender = more vigouously
doortikken = to continue ticking
doortocht = transit
doortranen = weep
doortrapbescherming = puncture-resistant
Doortrapt = Smart
doortrapt = clever
Doortrapt = Sly
Doortrapt = Artful
Doortrapt = Cunning
Doortrapt = Wily
doortraptheid = cunning
doortrekken = lengthen
Doortrekken = Cross over
Doortrekken = Walk across
Doortrekken = Go across
Doortrekken = Get across
Doortrekken = Traverse
Doortrekken = Get over
Doortrekken = Cross
"doortrekken, doorzwerven" = peregrinate  (to travel through a specific place)
doortrekpons = extruding punch
doortrekstempel = extruding tool
doorvaart = passage
doorvaarthoogte = clearance
doorvaarthoogte = headroom
doorvaartopening = bridge passage
doorvalbeveiliging = fall-through protection
doorvalbeveiliging = fall prevention on the stands
doorvalbeveiliging = to protect people and objects from falling through
doorvalbeveiliging = protection for people or objects falling through
doorvallen = falling through
doorvalstans = [fall-through] die-punch machine
doorverbindblokje = junction block
doorverbindblokje = jumper block
doorverbinden = transfer
doorverbinden = to connect
Doorverbinden = Call forwarding
doorverbinden = to interconnect
Doorverbinden aan = Call Forwarding On
doorverbinden gebaseerd op locatie = location-based forwarding
doorverbinden met aankondiging = announced transfer
doorverbinden naar ander net = off-net extension
Doorverbinden uit = Call Forwarding Off
Doorverbinden wordt beheerd door Communicator = Control call forwarding from Communicator
doorverbinding = interconnection
Doorverbindingsbrug rijgklem = Cross-connector for terminal block
doorverbonden = connected
doorverbonden = interconnected
door-verbonden = connect through
door-verbonden = connect together
door-verbonden = interconnect
doorverhuren = relet
doorverhuren = rehire/relet
doorverkocht = resold
doorverkoopovereenkomst = resale contract
doorverkopen = resell
doorverkopen = sell on
doorverkopen = resale
doorverkoperen = to plate through
doorvermenigvuldigen = multiplying through
doorvertalen = pass on (...) to
doorvertaling = elaboration
doorvertaling = translation
doorverven = dye through
doorverwezen = redirected
doorverwezen = referred
doorverwijst = refer
doorverwijzen = refer
doorverwijzen naar buitengewoon onderwijs = refer
doorverwijzen naar buitengewoon onderwijs = refer to a special school
doorverwijzen naar iemand anders = to refer to somebody else
doorverwijzing = referral to a special school
Doorverwijzing = Referral to
doorverwijzing naar buitengewoon onderwijs = referral to a special school
doorverwijzing naar buitengewoon onderwijs = referral
doorvoer = lead-through
Doorvoer = Circulation
Doorvoer = Throughput
doorvoer = transit
doorvoer = duct
doorvoer = passage
doorvoer = throughput
doorvoer en kabelgoot = bushing and cable duct
doorvoer gaten = feed-through holes
doorvoer van de kabel = passage of the cable
Doorvoer van lucht = Circulation of air
doorvoer(ing) = lead-through
doorvoerbeitsinstallatie = conveyorized pickling equipment
Doorvoerblok = Feed-through block
doorvoerbout = through bolt
doorvoerbuis = sleeve
doorvoercapaciteit = throughput
doorvoercomponent = feedthrough component
doorvoercondensator = feed-through capacitor
doorvoerdraad = feed-through wire
doorvoerelement = pass-through housing
doorvoeren = implement
doorvoeren = make
doorvoeren = ducts
doorvoeren = feedthroughs
doorvoeren = to introduce a change
Doorvoeren = Elate
doorvoeren = to pass through
Doorvoeren = Carry
Doorvoeren = Whisk
Doorvoeren = Transport
doorvoeren = apply
Doorvoeren = Haul
Doorvoeren = Carry away
Doorvoeren = Carry out
doorvoeren = convey in transit
doorvoeren = forward
doorvoeren = send on
doorvoeren = transit
doorvoeren = feed-through conduits
Doorvoeren van critical en security patches = Implementation of critical and security patches
Doorvoeren van critical en security patches voor een stabiele (veilige) I = Implementation of critical and security patches for a safe and stable IT 
doorvoerfout = feed check
doorvoergat = feeded through hole
doorvoergloeidraad = feed-through filament
doorvoerhuls = pass-through bush
doorvoering = duct
Doorvoering = Slide bearing
Doorvoering = Anti-friction bearing
Doorvoering = Friction bearing
doorvoering in reactorvatdeksel = penetration of reactor vessels
doorvoeringen = ducts
doorvoerisolator = feedthrough insulator
doorvoerkabel = feed-through cable
doorvoerkampen = transit camps
doorvoerkanaal = conduit
doorvoerkanaal = feed-through conduit
Doorvoerklem = Panel feed-through terminal block
doorvoerland = transit country
doorvoerlengte = feed-through length
doorvoernummer = lead through number
doorvoerontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized cleaner
doorvoerontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized cleaning equipment
doorvoeropening = conduits
doorvoeropening = feed-through aperture
doorvoeropening = passage
doorvoeropening = lead-through opening
doorvoeroplosmiddelontvettingsinstallatie = conveyorized solvent degreasing equipment
doorvoeroven = conveyor oven
doorvoerplaat voor de ketting = chain entry plate
doorvoerrechten = transit charge
doorvoerreeks = fill series
doorvoerrichting = feed-through direction
doorvoerrol = pull roll
doorvoerrol = sectional pull roll
doorvoerrollen = pull collars
Doorvoerrubber = rubber grommet
doorvoerrubber schutbord = bulkhead grummet
Doorvoerscherm = confirmation screen/window
Doorvoersnelheid = Rate
doorvoersnelheid = throughput
doorvoersnelheid = throughput speed
doorvoerstuk = feed-through conduit
Doorvoerstuk leidingkanaal = Wall-ceiling transition for installation duct
doorvoersysteem = feedthrough system
doorvoerterminal = feedthrough terminal
doorvoertule = grommet
doorvoertule = screw plug
doorvoertule = "filler cap, rubber for test port for"
doorvoertule = bushing
doorvoertype = feed-through type
doorvragen = further inquiry
doorvragen = follow on questions
doorvragen = further questions
doorvragen = probing questions
Doorvragen = Asking probing questions
doorvragen = probing questions
Doorvragen = Follow-through questions
doorvragen = asking further questions
doorwaadbare plaats = lrish bridge
doorwaadbare plaats = watersplash
doorwaadbare plaats = ford
Doorwaden = Ford
doorwarmen = to soak
doorwarmingszone = soaking zone
Doorweken = Sop
Doorweken = Soak
Doorweken = Quench
Doorweken = Anneal
Doorweken = Steep
Doorweken = Dip
Doorweken = Chill
Doorweken = Douse
Doorweken = Temper
Doorweken = Drench
Doorweken = Harden
doorwerken = to plate out
doorwerken = carry on working
doorwerken = work on
doorwerken = continue to affect
doorwerken = continue to work
doorwerken in = be carried over into
doorwerken in = extend to
doorwerking = continued effect
doorwerking = impact
doorwerking = plating out
doorwerking = (continued) effect
doorwerking = direct effect (van cao)
doorwerkkap = work shelter
doorwerknippel = hole-finishing punch
doorzagen = to saw through
doorzakken = collapse
doorzakken = to sag
doorzakking = sagging
doorzending = transmission
doorzet = throughput
doorzetten = pass XXX on to YYY
doorzetten = abide
doorzetten = carry through
doorzetten = see out
doorzetten = to persevere
doorzetten = transfer
Doorzetten = Transfer
doorzetten naar de handel = pass on to the car trade
doorzetter = go-getter
doorzetting = embossment
doorzetting van het schip = inertia (in motion)
doorzettingsmacht = legal power
doorzettingsmacht = overriding authority
doorzettingsmacht = power to overrule
doorzettingsmacht = powers to overcome obstacles
doorzettingsmacht = with the power to take measures in another minister’s remit
doorzettingsmacht = final authority
doorzettingsvermogen = perseverance
doorzettingsvermogen {het} = perseverance [stamina]
doorzettingsvermogen {het} = stamina
"doorzettingsvermogen, daadkracht, creativiteit, respect, verdraagzaamheid" = "perseverance, decisiveness, creativity, respect, tolerance, receptivity a"
Doorzicht = transparency
doorzicht densiteit = "TD, transmission density"
doorzichten = views
doorzichtig = transparent
Doorzichtig = Overlay
doorzichtig = transparant
Doorzichtig = See-through
doorzichtig is = is transparent
doorzichtig materiaal = transparent material
Doorzichtig of doorschijnend papier = Transparent or translucent paper
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = allowing light to pass through
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = capable of being seen through)
"doorzichtig, doorschijnend" = diaphanous {adj} (Transparent
"doorzichtig, klaar, doorschijnend" = clear {adj} (completely transparent in colour)
doorzichtige = transparent
doorzichtige fietshelmcover = transparent bicycle helmet cover
doorzichtige folies = transparent films
doorzichtige procedures = transparent procedures
doorzichtige regionale-investeringssteunregelingen = transparent regional investment aid schemes
doorzichtige wanden = transparent walls
doorzichtige zijwanden = transparent side walls
doorzichtiggedeeltevandevoorruit = Transparent area of a windscreen
doorzichtigheid = transparency
Doorzichtigheid van de markt = Market transparency
doorzichtzoeker = direct vision finder
Doorzien = Guess
doorzitten [1] = ride (at) a sitting trot
doorzitten [2] = wear out (the seat of)
doorzitten [3] = decubitus (ulcers)
doorzitten [3] = have / get bedsores
doorzitten [3] = pressure sores
doorzoekbaar = searchable
Doorzoeken = Explore
Doorzoeken = Forage for
Doorzoeken = Delve
Doorzoeken = Excavate
Doorzoeken = Frisk
Doorzoeken = Poke about
Doorzoeken = Rustle for
doorzoeken = to scan
Doorzoeken = Pry
doorzoeken = search
Doorzoeken = Scavenge
Doorzoeken = Dig
doorzonkamer = through room
doorzonwoning = house with a through room
doorzweten = seep through
Doos = Till
Doos = Drum
Doos = Carton
Doos = Box
Doos = Can
doos = case
Doos = Cash desk
doos = box
doos {de} = box
"doos, verpakking" = box
doosafmetingen = box dimensions
doosband = cardboard box conveyor belt
dooscondensator = box capacitor
doosconfiguratie = box configuration
doosje = box
doosje {het} = "box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]"
doosligger = box beam
doosligger = box girder
doosniveau = circular level
doosopening = manufacturer's gap
doosvormige caisson = box caisson
Doosvrucht = Capsule
dooswand = box wall
dooswanden = box walls
dooverkopen = resell
dop = cap
dop = "DoP, director of photography"
Dop = Husk
dop = drain plug
dop = bark
dop = socket
dop met vertanding = toothed socket
Dop voor binnenzeskant = Socket driver hexagonal
Dop voor kruiskopschroeven = Socket for crosshead screws
Dop voor sleufschroeven = Socket for slot head screws
Dop voor torxschroeven = Socket for Torx screws
Dop voor zeskantmoeren = Socket for hexagonal nuts
dopaanslag = rubber buffer
dopakfles = Dopak bottle / Dopak sampler
dopamin agoniste = dopamine agonist: a substance that reduces the fluctuations in motor cont
Dopamine = Dopamine
dopamine-neurone = dopamine-producing neuron
dopamine-neurone = dopamine neuron
dopamineontvanger = dopamine receptor
dope = drug
dopen = to baptize
Dopen = Christen
dopen = to dope
dopen = to christen
dopen = baptize
doper = baptizer
Doperwten = Garden peas
dopes = additives
dophei = heath
Dophei = Heather
Dopheide = Heath
Dopheide = Heather
dophouder = nozzle
dophouders = nozzles
doping = performance drugs
Doping = Doping
doping in het sportswezen = doping in sports
doping in het sportswezen = sports drug abuse
doping in het sportswezen = using performance-enhancing drugs
dopinggeduide stoffen = substances designated as doping agents
dopje (bij systeemrol) = insert
dopjes = caps
dopmoer = blind nut
dopmoer = cap nut
dopmoer = capped nut
doppelblind studie = double blind study
Doppen = Husk
Doppen = Hull
Doppen = Shell
doppen = caps
Doppen verwijderen = Remove caps
Doppen voor houders = Tops for containers
doppenset met ratel = ratchet set
Doppler effect = Doppler shift
Doppler van bloedvaten = venous  doppler
Doppler VHF Omni direction Range (DVOR) = Doppler VHF Omni direction Range (DVOR)
Doppler-duplex echocardiografie = Doppler  echocardiography
Doppler-duplex echocardiografie = duplex echocardiography: a non-invasive technique used to determining blo
Dopplereffect = Doppler effect
Doppler-effect = Doppler effect
Doppler-navigatiesysteem = Doppler navigation system
Doppler-onderzoek = ultrasonics
Doppler-onderzoek = Doppler ultrasonography
Doppler-onderzoek: een techniek waarbij men met behulp van geluidsgolven  = Doppler scanning
Doppler-radar = Doppler radar
Doppleruitrusting = Doppler equipment
Doppler-verschuiving = Doppler shift
dopschroevendraaier = nut driver
Dopschroevendraaier = Socket spanner
dopschroevendraaier = socket-type wrench
dopsleutel = socket wrench
dopsleutel = socket spanner
Dopsleutelset = Socket set
dopvrucht = achene
dor = barren
dor = dry
DO-raming = final design estimate
Dordrecht = Dordrecht
Dordtenaren = citizens of Dordt
Dorenroosje = the Sleeping Beauty
dorheid = dryness
Doris Lessing = Doris Lessing
Dorisch = Dorian
Dorisch / Dorische orde / Dorische stijl = Doric
Dorisch ojief = cyma recta
Dorische = Doric
Dorische orde = Doric order
Dorische stijl / orde = Doric order
Dorische zuil = Doric column
dormter / dormitorium (slaapzaal in klooster) = dorter / dortour
Dorn = Prickle
Dorn = Thorn
Dorn = Spine
dornase = dornase
Dorner Electronic = Dorner Electronic
DornerDisposition I = DornerDisposition I
DornerSteuerung I = DornerSteuerung I
dorp = village
Dorp = Village Hall
dorp = town
dorp {het} = village
dorpel = threshold
dorpel = sill
dorpel = "1. (grondbalk van dok, sluis) sill, threshold"
dorpel = "2. [BUILD.] (deurdrempel) threshold, doorstep"
dorpel = 3. (bovendorpel) lintel
"dorpel, drempel" = threshold
"dorpel, onderdorpel" = sill
dorpeling = villager
dorpen {mv} = villages
dorpen en steden = villages and towns
dorpje = quiet village
Dorps = Rough
Dorps = Coarse
Dorps = Crude
Dorps = Raw
Dorps = Rural
Dorps = Rustic
Dorps = Countrified
dorpsburgemeester = burgomaster
dorpsgezicht = villagescape
dorpskern = village centre
dorpsplein = village square
dorre streek = barren
dorsaal = dorsal
dorsale wervelkolom = dorsal spine
dorsen = ripple
dorsen = thresh
dorsen = "thresh, to"
Dorsen = Percussion drilling
Dorsen = Beating
Dorsen = Threshing
Dorset = Dorset
Dorset Blue Vinney cheese = Dorset Blue Vinney cheese
dorsiflexie = bending backwards
dorsiflexie = dorsiflexion
Dorsmachine = Threshing machine
Dorsmachine = Drummer
Dorsmachine = Beater
dorsoventraal: van rug- naar buikzijde = dorsoventral: extending from the back to the belly
dorst = thirst
dorst {de} = thirst
dorst hebben = to be thirsty
dorst hebben = be thirsty
dorsten naar = covet
dorstig = thirsty
Dorsvlegel = Scourge
Dortmund = Dortmund
dorzolamide = dorzolamide
DoS = DoS
DOS = Reverse side
DOS = Piggyback
DOS = Reverse
DOS = Fed up
DOS = Back
DOS (besturingssysteem) = DOS
do's and don'ts = dos and don’ts
DoS-aanval = DoS attack
doseer installatie = batching system
doseerapparaat = metering device
doseerapparaat = dosing device
doseerapparaat = dosaging device
doseerapparaten = dosing devices
doseerapparatuur = dosing equipment
doseerbaan en/of keerbaan = batching conveyor and/or turning conveyor
doseerband = batching conveyor
doseerband = dosing conveyor
doseerband = batching conveyor
doseerband = belt feeder (IATE)
doseerband = dosing conveyor
doseerband = metering conveyor
doseerband = metering conveyor
doseerband = belt feeder (IATE)
doseer-band = batching conveyor
doseer-band = belt feeder (IATE)
doseer-band = dosing conveyor
doseer-band = metering conveyor
doseerband + keerbaan = batching conveyor + turning conveyor
doseerbunker = coal silo
doseercontainer = metering container
doseerextruder = dosage extruder
doseerhopper = dosing hopper
doseerhoppers = dosing hoppers
doseerinrichting = dosing device
doseerinrichting volgens onderhavige uitvinding = dosing device according to the present invention
doseerinstallatie = batching system
doseerinstallatie = dosing installation
doseerkamer = metering chamber
doseerkanaal = dosing channel
doseerkanalen = dosing channels
doseerkop = dosing head
doseerkoppen = dosing heads
doseerpen = dosing needle
doseerpomp = metering pump
doseerpomp = proportioning pump
doseerpomp = dosing pump
Doseerpompen = Dosing pumps
doseerrol = metering roll
doseerrol = roll feeder
doseerschuif = dosaging slide
doseerschuif = measuring valve
Doseersets = Dosage kits
doseersluis = rotary airlock
doseersluis = rotary feeder
doseersluis = rotary valve
doseersystemen = dosing systems
doseertank = dosing tank
Doseertoestellen = Dosing plant
doseerunit = dosing unit
doseervloeistof = dosing medium
doseerworm/afvulmachine = dosing screw/dosed filling unit
doseren = to dose
doseren = batch
doseren = batching
doseren = dose
doseren = measure out
doseren = meter
doseren = dosing
doseren en vermengen = dosing and mixing
doseren van chocolade in een mal = dosing chocolate into a mold
dosering = dosage
dosering = posology
dosering = dose
dosering = dose adjustment
Dosering en wijze van toediening = Posology and method of administration
doseringsaanpassing = dose adjustment
doserings-compensatie = dosage compensation
doseringscontrole = dosage control
doseringsregime = dosage regimen
doseringsregime = dosage schedule
doseringsregime = regimen
Doseringsregime = Dosage Schedule
doseringsschema = immunization schedule: choosing the best times usually for primary or sec
doseringsschema = vaccination schedule
doseringsvat = dosing vat
doseringsvorm = dosage form
doseringsvormen = dosage forms
Dosimeters = Dosimeters
Dosimeters voor ionisatiekamers = Ionization chamber dosimeters
dosimetrie = "dosimetry: methods of measuring and computing absorbed dose, exposure, ex"
Dosimetriesysteem = Dosimetry system
dosimetrisch = dosimetric
dosimetrische verstuiver = dosimetric aerosol
dosis = dose
dosis {de} = dose
dosis lethalis = lethal  dose
dosis per tijdseenheid = dosage rate
dosis per tijdseenheid = dose-rate: the strength of a treatment given over a period of time
dosis voor de gonade = gonadal dose
dosis-afhankelijk = dose-dependent
dosis-effectrelatie = dose-effect relationship
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response relation
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response curve
dosis-effectverhouding = dose-response graph
dosisescalatie = dose escalation
dosismeter = dosimeter
dosis-reponsiecurve = dose-response curve
dosis-respons relatie = dose-response relationship
dosis-respons-evaluatie = dose-response evaluation
dosis-responsie samenhang = dose-response relationship
dosisresponsrelatie = dose–response relationship
dosisresponsrelatie = exposure–response relationship
dosisverdeling = dose distribution
dosometer = dosometer
dosse gezaagd hout = plain sawn timber
Dossier = File
Dossier = Brief
dossier = dossier
Dossier = Folder
dossier = tender dossier
dossier {het} = file
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier on Agreements and Procedures
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier of Arrangements and Procedures
Dossier Afspraken en Procedures = Dossier of Agreements and Procedures (DAP)
dossier afspraken en procedures (DAP) = dossier of agreements and procedures (DAP)
dossier as built = as-built file
dossier dat in gebruik is = active file
dossier dat is afgelegd = dead file
dossier- en dashboardonderzoeken = file and dashboard audits
Dossier Enkelvoudig Onderhands = Single Private Tender dossier
Dossier Financiële Afspraken = Financial Agreements File
Dossier Meervoudig Onderhands = Multiple Private Tender dossier
dossier tot kandidaatstelling = BID APPLICATION DOSSIER
dossier van de rechtspleging = case file
dossier van de werknemer = employee’s file
dossier van de windturbine = service life logbook
dossier zeehondenopvang = seal rehabilitation dossier
Dossierbeheer = File management
dossierbeheerder = account manager
Dossierbeveiligingssoftware = File security software package
dossierdiploma = testimonium
dossiergegevens = project details
dossierhouder = case officers
Dossierkasten = Filing cabinets
dossierkosten = administration charges
dossierkwaliteit = audit file quality
dossierkwaliteit = file quality
Dossiermappen = File covers
dossierniveau = project level
Dossiernr = File No
dossiernummer = file number
Dossieronderzoek = File search
dossieronderzoeken = file audits
Dossieropbouw = File structure
Dossieropbouw = Tender dossier structure
dossierreview = file review
dossierreviews = file reviews
dossiers = case dossiers
dossiers = documents
dossiers = dossiers
dossiers = files
dossiers = papers
dossiers = records
dossiers bijgewerkt houden = keep records up to date
dossierstudie = examination of files
dossierstudie = file appraisal
Dossiertaks = Dossier fee
dossiervastleggingen = documentation
dossierverklaring = transcript
dossiervorming = compiling of files
dossiervorming = documentation
dossiervorming = preparation of files
Dot = Tuft
Dot = Clump
dot = chunk
Dotatie aan een reserve = Transfer to a reserve
Dotatie aan een reserve = Crediting of a reserve
dotatie aan het reservefonds = addition to the reserve fund
dotatie aan het reservefonds = allocation to the reserve fund
dotatie aan het reservefonds = transfer to the reserve fund
dotatie latentie = deferred allocation
Dotatieschema = Allocation scheme
Dot-com wereld = Dotcom world
doteerstof = dopant
doteren = to dope
doteringsatoom = impurity atom
doteringsion = impurity ion
doteringsstof = impurity material
dothiepin = dosulepin
Dot-pitch = Pitch
dotplot = dotplot
dots per inch = dots per inch
Douala = Douala
douane = customs authorities
douane = customs
Douane = Dutch Customs (Douane
douane {de} = customs
douane-aangifte voor invoergoederen in veemopslag = warehousing entry
douaneagentschappen = customs brokerage
douaneautoriteit = customs authority
douanebeambte = customs officer
Douanebeleid = Customs policy
douanebewijs voor teveel betaalde invoerrechten = over-entry certificate
douanecontrole = customs inspection
Douanediensten = Custom broker services
douanedocument = customs document
douanedocumenten = customs documents
douane-entrepot = customs warehouse
douaneformaliteit = customs formalities
douanefraude = customs fraud
douanegebied van de Europese Unie = customs territory of the European Union
douanegebied van de Gemeenschap = Community customs territory
douanegebied van de Gemeenschap = customs territory of the Community
douanegebied van de Unie = customs territory of the Union
douanegoederen = customs goods
douanegoederen of kostbare producten = customs goods or valuable products
douaneharmonisatie = customs harmonisation
Douanekamer = Customs Division
Douanekamer van het gerechtshof Amsterdam = Customs Division of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal
douanekantoor = custom-house
douanekantoor in België = customs office in Belgium
douanekantoor van bestemming = customs office of departure
douanekantoor van bestemming = Customs office of destination
douanekantoor van bestemming van het controle-exemplaar T5 = customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent
douanekantoor van doorgang = Customs office en route
douanekantoor van uitgang = customs office of exit
douanekantoor van uitvoer = customs office of export
douanepapier = customs document
douanepost = customs post
Douanerechten = Customs duties
douaneregeling = customs procedure suspending duties
douaneregelingen = customs regulations
douaneregelingen = customs regulation
douanesamenwerking = customs cooperation
douaneschorsingsregeling = customs suspensive procedure or arrangement
douaneschuld = customs debt
douanetarief = customs tariff
douane-unie = customs union
douane-unie of economische unie = customs or economic union
Douane-Unie van Zuidelijk Afrika = Southern African Customs Union
douaneveiligheidsmaatregelen = Customs security measures
douanevertegenwoordiger = customs representative
douanevoorschriften = customs regulations
douanevrijstelling = exemption from customs duties
douanewaarde = customs valuation
douanewaarde van ingevoerde goederen = customs value of imported goods
Douanewetgeving = Customs
douanewetgeving = customs legislation
Double action = Platinum
Double Ag Low-E = Double Ag Low-E
double face = double face
Double slot contrasteker = Double nut equipment bus
Doubleclick Campaign manager = DoubleClick Campaign Manager
DoubleClick studio = DoubleClick Studio
Double-duty advertising = Double duty advertising
doubleren = double
doublure lopen (on the job) = job shadowing
doublure lopen (on the job) = on-the-job shadowing
douceurtje = tip
Douche = Shower
douche / doucheruimte = shower
douche {de} = shower
douche- en badleiding (loodgieterij) = bath and shower mixer
douche ruimte = shower area
douchebak = shower tray
Douchebakken = Shower basins
douchecabine = shower cabinet
douchecabine = shower cubicle
douchecabines = shower enclosures
douchecel = shower stall
Douchedeur = Shower door
douchedrain = shower drain
douchefittingen = shower fittings
douchegarnituren = shower fittings
douchegels = shower gels
douchegordijnen = shower curtains
douchehoek = shower corner
douchehokje = showerstall
douchekop = shower head
douchekop = showerhead
douchemengkraan = shower mixer
Douchemutsen = Shower caps
Douchen = Take a shower
douchen = to shower
douchen = shower
"douchen, een douche nemen, een stortbad nemen" = shower  (to bathe using a shower)
doucheruimte = shower room
Douches = Showers
douchescherm = shower screen
doucheslang = shower hose
doucheslang = shower hose
Douchestang/-slang = Shower bar/hose
Douglas MacArthur = Douglas MacArthur
Douillet = Cozy
Douillet = Snug
Douillet = Cosy
douw = push
Douwe Egberts Coffee Care = Douwe Egberts Coffee Care
Douwe Egberts Professional = Douwe Egberts Professional
douwel / deuvel / drevel = dowel
douwen = push
DO-variabele = DO-variable
Dove = Deafness
Dove = Deaf
dovekool = charcoal
Doven = Slake
doven = to extinguish
Doven = Put out
doven = extinguish
doven- = Deaf
"doven, uitdoen, uitdoven" = douse  (put out
"doven, uitdoen, uitdoven" = extinguish)
dovenetel = dead-nettle
dovenlus = hearing loop
dover = colour killer
Dover = Dover
Dover (Delaware) = Dover
Dover (Engeland) = Dover
dowel = dowel
Dowel = Dowel
dowels = dowels
Dow-Jones index = Dow-Jones Industrial Average
DowJones Sustainability Index = Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
down = depressed
"down, depri, depressief" = down {adj} (depressed)
downcast = downcast
downcasting en instanceof = downcasting and instanceof
downcyclen = downcycling
downdraft-afzuiginstallatie = downdraft extractor
downgrading = down-grading
Down-grading = Down grading
Downlight = Downlight
download = download
Download = Downloads
Download = Download
Download de whitepaper nu gratis = Download the free white paper now
download- en uploadverkeer = download and upload traffic
Download gratis Cegeka’s = Download Cegeka’s free
Download hier gratis die whitepaper = Download the free white paper here
download modus = Download mode
downloadbeheer = Download Manager
downloadcache = download cache
Downloaden = Download
downloaden = downloading
Downloaden = Uploading
Downloaden = Upload
downloaden = to download [from the Internet]
Downloaden in App Store = Download on App Store
Downloaden in Google Play = Download on Google Play
"downloaden, te verspreiden, te reproduceren, te vermenigvuldigen, te dist" = "download, disseminate, reproduce, distribute, transmit, collect, publish "
downloading license = downloading licence
downloadpakket voor Windows-bibliotheek voor JavaScript = the download package for Windows Library for JavaScript
downloadproces = download process
downloadprogramma = downloader
downloadprogramma in Trojaans paard = Trojan downloader
downloads = downloads
Downloads van brochures = Download brochures
Downloads van handleidingen = Download manuals
Downloads van persberichten = Download press releases
Downloads van technische documentatie = Download technical documentation
Downloads van tekeningen = Download drawings
downloadsnelheden = download speeds
Download-toets = Download key
downregeling = down regulation: decreasing ligand & receptor interactions or reducing th
downscalen = downscale
downstream = downstream
downstream bandbreedte = downstream bandwidth
downtijd = downtime
downtime = downtime
Downton-schattingen = Downton's estimators
doxapram = Dopram
doxazosin = doxazosin mesylate
doxazosin = doxazosin: a selective alpha-1-adrenergic blocker
doxepine = a tricyclic antidepressant
doxepine = C19H21NO  doxepin: a dibenzoxepin tricyclic compound
doxepine = doxepin hydrochloride
doxorubicine-injectie = doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal injection
doxycycline = doxycycline: an antibiotic
doxylamine = doxylamine: a histamine h1 antagonist used in allergies and as an antitus
doxylamine-sulfosuccinaat = doxylamine succinate: an antihistamine with strong sedative properties
dozen = cases
dozen = boxes
dozen en kasten begrepen in deze klasse geschikt voor het opslaan van mag = cases and cabinets included in this class adapted for the storage of magn
dozen en kratten = boxes and crates
dozen en trays = boxes and trays
dozen handlingsystemen = box handling systems
dozen met of zonder deksels = boxes with or without lids
dozen van karton of papier = boxes of cardboard or paper
"dozen, zakken, emmers, blikken, bakken of trays" = "boxes, bags, buckets, cans, containers or trays"
"dozen, zakken, emmers, blikken, bakken of trays met of zonder krimpfolie" = "boxes, bags, buckets, cans, containers or trays with or without cling fil"
Dozenboor = Installation box core drill bit
dozenheffer = box lifter
dozenlift = box elevator
dozentransporteur = box conveyor
dozijn = dozen
dozijn = twelve
dozijn {het} = dozen
dozijnen = dozen
DP3 = DP3
D-patronen = D-fuse
DPC-Poorten = DPC-Ports
dpi = dpi
DPI-schaalbaarheid = DPI scaling
DPNA = Disabled Passenger (with intellectual or developmental disability) Needin
D-profiel = D-profile
DPS Database = DPS Database
DPSAH = Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History
DPT-vaccins = Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines
DQ = Design Qualification
DQ policy = DQ policy
dr = Dr
d'r = her
dr. = Dr.
Dr. = Dr
dr. (doctor) = Dr / PhD
dr. (doctor) = "doctor (dr.), PhD"
Dr. Ir. = Dr
Dr. Meurerhuis = Dr. Meurer building
Dr. Mollercollege = Dr. Mollercollege
dr. or dochter = daughter
Dr. W. Kolb Nederland = Dr. W. Kolb Nederland = Dr.
Dr.-Ing. = D.Eng = Dr
dra = soon
draad = wire
draad = string
draad = yarn
draad = strand
Draad = Thread
Draad = Fiber
Draad = Fibre
draad = lead
draad (hout) = grain
draad {de} = thread
draad diameter = thread diameter
draad doorknippen/verwijderen = wire cutting/removing
draad of meerdere draden = wire or multiple wires
Draad voor postmortaal gebruik = Post-mortem thread
"draad, ijzerdraad" = wire
"Draad, naalden of snijklemmen voor postmortaal gebruik" = "Post-mortem thread, needles or incision clips"
Draadaansluiting = Thread connection
draadaanvoer = wire supply
draadantenne = antenna wire
draadantenne = wire antenna
draadas = lead screw
draadas = leadscrew
draadbeugel = wire bracket
Draadbocht = Threaded bend
Draadbochten = Threaded bends
draadboom = wiring loom
Draadboom = Cable harness
draadboom = wire tree
draadboom (of kabelboom) = (wiring) harness
draadboom (of kabelboom) = wire harness
draadborstel = wire brush
draadbreuk = thread breakage
draadbreuk = wire breakage
draadbreuk = wire break
draadbreuk = wire strand break
draadbrug = bridging wire
draadbrug = jumper
Draadbuis = Threaded pipe
draadbundel = wire bundle
draadbus = threaded brush
draadbus = threaded bush
Draadclip bedradingskoker = Wire clamp for wiring duct
Draadclip plintgoot = Cable clip for skirting duct
draadcommunicaties = wire communications
draadcontactering = wire bonding
Draad-container = Wire container
Draaddiameter = Wire cross-section
draaddiameter = wire diameter
Draaddiameter (inch) = Thread cross-section (inch)
Draaddiameter (metrisch) = Thread cross-section (metric)
Draaddiameter (ST..) = Thread cross-section (ST..)
Draaddiameter nippel = Nipple thread
draaddiepte = depth of thread
draaddiepte = thread depth
draaddikte = wire thickness
draaddikte meter = wire gauge
draadeind = thread end
draadeind = stud
draadeind (van een schroefdraad) = thread end
draadeind (van een schroefdraad) = threaded end
draadeinde = threaded end
draadeinden = threaded ends
draadflank = thread flanc
draadflens = threaded flange
draadgaas / (metaal)gaas = wire mesh
draadgad = threaded hole
draadgang = thread
draadgat = threaded hole
draadgat = tapped hole
draadgaten = threaded holes
draadgaten = tapped holes
Draadgebonden = With cord
draadgedeelte = threaded portion
draadgeleider = wire guide
draadgeleider = thread guide
Draadgeleider voor telecom-klemstrook = Ceramic wire-guide
draadgeleiderdruk = wire-guide pressure
draadgeleidermechanisme = wire-guide mechanism
draadgever = wire dispenser
draadgewikkeld = wire wrapped
draadgewikkelde verbinding = wire-wrap connection
draadglas = wired glass
draadglas = reinforced glass
draadglas = wire glass
draadgoot = cable tray
Draadgoot = Mesh cable tray
Draadgootbreedte = Width mesh cable tray
Draadgoothoogte = Wire mesh tray height
draadgoten = cable trays
draadgrafiek = wire frame graphics
Draadgrootte M = Thread size M
Draadgrootte NPT = Thread size NPT
Draadgrootte PG = Thread size PG
draadinvoermechanisme = wire inserting mechanism
DRAADINZETSTUKJES = thread/screw insertion pieces
draadkaliber = wire gauge
draadkaliberschroef = thread plug gauge
Draadkettingbruglid = Wire commoning chain
draadklem = wire clip
Draadklemmen = Wire grips
draadklos = reel
draadknipper = wire cutter
draadkniptang = wire cutter
draadkruis = cross threads
draadlager = wire race bearing
draadlengte = yarn length
draadlooos = wireless
draadloos = cordless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
draadloos = wireless
Draadloos beheer = Wireless Manager
Draadloos breedband internet = Wireless broadband Internet
draadloos elektrisch gereedschap = cordless power tool
draadloos ethernet = wireless Ethernet
draadloos gegevens te verzenden = transmitting data wirelessly
Draadloos Groningen = Wireless Groningen
draadloos LAN-netwerk = wireless LAN
draadloos netwerk = wireless network
draadloos netwerk van sensoren = wireless network of sensors
draadloos netwerksysteem = wireless network system
draadloos opladen van een mobiel toestel = wirelessly charging a mobile device
draadloos profiel = wireless profile
draadloos schakel-software = wireless switching software
draadloos sensornetwerk = wireless sensor network
draadloos signalerings systeem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signalerings-systeem = wireless monitoring system
draadloos signaleringssysteem volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = wireless monitoring system according to the present invention
draadloos stereo = wireless stereo
draadloos sternetwerk = wireless star network
draadloos telecommunicatienetwerk = wireless telecommunication network
draadloos verbonden = wirelessly connected
Draadloos WAN = wireless wide area network
Draadloos zender = Transmitter/Remote control for domestic switching devices
Draadlose zender bussysteem = Hand-/wall sensor for bus system
draadloze = wireless
draadloze = radio
Draadloze afstandsbediening = Radio remote control
draadloze afstandsbediening = wireless remote control
draadloze afstandsbediening = radio control unit
Draadloze antenne = Wireless antenna
draadloze audioverbindingen = wireless audio connections
draadloze batterijgevoede signaalgever = wireless battery-powered signalling device
draadloze bediening = wireless control
draadloze communicatie = wireless communication
draadloze communicatie-infrastructuur = wireless communication infrastructure
draadloze communicatiemodule = wireless communication module
draadloze connectiviteit = wireless connectivity
draadloze dasspeldmicrofoon = wireless tie microphone
draadloze dataverbinding = wireless data connection
draadloze deurbel = wireless doorbell
draadloze drukknop inrichting = wireless push-button device
draadloze eenheid = wireless device
draadloze identificatiemodule = wireless identification module
draadloze microfoon = wireless microphone
draadloze microfoons = wireless microphones
draadloze microfoons handheld = handheld wireless microphones
draadloze mobiele informatieterminal = wireless information device
draadloze netwerken = wireless networks
draadloze netwerksystemen = wireless network systems
draadloze netwerkverbinding = wireless network connection
draadloze of bedrade = wireless or wired
draadloze ontvanger = wireless receiver
draadloze radio = wireless radio
draadloze signaalgever = wireless signalling device
draadloze signaalgevers = wireless signalling devices
draadloze signalen = wireless signals
draadloze signaleringssystemen = test
draadloze signaleringssystemen = wireless monitoring systems
draadloze telecommunicatienetwerken = wireless telecommunication networks
Draadloze telefoon = Analogue telephone
draadloze telefoon = wireless telephone
draadloze telefoon (carkit bluetooth) = wireless phone (carkit bluetooth)
draadloze telefoons = cordless telephones
draadloze telegrafie = wireless telegraph
Draadloze toegangssystemen met inbegrip van Radio Local Area Networks (WA = wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs)
draadloze verbinding = wireless communication
draadloze Wi-Fi verbinding = wireless Wi-Fi connection
draadloze zaag = cordless saw
draadloze zender en ontvanger = wireless transmitter and receiver
draadloze zendontvanger = wireless transceiver
Draadmaat = Thread size
draadmaat = wire gauge
Draadmaat (M..) = Thread size metric (M..)
Draadmaat binnendraad (inch) = Thread size inner thread (inch)
Draadmaat binnendraad metrisch = Thread size inner thread metric
Draadmaat buitendraad (inch) = Thread size outer thread (inch)
Draadmaat buitendraad metrisch = Thread size outer thread metric
Draadmaat NPT binnendraad = Thread size NPT inner thread
Draadmaat NPT buitendraad = Thread size NPT outer thread
Draadmaat PG binnendraad = Thread size PG inner thread
Draadmaat PG buitendraad = Thread size PG outer thread
draadmal = wire jig
draadmatten = wire mats
draadmeter = wire gauge
draadmodel = wire frame model
Draadmodel = Wire
draadmodule = thread
draadnagel = wire nail
draadnagel = wire-nail
Draadnagel = Tack
Draadnagel = Cleat
Draadnagel = Star turn
Draadnagel = Clove
Draadnagel = Nail (fastener)
Draadnagel = Nail
draadnippel = threaded nipple
draadnummer = wire gauge
draadomroep = wire broadcasting
draadomroepinrichtingen (alsmede kabelinrichtingen) = cable broadcasting networks and also cable networks
draadontspanner = cable release
draadoog = wire eye
draadopneming = thread pick-up
draadopspanning = wire harness
draadopzetmechanisme = wire setting mechanism
draadpanelen = wire panels
draadpentrekker = wired pin puller
draadpijp met binnendraad = female-threaded tube
draadpijp met buitendraad = male-threaded tube
draadpin = threaded pin
draadplug = screw plug
draadpotentiometer = wire wound potentiometer
Draadproducten = Wire products
draadproductenfabriek (metaal) = Metal wire products industry
draadprofiel = thread profile
draadprop = threaded plug
draadraam = wire harness
draadreiniger = slub catcher
draadreiniger = yarn cleaner
draadreiniger = yarn clearer
draadreiniger = yarn cleaner
draadrek = wire pull
draadrem = thread brake
draadrem = wire brake
draadreserve = yarn reserve
draadrichting = direction of grain
draadring = threaded ring
draadring = ring nut
draadrolkop = thread-rolling head
draadrollen = thread-rolling
draadschaar = wire-shears
Draadschaar en bistouri = Wire-cutter and bistoury
draadschacht = wire duct
Draadsnij- of -tapmachines = Threading or tapping machines
draadsnijden = thread cutting
Draadsnijden metrisch tot = Threading metric to
Draadsnijdend = Thread-cutting
Draadsnijdende schroef = Thread-cutting screws
draadsnijder = thread-cutting tool
Draadsnij-ijzer (elektrisch) = Threading machine (electric)
draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = screw-cutting machine
draadsnijmachine (loodgieterij) = thread-cutting machine
draadsnijmes = thread chaser
draadsnijtap = tap
Draadsoort = Kind of thread
draadsoort = kind of wire
draadspanner = thread tensioner
Draadspanner kabelsysteem = Span wire clamp
draadspanning = filament voltage
draadspanning = yarn tension
draadspil = wire shaft
draadspindel = threaded spindle
"draadspindel, spoel" = spindle
draadspindels = spindles
draadsplits = wire splice
DRAADSPOEDMETER = (thread) pitch gauge
draadsschema = wiring diagram
draadstaaf = threaded rod
draadstang = threaded rod
draadstang = threaded bolt
Draadstang M4-M8 = Threaded rods M4-M8
"Draadstang M6, M8" = "Threaded rods M6, M8"
Draadstang M8-M12 = Threaded rods M8-M12
draadstangen = threaded rods
draadstekker = wiring plug
draadstriptang = wire stripper and cutter
draadstriptang = end cutter
draadstriptang = end wire stripper
draadstructuur = wire structure
draadstuk = threaded piece
Draadtap = Tap
draadtap = screw tap
draadtap = tap
draadtap = tapping chuck
draadtapmachine = tapping machine
Draadtapmachine = Threading machine
draadtappen = thread tapping
draadtapset = tap and die set
draadtelefonie = wire telephony
draadtelegrafie = wire telegraphy
draadtrekken = to draw wire
draadtrekkerij = wire drawing works
draadtrekkerij uit ijzer en staal = Iron and steel wire drawing mill
draadtrekking = wire drawing
draadtrekolie = oil for wire drawing
draadtrimmer = wire trimmer
draadtrommel = tendon reel
draaduitlopers = wire leads
draadveer = wire spring
draadverbinding = wire link
draadververij = yarn dyeing plant
draadvork = slot closer
Draadvormend = Thread-forming
draadvormig = wiry
draadvormig = filiform
draadvormig = threadlike
draadvormig = cord form
draadvormige papillen = filiform papilla
Draadvorming = Thread moulding
draadwachter = thread stop-motion
draadweerstand = wire wound resistor
draadwervelen = thread swivelling
draadwier = fga
draadwier = filamentous green algae
draadwikkeling = filament winding
draadwikkelverbinding = wire-wrap connection
draadwinding = thread
draadworm = nematode
draadzaag van Gigli = Gigli saw
draadzaag van Gigli = Gigli's wire saw
draadzekering = wire fuse
draadzwam = "filamentous  fungus: eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms, including mushr"
Draag = Wear
draag de juiste persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen = wear appropriate personal protective equipment
Draag een veiligheidsbril = Wear safety goggles
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding = Wear suitable protective clothing
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de og = Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection.
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de og = Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection
"Draag geschikte beschermende kleding, handschoenen en een beschermingsmid" = "Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection"
"Draag geschikte beschermende kleding, handschoenen en een beschermingsmid" = "Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection."
Draag geschikte beschermende kleding. = Wear suitable protective clothing.
Draag geschikte handschoenen = Wear suitable gloves
Draag geschikte handschoenen en beschermende kleding = Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves
Draag geschikte handschoenen en beschermende kleding. = Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
Draag geschikte handschoenen en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen/het g = Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
Draag geschikte handschoenen en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen/het g = Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection.
Draag geschikte handschoenen. = Wear suitable gloves.
Draag het aan uw niet-dominante hand = Wear it on your non-dominant hand
"Draag, indien nodig, beschermende kleding" = "If necessary, wear protective clothing"
"draag-, steun- of verankeringinrichtingen" = "bearing, support or anchoring devices"
Draagarm = Supporting bracket
draagarm = support arm
draagarm = supporting arm
draagarm = support
Draagarm compleet voorgemonteerd = Support arm complete pre-mounted
draagarm van de lier = winch carrier
draagarm van de stator = stator jib
Draagarmbevestiging voor kast/lessenaar = Mounting for support arm enclosure
draagarmen = support arms
draagarmen = supporting arms
draagarmen en steunprofiel = support arms and support profile
Draagarmkoppeling voor kast/lessenaar = Connection for support arm
Draagarmprofiel voor kast/lessenaar = Profile support arm
draagarmstelling = adjustable bracket shelving unit
draagbaar = gurney
draagbaar = stretcher
draagbaar = litter
Draagbaar = Portable
draagbaar apparaat = portable device
draagbaar computersysteem = portable computer system
draagbaar instrument/hulpmiddel = portable device
draagbaar op wielen = gurney
draagbaar op wielen = stretcher cart
draagbaar op wielen = wheeled stretcher: a metal stretcher with wheels
Draagbaar opbergsysteem voor gereedschap = Tool carriers
draagbaar toestel = portable device
draagbaar werktuig met explosieve lading = portable cartridge-operated device
draagbalk = transfer beam / girder
draagbalk = supporting beam
draagbalk = summer
draagbalk = strut
draagbalk van de gondel = nacelle strut
draagband = carrier band
draagband = (carrying) strap
draagband = belt
draagbanden = load tape
draagbare = portable
draagbare = wearable
draagbare apparaat = portable device
draagbare apparaat = wearable device
draagbare apparaat van de gebruiker ter plaatse = wearable device of the user on site
draagbare apparatuur = portable devices
draagbare batterij of accu = portable battery or accumulator
draagbare beeldsensor = wearable image sensor
draagbare beeldsensorapparatuur = wearable image sensor devices
Draagbare brandblusapparaten = Portable fire-extinguishers
Draagbare Cassetterecorder = Portable cassette player/recorder
Draagbare CD speler = Portable CD player
draagbare computer = portable computer
draagbare computer = mobile PC
draagbare computers = portable computers
draagbare computersystemen = portable computer systems
Draagbare elektrische lampen = Portable electric lamps
draagbare instrumenten en apparaten = portable instruments and apparatus
Draagbare kleurentelevisie = Portable colour
draagbare mediaspeler = portable media player
draagbare medische apparaten = wearable medical devices
Draagbare MiniDisc-Player/-Recorder = Portable MD player/recorder
Draagbare MP3 speler = Portable MP3 player
Draagbare ontvangers voor oproepen en boodschappen = Portable receivers for calling and paging
Draagbare radio's = Portable radios
Draagbare smidse = Portable forge
draagbare telefoon = cellphone
draagbare telefoons = mobile telephones
draagbare toestel = wearable device
draagbare toestellen = portable devices
draagbare toestellen = wearable devices
Draagbare zwart-wit televisie = Portable black and white TV
"draagbare, handenvrije" = "wearable, handsfree"
"draagbare, handenvrije beeldsensor" = "wearable, hands-free image sensor"
"draagbare, handenvrije beeldsensor" = "wearable, handsfree image sensor"
"draagbed, draagstoel, draagbaar" = litter (platform designed to carry a person or a load)
Draagberrie = Stretcher
Draagbeugel = Carrying handle
draagbeugel = carrier bracket
Draagbeugel DIN-rail = DIN-rail adapter
draagblad = bract
draagbout = load-bearing bolt
draagbuis = supporting tube
draagcomfort = wearing comfort
draagcomfort = wear comfort
draagconstructie = load-bearing frame
draagconstructie = supporting structure
draagconstructie = support structure
draagconstructie = load-bearing construction
draagconstructie = support frame
draagconstructie = structure
draagconstructie van de stator = stator support structure
Draagconstructie voor pijpen = Pipe-hanging brackets
Draagconstructie/constructieverlenging voor solarsysteem = Solar stand-off mounting/- extension
draagconsulent = babywearing consultant
draagdoek = sling
draagdoek = support
draagelement = carrying element
draagelementen = carrier elements
draagelementen = carrying elements
draagfolie = carrier film
Draagframe = With mounting frame
draagframe = undercarriage
draagframe = support frame
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentie = carrier frequency
draagfrequentiechrominantiesignaal = carrier colour signal
draagfunctie = carrying function
draaggas = carrier gas
draag-gas = buoyant gas
draag-gas = lifting gas
draaggolf = carrier
Draaggolf = Bearer
draaggolf van het chrominantiesignaal = chrominance subcarrier
draaggolf/ruisverhouding = carrier-to-noise ratio
draaggolfamplitude = carrier amplitude
draaggolfbalans = carrier balance
draaggolffase = carrier phase
draaggolffrequente aftasting = carrier-frequent scanning
draaggolffrequentie = carrier frequency
draaggolffrequentiebereik = carrier-frequency range
draaggolffrequentiepuls = carrier-frequency pulse
draaggolf-kleursignaal = carrier colour signal
draaggolflek = carrier leak
draaggolflijn = carrier line
draaggolfniveau = carrier level
draaggolfomhullende = carrier envelope
draaggolfonderdrukking = carrier suppression
draaggolfregeling = carrier control
draaggolfregeneratie = subcarrier regeneration
draaggolfregenerator = carrier regenerator
draaggolfruis = carrier noise
draaggolfspanning = carrier voltage
draaggolfstroom = carrier current
draaggolfsysteem = carrier system
draaggolftransmissie = carrier transmission
draaggolfvector = subcarrier vector
draaggolfverschuiving = carrier shift
draaghemel = baldachin
draaghoek = lifting bracket
draaghoogte = depth of engagement
draagkabel = suspension cable
draagkabel = suspension rope
draagkabel (bij elektrische tractie) = carrier cable
draagkabel (van brug) = carrying rope
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = carrier wire
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = catenary (UK)
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = messenger cable
draagkabel (voor hoogspanningsnet) = messenger wire (US & Canada)
draagklem = cable clamp
draagkracht = load capability
draagkracht = bearing force
draagkracht = range
draagkracht = standing
draagkracht = load carrying capability
Draagkracht = Lifting capacity
draagkracht = carrying capacity
draagkracht = load-bearing capacity
'Draagkracht' = Uplifting power
draagkracht van grond = ground bearing capacity
Draagkrachtbeginsel = Ability-to-pay principle
draagkracht-coëfficiënt = lift coefficient
draagkrachtig = having sufficient bearing capacity
draagkrachtig = load bearing capability
draagkrachtig = affluent
draagkrachtig = of sufficient means
draagkrachtig = well-to-do
draagkrachtig is = has sufficient means
draagkrachtige ondergrond = ground bearing capacity
draagkruik = amphora
Draaglast = Load bearing capacity
draaglast = useful load
draaglat = (supporting) joist
draaglat volgens de invoerrichting = support slat according to the insertion direction
Draaglijk = Admissible
draaglijk = endurable
Draaglijk = Tolerable
Draaglijk = Permissible
Draaglijk = Acceptable
draagmal = supporting jig
draagmechanisme = carrier mechanism
draagmechanisme = carrying mechanism
draagmechanisme = support mechanism
draagmechanisme = supporting mechanism
draagmiddel = Badge lanyard (several options)
draagmiddel = suspension element
draagmoeder = surrogate mother
draagmuur = load-bearing wall
draagmuur / dragende muur / bouwmmur = load-bearing wall
draagmuur / dragende muur / steunmuur = bearing wall
draagoppervlak = support surface
draagoppervlak = bearing surface
draagoppervlak van de pinnentransportband = bearing surface of the spiked conveyor belt
draagoppervlakken = bearing surfaces
Draagorgaan = Support organ
draagpaal = spud
draagpaal / drukpaal = bearing pile
draagplaat = punch-holder plate
Draagplaat = Supporting plate
draagplaat = support plate
draagplateaus = shelf
draagplateaus = shelves
draagplicht (van autogordels) = compulsory seat belt usage
draagplichtig = financially liable
draagplichtig = liable
draagplichtig = obliged to contribute
draagplichtig = partly liable
draagplichtigheid = (financieel) obligation to contribute
draagplichtigheid = (m.b.t. identiteitsbewijs) obligation to carry proof of identity
draagplichtigheid = (van bijv. badge) obligation to wear
draagpositie = carrying position
draagprofiel = support profile
Draagprofiel lichtlijnsysteem = Support profile light-line system
draagprofielen = support profiles
draagpunt = load-bearing point
draagpunt = pole
Draagrail = Mounting rail
draagrail = support rail
draagrail = carrier rail
draagrail = mounting rail
draagraket = launch vehicle
draagrek = carrying rack
draagriem = carrying strap
draagriem = neck strap
Draagriemen = Slings
Draagring = Support ring
Draagring = Supporting ring
draagring = lifting ring
draagsignaal = carrier signal
draagsingel = strap
draagstatus = wearing status
draagstel = carrying case
draagster = support star
draagstructuur = support structure
draagstructuur = load-bearing construction
draagstructuur = load-bearing structure
draagstructuur = supporting structure
Draagstructuur = Supporting structure
draag-structuur = (load) bearing construction
draag-structuur = (load)bearing structure
draagt actief bij = contributes actively
draagt alle verantwoordelijkheid = will bear all responsibility
draagt bij aan = contributes to
draagt bij tot de stabiliteit van = contributes to the stability of
draagt de inschrijver zijn eigen kosten = The tenderer shall bear its own costs
draagt de naam = bears the name
draagt de verantwoording voor = assumes responsibility for
draagt er zorg voor en staat ervoor in = represents and warrants
draagt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid = shall not be liable whatsoever
draagt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid = has no responsibility whatsoever
draagt verantwoordelijkheid af aan = delegates responsibility to
draagt verantwoordelijkheid af aan = bears responsibility towards
draagt zelf alle uitgaven en kosten = shall bear all expenses and costs
draagt zijn visie uit = communicates his vision
draagt zorg voor = is responsible for
draagt zorg voor = be responsible for
draagtafel = supporting plate
draagtap = journal
Draagtas = Carrier bag
draagtas = carrying case
draagtassen = carrier bags
Draagtassen voor laptop = Portable computer carrying cases
draagtijdteller = wearing time counter
draagvermogen = bearing capacity
draagvermogen = load bearing capacity
draagvermogen = working load limit
draagvermogen = load-bearing capacity
draagvermogen van de kraan = crane lifting capacity
Draagvermogen van veiligheidsvoorzieningen = Load-bearing capacity of safety devices
draagvlak = support base
draagvlak = support
draagvlak = support capacity (draagKRACHT)
draagvlak = "social support, base(ed)"
draagvlak = user base
draagvlak = base
draagvlak = consensus
draagvlak = customer base
draagvlak = level of support
draagvlak = platform
draagvlak = social support
draagvlak = sustainability
draagvlak = "1. (klepzitting) bearing face, bearing seat"
draagvlak = "2. (platform) platform, bearing surface, supporting surface"
draagvlak = 3. (steunvlak voor verschillende onderdelen of platform waarop onderdelen
draagvlak = 4. (de grootte ervan) bearing area
draagvlak = "5. bearing surface, supporting surface"
draagvlak = "6. (aërodynamisch vlak) aerofoil, airfoil"
draagvlak = "7. (stempels, matrijzen) bearing joint"
draagvlak = 8. (bij op elkaar rustende onderdelen) seat
draagvlak = basis
draagvlak = bearing surface
draagvlak = bearing area
draagvlak = bearing face
draagvlak = airfoil
draagvlak creëren = creating support
draagvlak creëren = create a support base
draagvlak krijgt bij alle betrokken partijen = will receive the support of all involved parties
Draagvlakbeginsel = Support principle
draagvleugelboot = hydro-foil vessel
draagvloer = load-bearing floor
draagweefsel = support
draagwijdte = range
draagwijdte = scope
draagwijdte en consequenties = implications (of an audit)
draai = rotate
draai = winding
Draai = Turning-point
draai = twist
draai = turning
draai = turn
Draai = Veering
Draai = Curve
Draai = Revolving
Draai = Watershed
Draai = Screw
draai dan de machine leeg = Empty the machine
draai de bouten vast = tighten the bolts
Draai de cilinderkraan open = Open the cylinder valve
Draai de kraan open = Open the valve
draai de machine leeg = Empty the machine
draai de moer vast = tighten the nut
Draai de palletiseermachine leeg = Empty the palletiser
draai de perslucht dicht = switch off the compressed air
Draai de schroef aan = Tighten the screw
Draai de schroeven = Tighten the screws
draai deze nu om = turn it over
draai- en kipfunctie = tilt-and-turn function
draai- en schuifdeuren = hinged and sliding doors
draai– en schuifdeuren = hinged and sliding doors
Draai- en slijpinstrumentarium = Rotary and abrasive instrument
draai inrichting = turning device
draai- of schuifdeuren = hinged or sliding doors
Draai om de oren = Slap
"draai, bocht (in traffic)" = turn (change of direction or orientation)
draai/druk knop = rotary/push-button
Draai/drukknop = Rotary/push-button
draai/drukknop = rotary/push-button
Draaiapparatuur = Turning gear
Draaias = Rotating axis
draaias = axis of rotation
draaibaar = rotatable
draaibaar = rotatably
draaibaar = turnable
Draaibaar = Rotating
draaibaar gemonteerd = rotatable mounted
draaibaar gemonteerd = pivotally mounted
draaibaar gemonteerd = rotatably mounted
draaibaar is = can be swivelled
draaibaar om een pen = pivoting around a pin
draaibaar over 90 graden = rotatable through 90 degrees
draaibaar zijn = can be swivelled
Draaibank = Tower
draaibank = lathe
draaibankbed = lathe bed
draaibankbeitel = lathe tool
draaibankbril = work stay
draaibankcenter = lathe centre
Draaibanken = Lathes
"Draaibanken, boor- of freesmachines" = "Lathes, boring and milling machine tools"
draaibankslede = lathe saddle
draaibankspil = headstock spindle
draaibanksupport = toolpost
draaibare = rotatable
draaibare achterwand = turnable back
draaibare arm = swing arm
draaibare bovenbalk met geleidingskeg = swivelling top beam with guiding wedge
draaibare flenzen = rotating flanges
draaibare huls = rotatable sleeve
draaibare ontspannergrendel = pivoting locking lever
Draaibare schroefdraad = Revolving thread
Draaibare tafels = Rotary tables
draaibeitel = turning tool
draaibeweging = rotate gesture
draaibeweging = rotation movement
draaibewegingen = rotational movements
draaibewerking = turning operation
draaiboek = script
draaiboek = continuity of operations
draaiboek = planning document
draaiboek = plan
draaiboek = film script
draaiboek = scenario
draaiboek = scenario screenplay
draaiboek = shooting script
draaiboek = runbook
draaiboek = action plan
draaiboek = plan of action
draaiboek = planning
draaiboek = project plan
draaiboek = scheme
draaiboek = sequence of operations
draaiboek = strategy
draaiboek = project schedule
draaiboek = "project plan, plan, strategy, scheme, plan of action, action plan, sequen"
draaiboek = contingency plan
draaiboek = project schedule / project plan [for employee satisfaction survey]
Draaiboek = Block letters
draaiboek = check list
draaiboek = detailed instructions
draaiboek = pilot scenario
draaiboek = road map
draaiboek = runbook (IT)
draaiboek = scenario plan
draaiboek = schedule
draaiboek = test programme
draaiboeken = contingency plans
draaibord = rotating table
draaibrug = swing bridge
draaibrug van stalen vakwerk = lattice swing bridge
draaicirkel = turning diameter
draaicirkel = turning circle
draaicirkel = turning radius
draaicirkel = turning cycle
Draaicirkel: groter dan gemiddeld = Turning circle: larger than average
draaicondensator = variable capacitor
Draaicontact = Revolving contact
draaidag = production day
draaidag = shooting day
draaidagen = shooting days
draaideksel = hinged lid
draaideur = hinged door
Draaideur = Swing door
draaideur = pivot (-leaf-)gate
draaideur = flap gate
draaideur / tourniquetdeur = revolving door
draaideur of schuifdeur = hinged or sliding door
draaideurconstructie = revolving door arrangement
draaideuren = flap gate
draaideuren = pivot gate
draaideuren = revolving gate
draaideuren = rotary gate
draaideuren = turntable gate
draaideuren = hinged/pin gate (scharnierend)
draaideuren = revolving door (algemeen)
draaideuren = swing(ing) door (deur met scharnieren)
draaideuren = revolving doors
draaideuren = hinged doors
draaideuren van Securyfence = Securyfence hinged doors
Draaidiagram = PivotDiagram
draaidoorloop = rotary nozzle
draai-drukknop = rotary/push-button
draaien = rotate
draaien = to turn
draaien = shooting
draaien = turning
draaien = dial
draaien = turn
draaien = rotation
draaien = to twist
draaien = to turn around
Draaien = Shoot
draaien = to spin
draaien = revolve (to)
draaien = rotate (to)
draaien = turn (to)
draaien om een pen = to pivot around a pin
draaien om zijn as = to rotate around its axis
draaien omheen een wielas = rotate around a wheel shaft
draaien omheen een wielas = rotate around a wheel axle
draaien over 90 graden = to rotate through 90 degrees
draaien tegen de wijzers van de klok in = rotate anticlockwise
"draaien, frezen en boren" = "turning, milling and drilling"
"Draaien, naar binnen" = "Spin, In"
"Draaien, naar buiten" = "Spin, out"
draaiend elektron = spinning electron
draaiend mondstuk = rotating nozzle
draaiende = rotating
draaiende = running smoothly
draaiende as = rotary shaft
draaiende beweging = rotary motion
draaiende beweging = rotating movement
draaiende delen = Rotating parts
draaiende delen van de motor = rotating engine parts
draaiende en bewegende onderdelen = rotating and moving parts
draaiende machineonderdelen = rotating machine parts
draaiende of andere onderdelen van scheidingmachines = rotating or other parts of separation machines
draaiende onderdelen = rotating parts
Draaiende onderdelen voor centrifuges = Rotary equipment for centrifuges
draaiende rollen = rotating rollers
draaiende trommel = revolving drum
draaier = turner
draaierig = dizzy
draaierij = pretext
draaigetij = amphidromic tidal wave
Draaigrafiekweergave = PivotChart view
draaigreep = rotation handle
Draaigreep = Toggle
Draaigreep-tapkraan = Turn handle tap
Draaigrendel = Spagnolet
Draaihals = Wryneck
draaihek = gate
draaihoek = angle of rotation
draaihuls = twist sleeve
draaiing = rotation
draaiing {de} = rotation
draaiing van wiel = tire rotation
draaiingshoek = angle of rotation
draai-inrichting = turning device
draaikiepramen = tilt and turn windows
draaikipraam = tilt & turn window
draaiklem = rotatable clamp
Draaiklep = Hinged flap
draaiknop = rotary knob
Draaiknop = Turn button (knob)
draaiknop = rotary switch
draaikolk / werveling = vortex
Draaikop = Pivoting head
draaikoppel = torque
draaikraan = rotating valve
draaikrans (b.v. van graafwerktuig) = turntable
draaikrans (van brug) = turntable
draaikwaliteit = free-cutting steel
draailengte = length between centres
Draaimechanisme = Swivelling mechanism
draaimolen = whirligig
Draaimolen = Carrousel
Draaimolen = Carousel
"draaimolen {c}, carrousel {c}" = carousel (merry-go-round)
draaimolen {de} = merry-go-round [Br.]
Draaimolens voor speelplaatsen = Playground merry go rounds
"Draaimolens, schommels, schiettenten en andere kermisattracties" = "Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements"
draaimoment = torque
draaimoment = torsion
Draaimoment = Moment of torque
draaimoment = tightening torque
draaimoment {het} = torque
Draaimomentinstelling = Torque setting
draaimomentniveau = tightening stage
draaimomenttabel = torque table
draainippel = threaded coupling
draainis (medisch) = dizziness
draai-omvormer = rotary converter
Draaiontgrendeling = Turn unlatching mechanism
Draaiorgel = Barrel organ
draaiorgel = barrel-organ
Draaiorgel = Street organ
draaioven = rotary furnace
draaipen = pivot
Draaiplateau = Rotating tray
draaiplateau = rotating plate
Draaiplateau uitschakelbaar/niet uitschakelbaar = Turntable
draaiplateaus = turning platform
draaiplateaus = turntable
draaiplateaus = upper (of a hydraulic telescopic crane or boom)
draaiplateaus = "turntable, turning platform, upper (of a hydraulic telescopic crane or bo"
draaiplatform = "turntable, turning platform, upper"
draaiplatform = turntable
draaiplatform = turning platform
draaiplatform = upper
Draaipoortaandrijving = Swing gate operator
draaipotentiometer = rotary potentiometer
draaiproduct = turned product
draaiproef = running test
draaipunt = center of rotation
draaipunt = pivot
draaipunt = hinge point
draaipunt = fulcrum
draaipunt = pivot point
draaipunt = trunnion
draaipunt (spil) = pivot
draaipunt van de knikarmrobot = pivot point of the articulated arm robot
draaipunten = hinge points
draairaam = side hung casement
draairelais = rotary relay
draairichting = direction of rotation
draairichting = swing direction
draairichting = rotational direction
draairichtingen = directions of rotation
draaischakelaar = rotary switch
Draaischakelaar = Rotary toggle
draaischakelproef = controls operating test
draaischijf = rotating disc
draaischijf = lathe
Draaischijf = Dial
draaischijf {de} = turntable
draaischijfintegrator = potter's wheel integrator
draaischuif = revolving sleeve (sleeve valve engines)
draaischuifstandaardcondensator = sliding standard capacitor
draaisel = turnings
draaisleutel = bent spanner
draaislot = release screw
draaisluiting = turnbutton fastener
draaisnelheden = rotation speeds
draaisnelheid = speed
Draaisnelheid = Angular speed ratio
Draaisnelheid = Angle speed
Draaisnelheid = Angular velocity
draaisnelheid = rotational speed
draaispil = capstan
draaispil = winch
draaispil = windlass
draaispil = lathe spindle
Draaispil = Capstan
draaispil = capstan roller
draaispillen = central point
draaispillen = hub
draaispillen = pivot
draaispillen = spindle
Draaispit = Brooch
Draaispit = Spit
Draaispit = Pin
Draaispit = Pinout
Draaispit = Spindle
Draaispit = Skewer
Draaispit = Broaching tool
Draaispit = Lathe mandrel
Draaispoel = Moving coil
draaispoelgalvanometer = moving-coil galvanometer
draaispoelmeter = moving-coil meter
draaistandaardcondensator = standard capacitor
Draaistarter = Reversing starter
Draaistel = Bogie
draaistel = bogie
draaisteun = telescopic prop
Draaistoelen = Swivel seats
draaistroom = three-phase current
Draaistroom = Rotating current
Draaistroom asynchroonmotor = Rotary current asynchronous motor
Draaistroom synchroonmotor = Rotary current synchronous motor
draaistroomkabel = three-phase cable
draaistroommotor = three-phase motor
draaistroomnet = three-phase mains
draaistuk = rotary piece
draait = running
draait het om = relates to
draait het om maatwerk = are made to measure
draait om as A = pivots about axis A
draait op = runs on
draait voornamelijk inhouse = is run mainly in-house
draaitabel = PivotTable
draaitabelformulier = PivotTable form
draaitabellijst = PivotTable list
draaitabelrapport = PivotTable report
draaitabelrapport = PivotChart report
Draaitabelweergave = PivotTable view
draaitafel = rotating table
Draaitafel = Turntable
draaitafel- of armwikkelaars = turntable or rotary arm wrappers
draaitafelas = turntable spindle
draaitafeldreun = turntable rumble
draaitafelkom = turntable recess
draaitafelmat = turntable mat
Draaitafels = Turntables
draaitafelsnelheid = turntable speed
draaitafel-wikkelaar = turntable wrapper
Draaitol = Wind vane
Draaitol = Shaper
Draaitol = Vane
Draaitol = Spinning top
Draaitol = Slotting machine
Draaitol = Weather cock
draaitop = swivel top
draaitoren = turret
draaiuren = operating hours
draaiuren = running hours
draaiveld = rotary field
draaiveld = rotational field
draaiveldbewaking = rotating field monitoring
draaiveldmeter = rotational field measuring device
Draaiveldrichtingaanduiding = Indication of direction of field rotation
Draaiveldtest = Field rotation test
draaivoet = swivel base
draaivoetvergrendeling (van bankschroef) = swivel lock
draaiwerk = rotating mechanism
Draaiwiel = Turning wheel
draaiwielen = swivel wheels
draaiwijzer = dial
draaiwisselproef = performance test
draaizin = direction of rotation
draaizin aan voor het vastdraaien = direction of rotation for tightening
Draak = Dragon
Draak (fabeldier) = Dragon
Draak (sterrenbeeld) = Draco (constellation)
draak {de} = dragon
"draak, (archaic) lintworm" = dragon (mythical creature)
drabvorming = sludge formation
Drachme = Drachma
Dracht = Attire
Dracht = Garb
Dracht = Dress
Dracht = Suit
Dracht = Tuxedo
Dracht = Clothing
Dracht = Outfit
dracht = costume
Dracht = Clothes
drachtig = pregnant
Drachtig = Due
Drachtig = Totally
Drachtig = Height
drachtig = with young
Drachtig = Bang in the middle
Draco = Terylene
Draco = Dracon
Dracula = Dracula
dracunculus medinensis = Medina worm
dracunculus medinensis = dracunculus medinensis: a parasitic roundworm that lives under the skin o
dracunculus medinensis = Guinea worm
draden = threads
draden = wires
draden trekken = cob webbing
dradenafstandsmeter = stadia
dradennet = wire net
dradennetlijst = wire net list
Draf = Trot
draf = "residu, grounds, dregs, slop(s), swill, deposit, deposition, sediment"
draf {de} = trot
drafsport {de} = harness racing
draft positions = concept-standpunten
draft site decision = ontwerpkavelbesluit
drafting stage = drafting stage
Drag Along Aanbod = Drag-Along Offer
drag alongbepaling = drag-along provision
drag alongrechten = drag-along rights
drag-along clause = drag-along clause
Dragee = Sugar almond
dragen = to carry
dragen = carry
dragen = fruition
dragen = bear (to)
dragen = bear
dragen = wear
dragen = support
dragen = to wear
dragen = transport
Dragen = Hold
dragen = abide
dragen = supported
dragen = carrying
dragen / ondersteunen = bear
dragen daaraan bij = contribute to this
dragen er zorg voor dat = shall ensure that
dragen valgordel is verplicht = wearing a safety harness is compulsory
dragen zorg voor toezicht = ensure supervision
"dragen, uitgerust zijn met" = bear  (be equipped with)
dragend = supporting
dragend = bearing
dragend element = load-bearing element
dragend element = load-bearing member
Dragend materiaal = Loadbearing equipment
dragend metselwerk = load-bearing brickwork
dragend onderstel = supporting frame
dragende = supporting
dragende = load-bearing
dragende buitenmuur = supporting outer wall
dragende constructie = supporting structure
dragende constructie = structure
dragende constructie / raamwerk = frame
dragende functie = load-bearing function
dragende laag / dragend verband (metselwerk) = bearing coarse
dragende muur = main walling
dragende muur = supporting wall
dragende muur = load-bearing wall
dragende muur = bearing wall
"dragende muur, wand" = supporting wall
"dragende muur, wand" = main walling
dragende onderdelen = load-bearing parts
dragende rol = supporting role
dragende rollen = supporting roles
dragende schroefdraadlengte = thread engagement
dragende structuur = support structure
Dragende vloer = Load-bearing floors
Dragende vloeren = Load-bearing floors
Dragende vloeren = Load-bearing floor
Dragende wand = Main-bearing wall
dragende wand = load-bearing wall
dragende wanden = load-bearing walls
drager = carriers
Drager = Porter
drager = bearer
Drager = Support
drager = prop
Drager = Dräger
drager = carrier
drager = conveyor
Drager = Bearing
Drager = Carrier
drager = girder
drager = wearer
drager bebakeningsplatform = beacon platform support
drager boogstuk = arched beam
drager dakconstructie = roof structure support
Drager detectie = Carrier detection
Drager in gebied = Carrier in area
Drager in gebied = Carrier in vicinity of
drager in positie voor uitvoer = carrier in outfeed position
drager in positie voor uitvoer = carrier in outfeed postion
drager met belading = loaded carrier
Dräger Nieuws = Dräger News
Dräger Nieuws Nederland = Dräger Nieuws Nederland
Drager PS7000 = Dräger PS700
Dräger Safety Academy = Dräger Safety Academy
Dräger Safety Nederland = Dräger Safety Nederland
drager van de trapas = bottom bracket
drager van het gondelplatform = nacelle floor carrier
drager van textiel = textile backing
drager van textiel = textile carrier
drager variabele = carrier variable
drager/ruisverhouding = carrier-to-noise ratio
drageraanduiding = carrier indicator
dragerbaan = carrier paper or paper carrier
dragerconcentratie = carrier concentration
dragerdichtheid = carrier density
dragerdienst = carrier service
dragerdiffusie = carrier diffusion
dragerelement = support element
Dragerelementen = support elements
dragerelementen volgens onderhavige uitvinding = support elements according to the present invention
dragerfolie = filmsupport
drager-inbouwpakketsysteem = skeleton system
dragerlading = carrier charge
dragerlevensduur = carrier lifetime
dragermateriaal = support
dragermateriaal = backing material
dragerplaat = support plate
dragerpolymeer = carrier polymer
Dragerrail = Support rail
dragers = pillars
dragers = carriers
dragers op basis van halfgeleiders = semiconductor carriers
dragersconcentratie = carrier concentration
dragertaal = carrier language
dragerverdeling = carrier distribution
Dragervorm = Support shape
Drägerware = Drägerware
dragline = excavator
dragline = dragline
draglineschotten = dragline mats
Dragon = Tarragon
Dragon (plant) = Tarragon
Dragonder = Dragon
drain = drain
drain = drainpipe
drain coupling = afvoerkoppeling
"drain, regenpijp" = drainpipe
Drainaansluiting = Sock drain connection
drainage = drainage
drainage = outflowing of water
Drainage = Draining
drainage pijp = leak-off pipe
drainagegaten = drainage holes
drainagegoot = drainage gutter
drainagegrind = drainage gravel
drainageleiding = sublateral
drainageleiding = drainage gallery (IATE)
drainageleiding = sublateral (GWIT)
drainageleiding = drainage channel
drainageleidingen = drainage channels
drainageleidingen = drainage galleries (IATE)
drainageleidingen = sublaterals (GWIT)
drainagemat = drainage mat
drainagemogelijkheden = drainage capabilities
drainageputten = drainage wells
Drainagetoebehoren = Drain accessories
drainagezand = drainage sand
draineerbuis = drainage tile
draineerbuis = drain
draineerbuis = agricultural drain
draineerbuis {de} = drainage pipe
draineeropening = weephole
draineerput = absurbing well
draineerput = well drain
draineersleuf = drainage trench
draineren = tile (ww)
draineren = drain
drainerende = draining
drainering = draining
draineringsbuis = drain tile
Draineringsuitrusting = Drainage equipment
Drains = Drain
drainslang = drain hose
Drakensbergen = Drakensberg Mountains
Dram = Dram
drama = drama
Drama (kunst en cultuur) = Drama
"drama {n}, toneelstuk, theateropvoering" = drama (Theatrical play)
dramamine = dimenhydrinate
Dramatisch = Television play
dramatisch = dramatic
dramatisch muzikaal werk = dramatico-musical work
dramatisch uitvoeringsrecht = dramatic right
dramatische ervaringen = dramatic experiences
dramatische kunst = performing arts
Dramaturg = Dramatist
Drang = Surge
Drang = Jog
Drang = Anxiety to do well
Drang = Drive
Drang = Effort
Drang = Love
Drang = Anxiety to
Drang = Rising
Drang = Growth
Drang = Want
drang = access
Drank = Nightcap
drank = beverages
drank = alcohol
Drank = Clop
drank = booze
drank = drink
drank = beverage
drank {de} = drink
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (served beverage)
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (type of beverage)
"drank, drankje, drankske (Flemish)" = drink (served alcoholic beverage)
drankautoamaat = drink vending machine
Drankbereider = Drinks maker
drankblikjes = beverage cans
dranken = beverages
dranken {mv} = drinks
dranken begrepen in klasse 30 = beverages included in Class 30
dranken bereid uit zuivelproducten = drinks made from dairy products
dranken met een vruchtensmaak = fruit flavoured drinks
dranken met moutextract = malted food drinks
dranken met moutextract = malted drinks
"dranken met moutextract, preparaten voor de bereiding van dranken met mou" = "malted drinks, preparations for making malted beverages"
dranken op basis van cacao = cocoa-based beverages
dranken op basis van chocolade = chocolate based drinks
dranken op basis van chocolade = beverages based on chocolate
"dranken op basis van chocolade, cacao, koffie of thee" = "beverages based on chocolate, cocoa, coffee or tea"
dranken op basis van koffie = coffee-based beverages
dranken op basis van koffie = coffee based drinks
"dranken op basis van koffie en chocolade, vullingen" = "coffee and chocolate based drinks, fillings"
"dranken op basis van koffie, cacao of chocolade" = "beverages with a coffee, cocoa or chocolate base"
dranken op basis van melkwei = whey beverages
dranken van of met chocolade = beverages made from or containing chocolate
dranken voor medicinaal gebruik = beverages adapted for medicinal purposes
dranken voornamelijk gemaakt van melk = drinks mainly of milk
"Dranken, tabak en aanverwante producten" = "Beverages, tobacco and related products"
"dranken, vullingen" = "drinks, fillings"
"dranken, vullingen, snacks" = "drinks, fillings, snack foods"
Drankenautomaat = Drinks dispensers
drankenindustrie = beverage industry
drankhouder = beverage container
drankhouder met een houderlichaam = beverage container with a container body
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam = beverage container comprising a container body
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam en een aangepast drinkdeksel = beverage container comprising a container body and a modified drinking li
drankhouder omvattende een houderlichaam en een aangepast drinkdeksel = beverage container comprising a container body and a modified drinking li
drankhouders = beverage containers
Drankje = Potion
drankje = beverage
drankje {het} = drink
"drankje, toverdrankje, v" = "potion (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, "
drankkarton = beverage carton
drankkarton afval = beverage carton waste
drankkartons = beverage cartons
Drankkoelers = Drink coolers
drankmisbruik = alcoholism
drankuitstroomopening = beverage outflow opening
drankverpakking = drinks packaging
drankverpakkingen = beverage containers
Drankverslaving counselling = Drink addiction counselling
drankzucht = alcoholism
drankzucht {de} = dipsomania
drankzuchtige = alcoholic
drapeereigenschappen = drape characteristics
draperen = to  drape
draperen = to cover with surgical drapes
Draperen = Drape
Draperieën = Drapes
Draperieën voor mortuarium = Mortuary wraps
dras(sig) = swampy
Draschia Megastomas = cutaneous  habronemiasis: bursatti
Drasland = Wet section
drasland = marsh
drassig = marshy
drassig = soppy
drassig = boggy
Drassig = Swampy
Drastisch = Strenuous
Drastisch = Emphatic
Drastisch = Spirited
Drastisch = Energetic
Drastisch = Forceful
Drastisch = Drastic
Drastisch = Telling
Drastisch = Aggressive
drastisch verlaagd = drastically reduced
drastisch verminderd = drastically reduced
drastisch verminderd worden = drastically reduced
draven = to trot
draven = trot
draven {het} = trotting
drawdown = drawdown
Drawing Exchange Format = Drawing Exchange Format
Dream = Dream
Drechterland = Drechterland
Drechttunnel = ‘Drechttunnel’
Dreef = Aisle
dreef = field
Dreef = Walkway
Dreef = Lane
Dreef = Gangway
dreef = region
Dreef = Driveway
dreef = avenue
dreef = alley
Dreef = Drive
dreg = drag
Drehsaüle = Drehsaüle
dreigement = menace
dreigen = menace
Dreigen = Threaten
dreigen = to threaten
dreigend = imminent
dreigend = threatening
dreigend = ominous
dreigend = menacing
dreigend = impending
dreigende = ominous
dreigende = menacing
dreigende = threatening
dreigende ernstige schade = threat of serious injury
dreigende faillissementen = impending bankruptcies
dreigender = more threatening
dreiging = threat
dreiging = menace
dreiging {de} = threat
dreiging daarvan = the threat thereof
dreiging van schade = threat of damage
dreigingen = threats
dreigingen worden gemonitord = threats are monitored
dreigingsbeeld = threat assessment
dreigt = threatens
dreigt = menaces
Drek = Mud
Drek = Rubbish
drek = dung
Drek = Ooze
Drek = Sludge
Dremel = Dremel
drempel = sill
drempel = doorstep
drempel = bar
drempel = doorsill
drempel = sleeping policeman
drempel = speed bump
drempel = "speed bump, sleeping policeman"
drempel = barrier
drempel = threshold
drempel {de} = doorstep
drempel criteria = threshold criteria
drempel voor spamwaarschijnlijkheidswaarde = spam confidence level threshold
drempelbedrag van de beroepskosten = threshold amount for professional expenses
drempelbedragen = Threshold amounts
drempelbedragen voor opdrachten = Threshold amounts for contracts
drempelbeschermplaat = sill protection plate
Drempelcriterium = Threshold criterion
drempeldiepte = "sill depth, sill level"
drempelelement = threshold element
drempelexpertisescore = threshold expertise score
drempelfrequentie = threshold frequency
drempelglijder = threshold slide
Drempelgoed = Threshold good
Drempelinkomen = Threshold income
drempelloze doorstroom = unconditional transfer
drempelmodel = threshold model
drempelplaat = threshold plate
drempelprijs = threshold price
Drempels = Thresholds
drempels om te investeren = barriers to investment
drempels voor investeringen = barriers to investment
drempelsgewijze herverzekering = surplus treaty reinsurance
drempelsolderen = flow soldering
drempelspanning = threshold voltage
Drempelstrips = Threshold strips
drempelstroom = threshold current
drempeltest = threshold test
Drempeltoets = Threshold test
drempelverlagend = threshold-lowering
drempelverlaging = moral decline/lowering of standards
drempelvorming = barring
drempelwaarde = threshold value
drempelwaarde = threshold
drempelwaarde theorema = threshold theorems
drempelwaarde voor queryresultaten = query-size threshold
drempelwaarde-instelling = banding setting
drempelwaarden = threshold values
drempelwaardes = threshold values
Drenkbak = Drinking trough
Drenkbak = Water place
drenkbak = manger
drenken = to impregnate
drenken = dip
drenken = saturate
drenken = soak
Drenken = Water
drenkvloeisof = impregnating liquid
Drentelen = Mooch about
Drentelen = Saunter
Drenthe = Drenthe
drepanocyt = drepanocyte: the characteristic crescent-shaped or sickle-shaped red cell
drepanocyt = sickle cell
Dresden = Dresden
dresschijf = dressing wheel
Dresscode = Dress code
dresseren = tame
dressing = dresser
dressings = dressers
Dressuur = True running
Dressuur = Animal Handling
Dressuur = Dressing
dreun = rumble
dreun = wallop
dreun = whack
dreun {de} = dash
dreun {de} = wallop
"dreun, gedreun, gerommel" = "roll (a heavy, reverberatory sound)"
"dreun, klap, slag, oplawaai" = belt (powerful blow)
dreunbeeld = rumble performance
dreunmeetwaarde = measuring values of rumble
dreunmeting = rumble measurement
dreunniveau = rumble level
dreunspectrum = rumble spectrum
drevel = mandrel
drevel = punch
drevel = nail punch
drevel = guide pin
drevel / douwel / deuvel(pas)pen = dowling pin
drevel verbinden = dowel (ww)
drgl = timetable
dribbelen = trot
drie = three
drie ablaties per behandeling = three ablations per treatment
drie armige pully trekker = three-legged puller
drie belangrijkste punten = three main points
drie belangrijkste redenen = three main reasons
drie dagen bedenktijd-regeling = three day-reconsideration period arrangement
drie dagen na de datum van posten = three days after the date of posting
drie delen = three parts
drie dimensies van spirituele gevoeligheid = three dimensions of spiritual sensitivity
drie dimensionele matrix = three-dimensional matrix
drie elementen = three elements
drie fasen generator = three-phase generator
drie gescheiden serverruimtes = three separate server rooms
drie hoek schakeling = delta connection
drie hydraulische motoren = three hydraulic motors
drie keer = three times
drie keer per dag = three times a day
drie lagen = three layers
drie manieren = three ways
drie maten = three sizes
drie of zes of tien of veertien of twintig = three or six or ten or fourteen or twenty
drie paren = three pairs
drie soorten onderzoek = three types of research
drie standen schakelaar = three position switch
drie steunprofielen en vier draagarmen = three support profiles and four support arms
drie typen branders = three types of burner
drie van de vier = three out of four
"drie van normale kwaliteit, en één van hoge kwaliteit" = "three of normal quality, and one of high quality"
"drie van normale kwaliteit, en ��n van hoge kwaliteit" = "three of normal quality, and one of high quality"
drie varianten = three variants
drie verschillende landen = three different countries
drie-/tweewegklep = 3/2 directional valve
drie-aderig = three-core
drie-aderig(e) snoer / kabel = three-core cable
drie-assige = three-axle
driebandkaart = ninety-six columns card
driebandponsmachine = data recorder
driebasisch = tribasic
driebasisch calciumfosfaat = tribasic calcium phosphate
driebladig = trifoliate
driebladige rotor = three-bladed rotor
driecijferige = three-digit
driecilinderspinnerij = three-roller spinning mill
drie-componenten model van Bock = Bock's three component model
Driedelig = Three-tier
driedelig segment = one-third shell
driedelige legbordstelling = three-piece shelf rack
Driedelige wip = Three-part rocker
Driedimensionaal = Tridimensional
driedimensionaal = three-dimensional
drie-dimensionaal (ruimtelijk) vakwerk = space truss
driedimensionaal afdrukken/lijmen = three-dimesnional printing/gluing
driedimensionaal lassen = three-dimensional welding
driedimensionaal referentiesysteem = three-dimensional reference system
driedimensionaal referentiesysteem = Three-dimensional reference grid
drie-dimensionaal rooster = three-dimensional lattice
driedimensionaal spatiaal maasnetwerk = three-dimensional spatial mesh
driedimensionale = three-dimensional
drie-dimensionale = three-dimensional
driedimensionale beelden = three-dimensional images
driedimensionale beschrijving = three-dimensional description
driedimensionale bewegingen = three-dimensional movements
driedimensionale computergrafiek = three-dimensional graphics
driedimensionale oriëntatie = three-dimensional orientation
driedimensionale positie = three-dimensional position
driedimensionale positie-informatie = three-dimensional position information
driedimensionale spatiale anatomische structuurinformatie = three-dimensional spatial anatomical structural information
driedimensionale spatiale gelaatinformatie = three-dimensional spatial facial information
driedimensionale volume = three-dimensional volume
driedimensionale weergave = three dimensional representation
drie-dimensioneel = three-dimensional
drie-draads = three-wire
driedraadsmeting = three-wire sensing
driedubbel = triple
driedubbel golfkarton = triple-wall
Drie-eenheid = Trinity
Drie-eenheid van innovatie = Trinity of innovation
Drie-eenheid van innovatie = Trinity of Innovation
drie-elementsantenne = three-element antenna
drieëntwintig = twenty-three
drieëntwintig <23> = twenty-three
drieënvijftig = fifty-three
drieënzestig = sixty-three
driefasen = three-phase
drie-fasen stroming = three-phase flow
driefasen viergeleidereindgroepen = "three-phase, four-conductor load circuits"
driefasencircuit = three-phase circuit
driefasengelijkrichter = three-phase rectifier
driefasenschakeling (elektra) = three-phase circuit
driefasenspanning = three-phase voltage
driefasenstroom = three-phase current
driefasensysteem = three-phase system
driefasen-toestellen = three-phase units
Driefasevoeding = Three-phase power supply
Driefasig = 3-phased
driefasige PV omvormer Sunny Tripower = Sunny Tripower three-phase PV inverter
driegangig = triple-start
Driehoek = Triangular
Driehoek = Triangle
driehoek = triangle
Driehoek (meetkunde) = Triangle
Driehoek (sterrenbeeld) = Triangulum
driehoek {de} = triangle
Driehoek aansluiting = Delta connection
driehoek van Pascal = Pascal's Triangle
driehoek van Sierpinski = Sierpinski triangle (a fractal consisting of three copies of itself)
Driehoeken = Triangles
Driehoekig = Triangle
Driehoekig = Triangular
Driehoekig = Three-cornered
driehoekig = deltoid
driehoekig = trigonous
driehoekig bovenvlak = triangular top face
driehoekig facet = triangular facet
driehoekig grondpaneel = triangular base panel
driehoekig grondvlak = triangular base
driehoekig schraapijzer = shavehook
driehoekig vlak(je) = triangular facet
driehoekige = triangular
driehoekige doorsnede = triangular cross-section
driehoekige profiel = triangular profile
driehoekige profielen = triangular profiles
driehoekige schroefdraad = V-thread
driehoekige stuw = V-notch
driehoekige stuw = triangular weir
driehoekige stuw = Thomson weir
driehoekige vorm = triangular shape
Driehoekje = Triangle
driehoekprofielsnaar = triangular section belt
driehoeks-associatieschema = triangular association scheme
driehoeksbepaling = triangulation
driehoekschakeling = delta connection
driehoekschuurmachine = triangular base-plate sander
driehoeksketting = chain of triangles
Driehoeksleutel = Triangular key
Driehoekslijper (elektrisch) = Triangular base-plate grinder (electric)
driehoeksmeting = triangulation
driehoeksmeting = trigonometry
driehoeksnet = network of triangles
driehoekspanning = delta voltage
driehoeksschakeling = delta connection
driehoeksschakeling = mesh connection
driehoekstest = duo-trio test
driehoekstoets = triangle test
"driehoekstransactie,driehoekshandel,driehoeksverhouding" = triangular arrangement
"driehoekstransactie,driehoekshandel,driehoeksverhouding" = triangular operation
driehoekstrip = triangle strip
driehoeksverdeling = triangular distribution
driehoeksverhouding = love triangle
driehoeksverhouding = triangular relationship
driehoekvormige = triangular
driejaar = three years
driejaars = three-year
driejaars periodes = three-year periods
driejarenbeleidsplan = three-year policy plan
driejarenplan = three-year plan
DrieJarenTandzorgPlan = Three-Year Dental Care Plan
driejarige stam = a third year field generation
driekamerappartementen = three-room apartments
driekamerwoning = two bedroom house
Driekanaals = 3-channel
drie-kanaals = three-channel
Driekant = Three-square
driekante vijl = three-square file
Driekantsleutel = triangular key
drieklank = triad
"drieklank, triftong {f}" = triphthong (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vo
"driekleur, nationale driekleur" = tricolour (A flag with three stripes of different colour)
driekleurenbuis = three-colour picture tube
driekleurendruk = three-colour printing
driekleurenmengsel = three-colour mixture
driekleurenscherm = three-colour screen
driekleurensysteem = trichromatic system
driekleurentelevisie = three-colour television
driekleurig verkeerslicht = three-coloured signal
driekleurig viooltje = pansy
driekleurige pijllichten = tri-colour arrow lights
drieklezoor = three-quarter brick
driekoningen = Epiphany
Driekoningen = Epiphany (Christian)
driekopsdek = three-head deck
Driekroon = Tiara
driekwart = 3/4
driekwart = three-quarters
driekwartautomaat = three-quarter automatic
driekwartsbroek = three-quarter length pants
driekwartsbroek = three-quarter length pants (US)
drielaagse beglazing = triple glazing
drieledig = threefold
drieledige configuratie = 3-leg configuration
drieledige verificatiemethode = three-factor authentication
drielichamen abrasive slijtage = three-body abrasive wear
drieluik = triptych
drieluiken = tri-fold leaflets
driemaal = three times
driemaal = thrice
driemaal A gewaardeerde effekten = AAA rated securities
driemaal A kredietwaardigheid = AAA rating
driemaal daags = t.i.d
Driemaandelijks = Quaterly
driemaandelijks = quarterly
Driemaandelijks en jaarlijks = quarterly and annual
driemaandelijkse = quarterly
drienervig = trinervate
driepartijenconferentie = tripartite conference
driepas = trefoil
driepas (bouwkunde) = trefoil
driepasboog / klaverbladboog = trefoil arch
drieploegendienst = three-shift system
drieploegendienst = three shift working
drie-polig = 3-pin
driepolige contactstop = three-phase plug
driepolige contactstop / wandcontactdoos (VS) = three-pin plug / socket
driepolige wandcontactdoos = three-pole earthed socket
driepoot = tripod
driepoot voor de demontage = dismantling tripod
driepunt gordel = three-point safety-belt
driepunts aanleg = three-point registration
driepuntsbelasting = three-point loading
driepuntsgordel = three-point seat belt
driepuntsmeting = three-point measurement
driepuntsoplegging = three-point support
drie-puntssterkteproef = three-point assay
drie-reeksen theorema van Kolmogorov = three-series theorem
drierichtings-handshake = three-way handshake
drieruimte = three-space
drie-s proef = three standard deviations check
driescharnierboog = three-hinged arch
driescharnierspant = three-hinge frame
driescharnierspant = three-hinged truss
driespan = team of three horses
driest = audacious
driest = cheeky
Driest = Bold
driest = daring
driestandenschakelaar = three-position switch
Drie-standenschakelaar = Three-stage switch
driestralenbeeldbuis = three-gun colour tube
drietakslijden = triple or three vessel disease
drietal = triple
drietal = leash
drietallig = ternate
drietallig = ternary
drietallig = trifoliolate
drietalsgewijze vergelijkingen = triple comparisons
Drietand = Trident
drieteenmeeuw = kittiwake
Drieteenstrandloper = Sanderling
drietenige luiaard = ai
drie-tier architectuur = three-tier architecture
drietopskurve = three-hump curve
drietrapsversterker = three-stage amplifier
drietrapszender = three-stage transmitter
drietreks- vuurgang-vlampijpketel = three-pass fire tube boiler
drievoet = tripod
drievoud = threefold
Drievoudig = Treble
Drievoudig = Threefold
Drievoudig = Triple
Drievoudig = 3-fold
drievoudig rooster = triple lattice
drievoudige bescherming = threefold protection
drievoudige diffusiemethode = triple-diffused process
drievoudige diode = triple diode
Drievoudige maak = 3 make contacts (NO)
Drievuldigheidsdag = Trinity Sunday
driewaardig = trivalent
driewaardige logica = tri-state logic
driewals = triple-roll mill
drieweg factuurvereffening crediteuren = accounts payable three-way invoice matching
drieweg omschakelventiel = three-way switching valve
drieweg-afsluiter = three-way valve
driewegklem = three-way clamp
driewegklep = 3-way valve
driewegmagneetklep = three-way solenoid valve
driewegmengkraan = three-way mixer valve
driewegmenkraan = three-way mixer valve
drieweg-overeenstemmingsbeleid = three-way matching policy
driewegplugpakkingkraan = three-way plug cock with packing gland
driewegsluis = three-way lock
driewegsolenoïdeklep = three-way solenoid valve
driewegsteker = three-way plug
driewekelijks = every 3 weeks
Driewieler = Three-wheeler
driewieler = tricycle
driewielige = three-wheeled
driewielige step = three-wheeled scooter
driezuilenpers = dieing press
drift = drift
drift = are
drift = drove
drift = flock
Drift = Fervour
driftbeweeglijkheid = drift mobility
driften = to drift
drift-equivalent spanning = equivalent drift voltage
driftfout = drift error
drift-gecorrigeerde versterker = drift-corrected amplifier
drifthoek = drift angle
Driftig = Quick-tempered
driftig = fiery
driftig = passionate
driftig = hasty
Driftig = Spunky
driftkikker = hothead
driftmatig = libidinal or drive-based
driftmeter = drift meter
driftreducerend = drift reducing
driftreducerende = drift reducing
driftsnelheid = drift velocity
driftstroom = drift current
drift-waarschuwingen = drift alerts
drift-waarschuwingen = drift warnings
drijf gas = propellant
drijfas = arbor
drijfdruk = wall pressure
drijfgas = propellant
drijfhout = driftwood
drijfkaarsen = floating candles
Drijfkracht = Motive power
drijfkracht = motive force
Drijfkracht = Driving force
drijfkrachtmotor = (drive) motor
drijflaag = floating layer
Drijflading = Propellant powders
drijfmest = slurry
drijfnetvisserij = drift net fishing
drijfriem = drive belt
drijfriem = driving belt
drijfriem = belt
drijfriem = transmission belt
drijfriem pulp = pull strap pulp
Drijfriemen/-snaren = Drive belts
drijfriemenfabriek (leer) = Leather drive belt makers
drijfriemhaak = driving-belt hook
drijfriemverbinder = belt fastener
drijfsnaar = driving belt
drijfsnaar = drive belt
drijfstang = drive rod
Drijfstang = Connecting rod
drijfstang compleet = connecting rod assembly
drijfstangbout = connecting rod bolt
drijfstangen = connecting rods
drijfstangkap (onder) = connecting rod big end cap
drijfstangoog = small end (connecting rod)
drijfstangschacht = connecting rod shank
drijfsteen = Rhenisch brick
drijfsteen = alluvial stone
drijfsteen = sandstone
"drijfsteen, zandsteen" = sandstone
drijfstof = propellant
drijft een onderneming = runs a company
drijfveer = account
drijfveer = motive
drijfveer = driver
drijfveer [1] = account
drijfveer [1] = drive
drijfveer [1] = driving force
drijfveer [1] = mainspring
drijfveer [1] = motive
drijfveer [1] = reason
drijfveer [1] = spring
drijfveer [2] = mainspring
drijfveren = motives
drijfveren = drivers
drijfvermogen = buoyancy
drijfwerk = piston and connecting rod assembly
drijfwerk = "3.13.5 lubricate dangerous parts of the driving gear, driving-or other ma"
drijfwerk = trolley
"Drijfwerk, tandwieloverbrengingen en drijfwerkelementen" = "Gears, gearing and driving elements"
drijfwerken = driving gear
drijfwiel = driving wheel
drijfzand = quick sand
Drijfzand = Running sand
Drijfzand = Quicksand
drijven = float
Drijven = Drive
Drijven = Conduct
drijven = swim
drijven = drift
"drijven, aanzetten, aansporen, bewegen" = move  (to excite to action)
drijvend = float
drijvend decimaalteken = floating point
drijvend dok = floating dock
drijvend doorgemetalliseerd gat = floating via
"drijvend houden, vlottend houden" = buoy  (To keep afloat or aloft.)
drijvend materiaal = drift
drijvend nulpunt = floating zero
drijvend rooster = floating grid
drijvend zwembad = floating swimming pool
drijvende bok = floating derrick
Drijvende boorplatforms = Floating drilling platforms
Drijvende constructies = Floating structures
drijvende en bewegende offshoreconstructies = floating and moving offshore structures
drijvende golfbreker = floating breakwater
drijvende grijperkraan = grab dredger
drijvende komma = floating point
drijvende kraan = floating crane
Drijvende kranen = Floating cranes
drijvende kranen met grijpers = floating cranes with grabs
drijvende monopile = floating monopile
drijvende monopile met handlingtool = floating monopile with handling tool
Drijvende of diepdrijvende boor- en productieplatforms = Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms
drijvende olielaag = oil slick
Drijvende opslageenheid = Floating storage unit
drijvende persleiding = floating pipeline
drijvende poort = floating gate
Drijvende productie-installatie = Floating production facility
drijvende riemschijf = driving pulley
drijvende vlokken = floating flocs
drijvende vlotten = swimming floats
drijvende vlotten voor recreatieve doeleinden = swimming floats for recreational use
drijvende-kommacoderingscompactie = floating-point coding compaction
Drijvendekommagetal = Floating point
drijvendekommagetal = floating-point number
drijvende-kommagetal = floating point number
drijvende-kommagetal met enkele precisie = single precision floating point
drijvende-kommavoorstelling = floating-point representation
drijver = float
drijver = driver
dril = drill
Drilboor = Well perforator
Drilboor = Punch
Drilboor = Puncher
drilboor = pneumatic drill
drilboor {de} = drill
drilboren = drill bores
Drilled = Drilled
drillen = bore (ww)
Drillen = Exercise
Drimmelen = Drimmelen
D-ring = safety D-ring
D-ring passchroef = Diazed ring adapter
dringen = press
Dringen = Clamp
dringen de behoefte terug = reduce the need
dringen deze zones gedeeltelijk door in een oppervlak = these zones partly penetrate a surface
dringend = emphatic
Dringend = Pressing
dringend = urgent
dringend = just cause
dringend aan vervanging toe = urgently in need of replacement
dringend advies = urgent recommendation
"dringend, ogenblikkelijk" = instant {adj} (urgent)
dringende = urgent
dringende afschakeling = emergency shutdown
dringende en gewichtige redenen = urgent and strong (weighty) reasons
Dringende interventies = Urgent interventions
Dringende levering = Urgent delivery
dringende noodzaak = urgent necessity
dringende reden = just cause (dringende reden)
dringende reden voor ontslag op staande voet = just cause for immediate dismissal
dringende redenen = serious reasons
dringende redenen = [termination] for [just] cause
dringende redenen = for just cause
dringende redenen = Termination for just cause
drink water = drink water
Drinkbaar = Potable
drinkbaar = drinkable
Drinkbaar [water] = Potable [water]
drinkbaar water = potable water
drinkbare chocolade = drinking chocolate
drinkbare vloeistof = potable liquid
drinkbare vloeistoffen = potable liquids
drinkbeker = goblet
drinkbeurten = drinks
Drinkbus / -houder = (drinking) Flask / Bottle cage
Drinkbus / -houder = Bottle
drinkdeksel = drinking lid
drinkdeksel-ontwerp = drinking lid design
drinkdeksels = drinking lids
Drinken = Pledge
drinken = drink
drinken = drinking
drinken = to drink
drinker = alcoholic
drinkfles = drinking bottle
drinkgelag = orgy
drinkgeld = tip
drinkgerei = drinking vessels
drinkglas = glass
Drinkglazen = Drinking glasses
drinking water coating = drinkwater coating
drinkkroezen of -kannen = tankards
drinkopening = drinking opening
drinkopeningen = drinking openings
drinkrand = drinking edge
drinkranddeel = drinking edge part
drinkrietjes = drinking straws
drinkt = drink
drinktrog = manger
drinkwater = potable water
Drinkwater = Drinking water
drinkwater = drinking-water
drinkwater en voedingsmiddelen = drinking water and food
drinkwater in flessen = bottled drinking water
"drinkwater, elektriciteit en afwatering" = "drinking water, electricity and drainage"
drinkwaterbehandeling = drinking-water treatment
drinkwaterbeschermingsgebied = drinking water protection area
drinkwatercirculatiepomp = drinking water circulator
drinkwatercoating = drinking water coating
Drinkwaterdistributie = Drinking-water distribution
drinkwaterfilters = filters for drinking water
Drinkwaterhygiëne = Drinking water hygiene
drinkwaterinstallatie = water supply
drinkwaterinstallatie = drinking-water supply
Drinkwaterleidingen = Drinking-water piping
drinkwaterleidingnet = drinking-water pipeline
drinkwaterleidingnet = water supply system
drinkwatermaatschappij = water authority
drinkwatermaatschappij = water company / board
drinkwatermaatschappijen = water authorities
drinkwaterproductiecentra = drinking water production centres
Drinkwaterproductielocatie = drinking water production facility
drinkwaterslang = drinking water hose
drinkwatertank = drinking water tank
drinkwatervoorziening = drinking-water supply
drinkwatervoorziening = drinking water supply
drinkwatervoorziening = supply of drinking water
drinkwaterwet = Dutch Drinking Water Act (‘Drinkwaterwet’)
drinkwaterzuivering = drinking water treatment
drinkwaterzuivering = drinking-water treatment
drinkwaterzuiveringsinstallaties = drinking water treatment plant
drinkwaterzuiveringsinstallaties = drinking water treatment plants
drinkzijde = drinking side
Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin) = Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin)
Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin+Endrin) = Drins (Aldrin+Dieldrin+Endrin)
Drins (som 5) = Drins (total 5)
"Drins (som, STI-tabel)" = "Drins (total, STI table)"
Drip tray vaatwasserbestendig = Dishwasher-proof drip tray
drive = Are you driven …
drive en file permissions = drive and file permissions
Drive- en motorelektronica = Drive and motor electronics
Drive Housing = Drive Housing
Drive Housing Flange = Drive Housing Flange
Drive Housing Tube = Drive Housing Tube
Drive pin = Drive pin
Drive Tension Rod = Drive Tension Rod
Drivecontrol = Drivecontrol
drive-inwoning = home with built-in garage
drive-in-woning = drive-in home
driven = drive
Driven by data = Driven by data
Driver = Driver
driver = driver
driver info template = Driver Info Template
driver ontwikkeling = Driver Development
drivers = drivers
Drivers- en systeemsoftware = Drivers and system software package
drivers enhanced vision system = DEVS system (Driver's Enhanced Vision System)
Drivers voor grafische kaarten = Graphics card drivers
drivetrain (The system in a motor vehicle which connects the transmission = aandrijflijn
Driviing shaft = Driving shaft
Driving Shaft = Driving Shaft
DRM-onderdeel = DRM component
DRM-onderdeel = digital rights management component
Droef = Sorrowful
droef = afflicted
droef = sadly
Droef = Sad
droef = mallet
Droefenis = Lugubriousness
Droefenis = Gloominess
Droefenis = Gloom
Droefenis = Sorrow
droefenis {de} = sadness
droefgeestig = bleak
"droefgeestig, weemoedig, droevig peinzend" = wistful {adj} (full of longing)
droefgeestigheid = melancholy
Droefheid = Gloominess
Droefheid = Lugubriousness
droefheid = affliction
Droefheid = Sorrow
droefheid = sadness
Droefheid = Gloom
droeg af = deduct
droeg af = pay
droeg af = surrender
droeg af = use up
droegen = were wearing
droes = devil
Droesem = Deposit
droevig = melancholy
Droevig = Distressed
droevig = dismal
Droevig = Sorrowful
Droevig = Doleful
droevig = sad
droevig stemmen = afflict
"droevig, bedroefd, treurig, triest, verdrietig" = sad {adj}
drogbeeld = illusion
droge = dry
droge blusleiding = dry riser
droge bulk = dry bulk
droge cel = dry cell
droge cel batterij = dry cell battery
droge depositie = dry deposition
droge doek = dry cloth
Droge duikpakken = Dry suits
droge elco = dry elco
droge elektrolytische condensator = dry electrolytic capacitor
droge elektrolytische condensator = dry elco
droge gebieden = arid regions
droge geëxtrudeerde voederpelle = dry extruded feed pellet
droge humor = corny humour
droge humor = dry humour
droge lengte = dry (flue) length
droge pan = dry pan
droge plaat = dry plate
droge product = dry product
droge ruimte = dry area
droge ruimtes = dry areas
droge smeermiddelen = dry lubricants
Droge stof = Dry matter content
droge stof = dry matter
droge stof = dry substance
droge stofgehalte = dry matter content
droge stofgehalte = dry substance content
droge tandkasontsteking = alveolalgia
droge tandkasontsteking = dry socket
droge tandkasontsteking = dry tooth socket
droge tandkasontsteking = infected socket
droge tantaalelco = solid electrolyte tantalum capacitor
Droge tijd = Dry season
Droge verassing = Dry ashing
droge vervuiling = dry dirt
droge voering = dry liner
droge vruchten = dried fruit
Droge waren = Dry goods
droge warme bewaarproef = dry hot storage test
droge was = dry laundry
drogen = dessication
drogen = drying
drogen = exsiccation
drogen = to dry
drogen = dry
drogen bij 40 °C = Drying at 40 °C
drogen met stikstof = dry with nitrogen
"drogen, dehydreren, deshydrateren, ontwateren, uitdrogen, verdrogen" = desiccate  (to dry)
drogende olie = drying oil
"drogende olie, hars en/of oplosmiddel" = "drying oil, resin and/or solvent"
drogende oliën = drying oils
droger = dryer
Drogeren = Dope
drogerij = drug
drogers = dryers
droging = desiccation
Droging = Drying
drogist = druggist
Drogisterij = Drugstore
Drogisterij = Hardware shop
drogisterij-winkelketen = drug retailer
Drogreden = Fallacy
drol = turd
drol = dung
"drol, (euphemism) vlaai" = flop (poned package of dung)
drom = accumulation
Drom = Throng
Drom = Rabble
dromedaris = dromedary
dromedaristype = double-peaked fever curve
dromedaristype = dromedarian fever curve
Dromeidae = Emu
dromen = dream
dromen = to dream
dromen {mv} = dreams
dromenland = dreamland
Dromer = Dreamy
Dromer = Dreamer
"dromer, idealist, fantast" = visionary (an impractical dreamer)
dromerdijk = tertiary dike
Drommel = Nuts !
drommel = devil
drommels = diabolical
Drommels = Fiendish
Drone = Great bell
Drone = Bumblebee
drones = drones
drong zich op = was urgently needed
dronk = toast
dronkaard = drunkard
dronkaard = drunk
dronkaard {de} = drunkard
dronken = fucked-up
Dronken = Half-cocked
dronken = intoxicated
Dronken = Drunk
Dronken = Tight
Dronken = Drunken
Dronken = Canned
dronken worden = get drunk
"dronken, bedronken, gealcoholiseerd, zat [Flemish]" = intoxicated {adj} (Stupefied by alcohol)
"dronken, bedronken, zat [Flemish]" = fucked-up {adj} (drunken)
"dronken, zat, beschonken" = drunken {adj} (In the state of alcoholic intoxication)
"dronken, zat, bezopen, blauw, beschonken" = drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol)
Dronkenschap = Intoxication
Dronkenschap = Inebriety
Dronkenschap = Drunkenness
dronkenschap = drunkenness
"dronkenschap, de roes" = intoxication
Dronten = Dronten
droog = austere
droog = wry
Droog = Dry
droog chemisch poeder = dry chemical powder
droog circuit = dry circuit
Droog- en perstoestel = Drying and pressing unit
droog gazon = dry lawn
droog gewicht = dry weight
droog gewichts-% = dry weight percentage
droog gewichts-% op natte gewicht = dry to wet weight percentage
droog granulaat = dry granules
Droog houden en in een goed gesloten verpakking bewaren = Keep container tightly closed and dry
Droog houden en in een goed gesloten verpakking bewaren. = Keep container tightly closed and dry.
droog lopen / droog draaien / draaien zonder smering = dry run
droog plaatsen = lay dry
droog product = dried product
Droog uitwisbare borden of toebehoren = Dry erase boards or accessories
Droog volumegewicht = Dry volume weight
droog worden = dry
Droogapparaat = Fruit/vegetable dryer
droogapparaten = apparatus for drying
droogapparaten = drying apparatus
droogautomaat = dryer
droogbed = drying bed
droogbewerking = drying operation
droogblazen = to dry by blowing
droogbouw = dry-wall installation
droogcirkelzaag met afzuiging = dry cutting circular saw with suction
droogdoek = dish cloth
droogdok = drydock
droogdok = dry dock
droogdok (scheepsreparatie) = Dry docks for ship repairs
droogdok {het} = dry dock
Droogdokdiensten = Dry-docking services
Droogdokkeneiland = Droogdokkeneiland (‘Dry Dock Island’)
Droogetsmateriaal = Dry-etching equipment
drooggaasje = drying screen
drooggangreen = dry  gangrene
drooggas = drying gas
Drooggewicht (behorend bij SVI) = Dry weight (for SVI/Sludge Volume Index)
drooggezet = dried-off
droogheid = dryness
drooghoes = drying hood
droogijs = dry ice
droogkamer = drying chamber
droogkap = drying cap
Droogkap = Drying hood
droogkast = drying box
droogkast = drying cabinet
droogkast = airing cupboard
droogkast = drier
Droogklasse = Drying performance
Droogkleeftechniek = Dry adhesive technology
Droogkoken = Running dry
droogkookbeveiliging = boiling-dry protection
droogkuis = dry-clean
droogkuis = dry cleaner's
Droogleggen = Drain
droogleggen = "reclaim, to"
droogleggen = lay open
droogleggen = reclaim
Drooglegging = Prohibition
drooglichaam = drying body
droogloopbeveiliging = dry-running protection
droogloopbeveiligingen = dry-running protections
droogloopschakelaar = dry-run switch
droogmachine = drier
droogmachine = dryer
droogmachine = drying machine
droogmachines = drying machines
droogmaken = dry
droogmakerij = reclamed lake
droogmakerij = drained lake
droogmakingsproject = land reclamation project
droogmengproces = dry-mixing process
droogmiddel = drying agent
droogmiddel = desiccant
droogmiddelen = desiccants
droogontsmetter = dry disinfectant
droogontsmetting van zaad = seed dressing
droogoven = drying kiln
droogoven = drying oven
droogparel = desiccant beads
droogpartij = double-backer
droogpartij = dry end
droogperiode = drying period
droogpompen = dewater
droogproces = drying process
droogrek = drying rack
droogrek = rack
Droogrekken = Drying racks
Droogrest onopgeloste bestanddelen = "Dry residue, undissolved components"
Droogrest v/d bezonken bestanddelen = Dry residue of settled components
droogrot = dry rot
droogruimte = drying room
droogscheerapparaat = dry-shaver
droogschuim = dry foam cleaner
droogslijpen = dry grinding
droogsmering = dry-film lubrication
droogspinnen (chemisch) = dry spinning (chemical)
droogspinnen (vlas) = dry spinning
droogspinprocédé = dry spinning method
droogstof = dryer
droogstoof = drying stove
droogt = dries
droogte = "drought (climate term, NOT a medical term)"
droogte = shortage of water
droogte = dryness
droogte = drought
droogte {de} = drought
droogtebeheer = drought control
droogtemperatuur = drying temperature
droogtezone = arid zone
droogtijd = drying time
droogtoestel = drying apparatus
"Droogtoestellen voor hout, papierpulp, papier of karton" = "Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard"
Droogtoestellen voor landbouwproducten = Dryers for agricultural products
droogtoren = drying tower
droogtrommel = tumble dryer
droogtrommel = drying drum
droogtrommel = drying cylinder
droogtunnel = drying tunnel
droogvallen = run dry
droogvallen = dry
droogvallen op het wad = dry out on the shallows
droogverlies = drying loss
droogvlasspinnen = dry flax spinning
droogvliezen (Engels: dry-laid nonwovens) = drylaid nonwovens
Droogvoer = Dry fodder
droogvorm = drying form
droogweerafvoer = dryweatherflow
Droogwijze = Drying system
droogzelfaanzuigende = dry self-priming
droogzelfaanzuigende centrifugaalpomp = dry self-priming centrifugal pump
droogzelfaanzuigende pompen = dry self-priming pumps
droogzetten = lay open
droogzettingsinstallatie = drydock
Droogzuiger = Dry vacuum
droom = dream
droom {de} = dream
droombeeld = vision
Droombeeld = Illusion
Droombeeld = Delusion
"droombeeld, visioen, geestesverschijning{f}" = vision (something imaginary)
Droombeld = Illusion
Droombeld = Delusion
droomgezicht = vision
Drop = Liquorice
Drop = Licorice
drop = drip
drop = drop
drop attack = drop attack
drop attack = syncope
drop down lijst inhoudscontrole = ‘Drop Down List Content Control’ (‘Drop Down Lijst Inhoudscontrole
Drop down menu = drop-down menu
drop shadow = dropshadow
"drop, dropregen, drup, drupregen, gemiezer, motregen, miezer" = drizzle (light rain)
dropbox = Dropbox
dropdown = drop-down
dropdown keuzemenu = drop-down selection menu
dropdown menu = drop-down menu
dropdownlijst = dropdown list
dropout = dropout
droppel = drip
droppelen = drip
droppen = to drop
Droppen van parachutisten = Dropping parachutists
dropping = orienteering (exercise)
droppings = droppings
dropshipping = drop-shipping
drossen = abscond
drost = taskmaster
DRR = Regional Crime Investigation Department
drs. = drs. (doctorandus: academic titles should not be translated)
Drs. = Doctorandus/Doctoranda (PhD candidate)
Drs. = [see note]
drs. = "MA, ± M Sc"
drs. = drs.
Drs. (if required to be translated in context) = Doctorandus/Doctoranda and explain in a translators' note
DRT = Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
DRT-mesh = DRT mesh
DRT-platform = DRT API
DRT-platform = DRT platform
DRT-protocol = DRT protocol
DRU = Rural Development Division
Drug = Dope
Drug = Monkey
Drug = Drug
drug resistente = multiresistant
drugdelinquent = drug-addicted offender
drugdelinquent = drug-dependent offender
drugepidemie = drug epidemic
drugepidemie = nationwide epidemicof drug addiction
druggebruik = "drug use, drug consumption"
druggebruik door de moeder = shooting up
druggebruik door de moeder = drug use by the mother
drugkliniek = "drug clinic, detox center"
drugpreventie = drug abuse prevention
Drugs = Drugs
Drugs = Dope
Drugs = Drug
Drugs = Monkey
drugs = drugs
drugs en alcohol = drugs and alcohol
drugs- en alcoholbeleid = drug and alcohol policy
drugs- en alcoholbeleid = Drug and alcohol policy
Drugs- en alcoholpreventie = Drug and alcohol misuse prevention
drugsachtige schemertoestand = drug-like daze
drugsgebruik = using drugs
drugsgebruikers = drug users
drugshandelaar = drug dealer: an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
drugshandelaar = drug pusher
drugshandelaar = drug trafficker
drugshandelaar = purveyor of drugs
drugshandelaren = drug traffickers
drugsmisbruik = drug abuse
Drugsopsporingsapparatuur = Drug detection apparatus
drugssmokkel = drug smuggling
drugsverslaafde = drug addict
drugsverslaving = drug abuse
Drugsverslaving counselling = Drugs addiction counselling
drugverslaafde = drug addict
drugverslaving = drug addiction
Druïde = Druid
Druif = Grape
druif (op booromslag) = front knob
druif {de} = grape
Druifhyacint = Grape-hyacinth
druifmola = hydatidiform mole
druilen = doze
druilerig = drowsy
Druilerig = Sleepily
Druilerig = Somnolent
Druilmast = Mizzen
druipbak = drip tray
druipdroog = drip dry
druipen = to drip
druipen = drip
druiper / druiplijst = drip-mold / drip-moulding
druiper / druiplijst = dripstone
druiper / druiplijst = drip
druipkant = eaves
druipkant (van dak) = eaves
druipkant (van dak) = eave
druipkant (van dak) /dakoverstek = eaves
druiplijst = label
Druiplijst = Weather moulding
druiplijst = hoodmould
druiplijst / kranslijst / vensterkap = weather moulding
druiplus = drip loop
druipneus = cold
druiprek = draining board
Druipsteen = Stalactite
druipsteengrot = limestone cave
druipwater = drip water
Druipwateraansluiting = Dripping water connection
druipwaterdicht = dripproof
Druivebladroller = European grape berry moth
druivelaars = grape-vines
Druiven = Grapes
Druiven = Grape
druiven {mv} = grapes
druiven met een dubbel doel = grapes for double end
druivenextract = grape extract
Druivenmost = Grape must
druivenmost waarvan de gisting door het toevoegen van alcohol is gestuit = fresh grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcohol
druivenpit = grape seed
druivenpittenextract = Grape Seed Extract
Druivenplukker = Grape-picker
Druivenplukster = Aster
Druivensap = Grape juice
druivensmaak = grape flavor
druk = distress
druk = compression
druk = frenetic
druk = crowded
druk = fussy
druk = busy
druk = lively
Druk = Press
druk = edition
druk = draw-down
druk = print
druk = "compression, pressure"
Druk = Pressure
druk = [see list]
druk = pressure
druk = contact pressure
druk / stuwkracht = thrust
druk {de} = pressure
druk aflaat ventiel = pressure relief valve
Druk aflaten = Depressurise
druk- als krachtenverdeling = pressure and force distribution
druk de pin door = push the pin through
druk de pin door het gat = push the pin through the hole
druk deze naar beneden = press it down
druk- en explosietesten = pressure and explosion tests
Druk- en grafische uitrusting = Printing and graphics equipment
druk- en opwaartse krachten = pressure and buoyance forces
druk- en temperatuurgrenzen = pressure and temperature limits
druk gebruikte verkeerslijngroep = high-usage trunk group
druk geïnduceerd = pressure-induced
druk geleiding = pressure guide
Druk geven (ext. drukpomp) = Give pressure (external pressure pump)
Druk hem aan met = Press it down with
druk het aan = press it down
Druk het doek aan = Press down on the cloth
druk kort op = Briefly press
Druk kort op ■ = Briefly press ■
druk leidingen = high pressure pipes
Druk naar beneden = Press down
druk- of spanningsloos = depressurised and de-energised
Druk- of temperatuursensor = Pressure or temperature sensor
druk of trek = pressure or tension
Druk op = Press
Druk op ‘accept = Press ‘Accept’
Druk op de reset knop = Press the reset button
Druk op de 'RESET' knop = Click the ‘RESET’ button
Druk op een van de knoppen aan de zijkant = Press one of the buttons on the side
Druk op het bedieningsscherm op de knop “start” = Press the ‘Start’ button on the control screen
Druk op om het even welke toets = Press any key
Druk op Reset = Press Reset
druk opgebouwd in = pressure built up in
druk opnemer = pressure sensor
druk reduceer = pressure reducer
druk sensor in spruitstuk = manifold pressure sensor
druk uitoefenen = to exert pressure
druk van aandeelhouders = Pressure from shareholders
druk verminderen / indrukken = depress
Druk vervolgens kort op = Then briefly press
druk x snelheid = LPV-value
druk zakdoekjes uit elkaar rukkend = busily fidgeting with tissues/ripping tissues apart
"druk, stroming, temperatuur of vochtigheid" = "pressure, flow, temperature, or humidity"
Druk-/tiptoetscontact = Push button/touch control button
drukaansluiting = compressed-air connection
drukaansluiting = delivery nozzle
drukaansluiting = outlet flange
drukaansluiting = pressure port
drukaansluitingen = compressed-air connections
drukaccumulator = pressure accumulator
drukAf = print
drukAf() = print()
drukafhankelijke = pressure-dependent
drukaflaat = pressure release
drukaftaster = pressure transducer
drukapparaat = pressure device
drukapparaten = pressure equipment
drukapparaten = printing apparatus
drukapparatuur = pressure equipment
drukapparatuur en -instrumenten = printing apparatus and instruments
drukbaar = presser bar
drukbaar = printable
drukbaarheid = printability
drukband = presser belt
drukbegrenzingsventiel = pressure limiting valve
drukbegrenzingsventiel = pressure relief valve
drukbehandelingsprocessen = pressure treatment processes
drukbelasting = compressive load
drukbelasting = compression load
drukbelasting = pressure load
drukbeveiliging = overpressure safety device
drukbewaking = pressure monitor
drukblok = pressure block
drukbus = bush
drukcabine = pressurized cabin
drukcilinder = pressure cylinder
drukcilinder = press roll
drukcilinder = jack cylinder
drukcilinders en appendages = pressure cylinders and fittings
drukcompensator = pressure compensator
drukcondensator = pressure capacitor
drukcontact = pressure contact
Drukcontact = Push button
"Drukcontact, verbreek" = "Push button, normally closed"
"Drukcontact,maak" = "Push button, normally open"
drukcorrector = pressure corrector
drukdiensten = printing services
drukdoos = pressure cell
drukdoos = pressure cells
drukdragende = pressure bearing
drukdragende onderdelen = pressure bearing parts
druk-druktoets = push-push button
druk-eenheden = pressure units
druk-eenheden = units of pressure
drukelement = pressing element
drukflens = flange
Drukfolie = Print foil
drukformaat = print format
drukfout = misprint
drukfouten voorbehouden = all rights reserved concerning printing errors
drukgereedschap = pressing tool
drukgestuurd ventiel = pressure actuated valve
druk-gestuurde = pressure-actuated
druk-gestuurde = pressure-controlled
druk-gestuurde ventilator = pressure-controlled ventilator
drukgestuurde ventilatoren = pressure-controlled fans
drukgevoelig beeldscherm = touch screen
drukgevoelige = pressure sensitive
drukgevoelige zelfklevende folie = pressure sensitive adhesive foil
drukgevoeligheid = pressure sensitivity
drukgevuld = supercharged
drukgolf = pressure wave
drukgolf of jet = pressure wave or jet
drukgolven = pressure waves
drukgradiënten = pressure gradients
drukgradiëntmicrofoon = pressure-gradient microphone
drukhoek = pressure angle
drukhoogte = pressure head
drukhoogte (pressure-altitude) = pressure-altitude
Drukhoogte van het startterrein = Pressure altitude at the take-off site
Drukhouder = Pressure vessel
Drukhouders = Pressure vessels
drukindicatie = pressure indicator
Drukingang = Push button input
Drukinkt = Printing ink
drukinkten = printing inks
drukinktfabriek = Printing ink industry
drukinstelling = pressure setting
drukkamer = pressure room (PIL)
drukkamer = pressure room
drukkamer = pressure chamber
Drukke dag = Busy day
drukke zones = busy areas
drukken = press
drukken = to squeeze
drukken = to push
Drukken = Print
drukken = squeeze
drukken = printing
drukken = oppress
drukken = depress
drukken = to press
drukken en temperaturen = pressures and temperatures
drukken en vasthouden = press and hold
drukken met afsprong = off contact printing
drukken op = weigh heavily on
drukken op en vasthouden = press and hold
"drukken, afdrukken, printen" = "print  (to copy something on a surface, especially by machine)"
Drukkend = Overwhelming
Drukkend = Damning
drukkend = burdensome
drukkend felsen = impact riveting
drukkend felsgereedschap = impact-riveting tool
drukkende = incumbent on
drukkende kosten = costs incumbent on
Drukker = Printer
drukker = button
"Drukker, wissel" = "Button, alternating"
drukkerij = printing
drukkerij = printer
drukkerij = print shop
Drukkerij = Printing works
drukkerij = printing work
Drukkerij = Printing Office
Drukkerij & Nabewerking = Printing & Finishing
Drukkerij & Nabewerking = Printing & Post-processing
drukkerij (algemeen) = "Printing industry, general"
Drukkerij- en aanverwante diensten = Printing and related services
Drukkerij- en afleveringsdiensten = Printing and delivery services
Drukkerij- en distributiediensten = Printing and distribution services
Drukkerij en Nabewerking = Printing and Finishing
Drukkerij werkplaats = Printing workshop
drukkerij-activiteit = printing activities
Drukkerijdiensten = Printing services
Drukkerijen = Printers
drukkerijen en aanverwante activiteiten = Printers and related activities
drukkerij-industrie = printing industry
drukkerijproducten en publicaties = printed materials and publications
drukkersmerk = printer's mark
drukketel = pressure tank
drukketel = pressure vessel
drukketel = air vessel
drukklaar = print-ready
drukklaar maken van bestanden = preparing files for printing
drukklasse = pressure class
drukklem = pressure clamp
drukknoop = press-stud
drukknoop = push-button
drukknoopsluiting = snap-fastener
Drukknop = Ram
Drukknop = Tappet
drukknop = press-button
Drukknop = "Push button, complete"
drukknop = press button
drukknop = push-button
drukknop = push button
drukknop = button
Drukknop = Plunger
drukknop = snap button
drukknop = snap fastener
drukknop (voor bel) = bell push
drukknop / resetknop = resetting button
drukknop busstop invalide passagier = disabled passenger bell push
drukknop busstop passagiers = passenger bell push
Drukknop Down = Down button
Drukknop frontelement = Front element for push button
Drukknop frontelement (paddestoel) = Front element for mushroom push-button
Drukknop frontrand = Front bezel pushbutton
drukknop inrichting = push-button device
Drukknop modulair = Push button for distribution board
Drukknop Reset = Reset button
Drukknop Up = Up button
drukknopas = push-button spindle
drukknopbediening = push-button control
drukknopbericht = push-button message
drukknopcontact = push-button contact
drukknopeenheid = push-button unit
drukknopinrichting = push-button device
drukknopinrichtingen = push-button devices
Drukknopkast compleet = Control circuit devices combination in enclosure
Drukknopkast leeg = Enclosure for control circuit devices
drukknoppastille = ornamental disc
drukknoppen = push buttons
drukknopschakelaar = push-button switch
"drukknopschakelaar, sleutelschakelaar en/of afstandsbediening" = "push button switch, key switch and/or remote control unit"
drukknopschakelaars = touch switches
drukknopschuif = push-button slide
drukknopsignaal = push-button signal
drukknopverankering = stud
drukkoeling = forced cooling
Drukkop = Print head
drukkosten = printing expenses
drukkosten = printing costs
drukkracht = pressure force
drukkracht = compressive force/load
drukkracht = press force
drukkracht = thrust push
drukkracht = compressive force
drukkracht = pressing force
drukkracht = compressive load
drukkrachten = compressive forces
drukkrachten = pressure forces
Drukktoets = Push button
drukkussen = pressure pad
drukkwaliteit = print quality
druklaag = compression layer
druklager = release bearing
druklager = thrust bearing
druklager = bevel ring gear
druklager = ball trust bearing
druklagerkraag = thrust bearing collar
druklassen = projection welding
druklassen = pressure welding
drukleiding = pressure line
drukleiding = pressure pipe
drukleiding = penstock
drukletsel = pressure-induced injury
drukletter = type
drukletter = printing type
drukletters = printers’ type
drukletters = printing fonts
drukletters en clichés (stereotype) = printers’ type and printing blocks
drukletters en clichés (stereotypen) = printers' type and clichés (stereotype)
druklijn = pressure line
drukloos = depressurised
drukloos maken = depressurise
Drukloze bedrijfsmodus = Pressure less operation
druklucht = compressed air
drukmachine = printer
drukmachine = printing machine
drukmachine = printing press
Drukmachines = Printing machinery
drukmachines = printing machines
drukmachines en -apparaten = printing machines and apparatus
drukmateriaal = material
drukmateriaal = printed material
Drukmechanisme = Printer mechanics
drukmeetslang = pressure sensor tube
drukmeter = pressure gauge
drukmeter = pressure meter
Drukmeter = Barometer
drukmeter = manometer
drukmeter = pressure monitor
drukmeters = pressure measuring apparatus
Drukmeters = Pressure gauges
Drukmeters = Pressure-measuring equipment
drukmeters = pressure gauges
drukmeting = pressure measurement
drukmicrofoon = pressure microphone
drukmodule = compressive modulus
drukmotief = printing design
drukniveau = pressure level
drukniveau van inregeling = calibration pressure level
drukomvormer = pressure converter
drukontlastingskanaal = pressure relief channel
drukopbouw = pressure build-up
drukopnemer = pressure sensor
drukorder = print order
drukorders = Print orders
Drukpapier = Printing paper
drukpasta = printing paste
drukpeer = pipette bulb
drukpen = pressure pin
Drukpen = Compression Pin
drukpen (in slot) = cotter pin
drukpers = printing press
drukpers = press
Drukpers = Printing works
Drukpers = Crush
Drukpers = Media
Drukpers = Newspapers
drukpersen = printing presses
drukpijnzone = pressure pain area
drukplaat = thrust plate
drukplaat = pressure plate
drukplaat = printing plates
drukplaat / koppelingsplaat = pressure plate
"drukplaat, stempel, clichee" = printing plate
drukplaat/koppelingsplaat = pressure plate
drukplaten = printing plates
drukplaten = holding-down plates (neerhouder)
drukplaten = pressure plates (koppeling)
drukplaten = thrust plates (voor opvangen van opwaartse druk)
drukplaten = washers (onderlegplaat voor krachtverdeling)
Drukplaten of -cilinders of andere drukmiddelen = Printing plates or cylinders or other media for use in printing
Drukproces = Print process
drukproef = pressure test
drukproef = compression test
Drukproef = Test
drukproef = proof
drukproef = printing proof
drukproef = proof sheet
drukproeven = pressure tests
drukpunt = centre of pressure
drukpunt = pressure point
drukpunten = pressure points
drukraam = printing frame
drukrand = gland
drukrecht = printing right
drukreduceerstation = pressure-limiting station
drukreduceerstation = Gas pressure reducing stations (GPRS)
drukregelaar = pressure regulator
drukregelaar = pressure governor
Drukregelaar voor rotatieverdampers = Pressure regulator for rotating evaporators
drukregelaars = pressure regulators
Drukregeling = Pressure control
drukregeling = pressure regulator
drukregelklep = pressure regulating valve
drukregulator = pressure governor
drukregulator = pressure regulator
Drukresolutie = Print resolution
drukresponsie = pressure response
drukring = thrust washer
Drukring = Thrust Ring
drukring = thrust collar
drukrol = print roll
drukrol = impression roll
drukrol = pressure roller
drukrol = edge roll
drukrol = pressure roll
drukrol = printing roller
drukrolas = pressure-roller spindle
drukrolbehuizing = pressure roller casing
drukrolhefboom = pressure-roller lever
drukrollager = pinch-wheel bearing
drukrollager = pressure-roller bearing
drukrollen = pressure rollers
drukrolverf = pressure-roller paint
drukruimte = pressure zone
Drukscanners = Pressure scanners
Drukschakelaar = Pressure switch
drukschakelaar = pressure-operated switch
drukschakelaar = pressure switch
drukschakelaar deurcontact strip = door contact strip pressure switch
drukschakelaars = pressure switches
drukschakelaars voetbediening retarder = push buttons retarder operation by foot
drukschijf = pressure plate
drukschommelingen = pressure fluctuations
Drukschommelingsabsorptie = Pressure swing absorption
drukschot = pressure bulkhead
drukschotten = bulkheads
drukschotten 27dB in plenum = bulkheads 27dB in plenum
drukschroef = screw propeller
Drukschroef voor wartel = Threaded bush
druksensor = force sensor
Druksensor = Pressure sensor
druksensor = pressure sensor
druksensoren = pressure sensors
druksets = printing sets
druksignaal = button-press signal
drukslang = pressure hose
Drukslang/trillingsdemper = Pressure hose/oscillation damper
drukslangen = pressure hoses
Drukslangkoppeling = Pressure hose connection
druksluiting = snap-fastener
druksmering = forced lubrication
drukspanning = compressive stress
drukstang = push bar
drukstang = compression bar
drukstel = pressure pieces
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = bearing strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = compressive strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte = compression strength
druksterkte en isolatiewaarde = compressive strength and insulation value
druksterkte van het beton = compressive concrete strength
"druksterkte, gewicht en isolatie" = "compressive strength, weight and insulation"
drukstof = printing stock
drukstoot = pressure impact
drukstoot = pressure impulse
drukstoot = pressure impulse testing
drukstoottest = pressure impulse testing
drukstoten = pressure surges
drukstroming = Poisseuille flow
drukstroming = pressure flow
Drukstroom = Push current
drukstuk = gland
drukstuk = compression testpiece
drukstuk = test cube
drukstuk = pressure piece
Druksysteem = Pressurised system
druksystemen = pressure systems
drukt het energiegebruik = saves energy
drukt u gedurende één seconde op één van de zijknoppen = press one of the side buttons for one second
drukt u kort op = briefly press
drukt u op een van de knoppen aan de rechterkant = press one of the buttons on the right side
Drukt zich verbaal soepel uit = Is a fluid speaker
druktabel = pressure table
druktafel = print table
druktafel = printing table
drukte = hoo-ha
drukte = busyness
Drukte = Hurly-burly
Drukte = Commotion
drukte = activity
druktebeeld = traffic volumes
druktechnieken = printing techniques
druktemetingsensoren = pressure sensors
druktest = pressure test
druktoets = key
druktoets = push button
druktoetsblok = push-button tuner
Druktoetsdimmer = Push button dimmer
druktoetsen = push-buttons
Druktoetsenmodus = Push button mode
Druktoetsenveld = Push button panel
druktoetsschakelaar = push-button switch
Druktoetsschakelaar = Push button switch
Druktoetssensoraankoppeling bussysteem = Touch sensor connector for bus system
druktoren = Printing tower
druktransducer = pressure transducer
druk-trekschakelaar = push-pull switch
druktunnel = pressure tunnel
druktunnel = penstock
Drukuitschakeling = Pressure switch
drukval = pressure drop
drukval = drop in pressure
drukval afblaastraject = pressure drop of vent channel
Drukval componenten = Pressure drop of components
drukvast = compression resistant
Drukvast kapseling = Pressure resistant enclosure
drukvastheid = compression strength
Drukvastheid = Compressive strength
Drukvastheidsklasse = Compressive strength class
drukvat = pressure vessel
drukvat = pressure pot
drukvat van eenvoudige vorm = simple pressure vessel
drukvatberekening = pressure vessel design (software)
drukvaten = pressure vessels
drukveer = compression spring
drukveer = holding down spring
drukveer = pressure spring
Drukveermeter = Compression spring gauge
drukveermeter = compression spring gauge
drukventiel = pressure value
drukventiel = pressure valve
drukverandering = change in pressure
drukverdeling = pressure distribution
drukvereffeningsklep = by-pass valve
drukvereffeningsslang = pressure equalizing pipe (???)
drukvereffeningsslang = pressure equalizing pipe
drukveren = compression springs
drukverhang = pressure gradient
drukverhoger = pressure booster
drukverhoger (m) = pressurizer
Drukverhogers voor vloeistoffen = Pressure boosters for liquids
Drukverhoging met andere gassen = Pressure increase using other gases
Drukverhoging met andere gassen. = Pressure increase using other gases.
drukverhogingsinstallatie = pressurisation unit
drukverhogingsinstallatie = water booster system
drukverhouding = pressure ratio
drukverlies = pressure loss
Drukverlies bij nominale volumestroom = Pressure loss at rated volume flow
drukverlies tester = pressure loss tester
drukverliezen = pressure losses
drukverliezen die optreden in het luchtkanaal-netwerk = after all takes into account the pressure losses that occur in the air du
Drukvermogen = Pressure capacity
drukverschil = pressure difference
drukverschillen = pressure differential
drukverschillen = pressure differentials
drukverschillen = pressure differences
drukverschilregelaar = differential pressure controller
drukverschilschakelaar = differential pressure switch with screws
drukvlak = printing area
Drukvlakschakelaar = Push button switch
drukvorm = printing form
drukvormen = compression moulding
drukvormvervaardiging = pre-press
drukvrij = depressurized
Drukvrij maken systeem = Making the system pressure-free
drukvulling = supercharging
Drukvulling = Supercharger
drukwachter = pressure switch
drukwaterreactor [PWR] = pressurized water reactor [PWR]
drukweerstand = form drag
drukweerstand = form resistance
drukwerk = printed matter
drukwerk = printing
drukwerk = print-work
Drukwerk = Printed
Drukwerk = Forme
Drukwerk en aanverwante producten = Printed matter and related products
drukwerken = printed matter
"drukwerken en papieren goederen, te weten boeken, stripboeken, kinderboek" = "printed matter and paper goods, namely, books, comic books, children’s "
drukwerken en papierwaren = printed matter and paper goods
"drukwerken en papierwaren, te weten stripboeken en stripbladen en geïllu" = "printed matter and paper goods, namely comic books and comic magazines an"
drukwerken en publicaties = printed matter and publications
drukwerken met betrekking tot computers = printed materials concerning computers
"drukwerken met betrekking tot computers, software, en computernetwerken" = "printed materials concerning computers, computer software, and computer n"
drukwerken met betrekking tot het verstrekken van informatie = printed matter relating to the provision of information
drukwerken voor computers en software = printed matter pertaining to computers and computer
"drukwerken, boekbinderswaren" = "printed matter, bookbinding material"
"drukwerken, boeken en publicaties" = "printed matter, books and publications"
"drukwerken, boeken, posters, foto's, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, books, posters, photographs, stationery"
"drukwerken, foto's" = "printed matter, photographs"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties" = "printed matter, printed publications"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties in de vorm van boeken, tijdschriften, pe" = "printed matter, publications in the form of books, magazines, periodicals"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, boeken" = "printed matter, printed publications, books"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, boeken, tijdschriften, brochures, bladm" = "printed matter, printed publications, books, magazines, brochures, sheet "
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, printed publications, stationery"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, tijdschriften" = "printed matter, printed publications, magazines"
"drukwerken, gedrukte publicaties, tijdschriften, dagbladen" = "printed matter, printed publications, magazines, journals"
"drukwerken, in het bijzonder boeken, handleidingen en brochures met betre" = "printed matter, particularly books, manuals and brochures with regard to "
"drukwerken, karton en artikelen en tickets van karton, kranten, periodiek" = "printed matter, cardboard and cardboard articles and tickets, newspapers,"
"drukwerken, kranten en periodieken, boeken" = "printed matter, newspapers and periodicals, books"
"drukwerken, leermiddelen en onderwijsmateriaal" = "printed matter, instructional and teaching materials"
"drukwerken, leermiddelen en onderwijsmateriaal (uitgezonderd toestellen)" = "printed matter, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus)"
"drukwerken, publicaties" = "printed matter, publications"
"drukwerken, publicaties, brochures en prospectussen" = "printed matter, publications, pamphlets and prospectuses"
"drukwerken, publicaties, kranten, periodieken, catalogussen, tijdschrifte" = "printed matter, printed publications, newspapers, periodicals, catalogues"
"drukwerken, schrijfbehoeften" = "printed matter, stationery"
"drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, ha" = "printed matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user’s g"
"drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, ha" = "printed matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user guide"
drukwerkinkoop = printing purchasing
drukwerkinkoop = the purchasing of printed materials
Drukwijze = Push type
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = pressure-swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = PSA
"Drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = Pressure swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie (pressure-swing adsorption, PSA)" = pressure-swing adsorption
"drukwisseladsorptie [Engels: pressure-swing absorptie, PSA]" = pressure-swing absorption
"drukwisseladsorptie [Engels: pressure-swing absorptie, PSA]" = PSA
drukwisselingen = fluctuations in pressure
Drukzadel = Pressure clamp
drukzijde = PS
drukzijde = pressure side
drum = drum
Drum & Bass = Drum & Bass
Drum Solo = Drum Solo
drumband (DR) = drum bands
Drumlin = Drumlin
Drummelters = Drum melters
drummer = drummer
Drummer = Beater
Drums (muziekinstrument) = Drums (instrument)
drumstel = drum kit
Drumstel = Battery
druppel = drop
druppel {de} = drop [of liquid]
druppel lijm = drop of glue
druppel op de gloeiende plaat = drop in a bucket
druppel op een gloeiende plaat = drop in a bucket
druppel voeding / lader = drip feed
druppelafscheider = water separator
druppelbeveiliging = drip tray
druppelen = drip
druppelen = to drip
druppelen = dripping
druppelende infiltratie = guttate infiltration
druppelflesje = dropper bottle
druppelflesje = eyedropper bottle
druppelflesje = pipette flask
Druppelflesje = Dropper
druppelimpregneren = to trickle-impregnate
druppelinfectie = droplet infection
druppelirrigatie = drip irrigation
druppelirrigatiedarmen = drip irrigation hoses
druppelirrigatiesysteem = drip irrigation system
druppelkamer = drip chamber
druppeloliepot = drip feed oil cup
druppelpipet voor medicijnen = medicine dropper
druppelpipet voor medicijnen = "pipette,  eyedropper"
druppelpunt = dropping point
druppelpunt = dripping point
"druppels, druppelachtig" = guttate
"druppels, druppelachtig" = spotted
druppelsgewijs = drop by drop
druppelsgewijs afscheiden = distil  (exude in small drops)
druppelsgewijs afscheiden = distill  (to exude in small drops)
druppelsgewijze bevloeiing = trickle irrigation
druppelslagerosie = liquid impingement erosion
druppelsleutel = digital key
druppelsmering = drip lubrication
druppelsmering = drip feed lubrication
Druppelstop = Drip-stop
druppelteller = drop counter
druppeltjes = droplets
druppeltjes van Flügge = droplet nuclei
druppelvoeding (druppellader) = drip feed
druppen = drizzle
"druppen, motregenen, miezeren, motteren" = drizzle  (to rain lightly)
drupppel = drop
drusen in de papilla nervi optici = "optic disk  drusen: small, bright structures in the optic disc, composed "
Druten = Druten
DRW = drift alert
DRW = drift warning
dry farming = dry farming
dry ice = dry ice
dryade = wood nymph
DS = Diploma Supplement
ds = dry substance content
ds = ds
DSA = digital subtraction angiography
DSA = digital vascular imaging
d-scheiding stelling = d-separation theorem
D-schroefadapter = Diazed screw adapter
dsciplinaire hoorzitting = disciplinary hearing
DSCR = Debt Service Capacity Ratio
DSG = Directorate of Standards and Guidance
DSG standaard = DSG standard
DSI = DSI (Document Scene Investigation)
DSL = Digital subscriber line
dsl (digital subscriber line)-breedbandservices = digital subscriber line (dsl) broadband services
DSL/ISDN-aansluiting = DSL-/ISDN-connection
DSL-aansluiting = DSL-connection
DSL-filter = DSL filter
D-sluiting = Shackle
DSN = diabetes nurse
DSN = diabetes specialist nurse
DSN = System DSN
D-snaar = D-chord
DSN-bericht = DSN message
DSN-code = DSN code
DSO = days sales outstanding
DSOs = Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
DSR = design science research
DSS = Decision Support Systems (DSS)
d-statistic van Sukhatme = Sukhatme d-statistic
D-subminiatuur = D-sub-miniature
DSW = Steam Equipment Supervision Service
DSZ = Office of Student Affairs
dt. = part-time
DTA = definition
DTC = Digital Trust Centre
DTD-bestand = DTD file
DTE/DCE-koppelvlak = data terminal equipment/data circuit terminating equipment interface
dtex = dtex
D-trein = corridor train
DTT = Discrete Trial Training
duaal = dual
duaal proces = dual process
duaal student = dual student
Dual Brand = Dual Brand
dual branded = dual branded
Dual Combined Braking System = DCBS
Dual Over Head Camshaft = DOHC
Dual Rod Rotary = Dual Rod Rotary
Dual Stage Fuel Injection = PGM-DSFI
Dual Tone Multiple-Frequency = dual-tone multiple-frequency
dual-boot = dual boot
duale bewerking = dual operation
duale bus voor gedistribueerde wachtrijen = distributed queue dual bus: DQDB
duale condensator = dual capacitor
duale diode = dual diode
duale doelstelling = dual objective
Duale economie = Dual economy
duale energie computertomografie (Engels: Dual-Energy CT) = dual-energy CT
Duale inkomstenbelasting = Dual income tax
duale opleiding = dual degree programme
duale opleiding = alternance training
duale opleiding = work-study programme
duale opleiding = sandwich degree programme
duale opleiding = dual training course (JurLex)
duale opleidingen = dual degree programmes
duale pentode = dual pentode
Duale planning = Dual planning
duale poort = dual gate
duale potentiometer = dual potentiometer
Duale prijszetting = Dual pricing
duale student = work-study student
duale studenten = sandwich students
duale students = work-study students
duale theorema van lineaire programmering = dual theorem
duale triode = dual triode
duale variant = sandwich course
duale weerstand = dual resistor
dual-fuel motor = dual fuel engine
dual-in-line = dual in line: DIL
dualisme = dualism
Dualisme (filosofie van de geest) = Dualism (philosophy of mind)
Dualistische merkenstrategie = Dualistic brand strategy
dualiteit = duality
Dubai (emiraat) = Dubai
Dubai EXPO 2020 = Dubai EXPO 2020
Dubai Expo organisatie = Dubai Expo organisation
Dubbel = Dual
Dubbel = Duplicate
Dubbel = Twice
dubbel = double
dubbel = doubling
Dubbel = Copy
Dubbel afgeschermd = Double shielded
dubbel beroep = holding down two jobs
dubbel beroep = holding of two jobs
dubbel censureren = double censoring
Dubbel circuit = Double circuit
dubbel computersysteem = duplex computer system
Dubbel contact = Double contact
dubbel diploma = double degree
Dubbel draagrek = Double mounting bracket
Dubbel envelope = Double-envelope
dubbel filter = two-section filter
dubbel filter met condensatoringang = tow-section capacitor input filter
dubbel filter met smoorspoelingang = two-section choke input filter
Dubbel fixeerplaatje = Double shell
dubbel ge‹soleerd = double insulated
dubbel gedestilleerd = redistilled
dubbel gestikte striping = double-stitched striping
dubbel geveerd = bipinnate
dubbel geveerd = twicepinnate
dubbel gevoel = mixed feelings
dubbel gevouwen = folded in half
dubbel gezaagd = doubly serrate
dubbel gezaagd = biserrate
Dubbel glas = Double glazing
dubbel hangspant = strutted collar beam roof structure
dubbel hangspant (van dak) = queen truss
dubbel kruistouw aanbrengen = to apply double crossed cord
dubbel liggen (van het lachen) = to double up (with laughter)
dubbel motorsysteem = two-motor system
dubbel of samengesteld raam = Double or multiple window
dubbel oog = double eyelet
dubbel processorsysteem = dual processor system
dubbel raam = double casement window
dubbel roerwerk = double cement mixer
dubbel scharnier = double hinge
dubbel signaal = double signal
dubbel symmetrisch = double symmetric
dubbel uitgevoerd afstemcircuit = double-tuned circuit
dubbel vernikkelen = double nickel plating
dubbel verwarren = double confounding
dubbel vrijgavesignaal = double clear
dubbel weefsel = doubleweave
dubbel weefsel = double-cloth
dubbel werk = duplication of work
dubbel woonhuis = duplex house
dubbel zaagtandsysteem = bilateral area track
dubbel-(ster) -> binary star = binary {adj} (equal importance)
dubbel.. = bi
Dubbel/enkel circuit = Double-/single circuit
dubbelaftasting = double scanning
"dubbelagent, dubbelspion" = double agent (spy)
dubbelbaans weg met gesloten verklaring = dual carriageway restricted to motorcars
dubbelbaans weg voor alle verkeer = dual carriageway for all traffic
Dubbelbaard (DIN) = Double bit
dubbelbaards sleutelslot = double-bitted key lock
dubbelbaardsleutel = double-bit key
dubbelbaardslot = double-bit lock
dubbelbajonetring = "5mm ring, two-in-one bay ring, D-ring"
dubbelbed (vlakbreimachine) = double bed (flat knitting machine)
dubbelbestemming = dual zoning (NB in zoning context)
Dubbelbesturing instructietijd = Dual instruction time
dubbelbinair signaal = duobinary signal
dubbelbinaire codering = duobinary coding
dubbelblind = double-blind
Dubbelblind = Doubleblind
dubbelblind vergelijkend onderzoek = double-blind comparative trial
dubbel-blind-methode = double-blind method
dubbelboeking = double entry accounting
dubbelbrekingseffect = birefringence
dubbelcassette = double plate holder
dubbelclaim = contradictory claims
dubbeldaags getij = semi-diurnal tide
Dubbeldekker = Biplane
Dubbeldekker = Link-up
Dubbeldekker = Maisonette
Dubbeldekker = Duplex
Dubbeldekkers = Double-decker buses
dubbeldeks pallet = double-deck pallet
Dubbeldeksbus = Double-decker bus
Dubbeldekstrein = Maisonette
Dubbeldekstrein = Link-up
Dubbeldekstrein = Duplex
dubbeldeurs = twin doors
dubbeldiagnose = dual  diagnosis (psychiatry)
Dubbeldienstkraan = Double service valve
dubbeldik glas = thick glass
dubbeldik golfkarton = double-wall corrugated fibreboard
dubbeldoel = double-purpose
dubbeldoelras = dual-purpose breed
dubbeldraads twijnen = twofold yarn
dubbeldraadtwijnen = two-ply yarn
dubbeldraadtwijnen = twofold yarn
dubbeldraaistwijnen = two-for-one-twisting
dubbeldrietallige transmissie = biternary transmission
dubbele = double
dubbele (keuken)gootsteen = double sink
dubbele aansluiting = dual homing
dubbele aansluitklemmen = double terminal blocks
dubbele bajonetsluiting = double bayonet mount
dubbele balguittrek = double bellows extension
dubbele bediening tbv rij-instructeur = dual control for driving instructor
dubbele belasting = double taxation
dubbele belastingheffing = double taxation
dubbele beplating = double panelling
dubbele besturing = dual control
dubbele beweging = double motion
dubbele binding = double bond
dubbele bodemfels = rebated knocked-up joint
dubbele bovenliggende nokkenas = dohc (double overhead camshaft)
dubbele carburateur = dual carburetor
Dubbele claims = Double claims
dubbele claimzaken = double claims
Dubbele console = Double wall bracket
Dubbele contactdoos = Double socket outlet
dubbele controle = combined check
dubbele conversie = double conversion
dubbele deur = double door
dubbele dienstverlening door één telefoonnummer = duet service
dubbele diffusiemethode = double-diffused process
dubbele diode (met gemeenschappelijke kathode = binode
dubbele diode (met gemeenschappelijke kathode = double diode
Dubbele doelgroepbenadering = Double target group approach
dubbele dosis = double dose
dubbele draaideuren = double hinged doors
dubbele drukknop = double pushbutton
dubbele dynamo = double-current generator
dubbele effening = second order smoothing
Dubbele fitting = Double lamp holder
dubbele flitscontacten = bipolar sockets
dubbele functie = double function
dubbele geleider klem = Double conductor terminal
Dubbele gloeidraad = Double filament
dubbele golf = twin flute
dubbele graad/meervoudige graad = double degree/multiple degree
dubbele grijper = double gripper
Dubbele haak = Double hook
dubbele haak = double hook
Dubbele hoek = Double bracket
dubbele huisvesting = double accommodation
dubbele huisvestingskosten = double housing costs
dubbele ionisatie = double ionization
dubbele kegelring = double conical ring
dubbele klemgesp = double cam buckle
Dubbele klemschroef = Double clamp screw
Dubbele klik = Double-click
Dubbele koffieautomaat = Double coffee maker
"Dubbele kogelbiefstuk geserveerd met gebakken ui, paprika, champignons, k" = "Double round steak served with fried onions, bell pepper, mushrooms, garl"
dubbele koolstof-koolstofbinding = carbon–carbon double bond
dubbele lip = double lip
dubbele Martinhoorns = Martins (two-tone) horns
dubbele modulatie = double modulation
Dubbele naad = Double seam
dubbele nationaliteit = dual nationality
dubbele nauwkeurigheid = double precision
Dubbele nippel = Double nipple
dubbele nippel / (smeer)nippel (loodgieterij) = nipple
dubbele of meervoudige graad = double or multiple degree
Dubbele opste = Double setup
Dubbele opstelling mogelijk = Double setup possible
Dubbele optrede = Double rise
dubbele panlat = tilting lath
dubbele pen = double-ended bolt
dubbele plooilijn = double fold line
dubbele plooilijnen = double fold lines
dubbele precisie = double-precision
dubbele precisie = double precision
dubbele programmering = dual programming
dubbele puls = a pulse having a double beat
dubbele puls = dicrotic pulse
dubbele puls = double pulse
dubbele punt = colon
dubbele punthaak = chevron
dubbele ramen / dubbel glas = double glazing
dubbele ramen / dubbel glas = double-glazed windows
dubbele ramen / dubbele beglazing = double windows
dubbele ratio schatter = double-ratio estimator
dubbele Rietberger = "double Rittberger, double loop jump"
Dubbele scheerfolie = Double razor foil
dubbele schuifdeur = double sliding door
dubbele schutsluis = double lock
dubbele signalering met meervoudige frequenties = dual-tone multi-frequency signalling: DTMF
dubbele slijpmachine / tafelslijpmachine = bench grinder
Dubbele spatel = Double spatula
dubbele spiraal = double spiral
Dubbele spruit = Double nozzle
dubbele steeksleutel = double open-ended spanner
dubbele tand-en-groefverbinding = double tongue-and-groove joint
dubbele T-balk = I-beam
dubbele tegenplaat = double saddle
dubbele terugslagklep = double-check (non-return) valve
dubbele toegang = dual access
dubbele toon = double cardiac sound
dubbele trekzwaluwverbinding = dovetail halving
dubbele T-staal = H-beam / H-girder
dubbele uitgave = double spend
dubbele uitkering bij overlijden door ongeval = double accident benefit
dubbele uittrek = double extension
dubbele uitvoering = double lining
Dubbele uitvoering = Double model
Dubbele vertanding = Double toothing
Dubbele vloer = Double floor
dubbele wagen = dual carriage
dubbele wand = double wall
dubbele wand van de fermentatietank = double wall of the fermentation tank
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double socket
dubbele wandcontactdoos = socket outlet (plug point) box
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double wall outlet
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double wall socket
dubbele wandcontactdoos = double convenience outlet
dubbele wastafel = double sink
dubbele wastafel met meubel = double sink with cabinet
dubbele watertank op een waterpomp = double water tank on one water pump
dubbele werking = double action
dubbele wikkeldraad = double-coated wire
dubbele zijband = double sideband
dubbele zijband met gereduceerde draaggolf = double- sideband suppressed-carrier
dubbele zijbandtransmissie = double-sideband transmission
dubbele-basisjunctietransistor = double-base junction transistor
dubbele-I-vorm = double L-shape
dubbelen = assembling
dubbele-pulsgolf = double-pulse wave
dubbelepunt {de} = colon
dubbele-steekproefsysteem = double sampling
dubbeletandverbinding (houtverbinding) = double skew notch
dubbelfasegelijkrichter = full-wave rectifier
dubbelfasige codering = biphase coding
dubbelfasige gelijkrichting = full-wave rectification
dubbelfasige merktekencodering = biphase mark coding
dubbelfasige ruimtecodering = biphase space coding
dubbelfasige signalering = biphase signalling
dubbelfasig-niveau codering = biphase-level coding
Dubbelflensplug = Double flange plug
dubbelfocus-buisje = double focus tube
dubbelganger = doppelganger
"dubbelganger, dubbelgangster" = double (a person resembling or standing for another)
dubbelganginge schroefdraad = double thread
dubbelgaren = double-twist yarn
dubbelgaren = double-twist yarn
dubbelgebruik = dual use
dubbelgekromd = double curved
dubbelgelaagde klemband = double-layered clamping belt
dubbelgelaagde klembanden = double-layered clamping belts
dubbelgelaagde transportriem = double-layered conveyor belt
dubbelgepolijste = double polished
dubbelgestookte graanjenever = double-distilled Dutch gin
dubbelhartig = false
Dubbelhartig = Copy
Dubbelhartig = Dual
dubbelhelix van DNA = double  helix of DNA
dubbelhoekmodule = double corner module
dubbeling = duplication
dubbeling van vaste kosten = duplication of fixed costs
Dubbelingen = Duplications
dubbelingsplaat = doubling plate
dubbelkeper = double twill
dubbelkerend = double sluice
Dubbelklik op een bestand = Double-click a file
Dubbelklik op het icoon = Double-click the icon
Dubbelklik vervolgens op = Then double-click
dubbelklikken = double-click
dubbelklikken = to double click
dubbelkrukas automatische pers = double crank shaft press
dubbellagige = double-layered
dubbel-logaritmische grafiek = double logarithmic chart
dubbellucht = dual tyres
dubbelop = redundant
dubbelopname = double exposure
dubbelpolig = bipolar
dubbelpolige = double pile (carpets)
dubbelpolige schakelaar (zekeringkast) = double pole circuit breaker
dubbelpolig-om contacten = bipolar reversing contacts
dubbelpoort-FET = dual gate FET
dubbelpoort-MOSFET = dual gate MOSFET
Dubbelprofiel = Double profile
dubbelpunt = colon
dubbelraam = double frame
dubbelrol = twin pulley
dubbelschalig bouwen = double shelled building
dubbelslachtig = ambiguous
dubbelspeelband = doubleplay tape
dubbelspoor = double track
dubbelster = binary star
dubbelstoter = twin ram
dubbelstraaloscilloscoop = dual beam oscilloscope
dubbelstukbinding = face-to-face weave
dubbelstuktapijt = face-to-face pile carpet
dubbelstukweefmachine = face-to-face weaving machine
dubbelstukweverij = face-to-face weaving mill
dubbelsysteemcamera = dual-system camera
dubbeltarief = dual-rate
dubbeltarief electriciteit = dual-rate electricity
dubbeltariefmeter = double tariff meter
dubbeltariefmeter = dual rate meter
dubbeltariefmeter = dual tariff meter
dubbeltelling = double counting
dubbeltellingsverklaring = double-counting certificate
dubbel-threaded = both-threaded
dubbeltikken = double-tap
dubbel-toegankelijk ondersteuningsstation = dual- access tributary station
dubbeltoerige boormachine = two speed drill
dubbeltwijnen = double twisting
dubbeltwijnmachine = two-for-one-twister
dubbeltwisttwijnen = two-for-one-twisting
dubbeltwisttwijnmachine = two-for-one-twister
dubbelverhouding = odds ratio
dubbelvleugelig = Double leaf
dubbelvleugelige = double leaf
dubbelvleugelige deur = double leaf door
dubbelvleugelige toegangsdeur = double leaf entrance door
dubbelvoudige schrijfdichtheid = double density: DD
dubbelwaardig = dual
dubbelwandig = double walled
dubbelwandig = jacketed
Dubbelwandig = Double-walled
dubbelwandig olietankschip = double hull oil tanker
dubbelwandig tank = double-walled tank
dubbelwandige = double-walled
dubbelwandige container = double-walled container
dubbelwandige olietanker = oil tanker of an alternative design
dubbelwandige tank = double-walled tank
dubbelwandige wand = double-walled wall
dubbelwandige wanden = double-walled walls
"dubbelwandige, geanodiseerde" = "double-walled, anodised"
"dubbelwandige, geanodiseerde onderlijst" = "double-walled, anodised bottom frame"
dubbelweefsel = double fabric
dubbelweefsel = doubleweave
dubbelweefsel = double-cloth
dubbelwerkend = double acting
dubbelwerkend = double-acting
dubbelwerkende drukontlastklep (DPR) = double-acting pressure relief valve (DPR)
dubbelwerkende hoofd(rem)cilinder = dual circuit master cylinder
dubbelwerkende motor = double acting engine
dubbelwerkende schokbreker = double acting shock absorber
dubbelwerkende zuiger = double acting piston
dubbelwoord = double word
dubbelzien = diplopia
dubbelzijband = double sideband
dubbelzijdig = double-sided
dubbelzijdig afdrukken = duplex printing
dubbelzijdig coaten = double-sided coating
dubbelzijdig en enkelzijdig = double-sided and single-sided
dubbelzijdig exponentiële verdeling = bilateral exponential
dubbelzijdig georganiseerd = "double-oriented, dual-oriented"
Dubbelzijdig klevende rondjes of tekenplakband = Drafting dots or tapes
"Dubbelzijdig klevende rondjes, tekenplakband en -film" = "Drafting dots, tapes and films"
dubbelzijdig plakband = two-side adhesive tape
dubbelzijdige druk = double-sided printing
dubbelzijdige gelijkrichting = full-wave rectification
dubbelzijdige tape = double-sided tape
dubbelzijdige tape = double-sided adhesive tape
dubbelzijdige toets = double-tailed test
dubbelzijdigheid = bilateral treatment table (in this context)
dubbelzinnig = ambiguous
dubbelzinnig = equivocal
Dubbelzinnig = Ambiguous
Dubbelzinnige richtlijnen. = Ambiguous guidelines.
dubbelzinnigheid = ambiguity
Dubben = Shilly-shally
Dubben = Waver
Dubben = Vacillate
Dubben = Shot
dubben = doubt
Dubben = Dither
Dubben = Falter
Dubben = Hang back
dubieus = doubtful
Dublin = Dublin
Dublin {het} = Dublin
Dublin-descriptoren = Dublin descriptors
dubnium = dubnium
Dubolimburg = Dubolimburg
Dubrovnik = Dubrovnik
Duchten = Dread
Duchten = Afraid
Duchten = To be scared of
duchten = be afraid of
Duchten = Fear
duchtig = severe
Duchtig = Fort
Duchtig = Potent
ducking = ducking
duct tape = duct tape
ductaal carcinoma = infiltrating duct carcinoma
ductaal carcinoma in situ = d.c.i.s.
ductiliteit = tensile properties
ductolobulair gebied van de mamma = terminal duct-lobular unit
ductuli efferentes testis = efferent ductules in the testicle
Ductus = Duct
ductus arteriosus = Botallo's duct
ductus arteriosus = ductus arteriosus: a fetal blood vessel connecting the pulmonary artery w
ductus craniopharyngeus = hypophyseal duct
ductus ejaculatorius = ejaculatory duct
ductus endolymphaticus = endolymphatic duct
ductus epididymidis = canal of  epididymis
ductus excretorius = excretory duct
ductus hepaticus = hepatic duct
ductus venosus arantii = ductus venosus
ductus venosus arantii = ductus venosus arantii
due diligence = due diligence
due diligence = "due diligence, investigation"
due diligence bevindingen = due diligence findings
Due dilligence = Due diligence
Due dilligence onderzoeken = due diligence enquiry
Duet = Duet
Duet = Duo
Duet-aanvraaghandler = Duet Request Handler
Duet-engine = Duet engine
Duet-instellingenbeheer = Duet Settings Manager
Duet-metagegevensservice = Duet Metadata Service
Duet-schema = Duet schema
Duet-toepassing voor eindgebruikers = Duet end-user application
Duf = Mouldy
Duf = Dank
Duf = Moldy
Duf = Musty
Duffy antigeen = Duffy antigen
duid = "explain, interpret, indicate, express"
duid = indicate
duidelijk = obviously
duidelijk = clearly
duidelijk = precise [clear]
duidelijk = distinctly
duidelijk = distinct
Duidelijk = Clear
duidelijk = obvious
duidelijk = understandable
duidelijk = plainly
duidelijk = evident
Duidelijk aangeven = Make clear
Duidelijk aangeven welke componenten = Clearly indicate which components
duidelijk afgescheiden opgesteld = clearly separated
duidelijk als zodanig herkenbaar = clearly recognisable as such
duidelijk als zodanig herkenbaar is = clearly recognisable as such
duidelijk beeld = clear picture
duidelijk bepaald stramien = clearly defined pattern
duidelijk bewijs = clear proof
duidelijk en begrijpbaar = clear and understandable
duidelijk en makkelijk te bedienen = transparent and easy in use
duidelijk en overtuigend bewijs = clear and conclusive evidence
duidelijk en volledig beschreven = clearly and fully described
duidelijk gebaseerd op = clearly based on
duidelijk geïnteresseerd = clearly interested
duidelijk identificeerbaar = clearly identifiable
duidelijk identificeerbare inrichtingen = clearly identifiable means
duidelijk krijgen = ascertain
Duidelijk maken = Clarify
Duidelijk maken = Account
Duidelijk maken = Unroll
Duidelijk maken = Explain
Duidelijk maken = Account for
"duidelijk maken, te kennen geven" = signify  (to show one's intentions)
duidelijk merkbaar = clearly noticeable
duidelijk nog verbetering mogelijk = clearly room for improvement
duidelijk normenkader = clear framework of standards
duidelijk puntproces = marked point process
Duidelijk standpunt = Clear position
duidelijk stelsel van normen = clear set of standards
duidelijk verband = clear connection
duidelijk verwoord = clearly articulated
duidelijk worden = clear
Duidelijk zicht zonder beperkingen = Clear view without restrictions
duidelijk zichtbaar = clearly visible
duidelijk zichtbaar en herkenbaar = clearly visible and identifiable
duidelijk zichtbaar zijn = are clearly visible
duidelijk zichtbare typeplaat = clearly visible type plate
"duidelijk, begrijpelijk, klaar" = perspicuous {adj} (clearly expressed)
"duidelijk, beknopt en objectief communiceren" = "clear, concise and objective communication"
"duidelijk, beknopt, nauwkeurig" = "clearly, concisely, accurately"
"duidelijk, helder, limpide, begrijpelijk" = limpid {adj} (clear)
"duidelijk, klaar, efficiënt" = "articulate {adj} (clear, effective)"
"duidelijk, klaarblijkelijk" = evidently {adv} (obviously)
duidelijke = clear
duidelijke afspraken = clear agreements
duidelijke afspraken te maken = making clear agreements
duidelijke beleving = clear experience
duidelijke boodschap = clear message
duidelijke businesscase = clear business case
Duidelijke communicatie = Clear communication
duidelijke en doelgerichte = Clear and targeted
duidelijke functie-informati = clear job information
duidelijke functie-informatie = clear job information
duidelijke fysieke scheiding = clear physical separation
duidelijke gebruikerservaring = clear user experience
duidelijke grenzen te stellen = set clear boundaries
Duidelijke informatie = Clear information
duidelijke koers = clear course
duidelijke omschrijving = clear description
duidelijke richtlijnen = clear guidelines
duidelijke rolverdeling = clear division of roles
duidelijke symbolen = clear symbols
duidelijke verklaring = clear explanation
duidelijke visie = clear vision
duidelijke volledige namen = "clear, full names"
duidelijker = clearer
duidelijkheid = obviousness
duidelijkheid = clearness
duidelijkheid = clarity
Duidelijkheid en afstemming = Clarity and coordination
Duidelijkheid over = Clarity on
duidelijkheid van de taakomschrijving en de vraag of de doelstellingen en = Clarity of the task definition and appropriateness of the targets and ind
Duidelijkheid van de website = Clarity of our website
Duiden = Explain
Duiden = Clarify
Duiden = Account
Duiden = Unroll
Duiden = Account for
duiden = interpret
duiden op = to indicate
duiding = meaning/interpretation/explanation
duiding = reading
duiding = interpretation
duiding en detail = explanation and detail
duidingen = meanings/interpretations/explanations
duif = pigeon
Duif = Dove
Duif (sterrenbeeld) = Columba (constellation)
duif {de} = pigeon
"duif {m}, [?] doffer, [?] mannetjesduif, [?] duivin, [?] vrouwtjesduif, [" = pigeon (bird of the (pigeon and dove) family Columbidae)
Duifachtige = Columbiformes
Duifachtigen = Columbiformes
duifje = dove
duig = stave
duigkaarde = stave card
duik {de} = dive
Duik- en snorkeluitrusting = Scuba and snorkelling gear
duikapparatuuronderhoudsbedrijf = Diving equipment maintenance services
duikarbeid = diving work
duikboot = submarine
duikboot {de} = submarine
Duikdiensten = Diving services
duiken = to dive
Duiken = Dive
Duiken = Plunge
"duiken , onderwaterzwemmen" = dive  (to swim under water)
"duiken, een duikvlucht maken" = dive  (to descend)
duikende componenten = downward growth or prolongations
duiker = culvert
duiker = diver
duikerbuis = tile cilvert
Duikerelementen = Culvert elements
duikerklok = diving bell
duikerklok = diving-bell
Duikers = Diver
Duikers = Plunge
duikers = culverts
Duikers = Dive
Duikersdiensten in verband met gaswinning = Diving services incidental to gas extraction
Duikersdiensten voor onderzeese putten = Subsea well diving services
duikersluis = culvert sluice
Duikersschepen = Dive-support vessels
duikersziekte = the bends
Duikinstrumenten of toebehoren = Diving instruments or accessories
Duikkleding = Diving wear
duikongeluk = diving accident
Duikschooldiensten = Diving-school services
duikschot = baffle
duikspoelgenerator = linear moving-coil generator
duiksport = scuba diving
duikwerk = diving work
duim = inch
duim (25.4 mm) = inch
duim (geheng) = nib
Duim (lengtemaat) = Inch
duimen = thumbs
duimgeheng = nibhinge
duimnagel = thumbnail
duimspanner = hammer spur
duimspijker = thumbtack
duimstok = gauge
duimstok = ruler gauge
duimstok = inch rule
duimstok = rule
Duimstok = Folding rule
duimstok = folding rule
Duin = Dune
duinen = dunes
duinengordel = dune bel
duinglooiing = slope of a dune
Duinkerke = Dunkirk
Duinkerken = Dunkirk
duinverdediging = dune protection
duinvoet = toe of a dune
duinvorming = formation of dunes
duinwater = dune water
duinwaterwinning = dune-water works
duinwiggenstructuur = dune cuneate structure
duinzand = dune sand
duister = obscure
duister = dark
duister = gloomy
Duister = Cloudy
Duister = Indistinct
Duisternis = Darkness
duisternis {de} = darkness
"duisternis, obscuriteit" = caliginosity
Duit = Farthing
duitendief = miser
Duits = German language
duits = german
Duits (Oostenrijk) = German (Austria)
Duits (Zwitserland) = German (Switzerland)
Duits {het} = German
Duits afgestudeerde vrije school leerling = German Steiner school graduate
Duits federaal fysiotechnisch bureau = Federal institute of physics and metrology
Duits federaal instituut voor materiaalkeuring = Federal institute for materials testing
Duits instituut voor bouwtechniek = German institute for structural engineering
Duits Instituut voor Bouwtechniek = German Civil Engineering Institute (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)
"Duits instituut voor bouwtechniek (""Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik"")" = DIBt
Duits kuuroord = German spa town
Duitse = German woman
Duitse = German
Duitse {de} = German [female]
Duitse afgestudeerde vrije school leerlingen = German Steiner school graduates
Duitse Bocht {de} = German Bight
Duitse Democratische Republiek = GDR
Duitse Democratische Republiek = German Democratic Republic
Duitse Democratische Republiek = East Germany
Duitse EEG-wetgeving inzake duurzame energie = Renewable Energy Sources Act
Duitse federale wet inzake de bescherming tegen emissies = German Federal Immission Control Act
Duitse goedkeuring DIBt = German approval DIBt
Duitse goedkeuring EltVTR = German approval EltVTR
Duitse goedkeuring VdS = German approval VdS
Duitse herder = Alsatian
Duitse herder = German shepherd
Duitse herder = Wolfhound
Duitse herder = German Shepherd Dog
Duitse herdershond = German shepherd
"Duitse herdershond, Duitse herder" = German Shepherd (Medium sized breed of dog)
Duitse mark = German mark
Duitse norm inzake geluidshinder (TA Lärm) = technical instructions on noise control
Duitse staalbouwcommissie = German committee for structural steel engineering
Duitse taal = German
Duitse Taal en Cultuur = German Language and Culture
Duitse verordening inzake geluid en trillingen = German Noise and Vibration OHS Ordinance
Duitse verordening inzake het hanteren van lasten = German Heavy Load Handling Ordinance
Duitse windenergievereniging = German Wind Energy Association
duitser = german
Duitser = German language
Duitsers = German
Duitsers = German language
Duitsgezind = pro-German
Duitsland = Dutch
duitsland = germany
Duitsland en Noord-Amerika = Germany and North America
Duitsland of België = or Belgium
"Duitsland, Frankrijk, VK, Italië" = "Germany, France, UK, Italy"
"Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland" = "Germany, Austria, and Switzerland"
"Duitsland, Zweden en Zwitserland" = "Germany, Sweden and Switzerland"
Duitssprekend = German-speaking
Duitstalig = German-speaking
Duitstalig = German-language
Duitstalige Gemeenschap = German-speaking Community
Duitstalige Gemeenschap van België = German-speaking Community of Belgium
Duivel = Devil
duivel = demon
Duivel = Fiend
Duivel = Bogey
duivel = willow
Duivel = Nuts !
duivel {de} = devil
"duivel, duvel [informal]" = "devil (person, especially a man"
"duivel, duvel [informal]" = used to express a particular opinion of him)
Duivelachtig = Fiendish
duivelachtig = diabolical
duivels = demonic
Duivels = Fiendish
duivels = devilish
duivels (wolven) = devilling machines
"duivels, diabolisch, satanisch" = devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil)
"duivels, hels, infernaal" = infernal {adj} (diabolical or fiendish)
duivelsdrek = asafoetida
Duivelseiland = Devil's Island
duivelsklauw = Devil's Claw: a south African medicinal plant used in treatment of osteoa
duivelsklauw = Grapple Plant
duivelsklauw = harpagophytum procumbens
Duivelskunstenaar = Wizard
duivelskunstenaar = enchanter
Duivelskunstenares = Witch
duivelstong = pheasant's eye
Duiven = Duiven
Duiven = Pigeons
Duiven en tortelduiven = Pigeon
Duiven en tortelduiven = Dove
Duiven en tortels = Columbidae
Duiven en tortels = Dove
Duiven en tortels = Pigeon
Duiventil = Dovecote
duiventoren = dovecote
Duizelen = To be giddy
Duizelen = Feel dizzy
duizelig = dizzy
duizelig = woozy
duizelig voelen = to be  dizzy
duizelig zijn = feel dizzy
duizeligheid = light-headedness
duizeligheid = "vertigo,  dizziness"
duizeligheid = dizziness
Duizeligheid = Fear of heights
Duizeligheid = Acrophobia
Duizeligheid = Vertigo
duizeligheid = vertigo
duizeling = dizziness
Duizeling = Fear of heights
Duizeling = Vertigo
Duizeling = Acrophobia
duizelingwekkend = dizzying
Duizend = Mile
duizend = thousand
duizend colli = a thousand packages
duizendblad = yarrow
Duizendblad = Achillea millefolium
duizenden = thousands
duizenden km = thousands of km
duizenden tot tienduizenden = thousands to tens of thousands
duizendjarig tijdperk = millenium
duizendjarige storm = thousand-year storm
duizendjarige stormen = ‘super storms’
duizendpoot = jack of all trades
duizendpoot = centipede
duizendpoot {de} = centipede [genus Chilapoda]
Duizendpotigen = Myriapoda
duizendpotigen = centipedes
duizendschoon = sweet william
dukdalf = dolphin
Duke Ellington = Duke Ellington
Duke-universiteit = Duke University
duldeloos = impatient
Dulden = Tolerate
Dulden = Connive
dulden = abide
Dulden = Put up with
Dulden = Bear
Dulden = Allow
dulden = endure
dummies = dummies (probably
dummy = dummy
dummy = carousel
Dummy activiteit = Dummy activity
dummy behandeling = dummy treatment
dummy carrier = dummy carrier
Dummy contactblok = Contact block dummy
Dummy gewicht = Dummy weight
dummy houder = dummy holder
dummy kanaal = dummy channel
dummy variabele = dummy variable
Dummy variabele = Dummy variable
dummy waarneming = dummy observation
dummy-argument = dummy argument
dummy-instructie = dummy instruction
dummy-variabele = dummy variable
dummyvariabelen = dummy variables
dummy-variabelen = dummy variables
dump = dump
dumpen = to dump
dumping = dumping
dumpingsyndroom = early dumping
dumpprijzen = cut-rate prices
dumpprijzen = bargain basement prices
dumpster = dumpster
dumptruck = tipping truck / wagon
dumptruck = tipper truck
dun = rare
dun = lanky
dun = slim
dun = washy
dun = watery
dun = small
dun = slender
dun = thin
dun = clear
dun = fluid
dun = sparse
dun blad = thin sheet
dun geschilderd = finely painted
Dun gesneden = Thinly sliced
dun gezaaid = in short supply
dun karton = thin pasteboard
dun papier = fine paper
"dun, droog en vliezig" = scarious
"dun, smal, slank, ijl (for air)" = thin {adj}
dunbevolkte gebieden = sparsely populated areas
dundoek = banner
dundrukpapier = india paper
Dune = Dune
Dungels = Dunglish
dungesneden = thinly sliced
dungetrokken lijn = continuous thin line
dungezaaid = airy
duniet = dunite
Dunk = Belief
Dunk = Voice
Dunk = Judgement
Dunk = Opinion
Dunk = View
Dunkerque = Dunkirk
Dunlop zuurstofapparaat = resuscitator
dunne = slim
dunne = thin
Dunne darm = Small intestine
dunne film = thin film
dunne film = Thin-film technology
dunne film pv = thin film PV
dunne film pv-modules = thin-film PV modules
dunne film pv-technologie = thin-film PV technology
dunne film zonnecellen = thin-film solar cells
dunne film zonnepanelen = thin-film solar panels
dunne filmpanelen = thin-film panels
Dunne folie = Film
dunne folie = thin film
dunne gelaagde polymeren = thin-layered polymers
Dunne laag = Thin-film
dunne laag = thin laye
dunne laag = thin film
dunne laag chromatografie = thin-layer chromatography
dunne mest = liquid manure
dunne metaalplaat = sheet metal
dunne metalen platen = thin metal plates
dunne olie = light oil
dunne rundermest = bovine manure
dunne varkensmest = liquid pig manure
dunne-darmfistel = intestinal fistula
dunne-film IC = thin-film integrated circuit
dunne-film technologie = thin-film technology
dunne-filmcomponent = thin-film component
dunne-filmcondensator = thin-film capacitor
dunne-filmhalfgeleider = thin-film semiconductor
dunne-filmtechniek = thin-film technology
dunne-filmtransistor = thin-film transistor
dunne-filmweerstand = thin-film resistor
dunne-filmzonnecellen = thin-film solar cells
dunne-filmzonnepanelen = thin-film solar panels
dunnelaagcondensator = thin-film capacitor
dunnelaagelement = thin-film element
dunnelaagschakeling = thin-film circuit
dunnelaagtechniek = thin-film technique
dunnelaagweerstand = thin-film resistor
dunner = thinner
dunnlaagelektroforese = thin-layer  electrophoresis
dunsnummer = D&B D-U-N-S Number
dunst = thinnest
dunvloeibaar glansbad = fluid bright dip
dunwandige cilinders = thin-walled cylinders
dunwandige doorsnede = thin-walled section
DUO = "Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), The Education Executive Agency of the "
DUO = Director-General of the Education Implementation Service (directeur-gener
DUO = Education Executive Agency (DUO)
duo = couple
duo = pair
Duo = Duo
Duo = Duet
DUO = Service Institute of Education (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs)
duo {het} = duo
duo palen = pair of posts
Duo schoonheidsbehandeling = Double beauty treatment
Duoblock = Duoblock
Duobond = Duobond
Duobond International BV = Duobond International B.V.
Duobond® = Duobond®
Duobond®-systeem = Duobond® system
DUOC University = DUOC University
duodecimaal = duodecimal
duodenal mucosal resurfacing = duodenal mucosal resurfacing
duodenalis = duodenal
duodenectomie = duodenectomy
duodenitis = duodenitis: inflamation of the duodenum
duodeno-ileostomie = duodenal  ileostomy
duodenojejunostomie = duodenojejunostomy
duodenopancreatectomie = Whipple's operation
duodenopancreatectomie = "duodeno-pancreatectomy: a surgery in which the pancreas, gall bladder, di"
duodenoscopie = duodenoscopy
duodenostomie = duodenostomy
duodenum = "duodenum: the first portion of the small intestine, extending from the py"
Duodenum = Duodenum
duodenum vocht = duodenal fluid
duodenumcarcinoom = duodenal carcinoma
duodenumdivertikel = duodenal diverticulum
duodenummucosa = duodenum mucosa
duo-diode = double diode
duo-diodegelijkrichtbuis = double diode rectifier valve
Duo-inductief = Duo-inductive
duokaart = dual card
duo-passagier = pillion passenger
Duopolie = Duopoly
duo-potentiometer = twin potentiometer
duopresentatie = joint presentation
duopresentaties = joint presentations
Duopsonie = Duopsony
duoticket = ticket for two
duowalstuig = two-high stand
duo-woning = two houses with shared facilities
Dupe = Dupe
dupe = deceived person
duperen = harm
Duplex = Duplex
duplex = double
Duplex Bearing Set = Duplex Bearing Set
duplex karton = duplex board
Duplex printeenheid = Duplex printing unit
duplex registratie = Duplex authorisations
duplexapparatuur = duplex equipment
duplexcircuit = duplex circuit
duplexer = duplexer
duplexers = duplexers
duplexkabel = duplex cable
duplexkanaal = duplex channel
duplexsysteem = duplex system
duplextransmissie = duplex transmission
duplexverbinding = duplex circuit
duplexverwerking = duplex operation
Duplicaat = Copy
Duplicaat = Dual
duplicaat = duplicate
duplicaatdetectie = duplicate detection
Duplicaatsteekproef = Duplicate sample
duplicatie = ghosting
Duplicatie = Duplication
duplicators = duplicators
Duplicators = Duplicating machines
dupliceren = ghost
dupliceren = to duplicate
dupliceren = duplicate
duplicerende ponsmachine = duplicating card punch
dupliek in conventie = rejoinder in principal action
Dupline = Dupline
Duplo = Double
Duplo = Duplicate
Dupont-schema = Dupont scheme
Dura Mater = Dura Mater
dura mater encephali = dura mater of the brain
"dura mater spinalis, het theca vertebralis, de harde ruggemergsmantel, he" = spinal  dura mater
duralaneurysma = dural aneurysm
duraluminium = duralumin
duralziekte = dural poisoning: a magnesium irritation occurring in aircraft workers
durapatite = Hydroxylapatite
duraschede = dural sheath
Durazno = Draught
Durazno = Peach
Durazno = Fischery
Durazno = Draft
Durazno = Fishing
Durazno = Fishery
Durban (Zuid-Afrika) = Durban
"dure, externe deskundigen" = "expensive, external experts"
Duren = Keep on
Duren = Last
duren = to take [to last]
Duren = Endure
duren = to last
Duren = Continue
Duren = Linger on
Durend = Standing
Durend = Continual
Durend = Steady
Durend = Sustained
Durend = Constant
Durend = Lasting
durf = daring
Durf = Audacity
Durf = Face
Durf = Gall
durf = spirit
Durf = Boldness
"durf, moed, lef, stalen zenuwen {p}" = nerve (courage)
Durfkapitaal = Venture capital
durfkapitaalfondsbeheerder = venture capital fund manager
durfkapitaalwereld = world of venture capital / venture capital world
Durft initiatief te nemen = dares to take initiative
Durham = Durham
Duroplast = Duroplast
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez murmur
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez' murmur
Duroziez dubbelhartgeluid = Duroziez' rhythm
Durum = Hard wheat
Durum = Flint wheat
Durum = Durum wheat
durven = dare
Durven = Bold
Durven = Risk
Durven = Venture
durven = be bold
DURX doekje = DURX wipe
DURX doekjes = DURX wipes
DURX poetsdoek = DURX cleaning cloth
Dus = Ergo
Dus = That way
Dus = Consequently
Dus = Like this
Dus = Like that
Dus = Therefore
Dus = Were
dus = therefore
dus = thus
dus deze regel geldt hier niet = so this does not apply here
Dus door doelen te stellen = So by setting goals
dus kan het niet vergelijken = so I cannot compare it
dus ook op de Brompton wilde hij wel fietsen = so why not try a Brompton
dus zeer gebruiksvriendelijk = and therefore very user friendly
dus zonder het vacu?m te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacuém te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacu�m te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
dus zonder het vacuüm te verbreken = "i.e., without breaking the vacuum"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, bijvoorbeeld, vakmensen zullen onderkennen dat de uitvinding kan wor" = "Thus, for example, those skilled in the art will recognize that the inven"
"Dus, de conclusi" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusi" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijving hierbij e" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies die volgen op de gedetailleerde beschrijving hierbij e" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving zijn hierbij" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de conclusies volgend op de gedetailleerde beschrijving zijn hierbij" = "Thus, the claims following the detailed description are hereby expressly "
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking ""een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression “a device comprising means A and B”"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking 'een inrichting omvattende middelen A e" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression �a device comprising means A and B�"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression ‘a device comprising means A and B’"
"Dus, de omvang van de uitdrukking een inrichting omvattende middelen A en" = "Thus, the scope of the expression 'a device comprising means A and B' sho"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen ‘in één uitvoeringsvorm’ of ‘" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ""in one embodiment"" or ""in an embodiment"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases “in one embodiment” or “in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen “in één uitvoeringsvorm” of “" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases “in one embodiment” or “in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen éin één uitvoeringsvormé of éin " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases éin one embodimenté or éin an embodim"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen 'in één uitvoeringsvorm' of 'in een" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases 'in one embodiment' or 'in an embodiment"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, instances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embodi"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen in één uitvoeringsvorm of in een ui" = "Thus, appearances of the phrases ‘in one embodiment’ or ‘in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen �in ��n uitvoeringsvorm� of " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases �in one embodiment� or �in an embo"
"Dus, voorkomen van de uitdrukkingen �in ��n uitvoeringsvorm� of " = "Thus, appearances of the phrases �in one embodiment� or �in an embo"
dusdanig = in such a way/manner
dusdanig = so
dusdanig = such
dusdanig = that sort of
dusdanig = to such an extent
Dusdanig = Similar
Dusdanig = Like
Dusdanig = Alike
dusdanig uitgevoerd dat = designed such that
dusdanig verouderd = so outdated
duspol = Duspol voltage tester
Düsseldorf = Düsseldorf
Dustbin-onderzoek = Dustbin research
duster = négligé
Duster = Smock
Duster = Shirt blouse
Duster = Vest
Duster = White coat
Duster = Blouse
Duster = Shirt
Dustin Hoffman = Dustin Hoffman
Dusver = For the time being
Dusver = Down to here
Dusver = Up until now
Dusver = For the moment
dusver = so far
dusver = up till now
Dusver = Thus far
dut = kip
"dut (usually in the diminutive, dutje), hazeslaapje" = kip (informal: nap)
Dutch = English
Dutch Act on prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (W = Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financiering van terrorisme
Dutch Act on prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (W = Wwft
Dutch Association of Intermediary Organizations and Temporary Employment  = NBBU
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Authority for the Financial Markets
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets = Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten
Dutch Blockchain Coalition = Dutch Blockchain Coalition
Dutch cure = Dutch cure
Dutch Design Week = Dutch Design Week
Dutch Golf Putten = Dutch Golf Putten
Dutch Good Growth = Dutch Good Growth
Dutch Mammal Society (Zoogdiervereniging) = VZZ
Dutch patent office = Netherlands Patent Office
Dutch Sprouts = Dutch Sprouts
Dutch Sprouts Holding BV = Dutch Sprouts Holding B.V.
Dutch victims = Nederlandse slachtoffers
Dutch Visitors Programme = Dutch Visitors Programme
Duties = Duties
Dutje = Bottom
Dutje = Sum
Dutje = Amount
Dutje = Zizz
dutje {het} = nap
Duts = Unhappy
Duts = Pitiful
Duts = Ill-fated
Duts = Poor
Duts = Hapless
Duts = Woeful
Dutten = Have a nap
dutten = to snooze
dutten = to take a nap
dutten = doze
"dutten, een uiltje knappen, [informal] maffen" = "kip  (to sleep, in a temporary, charitable, or necessary situation)"
duty managers = duty managers
duty to assist (art. 5.20 Awb) = medewerkingsplicht
duur = length of time
duur = dear [expensive]
Duur = Duration
Duur = Costly
Duur = Continuance
duur = high-priced
duur = expensive
duur {de} = duration
Duur arbeidsovereenkomst = Term of the contract
duur copyright = zie beschermingsduur
Duur en beëindiging = Term and termination
Duur en beëindiging = Duration and termination
Duur en beëindiging van de Overeenkomst = duration and termination of the agreement
Duur en einde = Duration and termination
Duur en einde van de overeenkomst = Duration and termination of the Agreement
duur en log = expensive and cumbersome
duur en tijd van jouw bezoek = duration and time of your visit
Duur en tijdslimieten = Duration and time limits
Duur evenement = Duration of event
Duur opleiding = Duration of the degree programme
Duur overeenkomst = Duration of the agreement
DUUR OVEREENKOMST EN BEEINDIGING = Duration and Termination of the Agreement
duur overeenkomst en uitsluitingen = Term of the agreement and exclusions
"duur van aangehouden druk, verblijftijd" = dwell time
duur van de actie voor verlegging van visserijactiviteit = duration of the redeployment operation
Duur van de arbeidsovereenkomst = Duration of the employment contract
duur van de Olympische en Paralympische Spelen = Duration of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
duur van de overeenkomst = term of the contract
duur van de overeenkomst = duration of the agreement
duur van de overeenkomst = term of the agreement
duur van de terbeschikkingstelling = duration of the posting
duur van de uitkeringen = duration of benefits
duur van de verwerking van de gegevens = duration of data processing
duur van de vrijheidsbeneming = period of detention
duur van deze overeenkomst = duration of this Agreement
duur van een seintoestand = duration of a signal state
duur van het academisch jaar = duration of the academic year
DUuR van het contract = DURATION of the contract
Duur van het dienstverband = Duration of appointment
duur van het huurcontract = length of lease
duur van het leasingcontract = lease term
duur van het leerplichtig onderwijs = duration of compulsory education
duur van het schooljaar = duration of the school year
duur van premiebetaling = premium paying period
"duur, opzegging en verlenging" = "duration, termination and extension"
"Duur, verlenging en opzegging" = "Duration, extension and termination"
duurbelasting > load-duration? = continuous load
duurder = more expensive
duurder gaat werken = ... raises its/his prices
duurdrempel = duration threshold
duurkromme = duration curve
Duurovereenkomst = Continuing performance contract
Duurovereenkomst = Long-term agreement
duurovereenkomst = continuing performance contract
duurovereenkomsten = continuing performance contracts
duurproef = life test
duurrelaties = long-term relationships
duursporters = endurance athletes
duurst = most expensive
duurste = most expensive
duurt = lasts
duurt al snel = can easily take
duurt erg lang = takes a very long time
duurt te kort = takes too little time
duurt te lang = taking too long
duurt te lang = is taking too long
duurt te lang = takes too long
duurte = dearth
duurte = love
"duurte (expensive), hongersnood (famine)" = dearth (period when food is rare)
duurtest = "durability test, endurance test"
duurtest = life test
Duurtetoeslag = Cost-of-living allowance
duurtetoeslag = cost-of-living bonus
Duurtijd = Duration
Duurtijd onderneming = Duration of company
duurtijd van de overeenkomst = duration of the Agreement
duurtransactie = continuing performance contract
Duurtransacties = Continuing performance contracts
duurvorm onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd (d.o.t.t.) {m} = present continuous (tense that describes an ongoing action in the present
duurzaam = permanent
Duurzaam = On a continuing basis
Duurzaam = Steady
Duurzaam = Hard-wearing
Duurzaam = Durable
Duurzaam = Sustainable
Duurzaam = Abiding
duurzaam = permanently
duurzaam = durable
duurzaam afvalbeheer = sustainable waste management
duurzaam beheer = sustainable management
duurzaam beheerde bossen = sustainably-managed forests
duurzaam beheerde bossen = sustainably managed forests
duurzaam behoud van = preserving
duurzaam bouwen = sustainable building
duurzaam businessmodel = sustainable business model
duurzaam elastisch afdichtingsmiddel = permanently flexible sealant
duurzaam elastische afdichting = permanently flexible seal
Duurzaam en Verantwoord Beleggen (SRI) = SRI: Sustainable & Responsible Investments
Duurzaam Financieel Management = Sustainable Financial Management
Duurzaam Financieel Management (lectoraat) = Sustainable Financial Management
Duurzaam Financieel Management (lectoraat) = Sustainable Financial Management (professorship)
Duurzaam Gebouwd = Duurzaam Gebouwd
Duurzaam Gebouwd = Duurzaam Gebouwd (‘Sustainably Built’)
duurzaam gebruik = sustainable use
Duurzaam gemaakt en duurzaam in gebruik = Sustainable in construction and use
duurzaam geproduceerd voedsel = sustainably produced food
duurzaam gevestigde = lastingly established
duurzaam handelen = act sustainably
duurzaam hergebruik van water = sustainable reuse of water
Duurzaam HRM = Sustainable HRM
Duurzaam HRM (lectoraat) = Sustainable HRM (professorship)
Duurzaam HRM (lectoraat) = Sustainable HRM
"duurzaam in diensten, producten en maatschappij" = "sustainable products, services and society"
duurzaam inkopen = sustainable procurement
duurzaam inzetbaar = sustainably employable
duurzaam koken = sustainable cooking
duurzaam maatschappelijk succesvol = socially successful and sustainable
duurzaam mobiliteitsbeleid = sustainable mobility policy
Duurzaam Ondernemen = Sustainable Enterprise and Food Security Fund
duurzaam ondernemen = corporate sustainability
duurzaam ondernemen = sustainable business practice
duurzaam op weg = on the road to sustainable ???
duurzaam proces = sustainable process
duurzaam rijden = sustainable transport
Duurzaam ruimtegebruik = Sustainable land use
duurzaam samenwoont = stable cohabitation
duurzaam toerisme = sustainable tourism
duurzaam verantwoord = ecologically sustainable
duurzaam verbouwd = sustainably grown
duurzaam vervoersysteem = sustainable transport system
duurzaam voedsel = sustainable food
Duurzaam Woningvoorraadbeleid en Kwaliteitszorg = Sustainable Housing Management and Quality Assurance
duurzaam woon-werkverkeer = sustainable commuting
duurzaam(heid) = sustainable (-bility) (! In de zin van 'langdurig': durable)
"duurzaam, verantwoord, verantwoord" = sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term)
duurzaamheid = durability
duurzaamheid = permanence
duurzaamheid = stability
duurzaamheid = sustainability
duurzaamheid = lastingness
Duurzaamheid = Sustainability
Duurzaamheid = Life span
Duurzaamheid en betrouwbaarheid = Durability and reliability
duurzaamheid en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen = sustainability and corporate social responsibility
Duurzaamheid staat bij ons hoog in het vaandel = Sustainability is our top priority
"duurzaamheid, mobiliteit en de volksgezondheid" = "sustainability, mobility and public health"
Duurzaamheiddocumentatie = Sustainability documentation
duurzaamheidprestatie = sustainability performance
duurzaamheids uitdagingen = sustainability challenges
duurzaamheidsambities = sustainability goals
duurzaamheidsaspecten = sustainability aspects
duurzaamheidsbeginsel = principle of sustainability
duurzaamheidsbeleid = sustainability policy
Duurzaamheidscharter = Sustainability charter
Duurzaamheidscharter leveranciers/dienstverleners Wereldhave = Sustainability charter concerning Wereldhave’s suppliers / service prov
duurzaamheidscharters = sustainability charters
duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen = goals in the area of sustainability
duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen = sustainability targets
duurzaamheidseigenschappen = durability characteristics
duurzaamheidsklasse = durability class
duurzaamheidsklassen = durability classes
duurzaamheidsmonitor = sustainability monitoring tool
Duurzaamheidspanel = Sustainability panel
duurzaamheidsprincipe = sustainability principle
duurzaamheidsproject = sustainability project
duurzaamheidsrapport = sustainability report
duurzaamheidsstrategie = sustainability strategy
"duurzaamheidsstrategie, –beleid en —prestaties" = "sustainability strategy, policy, and performance"
duurzaamheidsvereiste = sustainability requirement
duurzaamheidsvereisten = sustainability requirements
duurzaamheidsverslaggeving = sustainability reporting
duurzaamheidsvraagstukken = sustainability issues
duurzaam-veilig wegverkeer = sustainably safe traffic system
duurzame = durable
duurzame = sustainable
Duurzame activa = Durable assets
duurzame antiaanbaklaag = "durable, non-stick coating"
duurzame archivering = sustainable archiving
Duurzame armoede = Lasting poverty
duurzame aspect = sustainable aspect
duurzame basis = sustainable basis
Duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = Durable capital equipment
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = fixed assets
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = long-lived assets
duurzame bedrijfsmiddelen = property plant and equipment
duurzame bedrijfsvoering = sustainable business
duurzame bedrijfsvoering = sustainable operations
duurzame biobrandstoffen = sustainable biofuels
duurzame bosbeheer = sustainable forest management
duurzame bosbouw = sustainable forest management
duurzame consumentengoederen = consumer durables
duurzame consumentengoederen = durable consumer goods
duurzame consumentengoederen = hard goods
Duurzame consumptiegoederen = Durable consumer goods
duurzame drinkwaterproductie = sustainable production of drinking water
Duurzame economische groei = Lasting economic growth
duurzame elektriciteit energie opwekking = sustainable electricity generation
duurzame en betrouwbare energievoorzieningen = sustainable and reliable energy supplies
duurzame en energiezuinige materialen = sustainable and energy-efficient materials
Duurzame en slijtagebestendige motor = Durable and wear-resistent motor for spin result A
Duurzame en veilige = Sustainable and safe
duurzame energie = [see note on difference!]
duurzame energie = green energy
duurzame energie = renewable energy
duurzame energie = sustainable energy
Duurzame Energie / Biomassa Conversie = Sustainable Energy
Duurzame Energie / Biomassa Conversie (lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy
Duurzame Energie/Biomassa Conversie(lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy (professorship)
Duurzame Energie/Biomassa Conversie(lectoraat) = Sustainable Energy (professorship
duurzame energiebronnen = sustainable energy (re)sources
duurzame energieopwekking = sustainable energy production
duurzame energieproject = renewable energy project
duurzame energieprojecten = renewable energy projects
duurzame energietransitie = sustainable energy transition
duurzame energietransitie = transition to sustainable energy sources
duurzame energievoorziening = sustainable energy supply
Duurzame exploitatie van een natuurproduct = Lasting exploitation of a natural product
duurzame gassen = sustainable gases
duurzame gebruiksgoederen = durable consumer goods
duurzame gedragsverandering = sustainable behavioural change
Duurzame gegevensdrager = Durable data carrier
duurzame goederen = durable goods
Duurzame groei = Lasting growth
Duurzame haven = Sustainable port
duurzame insteek = sustainable approach
duurzame inzetbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzame inzetbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzame inzetbaarheid van medewerkers = sustainable employment of staff
duurzame inzetbaarheidsuren = Sustainable Employment hours
duurzame inzetbare = sustainably employable
duurzame klantrelatie = lasting customer relationship
Duurzame kleding & textiel = ‘Sustainable clothing & textiles’ (‘Duurzame kleding & textiel’) 
duurzame kwaliteitsproduct = sustainable quality product
duurzame kwaliteitsproducten = sustainable quality products
duurzame landbouw = sustainable agriculture
duurzame leefstijlen = sustainable lifestyles
duurzame materialen = durable materials
duurzame mobiliteit = sustainable mobility
duurzame netwerken met tweerichtingsverkeer = sustainable bidirectional networks
Duurzame ontwikkeling = Lasting development
duurzame ontwikkeling = sustainable development
duurzame ontwikkelingsindicator = sustainable development indicator
duurzame oplossing = sustainable solution
duurzame oplossingen = sustainable solutions
duurzame pannen = durable pans
duurzame partnership = lasting partnership
duurzame partnership = sustainable partnership
duurzame partnerships = sustainable partnerships
duurzame productie = sustainable production
Duurzame productiegoederen = Durable production goods
duurzame productiemiddelen = durable means of production
duurzame professionele toepassingen = sustainable professional applications
duurzame relatie met alle belanghebbenden = sustainable relationship with all stakeholders
duurzame relaties = sustainable relationships
duurzame renovatie = sustainable renovation
duurzame ringkerntransformator = durable toroidal transformer
duurzame samenleving = sustainable society
duurzame samenwerking = continuing cooperation
duurzame samenwerking = long-lasting cooperation
duurzame samenwerking = Sustainable cooperation
duurzame samenwoning = stable cohabitation
duurzame samenwoning = (X and Y are) cohabiting long-term
duurzame samenwoning = long-term cohabitation
duurzame stadsontwikkeling = sustainable urban development
duurzame stroom = sustainable electricity
duurzame technologieën = sustainable technologies
duurzame verandering = sustainable change
duurzame verbruiksgoederen = consumer durables
duurzame verlichting = sustainable lighting
duurzame verwarmingsvermogen = sustainable heating capacity
duurzame voedselvoorziening = sustainable food supply
duurzame voordelen = sustainable benefits
duurzame waardevermindering = permanent depreciation
Duurzame werkgelegenheid = sustainable employability
Duurzame werkgelegenheid = sustainable employment
duurzame werking = sustainable operation
duurzame werkstroom = durable workflow
duurzame-inzetbaarbaarheid = sustainable employment
duurzamere = more sustainable
Duurzamere inzetbaarheid = Sustainable employability
Duw = Blow
duw = push
Duw = Hit
Duw = Shag
Duw = Clout
Duw = Stroke
Duw = Swoop
duw- en trekratels = push and pull ratchets
duw- of trekratel = push or pull ratchet
Duw- of trekratels = Push or pull ratchets
duwarm = pushing device
duwbak = push barge
duwbak = barge
duwbeweging = pushing movement
duwboom = balance beam
duwboot = pusher tug
Duwdiensten = Pushing services
duweenheid = push tow
duwelement = pushing element
duwen = to push
Duwen = Sprout
Duwen = Prompt
Duwen = Shove
Duwen = Shoot
Duwen = Shoot up
Duwen = Thrust
Duwen = Prod
Duwen = Bear down
Duwen = Heave
duwen = push
Duwen = Drive along
Duwen = Grow
duwer van een project = stimulator of a project
duwframe (op bulldozer) = frame push
duwkonvooi = push-tow train
Duwkracht = Thrust
duwkracht = pushing force
duwmachine = pusher machine
duwratel = push ratchet
duwratels = push ratchets
duwratels of trekratels = push ratchets or pull ratchets
duwstang = push rod
duwtje = boost
duwtje in de rug = boost
duwtrap trektrap = push-type / towable aircraft stairs
duwvaart = pushtow navigation
duwvaart = push towing
duwvaart = push navigation
DV = Secondary research question
DV I = Secondary research question I
DV II = Secondary research question II
DV III = Secondary research question III
DV&O = DV&O (Transport and Support Department of the Custodial Institutions Agen
DV&O = Transport and Support Department (DV&O)
DV&O = Transport and Support Department (DV&O)(of the Custodial Institutions Age
DVB-T (digital video broadcast - terrestrisch) = DVB-T (digital video broadcast - terrestrial)
DVBT antenne (digitale TV antenne) = DVBT aerial (digital TV aerial)
Dvd = DVD
DVD’s = DVDs
DVD+R opname = DVD+R recording
DVD+R weergave = DVD+R playing
DVD+RW opname = DVD+RW recording
DVD+RW weergave = DVD+RW playing
dvd-audio = DVD-Audio
DVD-drive = DVD-drive
dvd-films met extra inhoud = enhanced DVD movie
DVD-Player/-Recorder = DVD player/recorder
DVD-R opname = DVD-R recording
DVD-R weergave = DVD-R playing
DVD-RAM opname = DVD-RAM recording
DVD-RAM weergave = DVD-RAM playing
DVD-RW opname = DVD-RW recording
DVD-RW weergave = DVD-RW playing
Dvd-schijf = DVD
DVD-speler = DVD-player
Dvd-speler en/of -brander = Digital versatile disc (DVD) reader and/or burner
DVD-speler geïntegreerd = DVD-player integrated
"DVD-speler/recorder, draagbaar" = Portable DVD player/recorder
DVM = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)
DVM systeem = DTM system
DVM;Docentvergoedingenmodel = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)+/-
DVM;Docentvergoedingenmodel = LRM;Lecturer Remuneration Model;Lecturer Remuneration Model (LRM)
DVM-normen = LRM standards
DVN = Dutch Diabetes Association
DVV = Food Safety Objectives (FSOs)
DVW = De Vlaamse Waterweg (independent waterway manager of the Flemish governma
dwa = dry weather discharge
dwaalde rond = dwelled
"dwaalde rond, dwaalden rond" = dwelled  (simple past of dwell)
dwaalden rond = dwelled
dwaallicht = will-o'-the-wisp
dwaallichtjes = "wisps, Will-o'-the-Wisps, fenlights, etc."
dwaalspoor = wrong track
dwaalspoor {het} = wrong track
dwaalsporen = the wrong track
dwaas = absurd
dwaas = foolish
Dwaas = Nutty
dwaas = fool
dwaas = silly
Dwaas = Ass
Dwaas = Sloppy
Dwaas = Stupid
Dwaas = Dolt
Dwaas = Numbskull
dwaas {de} = fool
dwaas opbod = 'irresponsible bid'
dwalen = wander
Dwalen = Ramble
Dwalen = Blunder
dwalen = roll
dwalen = go astray
Dwalen = Err
dwalen = roam
dwalen is menselijk = to  err is human
Dwaling = Mistake
dwaling = aberration
dwaling = error
Dwang = Coercion
dwang = enforcement
Dwang = Restraint
Dwang = Compulsion
Dwang = Constraint
Dwang = Bind
Dwang = Stress
Dwangarbeid = Forced labour
dwangarbeid en slavernij = forced labour and slavery
dwangarbeider = convict
Dwangbuis = Strait-jacket
Dwangbuis = Straitjacket
Dwanggeleide contacten = Forced-guided contacts
dwanglicentie = compulsory licence
dwangmaatregel = penalty
"dwangmatig, dwangmatige" = compulsive {adj} (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious)
Dwangmenger = forced action mixer
dwangrem = emergency brake
dwangsom = liquidated damages
dwangsom = (Awb) coercive fine
dwangsom = judicially imposed penalty
dwangsom = penalty (per breach or per unit of time until the breach is remedied) 
dwangsom = periodic penalty payment  (EU)
Dwangstand = conjugate deviation
dwangstand = contracture
dwarrelen = swirl
Dwarrelen = Eddy
dwarrelwind = whirlwind
dwars = contrarians
dwars = transverse
Dwars = Transversal
Dwars = Cross
dwars = crossways
dwars = crosswise
dwars = transverse(ly)
dwars door = across
dwars of onder hoek op het genoemde oppervlak = transversely or at an angle to said surface
dwars op = perpendicular to
dwars op de = transverse to the
dwars op de eerste en de tweede rand = transverse to the first and second edges
dwars op de eerste en tweede rand = transverse to the first and second edge
dwars op de eerste zijde en de tweede zijde = transverse to the first side and the second side
dwars op de kant die de sneden van het eerste paar omvat = transverse to the side comprising the cuts of the first pair
dwars op de laterale zijden = transversely to the lateral sides
dwars op de lengterichting = transverse to the longitudinal direction
dwars op de lontvormingsrichting = transversely to the sliver formation direction
dwars op elkaar = transversely with respect to each other
dwars op elkaar zijn gerangschikt = are arranged transversely to each other
dwars opener = side-opener
dwars opener nok instellingen = side-opener cam settings
dwars opener sturingen = side-opener controls
dwars staan op de wand = are perpendicular to the wall
Dwars verbindbaar = Cross connectable
"dwars, tegendraads, onhandelbaar" = contrarious (persons)
Dwars-/kortsluitherkenning mogelijk = Cross-/short circuit identification possible
dwarsampŠrewinding = cross-ampere turn
dwarsbalk = transom
dwarsbalk = transverse beam
dwarsbalk = cross beam
dwarsbalk = "1. (van raam, deur) lintel, transom"
dwarsbalk = "2. [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] transverse beam, cross beam, dwarsbreuk"
dwarsbalk = 3. [MECH.ENG.] cross bar
dwarsbalk = "4. tranverse beam, cross beam"
dwarsbalk = crossbeam
dwarsbalk = cross-beam
dwarsbalk / kruisbalk / trabes = trave
dwarsbalk in het frame = cross member of engine frame
dwarsbalk of ligger van staal) = bar
dwarsbalk of ligger van staal) = girder
dwarsbalk van de hoekencoder = angle encoder crossbeam
dwarsbalken = cross-beams
dwarsbalkset = cross-beam set
Dwarsbeugel = Double locking levers
dwarsbomen = oppose
Dwarsbomen = Thwart
Dwarsbomen = Antagonize
Dwarsbomen = Vex
dwarsboring = cross hole
dwarsbout = cross dowel
dwarscontractie = lateral contraction
dwarscontractie coëfficiënt = Poisson's ratio
dwarscontractiecoëfficiënt = Poisson ratio
dwarsdoorbuiging = transverse deflection
dwarsdoorsnede = cross section
dwarsdoorsnede = cross-sectional view
dwarsdoorsnede = cross-section
dwarsdoorsnede {de} = cross section
Dwarsdoorsnede aan te sluiten kabel = Cross section of the connecting conductors
Dwarsdoorsnede Aftakkabel = Conductor cross section branch cable
Dwarsdoorsnede breedte = Cross section width
Dwarsdoorsnede hoofdkabel = Conductor cross section main cable
Dwarsdoorsnede hoogte = Cross section height
dwarsdoorsnede van de weg = transverse profile
dwarsdoorsnede van een wikkeling = winding cross section
dwarsdoorsnede van het cilindrische lichaam loodrecht op de lengteas van  = cross section of the cylindrical body perpendicular to the longitudinal a
dwarsdoorsneden van de holte = cross-sections of the cavity
dwarsdoorsneden van de holte in het lichaam = cross-sections of the cavity in the body
dwarsdoorsnedevorm = cross-sectional shape
dwarsdoorsnijdend thema = transversal theme
dwarsdrukcompensatie = side-thrust compensation
dwarse = crossways
dwarse = crosswise
dwarse = diagonal
dwarse = transverse
dwarse doorsnede = cross-section
dwarse doorsneden = cross sections
dwarse openingen = transverse openings
dwarse oriëntatie = transverse orientation
dwarse portie = transverse portion
Dwarse weg = side street
dwarsedoorsnede = cross-section
dwarselement = transverse element
dwarselementen = transverse elements
dwarshelling = cross slope
dwarshout = stretcher
dwarshout / bovendorpel / kozijndorpel (boven raam) = lintel
dwarskracht = shear force
dwarskrachtcompensatie = side-thrust compensation
dwarskrachtenlijn = shear force diagram
dwarskrachtmiddelpunt = center of flexure
dwarskrachtmiddelpunt = shear center
dwarslaag = crossply
dwarslaesie = paraplegia (het gevolg)
dwarslaesie = spinal cord lesion
dwarsliggende motor = transverse engine
Dwarsligger = Crossbeam
Dwarsligger = Sleep
Dwarsligger = Cross-beam
Dwarsligger = Traverse
Dwarsligger = Cross bar
Dwarsligger = Crosspiece
Dwarsligger = Beam
"dwarsligger, biels {c}, biel {c}" = sleeper (horizontal wooden or concrete strucutural member supporting rail
dwarsliggers = cross beams
dwarslijn = diagonal
Dwarslijnen = Crossovers
dwarsmagnetisatie = transverse magnetization
dwarsnijkantpunt (van beitel) = chisel edge corner
dwarsomkering = lateral inversion
dwarsparkeren = perpendicular parking
dwarsplaat = cross plate
Dwarsplaten en dwarsstangen = Bedplates and ties
dwarsprofiel = cross section
dwarsprofiel = cross-section
dwarsprofiel = cross section / cross sectional profile
dwarsprofiel {het} = cross section
dwarsprofielen in langs- en dwarsrichting = longitudinal and transverse cross sections
dwarsregeltransformator = lateral control trasnformer
dwarsregeltransformator = cross control transformer
dwarsrek = lateral strain
dwarsrichting = perpendicular direction
dwarsrichting = transverse direction
dwarsrichting = cross direction
dwarsrichting = transversal direction
Dwarsrichting = Cross direction
dwarsrips = diagonal rep
dwarsscheeps = abeam
Dwarsscheiding = Cross disconnection
dwarsscheur = transversal crack
dwarssjorren = oblique lashing
dwarsslede = cross slide
dwarssnijden = to cut to length
dwarssnijmachine = flame-cutting machine
dwarssom = sideways sum
dwarssper = cross-axle locking device
dwarssperinrichting = cross-axle locking device
dwarsstang = horizontal spreader
dwarsstraat = cross street
dwarsstreep = cross/traverse line/-stripe/-band
dwarsstroming = transverse flow
dwarsstroom = transverse current
dwarsstroom = cross-flow
dwarsstroom = cross current
dwarsstroomventilator = cross flow fan
dwarsstuk / knevel / brugstuk / traverse = cross member
dwarssupport = cross support
dwarstransportband = cross conveyor belt
dwarstraverse = crossbeam
Dwarsverbinder = Cross connector
dwarsverbinding = cross coupling
dwarsverbinding = cross connection
dwarsverbinding = cross-connection
Dwarsverbinding = cross coupling
Dwarsverbinding = transverse connection
Dwarsverbinding = Cross connection
dwarsverbindingen = cross connections
dwarsvergroting = lateral magnifying power
dwarsverhang = transverse gradient
dwarsverstelling = cross screwing
dwarsverstijving (b.v. van brug) / verstijvingsrib = stiffener
dwarsvoeding = cross feed
dwarswalsen = cross-rolling
Dwarswaterdicht = Cable transverse water-proof
dwarszitplaats = cross seat
Dwass-Steel-toets = Dwass-Steel test
dweepziek = fanatical
Dweepziek = Fanatic
Dweil = Floorcloth
dweil {de} = rag
dweil {de} = mop
dweilen = mopping
dweilen met de kraan open = (it's) a waste of time (and effort)
dweilen met de kraan open = (that's just) banging/running/beating one's head against a brick wall
dweilen met de kraan open = a waste of time and effort
dweilen met de kraan open = banging one's head against a brick wall
dweilen met de kraan open = emptying the ocean with a thimble
dweilen met de kraan open = fighting a losing battle
dweilen met de kraan open = fighting a running battle
dweilen met de kraan open = it is a waste of time
dweilen met de kraan open = trying to empty the ocean with a thimble
"dweilorkest, blaaskapel {c}" = marching band (group of instrumental musicians)
dwepend = fanatical
Dweper = Fanatic
dwerg = midget
dwerg = dwarf
dwerg {de} = munchkin
dwerg {de} = "pygmy [dwarf, also fig.]"
dwerg {de} = dwarf
dwerg {de} = runt
dwerg {de} = "pigmy [spv.] [dwarf, also fig.]"
dwerg {de} = midget
"dwerg(exemplaar, -versie) etc. {m}" = dwarf (something much smaller than the usual of its sort)
dwerg.. = dwarf
dwergachtig = dwarf
Dwergarend = Booted Eagle
Dwergen = Dwarf
Dwergmiereneter = Myrimidon
Dwergpapegaaien = Inseparable
dwergstaat {de} = microstate
dwergstaat {de} = tiny nation
dwergstaat {de} = ministate [Am.]
dwergstaat {de} = mini state
dwergstaat {de} = miniature state
dwergstaat {de} = tiny country
Dwight D. Eisenhower = Dwight D. Eisenhower
dwingel (b.v. van kasteel) = outer bailey
dwingel (b.v. van kasteel) = outer ward
dwingel (bij burcht) = lists
Dwingeland = Tyrant
Dwingeland = Bully
dwingeland = despot
dwingelandij = tyranny
dwingen = "move, shift (in the context of aligning)"
dwingen = coerce
dwingen = to enforce [constrain]
dwingen = to constrain
dwingen = compel
"dwingen tot, overweldigen" = force  (compel (someone to do something))
dwingend = compulsory
Dwingend = Overriding
Dwingend = Imperative
dwingend = binding
dwingend = compulsory
dwingend = imperative
dwingend = mandatory
dwingend opgelegde voorschriften = mandatory requirements
dwingend recht = mandatory law
dwingend voorgeschreven voorzorgsmaatregelen = mandatory precautions
dwingende = authoritative
dwingende = mandatory
dwingende reden afwezig = absent for compelling reasons
dwingende redenen = compelling grounds
dwingende redenen = compelling reason
dwingende redenen van algemeen belang = overriding reasons relating to the public interest
dwingende toon = authoritative tone
dwingendrechtelijk = mandatory
dwingendrechtelijk wettelijk voorschrift = mandatory statutory provision
dwingendrechtelijk wettelijk voorschrift of rechterlijke uitspraak = mandatory statutory provision or judicial decision
dwingendrechtelijke = mandatory
dwingendrechtelijke = mandatory provisions of law
dwingendrechtelijke bepalingen = mandatory legal provisions
dwingendrechtelijke wettelijke bepaling = mandatory statutory provision
dwingendrechtelijke wettelijke bepalingen = mandatory provisions of law
dwingendrechterlijke = imperative
dwingerig = whiny
dwingerig = complaining [whiny]
DWORD-waarde = DWORD value
dwt = DWT
dwz = "i.e.,"
dyadisch = dyadic
dyadische bewerking = dyadic operation
dyadische Boolebewerking = binary boolean operation
dyadische Boolebewerking = dyadic boolean operation
dyadische operator = dyadic operator
Dyadische relatie = Dyadic relationship
dyadische selectieve constructie = dyadic selective construct
Dyalise = Dialysis
dyclonine = dyclonine: an oral anesthetic
dydrogesterone = isopregnenone
dye- en pigment = dye and pigment inks
dye inkt = dye ink
dyfodont = "diphyodont: having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous & permanent), "
dyfylline = "dyphylline: a theophylline derivative used in the treatment of asthma, ca"
Dynamic Aggregate Demand curve = DAD curve
Dynamic Aggregate Demand-Surprise Aggregate Supply model = DAD-SAS model
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = DCO
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = Dynamic creative optimisation
Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) = Dynamic creative optimisation (DCO)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Dynamic List Display = Dynamic List Display
Dynamic RAM = dynamic RAM
Dynamic Random Access Memory = dynamic random access memory
Dynamica = Dynamics (physics)
dynamica = dynamics
dynamica {de} = dynamics
Dynamica en Simulatie = Dynamics and Simulation
Dynamic-Link Library = dynamic-link library
dynamics numerieke stromingsleer = computational fluid
dynamiek = vitality
Dynamiek = Hue
Dynamiek = Dynamics
dynamiek in de machtsverhouding = power dynamic in the relationship between
dynamiek in markten = dynamism in markets
dynamiekomvang = dynamic range
Dynamiet = Dynamite
dynamisch = kinematic friction
dynamisch = dynamic
dynamisch aangepaste = dynamically adapted
dynamisch aangevuld beeld = dynamically augmented image
dynamisch aankoopsysteem = Dynamic purchasing system
dynamisch aanpassende dimensies = driving dimensions
dynamisch beeld = dynamic image
dynamisch bepaalde = dynamically determined
dynamisch bereik = dynamic range
dynamisch besturingselement = dynamic control
dynamisch breekpunt = dynamic breakpoint
dynamisch bufferen = dynamic buffering
Dynamisch continue innovatie = Dynamic continous innovation
dynamisch dempen = damp (to)
dynamisch draaggetal = dynamic load rating
dynamisch expanderende virtuele harde schijf = dynamically expanding virtual hard disk
dynamisch filter = dynamic filter
dynamisch filteren = filter dynamically
dynamisch gedrag = dynamic behaviour
dynamisch gegevensuitwisselingsprotocol = dynamic data exchange protocol
dynamisch gegevensveld = dynamic data field
dynamisch gemeten = dynamically-measured
dynamisch informatiedisplay = dynamic information display
dynamisch lidmaatschap = dynamic membership
dynamisch model = dynamic model
dynamisch model = multi-temporal model
dynamisch rapport = dynamic report
dynamisch raster = dynamic grid
dynamisch systeem = dynamical system
dynamisch verkeersbeheer = dynamic traffic management
dynamisch volume = dynamic volume
Dynamisch willekeurig toegankelijk geheugen (DRAM) = Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
"dynamisch, dynamische, veranderlijk, veranderlijke" = dynamic {adj} (not steady
"dynamisch, dynamische, veranderlijk, veranderlijke" = in motion)
dynamische = dynamic
dynamische aankoopsysteem = dynamic purchasing system
Dynamische achtergronden = Dynamic backgrounds
dynamische afdichting = dynamic seal
dynamische afdichtingen = dynamic seals
dynamische afschuifwaarde = dynamic shear
dynamische afvoerspanning = dynamic drain voltage
dynamische afvoerstroom = dynamic drain current
dynamische afvoerweerstand = dynamic drain resistance
dynamische afwijking = dynamic deviation
Dynamische analyse = Dynamic analysis
dynamische balancering = dynamic balancing
Dynamische Banners = Dynamic Banners
dynamische basisspanning = dynamic base voltage
dynamische basisstroom = dynamic base current
dynamische basisweerstand = dynamic base resistance
dynamische beeldopname = dynamic image recording
dynamische behandelingstoewijzing = dynamic treatment allocation
dynamische belasting = dynamic load
dynamische beweging = dynamic motion
dynamische binding = dynamic binding
dynamische buistester = dynamic tube tester
dynamische collectorspanning = dynamic collector voltage
dynamische collectorstroom = dynamic collector current
dynamische collectorweerstand = dynamic collector resistance
dynamische contactverschijnselen = dynamic contact phenomena
dynamische controle = dynamic check
dynamische convergentie = dynamic convergence
dynamische distributiegroep = dynamic distribution group
dynamische dump = dynamic dump
dynamische eigenschap = dynamic characteristic
dynamische eigenschap = dynamic property
dynamische emitterspanning = dynamic emitter voltage
dynamische emitterstroom = dynamic emitter current
dynamische emitterweerstand = dynamic emitter resistance
dynamische flip-flop = dynamic flip-flop
dynamische fout = dynamic error
dynamische geheugentoewijzing = dynamic storage allocation
dynamische gereedschapsweergave = dynamic tool display
dynamische gevel = dynamic façade
dynamische grafische voorstelling = dynamic graphics
dynamische groenvensters = dynamic ‘green windows’
Dynamische herschikking = Dynamic Reordering
dynamische herstructurering = dynamic restructuring
dynamische heupschroef = dynamic hip screw
dynamische HTML = dynamic HTML
dynamische hulplijnen = dynamic guides
dynamische impedantie = dynamic impedance
dynamische ingangscapaciteit = dynamic input capacity
dynamische karakteristiek = dynamic characteristic
dynamische kathodespanning = dynamic cathode voltage
dynamische kathodestroom = dynamic cathode current
dynamische kathodeweerstand = dynamic cathode resistance
dynamische kegelpenetrometer = dynamic cone penetrometer
dynamische klemdruk = dynamic clamping pressure
Dynamische lift = Dynamic lift
dynamische luchtvaartuig = dynamic aircraft
dynamische luidspreker = moving-coil speaker
Dynamische microfoon = Dynamic microphone
dynamische microfoon = moving-coil microphone
dynamische mixer = dynamic mixer
dynamische onbalans = dynamic imbalance
dynamische ontwikkeling van de PV markt = dynamic market trends of the photovoltaic industry
dynamische opslag = dynamic store
dynamische opslag = dynamic storage
dynamische pagina = dynamic page
dynamische penetratietest = dynamic penetration test
dynamische persoonlijkheid = dynamic personality
dynamische poortspanning = dynamic gate voltage
dynamische programmering = dynamic programming
Dynamische reaktiekracht = Dynamic reaction force
dynamische regelaar = dynamic regulator
dynamische regeling = dynamic control
Dynamische Reinigings Fiches = Dynamic Cleaning Schedules
dynamische relocatie = dynamic relocation
dynamische respons = dynamic response
dynamische roosterruimte = dynamic working grid bias
dynamische roosterspanning = dynamic grid voltage
dynamische route informatie paneel = DRIP
dynamische route informatie paneel = dynamic route information panel
dynamische route informatie panelen = dynamic route information panels
dynamische routering = dynamic routing
dynamische ruisonderdrukker = dynamic noise suppressor
dynamische schermafbeelding = dynamic display picture
dynamische schijf = dynamic disk
Dynamische sensortechnologie = Dynamic sensor technology
dynamische seriegroottebepaling = dynamic lot- sizing
dynamische setpunten = dynamic setpoints
dynamische spanning = dynamic stress
dynamische stabilisering = dynamic regulation
dynamische stabiliteit = dynamic stability
dynamische steilheid = dynamic slope
dynamische steunzolen = dynamic orthotics
dynamische stijfheid = dynamic stiffness
dynamische stop = dynamic stop
dynamische subroutine = dynamic subroutine
dynamische test = dynamic test
dynamische tijdverificatie = dynamic timing verification
dynamische toewijzing = dynamic allocation
dynamische toewijzing van systeemelementen = dynamic resource allocation
dynamische transistortester = dynamic transistor tester
dynamische update = dynamic update
dynamische variatie = dynamic variation
dynamische verbindingslijn = dynamic connector
Dynamische vermogensregeling = Dynamic power control
dynamische viscositiet = dynamic viscosity
dynamische VOC = dynamic VOC
dynamischebelasting = dynamic load
dynamischer = more dynamic
dynamisch-stochastisch-proces = dynamic stochastic process
dynamiseerder = dynamiciser
dynamo = generator
dynamo = dynamo
dynamo’s = dynamos
dynamofabriek = Dynamo industry
dynamometer = dynamometer
Dynamo's = Dynamos
dynaset = dynaset
Dynastie = Dynasty
Dynasty = Dynasty
dyne = dyne
dynistor = dynistor
dynode = dynode
"dysaemia, de dysemie" = dysemia
Dysartrie = Dysarthria
dysbarisme = dysbarism: any illness resulting from changes in ambient pressure or a pr
dysbasie = dysbasia: difficulty in walking
dysbulia = dysbulia
dyscalculie = discalculia
dyschromatopsie = chromatodysopia
dyschromatopsie = dyschromasia
dyschromatopsie = dyschromatopsia
dyschromatose = dyschromatosis: an asymptomatic pigmentation anomaly among the Japanese
dyschromie = dyschromia: an abnormality in the color of the skin
Dyscrasie = Dyscrasia
dysdiaemorrhysis = dysdiemorrhysis: a slowing of capillary circulation
dysembryoplasie = dysembryoplasia: prenatal malformation
dysenteria fulminans = fulminating  dysentery
dysenterie = dysentery
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = bacillary  dysentery
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = Kruse diarrhea
dysenterie door bacil van Shiga-Kruse = shigellosis
dysenterisch = dysenterical
dyserythropoiesis = dyserythropoiesis
"dysesthesie, de paresthesie, de kakesthesie" = dysesthesia: an unpleasant & abnormal tactile sensation
Dysfagie = Dysphagia
dysfagie = dysphagia
Dysforie = Dysphoria
Dysfunctie = Dysfunction
dysfunctioneel = dysfunctional
"dysfunctioneel, dysfunctionele" = dysfunctional {adj} (Functioning incorrectly or abnormally)
dysfunctionele = dysfunctional
dysgammaglobulinemie = dysgammaglobulinemia: an immunologic deficiency state
dysgenesia reticularis = reticular  dysgenesis
Dysgenesie = Dysgenesis
dysgerminoma = seminoma
"dysgeusia, de dysgeusie, de smaakstoornis" = distortion of sense of taste
"dysgeusia, de dysgeusie, de smaakstoornis" = dysgeusia
Dysgeusie = Dysgeusia
dysglobulinemie = dysglobulinemia
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = agraphia
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = an impaired ability to learn to write
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = dysgraphia: a disturbed writing faculty
dysgraphie: de storing van het vermogen om te schrijven = writing disability
dyshidrose = dyshidrosis
dyshidrose = leathered skin
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = dyshidrotic eczema
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = cheiropompholyx: a condition in which small blisters develop on the hands
"dysidrosis, de dysidrose" = dyshidrosis
dyskinesia algera = dyskinesia algera
dyskinesia tardia = tardive  dyskinesia
Dyskinesie = Dyskinesia
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = dyskinesia
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = jerky movements
"dyskinesie, de bewegingsstoornis" = movement disorder
dyslectici = dyslexics
dyslectisch = dyslexic
dyslectisch = dyslectic
dyslectische leerlingen = dyslexic students
dyslexia = dyslexia
dyslexia = legasthenia
Dyslexie = Word-blindness
dyslexie = dyslexia
dyslexische mens = dyslexic
dyslexische mens = dyslexic person
dyslipidemie = dyslipemia: an imbalance of lipids in the blood
dysmegalopsie = dysmegalopsia
dysmelie = dysmelia
Dysmennorroe = Dysmenorrhoea
dysmenorroe = inflammatory   dysmenorrhea
dysmenorroe = uterine colic
dysmetria = "dysmetria: the ability to control the distance, power, and speed of an ac"
dysmetrie = dysmetria
dysmimie = dysmimia
dysmorfofobie = body  dysmorphic disorder
dysmorphia = deformity
dysmorphia = dysmorphia
dysmorphia = dysmorphism
dysmorphia = dysmorphosis
dysmorphia = malformation
dysodontie: de stoornis in de gebitsaanleg = dysodontiasis: difficulty or irregularity in the eruption of teeth
dysostose = dysostosis: defective formation of bone
Dyspareunie = Dyspareunia
Dyspepsie = Dyspepsia
Dyspepsie = Indigestion
dyspepsie = dyspepsia
dysphagia paradoxa = paradoxical  dysphagia
dysphagia paralytica = paralytic  dysphagia
dysphonia spastica = dysphonia spastica
dysplasie = abnormality of development
dysplasie = dysplasia
dysplastisch = dysplastic
dysplastisch naevus-syndroom = B-K mole syndrome
dysplastisch naevus-syndroom = dysplastic nevus syndrome
dysplastische multicysteuze nier = multicystic  dysplastic kidney
Dyspnoe = Dyspnoea
dyspraxie = dysfunction
dysprosium = dysprosium
Dysprosium [Dy] = Dysprosium [Dy]
dysproteinemie = dysproteinemia: abnormal composition of plasma proteins
"dysrafie, de dysraphia, dystectia" = spinal  dysraphism
dysrythmie = arrhythmia
dysrythmie = dysrhythmia: a disordered rhythm exhibited in a record of electrical acti
dystokie van de baarmoederhals = cervical  dystocia
dystonia musculorum deformans = dystonia musculorum deformans
dystonia musculorum deformans = progressive torsion spasm: an inherited neurological disorder in which pr
dystonia musculorum deformans = torsion  dystonia
Dystonie = Dystonia
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = dystonic disorders
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = dystonia
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = lack of muscle tone
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = muscle disorder
"dystonie, de spierkrampen, een stoornis in de spierspanning" = "paratonia: involuntary, sustained, patterned & repetitive contractions of"
Dystopie = Dystopia
"dystopie, de allotopie" = dystopia: congenitally abnormal position of an organ
Dystrofie = Dystrophy
dystrophia corneae reticulata = Haab-Dimmer dystrophy
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = endothelial corneal dystrophy
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = guttate cornea
"dystrophia endothelialis corneae, cornea guttata" = guttate keratitis
dystrophia endothelialis van Fuchs = Fuchs'  endothelial dystrophy
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = familialepithelial dystrophy of the cornea
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = Fuchs  epithelio-corneal dystrophy
dystrophia epithelialis corneae = Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = corneal  granular dystropy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = Groenouw hereditary corneal dystrophy
dystrophia nodularis cornealis van Groenouw = Groenouw's dystrophy
dystrophine = dystrophin: a protein from skeletal muscle
Dysurie = Dysuria
D-zekering = Diazed fuse link
D-zekeringhouder = Diazed fuse base
Dzjoengarije = Dzungaria
E = E
E = C (consequence / severity)
ë = ë
E (letter) = E
E (wiskunde) = E (mathematical constant)
E- installatie = electrical system
E Poi Le Parole vzw = E Poi Le Parole vzw
E&C = E&C
E&C = Engineering & Construction
E&C = Ethics and Compliance
E&M = "Economics and Society profile (Economie en Maatschappij, E&M)"
E. coli = E. coli
e.a. = et al.
e.a. = et al.
E.a. (eerstaanwezend) Inspecteur = senior inspector
e.a. > eerstaanwezend = senior
E.A.S. (Emissie nabehandelingssysteem) = E.A.S. (Emission After treatment System)
e.d. = etc.
e.d. = and the like
E.D.C. = engine diagnostic computer
E.D.T.A. = edathamil
e.e.a. = everything
e.e.a. = or this
e.e.a. = all of which
e.e.a. = all the factors together
e.e.a. = everything
e.e.a. = or this
e.e.a. = the foregoing
e.e.a. = these matters
e.e.a. = this
e.e.a. = these matters
e.e.a. = all the factors together
e.e.a. = een en ander
e.e.a. = this
E.e.a. = The foregoing
e.e.a. = all of which
e.g. = e.g.
e.g.o.o = PLM-EGOO
E.H.B.O.’ers = first-aiders
E.S. = ES
E.S. = embedded systems
E.T.A. Hoffmann = E. T. A. Hoffmann
e.v. = next
e.v. = married to
e.v. = ff
e.v. = in this town
e.v. = et seq.
e.v. = ff.
e.v. = ex voto
E/N verhouding = energy/noise ratio
E+H = E+H
E+ndura®  en TouchDisplay = E+ndura® and TouchDisplay
E1 E2 proefpersoneninformatie en toestemmingsverklaring = E1 E2 Subject Information and Informed Consent Form
E10 = E10
E12 = E12
E14 = E14
E170 = E170
E170 = calcium   hydrogen carbonate
E2000 = E2000
E2000 LAN = E2000 LAN
E242 = dimethyldicarbonate
E27 = E27
E27 voet = E27 base
E27/E14 = E27/E14
E30 = E 30
E40 = E40
E40-POS = E40-POS
E60 = E 60
E627 = disodium guanylate: the disodium salt of guanilic acid
E627 = E627
E90 = E 90
EA = Engagement Acceptance
EA = Electrical Design
EA = Electrical WEC Model Development & Application
EAC-code = EAC code
EAC-landen = EAC countries
éâëäåàçêèïî = éâëäåàçêèïî
EAE-poeder = EAE powder
EAFRD = European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Eagle = Eagle
EAN Code = EAN code
EAP-type = EAP type
Early adopters = Early adopters
early life support = early life support (ELS)
Early majority = Early majority
Early-algoritme = Earley algorithm
earn out agreement = earn-out agreement
Earnings Momentum-model = Earnings Momentum model
earn-out = earn-out
earn-out verplichtingen = earn-out obligations
Earth Explorer = Earth Explorer
Earth Simulation Laboratorium = Earth Simulation Laboratory (ESL)
EASA = European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
EASA = European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
EASA Rescue and firefighting services at aerodromes = EASA Rescue and firefighting services at aerodromes
EASA-vereisten ten aanzien van terreinvaardigheid = EASA requirements regarding on-site performance
EASE Travel & Health Clinic = EASE Travel & Health Clinic
easing-functie = easing function
EASME = Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
EASME Project Adviser = EASME Project Adviser
East Anglia = East anglia
East Midlands = Midlands
East Midlands = East Midlands
East Sussex = East Sussex
Eastman = Eastman
Easy Fill systeem (SxS) = "Water dispenser, folding"
Easy Listening = Easy Listening
Easy Print voor Extern bureaublad = Remote Desktop Easy Print
Easy Sanitairy Solutions B.V = Easy Sanitairy Solutions B.V
Easy Sanitary Solutions B.V = Easy Sanitary Solutions B.V
Easy Software Deployment = Easy Software Deployment
Easy Touch elektronische bediening = Easy Touch electronic operation
Easyflex luchtkanalen = Easyflex® air ducts
Easy-to-sell = Easy-to-sell
e-atb’s = Counter-Terrorism Alert System (ATb) procedures
Eaton’s = Eaton’s
eau de cologne = eau-de-Cologne
Eau de cologne = Colognes
Eau de cologne = Eau de Cologne
eau de cologne {de} = eau de cologne
eau de parfum = eau de parfum
eau de tavellesfabriek (bleekmiddel) = Eau de tavelles plant (bleach)
eau de toilette = toilet waters
eb = ebb tide
eb = ebb
Eb = Low tide
EB = Fixtures
eb- = ebb
eb co = ebusiness company
eb en vloed = ebb & flow
ebbe = ebb
ebben = ebony
ebben = ebb
ebben(hout) = ebony
Ebbenhout = Ebony
Ebbenhout = Mahogany
ebbenhout {het} = ebony [wood]
ebdeur = ebb gate
ebenisterie = woodworking and cabinetmaking or woodwork and cabinetwork
EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes
EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
EBIT doelstelling = EBIT target
EBIT doelstellingen = EBIT targets
EBITDA = "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation"
EBITDA besparing = EBITDA savings
E-Board = E-Board
"Ebola, hemorragische koorts" = Ebola
Ebolavirus = the  Ebola virus
Ebolavirus = Ebola
eboniet = ebonite
eBook = eBook
e-book = e-book
EBR = Enterprise Backup and Restore
EBR = External Backup and Restore
EBRD = European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Ebro = Ebro
EBS regeleenheid achteras = EBS control unit rear axle
EBS regeleenheid sleepas = EBS control unit trailing axle
EBS ventiel rechts voor = right front EBS valve
Ebstein-hartafwijking = Ebstein disease
ebstroming = ebb flow
ebstroom = ebb current
EBTIDA = "Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation"
EBU = European Broadcasting Union
ebullisme = ebullism: the formation of bubbles in biological fluids
e-business = e-business
e-business omgeving = e-business environment
e-business tools = e-business tools
e-business-toepassingen = e-business applications
ebvolume = ebb volume
EC = Examination Board
EC = ECTS credits
EC correctiefactor = EC correction factor
EC declaration of conformity = EC Declaration of Conformity
EC na LS1 = EC after LS1
EC na LS10 = EC after LS10
EC’s = Examination Boards
ECAA-luchtvaartmaatschappij = ECAA air carrier
ECABO = ECABO (the knowledge centre for vocational education and training in the 
ECABO = ECABO (the knowledge centre for vocational education and training in the 
Ecabo-erkend ICT-leerbedrijf = Ecabo-approved ICT work placement company
Ecabo-erkend leerbedrijf = Ecabo-approved work placement company
e-card {de} = e-card
eCargo = eCargo
eCargo Receipt (eCR) = eCargo Receipt (eCR)
ecartement = ratch
ecarterend instrument = wound retraction device
ecartering-systeem = wound retraction system
ecarteur = spreader
ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension) = ECAS (Electronically Controlled Air Suspension)
ECAS met anti-tilt (GB) = ECAS with anti tilt (GB)
ECB = European Central Bank
ECB = European Chemicals Bureau (ECB)
ECB = now ECHA
ECB (Europese Centrale Bank) = ECB (European Central Bank)
ECB-betalingsmechanisme = ECB payment mechanism
ECC = Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
eccentrisceh belasting = eccentric load
"ecchymoma: een uitgieting, i.h. bijzonder van bloed in het celweefsel" = ecchymoma: a slight hematoma following a bruise
Ecchymose = Ecchymosis
ecchymosis = hemorrhagic spots
ecchymosis = petechia
ecchymotisch = ecchymotic: pertaining to ecchymosis
"ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk" = ecclesiastic {adj} (pertaining to the church)
"ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk" = ecclesiastical {adj} (pertaining to the church)
ecclesiologie = ecclesiology
ECE code = Standard indication (ECE)
ECE R 65 = ECE R 65
ECE R-normen = ECE-R standards
ECF = ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free)
ECF = executive control function
ECG registratie = ECG recording
ECG registratie = EKG recording
ECHA = European Chemicals Agency
ECHA = European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
ECHA = formerly ECB
Echappement = Exhaust
Echappement = Escape
Echappement = Escapement
Echec = Bankrupt
Echec = Failure
Echec = Check
Echec = Insolvency
echec = abortion
Echelon (ladder) patroon = Echelon pattern
echelons = echelons
Echidna (mythologie) = Echidna (mythology)
echinacea purpurea = echinacea
echinococcose = echinococcosis
echinomycine = quinomycin A
Echinostoma(trematode) = Echinostoma: intestinal flukes of the family Echinostomatidae
echinostomiasis = echinostomiasis: infection by Echinostoma flukes
echo = echo
echo {de} = echo
echoangiogram = echoangiogram
echoarm = hypoechoic
echobeeld = multiple image
echobeeld = ghost image
Echocardiografen = Echocardiographs
echocardiogram = echocardiogram
echocompensatie = echo cancelling
echocompensator = echo compensator
echocontrole = echo check
echocorrectieschakeling = ghost correcting circuit
echo-effect = echo effect
echoën = to echo
echoën = echo
Echo-encefalografen = Echoencephalographs
echogolf = echo wave
Echogolf = Reinvestment cycle
Echograaf = Ultrasonic unit
Echografie = Echography
Echografie = Ultrasound scan
echografie = echograph
echografie = Ultrasound
echo-interferentie = echo interference
Echoïsche waarneming = Echoistic observation
echokamer = echo chamber
echoloding = echo sounding
echolood = depth sounder
echolood = echo sounder
Echoloze kamer = Anechoic chamber
echo-onderdrukking = echo cancelling
echopathie = echokinesis
Echopeilers = Echo sounders
echoplex = echoplex
echoscopist = sonographer
echotijd = echo time
echoval = echo trap
echoversterker = echo amplifier
echoverzwakking = echo attenuation
ECHO-Virus = human  echovirus 6
echt = realistic
echt = authentic
echt = genuinely
Echt = Legitimate
Echt = Really
echt = truly
echt = actually
echt = truely
echt = real
echt = TRUE
Echt = Legal
echt [onvervalst] = genuine
echt {de} = matrimony
echt {de} = wedlock
echt {de} = marriage
echt contact te maken = really connect
echt en onecht = real and fake
echt het gesprek aanging = really interested in what we had to say
echt tewerkgesteld is geweest = has actually been employed
"echt, authentiek, origineel" = "genuine {adj} (real, authentic)"
echtbreekster = adulteress
echtbreken = commit adultery
echtbrekend = adulterous
echtbreker = adulterer
echtbreuk = adultery
echte = True
echte = real
echte bladeren = true leaves
Echte Boter = Butter
echte Europese dimensie = real European dimension
Echte guldenroede = Rod
Echte hazen = Hare
echte korenbloem = cornflower
Echte lampionplant = Winter-sherry
Echte libellen = Dragonfly
Echte mezen = Tit (bird)
echte middelen = actual powers (the ... of the Joint Works Council)
echte oorzaak = real cause
echte oplossing = real solution
echte persoonsgegevens = real personal data
echte sfeermaker = perfect for creating atmosphere in a space
echtelieden = couple
echtelieden = married couple
echtelijk = maritally
echtelijk = matrimonially
echtelijk = marital
Echtelijk = Matrimonial
echten = legitimize
echter = but
Echter = Even so
echter = though
echter = However
Echter de kans is groot = "Chances are, however"
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt = but the invention is not limited thereto
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt maar is enkel beperkt doo = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
echter de uitvinding wordt daartoe niet beperkt maar is enkel beperkt doo = but the invention is not limited thereto but only by the claims
Echter in andere uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = "However, in other embodiments of the present invention"
echter met uitzondering van = with the exception of
Echter uitvoeringsvormen zijn hiertoe niet gelimiteerd = "However, embodiments are not limited thereto."
"echter, evenwel, daarentegen" = however
"Echter, verdient het de voorkeur" = "However, it is preferable"
echtgeno(o)t(e) = spouse
echtgeno(o)t(e) van = married to
echtgeno(o)te = spouse
echtgenoot = "husband, spouse"
echtgenoot = husband
Echtgenoot = Spouse
echtgenoot (m) = husband
echtgenoot {de} = husband
echtgenoot {de} = spouse [male]
echtgenoot of echtgenote = spouse
echtgenooten = spouses
echtgenote = "wife, spouse"
Echtgenote = Wife
echtgenote (v) = wife
echtgenote {de} = spouse [female]
echtgenote {de} = wife
echtgenote van de werknemer = employee’s wife
ECHTGENOTEN = husband and wife
echtheid = authenticity
echtheid = fastness
echtheid {de} = authenticity
echtheid vaststellen = establish authenticity
echtheidscertificaat = certificate of authenticity
echtheidscijfer = fastness rating
echtheidscontrole van euromunten = authentication of euro coins
echtheidsgetal = fastness rating
echtheidstest [Er zijn verschillende manieren om de echtheid van diamant  = "authenticity test [There are various methods of testing a diamond, based "
Echtpaar = Torque
echtpaar = couple
echtpaar {het} = married couple
echtparen = married couples
Echtscheiding = Divorce
echtscheiding aanvragen = to start divorce proceedings
"echtscheiding, beëindiging ongehuwd samenwonen, uitdiensttreding" = "divorce, termination of unmarried cohabitation, termination of employment"
"echtscheiding, beëindiging ongehuwd samenwonen, uitdiensttreding of omda" = "divorce, termination of unmarried cohabitation, termination of employment"
echtstitel op een onroerende zaak = title to immovable property
echtstitel op een onroerende zaak = title to real estate (US)
Echt-Susteren = Echt-Susteren
echtverbintenis = marriage
echtverklaren = to authenticate
echtviolet = fast violet
ECI = European Critical Infrastructure (ECI)
eclampsia neonatorum = "eclampsia neonatorum, eclampsia of a newborn child"
Eclampsie = Eclampsie
"eclampsie, de stuipen, de vrouwenstuipen" = a complication of pregnancy
"eclampsie, de stuipen, de vrouwenstuipen" = eclampsia
eclamptisch = eclamptic
eclectisch = eclectic
eclectisch: het beste uitkiezend = eclectic: choosing what seems best of various styles or ideas
Eclectisme â€' Romantiek - Nieuw Rococo = Eclecticism - romance - new rococo
ECLI = European Case Law Identifier
eclips = eclipse
Eclips = Eclipse
Eclipse (software) = Eclipse (software)
Ecliptica = Ecliptic
Ecliptica (astronomie) = Ecliptic
ECLM = European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM)
ECLM principles = ECLM principles
EC-motor = EC motor
ECN = ECN (stock exchanges)
ECO = Economics and Information Science collection
eco cheques = EcoCheques
Eco Mode = Eco Mode
Eco-Acupuncture programma = Eco-Acupuncture programme
eco-balans = ecolabel
ecocheque = EcoCheque
ecocheques = EcoCheques
ecocheques = ‘eco vouchers’
Ecofin = Ecofin
eco-fysiologie = ecophysiology
eco-gecertificeerd = eco-certified
eco-gecertificeerde = eco-certified
"Eco-HR-label [Economie, Ecologie en Hoog Rendement]" = "Eco-HE label [Economy, Ecology and High Efficiency]"
École Militaire = Military academy
École Militaire = Cadet school
ecolgie = ecology
eco-lijn = eco line
Ecologie = Ecology
ecologie (als onderdeel van de sociologie) = human ecology
ecologie {de} = ecology
Ecologie van Antarctica = Antarctic
ecologie van het water = aquatic ecology
ecologisch = ecologically
ecologisch = ecological
ecologisch alternatief = ecological alternative
ecologisch bouwen = ecological construction
ecologisch bouwen = green building
ecologisch bouwen = ecologically-sound building
ecologisch evenwicht = eco-balance
ecologisch evenwicht = ecological balance
ecologisch gevoelig gebied = ecologically sensitive area
ecologisch gezonde = environmentally sound
"ecologisch gezonde, verantwoordelijke en ethische principes" = "fair, environmentally sound, responsible and ethical principles"
ecologisch onderzoek = ecologic study
Ecologisch systeem = Ecological system
ecologisch verantwoord = ecologically sound
ecologisch verantwoorde materialen = environmentally sound materials
ecologische = environmental
ecologische = ecological
ecologische (levens)gemeenschap = ecological community
ecologische aanpassing = ecological adaptation
ecologische abondantie = ecological abundance
ecologische activiteiten = environmental activities
ecologische amplitude = ecological amplitude/scope
Ecologische benadering = Ecological approach
ecologische beoordeling = ecological assessment
ecologische beweging = ecology movement
ecologische boekhouding = ecological bookkeeping
ecologische cultuur = environmental culture
ecologische draagvermogen = ecological carrying capacity
ecologische en sociale doelen = environmental and social goals
ecologische en sociale vraagstukken = environmental and social issues
ecologische factor = ecological factor
ecologische footprint = ecological footprint
ecologische fout = ecological fallacy
Ecologische Hoofdstructuur = National Ecological Network
ecologische impact = environmental impact
ecologische impact = ecological impact
Ecologische informatie = Ecological information
ecologische inventarisatie = ecological stocktaking
ecologische materialen = ecological materials
ecologische niche = ecological niche
ecologische ongelijkheid = ecological inequality
ecologische ontwikkeling = ecodevelopment
ecologische oplossingen = ecological solutions
ecologische parameter = ecological parameter
ecologische partij = Ecology Party
ecologische ramp = disaster
ecologische schade = ecological damage
ecologische standaarden = ecological standards
ecologische successie: de temporele opeenvolging van levensgemeenschappen = biotic succession
ecologische successie: de temporele opeenvolging van levensgemeenschappen = ecological succession: the process whereby different communities follow &
ecologische surfplank = ecological surfboard
ecologische systemen = ecological systems
Ecologische termen = Ecological terms
ecologische verbindingszone = ecological connection zone
ecologische voetafdruk = environmental footprint
ecologische voetafdruk = ecological footprint
ecologische voetafdruk van het productieproces = environmental footprint of the production process
ecologische waarborg = ecological guarantee
ecologische waardering = ecological rating
ecologische wijk Eva-Lanxmeer = Ecological district EVA Lanxmeer
ecologische zone = ecozone
"ecologische, economische en sociale" = "ecological, economic and social"
ecologisme = ecologism
Ecology = Ecology
ecoloog = ecologist
E-commerce = E-commerce
ECOmode = ECOmode
economaat = staff store/staff co-op
econometrie = econometry
econometrie = econometrics
Econometrie en Operationele Research = Econometrics and Operations Research
econometrist = econometrist
Econometrist = Econometrician
Economic Boards = Economic Boards
Economic Diplomacy = Economic Diplomacy
Economics = Economics
Economics and Finance of Ageing = Economics and Finance of Ageing
Economie = Economics
economie = economic issues
economie = economic science
economie = economy
economie (discipline) = economics
economie en maatschappij = economy and society
Economie en Maatschappij (profiel VWO) = Economy and Society
economie en samenleving = economy and society
"economie floreert, De" = The economy is booming
economie van de eurozone = eurozone economy
Economie van overvloed = Economy of abundance
"economie, financien" = "economics, finance"
economieën = economies
economie-opleving = economic recovery
Economies of atmosphere = Economies of atmosphere
economisch = economical
Economisch = Economic
economisch aantoonbare vraag = economically justifiable demand
Economisch actieven = Economic acitives
economisch aggregaat = economic aggregate
Economisch beginsel = Economic principle
economisch beginsel/principe = economic principle
economisch beleid = economic policy
economisch delict = economic offence
economisch efficiënte = economically efficient
Economisch eigendom = Benificial ownership
economisch eigendom = economic ownership
economisch en ecologisch gunstigere systemen = more economically and ecologically favourable systems
Economisch en financieel comité = Economic and Financial Committee (EFC)
economisch en financieel comité = economic and financial committee
economisch en sociaal comité = economic and social committee
Economisch en Sociaal Instituut = Economic and Social Institute
economisch gebied = economic region
economisch gebied van de deelnemende lidstaten = economic territory of the participating Member States
economisch gevolg = economic consequence
economisch grondbeginselen = economic fundamentals
economisch haalbaar = economically feasible
economisch herstel = economic recovery
Economisch imperialisme = Economic imperialism
economisch instrument voor het milieu = economic instrument for the environment
economisch kerngebied = economic core area
economisch lange termijn succes = long-term economic success
economisch liberalisme = economic liberalism
Economisch liberalisme = Laisser-faire policy
economisch managementsinstrumenten = economic management instrument
economisch meest voordelige = most economically advantageous
economisch meest voordelige offerte = most economically advantageous tender
economisch middel = economic resource
economisch model = economic model
Economisch onderzoek = Economic research services
economisch onderzoek = economic survey
economisch overgangsproces = economic transition
economisch plan = economic plan
economisch potentieel = economic potential
economisch publiekrecht = public economic law
economisch significante risico’s = economically significant risks
economisch stabilisatieprogramma = economic stabilization program
economisch stelsel = economic system
economisch systeem = economic system
economisch te werk gaan = to proceed economically
economisch verkeer = economic market
economisch voordeligste = economically most advantageous
Economisch-Besliskundige Wiskunde = Mathematics of Economics and Decision Making
Economische = Economic
economische (inhoudelijke) realiteit = economic substance
economische aardrijkskunde = economic geography
economische activiteit = economic activity
economische activiteiten = economic activities
economische afdeling = economic division
economische afleverhoeveelheid = economic delivery quantity: EDQ
economische afschrijving = obsolescence
economische afschrijving/slijtage/veroudering = economic wear and tear
economische afschrijving/slijtage/veroudering = obsolescence
economische afweging = economic trade-off: ETO
economische analyse = economic analysis
economische arbeidsongeschiktheid = economic incapacity for work
economische bedrijvigheid = economic activity
economische belangengemeenschap = Economic Interest Grouping
economische beleidskeuze = economic policy choice
economische bestelhoeveelheid = economic order quantity
economische bestelserie = economic order quantity: EOQ
economische betrekking = economic relations
economische bezigheden = economic activities
Economische calculatie = Economic calculus
economische concentratie = economic concentration
economische conjunctuur = short-term economic prospects
economische context = economic context
Economische Controle Dienst = Economic Investigation Service
economische convergentie = economic convergence
economische correcties = economic adjustments
Economische crisis = Slump
economische cyclus = economic cycle
Economische democratie = Economic democracy
Economische determinisme = Economic determinism
Economische diplomatie = economic diplomacy
Economische doelmatigheid = Economic efficiency
economische doelstellingen = economic objectives
economische draagkracht = economic capacity
economische draagkracht = economic standing
economische draagwijdte = economic scope
economische duurzaamheidsprincipe = economic sustainability principle
economische eigendom = beneficial ownership
economische eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of beneficial ownership
Economische en financiële draagkracht = Economic and financial standing
economische en maatschappelijke kansen = economic and social opportunities
economische en maatschappelijke kansen van digitalisering = economic and social opportunities created by digitalisation
economische en maatschappelijke kansen van digitalisering = economic and social opportunities offered by digitalisation
economische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen = economic and social developments
economische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen = socioeconomic developments
economische en maatschappelijke uitdagingen = economic and societal challenges
Economische en Monetaire Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrika = Central African Economic and Monetary Community
economische en monetaire unie = economic and monetary union
Economische en Monetaire Unie (EMU) = Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
economische en sociale cohesie = economic and social cohesion
Economische en Sociale Commissie voor Azië en de Stille Oceaan = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
economische en sociale ontwikkeling = economic and social development
economische en sociale samenhang = economic and social cohesion
Economische en Sociale Wetenschappen = Economic & Social Sciences
economische ethiek = business morals
economische factor = economic factor
Economische factoren = Economic factors
economische fluctuatie = economic fluctuation
economische gang van zaken = economic situation/performance/state of affairs
economische gebeurtenis = economic event
economische gegevens = economic data
Economische Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrikaanse Staten = Economic Community of Central African States
Economische Gemeenschap van Westafrikaanse Staten = Economic Community of West African States
economische geografie = economic geography
Economische goederen = Economic goods
economische goederenvoorraad = economic stock of goods
Economische groei = Economic growth
economische groei en maatschappelijke ontwikkeling = economic growth and social development
economische hervorming = economic reform
economische hulp = economic aid
economische hulpbron = economic resources
economische indicator = economic indicator
economische informatievergaring = economic intelligence
economische infrastructuur = economic infrastructure
economische instrumenten = economic instrument
economische integratie = economic integration
economische intercompany-transactie = intercompany economic transaction
economische invaliditeit = economic disability
Economische kansen = Economic opportunities
Economische kansen voor de Nederlandse cybersecurity-sector = Economische kansen voor de Nederlandse cybersecurity-sector (Economic opp
economische kosten-batenanalyse = economic cost-benefit analysis
economische kringloop = economic cycle
Economische kringloop = Economic circulation
economische kwaliteit = economic quality
economische landbouwboekhouding = economic accounts for agriculture
Economische levensduur = Economic life cycle
economische levensvatbaarheid = economic viability
economische levering = transfer of the beneficial ownership
Economische machtspositie = Dominant economic position
economische meerwaarde = economic value
economische middelen = economic resources
Economische Migratie = Economic Migration
economische missie = economic delegation
economische missies = economic missions
economische neergang = economic downturn
economische noodtoestand = depressed
economische noodtoestand = economic crisis
economische of sociale omstandigheden = economic or social circumstances
economische omgeving = economic environment
economische omschakeling = economic conversion
economische onafhankelijkheid = economic independence
economische ongelijkheid = economic disparity
economische ongeschiktheid = economic incapacity
Economische ontwikkeling = Economic development
economische ontwikkelingen = economic developments
Economische orde = Economic order
economische ordergrootte = economic order quantity
Economische organisatietheorie = Economic organisation theory
economische overeenkomst = economic agreement
economische partijgrootte = economic batch size
economische partijgrootte = economic lot size
economische pijler = economic cornerstone
economische planning = economic planning
Economische politiek = Economic politics
economische prioriteit = economic priority
economische prognose = economic forecasting
economische prognose/prognose-technieken = economic forecasting
economische prognoses = economic forecasting
economische prognoses en analyses = economic forecasting and analysis
economische randvoorwaarden = financial constraints
economische realiteitsbeginsel = substance over form principle
economische recessie = economic recession
economische rechten = economic rights
economische rechthebbende = ultimate beneficial owner
economische reconstructiewaarde = economic reconstruction value
economische reputatie = economic reputation
economische samenwerking = economic cooperation
Economische Samenwerking Azië-Stille Oceaan = Asia–Pacific economic cooperation
economische sanctie = economic sanctions
economische schaalgrootte = economy of scale
economische schade = economic damage
Economische sector = Economic sector
economische seriegrootte = economic batch quantity
economische seriegrootte = economic lot size
economische seriegrootte = economic order quantity: EOQ
economische situatie = economic situation
Economische slijtage = Obsolescence
economische stabilisatie = economic stabilisation
economische stagnatie = economic stagnation
economische statistiek = economic statistics
economische steun = economic support
economische stimuleringsmaatregel = economic incentive
economische structuur = economic structure
Economische Studiedienst (HRD) = Market Research Service (HRD)
economische tegenwind = economic downturn
economische theorie = economic theory
economische toestand = economic conditions
economische toestand = economic situation
Economische totalen = Economic aggregates
economische trend = economic trend
economische uitdagingen = economic challenges
Economische Unie = Economic Union
economische valuta-positie = economic exposure
economische veranderingen = economic change
economische veroudering = economic ageing
economische veroudering = obsolescence
economische vluchteling = economic refugee
economische voordelen = economic benefits
Economische voorraad = Economic inventory
economische voorraad = economic stock
Economische waarde = Economic value
economische waarde = economic value
economische waardeketen = economic value chain
economische wederopbouw = economic reconstruction
economische wetenschap = economics
Economische Wetenschappen = Economics
Economische Wetenschappen = Economics & Business
Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde = Economics and Business Administration
Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie = "Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics"
Economische winst = Economic profits
Economische Zaken = Ministry of Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken = Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken (Ministerie van) = (Ministry of) Economic Affairs
Economische Zaken en Klimaat = Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
"economische, bouwkundige en juridische kwaliteit" = "economic, structural and legal quality"
"economische, handels- en financiële belangen" = "economic, commercial and financial interests"
"economische, maatschappelijke en politieke" = "economic, social and political"
economisch-ecologische efficiëntie = economical-ecological efficiency
Economischeffectbeoordeling = Economic impact assessment
Economische-waardeanalyse = Economic value analysis
economisch-technische verschijnselen = Technical Economic Issues
economiser = economiser
economisering = saving
economizer = economizer
economizers = economizers
"Economy, Ecology of Always HP" = "Economy, Ecology or Always HP"
econoom = economist
Econvert Anaerobic Enhancer = Econvert Anaerobic Enhancer (EAE)
Econvert Water & Energy BV = Econvert Water & Energy B.V
eco-pediatrie = eco-paediatrics
ECOS = Research Schools Accreditation Committee
ecosfeer = ecosphere
Ecosoc = Ecosoc
Ecosysteem = Ecosystem
eco-systeem = ecosystem
ecosysteem in water = aquatic ecosystem
ecosysteem riviermonding = estuarine ecosystem
ecosysteem van bosgebeid = woodland ecosystem
ecosysteem van de bodem = terrestrial ecosystem
ecosysteem van de zeebodem = benthic ecosystem
ecosysteem van een onvruchtbaar gebied = arid land ecosystem
ecosysteem van grasland = grassland ecosystem
ecosysteem van het land = terrestrial ecosystem
ecosysteem van hooglanden = highland ecosystem
ecosysteem van waterrijke gebied = wetlands ecosystem
ecosysteem van/in koude gebieden = cold zone ecosystem
ecosysteem-analyse = ecosystem analysis
ecosysteemdiensten = ecosystem services
ecosysteemgerichte benadering van het visserijbeheer = ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management
ecosystemen = ecosystems
ecosystemen van halfdroog land = semi-arid land ecosystem
ecosystemen voor breedbandige mobiele communicatie = broadband mobile communication ecosystems
ecosyteem van het tropisch woud = tropical forest ecosystem
ecotaks = ecotax
ecotaksen = ecotaxes
ecothiopaatiodide = ecothiopate iodide
ecotoerisme = ecotourism
ecotoerisme = ecological tourism
ecotoxiciteit = ecotoxicity
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicology
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicity
ecotoxicologie = ecotoxicity/ ecotoxicology
ecotoxicologische evaluatie = ecotoxicological evaluation
Ecotype = Ecotype
Ecowas-landen = Ecowas countries
ECQ = European Qualification Framework
eCR = eCargo Receipt (eCR)
ECR-glasvezel = ECR glass fiber
ecru = grey
ecru = ecru
ecru filament uit polyester = ecru polyester filament
ECS = Export Control System
ECs = Examination Boards
ECs = ECTS credits
ECS-melding = ECS
ECS-melding = ECS notification
Ecstasy = Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
ECT = ECTS credits
ect (kantstuikwaarde) = ECT (edge crush test)
ECT’s = ECTS credits
ectasis = ectasia
ecthyma simplex = ecthyma simplex
ectocardia nuda = ectocardia
ectocervix = ectocervix
ectoderm = "ectoderm: the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo, which layer g"
ectoderm = epiblast
ectodermaal = ectodermal
ectodermalis = ectodermal
ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis = Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis = Fuchs syndrome I
ectoparasitaire aandoening = ectoparasitic disease
ectoparasitaire aandoening = ectoparasitic infestation
"Ectoparasiticiden, incl. scabiciden, insecticiden en insectenwerende midd" = "Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellents"
ectopia ureteris = exstrophy of the ureter
ectopia vesicae = ectopia of urinary bladder
Ectopisch = Ectopic
ectopisch ACTH-syndroom = ectopic ACTH syndrome: production of ACTH by non-pituitary neoplasms
"ectopisch, buiten zijn normale plaats" = ectopic
"ectopisch, buiten zijn normale plaats" = in the wrong place
ectopische klierafscheiding = ectopic hormone secretion
ectopische tanddoorbraak = ectopic eruption (of tooth)
ectopische tanddoorbraak = ectopic tooth eruption
ectopische testikel = testicular ectopy
ectopische testikel = ectopic testicle
ectopische testikel = ectopic testis
ectopische zwangerschap = "ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, fimbrial pregnancy"
ectoplasme = ectoplasm
ectoprothese = ectoprosthesis
ectromelie = ectromelia: gross hypoplasia of one or more long bones of one or more lim
ectropion = uterine  ectropion
ectropion van de ooglid = ectropion of the eyelid
ectropion van de ooglid = ectropion
ectroprosopie = cyclocephaly
ectroprosopie = ectroprosopia
ECTS/studiepunten = ECTS credits
Ecu = Ecu
E-Cu/A-Cu = E-Cu/A-Cu
Ecuador = Ecuador
Ecuador = Equator
Ecuador {het} = Ecuador
Ecuadoriaan = Ecuadorian
"Ecuadoriaan, Ecuadoriaanse" = Ecuadorian (person from Ecuador)
Ecuadoriaans = Ecuadorian
"Ecuadoriaans, Ecuadoriaanse" = Ecuadorian {adj} (pertaining to Ecuador)
Ecuadoriaanse = Ecuadorian
Écurie = Stable
eczeem = acne
Eczeem = Dermatitis
Eczeem = Eczema
"eczeem, een oppervlakkige huidaandoening" = eczema: pruritic papulovesicular dermatitis
eczeemblaasjes = eczema vesicles
eczema intertrigo = eczema intertrigo
eczema nummulare = nummular  eczema
eczemateus = eczematous
eczematide pityriasiforme = pityriasiform  eczematid
eczematide psoriasiforme = psoriasiform  eczematid
ed = and suchlike
ed = and the like
ed = etc
ED = Experiments & Demonstration
EDA-elektroden = EDA electrodes
Edam-Volendam = Edam-Volendam
EDAX = electron dispersive X-ray analysis
EDC = European Documentation Centre
Edda = Edda
Edding = permanent marker
Eddingtonlichtkracht = Eddington limit
Eddy – dispersie = Eddy dispersion
eddy-stroomverlies = eddy-current loss
Ede = Ede
edel = of noble birth
Edel = Noble
edel metaal = precious metal
"edel, adellijk, eervol, fatsoenlijk, nobel" = noble {adj} (having honorable qualities)
"edelboortig, nobel, hooggeboren" = generous {adj} (of noble birth)
edele metalen en hun legeringen = precious metals and their alloys
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods of precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
edele metalen en hun legeringen en producten hieruit vervaardigd of hierm = precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated t
"edele metalen en hun legeringen, niet voor tandheelkundige doeleinden" = precious metals and their alloys other than for dental
"edele, aristocraat, adellijke" = noble (aristocrat)
edelen = nobility
edelfiguratie = bit part
edelfineer = high-grade veneer
edelfineer (hout) = high-grade veneer
edelgas = element of group 0
edelgas = element of group 0
edelgas = inert gas
Edelgas = Noble gas
edelgas = rare gas
edelgasnarcose = depth intoxication
Edelgassen = Rare gases
Edelgesteente = Jewel
edelgesteente = gem
edelheid = nobleness
edelhert = red deer
Edelhert = Hart
Edelhert = Stag
Edelhert = Deer
edelknaap = page
edelman = Edelman
Edelman = Gentleman
edelman = nobleman
edelmetaal = noble metal
Edelmetaalertsen = Precious-metal ores
edelmetalen = precious metal
Edelmoedig = Unselfish
Edelmoedig = Freehanded
Edelmoedig = Bountiful
Edelmoedig = Ungrudging
Edelmoedig = Generous
Edelmoedig = Generously
edelmoedig = magnanimous
Edelmoedigheid = Lordliness
Edelmoedigheid = Liberalness
Edelmoedigheid = Generosity
Edelmoodig = Freehanded
Edelmoodig = Ungrudging
Edelmoodig = Bountiful
Edelmoodig = Unselfish
Edelmoodig = Generous
edelsmeedwerk = silversmiths’ wares
edelstaal = refined steel
edelstaal = high-grade steel
edelstaal {het} = stainless steel
edelstaal {het} = Stainless Steel
edelsteen = precious stones
Edelsteen = Gemstone
Edelsteen = Jewel
Edelsteen = Gem
edelsteendiamant = gem quality diamond
Edelstenen = Precious stones
Edelstenen en halfedelstenen = Precious and semi-precious stones
Edelstenen voor juwelen = Precious stone for jewellery
Edelstenenfederatie = Precious Stones Federation
Edelweiss = Edelweiss
Eden = Eden
edetinezuur = edetic acid
Edgar Allan Poe = Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Degas = Edgar Degas
Edgar Rice Burroughs = Edgar Rice Burroughs
edge = edge
edge computing = edge computing
Edge-abonnement = Edge Subscription
Edge-abonnementsbestand = Edge Subscription file
EDGE-diensten (verbeterde data voor gsm-ontwikkeling) = Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution (EDGE) services
EdgeSync = EdgeSync
EdgeSync-synchronisatie = EdgeSync synchronization
Edge-transportserverfunctie = Edge Transport server role
e-didactiek = e-learning
EDI-gateway = electronic data interchange gateway
edik = vinegar
Edinburg = Edinburgh
Edinburgh = Edinburgh
EDI-organisaties = electronic data interchange organizations
Edirne = Adrianople
Edirne = Edirne
Edison schroefdraad = Edison screw thread
Edison schroefdraad op de voet van de lamp = Edison screw thread on the base of the lamp
Edisonfitting = Edison lamp holder
Edison-lamp = Edison lamp
Edisonschroefdraad = Edison thread
Edit Install Commands = Edit Install Commands
Edit Installation Item = Edit Installation Item
editeerbare = editable
Editie = Drafting
Editie = Publishing
Editie = Edit
Editie = Creation
Editie = Issue
Editie = Edition
Editie januari = January issue
Editie mei = May issue
Editie november = November issue
Editie oktober = October issue
Editie september = September issue
editor = editor
editorial = editorial
Editorial Office = Editorial Office
editoronderdeel = Editor Part
EDI-werkstation = electronic data interchange workstation
Edmond Halley = Edmond Halley
Edmonton = Edmonton
Edmund Burke = Edmund Burke
Edmund Hillary = Edmund Hillary
Edmund Husserl = Edmund Husserl
Edo (Japan) = Edo
EDP-auditor = EDP auditor
EDPB = Belgian External Prevention and Protection Service
EDP-centrum = computer center
EDP-manager = EDP-manager
edrofonium = edrophonium chloride: a cholinesterase inhibitor used in treatment of car
EDS = Explosives Detection System
EDS = ENERCON Documentation System
eds. = eds.
EDS-CB = Explosives Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDS CB)
ED-systeem = ED-system
edta = calcium disodium ethylenediamine
EDTC = External Technical Inspection Service (Externe Diensten voor Technische C
Eduard Buchner = Eduard Buchner
Eduard de Belijder = Edward the Confessor
edubadge = edubadge
edubadge issuers = edubadge issuers
edubadge pilotomgeving = edubadge pilot environment
edubadgeclass = edubadge class
edubadges = edubadges
edubadges omgeving = edubadge environment
edubadges pilotomgeving = edubadge pilot environment
edubadgesclasses = edubadge classes
educatie {de} = education
educatie- en trainingsmiddelen = education and training resources
educatiebudget = education budget
educatief = educative
educatief materiaal van universiteiten = university educational materials
educatief spel = educational game
educatief verlof = educational leave
Educatieomgeving = Education environment
educaties = educational programs
educatieve = educational
educatieve aanpak = teaching approach
educatieve activiteiten = educational activities
educatieve begeleiding = educational guidance
educatieve diensten = educational services
educatieve doeleinden = educational purposes
educatieve masters = teacher training Master's programme (first level) / teacher training prog
educatieve programmatuur = courseware
educatieve software = educational software
educatieve software = teaching software
Educatieve spelen = Educational games
educatieve technologie = educational technology
Educatieve uitgeverijen = Educational publisher
educatieve video’s = educational videos
educatieve waarde = educational value
Education Agreement (Onderwijsakkoord) = Onderwijsakkoord
Education permanente = Permanent edecucation
Education program = Education programme
educational needs = onderwijsbehoeften
educatoren = educators
Educatorium = Educatorium
eduID = eduID
edutainment = edutainment
Edvard Grieg = Edvard Grieg
Edvard Munch = Edvard Munch
Edward Gibbon = Edward Gibbon
Edward Jenner = Edward Jenner
Edward Teller = Edward Teller
Edwin Hubble = Edwin Hubble
Eed = Vow
Eed = Oath
Eed van Hippocrates = Hippocratic Oath
eed van Hippocrates = Hippocratic oath: an oath that serves as an ethical guide for the medical
eed van trouw = homage
eedgenootschap = confederation
Eeerste hypotheek nemen (De bank kan en mag als zekerheid onder hun lenin = the bank can and may secure its loan by first mortgage
EEG 2001/85 deurbediening midden = EEC 2001/85 door control center
EEG 2001/85 deurbediening voor = EEC 2001/85 door control front
EEG Slot verordening = EEC Slot Regulation
Eega = Couple
Eega = Married people
Eega = Wife
eega = spouse
Eega = Husband
eegade = spouse
Eeg-apparaten = Electro-encephalographs
EEG-fabrikantenverklaring = EEC self-certification
EEG-goedkeuring van volledige voertuigen = EEC whole vehicle type-approval
EEG-lab = EEG lab
EEG-Verdrag = EEC Treaty
Eeindhoven = Eindhoven
Eekhoorn = Squirrel
eekhoorn {de} = squirrel [Sciurus]
Eekhoorns = Sciuridae
eekhoorntje = squirrel
Eekhoorntjesbrood = Boletus edulis
Eelt = Cal
eelt = corn
eelt = callus
Eemnes = Eemnes
Eems-Dollard = Ems-Dollard
Eems-Dollard Regio = Eems-Dollard Regio
Eemsmond = Eemsmond
Een = A
Eén = One
één = a single
één = one
een  Connected Organisation = a   Connected Organisation
een (al dan niet geautoriseerde) gebruiker = an authorized or unauthorized user
een (deel van een) bepaling = a provision or part of a provision
een (gerechtelijke) vervolging instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een (gerechtelijke) vervolging instellen tegen = to take (legal) proceedings against
een (zit)bank of een legger of een rek = a seat or a shelf or a rack
"een (zit)bank, een legplank, een rek" = "a seat, a shelf, a rack"
een .class bestand als een .java bestand = a .class file and a .java file
een {1} langwerpig profiel = a {1} elongated section
Een ‘toestemmingstekst’ = An ‘authorisation text’
een 100% dochter van de holdingmaatschappij = a wholly-owned subsidiary of the holding company
een 20-tal jaren geleden = around 20 years ago
een 2-tal grote investeringen = two large investments
een 360° perspectief van = a 360-degree view of
een 360° perspectief van de klant = a 360-degree view of the customer
een 3-fasige aansluiting = a three-phase connection
één aan beide zijkanten van = one on both sides of the
een aan de marktwaarde gerelateerde verlaging c.q. verhoging van de huurp = a market-related reduction or increase of the lease price
een aan het oppervlak rakend gedeelte en een overhangend gedeelte van de  = a surface-contacting portion and an overhanging portion of the layered st
een aanbesteding uitschrijven = to invite tenders for
een aanbetaling bedingen = to stipulate a down payment
een aanbetaling doen = make a deposit
een aanbieding is geldig gedurende 3 maanden na dagtekening = an offer is valid for 3 months from the date it is made
een aanbieding te maken = offer a quotation
een aanbieding toetsen op marktconformiteit = to evaluate an offer on the basis of market prices
een aanbod doet = makes an offer
Een aandachtspunt is = One point requiring attention is
een aandeel van = a share of
een aaneengesloten periode = a continuous period
een aangetekend schrijven = a registered letter
een aanliggende = an adjacent
Een aanmeldingsformulier = An application form
Een aanmeldingsformulier is beschikbaar = An application form is available
een aanmerkelijk deel van het vermogen = a substantial part of the assets
een aanmerkelijk deel van het vermogen van de wederpartij = a substantial part of the assets of the other party
een aanpassing van de constructie = a change in construction
een aanslag plegen op = assault
een aansluiting van een eerste element op een tweede element = a connection of a first element to a second element
een aanspraak geeft waarvoor geen nadere uitvoeringswetgeving noodzakelij = gives rise to a claim (or entitlement) without the need for further legis
Eén aanspreekpunt = Single point of contact
Een aanstelling van 0.1 FTE = An appointment for 0.1 FTE
een aantal = a number of
een aantal = some
Een aantal aansluitingen = A number of connections
een aantal afzonderlijke = a number of separate
een aantal belangrijke bepalingen = a number of key provisions
een aantal beperkingen = a number of limitations
een aantal bijzondere eigenschappen = a number of special features
een aantal binneneenheden = a plurality of indoor units
een aantal categorieën = a number of categories
een aantal concrete vragen = a number of specific questions
een aantal diercategorieën = a number of animal categories
een aantal eigen merken van supermarkten = a number of supermarkets’ own brands
een aantal identieke punten in het terrein = a number of identical points in the terrain
een aantal keten- en acceptatietests = a number of system integration and acceptance tests
een aantal keuzes = a number of choices
een aantal kolommen = a number of columns
een aantal kwaliteitscriteria = certain quality criteria
een aantal onderdelen = a number of parts
een aantal relaykanalen = a number of relay channels
een aantal relayknoppen = a number of relay buttons
Een aantal rood afwezig = Some red lights absent
een aantal spirituele dimensies = a number of spiritual dimensions
een aantal standaard situaties = a number of standard situations
een aantal stappen = a number of steps
een aantal verschillende = a number of different
een aantal voorbeelden = a few examples
een aantal voorkeursuitvoeringsvormen van de op de uitvinding gebaseerde  = a number of preferred embodiments of the device based on the invention
een aantal voorkeursuitvoeringsvormen van de op de uitvinding gebaseerde  = a number of preferred embodiments of the device based on the invention
een aantal voorliggende jaren = a number of previous years
een aantal werkwijzen = A number of methods
een aantal zaken = a number of things
een aantrekkelijk geprijsde = an attractively priced
een aantrekkelijke kortingsregeling = an attractive discount scheme
een aantrekkelijke optie = an attractive option
een aanvaardbaar minimum = an acceptable level
een aanvang nemen = begin
een aanvraag afronden = to finalize an application
een aanvraag herzien = to revise an application
een aanvraag indienen = to file an application
een aanvraag tot zijn faillissement is gedaan = an application for bankruptcy has been made
een aanvraag verwerken = to process an application
Een aanvraag voor software = Software requests
een aanvulling zijn op onze dienstverlening = complement our products and services
een aanwinst zal zijn = will be an asset
een aanzet gedaan = an attempt is made
een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid gewicht = a significant amount of weight
een aanzienlijke zwaardere lading hebben = is substantially wider/greater in scope
een abonnement nemen = subscribe
"een absolute meetfout, een relatieve meetfout, een standaard afwijking, e" = "an absolute measurement error, a relative measurement error, a standard d"
"een absolute meetfout, een relatieve meetfout, een standaard afwijking, e" = "an absolute measurement error, a relative measurement error, a standard d"
een acceleratie van = an acceleration of
een accord buiten faillissement aanbieden = to offer a voluntary arrangement
een actie 'onbevoegde beïnvloeding' = an act of ‘unauthorised manipulation’
een actie ondergaat = undergo an action
een actieplan opstellen = draw up an action plan
een actieve bijdrage levert aan de uitvoering van = actively contribute to implementing
een actieve en een passieve wapening = an active and a passive reinforcement
één activiteit = one activity
een actuator in de vorm van een vacuümpomp = an actuator in the form of a vacuum pump
een actuator omvatten = comprise an actuator
een administratie = an administrative department
een advies opgesteld = prepared a recommendation
een adviesfunctie vervullen = advisory role
een afdekportie = a covering portion
een afdoende werking hebben = are working properly
een afgebakend deel van het terrein exploreert = explores a demarcated part of the terrain
Een afgeronde activiteit = A completed activity
een afgewerkte muur = a finished wall
een afgifteinrichting die een warmtebron of ander actief middel gebruikt  = a dispensing device that uses a heat source or other active means to prom
een afkeer hebben van = to have an aversion to
een afremmingssysteem voor het afremmen van = a braking system for braking
een afschrift van dit exploot = a copy of the writ
een afschrift van haar brief = a copy of its letter
een afschuw hebben van = abhor
een afspraak maken = make an appointment
een afstand gelijk aan = a distance equal to
een afstand inhouden van dit recht = a waiver of that right or remedy
een afstand tussen een positie = a distance between a position
een afstand tussen het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband en het = a distance between the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt and 
een afstand van het recht dit op enigerlei tijdstip wel te doen = a waiver of the right to do so at any other time
een afstand van minder dan = a distance of less than
een afstand volgens de lengterichting = a distance along the longitudinal direction
een afstand volgens een richting loodrecht op = a distance along a direction perpendicular to
een afstandshouder wordt gecre?erd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecreéerd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecreëerd = a spacer is created
een afstandshouder wordt gecre�erd = a spacer is created
een afstandsmiddel dat op de kleeflaag is aangebracht = a spacing agent arranged on the adhesive layer
Een aftakking voor de voeding van = A take-off point to supply
Een aftakking voor de voeding van de externe detectie- en randapparatuur = A take-off point to supply the external detection equipment and periphera
een afvoerlijn voor het afvoeren van = a discharge line for discharging
een afweging blijven maken tussen = continue to weigh up
een afweging vanuit het geheel = a consideration of the whole situation
Een afwerkingsprofiel = a finishing profile
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens conclusie = A finishing profile according to claim
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the previous claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the preceding claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the previous claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A finishing profile according to one of the preceding claims
Een afwerkingsprofiel voor de bekleding van een wand = A finishing profile for cladding a wall
een afwijkende plaatsbepaling = an incorrect position fix
een afwijking wordt vastgesteld in een eigenschap = a deviation is identified in a property
een afzonderlijk na te streven doel = a separate goal
een afzonderlijke uitvoeringsvorm van deze uitvinding = a separate embodiment of this invention
een afzonderlijke zekering = a separate fuse
een akkoord aan zijn schuldeisers aanbiedt = offers a scheme of composition to its creditors
een akkoord bereiken = to reach an agreement
een akkoord buiten faillissement aanbieden = compromise for the benefit of creditors
een akkoord buiten faillissement aanbiedt = offers a settlement
een akkoord in der minne = an amicable settlement
een akte nemen = submit/introduce a document
Een alarm wordt veroorzaakt = An alarm is triggered
een algemeen verbindend voorschrift uitvaardigen = to issue a generally binding regulation
een algemene draagwijdte hebben = to be of general scope
een algemene instructie = general instructions
een algoritme = an algorithm
een algoritme voor het lokaliseren van het autonome voertuig = an algorithm for locating the autonomous vehicle
Een all-in-one oplossing = An all-in-one solution
een alom aanwezig kwaad = an evil that is all too present
Een alternatief is = An alternative is
Een alternatief is het gebruik van = An alternative is the use of
een alternatieve uitvoeringsvorm van het samenstel = an alternative embodiment of the assembly
een ambachtelijke wijze van bakken = traditional cooking methods
een ambtelijk bevel = an official command
een ammonium- of kaliumzout van = an ammonium or potassium salt of
een ander = another
Een ander aandachtspunt vormt het = Another item for consideration is the
Een ander belangrijk onderdeel van = Another important element of
een ander bevestigingssysteem = a different fastening system
Een ander document koppelen = Associate a different document
Een ander duidelijk signaal = Another clear signal
een ander land (alle landen mogelijk = any other country
een ander lettertype te kiezen = choose a different font
Een ander nadeel = Another drawback
Een ander nadeel van het gekende = Another drawback of the known
een ander pallettype = another type of pallet
een ander persoon = another person
een ander type = another type
Een ander voorbeeld wordt gegeven in = Another example is given in
een ander voordeel = another advantage
een andere = a different
een andere = another
een andere coating stack = a different coating stack
een andere de Bank conveniërende regeling is overeengekomen = another arrangement has been agreed that is to the satisfaction of the ba
een andere door Verwerkingsverantwoordelijke aan te wijzen partij = another party to be designated by Data Controller
een andere en/of dezelfde = a different and/or the same
Een andere hierin beschreven uitvoeringsvorm = Another embodiment described herein
Een andere hierin beschreven uitvoeringsvorm omvat = Another embodiment described herein comprises
Een andere ingrijpende reden = Another major reason
een andere insteek krijgen = change course
Een andere kanttekening betreft = Another observation concerns
een andere keer = another time
een andere manier van doen = a different way of doing things
Een andere methode is om de cilinders te verwarmen met behulp van een ele = Another method is to heat them with electrically heated cylinder covers o
een andere onderneming of organisatie = another company or organisation
een andere oorzaak die buiten invloed ligt van = any other cause which is beyond the influence of
Een andere oplossing = Another solution
een andere persoon = another person
Een andere specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = Another particular embodiment
Een andere specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op = Another specific preferred embodiment relates to
een andere taal spreken = speak a different language
een andere televisiecamera = other television cameras
Een andere uitvoeringsvorm omvat = Another embodiment comprises
een andere uitvoeringsvorm van een = another embodiment of a
een andere vorm van = another form of
Een andere websitekoppeling koppelen = Associate a different Web site link
Een andere Works-taak koppelen = Associate a different Works task
een ankerpunt aan een = an anchor point on an
een antibioticakuur hebben gevolgd = have followed a course of antibiotics
een antimicrobieel effect bekomen wordt = antimicrobial acticity is obtained
een antimicrobiële werking vertoont = exhibits antimicrobial activity
een antwoord kan worden gegeven op = respond to
Een antwoord op de hoofdvraag = Answering the main question
een antwoord op deze vraag = an answer to this question
een aparte opslag = a separate storage area
een apparaat dat een warmtebron gebruikt = a device that uses a heat source
een apparaat dat fysiek is verbonden met de medische eenheid = a device physically connected to the medical unit
een apparaat omvattende middelen A en B = a device comprising means A and B
een appeltje te schillen = an axe to grind
een appeltje te schillen hebben (met) = have a bone to pick  (have a complaint or grievance)
een applicatie = an application
Een applicatie product = an application product
een arbeidsovereenkomst aan te gaan = enter into an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangaan = conclude an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangaan = enter into an employment contract
een arbeidsovereenkomst aangegaan = entered into an employment agreement
Een arbeidsovereenkomst die voor bepaalde tijd is aangegaan = An employment contract entered into for a specified period of time
Een arbeidsovereenkomst die voor onbepaalde tijd is aangegaan = An employment contract entered into for an indefinite period
een arbitrale procedure = arbitration proceedings
een armatuur volgens de huidige uitvinding = a luminaire according to the current invention
een artikel terug te sturen = return an item
een arts raadplegen = consult a physician
Een assertion bestaat in twee vormen = There are two kinds of assertions
een attractief design = an attractive design
een attribuut uit de superklasse = an attribute of the superclass
Een audiogesprek starten… = Start an Audio Conversation...
een audio-uitgangskanaal te kiezen = select an audio output channel
een auto boven het normleasebedrag = a car that exceeds the standard lease price
een auto ter beschikking krijgen = receive a company car
een automatische variant = an automatic version
een autonome fijnregelingsklep = an autonomous fine control valve
een baan of een filmmateriaal = a web or a film material
een baan van vijf dagdelen per week = "a job for five shifts / mornings / ... a / per week, a job for twenty hou"
een back-up installatie = a backup system
Eén back-up is geen back-up = A single backup is not a backup
een backup maken = backup
een back-up maken = back up
een backup maken van = backup
een bad nemen = bathe
een balans te vinden = strike a balance
een basisdeel voor het monteren van de impactabsorberend paal op een oppe = a base member for mounting the impact absorbing post on a surface
een basiselement voor het bevestigen van een opwaarts uitstrekkende paal  = a base member for attaching an upwardly extending post to a surface
een basiselement voor het monteren van de absorberend paal op een oppervl = a base member for mounting the absorbing post on a surface
een basisvlak van de basis = a base plane of the base
Een batterij mag nooit volledig worden ontladen. = A battery should never be fully discharged.
een batterijspanning van = a battery voltage of
een batterijvermogen van = a battery capacity of
een bedieningspaneel = a control panel
een bedrag aanvullen = to make up an amount
Een bedrag dat iedereen wel kan missen = an amount anyone should be able to spare
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to allocate (to appropriate) a sum to the reserve fund
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to place a sum to reserve
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to put a sum to a reserve
een bedrag doteren aan het reservefonds = to transfer a sum to the reserve fund
een bedrag in contanten = a cash sum
een bedrag regulariseren = settle/pay/rectify the/an outstanding amount/balance
een bedreiging vormen = constitute a threat
een bedrijf dat eigendom is van = a company owned by
een bedrijf is dat zich onder meer bezig houdt met = "is a company that, among other things, is concerned with"
een bedrijf is dat zich onder meer bezig houdt met de productie van = "is a company that, among other things, is concerned with the production o"
een bedrijf met meer dan 2 miljoen klanten = a company with more than 2 million customers
een beeldsensor voor het capteren van beelden = an image sensor for capturing images
een been of een arm = a leg or an arm
een beetje = a bit
een beetje = a little
een beetje een ... = a bit of a ...
een beetje hulp = a bit of help
Een beetje minder vaak = A little less often
Een beetje ontevreden = A little dissatisfied
een beetje quite = to be/break (more or less) even
Een beetje vaker = A little more often
"een beetje, niet veel, niet goed (when asked about a language)" = a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree)
een begroting/budget opmaken/opstellen = budget  (construct or draw up a budget)
een behandeling met een ander medicijn = treatment with another medication
een behandelingsstap wordt uitgevoerd = a treatment step is performed
een behoorlijk probleem = a serious problem
een behuizing volgens het tweede aspect = a housing according to the second aspect
een behuizing voor het ontvangen van een voet van een lamp = a housing for receiving a lamp base
"een behuizing, een lichtbron en een aanwezigheidsdetector" = "a housing, a light source and an occupancy detector"
Een bekend probleem = A known problem
een belachelijk figuur slaan = make a spectacle of oneself  (To embarrass oneself or others in public)
een belang nemen in = taking an interest in
een belangrijk aspect is bij de beoordeling = is an important aspect in the evaluation
een belangrijk aspect van = an important aspect of
een belangrijk onderdeel = an important part
Een belangrijk onderdeel van = An important part of
Een belangrijk onderdeel van het = An important part of the
Een belangrijk voordeel = An important advantage
een belangrijke aanjager = an important driver
een belangrijke afwijking van = a major deviation from
Een belangrijke eerste stap om dit te bereiken = An important first step to achieving this
Een belangrijke eigenschap van de = An important feature of the
een belangrijke minderwaarde te realiseren op haar participatie in = realise an important depreciation on its interest in
een belangrijke mogelijkheid om ervaring op te doen = a great way to gain experience
een belangrijke nieuwe troef in handen = a major new asset
een belangrijke ontwikkeling = an important development
een belangrijke overweging = an important consideration
een belangrijke rol = an important role
een belangrijke rol spelen = play an important role
een belangrijke stap vooruit = a significant step forward
een belangrijke taak vervullen = play an important role
een belasting van = a load of
een beleidsmatige meerwaarde = add policy-related value
een belletje doen rinkelen = ring a bell  (to seem vaguely familiar)
een belofte gestand doen = to fulfil a promise
een belofte gestand doen = to keep a promise
een belofte gestand doen = to stand by a promise
een bemiddelende rol spelen = playing a mediating role
een benoeming aanvaarden = accept an appointment
een bepaald gedeelte van = a certain portion of
een bepaald niveau van redundantie = a certain level of redundancy
een bepaald onderdeel of aspecten van = a particular part or aspect
een bepaald ziektebeeld = a particular syndrome
een bepaalde agent of onderaannemer = a particular agent or subcontractor
een bepaalde beweging of bewegingspatroon = a certain movement or movement pattern
een bepaalde CO2 grenswaarde = a certain CO₂ threshold
een bepaalde coating stack = a particular coating stack
een bepaalde hoeveelheid data = a specific amount of data
een bepaalde seininstallatie = a specific signalling system
een bepaalde seintoestand = a certain signal state
één bepaalde sputtertarget = one particular sputtering target
een bepaalde stijging = a specific increase
een bepaalde waarde overschrijdt = exceeds a certain value
een bepaling in een contract opnemen = to admit as a partner
een bepaling in een contract opnemen = to insert a clause in a contract
een beperking van = a limitation of
een beperking van de reikwijdte = a limitation of the scope
een beperkte draagwijdte hebben = to have a limited scope
een beperkte geldigheidsduur heeft = is subject to a limited period of validity
een beperkte mate van zekerheid = a limited degree of assurance
een beperkte rekenkracht nodig heeft = requires limited computing power
een bereik  tot = a range up to
een bericht = a notification
een bericht algemeen verkrijgbaar stellen = to make a report generally available
een beroep doen op = claim the right to
Een beroep doen op = Call in
een beroep doen op = appeal
een beroep doen op = take recourse to
Een beroep doen op = Enlist
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to borrow in the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to borrow on the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to have recourse to the capital market
een beroep doen op de kapitaalmarkt = to raise funds in the capital market
een beroep doen op de verzekering = to claim under the insurance policy
een beroep doen op iemand / iets = "make an appeal to someone / something, appeal to someone / something"
een beroep doen op onze = make use of our
een beroep op overmacht = invocation of force majeure
een beroep op overmacht toekomt = is entitled to invoke force majeure
een beroep te doen op de diensten van = rely on the services of
een beschadiging = damage
Een bescherming voor de ogen/voor het gezicht dragen = Wear eye/face protection
Een bescherming voor de ogen/voor het gezicht dragen. = Wear eye/face protection.
een beschikking = a decision by
Een beschrijving van = A description of
een beschrijving van het alarm = a description of the alarm
een besef van normen en waarden bijbrengen = to instill a sense of values and standards
een beslag van waarde verklaren = to validate an attachment
een beslissing terugdraaien = reverse a decision
"een besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, statutair geves" = "a Dutch private limited liability company, having its registered office i"
"een besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, statutair geves" = "a Dutch private limited liability company, having its registered office i"
een besluit heeft genomen tot ontbinding = has decided to dissolve itself
een bespreking heeft plaatsgevonden = a discussion took place
een bestaande = an existing
een bestand te selecteren = selecting a file
"een bestek opmaken, een (prijs)offerte doen" = quote  (to prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price)
een bestelling effectueren = to execute an order
een bestelling plaatsen = place an order
een bestelstop afkondigen = issue a stop on orders
een bestuurder defungeert door het verlies van de hoedanigheid op grond w = a director will retire if he loses the capacity for which he was appointe
een bestuurlijke boete opleggen wegens overtreding van = impose an administrative fine for violation of
een betaalrekening aanhouden bij = to hold a current account with
een beter sentiment op de financiële markten = improved financial market sentiment
een betrouwbare en onderhoudsarme machine = a reliable and low-maintenance machine
een beursgenoteerde internationale onderneming = a listed international company
een beveiligde verbinding = a secure connection
een beveiligingssysteem te installeren = install a security system
een bevestiging van uitzending = a Confirmation of Secondment
een bevoegd persoon van = an authorised representative of
een bevoegd persoon van Deloitte = an authorised representative of Deloitte
een bevoegde vertegenwoordiger = an authorized representative
een bevoegde vertegenwoordiger van beide partijen = an authorized representative of both parties
een bevoegdheid delegeren = to delegate a power
een bewaartermijn tot wel = a retention period of up to
een bewegelijk denken = an agile mind
een bewegende bron en meerdere vaste detectoren = a moving source and multiple fixed detectors
een beweging of bewegingspatroon van het hoofdgedragen apparaat = a movement or movement pattern of the head-mounted device
een bewegingsdrempelwaarde voor de Euclidische norm = a motion threshold value for the Euclidean norm
een bewerking of een geheel van bewerkingen = an operation or set of operations
een bewijs van kwijting afgeven = to give a receipt
een bezoek brengen = to visit
een bezoek te plannen = schedule a visit
een bezoldiging genieten = to receive a remuneration
een bezwaarschrift = a notice of objection
een bezwaarschrift indienen bij = to lodge a notice of objection to
een bezwaarschrift indienen tegen een besluit = to lodge a notice of objection against a decision
een bieding uitbrengen op = to make a bid for
een bieding uitbrengen op = to make an offer for
een bij de uitoefening van overheidsgezag verleende dienst = a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority
een bij geschrift gesloten overeenkomst = a contract in writing
een bijbediening = an additional control
een bijdrage leveren aan = contribute to
een bijdrage leveren aan = to contribute to
een bijdrage leveren aan de theorievorming = wants to contribute to theory building on these topics
een bijhorend deksel met sensorsysteem = a corresponding cover with sensor system
een bijkom = an additional
een bijkomend voordeel = an additional advantage
Een bijkomend voordeel bestaat erin dat = An additional advantage is that
Een bijkomend voordeel is dat = An additional advantage is that
Een bijkomend voordeel is dat de stap in een later stadium kan worden uit = An additional advantage is that the step can be executed at a later stage
één bijwerking = one side effect
een bijwerking 8 van = an updating 8 of
een bijwerking 8 van de locatie-informatie = an updating 8 of the location information
een bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke positie-informatie via de API voor pl = an updating 8 of the spatial location information via the API for positio
een bijwerking 8 van de ruimtelijke positie-informatie via de API voor pl = an updating 8 of the spatial location information via the API for positio
Een bijzonder voordeel van huidige uitvinding = A particular advantage of the present invention
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm = A particularly preferred embodiment
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising the steps of
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising
Een bijzonder voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvattend = A particularly preferred embodiment of the method comprising the steps of
Een bijzondere vorm van = A special form of
een bindend advies kan worden vernietigd indien gebondenheid aan de inhou = a binding decision can be reversed if it should be unacceptable for its c
een binnenhoek = an internal corner
een binnenoppervlak = an inner surface
een binnenste laag en een buitenste laag = an inner layer and an outer layer
een binnenwand = an inner wall
een binnenwand en/of een buitenwand = an inner wall and/or an outer wall
een binnenwand of een buitenwand = an inner wall or an outer wall
een blauwe lamp op het veiligheid lichtscherm branden = blue light on the safety light curtain will light up
een blauwtje lopen [fig.] = to be / get rejected
een blauwtje lopen [fig.] = to be / get turned down
een blik werpen = glance
een blik werpen op = glance
een blinde vlek in de waarneming = a blind spot in the perception
een bloedverwant in de rechte lijn = a blood relative in the ascending or descending line
een bodemplaat en een hol verbindingsprofiel = a bottom plate and a hollow connection profile
een boekenplank uit de stand van de techniek = a prior art bookshelf
een boel = a lot
een boete verschuldigd is van tenminste = shall owe Mood Media a fine of at least
"een boom, een hek, een muur" = "a tree, a fence, a wall"
"een boom, muur of hek" = "a tree, wall or fence"
een borstel of stofzuiger = a brush or vacuum cleaner
Een botermals resultaat = Amazing results
een bout of schroef = a bolt or screw
een bouwelement volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a building component according to the present invention
een bovengemiddeld uitrustingsniveau = an above-average finishing specification
een bovenkant en onderkant = a top and a bottom
een bovenste wand = an upper wall
een brandstofverbruik van circa = a fuel consumption of approximately
een brede basis parate kennis = a wide range of ready knowledge
een brede range = a wide range
een breed gamma van producten = a wide range of products
een breedte heeft = exhibits a width
een breedte heeft tussen = exhibits a width between
een breedte in een richting = a width in a direction
een breedte in een richting evenwijdig met = a width in a direction parallel to
een breedte ongeveer gelijk aan = a width approximately equal to
een breedte tussen = a width between
een breedterichting en een hoogterichting = a transverse direction and a height direction
een breedterichting en een invoerrichting dewelke onderling orthogonaal z = a transverse direction and an insertion direction which are mutually orth
een bres slaan = breach
een bres slaan in = breach
een breuk lijden = to have a  hernia
een brief waarin de inleverprocedure is weergegeven = a letter detailing the return procedure
een broek = a pair of trousers
een broek of shirt omvat = a pair of trousers or shirt
een bron van potentiële bias = a source of potential bias
een brugfunctie vervullen = act as a bridge
een bruginrichting volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvindin = a loading ramp according to embodiments of the present invention
een bruine arm halen = be a brown-nose
een buiging maken = bow
"een buiging maken, zich buigen" = bow  (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
een buigzame lip gevormd door de eerste snede van een paar sneden = a pliable lip formed by the first cut of a pair of cuts
een buitengerechtelijk akkoord = an out-of-court settlement
een buitenhoek = an external corner
een buitenoppervlak omvattende = an outer surface comprising
een buitenschil rond een binnenvloeistof = an outer shell around an inner liquid
een buitenste profiel = an outer profile
"een buitenste profiel, een tussenliggend profiel en een binnenste profiel" = "an outer profile, an intermediate profile and an inner profile"
een buitenwand of een binnenwand = an outer wall or an inner wall
een bump-map maken = bump mapping
een business case te definiëren = defining a business case
een calibratiesignaal = a calibration signal
een cassatieberoep instellen = "to take/bring an appeal to the supreme court/court of cassation, to appea"
een centraal datacenter = a central data centre
een centrale = a central
een centrale eenheid = a central unit
een centrale eenheid voor een = a central unit for a
een centrale rol in de aansturing = a central guiding role
een centrale rol vervullen = play a central role
Een cheque innen = To cash a cheque
een cheque uitschrijven = write a cheque
Een chirurgisch doek = A surgical drape
een chirurgisch doek met een opgeplooide broekspijp = a surgical drape with a folded up leg
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig één van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the previous claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig één van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the preceding claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the previous claims
Een chirurgisch doek overeenkomstig ��n van de voorgaande conclusies = A surgical drape according to one of the preceding claims
Een cilinder die voorzien is van zowel een vloeistofafnamekraan als een g = A cylinder which is fitted with both a fluid offtake valve and a vapour v
een cilindrische of conische vorm = a cylindrical or conical shape
een cirkel met een straal = a circle having a radius
een cirkel met een straal = a circle with a radius
een cirkelvormige doorsnede = a circular cross-section
een Cloud-platform of een in-house-implementatie = a cloud platform or an in-house solution
een cluster van private organisaties = a cluster of private organisations
een CO2 inblaassysteem = a CO2 injection system
Een collaboration platform = A collaboration platform
een collectie elementen = a collection of elements
een collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst = a collective agreement
een combinatie er van = a combination thereof
een combinatie tussen de twee bedrijven tot stand te brengen = create a combined entity out of the two companies
een combinatie van = a combination of
een combinatie van beide = a combination of both
een combinatie van deze twee = a combination of these two
een combinatie van deze twee onderdelen = a combination of these two components
een combinatie van factoren = a combination of factors
een combinatie van hoge temperatuur = a combination of high temperature
een combinatie van lucht van verschillende blokken = Mixed air from the various blocks
een combinatie van vaste en beweegbare afschermingen = a combination of fixed and movable guards
een commercieel en technisch directeur = a commercial and technical director
een compact en modulair ontwerp = a compact and modular design
een compact en modulair ontwerp en een hoge mate van standaardisatie = a compact and modular design and high degree of standardisation
"een compact, modulair ontwerp" = "a compact, modular design"
een comparitie gelasten = to order a personal appearance
een compleet = a completely
een compleet assortiment producten = a complete range of products
een compleet nieuwe deur = a whole new door
een compleet tekeningenpakket = a complete set of drawing sheets
een complementaire schroefdraad = complementary screw thread
een complete palletlaag = a complete pallet layer
een complete rij = a complete row
een complexer probleem = a more complex problem
een complexere casus = a more complex case
een compromis vinden = find a compromise
een computer die zich buiten de vacu?mkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacuémkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacu�mkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer die zich buiten de vacuümkamer bevindt = a computer which is located outside the vacuum chamber
een computer programma product = a computer program product
Een computerprogramma = A computer program
een computersysteem = a computer
een computersysteem met een software pakket = a computer system with a software package
een computersysteem met een software pakket voor optische modellering = a computer system with a software package for optical modelling
een computersysteem voor het beheren van persoonsgegevens = a computer system for managing personal data
een concept rapportage opgesteld = prepared a draft report
een concern-onderdeel van Politie Nederland = a central coordinating division of the Dutch Police
een conclusie wettigend = conclusive
een conditionele uitvoeringslus = a conditional execution loop
Een conferentiesysteem = A conferencing system
een conferentiesysteem omvattende een centrale eenheid zoals hierboven be = a conferencing system comprising a central unit as described above
een conferentiesysteem omvattende een centrale eenheid zoals hierboven be = a conferencing system comprising a central unit as described above
een configuratie op maat = a custom configuration
een configureerbaar meetsysteem = a configurable measuring system
een configureerbaar meetsysteem van een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = a configurable measuring system of a configurable sputtering system
Een configureerbaar meetsysteem voor gebruik in een configureerbaar sputt = A configurable measuring system for use in a configurable sputtering syst
Een configureerbaar meetsysteem voor gebruik in een configureerbaar sputt = A configurable measuring system for use in a configurable sputtering syst
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem = a configurable sputtering system
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem voor het sputteren van meerlagige coat = a configurable sputtering system for sputtering multilayer coatings with 
een configureerbaar sputtersysteem voor het sputteren van meerlagige coat = a configurable sputtering system for sputtering multilayer coatings with 
Een Connected organisatie = A Connected Organisation
een Connected Organisation = a Connected Organisation
een connectie met ons te maken = connect with us
Een connectiegat = A connection hole
een conservatoir beslag opheffen = to raise/lift/withdraw the prejudgement attachment
een consistente set van kwaliteitsindicatoren = a consistent set of quality indicators
een consortium van = a consortium of
een constant druk gestuurde ventilator = a constant pressure-controlled ventilator
een constructie van bordessen = a system of elevated walkways
een constructie van bordessen die elkaar niet kruisen = a system of elevated walkways that do not intersect
Een contactpersoon verwijderen… = Delete a Contact...
een contract laten aflopen = to terminate a contract
Een contract op basis van = A contract on the basis of
een controle omvat onder meer een onderzoek door middel van deelwaarnemin = "an audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to t"
een controle omvat onder meer een onderzoek door middel van deelwaarnemin = Note that 'omvat onder meer' could be simply translated as 'includes' omi
een controle uitvoeren = carry out an inspection
een controle verrichten = to carry out an audit
een controle verrichten = to perform an audit
Een converged infrastructure = A converged infrastructure
een creditnota voor een bedrag van = a credit note for the sum of
een cruciaal thema binnen ondernemingen = a key theme within companies
een culinaire omlijsting = a culinary setting
een cultuur gecreeerd = established a corporate culture
een daadwerkelijke uitgaande kasstroom = an actual cash outflow
een daarmee gelijk te stellen methode = an equivalent method
een daartoe bevoegd overheidsorgaan = a competent government authority
een daartoe strekkende kennisgeving = a notification to this effect
Eën dag geldige opdracht = Day order
een dag van tevoren = one day in advance
een dagje uit = a day out
een dagvaarding = a summons
een dagvaarding uitbrengen = take out / issue a summons / writ
een daling van het gemiddelde rentepercentage = a fall in the average interest rate
een database = a database
een datum afspreken = to fix a date
een datum wilt reserveren = book a date
een datum) verzetten = a date)
een datum) verzetten = to postpone (an appointment
een deceleratie van = a deceleration of
een deel = a part
een deel of het geheel van = some or all of
een deel of het geheel van de Nooddienst- of Onderhoudsdienst = some or all of the Emergency or Maintenance Services
Een deel van de = A part of the
Een deel van de daling = Part of the decrease
een deel van de provisie afstaan = commission splitting
een deel van een zijwand = a part of a side wall
een deel van het verschil komt doordat = part of the difference is due to
een deellevering te eisen = demand a partial delivery
een deeltjesgrootte kleiner dan = a particle size smaller than
Een defect aan het communicatiesysteem = A defect in the communication system
een definitieve beslissing = a decision which is final and conclusive
een definitieve planning = a definite schedule
een deksel met daaraan bevestigd een sensorsysteem = a cover having attached thereto a sensor system
een deksel met een sensorsysteem = a cover with a sensor system
een deksel met zulk sensorsysteem = a cover with such a sensor system
een deposit certifikaat uitbrengen = issue a certificate of deposit
een der voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één der voorgaande conclusies = one of the preceding claims
één der voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
een derde = a third party
één derde = a third
Een derde aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A third aspect of the present invention relates to
Een derde aspect van de uitvinding betreft een werkwijze = A third aspect of the invention relates to a method
een derde partij = a third party
een derde partij waarmee wij samenwerken = a third party with whom we cooperate
een derde van het meerdere = one third of the remainder
een dergelijk = such a
Een dergelijk administratief beroepschrift = Such an administrative appeal
een dergelijk afwerkingsprofiel = such a finishing profile
Een dergelijk apparaat is beschreven in = Such a device is described in
een dergelijk materiaal = such a material
Een dergelijk proces is bijvoorbeeld beschreven in = "Such a process is described, for example, in"
een dergelijk veelomvattend = such a comprehensive
een dergelijke = such a
een dergelijke = such an
een dergelijke aanpassing nog vóór de algemene vergadering moet worden  = any amendments must be made before the General Meeting convenes
een dergelijke activiteit = such activities
een dergelijke activiteit = such activity
een dergelijke beslissing = such a decision
een dergelijke flexibele = such a flexible
een dergelijke garantie = such a guarantee
Een dergelijke inrichting is bekend uit = Such a device is known from
Een dergelijke inrichting volgens de aanhef is ook bekend uit = Such a device according to the preamble is also known from
een dergelijke maatregel = such a measure
een dergelijke prijswijziging = any such price changes
een dergelijke uitspraak = any such statement
een dergelijke wand = such a wall
Een dergelijke werkwijze volgens de aanhef is ook bekend uit = Such a method according to the preamble is also known from
een deskundige aan te wijzen = to appoint an expert
een detacheringovereenkomst = a secondment agreement
een detailvoorstelling van het perspectivisch aanzicht = a detail representation of the perspective view
Een detailweergave van een voorkeursvorm = A detail view of a preferred embodiment
een diameter = a diameter
een diameter heeft die kleiner is dan de diameter van = has a diameter smaller than the diameter of
een diameter heeft die niet kleiner is dan de diameter van = has a diameter not smaller than the diameter of
een dicarbonzuur of een tricarbonzuur = a dicarboxylic acid or a tricarboxylic acid
een dienst afneemt = procures a service
een dienst bewijzen = accomodate
een diepte kleiner dan = a depth smaller than
een diepte tussen = a depth between
een dierbare = a loved one
Een differentieelschakelaar = A differential circuit breaker
een diffuus 3-taks coronarialijden = diffuse 3-vessel heart disease
een digitaal exemplaar van = a digital copy of
een dikte welke is begrepen tussen = a thickness of between
Een dinerbon van De Gulle Pot = De Gulle Pot Gift Certificate
een diploma behalen = graduate
een diploma halen = graduate
een diploma halen = to obtain a certificate
een direct opeisbare boete van EUR ... = a penalty payable forthwith of EUR ...
een direct opeisbare boete van EUR ... = an immediately payable penalty of EUR ...
"een direct opeisbare, niet voor rechterlijke matiging vatbare boete" = an immediately payable penalty which is not subject to judicial mitigatio
een discussie entameren = to initiate a discussion
een discussie entameren = to start a discussion
een display opgevuld met = a display filled with
een diversiteit aan leerlingen = a wide range of pupils
een diversiteit aan productieomgevingen = a variety of production environments
een diversiteit van leerlingen = a range of different pupils
één document = a single document
Een document koppelen = Associate a document
een documenten- en een overeenstemmingcontrole = a documentary check and an identity check
een doel van de onderhavige uitvinding = an object of the present invention
een doel van uitvoeringsvormen van de huidige uitvinding = an object of embodiments of the present invention
een door de bestuurder bediende bedrijfsdeur = Driver operated service door
een door de gebruiker gedefinieerd = a user defined
een door de leasemaatschappij te bepalen inleveradres = a drop-off address to be determined by the lease company
een door de leasemaatschappij vast te stellen inleveradres = a drop-off address to be determined the leasing company
een door de werkgever vast te stellen adres = an address to be determined by the employer
een door het ZiN getoetste model-based indicatie voor protonentherapie = a model-based indication for proton therapy assessed by the ZiN
een door mij ondertekend eensluidend afschrift van dit exploot = a true and faithful copy of this writ signed by me in a sealed envelope
een door Rotaform in eigen beheer ontwikkeld content management systeem = a content management system developed by Rotaform
een door werkgever aan te wijzen beëdigd makelaar = a certified estate agent appointed by the employer
een door Yellax begeleid = supervised by Yellax
een doorn in het oog van = a thorn in the side of
een doorslaggevende stem uitoefenen = cast a casting vote
een doosetiket van Mediberg = a Mediberg box label
een doseerinrichting met één of meerdere doseerkoppen = a dosing device with one or more dosing heads
één dosering = one dosage
een douanekantoor en een postkantoor uitsluitend voor diamantverzendingen = a customs office and a post office for diamond transactions only
een douche nemen = shower
een draaddikte van = a wire thickness of
een draadloze netwerkverbinding = a wireless network connection
een draagstructuur = a support structure
een draaimoment over te brengen op de aandrijfas = transmit a torque to the drive shaft
een dragerelement voor het houden van een voorwerp op een afstand van een = a support element for keeping an object at a distance from an underlying 
een dragerelement voor het houden van een voorwerp op een afstand van een = a support element for keeping an object at a distance from an underlying 
een drankje drinken = having a drink
een driedimensionale oriëntatie waaraan een reeds opgeslagen set paramet = a three-dimensional orientation to which an already stored set of paramet
een driehoekig profiel = a triangular section
een driehoekje = a triangle
een druk heerst = a pressure prevails
een drukkracht ondervindt = experiences a compressive force
een drukkracht te geven naar beneden toe = downward force
een druppel in de oceaan = a drop in the bucket
een druppel in de oceaan = "drop in the bucket (an effort or action having very little influence, esp"
een duidelijk overzicht = a clear overview
een duidelijk stappenplan = a clear roadmap
een duidelijke businesscase = a clear business case
een duidelijke gedragsdoelstelling = a clear behavioural objective
een duidelijke gehecht = a clear commitment
een duidelijke haalbare taakomschrijving = description of a clearly achievable task
een duidelijke scheiding = a clear separation
een duidelijke uitleg levert het juiste resultaat = clear explanations yield correct results
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = running a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = to run a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = to share a household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = run a joint household on a long-term basis
een duurzame gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = share a household on a long-term basis
een duurzame ringkerntransformator met voldoende vermogen = a sufficiently powerful and durable toroidal transformer
een duurzame samenwerking = a long-term collaboration
een duurzame werking = sustainable operation
een duw geven = jog
een dwarsdoorsnede van het afwerkingsprofiel = a cross-sectional view of the finishing profile
een ecosysteem vormgeven = shape an ecosystem
een eed afleggen = swear
een eenmalige betaling = a once-only payment
een eenvoudig onderzoek = a simple investigation
een eenvoudige passieve component = a simple passive component
een eerste = a first
een eerste aanbetaling doen = make a down payment
een eerste aanbetaling doen = pay an initial deposit
Een eerste aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A first aspect of the present invention relates to
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op = A first aspect of the invention relates to
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting ge = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device suitable for
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een inrichting ge = A first aspect of the invention relates to a device suitable for
Een eerste aspect van de uitvinding verschaft = A first aspect of the invention provides
een eerste bindmiddel = a first binding agent
een eerste buitenste non-woven laag = a first outer nonwoven layer
"een eerste buitenste non-woven laag, twee gaasweefsel-lagen en een tweede" = "a first outer nonwoven layer, two scrim layers and a second outer nonwove"
een eerste deel = a first part
een eerste deel opstaand vanaf de basis = a first part erecting from the base
een eerste deel van de beschermingsfolie = a first part of the protective film
een eerste deel van de bouwconstructie = a first part of the building structure
een eerste element = a first element
een eerste element dewelke een tweede element aan het zicht verbergt = a first element which hides a second element from view
een eerste en een tweede = a first and a second
een eerste en een tweede buitenste non-woven laag = a first and a second outer nonwoven layer
een eerste en een tweede draagarm = a first and a second support arm
een eerste en een tweede set van instructies = a first and a second set of instructions
een eerste en tweede opening = a first and second opening
een eerste extensie en een buitenwand = a first extension and an outer wall
Een eerste helft van het lichaam is aan een eerste zijde en een tweede he = A first half of the body is on a first side and a second half is on a sec
een eerste koppelingselement = a first coupling element
een eerste laag en een tweede laag = a first layer and a second layer
een eerste langwerpig profiel = a first elongated section
een eerste legplank = a first shelf
een eerste levensbehoefte = an essential of life
een eerste levensbehoefte = to effect a life assurance
een eerste levensbehoefte = to insure one’s life
een eerste maal = a first time
een eerste paar = a first pair
een eerste pandrecht vestigen op = to create a first pledge on
een eerste pandrecht vestigen op = to establish a first right of pledge on
een eerste plaat = a first panel
een eerste plaat en een tweede plaat = a first panel and a second panel
een eerste rand = a first edge
een eerste rechthoekig kader en een tweede rechthoekig kader = a first rectangular frame and a second rectangular frame
een eerste respectievelijk tweede = "a first, respectively second"
een eerste specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = a first particular embodiment
een eerste testrun = a first test run
een eerste uiteinde = a first end
een eerste uiteinde en een tweede uiteinde = a first end and a second end
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte = a first projecting part
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte hebben dat uitsteekt voorbij de eerste pla = a first projecting part which projects beyond the first panel
een eerste uitstekend gedeelte hebben dat uitsteekt voorbij de eerste pla = a first projecting part which projects beyond the first panel
een eerste wand = a first wall
een eerste zijde van een balkvormige betonnen element van een te vervaard = a first side of a beam-shaped concrete element of a hollowcore concrete s
een eerste zijwand = a first side wall
een eerste zijwand en een tweede zijwand = a first side wall and a second side wall
"een eerste, een tweede en een derde" = "a first, a second and a third"
"een eeuwigheid, eeuwen, tijden {p}" = forever {adv} ((colloquially) for a very long time)
een effectieve schifting = streamlining
een efficiënt gebruik van = the efficient use of
een efficiënte barrière = an effective barrier
een efficiëntere opwekking van warmte = a more efficient generation of heat
een eigenschap of karakteristiek = a property or characteristic
één eindblok = one end-block
een eindcontrole voor levering verrichten = carry out a final inspection before delivery
één einde = one end
een einde neemt = terminates
een eis/beroep verwerpen = to dismiss a claim/an appeal
een elegante en uniforme uitstraling = an elegant and uniform appearance
een elegante productlift = an elegant product lift
Een elektrisch samenstel (1) volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = An electrical assembly (1) according to any of the previous claims
een elektrisch samenstel voor montage in of op een oppervlak = an electrical assembly for mounting in or on a surface
een elektrische of pneumatische = an electric or pneumatic
een elektrische of pneumatische deur = an electric or pneumatic door
een elektrische titanium anode = an electrically powered titanium anode
een elektromagnetisch signaal uitzendt = emits an electromagnetic signal
een elektronisch gedeelte voor het elektrisch aansturen van = an electronic part for electrically controlling
een elektronisch kompas = an electronic compass
een elektronisch medium = an electronic medium
een e-mail met ontvangstbevestiging = an email with acknowledgement of receipt
Een e-mail verzenden… = Send E-Mail...
eén en al oor zijn = be all ears
een en ander = all of which
een en ander = all the above
een en ander = all the factors together
een en ander = all the foregoing
een en ander = all this
een en ander = everything
een en ander = such
een en ander = these factors
een en ander = these matters
een en ander = this
een en ander = all this
een en ander = the foregoing/the aforementioned/the aforesaid/this/such/etc. (or leave o
een en ander = the foregoing
één en ander = all of which
één en ander = all the above
één en ander = all the factors together
één en ander = all the foregoing
één en ander = all this
één en ander = everything
één en ander = such
één en ander = these factors
één en ander = these matters
één en ander = this
een en ander aan te tonen = to be demonstrated
een en ander als gevolg van overlijden van = the foregoing as a result of the death of
Een en ander betekent = This means that
Een en ander conform = The foregoing in accordance with
Een en ander in overleg met = The foregoing in consultation with
Eén en ander is als volgt weer te geven = This can be represented as follows
Een en ander onverminderd = The aforementioned applies without prejudice to
een en ander onverminderd het hier verder bepaalde = all without prejudice to the following provisions
Een en ander onverminderd het recht = The aforementioned applies without prejudice to the right
een en ander op voorwaarde van = subject to
één en ander overeenkomstig = één en ander overeenkomstig
één en ander overeenkomstig = in keeping with
een en ander overeenkomstig de = the foregoing in accordance with th
één en ander overeenkomstig de = één en ander overeenkomstig
één en ander overeenkomstig de = in keeping with
een en ander overeenkomstig de veiligheidsvoorschriften = the foregoing in accordance with the safety regulations
een en ander ter beoordeling van = the foregoing at the discretion of
een en ander ter keuze van = all this at the discretion of
een en ander voorzover zulks in redelijkheid van hem kan worden verlangd = insofar as this can reasonably be required of them
een en andere = all of which
een en andere = all the factors together
een en andere = everything
een en andere = or this
een en andere = the aforementioned applies
een en andere = the foregoing
een en andere = these matters
een en andere = this
een en dezelfde = one and the same
één en dezelfde persoon = one and the same person
één en dezelfde seintoestand = A single signal state
een en twintig = twenty-one
één enkel = a single
één enkel antwoord mogelijk = only one answer possible
een enkel materiaal = a single material
één enkel steunprofiel = a single support profile
één enkele = one single
één enkele aanvraagprocedure = single application procedure
één enkele betaling = a single payment
Een enkele processor of andere eenheid = A single processor or other unit
een enorm efficiëntieverlies = a huge loss of efficiency
een enorm voordeel = a major advantage
een enquête invult = fills in a questionnaire
een enquête onder de bevolking houden = conduct a survey of population
een erectie krijgen = have an erection
Een erfstelling over de hand = fideicommissary succession
een ernstige ziekte gehad = had a serious illness
een essentieel bestanddeel uitmaken van = constitute an essential part of
een essentieel bestanddeel uitmaken van onderhavige overeenkomst = constitute an essential part of this agreement
een essentieel element van onze bedrijfscultuur = an essential element of our corporate culture
een essentiële rol = a key role
een ester of zout daarvan = an ester or salt thereof
"een ester, of zout" = an ester or salt
Een etiket dat gemakkelijk kan worden afgewassen = A label that can easily wash off
een Europees bedrijf met lokale verankeringen = a European company with local branches
een Europese organisatie = a European organisation
een eventueel ten laste van de kredietnemer in de administratie van de ba = any liability on the part of the borrower in the bank's records by reason
een eventueel vermoeden van de oorzaak = a possible suspicion of the cause
een eventuele Anw-uitkering = any ANW benefit
een executoriale titel opleveren = to be enforceable
een executoriale titel opleveren = to constitute entitlement to enforcement
een exemplaar maken = to instance
een exemplaar te hebben ontvangen van = having received a copy of
een exemplaar van deze overeenkomst ontvangen te hebben = having received a copy of this Agreement
één exemplaar voor Opdrachtnemer = one copy for Contractor
een exploit betekenen aan = to serve a writ upon
een explorerend onderzoek = an exploratory study
Een expresbericht verzenden… = Send an Instant Message...
een ex-situ meetsysteem en twee in-situ meetsystemen = an ex situ measuring system and two in situ measuring systems
een ex-situ sensorsysteem = an ex situ sensor system
een ex-situ sensorsysteem 410 omvatten = comprise an ex situ sensor system 410
een extern nummer dat op de ontvangstbon wordt afgedrukt en een intern nu = "an external number for use of the client, which is printed on the receipt"
een externe = an external
een externe circulatiepomp = an external circulation pump
een extra aandachtspunt = an additional concern
een extra deur = an additional door
Een extra functionaliteit = An additional feature
Een extra functionaliteit is het delen van grote bestanden. = An additional feature is the ability to share large files.
een extra streepje voor = enjoy greater priority
een extra uur wachttijd = an extra hour’s wait
een extra verzwaarde kolom = an extra heavy post
één factuur = one invoice
een factuur overmaken aan de Opdrachtgever = submit an invoice to the Client
een faillissementsaanvraag indienen = file a bankruptcy petition [nat.pers.] / winding-up petition [re.pers.]
een faillissementsaanvraag indienen = to fold (popular language)
een faillissementsaanvraag is ingediend = a winding-up petition has been filed
een familielid zijn van = be related to
een fascinatie heeft voor = is fascinated with
Een feedbacksysteem = A feedback system
Een feedbacksysteem volgens conclusie = A feedback system in accordance with claim
een feedbacksysteem volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a feedback system in accordance with the present invention
een feedbacksysteem volgens het derde aspect = a feedback system in accordance with the third aspect
een feestelijke Open Week = a festive Open Week
een feit naar voren brengen = bring forward a fact
een feit naar voren brengen = put forward a fact
een fictie = (legal) fiction
een fictief bedrag = an imaginary sum
een figuur snijden uit hout = carve wood into a figure / carve a figure out of wood
een FileMaker Go-licentie = a FileMaker Go licence
een FileMaker Pro-licentie = a FileMaker Pro licence
"een filtereenheid, voor het filteren van de gefermenteerde vloeistof" = a filter unit for filtering the fermented liquid
een flens-verbinding = a flange connection
een flexibele ring met een reeds bestaande gesloten of open niet-gespanne = a flexible ring having a pre-existing closed or open unstressed ring shap
een flexibelere machineafscherming = a more flexible machine guard
een flinke mate van = a considerable degree of
een fluïdumverbinding heeft met = is in fluid communication with
een fluitje van een cent = a piece of cake
een fluitje van een cent = easy as pie {adj} (very easy)
een formulier invullen = to fill in a form
een forse besparing in operationele kosten = considerable savings on operating costs
een foto maken = to take a photograph
een fout in zit = imperfect
een fout maken = err
"een fout maken, een vergissing maken, zich vergissen" = err  (make a mistake)
"een fout maken, in de fout gaan" = mistake  (To make an error)
een fractie later = a fraction later
een fraude of scam = fraudulent or a scam
Een freestyle ski clinic = A freestyle ski clinic
een functie aanvaard heeft = has accepted a position
een functie met als standplaats Nederland = a position operationally based in the Netherlands
een functie met goede perspectieven = a job with good prospects
een functie met goede perspectieven = to declare categorically
een functiebeschrijving = a job description
een fundament metselen / optrekken = build up a foundation
een G2G = a G2G project
een gangbaar woord voor = is commonly referred to as
een garennummer van minstens = a yarn count of at least
een gas voor inademing = an inhalation gas
Een geautomatiseerde toegang = An automated entrance
één gebeurtenis = one incident
een gebeurtenis gerelateerd aan voedsel = an event related to food
een gebeurtenislog en een gebruikersdatabank = an event log and a user database
een gebied dat niet is gemarkeerd in = an area that is not marked in
een gebied met een hoger beschermingsniveau = an area with a higher level of security
Een gebied met meer dan 1.000 adressen per km² of meer dan 75% bebouwd o = "An area with more than 1,000 addresses by km² or more than 75% cultivate"
Een gebied met minder dan 100 adressen per km² en met minder dan 10% van = An area with less than 100 addresses by km² and with less than 10% culti
een gebiedsafscherming = a safety fence system
een geblokkeerde rekening = a frozen account
een gebouw dat minstens één wand omvat = a building that comprises at least one wall
Een gebouw omvattende een muur = A building comprising a wall
Een gebrek aan = Lack of
een gebrek aan georganiseerde kennis = a lack of organised knowledge
een gebrek bij het aangaan van de huurovereenkomst behoorde te kennen = should have been aware of a defect when concluding the Lease
een gebruik van = using
een gebruik van de = using the
een gebruik van de gelaagde inrichting = a use of the layered structure
Een gebruik van de werkwijze = Use of the method
een gebruik van de werkwijze = a use of the method
Een gebruik van de werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande beschrijvingen = Use of the method according to any of the preceding descriptions
een gebruik van een inrichting of een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvin = a use of a device or a method according to the present invention
een gebruik van een inrichting of een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvin = a use of a device or a method according to the present invention
een gebruik van het = as a use of the
een gebruik volgens conclusie = a use according to claim
een gebruikersovereenkomst wordt afgesloten = a user agreement is concluded
een gecertificeerd en goed gecontroleerd productieproces = a certified and well-controlled production process
een gecompliceerde bezigheid = a complicated task
een geconcentreerd diamanthoudend residu = a concentrated diamond-containing residue
een gecontroleerde snelheid = a controlled speed
een gedeelte van = part of
een gedeelte van de = a portion of the
een gedeelte van het Infrarood-gebied = a portion of the infrared spectrum
een gedegen rationalisatie van het applicatielandschap = a thorough rationalisation of the application landscape
een gedegen uitvoering van het onderzoek = a thorough implementation of the study
een gedelegeerde instantie = a delegated body
een gedetailleerde beschrijving = a detailed description
een gedifferentieerd geprijsd product = tiered priced product
een geding aanspannen = to take legal action
een geelachtige basiskleur = a basically yellowish colour
een geëxtrapoleerde positie = an extrapolated position
een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken = don't look a gift horse in the mouth
"een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken, Men moet een gegeven paard niet " = don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to una
een geheel uitmaken = to constitute a whole
een geheel uitmaken = to form a whole
een geheel van gerelateerde klassen = a set of related classes
één geheel vormen = form a whole
een geheimhoudingsverklaring te ondertekenen = sign a confidentiality agreement
een gehele nieuwe dimensie kreeg = had taken on a whole new dimension
een geheugen en een processor = a memory and a processor
een geheugenelement en een processor voor het aansturen van de beeldsenso = a memory element and a processor for controlling the image sensor
een geheugenelement en een processor voor het aansturen van de beeldsenso = a memory element and a processor for controlling the image sensor
één geïntegreerd platform = "a single, integrated platform"
Een geïntegreerde benadering van = An integrated approach to
een geintje maken = kid
een gekeurd = an approved
een gekoppelde reeks = a coupled series
een gelaagde inrichting volgens de huidige uitvinding = a layered structure according to the present invention
Een gelaagde inrichting volgens één der voorgaande beschrijvingen = A layered structure according to any of the preceding descriptions
een geldig identiteitsbewijs = a valid form identification
een geldig paspoort = a valid passport
een gelegenheid uitbuiten = to make the most of an opportunity
een geleidende mantel = a conductive sheath
een geleider met een centrale kern = a conductor having a central core
Een geleider overeenkomstig conclusie = A conductor according to Claim
Een geleider overeenkomstig één van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the previous claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig één van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the preceding claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig ��n van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the previous claims
Een geleider overeenkomstig ��n van voorgaande conclusies = A conductor according to any of the preceding claims
een geleider voor bovengronds energietransport = a conductor for overhead power transmission
een geleiderail = a guide rail
een geleidingsprofiel is aangebracht = there is arranged a guide profile
een geliefde = a loved one
een gelijk deel = an equal share
Een gelijkaardige werkwijze = A similar method
Een gelijkaardige werkwijze kan ook worden gebruikt voor = A similar method can also be used for
een gelijke breedte en een verschillende hoogte = an equal width and a different height
"een gelijke spoed, maar een afwijkende kerndiameter hebben" = "have the same pitch, but a different minor diameter"
een gelijke verhouding van = an equal ratio of
een gelijkwaardige woning = an equivalent property
een geluidsdemper = a sound dampener
een gemeenschappelijk doel = a common purpose
een gemeenschappelijk gevoel van streven = a common sense of purpose
een gemeenschappelijke as hebben = have a common shaft
een gemeenschappelijke huishouding voeren = share a joint household
een gemiddeld kostenvoordeel = an average cost advantage
een gemiddelde = an average
een gemiddelde relatieve toename = an average relative increase
een gemiddelde vakman = one of ordinary skill in the art
een gemiddelde wachttijd = an average waiting time
een gemotiveerd bezwaarschrift = a reasoned (notice of) objection
een geneesmiddel dat zuivert = detergent
een geneesmiddel dat zuivert = washing powder
een genenkaart opstellen = to map the   genome
Een geneste klasse wordt gedeclareerd = A nested class is declared
een geniteur van een kweekbedrijf voor een kruisprogramma = genitor
een genoegennis met u te maken = a pleasure to meet you
een genuanceerd oordeel = a balanced / finely tuned judgement
een gepaste keuze = a suitable selection
een gepaste keuze van = a suitable selection of
een gerechtelijk akkoord aanvragen = to file an application for a composition
een gerechtelijk onderzoek instellen = to bring an action before the court
een gerechtelijk onderzoek instellen = to hold a judicial inquiry
een gerechtelijk verbod te vorderen = to demand an injunction
een gerechtelijke procedure heeft opgestart = initiated legal proceedings
een gerechtvaardigd beroep op overmacht schort de uitvoering van de overe = "in the case of justified force majeure, performance of the agreement will"
een geregistreerd partnerschap aangaan = to enter into a registered civil partnership
een geregistreerd partnerschap aangaan = to enter into a registered partnership
een geregistreerd partnerschap heeft = lives as a registered partner
een geregistreerd partnerschap voeren = to live as registered partners
een geregistreerd partnerschap zijn overeengekomen = have entered into a registered civil partnership
een gericht bestuurlijk en strafrechtelijk optreden = a targeted application of administrative and criminal law
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = lifting is silent
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = silent lifing
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = lifting is silent
een geruisloze hijsbeweging = silent lifing
een geschenk uit de hemel = over the moon
een geschil door dading beslechten = to transact a dispute
een geschil door dading beslechten = unfair
een geschil door dading beslechten = to resolve a dispute
een geschil door dading beslechten = to settle a dispute
Een geschil is aanwezig = A dispute exists
Een geschil is aanwezig indien = A dispute exists if
Een geschil is aanwezig indien één van de partijen zulks stelt = There is a dispute if either of the parties so asserts
een gesloten ondervlak en een open bovenvlak = "a closed lower surface, and an open upper surface."
een gespecificeerde opgave = a specified return
een gespecificeerde opgave = an itemised return
een gespecificeerde opgave = an itemised statement
Een gesprek integreren = Merge a Conversation
een gesprek met de klant = a conversation with the customer
een gesprek of onderhandeling = a conversation or negotiation
een gesprek voeren = converse
een gestaan hebben = be a hit in the charts
een gevaar op besmetting = a risk of contamination
een gevaar vormen voor = endanger
een gevaarlijke situatie welke levensbedreigend is = a dangerous situation that is life-threatening
een gevoel van gemeenschappelijk streven = a common sense of purpose
een gevoel van herkenbaarheid = a sense of familiarity
een gevoel van verlatenheid = a feeling of abandonment
een gevolgtrekking maken = abstract
een gevolgtrekking maken = gather
een gevolgtrekking maken = induce
een gevolgtrekking maken = infer
een gewaarmerkte kopie van = a certified copy of
een gewaarschuwd persoon er minstens twee waard is = forewarned is forearmed
een gewenste hoek = a desired angle
een gewicht heeft van = has a weight of
een gewicht heeft van minstens = has a weight of at least
een gewicht van hoogstens = a weight of at most
een gewicht van minstens = a weight of at least
een gewicht van ongeveer = a weight of about
een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid = a shared responsibility
een gezicht om leer op te kloppen = like the back end of a bus {adj} (very unattractive)
een gezin van twee = a family of two
een gezond binnenklimaat = a healthy indoor climate
een gezond binnenklimaat te verkrijgen = to obtain a healthy indoor climate
een gezonde drang naar kennis = a healthy thirst for knowledge
een gezonde leefomgeving = a healthy living environment
een glas water = a glass of water
een glijvlucht maken = glide
Een globaal overzicht = A general overview
een goed = a good
een goed gelezen vakblad = a widely read trade journal
een goed sociaal klimaat = a good social climate
een goed uitgedacht plan = a carefully thought-out plan
een goede = a good
een goede bibliotheekvoorziening = a good library service
een goede documentatie van incidenten en de betreffende oplossing = clearly documenting incidents and their respective solutions
Een goede finish grade getuigt van het vakmanschap van de slijper. = A good finish grade testifies of the workmanship of the diamond polisher.
een goede legplank = a good shelf
Een goede opleiding maakt het verschil = Proper training makes all the difference
een goede samenvatting van hetgeen is gezegd = a good summary of what has been said
Een goede voorbeeld hiervan = A good example of this
een goede werking van de machine garanderen = guarantee the correct operation of the machine
een goede werking van de sensor = the proper functioning of the sensor
een goede werking voor de afvoer te garanderen = ensure optimal extraction
Een gradueel grotere afstand = A gradually greater distance
een gratis 8 uur-skipas = a free 8-hour ski pass
Een greep uit ons klantenbestand = Some of our customers
Een greep uit onze = A selection of our
een grensoverschrijdende dialoog = a cross-border dialogue
"een groenachtige verbinding, welke ontstaat door contact van bloed met H2" = sulph  hemoglobin: sulfhemoglobin: a greenish derivative of hemoglobin
"een groentje, onervaren" = green {adj} (inexperienced)
een groep van digitale mediabedrijven = a group of digital media companies
een groep verbindingen gevormd door = a group of compounds formed by
Een groep verwijderen = Delete a Group
een groepering = a group
Een groepering opheffen = Ungrouping
een groepering van items = a group of items
een grondexploitatie = a land development project
een grondige dossierkennis = a thorough knowledge of the files
een grondige en diepgaande analyse = a thorough and comprehensive analysis
een groot aantal = a large number of
een groot aantal = a large number
een groot aantal = a variety of
een groot aantal gebruikers = a large number of users
een groot aantal misdaden = a large number of crimes
een groot aantal toepassingen = a large number of applications
"een groot aantal, myriade" = myriad (vast diversity or number)
een groot debiet hebben = to command a ready sale
Een groot deel van onze klanten = A large proportion of our clients
één groot nadeel = one major drawback
Een groot voordeel van deze verzendwijze = A major advantage of this delivery method
een grote diameter heeft = has a large diameter
een grote diversiteit aan werkzaamheden = a wide variety of activities
een grote hoeveelheid informatie = a wealth of information
een grote hoeveelheid informatie = a large amount of information
een grote mate van = a high degree of
een grote mate van duurzaamheid = a high degree of durability
een grote openheid = a high degree of openness
een grote rol = an important role
een Grote Toekomst tegemoet = heading for a Grand Future
een grote vlucht genomen = been booming
een grote vlucht genomen = grown enormously
een grote vlucht genomen = has really taken off
"een grote vooruit!, wreed geholpen!" = thanks for nothing {interj} (unhappy for actual unhelpfulness)
een groter geheel = a larger whole
een groter risico op = a greater risk of
één grotere = one larger
een grotere afstand = a larger distance
een grotere deeltjesgrootte = a larger particle size
een grotere diameter heeft dan de buitendiameter van = is of larger diameter than the outer diameter of
een grotere groep patiënten = a larger group of patients
een grotere oppervlakte = a larger surface area
een grotere weerstand = greater resistance
een gunstige samenloop van omstandigheden = fortuitous circumstances
een gyroscoop = a gyroscope
"een haak, een klem, een drukknop, magnetische middelen of een ander gesch" = "a hook, a clamp, a snap button, magnetic means or another suitable means"
een half miljard = half a billion
een half uur = half an hour
een halve slag = half a turn
een handmatige controle = manual screening
een handmatige taak = a manual task
een handtekening vervalsen = to forge a signature
Een hard gecodeerde waarde = A hard-coded value
een hartgrondige hekel hebben aan = wholeheartedly detest
één hectare = one hectare
een heel palet aan dienstverlening = a whole range of services
een hefplateau = a lifting platform
een heildronk uitbrengen = toast
een heildronk uitbrengen = offer a toast
een hekel hebben aan = dislike
een hele reeks = a variety of
een hele tijd = while
een heleboel = a lot
Een helft van een doos = One half of a box
een hellingspercentage van maximaal = a slope of maximum
een herbruikbare verpakking = a reusable packaging
een hernieuwbare periode van twee jaar = a renewable period of two years
"een hersenschudding veroorzaken, door elkaar schudden" = concuss  (injure the brain)
een hiërarchie van  behoeften = a hierarchy of needs
één hierboven beschreven steunprofiel = one support profile described above
een hiermee samenhangend probleem = a related / an allied problem
een hinderlaag leggen = ambush
een historisch = a historic
een hoek tussen het = an angle between the
een hoek van 90 = an angle of 90
een hoek van 90� vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van 90? vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van 90° = an angle of 90°
een hoek van 90° vormt = forms an angle of 90°
een hoek van 90é vormt = forms an angle of 90
een hoek van een kader = a corner of a frame
een hoek van minstens = an angle of at least
een hoek θ = an angle θ
een hoek θ van minstens = an angle θ of at least
een hoek θ van minstens 90° en hoogstens 180° = an angle θ of at least 90° and at most 180°
een hoek θ van minstens 90° en hoogstens 180° = an angle of at least 90° and at most 180°
een hoekelement voor het monteren van een hoekdraaglat aan een hoek van e = a corner element for mounting a corner support slat to a corner of a fram
een hoeveelheid = some
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit = high capacity and flexibility
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit kunnen samengaan met lage oper = high capacity and flexibility can go together with low operating costs
een hoge capaciteit en grote flexibiliteit kunnen samengaan met lage oper = high capacity and flexibility can go together with low operating costs an
een hoge graad van beschikbaarheid en beveiliging = a high degree of availability and security
een hoge inzet of betrokkenheid = a high level of commitment or involvement
een hoge vlucht nemen = be a hit
een hoger aantal lagen = larger number of layers
een hoger drukniveau = at a higher pressure
een hoger ingedeelde functie = a job in a higher grade
een hogere algemene reserve = a higher general reserve
een hogere druk tijdens het thermisch modificeren = a higher pressure during thermal modification
een hogere flexibiliteit biden = offer a higher degree of flexibility
een hogere operationele EBITDA = a higher operating EBITDA
een hogere productiviteit = higher productivity
een hol profiel of een massief profiel = a hollow profile or a massive profile
een holistische benadering = a holistic approach
een holte in een muur = a cavity in a wall
een homogene massa is ontstaan = smooth
een honderdste baht = satang
Een hoofddoel van de onderhavige uitvinding = A primary objective of the present invention
een hoofdgedragen apparaat volgens het tweede aspect = a head-mounted device according to the second aspect
een hoog energieverbruik = high energy consumption
een hoog inkomen genieten = enjoy a high income
een hoogte heeft = exhibits a height
een hoogte heeft tussen = exhibits a height between
"een hoogterichting, een breedterichting" = "a height direction, a width direction"
"een hoogterichting, een breedterichting en een invoerrichting" = "a height direction, a width direction and an insertion direction"
een hoogwaardige en duurzame biobrandstof = "a high quality, sustainable biofuel"
een hoop = a lot
een horizontaal deurbeslag = a horizontal track
een houder en een kraag = a holder and a collar
een houder van een recht van vruchtgebruik = a holder of a right of usufruct
een houder voor aansluiten van een lamp = a holder for connecting a lamp
een houder voor een beugel = a casing for an underwire
een houtsoort met een dichtheid begrepen tussen = a type of wood with a density of between
"Een HR-strategie en -beleid definiëren, ontwikkelen en implementeren op " = "Define, develop and implement HR strategy/policy at corporate and/or comp"
een huurovereenkomst is gesloten = a lease was concluded
Een huwelijk of partnerregistratie = a marriage or registered partnership
een huwelijksreis maken = honeymoon  (to travel on a honeymoon)
een hydrolyseerbare bron van tannine = a hydrolysable source of tannin
een hydrolyseerbare tannine of een bron van hydrolyseerbare tannine = a hydrolysable tannin or source of hydrolysable tannin
een hypotheek executeren = to foreclose a mortgage
een ideaal verwezenlijken = to realize an ideal
een idee indienen = submit an idea
een identificatienummer = an identification number
een i-DEPOT indienen = submit an i-DEPOT
een ieder = all the
Een ieder = Everyone
Een ieder = Every
Een ieder = Every one
Een ieder = Each
Een ieder = Apiece
Een ieder = Everybody
Een ieder = Each one
een ieder die betrokken is = everyone involved
een impact met hoge energie = impact with high energy
een impact op de werksfeer en de prestaties = a negative impact on the working environment and performance
een impact van een botsing = an impact of a collision
een impasse in een gesprek of onderhandeling = deadlock in a conversation or negotiation
Een implementatietraject = An implementation process
een in beroep gegeven beslissing = a decision given on appeal
Een in de database aangemaakt SQL account. = a database-generated SQL account
een in de groeve inschuifbaar deel = a part which can be slid into the groove
een in de uitoefening van overheidsgezag verleende dienst = services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority
een in essentie aaneengesloten = a substantially continuous
een in hoofdzaak rechthoekige vorm = a substantially rectangular shape
een in Nederland geldig rijbewijs = a driving licence that is valid in the Netherlands
een in Nederland gelegen natuurterrein dat de hoofdfunctie natuur heeft = natural area primarily used as natural space situated in the Netherlands
een in Nederland gevestigde onderneming = a company established in the Netherlands
Een incident melden = Reporting an incident
een index van een Array = an index of an Array
een informatieaanvraag of een sollicitatie indient = submit a request for information or an application
een informele benadering = an informal approach
een ingang van een gebouw = an entrance of a building
Een ingebouwde palletlift = A built-in pallet lift
een ingeburgerde uitdrukking = an established expression
een initiatief van = an initiative of
een initiërende rol te vervullen = play an initiating role
een inrichting bevattende = a device including
een inrichting die geschikt is voor = a device suitable for
een inrichting omvattende de middelen A en B = a device comprising means A and B
een inrichting volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a device according to the present invention
een inrichting volgens een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = a device according to an embodiment of the present invention
een inrichting volgens het eerste aspect = a device according to the first aspect
een inrichting voor het buigen van materiaal = a device for bending material
een inrichting voor het samenstellen van een reeks satés volgens huidige = a device for composing a series of satays according to the present invent
een inrichting voor het samenstellen van een reeks satés volgens huidige = a device for composing a series of satays according to the present invent
een inrichting voor het verpakken van confiserieproducten = a device for packaging confectionery products
Een inrichting voor het vervaardigen = A device for manufacturing
Een inschakelmechanisme = An engaging mechanism
een inschatting = an estimate
een inschatting gemaakt van de korting = made an estimate of the discount
een Inschrijving voor dit specifieke project = a Tender for this particular project
een inspanningsverbintenis = a best efforts obligation
een installatiebedrijf met kantoren in = installation contractors with offices
één integraal onderdeel vormen = form one integral part
Een integrale benadering van = An integrated approach to
een integrerend bestanddeel uitmaken van = to form an integral part of
een integrerend deel van deze Overeenkomst = an integral part of this Agreement
een internationaal bedrijf = an international company
een interne ruimte afbakenen = define an internal space
een intertie-meeteenheid in een smartphone = an inertial measurement unit in a smartphone
een interventie uit te voeren = take remedial action
Een interview met = An interview with
een investering terugverdienen = to recoup an investment
Een inzageversie van dit rapport = A draft version of this report
Één jaar = One year
een jaar minus een maand = a year less one month
een jaarlijks opgesteld onderhoudsplan = a maintenance plan that is drawn up annually
een Java Virtual Machine = a Java Virtual Machine
Een juist beeld geven = To give a true and fair view
Een juist beeld geven = To present fairly
een juiste uitvoering van de overeengekomen werkzaamheden = for proper implementation of the agreed work
een juridische procedure voeren = to conduct legal proceedings
een kaart van het terrein = a map of the terrain
Één kabel systeem = Single cable system
een kabelbreukbeveiliging = a cable break protection mechanism
een kabeldoorvoer gevormd volgens de huidige uitvinding = a cable entry formed according to the present invention
een kabeldoorvoer volgens de huidige uitvinding = a cable entry according to the present invention
een kader met vijf K(ernwaarden)....die kleuring moeten geven aan = a framework with five K(ey values)...that have to give meaning to...
een kale reis = a disappointing/unsuccessful/fruitless trip/journey
een kamer van het huis = a chamber of the housing
een kanaal voor doorvoer van de kabel = a channel for passage of the cable
een kandidaat contracteren = to sign a contract with a prospect
een kans om nog meer toegevoegde waarde te bieden aan haar klanten = an opportunity to offer its customers even more added value
een kanteling = tilting
Een kanttekening die geplaatst dient te worden = One caveat that should be made
een kapitaal aan materiaal beheren = manage equipment worth a fortune / many millions
een kat in de zak kopen = to buy a pig in a poke
een kat in de zak kopen = accounting year
een kat in de zak kopen = business year
een keer = once
Eén keer = Once
één keer = once
Een keer per jaar of minder = Once a year or less
één keer per kwartaal = once per quarter
een kemel van formaat = a real blunder
een kennisgeving per aangetekende post = a notice sent by registered post
een kettingbeding ten gunste van verkoper en ten laste van koper = a perpetual clause as a benefit to the vendor and as an encumbrance again
een keuze voor efficiëntie = opting for efficiency
een kilo = a kilo
een kindergezicht = baby-faced
een kit die een herbicidesamenstelling omvat = a kit comprising a herbicide composition
een kit voor het omzetten van = a kit for converting
een klacht in te dienen = lodge a complaint
"een klacht indienen, klagen" = complain  (to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge)
een klankbeeld in vogelvlucht = a nostalgic journey through 30 years
een klant die niet tevreden is over = a customer who is not satisfied because of
een klare kijk op... = a clear perspective on
een klasse heeft één superklasse = a class has one superclass
een klasse om primitieve waarden te bewerken = a class to manipulate primitive values
een klasse zonder constructor = a class without a constructor
Een klein aantal diamanten heeft een kleur die afwijkt van het normale ty = Some diamonds have a colour different from the normal type. The most beau
Een klein aantal diamanten heeft een kleur die afwijkt van het normale ty = Some diamonds have a colour different from the normal type. The most beau
een klein beetje = a little
een klein snuifje = a pinch of
een kleine = close
een kleine = for almost
een kleinere deeltjesgrootte hebben = have a smaller particle size
een kleinere maasgrootte heeft dan stap = has a smaller mesh size than step
een kleur naar keuze = a colour of choice
een kleurcodering = a colour code
een klokgestuurde variant = a time-based variant
een knik = a bend
een knik in de richting van = a bend in the direction of
een knoop leggen = knot
een koekje van eigen deeg krijgen [fig.] = to get some of one's own medicine [fig.]
een koerswinst van ruim 8% = a price increase of over 8%
een koop (af)sluiten = to effect a sale
een kopie van = a copy of
een kopie van onderhavig exploot = a copy of the present writ
een kopie van uw paspoort of identiteitspas = A copy of your passport or identity card
een koppeling gemaakt = a relationship is defined
een kopse groef = an end groove
een kopse tand = an end tongue
een kort geding aanspannen tegen = to bring preliminary relief proceedings against
een kort geding aanspannen tegen = to institute preliminary relief proceedings against
een korte introductie = a brief introduction
een korte omschrijving = A short description
een korte omschrijving van de storing = A short description of the fault
Een korte periode studeren in Nederland = A brief period of study in the Netherlands
een korting van = a discount of
een korting van 15% = a 15% discount
een korting van meer dan = a discount of over
een kraag in de richting van de as van de cilindervormige mantel van de h = a collar can be moved in the direction of the axis of the cylindrical she
Een krediet oversluiten = Roll over credit
"een krediet verlenen, verstrekken" = to grant a credit
een kreet slaken = call out
een kruispunt herinrichten = to redesign a crossroads
een kruispunt met een kortere cyclus wacht op dat met de langste cyclus = an intersection with a shorter cycle will wait for one with the longest c
een kwalitatief of kwantitatief onderzoek = a qualitative or quantitative study
een kwalitatieve analyse = a qualitative analysis
een kwaliteitsaanduiding van de verschillende talen = an indication of the quality of the different languages
een kwart = 1/4
een kwart slag = a quarter of a turn
een kwartslag naar rechts = a quarter turn to the right
een kwestie uitzoeken = to sort out a problem
een kwestie van = a matter of
een kwestie van consistentie = a matter of consistency
een kwestie van willen = is a question of will
een laadbak en een bruginrichting = a loading body and a loading ramp
een laag bedekkingsmateriaal = a layer of covering material
een laag energetisch rendement opleveren = delivers a low energy yield
een laag hardschuim en een laag soepel schuim = a layer of rigid foam and a layer of flexible foam
een laatst gekende positie = a last known position
een lage total cost of ownership = a low total cost of ownership
een lager drukniveau = a lower pressure
een land met een overgangseconomie = a country with an economy in transition
Een land of een gebied van doorvoer = A country or area of transit
een landelijk dekkend Retail distributienetwerk = a nationwide retail distribution network
een lange halsketting is het hebbeding van dit seizoen = a long necklace is this season's must-have
een langwerpige plaat die zich in een eerste richting uitstrekt = an elongated plate that extends in a first direction
een last is van onderhavige opdracht = is an obligation under this contract
een last van onderhavige opdracht = an obligation under this contract
een lastig (moeilijk) geval = a difficult case
een lastig (moeilijk) geval = hard
een latex op basis van dispersie polymerisatie = a latex based on dispersion polymerization
een Leaseobject = a Leased Asset
een leerling met een ASS = a student with ASD
een legplank = a shelf
een legplank of een rek = a shelf or a rack
een legplank of een rek of een zitbank = a shelf or a rack or a seat
een legplank of een rek of een zitbank of dergelijke = a shelf or a rack or a seat or the like
een lengte heeft = has a length
een lengte heeft = exhibits a length
een lengte heeft tussen = exhibits a length between
een lengte ongeveer gelijk aan = a length approximately equal to
"een lengterichting, een breedterichting en een dikterichting" = "a longitudinal direction, a width direction and a thickness direction"
een lening onderbrengen = to place a loan
een lening sluiten = contract a loan
een leven lang = lifelong
een levensverzekering afsluiten = to take out a life policy
een leverancier wil benoemen voor de levering van = wishes to appoint a supplier for the supply of
een lezing houden = lecture
een lezing houden (over) = "give a paper on, deliver a lecture on, give a talk on"
een lezing houden over = "to lecture on, to give a paper on, to deliver a lecture on"
Een licentie aanvragen op = Request a license at
"een lichaam, een afdichtingselement en een klemelement" = "a body, a sealing element and a clamping element"
een lichtbron = a light source
één lichtbron = one light source
een lichtbron en een stralingsdetector = a light source and a radiation detector
een lichtbron en meerdere stralingsdetectoren = a light source and multiple radiation detectors
een lichte huidskleur = clear-complexioned
een lichte reactie waarbij histamine vrijkomt = a mild  histamine release reaction
een lichtstroom die door de diffusor wordt doorgelaten = a transmitted light flux through the diffuser
één lid van het = one member of the
een lied aanheffen = intone
één lijn te brengen in = aligning
een lijntje lijm = a line of glue
een lijst maken = list
een lijst met = a list of
een lijst met alle items = a list of all items
een lijst met opsommingstekens = a bulleted list
Een lijst met referentiefuncties = A list of reference jobs
een lijst met veiligheidsfuncties = a list of safety functions
een lijst van producten = a list of products
een linkse of een rechtse = a left-hand or right-hand
Een lip = 1 lip
een lip omvat voor het haken op het frame = comprises a lip for hooking onto the frame
een locale parameter = a local parameter
een locatie = a location
een locatie bepalen = determine a location
een locatie bij u in de omgeving = a location in your area
één loket = one-stop shop
Een long getal wordt aangeduid met = A long number is indicated by
een looptijd heeft van één jaar = a term of one year
een losneembaar in de uitsparing geplaatst label = a label detachably placed in said recess
een losse kamer in Hotel**** SnowWorld = a single room at Hotel**** SnowWorld
een luchtspleet of een hittebestendig vet = an air gap or a heat-resistant grease
een luchtstroom langs de LED’s op het montageoppervlak creëren = create an air flow along the LEDs on the mounting surface
een luis in de pels = a thorn in one\'s side
een lusbewerking uitvoeren = to loop
een lust voor het oog = a sight for sore eyes
een lymfokine die de granulopoïese stimuleert = GM-CSF
één maal per = once a
een maand voor het verlopen van het contract = one month before the contract expires
een maat voor de nauwkeurigheid = a measure of the accuracy
een maatregel doorvoeren = to carry through a measure
een maatregel doorvoeren = to enforce a measure
een maatschappij (vennootschap) oprichten = to form a company
een maatschappij (vennootschap) oprichten = to set up a business
Een machine = A machine
een machine of robot = a machine or robot
een machtigingsformulier in twee talen = a mandate form form in two languages
een magneetveld = a magnetic field
Een maken = Unify
een mal waarbij de minstens twee zijwanden en de eventueel twee bijkomend = a mold in which the at least two side walls and possibly two additional s
een malhelft die de achterzijde van het 3D voorwerp representeert = a mold half that represents the back side of the 3D object
een malhelft die de voorzijde van het 3D voorwerp representeert = a mold half that represents the front side of the 3D object
een map = a folder
een map te kiezen = to select a folder
een markt voor duurzame producten = a market for sustainable products
een marktconform pakket overige arbeidsvoorwaarden = a competitive benefits package
een massief blok materiaal = a solid block of material
een mate van consistentie = a degree of consistency
een mate van consistentie en lineariteit = a degree of consistency and linearity
een materiaal dat wordt gekozen uit = a material selected from the group consisting of
een materiaal gekozen uit de groep bestaande uit = a material selected from the group consisting of
een maximaal overbrugbaar hoogteverschil in het bereik van = a maximum bridgeable height difference in the range of
een maximale breedte van minimaal = a maximum width of at least
een maximale daling = a maximum decrease
een maximale daling van het = a maximum decrease in the
een maximale diameter van = a maximum diameter of
een maximale termijn van drie jaar = A maximum period of three years
een mechanische en een pneumatische component = a mechanical and a pneumatic component
een mechanisme om de lucht uit de zuignap te onttrekken = a mechanism to extract the air from the suction cup
een medewerker van BPM van = a BPM employee of
"een medewerker, klant of partner" = "an employee, customer or partner"
"een medisch hulpmiddel ter aflevering voorhanden te hebben, dan wel af te" = deliver or have a medical device in one’s possession for delivery
een medische oorzaak van de arbeidsongeschiktheid = a medical cause of the incapacity for work
een medische verklaring = a medical certificate
een medische verklaring te overleggen = submit a medical certificate
een meer afgelegen lokatie = a more remote location
Een meer gedetailleerd aanzicht van = A more detailed view of
een meer kwalitatieve of kwantitatieve benadering = a more qualitative or quantitative approach
een meer positieve benadering = a more positive approach
een meer uniforme dikte = a more uniform thickness
een meerderheid van ten minste twee derde van de stemmen = a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes
één meerlagige coating = one multilayer coating
een meervoud van ribben = a plurality of ribs
een melding geven = tag
een meldingsplicht voor het doorgeven van veranderingen = a duty to report any changes
een member van z'n superklasse = a member of its superclass
een mengsel van twee of meer = a mixture of two or more
een menu verder = go to the next screen
een met de camera vergelijkbaar product = a product similar to the camera
een met dit kort geding vergelijkbaar resultaat kunnen bereiken = can achieve a result comparable to that of the interim measures
een met GLB-steun vergelijkbare nationale regeling = CAP-like national scheme
een methode met array argument = a method with an array argument
een methode te overschrijven = override a method
een methode van de ene klasse = a method from one class
een methode voor het monteren van een hoekdraaglat aan twee hoeken van ee = a method for mounting a corner support slat at two corners of a frame
een methode wordt aangeroepen vanuit een variabele = a method is called from a variable
een methode zoals hierboven beschreven = a method as described above
een meting van de snelheid van de bloedstroom = vascular  doppler
een middel / plan uitdenken = invent / devise / think up a means / plan
een miljoen vierhonderdvijfenveertigduizend tweehonderdeenenzeventig = one million four hundred forty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-one
een minder frequente gegevensuitwisseling met de server = a less frequent exchange of data with the server
een minimale Debt Service Capacity Ratio (DSCR) = a minimum Debt Service Capacity Ratio (DSCR)
een minimale inspanning van de persoon vergt = requires minimal effort on the part of the person
een minimum aan beheer en onderhoud = minimal maintenance and management
een minimum aan inspanning = a minimum of effort
een minimum voorraadniveau = A minimum stock level
een minnelijke schikking van een zaak tot stand doen komen = to effect a settlement of a matter
een minnelijke schikking van een zaak tot stand doen komen = to secure a settlement of a matter
een minor volgen = take a minor
een miskraam krijgen = abort
een mix van = a combination of
een mobiel apparaat = a mobile device
een mobiel toestel = a mobile device
Een mobiel toestel met een geheugen = A mobile device with a memory
een mobiliteitsmonitoringsysteem voor het bepalen van mobiliteit of mobil = a mobility monitoring system for determining mobility or mobility changes
een mobiliteitsmonitoringsysteem voor het bepalen van mobiliteit of mobil = a mobility monitoring system for determining mobility or mobility changes
een modulair opgebouwd = a modularly constructed
een modulaire draagstructuur = a modular supporting structure
een modulaire oplossing wordt bekomen = a modular solution is obtained
een module doen = to take a module
Een module doen = To take a module
een modus vinden om met iemand om te gaan = come to terms with someone
een modus vinden om met iemand om te gaan = work out a way to deal with someone
een moeilijkheid omzeilen = to obviate a difficulty
een mogelijke alarmsituatie zich voordoet = a possible alarm situation is occurring
Een mogelijkheid zou geweest kunnen zijn = Another option would have been
een moment = a few minutes
Een moment a.u.b. = "Just a minute, please"
een monopolist is = holds a monopoly
een MOOC = a MOOC
een mooie plaats te geven in de rekken = give it a good spot on the shelves
een moratorium afkondigen = to proclaim (announce) a moratorium
een motor die representatief is voor het goed te keuren type = An engine representative of the type to be approved
een motor voor de aandrijving van de banden = a motor for driving the belts
een motorvoertuig dat met een model van het door de overeenkomst bestreke = motor vehicle which corresponds to a model within the contract range
Een multidisciplinair team = A multidisciplinary team
een multimedia server = a multimedia server
een muur omvattende een gelaagde inrichting = a wall comprising a layered structure
"een muur, een wand" = "a wall, a partition"
een muzieklicentie afnemen = take out a music licence
een na de navigatiefout opgekomen omstandigheid = a situation that occurred after the navigation error
een naamloze vennootschap naar het recht van de Republiek Frankrijk = a societe anonyme (S.A.) under the laws of France
Een nadeel = A disadvantage
Een nadeel van deze methode = A disadvantage of this method
Een nadeel van deze methode is dat er tijdens het vullen (eerst gasvormig = A disadvantage of this method is that propane is lost during filling (fir
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = closer examination
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = closer investigation
een nader onderzoek instellen naar = to make further inquiries into
een nader te bepalen locatie = yet to be determined location
een nader te bepalen RAL-kleur = other RAL colour to be determined by the customer
een nadere begripsbepaling = a more detailed definition
een nadere invulling = to further detail
een nagenoeg rechthoekige vorm hebben = have a substantially rectangular shape
een namens Werkgever aangeboden re-integratietraject of proefplaatsing = a rehabilitation programme or trial placement offered on behalf of Employ
een nat pak krijgen = get wet
een nauwkeurige bepaling van een positie = an accurate determination of a position
een Nederlandse en een Duitse agent = a Dutch and a German officer
een neerwaartse duwbeweging = a downward pushing movement
een negatief advies uitbrengen = to deliver a negative opinion
een negatief effect heeft op koeling van het rookgas = has a negative effect on cooling of the flue gas
een negatief resultaat afleveren = have a negative result
een negatieve waarde retourneert = returns a negative value
een neiging tot verkeerd zijn = error-prone
een neiging tot verkeerd zijn = fault-prone
een nest maken = nest
een netto tegemoetkoming = a net allowance
een netwerk creëren = create a network
een netwerk van ervaren collega’s = a network of experienced colleagues
een niet op het grondgebied van de Gemeenschap gevestigde belastingplicht = A taxable person not established in the territory of the Community
een niet te verwaarlozen hoeveelheid = A not inconsiderable amount
een niet-gecontracteerde = a non-contracted care provider
een niet-geknikt gedeelte = a non-bent portion
een niet-geknikt gedeelte 56 en een geknikt gedeelte 58 = a non-bent portion 56 and a bent portion 58
een niet-geweven materiaal = a non-woven material
een niet-limiterend voorbeeld dat de uitvinding illustreert = a non-limiting example illustrating the invention
een nieuw feit of een nieuwe omstandigheid bekend is geworden = a new fact or a new circumstance has become known
Een nieuw kruispuntprogramma te installeren = Install a new intersection program
een nieuwe auto bestellen = order a new car
een nieuwe database creëren = create a new database
Een nieuwe financiële injectie = a new financial injection
een nieuwe iteratie van = a new iteration of
een nieuwe jasje = gets a new look
een nieuwe jasje = has been redecorated
een nieuwe jasje = in a new guise
Een Nieuwe Koers (‘A New Direction’) = een Nieuwe Koers
een nieuwe leer vestigen = establish a new school (of thought)
een nieuwe leverdatum vaststellen = establish a new delivery date
een nieuwe manier van samenwerken = a new way of working together
een nieuwe masteropleiding = a new master’s programme
een nieuwe of verrassende aanpak = a new or surprising approach
een nieuwe omschrijving = a new description
een nieuwe patchkabel = a new patch cable
een nieuwe rij geformeerd = a new row is formed
een nieuwe serie = a new line of
een nieuwe serie draai- en schuifdeuren = a new line of hinged and sliding doors
een nieuwe standaard = a new standard
een nieuwe tewerkstelling = a new posting
Een nieuwe vergadering starten… = Start a New Conference...
een nieuwe versie te uploaden = upload a new version
Een nieuwe voorraad = A fresh supply
een nog beter beeld te krijgen = to paint an even clearer picture
een nog krokantere bite = are even crunchier
een nog te bepalen aantal = a yet to be determined number
een nominaal gelijkblijvende inkomenstoeslag = a flat-rate income supplement
een noodverband aanleggen = to patch
een normaal gesprek voeren = have a conversation
een normaal verlopend productie- proces = a normal production process
een normaal verlopend productie- proces te stoppen = stop a normal production process
een normaal verlopend productie-proces = a normal production process
"een normale, kalme of drukke spits" = "a normal, calm or busy rush hour"
een notering aan NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = a listing on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam
een numeriek overwicht hebben = to outnumber
een object en zijn omgeving = an object and its environment
een object naar een subklasse te casten = to cast an object to a subclass
een object van de klasse = an object of the class
een of ander = some kind of
een of andere = some kind of
één of beide partijen = Both or either party
één of beide uiteinden = one or both ends
één of beide uiteinden van de koker tijdelijk en/of gedeeltelijk afdich = temporarily and/or partially sealing one or both ends of the tube
één of beide uiteinden van de koker tijdelijk en/of gedeeltelijk afdich = temporarily and/or partially sealing one or both ends of the tube
een of een combinatie van = any or any combination of
een of een combinatie van het volgende = any or any combination of the following
een of elke combinatie van = any or any combination of
een of enkele = one or a few
een of meer = one or more
één of meer = one or more
één of meer andere kenmerken = one or more other features
een of meer andere personen = one or more other persons
één of meer bepalingen van deze arbeidsovereenkomst = one or more provisions of this employment contract
één of meer catch blokken = one or more catch blocks
één of meer der tot ondertekening verplichten = one or more of the parties required to sign
Eén of meer doseringsvormen = One or more dosage form
één of meer elementen = one or more elements
een of meer experten op afstand = one or more remote experts
één of meer frames van de videofeed = one or more frames of the video feed
een of meer gebruikers op afstand = one or more remote users
een of meer kleurstoffen = one or more colorants
één of meer kostprijsfactoren = one or more cost-determining factors
Een of meer medewerkers = One or more employees
een of meer ruimtes = one or more rooms
één of meer specifieke doelgroepen = one or more specific target groups
één of meer stroken = one or more strips
één of meer uitvoeringsvormen = one or more embodiments
één of meer verplichtingen = one or more obligations
een of meer zoetstoffen = one or more sweeteners
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
een of meerdere = one or more
één of meerdere = one or more
één of meerdere = one or several
één of meerdere activiteiten = one or more activities
één of meerdere afzonderlijke motors = one or more separate motors
één of meerdere andere richtingen = one or more other directions
één of meerdere audio-ingangskanalen = one or more audio input channels
één of meerdere batterijen = one or more batteries
één of meerdere bepalingen = one or more provisions
één of meerdere bepalingen van deze Overeenkomst = one or more provisions of this Agreement
één of meerdere bijkomende plaatsen = one or more additional locations
één of meerdere centrale = one or more central
één of meerdere centrale verwerkingseenheden en een dataopslagsysteem = one or more central processing units and a data storage system
één of meerdere confiserieproducten = one or more confectionery products
Een of meerdere contacten = One or more contacts
één of meerdere discrete frequenties = one or more discrete frequencies
één of meerdere effectieve kanalen = one or more effective channels
één of meerdere eindverpakkingslijnen = one or more final packaging lines
één of meerdere elektronische sensoren = one or more electronic sensors
één of meerdere elementen = one or more elements
een of meerdere gebruikers = one or more users
één of meerdere gekoppelde verkeersregelaars = one or more connected traffic-signal controllers
één of meerdere glassecties = one or more glass sections
één of meerdere kanalen = one or more channels
één of meerdere lagen = one or more layers
één of meerdere materialen geselecteerd uit de groep = one or more materials selected from the group of
één of meerdere of alle = one or more or all
één of meerdere openingen = one or more apertures
één of meerdere openingen voor het ontvangen van = one or more openings for receiving
één of meerdere parameters waaronder de beeldsensor opereert = one or more parameters under which the image sensor operates
één of meerdere personen in één of meerdere gebouwen = one or more people in one or more buildings
één of meerdere persoonsgegevens = one or more personal data items
één of meerdere retractoren = one or more retractors
één of meerdere seintoestanden overslaan = skip one or more signal states
een of meerdere sensoren = one or more sensors
één of meerdere sensoren = one or more sensors
één of meerdere structuren = one or more structures
één of meerdere te visualiseren niet-visuele output genererende instrum = one or more non-visual output-generating instruments to be visualized fro
één of meerdere te visualiseren niet-visuele output genererende instrum = one or more non-visual output-generating instruments to be visualized fro
één of meerdere uitsteeksels en/of ??n of meerdere holtes = one or more projections and/or one or more cavities
één of meerdere uitsteeksels en/of één of meerdere holtes = one or more projections and/or one or more cavities
één of meerdere van = one or more of
één of meerdere van de = one or more of the
één of meerdere van de in de PDC vastgestelde Diensten en Producten = one or more of the Services and Products identified in the PSC
één of meerdere van de verbindingselementen kunnen zich aan de binnenka = one or more of the connecting elements may be located on the inside of th
één of meerdere van de verbindingselementen kunnen zich aan de binnenka = one or more of the connecting elements may be located on the inside of th
een of meerdere van de volgende middelen = one or more of the following means
één of meerdere van dergelijke materialen = one or more of such materials
één of meerdere van onderstaande principes = one or more of the following principles
één of meerdere ventilatiecollectoren = one or more air collectors
één of meerdere ventilators = one or more fans
één of meerdere verwarmelementen gepositioneerd op een zijwand van de b = one or more heating elements positioned on a side wall of the treatment c
één of meerdere verzekeringen = one or more insurance policies
één of meerdere verzekeringen afgesloten = taken out one or more insurance policies
een of meerdere vloeren = one or more floors
een of meerdere waarden = one or more values ​
een of meerdere waarden = one or more values ?
één of meerdere waarden = one or more values
één of meerdere waarden bekomen via een inertie-meeteenheid = one or more values obtained via an inertial measurement unit
één of meerdere warmtewisselaars = one or more heat exchangers
een- of meermaals = once or several times
één of twee = one or two
één of twee richtingen = one or two directions
één- of twee-dimensionale informatie = one or two-dimensional information
één- of tweetrapssystemen = single or two-stage systems
een offerte voor individuele voortzetting = a quote for continuation on an individual basis
een omgebogen kant = a bent back side
een omgeving die voortdurend in beweging is = an environment that is constantly changing
een omnichannel approach = an omnichannel approach
een omschrijving van = a description of
Een omschrijving van de kleur = A description of the colour
een omstandigheid = a circumstance
een omstandigheid die een zorgvuldig afzender van de ten vervoer ontvange = a circumstance that a prudent consignor of the goods received for transpo
een omstandigheid die een zorgvuldig passagier heeft kunnen vermijden en  = circumstances which a prudent passenger should have been able to avoid an
Een onafhankelijke auditor = An independent auditor
Een onbekende vrouw = An unknown woman
een onderbouwing = support
een onderdeel van = a subsidiary of
een ondergrond welke oneven kan zijn = a surface which may be uneven
Een onderneming oprichten = To found a company
een onderneming sluiten = closing down of firm
een onderscheid te maken in hoofd- en bijzaken = distinguish between essentials and non-essentials
een onderscheid worden gemaakt tussen = A distinction will be made between
een onderzijde = a bottom side
een onderzijde van = a bottom side of
een onderzoek gestart = launched an investigation.
een onderzoek in te (doen) stellen = "to conduct an investigation, or have an investigation conducted"
Een onderzoek kan verschillen qua lengte en omvang = An inquiry can vary in length and scope
Een onderzoek naar = A study of
een onderzoek verrichten = to carry out an examination/investigation
een onderzoekende houding aannemen = adopting an inquisitive attitude
Een oneindige kringloop. = An endless cycle.
een ongeluk krijgen = have an accident
een ongeval = an accident
een onherroepelijk vonnis = irrevocable/irreversible/final judgement
een onherroepelijk vonnis of arrest = final judgement conviction or ruling
een onkostennota indienen = to submit an expense claim form
een onkostenvergoeding van = an expense allowance
een onlosmakelijk deel = an integral part
een onmiddellijk opeisbare boete = an immediately payable penalty
een onmisbare schakel = a vital link
een onmogelijke wijziging in positie = an impossible change in position
een Onroerende zaak = an Immovable Property
een onschuldige hand = an impartial observer
een ontbrandingsmotor zijn zoals een benzinemotor of een dieseéén of me = one or more batteries
een ontbrandingsmotor zijn zoals een benzinemotor of een dieselmotor = a spark-ignition engine such as a petrol engine or a diesel engine
een ontruiming begeleiden = supervise an evacuation
een ontruimingsprocedure voeren = to conduct eviction proceedings
een ontsteking van de slokdarm = Barrett's  esophagus
een ontsteking van de vaatkluwens in de nierschors = Bright disease
een ontvangstbewijs geven = receipt  (to give a receipt)
een ontwerpmatige bevraging = design-based approach
één onverbrekelijk geheel met = form an inseparable whole with
een onverwachte hindernis = an unexpected obstacle
Een onvolkomenheid in de Programmatuur = A flaw in the Software
een onzekerheid van materieel belang bestaat = a material uncertainty exists
een oogje in het zeil houden = keep an eye on things
Een op Cloud gebaseerd data-analyseplatform = A cloud-based data analysis platform
Een op een = 1:1
één op één = one-to-one
één op één = one on one
een op één brandstof rijdend voertuig = Mono-fuel vehicle
één op één vergelijkbaar = compared one-to-one
een op functionele eisen afgestemd ontwerp = based on functional requirements
een op innovatie gerichte opleiding op masterniveau = a master’s-level programme focused on innovation
een op twee brandstoffen rijdend voertuig = Bi-fuel vehicle
een op twee brandstoffen rijdend voertuig of bi-fuelvoertuig': een voertu = a bi-fuel vehicle
een op Verwerker van toepassing zijnde = that applies to Data Processor
een op voorhand bepaalde = a predetermined
"één op, één neer binding" = one-up-one-down weave
"één op, vijftien neer" = one-up-fifteen-down
"één op, vijftien neer" = one-up-fifteen-down weave
"één op, zeven neer" = one-up-seven-down weave
"één op, zeven neer" = one-up-seven-down
een opdracht plaatsen bij = to award a contract to
een opdracht plaatsen bij = to place an order with
een opdracht tot terugboeking geven = to request a reversal of the transaction
een opeenstapeling van meerdere lagen = a stack of multiple layers
een open deur intrappen = preach to the choir  (speaking to those that already believe)
een open uiteinde = an open end
een opening = an opening
een open-source framework = an open-source framework
een operationele marge van = an operating margin of
een opgerolde en een vlakke toestand = a rolled-up and a flat state
één ophangpunt in het frame = one suspension point in the frame
een oplossing in water = a solution in water
een oplossing of een gedispergeerde fase van monomeren = a solution or dispersed phase of monomers
een oplossing van het geschil = settlement of the dispute
een oppervlak van de laadruimte van een vrachtvoertuig = a surface of the load compartment of a carrier vehicle
een oppervlak van een laadruimte van een vrachtvoertuig = a surface of a load compartment of a carrier vehicle
een opstaande muur = an upright wall
een opstaande muur of dergelijke = an upright wall or the like
een opstaande wand of een vloer of een dak = an upstanding wall or a floor or a roof
een optie op = an option on
Een optie uitoefenen = To exercise an option
een optierecht uitoefenen = to exercise a right of option
een optimale configuratie = an optimal configuration
een optioneel onderdeel is van = is an optional part of
een optisch sensorsysteem = an optical sensor system
een optisch transmissiesignaal = an optical transmission signal
een optisch transmissie-signaal = an optical transmission signal
een optische sensor = an optical sensor
één optische vezel = a single optical fibre
een opvallend kenmerk van het = a distinctive feature of the
Een opvallende vaststelling = A point worth noting
Een opvouwbare container volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = A foldable container according to the current embodiment
een opwaarts uitstrekkende paal = an upwardly extending post
een opwaartse en een neerwaartse beweging = an upward and downward movement
een opzegtermijn van 1 maand = a notice period of one month
"een orale zachte gummy geschikt voor kauwen, zuigen of buccale oplossing " = "an oral soft gummy suitable for chewing, sucking, or buccal dissolution a"
Een organisatie moet ten minste inzicht geven in = An organisation should at least provide insight into
een over de jaren voortbouwend programma = a structurally progressive programme
Een overbrengmachine (1) volgens conclusie = A transfer machine (1) according to claim
"Een overbrengmachine (1) volgens één van de voorgaande conclusies, daar" = "A transfer machine (1) according to any of the previous claims, character"
Een overeengekomen leveringstermijn = An agreed delivery period
Een overeengekomen leveringstermijn geldt bij benadering = Agreed delivery periods are approximate
een overeenkomst aangaan = to enter into an agreement
een overeenkomst afwikkelen = to complete a contract
een overeenkomst afwikkelen = to fulfil a contract
een overeenkomst eenzijdig annuleren = to cancel an agreement unilaterally
een overeenkomst gestand doen = to fulfil a contract
een overeenkomst gestand doen = to perform a contract
een overeenkomst getekend = signed an agreement
een overeenkomst is aangegaan = has entered into an agreement
een overeenkomst komt eerst dan tot stand nadat = an agreement does not come into effect until
een overeenkomst komt tot stand = a contract is concluded
een overeenkomst komt tot stand door een aanbod en de aanvaarding daarvan = a contract is concluded by an offer and its acceptance
een overeenkomst tot stand brengen = to effect an agreement
een overgedragen Schuldvordering = a transferred Claim
"een overmaatse fractie, een middelgrote fractie en een ondermaatse fracti" = "an oversize fraction, a midsize fraction and an undersize fraction"
een overnametransportband en een pinnentrommel of een pinnentransportband = a transfer conveyor belt and a spiked drum or a spiked conveyor belt
Een overschreven methode = An overridden method
Een overschrijding ontstaat = An overrun occurs
een overslag die afsluitbaar is = velcro-closable overlap
een overstroming in een krimpregio = a flood in a shrinking rural region
een overwegend belang in een onderneming hebben = paramount
een overwegend belang in een onderneming hebben = to have a controlling interest in a company
een overwegende invloed op aanwijzing der winnaars = exerts a dominant influence on the choice of winners
een overzicht te hebben = have an overview of
een overzicht te hebben gegeven = outlined
Een overzicht van = An overview of
een overzicht van de vacaturegegevens = a summary of the job details
een overzicht van geselecteerde items = a report of selected items
een overzicht van leveranciers van proces- en verpakkingsmachines = an overview of process and packaging machinery suppliers
een P95 figuur = a person with body dimensions ‘P95’
een paar = a few
een paar achtergrondvragen = a few background questions
een paar hapjes = a few bites
Een paar jaar geleden kreeg ik een nieuwe groep mensen te leiden = A few years ago I was asked to manage a new group of people
een paar kanttekeningen = a few observations
een paar keer per week = a few times a week
Een paar niet aangedreven loopkatten = a pair of non-driven travelling crabs
een paar sneden = a pair of cuts
Een paar tips = Here are a few tips
een paar uitsteeksels = a pair of projections
een paar uitstulpingen = a pair of protuberances
een paar uitstulpsels = a pair of protuberances
een paar vormend = even
een paar zijwanden = a pair of side walls
een pakket referentiefuncties = a set of reference jobs
een pallet te herstapelen = restack a pallet
een pallet van sectie naar sectie transporteren = transport a pallet from section to section
een paneel met een display = a panel with a display
een paraaf zetten = to initial
een parade afnemen = review
een paraplu opsteken / opzetten = put up an umbrella
een parkeerplaats = a parking space
een parti?le stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een partiële rechtskeuze doen = to make a partial choice of law
een partiéle stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een partiële stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een parti�le stack van een meerlagige coating = a partial stack of a multilayer coating
een passend stelsel van maatregelen = an appropriate system of measures
een passende aanbieding = a suitable offer
een passende oplossing = a suitable solution
een passende oplossing aan te bieden = offer an appropriate solution
een passieve wapening in het beton wordt aangebracht = a passive reinforcement is provided in the concrete
een pati?nt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patiënt die daaraan behoefte heeft = a subject in need thereof
een patiént steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patiënt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patient voor te bereiden op een chirurgische ingreep = prepare a patient for a surgical procedure
een pati�nt steriel af te dekken = to drape a patient
een patroon van opeenvolgende steeds kleinere lussen = a pattern of successively smaller loops
Een pay-off waarmaken = deliver on our promise
een pelgrimstocht maken = go on pilgrimage
een pensionkostenvergoeding = an accommodation allowance
een pensionkostenvergoeding van = an accommodation allowance of
één per keer = one at a time
een per saldo eenmalige bate van = non-recurring income and costs with a net effect of
een per saldo positieve herwaardering van de portefeuille = a net gain on the portfolio
"een perceel grond gelegen aan de ABCweg te Utrecht, kadastraal bekend Gem" = "a parcel of land situated at ABCweg in Utrecht, recorded in the land regi"
Een perceel waarop bedrijfsactiviteiten worden verricht door een ondernem = A plot on which company activities are performed by a venture in the sens
Een perfecte oplossing voor = The perfect solution for
Een perfecte oplossing voor kleine ondernemingen. = The perfect solution for small businesses.
een perfecte rechte hoek = a perfect right angle
een perfecte rondist = a perfect girdle
een perfecte vierkante vorm = a perfectly square shape
een perimeter in het terrein = a perimeter in the terrain
een periode = a period
een personal computer = a personal computer
Een persoon aan de oproep toevoegen = Add a Person to the Call
een persoon bezoeken = visit a person
een persoon die daartoe is geautoriseerd = a person authorised to do so
een persoon die een openbaar ambt bekleedt = a person holding a public office
een persoon die hard werkt = a  hard-working person
een persoon die lijdt aan een of meer van = a subject suffering from one or more of
een persoon die onvermogend is = a person of limited means
één persoon in één gebouw = one person in one building
een persoon met een ASS = a person with an ASD
een persoon met jaren ervaring = a person with years of experience
een persoon met medische kwalificaties = a person with medical qualifications
Een persoon van gelijke sekse = A person of the same sex
een persoonlijkheid = a person
een persoonsgegeven = a personal data item
een persoonsgegeven = an item of personal data
Een persoonsgegeven is elk gegeven betreffende een geïdentificeerde of i = Personal data is any data relating to an identified or identifiable perso
een perspectief zicht weergeven = show a perspective view
"een perspectieftekening, een explosietekening en een dwarse doorsnede" = "a perspective drawing, an exploded view and a cross section"
een pinnentransportband en een overnametransportband = a spiked conveyor belt and a transfer conveyor belt
een pixel van Facebook = a Facebook Pixel
een plaat draaien = to play a record
een plaat van een plafond = a board of a ceiling
een plaats aanhalen = cite a passage
een plaats bezoeken = visit a place
een plaats ophogen = raising a site
een plaatsbepaling = a position fix
een plaatselijke instantie = a local authority
een plan van aanpak = plan of attack
een plank of bekleding of dergelijke = a board or covering or the like
een plank of plaat aangebracht op de minstens twee draagarmen = a shelf or board applied to the at least two support arms
een plas doen = urinate
een platform op maat van = a platform tailored to
een plattegrond van een gebouw = a floorplan of a building
een pleidooi houden voor = to plead in favour of
een pleidooi houden voor = to submit arguments
een plek buiten de camera = a location outside of the camera
een plek krijgen = "be taken on board/be considered/included, etc."
een plotselinge ommekeer in zijn houding = a sudden change in his attitude
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet"
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet, een vloeistof" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet, a liquid"
"een poeder, een korrel, een pellet, een vloeistof of een pasta" = "a powder, a granule, a pellet, a liquid or a paste"
Een polis afkopen = To surrender a policy
een polis onderschrijven = to take out a policy
"een polymeer, bij voorkeur een polyolefine, zoals polyethyleen (PE), poly" = "a polymer, preferably a polyolefin, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropyl"
een polymeercompositie met antimicrobiële werking = a polymer composition having antimicrobial activity
een pompeenheid = a pump unit
een pompsysteem = a pump system
een pool voor zware risico's = high-risk pool
een poort of een deur = a gate or door
Een positie innemen = To take a position
een positie van de balk tussen het inklemmechanisme volgens de doorvoerri = a position of the beam between the clamping mechanism according to the fe
een positie van de balk tussen het inklemmechanisme volgens de doorvoerri = a position of the beam between the clamping mechanism according to the fe
een positief oordeel geven over = to deliver a favourable recommendation on
een positieve maatschappelijke impact = a positive social impact
"een poster is te groot, een boek is te zwaar" = "a poster is too large, and a book too heavy"
een praatje = having a chat
Een praatje maken = Chatting
een pre = an advantage
een prefab huis / woning = prefab (zn)
een premievrije pensioenopbouw hebben = to build up a non-contributory pension
een presentatie of demonstratie = a presentation or demonstration
een prettige dag verder = have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye)
een preventieve last onder dwangsom op te leggen = to impose an order subject to a penalty
een prijs contractueel vastleggen = to fix a price by contract
een prijs toekennen = award a prize
een primair impactelement voor het opvangen van een impact van een botsin = a primary impact member for absorbing an impact of a collision
een probleem doorspelen aan iemand anders = pass a problem on to someone else
een probleem kan vormen = can be a problem
een procedure aanhangig is gemaakt = proceedings are not brought
een proces aanspannen tegen = prosecute
een proces aanspannen tegen = sue
één processor die instructies uitvoert die zijn opgeslagen in het geheu = one processor which executes instructions which are stored in the memory
een proces-verbaal krijgen = be cited
een proces-verbaal krijgen = be reported
een proces-verbaal krijgen = given a citation
een product of een werkwijze = a product or a method
een productiviteitsverlies = a productivity loss
een productlift = a product lift
een proef uitgevoerd = conducted a trial
een proefbalans trekken = to extract a trial balance
een proeve van bekwaamheid afleggen = to sit a test of competence
een profieldikte tussen = a profile thickness between
Een project dat gerealiseerd wordt in een industriële omgeving = A project carried out in an industrial environment
een project opleveren = deliver a project
een publiek van specialisten of niet specialisten = an audience of specialists and non-specialists
een punt compenseren (met) = compensate for a mark (with)
één raam = one window
een raamwerk voor het schatten van een locatie = a framework for estimating a location
een RAL-kleur naar keuze = any desired RAL colour
Een rapport waarin de resultaten van de controle zijn opgenomen = a report containing the results of the inspection
een rapportage = a report
een ras waarvan de benaming geen bijzondere betekenis verkregen heeft = a variety the denomination of which has acquired no special significance
een reactie = a response
een realistisch beeld geeft van = gives a realistic picture of
een recht niet uitoefenen = to relinquish/to abandon a right
een rechtskeuze voor Engels recht = a choice for English law
een rechtsvordering instellen tegen = to bring a claim against
een rechtsvordering instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een redelijk belang is geschaad = a reasonable interest is damaged/injuriously affected
een redelijk rendement op hun investeringen te behalen = achieve a reasonable return on their investment
een redelijke mate van zekerheid = reasonable assurance
een redelijke oplossing bieden = offer a reasonable solution
een redelijke termijn is gegund = has been given a reasonable period
een redelijke termijn tot nakoming = a reasonable period of time for fulfilment
een redelijke termijn wordt gegund om alsnog na te komen = has been given a reasonable period in which to meet its obligations
een reden om ontslag om dringende reden = a reason for dismissal for just cause
een reductie van het energieverbruik = a reduction of the energy consumption
een reeds geplaatste kabel = an already installed cable
een reeks 1’en en 0’en = a series of 1s and 0s
een reeks eivastneemorganen van een overlegmachine = a series of egg-grabbing instruments of a transfer machine
Een reeks gestandaardiseerde richtlijnen = A set of standardised guidelines
een reeks opeenvolgende inwendige impactelementen = a series of subsequent inner impact members
een reeks satés = a series of satays
een reeks van aanbevelingen = a series of recommendations
een reeks van magneten = a series of magnets
een reeks van producten of diensten = a series of products or services
een reeks van samenhangende gebeurtenissen = a series of connected incidents
een reeks van satés = a series of satays
een reeks van ten minste twee paar sneden = a series of at least two pairs of cuts
een reeks zuignappen = a series of suction cups
een reflectiesignaal = a reflection signal
een regel te selecteren = selecting a line
een regelbare klep (10 = a controllable valve (10
een regelmatig en betrouwbaar schema = a regular and reliable schedule
Een registratie van = A record of
een registratie van de verrichte werkzaamheden = a record of the Services performed
Een registratiehouder zoeken = find a registrar
een regresactie instellen tegen = recovery action [see notes!]
een regresactie instellen tegen = to have recourse against
een reis van duizend mijlen begint met een enkele stap = a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a jour
een reiskostenvergoeding = a travel allowance
een rek of een legplank of een bank = a rack or a shelf or a seat
een rekening blokkeren = to freeze an account
Een rekening debiteren = To debit an account
Een rekening die een buitenlandse bank aanhoudt bij een Nederlandse bank. = Vostro account
een rekening laten oplopen = accrued dividend
een rekening laten oplopen = to run up an account
een relatief breed golflengtebereik = a relatively broad wavelength range
een relatief gelijke positie ten opzichte van het draagoppervlak van de o = maintain a relatively equal position with respect to the bearing surface 
een relatief groot aantal lagen = a relatively large number of layers
een relatief stille gevel = a relatively quiet façade
een relationele databank = a relational database
een rente worden vergoed gelijk aan de wettelijke rente = interest equal to the statutory rate of interest
een reservoir volgens conclusie = a reservoir according to claim
een respons moet invoeren = must enter a response
een resultaat beogen = are intended to produce a result
een return statement bevatten = contain a return statement
een richting hebbend = unidirectional
een richting loodrecht op = a direction perpendicular to
een richting loodrecht op de lengterichting = a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction
een rij in de groep = a row in the group
een risico voor gezondheid en veiligheid = a risk to health and safety
een rittenadministratie bij te houden = keep a kilometre record
een rittenadministratie bijhouden = keep a kilometre log
een roadmap voor de doorontwikkeling = a roadmap for the development
een robuuste en betrouwbare aanwezigheidsdetectie met een verborgen aanwe = a robust and reliable detection of occupancy with a hidden occupancy dete
een robuuste productlift = a robust product lift
een rode kleur hebben = be red
een rode kleur heeft = is red
een rode kleur moeten hebben = must be red
een rol toewijzen/geven = cast  (assign a role in a play or performance)
één rollenbaan voor aan- en afvoer = a single roller conveyor for supply and removal
een rooster heeft = who is scheduled to work
een ruim assortiment = a wide range of
een ruimte = a space
een ruimte gecre?erd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecreéerd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecreëerd wordt = a space is created
een ruimte gecre�erd wordt = a space is created
een ruwe wand = an unfinished wall
een samengestelde configuratie = a combination setup
een samenhangend beleid = a coherent policy
een samenhangend verhaal = a coherent / connected story
een samenstel van meerdere machines = a combination of multiple machines
een samenstel volgens het eerste aspect = an assembly according to the first aspect
een samenstel waarbij de verschillende onderdelen van een inrichting gegr = an assembly in which the different parts of a device are grouped on a fra
een samenstelling omvat volgens één der conclusies = comprises a composition according to any of the claims
een samenstelling van onderdelen = a composition of components
een samenwerking met SHpartners = working with SHpartners
een Samenwerkingsoverleg = a Cooperation meeting
een samenwerkingsproject tussen = a collaborative project between
een samenwerkingsproject tussen grote = a collaborative project between major
een satijn 8-binding = an 8-harness satin weave
een schade vergoed krijgen = be compensated for a loss
een schadevergoeding wegens ontbinding van de verkoop te eisen = receive compensation for the cancellation of the sale
een schatting = an estimate
een schatting van = an estimate of
een schatting van de afstand tussen = an estimate of the distance between
Een schatting van de kosten = An estimate of the cost
een scheider met een hulpcontact = a separator with an auxiliary contact
Een schematisch overzicht van een uitvoeringsvorm = A schematic overview of an embodiment
een schematische voorstelling = a schematic representation
een schematische voorstelling van een dwarsdoorsnede van een gelaagde inr = a schematic representation of a cross-sectional view of a layered structu
een schending van de persoonlijke levenssfeer van derden oplevert = violates the privacy of third parties
een schending van enige wetgeving of regelgeving = a breach of any laws or regulations
een schending van vertrouwelijkheid = a breach of confidentiality
een scherm bevat waarop = includes a screen on which
een schets van = an outline of
een schijn van = the semblance of
een schikking treffen = agree
een schip voor een reis uitrusten = to fit out a ship for a voyage
een schoenlepel gebruiken = shoehorn  (to use a shoehorn)
een schriftelijke bevestiging hiervan = a written confirmation thereof
Een schriftelijke overeenkomst = A written agreement
een schriftelijke verklaring = a written statement
een schroef of een bout = a screw or a bolt
een schuiver maken = skid
Een schuld afbetalen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld afbetalen = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld aflossen = To redeem a debt
Een schuld delgen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld delgen = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld kwijten = To discharge one's liabilities
Een schuld kwijten = To discharge a debt
een schuld kwijtschelden = to remit a debt
Een schuld vereffenen = To discharge a debt
Een schuld vereffenen = To discharge one's liabilities
een script uitrollen = deploying a script
een sectie = an autopsy
één segment naar rechts = one segment to the right
een sein geven = signal
een selecte groep van personeelsleden = a select group of employees
een selectie van = customers a selection of
één sensor = one sensor
een sensor (niet getoond = a sensor (not shown
"één sensor die beweging, licht en/of temperatuur waarneemt" = "one sensor that detects movement, light and/or temperature"
een sensoreenheid = a sensor unit
een sensorsysteem = a sensor system
één sensorsysteem = one sensor system
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een sensorsysteem voor het in-situ meten van een eigenschap van een parti = a sensor system for the in situ measurement of at least one property of a
een serie foto’s = a series of photos
een serie lezingen rond een thema = a series of talks on a theme
een serieplaat met kleppen = a batch plate fitted/equipped with valves
een seropositief varken = seropositive pig
een server = a server
een server die u deelt met andere klanten = a server shared with other customers
een server omvattend een software programma product = a server comprising a software program product
één set aan regels = single set of rules
een set van = a set of
een set van draaglatten = a set of support slats
een set van onderzoeksvragen = a set of research questions
een set van twee = a set of two
een sfeer van professionaliteit = an atmosphere of professionalism
een sfeer van professionaliteit en wederzijdse ondersteuning = an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual support
een Shore A-hardheid van ten minste = a shore A hardness of at least
een signaal afkomstig van = a signal originating from
een signaal afkomstig van de bron = a signal originating from the source
een signaalverwerkingseenheid = a signal processing unit
een significant verschil of niet = a significant difference or not
Een silhouet is een foto van een mens dat met een outline is overgetrokke = A silhouette is a tracing / an outline tracing of a person's photograph
een situatie van overmacht = an event of force majeure
een slag op de arm houden = "refuse to commit oneself, be non-committed, keep one's options open, not "
een slang die kan worden aangeduid als 'maagsonde' = a tube that can be referred to as a gastric tube
een slechte aanpak van disciplinaire gevallen = Mishandling of disciplinary cases
Een slechte installatie = Poor installation
Een slechte installatie kan leiden tot = Poor installation may cause
Eén sleutelcontact met twee standen = One key switch with two positions
een sluitende rittenadministratie = a full record of kilometres travelled
een sluitertijd en/of een brandpuntsafstand = a shutter speed and/or a focal length
een SMA Smart Home met flexibel opslagsysteem = an SMA Smart Home with Flexible Storage System
een SMA Sunny Island back-up systeem = an SMA Sunny Island backup system
een smart glass = a pair of smartglasses
een smartphone of tablet = smartphone or tablet
een smartphone software product = a smartphone software product
een snapmechanisme = a snap mechanism
Een snel veranderende = A rapidly changing
een snel veranderende wereld = a rapidly changing world
een snelheid = a speed
een snelheidsmeter = a speedometer
"een snelheidsmeter, een versnellingsmeter, een gyroscoop en/of een elektr" = "a speedometer, an accelerometer, a gyroscope and/or an electronic compass"
"een snelheidsmeter, een versnellingsmeter, een gyroscoop en/of een elektr" = "a speedometer, an accelerometer, a gyroscope and/or an electronic compass"
een snelle verbinding is wenselijk = a fast connection is desirable
een snuifje = a pinch of
een snuifje peper = a pinch of pepper
een social plug-in van Facebook = one of Facebook’s Social Plugins
een software processor = a software processor
een software product = a software product
een software-module = a software module
een software-pakket = a software package
een sokkel of een basisframe = a base or a base frame
een soort = a kind of
Een soortgelijk resultaat zou verkregen worden = A similar outcome would be obtained
een soortgelijke verzekering = a similar insurance policy
een speciale publicatie = a special publication
een specifiek aandachtsgebied = specific area of interest
Een specifiek geval van = A specific case of
een specifiek onderwerp = a specific topic
Eén specifiek voorbeeld = One specific example
Een specifiek voorbeeld van = A particular example of
een specifieke diameter van = a specific diameter of
één specifieke organisatie = a particular organisation
een specifieke patiënt = a particular patient
een specifieke plek van de prei = a specific part of the leeks
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van = a particular embodiment of
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van de uitvinding = a specific embodiment of the invention
een specifieke uitvoeringsvorm van een bouwelement = a particular embodiment of a building component
Een specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op een uitvindin = A specific preferred embodiment relates to an invention according to clai
Een specifieke voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm heeft betrekking op een uitvoerin = A specific preferred embodiment relates to an embodiment
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft = A specific preferred form relates to
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft = A specific preferred embodiment relates to
Een specifieke voorkeursvorm betreft de uitvinding = A specific preferred form of the invention relates to
een spectrofotometer = a spectrophotometer
een speerpunt van gemaakt = made it a priority
een spoedig antwoord verwachten = to look forward to an early reply
een spreekbeurt houden = lecture
een sprint duurt twee weken = a sprint lasts two weeks
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget = a sputtering station with a sputtering target
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget waarvan enkel het vermogen kan g = a sputtering station with a sputtering target of which only the power can
een sputterstation met een sputtertarget waarvan enkel het vermogen kan g = a sputtering station with a sputtering target of which only the power can
een sputtertarget = a sputtering target
een stand innemen = to assume a position
een standaard leasecontract = a standard lease
een standaardindicatie voor protonentherapie = a standard indication for proton therapy
een standalone applicatie = a standalone application
een standje geven = reproach
een standpunt innemen over = adopt a position
een standpunt innemen over de status van een product = adopt a position on the status of a product
een stap = a step
een stap omvatten = comprise a step
een stap waarin = a step wherein
een steeds grotere impact hebben = are having an ever-increasing impact
een steekhoudend argument = a valid argument
een steekhoudend argument = illicit commission
een steekhoudend argument = secret commission
een steengroeve ontginnen = quarrying
een stelschroef = an adjusting screw
een steriele omgeving met een medische gebruiker = a sterile environment with a medical user
een sterk parcours voorleggen = has made rapid/tremendous strides
een sterk verlangen hebben = crave  (to want strongly)
een sterke stijging van de bezoekersaantallen = a significant increase in visitor numbers
één steunprofiel en twee draagarmen = one support profile and two support arms
een steuntje in de rug = a helping hand
één stevig geheel vormt = forms one solid whole
een stevige windkracht uit de goede richting = a strong tailwind
een stijging van = an increase of
"een stijging van 8,5 procent dit jaar" = an increase of 8.5 percent this year
een stijging van de personeelskosten = an increase in personnel costs
een stiksel = a line of stitches
één stiksel = one line of stitches
Een stilzwijgende overeenkomst = A tacit agreement
een stof die vrijkomt = a substance released
een stoornis in het diepe spiergevoel = tabetic  dissociation
een stopzetting van de uitbating tijdens de garantietermijn = cessation of operation during the guarantee period
een storing binnen een bepaalde termijn opgelost moet zijn = a fault must be solved within a specified period
een storing op een machine = a fault on a machine
een storting vragen op aandelen = to make a call on shares
"Een strategie en beleid op vlak van informatietechnologie definiëren, on" = "Define, develop and implement Information Technology strategy/policy at c"
een streep halen door = cross out
een streep trekken = draw
een streep zetten onder = to put an end to
"een stricturerende, oppervlakkig groeiende massa" = "a stricturing, superficially growing mass"
een strikte governance = Strict governance procedures
een studie van de tekeningen = a study of the drawings
een studietoelage = a grant
een studieverzekering afsluiten = to take out an education policy
een stuk in afschrift betekenen aan = to serve a copy of a document on
een stuk lager = considerably lower
een stuk of = about
Een stuk of = Approximately
Een stuk of = Circa
een sturende functie vervullen = to have a guiding role
een stuursignaal = a control signal
een substantiële beperking betekenen van de efficiëntie = mean a substantial reduction in efficiency
een substantiële toename van zeer waardevolle datasets = a substantial increase in highly valuable datasets
een substraat omvattende korrelvormige deeltjes die aan elkaar zijn gehec = a substrate comprising granular particles adhered together to form a body
een succesvolle overgang = a successful transition
een succesvolle overgang naar = a successful transition to
een summiere schets met de losse hand = a basic freehand sketch
een summiere schets met de losse hand = a freehand sketch
een Sunny Island back-up systeem = a Sunny Island backup system
Een Sunny Island back-up systeem van SMA = An SMA Sunny Island backup system
een Sunny Island batterijomvormer = a Sunny Island battery inverter
Een Sunny Island omvormer = A Sunny Island inverter
Een Sunny Island systeem = A Sunny Island system
Een supervisor geeft leiding aan = A supervisor oversees
een systeem = a system
een systeem dat gebruik maakt van een implementatie overeenkomstig de ond = a system making use of an implementation according to the present inventi
een systeem dat gebruik maakt van een implementatie overeenkomstig de ond = a system making use of an implementation according to the present inventi
een systeem dat uit balans is = a system that is out of balance
een systeem van ‘monitoring’ = monitoring system
een systeem voor het isoleren en afwerken van wanden = a system for insulating and finishing walls
een taal leren = to acquire a language
een tafel volgens het tweede aspect = a table according to the second aspect
een tafel voor vervaardiging van een betonwelfsel = a table for manufacturing a hollowcore concrete slab
een talurit geklemde kous = thimbled talurit eye
een tandarts zien op regelmatige basis = see a dentist on a regular basis
een tapgat maken / verbinden met een pen-en-gatverbinding = mortise (ww)
een tapgat maken / verbinden met een pen-en-gatverbinding = mortise
"een tapijt vormen, bedekken (met)" = carpet  (to cover like a carpet)
een te groot aantal = too many
een te grote voorraad hebben = to be overstocked
een te hoge = excessively high
een te hoge temperatuur = too high a temperature
een te reinigen oplossing = a solution to be cleaned
een te vervaardigen betonwelfsel = a hollowcore concrete slab to be manufactured
Een team effectief leiden en motiveren = Effective team leadership and motivation
een team van multidisciplinaire raadgevende ingenieurs = a multidisciplinary team of consulting engineers
een team van support desk specialisten en Field Service Engineers = a team of support desk specialists and Field Service Engineers
een tegemoetkoming in de kosten van dubbele huisvesting = a contribution towards the cost of double accommodation
een tegenbezoek brengen aan = will return the visit to
een tegengesteld belang hebben = counter charge
een tegengesteld belang hebben = to have an opposite interest
een tegenoverstaand uiteinde van het primaire impactelement = an opposing end of the primary impact member
een tegenoverstaand uiteinde van het ten minste één inwendig impactelem = an opposing end of the at least one inner impact member
een tegenwicht vormen tegen = to be at variance
een tegenwicht vormen tegen = to counterbalance
een teken dat de bedrijvigheid in de hele regio toeneemt = a sign that business is picking up throughout the region
een teken geven = indicate
een tekening van de basisvorm = a drawing of the basic shape
een tekort aan financiële middelen = a shortage of funds
een tekortkoming in de nakoming van de overeenkomst betekenen = to constitute a breach of the agreement
een tekortkoming kan ABC niet worden toegerekend indien zij niet te wijte = "breaches may not be attributed to ABC if they are not its fault, nor if i"
een tekortschieten in de nakoming = a breach
een telefoongesprek voeren = make a phone call
een temperatuur die tussen 15% en 50% van het temperatuursverschil tussen = a temperature that is between 15% and 50% of the temperature difference b
een temperatuur die tussen 15% en 50% van het temperatuursverschil tussen = a temperature that is between 15% and 50% of the temperature difference b
een temperatuur-gecontroleerd watercircuit voor het reguleren van de temp = a temperature-controlled water circuit for regulating the temperature in 
"een tentamen maken (door de docent, niet de student!)" = to set an examination
een termijn voor aanvaarding bevatten = a deadline for acceptance
één terugkoppelsysteem = one feedback system
Een terugslagklep = An automatic non-return valve
een test = a test
een testament verifiëren = to prove a will
een tewerkstellingsvergunning verlenen = to grant a work permit
Een TIF is goed te gebruiken als onderlegger in een GIS. Om ervoor te zor = A TIF makes an effective background file in a GIS. To make sure that what
een tijdelijke vergoeding van de reiskosten voor woon-werkverkeer = a temporary commuting allowance
een tijdelijke vervangende auto = a temporary replacement vehicle
een tijdige respons en/of analyse = a timely response and/or analysis
een tijdrovende bezigheid = a time consuming task
een tijdspunt indicatief voor het moment waarop de laatste bijwerking van = a point in time that is indicative of the time at which the spatial locat
een tijdspunt indicatief voor het moment waarop de laatste bijwerking van = a point in time that is indicative of the time at which the spatial locat
een tikje = a touch
Een tip die we kunnen meegeven is = Our tip would be
Een tip die we kunnen meegeven is = We recommend trying
een toekenning = an award
een toekenningsbrief = an award notice
een toekomstbeeld schetsen van = to sketch a picture of the future
een toename van = an increase of
Een toepassingsgerichte server = A dedicated server
een toepassingsprogrammaverbinding = an application program interface
een toets afnemen = to give / administer a test
een toets met vrije navigatie = a test with free navigation
een toevlucht zoeken = take refuge
een toewijzing of registratie van een of meer elementen aan elkaar = an assignment or registration of one or more elements to each other
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter?s booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter’s booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreterés booth
een tolk in dezelfde tolkencabine = an interpreter in the same interpreter�s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter�s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreterés booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter?s booth
een tolk in een andere tolkencabine = an interpreter in another interpreter’s booth
een tolkenpost voor een conferentiesysteem = an interpreter desk for a conferencing system
een tolkkanaal = an interpreter channel
een tolkpost kanaal = an interpreter desk channel
een toonaangevende producent van = a leading manufacturer of
een tot het gerecht gericht verzoek om verlof tot het leggen van conserva = an application directed to the Court for leave to have a garnishee order 
één tot twee dagen = one to two days
een totaal aantal luisteraars = a total number of listeners
een totaal aantal luisteraars per luisterkanaal = a total number of listeners per listening channel
een totale dikte heeft = has a total thickness
een totale kwaliteitcontrole = a total quality control system
een totale ommekeer teweegbrengen in het leven van de mensen = revolutionise people’s lives
een training volgen = take a course
Een transactie annuleren = To call of a deal
een transactie effectueren = to effect a transaction
Een transactie ongedaan maken = To call of a deal
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to close a deal
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to conclude a transaction
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to effect a transaction
een transactie sluiten/tot stand brengen = to transact a deal
een transmissie-meting of een reflectie-meting = a transmission measurement of a reflection measurement
een transmissiesignaal = a transmission signal
een transportband of een rollensysteem = a conveyor belt or a roller system
een trekkracht ondervindt = experiences a tensile force
"een troop gebruiken, van een troop voorzien" = trope  (use a trope)
Een T-stuk (fuel manifold of ‘T-piece’) is een verbindingsstuk tussen = A fuel manifold or T-piece is a connecting piece between two or more gas 
een tussenliggend profiel = an intermediate profile
"een TV programma coördineren, bij mekaar praten" = anchor  (to perform as a TV anchorman)
Een twee Drie vier Vijf zes Zeven = One two Three four Five six Seven
een tweede = a second
een tweede afwerkingsprofiel = a second finishing profile
Een tweede aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A second aspect of the present invention relates to
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding = A second aspect of the invention
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding betreft = A second aspect of the invention relates to
Een tweede aspect van de uitvinding heeft betrekking op een werkwijze voo = A second aspect of the invention relates to a method of establishing
Een tweede assessor observeert tijdens het rollenspel = A second assessor will be present to observe during the role-play
een tweede deel = a second part
een tweede element = a second element
een tweede extensie en een buitenwand = a second extension and an outer wall
een tweede keer bemonsterd en getest = sampled and tested a second time
een tweede langwerpig profiel = a second elongated section
een tweede legplank = a second shelf
een tweede leven = a second lease of life
een tweede maal = a second time
een tweede paar = a second pair
een tweede paar vlakke platen = a second pair of flat panels
een tweede richting die loodrecht staat op = a second direction perpendicular to
een tweede set van = a second set of
een tweede specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = a second particular embodiment
een tweede transmissiemiddel = a second transmission means
een tweede transmissiemiddel aansluitbaar op de bron = a second transmission means connectable to the source
een tweede uiteinde = a second end
een tweede variant van = a second variant of
een tweede werkwijze = a second method
een tweedeling in de maatschappij = a division in society
een twee-dimensionale of drie-dimensionale = a two-dimensional or three-dimensional
een tweetal kleine = two small
één type afwerkingsprofiel = one type of finishing profile
Een typegoedkeuringsnummer (indien van toepassing). = A type approval number (if applicable).
Een typisch voorbeeld van = A typical example of
één uit de volgende = one of the following
één uit hun midden kiezen = to choose one from among themselves
één uit hun midden kiezen = to elect one from their number
een uitbreiding van de regeling naar derde landen = an expansion of the system to non-member countries
een uitbreiding van het personeelsbestand = an expansion of the workforce
Een uiteinde van = an end of
een uiteinde van een draaglat = an end of a support slat
een uiterst robuuste productlift = an extremely robust product elevator
Een uitgaand telefoongesprek = An outbound call
een uitgebreid assortiment = een broad range of
een uitgebreide beschrijving = a comprehensive description
een uitgebreide profibustest = a comprehensive PROFIBUS test
"een uitgebreide Service, wereldwijd" = comprehensive support worldwide
een uitgebreidere toelichting = a more detailed explanation
een uitgegroeid familiebedrijf = a growing family business
een uitkering aanvragen bij CWI = to apply for a benefit with CWI
een uitloper van de notering = linked to the price level
een uitspraak aanhouden = to defer a decision/judgement
één uitsteeksel = one projection
een uitstekend podium = provides an excellent platform
een uitstekende oplossing biedt = provides an excellent solution
een uitstroom van kapitaal = a capital outflow
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = disk herniation
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniated disc
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniated intervertebral disk
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = herniation of intervertebral disc
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = ruptured disk
een uitstulping in het ruggemergkanaal van de massa die ligt in het centr = slipped disc
Een uitvinding die een inrichting openbaart = An invention disclosing a device
een uitvinding wordt als nieuw beschouwd indien zij geen deel uitmaakt va = an invention will be considered to be new if it does not form part of the
een uitvinding wordt als nieuw beschouwd indien zij geen deel uitmaakt va = an invention will be considered to be new if it does not form part of the
een uitvoeringsvorm = an embodiment
één uitvoeringsvorm = one embodiment
een uitvoeringsvorm omvat het eerste en het tweede bouwelement verder = "In an embodiment, the first and the second building component further com"
een uitvoeringsvorm omvat het eerste en het tweede bouwelement verder = "In an embodiment, the first and the second building component further com"
een uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvinding = an embodiment of the present invention
een uitvoeringsvorm van de overbrengmachine = an embodiment of the transfer machine
een uitvoeringsvorm van het = an embodiment of the
een uitvoeringsvorm van het afwerkingsprofiel = an embodiment of the finishing profile
een uitvoeringsvorm van het eerste aspect = an embodiment of the first aspect
een uitvoeringsvorm van het eerste aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding = an embodiment of the first aspect of the present invention
een uitwerking van het regeerakkoord = an elaboration of the coalition agreement
een Ulbricht sfeer = an Ulbricht sphere
een unieke gepatenteerde verticaal transportsysteem = "a unique, patented vertical transport system"
een uniforme voorstelling = a uniform representation
een up-to-date database = an up-to-date database
een utispraak aanhouden = to defer a judgment
een utispraak aanhouden = to defer a decision
een uur gaans = an hour's walk
Een uur voor de afspraak = An hour before the meeting
een uur voor vertrek = one hour before departure
een U-vormig = a U-shaped
een vak volgen = "to do/take a subject, to attend classes in a subject"
Een vak volgen = To do/take a subject / to attend classes in a subject
een vakman die weet = a person skilled in the art who knows
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld = One skilled in the art
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren = One skilled in the art will appreciate
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren dat = One skilled in the art will appreciate that
Een vakman geschoold in het technische veld zal appreciëren dat een werk = A person skilled in the art will appreciate that a method according to th
een vakman met gewone kennis in het vakgebied = a person of ordinary skill
een vakman met gewone vakbekwaamheid = a person of ordinary skill
Een vakman met gewone vakbekwaamheid zal appreciëren = A person of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate
Een vakman zal appreciëren = It will be apparent to one skilled in the art
een valse aangifte doen = to make a false declaration
Eén van = One of
een van de = one of the
één van de = any of the
één van de = one of the
een van de  dragers = one of the carriers
één van de aanwezige noodstopknoppen = one of the available emergency stop buttons
één van de andere functies = one of the other functions
één van de binnenste wanden van de binnenste kamer = one of the inner walls of the inner chamber
één van de draagarmen = one of the support arms
een van de drie categorieën = one of the three categories
één van de drie deksels = one of the three covers
één van de één of meerdere = one of the one or more
één van de gevallen = one of the cases
één van de hierboven beschreven uitvoeringsvormen = any of the embodiments described above
één van de hoogtepunten = one of the highlights
één van de hoogtepunten van de avond = one of the highlights of the evening
één van de lagen = one of the layers
één van de landen die ervoor pleiten om = is amongst those countries advocating
Eén van de manieren om dit te bereiken = One of the ways to achieve this
Eén van de manieren om duurzame groei = One way to achieve sustainable growth
één van de meerdere = one of the plurality of
Een van de meest aansprekende innovaties van Qimarox = One of Qimarox’s most successful innovations
Eén van de meest aansprekende innovaties van Qimarox = One of Qimarox’s most successful innovations
een van de middelen is om = is a means to
één van de minstens twee deksels = one of the at least two covers
één van de onderstaand beschreven stappen = one of the steps described below
één van de oprichters = one of the founders
één van de snelste = one of the fastest
één van de twee = one of the two
Een van de uitdagingen van dit project = One of the challenges of this project
één van de volgende gebeurtenissen zich voordoet = any of the following events occur
een van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the previous claims
één van de voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van de woningen = one of the properties
één van de zijwanden = one of the side walls
een van de zorgverstrekkers en de kwetsbare persoon = one of the care providers and the vulnerable person
één van deze = one of these
een van een dagtekening voorzien verslag = a dated report
een van een tweeling = twin
een van hen insolvabel is of wordt = one of them is or becomes insolvent
één van hoge kwaliteit = one of high quality
één van lagere kwaliteit = one of lower quality
één van onze medewerkers = one of our employees
Eén van onze ontwikkelaars = One of our developers
een van onze sterkste troeven = one of our greatest strengths
een van te voren vastgestelde = a predetermined
één van volgende grenzen bereikt wordt = one of the following limits is reached
een van voorgaande conclusies = one of the previous claims
een van voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
één van voorgaande conclusies = any of the previous claims
één van voorgaande conclusies = any of the preceding claims
een vanzelfsprekende keuze = an obvious choice
een variant op deze = a variation on this
een variant van = a variant of
Een variante op deze = A variant on this
een varieteit aan = a variety of
een variëteit aan = a variety of
een vast gegeven = a constant
een vast gegeven = a constant factor
een vast te stellen maximum prijs = a maximum price to be determined
een vaste autokostenvergoeding = a fixed vehicle allowance
een vaste contactpersoon = a fixed contact person
een vaste kostenvergoeding = a fixed expense allowance
een vaste kostenvergoeding = a fixed reimbursement of expenses
een vaste positie kan hebben = can have a fixed position
Een vaste tijdvoorkeuze = One preselected time
een vaste vergoeding per maand = a fixed monthly allowance
een vaste verzameling constanten = a fixed set of constants
"een vaste, eerste positie" = "a fixed, first position"
"een vaste, vooraf ingestelde waarde" = "a fixed, preset value"
een vasthoudende sturing van de politieke top = Steadfast management at senior political level
een vat met bier als inhoud = a keg containing beer
een veel gemaakte fout = a common mistake
een veelheid = a plurality
een veelheid aan = a multitude of
een veelheid van = a plurality of
een veelheid van audio-ingangskanalen = a multitude of audio-input channels
een veelheid van eerste controlesignalen = a plurality of first control signals
een veelheid van feedbacksignalen = a plurality of feedback signals
een veelheid van gebruikers = a plurality of users
een veelheid van identieke = a plurality of identical
een veelheid van paren = a plurality of pairs
een veelheid van persoonsgegevens = a plurality of personal data items
een veelheid van posities = a plurality of positions
een veelheid van sensoren = a plurality of sensors
een veelheid van stations = a plurality of stations
een veelheid van tolkenposten = a plurality of interpreter desks
een veelheid van tolkenposten en van luisterposten = A plurality of interpreter desks and listening posts
een veelvoud aan doelstellingen = a multitude of objectives
een veelvoud aan ribben = a plurality of ribs
een veelvoud aan ribben en rails = a plurality of ribs and rails
een veelvoud van = a plurality of
een veelvoud van gevelpanelen = a plurality of cladding panels
een veelvoud van horizontale balken ondersteund door de verticale palen = a plurality of horizontal beams supported by the vertical posts
een veelvoud van inwendig gerichte = a plurality of internally directed
een veelvoud van mobiliteitscomponenten = a plurality of mobility components
een veelvoud van rollerstangen = a plurality of roller-bars
een veelzijdig verticaal transportsysteem = a versatile vertical transport system
een veerkrachtig materiaal aangepast om door middel van dimensionele wijz = a resilient material adapted to compensate by means of dimensional change
een veerkrachtig materiaal aangepast om door middel van dimensionele wijz = a resilient material adapted to compensate by means of dimensional change
een veilig gebruik van = the safe operation of
Een veilige digitale samenleving = A safe and secure digital society
een vel papier of een kunststoffolie = a sheet of paper or a plastic film
een vennootschap in het handelsregister doen inschrijven = to register a company
een vennootschap in het handelsregister doen inschrijven = to submit a tender
een vennootschap naar Belgisch recht = a company incorporated under Belgian law
een vennootschap naar Frans recht = a company incorporated under French law
een vennootschap ontbinden = to dissolve a partnership
een vennootschap opheffen = to dissolve a partnership
een vennootschap opheffen = to withdraw the attachment
een ventilatiecollectorblok = a air collector block
een ventilatiesysteem = a ventilation system
een ver familielid = a distant relative / relation
Een veranderende bedrijfscultuur = A changing corporate culture
een verband omleggen = dress
een verbeteractie ondernemen = to take remedial action
Een verbeterde kwaliteit van de applicaties = Higher-quality applications
een verbeterde versie = an improved version
een verbinding = a connection
een verbinding aan te gaan = to relate
een verbinding die de behuizing met het verbindingselement verbindt = a joint which connects the housing to the connecting element
Een verbinding lokaal of op afstand tot stand te brengen met = Establish a local or remote connection with a
een verbinding op één punt van de behuizing = a joint at one point of the housing
een verbinding tot stand brengen = to make contact
één verbindingspositie = one connection position
een verbintenis aangaan = to conclude an agreement
een verbintenis aangaan = to enter into an agreement/a contract/an engagement
een verbintenis aangaan = assume an obligation
een verbintenis aangaan = take on an obligation
een verbintenis aangaan = undertake a commitment
een verbintenis aangaan om = to contract to
een verbintenis aangaan om = to undertake to
een verbintenis die een wezenlijk verhaalsrisico met zich meebrengt. = an undertaking that carries a substantial risk of recovery with it
een verbintenis hebben of zijn aangegaan = have an obligation or have assumed an obligation
een verbintenis om te geven te doen onstaan = to create an obligation to give
een verbintenis op zich nemen = make an undertaking
een verblijfsvergunning = a residence permit
een verdachte de cautie geven = to caution a suspect
een verdachte de cautie geven = to read a suspect his rights (US)
een verder doel van de onderhavige uitvinding = a further object of the present invention
een verder gelegen eenheid = a more distant unit
een verder gelegen eenheid van de inrichting = a unit of the device located further away
Een verder nadeel = A further disadvantage
Een verdere beperking van de stand van de techniek = A further limitation of prior art
Een verdere beperking van de stand van de techniek heeft betrekking op = A further limitation of prior art relates to
een verdere beschrijving = a further description
Een verdere of andere uitvoeringsvorm = A further or other embodiment
Een verdere oplossing = A further solution
een verdere uitvoeringsvorm = a further embodiment
een vereiste is = is required
een vereiste temperatuur van = a required temperature of
een vereiste voor = a prerequisite for
een vergadering beleggen = to convene/to call/to convoke a meeting
een vergadering oproepen = to be deposed
een vergadering oproepen = to call a meeting
Een vergadering plannen = Schedule a Meeting
Een vergadering plannen = Schedule a Conference...
een vergelijkbare = a similar
een vergelijking = a comparison
Een vergelijking van = A comparison of
een vergelijking van de premies = a comparison of the premiums
een vergoeding die gelijk is aan = an allowance equal to
Een vergoeding is van toepassing indien = An allowance will apply if
een vergoeding ontvangen = receive compensation
een vergoeding verschuldigd zijn = to be obliged to pay a fee
een vergoeding voor weekend- en midweekse reiskosten = an allowance for weekend or midweek travel expenses
een vergoedingsplicht meebrengen = to entail an obligation to compensate
een vergrijp tegen de wet = a breach of law
een vergrijp tegen de wet = an offence against the law
een vergunning aanvragen = to apply for a licence
een vergunning verlenen = to grant a licence
een verhaal in gespreksvorm = a story in dialogue form
een verhaal zonder samenhang = a rambling / disconnected story
een verhoging ondergaan of nieuwe ontstaan = are subject to an increase or new onset
een verhoging van de door Huurder te betalen servicekosten = an increase in the service costs to be paid by Lessee
een verhoging van de performance = an increase in performance
een verhoging van fiscale bijtelling = an increase in additional tax liability
een verhoogd vetgehalte in het bloed = lipacidemia
een verhoogde hyperbètalipoproteinespiegel = hyperlipoproteinemia
een verhoor afnemen = interrogate
Een verhoor afnemen = Grill
een verkeerde beslissing nemen = make a bad decision
een verkeerde reinigingsprocedure = an incorrect cleaning procedure
een verkeersovertreding niet op tijd voldoet = fails to pay a fine for a traffic offence on time
een verkeersregelinstallatie = A traffic-signal controller
een verklaring afleggen tegenover de rechter-commissaris = to make a statement before the examining judge
een verklaring omtrent het gedrag is een verklaring van de burgemeester w = a certificate of conduct is a statement issued by the mayor confirming th
een verkoop tot stand brengen = to conclude/to effect a sale
een verlaging van het vereiste aantal individuele toepassingen = a reduction in the required number of individual applications
een verlenging van de periode van toepassing = an extension of the period of application
"een verlichtingsapparaat is, of een rookdetector, of een bewegingsdetecto" = "a lighting device, or a smoke detector, or a motion detector, or a camera"
een verlies komt ten laste van de algemene reserve = a loss is charged to the general reserve
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to realize a loss
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to sell at a loss
een verlies nemen/realiseren = to take a loss
een verlies van tijd en geld = a loss of time and money
een verlopen paspoort = an expired passport
een vermindering van de administratieve lasten = a reduction of the administrative burden on
een vermindering van een bedrag = a reduction of an amount
een vermindering van het rendement = a decreased return
Eén vermogensbeheerder wordt aangeduid voor het beheer van = One asset manager is appointed to manage
"een veroordeelde crimineel, een veroordeelde" = "con (a convicted criminal, a convict)"
een verplichting niet nakomen = to fail to meet an obligation
een verrchting stellen = undertake an activity
een verre van professionele indruk maakt = is far from professional looking
een verregaand vereenvoudigd ontwerp = an exceedingly simplified design
een verschil in opvatting overbruggen = overcome a difference of opinion
een verschillende taal = a different language
een verslag/rapport indienen = to lodge with
een verslag/rapport indienen = to present to
een verslag/rapport indienen = to submit a report
een verslavende werking hebben = are addictive
een versnellingsmeter = an accelerometer
een versnellingsmeting = an acceleration measurement
een versterking / steunmuur bouwen = revet
een vertegenwoordiger van = a representative of
één verticaal transporteur = a single vertical conveyor
een vertragende plastificeerder = a retarding plasticiser
een vertrek naar het buitenland of werk in het buitenland = a relocation to and/or employment in a foreign country
een vervolging instellen tegen = prosecute
een vervolging instellen tegen = sue
een verwacht klinisch relevant voordeel = an expected clinically relevant benefit
een verwerkingseenheid en een geheugen = a processing unit and a memory
een verwijt kan worden gemaakt = can be blamed
een verwijzing naar de gebeurtenis = a reference to the event
een verwijzing naar een begrip of woord in het enkelvoud = a reference to a term or word in the singular form
een verwijzing naar het mannelijke geslacht = a reference to the male gender
een verzameling = a collection
Een verzameling packages = A collection of packages
een verzameling van voorwaarden = a set of conditions
een verzegeling aanbrengen = to affix a seal
één verzekering = one policy
een verzekering afsluiten = take out an insurance policy
een verzekering afsluiten voor schade = take out cover to cover loss or damage
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to effect an insurance with
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to place a risk with
een verzekering onderbrengen bij = to place an insurance with
een verzekering sluiten = take out a policy
een verzekeringskontrakt aangaan = take out an insurance policy
een verzekeringskontrakt onderschrijven = take out an insurance policy
een verzekeringsoverzicht met gegevens over = an insurance summary with information about
een verzoek om = a request for
een verzoek om betaling = payment request
een verzoek om nadere instructies = a request for further instructions
een verzoek om verlof tot het leggen van conservatoir derdenbeslag = an application for leave to have a garnishee order levied
"een verzoek van een gebruiker om ondersteuning, levering van, informatie," = "A request from a user for support, delivery, information, advice or docum"
een verzoekschrift indienen bij = to present/to file a petition to
"een verzoekschrift neergelegd, ter griffie, op..." = "a petition filed, at the court registry, on..."
een verzoekschrift richten tot = to address a petition to
een videofeed van een medische eenheid = a video feed from a medical unit
Een videogesprek starten… = Start a Video Conversation...
Een vierde aspect van de onderhavige uitvinding betreft = A fourth aspect of the present invention relates to
Een vierde aspect van de uitvinding betreft = A fourth aspect of the invention relates to
een vijfde en een zesde = a fifth and a sixth
een vijftal specifieke behandelingen = five specific treatments
een vingerbreedte = one finger’s width
een vingerwijzing in de richting van geven = to point in the direction of / hint at
een virtuele appliance te hosten = host a virtual appliance
een virtuele private server = a virtual private server
een visie op = a vision for
een vissersvaartuig van een derde land = third-country fishing vessels
Een vlag die veel ladingen dekt = One size fits all
een vlak dat evenwijdig is met de lengterichting en de breedterichting = a plane that is parallel to the longitudinal direction and the transverse
een vlak geheel zonder reliëf = a plane without any relief
een vlak oppervlak = a planar surface
een vlak organigram = flat organizational structure
een vlak organigram = flat organisational structure
een vlak voorwerp = a planar object
Een vleugje luxe = A touch of luxury
een vloeiende beweging van de behuizing ten opzichte van het verbindingse = a smooth movement of the housing with respect to the connecting element i
een vloeistof of een halfvloeibare stof = a liquid or a semi-liquid
een vloeistofdichte vloerbekleding = an impermeable floor covering
"een vloeistofdichte, elastische vloerbekleding" = "n impermeable, elastic floor covering"
"een vloer, wanden en een plafond" = "a floor, walls and a ceiling"
een vloot van met GPS uitgeruste voertuigen = a fleet of vehicles equipped with GPS
een vlucht naar voren = a leap in the dark
een vochtgehalte van ten minste = a moisture content of at least
een voederadditief = animal feed additive
een voedselelement aanzuigen = suction a food element
een voertuigafhankelijke regeling = a vehicle-actuated control
een volautomatisch = a fully automatic
een volautomatische = a fully automatic
een voldoende = a pass / a passing mark
een voldoende accurate plaatsbepaling = a sufficiently accurate position fix
een volgend component = the next component
een volgens het rooster aftredend lid is aansluitend eenmaal herbenoembaa = an officer retiring by rotation is eligible for re-election for one furth
een volgnummertje trekken = take a number
een volledig geautomatiseerde = a fully automated
een volledig geautomatiseerde roterende ring folie-wikkelaar voor pallets = a fully automated rotary ring foil wrapper for pallets
een volledig verticaal beslag = fully vertical track
een volledige en nauwkeurige omschrijving = a complete and accurate description
een volledige instructie = complete instructions
één voor aanvoer en één voor afvoer = one for supply and one for discharge
een voor alle partijen wenselijke oplossing = solution which satisfies all parties
"Eén voor allen, allen voor één" = "One for all, all for one"
"één voor allen, allen voor één" = "one for all, all for one {phrase} (motto: working for each other)"
een voor de gezondheid gevaarlijke concentratie in de lucht = a concentration in the air that is dangerous to health
een voor een = one by one
Één voor een = Singly
Één voor een = One by one
één voor één = one by one
één voor één = One by one
één voor één individueel = "individually, one by one"
één voor één met de hand overgelegd = transferred manually one by one
een voor- en een achterzijde = a front and a rear side
een vooraf bepaalde hoeveelheid = a predefined quantity
een voorafbepaalde actie van de gebruiker = a predetermined action of the user
een voorafbepaalde fractie = a predetermined fraction
een voorafbepaalde nauwkeurigheidsdrempel = a predetermined accuracy threshold
Een voorbeeld hiervan = An example of this
Een voorbeeld hiervan is getoond in = An example of this is shown in
Een voorbeeld hiervan is te zien in = An example of this can be seen in
Een voorbeeld is te vinden in = An example can be found in
een voorbeeld ter illustratie van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige ui = an example to illustrate embodiments of the present invention
een voorbeeld ter illustratie van uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige ui = an example to illustrate embodiments of the present invention
Een voorbeeld van = An example of
Een voorbeeld van een dergelijke uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvindin = An example of such an embodiment of the present invention
Een voorbeeld van een dergelijke uitvoeringsvorm van de huidige uitvindin = An example of such an embodiment of the present invention
een voorbeeld van genuanceerd denken = an example of balanced thinking / judgement
een voorbehoud maken = express a reservation
een voorbehoud maken = make a reservation
een voorbehoud maken = reserve one's position
een voorbehoud maken in een accountantsverklaring = to qualify an audit report
één voordeel of groep van voordelen = one advantage or group of advantages
Een voordeel van = An advantage of
Een voordeel van deze uitvoeringsvorm = An advantage of this embodiment
Een voordeel van onderhavige uitvinding = An advantage of the present invention
een voordeel van uitvoeringsvormen volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = an advantage of embodiments according to the present invention
Een voordeel van zulke uitvoeringsvorm = An advantage of such an embodiment
een voordelige vorming = an advantageous formation
een voorgaande bemonstering = a previous sampling
een voorgaande bijwerking = a previous update
een voorgaande bijwerking van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = a previous update of the spatial location information
een voorgaande uitvoering van de test = a previous performance of the test
Een voorgestelde oplossing voor de problemen die samenhangen met = One proposed solution to the problems associated with
een voorkeur uitspreken = expressing a preference
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm omvat = A preferred embodiment comprises
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de inrichting = A preferred embodiment of the device
Een voorkeurdragende uitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze omvat = A preferred embodiment of the method comprises
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm = One preferred embodiment
een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze = a preferred embodiment of the method
een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van de werkwijze presenteert = presents a preferred embodiment of the method
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van deze inrichting = A preferred embodiment of this device
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van deze inrichting wordt weergegeven in con = A preferred embodiment of this device is shown in claim
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van dit samenstel = A preferred embodiment of this assembly
Een voorkeursuitvoeringsvorm van een inrichting volgens de uitvinding = A preferred embodiment of a device according to the invention
een voorrecht toekennen = to grant a privilege
een voorschot geven = to give an advance
een voorschrift tot het stellen van zekerheid = a requirement for the subject to provide assurance
een voorschrift van = prescribed by
een voorsprong = an edge
een voorsprong op de markt = a head start on the market
een voorstel doen aan de eerstvolgende Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelho = table a motion at the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
een voorstel indienen = submit a proposal
een voorstel ingediend onder de naam = submitted a proposal entitled
een voorstel tot wetswijziging = a bill
een voorstel voor een andere datum te doen = to propose a different date
een voortgangsgesprek voeren met = have a progress meeting with
een voorwaarde voor = a prerequisite for
"Een voorwerp waarop geen (netto) kracht rust, blijft in rust of volhardt " = "An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remai"
een voorziening treffen voor = to make a provision for
een voorziening treffen voor = to provision against
een voorziening treffen voor = to provision for
een voorziening treffen voor belastingen = to accrue taxes
"een voorzijde, een achterzijde en twee laterale zijden" = "a front side, a rear side and two lateral sides"
een vordering handhaven = to uphold a claim
een vordering incasseren = collect a debt
een vordering incasseren = recover a debt
een vordering ingesteld = filed an action
een vordering instellen = to lodge a claim against
een vordering instellen tegen = to commence litigation
een vordering instellen tegen = to take an action against
een vordering instellen tegen = to institute an action against
een vordering instellen tegen = to bring an action against
een vordering kwijtschelden = to remit a debt
een vordering motiveren = to substantiate one’s claim
een vordering ontvankelijk verklaren = to allow a claim
een vordering ontvankelijk verklaren = to entertain a claim
een vordering tot schadevergoeding = claim damages
een vordering uit handen geven = to pass on a claim for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = to refer a debt for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = pass on a claim for collection
een vordering uit handen geven = refer a debt for collection
een vorm gelijklopend met = a shape congruent with
een vorm hebben die eerst taps toeloopt en vervolgens naar beneden verwij = a form first being tapered and then widening out downwards
een vorm van meting duur = a type of [shelf-life] duration measurement
een vos verliest zijn streken niet = a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own 
Een vouwbaar tapijt volgens de huidige uitvoeringsvorm = A foldable carpet according to the present embodiment
Een V-plan per kruispunt = A Traffic Plan for each intersection
een vraaggestuurd ventilatiesysteem = a demand-controlled ventilation system
een vraaggestuurd ventilatiesysteem met warmteterugwinning = a demand-controlled ventilation system with heat recovery
een vrij uiteinde heeft = has a free end
een vroege diagnose te stellen = make an early diagnosis
"Een waakvlam (pilot burner), die permanent brandt en dient om de hoofdbra" = "A pilot light, which is always lit and is used to ignite the main burner "
een waarde representatief voor = a value representative of
een waarde van = a value of
een waarde vertegenwoordigen van = to have a value of
een waardebepaling van een object uitvoeren = to carry out a value appraisal of a property
een waardepapier aankopen = fulfilment of a commitment
een waarschuwing krijgen = get a warning
een wachtwoord worden opgevraagd per e-mail = A password can be requested via email
een wand = a wall
een wand die minstens twee bouwelementen omvat = a wall comprising at least two building components
een wand van een gebouw = a wall of a buildin
Een wand volgens conclusie = A wall according to claim
een wand volgens de onderhavige uitvinding = a wall according to the present invention
Een wand volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the previous claims
Een wand volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the preceding claims
Een wand volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the previous claims
Een wand volgens ��n der voorgaande conclusies = A wall according to any of the preceding claims
een wandportie 1 = a wall portion 1
een wat grotere afstand van elkaar = a somewhat larger distance from each other
een waterhoofd = hydrocephalic
Een webkoppeling koppelen = Associate a Web link
een webpagina met social plug-in van Facebook = a web page with a Facebook Social Plugin
een wederzijdse proeftijd = a trial period for both parties
een week vóór de datum = one week before the date
een weerstand overwonnen wordt = a resistance is overcome
een weinig = a little
een welbepaald scenario = a specific scenario
een wenk geven = draw attention
een wereldwijd opererende producent van standaard componenten voor materi = a global producer of standard components for material handling systems
een wereldwijd servicenetw = a global service network
een werk dat veel aandacht vraagt = a job that needs to be done carefully
een werkwijze = a method
een werkwijze en een inrichting = a method and a device
een werkwijze en een systeem = a method and a system
een werkwijze en systeem = a method and system
een werkwijze hiertoe = a method for this purpose
Een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusie = A method according to claim
Een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusie = A method according to Claim
een werkwijze overeenkomstig conclusies = a method according to claims
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm = a method according to an embodiment
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm van de onderhavige uitvi = a method according to an embodiment of the present invention
een werkwijze overeenkomstig een uitvoeringsvorm van de onderhavige uitvi = a method according to an embodiment of the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens conclusie = A method according to Claim
Een werkwijze volgens conclusie = A method according to claim
een werkwijze volgens de huidige uitvinding = a method according to the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens een der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
Een werkwijze volgens één der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
een werkwijze volgens een van de voorgaande conclusies = a method according to any of the previous claims
een werkwijze volgens het eerste aspect = a method according to the first aspect
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect = a method according to the second aspect
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur geconfigureerd is vo = a method according to the second aspect is preferably configured to manuf
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur geconfigureerd is vo = a method according to the second aspect is preferably configured to manuf
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur uitgevoerd wordt met = a method according to the second aspect is preferably carried out using a
een werkwijze volgens het tweede aspect bij voorkeur uitgevoerd wordt met = a method according to the second aspect is preferably carried out using a
Een werkwijze volgens ��n der conclusies = A method according to any of the claims
een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen = a method according to embodiments
een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = a method according to embodiments of the present invention
Een werkwijze volgens voorgaande beschrijving = A method according to preceding description
een werkwijze voor = a method of
een werkwijze voor assemblage van = a method of assembling
een werkwijze voor assemblage van een samenstel = a method of assembling an assembly
een werkwijze voor beeldvorming met een hoofdgedragen apparaat = a method of imaging with a head-mounted device
Een werkwijze voor de productie van = A method for producing
Een werkwijze voor het aanbrengen van = A method for the application of
een werkwijze voor het bepalen en verzenden van ruimtelijke locatie-infor = "a method for determining and transmitting spatial location information, a"
een werkwijze voor het bepalen en verzenden van ruimtelijke locatie-infor = "a method for determining and transmitting spatial location information, a"
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = a method for determining spatial location information
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie en het  = a method for determining spatial location information and the transmissio
een werkwijze voor het bepalen van ruimtelijke locatie-informatie en het  = a method for determining spatial location information and the transmissio
Een werkwijze voor het configureren = A method for configuring
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem v = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system in accordance wi
Een werkwijze voor het configureren van een configureerbaar meetsysteem v = A method for configuring a configurable measuring system in accordance wi
een werkwijze voor het installeren van = a method for installing
Een werkwijze voor het produceren van = A method of producing
een werkwijze voor het produceren van = a method for producing
Een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van = a method of assembling
een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van een wand = a method of assembling a wall
een werkwijze voor het samenstellen van een wand van een gebouw = a method of assembling a wall of a building
een werkwijze voor het sorteren van gemengd kunststof verpakkingsafval = a method for sorting mixed plastic packaging waste
Een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in bouwconstructies = A method for preventing moisture transfer in building structures
een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in een bouwconstructi = a method for preventing moisture transfer in a building structure
een werkwijze voor het tegengaan van vochttransport in een bouwconstructi = a method to prevent moisture transfer in a building structure
een werkwijze voor het toevoegen van gebruikers op afstand aan een videoc = a method for adding remote users to a videoconference by a medical user i
Een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van = A method for manufacturing
een werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van voornoemde = a method for manufacturing said
Een werkwijze wordt verschaft = A method is provided
een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven = a method as described above
een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven kan worden uitgevoerd = a method as described above can be carried out
"een werkwijze zoals hierboven beschreven, kan worden uitgevoerd" = a method as described above can be carried out
een wettelijke eis is = is a legal requirement
een wettelijke verplichting die op de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke rust = a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Controller
"een wettig, veilig en eerlijk aanbod aan consumenten" = "providing legitimate, safe and fair gambling services to consumers"
een wezenlijk bestanddeel vormen/uitmaken van = to be an essential/integral part of
een wezenlijke bijdrage voor = a fundamental contribution to
een wezenlijke tekortkoming in de nakoming vormen = to amount to a fundamental breach of contract
een wig slaan = wedge
een wig steken = wedge
een wijze die strijdig is met eerlijke handelsgebruiken = a manner contrary to honest commercial practices
Een wijziging of aanvulling = Any changes or additions
een wijziging op de bestaande arbeidsovereenkomst = an amendment to your current contract of employment
Een wijzigingsprocedure = A change procedure
een wind laten = fart
"een wind laten, een scheet laten" = break wind  (fart)
"een wind laten, scheet laten" = fart  (to emit flatulent gases)
een windpark te bouwen en exploiteren = to build and operate a wind farm
een win-win situatie = a win-win situation
Een wissel accepteren = Accept a bill
één wisselkoersbeleid = single exchange-rate policy
een woning kraken = to squat in a house
een woning of kantoorgebouw = a home or office building
Een Works-taak koppelen = Associate a Works task
een zaak = an item
een zaak (winkel) beginnen = to open a shop
een zaak aan arbitrage onderwerpen = to submit a matter to arbitration
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to conclude a transaction
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to effect a transaction
een zaak afsluiten/tot stand brengen = to transact a deal
een zaak afwikkelen = to settle a matter
een zaak afwikkelen = to wind up an affair
een zaak in beraad nemen = take into consideration
een zaak in beraad nemen = consider
een zaak naar de rol verwijzen voor het nemen van akte = the case has been entered on the cause list for claimant to submit a stat
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to enter a case in the docket (US)
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to place a case on the register
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to set down a case for hearing
een zaak op de rol plaatsen = to set down a case for trial
een zaak op een bepaalde plaats afleveren = to deliver a thing at a particular place
een zaak op een bepaalde plaats afleveren = to deliver an article at a particular place
een zaak van de rol voeren = to remove a case from the cause list
een zaak van de rol voeren = to strike a case off the cause list
een zaak voor het gerecht brengen = legal
een zaak voor het gerecht brengen = to institute an action
een zaak weer op de rol plaatsen = to restore a case to the cause list
een zachte gummy voor therapeutisch oraal gebruik = a soft gummy for therapeutic oral use
een zakelijke op resultaat gerichte oriëntatie = business and result-oriented
een zakelijke oplossing = a corporate solution
een zakelijke reis naar het buitenland = business trips abroad
een zakenreis naar het buitenland = a business trip abroad
een zeer grote groepen en verdeelkast = "groepenkast = distribution board, consumer unit"
een zeer hoge mechanische sterkte vertonen = exhibit a very high mechanical strength
een zeer specifieke term die mogelijk niet aanwezig is als een vastgestel = a very specific term which may not be present as an established keyword b
een zeer uitgebreid kwaliteitsbeheer = a comprehensive quality management system
een zekere afstand van elkaar gescheiden zijn = are separated a certain distance from each other
een zekere inkomensbescherming = a certain degree of income protection
een zelfregelende klep = a self-regulating valve
een zelfstandig opererende = an independent
een zelfstandig uitgevoerde analyse = an independently performed analysis
"een zetje geven, een duwtje geven, een duwtje in de rug geven" = boost  (to lift or push from behind)
één zijde = one side
één zijkant van één van genoemde tussenschotten = one side of one of said partitions
een zinvolle voortzetting van de arbeidsovereenkomst is niet aan de orde = there is no suitable way of continuing the employment contract
een zo goed mogelijke bescherming van je gezondheid = protecting your health as much as possible
een zo groot mogelijke veiligheid = maximizing safety
een zo laag mogelijk = the lowest possible
een zo uniform mogelijke dikte = a thickness that is as uniform as possible
een zogenaamde penetratietest = a so-called penetration test
één zone met één of meerdere woorden = one single or multiple word zone
een zooitje van zou hebben gemaakt = made a mess of things
een zorg minder voor de klant = ensuring the customer had one less aspect to worry about
een zorgvuldige analyse van = a careful analysis of
een zorgvuldige analyse van het complete eindverpakkingsproces = a careful analysis of the entire final packaging process
een zout daarvan = a salt thereof
een zout daarvan of een mengsel daarvan = a salt thereof or a mixture thereof
een zwakke leerling bijspijkeren = bring a weak pupil up to standard
een zware wissel trekken op = to take a heavy toll on
een zwarte bladzijde in de geschiedenis van het bedrijf = a black page in the history of the company
een zwarte stip = a black dot
"één, een [non-emphasized]" = one {cardinal number} (cardinal number 1)
"een, een zeker, een of ander" = "some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown)"
een/de eed afleggen/ zweren = depose  (to take an oath)
een/tweerichtingsverkeer = one/two-way traffic
eenaderige kabel = single-core cable
éénaderige stroomgeleider = Single-core conductor
éénaderige stroomgeleiders = Single-core conductors
eenadresopdracht = one-address instruction
eenadresopdrachtvorm = one address instruction format
Eenas-positionering = Single-axis positioning
Eenas-regeling = Single-axis controller
eenassig = uniaxial
eenassig bijscherm = simple cyme
eenbaansweg = highway
eenbeenstatief = unipod support
eenbroederig = monadelphous
eencilinder motor = single cylinder engine
een-complement = ones complement
eencomponentlak = one-component lacquer
eencomponentverf = one-component paint
ééncomponentversie = single-component version
ééncomponentversies = single-component versions
Eend = Duck
eend {de} = duck
eendagskuiken = day-old chick
ééndagskuiken = day old chick
eendagskuikens = day-old chicks
ééndagskuikens = day-old chicks
eende- = duck
eendebout = duck
eendeëi = duck egg
ééndelig = single-sheave
ééndelig = one-part
ééndelig = one-piece
ééndelig = single-component
eendelig doek = one-piece surgical drape
ééndelig doek = one-piece surgical drape
eendelig en uit kunststof vervaardigd = is made in one piece and in plastic
ééndelige = one-piece
Eenden = Duck
eenden = ducks
eenden- = duck
eendenkooi = duck-trap
eendenlever = foie gras
Eender = Similar
eender = likewise
Eender = Identical
Eender = Alike
Eender = Same
eender = equal
Eender = Like
eender wanneer = any time
eender wanneer = anytime [esp. Am.]
eender wat = whatever
eender wel aantal = any number of
eender welk = any
eender welke = any
eender welke = any ...whatsoever
eender welke combinatie = any combination
eender welke combinatie daarvan = any combination thereof
eender welke informatie = any information whatsoever
eender welke of meerdere = any or several
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen = any of the claimed embodiments
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen worden gebruikt in eender = any of the claimed embodiments can be used in any combination
eender welke van de geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen worden gebruikt in eender = any of the claimed embodiments can be used in any combination
eendimensionaal = univariate
Eendimensionale schaalanalyse = One-dimensional scale analysis
eendimensionale verdeling = univariate distribution
eendollarbiljet/eendollarsbiljet = one (dollar bill)
ééndoorgangs- = single pass
eendraads- = circuit diagrams
Eendraads getextureerd garen = Single textured yarn
eendraadschema = single line diagram
eendraadsgeleiding = single-wire line
eendraadsleiding = single-wire line
eendraadsschema = one-line diagram
eendraadsschema = single-line diagram
een-draadsschema = one-line diagram
eendraadsschema's = circuit diagrams
eendracht = harmony
Eendracht = Union
eendracht {de} = unity
eendracht {de} = harmony
Eendracht maakt macht = United we stand
eendrachtig = harmonious
Eendrachtig = Unanimous
eenduidig = unambiguous
eenduidig = clear-cut
eenduidig = unmistakeable
eenduidig = univocal
eenduidig = foolproof
eenduidig = unambiguously
eenduidig = "unambiguous, unequivocal"
Eenduidig = Clear
eenduidig optreden = uniform action
Eenduidige = Clear
Eenduidige = Clear-cut
éénduidige = clear
éénduidige = clear-cut
éénduidige = clearly
éénduidige = consistent
éénduidige = unambiguous
éénduidige = unambiguously
éénduidige = unequivocal
éénduidige = unequivocally
eenduidige aanpak = uniform approach
eenduidige definitie = unambiguous definition
eenduidige interpretatie van de beoordelingscriteria = unambiguous interpretation of the assessment criteria
eenduidige privacywetgeving = unambiguous privacy legislation
eenduidige rapportage = unambiguous reporting
eenduidige stijl = consistent style
eenduidigheid = uniformity
eenduidigheid van de controle = consistency and uniformity of inspection
eenduizend = one thousand
Eendvogels = Anseriformes
een-eenduidig (injectief) = one-to-one
eenendertig = thirty-one
eenentachtigst = eighty-first
"eenentachtigst, eenentachtigste" = eighty-first {numeral} (ordinal number 81st)
eenentachtigste = eighty-first
eenentwintig = twenty-one
eenentwintigste = twenty-first
"eenentwintigste <21e, 21ste>" = twenty-first <21st>
eenenvijftig = fifty-one
eenenzestig = sixty-one
één-factor-theorie van Spearman = single factor theory
eenfasegelijkrichter = half-wave rectifier
eenfasegelijkrichting = single-phase rectification
Eenfasemotoren = Single-phase motors
Eenfasig = 1-phased
éénfasige = single-phase
éénfasige elektriciteit = single-phase power
eenfasige halve golf = single-phase half-wave
eenfrequentieoscillator = single-frequency oscillator
eenfrequentieversterker = single-frequency amplifier
éénfunctietoets = single switch device
eengangig = single-thread
eengemaakte arbeidsmarkt = single labour market
eengezinswoning = one-family house
eengezinswoning = single family dwelling
eengezinswoning = single-family housing
ééngezinswoning = family home
"eengezinswoning, eengezinshuis" = one-family house
Eengreepskraan = One handle tap
eenh./m = unit/m
Eenhandbediening = One hand control
Eénhandmengkraan = One hand mixer
eenheden = units
eenheden = entities
eenheden = integers
eenheden {mv} = units
eenheden per periode = units per period
eenheden per uur = M's hour
eenheden van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie = spatial locations
eenhedengroep = unit group
eenhedenstelsel = system of units
eenheid = device
eenheid = unit
eenheid = unit of measurement
eenheid = whole
eenheid = entity
eenheid = unity
eenheid = integrity
eenheid {de} = unit
eenheid met meervoudige banden = multiband device
Eenheid van = Unit of
eenheid van elektriciteit = electrical unit
eenheid van elektrostatica = electrostatic unit
eenheid van elektrostatische lading = unit electrostatic charge
eenheid van energie = unit of energy
eenheid van kostprijsberekening = costing unit
eenheid van taal = consistent terminology
eenheid van vermogen = power unit
eenheid van warmte = heat unit
eenheid voor algemene luchtverkeersleiding (ACC) = area control centre (ACC)
eenheid voor hoeken = angular unit
eenheid waarover afschrijving wordt berekend = depreciation unit
Eenheids Afleverings Verpakkingen = unit dose blister packs
eenheidsafstandcode = unit-distance code
eenheidsas = basic shaft
eenheidsasstelsel = shaft basis system of fits
Eenheidscel = Mesh
eenheidscertificaat = unit certificate
eenheidsdenken = groupthink
eenheidsdiagnose = unit  diagnostics
eenheidsgat = basic hole
eenheidsgatstelsel = hole basis system of fits
eenheidsidentificatiecode = unit identification code
eenheidsinformatie = unit information
eenheidsinterval = unit interval
eenheidsklasse = unit class
eenheidskwaliteit = unit quality
eenheidslengte = unit length
eenheidslichtbron = unit source of light
eenheidsmatrix = unit matrix
Eenheidsmatrix = Identity matrix
eenheidsontwikkelingsfolder = unit development folder: UDF
eenheidspartij = one-party system
eenheidsprijs = unit price
eenheidsprijzen = unit prices
eenheidsprijzen en globale prijzen = unit prices and overall prices
eenheidsstaat = unitarian State
eenheidsstaat = unitary state
eenheidsstatuut = unified employment status (for blue and white collar workers)
eenheidstarieven = unit rates
eenheidsvector = unit vector
eenheidsvertragingstijd = unit delay
eenheidsvertragingstijdsimulator = unit delay simulator
Eénhendelmengkraan = Single lever mixer
eenhokkig = unilocular
eenhokkig al = one celled
eenhonderd = one hundred
eenhonderd vijf duizend = one hundred five thousand
eenhonderd vijftig duizend = one hundred and fifty thousand
éénhoofdigheid = companies with single shareholders
Eenhoorn = Unicorn
Eenhoorn (fabeldier) = Unicorn
eenhoorn {de} = unicorn
eenhuizig = monoecions
eenhuizig = monoecious
eeningangsterminal = one-input terminal
eenjarig = annual
eenjarige plant {de} = annual
eenjunctietransistor = single-junction transistor
eenkamerstelsel = unicameral system
eenkennig = shy
eenkleurig = monochromatic
"eenkleurig, met/van de zelfde kleur" = concolorous
eenkleurige mierklauwier = uniform antshrike (passerine bird of the antbird family)
eenkopsysteem = single-head system
eenkristal = single crystal
eenlettergrepig = monosyllabic
eenlidsrij = unit string
eenlijnschrijver = one-line tracer
Eenlijnsprestaties = performance on a par with a patentable invention
eenlinggolf = solitary wave
E-en-M signalering = E-and-M lead signalling
eenmaal = at some time
eenmaal = simply
Eenmaal = Once
Eenmaal = One day
Eenmaal de heropstart volledig gebeurd is = Once the restart is complete
Eenmaal de verbinding opnieuw gerealiseerd is = Once the connection has been reestablished
eenmaal het jaarinkomen = once your annual income
Eenmaal ingelogd op de machine = Once logged on to the machine
eenmaal klikken = single click
eenmaal per dag = once a day
éénmaal per jaar = once a year
eenmaal per week = weekly
eenmaken = unify
eenmaking = union
eenmalig = non-recurring
eenmalig = non-recurrent
éénmalig = non-recurring
éénmalig = once-only
eenmalig 50% korting = one-time 50% discount
eenmalig een incassoopdracht te sturen = to send a one-off direct debit order
eenmalig gebruik = disposable
eenmalig kapitaal = lump sum capital
eenmalig seksueel geweld = non-recurring sexual violence
eenmalig toepassingen = one-off applications
éénmalig uniek wachtwoord = one-time password
eenmalig wachtwoord = one-time password
eenmalige = One-time
éénmalige = non-recurrent
éénmalige = non-recurring
éénmalige = on a case-by-case basis
éénmalige = on one occasion
éénmalige = once-in-a-life-time
éénmalige = once-only
éénmalige = one single time
éénmalige = one time
éénmalige = one-off
éénmalige = one-shot (informal)
éénmalige = one-time
éénmalige = single
éénmalige = single time
eenmalige aanmelding = single sign-on
eenmalige actie = one-off effort
eenmalige actie = one-off measure
eenmalige actie = one-off operation
eenmalige actie = one-off procedure
eenmalige actie = one-off promotion
éénmalige automatische incasso = non-recurring direct debit
éénmalige automatische incasso = one-off direct debit
eenmalige bedragen = one-off amounts
eenmalige beoordeling = one-time assessment
"eenmalige binnenkomst, visum" = single-entry visa
eenmalige dosis = single dosage
eenmalige en periodieke kosten = one-off and periodic expenses
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = disposable goods
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = disposables
eenmalige gebruiksgoederen = single-use goods
eenmalige indienststelling = one time startup
eenmalige inspectie = one-time inspection
eenmalige kosten = non-recurring costs
eenmalige kosten = one-off costs
eenmalige kosten omgekeerde overname = non-recurring costs relating to reverse takeover
eenmalige lasten en baten = non-recurring income and expenditures
eenmalige machtiging = once-only authorisation
eenmalige machtiging = one-off direct debit mandate
eenmalige machtiging = single direct debit mandate
Eenmalige machtiging incasso = One-off direct debit
eenmalige registratie = one-time registration
eenmalige registratievergoeding = one-time registration fee
eenmalige SEPA Incasso-opdrachten = One-off SEPA Direct Debit orders
Eenmalige SEPA machtiging Bedrijven = One-off SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
eenmalige storting = one-off deposit
eenmalige storting = payment of a single deposit
eenmalige storting = single contribution [pension insurance]
eenmalige storting = single deposit
eenmalige storting = single premium [pension insurance]
eenmalige stortingen = single contributions
Eenmalige tarieven = One-off rates
eenmalige uitbetaling = lump sum payment
éénmalige uitbetaling = lump sum payment
eenmalige uitkering = one-off payment
eenmalige uitkering = non-recurrent benefit
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurrent payment
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurring payment
éénmalige uitkering = once-only payment
éénmalige uitkering = one-off payment
éénmalige uitkering = lump sum benefit
éénmalige uitkering = lump sum payment
éénmalige uitkering = non-recurrent benefit
éénmalige uitkering = once-only benefit
eenmalige vergoeding = one-off charge
eenmalige vrijval = one-off release
éénmalige wachtwoord = one-time password
éénmalige wachtwoord = OTP
eenmalige zware belasting = a single heavy load
Eenmanszaak = one-man business
Eenmanszaak = sole proprietor
Eenmanszaak = sole proprietorship
Eenmanszaak = sole trader
eenmanszaak = sole proprietorship
eenmanszaken = sole traders
éénmanszaken = one-man business (bron: business)
éénmanszaken = sole proprietorship
éénmanszaken = sole trader
een-na-laatste jaar = penultimate year
een-niveau adres = one-level address
eenogig = one-eyed
Eenoog = One-eyed
eenoogreflex = "single-lens reflex, SLR"
één-op-één = at full value
één-op-één = in full
één-op-één = in their entirety
één-op-één = one by one
één-op-één = one for one
één-op-één = one-to-one
een-op-een afbeelding = one-to-one correspondence
een-op-een associatie = one-to-one association
één-op-één communicatie = one-to-one communication
éen-op-één doorberekenen = pass on expenses at cost
één-op-één kopie = one-to-one copy
één-op-één les = one-to-one lessons
één-op-één toepassing = one-to one-application
een-op-een vertaler = one-to-one translator
een-op-een-relatie = one-to-one relationship
een-op-veel associatie = one-to-many association
een-op-veel-relatie = one-to-many relationship
eenoudergezin = one-parent family
eenoudergezin = single-parent family
éénoudergezin = one-parent family
eenpansgerechten = one-pot meals
eenpansgerechten = one-pot dishes
eenparig = unanimous
eenparig = uniform
eenparig schriftelijk akkoord = unanimous written agreement
eenparig versnelde beweging = uniformly accelerated motion
eenparig vertraagde beweging = uniformly retarded motion
eenparige beweging = uniform motion
eenparigheid van stemmen = consensus vote
eenpersoons = Single-member LLC (EBVBA/SPRLU)
eenpersoons- = one person
eenpersoons bed = single bed
eenpersoons kamers = single rooms
eenpersoonsbed {het} = single bed
eenpersoonsdeken = single blanket
eenpersoonshuishouden = single household
eenpersoonshuishouden = single-person household
éénpersoonshuishouden = single-person household
éénpersoonshuishoudens = single-person households
eenpersoonskamer = single room
éénpersoonskamer = single room
één-persoontoeslag = single supplement
Eénpiloot-gecertificeerd luchtvaartuig = Single-pilot aircraft
een-plus-een adresinstructie = one-plus-one address instruction
een-plus-een adresopdrachtvorm = one-plus-one address instruction format
eenpolig = unipolar
Eenpolig drukcontact = 1-pole push button
Eenpolige fase-indicatie = Single pole phase indication
Eenpolige schakelaar = 1-pole switch
éénpunts meting = single-point measurement
Eenregelig = Single-line
eenrichting [-sweg] = One-way [- street]
eenrichtingsbus = unidirectional bus
eenrichtingscommunicatie = one-way communication
eenrichtingsfietspad = one-way cycle track
eenrichtingsgeleiding = unidirectional conductivity
eenrichtingsgraaf = unidirected graph
eenrichtingsnetwerk = unidirectional network
eenrichtingsonderdrukker = half echo suppressor
eenrichtingspuls = unidirectional pulse
eenrichtingsspanning = unidirectional voltage
eenrichtingsstraat = one-way streets
eenrichtingsstraat {de} [vooral BN] = one-way street
eenrichtingsstraten = one-way streets
eenrichtingsstraten = one-way street
eenrichtingsstroom = unidirectional current
eenrichtingstransportsysteem = one-way transport system
eenrichtingsventiel = non-return valve
eenrichtingsverbindingsfaciliteit = calls barred facility
eenrichtingsverkeer = one-way traffic
Eenrichtingsverkeer = One way
een-richtingsverkeer = one-way traffic
een-richtingsverkeer = unidirectional traffic
eenrichtingsvertrouwensrelatie = one-way trust
eenrichtingsweg {de} = one-way street
eenrijig = single row
eenrijig groefkogellager = single-row ball bearing
Eens = One day
eens = once upon a time
eens = just
Eens = Once
eens bent = agree
eens de dataverandering aan de gebeurtenislog toegevoegd is = once the data change has been added to the event log
eens het is gevormd = once formed
eens in de zoveel tijd = every once in a while
eens verbonden = once connected
Eens we dat begrepen hebben = Once we have understood this
"eens zijn, Zijn we het daar allemaal over eens?" = "to agree, Are we all agreed on that?"
"eens, een keer, eenmaal" = once {adv} (one and only one time)
eenschijfsmachine = single-disc machine
eenschrift-meertalig = uniscript-multilingual
Eensgevend geld = Quotation per unit
Eensgezind = Unanimous
eensgezind naar buiten treden = to stand united
eensklaps = unexpectedly
Eensklaps = All of a sudden
eensklaps = suddenly
eenslachtig = unisexual
eenslagkoppeling = single-revolution clutch
eensluidend gewaarmerkt afschrift = certified true copy
eensoortige vegetatie = sward
eenstand = one condition
eenstapsgoedkeuringsprocedure = single-step approval procedure
eenstapstypegoedkeuring = single-step type-approval
een-steekproef-kwaliteitscontrole-procedure = single sampling plan
één-steekproefschatter van Hodges-Lehmann = Hodges-Lehmann one-sample estimator
eenstemmig = with one accord
eenstemmig besluit = unanimous resolution
eenstemmigheid = unanimity
Eentaksziekte = usually single vessel disease/sometimes single-vessel disease/very occasi
eentekortbijdevoorziening = supply shortfall
eenterm = monomial
"eentje laten vliegen, eentje loslaten" = cut one loose  (fart)
eentoerenschroef = one way head
eentoestand = one state
eentonig = monotonous
Eentonig = Humdrum
Eéntonig = Single-tone
Eéntonig continue signaal = Single-tone continuous alarm
"eentonig, eentonige, monotoon, monotone" = monotonic {adj}
eentonigheid = monotony
Eentonigheid = Tediousness
eentoppig = unimodal
eentoppig = single-peaked
eentoppige verdeling = unimodal distribution
ééntrap = single-stage
eentraps = single stage
ééntraps = single-stage
ééntraps = one-step
ééntraps = single stage
Eentrapsactie = One-stage campaign
eentrapsgenerator = single-stage generator
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = single sampling
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = unit stage sampling
eentrapssteekproeftrekking = unitary sampling
ééntrapssysteem = single-stage system
eentrapsversteker = single-stage amplifier
eenuitgangssignaal = one output signal
eenuitgangsterminal = one-output terminal
éénvijfde = one fifth
een-voorwaartse adressering = one-ahead addressing
eenvormig = uniform
Eenvormige Beneluxwet op de Merken = Uniform Benelux Law on Marks
eenvormige besluitvorming = uniform decision-making
eenvormigheidsattest = certificate of vehicle conformity
Eenvoud = Artlessness
Eenvoud = Simplicity
Eenvoud = Simpleness
eenvoudig = easy [simple]
Eenvoudig = Informal
Eenvoudig = Straightforward
Eenvoudig = Homely
eenvoudig = plain [simple]
Eenvoudig = Homespun
eenvoudig = simple
eenvoudig = plain
eenvoudig = elementary
Eenvoudig = Informally
Eenvoudig = Mere
eenvoudig = trivially
Eenvoudig bestellen = Easy ordering
Eenvoudig doel = Basic Target
eenvoudig en flexibel kan verplaatst worden = can be easily and flexibly moved
Eenvoudig en goedkoop in gebruik = Simple and cheap to run
eenvoudig en in hoge mate recycleerbaar = easily and to a large extent recyclable
Eenvoudig en snel aan te brengen = Easy and quick to apply
eenvoudig en snel ontsmet = easily and quickly disinfected
eenvoudig en snel ontsmet worden = can be easily and quickly disinfected
Eenvoudig flexproces = Basic Bending Process
eenvoudig gehouden worden = kept simple
eenvoudig geïntegreerd kan worden = can be easily integrated
eenvoudig gekanteld kan worden met een bepaalde hoek = can easily be tilted at a certain angle
eenvoudig gereedschap = simple tools
eenvoudig gevormd worden = be formed easily
eenvoudig handelskrediet = straight credit
eenvoudig handgereedschap = simple hand tools
eenvoudig in de holte kan opgenomen worden = can be easily received in the cavity
eenvoudig in gebruik = easy to use
eenvoudig in gebruik en onderhoud = easy to use and maintain
"Eenvoudig in gebruik en onderhoud, gunstig in aanschaf" = Economical and easy to use and maintain
eenvoudig in het gebruik = easy to use
Eenvoudig in het onderhoud = Easy maintenance
eenvoudig in onderhoud = easy to maintain
eenvoudig instapbaar = easy to get into
eenvoudig kan gevormd worden = can be formed easily
eenvoudig losmaakbaar = easily detachable
eenvoudig losmaakbaar paneel = easily detachable panel
eenvoudig met elkaar in contact = easily be in contact with each other
"eenvoudig met elkaar in contact, waar ze zich ook bevinden" = "easily be in contact with each other, wherever they are located"
eenvoudig netwerk = simple network
eenvoudig op de site kan samengebouwd worden = can be easily assembled on site
eenvoudig overzicht = simple overview
eenvoudig prduct = simple product
Eenvoudig proces = Basic Process
eenvoudig raadpleegbaar = can be easily consulted
Eenvoudig samenwerken met = Easily collaborate with
Eenvoudig samenwerken met collega’s = Easily collaborate with colleagues
Eenvoudig schoon te maken = Easy to clean
eenvoudig te achterhalen = easily retrievable
eenvoudig te gebruiken = easy to use
eenvoudig te implementeren systeem = easy-to-implement system
Eenvoudig te installeren = Easy to install
Eenvoudig te installeren zonder hak- en breekwerk = Easy to install without major construction work
eenvoudig te integreren = easy to integrate
eenvoudig te integreren palletlift = easy to integrate pallet lift
Eenvoudig te openen met push-push openingssysteem = Easy opening using push-push opening system
Eenvoudig te openen met push-push openingssysteem = Simple to open with push-push opening system
eenvoudig te plaatsen = easy to install
eenvoudig te reinigen = easy to clean
eenvoudig te selecteren = easily selectable
eenvoudig te vervaardigen = easy to manufacture
Eenvoudig toegankelijk = Easily accessible
Eenvoudig toegankelijk = Easy access
eenvoudig tot complexe = simple to complex
eenvoudig type = simple type
eenvoudig verkrijgbaar = readily available
eenvoudig vermeden = easily avoided
eenvoudig verplaatsbaar = easily movable
eenvoudig verplaatsbaar is naar een andere plaats = is easy to move to a different location
eenvoudig verplaatsbare = easily movable
eenvoudig volume = simple volume
eenvoudig worden uitgebreid met een aantal optionele modules = can easily be expanded with a number of optional modules
"eenvoudig, duurzaam en goedkoop" = "easily, durably and inexpensively"
"eenvoudig, energiezuinig en doeltreffend" = "simple, energy efficient and effective"
"eenvoudig, snel en goedkoop" = "simply, quickly and cheaply"
"eenvoudig,snel,uitgekookt" = convenient)
"eenvoudig,snel,uitgekookt" = "expedient {adj} (simple, easy, or quick"
eenvoudige = simple
eenvoudige (niet-getrapte) winst- en verliesrekening = single-step income statement
eenvoudige berekeningen = simple calculations
eenvoudige beslissing = simple resolution
Eenvoudige bloklijst = Basic Block List
eenvoudige bufferbewerking = simple buffering
Eenvoudige cirkel = Basic Pie
eenvoudige client = simple client
eenvoudige componenten = simple components
eenvoudige conflictsituatie = simple conflict
Eenvoudige cyclus = Basic Cycle
Eenvoudige cyclus = Cycle
eenvoudige deelroute = simple subpath
eenvoudige en effectieve = simple and effective
Eenvoudige en schone montage = Simple and clean installation
Eenvoudige indicator = simple indicator
eenvoudige letsels = simple injuries
Eenvoudige matrix = Basic Matrix
eenvoudige monteerbaarheid en demonteerbaarheid = simple mounting and demounting
eenvoudige opbouw = simple construction
eenvoudige oplossing = simple solution
eenvoudige opslag = easy storage
eenvoudige overeenkomst = open contract
eenvoudige overeenkomst = simple contract
Eenvoudige piramide = Basic Pyramid
eenvoudige plaatsing = easy installation
Eenvoudige problemen oplossen = Solving simple problems
eenvoudige quad = simple quad
Eenvoudige radiaal = Basic Radial
eenvoudige scheidingsmogelijkheden bieden = are simple to separate
eenvoudige schriftelijke = open contract
eenvoudige schriftelijke = simple contract
eenvoudige schriftelijke mededeling = simple written notice
eenvoudige taken veilig afwerken = safely complete simple tasks
Eenvoudige TCP/IP-services = Simple TCP/IP Services
Eenvoudige tijdlijn = Basic Timeline
eenvoudige tracés = simple routes
Eenvoudige venn = Basic Venn
eenvoudige vragenlijst = simple questionnaire
eenvoudige wetgeving = simple legislation
Eenvoudige winst- en verliesrekening = Single-step income statement
eenvoudiger = simpler
Eenvoudiger en sneller aan te brengen en af te werken = Easier and faster to apply and finish
eenvoudiger en sneller te produceren = easier and quicker to produce
eenvoudiger en voordeliger = simpler and cheaper
eenvoudiger hanteerbaar = easier to handle
eenvoudiger in elkaar te schuiven = easier to slide into one another
eenvoudiger is dan ooit = easier than ever
Eenvoudiger openen en sluiten = Easier opening and closing
eenvoudiger te produceren = easier to manufacture
eenvoudigweg = simply
eenvoudigweg = easily
eenwaardig = monovalent
eenwaardig alcohol = monohydric alcohol
eenwaardig carbonzuur = monocarboxylic acid
Eenwaardige alcoholen = Monohydric alcohols
eenwaardige alcoholen = monohydric alcohols
eenwaardige carbonzuur = monocarboxylic acid
eenwals = single-roll mill
eenwegcommunicatie = one-way communication
eenwegscommunicatie = one-way communication
Éénwegsysteem = One-way system
eenwegventiel = one-way valve
eenwindingsspoel = single-turn coil
éénwoordzone = single word zone
éénwoordzones = single word containing zones
éénwoordzones = single word zones
eenwording van Duitsland = unification of Germany
eenzaadlobbig = monocotyledonous
Eenzaadlobbigen = Monocotyledon
Eenzaam = Solitary
eenzaam = dreary
Eenzaam = Lonesome
Eenzaam = Rogue elephant
Eenzaam = Solitaire
Eenzaam = Alone
Eenzaam = Lonely
Eenzaam = Lone
eenzaamheid = abandonment
Eenzaamheid = Isolation
Eenzaamheid = Solitude
Eenzaamheid = Loneliness
Eenzaamheid = Seclusion
eenzaamheid {de} = loneliness
eenzelfde = a single
eenzelfde = identical
eenzelfde = the same
éénzelfde = the same/identical
eenzelfde materiaal = a same material
Eenzelfde overweging = The same consideration
eenzelfde soort = an identical
éénzelfde wand = the same wall
Eenzelvig = Solitaire
Eenzelvig = Rogue elephant
Eenzelvig = Lone
Eenzelvig = Solitary
Eenzelvig = Lonesome
Eenzelvig = Lonely
Eenzelvig = Alone
eenzijband = single-sideband: SSB
eenzijbandbereik = single-sideband range
eenzijbanddistortie = single-sideband distortion
eenzijbandfout = single-sideband error
eenzijbandonderdrukking = single-sideband suppression
eenzijbandontvanger = single-sideband receiver
eenzijbandontvangst = single-sideband reception
eenzijbandsignaal = single-sideband signal
eenzijbandversterker = single-sideband amplifier
eenzijbandzender = single-sideband transmitter
eenzijdig = on one side
eenzijdig = biased
Eenzijdig = One way
Eenzijdig = Unilateral
eenzijdig = one-sided
eenzijdig = one-tailed
eenzijdig = unilaterally
eenzijdig afgewezen = unilaterally rejected
Eenzijdig Buitengerechtelijk Deskundigenonderzoek = Unilateral Extrajudicial Expert’s Investigation
eenzijdig delen = unilateral sharing
eenzijdig doorgevoerde = unilaterally implemented
eenzijdig herroepbaar contract = voidable contract
eenzijdig in het voordeel van de koper = unilaterally favouring the buyer
éénzijdig ingeklemde balk = cantilever beam
eenzijdig mandaat = unilateral mandate
eenzijdig ongeval = single vehicle accident
eenzijdig te wijzigen = unilaterally change
eenzijdig te wijzigen of aan te vullen = unilaterally change or supplement
eenzijdig vastgestelde prijs = administered price
eenzijdig verbreken = unilateral termination
eenzijdig verbreken van de opdracht = unilateral breach of contract
éénzijdig verzoekschrift = ex parte application
eenzijdig voetgangersongeval (niet in VN-ECE internationale definitie) = pedestrian-only accident (not in UN-ECE international definition)
eenzijdig wijzigen = unilaterally amend
eenzijdig wijzigingsbeding = unilateral changes clause
eenzijdig worden aangepast = unilaterally changed
eenzijdig wordt gewijzigd = is amended unilaterally
"eenzijdig, onmiddellijk en zonder voorafgaande gerechtelijke tussenkomst" = "unilaterally, immediately and without prior judicial intervention"
eenzijdige = unilateral
Eenzijdige akte = Deed poll
eenzijdige beëindiging = unilateral termination
éénzijdige beëindiging = unilateral termination
éénzijdige beëindiging zonder opzeggingstermijn = unilateral termination without notice
eenzijdige begrensde turbulentie = wall-turbulence
eenzijdige belasting van het lichaam = one-sided strain on the body
eenzijdige bevestiging = single-sided mounting
eenzijdige geschriften = unilateral writings
eenzijdige golf = one-sided wave
"eenzijdige hypalgesie, de hemihypalgesie" = hemihypalgesia
"eenzijdige hypalgesie, de hemihypalgesie" = hemi-hypoalgesia
eenzijdige ongeval = one-car accident
eenzijdige ongeval = one-vehicle accident
eenzijdige specialisatieovereenkomst = unilateral specialisation agreement
eenzijdige steeksleutel = open-end spanner
eenzijdige toets = asymmetrical test
eenzijdige toets = one-sided test
eenzijdige toets = one-tailed test
eenzijdige toets = single tail test
Eenzijdige toets = One-tailed test
eenzijdige verbreking = unilateral termination
eenzijdige verbreking arbeidsovereenkomst = unilateral termination of the employment contract
eenzijdige verbreking arbeidsovereenkomst door werkgever = unilateral termination of employment contract by employer
eenzijdige vermindering van belasting = unilateral tax relief
eenzijdige vorm van onderwijs = one-sided form of education
Eenzijdige wijziging = Unilateral amendment
eenzijdige wilsverklaring = unilateral declaration of intent
eenzijdigheid {de} = one-sidedness
EEPROM = electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
eer = credit
eer = honor
eer = rather
eer = sooner
eer = before
eer = honour
EER = European Economic Area
eer {de} = honor [Am.]
eer {de} = honour [Br.]
eer en geweten = true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability
eerbaar = reputable
Eerbaar = Honest
eerbaar = chaste
eerbaarheid = chastity
eerbaarheid {de} = respectability
Eerbetoon = Token
eerbetoon = tribute
eerbetoon = homage
eerbetoon {het} = tribute
"eerbetoon, hommage, hulde, huldeblijk" = homage (demonstration of respect)
eerbetuiging = accolade
Eerbetuiging = Token
Eerbetuiging = Homage
eerbewijs = honor
eerbewijsontvankelijkheid = honorificabilitudinitatibus (being able to receive honours)
eerbewijsontvankelijkheid = honorificabilitudinitatibus
Eerbied = Reverence
eerbied = respect
Eerbied = Abidance
Eerbiedig = Reverent
Eerbiedig = Dutiful
Eerbiedig = Respectful
Eerbiedigen = Have respect
Eerbiedigen = Follow
Eerbiedigen = Act on
Eerbiedigen = Respect
Eerbiedigen = Act upon
Eerbiedigen = Abide by
eerbiediging van de persoonlijke levenssfeer = respect for privacy
eerbiediging van de persoonlijke levenssfeer en de onaantastbaarheid van  = respect for privacy and physical integrity
eerbiediging van het privé-leven = protection of privacy
Eerbieding van mensenrechten = Respect for human rights
eerbiedwaardig = respectable
Eerbiedwaardig = Venerable
Eerbiedwaardig = Ancient
Eerbiedwaardigheid = Venerable
Eerbiedwaardigheid = Ancient
eerbiedwaardigheid = deference
eerdaags = soon
eerder = before
Eerder = Preferably
eerder = sooner
Eerder = Quite
eerder = rather
eerder = earlier
Eerder = Sufficiently
eerder = ahead
eerder ... dan = rather ... than
eerder aangekondigde = previously announced
eerder aangekondigde overname van = previously announced acquisition of
eerder bemonsterde = previously sampled
eerder bestelde = previously ordered
eerder bestelde Producten = previously ordered Products
eerder dan vermoedelijke datum = before the expected delivery date
Eerder eens = I tend to agree
Eerder gebeurde incidenten = Previous incidents
eerder gedaan eigen onderzoek = previously done own research
eerder gedane beleggingen = earlier investments
eerder gedeponeerde laag = previously deposited layer
eerder geformuleerde = previously formulated
eerder geïnstalleerde applicatie = previously installed application
eerder geïnstalleerde kruispuntprogramma = previously installed intersection program
eerder geïnstalleerde kruispuntprogramma’s = previously installed intersection programs
eerder gemeld = previously reported
eerder genoemd = previously mentioned
eerder genoemde = previously mentioned
eerder genoemde = above-mentioned
eerder genoemde = mentioned above
eerder genomen beslissingen = earlier decisions
eerder gepresenteerde informatie = the information presented earlier
eerder gerealiseerde project = past project
eerder gerealiseerde projecten = past projects
eerder geschat = previously estimated
eerder gewoonlijke dan toevallige lichte schuld = any minor negligence on their part that is usual/frequent rather than acc
eerder grenzen stellen = be more proactive about setting boundaries
eerder in het proces = earlier in the process
Eerder met pensioen gaan = Retiring earlier
Eerder niet eens = I tend to disagree
Eerder of later met pensioen = Early or late retirement
Eerder ontevreden = Somewhat dissatisfied
eerder op heden verleden = executed earlier this day
eerder opgedane ervaringen = previously gained experience
eerder opgedane kennis = prior learning
Eerder tevreden = Somewhat satisfied
eerder uitgevoerd onderzoek = previous research
eerder uitgevoerde SEPA Incasso-opdracht = previously executed SEPA Direct Debit order
eerder verbruik = previous consumption
eerder vermeld = above-mentioned
eerder vermeld = mentioned previously
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
"Eerder, zoals de volgende conclusies weerspiegelen, inventieve aspecten l" = "Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less th"
Eerdere = Previous
eerdere audit = previous audit
eerdere beëindiging van deze overeenkomst = earlier termination of this Agreement
Eerdere betrokkenheid = Previous involvement
eerdere certificatie = previous certification
eerdere einddatum = early finish date
eerdere ervaringen = previous experiences
eerdere Ingebruikneming = early Occupation
eerdere onderzoeken naar = previous studies on
eerdere opdrachtgevers = previous clients
Eerdere prijzen = Previous Awards
eerdere releases = previous releases
eerdere stations = upstream stations
eerdergenoemd = aforementioned
eerdergenoemde = above-mentioned
eerdgronden = eerd soils
eergaande slag = downstroke
eergisteren = "day before yesterday, the"
Eergisteren = Day before last
eergisteren = the day before yesterday
eergisteren = day before yesterday
eergisteren = ereyesterday
EER-land = EEA country
EER-landen = EEA countries
Eerlang = So long!
Eerlang = Bye for now
Eerlang = Not far off
eerlang = soon
EER-lidstaten = EEA Member States
Eerlijk = Straightforward
eerlijk = fair
eerlijk = brave
Eerlijk = Frankish
eerlijk = honestly
Eerlijk = Frank
Eerlijk = Honest
eerlijk en open stelt tegenover de mensen van je team = adopt an open and honest attitude towards the people in your team
eerlijk en rechtvaardig = honest and fair
eerlijk en redelijk was = was fair and reasonable
Eerlijk is eerlijk = To be fair
eerlijk over eten = honest about food
eerlijk spel = equitable game
eerlijk spel = fair game
eerlijk toerisme = equitable tourism
eerlijk werk = fair work
eerlijk zijn tegenover elkaar = if we are honest with each other
"eerlijk, open, oprecht, openhartig" = frank {adj} (bluntly honest)
"eerlijk, rechtvaardig, rechtschapen, correct, fair" = "fair {adj} (just, equitable)"
eerlijke = fair
eerlijke = honest
eerlijke = sincere
eerlijke concurrentie = fair competition
eerlijke concurrentieverhoudingen = fair competitive conditions
eerlijke eendenlever = ethical foie gras
eerlijke en niet scheefgetrokken concurrentie op een open markt = fair and undistorted competition in an open market
eerlijke en redelijke voorwaarden = fair and reasonable conditions
eerlijke en transparante = fair and transparent
eerlijke handel = fair trade
eerlijke markt = fair marketplace
Eerlijke onderlinge verhoudingen = Fair relationships
Eerlijke prijs = Fair price
eerlijke procesgang = fair trial
Eerlijkheid = Straightforwardness
eerlijkheid = honesty
Eerlijkheid = Trustworthiness
Eerlijkheid = Uprightness
eerlijkheid duurt het langst = honesty is the best policy
"eerlijkheid, respect en steun" = "honesty, respect and support"
Eerloos = Nefarious
Eerloos = Villainous
Eerloosheid = Foul deed
Eerloosheid = Phi
Eerloosheid = Beastliness
Eerloosheid = Villainy
Eerloosheid = Shabby trick
Eerloosheid = Infamy
Eerloosheid = Vile action
EER-Raad = EEA Council
eerroof = backbiting
eerroof = defamation
eerrovend = defamatory
Eersel = Eersel
Eerst = Prime
eerst = only after
eerst = first
eerst = not until
eerst aan de orde komen = are dealt with first
Eerst en vooral = First and foremost
Eerst indien = Not until
eerst positie = first position
eerstdaags = soon
eerste = initial
eerste = fore
eerste = inaugural
eerste = chief
eerste = first
eerste = prime
"eerste <1e, 1ste>" = first <1st>
Eerste aanloopfase = first running-in phase
eerste aanslag = starting fare
eerste aanspreekpunt = first point of contact
eerste actuator = first actuator
eerste administratief of gerechtelijk proces-verbaal = primary administrative or judicial finding
eerste aflevering naar de klant = first customer ship: FCS
eerste afname = initial acceptance
eerste afstand = first distance
eerste afwerkingsprofiel = first finishing profile
eerste antwoord = first response
"Eerste APK na 3 jaar, daarna elk jaar" = "First inspection after 3 years, then every year"
Eerste arbeidsongeschiktheidsdag = First day of incapacity for work
eerste as = first axis
eerste aspect = first aspect
eerste assistent accountant = audit senior (assistant)
eerste assistent accountant = junior audit assistant
eerste bakbeurt = first fry
eerste been = first leg
eerste beginselen = ABC
Eerste beginselen = Rudiments
eerste belangrijke punt = first principal point
eerste betrekking = first job
eerste bevestigingselement = first attachment element
eerste beweging = first movement
eerste beweging = first motion
eerste bewegingsbericht = first movement message
eerste bewegingsdetectie = first movement detection
eerste binnenoppervlak = first inner surface
eerste bout = first bolt
eerste breedte = first width
Eerste brief van Paulus aan de Korintiërs = First Epistle to the Corinthians
eerste buitenste = first outer
eerste buitenwand = first outer wall
eerste bundelknoop = first beam cross-over point
eerste cilinder = first cylinder
eerste concept = first draft
Eerste Concilie van Nicea = First Council of Nicaea
eerste conclusie = first claim
Eerste conische reflector = First conical reflector
eerste consolidatieverschil = first consolidation difference
Eerste constateringen = Initial findings
Eerste contactpunt = First point of contact
eerste controlesignalen = first control signals
eerste cyclus = first cycle
eerste dag van contractuele opslag = day of commencement of contractual storage
eerste database = first database
eerste deel = first part
eerste deel = first portion
eerste deel van de cyclus = first part of the cycle
eerste diffusiewet van Fick = Fick principle of circulatory analysis
eerste diffusiewet van Fick = the first law of diffusion
eerste digitale dataset = first digital data set
eerste doel van deze uitvinding = first object of this invention
eerste draaimoment = first torque
eerste element = first element
eerste elementen = first elements
eerste elementen van de eerste matrijshelft = first elements of the first mould half
eerste en de tweede elementen = first and second elements
eerste en een tweede langszijde = first and a second longitudinal side
eerste en enige uitdeling = first and final distribution
eerste en enige uitdeling = first and final dividend
Eerste en laatste element = First and last element
eerste en tweede = first and second
eerste en tweede buitenste non-woven-lagen = first and second outer nonwoven layers
eerste en tweede element = first and second element
Eerste en Tweede Kamer = Dutch Senate and House of Representatives
Eerste en Tweede Kerstdag = Christmas Day and Boxing Day
eerste en tweede lid = first and second paragraph
eerste en tweede lid = subsections one and two
eerste en tweede lijn = primary and secondary care
eerste en tweede parameter = first and second parameter
eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen = first and second connecting means
eerste en tweede verzameling van series van beelden = first and second sets of series of images
eerste en vierde lid = first and fourth paragraph
eerste etage = ground floor
Eerste examinator = First examiner
eerste expert op afstand = first remote expert
eerste extensie = first extension
eerste factor = first factor
eerste fase = first phase
eerste fase van de EMU = first stage of EMU
eerste filter = first filter
eerste flexibele laag = first flexible layer
eerste garen = first yarn
eerste gedeelte = first part
eerste gedeelte van het contactsegment = first part of the contact segment
eerste gedeeltelijke middelgrote fractie = first partial midsize fraction
eerste geheugen = first memory
eerste geldstroom = government funding / first flow of funds
eerste geldstroom = government funding
eerste geldstroom = direct funding (mechanism)
eerste geldstroom = direct government funding
Eerste generatie = First generation
eerste gespannen vorm = first stressed shape
eerste getande loopwiel = first toothed pulley
eerste gleufvormige sectie = first slot-shaped section
Eerste graads lesbevoegdheid = ‘First level’ teaching qualifications
eerste groep = first group
eerste grootte-fractie = first size fraction
eerste halswervel = atlas
eerste harmonische = first harmonic
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector = first harmonic radial force variation vector
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector en een statische onbalans = first harmonic radial force variation vector and a static imbalance vecto
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector van de banduniformiteit = tire uniformity first harmonic radial force variation vector
eerste harmonische radiale krachtvariatievector van de banduniformiteit e = tire uniformity first harmonic radial force variation vector and the stat
eerste helft = first half
Eerste helft 2017 = First half of 2017
eerste helft van het lichaam = first half of the body
eerste herinneringsbrief = first reminder (letter)
eerste hoekelement = first corner element
eerste holle ruimte = first hollow space
eerste holte = first cavity
eerste hulp = emergency medical aid
eerste hulp = emergency medical treatment
eerste hulp = emergency medicine
eerste hulp = oxiology
eerste hulp = first aid
Eerste hulp = Relief
eerste hulp = first-aid
eerste hulp afdeling (van ziekenhuis) = Accident & Emergency department (A&E)
Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken = First aid
Eerste Hulp Bij Ongevallen = First aid for accidents
eerste hulp kit = first aid kit
eerste hulp voor brandwonden = emergency kit for burns
"eerste hulp, de E.H." = first aid
Eerste hulpmaatregelen = First aid measures
eerste implementerende klasse = first implementing class
eerste inbedrijfstelling = initial commissioning
eerste inschatting = first estimate
eerste inschrijving = first-time enrolment
eerste inspectie = initial on-site orientation
eerste interface = first interface
eerste inventarisatie = initial inventory
eerste jaar = first year
eerste jaren na pensionering = first few years after retirement
Eerste Kamer = Senate of the Netherlands
Eerste Kamer = Upper House
Eerste Kamer = Upper House (First Chamber)
Eerste Kamer = Senate
Eerste Kamer = Senate (Eerste Kamer)
eerste katrol = first pulley
eerste keer opstarten = first boot
Eerste Kerstdag = Christmas Day
eerste klas = first grade
Eerste klas = Top grade
Eerste klas = First class
Eerste koop = First buy
eerste koppelingselement = first coupling element
eerste kopse zijde = first end side
Eerste Kruistocht = First Crusade
Eerste kwartaal naar tevredenheid afgesloten = First quarter ended satisfactorily
eerste kwartiel = lower quartile
eerste laag = first layer
eerste laagje = first layer
eerste langse zijde = first longitudinal side
eerste langszijde = first longitudinal side
eerste leeskop = pre-read head
eerste lengte = first length
eerste levensreddende handelingen = life-saving first aid
eerste levering = first delivery
eerste licentie = first licentiate
eerste lid = first paragraph
eerste lid = first subsection
eerste lijn = primary care
eerste looprol = first roller
eerste loopwiel = first pulley
eerste loopwiel of –rol = first pulley or roller
eerste loopwielen of looprollen = first pulleys or rollers
eerste lossingsplaats in het derde land van de eindbestemming = first place of unloading in the third country of final destination
eerste materiaal = first material
eerste matrijshelft = first mould half
eerste medewerker (wmo team) = senior employee/assistant/social worker
eerste microdienst = first microservice
eerste minister = prime minister
"eerste minister, premier" = prime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
eerste monster = first sample
eerste motor = first engine
eerste naamval = nominative case
"eerste naamval, nominatief" = nominative case (case used to indicate the subject)
"eerste naamval, nominatief" = nominative (the nominative case)
eerste Nederlandse = first Dutch
eerste niveau = first level
eerste noodzakelijke levensreddende handelingen = life-saving first aid
eerste of tweede = first or second
eerste of tweede binnenoppervlak = first or second inner surface
eerste of tweede element = first or second element
Eerste Onbewogen Beweger = "the first mover, the self cause, the prime mover"
eerste onderdeel van de vragenlijst = first part of the questionnaire
eerste ontmoeting met de prospect = initial prospect meeting
eerste opening = first opening
eerste openingen = first apertures
eerste oplevering = first completion
eerste oplevering = first delivery
eerste oplossing = first solution
eerste opneemlichaam = first receiving body
eerste oppervlakte moment = first moment of area
"eerste oppervlakte moment, statisch moment" = first moment of area
Eerste opstart = First start
eerste opzegmogelijkheid = first opportunity of notice
Eerste opzet = First draft
eerste overhangende wand = first overhanging wall
eerste paar = first pair
eerste paar sneden = first pair of cuts
eerste paasdag = Easter Sunday
eerste pagina = first page
Eerste pakje van de aar net zichtbaar (Engels: ‘Beginning of heading’ = Beginning of heading
eerste persoon = first person
eerste persoon actieonderzoek = first-person action research
eerste pijler = first pillar
eerste pinksterdag = Whitsunday
Eerste Pinksterdag = Whitsunday (Br) / Pentecost (Am)
eerste plaat = first panel
eerste positie = first position
eerste promotor = principal supervisor
eerste punt van binnenkomst = first point of introduction
eerste railelement = first rail element
eerste rand = first edge
eerste rand van het oppervlak = first edge of the surface
eerste reactie = initial reaction
eerste reacties = initial reactions
eerste rechthoekig kader = first rectangular frame
eerste rechthoekige kader = first rectangular frame
eerste referentieperiode voor de nieuwe regels = First reference period for the new rules
Eerste regel = First Line
eerste regering Rutte-Verhagen = First Rutte cabinet (also known as the Rutte-Verhagen cabinet)
eerste respectievelijk tweede = "first, respectively second"
eerste richting = first direction
eerste risico = First loss
Eerste ronde = First round
eerste roteerbaar loopwiel of roteerbare looprol = first rotatable pulley or rotatable roller
eerste roteerbare looprol = first rotatable roller
eerste roteerbare loopwiel = first rotatable pulley
eerste scharnierarm = first hinge arm
eerste schepen = deputy mayor
eerste schetsmatige weergave = first schematic representation
Eerste scheut zichtbaar = First tiller visible
Eerste schijf = lowest rate band
Eerste schijf = lowest tax bracket
eerste schriftelijk verzoek = first written request
eerste schriftelijke waarschuwing = a first written warning
eerste seconde = first second
eerste sensor = first sensor
eerste SEPA incasso-opdracht = first SEPA Direct Debit order
eerste serie = first series
eerste set = first set
eerste set getande riemen of kettingen = first set of toothed belts or chains
eerste set van instructies = first set of instructions
eerste signalen = first signs
Eerste Slag = First Strike (coins)
eerste snede = first cut
eerste snede van het eerste paar = first cut of the first pair
eerste snede van het tweede paar = first cut of the second pair
eerste specifieke uitvoeringsvorm = first particular embodiment
eerste sputterzone van het sputtersysteem = first sputtering zone of the sputtering system
Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk = First Stadholderless Period
eerste stappen van het migratieproject = first steps of the migration project
eerste steen = foundation stone
eerste stelgat = first guide hole
eerste straat links = take the first turning to the left
eerste straat rechts = take the first turning to the right
eerste symptomen = first symptoms
eerste tandwiel = first sprocket wheel
eerste tenaamstelling van het kenteken = the date on which the car is first assigned a registration number
eerste terugtrekmechanisme = first retraction mechanism
eerste theorema van Helly = Helly's first theorem
eerste thermische uitzettingsco?ffici?nt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingscoéfficiént = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingscoëfficiënt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste thermische uitzettingsco�ffici�nt = first coefficient of thermal expansion
eerste tijdsperiode = first time period
eerste tussenafstand = first intermediate distance
eerste tussenafstand en tweede tussenafstand = first intermediate distance and second intermediate distance
eerste twee = first two
eerste twee maanden = first two months
eerste twee rollen = first two rollers
eerste type = first type
eerste uitdager = first challenger
eerste uiteinde = first end
eerste uiteinde van de behuizing = first end of the housing
eerste uitgangspunt = basic principle
eerste uitgave = first edition
Eerste uitloper zichtbaar = First tiller visible
eerste U-vorm = first U-shape
eerste variant = first variant
eerste veiligheidsinstructie = initial safety training
eerste verbindingslichaam = first connecting body
eerste verbindingsmiddelen = first connecting means
eerste verbindingsmiddelen op het eerste element = first connecting means on the first element
eerste verbindingszijvlak = first connecting side face
eerste verdieping = first floor (UK)
eerste verdieping / bovenverdieping = second floor (AE)
eerste verzameling beelden = first set of images
eerste vlak gedeelte = first flat portion
eerste volzin = first sentence
eerste voorafbepaalde afstand = first predetermined distance
eerste voorafbepaalde waarde = first predetermined value
eerste voorbeeld = first example
eerste voorwaarde = Condition 1
eerste voorwerp = first object
eerste vrijloopkoppeling = first freewheel clutch
eerste wandgedeelte = first wall section
eerste wandgedeelte = first wall portion
eerste wasbeurt van de prei = initial washing of the leek
Eerste weken = First weeks
Eerste Wereld = First World
Eerste Wereldoorlog = World War I
Eerste Wereldoorlog = First World War
Eerste werkcollege = First tutorial
eerste werkdag = first workday
eerste wet van de thermodynamica = first law of thermodynamics
Eerste wet van de thermodynamica = Conservation of energy
eerste wet van Kirchhoff = Kirchhoff's first law
eerste wet van Newton = Newton’s first law
eerste zijde = first side
eerste zijde van de plaat = first side of the board
eerste zijde van het betonwelfsel = first side of the hollowcore concrete slab
eerste zijpaneel = first side panel
Eerste zijscheut zichtbaar = First side shoot visible
eerste zijwand = first side wall
eerste zitting = first session
eerste zorgen = first aid
"eerste, derde en vierde" = "first, third, and fourth"
"eerste, tweede en derde" = "first, second and third"
"eerste, tweede en derde geldstroom" = "sources of research funding: directly from the government, from the gover"
"eerste, tweede en derde verbindingsmiddelen" = "first, second and third connecting means"
"eerste, tweede en vierde" = "first, second, and fourth"
"eerste, tweede, derde en vierde" = "first, second, third and fourth"
eerste-doorgangopbrengst = first-pass yield
eerste-etage groepenscheiding = minor control change
eerste-etage groepenscheiding = minor
eerste-generatie computer = first generation computer
eerste-generatie computertaal = first generation language
eerste-generatie programmatuur = first generation software
eerstegraads = upper secondary education certificate
eerstegraads docent = grade-one lecturer
eerstegraads docent = upper secondary school teacher
eerstegraads leraar = teacher in upper secondary education/fully qualified teacher
eerstegraads lerarenopleiding = postgraduate teacher training
eerstegraads lesbevoegdheid (post-doctorale lerarenopleiding) = PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education)
eerstegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid = upper secondary teaching qualification
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = heat-induced   erythema
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = erythema induratum
"eerstegraadverbranding, erythema caloricum" = first degree burn
eerstehands aandelenmarkt = primary equity market
Eerstehands markt = Firsthand market
eerstehands vermogensmarkt = primary capital market
eerstehulpkamer = casualty department
eerstehulpkamer = emergency medical services
eerstehulpkamer = emergency service
eerstehulpkamer = "the  emergency room, emergency unit"
eerstehulpmaatregelen = first aid
eerstehulpsets = first-aid kits
Eerstehulpvoertuigen = Mobile incident units
Eerstehulpwagens voor chemische ongevallen = Chemical incident unit
eerstejaars (student) = "first year student, freshman"
eerstejaars (student) = first-year student
eerstejaars studenten = first-year students
eerstejaarsevaluatie = first-year evaluation
eerstejaarsprogramma = first-year programme
eerstejaarsstudent = first-year student
eerstejaarsstudenten = first-year students
eerstejaarsweekend = first-years' weekend
Eersteklas = First class
Eersteklas = Top grade
eersteklas bedrijfsondersteunende diensten = top-class business support
eersteklas handelspapier = first-class paper
eersteklas waardepapieren = blue chip stock [Am.]
eersteklas waardepapieren = blue chips
eerstelijns = primary
eerstelijns = frontline
eerstelijns anti-TB-geneesmiddelen = first-line anti-TB medication
eerstelijns contactcentermedewerker = frontline call centre
eerstelijns forensisch arts = primary forensic physician
eerstelijns forensische geneeskunde = primary forensic medicine
eerstelijns ondersteuning = first-line supportrt
eerstelijns politieagent = front-line police officer
eerstelijns politieagenten = front-line police officers
Eerstelijns psychologen = Primary care psychologist
eerstelijns storingsdienst = frontline breakdown service
eerstelijns vrachtoverslag = first-line cargo transshipment facilities
eerstelijns werkzaamheden = first-line maintenance
Eerstelijnsgezondheidsverzorger = Primary generalist providers
Eerstelijnshulpverlening = Primary care
eerstelijnsonderhoud = first-line maintenance
eerstelijnsonderhoud = primary maintenance
Eerstelijnsonderhoud = First line maintenance
eerstelijnsondersteuning = first-line support
eerste-lijns-werkzaamheden = First-line maintenance
eerstelingen = early fruit and vegetables
eerste-opnamerecht = right of first recording
eerste-orde effening = first order smoothing
Eerste-orde-interactie = First-order interaction
eerstepartijverzoek = first-party request
eerstePersoonInRij = firstPersonInQueue
eersteplaatsvanbestemming = First place of destination
Eersterangs = High-class
Eersterangs = Slap-up
Eerstgeboren = Oldest
Eerstgeboren = Senior
eerstgeboren = firstborn
eerstgenoemde = first
eerstgenoemde = first named
eerstgenoemde = former (van twee)
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate superior
eersthogere leidinggevende = line manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct superior
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct supervisor
eersthogere leidinggevende = direct superior/manager
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate senior officer
eersthogere leidinggevende = immediate superior/manager
Eerstkomend = Forthcoming
Eerstkomend = Next
Eerstkomend = Nearest
Eerstkomend = Incoming
Eerstvolgend = Next
eerstvolgend = close
eerstvolgende keer dat u inlogt = the next time you log in
eerstvolgende werkdag = next working day
Eervergeten = Barefaced
Eervergeten = Unembarrassedly
Eervergeten = Villainous
Eervergeten = Nefarious
eervol = honourable [Br.]
eervol = honorary
Eervol = Decent
Eervol = Creditable
Eervol = Honourable
Eervol = Glorious
eervolle onderscheiding = honour
eervolle onderscheiding = "distinction of honour, honourable distinction"
eervolle vermelding = honourable mention
Eerwaard = Clergyman
Eerwaard = Reverend
eerwaarde = excellency
eerwaardigheid = respectability
eerwraak = honour killing
eerzaam = above-board
Eerzaam = Honest
eerzucht = ambition
eerzucht {de} = ambition
Eerzuchtig = Upstart
Eerzuchtig = Ambitious
Eerzuil = Monument
Eèsjdenère = speakers of Eèsjdes
Eèsjdes en Mestreechs = Eèsjdes and Mestreechs
Eest = Drying shed
Eest = Dryer
Eest = Airer
Eest = Drier
Eesten = Stump
Eesten = Dry
eet = eat
eet- en drinkvoorzieningen = eating and drinking facilities
eet smakelijk = enjoy your meal
Eet smakelijk! = Enjoy your meal!
Eetbaar = Eatable
eetbaar = edible
eetbaarheid = consumability
eetbaarheid {de} = edibility
eetbak = manger
eetbare = edible
eetbare geleien = jellies for food
"eetbare geleien, jams" = "jellies for food, jams"
eetbare gist = edible yeast
"eetbare gist, bakpoeder" = "edible yeast, baking-powder"
eetbare oliën = edible oils
eetbare oliën en vetten = edible oils and fats
"eetbare oliën en vetten, conserven, pickles" = "edible oils and fats, preserves, pickles"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, visconserven en vleesconserven" = "edible oils and fats, fish and meat preserves"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, waaronder conserven op basis van vlees, vis, ge" = "edible oils and fats, including preserves with a meat, fish, poultry or g"
"eetbare oliën en vetten, waaronder margarine" = edible oils and fats including margarine
Eetbare producten van dierlijke oorsprong = Edible products of animal origin
eetbare versieringen voor gebak = edible decorations for cakes
eetbare vetten = edible fat
eetbare vetten = edible fats
eetgerei = forks
eetgewoonte {de} = eating habit
eetgewoonten = dietary habits
eetgewoonten = eating habits
eetgewoonten = feeding habits
eethoek = dining area
eethuis = restaurant
Eethuis = Pull-in
eetkamer = dining room
Eetkamer = Dining-room
eetkamer {de} = dining room
eetkamergedeelte = dining area
Eetkamermeubilair = Dining-room furniture
Eetkamerstoelen = Dining chairs
Eetketels = Mess tins
eetlepel = tablespoon
eetlepel = spoon
eetlepel = tablespoon(s)
eetlepel = tbsp
eetlepel {de} = tablespoon <tbsp.>
Eetlust = Appetite
eetlust opwekkend = appetizing
Eetlust opwekkende alcoholische drank die voor de maaltijd wordt gebruikt = An alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite.
eetpatroon = diet
eetpatroon = eating habits
eetpatroon = eating patterns
eetservies = crockery set
Eetservies = Dinner service
eetstokje = chopstick
eetstokjes = chopsticks
eetstoornis = dysorexia
Eetstoornissen counselling = Eating disorders counselling
eettafel = refectory
Eettafels = Dining tables
eetzaal = dining-room
eetzalen = dining rooms
Eeuw = Century
Eeuw = Centennial
eeuw {de} = century
Eeuwen = Centennial
Eeuwen = Century
eeuwen {mv} = centuries
eeuwenoud = age-old
Eeuwig = Timeless
Eeuwig = Eternal
Eeuwig = Endless
eeuwigdurend = perpetual
eeuwigdurend en niet-overdraagbaar gebruiksrecht = a non-exclusive
eeuwigdurend en niet-overdraagbaar gebruiksrecht = perpetual and non-transferable right of use
eeuwigdurend gebruiksrecht = perpetual right of use
eeuwigdurende = perpetual
eeuwigdurende erfdienstbaarheid = perpetual easement
eeuwigdurende Licenties = perpetual Licences
eeuwigdurende obligatie = irredeemable debenture
eeuwigdurende obligatie = perpetual debenture
eeuwigdurende rechten = perpetual rights
Eeuwigdurende rente = Perpetual Annuity
eeuwige = perdition
eeuwige = eternal
eeuwigheid = aeon
eeuwigheid = perpetuity
Eeuwigheid = Eternity
Eeuwigheid = Ages
eeuwigheid (definite article only) = eternity (infinite time)
eeuwigheid (indefinite article only) = eternity (informal: a comparatively long time)
eeuwigheid {de} = eternity
eeuwjaar = century year
eeuwjaar = end-of-century year
eeuwjaren = century years
eeuwwisseling = turn of the century
EEx - e/ -i = EEx e/i
Eex - p = EEx p
EEx-d = EEx d
e-facturen = e-invoices
e-factureren = e-invoicing
e-factuur = e-invoice
efalizumab screening = efalizumab screening
efalizumab: een recombinant humaan monoclonaal antilichaam = efalizumab: a selective T-cell modulator and immunosupressant
efalizumab: een recombinant humaan monoclonaal antilichaam = Raptiva
efedrine = ephedrine: an alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonist that may also enhance re
Efeze = Ephesus
effect = effect
effect = effectiveness
Effect = Stock
Effect = Security
Effect = Impression
effect {het} = effect
effect bepaling = effect modifier
effect heeft gehad = has had an effect
effect op het microklimaat = microclimate effect
effect sorteren = act
effect sorteren = to have an effect/impact
Effect van deconsolidaties = Effect of deconsolidation
Effect van een verbod op de drugsmarkt = Impact of a ban on the drugs market
effect van gezinssamenstelling = impact of family composition
Effect van gezinssamenstelling = Impact of family composition
effect van handel op het milieu = trade impact on environment
effect van Josephson = Josephson effect
Effect van koers- en consolidatiewijzigingen op kasposities = Effect of changes in exchange rates and consolidations on cash positions
Effect van koers schommelingen = Effect of exchange rate fluctuations
Effect van overige financiële transacties = Effect of other financial transactions
effect van Wien = Wien effect
"effect, het gevolg, de uitwerking" = effect
"effect, het gevolg, de uitwerking" = result
effectbeoordeling = impact assessment
effectbeoordeling met betrekking tot de gegevensbescherming = data protection impact assessment
effectcompiler = Effect Compiler
Effecten = Stocks
Effecten = Stocks and shares
Effecten = Marketable securities
effecten = after-effects
effecten = securities
Effecten = Shares
effecten = effect
effecten = effects
Effecten = Security
Effecten = Deeds
Effecten = Security investment
effecten (gevolgen) van prijsveranderingen = effects of changing prices
Effecten aan toonder = Bearer securities
effecten betaalbaar in meer dan n valuta = multiple currency securities
Effecten beursgang joint ventures / deelnemingen = Effects public offering of joint ventures / participating interests
effecten die door hypothecaire zekerheid zijn gedekt = mortgage-backed securities
Effecten en liquide middelen = Cash and cash equivalents
Effecten en overige financiële belangen = Marketable securities and other financial interests
effecten met een aandelenkarakter = equity securities
Effecten of stukken = Securities or documents
Effecten op de gezondheid = Health effects
effecten op korte termijn aan- en verkopen = trading (of securities)
effecten van beschaduwing = effects of shading
Effecten van consolidatie/deconsolidatie van deelnemingen = Effects of consolidation/deconsolidation of participating interests
effecten van haar bedrijfsactiviteiten = impact of its operations
Effecten van koersmutaties en herwaarderingen = Effects of changes in exchange-rates and revaluations.
Effecten van wisselkoersen op liquide middelen = Effects of exchange rates on cash
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = dealing securities
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = dealing stock [Am.]
effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = trading securities
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Dealing stock
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Dealing securities
Effecten waarin voor eigen rekening wordt gehandeld = Trading securities
effecten zonder aandelenkarakter = non-equity securities
effectenafwikkelingssysteem = securities settlement system
effectenbeleggingsrekening = securities investment account
Effectenbeurs = Stock exchange
effectenbeurs NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = NYSE Euronext Amsterdam exchange
effectenbeurs van New York = New York Stock Exchange
effectenbuco = securities BUCO (Business Unit Compliance Officer)
effectenfinancieringstransactie = securities financing transaction
effectenhandel met voorkennis = insider dealing
effectenhandel met voorkennis = insider trading
effectenkoers = price of securities
effecten-kredietinstelling = investment company [Am.]
effecten-kredietinstelling = securities credit institution
effecten-kredietinstelling = securities house
effectenleaseovereenkomst = securities lease
Effectenmakelaar = Investment broker
Effectenmakelaar = Stock broker
effectenmakelaar op niet-officiële markt = kerb broker [Am.]
effectentypisch gedrachtstoezicht = behavioural supervision for securities activities
Effectenverkeer = Securities transactions
Effectenverkeer = Securities trading
effectgaren = effect yarn
effectgaren = fancy yarn
effectgaren = novelty yarn
effectief = effective
effectief = actual
effectief aantal vrijheidsgraden = effective degrees of freedom
effectief adres = effective address
Effectief alcoholmassagehalte = Actual alcoholic strength by mass
Effectief alcoholvolumegehalte = Actual alcoholic strength by volume
effectief antennegebied = antenna effective area
Effectief belastingpercentage = Effective tax rate
Effectief bereik = Effective reach
effectief en doelmatig = effectively and efficiently
effectief en efficiënt = effectively and efficiently
effectief geaard = effectively grounded
effectief geborgd = effectively safeguarded
effectief gecommuniceerd = effectively communicated
effectief gordelverankeringspunt = Effective belt anchorage
effectief in werking blijft = continues to work properly
effectief in werking treedt = starts working properly
effectief interveniëren = effective intervention
effectief invullen = effective implementation
effectief kader = effective framework
effectief kan optreden = able to take effective action
effectief kanaal = effective channel
effectief kredietvergoedingspercentage = effective credit interest rate
Effectief leiderschap = Effective leadership
effectief lid = effective member
effectief netwerk = effective network
effectief onboarding programma = effective onboarding programme
effectief oppervlak = effective surface
effectief oppervlak = effective area
effectief orderpicking = effective order picking
Effectief Preventief = Effective Prevention (Effectief Preventief)
Effectief rendement = Effective yield
Effectief rendement = Real return
Effectief rendement = Effective return
effectief rendement bij gemiddelde looptijd = yield to average life
Effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = Yield to redemption
effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = yield to maternity
effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = yield to redemption
Effectief rendement bij volledige looptijd = Yield to maturity
effectief signaal = rms signal
Effectief sinus vermogen = Effective sinus power
effectief te blijven samenwerken = continue to cooperate effectively
effectief toezicht = effective supervision
effectief uitgestraald vermogen = effective radiated power: ERP
effectief uitgestraalde energie = effective radiated power: ERP
effectief vermogen = effective output
effectief vermogen = real power
effectief werkende = effectively functioning
effectieve = effective
effectieve aanvangsdatum = effective start datete
effectieve afgiftesnelheid = effective delivery rate
effectieve afschaffing van kinderarbeid = effective abolition of child labour
effectieve akoestische puntbron = effective acoustic centre
effectieve ampère = effective ampere
effectieve bandbreedte = effective bandwidth
effectieve bestrijding = effective control
effectieve brand = actual fire
effectieve capacitantie = effective capacitance
effectieve cilinderinhoud = effective cylinder capacity
effectieve datum = effective date
effectieve dosis = ED
effectieve dosis = effective dose
effectieve energie = effective energy
effectieve erkenning van het recht op collectieve onderhandelingen = the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Effectieve gedragsbeinvloeding = Effectively influencing behaviour
effectieve geleiding = effective conductance
effectieve gemiddelde druk = mean effective pressure
effectieve golflengte = effective wavelength
effectieve hoeveelheid = effective amount
effectieve instructie = effective instruction
effectieve interventies = effective interventions
effectieve inzet = effective use
effectieve kanalen = effective channels
effectieve koppeling praktijk en theorie = effectively connecting theory and practice
effectieve korrelgrootte = effective grain size
effectieve lengte = effective length
Effectieve marktbewerking kan pas plaatsvinden indien het bedrijf zorgt v = How effective the marketing of a business will be is a function of how ef
effectieve massa = effective mass
effectieve omtrek van de wielbanden = effective circumference of the wheel tyres
effectieve onderhandelingen = effective negotiations
effectieve ondersteuning = effective support
effectieve opdracht = effective instruction
effectieve overdrachtssnelheid = effective transfer rate
effectieve productietijd van een machine = machine running time
effectieve samenwerking = effective cooperation
effectieve snelheid van de gegevensoverdracht = effective data transfer rate
effectieve spaning = effective stress
effectieve spanning = effective voltage
effectieve spleetbreedte = effective gap length
effectieve stage = effective work placement
effectieve stageperiode = effective work placement period
effectieve stageweken = effective work placement weeks
effectieve stroom = effective current
effectieve temperatuurweerstand = effective thermal resistance
effectieve tijd = effective time
effectieve toepassing = to their effective use
effectieve toepassing = effective application
effectieve transmissiesnelheid = effective speed of transmission
effectieve transmissiesnelheid = effective transmission speed
effectieve volt = effective volt
effectieve voorraad = effective stock
Effectieve vraag = Effective demand
effectieve waarde = effective value
effectieve waarde = root mean square
effectieve weerstand = effective resistance
effectieve wekelijkse arbeidsduur (EWAD) = actual weekly working hours (EWAD)
effectieve weken  stage = effective weeks of work placement
Effectieve wisselkoers = Effective exchange rate
effectiever = more efficiently
effectiever op nieuwe marktontwikkelingen in te spelen = more effectively respond to new market developments
Effectievere en gerichte = Effective and targeted
Effectievere en gerichte inzet = Effective and targeted use
Effectievere en gerichte inzet van = Effective and targeted use of
effectisering van schuld(en) = securitisation of debt
Effective = Effective
Effective Date = Effective Date
effectiviteit = effectiveness
effectiviteit = efficacy
effectiviteit = efficiency
effectiviteit {de} = effectiveness
effectiviteit en de efficiency = effectiveness and efficiency
effectiviteit en efficiency = effectiveness and efficiency
effectiviteit van de (accountants)controle = audit effectiveness
effectiviteit van smeren = lubricity
effectiviteits-/resultaatgebieden = efficiency/results (function description template)
effectiviteitscontrole = effectiviness audit
effectiviteitsintervaal = window of  efficacy
Effectiviteitsmeting = Effectivity measurement
effectlak = special-effect finish
effectmeting = impact measurement
effectmodulatoren = (epidemiology)  effect modifiers
effector = effector
effectorcel = effector cell: a cell that performs a specific function in response to a 
effectormolecuul = effector molecule
Effectueren = To effect
Effectueren = To effectuate
Effectueren = To execute
Effectuering keuzedividend = Optional dividend conversion exercised
Effectuering optioneel dividend = Effectuation optional dividend
effectvoorspelling = effect prediction
effekt of aandeel aan toonder = bearer security (share)
Effen = Smooth
Effen = Peer
Effen = Equal
effen = even
Effen = align
Effen = level
Effen = Level
Effen = Equable
Effen = United
effenbinding = plain weave
effenen = even
effenheid = flatness
effening = acquittal
effening = smoothing
effeningsfactor = smoothing factor
effeningsmethode = smoothing method
efferent = efferent
efferent = outgoing
efferent neuron = efferent neuron
efferent neuron = motor neuron
efferente besturing = efferent control
efferente glomerulaire arteriolen = efferent glomerular arterioles
efferente weg = efferent pathway
efferente zenuw = efferent nerve
efferente zenuw = motor nerve
effervescent = rimmed
effervescentie = effervescence
effervescentiepoeder = effervescing powder
effici?ntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
effici?ntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
effici‘nte verlichting = light efficiency
effici‘ntie = efficiency
efficiency = efficiency
efficiency (in de uitvoering) van de = audit efficiency
efficiency- en doelmatigheidsslag = efficiency and effectiveness drive
efficiency- en prijsverschillen lonen = labour variance
Efficiency- en prijsverschillen materialen = Material(s) variance
efficiency graad = measure of efficiency
Efficiency loon = Efficiency wage (wx)
efficiency van het project = efficiency of the project
efficiencybepaling = efficiencytest
efficiencybonus = output bonus
efficiencycontrole = operational audit
efficiencycontrole = efficiency audit
Efficiency-kengetallen = Efficiency indicators
efficiencyverschil = efficiency variance
efficiencyverschillen lonen = labour efficiency variance
efficiencyverschillen lonen = labour usage variance
Efficiencyverschillen materialen = Material(s) usage variance
efficiencywinst = efficiency gains
Efficient = Efficient
efficiënt = efficient
efficiënt = proficient
Efficiënt = Telling
Efficiënt = Limited
Efficiënt = Potent
Efficiënt = Effectual
Efficiënt = Efficacious
Efficiënt = Efficient
efficiënt = effective
Efficiënt = Businesslike
efficiënt benut = efficiently utilise
efficiënt en op een ergonomisch verantwoorde wijze = efficiently and in an ergonomically sound manner
Efficient en snel = Fast and efficient
Efficiënt en snel = Fast and efficient
Efficiënt en snel palletiseren = Fast and efficient palletising
efficiënt energie management = efficient energy management
efficiënt gebruik van hulpbronnen = resource efficiency
Efficiënt in luchtverversing = Efficient ventilation
Efficiënt met energie = Energy efficient
Efficiënt op reis = Travel smart
efficiënt werkende = efficiently functioning
efficiënt werkende markthypothese = efficient market hypothesis
efficiënt werkt = works efficiently
efficiënt worden verwerkt = are efficiently processed
"efficiënt, snel en gemakkelijk" = "efficient, fast and easy"
efficiënte = effective
efficiënte = efficient
Efficiënte bediening = Efficient control
Efficiënte bestandsoverdracht = Efficient File Transfer
Efficiënte bouwplaats inrichting = Designing an efficient construction site
efficiënte en optimale samenwerking = efficient and optimal cooperation
Efficiënte en veilige opslag = Efficient and secure storage
efficiënte individuele verwarming en koeling = efficient individual heating and cooling
efficiënte informatieverwerking = efficient data processing
efficiënte interne communicatie = effective internal communication
efficiënte luchtverversing = efficient ventilation
Efficiënte rapportering = Efficient reporting
efficiënte reactie van vragen = efficient response to questions
efficiënte schatter = efficient estimator
efficiënte stadsverwarming en -koeling = efficient district heating and cooling
Efficiënte structuuropbouw = Efficient structure
efficiënte systemen = efficient systems
efficiënte vergaderingen = efficient meetings
efficiënte verwarming en koeling = efficient heating and cooling
efficiënte werkwijze = efficient method
efficienter = more efficient
efficiënter = more effectively
efficiënter = more efficiently
efficiënter en goedkoper = more efficient and cheaper
efficiënter en veiliger = safer and more efficiently
Efficienter inzet = More efficient use
efficiënter werken = work efficiency
efficiënter worden gecompileerd = compiled more efficiently
efficiëntere = more efficient
efficiëntere bedrijfsprocessen = more efficient business processes
efficiëntere processen = more efficient processes
efficiëntere werkwijze = more efficient method
efficientie = efficiency
efficiëntie = efficiency
Efficiëntie = Efficiency
efficïentie = efficiency
efficiéntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
efficiëntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
efficiëntie en effectiviteit = efficiency and effectiveness
efficiéntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efficiëntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efficiëntie van het stikstofgebruik = nitrogen use efficiency
efficiëntie verlichting = light efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Cramér-Rao = Cramér-Rao efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Pitman = Pitman efficiency
efficiëntie volgens Pitman = Pitman nearness criterion
efficiëntie voor het scheiden = separation efficiency
"efficiëntie, veiligheid en hygiëne" = "efficiency, safety and hygiene"
efficiëntiecriterium = efficiency criterion
efficiëntiefactor = efficiency factor
efficiëntie-index van Armitage = efficiency index
efficiëntieniveau = efficiency level
efficiëntieslag = efficiency gains
efficiëntieslag = efficiency improvement
efficiëntieslag = improvement in efficiency
efficiëntieslag = efficiency gain
efficiëntieslagen = efficiency gains
efficiëntieverbetering = efficiency improvement
efficiëntieverbeteringen = improved efficiency
efficiëntiewinsten = efficiency gains
effici�ntie  en energie = efficiency and energy
effici�ntie en energieverbruik = efficiency and energy consumption
efflorescentie / salpeteruitslag (op muren) = efflorescence
effluent = effluent
effluent met een laag stikstof- en fosfaatgehalte = effluent with low nitrogen and phosphate content
effluentuitlaat = effluent outlet
effort = effort
Effusie = Effusion
effuus = (adjective)  effuse: spread out flat without definite form
effuus = effused
EFI-systeempartitie = EFI system partition
EFK's = EFKs
eflornithine = difluoromethylornithine
e-foilen = e-foiling
e-frastructuur = e-frastructure
EFRO = European Regional Development Fund
E-fulfillment = E-fulfilment
E-fulfillment = E-fullfilment (US)
E-fulfillment industrie = E-fulfilment industry
EG = European Community
eg = harrow
Eg = Portcullis
EG Raad van Ministers = EC Council of Ministers
EG richtlijnen = EC Directives
EG Verklaring van Overeenstemming = EC Declaration of Conformity
EGA-aanbeveling = EAEC recommendation
Egaal = Equable
Egaal = Even
Egaal = Equal
egaal = uniform
egaal = equally
Egaal = Peer
EG-aanbeveling = EC recommendation
EGA-beschikking = EAEC Decision
EG-advies = EC opinion
egalisatie = correction
egalisatie = equalization
egalisatie (van bouwgrond) = smoothing
egalisatie van erfenissen = estate equalization
Egalisatiefonds W.I.R. = Investment tax credits ( 'W.I.R' ) equalization fund
egalisatie-impuls = equalizing pulse
egalisatiemiddel = levelling material
egaliseerimpuls = equalizing pulse
egaliseerlaag = level layer
egaliseren = levelling
egaliseren = even
Egaliseren = Equalize
egaliseren = smooth
egaliseren (van bouwgrond) = smooth
egards = respect
EGA-richtlijn = EAEC Directive
EG-associatieovereenkomst = EC association agreement
EGA-Verdrag = EAEC Treaty
EGA-verordening = EAEC Regulation
EGA-voorzieningsagentschap = EAEC Supply Agency
EG-begrotingsreserve = EC budgetary reserve
EG-beleid = EC policy
EG-beschikking = Community decision
EG-betekeningsverordening = EU Service Regulation
EG-binnengrens = internal Community frontier
EG-conformiteitsmarkering = EC conformity marking
EG-conformiteitsmerk = EC conformity marking
EG-Design Examination Certificaat = EC Design Examination Certificate
EG-douanegebied = EC customs territory
Egeïsche eilanden = Aegean Islands
Egeïsche zee = Aegean Sea
EG-eisen = EC requirement
EG-eisen = EC requirements
egel = hedgehog
Egel = Scraper
egel {de} = hedgehog
e-gezondheidszorg = e-healthcare
Egg = Egg
Egg nog = Egg flip
Egg nog = Egg-flip
Egg nog = Egg nog
egge = harrow
eggen = harrow
"Eggen, grondbrekers, cultivators, hakploegen of schoffels" = "Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders or hoes"
EG-handelsakkoord = EC trade agreement
EG-jurisprudentie = EC case law
EGKS-aanbeveling = ECSC recommendation
EGKS-heffing = ECSC levy
EGKS-lening = ECSC loan
EGKS-steun = ECSC aid
EGKS-Verdrag = ECSC Treaty
E-glasvezel = E glass fiber
EG-Middellandse-Zeegebied = EC Mediterranean region
EG-milieukeur(merk) = EC ecolabel
Ego = Ego
ego {het} = ego
egobeweging = egomotion
egocentrisch = self-absorbed
egoïsme = selfinterest
egoïsme = egotism
egoïst {de} = egoist
egoïstisch = self-interested
egoïstisch = selfish
E-golf emas (systeem voor milieu-audit en -beheer) = E-flute EMAS (Eco Audit & Management System)
egotrippertje = Ego-tripper
EG-overeenkomst = EC agreement
eGov-rollenbeheer systeem = eGov role management system
EG-protocol = EC Protocol
EG-Raad = EU Council
EG-regeling = CE regulation
EG-richtlijn = EC Directive
EG-richtlijn betreffende afvalverwerking = EC directive on waste disposal
EG-richtlijn betreffende biociden = EC directive on biocides
EG-richtlijn betreffende de bescherming van water = EC directive on water protection
EG-richtlijn betreffende verpakkingen = EC directive on packaging
EG-samenwerkingsovereenkomst = EC cooperation agreement
egtazinezuur = EGTA
egteleide = married couple
EG-Toetredingsverdrag = EC Accession Treaty
EG-typegoedkeuring van een voertuig wat emissies en reparatie- en onderho = EC type-approval of a vehicle with regard to emissions and vehicle repair
EG-typegoedkeuringsformulier = EC type-approval certificate
EG-typegoedkeuringsinstantie = EC type-approval authority
EG-typeonderzoek = EC type approval test
EG-verblijfsvergunning voor langdurig ingezetenen = long-term resident's EC residence permit
EG-Verdrag = EC Treaty
EG-vergelijkend onderzoek = EC competition
EG-Verklaring = EC Declaration
EG-verklaring van overeenstemming = EC Declaration of  Conformity
EG-Verklaring van Overeenstemming = EC Declaration of Conformity
EG-Verklaring van Overeenstemming betreffende Machines = EC Declaration of Conformity for Machinery
eg-verklaring van overeenstemming voor = ec declaration of conformity for
EG-verklaringen = EC Declarations
EG-verordening = EC regulation
EG-verordening betreffende milieubeheer en = EC regulation on eco-management and audit
"EG-verordening indeling, etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengse" = "EC regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances an"
EG-verordening inzake bestaande chemicaliën = EC regulation on existing chemicals
EG-voorstel = EC proposal
Egypte = Arab Republic of Egypt
Egypte = Egypt
Egypte (land) = Egypt
Egypte {het} = Egypt
Egyptenaar = Egyptian
Egyptisch = Egyptian
Egyptisch pond = Egyptian pound
Egyptische = Egyptian
Egyptische piramiden = Egyptian pyramid
egyptologie = egyptology
EHBO = first aid
EHBO artikelen = first aid equipment
EHBO cursus = first aid course
EHBO koffer = first aid kit
EHBO middelen = First aid equipment
EHBO opleiding = First Aid training
EHBO’er = First-aider
EHBO’ers = first-aiders
EHBO-brevet = first aid certificate
EHBO-diploma = First Aid diploma
EHBO-er = first aider
EHBO-er = first-aid provider
EHBO-er = first-aider
EHBO'ers = first-aiders
EHBO-ers = first aiders
EHBO-hulpverlener = first-aider
EHBO-incident = first aid incident
EHBO-koffer = first aid kit
EHBO-middelen = First aid equipment
EHBO-opleiding = first aid training
EHBO-post = first-aid station
EHBO-tas = First aid bag
EHBO-trommel = medkit
EHBO-trommels = First-aid boxes
EHBZ = EHBZ (Eerste Hulp Bij Zeezoogdieren - First Aid For Marine Mammals)
ehealth = e-health
E-health = digital health
E-health = eHealth
e-health doelstellingen = e-health goals
e-health toepassingen = e-health applications
E-healthoplossingen = E-health solutions
e-healthweek = e-health week
EHEC = enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
EHEDG = European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG)
EHEDG World Congres = EHEDG World Congress
eHerkenning = eRecognition
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = cutis hyperelastica
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = arthrochalasis-multiplex congenita
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Ehler-Danlos-syndroom = fibrodysplasia hyperelastica
ehoudens normale slijtage = subject to normal wear and tear
Ehrlichia ruminantium = Cowdria ruminantium: a tick-borne septicemic disease of domestic & wild r
Ehrlichia ruminantium = Ehrlichia ruminantium
Ehrlichia ruminantium = heartwater disease
Ehrlichia ruminantium = cowdriose
ehrlichiose = ehrlichiosis: a tick-borne disease caused by rickettsial bacteria of the 
EHRM = European Court of Human Rights (EHRM)
EHRM-jurisprudentie = ECHR case law
EHS (extra hoogspanning) = extra high voltage
EHSQ = Environment Health and Safety and Quality
EHSQ = Environmental Health Safety and Quality
EHSQ Management Review = EHSQ Management Review
Ei = Egg
EI = WFE Enviromental Impacts
Ei (dier) = Egg (biology)
ei {het} = egg
EIB = European Investment Bank (EIB)
EIB-afstandsbediening = EIB remote control
EIB-lening = EIB loan
EIB-module gebouwentechniek = EIB module heating appliances
Eicel = Ovum
eicelbevruchting = fertilization of ovocytes
Eicosaanzuur = Eicosanic acid
eicosapentaëenzuur = eicosapentaenoic acid
EID = eIdentity (EID) token (eHerkenningsmiddel)
EID = eRecognition
eIDAS verordening = eIDAS Regulation
Eider = Eider
eidereend = eider
eiderschapsthema = leadership issue
eidetisch beeld = eidetic imagery
eidetisch beeld = photographic memory: extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall of visual 
EIDK = Europese Identiteitskaart
eidooier = yolk
eidooier = egg yolk
eidooiers = egg yolks
Eidophor = eidophor
Eierdooier = Egg yolk
Eierdooier = Yolk
eierdooier {de} = egg yolk
Eierdopje = Eggcup
eierdopjes = egg cups
Eieren = Eggs
eieren {mv} = eggs
eieren die in broedlades 2 voorgebroed zijn = eggs which have been set in setter trays 2
eieren en melkproducten = eggs and milk products
eieren per uur = eggs per hour
eieren van kalkoenen = turkey eggs
"eieren, melk en melkproducten" = "eggs, milk and milk products"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten voor menselijke consumptie" = "eggs, milk and milk products for food for human"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten, eetbare oliën en vetten" = "eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats"
"eieren, melk en melkproducten, te weten boter, kaas, room, yoghurt, melkp" = "eggs, milk and milk products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, powd"
"eieren, melk, kaas en andere melkproducten" = "eggs, milk, cheese and other milk products"
eierenschaal = eggshell
eierkarton = egg carton
eierkartons = egg cartons
eierkoek = egg cake
Eierkoker = Egg boiler
eierlade = egg tray
eierlades = egg trays
eierlijst = egg-and-dart / egg-and-anchor / egg-and-tongue
eierlijst = echinus
eierplant = aubergine
eierrek = egg-stand
eierschaal = eggshell
eierschalen = eggshells
eierstok = ovary
eiervrucht = aubergine
Eierwekker = Kitchen timer
Eiffeltoren = Eiffel Tower
Eiffeltoren {de} = Eiffel Tower
e-IFU = e-IFU
eigeel = egg yolk
eigeel = yolk
eigeel {het} = egg yolk
eigen = personal
Eigen = Clean
eigen = domestic
Eigen = Pure
Eigen = Decent
eigen = personalised
eigen = own
eigen = in-house
eigen aan = specific to
eigen aan = belonging to
eigen aan = inherent in
eigen aan de = specific to the
eigen aan de Vennootschap = specific to the Company
eigen aan dit kruispunt = specific to this intersection
Eigen aandelen (verkoop/aankoop) = Own stocks (sale/purchase)
eigen aandelen van de vennootschap = own shares of the company
eigen aandelen van de vennootschap = treasury stock [Am.]
Eigen afgifte cheque = self-issued cheque
Eigen afgifte cheque = self-cheque
eigen agenda = at the top of your agenda
eigen auto = private vehicle
eigen beheer = own management
eigen beheer oplossingen = in-company solutions
eigen behoefte = power consumption
eigen behoud = deductible
eigen belang = individual interests
eigen bijdrage = employee’s pension contribution
eigen bijdrage = employee's contribution
eigen bijdrage = private contribution
Eigen bijdrage cluster = Consortium contributions
eigen bijdrage pensioenpremie = employee’s contribution
eigen bijdrage pensioenpremie = employee’s pension contribution
eigen bijdrage privégebruik van de auto van de zaak = private use of a company car
eigen bijdrage privégebruik van de auto van de zaak = personal contribution towards private use of a company car
eigen bijdrage van de gebruiker = user charges
eigen bijdrage van de werknemer = contributed by the Employee
eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik = personal contribution for private use
Eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik van de bedrijfsauto = Personal contribution for private use of the company car
eigen bijdrage voor privé-gesprekskosten = personal contribution for private calls
eigen bijdragen die rechtzoekenden moeten betalen = personal contributions that litigants must pay
eigen data = own data
eigen data = one’s own data
eigen data te benaderen = access their own data
eigen directory = home directory
eigen douche = private shower
Eigen en vreemd vermogen = Equity and debt capital
eigen en/of externe hulpdiensten = internal or external emergency services
eigen fabricage = in-house manufacturing
eigen faillissement aanvragen = petition for one’s own bankruptcy
eigen functioneren = own performance
eigen functioneren = their own performance
eigen gebreken = defect inherent to the thing
eigen gebreken = faulty design
eigen gebreken = inherent defect
eigen gebreken = inherent vice
eigen gebruik = personal use
eigen gedefinieerde = user-defined
eigen geledingen = own ranks
Eigen gewicht = Fixed weight
eigen gewicht = dead load
eigen gewicht kabels = the weight of the cables themselves
eigen gewin = own gain
eigen goederen = own property
eigen goederen = own assets
eigen handeling of nalaten = own act or omission
eigen inbreng = an own contribution
eigen inbreng = an/my own role
eigen inbreng = personal benefit
eigen inbreng = personal input
eigen inbreng = own input
eigen inbreng en originaliteit = own input and originality
eigen initiatief en inbreng = personal initiative and input
eigen inkleuring = own interpretation
eigen inkomen = personal income
eigen karakter = individual character [which a design has to have]
Eigen kenmerk = Own reference
eigen koerseen veilige koers varen = steer a safe course
eigen kracht = self-sufficiency
eigen leiderschapskwaliteiten = your own leadership qualities
eigen maken = master
eigen merk = private brand
eigen merk = private label
eigen merk van de supermarkt = supermarket’s own-brand product
eigen merken = corporate 
eigen merken = its own brands
eigen merken = our own brands
eigen merken = own brand
eigen merken = own brand product
eigen merken = own label
eigen merken = private brand
eigen merken = private label
eigen merken = private label product
eigen merken = products from our own facilities
eigen merken = products under own brands
eigen merken = store label
Eigen merken Supermarkten = Supermarkets’ Own brands
eigen merken van supermarkten = supermarkets’ own brands
Eigen merken versus A-merken = Own brands vs Leading brands
Eigen Merken vs. A-merken = Own brands vs Branded products
eigen merkproducten van supermarkten = a supermakets’s own-brand products
eigen methode = in-house method
eigen methode = proprietary method
eigen middelen = own resources
eigen of andere leveringsvoorwaarden = its own or other terms of delivery
eigen of externe Big Databronnen = internal or external Big Data sources
eigen onderwijs = own form of education
eigen onderwijs van de school = the school’s own form of education
eigen ontwikkeling = personal development
eigen operatornetwerk = home network
eigen opleg = own contribution
eigen oppositie = system of internal control
eigen opslag = own storage
eigen organisatie = one’s own organisation
eigen personeel = own staff
eigen personeelsbestand = In-house staff
Eigen persoonlijke leiderschapsstijl = My own personal leadership style
eigen producten = own range of products
eigen productiefaciliteit = own production facility
eigen productie-installaties = own production facilities
eigen productlijnen = own range of products
eigen productlijnen = its own product lines
eigen productlijnen = its own products
eigen productlijnen = its own range of products
eigen promotie = obtaining one’s own doctorate
Eigen rapporten = Custom reports
eigen regie van burgers op persoonsgegevens = citizens’ own control over personal data
Eigen risico = Policy deductible (Vanderwal & Joosten BV)
Eigen risico = Excess
eigen risico = excess (verz.)
eigen risico (franchise) = excess (deductible)
eigen risico nota = excess invoice
eigen risico voor werkgevers = employer’s own risk [under Sickness Benefits Act]
eigen ruimte = autonomy
eigen S&O = one’s own R&D
eigen schuld = circumstances which can be imputed to the victim
eigen schuld = contributory negligence
eigen schuld = culpability (Mark Cole)
eigen schuld = that the [respondent/defendant?] is to blame (xxxjarry)
Eigen schuld = that the [respondent/defendant?] is to blame
"Eigen schuld, dikke bult" = "you've made your bed, now you must lie/sleep in it"
eigen stofbereiding = own dedicated material preparation facility
eigen straatje schoonvegen = own house is in order
eigen technische dienst = internal technical department
eigen terrein = private property
eigen vakgebied = own field of expertise
Eigen velden = Custom fields
Eigen verantwoordelijkheid = Personal responsibility
eigen verantwoordelijkheid voor zorg = personal responsibility for care
eigen verbruik = own consumption
eigen verhaal = personal account
eigen verklaring = tenderer’s statement
eigen verklaring omtrent het gedrag = statement concerning a person’s conduct
eigen vermogen = equity capital
eigen vermogen = equity
eigen vermogen = equity (capital)
eigen vermogen = equity [capital]
Eigen vermogen = Stockholders' equity
eigen vermogen = shareholders’ equity
eigen Vermogen = own funds
eigen vermogen = equity base
eigen vermogen = shareholders’ equity
eigen vermogen = capital and reserves
Eigen vermogen = Owners' equity
eigen vermogen om financiering rond te krijgen = equity to raise financing
eigen vermogen op basis van de boekwaarde = net book value
eigen vermogen per aandeel = shareholder’s equity per share
eigen vermogen per aandeel = shareholders’ equity per share
eigen vermogen verder versterkt = further strengthened the company’s equity capital
"Eigen vermogen, voorzieningen en uitgestelde belastingen en schulden op m" = "Capital and reserves, provisions for liabilities and charges and amounts "
eigen vermogensverschaffer = provider of private equity
eigen vervoer = private transport
eigen vervoer = transport on own account / private transport
eigen voordeel = personal gain
"Eigen voorwaarden, welke bij de wederpartij mochten worden gehanteerd" = Any terms and conditions employed by the other party
eigen woning = home of one’s own
eigen woning = own house
eigen woning = owner-occupied dwelling
eigen woning = owner-occupied property
eigen woning = self-occupied property
eigen zielenontwikkeling = development of our own soul
eigen zijn aan = are associated with
eigenaar = proprietor
eigenaar = Owner
eigenaar = "holder (m.b.t. documenten, waardepapieren)"
eigenaar {de} = owner
eigenaar {de} = proprietor
eigenaar van de apparatuur = owner of the equipment
eigenaar van de database = database owner
eigenaar van een eenmanszaak = sole proprietor
eigenaar van een eenmanszaak = sole trader
eigenaar van het afval = owner of waste
eigenaar van het betreffende proces = owner of the relevant process
eigenaar van het betreffende systeem = owner of the system in question
eigenaar van toewijzing = assignment owner
"eigenaar zijn van een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "Owning a legal person, entity or body"
"Eigenaar zijn van een rechtspersoon, groep of entiteit" = "Owning a legal person, group or entity"
"eigenaar, eigenares, bezitter, bezitster" = owner (one who owns)
"eigenaar, of huurder, bediener of gebruiker" = "owner, lessee, operator or user"
eigenaar/beheerder = owner/manager
eigenaar/erfpachter = owner/tenant (land lease)
eigenaar/exploitant van ECI’s = owners/operators of ECIs
eigenaar-beheerder = owner-manager
eigenaar-bewoner = owner-occupier
eigenaar-bewoner = "owner-occupant, owner-occupier"
eigenaardig = peculiar
eigenaardig = individual
Eigenaardig = Typical
eigenaardig = odd
Eigenaardigheid = Characteristic
Eigenaardigheid = Peculiarity
Eigenaardigheid = Quirk
eigenaaronderhoud = owner maintenance
eigenaarschap = ownership
eigenaarslasten = owner’s charges
eigenaars-lusten en lasten = risks and rewards of ownership
eigenaarsonderhoud = owner maintenance
eigenaren van een wagenpark = fleet owners
eigenaren van voorzieningen = facility owners
eigenaren/beleggers = owners/investors
eigenares = owner
eigenares {de} = owner [female]
eigenaresse {de} [NN] = owner [female]
eigenbaat = selfinterest
eigenbelang = self-interest
Eigenbelanghypothese = Hypothesis of self-interest
Eigenbeweging = Proper motion
eigenbias = self-bias
eigenbijdrageregeling = contribution scheme
eigenbijdrageregeling = co-payment scheme
eigencapaciteit = self-capacitance
Eigendom = Ownership
eigendom = possession
Eigendom = Effects
eigendom = property
eigendom / bezit / eigendomsrecht = ownership
eigendom {de} {het} = possession
eigendom {het} = property
eigendom belast met erfpacht = leasehold
eigendom en risico blijft bij = title and risk remain with
eigendom van = property of
eigendom van de goederen = property in the goods
eigendom van de Producten gaat van Leverancier over op Afnemer = Ownership of the Products shall pass from Supplier to Purchaser
eigendom van een huwelijksgemeenschap = marital property
"eigendom van een rechtspersoon, entiteit of lichaam" = "ownership of a legal person, entity or body"
eigendom van een ruimtevaartuig = ownership of a spacecraft
eigendom van een schip of van een luchtvaartuig = ownership of a vessel or an aircraft
eigendom van een schip of van een luchtvaartuig = ownership of a vessel or aircraft
eigendom van goederen = ownership
eigendom van of worden onder licentie gebruikt = are owned or used under licence by
eigendom verkregen door testamentaire erfstelling = ownership acquired by testamentary succession
eigendom Vertrouwelijke Informatie = Ownership of the Confidential Information
eigendom verwerft = or acquires ownership of
"eigendom verwerven/verliezen door zaaksvorming, natrekking of vermenging" = "acquire/lose ownership by specification, accession or confusion"
"eigendom, bezitting, goed, bezit" = property (something owned)
eigendommen = possessions
eigendommen van derden = third party property
eigendommen van partijen = property of either Party
Eigendommen werkgever = Employer property
Eigendoms- rechten = Property rights
eigendomsaanhaling = Ownership citation
eigendomsbelang = ownership interest
eigendomsbescherming = property protection
eigendomsbewijs = proof of ownership
eigendomsbewijs m.b.t. overheidsgrond = land patent [Am.]
eigendomsbewijs m.b.t. overheidsgrond = land warrant [Am.]
"eigendomsbewijs, eigendomscertificaat, titel" = title (certificate of ownership)
eigendomsclausule = proprietary clause
eigendomsdelict = crime against property
eigendomsgrens = property boundaries
eigendomsgrenzen = property boundaries
eigendomsgrenzen = property boundary
eigendomsinformatie = registration
eigendomsintercommunale = owner intermunicipal company
Eigendomsoorsprong = Origin of ownership
eigendomsoverdacht = transfer of ownership
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of property
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of title
eigendomsoverdracht = transfer of ownership
eigendomsovergang = transfer of ownership
eigendomsrecht = right of property
eigendomsrecht = property right
eigendomsrecht = proprietary law
Eigendomsrechten = Proprietary rights
eigendomsrechten = property rights
eigendomsrechten = proprietary rights
Eigendomsrechten en intellectuele eigendomsrechten = Property rights and Intellectual property rights
Eigendomsrechtentheorie = Theory of proprietary rights
eigendomsregister = land and property register
eigendomssituaties = ownership situations
eigendomstitel = property title
eigendomsverhoudingen = patterns of ownership
eigendomsverkrijging = acquisition of property
eigendomsvoorbehoud = reservation of ownership
eigendomsvoorbehoud = reservation of title
eigendomsvoorbehoud = retention of title
eigendomsvoorbehoud = title retention
Eigendomsvoorbehoud en risico = Retention of title and risk
eigendomsvoorbehoud heeft ingeroepen = (invoke the) retention of title (clause)
eigendomsvoorbehoud heeft ingeroepen = invoked the reservation of ownership (clause)
eigendomszones = property zone
eigendomszones = property zones
eigener beweging = on his own initiative
eigener beweging = of one's own accord
eigenfreq [rad/s] = "circular frequency, natural"
eigenfreq [rad/s] = circular frequency
eigenfrequentie = "frequency, natural"
eigenfrequentie = natural frequency
eigenfrequentie = frequency
eigenfrequentie = resonance frequency
eigenfrequentie [Hz] = natural frequency
eigengeleiding = intrinsic conduction
eigengeluid = accompanying sound
eigengeluidonderdrukking = rejection of accompanying sound
eigengeluidonderdrukking = sound rejection
Eigengemaakt = Home-made
eigengewicht = dead load
eigenhalfgeleider = intrinsic semiconductor
Eigenhandige aanpassingen = Unauthorised modifications
eigenhandige brief = autograph letter
eigenheid = characteristic property
eigenheid = characteristic trait
eigenheid = idiosyncrasy
eigenheid = singularity
eigenheid = individuality
eigenheid = individual character
eigenheid = special character
eigenheid = unique character
eigenheid = unique characteristics
eigenheid = uniqueness
eigenheid {de} = uniqueness
eigenheid {de} = singularity
eigenimpedantie = self-impedance
eigenkanaalscheiding = co-channel separation
Eigenlijk = Clean
eigenlijk = to tell the truth
eigenlijk = true
eigenlijk = in fact
eigenlijk = actually
eigenlijk = proper
Eigenlijk = Veritable
eigenlijk = exactly
Eigenlijk = Genuine
eigenlijk = real
Eigenlijk = Decent
eigenlijk = really
Eigenlijk = Downright
Eigenlijk = Pure
Eigenlijk geen andere opties = We were actually not given any other options
"eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid" = as a matter of fact {adv} (actually)
"eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid, feitelijk" = actually {adv} (really)
eigenlijke = actual
Eigenlijke karpers = Cyprinid
eigenlijke onderzoek = actual study
eigenlijke verdeling = proper distribution
eigenlijke waarde van ICT = actual value of IT
Eigenmachtig = Arbitrary
eigenmaken = assimilate
eigenmaken = familiarising himself with
eigenmaken = learn
eigenmaken = master
eigenmaken = mastering
Eigennaam = Proper name
eigennaam = name
eigennaam = proper noun
eigennaam = propes name
eigennaam {de} = proper noun
eigennaam {de} = proper name
eigenresistentie = self-resistance
eigenresonantie = natural resonance
eigen‑risicobedrag = amount of the deductible (US)
eigen‑risicobedrag = excess amount
eigenrisicodrager = own-risk bearer
eigenrisicodrager = self-insurer
eigenrisicodragerschap = self-insurance
eigenschap = attribute
Eigenschap = Quality
eigenschap = aspect
eigenschap = characteristic
eigenschap = feature
eigenschap = property
eigenschap = quality
eigenschap = characteristic/property
Eigenschap = Draught
Eigenschap = Property
Eigenschap = Feature
eigenschap {de} = quality
eigenschap {de} = property [quality]
Eigenschap afdekking = Kind of covering
eigenschap selectie = feature selection
eigenschap van de onderhavige uitvinding = quality of the present invention
eigenschap van de parti?le coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de parti?le stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de partiéle coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de partiële coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de partiéle stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de partiële stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van de parti�le coating stack = property of the partial coating stack
eigenschap van de parti�le stack = property of the partial stack
eigenschap van dimensielid = dimension member property
eigenschap van een energiecentrale = power plant property
eigenschap van lid = member property
"eigenschap, hoedanigheid, kwaliteit" = quality (differentiating property or attribute)
"eigenschap, structuur of kenmerk" = "feature, structure or characteristic"
eigenschappen = aspects
eigenschappen = characteristics
eigenschappen = features
eigenschappen = properties
eigenschappen = qualities
eigenschappen = characteristics/properties
Eigenschappen = Qualities
Eigenschappen = Characteristics
Eigenschappen bewerken = Property Editor
eigenschappen bezitten die voor een normaal gebruik nodig zijn = have the characteristics required for normal use
eigenschappen en gebruiksmogelijkheden = characteristics  and uses
eigenschappen en voordelen = properties and benefits
eigenschappen en/of laagdiktes = properties and/or layer thicknesses
eigenschappen in de dikterichting = through-thickness properties
eigenschappen van de standaardatmosfeer = properties of standard atmosphere
eigenschappen van een bestand = file properties
eigenschappen van het gezin = family characteristics: the size and composition of the family
"eigenschappen, gehele getallen, stappen, of componenten" = "features, integers, steps or components"
eigenschappenarchief = property store
Eigenschappenbeheer = Property Manager
eigenschappenbevordering = property promotion
eigenschappencache = property cache
eigenschappenpagina = property page
eigenschappenpagina = properties page
eigenschappenset = property set
eigenschappenvenster = property sheet
Eigenschappenvenster = Properties window
eigenschappenverzameling = property bag
eigenschapsexpressie = property expression
eigenschapsgroep = property group
eigenschapsnaam = property name
eigenschapsvelden = property fields
eigenschapswaarde = property value
eigenschapswaarde van statusbericht = status message property value
eigentemperatuur = temperature variations
eigentijds = current
Eigentijds = Cutting-edge
Eigentijds = Contemporary
eigentijds = The latest
eigentijds (samen)werken = completely modern way to collaborate
"eigentijds, uitdagend en kwalitatief hoogstaand onderwijs" = "contemporary, challenging and high-quality education"
eigentijdse = contemporary
eigentijdse architectuur = contemporary architecture
eigentijdse onderwijsplatform = modern teaching platform
eigenvector = eigenvector
Eigenverbruik = Own consumption
eigen-verbruik = private consumption
eigenverklaringinzakeoorsprong = declaration of origin
eigenvermogensvereisten = own funds requirements
eigenwaarde = characteristic root
eigenwaarde = eigenvalue
eigenwaarde = latent root (vector)
eigenwaarde = self-esteem
Eigenwaarde = Shame into
Eigenwaarde = Pride
Eigenwaarde = Shame
Eigenwaarde/zelfrespect = Self-worth/self-respect
Eigenwijs = Obstinate
Eigenwijs = Obdurate
eigenwijs = conceited
eigenwijs = maverick
Eigenwijs = Stubborn
Eigenwijs = Wilful
eigenzinnig = obstinate
eigenzinnig = stubborn
eigenzinnig = wayward
eigenzinnig = wayward
eigenzinnig = obstinate
eigenzinnige = obstinate
eigenzinnige = stubborn
eigenzinnige = contrary
eigenzinnige = difficult
eigenzinnige = disobedient
eigenzinnige = headstrong
eigenzinnige = insubordinate
eigenzinnige = intractable
eigenzinnige = intransigent
eigenzinnige = mulish
eigenzinnige = naughty
eigenzinnige = obdurate
eigenzinnige = perverse
eigenzinnige = pig-headed
eigenzinnige = recalcitrant
eigenzinnige = refractory
eigenzinnige = self-willed
eigenzinnige = stiff-necked
eigenzinnige = stubborn as a mule
eigenzinnige = uncooperative
eigenzinnige = ungovernable
eigenzinnige = unpersuadable
eigenzinnige = wayward
eigenzinnige = wilful
eigenzinnige = unamenable
eigenzinnigheid = tenacity
eiglans = satin (finish)
eiglans = egg-shell finish
Eijsden = Eijsden
Eijsden-Margraten = Eijsden-Margraten
Eijsdens = Eèsjdes
Eijsdens = Eèsjdes (the Eijsden dialect)
eik = oak
eik {de} = oak
eikehout = oak (wood)
eikehout = oak
eikehouten = oak
eikel = glans
eikel = glans penis
Eikel = Acorn
eikel = dickhead
Eikel (vrucht) = Acorn
eikel {de} = acorn
eikelbuis = acorn valve
eiken = oak
eiken = oaken
eiken- = oak
eiken(bomen) = oak
eiken(hout) = oak
eikenbeits = oak stain
eikenboom = oak
eikenboom {de} = oak tree
eikenbos = oak-wood
eikenhout = oak
eikenhout = oak wood
Eikenprocessierups = Oak processionary moth
Eikentandvlinder = Timid
Eikentandvlinder = Bashful
Eikentandvlinder = Retiring
Eikentandvlinder = Shy
Eikentandvlinder = Coy
eikonometer: een apparaat voor het meten van aniseikonia = eiconometer
eikonometer: een apparaat voor het meten van aniseikonia = eikonometer
eikosanoïde = eicosanoid: prostaglandin
eiland = isle
eiland = island
eiland = pad
eiland {het} = island
eiland- en back-upopstellingen = off-grid or grid backup setups
Eiland Man = Isle of Man
eiland opstelling = island arrangement
eilandbedrijf = house load operation
eilandecosysteem = island ecosystem
eilanden = islands
eilanden {mv} = islands
eilandenboog = arc of islands
eilandengebied = island region
eilandengordel = belt of islands
Eilandengroep = Archipelago
"eilandenketen {f}, eilandenrij" = island chain (chain-like archipelago)
eilandenzee = archipelago
eilander {de} = islander
eilandhaven = island harbour
eilandje {het} = islet
eilandje {het} = small island
eiland-opstelling = off-grid setup
eiland-opstelling = stand-alone setup
eilandproblematiek = island automation
Eilandschouw = Decorative (isle hood)
eilandstaten = island states
eiland-systeem = off-grid system
Eileider = Fallopian tube
eind = distance
eind = offset
Eind = Deadline
Eind = Thin
Eind = Term
Eind = Wispy
Eind = End
Eind = Ending
eind = at the end of
eind {het} = end
eind {het} [omg.] = distance
Eind 2017 = End of 2017
eind datum/tijd = end date/time
eind december = late December
Eind dit jaar = by the end of this year
eind maart = at the end of March
Eind pH na LS1 = Final pH after LS1
Eind pH na LS10 = Final pH after LS10
Eind resultaat = Final result
Eind test E / I / Q = End test E / I / Q
Eind tijd = End time
Eind tijdstip = End time
eind vorig jaar = Late last year
eind.. = ultimate
Eind-/benaderingschakelaars = End of travel / proximity switches
Eind-/reinigingsdeksel voor ventilatiesysteem = End -/cleaning piece for ventilation system
eindaandrijving = final drive
eind-aan-eind koppeling = end-fire coupling
eindaanslag = end stop
eindadvies = final recommendation
eindafdek = final seal
eindafdichting = end seal
eindafdichting = end sealing
eindaflevering = final delivery
eindafname = final purchase
eindafnamerapport = final inspection report
eindafnemer = final customer
eindafrekening = final settlement
eindafrekening = final account
eindafrekening = final statement
eindafsluiter = terminator
eindafstand = end distance
Eindafwerkset thermoband = Heating cable end piece
eindassemblage = final assembly
eindassemblageplan = final assembly schedule: FAS
eindassemblagestuklijst = final assembly bill-of- material
eindassessment = final assessment
eindbalk (van (hout)skelet) = end joist
eindbeeld = final result
eindbeeld = final picture
eindbeeld = end shot
eindbeeld = (final) goal
eindbeoordeling = final assessment
eindbeoordeling PVB = final Proficiency Check assessment
eindbeoordeling van de PVB = final assessment of the Proficiency Check
eindbestelling = all-time order
eindbestemming = final destination
eindbestemming {de} = final destination
eindbeugel = end bracket
Eindbeurt = Final cleaning
eindblokbehuizing = end-block housing
eindblokken = end blocks
eindblokken = end-blocks
eindblokwerk = end-block mechanism
eindbreedte = end width
eindbuis = output valve
eindcertificaat = final certificate
eindcijfer = final mark
eindcijfer = final grade
Eindcijfer berekening = Calculation of final mark
eindconclusie = final conclusion
eindconclusie = final opinion
eindconclusies = final conclusions
eindconsument = end consumer
eindcontrole = final inspection
eindcontrole voor levering = final inspection before delivery
einddatum = end date
einddatum = closing date
einddatum = finish date
einddatum = project end date
einddatum (bepaalde tijd) = final date (in case of temporary appointment)
einddatum (van arbeidscontract) = final date of employment given
Einddatum boekjaar = financial year end date
Einddatum instellen = Set due date
Einddatum opdracht = Assignment end date
Einddatum ouderschapsverlof = End date parental leave
einddatum repartitieperiode = distribution end date
einddatum van cyclus = cycle end date
einddatumparameter = end date parameter
einddatumveld = end date field
einddeclaratie = final statement
einddeel = end part
einddeksel = end cover
einddelen = end parts
einddiastolisch = end  diastolic
eind-diastolsich voluum = end-  diastolic ventricular volume
eind-diastolsich voluum = end-diastolic volume
einddikte = end thickness
einddiploma = diploma
Einddiploma = Leaving-certificate
Einddiploma = A-level
Einddiploma = Leaving certificate
Einddiploma = General Certificate of Educat
Einddiploma = Leaving examination
einddoel = goal
Einddoel = Final goal
einddoel = ultimate goal
Einddoel Plan van Aanpak = Final goal of the Action Plan
Einddoos = End socket
einddop = end cap
einde = conclusion
Einde = Thin
einde = end
einde {het} = end
einde dienst = at the end of the shift
einde dienstverband = termination of employment
einde exportperiode = end export period
einde functieschaal = upper limit of pay scale
Einde huurovereenkomst = End of lease agreement
Einde huurovereenkomst of gebruik = End of lease agreement or use
Einde in bedrijf name = Final start-up
Einde levensduur = End of service life
Einde looptijd = Maturity
einde periode = end of period
einde termijnwagens = end-of-lease cars/vehicles
Einde turnaround werkzaamheden systeem = Final turnaround system work
einde van de gegevensverzameling = End of data collection
einde van de levensduur = End of life
einde van de slaap = sleep offset
Einde van de verzekering = Termination of the insurance
Einde van het dienstverband = Termination of employment
Einde van het interview = End of the interview
einde van het jaardividend = year-end dividend
einde van het leasecontract = end of the lease
Einde veiligstellen systeem = End of placing system in safe mode
Einde vragenlijst = End of questionnaire
einde-band = end of tape
einde-berichtfunctie = end-of-message function
einde-berichtindicator = end-of-message indicator
einde-blokteken = end of block character
eindecontractschade = end-of-contract damage
eindeffector = end effector
eindejaarsgesprek = end-of-year interview
Eindejaarspremie = Christmas allowance
Eindejaarspremie = end-of-year allowance
eindejaarspremie = end-of-year bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = year-end bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = Christmas bonus
eindejaarsuitkering = end-of-year bonus
Eindelijk = Last
eindelijk = at last
eindelijk = finally
eindelijk = eventually
eindelings deel lip (Orchid.) = epichile
eindeloop schakelaar = stop switch
eindeloopprop = end course end piece
eindeloos = everlasting
Eindeloos = Endless
eindeloos = endlessly
eindeloos nesten = endless nesting
eindeloze band = endless loop
Eindeloze mogelijkheden = Endless possibilities
eindeloze opeenvolging = endless sequence
eindeloze opeenvolging van uit- en inschakelen van de lichtbron = endless sequence of switching off and on the light source
einde-mediumteken = end-of-medium character: EM
einden afgeknipt en vlak geslepen = ends plain and ground
einden geslepen = ends ground square
einden vlakgewikkeld = plain ends squared
einden vlakgewikkeld en geslepen = plain ends squared and ground
einde-naar-einde sessie = end-to-end session
einde-rubriekcode = end of field code
einde-slag = end of stroke
einde-slag = end-of-stroke
einde-tekstteken = end-of-text character: ETX
einde-transmissieblokteken = end-of-transmission block character: ETB
einde-transmissiefunctie = end-of-transmission function
einde-transmissieteken = end-of-transmission character: EOT
Eindevaluatie = Final evaluation
eindevaluatie in het jaarrapport (R&O) = final assessment given by you in the annual report
eindexamen = school-leaving examination
Eindexamen = Leaving-certificate
eindexamen = final examination
Eindexamen = Leaving certificate
Eindexamen = General Certificate of Educat
Eindexamen = A-level
eindexamen = leaving examination
eindexamencijfers = final exam results
eindexamenjaar = graduation year
eindexaminator = final examiner
eindexaminatoren = final examiners
eindfactuur = final invoice