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  • a {article} (an) SEE: an ::
  • aa {adj} (a form of lava flow associated with Hawaiian-type volcanoes) :: scherpe lava {m} {f}
  • Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Aken
  • aah {interj} (expressing amazement or surprise) :: och
  • aardvark {n} (mammal) :: aardvarken {n}
  • aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: aardwolf {m}
  • Aaron {prop} (male given name) :: Aäron
  • Aaronic {adj} (pertaining to Aaron) :: Aaronisch
  • Aaron's rod {n} (goldenrod) SEE: goldenrod ::
  • Aaron's rod {n} :: koningskaars {f}
  • Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein ::
  • Aaron's rod {n} (orpine) SEE: orpine ::
  • abaca {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
  • abaca {n} (plant) :: manillahennep {m}
  • aback {adv} (backwards) :: achterwaarts, rugwaarts
  • aback {adv} (in the rear) :: achteraan
  • aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
  • abactinal {adj} (pertaining to the surface or end opposite to the mouth in a radiate animal) :: abactinaal
  • abactor {n} (one who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds) :: runderdief {m}, veedief {m}
  • abacus {n} (calculating frame) :: telraam {n}, abacus {m}
  • abaka {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
  • abaka {n} (plant) SEE: abaca ::
  • abalone {n} (edible univalve mollusc) :: zeeoor
  • abandon {n} (a giving up to natural impulses) :: ongedwongenheid {f}
  • abandon {v} (forsake) :: verzaken, verlaten, begeven
  • abandon {v} (to cast out) :: verwerpen, afwijzen, verbannen
  • abandon {v} (to give up) :: opgeven, prijsgeven
  • abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert) :: achterlaten, in de steek laten
  • abandon {v} (to relinquish a claim to property) :: afzien (van), afstand doen (van), terugnemen
  • abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) :: verlaten
  • abandonment {n} (act of abandoning) :: achterlating, verlating, in de steek laten {n}
  • abandonment {n} (careless freedom) :: ongedwongenheid, uitbundigheid, nonchalence
  • abandonment {n} (maritime law: relinquishment of a property to underwriters) :: abandonnement, overlating
  • abandonment {n} (refusal to receive freight) :: vrachtweigering
  • abandonment {n} (relinquishment of a right, claim or privilege) :: opgave, afstand, overgave, overlating
  • abandonment {n} (voluntary leaving of a person) :: achterlating, verlating, verwaarlozing, veronachtzaming
  • abarthrosis {n} (diarthrosis) SEE: diarthrosis ::
  • abase {v} (to lower so as to hurt feelings) :: vernederen
  • abasement {n} (the act of abasing) :: vernedering
  • abash {v} (to make ashamed, to embarrass) :: beschamen
  • abashed {adj} (embarrassed) :: beschaamd, verlegen
  • abashment {n} (the state of being abashed; confusion from shame) :: verlegenheid {f}
  • abatage {n} (abattage) SEE: abattage ::
  • abate {v} (to bar, to except) :: uitsluiten
  • abate {v} (to be defeated) :: verliezen
  • abate {v} (to bring down a person physically or mentally) :: neerslaan (physically), vernederen (mentally), humiliëren
  • abate {v} (to bring down or reduce to a lower state) :: verlagen, reduceren, verminderen
  • abate {v} (to decrease or become less in strength) :: afnemen, verminderen, verzwakken, luwen
  • abate {v} (to deduct, to omit) :: aftrekken, overslaan, verminderen, weglaten
  • abatement {n} (the act of abating or the state of being abated) :: afname, afslag, inkrimping, korting, vermindering
  • abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) :: slachthuis {n}, abattoir {n}, slachterij {f}
  • Abbas {prop} (A male given name) :: Abbas
  • abbatial {adj} (belonging to an abbey) :: abbatiaal
  • abbe {n} (abbot) :: abt
  • abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery) :: abdis
  • abbey {n} (church of a monastery) :: abdijkerk {f}
  • abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot) :: abdij {f}
  • abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) :: abt
  • abbreviate {v} (to make shorter) :: afkorten, verkorten, inkorten
  • abbreviated {adj} (shortened) :: afgekort, ingekort, verkort
  • abbreviation {n} (act or result of shortening or reducing) :: afkorting {f}, verkorting {f}
  • abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: afkorting {f}
  • abbreviator {n} (one who abbreviates) :: afkorter {m}
  • abbreviatory {adj} (serving or tending to abbreviate; shortening; abridging) :: afkortend, verkortend
  • ABC {n} (alphabet) :: ABC {n}, alfabet {n}
  • ABC {n} (rudiments) :: ABC {n}
  • ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer ::
  • abdicate {v} (disinherit) :: onterven
  • abdicate {v} (reject) :: weigeren, afwijzen
  • abdicate {v} (renounce a throne) :: aftreden, troonsafstand doen , abdiceren
  • abdicate {v} (surrender or relinquish) :: afstand doen (van)
  • abdication {n} (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder) :: abdicatie, (troons)afstand
  • abdomen {n} (belly) :: onderbuik {m}, abdomen {n}
  • abdominal {adj} (having abdominal fins) :: buikvinnig
  • abdominal {adj} (of or pertaining to the abdomen) :: abdominaal
  • abdominal fin {n} (pelvic fin) SEE: pelvic fin ::
  • Abdon {prop} (biblical judge of Israel) :: Abdon
  • abduct {v} (to take away) :: ontvoeren, kidnappen
  • abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being) :: ontvoering {f}, kidnapping {f}, schaking {f}
  • abduction {n} (leading away, carrying away) :: ontvoeren {n}
  • abduction {n} (logic: type of syllogism) :: abductie {f}
  • abduction {n} (physiology: movement separating limb from axis) :: abductie {f}
  • abductor {n} (kidnapper) :: ontvoerder {m}, kidnapper {m}
  • abductor {n} (muscle) :: abductor {m}
  • Abdul {prop} (male given name) :: Abdoel, Abdel
  • Abdullah {prop} (Muslim given name) :: Abdoella
  • abeam {adv} (alongside) :: dwarsscheeps
  • abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
  • abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer ::
  • abecedary {n} (the alphabet) :: alfabet {n}, abc {n}
  • Abel {prop} (biblical character) :: Abel {m}
  • Abel {prop} (male given name) :: Abel {m}
  • Abelam {prop} (Ambulas) SEE: Ambulas ::
  • abele {n} (the white poplar, Populus alba) :: abeel {m}
  • abelian {adj} (math: of a group) :: abels, commutatief
  • Abelian algebra {n} (commutative algebra) SEE: commutative algebra ::
  • Abelonian {n} (Abelian) SEE: Abelian ::
  • Aberdeen terrier {n} (breed of dog) SEE: Scottish terrier ::
  • aberrance {n} (state of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude) :: afwijking {f}
  • aberrant {adj} (deviating from morality) :: aberrant
  • aberrant {adj} (deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal) :: afwijkend, uitzonderlijk
  • aberrant {adj} (wandering; straying from the right way) :: aberrant
  • aberration {n} (deviation) :: aberratie
  • abet {v} (to assist or encourage in crime) :: aansporen, aanmoedigen, ophitsen
  • abet {v} (to support, uphold, or aid) :: bijstaan, ondersteunen
  • abettor {n} (accomplice) :: medeplichtige {c}
  • abettor {n} (inciter) :: aanstichter {m}, opstoker {m}
  • abeyance {n} (expectancy; condition of being undetermined) :: onbeslistheid, onzekerheid
  • abeyance {n} (suspension; temporary suppression) :: opschorting, uitstel
  • abhor {v} (to regard with horror or detestation) :: verafschuwen, walgen van
  • abhorrence {n} (extreme aversion) :: afkeer {m}
  • abide {v} (to await) :: afwachten
  • abide {v} (to dwell) :: verblijven, wonen
  • abide {v} (to endure) :: ondergaan, verdragen, doorstaan, uithouden
  • abide {v} (to tolerate) :: tolereren, toelaten, verdragen
  • abiding {adj} (continue) :: voortdurend
  • Abidjan {adj} (Abidjanian) SEE: Abidjanian ::
  • Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Côte d'Ivoire) :: Abidjan
  • Abigail {prop} (biblical wife of David) :: Abigaïl
  • Abigail {prop} (female given name) :: Abigail, Abigaïl
  • ability {n} (quality or state of being able) :: vaardigheid, vermogen
  • abiotic {adj} (Nonliving) :: abiotisch
  • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) :: beter één vogel in de hand dan tien in de lucht
  • a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
  • abjure {v} (to renounce upon oath) :: afzweren, verzaken aan een eed
  • abjure {v} (to renounce with solemnity) :: afzweren, herroepen, [aan] verzaken
  • Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: Abchazisch {n}
  • Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: Abchazië
  • Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
  • Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
  • Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
  • ablactation {n} (weaning) :: borstvoeding {f}
  • ablative {n} (grammar) the ablative case) :: ablatief {m}
  • ablative absolute {n} (linguistic construction in Latin) :: losse ablatief
  • ablative case {n} (grammar case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) :: ablatief {m}
  • ablaze {adj} (on fire) :: in lichterlaaie
  • able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy ::
  • able {adj} (legally qualified) :: competent, in aanmerking komend
  • able {adj} (permitted to) :: in staat (om), de mogelijkheid hebben (om te)
  • able {adj} (skillful) :: competent, handig, bedreven
  • -able {suffix} (able to be done) :: -baar
  • -able {suffix} (fit to be done) :: -baar
  • -able {suffix} (indicating obligation) :: [before the infinitive] te
  • able {v} (enable) SEE: enable ::
  • able {v} (vouch for) SEE: vouch for ::
  • abloom {adv} (postpositive) in or into bloom; in a blooming state) :: in bloei
  • abnegate {v} (to deny oneself something) :: ontzeggen
  • abnegate {v} (to reject, to deny) :: verwerpen, ontzeggen
  • abnegation {n} (denial; renunciation) :: zelfverloochening
  • Abner {prop} (biblical cousin of Saul) :: Abner
  • abnormal {adj} (not conforming to rule or system) :: abnormaal
  • abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms) :: abnormaal
  • abnormally {adv} (In an abnormal manner) :: abnormaal
  • abnormalness {n} (abnormality) SEE: abnormality ::
  • aboard {adv} (on board) :: aan boord
  • aboard {prep} (on board of) :: aan boord
  • abode {n} (obsolete: act of waiting) :: wachten
  • abode {n} (omen) :: voorteken {n}
  • abode {n} (slightly dated: residence) :: woonstee {f}, verblijf, onderkomen {n}
  • abode {n} (stay or continuance in a place; sojourn) :: verblijf {n}, woonstee {f}
  • abolish {v} (to destroy) :: vernietigen
  • abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: afschaffen
  • abolishment {n} (The act of abolishing) :: afschaffing {f}
  • abomasum {n} (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) :: leb {f}, lebmaag {f}
  • A-bomb {n} (atomic bomb) :: atoombom {f}
  • abominable {adj} (hateful; detestable; loathsome) :: abominabel, afstotelijk, verschrikkelijk, afschuwelijk
  • abominable snowman {n} (manlike or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas) :: verschrikkelijke sneeuwman {m}, yeti {m}
  • abominate {v} (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) :: verachten, verafschuwen
  • abomination {n} (something abominable) :: (een) afschuwelijk iets
  • abomination {n} (the feeling of extreme disgust) :: afschuw, walging
  • aboriginal {adj} (original; indigenous) :: inheems, inheemse
  • Aboriginal {n} (aboriginal) SEE: aboriginal ::
  • Aboriginal {n} (original inhabitant of any land) :: inboorling {m}, inboorlinge {f}
  • Aboriginal {n} (original inhabitant of Australia) :: Aboriginal {m}
  • abort {v} (computing: to terminate a process prior to completion) :: annuleren, aborteren, stoppen
  • abort {v} (to cause a premature termination) :: (doen) aborteren, beëindigen, doen mislukken
  • abort {v} (to miscarry) :: (een) miskraam hebben, voortijdig bevallen
  • abortion {n} (act of inducing abortion) :: abortie {m}, abortus {m}
  • abortion {n} (immature product of an untimely birth) :: miskraam {n}
  • abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: abortus {m}, afdrijving {f}, zwangerschapsonderbreking {f}, vruchtafdrijving {f}
  • abortion {n} (miscarriage) :: miskraam {n}, abortus {m}
  • abortion {n} (something ugly) :: misbaksel {n}, miskraam {n}
  • abortionist {n} (one who performs an illegal (backstreet) abortion) :: engeltjesmaker {m}, engeltjesmaakster {f}
  • abound {v} (to be copiously supplied) :: wemelen [van]
  • abound {v} (to be plentiful) :: overvloedig aanwezig zijn, wemelen [van]
  • abound in {v} (to possess in abundance) :: wemelen van
  • abounding {adj} (ample, plenteous, plenty) :: overvloedig
  • abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound ::
  • about {adv} (here and there) :: rond-
  • about {adv} (in circuit) :: rond
  • about {adv} (nearly, approximately) :: ongeveer
  • about {adv} (on all sides) :: rond
  • about {adv} (to a reversed order, or opposite direction) :: om-
  • about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) :: over, aangaande, betreffende
  • about {prep} (concerning) :: over
  • about {prep} (in the immediate neighborhood of) :: omheen, bij, in de buurt
  • about {prep} (near, approximately, regarding time, size or quantity) :: ongeveer
  • about {prep} (on every side of) :: om, rond
  • about {prep} (on the point or verge of) :: op het punt staan
  • about {prep} (over or upon different parts of) :: rond
  • about to {phrase} (indicating imminence) :: op het punt staan (om) te
  • above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: boven
  • above all {adv} (of prime importance) :: bovenal, vooral, voornamelijk
  • above average {adj} (Better than average) :: bovengemiddeld
  • above board {prep} (honestly) :: volgens het boekje
  • above ground {adj} (aboveground) SEE: aboveground ::
  • above measure {prep} (beyond measure) SEE: beyond measure ::
  • above-mentioned {adj} (mentioned or named before; aforesaid) :: bovenvermeld
  • above-named {adj} (mentioned or named before) SEE: above-mentioned ::
  • abovesaid {adj} (mentioned before) :: bovenvermeld
  • abrade {v} (transitive) to rub or wear off; to waste or wear away by friction) :: schuren
  • Abraham {prop} (male given name) :: Abraham
  • Abraham {prop} (prophet in the Old Testament) :: Abraham
  • Abrahamitic {adj} (Abrahamic) SEE: Abrahamic ::
  • Abram {prop} (Old Testament patriarch) :: Abram
  • abreact {v} (eliminate previously repressed emotions) :: afreageren
  • abreast {adv} (informed) :: op de hoogte, bekend, goed ingelicht, welingelicht
  • abreast {adv} (side by side) :: zij aan zij
  • abridge {v} (to deprive) :: beroven (van)
  • abridge {v} (to make shorter) :: beperken, verkorten
  • abridge {v} (to shorten or contract by using fewer words) :: verkorten, inkorten
  • abridgment {n} (act of abridging) :: bekorting, verkorting
  • abridgment {n} (shortened version) :: ingekorte versie , uittreksel, korte inhoud
  • abroad {adv} (in foreign countries) :: in het buitenland, naar het buitenland
  • abrogate {v} (to annul by an authoritative act) :: afschaffen
  • abrogate {v} (to put an end to) :: tenietdoen
  • Abruka {prop} (Estonian island located in the Gulf of Riga) :: Abruka
  • abrupt {adj} (botany: truncated) :: afgeknot
  • abrupt {adj} (curt in manner) :: kortaf
  • abrupt {adj} (extremely steep) :: steil
  • abrupt {adj} (having sudden transitions from one state to next) :: hortend
  • abrupt {adj} (without notice) :: abrupt, plots, bruusk
  • abruptly {adv} (in an abrupt manner) :: abrupt, bruusk
  • abruptly {adv} (precipitously) :: plots, plotseling
  • abruptness {n} (state of being abrupt) :: abruptheid {f}
  • abs {n} (abdominal muscles) :: buikspieren
  • abs {n} (absolute function) :: abs
  • Absalom {prop} (male given name) :: Absalom
  • abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus) :: abces {n}, etterbuil {m}
  • abscissa {n} (first of two coordinates) :: abscis {f}
  • abscond {v} (to depart secretly) :: heimelijk vertrekken (van/uit)
  • abscond {v} (to hide (something) :: wegrennen
  • abseil {n} (a descent by abseil) :: het abseilen, gezekerde afdaling
  • abseil {v} (to descend a vertical drop using a rope) :: abseilen
  • absence {n} (inattention to things present) :: verstrooidheid {f}
  • absence {n} (lack; deficiency; nonexistence) :: afwezigheid {f}, ontbreken {n}
  • absence {n} (state of being away) :: afwezigheid {f}
  • absent {adj} (being away from a place) :: afwezig, weg
  • absent {adj} (inattentive) :: afwezig, verstrooid
  • absent {adj} (not existing) :: afwezig
  • absent {prep} (without) :: behalve, zonder, uitgezonderd
  • absent {v} :: afwezig zijn, zich verwijderen, vertrekken
  • absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: alsem {m}
  • absinthe {n} (liquor) :: absint
  • absolute {adj} (capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone) :: absoluut
  • absolute {adj} (chemistry: pure; unmixed) :: absoluut, onvermengd, rein
  • absolute {adj} (complete in itself, fixed) :: volkomen
  • absolute {adj} (grammar: not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence in government) :: absoluut
  • absolute {adj} (loosed from any conditions or limitations) :: absoluut
  • absolute {adj} (loosed from any other being or comparison) :: absoluut
  • absolute {adj} (rare: positive; clear) :: absoluut
  • absolute {adj} (viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects) :: absoluut, volstrekt
  • absolutely {adv} (in an absolute manner) :: absoluut
  • absolute pitch {n} (ability to identify and reproduce a tone) SEE: perfect pitch ::
  • absolute value {n} (numerical value of a real number) :: absolute waarde {f}
  • absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature) :: absoluut nulpunt {n}
  • absolutive case {n} (case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action) :: absolutief {m}
  • absolve {v} (obsolete: to finish, accomplish) :: beëindigen, afwerken
  • absolve {v} (obsolete: to resolve or explain) :: uitleggen
  • absolve {v} (theology: to pronounce free or give absolution from sin) :: vergeven
  • absolve {v} (to pronounce free or give absolution) :: vrijspreken, vergeven
  • absolve {v} (to set free) :: vergeven, kwijtschelden, ontheffen
  • absorb {v} (physics: to take up by chemical or physical action) :: absorberen, imeä
  • absorb {v} (to consume completely) :: consumeren, opgebruiken
  • absorb {v} (to endure) :: ondergaan
  • absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) :: absorberen, (in zich) opnemen
  • absorb {v} (to occupy fully) :: verdiepen, bezig houden
  • absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: absorberen, opzuigen
  • absorbency {n} (absorbency) :: absorptie {f}
  • absorbent {adj} (absorbing) :: absorberend, wateropnemend
  • absorbing {adj} (engrossing) :: boeiend, grijpend
  • absorption {n} (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything) :: absorptie {f}
  • absorption {n} (act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear) :: absorptie {f}
  • absorption {n} (chemistry, physics: imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action) :: absorptie {f}
  • absorption {n} (physiology: process by which the materials of growth and nutrition are absorbed) :: absorptie {f}, opname {f}
  • absorptiveness {n} (absorptivity) SEE: absorptivity ::
  • abstain {v} (hinder, withhold) :: verhinderen
  • abstain {v} (refrain from voting) :: [van stemming] zich onthouden
  • abstain {v} (refrain from) :: zich onthouden (van), abstineren
  • abstemious {adj} (abstaining from wine) :: sober
  • abstemious {adj} (marked by, or spent in, abstinence) :: abstinent
  • abstemious {adj} (sparing in diet) :: matig
  • abstemious {adj} (sparingly used; used with temperance or moderation) :: sober
  • abstention {n} (the act of abstaining) :: onthouding {f}
  • abstersion {n} (the act of cleaning) :: reiniging {f}
  • abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from alcohol) :: alcoholonthouding {f}, [more frequent] geheelonthouding {f}
  • abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from sexual intercourse) :: onthouding {f}
  • abstinence {n} (the act or practice of abstaining) :: onthouding {f}
  • abstinence {n} (the practice of self-denial) :: onthouding {f}
  • abstract {adj} (absent in mind) :: afwezig, verstrooid
  • abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) :: abstract, theoretisch
  • abstract {adj} (art: free from representational qualities) :: abstract
  • abstract {adj} (difficult to understand) :: abstract, vaag, algemeen
  • abstract {adj} (extracted) :: onttrokken
  • abstract {adj} (general as opposed to particular) :: algemeen
  • abstract {adj} (separate) :: afgezonderd, gescheiden
  • abstract {n} (an abrigement or summary) :: samenvatting, korte inhoud
  • abstract {n} (an abstraction) :: abstractie
  • abstract {n} (an abstract work of art) :: abstract kunstwerk
  • abstract {n} (an extract of a vegetable substance) :: uittreksel
  • abstract {n} (that which is abstract) :: (een) abstract iets
  • abstract {v} (to abridge, epitomize, or summarize) :: samenvatten
  • abstract {v} (to consider abstractly) :: abstraheren
  • abstract {v} (to create an artistic abstraction of) :: abstraheren
  • abstract {v} (to draw off) :: afleiden
  • abstract {v} (to extract by means of distillation) :: onttrekken
  • abstract {v} (to perform the process of abstraction) :: abstraheren
  • abstract {v} (to remove; to take away; to withdraw) :: terugtrekken
  • abstract {v} (to separate; to disengage) :: afzonderen
  • abstract {v} (to steal) :: ontvreemden
  • abstract {v} (to withdraw oneself) :: zich terugtrekken
  • abstraction {n} (act of abstracting) :: abstractie {f}
  • abstractionism {n} (abstract art) :: abstractionisme {n}
  • abstractionistic {adj} (abstractionist) SEE: abstractionist ::
  • abstractness {n} (the quality of being abstract) :: abstractheid {f}
  • abstract noun {n} (a noun that denotes an abstract concept) :: abstract substantief {n}, abstractum {n}
  • abstruse {adj} (concealed) :: verborgen, versluierd
  • abstruse {adj} (difficult to comprehend) :: onbevattelijk, ondoorgrondelijk
  • abstruseness {n} (the property of being abstruse) :: traag van begrip
  • absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety) :: absurd
  • absurd {n} (obsolete: an absurdity) :: absurd {n}
  • absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity ::
  • Abu Dhabi {prop} (capital of UAE) :: Abu Dhabi
  • abulia {n} (absence of will-power or decisiveness) :: willoosheid
  • Abuna {prop} (abuna) SEE: abuna ::
  • abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) :: overvloed
  • abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful) :: overvloedig, rijkelijk voorhanden, abondant
  • abundantly {adv} (in an abundant manner) :: overvloedig
  • abuse {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis ::
  • abuse {n} (corrupt practice) :: misbruik {n}
  • abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion ::
  • abuse {n} (improper usage) :: misbruik {n}, verkeerd gebruik {n}
  • abuse {n} (insulting speech) :: beschimpingen {f-p}
  • abuse {n} (physical maltreatment) :: mishandeling {f}
  • abuse {n} (sexual violation or assault) :: misbruik {n}
  • abuse {v} (to adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
  • abuse {v} (to hurt) :: mishandelen
  • abuse {v} (to insult) :: beschimpen, uitschelden
  • abuse {v} (to rape) :: misbruiken, onteren, verkrachten
  • abuse {v} (to use improperly) :: misbruiken, verkeerd gebruiken
  • abuser {n} (one who abuses) :: misbruiker {m}, misbruikster {f}
  • abusio {n} (catachresis) SEE: catachresis ::
  • abusive {adj} :: grof, ruw
  • abut {v} (to border on) :: grenzen
  • abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
  • abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth) :: afgrond {m}, ravijn {n}
  • abyss {n} (moral depravity, vast intellectual or moral depth) :: afgrond {m}, kloof {m} {f}
  • AC {initialism} (alternating current) :: wisselstroom
  • AC {initialism} (alternating potential) :: wisselspanning
  • academian {n} (member of an academy) :: academicus {m}
  • academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) :: academisch, universitair
  • academic {adj} (belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato) :: academisch
  • academic {adj} (having no practical importance) :: academisch
  • academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific) :: academisch
  • academic {n} (member of an academy, college, or university) :: universitair {m}
  • academic {n} (Platonist) :: academicus {m}
  • academician {n} (collegian) :: academicus {m}
  • academician {n} (member of an academy) :: academielid {m}
  • academy {n} (college or university) :: academie {f}, universiteit, college
  • academy {n} (learned society) :: academie {f}
  • academy {n} (place of training, school) :: academie {f}
  • academy {n} (seminary) :: academie {f}
  • academy {n} (specialized school) :: academie {f}
  • Academy of Sciences {n} (national academy) SEE: national academy ::
  • acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut ::
  • acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew ::
  • acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany ::
  • acalculia {n} (condition of lacking basic mathematical skills) :: acalculie
  • a cappella {adv} (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment) :: a capella
  • accede {v} (obsolete: to approach) :: naderen
  • accede {v} (to agree to a proposal or view) :: toestemmen, aanvaarden, inwilligen
  • accede {v} (to enter upon an office or dignity) :: aanvaarden, (throne) bestijgen
  • accede {v} (to join a group) :: toetreden
  • accedie {n} (acedia) SEE: acedia ::
  • accelerate {v} (to become faster) :: versnellen, sneller gaan
  • accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster) :: versnellen
  • accelerate {v} (to hasten) :: bespoedigen
  • accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) :: versnellen
  • acceleration {n} (act or state) :: versnelling {f}, acceleratie {f}
  • acceleration {n} (amount) :: versnelling {f}, acceleratie {f}
  • acceleration {n} (physics) :: versnelling {f}, acceleratie {f}
  • accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal) :: gaspedaal {n}
  • accelerator {n} (a device for causing acceleration) :: versneller {m}
  • accelerator {n} (a substance which speeds up chemical reactions) :: katalysator {m}
  • accelerometer {n} (instrument for measuring acceleration) :: versnellingsmeter {m}
  • accent {n} :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: accent {n}, tongval {m}, uitspraak {f}
  • accent {n} (mark to denote feet or inches) :: accent {n}, accentteken {n}
  • accent {n} (math: mark to distinguish magnitudes of similar kind) :: accent {n}, accentteken {n}
  • accent {n} (music: expressive emphasis of a passage) :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (music: recurring stress on a tone) :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (music: rhythmical accent) :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (music: special emphasis on a tone) :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) :: accent {n}, klemtoon {m}
  • accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse) :: accent {n}
  • accent {n} (stronger articulation) :: accent {n}, klemtoon {m}
  • accent {n} (utterance) SEE: utterance ::
  • accent {v} (to emphasize) :: accentueren, beklemtonen
  • accent {v} (to express the accent of) :: accentueren, beklemtonen
  • accent {v} (to mark with written accents) :: beklemtonen
  • accentless {adj} (unaccented) SEE: unaccented ::
  • accentuate {v} (to bring out distinctly) :: benadrukken, beklemtonen
  • accentuate {v} (to mark with a written accent) :: beklemtonen
  • accentuate {v} (to pronounce with an accent) :: beklemtonen, accentueren
  • accept {v} (to agree to) :: aanvaarden, accepteren
  • accept {v} (to endure patiently) :: aanvaarden, ondergaan
  • accept {v} (to receive officially) :: ontvangen, aannemen
  • accept {v} (to receive with consent) :: aanvaarden, accepteren
  • acceptable {adj} (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) :: aanvaardbaar, acceptabel
  • acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance ::
  • access {n} (act of approaching or entering) :: benadering
  • access {n} (admission to sexual intercourse) :: instemming
  • access {n} (increase by addition) :: toevoeging, aanwinst
  • access {n} (onset, attack or fit of disease) :: toeval, aanval
  • access {n} (outburst of an emotion) :: aanval, uitval
  • access {n} (right or ability of approaching or entering) :: toegang, toegangsrecht, toelating
  • access {n} (right to visit one's child) :: bezoekrecht {n}
  • access {n} (way or means of approaching) :: toegang, toegangsweg, passage
  • access {v} (computing: to have access to (data) :: toegang hebben (tot)
  • access {v} (to gain or obtain access to) :: toegang hebben (tot), bereiken, verkrijgen
  • accessibility {n} (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach) :: toegankelijkheid {f}
  • accession {n} (a coming to) :: toetreding {f}
  • accessory {adj} (assisting a crime) :: medeplichtig
  • accessory {adj} (having a supplementary function) :: meegeleverd, toegevoegd
  • accessory {n} (clothing accessory) :: accessoire {n}, aanhangsel {n}, toebehoren {n}
  • accessory {n} (contributor to an offense) :: medeplichtige {m} {f}, handlanger {m}, handlangster {f}
  • accessory {n} (that which belongs to something else deemed the principal, attachment) :: accessoire {n}, aanhangsel {n}, toebehoren {n}
  • accident {n} (chance event) :: toeval {n}
  • accident {n} (military: unplanned event resulting in injury) :: toevallig
  • accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) :: ongeval {n}
  • accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: ongeluk {n}, ongeval {n}
  • accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: toevallig
  • accidentally on purpose {adv} (deliberately but seemingly accidentally) :: per ongeluk expres
  • accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally ::
  • accismus {n} (Feigning disinterest in something while actually desiring it.) :: accismus {m}
  • acclaim {v} (to applaud) :: toejuichen, prijzen, loven
  • acclaim {v} (to declare by acclamations) :: uitroepen (tot)
  • acclaim {v} (to shout applause) :: juichen, applaudiseren
  • acclaim {v} (to shout) :: uitroepen
  • acclamation {n} (applause) :: gejuich, acclamatie
  • acclamation {n} (election of a standby) :: zonder hoofdelijke stemming, met algemene instemming
  • acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization ::
  • acclimatization {n} (the act of acclimatizing) :: acclimatisatie {f}, aanpassing {f}
  • acclimatize {v} (to get used to a new climate) :: acclimatiseren
  • acclimatize {v} (to make used to a new climate) :: acclimatiseren
  • accoil {v} (nautical sense) SEE: coil ::
  • accolade {n} (A salutation marking the conferring of knighthood) :: accolade {f}
  • accolade {n} ( (music) A brace used to join two or more staves) :: accolade {f}
  • accommodate {v} (to adapt to fit) :: aanpassen, accommoderen
  • accommodate {v} (to provide housing for) :: onderbrengen, herbergen
  • accommodation {n} (adjustment of the eye) :: accommodatie {f}
  • accompaniment {n} (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) :: begeleiding {f}
  • accompany {v} (obsolete: to cohabit) :: samenwonen
  • accompany {v} (obsolete: to cohabit with) :: samenwonen met
  • accompany {v} (to attend as a companion) :: vergezellen, begeleiden
  • accompany {v} (to keep company) :: zich samensluiten, samenwerken
  • accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part next to another instrument) :: begeleiden
  • accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) :: begeleiden
  • accomplice {n} (a cooperator) :: handlanger {m}
  • accomplice {n} (an associate in the commission of a crime) :: medeplichtige {m} {f}, handlanger {m}
  • accomplish {v} (to bring to an issue of full success; to effect; to perform) :: volbrengen
  • accomplish {v} (to finish successfully) :: volbrengen
  • accomplishable {adj} (capable of being accomplished) :: haalbaar
  • accomplished {adj} (completed) :: voldaan, voldane, voltrokken
  • accomplisher {n} (one who accomplishes) :: presteerder {m}, presteerster {f}, verwezenlijker
  • accomplishment {n} (that which completes) :: prestatie {f}
  • accomplishment {n} (the act of accomplishing) :: voltooiing {f}
  • accord {n} (harmony of sounds) :: akkoord {n}
  • accordance {n} (agreement; harmony; conformity) :: overeenstemming {f}
  • according as {adv} (precisely as) :: zoals, volgens
  • according to {prep} (based on statement) :: volgens
  • according to {prep} (in proportion) :: overeenkomstig
  • accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: accordeon {n}, harmonica {m}
  • accordion player {n} (accordion player) SEE: accordionist ::
  • accost {v} (to approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request) :: aanklampen
  • account {n} (an authorization to use a service) :: account (to an electronic service)
  • account {n} (archaic) reckoning, calculation) :: rekening, berekening, telling
  • account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: rekening
  • account {n} (a statement and explanation or vindication) :: rekenschap
  • account {n} (a statement of facts or occurrences) :: verslag, verhaal
  • account {v} (account for) SEE: account for ::
  • account {v} (credit (to) SEE: credit ::
  • accountability {n} (state of being accountable) :: verantwoordelijkheid {n}
  • accountable {adj} (Having accountability) :: verantwoordelijk, aansprakelijk
  • accountable {adj} (Requiring accountability) :: verklaarbaar
  • accountancy {n} (the profession of accounting) :: boekhouden {n}
  • accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s) :: boekhouder {m}, accountant {m}
  • accountant {n} (one who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts) :: boekhouder {m}
  • accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: boekhouder {m}
  • account for {v} (to constitute in amount or portion) :: tellen voor, meetellen voor
  • accounting {n} (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) :: boekhouding {f}
  • accounts receivable {n} (total monetary amount) :: vordering {f}
  • account statement {n} (bank statement) SEE: bank statement ::
  • accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
  • accouter {v} :: voorzien, uitdossen
  • Accra {prop} (capital of Ghana) :: Accra
  • accretion disk {n} (structure formed by matter falling into a gravitational source) :: accretieschijf
  • accrue {v} (increase) :: verhogen, groeien
  • accumulate {v} (to grow in number) :: zich opstapelen, (zich) vermeerderen, accumuleren
  • accumulate {v} (to pile up) :: opstapelen, vermeerderen, accumuleren
  • accumulation {n} (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated) :: accumulatie {f}, opstapeling {f}, opeenhoping {f}
  • accumulator {n} (computer science: register for holding intermediate results) :: accumulator {m}
  • accumulator {n} (hydraulics: container which stores hydraulic power for release) :: accumulator {m}
  • accumulator {n} (one who or that which accumulates) :: verzamelaar {m}
  • accumulator {n} (wet-cell storage battery) :: accu {m}
  • accuracy {n} (state of being accurate) :: nauwkeurigheid, precisie
  • accurate {adj} (exact or careful conformity to truth) :: accuraat, precies, exact, trefzeker, nauwkeurig
  • accurately {adv} (exactly, precisely) :: trefzeker
  • accurse {v} (to devote to destruction; to imprecate misery or evil upon; to curse; to execrate; to anathematize) :: vervloeken
  • accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime) :: beschuldiging
  • accusative {adj} (producing accusations; accusatory) :: beschuldigend
  • accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) :: accusatief
  • accusative {n} (accusative case) :: accusatief {m}, vierde naamval {m}, lijdend voorwerp {n}
  • accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
  • accusatory {adj} (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation) :: beschuldigend
  • accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone) :: beschuldigen
  • accuser {n} (one who accuses) :: aanklager {m}, beschuldiger {m}
  • accustom {v} (cohabit) SEE: cohabit ::
  • accustom {v} (to be wont) :: plegen
  • accustom {v} (to make familiar by use) :: doen wennen (aan), (to accustom oneself) wennen (aan)
  • ace {adj} (excellent) :: puik
  • ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: aas {m}
  • ace {n} (golf: hole in one) SEE: hole in one ::
  • acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
  • Aceh {prop} (language) SEE: Acehnese ::
  • Acehnese {prop} (language) :: Atjehs {n}
  • acephalous {adj} (headless) SEE: headless ::
  • acephalous {adj} (without a leader or chief) SEE: leaderless ::
  • acetaminophen {n} (white crystalline compound used in medicine as an anodyne to relieve pain and reduce fever) :: paracetamol {m}
  • acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid) :: acetaat
  • acetic acid {n} (clear colourless organic acid, CH[3]COOH) :: azijnzuur {n}
  • acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH[3])[2]CO) :: aceton {m} {n}
  • acetonuria {n} (presence of acetone in the urine) :: acetonurie
  • acetylcholine {n} (the neurotransmitter compound) :: acetylcholine {m} {f}
  • acetylene {n} (acetylene) :: acetyleen {n}
  • acetylsalicylic acid {n} (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) :: acetylsalicylzuur {n}
  • acetyltransferase {n} (transacetylase) SEE: transacetylase ::
  • a chain is only as strong as its weakest link {proverb} (aphorism) :: de keten is zo sterk als haar zwakste schakel
  • ache {n} (dull pain) :: pijn {m}
  • ache for {v} (to desire or want very much) :: verlangen, smachten naar
  • achene {n} (small dry fruit) :: dopvrucht
  • achievable {adj} (capable of being achieved) :: haalbaar, haalbare, bereikbaar
  • achieve {v} (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) :: bereiken, realiseren
  • achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) :: bereiken, realiseren, verwerven, winnen, verkrijgen
  • achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing) :: prestatie
  • achievement {n} (a reward in video games) :: prestatie {f}
  • achievement {n} (great or heroic deed) :: prestatie {f}, verwezenlijking {f}
  • Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero) :: Achilles
  • Achilles heel {n} (Achilles' tendon) SEE: Achilles' tendon ::
  • Achilles heel {n} (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) :: achilleshiel
  • Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg) :: achillespees {f}
  • achoo {interj} (the sound of a sneeze) :: hatsjoe, hatsjie
  • achromaticity {n} (achromatism) SEE: achromatism ::
  • acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: zuur
  • acid {adj} (sour-tempered) :: zuur
  • acid {n} (a sour substance) :: zuur {n}
  • acid {n} (in chemistry) :: zuur {n}
  • acidification {n} (the act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid) :: verzuring {f}
  • acidify {v} (to make something acidic) :: verzuren
  • acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity ::
  • acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) :: acidose {f}
  • acidotic {adj} (having depressed alkalinity of blood or tissue) :: acidotisch
  • acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: zure regen
  • acinesic {adj} (akinesic) SEE: akinesic ::
  • acknowledge {v} (to admit the claims or authority of) :: erkennen
  • acknowledge {v} (to admit the knowledge of) :: bekennen, erkennen
  • acknowledge {v} (to notify receipt) :: ontvangst bevestigen/melden
  • acknowledge {v} (to own as genuine or valid) :: erkennen
  • acknowledge {v} (to own with gratitude) :: erkentelijk zijn, erkennen
  • acknowledgement {n} (act of acknowledging) :: erkenning, bekentenis {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (act of a man admitting a child as his own) :: erkenning {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (act of owning or recognizing in a particular character or relationship) :: erkenning {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (award) :: toekenning {f}, erkenning {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (expression of thanks) :: erkentelijkheid {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (formal statement or document recognizing the fulfilment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure) :: bevestiging {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (indication of a successful receipt of a transmission) :: ontvangstbevestiging {f}, kwitantie {f}
  • acknowledgement {n} (message informing that the originator's communication has been received and understood) :: ontvangstbevestiging {f}
  • acknowledgment {n} (act of acknowledging) :: erkenning
  • acme {n} (the highest point) :: hoogtepunt {n}
  • acne {n} (a skin condition) :: acne {f} {m}
  • acne vulgaris {n} (inflammatory disease of the skin) :: jeugdpuistjes {n-p}
  • a cold day in Hell {n} (an event that will never happen) :: met Sint Juttemis; als pasen en pinksteren op één dag vallen
  • aconite {n} (herb wolfsbane) :: monnikskap
  • acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) :: eikel {m}
  • acorn-shell {n} (barnacle of the genus Balanus) :: zeepok {m}
  • acoustic {adj} (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) :: akoestisch, akoestische
  • acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) :: akoestisch, akoestische
  • acoustical {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics) :: akoestisch, akoestische
  • acoustically {adv} (in an acoustic manner) :: akoestisch
  • acoustic guitar {n} (hollow-body guitar) :: akoestische gitaar {m} {f}
  • acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) :: akoestiek {m}
  • acoustics {n} (quality of a space for doing music) :: akoestiek {m}
  • acquaintance {n} (person) :: kennis {m}, bekende {m}
  • acquaintance {n} (state of being acquainted) :: bekendheid {f}
  • acquainted {adj} (familiar) :: bekend
  • acquiescent {adj} (resting satisfied or submissive) :: weltevreden, onderdanig
  • acquiescent {adj} (willing to acquiesce) :: welwillend, inschikkelijk
  • acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own) :: verwerven, verkrijgen, opdoen
  • acquire {v} (to get) :: verwerven, verkrijgen
  • acquisition {n} (act or process of acquiring) :: verwerving {f}
  • acquisition {n} (thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain) :: verworvenheid
  • acquit {v} (to clear one’s self) :: zich bevrijden
  • acquit {v} (to declare not guilty, innocent) :: vrijspreken
  • acquit {v} (to discharge a claim or debt) :: afbetalen, vervullen, aflossen
  • acquit {v} (to discharge from an obligation) :: vrijspreken, kwijtschelden, verlossen
  • acquit {v} (to pay or atone for) :: betalen, afbetalen
  • acquit {v} (to perform one’s part) :: vervullen, zich bewijzen
  • acquit {v} (to release, rescue) :: bevrijden, verlossen, vrijlaten
  • acrimonious {adj} (sharp and harsh) :: verbitterd, bitsig, gemeen, acrimonieus, venijnig, rancuneus, bits, vinnig, scherp
  • acrobat {n} (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) :: acrobaat {m}
  • acrocyanosis {n} (acrocyanosis) :: acrocyanose
  • acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: acromegalie {f} {m}
  • acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) :: acroniem {n}, letterwoord {n}
  • acrophobia {n} (fear of heights) :: hoogtevrees [informal], acrofobie [formal]
  • Acropolis {prop} (Athenian Acropolis) :: Akropolis
  • across {adv} (crosswords: horizontally) :: horizontaal
  • across {prep} (from one side to another) :: overheen
  • across {prep} (on the opposite side) :: overheen, tegenover
  • across {prep} (perpendicularly) :: zijdelings
  • acryl {n} (univalent radical) :: acryl
  • acrylamide {n} (Amide of acrylic acid) :: acrylamide
  • acrylic {adj} (containing an acrylic resin) :: acryl-
  • acrylic {adj} (derived from acrylic acid or acrylonitrile) :: acryl-
  • acrylic {n} (acrylic resin) :: acryl {n}
  • acrylic {n} (paint containing an acrylic resin) :: acryl {n}, acrylverf {f}
  • acrylic {n} (painting made with acrylic paint) :: acrylverftekening {f}
  • act {n} (deed) :: handeling {f}, daad
  • act {n} (division of theatrical performance) :: akte
  • act {n} (process of doing) :: handeling {f}
  • act {n} (statute) :: wet
  • act {v} (to behave in a certain way) :: gedragen, optreden
  • act {v} (to do something) :: handelen
  • act {v} (to have an effect on) :: werken
  • act {v} (to perform a theatrical role) :: optreden (on stage), spelen (general), opvoeren (on stage), acteren (general), toneelspelen (on stage)
  • act {v} (to respond to information) :: handelen, reageren
  • actinium {n} (chemical element) :: actinium {n}
  • action {interj} (signifying the start of something) :: actie {f}
  • action {n} (fast-paced activity) :: actie {f}
  • action {n} (mechanism) :: mechanisme {n}, werking {f}
  • action {n} (military: combat) :: actie {f}
  • action {n} (slang: Intercourse) :: actie {f}
  • action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: handeling {f}, actie {f}
  • action {n} (way of motion or functioning) :: beweging {f}, werking {f}
  • actions speak louder than words {proverb} (it's more effective to act than speak) :: daden klinken harder dan woorden
  • activate {v} (to put into action) :: activeren
  • activate {v} (to turn on) :: aanzetten, inschakelen
  • activated carbon {n} (a very absorbent form of finely powdered carbon) :: actieve kool {f}
  • active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) :: actief
  • active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) :: bedrijvende vorm, actief {n}, activum {n}
  • activism {n} (The practice of using action to achieve a result) :: activisme {n}
  • activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
  • activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) :: activiteit {f}, beweging {f}, werkzaamheid {f}
  • activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment) :: activiteit {f}
  • activity {n} (The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force) :: activiteit {f}, actief {f}
  • actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film) :: acteur {m}, actrice {f}, toneelspeler {m}, toneelspeelster {f}
  • actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff ::
  • actress {n} (female actor) :: actrice {f}
  • Acts {prop} (Book of Acts) SEE: Acts of the Apostles ::
  • Acts of the Apostles {prop} (fifth book of the New Testament) :: Handelingen
  • actual {adj} (emphasise a noun) :: eigenlijk, feitelijk
  • actual {adj} (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) :: werkelijk, daadwerkelijk, effectief, reëel
  • actual {adj} (factual, real, not just apparent or even false) :: echt, reëel, werkelijk
  • actual {adj} (in action at the time being) :: actueel, huidig
  • actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid, feitelijk
  • actuarial {adj} (pertaining to actuaries) :: actuarieel
  • actuarial {adj} (relating to statistical calculation) :: actuarieel
  • actuary {n} (maker of insurance calculations) :: actuaris {m}
  • actuate {v} (to activate; put into motion) :: aandrijven
  • actuate {v} (to incite to action) :: aanzetten
  • acuity {n} (sharpness or acuteness) :: scherpte {f}
  • acumen {n} (quickness of perception or discernment) :: scherpzinnigheid {f}
  • acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
  • acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: acupunctuur {f}
  • acute {adj} (geometry: acute-angled) SEE: acute-angled ::
  • acute {adj} (geometry: of an angle) :: scherp
  • acute {adj} (medicine: of an abnormal condition) :: acuut
  • acute {adj} (medicine: of a short-lived condition) :: acuut
  • acute {adj} (orthography: letter with acute accent) :: met accent aigu
  • acute {adj} (quick, short) :: kort
  • acute {adj} (sensitive) :: scherp, gevoelig
  • acute {adj} (urgent) :: dringend, acuut
  • acute {n} (acute accent) SEE: acute accent ::
  • acyclic {adj} (not cyclic) :: acyclisch
  • AD {initialism} (anno Domini) :: n. Chr (na Christus)
  • adage {n} (old saying) :: gezegde
  • Adam {prop} (first man in Abrahamic religions) :: Adam
  • Adam {prop} (male given name) :: Adam
  • Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis) :: Adam en Eva
  • adamant {adj} (determined; unshakeable; unyielding) :: onbuigzaam, onvermurwbaar
  • adamant {n} (a rock or mineral held by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness) :: adamant
  • Adam's apple {n} (the lump in the throat) :: adamsappel {m}
  • adapt {v} (to fit by alteration) :: aanpassen, bewerken
  • adapt {v} (to make by altering) :: bewerken
  • adapt {v} (to make suitable) :: aanpassen
  • adaptable {adj} (capable of adapting or of being adapted) :: aanpasbaar
  • adaptation {n} (the quality of being adapted) :: aanpassing {f}
  • adaptative {adj} (adaptive) SEE: adaptive ::
  • adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type) :: reisstekker {m}, verloopstekker {m}, wereldstekker {m}
  • add {v} (to make an addition) :: toevoegen
  • add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) :: optellen, bijtellen
  • adder {n} (snake) :: slang {f}
  • adder {n} (viper) :: adder {m}
  • add fuel to the fire {v} (worsen a conflict) :: olie op het vuur gieten, opstoken
  • addict {n} (adherent or fan) :: fan
  • addict {n} (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) :: verslaafde
  • addicted {adj} (being dependent on something) :: verslaafd
  • addictive {adj} (causing or tending to cause addiction; habit-forming) :: verslavend
  • addition {n} (act of adding) :: toevoeging {f}
  • addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: optellen {n}, sommeren {n}
  • addition {n} (arithmetic: thing added) :: optelling {f}, sommering {f}
  • addition {n} (thing added) :: toevoeging {f}
  • additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to) :: bijkomend
  • addon {n} (add-on) SEE: add-on ::
  • address {n} (direction for letters) :: adres {n}
  • address {n} :: rede
  • address bar {n} (bar in a web browser that displays the address) :: adresbalk {m}
  • address book {n} (small book with addresses) :: adresboek {n}
  • addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent) :: geadresseerde
  • address with the informal T-form {v} (to address with the informal T-form - translation entry) :: tutoyeren, jijen
  • address with the polite V-form {v} (to address with the polite V-form - translation entry) :: vousvoyeren
  • add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense ::
  • Adelaide {prop} (female given name) :: Adelheid {f}
  • Adele {prop} (female given name) SEE: Adela ::
  • Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) :: Aden
  • adenitis {n} (glandular inflammation) :: adenitis {f}
  • adenohypophysis {n} (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland) :: adenohypofyse {f}, pars distalis
  • adenoma {n} (benign tumour) :: adenoom {n}
  • adenomatous {adj} (of or pertaining to adenoma) :: adenomateus
  • adenosine {n} (nucleoside) :: adenosine
  • adept {adj} (well skilled) :: bekwaam
  • adept {n} (one fully skilled or well versed in anything) :: expert, deskundige
  • adeptness {n} (The quality of being adept) :: bekwaamheid
  • adequacy {n} (sufficiency) :: deugdelijkheid
  • adequate {adj} (equal to some requirement) :: adequaat, voldoende, deugdelijk
  • adhan {n} (Islam) The call to prayer) :: ezan
  • adhere {v} (To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree) :: samenhangen
  • adhere {v} (To hold, be attached, or devoted) :: vasthouden, aanhangen
  • adhere {v} (To stick fast or cleave) :: kleven, plakken
  • adherence {n} (support for a cause) :: trouw zijn aan
  • adherence {n} (union of two objects) :: adhesie
  • ad hoc {adj} (for this particular purpose) :: ad hoc
  • ad hoc {adj} (impromptu) SEE: impromptu ::
  • ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
  • adicity {n} (number of arguments) :: ariteit {f}, plaatsigheid {f}
  • adieu {n} (a farewell) :: adieu
  • ad infinitum {adv} (endlessly) :: in oneindigheid, voor altijd, in oneindigheid, voor altijd
  • adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
  • adiposity {n} (obesity) :: vetzucht {m} {f}
  • adjacent {adj} (just before, after, or facing) :: aanpalend, tegenoverstaand
  • adjacent {adj} (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) :: aanpalend, er naast liggend, aangrenzend, belendend
  • adjectival {adj} (of or relating to or functioning as an adjective) :: bijvoeglijk
  • adjective {adj} (functioning as an adjective) :: bijvoeglijk, adjectivisch
  • adjective {adj} (methods of enforcement and rules of procedure) :: formeel
  • adjective {n} (grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: bijvoeglijk naamwoord {n}, adjectief {n}
  • adjourn {v} (to defer) :: onderbreken
  • adjourn {v} (to end or suspend an event) :: stopzetten, afgelasten
  • adjourn {v} (to postpone) :: uitstellen, verdagen
  • adjudicate {v} (to settle a legal case or other dispute) :: berechten
  • adjudication {n} (judgment) :: vonnis
  • adjunct {n} (appendage) :: bepaling {f}
  • adjust {v} (to improve or rectify) :: aanpassen, herzien, verbeteren
  • adjust {v} (to modify) :: aanpassen, verstellen
  • adjustable {adj} (capable of being adjusted) :: aanpasbaar, regelbaar
  • adjustment {n} (small change) :: aanpassing {c}, bijstelling {c}
  • ad-lib {v} (to improvise) :: improviseren
  • administer {v} (to cause to take by openly offering or through deceit) :: toedienen
  • administration {n} (the act of administering) :: administratie {f}
  • administration {n} (the act of administering or tendering something to another) :: toediening {f}
  • administration {n} (the executive part of government) :: bestuur {n}
  • administrative {adj} (of or relating to administering or administration) :: bestuurlijk, administratief
  • administratively {adv} (in an administrative manner) :: bestuurlijk
  • administrator {n} (one who administers affairs) :: beheerder {m}
  • admirable {adj} (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration) :: bewonderenswaardig
  • admirably {adv} (in an admirable manner) :: bewonderenswaardig
  • admirably {adv} (to an admirable degree) :: bewonderenswaardig, wonderbaarlijk
  • admiralty {n} (office or jurisdiction of an admiral) :: admiraliteit, admiraalschap
  • Admiralty Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Admiraliteitseilanden
  • admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation) :: bewondering {f}
  • admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) :: bewonderen, aanbidden
  • admirer {n} (one who admires) :: bewonderaar {m}, bewonderaarster {f}
  • admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) :: aannemelijk, acceptabel
  • admit {v} (to allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege) :: toestaan, toelaten
  • admit {v} (to allow to enter; to grant entrance) :: toelaten, binnenlaten, toegang verlenen
  • admit {v} (to be capable of, to permit) :: toestaan, toelaten
  • admit {v} (to concede as true) :: toegeven, bekennen
  • admonish {v} (warn or notify of a fault; exhort) :: vermanen
  • ad nauseam {adv} (to a sickening degree) :: ad nauseam
  • adobe {n} (unburnt brick) :: adobe
  • Adolf {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph ::
  • Adolph {prop} (male given name) :: Adolf
  • adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) :: adopteren, aannemen
  • adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) :: goed keuren
  • adoptive father {n} (man who has adopted a child) :: adoptie vader
  • adorable {adj} (befitting of being adored) :: schattig, snoezig, beeldig
  • adore {v} (love with entire heart and soul) :: aanbidden, adoreren
  • adore {v} (worship) :: aanbidden, adoreren
  • adorn {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate) :: sieren
  • adposition {n} (element combining with a phrase and indicating how to interpret the phrase in the context) :: adpositie {f}, achterzetsel {n}
  • adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland ::
  • adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) :: bijnier {f}
  • adrenalitis {n} (inflammation of one or both adrenal glands) :: adrenalitis {f}
  • Adrian {prop} (male given name) :: Adriaan
  • Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea ::
  • Adriatic Sea {prop} (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) :: Adriatische Zee
  • adroit {adj} (dextrous) :: handig
  • adult {adj} (pornographic) SEE: pornographic ::
  • adult {n} (fully grown human) :: volwassene
  • adulter {v} (adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
  • adulterer {n} (one who commits adultery) :: overspelige
  • adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: overspel {n}
  • adumbrate {v} (To give a vague outline.) :: de contouren vluchtig schetsen
  • adumbrate {v} (To obscure or overshadow.) :: overschaduwen
  • advance {n} (amount of money) :: voorschot {n}, vooruitbetaling {f}, voorschot {n}
  • advance {n} (forward move) :: vooruitgang {m}
  • advance {n} (opening approach) :: avances {p}
  • advance {v} (to furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due) :: voorschieten
  • advance {v} (to make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten) :: vervroegen
  • advance {v} (to move forwards, to approach) :: optrekken, benaderen
  • advanced {adj} (at or close to state of the art) :: gevorderd
  • advanced {adj} (late) :: vergevorderd
  • advance guard {n} (leading unit of an army) :: voorhoede
  • advancement {n} (payment in advance) SEE: advance payment ::
  • advancement {n} (state of being advanced) :: gevorderdheid {f}, vooruitgang {m}
  • advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) :: voordeel {n}
  • advantage {n} (superiority; mastery) :: voordeel {n}, overhand
  • advantage {n} (superiority of state, or that which gives it) :: voordeel {n} (used with the definite article: het voordeel)
  • advantage {n} (the score where one player wins a point after deuce) :: voordeel {n} (used without article)
  • advantage {v} (to provide with an edge) :: begunstigen, bevoordelen
  • advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent ::
  • Advent calendar {n} (calendar used to count down the days of Advent) :: adventskalender {m}
  • adventure {n} (encountering of risks) :: avontuur {n}
  • adventure {n} (mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard) :: risico {n}, avontuur {n}
  • adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence) :: avontuur {n}
  • adventure {n} (that which happens without design) :: avontuur {n}
  • adventure {v} (to risk) :: wagen, riskeren
  • adventure {v} (to run the risk of) :: wagen, riskeren
  • adventurer {n} (one who adventures; as, the merchant adventurers) :: avonturier {m}
  • adventurous {adj} (full of hazard) :: avontuurlijk, gewaagd
  • adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) :: avontuurlijk, ondernemend
  • adverb {n} (lexical category) :: bijwoord {n}
  • adverbial {adj} (of or relating to an adverb) :: bijwoordelijk
  • adverbial clause {n} (a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb within a main clause) :: bijwoordelijke bepaling {n}
  • adversary {n} (opponent) :: tegenstander {m}
  • adversity {n} (adverse event) :: ramp {f}, tegenval {m}
  • adversity {n} (state of being adverse) :: tegenspoed, tegenslag
  • advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) :: reclame {f} {m}, advertentie {f}
  • advice {n} (information or notice given) :: aankondiging {f}
  • advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: raad {m}, advies {n}
  • advisable {adj} (worthy of being recommended) :: raadzaam
  • advisatory {adj} (advisory) SEE: advisory ::
  • advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: adviseren, raadgeven, advies geven
  • advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform) :: informeren, inlichten
  • advisedly {adv} (With intentionality; deliberately) :: doelbewust
  • adviser {n} (one who advises) :: adviseur {m}
  • advisor {n} (one who offers advice) :: adviseur {m}, raadgever {m} {f}
  • advocaat {n} (liqueur) :: advocaat {m}
  • advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another) :: advocaat {m}, advocate {f}, verdediger {m}, verdedigster {f}
  • advocate {n} (person who speaks in support of something) :: voorstander, verdediger
  • advocate {v} (argue for) :: bepleiten
  • advocate {v} (encourage support for) :: aanbevelen
  • Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe ::
  • adze {n} (cutting tool) :: dissel
  • Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
  • Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: Egeïsche Zee
  • Aegidius {prop} (male given name) :: Aegidius
  • aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: antenne {f}
  • aerobic {adj} (involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body) :: aeroob
  • aerobic {adj} (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) :: aeroob
  • aerobiology {n} (the study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials) :: aerobiologie {f}
  • aerodynamic {adj} (aerodynamic) :: aerodynamisch
  • aerodynamical {adj} (aerodynamic) :: aerodynamisch
  • aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) :: luchtstromingsleer {f}
  • aeroembolism {n} (condition) SEE: air embolism ::
  • Aeronian {prop} :: Aeronien
  • aerophone {n} (aerophone) :: aerofoon
  • aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
  • aerothorax {n} (pneumothorax) SEE: pneumothorax ::
  • Aeschylus {prop} (Greek tragedian) :: Aischylos
  • aesir {n} (Æsir) SEE: Æsir ::
  • aesthete {n} (someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature) :: estheet {m}
  • aesthetic {adj} (concerned with beauty) :: esthetisch
  • aesthetic {n} (that which appeals to the senses) :: esthetische {n}
  • aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics ::
  • aesthetics {n} (study or philosophy of beauty) :: esthetica {f}
  • aetiology {n} (study of causes or origins) :: etiologie {f}
  • Afar {prop} (language) :: Afar {n}, Danakil {n}
  • affect {v} (to infect or harm) :: aantasten
  • affect {v} (to influence or alter) :: beïnvloeden
  • affect {v} (to make a false display of) :: veinzen
  • affect {v} (to move to emotion) :: ontroeren, emotioneren, emotioneren
  • affection {n} :: genegenheid
  • affidavit {n} (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) :: beëdigde verklaring {f}
  • affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt ::
  • affinity {n} (natural attraction for something) :: welgezindheid {f}, affiniteit
  • affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation ::
  • affirmative {n} (An answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: bevestigende zin {m}
  • affirmative action {n} (advantaging minority groups who have traditionally been discriminated) SEE: reverse discrimination ::
  • affirmative sentence {n} (sentence that affirms) :: bevestigende zin {m}
  • affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) :: affix {n}
  • affix {n} (mathematics: the complex number associated to a point) :: affix {n}
  • affix {n} (that which is affixed) :: affix {n}, aanhangsel {n}
  • affix {v} (to attach) :: vastmaken aan, aanhangen
  • affliction {n} (a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony) :: lijden, pijn
  • affliction {n} (something which causes pain, suffering, distress or agony) :: aandoening
  • affluence {n} (a large amount of wealth) :: rijkdom
  • affluent {adj} (abounding in goods or riches; materially wealthy) :: welgesteld
  • affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary ::
  • affricate {n} (a sound produced using a combination of a plosive and a fricative) :: affricaat
  • affront {v} (to insult intentionally, especially openly) :: belediging {f}
  • Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Afghanistan) :: Afghaans
  • Afghan {n} (person from Afghanistan) :: Afghaan {m}, Afghaanse {f}
  • Afghan {prop} (Pashto language) :: Afghaans
  • Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound ::
  • Afghan Hound {n} (Afghan Hound) :: Afghaanse windhond {m}
  • Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
  • Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
  • Afghani {n} (money) SEE: afghani ::
  • Afghanistan {prop} (country) :: Afghanistan
  • a-fib {n} (atrial fibrillation) SEE: afib ::
  • afire {adj} (on fire) :: in brand
  • aflame {adj} (in flames, on fire) :: in brand
  • A-flat {n} (tone four fifths below C) :: As
  • A-flat major {n} (A-flat major) :: As majeur
  • afoot {adv} (in progress) :: op til, op komst
  • afoot {adv} (means of locomotion, walking) :: te voet, lopend
  • aforementioned {adj} (previously mentioned) :: voorgenoemde
  • aforementioned {n} (one or ones mentioned previously) :: eerder vernoemde, voornoemde
  • afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) :: bang, bevreesd
  • Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) :: Afrika
  • Africa-Eurasia {prop} (Afro-Eurasia) SEE: Afro-Eurasia ::
  • African {adj} (of, or pertaining to Africa) :: Afrikaans
  • African {n} (a native of Africa) :: Afrikaan {m}, Afrikaanse {f}
  • African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
  • African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
  • African Union {prop} (multinational organisation) :: Afrikaanse Unie {f}
  • African wild dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
  • a friend in need is a friend indeed {proverb} (someone who helps you in your time of need is a real friend) :: in nood leert men zijn vrienden kennen
  • Afrikaans {adj} (of or pertaining to the Afrikaans language) :: Afrikaans
  • Afrikaans {prop} (Afrikaner) :: Afrikaner {m}, Zuid-Afrikaan {m}
  • Afrikaans {prop} (language) :: Afrikaans {n}
  • Afrikaner {n} (breed of cattle) SEE: Afrikander ::
  • after {adv} (behind; later in time; following) :: na, achter
  • after {conj} (Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause) :: nadat
  • after {prep} (as a result of) :: vanwege, door
  • after {prep} (behind) :: achter
  • after {prep} (in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing) :: naar
  • after {prep} (in pursuit of, seeking) :: achter aan
  • after {prep} (in spite of) :: ondanks
  • after {prep} (next in importance or rank) :: na
  • after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: na
  • afterbirth {n} (material expelled after childbirth) :: nageboorte {f}
  • after dark {prep} (after nightfall, at night) :: na het donker (worden), nadat de nacht gevallen is, na het vallen van de avond
  • afterdeck {n} (part of a ship's deck from amidships toward the stern) :: achterdek {n}
  • after-effect {n} (after-effect) SEE: aftereffect ::
  • afterfeather {n} (downy lower barbs of a feather) SEE: hyporachis ::
  • afterglow {n} (afterparty) SEE: afterparty ::
  • afterlife {n} (life after death) :: onderwereld, leven na de dood
  • aftermath {n} (that which happens after, that which follows) :: nasleep {m}
  • afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) :: namiddag {m}
  • afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time) :: nadien, achteraf
  • again {adv} (another time) :: opnieuw, nogmaals, weer, alweer, wederom
  • again {adv} (back to a former place or state) :: weer, weder
  • again {adv} (used in a question to ask something one has forgotten) :: ook al weer
  • against {conj} (by the time that) :: tegen dat, totdat, voordat
  • against {prep} (as protection from) :: tegen
  • against {prep} (close to) :: tegen (… aan)
  • against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) :: tegen (… in)
  • against {prep} (in competition with) :: tegen
  • against {prep} (in exchange for) :: tegen, voor
  • against {prep} (in front of; before a background) :: tegen, voor
  • against {prep} (in opposition to) :: tegen
  • against {prep} (in physical contact with) :: tegen
  • agate {n} (mineral) :: agaat
  • Agatha {prop} (female given name) :: Agatha
  • age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
  • age {n} (generation (see also generation) :: generatie {f}
  • age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth) :: tijdperk {n}, era {f}
  • age {n} (latter part of life) :: ouderdom {m}
  • age {n} (particular period of time in history) :: tijdperk {n}, era {f}, tijd {m}, epoch {m}
  • age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: leeftijd {m}, ouderdom {m}
  • age {n} (time of life when one attains full person rights) :: volwassenheid {f}, meerderjarigheid {f}
  • age {n} (whole duration of a being) :: leeftijd {m}, ouderdom {m}
  • age {v} (intransitive: become old) :: oud worden, verouderen
  • age {v} (transitive: cause to grow old) :: oud doen worden, doen verouderen
  • aged care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare ::
  • agency {n} (agent) SEE: agent ::
  • agency {n} (faculty of acting or of exerting power) :: macht, kracht
  • agency {n} (office of an agent, or factor) :: bureau
  • agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) :: agenda {m}, programma {n}
  • agenda {n} (temporally organized plan) :: schema {n}, programma {n}, plan {n}
  • agent {n} (active power or cause) :: bewerker
  • agent {n} (grammar: performer of the action in a sentence) :: handelend persoon
  • agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) :: vertegenwoordiger, agent, tussenpersoon
  • agent {n} (one who exerts power) :: agent
  • agglomeration {n} (act of collecting in a mass) :: agglomeratie {f}
  • agglomeration {n} (extended city area) :: agglomeratie {f}
  • agglomeration {n} (state of being collected in a mass) :: agglomeratie {f}
  • agglutinative {adj} (having words derived by combining parts) :: agglutinerend
  • agglutinative {adj} (sticky) :: agglutinerend
  • aggravate {v} (To make worse, or more severe) :: verergeren
  • aggravation {n} (act of aggravating) :: verergering
  • aggregate {n} (a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars) :: geheel, samenstel
  • aggregate {n} (a mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles) :: massa
  • aggregate {n} (set (mathematics) :: complex
  • aggregate {n} (solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material) :: aggregaat
  • aggregate {n} (the full chromatic or the set of all twelve pitch classes) :: twaalftonenreeks chromatische toonladder
  • aggregate {v} (To add or unite, as, a person, to an association) :: zich verenigen
  • aggregate {v} (To amount in the aggregate to) :: bedragen Zijn inkomen bedraagt 100.000 €
  • aggregate {v} (To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum) :: samenvoegen
  • aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) :: agressie
  • aggression {n} (the practice or habit of launching attacks) :: agressie
  • aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress) :: agressief
  • aggressively {adv} (in an aggressive manner) :: agressief
  • aggressor {n} (the person who first attacks or makes an aggression) :: agressor
  • agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) :: beweeglijk, lenig, behendig
  • agility {n} (quality of being agile) :: wendbaarheid {f}
  • agitation {n} (act of agitating) :: opwinding {f}, agitatie {f}, troebelen {p}
  • Aglaia {prop} (female given name) :: Aglaïa {f}
  • aglet {n} (catkin) SEE: catkin ::
  • aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet ::
  • agnathic {adj} (agnathous) SEE: agnathous ::
  • Agnes {prop} (female given name) :: Agnes
  • agnostic {adj} (of or relating to agnosticism) :: agnostisch
  • agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.) :: agnosticus
  • ago {prep} (past; gone by; since) :: geleden
  • agogic {n} (agogic) :: agogiek
  • agony {n} (extreme pain of mind or body) :: ondraaglijke pijn
  • agony {n} (last struggle of life) :: doodsstrijd {m}, agonie {f}
  • agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces) :: agorafobie
  • agouti {n} (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) :: agoeti
  • agrammatism {n} (inability to form sentences) :: agrammatisme {n}
  • agreeableness {n} :: behaaglijkheid {f}
  • agreement {n} (an understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: afspraak, overeenkomst, goedkeuring {f}
  • agreement {n} (legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law) :: contract {n}
  • agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view or opinion) :: overeenstemming {f}
  • agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: landbouw {f}
  • agrimony {n} (plant of the genus Agrimonia) :: agrimonie
  • ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
  • ah {interj} (an expression) :: ah
  • aha {interj} (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition) :: aha
  • Ahab {prop} (biblical king of Israel) :: Achab
  • Ahaz {prop} (biblical king of Judah) :: Achaz
  • ahead {adv} (in or to the front) :: voor ons, vooruit, voorop
  • ahead of one's time {prep} (in advance of commonly accepted ideas) :: zijn tijd vooruit, zijn tijd ver vooruit
  • ahorse {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
  • ahorseback {adv} (on the back of a horse) SEE: horseback ::
  • ahoy {interj} (used to hail a ship, etc) :: ahoi
  • aid {n} (aide-de-camp) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
  • aid {n} (a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper) :: helper, assistent, hulpje
  • aid {n} (help; succor; assistance; relief) :: hulp, bijstand
  • aid {n} (something which helps; a material source of help) :: hulpmiddel
  • aid {n} (subsidy granted to the crown by parliament) :: bede, aide
  • aid {v} (to support) :: helpen, bijstaan
  • aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
  • aide {n} (military: officer who acts as an assistant to a more senior one) SEE: aide-de-camp ::
  • aide-de-camp {n} (military officer) :: vleugeladjudant {m}
  • aidman {n} (an army medical corpsman attached to a field unit) :: hospik {m}
  • AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: aids {m}
  • aiglet {n} (tip on a ribbon or cord) :: malie {f}, nestel {m}
  • ail {v} (to be ill) :: ziek zijn, iets mankeren, sukkelen
  • ail {v} (to cause to suffer) :: schelen, mankeren
  • aim {n} (Intention; purpose) :: doel {n}, oogmerk {n}, bedoeling {n}
  • aim {n} (point intended to be hit) :: doel {n}
  • aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) :: richten
  • aimless {adj} (without aim) :: doelloos
  • aimlessly {adv} (without an aim) :: doelloos
  • Ainu {prop} (language) :: Ainu
  • air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) :: lucht
  • air {n} (informal: absence of anything) :: leegte {f}, leemte {f}
  • air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: lucht {f}
  • air {n} (pretension, snobbishness) :: air
  • air {n} (sense of poise, graciousness, quality) :: air
  • air {v} (to bring into contact with the air) :: luchten
  • air {v} (to broadcast) :: uitzenden
  • air {v} (to ventilate) :: verluchten, luchten, ventileren
  • air base {n} (airbase) SEE: airbase ::
  • airbase {n} (military airport) :: vliegbasis
  • air bladder {n} (swim bladder) SEE: swim bladder ::
  • air bubble {n} (a small pocket of air) :: luchtbel {c}
  • air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) :: airconditioner {m}
  • aircraft {n} (machine capable of atmospheric flight) :: vliegtuig {n}
  • aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: vliegdekschip {n}
  • airer {n} (clotheshorse) SEE: clotheshorse ::
  • airfield {n} (place where airplanes can take off and land) :: vliegveld {n}
  • airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
  • air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: luchtmacht
  • airfreight {v} (airfreight) SEE: air cargo ::
  • air gun {n} (gun that propels a projective by compressed air) :: luchtbuks, luchtgeweer {n}
  • airlift {n} (a flight) :: luchtbrug {m} {f}
  • airlift {n} (the transportation of troops) :: luchtbrug {m} {f}
  • airlift {v} (to transport in an airlift) :: per luchtbrug vervoeren
  • airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: luchtvaartmaatschappij {f}
  • airmail {n} (the items of mail so carried) :: luchtpost {m} {f}, airmail {m} {f}
  • airmail {n} (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) :: luchtpost {m} {f}, airmail {m} {f}
  • airplane {n} (powered aircraft) :: vliegtuig {n}
  • air pollution {n} (contamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates) :: luchtvervuiling {f}
  • airport {n} (a place designated for airplanes) :: luchthaven {f}, vlieghaven {f}
  • airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
  • air show {n} (a public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft) :: vliegshow {m}
  • airspace {n} (broadcasting space) :: zendruimte, bandbreedte
  • airspace {n} (controlled portion of atmosphere) :: luchtruim {n}
  • airspace {n} (part of sky used by aircraft) :: luchtruim {n}
  • airtight {adj} (being impermeable to air or other gases) :: luchtdicht, hermetisch
  • airtight {adj} (having no weak points or flaws) :: sluitend, onweerlegbaar
  • airwaves {n} (radio wave) SEE: radio wave ::
  • airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea ::
  • airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe ::
  • aisle {n} (any path through obstructed space) :: doorgang
  • aisle {n} (clear path through rows of seating) :: gangpad {n}
  • aisle {n} (corridor in a supermarket) :: gangpad {n}
  • aisle {n} (wing of a building, notably in a church) :: zijbeuk
  • ajar {adj} (slightly turned or opened) :: op een kier
  • ajar {adv} (slightly turned or opened) :: op een kier
  • a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) :: een reis van duizend mijlen begint met een enkele stap
  • AKA {prep} (also known as) :: oftewel, alias
  • Akan {prop} (language group spoken in Ghana) :: Akan
  • Akan {prop} (Niger-Congo language) :: Akan {n}
  • akimbo {adj} (with a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward) :: met de handen
  • akin {adj} (of the same kin; related by blood) :: verwant
  • akinetic {adj} (akinesic) SEE: akinesic ::
  • Akkadian {prop} (Semitic language) :: Akkadisch {n}
  • al {n} (Indian mulberry) SEE: Indian mulberry ::
  • alacrity {n} (eagerness) :: bereidwilligheid
  • alacrity {n} (promptness) :: vlugheid
  • Alan {prop} (male given name) :: Alan, Alanus, Alain
  • Al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) :: Al-Andalus
  • alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking) :: alarm {n}, alarmklok, wekker {m}
  • alarm {n} (notice of approaching danger) :: alarm {n}, alarmsignaal {n}
  • alarm {n} (sudden surprise with fear or terror) :: alarmstemming
  • alarm {n} (summons to arms) :: alarmkreet {n}, oproep te wapen
  • alarm {v} (to call to arms) :: te wapen roepen
  • alarm {v} (to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger) :: alarmeren, alarm slaan
  • alarm {v} (to keep in excitement; to disturb) :: alarmeren, verontrusten
  • alarm {v} (to surprise with apprehension of danger) :: alarmeren, beangstigen
  • alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: wekker {m}
  • alas {interj} (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) :: helaas, o wee, jammer genoeg
  • Alaska {prop} (US state) :: Alaska
  • alated {adj} (alate) SEE: alate ::
  • alb {n} (a long white robe worn by priests and other ministers) :: albe
  • Alban {prop} (male given name) :: Alban
  • Albania {prop} (Caucasian Albania) SEE: Caucasian Albania ::
  • Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) :: Albanië
  • Albanian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Albania) :: Albanees, Albanese
  • Albanian {n} (Person from Albania) :: Albanees {m}, Albanese {f}
  • Albanian {prop} (language) :: Albanees
  • Albany {prop} (capital of New York) :: Albany
  • albatross {n} (seabird) :: albatros {m}
  • albatross {n} (three under par) :: albatros {m}
  • albeit {conj} (despite its being; although) :: alhoewel, hoewel, ofschoon
  • Albert {prop} (male given name) :: Albert
  • Alberta {prop} (province) :: Alberta
  • Albin {prop} (male given name) :: Albin
  • albino {adj} (congenitally lacking melanin) :: albino
  • albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) :: albino
  • albinoism {n} (albinism) SEE: albinism ::
  • album {n} (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) :: album {n}
  • album {n} (group of audio recordings on any media) :: album {n}
  • album {n} (vinyl record) :: album {n}
  • albumen {n} (white part of an egg) :: eiwit {n}
  • albumenoid {n} (albuminoid) SEE: albuminoid ::
  • alburnum {n} (sapwood) SEE: sapwood ::
  • alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy) :: alchemist {c}, alchimist {c}
  • alchemy {n} (ancient chemistry) :: alchemie {f}, scheikunde {f}
  • alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: alcohol {m}, alcoholische drank {m}, sterke drank {m}
  • alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) :: alcohol {m}
  • alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol) :: alcoholisch
  • alcoholic {n} (a person addicted to alcohol) :: alcoholist {m}, alcoholiste {f}, alcoholicus {m}
  • alcoholism {n} (chronic disease) :: alcoholisme
  • alcove {n} (small recessed area) :: alkoof {f} {m}
  • alder {n} (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) :: els {m}
  • alderman {n} (member of a municipal legislative body in a city or town) :: wethouder {m}, schepen {m},
  • aldosteronism {n} (condition marked by excessive aldosterone secretion) :: aldosteronisme {n}, hyperaldosteronisme {n}
  • ale {n} (intoxicating liquor) :: donker bier {n}
  • aleatory {adj} (depending on the throw of a die; random, arising by chance) :: aleatoir, aleatorisch
  • Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
  • alembic {n} (chemical apparatus) :: alambiek
  • a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) :: een vos verliest zijn streken niet
  • alethic {adj} (logic: pertaining to the modalities of truth) :: alethisch
  • Aletta {prop} (female given name) :: Aletta
  • Alex {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
  • Alexander {prop} (male given name) :: Alexander {m}
  • Alexander the Great {prop} (the king of Macedonia) :: Alexander de Grote {m}
  • Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) :: Alexandrië
  • Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) :: Alexandroupolis
  • alexia {n} (inability to understand writing) :: alexie {f}
  • Alexius {prop} (male given name) :: Alexius
  • alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa) :: luzerne
  • Alfonso {prop} (male given name) :: Alfons
  • Alfred {prop} (Male given name) :: Alfred
  • alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: alg {m} {f}
  • algae {n} (plural of alga) :: algen {m-p} {f-p}
  • algebra {n} (system for computation) :: algebra {m}, stelkunde {f}
  • algebra {n} (universal algebra) SEE: universal algebra ::
  • algebraic {adj} (relating to algebra) :: algebraïsch
  • Algeria {prop} (country) :: Algerije
  • Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: Algerijns
  • Algerian {n} (person from Algeria) :: Algerijn {m}, Algerijnse {f}
  • algid {adj} (cold, chilly) :: kil, koud
  • Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) :: Algiers
  • algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) :: algoritme {n}
  • Ali {prop} (male given name from Arabic) :: Ali
  • alibi {n} (criminal legal defense) :: alibi {n}
  • Alice {prop} (female given name) :: Alice {f}
  • a lie has no legs {proverb} (you can't get away with a lie) :: l is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaalt haar wel
  • alien {n} (foreigner) :: buitenlander, allochtoon, vluchteling
  • alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: buitenaards
  • alien {n} (person, etc. from outside) :: vreemdeling
  • alienate {v} (To convey or transfer) :: vervreemden
  • alienate {v} (To estrange) :: vervreemden
  • alienation {n} (emotional isolation or dissociation) :: vervreemding
  • alienation {n} (the act of alienating) :: vervreemden
  • alienation {n} (the state of being alienated) :: vervreemd
  • alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist ::
  • alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
  • alike {adj} (having resemblance; similar) :: gelijk, hetzelfde
  • alimentary canal {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
  • alimony {n} (a court-enforced allowance) :: alimentatie {f}, alimentatiegeld {n}
  • alimony {n} (the means to support life) :: onderhoud {n}, dagelijks brood {n}, levensonderhoud {n}
  • aline {v} (adhere oneself with a group or a way of thinking) SEE: align ::
  • aline {v} (adjust or form to a line) SEE: align ::
  • aline {v} (form in line, fall into line) SEE: align ::
  • a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: een beetje
  • alive {adj} (having life) :: levend
  • alive {adj} (in a state of action) :: levendig
  • Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel) :: Al Jazeera
  • alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) :: alkali {n}
  • alkane {n} (saturated hydrocarbon of formula C[n]H[2n+2]) :: alkaan {n}
  • alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) :: alkyn
  • all {adv} (apiece) :: elk, per stuk
  • all {adv} (intensifier) :: helemaal, totaal, alles
  • all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) :: al, alle
  • all {determiner} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
  • all {determiner} (everything) SEE: everything ::
  • all {determiner} (throughout the whole of (a stated period of time) :: heel, hele [adjective], gans de +period of time , [adjective] de ganse +period of time
  • all {n} (everything possible) :: alles {n}, zich helemaal
  • Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) :: Allah {m}
  • Allahu akbar {interj} (Muslim takbir (proclamation) :: God is het grootst, Allahoe akbar
  • all along {adv} (duration, see also: for the entire time) :: allang
  • allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) :: allatief {m}
  • allay {v} (To make quiet or put at rest) :: bedaren
  • all cats are gray at night {proverb} (all cats are grey in the dark) SEE: all cats are grey in the dark ::
  • all cats are grey in the dark {proverb} (proverb) :: bij nacht zijn alle katten grauw
  • alleged {adj} (supposed) :: verondersteld
  • allegement {n} (allegation) SEE: allegation ::
  • allegiance {n} (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) :: trouw, getrouwheid, loyaliteit, trouwhartigheid, aanhang {m}
  • allelomorph {n} (allele) SEE: allele ::
  • allergen {n} (substance) :: allergeen {n}
  • allergic {adj} (excessively sensitive) :: allergisch
  • allergic {adj} (having an allergy) :: allergisch
  • allergic {adj} (pertaining to allergy) :: allergisch
  • allergist {n} (doctor who specializes in the treatment of allergies.) :: allergoloog {m}, allergologe {f}
  • allergologist {n} (physician) SEE: allergist ::
  • allergology {n} (the study of the causes and treatment of allergies) :: allergologie {f}
  • allergy {n} (antipathy) :: allergie {f}
  • allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) :: allergie {f}
  • allergy {n} (hypersensitivity) :: allergie {f}
  • alleviate {v} (make less severe) :: milderen, temperen, verlichten, verzachten
  • alley {n} (narrow street) :: doorgang {m}, steeg {f}
  • All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day ::
  • all hands on deck {interj} (order) :: alle hens aan dek
  • all hell breaks loose {phrase} (the situation becomes chaotic) :: de hel breekt los
  • alliance {n} (state of being allied) :: alliantie {f}
  • alliance {n} (treaty between nations) :: alliantie {f}
  • allicin {n} (organic compound) :: allicine
  • alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: alligator {m}
  • all in all {adv} (generally) :: al met al
  • allocation {n} (The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.) :: allocatie, toewijzing
  • all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
  • allomorph {n} (phonological representation of a morpheme) :: allomorf {c}
  • allomorphic {adj} (pertaining to allomorphism) :: allomorfisch
  • allot {v} (to assign) :: verdelen, toekennen
  • allot {v} (to distribute) :: verloten
  • allotment {n} (plot of land) :: moestuin {m}
  • allotment {n} (that which is alloted) :: lot {n}, perceel {n}
  • allotypical {adj} (allotypic) SEE: allotypic ::
  • allow {v} (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have) :: laten doen
  • allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money ::
  • allowance {n} (a customary deduction from the gross weight of goods) :: toestemming
  • allowedly {adv} (admittedly) SEE: admittedly ::
  • alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) :: legering {f}
  • alloy {v} (mix or combine) :: legeren
  • alloy wheel {n} (mag wheel) SEE: mag wheel ::
  • all right {adj} (good) :: in orde, prima
  • all right {adj} (in good health) :: in een goede gezondheid
  • all right {adv} (fairly well) :: vrij goed
  • all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: alle rechten voorbehouden
  • all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths to the same goal) :: alle wegen leiden naar Rome
  • all-rounder {n} (a person who has many skills) :: manusje van alles
  • All Saints Day {n} (Christian festival) :: Allerheiligen {m}
  • All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) :: allerheiligen
  • All Souls' Day {prop} (Christian feast day) :: allerzielen, Allerzielen
  • all's well that ends well {proverb} (even though something may have problems, it is all right …) :: eind goed, al goed
  • all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) :: het is niet alles goud wat er blinkt
  • all the best {interj} (good luck) :: het beste
  • all things come to those who wait {proverb} (good things come to those who wait) SEE: good things come to those who wait ::
  • all together {adv} (altogether) SEE: altogether ::
  • allure {n} (The power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction) :: aantrekkelijkheid
  • allure {v} (to attempt to draw) :: verleiden
  • alluring {adj} (having to power to allure) :: aanlokkelijk
  • allusion {n} (indirect reference, hint) :: allusie {f}, toespeling {f}, zinspeling {f}
  • ally {n} (anything associated with another as a helper) :: bondgenoot {m}, bondgenote {f}
  • ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) :: bondgenoot {m}, bondgenote {f}
  • Almere {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Almere
  • almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) :: almachtig
  • Almiros {prop} (Almyros) SEE: Almyros ::
  • almond {adj} (resembling the colour of an almond nut) :: amandelkleurig
  • almond {n} (nut) :: amandel {f}
  • almond {n} (tree) :: amandelboom {m}
  • almoner {n} :: aalmoezenier {m}
  • almost {adv} (very close to) :: bijna, nagenoeg, vrijwel, zo goed als
  • almost doesn't count {proverb} (near success (or correctness) is not deemed success (or correctness) :: bijna telt niet
  • alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) :: aalmoes
  • aloe {n} (plant of the genus Aloe) :: aloë
  • aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
  • aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
  • alone {adv} (by oneself) :: alleen
  • alone {adv} (without outside help) :: alleen
  • along {adv} (in company, together) :: mee
  • along {adv} (onward, forward) :: door
  • along {prep} (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to) :: langs
  • along {prep} (in a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on) :: langs
  • alongside {prep} (together with or at the same time) :: aan de zijde van
  • aloof {adj} (reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant) :: gereserveerd, afstandelijk, terughoudend
  • aloof {adv} (at or from a distance) :: apart, afstandelijk
  • aloof {adv} (without sympathy) :: afstandelijk, negatief
  • aloofness {n} (the state of being aloof) :: afstandelijkheid {f}, gereserveerdheid {f}
  • alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness ::
  • a lot {adv} (often) :: vaak, veel
  • a lot {adv} (very much) :: veel
  • a lot {n} (a large amount) :: veel
  • a lot {n} (many things) :: veel
  • alpaca {n} (camelid animal of the Andes) :: alpaca {m}
  • alpenglow {n} (a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains) :: alpengloei {m}, alpengloeien {n}
  • alpha {n} (name of the letter Ɑ, ɑ) SEE: Latin alpha ::
  • alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) :: alfa {m} {f}
  • alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: alfabet
  • alphabetic {adj} (of or relating to an alphabet) :: alfabetisch
  • alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) :: alfabetisch
  • alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) :: alfabetisch
  • alpha male {n} (dominant male in a group of animals) :: alfamannetje {n}
  • alphanumeric {adj} (consisting of letters and numbers) :: alfanumeriek
  • alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric ::
  • alpha radiation {n} (radiation of alpha particles) :: alfastraling {f}
  • alphorn {n} (musical instrument) :: alpenhoorn {m}
  • alpine chough {n} (alpine chough) :: alpenkauw {m}
  • alpine skiing {n} (sport) :: alpineskiën {n}
  • alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer ::
  • Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe) :: Alpen {m-p}
  • al-Qaeda {prop} (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) :: Al Qaida
  • al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
  • already {adv} (prior to some time) :: al, reeds, alreeds
  • Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: Elzas
  • alsatian {n} (dog) SEE: German shepherd ::
  • Alsatian {n} (dog) SEE: German shepherd ::
  • also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: ook, eveneens [formal], tevens [formal]
  • also known as {adv} (used to introduce an alternative name) SEE: AKA ::
  • Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
  • Altaic {adj} (pertaining to the group of languages) :: altaïsch
  • altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: altaar {n}
  • altar boy {n} (A boy serving as an acolyte) :: misdienaar {c}
  • altercation {n} (dispute) :: woordenwisseling, dispuut
  • alternate {n} (substitute) :: plaatsvervanger {m}
  • alternately {adv} (succeding by turns) :: beurtelings
  • alternating {adj} (such that it alternates) :: wissel- , afwisselend
  • alternating current {n} (electric current) :: wisselstroom {f}
  • alternation {n} (ablaut) SEE: ablaut ::
  • alternation {n} (inclusive or) SEE: inclusive or ::
  • alternative {adj} (Relating to a choice) :: alternatief
  • alternator {n} (an electric generator which produces alternating current) :: alternator, wisselstroomgenerator
  • although {conj} (but) :: hoewel, maar
  • although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) :: hoewel, alhoewel, ofschoon
  • altimeter {n} (an apparatus for measuring altitude) :: hoogtemeter {m}
  • altitude {n} (absolute height) :: hoogte
  • altitude {n} (distance measured angularly of a heavenly body) :: hoogte
  • altitude {n} (distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex) :: hoogte
  • altitude {n} (distance measured upwards) :: hoogte
  • alto {n} (musical part) :: alt
  • alto {n} (person or instrument) :: alt
  • altogether {adv} (on the whole; everything considered) :: al met al, kortom
  • altogether {adv} (without exception; wholly; completely) :: zonder uitzondering , geheel, totaal
  • altoist {n} (1. someone who plays an alto instrument) :: altist {m}
  • altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia ::
  • altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) :: altruïsme {n}, onbaatzuchtigheid {f}
  • altruistic {adj} (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) :: altruïstisch
  • alula {n} (bastard wing) SEE: bastard wing ::
  • aluminium {n} (silvery metal) :: aluminium {n}
  • aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
  • Alvíssmál {prop} (tenth book of the Poetic Edda) :: Alvíssmál
  • always {adv} (at all times) :: altijd
  • always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) :: steeds, altijd
  • Alwin {prop} (male given name meaning “noble friend”) :: Adelwijn
  • Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: ziekte van Alzheimer, alzheimer
  • a.m. {adv} (before noon) :: 's morgens, 's ochtends
  • ama {n} (amah) SEE: amah ::
  • A major {n} (major chord) :: A-majeur, A-groot
  • A major {n} (major key) :: A-majeur, A-groot
  • amalgamation {n} (The process of amalgamating) :: [formal] amalgamatie, vermenging {f}, versmelting {f}
  • amalgamation {n} (The production of an alloy of mercury) :: legering {f}
  • amalgamation {n} (The result of amalgamating) :: mengsel {n}, mix {m}
  • amanuensis {n} (a clerk, secretary or stenographer) :: stenograaf
  • amanuensis {n} (one employed to take dictation) :: kopïist, schrijver op dictaat, secretaris
  • amaranth {n} (color/ dye) :: amarant {m}
  • amaranth {n} (herb) :: amarant {m}
  • amaretto {n} (a sweet almond-flavoured liqueur) :: amaretto {m}
  • amateur {n} :: niet-professioneel
  • amateur {n} (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally) :: amateur {m} {f}
  • amazement {n} (the condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear) :: verwondering
  • amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement) :: wonderbaarlijk, prachtig, verbluffend
  • amazingly {adv} (difficult to believe) :: verbazingwekkend
  • amazingly {adv} (to a wonder-inspiring extent) :: opvallend
  • amazingly {adv} (wonderfully) :: geweldig
  • Amazonian antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus amazonicus) :: Amazone-mierklauwier
  • amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
  • ambages {n} (indirect or roundabout ways of talking) SEE: circumlocution ::
  • ambarella {n} (tree) :: ambarella
  • ambassador {n} (minister) :: ambassadeur {m}
  • ambassador {n} (representative) :: gezant {m}, ambassadeur {m}
  • amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour) :: amberkleurig, amberkleurige
  • amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris ::
  • amber {n} (colour) :: barnsteengeel {n}, barnsteenkleur {f}, amber {n}
  • amber {n} (fossil resin) :: barnsteen {m} {n}
  • amber {n} (traffic light colour) :: oranje {n}
  • Amber {prop} (female given name) :: Amber
  • ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) :: amber
  • ambigram {n} (design that may be read in two different ways) :: ambigram
  • ambiguity {n} (something liable to more than one interpretation) :: dubbelzinnigheid {f}, ambiguïteit {f}
  • ambiguous {adj} (open to multiple interpretations) :: dubbelzinnig, ambigu
  • ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) :: vaag, onduidelijk, ambigu
  • ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) :: eerzuchtig, ambitieus
  • ambitious {adj} (strongly desirous) :: eerzuchtig
  • ambivalence {n} (coexistence of opposing attitudes) :: ambivalentie
  • ambivalent {adj} (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) :: ambivalent, ambivalente
  • amble {v} (to stroll or walk slowly and leisurely) :: slenteren
  • ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods) :: ambrozijn
  • ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) :: ziekenwagen {m}, ambulance {m}
  • ambulatory {adj} (Of, relating to, or adapted to walking) :: ambulant
  • ambulatory {n} :: ambulant, ambulante
  • ambush {n} (a concealed station) :: hinderlaag {m} {f}
  • ambush {n} (a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station) :: hinderlaag {m} {f}
  • ameliorate {v} (to make better) :: verbeteren, amelioreren
  • amen {adv} :: amen
  • amen {adv} (so be it) :: amen
  • amen {adv} (truly, verily) :: amen
  • amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) :: amen, amen en uit
  • amen {n} :: amen, beaming
  • amend {v} (to become better) :: verbeteren
  • amend {v} (to make a formal alteration) :: amenderen
  • amend {v} (to make better) :: verbeteren, corrigeren, aanpassen
  • amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
  • amenity {n} (pleasantness) :: geriefelijkheid, aangenaamheid
  • amenity {n} (something that makes life easier or more pleasant) :: voorziening
  • amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
  • amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish ::
  • America {prop} (continent of America (see also Americas) :: Amerika {n}
  • America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
  • American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) :: Amerikaans
  • American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: Amerikaans
  • American {n} (inhabitant of the Americas) :: Amerikaan
  • American {n} (person born in or citizen of the USA) :: Amerikaan {m}, Amerikaanse {f}
  • American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) :: zilverdas {m}
  • American bison {n} (mammal) :: bizon {m}
  • American black vulture {n} (black vulture) SEE: black vulture ::
  • American brook char {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) SEE: brook trout ::
  • American Bulldog {n} (American Bulldog) :: Amerikaanse buldog {m}
  • American eagle {n} (bald eagle) SEE: bald eagle ::
  • American English {prop} (English of the United States) :: Amerikaans-Engels
  • American football {prop} (American football) :: Amerikaanse voetbal {n}, rugby {n}, American football {n}
  • Americanism {n} (linguistic feature) :: amerikanisme {n}
  • Americanization {n} (Americanisation) SEE: Americanisation ::
  • Americanize {v} (to make American) :: amerikaniseren
  • American kestrel {n} (species) :: Amerikaanse torenvalk
  • American pokeweed {n} (pokeweed) SEE: pokeweed ::
  • American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania) :: Amerikaans-Samoa
  • American Samoan {adj} (pertaining to American Samoa) :: Amerikaans-Samoaans
  • American Samoan {n} (person) :: Amerikaans-Samoaan {m}, Amerikaans-Samoaanse {f}
  • American Sign Language {prop} (language that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate) :: Amerikaanse gebarentaal
  • American sweetgum {n} (deciduous tree) :: amberboom
  • American white birch {n} (Betula papyrifera) SEE: paper birch ::
  • americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: americium {n}
  • amethyst {n} (gem) :: amethyst {m}
  • Amharic {prop} (language) :: Amhaars {n}, Amharisch {n}
  • amicable {adj} (showing friendliness or goodwill) :: goedhartig, vriendelijk
  • amid {prep} (surrounded by) :: te midden van
  • amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
  • amino acid {n} (any of the twenty α-amino acids) :: aminozuur {n}
  • amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) :: aminozuur {n}
  • aminomycin {n} (perimycin) SEE: perimycin ::
  • A minor {n} (minor chord) :: a-mineur, a-klein
  • A minor {n} (minor key) :: a-mineur, a-klein
  • amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
  • ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: stroommeter {m}, ampèremeter {m}
  • ammonia {n} (the compound NH[3]) :: ammoniak {m}
  • ammonium chloride {n} (NH[4]Cl) :: salmiakzout {n}, salmiak {m} {f}
  • ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms) :: ammunitie, munitie, schietvoorraad
  • amnesia {n} (loss of memory) :: amnesie {f}
  • amnesty {n} (act of the sovereign power) :: amnestie {f}
  • amnesty {n} (forgetfulness) :: amnestie {f}
  • amnion {n} (innermost membrane of the fetal membranes of reptiles, birds, and mammals) :: amnion {n}
  • amoeba {n} (a member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: amoebe {f}
  • among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) :: tussen, onder
  • amongst {prep} (Used to denote a mingling or intermixing) :: tussen, onder
  • amorous {adj} (affected with love) :: verliefd
  • amorous {adj} (inclined to love) :: amoureus
  • amorous {adj} (of or relating to, or produced by, love) :: amoureuze
  • amorphous {adj} (lacking a definite form or clear shape) :: vormeloos, amorf
  • amorphous {adj} (lacking organization or unity) :: ongestructureerd
  • amorphous {adj} (physics: in the non-chrystalline state of solid) :: amorf
  • amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
  • amount {n} (quantity or volume) :: hoeveelheid {f}
  • amount {n} (total or sum of items) :: hoeveelheid {f}, bedrag {n}, saldo {n}
  • amount {v} (to total or evaluate) :: bedragen, komen op, uitkomen op
  • ampere {n} (unit of electrical current) :: ampère
  • ampersand {n} (the symbol &) :: en-teken (also et-teken), ampersand
  • ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
  • amphetamine {n} (amphetamine) :: amfetamine de
  • amphibian {n} (vertebrate) :: amfibie {m}
  • amphibious {adj} :: amfibisch
  • amphora {n} (type of jar) :: amfoor {m} {f}
  • amphoteric {adj} (having the characteristics of both an acid and a base) :: amfoteer
  • ample {adj} (fully sufficient; abundant) :: overvloedig, abondant, rijkelijk voorhanden
  • amplitude {n} (magnitude) :: omvang {m}
  • amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: amplitudemodulatie
  • ampoule {n} (small glass vial hermetically sealed) :: ampul {f}
  • amputate {v} (To surgically remove a body part) :: afzetten, amputeren
  • amputee {n} (person who has had one or more limbs removed) :: geamputeerde
  • Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) :: Amsterdam {n}
  • Amsterdamer {n} (An inhabitant or a resident of Amsterdam) :: Amsterdammer {m}, Amsterdamse {f}
  • amulet {n} (object intended to bring protection to its owner) :: amulet
  • Amur {prop} (Heilongjiang) SEE: Heilongjiang ::
  • Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: Amoer
  • amuse {v} (to cause laughter) :: amuseren
  • amuse {v} (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) :: zich amuseren
  • amusement {n} (entertainment) :: amusement {n}, vertier {n}
  • amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) :: pretpark {n}, attractiepark {n}
  • amylase {n} (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) :: amylase
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {n} (disease) :: amyotrofische laterale sclerose {f}
  • an {article} (indefinite article) :: een
  • anabolism {n} (the constructive metabolism of the body) :: anabolisme {n}
  • anachronistic {adj} (erroneous in date) :: anachronistisch
  • anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) :: anaconda
  • anacrusis {n} (music) an unstressed note (or notes) before the first strong beat of a phrase) :: opmaat
  • anaesthetist {n} (anesthesiologist) SEE: anesthesiologist ::
  • anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: anagram, letterkeer
  • anal cleft {n} (groove between buttocks) :: bilspleet {f}, bilnaad {m}
  • analemma {n} (curve of the Sun's position in the sky throughout the year) :: analemma {n}
  • analgesic {n} (medicine that reduces pain) :: pijnstiller {m}
  • anally {adv} (Involving the anus) :: anaal
  • analog {adj} (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) :: analoog
  • analogous {adj} (having analogy; corresponding to something else) :: analoog, analoge
  • analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog ::
  • analogy {n} (relationship of resemblance or equivalence) :: analogie {f}
  • anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: anale seks {m}
  • analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) :: analyse {f}
  • analysis {n} (in mathematics) :: analyse {f}
  • analysis {n} (process of dismantling or separating into constituents in order to study) :: analyse {f}, ontleding {f}
  • analyst {n} (person who analyzes) :: analist {m}, analiste {f}
  • analyst {n} (psychoanalysis practitioner) :: psycho-analist {m}, psycho-analiste {f}
  • analyst {n} (systems analyst) :: systeemanalist {m}, systeemanaliste {f}
  • analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic ::
  • analyze {v} (to subject to analysis) :: analyseren
  • ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
  • anaphor {n} (expression referring to other) :: anafoor {f}, anafora {f}
  • anaphora {n} (linguistics: expression that refers to another expression) :: anafoor {f}, anafora {f}
  • anaphora {n} (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis) :: anafoor {f}, anafora {f}
  • anaphrodisiac {adj} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac ::
  • anaphrodisiac {n} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac ::
  • anaphylactic shock {n} (severe allergic reaction) :: anafylactische shock {m}
  • anaphylaxis {n} (severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen) :: anafylaxie
  • anarchic {adj} (chaotic, without law or order) :: anarchistisch
  • anarchic {adj} (relating to anarchy) :: anarchistisch
  • anarchical {adj} (anarchic) SEE: anarchic ::
  • anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) :: anarchisme
  • anarchist {n} (believer in anarchism) :: anarchist {m}
  • anarchist {n} (nihilist) :: anarchist {m}, nihilist {m}
  • anarcho-syndicalism {n} (A branch or field of anarchy that focuses on the abolition of capitalism ) :: anarchosyndicalisme
  • anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: anarchie {f}, regeringsloosheid {f}
  • anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion) :: anarchie {f}
  • anathema {n} (ban or curse) :: banvloek, vervloeking
  • anathema {n} (imprecation) :: vervloeking, verwensing
  • Anatolia {prop} (peninsula of Western Asia) :: Anatolië {n}
  • Anatolian {adj} (of or pertaining to Anatolia or its people, culture, etc.) :: Anatolisch
  • anatomic {adj} (anatomical) SEE: anatomical ::
  • anatomy {n} (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) :: anatomie
  • an axe to grind {n} (a grievance, with implications of confrontation) :: een appeltje te schillen
  • ancestor {n} (an earlier type) :: voorloper {m}
  • ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended) :: voorouder {m}
  • ancestry {n} (condition as to ancestors) :: voorouders, afstamming
  • anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: anker {n}
  • anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point) :: het anker uitwerpen, verankeren, ankeren
  • anchor {v} (to perform as a TV anchorman) :: een TV programma coördineren, bij mekaar praten
  • anchor {v} (to provide emotional stability) :: houvast bieden
  • anchorage {n} (place for anchoring) :: rede, ree
  • anchorman {n} (TV host) :: nieuwslezer {m}, nieuwsanker {m}
  • anchovy {n} (small saltwater fish) :: ansjovis {m}
  • ancient {adj} :: antiek, oeroud
  • ancient {adj} (existent or occurring in time long past) :: eeuwenoud, oeroud, eertijds, weleers
  • ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) :: antiek, oeroud
  • Ancient Greece {prop} (The ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: Griekse oudheid, Oude Griekenland {n}
  • Ancient Greek {prop} (all the Greek languages spoken between the Dorian invasion and the fall of the Roman Empire) :: Oud-Grieks, Oudgrieks
  • Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 12th century AD) :: Oude Rome
  • ancillary {adj} (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory) :: ondergschikt, ondersteunend, ondersteunend
  • and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) :: en
  • and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: en
  • Andalusia {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: Andalusië {n}
  • Andalusian {adj} (from, or pertaining to, Andalusia) :: Andalusisch
  • Andalusian {n} (someone from Andalusia) :: Andalusiër {m}
  • Andalusi Arabic {prop} (Andalusian Arabic) SEE: Andalusian Arabic ::
  • Andean flamingo {n} (Phoenicopterus andinus) :: andesflamingo {m}
  • Andes {prop} (mountain range in South America) :: de Andes
  • and how {phrase} (strong confirmation of preceding) :: en hoe!
  • and/or {conj} (inclusive “or”) :: en/of
  • Andorra {prop} (country) :: Andorra {n}
  • Andorran {n} (person from Andorra) :: Andorrees {m}, Andorrese {f}
  • Andrew {prop} (male given name) :: Andreas, Andries
  • Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Andreas {m}
  • androgenic hair {n} (body hair) SEE: body hair ::
  • androgynous {adj} (having sex organs of both genders) SEE: hermaphroditic ::
  • android {adj} (possessing human qualities) :: androïde {m}
  • android {n} (robot with human form) :: androïde {m}
  • Andromeda {prop} (constellation) :: Andromeda
  • Andromeda {prop} (mythical daughter of Cepheus) :: Andromeda {f}
  • Andromeda {prop} (spiral galaxy) :: Andromeda {n}
  • and so forth {phrase} (list continuation indicator) :: enzovoorts
  • and so on {phrase} (indicates that a list continues) :: en zo voorts
  • and then some {phrase} (confirming preceding) :: en nog wat
  • anecdotic {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal ::
  • anecdotive {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal ::
  • anemia {n} (disease of condition with anemia as symptom) :: anemie {f}
  • anemia {n} (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) :: anemie {f}, bloedarmoede {f} {m}
  • anemic {adj} (of or pertaining to anemia) :: anemisch
  • anemone {n} (any plant of genus anemone) :: anemoon
  • anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone ::
  • anesthetize {v} (administer anesthesia) :: verdoven
  • aneurysm {n} (abnormal blood-filled swelling) :: aneurysma {n}
  • aneurysmatic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or causing aneurysms) :: aneurysmatisch
  • anew {adv} (again) :: opnieuw
  • anfractuosity {n} (.A winding channel or crevice) :: kronkel,breuklijn
  • anfractuosity {n} (.One of the fissures (sulci) separating the convolutions of the brain.) :: hersenkronkel
  • angel {n} (messenger from a deity) :: engel
  • angel {n} (selfless person) :: engel {m}
  • Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela ::
  • Angel {prop} (male given name) SEE: Angelo ::
  • angel dust {n} (clenbuterol) SEE: clenbuterol ::
  • angelic {adj} (belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel) :: engelachtig
  • angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) :: engelwortel {m}
  • angelical {adj} (resembling, characteristic of, an angel) SEE: angelic ::
  • angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art) :: engel des doods {m}
  • angelology {n} (study of angels) :: angelologie
  • angel shark {n} (a member of the unusual genus Squatina of sharks) :: zee-engel
  • anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: boosheid, woede
  • anger management {n} (ability to control temperament) :: woedebeheersing, agressiebeheersing
  • angina {n} (angina pectoris) SEE: angina pectoris ::
  • angina pectoris {n} (intermittent chest pain) :: angina pectoris
  • angioedema {n} (swelling of the lower layers of the skin or of other tissues) :: angio-oedeem {n}
  • angiograph {n} (angiograph) SEE: angiogram ::
  • angiopathy {n} (any disease of the blood vessels) :: angiopathie {f}
  • angiospermous {adj} (having seeds enclosed in pericarp) SEE: angiosperm ::
  • Angkor Wat {prop} (Cambodian temple complex) :: Angkor Wat
  • angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) :: hoek {m}
  • angle {n} (geometrical figure) :: hoek {m}
  • angle {n} (measure of such a figure) :: hoek {m}
  • angle {n} (viewpoint) :: invalshoek {m}, standpunt {n}
  • angle {v} (to fish with hook and line) :: hengelen
  • Angle {n} (A member of the ancient Germanic tribe) :: Angel
  • angle bracket {n} (type of bracket) :: hoekanker {n}
  • Anglican {adj} (pertaining to the Church of England and related churches) :: anglicaans
  • Anglican {n} (member of an Anglican church) :: Anglicaan {m}
  • Anglican Communion {prop} (a worldwide network of churches that are in communion with the Church of England) :: Anglicaanse Gemeenschap {f}
  • anglicise {v} (become English) :: verengelsen
  • anglicise {v} (make English) :: verengelsen
  • anglicism {n} (Briticism) SEE: Briticism ::
  • anglicism {n} (word or other feature borrowed from English to another language) :: anglicisme {n}
  • Anglicist {n} (expert on Anglistics) :: anglist {m} {f}
  • Anglophone {n} (one who speaks English) :: Engelssprekende {m} {f}
  • Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language) :: Angelsaksisch
  • Anglo-Saxon {n} (Germanic peoples inhabiting medieval England) :: Angelsaksen {p}
  • Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
  • Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Angola
  • Angolan {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Angola or its people) :: Angolees
  • Angolan {n} (person from Angola or of Angolan descent) :: Angolees {m}, Angolese {f}
  • Angra Mainyu {prop} (Ahriman) SEE: Ahriman ::
  • angry {adj} (displaying anger) :: kwaad, boos
  • angst {n} (feeling of acute anxiety or apprehension) :: angst
  • angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10^-10 m) :: ångström
  • Anguilla {prop} (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: Anguilla
  • anguish {n} (extreme pain) :: doodsangst {m}, agonie {f}, doodsstrijd {m}, hevig lijden, martelgang
  • anguish {v} (cause to suffer pain) :: martelen
  • anguish {v} (suffer pain) :: lijden
  • angular {adj} (ungraceful) SEE: ungraceful ::
  • angular acceleration {n} (rate of change of angular velocity) :: hoekversnelling {f}
  • angular momentum {n} (angular momentum) :: impulsmoment
  • angular velocity {n} (angle turned in a given time) :: hoeksnelheid {f}
  • anhedonia {n} (inability to feel pleasure) :: anhedonie
  • anilingus {n} (form of oral sex) :: anilingus, rimmen, baffen
  • animal {adj} (of animals) :: dierlijk, dierlijke
  • animal {n} (organism) :: dier {n}, beest {n}
  • animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) :: beest {n}
  • animalcule {n} (protozoan) SEE: protozoan ::
  • animalize {v} (brutalize) SEE: brutalize ::
  • animal magnetism {n} (magnetic fluid or ethereal medium said to reside in the bodies of animate beings) :: magnetiseur
  • animal rights {n} (concept that animals are entitled to certain fundamental rights) :: dierenrechten {p}
  • anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) :: anime
  • anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel ::
  • anise {n} (plant and spice) :: anijs {m}
  • aniseed {n} (the seed-like fruit of the anise) :: anijszaad {n}
  • anisotropy {n} (the property of being directionally dependent) :: anisotropie
  • Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) :: Ankara
  • ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) :: enkel {m}
  • ankle bracelet {n} (ankle monitor) SEE: ankle monitor ::
  • ankle bracelet {n} (piece of jewelry) :: enkelband {m}
  • anklet {n} (a bracelet at the ankle) :: enkelband {m}
  • Ann {prop} (female given name) :: Anna, Anne,
  • Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
  • annals {n} (a relation of events) :: annalen {p}
  • Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
  • annealing {n} (act of heating solid metal or glass) :: gloeien
  • annex {n} (addition, an extension) :: bijlage {f}
  • annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
  • annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) :: uitbouw {m}
  • annex {n} (appendix) :: aanhangsel {n}
  • annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) :: annexeren, inlijven
  • annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: annexatie {f}
  • annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) :: vernietigen
  • anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event) :: jubileum {n}
  • anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) :: na Christus, in het jaar des Heren
  • Anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) :: na Christus, in het jaar des Heren
  • annosity {n} (fullness of years) :: ouderdom {m}
  • announce {v} (to give public notice, or first notice of) :: aankondigen, declareren, verkonden [archaic], verkondigen
  • announce {v} (to pronounce; declare by judicial sentence) :: declareren, verklaren, uitspreken
  • announcement {n} (announcement) :: aankondiging {f}
  • announcer {n} (TV or radio announcer) :: omroeper {m}
  • annoy {v} (to disturb or irritate) :: ergeren, vervelen
  • annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) :: vervelend
  • annual {adj} (happening once a year) :: jaarlijks, jaarlijkse
  • annually {adv} (once every year) :: jaarlijks
  • annuity {n} (income payable at stated intervals) :: lijfrente {f}
  • annuity {n} (right to periodic payment) :: lijfrente {f}
  • annul {v} (dissolve (a marital union) :: ontbinden, annuleren
  • annul {v} (formally revoke the validity of) :: annuleren
  • annulment {n} (Invalidation; declaration of something as being invalid) :: vernietiging {f}, nietigverklaring {f}
  • annulment {n} (Legal invalidation of a marriage) :: ontbinding, nietigverklaring {f} (van een huwelijk)
  • annulment {n} (The act or instance of annulling) :: tenietdoening {f}, annulatie {f}, annullering, herroeping {f}, annulering {f}
  • annulment {n} (Total destruction) :: vernietiging {f}
  • anoa {n} (a small Indonesian water buffalo) :: anoa
  • anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another ::
  • anoint {v} (to apply oil to or to pour oil upon) :: zalven
  • anoint {v} (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance) :: zalven
  • anomalous {adj} (deviating from the normal) :: abnormaal
  • anomaly {n} (biological defect or malformation) :: afwijking, anomalie, misvorming
  • anomaly {n} (dated: an irregularity or inconsistency) :: anomalie {f}, onregelmatigheid {f}
  • anomaly {n} (deviation from norm) :: afwijking, anomalie, abnormaliteit
  • anomaly {n} (science: any event, big or small, out of the ordinary) :: anomalie {f}
  • anomaly {n} (something or someone that is strange or unusual) :: rariteit, onregelmatigheid
  • anomie {n} (alienation or social instability) :: anomie,wetteloosheid
  • anonymity {n} (the quality or state of being anonymous) :: anonimiteit {f}
  • anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld) :: naamloos, anoniem
  • anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined) :: naamloos, onbenoemd
  • anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) :: naamloos, anoniem
  • anopia {n} (medical condition) :: anopsie, anopsia, anopie, anopia
  • anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa ::
  • anosognosia {n} (inability of a person to recognize personal defects) :: anosognosie {f}
  • another {determiner} (not the same; different) :: een andere
  • another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number) :: nog een
  • anoxia {n} (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen) :: anoxie {f}
  • Anselm {prop} (male given name) :: Anselmus
  • answer {n} (response) :: antwoord {n}
  • answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: antwoorden
  • answer {v} (to respond to a call) :: beantwoorden
  • answer {v} (to suit a need or purpose satisfactorily) :: beantwoorden
  • answering machine {n} (device that automatically records voice mail) :: antwoordapparaat
  • answerphone {n} (telephone containing a device for recording incoming callers’ messages) :: antwoordapparaat {n}, telefoonbeantwoorder {m}
  • ant {n} (insect) :: mier {f}
  • Antarctic {adj} (Pertaining to Antarctica) :: Antarctisch, antarctisch
  • Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) :: Antarctica {n}
  • Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) :: Zuidpoolcirkel
  • Antarctic Ocean {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean ::
  • anteater {n} (mammal) :: miereneter {m}
  • antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm ::
  • antecedent {adj} (earlier in time or order) :: voorafgaand, vroeger
  • antecedent {n} (ancestor) :: voorouder {c}
  • antecedent {n} (any thing that precedes another thing) :: antecedent {n}, voorafgaande {n}
  • antecedent {n} (conditional part of a hypothetical proposition) :: antecedent {n}
  • antecedent {n} (word, phrase or clause referred to by a pronoun) :: antecedent {n}
  • antedate {v} (To assign a date earlier than the actual date; to backdate) :: antedateren
  • antediluvian {adj} (Extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric) :: antiek, prehistorisch
  • antediluvian {adj} (Pertaining or belonging to the time period prior to a great or destructive flood or deluge) :: antediluviaal, behorend tot de tijd voor de zondvloed
  • antediluvian {adj} (Supremely dated) :: zeer ouderwets
  • antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: antilope
  • antelope {n} (pronghorn) SEE: pronghorn ::
  • antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
  • antenna {n} (feeler organ) :: voelspriet {f}
  • antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) :: derdelaatste
  • anterior chamber {n} (space between cornea and iris) :: voorste oogkamer {f}
  • anterograde amnesia {n} (inability to remember new information) :: anterograde amnesie {f}
  • anteroom {n} (antechamber) SEE: antechamber ::
  • anthelmintic {adj} (destructive to parasitic intestinal worms) :: wormdodend, ontwormend
  • anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty) :: strijdlied {n}
  • anthem {n} (national anthem) :: volkslied {n}
  • ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill ::
  • anthology {n} (collection of literary works) :: bloemlezing {f}
  • Anthony {prop} (given name) :: Anton
  • anthrax {n} (disease) :: miltvuur
  • anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological ::
  • anthropological {adj} (relating to anthropology) :: antropologisch
  • anthropologically {adv} (in a manner which pertains to anthropology) :: antropologisch
  • anthropologist {n} (one who is versed in anthropology) :: antropoloog {m}
  • anthropomorphic {adj} (given human attributes) :: antropomorfisch
  • anthropomorphic {adj} (having the form of a person) :: antropomorfisch
  • anti- {prefix} (anti-) :: anti-
  • antiacid {n} (antacid) SEE: antacid ::
  • anti-beauty quark {n} (anti-bottom quark) SEE: anti-bottom quark ::
  • antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: antibioticum {n}
  • antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) :: antilichaam {n}, antideeltje {n}
  • antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm ::
  • antic {adj} (architecture: grotesque, incongruous) :: grotesk, onpassend
  • antic {adj} (grotesque) :: grotesk, bizar, absurd
  • antic {n} (caricature) :: karikatuur {f}
  • antic {n} (grotesque performer or clown) :: clown {m}
  • antic {n} (ludicrous act or behaviour) :: zotternij {f}, kuur {f}
  • antic {v} (perform antics) :: kuren uithalen, zot doen
  • anticarcinogenic {adj} (tending to inhibit or prevent the activity of a carcinogen) :: anticarcinogeen, anticarcinogene
  • antichrist {n} (Someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: antichrist {m}
  • anticlimax {n} (break in the final climax) :: anticlimax
  • anticline {n} (anticlinal fold) :: anticline, anticlinaal
  • anticlockwise {adj} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: tegen de klok in, in tegenwijzerzin
  • anticlockwise {adv} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: tegen de klok in , linksom
  • anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise#Adverb ::
  • anticoagulant {n} (substance) :: antistollingsmiddel {n}
  • antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) :: antidepressivum
  • antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison) :: tegengif {n}
  • antidote {n} (something that counteracts) :: tegengif {n}
  • antiferromagnetic {adj} (exhibiting antiferromagnetism) :: antiferromagnetisch
  • antiferromagnetism {n} (a phenomenon, similar to ferromagnetism) :: antiferromagnetisme
  • antifibrinolytic {adj} (serving to inhibit fibrinolysis) :: antifibrinolyticum
  • antifibrinolytic {n} (an antifibrinolytic agent) :: antifibrinolytisch
  • Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (Country) :: Antigua en Barbuda
  • Antiguan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Antigua, or the Antiguan people) :: Antiguaans
  • Antiguan {n} (person) :: Antiguaan {m}, Antiguaanse {f}
  • antigypsyism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Romani people) :: antiziganisme {n}
  • antihero {n} (protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner) :: antiheld {m}, antiheldin {f}
  • Antillean {n} :: Antilliaans, Antilliaan, [slang] Anti
  • antimony {n} (chemical element) :: antimonium {n}, antimoon {n}, stibium
  • antimony {n} (stibnite) SEE: stibnite ::
  • antinomy {n} (contradiction) :: antinomie
  • antipathy {n} (contrariety or opposition in feeling) :: antipathie {f}, afkeer {m}; antipathie {f}
  • antipope {n} (person who claims to be pope) :: tegenpaus {m}
  • antique {adj} (old; out of date) :: antiek
  • antique white {n} (colour) :: gebroken wit
  • antiquity {n} (ancient times) :: oudheid {f}
  • anti-Semite {n} (anti-Semite) :: antisemiet {m}
  • anti-Semitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: anti-semitisme {n}, jodenhaat {f}
  • antisurveillance {n} (countersurveillance) SEE: countersurveillance ::
  • antitau {n} (antitauon) SEE: antitauon ::
  • antitheism {n} (active opposition to theism) :: antitheïsme
  • antithesis {n} (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) :: antithese
  • antithetical {adj} (pertaining to antithesis) :: contradictorisch, in tegenspraak met
  • antiziganism {n} (antigypsyism) SEE: antigypsyism ::
  • antler {n} (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk) :: gewei {n}
  • Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
  • antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) :: tegendeel {n}, tegengestelde {n}, antoniem {n}
  • ants in one's pants {n} (To be agitated and fidgety) :: hebben de kriebel in zijn gat
  • antsy {adj} (restless, apprehensive and fidgety) :: ongerust, opgewonden
  • Antwerp {prop} (city) :: Antwerpen {n}
  • Antwerp {prop} (province) :: Antwerpen {n}
  • Antwerpian {adj} (of Antwerp) :: Antwerps
  • Antwerpian {n} (someone from Antwerp) :: Antwerpenaar {m}
  • anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: anus {m}
  • anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) :: aambeeld {n}, aanbeeld {n}
  • anvil {n} (bone in inner ear) :: aambeeld {n}, aanbeeld {n}, aambeeldsbeentje {n}, aanbeeldsbeentje {n}
  • anxiety {n} (concern) :: bezorgdheid {f}, ongerustheid {f}
  • anxiety {n} (eager desire) :: verlangen
  • anxiety {n} (pathological condition) :: angst, vrees
  • anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) :: bezorgd
  • any {adv} (at all) :: enig
  • any {determiner} (at least one (kind) :: enig
  • any {pron} (Any things or persons) :: elk
  • anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
  • anyhow {adv} (in any way, in any manner) :: hoe dan ook, in ieder geval
  • any more {adv} (in negative or interrogative constructions) :: meer, langer
  • anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere ::
  • anyroad {adv} (anyway) SEE: anyway ::
  • anything else {pron} (any other thing) :: anders nog iets
  • anyway {adv} (in any way) :: hoe dan ook
  • anyway {adv} (regardless) :: toch, desondanks, trots dat [archaic]
  • anyway {adv} (used to indicate change of subject) :: in elk geval, in ieder geval, maar goed
  • anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) :: in elk geval, in ieder geval, hoe dan ook
  • anywhere {adv} (any place) :: overal, eender waar
  • anywhither {adv} (to anywhere) SEE: whithersoever ::
  • a.o.b. {abbr} (abbreviation for “any other business”) :: w.v.t.t.k.
  • Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
  • aorta {n} (great artery) :: aorta {f} {m}, lichaamsslagader {f} {m}
  • apart {prep} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
  • apart from {prep} (except for) :: behalve
  • apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) :: appartement {n}, flat
  • apartment building {n} (residential building with multiple flats) :: flatgebouw {n}
  • apathetic {adj} (void of feeling) :: apathisch
  • apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) :: apathie {f}
  • apatite {n} (type of mineral) :: apatiet
  • ape {n} (animal) :: aap {m}, apin {f}, mensaap {m}
  • ape {v} (imitate) :: na-apen, nadoen, nabootsen, imiteren
  • aper {n} (someone who apes something) SEE: imitator ::
  • aperture {n} (diameter of the aperture (in the sense above) :: diafragma, opening
  • aperture {n} (opening) :: opening
  • aperture {n} (something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system) :: diafragma, opening
  • apex {n} (botany: end of leaf) :: spits {c}, punt {m}
  • apex {n} (highest point) :: top {m}, spits {c}
  • apex {n} (in geometry: topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid) :: top {m}, spits {c}, punt {m}
  • apex {n} (moment of greatest success, expansion, etc) :: top {m}
  • apex {n} (pointed end) :: spits {c}, punt {m}
  • aphasia {n} (pathological speech disorder) :: afasie {f}
  • aphelion {n} (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the sun) :: aphelium {n}
  • aphid {n} (insect) :: bladluis {f}
  • aphrodisiac {n} (food or drug) :: afrodisiacum {n}
  • aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
  • aphtha {n} (oral thrush) :: aft {m} {f}
  • aphthous ulcer {n} (ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane) :: afte, aft
  • apian {adj} (related to bees) :: bijen-
  • apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
  • a picture paints a thousand words {proverb} (a picture is worth a thousand words) SEE: a picture is worth a thousand words ::
  • apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping ::
  • apiece {adv} (apiece) :: per stuk
  • apoastron {n} (apastron) SEE: apastron ::
  • apocalyptic {adj} (of or relating to an apocalypse) :: apocalyptisch
  • apocalypticist {n} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic ::
  • apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity) :: apocrief
  • apodictic {adj} (incontrovertible) :: apodictisch
  • Apollo {prop} (the son of Zeus) :: Apollo
  • apologise {v} (apologize) SEE: apologize ::
  • apologize {v} (to make an apology or defense) :: verantwoorden
  • apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: zich verontschuldigen
  • apologize {v} :: verantwoorden
  • apology {n} (an expression of regret) :: verontschuldiging {f}
  • apology {n} (formal justification, defence) :: verweer {n}
  • apophony {n} (alternation of sounds within a word) :: ablaut {m}
  • apoplexy {n} (loss of consciousness) :: apoplexie {f}
  • aporia {n} (expression of doubt) :: twijfel, onzekerheid
  • apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs) :: afvalligheid {f}
  • apostle {n} (missionary or leader of a mission) :: apostel {m}, zendeling {m}
  • apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
  • apostrophe {n} (sudden piece of dialogue) :: apostrof {f}
  • apostrophe {n} (the character ’) :: weglatingsteken {n}, apostrof {f}
  • apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
  • apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
  • apotheosis {n} (deification; becoming a god) :: apotheose, vergoding {f}, verheerlijking {f}
  • apoxia {n} (altitude sickness) SEE: altitude sickness ::
  • appall {v} (To depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear) :: weerzinwekkend
  • appalling {adj} (That appalls/appals or appall/appal) :: ontzettend
  • apparatchik {n} (member of a Communist apparat) :: apparatsjik {m}
  • apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments) :: apparaat
  • apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) :: apparaat
  • apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument) :: apparaat
  • apparel {n} (clothing) :: kleding
  • apparent {adj} (clear) :: ogenschijnlijk, klaar, duidelijk
  • apparent {adj} (seeming) :: ogenschijnlijk, klaarblijkelijk
  • apparent {adj} (visible) :: evident, klaar, duidelijk
  • apparently {adv} (according to what the speaker has read or been told) :: blijkbaar, kennelijk, naar het schijnt
  • apparently {adv} (plainly) :: blijkbaar, duidelijk
  • apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: schijnbaar, ogenschijnlijk
  • apparition {n} (act of becoming visible) :: verschijning {f}
  • apparition {n} (thing appearing) :: verschijning {f}
  • apparition {n} (unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance) :: verschijning {f}
  • appeal {n} (application for the removal of a cause to a superior judge for reexamination) :: beroep {n}
  • appeal {n} (call upon a person or authority) :: oproep {m}
  • appeal {v} (cricket: to ask an umpire for a decision) :: appeleren
  • appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
  • appeal {v} (to apply for the removal of a cause to a superior judge or court) :: in beroep gaan, in hoger beroep gaan
  • appeal {v} (to be attractive) :: aantrekkelijk zijn, aantrekken, aanspreken
  • appeal {v} (to call upon another) :: beroep doen op, appeleren
  • appeal {v} (to invoke) SEE: invoke ::
  • appear {v} (To become visible to the apprehension of the mind) :: blijken
  • appear {v} (To come before the public) :: verschijnen, zijn opwachting maken, haar opwachting maken, optreden
  • appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: verschijnen
  • appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) :: lijken
  • appear {v} (To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, or the like) :: verschijnen
  • appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness) :: aanblik
  • appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: verschijning {f}
  • appease {v} (To make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) :: kalmeren
  • append {v} ( To add, as an accessory) :: toevoegen, bijvoegen
  • append {v} (To hang or attach to, as by a string) :: hechten, aanhechten, vastmaken, bevestigen
  • appendectomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: appendectomie {f}
  • appendicitis {n} (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) :: blindedarmontsteking
  • appendix {n} (text added to the end of a book or an article) :: aanhangsel, appendix
  • appendix {n} (vermiform appendix) :: blinde darm
  • appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) :: honger, trek, appetijt, eetlust
  • appetizer {n} (small, light first course) :: bittergarnituur, borrelhapjes {p}
  • applaud {v} (to express approval by clapping) :: applaudisseren, klappen
  • applaud {v} (to praise, or express approval by words) :: applaudisseren
  • applause {n} (act of applauding) :: applaus, handgeklap {n}
  • apple {n} (apples and pears (Cockney rhyming slang) SEE: apples and pears ::
  • apple {n} (fruit) :: appel {m}
  • apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
  • apple {n} (wood) :: appelboom {m}, appelbomenhout {n}
  • apple blossom {n} (the flower of an apple tree) :: appelbloesem {m}
  • apple brandy {n} (brandy made from apples) :: appelbrandewijn {m}, calvados {m}
  • apple butter {n} (preserved apple purée) :: appeljam {m}
  • apple-cheeked {adj} (having red cheeks) :: met appelwangen
  • apple core {n} (the central portion of an apple) :: klokhuis
  • apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) :: de appel valt niet ver van de boom
  • apple dumpling {n} (baked dessert made from apples) :: appelbol {m}
  • apple-green {adj} (apple-green) :: appelgroen
  • apple juice {n} (the juice of apples as a drink) :: appelsap {n}
  • apple of discord {n} (object which sows dissention and anger) :: twistappel {m}
  • apple of love {n} (tomato) :: tomaat {m}
  • apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) :: oogappel {m}
  • apple pie {n} (pie with apple filling) :: appeltaart {m}
  • apples and oranges {n} (non-comparable items) :: appels met peren {p}
  • apple sauce {n} (a food) :: appelmoes {n}, appelcompote {m}
  • apple sauce {n} (nonsense) SEE: apple sauce ::
  • applesauce {interj} (nonsense) :: flauwekul!
  • applesauce {n} (apple sauce) SEE: apple sauce ::
  • applesauce {n} (nonsense) :: flauwekul {m}, zever {m}
  • apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) :: appelboom {m}, appelaar {m}
  • apple turnover {n} (a pastry dessert filled with pieces of sweetened apples) :: appelflap {f} {m}
  • apple wine {n} (cider) :: cider {m}
  • appliance {n} (a device in its own right) :: toestel {n}, (domestic) huishoudstoestel {n}
  • appliance {n} (to adapt other equipment) :: hulpstuk {n}
  • applicability {n} (relevancy) :: toepasbaarheid
  • applicable {adj} (suitable for application; relevant) :: toepasselijk
  • applicant {n} (one who applies) :: aanvrager
  • application {n} (a computer program) :: computerprogramma {n}, softwarepakket {n}, toepassing {f}, applicatie {f}
  • application {n} (a verbal or written request) :: aanschrijven {n}, aanvraag {f}
  • application {n} (the act of applying) :: aanbrengen {n}
  • application {n} (the act of applying as a means) :: toepassing {f}
  • application {n} (the act of directing or referring something to a particular case) :: toepassing {f} in de praktijk
  • application {n} (the thing applied) :: toepassing
  • applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) :: aangewend
  • apply {v} (to be relevant to a specified individual) :: gelden
  • apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose) :: toepassen
  • appoint {v} (To assign, designate, or set apart by authority) :: benoemen
  • appoint {v} ( to constitute; to ordain; to prescribe; to fix the time and place of) :: beschikken, bepalen, vaststellen
  • appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: aanstelling {f}
  • appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) :: afspraak {f}
  • appointment {n} (stipulation; agreement) :: afspraak {f}
  • apposite {adj} (appropriate, relevant, well-suited) :: treffend
  • apposition {n} (rhetoric: appositio) SEE: appositio ::
  • appraisal {n} (judgement) :: schatting {f}, taxatie {f}, raming {m}
  • appraise {v} (to set a value; to estimate the worth of) :: taxeren, schatten, waarderen
  • appraiser {n} (on who appraises) :: taxateur {m}
  • appreciate {v} (to be aware of) :: beseffen
  • appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something) :: waarderen; appreciëren
  • appreciate {v} (to increase in value) :: in waarde stijgen
  • appreciate {v} (to value highly) :: naar/op waarde schatten
  • apprehend {v} ( to understand; to recognize) :: begrijpen, vatten, snappen
  • apprehension {n} (act of grasping with the intellect) :: begrip {n}, begrijpen {n}
  • apprehension {n} (arrest) :: arrestatie {f}, grijpen {n}, vastgrijpen {n}
  • apprehension {n} (distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil) :: vrees {f}, angst {f}
  • apprehension {n} (faculty by which ideas are conceived) :: begrip {n}, verstand {n}
  • apprehension {n} (opinion) :: begrip {n}, opinie {f}, gezichtspunt {n}, visie {f}
  • apprehension {n} (seizure) :: grijpen {n},
  • apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear) :: bezorgd
  • apprentice {n} (trainee, especially in a skilled trade) :: leerjongen {m}, leermeisje {n}, gezel {m}
  • apprenticeship {n} (condition of, or the time served by, an apprentice) :: stage {f} {m}
  • apprenticeship {n} (system by which a person learning a craft or trade is instructed) :: stage {f} {m}
  • apprise {v} (to notify) :: inlichten, “keep someone apprised” = iemand op de hoogte houden
  • approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made) :: aanpak {m}
  • approach {n} (an access, or opportunity of drawing near) :: benadering {f}
  • approach {n} (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access) :: toegang {m}, laan {f}
  • approach {n} (movements to gain favor; advances) :: benadering {f}, toenadering {f}
  • approach {n} (the act of drawing near) :: benadering {f}, aantocht {f}, komst {f}
  • approach {n} (the advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post) :: benadering {f}
  • approach {n} (the way a plane lands at an airport) :: aanvliegen {n}
  • approach {v} (To come near to in place, time, or character) :: benaderen, naderen
  • approach {v} (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) :: naderen
  • approach {v} (To draw near, in a figurative sense) :: benaderen
  • approach {v} (To take approaches to) :: benaderen
  • approachable {adj} (easy to talk to) :: benaderbaar
  • approbation {n} (the act of approval) :: bekrachtiging
  • appropriate {adj} (obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person) :: aangewezen, geschikt
  • appropriate {adj} (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) :: geschikt, passend, toepasselijk
  • appropriate {adj} (suitable to social situation) :: gepast
  • appropriate {v} (To make suitable) :: aanpassen
  • appropriate {v} (To set apart for) :: toewijzen
  • appropriate {v} (To take to one's self in exclusion of others) :: zich toeëigenen
  • appropriation {n} (act of appropriating, or something appropriated) :: toe-eigening {f}
  • approval {n} (acceptance) :: goedkeuring {f}
  • approval {n} (permission) :: goedkeuring {f}, toestemming {f}, instemming {f}, permissie {f}
  • approve {v} (To make or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance) :: instemmen met
  • approve {v} (To make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically) :: goedkeuren
  • approve {v} (To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of) :: goedkeuren
  • approve {v} (To sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial) :: goedkeuren
  • approximant {n} (mathematics: approximation) SEE: approximation ::
  • approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: ongeveer
  • approximation {n} (act of approximating) :: benaderen, schatten
  • approximation {n} (imprecise solution) :: benadering, schatting
  • apricot {n} (fruit) :: abrikoos {f}
  • April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: april {m}
  • April fool {n} (person subjected to a practical joke April Fools' Day) :: aprilvis
  • April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) :: aprilgrap
  • April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) :: één april
  • a priori {adv} (derived by logic) :: a priori
  • apriori {adv} (a priori) SEE: a priori ::
  • apron {n} (clothing) :: schort {n}
  • apropos {adv} (by the way) :: terloops
  • apropos {adv} (timely, at a good time) :: gepast
  • apropos {prep} (regarding or concerning) :: betreffend
  • apse {n} (astronomy: apsis) SEE: apsis ::
  • apse {n} (case in which the relics were kept) SEE: reliquary ::
  • apse {n} (obsolete or dialectal: aspen tree) SEE: aspen ::
  • apside {n} (apsis) SEE: apsis ::
  • apt {adj} (fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate) :: passend, gepast, toepasselijk
  • apt {adj} (having an habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards) :: geneigd
  • apt {adj} (ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert) :: pienter, fit, slim
  • Aptian {prop} :: Aptien
  • aptitude {n} (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill) :: aanleg
  • Apuleius {prop} (ancient Platonist and Sophist) :: Apuleius {m}
  • aqua regia {n} (mixture of acids) :: koningswater {n}
  • Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: Waterman {m}
  • aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: aquatisch, aquatische
  • aqueduct {n} (an artificial channel conveying water) :: aquaduct {n}
  • aqueduct {n} (a structure carrying water) :: aquaduct {n}
  • aquifer {n} (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) :: aquifer {m}
  • Aquitaine {prop} (region of France) :: Aquitanië {n}
  • Ara {prop} (constellation) :: Altaar {n}
  • Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: Arabisch
  • Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: Arabier {m}
  • Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: Arabië
  • Arabian oryx {n} (Oryx leucoryx) :: Arabische oryx {m}, witte oryx {m}
  • Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East) :: Arabisch Schiereiland
  • Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: Arabisch
  • Arabic {prop} (language) :: Arabisch {n}
  • Arabization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation ::
  • arable {adj} (suitable for cultivation) :: bebouwbaar
  • Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: Arabische Republiek Egypte
  • Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world) :: arabische wereld {f}
  • arachnoid {n} (the arachnoid mater) SEE: arachnoid mater ::
  • Aragon {prop} (an autonomous community in Spain) :: Aragón
  • Aragonese {adj} (from Aragon) :: Aragonees
  • Aragonese {n} (a person) :: Aragonees {m}, Aragonese {f}
  • Aragonese {prop} (the language of Aragon) :: Aragonees
  • Aramaean {adj} (of, or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram) :: Aramees
  • Aramaean {n} (member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people) :: Arameeër {m}
  • Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
  • Aranese {prop} (dialect) :: Aranees
  • arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment) :: willekeurig
  • arbitrary {adj} (determined by impulse) :: willekeurig
  • arbitration {n} (a process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute) :: arbitratie {f}
  • arbitration {n} (in general, a form of justice where both parties designate a person whose ruling they will accept formally) :: arbitrage {f}
  • arbitration {n} (the act or process of arbitrating) :: arbitratie {f}
  • arbutus {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
  • arc {n} (curve) :: boog {m}
  • arc {n} (directed edge) SEE: directed edge ::
  • arc {n} (geometry: part of a curve) :: boog
  • arcade {n} (covered passage, usually with shops on both sides) :: winkelpassage {f}
  • Arcadia {prop} (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) :: Arcadië
  • arcane {adj} (understood by only a few; obscure) :: geheim, duister
  • arccosine {n} (inverse of the cosine function) :: arccosinus
  • arch {n} (architectural element) :: boog {m}
  • arch {n} (inverted U shape) :: boog {m}
  • arch- {prefix} (chief, highest, most extreme) :: aarts-
  • -arch {suffix} (leading, leader) :: -arch
  • archabbey {n} (abbey which is the seat of an archabbot) :: aartsabdij
  • archabbot {n} (the title of the general superior in certain Catholic congretations) :: aartsabt {m}
  • archaeologist {n} (someone who is skilled, professes or practices archaeology) :: archeoloog {m}
  • archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) :: archeologie {f}, oudheidkunde {f}
  • archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated) :: archaïsch, ouderwets, verouderd
  • archangel {n} (angel who leads other angels) :: aartsengel {m}
  • Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
  • archbishop {n} (senior bishop) :: aartsbisschop {m}
  • archbishopric {n} (jurisdiction of an archbishop) :: metropool {m}
  • arch bridge {n} ( a bridge with abutments at each end shaped as an arch) :: boogbrug {f}
  • archdiocese {n} (area administered by an archbishop) :: aartsbisdom {n}
  • archduchess {n} (daughter or granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary) :: aartshertogin {f}
  • archduchy {n} (territority of an archduke) :: aartshertogdom {n}
  • archduke {n} (rank) :: aartshertog
  • archenemy {n} (a principal enemy) :: aartsvijand {m} {f}
  • archeological {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological ::
  • archeopteryx {n} (ancient bird) :: archaeopteryx
  • archer {n} (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) :: boogschutter {m}
  • archeress {n} (a female archer) :: boogschutster {f}, boogschutterin {f}
  • archery {n} (the practice) :: boogschieten {n}
  • archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
  • archipelago {n} (group of islands) :: archipel {m}, eilandengroep {f} {m}
  • architect {n} (designer of buildings) :: architect {m}, bouwmeester {m}
  • architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: architectuur {f}, bouwstijl
  • architrave {n} (The lowest part of an entablature) :: architraaf
  • archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) :: archief {n}
  • archive {v} (to archive) :: archiveren
  • archivist {n} (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) :: archivaris
  • archosaurian {n} (archosaur) SEE: archosaur ::
  • arcminute {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle ::
  • arcsine {n} (inverse of sine) :: Arcsinus
  • arctangent {n} (inverse of tangent function) :: arctangens
  • Arctic cod {n} (Arctogadus glacialis) :: arctische kabeljauw
  • arctic hare {n} (Lepus arcticus) :: poolhaas {m}
  • Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: Arctische Oceaan, Noordelijke IJszee
  • Ardèche {prop} (French department) :: Ardèche
  • Ardèche {prop} (French river) :: Ardèche
  • ardent {adj} (full or ardour) :: vurig, passioneel
  • ardent {adj} (glowing) :: brandend
  • ardour {n} (ardor) SEE: ardor ::
  • arduous {adj} (hard to climb) :: uitputtend, zwaar, steil, moeilijk te beklimmen
  • arduous {adj} (needing or using up much energy) :: uitputtend, zwaar, moeizaam
  • are {n} (unit of area) :: are {m}
  • are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
  • are {v} (second-person singular (informal) simple present indicative form of be) :: bent, zijt
  • area {n} (math: measure of extent of a surface) :: oppervlakte
  • area {n} (particular geographic region) :: regio, streek, gebied
  • area {n} (soccer: penalty area) SEE: penalty area ::
  • are you allergic to any medications {phrase} (are you allergic to any medications?) :: [polite] bent u allergisch voor medicijnen?, [familiar] ben je allergisch voor medicijnen?
  • are you religious {phrase} (are you religious?) :: [familiar] ben je godsdienstig?, [polite] bent u godsdienstig?
  • are you taking any medications {phrase} (are you taking any medications?) :: gebruikt u medicijnen?
  • argent {adj} (of white or silver tincture on a coat of arms) :: zilver
  • argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) :: zilver {n}
  • Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) :: Argentinië
  • argentine {n} (Argentina sphyraena) :: zilversmelt
  • argentine {n} (fish of the genus Argentina) :: zilvervis
  • Argentine {adj} (Argentinian) SEE: Argentinian ::
  • Argentine {n} (Argentinian) SEE: Argentinian ::
  • Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
  • Argentinean {adj} (Argentinian) SEE: Argentinian ::
  • Argentinean {n} (Argentinian) SEE: Argentinian ::
  • Argentinian {adj} (pertaining to Argentina) :: Argentijns
  • Argentinian {n} (person from Argentina) :: Argentijn {m}, Argentijnse {f}
  • argentophilic {adj} (argentophilic) SEE: argyrophilic ::
  • arginine {n} (an amino acid) :: arginine
  • argon {n} (a chemical element) :: argon {n}
  • Argonaut {prop} (A member of the Argo who searched for the Golden Fleece) :: Argonaut
  • arguable {adj} (defensible in an argument) :: verdedigbaar
  • arguable {adj} (open to argument) :: betwistbaar
  • argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) :: redetwisten
  • argue {v} (transitive: present a viewpoint) :: betogen
  • argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) :: argument {n}
  • argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: ruzie {f}, betoog {n}
  • arhythmic {adj} (arrhythmic) SEE: arrhythmic ::
  • Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries ::
  • Aries {prop} (astrological sign) :: Ram {m}
  • Aries {prop} (constellation) :: Ram {m}
  • arise {v} (get up, stand up) :: opstaan
  • arise {v} (start to exist, originate) :: ontstaan
  • arisen {v} (gotten up) :: opstaan
  • arisen {v} (started to exist) :: ontstaan
  • aristocracy {n} (class of people considered superior to others) :: aristocratie
  • aristocracy {n} (government by such a class) :: aristocratie
  • aristocracy {n} (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) :: aristocratie {f}, adel {m}
  • aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy) :: aristocraat {m}
  • arithmetic {n} (mathematics of numbers, etc.) :: aritmetica {f}, rekenkunde {f}
  • arity {n} (number of arguments) :: ariteit {f}, plaatsigheid {f}
  • Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Archangelsk
  • Ark of the Covenant {prop} (the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest) :: verbondsark {m} {f}, Ark van het Verbond
  • Arlon {prop} (city) :: Aarlen {n}
  • arm {n} (heraldic bearings) :: wapen {n}, wapenschild {n}
  • arm {n} (portion of the upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: arm {m}
  • arm {n} (weapon) :: wapen {n}
  • arm {v} (to supply with weapons) :: bewapenen
  • armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) :: gordeldier {n}
  • arm and a leg {n} (an exorbitant amount) :: een rib uit het lijf
  • armband {n} (A band worn around the arm) :: rouwbandje {n} (mourning), protestbandje {n} (protest)
  • armband {n} (An inflatable band worn round the arms to keep afloat in water) :: zwembandjes {n-p}, bandjes {n-p}
  • armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: fauteuil {m}
  • armchair general {n} (outspoken warmonger, and/or a self-appointed strategist) :: visser-aan-wal
  • armed {adj} (equipped, especially with a weapon) :: gewapend
  • armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) :: leger {n}, krijgsmacht {f}, strijdmacht {f}, strijdkrachten {p}, heer {n}, heir {n}, troep {m}, troepen {p}, armee {f}
  • Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country in West Asia) :: Armenië
  • Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: Armeens
  • Armenian {n} (person) :: Armeniër {m}, Armeense {f}
  • Armenian {prop} (language) :: Armeens {n}
  • Armenian Highland {prop} (plateau) :: Armeens Hoogland
  • Armenology {n} (Armenian studies) SEE: Armenian studies ::
  • arm in arm {adv} (arms linked) :: arm in arm, gearmd
  • armistice {n} (formal agreement to end fighting) :: wapenstilstand {m}, staakt-het-vuren {n}
  • armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: pantser {n}, harnas {n}
  • armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
  • armorbearer {n} (armourbearer) SEE: armourbearer ::
  • armory {n} (armoury) SEE: armoury ::
  • armoured car {n} (armoured truck) SEE: armoured truck ::
  • armoured car {n} (automobile equipped with armour) :: pantserwagen {m}
  • armoured truck {n} (armoured car) SEE: armoured car ::
  • armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) :: oksel {m}
  • armrest {n} (part of a seat) :: armleuning
  • arm to the teeth {v} :: tot de tanden gewapend
  • arm-wrestle {v} (physical sport, game) :: armworstelen
  • arm-wrestler {n} (someone who arm-wrestles) :: armworstelaar {m}
  • army {n} (any multitude) :: leger {n}, horde, menigte
  • army {n} (government agency in charge of a state's army) :: defensie, landsverdediging
  • army {n} (large group of people working towards the same purpose) :: leger {n}, horde, bende
  • army {n} (large group of social animals working towards the same purpose) :: leger {n}
  • army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: leger {n}, landmacht
  • Arnold {prop} (male given name) :: Arnoud
  • Aromanian {prop} (language) :: Aromaans {n}
  • aromatic {adj} (fragrant or spicy) :: aromatisch, geurig, kruidig
  • aromatic {n} (fragrant plant or spice added to flavour a dish) :: aromaat
  • around {prep} (defining a circle or closed curve containing) :: om, rondom, rond
  • around {prep} (following a path) :: om, omheen, langs
  • arouse {v} (to sexually stimulate) :: opwinden
  • arouse {v} (to stimulate feelings) :: opwekken
  • arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus ::
  • arraign {v} (charge someone in a court of law) :: voor het gerecht dagen
  • arrange {v} (to put in order) :: schikken
  • arrange {v} (to set up, organise) :: regelen
  • arrangement {n} (agreement) :: regeling {f}
  • arrant {adj} (errant) SEE: errant ::
  • array {n} (any of various data structures) :: array {m}
  • arrest {n} (act of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: arrestatie, aanhouding {f}
  • arrest {n} (condition of being stopped) :: stilstand
  • arrest {n} (confinement, as after an arrest) :: arrest
  • arrest {v} (to seize attention of) :: vatten, grijpen
  • arrest {v} (to stop (a process etc.) :: stoppen, stuiten
  • arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) :: aanhouden, arresteren, in hechtenis nemen, oppakken, vatten
  • arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: komst {f}, aankomst {f}
  • arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: aankomen, arriveren, bereiken
  • arrive {v} (to obtain a level of success or fame) :: bereiken, het gemaakt hebben
  • arrive {v} (to reach) :: bereiken, aankomen, arriveren
  • arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: arrogantie {f}, aanmatiging {f}
  • arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) :: arrogant
  • arrow {n} (in graph theory) SEE: directed edge ::
  • arrow {n} (projectile) :: pijl {m}
  • arrow {n} (symbol) :: pijl {m}
  • arse {n} (ass) SEE: ass ::
  • arsehole {n} (anus) :: gat
  • arsehole {n} (inconsiderate or mean-spirited person) :: lul {m}
  • arsenal {n} (military establishment) :: arsenaal, wapenmagazijn, wapenopslagplaats
  • arsenic {n} (chemical element) :: arseen {n}, arsenicum {n}
  • arsewipe {n} (toilet paper) SEE: asswipe ::
  • arsewipe {n} (useless or annoying person) SEE: asswipe ::
  • arson {n} (crime of setting a fire) :: brandstichting {f}
  • arsonist {n} (one who has committed the act of arson, or illegally setting fire to property) :: brandstichter {m}
  • arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson ::
  • art {n} (activity) :: kunst {f}
  • art {n} (aesthetic value) :: kunstwerk
  • art {n} (conscious production or arrangement) :: kunst {f}
  • art {n} (human effort) :: kunst {f}
  • art {n} (re-creation) :: kunst {f}
  • art {n} (skill) :: kunst {f}
  • art {n} (study) :: kunst {f}
  • art dealer {n} (someone who buys and sells works of art) :: kunsthandelaar {m}
  • artefact {n} (artifact) SEE: artifact ::
  • arteriography {n} (radiography of an artery) SEE: angiography ::
  • artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) :: slagader {m}
  • art gallery {n} (space where works of art are placed on display) :: kunstgalerij {f}, kunstgalerie {f}
  • art history {n} (study of the history of the visual arts) :: kunstgeschiedenis {f}
  • arthromere {n} (any of the constitutive body segments of a jointed animal) :: lichaamsgeleding, lichaamssegment
  • arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) :: geleedpotige
  • Arthur {prop} (male given name) :: Arthur
  • artichoke {n} (Vegetable) :: artisjok {m}
  • artichoke bottom {n} (edible fleshy receptacle at the bottom of an artichoke flower) :: artisjokbodem {m}
  • article {n} :: artikel {n}
  • article {n} (member of a group or class) :: artikel {n}
  • article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
  • article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) :: lidwoord {n}
  • article {n} (section of a legal document) :: artikel {n}
  • article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) :: artikel {n}
  • articulate {adj} (able to bend or hinge at certain points or intervals) :: geleed, gelede, geärticuleerd
  • articulate {adj} (clear, effective) :: duidelijk, klaar, efficiënt
  • articulate {adj} (speaking in a clear or effective manner) :: welbespraakt, taalvaardig
  • articulate {v} (anatomy: to form a joint) :: articuleren
  • articulate {v} (music: to attack a note) :: benadrukken
  • articulate {v} (to clarify) :: uitleggen
  • articulate {v} (to explain) :: uitdrukken
  • articulate {v} (to hinge) :: geleed zijn
  • articulate {v} (to speak clearly) :: articuleren, goed/correct uitspreken, uitspraak verzorgen
  • articulated {adj} (Describing a vehicle with such joints) :: geleed
  • articulated {adj} (Having one or more pivoted joints) :: geleed
  • articulated bus {n} (articulated bus) :: gelede bus {m}
  • artifact {n} (archaeological object) :: artefact {n}
  • artifact {n} (man-made object) :: artefact {n}
  • artifact {n} (something viewed as a product of human conception) :: mensenwerk {n}
  • artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan ::
  • artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor ::
  • artificer {n} (savant) SEE: savant ::
  • artificer {n} (trickster) SEE: trickster ::
  • artificial {adj} (false, misleading) :: kunstmatig, nagemaakt, artificieel
  • artificial {adj} (man-made) :: artificieel, kunstmatig
  • artificial {adj} (unnatural) :: kunstmatig, artificieel, onnatuurlijk, nagemaakt
  • artificial intelligence {n} (branch of computer science) :: kunstmatige intelligentie {f}
  • artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) :: kunstmatige intelligentie {f}
  • artificial person {n} (legal person) SEE: legal person ::
  • artificial sweetener {n} (sugar substitute) SEE: sugar substitute ::
  • Artinskian {prop} :: Artinskien
  • artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation) :: kunstenaar {m}, kunstenares {f}, artiest {m}
  • artist {n} (person who creates art) :: kunstenaar {m}, kunstenares {f}
  • artist {n} (skilled person) :: artiest {m}
  • artistic {adj} (aesthetically pleasing) :: kunstzinnig, artistiek
  • artistic {adj} (having creative skill) :: kunstzinnig, artistiek
  • artistic {adj} (relating to art or artists) :: kunstzinnig, artistiek
  • art nouveau {n} (style of art and architecture) :: art nouveau, jugendstil
  • Aruba {prop} (autonomous territory of the Netherlands in the Caribbean) :: Aruba
  • Aruban {adj} (of or pertaining to Aruba) :: Arubaans
  • Aruban {n} (person from Aruba) :: Arubaan {m}, Arubaanse {f}
  • Aruküla {prop} (small borough in Estonia) :: Aruküla
  • Aryan {adj} (of or pertaining to Indo-European or Aryan people, culture and languages) :: Arisch, Indo-Iraans, Proto-Indo-Europees, Indo-Europees, Indo-Germaans
  • Aryan {adj} (pertaining to the (alleged) Aryan master race) :: Arisch
  • Aryan {adj} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: pertaining to the Caucasian race) :: Arisch
  • Aryan {adj} (US, euphemistic: pertaining to Caucasian racists) :: Arisch
  • Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race comprised of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: Ariër {m}
  • Aryan {n} (obsolete: in 19th century ethnography, a subdivision of the Caucasian race) :: Ariër {m}
  • Aryan {n} (rare: an Indo-Iranian) :: Ariër {m}, Indo-Iraan
  • Aryan {n} (rare: a Proto-Indo-European) :: Ariër {m}, Indo-Iraan, Indo-Germaan, Indo-Europeaan {m}, Proto-Indo-Europeaan {m}
  • Aryan {n} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: a white) :: Ariër {m}
  • Aryan {n} (US, euphemistic: a Caucasian racist) :: Ariër {m}
  • as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) :: zo (…als)
  • as {conj} (at the same instant that) :: toen
  • as {conj} (because) :: omdat, want, aangezien
  • as {conj} (in the manner of) :: als; The Hague dialect: as
  • as {conj} (in the same way that) :: zoals
  • as {conj} (that) SEE: that ::
  • as {conj} (varying through time to the same proportion that) :: naarmate
  • as {conj} (while) :: terwijl
  • as {prep} (In the role of) :: als, in de rol van; The Hague dialect: as, in de rol van
  • as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: als; The Hague dialect: as
  • as a matter of fact {adv} (actually) :: eigenlijk, in werkelijkheid
  • as a result {conj} (consequently) :: als gevolg van
  • asbestos {adj} (of or relating to asbestos) :: asbest-
  • asbestos {n} (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) :: asbest {n}
  • ascend {v} (to fly, to soar) :: stijgen, opgaan
  • ascendancy {n} (supremacy; superiority; dominant control) :: overwicht, overhand
  • ascension {n} (the act of ascending) :: hemelvaart
  • Ascension {prop} (entering heaven alive) :: hemelvaart {m} {f}
  • Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day ::
  • Ascension {prop} (Jesus' rise to heaven) :: Hemelvaart {m} {f}
  • Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter) :: Hemelvaartsdag {m}, Hemelvaart {m} {f}
  • ascent {n} (act of ascending; motion upwards) :: stijging {f}
  • ascent {n} (degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line) :: stijging {f}
  • ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish) :: constateren, vaststellen
  • asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic) :: ascetisme {n}
  • Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: Asclepius
  • ascribe {v} (attribute a book, etc) :: toeschrijven aan
  • ascribe {v} (attribute a cause or characteristic) :: toeschrijven aan, wijten aan
  • ascription {n} (act of ascribing a quality to someone or something) :: toewijzing {f}
  • asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) :: aseksualiteit {f}
  • as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) :: voor zo ver ik weet
  • as good as {adv} (almost completely) :: zo goed als
  • ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) :: as {f}, asse {f}
  • ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
  • ash {n} (wood) :: essenhout {n}
  • ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt) :: beschaamd
  • ashcan {n} (container for ashes) :: asbak, vuilnisemmer
  • Asher {prop} (eighth son of Jacob) :: Aser {m}
  • Asher {prop} (male given name) :: Aser {m}
  • Asher {prop} (one of the Israelite tribes) :: Aser
  • ash gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon ::
  • ash gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon ::
  • ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) :: asbak {m}
  • ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: es {m}
  • Ash Wednesday {n} (a Christian day of penitence) :: Aswoensdag {m}
  • Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) :: Azië {n}
  • Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) :: Aziatisch
  • Asian {n} (person from Asia) :: Aziaat {m}, Azische {f}
  • Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from east Asia) :: Aziaat {m}, Azische {f}, Oost-Aziaat {m}, Oost-Azische {f}
  • Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) :: Aziaat {m}, Azische {f}, Indiër {m}, Indische {f}
  • Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia) :: Perzische leeuw {m}, Aziatische leeuw {m}
  • as if {conj} (as though) :: alsof
  • as if {conj} (in mimicry of) :: alsof
  • asinine {adj} (failing to exercise intelligence or judgment) :: oerdom, achterlijk
  • asinine {adj} (of or relating to a donkey) :: ezelachtig
  • as it were {adv} (to indicate a word or statement is not exact) :: als het ware
  • ask {v} (make a request) :: vragen
  • ask {v} (request an answer) :: vragen
  • askew {adj} (turned or twisted to one side) :: scheef
  • ask for it {v} (provoke an unwanted action) :: erom vragen
  • asking price {n} (list or sticker price of an item) :: vraagprijs
  • aslant {adj} (slanting) SEE: slanted ::
  • asleep {adj} (in a state of sleep) :: slapend
  • as long as {conj} (if, assuming) :: zolang, mits
  • as long as {conj} (while) :: zolang
  • asocial {adj} (antisocial) SEE: antisocial ::
  • asp {n} (Egyptian cobra) SEE: Egyptian cobra ::
  • asparagus {n} (asparagus plant) :: asperge {f}
  • asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food) :: asperge {f}
  • aspartame {n} (the artificial sweetener) :: aspartaam {n}
  • aspect ratio {n} (the ratio of an object's longest dimension to its next-longest dimension) :: aspectverhouding {f}
  • aspect ratio {n} (the ratio of width to height in a flat surface or 2-dimensional abstract construction) :: aspectverhouding {f}
  • aspen {n} (tree of genus Populus sect. Populus) :: esp {m}, ratelpopulier {m}
  • Asperger's syndrome {n} (autism related developmental disorder) :: syndroom van Asperger
  • asperity {n} (harshness, as of temper) :: hardvochtigheid
  • asperity {n} (roughness as of stone) :: ruwheid
  • asperity {n} (something that is harsh and hard to endure) :: ondraaglijkheid
  • asperse {v} (scatter) SEE: scatter ::
  • asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle ::
  • as per usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
  • asphalt {n} (asphalt concrete) :: asfalt {n}
  • asphalt {v} (to pave with asphalt) :: asfalteren
  • asphyxia {n} (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide) :: asfyxie {f}
  • asphyxiation {n} (Death due to lack of oxygen) :: verstikking {f}
  • aspirate {adj} (aspirated) SEE: aspirated ::
  • aspirate {n} (linguistics: puff of air) :: aspiratie {f}
  • aspire {v} (to hope or dream) :: ambiëren, nastreven
  • aspirin {n} (analgesic drug) :: aspirine
  • aspirin {n} (tablet containing acetylsalicylic acid) :: aspirientje {n}
  • asplenia {n} (absence of normal spleen function) :: asplenie {f}
  • as regards {prep} (regarding) :: betreffende, met betrekking tot
  • ass {n} (animal) :: ezel {m}
  • ass {n} (buttocks) :: kont {m} {f}, reet {m} {f}
  • assailant {n} (an attacker; someone who attacks another violently, or criminally) :: aanrander {c}
  • Assam {prop} (black tea) :: Assamthee, Assam-thee (sometimes not capitalized)
  • Assam {prop} (state in India) :: Assam {n}
  • Assamese {adj} (Of, from or relating to the northeast-Indian state of Assam, or the region for which it is named) :: Assamees {n}, Assami {n}
  • Assamese {prop} (language) :: Assamees {n}, Assami {n}, Assamitisch {n}
  • assassin {n} (any ruthless killer) :: moordenaar {m}
  • assassin {n} (member of the historical Ismaili Muslim militant group) :: Assassijn
  • assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
  • assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
  • assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin ::
  • assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: vermoorden
  • assassination {n} (killing or murder for political reasons) :: moord
  • assault {n} (a violent onset or attack) :: aanranding {f}
  • assault {v} (to attack, threaten or harass) :: aanranden, vergrijpen
  • assault rifle {n} (a rifle) :: aanvalsgeweer {n}
  • ass crack {n} (groove between buttocks) SEE: anal cleft ::
  • assegai {n} :: assagaai or assegaai {f} or {m}
  • Asselian {prop} :: Asselien
  • assemble {v} (to gather as a group) :: samenkomen, zich verzamelen
  • assemble {v} (to put together) :: in elkaar zetten
  • assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language ::
  • assembly line {n} (system of workers and machinery in a series) :: lopende band {m}
  • assert {v} (To affirm) :: bevestigen
  • assert {v} (To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures) :: behouden, verdedigen
  • assertion {n} (statement asserted) :: bevestiging
  • assertive {adj} (boldly self-assured) :: assertief, mondig
  • assess {v} (to determine the value of) :: beoordelen, evalueren
  • assess {v} (to give or charge with) :: belasten
  • assess {v} (to impose or subject to) :: opleggen
  • assessment {n} (appraisal) :: afweging {f}, beoordeling {f}
  • asset {n} (something or someone of any value) :: activa {p}
  • asset-backed {adj} (having assets as collateral) :: door activa gedekt, op onderpand van activa
  • assets {n} (any property or object of value that one possesses) :: activa
  • assfucker {n} (buttfucker) SEE: buttfucker ::
  • assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk ::
  • asshole {n} (anus) :: kontgat, reet
  • asshole {n} (mean or rude person) :: klootzak, hufter, lul
  • assiduous {adj} (hard-working, diligent) :: ijverig, vlijtig, betrouwbaar
  • assign {v} (to allot or give something as a task) :: toewijzen
  • assignment {n} (act of assigning; allocation of tasks) :: toewijzen {n}
  • assignment {n} (task given to students) :: opdracht {f}, taak {f}
  • assignment {n} (task) :: opdracht {f}, taak {f}
  • assimilate {v} (to absorb a group of people into a community) :: assimileren, integreren
  • assimilate {v} (to compare something to another similar one) :: vergelijken
  • Assisi {prop} (city) :: Assisi
  • assist {v} (help) :: assisteren, bijstaan
  • assist {v} (to make a pass in a sport) :: voorzetten, een voorzet geven
  • assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: hulp {f}, assistentie {f}
  • assistant {n} (person who assists) :: assistent {m}
  • assistant {n} (software) :: assistent {m}
  • assistant referee {n} (official at a football match) :: assistent-scheidsrechter {m}
  • asskisser {n} (someone who kisses ass) SEE: asslicker ::
  • associate {v} (to connect in the mind or imagination) :: associëren
  • associate {v} (to spend time socially) :: omgaan
  • association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) :: vereniging {f}
  • association {n} (state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something) :: associatie {f}, verbinding {f}
  • association football {n} (soccer) :: voetbal {n}
  • as soon as {conj} (immediately after) :: zodra
  • as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) :: zo snel mogelijk
  • assortment {n} (collection of varying but related items) :: assortiment {n}
  • assume {v} (adopt an idea) :: aannemen
  • assume {v} (take on a position) :: innemen, aannemen
  • assume {v} (to suppose to be true) :: aannemen, veronderstellen
  • assumption {n} (festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven) :: Mariahemelvaart {m}, hemelvaart {m}
  • assumption {n} (supposition) :: veronderstelling {f}, aanname {f}
  • assumption {n} (taking of a person up into heaven) :: hemelvaart {m}
  • assumption {n} (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon one's self) :: op zich nemen
  • assumption {n} (thing supposed) :: veronderstelling {f}, aanname {f}
  • assure {v} (to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something) :: verzekeren
  • assure {v} (to make sure and secure) :: verzekeren, afzekeren, beveiligen
  • assure {v} (to reassure) :: verzekeren, geruststellen
  • assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
  • assured {adj} (guaranteed) SEE: guaranteed ::
  • Assyria {prop} (Semitic Akkadian kingdom) :: Assyrië, Assyrische Rijk
  • Astana {prop} (Akmola) SEE: Akmola ::
  • Astana {prop} (Akmolinsk) SEE: Akmolinsk ::
  • astatine {n} (the chemical element) :: astatium {n}, astaat {n}
  • asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: asterisk {f}, sterretje {n}
  • asteroid {n} (astronomy) :: planetoïde, asteroïde
  • as the crow flies {adv} (in a straight line) :: hemelsbreed
  • asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) :: astma
  • as though {conj} (as to suggest that) :: alsof
  • a stitch in time saves nine {proverb} (a timely effort can prevent larger problems) :: werk op tijd maakt welbereid
  • as to {prep} (according to) :: naar, volgens
  • as to {prep} (with reference or regard to) :: over, wat betreft
  • astonish {v} (surprise) :: verbazen
  • astonished {adj} (amazed) :: verbaasd
  • astound {v} (to astonish, bewilder or dazzle) :: verbluffen
  • astounding {adj} (that astounds) :: indrukwekkend,verbijsterend
  • astragalus {n} (talus) SEE: talus ::
  • astride {adv} (with one’s legs on either side) :: schrijlings
  • astringent {adj} (having the effect of drawing tissue together) :: samentrekkend
  • astringent {adj} (sharp, caustic, severe) :: scherp, bijtend, streng
  • astringent {n} (substance which draws tissue together) :: samentrekkend middel {n}
  • astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) :: astroloog {m}, sterrenwichelaar {m}
  • astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer ::
  • astrology {n} (star divination) :: astrologie {f}, sterrenwichelarij {f}
  • astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose, see also: cosmonaut) :: ruimtevaarder {m}, astronaut {m}
  • astronavigation {n} (navigation by using the positions of the stars) SEE: celestial navigation ::
  • astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) :: astronoom {m}, sterrenkundige {c}
  • astronomic {adj} (incredibly large) SEE: astronomical ::
  • astronomic {adj} (pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical ::
  • astronomical {adj} (of or relating to astronomy) :: astronomisch
  • astronomical {adj} (very large) :: astronomisch
  • astronomically {adv} (in the extreme) :: astronomisch
  • astronomically {adv} (relating to astronomy) :: astronomisch
  • astronomical twilight {n} (period of partial darkness) :: astronomische schemering {f}
  • astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: astronomie {f}, sterrenkunde {f}
  • astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) :: astrofysica
  • Asturia {prop} (Translations) :: Asturië {n}
  • astute {adj} (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage) :: scherpzinnig
  • asunder {adv} (into separate parts) :: uiteen, uit elkaar
  • as usual {adv} (as is usually the case) :: zoals gewoonlijk
  • as well {adv} (in addition, also) :: ook
  • as well {adv} (to the same effect) :: net zo goed
  • as well as {conj} (and in addition) :: alsmede
  • as well as {prep} (in addition to) :: naast
  • as yet {adv} (up to the present) :: nog steeds, tot nu toe
  • asylum {n} (Mental asylum) :: psychiatrische instelling {f}
  • asylum {n} (place of safety) :: asiel {n}
  • asymmetric {adj} (asymmetrical) SEE: asymmetrical ::
  • asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) :: asymmetrisch
  • asymptomatic {adj} (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease) :: asymptomatisch
  • asymptote {n} (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely) :: asymptoot {m}
  • asynchronism {n} (asynchrony) SEE: asynchrony ::
  • at {prep} (indicating time) :: om
  • at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) :: op, bij
  • at {prep} (in the direction of) :: op
  • at all {prep} (at all) :: helemaal niet
  • at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort) :: tegen elke prijs
  • at any rate {prep} (in any case) :: in ieder geval
  • at a time {adv} (in a continuous period) :: tegelijk
  • atavistic {adj} (biology: of the recurrence of a trait after an absence of generations) :: atavistisch
  • atavistic {adj} (of a throwback) :: atavistisch
  • atavistic {adj} (of the return of earlier, more primitive behavior) :: atavistisch
  • ataxia {n} (lack of coordination) :: ataxie {f}
  • Atayal {prop} (language) :: Atayal
  • at bay {prep} (cornered) :: in het nauw
  • at bay {prep} (unable to come closer) :: op afstand
  • at dark {prep} (during nightfall) :: wanneer de avond valt
  • at first blush {adv} (upon first impression or consideration) :: op het eerste gezicht
  • at first glance {adv} (after only a superficial examination or review) :: op het eerste gezicht
  • at first sight {prep} (at first glance) SEE: at first glance ::
  • at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) :: onder bedreiging van een vuurwapen
  • atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist) :: atheïsme {n}
  • atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic ::
  • atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist) :: atheïst {m}, atheïste {f} [rare], godloochenaar {m} {f} [pejorative, polemical], goddeloze {m} {f} [pejorative, polemical]
  • atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) :: atheïst {m} {f}, atheïste {f} [rare], agnost {m} {f}, agnosticus {m} [archaic]
  • Athena {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Athene {f}
  • Athenian {adj} (of or pertaining to Athens, Greece) :: Atheens
  • Athenian {n} (an inhabitant, resident, or citizen of Athens, Greece) :: Athener {m}
  • Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) :: Athene
  • athlete {n} (A person who actively participates in physical sports, possibly highly skilled in sports) :: atleet
  • athletics {n} (competitive activities) :: atletiek {f}
  • at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) :: thuis
  • athwart {adv} (From side to side, across) :: van de ene kant naar de andere, dwars over
  • athwartships {adv} (athwartships) :: dwarsscheeps
  • -ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix) :: -tie {f}, -atie {f}
  • at it {adj} (in the middle of a given activity) :: bezig
  • Atlantic {adj} (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean) :: Atlantisch
  • Atlantic {prop} (the Atlantic Ocean) :: Atlantisch
  • Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: Atlantische Oceaan
  • Atlantic tomcod {n} (Microgadus tomcod) :: kabeljauw
  • Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: Atlantis
  • at large {prep} (in general) :: in het algemeen
  • atlas {n} (anatomy) The uppermost vertebra of the neck) :: atlas {m}
  • atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) :: atlas {m}
  • atlas {n} (bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject) :: atlas {m}
  • Atlas {prop} (a moon of Saturn) :: Atlas {m}
  • Atlas {prop} (Greek mythology) :: Atlas {m}
  • Atlas Mountains {prop} (Atlas Mountains) :: Atlasgebergte {n}
  • at last {prep} (after a long time; eventually) :: uiteindelijk
  • at last {prep} (in the end; finally; ultimately) :: eindelijk
  • at latter Lammas {prep} (never) :: met sint-juttemis
  • at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: minstens, tenminste, althans
  • at length {prep} (for a long time) :: lang, ellelang
  • atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) :: atmosfeer {m}
  • atmosphere {n} (a unit of measurement for pressure) :: atmosfeer {m}
  • atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) :: atmosfeer {m}, dampkring
  • atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) :: sfeer {m}
  • atmospheric pressure {n} (pressure caused by weight of the atmosphere) :: luchtdruk {m}
  • at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: hoogstens
  • at night {adv} (during the night) :: 's nachts
  • at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
  • atoll {n} (island) :: atol
  • atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) :: atoom {n}
  • atom {n} (physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: atoom {n}
  • atomic {adj} :: atomisch
  • atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: atoombom {f}
  • atomic clock {n} (radio clock) SEE: radio clock ::
  • atomic clock {n} (reference clock) :: atoomklok {f}
  • atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) :: atoommassa
  • atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) :: atoomkern
  • atomic number {n} (number of protons) :: atoomnummer {n}
  • atomizer {n} (instrument for reducing a liquid to spray) :: flitspuit {f}; verstuiver
  • atonal {adj} (lacking a tonal center or key (music) :: atonaal
  • atonality {n} (a style of music) :: atonaliteit {f}
  • at once {adv} (at the same time) :: tegelijk, ineens, tegelijkertijd
  • at once {adv} (immediately) :: meteen, direct, dadelijk, ineens
  • atonement {n} :: herstel {n}
  • atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind) :: boetedoening {f}
  • atonement {n} (repair done for the sake of a damaged relationship) :: herstel {n}
  • atrium {n} (body cavity) :: boezem {m}, atrium {n}
  • atrocious {adj} (abominable, disgusting) :: weerzinwekkend, afgrijselijk, verschrikkelijk
  • atrocious {adj} (evil, cruel) :: vreselijk, verschrikkelijk, monsterlijk, afgrijselijk
  • atrocious {adj} (offensive, heinous) :: afschuwelijk
  • atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) :: wreedheid {f}
  • atrophic {adj} (pertaining to atrophy) :: atrofisch
  • atrophy {n} (reduced functionality) :: atrofie {f}
  • at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: apenstaartje {n}
  • at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
  • at stake {prep} (at issue, at risk) :: op het spel
  • at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
  • attach {v} (to fasten, to join to) :: vastmaken
  • attachment {n} (dependence, especially a strong one) :: gehechtheid {f}
  • attachment {n} (file sent along with an email) :: bijlage {f}, attachment {n}
  • attachment {n} (legal: taking a person's property to satisfy a debt) :: beslaglegging {f}
  • attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: aanval {m}
  • attack {n} (cricket: bowlers of a cricket side) :: aanvalszijde {f}
  • attack {n} (offense of a battle) :: aanval {m}
  • attack {n} (volleyball: hit other than serve or block that sends the ball over the net) :: aanval {m}
  • attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words) :: aanvallen
  • attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: aanvallen
  • attacker {n} (someone who attacks) :: aanvaller {m}
  • attacking midfielder {n} ( midfield player) :: aanvallende middenvelder {c}
  • attain {v} (to accomplish; to achieve) :: bereiken, realiseren
  • attempt {n} (attack) :: aanslag {m}
  • attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: poging {f} [an action], probeersel {n} (making something)
  • attempt {v} (to try) :: pogen, proberen
  • attend {v} (to be present at) :: volgen, bijwonen, aanwezig zijn
  • attention {n} (mental focus) :: aandacht {f}
  • attention {n} (romantic interest) :: attenties {p}
  • attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position) :: paraatheid {f}
  • attention whore {n} (someone craving attention) :: aandachtshoer {f}
  • attentive {adj} (paying attention) :: aandachtig
  • attentively {adv} (in an attentive manner) :: oplettend
  • attenuate {v} (To weaken) :: verzwakken
  • attest {v} (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine) :: attesteren
  • at that {prep} (in addition) :: ook, nog wel
  • at the end of one's rope {prep} (at the end of one's tether) SEE: at the end of one's tether ::
  • at the expense of {prep} (by taking away from) :: ten koste van
  • at the hands of {prep} (by the actions of) :: door toedoen van
  • at the latest {adv} (not later than) :: uiterlijk
  • at the moment {prep} (right now) :: momenteel
  • at the same time {prep} (simultaneously) :: tezelfdertijd
  • attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: zolder {m}
  • Attic {adj} (Related to Athens) :: Attisch
  • Attic {prop} (Ancient Greek dialect) :: Attisch
  • Attica {prop} (a periphery) :: Attica
  • attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: houding {f}, humeur {n}
  • attitude {n} :: houding {f} , opstelling {f}
  • attitude {n} (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) :: houding {f}, attitude {f}
  • attometer {n} (attometre) SEE: attometre ::
  • attorney {n} (lawyer) :: advocaat {m} {f}
  • attract {v} (arouse interest) :: aandacht trekken
  • attract {v} (cause sexual excitement) :: aantrekken
  • attract {v} (pull without touching) :: aantrekken
  • attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted) :: aantrekkingskracht {f}
  • attraction {n} (something which attracts) :: attractie {f}, trekpleister {m}
  • attraction {n} (tendency to attract) :: aantrekkingskracht {f}
  • attribute {n} (characteristic or quality) :: attribuut {n}, eigenschap {f}
  • attribute {v} (to associate ownership or authorship with) :: toeschrijven
  • attributive {adj} (having the nature of an attribute) :: attributief
  • attributive {adj} (of, or being an attributive) :: attributief
  • attrition {n} (policy of decruitment) :: afvloeiingspolitiek
  • attrition {n} (reduction in membership) :: vrijwillig ontslag
  • attrition {n} (wearing by friction) :: slijtage
  • ATV {initialism} (all-terrain vehicle) :: quad {m}
  • atychiphobia {n} (the fear of failure) :: faalangst {m}
  • aubade {n} (song or poem greeting dawn) :: aubade {f}
  • aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
  • auburn {n} (reddish-brown) :: kastanjebruin
  • Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) :: Auckland
  • au contraire {adv} (on the contrary) :: integendeel
  • auction {n} (public sales event) :: veiling {f}
  • auction {v} (to sell at an auction) :: veilen
  • audacious {adj} (impudent) :: schaamteloos, driest
  • audacious {adj} (showing willingness to take bold risks) :: onvervaard, driest, koen, vermetel, waaghalzig
  • audacity {n} (fearless daring) :: moed {m}
  • audible {adj} (able to be heard) :: hoorbaar
  • audience {n} (following) :: gevolg {n}
  • audience {n} (formal meeting with a dignitary) :: audientie {n}, onderhoud {n}
  • audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance) :: publiek {n}
  • audience {n} (readership of a written publication) :: publiek {n}, lezerspubliek {n}, lezers {p}
  • audiobook {n} (audiobook) :: luisterboek {n}
  • audiology {n} (study of hearing and hearing defects) :: audiologie {f}
  • auditorium {n} (a large room for public meetings or performances) :: gehoorzaal {f}
  • auditory {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing) :: auditief
  • auditory {n} (an assembly of hearers; an audience) :: publiek {n}
  • auditory {n} (an auditorium) :: gehoorzaal {f}
  • auger {n} (plumber's snake) SEE: plumber's snake ::
  • augment {n} (grammar: prefix indicating past tense of verb) :: augment {n}
  • augment {v} (to become greater) :: verhogen
  • augment {v} (to increase an interval by a half step) :: vergroten
  • augment {v} (to increase, make larger or supplement) :: vergroten, verhogen, aanvullen
  • augment {v} (to slow the tempo or meter) :: vergroten
  • Augsburg {prop} (city in southern Germany) :: Augsburg
  • augur {n} (diviner who foretells events by unusual occurrences) :: waarzegger {m}, wichelaar {m}
  • augur {v} (to foretell events; to exhibit signs of future events) :: waarzeggen, voorspellen
  • August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: augustus
  • August {prop} (female given name) SEE: Augusta ::
  • August {prop} (male given name) SEE: Augustus ::
  • Augustine {prop} (male given name) :: Augustinus {m}
  • Augustus {prop} (Roman emperor) :: Augustus
  • auk {n} (seabird of the family Alcidae) :: alk
  • aulete {n} (flautist) SEE: flautist ::
  • aunt {n} (affectionate term for an older woman, by means of fictive kin) :: tante {f}
  • aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: tante {f}
  • aunt {n} (grandmother) SEE: auntie or grandmother ::
  • aunt {n} (great-aunt or grandaunt) SEE: great-aunt or grandaunt ::
  • au pair {n} (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) :: au pair {f}
  • aura {n} (An invisible force surrounding a living creature.) :: aura {f}
  • auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
  • auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium ::
  • Auriga {prop} (constellation) :: Voerman
  • aurochs {n} (Bos primigenius) :: oeros
  • aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison ::
  • aurora {n} (an atmospheric phenomenon) :: poollicht {n}
  • Aurora {prop} (Roman goddess of dawn) :: Aurora
  • aurora australis {n} (southern lights) SEE: southern lights ::
  • aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights ::
  • auscultate {v} (to practice auscultation) :: ausculteren
  • auspice {n} (omen) :: voorteken {n}, omen {n}
  • auspice {n} (patronage) :: patronage {f}
  • auspices {n} (patronage or protection) :: auspiciën {p}
  • auspicious {adj} (indicating future success) :: gunstig
  • auster {n} (auster(wind) SEE: ostro ::
  • austere {adj} (grim, stern, strict) :: streng, droog
  • austere {adj} (not extravagant) :: sober, karig
  • austerity {n} (policy of deficit-cutting: reduce spending and/or raise taxes) :: bezuiniging {f}
  • Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) :: Australië
  • Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: Australië
  • Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: Australisch, Australische
  • Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: Australiër {m}, Australische {f}
  • Australian Capital Territory {prop} (Territory of Australia) :: Australisch Hoofdstedelijk Territorium
  • Australian magpie {n} (Cracticus tibicen) :: zwartrugfluitvogel {m}
  • Australian Sign Language {prop} (Auslan) SEE: Auslan ::
  • Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) :: Australische witte ibis
  • Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Oostenrijk {n}
  • Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) :: Oostenrijks
  • Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: Oostenrijker {m}, Oostenrijkse {f}
  • autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy ::
  • autarky {n} (state of personal self-sufficiency) :: gesloten staatshuishouding, autarkie
  • authenticate {v} (To prove authentic) :: authentiseren
  • authenticate {v} (To render authentic) :: authentiseren
  • authentication {n} (proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network) :: authenticatie
  • author {n} (originator or creator of a work) :: auteur {m}, schrijver {m} [especially literary], schrijfster {f} [especially literary]
  • author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
  • authority {n} (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject) :: autoriteit {f}
  • authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) :: autoriteit {f}, [usually plural] autoriteiten {f-p}, gezag {n}
  • authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: bevoegdheid {f}, gezag {n}
  • authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: machtiging {f}, volmacht {f}, vergunning {f}, authorisatie {f}
  • authorization {n} (formal sanction, permission or warrant) :: machtiging {f}, volmacht {f}
  • authorization {n} (power or right to give orders) :: volmacht {f}, vergunning {f}, authorisatie {f}
  • authorize {v} :: machtigen, vergunnen, authoriseren
  • authorship {n} (quality or state of being an author) :: schrijverschap {n}
  • autism {n} (neurological disorder) :: autisme {n}
  • autobiographic {adj} (autobiographical) SEE: autobiographical ::
  • autochthonous {adj} (native to the place where found) :: autochtoon
  • autocracy {n} (form of government) :: autocratie
  • autocrat {n} (ruler with absolute power) :: autocraat {m}
  • autograph {n} (signature) :: handtekening
  • automagical {adj} (automatic, but with an apparent element of magic) :: automagisch
  • automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: giromaat {f}
  • automatic {adj} (acting without conscious thought) :: automatisch, gedachtenloos, mechanisch
  • automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control) :: automatisch
  • automatic {adj} (describing a firearm which fires continuously) :: automatisch
  • automatic {n} (A car with automatic transmission) :: automaat {m}
  • automatically {adv} (In an automatic manner) :: automatisch
  • automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
  • automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) :: automatisering
  • automatize {v} (automate) SEE: automate ::
  • automaton {n} (machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions) :: automaat {m}
  • automorphic number {n} (number whose square ends in itself) :: automorf getal {n}
  • autonomous {adj} (self-governing) :: autonoom
  • autonomy {n} (self-government) :: autonomie {f}
  • autopsy {n} (a dissection performed on a cadaver) :: autopsie {f}
  • autopsy {v} (perform an autopsy) :: een autopsie uitvoeren
  • autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
  • autumn {n} (season) :: herfst {m}, najaar {n}
  • autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
  • Auvergne {prop} (region of France) :: auvergne
  • auxiliary {adj} (held in reserve for exceptional circumstances) :: reserve- [prefix]
  • auxiliary {adj} (helping; giving assistance or support) :: helpend, ondersteunend, hulp- [prefix]
  • auxiliary {adj} (of a ship, having both sails and an engine) :: met hulpmotor
  • auxiliary {adj} (relating to an auxiliary verb) :: hulp- [prefix]
  • auxiliary {adj} (supplementary or subsidiary) :: extra, bijkomend, ondersteunend, hulp- [prefix]
  • auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) :: hulpwerkwoord
  • auxiliary {n} (sailing vessel equipped with an engine) :: zeilboot met hulpmotor
  • auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) :: hulpwerkwoord {n}
  • availability {n} (that which is available) :: beschikbaarheid {f}
  • availability {n} (the quality of being available) :: beschikbaarheid {f}, voorhanden zijn {n},
  • available {adj} (capable of being used) :: beschikbaar
  • available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: beschikbaar
  • avalanche {n} (fall of earth, rocks, etc.) :: lawine {f}
  • avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice) :: lawine {f}
  • avantgardistic {adj} (innovative, pioneering) SEE: avant-garde ::
  • avant-guard {n} (advanced body of an army) :: voorhoede
  • avant-guard {n} (new and (usually) experimental) :: voorhoede
  • Avar {n} (person) :: Avaar {m}, Avaarse {f}
  • Avar {prop} (language) :: Avaars {n}
  • avarice {n} (excessive or inordinate desire of gain) :: hebberigheid {f}, hebzucht {m} {f}, inhaligheid
  • avaricious {adj} (actuated by avarice) :: inhalig, avaricieus
  • avatar {n} (A digital representation of a person or being) :: avatar {c}, [informal] ava {c}
  • avens {n} (plant of Geum) :: nagelkruid {n}
  • Aventine {prop} (Aventine Hill) SEE: Aventine Hill ::
  • avenue {n} (broad street) :: weg, laan
  • avenue {n} (principal approach to a house withdrawn from the road) :: laan
  • average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) :: gemiddelde
  • average {n} (arithmetic mean) :: gemiddelde {n}
  • Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld ::
  • aversion {n} (fixed dislike) :: afkeer
  • avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
  • aviation {n} (art or science of flying) :: luchtvaart {f}
  • avid {adj} (enthusiastic; passionate) :: gretig
  • avocado {n} (fruit) :: avocado {m}
  • avocado {n} (tree) :: avocadoboom {m}
  • avocation {n} (that which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation) :: afleiding
  • avocet {n} (bird) :: kluut {m}
  • avoid {v} (to keep away from) :: vermijden
  • avoidable {adj} (capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped) :: voorkoombaar, vermijdbaar
  • avoidable {adj} (capable of being vacated; liable to be annulled or made invalid; voidable) :: leegbaar
  • avoidance {n} (The act of avoiding or shunning) :: vermijden {n}
  • Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham ::
  • avuncular {adj} (in the manner of an uncle) :: vaderlijk
  • avuncular {adj} (kind, genial, benevolent or tolerant) :: vriendelijk, welwillend, verdraagzaam
  • await {v} (intransitive, to stay in waiting) :: wachten op
  • await {v} (intransitive: to wait on) :: wachten op
  • await {v} (transitive: to be in store for) :: klaarliggen, liggen te wachten
  • await {v} (transitive: to expect) :: verwachten
  • await {v} (transitive: to wait for) :: verwachten, wachten op, afwachten
  • await {v} (transitive: to wait on, to serve) :: bedienen, dienen
  • awake {adj} (conscious) :: wakker, ontwaakt
  • awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) :: wekken
  • awake {v} (to gain consciousness) :: ontwaken
  • awaken {v} (intransitive: to stop sleeping) :: zich opwekken, wakker worden
  • awaken {v} (transitive: to cause to become awake) :: wekken, wakker maken
  • aware {adj} (having knowledge of something) :: op de hoogte zijn
  • aware {adj} (vigilant, on one's guard) :: waakzaam, op zijn hoede
  • awareness {n} (the state of consciousness) :: besef, bewustzijn
  • awash {adj} (washed by the waves or tide) :: blank, overspoeld
  • awayday {n} (meeting away from the office) :: heidag {c}
  • away side {n} (away side) SEE: visiting team ::
  • away team {n} (visiting team) SEE: visiting team ::
  • awesome {adj} (causing awe or terror) :: angstaanjagend, beangstigend
  • awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) :: indrukwekkend
  • awestricken {adj} (awestruck) SEE: awestruck ::
  • awful {adj} (terror-stricken) SEE: terrorstricken ::
  • awful {adj} :: vreselijk
  • awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
  • awfully {adv} (fearfully) SEE: fearfully ::
  • awfully {adv} (reverently) SEE: reverently ::
  • awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very (adverb) ::
  • awkward {adj} (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands) :: onhandig
  • awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) :: ongemakkelijk, genant
  • awkwardness {n} (the state or quality of being awkward) :: onbeholpenheid {f}, onhandigheid {f}
  • awl {n} (a pointed instrument) :: els {m}
  • awning {n} (a rooflike cover) :: luifel
  • awning {n} (that part of the poop deck which is continued forward beyond the bulkhead of the cabin) :: luifel
  • axe {n} (tool) :: bijl, hakbijl
  • axe {n} (weapon) :: bijl, strijdbijl
  • axial plane {n} (transverse plane) SEE: transverse plane ::
  • axilla {n} (armpit) :: axilla, oksel
  • axiological {adj} (Of or relating to value theory) :: axiologisch
  • axiom {n} (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) :: axioma {n}
  • axiomatic {adj} (evident without proof or argument) :: vanzelfsprekend
  • axiom of choice {n} (axiom of choice) :: keuzeaxioma
  • axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph) :: as
  • axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) :: as
  • axis {n} (second cervical vertebra) :: draaier {m}
  • Axis {prop} (Axis Powers) SEE: Axis Powers ::
  • axis of evil {n} (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) :: as van het kwaad
  • axis of symmetry {n} (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric) :: symmetrieas
  • Axis Powers {prop} (the fascist alliance) :: as
  • axolotl {n} (amphibian of the salamander tribe) :: axolotl {m}
  • axon {n} (a nerve fibre) :: axon {n}
  • ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) :: ayatollah {m}
  • aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped) :: vingerdier
  • Ayers Rock {prop} (giant rock in Australia) :: Uluru
  • Aylmer {prop} (male given name) :: Adelmar
  • Aymara {prop} (indigenous people of South America) :: Aymara {p}
  • Aymara {prop} (language of South America) :: Aymara {n}
  • Ayyavazhi {prop} (religion) :: Ayyavazhi
  • azalea {n} (plant) :: azalea
  • Azerbaijan {prop} (country in Eastern Europe) :: Azerbeidzjan
  • Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) SEE: Azeri ::
  • Azerbaijani Turkic {prop} (Azeri) SEE: Azeri ::
  • Azeri Turkic {prop} (Azeri) SEE: Azeri ::
  • Azores {prop} (an archipelago and an autonomous region) :: azoren
  • Azrael {prop} (angel of death) :: Azraël {m}
  • azure {adj} (heraldry: of blue colour on a coat of arms) :: azuur (blauw)
  • azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) :: azuurblauw
  • azure {n} (blue colour on a coat of arms) :: azuur
  • azure {n} (colour of the sky) :: azuurblauw {n}, hemelsblauw {n}
  • azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
  • Åland {prop} (Autonomous province of Finland) :: Åland
  • Æsir {prop} (the principal Norse gods) :: asen {p}
  • baa {v} (to make the cry of sheep) :: blaten
  • Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: Baba Jaga {f}
  • babble {n} (inarticulate speech) :: brabbelen, murmelen
  • babble {v} (to make a continuous murmuring noise, as shallow water running over stones.) :: kabbelen
  • babble {v} (to talk much) :: kletsen, babbelen
  • babble {v} (to utter words indistinctly) :: brabbelen
  • babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
  • babe {n} (attractive person) :: stuk {f}
  • babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
  • babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
  • babehood {n} (babyhood) SEE: babyhood ::
  • babi panggang {n} (Indonesian dish) :: babi pangang {m}
  • baboon {n} (primate) :: baviaan {m}
  • babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
  • baby {adj} (of a child) :: baby {m} {f}
  • baby {n} (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive) :: stuk {f}, schatje {f}, liefje {f}
  • baby {n} (immature or infantile person) :: baby {m}, kleuter {m}
  • baby {n} (lastborn of a family) :: benjamin {m}
  • baby {n} (pet project) :: kindje {n}
  • baby {n} (term of endearment) :: schatje {n}, liefje {n}, lieverd {m} {f}
  • baby {n} (very young human being) :: baby {m}, zuigeling {m}, geborene {m} {f}, pasgeborene {m} {f}, nieuwgeborene {m} {f}, boreling {m}, wiegenkind {n}
  • baby {n} (young animal) :: jong {f}, kleintje {m} {f}
  • baby boom {n} (any increase in the birth rate) :: geboortegolf
  • baby boom {n} (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964) :: Babyboom
  • baby boomer {n} (those born after Second World War) :: babyboomer
  • baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: fles {f}
  • baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) :: buggy {m}
  • baby carriage {n} (pram) SEE: pram ::
  • Babylon {prop} (capital of Babylonia) :: Babylon, Babel
  • Babylonia {prop} (ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia) :: Babylonië {n}, Babylonische Rijk {n}
  • Babylonian {adj} (of or pertaining to the city of Babylon) :: Babylonisch
  • baby massage {n} (massage therapy for infants) SEE: infant massage ::
  • baby monitor {n} (Intercom system) :: babyfoon
  • baby seat {n} (child safety seat) SEE: child safety seat ::
  • babysit {v} (To watch or attend anything or anyone unnecessarily closely) :: nauwgelet begeleiden
  • babysit {v} (To watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money) :: babysitten, kinderen passen
  • babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: babyoppas; kinderoppas; oppas; wiegewacht
  • baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
  • baccarat {n} (card game) :: baccarat
  • Bach {prop} (German composer) :: Bach
  • bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: vrijgezel {m}
  • bachelordom {n} (bachelorhood) SEE: bachelorhood ::
  • bachelor party {n} (party) :: vrijgezellenfeest
  • bachelors' button {n} (plant and button) SEE: bachelor's button ::
  • bachelorship {n} (bachelorhood) SEE: bachelorhood ::
  • back {adj} (far from the main area) :: achteraf
  • back {adj} (near the rear) :: achter
  • back {adj} (not current) :: oud
  • back {adv} (in a manner that impedes) :: tegen
  • back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: terug
  • back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) :: verdediger {m} {f}, achterhoedespeler {m} {f}
  • back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) :: achterkant, achter
  • back {n} (the part of something that goes last) :: achterkant
  • back {n} (the rear of body) :: rug {m}
  • back {n} (the reverse side) :: achterkant {m}, achter
  • back {v} (to go in the reverse direction) :: achteruit gaan, achteruit rijden
  • back {v} (to support) :: steunen
  • backache {n} (any pain or ache in the back, see also: lumbago) :: rugpijn
  • backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) :: ruggengraat {m}
  • backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: ruggengraat {m}
  • backchat {n} (backtalk) SEE: backtalk ::
  • backchat {v} (backtalk) SEE: backtalk ::
  • back door {n} :: achterdeur {f} {m}
  • backdoor {n} (backdoor (all definitions) SEE: back door ::
  • backfire {v} (fail) :: falen
  • backgammon {n} (board game) :: backgammon {n}
  • backhand {n} (handwriting) :: linkshellend handschrift
  • backhand {n} (stroke in tennis) :: backhand
  • backlash {n} (jarring motion in badly fitting machinery) :: speling
  • backlash {n} (mechanical: distance of free movement between connected parts) :: speling
  • backlash {n} (sudden backward motion) :: tegenstroom, verzet
  • backlash {n} (violent or abrubt reaction) :: tegenstroom, verzet
  • backlog {n} (an accumulation or buildup) :: achterstand {m}
  • back out {v} (to withdraw from something one has promised to do) :: zich terugtrekken {n}
  • backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: rugzak {m}
  • backpacker {n} (a traveler) :: rugzakreiziger {m}, backpacker {m}
  • backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
  • back page {n} (final page) SEE: back cover ::
  • back seat {n} (seat) :: achterbank {f}
  • backslash {n} (punctuation mark) :: backslash {m}, terugschrap {m}, omgekeerde schuine streep {f}, schuine streep naar links {f}, schuine streep naar achter {f}, terugstreep {f}
  • backstage {n} (the area behind the stage) :: achterplan {n}
  • backstroke {n} (a swimming stroke swum on one's back) :: rugslag {m}
  • backstroker {n} (swimmer who swims the backstroke) :: rugslagzwemmer {m}
  • backswimmer {n} (aquatic insect) :: bootsmannetje {n}
  • backtalk {n} (verbal impudence or argument) :: tegenspraak
  • backtalk {v} (disputatively or sarcastically respond) :: tegenspreken
  • back to the drawing board {adv} (back to the beginning) :: terug bij af
  • back up {v} (To move a vehicle backwards) :: achteruitrijden
  • back up {v} (To move backwards, especially for a vehicle to do so) :: teruggaan
  • backup {adj} (intended as backup) :: reserve
  • backup {adj} (standby, reserve or extra) :: reserve
  • backup {n} (copy of file or record) :: backup, reservekopie
  • backup {n} (reserve) :: reserve
  • backward {adj} (of the direction reverse of normal) :: achteruit
  • backward {adj} (of the direction towards the back) :: achteruit
  • backwards {adv} (toward the back) :: achterwaarts
  • bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: bacon {m}
  • bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: bacteriën
  • bacterial {adj} (of or caused by bacteria) :: bacterieel
  • bacteriological {adj} (of or pertaining to bacteriology) :: bacteriologisch
  • bacteriology {n} (scientific study of bacteria) :: bacteriologie {f}
  • bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: bacterie {f}
  • bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: slecht, kwaad
  • bad {adj} (not good) :: slecht
  • bad {adj} (not suitable or fitting) :: ongepast
  • bad {adj} (seemingly non-appropriate, in manners) :: ongepast, ongemanierd, verkeerd
  • bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt ::
  • bad {adj} (tricky; stressful; unpleasant) :: onaangenaam, naar
  • bad {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
  • baddie {n} (a person of bad character in a work of fiction) :: slechterik {m}
  • Baden-Württemberg {prop} (state of Germany) :: Baden-Württemberg
  • badger {n} (mammal) :: das {m}
  • badger {n} (native or resident of Wisconsin) SEE: Wisconsinite ::
  • badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
  • badger {v} (pester) :: lastigvallen, plagen
  • bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: pech {m}, ongeluk {n}
  • badmouth {v} (to criticize or malign, especially unfairly or spitefully) :: kwaadspreken
  • bad news {n} (irritating person) :: slecht nieuws
  • bad news {n} (news of unpleasant, unfortunate or sad events) :: slecht nieuws {n}, jobstijding {c}, onheilsbericht {n}, onheilsmare, onheilstijding {c}
  • bad trip {n} (psychedelic crisis) :: bad trip
  • badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
  • baffle {n} (regulating device) :: schot
  • baffled {adj} (thoroughly confused, puzzled) :: [idiomatic] met stomheid geslagen, perplex
  • bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
  • bag {n} (flexible container) :: zak {m}, tas {f}
  • bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
  • bag {v} (to put into a bag) :: verpakken, inpakken, in een zak stoppen, in een zak steken (may be Belgian)
  • bagatelle {n} (trifle) :: kleinigheid, onbenulligheid
  • bagboy {n} (person employed to put clients' purchases in bags) :: inpakker {m}
  • bagel {n} (toroidal bread roll) :: ongezuurde broodje {n}, bagel
  • baggage {n} (luggage) :: bagage {f}
  • baggage cart {n} (luggage cart) SEE: luggage cart ::
  • baggie {n} (a small bag) :: boterhamzakje
  • Baghdad {prop} (city) :: Bagdad
  • Baghdadian {adj} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
  • Baghdadian {n} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
  • bag lady {n} (homeless woman) :: zwerfster {f}
  • baglady {n} (bag lady) SEE: bag lady ::
  • bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
  • bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: doedelzak {m}
  • Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Bahama's {p}
  • Bahrain {prop} (Country in the Middle East) :: Bahrein
  • bail {n} (security) :: borgtocht {m}
  • bailiff {n} (legal officer to whom some degree of authority, care or jurisdiction is committed) :: baljuw {m}, drost {m}, drossaard {m}, amman {m}, meier {m}, schout {m}, gerechtsdeurwaarder {m}
  • bailiff {n} (steward or overseer of an estate) :: meier {m}
  • bailiwick {n} (precincts within a bailiff has jurisdiction) :: meierij {f}
  • bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: aas {n}, lokaas {n}
  • bait {v} (to attract with bait) :: lokken, aantrekken
  • baize {n} (woollen cloth used for covering card tables etc.) :: laken {n}
  • Bajan {adj} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
  • Bajan {prop} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
  • Bajocian {prop} :: Bajocien
  • bake {v} (to become baked) :: bakken
  • bake {v} (to be hot) :: bakken
  • bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: bakken
  • bake {v} (to dry by heat) :: bakken
  • baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: bakker {m}
  • bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: bakkerij {f}
  • baking powder {n} (a dry leavening agent used in baking) :: bakpoeder {n}
  • baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: baklava
  • bakmi {n} (type of noodle or dish) :: bami {m}
  • b'ak'tun {n} (Maya calendar period of 144000 days) :: baktun
  • Baku {prop} (the capital of Azerbaijan) :: Bakoe
  • balaclava {n} (headgear) :: bivakmuts
  • balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: balalaika {f}
  • balance {n} (equilibrium) :: evenwicht {n}, balans {m}
  • balance {n} (list of credits and debits) :: balans {m}
  • balance {n} (scales) :: weegschaal {f}
  • balance {n} (support for both viewpoints) :: evenwicht {n}
  • balance beam {n} (gymnastics: narrow wooden rail) :: evenwichtsbalk
  • balanitis {n} (inflammation of penis) :: balanitis
  • balaphone {n} (balafon) SEE: balafon ::
  • balconette bra {n} (balcony bra) SEE: balcony bra ::
  • balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: balkon {n}
  • bald {adj} (having no hair) :: kaal
  • bald {adj} (of tyre) whose surface is worn away) :: kaal, afgesleten
  • balderdash {n} (nonsense) :: gebazel {n}
  • balding {adj} (becoming bald) :: kalen, kaal worden
  • baldness {n} (The state of being bald) :: kaalheid {f}
  • Baldrs draumar {prop} (eleventh book of the Poetic Edda) :: Baldrs draumar
  • Baldwin {prop} (given name) :: Boudewijn
  • bale {v} (to remove water from a boat) SEE: bail ::
  • Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: de Balearen {p}
  • baleen {n} (plates in mouth of baleen whale) :: balein {f}
  • baleen whale {n} (whale of the Mysticeti suborder) :: baleinwalvis
  • baleful {adj} (ominous) :: onheilspellend , miserabel ; wanhopig
  • Bali {prop} (name of island) :: Bali
  • Balinesian {adj} (of Bali) :: balinees
  • Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
  • Balkanize {v} (to break up) :: balkaniseren
  • ball {n} (ballistics: a solid nonexplosive missile) :: kogel {m}
  • ball {n} (formal dance) :: bal {n}
  • ball {n} (in plural - mildly vulgar slang - nonsense) :: ballen {m-p}, kloten {m-p}
  • ball {n} (in plural — slang — courage) :: kloten aan z’n lijf {m-p}
  • ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: bal {m}, kloot {m}
  • ball {n} (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape) :: bolletje {n}, bolleke {n} [Flanders], kluwen {n}
  • ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: bol {m}
  • ball {n} (testicle) :: bal {m}, kloot {m}
  • ballast {n} (electronics) :: ballast {m}
  • ballast {n} (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) :: ballast {m}
  • ballast {n} (material laid to form a bed for a road) :: bedding {f}, ballastbed {n}
  • ball bearing {n} (bearing assembly with spherical balls) :: kogellager {n}
  • ball boy {n} (A male person responsible for retrieving balls) :: ballenjongen {m}
  • ballet {n} (classical form of dance) :: ballet
  • ballet dancer {n} (a person who dances in ballets) :: balletdanser {m}, ballerina {f}, balletdanseres {f}
  • ball game {n} (game played with a ball) :: balspel {n}
  • ball girl {n} (one who clears balls) :: ballenmeisje {n}
  • ballistic missile {n} (missile) :: ballistische raket
  • ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest ::
  • ball lightning {n} (a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air) :: bolbliksem
  • balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: ballon {m}
  • balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: luchtballon {m}
  • balloon {n} (speech bubble) SEE: speech bubble ::
  • balloonfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
  • balloonist {n} (a person who flies in a (hot-air) balloon, balloons) :: ballonvaarder
  • ballot {v} (to vote) :: stemmen
  • ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
  • ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: balpen {f}
  • balls {n} (bravery) :: ballen, kloten
  • balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry “ball”) SEE: ball ::
  • ballsack {n} (scrotum) :: balzak {m}
  • balls-up {n} ( or maybe cock up) SEE: or maybe cock up ::
  • balm {n} (figurative: something soothing) SEE: balsam ::
  • balm {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) SEE: balsam ::
  • balm {n} (soothing lotion) SEE: balsam ::
  • balm {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) SEE: balsam ::
  • Balochistan {prop} (province of Pakistan) :: Beloetsjistan
  • baloney {n} (nonsense) :: onzin {m}, nonsens {m}
  • balsam {n} (balsam fir) SEE: balsam fir ::
  • balsam {n} (figurative: something soothing) :: balsem
  • balsam {n} (flowering plant of the genus Impatiens) :: balsemien {m}, springzaad {n}
  • balsam {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) :: balsemboom
  • balsam {n} (soothing ointment) :: balsem {m}
  • balsam {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) :: balsem
  • balsam {n} (turpentine from the resin of balsam fir) SEE: Canada balsam ::
  • Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
  • Baltic herring {n} (Clupea harengus membras) :: oostzeeharing, baltische haring, stromeling
  • Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Baltische zee {f}, Oostzee {f}
  • Balto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Balto-Slavic language) SEE: Proto-Balto-Slavic ::
  • balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: balustrade
  • Bambara {prop} (language) :: Bambara {n}
  • bamboo {adj} (made of bamboo) :: bamboe-
  • bamboo {n} (plant) :: bamboe {n}
  • bamboo {n} (wood) :: bamboe {n}
  • banal {adj} (common) :: banaal
  • banana {n} (colour) :: bananengeel {n}
  • banana {n} (fruit) :: banaan {f}
  • banana {n} (plant) :: bananenplant {m}
  • banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: bananenschil {f}
  • banana republic {n} (small country dependent on a single export commodity with a corrupt dictatorial government) :: bananenrepubliek {m}
  • banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
  • banana split {n} (A dessert containing a banana cut in half) :: banana split
  • band {n} (group of energy levels in a solid state material) :: band {m}
  • band {n} (group of musicians) :: band {m}
  • band {n} (group of people loosely united for a common purpose) :: bende
  • band {n} (part of radio spectrum) :: band {m}
  • band {n} (strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached) :: band {m}
  • band {n} (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) :: band {m}
  • band {v} (intransitive) to group together for a common purpose) :: zich verenigen
  • bandage {n} (medical binding) :: verband {n}
  • band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: pleister
  • band-aid {v} (to apply an adhesive bandage) :: pleister plakken
  • bandeaux {n} (a bandeau) SEE: bandeau ::
  • banded anteater {n} (numbat) SEE: numbat ::
  • bandleader {n} (musician who leads a band of musicians) :: bandleider {m}
  • bandsaw {n} (a saw whose blade is a continuous band) :: lintzaag
  • band-tailed antshrike {n} (bird) :: bandstaart-mierklauwier
  • bandwidth {n} (measure of data flow rate in digital networks) :: bandbreedte {c}
  • bandwidth {n} (width of a frequency band) :: bandbreedte {f}
  • bandy {n} (winter sport played on ice) :: bandy {n}
  • bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
  • bane {n} (source of harm or ruin; affliction) :: verderf {n}
  • bane {v} (to be the bane of) :: verderven, ruïneren
  • bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
  • bang {n} (An explosion) :: knal {m}, klap, explosie
  • bang {n} (A strike upon an object causing such a noise) :: klap, slag
  • bang {n} (A sudden percussive noise) :: knal {m}, klap
  • bang {n} (bangs) SEE: bangs ::
  • bang {n} (The symbol !) :: uitroepteken
  • banger {n} (sausage) :: worstje {n}
  • Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Bangkok
  • Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
  • Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Bangladesh
  • bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: pony {m}, froefroe {m}
  • banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: baluster, leuning
  • banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: banjo {m}
  • bank {n} (branch office of such an institution) :: bank {f}
  • bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: oever {m}
  • bank {n} (institution) :: bank {f}
  • bank {n} (storage for important goods) :: -bank {f}
  • bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
  • bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: bankrekening {f}
  • bank account {n} (statement summarizing credit and debit transactions with the account) :: rekeninguittreksel {n}
  • bank cheque {n} (cheque which is payable by a bank) :: bankcheque {m}
  • banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: bankier {m}
  • bank holiday {n} (a weekday granted to workers as a national holiday) :: wettelijke feestdag {m}
  • bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
  • banknote {n} (paper currency) :: bankbiljet {n}, biljet {n}
  • bankroll {n} (.A roll of banknotes.) :: een rol bankbiljetten
  • bankroll {n} (The monetary assets of a person or organization.) :: fonds,budget
  • bankroll {v} (to fund a project) :: financieren
  • bankrupt {adj} (having been legally declared insolvent) :: bankroet, in faling, failliet
  • bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognized condition of insolvency) :: bankroet {n}, failliet {n}, faling {f}, surseance van betaling {m} {f}
  • banner {n} (flag) :: vlag {n}, banier {n}, dundoek
  • banner {n} (principal standard of a knight) :: standaard {n}
  • banneret {n} (nobleman) :: baanderheer {m}
  • bannerette {n} (banneret) SEE: banneret ::
  • bannister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: leuning {f}
  • banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: banket {n}, feestmaal {n}, feestdis {m}
  • banshee {n} (in Irish folklore, a female spirit) :: banshee {f}
  • banter {n} (good humoured conversation) :: geplaag , scherts , badinage
  • banter {v} (to engage in banter) :: schertsen
  • banter {v} (to tease mildly) :: plagen
  • Bantu {prop} (language family) :: Bantoe
  • banya {n} (a Russian steam bath) :: banja
  • baptise {v} (baptize) SEE: baptize ::
  • baptism {n} (Christian sacrament with water) :: doop {m}
  • baptismal font {n} (a church article) :: doopvont
  • baptismal name {n} (name given at christening) :: doopnaam {m}
  • Baptist {adj} (of the Baptist religious denomination) :: baptistisch
  • baptize {v} (To sprinkle or pour water over, or to immerse in water) :: dopen
  • bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: bar {m}, café {n}, taveerne {m}
  • bar {n} (closet containing alcoholic beverages in a private house or a hotel room) :: bar {m}
  • bar {n} (collective term for lawyers) :: advocatuur, balie
  • bar {n} (counter of such a premises) :: bar {m}, toog {m}, tapkast {f}
  • bar {n} (cuboid piece of any commodity) :: blok {n}, stuk {n}, reep {f} (chocolate)
  • bar {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) SEE: fess ::
  • bar {n} (long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder) :: blok {n}
  • bar {n} (metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section) :: staaf {f}, baar {f}, stang {m}
  • bar {n} (music: section of a staff) :: maat {m}
  • bar {n} (music: vertical line across a staff) :: maatstreep {f}
  • bar {n} (nautical: sand formation) :: zandbank {f}
  • bar {n} (official order prohibiting some activity) :: verbod {n}, ban
  • bar {n} (profession of lawyers) :: advocatuur, orde van advocaten {f}
  • bar {n} (soccer: crossbar) SEE: crossbar ::
  • bar {n} (solid object with uniform cross-section) :: stang {m}, staaf {f}, baar {f}, blok {n}
  • bar {n} (unit of pressure) :: bar
  • bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
  • bar {v} (to lock or bolt with a bar) :: blokkeren, barreren, vergrendelen, versperren
  • bar {v} (to obstruct the passage of) :: blokkeren, versperren
  • bar {v} (to prohibit) :: verbieden
  • barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
  • barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
  • barb {n} (kingfish) SEE: kingfish ::
  • barb {n} (point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc) :: weerhaak
  • Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Barbados
  • barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: barbaars
  • barbarian {n} (a derogatory term for someone from a developing country) :: barbaar {m} {f}, primitieveling {m}, wilde {m} {f}
  • barbarian {n} (an uncivilized person) :: barbaar {m} {f}
  • barbarian {n} (a warrior associated with Sword and Sorcery stories) :: barbaar {m} {f}
  • barbariousness {n} (barbarousness) SEE: barbarousness ::
  • Barbary ape {n} (tailless monkey) SEE: Barbary macaque ::
  • barbary dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria) SEE: ringneck dove ::
  • Barbary lion {n} (Panthera leo leo) :: Berberleeuw, Atlasleeuw, Barabijse leeuw
  • Barbary macaque {n} (Macaca sylvanus) :: berberaap
  • barbecue {n} (cooking instrument) :: barbecue, grill
  • barbecue {v} (to grill) :: grillen, barbecueën, braaien
  • barbecue sauce {n} (type of sauce) :: barbecuesaus
  • barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: prikkeldraad {m}
  • barbel {n} (fish) :: barbeel {m}
  • barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: kapper {m}, haarkapper {m}, coiffeur {m} (Only in Flanders), barbier {m} (deprecated)
  • barber {v} (to cut the hair) :: haarknippen, haren knippen, scheren (to shave)
  • barber shop {n} (business) :: kapsalon {m}
  • Barbie {prop} (diminutive of Barbara) :: Babs, Babbe
  • barbiturate {n} :: barbituraat {n}
  • Barcelona {prop} (capital of Catalonia) :: Barcelona {n}
  • Barcelonan {adj} (from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian ::
  • Barcelonan {n} (someone from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian ::
  • Barcelonian {adj} (from Barcelona) :: Barcelonees
  • Barcelonian {n} (someone from Barcelona) :: Barcelonees {m}, Barcelonese {f}
  • bar chart {n} (graph in the form of boxes of different heights) :: staafdiagram {n}
  • barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: streepjescode {f}, barcode {f}
  • bar-crested antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family) :: streepkuif-mierklauwier
  • bare {adj} (having no decoration) :: kaal
  • bare {adj} (naked, uncovered) :: bloot
  • bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
  • barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: barrevoets, blootsvoets [as adverb only]
  • barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: barrevoets, blootsvoets, op blote voeten
  • barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: nauwelijks
  • barfly {n} (person who spends much time in a bar) :: tooghanger {m}
  • barge {n} (coastal trading vessel) :: aak {m}
  • barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: duwbak
  • bari {n} (baritone saxophone) SEE: baritone saxophone ::
  • baritone {n} (male voice) :: bariton
  • baritone {n} (musical range) :: bariton
  • baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone ::
  • barium {n} (chemical element) :: barium {n}
  • bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: schors {f}, bast {f}
  • bark {n} (in medicine) SEE: Jesuit's bark ::
  • bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: geblaf {n}
  • bark {n} (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) :: bark {f}
  • bark {v} (to abrade or rub off any outer covering from) :: schrapen
  • bark {v} (to girdle) SEE: girdle ::
  • bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs) :: blaffen
  • bark {v} (to speak sharply) :: blaffen
  • bark {v} (to strip the bark from, to peel) :: ontschorsen
  • barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} (people who make big threats never usually carry them out) :: blaffende honden bijten niet
  • barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: gerst {m}
  • barley sugar {n} (sweet) :: zuurstok
  • barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
  • Béarn {prop} (former viscounty) :: Béarn
  • barnacle {n} (barnacle goose) SEE: barnacle goose ::
  • barnacle {n} (marine crustacean) :: zeepok
  • barnacle goose {n} (Branta leucopsis) :: brandgans {c}
  • béarnaise sauce {n} (sauce resembling hollandaise, but sassier, using white wine) :: béarnaisesaus, béarnaise
  • barn owl {n} (An owl of the genus Tyto) :: kerkuil {m}
  • bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) :: chocoladereep {f}
  • baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: baron {m}
  • baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: barones {f}
  • barony {n} (a dominion ruled by a baron or baroness) :: baronie {f}
  • Baroque {prop} (period in architecture) :: barok {f}
  • Baroque {prop} (period in art) :: barok {f}
  • Baroque {prop} (period in music) :: barok {f}
  • baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
  • barotropic {adj} :: barotroop
  • barque {n} (archaic, any small sailing vessel) :: zeilbootje {m}, bark {m}, schuit {m}
  • barque {n} (poetic, any sailing vessel or boat) :: zeilboot {m}, schuit {m}
  • barque {n} (sailing vessel, all masts but sternmost square-rigged) :: zeilboot {m}, bark {m}
  • barquentine {n} (sailing vessel) :: Barkentijn
  • barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: kazerne {m}, barrak
  • barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
  • barrage {n} (concentrated discharge of projectile weapons) :: spervuur {n}
  • barrage {n} (heavy curtain of artillery fire) :: spervuur {n}
  • barrage {n} (overwhelming outburst of words) :: spervuur {n}
  • barred antshrike {n} (a passerine bird) :: gebandeerde mierklauwier
  • barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: ton, vat {n}
  • barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: draaiorgel
  • barrel vault {n} (architecture) :: tongewelf {n}
  • barren {adj} (unable to bear children; sterile) :: onvruchtbaar, steriel
  • barrier {n} (obstacle or impediment) :: barrière {c}
  • barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: barrière {c}
  • barring {prep} (excepting) :: behoudens
  • barrister {n} (lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts) :: advocaat {m}, advocate {f}
  • barrow {n} (castrated boar) :: barg {m}
  • barrow {n} (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave) :: grafheuvel {m}, tumulus {m}, grafterp {m}
  • barrow {n} (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand) :: kar {f}, steekkar {f}, duwkar {f}
  • bar-tailed godwit {n} (bar-tailed godwit) :: rosse grutto
  • bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: kastelein {c}
  • barter {n} (an equal exchange) :: ruil {m}, ruilhandel {m}
  • barter {v} (exchange goods or services without involving money) :: ruilen, ruilebuiten
  • Bartholomew {prop} (male given name) :: Bartolomeüs
  • Bartonian {prop} :: Bartonien
  • barycentre {n} (barycenter) SEE: barycenter ::
  • baryon {n} (heavy subatomic particle) :: baryon {n}
  • barytes {n} (barite) SEE: barite ::
  • basalt {n} (hard rock) :: basalt
  • bascule bridge {n} (type of movable bridge) :: basculebrug {m} {f}
  • base {n} (baseball: one of the three places that a runner can stand in safety) :: honk
  • base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: base {f}
  • base {n} (foundation) :: basis {f}
  • base {n} (headquarters) :: basis {f}, hoofdkwartier {n}
  • base {n} (lower, horizontal line in a triangle or the horizontal plane of a 3D object) :: basis {f}
  • base {n} (permanent structure for housing a military) :: basis {f}, kazerne {f}
  • base {n} (starting point) :: basis {f}, vertrekpunt {n}
  • base {v} (have as its foundation or starting point) :: baseren, zich baseren op
  • baseball {n} (ball game) :: honkbal
  • baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board ::
  • base class {n} :: basisklasse {f}
  • Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) :: Bazel {n}
  • baseless {adj} (based on something that is not true) SEE: unfounded ::
  • basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: kelder {m}
  • bash {n} (an attack) :: neerslagen {n}
  • bash {n} (gala) :: gala bal {n}
  • bash {v} (collide) SEE: collide ::
  • bash {v} (to criticize) :: kritiseren
  • bash {v} (to strike) :: neerslagen
  • Basheer {prop} (Bashir) SEE: Bashir ::
  • bashful {adj} (inclined to avoid notice) :: verlegen, timide
  • Bashkir {prop} (language) :: Basjkiers {n}
  • Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
  • basic {adj} (chemistry: of a base) :: basisch
  • basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: elementair
  • basic {adj} (necessary, essential for life or some process) :: basis-, elementair
  • basic {n} (elementary building block) :: basis, basisonderdeel {n}
  • basic {n} (necessary commodity) :: basisonderdeel {n}, basisbehoefte {f}
  • basil {n} (herb) :: basilicum {m}, basilicumblaadjes {n}
  • basil {n} (plant) :: basilicum {m}, bazielkruid {n}, koningskruid {n}, basiliekruid {n}
  • basilean {n} (partisan of a king) SEE: royalist ::
  • basileolatry {n} (basileiolatry) SEE: basileiolatry ::
  • basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: basiliek {f}
  • basilisk {n} (snake-like dragon type) :: basilisk {m}, koningshagedis
  • basilisk {n} (type of lizard (genus Basiliscus) :: basilisk, boomhagedis
  • basilolatry {n} (basileiolatry) SEE: basileiolatry ::
  • basin {n} (area of water that drains into a river) :: stroomgebied {n}, bekken {n}
  • basin {n} (bowl for washing, often affixed to a wall) :: bassin {n}
  • basis {n} (linearly independent set of vectors) :: basis {f}
  • basis {n} (starting point for an argument) :: basis {f}
  • basis {n} (underlying condition) :: basis {f}
  • basis point {n} (one hundredth of one percentage point) :: basispunt {n}
  • bask {v} (to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness) :: (zich) koesteren (in), genieten (van), zijn hartje ophalen
  • basket {n} (basketball: act of putting the ball through the basket) :: gescoorde korf
  • basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: korf {m}, ring {m}
  • basket {n} (container) :: mand {m}, korf {m}
  • basket {n} (notional place to store items before ordering them online) :: mandje {n}
  • basket {n} (wire or plastic container for carrying articles for purchase) SEE: shopping basket ::
  • basketball {n} (the ball used in the sport) :: basketbal {m}
  • basketball {n} (the sport) :: basketbal {n}
  • basket case {n} (one made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic or stress) :: zenuwpees (nerves); (fig.) hopeloos geval ({n}.)
  • Basque {adj} (relative to the Basque people or their language) :: Baskisch
  • Basque {n} (member of a people) :: Bask {m}, Baskische {f}
  • Basque {prop} (language) :: Baskisch {n}
  • Basque Country {prop} (autonomous community within Spain) :: Baskenland
  • Basque Country {prop} (geographical region in Spain and France) :: Baskenland
  • Basque Country {prop} (the region where the Basque language is spoken) :: Baskenland
  • bass {n} (low spectrum of sound) :: bas {m} {f}
  • bass {n} (musical instrument) :: basgitaar {m} {f}, bas {m} {f}
  • bass {n} (perch) :: baars {m}
  • bass {n} (section of musical group) :: bas {m} {f}
  • bass {n} (singer) :: bas {m}
  • bass clef {n} (music symbol) :: bassleutel
  • basset horn {n} (alto instrument of the clarinet family) :: bassethoorn {m}
  • bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
  • bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: basgitaar, bas
  • bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: fagot {m}
  • bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
  • bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
  • bastard {adj} (of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc.) :: ondermaats, nep
  • bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (bad person) :: gemeen, smerig, kloot-
  • bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant) :: onwettig, onecht, bastaard-
  • bastard {adj} (of or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/cross) :: bastaard-
  • bastard {adj} (spurious, lacking genuinity of authenticity) :: onecht, nep, vals, na(ge)maak(t)
  • bastard {interj} (exclamation of dismay) :: smeerlap!
  • bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: bastaard {m}, hoerenjong {n}, klootzak {m}, rotzak {m}
  • bastard {n} (informal: child that does not know his father) :: bastaard {m}, buitenechtelijk kind {n}, onecht kind {n}, onwettig kind {n}
  • bastard {n} (informal: something extremely difficult or unpleasant) :: kreng {n}, rotding {n}
  • bastard {n} (intermediate-grade steel file) :: bastaardvijl {m}, voorvijl {m}
  • bastard {n} (longsword) SEE: longsword ::
  • bastard {n} (mongrel) :: mormel {n}, straathond
  • bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: bastaard {m}, buitenechtelijk kind {n}, onecht kind {n}, onwettig kind {n}
  • bastard {n} (variation that is not genuine) :: nep, vervalsing
  • bastardization {n} (degradation of a language) :: verbastering {f}
  • bastard sugar {n} (light brown sugar) :: basterdsuiker
  • bastille {n} (castle tower, or fortified building; small citadel or fortress) :: donjon {m}
  • bastille {n} (prison or jail) :: kerker
  • bat {n} (club) :: knuppel {m}, slaghout {n}
  • bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: vleermuis {f}
  • bat away {v} (to knock an object) :: wegslaan
  • batch {n} (quantity of anything produced in one operation) :: lot {n}
  • batch {n} (quantity of baked goods made at one time) :: lot {n}
  • bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
  • bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
  • bath {n} (act of bathing) :: bad {n}
  • bath {n} (room) :: badkamer {f}
  • bath {n} (tub) :: bad {n}, badkuip {m} {f}
  • bath-brush {n} (waterproof type of brush) :: badborstel {m}
  • bathe {v} (to sunbathe) SEE: sunbathe ::
  • bathing box {n} (beach hut) SEE: bathing hut ::
  • bathing cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) SEE: swim cap ::
  • bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
  • bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
  • Bathonian {prop} :: Bathonien
  • bathos {n} (An abrupt change in style ) :: plotse overgang
  • bathos {n} (Apparent hyperbole or praise marked by comic dilution or digression.) :: de hemel inprijzen
  • bathos {n} (Depth, bottom.) :: dieptepunt
  • bathos {n} (Overly sentimental and exaggerated pathos.) :: valse pathos
  • bathos {n} (Triteness; triviality; banality.) :: banaliteit
  • bathroom {n} (a room containing a bath where one can bathe) :: badkamer {f}
  • bathroom {n} (a room containing a toilet) :: toilet {n}
  • bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: badkuip
  • bathymeter {n} (bathometer) SEE: bathometer ::
  • bathyscaphe {n} (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) :: bathyscaaf
  • Batman {prop} (the bat-themed hero) :: Batman
  • baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: stokje {n}
  • Bats {prop} (a commune in France) :: Bats
  • batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) :: beslag {n}
  • battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: stormram {m}
  • battery {n} (array of similar things) :: batterij {f}
  • battery {n} (coordinated group of artillery) :: batterij {f}
  • battery {n} (crime of striking another) :: fysieke mishandeling {f}
  • battery {n} (device producing electricity) :: batterij {f}
  • battery {n} (set of cages for hens) :: legbatterij {f}
  • batting {n} (cotton for surgery) :: watten
  • battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: slag {m}, veldslag {m}, gevecht {n}
  • battle {n} (struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life) :: gevecht {n}, strijd {f}
  • battle {v} (intransitive) to join in battle; to contend in fight) :: strijden, vechten
  • battle {v} (transitive) to assail in battle; to fight) :: bestrijden, bevechten
  • battle axe {n} (ancient military weapon) :: strijdbijl {m}
  • battle axe {n} (electric guitar) SEE: electric guitar ::
  • battle cry {n} (Something the troops yell out when going to war or battle) :: strijdkreet
  • battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: slagveld {n}
  • battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
  • battle of the sexes {n} (any competition between males and females) :: strijd der geslachten {m}
  • battleship {n} (guessing game) :: zeeslag
  • battleship {n} (warship) :: slagschip {n}
  • batty {adj} (mad, crazy, silly) :: mal
  • bauble {n} (small shiny spherical decoration, commonly put on Christmas trees) :: kerstbal {m}
  • Baumé {n} (Baumé scale) SEE: Baumé scale ::
  • Baumé scale {n} (liquids density scale) :: Baumé-schaal
  • bauxite {n} (ore) :: bauxiet {n}
  • Bavaria {prop} (state in Germany) :: Beieren {n}
  • Bavarian {prop} (a German dialect spoken in Bavaria) :: Beiers
  • bavarois {n} (pudding) :: bavarois {m}
  • bay {n} (body of water) :: baai {f}
  • bayard {adj} (reddish brown) :: voskleurig
  • bayard {n} (bay horse) :: vos {m}, vospaard {n}
  • bay cat {n} (Pardofelis badia) :: Borneogoudkat
  • bay leaf {n} (herb) :: laurier {n}
  • bayonet {n} (weapon) :: bajonet {f}
  • BC {initialism} (before Christ) :: v. Chr. (voor Christus)
  • béchamel sauce {n} (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) :: bechamelsaus
  • be {v} (archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs) :: zijn
  • be {v} (elliptical form of “be here”, or similar) :: zijn
  • be {v} (exist) :: zijn, bestaan
  • be {v} (occupy a place) :: zijn, staan, zitten, liggen, wezen [informal]
  • be {v} (occur, take place) :: zijn, plaatsvinden
  • be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: zijn
  • be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: zijn aan het + infinitive (or a simple tense without zijn when not stressing the continuousness of an action)
  • be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: worden
  • be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: zijn
  • be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: zijn
  • be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative) :: zijn
  • be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: gelijk zijn
  • be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: zijn
  • be able to {v} (have ability to) :: kunnen
  • beach {n} (sandy shore) :: strand {n}
  • beach {v} (run something aground on a beach) :: stranden
  • beach chair {n} (A chair for use on beaches) :: strandstoel {m}
  • beach hut {n} (building for changing into swimming clothes) SEE: bathing hut ::
  • beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: beachvolleybal {n}, strandvolleybal {n}
  • beacon {n} (high hill or similar) :: baken {n}
  • beacon {n} (signal fire) :: baken {n}, bakenvuur {n}
  • beacon {n} (signaling or guiding mark erected as guide to mariners) :: baken {n}
  • bead {n} (pierced small round object) :: parel {f}, korrel {m}
  • bead {n} (rosary ball) :: kraal
  • bead {n} (small drop of liquid) :: druppel
  • beadle {n} (a parish constable) :: kerkbaljuw {m}
  • bead tree {n} (Melia azedarach) :: Indische sering
  • beagle {n} (dog) :: beagle {m}
  • beagle {n} (snooping person) :: snuffelaar {m}, speurneus {m}
  • beak {n} (similar structure in an octopus) :: bek
  • beak {n} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
  • beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: snavel, bek
  • beaker {n} (drinking vessel without a handle) :: beker {m}
  • beaker {n} (flat-bottomed vessel) :: bekerglas {n}
  • beaker {n} (mug) :: beker {m}, [Netherlands] mok {f}, [Flanders] tas {f}
  • be all ears {v} (to listen carefully or eagerly; to anticipate) :: eén en al oor zijn
  • beam {n} (connector of notes) :: balk
  • beam {n} (large piece of timber or iron) :: balk, [railroad] biels
  • beam {n} (pole of a carriage) :: dissel
  • beam {n} (principal horizontal beam in a building) :: balk
  • beam {n} (ray) :: bundel, straal
  • beam {v} (to smile broadly) :: stralen
  • bean {n} (guinea coin) SEE: guinea ::
  • bean {n} (seed) :: boon {f}
  • beanbag {n} (piece of furniture) :: zitzak {m}
  • bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
  • bean goose {n} (Anser fabalis) :: rietgans {m}
  • bean sprout {n} (a sprout grown out of a bean) :: sproutje {n}
  • bean sprout {n} (the vegetarian food) :: taugé
  • bear {n} (animal resembling a bear) :: beer {m}
  • bear {n} (difficult problem) :: monster {n}
  • bear {n} (large hairy man) :: bear, beer {m}
  • bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: beer {m}, berin {f}
  • bear {v} (be equipped with) :: dragen, uitgerust zijn met
  • bear {v} (be in a specific direction) :: gelegen zijn
  • bear {v} (carry) :: dragen, torsen
  • bear {v} (declare) :: afleggen
  • bear {v} (give birth to) :: baren
  • bear {v} (produce) :: dragen
  • bear {v} (put up with) :: verdragen, ondergaan
  • bearable {adj} (able to be borne) :: draaglijk
  • bearcat {n} (binturong) SEE: binturong ::
  • bear cub {n} (young bear) :: berenjong {n}, berenwelp {m}
  • beard {n} (facial hair) :: baard {m}
  • bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: bebaard
  • bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
  • bearer {n} (domestic servant in India) :: koelie {m}
  • bearer {n} (one who bears) :: drager {m}
  • bearer {n} (possessor of a cheque, bond, etc.) :: toonder {m}
  • bearer {n} (someone who helps carry the coffin) :: drager {m}
  • bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
  • bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: lager
  • bearing {n} (nautical sense) :: peiling
  • bear in mind {v} (remember, consider) :: onthouden, rekening houden met
  • bear oneself {v} (behave and conduct oneself) SEE: carry oneself ::
  • bear with {v} (be patient with) :: geduld hebben, uithouden, verdragen
  • bear witness {v} (deliver testimony) :: (een) getuigenis afleggen, getuigen
  • bear witness {v} (prove, demonstrate) :: getuigen
  • beast {n} (non-human animal) :: beest {n}, wild dier, dier {n}
  • beast {n} (violent/antisocial person) :: beest {n}
  • beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls heavy loads) :: lastdier {n}
  • beat {adj} (exhausted) :: afgemat, bekaf, uitgeput
  • beat {adj} (fabulous) :: mieters
  • beat {n} (interference between two tones of almost equal frequency ) :: zweving {f}
  • beat {n} (law enforcement: route of a patrol by a guard or officer) :: ronde {f}
  • beat {n} (pulse) SEE: pulse ::
  • beat {n} (rhythm) :: beat, ritme {n}, puls {f}
  • beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: slaan, kloppen
  • beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) :: kloppen
  • beat {v} (to whip) :: slaan
  • beat {v} (to win against) :: verslaan, overwinnen
  • beat a dead horse {v} (continue far beyond reason) SEE: flog a dead horse ::
  • beat around the bush {v} (to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant) :: rond de pot draaien (“circle around the pot”), om de hete brei dansen
  • beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) :: rond de pot draaien (“circle around the pot”), om de hete brei dansen
  • beater {n} (a kitchen implement for mixing) :: klopper {m}
  • beater {n} (an automobile in poor operating condition) :: wrak {n}
  • beater {n} (in a hunting party, the group of men used to drive game towards the shooters) :: drijver {m}
  • beater {n} (stick to play a percussion instrument) :: trommelstok
  • beatified {adj} (declared that a deceased has entered heaven) :: zalig
  • beatitude {n} (supreme, utmost bliss and happiness) :: gelukzaligheid
  • Beatrice {prop} (female given name) :: Beatrijs, Beatrix
  • beat to a pulp {v} (beat up) :: tot moes slaan
  • beautician {n} (one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments) :: schoonheidsspecialiste {f}, schoonheidsspecialist {m}
  • beautiful {adj} (of weather: pleasant, clear) :: mooi
  • beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: mooi, schoon
  • beautifully {adv} (In a beautiful manner) :: mooi
  • beauty {n} (beautiful female) :: schoonheid, schone {f}
  • beauty {n} (beautiful male) :: beauty, schoonheid, schone
  • beauty {n} (excellence) :: het mooie {n}
  • beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: schoonheid {f}
  • beauty {n} (something particularly good or pleasing) :: juweeltje {n}, prachtexemplaar {n}
  • beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
  • beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) :: schoonheidswedstrijd
  • beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor ::
  • beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
  • beaver {n} (aquatic mammal) :: bever {m}
  • beazle {n} (bezel) SEE: bezel ::
  • be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: geboren worden
  • be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: heten
  • because {adv} (on account) :: omdat, dewijl, want, vermits, daar
  • because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: omdat, aangezien, daar [formal]
  • because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: wegens, vanwege
  • Bechuanaland {prop} (formal name for Botswana) :: Protectoraat Bechuanaland
  • beckon {v} (to wave and/or to nod to somebody with the intention to make the person come closer) :: wenken
  • become {v} (to begin to be) :: worden
  • bed {n} (area where a large number of shellfish is found) :: bank {f}
  • bed {n} (deposit of ore, coal etc.) :: ader {m}, laag {m}
  • bed {n} (flat surface or layer on which something else is to be placed) :: bed {n}, bedding {f}, bodem {m}, onderlaag {f}
  • bed {n} (garden plot) :: bed {n}, bloembed {n}, tuinbed {n}
  • bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: bed {n}, [archaic] sponde
  • bed {n} (prepared spot to spend the night in) :: bed {n}, slaapplaats {f}
  • bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
  • bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: bedding {f} (riverbed), bodem {m} (lake, sea)
  • bed {v} (to go to a sleeping bed) :: naar bed gaan, gaan slapen
  • bed {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) :: naar bed gaan met
  • bed {v} (to put oneself to sleep) :: gaan slapen
  • bed {v} (to settle) :: zich zetten
  • bedbound {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
  • bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insects) :: bedwants
  • bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread ::
  • bedfast {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
  • bedfellow {n} (one with whom one shares a bed) :: bedgenoot {m}
  • bedlam {n} (A place or situation of chaotic uproar, and where confusion prevails) :: gekkenhuis
  • bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: bedoeïen {m}
  • bedpan {n} (chamber pot used while still in bed) :: ondersteek {m}
  • bedridden {adj} (confined to bed) :: bedlegerig
  • bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: slaapkamer {f}
  • bedroom community {n} (residential urban community of a nearby metropolis) :: slaapstad {f}
  • bed sheet {n} (sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: laken {n}
  • bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: laken {n}
  • bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
  • bedspread {n} (coverlet) SEE: coverlet ::
  • bee {n} (insect) :: bij {f}, honingbij {f}, imme {f}
  • beech {n} (tree of Fagus family) :: beuk
  • beech marten {n} (Martes foina) :: steenmarter
  • bee-eater {n} (bird in the family Meropidae) :: bijeneter {m}
  • beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow, bull ::
  • beef {n} (meat) :: bief, [beefsteak] biefstuk, rundvlees {n}
  • beef up {v} (to strengthen or reinforce) SEE: strengthen ::
  • beefy {adj} (muscular) SEE: muscular ::
  • beefy {adj} (robust) SEE: robust ::
  • beehive {n} (home of bees) :: bijenkorf {m}, bijenhuif {f}, huif {f}, bijennest {n}, immenhuif {f}, immenkorf {m}
  • beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) :: bijenkorf {m}, bijenhuif {f}, huif {f}, immenhuif {f}, immenkorf {m}
  • beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: imker, bijenhouder {m}
  • beeline {n} (straight course, ignoring established paths of travel) :: rechte lijn
  • Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: Beëlzebub
  • been there, done that {phrase} (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic) :: al gezien al gedaan
  • beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: bier {n}
  • beer {n} (glass of beer) :: biertje {n}
  • beer belly {n} (protruding abdomen) :: bierbuik {m}
  • beer gut {n} (beer belly) SEE: beer belly ::
  • beer parlor {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
  • bee's knees {n} (something excellent, outstanding) :: jé van hét
  • beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
  • beeswarm {n} (swarm of bees) :: imme {f}, bijenzwerm {m}, bijendrom {m}
  • beeswax {n} (wax secreted by bees) :: bijenwas {m}
  • beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: biet {f}, kroot [archaic]
  • beetle {n} (insect) :: kever {m}
  • beetroot {n} (a normally deep red coloured cultivar of the beet) :: rode biet {f}
  • befall {v} (happen to) :: overkomen
  • befit {v} (be fit for) :: behoren
  • before {adv} (at an earlier time) :: voordien, eerder, voorheen, vroeger
  • before {adv} (in advance) :: op voorhand, vooraf
  • before {conj} (in advance of the time when) :: voor, vooraleer, voordat, alvorens
  • before {conj} (rather or sooner than) :: eerder dan
  • before {prep} (at a higher or greater position in a subjective ranking) :: vóór
  • before {prep} (earlier than in time) :: voor, voordat [+ clause]
  • before {prep} (in front of according to an ordering system) :: voor
  • before {prep} (in front of in space) :: vóór
  • before {prep} (in store for, in the future of) :: voor