
From Beijerterm
See also:
vrijetijdsbesteding = leisure activities, spare time activities
zinvolle tijdsbesteding = meaningful pursuits


  • tijdsbesteding, tijdbesteding (sic)


  • time spent (JurLex)
  • amount of time spent[1]
  • time use (Linguee Dictionary)
  • use of time[2]
  • hours spent
  • hours used
  • time utilization, time utilisation
  • time commitment (hun verantwoordelijkheden en tijdsbesteding = their responsibilities and time commitment)
  • activities[3]
  • time-budget, time budget[4][5][6]
  • time expenditure
  • time requirements[7]

External links


  1. NL: is de tijdsbesteding van de aangestelde toezichthouder aan toezichtstaken zeer klein /// EN: the amount of time spent on supervisory duties by the appointed supervisors is very small (Linguee; vhrm.be)
  2. https://nl.techdico.com/vertaling/nederlands-engels/tijdsbesteding.html
  3. NL:: 23. De afgesproken scope van de verificatie (inclusief voorziene tijdsbesteding) wordt vastgelegd in een verificatieovereenkomst of een andere geschikte vorm van contract. /// EN: The agreed scope of the verification (including planned activities) will be recorded in a verification agreement or another appropriate form of contract. (Linguee: emissieautoriteit.nl)
  4. https://iate.europa.eu/search/standard/result/1616452464201/1
  5. NL: 4.4.2 Uit studies naar tijdsbesteding en mobiliteit blijkt dat mensen naarmate ze ouder worden, steeds meer tijd thuis doorbrengen [...] eur-lex.europa.eu / EN: 4.4.2 Time-budget and mobility studies show that, as people get older, they spend increasing amounts of time at home and [...] eur-lex.europa.eu
  6. ‘A time budget is a log or diary of the sequence and duration of activities engaged in by an individual over a specified period, most typically the 24-hour day. Time-budget research involves the collection of numerous such protocols from members of a population to analyze main trends and subgroup differences in the allocation of time.’ (https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/time-budgets)
  7. NL: verzekeren dat het niveau van vergoedingen rekening houdt met de betrokken risico's, de eisen en tijdsbesteding van elke functie en de relevante standaarden van de sectorgenoten. ablynx.com /// EN: ensuring that remuneration levels take into account risks involved, demands and time requirements of each role, and relevant industry benchmarks. ablynx.com