TU/e Terminology list
Dutch/English terminology list of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - June 2021
The data on this page comes from the document available from the following page: https://studiegids.tue.nl/career-skills/taalcursussen-en-academic-writing-skills/english-language-toolbox (‘TUe Terminology List - June 2021.pdf’)
Thanks to Kitty Brussaard for alerting me to its existence! See: https://www.proz.com/kudoz/english-to-dutch/education-pedagogy/7162222-university-entrance-diploma.html
This list was created to provide clarity concerning the official names in Dutch and English for the most important bodies within the TU/e, the most frequently cited functions and most frequently used terminology. The aim of this list is to provide a TU/e standard. The list is not static and is under constant development. The aim is to issue updates at least twice per year.
The Terminology List TU/e includes the terms that describe TU/e as an organization (Section 1) and terms frequently used at, but not necessarily exclusive to TU/e (Section 2). Both sections are regularly added to, but particularly Section 2 of this list is the part of the list that will be expanded on in the future.
A number of the Dutch terms in Section 2 are used nationally. However, there is no single national authority or consensus on an official translation into English for many terms used in higher education. These terms have therefore been researched by the authors of this list and the most appropriate English term decided upon accordingly. Where possible recognized authorities were consulted, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). Discussions continue between the Dutch universities to gain consensus on various English terms where possible.
The sources of this list are varied. The former “TU/e Terminologielijst”, the Nuffic glossary and a number of glossaries on other Dutch university websites have been consulted. In the search for appropriate American-English terminology, American-English translators have been consulted, as have the websites of American universities with a strong technological base, such as MIT.
It is TU/e policy to use the spelling rules of American English. This list reflects that preference. The spelling of a number of terms in section two retain their British English spelling as these terms have been determined by other entities, e.g. 4TU Centres of Excellence (not ‘Centers’ ) and TNO: Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (not ‘Organization’).
Using capitals
In section one of this list there is an indication of where capital letters are used in English, as this may be different to the capitalization used in the Dutch language. Terms marked with * maintain their capitals if used in lists or in official letters, or in conjunction with the name of the person to which a function belongs. If these terms are used in running sentences, there is no need to use capitals.
Using abbreviations
As a rule the Dutch abbreviations of TU/e terminology should be used to indicate any entity or institute. The abbreviations should not be translated. For example, Eindhoven University of Technology must be abbreviated with TU/e and not EUT.
How to deal with dates in American English
In American English it is common to place the month before the day followed by a comma and then the year. Example: October 5, 1992. As an alternative, an article can be inserted before the day and the numeral becomes an ordinal. Example: October the 5th, 1992. Please note that some numerals do not
take “th” to become an ordinal. Examples: 1 -> 1st, 2 -> 2nd, 3 -> 3rd (i.e. first, second, third).
How to deal with capitalization and academic degrees
The Associated Press Stylebook (AP) recommends no capitals when referring to degrees in general terms (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate, associate degree) but always capitalizing specific degrees (Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science), whether or not they directly precede or follow a name.
- Orlando is thinking about getting a Bachelor of Science degree.
- Orlando is thinking about getting a master’s degree.
- He introduced Orlando Cruz, Bachelor of Science.
There is agreement, however, that abbreviations of academic degrees are to be capitalized. CMOS recommends omitting periods unless required for tradition or consistency (BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD), but AP prefers retaining the periods (B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., Ph.D.).
Our recommendation is to use lower case in reference to degrees in general and to use capitals when a specific instance is referred to:
- The TU/e offers many bachelor’s and master’s programs. (general)
- The TU/e offers a Master’s Program of Operations Management and Logistics. (specific)
Translation or retention of Dutch academic titles:
The complication of translating academic titles lies in the following:
In Dutch drs. means doctorandus, but in English Drs. or drs. is the plural of Dr. (so two doctors). The easiest way to resolve this is to put drs. In italics to indicate a Dutch academic title.
In English it is common practice to only use the highest academic title:
- prof.dr.ir Jansen -> Prof. Jansen
- dr.ir.Jansen -> Dr Jansen
The title ir. is problematic in any case as it is a foreign abbreviation, so it would either require italics ir.
Jansen or would have to be translated as Jansen, MSc.
The only other alternative is to retain the Dutch titles, use their conventions and simply put them all in italics to indicate the Dutch academic title system:
- Prof.dr.ir. Jansen
This solution can have advantages if the Dutch academic title mr. (meester) is also involved. Obviously, that can easily be misinterpreted as Mr. (mister) in English. The disadvantage of retaining the Dutch academic titles is if you have a mixed group, where some people have Dutch academic titles and some have titles from abroad.
November, 2019
Education and Student Affairs Eindhoven University of Technology
email: vertalen@tue.nl
Update March 2015
Although the list is regularly updated through the translation input we receive, March 2015 marks a point at which we have added a considerable number of new entries through close comparison with the term list provided by the CEC. In addition to these new entries, we have made a start with providing further contextualization for various terms (including either bracketed contexts or example sentences where appropriate). To improve the applicability of the terminology list, we aim to further extend the list by defining more formal (e.g. legal or formal academic contexts) and less formal contexts (e.g. web pages, press releases, or information for the general public). As a living document, new definitions and contexts will be added based on the input we receive. If you have any comments or spot any glaring omissions, please feel free to contact us.
Update October 2017
As a result of the TOO operation, the fact the 3TU has become 4TU, and several other sources of input at the TU/e, the October 2017 update contains many new or corrected entries. As always we are much obliged to everyone who contributed new terms to the list or pointed out changes we were unaware of. If you spot an error or simply wish to have a term added to the list that always trips you up, please contact vertalen@tue.nl with TU/e Terminology List in the subject line.
Update May 2019
With the consolidation of ESA operations, a list of the various groups within ESA has now been added to the list. Through collaboration with DFEZ a more specialized terminology has been included as a separate list for entries related to specialized financial terminology relevant to the TU/e community.
Update July 2020
With the introduction of the TU/e Language Policy 2020 (as of January 1, 2020), English has become the official working language of the TU/e. This has brought to the fore that some entities need an update for their name in English. Besides that, there is an on-going discussion about the new English abbreviations that need to be implemented. Once decisions have been finalized, they will be included in this terminology list. All ratified changes the TU/e Language Center has been notified of have been processed. For any errors you spot or name changes we are presently unaware of, please contact vertalen@tue.nl with TU/e Terminology List in the subject line.
Latest update: June 2021
Education & Student Affairs Eindhoven University of Technology
Email: vertalen@tue.nl
Terms referring to the TU/e as an organization
Terms marked with * maintain their capitals if used in lists or in official letters, or in conjunction with the name of the person to which a function belongs. If these terms are used in running sentences, there is no need to use capitals.
Please note: English abbreviations for names were not introduced at TU/e until the TU/e 2020 Language Policy. Names are currently under review and abbreviations have not been ratified. For now the Dutch abbreviations are still listed but will be replaced as soon as we receive notification. Please contact us vertalen@tue.nl if you have a name change/new abbreviation
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) | Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) |
Raad van Toezicht | Supervisory Board |
Voorzitter van de Raad van Toezicht | President of the Supervisory Board* |
Lid van de Raad van Toezicht | Member of the Supervisory Board* |
College van Bestuur
Voorzitter van het College van Bestuur |
Executive Board
President Executive Board |
Rector Magnificus | Rector Magnificus * |
Lid van het College van Bestuur | Vice-President Executive Board * |
Secretaris van de universiteit | Secretary of the University* |
Faculteiten en opleidingen | Departments and programs |
(Een aantal faculteiten en opleidingen hebben geen Nederlandstalige naam/ A number of departments and programs do not have a Dutch equivalent) | |
Faculteiten | Departments |
Faculteit Bouwkunde (B) | Department of the Built Environment (BE) |
Faculteit Biomedische Technologie (BMT) | Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) |
Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) | Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) |
Department of Industrial Design (ID) | Department of Industrial Design (ID) |
Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) | Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) |
Faculteit Scheikundige Technologie (ST) | Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (CEC) – please note this abbreviation is used for both a department and a service so make sure the context is unambiguous. |
Faculteit Technische Natuurkunde (TN) | Department of Applied Physics (AP) |
Faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde (W) | Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) |
Faculteit Wiskunde & Informatica (W&I) | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) |
TU/e Bachelor College | TU/e Bachelor College |
Bacheloropleidingen | Bachelor’s programs |
Technische Innovatiewetenschappen
Innovation Sciences
Technische Bedrijfskunde
Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Technische Wiskunde
Applied Mathematics
Technische Informatica
Computer Science & Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Technische Natuurkunde
Applied Physics
Scheikundige Technologie
Chemical Engineering
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences
Biomedische Technologie
Technologie |
Biomedical Engineering
Industrial Design
Industrial Design
TU/e Excellentieprogramma's | TU/e Honors Programs |
Honors Programs for Bachelor’s students:
TU/e Graduate School | TU/e Graduate School |
Masteropleidingen | Master’s programs |
Operations Management and Logistics Innovation Management
Innovation Sciences Human-Technology Interaction | |
Computer Science and Engineering
Business Information Systems[2] Industrial and Applied Mathematics Embedded Systems Computer Science Education Mathematics Education Science Education & Communication | |
Mechanical Engineering
Sustainable Energy Technology Systems & Control Automotive Technology | |
Electrical Engineering
| |
Applied Physics
Physics Education |
1 Programs in italics are special Master’s programs
2 Program terminated new intake in September 2018
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry Education | |
Architecture, Building and Planning Construction Management and Engineering | |
Biomedical Engineering
- Regenerative Medicine & Technology | |
Medical Engineering | |
Industrial Design | |
Ontwerpersopleidingen | PDEng programs (Professional Doctorate in Engineering) |
Logistics Management Systems (defunct) | |
Mathematics for Industry (defunct) | |
Design and Technology of Instrumentation (defunct) | |
Architectural Design Management Systems (defunct) | |
Automotive Systems Design | |
Clinical Informatics | |
Data Science | |
Healthcare Systems Design | |
Information and Communication Technology | |
Process & Product Design | |
Qualified Medical Engineer | |
Smart Buildings and Cities | |
Software Technology | |
User System Interaction | |
Functies bij faculteiten | Positions at the departments |
Decaan van de faculteit … | Dean of the Department of… / (Department) Dean* |
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering | Managing Director* |
Directeur Onderwijs | Director of Education* |
Directeur Onderzoek | Director of Research* |
Faculteitsbestuur | Department Board* |
Faculteitsbureau | Department Office* |
Faculteitsraad | Department Council* |
Faculteitsraadlid | Member of the Department Council* |
Faculteitsreglement | Department Regulations* |
Faculteitssecretariaat | Department Secretariat* |
Hoogleraar | (full) Professor* |
Hoogleraar in de … | Professor of …* |
Opleidingsdirecteur | Program Director* |
Universitair Docent (UD) | Assistant Professor* |
Universitair Hoofddocent (UHD) | Associate Professor* |
Docent (D) | Teacher |
Diensten | TU/e services |
Communicatie Expertise Centrum (CEC) | Communication Expertise Center (CEC) – please note this abbreviation is used for both a department and a service so make
sure the context is unambiguous. |
Dienst Algemene Zaken (DAZ) | General Affairs (GA) |
Dienst Financiёle en Economische Zaken
(DFEZ) |
Finance and Control (F&C) |
Dienst Huisvesting (DH) | Real Estate (RE) |
Dienst Informatie en Communicatie Technologie (DICT) naam is verouderd Dienst Information Management &
Services (IMS) |
Information and Communication Technology Service (DICT) name now defunct
Information Management & Services (IMS) |
Dienst Interne Zaken (DIZ) | Facility Management Center (FMC) |
Dienst Personeel en Organisatie (DPO) | Human Resources Management (HRM) |
Equipment & Prototype Center (EPC) | Equipment & Prototype Center (EPC) |
Informatie Expertise Centrum (IEC) | Data Management & Library (DM&L) |
Innovation Lab (IL) | Innovation Lab (IL) |
Education and Student Affairs (ESA) | Education and Student Affairs (ESA) |
Functies bij de diensten | Positions in TU/e services |
Directeur | Director* |
Dienstmedewerker | Service staff |
Andere functies | Other positions |
Dean van de Bachelor College (Dean BC) | Dean BC |
Dean van de Graduate School (Dean GS) | Dean GS |
Overlegvormen | Consultative bodies |
Adviescommissie Bachelor Onderwijs (ACB) | Advisory Committee for Bachelor’s Education (ACB) |
Adviescommissie Master Onderwijs (ACM) | Advisory Committee for Master’s Education (ACM) |
Bestuurlijk Overleg (BO) | University Consultative Council (UCC) |
Centrale Commissie Kwaliteitszorg
Onderwijs (CCKO) |
Central Committee for Quality Care in Education
(CCQC) |
College voor Promoties (CvP) | Doctorate Board (DB) |
Diensthoofden Overleg (DHO) | Director Council (DirC) |
Directeurenoverleg (DO) | Managing Director Council (MDC) |
Faculteitsraad (FR) | Department Council (DC) |
Graduate School Council (GSC) | Graduate School Council (GSC) |
Overleg Graduate School (OGS) | Graduate School Consultative Meeting (GSCM) |
Overleg Opleidingsdirecteuren (OO) | Program Director Council (PDC) |
Studentenadviesorgaan (SAO) | Student Advisory Body (SAB) |
Studentenadviesorgaan internationaal (SAO International) | Student Advisory Body International (SAB International) |
Universiteitsraad (UR) | University Council (UC) |
Werkoverleg Bedrijfsvoering (WOB) | Managing Director and Director Council (MDDC) |
Terms frequently used at TU/e (alphabetized for Dutch)
4TU Centres of Excellence | 4TU Centres of Excellence |
4TU InnovationLab | 4TU Innovation Lab |
4TU sectorplan Wetenschap & Technologie | 4TU Science & Technology sector plan |
4TU.Federatie | 4TU Federation |
4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute (SAI) | (no translation) 4TU terms are in British English because that is what has been agreed between the 4 TUs. Please note previously all terminology referred to 3TU, which is now
outdated. |
aankomend student | prospective student |
aanmelden (bij de universiteit) | to apply (for a Bachelor’s program) |
aanmelden (voor een vak) | to register (for a course) |
aanmelding | application / registration |
aanmeldingsformulier | application form / registration form |
aanmeldtermijn | application period / registration period |
aanmeldzuil | (digital) information kiosk |
aanschuifonderwijs | a form of contract teaching |
aansluitende masteropleiding | direct-access Master’s program |
aansluitingsactiviteiten | liaison activities |
aanstaande studenten | prospective students |
aanvullende beurs | supplementary grant |
academicus (staflid) | academic |
academicus (student) | university graduate |
academisch jaar | academic year |
academische (jaar)agenda | (annual) academic calendar |
academische graad | university degree /academic degree |
academische vorming | university education / academic skills / academic development |
accreditatie | accreditation |
accreditatie-orgaan (CROHO) | Central Accreditation Council (CROHO) |
achterstand oplopen in de studie, studenten die | students who fall behind with their studies |
adjunct | deputy |
adviescommissie | advisory committee |
Adviescommissie Examens Bacheloropleidingen (AEB) | Advisory Committee on Bachelor’s Programs Examinations
(AEB) |
Adviescommissie Examens Mastersopleidingen
(AEM) |
Advisory Committee on Master’s Programs Examinations
(AEM) |
adviserend studentlid (binnen faculteitsbestuur) | student advisory member |
adviseur van College van Bestuur | advisor to the Executive Board |
afdelingsmanager | division manager |
afmelden (voor een onderwijseenheid) |
To withdraw from (a study component) |
afscheidsborrel | farewell drinks / farewell reception |
afstudeerbegeleider | thesis supervisor |
afstudeercommissie | thesis committee |
afstudeercoördinator | thesis coordinator |
afstudeerdatum | graduation date |
afstudeerfase |
thesis supervisor
final project phase / thesis stage |
afstudeerfonds | graduation fund |
afstudeerhoogleraar | thesis professor |
afstudeerjaar | graduation year |
afstudeeronderzoek | graduation research |
afstudeeropdracht | subject/topic of final project |
afstudeerpresentatie | final presentation |
afstudeerproject | final project / thesis project / graduation project |
afstudeerrichting | major / specialization / main subject / *track (*preferred term in the OER) |
afstudeerscriptie | (final) thesis (bachelor’s & master’s) |
afstudeertraject | graduation process |
afstudeervariant | specialization / track |
afstudeervergoeding | graduation allowance |
afstudeervoordracht | final presentation |
afstuderen | to graduate / to obtain a degree / to take a degree / complete
your studies |
afstuderen aan de TU/e | to graduate from TU Eindhoven |
afstuderen in … | to take a degree in … / to graduate in … |
afwijzen (laten zakken voor een examen) | to fail someone for an examination |
afwijzen (niet toelaten) | to reject |
afwijzen (van een aanvraag) | to reject |
afwijzingsbrief | letter of non-admission |
agenda (lijst van gebeurtenissen) | calendar |
agenda (notitieboekje) | diary |
agenda (vergadering) | agenda |
agendapunt | item on the agenda / agenda item |
AIO (zie ook promovendus) | PhD candidate |
alfa - | humanities, arts, languages |
alfastudies | the Arts / humanities / liberal arts / arts subjects |
alfawetenschappen | the Arts / humanities /liberal arts / arts subjects |
algemene universiteit | comprehensive university |
Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming
(AVG) |
General Data Protection Regulation |
antwoordmodel | response model |
ASIBI (Aanmelding, Studiekeuzecheck, Inschrijving, en Beëindiging Inschrijving) aspirant-student | Registration, the Study Choice Check, Enrollment, and Termination of Enrollment
prospective student |
baccalaureaat | Baccalaureate |
bachelor | In a formal context a capital is used: the Bachelor’s program of Innovation Management. In a running sentence referring to the general sense of the word, a capital is unnecessary:
The TU/e offers a variety of different bachelor’s programs. This also applies to the term Master’s / master’s. |
bachelor-masterstelsel (of -systeem) | bachelor-master system |
bachelordiploma | bachelor’s degree |
Smith has a bachelor’s in Applied Physics | |
bacheloreindproject (BEP) | bachelor’s final project (BEP; fossilized usage so this has not been altered to BFP yet) |
bachelorfase | bachelor’s (degree) program (usage with or without ‘degree’ is found, but please be consistent within one text)
Bachelor’s Program of Electrical Engineering |
bacheloropleiding | bachelor’s program / bachelor’s degree program / undergraduate program
Bachelor’s Program of Data Science |
bachelorstudent | bachelor’s student / undergraduate |
bachelortitel | bachelor’s degree
balie | information desk |
basisbeurs | basic grant |
basisdeel van de opleiding (die iedere student moet volgen) | basic part of the program |
basiskwalificatie onderwijs (BKO) | university teaching qualification (UTQ) |
basisonderwijseenheid | basic study component |
basisregister onderwijs (BRON) | Basic Register of Education (BRON) |
basisvak | basic course |
BC-UR | Bachelor College – University Council Education Committee (BC-UR) |
bedrijfsbureau | Planning & Support Center |
bedrijfshulpverlening (BHV) | Emergency Response Team (BHV) |
begeleiden | to supervise |
supervisor / coach
begeleiding | supervision / coaching |
begeleidingscommissie | supervisory committee / coaching committee |
begeleidingstijd | supervision time / coaching time |
beginnen aan een studie/met een stage | to start a degree / to start an internship |
begintermen | starting level(s) / entry qualification(s) / entry requirement(s) |
bekostigd (instelling, opleiding) | government-funded (institution, study program) |
bekostigen | to finance / to bear the cost of |
bekostiging | funding |
bekostigingsmodel | funding formula |
beleid | policy |
beleidsadviseur | policy advisor |
beleidskwestie | policy issue |
beleidsmatig | policy (bijvoegelijk gebruikt) / in accordance with policy |
beleidsmedewerker | policy officer |
beleidsnota | policy document |
beleidsplan | policy plan |
beleidsvoorbereiding | policy preparation |
beleidsvoornemen | policy statement |
benoemingscommissie | appointment committee |
beoordelingsprocedure | assessment procedure |
beroep (in beroep gaan) | appeal (to appeal) |
beroep aantekenen | file an appeal / lodge an appeal |
beroepschrift | (letter of) appeal |
beroepsgericht onderwijs | vocational education |
beroepsonderwijs | vocational education |
beroepsopleiding | vocational training / professional training |
besluit (nemen) | (to make/take a) decision / issue a decree (CvB) |
besluit tot toelating | admission decision |
besluitenlijst (CvB) | list of decrees (issued by the CvB) |
besluitvorming | decision making |
besturen | to manage |
bestuur (van een faculteit) | administration (of a department) |
bestuur (de bestuurders) | board (with a capital if part of a name) |
bestuursactiviteiten (student) | administrative officer activities |
bestuursbeurs | administrative grant |
bestuursjaar | administrative officer year |
beheerseenheid | management unit |
beoordelingsgesprek | appraisal interview |
Bestuurlijk Overleg (BO)
bestuurs- en beheersreglement |
University Consultative Council (BO)
management regulations |
bestuursorgaan | administrative body |
bèta | science |
bèta-onderwijs | science-based university degree programs |
beta-wetenschappen | sciences / science subjects |
beurspromovendus | PhD scholarship student |
Beveiliging TU/e | TU/e Security |
bevoegdheid | authority / power |
bezwaar (tegen) | objection (to) |
bezwaarschrift | (letter of) objection |
bi-diplomering (intern) bi-diplomering (extern) | (internal) double diploma double degree |
bijlage (in een juridisch of reglementair document) | annex |
bijlage (academisch document) | appendix |
bijvak (inschrijving door niet-TU/e student) | elective (course) |
bijvakstudent | transient student |
bindend studieadvies (bsa) | binding recommendation (on the continuation of studies) (bsa) |
BKO (zie basiskwalificatie onderwijs) | UTQ |
borgen | to safeguard |
buitenlandse student | international student |
bureau faculteit | Department Office |
bureau onderwijs | Education Office |
campuskaart | campus card (student ID card) |
capaciteitsgroep | group (do not add capacity as this is not meaningful in English) |
capaciteitsgroepvoorzittersoverleg | group chair meeting |
centrale diensten | university-wide services |
Centrale Commissie Kwaliteitszorg Onderwijs | Central Committee for Educational Quality Assurance |
certificaat | certificate |
certificatie | certification |
cijfer | grade |
cijfer (berekend eindcijfer) | final grade / final mark |
cijfer (examencijfer) | examination result |
cijferbriefje | grade sheet |
cijferlijst | (academic) transcript / list of grades |
citeertitel | short title |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) |
coachingmoment | coaching session |
coherente keuzepakket | elective package |
college (hoorcollege) | lecture |
college (bestuurslichaam) | board |
college- en examengelden | tuition and examination fees |
College van Beroep voor de Examens (CBE) | Examination Appeals Board |
College van Beroep voor het Hoger Onderwijs (CBHO) | Higher Education Appeals Tribunal (CBHO) |
College voor Promoties (CvP) | Doctorate Board (CvP) |
college- en examengelden | tuition and examination fees |
collegegeld | tuition fees |
collegegeldkrediet | tuition fee loan |
collegejaar | academic year |
collegekaart | student card / university ID (card) |
collegereeks college-volggroep | course of lectures / series of lectures study component monitoring group |
collegevrije periode | recess |
collegezaal | lecture room / classroom / lecture hall / lecture theater |
colloquium doctum | university entrance examination |
commissaris onderwijs (functie binnen een studievereniging) | education officer |
competentiegericht (leren) | competency-centered (learning) |
concept (document) | draft (document) |
contractant | contract student |
CROHO (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger
Onderwijs) |
Central Register of Higher Education Degree Programs (Central
Accreditation Council) |
cum laude | with honors / with distinction |
cursus | (short) course |
cursusaanbod | courses on offer / range of courses |
cursusduur | course duration |
cursusjaar | academic year |
deelbeoordeling | partial assessment |
deelcertificaat | modular certificate |
deelcijfer | partial grade |
deeltijdstudent | part-time student |
deficiëntieprogramma | deficiency program / pre-Master’s program |
derde geldstroom | contract research / third flow of funds (VSNU) |
dictaat | (course) reader / lecture notes |
didactisch | pedagogical |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) | Education Executive Agency (DUO) |
Diensthoofden Overleg (DHO) | Director Council (DHO) |
Dienstraad | Services Council |
Digitale Leer- en Werkomgeving (DLWO) | digital learning and working environment |
diploma | degree / (university) diploma |
diploma-uitreiking | graduation ceremony |
docent docentcoach | teacher / lecturer / docent (not preferred) teacher coach |
docentondersteuner | teacher support officer |
doorbelasten | to cross charge |
doorlussen | (establish a) two-way live connection |
doorluszaal | two-way live connection room/hall |
doorstroom Mastersopleiding (ook doorstroommaster) | direct-access Master’s program |
eerste geldstroom | direct funding / first flow of funds (VSNU) |
eindtermen | (learning) outcomes / descriptors |
eindtoets | final test |
examen | final examination |
examencommissie | Examination Committee |
examinering | final examination and assessment |
examinering en tentaminering | examination and assessment at interim and final level |
examenprogramma | program of examinations / exam program (more informal) |
examenreglement | examination regulations |
examenzitting | final examination session |
extraneus | external student |
facultair | department(al) |
facultaire ESA team | departmental ESA team |
Facultaire Toelatingscommissie (FTC) | Departmental Admissions Committee (FTC) |
faculteit | department |
faculteitoverstijgend | supra-departmental |
faculteitsbestuur | Department Board |
faculteitsraad | Department Council |
faculteitsreglement | Department Regulations |
Fraudebeleid Onderwijs TU/e | TU/e Education Fraud Policy |
functiebeperking | functional impairment |
functioneringsgesprek (verouderde term, nu
vervangen door jaargesprek) |
(annual) job performance interview |
gedragscode wetenschapsbeoefening | Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity |
geheimhoudingsovereenkomst | non-disclosure agreement |
geldigheidsduur | term of validity |
geldstroom (zie eerste, tweede, derde) | funding / flow of funds (VSNU term) |
gemengde studiefinanciering | mixed student grant |
GS-UR | Graduate School – University Council Education Committee (GS-UR) |
harde knip | Bachelor-before-Master rule |
hardheidsclausule | hardship clause |
HBO-TOP programma | HBO Excellence Program |
herinschrijving | re-enrollment (after a short or extended break in studies) |
herkansing | retake/resit |
hertentamen | retake/resit |
Hogere Beroepsopleiding (HBO) | Higher Vocational Education (HBO) |
hogeschool | university of applied sciences |
honorstraject | honors track |
hoofdinschrijving | main enrollment |
hoofdvak | major / main subject |
hoogleraar | (full) professor |
hoorcollege | lecture |
impulssubsidie | incentive subsidy |
ingenieur (ir.) (formele titel) | Master of Science (MSc) |
ingenieur (beroep) | engineer |
ingenieursopleiding | BSc/MSc (degree) program |
inschalingscommissie | entrance assessment committee |
inschrijfformulier (inschrijving bij de universiteit) | enrollment form (enrollment at the university) |
inschrijven | to enroll (at TU/e) |
inschrijving (als student aan TU/e of aan een
opleiding) |
enrollment (at TU/e or in a TU/e program) |
inschrijving (voor een cursus) | registration (on/for a course) |
inschrijvingen | enrollment numbers |
inschrijving annuleren | cancellation of enrollment |
inschrijving beëindigen | termination of enrollment |
inschrijving intrekken (intrekken van
inschrijfverzoek) |
to withdraw a request for enrollment |
inschrijvingsbeleid | enrollment policy |
inschrijvingsbewijs | proof of enrollment |
inschrijvingsboekje | enrollment booklet |
inschrijvingsduur | period of enrollment |
inschrijvingsprocedure (voor de universiteit) | enrollment procedure |
inschrijvingsprocedure (voor een cursus) | registration procedure |
inschrijvingsregeling | enrollment regulations |
instapcursus | introductory course |
instelling(s) | institution(al) |
instellingsbestuur | institute board |
Instellingsgebonden Overleg (IGO) | University Consultation Body |
instellingstoets | institutional audit |
instromer | entrant |
instroom | number of students enrolling / intake |
instroommoment | intake period |
interfacultair | interdepartmental |
internationalisering | internationalization |
Intro, de | Orientation Week / Introduction Week |
jaargesprek | annual job performance interview |
jaarraad | student advisory council for education |
judicium | adjudication |
kernonderwijseenheid | core study component |
ketenmanager | (process) chain manager |
keuzeruimte | elective space |
keuzevak | elective (course) |
koepelbestuur | Federation Board |
koepeloverleg (ESA met studieverenigingen en studentenverenigingen) | Federation Annual Meeting |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) | The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) |
kostenplaatsnummer | cost center |
kwaliteitszorg | quality control |
kwaliteitszorgbeleid | quality assurance policy |
kwartiel | quarter / quartile† (†informal TU/e usage only) |
langstudeerders | students taking too long to complete their studies |
leerlijn | learning trajectory |
leeromgeving | learning environment |
leerstoel | chair |
leerstoelgroep | chair group |
lezing (op een conferentie) | to give a paper / to present a paper (at a conference) |
loopbaanadvies | career(s) advice |
machtiging tot incasso | direct debit authorization (DDA) |
majoronderwijseenheid | major study component |
major/minorstructuur | major/minor structure |
master | a master’s
masteropleiding | master’s (degree) program (usage with or without ‘degree’ is found, but please be consistent within one text)
masterprogramma | master ‘s (degree) program
masterstudent | graduate / master’s student |
masterstudie | master’s (degree) program |
mastertitel | master’s degree
The TU/e annually confers hundreds of master’s degrees. The TU/e conferred 143 Master of Electrical Engineering degrees in 2016. |
materiedeskundige | subject specialist |
meeloopdag | (student) experience day |
Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en
Wetenschappen |
Minister of Education, Culture and Science |
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en
Wetenschappen (OC&W) |
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W) |
medewerker internationalisering | internationalization officer |
mederwerker kwaliteitszorg | quality care officer |
medewerker onderwijsontwikkeling | program development officer (degree program) / education
development officer (general development) |
medewerker studentenzaken | student administration officer |
mediatheek | multimedia library |
missie | mission statement |
mondeling examen | oral (examination) |
monitorgroep Bachelor College | the Bachelor College Monitoring Group |
monitorgroep masteropleidingen | the Master’s Programs Monitoring Group |
natuurwetenschappen | physical sciences |
neveninschrijving | secondary enrollment |
nominale studieduur | nominal / statutory duration of the study program |
nominaal studietempo | nominal study progress |
Notebookregeling (TU/e) | Notebook Plan |
Notebookregeling (TU/e) Participatie-
overeenkomst |
Notebook Plan (TU/e) contract |
numerus fixus
De TU/e heeft verschillende opleidingen met een numerus fixus. |
intake restriction
De TU/e has a number of restricted intake programs. |
OASE (Online Active Study Environment) Verouderde term – nu vervangen door Canvas | OASE - Online Active Study Environment (TU/e digital education information system) – Outdated term that is now replaced by Canvas |
omzwaaier (een student, die in het studiejaar waarin hij het verzoek doet, reeds een inschrijving heeft bij de TU/e en zijn inschrijving in een bepaalde opleiding dan wel een bepaald schakelprogramma gedurende het studiejaar wenst te wijzigen) | intra-university transfer student |
Ondersteunend- en Beheerspersoneel (OBP) | Administrative and Support Staff |
onderwerp | subject / topic |
Het is essentieel dat iedereen goed onderwijs geniet. De universiteit biedt onderwijs aan op verschillende niveaus. Onderwijzen is een lastig vak. |
education / courses / field of education / teaching / instruction
/ program It is essential for everyone to have a good education. The university offers courses/programs at different levels. Teaching is a difficult job. |
onderwijsadministratie (verouderde term
vervangen door de Engelse term) |
Center for Student Administration |
onderwijsbestuur (Deans + Directeur ESA) | Education Board |
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER) | Program and Examination Regulations (PER) |
onderwijsbevoegdheid | teaching qualification |
onderwijscatalogus | course catalogue |
onderwijscoördinator | program coordinator |
onderwijseenheid | study component |
onderwijsevaluatie | course evaluation |
onderwijsinspectie | (Dutch) Inspectorate of Education |
onderwijsonderdeel (deel van onderwijseenheid) | study subcomponent |
(coherent) onderwijspakket | (coherent) program package |
onderwijsplanning | program management |
onderwijstaken | educational duties |
onderwijsvernieuwingsproject | educational renewal project |
onderwijsvorm | forms of education / types of training |
onderwijsvrije periode | no-class day(s) / no classes |
onderzoek | research |
onderzoekinstituut | research institute |
onderzoekschool | research school |
onderzoektaken | research duties |
onvoldoende (een) | a fail / an insufficient |
ontwerpersopleiding | PDEng program (Professional Doctorate in Engineering program) |
Ontwerpgericht Onderwijs (OGO) | Design-Based Learning (DBL) |
Open Dag | Open Day |
opleiding | study program (inf) / degree program |
(gemeenschappelijke) opleidingscommissie
(G)(OC) |
(joint) program committee (J)(PC) |
opleidingsdirecteur | Program Director |
opleidingsdirectie | Program Management |
opleidingsgids | course guide |
overgangsregeling | transitional arrangement |
Overleg Opleidingsdirecteuren (OO) | Program Director Council (OO) |
ov-jaarkaart | public transport season card |
PDEng trainee | PDEng trainee |
p-raad (zie ook jaarraad) | propaedeutical education advisory council |
proefschrift | dissertation |
proefstudeerdag | student for a day |
proefstuderen | being a student for a day |
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) | Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) |
profiel (in het voortgezet onderwijs) | subject cluster / subject package |
profiel (vakkenpakket in het vwo) | pre-university subject package |
profielcoördinator | subject coordinator |
profiel Cultuur & Maatschappij | subject package Culture & Society |
profiel Economie & Maatschappij | subject package Economics & Society |
profiel Natuur & Gezondheid | subject package Science & Health |
profiel Natuur & Techniek | subject package Science & Engineering |
profileringsfonds | student financial support |
projectleider | project leader |
promotie | to obtain a doctorate / conferral of a doctorate |
promotie (de bezigheid) | study for a doctorate / take a PhD |
promotie (de ceremonie) | PhD (conferral) ceremony / public defense of thesis |
promotieonderzoek | doctoral research / PhD research |
promotiecommissie | doctoral committee |
promotieplaats | PhD position |
promotieproject | doctoral project / PhD project (informal) |
promotiereglement | doctorate regulations / PhD regulations (informal) |
promotietraject | statutory PhD/doctoral period |
promotiewerk | PhD work / doctoral work |
promotor | PhD supervisor / doctoral supervisor |
promotores | PhD supervisors / doctoral supervisors |
promovendus | PhD student / PhD candidate |
promovendusopleiding | PhD program |
promoveren (de bezigheid) | take a PhD/ to study for a doctorate |
promoveren (de ceremonie) | to obtain a doctorate |
propedeuse | freshman year / first year / propaedeutic year*
*propaedeutic is a highly formal term and should be reserved for formal contexts only – use the other translations for less formal contexts (this also applies to the terms with propaedeutic below) |
propedeuse-examen | freshman final examination / first-year final examination /
propaedeutic examination |
propedeuse diploma | freshman diploma / first-year diploma / propaedeutic diploma |
propedeuseverklaring | freshman-year transcript / first-year transcript / propaedeutic transcript |
propedeutische fase | freshman year (for less formal contexts) / first year (for less formal contexts) / propaedeutic(al) year / propaedeutical phase |
publiek-private samenwerking (PPS) | public-private partnership (PPP) |
schuldbekentenis (TU/e Notebook) | obligation (TU/e Notebook) |
scriptie | (Bachelor’s/Master’s) thesis |
scriptie begeleiden | to supervise a (Bachelor’s/Master’s) thesis |
scriptiebegeleider | thesis supervisor |
scriptie schrijven | to write a (Bachelor’s/Master’s) thesis |
secretariaat (algemeen) | administrative office |
secretariaat (ambt) | secretariat |
seniorkwalificatie onderwijs (SKO) | senior university teaching qualification (SKO) |
slagingspercentage | pass rate |
spijtoptant | Re-enroller (a student who re-enrolls after a short or longer
break in his/her studies) |
stage (intern/extern) | internship (research credited by the university) / traineeship (paid traineeship with an emphasis on vocational training) |
stage (professionele ervaring opdoen) | externship (shadowing a professional) |
stagebegeleider | internship supervisor |
stagecoördinator | internship coordinator |
stageproject | internship project |
stagevergoeding | internship allowance / traineeship allowance |
stagiaire | intern / trainee |
Stichting Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie
(FOM) |
The Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter |
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen (STW) | Technology Foundation (STW) |
De studeerbaarheid van het programma is goed. |
manageable (studiable and studiability are only used rarely)
The program is very manageable. |
studentenadviesorgaan (SAO) | Student Advisory Body (SAO) |
studeerwijzer | study guide |
studentadviseur (student die een faculteitsbestuur adviseert) | (advisory) student representative |
studentdossier | student dossier |
studentenadviseur (m.b.t. STU-medewerker) | student advisor |
studentendecaan | student counselor |
studentenpsycholoog | student psychologist |
studentenstatuut studentenvereniging studentlid studentmentoraat | Student Statute (TU/e) student association student member
student mentoring program |
Welke studie volg je? Hoe gaat het met de studie? |
study program (informal) / degree program (formal) / studies Which degree program are you enrolled in?
How are your studies going? |
studie-advies | recommendation |
studie-advies (bindend) | binding recommendation (on the continuation of studies) |
studie-adviseur | academic advisor |
studiebegeleiding | student guidance (preferred term)/ supervision / support |
studiecontract | study contract |
studieduur | duration of study |
studiefinanciering | (Dutch system of) student grants and loans |
studiefinanciering (het bedrag) | student grant |
studiefinanciering aanvragen | to apply for a student grant |
(digitale) studiegids | (digital) education guide |
studiejaar | academic year / year of program |
studiekeuzeadviseur | study choice advisor |
studiekeuzecheck | study choice check |
studiekosten | study costs |
studielast studieloopbaanadviseur
studiemanagementadviseur |
study load
academic planning and career advisor study management advisor |
studiemateriaal | course material / study material / program material |
studieopbouw | degree structure |
studiepakket | study package / course package / curriculum |
studieplan | study plan |
studiepunt | (study) credit – only use the word ‘study’ if the context offers
insufficient disambiguation |
studierendement | (study) success rate (used in a general context) / study output
(used in a business context) |
studierichting | degree program |
studierooster | schedule |
studietempo | study progress |
studievereniging | study association |
studieverlenging | extra time (for studies) / extension (of studies) |
studievertraging | study delay |
studievertraging oplopen | falling behind with your studies |
studievoorlichter | information and recruitment officer |
studievoorlichting (materiaal) | information for prospective students |
studievoorlichting (activiteiten) | information and recruitment activities |
studievoortgang | study progress / academic progress / academic progression |
studievoortgangseis (SVE) | academic progress requirement (SVE) |
studievoortgangsoverzicht | study progress overview / academic progress overview |
studievoorschotmiddelen (wordt niet vertaald i.o.
van CvB) |
explanation to be placed in parentheses:
(resources from the student loan system) |
studiewijzer | study guide |
surveillant | proctor / exam monitor |
surveilleren | to monitor |
switcher (iemand die in het studiejaar voorafgaand aan het studiejaar waarvoor hij zich aanmeldt een inschrijving heeft aan de TU/e (interne switcher) dan wel elders bij een instelling voor hoger of wetenschappelijk onderwijs
(externe switcher) |
(internal) transfer student / (external) transfer student |
technische universiteit | technical university |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) | Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) |
technisch-wetenschappelijke opleiding/studie | engineering science (study) program |
tentamen | examination / exam (informal) |
tentamenafname | administering of an exam(ination) |
tentamenrooster | exam schedule |
tentamenzaal | exam room |
tentamenvorm | form of examination |
tentaminering | examination and assessment |
(met) terugwerkende kracht | (with) retrospective effect |
tewerkstellingsvergunning (TWV) | work permit |
titel | academic title |
titulatuur | (system of) titles / forms of address |
TNO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek) | TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) |
toegang (tot een opleiding) | admission / access |
toegangsselectie | selection for admission |
toegelaten worden | to be admitted |
toegepast onderzoek | applied research |
toekomstgerichte onderwijsorganisatie (TOO) | future-oriented educational organization (TOO) |
toekomstig student | prospective student |
toelaten | to admit |
toelating (tot een opleiding) | admission (to a program) |
toelatingscommissie (zie ook facultaire) |
proof of admission
admissions committee (see entry under facultaire) |
toelatingsdiploma | admission(s) qualification / entry qualification / entrance qualification |
toelatingsexamen | entrance examination |
toelatingsverzoek indienen/annuleren | to submit/cancel an application |
toets | test / assessment |
(facultair) toetsbeleid | (departmental) assessment policy |
toetscommissie | assessment committee |
toetskader | assessment framework |
toetsplan | assessment plan |
topsportcoordinator | top-level sports coordinator |
TU/e Phd-PDEng Council (PPC) | TU/e PhD-PDEng Council (PPC) |
tussentijds examen | interim examination |
tussentoets | interim test |
TWAIO (verouderde term nu vervangen door PDEng trainee) | PDEng trainee |
tweede geldstroom | indirect funding /second flow of funds (VSNU) |
tweedejaars student | second-year student |
TWV (tewerkstellingsvergunning) | work permit |
uitschrijfverzoek | request for termination of enrollment |
uitschrijven (van student) | to terminate the enrollment of… |
uitschrijving | termination of enrollment |
uitstel (geven) | (to grant) a delay |
uitstel (van betaling) | extension (of payment) |
uitstroom | number of students graduating |
uitvoerbaarheidstoets | feasibility test / feasibility assessment |
uitwisselingsprogramma | exchange program |
uitwisselingsstudent | exchange student |
universitair onderwijs | university education |
universiteit | university |
Universiteitsraad (UR) | University Council (UR) |
(professionele) vaardigheid | (professional) skill |
vaardigheidslijn (=leerlijn) | learning trajectory |
vak (beroep) | profession |
vak (leervak VWO) | subject |
vak (universiteit) | course |
vakgebied | field / specialization |
vakgroep (verouderde term vervangen door
capaciteitsgroep) |
group |
vakinhoud | course content |
vakkengids | course guide |
vakkennis | expertise |
vakkenpakket | subject package / cluster of subjects |
verblijfsvergunning | residence permit |
Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU ) | Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) |
vergunning tot verblijf | residence permit |
verhoogd wettelijk collegegeld | higher-rate statutory tuition fees |
verkorte opleiding | fast-track program |
verplicht vak | required course / compulsory course |
verroostering | scheduling |
versterking bestuurskracht van
onderwijsinstellingen |
governance reinforcement for educational institutions |
vertrouwenspersoon | confidential counsellor |
vervolgonderwijs (in de context van het eerste jaar van een ontwerpersopleiding) | advanced course |
vervolgvak | advanced course |
verzoeker (opleidingsverzoeker) | applicant |
visitatie (-commissie) | review (review committee; visitation committee) |
VKO’er (verouderde term nu vervangen door
schakelstudent) |
pre-Master’s student |
voldoende (een) | a pass grade / a pass mark |
vooraanmelder | advance registrant/ advance applicant |
vooraanmelding | advance registration/advance application |
vooraanmeldingscijfers | advance registration figures/advance application figures |
voorjaarsnota | Spring memorandum |
voorkennis (voor een vak) | prerequisites / prior knowledge |
voorlichting (zie studievoorlichting) | see entry studievoorlichting |
vooropleiding | prior education / preparatory training / pre-university education |
voortgezet onderwijs | high school education / pre-university education |
voorzitter examencommissie | chair of the Examination Committee |
vrij onderwijsprogramma | flexible degree program |
vrijstelling | exemption |
vrijstelling hebben | to be exempted from |
vrijstelling verlenen | to exempt |
vwo-aansluiter | joiner from pre-university education |
vwo-diploma | high-school certificate / pre-university certificate |
vwo-leerling (vwo’er) | high school pupil / pre-university pupil |
werkgroep (onderwijsvorm) | tutorial / seminar |
werkgroep (facultair) | working group |
werkvorm (onderwijs) | teaching method |
werkvorm (niet onderwijs) | work method |
Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (WHW) |
Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) |
Wet Studiefinanciering (WSF) | Student Finance Act (WSF) |
wetenschappelijk directeur | Academic Director |
wetenschappelijk onderwijs (wo) | university education / scientific education |
wetenschappelijke personeel/staf (WP) | academic staff / scientific staff / faculty |
wetenschapswinkel | science information center |
wo | university education |
wo-bachelorgetuigschrift | university Bachelor’s degree certificate |
wo-mastergetuigschrift | university Master‘s degree certificate |
wo-studenten | university students |
wo-vooropleiding | previous university training |
zakken (voor een examen) | to fail an examination |
zelf bekostigen (studenten die hun opleiding) | self-financing students |
zij-instromer | transfer student |
zwaarte van de studie | (level of) difficulty of a study program |
TU/e ketenprocessen
Ketenproces / chain process | English description |
Onderwijsplanning/verroostering | Education Planning & Scheduling |
Onderwijsplanning/tentamens+fraude | Exam Planning/Fraud |
Docentondersteuning | Teacher Support |
Kwaliteitszorg | Quality Assurance |
Onderwijsregelingen | Education Rules & Regulations |
Studieadvisering | Academic Advisement |
(Internationale) toelating | (Inter)national Admissions |
International experience | International Experience |
Studievoortgang (cijferverwerking, examinering en ondersteuning examencommissies) | Study Progress
(grade processing, examination, and support of examination committees) |
Ondersteuning examencommissies (tijdelijke onderzoeksopdracht) | Support of Examination Committees
(temporary research assignment) |
Van aanmelden tot inschrijven | From registration to enrollment |
HBO aansluiting & premasters | HBO bridging & Pre-Master’s programs |
Employability | Employability |
Language Skills | Language Skills |
Onderwijsbeleid | Education Policy |
Wisselstroom | Cross-current student flow |
ESA afdelingen, teams en functies
Center for Student Administration | Center for Student Administration |
Manager of Center for Student Administration | Manager of Center for Student Administration |
Team onderwijsplanning | Educational Logistics Team |
Teamleider onderwijsplanning | Team Leader of Educational Logistics Team |
Medewerker studentenzaken | Student Administration Officer |
Medewerker studentenzaken tentamens en AV- technieken | Student Administration Officer for Examinations and Audiovisual Technician |
Medewerker studentenzaken zalenverroostering | Student Administration Officer Room Scheduling |
Medewerker studentenzaken (faculteit) | Student Administration Officer (department) |
Team functioneel beheer | Educational Applications Team |
Teamleider functioneel beheer / functioneel analist | Team leader of Educational Applications |
Functioneel beheerder onderwijssystemen | Educational Applications Administrator |
Team In-, Door- en Uitstroom | Enrollment Team |
Teamleider In-, Door- en Uitstroom | Team leader of Student Inflow, Progress and Outflow |
Administratief medewerker studentenadministratie | Student Administration Assistant |
Team Bureau Buitenland | International Office |
Teamleider International office | Team Leader of International Office |
Medewerker internationalisering (immigratie) | Internationalization Officer for Visas |
Medewerker internationalisering (uitgaande mobiliteit) | Internationalization Officer for Exchanges |
Senior medewerker internationalisering (internationale betrekkingen) | Senior Internationalization Officer (Admissions, Erasmus+ and Policy) |
Medewerker internationalisering (huisvesting) | Internationalization Officer for Housing |
Medewerker toelating | Admissions Officer |
Team studievoortgang | Study Progress Team |
Bedrijfsbureau CSA | CSA Support Team |
Medewerker studentzaken | Student Administration Officer |
Manager Student facilities | Manager of Student facilities |
Team Language Center | Language Center Team |
Teamleider Language Center | Team Leader of Language Center |
Vaardigheidsdocent Engels | Skills Trainer of Academic English |
Vaardigheidsdocent Nederlands als 2e taal | Skills Trainer of Dutch for Foreigners |
Vertaler/tolk | Translator/Interpreter |
Team Student coaching, counseling & information | Student Coaching, Counseling & Information Team |
Teamleider Student coaching, counseling & information | Team Leader of Student Coaching, Counselling & Information |
Studentendecaan | Student Counselor |
Studiemanagement adviseur | Study Management Advisor |
Studentenpsycholoog | Student Psychologist |
Studieadviseur + naam faculteit | Academic Advisor + name of department |
Keten Studiebegeleiding | Student Guidance Chain |
Team Career Academy & Professional Skills | Career Academy & Professional Skills Team |
Teamleider Career Academy & Professional Skills | Team Leader of Career Academy & Professional Skills |
Vaardigheidsdocent | Skills Trainer |
Studieloopbaanadviseur | Academic Planning and Career Advisor |
Studiekeuzeadviseur | Study Choice Advisor |
Bedrijfsbureau Student Facilities | Planning & Support Center for Student Facilities |
Medewerker studentzaken | Student Administration Officer |
Manager Teacher Support & Quality Assurance | Manager of Teacher Support & Quality Assurance |
Beleidsmedewerker | Policy Advisor |
Medewerker kwaliteitszorg | Quality Assurance Officer |
Medewerker studentenzaken tentamens en AV- technieken | Student Administration Officer for Examinations and Audiovisual Technician |
Manager Policy, Advice & Projects | Manager Policy, Advice & Projects |
Beleidsmedewerker | Policy Advisor |
Medewerker internationalisering | Policy Advisor for Internationalization |
Onderwijsjurist | Education Lawyer |
Medewerker bestuurlijke informatievoorziening | Management Information Officer |
Institutional Research Officer | Institutional Research Officer |
Projectleider | Project Leader |
DFEZ financiële termen / Finance and Control financial terminology
(Please note some terms conflict with the central list, which remains leading for all non-financial contexts.)
In the list below terms marked with † require capitals if used to address specific entities. For example:
- All deans are expected to attend the central meeting. (NON-SPECIFIC)
- The Dean of the Graduate School has announced that….. (SPECIFIC)
30% regeling | 30% rule (for foreign employees) |
Aanmelden (via Studielink) | to apply (for a program) / to register (via Studielink) |
Aanmelden (voor een examen) | to register (for an exam) |
Aanmeldingscijfers | number of applicants |
Aanschaf (bijvoorbeeld apparatuur en inventaris) | purchase (e.g. equipment and inventory) |
Aanstelling (baan) | position |
Aanstelling (benoeming) | appointment |
Aanstelling (tijdelijk) (zie ook dienstverband) | temporary appointment |
Aanstelling (vast) (zie ook dienstverband) | permanent appointment |
Aanstellingsbesluit | appointment decision |
Aanstellingsbrief | letter of appointment |
Aanstellingsdatum | date of appointment |
Aanvangsdatum | starting date |
Aanvraag | application, request (for) |
Academisch jaar | academic year |
Academische graad | university degree |
Adjunct (directeur) | deputy (director)† |
Advies commissie | advisory committee |
Advies- en overlegorgaan | advisory and consultative board |
Adviesraad | advisory council† |
Adviesrecht | right to be consulted |
Adviseur P&O | personnel advisor |
Afdelingshoofd (niet wetenschappelijk) | head |
Afgestudeerde | graduate |
Aflossing | repayment |
Afrondingsverschillen | rounding differences |
Afschrijving | depreciation |
Afschrijving apparatuur en inventaris | depreciation equipment and inventory |
Afschrijving gebouwen | depreciation buildings |
Afstemmen | align with |
Algemeen management | general management |
Algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI) | institution aimed at the common good (ANBI) |
Algemene winst- en verliesrekening | income statement |
Allocatiemodel | allocation model |
Apparatuur en inventaris | equipment and inventory |
Arbeidsmarkt | labor market |
Arbeidsmarkttoelage | labor market allowance |
Arbeidsomstandigheden | working conditions |
Arbeidsongeschikt | work disability |
Arbeidsovereenkomst | employment contract |
Arbeidsrecht | labor Law |
Arbeidsvoorwaarden | terms of employment |
Arbeidsvoorwaardengelden | terms of employment funds |
Audit Committee | audit Committee |
Bachelordiploma | bachelor’s degree (diploma/certificate)† |
Bacheloropleiding | bachelor’s program† |
Bachelorprogramma | bachelor’s degree program† |
Bachelortitel | bachelor’s degree† |
Balans | balance sheet |
Basisvak/kernvak | basic course |
Baten | income |
Batenanalyse | income analysis |
Begroting | budget |
Beheerseenheid | management unit |
Beheersing van werkdruk | workload control |
Bekostigde (2e of 2e geldstroom) | subsidized |
Bekostigde (overheid) | government-funded |
Bekostigde inschrijving | funded registration |
Bekostiging | funding |
Bekostigingsbrief | allocation letter |
Bekostigingsmodel | funding formula |
Beleid | policy |
Beleidsnota | policy document |
Beleidsnotitie (universitaire) | (university) policy paper |
Beloning voor arbeid | remuneration for work |
Beslistermijn | decision period |
Besluit | decision |
Bestemmingsreserve | special purpose reserve |
Besturingsfilosofie | governance philosophy |
Besturingsmodel | governance framework |
Bestuursverklaring | board statement |
Betalingskortingen | discounts |
Betalingsmodule collegegeld | tuition fee payment module |
Betalingsverkeer | payment transactions |
Beurs | grant |
Bewaartermijn | retention period |
Bewijs van inschrijving | proof of enrolment |
Bezoldiging | remuneration |
Bezwaarschrift | letter of objection |
Bijzonder verlof | special leave |
Bijzondere beloning | special remuneration |
Bindend studieadvies (BSA) | binding recommendation (on the continuation of studies) (BSA) |
Bouw- en onderhoudskosten | expenses for construction and maintenance |
Bron (inzet voor een doel) | source (to exchange for a target) |
Budgethouder | budget holder |
Budget(ten) in beheer | controlled budget plan(s) |
Buiten promovendus | not-on-payroll PhD |
Buitengewone baten en lasten | income from discontinued operations |
CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten (CAO NU) | collective labor agreement for Dutch universities (CAO NU) |
Capaciteitsgroep | group |
Centrale middelen | centralized funds |
Collectievorming bibliotheek | library collection |
College van bestuur | Executive Board |
Collegegeld | tuition fee |
Collegegeld (bovenwettelijk) | tuition fee exceeding the statutory minimum |
Communicatiekosten | communication expenses |
Concern control | concern control |
Contractonderwijs | contract teaching |
Contractonderzoek | contract research |
Contractwaarde | contract value |
Control | control |
Controleverklaring | audit report |
Controller | controller |
Decaan (faculteit) | dean† |
Decentrale selectie | decentralized selection |
deelnemingen | participating interests |
Dekkingsbijdrage | contribution margin |
Dictaten | course readers / lecture notes |
Dienst | service |
Dienst Algemene Zaken (DAZ) | General Affairs (DAZ) |
Dienst Communicatie Expertise Centrum (CEC) | Communication Expertise Center (CEC) |
Dienst Education and Student Affairs (ESA) | Education and Student Affairs (ESA) |
Dienst Financiële en Economische Zaken (DFEZ) | Financial and Economic Affairs (DFEZ) |
Dienst Huisvesting (DH) | Real Estate Management (DH) |
Dienst Informatie Expertise Centrum (IEC) | Information Expertise Center (IEC) |
Dienst Information Management & Services (IMS) | Information Management & Services (IMS) |
Dienst Interne Zaken (DIZ) | Internal Affairs (DIZ) |
Dienst Personeel en Organisatie (DPO) | Personnel and Organization (DPO) |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) | Education Executive Agency (DUO) |
Dienstreis | business travel |
Dienstverband (vast / tijdelijk)(zie ook aanstelling) | employment contract (temporary / permanent) |
Dienstverlening | service provision |
Dienstverlening derden | services provided by third parties |
Diploma’s | degree certificates |
Directeur Bedrijfsvoering | managing director† |
Diverse kosten | other costs and expenses |
Docent | lecturer |
Doeluitkeringen | special-purpose grants |
ECTS | ECTS (commonly referred to as credits) |
Eenheid | unit |
Eigen vermogen | equity capital |
Emeritaat (met….gaan) | be accorded emeritus status |
Emeritus hoogleraar | emeritus professor |
Employability | employability |
Energie/water kosten | energy and water expenses |
Exacte wetenschappen | exact sciences |
Examengeld | examination fee |
Exploitatierekening | income statement |
Facilitaire zaken | facilities |
Facultaire reserves | departmental reserves |
Faculteit Biomedische Technologie (BMT) | Department of Biomedical Engineering (BMT) |
Faculteit Bouwkunde (B) | Department of the Built Environment (B) |
Faculteit Electrical Engineering (EE) | Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) |
Faculteit Industrial Design (ID) | Department of Industrial Design (ID) |
Faculteit Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) | Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) |
Faculteit Scheikundige Technologie (ST) | Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (ST) |
Faculteit Technische Natuurkunde (TN) | Department of Applied Physics (TN) |
Faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde (W) | Department of Mechanical Engineering (W) |
Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica (W&I) | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (W&I) |
Faculteitsbestuur | department board† |
Finance | finance |
Financieel jaarverslag | annual financial report |
Financiële activa | financial assets |
Financiële baten en lasten | financial income and expenses |
Financiële kengetallen | financial key indicators |
Financiële lasten | financial expenses |
Financiële middelen | financial means / cash and cash equivalents |
Financiële passiva | financial liabilities |
Financieringsstatuut | financing statute |
fondsenwerving | fundraising |
Formatiebeginsel | permanent staff position principle |
Formatieplaats (fte) | full-time equivalent (FTE) |
Formulier | form |
Functie | (job) position |
Functieniveau | job level |
Functieprofiel | job profile |
Functieschaal | salary scale |
Functietitel | job title |
Functioneringstoelage | performance-based allowance |
Fundamenteel onderzoek | fundamental research |
Gastcollege | guest lecture |
Gastdocent | visiting lecturer |
Gasthoogleraar | visiting professor |
Gastonderzoeker | visiting researcher |
Geactiveerde kosten | capitalized cost |
Geactiveerde personele lasten | capitalized personnel cost |
Gebouwen en voorzieningen | accommodation and facilities |
Geconsolideerde balans | consolidated balance sheet |
Geldigheidsduur | term of validity |
1e geldstroom 2e geldstroom 3e geldstroom |
flow of funds
1st tier funding (preferred term Executive Board 2nd tier funding (preferred term Executive Board) 3rd tier funding (preferred term Executive Board) |
Gelieerde instelling | affiliated institution |
Gelieerden (personeel) | affiliated (staff) |
Gemiddeld | average |
Geprognotiseerde stijging | forecasted increase |
Gewogen inschrijving | weighted registration |
Graad | degree |
Grondslagen | accounting policies |
Grondstoffen | raw materials |
Handmatig voorschot | manual advance |
Hardheidsclausule | hardship clause |
Herplaatsing | re-employment |
Hersteltermijn (niet met betrekking tot personen) | rectification term |
Hoogleraar | professor |
Huisvesting | real estate |
huisvestingslasten | housing costs |
Huur | rental expenses |
In control verklaring / verantwoording | ‘in control’ statement |
Inhouding | deduction |
Inkomsten | income |
Inschrijving | enrollment |
Instellingscollegegeldtarief | institutional tuition fee rate |
instellingsplan | strategic plan |
Instellingstarief | institutional fee |
Instemmingsrecht | right of approval |
Instroom | student intake |
Instroombeleid | intake policy |
Instroomeisen | admission requirements |
Integrale kostprijs | full cost model |
Interdisciplinair | interdisciplinary |
Internationale samenwerking | international cooperation |
Internationalisering | internationalization |
Interne boekingen | internal journal entries |
Interne dienstverlening | internal services |
Interne verrekening | internal settlements |
Investeringen | investments |
Jaarplan | annual plan |
Jaarrekening | annual Statement of Accounts |
Jaarverslag | annual Report |
Kaderbrief | framework letter |
Kantoorbehoeften en kleine inventaris | stationary and small inventory |
Kasstroom | cash flow |
Kengetal | indicator |
kennisvalorisatie | knowledge valorization |
Keuzemodel arbeidsvoorwaarden | selection model |
Kort Vreemd vermogen | short-term loans |
Korting | credit |
Kosten | costs |
Kosten fietsenplan | expenses for bicycle plan |
kritische prestatie-indicator(en) (KPI’s) | key performance indicator(s) (KPIs) |
Lasten | expenses |
Lasten apparatuur en inventaris | expenses for equipment and inventory |
Lastenanalyse | expenditure analysis |
Leerstoel | chair† |
Leerstoel (bezetten van) | to hold a chair |
Liquide middelen | cash and cash equivalents |
Liquiditeitspositie | liquidity position |
LOR | letter of Representation |
Macrokader | macro framework |
Magazijnverschillen | warehouse differences |
Management samenvatting | management summary |
Masterprogramma | master’s degree program† |
Materiaal gebonden lasten | material-related expenses |
Medewerker | employee |
Meerjarenafspraak | long-term agreement |
Meerjarenbegroting | long-term budget |
Meerjarige afspraak | long-term agreement |
Miljoenennota | (national) budget memorandum |
Ministerie van Onderwijs Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) | Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) |
Mutatie uitkering WW/BW en wachtgelden | mutation in unemployment benefit/supplementary unemployment benefit |
Nabetaling | subsequent payment |
Nederlands belastingrecht | Dutch tax law |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (NWO) | Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) |
Netto berekening | net calculation |
Netto uit te betalen | net amount payable |
Nevenwerk | ancillary activities |
Niet van toepassing (n.v.t.) | not applicable (n.a.) |
Niet-bekostigde (master) | non-government-funded (master’s) program or course |
Nominaal | nominal |
Notitie | memorandum |
Numerus fixus | intake restriction / restricted intake (program) |
Omzet | revenue |
Onderbenutting | underutilization |
Onderbrengen | assign to |
Onderhanden werk | work in progress |
Ondermandaat | sub-mandate |
Onderschrijding | under running the budget |
Ondersteunend- en beheerspersoneel (obp) | Administrative and Support staff (OBP) |
Ondersteunende diensten | support services |
Onderwijsambities | educational objectives |
Onderwijsbudget | education budget |
Onderwijsdeel | education component |
Onderwijskwaliteit | quality of education |
Onderwijsopslag | education surcharge |
Onderwijsrendement | study success (rates) |
Onderzoeksdeel | research component |
Onderzoeksopslag | research surcharge |
Onkosten | expenses |
Onkostenvergoeding | reimbursement of expenses |
Ontheffing | exemption |
Ontvankelijkheid | admissibility |
Ontwerperscertificaat | design certificate |
Opbrengsten | revenues |
Organogram | organizational chart |
Overeenkomst | agreement |
Overgangsregeling | transitional arrangement |
Overige baten | other income |
Overige exploitatielasten | other operating expenses |
Overige huisvestingskosten | other real estate expenses |
Overige kosten apparatuur en inventaris | other expenses related to equipment and inventory |
Overige lasten | other expenses |
Overige opbrengsten Bibliotheek | other income library |
Overige personeelskosten | other personnel costs |
Overige toelagen | other allowances |
Overschrijding | exceeding |
Overtolligheid | redundancy |
Participatiewet | participation Act |
Pensioen | pension |
Pensioenpremie | retirement contribution |
Penvoerder | coordinator / coordinating body |
Personeelsbeleid | personnel policy |
Personeelsbestand | workforce |
Personeelsinformatiesysteem | personnel information system |
Personeelskosten derden | personnel expenses of third parties |
Personeelsnummer | employee number |
Personeelszaken | human resources |
Personele lasten | personnel costs |
Persoonsgebonden subsidie | personal grant |
Persoonsgebonden toekenning | personal award |
Positief bindend studie advies | positive binding recommendation on continuation of studies in the 1st year |
Postdocs | postdocs |
Premie's sociale verzekeringen | social insurance contributions |
Prestatie bekostiging | performance-based funding |
Prestatieafspraken | performance agreements |
profileringsafspraken | profiling agreements |
Prognose | forecast |
Promotierendement | PhD pass rate |
Promoties | study for a doctorate |
Promovendus | PhD student |
Quotumwet | Quota Act |
Raad van Toezicht | Supervisory Board |
Randvoorwaarde | precondition |
Ratio | ratio |
Realisatie | realization |
Reglement | regulations |
Reis- verblijf en deelnemingskosten | business travel expenses |
Rente | interest |
Rentedragend | interest-bearing |
Representatie | representation |
Restauratieve verzorging | catering |
Resultaat op deelnemingen | result on participation interests |
Rijksbijdrage | government grant |
salarisschaal | salary scale |
Salarissen | salary expense |
Salarisstrook | salary slip |
Salaristrede | salary scale classification |
Schakelprogramma | pre-master’s program† |
Schoonhouden gebouwen | cleaning of buildings |
Sociale lasten | social security contributions |
Speerpunt | key objective |
Studentenpopulatie | student population |
Studiepunten | credits |
Studiesucces | pass rate |
Studievoorschotmiddelen | advanced study funds |
Subsidies en bijdragen | grants and contributions |
Tegemoetkoming ziektekosten | compensation medical expenses |
Teniet: wordt teniet gedaan | is offset by |
Terugwerkende kracht | retrospective |
Toekenningsbrieven | allocation letters (e.g. of grants) |
Totaaltelling | total count |
Totale vermogen | total capital |
Traject | track |
Transitievergoeding | transition allowance |
Treasurystatuut | treasury Statute |
Trefwoordenlijst | keyword overview |
Uitdiensttreding | termination of employment |
Uitkeringen | benefits |
Uitnutting | utilization |
Uitvoeringsbesluit | implementation order |
Universitair Docent (UD) | assistant professor† |
Universitair Functie ordenen (UFO) | University Job Classification System (UFO) |
Universitair hoofddocent (UHD) | associate professor† |
Universiteitsraad | University Council (UR) |
Vacaturestop | recruitment freeze |
Vak (beroep) | profession |
Vakantietoelagen | vacation allowance |
Vennootschapsbelasting | corporate income tax |
Verantwoording | accountability |
Verbeteractie | measure for improvement |
Verblijfkosten | accommodation expenses |
Verdieping | deepening (e.g. of learning) |
Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten (VSNU) | Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) |
Vergoeding | reimbursement |
Verhuur van ruimten | revenue from renting out property |
Verkoop leermiddelen | sale of learning materials |
Verkoop magazijngoederen | sale of warehouse goods |
Verkorte jaarrekening | summarized financial statements |
Vermogenspositie | capital position |
Vicisubsidie (NWO) | Vici grant |
Vidisubsidie (NWO) | Vidi grant |
Visitatie | assessment (procedure) |
Visitatiecommissie | assessment panel |
Vlottende activa | current assets |
Voorjaarsnota | framework letter |
Voorziening | provision |
Vorderingensaldo | financing balance |
Vrije beleidsruimte | available policy space |
Vrijval van een voorziening | release of a project reservation |
Waardering van activa en passiva | valuation of assets and liabilities |
Waarnemend | interim |
Weging | weighting |
Werk voor derden | work for third parties |
Wetenschappelijk personeel | academic staff |
Wettelijke lasten | legal charges |
Zwaartekrachtprogramma | focus program |
Zwaartepuntvorming | prioritization |