- Afkortingen bouw in het Amerikaans Engels (F. Heitzman)(1,130 English abbreviations)

From Beijerterm
Acronym Meaning
A Area, Ampere; Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air Line
AB Anchor Bolt; Asbestos Board
ABV Above
AC Air Conditioning, Alternating Current, Acoustical
ACC Access
ACF Architectural Concrete Finish
ACFL Access Floor
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACL Across the Line
ACOUST Acoustical
ACPL Acoustical Plaster
ACR Acrylic
ACST Acoustic
ACT Acoustical Tile; Actual
AD Access Door, Area Drain
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992
ADAAG Americans with Disabilities Act Architectural Guidelines
ADD Addendum; Addition
ADDL Additional
ADH Adhesive
ADJ Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent
AF Above the Floor
AFF Above Finished Floor
AGA American Gas Association
AGG Aggregate
AGGR Aggregate
AIA American Institute of Architects, American Insurance Association
AIC Amperes Interrupting Circuit
AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AL Aluminum
ALM Alarm
ALS Acrylic Latex Sealant
ALT Alternate, Alteration; Altitude
ALUM Aluminum
AMB Ambient
AMP Ampere, Ampacity
AMPY Ampere
AMT Amount
AN Anode
ANCH Anchor, Anchorage
ANN Annunciator
ANOD Anodized
ANT Antenna
AP Access Panel
APPD Approved
APPROX Approximate
APRVD Approved
APT Apartment
APX Approximate
AR Acid Resisting
ARCH Architect, Architectural
ARS Asbestos Roof Shingles
AS Acoustic Sealant
ASB Asbestos
ASC Above Suspended Ceiling
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPH Asphalt
ASSEM Assemble
ASSOC Association; Associate
ASSY Assembly
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AT Acoustical Tile; Asphalt Tile
ATC Acoustical Tile Ceiling
ATM Automatic Teller Machine; Atmospheric
ATTEN Attenuation
AUTH Authorized
AUTO Automatic
AVG Average
AW Acid Waste
AWG American Wire Gauge
AWM Automatic Washing Machine
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association
AX Axis
B & B Balled and Burlapped, Bell and Bell
B & F Bell and Flange
B & S Bell and Spigot, Brown & Sharp
B TO B Back to Back
B/ Bottom (of)
B Boiler, Bathroom, Bidet
BA Bulb Angle
BAF Baffle
BAL Balance, Ballast
BB Buffalo Box, Ball Bearing,, Bulletin Board
BBD Bulletin Board
BBL Barrel
BC Broom Closet
BD Board, Blow Down (pipe)
BDL Bundle
BDRM Bedroom
BDY Boundary
BEL Below
BET Between
BETW Between
BEV Bevel
BF Board Foot, Back Face, Bottom Face, Both Faces, Boiler Feed
BG Bag (e.g., of cement)
BHD Bulkhead
BHP Brake Horsepower
BIT Bituminous
BJF Bituminous Joint Filler
BKR Breaker
BL Base Line, Building Line, Block
BLDG Building
BLK Block
BLKG Blocking
BLO Blower
BLR Boiler
BLT Borrowed Lite, Bullet Tips (Hinges)
BLT-IN Built-In
BM Beam, Bench Mark
BMT Butyl Mastic Tape Sealant
BN Bullnose
BNDG Bending (re-bars)
BNT Bent
BO Blow Off
BOT Bottom
BP Base Plate, Blueprint, Bypass
BPL Bearing Plate
BR Bedroom, Brick, Brass, Boiler Room Branch
BRDG Bridge, Bridging
BRG Bearing
BRK Brick
BRKR Breaker
BRKT Bracket
BRS Butyl Rubber Sealant, Brass
BRZ Bronze
BRZG Brazing
BS Both Sides, Backset, Bluestone
BSMT Basement
BT Bathtub, Bolt
BTR Better
BTU British Thermal Units
BTUH British Thermal Units per Hour
BUR Built-up Roof
BUZ Buzzer
BV Butterfly Valve
BVL Bevelled
BW Both Ways
BWV Back Water Valve
BYP By Pass
C TO C Center to Center
C.I. Cast Iron
C.O. Cased Opening
C/C Center to Center
C Courses, Curb, Channel, Degrees Celsius, Clock Outlet, Calcimine
CA Compressed Air
CAB Cabinet
CAD Cadmium, Computer-Aided Drafting
CAIS Caisson
CAP Capacity
CAR Carpet
CARP Carpenter
Cast Brass, Coal Bin
CAT Catalog
CAV Cavity
CB Catch Basin, Concrete Block,
CBL Concrete Block
CBX Cast Box Strike
CC Cubic Centimeter
CCT Circuit
CCTV Closed Circuit TV
CCW Counter Clockwise
CD Cold Drawn, Cadmium
CDS Cold Drawn Steel
CEL Cellar
CEM AB Cement Asbestos Board
Cem P Cement Water Paint
CEM Cement
CER Ceramic
CF Cubic Feet
CFL Counterflashing
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CFS Cubic Feet per Second
CFT Cubic Foot
CG Corner Guard
CH Coat Hook
CHAM Chamfer
CHAN Channel
CHB Chalk Board
CHBD Chalkboard
CHR Chilled Water Return
CHS Chilled Water Supply
CI Cast Iron
CIN BL Cinder Block
CIP Cast Iron Pipe, Cast-in-Place
CIR Circle, Circular, Circuit
CIRC Circumference
CISP Cast Iron Soil/sewer Pipe
CITG Clear Insulating Tempered Glass
CJ Control Joint
CJF Cork Joint Filler
CK Caulking
CKT Circuit
CL Centerline, Clearance, Closing, Closure, Class, Closet
CLG Ceiling
CLH Clothes Line Hook
CLKG Caulking
CLL Contract Limit Line
CLO Closet
CLP Clamp
CLR OPG Clear Opening
CLR Clear
CLS Closure
CM Circular Mil (1/1000 inch), Center Matched
CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe
CMT Ceramic Mosaic Tile
CMU Concrete Masonry Unit
CMUP Concrete Masonry Unit Painted
CND Condition, Conduit
CNDS Condensate
CNTR Center, Counter
CNVR Conveyor
CO & DP Cleanout & Deck Plate
CO Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out
COAX Coaxial
COD Cleanout Door
COEF Coefficient
COL Column
COM Common
COMB Combination, Combustion
COML Commercial
COMM ED Commonwealth Edison
COMP Composition, Compressed
COMPO Composition
COMPT Compartment
CON Construction
CONC Concrete
CONCP Concrete Painted
COND Condenser, Conduit
Cone Tip (hinges)
CONN Connection
CONST Construction
CONSTR Construction
CONT Continuous, Continue, Control
CONTR Contractor
CONV Convector, Convenience
COP Copper
COR Corner, Corridor
CORR Corridor, Corrugate
COV Cover
CP Cathodic Protection, Clothes Pole, Cesspool
CPE Chlorinated Polyethylene
CPL Cement Plaster
CPP Cement Plaster Painted
CPR Copper
CPT Carpet
CR Chromium (plated), Curtain Rod
CRPT Carpet
CRS Course, Cold Rolled Steel
CS Countersink, Cast Steel, Cast Stone, Commercial Standard
CSG Casing
CSK Countersink
CSMT Casement
CSN Caisson
CSS Countersunk Screw
CSTG Casting
CT Ceramic Tile, Cork Tile,
CTD Coated
CTR Center, Counter
CTSC Communications Systems Terminal Cabinet
CTSK Countersunk
CTWT Counterweight
CU. FT. Cubic Feet
CU. YD. Cubic Yard
CU Copper, Cubic, Coefficient of Utilization
CUR Current
CV Check Valve
CW Clockwise, Cold Water
CWP Circulating Water Pump
CWR Condensate Waste Return
CWS Condensate Waste Supply
CY Cubic Yard, Cycle
CYL L Cylinder Lock
CYL Cylinder
D & M Dressed & Matched
D Deep, Depth, Drop, Drain
DA Double Acting
DB Decibel
DBL Double
DBT Drybulb Temperature
DC Direct Current
DCV Detector Check Valve
DD Driveway Drain, Deck Drain
DEG Degree
DEGC Degree Celcius
DEGF Degree Farenheit
DEM Demolish
DEMO Demolition
DEP Dpressed
DEPT Department
DET Detail
DF Drinking Fountain
DH Double Hung
DIA Diameter
DIAG Diagonal
DIAM Diameter
DIFF Diffuser
DIM Dimension
DISL Disposal
DISP Dispenser
DIV Division
DL Dead Load
DMH Drop Manhole
DMT Demountable
DN Down
DO Ditto, or Door Opening
DP Dampproofing, Dew Point, Distribution Panel
DPDT Double Pole Double Throw
DPR Damper
DPST Double Pole Single Throw
DR Door, Drain, Dining Room
DRBD Drainboard
DS Downspout
DS Downspout, Disconnect Switch, Door Switch
DSP Dry Standpipe
DSP Dry Standpipe
DT Drain Tile
DTL Detail
DVTL Dovetail
DW Dumbwaiter, Distilled Water
DWG Drawing
DWGS Drawings
DWL Dowel
DWP Drywall, Painted
DWR Drawer
DX Direct Expansion, Duplex
E TO E End to End
E East, Enamel, Exhaust
EA Each
EB Expansion Bolt
EC Exposed Construction
ECC Eccentric
ECP Exposed Construction Painted
EDR Equivalent Direct Radiation
EE Each End
EF Each Face
EFTS Expanding Foam Tape Sealant
EG Edge Grain
EIFS Exterior Insulation and Finish System
EJ Expansion Joint
EJECT Ejector
EL Elevation, Elevator
ELB Elbow
ELEC Electrical
ELECT Electrical
ELEV Elevator, Elevation
ELP Emergency Lighting Panel
EM Emergency
EMER Emergency
ENAM Enamel
ENCL Enclosure
ENG Engineer
ENGR Engineer
ENJF Expanded Neoprene Joint Filler
ENT Entrance
ENTR Entrance
EP Electrical Panelboard, Explosion Proof
EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPJF Expanded Polyethelene Joint Filler
EQ Equal
EQP Equipment
EQPT Equipment
EQUIP Equipment
ERP Emergency Receptacle Panel
ESC Escalator
EST Estimate
EVAP Evaporator
EW & C Electric Wiring and Communication
EW Each Way
EWC Electric Water Cooler
EWH Electric Water Heater
EX Exposed Construction, Exit
EXC Excavate
EXCAV Excavate
EXEC Executive
EXG Existing
EXH AIR Exhaust Air
EXH Exhaust
EXIST Existing
EXP Expansion, Exposed
EXPN Expansion
EXPP Existing Patched and Painted
EXS Extra Strong
EXT Exterior, Extinguish
EXTR Extrude
F TO F Face to Face
F Degrees Fahrenheit, Fuse
FA Fire Alarm, Fresh Air
FAB Fabricate
FABR Fabricate
FACP Fire Alarm Control Panel
FAG Fire Alarm Gong
FAO Finish All Over
FAR Floor Area Ratio
FAST Fastener, Fasten
FB Flat Bar, Face Brick, Floor Box
FBD Fiberboard
FBM Foot Board Measure
FBP Fabric Panel
FBRK Fire Brick
FC File Cabinet, Foot Candle, Fault Current
FD Floor drain
FDC Fire Department Connection
FDN Foundation
FDTN Foundation
FE Fire Extinguisher
FEC Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
FF&E Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment
FF Far Face, Finished Floor, Factory Finish
FFE Finished Floor Elevation
FFL Finished Floor Line
FGL Fiberglass
FGR Fiberglass reinforced
FH Flat Head, Fire Hose
FHC Fire Hose Cabinet
FHMS Flat head machine screw
FHR Fire Hose Rack
FHS Fire Hose Station
FHWS Flat Head Wood Screw
FHY Fire Hydrant
FIL Fillet
FIN Finish, finished
FITG Fitting
FIX Fixture
FIXT Fixture
FL Floor, Fire Line
FLASH Flashing
FLEX Flexible
FLG Flange, Flashing, Flooring
FLG Flooring
FLR Floor
FLUOR Fluorescent
FLX Flexible
FM Fire Main, Factory Mutual Company
FND Feminine Napkin Dispenser, Foundation
FO Finished Opening
FOB Free On Board
FOC Face of Concrete
FOF Face of Finish
FOS Face of Studs
FP Fireproof
FPL Fireplace
FPM Feet per minute
FPRF Fireproof
FPS Feet per Second
FR Frame, Front, Fire Riser
FRG Forged
FRM Frame
FRPF Fireproof
FRT Fire Retardant
FS Full Size, Far Side, Federal Standards, Fused Switch, Floor Sink
FSCW Flush Solid Core Wood
FT Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered
FTG Footing, Fitting
FUR Furred
FURN Furnish, Furniture
FURR Furring
FUT Future
FVC Fire Valve Cabinet
G Gas, Girder, Gutter, Gram
GA Gauge, Gage
GAGE Gauge
GAL Gallon
GALV Galvanized
GB Grab Bar, Glass Block, Gypsum Board
GC General Contractor
GCMU Glazed Concrete Masonry Unit
GD Guard, Grade, Gutter Drain
GEN General, Generator
GENL General
GF Ground Face
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted
GFI Ground Fault Interrupted
GFRC Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
GI Galvanized Iron
GKT Gasket
GL BLK Glass Block
GL Glass
GLB Glass Block
GLVA Globe Valve
GLZ Glaze
GMU Glazed Masonry Unit
GND Ground
GOVT Government
GP Galvanized Pipe
GPDW Gypsum Drywall
GPH Gallons Per Hour
GPL Gypsum Lath
GPM Gallons Per Minute
GPP Gypsum Plaster Painted
GPPL Gypsum Plaster
GPS Gallons Per Second
GR Grade, Grille, Granite
GRAN Granular, Granite
GRND Ground
GRTG Grating
GSS Galvanized Sheet Steel
GSU Glazed Structural Unit
GT Grout
GV Galvanized
GVA Gate Valve
GVL Gravel
GYP BD Gypsum Board
GYP Gypsum
H High
HA Hectare
HB Hose Bib
HBD Hardboard
HC Hollow Core, Handicapped (better called Accessible")
HCT Hollow Clay Tile
HD Head, Heavy Duty
HDCP Handicapped (better called "Accessible")
HDN Harden
HDR Header
HDW Hardware
HDWD Hardwood
HDWE Hardware
HEX Hexagonal
HGR Hanger
HGT Height
HH Handhole
HHMB Hex Head Machine Bolt
HID High Intensity Discharge
HK Hook or Hooks
HKD Hooked (re-bars)
HL Hydrant Line
HM Hollow Metal
HMP Hollow Metal, Painted
HNCG Hollow Neoprene Compression Gasket
HOR Horizontal
HORIZ Horizontal
HOSP Hospital
HP High Point, High Pressure, Horse Power
HPS High Pressure Sodium, High Pressure Steam
HR Hour
HRS Hot Rolled Steel, Hours
HS Heat Strengthened
HSG Housing
HT Height, Heat, High Tension Duct
HTG Heating
HTR Heater
HTW High Temperature Water
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
HVY Heavy
HW Hot Water, Heavy Wall
HWC Hot Water Circulating, Heavy Wall Conduit
HWD Hardwood
HWH Hot Water Heater
HWR Hot Water Recirculating Return
HWS Hot Water Supply
HWY Highway
HYD Hydraulic
HYDRO Hydrostatic
HZ Hertz (Cycles Per Second)
I Iron, Current (electrical)
IBV Indicating Butterfly Valve
IC Interrupting Capacity
ID Inside Diameter
IE Invert Elevation
ILK Interlock
IMH Inlet Manhole
IN Inch
INC Incandescent
INCAND Incandescent
INCIN Incinerator
INCL Incline, Include
INCR Increase
INFO Information
INS Insulate, Insulation
INSP Inspect
INSTL Install
INSUL Insulation
INT Interior, Internal
INTERM Intermediate
INTM Intermediate
INV Invert
IP Iron Pipe
IPS Iron Pipe Size
IW Indirect Waste
J Joist
JAN Janitor
JB Junction Box
J-BOX Junction Box
JC Janitor's Closet
JCT Junction
JF Joint Filler
JST Joist
JT Joint
K Kilopound (1000 pounds), Kelvin (temperature)
KAL Kalamein
KCP Keene's Cement Plaster
KG Kilogram
KIP Kilopound (1000 pounds)
KIT Kitchen
KM Kilometer
KO Knockout
KP Kickplate
KPL Kickplate
KS Kitchen Sink
KVA Kilovolt-Ampere
KW Kilowatt
KWH Kilowatt Hour
KWHR Kilowatt Hour
L Angle, Left, Length, Lighting Panel, Long, Line
LA Landscape Architect, Lightning Arrester
LAB Laboratory, Labor
LAD Ladder
LAM Laminate, Laminated
LAT Lateral
LAV Lavatory
LB Pound (weight), Lag Bolt
LBL Label
LBR Lumber
LC Light Control, Lead Covered
LCD Liquid Crystal Diode
LCL Linen Closet
LCM Lead Coated Metal
LD Leader Drain
LH Left Hand
LIB Library
LIBR Library
LIN Linear
LINO Linoleum
LIQ Liquid
LKR Locker
LL Live Load
LMS Limestone
LN Length
LNDG Landing
LNTL Lintel
LOC Locate
LOCS Locations
LP Low Point, Low Pressure, Lighting Panel, Light Proof
LPS Low Pressure Sodium, Low Pressure Steam
LR Living Room
LS Limestone, Loud Speaker
LT WT Lightweight
LT Light, Low Tension Duct, Laundry Tray
LTG Lighting
LTL Lintel
LV Low Voltage
LVR Louver
LW Light Weight
LWC Light Weight Concrete
LWDP Louvered Wood Door, Painted
M Meter, Motor, Thousand (brick), Bending Moment
MACH Machine
MAINT Maintenance
MAN; Manual
MAR Marble
MARB Marble
MAS Masonry
MAT Material
MATL Material
MAX Maximum
MB Mail Box, Machine Bolt, Mop Basin
MC Medicine Cabinet, Mineral Core
MCC Motor Control Center
MCM Thousand Circular Mils (electrical wire size)
ME Mechanical Engineer
MECH Mechanical
MED CAB Medicine Cabinet
MED Medium
MEMB Membrane
MERC Mercury Vapor
MET Metal
MEZZ Mezzanine
MFD Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck
MFG Manufacturer, Manufacturing
MFR Manufacture, Manufacturer
MH Manhole
MI Malleable Iron, Miles
MIKE Microphone
MIN Minimum
MIR Mirror
MISC Miscellaneous
MK Mark
ML&P Metal Lath & Plaster
MLD Molding
MLDG Molding
MM Millimeter
MMB Membrane
MO Masonry Opening
MOD Module
MONO Monolithic
MOV Movable
MP Metal Acoustal Panel
MPS Medium Pressure Steam
MR Mop Receptor
MRD Metal Roof Deck
MT Mount, Mounted
MTD Mounted
MTL Material, Metal
MTR Motor
MUL Mullion
MULL Mullion
MV Mercury Vapor
MWK Millwork
MWP Maximum Working Pressure
N North, Nitrogen
NAP Napkin
NAT Natural
NATL Natural
NB Nota Bene Latin phrase for "Take Special Note"
NC Normally Closed, Noise Criteria
NEC National Electrical Code
NEUT Neutral
NF Near Face
NFWH Non-freeze Wall Hydrant
NI Nickel
NIC Not In Contract
NK Neck
NMT Non-Metallic
NO Number, Normally Open
NOM Nominal
NR Noise Reduction
NRC Noise Reduction Coefficient
NRP Non-Removable Pin
NRS Non Rising Steam Valve
NS Near Side
NTS Not To Scale
O TO O Out to Out
O Oxygen
OA Outside Air, Overall
OB Obscure
OBS Obscure
OC On Center
OD Outside Diameter
OF Outside Face
OFF Office
OH Overhead
OHD Overhead Door
OHMS Oval Head Machine Screw
OHWS Oval Head Wood Screw
OI Ornamental Iron
OP Opaque
OPG Opening
OPNG Opening
OPP H Opposite Hand
OPP Opposite
OR Outside Radius
ORN Ornamental
OS&Y Outside Screw & Yoke (valve)
OSD Open Sight Drain
OUT Outlet
OVFL Overflow
OW Open Waste
OZ Ounce
P SL Pipe Sleeve
P. LAM Plastic Laminate
P Pitch, Power Panel, Paint
PA Public Address
PAF Powder Actuated Fasteners
PAR Parallel
PARTN Partition
PASS Passage, Passenger
PB STA Push Button Station
PB Pull Box, Push Button, Panic Bar
PBD Particle Board
PBMT Preshimmed Butyl Mastic Sealant Tape
PC Pull Chain, Piece, Precast Concrete
PCF Pounds per cubic foot
PCPL Portland Cement Plaster
PD Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain
PDP Paneled Door, Painted
PE Porcelain Enamel, Professional Engineer
PED Pedestal, Pedestrian
PERF Perforate, Performance
PERIM Perimeter
PERP Perpendicular
PFN Prefinished
PG Pressure Gauge
PH Phase, Preheat, Phone
PIV Pivoted, Post Indicator Valve
PJF Preformed Joint Filler
PKG Parking
PKWY Parkway
PL Plate, Plan, Property Line, Plastic Laminate, Plastic
PLAS LAM Plastic Laminate
PLAS Plaster, Plastic
PLBG Plumbing
PLF Pounds Per Lineal Foot
PLG Plumbing
PLMBG Plumbing
PLTF Platform
PLUMB Plumbing
PLWD Plywood
PLYWD Plywood
PNEU Pneumatic
PNL Panel
PNT Paint
POL Polish, Polished
PORC Porcelain
PORT Portable
POT W Potable Water
PP Plaster, Painted, Power Panel, Precast Panel
PR Pair
PRC Precast
PRCST Precast
PRE Prefinished
PREFAB Prefabricated
PRES Pressure
PRESS Pressure
PRF Preformed
PRFMD Preformed
PRI Primary
PRMLD Premolded
PROT Protection, Protective
PRSTR Prestressed
PRTN Partition
PRV Pressure Reducing Valve
PS Plumbing Stack
PSC Prestressed Concrete
PSF Pounds per square foot
PSI Pounds per square inch
PSIG Pounds per square inch gage
PT Paint, Point, Part, Potential Transformer
PTC Post-Tensioned Concrete
PTD/R Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle
PTD Painted, Paper Towel Dispenser
PTN Partition
PTR Paper Towel Receptacle
PV Paving
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PVF Polyvinylidene Finish
PVG Paving
PVMT Pavement
PVT Private
PW Pass Window
PWR Power
QT Quarry Tile, Quart
QTR Quarter
QTY Quantity
QUAL Quality
QUANT Quantity
R & S Rod and Shelf
R Riser, Radius, Resistance, Relay Panel
RA Return Air, Registered Architect
RAD Radius, Radiator
RADN Radian
RB Rubber, Rubber Base, Resilient Base
RBC Rubber Base (Coved),
RBS Rubber Base (Straight)
RBT Rabbet
RCF Raised Computer Floor
RCP Reflected Ceiling Plan, Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RD Roof Drain, Round, Receptacle Distribution Panel
REBAR Reinforcing Bar
REC Receiver
RECEP Receptacle
RECP Receptacle
RED Reducer
REF Refer, Reference, Refrigerator
REFL Reflected, Reflector
REFR Refrigerate, Refrigerator
REG Register, Regular
REINF Reinforcement, or Reinforce
REM Remove, Removable
REQ Require, Required
REQD Required
RES Resilient
RESIL Resilient
REST Resistance
RET Return, Retaining
RETG Retaining
REV DR Revolving Door
REV Reverse, Revise, Revision
RF Roof
RFG Roofing
RGH OPNG:Rough Opening
RGH Rough
RGTR Register
RH Right Hand, Reheat, Relative Humidity
RHC Reheat Coil
RHMS Round Head Machine Screw
RHR Right Hand Reverse, Reheater
RHWS Round Head Wood Screw
RM Room
RMS Root Mean Squared
RMV Remove
RN Riser Nipple
RO Rough Opening
ROB Rod Out Basin
ROW Right of Way
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPT Repeat (like "Ditto")
RR Railroad
RT Rubber Tile, Right
RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser
Rubberized Bituminous Compound
RVS Reverse Side
RVT Rivet
RW Redwood
RWC Rain Water Conductor
RWD Redwood
RWL Rain Water Leader
S&M Surfaced & Matched
S&S Stained & Sealed
S&V Stain & Varnish
S South, Sealant, Supply, Sink
S4S Surfaced 4 Sides
SACT Suspended Acoustical Tile
SALV Salvage
SAN Sanitary
SB Setting Basin, Splash Block
SC Solid Core, Short Circuit, Self Closing, Sill Cock
SCD Seat Cover Dispenser
SCFT Structural Clay Facing Tile
SCH Schedule
SCHED Schedule
SCR Screen
SCUP Scupper
SCWD Solid Core Wood
SD Soap Dispenser
SE Structural Engineer
SEAL Sealant
SEC Second, Section, Secondary, Security System
SECT Section
SECY Secretary
SED Sewage Ejector Discharge
SEL Select
SERV Service
SEV Sewage Ejector Vent
SF Square Foot
SFGL Safety Glass
SGG Structural Glazing Gasket
SGS Silicone Glazing Sealant
SH Shelf, Sheet, Shower
SHR Shower
SHT Sheet
SHTH Sheathing
SHTHG Sheathing
SHWR Shower
SIG Signal
SIM Similar
SJS Silicone Joint Sealant
SK Sink
SKL Skylight
SL Siamese Line
SLOT Slotted
SLV Sleeve
SND Sanitary Napkin Dispenser
SNGG Sponge Neoprene Glazing Gasket
SNR Sanitary Napkin Receptacle
SNT Sealant
SP Soil Pipe, Standpipe, Soundproof, Single Pole
SPC Spacer
SPD Sump Pump Discharge
SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
SPEC Specification, Specifications
SPECS Specifications
SPK Speaker
SPL Special
SPLR Sprinkler
SPM Sprinkler Main
SPP Skim Coat Plaster Painted
SPST Single Pole Single Throw
SQ Square
SS Stainless Steel, Set Screw, Soil Stack, Service Sink, Slop Sink
SSD Sub-soil Drain
SSGS Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant
SSK Service Sink
SSS Silicone Sanitary Sealant
SST Stainless Steel
ST W Storm Water
ST Straight, Storm Water
STA Station
STC Sound Transmission Class
STD Standard
STG Storage, Seating
STGG Structural Glazing Gasket
STGR Stagger
STIFF Stiffener
STK Stack
STL Steel
STM Steam
STO Storage
STOR Storage
STP Standard Temperature & Pressure, Standpipe
STR Straight (re-bars), Strainer, Structural, Starter
STRL Structural
STRT Straight
STRUC Structural
STRUCT Structural
STWY Stairway
SUCT Suction
SUPP Supplementary, Supplement
SUPT Superintendent
SUR Surface
SUSP Suspended, Suspend
SV Safety Relief Valve
SW Switch
SWBD Switchboard
SWGR Switchgear
SY Square Yard
SYM Symmetrical
SYN Synthetic
SYS System
T&B Top and Bottom
T&G Tongue & Groove
T&P Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve
T/ Top
T Tread, Thermostat, Tee
TAN Tangent
TB Towel Bar
TC Top of Curb, Terracotta
TCLO Telephone Closet
TCS Terne Coated Stainless Steel
TD Trench Drain
TEL CL Telephone Closet
TEL Telephone
TEMP Temporary, Tempered, Temperature
TEN Tenant
TER Terrazzo
TERM Terminal
TERR Terrazzo
TGL Toggle
TH Thermostat
THK Thick, Thickness
THKNS Thickness
THR Threshold
THRESH Threshold
THRM Thermal
THRMST Thermostat
THRU Through
TKBD Tackboard
TL Twist Lock (receptacle)
TLT Toilet
TOL Tolerance
TP Top of Pavement
TPD Toilet paper Dispenser
TPH Toilet Paper Holder
TPTN Toilet Partition
TR Tread, Transom
TRANS Transformer, Translucent
TRAV Travertine
TRD Tread
TS Time Switch
TSL Top of Slab
TST Top of Steel
TSTAT Thermostat
TT Terrazzo Tile, Traffic Topping
TTC Telephone Terminal Closet
TV Television
TW Top of Wall, Thin Wall (conduit), Tempered Water
TYP Typical
TZ Terrazzo
UC Undercut
UH Unit Heater
UL Underwriters' Laboratories
UNEX Unexcavated
UNEXC Unexcavated
UNF Unfinished
UNFIN Unfinished
UNO Unless Noted Otherwise
UON Unless Otherwise Noted
UP Unpainted
UR Urinal
USG United States Gauge, United States Gypsum Company
USS United States Standard
UT Utility
V Volt, Valve, Vinyl, Vent, Ventilator
VA Volt Ampere
VAC Vacuum
VACBR Vacuum Breaker
VAR Varnish, Varies
VAT Vinyl Asbestos Tile
VB Vapor Barrier, Valve Box, Vinyl Base, Vacuum Breaker
VBC Vinyl Base (Coved)
VBS Vinyl Base (Straight)
VC Varnished Cambric
VCP Vitrified Clay Pipe
VCT Vinyl Composition Tile
VENT Ventilate, Ventilator
VERT Vertical
VEST Vestibule
VF Vinyl Fabric
VFGT Vinyl Foam Glazing Tape
VIF Verify In the Field
VIN Vinyl
VIT Vitreous
VLT Vault
VNR Veneer
VOL Volume
VP Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe
VR Vapor Retarder, Vacuum Return, Vertical Riser
VRM Vermiculite
VS Vent Stack
VT Vinyl Tile
VTR Vent Through Roof
VWC Vinyl Wall Covering
W&M Washburn & Moen Gauge
W/ With
W/O Without
W West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water Main
WAINS Wainscot
WB Wood Base
WC Watercloset
WD Wood
WDP Wood, Painted
WDSS Wood, Stained & Sealed
WDW Window
WF Wide Flange (structural steel)
WFS Water Flow Switch
WG Wired Glass
WGL Wire-Glass
WH Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant
WI Wrought Iron
WIN Window
WM Wire Mesh, Water Meter
WP Waterproof, Working Point, Working Pressure, Weatherproof
WPR Waterproofing
WPT Working Point
WR Water Resistant, Water Repellant, Waste Receptacle
WRSTP Weatherstripping
WS Weatherstripping, Water Stop
WSCT Wainscot
WT Weight, Water Table, Watertight
WVNR Wood Veneer
WW Window Wall
WWF Welded Wire Fabric
X HVY Extra Heavy
X STR Extra Strong
XH Extra Heavy
YD Yard
YR Year